1 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIO-AFFECTIVE STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS’ OF SMAN 1 ENREKANG (An Experimental Research) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of Education in English Department HAERANI MUTIA 10535 651415 MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2020 6






(An Experimental Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Degree of Education in English Department


10535 651415










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Title : The Implementation of Socio-Affective Strategy to improve

students’ speaking skill at the Second Grade students’ of

SMAN 1 Enrekang (An Experimental Study)

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Judul Skripsi : The Implementation of Socio-Affective Strategy to improve

students’ speaking skill at the Second Grade students’ of SMAN

1 Enrekang (An Experimental Study)

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HaeraniMutia (2020). The Implementation of Socio-Affective Strategy to

Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade Students’ of SMAN 1

Enrekang (An Experimental research). Under the thesis of English Education

Department, the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Makassar

Muhammadiyah University, Guided by Erwin Akib M.Pd., Ph.D. and Sujariati

S.Pd., M.Pd

The objective of the research is to describe the implementation of Socio

Affective Strategy improve students‟ speaking skill in term of pronunciation and

vocabulary. The research used an experimental research aimed to finding out the

improved of students‟ speaking in pronunciation and vocabulary form through

Socio-Affective Strategy. The sample was taken by random sampling technique

and the total number of sample was 25 students in the eleventh class.

The result of the research is findings indicated that implementing Socio-

Affective Strategy could improve the students‟ achievement speaking skill in

pronunciation form in pre-test was 2.04, but after the research gave treatment

students‟ pronunciation in posttest become 3.72, and the students‟ speaking in

vocabulary form in pretest was 53.04 and posttest was 79.4.

It showed that the students‟ in teaching speaking in posttest was greater than

pretest. The t-test of pronunciation form was greater than t-table (2.62 > 2.064)

and t-test of vocabulary was greater than t-table (2.14 > 2.064). It means that null

hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It proved that

Socio Affective Strategy was significant to improve the students‟ English

speaking skill.



Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. I expresses her highest gratitude to the Almighty,

Allah SWT, Who has given guidance, mercy, bless and good health. So that I can

finish writing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are delivered to the last prophet,

Muhammad SAW who has brought from the darkness to delighters.

I realize that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many people have

contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the

completion of this thesis. Therefore I would like to thank them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE.,MM as the Rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Dean of FKIP Makassar Muhammadiyah


3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M,Pd. and Ismail Sangkala S.Pd., M.Pd.

as the head and secretary of English Education Department of FKIP and and

as the academic counselor.

4. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. and Sujariari S.Pd., M.Pd. as my councelor

who has given their valuable time and patient, to support assistance and

guidance to finish my thesis.

5. The mean and the staff and all of the lectures of the FKIP Unismuh

Makassar especially to the lectures of English Department who taught me

for many years.



6. My beloved parents Syarif K and Hasniana. who has prayed, motivated,

encouraged, reminded, the writer to finish the paper as soon as possible.

7. My beloved friends Sri, Izza, Rika, Heroes class and all of my friends that

could not be mentioned here. Thanks for all the support and suggestion.

Makassar, November 2020

The Writer



COVER…………………………………………….…………………………… i

APPROVALSHEET…………………………………………….………….… ii

COUNSELINGSHEET...................................................................................... iii

MOTTO.............................................................................................................. iii

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………….. .................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………….............. v

LIST OF CONTENT……………………………………………….................. vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……………………………..............................1

A. Background ………………………………………..………. 1

B. Problem statement …………………….……...………….… 3

C. Objective of the Research ………….……………………… 3

D. Significance of the Research ………………………………. 3

E. Scope of the Research ……………………………….…..… 4


A. Previous Related Research Findings…………………..…… 5

B. Concept of Speaking. ………………………………….…... 6

1. Definition of Speaking……………………..……........... 6

2. Components of speaking ……………………................. 8

3. Problem are Faced by Students in Perform

Speaking………………………............................... …... 10

4. What are Difficult of Speaking……………...................11

5. Characteristics of Successful Speaking...........................11

C. Definition of Socio-Affective Strategy……….....................12

D. Conceptual framework……………………………………...18

E. Hypothesis ....................................................................... ……20


A. Research Design ………………………………...…….......... 21

B. Indicator and Variable…………………………….……….. 22

C. Population and Sample……………………………….... ……22

D. Instrument of the Research …………………………………22

E. Procedure of Data Collection …………………..……... ……23

F. Technique of Data Analysis ………………………………24



A. Findings………. ……..…………………………………..... 27

B. Discussion…………………………………………………...30


A. Conclusion …….……………………………………............32

B. Suggestion……………………………………….………….32



CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………….




A. Background

English is one of International language that spoken by many people in the

world and in many area of everyday in life. Therefore, with people from other

countries about many aspects in human life such as technology, economy, social,

and politics. In english there are four components namely Speaking, Reading,

Writing and Listening. But, the most important thing to improve is Speaking.

Because communication is very important. By increasing speaking skill students

can easily to communicate with other friends.

The reality of the students‟ capability in using the language in oral form or

speaking is still low. Many students in Senior High School find it to difficult to

express their idea in English even if they already understand the spoken language.

Chastain (2016:68) states that learning speak is obviously more difficult than

learning to understand the language. Speaking is foreign language, in this case

English is still a problem for students in Senior High School.

On the other side, In speaking class the students hope to express ideas,

information and feel each other. Practicing use the language is very important in

order to develop the students‟ ability in speaking. The students will not be able to

speak fluently if they don‟t practice the language in good, correct, and accurate




Generally speaking, here are two factors to affect students‟ speaking English in

class. One is they fail to find suitable words to express themselves and the other is

they are afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are

speaking because they are shy and nervous. So, good environment helps the

students to speak actively and correctly.

Referring to the main language skills, the researcher tends to elaborate one of

the language skills namely speaking. Like other skills of language, speaking

considere to be difficult one. Therefore, the students should be provide with

opportunity to speak and say something about the subject matter in learning

English as a foreign language. However, many students still cannot speak the

language after many years of study.

In the class, the students interact with their teacher and of course with their

friends. That is why as teachers, we must find out the good and interesting

strategy to assist the students‟ in learning English especially in speaking skill.

Actually there many interesting strategy that can be apply, but it need a high

ability of an analysis and much time, so the researcher will only focus on one

strategy it is the Socio Affective Strategy because Socio Affective Strategy can be

known that they are related with social mediating activity and transacting with

others, It use cooperation and question for clarification (Zeynali:2015). On the

other hand, Socio Affective Strategy identifies one`s mood and anxiety level,

feelings, rewarding oneself who has good performance, and have positive self-talk

(Magno, 2010). Zeynali (2015) also mentioned the examples of this strategy, such

as asking questions to get verification, asking for clarification of a confusing


point, asking for help in doing a language task, talking with a native-speaking

conversation partner, and exploring cultural or social norms. By use this strategy,

hopes that they can control their attitude, motivation, and emotion.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher intend to do the research

accurately about implementation of the Socio-Affective Strategy in the teaching

English that focus on improving students‟ speaking skill. This research in conduct

under the title of “The Implementation of Socio- Affective Strategy to Improve

Students‟ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade Students‟ of SMAN 1 Enrekang”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the descriptions above, this research will focus on Does the

implementation of Socio-Affective strategy improve students‟ speaking skill deal

with pronunciation and vocabulary?

C. Objective of The Research

Related to the problem statement above, the objective of this research will be

focused on Does the implementation of Socio-Affective Strategy improve

students‟ speaking skill deal with pronunciation and vocabulary.

D. Significance of The Research

The result of this research is expected to promote an activity for learning

English with Socio-Affective Strategy and useful information for teacher to teach

English especially speaking skill also give a way to develop quality and ability in

teaching and education institution. And give useful information and reference for

the English student and English teachers.


E. Scope of the Research

This research focus on speaking skill namely pronunciation and vocabulary at

the Second Grade students‟ of SMAN 1 Enrekang.




A. Previous of Related Studies

Third Syafri`s (2016) mentioned in her research that socio-affective strategy

needs other adding strategy to make the research completed. She used cultural

strategy to appropriate teaching speaking strategy. When she used socio cultural-

affective strategy, the research showed that these strategies can improve students

speaking ability.

Mufidatul Asmi (2013) in her thesis by the title “The effectiveness of Socio

Affective Strategy in improving the students‟ speaking ability”. She found that the

socio-affective strategy is significant in improving the students‟ accuracy and

fluency in speaking.

Salmiati (2012) in her thesis by the title ”The effectiveness of socio Affective

Strategies in improving the Learners‟ speaking ability an experimental study”.

She found that the application of socio affective strategy is significant in

improving the learners‟ speaking abilty in terms of accuracy and fluency.

Nirmala (2012) who did research and took title “The effectiveness of Socio-

Affective Strategy in improving the student‟s speaking ability”. She found that

socio affective strategy is a good strategy to improve the students speaking ability

especially in accuracy and fluency.

Sa‟diyah (2010) in her thesis by the title, (the Implementation of Socio-

Affective Strategiesto improve students‟ Self- confidence in speaking at Grade

VIII A students of SMP Pondok Modern Selamat- Kendal in Academic Year of



2009/2010). She found that the Implementation of Socio-affective strategies in

teaching speaking at SMP Pondok Modern Selamat-Kendal can improve students‟

self confidence in speaking English.

The previous researcher above have similarity with their research. All of, the

researcher above agree that use socio affective strategy in teaching English

especially in speaking skill, can improve the students‟ speaking skill. And the

researcher conclude that Socio Affective Strategy, which include co-operating not

only in the learning process in classroom context, but also in everyday live to

speaking English with classmates, teachers, friends, or other speakers. Therefore,

Socio Affective Strategy can help the students to improve their speaking skill to

speak well and accurately because they can control attitude, motivation, and

emotion when speaking English.

B. Some Pertinent Idea

1. Concept of Speaking

Speaking in a second language (L2) involves the development of a particular

type of communication skills, because of its circumstance of production, oral

language tends to differ from written language in its typical grammar, lexical and

discourse patterns. In addition, some of the processing skills needed in speaking

differ from those involved in reading and writing. In the present study this is

measured by the students‟ scores on the speaking test.

a. Definition of Speaking

Hornby (2007: 1467) states that speaking is defined as to talk or conversation

to somebody about something.. On other place the writer find that speaking that


has close meaning to the meaning of Webster‟s which is to utter words with

ordinary speech modulation.

Martin. H (2009) states that defines speaking (1) the action of conveying

information or expressing one‟s thoughts and feelings in spoken language; (2) the

activity of delivering speeches or lectures: public speaking; and (3) conveying

meaning as though in words.

Jones (1996:12) states that: “in speaking and listening we tend to be getting

something done, exploring ideas, working out some aspect of the world, or simply

being together. In writing, we may be creating a record, committing events or

moments to paper”.

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns and Joyce,

1997). Its form and meaning is defendant on the context in which it occurs,

including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical

environment, and the purposes for speaking. Speaking requires that learners not

only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar,

pronunciations, or vocabulary, but also they understand when, why and in what

ways to produce language (Cunningham, 1999). Grammar relates arranging words

into sentence, pronunciation deals with how to spell the word and vocabulary

means how to change the source language into target language.

Based on the definitions above, the researcher can conclude that speaking is

expressing ideas, opinions, or feelings to others by using words or sounds of


articulation in order to inform, to persuade, and to entertain that can be learn

through teaching and learning process.

b. The Components of Speaking

As an important skill of studying language, it cannot be avoid to learn some

components in speaking skill. These components help the learners to perfect their

English special when their speaking activities.

Speaking is one of four skill that the students have to able learn second

language. According to Harmer (1991:15), speaking skill itself has component

they are:

1) Pronunciation

Pronunciation strongly influences the meaning if language. The important

things in pronunciation is not whether a sound can be produced adequately in

isolation, but how well it formed in the phonological context in which it occurs in

the target of language.

2) Vocabulary

In learning second language, the learner exactly had to have many words. The

richer words that learners has makes them easier in understand what their partner

of communication says. Vocabulary is all the words known to a person or used in

particular book, subject etc.

c. Speaking Skill

Learning English, especially speaking is considered difficult for many students.

Hornby (1987:827) states that speaking is the ability of people to make use the

language in ordinary one. Then Ur(1996:120) says that of all the four skills,


speaking seems intuitively the most important so that people who know a

language are referred to as "speakers" of that language. Bum and Joyce(1997:32)

state that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information. On the other side, Nunan

(1998:39) says that mastering the art of speaking is-the single most important

aspect of learning second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of

the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. Moreover, learn to speak

requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic miles. Learners are also

required to have the knowledge of how native speakers use the language in the

context of structured interpersonal exchange. In other words, the leaner must be

able to speak the target language fluently and appropriately.

d. Speaking Ability

Speaking is defined as an interactive process constructing meaning that

involves producing, receiving, and processing information orally using organ of

speech. The ability to speak fluently presupposes not only a knowledge of

language features but also the ability to process information and language on the

spot (Harmer, 1992:269). It means that another person should understand the

messages well. In order to understand the messages well, one‟s speaking should

provide natural communication which has certain features (Aminuddin,2006:1-3).

One more thing that has to be remembered is that the most efficient

communication in a foreign language is not always the person who is best at

manipulating the structures but the one who is most skilled at processing the

complete situation involving himself and his hearer, talking account of that


knowledge is already shared between them (Little wood, 2002:4). The ability of

someone to make a social contact is determined by his ability of speaking. Talking

about speaking means that talking about communication because speaking is a

part of communication.

e. The Problem are Faced by Students’ in Perform Speaking

Ur, (1996:12) states that the problems in speaking activities are explain as


1) Inhibition: learners are often inhibited about trying to say something foreign

language in classroom, worried about making mistake, fearful criticism or

losing face supply shy of attention that their speech attracts.

2) Nothing to say: if they are inhibited we often hear learners‟ complain that they

cannot think of anything to say, they have no motivations to express

themselves beyond the quality feeling that they should be spoken.

3) Low or uneven participant: only one participant can talk as a “hearer” this

problem is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate while

others very little or not to all.

4) Mother tongue uses, in the classroom, the learners share the same mother

tongue. They tend to use it because it is easier, feel natural to speak to one



f. What are the Difficulties of Speaking

Brown, (1994) what makes speaking difficult are as follows:

1) Clustering: fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize

their output both cognitively and physically (in breath group) through such


2) Redundancy: the speaker has an opportunity to make the meaning clearer

trough the redundancy of language. Learner can capitalize on this feature of

spoken language.

3) Reduced form: the learners reduced some elements of a sentence and word in

speaking activity.

4) Performance variables: in speaking activity the learners perform hesitations.

The teacher should teach them how to pause and hesitate

g. Characteristics of Successful Speaking

Ur, (1996:120) explains the characteristic of successful speaking as follows :

1) Learners talk a lot: as much as possible of period of time allotted to the activity

is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may seem obvious, but often such time

is taken up with their talk or pauses.

2) Participation: classroom discussion is not dominant by minority of talk active

participants (all get chance to speak).

3) Motivation is high: learners are enthusiastic to speak because they are

interested in the topic and have something new to say because they want to

contribute and achieving task object.


4) Language is acceptable level: learners express themselves in utterances that

relevant, easily comprehensible to each other.

2. Concept of Strategy

O‟Malley and Chamot (1990:119) say that learning strategies consist of three

elements; Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Socio-Affective.

a. Cognitive

Cognitive strategies for understanding and producing the new language (e.g.,

practicing naturalistically, reasoning deductively, contractive analysis,

summarizing). It relies heavily on the involvement of human brain. Learning

activities of this category are address to brain functioning in processing input

stimuli in order to make meaningful and comprehensible.

b. Metacognitive

Metacognitive strategies involve planning and thinking about learning, such as

planning one‟s learning, monitoring one‟s own speech of writing, and evaluation

how well one has done.

c. Socio-Affective Strategy

Socio affective strategy is the strategy that help learners regulates and control

emotions, motivations, attitudes toward learning, as well as help learners learn

through contact and interaction with others. For example, by means of Socio

Affective Strategy, language learners can lower anxiety by using some mental

techniques and solve problem through teacher-student or peer interactions.

Brown (1993: 115) defines as to the socio affective strategy, it can be stated

that they are related with social-mediating activity and transacting with others.


Socio Affective Strategy can help the language learner build up learner

independence and autonomy where by he can take control of his own learning.

Socio-affective strategy is even more essential in the EFL context as the student

does not have the social and cultural environment as in the ESL environment. One

strategy, which has been highly effective, is the sharing of experiences with the

language and foreign culture in the classroom as long with experiences.

Habte-Gabr (2006: 45) states that Socio-Affective Strategies are those which

are nonacademic in nature and involve stimulating learning through establishing a

level of empathy between instructor and student. They include considering factors

such as emotions and attitudes (oxford, 1990). Socio Affective Strategies strongly

consider the student‟s relation to society as a whole ranging from family to the

global community. Similarly, Vandergrift (2003) defines socio affective strategies

as the techniques listeners use to collaborate with others, to verify understanding

or to lower anxiety.

Habte-Gabr (2006: 65) in her study noticed that her subjects are likely to learn

more when they are able to share aspects of their personal life. Moreover, teachers

are much more successful when they bring in their own experiences into in the

classroom. Socio Affective Strategies are ranked as the most effective strategies in

terms of enhancing learning among students. Statistical data of her research

indicate that the majority of her subjects agree that the relationship between

instructor and student is important.

Various researchers have devoted themselves to identifying the strategies used

by students. Some researchers (Chamot & Kupper: 1989) assert that the cognitive


strategies are the most frequently use strategy. Meanwhile, learners apply far

fewer met cognitive than cognitive strategies, and seldom employ socio affective


This previous research studies tell us that language learners are to use confined

learning strategies and Socio Affective Strategies are frequently overlooked by


3. Types of Socio-Affective Strategies

According to H. D. Brown (2007:154) the Socio affective strategies divided

into two sub strategies :

a. Asking question

The learners may ask question for clarification to the teacher or native speakers

(asking a teacher or other native speaker for repetition, paraphrase, explanation

and/or examples).

When learners are difficult in pronouncing words or they want to know the

good pronunciation, they may ask their teacher to repeat the pronunciation and

then, they can repeat what the teacher says.

Deal with paraprhasing is a writing skill in which information from published

sources is written in different words (rephrased) without changing its original

meaning. It is often used in place of directly quoting what a writer has said.

Paraphrasing is used to rewrite short selections, such as sentences, a series of

sentences, or paragraphs. A paraphrase is usually as long as the original text in

order to communicate its full meaning.


Language learners may ask some explanations from the teacher when they find

the difficulties. And the teacher has to explain what their students ask in order to

make them understand about the subject.

b. Cooperation

The language learners may use the cooperative strategy to do their work in the

class to get a feedback and more information from other learners. When we talk

about cooperation, we will remember the cooperative learning. The learners may

use the cooperative learning in order to improve racial relation among them. In

this strategy, the learners must share with group mates in order for the group to

achieve its common goal.

4. Applications and Recommendations of Socio-Affective Strategy for

Language and Learners

In order to help students recognize the power of Socio-Affective Strategy assist

the students to improve their speaking skill, and stimulate the students‟ motivation

to master their speaking ability, educators can constantly carry out the strategy

research and integrate socio-affective strategy into class (Kinoshita,2003). There

are five phrases that the teacher and learners can follow (adapted from the five

phases of the CALLA instructional sequence, Chamot & O‟Malley, 1994; Chamot

et al, 1999, as cited in Chamot,1999).

Firstly, the teacher needs to diagnose learners‟ level of strategy use. It is done

by analyzing students‟ perform speech in pretest.

Secondly, the teacher can offer learners knowledge to know the characteristics,

effectiveness, and applications of socio affective strategies. In this stage, it is


essential for the teacher to present each strategy with a specific explanation and

help learners know how to it in a given situation (Chamot: 1999: 32). For

example, the teacher can teach learners to try to relax when they are afraid of

speaking English. Meanwhile, the teacher is supposed to weave it into regular

classroom events in a natural and comfortable way and create the supportive and

encouraging environment for language learning.

Thirdly, in order to offer hands on practice for students to use socio affective

strategies, collaborative works with classmate are effective in this phase. Learners

in each group can exchange opinions of different habits, share their learning

experiences, as well as complete a certain task. Another application in this stage is

to encourage students to have an individual meeting with the teacher. During the

meeting, the teacher can have relaxed conversations with students and try to

understand the difficulties they encounter while studying abroad. The teacher

provides opportunities for students to express their feelings in English and to

practice their English speaking skills that are the powerful ways in which to

accomplish the use of socio affective strategies.

Fourthly, giving students chances to evaluate the usefulness of socio-affective

strategies is critical in this phase (Chamot: 1999). The teacher applies group to

perform speech to express their speaking towards using Socio-Affective

Strategies. Therefore, both students and the teacher can evaluate whether socio-

affective strategies affirmatively influence students‟ speaking skill.

Finally, the optimal goal of language learning strategies is to guide students to

become better students‟ speaking learners (Chamot, 1999). It is hope that learners


can utilize Socio-Affective Strategies whenever they speak English even without

the teachers‟ supervision.


C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework




Teaching Speaking

Teaching and Learning process by

using Socio-Affective Strategy

Students‟ Speaking Skill

Vocabulary Pronunciatio



INPUT : Refers to the student‟s material in speaking skill. There are two

factors should be focuses to improve the students speaking skill

they are vocabulary and pronunciation.

PROCESS : To mprove all of them, there is a strategy of teaching speaking will

apply in this research. The students will be teaching by using

Socio-Affective strategy. Therefore, after implementing the

strategy in the learning and teaching process, all the students have

good improvement for their pronunciation and vocabulary in


OUPUT : Refers to the improving of students speaking skill, so students can

speak English well and accurately.


D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research are null hypothesis and alternative


a. Null hypothesis (h0) there is no significant difference between the result

of pre-test and post-test of students‟ speaking skill after taught by Socio-

Affective Strategy.

b. Alternative hypothesis (h1) there is significant difference between the

result of pre-test and post-test of students‟ speaking skill after taught by

Socio-Affective Strategy.




This chapter presents the research method, research design, variables,

population and sample, instruments of the research, procedure of collecting data

and the technique of data analysis.

A. Research Method

The method use in this research was pre-experimental method. It aimed to

know whether or not Socio-Affective Strategy improved students‟ speaking skill.

B. Research Design

The design of this research was pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-

test design. The comparison between the pre-test and post-test score depended on

the result of the treatment. The design is presented in following table:

Table 3.1

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2

Where: Pre-test = O1

Treatment = X

Post-test = O2

(Gay, 2012)



C. Indicator and Variables

1. Indicator

The indicator of this research was Socio-Affective strategy can improved

students speaking skill to be better than before, and to improved students self

confidence to speak in public.

2. Variables

This research has two variables, they were:

a. Independent variable was Socio-Affective Strategy

b. Dependent variable were Pronunciation and Vocabulary in speaking

D. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the second Grade students of SMAN 1

Enrekang. The total number of population were 260 Students who were divided

into two programs (social and exact class). Social class involved four class in

which every class had 30 students. Exact class were included five class in which

every class had 25 and 30 students.

2. Sample

This research apply the random sampling in which the Second Grade students‟

of SMA of science program. In this research, the researcher only took one class to

represent all of the population.

E. Instruments of the Research

The instrument of this research was the speaking test. The researcher gave

some question sheet containing multiple choice by students individually. They


answer the question that have been given in accordance with the abilities of each

students, after students fill out the question sheet students read questions that

contain conversation by paying attention to how to read well.

F. Procedure of Data Collection

In collecting data, the researcher used three steps; they were pre-test, treatment

and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test gave to the students before giving the treatment. It aimed to know the

students‟ speaking skill before treatment. It was done individually.

2. Treatment

a. In treatment, first of all the researcher gave some question sheet by the

students individually.

b. The researcher gave a short explanation and how to answer the question.

c. The researcher read some speaking text and the students listen carefully.

d. The student were asked to answer the question individually.

e. After the student finished, the student read the conversation in front of class

with the best pronunciation.

f. The researcher gave the correction and conclusion.

g. The treatment was done for four meetings.

3. Post-test

Post-test was given to the students after doing treatment. In this session the

students were asked to perform a speech in front of class individually.


G. Technique of Data Analysis

The English Speaking Ability Scoring Classification. The data from the

English speaking test were given scores based on the English speaking ability

scoring classification. In this case the researcher gave score on the students‟

pronunciation and vocabulary.

In analyzing, the data collected through the pre-test and post-test the researcher

used the procedures as follows :

1. Scoring the students‟ correct answer of pre-test and post-test, the researcher

will uses the formula :

Students‟ score = The number of students‟ correct answer × 100

The total number of items

(Depdikbud in Risnawati, 2019)

To make it clear, the researcher describes all classification as follows :


Score Criteria

5 The students can pronounce the words very well

4 The students can pronounce the words well

3 The students can pronounce the words adequate enough

2 The students can pronounce the words frequently unintelligible

1 The students can pronounce the words poorly



Score Classification

91-100 Very Good

76-90 Good

61-75 Fairly

51-60 Poor

Score less than 50 Very Poor

(Depdikbud in Risnawati, 2019)

2. To find the mean score of the students answer by using the Formula:


X : Mean Score

∑ : Total Score

N : The number of subject

(Gay, 2012:323)

3. Computing the frequency and the rule percentage of the students‟ score


X 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = The total number of students

( Gay,2012)

4. To find the students improvement the formula as follows :



Where :

%= Percentage

X2= Post-test

X1= Pre-test

( Gay 2012 )

5. Calculating the Result of the Test

Finding out the significant difference between students pre-test and post-test by

using formula:

t =√∑

(∑ )

( )


t 1: the test of significance

D : the different between matches‟ pair

D : mean score from the different score of pre-test and post-test

∑ : 1The sum of square

N : t1he number of sample

1 : constant number

( Gay 2012 )




A. Findings

The finding of the research deals with the scoring classification of the students‟

pretest and posttest, hypotheses testing of pair sample containing mean score and

t-test of significance. These findings are described as follows:

1. The Result of the Data Analysis

After being calculating the result of the students‟ score on pretest and posttest,

the Scoring of the students‟ correct answer is presented in the following table :

Table 4.1. The Distribution of Frequency Percentage Score of Students’ Speaking

Ability in Terms of vocabulary in Pre-Test and Post-Test

Score Classification Pre-test Post-Test

F P (%) F P (%)

91-100 Very Good 0 0 3 12%

76-90 Good 3 12% 13 52%

61-75 Fairly 3 12% 6 24%

51-60 Poor 10 40% 3 12%

Less than

50 Very Poor 9 36% 0 0

Total 25 100% 25 100%

Table 4.1 shows that from 25 students, the data in the table also shows the

distribution of frequency percentage score of students‟ speaking ability in

vocabulary form in pre-test and post-test. Based on the data from pre-test, there

was no students get very good. But 3 students are classified as „good‟ and „fairly‟,

10 students are classified as „poor‟, and 9 students are classified as „very poor‟.

And there are variant score on the table of the students‟ post-test. The table shows

that from 25 students, there are 3 which classified into „very good‟ score, 13 are



classified into „good‟ score, 6 students are classified into „fairly‟ score, 3 students

are classified into “poor” score, and there was no students are classified into “very

poor‟ score. From the result it could be concluded that students speaking

performance in the terms of vocabulary is good.

Table 4.2. The Distribution of Frequency Percentage Score of Students’ Speaking

Ability in Terms pronunciation in Pre-Test and Post-Test

Score Criteria

Pretest Post-Test






The students can

pronounce the words very


0 0 5 20%

4 The students can

pronounce the words well 0 0 10 40%


The students can

pronounce the words

adequate enough

5 20% 8 32%


The students can

pronounce the words

frequently unintelligible

16 64% 2 8%


The students can

pronounce the words


4 16% 0 0

Total 25 100% 25 100%

Table 4.2. Above shows that from 25 students, there were no students get score 5,

and get score 4, 5 students get score 3, 16 students get score 2, and 4 students get

score 1. There are variant score on the table of the students‟ post-test. The table

shows that from 25, there are 5 students get score 5, 10 students get score 4, 8

students get score 3, 2 students get score 2, and there were no students get score 1

in post test.


2. The Mean Score of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test

After being calculating the result of the students‟ score on pretest and posttest,

the mean score is presented in the following table:

Table 4.3. The Mean Score of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test

Category Mean Score

Pre-test Post-test

Pronunciation 2.04 3.72

Vocabulary 53.04 79.4

Table 4.3 shows that the mean score of the students‟ in pronunciation form on

pretest was 2.04 and post-test was 3.72, vocabulary form on pretest was 53.04 and

posttest was 79.4

3. The improvement of students’ vocabulary

Table 4.4. The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary

Components Pre-test Post-test Improvement (%)

Vocabulary 53.04 79.4 49%

Pronunciation 2.04 3.72 82%

4. Hypothesis Testing

To know the level of significance value of the pre-test and post-test, the

researcher uses t-test analysis on the level of significance (p) = 0.05 with the

degree of freedom (df) = N-1,where N=number of subject (25 students) then the

value of t-table is 2.064. The t-test statistical, analysis for independent sample is



Table4. 5. The T-test of the Students’ Improvement

Components t-test value t-table value

Vocabulary 2.14 2.064

Pronunciation 2.62 2.064

Table 4.5 above shows that t-test value for vocabulary form is higher than t-table

(2.14>2.064), t-test value of pronunciation form is higher than t-table

(2.62>2.064). It means that there is significant difference between the students‟

speaking in the class before and after implementing Socio-Affective Strategy in

speaking process of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 1 Enrekang.

B. Discussions

In this part, discussion dealing with the interpretation of findings derived from

the result of findings of the students‟ speaking skill deals with pronunciation and

vocabulary. Before giving treatment, the students‟ speaking skill (pronunciation

and vocabulary) are very low (categorized poor). The condition might be caused

teaching method and less speaking practice, so that the students cannot improve

their speaking achievement.

Based on the finding, the result of score in post-test is greater than pre-test

pronunciation and vocabulary in speaking. In pre-test, the researcher actually

found the most students did not know how to express their opinion or argument

about the topic. They still confused to use the suitable words, afraid of making

mistake and still shy to perform in front of their friends. After giving the

treatment, their ability is significance improved.

During the treatment, the students‟ can improve their speaking skill convering

pronunciation and vocabulary. The data students‟ pre-test show that the students‟

have some mistakes in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary. In pre-test, the


students mean score is low because they always making mistake to pronoun the

words when they present the topic. And they also shy and afraid to perform in

front of their friends. But the result of score in post-test is greater than pre-test.

After the treatment, the students‟ achievement is improved. The reason is in

speaking practice students have known how to pronounce the words and they

more careful to pronounce their words about topic. This indicates that Socio-

Affective strategies are very helpful students to learn through contact and

interaction with others (O‟malley & Chamot, 1990:11).




A. Conclusions

Based on the result and the discussion of the findings previously, the researcher

takes conclusions as follows:

Socio-Affective Strategy is effective to improve the students‟ speaking skill in

terms of vocabulary and pronunciation. It is proven by the students‟ pronunciation

achievement in post-test is greater than in pre-test (3.72>2.04) and by students

vocabulary achievement in post-test is greater than in pre-test (79.4>53.04) and

the improvement of the students‟ pronunciation in speaking is 82% and

vocabulary in speaking is 49%. It can be concluded that the students‟

pronunciation and vocabulary in speaking at Second Grade students of SMAN 1

Enrekang is improved after implementing Socio-Affective strategy.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, the researcher gives some suggestions as follows:

1. For the teachers

a. Socio-Affective Strategy is one of the strategies that can be considered in

teaching in order to help students‟ speaking ability.

b. The teacher should be more highly motivated to practice Socio-Affectice


2. For the students

a. The students should be active and serious in studying English, especially in

speaking skill because it is very important to improve the English subject



b. The students should be diligent to speaking practice not only in the classroom

context but also in everyday life.

3. For the next researchers

a. It is suggested to the next researcher to apply this strategy. It is suitable to be

applied in experimental research since the students‟ improvement can be

gained and observed directly in the classroom.

b. There are still many things that have to be observed by the next researchers

related to the English subject, especially in speaking skill.



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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : XI / I

Materi Pokok : Teks tulis untuk menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran serta


Tema : Asking And Giving Opinion Jumlah pertemuan : 6 pertemuan


1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan


1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi International yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.3 Menunjukkankan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional

3.2. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

ungkapan menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks



4.2. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan merespons ungkapan

menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, benar dan sesuai konteks.


1. Siswa dapat menentukan fungsi dan tujuan ungkapan menyatakan

pendapat dan pikiran.

2. Siswa menemukan informasi berdasarkan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat

dan pikiran.

3. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat

dan pikiran.

4. Secara berpasangan siswa membuat percakapan ungkapan menyatakan

pendapat dan pikiran

5. Secara berpasangan siswa mempresentasikan hasil teks percakapan

mengenai menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran yang telah dibuat.

6. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan pendapat dan pikiran dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.


Setelah pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :

1. Siswa dapat menentukan fungsi dan tujuan ungkapan menyatakan

pendapat dan pikiran.

2. Siswa menemukan informasi berdasarkan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat

dan pikiran.

3. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat

dan pikiran.

4. Secara berpasangan siswa membuat percakapan ungkapan menyatakan

pendapat dan pikiran

5. Secara berpasangan siswa mempresentasikan hasil teks percakapan

mengenai menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran yang telah dibuat.

6. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan pendapat dan pikiran dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.



Asking and Giving Opinion

Asking For Opinion Giving Opinion

What do you think of/about…?

What’s do you opinion of….?

What do you feel about…..?

Do you think….?

Do you agree that…..?

Wouldn’t you agree that….?

What’s your idea…..?

In my opinion…..

In my view….

I think…..

I believe…

I guess

To my mind….

What I have in my mind

I would say that…..


a. Model : Pembelajaran kooperatif (diskusi dan persentase)

b. Socio-Affective Strategy

G. Media :

a. worksheet atau lembar kerja siswa

b. lembar penilaian

H. Sumber :

a. Buku cetak Bahasa Inggris

b. Internet

I. Langkah-Langkah dalam Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke-2 :

A. Pendahuluan :

a. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa

untuk memulai pembelajaran


b. Peneliti memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai guru bahasa inggris

sementara dikelas

c. Memeriksa kehadiran siswa

d. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan berlangsung

e. Menyampaikan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas

B. Kegiatan Inti

a. Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi ungkapan-

ungkapan asking and giving opinion.

b. Guru mempresentasikan materi mengenai ungkapan-

ungkapan asking and giving opinion.

c. Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan

secara lisan atau mempresentasikan mengenai ungkapan-

ungkapan asking and giving opinion.

d. Siswa diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar

Bahasa Inggris mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan asking and giving


e. Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan

soal yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan

secara individual.

f. Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan

dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan



g. Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan

oleh siswa melalui sumber buku lain.

C. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi

mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan asking another’s people opinion

and giving opinion.

b. Guru Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan


Pertemuan ke-3 :

A. Pendahuluan

a. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa

untuk memulai pembelajaran

b. Memeriksa kehadiran siswa

c. Menyampaikan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas

B. Kegiatan Inti

a. Guru mengulang-ulang penjelasan materi tentang asking and

giving opinion

b. Guru memberikan tugas mengenai ungkapan asking and giving

opinion yang telah di bahas di pertemuan sebelumnya.


c. Siswa diminta mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru

melalui soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai

ungkapan-ungkapan asking and giving opinion

d. Siswa diminta mengerjakan dengan tertib.

e. Membiasakan siswa membuat kalimat ungkapan-ungkapan asking

and giving opinion.

f. Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan

soal yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan

secara individual.

C. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


b. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi

mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan asking and giving opinion.

c. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan


Pertemuan ke-4 :

A. Pendahuluan

a. Guru mengecek daftar hadir siswa.

b. Guru menanyakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi dilingkungan



c. Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang materi yang telah di bahas


d. Guru memeriksa pekerjaan rumah siswa

B. Kegiatan Inti

a. Guru meminta siswa mengulang-ulang materi yang telah di bahas

pada pertemuan lalu di depan teman-temannya.

b. Siswa yang lain di minta memperhatikan teman yang lain yang

sedang menjelaskan

c. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa group

d. Siswa diminta duduk bersama dengan satu kelompok

e. Guru mengajar menggunakan strategy Socio-Affective untuk

mengkritik sebuah topic atau tema

C. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


b. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi

mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan asking and giving opinion.

c. Guru Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan


Pertemuan ke-5 :

A. Pendahuluan

a. Guru mengecek daftar hadir siswa.


b. Guru menanyakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi dilingkungan


c. Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang materi yang telah di bahas


d. Guru menanyakan materi baru yang akan di bahas

B. Kegiatan Inti

a. Guru memberikan materi/bahan ajar berupa selembaran yang

berisi topik atau tema yang akan di diskusikan oleh siswa

b. Sebelum memberikan lembar tugas, guru menjelaskan apa yang

akan siswa kerjakan

c. Guru memberikan lembar kerja yang berisi dialog singkat atau


d. Siswa diminta untuk mengisi atau menjawab soal yang ada pada

lembar kerja

C. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


b. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan


J. Penilaian

a. Pronunciation:

Score Criteria

5 The students can pronounce the words very well

4 The students can pronounce the words well

3 The students can pronounce the words adequate enough


2 The students can pronounce the words frequently unintelligible

1 The students can pronounce the words poorly

b. Vocabulary

Score Classification

91-100 Very Good

76-90 Good

61-75 Fairly

51-60 Poor

Score less than 50 Very Poor

Skor Siswa = jumlah jawban benar× 100

Jumlah soal


November 2019


Haerani Mutia






Exercise: Answer the following questions! Kate : We‟ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?

Yani : ....

Kate : I hope you have a nice trip

1. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry

b. sorry, i can‟t tell you

c. it‟s not your business

d. i have nothing to do

e. i don‟t know what to do

Alex : What do you think about the film ?

Bram : I think .......................

2. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. i like it

b. thank you

c. i can‟t hear you

d. you forget it

e. let‟s go

Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.

Era : I don‟t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in

this country.

3. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. i know it

b. i am thinking of

c. he forget it

d. in my opinion

e. see you

Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Sri : I think …. Don‟t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

4. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. you must sing

b. you should lie down and have some rest

c. you can see the doctor tonight

d. i will take you to the hospital

a. i must take some rest, too


Dave: So what do you think of my singing?

John: It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.

Dave: Thanks, John.

John: No problem, Dave!

5. From the dialogue above, John is...

a. asking for help

b. giving an opinion

c. asking for an opinion

d. giving help

e. giving attention

Jade: What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.

Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!

Rose: My pleasure.

6. From the dialogue above, Rose is...

a. asking for attention

b. asking a question

c. giving an opinion

d. giving help

e. asking for help

Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?

Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.

Dirk: Thanks, Jake.

Jake: No problem!

7. From the dialogue above, Dirk is...

a. asking for help

b. giving help

c. giving opinion

d. asking for an opinion

e. asking for help

Jane: Roxy, what do you think of the cake I bake?

Roxy: It' really delicious! I love it!

Jane: yes!Jade: What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.

Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!

Rose: My pleasure.


8. From the dialogue above, Rose is...

A. Asking for attention

B. Asking a question

C. Giving an opinion

D. Giving help

E. Asking for help

Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?

Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.

Dirk: Thanks, Jake.

Jake: No problem

9. From the dialogue above, Dirk is...

A. Asking for help

B. Giving help

C. Giving opinion

D. Asking for an opinion

E. Asking for help

Chan : What do you think about the film ?

Carry : I think .......................

10. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. thank you

b. I like it

c. i can‟t hear you

d. let‟s go

e. you forget it


1. Mr. Andy : What do you think of my new house?

Mr. Bryan : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new


2. Mr. Andy : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata‟s novels.

Mr. Bryan : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata‟s novels


3. Mr. Andy : I feel they are great novels.

Mr. Bryan : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.

4. Mr. Andy : I don‟t think so. Look outside at the sky! It‟s so clear. No

clouds there.

Mr. Bryan : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that

today is going to rain. OK Mr. A see you.

5. Ando : What‟s your opinion of smoking?

Boy : I‟m not sure. For me, it‟s important that children do not smoke.

6. Ando : But do you think it‟s a good idea that people can smoke in shops

and buses?

Boy : I don‟t think so. Children use buses too.

7. Ando : So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in


Boy : I think that‟s a good idea.

8. Ando : Some people say friends are always honest with each other. What

do you think?

Boy : in my opinion friends need to be completely honest. One little lie

and the friendship just disappears.

9. Ando : Ah, that‟s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?

Boy : Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me.He was a really

good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed. It destroyed the


10. Clara: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”

Erika: “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany

me to find it out after class



1. Ani : ……………….

Ida : I think it‟s great

a. Have you read this book ?

b. What do you think of this book ?

c. What is it ?

d. Do you know this ?

e. How do you do ?

2. Thya : ……………..


Ana : I love it

a. How do you like this place ?

b. What does it mean ?

c. Do you want to join us ?

d. Isn‟t the idea worse than before ?

e. I love you

3. We‟ll have a long holiday next month.

What are you going to do ?

Yani : ………

Kate : I hope you have a nice trip

Complete the dialogue above……

a. I‟m thinking of going to Bali Sorry

b. Sorry I can‟t tell you

c. It is not your business

d. I have nothing to do

e. I don‟t now what to do

4. Alex : what do you think about the film ?

Bram : I think ……………

Complete the dialogue above

a. I like it

b. Thank you

c. I can‟t hear you

d. You forget it

e. Les‟t go

5. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment

Era I don‟t think so …………… our city is much cooler than other cities in this


Complete the dialogue above…

a. I know it

b. I am thinking of

c. He forget it

d. In my opinion

e. See you

6. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy

Sri : I think ……… don‟t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

Complete the dialogue above ….

a. You must sing

b. You should lie down and have some rest

c. You can see the doctor tonight

d. I will take you to the hospital

e. I must take some rest, too

7. Dave : So what do you think of my singing ?


John : it‟s really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune

Dave : Thanks, John.

John : no problem, Dave !

From the dialogue above, John is…….

a. Asking for help

b. Giving an opinion

c. Asking for an opinion

d. Giving help

e. Giving attention

8. Pretty : Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?

Austyn : Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.

Pretty : Thanks, Jake.

Austyn : No problem

From the dialogue above, Pretty is... A. Asking for help B. Giving help C. Giving opinion D. Asking for an opinion E. Asking for help

Anggun : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Laras : I think …. Don‟t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

9. Complete the dialogue above ....

a. i know it

b. i am thinking of

c. he forget it

d. in my opinion

e. see you

10. Dian : What do you think of my paint ?

Putri : It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.

Dian : Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!

putri : My pleasure.

From the dialogue above, putri is...

a. asking for attention

b. asking a question

c. giving an opinion

d. giving help

e. asking for help



1. Mr.Rasyid : What‟s your opinion about The New English Book?

Waldan : My opinion is such an expensive book.

2. Mr. rasyid : Very good. How about you Lisa?

Gibran : Well, I think it‟s Ok. I Like That. it‟s not too thick and no


3. Mr. rasyid : Good. Any body has another opinion?

Tegar : Yes, I have. My opinion is that book is too thick.

4. Mr. rasyid : Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand,


Students : Yes. We got it, sir.

5. Mr. rasyid : Great. You‟re really smart.

Students : Thank you

6. Erika : Hi Clara, what are you doing?

Clara : Hi Erika, I‟m writing a poetry

7. Erika: Poetry? for the special one?

Clara: Absolutely, tomorrow is mothers‟ day so I would like to give this

poetry for my mommy

8. Clara: Calm down Erika, why don‟t you write a poetry too?

Erika: No, I cant write a poetry

9. Clara: Do you know what is the thing that your mommy likes?

Erika: “She likes flowers”


10. Clara: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”

Erika: “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany

me to find it out after class



1. A B

2. A B

3. D A

4. B A

5. B B

6. C B

7. D B

8. C D



10. B C



Scoring the students correct answer of Pre-test and Post-test in vocabulary


Students‟ score =

1. Mutiara Pratiwi


Students‟ score =



Students‟ score =

2. Musira


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

3. Elsa Yunita


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

4. Egi Subur


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =


5. Athaya Aqilah Dafyiah


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

6. Azwar Muslim


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

7. Alfina Damayanti Andika


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

8. Nadila Ahmad


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

9. Nur Wahyuni


Students‟ score =



Students‟ score =

10. Ramzi


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

11. Sofiah


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

12. Nurfitrah Sudin


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

13. Ratu Mulia Khairun


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

14. Sartika



Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

15. Sulfiah nasri


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

16. Suci Anugrah


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

17. Inda Ramhan


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

18. M. Ihsan R


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =


19. Sahrul


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

20. M. Alfian


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

21. Rafli Ardiyansyah


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

22. Renanda


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

23. M. Fuad Abitlah


Students‟ score =



Students‟ score =

24. M. Rezki G


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =

25. Mufti Lutfi


Students‟ score =


Students‟ score =




No Nama Pre-test Post-test D D2

X1 X12

X1 X12 X2-X1 X2-X1

1 MP 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200 2 MS 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200 3 EY 55 3025 70 4900 15 1875 4 ES 70 4900 85 7225 15 2325 5 AAD 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200 6 AM 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200 7 ADA 85 7225 100 10000 15 2775 8 NA 45 2025 70 4900 25 2875 9 NW 80 6400 100 10000 20 3600 10 RZ 60 3600 85 7225 25 3625 11 SF 65 4225 85 7225 20 3000 12 NS 65 4225 85 7225 20 3000 13 RMC 45 2025 75 5625 30 3600 14 ST 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200 15 SN 45 2025 80 6400 35 4375 16 SA 30 900 55 3025 25 2125 17 IR 20 400 55 3025 35 2625 18 MIR 30 900 60 3600 30 2700 19 SH 50 2500 70 4900 20 2400 20 ML 80 6400 95 9025 15 2625 21 MRG 55 3025 80 6400 25 3375 22 MFA 50 2500 75 5625 25 3125 23 RN 45 2025 70 4900 25 2875 24 RA 55 3025 80 6400 25 3375 25 MA 55 3025 85 7225 30 4200

Total 1360 79500 1985 160975 625 81475


No Nama Pre-test Post-test D D2

X1 X12

X1 X12 X2-X1 X2-X1

1 MP 2 4 5 25 3 21

2 MS 2 4 4 16 2 21


3 EY 2 4 5 25 3 21

4 ES 2 4 3 9 1 12

5 AAD 2 4 4 16 2 12

6 AM 2 4 4 16 2 12

7 ADA 3 9 4 16 1 16

8 NA 3 9 5 25 2 16

9 NW 3 9 4 16 1 16

10 RZ 3 9 4 16 1 7

11 SF 2 4 3 9 1 6

12 NS 1 1 2 4 1 8

13 RMC 2 4 4 16 2 12

14 ST 1 1 3 9 2 8

15 SN 2 4 3 9 1 12

16 SA 2 4 4 16 2 12

17 IR 2 4 4 16 2 12

18 MIR 2 4 5 25 3 21

19 SH 1 1 3 9 2 8

20 ML 3 9 5 25 2 16

21 MRG 2 4 4 16 2 12

22 MFA 2 4 3 9 1 12

23 RN 2 4 3 9 1 12

24 RA 1 1 2 4 1 8

25 MA 2 4 3 9 1 12

Total 51 113 93 437 42 324



The mean score of pre-test and post-test and the percentage of students’


A. Pronunciation Form :

1. Mean score of the students’ pretest




15X = 2.04

2. Mean score of the students’ posttest




93X = 3.72

3. The percentage of students’ improvement in pronunciation form

P = 1



xx 100%

P =



P= 0,82 x 100

P= 82%

B. Vocabulary Form :

1. Mean score of the students’ pretest





1360X = 53,04

2. Mean score of the students’ posttest




1985X = 79,4

3. The percentage of students’ improvement in vocabulary form

P = 1



xx 100%

P =



P= 0,49x 100

P= 49%



The significant Difference

A. Vocabulary Form


Notes ∑ = 625

∑ 2 = 81475

N = 25

D =∑


t =

√∑ (

(∑ )


( )

t =

√ ((∑ )


( )

t =

√ (


( )

t =

( )

t =

t =


t =

t = 2,14

B. Pronunciation Form


Notes ∑ = 42

∑ 2 = 324

N = 25


D =∑


t =

√∑ (

(∑ )


( )

t =

√ ((∑ )


( )

t =

√ ( )

( )

t =

( )

t =

t =

t =

t = 2,62



The Attendance List of the Students Class XI IPA 4

No Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 MP √ √ √ √ √

2 MS √ √ √ √ √ √

3 EY √ √ s √ √ √

4 ES √ √ √ √ √ √

5 AAD √ √ √ √ √ √

6 AM √ √ √ √ √ √

7 ADA √ √ √ √ √ √

8 NA √ √ i √ √ √

9 NW √ √ √ √ √ √

10 RZ √ √ √ √ √ √

11 SF √ √ √ √ √ √

12 NS √ √ √ √ √ √

13 RMC √ √ √ α √ √

14 ST √ √ √ √ √ √

15 SN √ √ α √ √ √

16 SA √ √ √ √ √ √

17 IR √ √ √ √ √ √

18 MIR √ √ √ s √ √

19 SH √ √ √ √ √ √

20 ML √ √ √ √ √ √

21 MRG √ √ √ √ √ √

22 MFA √ √ s √ √ √

23 RN √ √ √ √ √ √

24 RA √ √ √ √ √ √

25 MA √ √ √ √ √ √



HAERANI MUTIA was born on November 19, 1996

in Enrekang from the marriage of her parents Syarif K and

Hasniana. She is the second child from sixth sibling.

In 2003 she started his elementary school at SDN 103

Kalosi and graduated in 2008. Then, she continued her study at SMP N 3 Alla and

graduated in 2011. After that, she continued her Senior High School at SMAN 1

Anggeraja (Now SMAN 1 Enrekang) and graduated in 2014. In 2015 she was

accepted as English DepaDrtment student of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University. At the end of his study, she

could finish his thesis in 2020.