1-5~=~'_,_-24.79 - Northville Historic Records

. '- ~. - t .. tr.,. ., - If'- ......... ;_ "' ....... ,. .. ~~'- .... .' .. .At ~/A~ (;04EA7 131/137/97 HOnG & smm [<OOK BINDr:RY Sprlllgror-t ... .... .!• .: .... - Vol. 128. ~o, 18. Flw Secllons. 68 r-.l,ges, Plus Supplrlll('IIlS MI Le mtcnrb ESTABLISHED 1869 FIFTI' CESTS Student count up 50/0 By ROBERT JACKSON StaffWr,ler There's no doubt ahout It Thl: Northnlle Public School 1)1~lrirt b experiencing growth. District ofOclals prl'sented tht· school board \\1Ih the pfclllllinar)' student membership n!!urcs ~Ion· day. and allhough the Incrl'.I~e In student population \\ill brinl:: thl' district mor(' ~Iatt' fundll1~. too much growth too Cj\lllkly I Dulll result In o\'ercrowded schools - especially OIlthe hll::h ~hoolll'\d The nll:un?~ rd1t.'1t a dbtrtn\\i<ll' Increase 111~tllllcnt~ !J\' .lbOIlI 5 percent. The l'!I'IIlI·lltar ... "111001.., e.\penenrl'd 7 I'l'frenl crowt h. while th(' lI1idllll' ",{hooJo., ~H W II\" more than -1 pen t'nl 0\ er 1.1..,t Yl'.H: The high 5{ h()(JI e;\penerJll'd thl' least amount of crowth. Ill! fI'.l ..inl! its stmlenl popul.lllon by .1 IlItll- more th.1Il 2 pt·u I III 11lt' .1\N.lel' class sill' K 12 fnr I hI' dl .. trllt h 24.7 ~tll<lelll ... O\'er the p.l ...t 10 )t'.tr .. Ill<' school rll",lflll' .. "Iw!t'nl P"PIII. •. tlon h;] .. I!ro\\ n 11\ TIIOW I h.ln 2Cj I><,rcelll t\(( "rdlllL: 10 John Strl'I·!. Ihl' (11-.lnc I'~ c1lft'l lor "f hu ..lI1t ..... mll Continued on 13 .. STUDENT POPULATION Populationby building Amerman Elementary 51!L Moraine Elementary (1IlC, 10 special ad) 262 Silver Springs ElemenlaIy 344 Thornton Creek 516 Winchester Elementary 517 Cooke Midd1e School 488 Meads Mdt Middle School (lnc, 4 special ed) 627 Northville High School 1,241 Total 4.513 5% increase frem 1994·95 Breakdown by grade L_ 312 . 1 322 2 386 L. 378 4 363_. ._ 5 386 6 374 Advocate: City unfair to tracl<. COltnsel say's otJlers treated differerttly By ROBERT JACKSON Slall Woler TIll' ~ener.11 (oul1sd for the ~Uchl~an Raring A~SO<"i.ltion c1all1l~ that North\'l1Ie DO\nJS and the JarkSOll Troltlll~ Assoelolllon arc belll~ Ire.lled dlfrrrcntly th;]11 other city t.I"pa)<·r~. .1I1d that the clty's policy re~anllllg pollC(' sa· \1ces may be u1Ifalr. Jo",('ph Garcia. who f('prescnts the seWIl ~f1chl~.1JI r.I("ln~ a",soclation~. sllhmllll'tl a kt· ter of undcr",landlnl: on behalf of Ihe Troltln~ A..,<,()(I.ll\Oll to (It\' officlah la ..t w("('k Th.lt 11.'1' ter ell ... url'., thl' elly \\111 <'ontlnue to pro\'lde police !>('nices at till' roll I' Ir.lrk hUI questions thl' Ilt~· ... PIIIII)' of hil1ll\~ thl' .1<;,>OCI.llloll for Voter turnout pleases officials BV ROBERT JACKSOIl S·J t , \·.'r ·er :\orlll\ III<-.. II' >t, .. 1 l:l~ I "Will! 111.111 \\.1" 1111111.111.\ "\\I,rll III Illlrinl: .1 "Ilot" 1.11llll'l'lillg or Ihl" '\"orth\i11I' ( 11\ ( "1111111 \1,,:ul.l\ -rOIll ~\\ I':.HI 1""'10. hi ... pl.H I' .11 1111 ".llIlIll 1.llIk .1111 r l)('llu: I .... !lcd Ihl" o,lIh "r ,,!II'" IJ\ :i')lh [)hlri'l ('lIurl Illd"., J"lm~: \f.uDOII.lld \~II" .,1 ... , .,,1,· 1111 .. 11 rt'd Ihl' 1~1I1J III III'lll1llw:ll 1"\111111\\ "m.lll r .If ,,).llln r\\l"r... Ind IIlIIHIIIJ"/I1 In '\lIr (,II'n ... ]otll''''11 rI\I' Ihft I' \\l'f<' lit.. tnp \"Ill,·~... I' It'f .. In J , .. , .,," k, ,11\ dc" 11011 City t I< rh IJt iphl/ll' GUIO\\ "~1 (Jm 1,lh' fll<d th' \1'11ll~ u'",\Il1... Inl" the rntll\rll rc( Nn J .... hn<;nn ~Jth· efe-II I,OJ7 \"11'" 10 former (11\ I UIIIII 11111.. II 1','Ili F nlllll1'" "i;' q r\\f p..1.,.01 10 \iol \ Ll!r· ~HH' ~·.,1L:' I"'t :t,c~\,dq21 rJ!:I toll.lIl .. hl l'..\o ... ,IUII I:"'~ ,\ ... fllll,1 pi II' 11111.. 1" r HO\.ltllll· ( .,.... h :11111 ",.un, rt r1 .",r)~ \l,tt .... ll" 1.:1ll ror 1I1.,)"r I" t\\'1 \ ,',u ... (".I,.i1l1l1l11l1u .. "r" IOllr \""1 I- r: ... \',,1' r p.llt1llp.,lt"11 \\." ,''In'1II1 h hid •.• 1 i) ') perl ('III II h IIIl' '0,(, "Ill! "llll:k 1.'T':t..1t I ... tl"ll [rtllli .1 \1111'1 p.IfII'lp.'1l<JIl ,1.U1dp"lIIl '" 11.1' 1.1 ..1 10 \0 ,Ir" .tl'''ldlllL~ III I III r'loIII .. fill' high,'''! lol,'r l11TlIOlll "" IIrrl'd III 11.1 1""''1 \lIrtll\llI<- 111\ dl"1 tllIll 1'1.. II ,F) I" r, 1 III 01 111l: rl"":I... 't1Ir1 \ " ['>, , ...: h.dlol<; pollcc M'l">ices. 'Whlle the pollC')' and pfalllce of the ClI)' of lI'orth\ille dlffc~ <ol1~fderably frum ('\'el)' other rac(' tr.lck municipality .llld kJCdllon In ~Hchl ~an. we \\111 parti{ ipal(' \\1lh )'011 In hnplrmcllI' Inj:(the !>,Imepollcy as I,"'t ) ('.Ir: C..ll('l.1 ~ald. 'We arc ClJncl'frlrd .,!Joul dl ... p.,ral(' tr('atll\('fll dl",lll1~lIhhln~ us from oilier ("lty taxp.lyers. and Wl' bcllt'\ e thai th .. folllllrt' of 111l'... t.lh' to honor 11'>lornrnltrn('nt 10 IIIl' Clt\ of :\ofth\11J(' I ... ht'lIl~ ... 111fh't I 10 \I'" \Inl.mh· - . ~orth\ iIIe Ihreatened to pull Its police ser- \lfeS from lI'ortlmlle I>O\\7lS If It dldn't r("(eh'e a leiter of understanding from thc Jackson Trot- till!! Association by Friday. TIlat decision ,,;as lIlalle hy the City council last w("('k. t\('("ordmg to ClIy ~1anag('r Gal)' Word both tll<' Downs and the Trotting Association have prunded letters of undcrstandlng for the past four years fe!!ardjn~ the pa)ment of police scr- \lfl'S dllrin~ r.ldlll! C\ents. Garcia's comments Continued on 15 PhoIO by BRYAN MITCHELL \...Ity Clerk Gi:lphlne Cu:vn~;'j dnu ":e"ljon worker Belly Allc:l COl.m~ ballots at Prec!nct 1.. \1... , Oil Ihl' h.II!"1 lh.tl \1·.Ir \" IC' 1."1 ..1.,11' prop""'ll., '1111 .1\' r.I';l· \ utn IMrlIc Ip.llI.'1I ,,\<r lhl 1, ... 1 10 \' .11"" 2'; 7 pt'r (I nl nltH h III~h, r Ih tI1 1111' .. l.lIt III"l.tJ.: .. o~ 12 I" r' I III .!"!III"'11I \I Ii" \\ III ..... f\ l" Ill" fill h 1!'T1Il .... m.I\Or -..lillllI,· 11Hiloul I" .t fill. 111011 of 111m IIlIIl h \ ••nh\ Ill. C11I/1 Ii" .H'· "HI! C Illl',l .,1"'111 I "elr '1'lIllllll:lIl~ -TIll' pI "pI<- III 'nlr '1JIlIllIIlIlIl\ \I.1lI1 I" .11ClllIIl'h .. h .1 Jol III Ihllll;" .m,lllll\ dOli I .HI'pl <,('t't'l1cllx'''' \dlln Ii 1'1I11l'" I" I'rm Illtng 111\ <,('f\'11 I'" or t n.,n . lit" .... 1Il1 11ll·r,· h .1 lot of Ir,llllllll" Ill'fl·. \\1th pc',' p!I' \\ h<l 11.1\ ,. ,>{llllld '0,(,1111 \.IlIll·' - J Lasl week's CIty election saw 33.5 percenl ot NcrtflV1!1r:!'$ ,egistered voters cast ballots. Thai fjgure reFcsents the second hrghest voler turnoul In the past 10 years. Here are the number 01 voters and per· centages tor !he last SIX city couool elections: , -\{~§- - ---- 1,607 n2 627 1.796 1.417 1.117 Dateofe~~ Nov. 1995 Ncv.l993 Nov. 1991 Nov. 1989 Nov. 1987 Nov, 1985 33.5 15.7 14 45 31 27 SecOlld callIe seI·vice !.;!," gets OI( ill tC)WllShil) \ 'I '_. I i ~~~~,~9:r COBLE ,\ l1' \\ ,holn' fur •. Ihl< lolt'''''' ..... f\ilt· ... I' on tilt' \\.I} III \!Inh\' ["·,\1I ... l1lp llw l){l,lnl of In, ..II"-" 'HII' "", aj!o .tppr()\'l'd a fr.1l1l h", .Igru lIlt'nl fllr ,\lIll'rltec!t ~t'\\' ''''111.1 S('rI'ICI '>. pl'r nUlling t lit' I'hOIIl' romp.tn\ "'lIbshll.Ir)· 10 1,IIIlI"ll with' I'lylllouth·h.I ... ·d Ollllllcorn/Conlll11'n1.11 for IOI~ II ship r:lh~e Cu,>toll1lr",' \)1I"lI1t''>'> TIll 4·2 ,'ote ISu(ll'l">i~r K.uo·lI B.1Jo1 \\-.1", ah.,(·nt) makes :,\(ortll\ l' .. TU'\1\"'llp one of Ihe fln.t comma nllil" 111 America to h.n " mo',' than Pill' fr.lndll"o{·l· [I \\111 11\1'.1" • r\n:t'rllech \\ill ~Olltl "I" IIIl .... CSl11l1.lll'd S2 5 1ll11l1(JII III Il.' l' '1. 7 374 - -~- ----- - --'O- 8 363 ---- --- ... ----_. - 9 .,;300 . . _ 10 ._~ _ 11 318 -_. -~- 12 288 ~l~ __}~~, _.-: __ =- Average class sizes by level K 20.80 1-5 ~=~ '_,_ -24.79 _ 6-8 26.91 9-12 --2659 ---- 1I1t11111\ I.. IIIn ... tnlll 11<; ,.L1Ik ...\, I .. n. '~\i~11 i. tI III IH. ~ll1 111 .LlJlI1I1 t. l\' Il~!I\ i ,npl. 1, I~"I. ,,~, I' rc .. llklll .. "Ii" ",.' \1 Ill.·,lI '.In 1":,,111 r1( .. alIH!I. I: ",.n,1(, "'o~n~111111 1'1 1 It,ll ,I ~~ I I' I '.(j, h.IlII" 1.. \\ 111 l", (,11 r ...d \' l:( J .1 ~ "'l' .... (t·1l1 1HUH hi .... " h hi I'll ll~'" I"p' (11'd (I\C'r 1t.1 \l h .... r..." ~11 1011\ ,'nor tXI'f .... \ '\1 \" l' ,.. \0.1 :"1 ILl' 1>. ... 11 \0 1,(1 11. 1111 ,.! i ,I k..,:,· .\rn' rH"1 h "lh .. ; 11... 'l,~t •~ \ r .11 (J I ~f III Tt' r 4 u t J\ t' "r4 ("\ It, '" \~11I,,,. 'I,,,ill 1.1' "tlrrl'd .1" 1\l'11 .\111' II , 'III" Ihl' 1\.'\ \~ill I' r I I .1l1 .. h,,1' II.llI~ • ", Continued on 15 night. The team now boasts a fine 15-5 record and competes In the seml·flnals tonight. See page 9·B for all the sports. Car gatherings gain approval, but only for 2-month trial basis By RANDY COBLE S!a!IWr,ler Wool\' Uulh· ... Will COlllllltie III !l0111ll~ Wt('kl\" ~.Inlenll';" of 11.1'" ..If c;]r~ 1I,·;\t ~pnllg hilI from 1I0W 011 11\l'\'III!O Oil urHkr tIlt' \\~llt hflll t'\('" o'f :\oTt11\Ill,' To\\ \1 ... \1111 J>o\lrc' ,;W.... 'r", Thl' towII..,hlp Zonin~ llo.lrd of ,\ppt"l)., (ZIIAI 1.1 ...1 \\.... ek ~r.lIlled .1 tl"mpor.n)' Pl'fllllt for Ihl' t'\I'lIb, \\ Ialell h.l\'(' hl'1d ('\l'r)' \\'1'(1111'",...1.1)' fwm April 10 the t'llIl of O,lulx"( fur thl' 1.1,,11\\0 \,e.lr., .Il the ~t'\'l'lI ~tll(' eatcry: The IIIO\' C' c.lml' IIespite the prnll'sts of [)Irel"lor of COllnty cooperatioll promised in land deal By RANDY COBLE SfalfWnter If e\'erythln~ works out as hoped, Wayne County an(1 North\'lII(' Township will be onc big, happy famtly when It comt'S to dC'o'c1oplngthe huge chunk of land the county 0\\115 In the to\\llshlp's borders. 'We hope to dC'o'elop a partner- shIp \\ith the to\\1lshlp to get thiS property mo\1ng on track,- county official Jennifer Granholm told mcmbers of the to\\llshlp board of trustees at their No\'. 9 meetlng. The land - some 863 acres which sit between Six, rh·('. Shel· Continued on 15 I'Ilh1:l s'lfll\ ( hip Snlokr bill \\-.1" (.IIl't· for .,pplall",t· .Iluonc 11.1~"ll' (.II t·lllhll"I.I ..h \\ 110...uppon tIll' ~.I1I1(·nllg., 11lb W.I"lIt Ih.. nnal wunl. how, C\ l'r, TIll' ZUX", (ll'nllll h only good for t\\ () month",. Apnl .\lId ~lay of 19!!G. Mter th.u Ihe p.lI\d will Ikcttle \\ lIelher Wooly Bully's gelS till' Ilermtl on .1 mort' penn.mcnt IM",l,> T(l\\1l~hjp offlcl'~ \\11\ \)(' 011 1I.ll1d to 1lI01111or ".1('11of the w('('k, 1\ t \t'IlI ... IX'fou' t h(' ZB" lI1('('tS In JUIlt'. SnIder ~llli -nll'ft' \\,11 bt' pollct' dO\\11 tllt'rt· nl'\t ~I'.lr :'\n dOllbl .lhOUI It: he -..1 III Whether th:lt'~ a nrcc:ssa.n' mo\'c III r('~pon",e to on~oing problems or 0\ erkill that stems from antl- \\'001\' Bull\' sentiment and press ,>cn"':ttionailsm depends on whom \o\llalk 10 . The flr",t point of view Is Sll1<1ds. who all('~e5 that the car enllts havc caused a spate of nobe, rerl-less drl\'lng and other problem'> since they began In 199-1. It·", -becoming a dr.lln on publle safely rt'sources: he said. Continued on 15 ( Inside Busine:.'i .......... , .. ID CI.l~o;lned~ ............ olD CommunIty Calellll;]r .... 2/\ New! !-:(lltonaI5 ...... " ..... 16" lfotlleTO\\1l COr1l1("('lInn ... 2U In The Green Sheet Leiters , .... ........ 17/\ I.Ibral)· I.Ine5 , ....... 11" Christmas ~1111Ha(' .... ~Iattrrs ...... lOA Mo\1e5 ............... 813 Tree Obituaries ............ 21A Our TO\\11, , . " ........ , 1U PoII('(' ~ew5 ............ 4/\ Directory Sports .. " , .. " , " ...... 9B ~EWS/SroR1S ... 349·1700 Precut - Cut Your Own ADVfo:RTISING.... 349-1700 Green Sheet Ads CI.ASSIFIEDS ..... 348·3024 Hmm Get Results DEUVERY ....... 349·3627 f't\,\( NUMOEH ... , 349·1050 (810) 348-3022 c 1995 HoMtT;-., ~~ AI R'9"1S R.~rved - ) I I 1 1 j

Transcript of 1-5~=~'_,_-24.79 - Northville Historic Records

. '- ~. - t .. tr.,. ., - If'- ......... ;_

"'....... ,...~~'- ..... ' .. .At ~/A~

(;04EA7 131/137/97HOnG & smm[<OOK BINDr:RYSprlllgror-t

• ... .... .! • .: .... -

Vol. 128. ~o, 18. Flw Secllons. 68 r-.l,ges, Plus Supplrlll('IIlS

MI Le mtcnrbESTABLISHED 1869


Studentcountup 50/0By ROBERT JACKSONStaffWr,ler

There's no doubt ahout It Thl:Northnlle Public School 1)1~lrirt bexperiencing growth.

District ofOclals prl'sented tht·school board \\1Ih the pfclllllinar)'student membership n!!urcs ~Ion·day. and allhough the Incrl'.I~e Instudent population \\ill brinl:: thl'district mor(' ~Iatt' fundll1~. toomuch growth too Cj\lllkly I Dulllresult In o\'ercrowded schools -especially OIlthe hll::h ~hoolll'\d

The nll:un?~ rd1t.'1t a dbtrtn\\i<ll'Increase 111~tllllcnt~ !J\' .lbOIlI 5percent. The l'!I'IIlI·lltar ... "111001..,e.\penenrl'd 7 I'l'frenl crowt h.while th(' lI1idllll' ",{hooJo., ~H W II\"more than -1 pen t'nl 0\ er 1.1..,tYl'.H:

The high 5{ h()(JI e;\penerJll'd thl'least amount of crowth. Ill! fI'.l ..inl!its stmlenl popul.lllon by .1 IlItll-more th.1Il 2 pt·u I III 11lt' .1\N.lel'class sill' K 12 fnr IhI' dl .. trllt h24.7 ~tll<lelll ...

O\'er the p.l ...t 10 )t'.tr .. Ill<'school rll",lflll' .. "Iw!t'nl P"PIII. •.tlon h;] .. I!ro\\ n 11\ TIIOW I h.ln 2CjI><,rcelll

t\(( "rdlllL: 10 John Strl'I·!. Ihl'(11-.lncI'~ c1lft'l lor "f hu ..lI1t..... mll

Continued on 13



Populationby buildingAmerman Elementary 51!LMoraine Elementary(1IlC, 10 special ad) 262Silver Springs ElemenlaIy 344Thornton Creek 516Winchester Elementary 517Cooke Midd1e School 488Meads Mdt Middle School(lnc, 4 special ed) 627Northville High School 1,241Total 4.5135% increase frem 1994·95

Breakdown by gradeL_ 312 .1 3222 386L. 3784 363_. . _5 3866 374

Advocate: City unfair to tracl<.COltnsel say's otJlers treated differerttly


TIll' ~ener.11 (oul1sd for the ~Uchl~an RaringA~SO<"i.ltion c1all1l~ that North\'l1Ie DO\nJS andthe JarkSOll Troltlll~ Assoelolllon arc belll~Ire.lled dlfrrrcntly th;]11 other city t.I"pa)<·r~..1I1d that the clty's policy re~anllllg pollC(' sa·\1ces may be u1Ifalr.

Jo",('ph Garcia. who f('prescnts the seWIl~f1chl~.1JI r.I("ln~ a",soclation~. sllhmllll'tl a kt·ter of undcr",landlnl: on behalf of Ihe Troltln~A..,<,()(I.ll\Oll to (It\' officlah la ..t w("('k Th.lt 11.'1'ter ell ...url'., thl' elly \\111 <'ontlnue to pro\'ldepolice !>('nices at till' roll I' Ir.lrk hUI questionsthl' Ilt~· ... PIIIII)' of hil1ll\~ thl' .1<;,>OCI.lllollfor

VoterturnoutpleasesofficialsBV ROBERT JACKSOIlS·Jt

, \·.'r ·er

:\orlll\ III<-.. II' >t, .. 1 l:l~ I "Will!

111.111 \\.1" 1111111.111.\ "\\I,rll III Illlrinl:.1 "Ilot" 1.11llll'l'lillg or Ihl" '\"orth\i11I'( 11\ ( "1111111 \1,,:ul.l\

-rOIll ~\\ I':.HI 1""'10. hi ... pl.H I' .111111".llIlIll 1.llIk .1111r l)('llu: I.... !lcdIhl" o,lIh "r ,,!II'" IJ\ :i')lh [)hlri'l('lIurl Illd"., J"lm~: \f.uDOII.lld\~II" .,1 ... , .,,1,· 1111.. 11 rt'd Ihl' 1~1I1J IIIIII'lll1llw:ll 1"\111111\\ "m.lll r .If,,).llln r\\l"r... Ind IIlIIHIIIJ"/I1In '\lIr (,II'n ...]otll''''11

rI\I' Ihft I' \\l'f<' lit .. tnp \"Ill,·~...I'It'f .. In J , .. , .,," k, ,11\ dc" 11011City t I< rh IJt iphl/ll' GUIO\\ "~1 (Jm1,lh' fll<d th' \1'11ll~ u'",\Il1...Inl"

the rntll\rll rc( Nn J ....hn<;nn ~Jth·efe-II I,OJ7 \"11'" 10 former (11\I UIIIII 11111.. II 1','Ili Fnlllll1'" "i;' qr\\f p..1.,.01 1 0 \iol \ Ll!r· ~HH' ~·.,1L:' I"'t

:t,c~\,dq21 rJ!:I toll.lIl .. hll'..\o ... ,IUII I:"'~ ,\ ...

fllll,1 pi II' 11111.. 1" r HO\.ltllll·

( .,....h :11111 ",.un, rt r1 .",r)~ \l,tt ....

ll" 1.:1ll ror 1I1.,)"r I" t\\'1 \ ,',u ...(".I,.i1l1l1l11l1u .. "r" IOllr\""1I- r: ...

\',,1' r p.llt1llp.,lt"11 \\." ,''In'1II1h hid •.• 1 i) ') perl ('III II h IIIl''0,(, "Ill! "llll:k 1.'T':t ..1t I ... tl"ll [rtllli.1 \1111'1 p.IfII'lp.'1l<JIl ,1.U1dp"lIIl '"11.1'1.1..1 10 \0 ,Ir" .tl'''ldlllL~ III I IIIr'loIII ..

fill' high,'''! lol,'r l11TlIOlll"" IIrrl'd III 11.1 1""''1 \lIrtll\llI<-111\ dl"1 tllIll 1'1.. II ,F) I" r, 1 III 01111l: rl"":I...'t1Ir1 \ " ['>, , ...: h.dlol<;

pollcc M'l">ices.'Whlle the pollC')' and pfalllce of the ClI)' of

lI'orth\ille dlffc~ <ol1~fderably frum ('\'el)' otherrac(' tr.lck municipality .llld kJCdllon In ~Hchl~an. we \\111 parti{ ipal(' \\1lh )'011 In hnplrmcllI'Inj:(the !>,Imepollcy as I,"'t ) ('.Ir: C..ll('l.1 ~ald.

'We arc ClJncl'frlrd .,!Joul dl ...p.,ral(' tr('atll\('flldl",lll1~lIhhln~ us from oilier ("lty taxp.lyers.and Wl' bcllt'\ e thai th .. folllllrt' of 111l'...t.lh' tohonor 11'>lornrnltrn('nt 10 IIIl' Clt\· of :\ofth\11J('I ... ht'lIl~ ...111fh't I 10 \I'" \Inl.mh· - .

~orth\ iIIe Ihreatened to pull Its police ser-\lfeS from lI'ortlmlle I>O\\7lS If It dldn't r("(eh'e aleiter of understanding from thc Jackson Trot-till!! Association by Friday. TIlat decision ,,;aslIlalle hy the City council last w("('k.

t\('("ordmg to ClIy ~1anag('r Gal)' Word bothtll<' Downs and the Trotting Association haveprunded letters of undcrstandlng for the pastfour years fe!!ardjn~ the pa)ment of police scr-\lfl'S dllrin~ r.ldlll! C\ents. Garcia's comments

Continued on 15


\...Ity Clerk Gi:lphlne Cu:vn~;'j dnu ":e"ljon worker Belly Allc:l COl.m~ ballots at Prec!nct 1..

\1 ... , Oil Ihl' h.II!"1 lh.tl \1·.Ir \" IC'

1."1 ..1.,11' prop""'ll.,'1111 .1\' r.I';l· \ utn IMrlIc Ip.llI.'1I

,,\<r lhl 1, ...1 10 \' .11"" 2'; 7 pt'r(I nl nltH h III~h, r Ih tI1 1111' .. l.lItIII"l.tJ.: .. o~ 12 I" r' I III

.!"!III"'11I \I Ii" \\ III .....f\ l" Ill" fillh1!'T1Il .... m.I\Or -..lillllI,· 11Hiloul I"

.t fill. 111011 of 111m IIlIIl h \ ••nh\ Ill.

C11I/1Ii" .H'· "HI! CIlll',l .,1"'111 I "elr'1'lIllllll:lIl~

-TIll' pI "pI<- III 'nlr '1JIlIllIIlIlIl\\I.1lI1 I" .11ClllIIl'h ..h .1 Jol III Ihllll;".m,lllll\ dOli I .HI'pl <,('t't'l1cllx''''\dlln Ii 1'1I11l'" I" I'rm Illtng 111\<,('f\'11I'" or t n.,n . lit" ....1Il1 11ll·r,·h .1 lot of Ir,llllllll" Ill'fl·. \\1th pc','p!I' \\ h<l 11.1\ ,. ,>{llllld '0,(,1111 \.IlIll·' -


Lasl week's CIty election saw 33.5 percenl ot NcrtflV1!1r:!'$ ,egisteredvoters cast ballots. Thai fjgure reFcsents the second hrghest volerturnoul In the past 10 years. Here are the number 01 voters and per·centages tor !he last SIX city couool elections:

, -\{~§- - ----1,607n2627


Dateofe~~Nov. 1995Ncv.l993Nov. 1991Nov. 1989Nov. 1987Nov, 1985


SecOlld callIe seI·vice!.;!," gets OI( ill tC)WllShil)\ 'I '_.I i ~~~~,~9:rCOBLE

,\ l1' \\ ,holn' fur •. Ihl< lolt''''''.....f\ilt· ...I' on tilt' \\.I} III\!Inh\' •["·,\1I ...l1lp

llw l){l,lnl of In, ..II"-" 'HII' "",

aj!o .tppr()\'l'd a fr.1l1l h", .IgrulIlt'nl fllr ,\lIll'rltec!t ~t'\\' ''''111.1S('rI'ICI '>. pl'r nUlling t lit' I'hOIIl'romp.tn\ "'lIbshll.Ir)· 10 1,IIIlI"llwith' I'lylllouth·h.I ... ·dOllllllcorn/Conlll11'n1.11 for IOI~IIship r:lh~e Cu,>toll1lr",' \)1I"lI1t''>'>

TIll 4·2 ,'ote ISu(ll'l">i~r K.uo·lIB.1Jo1\\-.1", ah.,(·nt) makes :,\(ortll\ l' ..

TU'\1\"'llp one of Ihe fln.t commanllil" 111 America to h.n " mo','than Pill' fr.lndll"o{·l· [I \\111 11\1'.1"

• r\n:t'rllech \\ill ~Olltl "I" IIIl ....CSl11l1.lll'd S2 5 1ll11l1(JII III Il.' l' '1.

7 374- -~- ----- - --'O-8 363------- ...----_. -9 .,;300 . . _10 ._~ _11 318-_. -~-12 288~l~ __}~~, _.-: __=-Average class sizes by levelK 20.801-5~=~'_,_-24.79 _6-8 26.919-12 --2659 ----

1I1t11111\ I .. IIIn ...tnlll 11<; ,.L1Ik ...\,I .. n. '~\i~11 i. tI III IH. ~ll1 111 .LlJlI1I1

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Continued on 15

night. The team now boasts a fine 15-5record and competes In the seml·flnalstonight. See page 9·B for all the sports. •

Car gatherings gain approval,but only for 2-month trial basisBy RANDY COBLES!a!IWr,ler

Wool\' Uulh· ... Will COlllllltie III!l0111ll~ Wt('kl\" ~.Inlenll';" of 11.1'"..If c;]r~ 1I,·;\t ~pnllg hilI from 1I0W

011 11\l'\'III!O Oil urHkr tIlt' \\~llt hflllt'\('" o'f :\oTt11\Ill,' To\\ \1 ...\1111 J>o\lrc',;W....'r",

Thl' towII..,hlp Zonin~ llo.lrd of,\ppt"l)., (ZIIAI 1.1...1 \\....ek ~r.lIlled .1tl"mpor.n)' Pl'fllllt for Ihl' t'\I'lIb,\\ Ialell h.l\'(' hl'1d ('\l'r)' \\'1'(1111'",...1.1)'fwm April 10 the t'llIl of O,lulx"( furthl' 1.1,,11\\0 \,e.lr., .Il the ~t'\'l'lI~tll(' eatcry: The IIIO\' C' c.lml'IIespite the prnll'sts of [)Irel"lor of

COllntycooperatiollpromisedin land dealBy RANDY COBLESfalfWnter

If e\'erythln~ works out ashoped, Wayne County an(1North\'lII(' Township will be oncbig, happy famtly when It comt'S todC'o'c1oplng the huge chunk of landthe county 0\\115 In the to\\llshlp'sborders.

'We hope to dC'o'elop a partner-shIp \\ith the to\\1lshlp to get thiSproperty mo\1ng on track,- countyofficial Jennifer Granholm toldmcmbers of the to\\llshlp board oftrustees at their No\'. 9 meetlng.

The land - some 863 acreswhich sit between Six, rh·('. Shel·

Continued on 15

I'Ilh1:l s'lfll\ ( hip Snlokr bill \\-.1"

(.IIl't· for .,pplall",t· .Iluonc 11.1~"ll'(.II t·lllhll"I.I ..h \\ 110 ...uppon tIll'~.I1I1(·nllg.,

11lb W.I"lIt Ih .. nnal wunl. how,C\ l'r, TIll' ZUX", (ll'nllll h only goodfor t\\ () month",. Apnl .\lId ~lay of19!!G. Mter th.u Ihe p.lI\d willIkcttle \\ lIelher Wooly Bully's gelStill' Ilermtl on .1 mort' penn.mcntIM",l,> T(l\\1l~hjp offlcl'~ \\11\ \)(' 0111I.ll1d to 1lI01111or".1('11of the w('('k,1\ t \t'IlI ... IX'fou' t h(' ZB" lI1('('tS InJUIlt'. SnIder ~llli

-nll'ft' \\,11 bt' pollct' dO\\11 tllt'rt·nl'\t ~I'.lr :'\n dOllbl .lhOUI It: he

-..1 IIIWhether th:lt'~ a nrcc:ssa.n' mo\'c

III r('~pon",e to on~oing problemsor 0\ erkill that stems from antl-\\'001\' Bull\' sentiment and press,>cn"':ttionailsm depends on whom\o\llalk 10. The flr",t point of view IsSll1<1ds. who all('~e5 that the carenllts havc caused a spate ofnobe, rerl-less drl\'lng and otherproblem'> since they began In199-1.

It·", -becoming a dr.lln on publlesafely rt'sources: he said.

Continued on 15 (InsideBusine:.'i .......... , .. IDCI.l~o;lned~ ............ olDCommunIty Calellll;]r .... 2/\ New!!-:(lltonaI5 ...... " ..... 16"lfotlleTO\\1l COr1l1("('lInn... 2U In The Green SheetLeiters , .... ........ 17/\I.Ibral)· I.Ine5 , ....... 11" Christmas~1111Ha('....~Iattrrs ...... lOAMo\1e5 ............... 813

TreeObituaries ............ 21AOur TO\\11, , . " ........ , 1UPoII('(' ~ew5 ............ 4/\ DirectorySports .. " , .. " , " ...... 9B

~EWS/SroR1S ... 349·1700 Precut - Cut Your OwnADVfo:RTISING.... 349-1700 Green Sheet AdsCI.ASSIFIEDS ..... 348·3024Hmm Get ResultsDEUVERY ....... 349·3627f't\,\( NUMOEH ... , 349·1050 (810) 348-3022c 1995 HoMtT;-., ~~

AI R'9"1S R.~rved




%A-THENOR11Ml.lE RECOAO-llusday, NoYember 16.1995

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 .SENIOR VOlLEYBALL: Area seniors are Invited to play voUcybalJ and

other indoor sports at 9:30 a.m. at the Northville Community Center.303 W. Main. for more Information. call the ttnter at 349·0203 or KarlPeters at 349·4140.

ROTARY CWB: The North\1lIe Rolaly Club meets at noon at the flrstPresbyterian Church of NortJl\111e.200 E. MaIn.

FAMILY SUPPORT HE'niORK: FamUy Support Network of MIchIganmeets at Old Village SdJooi from 7·9 p.m.

The group offers support for famIlies of chIldren v.1th spedal neros .Baby silting Is a\-a1lable.

For tnformaUon, call Naomi Brandon at 349·8205 or KImberly Ander-son at 420-3571.

ARTS COIQUSSION: The Nortll\111e Arts CommLc;.slon meets at 7:30p.m. at North\llIe City Hall, 215 W. Main.

MILL RACE WEAVERS: The MUI Race Weavers GuIld meets at 8 p.m.In the gothIc collage at Mill Race fIlstorirnl VIllage, Griswold north orMain.

[~ommunity CalendarGot an event you want people to know about? We'U be glad to include U

in the CoIlllnWlity Calendar. Just submU Uems to the newspaper ojfice.104 \V, MaIn, Northvale 48167. by mall or in person; or fax announce·ments to 349-1050. The deadUne Is 4 p.rn. Monday for that Thursday'scalendar.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16TOPS: Take OfT Pounds SensIbly for all ages meets at 9 a.m. at the

Northville Area Senior Citizens Center. 215 W. Cady. For more Informa·Uon call 344·9205.

NEW LIFE BmLE STUDY: A neighborhood nondenomlnational Biblestudy ofTers two different classes thIs year. "Discovering New We- and-Heallng Joy and Hope." Classes run from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the FlrstUntted Methodist Church of Northville on Eight Mile at Taft. Baby sltUngIs provided. Newcomers are welcome any time. For more InformaUon.call SybIl at 349-<>006 or Judy at 348·1761.

LEXINGTON COJOIONS BOARD MEETS: The LexIngton CommonsHomeowners Association Board of Directors meets at 7:30 p.m. in theLexIngton Condo clubhouse. Everyone Is invited.

IDNGSMILL MEETS: The Ktngsmlll Men's Club luncheon meeUng willtake place at the Northville Crossing restaurant at 11:30 a.m.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD MEETS: The Northville HistoricalSodety Board of Directors meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Cady Inn in MillRace HistOrical Village.

GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION: The Great Books Discussion Groupmeets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.rn. at the Uvonfa Civic Center Ubr.uy. 32777flve Mile. TonIght's discussion Is on AU Quiet on the Western Front byEJ1ck Marla Remarque. For lnformaUon and a reading list call Zo Chis·nell at 349-3121.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17LIBRARY MEETING:The Board of DIrectors of Friends of the

Northville DIstrict Ubrary will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the library.

NORTHVILLE WOMAN'S CLUB: The Northville Woman's Club willmeet at 1:30 p.m. at the flrst Presbyterian Church. 200 E. Main SL Theprogram is "Hospice-a concept as well as a place". Today Is guest day.

OES: Orient Chapter, No. 77. Order of the Eastern Star. meets at 7:30p.m. at the MasonIc Temple at Main near Center.

SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18OLYMPIAN TO VISIT: As part of a grand opening celebraUon. 1988

Olympian Kelly Garrison 'Will appear at AU Star GymnasUcs, 235 E. Main

How can a multiple car familyminimize insurance costs? No problem.

AUIO-O\\ner~ gi\cs families Ilith (110 or morc cars a redu.:cdinsurance rate. ThaI makl'S their '''<ceplional aulO CO\eragl'and claim., ~cnil:c clcn morc allra'IIIC.So if iou're a multiplc car family lriing to minimilc insuran.:cco~t~-call your "no problem" AUlo·O\lncrs agent and findQUI ho\\ lhl\ di\coUIll ('an he "no probkm" for \ou.

Frank Handlnsurance Agency

13930 E."h' "'1,1, Rdr...rmlt~tun

'blO, ~';" 11;7

Celebrate Thanksgiving Brunchal the


1-275 (11 Six Milt: Road • Livonia

](liIlUS f,wl1 10:00/1.111.-2:00 p.m. for tl buffet (ifFn.''>h Turkey • Bl'd • Ham • Salmon

• Full Br('.lkfast Menu• Frt.'sh Salads- Choicl' or Vl'gl'lablc• Expan,>ivl' Sweet Tahll'

1'/ icl' illdlt,il'l' t1f (t1fTi.'t'. tCd. milk () Slldll.

S169~ Atluhc; • S89~ Children 10& UIHh'r

1(,.... n,.,/i,'I1. 1('·./11 .... / .. .1

464-1300, exl. 456

,. . Community<.?~ Thanks~iving EveService

First PresbyterianChurch of Northville. 200 E. Main St- Northville

(810) 349-0911

Wednesday, Nov. 227:30 p.m.

Clergy & choirs from our Lady of Victory, FirstUnited Methodist Church, and FirstPresbyterian Church of Northville will beparticipating. Everyone is invited to attend,

Goodwill offering to benefit Northville eMc Concern

Refreshments served afterChild care availableHandicap accessible

In Northville. Garrlson v.1l.I put on a balance beam performance and signautographs beginning at 3 p.m. A cUnlc for compeUtive level gymnastswill take place from noon·2 p.m. The c1lnlc is $20. admlsslon to the per-formance Is free.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST:Amerman Elementary Schoo! Is hosUng apancake breakfast from 9·11 a.m. Cost is $2.50 per person with a famflymaximum of $10. The holiday shop for chIldren for chIldren Is open from9 a.m.-noon.

WEAVERS GUILD SHOW AND SALE: In conjunction with theNortllville Christmas Walk, the Mill Race Wea,"ers Guild 'Will sell a varietyof handwoven and handcrafted Items at the gothlc cottage in Mill RaceVUlage. The village 'Will be open from 10 a.m.·5 p.m.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19WREATH AND ROPING SALE: The Northville Branch of the Woman's

Fann and Garden AssociaUon 'Will be selling "Teaths and cedar ropingon the southeast corner of Main and Center from 9:30 until sold out.

SINGLE PLACE SUNDAY MORNING GATHERING: Single Place willmeet from 10-10:45 a.m. In the library lounge at flrst PresbyterianChurch. 200 E. Main. The gathering Is open to single adults. regardlessof church affiljation. for fellowshIp and learning. For more lnformaUoncall 349-0911.

RAISING KIDS ALONE: ThIs support group for single parents meetsat 11 a.m. In room 10 of the Flrst United Methodtst Church of Northville.The public Is welcome. The fadlltator Is Carol Haveraneck. MAUP. edu·cator and ps)"chologist.

WEAVERS GUILD SHOW AND SALE: In conjunction with IheNorthville Christmas Walk. the Mill Race Weavers Guild v.ill sell a \'aJ1etyof handwoven and handcrafted Items at the gothlc cottage In MUl RaceVIllage. The village 'Will be open from 12 p.m.-5 p.m.

. SINGLE PLACE BRUNCH: Single Place '01.111 meet at 12:30 p.m. forbrunch at Northville Crossing on North\1lIe Road. The group Is organfzcdfor the purpose of providing friendshIp. caring and shar1ng for all sIngle~dults. Everyone Is welcome: Just come in and ask for Single Place.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20M.O.M.S.:M.O.M.S .. a support group for mothers. meets from 9:30·

11:30 a.m. at the flrst United Methodist Church at 8 MUe and Taft Rds.Today's program Is a round table dIscussion to share experienttS andknowledge and to make friends.

DAR WNCHEON: The Sarah Ann Cochrane Chapter OAR "ill meet forthe 68th birthday luncheon at noon at Mountain Jacks In Canton. Mr.Bruce RJchard \\111 speak on the hIghlJghts of the ~rican RevolutJon-

The History of Our Postage Stamp. Mrs. WUUam Ellfot Is hostess. fotfurther lnformaUon call 453-2147 or 344·4635. :

SENIOR BRIDGE GROUP: Area seniors are Invited to play bridgetoday and Wednesday from 12: 15·3:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. 215 W.Cady In the Scoul BuUdlng.

SENIOR PINOCJD.B: Area seniors are Invited to play pinochle todayand Thursday from 12:30-4:30 p.m. at the SenIor Center. 215 W. Cad)'in the Scout Building. .

KIWANIS: Northville KIwanis meets at 6:30 p.m. at VFW Post 4012;~&MaIn. ~


MOTOR CITY SPEAK EASY TOASTMASTERS CWB: The Motor CltlSpeak Easy Toastmasters Club of Northville meets from 7 to 9 p.m. a~the Ftrst United Methodist Church. 777 W. Eight Mlle. For more Infor,maUon call Tom Lahiff at 348·6019 (eo.·enlngs). Visitors are \lo~lcome. .

NORTHVILl.E MASOHJC ORGANIZATION: North\11Ie Masons meet aithe Masonic Temple on Main near Center Street. :

CITY COUNCIL: The Northville City CoUncil meets at 7:30 p.m. at dryhall, 215 W. Main.

VFW: The Veterans of foreIgn Wars North\l1le Post 4012 meets at 8p.m. at the post's home bulldtng. 438 S. Main. Eligible \"elerans may call981·3520 or 349-9828. Nev.' members are wdcome.


l¢ · ~~~I i~~) J!Omesplm TilulliiOllJ 's)

~ Clrristm(ls (It tire .\JUlIO'· .~Jtt Sun., November 19th • 10 am·4 pm )~~" Laurel Manor ~jij( 39000 Schoolcraft CW. of Newburgh) )~~¢ LIVOnia .~jJ L...- -'

~I lunch AvaIlable· AdmiSSion $2.00 It"tf~ For Information. call Bonnie Jurclsln (313) 513·5769 c~

~~~ N<?BABY ST~OllERS_ PLEASE . ::w4~~~'~~4iit'<~~~~~



-CAPSAICIN-MENTHOL -VITAMIN E-Ptrfe<tly B~nM NOVAPAIN 15 a roe" PrclE~ S:reogth tnple aClJO(lloplQ! ~ eru:n

provid'll'g relief from the achu a'ld palM c.r llMd<s, JOints a.'Id IlltDll'Ig allOCQ:ed with arthntJS.baooche, strains and spnil1l. NOVAPAIN ~ IcmbtEd 1-", Ioc-g term pam cor.troI contmng Do<t:trMcmmer,dEd (wKI~ blended with fl.'! 'I'H.IJ1I11E to help cone,tJO/l ~ry.se,'lSil/Vt Sbl ThE rtWIt

IS a cool rerr~!)ed ProfmlOful Strength pa.n re~ef, at a It r.~ble proNOVI DRUG

Available At: 24100 Meadowbrook Rd.(810) 478-3000

"Our business has been built through the love of our work,each other, our customers and most of all our love of God"

Carolyn & Kelly

WE ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO SERVEYOU!Kelly has relocated to Northville, opening a branch of

our KansasCity business.We offer you over 10 yearsexperience with services including everything from re-styling, to major tailoring, tapering legs, worl<ing withsuedes & leathers.

Pick up & delivery are available to allow us to betterserve you. We hope you will add your name to our list ofhappy clienlS.

~'''''I''''-'For your persona appointment pease ca(810) 449-7320 or pager 1-810·610·1774


. \_. ? .71.? .. ~ ... ....._ __

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l06W Ihn N~.


We GIve MatureDrivers, HomeOwners AndMobile HomeOwners SpecialSavings.O';T sta:JSocs Sho-N thaI matureon ..ers and home O'<\n~HS havefelloer a'W:lle~ COSily losses tr'.anoUler age groups So rts orty fa r10 etlarge you less for yOUI'If1S',;rance Insule your home ModcaT ""m uS and sa ,e o'o'l:n moreWlUl our speoaJ multl polICyO,scounts

1-__ -.~·..:r ....,_·"",,,~ _

57 $ ·S •

•• q .. we • ...~,.. ....

Thursday. Novembe, 16. 1995-THE NORT~llE AECOAD-3A


News BriefsCORRECTIONS: The name of Edward Krlctzs was erroneously

Included on the publlc payroll page that appeared In last week's edI-tion, Krictzs no longer works for the North\;\Ie School District andshould not ha\'e been Induded In the table.

An article concerning hunting laws In North\1l1e and No\1 whichappeared In last week's Issue stated that bow season .....-as over for theyear. In reality bow hunters can hunt dUring Ilrearms season If theypurchase a gun hunting license.

Bow hunting In Mlch[gan runs from Oct. 1 to No.... 14 and fromDec. 1 to Jan. 1 each year.

CHRISTMAS CRAFTS: Handcrafters .....ill be sponsoring Its 14thannual Christmas arts and crafts show on Dec. 8. 9 and 10 at theNorth..ille Recreation Center. 303 W. Main Street. Over 70 juried artl·sans .....ill display their talents with such works as florals. stainedglass, wood Items. clothing and holiday Items.

Show hours Friday. Dec. 8. are 9 a.m.-9 p.m.: Saturday. Dec. 9. 9a.m.-5 p.m.: and Sunday. Dec. 10. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. No baby strollersplease. Lunch will be a\"3l1able.Admission Is $2.

L.ocaJ artists Include Roberta Baraszu. cross·stltched ornaments:Judy Moore. calligraphy: Mary Tobc. children's clothing: SusanHaithcock, seasonal wood Items, angels: Judy Berlinskl, personaliledIlgurines: and Lon Markiewicz. baskets.

For more Information. call (313) 459·0050.

By RANDY COBLEStaff Writer

Whether he was humming BruceSpringsteen's lkJrn to Run at thetime is undetermined butNorth\1l1eT0\\11Shlppollee suspecta Novl man of leadIng them on ahlgh·speed chase In the earlymorning hours of Nov. 10.

A township officer was on rOll'line patrol at about 1:30 a,m. onFriday. dri\1ng west on Se\'en MileRoad near Baggerty. He said hesaw a 1993 Eagle Talon headingcast on Seven Mile doing 65 milesan hour. As he turned around topull It over. the officer said. the carbegan to speed up.

The Talon turned onto south-bound Haggerty. the officer contln·ued. and ran red lights at Slx andFIVeMile roads before being forcedto stop by a train at the railroadtracks south of Schoolcraft Road,It didn't sit sllll for long. howe\'er.as the car then turned right andbegan dri\1nj:lnext to the tracks.

It soon crashed into a pile ofrailroad tics. he explamed, and theTalon's dri\er balled Ollt of the carand ran into thC' nearb\' woods.Police from four other agencieswere soon on the scene but wereunable to track him dO\\n. ,

Inside the car. howe\'er. theyfound a passenger "who appearedto be sleeping.' the officer said,The man. a 21-\,ear·old WestBloomfield resident. was describeda~ "\'ery Intoxicated" and said he.....-as"not sure" who was dm1ng theTalon. which is rql,istered to hisfalher,

The man wa~ aha a passenlterin the car on Sept. 17 when a No\'1resident was arrested for <lm'ingdrunk. A bookbag with the NOVIman's name on It wa~ fOllnd III thecar dllnn~ the Nov. 10 IIlcitkm.omce~said

AddltionaU.... a bouncer at WoolvBully's on &ven ~\Ile also report.edly told pollee he saw the twomen get mto the Talon after le.1\'·Ing the bar that night. and thatthe No\'i m.m. 22, got in 011 IlIl'dri\'er's ~Idl·.

Pollee hopC'to q\le~\Ion the, m,mIn connecll,m \\1th the lnddent.

WHAT A SHOW: The spectacular Wayne County LlghtFest is in fulls.....ing for another season,

New. breath·taklng displays and more lights are featured In theC\'ent, which runs now through Jan. 1. C\'ery night except Dec. 25from 7·10 p,m.

Bnng the whole family for a donation of S5 per mr, See giant \\"3....lng Santas. snowmen. candy canes. and more.

Enter at Hines Dri\'e off Merriman In Westland. 2 1/2 miles soulhof [·96. For more Information. call Wayne County Parks at (313) 261·1990.


A ribbon cutting for a road? Why not, when it's an important one. Dick Henningsen, DonWeaver, Maureen Oisecki and Karen Baja presided over the opening of Gerald Ave. Monday.

·Gel~aldAve. opens for businessWorkshop offers chancefor kids to make gifts


TIl('U'... 1 .. m,11l .. lrclch of Cl),lIlln:\'Orlh\'llk 1"\00 n..hlp 111011 lIIanyIl,\~"In ('\I'n d;l\' with n.ln· ,Ihllnk i'or 111';"1 of th(' folk.. \~howork fin II Iholll!,h. Gn,illlA\ rmll.''' !J(('II lIolhlll~ ,I p.lln ,11\<1.1 lIr.111Ifor 1II',f(' ,h.1lI .1 d,'( .lIk -1I1l1ll1Jl1'"

l'j\Ir) \\111 Co 11110Ih(' !JIM',k......IIIl"~".II Clr ••lrI "\Il\lll" ~01 1).).\['(1

':tflt'r lII11f'11,.HI •• lIo/' II \ ('.Ir.. or'Ii;t mc

1\\1 1I111'hll ..III(' .... fI\Oon"r~.1111110\\.11'01111',,flll [.11.. \\ho h.Hkrd Ih('

'dfnrl ..1,,,,,1 1"!.Celh,·r Feld.l\" 'Jl1

: Gtr .Iltl .. "1l1",\ II ("nu"le 10 "Mrk: Ihl' I 1J1r11111,11I'm "Ilhdr I n"Hk; -We Il'OIiChlIII II Ihl., w,,," IU"\( r! !.CoWe 10 (Ullit' •• JIIll I.mIC.of l..nru:~ \11'/ Ia,trlll,II Co ...11,1-11'<,a H',II, f,'(1 kller 01.1\., Hllll11lncIII .1 norlh 'o()lIlh,lln'\ ': nOli hl'IIH'(,lI ~'H'H 11 \llk .\11(\• l>uhcm' Dr1\t· Gef.lld "HllIll' 11.1": h('rll Ihe 1,lrc,·! 01 \ rlth hill h\': m,lIl) \\ 1100\\'11pcop('rty on It .: Tl1I' ro.ul., poof !>Urf.IIC nl.lkl·"~th,' collIL!rOIl~h fur Inll k H.lffI ..; Irylllc, 10 fl·.11 h Illl'l! f,lellltlC'S.• m.lIl\' 1,\I'1Il'f"...llll ,HId makllll!, \IlI,trd'('f III ,10 1J1I';lfIl'''~, much It·s..i1hlnk al){)111f'\p.'lllhlll! (1)(·r.\Ilon~: 'S""" oIf 1111"" pl.1CI'., h.I\" ,I

MWC thought that thiS was nc\'cr going to come.M

-J.mlc~G~'a'd ~,~.'? lNs.r.€ss:r.a~

You can enroll your child in theprogram at the home of Carol Jeanand BI1I Stockhausen. 218 W,Dunlap.

Irs first come. first sef\'ed andyou have to be present to register.although the children themselvesdon't.

Call ahead al 349·2833 toarrange a registration time.

ihe workshops arc about halffull to date.

Here's what vou'l! need to enrolleach child: Sill and a 1 pound. 10ounce empty coffee can v.11hbothends removed or $12.

You can pay \\lth cash or check,made Ollt to the ;-':orth\;i!e Hlstori·COlISociety.

There's no \\-altlng list and can·cellations without a substitutebeing named are rare, so you'reencouraged to sign up qUickly,

If you \\-ant to join the HistoricalSociety call 348·1845 or stop by~\m Race Village on GriswoldA\'enue between 9 a m. and 1 p.m,dally.

Northville-area chlldr ..n arcagain Imited to do something real·I)' special for their parents. friendsand rclatl\'Cs this holiday scason.

Grade school kids can take partIn the NOfth\'l!le Historical Socl·ety's 17th annual Chlldren'sChnstmas Workshop on Saturday.lkc.2.

Held 111 the New School Churchat ~\I\I Race Vl\lage. It gl\es chll'dren the chance to create giftsthev make themsel\'es for thelucky Indl\iduals on their lists.

-As special as the gifts are thebest part Is seeing their littlefaces: organller Carol Jean Stock·hauscn said 'You can't ask for abetter gIft:

Children In grades 1·6 are eligi-ble to participate,

The workshop \\111accommodateup to 150 kids. spilt between amorning session from 10 a.m, tonoon and an afternoon sessionfrom 1-3 p.m.

Parents. remember not to peckat your chlld's work.

TIl.1lall came abollt due to legal(h,llIen~c!> fl!l'd .1~alnst lhe SI\Db~ om' Gt'r,lhl property O\mrr, v.ho.tr~\Icci Ih.lt Ihe pl.1n hdd a num-hrr (If 11.11\'0 !1\r1ucllnl!an unfal rro.,1 .11Ioc.lllonforrllul,l.

'\\"h,11 \\.c'rc !>celn~ tod,l\' Is a1I11lljUl' effort Ihal \'t'i;t' fe\\: COI\1'munlllC~ could h,\\e: Ron Sinelll.of fr,lIlk Swclll Cement Co ..added -I't'oplr In Ihi., town slickI"~clhcr .tllli get IIa1ll1!~don(':

"It .. bn'n d fl',ll t('am effor!'-TO\\lbhlp SUPCf\bor Karrn Baja.,.Ild . E\ C'T\·Ollt··.. CI\l'n .l lot tollI,lkl' thh h,;pptn:

&.\ cr.ll Ill'opk dC~l'f\e m('ntlonfor .,pt.( 1.11 "'fl1rt. Iho-.(' (ollnccted\1'1lhIhl' pro),'\l ~1II1. III( huling.

• BII~I1\\'...", o\~,wr", and Interest·l'{l rlil/ell., .,\U h ,I" Jack Dohen\'.I~llll!. lhl' lId.lllcrr famll\". Da\'eIkrh,l\l .1I1l1 HolYThompsori.

• L \I rr('lIt .Illli forllll'r IO\\'1\shlpoffln,d., hhl' Dlc}.. !irnnlnll.sen.~faUrCI'Il Ol'>eckl.Bap .md EUniceSw1!/lrr

1l.It!lIl1al t,kntlty.· TownshipTru ..tcc Hur,~ FoL!.l!..,ald 11II'\,'reknown all O\('r Ihl' (l>lIntr\' innIhn' (l>ulcln'ldo ;"Ill\ Ihllll! .11~l1lt It1~1I1'>Cof IhC'ro.lIl··

Afler 12 ~C'<IfSof faH..d .ill('llIpl..10 (·sl.lhH.,h ,I Sp<.'( i,ll A ..,.........m..nlDI..lrlrt ISADI to Il.l)' 10 h.I\l' Ih..roa,1 paH·d .• 1 l!coull of hu ..lncs ..Q"'ll,'r" on G~rald. \\orkllll! \\lIhIO\\lIr,hlp olrlcl,lls. Ihls y...If ..uc·cr ....flllly JUlllp..d IIICOIH!h,III Ihl'1Il,((,S~UYkl;.11hoop"

TIle IXl.Ird of Iru ..tH·S ,lppro\l'c1lIaC'SAD for Ilw SI :l 11ll1l1onpro-Jl'( I 111 :o.'a~'.

t\ ..tal .. I!,r,llIt \1III ph k upS500.000 ur 11\1' 1,lh fh .. r('.,1(0111(''' frum Ihl' 30 pwpnl~' o·.q\t'r .. In the SAD. .,t·\cral of wlmlllal!rt'c,' 10 p.ly thelr t'nlln' ..h.ln",lip front. 1l\~t('.111IIf O\'tOrth,',llIo"",...d 15 \ear~

In addition. :'\orth\1Ile TO\q\~hlpagrC('{1to front about S 165 000 lorIh(' proJ~ct. th(' mone)" to be. col·1('(11-d 1.1trr from those In 1M S.\l"

SPECIAL PRE-HOLIDAY SALEOur Reduced Prices onMerchandise and Gift ItemsIncluding: • ladies' Diamond Rings

• Men's Diamond Rings• Diamond Jewelry• 14 KT Gold Jewelry• Special Pricing on Watches



FINAL 4 DAYS! ,· t"",:~ \·.:t\~..'.'...'.·.'.'~~~~..~'I..a'I




Sale runs through Sunday, November 19thWe guarantee this sale to be the LOWEST PRICES

of the Year!- NQT to be repeated before' CHRISTMAS!



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THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY NOV. 19THManufacturingJewelers on the Premises Everyday

201 EastMain Street on Hutton • Downtown Northville· (810)348·6417

[Police News


BY NOV. 30.lhand Get 10o/~ OFF

City criticized over mailing

\:Retailfraud suspect gets mean,;. A shoplifttng suspect Just wasn't'In the mood to play nice Saturday:night. Northville Township poHce:say.

TownshJp officers arrested two:Detrolt women at Meijer on Nov.:11. One Is a 25-year-old cashier at:the store and police allege she:faUed to ring up a number of ltems;brought to her lane by the second:Woman,43.:' WhUe the two were belog booked:tn the store's loss prevention:offlce. the older woman lit a;Cigarette. An officer told her Meijer'Is a non·smoklng facllity and then,took the cigarette away. Thewoman. he alleged, then beganyelling profanities at him and

:wouldn't let up.: He saJd the woman stuffed her:pack of cigarettes down the (ront'of her shirt when he tried to take:them and resisted hIs efforts to:handcuff her after placing herunder arrest for obstructing apolice orncer. She continued tocurse him all the way out the doorto the squad car and in policeheadquarters as weIl. the officersaid. c1atmIng at one point thathe'd beaten her.

She was released on bond andfaces a Dec. I court hearing.

MARIJUANA BUST: TO\lo11shIppoUcearrested a Westland man fordrunk driving and possession ofmarijuana on Noy. 6. The report-

Ing officer said he stopped theman for speedIng on Sheldon Roadnear Five Mile and found beercans and a marijuana cigarette lohis vehlcle's ashtray.

Three days later. on E. MainStreet. poUce arrested a 29·year-old Northville man for the samething. The reporting officer allegedthat he saw the man's car speed-Ing on Northville Road and foundseveral beer bottles and a half-smoked Jolot lo a dgarette pack loIt after stopplog the vehicle.

Both face court heartngs soon.

BURGLARY ATTEMPT: Some-one tried and failed to pry open aside door of a storage building of aSeven Mile business sometimebetween the afternoon of Nov. 4and the mornIng of Nov. 6. Dam-age to the door Is estimated at$75.

DRUNK DRIVERS: Townshippollce also arrested two more peo.pIe for drunk driving recently.Both face court hearings soon.

• A 40-year-old DearbornHeIghls man had a blood alcoholIC\'CI of .12 percent - .10 percent IsconsIdered legally drunk - whenstopped on Seven Mile lo the earlyhours of Nov. 5. police said. Anofficer stopped the man's IsuzuRodeo after allegedly seeing Itcross the center Iloe of the roadand drive for a quarter mile \\1th


$8~~~ritke home whitt you don't e;ttlWhole roast turkey can-ed andsen-ed at your table when thereIs a party of 6 or more.Complete Roast Turkey Dinnerindudes all the trimmings. salad.cranberry sauce. dressing.whipped pot"toes. gravy.vegetables. beller"ge. bread.coffee. tea or milk and pumpkinpie fordessert!

I AI! ched<s \\1/1 be toraled with 6%Sdles tM and 15% gratuity.


Its blinker on.• On Noy. 6 near the same spot

police arrested a 29-year-oldDetroit man. They say they sawhis 1991 Ford Tempo cross thecenter line three times. His bloodalcohol le\'el allegedly measured.16 percent when tested.

SICK BUT NOT TOO SICK: ADetroit teenager was arrested forshopllftlng at MeIjer early Sundaymoming. Store detectives say theysaw him conceal packages ofcough drops. cough medictne andcondoms on his person and thenleave MeIjer without tJytng to payfor them.

The Items are valued at $40. Theman. 18. faces a court heartng onDec. 1.

DRUNK DRIVER PART II: A 33·year-old Canton woman wasarrested for OillL Nov. II.

According to NorthvIlle Policethe .....oman was driving north onCenter Street at what appeared tobe a hIgh rate of speed. When thewoman passed the officer. he wasable to capture her speed on radarat 41 mph. The officer immediatelypursued the woman and managedto stop her near Baseline.

The woman appeared to belotoxicated. and was asked to per-form a field sobriety test. Policethen gave her a prellmInaxy breathtest, which registered .15 percent.

She was arrested and transportedto the Northville Pollee Station.where a second breath test regts-tered .16 percent.

The woman was held on $100bond.

UNAUTHORIZED CIGARBT'J'E:A 17-year-old Northville youth wascited for prohibited smoking Nov.6.

The teen was the passenger In acar that had been pulled over foran Illegal lane change when thearresting officer noUced the young-ster smoking a cigarette.

The youth was Issued a dtatlon.

DOMESTIC DISPUTE:Northville Police responded to areport of a domestic dispute at ahome on Carpenter Street Nov. 11.

According to police a 31 year-oldwoman and her 41-year-old hus-band had a quarrel that escalatedwhen the woman slapped herhusband 15 to 20 times In theface. The man responded with oneslap to his Wife's face before polleeamved.

Neither person was Injured Inthe altercaUon. No charges havebeen flied.

CU!Zens wUh information aboutany of the above incIdents areasked to call townshIp polIce al349·9400 or city police at 349·1234.

&I-~~~~IWith Brady's Turkey-Day Special To Go j

Le~us do the "or\.: a"C jUlt PC;Jthe b rd & r" ~g5 '1 tr-e cr.C'1 .....er- ,-O~'C re3:::.We "o"tte ",o", <:O'1t C3'ea"t c.C'1,·.e"l.c'~·S

• 22# f-./erb~ugrrer;:ed -lAC, ,

, B sero 5t"ff"& ,0,.(;; Dr-cd Crc~t('r ':\ •• 0"" (O'1"O",S Gcr. c fl.cs"ed Pct(.:::'f5 .::. G'':;•••

• '.'op'c S,'lJ~ Aoos:cd 5~_;Sh •

• F~esh, C'(.,'1!:>e·r, c"'C C"c"'g~ Re s~ •, 50.'<:0_6" Ac S '

• h$'r~:r c~s reO'Ccc- .....~... •• S(r ..es C- SC5:;':; •

26053 Town Center Oriv. 610. 3SO ,«60


Ewry family has its lradilions. Gatheringfor Sunday dinner. Marking anniversariesand celebrating birthdays. Unfortunately,some families share more than ham times••. they also share the risk of certain ~

Brea5t cancer-which now strikes one in nineAmerican women-is among them. If yourmother,grandmother, aunt or sister has been diagnosed withthis disea.<:e, your doctor probably has explained theadded risk )'011 face. But unlike women inpastgeMations , you can put lime and technology onyour side.

We at the Marian Women's Center, St. MaryHospital, enrourage you to see yoor ~octor regularlywhatever)'our age and, once you readl40, to see usfor a mammogram. Our mammography services aredesigned to give you peace of mind by bringingtogether certified radiologists and staff, personalizededucation and high-tech imaging equipment appro\'edby the Amerkan College of Radiologists.

Make mammography and regular breast exams anew family tradition. For more facts on mammo-graphy sen'ices and other programs at the MarianWomen's Cenler just call us at (313) 591·3314.


9Marian Women's CenterSt. Mary Hospital

Marian Professional Building14555 Levan Road, Suite 212Uvonia, MI 48154

St. Mary llospit,,' is nffili"t,d loith William Btamnont Hospital (313) 591-3314

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Strww L.d of ~ [)a.)

let us customize your party menu!We specialize in corporate cateringNorthville's Best Dinner Carry-Out

Thanksgiving Menu• Roast Amish Turkey w/natural gravy• Apple Sage Dressing II• Fresh Mashed Potatoes• Fresh Vegetables I

• Grand Marnicr Cr.mberry Relish• Pumpkin Cheesecake• Gourmet Bread only $1 295

Holiday Pastry Menu.• Yule logs - Chocolale orVaolila Cal-e With Raspbt'l'T)', Srr'l\\berry

or Chocolate Mousse. Sm 110.95 - 19 '16.95• Christstollcn - German Christmas Bread '4.95 e,lch• Neo.v York Style ChC<."Sccal-c· various toppings. st.H1ing ,11'15.95• Fresh Fruit Flans - 8··' 0'·, r si/cs. marh1 price• Gourmel Tortes with Ba\,lrlan Custard, Chocolate or Slrawberry

Mousse, Fresh fruit Tarts, Eclairs, Cream Puffs, Almond Cake.Chocolale Dipped Stra\\ berrres. Chocolate Truffles and J larsevariety of Christmas cooklcs

?-48 Hoot Notia (Ot all I '"---...:u L.· _t.-,....,t2<!t..,. Ofdeft PIta ~~_, ....;..;Will ox: tmergency .... <:3-

~. _ .$L. wallahle upon a moments nolke

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am·S pm, Sat 9 am,6 pm43053 W. SEVEN MILE • NORTHVILLE



Sometimes the best of intentionsend up causing problems.

In an effort to form a strongrelaUonship with the newly formedNorthville Central Business Asso-dation. the dty agreed to foot thebill (or a recent malling announc-Ing the organlzatlon's next meet-Ing.

Unfortunately, In doing so thecIty spent taxpayer dollars. andthat has a fewpeople upset.

"It was decided that we wouldhelp the CBA with the mailingbecause we wanl to develop astrong working relaUonshlp withthe organization: saId City Man-ager GaI)' Word.

'J felt that It was OK to do thatbecause It was a one time sltua-tlon.-

The city mailed out about 350notices using city envelopes andpostage. according to CBA Presi-dent Toni GenitU. In all It costNorthvllIe cIty taxpayers about$150.

The clty's tnvolvement musthave touched a nerve among someof the downtown merchants.GenltU recel\'ed an anonymous let-ter complalnlng about the malling.IronIcally. a couple of downtownbusiness members Upped orf TheNorthvUle Record about the city's1n\'Oh·ement.

Word said the mailing was notIllegal.

"The city did not do anythingillegal In maIling the noUces: hesaid. "I do realize. however. thatdoing this may be an unpopulardeclslon.-

AccordIng to GenitU. the Clty'slnvowement Is exactly what down·town Northville needs.

WOldroffer to help us Is a posl-Uve sign that all of us can worktogether lo keeping the downtownviable: she said. -. don't thinkthey did anythIng wrong by help·Ing. I think that ....-e·re takIng posl-Uvesteps.

'I beUcve that with the dty anddowntown merchants workln~togeth~r......e will be extremely suc-cessful: she added.

"I think (Word) was extremelyresponsive 10 our needs. and Ithink that Is a positive sIgn thaIwe are mO'o1ngforward. "

More Ihan 40 businesses wererepresented at Ihe assoclatlon'sInaugural meeting t\\'Oweeks agoAccording to ~nltU, membershipIs not limited 10 downtown mer-chants.

All businesses In the d~'t\to\l ..nde...c1opm~nl authorily dlstrtct artencouraged to Join and conlrtbulrto the organlzaUon.

The eM ....111plan acU\111esfortlle dO\mtO'o'o't\and act as a lobbyIng group to promote buslnes<;Interests. ~nltU sald.

The assoclatlon's second merl·lng .....as hrld Wednesday mornln~at ~nlllrS.


VMarian Women's CenterSt. Mary Hospital

CopiY\9 with a Lossdt-\...i~9 the +-Jolida~s

by Amy Altaffer, R.N.C.Department 01 Behavioral Medicine. St Mary Hospital

This Informative talk will focus on tha stagesof 9rlef, how s person Is affected by a loss

and specific coping techniques for the hOfld~ys.

1:hL\~sda~1Decembe .. 7, 19957 to 9 p.m.

St. Mary Hospital AUditorIum36475 FIVe Mile Road

(Please use/he FIVe M/1e Road en/ranee)

Reglstraflon reqUired by December 4.Please call (313) 591-2882 to register..'.I~ St, Mary Hospital

3647Sm'eMI~UvonY, MichlSIII 48154

l1U) 464-4800

St. Mary Hospital is affiliattd with William Btaumont Hospital


• $ tn·e •••••• aM • -

. - .................... "".p" ~'- ..~ .... ~ •• ' .-1\ •• I at i.a .ISl·~:

Thursday. NO'leffiber t6. 1995-THE NORTHVIllE RECORD-SA

:Participant says shelterwas meant just for fun

Satanic signs 'harmless'By RANDY COBLEStaHWnler• Signs of Satan worship at a'shelter In North\111e?· Yes. said NOrlln'lIIe Townshippolice last month

·Yeah. rt~ht- Is more like It. saida woman this week who told 1711''NOI1hL'llleHcwrd she helped hUIIIIthe shelter. which was locatedalx>Ut 300 yanb cast of the ~1oo,><,Lod~e lJuildln~ on l"orth\1I1c Hoa<l'betwrcn Six .llId Se\'Cn Mlle., "It was all harmless and [1II1O'cent. It was really nothln~ at all:Soulhfleld n..,lu(·nt J.\I111c U"II ~ll<lTuesday of police repurls aholltIhe edlnce anrl an ensulTl,l! 0< I. 26Northl'I!/(' H"cortI Mllde 1J.1·,~.'donthem

That story des( rlbNI townshipomrcrs' d 1'0<0\'(' (',. on Oct. 1/:1of .1'well-Imlll allli cardllllv r.lmOIl-flal:cd shl'ller III a dcnS<'i\· wo<xJ<orlan'a m'ar Ihe Hou.':e R1\'(';'

Tr1an~ular In shape. the shdlerstOlXI ..boul flw fecI off Ihe ~rlJunriand measurell 15 feel 10nL! hvS<."\'('Il fect hl~h .

It W.I" p.t!llIed ~reen. In<,ulal('(\and \H'alher· proofed and rI rap<·d\l,1th rallluuflai;e nellln~

EI('( tn( pO'o ...er had 1)('('11 pro\1d-l'd b~' a l!ol~oline L!ellcralor. kepIquiet hy d .,~~tern of rar OIUrtkrsFurnltllTc anll a J.lrl!c supply 'If

«lImed food were found Inside the!>heher. po\lee said, as. well asmore pro\'O('all\'e Items.

Alo;o found were a shrine appar·ently devoted 10 de\'11 worship,Sat;lIlle \mllngs. fake human and~o.lt skulls and Illegal drug para·phern.lll.l. Sergeant ~lIehacl Pana-~lOlIdes said 111 his report.

The pllrase "fortress oj Evil -Heu'(m'" wa .. wnllen on both theoUl~\lle ..Inti Inside walls. headded. alld the real bones and...kdclons of wild animals wereWO\'ell Inlo the camo neltlng.

"\\1Im I n·.1l1 the story I Just lostIt I wa~ lall~lItn~ so hard: Ball.who .,ald she grew up In:'\oT1h\1II<-.claimed this wCt'k.

She said that she and herl)()) friend. amon~ others. put theshehl'r up In April and used It!otnctl\' for rccrcatlol1

-It ""as jll.,t a plare to ~ on the\\cckel\(b and think. mayoc play;,\Intendo Oil a 1\' we had there.Th.ll's ,Ill: [!all s.,ld.

\\'lIcli asked about Ihe strangeItems polll'c fOlllld there. shemalnl.llllrd II was all just In goodflill

-i-:\'('ryolle In l"Orllwlllc knew

about this fort. We were Just mess-Ing around: Ball said. "I'm a loanofficer. I'm not a Satanlst.although some people may thinkso. depending on how many pointsIcharge:

As to possible drug use. Ballsaid she and her boyfnend do notuse drugs but added that "I can'tsay about anyone else who wasthere:

PanagloUdes' report noted thatthe materials used In constructingthe site could have been stolenfrom area construction slles. BallIndicated that everything had beenbought or otherwise legallyobtained.

While she admitted that thoseIn\'olved were trespassing (the landIs owned b)' the state of Michigan)Ball asserted that "we were \'erycareful back there. We kept It \'erydean.

":-\othlng was harmed baekthere:

However. she did say that oneIndh'ldual Illegally poached deerthere and the bones which polleefound were from his kills.

"I rouldn't help that. We couldn'tcontrol what he did: she said.

Police say a makeshift hangout in a wooded area looked like the work of occultists.1

No one should lose sleep won-dering If Satan worshippers aresetUng up shop In their barkyant.Ball concluded.

":-\orth\'JIIe's a small town andIt's jusl not like this: she said.

TO\l,nshlp pollee say no charges\loill be filed In conn~Uon \l,1th IheIncident and that people can judge

ed to gin" the impression of beingInterested in the occult: Panagl·olides s.,id.

Ihe facts surrounding It as theylike.

"The officers were nollng III theirreport what they obscrved at thatlocation: ueulenant Gary Bat/loffsaId. •

-I wrotc down what I saw andfrom what I saw It seemed to II1Cthat someone there at least want-

"From a pohce standpoint it'so\'('r and dOl1e\\ith. - he added.

Firefighters tore the structured0\\11 shortly after disco\·ery.

READ then RECYCLEWest-end resiclents told to boil waternews Item on Tuesday night telC\i·slon broadcasts. and 10\lonshtp hallhas been busy fleldlnl( telephone1'..1115 from residents

t\ \l,~llrr main l)ft'.lk h,I'" ,Irf' (11'cIwaler pn',,"'"rt' In III(' \\1' ..1 I Ild "r;'\orth\ill[' Towno,hlp

· Artordllll! If) TnWllo,hlp (Ink·Sm.· UI!Il·br.lIlrl ,I Ilrt'ak O~(lIl1l·dIII tllc .....ller ...I,· ...tl·1ll t'arlv Tlle",I.I\nli;ht. r<·o,II1Ilrll.~111 low ·,I.lllT pn- ..~Ilre for ((''''HIt·lIt ... 11\Ill\! \"· ...1 of;'\onh\illl' HO,lIl

TIw ..e (I· .. tlll-lIh ,1(1' .lth l"I'~l tllholl 11Irir ......Itn IlllUl al 11'.\.., hII 111 1111.. 1'\('111111: nlllr",llv ""\

16;'\0 "\ll'( 1.11 prcrautlolls arc

rt'qulr<'([ for W,llt'r used for pur-pn'o('" ot Iwr Ihan t1nllkil1g

HIII(·lIr.1I111 sav~ the hrc,)k Isron IIll! lhe wo,lcln 10 draw waterfrom 1m\( r li·\·cl .... meanl n.l! ')Orne'o('{lInl<'lIt ~(lulll ~t·t ml.\cd \\1lh lap\\.lll'r la'IlII' th(' Ill'cd for l)Oillng

H"I1.llr<, \\l're expcetcd to bet 0111pil'I ,., I h~ "hOlll 6 II In tonl~ht

1 !II' hr,·.11-.. \\.I~ illduded .is a

Specialists in theArHul Pursuit of

Fish and Fowl

Those S('{'kln,lt more Informationcan call the to\\nshlp at 348·5800,or the v.-atcr and SC\\'cr dcpartmentat 348·5820.

To ~et up to date on the situa-tion. look for announcements oncable channel 10. II1IIebrand said.

Grace Micallef wants ,ou to buy a chandelier. Everything to keep tile Fisllerman/woman Equipped. warm and dry in STYLE!• Sweaters • Flee<:e • Flannels • Shirts • Socks • Jackets • Fly Rods • Reels • Une Systems

Fu\lline of Luggage & Cases for the Traveling AnglerComplete Library of Books & Videos - Fly Tying Classes - Trips

ANGLER'S GIFTS Hunting & Fishing Licenses~----------..... :..--..;;;.,.-------- ............... ~~

{j,J?'B.ff' DRAWING ~/er.~ ..Win s'BegInner's Fly Fishing Outfit «>u T D 0 ~ ~ ~)

; ~~ri.(~ - ~ . 'J • :01-', 8103493671 ''-';.. :>0- •• ~.

i~'d~~f~1;~r~~.Fly.Tihn~·.TOoiOutfit 1~O E. Main Sf. • Downto~n NortJjvill~:~....:~D~·'.;'")""fiidS iKJ. '111195 in Dally 10-7 Thursday 1O-9.;..~~unq?y~.12:5J...hi,,~~~,~T. "u ~~. '.' p'. - Full5ervice Tailoring Shop open to the Pub/lc

Here's her pilch. Grace is a sales consultant at our Novi

everyone to have at least one. 50 she

us to put them on saleconvincedD S~II1C:.. ~ CCrlt("mpcra')' d~s qr.22 '~i/9 :1

!~t'g !261. Sale '187 (B:a:::().,' .. " t-:x 2J~ Sale '229~ (Brass \)I '~'- ~ COMING SOON:


250 N. Center St. • Northville

Art NOU'ttaut~anct inoolid br~ss.30"1'I/2THRtg. ft080Sale '765


discounts. Since it's Grace's idea, we're

calling it our Grace Micallef Ie hand elie r

rl,gh fasf-:J"', deSign .;lrl;1 sale.Thesale is on at all oftJtilJt) 2C ,','120 '1Reg. l165'Sale J119::Y.> our stores, but if you want to thank

Grace personally, you'll have to shop

~~~at our Novi store.

ClaSSiCelegance.traditional€">tyling, 21'W/24"HReg. '405 Sale $29950

CREAlVICHEESE DOESN'T MAI<E IT A BAGEL.Bloomfield6500 Te~r<lph at Maple ReI.810·626·2548

Novi~ GraM River.One Mi. W. of Novi ReI.810-344·0200

ROGhe5ter200 E. 5ecoM 5t. E. of Main St.810-65l-4W2

At Chc~apc.tkc Bagel B.tk(·r~, \\'c }..no\\, the onl~ \\'.1~ to

makc a real ba~c1 i~to nUKl' it frc~h from ~cr,llch .11 e.lch loc.lIIon c\ery day.

Then aUlhclllic.tlty kettlc-boil and oven·bakc It III

perfcction. Shame more ~o-calkd ba~c1 p1:tces (\nl\'t \..now that.

E\'l RrTlll"; 11'1 1<' )I'ST TIll' "-R'lI ,n I1RI \n \\ lTII \ 1\"11~~-------------------

~A- ff'E NORTHVILLE RECORD-Thursday. Noo.-ember 16.1995

c .. 0'''' ......,- I, ...

added to the current benefit:Three of the four bargaining

units. representing cHy employees.support the SelectCare option.according to Bateson. and the cityhas recelwd lellers of understand-lI1g(rom the four units agreeing to

Pt7S(70R13P185170R14 ••. 35 99P195/SOR14 .".38 99P195/SOR1S ••. 47.99P195170R14 ••. 35 99P205/SOR1S ••. 40.99P215/65R1S ••. 44.99

City wor!(.ersoffered new insurance optionBy' ROBERT JACKSONStaff Writer,

City of North\ille employees \\illbe offered a new Preferred Pro\iderOrganization (PPO) program optionunder the city's current medicalbenefit plan.

According to Assistant City Man·ager Nickle Bateson. administra-tors have instructed the city'sth!rd·party health admi.nistrator -H~rtz Claim Management (HCM)-to enter into a one-year trial agree-ment \\ith SelectCare.

Bateson said in a report to thecity council that the plan v.ill helpcontrol the costs of medical bene-fits. North\111eexperienced a slg-

nlncant Increase in Its medicalbenefit costs dUring the past fiscal)'e-ar- $102.310 or 23 percent.

She explained that the city'scurrent medical plan, adopted bythe council in 1982. does not call(or the elty to pay monthly premi-ums (or medical Insurance.

"'ThIs means that the clt}· paysfor all medical bills for an eligibleIndi\idual unless that indi\idual"sclaims exceed $50.000 per specificillness or after the Individualreaches a lifetime limit of $1 mil-lion- Bateson said.

"Based upon the plan designand other considerations. HCMsuggested that a PPO option be


AIR. COHO.RcchIrgc end

chcdc for luJcs

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BLACKWAUS155R-13 ••••• .22.99175110R-13 •• .26.991a5110R-14 •• .32.99195110R-14 •• .38.99. WHITEWAUSP195115R-14 • .28.99P205I15R·14 • .29.99P215115R-15 • .30.99P235115R-15 • .32.99

P155R-f3Pl85170R·14 ••• 48.99P205I70R-14 ••. 49.99P19517SR·14 ••. 41.99P215170R·15 " .59.99P235f75R·15 ••. 52.99


P205(75Rf4P235175R-15 ••• 54.9931-10.50-15 •• _ .71.99LT215185R·16 •• 72.99LT245175R·16 •• 84.9930-9.50-15 ••••• 84.99LT235185R 16 •• 79.99

prOVide rs will Increase." sheadded. "'Thecity would then recog·nlze greater saVings under theSelect Care plan based upon thegreater difference between thefixed monthly cost and theIncreased discount on pro\'lderfees:

There Is at least one city coun-cllmember who does not approveof the new plan. Chuck Kcys saidthat SelectCare Is poorly run andhas a bad track record.

"I think we're making a mistakeby using SelectCare: Keys said. "I.professionally. have heard nothln~but bad reports about the organl-zallon:

One of Keys' (cars is that Select-

Care will be purchased by Blue;Cross Blue Shield. and that the'organization's co\'erage and poli-cies \\ill change.

"If that happens where will that.leave someone who has a preexist-Ing condition?" Keys asked.'·Would that person's coverage stillbe honored?"

Bateson said that the PPO isjust an option In the city's overallmedical benefit plan. and thatemployees choosing SelectCare arestili covered by the clty's exlstlnl!.'policy.

Keys and then cOllncllman Paul'Folino cast dissenting votes on the'proposal when the council voled 10approvc the measure last week

"!he city would recognize greater savings underthe SelectCare plan based upon the greaterdifference between the fIXedmonthly costand the increased discount on prOViderfees."

-N"dOO BatesooAssis1an1 Oly !k.nager

t-t. r!. '12')

1<... .:, 0I( \ ... ll,



the one-year tnal penod.Bateson said that SelectCare Is

a "high quallty" program that Isprofessionally managed. and \\illpro\ide a way to control expensesfor both the city and Its employees

-Once the PPO is in place. 11 isantiCipated that the usage of PPO

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rhe JiN'diOJl of 5\011 Bo..·rmll, !(1ke the joll)' old elf Ihrollgh oar ~1\'dl1ClllM r~I)lid"y

J..w. See rl~Nn !I\;rlers perform 11mido((r inlern'llioJll1I1}'~1\\wJ-winlliJlg C')~lol

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"1;~ .......",..... ,

. yo.

Christmas Walklends Northvilleair of tradition

Do\lmtown merchants arc Invlt·Ing you to wrap yourself In thewarmth of North\1lJe at the annualChr1stmas Walk, Sunday, No\'. 19,from noon to 5 p.m.

According to Chamber of Com·merce Ex"('ullve Dlreclor lauric~'arrs, the CWIII I.. r!rh \\ith lradl·lion. and one Ihal kttps lI:orltl\111cunique.

'People who want to begin lhelrl\ollday shopping will enjoy aunique dl ffermc(' from the Irad I·lIonal mall atrnosphert. - ~'Jrrs...ald. "II's ;"In opportunity for poo.pI" 10 CIlJO)'till' beauly of our com·munlty:: Shoppers arc encouraged 10 \1s11

the unique downtown shop ... amIrrslallrallis dc<oralr«!ln the Vlcto·rian tradilion.: Al I pm the :"ortlwll1t' llI~h

School Band and Chrhlm,ls ches\~1II escort Sanla Into lown In aIlorse dr,m n slel~h for lhe nC.'1three hours. children and theirparenls ran enJoy free horsc and('arrla~e rides wilh Santa wlliklel1ln~ him abOUI lhelr Chr!~lmasIrish II~I Thc (.lTrl,lgc rldl's are1)('lng sponsof('d lhls year lly theCommunll\, Fc<!l-r.11Crc<lIt Union

'II Inti)' h ,1 wonderful r>.perll'IlCI' for Kill-.: ~1.lTr..... ,lid ':'\01onl\' dll tilt,\, ~ct to \'hlt II.lthSari,.I. tlley ":~'I10 do II In .1 IIlllch

nicer almosphere than a crowdedshopping mall:

Santa Claus Is sponsoring achocolate chip cookie contest thisyear, according to Marrs. Childrenarc Invited to bring two cookies.labeled with their name andaddress, for Santa to taste. Thewinner will enjoy a lunch withSanla, a horse and carnage nde, aphoto In TIle Norrhl:tlle Rcrord andvdluable coupons from area mer-chanls.

Mcrchants welcome \1sltors ....1thfree holiday treats. Christmas car·ols. and special actl\1t1cs In theirstores. Local organizations ....111 sellholiday Items Including Chrislmaswreaths. c\'crgreen roping. frcshholly. thc ~!uslc Boosters famouspumpkin bread, and popcorn andclfler.

The Clent \\111 also feature enter·lalnmenl. from noon to I p.m ..Ihe Cenler Stage Dance Companywill perform at the bandshell.From 1:30 to 2:30 p.m .. the per·formln~ ~roup \\15 ...... 111present a\'arlel\" of musical numbers for allto cnjoy. Roundln~ out the enter·talnment Is the ~lC'ads ~'1I1 ~!IddleSchool Dant!. whIch perform .. from3 to'; P III

TIlr hundrC<ls of dO....1l101l.11 dec-or,llIons are (untlc<1 IJ. downlo\,mhllsjl\r~se~. ~'arrs So'lld

F~ephoto t:tt BRYAN MITCHELL

Shopping, browsing and seasonal entertainment make theannual Christmas Walk one of the most popular city func·tions. The event is set for noon to 5 p,m. Sunday.

4 • rI - •• ~""'p"II"'''''I'''' ~"''''!I,~.',oJI ......... ,. ,.~'~~'

1Thursday. NOYember 16. 199!)-THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-7A

Township NewsSECOND WIND: Could a much·rumored second plant be In the off,

Ing for Optlrallmaglng Systems 10IS)?The company, which researches and manufactures cultlng edge

"flat panel- computer screens at Its facility at five Mile and Beck. haslong bet'n conslder1ng building a second complex next door to makescreens for the consumer electronics market.

Wayne County official Dewey Henry told members of the North\1l1eTO....71Shlp Board of Trustccs last week that the county and OJS areengaged In "serious discussions· on that possible project.

"Nothlng"s signed yet but we think It's probably coming. hopefullysooner than later: he said.

RAISES APPROVED: The seven people c!ttled to the board nexlyear Will enjoy considerably higher pay folloWing the board's 1'\0\'. 9vote In fa\'or of a series of raises for to\mshlp elected officials.

The pay hikes, which take effect in No.ember 1996, Include boost-Ing the salar1es of the four trustccs from $900 a ycar to $4.000. thatof the clerk from $7.500 to $15,000 and lowering the supen1sor'scompensation from $25.000 to $17.000 a year.

The board also \'oted 6·0 ISupeT\1sor Karen Baja was absent) toraise lhe treasurer's salary from $5,500 to $9.000 annually. That raneontrary to the $12,000 flgure the group generally agreed to dUr1ng aNov. 2 study session. current Treasurer Rick Engelland said.

"J know that some members have been talking ....1th each other.·Engelland said. "but 1 think we should decide lhlngs as a board Inpubllc In front of C\'eryone:

TWO OUT OF THREE AIN'T BAD: The trustees on Nov. 9 voted 6-o in favor of two appointees to the planning commission and zoningboard of appeals but split on SupeT\1sor Karen Baja's third offering.

Reappointed to the planning commission is Chair Dick Allen,whose term wlll run through Dec. 10. 1998. Given the nod for reap·polntment to the ZBA Is member Karen Woodside. who will selVeuntil the same date.

The board then voted 3·3 on reappointing Commissioner ChrisSchultz. whose term expires next month. He was appointed lastmonth to flll a seat left \'ileant for months follo....ing the resignation ofcommission Secretary Don Mueller. The tic means that lhe appoint·ment Is denied. at least for now.

HOLIDAY MEALS: Volunteers from North\1Ile's Senior Alliance \\111be delivering Thanksgi\'ing meals to homebound elderly residentsnext week, Tmstee Russ fogg reportc<1to the board.

Anyone who's Interested In gi\'ing time to help out or to placesomeone on the list to rece!\'e a dinner ran contact Senior Alliance at349·4140.



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eA- THE NORTHVillE RECORD-Thursday NO'o'eITlber16, 1995

'Anne Franl(.~•'comIng to stage


at high school1

In March 19-15. a Ilttle Jewish~ir1 of 15 died In the 1\'azl conC'Cn·

. tratlon camp at Ucr~en. Berlin.Fifty years later her st0r)' lives onbet-ausc of her dIary.

As a play. Tile 'IJiary of AnneFrank took all honors upon Itsopelllll~ In 1956: the Tony Awardfor best play, the Crltlc's CircleAward. and the Pulitzer Prize, 1\'o\\'the dramallzatlon is recreated onthe 1\'orthnl1e High School stage.openill~ Thursday c\·enlng. No\'.16. at 7:30 p.llI. Other perfor-mances will take place at 7:30p.llI. on (\0\'. 17 and 18 and at2'30 p.m. on Sunday. 1':0\'. 19.

The play. written by FrancesGoodrich and Albert Hackett. con·\'eys \'I\'ldly "the plight of theFranks and their guests.· It Is a-IO\Tlv tender drama: treated \\ithadmiration and respect. Somelines arc quoted from the diary but

. the play IS an mdependent work.The diary Is subjcrtl\'e but the play

. lakes an obJeCll\'e point of \'ie\\,toward a ~roup of people of whomAnne ." onl\' one.

ill the "'"ortll\'llle High Schoolprocluction the role of Anne ISplayed by Knstina Juntunen.Anne leads LIS on the strangead\cnturc. ~oJlle of it distressmg.~OlI1eof 11 humorous, but all of Itwarm. ~ll1Iplc and affectll1g


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This full, natural-!ooking, Irfe-llke (hri~tmas tree has I ---- -- -- -- - -° magnificent medium profile. Moce III the USA(omes \'11th 0 10 'rcer worrontf ond

• mew! tree stand

- -SAL199~~;1:HOUDAYDECORATING WEEKEND ~~ "~,(1~"~(.

SATURDAY NOV. 18 & SUtWAY NOV. 19 ,! S11l.l.," $149812 Noon to 4prn , I I ,I: ,....-+_~<lEAnNG IEAunfUl lOWS, OE<ounMG WREATHS,UGKllMG nus, DE<ounHG TREES

Mr. Frank. Anne's father. is thedecisive character who managesand organizes the household. He Isplayed here by Tra\is Gllshlre. HisWife. Edith, senslth'e and caringbut fiercely protecti\'e of the chll·dren. Is played by Beth Patterson.Anne's sister. Margot. qUiet. cour·teous. and respectful. Is played byMar)' Rl\ard.

Their guests, the VanDaans. areplayed by Kara Lloyd and AndyWeiss with 1':lck Barnes as theirson Peter. Matt Gillis Is Jan Dus,sel. the dentist who SC'Cksa hidmgplace when the Gestapo gets toodose.

HelpIng these people in hidingare Miep and ~fr. Kraler. played bySarah Wood and Rick Galan.respecU\·ely.

The assistant director Is BenAdis. \\ith lighting headed by MattFerrara and construclion bv ~IattWoody. The sound is by jeremyAbbey and Keith DePoortes. Spe-cial thanks go to Mike O·Bnan forhis construction assIstance.

Tickets for The Dzary of AnneFrank are $6. $5 for seniors andstudents. Tickets arc a\ailable atthe high school box office. dailyfrom 2:05-3 p.m .. or at the dooron performance nights.

The play Is being directed byGary E. Sturm.

...; :~;.

I ~ n:1.' ell fiSImas h~hl ~1'1 II . II I \\'111.'11you purdl.1SI.' \Jill' Sl'1 llf II l'ljll.lll.'f ~rl':lll'r \ ..lllll'. Il I Imil I pl'r pl'TSon. lI ~l)1 \.llid wllh ,lnV lHhl:f lJffl'r, II I ''',' I"~~\ Ir'.·L.,.:t1 ",'\.:~t-..·r I I j'. I, IL---------------.JJ.

Pr>o'~ t>y SuE SP tl':",E

Tina Juntunen and Nick Barnes rehearse a scene from "The Diary of Anne Frank." The plays opens tonight. with other per"formances this weekend. Tickets are S6 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens.


EnglIsh Oardens CouponBuV 1 Light Set

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(810) 286-6100 (810) 851·7506 X'ursery (313) 2784-t3:i ~ Hils: w*" EMj 0' l--.,.,florist (313) 565-8133 CO~UNG SOON! lrvy:~~Cool~ ...

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nll~rc i,hUI ont' \\a~ 10impm\t' 11l1""'l~N.('d hl\lIl1: ~i\ l' ~0\1 I11UW of it. ~,. in Illl' 1')9(, J,lgll.lr \'.Hllll'll Pia,. ~nll'lI filld :I(/II"d Ilj.(TlHHII:II1lII'\ll,lIu!l'lllu·<lllmum. 1'111\ idingmol"(' spar(> 10 t'njo) tile Conlloll~ "',Itlll'r "",11-.. fl'M-"I',11 fol,I·,IOI\lIl'il'ni., tr.I~" ,Iwl hurl \\"Inlll Irim. \ i...il )Ollr 1111',11 ,111'\\['"'111 \" h'''lllri\,' IIIl' 111'\\ J.l/:lI,lr \",lIul,,"l'la ...

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The she er joy of driving hu:; heen heighh·lH'd.

As well as lengthened.

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. , .....'; ,.,.l"t1 I .e

Christmas Luminary Fund-raiserBoy Scout Troop 903

As a commllnlty sen'ice and fund-raiserNorth\ll1e Uoy ScOllt Troop 903 Is sponsoring th~sale and distribution of Christmas lum[naries. Aluminary kIt consists of 10 candles and bags. Thecost of each kil is $4.50. Please place your orders

no later than Friday. November 17. Mall or drop offyour order form ....ith payment check to the contactperson listed below. Please make checks payable toBSA Troop 903. Allow two days for post office han·dllng.

SUIHlivision Contarts

SuIHli\'h,ioll Contact Address PhoneDunbarton PmesLakes of North\1l1eNorthnlle Colonv 3 & ,1North\ille ComnionsNorth\111e dO\\l1lO\mNorthnlk 1I('I~hl'>01her~

Sharon fcrraraJerry HOrO\\11zPat SanterLarry Kr)'wkoCarl Ste\'ensDa\'e P1larzJohn Beemer

44645 Dunbarton Dr.42023 Waterfall41253 Stoneha\'(:n42324 Westmeath240 falrbrook218 Debra50165 Eight Mile Rd.


Order Form

Loccll Salvation Army wants YOlt;~tsks for volltnteers to ring bells

Snu .... llllrrlt ......tr,IIlI\· lHralh.(-,HO!' HI 'ton· ... ,111(1 ((,I"rcd III:llt...•• 11 fort It II thC' (hn,tlll'''' ,(",,,,,": SiKHI ~II\,IIIOll ArIm feci heuk ...~\III .tpp".lr .i11 .lr(,III)(1 toWIIr. 1II11l'hll~ II'" It I' III r, bk,'e-c! to~I\( tlull rrl' l\t·

. The- bdl rl1l~"fO; ,11,,, fenllnd \I ...

that !I1.IlI\' k......fOrllln.llC' Ilcl~h·lIor'" dql'C'nd Oil Ille S.i1I.11lol1Arm~ Corp'> lu prrJ\id .. ( hn ...trn.l'i

~lorC' 111.111 mOllt'v I'" llC'ededrOIl'llla .1 1!111 or I Ill\(

WlthOUI a bellrinLter beSide II.the red kettle I:0CS unnoticed andunfilled

~~.lny orl:anlLatlons In Ihe comIIlllllltr rjll~ the bells year after\tar

So do <,orne families One clan .mom and dad. ~rown kld<; theIr~PO\lSe5 and the l!.randchildren -share the task and man a kettlefur a \\ hole \\ tekend

t\ smaller ~roup mlc,hl \'olunteerfor a day

Winter WaldenSkiOub

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WW Call Harvey RubensteinToday!

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~rhunhsoi\'in4 BuffeL~:3UI.m* Allultll:3U.U;;*Chillln'n (12.,: 1Il1l1{'r)(-llil.ln·J1 l 'Illl.-r:l Eul FREE

\\'1" 1.-1h"li,III' pr"pllrllli,,", rum.·. ,our r(,ft~tlh'r""~Juin u .."t th" ..

. NO\; I-lilton (.,r II ~'n""li"0lI1nbGi,in{: f.....«t .. f 1111,"our

• 0 iday r.\"Orih~. Enj,,~ Smo~...J. ~ln1l>n. n"II,1 Tur"~~ "ilh 1111 11,l'

I I....· Triml\1in~ R,...-t IJ......(Au Ju~ (1,;.,-1:.. ....Be ill' '11'sl to Pllm",,,m.p..<tnPril1lllu-m.Fn..J,B,,I:...J

DISCO~'ER nr,.~(I'lInd n \\iJ,· n .. "rtml'nl of! V -J 11"IML.~ D,.....-r\ ..

QUI' Fest i\'e Com{'.-njo>·o\lrTbnk.~ivin~1)IIlTrl.S<- ... <-.110::10 'Ull. - ;l::10 p.m.

Thun hsgi\'inq inth,·Cnll1J Bttllroom.Cnll no\\ for n.....·1'\1IIion.

Fens 1 (1'10) :nn· \Ol'lC1 ,",to I:>...... h..-t\\ C'l'n

\1;410 n.m. - 11.011 p.m.

'l1l1l11 ..«:n't> R""J. Nmi.;\I1 ~("10) 3\0·\00(1

'1,,\ .nJ *....Iuilks nO« in ../uJ<J.

Bow about a neil;hborhood?\\113t coulll be more rewardtn~

than cooperatlng \\ith fmods andncls:hbors to help the Sal\'allonArmv fuUlH their mission' i\o one\\1th~1I1 a Chr1stmas

The r~al SPlrtt of Chnstlll.ls IS

l:!1\1nl:!of oneself.To \'olunteer call :'>iartha

SchulIZ. (81Ol 543·54&1.The Sa[vatlOn Arm)' offke in Ply-

mouth serves lh~ ;':orthnlle com-nIumtv

Thursday. November t6. 1995-THE NORTlNtllE RECORD-9A

criminal mailers in Wayne County.It would become part of the crimi-nal di\1sion of Wayne Count}' Cir'cuit Court. The change \\111 be con-tro\'ersial because Detroll, withnearly one million reSidents. wantsUs own judges handling criminatcases.

Van Regenmorter's plan Is slnll-lar to one by Rcp. Deborah Why-man. R·Canton, to abolishRecorder's Court and gh'e Itsjudges circuiljudge slatus.

The change would, however.make all courts in the state uni·form In organization - not one sys-tem for Detroit and Wayne Countyand another for Ihe other 82 coun·ties.

, Probate courts - which cur·rently handle estates and juvellliemailers. Abolishing these courtswould require a constitutionalamendment approved by \'oters.perhaps as early as 1996. Sideeffect: Some Upper Peninsula pro-bate judges are part-timers whoalso practice law: under the reformplan. all Judges would be fulltimers.

o Court of Claims - which actu·ally is Ingham Circuit Court andhears claims and suits against thestate. Its judges are among thepolitically most hberal. Both Gov.John Engler and Sen. Da\'ldHonigman, R-West Bloomfield.hav'C marked it for extinction. If it'sabolished. suits against the statewould be handled the same as anyother suit.

o ~iunicipal courts - the onlyones left are in Eastpointe and theGrosse Pointe area. They wouldbecome distr1ct courts.

Judges would be elected \\1thoutspeCifying in which dmsion theyWill sen·e. The chief judge Willassign them.

The family court division willcombine work of the current cir-Clllt court (di\·orces. child custody)\\1th probate court (\\1I1s. estates.guardians hips. mental health pro·ceedmgs).

The cnminal dl\ision \\111contin-

Plan to streamline courtsflolted in Michigan Senate

RE·SELL·IT ESTATE SALES3-1769GrInG River' Fl,m,nglon - Working For You Since 1981 -


By nM RICHARDStaflWnter

MIchigan trial courts would bestreamlined Into a two· tier systemunder a plan put forth by stateSen. William VanRegenmorter.chair of the Senate Jud[clal)' Com-mIttee.

Gone would be the probatecourts. Detroit Recorder's Court.the Court of Claims and a fewremaining municipal courts.

Essentially there would be:1. Clrcu[t courts. which would

continue to be countyWide ormultl·county. It would absorb thefunctions of probate courts in han-dling estates and jm'enlle matters.A circuit would ha\'e three divi-sions - family court. criminal andCl\11.

Clrcu!l court's jurisdiction Incivil suits would be lifted to$25,000 from the current $10.000.

The chief judge, appointed bythe state Supreme Court. wouldha\'e authority to shift trial judgesbetween divisions. because thestrict lines between c[rcult andprobate courts would be abolished.

2. Dlstr1ct courts, which wouldcontinue to be local but ha\'eexpanded powers. District courtswould take over juvenile cases inmisdemeanor offenses.

VanRegenmorter's memo nolesthat many court reform ptans ha\'ccalled for a single -tr[al court:erasing all distinctions betweenthe current three types of courts.But he Is opting for a two·le\·elS\'stem because:• -First. a two-level system would

be able to make belter use of exist-ing court facilities. Dlslrict courts.for minor cl\'1I cases and misde-meanors. could be housed In e.XIst·ing dlstr1ct court facilities ...•

Second. circlllt courts could pro-\'Ide appellate review of districtcourt decisions more promptlythan If they had to go to the over-loaded Court of Appeals.

Third, a two-level system ·wouldmake the courts morc acceSSIble -closer 10 home for most citizens -for mmor ClVl1 and cnmlnal mat-ters. Th[s would be beneficial forlitigants. \Ioitnesses, cnme \ictimsand law enforcement officers: hismemo said.

Four courts ",:ould be abolishedunder VanRegenmorter's plan:

o Recorder's Court of Detroit -which currently handles major

Nailli': _

Addn'l'!\: -------------------------------Sulllii \ i,inn: -----------------------------PhCllw ~u.: _

Luminary kit~ ('0~·1.50 t'.wlt): _

Tnl:ll ,l1l1l1l1l1t l'ndo'ol'd: -----------

Lot No.: _

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ue to handle felony cases. hearappeals from district court cases,and perform c[tlzens' grand Juryand one·man grand JUI)' work.

The cMI division will handlesuits where the amount in disputeis $25.000 or more. Currently thefloor Is $10.000.

These local courts would ha\'eexpanded powers in these areas:

o More cr1mlnal cases becausethe threshold in property caseswould be raised from $500 to$1.000.

• Greater cMI jurisdiction - incases up to $24,999.

• They would handle jU\'enileoffenders in misdemeanor cases.

AU judges would ha\'e author1tyto Issue arrest and search war-rants and perform marriage cere-monies.

Already the state Supreme Courthas ordered that it Will appointchief judges in each circuit.

The chief judge ....ill have author-ity to reassign cases \\ithln the cir·cuit's trial court system. shiftingjudges between divisions andcourts.

The Supreme Court would con·tlnue to ha\'e authority to reassignjudges temporarily in other cir-cuits. The goal is to balance theworkload.

Several House committees thisweek were scheduled to hear testi-mony on the question of mergmgDetroit Recorder's Court into theWayne County Circuit Court.

Chief Justice James Brickle\'opposes the change. -

W---.--'--lOI:I!' .,.,.,. .. -,_n£ll. ••• ...-:LrL .... _~_- ---=~.:.oa .,l: ~:== \J\tl,.e5

~tt'~~~c(l~, 'G'le~ORDER Ndwl


Gone would be theprobate courts. DetroitRecorder's Court. theCourt of Claims and thefew remaining municipalcourts.

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As for efficiency. U.S. Depart·ment of Energy figures have proventhat oil heating is 16% lTIOl'eelfl·cienl than gas. lhis comes from aname lemperalure that's 4000 hot·ter than gas. So air Of water getholler lasler, saving fuel and dol·

Iars. And today's 011 furnaces andboilers typically have efficiency rat·ings in lhe high 80's, which is higherthan the typical gas furnace orboiler.

The D.O.E. also slales that luelcosts dlOP [rom 150/. to 20% inexisting homes when a high effi·ciency, flame·relention head burneris installed, A new oa·fired lurnaceor boiler MU ollen reduce annualfuel costs as much as 40%. Sav·ings this great not only pay lor thenew equipment, 001 keep heating011 bins low for years to come.

Let us give you an estimate foe amodern 011 fued system foe yourhome Of commercial building. Wethink youl1 be surprised at theeconomies of today's OIL. ..thebeautifulluel of choice.

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.... _ .....

lOA-THENORllMu.e RECQRD-llU"sday, NlMmber 16, 1995

Mill Race MattersMill Race VLllage holds Its annual Christmas Walk

this weekend Saturday. Nov. 18, and Sunday, Nov.19, from 10 a,m. until 4 p.m. Admfsslon to this spe·cial event Is $1 payable at the gate.

All buildings \10111be open \Ioith docents on hand todiscuss theLr histortes while blacksmfth Owen Cre-ateau, members of the 1.1111 Race Weavers' Guild.and Ule Mill Race Basket Gulld \10111be on hand todemonstrale crafts from the Victorian era.

In addition. area groups \Ioillbe se1llng homemadecookies and poinsettias and the Village CountrySiore will be open for business.

In addition 10 Its many other offerings the storepro\ides SC'o'eralpublications created by and for theNortll\111e Historical SocIety relating to communityhistory. Additions this year Include RevelatiDns ojthe Rouge by Julie Founlaln and two collections ofjournal material edited by Julie Fountain, Alsoantllable are Step by Step Through Northvale. a bookof city walking tours; ·Early Northville· a collectionof early pictures from this communlly; ·An IdealSuburban Village· a reprint of an 18905 promotion-al piece on the VllIage. and a few copies of JackIloffman's NortJwiUe - The flrst 100 Yews. All makee.xcellent gifts for newcomers and old timers alike.

11rls year the Village buildings have been decorat-ed by the MUl Race Questers. Changing Seasons.Gardenviews. Preferences. and Hlstortcal Societymembers. The addition of new decorations promfsesto add an Interesting new dimension to this tradl·lIonal event thanks to the assistance of theNorth\ille Mother's Club Alumni which coordinatedthe errort with Historical Society chairs CherylGazlay and Jo Ann Harrts.

Hlstortcal Society members \\ill have time to enjoythe decorations during theLr Dec. 15 holiday cele·bration. Members should expect cards In the maU\loith addltionallnformation.

Mother's Club Alunml \Ioillhave a chance to enjoytheir decorative accomplishments at theIr annualcelebration tills year, scheduled for Dec. 2 In four ofthe Mill Race VIllage bulldings.

Numerous other community grouP§iplan holidaymeetings at the vIllage and will ha\'e 1M opportunityto enjoy the special decorations provided by theselocal merchants and friends. Special thanks to allwho ha\'e contributed time and effort to this trulyJoint community endeavor.

WIth the arrival of the holiday season. communityactivity at MI11 Race VlIlage declines but activityItself never ceases. Members of the Stone Gang planto spend the winter making new and different bird-houses after the successful sale of thIs season's col-lection.

The archives commfttee plans to begin work onthe Historical Soclety's own records creating ausable archIval collection on the organization andIts 30 year history In this community.

Committees are at work to plan major e-,'ents for1996. One upcoming e-,'ent \\ill be a return to theH1stortcal Society program. The board of dlreclorsplans to hold an antique auction thIs year at NewSchool Church. under the dLrection of Fran Gazlayand Art Rockall.

Those who attended last year's benefit at Genltti's\\111 remember the fine performances by these twolocal comedians. Look for thls acti\1ty In late Febru-ary or early March.

-Diane RockallCALENDAR

Thursday, Nov. 16Histortcal Society Board Cady. 7:30 p.m.Saturday, Nov. 18Christmas Walk Village. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Snnday, Nov. 19Christmas Walk Village, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Tuesday, Nov. 21Stone Gang ',' Yerkes. 9 a.m.-noonWednesday, Nov. 22Archives Commltt;ee Cady. 9-11 a.m.Brighton School Wash Oak. 9 a.m.Rehearsal _ Church. 5:30 p.m,Tharsday, Nov. 23Thanksgiving , , Village Office closro.

Three local businesses joinannual Toys for Tots campaign

Three local merchants haveJoined forces with the UnitedStates Marine Corps Reserves tohelp with this year's -Toys forTots· campaign.

The 'Toys for Tots- program col·lects new. unwrapped toys anddistributes them durtng the holi-day season to children from eco·

nomfcally challenged homes.Toys wl1l be collected at the

Mallboxes. Etc. store at 118 Matn-Centre, do\\ntown North.lIle. andthe To\\n and Country Eye Care,2212 No.1 Road. Nmi. In the OakPointe Plaza.

As an additional Incenti\'e to thisprogram, any toys purchased at

the Ultimate Toys and Gifts storeat 107 N. Center. downtownNorthville. for donation to this pro-gram \\ill rece!\'e a 10 pt'rcent dis-count.

For further Information on thisprogram, call Mailboxes, Etc. at(810) 344-1980.

The Good, The Bad, And The UfUY NewsAbout Northwest's Airfares In Detroit.

rtfRf,f1ftt /{fN

J fJtv po /ON 1HPStf}vJ

III Rc~rlAfC~( If

\\h~.lre JirfJre-- to AtlJntJ ~ mULh Im\er thJn [he\afe to IHher (i[H:,i·Ik:c.lU~e \':1luJct .-\Jrlml':'>OIC'- [herl' In f;(t. ~inll'\',lluJet Ix:g:ln 'enmg Detroit. :\()rth\\~t Ajrlmc'~ J\cr.lge fJre to.\tl.lnt.llu~ fJl~en from 5195 to 5102 * Th:ll'S the g(xxl nl'\\~

The IrJd nl'\\~ I' thJt r.lre-. to Cilll':'>to \\hich \'JluJetdn<:::on'[11\' .Ire .b hl~h ;b l'\cr To ~'C \\ h:n \\c me,ln. l.l~e Jf:hnce at the lh.lrt belO1\ (It j,n't a prelt~ sight)

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)9.1.I1I1D 509, 5366 ,569 $119------- - ----- - ..-- ---,

6.U llllD S18J '5 dlJ SO \!.R\'ICF.-- - -4--- __5.!8.1l11D $198 $/iU ,\'0 V:R\'ICI.

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.\J.\\ !ORAR.VllW·/)ff'lfUl )Ill \1I11.' $IJ) SIW

ValuJef Hakes 11teDifference In Airfares.li.ur mIll ....;Iren't [he dilTerencL'1Il.l1ff3.rl".\\h.III"

Oh\lllll'll II'~ \'.llu.kt .\nd \\l,'re \\orking tt I bring Delft II!

more 100\·.mf.lfe dlllTll ....'-()On In the me.lIltime. lOll

fan wnl1l'll through .\[1.111l.lon \:I1Ltkt to 11Ul!l" -

indlidlOg 't'\en III Flond.! .\l1d ~()1I11.11\\.1\'ge[ -I()II I"are";·/l!/Jda.l hellll!Jue \\d/r-'IX'CIlN' th.lt\ [he \·.lhtkt prlll1lN'

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1 7 7

Opposition formingover welfare proposalsBy TIM RICHARDSlaffWriler calls for suspending the driver's

licenses of parents who fail to paycourt-ordered chIld support.

·My leg[slation holds Irresponsl·ble parents accountable. - saidWl11ard. ·That's what welfarerefonn should be about.·

Engler's reform plan wouldchange 40 years of practices InMichigan, and yet It's on a fasttrack that Is likely to see It becomelaw by the end of the year.

Reason: If the go\'ernor can signIt by Dec. 31. It can take effectnext April I \Io1thout a two·th[rds\'ote of both cham~rs of the Lt'gts-lature. And some Democraticopposition Is predictable.

If passed In 1996 \Ioithout a two-thirds vote for Immediate effect.the package wouldn't take effectuntil Aprtl of Hl97.

Michigan would be a follower,not a leader, In a prcsldenl1al c!('C.lion year.

Sister Monica Kostlelny, presl·dent of 11le Michigan Catholic Con·ference. urged caution.

Ilte needs of poor people mustbe placed before an artiflctal dead·line set by the governor and leg-Islatl\'e leadership.· said SislerMonica. hrad of the public poUr)'

voIce of the Catholic Church InMichigan.

Ann Marston. president of theMichigan League for Human Ser-vices. urged an ·open andthoughtful process· rather than arush.

But Engler's outline says hisreforms ·"ill promote employment,further reducing caseloads andpayment Ie-,'els:

Handling the package In theHouse Is the Human SerVicesCommtllee. headed by Rep. JackHorton. R·uelmonl.

Four of Its se\'en members arewomen, making It one of the fewfemale· dominated panels In theHouse.

State changes In welfare arecoming In the wake of federalblock grants to replace detailedfederal prOj:irams.

Engler wants to rename theDepartment of Social Services lhe·Famfly Independence Agency:

Ihe new program emphasizeswork by making partlc[patlon InWork First mandatory and puts Inplace tou~h standards to encour·age steady progress toward self·suffictt'I\("Y.· Engler said at a news("On(('ren("e.

Suburban la\lomakers are cheer-Ing. but welfare organlzations arcwary. as Gov. John Engler'sreform plan starts a speedy jour·ney through the Michigan leglsla·ture.

·Now that the federal govern·ment has stopped mfcro·managingour welfare program. we1J be bet-ter able to help recipients growand develop Into self-sufficiency:saId Sen. Robert Geake. R-Northville.

Geake led a two-year subcom·mlttee task of revising Friend ofthe Court procedures to collectmore child support. faster. fromdeadbeat parents.

·Our state [s It'adlng the way:said Rep. Gerald Law. R·Plymouth.·W·elfare as we know It \10111end InMichigan:

·Appllcants must demonstrateresponslblllt)' for becoming self-sufficient before an)' pa}ments \Ioillbe made: said Rep. W1IIIs Bullard.R-MUford.

E\'en a Democrat - Rep. KarenWillard of Algonac - pratsed a por·tlon of the Engler program thatmatched her !louse BI11 4361. It

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special orders will be taken for

sizes not currently In stock.

~alllnla\'. ~o\"('IllI)('r IBIn \1(·11· ... Shop:'i



Christmas WalkDowntown November 19 (810) 349-7640Our charming shops. restaurants, and ~\tracllora extend a 1]leCIal, festive welcome¥J \0 begiD \he Holidays. Music. retreebmen\l, bollday decor. carolers. elves. sleigh

rides - &11 \0 help ring In \be hollday sptrlt.

Creative Priority Crafts & CollectiblesNortbrUle CoIJUl]Ullity Cenler November 24·28 (8JO)349-<1203

Experience the unIque - and maybe even find that extra-specIAl gill!

Candleli£tht Walk WeekendDowntown Northville December8·10 (810) 349-olS22FRIDAY EVENING: The Candlelight Walk. The downtown streets wtll be

candle·lit wilb glowing luminaries, as carolers and holiday cheersurround \he ooculon. Also lbat evening, -rhe Stars Come Out In

Nortbvme~ - wUl you see your favoriteau thor/aril3tJchetJathletelen tertalner?

SUNDAY: A celebrity auction will spread the season's good wtll, sharingholiday joy with thOfle who might not otherwise have such a Merry

Ch rilJtmas .ALL WEEKEND: Vote for your favorIte ot many beautifully decorated

dllrptay windows.

ALL WEEKEND: HANDCRAFTERS CRA.FT SHOW: A very popularNorthville favorite, held at the Northville Community Center. Spend Ute

day, relaxing, enjoyIng these nne c:raI\s. and strolling the villageatmosphere of Downtown Northville. (313) 459-0050

• Ms,ss "s'O=. sn._ = •

• • 4 .'=..5 ... .,. .... 1""'" •

Library LinesTOPPING OUT: On Nov. 8 representaUves from the Northville Dls.

trict Ubnuy Board. NDL BUildIng CommJttee. 1'MP Associates Inc.•architects: the George W. Auch Co.• construcUon managers: andInterested community members were on hand to witness the "toppingout" ceremony.

When the last steel beam Is placed on a bUilding, an evergreen treeand a flag are attached to the beam and the beam Is signed by partJc-lpants In the building project. The custom of hotsUng the evergreento the top of the structure Is a Scandinavian custom daUng back to700 C.E. 111.Isslgnilles that It Is Ume to start celebraUng the comple.lion of the bUilding.

"BOUND FOR DISCOVERY": NaUonaJ Chlldren's Book Week IsNov. 13·19. Budding arusts have a chance to show off their talentsby partJclpaUng In thls contest that wtlI run Wednesday. Nov. 1.17.All students of the Northville Public Schools and all students InNorthville and Northville Township are e1Jglbleto participate. Enllyforms are available at the reference desk In the 1Jbrary.

FRIENDS: The Doard of Directors of t'r1ends "'111meet rr1day. Nov.17. at 9:30 a.m. In the library.

STAMP IN THE HOLIDAYSEASONI On Monday. Nov. 20. therewill be over 100 rubber stamps for your use In decorating holidaystaUonery and greeting cards. ~t your lmagInaUon run wild as youcreate ornamenls. decorate holiday recrpe cards. or fashion a fesUveletterhead. Ink pads and a IImlted supply of staUonery "'ill be avail-able aswdl.

This program Is ope'1to participants of all ages. Mater1aJs "'ill beavailable In the library from 2·5 p m.

SUNDAYHOURS: In addition to the regular schedule - Mondaythrough Thursday to a.m.·9 p.m : tr1day and Saturday 10 a.m ..5p.m. - the library Is open Sunday from 1·5 p.m.

The Northvtlle DIstrict Ubrary Is currently located at 215 W. MainStreet. tor InfonnaUon on all programs and sen1ces. call (81Ol349.3020.

Congressional repto speak at Meads

U.S. Rep. Lynn RJvers wl11beholding a town hall meeting atMeads Mill Middle School InNorthville. at 16700 franklinRoad. on Monday. NO'o·. 20

The mttung ....111take place: from7 to 8.30 p.m. and ....1lJ be an openforum at which attendees 11.111befree to dIscuss a wide range ofsubjects "'1th the congresswoman

Rh'ers wl11 open the programwllh a brief O\'er\'\ew of recent

actions In the l04th Congress and"'111then o~n the floor to ques·Uons. The program Is designed toplO\1de partJdpanls "'1th a chance10 raise Issues and concerns andbecome Informed about currentcongresslonaJ acUv1t1es.

for further InformaUon. contactGroff Rose at (313) 722·1411.

Rh·ers. a Democrat from AnnArbor. was el~ted to her first termlasl No\·ember.

• •

Thursday. Nowmbef 16. 1995- THE NORTHVIllE RECOFlO-11A

Michigan farm land disappearsBy TIM RICHARDSfaIfWriler

Visualize an entire township -36 square mlles.

NowvlsuaJlze 3.7 townships.That Is how much MichIgan

vacant land Is being developedeach year.

Most of that land used to befarmed. It used to produce corn,tomatoes and beef: perhaps beans.cherr1es. blueberr1es, cucumbers.potted geraniums, Iilles.

You're going to have to bnng Infood from greater distances. Itwon't be as fresh. If you bought ahouse on a former farm. you'realready spendIng more time Inyour car dr1v1ngto work: 16 mIn·utes In 1953.27 minutes In 1994.

Take a decade. 1982·92.because that's the ~r1od pickedby the Governor's Farmland andAgriculture Development Taskrorce. If Michigan Is losing 3.7townships a year. then In a decadeIt has lost 37 to'Mlshlps.

That's more than all the land InUv1ngston County (16 townships)and Washtenaw County (20 town·ships) combined. What used to bemeadows and cropland. mostly, Isnow Wal·Marts. offices, homesv.1thvery large lots. churches.

Over the course of 90 years. thepicture looks like this: In 1920MIchigan had 19 m1lUonacres offarmland; today, 10 m1l1Jonacres;by the year 2010. Just 8.3 m1llJonacres. All of Oakland and WaynecounUes ....111 be dC'o·eloped.

1\Jrn to the people on the farm.Most fanns (87 percent) are faml·Iy-<l9oTled.

Certainly there are fewer peopleIMng on farms. and the farms arelarger.

But consider their age. In 1992the average age of farmers was51.9.

In that ke}' decade of 1982·92.the number of farmers older than65 Increased 7 percent The num·ber under age 35 decreased 55percent In short. the young folksaren't going Into farming.

What wl11happen when thosefarmers die or qUit? They're sellingto de\·elopers. Investing on Wall

Pla)'mobil I 8'10 I Leg:> I (reclOr I Gund I Breyer. Stelfl I Coro!:e I Creativity for Kids I Klutz I Galt I Ambi

Take your child on a



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Street. and clipping coupons Inretirement. But theIr sons anddaughters aren't growing food andflO\\'elS.

The governor's commission andMichigan Sodety of PlannIng om·c1aJs say that should be changed.People need food, open space.open vistas. They say farmingought to be presen·ed.

There's a financlal catch. Onegovernmental agency or anotherwould pay farmers to stay on theland and not sell to developers.say the officlaJs.

Where will the money comefrom? Here's a due. Not even thestudy by 14 business, farm. con·servation and community leadersappointed by Gov. John Englerwas paid for by government. FivefoundaUons and Michigan StateUniversity paid for it. If there isn'tstate money to pay for the study.how will it subSidize farmers tostay on the land?

David Skjaerlund, a farmer "'1tha doctorate. was the chief staffman for the study. He works forthe Michigan Department of Agri.culture.

SkjaerIund recently spoke to theSoutheast Michigan Council ofGovernments. the seven·countyplanning agency.

He said the biggest losses offarmland are In Oakland. Wayneand Washtenaw counties: thethree counties around GrandRapIds: and the Traverse Bayarea. Some 70 percent of the lostfarmland Is In the southern lowerpeninsula.

The governor's panel held publichearings In each of those areasand visited Pennsylvania for a lookat Its farmland preservation pro-gram.

Some polley options don'tInvolvesubsidizing farmers:

• Smaller lot sizes. "Some town·ships want to control growth by

reqUiring five to 10 acre lots: saJdSkjaerlund.

The planning ofnclals' reportsaid, "A recent study linked theSubdivision Control Act of 1967with accelerating rates of landfragmentaUon In many rural areasand a dramatic Increase In thenumber of JO·acre or larger build-Ing slles."

I Easler assessing. The pro-farmer groups want farmlandassessed for property taxes on thebasis of its use today. not on thebasis that the farmer may sell Itfor a computer plant tomorrow.

That is a dramaUc turnaroundfrom 20 years ago when planningexperts were saying land shouldbe assessed on Its potenUaJ use. Inorder to force redC'o'elopment.

SkJaerlund argued that farmersdeserve a property tax breakbecause "those pigs and hogs don'tnced schools and pollee protec-tion:

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12A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Thul$day. NOYeIT\ber16.1995

Horse cents PhOt:>by AL WARD

Health NotesSt. Mary Hospital in Ll\'onia offerl>the follo\\;ng programs.• Childlllrth Rcfr~her Workshop: SI. Mary \\;11 offer thIs workshop

on Saturday. [)c(-. 2. The class \\111meet from 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. inthe PanHon Conference Room near the Levan Road west entrance.

TIle work~hop follows the Prepared Childbirth Class. utlllLing theLamue method of childbirth. The \\orkshop instructs mothers·to·beon rela\alion and breathmg techniques that help dunn~ the differentstages of labor ,11111de!l\·el)·.

The cc.~t of tIlt' onl··ddV c1a~ Is $40. whle-h ll1cllHJcs lunch. Theprercqll1~lte for thl:' class 'I~ ,lltendance at a Lamale class \\1Ihll1 thelast Ihe )I'arS Rq~\stratlon b required,

For more II1fOrl11,1IlOnor to register. e-all the Manan Women's Cen·ter at 13131 591·331-1 or use Ihe center's toll·free number. 1·800·-19-1·1615

• Cann'r Support Group: 'Focus on Ll\1ng: a self·hdp group forcall< cr p<l!lcnts and their familIes. meets the first Wednesdav of e\'Crvmonth ,II SI. ~tary The I)e{embcr Jneelm!!. ,,\;1\ be held o~ \\"dne~'day. Dl'C. 6. from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the ho:;,pltal audilonum.

CO'sponsored br the American Cancer Society. lhe group giwsparlie-Ipanls an opportulllty to diSCUSS theIr conl:'ems. get answersami gam support from others \\1Ih the same expencnccs mth e-ane-er.

Regl:>lr.ltion Is not nt'Ccssal)' and there is no charge to attend themcetinll Refrl'~hments \1 ill be served For more mformation. e-all1.113159]-2922.


NORTHVILLEPlease note: The Township offices wiI close a Thanksgiving on Wed~

Novernbef22, 1995a14:30 pm, and wiI reopen on Monday. No\Iember27. 1995atSam.(11·2&23-95 NR) SUE A. HIllEBRAND. CLERK


NOTICE.. NOTICC IS HEREBY GIVEN that there are upcoming vacancies on the Zoning

Board of Appeals, BeautlficabOO Coovnission, cable Atx:ess Commmee, ComputerA~ Commrttee, Ec:onomic Development CorporabOO. EJectioo CommissionHousilg and Commun!ly Development AdvisoIy Committee, Board of RevieN •

Applications are available from the office of the Crly Clerk by caling 347-0456(11·16123-95 NR, NN) TONNI BARTHOlOMEW. CITY CLERK

******************************: Collectible Crafts :'*'* 9th Annual :** Arts & Crafts Show :'* ** Come browse through the qUllhty works of ** aFtJs:Jnsfrom across MJchl,gan. Tlus hohdll)' ** season, you'll dJsc(wer umquc d~ora/A-c If'C/lsures for l'our home *: and spca'll SiftS for /ho~ who are dCJr /C' your ie-1Ft ** *'* SaturdaJj NOVenlber J8th IOam-4pm:: Brighton High School :'* (,'lam s.. S. Seventh) *.t AdnJission $1 rc>- Info (810)227-4860 *,~ *******************************



SUPERINTENDENTResponsible pers.on b manenanoe of senioC' CItizen apartments

IOCIudong officesand vaeane:y preparation. "blit'/ 10pertocm maroaJtasks WIth provable repair capabilitlElS- Knowledge of preyenlalMand routine buddng mailteoanoe and custO<iaIlaSks lechniques

and equ-pment AdministratNe and PR skiIs, a plus. Required.Mnnu-n 5 years experience in mainlenanoe. c::onstsudion trades Of

S1mi\a r field. validdrivers ioenso and sale driving record,Salary nego!l3b1e ~ resune oMth salary reqWemeru and Ihree

JOb rclaled relerenoes by N<lYember 30th to:NorthIiIe Housing Commission

215 W.Mar. StreelNof1tlviIe. MI48167

No phone calls. EquaJ EmpbJmeol Oppomnty.(11,1&-95 NR)


We're hl'adlng back. way back.all the way 10 the warning trackIn this week's edition of A Back·ward GIlUln'. Put your Adldas onyour feetas 'C'ause we're fixln' tovisit The Northville Record In Itse-radle. seeing what Ihe happen·Ings were In town this week asreported by Ihis newspaper In Its\'ery first year of publication:1869.

THE TIMES Ihey were a·chang·ing as Amerie-a \nestled owr newrealllles. TIle woullds of the CI\11War were still fresh. UlyssesGrant became president, super·Vising the Reconstruction of adefeated South thal proceededapace despite claim'> of corrup·tlon and Yankee e-arpctb.1ggers.

THE 15th AMENDMENT wasratified, prohIbiting the denial ofIhe \'Ote on Ihe basis of race, partof series of Amendments and lawsdesigned to spell out the rights ofthe new'" freed sla\'es.

WOMEN. meanwhile. alsoslru!(gled for freedom. In 1869Susan U. Anthony and ElizabethCad\' Stanton founded theXatlona] Women's Suffrage ,\$so.C'Idllon. an organi/-<ltion dedfC'atedto wmning women the nght to

OF LOCAL INTEREST. though.was the ae-count sent In by formerreSident David Peebles. who leftNorth\;lle that summer to work atthe freedman's Dank In Chat·tanooga. Tenn. Peebles describedhis experiences with ·darkeys·and "white roughs· while roamingthe rountryslde to offer loans andcolleet payments.

BESIDES THAT pUhy Iltlle talc.page one also carried extensiveae-counts of the home Improve-ments either completed, underway or planned by those li\1ng Inthe area,

IT WAS a different world. tharsfor sure. Times for the h\iC'C·dal1\·Nortll\'lIIe to Wayne stagecoachwere listed.

TIle ('Ost: S2 a ride. Talk In thepaper was of the trade In tobae-co.wheat and fur. Ads hawked Iheservices of blacksmiths andmilliners and dry goods storesoffered beans. oats and e-orn urthe bushel. as wcll as such l ui-lIng·edge products of the machll1l'age as a "newly redcslgne<I' pumphandle -llhlt WIll bc the caslt'~tvou've ever used:. TO GET ALL THAT. howcwr.you had to put money 011 the um·rei head, Publisher 5.'nlllel Ultll'.In fall. used Ihat w{'Ck's edltonalto make It clear 10 e\"CT\'one Ihatsubscription and 'llh'l'rt·,slng fel'sarc dlle In alh":lllce.

While ~oml' md\' be offendl'll.he wrote. -an ellt·erprlsc of thissort e-annot bt' concocted for fUll.nelthrr mlllo\"l' SU..l.lI11it. c,l~h isIIllII~I)('ns.lbk. -

Ur wasn't an un[l'''~(lllabk ~IIV.thollgh Suh~cnbt'r" cOllld ,II tll.;1

dren and fdll1llle~:TIlat bill sets up tnbllnab to' I)

fonmrd support procecdlngs toolher stdtes. and 2J ~eT\'e ,I" ..respondm!! tnl.lllllal for procrl'd·ings ~l,Htl:'d In other ~1.lle~ Inl'xtrellle c,lses. a 1!owrnor (ouldextradlle de,ldbe,lts \1 ho f.llIl'd topro"1de support.

TIle bills go 10 the 1I01l~r. wheH'roullne approval Is 1I"l'iy If en,lrt·cd. mo~1 of the hllb \Iould !>ecomelaw III 1II1d·1996

Sen. ~1I{had Bouchard, H lllTllI-IlIgham. W,IS Ihe ~pon ..or of onepart of th" packa!!e - to reCjulrl'FOC to tell credit a!!l'lle-il'!>aboutnon'papnelll'o uf tl\O or morl'monlhs that [l'arhe<! $1.000

-Somellml'~ ,I jJ<'r'oQlll~ ~h(Jrt ,IItiH' end of tilt' llIol\th .11111h.I'"Iilrll' hilh to p.IY - phUlll·. (rl·,11Icard anel child ~lJpport Ih-11 pa)

Ihe- pholll' alld l rl'dll card beX,III"'('If hI:' dOCSll't 1I \1111 affe< t hl~ (Tl'dllr,Hlng: !<.11t1Boue-h.ud -~uw Ill'"nOIl'payml'll\ of '>uppurl .11..0 Lm,Ifkl t hb l rl'dll r.ltln~ -

CoI',lkl' !<.Ih!Oil<' !J11I.1110\\'" ,I (II ...IlK!!.11p,IH'lIt tll MIl' for h.\(''' "lipport for a .. lon~ a .. 10 yl·,lr .. ,lftt'r ..chllt! rl',1l hl'tl ,\1:1' I ~ TII.II \\'ouldallo\\' [l'( mCT\' \"hell tht' 11011 Ill'"to<ll,11 pareni· .. ('lIHlOlllll lire 11111~tal1lt'~ h,l\ I' cll.llI~l'(l

-Therl' h .1 rCljIlIH'II11'1I1 !l1.11\\!It'n .1 Jud~l' 1.... \11· ... ,I II<11111 \1.1f

r.lIlt to Tl>(jIlITl',I p,Ut 111 10 1),\\ 1111I),ITl'nt \\111 11.1\l' to p.IY WillI <o...t ...too: Col'.lkt' ...lld

:'\0 It-,>~ 1!I,IlI ,I «III/l'n hili .. 11,1<1tolx' 11.1...... ·«1 10 ell,llIee -\1...lI,ltIOI1· I"-p,lrl'lIl1l1~ IlIlIl'- III "ul'l'0rt. f.lIl111)(OIIll ... ·lIn~. prul>.tte. !IlIon l' 'oOC 1..1\ll'lf,lrt·, pl.·1I.11. ,ld"pllOll ,111<1111111'1I.m ..


... . ..: .. (aou" •••i ! !i

IIIi * ~tI...•

~ ~... 82 ...PlYMOUTH RD.

". :i

,"ole. They S('()red Ihelr first \ie-to-I)' In the temtol)' of Wyoming Inthe same year.

A FIGHT for the West contin-ued as well, as pioneers and lhearn1\' crossed swords with IheIndians m'er new selliements.

YET ANOTHER STRUGGLEgoing on was one that wouldtran~form the United Stales froman agne-ullural. somewhat back·water nation into Ihe BOO·poundgorJlla of the modern age: TheIndustrial Re\·o]utlon. Themae-hine began to supplement -and In some cases. supplant -human labor. Enlrcpreneurs likeCornelius Vanderbilt. AndrewCarnegie and John Rockefelkrput the -blg- In big ullsin"ss.

BRINGING NORTHVILLE thenews of It all was the then· Ilayn<'Counly Record. The role of thepaper In dally life was dlfferenlback then, seT\'ing as most peo·ple's primary source of informa·tlon about the doings around thenation and across the \\orld. TheRecord of No\·. 13. 1869. refll'Cle<1that fae-I, e-arrylng slIlppeb ofmforrnatlon. ancn!olrs and fie-·tlon,l1 short stones !:lcaned frolllp<lpeTSae-ross the countl)"

Iy pay their $1.50 annual fee Inwood. deli\'ercd right to the print·Ingoffie-{',

AND NOW, A TIDBITI Couldn'tpass this one up: the city ofAtlanta's population. according tothe most recent census. wasreported In Tile l~ecord to be awhoppln~ 29.166.

Picture of mystery person

MEANWHILE. A MYSTERYawaits aM \"011 IO\'a 1 r<',lller .. 0111therl'. . .

TIle IlhOlogr,lph \\ hlch ,1Ce-01ll·panics ABG this wC'Ck was fOllndIn the attle- of the COllleriea B,lIIkon ~Ialn Stre('1. TIll' folk .. downIhere arc wOlHkrln~ if ,1II\Onl'know~ who thl' \\onl.ln PIClllft·c1j'i.

If \'ou h,l\l' ,Ill\' Inform.ll!onatlUlit It ~I\ l' .1 r(nl! tll Thl'fl· ....1I'on"('\', \'Ile I'rt ....hhlll. 0\1'[ .It('ollll'ric.1 ,It 31~13300



MariJ Zbik of Northville rummages through a display at theNorth American Horse Spectacular, looking for some bar- F· d f C.e dgains on saddles and other equestrian equipment. The show rlen 0 0urt reI0rIllS appI~Ovetook place last weekend at the Novi Civic Center.

Nearl\' two \'ears a~o. Sen,Roberl 'Geake 'was listening tostormy public testImony fromhundreds of people complammgabout friend of the Court opera-tjon~ III most :\lle-hillan counties,

ThIS month the ~tate Senate.WIthout a word of debate. gawunalllmous appro\'al to the first 25of -10 reform bills Geake gllldedthrough commlltee~ to e-rack dO\\TI

on deadbe,lt pdrents and make hfefairer for non·cu~tod!al parent~

·~tlchlgan Joins the UniformInterslate family Support Art oncollecting e-hlld and spousal sup·port: Grake sail! in hl~ thlrd·flooroffie-e behmd the Senate e-hamocr111 the Capitol after the ses'ilon'W" look a l:';\.lnt "tell loward hl'lp-mg Ihe st.l\.llhly uf \l1dllg,ll1 chilo

'Th.·\ IIll',11I the ....1lilt' thill~'-Coe,I"t" ... lId 'hllt IInll • 1l .. lfIlll.t1p.HO·II"" dldll I \\,1111 I" Ix' ...1l~1I1.1tl/l'(I.I" \ l"'II"r .. -

'1hl' m""'1 p"lItlc .llIy • onlrfl\e r<,1.11 hIll III C.',.".· ... IMl ",,~., h ...tlllIII 1111'r.lIl1ll\' 1..111 ('0111111111.·,·Th,1I '.1 ollltl ~hllt Frlo'lId "I I h,('ourl fr":1l lilt· Jun...,lll [ioll of I II

11111 < 0111"" III ~'·lIn.11 «(Jllllt\' ~O\

I'rlllll,'llt (;1'''''0' ",1\'" IIII' '"Ifa, ,...."1I1d L;l I Iwlte r "lIpt'n 10.,1011 .Hlclfllllllllll! (:" 1111 JII<I~t'" hO',lo'\o'r"Pi"' · .•11\ It <IUI1101l of 1111II p""I r \1ll1 111 .. 1l\, ("11111\ 01111 t.,]o,.lrt III •. IC' r 10 t.lk.· 0\ o'r roc

f\I" hili ...11111111,1"" It .1 f"lolll' 101..1....·1\ c 1"Ir>:t' , luld ....·\11.11 .lllll ·ph\ "11,1: .,llll"'· ('111011"11.11 .11)11 •

,,' III ch II ,,' .1dul<l - c 1IT1. 1111\.1lIu'o(I"II\, ,\!I',I "\lIlhlllll' IIh 1\,>11101he lip '" t.\11 \t.I" 1111'0....'11 .11111 1hl.l· "f Sol ()()()




.• .NOW mo< ... ayslob<lyMS.... THURS. & SAT. 9:30 a.m.6:00 p.m.:~~-=.- 5UNDAY12:00Noonto5'OOt~~ ~ .. ".~ -: PREVIOUSLY SELECTED MERCHANDISE NOT INCLUDED . p.m.

-_._-----------_ ...-.....~ ............._-------~o.SSP? ssep r 2PP' •• an

4. 4


• $

FI'e prc'O b'1 BGYAN '.IITCfiELL

The halls of Norlhville High School are a little more crowded this year. as student population increased in all grade revels.'

il1ea1s }Jrogr(ll11 seeks Jtel]J.froll1 (/river vOlltltteers

\h'.d' "Il \~ lli 1'1, , .. II' 1111 II "fIll\\ .. lid "11" ..111111<' drl\l r .. (41111111111111\ III' 11,b, r ... 1[" I..Ill~ ., .. k,'dtn pit ., ...., \t.lunlr, r ITI t,l lH 11:""'1·"".,"r" ,.. , \" 'h '0 1.,1-., 111' ,d' Ir"lli,\111'11 r, I r.tI' 10 11"11111Jotmd 1'<"1"011"111 !hl' \. r1h\lll, ,In',,

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hour Ilr t\\O of IIIt'lr'lll1\l'. pl(,d'l'r ,dl ,\lIell ll·rr.let· .11 J l!l '1Gli I\I,,"d,I\'·Frld,w, 10.W dill 10 III!II llr .JllIlv .;1J lK 171; I

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Thursday November 16 199~ THE NORTHV,LLE RECORD-13A

Continued from 1

fi11;1Ill'C. lIlorc stlHknb Cfjuatcs 10more f('\'COUC ullder Ihe stat('fUlldmg formula brou~lIt aboul bythe p,l..,sage of PrOpOSItIOnA.

Thc formula take~ Ille Ortobcr:.tudent Full TIIIIl' Equl\'alent[FTcl 10UIII .llld aVl'ragl's thdt1Illlllber with <1I1 FTE ~tudentlount taken III Fehmar\'.

ThaI ol\erage IS lheli multipliedby the state per-pupil raIl'. andIildt figure repr('sellt~ the amountof !>t,lll' funding recel\'ed by tll('IlIstncl.

For example. If the dlstrlct'~O(tob<'1 1995 ITE COUllt IS 4.499you would a\,(~r<lgl' that figure byIhe Fehmary 1995 COUlltof 4.33 I.gl\ll1l! you an FTJ::a\'er.tge of 4.4 15students.

You would thell multiply thatnumber by the per-pupil mho of$6.693, and the amoullt of statefUlldmg reCel\'ed by the school dlS-tnet would be $29,5 ml1lion,

Tholt might seel11 lIke a lot ofmoney. but Street explained lhatthe more students \'Ol! han~. themore teachers neeli to he hired,and consequelltly morc class-rooms need to be pronded

-When you get more studentsyou gel more re\('nue. and up to apoml Ihat I" 1Jeneftcial.- Street~lld

"But \\llh that growth you ha\eto look at more leachers. new

MWithgrowth you haveto look at more teachers,new buildings, and otherthings that go witheducating kids. M

-John S:ree~o~ectorof b:Jsl~essand ~nal1CB

btllldmgs. and other things that I!0\\lth educalinE: kids.

-Each student enrolled briugs in1110rere\'Cnlle than cxpense. up 10a point. - he added, ·Wlth morestudents entennl! the district. UMtraho dcrr('ase!> -

Street salll Proposition Achanged the way districts deal\\1th student gro\\1h.

If a communlty's growth wasfaster than the school distrlct'sIncrease iu enrollment. fundingloral education was simplebecause the district was consld·ered "out of formula." and reeel\ I'dno statc aid.

With the change, he explained,most of the district's fundingcomes lhrcrtlv from the slate.

-Now If that gro\\1h IlltS. the dls-tnct doesn't have the ability to goback to the voters for adlhtionalfllndmg,- he said.


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14A-THE NOATlMLlE AECOAD-ThurS(lay November 16. 1995

Tracl~service at issueContinued from 1 $101.730 for a sL.. month period.

After the ('(luncl\'s decision lastweck, Word sent a letter to JamesYoung, the pn.-sldent of the Jack-son Trotllng Association, alertinghim that police senices would bewithheld If wrltlen conOrmatlonwas not receh·ed.

-State cooperation In releasingthe city's share of the pari·mutu('1ta ...es has been. and conllnu('s tobe. uncertain: Word said. -Citytaxpayers cannot be held responsi-ble for thiS sel"\ice \\ithout hope ofreimbursement. •

Jackson Raceway runs lis fallseason at North\'lIIe Downs fromOctober through December. TheDowns then runs Its 0\\71 s('asonfrom January to April.

Word said that uncertainty O\'('rtrack funds caused the city toestablish a 4-polnt policy regard-Ing police sel"\ices. TIll')' are:

• North\ille \\111 prO\ide the tra·dllional pollce and other custom·ary serVices to Jackson TrottingAssoclallon and North\111eDO\\7lsat a rate equimlcnt to the cost ofactual sel"\;ce delh·ery.

• Cltv administration \\ill bill theJackson Trotting Association orNorth\'llle Downs for senices pro·\ided on a monthly baSIS.

• If or when pari·mutuel racetrack funds are recciwd from thestate, in an amount equal to or

greater than the cost of servicesrendered. refunds will be Issuedequh'alent to the paymentsreceh'ed from Jackson TrottingAssociation or Northvll1e Downsfor sen1ces prO\ided.

• If payment of funds Is notreceh'ed In a IImely fashion. ser-\'Ices beyond those accorded anyother taxpayer in the clly must beterminated at the track.

Although both the Trolling Asso·clallon and North\ille DO\\7lsarerequired to submit letters ofunderstanding. Word said theTrolling Assoc[atlon is moredirectly affected by the clly policy,

"The city usually recel\'es thestate funding before North\'JIIeDowns' season begins, so IIdoesn't affect them as much as theTrotting Assoclallon.- Word said.

If the city had \\ithdra\\71 policesel"\ices it would not ha\'e been in\;olatlon of Mlchlgan's racing law.which requires local governmentsparticipating in the distribution ofpari-mutuel funds to allocate suffi-c[ent portions to proVide for ade-quate police, fire. and traffic pro-ttcUon of people and property atand near each race mect.

Because the city hasn't rcceh'edthe state funds, II would technical·ly not be participating in the fundsdistributIOn. and could removethose senices.

complaints and compensaUngusers for time their cable Is out.The contract sets minimumresponse Umes and requires thecompany 10 set service appoint-ments wll.hlna set time.

Due to a provision which callsfor a minImum of 20 customersper lineal mUe to be presentbefore cable services are offered,res [dents on the western end ofNorthville Township will likely go\\ithout AmerUech's services forthe foreseeable future.

In the leUer receh'ed by the cll\')ast weck arc essenllally the sarn<-as last year's, according to Word., At Issue are the pari-mutuelJunds the cll)' receh'cs from the,state of Mlchtgan each year.'Although Northvl1le has receivedan average fund amount of$400.000 the past few years,receipt of those funds has notbem guaranteed, and they are notbudgeted by city administrators.

That ml."ansNorth\'iIIe expendsfunds pro\1dmg police sel"\ices forthe Jackson Trotting Associationseason as well as the North\'lIIe

, 00\\115' season, but be<'ause thereIS no j:(lIarantce that the state \\111prO\'lde North\'lIIe's take of the

·pan·mutuel rewnues - as was the'case In 1991 - the city has·requested assurances that the,Trotting Association and the• DO\\115 \\111rl."imburse the city forthose scl"\ices.

That is what the [etter of under-·standing outlmes. according toWord.

Pollee sel"\ices run an a\'erage of$ 17.000 per month, based on ana\'Crage of 990 manhours, accord·ing to CItybllhng figures, The totalcost of prO\idmg police sel"\iccs forthe TrOlling Association andNortlmlle Downs S<'asons aVl."rages

Cable franchise approvedContinued from 1 said she could not support the

contract because It Included aprovision that allows the town-ship to review the franchiseagreement every year. Hillebrandbased her objection on the factthat the measure was "too hur-ried,· She proposed instead tak-Ing more Urne to review the lan-guage of the pact.

Provisions In the deal willaddress an Issue the board andAmerilech spent a lot of Urne on:responding to customer service


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and play games \\ith others usingyour televISionset.

More compeUtlon means betterservice, board members said InapprOVing the deal. which \\illbecome final after attorneys forboth Sides review a series ofminor revISions made during theNov. 9 meeting.

Opposed to the deal wereTrustee Barbara O'Brien andClerk Sue HUlebrand. O'Brien

oee board names interim chancellor8y nM RICHARDStaff Writer

Anthony Jarson was due tobegin work as Interim chancellorof Oakland Community Collegeand could be on board as long asJune 30.

The board of trustees Nov, 2gave 4-1 approval to a contract\\ith two members absent.

Jarson. who retired as vicechancellor for adminIstration(OCC's chief business post) In mid·1994. succeeds acting Interimchancellor James D. Warner. whoreturns to his old vlce·chancellorjob, In the wake of the Oct. 16 fir·lng ofChaneeUor Patsy CalkIns.

Jarson's contract calls for him to

be paid $5,600 bl·weekly - anannualized rate of $145,600 (ver-sus the $120.000 Calk[ns hadbeen paid). Jarson will receivenothing for annultles, rcllrement.health care. health club dues orannual physical exam but instead\\ill gel a lump sum payment of$14,200 on Dec. 21.

He \\1ll accrue all other bcnt'fitsprO\1dt'd to admln[strators - twovacation days per month. fiveaddJtlonal vacaUon days per year.holidays and free tullJon at OCCfor himself and dt'pendt'nts_

The board may terminate hiscontract at any time by gMng himnotice and se\'erance pay of 90days or untll the t'nd of the con·

$54900 Suggested


Two more reasons why Simplicityis the clear choice for clearing snow.

• A.oolable 10quoI.I~ cwslom .... -.II, roqvo<N do- ~ low"""Jy pcyme<olJ0'0d (O"'p"""'e ro'•• o~.. ~J r. 1996

tract. June 30. 1996 - whicheverIs less, If the board hasn't hired apermant'nt CEO by then. his con·tract may be extended on amonthly basIs by mutual agree·ment.

Voting yes were board chairDouglas Wakefleld and trusteesJudith Wiser. Carol Crew andPamala Davis. Absent weretrust~ Janke Simmons and San-dra Rilier.

Voting no was trustee AnneScott, "'Th[s Is a rush Job, - ScottsaJd,

Jarson retlred after 30 years atOCC. holding eight different flnan-clal Jobs, In 1985 he served fOUfmonths as acUng chIef exccuU\'C.


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AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCECITY OF N<NI ORDAINSPARr: I; ThaI Ord'nance No 64-18, l<JlcMn as tho Zonng OfOOVlOO of tho C<ty of 1m is herel:1, amondOO br !he

of the ZOClI09Map as IOC1Icaledon 70rliNG MAP NO 539, al1ad1ed tocreloand made a part'ofth&:s Ord.m.nco 'I a.rnencsng• PARr: II; CONFUCTING PROV~IONS IILPEAlED ArtJ Onk\aflCe 0( parts 01 :U'U Ortk\anoo WI oootIIcl ~~.. "" ,.. _ .

SlOOSollhi:s Ordinance arohel(~ rrpcal«1 - 'f ..... , aIrl VI v ru p«M-

PART III. WHEN EFFECTIVe nlO J.c~ of tt.~Ordil'l3J'lC(l arc llCl'd" dodazed 10be lor~~(15)' ~'lhof~1cty ~ IS tl(.>rt~ ordcted 10 ta~.o cllc<.t "'Ieen 115) days anerfnal~ /Itl~::=

~1~ OVV)AJOO '"'' e!lcdr."O da:o 01 thcs 0nSnancc IS Nwcmbcr 21 1995MADE AND PASSED tTt tho C4y CooooI of Iho~ of fkM, Mdltgan. IhLs 6lh cirl of tb..cmbcr 1995 Cop.cs or tho Oni-=~ ~.bo purchasC'J 0( ~oo at \he off.;o of \toe Cr.y C1e~ r~C'o'l.'oW1lgan. ~kdays botwooo 800 am.


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I City Slate Z.p ILP~.2. • .J I. , .

7. a en eM • •• h,e,=ft ..

_ ... -------- .. -- ...... III!!Il ... ------ ... ~,.. ...... _ ......... ---- .. .. III!III--I1111!'--~~~---------_:---""":':_:_-~7.....",~...,.............r--;;..-;..~,;:--'. r.

IIIIThxscIay, NoYembet 16. 1995-TliE NORTlMllE RECORO-15A

:County VOWS to worl~with township on plan

Controversial eventgiven tentative nod

"Wedon't want to comein here and strong-armany land use or dictateany use that's notconsistent with yourcommunity."


Even If township omclals (eeldifferently. she conUnued. WoolyBully's deserves a permit anyway.The restaurant has made everyeffort to solve the Infrequent prob-lems that come up.1n connecUonwith the shows. Hagan said.

"1l1ey've been going on for twoyears now and police have Issueda total of seven tickets: she point-ed out. "'ThIs Is not a recurring slt-uaUon:

lbere's been some lack of corn·munJcaUon: Roman said, "but assoon as we were told that a prob-lem existed we took measures tocorrect It. We'll continue to dothat.

"1bls has all been blown up atthe townshIp level. at my level andcertalnly at the paper's level: headded. "There are people In thetownship who don't like MarkRoman and who don't like WoolyBully's:

A be\Iy of classic car buffs, a fewof whom live in Northville. spoke Insupport of the gatherings at themeeting. They said that most ofthe people who attend the eventsare responsible Individuals whoare out for a family-style goodtime.

"Unfortunately. there's a verysmall minority that do cause aproblem with their behavior,':Northville's Tom Mack said. :

"We want these people Uckete~as much as the chIef does, may~even even more because It mak~all of us look bad: AI Olweean 0$Westland added. ":

They advocated "a self.governe<\operaUon" to solve the problem, 11)the words of Redford resident BIltHall. ~

,1"We can put the word out t~

everyone who attends not to dothis so we don't lose this opportu::nity: he said.

The ZBA Included that spirit u\Its approval. slappmg several con~dlUons on the permit Includingrequlr1ng Wooly Bully's to have ~employee present in the lot duringthe events and take the namesand addresses of all classic cardrt~~. .

Continued from 1

"It·s safe to say that (WoolyBuny's owner) Mark Roman and Iare both here tonight because ofmoney: Snider told the ZBA lastMonday evening. "He's here tryingto make money and I'm here to tryand save It.·

While he respects the (act thatRoman's trylng to run a business,Snider continued, the shows are"haVing an Impact on the resi-dents" and busmesses In the areaand are accounUng for too muchpoUceume.

He also offered a m1Id rebuke toRoman, saying that "somewherewe're losing communicaUon here."

"I hope and pray for some coop-eration on the maintenance ofpeace and good order there. If Ihad that, we wouldn't be here.·Snider said.

Roman and his lawyer. LindaHagan, took exception to that,argUing that Wooly Bully's hasdone Its best to cooperate with thetownshIp but Is the vlcUm of mis-understanding. prejudice andunfair coverage from The NorthvaleRecord.

To begin with, Roman saJd theweekly events are misnamed. Theyare "cruIses: not "shows: the dif-ference coming In what actually

. happens from 5-9 p.m. eachWednesday. All that does happen,he said. Is that people with classiccars receive special rates on somefood and drinks, a lure to bringthem and people who want to get agander at their \'ehIcles to WoolyBully·s.

That doesn't require a permitfrom the township, Hagan said,since It all stays In the restau-rant's parking lot and no food ordrinks are seITed anywhere but inapprO\'ed areas.

"To have some people mll1lngabout and looking at these cars Inthe parking lot Is no different thanany other lot with Interesting carsin It: Hagan said.

"People come. they eat. theydrink and then they leave, Just likea normal bUSiness: Roman said."1l1ey may take a look at the carsas they come or go:

Continued from 1 Including an IS-hole golf course,residential areas andIndustnal/R&D development.

• Marketing the land to thearea's development community,Instead of a single parcel. countyoHlclals said. the 863 acres willnow be split up and sold to privatecompanies. The size of Indlvfdualparcels will vary. Henry told theboard. from as little as 30 to asmuch as 200 acres.

• DemoUshlng the abandonedbuildings on the slle and removingsources of en\1ronmental contamJ·nation such as leaking under·ground storage tanks. The county......111also try to clean up the land tostate standards. a process expect-ed to cost In the millions. usingmoney garnered from pared sales.

The demoUUon of the buildings,apprO\'ed earlier this fall. has notyet begun.

Henry and the team of countyoffiCials and consultants allemphaslud a desire to work withthe board to create something

everyone will want to Uve with."We don't want to come In here

and strong-arm any land use ordictate any use that's not consis-tent with your community: Henrysaid. "We want to make thIs a totalcommunity project and we're look-Ing for your input."

WhIle they agreed with the splr1tof that Idea board membersexpressed concern over theImpending processes. speclflcallyover how well the county's wordswill match Its deeds.

"With all due respect. and Imean that sincerely. I'm a littleskepUcal because of what's tran-spired on other Issues." saidTrustee Mark Abbo, refemng topast, unkept promises of countypollce patrols on the property.

Township police handle com·plaints ranging from trespassing tovandalism to drug use on theproperty and say evidence exlsts toshow It's u~ for gang and otherillegal acUvltJes. Abbo and othersrecently took a tour of the land.

: don and Beck Roads - Is the, former site of the county's child, development center, closed for: decades. It Is the single largest: single-owner parcel In Wayne, County, official Dewey Henry said,, and constltutes almost 10 percentof the townshIp's total land area.

What to do with It [s a quesUonthat the county's wrestled \\o1thformany a year. Past proposals tode\'elop the property as a singleblock have fallen through. leadingcounty officials to decide on a newstrategy. Wayne County now plansto more or less simultaneouslypursue three obJecl1ves:

• GaIning to ....nshJp appfO\'al fora single planned unit dC'\'elopment(PUD) agreement that will encom·pass the enUre slle. The rUD dealIs a written contract which 110'111specify tile zoning - and thus thepermitted u~ - for all 863 acres.

County ornclals said they arefavor1nR a mix of U~ on the land

"It was extremely upsetting tosee the shambles that that proper-ty has become: Abbo said.

"It·s hard to go through thatthing and not feel angry at thecounty: Trustee Russ Fogg added.

It was Trustee Barbara O'Brien,however. who really turned up theheat after Henry prOmised to askthe Wayne County Sheriffs Officeto consider putting In patrols.

"1bat's Just to be left as It fornow?" O'Brien asked. "It needs 24hour a day. seven day a weekguards:

A question that remainsoutstanding Is whether the state ofMichigan will agree to Include Its14 acres at the comer of Five MUeand Sheldon In any PUD agree·ment and development plan.Henry said he's asked state offi-cials to consider the Idea.


Nov. 20. North\1l1e senior ciliuns \\111holdtheir annual Thanksgl\1ng luncheon at theNOrUl\1lle Parks and RecreaUon BUilding. 303W. Main SUttl.

lhe event ....111 tx-~n at noon. The cost Is $7per person and Includes: roast turkey.mashed pot.1to and gra\)', dressing. vegetable.Cr.Ulbt'Ii)· !'o.111<'t.des.s<:rt and oo·erage. Reser·\'aUons must bt' n41de by fnday. No\'. 17, at 2p m. hy calling (8101 349·4140. Transporta·tlon te;a\'allable.

"HOLIDAY UGHTS TOUR-: Join us as wehead to Ann Arbor on our deluxe Blancomotorcoach. Our first stop wtll be to the'Creche ExhIbit· featuring hundreds of naUvI-ty scenes from around the world. DInner stopIs at Paesano·s (Included) v.1th full dinner.

Following our excellent dinner. Irs off totour the local lights. The lights of Ypsilanti.Domino Farms and the Wa}l1e County festlvalof Ughts plus much. much more. The cost Is$39 per person. Departure \\ill be from MAGSparking lot (W. Cady and Wings Streets). Date:Dec. 1 at 2:15 p m.

MEADOWBROOK HALL HOLIDAY TOUR:The North\'lIIe Senior CItizens bus will beheading out to the MeadO\\'brook Mansion to5tt the lncredlble dCC'OraUons of this magnlfl·cent home. The cost Is $20 and Includes:round tr1p transportation. admission to themanston and tour. Ume to browse and a lunchstop {on your 0\\111. Departure Ume Is 9 a m.from MAGS parking lot. Date: Dec. 6.

REDFORD THEATER "CHRISTMAS SPEC-TACULAR": Join the Incredible talents ofStC'\'CSchleslng and PIerre Francalanz.a at theRedford Theater's 'Chnstmas Spectacular:This concert features the genius of these tv.'Oat the plano and w.orld famous ·BartonOrgan." ..

ThIs show Is guaranteed to put you In theholJda}' splnt ......1th Its music o( the season.TIle cost per person Is $20 and Includes: din·nc-r stop (on }'Our 0......111. round trfp tr.msporta·

Uon. front door drop-of( and plck·up ser.ice.and admission to the show. Date: Dec. 9 at 5p.m.

INSTRUCTORS NEEDED: The NorthvilleSeniors Center Is looking for Instructors torun classes In the following areas: exercise.fltness. tal chi, dance. current events, hob·bles. cooking. arts and crafts. If you wouldlike to share your talents In any of these areasplease contact Mindy Worden. 349·4140.

GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING CLASS:The NOrth\1Ue Seniors Center \\oillbe offering aGingerbread House· Making class on Tuesday,Dec. 19. from 10 a.m.·noon. The cost of theclass, $20. \1,111 Include InstrucUons and mate·r1als.

The registration deadline Is Dec. 12. Makeand keep this holiday Item. Eat and enjoy ItdUring the holidays. Please call 349-4140 toregister for the class.

ARTS AND CRAFTS: The Northville SeniorsCenter and PaInted Preferences \\0111be offeringa series of Arts and Crafts classes.

Our nrst class ......ill begin on Wednesday,Dec. 6, from 1·3'30 p.m. Come to the SeniorCenter to stencil and make a "inter sweat·shirt. The cost of the class Is $25.

Materials and Instructors fees are Included.The registration deadline Is 1i.Iesday, Nov. 21.Please call 349-4140 to sign up for the class.

-Karl \v. Peters. CoordlllatorNorthville Parks

BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: The Vis·Itln~ Nurse A.-.soclatlon ......111be at the SeniorCenter. 215 W. Cady to offer frr:c blood pres·sure screenln~ Nurse. Dorttn Gas.s<:r. RN.,......111 ~ In from noon until 2 p m to do therrodlnl(s Appolntmc-nts arc- not ne«ssaI)' anddrop·lns are wdcome. Date: Nov. 27.

SHOPPING AT BIRCH RUN ANDFRANKENMUTH: Transportation Is availableto Olrch Hun's Manufacturers Outlet Mall andFrankmmuth for some holJday shopping. Thecost per person Is $20 and Includes: roundtrfp transportaUon via Blanco. deluxe motor-coach. stops at the outlet mall with time forshopping and then to Frankenmuth for lunch(on your 0\\11) .ind shopping time. We \1,111alsostop at l3ronncr's for hoUda)' purc~s.

Come In early because this trip '110111fill upfae;ll Ikparture time \\111~ 8 15 a m fromMAGS parkln~ lot. W. Coil))' and Wjll~ Slf~lsDate': No\' 30

Scouts plan blood drive~Saturday:' Dec. 2. at NorthvillePresbyterian Church, 200 E. MaIn!

Call Debby PIet. 348-6382. foran appointment. Walk ins are alsowelcome.

The Northville area Girl Scoutsare out for blood, but they promisenot to leave any puncture marks.

The Scouts are sponsoring ablood dO\'e from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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WORDS OF SUPPORTII a runner's or logger's leet do

nOI hit the ground In qUlle theproper maMer. ,t may gIve nse topaJl III the knees. h.ps. and lee I Tocounter th,s problem. a phySicallt1erap<Stmay suggest the use 01 anorthOtiC. or loot support. thaI filsInSIde the shoe WhJle tr,ey cannotchange the shape 01 the foot. anOrthotICcan Improve the effICiency01 lIS motion. as well as correctcertain structural Imbalances thatcan cause pain while walkIng orexerclSlflg OrthOSes may also helprelieve the pal1101 a buOlon or otherloot deformity by sh,lttng pressureon the 1001 The cost 01 thesespecl3lly deSIgned and cast deVICesmay be covered by some medicalI11suranceplans

JI you run, then you knowI,rsthand that pain IS your body'sway of telling you that somethIng ISwrong. Why not make anappomtment WithNorthVillePhysICalTherapy & Rehab,l,latlon Inc andgwe us the opportunity to suggestmethods to alleviate pam andmuscle soreness. Our pat,enls areInstructed in adapt~e methods andhome exercises that focus onrnprovl/lg muscle streoglh, lunctlOn.and coordlOallOO01 the exlremlliesFor more informatK>n.call us at 349·3816. or see us at 332 E Mal/lStreet. SUiteA


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\~~~ ~, ~~'~ "'(e'{\.SOt\S~, • ')0They don't require L: ~::=!0.~'7 .::::.::::::¥ = batteries. 9N()aSSemblyreqUir~ .

~ ~ "\10~U~' ~~Theudon)t need to be . You can send them anvwhere without haVing to pac:. S }J ~ '] /rl~don. ... . ~,.:1.\1e to"\? '6. 'S~'J\1\<t;.. t~~min big, brown boxes filled with t:~~O--=T1leyonl~ come 1~one colo~ \J They re ~al1able :'~e\). jn~ .:f.$.:,§S 'i\ denominations. 4Even if they already have one, they 11cerlaml1 apprecIate another. -3They:

\Q ~\. ~, .'OOO'oJ ~.'\ -#~i :' .m2ke ~ou look like;b-igC1er spendel ~ than you really are. L..They won't be out of style I •~T~~. SS.nItVlNGS 8'

"'} b '\ h . h S' Be d ~ mAmenca • ,ONDS ".before they arrive. People )lWAYS remember the people W 0 giVet em aVlngs n S. ApIlblic ~ohhisllUfnine


OPINION1.--- 1,lour Opinion

Trial run for 'cruisesis fair test to conduct

'"Tmst but verify.-President Ronald Reagan's para-

phrase of a Russian pro\'erb duringnuclear arms negotiations with theSoviet Union in the 1980s is somead\'ice Northville Township and WoolyBullv's could use as well.

The township zoning board ofappeals (ZBA)last week granted a per-mit for the Sewn Mile eatery's weeklygatherings of classic cars. done\Vednesday e\'enings from Aprilthrough October. The permit is goodfor onl\' the first two months of the car·cmises. - as they're called, April and:\la\' of 1996.

After that. however. the restaurantmust come back the ZBA for furtherreview. The reason for the test flight isto see if the plans which both townshipofficials and Wooly Bully's agreed to atthe ~ov. 6 meeting will pre\'ent anyreal or perceived problems the gather-mgs are caUSing.

Whether an\, or all of those difficul-ties reallv exist or warrant this strongof a response is a question best left toreaders to decide. The important pointis that both sides have made conces-sions and are \\1l1ingto gi\'C a little toget a little. That's the essence of a goodncighbor relationship..The compromise includes a number

of provisions. \\'ooly Bully's, for one.

will more closely monitor the events tocut down on the chances that noise.trafflc or safety problems might de\·el·op. The township police department\\111do the same. according to Directorof Public Safety Chip Snider. In addi-tion. many classic car enthusiasts whoattend the weekly events \'olunteered tospread the word among attendees thatsnags could shut the cruises down.

A third piece of the pU7.zleis that theZBA permit hinges on the fact thatrestaurant owner Mark Roman andHighland Lakes Shopping Center pro-prietor Bill Autry maintain their verbalagreement over Wooly Bully's leasing ofmall parking spaces. If that relation-ship - one which Snider described as-tenuous- - were ever to fall through.the restaurant would find itself with aparking dilemma.

Taken together the solution's a goodmix. It's a balanced approach thatgh'es even consideration to the inter-ests of Wooly Bully's and its patronsand Northville Township and its citi-zens. If all concerned end up satisfiedthat the steps taken will ease real orpotential noise and traffic problems.and if the parking situation stays sta-tus quo. give Wooly's a new permit. Ifnot. it's back to the draWing board.

Lefs see if it flies. trusting but verify-ing.

City and business district1nust develop closer ties\



Something exciting is happening indowntown North\'ille.

A new organization. the North\'iIIeCentrdJ Business Association, is in theearly stages of fonnation and has got-tell off to a fast start.

Representatives of O\'er 40 business-es attended the group's initial meeting.discussing bylaws and generatingideas for joint promotions, A secondmeeting was held this week.

We're hoping the association will coa-lesce and create the kind of energy andmotivation the downtown needs inorder to hold continuous high-qualityspecial c\'ents. We wish them everysuccess.

111eCBA is designed to fill a need notcurrently met by the Chamber of Com-merce. TIlOugh the Chamber does a lotin staging the major acti\'ilies we enjoyeach year. its responsibilities encom-pass a larger area than just the imme-diate downtO\\l1.

Promolions, sales and other activitiesmust come from a different source.and that's where the CBA comes in.

But there is dissent within the busi-ness comnHlJlity. which b('('ame appar-ent this week when certain merchantsohjected to the citv's decision to do<;omethinlJ,on the CI3A'sbehalf.

The favor took place when City Man-ager Gat)' Word agreed to have the citypick up the tab to mail out 350 noticesabout the upeoming CBA meeting. Themailing costs amounted to apprOXi-mately $150.

Word eVidently anticipated a reactionto the mailing. but stood his ground.When a Northville Record reporterapproached him about it he respondedby saying that this was a properexpense. and one that was done tobring the city closer together with thedowntown.

We agree that the mailing was legiti·mate. In fact. we'd like to see morecases of city im'olvement with thedowntown.

Most city governments help payexpenses associated with business-related events, figUring that when onebusiness conducts a promotion it'sjust a sale. but when a large segmentof the district comes together around acommon theme it's a genuine commu-nity occasion,

Everyone benefits from a healthycentral business district and a robustlocal economy. Any effort to forge clos-er ties belween the city and the busi-ness community is bound to pay divi-dends.

Insurance option is soundcost contain1nent move

City of Northnlle employees are beingoffered a ncw Preferred Pro\'ider Orga-tmation (PPO) program option underthe city's current medical benefit plan.

TIle option is important not just forcity reSidents. hut for taxpay('rs as. f'll.

I\,c cit\' has chosen SelectCare toofftl PPO services and the new planWill Ill'1J control the costs of medicalben('fit~. ,,('cording to Assistant City~1ana~er :-" \tIC Bateson, Bateson saidthe city Will I' ,l!ilC greater s..'wingsdueto a sub,>lantial diffC'r('nc('between thefixed monthly co:>t of the plan and theincreased discount on pro\ider fees.

The de(,l~ion not on I\' keeps downmedical Co~h for employees. It savesthe taxpayer'> a hit of money In theJ>roces~.TIli<;Iype of proactive d('('lslonmaking Is Wh.ll we ('xpect from cityoffiCials. They han' identified the prob-lem - NorOn ilk experienced a signifi-cant increase III its medical benefitcosts during tll<' past fiscal year.$) 02.310 or 23 percent - and havecome up with a plan to remedy the sll-

uation.The city's medical plan has not been

updated in some time. Adopted by thecouncil in 1982. the plan does not callfor the city to pay monthly premiumsfor medical insurance.

1111smeans that the city pays for allmedical bills for an eligible individualunless individual claims exceed$50.000 per specific illness or after theindiVidual reaches a lIfeHme limit of $1mlIIion. according to Bateson.

And city employees need not worryabout SelectCare seiling out to a largerhealth care prOVider. If that were tohappen and the change affected PPOpolicies. city employees stili have cov-erage, as the PPO is just an option inthe city's overall medical benent planand employees choosing SclectCare arestili covered by the city's existing poll·cy.

We commend clly officials for takingpositive acHon for both city employeesand taxpayers. Containment of medicalexpenses Is a key element of cost effec-tiveness,

Hypocrisy on the front page?potential dangers of alcohol and other drugs,

Surveys of students at Nortll\'lIIe High School Indi-cate that teen dnlg abuse here exceedS national a\'C'r-"ages.

In addition to prO\iding information about the prob·lems associated \\1th drugs, the campaign also hopesto establish a climate where \iolaUons by underagedpeople aren't passh'cly owrlooked, hence the name-·Zero Tolerance.·

While the program is directed at youths, the youngpeople of the community have a right to expect consis-tency from thcir adult role models. Adult drug abuse Isnot Ute Issue. but grown ups who preach absUnl"nce .while abusing dmgs themselws are going to face crcdl-bility problems and send out conflicting messages.

I remember when I was younger how I lIsed to lookfor instances of adults going back on their word. Tothis day. I'm not sure if I was searching for tmth orjust looking for an excuse to disobey my ciders.Iwould like to tell the young man who obJectcd to

last week's front page photo that If he wants an exam-ple of true hypocrisy he nced look no furthrr thanyours truly, the cdltor of the local 11ewspa per.I have at times uscd the editorial page of The

Northville Uccord to is..<;uewarnmgs about dnl~ t('mpla·lions but. as most readeTSknow, earlier Ihls vcar Iwasarrested for drunk dri\in~. ~ow that's a dear-cllt ca~eof one's words not matching his arUons. :md rill sorryfor that.

Uut It would be a seriOllSmistake to dlsc-ounl a solidmessage just bcc-ause olle of the Illessengen; ha<;n'tcompletely conquered his impulses. 'Ole Zero Toler-ance campaign is on tht' right Ir.lck. and C\'el)'OI1l'would do well to hecd Its (".\\IUon~

111emayor of the CIty I:> a re!-o!>OlblhleIllan who hao.;C\'CI)'nght to carry thl' anU·abll~l' banner In the waron drug'> A..'> for that eOltor ~IIY ... \\"('\1. hc's proml<;l'dto keep \\"orkll1.~on It.

tee 5T1ldcr IS rllC (glll1l1/ CIS chnrqccIJ edllor oJ TIlei\'orthl'lllc Hccorcl.

I took a telephone complaint last week from a readerwho was a bit upset about the photo Ulat ran on Ule

front page of last week's Record.The picture showed North\'iIleMayor Chris Johnson shakinghands \vith a well Wisher afterlearning he had won the No\', 7cityelecUon.

Johnson was seen in an openjacket and a Tiger cap andsporting a broad. ear-to-eargrin. In his left hand down byhis side was an open bottle ofchampagne.

TIle reader said her teenageson saw Ule photo and abruptlyexclaimed -hypocrisy, - The

youth. It seems. thinks that Ule mayor's act of poppinga cork over his reelecUon doesn't square with the ZeroTolerance push now under way in the community atlarge.Iadmit the picture didn't depict Uw mayor of our fair

city in the best possible light RaUler than looking likethe professional person and elected official we all knowhim as, Johnson could ha\'e been an auto mechanicdowning a cold one after taking home a bowling tro-phy.

But what appeared to the youth as a case of leader-ship saying one thing while doing another was actuallya haml1ess event and no example of hypocrisy at all.

Drinking a champagne toast on an occasion of gen·uine celebration Is a uni\'ersal custom. People oftcnraise a glass of the bubbly at weddings. graduations,christenings. championship \;ctories and other nute-stone occurrences.

The Zero Tolerance campaign, for those who don'tknow. is a comprehensive effort to get the word out toyoung people about Ule hatards of substance abuse. Itmakes use of churches. Ule schools, Ule media and thcbusiness community to educate youths about the


s s

MomentsBy Bryan Mitchell

The Northville girl's basketball team on the bench help coax in a free throw during Monday's win.

Candidates are great., win 01' losehi~ piClllTC,('.Ich (,uHhd<lle i~ .1 \\llllln. En-r\'onc whoran lor offh(' III 1995 hOllc~t1y(,m'" ahout tile Clly ofNo\'i. TIH')'f(' good people. They \\ .lIIt \\ hat the\' fedwould be he~1for thcl~ COllllll\llllly. Ea( h W.I,>\\illing toSpl'IHIhOllT~of thdr tlllle and a a.:oo(j('hunk of ('hangefor the cham c 10'>{'I"\'etheir ne-ighhor....

Council Member Roh ~1ill('\ reCl'nll\' figured hedonatcd 379 hour!>from 1993 to Ih(' pres~nt in regularand special city cou n('111l!('Cllng,>111(' p:w I" $15 permcetln~. not }lcr hour. Would yOll lo>l~n oil for that? Iwouldn t.

AI,I~2 who Tan t~i" time around h.wc a ~Irong '>ense 'of.~I\1(,n:sponMhthty. far st~ong('r thall ~ome of theircnlles. the 80 percent of No\'! votl'r~ who didn't make Itto the poll>;last week.

Twenty percent rule the 80 pcrcent. A soheringthought. not at all tl.le way we werc told It was sup-posed to be in our lllgh school Anwrican Cove-rnmentclasses.

Better, however, than in the City of Farmingtonwhere the voter turnout was 8.8 I><,rcenl.Wc call thl~democracy?

So ~ext time .you slam your local representatives _and .\~ho.docsn t want to occasionally - consider thatthey rc clllzen'\'olunteers, And that most of yOll don't('are enough to \'olunteer the 20 minutcs or so it lakto vote. es

Jail JeJ[res is a slqff writer for TIle NOlli News arul 'TIle NOT1I'ville Record.


Body language

Last week. voters made their choices and four peoplein Novi. their families and supporters arc \\'alkin~ on

air these days. while eight oth-ers are disappointed, glum antireaching for an extra chocolatebar or mnnlng up thcir rrctlilcards at f ludson's or whatc\'('rit Is they do to console thelll'sel\'es.

I think they're all heroc~.What guts It takes to put your-self up for public inspection onthe auction block of democraev.How risky it is to broadcastyour name on signs all overtown and present yourself atpublic debates and distribute

flyers Imprinted \vith a close· lip shot of your mug. Andtake that chance, both of money and self-esteem, thatyour hopes win come crashing down at the polls.

Not just the candidates are In for the gamble. Theirfamilies are. too. On election night, as votes were com·Ing in. Andrew Mutch. son of newly-elected City Coun·cll Member Kathy Mutch, was letting his nerves show.

"Look how calm you are: he said to me. ·U·s notyour mother, Our name is on all those signs."

The Mutch clan could party hardy that night. Butmost of the candidates probably had to stnlggle to puta brave face on It.

losing has to hurt like hell. But if you conSider the



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How can you criticize a church?With all the things (mostly n('g-

ati\'el that have been WJillen Inrecent weeks on the expansion ofOur Lady of Victory there aresome definite posIU\'es that ha\'enot been mentioned and otherISSUesthat those concerned maybe O\'er)ooklng.

J\ neighborhood church andschoo) Is as American as mother-hood and apple pie. OLV churchand school have been In exls·lence since )887 and 1952.respectively. and were therewhen all of the surroundingneighbors mo\'C'd In,

A)so no surprise is the trafficdue to both the Church andschool at certain limes duringIhe week, TIlls Is to be expecled(or a thrl\ing church communlt\',Thl' amount of traffic and thenumber of parishioners d()('sn'lIllcrease In proporllon to the1mrcasc In building sl7.c.

OI)\'lousl)'. some Increase In\ chIcks and frequency \\ill tak('place: but. dlrcctlollally. this ispo.,III\'e. Church ~()('rs arc. at Ihe!('ac;t. tl)ing to be better peoplc -doesn't that make Nortl1\'HIt' a!wller place to 1I\'e?

Increased capacity at Ol.\'"I hool - Il~htell~ Ihe burdell onIhl' pllbllc school syslem, /I alsoIll'( fl'a~es Ihe lraffic around IheIIllJllc~ In Ihe public Sl hool1\l'll1.hborhood~

nil' plans !oho\\' that the bllild·1I1~ I" not oblrusln', /I Is buHIIIlIIl Ih(' gully ...u Ihat II WOII't'l!wolrf Ihe r('.,1 of Ihe lIeighbor1100<1

In recenl \'l·.l r., Ihrec 11011...('.,11.I\'e becl1 (~Jr are heill~) hlllll,don~ Ihe <;ollih siclc of ~1.lln....trl't't JIISt 1'01..1 o( lhe parkjn~1"1 E,Il h o( Ih('<,('hOIl<;(.·"IIl11lJl'"1he t'lIIbolnklll('1I1 In pro\'l<le (Of,lII .111<1111011.11Ouor of u ...lhlt-"p,ICe: with O1I1.,hlr acres .. We1I,\\'cn't la',lnl I llmplollnt5 Ih.llIhl'''l' ...1nil 111ft'., ,Ire cnormou.,)XT,III'>ethl'\' .Ifl· d(N. tl\ c1\' Ihreen"l)r~ QIII!I,.1 few IH'I'~ ....l·n:·t'1lI"Vl·t1 III llln ...lnlli each ofh(' ...l' hOIl~e ... - wherc arc Iht'

I lllllpl,lil1l!>Ih,lt too llIallY In~estH' helll~ rt'IIlO\,cr! (rom Ihcllc'l~hlxlfhood'?

We ha\'c I><:enneighbors of IheIl.lpll"l dlllrch for 23 years,\\'IIl'1l \'0 e lJ1on:d \In Ihere werelour how,cs hehlnd ours that'·\·I·re !oub"('(lul'nlly lorn down.rhll!>!' lot!> .ue: no\\ hlacktop1>1'(.H1'>e o( thl' 1·.\panSIOn or IheBapllst churdl Om Ilclc,hhor·hoot! look~ IltHt'renl hUI ourproperty v,IIIIC" h.wl' 110t ..uf·leu'li We l',lIl't !Inti parkln~Ifuuml our 0\\11 hOllle \\ hell the

1 hurl'll holeh "1·n'll'e~. hili thaI.... 1 small InlOl1\l'nkllll' I·OIl!>I<\·,rill!.! the ~ootl Ih.11 is hl'ln~iI colTlpllshl'd, Ik(-'H1~ Ihe B,lp:ht church I:. dome, well our, olllllllllT1llVh .1IX'IlI'r place

Hl'1Il1'1II1>C:r.\1,lhk chlln 11l'~,Ul''hI' ~eal of llIor.lb and v,tllIe's.h.1I an' thc h.I"I~ for the laws.'ft'edoms .\Ild Ju~tlce: In thiS'<HII1Ir\' 01.\' h ~ood for Ihe'"1ll1Tl1li11!\' III Nor1llnlle. a ~row·Ill.!, \lhr.1I11Ot\' Is 1,\'CIltX:ll('r,

\\'1111.1111 &. C.lrol Jr',11l SlockIJ,lu"c'u

Coullty walltsin'st for s;te

To Ihe Editor:I .1111 wrltln~ to danfy ~Ollll'

pOllllS Ih.lI were m,lde III a (\0\',

'I Mtlch- ,thoul l'ounty-o\\nl'd

property ("County land debate toopen"l.

As Wayne County ExecutiveEdward H. McNamara's pointperson on the project. I wouldlike to stress that the county hasno preconcel\'ed notions aboutthe ultimate land-use plan forthe property.

We are enteling Into a partner-ship with North\'J11e Townshipo(flcials and are slarllng a pro-cess to determine the best usefor the property - what worksbest economically. el1\'lronmen-tally and CSlhetlcally.

This \\111be an open process.one which il1\ile5 10lal communi·ty input.

Along these lines, we ha\'emade no decision about whetherthe o\'erall de\'elopment wJllInclude a championship golfcourse or what Ihe resldenllal.commercial and Induslrlal mL'Cofthe dc\,e)opment will be. TIlesedecisions \\111be determined afterour comprehensl\'e plannin~ pro·cess. which includes county andlownshlp officials. Is completed,

What we arc certain of is thaiour e(forts \\111result in an out·standln~. mixed-usede\'elopment. one which reflectsthe unique character of:-;orth\111eTO\\1lshlp,

{~11t J, HenryA<;sl.,tant\\'01) nc Counly Execullvc

C011l11Z;ssiollistownship entity

I 0 UI(' t-.<1l1or,To c1an(y three rccent anlcles

fegardln~ Ih(' "~Or1h\ilk Beautl·(ll',lllon COlllllll".,jOIl. - I wouldlike Ihe \\Tltcr. H.,lllh· Coble. tounderstand thaI' In Ihe-:'\0I1!J\1!1ecommllllllv: Ihere arctwo -1>ca\lll((callon" ('nll III''''. the:'\ortlJ\'lIIe Clt\, Beautlfll'atlonCOllllJlllle(' ,111"«1 Ihe :'-iorth\'llleTowlI!>hlp Beaullflcation Corn-1111".,10)1). 111e two ~roup!> jointlyspon<;or Ihl' BealltiflcallonAwards IUII('heon and jOintlywork un Ihc ~'Clllln~ /!.1\l·,IW;'y onAflx)r Day each sprin~.

t\.., we arc \,olunle('r organI7...-lions. both ~roups we1<'ol1leany·one wishing to Join. Inle:restetlclly resldenls may call SU1A.nneIIa l1!>kn('('hI. 3-18 9531. 11105<.'IJ1the township wishing topartll ip.lle on Ihelr 1'0JlJIIIIssi0l1should C ,III ,)0.11111 f).I)'IOII, 317-9G&1

JO;lllll f-: 1).1) hIli, Ch.llrmanSort!l\1111'Tm\11~hlp

ik-.1II11flralI01lCOll1lJll .. ..,lI>l1

Tha1Zh'S forelectio1Z support

To the f:<lltor.I would like 10 th.mk all o( Ihl'

clll/en!> \\ ho \"oled for me III myhid for cltv lOUllnl Your faith IIIm\' d(orts 10 ...peak on IX'half ofol~r Sl'lllor!>, youth. and Iheprl'sen"llion o( our hlo;tonr corn·11111lUI\,b I'nCOuragl'lIwn! 10 ("Oil'IIII II I' io be aclln", II was a temlleIl',lrnln~ C>.pt:rll·nrefor my familyand my~elr. and all part o( mywanllll~ to give b..lck to Ihl' com-I1IUIIII\' I lo\'e ~ much.

I coill~ratulale Chrb Johnson.C,lrol;lnn Ayers. and TomS\\igart. I look forward 10 work-In~ \\1lh them In our continued!'fforl to meet Ihl' nel'ds o( ourchildren, 1111'rt'IS much work lu

be done, Thank you agaIn.Roxanne Casterline

Candidategrateful to voters

To the Editor:I would like to thank everyone

who partIcipated In my reelectioncampaign. This Includes thosewho had signs in theIr yards.those who attended campaignfunctions. those who voted forme. and those who gave memoral support.

It also Includes my husband.Chuck. who has always beenextremely supportive of myefforts. I hope I can meet all ofyour expectations during thenext four ycars.

Carolann AyersNorth\ille City Council

Forest Walk hadbest year ret

To the Editor:The 1995 flaunted forest at

Maybury Slate Park was a hugesuccess. One thousand threehundred sl'l{ty·two people partIci-pated In the walk, This year wehad the highest ticket sales in Itssl"'ycar history.

I would like to express mythanks to all the organllatlons.businesses and numerous peoplewho volunteered by dedicatingtheir time. ener~' and/or mone·tan' contributions to make thisC'\'cm possJOle.

11le fo!lo....ing Is a partial list ofthis year's partlclpanls'

The Maybul)' Siale Park slaff.Nortlwlllc Township Police andFire Departments. Civil AirPalro\. the ROlary Club. Par-menter's ~Orll1\"lIJe Cider ~Ull,Papa Romano's Pilla. ~IoralneElementary School. Gardemiews.I.aurle and I.arry Wyatt. SueI.ehnert. Rob Figgins. Da\'eSchmidt and friends. SADD.:'o:IIS;the National Honor Society.;\HS: Mary Ellen King. NorthvUleYoulh Asslslance: Meljers. HomeDepot. Miguel Martinez. and themany Indl\1duals who showed upIn coslumes and demonstratedthe spirit of Halloween. and to allIhose who \'olunleered,

Slnc('re thanks.~!mdy Worden

l'ro~ral1l SlIpl'n1~rSortlm!ll' l'ar"s and Rl'l'reallon

illa rh"et helpedby location

To Ihe Edllor:The :'-iorth\'llIe Chamber of

Commerce Is Ihe proud sponsorof the farmers ~Iarket. The 1995season proved 10be lis most suc·cessful to dale, The success Isdirectly related 10 North\·tJ)eDO\\11Srace Irack pro\iding theide.ll scltin~_ This prime corner.\\llh liS cas)' access. produced asl('ady l'-"panslon of customers.10 Ihe dellghl of Ihe farmers andhandcraflers,

The prospenl)' of the Farmers~Iarket dlrectl\' affects Ihe com-nJunil)' and }ields rewards to allof us. :'o:oneof thiS would havebeen possible \\;thout the unlflede(fort of Margaret Zaytl. execu!i\'emanager of North\1l1e Oo\\l1S and~larshaJl Da\'ls. secretary /trea·surer of the Norlh\'iIIe Driving

Club Corp.We acknowledge and greatly

apprecIate your support of theNorthville community, the Cham-ber of Commerce and the manycommunity events that dependupon the generous use of yourproperty. You are Indeed a goodneighbor!

Laurie 0, MarrsExecutl\'e Dlreclor

Community eventis terrific effort

To the Editor:On Oct. 31 the City of

NorthVille Fire Department host-ed Its annual Halloween party(",ith a costume Judging contest.apple cider, popcorn. etc,). Iunderstand they have hosted(and paId forl this event for o\'Cr60 years. I couldn't even guesshow many hundreds of kids of allages (with adults In costume.too) were there for the party. ' -

What a fine display of commit:ment and loyalty to this city. It's\'ery easy for me to support such 'a fine group of volunteer fire·;' .flghters when they consistently'scn'e above and beyond the callof duty.

When one has a great team IIgenerally starts from the top andworks Its way down. Our fireDepartment Is great because JimAllen is a great chief!

Thank you again. from me andyour community.

Chuck Keysi'torth\1l1eCity LounCllman

Keep church,sta te separate

To Ihe Editor:Senate Majority Leader bob

Dole Is sponsoring a bill thatwould ladle out funds to religiousorganizations for \'arlous welfareact!\1Ues, The bill would allow for-sectalian workshop and instruc-tion· (New lark Times. Sept. 14),~'any religious groups - Bapllst.Catholic. Presbyterian.~lethodist. Jewish - stronglyresist pro\isions of the bill.

Me thinks that government. inspite of the first amendment toIhe C'onstitution. is messingaround too closely to the wallthai separates the church fromthe stale m our country.

t\galn. but using the wordsolons ad\isedly. certain of ourlegislalors arc slrongly ad\'ocal'mg that laws be passed 10 allowsludenls to obsen'e certain reli·glous practices in our publicschools so that they may beimbued \\ilh moral \-alues.

I don't think II mil work. I sub·mlt that even though both Hous·es of Congress open their ses-sions with a prayer. it doesn'tseem to have had much effect onthe moral or ethical beha\ior ofmany of Its members,

Does presidenUal candidale.Sen. Phil Gramm. know some-thIng we should all know? News-man Gustav Niebuh heads anarticle of his in the Sept. 23issue of the New l()rk Times asfollows: "Stumping GrammInvokes Second Coming ofChlist:

guesllon: Where nill it all end?An amalgamaUon of church andstate? Prmidence forbid!

Alfred P_Galli

Newsman White was genuine articleOilltuanes - WI' call the III -obll~ - III the

1],'\\ .,room - h,ln' ,I c('r1aln l-!).lrse and pre·dictalM linearity 10them. Or~anlzcd\\ith :>puriOUSprecl·slon around certaindat('s - birth. mar·rla~l·. care('r mile-stom':>. death - thegood ones pro\'ld~ are!lecli\'!' reader \\1thcnou~h nuggets offact around which toconst Hlct an appre-ciation of a ~ood lifewell spenl.

So when I heardlast we('k of the

(,.lth of a famous Michigan commu,nityWS)>.lperpubllsher. Enoch T. (lnkl Wlute, [s anxious to sce the obit.

-The son of I-;nocll T. White. Sr,. andcqucllnc Eggleston, Ink graduated frompeer IfIgh School. the Ashe\ilJe School inhcville. N.C.. and the University of Michl-

, In 1934, he became edllor and publish·of the Gladwin County Rcrom In Glad\\in.h:lOSC were the days when the faculty at U·ctually deigned to teach Journalism. nowrded as an Inferior trade schoo) subject.those were the days when a young manenergy and fire could gel. right out ofe. a job as both editor and publisher of

rfeclly respectable county seat weeklypaper. d

ow many newspaper companies to ay

would tak(' such a chance on a young man.fresh from coll~e? Frankly. not enough.

-In 19-15: the obit went on. "h(' acqUiredIhe Cluuon County Republican Nett'S (laterIhe Clinton County Nett's) and became Its edi-tor and publisher unlil 1965." Clinton Is thecounty just north of Lansing: St. Johns Is thecount\· seat.

So, Just 10 y('ars out of colJ('ge. Ink \V}utehad s..wd enough money to e\,o)\,e beyondemployee to proprietor.

And as proprietor. While recognized Ihathis local newspaper had 10 understand andrelleet the essence of the community In orderto grow and suni\'e. "Because Clinton Coun·ty Is principally an agricultural area: he\\Tote In the paper. "we are going to gi\,e spe-cia) attention to the fanner and farm prob·lems:

Beyond defining news co\'erage In t('rms ofcommunlly Interest. howe\'er. White recog·nlzed what aU local newspaper folks feel Intheir bellies: They have an obligation to con-tribute - editorially and In person - 10 theircommunitIes.

While wrote about how "strong outspokennewspapers In rural areas can help bringaboul a better understandIng of fann prob·lems:

And as the years passed, he erecled anenormous presence In Clinton County. HeJoined the board of directors of the ClintonNational Bank and Trust Co. and eventuallybecame presIdent. lie served on the vcstryand as senior warden of the local Episcopalchurch. He was a member and president ofthe St. Johns Rotary Club as well as presi·

dent of Ihe Michigan Press Association. He"'as chair of the Clinton County Republica!} t!Party. and he was elecled In 1961 to thestate Constitutional Convention that \\Toteour present constitution. " • Ll~::"::,:,:,,,.....;~~~~;;::;;~:;;':'----~========-tWhen I first came Into the comm un it}', j'

newspaper business nearly 30 years ago. afriend of my family said. ·Oh. you want to besomebody like Ink White. - So It was wilhsome anxIety that my company some yearsago acqUired Ink White's old paper, ~he Clin-ton County News, at that point sadly rundO\\n.

I happened to be (n St, Johns one day.talking "ith Pres Odette. Ink Whlte's succes·sor as publisher. "\Vhere's Ink While thesedays?" I asked,

"Oh. he's still liVing right here In SI.Johns."

·Why don't you ask him if he'd like to writea column for you." I wondered. And so hedid.

I got a note from Pres a while back. "In my25 years (n thiS business. r\'e seen vcr)' littlethat generated acceptance and excitementllke Ink's column ... I\'e been fortunate to beable to work v.ith some of the very best In thebustness. WeJust lost one of the best:

So today I WJite to celebrate the life of acommunity newspaperman who drove hispaper to greatness, who loved and served hiscommunity and whosc Inlluence affected hisentire state. I hope to God there are many,many more like hIm.

Phil Power Is chairman oj the company thatowns this netvspapcr. Ilis Touch·Tone uoicemail number Is (313) 953·2047 ext. 1880.

ll+m\1iTl~~~!,.....l_l~lW:\H\\~~ ... , '_/4\;[\ IL-1\.1\'i,IHtin, ~i...-~~m 't\~IJ.i7~\·U', 'l\,1 ~l-I \"~lIH\

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2M-THE NORTHVillE RECORD-Thu~, NOYember16, 1995

Township grills legal firmsCommittee interviews finaliststo handle labor-related issuesBy RANDY COBLEStaff Writer

North\'llIe Township will soonpick an attorner firm to handle Itslabor-related legal matters and Ifthis week's e\'cnts are any indica-tion things aren't looking good forthe job's current occupants.

A special committee which han-dled the search for the township'sgeneral legal counsel a year agohas, at the board of trustees'request. been re\ie\\ing proposalsfor the labor firm position Inrecent weeks. Tuesday night sawthe group grill the five finalistfirms.

Sitting square on the centerburner was Troy·based Barlow &Lange, the township's presentlabor counsel. Barristers CraigLange and Paul Coughenour foundthemseh'es at odds \\ith the com-mittee O\'er the firm's performancesince being hired in early 1993.

The means more than the endsha\'e raised concerns among town-shIp offIcials. chair Bob Grantsaid

-I don't think we haw any cnt!-cism of the results. That seems tobe fine: Grant said, -It's the pro·cess:

"There's a perception here thatwhat's been done hasn't been thebest that could be done: he said.

Committee members Sue Hille-brand and Ginl Britton. who alsosit on the board of trustees. \'oicedtheir opinions that the lines ofcommunication between the boardand Barlow & Lange have eroded.

Those were \iews which Langedid not share.

"I would consider the results ofour work to be electrifying." hesaid. pointing to Bariow & Lange'strack record of -moderate- wageand benefit increases for to\\llShlpemployees and a lack of ·slgmfi-cant· employee unrest.

"We don't blow our own hornsvery much: Lange opined. -rhatcould create a perception prob-lem.-

As to communication. the attor-ney said that it's a two way street.

·We're responsive to issues

raised \nth us. Tell us clearly whatyou want and we'll prOVide It toyou pco\ided that communicatIongoes both ways: he said.

The four remaining finalists are:• Cox. Hodgman & Glarmarco.

of Troy.• Keller. Thoma. Schwarze,

Schwarze. DuBay & Katz. ofDetroit.

• Hm Le\\is. of Detrolt.• RIley and Roumell, of DetrOll.In their Interrogating of those

firms. the commlttee's questionspointed to key elements beingsought for the township'S laborcounsel, Including:

• Sol)d ell.pertise In labor law,especially contract negotiationslulls.

• Related to that. a firm that'sexperienced enough to be proac-tive, help[ng to steer the townshipaway from potential legal landmines, Specifically. the commll-tee's looking for help in ~lallagerT:amara Hanlm's plan to. in herwords. 'tighten up· the to\mshlp's'loosely run- organilation. reduc-

Ing the chances of legal problems\\ith an employee that have beenseen [n the past.

The method lies In updating andcodlf);ng township employee rulesand procedures. all the attorneyrepresentatives agreed. particular,Iy when It comes to hiring and fir-ing practices. ~o one put It betterthan Denn[s DuBay, counsel forKeller-Thoma.

·Unfortunately, the reality Intoday's world Is that e\'el)' staffmember Is a potential lawsuit:DuBay said. 'YOII ha\"e to tightenup. There's no choice. The holes Inyour situation create windows ofopportunity for a plaintiffs attor-ney:

• A la\\)'er who's \\1lhng to standup to members of the board evenill the face of hea\'\' nak if andwhen they ha\'e ume'alistic desires111 matters labor. such as duringIInlon contract negotiations.

• A firm which \\111 understandand abide by the system of author-Ity that the board has set up, onewhich calls for Hanhn and Directorof Public Safely Chip Snider to bethe townshlp's head honchoswhen it comes to contract andother employee' related t!-Sues.

The to\\TIshlp has more than 60employees. almost all of whombelong to one of the (our estab-hshed or one still-forming unions

Yagotta love a Turkey Day paradeOK. we'\'e had a httle too mueh fun in our

column the past few weeks. so I thought for achange of pace. we'd tone it down a little andtalk about something festh·e.

Like Thanksg1\1ng. for instance.You know ewr since I was a kid, I've always

hked to watch ThanksgMng parades. It's sortof hke a tradition in the Jackson household.something my mother started and has beenpassed on to my brother. sister. and I.

This year I'll be looking for two familiarNorth\'i1Ie kIds, who are taking part In the69th Annual ~tichigan Thanksg[ving DayParade 111 dO\\11tO\\n DetrOIt.

NOrlhnlle tilgh School seruors Kajal Parikhand Katie Johnson \\111be representing theNorth\'llle Public School District In theThanksgiving Day Parade Honor Corps,sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michi-gan. The corps recognizes about 300 honorroll students from high schools In Wayne,Oakland and ?\tacomb counties. The studentsmarch m the Thanksgl\ing Day parade everyyear.

The really neat thing about this honor isthat Ihe standards for selection are extremelylugh Each year. school superintendents frompublic and pm·al.: schools m southeast Michi·f.:an arc asked to select thelr '!:>est and bright-est' honor roll students To meet the cntena:>!udenls musI:

• Be III hIgh school grades 10-12.• Meet slnct attendance standards.• Be olltstandmg academic performers.• Be 1l1\'olved in extra'curricular aclinties

sllch as CI\lC and commulllty projects. schoolactl\lt1es or orgamzations. or sports.

Pankh has a 4.0 grade point a\·erage. andhas received numerous academic achievementawards. such as ~CTE wntmg finalist, Nation.al ~lent Commended. forensics state ",;nner.[)elroll Free Press CertIficate of Merit of Com-mendation for wnting. and three athletic let-ters for her participatIon III cross countl)·.~mna~llcs, and track and field.

She has been in\"Dlved in se\'eral extracur·ncular aC11\111eS,including the Honor's Socl·ety. PreSIdent of Student Congress. andforensics ScIence Ol)mplad. She volunteersat Botsford General Hospital and Is a bellnngtr for the sal\"3tlon Army.

Johnson IS also an excellent student. sport-1l1~ a grade P01l1t a\'erage of 398. She IS a:\atlOnal ~1ent Commended student, a NallOn·




WEEKBy Robert Jackson

al Council of Teachers English finalist. hasreceh'ed reco~nition in Who's Who AmonqAmerica's Students. and won a DelroH FreePress \\TIling award.

She Is Senior Class PreSident. a member ofthe National Honors SOClet\,. i'ialional GermanHonor Society, ScIence OI)1npiad. high schoolyearbook. and Zero Tolerance Task force.

Johnson spends her free tIme as a memberof the Ward Church Youth Group and per-forms in musicals at the first UnlledMethodist Church.

Both Pankh and John'ioll arc belli!:'. H'(l ~

niled by Blue Cross Blue Shield of ~hchigal1for being among southeast ~tlchlgan's lmght-est students. and for their COl1lnlltm('nt~ tocnic and commulllt\· m\"Dln'ment.

Congrats to both: III be lookmg for you III

thIS year's parade!

YOU CAWT TALK THANKSGMSG "lthouttalking turkey. E\'en though It'S a week al\"3Y,I can't help but dream about turkey dmner.complete \\ith stuffing. mashed potatoes. hotrolls. and of course pumpkin pIe This week'soffering may not be as tasty as the aforemen-tioned meal. but It does featllre some appetl/-mg tidbits of information.

This week we keep the focus on kids - needI say more - so \\lthout further ado. w("11i;etmto that \\holesome holiday happenmg we ~othankfully call Talk oflhe Week

Hey. Where are yOll gomg "lth thJt drum-stick?

COSCERN'ED KIDS: As most of \"011 know. Ijust lo\'e to \\TIte about Iuds and ihe wonder-ful things they do_ Today IS no exceptIOn. Ourfirst offenng comes to us courtesy of MarleneKunz of NorthviUe Civic Concern l:\larlene ISmy top. number one, no questIOn about It.favonte person!. who passed aloll~ a wonder-

fill stor .... about a 9,\·ear·old North\'i1le bo\'named M.tchae1 • .

~hchael recently celebrated his birthday.and when he innted 15 fnends to his birthdayparty, h(' asked that the partygoers not bringgifts. Instead the youngster requested hiSfnends bnng canned goods Ihat the ~rollpwould donate to CI\ic Concern

~eedlcss the say. the party \\"3S a success.and accordlllg to Kunz the kids pro\1ded plen-tv of food for those less fortunate,- Cr('at Idea ~1JChael. and Happy BU1hday!

STAR SISGERS: SLXstudents from CookeMiddle School represented the NorthvllIePublic School District at the Re~lOnal Hon-ors ChOIr AuditIOns and Concert. 'Oct. 21. atthe PI)lT1outh-Canton High School.

Elisa Balon. Sarah Benish. KatherineFiske, Katl Pryce, Heather Qualman, andGeorgie Walsh are the first students from a~orth\ll1e ~Ilddle School to become membersof the honors chOir Elisa, &"Irah. Kalle andlIe.llher wcre also sdected to become mem-hp, of the: Stalt· Honor" ChOir The four \\111pamcipate in a concert at 11111Audltonulll III

Ann Arbor, Jan 20 1996Congratulallons to all SlX for bt'lll~ among

the best mlddk ~chool sm~er~ m Ihe state of~lIdll.!!an'

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: RecCl\'ed a mceleiter for Diane Allan, a seventh grade reli-gIOus education teacher at St. JamesCathoUc Chwch. reportll1~ that 14 North\llleand :'\0\'1 students 111 her -~'orallt)'- classrecentlr partIcipated In -~Iake a DifferenceDa\'. - Oct. 28

Takmg part m the actl\l!y were Katie Allan,Chris Azanger, Matt DaUey, Dan Ferrara,Melissa Schneider. Kim Thompson. DustinKubas. Kyle Major. Nick Peruskl, LeighRichards. Melissa Prentiss. Anna Schovers,Sean lanigan. and Jennifer Kristoff.

The students collecled pop cans and bottlesand raised S280, As a group. they decided 10donate $220 to the Make a Wish Foundation:540 to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries 111DetrOit to sen-e 20 Thanksgl\lng dmners: and$20 to the St, James Nativity Fund.

Accordlll~ to Allan. the spmt of cooperationand caClng among the young students waso\em·he1mmg. and she thought we shouldcongratulate them for theIr effort~.

Sometimes, just listening is the right thingLI~telllll!:'.Is aile of the greatest gIfts we can

~l\e all).Olle. e~pcCl,lllr those closest to us,But listening does

not come naturallv toman\' of \IS, we ha\ eto \vork at It. ~lanvpeople ha\'e a tendeli-c\· to tell their own·stol)·: and as soonas someone finishesspeakmg they begmThis gl\'es the speakerthe ImpreSSIon thatthev reall\' weren'theard Remember: Wt'were born with onemcuth and two ears

I "'as gl\'en tillS

Mary EllenKing

ponn enltlled 'LI~ten •I :>ul!..~e"t~cu cut It out and tack It on your

refn~erator so ~-ou alwa). s remtmber 10 h'iten


\\'hen I ask you to hst< n to me and you gl\,cme ad\lc('. yOIl h~l\"cnot done \\hall asked

When I ask you to hsten to me and) ou beglllto leI! mc \1 hy I shouldn't frcllh,lt \\"."1\'. \ 011 arctramphl1~ on my feellllgs. - .

\\llen I ask \"011 to hSlen to me and vou ferlyou haw to (fo something to soln' 111}' prob-lem~. yOIl h,ne failed me. stran~e ,h Ihat m,wM~. -

listen' I\I! I asked W,l~ th.ll \ 011 h"'1l'n 1\01talk or do - ju"t hear me -

And I can do for myself. I'm 1I0t helple~s\\1)('\1 yOll do somethlllg for 1I1e th,ll I call

and need to do for lI\\'sell. \'011 eontnlJllte 10 111\'fear amI \\e,lkness' . ,

nut 1\ hen \ ou 3rcrpt a .. a 'ill1lpll' fMt that I

do feel \\ holt I feel. no matter how Irrational.then I qUit tl)ing to COl1\lnCe you and ran ~etabout the bus1l1ess of understandlll~ \\hat'sbehmd thiS IrratIOnal feehng.

And when that's clear, the answccs are obn-ous and I don't need adnce

IrratlOll,\1 feehn~s make sel1~e when weUlltlcCl>land \\hat's behmd them_

So, please hsten and Just hear me. and. Ifyou wallt to talk. wall a minute for your turn.and III h'iten to you.

If vou arc havin~ a dIfficult situation WIthvour' children. don't hesitate to call ~Iar)' 1':1IenKlllg at (810) 3401·1618 1\0rth\111e Youth /\sSI5-t.lllce Is a commumty agenc)' here to sen;ceyou .Iud your fanuly_

.'fary Ellen K1119is the [)l1'cetor of too'ortllL'llleroulh ,\ssiSlallce. a Jomt sen'lce of .\'ort/wzlleana j\'orrhl'IHe Totl'nship.

Affirmative action pros and cons debatedShollid ~ . It:: hll~,',~<,<,~s ha\e

afflrm,ltl\e a ; GO f-rr.~r,jms? Are~uch I ro~ram" n 'h~ 1,01\ ersillesfaIr tn ,II! ,-tlldent<," I" 11 poSSIble10 cre ,II( dl\'t"r~lty In the pCl\'ate.,c(lor \\1111',lIt .lffimlall\e action?\\'11,11 I'" till' Impact of recentSUPf< f11< (""l1t n1hn~s?

Till ". 11"1Inltlon' topics - andmore \'111 1)("addressed at anAfllflll"II\( i\, llUll FOnJm being co.spon.,olt ,I LI ron~re!>swomanI.ynn HI\t I., ,'n<l Tamara facklerlIelHlflrk., Ihi' lhrcctor of theAHlrmatl\'t At lIon Program atFri'\stern Mlllllg.1II UIlI\ersily.

TIle en'nl \\l\1I.lh plact' at f.~lUon saturday. No\·. 18. from 9.30·11 a.m. The forum Is free and

oprn to the pubhcRI\'ers rrpresents I\orthnll('

Towmilip and the \Va) ne Countyportion of ~orlll\ lilt' llty 1I1 thcU S ('oll~n''i~

Four speakcrs \\111{!l'hvcr pre-sentatLOnc; on the m:uw controwr'sle~ ~lIrrountltn~ afflrm,lll\'eaction

The panrh~h 1\ 1111.le Barb.HaPalmer. Corporate DIrector of01\ rrsllv at Iknr\' Ford IIcalt hSystems: who \\'111;lcb,lte \\ hetheraffirmallve ,1Ct101lhas .\ place 111busmes::.. Lr~tt'C ~Ionts. \'Iref'rovo~t for Acadelntc and :\luIU-cultural Affair:> at U -:\l. \\ ho \\111

discuss whether affirmati\'c actionis necessarv at universilles: Jon1I00ks. economics professor atAlbion College, who \\111 examine\\ hcth("r .lffirmatl\·e action Is efree·tl\'e: and law professor Tcrr.mceSandalow from U·M. who \\'111r"plam the implications of recentSupreme Court n1l1ngs.

TJII~ e\'ent \\111take placc In theE~IU Board Room lRoom ~o. 2011In Welch lIa11 at Eastern ~~lchiganUl11\'ersIlY III Ypsilanti. Free park-In~ will be available. For moreInformation, contact Rivers' dls·tflCt offices at either 13131 741-01210 or (313) 722-1411.

Education NotesSchoolcraft CoUege offers the follo\~1ng programs and acth,ties .• If you'd like a new career In the trucking industry, enroll now in

Schoolcraft College's Basic Truck Dri\"er Training, a five week coursethat begins Monday, Nov. 20.

Classes meet each week. Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to5:30 p.m. at Schoolcraft's Radchff Center, located at 1751 Radchff inGarden Cltr. The dri\1ng portions are held at International TruckingSchool Inc. In Ypsilanti.

The course \\111pro\'ide comprehensive training, Including class-room and on·the-road Instruction.

Applicants must be 21 years of age, pass a physical exam/drugscreening, and have a good dri\ing record. The trainmg fee Is $3.695.Funding may be am liable through \"3rious agencies.

To register or obtain further Information. contact Conllnu[ng Edu· .cation Services at (3131 462·4448, or the Intematlonal Truckin~School at 1-800-448·7101 or (313) 485·2700

• Schoolcraft College \\111present a special seminar for slIpphers,9S·9OOO Oveniew. on Wednesday, Nov. 29, from 8:30 a m to 12 30p.m. in Schoolcraft's McDowell Center. Room 200,

Presented by Schoolcraft's Business De\'elopment Center alldt\'IST/Michlgan Manufacturing Technolo[\' Center. the seminar \\111gl\'e participants an understanding of the requlremenls of the gS .9000 standard. Including the 9S·9000 sections ant! clements,assessment approaches. and Implementation Issues.

The seminar fee of S50 Includes contmental breakfast.To resen'e or receive further information cOlltact () Ortll at I-

800·292-4484. ell.t. 4107.

Madonna University offers the follo\\ing programs and acllnlle!>• The Madonna UIl1\'ersity musIc department Is holding a reCital at

3 p m. on Sunday, No\·. 19, In Kresge Hall.Students "'ill perform both solo and ensemble pieces featllnn~

plano. gUitar. Ilutl' and voice. There Is no admission fee HowC"wr.donations to the music scholarship fund \\111be accepted.

for more Information call Linette Popoff-Parks. associate proles~or.music. at 1313) 432-5709.

~Iadonna Ul11\'erslty is located at 1,96 and 1.('\',\11 Ho,ld in I.I\'onl.1• :\ladonna \\ill hold an advent retreolt. enlll1cd "Preparc "t· the \\'.IY

of the Lord: from 9 a m. to 5 pm on Saturday. [)rc 2. 111 thr rc!>1dence hall

Rev. Bob Schramm, OSfS. assoCIate director of the Weber Hrtre:ttand Conference Centre In Adrian. \\111 br the coorllmator for thecvent

The cost IS $12 and mcludes IUl1ch A respoll~r 10; needed 1)\'Wednesday. ~O\', 29. For more information ColliDracon (;rl1r 1x-<;j.lI'-lais. director. campuc; mllllstl)·. at 13131 ·132·5119

Seduction of drugs ..difficult to l--esist,many youths learn

(,\'ote: ,\r lhe requesl of SrudcnrAsslSlanee VlTeclor Char he Suleeu:e repnnl here an aTrlcle 011 substance abllse from (l pl'CllOtlS ISsueofTIu! ,\'orthl'l!Ie Record J


Irs a m.lhClou!>ly temptll1~ worldout th('ft'.

Ask just abollt any st\itienlwalklllit down the hallo; ofNorth\lile HIj1.h School and he orshe WIll tell VOIl If Irs dnlll. ... oralcohol vou"re 100kll1~ for VOllnec:d not iook far .

-You don't ha\ e to look for It.reall\' It J..md of JIISt 110,1'" ).ollrway:- saId one 16-ye.tr-oldNorthnlle student recentl\'

Students are faced \\'llh Ihepressures and tantallldtlOlI of ~t1bstance abuse on a re~ular lJa!>l~

That IS why a po:>ltlve relatIOnship between teenagers and theirparents IS ke).· Il1 helpln~ prcH'nt achIld from falllnlt prey to drll~addictIOn, 5.1ld Charlie Stllec .,tll-dent assl"tance coordm,ltor .It lilt'hIgh school

'111e:-';o I factor m a kId ~ !lIe-I"their p,lrent <,' 111\'ul\ I ment: Stllccsaid

Pal'lnts \\ho are honw 011.1 re~-IIlar lJasls. \Iho h,1\ e :>et ~P{'(If1{nIles and con"rqul'nce .. for Lreak-Ing tho'iC" ruk .... C.1Il be Ihe 1110.,1Import,lIIt delcrrC"nl .II.!,\111...1 drtl~use. he ~;lId

'Parent~ need to ~et the- ~lIIde-hnes: he ~ald. -nle kid., \\111h.ltrIt They \\ III fl~ht. reLeI. but toobad_ Thev 1110\t' them for It t(K) -

SUlJstal1ce ,lbu<,l' from rl~,lfl'llc~mokl11g .111th{' \\.l~' lip to allltC"drug .lddlcllOn I., ~Ol1lt 111I11~p,llellIS mu~t n\lh/C (,III h,1P111l I"

their kids, Slllcc ",lItl-~lo.!>1 kid.!> Iry ~umrthln~ .11

le.lst ollce. LUI Ollle tht·\' ...1.11'1USIll~ anytIHI1~. they rt' on thl"path It'~ JU~I up to tllt'lll \\ h('11they &::ctolf: hc ~altl

Stllel.. k.1t1~ I0 ~epar,lte ~Upp0rtgroup~ In the lugh school thataddress such topics as stress andrelationships clg.lfetlc smoklll~and dIfferent type" of substanceabllse

In additIon to the supportgroups. Stllec also works one'on-one \\lth certam students 111 cnsis

Last year Stllrc worked \\llh 229studen'ts in the \'arious supportgroups and referred 79 kids andtheir families for trealment. Stllectakes referrals from parents,teachers. administrators andsometimes self-referrals from thestudent.

There are specific signs andIndicators of substance abuse par·ents can look for in their childrenSome of the signs Include: A dropIn school performance. Inc1udlllggrades, truancy and tardiness: aloss of mterest In acti\'llles andhobbles: a detenoration or changeIn appearance and running awayfrom home. just to name a few.

Many of these sIgns can be typl·cally charactenstie of any teenagerdealing \\lth the normal stresses ofgro\\1ng lip.

1I0\\'l'\·er. Stllee said. if childreneXhibit a number of signs \\'lthIncreased se\·enty. they should notbe Ignored.

n.. ... .... -.--_

FAST FACT BOXoWhat: No-charge forum on

affirmative action programs,oWhen: 9:30-11 a.m.,

saturday. Nov. 18,o Where: Eastern Michigan

University. Welch Hall.oWho: Sponsored by U.S.

Rep. Lynn Rivers, Northvillerepresentative in Congress.



o School tardmess, lruancy.declimng grades.

o loss of motivalion. energy.. self-discip!l$. :: ...:0 Loss of interesl in ac.tMlJeS,

hobbles.o Forgetfulness. short and/or

10ng·term.D Short altention span, trouble

concentrating.oAggressive anger, hostl!rty.irritabihty

DAn ·1 den', care- altitude.o Disappearance of money

and valuables.o Changes in friends, evasive

about new ones.D Unhealthy appearance,

bloodshot eyes.oChanges in personal dress,

grooming.o Unusually large appetite.Q Use of eye drops, room

deodonzers. Incense.D Pipes, small boxes Ol"

contafners, baggies. roilingpapers or other Items.

a Peculiar odors or butts,seeds, leaves in ashtrays orcIolhlng poclo;ets,

Q Running crNay.

·It IJcl { Ill.....1 more I (111nt rare.lllltlltlt - "'1111( ....1It1 IlL.!!" ... Iht·natllH' III Ih, e11.".I"· - II ~ttldlnl~.lfl· "lllL·klll~ (Ic.,trl'ltt" dlallCl",1ft· lla,,\· ,Ire lI"ln~ Iltlll'r ~IIIJ!>I,III( e........ 1\l1l SlIk( oldJI'd

Tlll' ),a:'I..,...1 I'l d lI.t~ lor a p,lrel11dt "pllt .111till' ~I~n~ I'> t he prl'~em e of ~(;l1H' <,ort of ~llb~I,lnce 10

the chIld 'i PO"<'l'".,tunIf pan'nts do fillcl a "llb~I,lI1re,

Chlldrl'1I Will oftl'n ~a\' thev h,ldne\t'r tned It IJtfore or thC\: \\erejust e"penmul1ll1~ PJrl'nt'i ;liollidnot let thr<,e excuses fool them,Stllec salt!

'Ru1l' of Ihumh. \\hen a panntfll1ds Ollt a kid IS l1Sll1~. they'vebeen Into It for two wars· he saId"O\er time the kldc; become lesscareful:

If children do exhibit severalstltns of ahuse or If pan:nts find asubstance Il1 the child s posses-sion. It IS lmperatl\'e Ihe famllv gofor an e\'aluatlon, he said. .

Once a student is referred totreatment. recovery IS a familvaffair. Stilec added. .

!he kids are not the ones \\1ththe problem. it's the family: hesaid.

-Parents too often In our com.munlty want just the kid to gelfLxed but the family Is the ke\'.

-We've got a major probiem Inour community: he added,

·What we see In our studies Ist~at If you \\"3nt It you can get It.\\e ha\'e got to teach our kids tofeel good abollt themseh-es. Theyneed to ha\"e a reason to say no:

. -. ..._._-_-........--.


Helen I. Rogers. age 86. diedNov. 7. 1995. In the ChelseaRetirement Community InChelsea. She was born on Aug. 3.1909. In Detroit to FrederIck A.and Eva (Gordon) Carse.

Mrs. Rogers was a homemaker.She was a member of VIctorIaChapter No. 290 Order of the!-:astern Star.

Surviving Mrs. Rogers are twosons. Gordon (Karen) of Nonh\1l1eand Dwlghl (Judith) of Canton: six~randchi1dren and four greatgrandchildren.

A sen1ce \....as held on Saturday.!'\O\·. 11. In the Northrop-Sas-<.aman Funeral Home In Nonh\ille

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ll'I) put.

with the Rev. Phillip L. Burch.First Reformed Church. officiating.Interment was at Acacia ParkCemelery In Birmingham.

Memorial contributions can bemade to Redford United MethodistChurch. 22400 Grand RiverAvenue. Detroit. M148219.


Dorothy Nunvar Bronaug diedNov. 13. 1995 In Presbyterian Vil.lage. Redford. Mich. She was 93.

A homemaker. Mrs. Bronaughwas a reSident of the Northvillearea for over 50 years.

She Is sumved by a daughter.Georganna (David) Kiplinger of

AN:\ ARBORApollo2100\V. Sudlum Blvd11 llbem(3131668-6100

DEARBORNI<rug21531 Mlchigm A>"(.Bm.-m1 Soo-.hfltlJ l:ld "Kkgnpb(31 3127.c-ssoo

DETROITBob Maxey16901 ~bc" A>eAl UJICUI

(31 3) 8S 5-4OJO

DETROITPad< MOtOI-18100 \\ooJwud A. eOr?:>tIU Pllcn Parkm 31869·5COOFARMINGTONBob Dusseau11625Crw IV-n mI Block WNlof OrJurd LUe Rj'810147.·1170

CAR[)E.~ CITYStu EvansJ2COOFord Rd

J~n WNI co( ~!mlCJ:l(313) .. 25-1300

NOVIVal-sity.e9251 GrJnd RI\er/.% \ Block S. of \\iIOC EtllISIO) lO5·Boo

PLYMOlITU}-{ines Pa.-l".e0601 Ann Arbor Rd111·175I·SOO-55o.~IERC

ROCHESTER HILLSCI-isSIna nlIS5s.....:h Ra.~ RdSet\\een Hlcllll loa ..\\0:1 Rd(510)652-1200

ROSEVILLEArnold291XlO GnllOIAl Il ~f,lt RO.Ij18\0) .e~5-6OC()

RO'U\L OAKDianl0nd221 N ~bin $1....1 II Mile Ro.d\SIOl54I·SSIO

SOlITHFlELDStal-2H50 W 12 ~lale Rd11 Trltlturh(810) Js.c-l900SOlITHGATE5tu Evans16800 Fon $U«lAl i'mns)lunl.1(313) 285·8S00STERLING HEIGHTSCrest36200 \!an D) keII 15 112 Mile RO.Id(S10) 939-0000

TROYBob Borst1950 Wen MlrleTro)' MOlor !>Ltl(8101643.0600\\~\TERFORDMel Far ..4178Hi2.hhnd Rd. C>f·59)2 ~hres '\Vest of Teltguph(810) 683·9500

YPSILANTISesi950 ust Michigln9 ~hles Wesl of 1·275(313) 56Hll12


Inursoay, NCNemoer lb. 1~:>-IHt: NVHIHVILLt: Ht:I.AJH~':.~

Northville and two grandsons. Royand John Kiplinger. She was pre-ceded In death by her husband.Hughes C.• In 1984.

A private semce was conductedat Glen Eden Cemetery In Livoniawith the Rev. Eldon Beery from theFIrst Presbyterian Church ofNorthville officiating.

Arrangements were made by theNorthrop·Sassaman FuneralHome. Nonhville. The famlly wouldappreCiate memorial contrlbullonsto the Sah'allon Anny,

Northville. died No\·. 4. 1995. atMariner Health Care Center InPort Orange. He was born inChester County. Va .. on Aug. 19.1910. to Richard and Lona(PhillIps) Long.

Mr. Long reSided in theNorthville area for most of his lue.He retired from Western Electricafter 42 years of senice. His mem-berships Included the FIrst Pres-byterian Church of NorthVille.Northville Masonic Lodge No, 186and Plymouth Elks Lodge.

Sumvlng Mr. Long are daugh·ters. Jacqueline Carrigan of LakeCily. Mich .. Lona Britton of Flori-da. Jeannine Krolikowski ofNebraska. and step daughter. Bar-

bara Johnson of Westland: sons.Ralph of South Lyon and Peny ofBrighton: brother. Welton E. of Vlr-ginla: 18 grandchildren and manygreat grandchildren.

A Masonic service was held onThursday. No.... 9. The funeral ser-vice was conducted on Friday.No\'. 10. at Casterline FuneralHome Inc .. North\'ll1e. With theRe.... Eldon Beery. FIrst Presb~1en-an Church, officiating. Intermentwas at Royal Oak Cemetery.

She "'as born In NorthVille on No\·.2. 1944. to Harry James and Ellz·abeth (Lanning) Kenner. She was ahomemaker and a lifelong residentof the North\1l1e area.

Her sun'ivors Include daughters.Kristy and Brenda Kubik ofInkster: mother. ElizabethHochkins of North\ille: and broth-ers. John T. Hochklns of Georgia.Da\;d Hochkins of Northville. andPaul Hochklns of Pennsyh'anla

Sen1ces were held on Thursday.No\'. 9. at Casterline FuneralHome. Northville. with the Rev.David D. Owens. FIrst Presbyteri·an Church in Wayne. officiating.Interment \\'as at Rural HI1I Ceme-tery. North\111e.


John E. Long. age 85. of PortOrange. Fla.. formerly of

Constance L. Kenner. age 51. ofNorthVille. died No.... 5. 1995. atGarden City Osteopathic HospItal.

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fimMfCH};;'IOlilll' 'mf»nr-J"In:t/Xtt/{Ra ClSt" __ -'I.m~ StOJrl." Drf\.'lJ1- _ _ _'300WDat<ltSJ~.l '~.049

~-- ----------------- ----'96 M~NI)' \'1ILlgtTGS \>,lh I'EP 692A ~tSRP $l3,39hnJ "96 ~I,,,(ur\ Slt-k GS \\,th rt P ~; IA \ISRI' S20.);5 ....clw,"" t,tko, Ln,"", IllX'I\.'<.'f,~ U',1~ f'l\ TI'lt'nI l\l.<cl on n'Cl'.tge Qp't.lllh~

~of92.~ ofMSR.Pfoc\·~.lnJ 94.36'< of \lSRPfor Slt-1dcc 2~ m..'C1th(k~ffoJ nll'J Cn..!,t R,~Carr<t L.e.l'o.'Spur(~ m t""Cn'JIl.lh.., ~');lOO lhrough9/))/tf; Somef'l\'lNf\ts tughet; somtlo\\'~ ~ &alt,. fOff'l~TIlt"OI/~ l.es--« ml\ NWOf'tI'.'C1III N\ \'clu..r~ ,11ka'<.','OJ ,11pore I'o();Otl.l!l\l mth J(,J~ ,11~ ..\~ l.£.,~ rt'Sf'l'f\Slble forac...."w.'\'J! !t,'~r~nJ tTUle~ge(l'\'CI')),CO) at S.l5/1l11k CI\~lt aPf'!'O"a]ILnsuraW.l\' a<l''fTI\In.\l ~ n'CJ CnJ,1 Toul amounl vi mt'(llhly f'l\1I1('l\ts b 57,1,0 fOf\'d1Jb,T anJ S71J96for5.lbk-. For spt('U1k.,},<,terms and SI,(OORCL(~on \'''lager, t.ll..e ",'1'0 Mill Jdm.'I) fronlll,'alt'H!o.xk boo' I {31 % CUSlOO'lt'f'!> dlgJ~ f()l'52..:.0 5.1Ne RCL nTl('\, alll\C\'l"Uw mll!ol!.:rmjl\lle lheir \('a5Ie of a ~1'Trur\5.lble~"'m9/28/9hnJ 1/3/96. Aru;t,'m.'!'s k.l"elermlll.l!,~ t'J:i~ \,111quJ!t~ llil t5I''fTI\lnJl,oJ \\lINn \h(' prllg1"Jm Jal, ....ClNC'lllt'f'!>\'ro N\('prt'l'lOlJ'o!~ It'fTllin.:llo.~ \h('lfSat-kh~from 6/1/95 lluoogh9l2il95, MeaboeLgl1>!eIi tht). Rt~CalJX'tU\l""a I~m..-Jd Sll-k \\1lh~'\ L"M:of'I',>sram po.'nOd 'F\duJt~ t.l\ and cd ...'! I", 'All, a~" ....""r your <o.lfl'ly ~~l


H: I



22·A- THE NOfffiMLlE RECORD-Thursday. NoYember 16, 1995



ChristmasArts 8 Crafts FestivalF Spulal~"'~

,..:~- NoVo J4,'4.~_"'." ':00 ...---lit, 'AdmWfOie $4... .,'

Before youhire an

employee,you checkcredentials.

Be sureyou do the

same for yourhealth care

plan.SATURDAY, NOV, 25, 10 AM TO 5:00 PMSUNDAY, NOV. 25, 11 AM TO 4 PM


PROCEED BE"EFiT IJERCY I-'IGH SCHOOlS SCHOLARSH PFUND --..................... ~-.......--....,...~~..,

.... ~~T •• ,.....='=t~ ~.c.e.=t.;==-..:...~_oc==~-=-~.,~....-=~ ..:.:.-=. ......-

,1fttIA WIIt...-.. ..... ~-_ ,..... ....,..,...--....=& =-~~........oo.~ FlJur ACCIIiDnED

_ .

Health Alliance Plan is the leading II~IO inSoutheastern ~Iichigan, BUlyou don't han' totake our word for it. Jmt check our ~fl'n:nn.':-- the National Commiltl'l' for QualityAssu.r.mce,fi)r onl'. 111(: :\CQA i~3n indl'pl'ndml.nonprofit agency that c\'aIU:llCShcalth em:plans according to on:r ')0 high :-t.md.tnl, forquality, 'nley :tccrl'llit only till' ht.':-L

IIAP':-II~I() h,l' ,ltt.lined full ,Ilunlil.nion.tilt· ;,\CQX:- highl':-t :-t:ttu' 'nlb h funhl'fl'\'idl'nCl' of wl1.lt IIAP l11l'mhl'rS h:tH.'known for yt.',Ir:-- Ih,ll 11.\1' i:- fulfilling il:-(ornmitml'nt 10 prm idt.' till' Ix~t in hl';llthcarl' for SOlltht.·,I'lt·rn ,\lichig,lIl.

Find Ollt mort' ,IhoUI 11.\1'. cllI

(Sill) :;:;2·(llHIO. ~Ion"· Fri ,S ,1111 . :; r 111

TROY BERKLEY Lf\lor.,,,,(313)50<3-3497 1716 Coolldge at 11 M.la (313',~7

(810)399·9900WATERFO~D C\.MO~TWP, ROSE VUE(B'Ol67~~9'S (a10)791-4430 (a'Cln6-2210

DETRO,T PONTIAC an:w ....GHAu(313) 84»601 (8' 0)33S-<404 (a10)60:6-11 00 Health Alliance Plan

------------------ -- -- -

If's a 'ragile world in which we five••• @ EVERYUTILE BIT HELPS! HomeTO'....n Ne-.vsfXlpers,urges our rE:9ders TO ra~e en cel,.e .00'1,', rt:ckwn,ro The tx-aJ',' 0' :he Ear-h Pleme doyour fXlrf ortd sur:port c I recydng e:1or:s ,n OJr eOT,rr -!n,'~ O~' f ..,'J'';: d...·r:~::-(h(Yl ,

~~~._~~~:f.. ; ~ ~~ .;;..oo.:~ ~ ... :::.---:-:.--_-----~----- -_ .._ .....

-, ..- --~-:;;:._-:::::---~--:_- .._ ..-.,- ." ~~~--:-::::::--:-. - '-'':-."--~~ ~- ~~' .".-.- --'..:-- ~ ~::::. _.. ':1. -...;....

......---~ -~~ ... -.. . ' ....._~ ~ . ,:J

. ':1

Kick Off The Holiday Season With 'i!

Downtown Northville'sChristmas Walk:;"

It. • The Northville High Sthool Marching Band and • Children are invited to bring 2Christmas elves will escort Santa into town in a horse drawn sleigh. Children can tell cookies labeled with their name, address and phone number. for SantaSanta their Christmas list as they ride with him in a horse drawn carriage. Free to judge. The winner will receive a free lunch with Santa. a free horsecarriage rides sponsored by Community Federal Credit Union. and carriage ride, a photo in the Northville Record, and valuable~ • Free entertainment begins at noon at the Gazebo. coupons from area merchants.

6~ • The Woman's National Farm andGarden Association will be selling Wreaths, Roping & Holly at thecomer of Main & Center Streets.

~ • warm up with free refreshments provided by localmerchants.

Sponsored by the following area businesses:Chesapeake Bagel Bakery ~ Gardenvlews ~ Main Street Hair Design 4l Art Source ~ Kacee's Hallmark 4- Mail Boxes Etc.

4 Kitchen Witch t Atrium Gallery t Salutations 4- Changing Seasons 4 Victoria's Place t Orin Jewelers tGreat Harvest Bread Company ~ Dancing Eye Gallery 4i Genitti's Hole-In-the-Wall 4- Via Veneto .t Urban Optiks _

Goldsmith Galleries 4 Northville Floor Covering 4'J Ultimate Toys ~ Bueter's Outdoorsr---:9:;;:6:--------r------.

4 Northville Watch and Clock t Dean L. Murray D.C. 4 Northville Jewelers ru-~lN~O!!:rt=h=v=i1=le:::;I------1:::.:

t Community Federal Credit Union 7 Mile

ws .. -. ...... _• _Me _.

al)~f1t4,USDA Select $399Prime Rib Roast lb.

Extra Lean $ 69Ground Round lib.

3 Ibs. or more

Vic's Homemade Bulk

Sage Sausage 99~.Boneless RolledCenter Cut $ 99Pork Roast ....21b.

Now Taking OrdersFor The Holidays

• Fresh Amish Turkeys• Spiral Sliced Hams

*Specialty Roasts*Party Trays * Gift Baskets

.----,G~~ S l,f)J. ~Alaskan $899King Crab Legs lb.Super Select,Fresh Shucked $379Oysters ~arh

8 oz. pk~.Large, Shell On $699Pink Shrimp ..,.. lb.

, ,~ sold in 5 lb.J.. " '... box~s 001\'tr. ' r" .

d' 1,. ~. !, _ .I ,f.' fr ,~ . ~~.• ~~~t'\. 2\

",' ,",,~, It. •....~. ,~~. ~ . .' ~_:-}Y,/!oi::' t.; . ~ " ...,\. . x, ' . ... ,~. ~ I\.'~.~ ~.Y'. - .~,~"'p( ../..~1:'("" t'~.....~· :~~.

·'~r~··J>--:.~ ;)::.~~ .'Il,~"-'; ""~~'" -e .• \.~. ~_~"f. ~~ ~ . , •..~. /

~.,~. .... ." •• J.- ',': ~.,.-'\-i 1 ", ..'~' ':; •. • lY_.~ '\ ~...-

• r .. __ ,,~ ..::...-._So' J:.4I---- - .....:.;~"";:::-:::.-----

H~h~:tcHam$3~~Healthy Choice

Honey $399Turkey Breast lb.

Swift Eckrich • $179Genoa SalamI lb.

Eckrich Regular $179Bologna lb.

42875 Grand River(1/2 Mile East Of Novi Rd.)

Novi, Michigan(810) 805·7333


Fresh BakedFrench Baguettes, ,,

.... l""......... .. . ~


Hubbard, Turban, !Acorn, Kabocha 1 O¢ ~Squash lb. ~


California 49¢ ~Celery.... ......... ~

a stalk ~

C~~kingOnions on\~9¢~83tb. bag :xl

Yukon Gold _. $ ~Potat .' - .' 129 i



5 lb. bag

Stop By and Visit.

\I~~Cigar Shop

We carry alarge selection ofhandmade cigars

, .

Sale Prices in EffectThursday, November 16

throughWednesday, November 22

First Cold PressingCarap:lli, Extra Vi~gin $699OlIve 011 750

S&W Whole or Jellie~ $1i19CranberrIes 160z

Carr's 4.25 oz. 3/$4Table Wafer CraCkerso3~I~alBob's Swedish $399Lingonberries 14.4


La.Temfesta Biscotti. $599DIppIng CookIes e ,BOl •gift bag

S&'V Premium Large 89¢Chick PeasMelitta Premium Extra Fine Grind $3199.CoUee w/Free One Cup111 Coffee Maker 1l.50z

re Jar onl

¢PhiladelphiaRegular • 1f3 Less Fat

CreamCheese 8 oz. brick




"~.. -§ 9 t~t ~>:


31201 Southfield Road(At Thirteen Mile ~oad)Beverly Hills, Michigan


Monday·Saturday 8·9. Sunday 8-6 Monday-saturday .... SUnday .-6


• ;32£


Shopping program nets money for schools"We expected an enthusiastic response

to this unique program. but \I..e were bothpleased and Q\'erwhelmed when we actual-ly tallied the first month·s receipts: saysAva Demonja. FaJrlane Town Center mar-keting director, "At this rate - with sixmonths to go. including the upcomlng hol-Iday season - we're going to meet our goalof donatlng over a quarter million dollarsIn educational materials."

Demonja credits the schools and theparents for much of the program's suc-cess.

"We"'e had wonderful community sup-port. and It's growing by the day as peoplediscover how easIly they can buy much·needed supplies for their local schoolswithout it costing them anything," sheexplains.

Security, quality important to homebuyers

Nearly 2.000 Michigan schools arealready logged Into a new. seven.monthprogram at three area shopping centersthat returns a portion of customer pur.chases to local educaUonallnslltuUons.

Through the "Be True to Your SchoolProgram; whIch began Aug. 21 and nmsthrough March 31. shoppers can credittheir receipts from any lakeside. 1WelveOaks or Falrlane Town Center store orrestaurant to any MichIgan public or pri-vate school. grades K-12. The shoppingcenters then assign a portion of thosereceipts to the Indlvfdual schools who canuse them to buy videos. videodiscs. com.puter software. books and other referencematerial,

Credits to schools over the program'sfirst four weeks total about $27.500.

Rapids: says Janlta Gaulzettl. Lakesidemarketing director.

·It's a way everyone can help educateour chIldren. and you certainly don't ha\'eto have children In school to participate."she said. "We ha\'e grandparents pickingtheir grandchildren's schools, aunts anduncles naming their nieces' and nephews'schools and others who just want to helpout the neighborhood school.

In fact. you'd be surprised how manypeople have come up to our booths andpicked a random school from our list -just so their shopping receipts don't go towaste." she added.

All schools receive a monthly tally oftheir credits. When the program closes atthe end of March, each school uses Itscredits 10 order directly from some of Ihe

Shoppers participating in the "Be TrueTo Your School" program bring all of theirshopping center receipts - for anythingfrom jeans and jewelry to movie ticketsand cappuccino - to the colorful school·house booths located Ulroughout the cen·ters. Customer service representativesstaffing the booths will stamp the receipts.credit them via computer to whateverschool the shopper selects, and returnthem to the customer.

All receipts must be dated Aug. 21through March 31. 1996. but customersmay collect receipts and lurn them in anytime before March 31.

"We have thousands of 5<'hools particl·pating, and we're adding new ones to ourdala base eWI)' day - some of them fromas far away as Traverse City and Grand

country's largest and best-respectedschool/library supp1Jers. including Nation'al Geographic, PBS Video and FollettLibrary. As part of the "Be True To YourSchool" program. they receive an addltlon·a1 10·30 percent discount on the materl·also

"That means they may get $1.300 worthof supplies for $1.000 In credits that costthem absolutely nothing: explains ElaineKah. Tweh'e Oaks markeUng director,

The centers handle all administrativedetaIls. from dally receipt tallies 10 pa)1ngthe suppliers.

'11le schools cannot be1Jeve they're get·ting all this when all they have to do Is fillout an order foml: obsen'es Kah. llJat'sthe beauty of the program, and that'swhat ensures Its success:

There are as many reasons tobuy a home as there are home-owners and potential owners.Many people ctte the security. sta·bility and enhanced quality of lifethat owning a home provldes theirfamily. while others view a homeas a good Investment. Some wantthe freedom to personalize theirliVing environment. and othersseek relief from periodic rentIncreases.

ton Hills.·For most farnl1JesIn most mar-

kets. a home Is a sensible. stableInvestment that Increases In valueat. or slightly abo\'e, the Inflationrate. alIo\\oingthe owners to builda nest egg for college costs. retire-ment or other needs: he added.

In fact. the home accounts foralmost 60 percent of the typIcalAmerican homeowner's net wealth.according to the Joint Center forHousing StudIes at Harvard Unl·verslty.

In -The State of the Natlon'sHousing 1993: the center report·ed that the median net wealth forhomeowners was $78,403. Of thatnet wealth. just over $46.000 con·slsted of home equity and slightlymore than $32.000 was In otherassets.

Consistent ....1lh that findIng. 7.5percent of the homeowners sur-veyed In a recent National A.o;socla-tlon of Home Builders (NAlIl3)pollsaid that a home is one of the besthedges against innalion. Almost asmany (73 percent} said that ahome's value as an Investmentwas one of the primary reasonsthat they decided 10 become ahomeowner.

Slxty·elght percent cited thedesire to provldc sccunty. stabilityand a positive Ii\'lng emironmentfor the family. while 52 percentwanted Ihe freedom 10 rcno\·atc.Improve and personall7e Ihrir 11\'-Ing em1ronrnent.

Half also said that tax bendHs.particularly the mortgage Interesldeduction ......ere importanl faclors

In the initial decision to become ahome o.....ner.

"A cornerstone of the nallon'shousing polley for decades. themorlgage Inlerest deducllon hashelped millions of AmerlC'3n faml·lies achlC\'e home ownershIp sinceIt first came [nlo common useabout 50 years ago." Compoadded.

Basically. mortgage Interest andproperty taxes are dcdU<:Ublefromfedcral and slate laxes. makinghome O\\mershlp morc affordableand casler to achlC\·c.

In fact, 63 percent of thosepolled In the NAIfB sun'ey saidIhat lhe mortgage Interesl deduc-tion Is very Important to them and21 percent said that It Is some·what Important. g1\ing It an overallrating of 4 3 on a 5<"3leof I to 5

Housing starts on

"No matter what the Indlvldualreason for purchasing a home maybe. most people agree that finan·ctal benefits are among the mostcompelling: said Janet L. Compo,president of the Building IndustryAssociation of Southeastern MlchI·gan and chief executive officer ofJames D. Compo Inc. of Fanning·

M[chlgan 1995 housing project starts were up 0.6 percent from1994 year·to·dale totals dUring Ule monlh of September. Septemberhousing project slarts were dovol] 15,3 ~rC('lIt from August, but thisIs to be expecled due to the normal cyclical nature of the Industry.

"Nlnelecn nlnet)' Ovccontinues to hold pace \loilh 1994: comment.ed Bob Woodard. preshlrnl of the Michigan Assoclallon of IforneBuilders.

"Wec....pecled 1995 10be a heallhy year. but we were not expectingIt to keep up \\o1lh 1994. an exceptional )·ear. The force behind therebound stili Sttms to be the mortgage rates, They started to Increasein August. but edged do.....n again In Seplember," he said.

Fixed-rate mortgages fell to 7.6 p<'rcent In September from 7.8 p<'r-cent In August. 11lry .....ere 7.63 p<'rcenl In July and a year ago Iheywere 8,6 ~rC'Cnt.

Sln~e family hOllslng S("('1l\'i10 be the Icadrr In this gJ'0\\01htrend.as [ndlcated by I1ledC('Te3scof 1.3 percenl In 1995 year to date lInlttOlals compared 10 1994.

11le Michigan A.<;..<;()('latlonof HOllie Builders l'i comprised of morethan 10,500 Il\cmber companies. thus prOViding sen'lce to O\'er370.000 people In Ihe home buildlng/constn\('llon Industl)'. MAImalso reprc$('nls :36 local hOll1ebulllkr a'i<;()('lalloll'iIhroughout IhesL'lle


PRICE BRIAK! 2;% OFF SPORTSllTARFRO." THE D£5IG,UR OF A"ERlCA.'t CUSSICSSpertsh,rts, knl'S, penIs, swea'ers, jacketsOng 4950101975036.99 to 147.99

;0% OFF FA.\f01JS DESIG:\ER SPORTSWF.UlCOLLECTIO:\S Spertsh rts, knll tops, swea'ers,slacks, sportcoots, outerwear and ,eslsOng 490010225 00 23.99 to 111.99

99.99 DOLBLE-PU' C\SH\fERE SWF.\TERS,ExCLtsn'EL\' OlJRS70% cashmere·30% ....001 SpeCIallypnced

39.99 MERI:\O WOOL S\lE.\TERSExclus....ely ours and speCiallypnced

Two FOR 30.00· C01TO~ K"dT SHIRTSI 7 colors Reg 19 99 each

2;% Off Au lUE.~'S OUI'ER\\TAROri9 100 00 10 550 00 69.99 to 399.99A-.:l·eN I/o', cod Des 9"0" CO'~l00"S 'lQ' ,nd~ded

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j'l;lne \\'(:~ •• Van I,ll • l.I·all·l'llOll,· • r(\I1<" ,\,,\\ ,,,rl.,f.tlcnne AJ~cr • f'-JppaplloReg 4999 to 1700056.9910 119.99

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\1.",-\", • J'c.llrc. "" • \\ unit U2 ;0.. TO ;0° .. OFt-I\\I01 s N\\n C\fUrHS POH1\\lI.\H \1,,,, , • I', Jill' • \l, I "11, n

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.'\0°.. 10 ;0° .. Oft D, ...JG\IH SpOHn1'r.\H.' : ,'. ~ J ;.9910 !69.9')

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2;°0011 JUhl n. E\(n ~IHI1 Ot H'i\1 I' ....' ... I'c.lltc.'( "h,,1< rt 111,111' ), l J,. -').991\, "I< I, • I ,', I X9.')')

25° .. Oft' lIiHI'O WOOl IhlT SU.\TfM\,":\(11\1\111 OtH\ \1,,'(,· ",w,,· \\..IlHIl

", •• " ;:', f l').,)1) III 1(, ! I

2;% OfF ALL }IE~'S GLOn:SOr'9 4000&5500 29.99 & 39.99Coo, h' ood lso'one' col e,'"",s roO ,nel.<led

2;% Off' ALL }fE.'t's flusReg 1800108500 13.50 to 63.75

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39.99 TO 49.99 C01TO~ O\1"ORDSFROU THE D£5IG:\ER OF A.\IERIC.t\ CUSSICSOllg, 55 00 10 65 00

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Bn' O~E SC\RF, 2~D IS 25% orF'Sk cnendle & wool Reg 10 08 '0 125 CO

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for ladles' su,ts. shoes & boots is only available for purchases made through No....ember 19th See ~Our Sa'e~ As~o",.J1I>le" ,1,11 i, Gff<>rr'l, cn,! al a~, I'me If.!ter dt.fwai pellod. APR 21 6°", 50 cent m,n,rnurn f.nance charge may apply I Sorrv. not ava !able through telepholle order


5eleded coilec'oOns, nol e,ery style and S'le onevery s'ore 'YOu' rcd~(t.o'1 (.'1' .. ··cd I"'" 5 '" " be ,~, en 01 ""C rcg S'N 'r'o~gh Sundo" November 26'" IF ree 0' second "errs musl be 0' equol or lessc' va'ueOur regulor and 0''9'rtQ1 prices ore of'e"l19 p'"es o"ly and may0" 1"01 ~O' ~c,c 'cs_"d ," so'cs ;'d,er1 scd rt ~'('1o"d IC fY'cybe o.c,loblc 01 sole P"ccs '''lJpeorr "9 so'e even's No OdIIJS1fT,er\ls'0P'oOrsa'e purchases

Sole ends Sundoy, No'errbe' 26'l, C"o'ge " ",'" \~v, tvd f. "0('0, ("o'ge Cc·d \','c a'so oucr' I-'1"C"(O'1 E,p'ess, Visa; Mos'e,(o'd' o'>d the O,s(o,e" Cord

.._-------------------------_ ......-------------_..-..s. •

MASS System now onlineDiane K. Braunstein. director of

the Michigan Office of Sel'Vices tothe AgIng, says the Mlchlgan AgIngServices System (MASS) - nowfully operational and ready forbusiness - Is the most comprehen-sive information system of Its kindIn the nation.

The MASS system. sponsored bythe Office of Sel'Vices to the AgIngIn cooperation with Wayne StateUniversity's Institute of Gerontolo-rs and the state's Office of Infor-mation Technology - Is designed toprovide information about servicesto Michigan's ever Increa'ilngelderly populaUon.

According to Braunstein. work-Init ....1th focus groups from Michl·~an's aging network. the WayneState team has helped to design a

system which Is "very easy to use:Using the Internet, and with Just apoint and a cUck on the computer,MASS users can access a widerange of aging information Includ·Ing: phone numbers for localsenior centers, councils and com-mtsslons on aging: Alzheimer'sAssociation Chapters: and Infor-mation about statewide programssuch as the Medicare/MedicaidAssistance Programs and theRetired Senior Volunteer Program:Social Security program Informa-tion and a toll·free nallonal Elder-care Locator number.

The system also provides dallycongressional updates and FederalRegister announcements, andaccess to local and national cen·sus Information, demographic

Information on the growth ofMichigan's aging population andaccess to a wealth of health infor-mation from the National InsU·tutes of Health.

Designed to serve as a state-of-the-art planning tool for thoseengaged in deUvering services toseniors. the MASS system Is avail-able to anyone with an InternetconnecUon.

The system can be accessed onthe World Wide Web using theNetscape Web browser athttp://mass.log.wayne.edu.Forfurther information call the Officeof Services to the Aging at (517)373·8230 or send comments via e·mall to Wayne State Unlversltyathltp://[email protected].

Edison to improve Novi service~early 200 Detroit Edison Une

(lrarance crews have scheduledwork In 42 communJUes in south·ca ..trrn Michigan. Including No\1.during the rest of the year toImprove service reliability and--.,CrtyCorcustomers.

Detroit Edison maintains a 10-foot clearance between treebranches and power lines toreduct' power outages.

TIle \"aSt majority of outages are(au'ifil by trees coming Into con·t.Ht ....1111declrical tines.

"The winter storm season Isapproaching and our year·roundUne clearance efforts ....111continueto help us prC\'enl tree· related out-ages." said Robert J. Buckler,senior \1ce president. EnerlO' Mar-keting and Distribution.

"Ice. like wind and IIghlnlng. canbrtng branches Into contact ....1thour lines. and we are committed toellmlnaUng outages that could beprevented by line clearanceefforts: he added.

Downed power !lnes also pose

safety hazards. Adults shouldremind young children that faUenpower lines should be avoidedbecause they are dangerous andpotentially Hfethreatening.

In addlUon, trees In contact withpower tines dUring normal weathermay result In low \'oltage or out-ages to customers.

The uUUty's tree-trimmlng crewsfollow National Arborist Assocla-Uon pruning standards. which aredesigned to maintaIn the health ofthe tree.

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~emember to change detector batteries: Here's the cheapest life Insur- "A working smoke detector cuts

apce youll ever buy. the risk of dying In a home fire by, It's Just the cost of a few batter- half and provides the critical extrales. seconds that are needed to: The state fire marshalls remind· escape."

b1g everyone to change the batter' Autumn brings about the annu·I~s In their household smoke al reminder to move our clocks Nationally. inoperable smoke<\etcctors this fall as part of the back one hour from daylight sav- detectors contribute to many of the·Change Your Clock. Change Your Ings time. It can also remind estimated 3,800 deaths andaa,ttery- campaign. everyone that It Is tJme to change 50,000 to 100.000 Injuries causedl the batteries In their smoke detec· each year by home fires.: "FIre Is the No.2 cause of acel- tors. "Change Your Clock. Change

4ental deaths among chUdren Although smoke detectors are In Your Battery" Is a national earn·qnder age five, placing them at 92 percent of American homes. palgn sponsored by the Interna-double the risk of dying In a home non·workJng smoke detectors are tlonal Association of Fire Chiefsfire; said Captain Wade Schaefer. so conunon that they are robbing and Energizer brand Batteries.~chigan State FIre Marshal. residents of the protective benefits This annual campaign is in Its

fJnemployment fund to reach $2 billion!The Michigan Employment~ty Commission Is forecastingttCOrd cash reserves for the state's~nemployment Insurance trustfund by the year 2000.~ "Our research staff Is predictingQ1at cash reserves In Mlchlgan'sunemployment trust fund should(each nearly $2 bllllon by 2000.and average $1.6 billion annuallyOver the next fiveyears; according(0 F. Robert Edwards. director of

eighth year. with this year's focalpoint being chUdren.

these critical home fire safetydevices provide. Nearly one· thirdof the smoke detectors In ourcountry don't work because ofworn or missing batteries.

On Oct. 29 when It's time toturn back the clocks. remember totake an extra minute to Installfresh batteries In the smoke detec-tors throughout the house. Asmoke detector Is a famlly's bestdefense against fire.

For more lnfonnaUon about thecampaign, contact your local firedepartment or write to "ChangeYour Clock. Change Your Battery:c/o Energ!Ur Batteries. 717 FaxonRoad, Young America. Minnesota55397.

the Mlchlgan Employment Secur1tyCommlsslon.

Trust fund monies are used topay ~tate jobless benefits to unem-ployed workers. whLle employertaxes feed Into the fund.

In the MESC's trust fund fore-cast. Edwards said that totalemployer tax payments shouldaverage about $1.237 bllllon overthe next five years. peaking at$1.311 billion In 2000. Benefit

payments are expected to a\'erage$1.259 billion. with a high of$1.653 billlon In 1997.

In Its trust fund forecast. theMESC is anticipating a moderatedownturn in 1997 which mayboost the state jobless rate. but astrong recovery will begin In 1998and continue through 2000.

"Mlchlgan's trust fund shouldeasily weather the do\\nturn. whilemaIntainIng a healthy cash

reserve: Edwards said. "In fact.unlike other downturns where wehave had to borrow funds from thefederal government to continueunemployment benefit payments.It Is unlikely In the foreseeablefuture that we will nero any loansfor the trust fund." The MESC pro·Jects that job growth \\111 a\'erage1.0 percent (or the (orecast periodand that wages will grow at a 3.0percent rate.



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MESC to sponsor six job fairsTo help find employment for the

unemployed and homeless In thecity of Detroit. the MichiganEmployment Security CommfsslonIMESC) will sponsor six major jobfairs In the city next year.

The job falr commItment result-ed from a summit that was heldrecently between Gov. John Englerand Detroit clergy.

·We are pledging up to $115.000In servlces to aid the job searchefforts of city residents and mem-bers of city church congregations:MESC Director F. Robert Edwardssaid. "1lle pledge Includes $50.000that \\11\ be devoted to meeting the

inItial transportation needs of jobappUcants and new hires:

MESC staff will be meeting withmembers of the Detroit clergy todIscuss how the job fairs andagency services can be most effec-tively used to meet the employ-ment needs of their congregations.

·We really see our role as help'ing make the connection withemployers and helping develop andhold the job fairs: Edwards said.·while the clergy uses Its commu-nity network to attract jobseckersto the falrs.-

Other services mesc plans on

prOviding as part of Its $115.000commftment are:

• Jobseeker reglSlration. assess·ment and classification. and infor-mation about resume and laborexchange activities.

• Employment counsellng.• Job development and place-

ment services.• Access to the Federal Bonding

Program for those denIed commer-cial bonding coverage.

• Employability assessment andemployability workshops.

• Additional services sueh asreferral to MESC Job Serviceoffices and/or supportive trainIng

Announcing the opening of

Westside Obstetricsand GynecologyLivonia office

Now two convenient locations:

15370 Levan Road andSuite 3, Livonia

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programs. and Information aboutand reglslraUon with the MESC'sJob Service Resume System.

A key servlce the MESC plans tooffer Is transportation. Edwardssaid his agency will provide work-ers with up to (our weeks of trans-portation to their jobs, giving themtime to make theIr own arrange-ments.

·Often. transportation is thegreatest hindrance for some work-ers In finding and keeping jobs:Edwards noted. "With a way of get-ting to the job, these workers willovercome what has been an insur-mountable barrier In the past..

Mkbul M. Gatt, M.D.

Karol L.OUtma ... O.O.

,..• t

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lflit!zin 20 minutes of sl1loking that lastcigarette, the body begins a seriesof changes that continues for years.

'Juo;t ~ ream no' Is ""hat rnJddlcanel Junior III~h scllool stlld~nts.H~ l)('lnl-! a ..krd 10 do loday al 2pm

[)urln~ Ih~ flr ..t e\'~r n,llIonalGre,ll "1I1('rlc.1II SmokrS, r('alll.'olllllrnt'o will puI Ih('lr hlll~o; 10~ood 11'0(' \\. 1It'1I Ihn' "( rr.llll for'o("~r/l 'o("cOl](I.. a .. a' W.l]' 10 ·Ju ..t"<0 ram no' 10 ..rnokln~

Tod.l], I.. 11M"orne 131 1995 Gr('atAnl('r1<"anSmokrOul da]'

Thr ,\merlcan Cancer Societyexpects 10 million smokers andmlllJ(m.. mor(' !>uppor1ers 10 partlc-Ipale In Ihe- 19th annual Cre-alNIl('r1can SrnokeOut Ihrou~h ~'ar1.ou!> pro)o;ralll<; In the cOllllllunlly.al work .md ,II ~hool.

It I.. a dil\' ....he-r1 !>mok~r., andlI(>lI'">o!<rr.. ·.,lIkr u)rnmll 10 kN"p'Ill~ 11Ie-( UllIlIIUlIll)' ,md IL.,I hlldre-n..wokt' frN"

For !llr !-("( owl} (·.lr. Dorlll,l Ro('1II('r. forlllrr hr,lIlh le.ll her .11111

now .1 (lHlll ..dur .11 So\'1 Ill~hSl hool. !<I lip ,I lIl..p!..y In Iht" IJnk- a ~,lth~rtng .trl-.l nr,lr Ihe hl~h!-Chool (.((rl("(1,1 - 10 1II.lke-mforlll.(lion .lbOIlI ..rlloktll~ .,\,II1.,bk 10'ohJlklll~

Sll1drlll~ In Iht" hr.lllh (LI'o-.r~ oflu.,llIH Ill[" .John O~borllr. C.HIlIB.lakl allll Bob Smllh h.(~ r proIhlft"d ,I nr\!, "InfonJe-rd.ll· Ih,11(tI\ rr., v,,(1<Hl.. ,"\'.\)('(I~ of (lgMellr~l1lokln~ ~llch ,I" Ihe phy.,II ••1('(fefls. long Iruu d,ml.l~e- 10 Iht"lI-.rr. !omokln~ .Illd pr~n.lm)· ,111<1II'>rfkl't on frl.11 ,!rvr!opnl('1I1. '>('(.

Dill! hand "mokr .• 1lId tip .. ou quitling TIll' InfonJt'rd,11 ""hlch ""111 lx-..ho\\. II al Ih(' dl.,pl.ly dllllll~ lilt'd.l\' Thr flr ..1 1III')llI('r( 1.11 W.I~lll.;,k I)) 1\",,"11'(" hl'.lllh ..IIHknl:-1.1.. 1 \ e.lr

11;r ,!I..pl,ly ""111 .11'>0Illt 1\I(lt' .1 lotof fre-l"bk~ "\I( h ,I" lJllIIOIl", ll.llll·phkl". In ..('rl-. for l'.H rl~.H('llr



Joe Steinman

lIghlers and poste-rs.-nIne we-re all awful lot of kids

Ihal plckt'd lip posters that \\-anledto takr the-m home 10 shew.' to par-enls or put In Ihe-lr roomc;: Roc-lll('r "'lid of the re-<;poll~ from IaSIyrar'!o dlspl,ly

'~I.Ill\' of ,h(' klrh wore lots alldlots of iJUllOn... promoting 5loppln~!olllOkln.g: she said Ilre-re 5oN'med10 1><: a lot of support for a smokefrtt em1ronmenl:

Sludenls have also ffi.1.depo«lerswhIch .,.111 be- on display In Ihehall\\'aY·

'Adopl a Smoker' conlracts "",11be available for any friend of .1

SJllOker to fill oul \\1th the smohe-rThe contract st.1les thaI the fneud\10111hrlp Ih~ smok('f stay lobaccohC'1'

~'an}' slude-nls shffil.rd an Inler-l"sl In Ia.., year's AdOI'I a Smokerconlr,lll. il('("(Jrrlln~ 10 ROC'ITl('r

-nlr 1,lrgt" number of kIds Illat"Ilwke h.IH· I!le beha~ lor re-ln·fore rd hy Ihe- kith Ihey h,lIl~.uouml \\.1lh.· 1~()(,l1l<'r~1.ld

'11' .. h.mi for Ihost" "Iude-nls 10qUll:

Al Sor1}1\1I1eIII~h School. 1111beLu ..lnr~!> ,\., ll ..ual. accordln~ 10CIa,Hlie- Sul('c. student ,Isslslantpro~r.HlI loordlnalor. excepl foraddltlon.ll pO"lrr" 011 Ihe dan~e-13or "lIIoklll~

'If I rom loIfj.,~1kids \Io1thsmoklll~I ('.m gf"l a h.md!C' on anythln~ d-.eth('y're u~llI~ Ih.at ml~hl be l1k~aJ:hr- -"aid -rill rc.-al!Iol 011 Ihls smok-Ing I~"llr •

TIle- hl~h ""hool h.ls an on·~ln~smoklll~ da"s called Ihe FreshSI.lr1 I'ro~r.lm 111e program Is .Illall('rnall\l" to "u~prllslon for "Iu·(knh c.ltI~hl smokln~ for the- firstlilll('. It ('oll!>lsIS of a four-weekcia", on "lllokln~ ",,!Ilch Includes ale~1 10 ,klrrmlne- if the addIction Is


URT"<~:':B' '::'..::.. ' ".~.. . . . '. -:.'.' .....:.. . ; .. :.::"':":

·•·•.·THllRS6~~';. :~Novern'ber lt~r199.5:

. .:' ."... '~.

Sixth grade students at Novi Meadows MiddleSchool have karned a lot about lMng healthy durolng the past month. The Michigan Opera Theatrevisited the schoolln October as part of NOY1'sFocusHealth Week to present Ilre Night Harry StoppedSmoking."

Durtng science class. the students wrote essaysabout how smoklng doesn'i fit tn wilh a healthylifestyle.

1hree essays are '-"'l11nted here but all the essaywriters were wlnnets as they enjoyed a nature walk\\1th a healthy snack. v."h1ch was provided by Bots-ford Hospital. of a blgjulcy apple.

If Your Breath is Smoky, You Must be Dopey!by Erin Holme.Many ~1e' Sitloki:~uaUY~419,OOO Amerlcans

dJe of cigarette smoke. Cigarettes a..e the cause ofdiseases, such as: emphysema. lung cancer. heart~se and strokes. Cigarettes are dangerous andshould not be taken lightly.

Cigarettes are highly addictive because of theamount of nicotine. Nicotine Is a highly addlcllvelngredlent In cigarettes. Nicotine can be addlcth'eboth ph)"Slcal1}' and mentally.

Many teenagers and )"OUIlg adults smoke becausethey thInk ifs cool or they're prt'SSUI'ed into smokingby their friends or a group of schoolmates. Manyyoung adults thInk smoking makes them look moresophisticated or more Uke they're adults. but smok·Ing makes you look stupid and can severely hurtyou and the people around you.

Another smoking hazard Is second-hand smoke.Second·hand smoke is so deadly because just likesmoking when }'Ou Inhale the smoke an the harmfulchemicals can get Into you body. and you probablydidn't even pick up the dgarette!

Many people may pressure .}'Ou lnto smoking, butthere are ways to so no. A few ways to say no are: befriendly by sa)1ng, "No thank you." make a joke,walk away. and kee-p re~tlng, ·NO:

Even if you already smoke now. you can still quit.A few ways are: try nicotine patches. try chewingsugarless gum. just quit cold turkey and try coun-


lit's A Fact

seling or call the American Lung AssocIation,gUITTO DAYl

It's never too latel or too soon, to qUit smoking. Nicotine addiction is one of the hardest addictions to break,

physical. ps~chologJcal or emotion·al.

·It l!>lIIoklngJ 15 usually stressre-laled: he saJd.

Sprakers from IT0'01dence Hospi-tal and Karmanos Cancer Institutealso \islt \\o1ththe classes.

...I,'hen I talk to theS(: kids there15 usually one or two people athome that are smoking: he said.-It's vel)' difficult for them to qUit"lIIokln~: In Ihe classes. Stnec1..i1ks to the students about whyIh~y slllJke. how much, what Isthe ~re.ltL'St hurdle If they quit.

-nIC s.ld part Is that It's so easyfur them to ~cl cIgarettes. That'sUle crux of the problem. tllcy areso readily a\'aJlable: hc saJd.

How can you say IIlat'If Ihe kIds were- ..,n:n an opUon

the)' ",,1~h Ihey hatl nC'vcr "taTted:SIIl~c ~ald. who has a chemicaldq:x'ndrnc}' thcr.lplst background-n1C')' snlOke on Ilw a\t:r.lgc half toone pack a day In Illy groups.

'By Ihe lime the-y gel done ""1ththdr first polck. thC')"re prelty wellInlo II,' he s.'lld 'PsychologlcallyIhcy gel hooh-d a 101qUicker:

It lakes (wo we",ks 10 gel IIout oftheir sy"le-lIl, bUI smokers nC'Cdareolson 10 qulI, according to Stllec.For somC'. dating a non smoker isInCt'nU\"c, Young smokers nC'Cd tobe caught early and gl\'en otherthings to do with their handsbl"fore 11 beromcs an addiction.

'Smokln~ Is really down fromolher ye-ars: StI!cc said. 'We've!>ttn a <le(TcolS(:in Ihe number ofkids getllng CaU,l;lllsmoking:

For sludenls caught smoking asecond lune, an automatic call ISmade 10 the police ""1th a mandalo-I)' coun appearance.



How to Uve a Healthy Ufeatyleby Not Smokingby Kate Rose .Smoking doesn't have any good polnts. People

who smoke aren't the least bit cool. smoking cancause gum disease. and lung. mouth, throat andbladder cancer. Smoking also costs. a lot. You couldspend the money on something that will make youfeel much. much better.

Besides, you have better things to do than smoke.Sports are a great way to relieve stress. Even televl~<sion Is a way to relax. E.-<ercise if somethIng Is get-:'ling )'ou down. Chewing gum is another altr,rnatl\'e.Computers can keep your hands busy. Spend timewith your liimds doing things other t1ran sinoking.Draw. paint. \IoTile. lb1ngs won't al\lo-ays turn oul tobe perfect all Ihe time. so do recreational thIngs.There are many thIngs that YOll can do to lead aheaJthy hIe.

Staying Healthyby SCott KortIandt :-Iwant to live a healthy life and to do that Iha,,~ to

do two thlngs. The first thing Is to eat right andexercise. I'm doing that by playing sports and not'eating too much junk food. I play soccer. basketball,and baseball and have been for Ove years. Even'Ihough my fa\'orite sport is soccer I still keep up,with the others. I also eat rtght by putling a fruit In:my lunch everyday and not too many cookies andthings like thaL :

The second thIng Is to not smoke. I keep 1lway;from smoking by remembering what my dad saidonce. He saId that when he was young he had sav~up enough money to buy hIs first pack of cfgaret1es,."It was very tempting but he couldn't do IL Insteadhe went out and bought a bow and arrow seL ~~

Another thing that helps me are statistics. Oldyou know that 419,000 people die from smokingeachyear1 ~Idon't want to be one of them. ';.



Steinlllan teachesMcDonalds 101


Dear hunters •••

sweatshirts."They keep an Inventory of

what's on hand, and the proceedsthey donate to Ronald McDonaldhouses." hospitality housesthroughout the countty for parentswho have children in the hospital.

Store managers and cashiers. hesaid, are apt to be In the fifth gradelevel because "they can handle It,"he sald,

Ilrere arc 280 students In theschool: Steinman said. "Our goalIs to ha\'e all students partldpaUngIn some form:

In March. whIch Is national bookreading month. McDonald employ'ees take turns In rcadlng to smallgroups of students - onc class at atime - from books they ha\'e donat-ed to the school library. They areresource malerial books on h~thsafety and awareness.

"I've been In Partnerships forEducation here for four years: JoeSteinman said. "I enJoy haVing achance 10 work In the communlty-giving something back to It."



By DOROTHY NASHSpecial Wnler

If you think all McDonaldsrestaurants are the same, youhaven't met Joe Steinman, generalmanager of the McDonalds on lIag·gerty Road ncar EIght Mlle.

lie said his McDonalds Is InPartnerships for Education withSilver Springs Elementary school.working \Io1th the children. kinder·garten through fifth grade. one daya week, teaching marketing sktlls.the Importance of giving somethingto others and ways to protectthemselves In day·to·day living,

Steinman and the other employ-ees do this volunteering mostly ondays off and vacation days.

One day a week during lunchhour and recess at the school. hesaid. ·we give an education" Inoperating a store. fo."\'el)'week a dlf·ferent group Is named store man·ager and cashIers. The facultyselects the students.

The merchandise Isn't food. how·ever, but pencils. erasers and

Rules are verystrict for thefirearm deer


which runsthrough Nov. 30.Violation of the

law is amisdemeanor

offense punish"able by up to 90

days in Jailand/or a $500

fine. Questions? Call theNovl Pollee, 348·7100,Northville City police,

349·1234, or NorthvilleTownship pollee, 349·9400.


:-: ",; "'. 1 : :. '; . ~. • • '~. .' .... ~. • .. . • . '. ~. '. .' • ~.' • • • . .: .. : ". ' ..~

4 a a

2B-THE NORTHVIllE RECORO-Tlusday. NoYembef 16. 1995

a $ 5 $ a s a

iIn Our Town IWoman's Club learns about hospice

MaryUndqulstw I I Ispeak on·Hosplce- A Con·cept asWell as aPlace" attheNorthvilleWoman'sC I u bmeetingat 1:30

p.rn. on Frld3.y.Nov. 17.The meeting. which Is open to

guests. wU1 be In Boll FellowshipHall at Flrst Presbyterian Church.200 E. Main In downtownNortllville.

Lindquist. a registered nurse.founded Personalized Nursing Ser·vice In 1984 with the Intent to helpdying paUents and their famlUeslive theIr lives to the fullest. Thewords ·Arbor Hosplce- became partof Personalized Nursing Servlce'sname In 1989 to Indicate the a~n-cy's cerUflcatlon as a hospice orga·nIzaUon and to Increase awarenessof Its services In the colIUJ1un1ty.

The hospice movement began InEngland In 1967 and care Includeshelping patients and famUymemobers complete any unfinished busl·ness. This may Include giving orreceiving forgiveness, sayIng good-bye. makIng peace with death orwriting a ",ill.

Other programs that address theneeds of Its patients and famU!esInclude a bereavement program forwidows called New Pathways. the



~':l~".'l'"Mary Lindquist

Starting Over program for youngadults who have lost a spouse. andthe Bridge of Hope CommunityCenter whIch houses a selecUon ofbooks, pamphlets and other mate-rials.

If you are Interested In attend·lng, contact a Northville Woman'sClub member..The chairperson of the day is

Lois Housman.

Ballerina chosenfor Nutcracker

Lauren Christiansen ofNorthville will dance the role ofClara In the Nutcracker on FrIday.Dec. 1. at 8 p.rn. and on Saturdayand Sunday. Dec. 2 and 3, at 3p.m..

10Mile t:>e~ Tot'I &. ~NcMPhc>n& 349-1115

SU'>daf 1 45 am Holy Euc:tlc:n:S<Ildat II am. Holy Euc:tlc:n:

II a.m. S<..ndaI'SChod & NI.ne<y

CHURCH DIRECTORYFor Information regardiDQ rates for church listings call

The Northville Record or Novi News349-1700


23225 Ga Rood(between Grcnd River & Freedom)

Worship at 8.JO & 11 00 am. (NIJoory)Ctuch SChoo/9:4J am.

Pastor. Doniel Cove~ _(810)474;{)584 ••


'to ~ Mle &. Meado'.>ttookWbconsh tv l.u't\er0'l S.,nOd

~an& 1~.30an9" 15 c:n Sc.ndoy~~~

Wed 1pm.ll>fllenV_~



~ Mic:hoga'lS<.r>datw~. I~JOernSlrdal SctlOOII~.30 ern

Wedn&sdoy MooMg. 1,JO p.m


A 1355 $x MIle IloocJ~~S<..rdoy SC:hool 9"~ Il.1::1<5an

Sorodov~9orn.1Cl~anIl.Opm"""01 OIls T Ilvc::t'O"\ Sr PQS'O<

~ Ctr.s'lo'l SC:hoolF'relC:hOCo' &. ~-Il



41011W.Tet'lWe·~00Il3019-2t>52 (24 m)

Sl.nda/~all~,JOamlUse<y Core Avo'IobIe

0><:r1es R• .Jocotls. PetorCtuc:h SctlOOI9" 15 an


no Thoret. Nor1llvrIeWEEI<ENO 1Jl1.IlGESSCNdav. 5'00 pm

S<.n:lay. 1.JO.9. 11 am & 12".30pmCtuc:h 349-2621. SchooI34Q.JO 10

IleIgious EQ.ocoto:ln 349-2559


2432S Holsled I10ad alII We~!fts. UictlIocn - -

SeMces every Sc.r>dcri all Cf.JO a.m.Also. FhI O'ld ThI'd S<.rdov al1!O pm

Su:doY SChod 9: IS am8tlle ClasS • Tuesday. 1,JO p.m.

Sor'>Q SeMces • lost S<.ndoy Of monIfl· 1!O pm.


~ &. Elm $Ireell. NomvIIIeT Wbed<:. Petor

Ctuc:h~I40 SctlOOI~I46S<.rdoy WOl1hlp 8.30 am a. ll!O am.Su'ldai School &. etlIe Clas$es 9".45 am

Wedn&sdoy WOI1Np 1,JO pm.


349-1144' 8 Mile & TaftRoodsWOtSNp5eMeet &. S<..rdoy SC:hool9:00 &.II ro

IUWy bolh -. CYea ro.nd)s.rmer WOI"hQ e ~ & 11>00 C~ 1I'lIU lot>ot ~s.rt->er S<..rdoy SC:hoollQ-OO(l( 1twU 3rd gode)Or 00uQI0s W Vr..on ' ~ TI'lOmOI M 860QcrI

~ A."r:U L Spct!OId


23455 No.4 Rd (betw&en 9-1 0 MIa)etlIe StuOt s..n. 9".45 am

WorYlIp seMceI. \l am. & 6 pmWed. BtlIe StuOt. 1 pm

Dr 0><:r1es 01 hi Petor. ~We WlllCMl '1'00 \Y.ll'l The lCMl Of The lord


213S5l.\eod()o,.trOOll R NcM at 8 h WeMomlng WOtShP 100m.CtudlSChod 100m.

J.0.1151M"ns1et. Ilev E NeI Ht..nI

MNster Of MusIc. Rat F~


45301 \l Mile allot'l RdHc:lrro& ol Fn CMillc:n School Grode 2·12s..n. SChool 9".45 am.

WOIShp. lI!Oam. &. 6'00 pm.Prorer '.1ee~ed.1f1J pm

34N471 [). Gay - Pastor 349-J641





A6325 '0 MIe IldN<M.M1~1"

SatIIdOI' 5:00 pm.S<.ncfaV e. 9".3Cl & 11:30 om

Rewrend James f. Oonk. Pos:orPatIl'l 04'llee: 341·111&


24505 ~ Rd.. N<M. Ml4!315Mastes. 501. 5 pm; ~ 1.30 em

&45a'1\ I~JOO'I\ 12"15pmHoly ~ 90'1\ 5 30""" 130 pm

F~ JCM 8uc:IOo. Pos:orFGt>er ~ TomasIco. Asscc Pos:or

PatIl'l 04'llee. 319-&"1


Moo:' al Genera Onemo Thecfr~NcMTo.n Center

SU'>daf 5eMce. 10to II AMMIce He<Ml Petoo ~100

A Mwt:hJreh..., o hill~


44400 W 10We N<M. ~ W-5666lf2nw_olNO'o1lld

Illchad J Het"odetson. PetooJ CyM Sm'lr\ Assoc:ia'e Pos!or



211N Wro ~102O1lev S:ep"len SpaIa. Pastor

SoToda)' WOI1hb. tl.JO o.m. 11am. & 6 30 pmWed Prater 5eMoe 1f1J pm

eo-" IlI'oade 1pm.. ~ Gt1$ 7 pmS<..ndaI' SC:tlOOl9.45 am


212«> HoooeI1Y. NorttwI!e ~1600(be~ 8 6; 1;1 ~ I?d1 near NOVI H'Ion)

SuncIOY SChOOl 9" 30 0'TlMomInO WorshIP I ~ ro 0'Tl

Evenlng CelebratIOn 6 00 pm(nurJe(y ptOVlded)

HOIond lowls. Pcmor




Ten Mile between Haggerty andMeodO'Wt>rOOk I

Sot. 5-30 p.m~ Sun. 8:30 & 10:450 mSun. Church SChoOl 9:30 a m.

on Tot'Illd ntl(711 Mole ROOCf Wo2609 Paslor Tom SCherger - 477-6296SundaV Worst\P &. SChod 10 am 10 I 1.15 0 Il\


Sunday WOtShlp '0 1m.You#I & duII Ee:t.Ica1lOn II .m..1 !he sonIC T~ on !heIQUIri In do'MllO'Ml PMnouCh730 plt\Ml'latl.3' 3145~' a Iputor-DlvelOPlr K.n R~ll\I_t "''!t!/.~ umIeh I(JuI

_1NI","~Mifl hlml

,'. "\..

For Information r~ardlngrates for church listIngscoli

The Northville Record orNovl News349-1700

... • ) ,. ,,~ .... r- ..

" } ... ~. . ' .-' ,



Deborah Buttner. orlglnally fromSouth Mrlca and now residing InFlorida. will join the Symphonyand the Ballet Company as theSugar Plum Fa1Iy. TImothy Smolaof Canton wIll play the part of theCavalier. In addition. 45 otherdancers from the ballet companyand the madrigal choir from thePlymouth Salem High Schoo) wU1perform.

The Plymouth SymphonyOrchestra joins the Plymouth Can-ton Ballet Company for the perfor·mances which wIll be held In thePlymouth Salem High School Audl·tOrlum. located on 46181 Joy Roadin Canton.

For reservaUons or more infor-mation. call the Plymouth Sym-phony Office at (313) 451-2112.

Orangutan expertto Pisit NortlwiUe

Molly Lynch. a 1994 valedictori-an of Northville High School andpresently a junior In honorsanthropology at the University ofMichigan. will be hosting Dr.Blrute GaldJkas during her stay Insoutheastern MIchigan from Nov..18 through Nov. 21. Dr. Galdlkaswill be signIng her recently pub·IIshed book. Reflections of Eden:My Years wUh the OrangutWlS of

Borneo. at Border's In Birminghamon Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. and at Bor-ders In Ann Arbor on Nov. 20 at7:30p.m.

Other events during Dr.GaldIkas' visit willlnc1ude a tour ofthe Detroit Zoo as guest of Itsdirector and a reception honoringher at the University of MIchiganHonors College.

Dr. Gald1kas Is the world's lead·ing expert on orangutans and one SutmCled pholo

~~~~~~~~weal=~ rg:~ Students who participated In "Make A Difference Day" (notJane Goodall and Dlan Fossey). In order) are KatIe Anan, Chris Azanger, Matt Dalley, Dan Fer-She has been conducting fleld rara, Melissa Schneider, KIm Thompson, Dustin Kubas, Kyleresearch on most endangered great MaJor, Nick Peruskl, Leigh Richards, MelTssa Prentiss, Annaapes In Indonesian Borneo since Schovers, Sean lanigan and Jennifer Kristoff.1971 - the longest continuousstudy by one prlndpal researcher' Catholic Church In Novl made a which went towards a Natlvltyof any mammaJ In the world. dlfference recently. scene the children pur('ha~ for

Other events during Dr. On Oct. 28 they participated In the church.Galdlkas's stay are stlll In the ·Make a Difference Day' by collect· Those students who partldpated •planning stages. All ~ments Ing pop bottles and raising $280. tn 'Make A Difference Day· were :for her visit to MIchigan have been The group decided to donate the KaUe Allan. Chris Azanger. Mattmade by Molly Lynch In coordlna- money to three different groups. Dalley. Dan Ferrara. Melissation with Dr. Galdlkas and the A check for $220 was sent to the Schneider. Kim Thompson, Dustin •Orangutan Foundation Interna· ·Make a Wish Foundation' In Kubas. Kyle Major. Nick Peruskl. .tlonal Lansing to be used to ~)p make a Leigh Richards, Melissa Prentiss.

MIchigan chJ1d's"'ish come true. Anna Scho...ers. Sean Lanigan andTwenty people will eat Thanks· Jennifer Kristoff.

gtvlng dinner as a result of a checkthe group sent to the Detroit Res-cue MisSion Mln!strles In Detroit.

The remaining money was gt...ento the St. James Nativity Fund

Religious education studentssee need andfiU it

Fourteen students from DianeAllan's seventh grade religiouseducation class at St. James

News Items for this column?? ~CaU Carol Workcns allhe Northville 'Record at 349- J 700 ()('write J 04 \v.Maln SUret. NottJutiJJe. M148J67.



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Wed 10'Cl0am W<Yrr&f\'IBi:IIe StuOt CtIIdc:o. A-.oIObIe0!~.30 &.11ro O'\'l

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Thursday, NoYembef 16. 1995-TliE NORTIMUE RECORD-3B .;~.:.

__ ..:::.. InI-.-~-=- II Wedding ISingles .....SINGLE PLACE, an adult mlnlsby for single people, meets at the FIrst {'

Presbyterian Church of Northville Sunday at 9:45 a.m, for a Sunday.roomIng gathering. foUowed by a worshlp service at II a.m. and brunchat Northville Crossing at 12:30 p,m.

The Annual Road Rally will meet at the church at 6 p.m. on Saturday. -,Nov, 18. The cost Is $5 each for the raIJy and $3 each for dinner. There :will only be 30 teams so slgn up early, i

Volleyball will be from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on Thursday. Nov. 16, at the j

Northville Rec Center. The cost Is $4, t"Holldays: Happy or Humbug" with speaker Sandy Baumann or Ecu· I

menlcal ServIce of Thanksglvlng will begin at 7:30 p.rn. on Wednesday. iNov, 22, at the church. ,

At 8:30 p.m. on Friday. Nov, 24. the group w1ll meet at Novl Bowl on :Novi Road between Eight and Nine Mile roads for an evenJng of bowling, I

Volunteers are needed to help serve ThanksgIvIng Dinner to the elderly ~and those who are alone and hungry on 1hanksglvlng Day at WestmJn·. :ster Church In Detroit. To volunteer for as little as an hour or as long as "you'd like. can the church office and ask to sign up for the Weslmlnsler'SeIVlce Project, .. 1

For further information about any of the Single Place programs or toregtster. call 349·0911. r.

HOLY FAMILY SINGLES Is a group for separated. divorced. widowed '.::or never·bern·marrled persons. . : ..

For more information, can the Church of the Holy Family. 349·8847. .;

SINGLE POINT IIINISTRIES offers a unique opportunity to Join more ,than 500 persons of vaned backgrounds In a class about Jesus Christ. ..

The group meets at 10:45 a.m. each Sunday In Knox Hall of Ward Pres- (':bytertan Church. 17000 Farmington Road. on the comer of Six MIle In :.UvonIa. The Rev. Paul Clough w1Illead with scnpture messages relevant,'to single living. . ,

"Talk [t Over" Is held on the second and fourth Frtdays of each monthIn Knox Hall. I

Those Interested In subbing for a bowling league at Fiesta Lanes In .~Westland on Ford Road east ofI-275 can call (810) 669·2259. ~.

For further information about Single Point Minlstrtes call (313) 422- ,'A


, -,'.~:~

I j

Cindy Leiendecker/Kcvin O'Cormor Deborah and Matt SimcikCindy Ann Lelendecker of

Northvl1le and Kevin PatrickO'Connor are pleased to announcethelr engagmlent.

The bl1de·clect Is the daughter ofMr. and MB. Robert G. Lekndeck-er of Northville. She graduatedfrom Northville IlIgh School [n1984.

She received her bachelor'slkgrtt In small bus.lness admln1s·lraUon from La~Tena: Technologl·cal UM'n'Slly In 1989. and is cur·rently employed at I.on(s FancyBath 80uUque as assistant manag.

er and assistant buyer.The bodegroom·eJect Is the son

of Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. O·Con·nor of Rochester ffllls, MIch. Hegraduated from Brother RIce HighSchool and recel\'ed his bachelor'sdegree In accountJng from Mich!·gan Slate Unl\-erslty In 1984 wherehe wa.s affiUated ~1th Kappa Sigmafraternity. He Is the owner ofA.E.&E. Mana~mrnt Ltd. In Boul-der, Colo.

The[r wedding will take placeDec. 23. 1995.

Deborah Ann Stevens and Matt Hannah Wolf of Omaha, Neb .•Francts SImctk ~re mamed July cousin of the brIde, placed the8. 1995, at the f1rsl Presbytertan memorial rose In memory of theChurch of NorthVille. Rev. James bode's grandmother. Amanda Un.Russell omclated at the double dow of Grosse Pointe Farms.ring ceremony. Mich .• cousin of the bride, sen.-ed

The brlde was given In marriage as acolyte. and Sue Rehmus ofby her parents. Denis and Marcia Grand Blanc. Mich., and friend ofStevens of Northvllie. A recepUon the bride. was sololsLfor 225 guests was held at the Hol- ServIng as hostess was Jennifer[day Inn-Laurel Park In Llvon[a. Lege} of Oxford. Ohlo, and PatrickMich. FueJ1lng of Northville as the Read-

The bride graduated from er. Both are mends of the bride.'Northville High School In 1989 and The groom Is the son of Cera!-from Michigan Slate UnJverslty In dine Slmdk of Dearborn. Memorial1993 'i\1th a degree in leachIng. 1l0000"erswere placed on the altar In

Attending the br1<le was mald of loving memory of Clement Stmcik.honor Jenn[fer Stevens of father of the groom.NorthVille, and matron of honor The groom graduated from Dear-Amy Gourlay of Niles, Mich .• both born High School In 1988. Hesisters of the bride. received his bachelor's from Mlchl-

Bridesmaids were frtends Kelly gan Slate Unlverstty In 1992. and I

WUson of Fort Wayne. Ind., Tanuny his master's degree from the Un!·Hornberger of Memphis. Tenn.. verslty of MInnesota In 1994. He tsand Connie Peterson of Scan- currently studying for his Ph.D. IndanaVia. Wis .• 'and sister of the environmental chemlsUy at Rut-,groom. Michelle Slmdk of Spring· gers UnIversity. ,Ileld, 111. The attendants wore Iloor The bestman was Brad Watllng'length coral dresses hand SC'i\n by of Dearborn, Groomsmen werethe bride's grandmother and sister. Chris Becker of Kentwood. Mich.;:

The bridal gown was a full Steve Shipps of Howell; Anthonylength. shantung sheath dress Kontos and Mark Donahue of'~1th a removable train. It was of Dearborn and Dave Detlor ofnatural color ~1th a rounded neck· Noanke. Conn.

'llne. slmply-bfadedon sleeveS. ... 'Ushers' were Chris Neff oftraln and bodice. \'o1th lace on the Phoenix. Artz. and Greg Newton ofneckline. sleeves. hemllne and San Diego, Calif. Escorts were Dar-lraln. rin Gourlay of NUes and Jon Cohen

The bridal headpiece was a of Waterford. The bestman and allbeaded headband 'i\1th Ivory bead- the groomsmen are friends of theed illusion \'rl1Ing. groom.

The bridal bouquet was an The couple took a wedding trtparrangement of cascading brldal 10 Cozumel. Mexico, and nowwhile roses, lilies, babies breath reside In North Brunswick. Newand l\)'. Je~.

FAlUDNGTON SINGLE PROFESSIONALS Is a non-profit group for.;singles ages 2540 who share common Inlerests and want to form new •friendshlps. Membershlp Is not Um1ted to the Farmington area. The' :group partJdpates In over 200 activities per year. ;

The Singles CoaIltion Benefit Dance for Chlldren's Hospital of MichIgan '.w1lI beg1n at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Nov. 17. at the Northfield H1llon at -5500 Crooks Road In Troy. Admission Is $15 In advance and $18 at the ~doo~ '.

The Cross Country Ski Weekend for both skiers and non·sklers allke :\\0111 be held Jan. 12 through 14 In Tawas. The cost Is $150 for FSP memo ",bers and $180 for non-members. A $50 deposit Is due now. Call for more iinformation.

For more information about FarmIngton Single ProfessiOnals call (810):478-9181 or the FSP hot line. .

THE CAl'HOUC ALUMN1 CLUB Is a singles club for CathoUcs who are :4·year college graduates and free to many In the Catholic Church. :

For more Infonnatlon call Teresa. (810) 557-2781. Don at (810) 879-'1429. or Mark at (810) 352-7353. ;


EXPRESSIONS. an adult discussion group, meets from 7:30 to 11 p.m. :on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at First UnJtaI1an Un!· :ve'rsaIlst Church. 1917 Washtenaw In Ann Arbor. The program Is not.church-affillated. The group Is open to those ages 21 and older. :

For more lnformaUon. call (313) 930-6361. Admission Is $5.25 and:Includes refreshments.


Lee and Phyllis OrdingLee and Phyllis Ordlng of

North\'l1Ie celebrated their 50thwedding annh'ersary \1t1th familyand friends at a dinner at SliverLake Country Club In Orland Park.lU., on Aug. 6. 1995.

The couple 'i\'m: married Aug, 4.1945. at St. Ellzabeth·s Ep1scopalChurch In Chicago while Lee: wason rehabWlaUon and recuperationka\'C from the: 15th Army Air Forcecombat operations haYing beensiatJoned In Italy dUring WOOd War'II.

[n 1960 the Ordlngs moved 10Northville with their children,RIchard. Unda and Reid. after Lee:was transferred to the Ford MolorCo. Transmission and ChassisOtvtsSon In U\'Ofl1a from Ford's Air-aaft Engine DIvt~on In Chicago,Aller 40 )'C"3rS of scr.1ce In \-artousd[\,[s[ons of the company, LeereUred In 1990 from Ford's WorldHeadquarters In Dearborn.

Lee was a former long· limemember of a barber shop quartetchapter [n ChIcago. a life timeoxmbcr of the Sodel)' for Prescr-vaUon and ~nt of Bar-ber Shop Quartet SLn~ng in Amer·Ica ISPEBSQSA). a natJonal organ!·zaUon of barber shop quartets. and

a performing member of a quartet.As part of the enterta1nmcnt dur-Ing the ann[\,ersary celebration.the chlldren surprised their father~1th the performance of a premler8arber Shop Quartet from theChicago area. Another surprisewas a water color rendlUon of thecouple's North\'1l1e house on Con·nemara by local artist CarolineDunphy.

During their years In North\111eIhe" couple travefed-extenslvelyboth Internationally and to theSouthwestern Unlled &.ltes ha\1nghad their ov.n t~1n engine aircraft.Lee Is a commercially licensed.Instrument·rated pUot.

Guests from Artzona. Colorado.Nonh\llle. Ohio. Vlrglnla. \\1scon'sin. southc:m IlIlnots. and Chicagoand Us suburbs hdped the Ord-lng.s cdcbrate.

The annlversal)' was organizedby thdr son and daughter·[n·law.Richard and Diann and their eM·dren, Andrea and Hunter ofWilliamsburg. Va,: daughter Undaand her children Michael andChrtstopher of North\11Je: and sonand daughter-In-law Reid andJean·Marte and thdr children Erinand Kyle of Pl)mouth.

Send Singles fnJonnattDn to The Northville Record and The Novi News ..104 \II. Main St, Nort1wf1le. MI 48167.

Little princess tak;~shOllle two trophies' I

I··,·"She dId great,· Robin, her;

mother said of StephanIe's perfor- I

mance. "She's really determined to :win one next year.· ;

She'll get her chance In June:when StephanIe plans to compete.In the Miss American PrIncess!pageant. Among her many spon- I

sors Is Mary Margaret at the Start· iIng Gate. who has agreed to help:fund Stephanle's entry In 1996.

Better and belter.That sums up the continuIng

efforts of StephanIe zaas, an Amer-man Elementary first grader who'scoming closer and closer to takinghome first place honors In a beau-tycontesl

zaas on Nov. 4 was a secondfinalist and won two trophles at apageant held In Romulus. beaungout almost 90 other contestants.



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48-THE NORllMu.e RECOAD-lbnday, Nowmbel' 16. 1995

Woman's club sipsfrUit of the' vine!y gAROL WORKEHS~Wrller•; NorthvUle Woman's Club mem-

~ took a nip from the old bottleat the bl-monthly meeUng held onQct. 20 at Mill Race when they~ treated to samples of red and"hUe Wine. compliments of Ed..tonna. wine merchant. connols-*ur and owner of The Merchant of~o.. .: Jonna's topic "Red or White -

~ch Wine Tonight?' was preced-~ by a brief h1st01'yof why he 15Where he Is today.t Jonna Uves by his Cather's phi·~phy. "You have to have some·qwtg that you feel you're the bestC\t and when you have that youl)ave eveIythlng.·~Jonna's father owned his ownijuslness. so when Jonna returnedCrom the service In 1964. hebought a liquor store In Detroit.partly because It was the onlybusiness available at the time.

Remembering his dad's philoso-phy. Jonna decided to specialize InlJalf gallons of liquor when henoUced Michigan did not have halfgallons. He set out to be the~Iggest supplier of half gallons Inthe State.

'1 had the world's largest halfgallon selection.' he said, "Jtbecame the number one liquorstore In the state of Michigan. onlyDecause we had the best selectionof half gallons. It wasn't necessari-ly a good buy. but the thing wasthat we speclaUzedIn somelhlng.·-JOIUl3'Sbusiness was wiped out

dUring the Detroit riots. but hesoon opened another businessclose by and called tl Tradewlndsand once again decided on a spe-dality - the world's largest cooler.Customers could walk into the 78-foot cooler.

'By 1971 "''C "'-ere known as oneof the finest liquor shops and sUllgrowing In the city of Detroit," hesaid.

But on his way home from a trip




to France (or his 10th weddingannlversaJy In 1971 his wife. Juli·ette. said they had to get Into thewine business.

The rest, as they say. Is hJstory."Every five years there's a trend

In business: he said. "Youhave towatch (or that trend." JonnanoUced liquor sales were romlngdown and customers who werecoming In were not asking forliquor. but wine.

Jonna opened hiS first wineshop. The Merchant of Vlno. InTroy and to date has stores InBirmingham. Southfield. RoyalOak. Ann AIbor and Dearborn. HIswife. son. daughter. brother andcousin are also Involved In thefamIlybusiness.

After each member present hada few sips of wine. Jonna proceed-ed to discuss the 'correct way todrink a glass of v.me.

The correct way to drink a glassof wine. according to Jonna, Js totake a little sip. put the wine onyour tongue and use your tongueas a scale (to weigh the weight ofthe wJne). Then swish the wineabove your teeth and feel whatkind of sensation It gives you.Next, throw the wine to the left andto the right sides of your mouth.splash it to the back ofyour throatand as you splash it back andswallow. try to exhale through yournose.

"Yourmouth Js like the hearth ofa chimney and your nose nostrUsare like the chimney so whenyou're drinking wine all the flavorwill really come out o(your nose:

You do not use this method ofdrinking wine during dinner. butwhen you're just drinking wine toenjoy it.

·Mlchlgan wines get morerespect outside of MlchJgan thanthey do In Mlchlgan: he said. "Youcan buy MIchIgan wines for $5 upto $7 for the best wines. They tastegood. they drink good. and theyare fantastic:

H'oliday cooking tipsoffered in classes

If you are Interested In learninghow to make a gingerbread houseor dIscover1ngnew ways to preparesalmon. the Kitchen Witch has theclass.

On Nov.29 Chef Larry Janes willdiscuss everything from baking toassembling and decorating a gin-gerbread house Just Jlke thoseshown In magazines. The class feeIncludes all the goodies needed tomake a house.

On Nov. 30 Chef Rocky Rachv.1tzfrom Rocky's of.Northvllle \\olllpre·pare three different salmon recipeswhJch are great at the holidays andall year round. Salmon cevlche asan appetJzer or a luncheon salad.seared salmon gravalax style andsalmon baked Inparchment.

Both classes begin at 7 p.m. andcost $25.

To register or for more Informa·tion, call (810) 348-0488.

Iin Service. Army Spec. JOSHUA R. BILI.ARD recently teamed up as a member of

the looth Area Support Group to march with more than 480 United [States Army Europe soldiers along with more than 25.000 other partld--'pants from 35 countries In this year's International Nljmegen Marches InNlJmegen. Holland.

The marches are sponsored as a sporting event by the Royal Nether-lands League for Physical Culture that are designed to promote mental

I .~ physical condltlonlng. The 1oo·mtle InternaUonal event lasts fourd'Q~.

11Hillard ls serving with the 3rd Corps Support Command In VIlSttk.

Gennany. He ls the son of Stephen R.. Hillard of North\llIe and Manha L..Hillard ofTecumseh.

Hillard graduated from Tecumseh High School In 1992.


I •





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1t~!if~r.:'i'., a

IiL..- --.lJ.IChurch Notes

A week of OR& R". refreshment and renewal wlll be held at ST.ALEXANDER'S parish. located on Shlawassee Road just north of GrandRiver between M1ddlebeltand Inkster roads In Farmington Hills. begin •.nIng with weekend Masses on Dec. 2 and 3. .

Presentations will begln on Sunday evening from 7:30 to 9 p.m, and.continue with a different presentation each evening through Wednesday;Dec. 6.

Based on the theme "Letting Our Hungers Lead Us to God: Father.BillBurkert. sr. and Brother Loughlan Sofield. sr. will focus on three needs,shared by all human beings: the search for meaning In llfe. the hunger tobelong and the hunger for.purpose.

RegIstration 15 not required. and aU are welcome to attend. There Is nocharge. but (ree·wIlldonations are always accepted.

For more Information, call St. Alexander's rectory at (810) 474·5748 .

A new Bible Study Group sponsored by the OAKLAND BAPTISTASSOCIATION will meet on Thursdays from 7 to 8 p.m. at NovIMIddleSchool. 25299 Taft Road, In rooms 302 and 304. ChUd care will be pro-vided. .

For more lnformatJon. contact Scott Hanson and Edwin Hocutt at 437-1883.

Fall cleanup at FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OFNORTHVn.LE. 777 West Eight Mile Road, \vIU take place from 9 a,m.untJ1 noon on Saturday. Nov. 22. Volunteers should bring rakes, shovelsand hedge tr1mmers. Coffee and donuts will be provided.

Adult feUowshJpfor empty nesters will be avallable when the HomeAlone group meets (or an t:\'enlng of Chrtstmas music with Skltch Hen·derson and the Detroit Symphony Pops Orchestra at Orchestra Hall at 7p.m. on Sunday. Dee. 17. The cost 15 $24.80 per person.

Call Pat and Richard Allen at 348·1325 for more Information andreservations. The deadline for reservaUons 15 Nov. 19.

For more Information. call the church at 349·1144.

NEW LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH. a forming congregaUon or the Evan-gelical Luth~ran Church In America. ttl~brates at 9 a.m. In the fe1Jow·shIp hall of the Masonic Temple. 730 PennJrnan, on the park square Indov.ntown Plymouth. .

Interested persons are enrouraged to stop In.For more lnformaUon about Sunday selVlces or the mlsslon. contact

Pastor-De\'eloper Ken Roberts at (313) 459·8181.

Post·AbortIon Counseling and Education (P.A.C.E.) meets at FIRSTCHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. 21260 lIaggerty Road, on Thursdaysfrom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. In Room 220.

The support group Js personal and conlldentJal. There ls no cost to par.tJdpants.

For more Information. call Judl EUsworth at (313) 455·5255. or DawnDov.ns at (313) 722·2839. or call the church at (810) 348-7600.

OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH. 770 Thayer Boulevard InNorth\llle. \\0111 host Its second Ath'ent and Chrtstmas Fesuval at 2 p.m.on Sunday. Nov. 19.

Ad\'ent and Chrtstmas traditions from around the world. chlldren'scrafts. a storyteller and altrmath'e gUt g1vIng Ideas ",1ll be featured dur-Ing the fesUvaI.

The focus of the day's t:\'ents 15 to asslst famWes In devlsing ways tomake preparations for Cht1stmas more pra)'Crful and meanlngful.

Admission for the aetMUes. to be held In the church social haU. is oneItem per household from the Chrtsuan Sen1ce v.ish list: toys (no guns orknives), non·pertshable foods. books and games (esp<:da1.lyfor children).socks. gloves and hats, blankets and plllov.'5and toiletries such as handsoap. toothpaste. comb and brush. shampoo, hand loUon. Vaseline or Upbalm .

All Items ",111be gh'en to famUles who otherv.1se might not have anymeans avallable to celebrate the holiday.

All C\~nts are open to the pubUc. For more InfonnatJon. or to make aresen-aUon. call 348·2159.

Send churdt information to The North\1Ue Record and The N0\1 News.I04 \\~ Main Sl .• NortlwO.Jc. !ofl48167.

, .. .- ~'., .

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[)UTlllg till" ,1.1)' ,)r l'\'l'llIllg, \\C 'lffcr d.1'x'~in .\ ",\Ticl)' of gr.hlu.ltc cnglllccnng JCgTCC~.Our crl",t!\l.· .m,1 c\pcm:ncc,1 i.Kllltv \\111 intl.'gr.Hc thc')l)' ,mJ rr,leuce.

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.J School News~£l&I:ENTARY8CHOOL

Amerman Is busy preparing for the hoUday seasonby presenting Its annual Pancake Breakfast and HoU.day Shop on Saturday. Nov. 18. The breakfast will beheld from 9·11 a.m. and will cost $2.50 per person or$10 per fam1ly.

The HoUday Shop will run from 9 a.m.-noon andwill feature a great assortment of inexpensive Itemsfor kids to purchase for hoUday gtfts. ThJs Is always agreat way to get in the mood for the hoUday seasonand enjoy the company of other Amerman familles.We 'WOUldlike to thank commIttee chaIrs Patsy John·son, Kelly WIlliams and Jeannine Moehle for coordi-nating lhJs event.

The Sally Foster 011\ Wrap Fund·raIser has endedand successfully generated the funds needed to oper-a~ the P1'A for another year. Thank you to all thosewho purchased Sally Foster gift wrap or Gold CCoupon Books! Also a big thank you goes to our com-mittee chairs Lenore MonUceUo, Debl Lopez and SueAnker!

Our RclJecUons Contest is currently under way andisgeneraUng a lot of Interest among the students. Thetheme thIs year is °Just Open Your Eyes and See •.• "and entries may be submitted In either the art, Utera·ture. music or photography categories. An openingnight art show Is scheduled for Nov. 30 at 7 p.m.when all the entries wUl be on display and lightrefreshments will be served. Good luck and congratu-laUons to aU of this year's entrants!

Dr. StC\'e Anderson will be condueung a class called"Parents Sharing Books· which will run on Tuesdays,from Nov. 21 to Dee. 19. at 6·8 p.m. at Amerman. Thecost Is free and registraUon can be made by callingthe school office.

Dr. Anderson has also added some new books to theParent Ubrazy located In the school lobby. The books.fOCUSingon the areas of math and study skills. areIntended to help parents work with their studentsoulskle the cIas.sroom.

Grades 3 and 5 had their annual Musk Concert onNov. 15 at 6:45 p.m. Ann Jarvi and the studentswt>rked \'ery hard and gave a great performance whichwas enjoyed by all the parents and famltles thatattended.

The next PTA meeting tIIo1ll be Tuesday. Jan. 2. 1996at 9:30 a.m, Coffee and treats tIIo1ll be served. We hopeto see Jou of Amerman CamWes to help us ring In theNew Year. Jfa\'e a very Happy 1f01Jday Season!

-Abbie Holden

IIEADS Jm.L IODDLE SCHOOLExdUng thIngs have hem happening at Mead5 Mill

as tIIo'edosed the door on the first quarter of the 1995·96 scbooI )'tar and began our scrond quarter.

Splr1t Week was a huge suettSS as students donnedcoIkge shIrts. pJaJd shIrts (the food sen1ce staff alsolooked \'ery impressive). Meads MlIl colors. neckUesand "6Os outfits on des1gnated days. They also got toshow their schoolsptrtt at a pcp rally.

A food and paper product drive beneOUng ClvtcCoottm was also held. Many thanks to PTSA chaJr·person Eva Schultz and our assIstant prlndpal. SueMeyer. for p\annfng such an exciting \\'ttk.

Our second after·school acUvity of the year washeld dUring that same week as our student bodyjoined together to enjoy snacks. dancing. basketball.\'OIlcyball and computer games, As always. this C\'ent

was well attended and enjoyed by all.Sixth grade stUdents "made a difference" when they

brought In food Items and packed enough lunches tofeed 424 homeless p'cople. In addition to school splItt.our sixth graders know the splrtt of giving. Thank youto the enrichment team for organIzing thJs eventwhIch not only benefited the homeless. but our eM·dren as well.

Seventh grade students will be hearing about organtransplants and organ donaUons as a spedal speakerv1s1ts during November. They are also holding a popcan collecUon drive In order to pay for an eagerlyawaited presentaUon by a renowned wolf expert.

Eighth graders are getung ready to use Utenuy ctr·cles to enhance their reading of RevoluUonary Warhlstor1ca1 neUon.

CongratulaUons to the following Meads M1ll CiUzcnsof the Month for September: ClaIre Badgal, DouglasChenoweth. CaroUne Cozza. EUzabeth Gillis, JennlCerGuerin. Kelsey Jenney. Angle Mathews. AlejandraMedina. Justin Messer. Kyle Morton. John Sannar.Katherine Sullivan, Natasha SwitalskJ, ChristineWicke, and Kevin WIlbur and to the CIUzcns of theMonth for October: Alex Barbieri. KId Caldwell,Catherine Carwan, Amber Hare. James Herren. TrldaLondes, David Peterson. James PrInce. Sean Rossiter.Nicholas Seluk. Powen ShJah, Kevin Stuart. KrlstyWard, Bryan Waser and Aeon WhIte.

1be numbers are In for this year's PJSA member-ship drive. With an Increase of more than 90 membersover last year's figures. the drlve was quite a success:Many thanks to aU the parents and staff who joinedand thus supported the efforts of the PJ'SA and toJuUe Johnson and Kathy HousJander for their effortsas chaJrpeople.

Thank yous also go to Unda Last and Iris Nadeaufor updating the PISA bylaws and to Patty Patrick andher group of volunteers for providing cider and donutsto students and staff on Halloween day. It's dedJcaUonsuch as this that keeps our PJSA such a vital part ofMeadsM1D.

Irs not too late to be a PAL. (Parents at Lunch).Just contact Lorraine Petro at 349-1816 if you wouldbe Interested In ·dropptng" In at lunchtime to provtdeour students wIth addfuonal supen1sSon.

Come join in the Turkey Trot this Saturday. Nov.18. at 9:30 a.m. and help promote family fun and fit·ness by tak1ng a one mile walk around the Meads M1llneighborhood.

Afterward. join us for donuts, juice. coffee and achance to wtn a free Thanksglvtng twkty. We hope tosee you there.

Other upcomIng dates to mark on your calendarInclude the 7th and 8th grade band concert at 7:30p,m. on Dec. 6 and the 7th grade vision screenIng onDee. 8.

Also. please remember to ·Be True to Your School":and stop by the Schoolhouse Booths when shoppingat lakeside. 1\\'clve Oaks and Fa1rIane Town Center.Your cash rtglster receipts can be credJted toward freesoftware. videos. CD·ROMs. books and referencematerials for Meads MIU. It only takes a mlnute ofyour ume.

There w1l1 be no December PJ'SA meeting due to thehustle and bustle of the hoUdays. Please join us forthe next meeting on Jan. 18 at 9:30 a.m. In the °plt"

Ha\'e a happy ThanksgMng.-Kathy Houslan.d.eT

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;.llusday, NcMlmber 16, 1995-THE NOA1lMu.E RECOf1[)-68

IWhiDlpays offfor gradBy CAROL WORKENSSfaff Writer

JamIe Sonderman entered theVisIons of U.S. home video contestfor the he<:k of It. But the resultsmay have put hIm on a careerpath.

"My expectaUons of the contestwere very low: the 1990 Northvf1leHJgh School graduate said. ·1 justentered to see what would hap-pen.- .

Sonderman's entry was a five-minute music video. The EmptyChair, a mysterious compUaUon InwhIch childhood memories areInterwoven with contemporaryangsl

"When I got the call that I hadwon I was overjoyed," he said,

Sonderman was awarded firstpriZe In the VIsions of U.S. homevideo contest for the Empty Chairand was flown to Hollywood for theawards ceremony which was heldat the AmerIcan FIlm InsUtute andwas given a Sony camcorder,

The Empty Chalr was shot In thegarage of Sonderman's home withthe help of friends during last win-ter's below zero temperatures.

·1 watched TV all my life andwatched movies: he said, "Il camepretty naturally for me.

·When I went Into shooting, It "With a still photo you can tell aflowed out of me: he said. ·Most of story with a sIngle picture, ° hethe video is off the cuff, wIth only said. "WIth video, moving picturesthree or four retakes. lead to a complete story 1fke the

"When 1edfted It; he said. ·It feU abstract and very ambiguous mesoInto place. sages. °

°ft's the first song that C\'er came Sonderman feels he Is a ·verytogether. - said Sonderman, who visual person that has a d1ff~entwrote and performed the music for visIon than most people.·the \1deo. "I had an Image In my mind and

The son of Janet and David made Itlthe video) for myself: heBryant of Northville. Sonderman said of The Empty Chair. his firstplays guItar and keyboard and has efforI. °1 wanted to see if 1 couldplayed In local bands. make something that would stay

After high school. Sonderman true to my vision and that wasgraduated from the Specs Howard good. I am way more than saUslledSchool of BroadcasUng. ......•with my work. "

°1 tried to go Into radio but roun~ .. At present. Sonderman Is con·It boring so I Switched to televl- centraUng on WI1Ung a screenplayslon.- full-Urne.

About a year and a half ago. °U 1s about the decisions weSonderman started taking still make and the Um1ng of those deci-photos and then decided to take It slons ana the results of those deci-to the next lC\'el. video. stons: he said.

PhoCo by HAl. GOULD'

Jamie Sonderman wrote and performed the music for the'video, The Empty Chair. and won first place in a contest. ~


SpotlIghting origtnaUty and cre~aUvlty, the 11th annual VIsions of,U.S. home video contest Is spon·~sored by Sony Electronics and,admInIstered by the American Fl1m~Institute.

The 1995 winners were.,announced at an awards ceremony.:hosted by Harland WIlliams. star 0(,Simon, Columbia TrlStar's new fan:comedy series for the WB Televl-.,slon Network. Over 800 entries:.were submItted this year from,amateur nImmakers across thenaUon.

"When I went intoshooting, it flowedout of me."

Janie Soo:lerrran

GThIs year's judges Included TIm·

Allen. star of the ABC televislon;-series Home Improvement and theJ

feature fllm The Santa Clause. and 'himself the VIsions winner In 1985,for his non-Dcllon video The LastDays of Mojay .c..ake; Academy~award·w1nn1ng producer. director ..and writer Francls Ford Coppola'.whose credits Include The Godfa·ther (parts I. 11and Un, ApocalypseNow and Bram Stoker's Dracula:;.among other celebrlUes and dlrec· ,tors In the film Industry. :

VisIons of U.S. will soon be'accepting entrIes for the 12thannual video compeUUon, with ananUclpated deadlfne of June 15.'1996.



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!Public is invited,•

jtofree concertI: The third annual Fall Concert oft the Novi Concert Band will be at 8; p.m. on Friday. Nov. 17. at theI Novl CMc Center. 45175 West Ten: MUeRoad In Novl.: The concert Is free and open to,the pubUc.I Jack Kopnlck will conduct theIband In A Copland Tribute. Hun·igaJ1an Dance No.5. Waltzes fromI Der RosenkavaUer. highlights from: South PacifU:: and selecUons fromI Disney's Fantasia.: After the intermission. the band: will perform FunlcuU, Funlcula.I Mr. Dlxleland Fronts the Band, In: the Hall of the Mountain KIng. Wil-


Illn town•I . SubmU items for the entertain- Uons. call Northville CarrIage Co.I ment listings to The Novl News, at 380-3961., '104 l¥. Main, Norllwi11e.Ml48167:

orJax to 349-1050.


Theatre Gulld will hold auditions• for Oklahoma at 7 p.m. on Sunday

and Monday, Nov. 19 and 20. atthe Water Tower Theatre on the

. '- earnpus of the Northville RegionalHospital on Seven Mile Road. onemlIe west of 1·75.

Oklahoma will be presented In: February and March 1996.: For more Infonnatlon, call Karen: Groves at 349-7974.,: VOCAL ARTS ACADEMY: Select: auctions will be held on Saturday.'Nov. 18. from 8:30 a.m. unUl 1: p.m. by appointment only. The: auditions will be held on the earn-: pus of Oakland University In~ Roche$ter. Varner Hall. Room 134., For ~dd1Uonal Infonnation or an: application form. call (810) 625·: 7057.

: NEW HORIZON COMIlUNITY: CHURCH: The church Is lookingt for actors and actresses to occa-: slonaUy participate In Sunday: morning dramas and sldts based• on topIcal Issues.: Scripts are provided and mlnI-: mal rehearsal time ts needed. All, creative input Is welcome.: A local community church fea-l turing a contemporary fonnat. the• church meets at the Novl Town: Center General Cinema Theaters! In Novi. Those Interested should; call Ann Marie Frey. (810) 348-; 3563.,


: HOLIDAYARTS AND CRAFTS:: Walled Lake Western High School

PTSA Is sponsoring a HoUdayArts\' and Craft Show from 11 a.m. until...4 p.m. on Saturday, Dee. 2, at the'; high school located at 600 Beck;- Road. There will be over 100 artJ--: sans, food and door prizes.:- For more tnformatlon. call 624-:: 8454.,-2 CRAFT SHOW: St. Thomas;.,A'Becket's Women's Club will host; Its annual craft. show from 9 a.m.,; until 4 p.m. on Saturday. Dee. 1... The show wtll Include over 75~ crafters. hourly raffles and bakev sale. Lunches will be available. The...building Is wheelchair accessible:' and strollers are welcome.=; Admission Is $1 for adults. 50.. cents for seniors and chlJdren 12~ and under are free.:' St. Thomas A'Becket Is located~ at 555 S. Ulley Road in Canton.~ For more tnformatlon, call (313)~·981·1333..

PERFORMER'S SHOWCASE::; The pubUc Is invited to attend the.. Performer's Showcase performance~ of paln1st JefI'rey Mkhael Deary on~ Noy. 20 at 7:30 p.m. prior to the:: city council meeting In the Novl.. CtvIc Center. Dreary, 18, will per': (orm Divine SerenIty and Hero" (Requiem), which he also com·: posed. On occasIon. performances: may be taped by TIme Warner and...cablecast to residents.: Musicians, actors, poets.~ dancers, etc., are invited to submit, application forms and audition: tapes. if avaIlable. to the Novt Arts: Council... For further tnformaUon, contact: the arts round!, 347.()4()(),•: CARRIAGE RIDB8: Northville: Carriage Co. oITers carriage rides: throughout the year and packages, (or holJdays and special occasions.: For more In(ormaUon and reserva-:a

low Blossoms. T.D.'s BoogIeWoogleand finish the evenIng with theUntitled March by Sousa.

The 4O-plece NoviConcert BandIs under the dlrecUon of WarrenLedger.

Kopnlck has been the musicdirector of the Novt Concert Bandsince May 1992. He Is retired fromthe Allen Park Public Schoolswhere he taught Music andEnglish for over 30 years.

The Novl Concert Band wasreformed 13 years ago under theauspices of the CIty of Novi Parksand RecreaUon Department butol1g1natedalmost 21 years ago.


Frank L. Baum classic tale of theadventures of Dorothy. the Scare-crow, Tin Man and the CowardlyUon as they followthe yellow brickroad to the Land of Oz in The Wiz-ard oJOz begins Nov. 18 and con-tinues Saturdays and Sundaysthrough Jan. 14.

During the Christmas break,performances will be held "lUesday'through friday. Dec. 26 through29. All performances are at 2:30p.m. Tickets are $6.50. Childrenmust be 3 1/2 years of age.

The Marquis Theatre Is located'at 135 E. Main Street in downtownNorthville.

For more lnformaUon, call (810)349-811

HOME SWEET HOME: A din-ner/theater program continues atthe 1920s-era Novtmansion whJchhouses Home Sweet Home restau·rant. The murder mystery and atenderlOin and salmon dinner are$27.95 per person.

Diners are given clues - andsometimes spealdng roles In theaction - to help them figure outwho dunnlt Prizes are given out tothe best guessers.

Home Sweet Home Is located at43180 Nine MUeRoad just east ofNoviRoad.

For Information and reserva·tions. call 347·0095.

GENlTTI'S: Performances forThe G!rl Who Hated. Music. a heart-warming and funny musical. willbe pre:oented through Nov. 18.Lunch Is served at 11:30 a.m. andthe show begins at 12:15 p.m.Holey Matrimony conUnues Its runthrough Nov. 19.

Cenlttl's "Hole-ln-the-Wall- andrestaurant ts located In downtownNorthville at 108 E. Main St, justeast of Center Street

Call (810) 349-0522 for reseIVa-tions.


COUNTRY EPICURE RESTAU-RANT: December entertainmentwhich Is offered in the lounge withfull bar and dinner menu with no.cover charge from 8:30 p.m. to12:30 a.m. on FrIday and Saturdayevenings will be Wilbert Peagler'sJazz Trio featuring vocalist SandraBomar.

Country Epicure Restaurant Islocated at 42050 Grand River InNovi.

For more Information, call (810)349-7770.

CICERO'S ITALIAN RIS,TORANTE a: BAR: Cicero's ltallanRlstorante & Bar Is located on NoviRoad just north ofTen Mlle. Reser·vatlons are suggested on the week·ends.

For more Information or reseIVa'tions. call (810) 380-00 II.

Fie p/IC*)Jack Kopnick will conduct the Novi Concert Band during theFall Concert to be held at the Novi Civic Center on Nov. 17.

Center Street In NorthvH1e. Formore information, call 305-8629.

CAFFE BRAVO:CaIre Bravo fea·tures the talents of many artJstsperforming e\.eIythlng from classi-cal guitar, jazz and blues to con-temporary and folk musIc everyFrIday. Saturday and Sunday.

The cafe Is located at 110 Main·Centre in downto\\n Northville.

Call 344-0220 for additionalInformation.

MR. B's FARM: Mr. B's Farm. afun. casual place on Novl Roadnorth of Ten Mlle. presents livemusic seven nights a week with nocover charge, Including the Sun-4ay night jam with J.D. Lamb from8p.m. to midnight. MusIc all otherntghts begins at 9 p.m.

For more Information call 349-7038.

RIFFLES: Fridays and Satur-days at 10 p.m. Rifflesof Northv1llebecomes a live rhythm and bluescafe.

Riffles Is located at 18730Northville Road. For Information.call 348-3490.

SPORTS EDmON: Every week-end guests can enjoy !lve enter-tainment at the Sports EdlUon Bar.located tnslde the NovtHilton Hotelat 21111 Haggerty Road..

The Sports Edition Is home toIntrigue and other high-poweredhIts groups every weekend. A CO\'ercharge begins at 8p.m.

STARTING GATE: The StarUngGate Saloon offers live music r:veryFriday and Saturday nIght from 9p.m. to 1:30 a.m.

The Starting Gate Is located at135 N. Center St. In downtownNorthville.

SUNSET GRILL: The Tuesdaynight blues 'jam" hosted by theSunset Blues Band has beenmoved to Wednesday beginning at9 p.m. AU musicians are welcome.Wednesday night Is also LadlesNIght

In honor of national beardmonth, the first annual BeardContest will be held on Saturday.Nov. 25. with live music. dancing.beard contest. and a surpriseguest appearance.

The grtllis located on the comerof Thirteen Mile and Novi roads.For more Information. call (810)624·8475 .

JAZZ NIGHT: DePalma's Diningand Cocktails. 31735 PlymouthRoad in Uvonla, offers live enter-tainment. Larry Nozero andfriends perform intimate jazz from8 to I I p.m. on Mondays.

Ron DePalma plays jazz planofrom 7 to I I p.m. every TuesdayfeatUring a vast array of guest per-formers. Guest singers are wel-come.

The Enrico Caruso SocJety per·forms live opera from 7 to 10 p.m.every Wednesday and strollingmusicians David and Francescoentertain diners on the accordion,mandolin and guItar from 6:30 to10:30 p.m. Thursdays.

TUSCAN CAFE: Tuscan Cafepresents lIght Jazz music on friday ARTand Saturday evenings.

Upcoming performances are:DSO harpist Christa Grlx, "lUes- ATRIUM GALLERY: "Places todays. Nov. 21 and 28: Jason Co" Is the theme oflocal arUst Bar·QUick, Jazz. Wednesday and barn Demgen's current show. dls·Thursdays. Nov. 29 and 30: ...4,layed through Nov. 29. WorldngMichael King. guitarist, Nov. 16. 10 watercolor. acryUc and 011. her22. and 23: and G3IY Cooper and landscape Images renect travels atTerrance Lester Nov. 17, 18, 24 t 'pome and abroad.and 25. ' . ~B Atrium Gallety Is located at 109

1\Jesday, Wednesday and Thurs· j ,N. Center In downtown Northville.day performances are 8:30 to I I ••Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.p.m. FrIday and Saturday perfor' -ldonday through Thursday, 10mances are from 9 p.m. to mid· ...a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5night. p.m. Saturday. and noon to 4 p.m.

Tuscan Cafe Is located at 150 on Sunday.

For more Information. call (810l349-4131.

BACKDOOR GALLERY: Farm·Ington's Backdoor Gallery on37220 Eight Mile Road speda1.lzesin unusual art dolls. The gallery IsIn the home of co-owner KathyLanders. She and the other owner.Kathleen Bricker. are both artists.

Hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.Thursdays and Fridays: 10 a.m. to4 p.m. on Saturdays. and byappointment. Call 474-8306.

UTI'LE ART GALLERY:The Ut·tie Art Gallery at CenltU's SamuelH. Little Theater In downtownNorthville features two shows amonth.

MichIgan fine artists who wouldlike to display their works areencouraged to contact gallery man-ager and artist Julie Giordano at348-0282.

The UtUe Art Gallery Is at 112 E.MainSL

PAINTER'S PLACE: A display ofNorthville Christmas cards o\'er!he years Is featured In the \\1ndowof PaInter's Place. Studio & GalleryofCarollne Dunphy. 140 N. CenterStreet in North\1I1e.

The cards feature various \1ewsof Northv1lle'shistoric bulldlngs onMain Street and in the histone vtJ-!age. MlII Race.

The new Christmas card for1995 Is also on display and Is inthe gallery. Gallery hours ha\'ebeen expanded for the pre·Christ-mas shopping season to Thesdaythrough Saturday from noon to 5p.m.

Call 348-9544 for more Informa-Uon.

GATE VI GALLERY: T\\fenty-nine artJsts from the Palette andBrush Club \\111 ha\'e 54 palnUngson display through mld·NO\"ember.

Gate VI Is located In the atrlumof the NovlCivic Center. !fours aieMonday through FrIday 8 a.m. to 8p.m. On the weekend. the galleryIs open If the buildIng ts open. Call380·0470.


events at Borders Include: Mediaspecialist Gary PrIce will explorewhat's on the Internet at 7 p.m. onNov. 16: Folk duo Mustard'sRetreat wtI1 entertain at 7 p.m. onNov. 17: Storyteller CorinneStavlsh will present "Let's SayThank You" stories for the wholefamlly at 11 a.m. on Nov. 18; andPhotographer Kathleen Thompsonwill demonstrate photo color tech-nIques at 1 p.m. on Nov. 19.

Borders Is located In the NovlTown Center off Novi Road justsouth of 1-96. For further Informa·tion call (810) 347-0780.

BONSAI CLUB: The Four Sea-sons Bonsai Cub of Michigan willmeet from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Sun'day, Nov. 26, at Good ShepherdLutheran Church, 814 N. Camp-bell Street in Royal Oak.

The program Includes a lectureand demonstration on two needlepine by Ivan Waters, bonsai mas·ter, and the elecUon of 1996 offi·cers. The public Is welcome. ThereIs no charge and light refresh·ments will be served.

For additional Informatlon. callRoz at (810) 354·61 19.

FARMINGTON PLAYERS: TheFarmIngton Players will presentBedroom Farce on Nov. 16. 17, and18.

The Players. perform at 32332Twelve Mile Road In FarmingtonHlUs.

To reserve tickets, call (810)553-2955.

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November 16, 1995

;'The Professional' offers high octaneexcitement, suspense and surprises

REA 1),~1RTHE PROFESSIONALBy Robert B. ZieglerNovi

Too often In contemporaryacUon movies. character and storyare sacrtficed to big uploslons and

~ graphic sex. "'The Specialist- and~rue Ues- are perfect examples ofthe mindless garbage that Holly-wood Is capable of producing.

Fortunately. not aU directors arewilling to seU themselves so short.Case In point: the French directorLuc Besson. whose earlier .....orksInclude -La Femme Nlklla-, "'TheBig Blue" and "Subway". Now hehas reached a new IC'o'e1in hlgh-oclane excitement with "'The Pro·

, fesslonal-, his first Amertcan·made, film.

"'TheProfessional" Is the story ofan italian hit man. Leon. whoresJdes In New York City. \\,''Orklngfor an organized crtme syndicate.Ife can'l read. \IoTtteor dr1\-ea car.but he 15 unequaled with a gun.Or a knife. Or his bare hands. forthat matter. Ife Is SttmlngJy 1n\1n-clble. a shado .....y specter of \10"knce that exists only to cal1}' out

• his mission.Enter Mathilda. 3 12·year-old

girl who Uves next door to Leon.fler home l1fe. Is to say the least.d)'SfuncUonal. Her faUler Is a drugt.rafIlcker and beats Mathilda. Her

stepmother and stepsister \-erbalJyabuse her. The only one she lovesIs her younger brother. So shelooks to ~n. the mystertous mannext door. for support.

Then when her enUre family tsgunned down by DEA officers.MaUlllda looks to leon for morethan support. She asks him totrain her. to help her become as heIs...a cleaner. a hit man, a profes·slonal. She wants to avenge thedeath of her lillIe brother.

And so bcgJns this eecentrlc andintelligent cinemaUc carpet rtde. ItIs a drama. a 10\1:story. a thr11Icrand a comedy. It Is heart·breaklng.heart-pounding. and ultimately,splrtt-raIslng. It breaks all prtCQn·ceh'ed nollons and raises itselfabO\1:any genre.

It Is also packed \Io1thstereotypi-cal characters. An illiterate for-

'j\ TERRIFIC ADVENTURE.~ Great ramih' fun \\ilh action and suspense:'

... K.o!lo ~\"lun't:1I\'n"OlD>

"A n{RILU~G j~\D HEART-\\~\RMI~GAD\rE~1lJRE!"'- .........~,n.,J"IOUII( ,mv...


elgner. An abused girl. The drug·dealing father. A wicked step-mother and evil step-sister. And apili-popping psychopath. ButInstead of seeming contrl\·ed. theseaspects add to the film's appeal:the allusions help to make thepsychological Impact more com-plete and resoundJng.

"'The Professional" Is a stylizedexcursion Into post modern filmnolr; a full·color comic book firedonto screen. FUled with action,suspense and surprises. I can'tImagine anyone not liking thisfiIm ...except maybe Sylvester Stal·lone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.that Is.


Maestro Ludwig Von Beethoven(Gary Oldman) Is laid to res't In19th century Vienna. Though thepublic was aware of his anU-sodaJbehavior and tumultuous moodSWings. he maintained theirrespect and adoration for hisIndisputable "genfus:

DlscO\'cred among his papers.Including his will. Is a passionatelove leiter wrttten to his "ImmortalBeloved" (1994). bequeathingeverything to this unknownwoman. This shocks his family

and followers as Beethoven's crtu·clsms against women clearlyshowed he had no affection forthem. let alone passion (or a par-Ucularone.

Herr Schindler. Beethoven's Ufe-long devotee. Is compeUed to fulllllthe maestro's wish and searchesfor the mystery woman. The storyIs lold through intermittent flash-backs.

Despite Beethoven's volalllltyand outspoken cr1l1tism. his fami-ly attachment Is overwhelming. Sostrong. In fact, that when helearns his devoted brother hasmarried a "loose" girl beneath hisslallon. Beethoven Is mortlfied andtreats the girl so disrespectfully.he 5e\'ers bonds with his sibling.

"Immortal Beloved- Is a wonder-ful film with a rtveUng and unex-pect~ resoluUon. It ascribes thefrenzied tenor of Beethoven's com-positions to repeated beatingsfrom a sadIstic. drunken father.apparently conceived while fleeingthe man's bruW battenng. In fact.his father pounded his head sooften. he rendered Beethoven deaf.

THE BABY-SItTERS CLUBBy Heather WadowakiNorthville

From the best-seiling bookseries by Ann M. Martin comes the

"THE BEST FILM OF 1995!;' r.":-:-.. ,-------..

-P.ulh~r.~RU'~'l~\ORA ~ '~A·RAMBUNCTIOUS COMEDY'.. '., .A spirited cast! Foster keeps the party hopping."


"A fresh breath of air in a smoggymovie autumn, A comedyof terrors directed with pinpoint accuracy by lody Foster."


-~'Dive· in and discove.r the fun for YOlJ11selH!1• RnR«d. rn£:-"EWl'ORK~ER\'fR

l'Foster piles on plenty for her te~rificcast to chew on and for us to savor."

s..... WI".:<t1 ... lISA TODAY

"Hooray for 'Holidays'!"Gv., Fbtk,. COS!oIOf'OlITAN

movie about seven teenagers andthe summer that changed theirU\'es forever.

Meet Kr1sty.Mary Anne. Stacey.Claudia. Dawn, Jessi and Mallory.each dealing with their own prob-lems. And unlike most othermovies dealing with "teenage prob-lems: their problems are real anddon't have -happy endings:

For Instance. after years of neverhearing from her father (whowalked out when she was a littlekld), Kr1sty"sdad shows up unex-pe<:tedly.trying to make up for lostUrne.

The only problem Is that hemakes Krlsty promise that shewon't tell anyone that he Is back InStoneybrook, And soon Kristy'slying to C'o'eryoneshe loves and let-ting all her fr1ends down.

Then there's Stacey. Her newboyfriend. Luca ("Saved by theBell's" ChrisUan Oliver) Is 17. Theproblem? Stacey's only 13.

"The Baby-Sitters Club- takesthe rtght amount of heart with thertght amount of humor. It dealswith real problems outside of the"90210" world. where a ct1sls is abad hair day. That's why -TheBabysltlers Club" gets four andone-half stars. with" five as thehighest. It's a great fam1lyillm thatshows teenagers for what they are... people.

l\ro • __ ..... III .. 110M.,... 1ooImf-C~",,""I.I:'lh-\..R.-n-

RAll~I1)~llkCtli IDDiU 11/'1. do .. """!GoIMI( _ .. '<lot Id ..


•Seen any good movies late- '

ly? If you have. we'd like to I

hear about them ... we'd Ilketo hear exactly what you think '- good or bad. What we'resaying Is that this Is your:opportunity to play movie crtt· Iic In your HomeTown newspa- j

per. From the onset. we've,wanted to make the Movies'Page an area where our read-ers can share theIr opinionsabout movies with their ~frlends and neighbors.

Have you seen -How toMake an American Quilt?"What did you think? Howabout "Seven?" Or "Ace Ventu-ra: When Nature Calls?- Or"Get Shorty?' Let us know.

You can review a newly-released movie or a movie thatIs available on video. Pleaselimit your reviews to 200words and send them toHomeTown Newspapers. c/oKatie Bach. 323 E. GrandRiver. Howell. MI 48843.Reviews should Include yourname, address and day-Umetelephone number. Call KaUeBach at (517) 548-2000 formore details.


1--- IpC-13I,-uo-,




WI fO IlUJl fllOM HlUS\\f.20. 5 7'. long dO"l< r.x bUe e~ WteshQct.ey OOng uP norl", crwnoIs. l'T1UO'C 0ClI'>Cclg._ng rq"", l""oCrJe(l SM. 21·29. 10<~ 11\1 po$-\.Ole relo"oCt'Ot'op ,..,. 3' 22

SWClNGAMlS\\f 35. ar-oc'~e ~. of'~e oct_1io<E>S r'lO'U'e ctvct>. I'I'lUSC. COr'C(lI'!s. ""'01'9 _rig hoo/'tly. OCI,..., SM -..f'oO 1II<E>S WOIU"lg ovt. pel\to< ~~ possUo relQlJOtlShop Ad. ~

MOUOfONE~ 1&. ElrlO~ ~ng woIIa. tQmO"l!OC ~mwe 00"cng. -"ng SM -...fh _ 01 h<.n'>ottor ~ possl:lle relQl~ ,..,. 3251

NOTlllNG Sl2lOUS$','01'. 29 lJees ...~ ovt. pIct,-ng <r'<JSIC. tU'V'W'og"!he VlOW pIoyng n !he ~e< $OOI<.hg ~S'ockI5lA fOr do'ng. h<:M">g Il.n Ad.161:

lHlIRliSTID?S'N mom 01 two. 36. worIcs 0 roe. et'lOYS Ine dale-C'lQ. COtS\o'r-( I'I'lUSC. mol~ ~ WOII<1"!he pase. mo-."E>S at t>ome. S&Elb 51.1. 10 $l\O'e rler·&S!s O'>d pcss.bIe rek::loOtlS/'llp Ae,' 7398

LOOKNG fOR LOvt'Nof. 47 'Q"lr0C1M'!. ervovs I'nOVl€IS. Onrog ovt. CUj-cl!<-.g 01 r>orne. SOOIG l'oOrleSt lomu SM. 10 e<"!OV~'e109"'rler Ad' :774

fANlASTlC PERSONAlIfYSM'. 49 ~ cae ...'Cf\:8( Iil< 9$ Ine do"o"lg. 01.CC<Jl'\.'ry seeI<ng SM. 10<~ Ad' 13J.l

A GOOO US1£H£R'Nof. 2S. ~. ~ et'lOYS reod'Og.n'eI'lgenI conversallOO. romor.toc mornent1.r'>O!I.te ~ operl, t>onesl. very ovtgong SM. torDOSSt>Ie relo'oonsI'lop AdJ 1223

U1CETO HEAR fROM YOU'No'f. Ie. S"'i', goon e;es.Ik9$ cnmas. pool mee:.ng new people. roet< rrus.c. gong 0,.1 seel<t'>g51.\. Is-n lor do'ng M!I 7711

CAUAN'fWAY$'.\f. T&. S 9'. bt",." fleX geE>n eyes. et'lOYS hoct·ey Ir<JSoC. ~ ... OIJ'dooIl. pool Ira~ gongovt ~ hends. seeI<rlg SWM. 1S-22. I", lnerldsI'>p.~·elatoorost>p Ad' 1312

I.IAIO' INTU£SfS fO $HAR£S mom 01 two leens. 42. 5 9'. sIendet home e-'>etempIoyi><1 et'lOYS reoong. ~ pggng. en-rnoIs. Ict'lg WOII<s O'>d lol<>. seeC$ >PE>06I~SM ...llll~~1I);""estt. tor ~ O'>d ~ more

RrnJl!NS AU CAUS0\.,. mom cf two. 21. 52', 1¢Ob$_ very QIl>OC1rve.e<lOV1 fnOWlS. \ods. ~ romontoc eve<'lngS athome __ ~ S'M.\, 10 ~'>ere nler&S!S oncl ~relc'oO<'lSh~ Adt 2155

GOOO oonOOIC ON lJf£5\'01'. VO<X'9 '::P. NIS. ~8( ~ rorTq,.loe. e~O'(S wall<s logelt>e~ cf,nong ""I QV>e1€!'VerW'>gs at horne. eu<:ldf"'G ~ romoo:.c S\\M.NIS. ~ 1\9110 be pampered. lor com-~ mo;t>e more Adt 345C>

~YOUIlCAll[Mf. eA -oetoe. O<.o~ honest. ~donc-ns; romontoC everw'lgS. !ravel seeks Woeere SWM.~ NIS drvg-Iroo. soooI <tni<ers 01<0'1 lOt po$S>-ble relo''''''''''~ M!I 19:10

Ut"S G£t f.:>G£TH[1!, SM, ~ 55' e<)oy\~. PEl'".ord go-..1tl.

~ spdC'Qi;tl nave waiI<s. MloC cot>C'lS.rooclinO. 10l03. WOOCl I:lurw'>g Slwe<. of 1O'Tlp>.seeks SM 10 stlO'e rle<ests ord ~ relo'Kln-~ Ad.22.l5

PIlOMlSi KU'll! WAN1\0l

~~S'.~~=~I0;"'~ovt<SOo<s. ~ seeb OClvOnlu'ous, prot9SS'OOOl...eli7OO"'OO SWM. 10 t>ecorne prayer pcr1nerO'>d <:omponoon. Ad' 98J6

WOI!lCS AfTE.I1NOONS5'>\ f 40 et'lOYS ():)ng It'"'QS lOt Oft'>€>< people. SOOI<sSCM. ...1ltI UT'oIot ,-a.IJeS -..f'oO E'I'\'OYS long slow...-o:.s " It>e pase. = rrus.c. ~OCllrl".es f0Q9!t>ElC

"'rno.kl'.-.g con~ lor ~ relo!~'''''.''8-:2

.-: N£W fO HOWlUIII/ITON;€Nmom OHNO 21.5'2·.1~.Jongb'onooheX,~ 0"rQC1...e S\'o'l,~ ...t>o ~ \ods. romance.•~~ tnOVIes. lor POssoble relof>On>hop

• : lOV£$ A1TEN'nON'.$\'of 37. 5 S·. good ~tflhumot E'I'\'OYS• lTIC>'IO$. <1c'lng ovt. lraM "01d'lt'>g ~'" QVleI';mas 10Q9!t>ElC see.> IOW>Q. ~ec'<YlO'e. lInc:n-',CJ(Jity 'fOOle 'NoM. J6...48. ler ~~ po$S>-• t>Ie relc'oOt\stl~ Adt 2OS8:..r SOUTH LYON .utAUw-f.48. 53', 115tn.. V\'\OI<er...t>o ~ 10 ~~(lOr>-<lrnl< er eosygoong. =ng. 1.J'ld«>1ondng.I good /"uTI()t O'>d mor~ seel<s 51.\. ... M smicI~ ~oes. prele<1 101. Q'lr00Cllve nol Ov"'"..-eo<;1lf. no• rnnd QOl'1'\eS A<n &:>:5:. IH1iRliSTID? CAW• 5'M': =-0 8f\IOYS r~ Mllng poelry c:ontempo-• ray ~ n'XJSlC. CQI'lCerts. wol<s " I"le pase.• seeI<s knct s-..-eel l.I'lderslonc:long SM. lor t>cnesf.~oQlrelo'~ A<n 1313• ,MoQ.Y VAl~S A MUST~!:N mom 01 1M) 31. 59', I'nE.'O<rn b ....ld E'I'\'OYS

O<ftdootoctoo'l1~ ~ts. ~Ime ...'llTlfom-,tv see/o,s 51.\. 3O..:Q ~ sane lar.Jy ,~ 10<• ~ relo'()n,.."P Ad' 32Ce

vtllY P£f11t~ !;N,f =-0 54'. 1:1Ot:>$ et"IO'I' l'lQ!u'e moo._ q.>el, M\e$ at home COf'lCerts. I1'lUSlC. SOOI<s t'oOr>ett. $l<>-• cete SM. ...f\O 1a"oI:>v.1t>o ... lo treat 0 ~ '9"1. lortf.erdstllp POSStlIe rE>lo'lOroship ~ 2233, SPAI1KI.N:> P(1ISONAlIfYfY,I.f.5O 5'2' l1Sibs. NIS SOOOI~E>l. energeloe.

,rClT'>Qr)tOC O""obflous. s:rong ~ hO'ne <Mn8(• er'lO;1 Pels frepbCe ~ !r",.~ ~ seeks• O'......~ 10 ''>ere n'El<&S!SonclhOIoda,1 Ad' 0372

All·AROUN!l P(1l$ON: W ~ bI.-es God oncl ClV'" ccl'V1oes. ~,.gospel MfJSlC. people dtlrg 0<..1 = ...'OIks.• seeI<s 51A ... '"11 smicI rle<""'s. lor pc>.soble relol>c:n• ShoP Ad' ;s.:~r WHY NOT CAll?" SW mom 01 one 47. 5<1' ~ sPOrts.ovtdOO<

oc:·...·.es. M'oncoI renoctmerls. l'lsh l'T'<.JSIC. en-tr<:1s ~ PO'EN eos~ SM. "t>o 10-0'0$ OOQS

: O"ld l'oOrse>. lor ~ "'IQI~ Ac.. 2935; AOvtHlUl1OU$ SPI!IT.tMf 51 5 I', IlSibs. 1,'5. SOOOI&nI<e<; ~~ 0-"",-< sport ..... .«Sed e<).)Co'E>d. spo1ok\a Pe<SOO-~ Ql.>y l~or"Q vOl.Jes. 0'1"0lY<:r.A, ~ O....f.t ~50'. I", SI'oO"O<l rl ... ests. mo;t>e more kJ' 6561>:- WOI1KWG COUlGE STUOENT.. JIICF <3 NIS rlellogent ~ sPOr"s. stlO'A,.

cp.;-e' woIl<l/le>\:s QOng OIJ' ... '-.... !ne'xls 1eel<J ~.,.,. CO'C'lQ. rr>O'ISe S\\'C\I 10 shore "'·eres's. tor~ relc'''''''''''P AO' Qg¢]

• BE: MYflllENDIS'M 50 \eors)'O<..ng 'E'dd'Sf'.'b'0',," t.or bI.Je eo,'&$.

-f· _ 51.1. '0 ~'>ote ~o ord i'e s e..per>-....'(.><lC~ '0Qe'toer Ad' 6666" lMNGSION COUNTY. C:""C mom.<:(J ~ " O'.-y~ we SPQr,loneous.

creo-ve C'focloQl'>O"e ertO'r1 boa'ng r~ ,"c'"O(l .. ......x .... SI'>ODPC'lQ. a''o:J...-.g bO",~ ~A...:";~S'or V\ CO'T~1t\lp ma,w r"\O'tl

lOO(WG fOIl Mi, GOOl>IARAllrOC!"" ..;/ .....~ 1'0"\0 a. ~ e<'fOY\ ~r1Qovt dc:r •• 'l. t>I<:,1. CO"fC)<)Q. ... O'l<S concer's.IeeicI e<"'C'C".J SK'oCO'e ~e<:l '0'1 II $'A. noheco"r'd'Y'l<,,, l;y cxxstJIe rE'lo'oOnStl~ Ad' n64

OPlN 10 ADvtNTUll£SF A7 Q1'rQC"lr.'e r' ... ~l P'l<7<h.-orI<('< d<:r"nIO-«>t"\ e<'fOY\ conce<'s ~re \orlQ .. 0'" 00"c~:~.m,1e(l1Q';I" sro.!.)I' OJOI'otll ord

flllENDSfllSTs\VCF 41 S 4'. "''9OQ'\!'P'cx:>01(lr'>OO ~ l'ooo'b/I..., e; IX ~ lo'rong SCM. fOt """""""<> do'r1Qord ~ r<llOl~ Ad' J232

l()()QIG '041 " IOYfIllENt)~ 1Q <Ill' I~ blor>dehOc bI.Je E>'/'E>S ~

~ ~~'" ~ O'>d ~ h,,'o'()W)op

A SHClAl HlAmSWF.. 49. ~'OO .ears r>atl O'>d t>ools. t>os 0spedoIl\(>QrlIOl C«Clio ~ covrJry musoc O'>d~:~~"'ro~o ~....lor M<lnd';t,1p

ItOWflL ARliASN mom. 29. 0<.01~ 6f'1Oy1 lme 01 horneoccosJonoI t'fI(1lrs ovt !.;yo,!1 ~ !OO'tX:II10<1 seosor'd. «>'lC~ $('('OS !oM ........ WNor "'etest1. let pOU.t>Ie reIo'OOl"ot>() Ad. 2429

GOOD LOOKING~. 39. 57'. tltO""\ hOc g«or> &,'el ~ ~fllUSlC. ¢Ul0<l0r ~e\. S(!(!I<ng SM. ~ed. /'>Of'l8$I. ~ sense oIlVno<. 10< II'~POSstlIe relaloOnShP NJl82&




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GOAl-ollENTEDSWCM. 2S. 5'9". 1Jtb.. tlIond he*. blJe 8')« hOn-esl.. er'JOYS hcX:teV, ~ seekhg sa. -. 0posJlNe 0IIIIucle. hor'>esl.. cot'lg O'>d motI.re. tort\er'dship li1I MI.l m

ELDoUNTAI'i SCHOOl TEACHUS\'oM29,S·&·.I6Db..~bIond.~.Jeei<s Irt~ M 01letJ0Ie. merddl-t/~Iy f:I Sf. -. 0 good _ of IVno<. 10< ~relol>Or>st"P AdJ 2256

ItONESTY A MUSTID'M.l. eQ.1oob ro. 175tl1.. NfS, ~ H0v01ll0'e0. et'joys """'" sp<:>rts. quiet ~ c1ri'lOout. Jeei<s Sf..0k).6S. to sI'o'lIlrteres!s O'>d poa.l)Ie~M!I.A2:S

WANfS A SWUTHEARfS'M.t 24. 6', 19Dtl1.. tlIond hC*. blJe 8')« et'joys~ outdoOt1 0ClM'les. lO'Clb q..iel ~ athOme. ~wcere. tlonesI Sf. NJlIS71

CASUAl. 01 DIl£SS '"S'M.t 41 ~ ~ ~ a:. crinoIs andcNc)-en t».J<*y n"OJSoC. ~ ovtdooll. poet.~, ~100'0P"r. seeI<lng St. SlI'nIIor inletemMI.2331

"Tile Lord is the strength olmy life;" Psalm 27:1

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• MONDAY NIGHT fOOTBAllSWF. 40. 125l:ls. Icng bt'0'M"l ~ heX IrIerd,.empIcr(ed. nc:n-drrl<8( e<tO'i\ ~ dirw'lQout. ~ fanly. lr\erld~ watet>ng sports. _.no D/SWM. 35-45. lOt poSSIble relCllQl'lS/'>lpAcl.1223

WHERl: ARE YOU?Spnt.fllled. SWCl'. Xl. $'11', se:t'-empIoyed. speno-neous. \IMx:lo<A. rleolQe<lt. et'lOYS COT"4'r1Q. I~I'lIS. roflro !oIIG. ~ laI. r.ea.y !:NCM, 27·3S,spnr fllled. no <WlI<en. smoten. dM:>rcoos. mustshore lOYe of ll"oe LOId. kJt 24012

UlCES EUCKl£. PINOCHLESM. yoo.ng ss. S·... blonde. ws. er10yS muslC.c:loneng. r~ bOO!ro s-..'IT<ni'lg. 'M)I\<S. ll'av-el see&tng SM. 10 shore oct~ O'>d rlerestt.~aJ.35

0IIlIST ctHTtRliDOM. 40. 5'2', bIor>de. bl.Jefgeen &,'el er'JOYSbowft'lg. ~ muslC. fo'nIy. C1uCl'l octMloes.seel<rQ S\\M. J9.55, lor COtM'lIl1e<:lI~Aclt~

SEEKING CHIIlST1AH~ rmmom. 35. r~~1'lcX bUe Ily8S.~S'Zed. seeId"lg WeEgerI 'NoM. ....eh 0 QOOd- oIlV'n<X lor possi:lIG lelQloOtlS/'llp """.3600

WRITES POmlVSM. 20. $'5'. tltown hOc blUe 8')« er10yS r~movies. O>rislal tOCi<. seel<r'lg SM. ~26. I<h1~.::;~ekO'>d ur>derslondng. -..f'oO ilc81 poetry

MOM Of TWOSM 2S.!\ 9'. 14J1bs. Vlot' ~ hOc -V strongO'ntol. ~ SNM wlItI srnkr lo'If\ IOYeS Iod\lor fl\er'odsI"llp Ieoding I() leIot-onshIp Ad' 2194

AITEND$ MmlOOISfOvc:h. DYof. 43. 5'2'. ~ bJId. NfS, ~oYlIcE>l. WI'~ ~ goo..n cNdren. e<'1O)1oor~ !rOo'eIIrO. ~ SOOldng SM wlItl 0000d- ollV'n<X lor OY\sl-oerteted relol>c:n~ AdJ.4735

lOOIClNG fOIl GOOO TN(S\\f. =-0 5 S', bt'0""\ hC*. blJe &,'el et'Pr1 rGOO-~ 1ot'Ilj"Q pOetty. concerts. 'A'OI<s h Il'>e pase.seel<.ng t>onesl. ~ SM. wlItl srnkr lrtetesfS. lorposs.t>le relol<l<'6Np klt 199$

su.t« P£IlSOHAUTY~. 2S. tlt~'tlIot1Oe heX blJe ~ M-fQ.t~ovtOOC'lQ. seeIMa SM. Mdond area. fer posstlIe~AdJ6M

~ L\SlSC)(l! P!lU(IlR(DCCf"'l ~, 1ll et'joys Icng 'Ada. QOOd n"OJSoC.~ IOOIdr>g let genIIemor\ ~, wlItI sl'rlIOrrlorestt. lot ~ 0I'l one reloflonsl>lp Ad'.5679

CAl'ItOUC tAOYSf. 47. ~ ~ het'KlCtl. He!<ng1t'ld.1en-sI!Ne QOOd~ed SM scu mare. ~ the Lord.lr<er'4y. c:onsoderote. tanIy QlIenI(l<1 IoYes ~I?'O.Ad.~7, , WIlY $lNSIflV'(

DYof, ~. 5 3",1ong ~ I'lcX boO IllJe ~ NIS.1'lOl'I-<Ir'r'*8t IoYes boatro lrO'o'el God ClbOYa aI.~ so.I. geMe PUI\ God !1m. lor ~relOtoOnSNp Ad' 324$

)¢ 4


Cagers scalpCanton 54-50for district win

starsin WLAAvictory

standstill In the Orst quarter. Ajumper by Canton's Lukasik at thebuzzer made It 14·12 In favor ofthe ChIefs. '

Quarter No, 2 was almost a car-bon copy. Canton, again, escapedwith a lead as Melissa Marzolfscored \Io1th41 seconds before half·Ume. The Chiefs led 24·23 at half·Ume.

Metaj owned the third quarter.She hit a pair of jumpers to gh'eNorthv1lle a 27-26 lead early on.

The sophomore continued toscore on various doves and jumpshots. The result was a 38-30 lead\Io1th2:01 to go.

Canton rallJed before the (rameended. Lukasik hit a three·polnterwith 14 seconds left to cutNorthville's lead to 40·38 at theend of the lhird peood.

A 12·0 run at the start of the(ourth quarter put the Mustang9 Inthe dover's seat. Leger kq'ed therun With six poInts and Metaj con-trtbuted four points with a pair o(steals and hoops.

Canton wouldn't die easUy. how·c\"u.

A Samh Warnke basket made it52-42 \Io1th 3:57 lefi In the game.The Chiefs \\"Cnt on to score eightmore poUlts before Leger dosed thegame out \\1th her free throws.

For the most part, Northvilleplayed solid defense Monday.Wright wa.!l parUcularly happy withthe job Gina ChIa.ssou and Chrls-tine Herndon did guardingWarnke, who ate Northville up Inthe team's first match up th1s year.

"Uerndon's been playing veryw~U." he saId.

Karla~K a Isostoodbehindthet h r ee'~point linewith thefinal sec·-onds ofFriday'sg a m ewith Ply-mouthS a I emticking

Northville HIgh buUl a 12·polntlead midway through the fourthquarter Monday night and thenhung on to beat Canton 54-50 Inthe openIng round of the state bas-ketballtoumament,

The Chle(s cut a 52·40 margin totwo as Kristin LukasIk nailed athree·poInter \Io1th51 seconds lefi.But Samantha Leger connttted ontwo of four frte lhrows In the finalseconds to secure the Mustangwin.

·"Everybody played ....~ll tOnight:coach Pete Wright saId. -when \\"Ckept Il close early I thought .....e hada chance.'

Northvtlle trailed 24·23 at half-iIme. But an II'polnt thIrd quarterby Lauren Metaj helped push theMustangs Into the lead and set thetone (or the rest of the game.

'We played a great game: Wrightsaid.

Leger finished \\1th 25 pointsand MetaJ 17, Northville (15·5}plays LIvonia Churchill (1-191tonight at 6 p.m. at N0\1 J1Jgh Inthe disll1ct scm1·final.

A wIn tonight would pul the.Mustangs Into tomorrow night'sfinal against the Inner of Ply'mouth Salcrn·Lad) 'OOd.

As for Monday's game. Legersl.aJ1ed off on fire.

She scored the game's firstpolnts at 6:45. The scnloc then fol·kM"Cd ....1th a three·poInler from thetop of the key to make It 5·0. ~rscored Northvllle's first sevenpoints.

The two leams ba tlJed to a near


away,She watched neIVously as her

teammates brought the ball over,mldcourt and then passed Itaround. FInally, the ball came her'way. The sophomore qUicklyscooped It off the court and fired ashot as the horn sounded to endthe game.

Much to Kalso's surprise, the'ball kissed the backboard andwent through the hoop. Northville41. Salem 40.

'1was Just thlnldng I dldn't havetlme to pass it: Katso said. "(didn't know It went In until I heardeveryone cheering.'

The Mustang foJWard didn't eventhink the ball would go In. '

"It was way off: said Ka1so, '"wayover to the side.'

'From my angle it looked off:coach Pete Wright said. '1 told(assistant coach) Karen Baird Itbetter be long so it can go off thebackboard." I. ~I PtlOOl by BRYAN MITCHa.L

Samantha Leger scored 25 points In Monday'S win over Plymouth Canton High."Gettirig"""their ldcl~s

Winn, Rundell make top area team

Continued on 10


may play at mJdfidd next season In order to take bet-ter advantage of his ball· handling skills.

ADAM PURCELLMllford. fuDbackA tv.'O-)"Cafvarsity sl.aJ1er for the Redskins, Purcell

was chosen as one o( the SC\'en besl players In theKVC th1s season.

Besides anchoring the Redskin defense from hJssweeper back posItion PurceU played a key role onoffense as .....ell thIs )-eaJ". He was effecth'e on restartsfor the club. recording 'h'e goals and tv.'Oassists.

M1lford coach Dcnn1s Garn saId his .....ork ethic andknowtedgc or the game also helped the team.

'Ue's been playing since he was six or SC\"Cn: GarnsaId. ·so he has a good understanding of the game.But the most Important thing he brought to the teamwas his leadershIp:

Gam saId Purcell often put in extra hours of prac-Uce Including the night before the team's regionalclash with Grand Blanc when he and tearmnatc AaronO'Neil stayed an extra 90 minutes to work on theirshots,

IiIIK£ KELVILI.ESouth Lyon. fullbackMdvI1Ie was the equJvalent of flypaper on the Uons'

defense th1s fall.If Sf. coach Bill Stevanovtch wanted to mark an

opposing team's best striker he always turned InMeMlle's dlrecUOn.

"He has unbeUevable speed and physical ability andhe really understands the game: Stevanovtch said.

MdvI1Ie was selected to the all·KVC first-team afterhis performance this season. He also provided a sparkon offense. scoring ~ goals and dishIng off threeassists (or the team.

RYANWOO'(NortbviUe,fu11backHe was Northville's rock of Gibraltar this season.

On a largely youthful Mustang squad, Wlnn wascounted on to be the last line of defense at sweeper.

"He knew how to play: coach Henry Kllmes sald.'and what I expected of him:

Unless you're Mlchlgan's fab Five. It's hard toreplace expeoence In the athletic arena.

Raw t.'l1ent, of course. Is O<'ttSS3ry In any sport. Butit doesn't orten make up (or know·ho'.l.· - espeda1ly Insoccer.

Year after )·ear. rxperience \\1ns out In Mlchlgan'sstate pla)'Offs. U\"OOla Churchill. Salem. Canton andTroy Athens always seem to h3\'e a plethora of seniorstars and always Sttm to be In !he hunt for a Utle.

ThIs year's HomeTo .....n N~'Spapers· East All·AreaSocttr flrst Team can't compete for a state champl-onshlp. But If It could ....."Cfeel our squad ......hJch com-bines bolh experience and talent. \!''Ould fare ...."CU.

Just two underclassmen made our 1995 dreamteam. SenIors l1ke Novt's Joe SchJrnIzzi. South Lyon'sSteve Kt'nnedy and NorthvtUe's Ryan Wlnn g1\'e theaJ).are.1leam \-aluable knov.~edge as \IoTUas skill.

So let's take a closer look at 1I0meTov.n N('\!o'Spa-,pcrs'selcctJons:

DAVEHARTNon. goa.lkeeperThe senklr turned In a domtnant season. Hart post-

ed 10 shutouts and an ama.z1ng 0.8 goal agalnst a\'er·age.

According to Novi coach Lany Christoff. the key wasHart's aggresst\"C'Oe5S.

-when he was more aggress1\-e and carne out to theball." he saJd, "IS when he dId excepUonally \\"CU.·

A strong WIldcat defense helped Hart. too. He facedjust 150 shots, or less than 10 pcr game.

Ue was named All· KensIngton Valley Conferencethis season.

IllXEWDDLakeland. fullbackLudd was a brtght spot on what was a weak defense

for the Eagles this year.. He played outside for UfS and his spero and expe-oence on the back line made him one of the toughestdefenders In the KVC.~ 'Mlke plays real soUd defense: Eagles' coach JonMasini said. "Ue doesn't bite on the ball fake and hejust doesn't get beaten a lot:

Masini said Ludd, an all·RYC first· team selection.ALE PHOTO

Continued on 12 Northville High's J. R. Graff made the all-area second team as a forward.

Gilchrist, Vida, Graff garner all-area second squad honorstslve intensity to the llcld every game,

"It didn't matter where he was on the field - on theground or even In the air - he was a great player Inour defense this season," Stevanovlch said. I .

SwaIn, who tallied one goal thIs season, was an an:KVC selecUon on defense (or 51..

Novt coach Lany Chrtstoff counted on him to be theteam's defensiVe glue. [njunes and inexperience gavethe Wildcats a young fullback corps. With the excep-tion of Hagfors.

'Adam pretty much held our defense together,'Chr1stoff said, 'He played hard e\'ery game. -

Whlch Is a big statement considering lhe volume ofHagfors' acUvlUes. BesIdes playing soccer. he was oneof Nov1's top cross country runners this fall.

A leg InjuIY 810.....00 him In bolli sports for a bit ButHagfors. who scored a goal and four assists. rebound-ed to finish the year strong

SEAN SWAIN '.::South Lyon; fullback "",Sweeper Is often considered the leader of the defen·

slve unit and Soulh Lyon looked.to SwaIn to flU thatrole this season, .; ,

He did an admirable job taking over the sweeperrole while bringing his superb lleld viSion and defen·

Here's a closer look at the second-team selectiOns:Coaches preach It from day one and lhe teams thatwin consIStently always have It - defense.

It doesn't matter what the sport. a slrong defense tsalways the key to being successful.

With that mlmon In mind the East All·Area secondteam soccer squad could be one o( the most success-ful teams around. TryIng to score a goal on this collec-Uon oC defensive wizards would be a monumental taskfor the most powerful of teams,

Because of the vast selecUon of defens1Ve talent thisfall. the sports editors of The South Lycn Herald. TheMUJord Times. The Northl)l!/e Record and The NOI)['News opted to go wuh a slightly less-conventlonallook, ThIs season's second·team consists of five topdefenders. But with players Uke Novt's Adam Hagforsand MUCord's Drew Helmrelch anchoring the back linelherc's no way this squad could Jose.

Of course, the team also has Its share of powerthrough the middle and front of the lineup as well.

MIKE CASHENSouth Lyon, goalkeeperCashen was an honorable mention sclecUon In the

KVC thIs season after a great season between thepipes thIs fall.

He had a tremendous defense In front of him but healso made some spectacular saves In a memorableseason for SL.

'He really worked hard to Improve after last sea·son,- Uons' coach Bill Stevanovlch said, "and.he reallyplayed great against some tough teams thIs year,"

Cashen allowed less than one goal per game (or theUons and he recorded seven shutouts.

ADAM BAGFORSNovl, fuObackAn All·KVC selecUon, Hagfors had hIs best WIldcat

season In his senior year.

J,R.LONGWSSouth Lyon, fDDbackIf you look up tough In the soccer dlcUona.xy lhere

may very weU be a picture of LonglaIs.'He was a very physIcally aggressIve player for us

this year," Stevanovtch said of his thIrd-year stopper.LonglaIs would often absorb a lot or pUnishment onthe SL back1lne but he always came back strong.

An all-KVC player thts year. Longlals also had somespark to his game on offense. He scored three goal~

Contlnued on 12


.l" '\. I

108-THE NORTlMu.e RECORO-Th.nday. November 16, 1995

ISports Shorts

: SOCCER~Usted below are the members of the 1995 Northville Cup under 10

champions (pictured above). On the bottom row are: Pat MedonJs. JaredEmmons. Kyle Hutchfson. Dale Barn. Andy Bishop. Mike Carter. NeilShapero and Rick Bally. Middle row: Mike Handley. John Streppa. AndyMoore. Aaron Bernstein. Blake Foster. Andy Eaves. David Ventura andMike Earel. Top row: coaches Doug BIshop. Jeny Brenner and MarkHutchison.

FORMER MUSTANGNorthville resident Angie Snyder recently finished a season of soccer

for the Unlversity of Detroit-Mercy. The Titans went 15-5 this year withthe help of the NHS graduate. Snyder. a midfielder. scored a goa1in theteam's final game wIth Northern Illinois. .

SOCCERnThe 1981 MichIgan Hawks capped off an exceUent soccer season with

another state cup championshIp. ThIs season marked the fourth straIghtappearance for the '81 Hawks as a state cup finalist. The team wonchampionshIps In 1992. 1994 and 1995. The Hawks advance to the Mid·west RegIonalTournament next summer In Lexington. Ky.

WInnIng the MichIgan title wasn't easy. After assembling the team forone week. coach Tom Coyne took the Hawks to St. louis for a tourna-ment. The squad responded by winning the tournament. The Hawks alsowon tournaments in llllnois and another In MichIgan. In all. the Hawksoutscored opponents 106-2.

Northville residents Brigld Bowdell and Bethany Btyant played on theteam.

COACHES NEEDEDCoaches are needed for the 1996 North\1lleJunior Baseball travel pro- f

gram. Please apply In writing to David Jerome. president. NorthvilleJunior Baseball. P.O. Box 220. Northville.MI. 48167 prior to Nov.27.

Last week. the Norl1wi1le Recordran an article on NorthviUe resl·dent Joe Leo.

A hIgh school senior at DetroitCatholic Central. he made all-stateand won the team race at therecent state finalln Grand Rapids.Alongwith the article. a photo waspublished. The picture was sup-posed to be of Leo. but was not.Here Is the real Joe Leo.

Weregret the error.

52 $ 053


AREA LEADERSRUSHINGwatson (Sotth Lyon) 1,386~spoon(~1· 1297Kersey(tbttMDe) ...•...... 922McGUre (South Lyon) ••.••.• 878T~(~) •...•.••.•• 865DiYWlg (FowIeMIe) •.••.•.• 585Tomshany (Pnckney) 513RJddIe (Howell) 466StiSand (lakeIancI) ••••.•••• 439Jones (Pi:lckney) .••.••.•••• 437Arnold (Howell) 414Henderson (lakelMod) •••••• 333Rohacs(Brighlon) •••••••••• 333Marflucci (lakeland) .•..••. ~Cooke (Pilckney) ••.•••..•• 299LalJ'a (l.akeIand) •.••••••••• 295SCtanton (Brighton) .••..•.•• 2890U<.es (HoweI) 276Jason Leiinger (Hartland) ••. 233~(81~) •..•..•.•..• 220Focney (NotthviIIe) ...•..•••. 202Moore(NotthviIJe) I83Warnei' (Milfocd) 182Whittington (Northville) • • • . • • 181LeOair (MjJford) ..••.•..••.• 172

PASSING YARDSHenson(Brighton) •••.•.•.• I280BaIi<o (HarlIand) •.•.••.••.• 930Ht.ne (Fov.ieMDe) ..•..•..•• 715Tabor (Milford) ••••.•••••••• 705VIgh (~e) .•••••.••.•• 643Cooke (PInckney) 602lalJ'a (lakeland) •.......... 529Vemwa (HaweD) 464Dd<en (NcMl .••••••.••.••• 305Sopilski (South Lyon) .•••••. 215

RECEPTIONSRambo (Brighton) •••.•.•.•.. 29Whitmyer (Hartland) ......... 22O!ejnicziaK (Brighton) .....••. 21Daniels (HartIand) ••..•..•.•• 21Mike sadler (Milford) 20~(~) .•....•..•... 19Pennell (HoweD) .•••.••.••.•• 17Moore{NotthviIJe) 16NoI (lakeland) 16~(~~e) .•..•. 16Thomas{~1e) •......•. 15Rohacs (Brighton) .•.••.•..•• 14'NagelkCk (lakeland) ......... 11~eerrnan(PVlckney) ••.••.•• 10layti (NorttMIIe) 10~{~d) .•••.••.••.•• 108ufke (NorlIMlle) .••......•... 9Corl (FowIeMne) •.••.••.•... _9

SCORINGWatson (South Lyon) .....•.• 102Witherspoon (No"i) 85

McGlM~ (Soulh Lyon) .••.•••• 84Greerrnan(Pinckney) ••••••.• 70J-k.tle (FowIervIe) ••••.••••.• 58Kersey(NorttMIe) 54SiegwaIcI (South Lyon) .•••••. 48DrYing (FoW.eMIe) .••.••••• 42Cooke (PWx:kney) 39Bodkil (Brighlon) 38Baiko (HarIIand) 36Jones{Pinckney) .••••.••.••. 36[)arje/s (Hartland) .•••••••••• 30LoMliIer (81iglton) •.••.••••• 28Rohacs (Briglton) 24lalJ'a (l.aI<eIand) 24Marroccl (lakeland) 24ShiIIand (lakeland) ........•. 24

Leger (NorthYiIe) ••••••.••• 19.0UbaIIe(lakeland) 15.3Melai (NorIhviIIe) ••••••.••• 13.9Harris (HartIand) 13.6KasIarro (South Lyon) •••.•• 13.1Ralhs (South Lyon) .••...••• 13.0walker (Brighlon) 12.1Agemy(South Lyon) ••..••.• 11.4Heinonen (Milford) ••••••••• 10.9Ct'iasson (Norlhville) •.•.••• 10.6Esper (HoweI) •.•••••..••. 10.3Bonk (Hartland) 10 3Blakeslee (HaweD) 10 3Beach (Howell 9.5

REBOUNDINGwalker (BrighSon) ••.•.••.•• 12.7Blakeslee (Howel) ..•...•••• 9.5Ralhs (ScxAh Lyon) •.•...•.•• 8.7BOO< (Hartland) 8 7Ctiasson (NorthWIe) .•..••.• 8.4Mulder (lakeland) 8.3Uballe (lakeIand) 7.7Af}emf (South Lyon) ..•••.•.• 7.5Davis (Brighton) • . . . • . . . . . . . 7.1

Tl1REE-POINTERSHarris (Hartland) 27Beach (HoweI) 20[),gsby (lakeland) 18Kaslamo (South Lyon) 18Drake (Brighton) ••.•.•.•.•.• 16Heinooen (Milford) .....••••.. 15~(~) 12Ouiney (Milford) 11WaTk« (Britjlloo) .•..•....•.. 11PatnEt(~d) ••.•.•..•.•.. 10Esper (HoweI) .••....•....... 9SuIivan (Novl) ......••.....•. 9Us! (takeIand) ....•.......... 7Davis (81ighton) 6Kovala (South Lyon) 4Leger (NorltM"1e) .. 4

ASSISTSDavis (81ighlon) •...•••....• 4.9Melaj (NocItMIle) 4.7Beach (HoweI) •.••.•.••.••• 46Mulder (lakeland) .......... 4.3walker (BrighSon) •........•. 3 2KaslNnO (South Lyon) .....•. 32Leger (Nor1tMIIe) ••.•.•.•..• 3 0Armslroog (Hartland) .••.••.. 2. 1Barton (Novll .•...•........ 2.1~(~d) .........• ~1Richards (Hartland) . . . . . . . .. 2 0

STEALSBeach (HoweI) 4 9W3glet (Hartland) 4 6Davis (Bri!tllon). .. • • .. .. :lqMelaj (NocltMlIe) .. . • .. 34Raths (SouIh Lyon) 3.1WyzfIC (FowIeMIe) 3 0Harris (81ighton) ..•........• 29fWlards (Harlland) 29KaslNno (Soulh Lyon) 28Agetny (South L)'OO) 26

• Canton(313) 455-0400

waIker(~) •• ·········2.6Blakeslee (Howell) 2.5Ar~ong (HaItIand) ••••..•. 2.5Moore (8righIon) ." ........ 2.5Kovala (South Lyon).....•••• 2.4Kemy (NcMl .••.•.....•••• 2.3Espel' [HoweI) .•..••...•••• 2.3Leger (Northville) ...•.•••••• 2.1Mulder (lakeland) 2.1

FREE THROW PERCEHTAGEDwyer (lakeland). . . . . . . . .. 833Dnry(NoV!) •.......•.••.•. 831Harris (Hartland) 764Davis (81ighlOl'l)...•.••..... 750


NORTHVILlE YOGA IYoga classes are held at the Northville American Legfon Hall through ,

Dec. 14. RegIstration Is currently under way. For more Information. call! L1-------------------------------------------- .....

director DlaneSlegel-DMta at (810) 344-0928. i C,agers beat Salem for third place(Corrections JIL. Continued from 9 to give Salem a 16-12 lead at the break through In the fourth. When she hit the shot. the Mus·

! end or Ute !Tame. The Roclc.s lro 38·32 W1Ut3:26to tang bench ~ruplcd. She: saJd she-It was a great shot.- The Rocks opened a five-point go. NeUher team then found the dldn't ha\"e Urnc to think about theThe dramatic Victory gave lead with 3:01 left In the half. A basket until the 1:15 mark when shot before she took It.

Northville a third place finish in basket by Leger and a t.hrcc·polnt- Lauren MetaJ cut lnto the lead ~1th -I don't know what I was thInk-the Western Lakes ActMtles Asso- er by. you guessed It. Kalso a basket. lng.- she admlllro.elation. Walled Lake Central. the brought Northville to within 23·20 A pair of free throws by ~ger Kal fi I h d rith Ix I I .state's No.2 ranked team In Class by halftime. made It 38.36 with 52 scronds left. SO", s e \10 S po n s. I

A. won the title by pummeling Kalso believed her team could She then tied the game on a beau. ~~~ ~~ Northville with 22 andCanton in Friday's second game at play with Salem. Uful gtve·and·go layup from MetaJ. e ~ 5e\"t1l.Uvonia Churchill. "We felt like we could stay with Salem·s Amanda Pruett gave her Wright was particularly pleased

Whlle the Mustangs dldn't get them ICwe played hard: she saId. team the lead again with a with MetaJ. who added seventhe big trophy. they did exercise an Sloppy play by both teams rebound and put back with see- rebounds. five asslsls and threeold demon. !t·s the first time allowed Salem to keep Its lead oods to go. sleals to go \l,1thher SC'o'enpoints.Northville's beaten Salem in. well. through the end of the third quar· Instead of gMng up. Northville -She playro as good a game asa long. long time. ter. 30-28. charged up the court for Its final she's played all year: he comment·

-It may be the first time ever: It didn't appear Northville would shot from Kalso. ed.Wrfght said.

Whatever the case. it helpedNorthville's confidence.

The Mustangs have compUed a14-5 record this year. 1bat's damimpressive. but the fact wasNorthville hadn't beaten an eliteteam - until Friday.

·It·s a huge boost for the Idds:WrIght saId. 10 finally beat themIs a great accomplishment.-

The game started out as a typi-cal Northville-Salem match up.

The Rocks' Nicole VanHeesnailed a three-pointer at 7:06 toopen scoring. Samantha Legermatched that bomb wIth one of herown to make it 3-3 at 6:31.

The two squads duked It out therest of the quarter. VanHees. whoscored lOin the per1od. connected08 two jumpers In the final minute

Asthma On The RiseFor rea.<;f.m,Iikli remain unclear. death, due 10 a'lhm.l and lhe number of

people wilh a.,lhl11.l appcaf' IIIh.: ",ill/; throughout Ihe Uniled Siaies.

Indicator Rate Percentage Increase

m4e Nnrtele iRecnrla....~"Y..~) ~ _~

IHTeIC£P11ONSGre«man {I'Wlckney) .••.••••• 9sargent (SoIAh Lyon) .•. \ •.•.•• 6~(~) 5Peters (SoIAh Lyon) 4HassenzahI (FowIeMIe) .••...• 3Rambo (81iglton) .....•.•.. _. 2Whilmyec (Hartland) 2Forney (NorltMIe) .•...••.•.•• 2lalJ'8 (lakeland) _2H"1Cks (NovI) ••••••..••.•.•••• 2Thotnas(~) ..••••.•.. 2Tomaszewski (HoweR) •••.••••• 2Vernier (South Lyon) ...•.•.•.. 2Boss (HcM-ell) 3~(~ _ 2

TEAM OfFEHSfSoulh Lyon 38 8~Je .........•..... :312Hartland ....••.••.•....•••. 29PInckney 21.6Hower ••••..••.•...•••..• 208Brighton 19.3Novi •.•..••..•.•...•.••• 17.7NorltMIIe' • . • . • • . • • . . • • • • . 17.2lakeland .••.....••.•••..• 14 6Milord •••••••..•.•.••. _ •. NlA

TEAM D£fEHSfSouIh Lyon ••...•..••..•••• 6 6PInckney 108RlwlerviBe 11.0Hartland 12HoweR 15.6Brighton 18 4Novi 200Northville ....••.•...•.•.• 24 9lakeland ..•.....••..•.••• 39 0Milord •....••.....•..... NlA



SCORINGDavis (Brighton) 21 6

VOlLEYBALLCOEDNORTH$p(av.iefs Not . . . .•.•.•... 24-8WAd Thilg 17·t4NorthviI1e Exposu'e • . • . • . . 17·15Sawmi $l3Mlefs .....••. 13-19Wagon~ 11·18C<:ut JestefS •...••..•••. 11·21

SOUTl1Pub PalroI.. .. 29-11Spi<ed P\slch " 23-12Jmny & The Geeks . .. 2G-2OOff Stride . .. .. . .. 17·23TmeOuts ·····6-29

WOIWrS THURSDAYHl.tons .... . ...•.•.... 35-21Redskns .....•.•. 29-19~ppewas .. , ...... 29-23Cherokees ...•..•. 27-25SerninoIes.. . ..... 11-41

WOIIEKS COIIPET1T1VEWagon Vt'heels • . .• .. ....• 19-5~s ISHSCheap Trick 15-9~gEtS .....••..•.•. 15-9DeaJets Reso.J'ces .•.•••• 11-13BIock«s..... ., 10-14New RectuIS 6-18Sta'tlI'lg Gale . . .. .. 2-22

COED COIIPETTTVETp;wnAC . . . . . 2 HiTeam Wyalt . . . . 21-0PSC GrouP . • . . .2HiWagon V't'heels.. • ." 1.·13$ode C>.Jl • " . . . " . . lG-2OFsp T1uldet .6-18Dog Thcs . . . . . . . . . • . • . 3-24

Prevalence (1982-1991) 36%

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lomorrow's Gaulle for Ihe pre·mler of our t10meslyle section.Read haw 10 ~t the most oul of)'our leisure Ume. nnd the righlcompuler ... blah. blah. blah:

The rr3sons for these new sec·tlons are prelly easy 10 ngure oUI.Namely. Ihe paper Is hoping 10"hook" )'0\1 Inlo b«omJng a r~·lar reader.

Bill reaching InlO your wallet



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"Health Matters" debuts next week with a focus on health and fitness. Botsford Hospital. which runs the TRACe rehabili-tation center pictured here, will be a regular contributor along with the University of Michigan and Providence.

'Health Matters' debuts next weekisn't the only reason for change.Sometimes U's necessary toImprove the qualtty of the nC\\'S-paper and. frankly. get rid ofsomething lhatlsn't ~~rklng.

Thars where we stand at TheN()(,~News,

Youll no longer see the "Recre·aUon- page In the paper after lh1sweek. In Its place. "HeaJlh Mat·terse ~ill appear.

The recreation page. usuallythe third page In the NOf.L'S· sportssection. began about two yearsago. Our goal was to feature whatwas happenlng·nereauonally Inthe community and provide anoUllet for announcements of reeprograms In the dty.

UnfonunateJy. our hopes dldn'tquite measure up wllh realitymost of the Ume.

feature artlcles weren't aJwayslocalized and recreationannouncemellts did am'a)'S ~t In.The third major element of thepage. a column produced by theUrm'Cn.lly of Michigan really had

Ilttle to do with recreaUon.Honestly, the page had become

a hodgepodge. You. the reader.desen'e better and The Noof. Newscan do beUer.

Now. If youl1 pardon the self-plug. here's what you'll nnd In-Health Matters" from week toweek.

The page ~ill not change muchIn appearance. But Instead of a The flnal element will be~sometimes useful recreaUon art!. -Health Notes. - This column wtlllcle. )'Dull nnd an aJwa)'S helpful Ust local health happenings. fromfealure on health and/or fitness. InslrucUonaJ programs to where

Topics will range from ~~men's you can go for a blood pressure:health Issues to spomrmedicb1e" . test.and proper milr1Uon. we've'1Jne1:J The new page wUl have every·'up some heavy-lUlters 10 produce thIng to do w:lth health and fit-the features. ness. You won't find anything

The University of Michigan. that should be there. In otherwhich has a Heallh Center In words.North\1Ut'. will expand Its rolt'. In We're aJso open to your Ideas. Ifaddltlon to the heallh column it there's a partJcuIar health reIatt'dnow contributes weekly. U of M topic you'd like to learn about. orw:Ill produce a feature article once if you'd like to submJt and Itema month. for health noles. give us a call at

PrO\1dence, which has a strong (810) 349-1700 or fax at (810)prt'sence In Novl. will take a 349·1050.

monthly turn as will BotsfordHospllaJ. Each article will look toInform about Important healthand fitness relatt'd Issues.

As mentioned. the heaJth col-umn from U of M wUI continue.We bclle\'e It has served you welland will continue to do so in thefuture.

Depression hits 10 percent of populationDepression Is a

common condillonthat Is frequenllyunder·diagnosed. It lsresponsible for sub·stantlal surf~rlng.which In moslInslan~ can be aJJc-vtaled "'1th treatment.

Depression strikesas many as 10 p~r·cent of all people atone lime or another.II can be an InheriledcondlUon or can arise

out or em'lronmental Influences. The exacteause Is unkno\\i1. Current theory holds that~resslon Is a biological Illness caused by anin:ibalance among th~ brain chemicals knO\\i1~ as neurotransmlllt'rs. The Imbalance then

~-; tianslates Itself inlo d~presslon."', j Major depressive disorder Is more than just~" feeling blue. A variety of symploms in addJUon; ~: ~ feeling sad are reqUired to make the dlagno·.i ls. Sleep and appetite dlslurbances are com-~ on. Fatigue. decreased Inlllatlve and.. J decr~ased concenlratlon may aJso occur. Low

~ 6elf·t'SIc:emand freHngs of worthlessness mayi be prescnt.II


On the other hand. not all people withdepression necessarily feel depressed. Theother symptoms arc: someUmes all that appear.Some people ~1th depression will de\'elop phys-Ical symploms as a result _ chest pains.abdomInal pains. shortness of breath.headaches and so forth. The symptoms are\'Cryreal. but thetr cause Is depression.

A person who has prcvtously suffered depres-sion Is more likely to sufrer a subsequentepisode. Other people at risk are those wtthserious underlying medical conditions (hearttrouble. stroke. diabetes. arthritis. migraines)or ~1th serious non·mt'dlcal condlUons (socIaJIsolation. recent loss. job or financial stress.substance abuse. coexisting psychlalr1c condl·tions).

Depression exists aJong a spectrum of SC\'er1-ty. rr depression becomes severe enough. a per-son may start to think about harmIng ~Uor herseU. If a person tells you that they arethJnk1ng about hurting themselves. take themseriouslyl They need to talk. wtth thelr doctorright away. or go to an ~mergency room.

Left aJone. most people wtth depression willeventually Improve. The problem Is that thiscan take several months or more. durtng whlchlime the person conllnues to feel miserable.Trt'atment for depression Is very effective,

Improving both the sense or well-being andone's Ie\'el of function.

The exact detalls or treatment arc: beyond thescope of lh1s article. In general. treatment con-sists of medJcatlon and/or counseling. Some-times a specialist w:l1Ibe requIred to directtreatment. particularly when the depression Issevere or coexists wtth other psychiatric condl-tlons.

There arc: a ~1de variety of medications avaU-able to treat depression. w:lth new ones beingadded all the tlme. ChoIce of a particular medl·cation depends on a person's symptoms andhow they react to the drug. With most medica-tlons. symptom Imprm'ement begins only afterSC\'eralweeks of treatment. This period appearsneccssaIy to restore the baJance of the brainneurotransmJtters. Once on the mt'dlcation. aperson will ~nerally need to take It for severalmonths to a couple of~.

DepressIon Is a very common. often over-lookt'd condition responsible for substantialsuffering. rt responds well to treatment. makingIt an Important condlUon to know about.

Breton Weintraub. M.D •• is an internalmedldne phys!cfan at the NOIt1wQle HeaI1h Cen-ter. This column is coordinated by staff repre-senting the U·M Health Center inNOI1lwiIIe.

I Recreation Briefsl NEW ATIlTUDE AEROBICS ~ STEP BENCHI NewAtUlude AerobiCSIsoffering aerobics andS(t'p bench classes at the Northville Conummlty .Center continuously throughout the year.Classes are held dally.p

: For InformaUon regarding specific days anditmes call NewAtUlude Aerobics at 348-3120 orthe Recreation Office at 349·0203.I

: SCUBA 'I Northville Parks and Recreation will be offer"ing SCUBA Instruction through Don's DiveShop at LheNorthville High School pool. Class-~ are Monda)'S and/or Wt'dnesdays from 6 to~Op.m. and run for three or six weeks..,; The fee Is $78 (non-resident fees apply). Class(ee does not Include eqUipment rental. hand"bOok (apprOXimately $1101, and open waterbatning (approxlmately $135). You must be agood swtmmer to enroll In this class. Register at

the Community Ct'nter. 303 W. Main Street.

TURKEY SHOOTNorthville Parks and Recreation Is offering

kJds and adults the opportunity to show offlhetr basketball shooting skills and have a greatlIme tool

One adult and one youth form a team. Eachteam member ~ts 10 free throw shots. Pointsarc: gtven for each attempt. rim shot, and bas-ket made. The total points for each team wt1I betabulated to determine the winners of five dlf·ferent age groups ranging from four to 18 yearsold.

Please bring a donation of canned goods ornon-perishable Items to be passed on to CivicConcern for the Thanksg1v1ngholiday. Reg1stra·tlon deadline Is Nov. 17 at noon. The contestwI1I be held on Saturday. Nov. 18. begtnning at10 a.m. at the Community Center. 303 W. MainStreet,

The fee Is $3 per team. For more Informationcan the Recreation Department at 349-0203.


Allboys in 10th-12th grade are Invltt'd to joinLhe Northville Boy's Basketball League spon-sored by Northville Puks and Recreation.Games will be played on Saturdays with prac-tices held dUring the week.

The registration dea~line Is Wt'dnesday. Nov.15. A late fee of $10 will be charged after thatdate. The fee Is $72 (non·resldent fees apply).

Register at the Community Cenler. 303 W.Main Street.

YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESAll g1rls and boys in 6th-9th grade are invited

to Join basketball leagues sponsored byNorthville Parks and Recreation. Games will beplayed on Saturdays wlLhpractices held durln~the week. .:-_~_~--------------- ...,

Reg1straUondead1Jne Is Wt'dnesday. Dee. 6. A . Don't Just Sit There WhIle Your ''Valuables" Multlply!late feeof-$10 wtll be after that date. . - (I'

The fee Is $72 (non·resldent fees apply). Reg-_ canIster at the Community Center. 303 W. Matn GREEN SHEET CLASSIFIEDStreet. :. xo ~ (810)348-3022

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For more information about the Grand Opening. or to reserveyour place at our free pre-eonception planning seminar. please

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For directions and free parking information. please callU·M TeleGare at 763·9000 and enter category 2229.

Women's Health Program


US-THE NORTlMLlE RECORD-Tlusday, NoYerrbef 16, 1995

51 £

If the Lions were a d~lnkKennedy would be the straw thatstirred It.

A two-year all-KVC nrst-teamselection, Kennedy was the leadingassist man in the conference, total-Ing 15 for the year. Goals didn'tmean a lot to the talented play-maker and It wasn't unUJ late Inthe season that he tallied his firstscore of the year.

-He was Just the motor of ourteam, - Stevanovlch said. "Heworked extremely hard and createdopportunities for everyone on ourteam." .

Kennedy also received all-stateand aU-district honors and hemade the KVC all·academlc teamfor all four of hJs seasons on theUons' squad.

AARON O'NEILMIlford, halfbackO'Neil was the leading scorer on

the MHS squad, recording sixgoals and five assists whlle playingall over the field. He saw time atboth mIdfield and forward and lateIn the year he dropped back toplay' defense in a two-sweeper for-maUon for the Redskins.

He was very strong on restartsfor the club and coach Garn saidwhenever O'Neil had a scoringchance he wouldn't let It pass himby.

watch for In Ihe next couple ofyears.

KUmes described Vida, whomade honorable mention In theWestern Lakes Activities Associa-tion, as Northvllle's most skilledplayer. He added that he markedsome of the state's best playersand did a heck of a Job.

-Sam has great one-on-oneskills, - KlJmessaid.

Vida scored a goal and fiveassists this year. As he gains expe-rience those numbers will go up.

"He created a lot (of offense):Kllmes said.

MIKE STEMPIANMIlford, forwardBlood, sweat and tears wasn't

just the name of a 70s rock group. 'It also Just scratched the surface of,what Stemplan gave to the Red-skins thJs year.

"He's Just such a tremendouslyhard worker: Garn sald.

Stemplan dldn't have the great-est physical skills but his desireand heart always made hIm d,!"-gerous around the net. He scoredfive goals for Milford and addedtwo assists for the district champi-ons.

Garn said hell help lead a splr1t-ed MHS frontltne next fall.

J.R. GRAFFNorth'rille, forwardA sophomore, Graff was a

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Mustangs place two on all-are~ teamContlaued from 9

Wlnn had a knack of being Inthe right place at the right Ume.That helped the younger guys.

"I think his confidence reallyrubbed off on other players,"

~ K1Imes added.Northville fullbacks were able to

gamble more because they knewWinn would be back there to cleanup any mistakes. the coach sald.

WInn, who scored one goal, was\'Oted to the Western lakes ActIvi-ties Association an-conferenceteam.

BILL RUNDEu.North'rille. fuUbackThe senior rl"turned to full

strength after back problems ayear ago and excelled at both full-back and center mldfielder.

"He's a great leader," Klimessaid, -has great touch and goodcomposure.-

Rundell made the WLAA'sAll-Western Division squad, scored(our goals and six assists. He wasrounted on to dlslJibute the ball,especially when he played at mid-field.

"He would rotate the ball toexploit other team's weakness:Kllmes said.

STEVE KENNEDYSouth Lyon, halfback

-U you would get him In a break- An All-~C pick. York was one ofaway opportunity he'd flnIsh It off NovI'smain men on offense.almost every Ume," Gam said. "J He'scored eight goals and ninethink the reason why was because assists from his center halfbackhe was so paUent around the neL- poslUon. Desire made him great,

O'NeU will playa key role on a Christoff sald.new-look Redsklns team next "Dave was extremely intense andseason. dedicated," he added.

SCOTT LEWISMl1ford. halfback York played with a lot of skill,Lewis brought a UlUe bit of too. He took a lot of Novl's comer

everythlng to the table for MIlford ' kicks and penalty shots.this season, -Ve~satility was his biggest

Besides being the free spirit on asset, said Christoff.the team, he was a leader and JOE SCRIMJZZJgreat two-way player. He would No..... fonrardofte~ move back to defense to Say what you like about thisguard a skilled forward and his senior, but he knew how to findcombination of speed and strength the neLmade him a valuable weapon on Sch1mIizI scored an amazlng 21offense. goals and 12 assists. The All·KVC

He wo.rked very hard on his pick might have had 30 goals If hegame and Garn said Lewis often had played every minute of everysacrificed h1mseIf for the team. game Christoff said.. "There was no quit In him: Garn "'said. -He worked extremely hard I think" he had a very goodon the field and there 'were times senior year, the coach added.when you thought he was Just All those numbers are In spite ofgoing to run himself Into the opponents marking him with twoground: players. If the Wildcats would've

LewJs was also the team's had another big scoring threat,enforcer, picking up six yellow Christoff said there's no tellingcards during the course of the how many goals Schlmlzzl mayyear. have scored.

DAVE YORK. "He showed he's one of the area'sNem. halfback premier players: he comrnmted.

2 2



Credit Graff for taking advantageof the altenUon. He scored ninegoals and flve assists.

"I was kind of surprised he got


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Gilchrist, Vida, Graff make all-area soccer second squad

. ,..... --- .......... \,..' ~ '" .. . .

Continued from 9

(two of them on headers' andadded a pair off assists.

CHAD GILCHRISTNorthville, fuUhackA Mustang captain. Gilchrist

showcased his offensive and defen-sive skills this year.

He scored four goals and fourassists. Not huge numbers, butpretty good ronslderlng he had todefend most teams' top offensiveplayers.

"He's a great marking back:coach Henry Kllmes said. "He's asoUd player who worked his buttoff:

If he had any shortcomings as aplayer, his hard work more thanmade up for It.

-He'd give you 150 per<;ent everyUme out." Kllmessald.

DAVE STEVENSNon, fullback .Along with Hagfors, StC'o·enswas

a steadying Infiuence on Novl'sdefense.

Playing at right fullback, thesenIor patrolled his portJon of thefield with authority.

"He was a steady player all year,-Christoff sald. "He was there mostwhen .rou needed him."

An AlI-KVC selection. Stevensscored a goal and an assist.

SAM VIDANorthviDe,haUbaekThis sophomore Is one player to

marked man this season. Not somuch by the opposlUon, but by hisown teammates.

KlJmes s3ld Graff was the -target,

man"ofNorthvIMesoffense.H~-backs would look for him whenmoving the ball up the field. hesaid.

so many. - said Kllmes. -He's asoUd forward and "'Orb weUWith(Nortl1\1lJe forward) Andy Weyer.-


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November 16, 1995



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Major new computerized sys- line semces \\111be offered. suchterns are being launched. v.111!the as pertinent Information on [ndl'biggest probably the Realtor'> Vidual communllics - maps,Information ~elwork IRlN), trlme statlsllcs, school Informa·

RIN Is n bold, slate-of·lhe·art tlon, census data - data that areconcept being used to modernize Important to peoplt' cons[dt'ring athe real estale marketing InduSl!)' hOl11e purchase In Ihat communi·Ifs slnlclured and operntl'd by a ty.prh'ate corpora lion ownt'd by the Umlled Informallon on availableNational Association of Realtors homt's and brld pro nil'S of realand Is dl\1ded Inlo tv."Onelworko;, estale profeSSionals In spectrledblue and ~reen, areas also \\111be accessible on the

The blue nelwork Is available l;recn nt'Iv."Ork.onl)' to real estate professionals. ~1ore than 500.000 real estatepro\'ldln~ 3 national vehlrlt' for a£l."nIS ha\'e sl~nt'd up for the R1NIIMln~ propertle-s, Other \e-ndors ..e(\'lre. acconlln~ to IversonIknde-rs, appralS('rs. elr) :11"'-1 can ~~oore, RIX execullve. Abouto(fl."rtheir S('n1r('S

rkaltors ....111 IX' allle to ..hop for

i ;'

~l'./ ., ~r~:!i .,!:

Continued on 2


The Van Devender has roomand still fits on standard lotBy James McAlexanderCop:ey News SelV>Ce

From the- 011I !>hll.", tht" \',111Oe-\'ende-r dO<'s not appear laret'TIlt' 1.958·M!uare- foot. thfl·('·l)('t!·room hOllo;t' Ie; only 5H ft'I'1 '\ l,kalii! fil:>t"a..ll\· on .1 :>Ianci.ln! IOl

Ilut '\ht'n- ~Oll ~t('p II\ ..II!(', lht'!>en~ of ,>p,l(IOll"IlC'<O:>10; :>lIrprbIn~. The \"3I1IIe-d(0) t'r I'>nc hl~ IIlu·mlnated and pn.·:><'IlISthree ('holi-es of dlrt'ftlon. A door 011 Iht" lrftoJXns Into I!le IU'(lIrlolls nl.l ..lerSlIlle, and a hallway h to Ih(' ol:lItWhat r.ltdlt's tile ('\'t" thulll,;h Jo-the- \ ,lullt'1l ~rc.ll roolil. dlrl'llivahe.1(! - ,I l.lr~e 11\ IIlC .lr(',1 Ih.11brln~,> to~t"lht"r the fllllll!l>II'> HIkllchell, dmlnc room, 11\ IIlC rO'.11l1anI! famllv room

,\ ballk o( ....Iudo\\s. rllnlllll~almO:>1 Iht' enllre It'llglh of thl'bolCk \\'.111. sho\\'e-r th(' roni11 \\tlhUgIl1. A fire-piau'. tllfke-d Into llll'cOllier farth('stfrolll the \\Indu,\~,prO\'lde:> a colorful (nc.ll poln I\\ ht'n tht' sky ollhtdt" tll rlh ~r,I\,

Thl." kllch~n ,ll~. I .. fllll( II I.;r('rIhan olle e-_\p<'(I!> 10 find In ,I hOlliethis size ,\ doglt-~ ~hal){'d l'o1\1n~h,lr adds Iu lhe \\"Orkarl',l .m,1 pro\11ks :><'1),lr.ltlon1I('I\\el'n 111('gn',llI

I·I "·1

room and thl' 1-.1If!len The locatlonof thl' .,1111-.me-all:> the ('[t'anup( n'w \lun t he kfl oul of Ihe actl\1-ties "rentral P.lrll!)' allow'S handyal((~" 10 C,UlIlrd ~oods and other.,uppl1es

Uttlllle-<o art" dose at hand.1111kl'd 11110 :I p.u.:>·lhroll~h to Iheg.lr,lI;e. ,lIld ,160 conv('nlent to thetJedrool1l"" illis ""n\.ll1 room has 3IClIll1lrr [or (oldlrl~ clothes, a sink,lln"n .,tora~(' and dlr«t entf)' IntoIhl" ~ar,l!(e Grocerlt's can b{'brought In and pUI away \\1th lillIeIr"uhle-

FI'31IlTl'" In tlH' ma""tt'r suiteIncl!llle- a rO(})ll\' wollk·ln c1osl."t,al (t'".,~ to tile- b,l~k d«k and a prl·\",111' b,llhruol1l The toilet and...hu\\l'r .,re- 'i('!),lr.lIed from Ihe tv.inh.l ..ln"" ,\Ill! mirror. ThIS arrang{'·.lIl('nl .II!O\\S pn\"lcy whC're It IslIlo.,1 lIt'slrN! .\Ild ke('ps the mirrorfn " from ~le-.lrn

Fur (l ",,'uely I'lan of l1le (\'nnC)cI'l'llcicr -102·651. send $9 tol.iulcirrUlrk [)t'~l!JIlS c/o HorneTou'n.\',·u"pa/lt·r~, 323 ,.;. Grancl RH't?r'\1...· , 1(ol('dl. .\11 -188-13 (lk SUIl' to""Jll'Ct}!1 plnll l1eWlt' alld numberIc/i,.n orcll'nlzg )

DECK=:=::--=( ...,--;zrJ/l.~~--_-_,;;;,;;:iI_-"

GREATROO'.\32'O'X 169'

MINI-MASTER14'3' X 14'6'

LMNG".X- <NoVa

FRSUITE210' X 14'3'

GARAGE23'3' X 28'S'L.-,~_...r---a

OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 58'-0' X 68'·6"LIVING AREA: 1,958 square feet

GARAGE: 680 square feet

By C,Z. GuestCopley Ne.vs 5el\llCe

Often taken for granted.shrubs are frequt'nlly thoughtof only as foundation plants.hedges. borders. fences orlawn sJXclmens. while theirdrama and beauly are owr·looked. The fact Is. ornamen·tal shrubs ha\'e many uniquefl."atures and should be cho·sen with great cart' so theirh[ghllghts catch the eye.

ConSider some of Ihese fac·tors when adding or replaclncshrubs thiS fall.

Although most of the popu·lar shrubs - spirea. forsythiaand azalea - bloom Insprlng. there's a large scIre·tlon that brings nowers to thegarden, These Indude rose ofsharon. hydrangea, obelia,and summer sweet. Scratchythorns of barbeny. roses orquince are effeclive barriersor protectl\,e hedges.

The best time to add anyshrubs to the garden Is [n thefaU, when the warm soli andcool air temperatures promoteroot growth and result Inhealthier shrubs next spring.

Of course, the best sourceof shrubs thiS fall Is the mall-order catalog. where freshlydug plants (available In thewidest possible assortment)are Just waiting to hear fromyou. To help you choose andlocate shrubs thiS fall, theMatlorder Association of

LYIN'If dandelions grew only in

meadows and alongsideroads, people would proba-bly consider them wild-flowers and take steps toprotect and preserve them.

They grow in lawns, how-ever, and that makes themweeds.

If your lawn was a carpetof yellow blossoms in May,fall is the time to do some·thing about it to prevent areplay next year.

The seeds from the spring crop of dande-lions germinate In the lawn in the faU.-explalned Paul RIeke. extension turf grass spe·clallsl at Mlch[gan State University. "Herbi·cldes are very effective against these actl\'elygro\\1ng young plants.-

fall weather usually pro'v1des optimal grow-Ing condillons for la\\n grasses, he adds, sograss \\111 qUickly fill In spaces left by remo\ingdandelions. In the spring. annual weeds suchas crabgrass may fiU,ln bare areas.

Using herbicides i4 eo:ntrol dandelions isless likely to Injure J~119scape ornamentals [nthe fall. he notes. Landscape plants are grow-ing less 'vigorously in !-he fall and are less sen·sitl\'e 10 herbicides than they are In the spring,

The preferred herbicide for dandelion controlIs the amine fonnulatlon of2.4·O, Rieke said.{'Themore \"Olatlle ester formulation poses a

"..:.greater hazard to nearby landscape plants.,follow label directions for applying the prod·uct to the foliage of acti\'ely grO\~ing weeds.Spray when dry weather Is expected to contln·ue for at least 12 hours.

Applloo at the proper rate, the herblc[de \\111mo\-e through the whole plant and kill iI. rootsas \\1"11 as shoots. Applloo at too hIgh a rate. it\\111just burn the tops off and the plants willregenerate from the rools. ,

If you would prefer not to use herbicides fordandelion control. hold off dIgging the weedsuntil spring. Then the plants wtll ha\'e used upmost of the food resen'es stored In the rootsand may be unable to resprout.

"for digging to be effectl\'e. you need to cutas deeply as possible - at least 4 to 5 Inches:RIeke ad\ised. "Shallow cutting may actuallyInerease the dandelion problem by promotingthe dC\'elopment of numerous new shoots fromeach root. Where you had one plant you'lIlhenha\'e several."

Once dandelions and other weeds are undercontrol. maintaining a thick. well fertilized andmanaged la\\11 Is your best defense against aweoo comeback.

Shrubs have more than one usePlant shrubs now!

The cool temperatures and warm soil of fall makeconditions right for shrub planting. For the healthiestspring shrubs, plant them now.

• Shrubs that bloom in • Thorny shrubs such asspring include spirea, forsythia barberry. rose or quince areand azalea. effective barriers for privacy or

• Summer·bIooming protection.shrubs include rose of sharon, • Birds will love bayberry,hydrangea. abe1ia and honeysuckle or chokeberry,summer sweel. In tight spots use daphne,

crepe myrtlettes, heath orheather.

, • Fragrantt¥Shrubs ¥ude

moc!< prange,vibumum or mac.


If possible, plant-these near. Windows you can



GARDENINGi'\Ur5e!)'S \\111 send you a freegUide if you send them a self·addressed. business sizeem'elope with 40 centspostage. Write to Shrubs byMall, 210 Cartwright Bl\'d ..Massapequa Park. NY 11762.Or \·ou can call (516) 541·6902.

If your favorite readingchair rests near a window,plant a shrub \\ith fragrantflowers r1ght underneath andenjoy the aroma of mockorange. \iburnum or iliac, Ifyou're a bird lo\'er, baybeny.honeysuckle or chokeberry\\ill allract fealhered friendsto the garden. for garden ver-satility In Ilmlloo spaces. trydaphne or crepe myrtlettes,heath or hl."alher,

"Squat pans" of midwinternowerlng bulbs should be·potted up· now withoutdelay. There are many vart-cUes to choose from, such aslillie crocuses and l."arly Iris-es. whIch are so easily grownIndoors and so delightful towatch dUring the dark days ofwinter. Seeing these Itttleexquisite treasures [n fullflower tr1cks us Into bellC\ingthe cold dreary months arebehind us.

Don't make the mistake Imade last year of pUUlng In

Continued on 3

a 5 - ••...

2C-NoYerrbet' \6, 1995-CREATlVE UWlG

You can paint paneling if it's real wood'By Gene GaryCopley News Service

fldng up an older home wherethe plaster wan. are i.D bad con-cliUoa. I Just finished workingoa one room, ICnplog old paiDtand patchlag waD gouges, nlcband craw. After ho1U"lof workpreparlog the waUs and appty-ing a finish coat of paiat. theroom Is .tillunattnctlve due toblemilbu lD the wans that.how through.

Is there any way that a do·lt-yourselfer can resurCace thesewalls and obtaln better results?Would it be possible to install dry-wall over the plasteJ1

A. You could Install wallboardor drywall over the plaster. How-e\'er. there Is an easier solu Uon toyour problem. There are specialwall coverings avaUable that \\-111conceal cracks and ImperfecUonsin existing walls. These are mucheasier to apply than the installa·Uon of new wallboard.

If you are fairly adept at hang-ing conventional wallpaper. It Isprobable that with careful allen-tIon to detail you can handle theproject. It is Important to followmanufacturer direcUons carefully.

There are several makers of lhJstype of product. F1eX1-Wall Sys-tems markets two such productsthat can be appUed over crackedplaster. concrete block and oldpaneUng. The products. ·FasterPlaster- and ·Plaster tn A Roll:are made of fabJ1c that's impreg-nated with gypsum and areinstalled like heavy commercialwall covering.

·Faster Plaster· is more Uke aheavy-duty wall liner. which canbe used as a bJ1dging mateJ1al tocamouflage defects. It can bepainted or act as an underUner for

wallpaper.It Is easy to cut around doors

and windows, so there Is no needto remove baseboard molding.door and window casings. electri-cal switch and outlet boxes. asthere would be If you Install newwallboard. It will adhere to almostany Interior surface. Includingpainted surfaces.

It forms a Ughtly textured plas-ter surface that can be smoothed.If desired. by skimming the linersurfa~ with joint compound. Theproduct is durable. fire-resistantand keeps cracks from reappear-Ing.

·Plaster In a Roll- Is a finishedwall covering that Is avallable inwann. natural textures Ina choiceof three decoraU\'e ",-eaves. It alsocan be applied to almost any J1gIdsurface. hiding cracks. patches.mortar Joints. or minor irregulari-ties.

For lnformaUon wJ1te f1ext·WallSystems, P.O. Bo." 89. Uberty. SC29657-0089. or call (800) 843-5394.

Another paIntable wall coveringIs made In S'A'eden and marketedunder the name ofTassogIas. 1bIsIs a fiberglass wall coveringoffered In 17 different textures.varying from basket weaves toHnen. grass cloth and burlaplooks. It Is palntable andrepatntable. TassogIas reinforcesthe sub-state and protects thewall surface. It easily bridgescracks and hides roughness orminor lmperfecUons.

For inJonnaffon and avaiIablUtyin the United States. contactTasso, 1239 East Newport CenterDrive. SuUe 118. Deer:.ficld Beach.FL 33442. Of' call (800) 888·2776.

Painting over panelingPainting old. unsightly paneling is much easier a.nd

cheaper than restoring the wall underneath or puttmgup new paneling. Only real wood paneling can bepainted - vinyl or plastic paneling must be replaced.

• Test your type of pane~. VII'I)'I pane&ng will shred or flake whensanded. Make sure old panelU1g is secure. Tap any loose nails and putnew nails in any loose pieces, Use paneling nails only.

• Fillor nicks with 'j

fillerD and sand .'smooth. Do notfiU the cracks ~ ~belYteen panels ~..~

• Wash the' I;'

surface with 1/4cup trisodiumphosphate in 1gaJIon of water.Apply with a big~.rubandnose with water.Try to klave~~~~ry, , , 1\ 'J

sand'U1Q 'sand surface with medium-grade~.Wipe with adampenedcloth.

_Apply a~rtyandpnmer

~~J:lpaint manu-facturer'sdirections.

=. Q. 1am considering painting~.• ome paneling in a recreatioD.> room la order to make the room1·Ugbter, Is this Is a good Idea?t:wm the palat adbere to tber pane1lng and will the result be:...pleulng?T. Assuming that painting the

paneling Is a reasonable thing to:·do. what is the best procedure toJ ,use to ensure a good job? ..' A. Painting existing paneling Is< usually an effective solution. It's( easier and cheaper than tearing· out the old paneling and reCur-.·blshtng a damaged wall in prepa-· ration for painting.

Painting should not be a prob-lem If the existing paneling Isinstalled well and If it Is real

t wood. PaInt won't adhere to vinyl· or plasUc-coated paneUng., If you are not sure that It Is'wood. make a close inspection.I V"mylor plasUc has a sUgbt sheenand lacks the J1chness In grain ofreal wood.

" You can test the paneling bysanding a small. Inconspicuousarea. If the paneling finish shreds

"and flakes off. It's vinyl or plasUc.· Also check to ensure that thepanels are securely attached. Put

· addlUonal nails Into any panels· that flex when you push on them., Use ring-shank paneling nalls. BecareCul to just tap ~e nail head in

. flush. If you leave a hammermark. youll have to fill and sand.This Is a difficult chore becausehammer marks are so shallow.

Check the entire wall and fillany holes or nicks with woodfiller. then sand smooth. Do not

attempt to flU seams between pan-els with anything. Seasonal con-traction and expansion. even inold paneling. will cause the flUerto crack e\'entually.

Prior to priming. remove dirtand grlme by washing the surfacewith a solution oC cup trisodiumphosphate (TSP - available atpaint dealers) dissolved in 1gallonof warm water, Apply the solutionwith a big sponge. rub gently. andthen rinse with clean water.Sponge off excess water as you go.leaving the surface as dIy as pos-sible.

Next. 1Jghtly sand the panelingto rough up the finish. usIng afine- to medium-grade sandpaper(100 to 120 grit) and a sandingblock. Sanding is absolutely nec-essary In order for the primer toadhere to the surface. Brush awayany residue from the sanding.WIpe down with a sUghtly damp-ened cloth or sponge or use a tackcloth.

Apply a quality alkyd or latexprimer_ Allow the primer to drybefore applying the topcoat ofpaint. You can Unt the pJ1mer tohalf the color density of the final,flntsh color by uSing unJversal col-ors (sold at paint stores). Do this.and one flntsh coat may be all youneed. Apply a latex topcoat.

For a durable. long·lasting fin·Ish. use quality paints as recom-mended by your local paint dealer.As with any painting project. sur-face preparaUon and the quaUty ofthe paint are the key factors Insuccess.

Q, We are ia the process of

! , I1.\

• I!

\ .'


High-tech is changing the world of real estate; appraiser battleContlaued from 1 We were pushed by competitive

pressures.-Negotiations are under way

between RlN executives and Fan-nie Mae (Federal National Mort- The arrangement has beengage Association) - the natlon's made possible through a Joint ven-largest buyer of exlstlng mortgage ture with PMI Mortgage Insuranceloans - to Interface the computer Co .• the natlon's third largestsystems oCthe two organizations. mortgage Insurer. Under the

Another indication of the com- . :;igreement. the two organizationsputeJ1zed Information explosion In i WIll integrate the Special FHA andthe real estate Industry Is seen in vA guidelines from PMl's electron-an announcement from Fannie Ic mortgage underwriting setupMae. This organization has made With Fannie Mae's Desktop Under-It possible for mortgage lenders to wrJter loan decision system.

ha\'e full access to all-in· one elec-tronic loan decision-making.including FHA and VA home loans.

according to a report from FannieMae.

A. The United States Court ofAppeals for the Eighth CircuitTtttntly affirmed an earUer d1str1ctcourt Judgment dismissing theanUtrust lawsuits flied agatnst TheAppraisal Foundation. theAppralsallnsUlute and others. Thesuits were nIed by the NationalAssodation of Real Estate Apprais-ers In 1991 and 1992. accordingto the Appraisal InsUtute.

The suits claimed that TheAppraisal Foundation vtolatedanUtrust laws by refuslng to admitNAREA into Its membership. caus-

Ing NAREA to lose membershipand prestige.

The 15·page decision declaredthat NAREA blamed C\1:ryone butItself for Its current dlfficulut's,but Its problems can be traceddirectly to the corporate ofllce. anAppraisal lnslllute report said.

32,000 property UstIngs are nowin the RIN database inventory.That number Is expected toincrease to 300.000 properties bylate NO\'ember and 1.5 mll1lon in1996.

Implementallon of the R1N sys-tem Is about a year ahead ofschedule. Moore said.

·Wlth Windows 95 and othercomputer systems targeting thereal estate market. we had tospeed up our development plans.

"11lls Is an Important partner-ship with PMl and will prOVidemortgage lenders and home buy-ers with a new way to get apprm-aldecisions on loans faster and moreeffidently: said Jayne Shonteli. aFannie Mae vice presldenL

Q. Whatever happened In thelegal battle between theAppraisal InsUtute aad tbeNational Anoelatlon of RealEat.te Appralsen?

Questions 'may be used Infuture columns: ~rson.1l respons·es should not be expected. S<:ndInqulnes to Jamt's M. Woodard,Copley News Sen'lcc. P.O. [lox190, So,o l>le~o, CA 921 12 0190

l\~ ~~ SnORE MORTGAGE• Realtor of the Month •


Paul (right) is standing next to TIm McKnight his loan Officer fromShore Mort~age.Paul Mruk IS the winner 01 Shore Mortgage's Realtor of the MonthAward for Seplember, 1995. Paul spins his magic for his customersfrom RElMax 100 office located on Orchard Hill Place in Novi,Michigan. With over a half decade of experience in the real estateindustry Paurs dedication and determination have helped manypeople make the right choice in rlSting or buying a home. His drive forexcellence has earned him a spot in the TOP 1% of sellersNATIONWIDE for the Detroit Regional Board of Realtors. Hismembership and activities in our local real estate boards help him stayi.n touch with what is going on in the housing market. His dedicationand determination does not stop with the real estate industry. Paul isvery involved with the Childrens Miracle NetwOrk. He wanls everychild to realize his or her dream. Paurs high energy and totalinvolvement in both business and community affairs make him one ofthe best. If you are thjnkin~ of listing or selling a home. CALL PAULTODAY!!! He will help you lust as he helps our children. Paul can bereached at (810)348-3000.I

IS LOCAllOfl WPORTANT? Fal'l!aSt(; customhome III Pt'oeasanl Ho'S huge master su tew~aculll & separale shower, open I¥t'~ 'ceramc lIoor. rru!lHeYeI deck .. 'ef'dosed he<!lb, lamiy room w'lot.l bar, !.replace ca:totdtalce 9900 Can (8101 ~3O (COtl

SHHH lISTE!1 TO THE BIRDS' S~a'.~e hOfT"~ 0t1 3 acres cl ~t-a:e 4'..:1Qut'l Horre lel'_'es 1st loOCr r"04s'er s~·etorMal Clo/Vlo;l rocr> La'\/<, 'et.er> q S-,("11st n,s~,ed baserrert a-, Ire IS' ;jts C"~~ 900 eat lul 340 {..I~O ICHJ


3 CAR GARAGE' Qal.; kJlcheo, 151 foQOl' 1a1TlO<yca:t.edral (ell'"9s. f,replace. cenlral a,rcondltJOt'Nrlg alarm 031.;~r. spr".,kler sys,eMand more Beller than neYl' Reduced 10sm 9CO Caa (810) 348-6430 (29ENG\

·ON THE WATERFRONT" 01 beaJl'ul e'.eHeron la~.e LS a 2 t«\,OCr'\ 3 • ba:n 1",,,',h<Nsew:n a IaNaSloC k',sr.ed loo.er ie'.t' fa"'') ~-neroom .. :'l fte! bar & f"e~"ace Ca~ Ivr lea·.·e\..sl 5283 500 ear, \81C>l:>48 ~3:) IUlUI

GRIFFITH REALTY• 502 W. Grand River

Brighton(810) 227-1016

• 322 E. Grand RiverHowell

(517) 546·5681CHASE FARM S BEST BUY' C\.~·om deS-g1eO4 bedroom 21, ba'h (oIOl\,al, 'IIh,'e g<X.fme:~~cI\en. Ilarc1NOOd t1CoCrs.Jacuw soarngce1Ings rr.u~I-1e-ed deck. s'deu';.s & NOVlschools S 000 dero'a:""9 a'lo"a'lte 5284 000Cal 810 :>18-6430 oI.$H

1>H I \ R'o S" RRI:-'<; \S (HH.R. CIN\'lI'II S.,11 S~ ClRRt.:o.-n,Y l :o.nt:R co:o.STRn .."T\OS. };e'o\ TrJJ,C,,,,-:r~ ',. , Of'CftG-".I R,,,,,,, .. ,:11(ltlJ-:<'<lt f~c ~'lJ 1\11 lr<>n.tl") Ie hm.: ~ ~rOOll". 2 ~ NIII, Gr".lr<'<'ll1. '1U<l).""rotd l>.1 ,t ~'I\"'-n h.I' l,kJ ,,'UnlCf II'!" ~ t.."Ilr",'lll' <'I \ ".fLoUI ~"",'1 "='d, ~ ,·.r ~.v.~-.:,r<'lf ,~...r......1'111,,,,, ll\.l"N'JnllllTl'" "nh "'IJJ~ Br('~lf"'''1 rf'..lrtl ~'f<A'" III d<'d. F~DCZ'JJICfin~ 1('1 'LJllt' Grt.u '"1'1"".)f1Unlt~ h.'l lA.1:h"h )('~,n dfC'oIm hc)f1l(' In

,J..-..I ~"'Cf I..'\d...·, ll'() "'l h 1."\l1~f''''<Tl ~~-J iK'fN I"'~f''''' S2~<}OCO(iR·I~<}1",...',,;.n.J "".." (',III,n ...\: BI",Lkll;" s,'~Oleo GR·I~<»

lMMEOlATE OCCUPANCY' What an~, 4 bedroom ranch, 2/, bathS. neutralde(:o(, new 11oor!'l9 I'l kl:chen & footer, dln,ngroom, 1sl floor IaUo!l_'Y "'Lnules to shoro'}9and expr~ smooo Can (810)"348·6430 (lLO)

QUALITY BULT FIJAA.Y HOME in a golf~=s~~~lrealmentS, kJld'len fIoo( ana COOSllet-loPS.Iror4do()( and rool. H!Jge basemen1 much more'S2S99(X) Ca1 (8tO) 34U43O lT~OI


,I COU:o.,.R\· n.UR "'''SORS or Oa" Polllit. t.u"Hl<'U'&1~t>c.J c..""">mtn,unl" 2•. ' &. ~ t>c.Jr'....,." ,'}k, CU-J,'lI'II,nl,Th" f,n"I>.-- 1",luJtn~, .I'f'l",n..-.:,. '·.ll"J"'1,n~, h.&r..t ... ,,,>J11<><'1, an..t cntM.,nmc~1 &....L,ft~ :'<1.'<1<', ''f'l:" J.oll) S,X'll~rm.d."<:'d ThUNJ.)

\\ \H IU RO' T 1 ~'OR\' TR,\l)ITIO'AI. ("..lUte- 2 ~hJIh' Iot>tolt) r.'fffi.ll J,n,n£, .. llh NII..'1 "'nil) W..IL,,,,II,,,,·cr Ie,d.n..t 1 \.r ~.r.~" r.'If.., I' ....' n.mer ...., 10 menu,,"L't!&:r,,'n'lrU""'ll S~.W, GR-r~n

A Full Service Real Estate Company~ mL:.J MLS ,,,.....1

I'\ II

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,~.- J.............. "' .... \,. , ,

1 II: ~''.

Nude porcel'ain figurine holds its valueCREATIVE UVING-NoYembef 16, 1995---X

By Anne McCollamCopley News 5etviCe

Q. Encloled il • photo of. nudeporcelain figurine that ahcnn • hJghquality of worJananah.lp. Ber face andbanda are clearly defined and finelymodeled. A rOle tinged headband

, reatrainl her Grecian chignon andher nelh tones are highlighted withwarm pink. She 1a G laches taD and 1alD perfect condJUon. We would appro.elate anything you can teU us aboutthis flgurlDe.

A. Bisque and china figurines ofladles with or without swimsuits havebecome known as 'naughtle nudies" or'bathlng beauties.' A few were risqueand outrageous. When flJpped over. anerotic view was revealed. Some weremermaJds. others posed on nauticalobjects.

Your figurine Is known as a 'nude ornudle' because she has no base and Isau naturel. Most were made In Ger-many. and of superior quality. Many ofthese deUghtful damsels were popularIn the Edwardian period when con-stricting Victorian mores were In a stateof flux. Demand continued well Into theflapper era of the 1930s. Your lovelylady was made In the early 19005. Shewould probably be worth $225 to $250.

Q. I wonder If JOu can tell meabout a gra,. .tone.are Tile thatbelonged to my grandmother. Thesbape Is cylIndrical aDd It staudsabout 8lDches taU and fa 4lDches lDdiameter. ODe side Is decorated withblue cattails. OD the other side Is theImage of aD indian with the worda·Old Sleepy Eye."

A. Your vase was made by Weir Pot-tery. Monmouth. 111. Gray stonewarevases decorated In f1em1sh blue cattallsand the Image of an Indian were usedas premfums by Sleepy Eye M1lllng Co.•Sleepy Eye. Minn. Your vase was madeIn the early 19005. rt would probably be

Shrubs have more than one use; all about fernsI.

, ,, ,

r. "....

This nude figurine, known as a "nude or nudle", was made In the early 1900s.

CooUnued from 1

the crocuses too s~Jy. (I am rdmingto the species crocus and their hybrtds.not to the ordlnaly garden \'arlcty.) Theynttd to be crammed Ught. as Ught as canbe. bulb touching bulbs like peoplesquashed together In a crowd. On theother hand. the little 1rtses Ilrls retJculate)

Northville(810) 349-4550

very slmlJar to one neenUy shown lD, your column. Ours Is lolld walnut

with two drawers and vue and riDgJegs. When we bought It lD 1939 theowner eWmed .he was • descendant

Q. In of Daniel Boone and he or one of his1967, my o,,~cl\A.J£-T~.D2 brothers made the table aroundslater-ln· ,,'" ""110 1860. Do you have any Informationlaw gave It on Daniel Boone and hil brothers asme a cov- fronUer furniture makon?ere d A. DanIel Boone explored and settledt u r e e n In Kentucky,. He Jived from 1734 to.lth thll 1820. Since hedted before your tablemark on was made. that leaves hJs brothers asthe bot- potential cabinet makers. I nnd notom. At Information to confirm that any of thethat time Boone brothers were cabinet makersshe told Lamp tables similar to yours are In theme that It $400 to $450 range,wu more than 100 yean old. It Is BOOK REVIEWdecorated with Ooral spra)'1l agalnat awhite background and trimmed In 'Collectlng CJarlce Cliff" by Howardgold. Could you please teU me when Watson is an Indispensable gUide to theIt was made and what It Is worth? life and work of Clarice CUff. Readers

A. Your tureen was made by John will learn how Cllffs bold colors andEdwards & Co.• Fenton. StaffordshIre. unique designs launched her successfulEngland. It was In business Crom 1847 career as a major pottel}' designer, Wat-to 1900. "Porcelalne De Terre" Is French son explains decorating techniques,for earthenware. 'Wall Flower' Is the gives advice on collecting and [dentlfiesname of the pattern. The number [s a ,patterns and shapes.mold number. This mark was used from" Flfty·sIx pages of color photos. a cur-1880 to 1900. The value of your cov- rent price guide. and Ups on spottingered tureen would probably be $85 to rare pieces and fakes make this a valu-$125. able reference for collectors and deal-

ers. If you have any questions aboutcollecting C1aI1ce ClJIf pottel}'. there areno clIff hangers here. ThIs book has allthe answersl

'CollecUng Clarlce Cliff" by HowardWatson Is a Francts.Joseph Book dts-tributed by Wallace-Homestead BookCo. It Is available in antiques shops andbookstores.

.,:.,... ~ ~),J"""'l=~" ,. >:.-~ ,.-,........,.~ ..........

~f.':;li'~"TANtIQUES .:' ••tts": .',,"~L·,,,_ •• h , <>. '_ '" •

worth $400 to $4 70 In good condition.

Q: In 1981 durlDg the royal wed-cling frenzy. I was stationed lD Eng-land with the United States AirForce. While there, I purchased astoneware flguriDe of Prince Charlesand Lady DlaDa that II 11 laches tall ..It Is marked ·HRH. PrlDce of Wales 8tLady Diana - Handpalnted FineStoneware - Naturecraft - Congle-ton England Reg 1981.- Does my fig-urlDe have any value?

A. British Royal Family objects arevel}' collectible. The value of your fig-urine would probably be $65 to $75.

Q. We have a lamp table that Is

Address your questions to AnneMcCollam. P.O. Box 490. Notre Dame, IN46556. For a personal response. includepiclure(s}. a detailed description, astamped.. self-addressed envelope and$5 per item (one item at a time).

I' _

out .hlch are the daffodils and jon-quils. ~I••

A. The;:!rope.r care for a fern [s well-draIned si?P, pl.«;nty of water. air. Ught (butnot dlrec,t:.sunlIght) and hUmidity. sincemost roo~ are likely to be too dIy. Fernslove warmth and should never be wheretemperatw;es drop below 50 degrees. Dur-Ing the growing season. a healthy liquldfertIlIzer (for example. fish emulsion) canbe given. Read the label on the bottlecarefully and follow InstructJons. .

Plant outdoor ferns In the fall before theson freezes. A cool. shady exposure isbest

Best Indoor ferns: Boston fern and Itsseveral variations, holly fern, blrd's nestfern. pter1s fern and rabbit's foot fern. Allthese ferns wl1l thrive In the averagehouse or apartment If gtven reasonableattention.

Suggested reading: 'Handbook of Ferns"(Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Brooklyn. N.Y.)


HARTLANDT2315HlGHlA.', 0 RD 1M 59j

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CIRCLE THIS AD' Well kept sohd bnck ranch on large loo)(t68 101w'prM:egos to liandy <3. Mad old lal(es 1334 sq It. 3 bedrooms, 2 fu'lta·hs. f,replace In LRI.!. par1lally f,nlshed bsml.. 2 C<1rgarage. deck ofld n ng & fenced yard Won't last at S 12t.9OO ConvenIent locationA MUST SEE! lo...ely l,.pdated 1800 sq It ranch near Grand Sioanc &expressway FRM >,>,ne...er beck "replace a. 16x24 heated Flonda room.InYltng decked pool. 2 caf garage. parllally tlnlshed bsmt With 4thtedroom, nOl'>cr landscaping. bllck. rool. furnace 8. waler healerCarman·Amsl'worth Schools. S 155.9OQ.GREAT OPPORTUNITY! 'Ne'o'tcr 4 un.t apartment bUIlding In greatlocat,on With schools. shopping & e)(pressways closeby Lowma,ntenance and eaSily remed Call for deta.ls 5225.000THOMPSON lakefront' Comfortable (anch wlfull walk,out 10l'>erlevel. 3bedrooms. 2 fu'l balhs, gas log f,replace ,n 'alTll!yroom. some appliancesstay. large declo;Cf1 la\(estde,& morel 5150.000JUST LISTED! Very n,ce contemporary on channel to all sports lakePonemah Featunng 1400 sq 11. 3 bedrooms. 2 5 baths. vaulled ceilingm GRM. doorwallto \\lap arOtJnd deck. 1st IIr laundry. fmlshed walk-outLLhas FRM wlwet bar & 1/2 bath. 2 car garage & situated en approx: 1acre Lake Fenlon Schools $147,500.PICTURE PERFECT! SpoTless 8. lovely 4 bedroom home on 2.649acres. Beaut,fully landscaped pllyate yard You'lI enjoy the '7x29 greatroom 8. large deck for enterta.nlng Home has 1sl floor laundry. 2 fullbaths. 2 112 car garage & full basemen\\l Don't m,ss thIS one' HartlandSchools. 5224.500.JUST LISTED! Beautifully landscaped 1.35 acre setling wlthls newertastefully appoInted 2 story horneT SpacIous w/t750 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms.2 fu'l baths, hardl'>ood !lOOMg ,n DRM, ceralTllCtiled kit. & master balh.pJOewood ceiling & pme plank f,oor In MBR, custom hICkory cabmets Inv.ell planned k.tchen. garden level bsmt. ready for finlshmg, deck offdln,ng area. 2 caT garage & morel $171.000. Lmden Schools.WATERFRONT ON all sports Runyan Lake' 1?tISdelightful 4 bedr~m 21/2 bath Colol'llal bOast cenlral 311. ',replace rn FRM, spaCIous kitchenwllats 01 cabinets. hard'o'tood lloors ,n LRM & bedr~ms. large deck, 2car gaiage. nice sandy beach 8. dock IS included 5215,000. FentonSchools.IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCYI SpacIous & "new' 2103 sq. ft. 1 1/2 storyhome on peacetul wooded 2 acre setlmg' 3 bedrooms w/rna-sler bedroomon main floor, 25 baths. 151 floor laundry, fireplace In GRM. form~1dining large kllchen w:nook. bsmt. 8. 3 car garage. Near Sprcer sOrcha;d 8. eas access to US·23. S214.900 Hartland Schools.


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"t~... ,,- ~,SO\'l • h.l") lhe:charm of Ih" engaging ~ \101)A'u:r"um ,'..lIng. ::!";Jrgafage. cenlrJl air... all·1n.:1o,el-.MJm,ured la.. n. pJllO " IlRl::!5 t>alh,.plu,pJr""e! 11",'r' Se(' TodJ}' SIJS.900 \IL#5J~539lllj}.lJ~-1~~


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1.\·0~. Cu-romkllh horIl.:- t» CJlIanCI;",k II01TlC'o.SIlk cnlT)garage.~IS "''''Jll·lO k>-<:I&: "'hirlpoolIut> to fl Celhnc' on 1'1 nOl'r ~,l·OUIlhml .. 'BRI:! 5 roth, PoOd \Ie .. ,'1(' S19~ 500 \ILIIH777181(}.~9·.\550

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Cbsed Wed-ThJrs DARUNG BUILOCNG CO..[)(ama~ open rarteh plan Yr1lt\( "'5..;.;11)540-..<.:;.;,;..;.;'..;.;166..;.;. _high cetlIngs fealtlfes greal room YOV E to ....._.1 WIll are "'ed 01W1lh call1edraJ ceding and fll'e- ..,.." • ,- ..place, IormaI dlt'ilng room. gour. COU"llry roads & ....anI some CIt'ImetlSJand w.en WIth oak IW life. CaD me & lets talk abcx.4 522Ma'ly CUSlorn lealures Ideally Aberdeen Way in HoweL Alocated W tMu'.es from 1-96 reaDy noce home, wa!k lO hIglarid US23 lnYneoa:e oco.Jpa.'l- school. elemeolal')' - & library. GREAT LOCATION!cy Bloke!s YreTcome. S230,900 near CtJlens S127.500 114764 3 bea'oa1\ t.Io baih r<n:tl 01ADlER BUlL"' .... & DEV CO Bi?ar1c U,N"",~ 1':. __ LN. ............ 111'0 """'~-'

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RANCH wd1 wa.'k""t 4-br, 25ba:h ha:d lK>O:l lIocr Prced toseI O"l 2 $ acres tI pa.-ad!se51 65 500 (NO'1<)! -aoo-oas-28 1919-11 Ga..., Sue Ln


November 16, 1995


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201 BYRON Rd MJ.-.a-,-.a.'I'.ms lots 01 "or. S79 900 3)t'ar la.'ld CXY.ta..~ ... :.'1 2')'.~, Br~r o-;.~~Oa-'C.ee.;; 1rY'~'e c« vea"C/1517p.:S-S137

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CHARUING CAPE Cod lt1SoI..':'OIes: side ~ br. I ea:nllQOC ~()OtS sc·et!'ed pc.'th!of:"".aI ()N'.g 1 car gara~" c.1·?Ott ,-.a'ly upda'es5131900 Ca1 l511;5*1402

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317 Ga1dollr1C#, 363 F~HorwF_ Y~:e<',fO'lt ~

318 Gt'OS$e ?oon:'! 3&« RNI~~ 407 I.\c.bloe Homes

319 ~ 370 t~Home~ 406 I.Acble Hcne Sl'l!

320 ~ 371 ~IorSa1e 409 Soo.«toem Rertal5321 ~ 3n CorOOs 410 Ttnl! $tIMe ~u!s32'2 Holy 373 ~IM& 411 ~~323 ~ T~ Ao-tals324 lrden 374 ~tdHQ-r>es

412 lJw'>g ~~etS 10

325 LMna 375 ":ole Homes$l'lare

326 MoIlr::rd 376 HomesUnde<414 Rooms

327 I~~ ~ m ~~328 I~ 3n

421 ~elO

329 IIcM l,.a.l..efrcrC~1 E.xctl¥'9'!330 OIJ<~ 318 l&l<.6~~ 422 O!'<e$paa!331 Oro'1T~ ~f 423 Corm'oero.al ~""laI

Lal<.e()rn~ 379 ~~ 424 Land .332 Perry 380 ReSQlt \Illca:Jon 4)) Ga.-~ Vn StoraQe333 ~ Prope<ty 440 Vhtf1,tld To Renl334 Ptyrno..e1 381 ()..c c:J Stale Prope<ty 4&1 Wart.ed to ~ Resort335 ReoIotd 382 loCs & ~'hea'1 Property336 ~er "'-tl<In Hots 383 TrneSlwe 450 Ft.tnVe~(.aI337 Royal OIJ<.OIJ< 384 le&S6~ to 80Jy

p~~ 385 ~lM'I:l Con- 456 RetuI~V'I\:lOOs338 Salem SAlem Towns.hc>

lI'acu 457 ~~~339 5oIAtlf~

:.>e6 Moneyto~ 458 lu.$6~IOE\o.1t:>40 SQ.cnl~ 4$9 Hou$e 5«'.1>9 Se<'.'ICe

341 ~'387 RNIEsWeW~ 4<>0 ~

~Gtf9OtY 380 Cemefe<y loCs c -:. = - I~I-tomes •3-Q \.lroorIl.A~Wt"e la'e COUU~RlA1. 461 ~ca,e343 W~ SALJ: OR l£ASE 462 Hcne Hea'ln Care)4& V~~/.eId- 390 ~~ 46J ~ F¢t The Iq!d

~l.A<.e 391 eus.ness & 404 lots<: FOtR«t345 VI~W~re ~~~

N---.g~ .. ..."....~~.~"' ....~~ ..... ~'n.-~o.1'd ..... -.. _ ~~ ~T"..., ~ 32'J E G-ro:lAo.-t< _Uoch9'" ~ ,~1T) ~l'OOO >b'"'cto- --. ..- .... ,.". "'" ., IlCUQl ..., ...--. """"'Ob-ooto- --.. ~ ro~cny., tw'dho_1tld rn,~ c/ """"".........._~_~" ~.~.,,...,,"""" ...... """......,,,<J ~• or;woo:l I"(l"'-" t>e _...-......,. C/,~ ... ""*..-:n .."..".... ...,. too ~ toe'C'O.... '"'"""....".". Nor ~ too.........,... Pu:>Is/'>of • ...,... .u ......... ,. ~,. r..,....,."'...• ....c.,..d.,r.r __ ral-.gJc,c/l)O,~ohcro ........ ~"_·~~ ......~ ...~. n. ....~ ~~ ~"""""'''"'''9 too "'¢ .,.,..,.,.." ..r... ()yr ~ ... '-"'C) ...,.....,.,....,. -.;0 _ .......__~ oJotJo ~ ""'""'9~ ......./t.&14 \'ROoc nO;eJr...,}31 n eos",",}

QouI«lUl /t4_ ~" ...or._ ~ ....~." ~ .........,. ............ "" on3 ~ &"'l''''''''' _ ...... Iio:>-wT,...., ..... <'d """" c-N' ""....,... ..,.


£.... HcuoIt'oQ ~ ~ We ... ~ ",.,. lIelIf ....,_,c/vS :>oioc"f \or,.,...".,.., ........."~~~~o.A""""",,, Wt~}t0n3""""",,r"""""'."',"'~.-.:l-"'·....-.g~ .....f'\ --"C1,..... .... f'O ~ i: et..C;Vl "'~ t.cat....M cJ r ..... C:x;I ......1":;1"0;;;-. ,..~»"'....CJl"9'"'E~ ~ ~QO't.r\l/ ""9"" '£~ ............CJwcrJ'.l'(T..c.Il. "-M"""'" F'~, .. " ••

COMMODIOUS CONDOFaces wooded area. 3 bedrooms. 2'1r balhs.with fun basement, fireplace, central air.includes all appliances, Immediate occupancylMl#557294 $122,000313·455·6000


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11nckney. 1*My. IOlati updat-ed 3 bedroom. but In hot tub.wa.'k·n cIose~ huge dedi: Wl:hbeaut4U V'ett'. Fl'eplace. Beaut-My landscaped Iol M sportslake. 2'" car hea:ed garage.Ready SO move, going OIJI 01slate. $175. COO (313)878-2761

BEAUTIFUL 2 yr. old Mtombuill ranch r:I new sub 3 br~ 2'.;ba:t'oS. OU'sand"ng rll'llSl'.ed lol\erlevel. upgrades galore'(313)878-0850

NEW 3 br. ranch W1lh I''; 6a:h.1.5 car garage WlItI IMI 101poyilege 00' 5 acres Model tl be

4 BR. l'~ bath ranch. fireplace. buil. CaJ Sweeney and o.PQr"uo,2'" car allathed finished garage! (810)363-2138 •andbsmt 5129,900. (810}437-6m. (810)685-9014. '

WOOlBRJDGE LAKE Estalts 1$J j W. Bloomfield! havong a blow oul sale. ~

Orchard Lake there are Otit a few IoIs lefI inthe prestJgious IleW COf'I'Vl'lOnfy01 Wooctlridge lake E~leSkca!ed along \he pristtle watersof WoodI:JOOgelake Lots ~ atW SSS.OCO don1 ITlISS out on!J'e opportur1Ily of a ldelJme '

Cat Steve Of Janel Stock.1():\(810)360-3900 •



1240 5O.FT R.a.-.;h, 3 br, 2ballls, fI'epIate. screened bac~porch. r.wI noor Ia~. at-1aCtled frished garage newlurpace 5. aw 5127,900 lmmac·u1a'e'18tOj684-2245

HOWELL.. ··5146'SOO····

'Ger,l:eman's CwWv Eslale''SpaCIQlJS Horr.e 01 1 6 ktes'


(810)231·1600 •NOVI HOLlE. 2X()sq It. 5 br. 2balM. 2'" car ~age. r.ev.erroof. r.e-.- central a'r and furnaceW1h Modof>er a~ new W1yIW'lldows ne 0'1 al..'"'VlUm SJ(j;ngAonda room W1".'l nice clecit.aOla"d mmng NOYI Schoo:s$167 goo (810j4i8-S732

PINCKNEY•• .. S169,900 .. ••

'lakelronl- AI $po.1S''Comple:e'y Remodeled'




FOR YOUR DREAM HOMEIe..::el~~ ~"tS"..urt Ire ho'T'.es. Rudy I:lr piat .. t>ot"t 501-.... Nt pont ~ .1!l 09t"' are.s.~e war.~ Peot!<l & SlMy!d ~ Rtsl:'c1lOnSLrd~ lrnS pcssllIr 25... down, 9'lo .-. 3 y<.nLQCaled .., Gjloy Road .Nc>":1 01 a-d ~......EJSl 01~ ~ ~dGoll~ Vl\llts ~96ric'Odtxt,Hl

Parcel Acres PrIctt11 3.66 565.900n 3.17 $56,90013 2.68 $47.90004 2.20 $39,900

Red CarpetHot!RED CARPET

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OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN.Nov. 18 & 19 1·4 p.m. 3752 Jewell

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ENJOY THE HOLIDAYSIn front of your gas log fireplace, in this cozy2 bedrooms, 2~ bath end unit townhouse.Light and airy inlerior, large eat-in kitchenwith cabinets galore. ML#55750 $101,000313·455·6000


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WALKOUT SITE .. SV. ACRESBeautiful Hamburg Township. Already perked,wooded site. Pinckney schools. 150 ft. onpaved Hamburg Road. ML#552258 $65,000313-455·6000, A public ser ...ic~ of Ihis ntw~~per



\, I

, ,

I;i,.' " ..-....::

•'/~ 16, 1995-CAEATJVE lMNG

I Mobile Homes It2X60 FLAUlNGO Iocaled 11Bng/1lon v~~ 2 Sr. washefldIyef and freezer. tOxl0 sheda.'1d & to deck. S6200(313)697·7826

HOWELL • CLkie·sae VIeW.14x70 WIlli &40 add on. deluxefea!llfes. rea! prelly, caD APPlEMOBILE HOME SALES. 5elJefs UoliValed ' Prlees(810)227-4592. Dropped' Open 7 DaysHOWELL _ Huge NEW rncdkr • F"wneing Arrangedon fenced prNa:e k( ""th gara ge • CHILDS l.AK£ • Wford NEW5~.900. CREST M06lt.E HOMES. set up, reat1j 10HOMES. (517)548«(l1. purchase, ITlOYe rl lTIITleOa!efy,

HOWELL - NEW 3 bedtoom. ~enl speoaIs on selecled'51 Farone ESlates across from • KE"''SINGTON PLACE-NewB.g Boy • S29,900 CREST u.....~ S9 900 2 br 00MOBIlE HO/o!ES. (SI7)548-oo:J1 ~~ ri built bedS f:::xeHOWELL 1989l.lberty. 3 be 2 play fOOO'I n cM:Irens br, extra ~::..:....:.:....:.:....:..- _baths. MlJst sel $22.000 0( best nslalalxln. full applia'lCes. ex·

tremely dean a'1d weD man·offer. (517) 548-7519 ta.ned. large fror~ ivng room.HOWELL • must be rro.ed. ~11ast longl2xSO. 1968. 51900 best offer CHILDS lAKE·M.llord, Iatge 3caa (517) 546-1450 - bI'. tag. snatk bar, french 000r.==~.!...:,.;.~=------:= Jaccuzzi. deck W1lh door wal of!

rear 01home. 541.900• COUNTRY ESTATES •Northl1ltelSooth Lyon. Nevi 3bI'~ 2 balll. double 'Mde. cen:ralilil'. lot rent speoal. 519900 lortNO ~ars. reatty 10 ~534.400.• COMMERCE ME.AOOWS-WrT.·om. GORMET KlTQi£N. AKITCHEN MADE FOR COOK·ING. 57000 of clekixe awIlMlCes.spaoous double 'Mde hemecentral a.r. deck. £.replace. mas·SI\ e ~pooI1ub. ceramc bie rlJulchen & balll. 539.900 •• COMMERCE MEADOWS- W'J,'om. large selection oC spaoous.mnaclJla:e double .,,-de homesSome on lake lots W1lh glassed Il'lFlonda rooms. decks. flfep!aces.fuI applia. "CeS PrestgoJs see-n.c COIMl\Xllly fll'\aJ'lCln9 ar·ranged cal ('(]'#I lor bestse!ecloon.• KENSUKJTON PLACE· NeoNHudsoc1. lOx)) healed glassed _-'--'- ....... ~'__ ....fl porch. Iuf appliances. deck.large expando. comer Iol. ser~r10 help .",L"l rro.e 1'1 expensesS9.9OO

SOOTH LYON 1990 Scho~~ 3 bI'.2 ba:l'l. roew ~nces a r Bestotter (810~37-6-l79

WEBBERVILLE • la:e model 3bed. aI ~'lCeS em.s LO WHlTLlORE LAKE . Nort!'l!.eldLOT IiEln. lO ()()WN foel. Esu'es 14.70 Ba,,\'I('Il. appIl.fL"la"lCe t32.l 519900 a'lCes. r~eplace a-.:l decI<. VeryCREST I.'06I\.E HQl.1 ES good CQn()t(;>n fJ:ty S19 900(517}548-0001 HOLLY HOLIES (313) :~9-Q711

• _.:. ......... ..r"" __ ••




NEW tnlDSOIUS. LYON AREAdouble 'Mde 1992 mobile home.3 bedrooms. 2 lut baltts. spa.CIOUS kllchen W1lh sk)itil. a.newer ~ ~. ca·lhedraJ ceilr9- cenlraJ at Pnced10 se. at 524,000. Lealll mes-sage (810)437-7121

...~ .... ~':'1 ......




3bed.2bolt\.~IS8< rroto. Fl'"O'IClnQ

00'0JabIEI.2yea ron! speed

On /lq>Ief lid.I ~W.oI_omlld.I We S. 01 Gtcncl_OPEN 7 DAYS I

ear JoI'n





3 bed. 2 bolt\. 01 GEappliances InClud,ng...asher 8< dryor andcenlToI or. 01T1er 11e'.... 8<pro·owned nomosovoIable.OKNW.ID-4;SUUYAm.onGl'crdS!l'o'tr.1-9hxJ I~

CoI Co:t1v 0( lee

r8101 437.2039

WHlTIIORE LAKE • Noclhflelcl '.Estates ShatP sectJonaI home, 3 .bedrooms. 2 baIhs. large Mlgroom. cenlral 311. SS4~'rro. ICCaIrQ.ocIes k( rer(. (9.25% APR.10% ~ 240 mol HOLLYHOLIES (313) 449-0711.

W1iITUORE LAKE • RemodeledSI/"QIe 2 bed. 1 baIh. weplaceand lI'IOIe. caD APPLE MOBILEHOIo!E SALES. (810)227-4592

WHITIIORE LAKE • HarrturgHdl$ • hJge oo.bIeMcIe. a'~ & more Huge 0\JlsIcIeIol S33 SOO • t32S 10 doI\ n.'Ael f.nara CREST MOBILEHOMES. (517)543«l:l1.

Homes UnderConstruction


END UNITl..3s.l1lll11 left in --Sold Out"PIwe II L3le EJ~oodrondominiums Almost1600 sq fl. 2 b.1lh~ fullb.lsc rnetll. ranch '" I lintfloor bundt), 29' li\;ngroom plus 20' f.urulyroom. sl) hghts. eoz) rue·pb.:c. pm-;lle g'lred roun.) :In) Re'ld) ~o ....! Vnil #60 (7566 R'ldchffe )

ALSONo .... digging ~rnenl inPtusc III urnl itS, end unil.Schu,;s R:lnch. I N 2 bed·room. 1575 sq (I full",:IlL'OUI b~rnenl. S3Ille

;1S.u.o\e floor pbn. open-Ing mid Ftbru;uy. be.:luti·ful \l OO<kd sile o\er rook-Ing 101d) pond (fronl &;re.:ll) COOKe slIe SI3S.900.See Rldwd Bune.~llctllg:lTl Group on siled:llh .11. modd 12-4. closedWe.fr,esdl). open Sund.1y2·5. or c~1 RICk .1t 810-229·0~ l..3J,.e Edge"''OOd

IS one: '" esl ofI""8'''''00J d 'f~1 ofT Grand• Rl\er


Howell Chateau1-800·471·08001-517"546-4242

KNOLLS SYLVANGLEN 1993 Skyline16xSO floor space, 3bedrooms. too muchto list. Space to park 3cars. Looking atoffers.

HAUBURG • Handyma.., olderdoIt:>Iewicle. openliCiOfP13n tWhcieri. Good starter home. calAPPlE MOBfl.E IiOME SALES.(810)227.4592

NOVL 1995 L\Jlch 28x70 rrodeIhome Offered by YCD HomesOlIIer model homes ava.lablelot cent speoaJ 10 Ql>Ql&f>edbuyer. ca_ Cnstai at1810)349-39.19

HOVl 1995 model home. 14x72.3 br • 2 baths 527.900 0 doI\l'l &toe rent speoaI 10 qualifiedbuyers Dale. (SI7~~29S4.Dee, (J13)495{ln8 Of Cnstal(8t0)349-m9.

HOVL SHULTZ 14x70Yo.·expando 3 bI', 2 ballls. anappliances. double corr",r 10I512.000 (BIOI 347-3882



fSlEE lOT RENTOn se:ect rrodels.

3 beO'~ 2 balN.oppkrIce$ & more

()ptn sat. 1210 SOn WIxomRd., .. Ml.Iiof 1-96


18101 684-6796SOUTH LYON 14x70 ,,'t'! 3bedrooms. app6a.'lCes. dec~ &allTw19 Only 511,900 HOllYHOLIES \3131449-071l


SALES,,1..,,,"/ p<"('"iIOtJSPy ""'redt>on'C'> 10 O>oose IromsI3n'"9 al '5.000F,naoClr.(l Avn,1. toQua',lled -buyers Call10031'

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(t I1"'IIe N o! M·S9)

(810) 887-4164


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Rq>cr: trt tab t1pJ tN:l et::t :~J1>oany """.tt,....rl Nr.. ID_~rJrD:a.v.:!s of ddJan '" IllUral and lata ..1lcl tNy 101> tAn rJr~.

A FREE Reporl b.u jllst been rdused lb.at ib.ud the1JnJe kno ...n ~LS of bo.....to bll)' )'OUl' !Iome for \bebest price aod (Ill ancing rates pelSSJ bJc:. Doc'l m.U: e lI1U.tUt5 lb.at c.a:I cost )'OU 1bous&nds I Just caD 1(800) m·65J5,24 hrs., ror • fREE f'eCXll"ded message to r:dyour ropy of this eye-opallng ~port. Call NOW tofind out "bat odlen L"'C hoping )'OU De\'(f cud &hool'

e-~ t(CA:JHl '-U, ScIt_Q' hA' r.-.

BRIGHTON. 4 131.eoli::lOla~ 3'~baths. 1$I floor mas'ef bI' . grea'room. flfeplace S209 900 caRBu'lder. l810l~15S

hem Property

When you buy a new manufac·MOO home Il'I NOClh.'ield Estates

LOOKING FOR your special MHC 111 Wtulmore lake. Foe rio.p-ope-ly' A.~ iI'lOooc arena, track. ca9 LllIIe Vaney Homes. :..:..::..:..:.: _,)'aca~l \a.'ld boar:it>g stable oe a (313)449-2626 01' (313}449-85.55

'::-.110 'am' ca. tle HORSE BUYING OR SELUNG A: FARU DIVISIO.~ of ERA SAVE SSSS: Owner just RE· UOBIlE HOLlE?• laySOn and let the HORSE OUCED prce 52.000 on thIS Greentree offers fina:lCIogT Foe'FARM SPEC1AUSTS oorect you bealf.iul SCHUlT cloub1e'll1de III more details call: 1 800 333-9693: In',) :i1e pe"ed ~!ace loe you the Holtt area Home has 3 Ask tor Matt or Khns, ,910"':37 -€9OO bedrooms 2 ba!hs WIlh J3CUZlIIl'I, master balti. built rl ~r. COUPlE can pay up SO SSOOO:1 Ibay WIIIdow II IMng roomand lor good clean usEO~mOOlle ~BURG • anXJOtJSser,er, Condos large sl'.ed Iocaled on large _home:-.:.....:.(5_'..:7)54~s-_3803__ ,__ Unjlue doubleW1de brea~~t• , corr.er lot CAll N(JH TO rooclI. eroErgy Mfoen: bf ods: SAVE' X·l1 • • f.replace a'ld more CaU APPlE• ARST nlolE HOUE BUYERS MOBlLE HOME SA.LE5·BRlGHTON. BEAunFUL 2 br. MOTIVATED SELLER: 14x70 lS10)227-4592

:nba~" 2 car a'lached garage, CARROlLTON 2 I 2 WIlh ra.'lge We represer~ several bar,ks •• ~~§g§§§~~~~~~~§~¥:~~~*~;¥'::7~~;ne..'l1al oecor. foeplace. balcooy. and rell'3era:ot. bay 't.'1I1dow. lI'el repo$. new & used Ma~r l<q';wa'Q;1 lc\\er iel'el 5118.900 bar. "'''3'1(.1'\ close's al'Jd ga.'6er1 choose from. Tax al'Jd Llle do'IIn{(SI0) 231·ms tub Ask.og 513 500 Z-46 Della Homes. l-aoo-968-737~ t,"

~LESURE CO-OP WIICrl Fllst CENTURY HOMES FOWlERVILlE· Gra~e;oIfer.og, end unl1. 1 br. 1'~ (810)695-8607 N'<:e 80 looter. 3 bed. 2 ba:h.~oa'!>s. tin s"ed bslT't. pe!fect LO DOWN. QUICk ClCO..\W!CY.~::1 Pe~ucecl:O ~ 9OO,Shld- ,. '$21.900 ... Well-f.na'lCe 10#321;.ey Cash Fea':)' (810j34.:·2SS8 WHY RENT? CREST M06ILE HOMES

(517)50l8-O001.~OVl 2 Of ra:1d1. ~ fl()O( 5319 pet month·9a~. a:Iachecl garage. large ~ new 16" 'Mde and ~ FOWlERVILLE. 2 br, I ba:h.'lJr'\'a:e patIO pool. teMPS. pets renC 2 bedroom. t ba!ll. 5" washer:dryer hook·up All applj-Pc SO 7 COO (S 10)476-.548 7 doI\Tl balance 20 year. 8 3,~. ances. Ia'ge deck. carport. large'. var.ab\e rale Or new clouble s.'Ied. fll'lanClllg available me-;"WH!TUORE LAKE. Builders W1de d'.ate occupancy (517)223-8500>t:Io5eC<Jt Nel'i 3 br. 2 car:...:-.aeted ga'age. central air HAUBURG • 14x70 'MIll 8xlS..freplace Ia~etront VIeW. 2 left expa.'ldo. 2 bed 2 ba:h. new'S129 900 Open 1·5 closed furnace. new aor. new s."led on:~oUr~y (313}49-w.:O A!:Ja ~~Ef. (:ioPlE'227~~LE.(;ons:UC"..cn"

livingston Counly

HOWELL CHATEAUNew 16x72 Schult 3bedroom, 2 bath. newshowing.

HOWELL CHATEAUWell mainlained12x56 with 12x52expando. 2-3bedroom, 1* bath.central air and more!Nice, clean home.Take a look!

"'IOBILE"O"'IE LOANSt:z -\rl' - I:Z TU,N'"QUICK _-\I'I'HO\ _\L~gHI(JIn 0:" ornel:

c,'\\ L.arryStone



rillillltj.ll ,:;,'-" i, t''>

LlOBlLE HOYE 1987. "e' mat'-laned 2 bedroom. n ba:hLocated 111 NOVI school d<s:rCl5169CObest P'.ease ca~(610)624·2511

NEW HUDSON· 1976 1~.60. 2bI' f~eplace. a~, a~ a~<a'lCesSO 900 Itr.mecl.a:e oo:upa."lC)'(810}437-4456

NEW HUDSON· good COt1d~()O2 bed .l appIla.'lCes SSOOO ,u~pnce & 1 f'l'\O FflEE 101 rerlCREST M06lLE HOI~ES(SI7~-OOO1

NOVI UEADOWS. 1991 14.663 be. 2 ba'.l'.s. cen:ral a r. e.eCOt1d. $15 ioo Ca:1810)229-6963 HER!!~fi'~~~h~

409 N. Main St., Milford (810) 684·5346IHERITAGE HOME OF THE WEEK! I

CASS LAKEThIS immacutale dollhouse 00 a double canalfrOOI lot on all sports Cass Lake IS a mUSl seeMany u;>dates including lotchen 2 car garageand canal parking for 2 boats BIT}' IlO'o'. and beIhe first one on the lake next spnng' O'llyS144.900 Mr713 Ask for Paula


CLARE COUNTY. la:r: 3 bI'IlOrre G'eal poIental. a so Que$lhouSe & 3 ear ga'a~ on 1 5acres .,,1t/I 200 11 on CE1a'Rr.-er nrt'..-.g ltltWfl IOC 'J.~:see. $35000 Kehoe ~a!ty h:(5'7).l~=--- _

Me E 2 br moMe la-,e k( pOlebarn. II'T:tlf1 3 10 5 mIes of 5:a'elard Deeded Wa'er acnss IeTIt'..aba ...assee Rr.er '8oa~'10 \~'Jom lake G'eal 9€f a-wayla"d c:on:racl lem-s 523,400Kehoe ~a'Ty Ire (517~~

UP . .:oo; la10e "locl'l n:b'~hor..e blac~ ~ Ri.1 1\0 beache«1rc S22 000 \81 ~,68-: ~ 9

GREEN Oall T'AP. bu'lt., 19935 SOO sq It 5 bI' S', batns. 4

I'r.re-places. 1st flooc Master SlY.e.I j '.'I car al!3Ched ga'age CoIo-: rJelI on 1. acre It1 Green OakI hp $epa'il:e fJI ~rtrr'",~1 111I \o-...er IeYel 'foa'K W. AJ tt' S and: Much lI'IOIe. 3$"-"9 S30S (XX): (610)437.5..'07

: VILLAGE & COUNTRY WATERI .lR£.A.Th'ENT l~~ l!'e "a·: :er rl1 your hon'~.~10) 227-4712~~f I Lakefrontl~I I Waterfront Homes~ .:' ADORABLE, CO'"'P~:ely remod', e'ed 2 ~oom '1ome on lal;e, ~ 5119900 O_~k Cl(;.

: euparcy cal Fer.ee BANFIELDt REAL ESTATE ·1517~.: I517J~3J3

14X70 WIDECK. 2 bedrooms.new burter carpet. cenlral aJr.dishwasher, gas SIeVe '" fridge.large shed. 517.900(517)S48-3259leave message

1961 RlCtiARDSON. 2 br. par.lJaJy lI.mshed. WebberVille area.(517)546-3991.

1987 VICTORIAN 14x7S .,,'acldon. Sylvan Glen ESla!es. Lcts ofems. !lICe area 545.000(313)429-1455

HOWELL CHATEAU1989 14 x'SO Premier,3 bedroom. 1* bath,2 x 6 construction,dsywan walls, NICE!NICE! NICE! "21,500HOWELL CHATEAU12x56 Croyden starterhome. 2 bedroom, 1bath, 7x12 expando,resealed roof summerof '95. Call for our newlow price.HOWELL CHATEAU14 x 66 Redman WIth6 x 10 expando. 8 x14 glassed porch. 3bedroom. 2 full bath.Come look at thishome! Priced Right

HOWELL CHATEAU1974 Patriot 12¥65with 7x12 expando.front kitchen. 2bedrooms, 1 bath.Owner gettingnervous! New lowprice '7400.


REDUCEDI Homo Wllh nevo1y lemodc'o<j k'l'hen. r,('Wbalhroom, rool and WlO:lONS 00 extra !.1'!10 JOI w'.,ample parl"l'l9 [)ee-jed eaScmCrll 10 ,'/h,:a lal<e tlC<!'J10 seoooSlde RH·240 llOW59:>OOO (810)8a7·7500

Lots & AcreagelVacant

ABANDONED REPO. NEVERLIVED-IN on huge 3 & 4 bI'.mobile home. CUS!om built lorwaterbedW. move ~ neces·sary. F,Sl trne home bIIyersprogram available1(800J792·5S40. YaJdrn.

We need YOURlisting!Little Valley Homes



Purchase a new home by the end of 1995 and have 90 DAYS fREE LIVING.Imagine! .. NO lot payment and NO house payment for 90 days!!!

You111ovetrr.nq in CO\entcyWoods, the only •AllNew'• ."A11 Double·Wide"manufactured h<lmecommunity in the Ann ArborJ Bnghlon area• Quiet countcy Seltlng• Club houseand chlldren'S

play area• Close to all major

eXPfessways• Excellent Pinckney schools

Homel 'fI,lI,ble"fJm fhe •••

Low $30',


f« me mmation orltesehoc1esiMoltiers.

call Medallion Homes(810) 887·3701




EXCELLENT AND ECONOMICAl1 E~ 1$hefe 011 one roor No 1TlJSS-nD luss ra ndI tIUJlll'l 1991Wllh open IIooc plan. calhedra! c:eII:ng and skylog1l ongreal room Offers good we b<2lms. conl(-fTlpOr arylI'lleroor des>grI and pleaSIng decor Includes alarmsysIem Ier1ced bad<yard 'Mlh shed .1nd a!ladled901rage ~ lal:e prlV1lE'ge,Huron Valley Sd'>ooIs$94 900 C·2884

ANN ARBOR. Re~;,- to bvo<.llot 0', er 10 000sq fl "ri"4 s..onear pa'" a-ea a-.:l U 01 ...Hcspt.at EaSy access " M 1JO..r>er brcJ<!I sa soo Ca'Oa.-e a: (610)3.t8 s:ooBRIGHTON HOUEsrTE Pet'!i<;'ve"/ ~s. pa;td roaJ I ....Ie10 1-96 • 3000 le<T"'S Pr;'TMSo'\e 1610~.:..22=..;10=-- _

BFl1GHTON 66X264FT ... a·~·bIJdd'"'9 s'e C>:y ~ .. er a..:M'e" S30 000 la-<l CCt':-~~1313187&N5:..7 _

BRIGHTON T"";l Ie')' pr;n>K~ 5 a;:es ,,~a.·.!'Js:-ea.., !Teed "a~ s~e ~va~e d""-e 5115 OC() cash Otla"d Co<-,:'3C1 1810':37-413'3dJ~ l;10,:j7·!f551 M,"l~:ts .\"toe· enc:s

A TTEJrnON SELLERS. Do youneed a uealeTTOaCrlOr you 10sabSfy and complete the sale oCyour home. Ust Today withApple MoIliIe Home sales • Weadvel1Jse extens:vely 1'1 aI ar·ea·s. crea:Ne fIflancing foe buy.e(s avaiable. sabSfaclOcyresul'.s. caI Today 1@!i4Z·22B3

BRIGHTON • 3 bed. appGa."CeS.qud; occupancy, S17.500 .306.

___ -----, CREST MOBJLE HOMES.(5 17)S48.OOJ 1.

HAMBURG - 1990 nodel. 2decks . ."wded lot tlU'Jt·!l'l hott~b.f,replace. am appliances CalAPPlE MOBILE HOME SALES(810)227-4592

MilfORD • C~.'ds la~e flee1'Ior".e s avaJIa~ie \\'t/l orr.ME'CSa:eOCC'.'?a'lCj • 1"\Q'J'le Ca~ ;"PPlE~'06ILE HOME SALES1610)227-4592


M~f()(d (810)684-<>666

MLS@I:a ~=~~:~~~-~m1.83 ACRES 01 CO/TVTlcrcoal land ava~ablo on M I'ordRoad COMM·13 S7S.COO (810) 887·7500

SMALL tNVESTMEIlT lor an e.cc~el\t prof.: SO't ICe

cream bus'ness In heavy traffIC are.' JO ti,gh1ao JTOWflYlIp COl.'/,l·19 (810) 887·7500

NOT MANY bulld $lIes ava lable OIl lh,s procol 100 •211' lot JUsI weSl 01 thplendgo IrMLng on Dean 0r,V(Vti·13S.523.000 (810) 887·7500





~COWEwm~ ..........I\\WffiD3

Live FREEFor90 DAYS!!!

I~ -. ,-

GREEN aa.. t,,~ Es·.. ·e !iJ:ed 7 ac'es .. a·e~'iY.: M:JOOe<l"a":>..f Easl e"d (j 5a-'c,C·t-t" Svb 51~ em Cal1910,:37-09_70 _

GREEN aa .. r,,? .~ Ie 2 acres«s So->e .. a·tf"~~ ~"a~ Frorr, S-:2.900 Sa-oCt~~i:"s...!l81E-0970 __

GREGORY 21 .~ &:'es~ (XX) 1517J223-0~

HARTLAND SCHOOl~ 10acr~s P3'-N ':,aj 2 ~ 10 liS23 552 m Cai &e.e REO81jW 1\1); Ot :;10,0087 2738

HlRTLA."D. Ul • f"'J 2 a:r~pa·:t!s us-n & ~ Ad a'uPele.j S)) \/Xl W N-tet Gal6"tr 3cr


~ 1'~"" ~ #1 SALES ASSOCIATE IN MICHIGAN(., '-'~'l :_____ FOR 1995* _~l '~r-, ~ JOHN GOODMANI "- ....""'........ I


' ~-A" I tiThe Proven Choice".~IIlohn has $Old $28,366,000 Ihru October! John fin-J1 ishcdll in The State Of!tlichiganin 1993& 1994

with a total of $48 MiI~on Sold! lohn finishC'din the top I % of all ColdwcDBanker sales associates int.ernationaJl)' in 1993 & 1994. John finished'5 in the U.S.A. out of 55.@ agents in 1994. My success is built onputting my customers first!

NorlhvilleINovi Office41860 Six Mile Road

(810) 347-3050

~BRlGHTON, Br9gs lake~2 0CQs:l t: 4 ~. 2 bath home

• ;a'age f,'e'",.Aace 5129.900 K55HelrrU·$e~ (6101229-2191

NOVI 4 br . 2 ta'11 ra.sed ra'lChA:-.ached ga'age a~. 2 rla".Jfal

• , '~Iaces i.:;?Ca'OO 'upgraded'~.ea· CC<"V"lt.tl'ly pool. dub~ '!C<.se. parks $159.900 (lal'Jd, con" act 01' rell: .vth opt.<ln

~s.boe ) l610):>U-4430

ManufacturedHomes BRIGHTON - OJick oocupancy.

Vacant ~. loaded TheKnolls d. Sytian G1em CanAPPLE MOBltE HOME SALES.(810)227-4592.

• lhru nud }'CU


• EO<1lI>ome ~,ranctarCl W'It'l c.ar~Il"9"'''~'IoOI'Id'lo'OO<l~_..~.~

.,..~ ctn" ............. ~ba't\.oldbOlit P'v'tmort


, ,

HARTLAkD 10 ACRES1 :J a V19 ror..r'9 :rew ..!"~a."!t.ol p:r<:l P.ec..«d Lo.-.o-,...>1.... ~~ (0'0 S24W'1J

HOWELL r~3C'es $30 OC() 3acr~s S32 000 ~ ~ ,y..r~s$-:5 OCO 1517,s.:a{f.,~

HOWELL W'OOoS 1 ~ 1322."d 1 ES2 acrf'S CI'l C>.!CI'.ertoe·.ff., La..~ a'lO "'... ~~Pt-<\'ed a'ld v,t',-N1517,223~1:.:)J:.-. _

LMNGSTON eo",', Wtt«<v:e sthods ?~"'e-jere 10 acrt~.a'ef;l & ~ee 2- ",'e pa'CE':$15171521·34.:..:7Cl:.-. _

U1LFORD. EXECUTIVE s-.t'255 acres Bea.~IJi ~"'ngr ea ...~ MlOCleO C'.J'-<*s.ac IolFerl-eo 1M se.1~10,0087'88J6.:.:... _

NORTHflELD TWP. 10 acres~"K :es'ed JUSrtTlot1U'es r~ c.If..r.r, Artor Poswe land CQtl.

t'ac1 terns' 579800 Cat YORK& YORK. INC. (313}«9-SOOO

NORTIMLLE • WO()lje<j ~a'\:>'" lets c.r~'..-.g "'·nd.ng roa~ &':;':''''9 ter'al1 C4:, "a'er &5t',,-er 5115000 lotOl3*3&OJ

SALELI T,,? 2 e~ 3 acre'oOt'"-es.:es~~ Cross 2 s:'eans'C l'le M I"oo:lecl parce's onSa e'f1 H.:ls Go.~ Ox,r5(' U'1cIer~'')\,~.d It.~,t'ts Perl<ed lC·~·"'s5119000 1313)4S3-1145

SOUTH LYON WlooIs LyonT I.p 341 acres perl-eo~69 9')j (31j}-t49-86J 7

r.I Country Homes ABANDONED REPO

MortgageJland Contracts I----

• Good Credit• Poor Credit• Bankruptcy OK• land Contract

Refinancing• Debt

Consorldation• Payoff

Collections• selt Employed• No Income

Verification• Fast Closings• PurChase!



BRIGHTON· Sylvan Glen KnoDsBeller than new 15 W1de. 3 bed.2 balll. ac upgrades, '325CREST MOBILE HQt;lES.(517)548-0001.

: DEXTER·STATEL Y 100 year old,fa..... hone 011 1 91 treed &',Ia~ aC'es Conp!e:ely"renova'eo 2300 sq It, 3 br. 2, bc:ns gour:'~1 Mc."len. fOl'fT'.a!

d I'W"I9 de'l. 1s: roOOf Iaur>jry .1ex36 OI)~ IXIOl & mucI1rT'lC"e 5189900 (313) 426-2489

NEVER k\'OO n Huge 3 and 4bedrooms. lnckJdes fridge &S10\'e Low OOIITl payment WJIlTlO\'1! d r.ecessary. caltoday

DELTA HOiIES1-«JG.96S-7376

BRIGHTON 2 br ~ 10x500.. , 't.>bedroom. deck, screened porch,shed Lot S225 per month.SOSOO (8t 0)229-5547.


sedJona!. 3 bI' • 2 baths home onspacIOUS treed SIle. 1CT'If1'ledialeoccupancy. 542.900 can OAR·LING HOMES foe appt (517)546-f>074

Farms!Horse Farms

, I,

S399 pel monthIIICIlxjes Tot rero!. 3 bedroom. 2ba:h SQ. do ...Tl. bala'lCe 8 ',~vanable rate Lm:ed!.me rdot.Heartiand HoMes.(8t 0)380-9550

Sunday, November 19, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.Off of Old U.S. 23 between Hilton and Hyne Roads in Brighton.

View seven fine homes all in the same subdivision. Thiscooperative realtors open house is sponsored by:

The Michigan Group 810-227-4600Heritage Better Homes and Gardens 810-227-131 1

Prudential Preview Properties 810-220-0000-10435 Greenbrier. Hartland Schools. '215,500.

Host: Car1 Vagnetti. The Michigan Group - liv.- 2545 Pigeon Forge, Brighton Schools, '218,900.

Hostess: Lyn Banks, Heritage Better Homes and Gardens.- 10458 Sourwood, Brighton Schools. '229.990.

Hostess: Paula Thielen. The Michigan Group - liv.- 10428 Abrams Fork, Hartland Schools. '227,900.

Hostess: Marcia Geise. The Michigan Group - liv.• 10075 Abrams Fork, Hartland Schools. '204,900.

Hostess: Lucy Mouser. Prudential Preview Properties.-10100 Abrams Fork. Hartland Schools. 1217,777.

Hostess: Irene Kraft, The Michigan Group· liv.-10156 COVington, Hartland Schools. '224,900.

Hostess: Lyn Banks, Heritage Better Homes and Gardens.

Top Listerfor October 1995NOlthville / Novi OfficeCarol Copping

Congratulations Carol on another great month!Your Imow/edge of the market, .negotiatingshills and relocation experience make you a trueprofessional.If YOll are thinking of buying or selling, give...Carol a call. '..

(810) 348·6430Real Estate One1045 Novi Rd. - Northville ','_i

........ -......... _ ..-... ..;. ..... ~.. " .'.

III1 Mortgage!I Land Contracts

WANTED DISTRESSED pr~IlleS nWestern Oakland CWtt------_--1 or lakelront or access coaage ACCOUIffiNGlTAX FIflI,Iwirhin2 tv cltNe (810)437·2454 60 business & 400 personaJci-

CASH FAST from ycu home. _.--------. enls. S37.000.leave message atGood crecSl • poor creot. No (810)698-2334.crecSl • ~ consoIldabon. FreewIysis. fqJallbJsng lender.t-800-975-8412 - --1

1 II I Cemetery Lots

I Business &ProfBUildings

BRIGHTON. Prolessional (j.fice space. 9.000sq It.$6OO.COO W. 0vJde letIeasilg eat KaII.(810)229-2469

I CommerclaVRetallSaleJLease

I., Real Estate'U Wanted

, I CommeIclaVinduslrialI Sale or Lease


t I Business~ Opportunities

WHlTUORE lAKE. 2 homes on~ parcel Good cond. Newsewers. easy access ~ IJS.23Land C<lntracl tenns" 589.500caJ YORK & YORK, INC.(313)449-5000

IIII j Induslfflarehouse~ SaleJLease



AlL cash. Pay lor houses andUC. ar>t COI'ldobOO Ca_. Ralph.(&:):))Cm JOS


PRIVATE lIlVeSlor bo.ttsConltaets TtIP W.ar(517)S46-5137.0a'\



Rea~ ra'e C H EIt..-ards5r (81014)7.7036 or 474-4721.

TIJi.<;WeekendFri., Sat. & Sun. 11 am-Spm

at Stratford VillaManufactured Home Community

All models feature: For a limited time• DeluxeG E. appliances: S249/mo. site rent for 3 yearsl

refrigerator.range.dIShwasher. I

space savermicrowave.lull size $1000 fUl

~~~ ~~~M~• Plus Ireecentralair (pot-/we 3OdoI(S ~':llt~1• 3 & 4 bedrooms 7 New Models On Display• 2 lull baths

Community Features:• HuronValleySct100ls• Healed Pool• BeauhfulClubhouse• Close to 12·0aks Mall• MinutesIrom ProudLake

Call Dennis Eagen(810) 685-9068

684-6794located on Wixom Rd. 4 miles N. of 1-96

·'I!~t\o.",l~ ....-..~n·t,",.... ....1 tn1h( R .... o(",

·f O(1T'~l(lrl"';R •• "..,

• """'~ 1'1 ( "'''''''' ,,! ..,,·cr \ ...l t:

•f, .. h, k .(""'.\ ...•... J·41t "" ...,... t .. fI.~....,,~ I


..1'( ."Mf)">ll( 1'(0 'I".. "'l

(I: .."J;I,,"A "' .. ct• ,-, ...I~Ir"t 1>."'·_.....' ... ,~" \ P.. , ...(hn~l!.l~ II (,J.".. ..

.. .t fk'Jt" Iow1 .. : I R..•....

..~l .1 'nAhc'\JIIIM4i;C

.\A I ~f.,. ";II'I'lA(,,,(f~"''''..... r "'IoJ'\.t"' .....

r1..,.~.q; ·:1"'t4.. 'd_~." ~ "'.~

• ' OJ I:' -'~ .{~ L;~~n

I Realtors. ~ .ISouth Lyon

~ li(810)437·3800"'..I~kc" I...~"," (I]

SRIGHTON. Man Slreet,2OO-6OOsq ft.. man IIoor andIowet 1eveI.. reasonable rates.Frst Really Brokers lTD.(517)S46-94OO.

l1lit r~ Commerclalllnd.~ Nacant Property



D1 SR. apaflrrHol New appiane.es. carpet. aW coocSlloned. cablehooIwp. ssoo per rnonIh. Historic

HIGHLAND. Al:raewe rldustnaJ BuilOOg 00 Grand fWer r'I~ 10 lease B em or doM1Io'M1 Howel. No pelSt6.00:m It Clear span. 3 phase (511)S4S-3544~ (810,&7-4168 .:...-~_-' ----

ARGENTINE - Large 2 br. S505HOWEll TIt'~ busrless I'dlJdes IAities. No long termavaQble low $\a.1 up cost COl'lb'acts necessary. no pels.Proven rr.eltllXl cA operallOn. J.Jso 1 br. $450 (810]632~Hqllraffc voUne IocallOn. Hij1Il'lCl:tI'le ~e<\tal. Cor.tad .lcMor Ken (517)351"544 ~Cove

..... r. I •• 1WEBBERVIllE. 20 000 sq Itl'OAUlal tvlcSng Wllll 1200 sq ItrJ oI'.ce 011 8 acres CaIHals:ead ReaJtl (51n ~7·324~


ConvenienI ~ Ioealionin a relaJc ad coo ntryalmosphere. Fish orpC:ric at our private paltcon Ore Creek.Play tennis. swim 0( just~ carefree M'lg 11'1 arlfrWty dec:oraled one 0(

Cwo ~roorn apt.

REHTNOWI• Central Air• Gas Heat• Balcooies & Cable• Privale Laundromat• Intercoms• Blinds• Startklg at '485

CAlL Mon.-Fri.9am-SpmFORAPPT

81 ()..229-82TI

Office Bus. SpaceSaleJLease

FREEOff1CE SPACE lor lease onWarren Ad r'I Wes:'.a."ld Up 10~ 000 sq It Prme 1oca:lOO GalCa:oI (313~2N8000' •

Real EstateAnswers Book

~RymlIISymesCom~ny, RultOfSt

2203-4No"'; ROl'dNov!, MI -48375

Office: (810) 349·4550Home: (81q) 348·1829

Real Estate Answers BookFor Your FREE Answers Book

Covering the91 Most FrequentlyAsked Questions

and Answers about Buying orSelling a Home

Contact Bev Gilbert

Announcing eThe Prudential

Village Realtors@

Agentof theMonth



.tttt.u- Michelle for being our "Top Pr~ucer". lor the~h. If you need a lun time motivat~ realtor.gIVe ~lChelleacall at (810)476·5600. Shewill getlhe JObdone for you

Wc ha\'c 1"'0 offi('('!! 10 ~('r\e )01l10(,8t('(1 al:330 N Cl'nll'r 51•• North,i\lt" 21520 ~1t"allo"lll:oor..• No\i

·(810)319.5600 (RIO) I76 ..,ftOO



-- ..


ACCEPTABLE OFFERFlootage on Ponage canal Wllh access 10 chain oIl1lOOlakes. Home leatures 3 bdIms. 2 blhs. 2 car gar • centralair. and oomerous upgrades during past 4 yrs. Sellersare relocatJOg $t89.SOO (A·234).

Call Gerry Mostowy,Prudenllal Preview

~o_,,~ Properties (810) 22Q.1450

CREATIVE l.N\NG-No'o'emb 16. 1995-7C

Only $2,350 DownWhy Pay Re~t?

Enjo)' home ownership, taxbenefits. carefree living.swimming pool & sundeck.spacious noor plans and woodedlocal ions now available.Conveniently located nearrecreational areas and freeways.City WOller & sewer. Improvedsound condilioning. Ask abOut lowcost financing. FHA. VA approved.·"""'~(P"lrMfl~ .. ""''''J'4.J~~" 'd ..,~_ ..................._"" ...,.1".,... ..NAn.)t\.'",",-'''

Only $76,900

0. rt>ar1X TIlIIIjusI.-h 0111 M'le Rd

Located in South LyonModel Hours 12-5 Daily

Closed Thursday(810) 437-6020


r-:~~;;==!n HOWEll CoIA1y Glen ~.menIS an elderly ~'I$aceepIlng awkallOn lor 1 !lr.•apartment'eN based on inoomestarling at S288 i'lcWes heal- &waler. Barner !tee wablg ~avaiable. For more rlIormaliOncal (517;545-5592 Mon.·Fn.9-Spm. For heaMg ompairedTOO t -&»-760-t997 EqUalHousrog 0pp0rtun4y.

*South Lyon's *BestVa!ue



• Excellent LocationI PooVPIanned ActivitieslCOveredPa[kingI Short Term Leases* Call Now *(810) 437-1223On 9 Mile, Westof Pontiac Trail

s. Lyon Area _Rent from

$469• Large 1 & 2 Bedroom

• YiaIk-kl closets• FtJIIy carpeted .

• SMmtlg pool, ci.tIlol.&l<fREEt£AT



Thursday. November t6It 3:30pm • DeadIlne forHomeTown Connection,Uonday Setviee Direelo-rt. Wednesday 5eMceDireetory, Shoppers ser·YIce Directory; Pinckney.Hartland. FowlervilleShoppIng Guides for Is-sues 01 1IoncIay. NO'/'. 20& Wed., NO'/'. 22·23-

Friday. Novembef 17 at3:30pm - Deadline forUoncIay Greensheel,South Lyon Shopper andWednesdaylThursdayGreensheel to( Issues ofUonday. Nov. 20 & Wed.·TIlurs., NO'/'. 22·23.

t349 Moves You· •In 1 &: 2 BR Apts:

I Large Rooms i• HUGE Closets .t• Pool J• Balconies 'R• laundry Facilities:1• Playground r

$·Come Visit Our ~

Mlnl·Mode'· ~

Lexington IManor Apts. iBrighton, Michigan I(8~f








FOR YOUR TOUR CALI.: 517-548-5755

lAXELAND. 2 br. $450 permonlh. $450 secunty plus 1J1ij. M1lFOR[). lARGE 1 br. Ileal &tes. 575 up Itont deani'lg lee. walef prO'tijed. AvaIlable IITlI'I'le-Creat check. (517)548-5822. dialely (810)685-2703

GRAND PLAZA.Apartments

gives the feelingof home.

The convenience of plyIMng wIthJn a roral si!:ttIng.

•t &.. 2 Bedroom Selections• Heat &.Warer Induded • Blinds Included• Central heat &. air • • Swimming Pool• MnJtes fran • Resident controlledwad< &. play Esrtranc.es

• 24 Hour Em~ency MaIntenance

CALL f5i7)546-76609-5 Mon. - Fd.10 - 2 5aturdax.

Sunday by Appt. OnlyPresented by ~The FourmldAble Group L:.ITOD (800)989-1833 ==

One & Two BedroomsStarting at '455

lIeat ~ Water Included

Clubhouse Pool325 S. Highlander Way

Howell . ':0-:;"(517) 546,,7773'

Hours-9-S Closed Tues. & Sun.

SOUTH LYON - CUSTOM SOUTHLYON• IMMACULATE COUNTRY PLACE, countryBUILT QUALITY Thru.()ut. HOME-READYTO MOVEINTO setting. Great location facesThreebedrooms.4.13 Wooded • Already landscaped, 3 wooded area for this spa-Acres. Cathedral Ceilings in bdrm. Colonial on qUiet cui· cious Townhome.Model likeMaster Bedroom,Great Room de·sac. Oak kitchen wllg. appearance' d' t& Kitchen.FieldstoneFireplace • lmme fa e OC-in Great Room. Master Bed. pantry, great f.r. w/cathedral cupancy and priced to sell.room with Jacuzzi 1iub.Alarm ceiling, mstr. bdrm. wlwalk·in Three bedroom, formal din·

closet & ceramic bath.' fi I . ,..System, CIA, Deck off Great 109 room, Irep ace In IVlngRoom. Countrysetting. Attractive fenced patio room all for only $125,000.00S214.9OO.00.(P-97S) $167,775.00(H·745) (8-417)

JUST LISTED!!SharpCi1yof South LyonRanch.UpdaledBath and Kitchenmakethis a greathome. Newerfurnacewith CIA.windows, shinglesmakethis a greatbuy!! 2'h cargarage.finishedbasement - all for $109,900.00. (l'270)

NOLINGReal Estate,Inc.

437·2056 ~~::-_"l\'ayr'f00\lr(l ~d Rt.~

522·5150 2~~;:;:~:,South lyon. MI48178Expect the best ®

THIS NEW HOUSE HAS AFABULOUS FLOOR PLAN- featuring a see thrufireplace from the greatroom to the breakfastroom which has a 12 foot

END UNIT CO-OP OVER· cathedral ceiling andLOOKS CROOKED LAKE h d d fl T 2 5• & acres of hillside. The ar woo oor. he .

_i.. acre site goes to theformal dining r~-w "has a middle of the pond andmirrored wall & opens to aprivate deck. The walkout includes a three carbasement is beautifully garage and a blackfinished wilh a gas' log topped drive. Take aFranktin stove1 ~ 2nd drive through this newbedroom, full ija,th & t b 'th 2opens to a Florida room. coun ry su WI + acre$129,900. f . parcels. $295,000.

'u,ndependently Owned and Operated"

SPACIOUS FARMHOUSE .ON ONE ACRE - sur-rounded by mature trees.Kitchen and bath havebeen updated and the •room off the kitchen hasspace for a first floor :laundry. Offering a homewarranty and a reducedprice.$137.900.

} .6'.

. '

8C-No¥entlef 16, 1995-CREATlVE lMHG

South LyonApartmentsJerlHlll

-- We offer 1 & 2~~ bedrooms,'>(.? central air,er ~ large utility

rooms, fully~cr carpeted and

mini blinds. We~ have private

entries and ary} quiet homelike~ atmosphere,Cr~ Close to

shopping and_ schools.

fZ1We OD"er Set.x I)scoo.I'lls


~ I .... ~_-,,_ .. _ .'.. ....L;.

WHITE LAKE, lower 1Itnished, BRIGHTON. I room. 1\.wTlIShed.kAdlen. balh. family room, 2 tit. good ixalIOn. $25O'tro. ....separate ero.n:e, no pel$' ewes lAIilies (810.....0..9898smcQ'lg. SI~ (810)S87'1493 _.

II . IBRIGHTON. 100, 200. irld• 400sq1t 01 otfice space Very

j I Rooms . reasonable (810)227-3.188

BRIGHTON. Downtown.2OO:lsqJt. W. MlOe III'WTle6aU1~' tal Ka~,(810,1229-2469


HOWEll AUTO Mal. Spaceavaiable10lease. 3 Bay garageI'tolfoces. Prrne locabOn onGrand RNer Foe lurtheI Il'lIo cat(517)351·1544 ' John Fv.bson


I Garages!j Mini Storage


UIlfORD 1 tit. heal & wa:er1'ld'.Jded Carpelr'lg vertaJ~ No pets . S445'mo Ca~(810)36()-3662 teoMl messageNORTHVIllE, WoodlandGlens 2 br. 5700rr() lor 6 moNo secunty (810)348-a)72

HORllMllE. 1 br. apt Ubhl,esnc:kJded No pelS $375 per 1':10(810}437,2Q:6

NORllMllE: 1 Bedroom. M:I(kl ~ QUlel raMal set·ling Heat r'ICi~ed lmrneOa:eCICQ.4)ancy S55S'mon:h(8101347.Q565

NOVI-IWER OAKS W~beaut,tIIl 1 br .. loot.~r le\el. 9 It~i"l9S. pnvateent'Y, .-ashe: &~r, bay ,,~ If1 ~. 7month Sob'ease S795'noPlease ca~ Che~(810)347~748


HARTlAND DOWNTOWN. $!Ct.age budding eoo sq It. $275 perrTionlh (810)632·S406

INSIDE Of outside storage aval\-able, SUMg at S30 mo Cars.bOalS. RVs. 1TIOl~ eo.cPre>- Tech III BeIlevl.'1e(3' 3)697·5679

OUTSIDE Fenced RV & Boats:orage' sa per mo G-a."ldRtvtf & Haggerty area Noo"(810}478-1315

Illlj J I Wanted To Rent

PINCKNEY a'ea. t br apt lorrenl WT!h voas.'ler dryer. SlCA'age L-_====_=:.Iroom. ~n. b'nds. rnxl closetdec'< and carporl. N«1y decoral·ed 1 'fT. lease No pets, pleaseRer.t, S57S Depo$lt S800 andappflCatoon lee Available DeeCall (313}4m;B60 lor appl

.'" ..~~ ........- 11 .:.. *~"ts~·pCl%,,:.APCI1 Beciocm tom S4402 Bedroom $510

FREE Water & HeatA!)f, abcxA our Senor Program

0'1 Pcntae Tral n s l yonBetween ,0 & t I we Rds.


South Lyon(810) 431·9959Spacious 2 bed-room newly bUlltapartments. afew with garages.Call today formore details orappointment.



BRIGHTON. ot!U tl s/'la'eOowoTllOwl pro!ess.or.aJ has 11·~ , room SUlle. I'\CWngcorr!e-tr« room a"ld prva:tWf'lOOoaoed ()I'fa (8 t 0/227-l.105

.'-r • 1,..-" .......




'SpodouII &2_

( -="""':''':-'W~-""P1';:&

t- LEASING\ Please call:


~"&aIQ(l.oot. "" _ HUGE ~


Avaiable lor renl Of saleBeaullftj SU'lSelS on the Gut.

century 211st Southern Trust


Save for retirementwith

U.S. Savings Bonds.They'll maturebefore you do.


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y \ ,.


1 BR. apt on Wl'.rtmore la,<e forQUlel l1OCl-s .....clvng WOl'oog per.son S450;no (313)994·S380

lIVE-IN eovp:e needed as stall10 ~ 1'1 group home lor h'9'1lunt1Jonk'l9 nenla11y ill adu'ls IIIPiI'lC1(ney (313)878-3624

NOVI laktlronl, 4 bf. 2 bath.attad1ed gara;e. ar. Near ~house, parls & $WVTl cl.tSI,6ro'rr() "val. Jan 1 (opbonb buy) (810)344-4430

ROTlJNOA, FlA. " bI-~l:ly Ofmonth!). GtA beadles. pool.greal fJshno. Z ~ Dee..Jan • IJarth & Apri(313)981-3'n.

You refuse 10 grow old -gracefully: Which is why you buy -casual' shoes. not -SCOSlble- ~Why you call it 'bringing out those nalural highlights, - not "hiding the grdy -

And why you stili haven't Slarted to sa\e for relircmenl.

Exaclly what are you waiting for? The fust day of your rctircment, ...hen )"OU find )oursellwith no morc job and no more paychecks?

Give your retirement savings program a $0111.1 foundation by investing in U.S. Savings BondsThey're backed by thc full faith and credil of Ihe Uniled Slales and CUoHJntcct.llo carninterest.' And thcy're easy to buy for jus I a few dollars CJch payday through )our emplo) er'sU.S. Savings Bonds Payroll Savings Plan. Or buy them OIlyour bank.

Plus. the interest c.:lrned on U.S. Savings Bonds is exempt from stalc and local income talesand can be deferred for federal income tax purposes for up to 30 years

Ask your banker or your employer about including U.S. Savings Bonds In )our rctirementsavings program. Even if you call il 'saving for a rainy day:

for more information, write to: U.S. Savings Bonds, washington, DC 20226.For a recorded message of currenl rale Informallon, call

1-800-4US BOND' 1·800·487-2663

S~~TTSSAVll\rcS eInA~1 ,BONDS ~


NOVI Schools, 3 br. 1 'h balh,iving room. linrg room. ktchen.{ancfl condo w1ul basement.super dean. nev.1y lSecoraled.long !erm lease S82S per mon:nISI0)349-0554 at..er 4pm

Vacation ResortRentals


r;-i I


PINCKNEY FOR rent 2 t'K.W!Iake access. S57D a me F,stmonths rent & 5700 secwtydeposL (517) 548-3187.

DlSHEYBOUND? 0I1atW 2 br.condo Pool Mrotes 10 ~'ltllng S4~'t.it (8101781-4751

FUSANlBEl ISLAND YleWWalertronl. sleeps 6, poci. ten-rss. marina (B10}478-1425

flORIDA SUMMER I FAlLS?fClAL Aug -Dee. 23Id 1 br·S4251't.it 2 br.-SS2Y"At. C<indosdIredly 00 Gut 01 Mexx:oMerobOn ad S25 011 Da'la'sVacabon Ren:aI 1-&»432·9n1Reserve r'(lW lor 1996 season!FT. UEYERS BEACH. FL 2 br •2 balll, on canal. December,Apri Of Anroal. {810)220-1 046.

lAKE CHARLEVOIX New sce-ne log ~' sJeeps 4·25 Ideallor groups and reuruons Yearround tal. (6161S36-x:El

PINCKNEY, PORTAGE lakeaetess, 2 br~ $650, first last andt mo NO PETS. (313)425-2351Of {313,1878-3993

UAUI Hawai ocean IrOOl c0n-do, 2 brs,'ba:hs. by O'/>')(;r MaryameM>es (313)482-8415

When All YouWant Is

Everything ...Luxurious condominiums in a tranqUil setting that evo1<esthe understated refinement of the European countryside.

• Private Gatehouse Entry• Stately BuikfU'lgS Surrounded By Sweeping lavms• A MagnifICent Lake On Three Sides

• Expansive Two Bedroom Condominiums OfApj)(oximately 2,200 sq. It

• Each Residence Includes Formal Rooms. Cozy Denand Year·Round Sunroom

• Covered Wamys To Community Cenler WithIndoor Swimming Pool, Whi~pooI Spa, WO!koutCenler. Club Room

• An Unmatched location In The Heart Of Novi,Mjacent To Twelve Oaks MaR

• Save Thousands 'Nhde We're ApplyIng The FinishingTouches1

.:-:...._ ...Sneak Preview priced from '189,900 but only

until our officIal Grand Opening,

(810) 348·8866JJodel open 1.londa~·Fnday \ 1 a I'll 106;l I'll

sa,urday & Sunday \0 am 106Pm



KEEN HEET THURSDAYNovember 16,1995



recently receJved approval CromtheNaUonal CredIt Union AdrnInIstra·Uon to add Novt to Its semce area.Now anyone who Uvesor works Inthe City or Townshlp of Novl cansave and borrow at CommunityFederal. The credit union plans to

Business Briefs. ." ,E. ALBERT TZEEL, M.D., has

been appointed MedIcal Director o(~ '.': the PROVIDENCE CHILDREN'S

. ;. MEDICAL GROUP In Novt. A 1986" .": graduate of the UnIversity of MIchi·

gan medlca1 school. Tz.eel complet·ed his Pedlatrlc Residency tra1nlngin 1990 at the University of CalJ·(ornla at San Francisco Morott·Long Hospitals. Prior to JoiningM1ssIonHealth, he was in practJceIn both Phoenix. Arizona andFannlngton Hills.

Farmington HlIls·based INT£.GRATED MlCROSYSTEIIS recent·ly announced that they are enter-~ng the growing Internet services

I . j, market offering a run range of ser·.. ).ices includIng electronic mall con·, J; f1ectlons. WorldwIde Web page

development. Internet serverf Installallon and electronic mall

Jeasing. The company was (oundedtn 1992 by Tom BeJUnson. a 17·

, >. .year veteran of the microcomputer,ndustry. They provide corporate

, <xmnertMty soIutJons for ....1de areanet\1lo1lrkJngand moblJe computing.

JOHN A. AlfDERSON. aNorthville resident and dIvisIonhead of Allergy and Clinical'Immunology at trenry Ford Ilospl'·tal. received the Jerome Glaser'DisUngul5hed ScTvitt Award at theannual meeting of the American

.Academy of Ped1a I.r1cS In San Fran·cisco last month. The award Isgiven In memory of Dr. JeromeGlaser. a noted pedlatrlc allergl5t.and recognizes outstandIng aea·dmtlc. cllnkal or public savtce In

serve Its new Novi membersthrough Its office on 400 E. MaInStreet 10caUon In downtownNorthvUle. can (810) 348-2920 (ormore Information .

BALLOU was recently namedgroup vice president (or BloomfieldHills-based NEWCOR. In his newposlUon. he1J head up the Preci-sIon Machlned Products group forthe company.

Novl resident KEITH ANGELOC-CI was recently named platformdirector for LEAR SEATING COR-PORATION. In this poslUon. Ange-loecl wJll be responsible (orChrysler van and advanced tech-nology programs.Northvtlle resIdent ROBERT C.

Financially Speaking, lilt's Survival of the Fittest:'

IMMY S4897 less than Jeep Grand Cherokee·s23011ess than Ford Explorer·

John Anderson

the neld of pediatric allergy and1nununology.

ALL STAR GYMNASTICSrecently <lpCned. The lra1nJng cen·ter Is located In Northville at thehistoric Ford Motor valve plantbuJJdfng. The fadlJty will set\-e as acenter for Olympic gymnasttcstraIning. preschool through com·petltlve leam. tumbling. dance.chccrleadfng and birthday parties.For more In(ormatlon call18I0)380.5330 .

COIlM1JNJTY FEDERAL CRED-IT mnol'f. a full·~rvlce llnandallnstltution scmng the residents o(Plymouth. Canton and North\111e.


T8n81~wo~d 2:00PM• 7:00PM

Turkey Dinner Buffet1Adults '12.95

SenIors '10.95Children 'imder ·12 ~..: '6.50 .

Reservattqns Reqljl~~.dR.S.V.P. By Monday. November 20th

Meet Santa Sunday Brunchand carriage rides With Santa

Starts Dec. 3,10 & 17(810) 486-6217

53503 W. Ten Mile • South Lyonopen 11 AM· 11 PM

. -•a..Kd OQ NSiP of (QCIl p.I ,.bl, e.;wppe.l ..,hicks. inti of t4Wpm~t ... rln

Jim Bradley GMC Truck3500 Jackson Rd.

Ann Arbor· 76q-1200

PrepareYour Home For, The Holidavs

WithMcNabb's "Floor Covering Sale"

Starts Thursday, November 16thAnd Ends Sunday, November 19th

All New In Stock


10 • 25% off

" .

, "~:.,.• rl,

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All Used Auto

SHOW CARPETOnly $1.' 5 Sq. Yd.Must take carpet with you. Noinstans OIl used carpet


10% off

All "Special Order"


DONALD E. McNABBCARPET COMPANY31250 S. Milford • Milford

(810) 437-81465 min. west of 12 Oaks Mall Exit 155 off 1·96Open Mon.-Sat. 9 am·9 pm; Sun. 12 pm·S pm


18236 Fort St.Y4mile north of Sibley

(313) 281-3330


Test drive a new GMC Jimmy. You're sure to come out on top.


Crova GMC Truck37385 Goddard Rd.Romulus • 941·1234

Suburban GMC Truck15E. MichiganAve.Ypsl\anll • 4S3·0322

Superior GMC Truck8282 W. Grand RiverBrtghton • 227-1100


• Buy it Saturday• Free Delivery

Mon., Tues., or Wed.• Be Thankful


, UpTo


PLUSReceive an Additional 50/0 OFF on Purchases

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of $500°0 or More Saturday 11-18-95 Only!

No PaymentsNo InterestTiI Feb. '96

• We speciafize in solid oak• Quality rumilure at aflordable prices!• Free delivery and sel·up• VISa, Mastercharge and Discover cards Welcome• 90 days same as cash option wilh approved credil!

Downtown Milford319 N. Main St.• Milford 684-2265



II.'J~500-5981 p-------- ... • JJh4iiifl!9Y: RECEIVJJ~O ADS : Aro:ilnanlpLANT

II Help Wanted : You canrece!yu eopyof II ACCOUNTANTall our vehicle ads early.

General I They are available on I KeIsey·Hayes, a majOr nema·-:::=====~I Frldaysa14:3Opm.and I bOOaI wpp!ier to the automolrr'e, I TuesdIys at9:3Oa1TL The I l:1OJstty. has an opportl.My lor acharge Is $30. caD the PIanI Accw1tanl.

I Green Sheet for details. II 1-300-5J9.SELL I The ~ ca.'ldidaIe should._------_ .. ~:~~~'ACCEPTING APPlICATIONS' t·2 years' e~ n anMagazIne Co IS seekr'lg sales ~ ~I~people for retaJI store delrvery lor ihe ~ 10 lIOOc II'l a leam-established 3CCOI.II'llS II'l the based enworvnenl Re5ponsN-Metro area Must be sharp' Have lJeS rcl.Jde 3CCOU'lIS payable!~ed'marao.~ ::, ~ recer.-able and speoaJ prOjectsmore $Mle i/t.ng Must use own We dler a ctlt1llf!l4Ne compen-vmde. Mnt-Van or dosed It\.Jd( sabOn and benefA paclcageprelerred (810)960-6500 Interested and qualified persons

should send resume .",lh salal)'h.storyncoofJOenCeIO

a 5)

• z.o-<JREEN SHEET EAST-Thnday. NoYember 16.1995


CLASSIFIEDSTo place an ad can one of our locat offices(313}913-6032 (810}227-4436(517)548-2570 (810}348-3022(810}43704133 (810)685-8705

•24 Hour Fax (810)437·9460 IIeJPil

. 108DO-S79-SELL ~

;·:'.,:TWo Deadline. ~....3:30 p.m. Monday

For the Wednesda~ Green Sheet3:30 p.m. Friday

For the Monday Green Sheet,Buyer's Directory and Three Shopping Guides

}..~..' Published In:The Northville Record, Novi News. Milford limes, South LyonHerald, Brighton Argus, Livingston County Press and can beordered for the Fowlerville, Pinckney & Hartland Shopping Guide,

Over 79,000circulation

every week 1---.1.......,.--'---( PonllaC•Area covered byGreen Sheet East,Green Sheet West,3 Shoppers


For Home Delivery Call~Brighton. Pinckney. Hartland. Howen or Fowlerville •.•.. 517·548-4809South Lyon ......•••••...................•..•... 810-349·3627Milford .•...•.....•............................. 810-685-7546Northville and Novi ..........•.......•..•......... 810-349·3627

706 Auction sales .720 Bargain Buys .722 Buiking Materials .724 Business & Office

Equipment ..714 CIOlhing .728 Camefas and Sup¢es .742 Christmas Trees .73fJ Comme!daWoduslnaV

Restaurant Equipment •.•••••732 Computers .734 ElectronicslAOOocWJdeo ...•...710 Estate Sales .738 Farm Equipment .740 Farm Produce-

Flowers' Plants .744 Fll'ewood •••••.....•........712 Garage SaJesI

Moving Sales .716 Household Goods ..745 Hobbies-eoins·Stamps .•. , .746 HospdaI EqUlprl'lefll .747 Jewelty •..•••.••..•.........749 Lawn & Garden Matenals ••••.•

570 AnIxne'{S/ 748 Lawn. Garden &legal Counseing Snow Equipment ..

574 BUsiness Opportu'ubes .. • 750 MIscellaneous For Sale _562 Business & Professional 751 Musicallnstroolents •••••••..•

Services 726 Office Supplies ..

536 ~~......... 708 R~~:: _ ..538 Chidcare Needed 752 SportIng Goods ..560 Educabonr'1nstrudlOf.......... 153 Trade or sea .S40 ~& Assistance.. .. .. 741 U·PICks ..

'"530,'(; .4_ ... ~:.:: .. ~:;.":. '. '. ' 736.VdeoGames. .'_..564 FJ 5elVi::e •.• _ . ~ I..... • ," . Tapes, MeMes ..

500 Wanted ...... ..:..... 754 wanted To Buy.. .. .. .502 JililWanled- , ,. •• ., . •. .. j, ••••

;~Otfice ...... : ~.. ""~'I 780 798526 ~ Wanted Couples • 'I -504 ~ Wanted-Denial • . •..524 ~ Wanted 00mestJc .510 ~Wanted

HeaIlh & Filness ..506 ~ Wanted-Me<ical .528 Help Wanted Movers!

li!;tot Haur,g .520 ~WantedPart·Ttne ......•.522 ~Wanled Part·Ttne

Sales ..•.............. " ..511 ~ Wanted Professaonals .....508 ~Wanted

RestalJranliHote~ .512 ~ Wanted Sales ..534 Jobs wanted-

FemaIeIMaIe • . • . • .. .. ... ..568 AeslxneslTyping ••......• " ••542 Nursi1g carMiomes .566 secretarial 5efv1ce .576 ~AJlerabooS .532 Stucler4s .550 ~ C3rrllS ..572 Tax Services , .


Legal, Home & Domestic.Business, Me<f1Ca1 Servicesappear under this heading in thissection .

780 Animal5eMces .782 BudsiF'1Sh ....•••...••... , .781 Breeder [),rectocy ..783 cats ..784 Dogs ..785 Farm Animals.tivestock •.•••.•787 Horse Boarding ..788 Horses & Equpmenl .788 Household Pets<>ther ••......•793 Lost and FOlXld ..789 PetGr~ ••••.•••790 Pet5efvices ..791 Pel Supplies ..792 Pets Wanted .

eoo Airplanes ..832 AnllQUelCtasslc

ColIedor cars .818 Auto Fnancng .815 Auto MIse .876 Autos Over $2.000 .816 Auto'Truck.·Parts

&SeNice .878 Autos Under $2.000 ..817 Auto ReotaMeasing ..819 Autos Wanled .802 BoatsMotors ..B04 Boal [)od(sIMannas ..803 Boal Parts!

Equiprnenl/Servl , ..805 BoaWehide Storage. .. . .812 C3mpersI

Motor HomesITrailers ...•••..814~.

Heavy Equipmenl ..... .. ...806 Insurance. Motor •......••••..828 Jeeps!4 Wheel DrIve ..820 Junk cars Wanled .824 Mni-Vans............. . '"807 MotOC'cydes!

MlnbkeslGo-Karts .••••.....808 MotOC'cydes·Parts

&serv.ee .809 O!I Road VehICles .810 RecteabOnal Vehicles .811 SnovmlobiIes , ..830 Spotts & Imported .822 1rucks For Sale ..826 Vans .


3 lines $8.53Each additional line $1.99

non-<:ommercial rateContract rales available for

Classrt'~ Display ads.Contact your Ioca sales

RepresentativeMonday & Friday

8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

~.. ~olicy Statement:No ~ p.t:istoed f\ Home ToM! Newspapers 1$ Sl.tlte<110 !he cond4JOnS $laIed ., fleappieat:Ae rate card. copes fIM'loch are ~ 110m adveI"..s,.ng ~ Homel'oMlNewspapers. 323 E GrMd FWer. Howe!. M.<tJgan ~ (SI7) 50&8-2000 Homel'oMl~·pelS resetW$ fle rtI"- not 10ac:cepc an ~$ ordef HomeTown ~ adIa\elshaW no IlAhorty 10 br'Id Ihc$ ~ ard oriy p.tfoCal'<ln fIan ~ WI COl'lSUUlefinal ~ fIh atMrllSet's order Y/hell more lhan one nseMn fIh same ~~ is 0tWed, no credC wi be 9V8O lriesS nolJCe fI~ or octoer errors IS ~ I'lIIITle lor COl'T'eCW\ belore h 5eWld nsertJOn No! r~ lor ()tT'I$$IOf\$ ~$ NoloceNo real esu:e IIMrlIsrg ., Ihc$ ~ IS ~ 101he Federal Fa-' Housn\l ArJ. fll968'llhc:h mal<es • tJe9a'1O acMr1J$e -any pre~erenc:e. knIlallOn, or c:fosc;t'i:nnal- This ~wi not 'm:HMth aocepc any ~ lor real estate 'llhc:h is f\ vdalJOtl ct !he law e>" read-III .... heIebv l'Ilormed IN! II ctwefings ~ n Ihc$ ~ .... avaAable an an ~hOUSII'lg opportnIly basIS (FR Ooc, 72'963 Fied 3-31-72.8 'S a m.)

~ IdS may be placed aooorcing 10 1he d6dnes. ~ are responstlIe lorreac'ng ~ ads 1he rnt trne ~ ~ and repoMg arrt ~ nvnecja1~ HomeTov.nNew$papetS wi not ISSUe credll for errcn II'l IdS aller first nccrrec:t nserton.


o Cuslomer 5eMCeo Pr~ Workers!

u~o AdmnJoIfce AsSlStanlo Hi-Io [)nvers-' Tool & o.e Maker

see the Counby OC'Creative l..ivitIg5ecbons fOC'a complete lisbng

646 Bingo ..628 car Pools. .. ..630 cards 01 Thanks .602 Happy Ads . . . .. .642 HealtMMnbon.

Weigill Loss .. ..632 In Memooam ..644 Insurance....... .. .622 legal NobcesI

Acceptng BIds ..636 los1 & FOO'"od ..624 Meetll'lgsiSerTWlars .626 PoIibc:aI NotIces ..620 Annoc.n:ementsl

Meelll'lgS • .. .. ..638 TICkets . . .. . .640 TransportallOOTravel ..••.•.•..648 Wedding Chapel ... ... ..

700 Absolutely Free .... .... . ...702~es ..•••...718 Appliances .704 Ms & Crafts ..

Hours:Tuesday· Thursday8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

$$S HOLlO" Y MONEY sssStarl InYnedialefy. Temp 10Perm, AJ shdts available. Full'Part trne

caa (810)221-4868


MUSl be an organtZed ndM:luaJMlh 1·3 years advertlSi1g. sales.

~~~~~~~~ markebng. or retail ac:count ser·...: VICe expenence Mus! be able tor - ---- - - ....mallage mull'Ple prl¥ClS. and

511 PER HOU R \ able 10 meel deadUnes StrongINovI based excavation firm I 'jITlllen and verbal comm.nica·Iseeks reiable hard worb'lg I lIonS skiIs reqwed Maontosl1IrovdJal. IlUST haw valid I exper~ a must. Quark a

COl WIth at brake endorse- bcnls Send Resume toI ment. Backhoe and dozed Accounl Coordinator UC~tB1 expo helpful Send r~ or I 24200 NOI1h"~em H.gtMay

letter 01 r1terest PO Box Southfleld. MJ4807511148. Hoot.-el. Ml 4S844 or I 'Ital (517)548-7129 anclleave I ACCOUNTANT rlffiled WIthl message strong orgatllla:.onaJ and detai'" ..I abitibes G.t bank. and accounl________ recono~»l expenence At,.

20 PEOPLE needed 10 ~ up countog degree .\ 0ua!trC>'103J bs in 3J days for S30 Cal spreadsheel expenence PIe-Clara. (313' 878-2744. ferred Send resune WIth salary___1_____ requ.re~ts 10 Accounlrlg PO

FREEGARAGESAL.EKIT Box 610. Br'9~. Mt 48116 orWHEN YOU PLACE A GARAGE FAX10 (810/229-8992



Ught industrIalTop OI)I'lllatlles cal us 10 rill posI'JOflS In a vanety 01 areas SoIrs easy 10 find a lob lhars nght lor yQIJ CaU Kelly lor the bestjobs' (810) 227·2034


Equal Oppo<lollty Em~r


Manufacturing company is now hlnng for the aboveposition. Starting bonus, profit shanng. med.calbenefits and paid ho!ldaysNacations. Apply Inperson or send resume to

Herkules Equipment Corp.2760 Ridgeway CourtWalled Lake, MI 48390


VG's Supermarket ofBrighton has posi-tions open ror Dell

NIGHT STOCKFUlIme po5IlIior" ~ HNIC> Bonoo6cs

9870 E. Grand RiverBrighton

810 229-0317

ProgrammerF1ankermJlh MuluaI Insurance Company has tMl. itsSuperior IrdISlly rali'g IhrCllJ'1l over 125 )1$ 01 strengttl.~ and refiability

()Je 10 c:on:roar ~ Fra:'1kermJ!1l IoMuaI 1nsura"lCe~ OJrTef'ty has seweraillew Programmer post.Jonsopen.

Required: Bachelor's Degee Mh a map' II'l CIS. CS or~ and Ihree years pracbcal expenence wolhCOBOL Otsired: TSOOSPF. PC knowledge. exposure toinsurance busness, PIoISC ~ems, C a'ld DB2

Selected candida!eS ltlal q.;a'iI.y are ~e be a labulousbenefit pacbge lhal irdudes a-ld ~ ~ profdshamg plan \hat has pad out an 3'lefage exceedr1g 14%OYerthe last en years

II you meet the abow isted r~ements, please Sl.tmdyw re5lIlle and salary reqwemeas 10. FRAHKEHIII1Tl1IWTUAllHSURANCE COMPANY. HUIWl RESOURCESMANAGER, OM: MUTUAL AVENUE, FRAHKEHIIlJ'TH,UICHIGAH 48787-0001. EOE.


We're "iring Forthe Holidays AND.~ r;t~• Beyond ¢~;,.~

Part-time posilions are nowanIJmle &5: «cashier. Dell and In Yarious other de~m~b:;t

no~~.I'/'i t, ','.\...et!.. We'l pa)' )'011 nUe JOII tnlnl ~~. "".

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YPSILANTI, MI. 48197ATTN: Development Director ,

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~GROUNDS UAIH1tNANCE,part-lJme. at Grand Rio. er Plaza.2 hrsJOay. 6 days!.,.1\.. SIGNcal1(BOO)793-3737.

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Do yt:1J ~ lIQIblg CJ(l cars?Do yt:1J have an fllerest n autobodl' repa.tS? For l!loSt r'Ileres!'eO fl a careti' ~ Mhave ltle IolIowflg entry levelpos4lOIlS avaiabie ", WI AMA:bOr aro Ho'A-elIocaWlS

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Reach over 54,000 households with your business message every week.

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e<-.v ...'ll"............. 111 '-"'-lion wn,Garden 154 p' . """.""'QI.....-=033 Business . Repeli'. • 073 ~ •••••• 112"- • • •• •• • • • • • . • • • Maintenance.'Servlce •••••• mtilg ••• •. • ••• •• •• •• • . Mar~ ••••••••••• :IC 074 ExteriorcaUlkilg 113 =trJ~~;:Ph};::::124 Lawn,GardeoRolotilrog ~60 RecrealionaJ 195 TopSoi'GraWI........... .'; 001-29.8040 Cabinelly/Formica... .. .. . 075 ExteriorCIeaninQ 114 Interioc Decorating 125 L.avvn Mower Repai' .. .. .. • Vehicle ServIce 1


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ACT10N E1eclnc lJcensed and ~insu'ed. !tee esttnales Reiable.experienced & profes5lONl. Si'.wtUu C!C-lmtW; ~e.


'T1U BOlUH ELECTRIC.• '. ~ AeSldeOOaI. CiCIC1'In'lerCi and Ill-

A·1 CM-neys. firepl.ices 1 '" ~ M:rial 2O)TS exp lJcensedpared. reined or ~,' 'and t\$U'ed (810)220-0017.Cleaned $C5 Ucensed ,insu'ed. Free eslinales ,WIRING /01' new ~. i-All areas. ~ • censed StICe 1962, sem-re:tte:d.lIOn. (313)87&-6800.·' -. _ low rales.15171851~

All f:!'ttM¥. fireplaces.') 'r"e. Excaval in lV'ftled & repared. Porches. steps Baekhoe& rods repaud (al0}437-6790

•~ 001-298~CAVASI1fS Con/raCMg. Resi- II, ~ ICabinelrylFormlca. •-tilli•• derIllaI ~ light COIMIEroal New

--- -- - & re:par. Induslna!. relradOly. .1oI_L- ---JInsured. {SI7)540-2564.


I Basements & foundatIOns I.I1der ~ 'tIOltslatlOns Free eslJ- 'I Accounting ~ ~ Ieve~~ mlmates,Pete. (810)889-~ 'I;sure:d (810)363-2967. I ~

ACCOUNTINGI BooI;lr.e:epong III ~ Carpentry -I""J horT'~ 01 yo» otfce. IIextlle I f Buildin~ome .' .!hws KeJy. {al0j926-1343 Inspection .• ~, ?

III $3.00SQ.FT. foe IOU;jh lran)it1:j.buijers & homeowners JAMOO

HELP-tJ BUILD 23 )TS experl- silce 19n. (313)878-1475''': Ience ca I for detaJs _ I •(SI 7)655-5366 aller 6pm. 24 YRS. experience. ueenseJ & c

___ ----- ..... lC\SUI'edbuilder. Decks.~.garages, remodeing. suspendedceings. (al0)229-8783



ThllfSday, No'tember 16at 3:30pm • Deadline lorHomeTown Connedion,Monday Sefvice Directo-ry, Wednesday 5eNIceDirectory" Shoppers ser·vice Direc1ory. Pinckney,Hartland, FowlervilleShopping Guides lor ls-sues 01 1IondIy. Nov. 20& Wed.., Nov. 22·23.


Friday, November 17 al3:30pm - Deadline fOlMonday Greensheet,South Lyon Shopper andWednesday1ThursdayGreensheet 101 Issues of

• ~y. Nov. 20 & Wed.·Thur~ •.HaY. 22·23.

&lillER'S CARPENTRY.1ncCustom remodeing. rep3Jl'S &adlitJons, garages. decks. roci·r,g & sidi'ig Senior's <iscount

J'H1)' CONSTRlICTlON AJ as·peels 01 home rnprovemeot.additJons'sdng-roofJng-garages(810)229-8702

4a~.....~.~La_lnm~ Hugh Miler .lolxneyman

John'sVIiIIIWn.<f,... Cafpenter (517) m361 0

(8101 437-4553 OLD House & New·Aluminum Renow:JOnS STAIR RAILINGS.H & H Constn.dJon. Concre:e Remodeling 1Jcensed & tlSl.fed

• ~ Fle-ModerrczaIx work of at types Garage and Leave message-(810}312-7364• Vt¥ Sling pole: barn pac>;ages Esttnales M:IIOld• 0.IStDm &rt AUriun Tnm (517~1.• 'MJ ~ WY"dows RICK & DAVE'S ..~ RELlOOEUNG iceosed COIl' CONSTRUCTION• Garege O<xn Itacklr Kit:hen. ballYoom. ga. Sheds. garages. decks, smaller• Awrrgs Endc&res rages. additlons. roo! SIdi1g We JObs wek:ome. Free estJmaIes• hsu'ance wert. & Repars• Seaniess G.n.er Sf.;toms 12 do d al (810}486-4928 WIlh references. (810) 960-3381

Cclors ROUGH framng Clew. ic:ensecI STATEWIDE B.iIOrgs. Q.;slom l:u1l• 30 Yr. &penIn::eUcensed and Insured & tlSUred caa Tru-{;(a!t Coo- pole I:ul)ngs. garages. wcrete

1067468 struet.oo.lnc (Sl7)223-9208 Free es:tr.a!eS. 1~

Free Estimates ' ",'< tJf<{ Carpet Cleaning~,. *:ALl '1" ~, Ij~-... -:- ..> ~ f "{,...~-:/Dyeingv' , BASEMENTS ~"<-.

':r ';AOOmONS Jt"* FINISHED lie:: CARPET ClearIng. 20 )TS. el'

1517'223-9336 ..~'i ..~.. .. ~~i....'::l..:- .. peneoce 1(0CMl)349-9824«'x'" "~It."o'~l' ,Schol ':,.6: IIIr

III > ...:::c.. :c«..:: -::;)-:.. ~ !,~ Carpel/Repair

I I Architecture '"Ca~pe~liY Installation" 313·728·227&F-:O.. s. >'.. ( .... / f 1"\ CARPET InstaIabon. Over 20

BOARD & T·Square. COI1lJlete Uc.' 816,. , \JnSUtlI<I )TS. exp W. beal 1'1 Slore laborrl!$ldeOllaJ <n!tA1g and deSJgII . Free: Estimates ,t ~ {al0j348-7229 cau Tom5ervw:e. as)'lS proll!$$lClt\al exp .... ... .......: ..; ..~~ (.. ~'": )y..",~ ...~ ,..... erM.A.".ordable 5 I 223-<lS6 11 7)

HOME Des'90 & M;StJ()'lSGood Ideas lor the nghI po:e(810) 348-2331


LEAKY basemen!? CaS Fr.-eStar Water ~ lor a IreeeslJr".ale (810) 632-6883

BATlfT\lB REGLAZ1NGT.. t Tile. Appiance$. ~

T Cf;S P~'C<JmI - Bonded - InsTOP ()~~UTY. (313}427-J838

r I Chimney Cleanlc:'l4!I~, BulldingIR~lr1.... 1




Y'llit our SIlownMlllllt217 E.lJvingston Ad.


Filedst~tnstaIation AFor Gas Logs.Glass DoorS.

Wood &oYes & Mantels, ~f"REPAIRED


UcensedFuOy Insured

(810) 887·29091-8000377·2909


CUSTOM DECKS Cedarl wol-marized PremUn WOt11nans/lIpabnQ Wllh very ~ poc.es ta~ advanlage of •End ofSeason' pnces WrJ£r financngavaiallle ~ed(810)229,1875 or (313)878-5794

DECK DOCTOR -powerwas·hItlg. stanng. sealrlg Wolmancertiied (810)227·9164


ALL dIyt.'&l Tex1l.Ked ceingsAI jobs bog 01 smaI(810)227·7561. (810)220-1733

CEJUNG & wal repus. Drywalor 'M!I plaster No sanding' 38years eq> Vrce (810)348-2951

8esl wocI\ at the best prce:(810}437.0097.

SEASONED mo:ed ha:t'MlOd$SO lace cooi del:vered 4 ~ 1'1~ and 8.'1 wde. 16 10 1aItlChes bng I~ p«es #.sk 10< AJ(313)878-009-:

IIII:, Floor Service


cabinet reru~.Convenient. effectiVeand alfOl'dable. ea.


BEAR WOOD INTERIORWe: speoaize: ICl Mlomhardllood 1Wlng-:nstalrepa.r & fnsh We restoreOlder y,QOd noors(S'O~·7773 {m,m.1961

IINew Home PAINT£ft 2S )'IS elp r(t"'(It

I I ex:enor. wrrnetoal~.::a.Services Cal Tom 1313)873-3862


PAINTING ~ 2C¥s e~ Ca!Lou (810)348-9111

InteriorJExteriorWAUPAPERING PAJH'nNG.PAPEA HAHalNG-Reasonable Rates LlG.IfT~

c.IILMor ..... ~e~Cortr~&(SlOl 349-1558 ~ Free est (313)


PainlinlV' PAlHTlHG. EXPERT preptr1tJOr,j makes a q.aIIly PJ. Cat Sala

Decorating lor estrr.ale 1313)561·5716

1A OUAUTY ro«o: <II sar~ ~1l:A1m~S:prces Jack DJiap Pa"..~. ~ ~'~'-~J1T.at'lrenat'>ce & PQ'll'el'A1s1!Jn9 < "· .... ·fCi25 )'!S expenence. IlcensE-d & "t\$U'ed (810)23\·2872 Interior • ExteriorAM PAIHTJHG & P~rt.a."'9' Minor Repairrig 8esl pnces around. foe:e AesidenliaI· ConYneIciaIesttnales. 20 )'!S 11 bluJess FR£E EslimaleS{5171223-7943. (810)227.5976 ~Inslnd

AM $peoa/s Bdrm. $70 Ca. 24 YeaIS Experience~ VftUl, B& W Paltlllng Satisfaction Guaranteed(5\7)548-3889. (517/546-\762 Paul M. Pulz

Area Resident

Bill ' (810 1d~"-OOQI

Oliver's PETERSONPainting & PAINTING, INC.

Wallpapering Interior & Exterior

Nearness and Paintingquality woo<. • WaDpaperiD«

Interior. exterior. • Waupatfjr RemovalFree estimates. 22 • Drywa Repairyears experience. - Residential &

CommercialReferences. "Guaranteed348-1935 salisfldOll & Service"

~~1~l887.()622Morris 313 416-0883

LandSCjlplng IJIll, ~ , FurnltureJBuildingJIlf~ finishing & Repair II'j Heating/Cooling WHOlESALE TREES

.. PII'Jl!S 6·16 &e Spruce HlNg ~red & plan'ed L~

ANNUAL furnace clta.'l & ctle<:~ prces 1Il1I~ (8101227.1866speoar <>..nc:k serv«' Sales &Instailax.n M.1<e:.lal0j437-4737 100% SCletned blac~ ~Il. lOp

SO'. peal moss PCk\.9 orFURNACE tlea'1tl9 a.'1d ser· deivefed floOj Rae:t.erV>Ce Cornpe:.t/ve rates Uorversal :.:(5.:..:.1T.!.::IS4.;,:6-44:...:..:.:;.B:::...- _Healtlg 15171548-4453.24-hrs -

A beailAil !aNn a.'1d garoenHEAT1NGICOOlIIKiJREFRIG. $tarts here' ROTOTILUNG •19 )TS 01 pr~ ~Io:y 5el'VlCe. \a.~ & sma.. Ia.~ seed-flee estJma"es 1313}44~41 Itlg. Il"JOWItlg a.'1d brush hogging

Front end loader wMt. Irerdlrlgand bacO!loe GRADIHG· fnsh,pnvale roads & dnve-Nil'(SDElIVERING· lOp SOlI. greMI.sand & shredded cedar CLEANUP.



FURNITURE RESTORAT1ON.refnshng & repair M:h dead-MlOd GIVe yovr Ivrntlvre asecond ~fe Free est.malesShop hours Mon-Fn a-4(51~128




DeiYered or PickecklpIN JUSINlSS .u tE.US

F1I1 IInI of nurt.erY "1and~1UPP8eS1nour GIiden center at42750 Grand RIver

E. 01 Novl Rd.349-8500



[)PI! Custom Budders IncDeclo:s·VItl)'l & a1unvvn sOng &It"" WtOOri replacemerlt &doors Basement COINers(JnSDer.n.s (8f 0)68S-8080. FALL ~ ReaSOllabIE

ra'es Cal (810) 480-5064




FOR MORE 'green' III yt:1J wal.leI. adverhse III our 'Green'

Sheel& getre:sAs

I: Housecleaning

15 )'IS expenence COIT'tl'Jeroal&house cleanIog Rels ava~eca. Peggy (810)229-5827.

A TEAIol of 2 wiI clean )'QUIhon-.e Exp ha~ re:r>ableBondeG'i'lsured Cal M~e(517jm7201.

Brick, Block& Cement

• .. •.. A·l BRICK Mason· .... •ChtrIle'(S. porches. fireplacesRepu speoa!lst l.JcensfdC&G Masoory (810}437·1S34

A·1 BRICK Mason. Porches.lIle. glass blocJt & foreplaces AIrepars Cal (810~5S orbeeper (8 t 0~4·72~ .• Pl'1 No1495793



Sign Up Now For Your CtlOiee Of A.

FREE APPLIANCEWrth A Complete I\rtchen Remodel

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Warranty On A" Jobs • Licensed & Insured

C.aUJim For FREE ErtimilttS (IUn) 88HO&S

- BulldoZing·Grad'

- Seplic~stems- Backhoe Wort<- Driveways-Culverts- Top Soil, Sand

Gravel·Sines 1967·

(lUI 349-0116NORTHVILLE SPRAY. bnJsh & roe. i-.eriOI &

exterior. 18 years. exp. freeestina1e$. (810)231·9071 .

'~;M1iI"'Jllb"nHORTHVILL~"',U; '"VllII•• " SUPPLY YARD, ... Q.~~..... Writtll .... 41111

(810) 348-3150

• Soli(Custom Mixed)• Shredded Barks

• Stone• Sand• Salt

Painting, Inc.-Residential &

Commercial-Custom Home

S~aliSls-Intenor & Exterior

-Prompt FREEEstimates

-Fully Insured

(8fO) 473-6934}P~L~~_.iJi;'~~~< ~'~liI1II"'A4:t.~{

PROFESSIONAL 'IIOl'kmans/'NppM ~ mall!tials equalsPai\le(s PrO. (810) 221·9265.

SHARON'S InIerior ~SmaJ jobs weIc<lme. Waipaper •remMl {a 10)437-()730

• ' 1

T1usday, NoYember 16, 1995-GREEN SHEET EAST-6-D

PROGRAM DIRECTOR needed~~~:m~ RETAIL='aleSs21~~:~ OPPORTUNITIESBox 585. WebbeMle. Mt. 48892. J>Ann Fabrc:s and Crafts, a

national Jeadet in the soeciallYPROGRAMMER J relai ilduslIy. has several oppoi.PROGRAMMER ,~~~~

ANALYST positive attaode. professIOnal a~pearance. and good ~al sIQIs. If )'011 WoUd like 10 IllOYeforward in a ~ relaiposlbOn, Ihen consder one of !he~ oppclI1lnIle$.


.DepaI1ment SpecIalist


As a meniJec a our retai tearn.)IOUl receive a ~~lioM>enef4s packageand oppol1lnly lor growth W1ltI arespected ilduslIy leader. AWin person al atrf local Jo..AMFabrics & Crafts store Of sendreswne 10: JaJ'\lCe cahI. J>AMFabrics & Ctafts. 26980 l.ahserAd., SoulhfIeld. MI. 48034. Equal()ppomnly Employer.


ROOFERS NEEDED IuI lime.hcu1y rale up 10 $15 Call(313)878-2306.

ROOFERS WAN{ED premil.mpay & heallh nsurance. Orlj thebest ~ apply. (810)480-3951

PROGRAKIIERSOUTHFIELD based AauanaJConsu!lng Fwm IS presenlttseei:.!'g a cand'dale lor a fuilime P~ pos.ton.

1. Bac:helors Degree III Comput.er Soence.2. bperience VlT1bng VISUal6asJc. Access and Dbaseprogra:ns

Resumes can be trilJ"\$o'llllled(Woltl COYer IelIer and salary ""-'''''''-=.:..:..:..;..-:----expec1a!JOClS) to (81Ol799-9020.

I.Ianager a Services GabneI

Roeder. Srri:h and Co. 1000 i~iii!i~~ii!iTown Center. Slk 1000 ~lield MI 48075

r-.------i J J Help WantedI General MACftIHISTSBRiOGEPORT e~, setup & operate. Mus! have own

IOOIs. MI::It Industrie$(810)347·1010 ...".•..,,...

(MN_lMJ'- (lwIiq


~~ ...MlOSIiA, WortrM'a Comp., RTl<& MSOS niir9- EaIeI'Ic:armrieIIIcn. ~ rd~ ..... nMd.~ d 1tl'M:iI ...... ",~ heIprIL PIMse .....,"""'w"wge ~or., ... JlMCft:




UachiristsROUSIi INOOSTRlES has anII'melSate ne«t in our t.Nonia,UI macme $hop lor manuaJand NC mactinisls.• 3years expenence

~~• and I.alhes• Prolilt)'pe and low voUne·c::aIlemoctl $NIls



11916Mar\etlmnia. W 48150

(313,1591-1010FAX (313)591~


We are seekllg mollValedIl'I(jo,'lduaJs experienced inPr~ 10 join ourrapdy 9'OWI191amiy a dataprocesstlg pooIessionaJs.Send rllSllTle and salatyreq:.wemenls 10:






IIAIHTENANCE PERSOH, part.!me (~ r~) lor rentalpropel1y III Brig/lIon. Cal 9a:n·noon (810)229-7881.


McKriey ProperlieS. Inc.. aNlionaI property managemenIlinn has an mneOa~ opetVlglor an expenenced I.IatIltnanceTednciM lor properly Iocaled 11~====~AM~.PO$oClOn reqJltes carpenlIy.~ eiedncal and generalmatltenance skis HV AC skiGs aP'J$ ~ apa1lner'olrep.u and ma.n:et'.a~

Salart wnmensura:e WIV\ eJpe-nence Bener.u ~ IlCW-rog heallh and life 1lSUraI'lCe.401('k) rette-r.er>1 pla'l a."ld apar1.roo.erc~avajable

Plem send resume Ot am III~ Uonday.frday to

ParIl PIIce Apartments1980 PauiiIe 8IYd.

AM Arbor, II. 44103(3131761·1897



UOTOR ROUTES. OaklandCour1tJeS teacfng ~. The PRESS OPERATORSQaJdand Press has roo.tes avai- For pn:1ling company. AS Dick 2able III tle Commette area. GreaI color. FiA lime. HeaIlh. DenIal.e.J1T'IIl'I!l ~ rx means to 4011<. Farminglon HalsSf.WI~ your nxme. For (810)473-1414more IlIormalion regarlSng earn- ======== <>1>1 aD" ._~. ~...~ing pctertaI aM INage Ieim- r I,"", r """"'"....-.,,,,,

bu~ please caB TN ~ ~"'~ ~Ca:enaco (810~ """ .......""'~O"" ... ~ ,'=""

Human Resources

47050~:eReS.NortIwiIIt, MI. 48 167

~Hayes. a major ~a~ ~. has a flA.lime ~ lor a.~ Au:oma.liOn TECMoan on tle a".emoonshott.

The choserl ~ M1 have),5 years of e~ ~CNC machne CfJ* & made-NI'lCe. n:Wng t.eBloncUkl;roI'cInzorQl ~ cen:ers ArtAwloa:.·s <Segee 11 machontrrpu pre!errecl

A~~!lonarJ:l~ ~ IS ptC1o"dedIn!ertsted and ~ ~~ send rmme a1l\ salartI'os\:lryIl~lO

KELSEY·HAYESPtchsSO'dl ~500 E. Vatl ~ AdF~.W'a836


MAINTENANCEEXPERlEHCEO ~pel10tl I'lHded lor 1a.'9t aparl'men! ~ 11 1M AJ>#SNry & ~ P'Wded~ IiW'1 II PlcM ~~ 2J6.CO O'optoV.I<TraJ. Nao'l UJ

IWmHAHCt HELPEA."UEWI~ S:Hl IS Ic:lc:Mg torI/'l~w:n,,~~ to !vel and d'ltdr.nctorl and ~aitr1 1'1'.. ~'VlgPlY tor 1M t(try 1M! p¢&((ln ISSgOO Pt" hoJ ."Cl'l 'J~Irr9f ~~ AWl " ~.~~I'lfar~at\Cllrvan. l.M:na


The l.ringslon Cour1Iy Senor~ Program oilers




lr-r..eOO:e openong lor ~ sMtna!erQl harwSer candida:e m.JSlpa$S PHl arJ:l ma:h lest f>Vtlearn players need apply

'FiA Bene!¢ PacIcage'Oppot1l.nty For A.:lvarlcemenl'G'CWtlq P!asla: Cor"Qany

AWl lOda'/. posf.lOn 'IriI be fledASAP. 1351 fix Rd. Wesllard."'I. ~185 (SOlAtl of Forcl Ad IEOE

p•••••••••I PROJECT ENGINEER IIMtwTun5 years ~.IItl ~ gaging lield reqrjred III~~~~~II

resune 10:I AIR GAGE COMPANf III =~~II

A:ln.: HlJnan Resources...........


• I'rogressi'<e Pay Scale• FiA HeaRh Care

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• FIedlle Hou's• 13 PaX:l Holidays a Year• Al:endance IrieentNes• FlJII.seMce Cafeteria

Are you •well organized?

Do you like beingyour own boss?

Can you communicatewell wilh others?

If you can answerYES

to the abovequeslions .•• you'rcthe onc wc'rclooking lor!

Call GINA(810) 356-7111

,i'~~~'~~#}tart$'~fteH-W~~8fJA$,w ,

18~After-l11 ,S9! After 6 Mos,These Are 100%

gu.rAnteed w~eslIM.P.I. hAS full ASW~II AS ~rt t'rt1e'0 SAV~I Able Inte emA et ng.


Applications are bei'lg ac·cepted now between 9aJn.and 'Pm.. Monday lhrOl.9lF~. VISIt Ot caI us fOradQtionaI Il'IIormaliOn aboutyos bnghler fWe at


PHONE: (31 3}426-8900

NO nqts. ~ Of hci-days Earn 5160· sm .,,-eei;/y.Car needed. ~ pad Cal "---'-- _Ikrry MaIds. (810~ 71.{J930

NOVI MEDICAL ~ ISseelu'lg a U tme person WIllIgood P">One pefSCII'.aity. ~con<act wtl1 custltT'E<S & sa:esloree No seIng ~ Ph:lnePat(810~

'-'IJENTElEWaiting ForExperienced

StylistHigh percentage

plus many extras.

Call(810) 229-2893

SCREW mactine operaIoc/sel-up.w!3 yrs. minir1vn expo onAcme Gndleys. Excelenl wages.IuI benefits & successful gall-shari1g program. K & E SCrewProo1JctS Co 8763 Deller·Chelsea Rd~Dexter. EOE


PROOUCTlONFor Noo.l Mardaclurer. Tempo-rarr AuI lime. Experienced pre-lened Call0am-4pm.. Mon.·Fn.(810}471-4440

RESIOENTIAL cleaners. roexpo necessary. Days. 51 perhour mne<iately.l810)476-9810

RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM~. F~ & ~~posltlons avWble 10 ~ W\lhdeveIopmenlaIy disabled adUIs.SW1Ing pay $0.50 I.WlIrai'Ied,$0 70 tra>ned. Increases posstIleat 6 ITlO$. & 1 yT. High school

• dipi:>ma. 'GfO & Valid Md'Igandfflers license reqwed. Cal(810)632·9171 Of (517)540-4006EOE

MANAGER~~~""Isttl<.rlq , responsbIe PetSOll lOrl\If\Ige an I;Il ~ "~ UJST tIr..e 2 ~ne~ f'l1UStlQ. ~~ ¥d po$W$$ lt~aw..'Y lO l:\a.~ II i.~·d&.~~~""


IlAHtIFACTURlNG LABORER.Prec.asl S/la;:>eS 2 sl>':sS6 50-S6 750"1. ~~!.~ W.. y-,(810)669- 96a6


~. ~~·::-<t-a.1 ~~~ SH<.$ e'~ TOOla."d ()e l.W'>:e<'Ilo 'U ProOJ::·llOt\ ard 0JaWJ perso«oelA.Aot-Iallon. PlC a."ld tt,-.nxpttSS e~ a ~ Ko:J>.'f~ .~ a."ld beOt'ts~ Cotne pI1 ~ lea'"l d~!IAte Send res;sl'lf ~

Sox'l965~ & Eccen:rc '.:t-~

362S 1 5ctloo/cra."l fl,jlMlt\.a. 1.11~ 150


A Ieacing 1nlemabonaI~ located IIIcentral Sriac Cour\l't 1S inneed 01 an expenenc.edprocIudJon manage« 'Irilhriba:rte, ana¥JeaI sklJsand good corr~ sJals.5 lO 10 )-ears or Manufac·rumg experoenee a must

Please send resume c0m-plete Mlh salaIy hIs:OI'y 10


1450 N. Milford Road~MJ48357A : LA Strauss


RETAIL help & cardy prodx-llon. Full Ot parl-bme cakedecora:ng exp helpful(810)22HOO9.

RETlRED STONE Mason 10 redofirebnck i'lsXle fireplace. PleasecaJ MI. Metro GIll Scouts.(313 )878-3e03 Ot (810)627-6333

ROOFERS NEEDEDfoe commercial and Il'IduslnaI.Expene~ preferred b!A notnecessasy. Union wages and

benefits.(313) 971-2698

UORHIHG cas/'oefS ~ SOan hou P'.:S bc:n;$ n:en:,..eprogrI-'"l No e~ re-1)JOr!d .".. C'!J\ See rra'lao,,'ff'"Baf P""...:e St'tI 6393 Rd'.a-j.son Ad UI'.oOt1L.ao.e

,DEADLINE:3:30 p.m. Friday

aUse~ gvide ads must be prepaid

DEADLINE: ~ ~1~~\~MV'Sl~t~i~~:30 p.m. Friday. ~ ifNi ~ ,1~IVI~~311"iE1

aJ ~e gurdeads ~t be prepaid

Reach over 54,000 households with your business message every week

I. Tree Service I ROBERTSON'S Tree ser.uTrmnt19 & removal. SIl.rnpgrrdt1g & brush chwng lot ---l

cleamg & 24 hou emergencyACE Tree Tedl FlAy insured. serv-ce (517)548-4723Stump Remo¥al StaleM:Ie(810)227-0742(810)684-6742 I

t :------

TECHUHf pJJHTlHG Co Ir::~ PLUMBING•Of pat>:tl9 P'.as:~ 5 drj...:lI'r~t 20 ~'IS eap ~Md Repoit • Replacementnsured Free tsl (517P'S-~1

ModemIzo!lonTRUE Cob' Pat\tIl9 lr.ttnOt & LONGer.eoor ~:t,,~ &re<T'OV&l~ .. a repa.rs 17)'T1 PLUMBINGeJp (810 7·nJe AND

I ~ Piano Tunl~ep.FANCY BATH

BOUTIQUEI /RefinishingSeMng tOO area

since 1949McCRACKEN t90 E. /bIn StrNrPlano service NoIthvlo. ·349-<)373

T~.R~ng& r tPianOS=SoId Pole Buildings, (313) 455-9600 and ~I 1810\ 349-545§.

Snow Removall1li•I BUSINESS syslRESlDENT1AL

/&CkS. flSlaIs, 'lnco.'e$'wi/r9Best rates! (810)229-2467

ffiEPHOHE JacXs 1nslaDedNew homes Med. Bel rellree.cal Jack (810}349-737t.

o & R ROOFING. ne-... houses.rea-ot's reeoo.ers. barns. sdilg& g...::ers Insured AI w:>r\(~ra.~teed Cal Don.(51TJ5*4m

lEAK SPECtAUST. TrK:ot.1llyRo<fng F\astlorqs·V~RoI·ten YoQOd. ReroolslT earo/fs 2S)'IS tIp bcJ1lls Wrrr.en G:.ar-a.-.:eed (810)220-2363


Water Softening


CaJ'The Water Ooctrx:

(810)2274712. ask lor Gary.

DAVE Rae:her T opsoa. blackdl1, sand. grave~ 61. rock.delivered (517}54S-4498 Ot(517)S48-4248 ...J

Wedding Services

r, SewinwAlteralionsy-------'


• Telephone Servfce~ Repair

YOUR LOCAL SIGN MAKER TOO K9 CeIamic Tie & UarbIe.SEU n.'liree i\slaI$!mM$ ResiderIlIaI & CommertiaI. Ul &phone jacWlouse Ming Guar· showet areas. Special pnce$,anteed. Mar1Il'I. (810)43H566. free estIrNtes.(313)42S-6174.

(810)437·1811FAX (810)437·5147


I;,) ,


.\; ..\' \'"'_~ " "'_"""""'-....o....;..-.~~ __~_.~.'"


SS Extra Income SSF1.EXJBlE da)tme hours. NoSeIng We are a reeogrizedr.a!JOl'IaI Ie!lware ~ seek·tIg a reIiaJe persctl ll1ltl car 10iMnIory and stlcIt our productin kx:aI area stores part-trneE.lperience he\?fuI. but no! nec·essary. AffirmalNe Adlon Em-ployer. tal (810)477·7300 ()(aoo.359-4638 ~ 9 amand 4 pm.



foe respoosille, aggressive irG-viI1Jal wilh a progressive ~sale ~. Ful benelils.~ rMt be a COL Class'B; icense "Wt in person atVrginia Tie Co~ 24404 1ndopIexQr. in FarTTlI1gtOn Hils

WAREHOUSE PERSON want-ed. Pari lr11e. 5 hrs. per dayheavy Wltlg reql.ired. J & PPmlrlg. (810) 437·SS3S


SN(JN Plowilg exItllradorsneeded foe AM Atbor areaUp 10 $SO per hour. Mate(313)663-9144

, SNOWPLOW DfllVERSThe season is fast awoachirgSee us lor Ihe Kql $ P~~ We arenl kO.ing' TrayOogg Ine. 4875 ~ Dr ~WIxom. (810~123


· For witUr season. $3S.'hour.YANKEES lANOOCAPlNG



••••••~&~apply foe 0'NeIs and $ide-waDI; crews. Good drMngrecord a ~ Exp. helpIulGreat y:b lor ema money.tal lor an appl ~ 9and Spm a1(810)30C8-0440••••••

ACCOUNTIHG ClERK pos.«Inlor N:co.t'I.s ~. k-COUl'llS Payable. (5 \ 7)546-6571.

ACCOUHTS PAYABLE! seere-laIy, Ioc Commerce T0'M'l$hip

~.:..-______ BUlde(s \14 gir1 olf~. CornpItefexperIenct a IIlU$l. EXCEL expe-nence a plls 3)..40 Ilrs a week.seme-tlat Bedile holn. P.\onj.nun 3 )W$ experience. FaxreMl8 (810)360-~2


.._I""'l_ sa


&-O--<lREEN SHEET EAST -Th.rsdIy, NoYember 16. 1995

I! He~~:ed r"; ...- - - - - '"' ' ACCOUNTING "

------ .... II~TANKER DRIVER II TR~~~ & r=:.~A1JJ.T.TUJ,E) AVFUELAppicanIs ~ have a rili- ~ Ioc pel' CORPORATION

SECURm' PERSONNel IASSOPURE WATER CO. I nun ~ 1 rear ~ in !he SOIl ItIIh good word proctS$-

NOW H1RINGtt I has anlTvne6ale ~ I C~~ a;: ~ and~ s:e=5ean)' pet'SOMel lor large Ilocal OrNer. Must have I ~s........... «:H...!. ......................, D. • .... N>I.pren"illn _ ..... ·n ........ ~ ~ WOIAd ill one)'ell ......... .......... ~-... pay """". "'~~ ..., Q/., .....W~ and~ ~ """ Ierpen«lte. tllt ll11 ltail. I SS-S15 pef hour lor quaIiliecI Iorm 0Chef Mes in support• 56.50 & $7 SlaI1lng wages IOIfemg ~ wage, I~ ExceIenI me<icaI & 01 busy ac:ccxrtI'lg group.• UMorms prowide<l pad weekly rnapt Il'le\SCaI. I benef.Cs ~ avaiabIe. F1extle scheckAe. appro»-~ Health. derUI VISIOl'I berJelils IproIil shaM9 & 401K. F()( MMlain Top Tree SeMce. maleIy 2<4 tn. pel week.avaiabIe' IinIet'View: I tal Moo.. tlru Fn, 3pm-Sprn. (Some weeks may reqlire, Paid \l3CallQnS & tddays I tal (313)207-4820 I (810) 349-1870 ~et=~ ~~ EXECUTIVE SECRETARYI AS-: \. An EQual ~~..I TRUCK 0flIVER. Ful time lor and Sheldon Road. For m- 51ST ANT • Seeking energeIie~ parlJfS may apply ,- - - - - - - Nt! Atbor ~ SI.WY Co med&aIe considefabon, send and enIhJsiastC peiS(lO Ii) sup-Mon. • ~n. 8"3Oam" HIOpm at TEACHER: THE French SdlooI Must haYe COC,-S licenSe Good resune and salaJy require- port ItIe President'CEO. Mri-

NatiOnWide ~, tiC 01 0W04 loca:ed as toe West beoe& package Coolac1. meru 10: Manager 01 HI.man m..m 01 3-5 years experience23aOOW TenMile Ad ~.MddIe SdlOOI n Bloom- (313)66&8200. Resources, SME. 43980 Ply. suppotlrlgan exectANe ala \'el)'

SoulhIoe~.(810)3SS-0S00 field His is seekrlg a French T1lUCK drNtt needed lor Gat· l~Oaksot-'. ~ ~~~J:.~~Teac:her, cerllIied by toe French bed Wilng 10 be gone 3-4: ""'- 48170. E ~ 10 exeoAM!, wcfi '~ 10

SfLL THE AMERJCAli DREAM NalJOnal E<M:allOn. Part-lime ()( noghls a week. Pays 25% 01 each _ ~~ ...... n. ReQl.ires rnelicu-1uIlr11e Mon-Fn. load. For more Il'IIormabOn caI • ACCOUNTING ClERK.!<no'M- ~~ and ll' .......~

Real Estale is BoclrMgI We're (810)681-4192 (313}<C98-2665 ledgable in Payrol, Persomel & skis."';,jj\·-Ieller .;;j~IooIr.ilg lor seI«eded II'ICivlO.I- ; Beilefts ~ COIl'W'IleflSlne :: e'flArience. ProlessionalaIs y,fu wart rililed eamtl9 WCh p........ Person- .......

~llaI WI1h an irOl$tly leader. TEACHERS, SUBSTITUTES United paint accepIr1g.! expenence. ""-' and appearance a IIlU$l.

__ ...... F1edie hrs $SO + BonIs cations for reiabIe IuI & pari' net. 8ener.ts expeneoce reo Must be 'dng 10 lnIergo rigotsraMs CST"-":. ca. Norl/'IWIe SchoOls time sales & stock po$IlJOOS quired. AppIicabOtlS may be 01 IeStt1g foe position. vn betal CarcI'tn Baaey. NorItraiIe (810)349-3400 Benerts. (810}478-1~ 0bIatled al ~erdenl's Of· ~ n corP'dIOrI W1lIl OCherarea. (810~ fice, Wlvt'ncre ~e ~ Exec:ulro'e secrelalylAssislants,tal I<alh)' 0 Nei, M.JIurd area. TEAetiERS, ENERGETIC, W1lIl SdWs. Il845 Mail St. Wt¥l. lhere!ofe ~ a~ is(8t0j684·1065 _oM more Lake,MJ .(8189 -_... .&"""" NW • .....soence bacll:f' ..... - 10 present URETHANE Casters Ii) hand ~ ..... ...,.." _.J ,~SEll-TRUCK driver needed programs 10 S1U6enlS usng we Irilt iquid pIaslie & pour inIO possess aI 01 Ihe above as-Home evet)'day. Good pay. ext arwna!s Cat (810)3'8-1985 ()( moIcls 10 Iorm parts. W.ni'L. $7 AD AGENCY lrWes. Please <top off resuneoppoI1l.nty CaI betwten 6pm & FAX resu:nes to (810)348-2054 an hour to s1aIt Medical & paid AOYIH1STRATIVE ASSISTANT WI1h COYer leIler ilc:ll.Ong salaIy8"3Opm.1313)87US87 hoidays aller 90 days. UndIex We're an aIAOmOlNe MI>«.V requirements al cu oIlia!s be-

Inc~ BrighIon, MI. .(8116 7830 seekilg a ~, ~ tween 9"~ and 5'OOpm,SERVICE ORIYER TEACtlING ASSISTANT Loc:tWl Drrre. contacl Dave prolessx::>nal 10 jocn cu cieot Monday 1hr0lJ1l Fnday, ()( rnai

To deivef, ser'v'ICe & set up 3 years rnirIrrun leactw'lg expe- Pans al (810}486-6000 seMce team. Must be wet 10 Ihe alleflbot1 01 KallWlebamcades & S"1' !qU'\>. on nerce.!of Ivlparl Wle po$IlIDl'l ()(garized. delai orien!ed and Par\er.vanous road c:onslrVCtlon n ~, pnva:e SChDDI haVe excellent granYTlar skisprDjeds. ReqWements flcklde. e&~e!~"""""~ ~ VlSUAl.UERCHANOlSER Word.Processtl9 & sp-eads/leel AVFUEl CORPORATIONhorne ,~ ....w.... auto- "''''~~F u:ao. MI F expenence requr-ed. ~ 47 W. Ehwotth Rd.

... ~Y'~~, """-~ 13MaeAd~ arn'lf"i9lOll.-;" • ultme .~..... & ,........ bene"'". 5end AMArbor,Ml.48108mobile, vaficl MdI. dnYers ~ 48334 • FIA benefits --, N' ~ -cense, ro CMlinaI reco!d & past ...;.;.~------ • Experienced preferred CO'lfidenllaI r~ 10: J. R. EOEIUIFwor1t Ielerences. AWr n pe!' TELEC01llMUNICATIONS ~ Company, P.O. Boxson. !I.-F, 9am-4pm. Mdligan FAST gowt'9 netwotkng oem- CaI Mr. Donovan. (810}348-S922 2117A, FarmnglOn His 48333. ClERICAl FUll time ....-....Barri:ading Eq;..prnerlt. 32800 pall)' is timg !of toe postions Art Van W1lIl Brightln PlAlistWIg C;;;W. 8 M. Ad. F~ MI. ~~.~~. A~ef =. ;';W";"AHTE'-=-O-HElP--needed--f<)(-Iawn- rrJ. Organized. motrvated. maue__ .-.:;.;~ __ ",..., -, ... ~. person, IIrilh good ~ (50

oppor\lnl)' Joe advanctmerll and mainlenance. 56 per hour. y,prn) & phone skil$.. 0encaIpoIenfla1 lor travel. Must be a .:;:(8..:.:10:!:)22::;7;..;·9690=:.... experience necessaI)'. I<roQoM.leam player decIic:aled 10 quaIily WANTED RETIREES. Experi- edge 01 WOtll perfec.t preferred=!d~F~ eocedlll~receiWlg.fIexi. ~=(810)227·2615,to coorooale and ~ the bIe hours. neootJable pay. AlsoinstaIa...... '0>0"",'" and lerrrir'la. part-trne om driver needed, ClERICAl HELP ,,- • Fn........~ -- ~ retirees welcome. ......LbOn 01 struelurecl cabting YIilhin Please caI (810)471.Q300 1-5pm. Phones. flng. someestmaled hours W()(d Processilg.. talCA8l.E JNSTAUEAS-e:rpen- WAREHOUse 0RIVEJt needed (810}47HS6S. between 1-3pm.enced in category 5 and categcxy IuIIJme Joe a growing ~. CUSTOIlER S""""'E3 telephone ancl dala coml1lIn- Fill bene/iIs and ~lIlNe g> .....

callQnS wV1ng 5encl resune to G pay. LooIci1g Joe an aggressive MANAGER& S Cornrru'jcallon Services. ~ locaIed in A ll'lalV.aeturer 01 CDl'lSlITlerI35\ ExeoAM!, Tray, MJ 48083. = requi'es CO!. Tlcensed c:onlradOr bI:i1cfng ma:eriaI prod-ATTN 0et0e Newman. Pluse cal (810}347-6290. llCtS, is ro need 01 a Custome!

SeMce manager. Thi$ po$lIJDl'l isresponstIIe !of Ihe managemenc01 inboIrd and DlJ1bDln:lteIemarke~, pncing. problemresWbon. trarMng. and adminis-tralNe Mc:tlons You rMt haYea great atttude, expenellCe n~ sero-ce managementand S1TO!lg COIl'9J!er s1;is C0l-lege degfee a pkls. Fax ~W1lIl salary reqwemenlS .,$ales Ma.'la9t!f, [313}491·S613()( mai to sales LIanager, 8951Schaelef, BIclg u. DelrOll Ml48228-2515

SHEAR OPERATOR· Top wag-es and IuI benefIl packagei"d.dtlg proIjl ~ and re-lIrernenl plan. "Wt n person: You rMt have excelen! ClJStorn-US Fal:incallllg, 1947 Haggerty er serVice sJaIs. previous cashAd~ Waled Lake. MI. handing, some !)'Ping and caJcu-SHEET IIET AL person • resi- lalOr expenence preferred WedenbaI & commercial aw6ca1lon oil!! a ~ salary andlor rooting Company Explno benefts. Job rcWes eveningsExp (810)437-7051. ~ ~~ ~ ~SHEET Mela/ Wcrter & Laboref IuI tme training PDSilIDnS avai-needed foe IuI lr11e commereiaI able at Ihe foIo:i!r'\llxallOnS:& rESidential roofing Top hour1y • No¥;wages pai::!. (313)878-2306 EOE .RoseYiI!eSHlHGLER, siIfrlg I'lStaIer & .Macison HetglIs *WAREHOUSEhelperneeded (5\7)546-7739. II inleresled please eat RETRI~ ClERKISIDING APPLICATOR neecled. (810)569-4620 ext. 400 Farminglon His area.Expenenced ()( motJvaled people THE owe Garden c.xrerll!y tal sa (8\0) m ·5700who Yoant 10 lea:n. Plenty 01 looQlg foe hardwoI1Qng inIWdu- WAREHOUSE SHlPPlHG I fie.~ {81~ aJs lor one ot ll'Ie r.ations lastest ceMng ~ wanted Ioc gro-MngSIGH \NSl"-~ER & FABRIC.l.. gro¥lVlg restaurant. We oIIe1 chemcal packagu'lQ ~.TOR Mlh ..~~ pay CDl'lllellllwe wages, llexille Must be lledl1e. Ii-lo exp a

. "'T'''-'-' . hours. IuI bene6ls. KMg lor II pls, 7~'OOpm, ............~Ifl~at $lgns& . PIease~""""- $7"" Bene ...... ~-'lI~ 26700 W. 8 we Rd~ ~'Ihe hours"'dl~ saJary ...... ~. "'" alter 90

Orcal{810l35"-WJO ~ Ihrough Friday, ~ =~~:m~SllALL EHGlHE medlanic Crescent BIW~ Novi. £.0 E. Dr~Brighlon (8\0)486-3800w'exp. needed to repairlassenM.Great variety! (517)540-0545. TIRED 01 seasonal work, l'pping WAREHOUSE • HesIop's Inc., ADUIHlSTRA TIVE ASSIST AHT

"" """"" & ,-.. """', We are a fine chN cisIrbJIor in No'I\ IS TO THE PRESIDENTSMALL UAHUFACTlIRJH<l co, ~ to ;-~~ ~ faking appIicalJons for ~ Must be arrbtJous. . ed,seeQlg reiable i"6vicIuaIs 'Irith pie lor year rWld ~ at a able, detai orienIe<l Il'6ii::IuaIs and Ioya1. ~lA. ~mact1inIng knoMedge, ~ Urtler processing & craie matl.I- foe cu Stipping [)epat.ment. Mlh database, WOtll proces5lIlg.and illerested III Iearnilg 10 lactlmg Iacily. Wages oem- Positions Slarl al 51 hr. AWf. spreadsheets. advel'llSl"lg. ()(operate and set up screw mensurale wilh experience 22790 Hesr.p Dr~ NOYl, off 9, salesaes expenence 5alarymachines AWr: 140 W. Marl, Benefit package. Ilcnls aIler 90 belween NovI & Meadolltfook COlTVl'leIlSUIC WIttl capabilJesPrcIaley. day probabon. EOE. Also m Ads Cat (8\0)591-4040.SHOW PlOW DRIVERS WANT· to lrafl: AWl in person. R & WAREHOUSE pos.1lOC\ Wllh ADMIN1STRATIVE ASSISTANTED. Use cu lruCk ()( )'CUS. Enterprises, 5642 Higl/arId Rd~ WIXom based iSstrtu10r avai- trIJtt ()(ganized. delai orienle<f.Guaranteed pay. (810)34704141 HoweI. Mi.. able. Chaufteur license he~ energell: I"idiv1duaI wilh good

but no! necessaJy. Must be hard woO: elhIcs needed foe rrUbworking & ~. Very I\rlctJonaI Sl.WO'1 pos4lOn. Ver-CDl'lllelllNe wages W1lIl BCiBS & salMly WIlh oIfce software. goodclentaI beneflts ""*"., person phone, ~ & eotrtnurllC8!1OOSat Aud'1O VIdeO· tlIStrhrtors, skiIs e:enerllS avaiable. Send28044 cen:er Oaks Cl, WIXom, resune & saJary req.nements toML J.bn.-Fn. 9am-4jlI11 Yale Matenals HardIng • Uich-W• "0&..,.., ~ foe gan Inc., \1844 Ho..t.b.ird. lNo-

""""". 1 person, '=""" na. 48150 AI:n.: VP OperallonSresdenbal builder, Il'IUS1 have Fax., (313)427.1886own IOOIs & truck. Must have<lrywaI & general construetlDl'lexpenence CaI bet 8am-Spm.,(810)229-2reS.

FULL TIME po$ItIDl'l Wlt'l~busness manage.menl batkQIDISld al St Pa:nctfsCall10lic ChJrdl ., BnctllonPansh e~ prelerrf,j~er i:era:e fe<pred[)ea(fne lor rest1TleS Dee 2.1995 References are r~ed --------Salary commensura:e Jo1h exp5encl resume & leferences 10 StPalrd's Cluch 7l\ Rckell Ad.~ Ml 48116. A::n. Fr.Thomas~


We have posi-tions at some ofthe TOP compa-nies In LMngstonCounty. Experi-enced secretar-Ies. receptionists.and word Pl'oces-sors,Never a fee,


(810)227-1218DlscoYllf The ortecencel


Permanent full-Hme posftfon forwell-establishedBrighton compo.n~, Must be Pl'0fi-cent with MSWord and EXCELprofessional, or-ganized, flexible,multi-task orient-ed. Inslde salessupport experi-ence a BIG plus.

~- ... -ADIA-J

(810)227-1218DIscoYec' The Dltferencel

CUSTOIlER SERVICE fleore-sentalIYe posClOt1 aYaiab1e Pre-I'IOUS oIfce and nsu-anceW'dlstr)' ~ prelerredtal TrIUn Sla.'ftlg(810)229-2033 No Fee. EOE.

DATA EHTRY.uERlCAlW. 8loomfIelcl CPA firm ~person lor pe'!l\Mlenl. M ttne.posf.ion. Expellence no! rt-~ed. (810}737-<l603. '

EXP£RIEHCED TAX preparefFor AccoItltIng and Till! OF.ce5easonaI paIt-llme IledOe Ileus(810)227·9655


Person needed lor fast pactdrnarWcuer. Mu$t be ocga.Ned. type 5Owpm, & have goodphone manners F..- ltI1e P'Isbener.ts. Fax resr.tne kl.(810)398-2359 (X cal,(810)398-2(00

IF YOU have al leas! 6 mos'---------- reeenl oIIice expenence, callIS

N(RLWe may /lave lr1e PER·FECT ~ lor you'ADCA


72777 7 7


i48 Feathered Tran-57 -1'IUle$.1I. by.Bud 9 CfealiYe lype ,..__ ..., E~-51 Show hosted Colyer 10 Buss II '''.... .....-lI".

by Jac:lc Bany 111 Fairway 11 Big-league 53 Bangkok naliYe60 She made ~ wreslling? resident 96 Hal & oetes

KIystIe baVl't 113,wEX rival 12 Baby·laced 55 Wayout hit• 62 cum cubes 114 Bewidennent " Stephen of 56llfaJs but 97 Take·home

12 Fop's 14 CuesIionlng 115 Pick 8 pol ~ CcyVIg never breaks 99 Bonf'lfeneckwear SOInIs 119 Noah's Game- 58 Actor Stamp residue

1. c.naI zone? 85 On 8 whale parlcrog space 14 He was 5115aIad type 103 Muckraker19 UK honof watch 123 He cds Hawkeye.1 CaptaMl Nelle20 /ndoOI' M Mystery \he shots Pierce Hook's male 104 longed lot

garden spot II Mls. Nick 128 Show hosted 15 Swerve 63 Caesar's 1D11rnp1ca1822lAontana's Charfes by Gany 1& Med-achool cohort 109 Shape an

capilaI 70 Home(a field Moore subj. 117Inan appco- eyebrow23 "Americ:a's 73Ransom- 132Compasspt. 17 "A-of Two prialeway 110-room

Most Olds 133 ChIcIcen - Cities· 69 Radames' (familyWarw.r 74 Show hosted king 21 Fairy queen IoYe hangout)abbr. by BiI Cullen 134 Poe poem 20 Topeka's Sl 711nsped too 112 Roman or

24 Doggy doc 18 Elsie's chew 135 "Treasure 21 luau mlN- closely? ChrIstian25 Show hosted 81 French bean? Island" elClra menI 72 F"lg8I'o's 115 Repubive

by Monty Hal 12 Mlst Warhol 131 ShMe(s 29 Balled \he offerlng 1111Done:=~ 13 ~ 137 ~c:riou 34 ~Ter 75 ~new 117 :Z~shoeIne III War1S and d 138 SChool $uppIy composer 711Emblems 118 Corporal.

31 FlftI)'IMn ee Audio 131 Sherpa sit. 35 HIgh dudgeon 77 Shady dasherIJohnson antiques? 140 Pr.darIc 37 Gang dlarllCler7 120 C!eopalra"

32 'Krazy -- 90 Pitch a ten. poem 31 Cowboy's 18 Crows' bosom33 0Iyrrpc 92 Tams 141 Por1abIe bed "Stopr comments buddy?

troublemaker klslde out DOWN 39 Actress Berry 79 Bridesmakrs 121 Equine31 GIst M Show hosted 1 CoId'eet 40 RuIv VaJey escor1 aocessory38 Show hosted by John Daly 2 Produce a pie r;;ly 110Artemis, 122 Square

by Pal Sajak 91 Herd word 3 Gull nation 41 Passing ... Rome measure45 Qy'" 3 00vlfI 100 Krd 01e:teep'f 4 In a good fashion 84 Pianist 124 News. lot410wns 101 Nero's luIar mood 42 News org. Claudio Ihor160AmuaI 102 "-8utlemliIlc 5 ParIner'" 43 Pleasant 85 Economize 125 Balh powdef

award? Sky'" c:rime 44 Wet Williams 87 StM\IIower 121 Bucler51 Greek 103 Exoess/Yely II Apportion, 411Athenian suppor1 substJIule

consonants encouraging with "out- arcade 89 Rural sight 127 Carry on52 Focused 105 Fann animal? 7·-Joey" 47 Be an e1 Glued 129 Ven c:cncentI54 Sportscaster 101 Actor Novarro II Prinlemps environmen- 13 Ward... 130JFK abbr.

Mer1in 107 Show hosted IoIIower IaIist "W~ 131 - Avti1 4 7 10 n 12 13 14 15 Ie 17

ACROSS1 G-men4BteaJdasl







LEGAL SECRETARYFLA-t.rne. ezperlerlCe r~ed

FOt busy $oo.Ahfleid pa:ens la_ftm. E.oce:leril t.tne11tS SalartnegoIJable tal Carol(810)358-9671 ert 3300

OPERATIONS ASSISTANTFor busy, F~ I.IeckaIT~ ServiCe Co Somecompwr~. FIA (X partlr11e al'lernoons & ~~emale Mekerlds. 56 SM1r.ear Ooma. Moo-Fn, 9--lpm.(810)471-6896

(8 I 0}47 J.4SOO

c,"'. - .. X'•

Help WantedDenialI'






CQme see wI makesRed LoOsler !he .1 restau-rani COf!'9aIIY rl1he nation.Youl et'fli elUlenl ben-e~ts. great mooey and aIU'I place 10 wk. We have~slor:

• Waaer$lWa4resses• EVentlg Hosts/Hostesses- EvelWl9 l.tle Cooks

AWl 11persoo clUt. from2pm-4pm. at Red Lobs:er.2n60 NovI Rd. TwelYeoaks Mal. NO\1.

We are an Equal Opportu.M'J Employer


CARPET SALESRET All oe comneroal. &pen-

enced $end Resune oe apply .,person.

lnnovalM! Floor Covemg13250 N~gh. l.rYot\la.



. Exp Sates Persoo wanted Sala·iry COCMle!'ISUrate IItllh exp Res·Lme 10 42235 AM Arbor Ad.

. Plymou!Ivn Ml 48170

r-' 00wnsazed1 "Real Estate IS a !1eal

career'NoI1IMlle 'NoYllS a greal

place'eat Marge (810)348-6767


109 W Mall'l Slreel"'\ NoI1hWle. tAl 48167

Th.rsday. NoYember 16. 1995-GREEN SHEET EAST-7-D

SALES rep needed. A IeacingnallOnal vi'I)i SIdtlg rnatliac*.reris in need C:I a saJes Repr~lalM! lor !he HoweI. ~AM Atbor a:ea 10 ~ oncontraelOrs. remodelers. deYeI-opers lor Ihet FenlOn OstrbJlJoncet1eI. We oller ~wages & exc lmge benefUeOE. P'oease reply 10 Norandel.P.O. Box 529. Fenton. tAl48430.

SALES Reps,'ManagefS lor nolematJonal COfT'93I'lY. GIaMoorIfWsby 81»765-2479-12

SALESPEIlSOH FOR r.ew COl'l-stn.dIOn orrste n Viage d1.4llIotd. Expenenced. ocgarwzed& fr'.erdy lor BUItD£R ...no hasbeen II busrless 45 YRS 6days. tW'S" 12-6pm. car(810)358-5670 oe lax re5lM'l'le 10(810)358-5673


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rartShowNovember 17 & 1810:00 - 5:00 p.m.

305 Farr, Conmen:e TW?,ee-a UN..Cormwco Aill

A (810)


LivingstonConservationc::.... b

is having theirADDaal HIUlter'.

RoDda, Craft ShowNOY.18

9- 5 p.m.6060 E. M-36.


Dolls by Joanat Itle BrIghton tMalin front oflheOldKentBonIc. Be Groody'sNov. 20th to Dee. 24th

at 6:00 p.m.'HcI'ldrrod9 ~ 00Is

o F10wen lloslc8llo Been Heatso IChO State CIa.oo1'\S"0Rlrn0s 0Ir0nenbo M:nctnode CIoIi"(J

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III lMt be exadIy thal free h>

I Announcements! Il'lose lesponOOgI • Notices

ThIs ~ makes nocharge lor Ihese ~ blArewas use 10 I nllaI.

AN ORDAINED Mrisler wi)HomeTown Newspapers

many you 'MIen & y,flefe you aocepts no I~like. tra6bonaI (t civi tefernooy. ilCtJOOS betll-eenl8tO)881-6287. regardt'og '~eIy Free'

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19 IN. colored TV. needs repa.r;ItA Sle box spmg & r-.a~ess(S11)5'6-7298

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Th\lr$dIy, November 16al 3:30pm • Deadline lorHomeTown Connection,Yonday semce Directo-rot. Wednesday semceDirectory, ~.vice Directory.' •Har1Iancl, FowIeMlIe~rorls-sues of , Nov. 20& Wed., Nov. 22·23-

Friday. November 17 al3:30pm • Deadline lor=yon~W.dnesdlllThUISdayGreensheet or Issues ofWonday, Nov. 20 & Wed.·ThuIs.. Nov. 22·23.

, I Cards of Thanks

1990 FORD ESCORT LX 2 OR. $114=P ••PIl. o-_~_ .tDo.1991 FORD AEROSTAR EXTENDED $=,~".IcNtt. __-_~~ _ 217ADo.1991 FORD FESTIVA GL-.p ••pll....... 4Scoo-. ......S106.tDo.__ Gtt s....Gott hTht ISNM _

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NOY SALE Poor Rdlard's Par·shaMe NoY. 18ltl & 19th Noon10 SpIn. Beaulll.C waR rot haItree 'MIll nWrOt'. $215. So6dbrass bed S2OO, PIe safe $225.Many o!her dems. US.23 ex·press waf 10 Cttde ex4. 1 mileW. Ihan 1 mile N 8313 Par·s.'lalVll!e (810)632-6624

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IlomeTown CONNECTIONCIaSSl!ied Oepl. P.O. Box 25t, Sou:h Lyon. M148t78

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Cfocks & coor~ 52 M'nl$.sion. Shullle Bus $eMCe No

Sltollers please


150 EXHIBITORSSat, Nov. 18, 1l>-4 WaleffordCOITmnIy center .... ·59 & Cfes-cerII Lake Ad 52 00 aclm$SlOf1,por!lorI goes 10 dlarty. NoSltoIlers. FOt no c:aI: 0 & 0Prcm:tons. (810)621-3363.

24 IH. Ctrislmas Wreaths. Cus·tom macle. hall retail pra ca_(810)341·2393


COlLECTIBLE PlATES. Frar.k·in mn. Dartuy, Ham.ilon. ell:Clearing out. S20 a plate .,boxes (810) 221·3121.

DlSN EY CLASSIC coIIeclion.procela.n r9Jles Marrf imlededibOnS {810168S-1 S26 r. Auction SalesI.


Lloyd R. BraunJ313) 665-9646"(f"l) L. Helmer

313 994-6309

HOUDAYS IN WoIamslon. D!cll.ens CIvistmas 1995, Nov. 11. 18& 19 & Dee 1. 2 & 3, over 40 :..-.:...-...::.:.: _anlqJe and speoally shopsRelreslYnenls aM enlertarvnent

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HisIori: firearms inc:kJ<ing 2r~ niles. rroskets &percu$S>OO rd~Harpers F% '~ l.911ng.Tr • elC. Spor\lrlg nlIes& shoIg.ns I'lClJd"InQ Be~BrClWlWlg over & underchester. Remington. ek:. CrnWaf Ilems ~ sword.aJso eaJly oi Iarrl's ~coIoI's & minI's. 1935 AmosArCy In 10)' taxi, oIc! LiooeI!rail sel n ~ box.Barbies early adver1lSUlg.prmlJves & mna indudingHaviland d41ner set, FlowBlue. BlJe Riclge. Fiesta.Fumlure. C1ocks, early p/'lo-\os Artworks plus It'.e ul1JQUe10. cataloged a\JClJOn.

For a free faxed or mailedlisting taD anytime:

Doug Calion Auctioneer(313)691-8638




MELIS AUlCTIO~,FowleMIe MaSOiiii:: Hall _

, r 7150 E. Gra~J}iWe~··""(517)223·8·707

COUIffilY chrislmas etaIt &bake sale. Reigious books &gdts.Ughtlt'dLHoIySpor(tnJrch. IialTturg. MI Nov. 189-4pm. •

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DRIED FLOWERS & Cfalls.3651 W. M-36. Pnckney, 2 milesW.of\owl..Nov.17·19.~.

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IWff BUNDlES of N~pees lor your N~ dnve(a, 0)229-&:)95

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Auction SalesArrow Auction

ServiceAuction Is our

fuD time businessHouseholds - ram E$taIes~-~

Rogel AnderMn(313) 227-6000

Garage Sales!Moving Sales

HOWELl, MOVING &. BEIGE SECTlOHAL couch wilhBarn sale. Couch. redin- recineI'. $250 01 be$l olfer. Muster •. hurch top. mIsc. set (313}«~775.househo«l Items. ulaUy .tra aer. yard. 'dwnp tral1ei. BR SET. 5 piec:et!lI. soid wood.riding mower. IJU.IkftCng rneciJn.·1rish. S300mower. u'OOd' fena: (810}437-5894 01 (810}437·1690.=s.{~~:: BUNK BEDS, bIaeJ( metal $50.'u.. &. ,~. 9am-4pm 1600 oat de$Ir, $50. Cl'Ieny deslc.M~ \v. oj Lange &. $50. ~ desk. 530.Dulcher: (51'7) 546-4 187 ~(8~10:!.:.~7~17....:-4.:::936.;;::.... _

HOWELL. FVRN1lVRE CItHA CABINET, labIe and 6appUanres. riding law~ cnan. clar1t pile, SS50. CaImouter. and misc. Noo. r(8~10~)553-!!!78~7!!o.~!!!!!!!~16. 17 &. 18. lo-6pm 950Red oaks Dr.

NEW HUDSON. Antiquebuffet. jl1ness cenler.8<irbrc house. cham saw.Sal. 9am'5pm Sun.1-5pm 29455 MartindaleolJ PooUac naa(81 0}437·0387. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~NOVl. MOVING sale. fl1.. ClOSING DINETTE S10re dueNoo. 1 7. 9am. Lamps. »iI'leSS. Soid oak. lie ICIp5mJ.crou'<U'C. kitchenware. rockers. mattresses. Sets startin9househo«l goods. 22734 at $160. (810)887-4920.Waycroj! Dr.

COHmIPORARY BLACK din-PINCKNEY·1Upperu"<1n> ilg room !able no chais 575Year End Inl'CTllory Clear' I>al1( 'PI tweed 3 piece ~an«' Sale! Sa!. ,\ Sun.. NO\). aI w'2 buiH1 redtlers. cdr 318, 19. l0am-4pm. 4144 £. )'IS. old $500. (810)68«1118lof·36. (Ulrle Dudes Ranch).

SO'~ L"""'N .. J_ CURIO CABINET, Iighled. pileu.o •.., ,.,O(I",g 575(810)229-4364Sale SaL Nov 18. 9am. .Hammond organ. Toyota DAYBED WHITE iron & brass,knUfing nv:u:hCne anrlque ~ w'2 ~ mal.cherry rable & more. t'esses, new n cost25333 Franklin Terr. Co- 5800. wi $325. (31 )991-8368.lonlal Acres.

UVONlA: HUGE Sale!New '&' used Uems.3322 1 Pfymoulh Rd ..Sheldon Genter. Noo.13th. 7'4pm 2 weeks.

IrllLFORD. 2 bedroomsels. glass top dining set.2 bunk beds. compulerdesk. microwave. lamps.winler clothes. bOies.household. doll house.toys. Friday, Nov. 17.l0am-5pm. Sat. Nov. 18.lpm·5plTL 1490 W. Ma·ple. 1 mL N. of /·96. offMilford RiL(810}684·1823.


FUlL lENGTH C)«e coal ~new. so-. dl ongNl pree. SIle :.:.:.:=:....:..:.~----1G-12. CaW (810)644-0466

_______ ~ BRIDAL GOWN, v.h<le sa:n. 011lhe ~. malChor'lg heacl-pIeCe, U 5lle cnnoIen.(810)220-8233

~ . . .



Thlndly, Howmber 16It 3:30pm • DNdIine lotHomeTown ConnedIon,UondIy 5eMce Directo-ry, WednesdIy SeMeeDirectory, ShoDDer1 ser·vice Dnctory; l'inctney,~ncI, FowfelvIIIe


sues of , Hoot. 20& Wed., Nov. .23.

FridIy, Novembel' 17 I'3:30pm • Deadine lot

='lyon:=:=WednesdlylThur.d.yGreensbeet lot !aaues ofUonclIy, Nov. 20 & Wed.·1'h\n..., Nov. 22·23.

PINE dresser, 4 dr • S95 Baker~ Wah.A coIot bf. Stlhea<f)oard. queen mattress &box, "9'11slarld. 6 drawer dress'er wfmirrol', S 1250(517)S46-S816

PRIMl11VE 6' dry St'Ik, 5800ROU'1d oak !able. claw ~ & 4cnan. $700 D!amoncI soita6ering 1 carat, Slm(517)545-3000

QUEEN SIZE $(Q beef. goodcond S2OO. &r1s 12 speed HlAIybate. iIIe brand new $50(810)227·9403, allef 6~

QUEEN-SIZE WATER BED, wilhhea<tloard. Dres.ser Wllh I!lfTOfS2OO. IS 17) 545-233:> Ieavtmessage.QUEEH-SlZE mattress set, $IIn pIa$liC, 'dh beaIUIA brasshealtJoard. ~ over $8SO.~,S1~.~I~~~REFRIGERATOR, ELECTRICrange. ~. !reezer. dini!'9room lable-4 dlais<hina eabtonet, Wlen !able & 4 cnan.Elec:lropedic elearic long duall:ing bed. Seats lracb', cart,vass calCher. mower deck &S/'lO'fItllade. Washer & dIyer.(8ID} 632·57<45


SOUTHAELD • This Fn. crli.1(}.4pm. 16500 Nor.h ParIt DrApt. 7r:fl. Come see my 55 years01 coIledng Sale rctudes: 3sofas, queen 4 poS1er bed. luIon.2 d"1MQ lab1es, breakfront. CI)'S'tal & brass d1andeliet. lan1J$.assorted chars, china. tiIac Iormi·ca credenza, desks, pauressilver. new -¥, Fox jacket, Ions 01brda brack.

GREEN SHEET adsget results.

MOVING AUCTION, Sat, Nov.18lh.. 6"00 p.m. Eg1aSh A:.dJon,202 S Md1Igan Ave" HaweD.MI The first hour we 'MI selCOInS Then chest 01 dra~. 2 --------poece tMch.. hand 1OOls. snow·blo¥.er. exlens>on ladder. sportscards. g!ass'Aare and more.Auct.o-eer Ray Egr.ash.(S1 7)546-7496 or 1517)546-200S

ESTATE AUCTION· antiques &coI!ediIIes. St.n Nov. 19. 1995.at 11:30 am. Carleton VFW HaD.Carleb'l. Ml Take ~ 5 oIf I-275, go west 10 haI. Over 50pieces 01 ~ fumrtute. oldtoys. black rnemorabaia. Shil1ey =.:..::..::...::.:;.::...- __ ---TerIlJle dems. old lamps. pntlts.adve!1Jslng jugs, old chums. lots0: pIlITVlrveS & more





$6,995-~-_.....I am very excited to announce thai afterfifteen years of working al Hilltop Ford, Ihave decided to mO\'e to another dealership.The dealership I am moving to is Hines Park.formally Spiker Ford in Milford. Hines Park is#1 in the Nation in service and #3 in NationalSales. Working hard on becoming '1. I feelproud to become a part of this winning team !!

LII,JXl,)RY .. 'fIOI'IC&' ...".,. ,... 101;.... .,..~. "aN' ,. .....~,.. ......

~ ~ ... 1 :t, :~::.'Z:...:-.=:=--l.--. c.re .... _WIao •• ~

~"" ~~_......o.. ....1btt..& ..,.,CCI"hIIIII............. «d.,,~

TOY AUCTIONNov. 26. Ipm. frwsh Center.35200 W 8 Mile. Farmng1Or'lHins

Westside AllCtIon.


HlnesRlrkCiD o!!!!

130 S. MILFORD RD., MILFORD(810) 684-1715




1IIO()IIilIII(). l[A''l'tellll OUADc.&I'1AIMS. S U "1II1II10 UIIIOU"'lCfT(JC'O. lOW PA(;UCtI[.IW<Ol.I'OG , .. r:.. lOAD( D OM~."'CA'Col



HI rkMercury ~


'9iMERCURYGRAND MARQUISLS., loaded. Only -42,000


10 Mile (313) 963-6587




loaded, only 13,000 miles


'91 PLYMOUTHACCLAIM LE6 cy.r., full power.


'94 FORDEXPLORER UMlTEDlOllded, extra stwp




Moon roof, 19,000 miles,~'\ SHARP

o $11,900


S/u.B, loaded, only 33,269miles

$9,995'94 FORD

EXPLORER ElBAUERlOllded • this Is the one



lOllded, 6 cyI.


~1H<~HV~o-.~~~ $7296*lEASe PAYVfNTOf_



ORNElTrOATVcO~r~ $10 496*LEASe PAYVENt Of _ ,




lOllded, extra sharp



PerfectWork Vehicle,CHEAP!!


ATIENTION LINCOLN LESSEES:Ask if you qualify to have your first month's

lease payment made by Ford Credit.


._ ~~ _ UOONFOOF~ ~ ".""""""'0000'..,.. _ ...... -- --: :;s:: ....,.... ~ ...- ._-= ~-r::::.::::

-1996 - :::-"- ........- ........

···01, I, I10f If,


L~ther, sun roof, 56,000mUes


Full Power, good miles



,···• I.~0'.'

Hines Park



·.:'.t. ,;II"L'


I, ....,'"•

SALE ENDS 11/25/95

A08IHSON 5000 oa. Ot'>nt;tOOM ~..nl'J't ~rm ~ & (,1a~ ~ (han 51100 Qr.eo:.T::'t tM ~ .~ b¥.'u,ar 5150 !lot'> '" t.:tlrrCO"6~ IBl~U7~7B

SOFA. LOV£SEAT, 5li5 So:Ii5125 VO.... e et>ij't<" s br setS200 Cl>trry W'tt li~ S50)\8l0)m4U2



t:=t01 US·23 on M-59 about 4 112 miles to Argenllne.d , north 7 miles to Center Rd , west 1 mile to AuctIon.

eers Note: Due to the death of her husband,

SCora Phdlrps has COtl1f!1ISSione us to sell tfl6 toolseqwpmenr Itsled at aucbOtl. The flTSt of 3 aucbons.

• IJ$ outside., BuUdoze,: CAT D4 wIHyster vMch & blade. Trucks:1995 GMC dump wtweD driIing ng (good rubber); 1965Chevy 60 dump (283. new dutch, 2 spd aJde, 5 yard~mp). Tractors, Implemenl. & Related Item.: MF 6S~esel tractor (3pI. plst): AC"C- ltaclOf (good rubber) (2)~~'um, conveyors: cuillvalor; plow; pro AC wheel..."." ,IS; (2}. lrngabon pumps w!2 cylinder W«onsin; qty.U'ngabon ptpe; elevalor. graVIty wagon; wagon hOlSl,1.110 corn picker (lor MF)(, wire com crIb: MF 4.14 3plplow; sptke looth drag; Hanson sprayer wfpump; BtgRock Plow Co. to' culbpacker, lop 1U'lk$; pr.t5Sx38duals: 7' 3pt. Blade; Bush Hog 3p1. Brush mower.Building & Fencing "aterlars: qty Johns ManVllle 3-in-1 style Shiflg!es: SleelllU$$9s; lnSlAabOn: wire lencing,tjcw ctucken W\l9. hardware cloth. ~Ilumber,~: SxS beams, WOOd WIndows: moIcling; rool venl,,"~II ptpe; cyclone fenong(5 rolls 72" HO): Ig limbers;culvert. flue.Lner, brock & block maker, lence posts.Tools: c:haifl hOIst. weld<ng call- alum. ext la<Sders. HOshe/vlng; Iq arbor press, (21 'air compressors, comm.{Mn all compressor un.!. Slul HO onn~r: devdb<s

ia,nI6r; Crallsman drill preu: Ig qly hand looIs,ro(Jacl. lorCh set on carl, 1001 boxes, hol waler poweraSher. Wisconsin powered grOUnd tamper, work

Nnch: atr Siorag9 lank, fiberglass slep ladder,~om9Claf1 lable saw; Brake drum laltle. Saw Masterpower hack saw; boxes nads, shop 'fiC' power sander, 3(g VICeS: hyd, Jacl(. pope wrencn; hand gnnder, chainio'Tench; III oemenl mIXer, diamond p1ale SheelS, ra!)alarm saw, v·bellS. 8" Ia:tle. c:olIet lalhe, III sanding belts;~stal g~r Firewood & Equipment: wOOd spr.l'.er{1t>p us on !taller} Cha", sa ..~08S SoN Mc:Coutlough,tb!'eLte), approx 20 lull cord LrewOOd (8'lengt/'.s). 14"ce cord (cut & SpLll Also severa! prs. &>Jes. trailer~n~es. traJl(lr Ira.,..e. pr ramps, lruc~ spnngs. $flOw

tllo ...ers. 2 eases 001. 001 Wire! & pump. dog house, sm~alters. qly bee 11lvU(10 Irame), pal/el lack: lireChanger. sleeT la~el JIty ICe au-;;er 1H HI1 & "Issp,gIne, Snowmobiles & Trailer: 1974 Chaparral. 1973Johnson IW'reverse), 1973 Evenrude (wlle"olso),f'o/irlS Cha'911r. Ira~et (:.11 decJ<. new ~res) Many lIem.~t listed Terms Car.tl or MI thee. wI MI bc:er.$6 FuUp.1j1TTlenlaucbOn day luro(1'l Available

Tlusday, NoYernbeI' 16, 1995-GREEN SHEET EAST-l1-D

WHIRlPOOl PORTABLE (jsh.washer. Used 1 year, $SO.Couch, $30. M.crowa"le cart.m MelaI cIolhes dosel. m(810j227-4824. • .

WHIRlPOOl REFRIGERATORy,1Jl ICe makef. worb elceBenlS150 (517)548-7293

•I Business & Office rJ " Farm EqUipment

Equipment ~

1947 FORO aN tractor .backblade and dlails, lU'lS grealS2.750-best. {517)546-9555.

195t FERGUSON TRACTOR.FlI..n$ elc. New lront and bacll!ires S280CIbeSl (517)223035 14

T SHOW llYower, 3pI.. r:4o drrve,5750. T 3pt. rear blade. new,S2OO. (810) 227-600>.

ALUS Ctiarnel$ PTO poJI-typeCOlTbne W1lh dillerent screensBest dler. (5t7)540-9228 eves& .eekends

HAY & straw, al grades, deW-ery 3l'aiable Lee MaulbelSdlFarms, (313) 665-8180

Christmas Trees

SQUASH- />tml, Buttercup,Buttem.rt. SpagllellJ. S.eel Pota· ~~~~~==~10.Sweet Di.JmProrog 15 cents per A.l F'lI'ewood seasoned, spId&tI (517j545-{)743 delivered (517) S46-8C64




• Price Quotes• Lease Quotes• Trade Quotes

Call the Pontiac Hotline at:


17.2 CU II CoIdspot c:heslfleeter, 512S (517)546-5974

18 CU II chest Ireezer, 575(517)546{lO26

2 ELECTRIC Stoves, GE &W~.!/ODd ~575 eactl. (517)546-8768


FORD, New HoIand ltadOfSand ~rll !rom Symons inGar.es. For O'w'er 43 years Yourbest deal lor the k::lrq nn Aplan$l\"Olcome (517) 211-8445

* WANTED; Used !arm trac-1orS, loaders. baiers, equpmerlt,e'oC 1517}44&-8469 0'IeI"IlI'0g$.

HEW: 3 poI'll hdch St1O'IotlIo'A er.5', 6', 6'';', T; srcM:llades, 4', 5.6', T.8': lTador llIe chaJtiS, Ford600 'Ill f:ont blade Used FarmalCub. A. & H Ironl ~ GrandBla."C Tractor Sales.(810)S94-5314. {810j69S-1919

SERVICE, parl$ or renla!s Wedo ~ f9ll. Symotls Tractor onGar-.e5 (5171271-8445

1"800-95 PONTIACReconditioned

• Washers• Dryers• Refrlgerators• Ranges$99and up

GuaranteedDeIvery AvoIobIe

A-DIrect Maytagl810l220·3585

AUSTIN lAPTOP 486OX2I 66,aewe malrlx. 8MB Ram. 3SOMetJ hard' drNe S2oo:J(313}41~5600.

W WE D;!arm 1IaetCt$, nolNEW 486 DX2-66 Sys:em. 4 MB n.mong lor par"oS & repa.rRam. 42W(l hard drive, 14' 1313,0665-8180SVGA c%( IT'oCOtlf, ke-rt>oa-'d. __ --------,mouse, rnt'lI lOYoer, 00s-6221 ,.WYldOws 311. upg~ reac/ r j I Farm Produce!S850 1810}486-3581. ~ FlowersIPlanls

;...:/HYUnDRI~,...,Ann Arbor

Driven to ..v.fy JOUJackson Road, Just West of Wagner

EXPERT PC SeMces lnc.Repan, upgades. lratlong(810)363-3729

MACINTOSH: lCi COflllUler, '2rch coUnn ll'lOIWlr, pnn:er.modem. MUll selI81 0)553- t 402


TIm NarhlAuctioneer

& Assoclales FAX (810) 266-6483------' BYRON, MICHIGAN

(810) 2666474

SINGER 8 a~ vat Yla.~ 50"$~..-rog nactIt'ot ~ S~~'~ac ~. GE ~. 1a'9l! ClOgc.l~ 8.& ~ t»'lOt L'$I'>!a."lI.. ,:.a.~ !SI7)~5m

I Household Goods

REFRIGERATOR! f-ttZtl !<ot~ 2,~ Old ~ to; ~ GE'" 0»' .1'0"'« ~ SOfA I ~.1: -ca- :Tn"'" 'I laIO~3861 e., W"oI:l 52251810)227·1257

SEARS WlNN1E T~ Pocil ere,• .-.a:-ess 900d ~ $SOCa' wal 510 (810'229-2661

SlE EP EA $OF A. fa' CCtld S2')\B1C,m-am

Building Materials

WATEIlFORD CRYSTAL 'Oc.<"-eya~ V~'" Ofa'"Jt1' p.:Uol'st~r.1' fG'oft p.e;:(-S 1\0 crac-.sor ~ 13131 ~7S-la73





~L;;:~Cas$eoe mal$.1lQOOoef l"4il1led <norrors <lelT0<le<


$13,570* $1gg:.~Wi f.iV;ip:1l1JiM

, " .W" TER8EO SUPEJI St'9t57S 2 ~~ $SO tact,V?s' e:t::J,A,"'" s4s .1'ld ee-..'~e.&l (Bl01.&a~"'7




AI.o Avall.blel


1995 MUSTANG GTolo.I<r"""_... WASS21,43S_-.-s.ws. •YOU PAYnle~lIS'l" $16,3,59*

1995 MUSTANG CONVERTJBLE~1/acIl""'" WASS25,l30...-..co .. ~ YOU PAY

<le"osl. ..... koyIesSrtf:y $18 995*WI "I#,4i:2;,r;- ,M, _ -"""" _ Iocl<s cru<Se tit.

cat> ~eps, (flr(lme ~e9 ~




Metro Detroit's Largest Inventory!COME SEE ...

• SO CONVERSION VANS •••ln Stock!e OWNER of ECUPSE here to make DEALS!


SEASONEO oal ~t.t1'S Ii'.5'.r« & rill' 1517P'6-331~ 1996 F·150 Eddie Bauer




..... cIelJos:er WAS S1~1050eas.ser", yOU PI' Y

WI iiilUOi4;!@M$10,575*1996 TAURUS



- ..- ..-;- .


L"I~~.. .~~:'\ --=-", f ...._ ....

- -0. -'='"-- .••~-.;...'.--• '7 "'""'- ~ P"'oO<> _ 00-0<~ a"'d~ tlOl-. Q\fte ~


$1~* $283**.,,'iiCU·)>>d.

~ _ & locI<s. Cl'.l<Se loll. ca"",re


$17~* S299**.;" i'dlfj#iUW


1995 SHOLoaded .. U10. lealhet. rnootYooI. CO. J8Lpower eoM)'Iho~ I.\SRP $28.905

1995 AEROSTARM~ de6'osltt stereo. ~ gldS$.

WASS18476 - __ 24 MONTH LEASEYOU PAY .£I'~~ $309**$14 848* __ permo.

, Same Equipment As Above with 8 csrllnder

.tiii~':;~SPIRE $333::mo.(5 at this pr1Ee) 1=~~~~$:~~11With 8 Cylinder and HI,Top n\;-'.-~............$353** "WAS $8750 ...... !'-oo--_

YOU PAY ~ per mo. (4 at this prieeh

S?299* 3 Door 1}£rn ])au~?J;~~ttOo&f"/

Air, 13- Color TV, cassette, power windows, power locks.cruise, tilt, quad designer cloth chairs with sofa bed,Stock #56774,


24UO.lEASEWi·' iii#U>i4;1@W

1995 PROBE GT-:2::;_

~263A ~ crvse lIIl. __ --. power~ ar ~ U$HllI. <la!ro$la<, ~f1f¢Iy _lot'< br.~ S1od< '51315


$15,573* $249**

(313)668-6100, Tues., Wed., Fri. 9a ,$at. 10-3

.... , I

'1 ·\t ~~~•,i ··~.ii ~·•..;' }I "i-t


.. 'S .. l-·.....~~~~..... •..·1 .", .

I 12-D-GREEN SHeET EAST-Thursday. NoYel'roer 16. 1995",'::Il Firewood I ALL MIXED hardwoOd face DRYER Wood I ~. seasoned FREE KlNOUNG, seasoned we- (t,j}SEASONED HARD- (t,j) AJR11GHT wood tuner. best ALL SAND 01 clay. 10 yard

I. COld. 4l8x16. SSS seasoned. $45 ma:ed Hardt<ood. ss'sYacecord. WOOd Blend 01 oak.. hickory. ash. WOOD. ~ and de- l'J1er. RldV'lg Lawn 1TlOY.-er.best loads. S60 Ioeal 23A road• ltlseaSOl'led Free deiYe~. 4x8J 16 OelNered 2 cord nv»- etIerly awe 5S5 Iae«ord. iYered S60 per cord. oller (517)548-7984 '9!aveI. 10 yalllloads. S115loca1• {8tOj266-5330 (810}S37·1311. nun. (511)223-3425 Of 418x18 (810)229-9844 4x8J16. HarlIard. Higland area KUBOTA 7100 tractor. diesel. ~(5.::.17!::)548-..:::....;1.:.;01..:.:7. _

40 4XBX16 Iace<:o«Is 01 sea. (517)521-3350 (810)632-6658. (810)887.1768 Mtl aocessones. $11.00J. ~BUSlNfSS cards. made .soned harttMxlds S35 ea ASH, CHERRY. O~ seasoned. FREE STANDING areolar QIass (313)498-2286. W spec;aal lOOJ. 2 days. FIREPLACE STOVE i'lsert. 18'(517)548-9405' spkl. S60 a faCf«td oewered. AREWOOO SEASONED O\'er 1 ireplace CompIe:e S300 SEASONED sPrt f,{ewood deW- ~~------ $Is..so. HaYiand PmItlg & Wlde. Uf hogh. 24' long 575.

• . 418.'6. 2 Of f'lOfe 5SS faceeord )T •• Oak. sSs nixed S50 Plus (517)548-5046 ered SSS a IaC«Ol'd (4.18l16} UASSEY FERGUSON 10 lip. Grap/lics. NeMowne cenaer. Slh 'fflleeI allaChmenl. 5100 Tre ;.:..;.;~~:.:.::-_---, '. A blend 01 nul. InJt a.'lCI hare!- delivered [)r,-ers4oed SeMce defvety Free' bundle' 01 kn:lLno caJI Normar (810}437·1202 l1aetor. 3B n. nl()\\oer deck. MS 2620 E. Grand River. Howe'. by ne'tet used 878 • IS' • Wheel 6: :.".ood flhs rrixtu:e Gi..a-an:eed Contractors {5171223-3497 WIlh each facecotd 4.18l16 (810 LUXED fre ...ood. seasoned. (810)349-3122 & looks _ g-eal S35Gbesl 0JaIiIy Fantl & FleI!l (511)546-7(00 hole. 575. (313)878-5574· 10 bI.m. KrrdIIng ;r.al!able G'E'g 227-4496 ~ Oa~ & cner,;: 545 pocK (517)223-4005.

JoMson.(313)207.1903 BUCK STOVE lOse" self con- ~. dellvety availab:e 4x8118 Hobbles! ~=:.....:.:~----COI.IPIJTER AND pmer. 11ead- HOT DOG rnachorle. 5250 ~• la.oed. 3 speed a~'o t'ioo\-er. elc, M.JSt lake 2 cords L1EYERS SHOWPlOW eIem: mI. Tdtany lamp shade. WICker other eQIJIP'l'lffll (517)723-2137• ALL DIy. Ha'd"oe<j faeecOfds. cond 54~ best (8101348-7841 ~~~~~~ ~er~ (810)750-9927 ColnslStamps power ltllt. eonlte4 and blade. Ioveseal tal, (313)B~146 I wJI make up 00ct 'f/OI'k & he~(4rS(16) Pr(t-d 10 se~ a~er 6pm 418118 fae«orl1 (810~ IIIXEO hardwood mosDy calL S300 01 besl oller. Ford 3pl CRAFTSMAN BIN. !able $aW. )'C\.I flSIal your hmace. CNer ~(517~ CHERRY AREWOOO. abou1 3 Seasoned. splil, deli'.-ered • LIONEL STANDARD gauge & tllICh rear blade Wllh ta.i 'A'flee/. MIl bUIIt-f1 ~l $75 )TS expeneoce (313)B78-2958

, • DENNIS BALDWIN & $ors ptC~ ~? Ioa=s tra:le for nd<ng FOR sale f,re ...ood by the sen· STACKED $65.1acecord 4rSxl6 Amencan ~er 0 gauge. plus 3 5275 oc best. (810)4S6-3152 [810j684-0949 "0VlE CORDER ~. ~: : Seaso ....ed 1"fo\O:ld r:>On oalt meiler or iI"\l1 ~.J\e you load Fast cleL-.ery Clroer now ();anlty doscour.lS J m transfocmers. box of parts. sales SEARS I~. heavy d<itt trac· • .....

• (810)231.1£.:~ (810)t'JZ·7Q58 (517134S-~70 Of (5171426-3439 (SI0)227-{1828-1 caUlogs. reparr & par.s books lOr. 42n dect, sllo'lltlower. ~~ ~ ~ [~7~7~~'~ PRlLlE seasoned firewood C\Il (810)632-7688 'M1eeI 'I\'e9'IIS. chaI1S S5751 liiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~";;';'~;';;~~~";";~"';;';';~";';;;';"---"

& ~ 4l8116, mosIIy lltIde &I I best. [810)48W)70 ...~It, ~ ash &dtuekory & I Jewelry SHOW BLOWER a:tae:hmenllot~~"I' No JUI''''- 3 cor m.rumum. Sears Mov.-er S50del"rvtred tree locally. SSS per (810~ eves after 7pm.Iacecoro (517l548-2294

UKE NEW·SlNGER 560 eIec·ttone krMIIr.g madline ribbertable. COfTlllele. $11 SO (810)638-5764

OlD TOOlS & Iocense plales(810) 887·2373

POOl tables. sIale lOP. so(Jdwood, ell:. quaWy. Also 5e!VICe& repaw. Master Craft since1978. (517)223-0068

PROFESSIONAL INSTALLERwi! rtSlal yoo: gal age dooropener. arry brand S50 Faslserw:e 15 )ears expenence(313)878-9142

rROLLS Ebte llheel cl.a~. $ISO(810) 4J7.Q302


_-/ LaRICHE-' ! " "'1995 CHEVY.GLADlATOR VAN

CONVERSION FULL SIZE4 ". nrrtIIIJ, IIIctic IIhor1, Yl3$O, _......-..poww~.1ocb.1iI, ....... WAS &26,991"$18 995*llIl~ btd,III\'~ NOW ,100 ..... 10 101.-.1<1 ~ f22I7

'96 GEO PRIZM '95 GEO TRACKER ~~~;;~- rkI:b. .~. ~

REO OAK. lIMe calc. cherry % KY. ~. rlOQ guard & solitare WESTERN SALT spreader, usedmol, 10 cords S400 5 cords 1I-eo.1ing nng Hardly worn. pa;j 2 seasons. Askrlg S4OO.S200 418116. spf~ & def'ered Sl.400askI1g S7ro'besl (517)548-56nfree (517}46B-3S2B (610)632·5976 --------....,

$fASONED I'.ara...ood OeL-v. f.'h CARAT emerald and o:her I I Lawn & Gardene'ed locally SSS CaD after 5 pm gems. Ideal Chnstrnas gilts MaterialsOf lleekends (6' 0) 632.7255 (810)229-2381


Lawn. Garden &l I

r.t I Snow Equipment

100% SCREENED black Olf!,IOpSOiI. peat moss Pdwp Ofdefveted Rodd Raether.[517)546-4498





11000 CASK 00WIf 011TUllE lOUITY

$199°0**permo. Now51 0,995*A·1 SERVICE on deivery ~\OpSOi, sarld. gravel MPAT I\JCk.rlg [517) 54S-0439

; I I .

MiscellaneousFor Sale

BRIGHTON FORD·MERCURY8240 W. Grand River (1-96 & Grand River) • Brighton1=810-227-11711= 2 BAR stocis. hardwood SSO

each. ~ p1a:lotm scale.S50 (511)548-ss.~

186CtJ. FT. rel~a:. freezer.S1as Camon e l(; type-'MIler. S175 TV 25 rneh. ReA.S75 (517)$(6-7187.

JUST WON MTD lawn tradOr.ne«l 10 pay rent. 16 hp. 42'.relaJl $1400besl (517}54S-1939

LAWN TRACTOR, 80Iens Husq733. 6 speed p"A~ range. 7 hpS32SbeS1 (810)220-0895

Jeep 21 POlE ba:n tresses Xtt. 4P<'Cl. r.e;w Weathered $SOeach. 1517.15-*1090. a!:er 5pm

3 6-P ANEl doors. 1 glass parle!door. I set bl-lold doors. 2Andersen ~~'S Used. el~-Ienlcond 1810/347·1533

Plgmoulfi Ea91.

~&.airlChecr DfEVRDL.Er Gee

LOCAl 4534600 METRO 961-4797<W875 Plymouth Road. pt)TTlOUthILf'tIIl::lCIa"~~1~""""-""P'u"' ~lIW .. ,..".....",z._=- :"''"'''IIt:..I .,~ ,.,.....,.." t:~.I"QtM"""""""'"...,..- __ ........,.,, __ -. .... "'-'I.·x ... Gnu '::£>1_ • ~M..A...,-y ....... ~ ,..\." ~IL..

~.~ "':M"'WtU'''~'-'''1JIV'~'''''''''~''''''1IW'''"''III~::>-''''...c::lllll-~--''''''''

5 FT. rne1aI a'TTlOf Kn'9"'l 515Gbest. CcUd be an ar.tq.Je(810)22O-<lB95

''i''ICIlI'-'oW)' .. Un.~

• Ill ..Il" \\It) lit

Ji &11"

DodgeDodge Truths


5% down

"Largest ~/9Ctlon InMichigan"

"Folks, this is only a sampling of ourhuge inventoryl No reasonable offer refusedl"

TRUCKS. VANS & 4X4"s '5995 &. UNDER &. BUDGET PAYMENTS19iOTEMPO 4 OR. GL.qil.- -, .. ~ ... llot>g ........... -. $4288.....~ ~_A'_._.o,o\O_.-1991 TAURUS 4 DR. Gt:~;;~~._:~ .~.O"~ &."- r~ _$59951e91 ESCORTGT.opd.K.-." •."............ ..-_ -- $5995_&_C¥*'_w';'IJ"""'Oo"I<. -- -.1994TEMPO 2 DR.GLu._ .qil. .......... p••p............ - lU'>OV' $159...._.-.,...._llloCO--Oo"I<- _ . IlWo

1995 ESCORT WAGON LX $~~.:-=~~~~_~~~_~_- 191ADo.1993 PROBE GT=~~''::''.,,"= ~,:;~-:.;,:;:$216--00"1<-._. -- -- - - !Io.1992 TAURUS 4 DR. GL=.==~~:~::;.~~.$197m


1/2 ton. 400 miles

$13 995-1996 DODGEDAKOTA


' '. ~ 24 Month Lease

~. $18236--- 10%down

Now $11.499·" 64"Sport,shortbed,alr.sIIdlngrear $212 5% down1996 CARAVAN WIndow. cassette. east WheelS


... .. _ ~ 24 Month Lease---~ '. $21245--. 10% down

Now $17,299"· $25559-- 5%down

~~'$~~.~~:::1~tes.7paS$ .•l.radc. 1996 JEEP ·CHEROKEE 4 DR24 Month Lease

1K-4 EXPlORER SPORT....."",.., a .......-.K-. ,.",.. 518488..-- :.w.. .. ~ .....

;;sFORDmo SUPER CAB XlT J• __ ..,.11__ """_ ... _ .... , .... ~18881a94SRONco-eOOiE'BAu"ER-t>oo-- - S"''''' ... __ OLOL.. __ ---- '208951~DsrA'R"OLt>oo--- $17J497=:a..~-:::.~~~~~1m RANGER SUPER CAB '"~""'z:.7""'."""""'K-"'.""" $8995........1.... ,..,.,._.,..CIICel.."..., _~ _1mAEROSTAR.. ----.--- ---- 58995o..r ..................... c.r'I ... ....,. o.r _1~1 EXPLORER SPORT• __ •• "' ... __ OL __ $13495................ ..__ t..- .,.... ..... ~ .....

~;;;i.EROSTAR -----,- ......---.-- .....--- $7795-_t>oo ---1~1 FORD E350CARGOVAN $11995........ "" '"--.. tJ." IC. ....

imRAN:ERSUPERCAB---- - $10'995==:::~~~~:::"~-:-1m FOROIOLAVIC CONV£RSK>N VAN $16'688o-.:n ............ "c.a.. .. ..,.....mreX9i.O'RER ..DR -t>oo------ J• __ .. - ..... M_ •• OL.·.. $16495..................... XL''''...,...,.. ...... ,..... .........m'4FORDF150SUPERC~-- J...._._- t>oo......-. ..._ 'I. ..... $19 995tJ,. .................. ~.,...., ~.,.... .......,.m.:i=ORitmoXl. _ ...__ _·- Joo,woc_u"-_ _, __ $16795...... ~ ...... .,....~ ..... ""'"' iI'I.ldL.;If'oRD''F250 -- J•__ m_ "" -. _ $14288....,.. , .... ~IUJQC QrM

;;;fOROF;50su~cAB-· - - J...._ __ t>oo...,..-.u... -. $12 488..... JJ. " -.,... ... ClIICIWI-"'" "'WCt:lIl ~_..... --- ,



'6000 to '79951m ESCORT WAGON LX00"I<11.4OCI~_.qil. ..... ~........ DI pa.p., $7995,1. .. _M>O .......... -lO>O'tIlA~-Oo"I<.1992 TEMPO 2 DR.Looo_-. ....P-a.p~ ........... _.~- $6995...... o-tn-of7Or-o-..- -- --.-- --1991 TAURUS 4 DR. GLCWWC2.'OO ..... W."'ot.CI .. ,. p~~. ,''''''- 0010;$7888__ ._~ __ o-p,A.ONr -

1991 SABLE 4 DR. LS:.%.~~~~~~~~~_'.w~_ $76951991 TOPAZ 4 OR. GS00"1<)51lOC_' eyl. CO Q •• pb,.p•. 1".0"-' $6588M>O...... SIWP 8rt;N,., -. CWo' .----. - -

1093 UNCOLN MARK VIII $18495Oll\'2S.200...... _d_·_tuea ~ ...r--_ ..", --- -- ---- ,1993 UNCOLN TOWN CAR $16 395nbr·lClV~Oot>ol- .......~- ..........."

1995M'tJSTANG GTCONVERTIBLE --- )u._~'OW. ....co.'A_"' """$19 995II;I'oll>lllr_","",*_..,...,..~_A''''''.", -.---------- J1994THUNDERBIRD $13995w.-'_Oo"I<ZJ.l(IQ__ ~_~~_A_toICy __ ._ •.", • ,

1994 MUSTANG GT COUPE $14 995IoIICIllllO.....,~~8<'Il"' ...... __ looo

_Aw;a>t ..""" _----. J19M CROWN VICTORIA LXTloo_roo"_Ir4Oo"1<~ClOO~_·el.W. $15995-.~.llIj4ou.lIotIQ. __ OC/lI'CI'--~lo4lItC-~_1M~OrIr_--_·-_- J1994 UNCOLN CONTINENTAL $18 9950-..- 21.800 ....... ., IIIIOrL -... CCldIQN 0a\:>IIl-__ TNlw-"'br_. __ """"· ,=~~~~~~~~_$21,495



$21447"OW $16 99644." 10% down4X4.alr.reardefrost,t1~.rearw1~r $25555-. 5% down

. . stJc. 196-1248 '

~~~':":r~*W/approYed credit. Onfv on retail ftnandng not H0 U RS 0 PEN;:u~~/:e ~ at~~~~\~~'g'~rs:~~~~f:rslt, 9 am . 9 pm M •. TH-.T. W. F tfll6 pm'Plusux, tItSt .. dtSUnitlon.lnC:IUd"anyappllu~ rebates.' IIIBRIGHTON CHRYSLER SAT.9am-2pm.

DODeE • JEEP • EAGLE9827 E. Grand River • Brighton

(810) 2~9·41'OO

....... ...-c:I • .....".."'Oa ......, 1II'\.,14.. "",JIl,.·IC_ .~~~"'Jl,," "ftl..,A..'I1·..... '''' ..,Jl..'tO· ..... u'''~ "VA

\ ..~..



More Than Just A Great Price:Certlfled Sales ConsultantsAll Champion sales Consultantsundergo an intensive traiDingprogram to deal v.ith customer'sn~ds successfully, always keepingbudget concerns in mind.

52· Point MechanicalInspecUonAll vehicles undergo a rigorous52-poinr inspectioo by factorytrained, state certified, authorizedtechnicians before going on sale.


PRICE OR iPAYMENT'91 GMC JIMMY 4x4,...,0 a'c S'~'eo ~1 on 111.995 f '\ 1229........'92 FORD F150 PICKUP Inc C3""'Ce' row S~ '9995; '189.no.

.''92 CHEVY S10PJCKUPT~.~~ Iowmlies'7995 ~ ·149.ho.'89 OLOS DELTA 88 SOV5 aJ'0 "C p .. 1000'5995 L' ·109.ho.'91 CHEVY CORSICA SO AM S'~eo 1...... ''1 Cdr'7995 ~. '·149.ho.'90 DODGE GRAND VOYAGER l'ulI PC"'~ ~1 ~e '6995 !. ';'29.na.'90 CHEVY CORSICAA<fto "c ~, 15995 ·'119. .......'93 FORO RANGER XlT ....'C. 14~ tAldINY low rr."', '9995 ~ '169.na.'90 PONTIAC GRANO AM"",~ "c 16995! 1129. ......'91 CHEVY CAVALIER Iloct' 2f>:l ca' 14995. ; '99........'91 DODGE SPIRIT A<fto ....c '4995 ;. ~ t&9.na.'91 CHEVY PICKUP flW', "'''''~ 18995 i,•. ·159.na.'92 OLOS ACHIEVA Auto ....c ~ '7995 I: 1149.h>.'93 CHEVY CKl500 414A:c ~ rt'~ "'''' tlo.n'.r.:l 113,995 " '239.na.'92 CHEVY BLAZER 4 DR. 4X4 CAll FOR DETAtLS'93 GEO PRIZM SDfufto 18995 ~ ·,69........'93 DODGE SHADOW SO A./.I) "c '6995; '139.'l'"o."94CHEVYBlAZER41hJ!O ~c ~.~, cseatl'18,395 '319.,..."'93 GYC SOHOUA EXT. CAB Vb a.f.o ....C IOn9 t«l111,995 '203.,..."'93 CHEVY CORSICA "u'o A,C '6895 ,-' '129na.'94 SIDEKICK 4x4 &>O--~...., ClU~ Ie-. ......IM '9895' 1159'nt.'95 DODGE DAKOTA 4x4 V5 "'qv'Tl /t'l bIao:.. '14.495 1 • '229. .......'93 CHEVY SILVERADO 4X4 CAll FOR DETAILS'93 FORO TAURUS V-6 aulO "C ~ w~ '9995 i 1169. .....'95 JEEP WRANGLER \.Joe~ .. Od, 10.. '"'"" CALL FOR DETAILS'93 CH~Y CORSICA LT SO V5 A,C t.1 cr~ '8495 ." r; ·159.na.. .........A-~- ......I

'94 PONTIAC 5UNBIRD CPEA.....; .....<: -'10,995 . '169.m'94 FORD ESCORT 2 OR. LXAo..to. A,C '7995 f" , '129.N.'94 DODGE SHADOW "'-10 A,C '7995. ·,29. .......'89 PLYMOUTH REUANT "-.to la.~ ;>roo at '2495 ;:'94FORD TAURUS V6.on ~'" WK1I ..'T>'y W 110,995 :'95 CAVALIER 2 DR.A.J'o AC '11,995''95 PONTIAC GRANO AM '14,995'89 CHEVY SUBURBAN 1>.<1'0 .... c relCf I", !rolCk'n '6495 I '149. .......



! .I

PAICEOR"SoIOO'Yc.I5o)1s.-.-u;o; ..... ~.::'>:;q- '~";r1""'~' 114,995'88 FORD RANGER PICKUP lOOo r-q-.'y ....,--.c' 13495"92 OOCXifCOlT Fa·.u~:< \ioU "" •• ;le ""'" rr~n:O'\&:IC~' '4995'93 CHEVYc.1SOO >0.....,. u: .1 ....... -..",:con ot"\;l<.t' '12,995'90 OODGE GRAND CARAV4N E'~I C~I'I'~ ,,15995"9-l CHEVY CA ..... UER I_t: " :'.'" a1....... --........ U' '8995

PAYMENT'229 ........

'J93ft>., '1 03 no.

'199 .........·158~'179.-0.

Easy On·Slte FinancIngChampion provides easy, oD·sitefinanciog with IS accreditiedlending institutions to choose fromand a term and payment tailored tofir your needs.

low DownpaymentsLow Monthly PaymentsChampion unified sales consultantswork with you to arrange easilyaffordable dOWIlpayments andmonthly payments.

PROGRAM CARS~ '95 CORSICAS~ From $11,995 $~~~

'95 ACHIEVAS -SIX to Choose From ~o.

From $12,995 ....,.- Six to Choose From - '95 SKYLARKS

~ From -!~~:o~!~.-"'!"''''IBAD CREDIT? BANKRUPT?

2 E-Z QUALIFICATIONS r1 You must be employed 2. Have a trade or down payment .~



Limited funds available. Reserve your loan today!1-800-800-6930 Ask for John Frezell

To Fonton

59 Hartland

Warranty On AU VehIclesAll \'ehicles under 100,000miles aDd less, tbaD ten yearsold are covered by aD extensi\'e\\'arraDty. See dealer for details.

To Lansing


•• - ........ ....,;... or ............ . ..- ......--"'- - .... -...... ----- --......

To Nov.,Farmington

Grand River

PRICEOR'90 POHT1AC GRANO AW.l.J:. ... :;OM ~ 01 ..... tCH'¥;> '5995"91 DOOGE DAJ<.OTAPICKUP Ready10< a r>e'" hor".e' '6495'93 DODGE SHADOW ......()l"'~'>C & a r '6995'93 FORD TEMPO'S31OCf'OOSe' '6995"89 PONTIAC6COO lE Y:.., '"Zl Xt:n ~ __ ,or,:>E7' I)'ly '3995'94 PONTIAC SUN BIRD Afoma'oC& a ~ '8995'94 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM low ......'eS a..'O & a r '8995'92 CHEVY S10 PICKUPOL.a.'OMa:d ar' '8995'93 GMC 1500Rea~jlOdn'o"t" '9995'93 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE '9995'94 SUZUKI SIDEKICK 4X4low IT''es' '99959jwt.~5.l3lE'AGC«l~.t..:; \~ ,~c<!ylSU b',)'V, '4995

PAYMENT~'13t-:"ui1k1'130.-.·'130:-, '99-.. ,:'1S2,m.'154;..,.'1~'189m.

:.Sl~9nt..''17~1109 ......

Poor Credit HIstory?Champion says 'Yes' when otherssay 'No!' Credit specialistsprovide 'fiesh-start' financingdespile divorce, layoff or otherpast problems.

PRICE OR r\PAYMENT'92 CHEVY1500 WIT Au!(), V6.A.r.l<>w: low rrules '11,995 jI:1:~'265."h)\-,''90 CHEVYCAVAUER 2 OR.Only 33 000 males '4995 r,~~-";,15~.~~;

iV~~ I',_,~_'91 $-10 P.U. 5 speed, good m.les. 1'oOO't Iasl '5995 ~"'il:' ~ 5~ ,'91 CHEVY CAVALIER 4 DR. Aulo, 31r '5995 f:·,\K~~"~~I'

'91 GEOSTORM20R.AJ:l !Io1~:r.e.il1~F9tas: '7995 ~"J';~176t~~Jl' " ~ J I ,'tI" h~ ,i:,j - 'III

'91 CHEVY LUMINA 4 DR. ~'5 ~_'Q ~lb:".l'e~'yC3' 18495 Ill!;;~8~w.".,f,i!"Qll~: III I ~ ,I: I

'92PONTIACSUNBIRDLEs5;ld rear5;'O<Jer&spo!)'7995 ~,~;,s1~g,....., ,'91 CHEVYCORSICA4DR.v. a-.1c l'hscarlSir'lcecar '6995 ~ ~:$149,-~. ,'82 SUBURBAN Auto, va. Won't 1aS! '2995 j.'-P ~~'!;.g,~~.'92 GEO PRIZM 4 DR. LSIAuI().A.'C.m:FMcass 18995 f<~~~9.;ro:.:'93 CHEVY CORSICA lT4 OR. VS A<:.tll.Ct1Jlse.pottoe-- 18495 1:~;:;:t!159;~~~:

I - II I I t;

'93 POtrnAC leUANS SE 2 DR. l('ln'es ~ dlad<>'y.rrtj'8995 ; ",~ ~1691T<:1;'"1;",' 1,,::'''1-" I ,: -

'89 OlDS CUTLASS SUPREME '0'6 1IllCl\lSe cass .p:l'fo1!r'6995 r;·; ~169.<n>"1'1'11, III!,!" J

'92 FORD F1SO 5 speed. 6cy1 18995 ':i·.'~1'9~>11, I' 'I I' I I

'92 FORD R~GER XLT 2 w'1eeI!he V6. al.1oSlereo,cass'8495 II; ~,!~~:6~~ii

'92 CtlEVY WWHA 4 DR. V6 au10. A. 'C Io;1r n-,es tlt 0\l1Se '8995 !". !~79.-~ ~:lr '1., 'I. -t; ~', I" ..

'92 TOYOTA PASEO 2 dt. 5spd, A.-c,lJIl.0'UISe. cass '9495 ~,l:"r ,~1l-9,-ry~:'93 CHEVY CORSICA 4 DR. V6. aulO.1111. Ct1JlSe '9295 Hi; 1174iTc. ':,

:' !f'r' I) n

'92 OlOS ACHIEVA 2 OR. Quad 4. aulO. SC pkg '8295;' ~16~..c,''93 FORD TAURUS 4 DR. GL decoI'. V6. aulO, A.'C '9995: J, $1Sw.!-' .'

l..lr 'r I '1 I

'93 DODGE SPIRIT 4 dr, ~r eqIJ,pmerll '9995, I, '·"189.::T.Q. ''92 CHEVY LUMINA Z34 2dr, V6 '10,995 :' '21();TC'92 BUICK REGAL 2 DR. Vb. ~O. A:C PJ'l'ere(f.l'pl'".enl '10,495 r" :~'21Io.~ •.'

~ I' J.. ' ,I

'93 PONTIAC SUNBIRD lE decor,4 dt, auto. Ale \1 0,495 ~;;I"~1.~~~' "'93 CHEVY LUMINA 4 DR. ThIS one IS pneed 10go '8995 '/' '1691".0.' '

" • ... t Irlt~~'Aol'llMril~+'~

'91 GMCJimmYAu1o.V6.~4x4 '\1,99~~J~:~[i1~'~'93 CJiEVYe-1SOO-112TOth, m·t-jj'~uibit~c:-.et· '12,495 "".'22~.",'94CHEVY 5-10 BlAZER 4 DR. Ta"oepkg Vor-ecV5 0 DOWN "," ~9;":" ''94 FORD ESCORT 2 DR. SPORTPKG.:-olSrs.n..s:see '8295' $149-">0.'94 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4 OR. GT p<g , V6 116,295 ~ 1299.._'9400DGE CARAVAN SE V5.Loaded 7 pass '13,995,: ,.' ~5~:'95 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr~ auto, V6,A.'C '14,995 ~. ~ '249,;"";.+- ",' I I

'93 GMC SlE SIERRA 1/2 TON \~ 5spj. ...C.~ '14,995 ~,"' '279m1,I "- ,I, .. ~ 1-'

'91 PONTIAC SUNBIRDAulo.alt '4995 : i ... 5159;"";" r I ,",

'95CHE'rnl500EXT.CABacSlI'EAAIXh<1-::c;et-.r~,s;:Jec:aI'24,688, !,1349.ma:•

PRICE OR'92 FORD F150 PICKUP marl39E!"'sspeoa!' 19995'91 CHEVROLET5-10 s.-: ~~~IS'l<~ .~,:C:fS..e'l:lU.' 15995'S4 PONTIAC GRANO PRIXSE Polo Ilreen.loacled''11,995~ PONTIAC GRA.'lO All ~ t:. Ll ;w" .'~ ; .. t\S.lt 0'..2. t. n1es '9995'93 CHM CORSICAA.Jo vs. c.'~~=t-, flI$ 'ttol ~ '7995'93 FORIJ E·l50 CONVEIlSlON VAN ~ SOlabeO. VCR. TV' '12,995'93 CHEVY 1500 4X4 EXT. CAB Loaded' '13,995'93 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4loaded '14,995'S4 CHM S10BLAZER4 DR.4X4510 choose' From'15,995'94 CHM ASTROCONVERSIONloadedw'optoons '15,995'95 CHEVY IIONTE CARLOZ34loaded.Of'Jy 2000 mdes' 118,995'95 FORD ESCORT 2 dr •cassere. very Clearl.orJy '9995

PAYMENTri20~·~-;,,'.J119._ ' ,l 1203.~.o., ,J18Q.1IIO,

~79._, '2016.''JI:J."1264.-_ ,,:'279._',

'27Q._'272.'10. ~

, ~S"'4:"18~ .

1995 BUICK SKYLARKS - CHEVY CORSICAS & CAVAUERS· OLDS ACHIEVA'S! SI99Jrno. BIG SELECTION - BLAZERS - TAHOES - S10 & FULL-SIZE EXT. CAB 4X4'SLots ot program cars & trucks· Dve thousands· factory warranty! MID-MICHIGAN'S USED CAR CAPITOL Hundreds to choose!

I.t,o ••



V6, power Wlndows,locks, air bags, tilt, cruise & much more

$Was$18,882*~ow $1::~ 2...

269:~h~51111127 I~

1996 BLAZER 4X4St# 1142

1996 GEO PRIZMAir, 5 speed, dual air bags, elee rear defrost & much more


.~aS$15'169 Now$13,439'

-.~. $207**• ~ '.. ~~~h

St# 1188

1996 S-SERIES TRUCK5 speed, alum wheels, sliding rear window, cloth bench & more

Was $111926 ::w $999~··~. .._._,$208 P" __..;;:J ~ Month ~ •

SIlt 5623X •

)- s'

.... •• ..,. ~/.., ,,"1 f

".. - .... r., I...... ~ ....


'4-D-GREEN SHEET EAST-ThJrsday, NoYeniJef 16, 1995,

MiscellaneousFor Sale

PW/O antique mahogany 1.9' VlOUNS FOR• S600best (81 0}344.()327 (511)546-6829 •~-""------

HOROITRAC WALK·FIT ma·chine. Eke new. (810) 684-0824 .

WOOOBURNER fteplace IrlSeIl5100. (810) 231-3060. ~ • A SPORTY NEW

~. ~ DODGE AVENGER·4i~y;ty~iJI't";? Provided by John Colone Ch~sler Plymouth'. ---< .. ~~.......... Dodge Jeep Eagle in PinckneyHome Builders Association of Livingston County benefit to

renovate their historic office building

500 Tickets Sold! Drawing held December IS, 1995-II less than 250 tickets sold, 050/50 drawing will be held with a minimum first payment '2500.00

FREETicket· with Purchase Of Any These Used CarsPINCKNEY LOT HAMBURG LOT

~~~Y~~~.~~YO.~KE.R 516,995 :~~~.~~~~.~.S.~FTTOP4X4 .. ~11,995~ ~~~~.~ ~14,800 ~ ~~~ ~~~....... ~10,995~c~O~~~~~?~~.PICKUP . 52,995 ~~~~MD.:~~~1!. : 54,995~9J.J4~~~~~.~whfeIs&l><" . ~14,400 ;~~~~R~L!................. .. 53,788~~~~~~~L.- .....~13,995 ~.':!-!~.?~~ ~~.~~~~CE 4 DR 52,788~:lR~~.~~~CiER 512,965 ~~~l;!~ L.E.B.~~?N. 55,495~!2~~;"".. . ..56,495 ~.Il?.2rCi~~~~~.4 DR 55,995~9~(~~~~ ...... . . 59,995 l3cIlO~Ci.~ ~~.~R510N VAN ~12,995'90 DODGE CLUB CAB 4X4 5 - '93 DODGE 0150 SA<.Co & .... ;..st on tJme lor ~ strloOtl....... ..... 6,595 va. Mo ..... lo1l, crurst.)lffto . 9,288~~~R.~~~~ ..~.~~.~P?R! ~ ~~. ..513,965 U~~sP~~,~ ~10,295'91 JEEPCHEROKEE s11 427 '93 DODGE DAKOTA LE s12 6 9,~ 1630\ 4 • .,1ur\ no !>tUff ~Its lor • pntf 1M low, I;<'1'. Mo .... & much rnotf , 5:~~~~t~QI.b..mk1.'-1l .. 516,935 ~~~!2lfowlCl ... 515,995'92 DODGE RAM CONVERSIONVAN '93 MERCURYVILLAGERLIs 513 995r.. 9O"\'ff, tv, VCP. SNCIl>td. 4 ('?Un ("'~ h'C'> 59862 lf~ .... ..... • • ,quIWy. t<onomoc: pnct' 0Ny . . , ,'94 INTREPID E5 93 DODGE CARAVAN 510 495tOldtd, 1Nlhf<, won' a.st II .•.. . 514,995 "~7 p..o. ~ -- ,

'95 CiRANDCHEROKEELIMITED 524 669 '90 DODGE CARAVAN 572950nIIw00cl, ltMhtf. ~ ICy. • , 6 <'I'. Mo, 7 p..... -"arp ,

'95 CiRANDCARAVAN s15 995 '95 DODGE NEON 4 DR. 5102957 PlIo. p". pL.lllt ntW •• • , ........0 .~.dN<1 ,

1/2 mile east of Downtown Pinckney 2 miles west of US23 on M-36(313)878-3154 (810)231-0535

-a ,~ John CoJone !!'!:~Chrysler· Plymouth. Dodge ·Jeep· Eagle mm.. ~

· ,• I......n• I~ .· .

scanlan Music' NoviU«a W"I Oaks Dr.. Hoyt

WEST OAKS U(1l8d 10 Toys 'R Us)



• !I

CABLE UPRIGHT poa."IO (1928).ele C()Od. darlo\<Xid S395 CaI

r TANNING BED. WcJf Senes n (810) 360-9313••bo.IJ. low ~ SS(Xl "-LO-WR-'--EY-OR-GAN,--do\.ble--key-.I" (511)366-7855 board. Y!bes, fv.es, aI ltle~mE.PHOHE EOtIlPUOO Il'I ems. S700'roeg (313) 449-SZ47,bA Phone. cabWlg ~. YODEL.1 02 Ha'TV'lOf'ld console~,eQUIP boards (517j223-7885 ~ Leslie ~ 145 speaker': be cond S3500besl Thomas'. TREADMIll type Po"erv.a:k Ca:4omoa.'l M;x!el 284 Deluxe STARCK SPINET p.ano &: PlIs mac:N1e 1 \"T old S250 Otga'l S500best Alter 5pm.. bench. EJcelIenl c:ond<lJOn S600':CaI (517)54S4~ \5171548-6595 (810)229-1668:\

Sporting Goods ~O~~.~. . (517~1.

1993 BURTON as)T11 air. gody.wlarr waDe. boots. StZe 12. 5290.(8 I 0}437·ms.

2 FOLD ~ beds. stepper.tread'nll. 12 sceed. rower. de-Uce Slal.onary bike. super slider.aI ele C()Od (810}437·5316



S ED AN-""T'To~'~c:> LJ ~ c:#-Ie::::> I C;.L:::=E ...


2.ct OOHe 4 qt engine, 5-speed marual1tansaxle.preferred ~~enl pkg. 235A, ~oup I,fullengthconsole. AM FM stereo racio ,",cassette, group 2,man. contra ail' conolioni'lg. rear M'ldow defroster.power healecl mirrors. PI85170R14 SSW lites.Iroot/rear carpeled floor mats, Irool driver andpassenger a1rtlag. ~ buc:kel sealS, deslIl'Iation a.'Id

lIii~jll'lC.~SlK.160688. All '95 eoD Grad.

'95 PROBE "SE" 3 DR• I,





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SALES OPEN MON. & THURS. 9-9TUES., WED. & FRio 9-6; SAT. 9-5



"'2~ rnon:t\'cIoHd _ ~ 'UH wl1S00''''''. pet yta, I~ lie ~ m~ PfN'IyLMIH""'''' ~cn 10puret.aH IN \1I'loeIt alIUH...., all Il"U 10~ ~.ale6...:!'1N dfl'tr IIIta.. oneepccn ~ ItsIH lias no ObLQaloOll 10 puret.au IN ~ al Ita.. tnd lfU ... os~ !Of .retn .... _" IIlr A ~ ~iIy ~sJl of ont rnon:t\ PlY"enl ,00000fdupwttd 10u-.. ..... "" S2S rlCtemenl I"US IIf r-al"'*'l ~ Ifld I~ art d'" al dtlNtrr "'J~9'rpa)'IMl'U by 100l1r<l 6Y"6t by 2~ 10 dt!.""",. mcM>'Y ~ no 1M W clut tr>OflNy FltballS~ I'lIl"U .~, III, ictIIM. dtsl rtea:. ~ "1l"U "·Some ,ewic:foons aWl' .~-s III,


t7 2 -

Tlusday. NoYem/)e( 16. 1995-GRE£N SHEET EAST-15-D= SportIng Goods] SCRAP melaJ. M.r!n.m. 25e AFFECTlONATE IH'?OOR CAT GERUAN SHEPERD, Pure IRISH WOlf}lOUND, pups. JACK RUSSfLL Temer PUPS. JACK RUSSfLL Tetner 151 LABS chocolate. AXe. Christ·:~ ., 40e lb. Copper. ~ 10 Sllb 2 year ~ people-orierted neu- VltlIle. MC. Of A. lOp quaily. MC. ~ $Ire & dam. PAl ike U)'io 1I'l'Ma$k" aJ sOOts. shots. 8 100 old. ~ sm mas P'JWies. born lG-16. 1st

Brass. 40C 10 ~ a lb. Cat Iefed male. blaek and ~ long shots. wormed. 30 mo gJatan' Ouaified homes odt S900 S375 Cal (313)697.0062 (313)498-2394 shotsi'wormed, S350 Met Spm,HUNTE COl'IVefletS, ~ 10 515 each. har. LertI)' ..,. sleep 00 yror lee<!. bred 10be a member ollt'.e (810/984-5285 ------- (810)628-5465.RS Wd lfo'ealhet sleep. LlaM SCrap Co 1123 Decker bed. greet you allhe door and fa.'Tiy (810)349-2685 POIIERANIANS Toy AKC AI _~. 'h prv:e. $OS Red Wlrj Ad, Waled Lake. Mi. (810) even come ¥ot.en you cal tin. colors (517)365-3042

("-81-0)23'\1boots, 10'h, S50 96().1200. Ideal lor s-lgle person or farrWy 11::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::':1-0383 WIlh ch1dren! Free to gomKHlGHT II"#. 780 798) home. CaJ Fra.'1k atbadet 1·5SO tahoer. trIJZZ'.e S~ • (810)684-0729

(313}i~k: r.eN. $2S04UtJiWii.iC,a: 1-----. -""'1

IIE1fS MOUNTAIN bike. 21 • ~ Dogsgears, $100 2 boys fllOonalllbates. $SO each (810)71H936 t I

I Animalservices 3 YR. old spayed f~ Sa'POOl. TABLE: Btur.$WlClt 1915 ... mese cat Free 10 gom home.9 It. INayed WOOd E.aw.eni ---J CMner aletg>C. declawed and

~'3248 Asl<.ng 54500 PROFESSIONAL dog C7ocmt19 use 10 chiaen and dogs. gomS15 rdJdes al 27 ~ars IoY'ng pet (517,1223-8453, leave

SKIS· K'2 170s ~ eJpeoetV;e PiI'd'.neV area -me$S3ge;.;.;..;,;!..:.------

boots S'le 8. lJ<e ne- •. $150 IkGregor Ad (313)878-2015 ADOPTABLE Pets Pel PrOVl- ~:;:=i~~n;:i;~;::;;7n~~~=~;:::~~~:;:~~~;;;:;;;;:;;::::;-:==============:i~(5171%3509. a':er S9m' $ions Brq\Ion. saUda)'. 1(}'2 •AnImal M (810)231-4497.

SOlOFlEX ~ rr.aci'..r.e A!a~ W'duded $1200 Breeder Directory AXe Dobtrman Pnscher. 18Cat af:ef 5pm 1517l5'8-7351 mo male. blacIt & Ian, nel/.eted.

at $hols. some traN.g !leedsTEc.9 9 IMl ~ 332 lound AXC LAB ... .....- Re1 at:et'lIlOt'I. S22S (810)231.3655dIpS plus cas.e S375 Re-.r,tr ~.44-40 S~. T~· V.v...a"'1) 11-6-95 Parents OFA AKC Golden Retriever po..IpS 6$3(0 1517j223.3614 CERF'O, shoes. ~. dew ,,\$ old ~ ine Ca!--',;..~.;...:.:.:..:-__ claws Cat Pat(517)223<lS37. E1ule (313)665-0749

WEIGHT UFTlNG ElMI"'etIl fI IBuy d,ted &om ltoe l"Ia'VaetJ. • AKC Golden Relrevefs pups.trS a,-.j 5a'r1! S For he ca:a:og, BirdslFish males S2SO Shots, vel checked.tal. (517;Si.~ 1(133 , , ~eat Yo'Ch lads (5 \1)546-3736

'MNaiESTER Il00£L '14 AKC Yoroe. rr.ale AI shoes~:)) r!oe SISO (313)«'124:>4' 1 PROVEN pv 9'ten 1UT'.p Paper ~a«d Lovable Very

parr~ 1 rnave ma~ congo pIay\A. (313)40(9«61

I I}Jrea:1 C7t"f (511P'&-126O AIIERlCAN ESKIUO '-«orwa'Utej Wanted To Buy ~ UKC Shots & ~oed

11wx. old SYlphur CcO.a~. $25O'SX() 151T)28S-&90SWIth cage 0ineI has A.ief'gesS1.100 uas:e<tard & VISa ac;. BEAGLE PUPPIES. 7 ,,-eel<$

AU tat"'~as & ~~.c ~ 1313,oll7~149 old. fa2'ief AKC. mot.er ru S25~ Ilo n'lO'''! Ca~ Pa<l Cat &!',ff 3I:m (511)2'23-75036Cat Svl. (810;Ja9 1'112 2 lARGE male ~ la'lorqBARBIE. u....... parTOC$ .'~~ Sf COO BEAGLE, ,,',; yr 010 nU.

~~.,. Fra.-cot do4S & saoo' (8101'37.1866 nevleftd. at $hOtS EJc -attl-~ & acc~ ~ 0Ide4' em and ~ No snaIOO/'ls &~" (810,as. COCKATOO. YEllOW lITtle!- chbetl. S2S (810)68.'<l819BUYING GOlD-SflVHl·Co.lI$- Ia btaldtJ 2 yr oIc1 har'ld let<! CHOCOLATE Lab fe""~ 6POO<ET !e<T'oI~. S 1.200 (B 10J68S-2n& mos. hOus&o/r.en. U breo:l.aIC~ts·:l,amcrojS·b'cien I I Sf 00 (313)878-1270chaI\s Oef>~ tpj 8r?'"l(tlCot'l$ (8101127·un I cats COlLJ£S.lOYlHG COUPlE.

t he's 9. shes's 8 llo sepera--=nELECTRIC t'V'o$ w.el A.~.e'r Spade~ed AJ So"«Sca.' ~ HO & ()'t~~ e'~Ot (313~2e06u<$ r810/266-5187 ADORABLE s:a.'T'fltl1'wrol~ ~':';";"~'-----GY1IN."TlC .... u:ens Vel cr.ed-e<l 1st & 2"'Jj D06ER.1.1AH PUPS. teQl\o·s!a.-.j

~ T. ~ ~ S200 '810..887<638 ~W1. 7 "ffU tXl Asl<rlgSole 415 (;':lOd O'/(l Rf~W'I- $100 (313r&ge-2310~ P#.ue c.sIIBl0;&37-7m

TOP prus parj l.:t ~ &a")~ ~ VlVtla'C~7-6',,)

DOG tU1S Dog keMels Dogenc:1os~es (511) ~9

HUIW/E SoCIety ar.mal ado»-bOOs sat, 9·1 pm. OJaIjly Farm& Fleet. Grand RIver. ~

~Ll.~If:_CT~I~... OM EmployelJ

Option I - Option II


Splashes. Supercabs. 4.0l V.fis, 4x2's, & 4x4'So AlL inslOdc. & AlL on sale. Hurry fof best selectIOn' Splasheswfail conda.ooning. prenVn cassette and rnJCh more.

LIST PRICE:. NOW $11 399'15,096 ONLY ,

(Four al this Price) PLUS A FREE BEOLINER!

7'BUCK.0117'./17' FJlIB£ANB FOBD!



tIiFa7·Pas$. Gl wagons it stock wlauto OYet'dtive trans.. 311.powe r locks. WIndows & mirrors Pl'ivacy ala 5$. floormats. speed control. b11wheel. AMIFM cassene & more.

LIST PRICE: NOW $19 350$23,760 ONLY ,~ (Two af this Price)


NEW 1995 SUPERCABFl50 Supercab 4x2 ~with a 5.8L V-8 engine. - - _aulo overdrive trans.air conditioning, powerlocks & windows. limited slip rear axle. trailertow pkg.. forged aluminum wheels. 40l2OI40s.eat,loaded X1T package and more.

LIST PRICE: NOW $18 718·$24,404 ONLY ,~' s-x:x '1542


NEW 1996 BRONCOSLoaded XlT 4x4's WlIh 58l ~EngflEl, a vt 0 overdrive ""transmiSSIon. IllNled slipreal axle, P265 a! lerrailtres. tra~er low package. two tone painl. airCOOlStIOl-l9. poweI' IocXs & WIndows and rroch morel

LIST PRICE: NOW $24 590$31,450 ONLY ,(Two afthis Price)oBRONCOS NOW IN STOCKI


OVER <!W 49l Engine, auto OYefdriYe ~-EXPLORERS AVAILABLE! Irans, dearcoat paint, AM/FM \' -

stereo. dolh bucket seats. anlJATTN: BUSINESS OWNERS loci< brakes. air bag. and mexe.YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ANRf«~l!~~ttliis...-. }1S8:~~i:~~r;,$13,790


~ E·2$O" & E.)SCT._ E.--..


MostKnowledgeableSales Staff!


1996 JIMMY ~(t. w ' •

43"" 'M"'''''' V'6~engme, automatICtransmJSSlOO. a,r bag. ASS"..~..."""'''''''''''','!IIpower rrurrors. power • _

WltldoY.-sIIocks. lill & cruis9. S LE $20 995*AM/FM casselle stereo, Atwo door. 2 WD and much PRICE ,

more' Stock 11968028. 24 mo. Smart Lease '295·'GM OPT II Deduct S1117.30

1995 -,FIRESIRD '4;~"S!QQ~ Al.f.omabC, all' oonditxnng. po ....-er locks. rear defroster.

stereo casselle and more Stock J9601381995 YUKON 4 DOOR

~~- ~., ~ .....<..." -... . .... _... --


A.t c:oncitJocW'g. stereo. cassece, automatlC. doof Icx:ks,ASS brakes. rednng bucket seats. QJaI nvrors and

much more DRIVERS ED SPEClAl. S1l<.. J950562.

SALE $12 395*PRICE ,GM OPT II Deduct $746.50

A. I 3800 V6 ~ es AA.I. He Slefeo c.u.set:e. ~ a, bagS 1>.'1. pc'Il-ef"'nOO<f,~ PtM-et Iod<s v.~ glass. ~ rTWTOI'S. 1IumoN:ed 8tllly rear dedtspc)>et 16" a\.tTltt'VTl ,,1'lee!s rear ()ef roslef & more Slk t95O-lZ2

SALE $18 495*PRICE ,G'" OPT a Deduct $1088.10

SALE $14 795*PRICE ,GM OPT II Deduct sn4.75

3 I '/0 4 ...t'.eel ASS bta~es. drl'o-et S>de .1JI bag & mote Stk ~

SALE $14 995*PRICE ,GM OPT, II Deduct S894.45

SpecIal edit>on pad<age. pcM~ W'f'ld()y,s, pcI'Nef Icx:ks,automate. ac c:ondl".IOnrlg. aI\.mn.rn oM1eels, rear deck

sp<)let and more Stock lI950731

SALE $16 795*PRICE ,GM OPT II Deduct 5931.50

SALE $12 195*PRICE ,GM OPT. II Deduct S640.45I::~S~.DCA~~~.KS ,.-:cARs &TI\,lfls""USED CdlIi:tRUCKS AJIIifj:ARs & 11lItBj:;.,USED~~TRueKS



E·Ii~S~.=14949 Sheldon Road(Just North of M.14. Jeffries Fwy,)

Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9·9 "=PEP PLAN Tues" Wed., Fri. 9.6 '!~RS

s~::I::~:'::::'(313)453- 2500Rebales rQJded atoert ~ ·'UISe ~ based on eppcMd crecil on 12.000 mies pet year.l ~ elcess mi.1or 30 mI>S. Lessee ~ lor excess Mar & lear lessee has opllOn 10purctIa$e at lease end lor pttdetemw-.ed ~ at lease rapClCIt\ $e<urCy ~ ~ \0 1st paymett

"PkJS I&J. *~~..-- lICenSe IIlle & \Ib$ pll$downpaymenlQJll as oncepllon. SupplieI ~locetUln reslnctonS. TI)Qe! ~ ~lTUl>PYpaymenI bytetm. ~ 10 6Ofo use lax. ~ $1000 dooM\. .Cornmtteoal Buyers ITMAlbea~and lIlIe lTlJSl be tl cttllWlY name Nc:C erog.ble lor PEP.OpIlon LP"SS2S Ist"", .... ·SI"',..~~ • " ...~ ~-..here""""""""()pllO'1 ~'CIt GI,l So.WIief PkJS I&J. C&l1icet'lSf ~es -----

'92 BONNEVILLE SEDark t>~,-,,, loaded

. - ~. "-


193 SSEIloaded ~lInrool 33 OOQ

miles .• t, .\


194 FIREBIRDBlue rtul0 .1.1r

19000 mIles . "



Wh·'" "dOOf lQ;;ccd

.,"" ,$16,995


l6-O-GREEN SHEET EAST-Th.Jrsday, NOYeITltef 16, 1995

IL- _J

•YEllOW BLACK mouth curpups 8'" .,,\s, molhef & fathert«I'l reg. S75 (810)227·1 S38





" DUTCH AND mn lop rabbIS. 410 6 mo old 2 lor 55(517)s.sa-26&S a~er 5pm please

UUSCOVY ()..ocks & Turkeys.In.-e or dressed (517, 521-4337

Horses &Equipment

11 YEAR old Qua 1et HorseGelding ndes Engl.sh & West-ern. sho~T\ 4H & Eqvestrl3.,\1313~9S-21&4

Pet Services

lOW COST pel spay ard neu'.erVac:onabonS. (810}480-5885


~ Lost and Found\ :89·94 AC.CORD,SJ;.AIlIllOdellC 10 to c:IlOose trom:+J'$'''~''-'''''''''''=*~'~J -6995-;-:-i.i'it'~,=_-'"'"" •.o=i~


Auto~ a1t, sunroof

$189.99/mo__ ......... """'!""""!".... ~.~~ CAT, GRAY, short tal. neutered:~,G!"\lID. ...._ U. Ad/IOOl "I:, $:~~~ '~loo rewatd. (810)229-8350

)j~",,8995 FEMALE TAfWLACK Shephe!d.....~.»; -.... -' - rra, lost Du:lham BuIard area

"93 TOYOTAOOROliA' DX '92 PRELUDE Sf Reward (810) 632·7951: .AutO~.tid:.do«: ..I WhteIs. survoof, $'- ~,"'.- --.-j1"'- $12 495 FOUND BASSETT, female. Cty.::\ ,999S;.i.~, • de Ad & US 23 (517)S4&S5S7.

;.o'~';: .. %.':::::: :...~~': '::~ MAZDA 6261J5:~ FOUND CAUCO cat yoo..ng............._ ' """.......cllt.ouco.~-._"" female.~. WMewood a'ea......."""'" ,,,"'~, _,,........ '$" ~_.•.•{i1; ,. J:~....9··~"'"-5~-~'1:(313)878-0078 leavemessa""!O"~~"Sl~'teMI OlAlittlQ"oll'O _ ,j ::r""

;-..;:.:~:'~;:;::;.:;:.":::::;fft!J.:~r':'-~!IM FOUNO MALE gray cal Nov 1'92'ACCORD LX' , '87 REGAL i·TYPE TURBO Tnangle laKe Pod a'ea

, Reel, auto. ale, loW mIes. Ot'tf Auto. lOw niles ~(5.:.:17)54~6-:.1:.:548-=- _

$12- 9'95' Must See FOUNO St.lAlllong hat blackJ• '. 'Mll:e brown male cal a.'Bed.NorttMIIe, (81013-:~1956 eves

'94 MAZDA PROTEGEAutO. ale. 3 to chOOSt. on/:'(

$10.495$SO REWARD. Friendly blackmaJe cal lost WlWrore Lk1S

c Lyon n .Mi. (313)449-8965

'88 CIVIC 4 OR.AC. onlY 'lllC mlItt


- Rtd. AC, 2 dr.. oriY. .',$ . .. ",..:G,695~..~

'92 MAZDA MX 3 GS"ute. ~.rOOf._.black,



S. I ..' ..: ... '-.." ..... .~..


~ office Ius always ways rOt! can produce k~

waste at \\ork. \VIll'll }oun' Set IIp:l n'9..-ling bin for

_ CerlifiedtI UsedSl\TUlN Cars

'93 Saturn SL2..... 'b&IdI..I<. ...... iJl'C.lW"I .. MfW'l9,.

~po.w ........ pc .. 1MI'ldowa.~ kIc:b. c.u ....NYOOf

'11.695'92 Saturn SLI~ ............._-

1-~89S'~'93 Saturn SC2

~-" .. -PC'",....-"-mto.........._ '12,8 5

~2.1Jaturn SLI... ,..., ItMMg. C"\II."

POMf~l»""tlc ..

!I 2:nc: ..... cau..~'10,795

'92 Saturn SC2~1ir'Mo'\--"'lI<crwe p.t\r1IIilM,.

1--';ri'9'S"-'93 Saturn Sel

QaW. ...... , ...... CMM. ••

""",,,a'b~ca...""""'''!I..,....,.&IS.ars.-. .....'11.795

'92 Chenolt! Cnalier_ ......,-.Io8S. __ Z'K ....

'8,299'93 ChenoltlCorsica.......w. ......... c:..... Mo,...._-

AI4'fV ............. ~

'8.495'93l\1ercury Tra«r

1001. Uo., u. COOl

'8,095'92 Goo Storm

Aed.. .............. liI.c ........-S7,595'9.$ Pootiac GraDd A.\' GTor..~V1.-:o "'11' lit! ,-

t"VM, 1It. taU..... ~

'13,695~--~~ % \fOIlU.S ~~ \RIU\ .'c; 11\11.\: ~

been a place to get ah..-ad.

at tile COpilT. only alulllimun ,ailS and one forUnfornuute~" its _ .•

also a place \\ hl're a

lot of natural// oks 95% hs rtrrgI t..' "umfuli1'/'

~.1S j""n rr.y!d M.:lTU!sn'SOlU'Ces start

in }\Xlr lUll!," Drink ~'I.)l1r

to fall behind. Take a look

arol.Uld the lle\l time }0\1n- at\'f 'l.Zf~'

I "'f"}.·,t~'~;·H.r.\..t\'11~

are left on whrn people Il"l\l'.

cofl~'l·or h',l 0\11 of 1111'g'

wasted. How

much e!C\."triotr

is being ltSCd to

nul roml'utcrs th.u

are left on. Look at ho\\'

mudl water 1<; t....,iog

\\~tl-J In the n~troom.'"

IS b..'1ng thro\\TI out III thl' ;;(J(IIr::m..1t ••:rul /)11\(.\ II.4 ,.


.\1II:t lR ,I/H.

'''J,~"", :, 2"'" I.Earth Share

~ISATURt~ofs.a.MN ANN ARBOR500 Auto Mall Dr. off


(313) 769·33911·800-210·7810

Uon. .. n-.-HTiles... WlId. .. Frl H Sat H

5erYIce Hts:loIon.·Frl 7.30 ~5 30 pm.

sat. • wr>-3pm

II 1I \ (J II H ,/I \ It r

Ir:t.41 ,.m....\Vr 1....'1 ItS.1 lot.

I I ., .\ (0"" I ( I I n \\ 0 H I II

Sr.er Frost cJe Metalic Med"rum Graohite cloth !lockets. Preferred equipment pkg. s.~~<1'tOiI ..<t'.. k $MClI.t~ V't'en'td eQl,C:~ ~l~ e>: .... GS t' .... 1I.. ~0'\I"I9.1rort. t!ee.451A.~ed contr'" floor mats franf and rear elec AMfM stet~Arcassette po""'r trc rUI "r«w ~":$1. Ool3lpcwtt .. 1fI"....1 l"lSW>~ ~I'~ I.' "'~~m W\lrOl. WIlei' "rod-"!'I :-c ,. t:U' • no;; a..~".cQs3C(J...e·"~·(tlt<'9"-e.spj e« l.nl·cI'SJ..!e F7'JSBS,y~IeI'G'''I::lol'S 356rl''Odoor I power drIVer sea~ alUminum wheels, tight group, 3 OL 6 cylinder engine, r*~r VOl r.~ow It';a~ ......,,,.SXi< '52".-4automatic overdrive trans. Stock #60250 ONE

24 MONTH LEASE 24 MONTH LEASE With DOLLARIncludes $250 RCL Renewal Incentive . ~/V\~'-7 DOWN

~$307* / $75°54' ~ sl~~?~$249*/ $51°99'PER MO. One(~ !-tV"" R PER MO, Onel:::-

.....-- __ ........H..;;..;".UR.;.;;..;...;;.RY~ONEDOLLAR DOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE • NOW!1995 TRACER 1995 GRAND MARQUIS GS 4 DR SDN 1995'COUGAR XR72.DOOR


Special 1995 ClearanceSale

$500*Factory Lease Cash Back



mrss 7 77

24 Month Lease With ~ONE DOLLAR DOWN~$500$349 perh1 FICIOty '\

mo. t~~

1995 SABLE GS 4 DOOR SEDAN....'/v·v/- •

t;'-'S1000'~~~~~~IUlH <


Deep ,e- ..~I 9reen dear coat met Itom opal grey CSOtl1twin comlOl'1 99U3 Ol EFI V6 e"9 ne, Ullran~11e . a.t.omatlC ove'drIVe tolal Siock'53427


b $2996/$6572.R PER MO. One P.yment

1·96 to Wixom Rd. Em,t 59 t block SOU1hat comer of Grand River & Wixom Roads.

lAon. & Thull. 8:30 un.· 9,00 p.rn.Wed. & Fri 8:30 a.rn.. 6:00 p.rn.

Sail 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m.

7 S sa p •

LOST 5100 reward AtL blac~male neulefed cat 11).7. 11 ....1M.llord Ad (810)4~

REWARD SSOO. r'r/ 12 )'l oldWH10 Ib ma" golden rWM!AJ has ~ rmng WISe 0t121 $I Runyan & ta',sell AdHa.lIand a'ea I ha.e sea'u~everytot.ere tor 12 )IS ~.e~.asbeen by ITI'f SIde ~ 'PJ ~.a,esetn twn. f'I at'rj COIOoon or Iyou ha it ~ h.M $.~~tT~ase cal (8101352~37

SIBERIAN HUSKY, please r)en-~ Kane & MaSO'1 fI1 a'ea15111521-4~

IIII I Boat Partsl

~ EquipmentlService

PONTOON I'.a-~ Ca' Malo(m~~sauLl BOAT Tr!'~' 5'25(313}87S-~1

l1liI IIl.l


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GO-KARTS lor sa'e CalCwtv c........, 1810)~

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I II MotorcyclesI I Parts & Service

III" I RecreallonalVehicles

1977 SHASTA 'ol)':>' ~e ~:J<Moles M~ 36) ~ wolIOn. S4 m ,Bl0tiod 2~

19'Jl COACHUAN ?9 n C\omC I.IvIor ~e U~ 2Q 00::m.~. ge-.e·a·O' rYf s.--.;,o trS'313)4~ 8355

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1m AfROSTAIl Spo1. &Ao-malle. ~ locJcs.WI'ldows.rMl. SlI.500besl Vanessa,(31 »l32-om.1!/93 CHEVY As1Jo Ext-Gl. 7

~~'&~~Exe. cond. 39.soo rriles 513 300(810)437-6966

CENTURY tra.lef. nHds ""':ll1lS600btsl (810) 229-9707

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WELLS CAJIGO ~ ~6Ill1 tt', saoo 1517 P'6-&& 12

Gut 26fT. FWD ~ ~sql le>"tW'9 ~ a-. IQrctd a-~~t 6 ~*Or'.a-"l. rof« ~l8K I"'lIln folSl class. $1500)(al0rm-7OS1

\977 DODGE PWA mecorhorne r~.. tires. VvxI.$ br~.e."'''JSt, k<l arod more s.& tiOOIJI3~~I991982 CRUlSEw.sTER. n'l1"'(I!00000000of 350 ~. ~\oQ to 8 r-¥,/ l.¢a:es 59500(BIOI ~~527- or (810/3oC~~

1982 HONEY ~ I'lcN m[)A;hess Ve<y cle<WI. 575001511~ISl5

EHClOS(O TlWlER. 1995eilO Ca7J E.press BrarCf·..... of 15':.res ~ to! """"SS2250 IS Hi} J63.~

UTIlITY TRAIlERS. lit'" Vt10f~500 b al'~ -.9 S525 51!$575 5"0 S625 ~~a~ 8110 S62'S !!J12 5750T .. ~.$ f"t~ ~ tamefl":r> 51150 Golden T~leIC-63Z ~'2 !}O5 LIon·Sat

TFlUCK~ "" ~~ REA' a\;.rlotV'n 2 ,":Ie &."<l, 'u· door, fU ~ Ford bel.~ or best IS 17)1Z3-OOl7

196>1971 IIUSTAHG pa-:sr.oo.:sa "Os \517)2ZJ. 7258

l1liI I Fi'I I Auto manelOg

AUTO LOANSA.1lo dea~ W'I arrangefna.'\Ct'i9 e-.-en • you\~been I1JITled 00A'I'1 beforeloans lor no credt tladc:edol and ~ tvy.ers Noco-~~Cal Krl$ 011(810)227·S5$2

~ ~I I Autos Wanted~ ~.

1!/93 FOflO Aefcstar Xl Sport.Clean. loaded, 40.000 maes.512,400 (517)548-(J783

GUC 1~ Salan SlE-8 pas$Moger, loaded, 15.000 maes, elCoond 515.500 (810)258-3228

19M Dodge Caravan LE. aIpower, $15.200 (810)231.2909

~1!19M PlYMOUTH V~.loaded. r.ew lIl'es. elc. oond.$15.000 {313}44!}057S3

[I Vans

BAD CREDIT?We Con HelplCan Jay Gorr

810·227·0616CIlcrnpIon Chevy IGeo

1m CHEVY 8 ~ van.clean t\SIde. rusty 0\.C$Ide. bestd'.et. (313)0(25-3035

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BAD CREDIT?27000 rnies. SI9.~(810)231·2458

We Can HeIr'1995 fORD E·2S0. ~ ~ John Frezelvan. aiAO, a.r. ~ lIIIllClowS.paM( lockS. am 1m V tfy clea."l. 1-800·800·6930515800 (8101229-8225

~Chevy/GeoI • 4 WheelDrivelI I Jeeps 1987 UERCED£S "3OO'SOl.

4dr. loaded, lTlITliIClJaIe cord

1968 CHEVY " IOn .. .t.eel________ ...J orve & I.!eym $l'lOIlplOw, S250

!Ml lake aI. (810) 221-3121.

1970 JEEP CJ-5 PIA S6.SOOf'lIOC. i1sk1'9 54 500 18Iil;-632-5m.(313 }£26-1900 M!Wl9S1980 SUBURBAN. $I'lOl'pIowneeds lTlItlOr WOtk S2000 beSl(810)227 -6S09 day$.1986 ASTRO 7 passenger

l~ and MS ~ 52 900(810~949

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1989 DOOGE Pet up"snowplow & steel cap, goodcond.. S6SOO (810}437-798 t

1989 DODGE 4x4 WIlh Meyers8ft. plow. Good shape. 318moIor, asktlg 55.900.(517)548-3590.

1965 Tcyoca. _x4 ~ Newengone & trans. Body n elCtlenlc:onc)t>on 52700 18101684·2120 -------_ ....1986 DOOGE Ram rrn-van

SSOO tal a~er 6pm.,(517)54&-7857.

BUYING JUNK caTS and \alemodel Meeks. Free awiancect~ 011. el~ relngeraln andlr~l8'S. MIechels Al/() SaNage,(517}S46-4 nt.DODGE 88-90. V6. 1M Ra:1\va.~ or Caravan cargo(313~2S-7904 lea~ message

Trucks For Sale

1989 AEROST AR. Vef'f good(:(In(Ston. weI equwed. S4050caJ (313}427·9470.

1989 DODGE Grand CaravanSE. 1 0M'Ief. aI opIIOtl$, MlNT,56,2S0 (810)XlS-SoI21.

1989 GRAND VOYAGER LEExceIenl concStJonl V-t3. 67.COOlilies, $7.900. (313~21-4814.

t989 GRAND YO)'ilQel' lE Ex·ceBenl! V6. 67,000 mies. $7900

~~~::- ~(3~13~~2:.:;1-48:::::.:.:14:....- _

1990 DODGE Grand CaravanlE 1 owner, not\-$I1lOlang. ext.oond 33 l V-t3. ... powe4',baded. have aI records. 96l<~ mies. S6995(810)231-6460

, Auto. OverI I $2.000


Call Dave Gable

517·545·8800CbaI'rl)Ion Chevy/GeO

1luIclIy, Nowrnbef 16. 1995-GRfEHSHEET EAST-1700

I I Autos UnderI I $2,000



Thursday, November 16at 3:3Opcn • Deadline fOtHomeTown Connection,Monday Service Directo-ry, Wednesday ServiceDirectory, ~~ory,' ,

ShoppIng Guides fOt !s-sues of Monday, Nov. 20& Wed., Nov. 22·23.

Friday, November 17 at3:3Opcn • Deadline rOtu=r Greensheel.South yon Shopper andWednesday1ThursdayGreensheet fOt Issues of1IoncIay, NoY. 20 & Wed.·ThutS., Nov. 22-23.


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BrothersBig Sisters


1986 TOYOTA IN'I-Yan. Rl.1'lSgood nu t\SIde Nffis YeI)'~ 'boctt wen w nee Mted$BOO or beSl(517) 5214527.

1988 AEROST AR Wel rna.tI-taned. One OIlTlef, Loa<led.Ec)Se Bauer edollon. Mocnghlme\aIiC btJe.lookS& MS good$32SGbest 1517}S4&482S

1988 GRAND Caravan. V-E.loaded, new tratl$IT1SSIOC\ goodCQl'lISllon. 54.200. or best cl!er(810)64S-1064

1991 EDOIE bauer &pIorer,loaded, $10,SOOtest oller. 1955 CHEVY 2 door sedan.(810;-632-566 \ caiIonia car. No engine, very----- __ soid. 53,850. (517)223-7228.







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II: 1991 OLDS TROFEO ~~._ ~ '~~!2~Ilt~~'O~~~\~S~~~~E SSEI SA~S3525 518,425 $14900II Leather, CD, moon roof -. EL 191CHEVY. CAVALIER 2 DR SAur51n~n 56,750 55700~ ~ ~LI~ht:..;:bl~ue~5=s~wl~'alr:"'?lo~w:-:::mll~es=-=-=-=--==- __ ---=;.:..:Jt-=-.:...:.u.=...:..~u~'::""'::""=+-=-=:"";"="4CJ '94 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2 DR SEW It's Beautiful! Come Take A Look! V6,full power, oneowner, IONmires SAn~2~~ 513,100 $109009 194 CAVALIER COUPE Vl 8 9 '91 CHE. PICK UP SILVERADO ~A\Ils125n 513,650 512 JOO ~10,4 5 Full power,oneowner, red "n U 't""

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Hart• ~(oon ShoesHold 50·180 Ibs.



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Ages 3-up.Ages 1 1/2-up.


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Fisher-Price+EaseVDeskAges 2-up.AcceSSOries and chair sold separately

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$4 x # items = Total Savings $7 x # items = Total Savings

On this itemI~STA~TL\'!


On each of the~e items I :"ST,.\:"TLY!

~liIton Bradle)' Milton Bradley+Big Ben PUlZ 3-D +SimonAges 12-up. Ages 7-up.

Banefles sold separa:elv

On cm:h of thl'W item ... I:"ST.\:\TI.Y~

~lilton Bradle)'+Scattergories

Ages 8-up. 19!~

Milton Bradley+Throw 'n Go JengaAges a-up.


On each of thl'se ill'Ill'" I:"ST.\.yrI.Y!

Parker Brothers+8aitiC~Ages 8-up_

On each of these item" I~SrA:"TLY~

i\liIton Bradley+Fraidy CatsAges 7-up.Ballenes so'd separa:ely.

On each of thc~e itcm'> J :"ST:\:"TLY!

Milton Bradley+Rock Jocks

~lilton BradleytCrossfire

On each of these item" I~STA~TLY!

Milton Bradley+Lucky DucksAges 3-up.

i\lilton Bradle)'+Chicken LimboAges 4-up.

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+Elefun -,,-,Don't \Vake Dadd)' tRisk I tBig JohnAges 4-up. I Ages 4-up. Ages 10-up_ I Ages Soup.~'_.;,--~.:: 16~t 1699 I B3~r~_~~~~IY

"~'~ I :.:;..... after:-+ ~-~....~" ...,., ~ -""'~..~."=::'-="--:':.J!~~Ji :. , " .....: '1IG>~f1699 ~ 699

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Ages 6-up.

~·.16~Ages 6-up. 21!coupon

Batter,es sold separately Batterres sold separa:ely

SAVE $10On this item INSTANTLY!Irwin Toys+Top Corner HockeyAges 6·up. ='4 ....__


SAVE $4On this item INST:\yrLY!

Milton Bradley+Lite-BriteAges 4-up.8atter.es so'o separa:ely.

Parker BrotherstBubble Up PupAges 4-up.

SAVE $3On ('aeh of these item'i I :'\ST.\.~TLY!

Pressman Pressman+Gra\'e Danger +Gooey LouieAges 8-up. Ages 7-up.


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CPN SKN: 999911

4On l'aeh of thc ..c item,I :'\ST. \ :'\TI.Y!

$3 x # items = Total Savings


Only one coupon required ~'.i'er, eu'! ng any all or multiples Or:ly one coupon requIred when bUying any, all. or multiples Only one coupon reqUired when bUying any, all. or multiplesof the Items listed A: time of Cf1ec~outcC'Jpcn savings of the Items listed. At time of checkout coupon savings of the items listed. At time of checkout coupon savingsautomaticaliy muitlplies by the nun-bet oll:ems purChased automatically multiplIes by the number of ttems purchased automatIcally multIplies by the number of items purcnased.Not valid WIth any other Toys'A-Us offer for same ,:err{s) CuSIOll"€r Not valld Yr1thany other Toys"R"Us offer lor same ltem(s). Customer Not valid \\11thany other Toys"A"Us offer lor same Itemls). Customerresponsible for applICable sales lax In accordance 'N1thsales lax regula- responsible for applicable sales tax in accordance WIth sales tax regUla· responsible lor applICable sales tax 10accordance WIth sales tax regula.

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Fisher-PricetUttle People FarmAges 1 1/2-up.2499:.------ - met1~:2M _ coupon~_..-- .)-

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Ritvik+Mcga Bloks

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SAVE $10DigitalanswererTIme/day stamp tells you when eachmessage was received rl'g 6999 '43 743NSh,l,j 9' t,lIcry

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for ODays\'/,:h elf" 1 a;j)I'Orl' l'it'tll .. ,lICC'~f Ire,.., dalf 01Pe'C~~ d,'''''~ l"t df'tl'~ ~'';':: I • te aj~f.l'J)'O\.I' a~C()J'I,' 'eI ~~'-"IIS nol "~~e b{ I't fI'-d cll'e ~t't·rf.l ~noo cr .1 rOIl la 110 /T"~lt 1_"J_rfQJ 'tj pll:":trl ,"0 ):Nr ~CCC'c" .·-tr Cet I:C,,,ej flu'a "';1$. J( t.t I~Cf.ll:l r;~' l"""nl U 01 1°f ~I·t 0'1 .".C~ Y"J IU IC r"la~e I rtlu 'f~Cl,-erl As 01 AU;lUst' t99') ",PA l} »'Ii (·a·f r"l~; ~l")) r,C Vol :s....... ".,~." Fr. T;t 50C Set c~'dl"<)ldtr l"fe~!rt Iv< Ctllo·S O"fr eno:!s 11,T9~


!19999 , ... ' . V s 0' • S:O'~ I.',···. SA E 2

RemoteVHSVCRwtth shuttle control- 01 preose ·stO;l·on·a·dlT'e· control of a'lla~~ ~Ol>On co"",·nlS Q'1·screen prompts ,n frgl,st'l S:la~ISh or Fre~,ch, .,,,.t'; ~;\5 1 '. : ~ : 1"

17999 SAVE $20AClDe VHSvideocassette playerPiays on bOlh t,orr.e At and veh,c'e 12VOC I'.ltl1 Included cordsThe, II e'Joy VHS tapes on tte road on camp ng trl;JS even LIla boat .• ; l~ 'l. '16 ar,o,s ~ .: ,~ " ' •• '


2?,~~~,'.'". SAVE '20~'h8ad VHSVCRPlul+ with luto clock let

".: '0 1M VCR 10 tape an u;Jcom ~g stiOh' IS a sna;J h,!h VCR

I .5 + A 'ocal TV s g'3' (" most areas) e.en sets tl-e c'oc· 21j'-I'::S 'I updated ", ;f,"'; ''', ~~\S ~ • - ' • .



22999'-d\ St. q' '.' "'. SAVE '204-head VMSVCRwith superior .peclal errect.Tha'~s to four heads )'Ou II en,o)' h gn CJal'l" speNI effeclst..'10 tran'S to the ru 19·m tlO' "ead deS'9" )DJ I' see a C'ea:Im;Jrolel""e't 0' la~es recordellill tOe fP -noCe ',;1' 99,)- 5-Cy,<"' .:. ....

New_.. -- ... -...' ._. _ ...

••i New

; 32999I . 51 "II '. SAVE s50~·haad VH8 HI·A stereo VCRPlUI+ and luto clock set

, . _~ '1J a program oSeas er ,o,llh VCR PillS+- Just enter tl"e VCR P'llS. ~ttr S~OI.n In most TV 1S'I~gs ara tn,s VCR Cces tl"e rest' A;. a Iro'1'1 3 local TV stal,on ( ~ r--osl a'taSI e ,e' selS.. :10: ... t ... ~' .. ;r. .~ !r.,l.s

29999\ d '.S'. I, " '. SAVE s504·held VHStI·A Stereo VCftwith .hut1te controlA must for l"orre ll"eate" S'L.ll e C01lroi 'or precose la~ I""O':~COWOI S, P sea'ct] ma,es: eas) 10 r p ~nst COfT''Tf'C asreco"~eQ 0" ta:;e ' .. )h;. ...... ,c(~I:' ~

9999AlI·band radar/laserdetectionTcp'Qua:'li oe!ector 9 IfS )OJ 5, a1ale a...d 0 a'e/ts to X K S.pe'w,aeba~d Ka a~d lase' r"',eas..' -.syslems '/1 ,., ...s

3999 20% OFFMInI C8 radio with big featuresP...s~~u:tO:"l L.oiCOlor cn2~r;el se'ec!ors PLl freq.e"c ..Si~!~eS rer fer re"a:- :, e, a:t tlor r 0 '. H;-, .:' ,)',,;\,.....'.. "..,. ~.. '~t p: ... f '. ••

4411 ".-"t~fI' tt~.r=:1\·lr , ,

19999 SAVE $120200·channellcanner wtth800 MHz and band-searchTune 10 tl"e act,01-lncluoln9 t~er,e...est BOO Wi] pol ce!l,re banosI"creel b'e 100 cl"'anrel· per-secondseaTch ", Jr. ~t II} ),A... S C " \(';o~ '..5 ", h~ ~'lM!~HJ'1 111OF.AS3'~ • : e ...... (~ ;Y"ltt1.."

8999 SAVE S30AMfFM cassette car stereoAuto re~ erse- p'atS bot~ la;:e Sides alllOmal'Ca' y O,g :altuner .\It~ 3D p'esetsOllj [ ,,"; 'f, "1 ;1.. ~,s... '.....,. '.

20% OFF 3999Portable shortwave radio

World ....lde I~ortl'lave recept,on. plus AM F....and lW S'zed light lor trat'el

1r-,,49~·?vlt~.S'··~·!:':"I· :., • t' t~" ~ •• 'I'. .,'. '"79~.~

SAVE 82040-channel CDwalkie- talkieOur best seller You oet all40 channels. full legal poNerand rugged constructionrf~ 99 99 '2' !&1M;.. 101 8 AA J' 1 t ~r 1l) rt, IoJ ,

:It It, t'l1rt.JIL') Uj aH;'t,f /...C'213 16Sjll~ DC 121 SH'IS

599 33% OFFBa"ery checkerTeSlS all common types. Includingalkahne, heavy·duty and chargedHI·Cd ballenes Tesls ·C.· ·0:·M: ·AM.··N: and 9V sizesrfg 899 -n 096NS

25% OFF 2999AMIfM atereo headset radio

Extended bass for deep, rich sound.Featherweight-8 oz. with batteries

Installed. rl'g 3999 '12 92CmJJsl a1d 2 . AAA t'JI'" €s

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RadloShack PDncy on advertised ItemsThe produClS In l~o<S~ wert uft(ted Ilr IIII~ance 01 Ilks OITfflllll tllerUOft, SllullOOllSmlY occur .. !>He some p!OOu<lS lI\ly nvl t>e lYadabie ITI p'o...'lJCllS IffllpOU"'y O\.t orslock. I Rlln CPlKt W1lIbe lSSlIe~ f'\,lbl,n~ roulo e<rllt\ llle ,Itm al rhe a~erl'Sfd Pfl(fITltle llfO<lllCI" $Ol~ 0111.a comp'lblt .l'ut ...n De oNtrtll SOli)'. llalll CIleets .. Ill notbe olTtrfd on S~ PlJ't!I.lse ,It"S 01 0!1 or~m ~t~ Itliou~~ 1 eoo THE·SHACK I""t.\ltMtn\ ~~ Gt~'SI~~ Irl"C~'SUS ml'l poI be 111111C1f>I:1II~In tills N 01 stoct01 speaaI'OIcler htrr ~em a~rt': SfJ (If CoMlWl' cannol bt ....ble tOl po<:lOIIaIOl'tl'l»orlll!ncal inaccUIlCIes Ce-p,es 01 J."r' cable warranlles are I't~e upon rrqutlt al S1Ol'estOl1nspec11()f\ t>tIOffsa t Of tv.' T"~ c..SlOO1er RelallOns. WOOOne far4y Cenltl. FOilWOl'th. TX 76102«:opyoohl199S t~,t, v.Y$'.·rl'oOO fort Worth. fX 76102

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RadooShack IS proud 10 be the ',rst (Ofpor~le sponsor ollhe Rock and RoD Hallof fame and Mllswm ReCtl\II/ Ollened IIIC1evtland. 0tl1O. The House Thar FlockBuril"'" grvtS l'1$I!orstile OPPOrluM~ 10tJplore rock's 0fl9OlOge"loluttOnand ItsIastlllgmpaCi on SOCIetyRadooShack·s.ne or hI·11 audIO equlpr1'1el1l has lIS rOOIS 111the early Ilfl~, ....tlenrock be9an Stlttp.ng the nallOO As we tonllOue our 4O·year tradillOll 01 delrver·Il1Ogreat SOUnd through alfar6abte, htg~ Q<Jahtyaud<oeQUopmenl.RadIOStlac.ksalllies rock and roa muSIc. 3 true Amenc3n clasSICn. IlMt It.., \\X. &In os• _ .. a>' osel ~ h \\xi ,or. 1\01Il.ol .. ,--. "'" ~W\IIO ,.,'Ioll:"'" InC

7997SAVE 820

Dual-casseUe mini systemMakes a great second system for a bedroom and for akid's room, too. Hlgh·speed dubbing casselle, 3"bandeQuahzer, Extended Bass Remote control rf~ 99 99'13 T21lNS t,j(J 2 'AAA - t3::er,<s ror re-nCleClOstOul'lemsmJ) nOl t>t 10 al1 stores Some mat be dfMOSSorry no ra", croecis or phor.f orderS

14999 SAVE S50Super· compact system with CDand remote

Top·loadlng CO player. cassetle With auto.stog, AMIFMstereo tuner. 3· band equalizer Only 1 r,l• highrt~ 199 99 .13 \26&iS to ~j 2 ..t.:"A· t' 3t•p ~s f:;r fcr"1c:e

~-~ -.- -=-1 ~- .-

~ •• - • - _. - I

I - . -. .-:. ·~I .-. ..~. GI,. - --- _.: (,'- -- ,~-~ 1~zr: ou_

17999 SAVE s70Home/portable system with CDand Karaoke sing·alongBlg·sound'ng homelportab!e stereo has a 16·track programmabte COplayer. AMIFM tuner and dual cassettes Add a microphone and singalong. even tape a performance, AClbaltery le~ Z:999 .13 1216NS':'~~j ~) ~~••"-,,,) ••• : "r::,l!.,.s-:

SAVES50Mini system with CDand digital tuningoual·cassettes With hlgh·speed dubbing-easy

to record from AMfFM tuner. CO or cassetteRemote control 'e, Z99 99 f13 t2611lS

29999,'A A, S'Her I....... SAVE s50MIni system with 3·CD changer, dual· cassette, remoteSuperb sound and features, only 121/5. high CO changer oilers32·seleC!lOn progra-nm Ing O:gltal AMlfM tuner With 32 presetsExlerded bass control .'. J.:HS ':3 TZ7sr.5 A;j 2 :.~~ :,:,',; ':' ',-oC',

34999SAVE s50 lc~':' Sl1 Pd'" ".

Mini with 7-&0 changerl dual· cassettesProgram U;J to 50 CO se:ect,ons to play 10 tte oreer

yO'Jr des're hear all se'ect,ons In sequence or selectrandom play 0 gLtal AWFM tuner ....,th 24 presets

Remo:e control '/; 39$99 .\l \27;'.S _. _ .:~~ r " "


SAVE 810 CASIO'TV/VCRremote control watchlie .er hu'1tlor a remote contro: aga l' Eas)'10 prograll to C01lrOI yOur TV VCR and ca·o e bOx Oa:t a'arm MOurly cn me S:O;lf\a:ch 4\.<'"'C:.01 ". ~19'1 ·N ,;12~·.")


SAVE 830CDportable with

"home stereo" soundbtended Bass adds nct1ress and depth. 20-

track memory. m:ro-scan. random play'" 12399 '~2 SG52"S A~: ~ .:.:. t ,"d c,

:. ..... 3 'C',.. •• ~~ D:'- =2"J 12~"&S

3999 33% OFFVoice-activated tape recorderStarts recording automatically when youta'l<. SlOPS when you stop Cue markerhelps find recorded passages easily'f. S999 1).1 n)Y,S;'~42' .:.:.. ~1"·· ... ;:.r: )'.3;' <~~31t'5-V1S

f\' "1. -:--i: ·...t<'.5

( '.. ' --_.Cl

I \ji't.! "j~ ..'JI


9999SAVE S50

Subwoofer adds BIG bassSuper upgrade for home theater and stereo systems,EnJOy thnlhng nchness and depth 12· deep· bass dri·ver Handles 200 walls maximum rq ':999 1.jQ 4OS1NS


33% OFFPersonal alarmGrea\ for travel Placenear WIndow or door-motron detector warnsof intruders r~ 1199U94l5NSAjj 9,' J d 2 -AA tJl:,"<;

3999 20% OFFLaser dot pointerMakes a pOint at any presenta·tion Easy to handle Up to 100·foot range ll'g 4999 -53 'I>l1NS~~j 2 A.:"4 tj·f.·~)_&__.• "IIl·.

~-; ..~~

0),II.~ ".: 1:...,.-elIWlMI .,pm nnO '

5999 33% OfFPocket Rolodex~ directoryBig 64K memory stores up to 1000expanded records. Displays 6 linesof lext. Easy-to"use search functionfinds nameslnumbers ins!antly,Transmits records to compatibledirectOries 'l'g 8999 '65 9J9NSRoIOde. 11a 'l'g,sleofdIra<ltm~'i 01 RoIOde< Corp

48% OFF 1299Full-size headphones

Made for digital sound' Has II,·plug for use W1th CD porrables and

personal stereos WIthout anadapter Soft cushioned earcups

prOVIde maximum isolationrtO z~99 '33 ll101<S


7t t,t

...., ,_.~ ----------~-- ----

r-------.-------- ~------------------------~-------~----------~

RadioShacksMYou've got questions. We've got answers~

I.IJQIt Ile~ and),l/ ",lt$Sage $eodtf O<¥y are tr~s 01 C,UlO ComPl-ter Co, lid Pncu apply al PJrliCipal"'Q ~ SIOfU and dealtrs IltMS 001 a1~labit at a PJ.tiOPJlinQ '10ft t¥1 be ~.Ofdtted (sutl«1 10 a1atl.ltll~I,) althe a~1JStjj PflCt A PJrllClPJlJ'l'l SIOft I'I'IIl olfer a COITlPJrlblt vahlt 'f lhe product IS SOld OUI If'ldtPtndtnlR.ldoOSllack de.rs a,1d Ir¥lch<SttsmJVoolllt 9JrlfOPJl<ng

Ifllhls a-J Of Slock Of spt~ (lfiler tvtrv '!em ~rt'trstd Set IC1Slde for R.ldIOSI'-Kk policy 011 adrtrl,~ ,ltffiS and tOf O~lall1l1lQwarranty on'OI~11(>O Salt priCes vwaalet' lIl,oavllll119/9S


SAVES202-in-l Rock Runnerand Car Crusher

r, s" JrJ'S I'

:; (I a . :r ~p"G" oj' ::.~ '1:P ca'3"'~~ ("'«1r:"~"" ~·~.',·C ....~ 1~'~'(' -; Po'. I" (c ·, .~ ...((oJ ',.' .; l ':'.'d;. . '.

3999RCSound Bat II

.J... • • ... .:~ T •

• ",. -,. .I ,• • ~ I ~ '.if... r : "


Black Wolf II HGolf-roader 1999Barbie beach cruiser~~t':~J"'~Lr~·· .. ';·l~t.:.." )5:, ......-: ~;"~ .., ...... _

)} ~'.~" c: ... :. -:., ~. r: l e: ~ •• ~ '. - ~ .. ~ •• •• ': 1.. ~ •• ' •• "-c .... ~ ':5':; '"~ '-,=S ~",,' '"'J ~ r~ ... -( " ... , •

", ........ . ~ J ? i·.·.... ..~ ..... (

NewPlaytime Keyboardhas preset sounds


1299Playtime Guitar

, .. S: ' l' t '"

"0:: ')" • ." • ; :,

...... ' .j I r

799Mini Rocker GuitarP't~,~ .t,C", v 1;" JC-l' ~ ,'Or::

IJ '. ...... ' .... ' ",: 'V J'.;,',; ,~. J ~ ~ :t .. ",.J' ",

399Musical Starlightf :,,~t. 'j'll VU~L', ,lar

de~ 'jfl ,;Illl > .11' "I.'. n• If' r ..o I" t" I .,

2999No more crawling under the treeTurn your t,O!lday l,ghllng onloll 110m anywt,ere 10 yo~r homeWlfe!ess P Jg 'n PO/.er· slarter syslem IOcludes control centerto conlrol up to eight sets of modules on fall femote modu'e andlamp d mn er modu'e Fasy set·up ". 3J 91 ., 1 1>0" "081 It-;'.,

2999 [NewJCoin sorter bankI,lotorlzed bark QU c~lySOils counlS .1nd stacksrolls of cOins .' J 'J • '.,

229924·houl' outdool' tfmerProvide all·weather conlrol of outdoor

Ightlrlg displays, Signs, more Up10 two onloll sellings per

day '51 I)I)I~S


25% OFFPocket RepeatRepeal tile pallernof musIC and flashlOglights .1nd Win' t. II 9'l'60 ?J~?'l,

4999 16% OFfRe Hol Machine 4)(4Hf.'.1! ~J ~r e "O.lij l. n- • _/~f)~:.'.",~ (l.rQ":' ......... ~'.,;:t.' -.:.

1 ?1 :Q',.,i:

3999RCBeach Burner

I). ~ :-'" '


1999 LearningComputer 11

10 l~ f'Vt rl ',,550: 5 11 r"3IftSPt I lj reJ0'I1'] J ld 'o~ c

'0. : ' .

399920% OFFMy MessageSender DIary'"Slores up to 75 of yourfnends names and phonenumbers Secrel passl'.Ordr t ~ -1999 '~5 8j~rlS


9999RCBlack Phantom II

2999Sneaker IIIRe buggyS~ea'· past Ol~er racersH ~~! 0:, speeds 27 '':9','H!". 1"~' l'~:"

~·e).I Cj', :~L.C" ... : ....S:J~ "'gs,S>"S 0" 0" '1 O'CO')" ~~2'',.~,' j 11" 0"'1 2i/.'fJ:

.. : '.


New~1499-~ .'RCRoble the Robot

U u2999~~~wJ 'RCPlay Buggy with hornp~..-€,:, ~O" IJ'~S:"'QC .e'"s'E ... :.,j ....: ~:; 50'! 'J ..."""...:'; <:;t :; iJ J. ...,• .0;- ,]

'v ", •• : s ,', ..I • '••

•1999RCchoo·choo train( . ..,. ,'" ;.

799 N_e~Wire·controlled Fun Planet~,....\ ....... ..: C j ....~ ...· 5 -. '"0:

'- !'t' .>... oJ c_ ':" ~


3·in-1 poker Te, , ~r,. s;: C'):,~r :t' .,. ,'. "'::~J ~:... 1 JC: • .:"t:::> tt• ~\' ; ;'",'.: ~ .~ ...':, P3,S ",.":.... ,_·c S., :- ..

Tabletop blackjack, () ~O'),~ ~' 1,5 ("t.t', ....I f JS ...... ; ; .. : ~e J."J'" t (:~,S'~ J C: S C'C;1 I"" 1 .J~ ,', ~~..,2·m·1 slot machine. CO"O "e5 3 reJ S~: s;· ".,2:'1 ....~ .1• ."" J 53 .. ]~ nJ. • P',j)

• .2 I" • ;;:! ......~S ":" t. ..... I")' : ......

,;.".1.,_,- ... "".-,/ /'

f _,' 999

Poker game keychalnP,.1, J If:."< ~ \',," SJ,'d e"eelSt>Jlle'I' I ,

Compact UNO' gameOnfolf so. 'd elfects Up to 4 players \'11th t'3tterres ..... 1~5,.··I)

40% OFF 14992·fn·l poker gamePlay slralght or pro Includesbal1elles I,. l: 9'3 .00 lH)t&S

Chess CompanionTOlal of 64 playing levels' Ruleenforcemenl prevents Illegal mo.e,-50 l:3~'6


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199 ;50116MULTI·COLOR'50117CLEAR


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JlIR COMPRESSOR• 2 integrated contro\ pane\

with built in regulator anddual analog guages.tC40C200P1 0101


13 OR 20 DRAWERPARTS CABINET• Seethrough drawers with stops.• Seven year warranty.



$~9·10" 60 tooth.• 7·1/4" 24 tooth.






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s""...."I1Sol.·lPfo.;> .... ,f:?J.JllP" .. e-... 'f (J",t...\IIPlCO'AOOfT~'~.s.a~sr-\.cJo,lp.........c!.t":.06~P ........ S.~."f.'tn1"'0"I ~11j() ,c:x.mPfbC[~'O ! i $.h~..,..f'o't::rl~P'Xe"l

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If} d- -1 ---r" \ f\)I ~ i i 'r )~ ~J ( , t)1l'~©~~Jt.J 70 !I '~ /1\ ~I~ :-J :-;1 :C\1o\ Il ~~:~~' liD9 'f f 11 STAFF;~t ~:~N~E-~RtE~D~~ SHIRT i ~ :Q)J:lf

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25-40% OFF ALL WORTHINGTON?) JACKETSFor example: Sale $40. Reg. S69. Woven wool flanneljacket. Classic colors. MJsres' sIzes 6-18.

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trJ.1llh'Il,11 '101 JI) II \I{1)\\OOIl '''I Jrrr,,\< ..1"JnJt~, rlol\I.I" lh...p..-rk.t ,Ullill": ,urIJ,,' I,,: llll'Jh, li'h ,mJ !"lJhr~.\\ hi!.' \\ .. "II' .1'\ Ill"'1,uftJ"'l,,r hr.'JJ, IrUlI' JnJ \l''':''J~l:-

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CACCIAnET1'ER TlL\~ COFFEE HOUSEFI.:\\"OR G:\GGIA ESPRESSO·C:\PPLCCI~OIIt'h:rh ~rfllnnJnCl'. Simple finger tip control.Pump uri\ l' ") 'tl'm. High prl'",url' ,team jet\\ I1h turoo frolher. T\IO themllhtab -lliumin.lled l'n·oft "'\ iteh. RelllO\abk 25·wprl"er\oir. Cup \\:trming arl'J Sleek dl"ign.Black or \\ hill'..\fr~.11It:t:. It tail S35() IX). % unit...Sale ~1"9.9l)

Simac®snl.\C P.\S1':\ :\I.\CIII~EFull c)c1l' p.I'ta lllachll1e n:i\l" andknead, dou!!h lllr 11ll111l'u'c. f1J\ e Irc,hpNJ in ju,t 15 minute,. BUllt·in 'tl1rd~l'Dj,c, included to m,lh' S diften:nt,hJ~': l'Jppdlim, 'p.lghl'llt, linguini.'I1lJIl feuuccim. f1!!,lloni. IJ\;J!!nJ, Plh:JI'I.cookie,. :-'fake' I'l~t= pNd dl1ugh.\~r.~.mgt:. retell: S315JX) 7~ Ulllt...Sale $199. (1)

Pepper MillImports

EXTRA \,IIU;I\oLIn: 011. In'IEI.I:'\.\E\4U1,itl'l1!1\.: I'll1I1111'eJ\\llh Ir,',lIIh:rh,. !!.trll' ,IIlJ1"PJ'l'r~ ("PJIll"\1 1111 h.lI1J~1)o.IurJng 'I"I\IUI\IIJ, IIld.:JIP'"

IlJ\llr hI ',II.lll,'JUICH!!! ,If1.<lIlkln; )'(lull\\ ,ull ,:"r,Il,"",uk,I(Ill') l1UII,,',\lft.: \11!.:~ ,. fld'

5l'i wSale ~1",l)l)

J)J':SI(;~ERBlUSS PJ:lII'ER:\ 111.1.IlIlnl"ll.: l.11\ In!!,:\JJlI,l.lhk JX'pr.:rmill gnnd, Ir.:,11I~PJX'f l',lrth Inl<\l~rkLi 'pr1l1kk,III 11.1\ Of 11.1'I.'OlllpJd 'tor.l~\.' III

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1I0T~n:G SETKl'CP )Ollf coffel'. leJor COCO.Ipiping hot in\OUfm\11 ~1a\im~ltl!1I!\\afl' mug \\ ilhdl!l'lric mu!! \\anner\\ilh 1l0lHITck plJll'.\\'hill' onl\.• :'\~lln oil/oil '1\ ilch.11ft: \/I.~t:. Ictatl S I 2. 99.I·U unil"Sale SlJ, tJlJ

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.. con1rol' accur<lle grindingtlllle. While,•\1(-.:. \rtt:g. Mati S.w. CJ<J.1)(. 111111'.Sale 539.99

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E'I))l"R \:'\C[ S V'L \U'I:I I-n \(" 110'1COOKERSIJlI1k" 'led \\llh lrl·pl~ ,1!UII1I11lllll',lIlJI\I.!ln.lI!OIll For 'PUp" '11.'\1', 'h~'k, . 'll·.II11lllg\egeIJhk, III Ill.: '.:g':I,IP" ,ll'JIIl.:r Coo\.. p.I'IJin Ihe IJfge '1.'".:1 dlld Jr.un Ihl' p.l,t,1 u,m1! p.I,IJl"Pl.lllda 1Il,.:n ('Pille, \\ Ilh 'l'l"lhrI1ugh gl.l" hd.\1/:: 11I::t: II Tail SW 1)1)

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E.~1)l1t\.\U·:sroCK·son' 1'01'()ufJhl\ll'n'II';LleJISIS ,1.lInk",ll'l') 1\ 1111In·pl~ h.I'\.' lore\ 1.'11 hL'.lllll!!11.1' l':II1I"J~d~1.1" ,,-'l·ihrl'ugh lid

.\1/:: 11I::t: II tat! Sail'XII\. 5-19 lJ<J '~J".tJtJ12q\. ) "9 91) ~JI), tJ916q\. smljl) ~"I),I)4)

salton· ww.·

BI~EAmIA~ BA(;J~1. ~It\CIII~EI'af\.'ct hagel, a, ~,I'~ a, 1-2-.~,ju'l ~Idd \\.Ih.'rto r\.'l"ipe:~tIld in 15 minllle' ... hot. cm't~O.lg\.'h. ~Illl·,tic!.. h.lking p.m. E~I')tn u,c('ontrnk Rl'ci~, and \ idl'll indllded..l/ft:, \flgt:. rt'Iail S I 79.119Sale il1J9.l)I)





I flOUR "~\STER TIIA~ OTHERUREAl) MAKERSlUKE IT FRESfI- 1#· PUt· 2# 1.0.\\'[S~luhi-grJin breaJ oa~l'r prepare' \\ hole \\ hl.\ll1.J1Iic~l'r\\ ilh micro·computl'r pfllfrall1ll1 infdc\dope:d for oJ!..ing J()or( \\holl' fr<lin and l)l'orcJd, a' \\ell a' \\hit~, french ~ll1ddough, in 2hr, .. 20 minut\.". ,\1<;0 has l'a!l.l' ~ll1dja111l') dr.• Fa'i br~ad ,HId dough only progrJnl\• ProgrJmmablc till1er fur prc·,ct ha!..ing• Ik;1\ y gJugc dil' 1.'.1,1 ha!..ing r.m \\ ilh 111l1hlil'!..

coalinc• Full ('1;lor rccipe: hoo!..• COJl\l'l.'tiol1 CIlol dO\\ n ~lIltl reJd) hl.:cpcr• Cord ~torJg\.'Mfg. mgg. rell/il $1-19.99. lJ(, unit, .Sale $199.99

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Ihenll'''l.II' rl:~ul.ll': hel\ill~ .11lJ rnllhlO~.I{l'mll\ .tt-.k ~:'-,., 1\ .tl~rt.tnl \\ llh frllnl ~1':\\ kl.:1IIhlh:.tlllr BUlll'lll '1I'r;.I!.:e rpr '1.11111.:, ... '1.:.:1 holda.1.1l11!X'r.Ind Ilh.'.I'Urlllg '-J1''I'1l .111 mclud.:dI.t ...\ d~.tnIff; '/1':': r( I<lil ~}f,U fI(J % un II'Sale ~I)l} .l)l)



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n ISI~ \~ r \'.\~I-SI'EE() BI.E~J)E~Ik.lt..l\lul .111<'111': 1>.1"" (".'111," \lllh.ln .:\tr.l '1.lln1.·"'kd J II .Ird .I ~I.I" JJI IltJI h h:.I[.lnJ d,!J·I,·'t-I,.tn['\11.1:, Ihlm ,'n: '1'",.1 I" .In,,!h':l \\Ilh"UI ml:lrur1l<'n\rillll':I' ,,'nth'1- 11l.l~" "".III up .I I>r':l"/: S:II,' up Ihl,~,Ir"II'11 Jnn~" ,n,'ll~ I,,' "I '1I"~Ilh pUI,'':' I>I,hll.l,h:r"I,' p,1I1- H"d!'" r..~.~\1' ... \ I...''': It l .. !~I "J lit} ~" Utllb

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Cl'ISI~,\~T ST\I~I.ESSSTEEl. I'~ESSl ~EC(}Oh:ERlSTE.\ \IE~SJkh ,,~,~, I,,,~I up hllhr':I' IlIH':,.I,l,I'! .I', ,,'n,,:nll"Il.II,'~l~ln; m':lh,x1,JnJ rr ..,,'I1'" Ih,' 1'11/111'/11,!'..r.'nt,·t!"n~IIl,'':r1n~ .:n,ur,', ,Itl' rd:J'" "l":.:,, pr,':,uI': :'1:" 11:;;IIn:;.I' \lllh,,1,1 1.I,hl,'n,·.! wuh\1r~ , .•~, ,,1./1' ~: ;lIlxl

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CVlSJ~ART AUTO)IATIC 12·CVPCOFFEE :\IAKERTh.: Cui,mm' Il·cup au[omJtI, coft.:.: mJl,.crhnn~, n.:h. lu!l·tll)dl ...d coIf,..: !'>alt1:l\or into )ourhom~ Thi_ Ultlmal.: coll~mJ!..:r 1IIdud.:~ JdJU,I.lhi:auto ,hUl-off. ol -[im.: [0 ckJn" nlllni[OI • ...:If-ck.mlun':lion. JnJ programmJhk !.'Oil....: holJm;!I:m p.:r J[UI':. Pill' ..In.:\trJ')JIg.: LCD d\X'1.. andt.:mp.:lalur.: JI,pIJ). GolJ Ion.: lilla lnclud.:d3- Y.:ar Llmil,'t! W'JlrJnl). A\ Jlbh!.: 111 \\ HlTE OKBLACK..\If:::, SI/g:::. ft'flld 51 ]Y.W. 72 unit-RECEIH I REE Gin \\ n({Pl RCH \ "if: -COFFEE n~.""EIHCOO"HOO"~

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CUI,m.lTt h.l' cllmhml't! nlln·'lId. com ':1II~n.:e \\ nh profe"]',"JI qualn)f'."rh'r11lJn,',: [,) ae.lt.: ol n.:l\ 'l.lnd.lrJ in ,~id,fr.:.: C(Xll..\\~r: thaI \'Unlain,.lh"'lul,'1\ n".lluminUIll :-:,1\\ )llU "lII.:nJo} un,omprornl,mg c,x'}..llal':'1''1:1.111\·d"'I~n.'J fl)r tl.l\l)lful and h':.llth} ,:\xlking 7 pie«' ,el indudes:S" ,I.iIl~l,2 qt. <;;lU~poln "ieO'er. 31

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All ~ry shown set in 14Id. gold unless olhefwjse noIed. Items showncarTied in t1miledquanlilies. selection may vary by store. Great Value,

deorooce & Monufoctvrer's dose-Out jewelry not included.~s enIorged 10 show detail.


40~All Brushed-BackSatin SleepwearReg. 24.00-38.00,sale 14.39-22.79Shown: sleepshirt, cotton/polyester, Sol, reg. 24.00,sale 14.39Xl,XXl, reg. 26.00,sale 15.59


.::: ~"."

~~. : I

~:"I'".'"~' .1',1 ."

\0" I.,'

" .

Save an incredible



... ..... or ...... ,:- _

o on these greaSleepwear • Panties .' Vanity Fai

.("''':;0 I

.'H:" "

1Q.:S>~9·9'~ i...... ,

.~'j. k,yl."'}- P 9

, J;SCIve 400" HI~... 00 •,"""J.~ ~"~\'..s _ •

~~~Partn.neIntimates?~~.jIn.lwear" ~op.aiiH pants in poIyester/ .

cotton:'Sizes S·XL /R~, 10.00 pkg.

•$ave 40·~ oHlPartnene IntimatesPackaged PantiesHi-cut in 100% cotton, briefin nylon or cotton. Sizes 5-7Reg. 8.00, 3-pr. pkg.Sizes 8-10, reg. 9.50,sale 5.69, 3-pr. pkg. 16.99

Women's Handbagsleather, vinyl or Fabric. Reg. 24.99·28.00 ea.Entire stock of women's handbags,reg. 12.00-59.99, sale 8.99-41.99Colors "Cry by ~!Orl!

items! ·,


1.7geachSave 40% oft!Partners8 Intimates HI-Cuts100% cotton. Sizes 5·8. Reg. 3.00 eachBikinis, 100% cotton, sizes 5-7,reg. 2.50 each, sale 1.49 each

6.99,.~rDearfoaM.8 SlippersWashable boot styles in women'ssizes. Reg. 10.00, 14.00

3'kl.~126-pr. Packaged SocksWomen's sizes. Reg. 6.99 pkg.All women's multi-pack socks.Reg. 4.00-9.99, sale 2.39-5.99

Save on our entire stock of wall octiveweor • all jogsets • all outerwea

30~Partners® ""

. Silk Jogsets\.. -1~ Q '1 ed\):J:,; UI t or

. ~" color' block styles, ~ Silk with nylon linmg.

S,M,l,Xl,reg. 3999,

sale 27.99Nylon and

fleecejogsetsalso on




~: partn~

39.99Outerwear JacketCotton/polyester S,M,l

Reg 5900All Outerwear,reg. 3499·7900

sale 19.99-59.99

9.9geaChCheetah8 Basic FeeceSweatshirt & PantsCotton./polyester. Crew,

S,M,l,Xl,XXl; pants, S,M,l,Xl.Reg. 14.99 each

14.99Cheetah~ Bu"onMock Turtleneck

Polyester/cotton. S,M,l,XlReg. 26.00

Pants, reg. 1800,sale 12.99


All Maternity WearReg. 12.99-48.00

sale 10.39-33.59 <

Shown: Catsuit, cotton~lycro~ spandex. S,M,l. j~

Reg. 29.99, sale 23.99'Tee, reg. 14.99, sale 11.99·

men's apparel on• all denim • all maternity

1ml\orllll ... ""

19.99Misses' Rigid or Easy-fit

Lee~ JeansCotton. 6·18 petite, avg., 8·18 long

Reg. 29.99Stretch Lee~ jeans, reg 29.99,

sale 25.99--: 'i ~I~' ••• ~) -Y".:!j

..... }.

9.99Season Ticke~ PantsPolyester & polyester/cotton.

6·16 short, 8-18 Qvg.

27.99Juniors' Union Bar Jeans

Relaxe<Ht Cotton 3·13.Reg. 29.99

Union Bay! striped tee,S,M,l reg 24.99, sale 19.99

Jacket, reg 79.99, sale 59.99


Juniors' Bongof)Zip-fly Jeans

Colton. 3·13. Reg. 27.99Bongo~ sweatshirt, S,M,l.

reg. 27.99, sale 21.99

25.99Juniors' Levi's@501 ®

& 512m Jeans50 1~ in colton. Waist 26·33.Inseam 30,32,34. Reg. 40.00

51T' in cotton. Sizes 1·13short, Qvg. Reg. 40.00

Henley top, cotton/ polyester,reg. 14.99, sale 7.99








Pigment-Dyed TeesBy Seattle Cotton Co.

100% cotton. Sizes M.L,XLReg 1500


50~All Pigment-Dyed

R-N-Z'" Fleece TopsSizes M.L,XL. Reg 32 00

C"I"" very trt ,""~".

Cheetahe Basic FleeceCrewneck top and ponts. Colton/

polyester. Sizes S·XXLT.Reg. 14.99Zip hood fleece top,reg. 24.99, sale 16.99

24.99All Cheetah Sport"'Nylon Jogging SetsSizes M·XXL. Reg. 39.99

). 6.99



High Sierra'" ThermalUnderwear

100% cotton. S·Xl. Reg. 10.00Thermal henley, not shown,

reg. 12.00, sale 9.99Colo<l vc')' by "c,.

3.99Haneslll 3-Pack

Briefs100% coHon Waist sizes

30-40. Reg 6 99

8.99High SielTCl""Flannel Pants100% cotton. Men'ssizes S-Xl. Reg. 15.00Flannel boxers,not shown, reg. 8.00,sale 4.99POI'en" very by >'Ore



24.99Levi's" Stretch Jeans

Cotton/polyester. Waist sizes32-34,36,38,40,42.

2~99Levi's" 540'" .leans

Relaxed-fit, zipper·Ry styling.Cofton. Waist sizes32-34,36,38,40,42.

Levi'53 545'" iean5 with loosefit, not shown, sale 27.99

24.99Levi'" 560'" Jeans

loose' fit, zipper-flystyling. Cofton. Waist

sizes 30-34,36.

23.99Lev.'st>505e Jeans

Straight-leg, zipper-fly styling.Cotton. Waist sizes29-34,36,38,40.


Gloves and MuHlersleather and acrylic gloves inM,l,Xl; Cashmink"" acrylic

mufflers. Reg. 12.00-32.00,sale 8.39-22.39

16.99High Sierra8 'Monterey'

twill shirts100% cotton. Sizes M·Xl.

Reg. 30.00

Get into thecomfort zone!

Cambridge Classic®& Windridge®

shirts on sale

11.99100% cotton 'Redwood' Ronnel in M,l,Xl;

brushed orylic shirt in M,l,XL ondmore sizes: XXL,LT-XXLT.Reg. 20.00

40% oH High 5ierra~ cotton flannel& wool blend C.P.O. shirts.

21.99Dockerse Classic-Fit

Twill Pants100% cotton. Waist sizes

30-44. Reg. 36.00

30~Dockers~Bugle Bor> &Van Heusenf) Knit Tops

Reg. 26.00-48.00,<>. sale 18.19-33.59ci Dockers~ pique polo, shown,~: reg. 26.00, sale 18.19vi"<t'N:N


24.99Cambridge Classics~

Corduroy Pants100% cotton corduroy.

Waist sizes 30-40.Reg. 36.00

12.99Cambridge Classicsf!l

Henley100% cotton. Sizes M,l,Xl,XXl.

Reg. 20.00All Cambridge Classics<lllknits & sweaters, reg. 20.00

to 48.00, sale 12.99-29.99

7.99Windridge~ Tees

100% cotton. M-Xl, and moresizes: XXl·XXlT.Reg. 12.00

All Windridge~ lees, palos& Reece tops, reg, 10.00

10 30.00, sale 5.99-19.99

40~Cambridge Classicsf)

Mock TurtleneckCotton blend. Sizes

M,l,Xl,XXl. Reg. 24.00,sale 14.39

8.99Cambridge Classics~

Turtlenecks100% cotton Sizes

M,l,XL,XXl. Reg 1400

16.99High Sierraf!l Pigment-Dyed 'Sequoia' Fleece

100% cotton. Sizes MJ,Xl.Reg. 32.00

All High Sierra<lllknits &sweaters, reg. 16.00-42.00,

sale 9.99-29.99


Cheetah!' FleeceTops & Pants

Toddlers'sizesReg 699 each

Carfer's2 BlanketSleepers

Infants' and toddlers'sizes Reg 11 99 each

2Pk9s.$7Sunset Kids'"3-pack BriefsGirls' sizes 4·14;

boys' sizes 2·16. Reg.3.99,4.49 pkg.

2Pk9S~9Sunset Kids'"6-pair SocksGirls' sizes 6·11 ;boys' sizes 5·11 .Reg. 5.99, pkg.

30~All OshKosh


PlaywearNewborn, inFants',toddlers' and girls'

4·6X sizes. Reg.9.99-36.99,sale 6.99to 25.89

30~Infants' and


PlaywearReg. 8.00-18.00,

sale 5.59-12.59


1/3oHSpumoni~ Separates

Girls' sizes 4·6X.Shown: Reece top, reg.24.00, sale 15.99

leggings, reg.16.00, sale 10.66

7.99High Sierra"

SweatersBoys' sizes 4-7,S,M,L,XL(8-20).

Reg. 14.99, 15.99

11.99Sunset Kids""Fleece Top

Girls' sizes 4-16.Reg. 16.00, 18.00

Leggings, reg 8.00,10.00, sale 5.99

7.99High Sierrae

Flannel ShirtsBoys' sizes 4-7,S,M,l,XL (8·20).

Reg. 11.99, 12.99

9.99High Sierra~ Denim

JeansGirb' sizes 7·16

Reg 1600Satin trim ribbed tee,

reg 16 00, sale 9.99

13.99Bugle Boye

Wrinkle-ResistantBelted PantsBoys' sizes 8-20.

Reg. 18.00Sizes 4-7, reg. 16.00,

sale 11.99

16.99Denim Overalls

Girls' sizes 7-16.Reg. 23.00

Flannel shirt, reg2200, sale 14.99

8.99High SierraE)Denim JeansClassic fit. Boys'sizes 4-7, 8·16.

Reg. 13.99,14.99


Girls' & Boys'Turtlenecks

Girls' sizes 4-16; boys' sizes4· 20 Reg 7 99-9 00


Fleece SetsSizes 4·7. Reg. 19.99


Fleece SetsSizes 4·6X.Reg. 24.00

.: ... , ...

30::All Girls'Sweaters

Sizes A-16. Shown:7-16 sweater,

reg. 24.00,sale 16.79.A-6X sweater,

reg. 18.00,sale 12.59

Skirts,reg. 12.00,sale 8.39



-- ,.",:~'

6.9geaChBoys' & Girls' Cheetaht>

Fleece Tops & PantsBoys' sizes 4·20; girls'

sizes 4-16. Reg. 10.99 eachHooded lops, reg. 16.99,

sale 14.99


2,or$5bathCaresse 1000/0 CoHonTerry TowelsChoice of 4 stripes and 10 solid colors.Size Reg. SaleBath, 48x2S" 3.99,4.99 2/5.00Hand towel 2.99,3.99 2/4.00Washclolh 1.99,2.99 2/3.00Bath sheet, 66x30" .7.99,8.99 2/10.0040% off Caress'" bath rugs inDu Ponf'! nylon, 10 colors. Reg. 7.99to 19.99, sale 4.79-11.99

'. ~I


'Shasta' Down Comforter230·threockount coHon cover.

~ natvrally warm white goose down fill.- Twin, full/queen. king, reg 99 99;: to 13999, sale 54.99-94.99co

~' Every dawn comforter and'j duvet now 20-40% off!M'



9.99 twinCaress'" Thermal Blankets100% colton or acrylic, perfect For everyseason. Twin, full, queen and king.reg 17.99·34.99, sale 9.99-21.9920·40% off all blankets, includingcotton twill. velour, loom·woven acrylic.Reg 17.99'4800. sale 9.99-36.99

34.99 twinAutomatic Blanket withPersonal MonitoringSenses body temperature. sends heatwhere needed. No bulky thermostats.Machine washable polyester/ocrylic.Twin, full, queen. king. reg. 65.00to 140.00. sale 34.99-89.99


All Character PrintBedding for KidsDisney charocters, shown, and morelTwin and full sheet sels, comforters,blankets and o<:cessories, reg. 3.991049.99, sale 3.19-39.9950% off body towels,reg. 17.99. sale 8.99


.99 twinII CaressE>Open Stockercale Sheets

our choice of 6 solid colors and .4rints in 180·threod-count cottoo/Iyester. Twin to king sheets, poirs of

td and king pillowco!>es,reg 4.9919.99, sale 2.99·14.99

5.49:h~:tLowest Prices this Season!All Allyson Kenr BeddingFive prints. Twin to king ~eets, casesin 180·threod·counl cottoo/polyester.Reg 9.99·29.99, sale 5.49·23.49Comforters and accessories, reg24.99-99.99, sale 19.49·79.49

19.99 twinAll Handcrafted QuiltsNow 33.60% OHIncredibly low prices! Heirloom·quality.Cottoo top and bock, polyester f.ll.Twin, reg .<19.99,sale 19.99Full/queen, reg. 59.99, sale 39.99King, reg 69.99, sale 44.99Sham, reg 19.99, sale 12.99

30·400/0 OH AllCoHon FlannelSheets and SetsSheet sets in fashion printsand yorn·dyed plaids. Indudes Rotsheet, fitted sheet with deep cornerpockets and pillowcase(s).Size Reg.Twin 3 pc. . 24.99Full 4 pc 39.99Qveen 4 pc .. J4.99King 4 pc .... 59.99


30% off open stock, solid-colorflannel sheets in pre~runk cotton,reg. 9.99-22.99, sale 6.99-16.09

24.99:i~~Every CoHon FlannelComforter $ 10 OHCozy classic plaids coordin<lte with our <>.solid flannel sheets. Polyester f,ll. Twin, S?,'full/queen and king, reg. 34.99


50~Entire Stockof DecoratorFramesWide variety of fine woods,ceramics and brass, includingdesigns by Fetco, Burnes,Elsa L and Umbria. Sizesto Fit2x3"' to ax 10'" photos.Reg. 5.00-35.99,sale 2.49-17_99

""ae ..._----_.

Ie:: it

"'-O:zr:. ','v

~.,.~29.99Farberwaree 2' .Pc.Cutlery Set with Bonus!Spoons, knives, scissors in spinningholder. Bonus gadget sel and cuttingboard 3\ pieces in 01\1 Reg 35.00All cutlery also on sale!


20-40~All Place mats, Napkinsand ChalrpadsCotton and blends. Reg. 1.99·17.99,sale 1.59-13.49. Shown:P1acemol, reg. 4.99, sale 3.74Napkin, reg. 2.99, sale 2.24Choirpod, reg. 12.00, sale 8.99

20-50~All Pillows and PadsReg 9.99-9500, sale 4.99-49.99Shown: Connon' Dream tv\ote:Pillow, with velour cover, polyester fill,reg. 9.99·13.99, sole 4.99-9.99Guaranteed·ta fit· pod, reg 20.00

~ to 35.00. sole 11.99-24.992'2

.:::e.., •

1.1geachSpecial Purchase!Terry Kitchen TowelsSix holiday and 6 everyday potternsin 100% cotton. Great gift idea!Sp«oal pur<~ quor.!,r es I,m ~ 10 sloel<on hond SelectIOn may very by store 18.000tOlol 101M' ,n Mervyn', IS Mt<h.gon stores

--:..- '\


"'ire Stock Bath Rugshoose from plushes and shags in

Pont~ nylon, cotton loops andeversibles. Reg. 7.99-.40.00,ale 4.79-23.99

20~33~Entire Stockof FestiveChristmas Trim-Exceptional selection andprices! Choices include:Ornaments, reg 1.99-21.99,sale 1.59-17.59Stockings, reg. 599-19.99,sale 4.79-15.99Nutcrockers, reg. 29.99,sale 23.99Village Square'- ceramiccollectibles, reg. 1.99-89.99,sale 1.32-59.99·Holl~ not Included

50~Entire Stock Area RugsPlush patterns, shown, berbers,braids ond tufted styles in polyesteror nyfon. Colton reversibles, too.$everolsizes. Reg. 9.99-49.99,sale 4.99-24.99

49.99Your Choice of ClaoeRolUng Luggage22; 25" or 28" uprights in 600-denier ramie/polyester. Tele~opinghandles. Reg. 69.99-99.99

All other luggage 30-50% oftl

14.99Your Choice, StockpotsJust in time for the holidays! 8-qt.or 12-qt. covered pots in durablestainless steel. Reg 2499, 34.99All kitchen basics on salel


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1 If turkey io; frozen, thaw in thercfrigaator or cold watcr.When read\' to cook. removethe \\Tappe~. Preheat the o\'ento .125cF.


2 Remove the ncc~ from thehody cavity and the gibletsfrom the neck cavity. Drain thejuices ano hlot the ca\'jt;es \\ ithpaper hmcl~.

3 Just before roasting, stuff theneck and body cavities lightl~.if desired. Turn the wings b,llkto hold the neck skin in pl;!Cl,'.Return legs to tucked po"itilll1.if untucked. No trussing i"necellsary.

4 Place Ihe turkey. hrca~t sideup, un a Ilat rack in <Ill openma~ling pan ah~HII2 inchesdeep. A handy "TurkeyLifter"comcs with eachBuncl'ball Turkey. PI:lcc lhi~special ~lring cr'ldle 011 arack, then place the lUrkey ontop and bring lhe loops upamund the hutey. Do Ihi,bet~)fc pUlling Ihe (urkey in theoven .1Ilt.l when litting (hecooked turke), from the pan,use the loops as handles.

S InseTl me'lt thermometer deepinto the thickc~t part of thethigh next to (he hody, notIUlH:hillg the hone.

6 B.rush the skin ",:ith vegetable011 to prevent skm from drying.Further basting is unnecessary.

7 Wash preparation utensils,work surfaces and hands inhOI, soapy water fol/owing conlact with uncooked turkey andjuices.

8 Roast at 325°E For approximate cooking times, see chartbelow. When the skin is ligh(golden bTO\\n, about :;, done.shield the breast loosely Wilhlightweight foil to prevento\'erbrowning.

9 Check for doneness II: hourbefore turkey is expected to bedone. Turkey is fully cookedwhen the lhigh's internaltemperature is ISerE Thethickest part of the breastshould read 17lfF and theceorer of the Sluffing shouldbe l6£rE

10 When done, let the turkeystand for 15 to 20 minutesbefore carving.

Wood Cutting Board \~ith Grav)' WellBy Foley·Martens. 1-l'·x2(),·.Pcrfect size for carving and serving lurkeys. No.OOO73 $9.99*Chicago Cutlef)' 3 Pc. Cutlery SetWalnut handlc~. No. 831. Hou:-.c\\ares DepL. _ $44.99*

Magnalite 12" Deep CO\'ered Chicken .FrJerNo.4572 $49.97*Magnalite Small IS" Oml Covered RoasterNo.4265 $59 .97Magnalite Medium 18" O\'ul Covered RoasterNo.4264. Housewares Dcpt. $69.97

Grand Gourmet Procelain Covered Roasters in New BeautifulCobalt Blue or Hunter Green. Huusewares Dept.4 lb. Covered. No.F2(1~86065 $6.97*15"/~ lb. Open RoasterNo. F2()()RN4lJ5 $6.97*10 lb. Covered. No.F20SS61l75 $7.97*15 lb. Covered Nn.F211&{Clll:-;S $9.97*24 lb. Rectangutal' <.'o\'Crcd RU:tstCI' N".I;:!Il&'i61ll)5 ~$14.97*


2 medium-size acorn squash2 tablespoons margarineJ 4 cup orange juice2 tablespoons lemon juice3/4 cup Mrs. Bultcn\orth's S)-fUp,

fegular or lite)/4 teaspoon salt'/4 teaspoon pepperIII cup halved, seeded red grapesCut squash into 3/4-inch rings. Remove'iccds and slringy portion". In large ~killelmelt margarine: stir in orange and lemonjuice. Add squash; cover, ~immer \(J to 12minutes until squash is almost tender. ,IddMrs. Butterworth's Syrup, ~ah and pepper:simmer. uncovered, 2 minutes or unlilrings are glazed. Add grapes; heat through .

•••••••• I!~ield: 4 servings.

- '--'- .~.~I~rge Sillt,& Pepper Set By Goumict;dvcnlure. No.215f211...$7.99

~~~;~~~~ l~~~~\\~ r~~~.~:'.~.~..~~~..~~~'.~.~~~~~.~~.~.~~.~~~.l.~~~~" $9.99Bread Cozy Willow Basket Wilhn'lpkinNo.7~lI7l Oif" and l.amp" : $lO.99

• /'to "hl 11" r~. t.~... .... . ~. . ..,

Casual Elegance CnnJ..n:lre That Senes By Corning. .lfoll,~\\.trI':'" 20%OFF

1\111.\11" I'Klll


I~Fal Resisteel 8 Pc. Cooksct Sla;nk ...., 'led \\ilhIllIll ,lick lilli'h. No.6SIKIK Saw S30. •1.\'cl)·day Im.97. I lou\C\\arc~ $139.97

Hlfhcmarc Cooknare·,uuf ChoiceSt<linless Steel .1 Piece Ste:lmer Set 25 {juarl. N().C~·lJll.Stainless Steel 12" Cmcred FIT p.m NO.~(IY-tor 8 qt. CO\ercd Sauce Pot (not ,Ium 1l) $39.97Stainless Steel S Cup Stove TOllllerculator orI Qt. CO\'crcd Sauce Pan (not ,llImn) $19.97Cowred Sauce I~an ~or ,) tit. Iioll'c\\an.:\ $24.97


,~ Sherbet Punch

16 cups 7 UP, chilled)/. cup unsweetened grapefruit

juice, chilled4 cups lemon sherbet or sorbet4 cups lime sherbetCombine 7 UP and grapefruit juice in alarge punch 00\\ I. Spoon shcrhcts intobowl. LeI sland about 15 minutes. Slirgently before serving.

~CrustII. cup almonds. find) chopped

VI. cups find) crushed \3nilla wafers'I, cup bUller. mdlcd

filling8 oz. (2 baking bars) (;hirardelli RittefS\lttl

ChQCUlate. broken into l·inl:h pie.:es8 oz. cream cheeSt, softened

I cup sugar3 eggs) CUp sour cream

'I. cup almon12·l1al ored liqueur'/0 lC3spoon salt (optional)

PrehC:;lllhc: u\c:n II) 3511'F. Gf~.1.'<: a t)·inl.'h spring'fllfm pan.

PI4ce Ihe 3lmond~ on a hAing sheel and IOO~1in the pf~heated men (Of 3 to oJ minuk~. Allo\\almond~ to cool. P13~ Ihe toasled almonds in 3food proc~r. and proce~ until finely ground.Combine the w;lfer crumtl<;, ground almonds, andhuller, mil( wdl. Pres... the ml'lure onlO Ihe 001'tom of the springform p:m and 1·1/2 inchl.><;upIhe sidl.><;.Bake 8 minutes. P13l~ (In a y,ire racl.aoo let cool compkh:ly.

To prepare Ihe filling. mdt the chocolate in adouhlc boiler ov~r hOI. bUI notooiling water. SlirOl"C".s~ionallyuntillhe l.'hocolalc is ~mooth. Sela~idc.

In a m..:uium·~iud mi\in~ Otml.ll..:at the rr':,lln("hc:~'Sc:on low ju~, ulllil ~m~)(>th.Gr.I(Ju"lI" "dJthe sugar and continue Il..:ating until ~ml)(;th.Scrape d'l\\n the ~illcs of the Otw,l ,tnd bcate~~ilh a ruhber spatula. Add the eggs. one al atime. beating ~cll aflcr each addition and SCf;lp'

ing down the bll\\1 <1<; nceded. With the muer onlow. gr-ddually ;\l1d the sour cream. almondliqueur. ,lOd sail, h.:atingjll\l until smooth.

Divide Ihe baller in half. Add the mdledchocolate to one half of the ballcr. stirring Uillil

smoOlh. Pour the chocolate lultcr into the CI'\I,t.sprcad to Crcate one even layer. Carefully ~)O(ln

Ihe plain battcr on top I)f thc choollalc b.1111:r.PJ:tee Ihc pan in the O\'en and immediately r~JL.'\:':Ihe tcmpt:ralurc to 325°F. Bake 51110 (,(l minuIl:'. Jor umilthc ~nt..:( k jU'1 ~l. Turn (Iff the Ol'Cn ~

and leave Ihe cake in~idc for 31.. minutes y,ith the JO\'l:n door closed. Transfer the chceSCC3kc Ill:l ,

\\-ire rack. loosen it (rom the side<;of the (l.'\n ~~ilh a metal spatula. letche cheCSl.'C3kc COlli ~complctely. chen chill it at least 8 hours or 'o\ocmight. Store CO\wcd in Ilk: rcfrigCT<ltllT. ~

Yield: 16SCfl i,l j

.:/f II'. :J

Chocolate ·AlmondLa)trtd Chttsec-.tl.e

Yield: About 45 (1I2-cup) servings

No need toworry aboutwhat you'lldo with theleftovers ...

...therewon't be any.\frijer helps busy cooks take the guessworkout of menu planning with a wide selection ofholiday meats and seafoods. Whether your~~I:~tcsrun to cooked spiral-sliced hams* orIrozen ducks and capons, the Meijer MeatDepartment is ready to meet your holidaymeal needs.From turkeys and beef rib roasts to crablegsand lobsters, our vast selection makes it easi-l'[ than ever to one-stop shop. Best of all,LmlOus Meijer quality will have your guests~llming back for seconds and thirds.'JJeJ~ order allca~t 48 hours in amilnre.




~~ 1FREEl 51:: '..\VITH COUPON .-_Armour Smokee Links . "-.10 oz package.

1'1115! 41250114489 7

--, UMIT ONE COUPON PER .I:AMILY .~---------------~r - - MEijER, COUPON - -,

:1/2 PRICE:'VITH COUPON ~~ V,,-, ~I'I~Jeijer Deli Snack ~1ixIChoo" '<om h,lbn ,h"" II

bUllerfl} cri,p-;. garlic hUllerfl~Icri,ps or regular snack mi\II ,I \\'E~~ #2I I • .-

1 . """ UUrr: ONE COUPON PER FAMILY· .~---------------~r-- MEijER COUPON - -,

1/2 PRICE\VITH COUPONI\jax Ullra Uquid LaundryDetergent5007.001lk.Pr~rriccd 2.99

I III5 41250 14395 1

. . : ~•. UYIT ONE -COUPON PER FAMILy' -~---------------~r - - MEIJER COUPON - - i1/2 PRICE :\VITH COUPON _~_ ....,..~I

• ... .. • IJ 50·1Rc)nolds .. . I ,f.I,~~

Ilea" Dul\ I,\luniinum'Foil I~11'q. fl fIll! I


8 II

11115 41250 14408



BUYlp'DDE' ~~ BUYlprDDE'GETl 1\.n • ~ GETl ~.. ~\\'ITII COUPON II; WITH COljPO~ \ ~Chi·Chi's Tortilla Chips ~Irijcr SllUr Cre:lm1II111 r-,l~ ""l ..,'1\IIII1.:r

( --nac-" I

1 l' I.. I

! I

s 41250 14570 12


1/2 PRICEWITH COUPONIfa\\aiian PunchFruit UrinkhUll Juicy RedMIll. hOllk

--------------_:.1-- ----------,

r-- MEijER, COUPON - -,

1/2 PRICEWITII COUPON ~~~...~~\1l'ijH rariel\ I'ael. Ccrrar J!iFIII P,le!.'! '7~ ,;/ • ~

, /I I


;' '. . WIlT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY . .:~---------------~r-- MEijER, COUPON - -,

65¢oFF\\ ITII COlP07\\frijl'r thre'll' or Huller Popcorn(, '" p.I'k.I~<:

~ II11IIIIIIII 5 41250 14426 2L: WliC'WJi'lllg'U'il3i'tJW" '!i!J----------------r-- MEijER. COUPON - - i1/2 PRICE ~.. i\YITII COUPON -'~.:,,""''' JCampbt'll Urand ;. • 7" • ":,1 fFresh White -,"IMushrooms12 1)/. p.lckage. I

I,.. !

• JU_ ~ .-.------------



Spirits to Make Spirits Bright.Raise your glasses in celebration of the holidays. Special girt sets from Meijer are an excellent choice to help

family, friends and associates toast the holidays in grand style. Whether for gifts or holiday entertaining, we've gota selection that would make old Sf. Nick himself envious.

Wine connoisseurs can choose from several imported and domestic labels in stock. For beer and spirit fanciers,there's a "ide array of special holiday gift sets. Whate\'er pleasure ~'our spirit prefers, you'll find it at Meijer.

Enjoy in moderation.

(~.:..~,,~, .~....~~~

~;..;..~..........t{. -d~~..., '\,~ ..~ :;.'\~;;;' ... .1 t"...... . ~ ..J>~w,':Y4u.-*"n,11l5lkeyo.lir f~tive holiday

g~~!gg~thfrite!isi~i:tllt!~ever.K!ithc,,<, "ill l'oOtls fp' , Mt·· "

, ~(.;~~,~!t~>i'-',~I,~'JJ-.;.,~~~er.:...'.:;.'~D~~ br~ gen~ly.on a qUiet snO\\)' mom-

~!I]g< Apple.cheeked chil~r~n' scurry as music of~xthe season drifts from shops, homes and offices.~ ~ii1iature, glimmering lights dot the homes~~where .c1ose,t.s 1?eginto fi!1 with secret packages!l7~~nd.brightly colored papers and bows. This isftht season when .warm cups of rich chocolate~;:and full mugs of spicy cider invite us indoorsIDf~~~~emorab~e parties and celebrations.

~~.~I1!~.First, Enjoy~liiter.- J ..i.;.::..1-·i.....:J::'''- r. '., .....~~

~f':t'!Q1h.!fjft~)lr:ensl1~.t~e.~ol!~.ay'.~ht~'m6r(nhan family)., ....... ~..::f:, 'and friends eele-~·:.~rating in 'o~~ oWn. : home. Remember,

though, thatwhether your partyis for two or 200,planning ahead will'make it easier oneveryone: Start by

EN ERT INMENTdetermining exactly how many guests there willbe. Whether you're planning to serve Cheeseand Meat Trays, Seafood, or Fruit Salads, anaccurate count of guests makes planning mucheasier. This also takes the guesswork out ofpurchasing prepared foods from Meijer such asthose available in our Deli:

Italian Roast Beef Smoked TurkeyHoney Ham Novara SalamiFresh Fruit Platters Gourmet ChickenSandwich Spreads& DipsLiver PateChocolate MousseApple DumplingsBaked ApplesMeatballsParfaitsPotato Salad

... ........ .... 1#: ::. : .., ••

"" -~ . . ~, 'b •... r. ~. (•. '

Traffic FlowTraffic patterns are imponant, too. For a

buffel, push Ihe table against the wall so theroom will accommodate a moving line morecomfortably. If you plan 10 have a beveragebar, put it in a room separate from the food(0 a\'oid crashes at your mosl popular loca-(ions.

take into account a couple of important factors: .

1. Time of day (people tend to eat more inthe evening)

2. Degree of appetite (is yours a "hungry"crowd?)

Meijer can help here, too. Determining aver- .age quantities of food you'll need for your event; .is easy using this handy guide:

How Much for How Many?A dilemma that besets every partyplanner is, "How much food will I

need without having too much?".To determine this, you'll need to

FOOD-Cold cuts-Cheeses-Salads-Breads-Beverages-Coffee-Chips-Cookies


3oz.}Ihoz.l/. cup3 slices60z.2 cupsloz.2

(Continued on page 30) .

...!~...:'-~~~tHoliday Popcorn Tins3 gallon container. As<;orted de<;ign<;.Each include" a mh of caramel c~rn.cheese popcorn and traditional popcorn $7.99Keystone Pretzel Tin2.5 gal $8.99

Hickory FarmsSanta Pack $11.49Hickory FarmsSnacker's ChoiceGift Pack $17.99Hickory FarmsBarn Board $22.99

RecliningSanta Cakeor ChristmasWreath CakeChocolate,yellow or white.1/4 sheetsileo 30 07 ...$15.99

Deluxe Mixed Nuts 12Ol., 200l.

2S Ol., and 32 oz .•"1tole Cashe\\s12 oz., 20oz .. 28 oz.and 32 oz.,and PistachiosISoz $S.49 fo $15.99


..,.r.C.t .. 1..... fl.L~H"Fl

'lTY.'l'~ '1~t.:~.~ ~. . .

Meijer Deluxe Fruit CakeMade \\ith real butter. 110 $6.99 .j

.. "'t ..._ - ~..~ ...

~\i. . ,-"",- :-:;~:.

Gift Packs!


Old Wisconsin Summer SausageGift Box 18 oz. packagc $4.99Bridgford Holiday Sampler48 oz. packagc $l 0.98Hormel Holiday Chub Sampler55 oz. packagc $11.99~ ,

. Great'0/~ % Gift··~ -I Id!IL!. Ideas


Johnsonville Holiday Gift Box36 oz. packagc $9.98Hickorv Farms Gift Box28 oz. p~ckagc $l 0.98Liguria Holiday Gift Box36 oz. packagc $8.99

..r - - MEIJER COUPON' - -,


L! Ilithl,W"I"'lllg'l\IiJ9i'VW£ !J--------------22 f\lEIJER MAIN COURSE

~--------------------~-----------------------_ ........""""""""""''''=''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''====-~~~~-- --- --- - -

J)rummetle Tray SCI'\C<' appro\;. 15·~O $12.95

Thi~.y~ar,t.. .cooking was a breeze...

Large Cold Canapes Party TraySen'es approX'. 20.From the Deli $39.95

Large Nibbler Delight TraySen'es approX'. 25·30From lhe Deli $27.95


Pricro per pound.I Meijer Spiral SlicedI Honey Gla7ed Whole lIamI 1-1·17Ih.:I\g.

:. ! II i: <;000 ;h'ruI 1·1·96 5 41250 14512 2IL! 11~!iltW"lri'lI!g']*~3;'(;WI" !J--------------

Large Fresh\'eggiePlatterSCI'\ c<,appro .25.30 $23.95Hillshire Farm

Yard·O·Beef Summer Sausage24 oz. packagc $3.99Hickory Farms Beef Slick16 oz. packagc $4.59

High Roller Tm)'S~I'\~, appro\. IS.20 $39.99

Large ~Ieat and CheeseBuffet TnnSCI'\~, appio\. 15.20 $34.95


.. ..,.. ~:o:z=<=;;:===:=__=:==~~=::_=,..-

Let WiScol1sinCheese Entertain You! I'III

Wm a Weekend for Twoat the American Club

frOll1 the Dairy Faro1ers of Wisconsin!

Register to winat our MeijerCheese Shoppe.

SAVORY WISCONSIN BRIE ENCROUTE1/2 cup chopped wJlnllls, lOJSled2 teJspoons melted butter1/2 teJspoon dried roselllary, crllSh~'d

Dash of(J)"enne (oplioIlJI)I sheet rcfrigerJted pic crust pastryI whole 5·inch round Wisconsin Rrie dlcesc

(approx. 12 0/.5.)l-oklted butter

1" (I bOJl'/,m;x t~g(tlur 1I'll/uUTS,blltt~r, rOJimllry (wdmf(1Wt. Ullfold pllstry doug/} Oilb~kll1g~lm; SpOOIlwalll/lt m;xtllrf ;11mmr of mIst ", II .s·",ell ("~/(.Platt B,;t;1I (mur of pllItry 011top ofll'lllmlt 1I11.\1IITt.

Fold dOllg/}O~'(TBrie to (mur 1l11dpl~/(b to s((Il. bll'(r~Br;e 011bllkillg sbm mId brll1b top IrltlJ IIIdud butter.H(lJt ovm to 350°F, bake Briefor 151010 millllUS orIwt;! pastry ;s br~Il'JI(d.Coo! to r~om umprratttrebefore Jirl';IIg. Jlaku,~ to 10 ~m"~lllS. . ... R((;pr (flll bt pn'parl'd to 11mpoml (wd ,rJrt'lrrlludlip to 1dll)'fll1ltil r(Ilt("Ito bak

No purchase required. See store for wntcst rules.

The American Club is a AAA Five Diamondresort hotel, located in Kohler, \Visconsin.This historic hotel oflcrs elegant yetcomtortable rooms and gracious service ina setting of natural beauty and serenity.Nine ditlcrent restaurants arc available toresort guests, and specialty cheeses areteatured on each restaurant's menu.Tempt your tamily and friends with thegreat taste of \Visconsin cheese, with therecipes below.

WHITE CHRISTMAS PIZZA12-inch Ii-Oleo, pre- bJked pillJ crust, th.1\\'ed

I tablcspoon butter1-1/2 cups Wisconsin Ricotta chcese1/4 (UP (I·oz.) crumbled WiS('onsin Gorgonzola (heese2 tablespoons grated Wisconsin Romano cheese2 tablespoons dried basilleJ\'Cs, crushed1/4 teJSpoon dried oregJIlO IcJ\'es, (rushedI cup(4-ozs.) shredded WiS('ollsin Moz7arclla1/2 ,-"Up(2'07.5.) shredded WiS('onsin Asiago chel'SC1/2 (UP dked tomato2 lhin sikes ham, diced

Sprtad crt/st JI,itbbutur; loast IlIla(r broiler. SfIIlSiat.Combillt Ricotta, (;orgoIlUJla, Romallo dues(, bllsi!mIdortgaJlo; mix !l'e/I.Sprtad ortr (rmtj top lI'ilh rtllla;II;11,9(!J(m. Bake lit 4S0°F for .:I to 8m;lIl/tes or IIIItil chem ;Sme/ltd. Top Il,;tl)mlll/il/b1,9 ;'1,9r(dimts.Mak's 12 srrv;IW·

~hrimp Bonan'" Jllat~rS~I\l:'" ~lPPro\. (I ~ 19.99


(:!I~~!F.• !I~Icucr -----~

I Scarond r~lrh II

Tr.1) • IAn~ \,uil:l\.

I :\\.111.lhk ill '!tlrl" II \\I\h ~l"lhlt,,1 I

~h\lr'":ll\. II (;ood lhruI 1·1·9" 5 I~ __ :E'II,WJi.lll;;.llI¥3i.tJW£ I-----------~26 ~1EIJER ~IAIN COURSE

Imital ion Crahmeat~ Salad Dip Part)· TrmSI:I\l:'" appro\. 12 : $29.99

~hrimJl & Crah Cod.tail PlatterSl'l\l:'" appro\. 12..................... ... $39 99.~..... .

Seafood Dip Platter '::' ,.., - .Serves approx. 8 ~.$'t2.99.Shrimp Exfra\'aganza PlatterSer.'es appro~. 18 $39.99

~hrimp Coh),~al PlaltcrSmc .lppro\. x $34.99

~hrimp A Plenty PlatterS~I\~'" appm\. 12 $29.99




Sin~I('lonLooked Salad Shrimp5 ,,/ pk~Ir"lt n

.. I I iI II .

5 41250 14495 8

~---------------~...r -- MEIJER COUPON - -,

j\ ..


,141250 IJI ,2S¢OFF\V[1'1I COUPON

Redtli \\ip Toppin~i 0/ .... In

Ollpn.ll'lr [ lIe

•II:1I,.;:IJ';,;;lj;;':j I?3;' tJ' II£



Spar~'e ~ap~ins2.:'11((lUnIpkg11'1:.

L.: _

is AS ... ..

r - - MEijER COUPON - - ,

SO¢OFF\\'ITH COUPONOn a pound or more.

r-- MEijER COUPON - -,

i--MEIJER COUPON - - i r-- MEijER COUPON - -, r-- MEijER CO.UP~N - -,

IBUYIFrDDDl. I 30¢ ~.-=; 12S¢ .~ :~:GETI lWnIl'6~: OFF ~" :, OFF ~~!-Z~~,;,I \VITH COUPON ~~, I \VITH COUPON ~ I\VI1 II COUPON ...,~IAunt ~1illic Fat Free Bread ~ 'I Thank'inu Pie Filling " ., . ISun S~\e.etPrun.es

I I21J Ill.IIl,If. I 10·21 oz. C3n I1\11\.IfI~II..'lo dnd 'IZ ..'~.

I I1\11\~Hicli.:,. I Choose ~fIlm I.:mlln. I

I I II~i I ~~~~~\~~l~ppk. ~ I ~: I ~I:. II :. :_ I: 5 41250 14456 9: 5 41250 14450 7 I 5 41250 14578 818 !lm«·WJ'NIlg·mg@j'PW£ :.I ~ :.I L: :.I.... _--------------

. UMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY _ .~---------------~r- - MEijER COUPON - - i


~~~g&~,8/. iDish II.she< ~ IDelergent~~~~ ,Pr.:pn.:~ 2.-W ~ 1111

1:- ,5 41250 14397 5:

_ -LIMIT ONE COU~N PER FAMILY I~---------------~..r-- MEIJER. COUPON - -,

!$loFFI'VITH COUPONICalifornia SeedlessI~a\al Oranges,SIb. bag.IS"<:d and juk~.


5 41250 14577 1-. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY~---------------~


Gu}lian Sea Shell Chocolates 6 9980S oz. pkg $ .

Country SelectGourmetHoliday ShapedPasta2" 0/. $Jar 10.99CounlO' SelectGourmetHolida)' ShapedPa!llaX 0/.

j,lr $6.99 >111fT 11'-'. ~II _

Dare Cabaret or BrctonCrackers 7·80/. pkg $1.79


Honey Acres Cfm'cr Honcy ~ith 9Itoney l>ip 16ol. pkg $11.3Honev Acres CfO\:er lIone\' uilh $ 9Cork"& Dip 16 oz. pkg : 8.1~Ioney Acr~s Honey Mug Pair $8 15- (I. 5.S 07. Jars · · · •Honey Acres Mini Crate" (I. 16oz. pkg $11.45

Bahlsen. Choco-PfetTerniisse 1 997.1 Ol. pkg $ ·8ahlsen PfetTerniisse 297.1 Ol. pkg $l.

That's Entertainment(ColHiIlI/Ct! from page /9)

Details, DetailsA memorable party combines people and

food in an atmosphere rich with personaltouches of the host or hostess. Be creative inyour decorating. Use seasonal plants, pinecones, even vegetables, to help capture amerry air. Your special whimsical touches willbe appreciated by young and old alike.

Plan your color scheme around your dishes,table linens, and seasonal flowers. If you'reusing paper products but cannot fine the oakbrown or apple red you envisioned, be flexibleenough to make an on-the-spot decision to gowith another color. If you're expecting a largenumber of people, you might want to consideradditional table settings from among the fineselection of holiday glasses, china, and linensat Meijer.

Create a Festive AtmosphereThe mood ~ou "et for ~our holiday get-

together is very important. Guesh appn:ciatca warm, relaxing mood in which to \ i...it \\ ithone another, far from their dail\' carc~. ,\

warming fire can help cultivate {hi" n1l1od.Building and maintaining a cozy fire' needn'tbe the chore it once \\as. Thank., to readHo·use fireplace logs. you can start ~our fireplacefire in seconds. then return ~our attention toyour guests.

The warm yellow/orange glow welcome ...people into your home. And. hecau,,: firt"place fires naturally draw people to\\ardthem, they may also help alleviate theinevitable "bunching" that occur!> in ~itchcn ...and dining rooms. Best of all fireplace clean-up is much Irs'i of a me'i'i than \\ ith natural\\ood fires.

Music can also be a big help in creating Iheperfect mood. Try playing di"k" and tape'iwith songs of the season in the hackground.

Relax, It's EasyWith the help of Meijer to take the food

preparation worries out of your holiday enter-


t.linin~ plan\,. ~ou'rl' fn:l' to conCt'ntratc onheing a p.lr1~ planner pllr t'\cl'!I('1J(l', That \\ .I~,

\our ~ul''''h \\ ill rcmcmhl:r the enchantin".. ~ ~Tl1011dand gUllll romp.ln~ .1" l11uch :I" Ihc~ dothe dellclou" food.

~ - MEljfRCOUPON-:175~ .~1 OFF3~~Iwrnl COUJlO~ ~ III)ine ~Iollntain' Irib, Fire 1.1I~\ II:I<iood Thru I112.17.9:; 4125014343 21

41250 ,ILlt

• • ••

\Great\Gift .!


/~~~~ ~I/ "C'1 •

• .J


.~..,.)P.llmer ~Iug nith Cand) -t Ol. pkg $4.49

5Palmer Plush Mcrn' MouseWith milk choc,)l.ltc ~mta. 101. pkg $2.99


~' -• , .~~~.r.,! .. I. I i~s2E~~~a~\1~Zf

Ferrero 1\Ion Cheri 20 piece.7.5 oz. box $4.49Ferrero Rocher 16piece. 7 oz. pkg $4.49

Zachary Pecan Perks(}oz. box $2.49

••Butte!Mints.. iI ::;-,":: .., ..

Katharine Beecher Party ~Iintsor Butter Mints 7 Ol. hag 99¢

,... ~ --......... - .-.. ,.

Elmer's Chocolates Ilh. ho\; $2.9932 MEIJER MAIN COURSE

• • ~, .• : .1 ..~~ ••~ ~

Andes Creme De ~Ienthe Thins - -IU oz. hag $2.19Andes Thins 10 Ol. ,in $3.99

Andes Thins-Creme De Menthe,Mint Parfait, Toffee Crunch,Cherry Jubilee 4.67 Ol. pkg 99¢

Cella's Chocolate CowredCherries S lll. ht)x $I. 79



1f ~

~i'Gift '


Ma)fai. ~,Giant Cane.~Ih. tllhc .......$9.99

(~1.1" --

Wonder TreatsFilled Tm,'~j 0/. pf..g~ $1.99

Spangler Gourmet Canes Blueberl)', cinnamon,apple lIpke. ra~phcrl)'. stra\\hcrry. peaches. 6 oz. box...99¢ Storck Werther's

Original [4 oz. hag $2.99

Ralphco Yummi Wriler Fillednilh Cand)' Jj-I.S Of. containcr.. $1.49Ralphco Slugger Bal Bank Filled"ilh Gum 2S 0/. ('(1l1laincr. $9.99

-Junior ~lint~ Snad. 'i/C. 11101. hag: $1.99Tontsie Roll Hank -i 0/. conlaincr. 99~Toutsie Roll Child's Play Stocking211 0/. p~g: . . . . $2.69

Frankford MarshmallonCand) Cane 2 0/. pf...g: 99CI't.'/ Cand) and Dispenser .S7 Ill. pf...g $1.29

l.ift.'~a, ('I" Sn erl Slon hook;.~ 11/. p~g: ~ $2.19I.t.'af WIIlIJl(ler or 11011) H('rri('!'13 ~ .-i 11/. \flllll'.Hlon. .. .69C


• 0 ••

~;\". .


~~_.- .~...~ -.••

CrO\m Supreme PeanutClusters 7 oz $2.44Cronn SupremeAlmond Clusters 7oz ....$2.44

MmfairKiddie Canel-lll/. tllhe .........2.99

Lindt Milk ChocolateBox 4.2 oz $3.99Terrfs Chocolate

~.~~~z~ $3.88

Ufe.'lmers Cand) Cane 6.25 lV. hag 99¢I.('af Can('s FiII('d nith Si\lets or Gum 2-2.250/. IUllC 99¢J.ire~;l\ers (;ummi Savers X 0/. lin $2.99

DisneJ Tnirl PopsCand)· 99¢Vanhouten SantaOrnaments 3 oz $1.69Vanhouten Solid Santa30z $1.37

Christmas Ceramic Reindeer Dish nitl!.Strauberry Cand)' 5 oz. No. I 2-lS ~3.99Christmas Porcelain Mug nithStrauberl1' Cand)' 7 Oi. No.S70-22X ....... $3.99Ceramic Christmas BellI' Pot \lilhCand)' :"0.640 $5.99

Smith Kendon Christmas Tin 70i ........$2.27Decorative Tins \lith Cand)'A"sorlcd $4.29

Allen Wertz Hot Hutler Rum C'1I1d"No.S02S-l-0 $2.69Allen Wertz Hot Apple Cider l) oi $2.69Falcon 3 Nut 1 lb $5.29


~~-l'~~~","'" -;"';;0.. 1- • ~_~~~~~.,,;;-~ "-<r~'" {.....,f41","1'".. .. ....... ;~"", .." , •~.,f;~-.fTi."::<-?:.!~7,;-.1'... ~..l..""S~t"..·l. ~.l;.~..f:.- ......." •.., ~ ~ • -:.

~\.', :Sweetsurprises come from the kitcheli ..;·~

~ Milliondollar Fudge2 cups (12-ounce package) HERSHEY'S Real Chocolate Semi-S\\eet Chips or \1ini Chips1 giant (7-ounce) HERSIIEY'S \liIk Chocolate Bar broken into piecesIll) cups (l3-ounce can) e\aporated milk Ph cups (7-ounce jar) marshmallO\\ creme4 cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon buller or margarineI teaspoon vanilla F/J cups chopped pecans or \\alnuts

Combine HERSHEY'S Real Chocolate Semi·S\\cet Chip, or Mini Chips and IIcr\hcy\ B.n in a 1,Irgemi.\ing l)()\\I. Set a'ide.

Combine evaporated milk. marshmallow creme, sugar and butler or margarine in a HEAVY"·QUART SAUCEPAN. Cook over medium heat, stirring conqantly. until mixture comeo; to a full rollingboil: hoil and stir 8 minutes. Remove from heat, immediately add to chocolate in mixing b<ml.l1e.t1inguntil completely melted. Blend in vanilla and pecJn,; or \\alnuts. Pour mi:\ture into a hultercd I)·inch<;qu,lrc or 1.:r\9~x2"oblong pan; cool.Recipe makes 41

/: pound, of the best fudge e\er.

r - - MEIJERCOUPON' - -, r - - MEIJERCOUPON' - -,I I55~ WI: -c:' I:: OFF2 ~ ::. , •.: \\1TH COUPON 1Il'Q :I I lIershe\'s Kisses or Kisses II I \\i1h Almonds, ~1iniatures, I

Reeses and 'arkI I Peppermint Patties II I r -lol hag. I

I ! L:~Thru ~ II ! !I I 12-17·95 I

11·17·9:- 5 41250 14522 , s 41250 14521 4

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lIer~h{'\ .~ Kb,es in Elr Canisteror R{'{";r\ in Chri~tmas E\{' Cani'lter$14 III till 4.99


lIer~he) 's Giant Cand)' Bars Almond. mil"cho(ll!atl:. \)mphllny milk. ~ymphony almondtoffee. \pl:d,d d,IT" and cookil:\ 'n minI.701. b,lT.

Hershe)"s Kisses or Kisses "ith Almonds,Minialurcs, Rceses and York PcpperminlPallies l-t 07. bag.

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7\leijer Semi S\\eel' ~Ieijer Dani~h Coffel' (':l"e~ ,. le)i~';~:~Chocolate ChiJl~ f"lwy_~iIt _ _ :\11\.trkli.:' 125 -1-111/. ~.~1211/. h,lg I film Ih,' B.t~':l).

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• 5 ~4125JL 7 i!1~111"mI3'11!:;"'a:B;ltJW£"t.1

Orange Sconesemmb Topping2 tablespoons Carnation Coffee-mate

powdered non-dairy creamer, yourfavorite flavor

2 tablespoons flour1 tablespoon cold butter, cut in piecesMix dry ingredients in a small bowl. Cut inbutter with a fork or pastry blender untilsmall crumbs form: set aside.Scones21/2 cups flour

1/3 cup Carnation Coffee-matepowdered non-dairy creamer, yourfavorite flavor

1 tablespoon baking powder1 tablespoon grated orange peel

3/. teaspoon salt3 tablespoons cold butter, cut in piecesIh cup water2 eggs

crumb topping

Preheat oven to 4250 F. In a large bowl,combine flour, Carnation Coffee-mate, bak-ing powder, orange peel and salt; mix well.Cut in butter with a fork or pastry blenderuntil evenly distributed. Beat together waterand eggs. Add to flour mixture; stir until justmoistened. On a floured surface, lightlyknead dough for 30 scconds; do not ovcr-knead. Roll or press dough \\ ith lingers untildough is Ih-inch thick. Use 2-inch round ordecorative cookie cutlers to cut dough. PlaceI-inch apart on ungrcased baking shect.Sprinkle with crumb topping. Bake on mid-dlc rack for 12 minutes or until golden.Makes about /5 scones.

(;ood 1 hru12·17·9:;

--------------~ll ~f1·.I.IER!\IAIN COURSE

Baking Starts with Quality Ingre~nts~1Ii'~~~':''=~=~'~~0.;"'~jf<:... '-~.-. ..~.... .i:#' ..... ,.-._-=-;.......IIJ

- - •• - "":".1-' ':JlJIJ~! ~ ;:JjjJhIjJ 1..~ L_-~


/ ,


@ffeemate,"/\ h\llrl (llF.\\IIR


Pumpkin Layer


Pumpkin Pecan Pie ~

1 egg. lightly beaten1 cup LIBBY'S Solid Pack

Pumpkin'hcup granulated sugarI teaspoon pumpkin pie spice1 unbaked 9-inch (4·cup volume)

pie shell

Pecan Layer

:/"cup light corn S)'rUP2 eggs, lightl)' beatenIh cup granulated sugar3 tablespoons butter or margarine,

meltedIhteaspoon ,'anilI3 extract1 cup pecan hah'es


COJfBINE egg. pumpkin. sugar and picspice in medium bowl. Spread ovcr bot-tom of pie shell.


COMBINE corn syrup, eggs. sugar,butter and vanilla in same bowl; stir inpecans. Spoon ovcr pumpkin layer. BAKEin preheated 350°F. ovcn for 50 minutes oruntil filling is set. Coolon wire rack.


.... ta wr 12oz ~340g) :.- ~ ';'--.. .'.'

~ LollillOP CookiesI cup (2 sticks) Flrhchmann\ ~Iargarinr1": cups firmly packed bro\\ n ~ugar"l eggs21

:: cups all-purpose Oour2 teaspoon baking powder

teaspoon EACH: Cinnamon. nutmeg'/: teaspoon salt'/. teaspoon baking soJaI:. cup milk2'/: cups quick cooking oats (not instan!). uncooked

Wooden sticksCookie decorations

Cream Fleischmann's ~Iarg'lrine and ~ugar in larg~ mixing00\\ I until light and fiuffy. B~~1lin ~ggs.Comhin~ l1our. ba~·ing powder. ~pin:....~altand ha~ing soda. AdLlto Fleshmann\~Iargarine mi\tur~ allernatdy \\ ith milk: mix well. Stir inoat~. Co\'~r and rcfri!!.crate I to 2 hllur~ or until firm for e.I'~in handling. Preheat ~)\'en to 37YE Shape dough into I'/:"'halls. Place ahout 3 inche ...apart on unhuth:reLl cookie ~hccl"',)n"en wooden stick half\\a\' into each hall of dou~h. nallenu!ooinga l1at hottom gla,~ dipped in granulated !ooUg;Ir.Ba~c 13to IS minute ...or untilliglul\, hnm ncd. Coolon l'Ook.ic ,hCl'h2 to 3 minulcs. 'Ihllhfcr~ •cookies to win: ral'~": coolcompletely. Decorate " ...dc!ooirl'J. Store at room tcm·pcrat~re in airti~hl mctalcontaml'Th lip to 2 \\cd,.Yield: 2 dOlen cO(J"ie~

~ -- ---..~~.,......

Desserts you'll feel good about.

Meijer Hone)"Gmham Crackers 1607. box $1.49

Filling2 packages (3.4 oz. each) French Vanilla

Instant Pudding3 cups milkI (8 oz.) container Cool Whip

whipped topping

"r - -MEIJER COUPON' - -,135~ I!IIml co~~~ .' Il! !I 1"';• ~,l~ij~rlI(\,n~) . Ji..~ .1

I(,milam ( f:1C"('I'\001. I>l'\ I


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¥j.Frosting:2 squares unsweetened baking chocolale2 tablespoons margarine2 tablespoons white corn syrupI teaspoon vanillalib cups confectioner's sugar3 tablespoons milk

Meijer Honey Graham Crackers.about 1/1 of a 16 oz. box

~ine a 9"xI2" ungrcase~ baking pan wi~hgraham.cracke~. Mix dry .instant pudding with milkIn medium bowl at medIUm speed of nmer. fold III contmner of whipped topping. Spreadhalf of pudding mixture over crackers, c~\'cfl~g evcnly. Lay another layer of graham crackersover mIxture. Spread other half of puddmg mIxture over graham cracker layer. Cover Wilh athird layer of graham crackers ..Melt ~hocolalc and margarine in sm~1Isaucepan on low h~at;add syrup, vanilla, sugar and milk; mIx well. Pour. warm chocolate mixture over last layer ofgraham crackers, spreading evenly to cover. Refrlgcratc 2-3 hours or ovcrnight.

Chocolate Eclair Dessert


Mrs. Richardson'sMakes theHolidaysDelicious.


....... ~..~..... u _)

f1ci"hmann's '(>a~l\dl\l D~ 'IfRlplJ RI\(.'-, '" rk~


I (;000 lhru: 1!·17·9~I

: • el!nl«'WJ';'1iJ;;'JjI:J3ila'!!~~~------------------~~-------------~I '.'AIL 'N CERTIFICATE EJp.res 1,1:'% I• -- --- I

..--.~~ nUT l1'l,hm.mn'- Yt'N _:, I I" I• ~ I lirt ..J \\'" 111\, .l\t'ntl' :', '. • I

I' 1'1 I\,di' ~,~. .:· ..I,' h. L :Il..l,l~. .• -.; I '_'''' • ~:" h,'1 t • ! r!;l.o .J

.'. I ~1.rl ..r ....1 11",<,.. ,r.qri'.... , .....".!., .. f r.:' •• '" • Hd,p.1 H "1t.. • • J

.... .. ,,-, ~ ( l \ • ~ .l'~''''· r,t Fir It" Rl ...0,'" f;. ~ •• .. '" ~" ........ • I t r .... r,,", ~..I", r~ "T j' \ r-r.....1 I ...: (

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.iI \" I RI',!

...., . I,

........ " " \ ........"I.L •• .( l J. n".... .. I rI" !"" ,I __'II ..--------------~---.-----------

~ Douhle Decadent Fudge Browniel/~ Cup ~IRS. RICHARDSOl'\'S Hot Fudge Topping)/~ cup brown sugar. firmly packed1 egg1 cup QUAKER Oats (quick or old fashioned), uncooked=" cup all-purpose flour1/. teaspoon baking sodaI/~ teaspoon salt (optional)1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted"lh cup (I slick and 3 tablespoons) margarine or butler, meltedIIJ cup chopped pecans (optional)Hcat o\'cn 10 350°F. lightly greasc 9-inch square bakingpan. In large bowl, ~eat topping. sugar ~nd cgg untilsmooth. Add combmed oats, flour. baking soda and salt;mix well. Stir in melted chocolate chips and margarinc;fold in pecans. Pour batter imo prepared pan spreadingbatter to edges. Bake 40 to 45 minules or umil brownicspull away from sidcs of pan. Cool complclcly. Driulewith additional warm MRS. RICIIARDSO~'S lInt ~~Fudge Topping. if desired, Cut into 2xJ-inch hars. ~~~12 BARS i!!t·To melt chocolatc: Place in microwavcable bowl. Microwavc allllGIt I to 2 minutcs. ~~stirring every 30 second, until smooth, Or. heat in hca\)' saucepan over low hcat. stir- ~ring until smooth. wd'" :


\'It" ~" i:I~".$, , ,


R;~----------~--------'----Ho. ,

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'McCormic~/Schilling'. :'/ r


I . "round ---i.Cinnamotll:!.. ...!


PfefTerniisseGerman Christmas cookie meaning Peppemuls

'I- tsp. NutmegI/~ lsp. ClovesI/~ ISp. Mace'b lSp. Black Pepper'Is tsp. ground Cardamom'/1 cup chopped nulSBrandy Exlract or Rum Exlract

• J ... r.:'!l'i!fl~"it' .~~. ..."f.I;?~: .~ ~t/VtI/I/IJ~~I1 ...•• \'f.".:.~,,~. ~~- .r-..;.MEIJERCOUPON':- -',

:50~ B :I OFF ~:~ WITH COUPON N II ~lcCormick ,,~~ II

Pure E\Ir-Jcl tII,M1I IAlmond I07, I

I or V.milla 201. II I

I ~ '11111IGood I

1 ll·t5·95 I11012.17.9.5 S 41250114441 5 II. "M",W=s:mm;;'H!!p.!!;Clllt' __ :J1.: --

2 eggsI cup brown sugar, packed2 !Sp. Lemon Peel11: cup finel)' chopped dlron2 cups sifted all·purpose flourI !Sp. baking p()\\derIII !Sp. saltJ tsp. Cinnamon

Beal ~gg~unli/lhick: aud hrown sugar and lemon peel. Conlinue beating until well blended. Stir in cilron. Sift flour\\ilh baking po\\der, salt and spires and add to egg mixture. Stir in nulS. Shape into roll t inch in diameter. Chill.Cut inl? I/:-inch slices anu pla~ on ba~ing sheel; allow to dry ~might. Th~ CO?kics O\'cr and pUI 1102 dropsextract In center of each rookie. Bake In 375cF. ovcn 1210 15 mmutes. Store In lightly CO\'Credcontainer Sl....eralday~to mellow. Makes about 6 dozen.



Spiced Almond Cakei,(IS.25Ol.)l,n"" cak' mi''i: t~p. ground NUlmeg'/' cup \cgetable oil2 t~r. ground Cinnamon2 l~r.pure Almond E.\tracIPreheat own to 350"F. Grease and flour 12<Up Bundt pan. . .. ,d" ., '.Blend cake mi.x, spices, Almond Extract, ....':lter. oil and eggs In large 00\\1 at low s~cd untillflgr~ l~n~~'t ~t.o~~'net! Beat at mcdium s cd for 2 minutes. Fold in chopped almonds. Pour batter mto ~repared pan. ,l e .,:-;. .~inuies or until toothpi~ inserted in center comes Oul clean. Cool in pan on rack 20 mlnul~"'. RCI110\C fTlmt p.1O ,lOll

\."001 completely before lopping \\ith glaze.A/mond {;/aze2 lb$p. bUlter or margarine 2 tbsp. bro .....nsugar Toasted al.monds" Almond ExlraCI 31 cup powdered su~ar 5 tsp. m1lkJ~ ~~f~lf~~cepan over low heal, slir brown sugar. milk and outler until bulter ~IClts andhin\g.~~did~l.\are t'~1.11~)T"\'lined. Remove from heat; add ~derc~ sugar and Almond Extract. Blend unll smoot . t U a l!ILln,l 1111 • I

n~ry. Drizzle O'er cake. GarRlsh \\llh loasted almonds.

3 eggsI tsp. ground Allspice

1'/1 cups \\aterII: cup slivcrcd almonds, chop~d


~ 4_~'-::" .,-: ; ;;:-..~~ .. - "':...~.----~~-~ --" ~

~:;~~~ Double Layered Chocolate Pie ~.-..~ 111: cups plus 1 tablespoon cold skim milk .-. , . 2 pkg. (4 serving size) chocolate flavored fat free Instant • .'

. pudding and pie filling '; :;- ~.~1 KEEBLER' Reduced Fat Read)Crusttll Graham Crucker :1.~t

--- pie crust (6 oz.) :1~......-, 4 oz. neufchatel cheese reduced fat cream cheese. softened I ,t:o

1tablespoon sugar":.~... 11/2 cups light frozen whipped topping, thawed...a~ 2 teaspoons grated semi-sweet or milk chocolate candy

. ~~ bar (optional)..;.:....,,;Pour III! cups milk into a medium bowl; add pudding mix.

I . ~:~-'"'"' Beat with an electric mixer Iminute (mixture will be very!;; thick). Spread mixture evenly int~ pie ~rust. Beat ~rea~~ cheese, sugar and 1 tablespoon milk with an electnc mLxer~ until smooth. Fold in whipped topping on low speed. Spread~~ over chocolate mixture; sprinkle with chocolate, if desired.

- Cover with dome; chill at least 3 hours beforc serving.;.....~ Makes 8 servings.--I :.:.J PREPARATION TIME: 15 minutcs.I ~C:~N~'::~;:~~urs

I ~ ~ ~taE~~I~~,?l~~~£1~~ocS~eO~~:BilS~~ 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine or buller

Ih cup firmly packed C&H brO'lm sugar:.:.: II! cup granulaled sugar=--~ } egg!!. .:~ 1 teaspoon \'3niIla extract~ 2 cups all-purpose flour~ II: teaspoon baking soda

II! teaspoon salt-:. : }-12ounce package (1-3/4 cups) ~M&~ls"~)fiIk Chocolate~ BalJng Bits~~'54lS Preheal oven 10 35lfF. In a large mixing bo\\J. cream IOgetherI mar~arine and sugar unlillight and flurry; beat in egg and v~nilla.

- Graauall~ blend in combined flour, bakmg soda ana sail. Stir in'..;;" "~I&~I's' ~liIk Chocolale Baking Bils. Drop by rounded mcasuringItablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie shect.:,.. Bake I ()'13 minutes, until edges are lightly browned and lXnl~rs arc~ still soft. Cool 1 minule on cookie sheel; femme 10 \\ire cooling rack~ until complelely cooled. Store in lightly·covcred container.

~ MAKES ABOUT 3 DOZE!" 3·1~CH COOKIES.~~=4* 61&'.' '-l/~


'"r- MEIJERCOUPOtt--,:20~ .~. :I OFF I: WITH COUPO~ :IC&II {;o!dcn I

8rO\\O orI CORrettion IISugar II If, 0/ I

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.,Treelireful Cake ~an .,_ $7 99*B~ WIlton. :'\o.:! IO)O(}.L)..................... •


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No More Burnt Cookies!


Rema "Air B'lke" Insulated Cookie Sheets· Housewares lJept.Ynm (hok\.'I) 1:'\ 14" 'nl.lll coo~k ,heel. 1'\0.:-'117.J2·\I·r cnokie ,heel. i'\(I.t\B~O(I.14'\]""l"Ookie ,heel. ~(l.:\B~1I5 $7.9715 :'\20" nh:g.1 ,hed. No.IISllfl $12.97


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Urach's Chrhtmao; Candy rilkd r,I,plll:rrk,. mdIO\\cn:mc<\. crimp rihoon. $doria mi\. Clit nl(J... hlllid,l~ mint' .. Ir.lhian nighl' mi\. '1.~5·14Ol. hag...................... 1.49i~rach's Chocolate Hilhino;, Peanut Clusters, Bridge $1 99~Ii\and St:lr~ t\,.lIl,lhk in our BIIIJ..Food I)cpl.. ··..· ·..·..·..· · ·· • lb.


at Meijer

\ ..,Ii


. \ \v

\, I it(I ; ~ 1-

-,I t (J

Brach's Christmas Cand) Filkd r.l,pl~rril:".l1ldlll\\crl:ml:s. crimp rihfl(lIl. $1 49glori.1 mi\. elll rod .. holiday milll\. ;trahian nighb mh.lJ.25·J..J lV. h.lg...................... •Hnu:h's Chocolale Raio;in'l,I)eanul Cluslers, Bridge $1 99~lix and SIC)r~ t\\ail.lhll: in llllr Bulk Food Dl:pl................................................ • lb.


20¢Heinz Gr.l\),\11 11.1\11r')~III. J.lT.


{;ood Thru12·)7·1J5


ill II 1 :5' 41250 144491, I



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Hard Candy The Easy Way~ Old Fashioned Hard C:mdJ ~'

Ingrcdicnr..•.' .. cup' ,u~w • 2501. (2 drJrn ..) Lor,lI1n.\. cup' light Gourmet Fl;l\orin~

c,lm ')fur • '. t'p. I.orJnn Gourrnl.'t• J ("up\1 ,lln Liquid Food ColorJl1~I'rcpar.ltiun~II\ fiN Ihrl·1.'Ingredlcnl\ in .tl.lTgc -.au'qun. Stir o\crmedium he.ll unlll ~Uk:.H UI''',"lhcs. BOIl, "ithout ,tminl/. unlrltcmp.:r.ltur..: rl"IChl." 3Hrr or until t.lwps of s)rup fllT~ h.lrdhrtllk tIHC.Hi~in cold \1oller. Remll\C from hcal. Mler boilin~has (rased. ~Iir In rJ.l\llring Jnd Coloring. P'lUr onltlli::htl~gn:.l'l.'u l·')<I~il.''hl.'l.'l ('1)<)],md brcJk into piCl'C' Store In .lIT'li~ht Clll1tollnCr,(\ltcnl\\.I\.11l11.' h.'C1p.:in pl.g.)

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