TABLE OF CONTENTS...proposal to the government, so that the application of sanctions in the form of...

IMA-Daily Update Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Title Media Source Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Covid-19 pandemic, coal businessmen asked for fines related to DMO not to be enforced Pandemi Covid-19, pebisnis batubara minta sanksi denda terkait DMO tidak diberlakukan Mining Day, Minister of EMR Emphasizes Clean Energy Development Hari Pertambangan, Menteri ESDM Tekankan Pengembangan Energi Bersih How is mining downstream continuing? Bagaimana Kelanjutan Hilirisasi Tambang? Perhapi: The government does not need to worry about a shortage of domestic coal supply Perhapi: Pemerintah tak perlu khawatir kekurangan pasokan batubara dalam negeri PTBA Develops Solar Power Plant at Soetta Airport PTBA Kembangkan PLTS di Bandara Soetta There is a Mining Accident, China's Thermal Coal Prices Soar Ada Kecelakan Tambang, Harga Batu Bara Termal China Melonjak India opens dumping probe on Malaysia, Vietnam, Thai copper tube, pipe imports Good! Coal Price Skyrocketed & Finally Touched US$ 60/ton Top! Harga Batu Bara Meroket & Akhirnya Menyentuh US$ 60/ton Metso Outotec starts up mining wear parts facility in Lithuania Chinese economic rebound drives Australian exports Japan's annual wrought copper output likely to hit lowest since 1975 Bids for commercial coal mining blocks to open tomorrow Kontan Investor Daily Dunia Tambang Kontan Neraca Bisnis Kontan CNBC Indonesia Int'l Mining Australian Mining Market Screener The Economic Times 3 6 8 9 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 20

Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS...proposal to the government, so that the application of sanctions in the form of...

Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS...proposal to the government, so that the application of sanctions in the form of financial fines for companies that failed to fulfill DMO obligations would not be

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No. Title Media Source Page













The Covid-19 pandemic, coal businessmen asked for fines related to DMO not to be enforced Pandemi Covid-19, pebisnis batubara minta sanksi denda terkait DMO tidak diberlakukan Mining Day, Minister of EMR Emphasizes Clean Energy Development Hari Pertambangan, Menteri ESDM Tekankan Pengembangan Energi Bersih How is mining downstream continuing? Bagaimana Kelanjutan Hilirisasi Tambang? Perhapi: The government does not need to worry about a shortage of domestic coal supply Perhapi: Pemerintah tak perlu khawatir kekurangan pasokan batubara dalam negeri PTBA Develops Solar Power Plant at Soetta Airport PTBA Kembangkan PLTS di Bandara Soetta There is a Mining Accident, China's Thermal Coal Prices Soar Ada Kecelakan Tambang, Harga Batu Bara Termal China Melonjak India opens dumping probe on Malaysia, Vietnam, Thai copper tube, pipe imports Good! Coal Price Skyrocketed & Finally Touched US$ 60/ton Top! Harga Batu Bara Meroket & Akhirnya Menyentuh US$ 60/ton Metso Outotec starts up mining wear parts facility in Lithuania Chinese economic rebound drives Australian exports Japan's annual wrought copper output likely to hit lowest since 1975 Bids for commercial coal mining blocks to open tomorrow

Kontan Investor Daily Dunia Tambang Kontan Neraca Bisnis Kontan CNBC Indonesia Int'l Mining Australian Mining Market Screener The Economic Times













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Poland targets 2049 for coal mines closure EIA: Coal’s share of U.S. electricity generation through July 2020 down to 17.9%

Mining Magazine IEEFA



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The Covid-19 pandemic, coal businessmen asked for fines

related to DMO not to be enforced

Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat

BUSINESS actors through the Indonesian

Coal Mining Association (APBI) have asked the government to postpone the imposition of sanctions related to the fulfi llment of the domestic market obligation (DMO). The covid-19 pandemic conditions that have an impact on the market and coal prices are the reason.

APBI executive director Hendra Sinadia revealed that his party had submitted the proposal to the government, so that the application of sanctions in the form of financial fines for companies that failed to fulfill DMO obligations would not be enforced in 2020. According to him, this took into account the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the coal industry and also the domestic coal absorbing sectors.

APBI estimates that, with the drop in electricity demand and obstruction in the industrial sector, domestic coal absorption will be lower than the volume targeted by the government. APBI estimates that domestic coal absorption this year will be below 130 million tons, less than the target set at 155 million tons.

On the other hand, amidst depressed absorption, business actors are competing to supply coal to the country during a weakening export market conditions. As a result, not all companies will be able to meet the DMO obligations of 25% of production.

Pandemi Covid-19, pebisnis batubara minta sanksi denda

terkait DMO tidak diberlakukan Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:

Khomarul Hidayat

PELAKU usaha melalui Asosiasi Pertam-bangan Batubara Indonesia (APBI) meminta kepada pemerintah agar pemberlakuan sanksi terkait pemenuhan wajib pasok dalam negeri alias domestic market obligation (DMO) bisa ditunda sementara. Kondisi pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak terhadap pasar dan harga batubara menjadi alasannya.

Direktur eksekutif APBI Hendra Sinadia mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah menyam-paikan usulan tersebut kepada pemerintah, supaya penerapan sanksi berupa denda keuangan bagi perusahaan yang tidak dapat memenuhi kewajiban DMO tidak diber-lakukan pada tahun 2020 ini. Menurutnya, hal tersebut mempertimbangkan dampak pandemi covid-19 terhadap industri batu-bara dan juga sektor-sektor penyerap batu-bara di dalam negeri.

APBI memperkirakan, dengan anjloknya demand listrik dan terhambatnya sektor industri, serapan batubara di dalam negeri akan lebih rendah dari volume yang sudah ditargetkan pemerintah. APBI menaksir, serapan batubara dalam negeri pada tahun ini akan di bawah 130 juta ton, lebih mini dari target yang ditetapkan sebesar 155 juta ton.

Sebaliknya, di tengah serapan yang tertekan, pelaku usaha justru berlomba memasok batubara ke dalam negeri di saat kondisi pasar ekspor yang melemah. Akibatnya, tak semua perusahaan akan mampu memenuhi kewajiban DMO sebesar 25% dari produksi.

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"We suggest to the government that the implementation of financial penalties for the time being in 2020 is not enforced. Because with the trend of weakening export prices, domestic prices are more competitive, so companies are competing to be able to supply domestically, while domestic consumption falls," Hendra told, Monday (28/9).

According to information submitted by Hendra, so far the DMO amount is still 25%. However, the government is currently drafting a scheme to impose financial sanctions for companies that cannot fulfi ll DMO obligations. This financial sanction is to replace the quota transfer system that is no longer in effect.

The regulation refers to the Minister of EMR Decree No. 263/2019. However, the amount of the sanction will be regulated by the Ministry of Finance. Hendra hopes that for the time being the sanctions will not be applied first.

He also ensured that the supply of coal to meet domestic needs would continue. Currently, business actors are still waiting for a decision from the government.

"For certainty on the enforcement of sanctions, we are waiting for the government's decision. The hope is that sanctions will not be applied for the time being. An important principle of the DMO's obligations is so that supplies to domestic can be fulfilled," said Hendra.

Contacted separately, the Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) Acting Executive Director, Djoko Widajatno, also hoped that the imposition of the sanctions could be postponed. At least, for the third and fourth quarters of this year, or until the coal market conditions return to conducive conditions and find a balance point between supply and demand.

"Kami usulkan ke pemerintah agar pene-rapan denda keuangan untuk sementara di 2020 tidak diberlakukan. Karena dengan trend harga ekspor melemah jadinya harga domestik lebih kompetitif sehingga per-usahaan berlomba untuk bisa supply ke domestik, sementara konsumsi domestik turun," kata Hendra kepada, Senin (28/9).

Menurut informasi yang disampaikan Hendra, sejauh ini besaran DMO tetap 25%. Namun pemerintah sedang menyu-sun skema pengenaan sanksi keuangan bagi perusahaan yang tidak dapat memenuhi kewajiban DMO. Sanksi keuangan ini ialah untuk mengganti sistem transfer kuota yang tidak lagi diber-lakukan.

Aturan itu mengacu pada Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 263/2019. Namun besaran sanksinya akan diatur oleh Kementerian Keuangan. Hendra berharap agar untuk sementara sanksi tersebut tidak diberlakukan terlebih dulu.

Dia pun memastikan, pasokan batubara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestik tetap berjalan. Saat ini, pelaku usaha masih menanti keputusan dari pemerintah.

"Untuk kepastian pemberlakuan sanksi kami menunggu keputusan pemerintah. Harapannya agar untuk sementara sanksi tidak diberlakukan. Prinsip penting dari kewajiban DMO adalah agar pasokan ke domestik bisa terpenuhi," ujar Hendra.

Dihubungi terpisah, Pelaksana Harian Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Mining Association (IMA) Djoko Widajatno juga berharap agar pemberlakuan sanksi tersebut dapat ditunda. Paling tidak, untuk periode Kuartal III dan IV pada tahun ini, atau hingga kondisi pasar batubara kembali kondusif dan menemukan titik kesimbangan antara suplai dan per-mintaan.

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"The postponement requested is for the third quarter and fourth quarter, until market conditions find a balance between supply and demand, according to market law," said Djoko.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesia Mining Institute, Irwandy Arief, estimates that domestic coal absorption will be reduced by 15%-20% compared to conditions before the Covid-19 pandemic. Under normal circumstances, companies that do not fulfill the DMO obligations will be subject to sanctions in the form of compensation for the DMO liability volume deficiency, which is multiplied by the tariff based on the quality of exported coal.

"Compensation is very rational and is expected not to burden the company and deposit directly into the state treasury," said Irwandy.

According to the information he conveyed, the government is currently in the process of discussing the regulation of sanctions by considering the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. "The sanctions are in process," said Irwandy.

The Directorate General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba) of the Ministry of EMR, including the Director General of Minerba Ridwan Djamaludin, has yet to provide their response and confirmation regarding the imposition of sanctions related to this DMO obligation.

Referring to data from Minerba One Data (MODI), until Monday (28/9), the realization of the DMO has only reached 86.10 million tons or 55.55% of this year's DMO plan of 155 million tons. Of the DMO plan, 109 million tonnes or 70% were dominated for electricity needs.

"Penundaan yang dimohon adalah untuk kuartal III dan kuartal IV, sampai keadaan pasar menemukan keseimbangan antara pasokan dan permintaan, sesuai hukum pasar," kata Djoko.

Sementara itu, Ketua Indonesia Mining Institute Irwandy Arief memperkirakan serapan batubara dalam negeri akan berkurang hingga 15%-20% dibandingkan kondisi sebelum pandemi covid-19. Dalam keadaan normal, perusahaan yang tidak memenuhi kewajiban DMO akan dikena-kan sanksi berupa kompensasi kekurangan volume kewajiban DMO, yang dikalikan tarif berdasarkan kualitas batubara yang diekspor.

"Kompensasi sangat rasional dan diharap-kan tidak memberatkan perusahaan dan menyetor langsung ke kas negara," ungkap Irwandy.

Menurut informasi yang disampaikannya, saat ini pemerintah sedang dalam proses pembahasan terkait pengaturan sanksi dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi pandemi covid-19. "Pengaturan sanksinya, sedang dalam proses," imbuh Irwandy.

Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba) Kementerian ESDM, termasuk Direktur Jenderal Minerba Ridwan Djamaludin, masih belum memberikan tanggapan dan konfirmasinya mengenai pengenaan sanksi terkait kewajiban DMO ini.

Merujuk pada data dari Minerba One Data (MODI), hingga Senin (28/9), realisasi DMO baru mencapai 86,10 juta ton atau 55,55% dari rencana DMO tahun ini yang sebesar 155 juta ton. Dari rencana DMO tersebut, sebesar 109 juta ton atau 70% didominasi untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan.

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Mining Day, Minister of EMR Emphasizes Clean Energy


IN commemoration of the 75th Anniver-

sary of Mining and Energy which falls on

Monday (28/9), Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif emphasized on accelerating the development of clean energy.

"The implementation of EMR sector policies, we move dynamically to balance

the world's rapid development," said Arifin through a video remarks on the Anniver-sary of Mining and Energy, in Jakarta, Monday (28/9).

He added that accelerating the develop-

ment of clean energy is our next challenge,

supporting global commitments to reduce

emissions, with a target of 23% renewable

energy in Indonesia's energy mix by 2025,

and a commitment to reduce emissions by

29% by 2030 on our own, according to the

mitigation scenario.

He also explained that another challenge is

to think more creatively and innovatively

in guarding and mitigating the energy

sector in the midst of a pandemic.

"Hopefully all of us will always be given health, strength and enthusiasm so that we can get through this difficult time," said Arifin.

Arifin said, with the theme "Awakening for Advanced Indonesia", this year's Mining and Energy Anniversary reflects the spirit of mining and energy people to rise together to face the challenges of the pandemic.

Hari Pertambangan, Menteri ESDM Tekankan Pengembangan

Energi Bersih

PADA peringatan Hari Jadi Pertambangan

dan Energi ke-75 yang jatuh pada Senin

(28/9), Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif me-nekankan pada akselerasi pengembangan energi bersih.

"Implementasi kebijakan sektor ESDM, kami gerakkan secara dinamis mengim-bangi perkembangan dunia yang begitu pesat," ungkap Arifin melalui video sambutan Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi, di Jakarta, Senin (28/9).

Dia menambahkan, akselerasi pengem-

bangan energi bersih menjadi tantangan kami selanjutnya, mendukung komitmen global dalam mengurangi emisi, dengan target 23% energi terbarukan dalam bauran energi Indonesia tahun 2025, serta komitmen pengurangan emisi hingga 29% pada 2030 dengan usaha sendiri, sesuai skenario mitigasi.

Ia juga menjelaskan bahwa tantangan

lainnya adalah berpikir lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengawal dan melakukan

mitigasi sektor energi di tengah pandemi.

"Semoga kita semua senantiasa diberikan kesehatan, kekuatan dan semangat agar bisa melalui masa yang sulit ini," pesan Arifin.

Arifin menuturkan, mengusung tema "Bangkit untuk Indonesia Maju", Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi tahun ini merefleksikan semangat insan pertam-bangan dan energi untuk bangkit bersama

menghadapi tantangan pandemi.

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"Although this year's target is slightly corrected, I hope it will not loosen the spirit to keep giving the best, keep making achievements, realizing an advanced Indonesia," he continued.

Arifin admitted that the decline in energy demand has caused a sluggishness in several commodities in the global market, but various efforts have been made by the

Government to raise public demand and purchasing power, one of which is through the electricity tariff stimulus which is given to more than 33 million PLN customers, according to the stipulated regulations.

"This economic stimulus is temporary in

nature, becoming an embodiment of the state's presence for the affected communities," said Arifin.

During the last year, the Ministry of EMR

has also achieved various performance records, including the enactment of a new Minerba Law, industrial gas prices dropping to US$ 6 per MMBTU, more flexible oil and gas contract regulations, and a new renewable energy price regulation that is ready to be issued. Continuing the track of the success of implementing B30, the Ministry of EMR is also reviewing the implementation of B40 which is expected to be completed by the

end of this year.

In terms of providing electricity, the electrification ratio has increased to 98.8%, while the installed capacity of national power plants to date has reached more than 71 Giga Watt (GW). This figure is an increase of 1.3 GW compared to the end of 2019 which was 69.7 GW.

In order to protect the people's economy,

pro-people policies in the energy sector

are also being promoted. One Price Fuel,...

"Meski target tahun ini sedikit terkoreksi, saya harap tidak akan mengendorkan semangat untuk tetap memberikan yang terbaik, terus menorehkan prestasi, me-wujudkan Indonesia Maju," lanjutnya.

Arifin mengakui turunnya permintaan energi telah menyebabkan lesunya beberapa komoditas di pasar global, namun berbagai upaya telah dilakukan

Pemerintah guna mengerek kembali permintaan dan daya beli masyarakat, salah satunya melalui stimulus tarif listrik yang diberikan kepada lebih dari 33 juta pelanggan PLN, sesuai ketentuan yang


"Stimulus ekonomi ini bersifat sementara, menjadi pengejawantahan dari wujud kehadiran negara bagi masyarakat ter-dampak," tegas Arifin.

Selama setahun terakhir, berbagai catatan

kinerja juga telah dicapai oleh Kemen-

terian ESDM antara lain ditetapkannya UU

Minerba baru, harga gas industri turun

menjadi US$ 6 per MMBTU, regulasi

kontrak migas yang lebih fleksibel, hingga

regulasi harga EBT yang siap diterbitkan.

Meneruskan jejak keberhasilan penerapan

B30, Kementerian ESDM juga tengah

mengkaji penerapan B40 yang diharapkan

selesai akhir tahun ini.

Dalam penyediaan listrik, rasio elektrifi-

kasi telah meningkat menjadi 98,8%,

sementara kapasitas terpasang pem-

bangkit listrik nasional hingga saat ini

telah mencapai lebih dari 71 Giga Watt

(GW). Angka ini naik 1,3 GW dibandingkan

akhir tahun 2019 lalu sebesar 69,7 GW.

Dalam rangka melindungi ekonomi rakyat,

kebijakan pro rakyat di sektor energi pun

terus digalakkan. BBM Satu Harga,...

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One Price Fuel, distribution of LPG converter kits for small farmers and fishermen, construction of city gas networks, borehole clean water, and provision of access to electricity for people who have not enjoyed electricity at all. Approximately 50% of the Ministry of EMR budget is allocated for infrastructure development which is directly enjoyed by the small people. People's money goes back to the people. Editor: Nurjoni ([email protected])

BBM Satu Harga, pembagian konverter kit LPG untuk petani dan nelayan kecil, pembangunan jaringan gas kota, sumur bor air bersih hingga penyediaan akses listrik masyarakat yang belum menikmati listrik sama sekali. Sekitar 50% anggaran Kementerian ESDM dialokasikan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur yang di-nikmati langsung oleh rakyat kecil. Uang rakyat kembali ke rakyat. Editor : Nurjoni ([email protected])

How is mining downstream continuing?

Author: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.

THE GOVERNMENT is pushing for the construction of processing and refining facilities or smelters to increase the added value of mining products as part of the mine downstream plan. However, it seems that the steps and strategies to be able to absorb the results of the smelter products have received various responses.

The Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) assesses that so far the products from smelters or processing and refining are directly sold or exported abroad. The industry seems to be selling semi-finished goods, and the potential to get added value is considered not optimal. In the end, Indonesia continues to import finished goods from abroad, which of course is more expensive than the price when exporting semi-finished goods earlier.

However, his party said it would continue to support the downstream efforts of the mine. IMA also sees this problem as a dilemma,...

Bagaimana Kelanjutan Hilirisasi Tambang?

Penulis : Edo Fernando, Editor : Ocky PR.

PEMBANGUNAN fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian atau smelter guna meningkatkan nilai tambah hasil tambang tengah digenjot oleh pemerintah, sebagai bagian dari rencana hilirisasi tambang. Namun rupanya langkah dan strategi untuk bisa menyerap hasil dari produk smelter itu menuai ber-bagai tanggapan.

Indonesia Mining Association (IMA) menilai selama ini produk hasil dari smelter atau pengolahan dan pemurnian itu langsung dijual atau diekspor ke luar negeri. Industri tersebut malah terkesan menjual barang setengah jadi, dan potensi mendapatkan nilai tambah itupun dianggap tidak maksimal. Pada ujungnya, Indonesia tetap melakukan impor barang jadi dari luar negeri, yang tentu harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan harga saat melakukan ekspor barang setengah jadi tadi.

Namun pihaknya mengatakan akan terus mendukung upaya hilirisasi tambang ter-sebut. IMA pun melihat masalah tersebut sebagai sebuah dilema,...

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IMA also sees this problem as a dilemma, because the downstream project is currently still constrained by costs and funding problems, so it is running slowly and experiencing many obstacles.

IMA also hopes that in the future this downstream mining project can be integrated not only with the smelter industry, but can also form a synergy between mining and industry. Or more precisely between the Ministry of EMR and the Ministry of Industry. So that products from the smelter industry can be absorbed properly, and the mine downstream project can provide maximum results.

One example by IMA is the downstream copper project in Gresik. It is known that the total production could reach 300 thousand tons. However, only about 100 thousand tons have been absorbed, while the remaining 200 thousand tons are actually enjoyed by overseas industries. Such as the cellphone, cable, car and other industries and this is what the government must be able to pursue.

IMA pun melihat masalah tersebut sebagai sebuah dilema, karena proyek hilirisasi ter-sebut saat ini memang masih terkendala oleh masalah biaya dan pendanaan, sehingga ber-jalan lambat dan banyak mengalami halangan.

IMA pun berharap ke depan proyek hilirisasi hasil tambang ini bisa terintegrasi tidak hanya dengan industri smelter, tetapi juga bisa mem-bentuk sebuah sinergi antara tambang dengan perindustrian. Atau lebih tepatnya a ntara Kementerian ESDM dengan Kementerian Perindustrian. Sehingga produk-produk dari industri smelter bisa terserap dengan baik, dan proyek hilirisasi tambang itu bisa memberikan hasil maksimal.

Salah satu yang dijadikan contoh oleh IMA adalah proyek hilirisasi tembaga yang ada di Gresik. Diketahui, jumlah produksinya bisa mencapai angka 300 ribu ton. Namun yang terserap hanya sekitar 100 ribu ton, sementara sisanya sebesar 200 ribu ton justru hasilnya dinikmati oleh industri di luar negeri. Seperti industri handphone, kabel, mobil dan lainnya dan hal tersebut adalah yang harus bisa dikejar oleh pemerintah.

Perhapi: The government does not need to worry about a shortage of

domestic coal supply Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:


THE INDONESIAN Mining Experts Association (Perhapi) said that for now the government does not need to worry about a shortage of coal supply in the country. With an oversupply market condition, Perhapi Chairman Rizal Kasli predicts that the domestic coal supply obligation, aka the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO), will definitely be fulfilled.

Perhapi: Pemerintah tak perlu khawatir kekurangan pasokan

batubara dalam negeri Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:


PERHIMPUNAN Ahli Pertambangan

Indonesia (Perhapi) menyampaikan, untuk saat ini pemerintah tidak perlu khawatir akan kekurangan pasokan batubara ke dalam negeri. Dengan kondisi pasar yang kelebihan pasokan (oversupply), Ketua Umum Perhapi Rizal Kasli memprediksi kewajiban pasok batubara dalam negeri alias Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) pasti akan terpenuhi.

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"For now, the government does not need to worry about a shortage of domestic supply. Because there is an oversupply to foreign and domestic markets. DMO will definitely be fulfil led," Rizal told, Monday (28/9).

With these considerations, continued Rizal, sanctions for non-fulfillment of DMO supplies are not relevant at this time. "The DMO fine is irrelevant to be applied at this time. It is precisely with the fall in coal prices and many coal companies that are experiencing liquidity difficulties," continued Rizal.

Under these conditions, Rizal even proposed an incentive to reduce the burden on coal companies until conditions return to normal. "There should be certain incentives from the government to help companies that are in trouble. So that all can get out of this difficulty until the Covid-19 pandemic ends," he added.

For information, according to APBI executive director Hendra Sinadia, his party has submitted this proposal to the government, so that the application of sanctions in the form of financial fines for companies that cannot fulfi ll DMO obligations will not be enforced in 2020. According to him, this took into account the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the coal industry and also the domestic coal absorbing sectors.

"We propose to the government that the implementation of financial penalties for the time being in 2020 will not be enforced. Because with the trend of weakening export prices, domestic prices will become more competitive, so companies are competing to be able to supply domestically, while domestic consumption falls," said Hendra.

Regarding the fulfillment of the DMO, Rizal Kasli projects that the realization will not reach the target of 155 million tons this year.

"Untuk saat ini pemerintah tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan akan kekurangan pasokan dalam negeri. Karena terjadi oversupply ke pasar luar negeri dan dalam negeri. DMO pasti akan terpenuhi," kata Rizal kepada, Senin (28/9).

Dengan pertimbangan tersebut, sambung Rizal, sanksi atas tidak terpenuhinya pasokan DMO tidak relevan untuk saat ini. "Denda DMO tidak relevan untuk diterapkan saat ini. Justru dengan kejatuhan harga batubara dan banyak perusahaan batubara yang sedang mengalami kesulitan liquiditas," sambung Rizal.

Dengan kondisi tersebut, Rizal malah meng-usulkan adanya insentif untuk meredam beban perusahaan batubara hingga kondisi kembali normal. "Seharusnya ada insentif tertentu dari pemerintah untuk membantu perusahaan yang sedang sulit tersebut. Sehingga semua dapat keluar dari kesulitan ini sampai pandemic covid-19 berakhir," imbuhnya.

Sebagai informasi, menurut Direktur eksekutif APBI Hendra Sinadia, pihaknya telah menyampaikan usulan tersebut kepada pemerintah, supaya penerapan sanksi berupa denda keuangan bagi perusahaan yang tidak dapat memenuhi kewajiban DMO tidak diberlakukan pada tahun 2020 ini. Menurutnya, hal tersebut mempertimbang-kan dampak pandemi covid-19 terhadap industri batubara dan juga sektor-sektor penyerap batubara di dalam negeri.

"Kami usulkan ke pemerintah agar pene-rapan denda keuangan untuk sementara di 2020 tidak diberlakukan. Karena dengan trend harga ekspor melemah jadinya harga domestik lebih kompetitif sehingga per-usahaan berlomba untuk bisa supply ke domestik, sementara konsumsi domestik turun," kata Hendra.

Terkait dengan pemenuhan DMO, Rizal Kasli memproyeksikan realisasinya tidak akan mencapai target sebesar 155 juta ton pada tahun ini.

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Pandemic conditions have an impact on the decline in national electricity consumption, while 70% of the DMO plan is for power generation purposes.

The demand for coal for electricity is estimated to fall to 95 million tonnes or below the initial estimate before the pandemic of 109 million tonnes. Other industries such as cement, textiles and paper experienced a similar decline in coal consumption. In total, Rizal estimates that DMO realization will decrease by around 20% this year or at 120-125 million tonnes.

"Domestic coal demand has also decreased due to this pandemic. So that the excess supply abroad will not be able to be accommodated domestically in the form of DMO," said Rizal.

In coal management, Rizal suggests controlling or reducing production. According to him, this is necessary to maintain supply in the market. "Like it or not, one of the steps that must be taken is a reduction in production, so there will be no oversupply," he concluded.

Referring to data from Minerba One Data (MODI), until today (28/9) the realization of the DMO has only reached 86.10 million tons or 55.55% of this year's DMO plan of 155 million tons. Of the DMO plan, 109 million tonnes or 70% were dominated for electricity needs.

From the production side, according to news, the realization of coal production until last August fell 11% year on year (yoy) to 362 million tons. Even though in the first eight months of 2019, coal production reached 409 million tons.

The production realization in the January-August 2020 period is equivalent to 66% of the national coal production target set at 550 million tonnes. Even so,...

Kondisi pandemi berdampak terhadap merosotnya konsumsi listrik nasional, sedangkan 70% dari rencana DMO ialah untuk keperluan pembangkit listrik.

Kebutuhan batubara untuk kelistrikan di-perkirakan akan turun ke angka 95 juta ton atau di bawah perkiraan awal sebelum pandemic sebesar 109 juta ton. Hal yang sama juga dialami oleh industri lainnya seperti semen, tekstil dan kertas yang mengalami penurunan pemakaian batubara. Secara total, Rizal memperkirakan realiasi DMO akan turun sekitar 20% pada tahun ini atau di angka 120-125 juta ton.

"Kebutuhan batubara dalam negeri juga mengalami penurunan akibat pandemic ini. Sehingga kelebihan pasokan ke luar negeri tidak akan mampu ditampung di dalam negeri dalam bentuk DMO," kata Rizal.

Dalam pengelolaan batubara, Rizal meng-usulkan adanya pengendalian atau pengu-rangan produksi. Hal itu menurutnya diperlukan untuk menjaga pasokan di pasar. "Mau tidak mau salah satu langkah yang harus ditempuh adalah pengurangan produksi, sehingga tidak akan oversupply," pungkasnya.

Merujuk pada data dari Minerba One Data (MODI), hingga hari ini (28/9) realisasi DMO baru mencapai 86,10 juta ton atau 55,55% dari rencana DMO tahun ini yang sebesar 155 juta ton. Dari rencana DMO tersebut, sebesar 109 juta ton atau 70% didominasi untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan.

Dari sisi produksi, menurut pada pem-beritaan, realisasi produksi batubara hingga bulan Agustus lalu turun 11% secara year on year (yoy) menjadi 362 juta ton. Padahal di delapan bulan pertama 2019, produksi batubara capai 409 juta ton.

Realisasi produksi di periode Januari-Agustus 2020 ini setara dengan 66% dari target produksi batubara nasional yang dipatok sebesar 550 juta ton. Meski begitu,...

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Even so, the Ministry of EMR has not changed the outlook for national coal production until the end of December 2020, which is still 550 million tons.

Meski begitu, Kementerian ESDM tidak mengubah outlook produksi batubara nasional hingga akhir Desember 2020, yakni tetap sebesar 550 juta ton.

PTBA Develops Solar Power Plant at Soetta Airport

By: Ahmad Nabhani

PT BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) is ready to

develop a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) at the Indonesian airport in collaboration with PT Angkasa Pura II. "So far, PTBA and AP II have built and PLTS at Soekarno-Hatta airport which will be fully operational on 1 October. We hope that this PLTS will also be built in other airports in the country,” said PTBA's Corporate Secretary, Apollonius Andwie C in a press release in Jakarta yesterday.

He conveyed that this step was a real effort from the company to support the program to utilize new and renewable energy and at the same time to expand the business in sectors other than coal mining. He said the PLTS being built at Soekarno-Hatta airport was in the form of a 720 solar panel system with photovoltaics with a maximum capacity of 241 Kilo Watts per peak (kWp). This solar panel is installed in the Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC) building.

In managing the PLTS in the AOCC Building, in addition to the synergy between BUMN and PT AP II, PTBA also collaborates with a subsidiary of PT LEN Industri, PT Surya Energi Indotama. Currently, the PLTS operation is in the context of a trial and will be fully operational on October 1, 2020. "The installation of this PLTS is...

PTBA Kembangkan PLTS di Bandara Soetta

Oleh: Ahmad Nabhani

PT BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) siap mengem-bangkan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) di bandar udara Tanah Air bekerja sama dengan PT Angkasa Pura II. ”Sejauh ini PTBA dan AP II sudah membangun dan PLTS di bandar udara Soekarno-Hatta yang akan beroperasi penuh pada 1 Oktober mendatang. Kami berharap PLTS ini juga dibangun di bandara-bandara lain tanah air,” kata Sekretaris Perusahaan PTBA, Apollonius Andwie C dalam siaran persnya di Jakarta, kemarin.

Disampaikannya, langkah ini merupakan upaya nyata dari perseroan untuk men-dukung program pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan dan sekaligus untuk melebarkan bisnis di sektor selain penambangan batu bara. Dia mengatakan, PLTS yang dibangun di bandara Soekarno-Hatta itu berupa 720 solar panel sistem dengan photovoltaics berkapasitas maksimal 241 Kilo Watt per peak (kWp). Panel surya ini dipasang di gedung airport Operation Control Center (AOCC).

Dalam pengelolaan PLTS di Gedung AOCC ini, selain adanya sinergi BUMN dengan PT AP II, PTBA juga menggandeng anak usaha PT LEN Industri yakni PT Surya Energi Indotama. Saat ini operasional PLTS tersebut dalam rangka uji coba dan akan beroperasi penuh pada 1 Oktober 2020. ”Pemasangan PLTS ini merupakan...

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"The installation of this PLTS is an entry point for new and renewable energy and the application of green airports at Indonesian airports," said Apollonius.

In line with the commitment of BUMN synergy for the development of new and renewable energy and superior performance towards Beyond Coal, PTBA President Director Arviyan Arivin hopes that this collaboration can continue and be improved in the future. "In essence, PTBA is ready to work together to develop Solar Power Plant in all airports," he said.

According to him, this activity is in line with PTBA's efforts to diversify its business outside of coal mining. "This is in accor-dance with the vision of a company which wants to be a world-class, environmentally friendly energy company," said Arviyan.

”Pemasangan PLTS ini merupakan pintu masuk energi baru dan terbarukan dan penerapan green airport di bandara-bandara Tanah Air," ujar Apollonius.

Sejalan dengan komitmen sinergi BUMN untuk pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan dan kinerja unggul menuju Beyond Coal, Direktur Utama PTBA Arviyan Arivin berharap kerja sama ini dapat terus terjalin dan ditingkatkan di masa datang. ”Intinya PTBA siap bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan PLTS-PLTS di seluruh bandara,” katanya.

Menurutnya, kegiatan ini sejalan dengan upaya PTBA dalam diversifikasi bisnis diluar penambangan batu bara. ”Ini sesuai visi dari perusahaan yang mana ingin menjadi perusahaan energi kelas dunia yang ramah lingkungan,” kata Arviyan.

There is a Mining Accident, China's Thermal Coal Prices

Soar Finna U. Ulfah

THE THERMAL coal futures contract in

China managed to jump to the highest level in 17 months on the back of sentiment of a

deadly mining accident in China.

Based on Bloomberg data, at the close of trading Monday (9/28/2020) the price of thermal coal on the Zhengzhou stock exchange for the November 2020 contract was parked at 620.6 yuan per tonne, up 1.47 percent.

In mid-trade, the price touched the level of 623.4 yuan per ton, the highest level for the most active contract since April 2019.

Ada Kecelakan Tambang, Harga Batu Bara Termal China

Melonjak Finna U. Ulfah

KONTRAK berjangka batu bara termal di China berhasil melonjak ke level tertinggi dalam 17 bulan terakhir didorong sentimen kecelakaan pertambangan yang mematikan di China.

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, pada penu-tupan perdagangan Senin (28/9/2020) harga batu bara termal di bursa Zhengzhou untuk kontrak November 2020 parkir di level 620,6 yuan per ton, menguat 1,47 persen.

Pada pertengahan perdagangan, harga sempat menyentuh level 623,4 yuan per ton, level tertinggi untuk kontrak teraktif sejak April 2019.

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Quoting China's Xinhua news agency, there was an accident at a coal mine in Songzao, owned by a local energy company, near Chongqing, belonging to a unit of the Chongqing Energy Investment Group.

At least 16 people have died and one person has been hospitalized after being trapped in a coal mine in southwest China because of high levels of carbon monoxide.

China's Ministry of Emergency Manage-ment said in its official statement that it was working to identify the cause of the accident and implement safety measures.

Meanwhile, it has sparked market concerns that security checks could cut supplies in an already tight market.

This is because Chinese regulators will generally respond to any mining accidents

by implementing safety checks that can curb production.

Currently, domestic coal supplies are already tight in line with the post-Covid-19 pandemic recovery which has driven stronger demand and government policies

that have restricted imports.

On the other hand, the coal price on the Newcastle exchange for the November 2020 contract was at the level of US$ 60.4

per ton, weakening 1.39 percent at the close of trading Friday (25/9/2020).

The weakening occurred after coal prices experienced a long rally for eight consecutive trading days and after coal touched its highest level since March 2020.

Citigroup in its latest research publication estimates that the price of thermal coal in Newcastle in the short term has the potential to increase to reach US$ 65 per ton.

Mengutip kantor berita China, Xinhua, terdapat kecelakan tambang batu bara di Songzao, milik perusahaan energi lokal, dekat Chongqing, milik unit Grup Investasi Energi Chongqing.

Sedikitnya terdapat 16 orang tewas dan satu orang dirawat di rumah sakit setelah terperangkap di tambang batu bara di barat daya China karena tingginya tingkat karbon monoksida.

Kementerian Manajemen Darurat China mengatakan dalam keterangan resminya bahwa pihaknya sedang bekerja untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab kecelakaan dan menerapkan langkah-langkah keamanan.

Adapun, hal itu telah memicu kekhawa-tiran pasar bahwa pemeriksaan keamanan dapat menghentikan pasokan di pasar yang sudah ketat.

Pasalnya, regulator China umumnya akan menanggapi setiap kecelakaan tambang itu dengan menerapkan pemeriksaan kese-lamatan yang dapat mengekang produksi.

Saat ini, pasokan batu bara dalam negeri sudah ketat seiring dengan pemulihan pasca pandemi Covid-19 yang mendorong permintaan lebih kuat dan kebijakan pemerintah yang telah membatasi impor.

Di sisi lain, harga batu bara di bursa Newcastle untuk kontrak November 2020 berada di level US$60,4 per ton, melemah 1,39 persen pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (25/9/2020).

Pelemahan itu terjadi setelah harga batu bara mengalami reli panjang selama delapan hari perdagangan berturut-turut dan setelah batu bara menyentuh level tertingginya sejak Maret 2020.

Citigroup dalam publikasi riset terbarunya memperkirakan harga batu bara termal di Newcastle dalam jangka pendek ber-potensi naik untuk menyentuh US$65 per ton.

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Citigroup explained that the increase will be supported by increased demand from main importers China and India. The financial firm sees potential for China to ease import restrictions earlier than expected.

This is in line with China's strong domestic demand so that it is feared that domestic supply will not be able to meet this demand.

"This allows the price of thermal coal transported by sea to potentially increase faster and earlier than our estimates," wrote Citigroup in his research as quoted by Bloomberg, Monday (28/09/2020).

In addition, Indian power companies appear to be increasing their activities to replenish their coal reserves as a positive catalyst for additional prices to rise higher.

In addition, the financial company estimates that the price of hard coking coal or hard cooking coal can move in the range of US$ 150 to US$ 200 per ton in line with the disruption in supply in Australia due to the La Nina weather phenomenon.

Currently, the price of Newcastle hard coking coal is around US$ 140 per ton. Editor: Aprianto Cahyo Nugroho

Citigroup menjelaskan kenaikan itu akan didukung oleh meningkatnya permintaan dari importir utama China dan India. Perusahaan keuangan itu melihat terdapat potensi bagi China untuk melonggarkan pembatasan impor lebih awal daripada yang diharapkan.

Hal itu seiring dengan permintaan domestik China yang kuat sehingga pasokan dalam negeri dikhawatirkan tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan itu.

“Hal ini memungkinkan harga batubara termal yang diangkut melalui laut berpotensi naik lebih cepat dan lebih awal dibandingkan dengan estimasi kami,” tulis Citigroup dalam risetnya seperti dikutip dari Bloomberg, Senin (28/9/2020).

Selain itu, perusahaan pembangkit listrik India tampak tengah meningkatkan aktivitas peng-isian ulang cadangan batu baranya menjadi katalis positif tambahan harga untuk naik lebih tinggi.

Selain itu, perusahaan keuangan itu mem-perkirakan harga batu bara kokas keras atau hard cooking coal dapat bergerak di kisaran US$150 hingga US$200 per ton seiring dengan gangguan pasokan di Australia akibat fenomena cuaca La Nina.

Saat ini, harga batu bara kokas keras Newcastle berada di kisaran US$140 per ton. Editor : Aprianto Cahyo Nugroho

India opens dumping probe on Malaysia, Vietnam, Thai copper tube, pipe imports

Sumber: Reuters | Editor: Anna Suci Perwitasari

INDIA is investigating imports of copper tubes and pipes from Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, to determine whether producers in these countries were receiving unfair subsidies, the government said.

The investigation by India's Directorate General of Trade Remedies, the investigative arm of the commerce ministry, could result in these imports facing countervailing duties, said a government circular posted on Friday.

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The probe covers imports shipped between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

"The Authority has also received the import data of customs of the subject goods during the past four years which indicate increased imports mainly from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam collectively account for more than 90% of total imports of subject goods," the circular said.

In a statement to Reuters, the Vietnamese foreign ministry said Vietnam strictly adhered to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

"Trade issues between Vietnam and India should be considered objectively, fairly and transparently in accordance with WTO rules, and bilateral and multilateral trade agreements that the two countries both joined," the ministry's spokeswoman said in the statement.

Calls to two Vietnam-based companies named in the Indian investigation were not answered.

Good! Coal Price Skyrocketed & Finally Touched US$60/ton

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

THE PRICE of coal continues to move 'north'. After failing to break through the psychological level at the end of last week, yesterday the price of coal also broke its sacred level at US$ 60/ton.

For more than five months, the price of coal has been depressed and has fallen to below US$ 60/ton. However, in yesterday's trade Monday (28/9/2020) the price of Newcastle thermal coal for contracts that are actively traded shot up 3.15% to US% 60.55/ton.

This price is the highest level since April 8, 2020. Since being pressed to a level below US$ 50/ton on September 7, the price of this superior commodity has continued to strengthen until yesterday.

One of the factors that triggered the increase in coal prices was the soaring domestic coal prices in China.

Top! Harga Batu Bara Meroket & Akhirnya Menyentuh US$60/ton

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

HARGA batu bara terus bergerak ke 'utara'. Setelah gagal tembus level psikologis pada akhir pekan lalu, kemarin harga batu bara tembus juga level keramatnya di US$ 60/ton.

Sudah lima bulan lebih harga batu bara tertekan dan ambles ke bawah US$ 60/ton. Namun pada perdagangan kemarin Senin (28/9/2020) harga batu bara termal Newcastle untuk kontrak yang aktif ditransaksikan melesat 3,15% ke US% 60,55/ton.

Harga tersebut merupakan level tertinggi sejak 8 April 2020. Sejak tertekan ke level di bawah US$ 50/ton pada 7 September lalu harga komoditas unggulan tersebut terus menguat sampai dengan kemarin.

Salah satu faktor pemicu kenaikan harga batu bara adalah melesatnya harga batu bara domestik China.

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Qinhuangdao thermal coal with a calorie of 5,500 Kcal/Kg 1 ton is valued at RMB 590 or the equivalent of US$ 86.46/ton last week.

The coal price is already higher than the informal target set by the Chinese government at RMB 500 - RMB 570 per tonne which is often referred to as the green zone. This term refers to the level of coal prices that can still support mining companies and utility companies.

The main trigger for the increase in China's domestic coal prices is tight supply. During January-August, China produced 2.45 billion tons of coal. This volume is down 0.1% compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, demand for coal this year and last year is still the same.

The high price of domestic coal has made China switch to imported coal which is cheaper. This causes the price of seaborne coal to also rise, especially in the midst of efforts to cut output by miners due to weak demand and low prices.

The issue regarding the possibility of China loosening its import quota which has recently spread has also contributed to the sentiment of boosting the price of jet rock, which is the leading commodity of Australia and Indonesia.

The Chinese government is currently struggling to boost coal production so that prices will drop so that the profits of the mining industry and utility companies are maintained and reduce dependence on imports.

Given the soaring price of coal, even reaching nearly US$ 60/ton, there is a possibility that the coal price will be corrected this week. Moreover, the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a substitute primary energy source is still relatively cheap.

Untuk batu bara termal Qinhuangdao ber-kalori 5.500 Kcal/Kg 1 tonnya dihargai RMB 590 atau setara dengan US$ 86,46/ton pada pekan lalu

Harga batu bara tersebut sudah lebih tinggi dari target informal yang dipatok oleh pemerintah China di RMB 500 - RMB 570 per tonnya yang sering disebut sebagai green zone. Istilah ini mengacu pada level harga batu bara yang masih bisa mendukung perusahaan tambang maupun perusahaan utilitas.

Pemicu utama naiknya harga batu bara domestik China adalah ketatnya pasokan. Sepanjang Januari-Agustus, China telah mem-produksi 2,45 miliar ton batu bara. Volume ini turun 0,1% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Sementara itu permintaan ter-hadap batu bara tahun ini dan tahun lalu masih sama.

Tingginya harga batu bara domestik membuat China beralih ke batu bara impor yang harganya lebih murah. Hal ini membuat harga batu bara lintas laut (seaborne) juga ikut terangkat apalagi di tengah upaya pemang-kasan output oleh para penambang akibat lemahnya permintaan dan rendahnya harga.

Isu seputar kemungkinan China melonggarkan kuota impornya yang belakangan ini merebak juga turut menjadi sentimen pendongkrak harga batu legam yang jadi komoditas unggulan Australia dan Indonesia itu.

Pemerintah China saat ini tengah berjuang untuk menggenjot produksi batu baranya agar harganya turun sehingga laba industri tambang maupun perusahaan utilitasnya tetap terjaga dan mengurangi ketergantungan impor.

Mengingat harga batu bara yang sudah melesat tinggi, bahkan hampir tembus US$ 60/ton, ada kemungkinan harga batu bara bakal terkoreksi untuk pekan ini. Apalagi harga gas alam cair (LNG) sebagai sumber energi primer substitusinya masih terbilang murah.

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As of September 25, natural gas prices

were at US$ 2,139/mmBtu. Still 14.51% in

the same period the previous year. The low

price of LNG has the potential to make

industry players switch to gas instead of



Per 25 September, harga gas alam berada

di US$ 2,139/mmBtu. Masih 14,51% di

bahwa periode yang sama tahun sebelum-

nya. Harga LNG yang murah berpotensi

membuat pelaku industri beralih ke gas

ketimbang batu bara. TIM RISET CNBC

INDONESIA (twg/twg)

Metso Outotec starts up mining wear parts facility in Lithuania Posted by Daniel Gleeson

METSO Outotec’s new manufacturing site in the region of Šiauliai (Šiauliai län), northern

Lithuania, has started its operations.

The new plant further strengthens the company’s capability to produce high-quality rubber

and poly-met wear parts for its mining customers, the company said. The investment was

announced back in March 2020.

“Our target is to continuously develop our global operations to ensure a competitive footprint

and reliable deliveries for our customers globally,” Sami Takaluoma, President, Consumables

business at Metso Outotec, said. “I am very pleased that the ramp-up of the new factory in

Lithuania has been now completed by a very competent team. First products have been

successfully sent to our customers.”

The factory uses fossil-free and renewable electricity in its production, and processes have

been optimised for each customer segment. The location of the factory in Lithuania was

decided based on a careful analysis of the current customer closeness in Europe and Russia,

and with good logistical connections to the Middle East and Africa regions, Metso Outotec

said. With access to many logistics options, customers will also benefit from the improved

delivery and warehousing capabilities.

Metso Outotec, which operates currently 11 factories manufacturing synthetic solutions

globally, said the factory will employ 80 people by the end of 2020.

In October 2019, the company opened a new Business Services centre in Vilnius, the capital of

Lithuania. Currently the centre employs about 100 experts and offers services related to

finance operations and customer logistics. The scope of the centre is growing and will cover

new areas in the future, the company explained.

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Chinese economic rebound drives Australian exports Vanessa Zhou

A DIP in the output of the resources sector caused by COVID-19 may have been sharp but it

has also proven to be relatively short-lived, according to the Resources and Energy Quarterly

September report.

This is attributed to a sharp economic rebound of Australia’s major customer, China, after an

almost-complete eradication of COVID-19 in the country.

The quarterly report forecasts resource and energy exports to reach $256 billion in 2020-21,

before falling to $252 billion in 2021-22 due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia Keith Pitt said that although down on

last year’s record, the forecast figures were impressive.

“The $256 billion in exports for 2020-21 is the third highest export result on record and $252

billion for 2021-22 is the fourth highest result,” Pitt said.

”These figures demonstrate the resilience of Australia’s mining sector in the face of

unprecedented challenges from the pandemic and its ongoing importance to the country.

“The resources sector has underpinned Australia’s economy throughout 2020 and will

continue to play a crucial role for the nation as the global economy recovers from the COVID-

19 pandemic.”

Iron ore export earnings are estimated to remain extremely high at $97 billion in 2020-21,

after setting an all-time record of $102 billion in 2019-20 due to a “surprisingly robust”

demand from China and supply problems in Brazil.

Gold is also on track to set a new record of about $31 billion in 2020-21, according to the

Resources and Energy Quarterly report.

“Strong prices for gold, iron ore and other minerals are leading to new investment plans,

including the re-opening of gold mines long closed and a steady stream of new projects

awaiting final investment decisions,” Pitt said.

Meanwhile, Australia’s metallurgical and thermal coal exports are predicted to fall in 2020-21

before recovering partially in the following period.

Copper and nickel exports, on the other hand, are expected to rise from 928,000 tonnes in

2019-20 to 942,000 tonnes in 2021-22, and 246,000 tonnes to 335,000 tonnes, respectively.

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Japan's annual wrought copper output likely to hit lowest since 1975 Reuters

JAPAN's production of wrought copper products is likely to sink 15.6% in the current financial year due to the COVID-19 crisis, an industry group said on Monday, with output hitting the lowest since 1975 when the global oil shock dented demand.

Production of wrought copper and copper alloy products is expected to fall to 622,600 tonnes this financial year until March 31, down from 737,396 tonnes last year, the Japan Copper and Brass Association said.

The production figure, which has come lower than previous September forecast of 786,200 tonnes, will be the weakest since 1975 when the global oil shock in 1973-74 choked demand.

"Copper demand has been hit hard by a global economic slump amid the coronavirus pandemic," Shinji Ueno, the head of the research and statistics committee of the association, told a news conference.

"There are signs of recovery in semiconductor segment due to rising demand of electronic device as more people work from home, but demand from automobile and construction industries is expected to remain weak," he said.

The country's output last month fell 31.2% to 36,750 tonnes on-year, marking the 21st consecutive monthly decline and the lowest for August since 1967, the association said.

Japan consumed about 1.64 million tonnes of electrolytic copper and copper scrap in the 2018 financial year, 50% of which were used for electric wire and 45% for wrought copper, according to the non-ferrous metals data by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Last week, the Japanese Electric Wire & Cable Makers' Association slashed its forecast for the country's copper electric wire shipment for this financial year to 619,000 tonnes from its March estimate of 684,000 tonnes.

The revised figure will mark a 10.8% drop on-year and the lowest since the 1970 financial year. (Reporting by Yuka Obayashi, Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips)

Bids for commercial coal mining blocks to open tomorrow By Sarita C Singh, ET Bureau

THE GOVERNMENT will open bids received for commercial coal mining blocks on Wednesday as the Supreme Court refused to stay the auctions. Vedanta Group, Adani Group, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd and JSW Steel are among the companies believed to be eyeing the coal blocks with which India will open up the coal sector for commercial mining to private players.

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People aware of the matter said the apex court refused the plea made by the Jharkhand government to stay the auction process. Tuesday is the last day for submission of bids while the bid opening is scheduled to take place on Wednesday.

The coal ministry said on Monday that 278 tender documents were purchased by prospective bidders for the 38 coal blocks on auction. “In the present tranche of coal block auctions, 278 tender documents have been purchased by the prospective bidders in respect of 38 coal mines. The nominated authority will receive the bids till 2 pm on September 29 and bid opening will be taken up at 10 am on September 30, 2020,” said an official statement.

Earlier, the coal ministry had revised the list of mines to 38 blocks from 41 mines announced earlier following opposition from the Chhattisgarh government. It added three blocks – Dolesara, Jarekela and Jharpalam-Tangarghat – and withdrew five blocks in eco sensitive Hasdeo Arand zone.

The five blocks are Morga South, Fatehpur, Madanpur (North), Morga-II, and Sayang. The ministry also withdrew Bander mine in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra from auction as the mine lies in the eco sensitive zone of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve.

Poland targets 2049 for coal mines closure Poland’s government and its trade unions have agreed to phase out coal mining by 2049

to help the country meet European Union climate targets. Craig Guthrie

A DELEGATION from Warsaw and a trade union grouping on Friday signed the deal covering the main points of a transitional arrangement, following a week of negotiations and strike action.

Warsaw has assured the unions that subsidies will be used to keep the coal sector alive until 2049. Poland relies on coal for 80% of its power, but needs to reach an EU target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The country's leaders had baulked last week at EU chief Ursula von der Leyen's proposal to raise the bloc's 2030 target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from 40% to 55%. Over 200 miners also launched a strike in Silesia, the main mining region, by staying underground after their shifts ended.

The agreed model represents "a fair path to the transformation of the Polish mining and energy industry," said deputy minister of state assets Artur Soboń.

"We signed the liquidation of one of the most important industries in the history of the Republic of Poland," Dominik Kolorz, head of the Solidarity trade union in Silesia, said of the deal.

Mining unions had sought a slower transition towards reducing coal's role in the country's power generation.

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The government has said it will seek permission from the European Commission to provide state aid "for financing the current production, in order to ensure the stability of the hard coal mining companies".

The Silesian coalfields have been active since the mid-1800s, and during the 1970s the country became one of the world's biggest producers of hard coal. National reserves of hard coal are estimated at 45.4 billion tonnes.

EIA: Coal’s share of U.S. electricity generation through July 2020 down to 17.9%

S&P Global Market Intelligence ($):

U.S. generation inched [up] 0.2% year over year in July, driven by growth in gas-fired and renewable generation but offset by decreases in coal-fired and nuclear generation.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest “Electric Power Monthly” released Sep. 24, utility-scale generation net of hydroelectric pumped storage increased to 413.3 million MWh from 412.2 million MWh in July 2019.

Gas-fired generation climbed 6.3% from the year-ago period to 185.4 million MWh, while coal-fired generation declined 11.2% to 89.7 million MWh. Nuclear generation was down 3.9% to 69.4 million MWh.

Renewable output climbed 7.5% over the prior period to 65.0 million MWh. Solar led the increase among renewable resources with 25.9%, followed by conventional hydro and wind with 9.4% and 3.1% growth, respectively.

Year-to-date through July, utility-scale generation net of hydroelectric pumped storage declined 3.1% to 2.31 billion MWh. Gas-fired generation was at 935.6 million MWh, supplying 40.5% of the nation’s power. Nuclear power produced 464.2 million MWh YTD, with a 20.1% share. Coal-fired generation fell to 414.0 million MWh, accounting for 17.9% of the net total. Over the same period, renewable generation grew 7.0% to 470.3 million MWh, supplying 20.4% of total generation in the U.S.

The EIA estimates that the July stockpile level of 138.4 million tons translates to 125 days of burn and 105 days of burn, respectively, for bituminous and sub-bituminous coal, 53.9% and 49.1% above the five-year averages for the month. [Krizka Danielle Del Rosario]