prime time Agustus 2008

0 8 2008 Rp 7.500,- COVER STORY Pahlawan Masa Kini Liga Italia Courtesy from MP & SILVA Let's Make Things Happen for Indonesia


majalah telkomvision

Transcript of prime time Agustus 2008

0 8 2008Rp 7.500,-


Pahlawan Masa Kini

Liga Italia

Courtesy from MP & SILVA

Let's Make Things Happen for Indonesia

Content April 08.indd 2 24/03/2008 16:53:24

Out of Jimmy's Head mengisahkan tentang Jimmy Roberts yang masih berusia 12 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan di sebuah taman bermain. Karena kecelakaan itu dia memerlukan transplantasi otak. Sang dokter pun memberikannya otak dari seorang kartunis yang terkenal. Maka kini

Kirimkan jawaban AndaMelalui Fax ke Marketing Communication Dept. No. 021 - 8317400atau cukup isi formulir jawaban di

Nah, bagi Anda yang ingin mendapatkan buku agenda menarik dari Cartoon Network, jawab pertanyaan kuis berikut ini: Siapakah nama karakter tokoh-tokoh di bawah ini?

Jimmy menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan tokoh kartun dari imajinasi otaknya. Dalam serial sitkomnya, Jimmy mempunyai keluarga yang kacau dan ia berusaha menjadi siswa terkenal di sekolahnya dan ia juga berusaha mendapatkan gadis pujaannya. Namun, dengan kemunculan tokoh-tokoh kartun dari imajinasinya maka hidup Jimmy menjadi kacau sekaligus kocak.

Penanggung Jawab Rahadi Arsyad; Pemimpin Redaksi Bambang Lusmiadi; Redaktur Pelaksana Doni P. Sukma; Marketing & Advertising Sylvia Lumongga; Kontributor Yustantia Eka,Rina Apriyani, Izzidin Musawa, Syahril Chaniago; Reporter Ana Retno Dewi; Fotografer Tommy H, Rohman; Distribusi & Sirkulasi Sumardiyono, Mardani; Desain Yusaya R Paksi, Apri Published by PT Mitra Metrotama Jl. Kedoya Raya No. 16 Jakarta Barat 11520 Telp. (021) 5835 5080 Fax. (021) 5835 5081; Printing PT Malta Printindo.


COVER STORY6 Liga Italia di TELKOMVision 2

9 Wajah Baru TELKOMVision Dua

HIGHLIGHT 10 10 Big Highlight

11 Out of Jimmy's Head,Ratatouille

12 Pandamonium,World’s Deadliest Animals S2:


CINEMA13 Dream Girls :

Mengejar Impian melalui Drama Musikal

INFO14 Pahlawan Masa Kini

HOT PICK & TIPS15 Let’s Make Things Happen for

Indonesia( dimulai dari diri sendiri )

SPECIAL FEATuRE16 Indonesia Dulu & Sekarang

prime time �

Alamat Redaksi: PT Indonusa Telemedia (TELKOMVision) Plasa Telkom Lt. 3 Jl. Prof. Soepomo 139, Jakarta 12810, Telp. (021) 8298800, 8312200 Fax. (021) 8310100, 8317400


TV GuIDE18 Jadwal TV Guide

NEWS & Quiz54 Pemenang kuis Shonen


TRACK57 MTV Asia Awards 2008:Pertama Kalinya di Malaysia.

Alicia Keys - Annie Lennox: Berhasil Kumpulkan uang Amal.

RED CARPET58 Heath Ledger

Pasti Masuk Nominasi OscarKristen Bell

Kembali Perankan Manusia Elektrik


Rahadi ArsyadDirektur Utama

PT Indonusa Telemedia

Let’s Make Things Happen for Indonesia17 Agustus adalah hari Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia. Seluruh lapisan masyarakat menyambutnya dengan penuh suka cita. Beragam kegiatan diadakan untuk memeriahkan momentum ini, baik yang bernilai nasionalisme maupun sekedar pesta rakyat. TELKOMVision pun turut berpartisipasi merayakannya dengan menyajikan berita-berita menarik seputar hari kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam majalah PRIME TIME edisi Agustus.

Artikel penuh inspirasi seputar hari kemerdekaan Indonesia, bisa Anda dapatkan dalam artikel “Pahlawan Masa Kini”, "Let’s Make Things Happen for Indonesia", serta artikel "Indonesia Dulu dan Sekarang". Di mana diharapkan artikel-artikel tersebut dapat memotivasi pembaca untuk memberikan kontribusi terbaik bagi negara tercinta kita, Indonesia.

Mulai bulan Agustus ini, TELKOMVision terpilih sebagai satu satunya official broadcaster yang menyiarkan secara eksklusif tayangan Liga Italia Seri A dan Coppa Italia, di channel TELKOMVision 2. Untuk itu, Prime Time edisi kali ini akan menghadirkan ulasan seputar Liga Italia Seri A dan Coppa Italia.

Selain itu, TELKOMVision juga telah meluncurkan channel in house “TELKOMVision 2” dengan wajah baru yang menghadirkan tayangan-tayangan edukasi, informatif, dan menghibur.

Acara-acara terbaru juga hadir di bulan Agustus yaitu "Out of Jimmy’s Head" dari Cartoon Network dan "Celebrity Rap Superstar" dari MTV dan tidak ketinggalan dua channel besar ini mengadakan kuis berhadiah menarik untuk para pelanggan setia TELKOMVision. Ikuti kuisnya, raih hadiahnya.

Ulasan film Dream Girls, salah satu fim box office yang meraih penghargaan Oscar juga kami sajikan untuk Anda pecinta film drama musikal. Film ini dibintangi oleh Beyonce Knowles. Saksikan kepiawaian Beyonce Knowles dalam berakting di film ini hanya di channel HBO.

Jangan lewatkan tayangan-tayangan menarik hanya di TELKOMVision.

TELKOMVision, ini baru beda !

Selamat membaca ………

Salam Redaksi

Out of Jimmy's Head mengisahkan tentang Jimmy Roberts yang masih berusia 12 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan di sebuah taman bermain. Karena kecelakaan itu dia memerlukan transplantasi otak. Sang dokter pun memberikannya otak dari seorang kartunis yang terkenal. Maka kini

Kirimkan jawaban AndaMelalui Fax ke Marketing Communication Dept. No. 021 - 8317400atau cukup isi formulir jawaban di

Nah, bagi Anda yang ingin mendapatkan buku agenda menarik dari Cartoon Network, jawab pertanyaan kuis berikut ini: Siapakah nama karakter tokoh-tokoh di bawah ini?

Jimmy menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan tokoh kartun dari imajinasi otaknya. Dalam serial sitkomnya, Jimmy mempunyai keluarga yang kacau dan ia berusaha menjadi siswa terkenal di sekolahnya dan ia juga berusaha mendapatkan gadis pujaannya. Namun, dengan kemunculan tokoh-tokoh kartun dari imajinasinya maka hidup Jimmy menjadi kacau sekaligus kocak.


prime time | � Edisi Agustus 2008

Inter Milan bersama Jose Mourinho Kehadiran pelatih kontroversial Jose Mourinho di Inter Milan akan turut

meramaikan Liga Italia Seri A musim 2008-2009 ini. Setelah tiga musim berturut-turut

berhasil menjuarai Seri A, Inter Milan menatap musim ini dengan penuh optimisme.

Bahkan kehadiran Mourinho diprediksi oleh Lippi (pelatih Timnas Italia) akan menjadi

kunci sukses Inter untuk kembali menjadi juara Serie A pada musim depan.

Namun, menurut Javier Zanetti, kapten tim Inter Milan, Liga Italia musim ini akan

berjalan lebih sulit. Inter mengawali hat-trick scudetto pada musim 2005/06.

Ketika itu Juventus, sang pemilik titel, tesandung kasus calciopoli (suap) sehingga

gelarnya dicopot dan diserahkan kepada La Beneamata selaku pemegang posisi

tertinggi setelah poin Juve dan AC Milan dikurangi.

Musim berikutnya Inter begitu superior. Mereka memastikan diri menjadi juara Seri A

sebelum musim kompetisi berakhir. Namun, pada musim lalu mereka harus berjuang

hingga partai terakhir sebelum merengkuh scudetto yang ke-16. Dengan fakta

tersebut, ditambah klub-klub lain juga tengah membangun ulang kekuatan, Zanetti

memprediksikan Seri A musim depan tak akan berjalan dengan mudah.

“Saya pikir Seri A musim depan akan berjalan lebih seimbang dibanding musim lalu.

Ini jelas takan berlangsung mudah. Tetapi, kami akan tetap berjuang hingga akhir,”


“Saya memprediksikan Roma, Juventus, dan Fiorentina akan menyulitkan kami. Roma

adalah tim yang sangat konsisten, Juventus tengah membangun skuad yang solid, dan

Fiorentina dipimpin oleh seorang ahli taktik yang sangat pintar,” ujarnya.

Lalu, mengapa Zanetti tidak memasukkan nama Milan sebagai tim yang patut

diwaspadai? Pemain asal Argentina itu menganggap Rossoneri masih harus

mendatangkan beberapa pemain lagi untuk bisa berkompetisi dengan klubnya.

“Itu semua tergantung kepada bagaimana mereka membangun kekuatan mereka. Jika

beberapa pemain penting jadi datang, maka barulah mereka bisa berkompetisi dengan

kami,” tambahnya.

Bursa Transfer Pemain di Seri AHingga pertengahan Juli lalu klub-klub raksasa Italia sepertinya masih menyimpan

tenaga memburu pemain incaran hingga detik-detik terakhir terbukanya jendela

transfer tahap pertama. Inter misalnya. Kubu Nerrazzurri masih telaten melakukan

pendekatan kepada Chelsea untuk bisa memboyong Frank Lampard ke Giuseppe

Meazza. Hal yang sama dilakukan AC Milan yang menargetkan bisa memboyong satu

di antara dua striker incaran mereka, yaitu Ronaldinho dan Emmanuel


JadwalSerie A akan dimulai pada 31 Agustus dan akan terdapat

tiga kali partai tengah pekan sebelum berakhir pada 31

Mei tahun depan. Laga tengah pekan akan dilakukan

pada 24 September, 29 Oktober dan 28 Januari.

Sedangkan libur musim dingin akan berlangsung mulai

21 Desember hingga 11 Januari. Serie A juga akan

dihentikan sementara untuk timnas Italia, yang akan

menjalani babak kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010 pada 7

September, 12 Oktober dan 29 Maret.

Sepak bola adalah olahraga rakyat yang paling populer di Indonesia. Banyak sekali klub nasional yang patut dibanggakan

di Indonesia, seperti : PERSIJA, PERSIPURA, SRIWIJAYA FC, PERSIB, AREMA, PSIS, dsb. Namun harus diakui bahwa saat ini TIM Nasional kita masih belum termasuk dalam deretan

sepak bola papan atas kelas dunia. Kapan TIM Nasional kita bisa sejajar dengan tim sepak bola dunia? Mari kita support

TIM Nasional Indonesia untuk semakin maju dan dapat mengharumkan nama bangsa Indonesia.

”Let’s Make things happen for Indonesia!”

Liga Italia Seri A 2008 – 2009 akan tayang eksklusif di TELKOMVision Channel 2. Kenapa Liga Italia? Karena di dalam

Liga Italia Seri A terdapat pertandingan tim terbaik dunia yang selalu menjadi favorit para penggemar sepak bola dunia.

Siapakah yang akan menjadi juara Liga Italia Seri A? Jangan lewatkan tayangan spektakuler Liga Italia Seri A 2008–2009,

hanya di TELKOMVision Channel 2.

Liga Italiadi

Courtesy from MP & SILVA

Inilah rangkuman calcio mercato Seri A hingga pertengahan Juli 2008:

Saksikan Liga Italia Seri A 2008 - 2009di TELKOMVision 2


ATALAnTA VALdES (LEccE), dEfEndi (chiEVo), RinALdi (UdinESE), ViERi (fREE AgEnT),

gARicS (nAPoLi)

LAngELLA (UdinESE), cARRozziERi (PALERMo), TiSSonE (UdinESE),

PAoLUcci (cATAniA), LAzzARi (cAgLiARi)

BoLognA PAonESSA (AVELLino), VoLPi (SAMPdoRiA), BERnAcci (AScoLi), c zEnoni (SAMPdoRiA), codA (cRoTonE), coELho (coRinThiAnS)

di gEnnARo (gEnoA), BUcchi (nAPoLi)

cAgLiARi ASToRi (cREMonESE), MARchETTi (ALBinoLEffE), BizERA (MAccABi TEL AViV),


SToRARi (MiLAn), cAPEcchi (RAVEnnA), MARchini (TRiESTinA), MAncoSU (RiMini)

cATAniA di coSMo (igEA ViRTUS), KoSicKi (inTER BRATiSLAVA), cARBoni (REd BULL), d’ELiA

(fRAncAViLLA), BABU (TRiESTinA), PAoLUcci (ATALAnTA), cATELLAni (REggiAnA), dicA


RoSSi (TRiESTinA), PiA (nAPoLi), VARgAS (fioREnTinA)

chiEVo fREy (ModEnA), AndRiAni (SAnSoVino), diAgoURAgA (MASSESE),

KoUASSi (SAnSoVino), d’AnnA (PiSA), SoRREnTino (REcREATiVo hUELVA)

RoSi (RoMA), dEfEndi (ATALAnTA), AnTonAzzo (fRoSinonE), dE PAULA (foLigno)

fioREnTinA coMoTTo (ToRino), JoVETic (PARTizAn), MELo (ALMERiA), giLARdino (MiLAn),


UJfALUSi (ATLETico MAdRid), LiVERAni (PALERMo), PoTEnzA (gEnoA),

cAciA (PiAcEnzA), ViERi (ExPiREd conTRAcT), di cARMinE (QUEEnS PARK RAngERS)

gEnoA PoLEnTA (dAnUBio), ModESTo (REgginA), di gEnnARo (BoLognA), gASBARRoni

(PARMA), PoTEnzA (fioREnTinA), BiAVA (PALERMo), MESTo (UdinESE), PALLAdino

(JUVEnTUS), PinAU (MonAco)

BoRRiELLo (MiLAn), BoVo (PALERMo), KonKo (SiVigLiA), fABiAno (REgginA), SAnToS

(REgginA), LEdESMA (QPR), LEon (PARMA)

inTER AdRiAno (SAo PAULo), REcoBA (ToRino), giAcoMELLi (foLigno), MAncini (RoMA) MAnichE (ATLETico MAdRid)

JUVEnTUS MELLBERg (ASTon ViLLA), gioVinco (EMPoLi), MARchiSio (EMPoLi),


nocERino (PALERMo), STEndARdo (LAzio), VoLPATo (BARi), PALLAdino (gEnoA),


LAzio cARRizo (RiVER PLATE), STEndARdo (JUVEnTUS), foggiA (cAgLiARi) BiAnchi (MAnchESTER ciTy)



(gEnoA), SToRARi (cAgLiARi), RonALdinho (BARcELonA)

giLARdino (fioREnTinA), goURcUff (BoRdEAUx), cAfU (ExPiREd conTRAcT), SERginho

(ExPiREd conTRAcT)

nAPoLi RinAUdo (PALERMo), MAggio (SAMPdoRiA), dEniS (indEPEndiEnTE) SoSA (giMnASiA LA PLATA), RULLo (TRiESTinA), cALAio’ (SiEnA), gARicS (ATALAnTA)

PALERMo dE MELo (LE MAnS), LiVERAni (fioREnTinA), RAggi (EMPoLi), LAnzAfAME (BARi),

nocERino (JUVEnTUS), BUdAn (PARMA), AMELiA (LiVoRno), cARRozziERi (ATALAnTA),

BoVo (gEnoA), KJAER (MidTJyLLAnd)


RinAUdo (nAPoLi), BiAVA (gEnoA)

REgginA Rizzo (PERUgiA), fABiAno (gEnoA), SAnToS (gEnoA), PUdiL (SLoVAn LiBEREc) ModESTo (gEnoA), AMoRUSo (ToRino)

RoMA RiiSE (LiVERPooL), LoRiA (SiEnA), RoSi (chiEVo) BARUSSo (SiEnA), cURci (SiEnA), MAncini (inTER)

SAMPdoRiA STAnKEViciUS (BRESciA), PAdALino (PiAcEnzA) VoLPi (BoLognA), MAggio (nAPoLi), c zEnoni (BoLognA)



LoRiA (RoMA), dE cEgLiE (JUVEnTUS), foRESTiERi (gEnoA), chiESA (figLinE),

VERon (PAoK)

ToRino ABBRUScATo (LEccE), MoRo (MESSinA), AMoRUSo (REgginA) REcoBA (inTER), MoTTA (UdinESE), coMoTTo (fioREnTinA)



SiVoK (BESiKTAS), MESTo (gEnoA), zAPoTocny (BESiKTAS),


sumber :


Dapatkan juga lebih dari 100 channel lokal dan mancanegara secara GRATIS.

Hanya dengan TELKOMVision anda dapat menikmati TV Pra Bayar, tanpa perlu terikat biaya bulanan. Cukup miliki parabola dan decoder TELKOMVision* Pilih programnya, beli vouchernya Isi ulang voucher sesuai pilihan Anda untuk dapat tetap menikmati channel premium di TELKOMVision

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku**Harga Channel dan paket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya

Segera....Berlangganan TELKOMVision

sekarang juga!


Bagi anda pelanggan setia TELKOMVision Dua, anda pasti terkejut menyaksikan tayangan TELKOMVision Dua. Ya, mulai 1 Juli 2008, TELKOMVision Dua sebagai salah satu Channel milik TELKOMVision melakukan

softlaunch program-program tayangan baru kami. Secara resmi program-program baru ini akan di-launching pada 1 Agustus 2008.

Aneka program dapat dinikmati dari tayangan TELKOMVision Dua. Pada pagi hari, siraman rohani dari KH Abdullah Gymnastiar atau Aa Gym akan menyapa pemirsa melalui program Kebun Hikmah setiap hari Senin s/d Jumat, dan Jagalah Hati yang menemani setiap akhir pekan anda.

Program-program MQTV lainnya adalah tayangan Life Style seperti Jalan-Jalan Jajan dan Cantik Muslimah. Selain itu ada tayangan keluarga yang jenaka dan menghibur yakni Keluarga Senyum dan Dalang Gembol.

Disamping tayangan MQTV, TELKOMVision Dua juga menyajikan tayangan pendidikan marketing yang dibawakan oleh pakar Marketing dari MarkPlus, Hermawan Kartajaya. Program bisnis dan marketing ini akan tayang setiap pagi dan akan ditapping pada malam hari setiap hari Senin sampai Jumat.

TELKOMVision Dua juga akan memanjakan anak anda di rumah dengan tayangan yang berkualitas. Program Edukasi dan Entertainment ”Sang Juara” persembahan dari AKAL EduMovie akan hadir setiap pagi dan sore hari. Juga tayangan animasi yang menarik dapat anda saksikan dalam program Si Kuci produksi CAM Solution. Anda juga dapat melihat tayangan review film animasi dalam Lihat Animasiku.

Eit, masih ada lagi program-program TELKOMVision Dua yang menarik, misalnya program INDIGO atau Indonesia Digital Community. Program produksi TELKOM ini akan mengupas tentang teknologi informasi dan digital.

Program Sport

TELKOMVision Dua akan kembali hadir dengan program Sport unggulan yakni tayangan LIVE sepakbola COPA Italia dan Liga seri A Italia. Program sport ini akan tayang mulai bulan Agustus 2008. So, bagi anda Soccer Mania jangan lewatkan tayangan di TELKOMVision Dua.

Tampil dengan wajah baru, serta aneka program yang menarik diharapkan TELKOMVision Dua menjadi Channel yang diminati pemirsa. Tentu saja, ke depan akan terus berupaya menjadi salah satu inhouse Channel milik TELKOMVision yang menyuguhkan program yang berkualitas dan menghibur bagi pelanggan setia.

Wajah Baru TELKOMVision Dua


05:00-05:30 Kebun Hikmah

05:30-06:00 Cinta Quran

06:00-06:30 Sang Juara

06:30-07:00 Si Kuci

07:00-07:30 Home Shopping

07:30-08:00 Home Shopping



09:00-09:30 Fragmen4

09:30:10:00 Keluarga Senyum

10:00-10:30 Solusi Islam

10:30-11:00 Home Shopping

11:00-11:30 Home Shopping

11:30-12:00 Lezatnya Berbagi

12:00-12:30 Jalan-jalan Jajan

12:30-13:00 Dalang Gembol

13:00-13:30 TVE

13:30-14:00 TVE

14:00-14:30 TVE

14:30-15:00 TVE

15:00-15:30 TVE

15:30-16:00 TVE

16:00-16:30 E Music

16:30-17:00 Games

17:00-17:30 Kebun Hikmah

17:30-18:00 Cinta Quran

18:00-18:30 Sang Juara

18:30-19:00 Si Kuci

19:00-19:30 Home Shopping

19:30-20:00 Home Shopping



21:00-21:30 Fragmen4

21:30-22:00 Keluarga Senyum

22:00-22:30 Solusi Islam

22:30-23:00 Home Shopping

23:00-23:30 Home Shopping

23:30-24:00 Lezatnya Berbagi

00:00-00:30 Jalan-jalan Jajan

00:30-01:00 Dalang Gembol



02:00-02:30 Home Shopping

02:30-03:00 Home Shopping

03:00-03:30 Home Shopping

03:30-04:00 Home Shopping

04:00-04:30 E Music

04:30-05:00 Games


prime time | �


Perlahan tapi pasti, jawara balapan musim lalu, Casey Stoner memberikan tantangan serius bagi kejuaran MotoGP musim ini. Setelah kemenangannya di Assen, Stoner makin mendekati perolehan angka Rossi dan Pedrosa dalam perbeutan posisi teratas klasemen pembalap. Di Grand Prix Republik Ceko dan San MArino persaingan mereka akan semakin memanas.

Pada tahun 1960an dan awal tahun 1970an, trio wanita yang sedang naik daun yaitu Effie (Jennifer Hudson), Deena (Beyonc? Knowles) dan Lorrell (Anika Noni Rose) merupakan grup penyanyi yang berbakat menamakan dirinya sebagai group Dreamettes. Pada Pada saat kompetisi pencari bakat, mereka ditemukan oleh seorang manajer ambisius, Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx), dan menawarkan mereka kesempatan seumur hidup untuk menjadi penyanyi latar James “Thunder” Early (Eddie Murphy). Meskipun Dream menjadi jembatan kesuksesan, mereka menyadari bahwa harga kemasyuran dan kekayaan lebih tinggi dari yang pernah mereka bayangkan.

Dreamgirls31 Agustus 20:00 WIB

The Giant Panda (Panda Raksasa) adalah hewan yang dikenal berbahaya di dunia. Selain dikenal sebagai hewan pemakan bambu yang merupakan keluarga beruang, Panda juga adalah hewan yang tenang dan dicintai banyak orang. Hewan ini juga menjadi simbol kebanggaan nasional di China. Namun, keberadaan hewan ini terancam punah karena habitat tempat mereka tinggal semakin berkurang dan tingkat kelahiran juga semakin menurun, baik di alam liar maupun di kebun binatang atau tempat-tempat perlindungan.

Pandamonium25 Agustus 19:00 WIBSabtu 10:00 WIB

Seekor tikus bernama Remy mempunyai impian menjadi seorang juru masak Perancis yang luar biasa meskipun keinginan tersebut adalah hal yang mustahil dari sebuah keluarga binatang pengerat. Saat nasib membawa Remy tinggal di salah satu saluran air di Paris, ternyata ia berada di bawah sebuah restoran dengan juru masak terkenal, Auguste Gesteau. Meskipun dia adalah masalah yang tak nampak ? dan tentu tak diinginkan, hasrat Remy untuk memasak perlahan mulai terwujud melalui gerakan lucu dan menggairahkan yang dapat memutar membalikkan dunia kulinari di Paris.

Ratatouille24 Agustus 18:30 WIB

Dimulai dengan kisah dua murid kelas lima, Jess Aaron (Josh Hutcherson) seorang anak yang menjadi pelari tercepat di kelasnya. Akan tetapi seorang gadis kecil dari kota lain, Leslie Burke (AnnaShopia Robb) berlari lebih cepat dari semua orang, termasuk dia. Namun, ketika Jess dan Leslie segera menjalin persahabatan dan menemukan jalan menuju sebuah kerajaan gaib di hutan, petualangan yang menarik dan penuh keajaiban telah dimulai.

Bridge to Terabithia10 Agustus 20:0023 Agustus 18:2528 Agustus 21:40

Kisah film ini dimulai di sebuah kota di mana Karin, Satoshi, dan Yuji, saling berjanji tentang impian mereka masing-masing di masa depan. Kemudian keadaan memisahkan mereka. Dan 13 tahun kemudian mereka bertemu kembali. Namun rupanya Yuji sedang dalam keadaan koma setelah baru saja mengalami kecelakan mobil..

Say Hello For Me5 Agustus 22:003 Agustus 20:006 Agustus 10:5515 Agustus 18:0030 Agustus 16:10

Film komedi ini mengisahkan tentang Jimmy Roberts yang masih berusia 12 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan di sebuah taman bermain. Karena kecelakaan itu dia memerlukan transplantasi otak. Sang dokter pun memberikannya otak dari seorang kartunis yang terkenal. Maka kini Jimmy menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan tokoh kartun dari imajinasi otaknya. Dengan kemunculan tokoh-tokoh kartun dari imajinasinya maka hidup Jimmy menjadi kacau sekaligus kocak.

Out of Jimmy’s HeadMulai 1 Agustus Jumat 18:00

prime time | 10 Edisi Juni 2008prime time | 10 Edisi Agustus 2008

Acara yang dibawakan oleh Jack Black ini akan menganugerahkan penghargaan bagi insan pertelevisian, film, musik, yang seluruhnya dipilih oleh anak-anak. Acara seru ini juga akan diramaikan dengan kehadiran para bintang seperti The Jonas Brothers, Will Smith, Cameron Diaz, Hayden Panettiere, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Ryan Seacrest, Heidi Klum, Jessica Alba, Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Jennifer Love Hewitt, along with musical performances by Miley Cyrus and Nickelodeon’s own The Naked Brothers Band.

Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards31 Agustus 08:30, 14:30 WIB

Motor Sports: 2008 MotoGP World Championships

17 Agustus 15:57 WIB31 Agustus 15:57 WIB

World,s Deadliest Animals S2:AmazonDi pedalaman rimba Amazon, wilayah di mana di antara lebatnya pepohonan sering terdengar suara ciutan, auman dan geraman atau mendesis adalah habitat dari hewan-hewan tersembunyi yang paling berbahaya. Eyelash Viper, ular berbisa di wilayah ini saling bersaing untuk bertahan hidup.

13 Agustus, 20:00 WIB

Liga Italia Seria A musim ini akan diramaikan dengan kehadiran pelatih kontroversial Jose Mourinho di Inter Milan yang menjadi Jawara musim lalu. Sejumlah pemain baru pun diboyong oleh pelatih ini ke Inter termasuk Roberto Mancini yang musim lalu bermain di As Roma. Peta persaingan di antara beberapa klub besar seperti Inter Milan, Ac Milan, Juventus, AS Roma, LAzio dan Fiorentina akan semakin panas.

Liga Italia Serie A31 Agustus

What’s on



Mulai 1 Agustus, Jumat 18:00 WIB

Film komedi ini mengisahkan tentang Jimmy Roberts yang masih berusia 12 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan di sebuah taman bermain. Karena kecelakaan itu dia memerlukan transplantasi otak. Sang dokter pun memberikannya otak dari seorang kartunis yang terkenal. Maka kini Jimmy menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan tokoh kartun dari imajinasi otaknya. Dalam serial sitkomnya, Jimmy mempunyai keluarga yang kacau dan ia berusaha menjadi siswa terkenal di sekolahnya dan ia juga berusaha mendapatkan gadis pujaannya. Namun, dengan kemunculan tokoh-tokoh kartun dari imajinasinya maka hidup Jimmy menjadi kacau sekaligus kocak.

Out of Jimmy’s Head


24 Agustus, 18:30 WIB

Film animasi ini mengisahkan seekor tikus bernama Remy yang memiliki ‘citarasa tinggi’ terhadap makanan. Sejak awal, tikus yang satu ini memang unik, selalu tertarik terhadap masak-memasak. Seolah manusia yang jatuh hati pada dunia memasak, ia juga antusias terhadap acara di televisi yang menayangkan tentang memasak. Juga, membaca buku tentang masakan.

Remy pun mengadu nasib di sebuah restoran mewah Perancis, karena cintanya akan makanan yang lezat, dan keinginannya untuk menjadi juru masak handal bersama seorang anak yang juga berusaha mempertahankan pekerjaannya di restoran tersebut, walaupun kemampuan masaknya kurang. Mereka bersama berjuang untuk menghindari kegilaan pemimpin juru masak serta membuat Ratatouille di seluruh Perancis.

prime time | 11

prime time | 12 Edisi Agustus 2008


PandamoniumMulai 25 Agustus 19:00 WIBSabtu 10:00 WIB

National Geographic Channel bulan Agustus ini menampilkan 6 fauna yang paling berbahaya di dunia di tempat habitatnya masing-masing. Kita akan dibawa mendaki hingga ke pegunungan terjal dan mengarungi lautan paling dalam untuk menyaksikan kehebatan hewan-hewan berbahaya tersebut. Hewan-hewan paling berbahaya ini harus didekati dengan sangat hati-hati namun mereka tentunya tidak tertarik dengan kehadiran manusia. Bahkan hewan-hewan ini seringkali sulit ditemui dan terkadang sulit dikenali. Mereka adalah hewan pemangsa yang sangat mematikan.

Di pedalaman rimba Amazon, wilayah di mana di antara pepohonan lebatnya sering terdengar suara ciutan, auman dan geraman atau mendesis adalah habitat dari hewan-hewan tersembunyi yang paling berbahaya.

Eyelash Viper, ular berbisa di wilayah ini saling bersaing untuk bertahan hidup.

Saksikan Keganasan hewan-hewan ini di pedalaman Amazon bersama National Geographic Channel

Rabu 13 Agustus, 20:00 WIBWorld’s Deadliest Animals S2: Amazon

Program Animal Planet PANDAMONIUM menayangkan kisah menarik tentang keberadaan Giant Panda di pusat Konservasi dan Penelitian di Sichuan, China. Di sini mereka dirawat, diberi makan, dan dipersiapkan untuk bisa bertahan hidup sebelum dilepaskan ke alam liar.

The Giant Panda (Panda Raksasa) adalah hewan unik yang keberadaannya terancam punah. Selain dikenal sebagai hewan pemakan bambu yang merupakan keluarga beruang, Panda juga adalah hewan yang tenang dan dicintai banyak orang. Hewan ini juga menjadi simbol kebanggaan nasional di China. Namun, keberadaan hewan ini terancam punah karena habitat tempat mereka tinggal semakin berkurang dan tingkat kelahiran juga semakin menurun, baik di alam liar maupun di kebun binatang atau tempat-tempat perlindungan. Bulan Agustus ini Animal Planet mempersembahkan kepada para pemirsa serial dokumenter PANDAMONIUM yang akan menghadirkan liputan ekslusif dan lengkap tentang dunia Panda. Mulai dari penangkaran, penelitian dan fasilitas konservasinya di Wolong, China.

Jangan lewatkan keunikan The Giant Panda hanya di Animal Planet !

Mengejar Impian melalui Drama Musikal


Genre : Drama MusikalDurasi : 131 MenitSutradara : Bill CondonPenulis Skenario : Bill Condon

PemainBeyonce Knowles Sebagai Deena JonesJamie Foxx Sebagai Curtis Taylor, Jr.Eddie Murphy Sebagai James “Thunder” EarlyDanny Glover Sebagai Marty MadisonJennifer Hudson Sebagai Effie WhiteAnika Noni Rose Sebagai Lorrell RobinsonKeith Robinson Sebagai C.C. WhiteBobby Slayton Sebagai Sandy PriceJohn Krasinski Sebagai Sam Walsh

The Dreamgirls adalah kisah tiga gadis berkulit hitam asal Chicago - Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), Deena Jones (Beyonce) dan Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose) yang tengah merintis karir sebagai grup vocal trio. Mereka mencoba meraih impian dengan mengikuti kontes adu bakat menyanyi di Apollo Theater, New York. Namun, keberuntungan ternyata datang dengan caranya yang lain.

Setelah berkali-kali mengalami kekalahan di ajang festival menyanyi, akhirnya seorang manajer yang bernama Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx) jatuh hati melihat penampilan mereka dan langsung mengajak mereka bergabung untuk menjadi penyanyi latar James “Thunder” Early (Eddie Murphy), penyanyi yang sedang naik daun saat itu.

Seiring dengan waktu yang bergulir, akhirnya Curtis memutuskan untuk tidak menjadikan mereka penyanyi latar saja, tetapi dia hendak membentuk mereka menjadi sebuah grup yang dapat melintasi jagad raya musik

Dengan segala daya upaya, Curtis akhirnya berhasil membuat grup yang diberi nama The Dreamettes ini terkenal. Sayang, seiring melejitnya nama mereka, semakin tajam pula pertikaian yang terjadi diantara ketiga personel dan manajer ini. Terutama pemilihan Deena sebagai penyanyi utama yang dilakukan sepihak oleh Curtis dan kecemburuan Effie akibat kedekatan keduanya. Hasilnya Effie pun ditendang dari grup yang sempat menempatkannya sebagai penyanyi utama, dan nama Deena pun berkibar meninggalkan rekan-rekan lainnya sebagai bayangan.

Setelah bertahun-tahun mengenyam kekayaan dan ketenaran, kehidupan The Dreamettes berubah, begitu juga dengan nasib Effie yang harus kembali merangkak dari bawah. Roda kehidupan terus berputar, baik bagi Deena, Curtis, maupun Effie.

Sebagai drama musikal, vokal dan cerita dalam film ini sangat kuat dan kental. Dengan berhasil, Hudson memperlihatkan emosinya dalam nyanyian yang begitu menyentuh hati. Tak heran bila ia mampu meraih penghargaan Oscar dan Golden Globe sekaligus sebagai best supporting actress.

Film Dreamgirls ini asalnya adalah sebuah drama Broadway yang pertama kali tampil tanggal 20 Desember 1981. Pentas teaterikalnya disebut-sebut telah dipentaskan selama 1.522 kali. Ceritanya sendiri terinspirasi dari perjalanan karir The Supremes. Tidak heran kalau Hollywood melirik cerita ini dilihat dari kesuksesan penampilan drama musikalnya. Selain itu cerita ini merupakan sesuatu yang jarang dari kebanyakan cerita-cerita Broadway.

Saksikan serunya drama konflik dan alunan musik yang memukau dalam film ini hanya di HBO!

prime time | 13

prime time | 14 Edisi Agustus 2008

Awalnya Maulana M Syuhada bersama 35 temannya bermaksud memperkenalkan alat musik tradisional Sunda yaitu angklung pada Aberdeen International Youth Festival, salah satu even budaya terbesar di Skotlandia. Peserta festival ini bukan hanya kelompok seniman dari Skotlandia, tapi hampir seluruh kelompok seniman dunia. Mereka pun berkelana di Eropa sejak 22 Juli-30 Agustus 2004. Dan September 2007 lalu buku tentang pengalaman mereka diluncurkan di Bandung: 40 days in Europe.

Setelah mengikuti festival itu kini pria ke lahi ran Bandung, 14 Juni 1977, ini mempunyai

misi Ekspand the Sound of Angklung (ESA). Hampir di setiap pertunjukan di Eropa, penonton bahkan juga juri memberikan standing applaus. Tidak hanya itu, berbagai penghargaan pun diraih ESA dan tentu saja Maulana. ESA meraih juara pertama di festival di Kostelec, Republik Czech. Di festival Zakopane, Polandia, selain meraih juara pertama, mereka juga mendapat penghargaan tertinggi, yaitu Ciupaga. Alat musik angklung sendiri sebenarnya baru ia pelajari justru saat dirinya belajar di Jerman, tepatnya di Hamburg University of Technology, pada 2001. Maulana memainkan angklung dengan segala keterbatasannya, mulai dari sarana hingga personel. Dia dan rekan-rekan mahasiswa yang sama-

sama berasal dari Indonesia, hanya memainkan angklung pada saat digelar

International Student Evening. Sambutan dari para penonton

rupanya sangat luar biasa. Dengan segala ketekunannya,

Maulana menghimpun rekan-rekannya untuk serius mempelajari


Maulana dan rekan-rekannya pun mendirikan Angklung Orchester Hamburg pada 2002. Kini, kata dia, terdapat puluhan anggota Angklung Orchester Hamburg yang berasal dari 10 negara, yaitu Meksiko, Venezuela, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethopia, Elsavador, India, Austria, Rusia, dan Jerman.

Lewat angklung pula, ia merasakan pencitraan positif tentang Indonesia. Maulana yakin bahwa mengenalkan angklung di luar negeri merupakan upaya yang sangat efektif untuk diplomasi, khususnya dalam bentuk pencitraan. ”Lewat seni, Indonesia memiliki nilai yang sangat tinggi,” tegasnya.

Laki-laki kelahiran Padang, 14 September 1954 ini sebelumnya lebih dikenal sebagai seniman yang melahirkan banyak sajak humor. Dan awalnya Jose juga adalah seorang pemain bola. Tahun 1966, ia masuk MBFA sebuah klub sepakbola yang sangat terkenal di

Jakarta, yang melahirkan Iswadi Idris. “Waktu itu tahun 1969, saya ditarik ke Persija Jakarta Timur,” katanya. Namun karena tidak didukung materi dari orangtuanya akhirnya ia memutuskan lari ke TIM. Hingga akhirnya ia menjadi anggota Bengkel Teater sejak tahun 1977. Kini alumni IKJ tahun 1980-1986 ini aktif melatih teater anak-anak yang diberi nama Teater Tanah Air. Di sini saya bisa menularkan lewat kesenian, drama, tari, pantomin, puisi dan menyanyi pada anak-anak sejak dini,” ujarnya.

Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Teater Tanah Air yang dipimpinnya telah melahirkan banyak prestasi internasional. Di antaranya memenangi predikat The Best Performance dalam The Asia Pacific Festival

of Chidren’s Theatre di Jepang (2004) dan The Best Director/Performance pada World Festival of Children’s Theatre (ke-9) di Jerman (2006). Keunikan kami adalah karena selalu keluar dari konvensi musikal drama dan sandiwara yang sudah sering dilakukan teater anak di mana-mana,” kata Jose Rizal. Saat tampil di Jepang itu, Teater Tanah Air berhasil meraih 10 medali emas. Sedangkan saat tampil di Jerman, dua tahun silam, teater yang mementaskan lakon berjudul Wow, karya Putu Wijaya ini, berhasil membawa pulang 19 medali emas dari 24 negara peserta. “Dari segi visualnya, kesenian kita ternyata kuat dari Papua sampai Aceh. Saya mencoba menggali kekayaan seni pertunjukan di Indonesia,” ungkapnya.

Teater Tanah Air juga akan tampil dalam pementasan “Spectacle PEACE a Visual Theatre Performance (ke-10)” terkait keikutsertaan mereka pada “World Festival of Children’s Theatre” di Moskow, Rusia (17-25 Juli 2008). ”Lakon yang kami pentaskan ini bercerita tentang hakikat perdamaian tetapi

dikemas dalam prespektif anak-anak,” katanya. Selain itu “Spectacle PEACE a Visual Theatre Performance” juga akan dipentaskan di markas besar Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB), Jenewa, Swiss. ”Sebelumnya belum pernah ada teater anak-anak yang bisa tampil secara langsung di markas PBB. Ini tentu menjadi kehormatan besar buat kita semua,” katanya berujar.

Jose Rizal ManuaMengharumkan Indonesia

Lewat Teater Tanah Air


Negeri kita, Indonesia, memiliki kekayaan budaya yang beraneka ra-gam. Semua itu merupakan warisan berharga yang perlu kita jaga, perlu kita lestarikan bersama agar kekayaan itu tidak hilang musnah

ditelan zaman. Sosok-sosok berikut ini bisa menjadi contoh bagi kita tentang bagaimana mereka melestarikan kekayaan budaya kita hingga ke manca negara.

Maulana M SyuhadaMelestarikan Angklung Hingga Eropa

Pahlawan Masa Kini

aat ini sudah sepantasnya kita semua merasa prihatin dengan kondisi bangsa kita. Kenyataan

sehari-hari memperlihatkan keadaan sosial ekonomi kita semakin memprihatinkan. Melalui layar televisi kita bisa menyaksikan semakin sering terjadi kericuhan dan kerusuhan di beberapa tempat. Belum lagi keadaan ekonomi rakyat kita menjadi semakin sulit karena kenaikan harga-harga.

Di saat bangsa kita memperingati 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional ini tentunya kita sebagai rakyat biasa sangat ingin melihat Indonesia bangkit dari keterpurukan dan bisa tampil membanggakan di dunia ini. Banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk perbaikan negeri kita tercinta. Kita bisa memulainya dari diri kita sendiri dulu, dari hal-hal kecil yang sederhana, yang bisa kita lakukan sehari-hari.

Seperti misalnya,

• Taat peraturan lalu-lintas, ketertiban umum. Misalnya, kalau sedang berkendaraan, tidak berhenti di tempat-tempat yang ada larangan berhenti. Juga tidak menghentikan kendaraan di tempat-tempat yang ada larangan berhenti. Menggunakan helm, sabuk pengamanan ketika berkendara. Mendahulukan orang tua, wanita hamil untuk duduk di kendaraan umum. Tidak menyerobot dalam suatu antrian• Tidak merokok di tempat umum seperti ruang tunggu, rumah sakit, dalam bis/angkutan umum dan tempat-tempat lain yang dilarang merokok• Hidup sehat bermasyarakat, menjaga lingkungan. Misalnya, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, rajin membersihkan selokan depan rumah masing-masing.• Berhematlah dalam pemakaian listrik, air dan gas (matikan lampu lampu yang tidak perlu, pastikan keran air tertutup rapat setelah dipakai)


Let’s Make Things Happen for Indonesia( dimulai dari diri sendiri )


Bangsa kita juga dikenal dikenal memiliki kekayaan dan keberagaman budaya. Terdiri dari berbagai suku bangsa, agama, bahasa, adat istiadat, dan kebiasaan. Kita bersatu menjadi Indonesia karena kekayaan budaya yang kita miliki. Maka sudah sepatutnya kita merayakan kebhinnekaan budaya Indonesia dengan menghidupkan kebanggaan nasional atas kekayaan budayanya. Ada banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan, misalnya:

• Lebih memilih menggunakan produk dalam negeri. Jika dari sisi kualitas dan harga tidak berbeda jauh, kenapa tidak menggunakan produk produk dalam negeri• Berkunjung ke tempat-tempat wisata domestik, ketimbang ke luar negeri atau Bali saja. Selain itu kita juga bisa mengunjungi museum- museum yang ada. Misalnya, Monumen Nasional, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Museum Sumpah Pemuda, Museum Kebangkitan Nasional, Museum Bahari, dll.• Atau mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah/memiliki nilai historis dan berwawasan Ilmu Pengetahuan seperti : Candi Borobudur, Planetarium, TMII, dll.

prime time | 1�

Negeri kita merupakan salah satu negara yang paling majemuk di dunia. Dihuni oleh ratusan kelompok etnik dan kaya akan bahasa

serta kebudayaan daerah. Jika dirangkum secara keseluruhan, kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia ditandai oleh kemajemukan suku bangsa dan bahasa (sekitar 250 dialek), agama (Buddha, Hindu, Islam, Katolik, Khonghucu, Protestan dll), kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (sekitar 400 aliran), sistem hukum (nasional, agama, adat), sistem kekerabatan, dan sistem perkawinan (monogami dan poligami).

Jumlah pulau yang amat banyak, suku-suku dengan bahasa, budaya (termasuk di dalamnya budaya spiritual), adat-istiadat dan agama-agama serta kepercayaan yang berbeda-beda seperti dilukiskan di atas, menampilkan kekayaan Indonesia yang sesungguhnya tidak ternilai harganya. Keragaman satu sama lainnya saling berbeda, inilah yang membedakan Indonesia dengan negara-negara yang lain. Kita sangat kaya dengan keragaman. Inilah yang sebenarnya harus kita banggakan dari negara kita.

Memasuki perjalanan 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional dan 17 Agustus tahun ini, bangsa kita ternyata masih menyisakan berbagai persolan yang memprihatinkan. Selain mengalami krisis keteladanan dan rawannya perpecahan akibat sikap kedaerahan maupun kelompok atau individu-individu, juga nyaris tidak ada lagi yang bisa dibanggakan untuk mengakui diri sebagai orang Indonesia. Padahal, semestinya perjalanan seratus tahun kebangkitan nasional sudah bisa membawa bangsa kita ke arah kemajuan dalam bingkai persatuan yang kokoh dan kuat.

Sudah sepatutnyalah kita sebagai bangsa melakukan introspeksi dan evaluasi diri. Apa yang menyebabkan

bangsa kita rasanya menjadi makin terpuruk seperti sekarang ini.

Jika kita menengok ke belakang di era tahun 1908, di bawah berbagai tekanan, para pemuda Indonesia pada waktu itu bisa menjadi pelopor perjuangan. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan saat ini. Memang kita tidak bisa membandingkan begitu saja dari era tahun 1908 dengan sekarang. Namun, pada masa itu para pemuda Indonesia yang tergerak hati dan semangatnya bersatu padu melawan penjajah. Ada yang berjuang melalui perang fisik dan ada juga melalui organisasi dan pemikiran. Dan akhirnya di tahun 1945 kita bisa memproklamirkan kemerdekaan.

Para pendiri bangsa kita dulu seperti Bung karno, Bung Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, Jendral Sudirman dan lain-lain

adalah orang-orang yang layak kita sebut pahlawan sekaligus

negarawan. Mereka b e r h a s i l

menyatukan kita semua yang berbeda-beda suku, bahasa, agama, adat-istiadat, ke dalam satu bingkai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Kini, kondisi negara kita sudah lain. Penilaian terhadap Indonesia selalu negatif, dan tidak menguntungkan. Bicara Indonesia, orang langsung teringat bom Bali, Indonesia negara terkorup ketiga, dan sebagainya. Pertikaian dan kerusuhan antar kelompok


indonESiA dULU & SEKARAng

jadi sering terjadi. Keadaan sosial ekonomi makin sulit.

Nah, kini sudah menjadi tanggung jawab dan tugas kita untuk bersatu padu mencerdaskan bangsa menuju Indonesia yang adil, makmur dan sejahtera. Untuk itulah kita harus membangkitkan kembali semangat kebangkitan yang kedua. Kita juga harus mengobarkan dan menyebarkan kembali semangat ke-Indonesiaan. Kita harus pula menghargai apa yang ada dan berasal dari negeri kita sendiri. Apa yang kita butuhkan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran dan membangkitkan rasa kebersamaan, tanggung jawab, termasuk dalam membangun

kesejahteraan bangsaini?

Kesadaran itu mula-mula harus tumbuh dari diri kita sendiri, dari keluarga kita sendiri, bagaimana kita menghargai diri kita, dan bagaimana kita menghargai orang lain. Kita harus menghargai orang lain seperti kita menghargai diri kita sendiri. Tentunya kita juga harus menjadikan masa lalu itu sebagai cermin untuk evaluasi. Dulu kita punya sesuatu yang kita banggakan. Sekarang harus bisa kita banggakan kembali. Kalau dulu kita sangat kuat akan persatuan baik pulau-pulau yang ada maupun kehidupan bermasyarakatnya, maka kita harus mengembalikannya kembali seperti dulu. Kita tidak perlu mengkotak-kotakan, biarkan kita tetap kokoh kuat dalam kerangka Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 18 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry

02:00 The Pirates Of Penzance04:00 I Now Pronounce You Chuck

And Larry06:00 Second Sight08:00 October Sky10:00 Idlewild12:00 Soldier13:30 Hbo Central14:00 Dracula Dead And Loving It16:00 Dear God18:00 The Goonies20:00 Memoirs Of A Geisha22:15 Soldier

00:00 Kingpin02:00 Witness04:00 Assignment K06:00 The Valley Of Gwangi08:00 Kidnapped In Paradise10:00 Picasso Trigger12:00 Red Rock West14:00 Ninja Iii The Domination16:00 Gone18:00 Without Warning20:00 When A Stranger Calls22:00 The Long Kiss Goodnight

01:05 Perfect Creature 02:35 Three 04:25 Down In The Valley 06:15 Junebug08:00 Lightspeed09:30 Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The 11:00 Air Buddies12:35 He Got Game14:45 Glory Road16:45 She’s The Man 18:30 Breed, The 20:00 X-files, The22:00 Goal Ii: Living The Dream 23:55 Lonely Hearts

01:30 Innocent (1995), The03:30 Curse of the Pink Panther05:30 Four Friends07:30 Foxfire Light09:15 Echo Park10:45 Heartbreakers12:15 Living on Tokyo Time13:45 Heavenly Kid, The15:15 Signs of Life16:45 Shag18:30 WACKY FRIDAY: Trip With

Anita20:15 Tortilla Soup22:00 Love Crimes23:30 Lambada

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Desperate Housewives 10:00 Bones11:00 Criminal Minds 12:00 Prison Break 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Desperate Housewives 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty

21:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

22:00 The Moment of Truth 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

01:00 Vanished03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 63

Where there’s Smoke04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 Dalva07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VII ep 201

Mixed Messages08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Vanished11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VII ep 201

Mixed Messages12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. VI ep 18

Match Made In Heaven (P)14:00 Holiday In Handcuffs16:00 Judging Amy VI ep 136

Too Little, Too Late17:00 E.R. V ep 2117:30 Responsible Parties (P)18:00 McLeod’s Daughters VII ep 202

Silent Night (End of Series)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Midsomer Murders VII20:30 Bad Tidings22:00 Ann Rule’s: Stranger Besides


00:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 202:00 Ultimate Guinness World

Records02:30 Ultimate Guinness World

Records03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 2)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Ultimate Guinness World

Records11:30 Ultimate Guinness World

Records12:00 Early Edition (Season 2)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)15:00 Ultimate Guinness World

Records15:30 Ultimate Guinness World

Records16:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 2)19:00 E Buzz19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)20:00 Man Of The House22:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 E Buzz23:30 Axn Xtreme Dhamaka

00:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf Championship

04:00 Ghetto BMX Contest 200404:30 Sportscenter Asia05:00 Hello Jojo05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 Sportscenter Right Now09:01 Planet Speed 2008/0909:30 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship10:30 FIA World Touring Cars

Championship 2008 - H/L10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Asia 2008/0911:30 Beijing Dreams12:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf


15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 American Dragster15:30 Planet Speed 2008/0916:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 X Games 1418:00 Beijing Dreams18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Beijing Dreams19:30 Planet Speed 2008/0920:00 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing20:30 Beijing Dreams21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 X Games 1423:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Beijing Dreams Interstitial 07/0800:05 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19202:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19304:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19406:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19508:00 Game08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 Champions League Extra11:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The11:30 Hot Water12:30 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19114:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati 19215:30 Game16:00 808 Ep. 4, The16:30 808 Ep. 5, The17:00 Soccer Cities17:30 Soccer Cities17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Champions League Extra20:30 Score Tonight20:55 Beijing Dreams Interstitial 07/0821:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights22:00 Classic Boxing: Roberto Duran-

The Early Years23:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #1

00:00 Mythbusters 5Macguyver Myths

01:00 American Chopper 5Army National Guard 2

02:00 What The Ancients Knew II: The Japanese

03:00 New Detectives: Misplaced Loyalty

04:00 American Chopper 5Army National Guard 2

05:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 2

06:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 1

06:30 Everything You Need To Know

Poison07:00 Mythbusters 5

Macguyver Myths08:00 Smash Lab

C02 Cop Car09:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns10:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Arizona

Cardinals11:00 Mythbusters 3

Elevator Of Death/levitation Machine

12:00 New Detectives: Killing Time13:00 Smash Lab

C02 Cop Car14:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns15:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Arizona

Cardinals16:00 Mythbusters 3

Elevator Of Death/levitation Machine

17:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 5

17:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 7

18:00 Behind The News19:00 Planet Green

Fearless Planet: Hawaii20:00 How Do They Do It? 4

Family Car, Chicken Essence, Letter

20:30 Everything You Need To KnowRollercoasters

21:00 Best EvidenceTwa Flight 800

22:00 Most EvilUnsolved Cases

23:00 American Chopper 5Army National Guard 2

00:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Queen Mary 2

01:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Beijing Water Cube

02:00 What Would Happen If…# 702:30 What Would Happen If…# 303:00 Mad Lab

#703:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-604:00 Mega Thursday

Megastructure: Queen Mary 205:00 Mega Thursday

Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

06:00 What Would Happen If…# 706:30 What Would Happen If…# 307:00 Mad Lab

#707:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-608:00 Is It Real

Sleepwalking Murders09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Snake Attack

10:00 Mad Lab#10

10:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-3

11:00 Hunter HuntedJungle Breakout (G1 & G2)

12:00 More Amazing Moments S2-412:30 More Amazing Moments S2-513:00 About Asia

Super Cyclone14:00 MegaCities

Hong Kong15:00 National Geographic Channel

HDChina Circus: Elites

16:00 Nat Geo JuniorAnimal Extractors: Snake Attack

17:00 Is It RealStigmata

18:00 National Geographic Specials Violent Planet

19:00 Mad Lab#2

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

20:00 MegaCitiesMumbai

21:00 National Geographic Channel HD Africa’s Secret Seven

22:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

23:00 Mad Lab#2

23:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

01:00 Beerfest03:00 The Bachelor05:00 Light Of Day07:00 Hard To Kill09:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America11:00 Munchies13:00 Children Of Men15:00 Spies Like Us17:00 Light Of Day19:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America21:00 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

The Beginning23:00 The Quiet

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Mortified01:30 Martin Mystery02:00 Buzz On Maggie02:30 Maya and Miguel03:00 Little Mermaid03:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 House of Mouse08:00 Good Morning Mickey08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy

14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Shuriken School: A

Ninja’s Secret20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Mary Poppins


00:30 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

01:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Tori Spelling THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 Wall-E Behind The Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 First Daughters THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 Wall-E Behind The Scenes12:40 Renee Zellweger THS13:30 Patrick Dempsey THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes TV 20: Famous,

Fabulous, and Filthy Rich16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Trust Fund Babies THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 25 Most Stylish21:10 Special Forbes TV 20: Famous,

Fabulous, and Filthy Rich22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Trust Fund Babies THS

01:35 Lost My Love03:35 Kid With The Golden Arm, The06:30 Mongolian Tale, A08:40 Gossip Street10:30 Seoul Raiders12:10 Rough14:05 Cala, My Dog 15:50 Moments of Love17:25 Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final

Duel19:00 Getting Home20:00 Closet, The21:30 Typhoon23:45 2 Become 1


HBO 1 Agustus 20:00, 2 Agustus 06:00, 5 Agustus 07:30, 17:45, 7 Agustus 12:00, 22:00 WIB

Memoirs Of A GeishaDiangkat dari novel terkenal karya Arthur Golden, “Memoirs of a Geisha” adalah sebuah kisah kepahlawanan antara cinta dan penghianatan yang melawan musuh. Film ini dimulai pada kisah seorang anak Jepang terpisah dari keluarganya yang miskin untuk bekerja sebagai pelayan disebuah rumah geisha. Meskipun ia mempunyai pesaing yang hampir menghancurkan semangatnya, kecantikannya menjadikannya sebagai geisha Sayuri (Zhang Ziyi) yang legendaris.

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<

01 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 19

00:00 The Sopranos 39: The Army Of One

01:00 Second Sight03:00 Tenacious D In The Pick Of

Destiny05:00 The Sopranos 39: The Army Of

One06:00 Memoirs Of A Geisha08:30 Dracula Dead And Loving It10:00 The Goonies12:00 Tenacious D In The Pick Of

Destiny14:00 Second Sight16:00 Accepted17:30 Hbo Central18:00 Dear God20:00 Happy Feet22:00 I Now Pronounce You Chuck

And Larry

00:00 Red Rock West02:00 Splendor In The Grass04:00 Without Warning06:00 Robo Warriors08:00 Fearless10:00 Without Warning12:00 The Hard Corps14:00 Elizabethtown16:00 Montana Sky18:00 Ninja Iii The Domination20:00 Babylon 5: In The Beginning22:00 Babylon 5: Third Space

01:40 They Are Among Us 03:25 Bounty, The 05:25 Alpha Male07:10 Vip Access: The Dark Knight 07:40 Elephant Tales 09:20 Home Alone11:05 Mr. Deeds 12:45 X-files, The14:45 Last King Of Scotland, The16:45 Army Of Darkness18:25 Bandidas20:00 Chaos21:45 Out Of Sight23:50 Hills Have Eyes, The

01:15 Joe03:00 Pandora’s Clock (Two Hour

Version)05:15 Struck By Lightning07:15 Late for Dinner09:00 Hard Choices10:30 Breakin’12:00 Body Slam13:30 De-Lovely15:45 New York, New York18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD:

Koyaanisqatsi20:00 70’s (Two Hour Version), The22:00 Best Seller23:45 3 Strikes

00:00 TNA Wrestlling 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 The Moment of Truth 03:00 Six Degrees 04:00 TNA Wrestlling 05:00 Creflo Dollar 05:30 According to Jim06:00 Bones07:00 Criminal Minds 08:00 Prison Break 09:00 Monk10:00 Adventure Divas10:30 Friends

11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?14:00 The Moment of Truth 15:00 Six Degrees 16:00 Bones17:00 Criminal Minds 18:00 Prison Break 19:00 TNA Xplosion20:00 IFL Fight Night21:00 IFL Fight Night22:00 TNA Xplosion23:00 IFL Fight Night

00:00 Judging Amy VI ep 136Too Little, Too Late

01:00 Midsomer Murders VII01:30 Bad Tidings03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 64

Perfect Match04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 Mrs Lambert Remembers Love07:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 123

Heart of Gold08:00 Dynasty: Behind the Sex,08:30 Greed and Manipulation10:00 Ann Rule’s: Stranger Besides

Me12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Murder Among Friends15:00 Mermaid17:00 Our House19:00 Without A Trace III ep 14

Neither Rain Nor Sleet (P)20:00 Ivana Trump’s For Love Alone22:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 13

Miracles & Wonders (P)23:00 Jane Doe:23:30 Vanishing Act

00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 302:00 Nip/tuck Season 303:30 E Buzz04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 Man Of The House07:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)08:00 Ultimate Guinness World

Records08:30 Ultimate Guinness World

Records09:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)09:30 E Buzz10:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)11:00 House (Season 4)12:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200813:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)14:00 Man Of The House16:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200817:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)18:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)19:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)19:30 E Buzz20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)22:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)

00:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf Championship

04:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series 2007 Ep. 1

04:30 Sportscenter Asia05:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 105:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing09:30 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship10:30 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review11:30 Beijing Dreams12:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship15:00 American Dragster15:30 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing16:00 X Games 1418:00 Beijing Dreams18:25 Sportscenter Weekend18:30 Sportscenter Week In Review19:00 Beijing Dreams19:30 Senior Open Championship

Highlight 2008, The20:30 Beijing Dreams21:00 Sportscenter Week In Review21:30 2008 US Senior Open Golf


01:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #2

03:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #3

05:00 Score Tonight05:25 Beijing Dreams Interstitial 07/08

05:30 Engine Block 200806:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #4

08:00 Soccer Cities08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 808 Ep. 4, The09:30 808 Ep. 5, The10:00 Golf Focus 200810:30 Ace11:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #1

12:30 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #2

14:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #3

15:30 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #4

17:00 Game17:30 Soccer Cities18:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show18:30 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights18:57 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 200820:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #3

21:30 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Quarterfinal #4

23:00 FIA F1 World Championships Qualifying 2008

00:00 How Do They Do It? 4Family Car, Chicken Essence, Letter

00:30 Everything You Need To KnowRollercoasters

01:00 Best EvidenceTwa Flight 800

02:00 Gateway Asia: Brat Academy03:00 New Detectives: Killing Time04:00 Best Evidence

Twa Flight 80005:00 Most Evil

Unsolved Cases06:00 Mythbusters 5

Macguyver Myths07:00 American Chopper 5

Army National Guard 208:00 Poisoned09:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 509:30 Million 2 One

Episode 710:00 How Do They Do It? 4

Family Car, Chicken Essence, Letter

10:30 Everything You Need To KnowRollercoasters

11:00 Mythbusters 5Macguyver Myths

12:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersLargest Telescope

13:00 Ultimate Olympics: Rivals14:00 Ultimate Olympics: Go Beijing!15:00 Ultimate Olympics: Hi-Tech

Games16:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns17:00 Dirty Jobs

Bug Breeder18:00 Mythbusters 5

Macguyver Myths19:00 Smash Lab

C02 Cop Car20:00 Most Deadly

Aviation Disaster21:00 Deadliest Catch 4

A Numbers Game22:00 Fight Quest

Mexico23:00 Lobstermen: Jeopardy At Sea

The Hunt Begins

00:00 Situation CriticalHollywood Shootout (G1&G2)

01:00 National Geographic Channel HD Showcase Hippos: Africa’s River Beast

02:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

03:00 Mad Lab#2

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

04:00 MegaCitiesMumbai

05:00 Seconds From DisasterS1-4 Fire On The Star (G1 & G2)

06:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

07:00 Mad Lab#2

07:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

08:00 DogTown Crisis Dogs

09:00 About AsiaMegaCities: Hong Kong

10:00 Perfect WeaponSlings and Arrows

11:00 Relentless Enemies13:00 Honey Badger: The Meanest

Animal In The World14:00 Nat Geo Weekends Dangerous

Encounters with Brady Barr: A Life Captured

15:00 InsideSuper Truck Rally

16:00 World’s Deadliest AnimalsNorth America (G1 & G2)

17:00 Beijing Olympic Stadium18:00 Inside

Inside the Forbidden City #119:00 Perfect Weapon

Battle Blades20:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Fight Science (G3)21:00 Tribal Odyssey

Pokot: The Path To Manhood (G1 & G2)

22:00 Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

23:00 Beijing Olympic Stadium

01:00 Children Of Men03:00 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

The Beginning05:00 Joe Dirt07:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise09:00 The Gauntlet11:00 Friends With Money13:00 Wind Chill15:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles17:00 Joe Dirt19:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise21:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story23:00 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

The Beginning

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo & Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb

09:00 Totally Spies09:30 American Dragon: Jake Long10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Aladdin and The King of

Thieves12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 Monster Allergy13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Shaolin Wuzang17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCM: Operation Dumbo Drop20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: The Even Stevens Movie23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes 20 Cash Queens Of Music

03:10 Special Forbes 20 Richest Women In Entertainment

04:05 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

05:00 Young Royals THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes08:50 Halle Berry Style Star09:15 Special Mary-Kate & Ashley10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Halle Berry Style Star12:15 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes12:40 50 Cutest Child Stars: All

Grown Up14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals18:40 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who

Made Bank22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals23:40 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous

01:35 Unbearable, The03:25 Big Times For The Crazy

Bumpkins05:30 Female Prince, The07:35 Sisters In Law09:15 Isabella11:15 Feel It… Say It12:55 b42014:30 Devil’s Mirror, The16:10 I Not Stupid Too18:15 Super Fans 20:00 Rob-B-Hood22:10 Death Note 2: The Last Name


Celestial 2 Agustus 20:00, 15 Agustus 23:50 WIB

Rob-B-HoodJackie Chan kembali beraksi dalam film petualangan terbarunya “Rob-B-Hood”, ditemani Michael Hui dan Louis Koo, Jackie and the gank berperan sebagai perampok/pencuri profesional yang senantiasa berhasil membobol target meskipun dalam aksi terakhir berakhir secara tidak sempurna.Keseluruhan cerita berputar pada aksi tiga komplotan penjahat ini yang harus merelakan diri mereka sebagai pengasuh bayi dadakan. Bayi yang diduga sebagai pewaris mafia kelas kakap sungguh merepotkan aksi-aksi mereka.

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya

02 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 20 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Memoirs Of A Geisha02:15 Second Sight04:00 Oliver’s Story06:00 Happy Feet08:00 Dear God10:00 Hbo Central10:30 Imaginary Playmate12:00 Tea With Mussolini14:00 Happy Feet16:00 Second Sight18:00 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday20:00 Blades Of Glory22:00 Fathers’ Day

00:00 Elizabethtown02:00 Montana Sky04:00 Ninja Iii The Domination06:00 Young Hercules08:00 When A Stranger Calls10:00 The Lonely Guy12:00 Babylon 5: In The Beginning14:00 Babylon 5: Third Space16:00 Without Warning18:00 Red Rock West20:00 Renegade Justice22:00 The Lonely Guy

01:35 Distinguished Gentleman, The03:30 See No Evil04:55 Haven06:25 Chasing Christmas07:50 Miracle Dogs09:25 Flicka11:00 D-tox12:40 Chaos14:25 Species16:10 Species Ii17:40 Night At The Museum19:30 Vip Access: Wall-e 20:00 28 Weeks Later 21:40 Black Dahlia23:35 The Abyss

01:15 Vampire’s Kiss03:00 Duck, You Sucker (a.k.a. Fistful

of Dynamite, A)05:30 Eddie & The Cruisers II07:15 Tom Sawyer (Animated)08:45 National Lampoon’s Movie

Madness09:45 Slamdance11:30 Solomon & Sheba13:00 What’s The Matter With Helen14:45 Otello16:45 Desperately Seeking Susan18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: War

Party20:15 Love, Cheat & Steal21:45 Final Alliance, The23:15 Flight From Ashiya

00:00 IFL Fight Night01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:30 8 Simple Rules02:00 Hope & Faith02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 TNA Xplosion05:00 Hope & Faith05:30 30 Rock 06:00 The Bold and the Beautiful08:00 Sunday Movie 09:30 Laureus Sports Awards 200810:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:30 8 Simple Rules14:00 Hope & Faith14:30 30 Rock 15:00 Monk16:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?17:00 Ugly Betty 18:00 Private Practice 19:00 Sunday Movie 20:30 30 Rock 21:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

22:00 Ugly Betty 23:00 Private Practice

01:45 Murder Among Friends02:30 Our House04:30 The Nanny VI ep 137 (P)05:00 Mermaid07:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 124

Taking Flight08:00 Ivana Trump’s For Love Alone10:00 Midsomer Murders VII10:30 Bad Tidings12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Without A Trace III ep 14

Neither Rain Nor Sleet (P)14:00 Army Wives I ep 13

Goodbye Stranger (End of Series) (P)

15:00 Jane Doe:15:30 Vanishing Act17:00 Mystery Woman:17:30 At First Sight19:00 Oprah Prime Time Specials20:00 Commander In Chief I

2 x hours Special Launchep 1: Pilot / ep 2: First Choice (P)

22:45 Midsomer Murders VII22:30 Bad Tidings23:30 Varian’s War

00:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)01:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)02:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)03:00 House (Season 4)04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)05:00 Left Behind: World At War07:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200808:00 Chuck (Season 1)09:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)10:00 Holy @#%*!10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)14:00 Left Behind: World At War16:00 E Buzz16:30 Holy @#%*!17:00 Chuck (Season 1)18:00 Caught On Tape19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 The Shield (Season 6)

00:30 Sportscenter Week In Review01:00 Sportscenter Weekend01:05 Senior Open Championship

Highlight 2008, The02:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review05:30 Beijing Dreams06:00 X Games 1408:00 X Games 1410:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship11:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report11:30 Beijing Dreams12:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship15:00 Major League Baseball 200818:00 Beijing Dreams18:25 Sportscenter Weekend18:30 Sportscenter: The Field Report19:00 Beijing Dreams19:30 Football Asia 2008/0920:00 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing20:30 Beijing Dreams21:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report21:30 2008 US Senior Open Golf


00:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #1

02:00 Max Power 2008/200903:00 International Motorsport News

200804:00 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights04:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Asian Touring Car Series06:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #2

08:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #1

09:30 808 Ep. 6, The10:00 808 Ep. 7, The10:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 2008

11:30 FA Classics12:30 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #1

14:00 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #2

15:30 FIA F1 World Championships Qualifying 2008

16:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 1, The17:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 2, The17:30 Engine Block 200818:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200818:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200820:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200821:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore23:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Semi Final #1

00:00 FutureWeapons 3Guns

01:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 2

02:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Hawaii

03:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 503:30 Million 2 One

Episode 704:00 Smash Lab

C02 Cop Car05:00 What The Ancients Knew II: The

Japanese06:00 Gateway Asia: Brat Academy07:00 Ultimate Olympics: Rivals08:00 Ultimate Olympics: Go Beijing!09:00 Ultimate Olympics: Hi-Tech

Games10:00 American Chopper 5

Army National Guard 211:00 Fight Quest

Israel12:00 Dirty Jobs

Bug Breeder13:00 How Do They Do It? 4

Family Car, Chicken Essence, Letter

13:30 Everything You Need To KnowRollercoasters

14:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Hawaii

15:00 American Chopper 5Army National Guard 2

16:00 Mythbusters 5Macguyver Myths

17:00 FutureWeapons 3Guns

18:00 Gateway Asia: Brat Academy19:00 Cathay Pacific Signature Series

Born Again Buddhists20:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final

Countdown22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Israel23:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final


00:00 Nat Geo WeekendsFight Science (G3)

01:00 Tribal OdysseyPokot: The Path To Manhood (G1 & G2)

02:00 Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

03:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

04:00 Nat Geo WeekendsFight Science (G3)

05:00 Tribal OdysseyPokot: The Path To Manhood (G1 & G2)

06:00 Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

07:00 Kalahari Supercats 08:00 What Would Happen If…908:30 Mad Labs

#109:00 Fight Masters

Mixed Martial Arts (G3)10:00 Situation Critical

Hell On High Water (G1&G2)11:00 I Didn’t Know That

S1-911:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-1012:00 Mad Lab

#512:30 What Would Happen If #513:00 Amazing Moments

#113:30 Amazing Moments

#214:00 Situation Critical

Hell On High Water (G1&G2)15:00 Tribal Odyssey

Rendille Ceremonies Of The New Moon (G1 & G2)

16:00 Taiwan to the WorldCockroach Confidential (G1&G2)

17:00 What Would Happen If…1017:30 Mad Labs

#1818:00 Fight Masters

Mixed Martial Arts (G3)19:00 Situation Critical

Hollywood Shootout (G1&G2)20:00 Preserve Our Planet

Six Degrees Could Change The World

21:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Corvette

22:00 Nat Geo Presents Crystal Skull Legend

23:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Africa (G1 & G2)

01:00 Friends With Money03:00 Wind Chill05:00 All The King’s Men07:45 Inland Empire11:00 Loser12:45 The White Countess15:00 Blankman17:00 Cops And Robbersons19:00 All The King’s Men21:00 Big Love 16: Rock And A Hard

Place22:00 Inland Empire

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo & Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Totally Spies09:30 American Dragon: Jake Long10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Inspector Gadget’s

Last Case

12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 Monster Allergy13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Shaolin Wuzang17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCOM: Johnny Kapahala: Back

On Board20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 Jonas Brothers: Living The

DreamDCOM: Johnny Kapahala: Back On Board

23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns

04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 Supermodels: Beyond Skin

Deep THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Tyra Banks THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 40 (More) Crimes Of Fashion14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts16:10 25 Most Stylish17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Special Forbes Top 15

Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

18:40 Special Victoria’s Secret: What Is Sexy? 2008

19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Latina Fashionistas Style Star20:20 Miami Style Star20:45 Las Vegas Style Star21:10 Extreme Hollywood22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Special Forbes Top 15

Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

23:40 Special Victoria’s Secret: What Is Sexy? 2008

00:35 Confession of Pain02:25 82 Tenants, The03:55 Beloved Son Of God, The05:30 Ambush07:10 Nothing Is Impossible08:50 Naked Weapon 10:25 Cinema Today11:25 Love’s Lone Flower13:10 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK15:00 It’s a Wonderful Life 16:50 Loving You18:15 Lady Iron Chef, The20:00 Say Hello For Me22:00 House of Fury23:45 Son On The Run


Starmovies 3 Agustus 20:00, 15 Agustus 21:35, 20 Agustus 18:20 WIB

28 Weeks LaterEnam bulan setelah menyebarnya virus keranjingan sudah membinasakan Inggris. Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika menyatakan bahwa perang melawan infeksi sudah dimenangkan, dan rekonstruksi negara bisa dimulai. Sebagai gelombang pengungsi pertama, sebuah keluarga bersatu kembali ? Namun tanpa disadari salah satu diantara mereka memendam rahasia mengerikan.Virus belum sepenuhnya mati, dan kali ini ? tidak memperlihatkan gejala tertentu -- lebih berbahaya daripada sebelumnya.

03 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 21

00:00 I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry

02:00 Blades Of Glory04:00 Permanent Record06:00 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday08:00 The Goonies10:00 The Man With Two Brains12:00 Blades Of Glory14:00 Permanent Record15:30 Imaginary Playmate17:00 Wyatt Earp20:00 Fly Away Home22:00 The Sopranos 40: For All Debts

Public And Private23:00 Blades Of Glory

00:00 Young Hercules02:00 The Valley Of Gwangi04:00 Red Rock West06:00 Kidnapped In Paradise08:00 Assignment K10:00 Through The Eyes Of A Killer12:00 When A Stranger Calls14:00 Bitter Vengeance16:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss18:00 Elizabethtown20:00 River Of Death22:00 Through The Eyes Of A Killer

02:00 Framed For Murder 03:40 In The Mix05:20 Sisters06:55 Just Breathe 08:25 At First Sight10:35 Glory Road12:35 Mission To Mars 14:30 Ripley Under Ground 16:10 Three Burials Of Melquiades

Estrada, The18:15 Home Alone20:00 Volcano 21:45 Ringer, The 23:20 Romance & Cigarettes

01:00 Alamo, The03:45 Parker Kane05:15 Babysitter, The07:00 Cold Feet08:30 Crazy Joe10:00 Mrs. Munck11:45 Crisscross13:15 Clifford14:45 After Dark, My Sweet16:30 Down Came A Blackbird18:30 DRAMA & ROMANCE: Mad

Dog Coll 20:15 Barbershop 2: Back In

Business22:00 Amongst Friends23:30 3:15

00:00 Ghost Whisperer01:00 Sunday Movie 02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer

13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 My Wife and Kids 20:30 8 Simple Rules21:00 Hope & Faith21:30 30 Rock 22:00 Monk23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

02:15 Mystery Woman:02:00 At First Sight03:00 End of Summer05:00 Varian’s War07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VII ep 202

Silent Night (End of Series)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Commander In Chief I

2 x hours Special Launchep 1: Pilot / ep 2: First Choice (P)

11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VII ep 202Silent Night (End of Series)

12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. VI ep 19

The Fastest Year14:00 The Family Plan 16:00 Judging Amy VI ep 137

Getting Out17:00 E.R. VI ep 2017:30 Loose Ends18:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 13918:30 Lost and Found19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Without A Trace III ep 15

Party Girl (P)21:00 Sacrifices of the Heart23:00 Judging Amy VI ep 137

Getting Out

00:00 The Shield (Season 6)01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)04:00 Chuck (Season 1)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)

09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 The Amazing Race (Season Xii)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Jumanji16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)16:30 E Buzz17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)19:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)20:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Damages23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)

00:30 Sportscenter: The Field Report01:00 Sportscenter Weekend01:05 Classic Boxing: Gene Fullmer V

Sugar Ray Robinson02:00 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship05:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report05:30 Beijing Dreams06:00 BMW Ladies Italian Open07:00 Sportscenter Special :

Countdown To Beijing07:30 Football Asia 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 X Games 1410:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Asia 2008/0911:30 Beijing Dreams12:00 Sportscenter Right Now12:01 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 X Games 1418:00 Beijing Dreams18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Beijing Dreams19:30 Beijing Dreams20:00 Big Ten Network: Best Olympic

Sports Moments #120:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 2008 US Senior Open Golf


00:30 Western Southern Financial Group Masters, Cincinnati

- Semi Final #202:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Final

04:00 Champions League Extra06:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights07:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 1, The07:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 2, The08:00 Road To Beijing08:30 Road To Beijing09:00 Road To Beijing09:30 Road To Beijing10:00 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights10:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200811:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200813:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200814:00 2008 GP 2 Series16:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 3, The16:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 4, The17:00 Game17:30 Road To Beijing17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Final

20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Engine Block 200821:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights22:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights22:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Road To Beijing

01:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Arizona Cardinals

02:00 Building The Winter GamesEpisode 1

03:00 Best EvidenceTwa Flight 800

04:00 Most EvilUnsolved Cases

05:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 5

05:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 7

06:00 Poisoned07:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final

Countdown09:00 What The Ancients Knew II: The

Japanese10:00 Gateway Asia: Brat Academy11:00 Mythbusters 3

Plywood Builder12:00 New Detectives: Silent Killers13:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final

Countdown15:00 Smash Lab

C02 Cop Car16:00 Mythbusters 3

Plywood Builder17:00 Dirty Jobs

Bug Breeder18:00 Ultimate Olympics

Rivals19:00 Portraits Taiwan 2 - Steve

Chang20:00 Oil, Sweat & Rigs

Episode 1621:00 Dirty Jobs

Poo Pot Maker22:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Unsafe And Unsound23:00 Oil, Sweat & Rigs

Episode 16

00:00 Preserve Our PlanetSix Degrees Could Change The World

01:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Corvette

02:00 Nat Geo Presents Crystal Skull Legend

03:00 Situation CriticalHollywood Shootout (G1&G2)

04:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Africa (G1 & G2)

05:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Corvette

06:00 Nat Geo Presents Crystal Skull Legend

07:00 InsideInside Shock And Awe

08:00 Fight Science (G3)09:00 Spot Light on China

Giant Panda 10:00 Nat Geo Presents

Crystal Skull Legend11:00 Situation Critical

Al Qaeda Ambush(G1&G2)12:00 Fight Science (G3)13:00 Spot Light on China

Beijing Olympic Stadium14:00 Inside

Inside Mecca 15:00 Lost Tribe Of Palau 16:00 Fight Science (G3)17:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...

That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

18:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina Circus: Elites

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

20:00 Long Way Down Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

21:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

22:00 Dangerous Tuna Cowboys23:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...

That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

01:00 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

02:30 The White Countess05:00 The Gauntlet07:00 Exterminator 209:00 Field Of Dreams11:00 Superstar13:00 The Covenant15:00 Critical Condition17:00 The Gauntlet19:00 Field Of Dreams21:00 Let’s Go To Prison23:00 House Of The Dead 2: Dead


00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb

03:00 Lilo & Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCOM: Johnny Kapahala: Back

On Board20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Hercules23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Patrick Dempsey THS06:45 Special Forbes TV 20: Famous,

Fabulous, and Filthy Rich07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes08:50 Jennifer Aniston Style Star09:15 David Hasselhoff THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Jennifer Aniston Style Star12:15 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes12:40 Michael J. Fox THS14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Mariska Hargitay THS18:40 Angelina Jolie THS19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals20:20 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas21:10 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Mariska Hargitay THS23:40 Angelina Jolie THS

01:25 Informer, The03:15 You Are My Destiny05:00 Golden Knight, The06:40 Lady Iron Chef, The08:25 Sudden Lover09:55 House of Fury11:45 Return Of The Lucky Stars13:15 Cinema Today14:15 2000 A.D.16:00 Shining Boy & Little Randy18:00 Option Zero20:00 Wonder Women21:50 Ming Ming23:40 Path Of Glory


Cinemax 1 Agustus 20:00, 2 Agustus 08:00, 4 Agustus 12:00, 6 Agustus 10:00, 22:00 WIB

When A Stranger CallsJill (seorang pengasuh anak) tiba-tiba menerima telepon entah dari siapa. Gawatnya lagi telepon itu berisikan ancaman terhadap nyawanya serta dua orang anak yang ia asuh. Pihak kepolisian pun segera ia hubungi, namun betapa terkejutnya Jill ketika pihak polisi memberitahu bahwa telepon berisi ancaman tersebut berasal dari dalam rumah keluarga Mandrakis, rumah tempat ia mengasuh anak. Maka, tak ada jalan lain bagi Jill untuk mencari cara demi menyelamatkan dua orang anak tersebut serta terutama nyawanya.

04 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 22 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:30 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday02:00 The Sopranos 40: For All Debts

Public And Private03:00 Munich06:00 Blades Of Glory07:30 Memoirs Of A Geisha10:00 Tea With Mussolini12:00 Fly Away Home14:00 Seven Minutes In Heaven16:00 Blades Of Glory17:45 Memoirs Of A Geisha20:00 Angel Rodriguez22:00 Munich

00:00 When A Stranger Calls02:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss04:00 Elizabethtown06:00 55 Days At Peking08:30 Chinatown10:30 Red Rock West12:00 River Of Death14:00 Gone16:00 The Lonely Guy18:00 Renegade Justice20:00 Ultraviolet22:00 Chinatown

01:05 Lost Colony02:45 Zombies04:25 Desperate Measures 06:10 She Drives Me Crazy07:45 Trust The Man 09:25 Volcano 11:15 Vip Access: Wall-e 11:45 Pret-a-porter 14:00 Capote15:55 Clean Slate17:45 Rock, The20:00 Epic Movie21:25 Bandidas23:00 Air Guitar Nation

01:00 Angel of Desire02:30 Topkapi04:30 Winter People, The06:30 Of Mice And Men08:30 Number One With A Bullet10:15 Wuthering Heights (1970)12:00 Sketch Artist13:30 Run Silent, Run Deep15:15 Dirty Work16:45 Mystic Pizza18:30 CRIMETIME: Remo Williams:

The Adventure Begins…20:30 Breathless22:00 Bright Lights, Big City23:45 Winners Take All

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:30 8 Simple Rules11:00 Hope & Faith11:30 30 Rock 12:00 Monk13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill

17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Ghost Whisperer23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 Without A Trace III ep 15Party Girl (P)

01:00 Sandy Bottom the Orchestra03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 65

Let the Best Man Win04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 The Family Plan 07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 139

Lost and Found08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Sacrifices of the Heart11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 139

Lost and Found12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. VI ep 20

Loose Ends14:00 Sandy Bottom the Orchestra16:00 Judging Amy VI ep 138

My Name is Amy Gray (End of Series)

17:00 E.R. VI ep 2117:30 Such Sweet Sorrow18:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 140

Truth Hurts19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 14

Four Fathers (P)21:00 Mcbride:21:30 It’s Murder, Madam23:00 Judging Amy VI ep 138

My Name is Amy Gray (End of Series)

00:00 House (Season 4)01:00 Damages02:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers (Season 2)11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Damages15:00 House (Season 4)16:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:30 Sportscenter Asia01:00 Classic Boxing: Rocky Graziano

V Tony Janiro

02:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series 2007 Ep. 2

02:30 Sportscenter Asia03:00 X Games 1405:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 205:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship07:00 X Games 1409:00 Sportscenter Right Now09:01 X Games 1410:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship18:00 Big Ten Network: Best Olympic

Sports Moments #118:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Beijing Dreams19:30 Beijing Dreams20:00 Big Ten Network: Best Olympic

Sports Moments #220:30 Football Asia 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 X Games 14

00:00 Road To Beijing00:30 Engine Block 200801:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200801:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200803:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200804:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati - Final

07:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 3, The07:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 4, The08:00 Engine Block 200808:30 Planet Speed 2008/0909:00 Road To Beijing09:30 Road To Beijing10:00 Road To Beijing10:30 Road To Beijing11:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship13:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship15:00 International Motorsport News

200816:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 5, The16:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 6, The17:00 Spirit Of Yachting Vii: Giraglia

Rolex Cup17:30 Road To Beijing17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 FIA GT Championships 200820:30 Score Tonight21:00 Ace21:30 Behind The Baseline22:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati Highlights 7

23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Road To Beijing

00:00 Dirty JobsPoo Pot Maker

01:00 Deadliest Catch 4Unsafe And Unsound

02:00 Building The Winter gamesEpisode 2

03:00 New Detectives: Silent Killers

04:00 Oil, Sweat & RigsEpisode 16

05:00 Ultimate OlympicsRivals

06:00 Portraits Taiwan 2 - Steve Chang

07:00 Dirty JobsPoo Pot Maker

08:00 Deadliest Catch 4Unsafe And Unsound

09:00 Oil, Sweat & RigsEpisode 16

10:00 Portraits Taiwan 2 - Steve Chang

11:00 Mythbusters 3Quicksand

12:00 New Detectives: Out To Kill13:00 Dirty Jobs

Poo Pot Maker14:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Unsafe And Unsound15:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns16:00 Mythbusters 3

Quicksand17:00 Fight Quest

Israel18:00 Ultimate Olympics

Go Beijing!19:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies20:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns21:00 Fight Quest

Usa22:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersGiant Tree Spade

23:00 FutureWeapons 3Guns

00:00 Long Way Down Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

01:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Afghanistan

02:00 Dangerous Tuna Cowboys03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-704:00 Nomads

Kayaking China: Breaking Barriers #2

05:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

06:00 Dangerous Tuna Cowboys07:00 Inside

Inside: The Emperor’s Treasure08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India08:30 Chasing Time Rome09:00 Spot Light on China

Beijing Olympic Stadium10:00 Dangerous Tuna Cowboys11:00 Situation Critical

Apollo 13 (G1&G2)12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-713:00 Spot Light on China

China Circus: Elites14:00 Air Crash Investigation S5

Behind Closed Doors (G1 & G2)15:00 Tribal Odyssey

The Last Dance Of The Warriors (G1 & G2)

16:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

16:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-7

17:00 Perfect WeaponSiege Engines

18:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina Circus: On Ice

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-8

20:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Miracle Flight (G1&G2)

21:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

22:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors (G1 & G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponSiege Engines

01:00 The Covenant03:00 Superstar05:00 Spies Like Us07:00 Light Of Day09:00 Joe Dirt11:00 Wind Chill13:00 Munchies14:30 The Color Purple17:00 Spies Like Us19:00 Light Of Day21:00 Man Of The Year23:00 Shottas

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Hercules20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Benji The Hunted23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Special 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces

01:20 Special Forbes 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces

02:15 Special Forbes 20 Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings

03:10 Glamour’s 20 Wedding Do’s

and Don’ts04:05 Special Forbes TV 20: Famous,

Fabulous, and Filthy Rich05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Sean “Diddy” Combs THS06:45 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 Donald Trump THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous13:30 Special Forbes Top 15

Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Jennifer Aniston:

America’s Sweetheart16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Jennifer Lopez THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment21:10 Special Jennifer Aniston:

America’s Sweetheart22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Jennifer Lopez THS

01:35 Sunshine Days03:35 Fighting Fool, The05:30 Big Times For The Crazy

Bumpkins07:15 Honey Moon in Jakarta08:45 Wonder Women10:30 Getting Home12:20 Ming Ming14:10 Typhoon16:20 2 Become 118:00 Go Master20:00 Yesterday Once More22:00 Say Hello For Me


HBO Signature 5 Agustus 21:00, 10 Agustus 17:00, 14 Agustus 09:00, 18 Agustus 21:00, 27 Agustus 09:00, 30 Agustus 11:00, 23:00 WIB

Man Of The YearCerita diawali dari seorang komedian bernama Tom Dobbs (diperankan oleh Robin Williams) yang memiliki acara TV shows. Melalui TV shows, Dobbs dengan humor-humornya selalu mengkritik setiap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintahan yang saat itu sedang berjalan di Amerika. Hingga pada suatu waktu, pada saat acara shows sedang berlangsung, salah seorang penonton di studio mengatakan bahwa Dobbs pantas menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat.

05 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 23

00:30 The Man With Two Brains02:00 Imaginary Playmate04:00 Dear God06:00 Children Of A Lesser God08:00 Happy Feet10:00 Permanent Record12:00 Angel Rodriguez14:00 The Goonies16:00 The Man With Two Brains18:00 Happy Feet20:00 Fathers’ Day22:00 Angel Rodriguez

00:00 River Of Death02:00 Red Rock West04:00 Splendor In The Grass06:00 Journey To Shiloh08:00 Renegade Justice10:00 When A Stranger Calls12:00 Robo Warriors14:00 Hellfighters16:00 The Hard Corps18:00 Montana Sky20:00 Code Name Phoenix22:00 When A Stranger Calls

00:25 Glory Road02:25 They Are Among Us 04:05 Black Widow 05:35 Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The 07:05 All Hat08:40 Suzanne’s Diary For Nicholas 10:10 Distinguished Gentleman, The12:00 Epic Movie13:25 Lonely Hearts15:10 Junebug16:55 Flicka18:30 Marine, The20:00 Home Of The Brave21:45 X-files, The23:45 Punch-drunk Love

01:30 Wild Bill03:00 Breaking In04:45 Return of the Seven06:30 Billy Galvin08:15 Separate Tables (Feature)10:00 Rancho Deluxe11:30 Crusoe13:15 Shark!15:00 Diggstown (a.k.a. Midnight

Sting)16:45 Trip With Anita18:30 ACTION & SUSPENSE:

Undertow20:15 Rage In Harlem, A22:00 Falcon And The Snowman, The

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?21:00 The Moment of Truth 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 14Four Fathers (P)

01:00 Jasper, Texas03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 66

Majority Rules04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 Annie’s Point07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 140

Truth Hurts08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Mcbride:09:30 It’s Murder, Madam11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 140

Truth Hurts12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. VI ep 21

Such Sweet Sorrow14:00 Jasper, Texas16:00 Two Twisted ep 3 (P)16:30 Two Twisted ep 7 (P)17:00 E.R. VI ep 2217:30 May Day (End of Series)18:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 141

Kiss of Death19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Doc Martin I ep 4

The Portwenn Effect (P)21:00 Mystery Woman:21:30 At First Sight23:00 Two Twisted ep 3 (P)23:30 Two Twisted ep 7 (P)

00:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)01:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)02:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Pirate Master12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)15:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)16:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Sports Disasters Vi20:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)

23:03 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2)

00:30 Sportscenter Asia01:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 301:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 X Games 1405:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 305:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship07:00 Planet Speed 2008/0907:30 WNBA Action 2008 908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 X Games 1410:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 2008 US Senior Open Golf

Championship18:00 Big Ten Network: Best Olympic

Sports Moments #218:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Senior Open Championship

Highlight 2008, The20:00 Big Ten Network: Olympians &

Olympic Hopefuls20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Road To Beijing00:30 Ace01:00 Behind The Baseline01:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore03:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore04:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore06:00 Western Southern Financial

Group Masters, Cincinnati Highlights 7

07:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 5, The07:30 Great Ride Open Ep. 6, The08:00 Ace08:30 Behind The Baseline09:00 Road To Beijing09:30 Road To Beijing10:00 Road To Beijing10:30 Road To Beijing11:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship13:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship15:00 Max Power 2008/200916:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 1, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 2, The17:00 FEI Equestrian World 200817:30 Road To Beijing17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 2008 GP 2 Series20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Golf Focus 200821:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The22:00 Senior Open Championship

Highlight 2008, The23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Road To Beijing

00:00 Fight QuestUsa

01:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersGiant Tree Spade

02:00 Building The Winter GamesEpisode 3

03:00 New Detectives: Out To Kill04:00 FutureWeapons 3

Guns05:00 Ultimate Olympics

Go Beijing!06:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies07:00 Fight Quest

Usa08:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersGiant Tree Spade

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Guns

10:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies11:00 Mythbusters 3

Exploding Jawbreaker12:00 New Detectives: Raw Greed13:00 Fight Quest

Usa14:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersGiant Tree Spade

15:00 American Chopper 5Army National Guard 2

16:00 Mythbusters 3Exploding Jawbreaker

17:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Hawaii

18:00 Ultimate OlympicsHi-Tech Games

19:00 Living With The Mek TribeSecret Ceremonies

20:00 Perfect DisasterFire Storm

21:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

22:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 3

23:00 Perfect DisasterFire Storm

00:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Miracle Flight (G1 & G2)

01:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

02:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-8

04:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Miracle Flight (G1 & G2)

05:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

06:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors

07:00 InsideIraq’s Kill Zone

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

08:30 Chasing Time Vancouver09:00 Spot Light on China

China Circus: Elites10:00 Air Crash Investigation S5

Behind Closed Doors11:00 Situation Critical

Downed Pilot (G1&G2) 12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-813:00 Spot Light on China

China Circus: On Ice14:00 Perfect Weapon

Siege Engines15:00 Megastructure

Queen Mary 216:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand16:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-817:00 Sky Monsters18:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Hollywood 19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread19:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-920:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica (G1 & G2)21:00 Predators in Peril 22:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Africa (G1 & G2)23:00 America’s Deadly Obsession

01:00 “Hustle”03:00 Munchies05:00 Just Cause07:00 The Out-of-towners09:00 Loser11:00 Blankman13:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America15:00 Cops And Robbersons17:00 Just Cause19:00 Loser21:00 Friends With Money23:00 Innocent Blood

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action

18:30 DCM: Mighty Joe Young20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Pollyworld23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 40 (More) Crimes Of Fashion02:15 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts03:10 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200804:05 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Winona Ryder THS06:45 Special Jennifer Aniston:

America’s Sweetheart07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes08:50 Halle Berry Style Star09:15 Olivia Newton-John THS10:05 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood10:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Halle Berry Style Star12:15 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes12:40 Friends THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Sandra Bullock Revealed16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Mark Wahlberg THS18:40 Will Smith THS19:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood19:55 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood20:20 Special Forbes Top 20 Hip Hop

Cash Kings21:10 Sandra Bullock Revealed22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Mark Wahlberg THS23:40 Will Smith THS

00:00 Vampire Buster01:45 Clan Feuds03:45 Butterfly Chalice, The05:35 Black Tavern, The07:15 Time to Love, A09:10 Alan & Eric Between Hello &

Goodbye10:55 Say Hello For Me12:55 Fun & Fury14:50 I Not Stupid Too16:55 Twin Bracelets, The18:30 Love in Macau20:00 Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown in

Seoul21:45 Myth, The23:50 Cinema Today


MGM 6 Agustus 18:30, 29 Agustus 22:15 WIB

UndertowDalam sebuah hujan badai yang sangat lebat seorang nelayan terdampar dalam sebuah kabin kapal bersama seorang wanita yang menakutkan dan suaminya yang gila. Peristiwa menegangkan pun terjadi karena suami istri tersebut tidak menghendaki seorang pun dari mereka selamat.

06 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 24 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Dear God02:00 Last Days04:00 Seven Minutes In Heaven06:00 The Man With Two Brains08:00 Imaginary Playmate10:00 Fly Away Home12:00 Memoirs Of A Geisha14:30 Fathers’ Day16:00 Seven Minutes In Heaven18:00 Blades Of Glory20:00 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday22:00 Memoirs Of A Geisha

00:00 Renegade Justice02:00 The Night Walker04:00 The Hard Corps06:00 When A Stranger Calls08:00 The Lonely Guy10:00 River Of Death12:00 Renegade Justice14:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss16:00 Babylon 5: In The Beginning18:00 Babylon 5: Third Space20:00 Past Midnight22:00 River Of Death23:45 55 Days At Peking

01:20 Ringer, The 02:55 Hills Have Eyes, The04:40 Til Lies Do Us Part 06:15 Russia House, The08:20 Lovesick09:50 Chasing Christmas11:15 Home Of The Brave13:00 Bounty, The 15:00 Miracle Dogs16:35 Shadow Conspiracy18:20 Material Girls20:00 102 Dalmatians21:40 Rundown, The23:25 Zodiac, The

00:15 Fellini Satyricon02:15 Ghoulies03:45 Atomic Train (Two Hour)05:45 Futureworld07:45 Playing Mona Lisa09:30 Commitments, The11:30 70’s (Two Hour Version), The13:30 New York, New York16:15 Pandora’s Clock (Two Hour

Version)18:30 SPOTLIGHT: Biopics: Hotel

Terminus23:00 Koyaanisqatsi

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?11:00 The Moment of Truth 12:00 The Apprentice 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Bones21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Prison Break 23:00 According to Jim

23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 Doc Martin I ep 4The Portwenn Effect (P)

01:00 Fielder’s Choice03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 67

The Ties that Bind04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 Getting Out07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 141

Kiss of Death08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Fielder’s Choice11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 141

Kiss of Death12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. VI ep 22

May Day (End of Series)14:00 Mystery Woman:14:30 At First Sight16:00 Two Twisted ep 4 (P)16:30 Two Twisted ep 11 (P)17:00 E.R. I ep 1

24 Hours (2 x hours movies)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Commander In Chief I ep 1

Pilot (P)21:00 Ivana Trump’s For Love Alone23:00 Two Twisted ep 4 (P)23:30 Two Twisted ep 11 (P)

00:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)02:00 Sports Disasters Vi03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Sports Disasters Vi12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)15:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)16:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers19:30 Magic Asia: India20:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)21:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)22:00 Nip/tuck Season 223:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 X Games 1402:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 402:30 Sportscenter Asia03:00 X Games 1405:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 405:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship07:00 X Games 1409:00 Sportscenter Right Now09:01 X Games 1410:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 2008 US Senior Open Golf


18:00 Big Ten Network: Olympians & Olympic Hopefuls

18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Euro Beach Soccer Cup 200720:00 Big Ten Network: Top 25

Moments Of The Big Ten Year20:30 KIA X Games Asian 200821:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Road To Beijing00:30 Golf Focus 200801:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The01:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore03:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore04:30 2008 GP 2 Series06:30 FEI Equestrian World 200807:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 1, The07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 2, The08:00 Golf Focus 200808:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The09:00 Road To Beijing09:30 Road To Beijing10:00 Road To Beijing10:30 Road To Beijing11:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship12:30 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship14:00 Behind The Baseline14:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights15:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights15:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights16:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 3, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 4, The17:00 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show17:30 Road To Beijing17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 Game19:00 Soccer Cities19:30 Soccer Cities20:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Game21:30 Soccer Cities22:00 Soccer Cities22:30 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Road To Beijing

00:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

01:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 3

02:00 Poisoned03:00 New Detectives: Raw Greed04:00 Perfect Disaster

Fire Storm

05:00 Ultimate OlympicsHi-Tech Games

06:00 Living With The Mek TribeSecret Ceremonies

07:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 3

08:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

09:00 Perfect DisasterFire Storm

10:00 Living With The Mek TribeSecret Ceremonies

11:00 Mythbusters 3Ping Pong Salvage

12:00 New Detectives: Murderous Attraction

13:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

14:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 3

15:00 Real Jason And The Argonauts16:00 Mythbusters 3

Ping Pong Salvage17:00 Mythbusters 5

Macguyver Myths18:00 Ultimate Olympics

The Final Countdown20:00 Smash Lab

Boat Ejector Seat21:00 Mythbusters 5

Myth Evolution22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior23:00 Extreme Engineering 3:

Malaysia Smart Tunnel

00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Costa Rica (G1 & G2)

01:00 Predators in Peril 02:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Africa (G1 & G2)03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-904:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica (G1 & G2) 05:00 Predators in Peril 06:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Africa (G1 & G2)07:00 Inside

The Super Carrier08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread08:30 Chasing Time Stockholm09:00 Spot Light on China

China Circus: On Ice10:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Africa (G1 & G2)11:00 Situation Critical

Hell On High Water (G1&G2)12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-913:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Hollywood 14:00 My Brillant Brain

Accidental Genius15:00 Mega Thursday

Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

16:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Daily Bread

16:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-917:00 Megastructure:

North Branch Correctional Facility

18:00 Spot Light on ChinaGiant Panda

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet:Hong Kong

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-10

20:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

21:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

22:00 Mega ThursdayMega Factories: Ferrari

23:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Future Trains

01:00 Blankman03:00 Cops And Robbersons05:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story07:00 The Covenant09:00 Hard To Kill11:00 Exterminator 213:00 All The King’s Men15:00 The Gauntlet17:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story19:00 The Covenant21:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles23:00 Hard To Kill

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies

17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Dinosaur Island20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Now You See It23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

01:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Luke & Owen Wilson THS06:45 Sandra Bullock Revealed07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Ty Pennington THS09:40 Amy Winehouse THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Uma Thurman THS13:30 Elizabeth Hurley THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Reese Witherspoon:

Hollywood’s Golden Girl16:10 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood16:35 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Britney Spears: Fall From Grace

THS18:40 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 101 Even Bigger Celebrity

Oops!21:10 Special Reese Witherspoon:

Hollywood’s Golden Girl22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Britney Spears: Fall From Grace

THS23:40 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas

00:50 Super Fans 02:40 Flag Of Iron, The04:45 Meeting Life and Death06:35 Heaven Sword And Dragon

Sabre 208:15 Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown in

Seoul10:00 Super Fans 11:40 Gen-Y Cops13:30 Myth, The15:35 Lady Iron Chef, The17:20 Spring Snow20:00 Kidnap21:40 Missing Gun, The23:10 Out Of The Dark


AXN 7 Agustus 22:00, 14 Agustus 22:00 WIB

Nip/tuck Season 2Film ini mengisahkan kehidupan dua orang dokter bedah plastik yaitu Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy. Mereka bersahabat dan sekaligus partner kerja karena mereka membuka praktek bersama dengan nama McNamara/Troy, South Beach plastic surgery. Mereka berdua sama-sama mencintai seorang wanita yaitu Julia McNamara, dan mereka masing-masing mencari kebahagian dan kesuksesan dengan caranya masing-masing.

07 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 25

00:30 Munich04:00 Blades Of Glory06:00 Angel Rodriguez07:30 Permanent Record09:00 Wyatt Earp12:00 Happy Feet14:00 Tea With Mussolini16:00 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday18:00 Fathers’ Day20:00 Blue Streak22:00 Happy Feet

02:15 Babylon 5: In The Beginning04:00 Babylon 5: Third Space06:00 Renegade Justice08:00 Hellfighters10:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss12:00 Code Name Phoenix14:00 Montana Sky16:00 Elizabethtown18:00 Death Valley20:00 The Assignment22:00 Code Name Phoenix

01:05 Pret-a-porter 03:20 The Touch 05:10 Elephant Tales 06:45 The Abyss09:10 In The Mix10:45 102 Dalmatians12:25 Alpha Male14:05 Vip Access: Wall-e 14:35 Hollywoodland16:40 Home Alone18:25 Fountain, The20:00 Arthur And The Minimoys21:40 Night At The Museum23:30 Romeo And Juliet

00:30 Betrayed02:45 Ground Zero04:30 Bring Me The Head of Alfredo

Garcia06:15 Four Friends08:15 Welcome To Woop Woop10:00 Accidents11:30 Twelve Angry Men13:15 Dangerous Woman, A15:00 Mr. Wonderful16:45 War Party18:30 WACKY FRIDAY: Cage Aux

Folles, La20:15 Mad Dog Coll22:00 Girlfight

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Bones11:00 Criminal Minds 12:00 Prison Break 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?22:00 The Moment of Truth 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 Commander In Chief I ep 1Pilot (P)

01:00 Ordinary Miracle03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 68

One Step at a Time04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 My Son Is Innocent07:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 142

Luck Be a Lady08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Ivana Trump’s For Love Alone11:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 142

Luck Be a Lady12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 1

24 Hours (2 x hours movies)15:00 Ordinary Miracle17:00 E.R. I ep 2

Day One (P)18:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 143

The Real Mcleod19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Midsomer Murders VII20:30 Fisher King22:00 Murder 101:22:30 If Wishes Were Horses

00:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 202:00 Magic Asia: India02:30 Video Zonkers03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers11:30 Magic Asia: India12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)15:00 Video Zonkers15:30 Magic Asia: India16:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 E Buzz19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)20:00 Anger Management22:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 E Buzz23:30 Axn Xtreme Dhamaka

00:00 Planet Speed 2008/0900:30 WNBA Action 2008 901:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 501:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 X Games 1405:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 505:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Football Asia 2008/0906:30 Great Capital Run - Hyde Park,

London06:59 Sportscenter Right Now07:00 Major League Baseball 200810:00 Sportscenter Right Now10:01 PGA Europro Tour 200811:30 Planet Speed 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Incredible Dog Challenge15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 Major League Baseball 200818:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore20:00 Football Asia 2008/0920:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 FA Cup 2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Road To Beijing00:30 Game01:00 Soccer Cities01:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore03:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore04:30 FIA GT Championships 200806:30 Spirit Of Yachting Vii: Giraglia

Rolex Cup07:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 3, The07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 4, The08:00 Game08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 Road To Beijing09:30 Road To Beijing10:00 Road To Beijing10:30 Road To Beijing11:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship13:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship15:00 Golf Focus 200815:30 Game16:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 5, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 6, The17:00 Soccer Cities17:30 Road To Beijing17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show18:30 FA Cup 2007/08 Final20:30 Score Tonight21:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0922:00 Classic Boxing: Rocky Marciano23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Formula V6 Asia

00:00 Mythbusters 5Myth Evolution

01:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

02:00 Portraits Taiwan 2 - Steve Chang

03:00 New Detectives: Murderous Attraction

04:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

05:00 Ultimate OlympicsThe Final Countdown

07:00 Mythbusters 5Myth Evolution

08:00 Smash LabBoat Ejector Seat

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Future Warrior

10:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Malaysia Smart Tunnel

11:00 Mythbusters 3Boom Lift Catapult

12:00 New Detectives: Broken Trust13:00 Smash Lab

Boat Ejector Seat14:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior15:00 Extreme Engineering 3:

Malaysia Smart Tunnel16:00 Mythbusters 3

Boom Lift Catapult17:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 617:30 Million 2 One

Episode 818:00 Behind The News

Man Made Marvels Asia: Singapore’s Marina Barrage

19:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

20:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 3

20:30 Everything You Need To KnowDiamonds

21:00 Best EvidenceBigfoot

22:00 Most EvilCult Followers

23:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

00:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

01:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

02:00 Mega ThursdayFerrari

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet:Hong Kong

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-10

04:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

05:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

06:00 Mega ThursdayMega Factories: Ferrari

07:00 InsideUndercover in North Korea (G1&G2)

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet:Hong Kong

08:30 Chasing Time Dublin09:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Hollywood 10:00 Megastructures: Ferrari11:00 Situation Critical

Hollywood Shootout (G1&G2)12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet:Hong Kong12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S1-1013:00 Spot Light on China

Giant Panda 14:00 MegaCities

Mumbai15:00 National Geographic Channel

HD Showcase Hippos: Africa’s River Beast

16:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet:Hong Kong

16:30 I Didn’t Know That S1-10

17:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

18:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Olympic Stadium

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

20:00 MegaCitiesLas Vegas

21:00 National Geographic Channel HD In The Womb: Twins, Triplets & Quads

22:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

01:00 All The King’s Men03:00 House Of The Dead 2: Dead

Aim05:00 Critical Condition06:30 Inland Empire09:30 Wind Chill11:00 The White Countess13:15 Little Giants15:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise17:00 Critical Condition19:00 Wind Chill21:00 Life Support23:00 The White Countess

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey

08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Fox and The Hound20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Cars23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous

03:10 Special Forbes Top 20 Young Royals

04:05 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Hilary Swank THS06:45 Special Reese Witherspoon:

Hollywood’s Golden Girl07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Spice Girls THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 Mamma Mia! Behind The

Scenes12:40 Drew Barrymore THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Charlize Theron THS18:40 Nicole Kidman THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings21:10 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Charlize Theron THS23:40 Nicole Kidman THS

00:50 Godfather Of Canton02:40 Ice Speed04:30 King With My Face, The06:10 Call To Arms07:35 b42009:10 Heartful Of Love, A11:25 Kidnap13:05 Love’s Lone Flower14:50 Missing Gun, The16:20 Summer Breeze Of Love18:15 Magic Touch20:00 Re-Cycle22:00 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK23:50 Mr 3 Minutes


HBO 2 Agustus 20:00, 3 Agustus 14:00, 6 Agustus 08:00, 18:00, 8 Agustus 22:00, 9 Agustus 16:00 WIB

Happy FeetPutra Memphis (Hugh Jackman) dan Norma Jean (Nicole Kidman), Mumble (Elijah Wood), penguin mungil dengan bulu-bulunya yang halus mempunyai satu masalah besar: sekeras apapun usahanya, dia tidak bisa menyanyikan satu tangga nada pun. Di dunia di mana setiap penguin menarik perhatian kekasih mereka lewat lagu cinta mereka masing-masing, tapi Mumble tidak punya. Namun, Mumble adalah penari tap cemerlang!

08 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 26 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 The Sopranos 40: For All Debts Public And Private

01:00 Hbo Central01:30 Angel Rodriguez03:00 The Goonies05:00 The Sopranos 40: For All Debts

Public And Private06:00 Blue Streak08:00 Seven Minutes In Heaven10:00 Blades Of Glory12:00 To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday14:00 Angel Rodriguez16:00 Happy Feet18:00 Fly Away Home20:00 Poseidon22:00 Blades Of Glory

00:00 Montana Sky02:00 Renegade Justice04:00 Death Valley06:00 River Of Death08:00 Young Hercules10:00 Renegade Justice12:00 Past Midnight14:00 The Lonely Guy15:45 First Knight18:00 Ultraviolet20:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls22:00 Renegade Justice

01:30 Desperate Measures 03:15 Framed For Murder 04:55 Just Breathe 06:25 Clean Slate08:15 Ultimate Avengers 09:30 Home Alone 311:15 Ringer, The 12:50 Arthur And The Minimoys14:30 Lucky Number Slevin16:20 X-files, The18:20 Rocky Balboa20:00 Eragon21:45 Volcano 23:30 Pitch Black

00:00 High Spirits01:45 Mr. Majestyk03:30 Barefoot Contessa, The05:45 Struck By Lightning07:45 Otello09:45 That Sinking Feeling11:15 Miracle, The13:00 Haunted Honeymoon14:30 Little Man Tate16:15 De-Lovely18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: Year of

the Dragon20:45 Desperately Seeking Susan22:30 AFTER DARK: Teenage Bonnie

& Klepto Clyde

00:00 TNA Wrestlling 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 The Moment of Truth 03:00 Six Degrees 04:00 TNA Wrestlling 05:00 Creflo Dollar 05:30 According to Jim06:00 Bones07:00 Criminal Minds 08:00 Prison Break 09:00 Monk10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?14:00 The Moment of Truth 15:00 Six Degrees 16:00 Bones17:00 Criminal Minds 18:00 Prison Break 19:00 TNA Xplosion20:00 IFL Fight Night21:00 IFL Fight Night22:00 TNA Xplosion23:00 IFL Fight Night

00:00 Two Twisted ep 2 (P)00:30 Two Twisted ep 6 (P)01:00 Midsomer Murders VII01:30 Fisher King03:00 McLeod’s Daughters III ep 69

Time Frames04:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show05:00 Gracie’s Choice07:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 125

Make Believe08:00 Vinegar Hill10:00 Murder 101:10:30 If Wishes Were Horses12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 We Were the Mulvaneys15:00 Desolation Canyon17:00 Stranger’s Heart19:00 Without A Trace III ep 15

Party Girl (P)20:00 Absolution22:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 14

Four Fathers (P)23:00 Long Shot

00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 302:00 Nip/tuck Season 303:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 Anger Management07:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)08:00 Video Zonkers08:30 Magic Asia: India09:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)09:30 E Buzz10:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)11:00 House (Season 4)12:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200813:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)14:00 Anger Management16:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200817:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)18:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)19:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)19:30 E Buzz20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)22:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)

00:00 Major League Baseball 200803:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 603:30 Sportscenter Asia04:00 Classic Boxing: Carlos Monzon05:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 605:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 2008 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating

Contest07:00 X Games 1409:00 Major League Baseball 200812:00 Sportscenter Week In Review12:30 Asian Cup14:30 Asian Cup16:00 41st Singapore International

Open17:00 41st Singapore International

Open18:00 Sportscenter Week In Review18:30 Sportscenter Weekend18:35 Major League Baseball 200821:30 2008 Espys23:30 Sportscenter Week In Review

00:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

02:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

03:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

05:00 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

05:30 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

06:00 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

06:30 Engine Block 200807:00 Golf Focus 200807:30 Game08:00 Soccer Cities08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 5, The09:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 6, The10:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore11:00 Asean Football Championship

- Rewind13:00 Asean Football Championship

- Rewind15:00 Join The Pact With Mika

Hakkinen15:30 Formula Drift Car Singapore

200816:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 7, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 8, The17:00 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show17:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200819:00 FA Community Shield 2007/0821:00 FA Cup 2007/08 Final23:00 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show23:30 FIA WRC Highlights Show


00:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 3

00:30 Everything You Need To KnowDiamonds

01:00 Best EvidenceBigfoot

02:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies03:00 New Detectives: Broken Trust04:00 Best Evidence

Bigfoot05:00 Most Evil

Cult Followers06:00 Mythbusters 5

Myth Evolution07:00 American Chopper 5

Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

08:00 Real Jason And The Argonauts09:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 609:30 Million 2 One

Episode 8

10:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 3

10:30 Everything You Need To KnowDiamonds

11:00 Mythbusters 5Myth Evolution

12:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersGiant Tree Spade

13:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final Countdown

15:00 Behind The NewsMan Made Marvels Asia: Singapore’s Marina Barrage

16:00 Sayonara Changi17:00 The History of Singapore

Mangrove To Metropolis18:00 Mythbusters 5

Myth Evolution19:00 Smash Lab

Boat Ejector Seat20:00 Most Deadly

Tornadoes21:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Unsafe And Unsound22:00 Fight Quest

Brazil23:00 Lobstermen: Jeopardy At Sea

Turf Battle

00:00 Situation CriticalApollo 13 (G1&G2)

01:00 National Geographic Channel HD In The Womb: Twins, Triplets & Quads

02:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

04:00 MegaCitiesLas Vegas

05:00 Situation CriticalApollo 13 (G1&G2)

06:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

07:00 Spot Light on ChinaGiant Panda

08:00 Predators in Peril 09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Backyard Python

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Bear Bandits

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Bear Meeting

11:00 China Circus: On Ice12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

13:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Olympic Stadium

14:00 Nat Geo WeekendsFight Science (G3)

15:00 Tribal OdysseyPokot: The Path To Manhood (G1 & G2)

16:00 Megastructure: Beijing Water Cube

17:00 Crystal Skulls Legend18:00 Inside

Inside the Forbidden City #219:00 Perfect Weapon

Siege Engines20:00 Nat Geo Weekends

When Nature Strikes Back: Landslides

21:00 Tribal OdysseyRendille Ceremonies Of The New Moon (G1 & G2)

22:00 Megastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

23:00 Crystal Skulls

01:30 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise03:00 Life Support05:00 The Color Purple07:30 Children Of Men09:15 Blankman11:00 Spies Like Us13:00 Superstar14:30 Field Of Dreams16:15 The Color Purple19:00 Life Support21:00 30023:00 Superstar

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 The Big Mickey Marathon:

Mickey’ All Stars11:00 DCM: High School Musical Sing

Along12:30 Mr. Bean

13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCM: Cars20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Treasure Island23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns

04:05 Special Reese Witherspoon: Hollywood’s Golden Girl

05:00 Goldie & Kate THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Vanessa Williams THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who

Made Bank14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane18:15 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane18:40 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane19:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:45 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane21:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane

Secrets21:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane

Mommy Fabulous22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Meg Ryan THS23:40 Halle Berry THS

01:25 Troublesome Night 1003:00 Demon Of The Lute04:50 City Kids 198906:15 Big Sting, The07:45 My Baby Shoot Me Down09:20 To Catch a Thief11:00 Nuan12:50 Love On Delivery14:30 Brave Archer 2, The16:30 Blue Automobile, A18:15 Twins Mission20:00 Casino Tycoon II21:55 Detective, The23:50 Christmas on July 24th Avenue


HBO Signature 9 Agustus 21:00, 13 Agustus 13:00, 19 Agustus 09:00, 19:00, 29 Agustus 11:00, 23:00, 31 Agustus 09:00 WIB

300Diangkat dari sebuah novel perang kepahlawanan karya Frank Miller, “300” mengisahkan pertempuran kolosal Thermopylae yang mengerikan dimana Raja Leonidas (Gerard Butler) dan bersama 300 tentaranya, berjuang mati-matian melawan Xerxes dan tentara Parsinya yang sangat banyak jumlahnya. Menghadapi kemungkinan tersebut, sikap satria dan pengorbanan mereka mengilhami seluruh Yunani untuk bersatu melawan musuh Parsi, membangun sebuah demokrasi.

09 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 27

00:00 Blue Streak02:00 Tea With Mussolini04:00 Angel Rodriguez06:00 Poseidon08:00 Distant Thunder10:00 My Blue Heaven12:00 Grendel14:00 Blades Of Glory16:00 Angel Rodriguez18:00 The Mirror Has Two Faces20:00 Fracture22:00 Gattaca

00:00 Earth Vs. The Spider02:00 The Lonely Guy04:00 Ultraviolet06:00 Past Midnight08:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss10:00 The Assignment12:00 Ultraviolet14:00 Code Name Phoenix16:00 Through The Eyes Of A Killer18:00 River Of Death20:00 Four Brothers22:00 Avalon: Beyond The Abyss

01:20 Zombies02:55 Romance & Cigarettes 04:35 Junebug06:20 At First Sight08:30 Ultimate Avengers Ii 09:45 Yours, Mine & Ours 11:15 River Wild, The 13:05 Eragon14:50 Predator 16:35 Predator 2 18:20 102 Dalmatians20:00 Bridge To Terabithia 21:35 Guardian, The 23:55 Vip Access: Wall-e

00:00 Swamp Thing01:30 Hardware03:00 Of Mice And Men05:00 Tortilla Soup06:45 Crazy Joe08:15 Mrs. Munck10:00 Crisscross11:30 Clifford13:00 After Dark, My Sweet14:45 Barbershop 2: Back In

Business16:30 Remo Williams: The Adventure


Midnight Clear, A 20:30 Down Came A Blackbird22:30 Dogs of War, The

00:00 IFL Fight Night01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:30 8 Simple Rules02:00 Hope & Faith02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 TNA Xplosion05:00 Hope & Faith05:30 30 Rock 06:00 The Bold and the Beautiful

08:00 Sunday Movie 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:30 8 Simple Rules14:00 Hope & Faith14:30 30 Rock 15:00 Monk16:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?17:00 Ugly Betty 18:00 Private Practice 19:00 Sunday Movie 21:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show22:00 Ugly Betty 23:00 Private Practice

01:45 We Were the Mulvaneys03:30 Stranger’s Heart04:30 The Nanny VI ep 138 (P)05:00 Engagement Ring07:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 126

Heaven and Earth08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show

Marathon(Lifestyle)12 x episodes

19:00 Oprah Prime Time Specials20:00 Mcbride20:30 Fallen Idol22:45 Midsomer Murders VII22:30 Fisher King23:30 Sign of Four

00:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)01:00 The Amazing Race Asia

(Season 2)02:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)03:00 House (Season 4)04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)05:00 Pink Panther, The07:00 V8 Supercars Australia

Championship Series 200808:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)09:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)10:00 Holy @#%*!10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)14:00 Pink Panther, The16:00 E Buzz16:30 Holy @#%*!17:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)18:00 Caught On Tape19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 The Shield (Season 6)

00:00 Sportscenter Weekend00:05 Major League Baseball 200802:50 Major League Baseball 200806:00 Sportscenter Week In Review06:30 Asian Cup08:00 X Games 1411:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report11:30 Football Asia 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Major League Baseball 200817:00 Football Asia 2008/0917:30 Big Ten Network: Mendenhall’s

Journey To The NFL 118:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report18:30 Sportscenter Weekend18:35 X Games 1420:30 X Games 1423:30 Sportscenter: The Field Report

00:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

01:30 IAAF Grand Prix, Madrid04:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Formula V6 Asia06:00 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200807:00 Hot Water08:00 Sports Max09:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 7, The09:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 8, The10:00 FA Classics11:00 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200812:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0913:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 FA Community Shield 2007/0816:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 9, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 10, The17:00 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights17:30 FIA WRC Production Car Rally

200818:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200818:30 Community Shield 2008/09

Preview Show

19:00 FIA F1 World Championships Highlights 2008

20:30 Community Shield 2008/09 Pre Show

20:55 Community Shield 2008/09, The

23:00 Community Shield 2008/09 Post Show

23:30 2008 Sbk Superbike World Championship - Highlights

00:00 FutureWeapons 3Future Warrior

01:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 3

02:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

03:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 6

03:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 8

04:00 Smash LabBoat Ejector Seat

05:00 Portraits Taiwan 2 - Steve Chang

06:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies07:00 Ultimate Olympics: The Final

Countdown09:00 Behind The News

Man Made Marvels Asia: Singapore’s Marina Barrage

10:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

11:00 Fight QuestUsa

12:00 Dirty JobsPoo Pot Maker

13:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 3

13:30 Everything You Need To KnowDiamonds

14:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

15:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

16:00 Mythbusters 5Myth Evolution

17:00 FutureWeapons 3Future Warrior

18:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies19:00 Cathay Pacific Signature Series

The Burning Shores20:00 Seven Wonders Of China

Special21:00 The First Emperor: The Man

Who Made China23:00 Seven Wonders Of China


00:00 Nat Geo Weekends When Nature Strikes Back: Landslides

01:00 Tribal OdysseyRendille Ceremonies Of The New Moon (G1 & G2)

02:00 Megastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

03:00 Perfect WeaponSiege Engines

04:00 Nat Geo Weekends When Nature Strikes Back: Landslides

05:00 Tribal OdysseyRendille Ceremonies Of The New Moon (G1 & G2)

06:00 Megastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

07:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina’s Hollywood

08:00 America’s Deadly Obsession09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Bedroom Bat

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Bear Bandits

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Blue Whales

11:00 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

11:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

12:00 Mad Lab#6

12:30 What Would Happen If #613:00 Amazing Moments

#313:30 Amazing Moments

#414:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India14:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand15:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: Corvette16:00 Nat Geo Presents

Crystal Skull Legend17:00 What Would Happen If…117:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India18:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...

That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

19:00 Long Way Down Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

20:00 Preserve Our PlanetEarth Report State of the Planet

21:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: BMW

22:00 Nat Geo Presents Boxing Behind Bars

23:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Costa Rica

01:00 Field Of Dreams03:00 Children Of Men05:00 Man Of The Year07:00 Munchies09:00 Just Cause11:00 How To Make An American

Quilt13:00 Life Support15:00 The Out-of-towners17:00 Man Of The Year19:00 Just Cause21:00 Big Love 17: Vision Thing22:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America23:30 The Out-of-towners

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Totally Spies09:30 American Dragon: Jake Long10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: High School Musical 2

Sing Along12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 Jonas Brothers: Living The

DreamDCOM: Jump In!

20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Disney’s The Kid23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 The Osbournes THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Posh & Becks THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts13:30 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200814:25 E! News Weekend15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane18:15 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane18:40 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:45 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane21:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!21:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Beyonce Revealed

01:45 Best Of Best, The03:20 X Mission04:55 Bloody Escape, The06:25 Flowers08:00 One Last Dance09:55 Cinema Today10:55 Twins Effect 12:45 Art of Seduction, The14:30 House of Mahjong16:05 Seoul Raiders17:45 Life Tears In Heaven20:00 Two Stupid Eggs21:50 Hooked on You23:35 I Love Lolanto


Starmovies 10 Agustus 20:00, 23 Agustus 18:25, 28 Agustus 21:40 WIB

Bridge To TerabithiaDimulai dengan kisah dua murid kelas lima, Jess Aaron (Josh Hutcherson) seorang anak yang menjadi pelari tercepat di kelasnya. Akan tetapi seorang gadis kecil dari kota lain, Leslie Burke (AnnaShopia Robb) berlari lebih cepat dari semua orang, termasuk dia. Namun, ketika Jess dan Leslie segera menjalin persahabatan dan menemukan jalan menuju sebuah kerajaan gaib di hutan, petualangan yang menarik dan penuh keajaiban telah dimulai.

10 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 28 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Poseidon02:00 Fracture04:00 Crossroads: A Story Of

Forgiveness06:00 Saturday Night Fever08:00 Grendel10:00 Mike’s Murder12:00 Fracture14:00 Paternity16:00 Number One With A Bullet18:00 He Said, She Said20:00 Casualties Of War22:00 The Sopranos 41: No-show23:00 Fracture

00:00 Code Name Phoenix02:00 Journey To Shiloh04:00 River Of Death06:00 The Prince And The Showgirl08:00 Ultraviolet10:00 Chinatown12:00 Four Brothers14:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls16:00 Dark Storm18:00 Past Midnight20:00 Journey To The Center Of The

Earth22:00 Ultraviolet

00:25 Wolf Creek 02:10 They Are Among Us 03:55 Russia House, The06:00 Lonely Hearts07:45 Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The 09:15 Suzanne’s Diary For Nicholas 10:50 Out Of Sight12:55 Romeo And Juliet14:55 Elephant Tales 16:35 Desperate Measures 18:20 Mr. Deeds 20:00 Tears Of The Sun 22:00 Chaos23:45 Haven

00:30 Love Crimes02:00 Living on Tokyo Time03:30 Curse of the Pink Panther05:30 Echo Park07:00 Heartbreakers08:30 Foxfire Light10:15 Heavenly Kid, The11:45 Signs of Life13:15 Shag15:00 Lambada16:45 Trip With Anita18:30 DRAMA & ROMANCE: Final

Approach 20:15 Undertow21:45 Joe23:30 Best Seller

00:00 Ghost Whisperer01:00 Sunday Movie 03:00 Monk04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 My Wife and Kids 20:30 8 Simple Rules21:00 Hope & Faith

21:30 30 Rock 22:00 Monk23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

02:15 Nights of the Wolf03:00 Acts of Contrition05:00 Sign of Four07:00 The Nanny I ep 1 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 2 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Mcbride09:30 Fallen Idol11:00 Spooks III ep 17

Project Friendly Fire12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 2

Day One (P)14:00 Jane Doe:14:30 Vanishing Act16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 144

The Calling17:00 E.R. I ep 3

Going Home (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 1 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 2 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Without A Trace III ep 16

Manhunt (P)21:00 The Family Plan23:00 The Nanny I ep 1 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 2 (P)00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 144

The Calling

00:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Season 1)

01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)04:00 Sports Disasters Vi05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 The Amazing Race (Season Xii)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)16:30 E Buzz17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)19:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)20:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Damages23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)

00:00 Sportscenter Weekend00:05 Kentucky Indycar 30002:00 Major League Baseball 200805:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report05:30 PGA Europro Tour 200807:00 Planet Speed 2008/0907:30 Football Asia 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs10:00 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Asia 2008/0911:30 Planet Speed 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Kentucky Indycar 30018:00 KIA X Games Asian 200818:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship20:00 Football Asia 2008/0920:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 UEFA Champions League Classic Matches 38

02:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championship

04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore07:00 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 9, The07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 2

Ep. 10, The08:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0909:00 Community Shield 2008/09,

The11:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200815:00 FIA WRC Production Car Rally

200815:30 FIA WRC Junior World Rally


16:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4 Ep. 1, The

16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4 Ep. 2, The

17:00 Game17:30 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 Community Shield 2008/09,

The20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Engine Block 200821:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200823:00 Score Tonight23:30 Engine Block 2008

00:00 The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China

02:00 Ultimate OlympicsRivals

03:00 Best EvidenceBigfoot

04:00 Most EvilCult Followers

05:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 6

05:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 8

06:00 Real Jason And The Argonauts07:00 Seven Wonders Of China

Special08:00 The First Emperor: The Man

Who Made China10:00 Secrets Of The Buried Armies11:00 Mythbusters 3

Bug Bomb12:00 New Detectives: Price Of

Murder13:00 Seven Wonders Of China

Special14:00 The First Emperor: The Man

Who Made China16:00 Mythbusters 3

Bug Bomb17:00 Dirty Jobs

Poo Pot Maker18:00 The History of Singapore

Raffles’ Little Child19:00 Bracing For The Big One20:00 Fight Quest

The Phillipines21:00 Dirty Jobs

Mule Logger22:00 Deadliest Catch 4

No Mercy23:00 Fight Quest

The Phillipines

00:00 Preserve Our PlanetEarth Report State of the Planet

01:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: BMW

02:00 Nat Geo Presents Boxing Behind Bars

03:00 Situation CriticalHunting Pablo Escobar (G1&G2)

04:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Costa Rica

05:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: BMW

06:00 Nat Geo Presents Boxing Behind Bars

07:00 InsideIraq’s Kill Zone

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

09:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Olympic Stadium

10:00 Nat Geo Presents Boxing Behind Bars

11:00 Situation CriticalDowned Pilot (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

13:00 Spot Light on China Secrets Of The First Emperor

14:00 National Geographic’s Amazing MomentsS2-1 (G1& G2)

15:00 Animal Extractors: Backyard Python

16:00 Wild Detectives: Bear Bandits16:30 Wild Detectives: Blue Whales17:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...

That I Am In Afghanistan (G1& G2)

18:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

20:00 Long Way DownScotland To Italy

21:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1& G2)

22:00 Long Way Down Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

23:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

01:00 Life Support03:00 The Quiet05:00 Loser07:00 “Hustle”09:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story11:00 Life Support13:00 Friends With Money15:00 Joe Dirt17:00 Loser19:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story21:00 John From Cincinnati 01: His

Visit: Day One22:00 John From Cincinnati 02: His

Visit: Day Two23:00 Life Support

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy

14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCOM: Jump In!20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: My Favorite Martian23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Extreme Hollywood01:20 Extreme Hollywood02:15 Extreme Hollywood03:10 Extreme Hollywood04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Diana: Legacy Of A Princess

THS06:45 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 First Daughters THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Young Royals THS14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 Special Forbes 20 Cash

Queens Of Music16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

18:40 Special Forbes Top 20 Young Royals

19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane: Heels & Deals

19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane: Growing Up Fabulous!

20:20 Special Forbes Top 20 Hip Hop Cash Kings

21:10 Special Forbes 20 Cash Queens Of Music

22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

23:40 Special Forbes Top 20 Young Royals

01:40 Hidden Power Of Dragon Sabre, The

03:45 Flower In The Rain05:40 Brothers, The07:30 Tutor09:05 Seoul Raiders10:45 Murder12:25 Shanghai Fever14:05 Cinema Today15:05 Hooked on You16:45 Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown in

Seoul18:30 Loving You20:00 Isabella21:50 Closet, The23:20 Feel It… Say It


Cinemax 10 Agustus 20:00, 11 Agustus 24:00, 12 Agustus 08:30, 12:00, 14 Agustus 10:00, 22:00, 16 Agustus 18:00 WIB

Four BrothersSetelah ibu angkat mereka dibunuh ketika sedang berbelanja disebuah pertokoan, Mercer bersaudara yang dipimpin oleh Bobby (Mark Wahlberg), Angel (Tyrese Gibson) yang keras kepala, bersama dengan Jeremiah (Andre Benjamin), dan Jack (Garrett Hedlund) bersatu kembali untuk membalas dendam atas kematian ibu mereka. Ketika mereka mencari sang pembunuh, mereka sadar bahwa cara mereka membalas dendam akan mengakibatkan sebuah masalah baru.

11 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 29

01:00 My Blue Heaven02:30 The Sopranos 41: No-show04:00 Distant Thunder06:00 Fracture08:00 Blue Streak10:00 The Mirror Has Two Faces12:00 Gattaca14:00 Crossroads: A Story Of

Forgiveness16:00 My Blue Heaven18:00 Blue Streak20:00 Hush Little Baby22:00 The Mirror Has Two Faces

00:00 Chinatown02:00 Past Midnight03:30 55 Days At Peking06:00 The Greatest Show On Earth08:30 Four Brothers10:15 Dark City12:00 The Assignment14:00 Journey To The Center Of The

Earth16:00 Sudden Impact18:00 Code Name Phoenix20:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)22:00 The Assignment

01:15 Black Dahlia03:10 Chasing Christmas04:35 Alpha Male06:20 Home Alone 308:05 In The Mix09:45 Miracle Dogs11:20 Tears Of The Sun 13:20 Punch-drunk Love14:55 Lightspeed16:25 Framed For Murder 18:00 X-files, The20:00 Scary Movie 421:25 Pitch Black23:10 D-tox

01:15 Vampire’s Kiss03:00 Duck, You Sucker (a.k.a. Fistful

of Dynamite, A)05:30 Flight From Ashiya07:15 Love, Cheat & Steal08:45 Late for Dinner10:30 Hard Choices12:00 Breakin’13:30 Body Slam15:00 70’s (Two Hour Version), The17:00 Koyaanisqatsi18:30 CRIMETIME: Dublin Murders20:00 Hotel Terminus

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:30 8 Simple Rules11:00 Hope & Faith11:30 30 Rock 12:00 Monk

13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Ghost Whisperer23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Hidden In America04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 144

The Calling05:00 Jane Doe:05:30 Vanishing Act07:00 The Nanny I ep 3 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 4 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 The Family Plan11:00 Without A Trace III ep 16

Manhunt (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 3

Going Home (P)14:00 Hidden In America16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 145

What Lies Beneath17:00 E.R. I ep 4

Hit and Run (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 3 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 4 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 15

Acts of Mercy (P)21:00 Wild Hearts23:00 The Nanny I ep 3 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 4 (P)

00:00 House (Season 4)01:00 Damages02:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers (Season 2)11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Damages15:00 House (Season 4)16:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s 9-Ball Championship

01:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series 2007 Ep. 7

01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs04:00 Classic Boxing: Jimmy Ellis V

Jerry Quarry05:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 705:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Itu Triathlon Series 2008 - Des

Moines, USA08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs10:00 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 2008 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating

Contest12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship17:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore18:00 Football Asia 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:00 Planet Speed 2008/0920:30 Football Asia 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 International Motorsport News 2008

01:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 08/09

02:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championship

04:00 Community Shield 2008/09, The

06:00 International Motorsport News 2008

07:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4 Ep. 1, The

07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 2, The08:00 Engine Block 200808:30 Planet Speed 2008/0909:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches11:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 Planet Speed 2008/0914:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200816:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 3, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 4, The17:00 Engine Block 200817:30 Samsung Kick Off17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Top Corner, The18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 2720:30 Score Tonight21:00 Ace21:30 Behind The Baseline22:00 Swedish Open23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Top Corner, The

00:00 Dirty JobsMule Logger

01:00 Deadliest Catch 4No Mercy

02:00 Ultimate OlympicsGo Beijing!

03:00 New Detectives: Price Of Murder

04:00 Fight QuestThe Phillipines

05:00 The History of SingaporeRaffles’ Little Child

06:00 Bracing For The Big One07:00 Dirty Jobs

Mule Logger08:00 Deadliest Catch 4

No Mercy09:00 Fight Quest

The Phillipines10:00 Bracing For The Big One11:00 Mythbusters 3

Ming Dynasty Astronaut12:00 New Detectives: Stolen Youth13:00 Dirty Jobs

Mule Logger14:00 Deadliest Catch 4

No Mercy15:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior16:00 Mythbusters 3

Ming Dynasty Astronaut17:00 Fight Quest

Usa18:00 The History of Singapore

Accidental Nation19:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of

China20:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior21:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Sahara22:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersSwing Bridge

23:00 FutureWeapons 3Future Warrior

00:00 Long Way DownScotland To Italy

01:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

02:00 Last Chance JourneysIran

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

04:00 Last Chance JourneysSahara - The Caravan From Bilma

05:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

06:00 Last Chance JourneysSiberia

07:00 InsideThe Super Carrier

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

09:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

10:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight

11:00 Situation CriticalHell On High Water (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaMegastructures: Future Trains

14:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Miracle Flight (G1&G2)

15:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Costa Rica (G1&G2)

16:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors

17:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

18:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-3

20:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors(G1& G2)

21:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

22:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1& G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

01:00 Shottas03:00 Friends With Money05:00 Caddyshack07:00 Critical Condition09:00 All The King’s Men11:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise13:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles15:00 Little Giants17:00 Caddyshack19:00 All The King’s Men21:00 John From Cincinnati 03: His

Visit: Day Two Continued22:00 John From Cincinnati 04: His

Visit: Day Three23:00 John From Cincinnati 05: His

Visit: Day Four

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club

12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: The Archies: Jug Man20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: 20,000 Leagues Under

The Sea23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 40 (More) Crimes Of Fashion02:15 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts03:10 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200804:05 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Britney Spears: Fall From Grace

THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Cash

Queens Of Music07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Halle Berry Style Star09:15 The Kardashians THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Halle Berry Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 The Cosby Kids THS13:30 Kids Of Dawson’s Creek THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane: Heels & Deals

16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane: Growing Up Fabulous!

17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 25 Most Sensational Hollywood

Meltdowns19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Extreme Hollywood21:10 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 25 Most Sensational Hollywood


00:55 Four Riders02:45 Life on the Edge04:15 Mission Of Justice05:40 Ambush07:20 82 Tenants, The08:50 Isabella10:40 Mongolian Tale, A12:25 Feel It… Say It14:00 Spring Snow16:35 Wonder Women18:20 Nothing Is Impossible20:00 Naked Weapon 22:00 Two Stupid Eggs23:45 Night Time Picnic, The


Discovery Mulai 12 Agustus 21:00, Rabu 07:00, 13:00, Sabtu 20:00 WIB

Man Vs. WildDi season kedua Man vs Wild ini Bear Grylls harus bertahan hidup di sebuah wilayah yang paling ekstrim di dunia dan berusaha kembali ke wilayah yang berperadaban. Dari ganasnya gurun Sahara hingga ke hutan liar di Panama hingga ke dataran yang terpencil di Patagonia. Setiap episode Man vs Wild menampilkan petualangan yang menegangkan.

12 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 30 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Grendel02:00 Saturday Night Fever04:00 Number One With A Bullet06:00 Crossroads: A Story Of

Forgiveness08:00 Poseidon10:00 Distant Thunder12:00 Hush Little Baby14:00 Grendel16:00 Paternity18:00 Poseidon20:00 He Said, She Said22:00 Hush Little Baby

00:00 Four Brothers02:00 Hellfighters04:00 Code Name Phoenix06:00 Lonely Are The Brave08:00 The Assignment10:00 Past Midnight12:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)14:00 Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?16:00 Cloak & Dagger18:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls20:00 Flight Of Fury22:00 Past Midnight

00:50 Hollywoodland03:00 See No Evil04:30 Lovesick06:05 Ringer, The 07:45 Mission To Mars 09:45 Home Alone11:30 Scary Movie 412:55 Three Burials Of Melquiades

Estrada, The15:05 Trust The Man 16:45 Zodiac, The18:25 My Super Ex-girlfriend20:00 Babel22:20 Rocky Balboa

00:30 3 Strikes02:00 Final Alliance, The03:30 Pandora’s Clock (Two Hour

Version)05:45 National Lampoon’s Movie

Madness06:45 Slamdance08:30 Solomon & Sheba10:00 What’s The Matter With Helen11:45 Alamo, The14:30 Desperately Seeking Susan16:15 De-Lovely18:30 ACTION & SUSPENSE: Perfect

Strangers20:15 War Party22:00 New York, New York

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth


21:00 The Moment of Truth 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 145What Lies Beneath

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Murder 101:02:30 If Wishes Were Horses04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 145

What Lies Beneath05:00 The Road To Paradise07:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Wild Hearts11:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 15

Acts of Mercy (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 4

Hit and Run (P)14:00 Murder 101:

If Wishes Were Horses16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 146

Where the Heart Is17:00 E.R. I ep 5

Into That Good Night (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Doc Martin I ep 5

Of All The Harbours In All Of The Towns (P)

21:00 Mcbride21:30 Fallen Idol23:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)

00:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)01:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)02:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Pirate Master12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)15:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)16:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Sports Disasters Vi20:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Amazing Race Asia Memories

00:00 Football Focus With John Dykes

01:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series 2007 Ep. 8

01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs04:00 Classic Boxing: Paul Pender V

Sugar Ray Robinson05:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 805:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs10:00 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship

10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship17:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes18:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Asia 2008/0919:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Ace00:30 Max Power 2008/200901:30 2008 Sbk Superbike World

Championship - Highlights02:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Max Power 2008/200907:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 3, The07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 4, The08:00 Top Corner, The08:30 Ace09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 2811:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0915:00 Max Power 2008/200916:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 5, The16:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 6, The17:00 Top Corner, The17:30 FEI Equestrian World 200817:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 2920:30 Score Tonight21:00 Golf Focus 200821:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The22:00 US Open Golf Championship

‘98 Official Film23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Golf Focus 2008

00:00 Man Vs Wild 2Sahara

01:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersSwing Bridge

02:00 Ultimate OlympicsHi-Tech Games

03:00 New Detectives: Stolen Youth04:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior05:00 The History of Singapore

Accidental Nation06:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of

China07:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Sahara08:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersSwing Bridge

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Future Warrior

10:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of China

11:00 Mythbusters 3Blown Away

12:00 New Detectives: Loved To Death

13:00 Man Vs Wild 2Sahara

14:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersSwing Bridge

15:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 1

16:00 Mythbusters 3Blown Away

17:00 Planet GreenFearless Planet: Earth Story

18:00 The History of SingaporeLion City, Asian Tiger

19:00 Living With The Mek TribeHome Sweet Home

20:00 Perfect DisasterIce Storm

21:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

21:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

22:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

23:00 Perfect DisasterIce Storm

00:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors (G1&G2)

01:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

02:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1&G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-3

04:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors (G1&G2)

05:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

06:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1&G2)

07:00 InsideUndercover in North Korea (G1&G2)

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-3

09:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

10:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Costa Rica

11:00 Situation CriticalHollywood Shootout (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-3

13:00 Spot Light on China The Kung Fu Dragons of Wudang

14:00 Predators in Peril 15:00 Super Factories

Corvette16:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Africa (G1 & G2)17:00 America’s Deadly Obsession18:00 Spot Light on China

Megastructure: Shanghai Super Tower

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-4

20:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon

21:00 Gorilla Murders22:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica23:00 Predators in Peril

00:00 John From Cincinnati 06: His Visit: Day Five

01:00 Innocent Blood03:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise05:00 For Love Of The Game07:15 Let’s Go To Prison09:00 The Gauntlet11:00 The Covenant13:00 30015:00 Hard To Kill16:45 For Love Of The Game19:00 Let’s Go To Prison21:00 John From Cincinnati 07: His

Visit: Day Six22:00 John From Cincinnati 08: His

Visit: Day Seven23:00 John From Cincinnati 09: His

Visit: Day Eight

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: A Goofy Movie20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Groove Squad

Cheerleaders23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

01:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Hilary Swank THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Society Girls THS10:05 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood10:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Rock Star Daughters THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Mary-Kate & Ashley16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Meg Ryan THS18:40 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces19:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood19:55 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood20:20 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous21:10 Special Mary-Kate & Ashley22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Meg Ryan THS23:40 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces

01:45 Flag Of Iron, The03:40 Crimson Palm, The05:20 Five Tough Guys06:50 Cala, My Dog 08:50 Ming Ming10:40 Two Stupid Eggs12:20 Option Zero14:10 Love On Delivery15:50 Christmas on July 24th Avenue17:45 I Not Stupid Too20:00 It’s a Wonderful Life 21:55 Troublesome Night 523:35 Cinema Today


NGC 13 Agustus, 20:00 WIB

World’s Deadliest Animals S2: AmazonDi pedalaman rimba Amazon, wilayah di mana di antara lebatnya pepohonan sering terdengar suara ciutan, auman dan geraman atau mendesis adalah habitat dari hewan-hewan tersembunyi yang paling berbahaya. Eyelash Viper, ular berbisa di wilayah ini saling bersaing untuk bertahan hidup.

13 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 31

00:00 Casualties Of War02:00 Running With Scissors04:00 My Blue Heaven06:00 Paternity08:00 The Mirror Has Two Faces10:00 Casualties Of War12:00 Blue Streak14:00 Number One With A Bullet16:00 Crossroads: A Story Of

Forgiveness18:00 Fracture20:00 Gattaca22:00 Blue Streak

00:00 Cloak & Dagger02:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)04:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls06:00 Once Upon A Time In The West08:30 Earth Vs. The Spider10:00 Four Brothers12:00 Dark City14:00 First Knight16:15 Journey To The Center Of The

Earth18:00 The Assignment20:00 True Blue22:00 Four Brothers

00:05 Species01:55 Posse03:55 Surveillance05:35 Ripley Under Ground 07:20 Elephant Tales 09:00 Just Breathe 10:35 Babel12:55 Distinguished Gentleman, The14:50 Ringer, The 16:30 Lucky Number Slevin18:20 Arthur And The Minimoys20:00 Firehouse Dog 21:55 Jaws

00:45 3:1502:15 Angel of Desire03:45 Shark!05:15 Rancho Deluxe06:45 Wild Bill08:15 Winners Take All10:00 Breathless11:30 Otello13:30 Parker Kane15:00 Eddie & The Cruisers II16:45 Mad Dog Coll18:30 SPOTLIGHT: Biopics: Hendrix

(TV Movie)20:15 Year of the Dragon22:30 Teenage Bonnie & Klepto Clyde

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?11:00 The Moment of Truth 12:00 The Apprentice

13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Bones21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Prison Break 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 146Where the Heart Is

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Vinegar Hill04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 146

Where the Heart Is05:00 Fighting For My Daughter07:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Vinegar Hill11:00 Doc Martin I ep 5

Of All The Harbours In All Of The Towns (P)

12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 5

Into That Good Night (P)14:00 Mcbride14:30 Fallen Idol16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 147

Deliver Us From Evil17:00 E.R. I ep 6

Chicago Heat (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Commander In Chief I ep 2

First Choice (P)21:00 Absolution23:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)

00:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)02:00 Sports Disasters Vi03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 3)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Sports Disasters Vi12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)15:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)16:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers19:30 Magic Asia: India20:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)21:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)22:00 Nip/tuck Season 223:30 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:33 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 Incredible Dog Challenge01:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 901:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs04:00 Classic Boxing: Joey Maxim V

Freddie Mills05:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 905:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Itu Triathlon Series 2008

- Hamburg, Germany08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs10:00 Sportscenter Right Now10:01 Kentucky Indycar 30012:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Evian Masters 2007 Tape

01:59hrs16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship17:00 2008 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating

Contest18:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Euro Beach Soccer Cup 200720:00 Big Ten Network: Best Of Big

Ten Tournaments20:30 KIA X Games Asian 200821:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The00:30 Sports Max01:30 FEI Equestrian World 200802:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Sports Max07:00 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 5, The07:30 Standard Snowboard Show 4

Ep. 6, The08:00 Golf Focus 200808:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3011:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 FIA WRC Production Car Rally

200814:30 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200815:00 Sports Max16:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 116:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 217:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show17:30 Golf Focus 200817:59 Score Tonight18:00 Samsung Kick Off18:30 Game19:00 Nokia Football Crazy20:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Soccer Cities21:30 Nokia Football Crazy22:30 Top Corner, The23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Nokia Football Crazy

00:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

00:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

01:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

02:00 Ultimate OlympicsThe Final Countdown

04:00 Perfect DisasterIce Storm

05:00 The History of SingaporeLion City, Asian Tiger

06:00 Living With The Mek TribeHome Sweet Home

07:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

08:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

08:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

09:00 Perfect DisasterIce Storm

10:00 Living With The Mek TribeHome Sweet Home

11:00 Mythbusters 3Cement Mix-Up

12:00 New Detectives: Written In Blood

13:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

13:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

14:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

15:00 Spear Of Jesus16:00 Mythbusters 3

Cement Mix-Up17:00 Mythbusters 5

Myth Evolution18:00 Deadliest Catch 4

No Mercy19:00 American Chopper 5

Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

20:00 Mega Builders 3Ice Hotel

21:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

22:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

23:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Sakhalin Oil & Ice

00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon

01:00 Gorilla Murders02:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica (G1&G2)03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-404:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Amazon (G1&G2)05:00 Gorilla Murders06:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica (G1&G2)07:00 Inside

World’s Biggest Cruise Ship08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India08:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-409:00 Spot Light on China

Megastructure: Shanghai Super Tower

10:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

11:00 Situation CriticalHunting Pablo Escobar (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-4

13:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

14:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

15:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

16:00 Mega ThursdayFerrari

17:00 Megastructure: Future Trains18:00 Spot Light on China

Secrets Of The First Emperor19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand19:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-520:00 Mega Thursday

Super Factories: BMW21:00 Mega Thursday

Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

22:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

23:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

00:00 John From Cincinnati 10: His Visit: Day Nine

01:00 30003:00 The Covenant05:00 Blankman07:00 Spies Like Us09:00 Man Of The Year11:00 Wind Chill13:00 Children Of Men15:00 Just Cause17:00 Blankman19:00 Spies Like Us21:00 The Quiet23:00 Wind Chill

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long

15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Dennis The Menace:

Cruise Control20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Shuriken School: A

Ninja’s Secret23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes Top 20 Hip Hop Cash Kings

03:10 Special Forbes Top 15 Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

04:05 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Tara Reid THS06:45 Special Mary-Kate & Ashley07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 Lindsay Lohan THS13:30 Mean Girls THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms16:10 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood16:35 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 THS Investigates19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas21:10 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 THS Investigates

00:35 Getting Home02:45 Female Prince, The04:55 Christmas on July 24th Avenue06:55 Brave Archer 2, The08:55 Women Prison10:30 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK12:20 It’s a Wonderful Life 14:10 Getting Home16:00 Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final

Duel17:35 Death Note 2: The Last Name20:00 Ah Sou21:35 Troublesome Night 1023:15 Re-Cycle


HBO Signature 1 Agustus 13:00, 9 Agustus 07:30, 14 Agustus 13:00, 18 Agustus 09:00, 19:00, 26 Agustus 07:00, 31 Agustus 22:00 WIB

Children Of MenTahun 2027, peradaban manusia terancam punah karena telah kehilangan kemampuan untuk berreporduksi selama 18 tahun. Sampai suatu hari, seorang wanita secara ajaib menjadi hamil. Theo (Owen), seorang agen federal yang agak stress, harus memerangi kejahatan di dalam dirinya sendiri dan melindungi sang wanita yang memegang kunci keselamatan peradaban manusia.

14 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 32 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 He Said, She Said02:00 Grendel04:00 Fracture06:00 Hush Little Baby08:00 Mike’s Murder10:00 He Said, She Said12:00 Poseidon14:00 My Blue Heaven16:00 Gattaca18:00 Casualties Of War20:00 The Prestige22:00 Poseidon

00:00 Dark City01:30 The Greatest Show On Earth04:00 The Assignment06:00 Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?08:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)10:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls12:00 Journey To The Center Of The

Earth14:00 Cloak & Dagger16:00 The Company Part 118:00 Sudden Impact20:00 The 51st State22:00 Babylon 5: The River Of Souls

00:00 Species Ii01:30 Lightspeed03:00 Zombies04:35 Air Guitar Nation06:00 She Drives Me Crazy07:30 At First Sight09:35 Yours, Mine & Ours 11:05 Firehouse Dog 13:00 Pitch Black14:45 Haven16:15 Lonely Hearts18:00 Tears Of The Sun 20:00 Messengers, The21:35 28 Weeks Later 23:15 Three Burials Of Melquiades

Estrada, The

00:00 Amongst Friends01:30 Babysitter, The03:15 That Sinking Feeling04:45 Topkapi06:45 Wuthering Heights (1970)08:30 Sketch Artist10:00 Run Silent, Run Deep11:45 Dirty Work13:15 Mystic Pizza15:00 Tom Sawyer (Animated)16:30 Midnight Clear, A18:30 WACKY FRIDAY: Foreign Body 20:30 Remo Williams: The Adventure

Begins22:30 Bright Lights, Big City

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Bones11:00 Criminal Minds 12:00 Prison Break 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 King of the Hill17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 18:00 Scrubs18:30 According to Jim19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty

21:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

22:00 The Moment of Truth 23:00 According to Jim23:30 King of the Hill

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 147Deliver Us From Evil

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Mystery Woman:02:30 Sing Me A Murder04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 147

Deliver Us From Evil05:00 Jasper, Texas07:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Mystery Woman:09:30 Sing Me A Murder11:00 Commander In Chief I ep 2

First Choice (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 6

Chicago Heat (P)14:00 Absolution16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 148

The Big Commitment17:00 E.R. I ep 7

Another Perfect Day (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Midsomer Murders IX20:30 House In the Woods22:00 Spooks III ep 17

Project Friendly Fire23:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)

00:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 202:30 Magic Asia: India03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers11:30 Magic Asia: India12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)15:00 Video Zonkers15:30 Magic Asia: India16:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 E Buzz19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)20:00 Longest Yard, The22:30 Rescue Me (Season 3)23:30 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:33 E Buzz

00:00 Planet Speed 2008/0900:30 Football Asia 2008/0901:00 Park Fmx01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs04:00 Classic Boxing: Ted Kid” Lewis

V Johnny Basham”05:00 Park Fmx05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Planet Speed 2008/0907:30 PGA Europro Tour 200808:59 Sportscenter Right Now09:00 Major League Baseball 200812:00 Sportscenter Right Now12:01 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Incredible Dog Challenge15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 Major League Baseball 200818:00 Planet Speed 2008/09

18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0919:30 Football Asia 2008/0920:00 First Edition20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:30 Game01:00 Soccer Cities01:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show02:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Hot Water07:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 107:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 208:00 Game08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 2005/06 UEFA Champions

League11:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore14:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show14:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore15:30 Game16:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 316:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 417:00 Nokia Football Crazy17:59 Score Tonight18:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3120:30 Score Tonight21:00 FIA WRC Production Car Rally

200821:30 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200822:00 Classic Boxing: Ernie Griffith-

Ernie’s Career23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia

00:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

01:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

02:00 Bracing For The Big One03:00 New Detectives: Written In

Blood04:00 American Chopper 5

Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

05:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

06:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 3

06:30 Everything You Need To KnowDiamonds

07:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

08:00 Mega Builders 3

Ice Hotel09:00 FutureWeapons 3

Alaska Special10:00 Extreme Engineering 3:

Sakhalin Oil & Ice11:00 Mythbusters 3

Exploding Port-A-Potty12:00 New Detectives: Critical

Evidence13:00 Mega Builders 3

Ice Hotel14:00 FutureWeapons 3

Alaska Special15:00 Extreme Engineering 3:

Sakhalin Oil & Ice16:00 Mythbusters 3

Exploding Port-A-Potty17:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 717:30 Million 2 One

Episode 918:00 Behind The News19:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

19:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

20:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 4

20:30 Everything You Need To KnowHurricanes

21:00 Best EvidenceChemical Contrails

22:00 Most EvilSpree Killers

23:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

00:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

01:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

02:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-5

04:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

05:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

06:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

07:00 InsideAir Show

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-5

09:00 Spot Light on China Secrets Of The First Emperor

10:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Colombia

11:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New Zealand

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-5

13:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

14:00 MegaCitiesLas Vegas

15:00 National Geographic Channel HD In The Womb: Twins, Triplets & Quads

16:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Afghanistan (G1&G2)

17:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

18:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Water Cube

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Daily Bread

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-6

20:00 MegaCitiesTaipei

21:00 National Geographic Channel HD Lost Tribe Of Palau

22:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Colombia (G1 & G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

01:00 Man Of The Year03:00 Just Cause05:00 Finding Forrester07:00 Cops And Robbersons09:00 Shakespeare In Love11:00 Field Of Dreams12:45 The Color Purple15:15 Loser17:00 Finding Forrester19:00 Shakespeare In Love21:00 Snow Falling On Cedars23:00 John From Cincinnati 01: His

Visit: Day One

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club

12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: An Extremely Goofy

Movie20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Now You See It23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns

04:05 Special Mary-Kate & Ashley05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Christie Brinkley THS06:45 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes08:50 Jessica Alba Style Star09:15 Elizabeth Hurley THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Jessica Alba Style Star12:15 The Dark Knight Behind The

Scenes12:40 Goldie & Kate THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200816:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Uma Thurman THS18:40 Renee Zellweger THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment21:10 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200822:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Uma Thurman THS23:40 Renee Zellweger THS

01:25 Fantastic Magic Baby, The03:30 Sunshine Days05:35 Fastest Sword, The07:15 Go Master09:05 Myth, The11:10 Ah Sou12:55 I Love Lolanto14:35 Seoul Raiders16:20 Super Fans 18:00 Say Hello For Me20:00 Twins Effect 21:55 Confession of Pain23:50 Rob-B-Hood


Celestial 3 Agustus 20:00, 5 Agustus 22:00, 6 Agustus 10:55, 15 Agustus 18:00, 30 Agustus 16:10 WIB

Say Hello For MeKisah film ini dimulai di sebuah kota di mana Karin, Satoshi dan Yuji berteman dan mereka saling berjanji tentang impian mereka masing-masingdi masa depan. Kemudian keadaan memisahkan mereka. Dan 13 tahun kemudian mereka bertemu kembali. Satoshi Toyama (Takayuki Yamada)adalah sosok pria yang jujur dan simpel. Sesuai dengan janjinya di masa kecil ia membuka toko tanaman air yang diberi nama Trash.

15 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 33

00:00 The Sopranos 41: No-show01:00 Hush Little Baby02:30 The Mirror Has Two Faces05:00 The Sopranos 41: No-show06:00 The Prestige08:00 Crossroads: A Story Of

Forgiveness10:00 Fracture12:00 The Mirror Has Two Faces14:00 Hush Little Baby16:00 He Said, She Said18:00 Gattaca20:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit22:00 Fracture

00:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth

02:00 Lonely Are The Brave04:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)06:00 Cloak & Dagger08:00 Weekend War10:00 The 51st State12:00 Flight Of Fury14:00 True Blue16:00 The Company Part 218:00 Four Brothers20:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms22:00 Hostel

01:25 Punch-drunk Love03:05 Lost Colony04:45 All Hat06:25 In The Mix08:05 Chasing Christmas09:30 Sandlot 2, The11:10 102 Dalmatians12:55 Home Of The Brave14:40 Right At Your Door 16:15 Epic Movie17:40 Guardian, The 20:00 Step Up!21:45 Employee Of The Month23:35 Aliens

00:15 Number One With A Bullet02:00 Ghoulies03:30 Futureworld05:30 Commitments, The07:30 Billy Galvin09:15 Diggstown (a.k.a. Midnight

Sting)11:00 Rage In Harlem, A12:45 Falcon And The Snowman, The15:00 Trip With Anita16:45 Final Approach18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: Kid

Colter20:15 Undertow22:00 Fellini Satyricon

00:00 TNA Wrestlling 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 The Moment of Truth 03:00 Six Degrees 04:00 TNA Wrestlling 05:00 Creflo Dollar 05:30 According to Jim06:00 Bones07:00 Criminal Minds 08:00 Prison Break 09:00 Monk10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends

12:30 Friends13:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?14:00 The Moment of Truth 15:00 Six Degrees 16:00 Bones17:00 Criminal Minds 18:00 Prison Break 19:00 TNA Xplosion20:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 22:00 TNA Xplosion23:00 Finding Paddy

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 148The Big Commitment

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Midsomer Murders IX02:30 House In the Woods04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 148

The Big Commitment05:00 Lavyrle Spencer’s Home Song07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 1

Welcome Aboard (P)08:00 The Inspectors 10:00 The Nanny I ep 1 (P)10:30 The Nanny I ep 2 (P)11:00 The Nanny I ep 3 (P)11:30 The Nanny I ep 4 (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Mcbride:

It’s Murder, Madam15:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 127

Moonstruck16:00 Sea Patrol I ep 1

Welcome Aboard (P)17:00 Without A Trace III ep 16

Manhunt (P)18:00 Commander In Chief I ep 2

First Choice (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 10.5 Apocalypse20:30 Cast: Kim Delaney, Dean Cain23:30 Two Twisted ep 1 (P)

00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 302:00 Nip/tuck Season 303:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 Longest Yard, The07:30 Amazing Race Asia Memories08:30 Magic Asia: India09:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)09:30 E Buzz10:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)11:00 House (Season 4)12:00 Video Zonkers12:30 Magic Asia: India13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)14:00 Longest Yard, The16:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)17:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories18:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)19:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)19:30 E Buzz20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)22:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)

00:00 Football Forecast - NPL 2008/09

00:30 First Edition01:00 Malibu Pro Team Challenge01:30 Sportscenter Asia

02:00 Major League Baseball 200805:00 Malibu Pro Team Challenge05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 X Games 1411:00 Sportscenter Week In Review11:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:30 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0913:00 First Edition13:30 Planet Speed 2008/0914:00 Major League Baseball 200816:55 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0917:25 Sportscenter Weekend17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review18:00 First Edition18:30 Major League Baseball 200821:30 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs23:30 Friday Night Fights (#117)

00:30 2008 Geelong Women’s World Cup Race

01:30 Behind The Baseline02:00 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis

Championship04:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The04:30 Engine Block 200805:00 Top Corner, The05:30 Ace06:00 Golf Focus 200806:30 Game07:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 307:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 408:00 Soccer Cities08:30 Soccer Cities09:00 Nokia Football Crazy10:00 Hot Water11:00 Swedish Open12:00 Community Shield 2008/09,

The14:00 Ace14:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show15:00 Nokia Football Crazy16:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 516:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 617:00 Game17:30 Top Corner, The18:00 Soccer Cities18:30 Selangor Masters19:30 Engine Block 200820:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show

20:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

22:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

23:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008, Singapore

00:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 4

00:30 Everything You Need To KnowHurricanes

01:00 Best EvidenceChemical Contrails

02:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of China

03:00 New Detectives: Critical Evidence

04:00 Best EvidenceChemical Contrails

05:00 Most EvilSpree Killers

06:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

07:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

08:00 Spear Of Jesus09:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 709:30 Million 2 One

Episode 910:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 410:30 Everything You Need To Know

Hurricanes11:00 Mythbusters 5

Trail Blazers12:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersSwing Bridge

13:00 Seven Wonders Of China Special

14:00 The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China

16:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

17:00 Dirty JobsMule Logger

18:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

19:00 Smash LabCrash Absorbing Concrete

20:00 Man Vs Wild 2Sahara

21:00 Deadliest Catch 4

No Mercy22:00 Fight Quest

Israel23:00 Dirty Jobs

Mule Logger

00:00 Situation CriticalHunting Pablo Escobar (G1&G2)

01:00 National Geographic Channel HD Lost Tribe Of Palau

02:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Daily Bread

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-6

04:00 MegaCitiesTaipei

05:00 Situation CriticalHunting Pablo Escobar (G1&G2)

06:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

07:00 Spot Light on ChinaMegastructure: Shanghai Super Tower

08:00 Gorilla Murders09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Break-In Bear

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Blue Whales

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Fur Seals

11:00 Beijing Water Cube12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Southern Cookin’ USA12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-113:00 Spot Light on China

Diva Mummy14:00 Nat Geo Weekends

When Nature Strikes Back: Landslides

15:00 Tribal OdysseyRendille Ceremonies Of The New Moon (G1 & G2)

16:00 Megastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

17:00 Super Human: Strongman18:00 Inside

Air Show19:00 Perfect Weapon

Shootout20:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone 21:00 Tribal Odyssey

The Dinka (G1&G2) 22:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super

Ferry23:00 Super Human: Strongman

00:00 John From Cincinnati 02: His Visit: Day Two

01:00 John From Cincinnati 03: His Visit: Day Two Continued

02:00 John From Cincinnati 04: His Visit: Day Three

03:00 Snow Falling On Cedars05:00 The Out-of-towners06:45 For Love Of The Game09:00 Munchies11:00 Inland Empire13:45 Critical Condition15:30 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America17:00 The Out-of-towners19:00 Snow Falling On Cedars21:00 The Covenant23:00 John From Cincinnati 05: His

Visit: Day Four

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin

04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Casper Scare School12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCM: Her Best Move20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Globehunters23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes04:05 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms05:00 Michael Jackson THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Rod & Kimberly Stewart THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 25 Celebrity Near Death

Experiences14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Steven & Liv Tyler THS18:40 Posh & Becks THS19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!20:20 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Steven & Liv Tyler THS23:40 Posh & Becks THS

02:00 Magic Cop03:35 Flower In The Rain05:25 Brothers Five07:15 Idol08:55 Night Time Picnic, The10:55 Gen-Y Cops12:45 Alan & Eric Between Hello &

Goodbye14:30 Dragon Missile, The16:00 Time to Love, A18:00 Yesterday Once More19:40 Celestial Cameos20:00 Hero 22:15 2 Become 123:55 Out Of The Dark


Disney 16 Agustus 18:30 WIB

Her Best Move“Her Best Move” menghadirkan kisah seorang gadis pemain sepak bola, Sara Davis, yang berusaha untuk masuk ke tim nasional Amerika. Konflik terjadi ketika ia harus menghadapi kekerasan hati ayahnya dan pacarnya yang menyukai kebebasan.

16 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 34 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 The Prestige02:00 Casualties Of War04:00 Hush Little Baby06:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit08:00 Fracture10:00 The Pest12:00 The Secret Garden14:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit16:00 Hush Little Baby18:00 Loose Cannons20:00 Evan Almighty22:00 Final Destination 3

00:00 Flight Of Fury02:00 True Blue04:00 Four Brothers06:00 Journey To The Center Of The

Earth08:00 True Blue10:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)12:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms14:00 Dark Storm16:00 The Company Part 318:00 The Fog20:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift22:00 The Frighteners (Director’s Cut)

01:50 X-files, The03:50 Shadow Conspiracy05:35 Trust The Man 07:15 Krippendorf’s Tribe 08:50 Material Girls10:30 Fountain, The12:10 Step Up!13:55 Rocky Balboa15:40 Bandidas17:15 Casino Royale20:00 Code Name: The Cleaner21:35 Scary Movie 423:00 Posse

00:00 Separate Tables (Feature)01:45 Return of the Seven03:30 Duck, You Sucker (a.k.a. Fistful

of Dynamite, A)06:00 Girlfight08:00 Playing Mona Lisa09:45 Atomic Train (Two Hour)11:45 De-Lovely14:00 Hotel Terminus18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: Thunder

Road20:15 Dublin Murders21:45 Betrayed

01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:30 8 Simple Rules02:00 Hope & Faith02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 TNA Xplosion05:00 Hope & Faith05:30 30 Rock 06:00 The Bold and the Beautiful08:00 Sunday Movie 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:30 8 Simple Rules14:00 Hope & Faith14:30 30 Rock 15:00 Monk16:00 Ugly Betty 17:00 Private Practice 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 20:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 21:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show22:00 Ugly Betty 23:00 Private Practice

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 127Moonstruck

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Mcbride:02:30 It’s Murder, Madam04:00 Wild At Heart II ep 105:00 The Nanny I ep 1 (P)05:30 The Nanny I ep 2 (P)06:00 The Nanny I ep 3 (P)06:30 The Nanny I ep 4 (P)07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 2

What Lies Beneath (P)08:00 The Family Plan10:00 Midsomer Murders IX10:30 House In the Woods12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Without A Trace III ep 16

Manhunt (P)14:00 Commander In Chief I ep 2

First Choice (P)15:00 10.5 Apocalypse

Cast: Kim Delaney, Dean Cain18:30 Two Twisted ep 1 (P)19:00 Oprah Prime Time Specials20:00 The Maldonado Miracle22:00 Midsomer Murders IX22:30 House In the Woods

00:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)01:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories02:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)03:00 House (Season 4)04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)05:00 Spider-man 207:30 Magic Asia: India08:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)09:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)10:00 Holy @#%*!10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)14:00 Spider-man 216:30 E Buzz17:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)18:00 Caught On Tape19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 The Shield (Season 6)

01:30 Sportscenter Week In Review02:00 Sportscenter Weekend02:05 Major League Baseball 200805:00 2008 Little League Baseball07:00 Sportscenter Week In Review07:30 Planet Speed 2008/0908:00 Major League Baseball 200811:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report11:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Major League Baseball 200816:55 Football Asia 2008/0917:25 Planet Speed 2008/0917:55 Sportscenter Weekend18:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report18:30 Major League Baseball 200821:30 Evian Masters 2008 Tape

02:00hrs23:30 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,


01:00 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Magazine Show

01:30 Selangor Masters02:30 Max Power 2008/200903:30 International Motorsport News

200804:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia06:00 Sports Max07:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 507:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 6

08:00 Swedish Open09:00 FA Classics10:00 Aib Ladies Irish Open11:00 Max Power 2008/200912:00 International Motorsport News

200813:00 Selangor Masters14:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 714:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 815:00 Swedish Open15:57 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Race20:00 FIA GT Championships 200822:00 2008 GP 2 Series

00:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

01:00 Life Or DeathEpisode 4

02:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

02:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

03:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 703:30 Million 2 One

Episode 904:00 Mega Builders 3

Ice Hotel05:00 Bracing For The Big One06:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of

China07:00 Seven Wonders Of China

Special08:00 The First Emperor: The Man

Who Made China10:00 American Chopper 5

Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

11:00 Man Vs Wild 2Sahara

12:00 Dirty JobsMule Logger

13:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 4

13:30 Everything You Need To KnowHurricanes

14:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

14:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

15:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

16:00 Mythbusters 5Trail Blazers

17:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

18:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of China

19:00 Cathay Pacific Signature SeriesBaby Mammoth

20:00 Behind The Great Wall22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Future Warrior23:00 Behind The Great Wall

00:00 Nat Geo Weekends Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone

01:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Dinka (G1&G2)

02:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

03:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

04:00 Nat Geo Weekends Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone

05:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Dinka (G1&G2)

06:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

07:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Olympic Stadium

08:00 Predators in Peril 09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Double Trouble Gators

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Fur Seals

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Humpback

11:00 I Didn’t Know That S2-1

11:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-2

12:00 Mad Lab#6

12:30 What Would Happen If #613:00 Amazing Moments

#313:30 Amazing Moments

#414:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India14:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand15:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: BMW16:00 Nat Geo Presents

Boxing Behind Bars17:00 What Would Happen If…217:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New Zealand

18:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

19:00 Long Way DownScotland To Italy

20:00 Preserve Our PlanetI Didn’t Know That DIY Green

21:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Fire Truck

22:00 Nat Geo Presents A Taste of Base

23:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon (G1 & G2)

00:00 John From Cincinnati 06: His Visit: Day Five

01:00 John From Cincinnati 07: His Visit: Day Six

02:00 John From Cincinnati 08: His Visit: Day Seven

03:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In America

05:00 Little Giants07:00 Friends With Money09:00 Joe Dirt11:00 Let’s Go To Prison13:00 Snow Falling On Cedars

15:00 Caddyshack17:00 Little Giants19:00 Friends With Money21:00 Big Love 18: Dating Game21:45 Superstar23:00 John From Cincinnati 09: His

Visit: Day Eight

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies

10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Inspector Gadget’s:

Bigget Caper Ever12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 Jonas Brothers: Living The

DreamDCOM: Eloise By The Plaza

20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Cinderella 3: A Twist In

Time23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 Extreme Hollywood01:20 Extreme Hollywood02:15 Extreme Hollywood03:10 Extreme Hollywood04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 The Many Loves Of Marilyn

Monroe THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Jessica Alba Style Star09:15 Mariska Hargitay THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Jessica Alba Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Heath Ledger THS18:40 Charlize Theron THS19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts21:10 Glamour’s 20 Wedding Do’s

and Don’ts22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Heath Ledger THS23:40 Charlize Theron THS

01:20 Rough03:20 Women On The Run04:55 Emperor And The Minister, The06:35 Fun & Fury08:20 Twin Bracelets, The09:55 Cinema Today10:55 Shining Boy & Little Randy12:55 Wonder Women14:40 Mr 3 Minutes16:15 Missing Gun, The17:45 Typhoon20:00 Cat and Mouse 21:35 Kidnap23:15 Haunted Cop Shop II, The


HBO 17 Agustus 20:00, 18 Agustus 23:00, 19 Agustus 16:00, 21 Agustus 18:00, 23 Agustus 10:00,22:30, 24 Agustus 14:00

Evan Almighty Evan AlmightyEvan Baxter adalah seorang mantan wartawan yang kini bekerja menjadi anggota kongres, dengan tujuan ingin mengubah dunia. Dengan alasan itu, ia dan keluarganya pindah dari kediamannya di Buffalo ke Prestige Crest. Anak-anaknya yang semula protes akan kepindahan tersebut, namun setelah tiba di Prestige Crest mereka senang akan

17 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 35

00:00 Saving Private Ryan02:45 Evan Almighty04:30 The Hunt For The Btk Killer06:00 Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy08:00 Mary Reilly10:00 Power12:00 Evan Almighty14:00 Vision Quest16:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit18:00 The Secret Garden20:00 Vampire Bats22:00 The Sopranos 42: Christopher23:00 Evan Almighty

00:00 Dark Storm02:00 Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?04:00 The Fog06:00 The Greatest Show On Earth08:30 Midway10:30 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift12:00 True Blue14:00 Sudden Impact16:00 Weekend War18:00 Dark City20:00 Los Locos22:00 True Blue

01:00 Zodiac, The02:45 Surveillance04:20 Distinguished Gentleman, The06:15 Suzanne’s Diary For Nicholas 07:50 Lightspeed09:25 Flicka11:05 Hollywoodland13:15 D-tox14:55 Yours, Mine & Ours 16:25 Romance & Cigarettes 18:05 Firehouse Dog 20:00 Shanghai Noon21:50 102 Dalmatians23:30 Lucky Number Slevin

00:00 Breaking In01:45 Crusoe03:30 Dogs of War, The05:30 Accidents07:00 Welcome To Woop Woop08:45 High Spirits10:30 Mr. Majestyk12:15 New York, New York15:00 War Party16:45 Perfect Strangers18:30 DRAMA & ROMANCE: Purple

Haze20:15 Koyaanisqatsi21:45 Desperately Seeking Susan23:30 Ground Zero

00:00 Ghost Whisperer01:00 Sunday Movie 03:00 Monk04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful

14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 21:00 Hope & Faith21:30 30 Rock 22:00 Monk23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 128It You Build It...

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Wild At Heart II ep 103:00 The Family Plan05:00 Holiday In Handcuffs07:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 The Maldonado Miracle11:00 Spooks III ep 18

The Sleeper12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 7

Another Perfect Day (P)14:00 Long Shot16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 149

Biting the Bullet17:00 E.R. I ep 8

9 1/2 Hours (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Without A Trace III ep 1720:30 Lone Star (P)21:00 Our House23:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)

00:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Season 1)

01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)04:00 Sports Disasters Vi05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 The Amazing Race (Season Xii)

12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Anger Management16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine

(Season 2)16:30 E Buzz17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)19:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)20:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Damages23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)

00:30 Sportscenter: The Field Report01:00 Sportscenter Weekend01:05 Major League Baseball 200804:00 Classic Boxing: Muhammad Ali

V Leon Spinks05:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report05:30 Planet Speed 2008/0906:00 Ironman South Africa07:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour07:30 Football Asia 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship09:00 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Asia 2008/0911:30 Great Capital Run - Hyde Park,

London12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 City Slam18:00 Big Ten Network: Best Of Big

Ten Tournaments18:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship20:00 Football Asia 2008/0920:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 MotoGP World Championship 2008 Race

03:00 Behind The Baseline03:30 Fina Aquatics World04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia07:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 707:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 808:00 Behind The Baseline08:30 Meteksan Archery World Cup

2008 (#15)09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classics 711:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Race14:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia15:00 Le Mans Endurance Series

200816:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 916:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1017:00 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200817:59 Score Tonight18:00 Game18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Engine Block 2008

21:30 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

22:00 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

22:30 FIA World Rally Championships 08/09 - Daily Highlights

23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Engine Block 2008

01:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Sakhalin Oil & Ice

02:00 The History of SingaporeRaffles’ Little Child

03:00 Best EvidenceChemical Contrails

04:00 Most EvilSpree Killers

05:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 7

05:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 9

06:00 Spear Of Jesus07:00 Behind The Great Wall09:00 Bracing For The Big One10:00 Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of

China11:00 Mythbusters 3

Is Yawning Contagious?12:00 New Detectives: Fatal Twist13:00 Behind The Great Wall15:00 Mega Builders 3

Ice Hotel16:00 Mythbusters 3

Is Yawning Contagious?17:00 Dirty Jobs

Mule Logger18:00 Rural Indian Games19:00 What The Ancients Knew II:

India20:00 Fight Quest

China21:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger22:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Racing The Clock

23:00 Fight QuestChina

00:00 Preserve Our PlanetI Didn’t Know That DIY Green

01:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Fire Truck

02:00 Nat Geo Presents A Taste of Base

03:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

04:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon

05:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Fire Truck

06:00 Nat Geo Presents A Taste of Base

07:00 InsideUndercover in North Korea (G1&G2)

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Daily Bread

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-6

09:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Water Cube

10:00 Nat Geo Presents A Taste of Base

11:00 Situation CriticalHollywood Shootout (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Daily Bread

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-6

13:00 Spot Light on China Beijing Water Cube

14:00 National Geographic’s Amazing MomentsS2-2 (G1& G2)

15:00 Animal Extractors: Bedroom Bat

16:00 Wild Detectives: Fur Seals16:30 Wild Detectives: Humpback17:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In Colombia18:00 Spot Light on China

Hong Kong’s Big Bang19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Cow Cuisine19:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-720:00 Long Way Down

Rome To Tobruk21:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In Congo (G1& G2)22:00 Long Way Down

Scotland To Italy23:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I

Am In Colombia (G1 & G2)

00:00 John From Cincinnati 10: His Visit: Day Nine

01:00 Snow Falling On Cedars03:00 Let’s Go To Prison05:00 How To Make An American

Quilt07:00 All The King’s Men09:00 Children Of Men11:00 Snow Falling On Cedars13:00 For Love Of The Game15:15 Light Of Day17:00 How To Make An American

Quilt19:00 Children Of Men21:00 Man Of The Year23:00 Snow Falling On Cedars

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy

07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Power Hour10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 Power Hour16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCOM: Eloise By The Plaza20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Dinosaur Island23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Beyonce Revealed07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Halle Berry Style Star09:15 Hilary Swank THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Heels & Deals10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Halle Berry Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 Uma Thurman THS13:30 Elizabeth Hurley THS14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Angelina Jolie THS18:40 Special Jennifer Aniston:

America’s Sweetheart19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!20:20 Extreme Hollywood21:10 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Angelina Jolie THS23:40 Special Jennifer Aniston:

America’s Sweetheart

00:50 Hero02:25 King With My Face, The04:05 Hidden Power Of Dragon

Sabre, The05:35 Clan Feuds07:15 Lover Soldier Of Fortune08:50 Blue Automobile, A10:25 Kidnap12:05 To Catch a Thief13:45 Cinema Today14:45 Nothing Is Impossible16:25 Twins Mission18:10 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK20:00 One Last Dance22:00 Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final

Duel23:35 Vampire Buster


AXN Sabtu 11:00, 21:00, Senin 21:00, Selasa 15:00

House (Season 4)HOUSE adalah serial drama di dunia medis, di mana sang penjahat adalah penyakit medis dan sang pahlawan adalah seorang dokter yang tidak sopan dan kontroversial serta tidak memercayai siapa pun, tapi sedikit dipercayai oleh para pasiennya.

18 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 36 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:30 Pumpkinhead: Ashes To Ashes02:00 The Sopranos 42: Christopher03:00 Saving Private Ryan06:00 Evan Almighty08:00 The Prestige10:00 The Hunt For The Btk Killer12:00 Vampire Bats14:00 The Prestige16:00 Evan Almighty18:00 Five Days: Part 1 20:00 Five Days: Part 2 22:00 Saving Private Ryan

00:00 Hostel01:30 Sudden Impact03:15 Once Upon A Time In The West06:00 Blue Hawaii08:00 Los Locos10:00 Flight Of Fury12:00 The 51st State14:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms16:00 The Sting Ii18:00 Cloak & Dagger20:00 Chrome Soldiers22:00 Flight Of Fury

01:15 Hills Have Eyes, The03:00 Black Widow 04:30 The Touch 06:20 Home Alone08:05 Ringer, The 09:40 Lovesick11:10 Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The 12:40 Shanghai Noon14:30 Russia House, The16:35 Sandlot 2, The18:15 Volcano 20:00 Borat:cultural Learnings Of

America For Make Benefit GloriousNation Of Kazakhstan

21:25 Wolf Creek 23:05 Right At Your Door

01:15 Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia

03:00 Love, Cheat & Steal04:45 Hardware06:15 Miracle, The08:00 Haunted Honeymoon09:30 Twelve Angry Men11:15 Dangerous Woman, A13:00 Mr. Wonderful14:45 70’s (Two Hour Version), The16:45 Hendrix (TV Movie)18:30 CRIMETIME: Prime Risk20:15 Mad Dog Coll22:00 Teenage Bonnie & Klepto Clyde23:30 Cage Aux Folles, La

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim

02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 11:00 Hope & Faith11:30 30 Rock 12:00 Monk13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Ghost Whisperer23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 149Biting the Bullet

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Sign of Four04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 149

Biting the Bullet05:00 Long Shot07:00 The Nanny I ep 13 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 14 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Our House11:00 Without A Trace III ep 17

Lone Star (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 8

9 1/2 Hours (P)14:00 Sign of Four16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 150

Second Best17:00 E.R. I ep 917:30 ER Confidential (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 13 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 14 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 1620:30 Lost and Found (P)21:00 Stranger’s Heart23:00 The Nanny I ep 13 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 14 (P)

00:00 House (Season 4)01:00 Damages02:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)

09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers (Season 2)11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Damages15:00 House (Season 4)16:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)17:00 Numb3rs (Season 1)18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)20:00 The Contender Asia21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 2008 Little League Baseball02:00 Rockstar Cable Jam02:30 Sportscenter Asia03:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship04:00 Classic Boxing: Ruben Olivares

V Lionel Rose05:00 Rockstar Cable Jam05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Ironman Australia07:00 Incredible Dog Challenge08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship09:00 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Incredible Dog Challenge12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Ironman South Africa17:00 X Games Brasil : Day 118:00 Football Asia 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:00 Planet Speed 2008/0920:30 Football Asia 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 International Motorsport News 2008

01:00 Planet Speed 2008/0901:30 Le Mans Endurance Series

200802:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights03:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights03:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 International Motorsport News

200807:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 907:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1008:00 Engine Block 200808:30 Planet Speed 2008/0909:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3211:00 Banka Koper Slovenian Open12:30 Banka Koper Slovenian Open14:00 BMW Ladies Italian Open

15:00 International Motorsport News 2008

16:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1116:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1217:00 Samsung Super League With

FEI 200817:59 Score Tonight18:00 Top Corner, The18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3320:30 Score Tonight21:00 Ace21:30 Behind The Baseline22:00 Banka Koper Slovenian Open23:30 Score Tonight

00:00 Dirty JobsWell Digger

01:00 Deadliest Catch 4Racing The Clock

02:00 The History of SingaporeAccidental Nation

03:00 New Detectives: Fatal Twist04:00 Fight Quest

China05:00 Rural Indian Games06:00 What The Ancients Knew II:

India07:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger08:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Racing The Clock09:00 Fight Quest

China10:00 Rural Indian Games11:00 Mythbusters 3

Cooling A Six-Pack12:00 The FBI Files: Price Of Greed13:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger14:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Racing The Clock15:00 FutureWeapons 3

Alaska Special16:00 Mythbusters 3

Cooling A Six-Pack17:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Sahara18:00 Marathon: The Long Run To

Democracy19:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain20:00 FutureWeapons 3

Alaska Special21:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor22:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersReally, Really Big Show

23:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

00:00 Long Way DownRome To Tobruk

01:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo

02:00 Secrets of The Vikings Warriors Raiders by Design

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Cow Cuisine

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-7

04:00 Secrets of The Vikings Warriors Victims of Success

05:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo

06:00 Sahara: The Nectar Of Life07:00 Inside

World’s Biggest Cruise Ship08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Cow Cuisine08:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-709:00 Spot Light on China

Hong Kong’s Big Bang

10:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence

11:00 Situation CriticalHunting Pablo Escobar (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Cow Cuisine

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-7

13:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

14:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Behind Closed Doors (G1& G2)

15:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon (G1& G2)

16:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1& G2)

17:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

18:00 Spot Light on ChinaMegaBridges: China

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-8

20:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1& G2)

21:00 Perfect WeaponDressed To Kill

22:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1& G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponDressed To Kill

01:00 All The King’s Men03:00 Light Of Day05:00 Hard To Kill07:00 Field Of Dreams09:00 30011:00 Loser13:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story15:00 Cops And Robbersons17:00 Hard To Kill19:00 30021:00 The White Countess23:15 Loser

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Power Hour10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 Power Hour16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies

17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Stitch! The Movie20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Alice in Wonderland23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

01:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Rod & Kimberly Stewart THS06:45 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Steven & Liv Tyler THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 Rock Star Daughters THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 First Daughters THS18:40 Society Girls THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Extreme Hollywood21:10 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 First Daughters THS23:40 Society Girls THS

01:10 City Kids 198902:40 Meeting Life and Death04:30 Five Tough Guys05:55 Mission Of Justice07:20 Twilight Of The Forbidden City,

The09:00 Best Of Best, The10:35 Heartful Of Love, A12:50 Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final

Duel14:25 Life Tears In Heaven16:30 Love’s Lone Flower18:15 b42020:00 House of Fury22:00 Cat and Mouse 23:40 Beloved Son Of God, The

Selasa19 Ags

Celestial 17 Agustus 20:00, 19 Agustus 22:00, 20 Agustus 11:25, 25 Agustus 16:35, 26 Agustus 07:25, 30 Agustus 21:45 WIB

Cat and MouseSeorang petugas pengadilan dengan julukan “The Imperial Cat” yaitu Zhan Zhao (Andy Lau) sering berseteru dengan Bai Yutong (Cecilia Cheung) yang terkenal dengan julukan “The Multicolored Mouse”, seorang pencuri seperti Robin Hood. Namun yang tidak diketahui oleh Zhan, ternyata Bai Yutong adalah seorang perempuan yang juga jatuh hati kepada Zhan. Seraya konflik mereka makin memuncak Bai harus mencari cara untuk memenangkan hati Zhan tanpa membuatnya kaget.

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 37

00:45 Loose Cannons02:30 Pumpkinhead: Ashes To Ashes04:00 Power06:00 The Hunt For The Btk Killer08:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit10:00 Five Days: Part 1 12:00 Five Days: Part 2 14:00 Power16:00 Loose Cannons18:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit20:00 Final Destination 322:00 Five Days: Part 1

00:00 The 51st State02:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms04:00 Lonely Are The Brave06:00 The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver08:00 The 51st State10:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms12:00 Los Locos14:00 The Bridges At Toko-ri16:00 True Blue18:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift20:00 Friday The 13th Part Vi: Jason

Lives22:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms

00:40 Guardian, The 03:00 Lost Colony04:35 She Drives Me Crazy06:05 Clean Slate07:55 Mr. Deeds 09:35 At First Sight11:45 Vip Access: Wall-e 12:15 Borat:cultural Learnings Of

America For Make Benefit GloriousNation Of Kazakhstan

13:40 The Abyss16:05 Pret-a-porter 18:20 28 Weeks Later 20:00 Blood And Chocolate21:40 Tears Of The Sun 23:40 Zombies

01:15 Four Friends03:15 Falcon And The Snowman, The05:30 Struck By Lightning07:30 That Sinking Feeling09:00 Swamp Thing10:30 Barefoot Contessa, The12:45 Little Man Tate14:30 Remo Williams: The Adventure

Begins16:30 Midnight Clear, A18:30 ACTION & SUSPENSE: Wheels

of Terror20:15 Year of the Dragon22:30 Foreign Body

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?21:00 The Moment of Truth 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 150Second Best

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 We Were the Mulvaneys04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 150

Second Best05:00 Tell Me No Secrets07:00 The Nanny I ep 15 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 16 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Stranger’s Heart11:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 16

Lost and Found (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 9

ER Confidential (P)14:00 We Were the Mulvaneys16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 15116:30 The Trouble With Harry17:00 E.R. I ep 10

Blizzard (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 15 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 16 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Doc Martin I ep 6

Haemophobia (End of Series) (P)

21:00 The Maldonado Miracle23:00 The Nanny I ep 15 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 16 (P)

00:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)01:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)02:00 The Contender Asia03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 24 (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)

08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 24 (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Pirate Master12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 The Contender Asia15:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)15:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)16:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Sports Disasters Vi20:00 Man Vs Beast I21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Man Vs Beast I

00:00 Football Focus With John Dykes

01:00 Rockstar Wake Jam01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 2008 Little League Baseball04:00 Rockstar Wake Jam04:30 Sportscenter Asia05:00 2008 Little League Baseball07:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Generationpool.Com Women’s

9-Ball Championship09:00 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 Ironman Australia17:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes18:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Big Ten Network: Mendenhall’s

Journey To The NFL 119:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Top Corner, The00:30 Ace01:00 Behind The Baseline01:30 England U-21 International

Friendly04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Max Power 2008/200907:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1107:30 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1208:00 Top Corner, The08:30 Ace09:00 England U-21 International

Friendly11:00 Banka Koper Slovenian Open12:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights13:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights13:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Daily Highlights14:00 Samsung Super League With

FEI 200815:00 Max Power 2008/200916:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1316:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 117:00 Top Corner, The17:30 Ace17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Behind The Baseline18:30 England U-21 International

Friendly20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Golf Focus 200821:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The22:00 Selangor Masters23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Golf Focus 2008

00:00 Man Vs Wild 2Desert Survivor

01:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersReally, Really Big Show

02:00 The History of SingaporeLion City, Asian Tiger

03:00 The FBI Files: Price Of Greed04:00 FutureWeapons 3

Alaska Special05:00 Marathon: The Long Run To

Democracy06:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain07:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor08:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersReally, Really Big Show

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Alaska Special

10:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain11:00 Mythbusters 3

Son Of A Gun12:00 The FBI Files: Caught In The

Act13:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor14:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersReally, Really Big Show

15:00 American Chopper 5Michigan Bike/my Name Is Earl 2

16:00 Mythbusters 3Son Of A Gun

17:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Deep Fried Diesel

17:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Human Powered

18:00 Crossings: P T Usha19:00 Living With The Mek Tribe

Dark Side Of The Mek20:00 Wildcatters

Episode 121:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Sun Power21:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Dirt Rules22:00 Race to Mars

Episode 123:00 Wildcatters

Episode 1

00:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight

01:00 Perfect WeaponDressed To Kill

02:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-8

04:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1 & G2)

05:00 Perfect WeaponDressed To Kill

06:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

07:00 InsideAir Show

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-8

09:00 Spot Light on ChinaMegaBridges: China

10:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2Amazon

11:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-8

13:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

14:00 Gorilla Murders15:00 Super Factories

BMW16:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Costa Rica (G1& G2)17:00 Predators in Peril 18:00 Spot Light on China

Inside the Forbidden City #119:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Digital Critics19:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-920:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)21:00 Super Pride22:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Amazon23:00 Gorilla Murders

01:00 The Quiet03:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story05:00 Critical Condition07:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles09:00 Snow Falling On Cedars11:00 Shakespeare In Love13:00 Wind Chill15:00 Finding Forrester17:00 Critical Condition19:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles21:00 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise23:00 Shottas

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny

07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Power Hour10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 Power Hour16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Casper’s A Spirited

Beginning20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Return of Jafar23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes Top 15 Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

03:10 Special Forbes Top 20 Hip Hop Cash Kings

04:05 Special Forbes Top 20 Young Royals

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Charlize Theron THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Nicole Kidman THS10:05 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood10:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 Sandra Bullock Revealed13:30 Renee Zellweger THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 The Osbournes THS19:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood19:55 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood20:20 Special Forbes TV 20: Famous,

Fabulous, and Filthy Rich21:10 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 The Osbournes THS

01:15 X Mission02:50 Bloody Escape, The04:20 Informer, The06:00 One and a Half07:35 House of Fury09:20 Life Tears In Heaven11:25 Cat and Mouse 13:00 Nuan14:50 Loving You16:15 Love in Macau17:45 Hero 20:00 Lady Iron Chef, The21:45 Hooked on You23:25 Cinema Today


Cinemax 17 Agustus 20:00, 18 Agustus 10:30, 20 Agustus 18:00, 22 Agustus 08:00, 22:00, 23 Agustus 16:00 WIB

The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift“The Fast and Furious 3” kembali bercerita mengenai Sean Boswell (Lucas Black), pemuda emosional, pembalap amatiran yang melarikan diri dari incaran polisi. Untuk menghindari kejaran polisi, akhirnya Sean dikirim untuk tinggal bersama ayahnya, yang juga seorang militer yang keras di Tokyo. Dari teman Amerikanya, Twinkie (Bow Wow), ia mengenal dunia

20 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 38 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Five Days: Part 2 02:00 Mary Reilly04:00 Pumpkinhead: Ashes To Ashes06:00 Power08:00 Vision Quest10:00 Mary Reilly12:00 The Prestige14:00 The Pest16:00 The Secret Garden18:00 Evan Almighty20:00 Saving Private Ryan22:45 The Prestige

00:00 Los Locos02:00 Hostel04:00 True Blue06:00 Midway08:00 Mackenna’s Gold10:00 The Fog12:00 The Sting Ii14:00 The Company Part 116:00 Chrome Soldiers18:00 The 51st State20:00 Mad Max22:00 The Fog

01:15 Air Guitar Nation02:45 Penny Dreadful 04:25 Haven06:00 Mistress Of Spices, The 07:40 Night At The Museum09:30 Romance & Cigarettes 11:10 Desperate Measures 12:55 Blood And Chocolate14:35 Posse16:30 Ripley Under Ground 18:10 Employee Of The Month20:00 Chestnut21:30 Arthur And The Minimoys23:10 Army Of Darkness

00:30 Best Seller02:15 Vampire’s Kiss04:00 F.I.S.T.06:30 Shag08:15 Heavenly Kid, The09:45 Living On Tokyo Time11:15 Tortilla Soup13:00 Otello15:00 Trip With Anita16:45 Kid Colter18:30 SPOTLIGHT: Biopics: Favorite

(Epic), The20:15 Final Approach22:00 Undertow23:30 Love Crimes

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?11:00 The Moment of Truth 12:00 The Apprentice 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Bones21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Prison Break 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 151The Trouble With Harry

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Stranded04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 151

The Trouble With Harry05:00 Survival On the Mountain07:00 The Nanny I ep 17 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 18 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Stranded11:00 Doc Martin I ep 6

Haemophobia (End of Series) (P)

12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 10

Blizzard (P)14:00 The Maldonado Miracle16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 152

The Legend of Harry Ryan17:00 E.R. I ep 11

The Gift (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 17 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 18 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Commander In Chief I ep 320:30 First Strike (P)21:00 Wedding Daze23:00 The Nanny I ep 17 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 18 (P)

00:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)02:00 Sports Disasters Vi03:00 24 (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Sports Disasters Vi12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)15:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)16:00 Man Vs Beast I17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers19:30 Magic Asia: India20:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)21:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)22:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix Tape Tour

00:30 Planet Speed 2008/0901:00 Rockstar Rail Jam01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Classic Boxing: Joe Brown V

Wallace Smith03:00 2008 Little League Baseball05:00 Rockstar Rail Jam05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Football Asia 2008/0906:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour07:00 2008 Little League Baseball09:00 Sportscenter Right Now09:01 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour11:30 Planet Speed 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:00 Sportscenter Right Now16:01 2008 Espys18:00 Big Ten Network: Mendenhall’s

Journey To The NFL 118:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Euro Beach Soccer Cup 200720:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The00:30 Sports Max01:30 England Senior International

Friendly04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Sports Max07:00 Untracked Season 3 Ep. 1307:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 108:00 Golf Focus 200808:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The09:00 England Senior International

Friendly11:00 Guinness 9-Ball Tour 2008,

Singapore12:00 Australian Surf Life Saving

Championships 200813:00 Ace13:30 Behind The Baseline14:00 Swedish Open15:00 Sports Max16:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 216:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 317:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0917:59 Score Tonight18:00 Asian Tour Weekly 200818:30 Game19:00 Nokia Football Crazy20:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Game

21:30 Nokia Football Crazy22:30 Top Corner, The23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Nokia Football Crazy

00:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Sun Power

00:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Dirt Rules

01:00 Race to MarsEpisode 1

02:00 Spear Of Jesus03:00 The FBI Files: Caught In The

Act04:00 Wildcatters

Episode 105:00 Crossings: P T Usha06:00 Living With The Mek Tribe

Dark Side Of The Mek07:00 Race to Mars

Episode 108:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Sun Power08:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Dirt Rules09:00 Wildcatters

Episode 110:00 Living With The Mek Tribe

Dark Side Of The Mek11:00 Mythbusters 3

Breaking Glass12:00 The FBI Files: In Pursuit13:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Sun Power13:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Dirt Rules14:00 Race to Mars

Episode 115:00 Great Sphinx: Lord Of The

Pyramids16:00 Mythbusters 3

Breaking Glass17:00 Mythbusters 5

Trail Blazers18:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Racing The Clock19:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 120:00 Mega Builders 3

Raising The Roof: Rio Stadium21:00 Mythbusters 5

Exploding Water Heater22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target23:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Uss

Bush Aircraft Carrier

00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)

01:00 Super Pride02:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Amazon03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Digital Critics03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-904:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)05:00 Super Pride06:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Amazon07:00 Inside

Tut’s Treasure Tour08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Digital Critics08:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-909:00 Spot Light on China

Inside the Forbidden City #110:00 Mega Thursday

Super Factories: BMW11:00 Situation Critical

Moscow Theatre Siege (G1 & G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-9

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaMegastructure: Shanghai Super Tower

14:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

15:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

16:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Corvette

17:00 Megastructure: Dubai’s Palm Island

18:00 Spot Light on China Inside the Forbidden City #2

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-10

20:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

21:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Ice Hotel

22:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

23:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

01:00 Wind Chill03:00 Shakespeare In Love05:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America07:00 How To Make An American

Quilt09:00 “Hustle”11:00 The Color Purple13:30 Caddyshack15:00 Little Giants17:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America19:00 How To Make An American

Quilt21:00 Inland Empire

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Power Hour10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 Power Hour16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb

17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Sabrina Friends Forever20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Jester Till23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns

04:05 Special Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Luke & Owen Wilson THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Jessica Alba Style Star09:15 Winona Ryder THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Jessica Alba Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 The Last Days Of Elvis THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings16:10 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood16:35 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Heath Ledger THS18:40 Johnny Depp THS19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces21:10 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Heath Ledger THS23:40 Johnny Depp THS

00:25 Confession of Pain02:20 Dawn Will Come04:00 Rob-B-Hood06:10 You Are My Destiny07:45 Hero 10:05 Confession of Pain11:55 I Not Stupid Too14:00 Isabella15:50 Death Note 2: The Last Name18:15 I Love Lolanto20:00 Home Sweet Home21:40 Art of Seduction, The23:25 Closet, The


Starmovies 3 Agustus 17:40, 8 Agustus 21:40, 21 Agustus 07:40 WIB

Night At The MuseumKisah petualangan yang fantastis ini dimulai ketika Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), seorang penghayal yang terus-menerus memikirkan nasibnya, bahwa ia yakin akan memperoleh sesuatu yang besar. Meskipun ia tidak bisa membayangkan seberapa besar, akan ia ketahui saat ia bekerja sebagai penjaga malam di museum nasional. Saat Larry sedang bertugas, penghuni museum hidup secara ajaib. Keadaan menjadi liar tak terkendali, Larry harus menemukan cara untuk menghentikan keanehan ini dan menyelamatkan museum.

21 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 39

01:00 Vampire Bats02:30 Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy04:00 Evan Almighty06:00 Five Days: Part 1 08:00 Five Days: Part 2 10:00 Vampire Bats12:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit14:00 The Secret Garden16:00 Vision Quest18:00 Final Destination 320:00 Hanging Up22:00 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of

The Were-rabbit

00:00 The Sting Ii02:00 The Company Part 104:00 The 51st State06:00 The Bridges At Toko-ri08:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift10:00 Los Locos12:00 Mad Max14:00 The Company Part 216:00 Hitched18:00 Babylon 5: A Call To Arms20:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut22:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift

00:55 Trust The Man 02:40 Alpha Male04:25 Framed For Murder 06:05 Sandlot 2, The07:50 Abe And Bruno09:25 Junebug11:10 Just Breathe 12:40 Vip Access: Wall-e 13:10 Chestnut14:40 Zodiac, The16:20 Capote18:15 Chaos20:00 Sentinel, The21:50 Predator 23:35 Predator 2

01:00 Fellini Satyricon03:15 Curse of the Pink Panther05:15 Pandora’s Clock (Two Hour

Version)07:30 Lambada09:15 Signs of Life10:45 Echo Park12:15 Heartbreakers13:45 Foxfire Light15:30 Thunder Road17:00 Dublin Murders18:30 WACKY FRIDAY: Ski Patrol 20:00 Hotel Terminus

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Bones11:00 Criminal Minds

12:00 Prison Break 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?22:00 The Moment of Truth 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 152The Legend of Harry Ryan

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Our House04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 152

The Legend of Harry Ryan05:00 Cavedweller07:00 The Nanny I ep 19 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 20 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Wedding Daze11:00 Commander In Chief I ep 3

First Strike (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 11

The Gift (P)14:00 Our House16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 153

Second Chances17:00 E.R. I ep 1217:30 Happy New Year (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 19 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 20 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Midsomer Murders IX20:30 Dead Letters22:00 Spooks III ep 18

The Sleeper23:00 The Nanny I ep 19 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 20 (P)

00:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)02:00 Video Zonkers02:30 Magic Asia: India03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)

10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers11:30 Magic Asia: India12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)15:00 Video Zonkers15:30 Magic Asia: India16:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 E Buzz19:30 Holy @#%*!20:00 Fun With Dick And Jane22:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 E Buzz23:30 Holy @#%*!

00:00 Planet Speed 2008/0900:30 Football Asia 2008/0901:00 Carnival Presented By Fox, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Classic Boxing: Ismael Laguna

V Carlos03:00 2008 Little League Baseball05:00 Carnival Presented By Fox, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 Sportscenter Right Now09:01 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Planet Speed 2008/0911:30 Football Asia 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Incredible Dog Challenge15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 Major League Baseball 200818:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0919:30 Football Asia 2008/0920:00 First Edition20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 Call The Shot 02:00hrs23:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:30 Game01:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Race

04:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Hot Water07:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 207:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 308:00 Game08:30 Fina Aquatics World09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3411:00 Fina Aquatics World11:30 Hot Water12:30 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Race15:30 Game16:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 416:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 517:00 Nokia Football Crazy17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Engine Block 200818:30 England Senior International

Friendly20:30 Score Tonight21:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights22:00 Classic Boxing: Joe Louis- The

Early Years23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia

00:00 Mythbusters 5Exploding Water Heater

01:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 1

02:00 Rural Indian Games03:00 The FBI Files: In Pursuit04:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 105:00 Race to Mars

Episode 106:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 406:30 Everything You Need To Know

Hurricanes07:00 Mythbusters 5

Exploding Water Heater08:00 Mega Builders 3

Raising The Roof: Rio Stadium09:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target10:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Uss

Bush Aircraft Carrier11:00 Mythbusters 3

Jet Pack12:00 The FBI Files: Home Invaders13:00 Mega Builders 3

Raising The Roof: Rio Stadium14:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target15:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Uss

Bush Aircraft Carrier16:00 Mythbusters 3

Jet Pack17:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 817:30 Million 2 One

Episode 1018:00 Behind The News19:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Sun Power19:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Dirt Rules20:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 520:30 Everything You Need To Know

Volcanoes21:00 Best Evidence

John Wayne’s Death22:00 Most Evil

Attention Seekers23:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 1

00:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

01:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Ice Hotel

02:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-10

04:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

05:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Ice Hotel

06:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

07:00 InsideLord Of The Rings On Stage

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-10

09:00 Spot Light on China Inside the Forbidden City #2

10:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo

11:00 Situation CriticalNightmare On Mt. Hood (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Baja California

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-10

13:00 Spot Light on China Secrets Of The First Emperor

14:00 MegaCitiesTaipei

15:00 National Geographic Channel HD Lost Tribe Of Palau

16:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Colombia (G1&G2)

17:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

18:00 Spot Light on China Dino Death Trap

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-1

20:00 MegaCitiesLondon

21:00 National Geographic Channel HD Norway’s Hidden Secret

22:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo (G1& G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

00:00 The Color Purple03:00 Caddyshack05:00 Joe Dirt07:00 Let’s Go To Prison09:00 The Out-of-towners11:00 John From Cincinnati 01: His

Visit: Day One12:00 John From Cincinnati 02: His

Visit: Day Two13:00 John From Cincinnati 03: His

Visit: Day Two Continued14:00 John From Cincinnati 04: His

Visit: Day Three15:00 For Love Of The Game17:15 Joe Dirt19:00 The Out-of-towners21:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez

Disaster23:00 Let’s Go To Prison

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep

06:30 Lilo & Stitch+ Untalkative Bunny

07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Power Hour10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 Power Hour16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: The Mighty Ducks20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Max Keeble’s Big Move23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes04:05 Special Forbes 20 Richest

Women In Entertainment05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Sean “Diddy” Combs THS06:45 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 Mariska Hargitay THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Love Guru Behind The

Scenes12:40 Lindsay Lohan THS13:30 Britney Spears: Fall From Grace

THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 25 Celebrity Near Death

Experiences19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 101 Even Bigger Celebrity

Oops!21:10 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 25 Celebrity Near Death


00:55 Scarred Memory02:35 Son On The Run04:25 Golden Knight, The06:05 Haunted Cop Shop II, The07:40 Path Of Glory09:25 Feel It… Say It11:05 Home Sweet Home12:45 Night Time Picnic, The14:45 Yesterday Once More16:25 Mr 3 Minutes18:00 Rough20:00 Out Of The Dark21:30 Detective, The23:25 Casino Tycoon II


MGM 27 Agustus 17:00, 31 Agustus 12:00 WIB

Ski Patrol Seorang pria yang ramah dan menyenangkan, anggota dari patroli ski harus mengatasi sekelompok pemain ski yang berniat membuat kekacauan di sebuah tempat bermian ski. Film ini diproduseri oleh produser dari serial POLICE ACADEMY.

22 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 40 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 The Sopranos 42: Christopher01:00 Five Days: Part 1 03:00 Five Days: Part 2 05:00 The Sopranos 42: Christopher06:00 Hanging Up08:00 The Hunt For The Btk Killer10:00 Evan Almighty12:00 Mary Reilly14:00 Loose Cannons16:00 The Pest18:00 Vampire Bats20:00 Superman Returns22:30 Evan Almighty

00:00 Friday The 13th Part Vi: Jason Lives

02:00 The Company Part 204:00 Hostel06:00 Chrome Soldiers08:00 Mad Max10:00 Praying Mantis12:00 The Fog14:00 The Company Part 316:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift18:00 Death Warrant20:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers22:00 Praying Mantis

01:20 See No Evil02:40 Ringer, The 04:15 Chasing Christmas05:35 Goal Ii: Living The Dream 07:30 Miracle Dogs09:05 Russia House, The11:05 Firehouse Dog 13:00 Sentinel, The14:50 Hollywoodland16:55 Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of

The Federation18:25 Bridge To Terabithia 20:00 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead

Man’s Chest 22:30 Shanghai Noon

00:30 New York, New York03:15 Barefoot Contessa, The05:30 Hard Choices07:00 Breakin’08:30 Body Slam10:00 Late For Dinner11:45 War Party13:30 Perfect Strangers15:15 Desperately Seeking Susan17:00 Koyaanisqatsi18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD:

Midnight Witness 20:00 Purple Haze21:45 De-Lovely

00:00 Blood Ties 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 The Moment of Truth 03:00 Six Degrees 04:00 Blood Ties 05:00 Creflo Dollar 05:30 According to Jim06:00 Bones07:00 Criminal Minds 08:00 Prison Break 09:00 Monk10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?14:00 The Moment of Truth 15:00 Six Degrees 16:00 Bones17:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 TNA Xplosion20:00 TNA Wrestlling 21:00 Most Shocking 22:00 Blood Ties 23:00 TNA Xplosion

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 153Second Chances

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Midsomer Murders IX02:30 Dead Letters04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 153

Second Chances05:00 Just A Dream07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 3

Ghost of Things Past (P)08:00 Fielder’s Choice10:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)10:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)11:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)11:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Sandy Bottom the Orchestra15:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 129

Out of Time16:00 Sea Patrol I ep 3

Ghost of Things Past (P)17:00 Without A Trace III ep 17

Lone Star (P)18:00 Commander In Chief I ep 3

First Strike (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Sacrifices of the Heart22:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)22:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)23:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)

00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)01:00 Nip/tuck Season 302:00 Nip/tuck Season 303:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 Fun With Dick And Jane07:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)07:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)08:00 Video Zonkers08:30 Magic Asia: India09:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)09:30 E Buzz10:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)11:00 House (Season 4)12:00 Video Zonkers12:30 Magic Asia: India13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)14:00 Fun With Dick And Jane16:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)17:00 E Buzz17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)18:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)19:00 Ultimate Escape19:30 Video Zonkers20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)22:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)

00:00 Football Forecast - NPL 2008/09

00:30 First Edition01:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 1, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Major League Baseball 200805:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 1, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 X Games 1411:00 Sportscenter Week In Review11:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:30 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0913:00 First Edition13:30 Planet Speed 2008/0914:00 Major League Baseball 200816:55 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0917:25 Sportscenter Weekend17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review18:00 First Edition18:30 Major League Baseball 2008

21:30 City Slam23:30 Friday Night Fights (#118)

00:30 Tour Of Flanders01:30 Banka Koper Slovenian Open03:00 Banka Koper Slovenian Open04:30 Behind The Baseline05:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The05:30 Engine Block 200806:00 Ace06:30 Asian Tour Weekly 200807:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 407:30 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 508:00 Top Corner, The08:30 Game09:00 Nokia Football Crazy10:00 Hot Water11:00 England U-21 International

Friendly13:00 Engine Block 2008

13:30 Ace14:00 Golf Focus 200814:30 Asian Tour Weekly 200815:00 Nokia Football Crazy16:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 616:30 Between The Lines17:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights18:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0918:57 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 200820:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200820:30 Banka Koper Slovenian Open22:00 Banka Koper Slovenian Open23:30 Max Power 2008/2009

00:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 5

00:30 Everything You Need To KnowVolcanoes

01:00 Best EvidenceJohn Wayne’s Death

02:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain03:00 The FBI Files: Home Invaders04:00 Best Evidence

John Wayne’s Death05:00 Most Evil

Attention Seekers

06:00 Mythbusters 5Exploding Water Heater

07:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 1

08:00 Great Sphinx: Lord Of The Pyramids

09:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 8

09:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 10

10:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 5

10:30 Everything You Need To KnowVolcanoes

11:00 Mythbusters 5Exploding Water Heater

12:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersReally, Really Big Show

13:00 Behind The Great Wall15:00 Behind The News16:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target17:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger18:00 Mythbusters 5

Exploding Water Heater19:00 Smash Lab

Blast Proof Building20:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor21:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Racing The Clock22:00 Fight Quest

Usa23:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger

00:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

01:00 National Geographic Channel HD Norway’s Hidden Secret

02:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-1

04:00 MegaCitiesLondon

05:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

06:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In Congo (G1 & G2)

07:00 Spot Light on China

Inside the Forbidden City #108:00 Super Pride09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Pets In Peril10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild

Detectives: Humpback10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild

Detectives: Lions11:00 China’s Great Wall: Mongol

Invaders12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S2-613:00 Spot Light on China

Beijing Water Cube14:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone 15:00 Tribal Odyssey

The Dinka (G1&G2) 16:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super

Ferry17:00 Super Human: Steroids18:00 Inside

Inside Nirvana (G1&G2)19:00 Perfect Weapon

Skull Smashers20:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Polar Bear Alcatraz21:00 Tribal Odyssey

The Hamar (G1&G2)22:00 Megastructure: Ice Hotel 23:00 Super Human: Steroids

01:00 Innocent Blood03:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez

Disaster05:00 Just Cause07:00 Blankman09:00 Exterminator 211:00 John From Cincinnati 05: His

Visit: Day Four12:00 John From Cincinnati 06: His

Visit: Day Five13:00 John From Cincinnati 07: His

Visit: Day Six14:00 John From Cincinnati 08: His

Visit: Day Seven15:00 Light Of Day17:00 Just Cause19:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez

Disaster21:00 All The King’s Men23:00 House Of The Dead 2: Dead


00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Fox and The Hound12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club

14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCM: Just For Kicks20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Cars23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 Extreme Hollywood01:20 Extreme Hollywood02:15 Extreme Hollywood03:10 Extreme Hollywood04:05 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings05:00 Jennifer Lopez THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Jessica Alba Style Star09:15 Tyra Banks THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Jessica Alba Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion

Do’s and Don’ts13:30 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200814:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas18:40 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 50 Cutest Child Stars: All

Grown Up22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas23:40 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces

01:30 Ice Speed03:25 Big Sting, The05:20 Four Riders07:20 Shanghai Fever09:00 Summer Breeze Of Love10:55 Magic Touch12:40 Ming Ming14:30 Tales Of Larceny16:00 Heartful Of Love, A18:15 Moments of Love20:00 My DNA Says I Love You21:40 Re-Cycle23:35 Go Master


HBO 23 Agustus 20:00, 27 Agustus 07:30, 15:30, 29 Agustus 12:00, 22:15, 31 Agustus 09:00 WIB

Superman ReturnsSetelah kepergiannya yang misterius selama beberapa tahun, Manusia Baja kembali ke bumi dalam aksi petualangan kepahlawanan Superman dalam film “Superman Returns”. Babak baru dari salah satu pahlawan yang paling dicintai di dunia. Saat musuh bebuyutannya bersekongkol untuk membuat ia tak berdaya selamanya, Superman (Brandon Routh) menghadapi kenyataan menyakitkan bahwa wanita yang ia cintai, Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth), telah melanjutkan kehidupannya.

23 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 41

00:00 Hanging Up02:00 Five Days: Part 1 04:00 Five Days: Part 2 06:00 Superman Returns08:30 Class Act10:00 Catch A Fire12:00 Clean And Sober14:00 Evan Almighty16:00 Tequila Sunrise18:00 Lightning - The White Stallion19:30 Hbo Central20:00 Evening22:00 The Mummy

00:00 The Fog02:00 The Company Part 304:00 The Fast And The Furious:

Tokyo Drift06:00 Los Locos08:00 The Sting Ii10:00 Death Warrant12:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers14:00 Chrome Soldiers16:00 Assassination18:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut20:00 Bone Eater22:00 Los Locos

00:20 Rundown, The02:05 Wolf Creek 03:45 Black Widow 05:20 Elephant Tales 07:00 In The Mix08:40 Home Alone 310:25 Mission To Mars 12:20 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead

Man’s Chest 14:50 Arthur And The Minimoys16:30 Home Alone18:15 Pitch Black20:00 Apocalypto22:20 Messengers, The23:55 Species

00:00 3 Strikes01:30 Joe03:15 Slamdance05:00 Solomon & Sheba06:30 What’s The Matter With Helen08:15 National Lampoon’s Movie

Madness09:15 Eddie & The Cruisers II11:00 Dogs of War, The13:00 70’s (Two Hour Version), The15:00 Prime Risk16:45 Hendrix (TV Movie)18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD:

Barquero20:30 Mad Dog Coll22:15 Teenage Bonnie & Klepto Clyde23:45 Alamo, The

00:00 TNA Wrestlling 01:00 Most Shocking 02:00 Hope & Faith02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 Most Shocking 05:00 Hope & Faith05:30 30 Rock 06:00 The Bold and the Beautiful08:00 Sunday Movie 10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends

12:30 Friends13:00 Ugly Betty 14:00 Hope & Faith14:30 30 Rock 15:00 Monk16:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?17:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Sunday Movie 21:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show22:00 Ugly Betty 23:00 Private Practice

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 129Out of Time

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Sandy Bottom the Orchestra04:00 Wild At Heart II ep 205:00 The Nanny I ep 5 (P)05:30 The Nanny I ep 6 (P)06:00 The Nanny I ep 7 (P)06:30 The Nanny I ep 8 (P)07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 4

Irukandji (P)08:00 Sacrifices of the Heart10:00 Midsomer Murders IX

Dead Letters12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Without A Trace III ep 17

Lone Star (P)14:00 Commander In Chief I ep 3

First Strike (P)15:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 130

Betwixt and Between16:00 Sea Patrol I ep 4

Irukandji (P)17:00 The Road To Paradise19:00 Oprah Prime Time Specials

Beautiful GirlCast: Marissa Jaret Winokur

22:00 Midsomer Murders IXDead Letters

00:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)02:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)03:00 House (Season 4)04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)05:00 Net 2.0, The07:00 Video Zonkers07:30 Magic Asia: India08:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)09:00 Holy @#%*!09:30 Afterworld (30 Min Version)10:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)10:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)14:00 Net 2.0, The16:00 E Buzz16:30 Afterworld (30 Min Version)17:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)18:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (30 Min Version)23:30 Holy @#%*!

01:30 Sportscenter Week In Review01:55 Sportscenter Weekend02:00 2008 Little League Baseball05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review05:30 Planet Speed 2008/0906:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 2008 Espys11:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report11:30 KIA X Games Asian 200812:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Major League Baseball 200816:55 Football Asia 2008/0917:25 Planet Speed 2008/0917:55 Sportscenter Weekend18:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report18:30 Major League Baseball 200821:30 2008 Espys23:30 2008 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating


00:30 Hot Water01:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 200802:30 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights03:30 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0904:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia06:00 Sports Max07:00 Fuel TV Presents Camp

Woodward Ep. 607:30 Between The Lines08:00 FA Classics09:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 200810:00 BMW Ladies Italian Open11:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights

12:00 Hobgood Challenge13:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Qualifying 200814:00 England Senior International

Friendly16:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0917:00 Game17:30 Top Corner, The18:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200818:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200820:45 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200821:30 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0922:30 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights23:30 Fina Aquatics World

00:00 FutureWeapons 3Hard Target

01:00 Race to MarsEpisode 1

02:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Sun Power

02:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Dirt Rules

03:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 8

03:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 10

04:00 Mega Builders 3Raising The Roof: Rio Stadium

05:00 Rural Indian Games06:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain07:00 Behind The Great Wall09:00 Behind The News10:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 111:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor12:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger13:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 513:30 Everything You Need To Know

Volcanoes14:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Sun Power14:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Dirt Rules15:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 116:00 Mythbusters 5

Exploding Water Heater17:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target18:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain19:00 Cathay Pacific Signature Series

The Four-Winged Dinosaur

20:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing Airport

21:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s National Theatre

22:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest Stadium

23:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing Airport

00:00 Nat Geo Weekends Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone

01:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Dinka (G1&G2)

02:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

03:00 Perfect WeaponShootout

04:00 Nat Geo Weekends Myanmar’s Killer Cyclone

05:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Dinka (G1&G2)

06:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

07:00 Spot Light on China Inside the Forbidden City #2

08:00 Gorilla Murders09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Polar Bear Peril

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Lions

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Monk Seals

11:00 I Didn’t Know That S2-3

11:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-4

12:00 Mad Lab#7

12:30 What Would Happen If #713:00 Amazing Moments

#513:30 Amazing Moments

#114:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Cow Cuisine14:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Grill Masters15:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: Fire Truck16:00 Nat Geo Presents

A Taste of Base17:00 What Would Happen If…317:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Daily Bread18:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In Congo19:00 Long Way Down

Rome To Tobruk20:00 Preserve Our Planet

Gone to Save the Planet #1 & 221:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: Winnebago22:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Human: Strongman23:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)

01:00 Light Of Day03:00 Exterminator 205:00 Hard To Kill07:00 Wind Chill09:00 The Covenant11:00 John From Cincinnati 09: His

Visit: Day Eight12:00 John From Cincinnati 10: His

Visit: Day Nine13:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez

Disaster15:00 Field Of Dreams17:00 Planes, Trains & Automobiles19:00 Hard To Kill21:00 Big Love 19: Good Guys And

Bad Guys22:00 Wind Chill23:30 The Covenant

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch

03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And Cody

04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Cars12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 A Kind of Magic13:30 Monster Buster Club14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean

Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm on 24 Aug

18:30 Jonas Brothers: Living The DreamDCM: Ratatouille Channel Premiere

20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Aladdin and The King of

Thieves23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 Friends THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 Meg Ryan THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes12:40 25 Most Sensational Hollywood

Meltdowns14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 THS Investigates19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 THS Investigates

01:25 2000 A.D.03:20 Black Tavern, The05:00 Brotherhood06:30 Cala, My Dog 08:15 Murder09:55 Cinema Today10:55 Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown in

Seoul12:40 Super Fans 14:20 Ah Sou15:55 Getting Home17:45 Myth, The20:00 Fear Factors21:35 Spring Snow


Disney 24 Agustus 18:30 WIB

RatatouilleFilm animasi ini mengisahkan seekor tikus bernama Remy yang memiliki ‘citarasa tinggi’ terhadap makanan. Sejak awal, tikus yang satu ini memang unik, selalu tertarik terhadap masak-memasak. Seolah manusia yang jatuh hati pada dunia memasak, ia juga antusias terhadap acara di televisi yang menayangkan tentang memasak. Juga, membaca buku tentang masakan.

24 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 42 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Superman Returns02:30 Evening04:30 The Sender06:00 Tequila Sunrise08:00 Something To Talk About10:00 Last Holiday12:00 Evening14:00 Clean And Sober16:00 Lightning - The White Stallion18:00 Last Holiday20:00 Thir13en Ghosts21:30 Hbo Central22:00 The Sopranos 43: The Weight23:00 Evening

00:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers

02:00 Friday The 13th Part Vi: Jason Lives

04:00 Chrome Soldiers06:00 Death Warrant08:00 The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver10:00 Hitched12:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut14:00 The Warlord: Battle For The

Galaxy16:00 Praying Mantis18:00 The Sting Ii20:00 Death By Magic22:00 Death Warrant

01:40 Species Ii03:15 Right At Your Door 04:55 All Hat06:35 Lovesick08:10 Trust The Man 09:50 Just Breathe 11:20 Fountain, The13:00 Lucky Number Slevin14:50 Shadow Conspiracy16:35 Junebug18:20 Rocky Balboa20:00 Broken Arrow 21:50 Home Of The Brave23:35 Pitch Black

02:30 Crisscross04:00 Clifford05:30 After Dark, My Sweet07:30 Barbershop 2: Back In

Business09:15 Flight From Ashiya11:00 Final Alliance, The12:45 Remo Williams: The Adventure

Begins14:45 Kid Colter16:30 Midnight Clear, A18:30 DRAMA & ROMANCE:

Fascination20:15 Year of the Dragon22:30 Foreign Body

00:00 Ghost Whisperer01:00 Sunday Movie 03:00 Monk04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 My Wife and Kids 20:30 8 Simple Rules21:00 Hope & Faith

21:30 30 Rock 22:00 Monk23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 130Betwixt and Between

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Wild At Heart II ep 203:00 The Road To Paradise05:00 Vinegar Hill07:00 The Nanny I ep 21 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 22 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Beautiful Girl11:00 Spooks III ep 20

A Prayer For My Daughter12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 12

Happy New Year (P)14:00 Holiday In Handcuffs16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 154

Secrets and Lies17:00 E.R. I ep 13

Luck of the Draw (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 21 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 22 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Without A Trace III ep 18

Transitions (P)21:00 We Were the Mulvaneys23:00 The Nanny I ep 21 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 22 (P)

00:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Season 1)

01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)04:00 Sports Disasters Vi05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 The Amazing Race (Season Xii)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Xxx16:30 E Buzz17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)19:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)20:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Damages23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)

00:30 Sportscenter: The Field Report01:00 Sportscenter Weekend01:05 PGA Europro Tour 200802:30 Infineon Indycar05:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report

05:30 Planet Speed 2008/0906:00 Scandinavian Tpc Hosted By

Annika07:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour07:30 Football Asia 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 2008 Little League Baseball10:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Asia 2008/0911:30 KIA X Games Asian 200812:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 PGA Europro Tour 200815:30 Sportscenter Right Now15:31 Infineon Indycar18:00 KIA X Games Asian 200818:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship20:00 Football Asia 2008/0920:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 IAAF Night Of Athletics03:00 Samsung Super League With

FEI 200804:00 AFC Champion League 200806:00 Itu Triathlon Series 2008

- Kitzbuhel, Austria07:00 Hobgood Challenge08:00 Asian Tour Weekly 200808:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3510:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200811:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200813:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200814:00 2008 GP 2 Series16:00 Making Of Motowars16:30 Making Of Riding Waves17:00 MotoGP World Championship

2008 Highlights17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Game18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3620:30 Score Tonight21:00 Engine Block 200821:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200823:00 Score Tonight

23:30 Engine Block 2008

00:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s National Theatre

01:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest Stadium

02:00 Rural Indian Games03:00 Best Evidence

John Wayne’s Death04:00 Most Evil

Attention Seekers05:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 805:30 Million 2 One

Episode 1006:00 Great Sphinx: Lord Of The

Pyramids07:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing

Airport08:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s

National Theatre09:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest

Stadium10:00 Artifacts: Mystery Of Porcelain11:00 Mythbusters 3

Killer Brace Position12:00 The FBI Files: Lawless13:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing

Airport14:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s

National Theatre15:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest

Stadium16:00 Mythbusters 3

Killer Brace Position17:00 Dirty Jobs

Well Digger18:00 Man Made Marvels

Petronas Towers19:00 The Burning Shores20:00 Fight Quest

Japan21:00 Dirty Jobs

Cave Digger22:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Seeking The Catch23:00 Fight Quest


00:00 Preserve Our PlanetGone to Save the Planet #1 & 2

01:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Winnebago

02:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Human: Strongman

03:00 Situation CriticalMoscow Theatre Siege (G1 & G2)

04:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)

05:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Factories: Winnebago

06:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Human: Strongman

07:00 InsideAir Show

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-1

09:00 Spot Light on China Dino Death Trap

10:00 Nat Geo PresentsSuper Human: Strongman

11:00 Situation CriticalMiracle At Quecreek (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: India

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-1

13:00 Spot Light on China Dino Death Trap

14:00 National Geographic’s Amazing Moments

S2-3 (G1& G2)15:00 Animal Extractors: Break-In

Bear16:00 Wild Detectives: Lions 16:30 Wild Detectives: Monk Seals17:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In Congo (G1 & G2) 18:00 Spot Light on China

Megastructures: Future Trains19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New French Revolution19:30 I Didn’t Know That

S3-220:00 Long Way Down

Tobruk To Khartoum21:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

22:00 Long Way DownRome To Tobruk

23:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Congo (G1 & G2)

01:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster

03:00 Field Of Dreams05:00 Caddyshack06:30 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise08:00 Inland Empire11:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez

Disaster13:00 Little Giants15:00 Finding Forrester17:00 Caddyshack19:00 John From Cincinnati 01: His

Visit: Day One20:00 John From Cincinnati 02: His

Visit: Day Two21:00 Shakespeare In Love23:00 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez


00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School

15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm

Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Ratatouille20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Operation Dumbo Drop23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 25 Most Stylish01:20 25 Most Stylish02:15 25 Most Stylish03:10 25 Most Stylish04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Posh & Becks THS06:45 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Heidi Klum Style Star09:15 Renee Zellweger THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Growing Up Fabulous!10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Heidi Klum Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 Drew Barrymore THS14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Will Smith THS18:40 Nicole Kidman THS19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 25 Most Stylish21:10 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Will Smith THS23:40 Nicole Kidman THS

00:15 Troublesome Night 501:55 Brothers From The Walled City03:45 Butterfly Chalice, The05:25 Godfather Of Canton06:55 Getting Home08:45 Twin Bracelets, The10:20 Myth, The12:25 Flowers14:00 Cinema Today15:00 Women Prison16:35 Cat and Mouse 18:15 House of Mahjong20:00 Life Tears In Heaven22:05 It’s a Wonderful Life 23:55 One Last Dance


Animal Planet Mulai 25 Agustus 19:00, Sabtu 10:00 WIB

PandamoniumThe Giant Panda (Panda Raksasa) adalah hewan unik yang keberadaannya terancam punah. Selain dikenal sebagai hewan pemakan bambu yang merupakan keluarga beruang, Panda juga adalah hewan yang tenang dan dicintai banyak orang. Hewan ini juga menjadi simbol kebanggaan nasional di China. Namun, keberadaan hewan ini terancam punah karena habitat tempat mereka tinggal semakin berkurang dan tingkat kelahiran juga semakin menurun.

25 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 43

01:00 Class Act02:30 The Sopranos 43: The Weight04:00 Baby Boy06:00 Evening08:00 Hanging Up10:00 The Last Supper12:00 Catch A Fire14:00 Class Act16:00 Evening18:00 Hanging Up20:00 Making Mr. Right22:00 Thir13en Ghosts

00:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut02:00 Mackenna’s Gold04:00 The Sting Ii06:00 The Nutty Professor08:00 Death By Magic10:00 Mad Max12:00 Bone Eater14:00 Assassination16:00 The Fugitive18:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers20:00 Bullseye!22:00 Friday The 13th Part Vi: Jason


01:20 Employee Of The Month03:10 Breed, The 04:40 Posse06:35 Suzanne’s Diary For Nicholas 08:05 Material Girls09:45 Elephant Tales 11:25 Zodiac, The13:05 Broken Arrow 14:55 Lonely Hearts16:40 Mistress Of Spices, The 18:20 102 Dalmatians20:00 Just My Luck21:45 Casino Royale

00:30 Angel of Desire02:00 3:1503:30 Wild Bill05:00 Winners Take All06:45 Mrs. Munck08:30 Cold Feet10:00 Babysitter, The11:45 Parker Kane13:15 Tom Sawyer (Animated)14:45 Down Came A Blackbird16:45 Final Approach18:30 CRIMETIME: Access Code20:00 Favorite (Epic), The21:45 Wheels of Terror23:30 Amongst Friends

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:30 8 Simple Rules11:00 Hope & Faith11:30 30 Rock

12:00 Monk13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Ghost Whisperer23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 154Secrets and Lies

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Mcbride:02:30 It’s Murder, Madam04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 154

Secrets and Lies05:00 Holiday In Handcuffs07:00 The Nanny I ep 23 (P)07:30 The Nanny I ep 24 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 We Were the Mulvaneys11:00 Without A Trace III ep 18

Transitions (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 13

Luck of the Draw (P)14:00 Mcbride:14:30 It’s Murder, Madam16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 155

The Life of Riley17:00 E.R. I ep 14

Long Day’s Journey (P)18:00 The Nanny I ep 23 (P)18:30 The Nanny I ep 24 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 1720:30 Crime & Punishment (P)21:00 Annie’s Point23:00 The Nanny I ep 23 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 24 (P)

00:00 House (Season 4)01:00 Damages02:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers (Season 2)11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Damages15:00 House (Season 4)16:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)20:00 The Contender Asia21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 Incredible Dog Challenge01:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 2, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 2008 Little League Baseball04:30 Classic Boxing: Fights Of The

Century- Legendary Champions Pt.3

05:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 2, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 2008 Little League Baseball10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Incredible Dog Challenge12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:29 Sportscenter Right Now16:30 Great Capital Run - Hyde Park,

London17:00 X Games Brasil : Day 218:00 Football Asia 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:00 Planet Speed 2008/0920:30 Football Asia 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 International Motorsport News 2008

01:00 Planet Speed 2008/0901:30 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia02:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200803:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200805:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200806:00 International Motorsport News

200807:00 Making Of Motowars07:30 Making Of Riding Waves08:00 Engine Block 200808:30 Planet Speed 2008/0909:00 UEFA Champions League

Classics 411:00 FIA GT Championships 200813:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia14:00 International Motorsport News

200815:00 Engine Block 200815:30 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200816:00 Making Of Single Fin Yellow16:30 Route 66 Tour17:00 Samsung Super League With

FEI 200817:59 Score Tonight

18:00 Top Corner, The18:30 2001/02 UEFA Champions

League20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Ace21:30 Behind The Baseline22:00 Legends Of Wimbledon: Bjorn

Borg23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Top Corner, The

00:00 Dirty JobsCave Digger

01:00 Deadliest Catch 4Seeking The Catch

02:00 Marathon: The Long Run To Democracy

03:00 The FBI Files: Lawless04:00 Fight Quest

Japan05:00 Man Made Marvels

Petronas Towers06:00 The Burning Shores07:00 Dirty Jobs

Cave Digger08:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Seeking The Catch09:00 Fight Quest

Japan10:00 The Burning Shores11:00 Mythbusters 3

Bullet Proof Water12:00 The FBI Files: Cruel Revenge13:00 Dirty Jobs

Cave Digger14:00 Deadliest Catch 4

Seeking The Catch15:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target16:00 Mythbusters 3

Bullet Proof Water17:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Desert Survivor18:00 Extreme Engineering 3

Malaysia Smart Tunnel19:00 Seven Wonders Of China:

Hanging Monastery

19:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra Cotta Warriors

20:00 FutureWeapons 3Hard Target

21:00 Man Vs Wild 2Panama

22:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersPaper Maker

23:00 FutureWeapons 3Hard Target

00:00 Long Way DownTobruk To Khartoum

01:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

02:00 Afghanistan Unveiled (G1 & G2)03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New French Revolution03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S3-204:00 Lovers On The Ice05:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In North Korea (G1&G2)

06:00 Sahara: Dance Of Jinni07:00 Inside

Tut’s Treasure Tour08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New French Revolution08:30 I Didn’t Know That

S3-209:00 Spot Light on China

Megastructures: Future Trains10:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Fatal

Distraction (G1 & G2)11:00 Situation Critical

Moscow Theatre Siege (G1 & G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: New French Revolution

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-2

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina Circus: Elites

14:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Dead Weight (G1 & G2)

15:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)

16:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

17:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

18:00 Spot Light on China The Kung Fu Dragons of Wudang

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Catch of The Day

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-3

20:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

21:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

22:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Fatal Distraction (G1 & G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponSkull Smashers

01:00 John From Cincinnati 01: His Visit: Day One

02:00 John From Cincinnati 02: His Visit: Day Two

03:00 Finding Forrester05:00 How To Make An American

Quilt07:00 Children Of Men09:00 Let’s Go To Prison11:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In

America13:00 Exterminator 215:00 The Gauntlet17:00 How To Make An American

Quilt19:00 John From Cincinnati 03: His

Visit: Day Two Continued20:00 John From Cincinnati 04: His

Visit: Day Three21:00 Just Cause23:00 Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In


00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends

09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm

Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Cinderella 3: A Twist In

Time20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Tarzan23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous

03:10 Special Forbes Top 20 Young Royals

04:05 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales Of Hollywood Moms

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Elizabeth Hurley THS06:45 Special 10 Most Shocking

Hollywood Divorces07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes08:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star09:15 Hilary Swank THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Nicole Kidman Style Star12:15 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes12:40 Patrick Dempsey THS13:30 Mark Wahlberg THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Luke & Owen Wilson THS18:40 Heath Ledger THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 Special Forbes 20 Most

Expensive Celebrity Weddings21:10 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Luke & Owen Wilson THS23:40 Heath Ledger THS

02:00 Unbearable, The03:40 Honey Moon in Jakarta05:25 Brothers Five07:25 Cat and Mouse 09:05 One Last Dance11:00 Christmas on July 24th Avenue12:55 My Baby Shoot Me Down14:30 It’s a Wonderful Life 16:20 Seoul Raiders18:00 Love’s Lone Flower20:00 Detective, The22:00 Fear Factors23:35 Mission Of Justice


Starmovies 17 Agustus 17:15, 26 Agustus 21:45 WIB

Casino RoyaleDaniel Craig berperan sebagai “007” James Bond, seorang agen rahasia dari Kerajaan Inggris dalam “Casino Royale”. Misi pertama James Bond telah membawanya kepada Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), seorang bankir yang memiliki akses ke dunia teroris. Dalam usaha menghentikannya berikut dengan jaringan terorisnya, Bond harus mengalahkan Le Chieffre

26 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 44 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 The Mummy02:00 The Masque Of The Red Death04:00 A Scanner Darkly06:00 Lightning - The White Stallion07:30 Superman Returns10:00 Clean And Sober12:00 Making Mr. Right13:30 Something To Talk About15:30 Superman Returns18:00 Thir13en Ghosts20:00 Last Holiday22:00 Making Mr. Right

00:00 Mad Max02:00 Assassination04:00 The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver06:00 Bone Eater08:00 Mackenna’s Gold10:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut12:00 Bullseye!14:00 Downhill Racer16:00 Death By Magic18:00 Mad Max20:00 Witness22:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut

00:30 Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of The Federation

02:05 Penny Dreadful 03:45 Romance & Cigarettes 05:30 Bounty, The 07:35 Lightspeed09:10 Miracle Dogs10:50 Predator 12:40 Just My Luck14:25 Rundown, The16:15 Hollywoodland18:25 Messengers, The20:00 Wicker Man, The 21:45 Sentinel, The23:35 Out Of Sight

01:00 Bright Lights, Big City02:45 Topkapi04:45 Rage In Harlem, A06:45 Winter People, The08:45 Dirty Work10:15 Mystic Pizza12:00 Crazy Joe13:30 Of Mice And Men15:30 Thunder Road17:00 Ski Patrol18:30 ACTION & SUSPENSE: Sketch

Artist II: Hands That See 20:15 Hotel Terminus

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Ugly Betty 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Ghost Whisperer13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?21:00 The Moment of Truth 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 155The Life of Riley

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 The Family Plan04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 155

The Life of Riley05:00 Stranger’s Heart07:00 The Nanny II ep 25 (P)07:30 The Nanny II ep 26 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Annie’s Point11:00 Crossing Jordan I ep 17

Crime & Punishment (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 14

Long Day’s Journey (P)14:00 The Family Plan16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 156

Wild Horses17:00 E.R. I ep 15

Feb 5, 95 (P)18:00 The Nanny II ep 25 (P)18:30 The Nanny II ep 26 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show19:30 (P)20:00 Doc Martin II ep 7

Old Dogs (P)Beautiful Girl

23:00 The Nanny II ep 25 (P)23:30 The Nanny II ep 26 (P)

00:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)01:00 Las Vegas (Season 4)02:00 The Contender Asia03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Pirate Master12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 The Contender Asia15:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)15:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)16:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Sports Disasters Vi20:00 Man Vs Beast Ii21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Man Vs Beast Ii

00:00 Football Focus With John Dykes

01:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 3, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 2008 Little League Baseball05:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 3, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes08:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 2008 Little League Baseball10:30 American Dragster10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:59 Sportscenter Right Now17:00 Football Focus With John

Dykes18:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Big Ten Network:top Ten

Football Games Of The Year 119:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League


23:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 Ace00:30 Max Power 2008/200901:30 Behind The Baseline02:00 2008 GP 2 Series04:00 Community Shield 2008/09,

The06:00 Max Power 2008/200907:00 Making Of Single Fin Yellow07:30 Route 66 Tour08:00 Top Corner, The08:30 Ace09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3711:00 Volvo China Open14:00 Samsung Super League With

FEI 200815:00 Max Power 2008/200916:00 Ryan Capes - Going The

Distance16:30 Santa Cruz Euro Sk8 Tour17:00 Top Corner, The17:30 Ace17:59 Score Tonight18:00 Behind The Baseline18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3820:30 Score Tonight21:00 Golf Focus 200821:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The22:00 US Open Golf Championship

‘00 Official Film23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Golf Focus 2008

00:00 Man Vs Wild 2Panama

01:00 Really Big Things With Matt RogersPaper Maker

02:00 Crossings: P T Usha03:00 The FBI Files: Cruel Revenge04:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target05:00 Extreme Engineering 3

Malaysia Smart Tunnel06:00 Seven Wonders Of China:

Hanging Monastery06:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra

Cotta Warriors07:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Panama08:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersPaper Maker

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Hard Target

10:00 Seven Wonders Of China: Hanging Monastery

10:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra Cotta Warriors

11:00 Mythbusters 3Border Slingshot

12:00 The FBI Files: Held Hostage13:00 Man Vs Wild 2

Panama14:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersPaper Maker

15:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 1

16:00 Mythbusters 3Border Slingshot

17:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Sun Power

17:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Dirt Rules

18:00 Crossings: Datuk Lat19:00 Living With The Mek Tribe

Bridging The Divide20:00 Wildcatters

Episode 221:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

21:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

22:00 Race to MarsEpisode 2

23:00 WildcattersEpisode 2

00:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

01:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

02:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Fatal Distraction (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Catch of The Day

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-3

04:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Explosive Evidence (G1 & G2)

05:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

06:00 Air Crash Investigation S5 Fatal Distraction (G1 & G2)

07:00 InsideLord Of The Rings On Stage

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Catch of The Day

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-3

09:00 Spot Light on China The Kung Fu Dragons of Wudang

10:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)

11:00 Situation CriticalNightmare On Mt. Hood (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Catch of The Day

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-3

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina Circus: On Ice

14:00 Super Pride15:00 Super Factories

Fire Truck16:00 World’s Deadliest Animals S2

Amazon (G1 & G2)17:00 Gorilla Murders18:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Cow Cuisine

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-4

20:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia - Land Of Extremes (G1 & G2)

21:00 Devils Of The Deep 22:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)23:00 Superpride

01:00 John From Cincinnati 03: His Visit: Day Two Continued

02:00 John From Cincinnati 04: His Visit: Day Three

03:00 Children Of Men05:00 Light Of Day07:00 “Hustle”09:00 Man Of The Year11:00 Superstar13:00 Munchies14:30 The Color Purple17:00 Light Of Day19:00 John From Cincinnati 05: His

Visit: Day Four20:00 John From Cincinnati 06: His

Visit: Day Five21:00 The Quiet23:00 Superstar

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible

13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm

Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Tarzan20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: Dinosaur23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences

02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns

04:05 Special 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces

05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 The Kardashians THS06:45 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Jessica Alba Style Star09:15 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200810:05 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood10:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Jessica Alba Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 Goldie & Kate THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Angelina Jolie THS18:40 Johnny Depp THS19:30 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood19:55 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood20:20 Special 10 Most Compelling

Mama Dramas21:10 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Angelina Jolie THS23:40 Johnny Depp THS

01:00 Magic Cop02:35 Women On The Run04:05 Detective, The06:00 Fighting Fool, The07:45 Sudden Lover09:15 Twins Effect 11:05 Fear Factors12:50 Magic Touch14:35 Shining Boy & Little Randy16:35 Kidnap18:15 Twins Mission20:00 Two Stupid Eggs21:40 Yesterday Once More23:20 Cinema Today

Rabu27 Ags

AXN Minggu 13:00, 20:00, Rabu 21:00, Kamis 14:00 WIB

CSI: Miami (Season 6)Musim terbaru CSI ini mengisahkan tentang pimpinan CSI Horatio Caine (David Caruso) yang mendapat sebuah kejutan yang mengenaskan. Seorang pembunuh yang diketahuinya ternyata adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang sebelumnya tak dikenalnya. Tak hanya itu saja, ternyata Caine pun terlibat dalam sebuah tindak kriminal skandal dunia maya, di mana seorang pacar dari seorang remaja terkenal terbunuh. Drama ini ternyata membuat dirinya menjadi target dari skandal tersebut.

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 45

00:00 American Pie 5: The Naked Mile02:00 Tequila Sunrise04:00 Shy People06:00 Clean And Sober08:00 Catch A Fire10:00 Lightning - The White Stallion12:00 Hanging Up13:30 Hbo Central14:00 Tequila Sunrise16:00 Last Holiday18:00 Evening20:00 The Mummy22:00 Hanging Up

00:00 Bullseye!02:00 Bone Eater04:00 Mad Max06:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut08:00 The Nutty Professor10:00 Assassination12:00 Witness14:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers16:00 Witchblade18:00 Bone Eater20:00 V For Vendetta22:00 Assassination

01:45 Lucky Number Slevin03:40 Pret-a-porter 05:55 Junebug07:40 Vip Access: Wall-e 08:10 Home Alone09:55 She Drives Me Crazy11:25 Predator 2 13:15 Wicker Man, The 15:00 Mr. Deeds 16:40 Mission To Mars 18:35 Scary Movie 420:00 Sky High21:40 Bridge To Terabithia 23:15 American Haunting, An

00:45 Dublin Murders02:15 Run Silent, Run Deep04:00 Alamo, The06:45 Billy Galvin08:30 Diggstown (a.k.a. Midnight

Sting)10:15 Wuthering Heights (1970)12:00 Sketch Artist13:30 Number One With A Bullet15:15 Purple Haze17:00 Midnight Witness18:30 SPOTLIGHT: Biopics: Mandela20:30 Perfect Strangers22:15 Desperately Seeking Susan

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?11:00 The Moment of Truth 12:00 The Apprentice

13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends20:00 Bones21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 The Unit 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 156Wild Horses

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Just A Dream04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 156

Wild Horses05:00 Dynast: Behind the Sex,05:30 Greed and Manipulation07:00 The Nanny II ep 27 (P)07:30 The Nanny II ep 28 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Just A Dream11:00 Doc Martin II ep 7

Old Dogs (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 15

Feb 5, 95 (P)14:00 Beautiful Girl16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 157

The Great Temptation17:00 E.R. I ep 16

Make of Two Hearts (P)18:00 The Nanny II ep 27 (P)18:30 The Nanny II ep 28 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show19:30 (P)20:00 Commander In Chief I ep 4

First Dance (P)21:00 Sacrifices of the Heart23:00 The Nanny II ep 27 (P)23:30 The Nanny II ep 28 (P)

00:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)02:00 Sports Disasters Vi03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Sports Disasters Vi12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)15:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)16:00 Man Vs Beast Ii17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 Video Zonkers19:30 Magic Asia: India20:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)21:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)22:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season


00:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix Tape Tour

00:30 Football Asia 2008/0901:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 4, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 2008 Little League Baseball04:30 Classic Boxing: Fights Of The

Century- Middleweights Pt.205:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 4, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 KIA X Games Asian 200807:30 Planet Speed 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Infineon Indycar10:30 American Dragster10:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour11:30 Planet Speed 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 2008 Little League Baseball16:29 Sportscenter Right Now16:30 PGA Europro Tour 200818:00 Big Ten Network:top Ten

Football Games Of The Year 118:30 Sportscenter Asia19:00 Pro Beach Soccer Tour20:00 Generationpool.Com Men’s

9-Ball Championship21:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 UEFA Champions League

2007/0823:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The00:30 Sports Max01:30 FIA WRC Junior World Rally

200802:00 FIA GT Championships 200804:00 England U-21 International

Friendly06:00 Sports Max07:00 Ryan Capes - Going The

Distance07:30 Santa Cruz Euro Sk8 Tour08:00 Golf Focus 200808:30 UBS Golf Club 2008, The09:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 3911:00 BMW Asian Open14:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show

08/0915:00 Sports Max16:00 2007 Surfer Poll Awards17:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show17:30 Engine Block 200817:59 Score Tonight18:00 Golf Focus 200818:30 Game19:00 Nokia Football Crazy20:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The20:30 Score Tonight21:00 Game21:30 Nokia Football Crazy22:30 Top Corner, The23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Nokia Football Crazy

00:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

00:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

01:00 Race to MarsEpisode 2

02:00 Great Sphinx: Lord Of The Pyramids

03:00 The FBI Files: Held Hostage04:00 Wildcatters

Episode 205:00 Crossings: Datuk Lat06:00 Living With The Mek Tribe

Bridging The Divide07:00 Race to Mars

Episode 208:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

08:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

09:00 WildcattersEpisode 2

10:00 Living With The Mek TribeBridging The Divide

11:00 Mythbusters 3Killer Tissue Box

12:00 The FBI Files: The Initiation13:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

13:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

14:00 Race to MarsEpisode 2

15:00 Secrets Of The Valley Of The Kings

16:00 Mythbusters 3Killer Tissue Box

17:00 Mythbusters 5Exploding Water Heater

18:00 Deadliest Catch 4Seeking The Catch

19:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 2

20:00 Mega Builders 3The Big Lift: Stonecutters Bridge

21:00 Mythbusters 5Shooting Fish In A Barrel

22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Israel Special23:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Saving

New Orleans

00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals Asia - Land Of Extremes (G1 & G2)

01:00 Devils Of The Deep 02:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Cow Cuisine03:30 I Didn’t Know That

S3-404:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia - Land Of Extremes (G1 & G2)

05:00 Devils Of The Deep 06:00 World’s Deadliest Animals

Asia Pacific (G1 & G2)07:00 Inside

Inside 911: Countdown to Terror (G1 & G2)

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Cow Cuisine

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-4

09:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

10:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

11:00 Situation CriticalRussian Sub Rescue (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Cow Cuisine

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-4

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaChina’s Hollywood

14:00 Perfect WeaponDressed To Kill

15:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Ice Hotel

16:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: BMW

17:00 Megastructure: Hawaii Super Ferry

18:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-5

20:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Winnebago

21:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Itaipu Dam

22:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

23:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Ice Hotel

01:00 John From Cincinnati 05: His Visit: Day Four

01:45 John From Cincinnati 06: His Visit: Day Five

02:30 The Color Purple05:00 Field Of Dreams07:00 Finding Forrester09:00 Shakespeare In Love11:00 The White Countess13:30 Friends With Money15:00 Joe Dirt17:00 Field Of Dreams19:00 John From Cincinnati 07: His

Visit: Day Six20:00 John From Cincinnati 08: His

Visit: Day Seven21:00 The Out-of-towners22:30 The White Countess

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo

05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm

Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: Dinosaur20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: The Wild23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved

Crimes04:05 Special Forbes 10 Most

Expensive Celebrity Divorces05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Tyra Banks THS06:45 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 Charlize Theron THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes12:40 Special Victoria’s Secret: What

Is Sexy? 200813:30 Society Girls THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous16:10 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood16:35 Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 THS Investigates19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back

When21:10 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 THS Investigates

00:20 Dragon Missile, The01:50 Time to Love, A03:45 Crimson Palm, The05:10 Idol06:50 Twins Mission08:35 Heartful Of Love, A10:50 b42012:25 Two Stupid Eggs14:05 Wonder Women15:50 Typhoon18:00 Summer Breeze Of Love20:00 Six Strong Guys21:50 Hero

MGM 28 Agustus 18:30 WIB

MandelaInilah kisah hidup dari seorang Nelson Mandela. Kisahnya menceritakan bentuk perjuangan, penindasan, harga diri, pengharapan di tengah keputusasaan. Kisah dramatis yang tidak pernah diceritakan sebelumnya ini hanya ada di film biografi Nelson Mandela.

Kamis 28 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 46 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:00 Thir13en Ghosts02:00 American Pie 5: The Naked Mile04:00 Evening06:00 Making Mr. Right08:00 A Scanner Darkly10:00 The Mummy12:00 Superman Returns14:30 Hbo Central15:00 The Last Supper16:30 Class Act18:00 Tequila Sunrise20:00 Blood Diamond22:15 Superman Returns

00:00 Witness02:00 Urban Legends: Final Cut04:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers06:00 Downhill Racer08:00 The Ripper10:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The

Rangers12:00 Death Warrant14:00 Praying Mantis16:00 Bullseye!18:00 Death By Magic20:00 Miami Vice22:00 Babylon 5: The Legend Of The


00:40 Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada, The

02:45 Sisters04:20 Past Sins05:55 Russia House, The08:00 Home Alone 309:45 Distinguished Gentleman, The11:35 Punch-drunk Love13:10 Sky High14:50 Clean Slate16:35 Elephant Tales 18:10 Shanghai Noon20:00 Ronin22:00 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead

Man’s Chest

00:00 Shark!01:45 Rancho Deluxe03:15 Hard Choices04:45 Late For Dinner06:30 Eddie & The Cruisers II08:15 Slamdance10:00 Breakin’11:30 Body Slam13:00 Barquero15:00 Prime Risk16:45 Hendrix (TV Movie)18:30 WACKY FRIDAY: Johnny Be

Good20:00 De-Lovely22:15 Undertow

00:00 Friday Night Lights 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 According to Jim02:30 King of the Hill03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 Creflo Dollar 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND05:00 King of the Hill05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 Scrubs06:30 According to Jim07:00 Friends07:30 Friends08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show09:00 Grey’s Anatomy 10:00 Bones11:00 Criminal Minds 12:00 The Unit 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 The Bold and the Beautiful14:30 General Hospital15:30 Grey’s Anatomy 16:30 Scrubs17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 According to Jim18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 Friends19:30 Friends

20:00 Ugly Betty 21:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?22:00 The Moment of Truth 23:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 157The Great Temptation

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Absolution04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 157

The Great Temptation05:00 Sandy Bottom the Orchestra07:00 The Nanny II ep 29 (P)07:30 The Nanny II ep 30 (P)08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show09:00 Absolution11:00 Commander In Chief I ep 4

First Dance (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 E.R. I ep 16

Make of Two Hearts (P)14:00 Sacrifices of the Heart16:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 158

Suspicious Minds17:00 E.R. I ep 17

The Birthday Party (P)18:00 The Nanny II ep 29 (P)18:30 The Nanny II ep 30 (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Midsomer Murders IX

Vixens Run22:00 Spooks III ep 20

A Prayer For My Daughter23:00 The Nanny II ep 29 (P)23:30 The Nanny II ep 30 (P)

00:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)02:00 Magic Asia: India02:30 Video Zonkers03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 The Shield (Season 5)06:00 The Amazing Race Asia07:00 Early Edition (Season 3)08:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)09:00 The Shield (Season 5)10:00 The Amazing Race Asia11:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)11:03 Video Zonkers11:30 Magic Asia: India12:00 Early Edition (Season 3)13:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)15:00 Video Zonkers15:30 Magic Asia: India16:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)17:00 The Amazing Race Asia18:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)18:03 Early Edition (Season 3)19:00 E Buzz19:30 Holy @#%*!20:00 Are We There Yet?22:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)23:00 Afterworld (Vignettes)23:03 E Buzz23:30 Holy @#%*!

00:00 Major League Baseball 200803:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 5, The03:30 Sportscenter Asia04:00 Classic Boxing: Ezzard Charles

V Louis05:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 5, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge07:00 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour07:30 Football Asia 2008/0908:00 Sportscenter Right Now08:01 Major League Baseball 200810:59 Sportscenter Right Now11:00 Planet Speed 2008/0911:30 Football Asia 2008/0912:00 UEFA Champions League

2007/0814:00 Sportscenter Right Now14:01 Incredible Dog Challenge15:00 Sportscenter Right Now15:01 Major League Baseball 200818:00 Planet Speed 2008/0918:30 Sportscenter Asia

19:00 Football Forecast - NPL 2008/09

19:30 Football Asia 2008/0920:00 First Edition20:30 Planet Speed 2008/0921:00 Sportscenter Asia21:30 Call The Shot 02:00hrs23:30 Sportscenter Asia

00:30 Game01:00 Hot Water02:00 Ueg European Artistic Champs

(Women)04:00 England Senior International

Friendly06:00 Hot Water07:00 2007 Surfer Poll Awards08:00 Game08:30 Planet Speed 2008/0909:00 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches11:00 Pine Valley Beijing Open14:00 Behind The Baseline14:30 Hot Water15:30 Game16:00 Transworld Model Search16:30 Rockstar Cable Jam17:00 Nokia Football Crazy17:59 Score Tonight18:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show18:30 UEFA Champions League

Classic Matches 4020:30 Score Tonight21:00 Brunei Open22:00 Classic Boxing: Walcott-

Charles- The Trilogy23:00 Score Tonight23:30 Formula BMW Pacific

00:00 Mythbusters 5Shooting Fish In A Barrel

01:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 2

02:00 The Burning Shores03:00 The FBI Files: The Initiation04:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 205:00 Race to Mars

Episode 206:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 506:30 Everything You Need To Know

Volcanoes07:00 Mythbusters 5

Shooting Fish In A Barrel08:00 Mega Builders 3

The Big Lift: Stonecutters Bridge

09:00 FutureWeapons 3Israel Special

10:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Saving New Orleans

11:00 Mythbusters 3Escape Slide-Parachute

12:00 The FBI Files: Dark Woods13:00 Mega Builders 3

The Big Lift: Stonecutters Bridge

14:00 FutureWeapons 3Israel Special

15:00 Extreme Engineering 3: Saving New Orleans

16:00 Mythbusters 3Escape Slide-Parachute

17:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 9

17:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 1

18:00 Behind The News19:00 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

19:30 Planet Green

Invention Nation: Eco-Energy20:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 620:30 Everything You Need To Know

Brain21:00 Best Evidence

The Roswell Incident22:00 Most Evil

Masterminds23:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 2

00:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Winnebago

01:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Itaipu Dam

02:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-5

04:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Winnebago

05:00 Mega ThursdayMegastructure: Itaipu Dam

06:00 Mega ThursdaySuper Factories: Fire Truck

07:00 InsideInside 911: End Game (G1 & G2)

08:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

08:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-5

09:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

10:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...

That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

11:00 Situation CriticalApollo 13 (G1&G2)

12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Grill Masters

12:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-5

13:00 Spot Light on ChinaGiant Panda

14:00 MegaCitiesLondon

15:00 National Geographic Channel HD Norway’s Hidden Secret

16:00 Don’t Tell My Mother...That I Am In Congo (G1 & G2)

17:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

18:00 Spot Light on China Diva Mummy

19:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

19:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-6

20:00 MegaCitiesMexico City

21:00 National Geographic Channel

HD Quest for Dragons

22:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

23:00 Perfect WeaponBattle Blades

01:00 John From Cincinnati 07: His Visit: Day Six

02:00 John From Cincinnati 08: His Visit: Day Seven

03:00 Friends With Money05:00 Caddyshack07:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story09:00 Exterminator 211:00 30013:00 The Covenant15:00 How To Make An American

Quilt17:00 Caddyshack19:00 John From Cincinnati 09: His

Visit: Day Eight20:00 John From Cincinnati 10: His

Visit: Day Nine21:00 The Good German23:00 300

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb

03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 House of Mouse06:00 Shaun The Sheep06:30 Lilo & Stitch

+ Untalkative Bunny07:00 Monster Allergy07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends09:00 Totally Spies 09:30 Shaun The Sheep10:00 Recess10:30 Bola Kampung11:00 House of Mouse11:30 George of The Jungle12:00 Monster Buster Club12:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series13:00 Kim Possible 13:30 Monster Allergy14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Shuriken School15:00 American Dragon: Jake Long15:30 Lilo & Stitch

16:00 Shaolin Wuzang16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas and Ferb17:30 Mr. Bean - The Animated Series18:00 Pass The Plate @ 6.55pm

Mr Bean - Live Action18:30 DCM: The Wild20:00 Hannah Montana20:30 Wizards of Waverly Place21:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 America’s Funniest Home

Videos22:00 DCM: My Favorite Martian23:30 That’s So Raven


00:30 Extreme Hollywood01:20 Extreme Hollywood02:15 Extreme Hollywood03:10 Extreme Hollywood04:05 Special Cameron Diaz: Sexy

Angel05:00 25 Most Stylish05:55 Vanessa Williams Style Star06:45 Special Forbes 20 Under 25:

Young, Rich and Famous07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes08:50 Latina Fashionistas Style Star09:15 Naomi Campbell THS10:05 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians10:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Latina Fashionistas Style Star12:15 The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Behind The Scenes12:40 Supermodels: Beyond Skin

Deep THS14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 Special Forbes Top 15

Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

16:10 Living Lohan16:35 Living Lohan17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals18:40 Posh & Becks THS19:30 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians19:55 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians20:20 101 Favorite Stars Way Back

When21:10 Special Forbes Top 15

Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Special Forbes Top 20 Young

Royals23:40 Posh & Becks THS

00:05 Gen-Y Cops02:05 Haunted Cop Shop II, The04:00 Sisters In Law05:50 Tutor07:35 Loving You09:00 Life on the Edge10:30 Six Strong Guys12:35 My DNA Says I Love You14:15 Hero 16:30 Lady Iron Chef, The18:15 Hooked on You20:00 Death Note 2: The Last Name22:25 House of Fury

Hallmark 24 Agustus 20:00, 27 Agustus 21:00 WIB

Beautiful GirlBecca Wasserman mengetahui bahwa dirinya mempunyai kelebihan meski secara fisik penampilannya tidaklah sempurna. Namun ia mempunyai kekasih yang mencintainya serta kasih sayang keluarganya. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, ia mempunyai keberanian. Untuk mendapatkan liburan bulan madu Becca pun memutuskan ikut kontes kecantikan. Dalam kontes itu ia harus berhadapan dengan musuhnya, yaitu temannya semasa SMU.

Jumat29 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 47

00:45 The Sopranos 43: The Weight01:45 Making Mr. Right03:00 The Mummy05:00 The Sopranos 43: The Weight06:00 Blood Diamond08:15 Last Holiday10:00 Evening12:00 Tequila Sunrise14:00 Making Mr. Right15:30 Something To Talk About17:30 Hbo Central18:00 The Mummy20:00 Any Given Sunday22:30 Evening

00:00 Death Warrant02:00 Bullseye!04:00 Death By Magic06:00 The Expendables08:00 Bullseye!10:00 Bone Eater12:00 V For Vendetta14:00 Witness16:00 The Warlord: Battle For The

Galaxy18:00 Bad News Bears20:00 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales22:00 Bone Eater

00:30 Black Dahlia02:25 Hills Have Eyes, The04:10 Ripley Under Ground 05:50 Volcano 07:35 Flicka09:10 Chestnut10:40 Jerry Maguire 12:50 Ronin14:50 Broken Arrow 16:40 Chaos18:25 Code Name: The Cleaner20:00 End Of Days22:00 Blood And Chocolate23:40 Jaws

00:00 Best Seller01:45 Ghoulies03:15 Duck, You Sucker (a.k.a. Fistful

of Dynamite, A)06:00 Struck By Lightning08:00 National Lampoon’s Movie

Madness09:00 Love, Cheat & Steal10:30 Breathless12:00 New York, New York14:45 Kid Colter16:30 Midnight Clear, A18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: Golden

Gate20:00 Year of the Dragon22:15 Foreign Body

00:00 Blood Ties 01:00 Friends01:30 Friends02:00 The Moment of Truth 03:00 Six Degrees 04:00 Blood Ties 05:00 Creflo Dollar 05:30 According to Jim06:00 Bones07:00 Criminal Minds 08:00 The Unit 09:00 Monk10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends

12:30 Friends13:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?14:00 The Moment of Truth 15:00 Six Degrees 16:00 Bones17:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19:00 TNA Xplosion20:00 TNA Wrestlling 21:00 Most Shocking 22:00 Blood Ties 23:00 TNA Xplosion

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 158Suspicious Minds

01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Midsomer Murders IX02:30 Vixens Run04:00 McLeod’s Daughters VI ep 158

Suspicious Minds05:00 My Louisiana Sky07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 5

Under the Radar (P)08:00 Sign of Four10:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)10:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)11:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)11:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Holiday In Handcuffs15:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 131

Truth or Dare16:00 Sea Patrol I ep 5

Under the Radar (P)17:00 Without A Trace III ep 18

Transitions (P)18:00 Commander In Chief I ep 4

First Dance (P)19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show20:00 Where There’s A Will22:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)22:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)23:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)23:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)

00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3)01:00 24 (Season 5)02:00 24 (Season 5)03:00 The Shield (Season 5)04:00 The Ultimate Fighter (Season 2)05:00 Are We There Yet?07:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)07:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)08:00 Video Zonkers08:30 Magic Asia: India09:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)09:30 E Buzz

10:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos (Season 4)

11:00 House (Season 4)12:00 Video Zonkers12:30 Magic Asia: India13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)14:00 Are We There Yet?16:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)17:00 E Buzz17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

1)18:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)19:00 Ultimate Escape19:30 Video Zonkers20:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)21:00 House (Season 4)22:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)22:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)23:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)

00:00 Football Forecast - NPL 2008/09

00:30 First Edition01:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 6, The01:30 Sportscenter Asia02:00 Major League Baseball 200805:00 Great Ride Open Ep. 6, The05:30 Sportscenter Asia06:00 Major League Baseball 200809:00 X Games 1411:00 Sportscenter Week In Review11:30 Football Focus With John

Dykes12:30 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0913:00 Pertamina Indonesia President

Invitational16:00 KIA X Games Asian 200817:00 Football Forecast - NPL

2008/0917:25 Sportscenter Weekend17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review18:00 First Edition18:30 Major League Baseball 200821:30 Pertamina Indonesia President


00:30 Tour Down Under01:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Raceday 200802:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Races 200804:15 FIA F1 World Championships

Chequered Flag 200805:00 UBS Golf Club 2008, The05:30 Engine Block 200806:00 Ace

06:30 Golf Focus 200807:00 Transworld Model Search07:30 Rockstar Cable Jam08:00 Top Corner, The08:30 Game09:00 Nokia Football Crazy10:00 Hot Water11:00 2008 GP 2 Series13:00 Ace13:30 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200814:30 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show15:00 Nokia Football Crazy16:00 Rockstar Wake Jam16:30 Rockstar Rail Jam17:00 2008 Gold Coast Airport

Marathon18:00 Brunei Open19:00 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200820:30 IAAF Grand Prix, Madrid23:30 2008 Gold Coast Airport


00:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 6

00:30 Everything You Need To KnowBrain

01:00 Best EvidenceThe Roswell Incident

02:00 Seven Wonders Of China: Hanging Monastery

02:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra Cotta Warriors

03:00 The FBI Files: Dark Woods04:00 Best Evidence

The Roswell Incident05:00 Most Evil

Masterminds06:00 Mythbusters 5

Shooting Fish In A Barrel07:00 American Chopper 5

Gander Mountain 208:00 Secrets Of The Valley Of The

Kings09:00 How It’s Made 9

Episode 909:30 Million 2 One

Episode 110:00 How Do They Do It? 5

Episode 610:30 Everything You Need To Know

Brain11:00 Mythbusters 5

Shooting Fish In A Barrel12:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RogersPaper Maker

13:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing Airport

14:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s National Theatre

15:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest Stadium

16:00 FutureWeapons 3Israel Special

17:00 Dirty JobsCave Digger

18:00 Mythbusters 5Shooting Fish In A Barrel

19:00 Smash LabHurricane Proof House

20:00 Man Vs Wild 2Panama

21:00 Deadliest Catch 4Seeking The Catch

22:00 A HauntingLake Club Horror

23:00 Dirty JobsCave Digger

00:00 Situation CriticalMoscow Theatre Siege (G1

& G2) 01:00 National Geographic Channel

HD Quest for Dragons

02:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

03:00 Food Lovers Guide To the Planet: Digital Critics

03:30 I Didn’t Know That S3-6

04:00 MegaCitiesMexico City

05:00 Situation CriticalMoscow Theatre Siege (G1 & G2)

06:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...That I Am In North Korea (G1 & G2)

07:00 Spot Light on China China’s Great Wall: Mongol Invaders

08:00 Devils Of The Deep 09:00 Nat Geo Junior

Animal Extractors: Race Against Time

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Monk Seals

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Pengiun

11:00 Dino Death Trap12:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: India12:30 I Didn’t Know That

S3-113:00 Spot Light on China

Beijing Olympic Stadium14:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Polar Bear Alcatraz15:00 Tribal Odyssey

The Hamar (G1&G2)16:00 Megastructure: Ice Hotel 17:00 Boxing Behind Bars18:00 Inside

Inside Shock And Awe19:00 Perfect Weapon

Skull Smashers20:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Honey Badger: The Meanest Animal In The World

21:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Last Dance Of The Warriors (G1 & G2)

22:00 Megastructure: Itaipu Dam23:00 Boxing Behind Bars

01:00 John From Cincinnati 09: His Visit: Day Eight

02:00 John From Cincinnati 10: His Visit: Day Nine

03:00 The Good German05:00 Finding Forrester07:00 Little Giants09:00 Cops And Robbersons11:00 Man Of The Year13:00 Let’s Go To Prison15:00 Hard To Kill17:00 Finding Forrester19:00 The Good German21:00 Loser23:00 Man Of The Year

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Black Hole High01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep

07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Fox and The Hound II12:30 Mr. Bean13:00 Monster Allergy13:30 A Kind of Magic14:00 Totally Spies14:30 Totally Spies15:00 Kim Possible15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 DCM: Finding Nemo20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: Meet The Robinsons23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up

02:15 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

03:10 101 Favorite Stars Way Back When

04:05 Special Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous

05:00 Beyonce Revealed06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News08:00 Daily 10, The08:25 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes08:50 Charlize Theron Style Star09:15 Steven & Liv Tyler THS10:05 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane:

Fashion Rules!10:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane11:00 E! News11:25 Daily 10, The11:50 Charlize Theron Style Star12:15 The Mummy:Tomb of the

Dragon Behind The Scenes12:40 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong14:25 E! News14:50 Daily 10, The15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians16:35 Keeping Up with the

Kardashians17:00 E! News17:25 Daily 10, The17:50 Jennifer Lopez THS19:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane20:20 25 Most Sensational Hollywood

Meltdowns22:00 E! News22:25 Daily 10, The22:50 Jennifer Lopez THS

00:10 Love On Delivery01:55 Hero04:05 Scarred Memory06:05 Fantastic Magic Baby, The08:05 Gossip Street09:35 Art of Seduction, The11:20 Hooked on You13:00 Love in Macau14:30 Lady With A Sword16:10 Say Hello For Me18:15 Naked Weapon 20:00 Tripping21:45 Cat and Mouse 23:20 Home Sweet Home

Starmovies 17 Agustus 20:00, 30 Agustus 18:25 WIB

Code Name: The CleanerCode Name: The Cleaner adalah julukan untuk Jake (Cedric the Entertainer), seorang petugas kebersihan yang mengalami amnesia dan merasa bahwa dirinya adalah seorang agen rahasia dan berada dalam sebuah konspirasi tingkat tinggi. Jake dan para pemburunya mulai percaya bahwa Jake adalah agen yang menyamar dan tanpa menyadari ia memegang informasi penting yang dapat memecahkan kontak senjata yang melibatkan CIA dan FBI.

Sabtu 30 Ags

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 48 Edisi Agustus 2008

00:30 Blood Diamond03:00 Making Mr. Right04:30 Thir13en Ghosts06:00 Any Given Sunday09:00 Superman Returns11:30 Hbo Central12:00 The Mummy14:00 Last Holiday16:00 Making Mr. Right17:30 Superman Returns20:00 Dreamgirls22:00 Something To Talk About

00:00 V For Vendetta02:00 Witness04:00 Bad News Bears06:00 The Warlord: Battle For The

Galaxy08:00 Witness10:00 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales12:00 Bad News Bears14:00 Miami Vice16:00 The Fugitive18:00 Bullseye!20:00 We’re No Angels22:00 Witness

01:45 Army Of Darkness03:20 Murder In My House 04:55 Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The 06:25 Sandlot 2, The08:05 102 Dalmatians09:45 End Of Days11:45 Tears Of The Sun 13:45 Die Hard 15:55 Die Hard 2: Die Harder 17:55 Die Hard With A Vengeance 20:00 Die Hard 4.0 22:10 Die Hard

00:15 Teenage Bonnie & Klepto Clyde01:45 Fascination03:30 3 Strikes05:00 Solomon & Sheba06:30 Tom Sawyer (Animated)08:00 Otello10:00 Down Came A Blackbird12:00 Ski Patrol13:30 Access Code15:00 Final Approach16:45 Favorite (Epic), The18:30 THAT’S HOLLYWOOD: F.I.S.T. 21:00 Dublin Murders22:30 Wheels of Terror00:15 Thunder Road

00:00 TNA Wrestlling 01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:30 8 Simple Rules02:00 Hope & Faith02:30 30 Rock 03:00 Monk04:00 Most Shocking 05:00 Hope & Faith05:30 30 Rock 06:00 The Bold and the Beautiful08:00 Monk09:00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth

Grader?10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Friends11:00 Friends11:30 Friends12:00 Friends12:30 Friends13:00 30 Rock 13:30 Private Practice 14:20 Private Practice 15:10 Private Practice 16:00 Private Practice 16:50 Private Practice 17:40 Private Practice 18:30 Private Practice 19:20 Private Practice 20:10 Private Practice 21:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 22:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live!

00:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 131

Truth or Dare01:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show02:00 Holiday In Handcuffs04:00 Wild At Heart II ep 305:00 The Nanny I ep 9 (P)05:30 The Nanny I ep 10 (P)06:00 The Nanny I ep 11 (P)06:30 The Nanny I ep 12 (P)07:00 Sea Patrol I ep 6

Precious Cargo (P)08:00 Where There’s A Will10:00 Midsomer Murders IX10:30 Vixens Run12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show13:00 Without A Trace III ep 18

Transitions (P)14:00 Commander In Chief I ep 4

First Dance (P)15:00 McLeod’s Daughters V ep 132

The King and I16:00 Sea Patrol I ep 6

Precious Cargo (P)17:00 Maldonado Miracle19:00 Oprah Prime Time Specials20:00 Seventeen and Missing

Cast: Dedee Pfeiffer, Matthew Harrison

22:00 Midsomer Murders IXVixens Run

00:00 Las Vegas (Season 2)01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)02:00 Numb3rs (Season 4)03:00 House (Season 4)04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4)05:00 Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild07:00 Video Zonkers07:30 Magic Asia: India08:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)09:00 Holy @#%*!09:30 Afterworld (30 Min Version)10:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)10:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)14:00 Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild16:00 E Buzz16:30 Afterworld (30 Min Version)17:00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor

Chronicles (Season 1)18:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos

(Season 4)19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)19:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season

2)20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation

(Season 7)23:00 Afterworld (30 Min Version)23:30 Holy @#%*!

00:30 Bwf Super Series - Singapore Open

01:30 Sportscenter Week In Review02:00 Sportscenter Weekend02:05 Major League Baseball 200805:00 Sportscenter Week In Review05:30 Streetball: The 2008 And 1 Mix

Tape Tour06:00 S4c Wales Ladies

Championship Of Europe07:00 Planet Speed 2008/0907:30 Great Capital Run - Hyde Park,

London08:00 Major League Baseball 200811:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report11:30 Football Asia 2008/0912:00 Bwf Super Series - Singapore

Open13:00 Pertamina Indonesia President

Invitational16:00 Bwf Super Series - Singapore

Open16:55 Football Asia 2008/0917:25 Planet Speed 2008/0917:55 Sportscenter Weekend18:00 Sportscenter: The Field Report18:30 Major League Baseball 200821:30 IAAF Night Of Athletics

00:30 Max Power 2008/200901:30 Pertamina Indonesia President

Invitational04:30 Planet Speed 2008/0905:00 Formula BMW Pacific06:00 FIA GT Championships

Highlights 200807:00 Rockstar Wake Jam07:30 Rockstar Rail Jam08:00 Brunei Open09:00 FA Classics10:00 Scandinavian Tpc Hosted By

Annika11:00 2008 Gold Coast Airport

Marathon12:00 FIA World Rally Championships

08/09 - Magazine Show12:30 FIA F1 World Championships

Highlights 200814:00 Ghetto BMX Contest 200414:30 King Of Wake World Cup Series

2007 Ep. 1

15:00 FIA GT Championships Highlights 2008

15:57 MotoGP World Championship 2008 Race

20:00 Pertamina Indonesia President Invitational

00:00 FutureWeapons 3Israel Special

01:00 Race to MarsEpisode 2

02:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

02:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

03:00 How It’s Made 9Episode 9

03:30 Million 2 OneEpisode 1

04:00 Mega Builders 3The Big Lift: Stonecutters Bridge

05:00 The Burning Shores06:00 Seven Wonders Of China:

Hanging Monastery06:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra

Cotta Warriors07:00 Man Made Marvels: Beijing

Airport08:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s

National Theatre

09:00 Man Made Marvels: Bird’s Nest Stadium

10:00 American Chopper 5Gander Mountain 2

11:00 Man Vs Wild 2Panama

12:00 Dirty JobsCave Digger

13:00 How Do They Do It? 5Episode 6

13:30 Everything You Need To KnowBrain

14:00 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Innovative Alternatives

14:30 Planet GreenInvention Nation: Eco-Energy

15:00 Extreme Engineering 3Malaysia Smart Tunnel

16:00 Man Made MarvelsPetronas Towers

17:00 First Time Film-Makers Malaysia 2007The Lion Dance King

17:30 First Time Film-Makers Malaysia 2007Restoring Merdeka

18:00 Seven Wonders Of China: Hanging Monastery

18:30 Seven Wonders Of China: Terra Cotta Warriors

19:00 Cathay Pacific Signature SeriesJesus: The Missing History

20:00 China’s Mega Dam22:00 FutureWeapons 3

Hard Target

00:00 Nat Geo Weekends Honey Badger: The Meanest Animal In The World

01:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Last Dance Of The Warriors (G1 & G2)

02:00 Megastructure: Itaipu Dam03:00 Perfect Weapon

Skull Smashers04:00 Nat Geo Weekends

Honey Badger: The Meanest Animal In The World

05:00 Tribal OdysseyThe Last Dance Of The Warriors (G1 & G2)

06:00 Megastructure: Itaipu Dam07:00 Spot Light on China

China’s Great Wall: Protecting The Dragon

08:00 Superpride

09:00 Nat Geo JuniorAnimal Extractors: Rattlesnake Family

10:00 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Pengiun

10:30 Nat Geo Junior Wild Detectives: Sita Tiger

11:00 I Didn’t Know That S2-5

11:30 I Didn’t Know That S2-6

12:00 Mad Lab#8

12:30 What Would Happen If #813:00 Amazing Moments

#213:30 Amazing Moments

#314:00 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: New French Revolution14:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet: Catch of The Day15:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: Winnebago16:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Human: Strongman17:00 What Would Happen If…417:30 Food Lovers Guide To the

Planet:Hong Kong18:00 Don’t Tell My Mother ...

That I Am In North Korea19:00 Long Way Down

Tobruk To Khartoum20:00 Preserve Our Planet

Gone to Save the Planet #3 & 421:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Factories: Ups22:00 Nat Geo Presents

Super Human: Steroids

01:00 Shottas03:00 Innocent Blood05:00 For Love Of The Game07:15 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story09:00 30011:00 Children Of Men13:00 The Good German15:00 Spies Like Us16:45 For Love Of The Game19:00 I Dreamed Of Africa: A True

Story21:00 Big Love 20: Kingdom Come22:00 Children Of Men23:45 Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise

00:00 Lizzie McGuire00:30 Wicked Science01:00 Wizards of Waverly Place01:30 Hannah Montana02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas and Ferb03:00 Lilo and Stitch03:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody04:00 Aladdin04:30 Teamo Supremo05:00 Good Morning Mickey05:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends06:00 Disney’s The Replacements06:30 Shaun The Sheep07:00 Mr. Bean07:30 Good Morning Mickey08:00 House of Mouse08:30 Phineas and Ferb09:00 Eliot Kid09:30 Totally Spies10:00 Totally Spies10:30 Martin Mystery11:00 DCM: Finding Nemo12:30 DCM: Meet The Robinsons14:00 DCM: A Bug’s Life15:30 Wizards of Waverly Place

16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Lilo & Stitch17:00 Emperor’s New School Yr 217:30 The Suite Life of Zack And

Cody18:00 Mr. Bean18:30 Jonas Brothers: Living The

DreamDCM: The Princess Diaries

20:00 That’s So Raven20:30 Cory In The House Yr 221:00 Suite Life of Zack & Cody21:30 Wizards of Waverly Place22:00 DCM: A Bug’s Life23:30 Shaun The Sheep


00:30 25 Most Stylish01:20 25 Most Stylish02:15 25 Most Stylish03:10 25 Most Stylish04:05 25 Most Stylish05:00 Jessica, Ashlee and The

Simpson Family THS06:45 25 Most Stylish07:35 E! News Weekend08:25 Get Smart Behind The Scenes08:50 Latina Fashionistas Style Star09:15 Britney Spears: Fall From Grace

THS10:05 Living Lohan10:30 Living Lohan11:00 E! News Weekend11:50 Latina Fashionistas Style Star12:15 Get Smart Behind The Scenes12:40 50 Cutest Child Stars: All

Grown Up14:25 E! News Weekend15:15 25 Most Stylish16:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane16:35 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane17:00 E! News Weekend17:50 Living Lohan18:15 Living Lohan18:40 Living Lohan19:05 Living Lohan19:30 Living Lohan19:55 Living Lohan20:20 Living Lohan20:45 Living Lohan21:10 Living Lohan21:35 Living Lohan22:00 E! News Weekend22:50 Lindsay Lohan THS23:40 Special Raising Celebrity: Tales

Of Hollywood Moms00:30 Special Forbes 20 Billionaire

Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich

01:20 Special Forbes Top 15 Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank

02:15 Special Forbes 20 Richest Women In Entertainment

03:10 Special Forbes 20 Cash Queens Of Music

04:05 25 Most Stylish

01:00 Twilight Of The Forbidden City, The

02:40 Flag Of Iron, The04:35 Demon Of The Lute06:20 Return Of The Lucky Stars07:50 Option Zero09:40 Cinema Today10:40 Isabella12:30 2 Become 114:10 Hero 16:25 Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final

Duel18:00 Confession of Pain20:00 Anna & Anna21:40 Mr 3 Minutes23:20 Brave Archer 2, The

HBO 31 Agustus 20:00 WIB

DreamgirlsPada tahun 1960an dan awal tahun 1970an, trio wanita yang sedang naik daun yaitu Effie (Jennifer Hudson), Deena (Beyonc? Knowles) dan Lorrell (Anika Noni Rose) merupakan grup penyanyi yang berbakat menamakan dirinya sebagai group Dreamettes. Pada saat kompetisi pencari bakat, mereka ditemukan oleh seorang manajer ambisius, Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx), dan menawarkan mereka kesempatan seumur hidup untuk menjadi penyanyi latar James “Thunder” Early (Eddie Murphy).

Minggu31 Ags

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 49

00:00 Suze Orman Show01:00 Managing Asia01:30 High Net Worth02:00 Asia Market Week02:30 Europe This Week03:00 India Business This Week03:30 Business Arabia04:00 Australia This Week04:30 Business Pakistan 05:00 Europe This Week05:30 Asia Market Week06:00 Managing Asia06:30 High Net Worth07:00 Asia Market Week07:30 Europe This Week08:00 India Business This Week08:30 Business Arabia09:00 Australia This Week09:30 Business Pakistan 10:00 Managing Asia10:30 The Leaders11:00 CNBC Sports15:00 Tonight Show With Jay Leno16:00 Suze Orman Show17:00 Managing Asia17:30 The Leaders18:00 Luxury Channel18:30 High Net Worth19:00 Europe This Week19:30 Asia Market Week20:00 Managing Asia20:30 High Net Worth21:00 Tonight Show With Jay Leno22:00 Europe This Week22:30 Asia Market Week23:00 Meet The Press

00:00 Suze Orman Show01:00 The Leaders01:30 Australia This Week02:00 Luxury Channel02:30 High Net Worth03:00 Managing Asia03:30 Asia Market Week04:00 Meet The Press05:00 Squawk Australia06:00 Squawk Box09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow11:00 Capital Connection12:00 Europe Squawk Box14:30 Trading Matters15:00 Worldwide Exchange17:00 Squawk Box20:00 Squawk on the Street22:00 The Call23:00 Power Lunch

01:00 Street Signs02:00 Closing Bell04:00 Fast Money05:00 Squawk Australia06:00 Squawk Box09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow11:00 Capital Connection12:00 Europe Squawk Box14:30 Trading Matters15:00 Worldwide Exchange17:00 Squawk Box20:00 Squawk on the Street22:00 The Call23:00 Power Lunch

01:00 Street Signs02:00 Closing Bell04:00 Fast Money05:00 Squawk Australia06:00 Squawk Box09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow

11:00 Capital Connection12:00 Europe Squawk Box14:30 Trading Matters15:00 Worldwide Exchange17:00 Squawk Box20:00 Squawk on the Street22:00 The Call23:00 Power Lunch

01:00 Street Signs02:00 Closing Bell04:00 Fast Money05:00 Squawk Australia06:00 Squawk Box09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow11:00 Capital Connection12:00 Europe Squawk Box14:30 Trading Matters15:00 Worldwide Exchange17:00 The Leaders17:30 Squawk Box20:00 Squawk on the Street22:00 The Call23:00 Power Lunch

01:00 Street Signs02:00 Closing Bell04:00 Fast Money05:00 Squawk Australia06:00 Squawk Box09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow11:00 Capital Connection12:00 Europe Squawk Box14:30 Australia This Week15:00 Worldwide Exchange17:00 Asia Market Week17:30 Managing Asia18:00 Squawk Box20:00 Squawk on the Street22:00 The Call23:00 Power Lunch

01:00 Street Signs02:00 Closing Bell04:00 Fast Money05:00 Asia Market Week05:30 Europe This Week06:00 Kudlow & Company07:00 Asia Market Week07:30 Europe This Week08:00 Closing Bell10:00 Australia This Week10:30 Asia Market Week11:00 CNBC Sports15:00 Tonight Show With Jay Leno16:00 Suze Orman Show17:00 Europe This Week17:30 Australia This Week18:00 Asia Market Week18:30 Luxury Channel19:00 Managing Asia19:30 High Net Worth20:00 Europe This Week20:30 Asia Market Week21:00 Tonight Show With Jay Leno22:00 Luxury Channel22:30 High Net Worth23:00 Europe This Week23:30 Asia Market Week

00:00 Nexus - Weekend Edition00:30 Political Assassinations01:30 The Choice: Personal Stories

About Abortion02:25 Agatha Christie’s Poirot04:00 Rage

06:00 The Insiders07:00 Inside Business07:30 Asia Pacific Focus08:00 Nexus - Weekend Edition08:30 Great Outdoors09:00 The Insiders10:00 Inside Business10:30 AFL Premiership Season13:30 NRL15:30 Foreign Correspondent16:00 News16:30 Travel Oz17:00 Enough Rope With Andrew

Denton17:30 Asia Pacific Focus18:00 Grand Central19:00 News19:30 Travel Oz20:00 Love Serenade22:00 News22:30 Grand Central23:30 Love Serenade

01:30 The Insiders02:30 Inside Business03:00 The Insiders Guide to

Happiness04:00 News04:30 Travel Oz05:00 News05:30 Business Today06:00 News06:30 Business Today07:00 News07:30 Business Today08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas08:30 Play School09:00 News09:30 Totally Wild10:00 Nexus10:30 English Bites10:45 Living English (Edited Version)11:00 Home and Away11:30 Discovery with Richard Gill

and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

12:00 Grand Central13:00 Travel Oz13:30 Bananas in Pyjamas14:00 Play School14:30 Nexus15:00 English Bites15:15 Living English (Edited Version)15:30 Totally Wild16:00 News16:30 Home and Away17:00 The New Inventors17:30 Crime and Justice18:00 News18:30 Einstein’s Big Idea19:30 The New Inventors20:00 Outrageous Fortune21:00 Newshour With Jim Middleton22:00 Einstein’s Big Idea23:00 Crime and Justice23:30 Newshour With Jim Middleton

00:30 Outrageous Fortune01:30 Einstein’s Big Idea02:30 Home and Away03:00 The Insiders Guide to

Happiness04:00 News04:30 The New Inventors05:00 News05:30 Business Today06:00 News06:30 Business Today07:00 News07:30 Business Today08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas08:30 Play School09:00 News09:30 Totally Wild10:00 Nexus

10:30 English Bites10:45 Living English (Edited Version)11:00 Home and Away11:30 Discovery with Richard Gill

and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

12:00 Einstein’s Big Idea13:00 Crime and Justice13:30 Bananas in Pyjamas14:00 Play School14:30 Nexus15:00 English Bites15:15 Living English (Edited Version)15:30 Totally Wild16:00 News16:30 Home and Away17:00 Animal Rescue17:30 RPA: Where Are They Now?18:00 News18:30 Four Corners19:30 Animal Rescue20:00 All Saints21:00 Newshour With Jim Middleton22:00 Four Corners23:00 RPA: Where Are They Now?23:30 Newshour With Jim Middleton

00:30 All Saints01:30 Four Corners02:30 Home and Away03:00 The Insiders Guide to

Happiness04:00 News04:30 Animal Rescue05:00 News05:30 Business Today06:00 News06:30 Business Today07:00 News07:30 Business Today08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas08:30 Play School09:00 News09:30 Totally Wild10:00 Nexus10:30 English Bites10:45 Living English (Edited Version)11:00 Home and Away11:30 Discovery with Richard Gill

and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

12:00 Four Corners13:00 RPA: Where Are They Now?13:30 Bananas in Pyjamas14:00 Play School14:30 Nexus15:00 English Bites15:15 Living English (Edited Version)15:30 Totally Wild16:00 News16:30 Home and Away17:00 Great Outdoors17:30 Foreign Correspondent18:00 News18:30 Killer Whale and Crocodile19:30 Great Outdoors20:00 Rain Shadow21:00 Newshour With Jim Middleton22:00 Killer Whale and Crocodile23:00 Foreign Correspondent23:30 Newshour With Jim Middleton

00:30 Rain Shadow01:30 Killer Whale and Crocodile02:30 Home and Away03:00 The Insiders Guide to

Happiness04:00 News04:30 Great Outdoors05:00 News05:30 Business Today06:00 News06:30 Business Today07:00 News07:30 Business Today

08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas08:30 Play School09:00 News09:30 Totally Wild10:00 Nexus10:30 English Bites10:45 Living English (Edited Version)11:00 Home and Away11:30 Discovery with Richard Gill

and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

12:00 Killer Whale and Crocodile13:00 Foreign Correspondent13:30 Bananas in Pyjamas14:00 Play School14:30 Nexus15:00 English Bites15:15 Living English (Edited Version)15:30 Totally Wild16:00 News16:30 Home and Away17:00 Is Your House Killing You?17:30 In The Line of Fire18:00 News18:30 Simon Schama’s Power of Art19:30 Is Your House Killing You?20:00 McLeod’s Daughters21:00 Newshour With Jim Middleton22:00 Simon Schama’s Power of Art23:00 In The Line of Fire23:30 Newshour With Jim Middleton

00:30 McLeod’s Daughters01:30 Simon Schama’s Power of Art02:30 Home and Away03:00 Political Assassinations04:00 News04:30 Is Your House Killing You?05:00 News05:30 Business Today06:00 News06:30 Business Today07:00 News07:30 Business Today08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas08:30 Play School09:00 News09:30 Totally Wild10:00 Nexus10:30 English Bites10:40 Living English (Edited Version)11:00 Home and Away11:30 Ron’s Gift12:00 Simon Schama’s Power of Art13:00 In The Line of Fire13:30 Bananas in Pyjamas14:00 Play School14:30 Nexus15:00 English Bites15:10 Living English (Edited Version)15:30 Totally Wild16:00 News16:30 Home and Away17:00 AFL Premiership Season20:00 News20:30 NRL22:30 The Private Life Of A

Masterpiece23:30 Not all Tea and Scones

00:00 Nexus - Weekend Edition00:30 Political Assassinations01:30 The Private Life Of A

Masterpiece02:30 Home and Away03:00 Political Assassinations04:00 Not all Tea and Scones04:30 Nexus - Weekend Edition05:00 Four Corners06:00 Rage08:00 Nexus - Weekend Edition08:30 Political Assassinations09:30 Travel Oz10:00 Four Corners11:00 Not all Tea and Scones11:30 AFL Premiership Season14:30 Rugby Union Tri-Nations 2008

(Encrypted)16:30 Asia Pacific Focus17:00 AFL Premiership Season20:00 Political Assassinations21:00 The Choice: Personal Stories

About Abortion22:00 News22:30 Asia Pacific Focus23:00 Foreign Correspondent23:30 Enough Rope With Andrew


00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy &

Mandy05:00 Ed, Edd n Eddy05:35 Dexter’s Laboratory06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends06:25 Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi07:00 The Pink Panther Show07:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog08:00 Legion of The Superheroes08:25 Fantastic Four08:50 Ben 10- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 The Woody Woodpecker Show10:50 Dexter’s Laboratory12:00 Tom and Jerry Show13:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes13:50 Ben 10- Double Episodes14:40 Courage the Cowardly Dog15:00 Camp Lazlo15:25 The Powerpuff Girls16:00 Squirrel Boy16:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy17:00 Codename Kids Next Door18:00 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey18:25 Tom & Jerry Show19:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy20:00 Planet Sketch20:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy21:35 Xiaolin Showdown22:00 Fantastic Four- Double

Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy05:00 Tiny TV- Baby Looney Tunes05:35 Tiny TV- Krypto the Superdog06:00 Tiny TV- Firehouse Tales06:35 Tiny TV-Tom and Jerry Kids07:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends07:25 Codename Kids Next Door08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes08:50 Teen Titans- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 Road Runner Show10:25 Camp Lazlo11:00 The Powerpuff Girls12:00 Tom & Jerry Show13:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy15:00 Tom & Jerry Show15:25 Dexter’s Laboratory16:00 Robotboy16:25 Codename Kids Next Door17:00 The Pink Panther Show17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales18:00 Toonami- The Batman18:25 Toonami- Ben 1018:50 Toonami- Teen Titans19:15 Toonami- Fantastic Four19:40 Tom and Jerry Show20:35 The Pink Panther Show


Australia Network 28 Agustus 18:30, 22:00 WIB

Inside the Great Magazines Program ini akan menampilkan para editor di ruang kerjanya masing-masing. Dari mulai wawancara hingga ke sesi pemotrtetan dari majalah-majalah yang terkenal di dunia. Seri program ini akan mengungkap kehebatan, persaingan, dan konflik dari orang-orang yang berada di balik majalah-majalah ini. Dari mulai para editor di Vanity Fair, Playboy, Time, Paris Match, dan Rolling Stone hingga ke majalah-majalah baru seperti Colors and Vice.

Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya << <<prime time | 50 Edisi Agustus 2008

Weekly21:00 Naruto21:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy05:00 Tiny TV- Baby Looney Tunes05:35 Tiny TV- Krypto the Superdog06:00 Tiny TV- Firehouse Tales06:35 Tiny TV-Tom and Jerry Kids07:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends07:25 Codename Kids Next Door08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes08:50 Teen Titans- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 Road Runner Show10:25 Camp Lazlo11:00 The Powerpuff Girls12:00 Tom & Jerry Show13:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy15:00 Tom & Jerry Show15:25 Dexter’s Laboratory16:00 Robotboy16:25 Codename Kids Next Door17:00 The Pink Panther Show17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales18:00 Toonami- The Batman18:25 Toonami- Ben 1018:50 Toonami- Teen Titans19:15 Toonami- Fantastic Four19:40 Tom and Jerry Show20:35 The Pink Panther Show21:00 Naruto21:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy05:00 Tiny TV- Baby Looney Tunes05:35 Tiny TV- Krypto the Superdog06:00 Tiny TV- Firehouse Tales06:35 Tiny TV-Tom and Jerry Kids07:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends07:25 Codename Kids Next Door08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes08:50 Teen Titans- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 Road Runner Show10:25 Camp Lazlo11:00 The Powerpuff Girls12:00 Tom & Jerry Show13:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy15:00 Tom & Jerry Show15:25 Dexter’s Laboratory16:00 Robotboy16:25 Codename Kids Next Door17:00 The Pink Panther Show17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales18:00 Toonami- The Batman18:25 Toonami- Ben 1018:50 Toonami- Teen Titans19:15 Toonami- Fantastic Four19:40 Tom and Jerry Show20:35 The Pink Panther Show

21:00 Naruto21:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy05:00 Tiny TV- Baby Looney Tunes05:35 Tiny TV- Krypto the Superdog06:00 Tiny TV- Firehouse Tales06:35 Tiny TV-Tom and Jerry Kids07:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends07:25 Codename Kids Next Door08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes08:50 Teen Titans- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 Road Runner Show10:25 Camp Lazlo11:00 The Powerpuff Girls12:00 Tom & Jerry Show13:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy15:00 Tom & Jerry Show15:25 Dexter’s Laboratory16:00 Robotboy16:25 Codename Kids Next Door17:00 The Pink Panther Show17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales18:00 Out of Jimmy’s Head18:25 .Com Pick19:00 Re-Animated20:45 The Pink Panther Show21:00 Naruto21:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy &

Mandy05:00 Tiny TV- Baby Looney Tunes05:35 Tiny TV- Krypto the Superdog06:00 Tiny TV- Firehouse Tales06:35 Tiny TV- Tom & Jerry Kids07:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends07:25 Codename Kids Next Door08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes08:50 Teen Titans- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 Road Runner Show10:25 Camp Lazlo11:00 The Powerpuff Girls12:00 Tom and Jerry Show13:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy15:00 Tom & Jerry Show15:25 Dexter’s Laboratory16:00 Robotboy16:25 Codename: Kids Next Door17:00 The Pink Panther Show17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales18:00 Out of Jimmy’s Head18:25 .Com Pick19:00 Tom & Jerry Show20:35 The Pink Panther Show21:00 Naruto21:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes

22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

00:25 Camp Lazlo01:00 Dexter’s Laboratory01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door02:35 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog03:35 Cow and Chicken04:00 The Powerpuff Girls04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy &

Mandy05:00 Ed, Edd n Eddy05:35 Dexter’s Laboratory06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary

Friends06:25 Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi07:00 The Pink Panther Show07:25 Courage the Cowardly Dog08:00 Legion of The Superheroes08:25 Fantastic Four08:50 Ben 10- Double Episodes09:40 The Amazing Adrenalini

Brothers10:00 The Woody Woodpecker Show11:00 Dexter’s Laboratory12:00 Tom and Jerry Show13:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes13:50 Ben 10- Double Episodes14:40 Courage the Cowardly Dog15:00 Camp Lazlo15:25 The Powerpuff Girls16:00 Squirrel Boy16:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy17:00 Codename Kids Next Door18:00 Class Of 300018:25 Tom & Jerry Show19:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy20:00 Planet Sketch20:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy

and Mandy21:35 Xiaolin Showdown22:00 Fantastic Four- Double

Episodes22:50 The Powerpuff Girls23:30 Ed, Edd n Eddy

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: Blue’s Clues06:30 Nick JR: Hi-507:00 Nick JR: Go, Diego, Go07:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer08:00 Tak & the Power of Juju08:30 The Fairly OddParents09:00 Mr. Meaty09:30 Drake & Josh10:00 iCarly10:30 Upsized: SpongeBob

SquarePants11:30 Chalkzone12:00 Upsized: Danny Phantom13:00 Upsized: The Fairly OddParents14:00 The Naked Brothers Band14:30 Zoey 10115:00 SpongeBob SquarePants15:30 Lola & Virginia16:00 El Tigre16:30 The Fairly OddParents17:00 Growing Up Creepy17:30 Grossology

18:00 The Naked Brothers Band18:30 SpongeBob SquarePants19:30 Mission X: Team Galaxy

& Skyland (New Seasons Premiere)

21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: The Backyardigans06:30 Nick JR: Hi-5 (Sr 9)07:00 Nick JR: Yo Gaba Gaba!07:30 Nick JR: Go, Diego Go!08:00 Nick JR: WonderPets08:15 Nick JR: The Magic

Roundabout08:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer09:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:30 Grossology10:00 Edgar & Ellen 10:30 El Tigre10:45 The Mighty B! - New Show11:00 Ricky Sprocket11:30 Lola & Virginia12:00 The Fairly OddParents12:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron14:00 The Fairly OddParents14:30 Lola & Virginia15:00 Ricky Sprocket15:30 El Tigre15:45 The Mighty B! - New Show16:00 Drake & Josh16:30 Ned’s Declassified School

Survival Guide17:00 Wayside17:30 Edgar & Ellen18:30 Catscratch19:00 My Life as a Teenage Robot19:30 CatDog20:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: The Backyardigans06:30 Nick JR: Hi-5 (Sr 9)07:00 Nick JR: Yo Gaba Gaba!07:30 Nick JR: Go, Diego Go!08:00 Nick JR: WonderPets08:15 Nick JR: The Magic

Roundabout08:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer09:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:30 Grossology10:00 Edgar & Ellen 10:30 El Tigre10:45 The Mighty B! - New Show11:00 Ricky Sprocket11:30 Lola & Virginia12:00 The Fairly OddParents12:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron14:00 The Fairly OddParents14:30 Lola & Virginia15:00 Ricky Sprocket15:30 El Tigre15:45 The Mighty B! - New Show16:00 Drake & Josh16:30 Ned’s Declassified School

Survival Guide17:00 Wayside17:30 Tak & the Power of Juju 18:30 Catscratch19:00 My Life as a Teenage Robot19:30 CatDog20:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: The Backyardigans06:30 Nick JR: Hi-5 (Sr 9)07:00 Nick JR: Yo Gaba Gaba!07:30 Nick JR: Go, Diego Go!08:00 Nick JR: WonderPets08:15 Nick JR: The Magic

Roundabout08:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer09:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:30 Grossology10:00 Edgar & Ellen 10:30 El Tigre10:45 The Mighty B! - New Show11:00 Ricky Sprocket11:30 Lola & Virginia12:00 The Fairly OddParents12:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron14:00 The Fairly OddParents14:30 Lola & Virginia15:00 Ricky Sprocket15:30 El Tigre15:45 The Mighty B! - New Show16:00 Drake & Josh16:30 The Naked Brothers Band17:00 Wayside17:30 The Fairly OddParents18:30 Catscratch19:00 My Life as a Teenage Robot19:30 CatDog20:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: The Backyardigans06:30 Nick JR: Hi-5 (Sr 9)07:00 Nick JR: Yo Gaba Gaba!07:30 Nick JR: Go, Diego Go!08:00 Nick JR: WonderPets08:15 Nick JR: The Magic


08:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer09:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:30 Grossology10:00 Edgar & Ellen 10:30 El Tigre10:45 The Mighty B! - New Show11:00 Ricky Sprocket11:30 Lola & Virginia12:00 The Fairly OddParents12:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron14:00 The Fairly OddParents14:30 Lola & Virginia15:00 Ricky Sprocket15:30 El Tigre15:45 The Mighty B! - New Show16:00 Drake & Josh16:30 iCarly17:00 Wayside17:30 SpongeBob SquarePants18:30 Catscratch19:00 My Life as a Teenage Robot19:30 CatDog20:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: The Backyardigans06:30 Nick JR: Hi-5 (Sr 9)07:00 Nick JR: Yo Gaba Gaba!07:30 Nick JR: Go, Diego Go!08:00 Nick JR: WonderPets08:15 Nick JR: The Magic

Roundabout08:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer09:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:30 Grosslogy10:00 Edgar & Ellen10:30 Growing Up Creepy11:00 Ricky Sprocket11:30 Lola & Virginia12:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 12:30 Edgar & Ellen13:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron13:30 The Fairly OddParents14:00 Lola & Virginia14:30 Ricky Sprocket15:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 15:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 15:45 Mr. Meaty16:00 TEENick: Drake & Josh16:30 TEENick: iCarly17:00 Wayside17:30 Nicktoons: Avatar, the Legend

of Aang18:30 Catscratch19:00 My Life as a Teenage Robot19:30 CatDog20:00 The Adventures of Jimmy

Neutron20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 Chalkzone01:00 As Told By Ginger02:00 The Angry Beavers

Cartoon Network Mulai 1 Agustus, Jumat 18:00 WIB

Out of Jimmy’s HeadFilm komedi ini mengisahkan tentang Jimmy Roberts yang masih berusia 12 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan di sebuah taman bermain. Karena kecelakaan itu dia memerlukan transplantasi otak. Sang dokter pun memberikannya otak dari seorang kartunis yang terkenal. Maka kini Jimmy menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan tokoh kartun dari imajinasi otaknya.

>> >> Jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya prime time | 51

03:00 Invader Zim04:00 Rugrats05:00 Hey Arnold05:30 The Fairly OddParents06:00 Nick JR: Blue’s Clues06:30 Nick JR: Hi-507:00 Nick JR: Go, Diego, Go07:30 Nick JR: Dora, the Explorer08:00 Tak & the Power of Juju08:30 The Fairly OddParents09:00 Mr. Meaty09:30 Drake & Josh10:00 iCarly10:30 Upsized: SpongeBob

SquarePants11:30 Chalkzone12:00 Upsized: Danny Phantom13:00 Upsized: The Fairly OddParents14:00 The Naked Brothers Band14:30 Zoey 10115:00 SpongeBob SquarePants15:30 Mission X: Team Galaxy

& Skyland (New Seasons Premiere)

17:30 Grossology18:00 The Naked Brothers Band18:30 SpongeBob SquarePants19:30 Lola & Virginia20:00 El Tigre 20:30 The Fairly OddParents21:30 Unfabulous22:00 Life with Derek22:30 Genie in the House23:00 CatDog

00:00 World News / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 03 My City My Life/Aug 10 The Spirit Of...

00:30 Aug 03 Living Golf/Aug 10 Revealed/Aug 17 MainSail/Aug 24 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 31 CNN Special

01:00 The Campaign Trail 01:30 Aug 03 Inside the Middle East/

Aug 10 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 17 Weather FX/Aug 24 Eco Solutions/Aug 31 CNN Special

02:00 CNN Special 02:30 CNN Special 03:00 World News 03:30 World Sport 04:00 World News 04:30 International Correspondents 05:00 iReport: Caught on Camera 05:30 World Sport 06:00 World News 06:30 Inside Africa 07:00 World News 07:30 Talk Asia 08:00 Larry King Live 08:30 Larry King Live 09:00 This Week in Politics 09:30 This Week in Politics 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 World News 11:30 World Report 12:00 World News 12:30 International Correspondents 13:00 CNN Special 13:30 CNN Special 14:00 World News & CNN

Marketplace Middle East 14:30 Aug 03 Living Golf/Aug 10

Revealed/Aug 17 MainSail/Aug 24 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 31 CNN Special

15:00 World News / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 03 My City My Life/Aug 10 The Spirit Of...

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live

17:00 iReport: Caught on Camera 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News 18:30 Aug 03 Inside the Middle East/

Aug 10 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 17 Weather FX/Aug 24 Eco Solutions/Aug 31 CNN Special

19:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS 19:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS 20:00 Talk Asia 20:30 Aug 03 Living Golf/Aug 10

Revealed/Aug 17 MainSail/Aug 24 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 31 CNN Special

21:00 World News 21:30 The Daily Show with Jon

Stewart: Global Edition 22:00 Late Edition Live 22:30 Late Edition Live 23:00 Late Edition Live 23:30 Late Edition Live

00:00 World News 00:30 Aug 04 Inside the Middle

East/Aug 11 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 18 Weather FX/Aug 25 Eco Solutions

01:00 World News 01:30 Aug 04 Living Golf/Aug 11

Revealed/Aug 18 MainSail/Aug 25 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream

02:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS 02:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS 03:00 World News 03:30 World Sport 04:00 World’s Untold Stories 04:30 International Correspondents 05:00 World News 05:30 World Sport 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 World Sport 09:00 World News 09:30 World Report 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 CNN Today 14:00 Business International 14:30 Business International 15:00 World News 15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 Business International 17:30 Business International 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News Asia 20:30 Aug 04 Living Golf/Aug 11

Revealed/Aug 18 MainSail/Aug 25 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream

21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today

00:00 Your World Today 00:30 World’s Untold Stories /Aug 01

Eco Solutions/Aug 05 Living Golf/Aug 06 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 08 Inside the Middle East/Aug 12 Revealed/

Aug 13 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 19 MainSail/Aug 20 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 22 Weather FX/Aug 26 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 27 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 29 Eco Solutions

01:00 Your World Today 01:30 World Business Today 02:00 World News Europe 02:30 World Business Today 03:00 World News Europe 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Business International 04:30 Business International 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 CNN Today 14:00 Business International 14:30 Business International 15:00 World News / My City, My

Life/Aug 01 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 07 World News/Aug 08 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 15 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 22 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 29 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 Business International 17:30 Business International 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News Asia 20:30 World News Asia /Aug 07

Inside the Middle East/Aug 14 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 21 Weather FX/Aug 28 Eco Solutions

21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today 23:00 Your World Today 23:30 Your World Today

00:00 Your World Today 00:30 World’s Untold Stories /Aug 01

Eco Solutions/Aug 05 Living Golf/Aug 06 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 08 Inside the Middle East/Aug 12 Revealed/Aug 13 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 19 MainSail/Aug 20 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 22 Weather FX/Aug 26 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 27 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 29 Eco Solutions

01:00 Your World Today

01:30 World Business Today 02:00 World News Europe 02:30 World Business Today 03:00 World News Europe 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Business International 04:30 Business International 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 CNN Today 14:00 Business International 14:30 Business International 15:00 World News / My City, My

Life/Aug 01 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 07 World News/Aug 08 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 15 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 22 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 29 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 Business International 17:30 Business International 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News Asia 20:30 World News Asia /Aug 07

Inside the Middle East/Aug 14 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 21 Weather FX/Aug 28 Eco Solutions

21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today 23:00 Your World Today 23:30 Your World Today

00:00 Your World Today 00:30 World’s Untold Stories /Aug 01

Eco Solutions/Aug 05 Living Golf/Aug 06 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 08 Inside the Middle East/Aug 12 Revealed/Aug 13 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 19 MainSail/Aug 20 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 22 Weather FX/Aug 26 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 27 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 29 Eco Solutions

01:00 Your World Today 01:30 World Business Today 02:00 World News Europe 02:30 World Business Today 03:00 World News Europe 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Business International 04:30 Business International 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today

06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 CNN Today 14:00 Business International 14:30 Business International 15:00 World News / My City, My

Life/Aug 01 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 07 World News/Aug 08 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 15 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 22 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 29 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 Business International 17:30 Business International 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News Asia 20:30 World News Asia /Aug 07

Inside the Middle East/Aug 14 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 21 Weather FX/Aug 28 Eco Solutions

21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today 23:00 Your World Today 23:30 Your World Today

00:00 Your World Today 00:30 World’s Untold Stories /Aug 01

Eco Solutions/Aug 05 Living Golf/Aug 06 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 08 Inside the Middle East/Aug 12 Revealed/Aug 13 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 19 MainSail/Aug 20 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 22 Weather FX/Aug 26 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream/Aug 27 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 29 Eco Solutions

01:00 Your World Today 01:30 World Business Today 02:00 World News Europe 02:30 World Business Today 03:00 World News Europe 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Business International 04:30 Business International 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 World News 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 CNN Today 14:00 Business International 14:30 Business International 15:00 World News / My City, My

Life/Aug 01 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 07 World News/Aug 08 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 15 World

News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 22 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 29 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 Business International 17:30 Business International 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News Asia 20:30 World News Asia /Aug 07

Inside the Middle East/Aug 14 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 21 Weather FX/Aug 28 Eco Solutions

21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today 23:00 Your World Today 23:30 Your World Today

00:00 Your World Today 00:30 International Correspondents

/Aug 23 The Screening Room01:00 The Campaign Trail 01:30 World Business Today 02:00 World News Europe 02:30 World Business Today & CNN

Marketplace Middle East 03:00 World News Europe 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Business International 04:30 Business International 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 World News 06:30 Talk Asia 07:00 World News 07:30 International Correspondents 08:00 Larry King Live 08:30 Larry King Live 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 World’s Untold Stories 10:30 World Sport 11:00 World News 11:30 World Report 12:00 World News 12:30 World News & CNN

Marketplace Middle East 13:00 CNN Special 13:30 CNN Special 14:00 The Campaign Trail 14:30 Inside the Middle East /Aug 09

CNN Business Traveller/Aug 16 Weather FX/Aug 23 The Screening Room

15:00 World News /Aug 02 The Spirit Of.../Aug 30 The Spirit Of...

15:30 World Sport 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World’s Untold Stories 18:30 Living Golf /Aug 09 Revealed/

Aug 16 MainSail/Aug 23 Countdown Beijing: Chasing The Dream

19:00 World News 19:30 World Sport 20:00 World News / The Screening

Room Xtra/ The Spirit of.../Aug 02 My City My Life/Aug 09 The Spirit Of.../Aug 30 World News

20:30 Inside the Middle East /Aug 09 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 16 Weather FX/Aug 23 The Screening Room

21:00 CNN Special 21:30 CNN Special 22:00 Talk Asia 22:30 The Daily Show with Jon

Stewart: Global Edition 23:00 World News 23:30 Inside Africa


CNN Minggu 14:30, 20:30, Senin 20:30, Sabtu 18:30 WIB

Countdown BeijingCountdown Beijing adalah program CCN yang menampilkan persiapan ibukota China, Beijing, ujntuk menghadapi Olimpiade 2008 ini. Program ini menghadirkan sejumlah wawancara, liputan yang mendalam, dan ulasan tentang kota Beijing, warga kotanya yang sedang mengalami masa transisi.

prime time | �2 Edisi Agustus 2008


Salah satu upaya memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan konsumen adalah dengan cara meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kepada para pelanggan. Hal ini juga diterapkan oleh Bank Mega Syariah dengan Telkom Group ( PT. Telkom, PT. Indonusa Telemedia, PT. Finnet

Indonesia ) yang ditandai dengan adanya acara penandatanganan kerjasama dalam berbagai aspek.

Adapun Kerjasama Bank Mega Syariah dengan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia ( TELKOM ) meliputi penerimaan pembayaran jasa telekomunikasi untuk pelanggan telepon rumah ( PSTN ), Flexy Classy, Flexi home, Speedy, melalui jasa cash teller, autodebet, ATM, dan EDC Bank Mega Syariah. Sedangkan Bank Mega Syariah bekerja sama dengan PT. Indonusa Telemedia ( TELKOMVision ) dalam hal pembayaran tagihan TELKOMVision dari pelanggan melalui fasilitas layanan jasa cash teller, autodebet, ATM, dan EDC milik Bank Mega Syariah. Sementara kerjasama Bank Mega Syariah dengan PT. Finnet Indonesia mengenai penyediaan layanan koneksi untuk transaksi pembayaran elektronik bagi nasabah Bank Mega Syariah.

Penandatanganan kerjasama ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 17 Juni 2008, bertempat di Menara Bank Mega Lt. 3 , Jl. Kapten Tendean Jakarta Selatan, yang dilakukan oleh Ibu Ani Murdiati selaku Direktur Bisnis Bank Mega Syariah, Bapak Iskriyono selaku Vice President Sales & Marketing PT. Telkom, Bapak Budi Siswanto selaku Direktur Finnet, Bapak Harjawan Balaningrath selaku Direktur Keuangan & Administrasi Telkomvision dan disaksikan oleh Bapak Rahadi Arsyad selaku Direktur Utama TELKOMVision serta jajaran direksi dan management mewakili masing – masing perusahaan.

Acara penandatanganan kerjasama ini merupakan langkah yang penting, guna mewujudkan komitmen kemudahan pelayanan bagi para pelanggan, dengan harapan akan terus berjalan dan bermanfaat hingga masa yang akan datang.


prime time | �3

Kembali lagi, TELKOMVision bekerja sama dengan STAR Movies mengadakan acara nonton bareng untuk pelanggan setianya. Kali ini pelanggan TELKOMVision mendapatkan undangan eksklusif untuk

menyaksikan film Batman terbaru yaitu Dark Knight.

Acara ini berlangsung meriah dan seru di Plaza Senayan XXI Hall 3. Mulai pukul 19.30 WIB pelanggan TELKOMVision sudah memadati Plaza Senayan XXI. Tidak ketinggalan acara nonton bareng ini juga dihadiri oleh dua orang selebritis ternama di Indonesia, Iis Dahlia dan Ryan Delon.

Iis Dahlia yang telah lama menjadi pelanggan setia TELKOMVision terlihat excited dengan acara tersebut. Sedangkan Ryan Delon, bintang sinetron yang sedang naik daun ini, datang khusus ke acara Nonton Bareng TELKOMVision mengaku sangat tertarik dengan acara yang diadakan TELKOMVision ini dan ia mengungkapkan ketertarikannya untuk menjadi pelanggan TELKOMVision karena siaran TELKOMVision yang bagus, kegiatan-kegiatan menarik yang selalu diadakan TELKOMVision untuk pelanggannya.

TELKOMVision terus memberikan pelayanan dan compliment terbaik bagi pelanggan setianya. TELKOMVision ini baru beda!


prime time | �4 Edisi Agustus 2008




Baruno Haryanto 54159Lisa V. Irawan 71449Vice Natalia Wibianty 4880Huda 1100037710Robert Setiadi 1426Dewi 7062Danto Ntoma 77279Yudhani D.P 78719Suryabakti 1100006174Indro Wuryanto 83279Sugijanto Widodo 53179Zaenal Arifin Achmadi 1729Dahad Pramono 27959Tri Poetra 44729Dondy Dwiguntia 45029Bambang Sunarno 91129Pujo Siswohadi 25629Tony Sulimro 14309Ahmad Junaedi 71599Hamdan Syakura 72489

Nama Pelanggan No PelangganAlexander Maria Prihadi 13859Winarni D Mansur 1809James Berhitoe 48529Ari Kunwidodo 6229Vetra Zami 3159Tjandra Susanto Putra 4669Erlinda Rizwan 47889Elda Lisnasari 45789Dewi Agustina 44449Olga Suyono 88899Fajar Sulaiman -Lena -Heri Ali -Agus Biyanto -Lucy M000126Christopher 86809Olan Anggalimanto 73039Dirham 77539Irmina 84749David 85589

Pemenang iPod Nano Pemenang Tas Eksklusif HBO

Dewi Mulyono -Boby Yulius L 00011059Nikky R 1319Sapiih 54859Hadi Susanto 00088209Agung Prayogi, SE 1100022230Octavianie Soedjono Kosasih 00086059Vidiana Handayani 1100006880Nancy Lasmana 00013589Ratih Rahmasari 00082309Christiawan Lie 0000927Riyanto Lukman 085819

Nama Pemenang No PelangganYoke Saadia Irawan 35899Zahran Zulfikar 56409

Dodani 00071779Sany 0000922Angela Maitimoe 00081219Robby Tansy Hamdani 1100045270Sri Mutiara Rahardja 04426Eliz Irene 066069Andri Firtiyan M000639Welly Tejokusuma 00079069

Pemenang Sony PSP

Pemenang Goodie Bags Ekslusif

prime time | ��

Serial Celebrity Rap Superstar musim terbaru kembali hadir di MTV Asia di bulan Agustus ini. Sejumlah selebritas kembali beradu kemampuan dalam bernyanyi rap. Tak hanya selebritas dari dunia musik yang tampil tapi juga para selebritas dari dunia film, TV, dan olahraga. Mereka saling berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan gelar Celebrity Rap Superstar.

Serial ini menampilkan 8 selebritas, delapan mentor hip hop, dan 3 orang juri. Dibawakan oleh aktor sekaligus komedian Kevin Hart dan Liz Hernandez, sosok dari dunia radio, para selebritas akan saling berkompetisi setiap pekannya.

Acara ini juga menampilkan rocker Sebastian Bach (vokalis Skid Row) model playboy Kendra Wilkinson, grup Laguna Beach & The Hills Jason Wahler, blogger blogger Perez Hilton, pemain NFL Jamal Anderson, Napoleon Dynamite’s ‘Pedro’, aktor Efren Ramirez, dan aktris Shar Jackson serta Countess Vaughn.

Mereka yang menjadi para juri dalam acara ini adalah sosok-sosok yang tidak asing lagi di dunia hip-hop seperti DMC ( Run-DMC), Da Brat dan Big Boy.

Setiap selebritas yang menjadi peserta akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin membawakan lirik-lirik lagu rap yang sudah menjadi hits dan juga lirik-lirik baru yang khusus dibuat untuk mereka bawakan. Pastinya mereka tidak sendirian. Mereka juga akan mengetahui lebih banyak tentang seni hip-hop dari para rapper sepanjang masa seperti Redman, Warren G, Too Short, Bubba Sparxxx, Tone Loc, Bizarre and MC Lyte.

So, siapakah yang akan membuat suasana persaingan semakin panas?

Jangan lewatkan persaingan seru ini hanya di MTV!

New Series Celebrity Rap SuperstarPerdana 21 Agustus 2008 pukul 23:30 WIB.


Here’s the contest question.

Dapatkan 10 buah MTV thumbdrive (2 GB) dan lanyard dengan menjawab pertanyaan kuis berikut ini:

Siapakah nama salah satu juri di Celebrity Rap Superstar?

a. Snoop Dogb. Missy Elliotc. Run DMC

Kirimkan jawaban AndaMelalui Fax ke Marketing Comunication DeptNo. 021 - 8371400atau cukup isi formulir jawaban

Untuk pertama kalinya MTV Asia Award diadakan di Malaysia. Ajang musik ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan penghargaan

kepada musisi berbakat baik lokal dan international untuk wilayah Asia, yang dilaksanakan pada 2 agustus nanti, di Genting,


Dan yang didaulat menjadi host pada event glamour ini yakni Jared Leto, vocalist dari group band 30 second to Mars. MTV Asia Award

ini bakal ditayangkan dan akan disaksikan oleh lebih dari 291 juta penonton di seluruh wilayah Asia dan Acara ini akan ditayangkan

di saluran MTV seluruh dunia, Dengan jumlah penonton lebih dari satu milyar orang di 162 negara. Ini tentunya merupakan kabar

baik bagi para fans dan penikmat musik, baik yang berada di Malaysia ataupun Indonesia untuk menyaksikan secara live ajang

musik bergengsi ini. MTV Asia Award 2008 itu sendiri terdiri dari 16 kategori yaitu, 9 kategori favorit Music Artis Award ( Favorit Artist

China daratan, Hong Kong, indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan dan Thailand ) dan 7 kategori lainnya Favourite

International Artist Awards in Asia adalah Video Star Breakthrough Artist, The Innovation Award, Best Hook-Up, Bring Da House Down,

edc Style Award.

Dan semoga tahun depan Indonesia bisa menjadi tuan rumah ajang music bergengsi ini. []

Alicia Keys dan Annie Lennox berhasil dalam kerja sama mereka untuk sebuah kebaikan. Kedua penyanyi ini bakal manggung

bareng demi menggalang dana bagi anak-anak.

Kedua penyanyi ini akan tampil bareng di acara amal Keep A Child Alive yang digelar di London hari Kamis (10/07/08). Keduanya

membawakan lagu klasik Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams. Acara ini juga dihadiri beberapa bintang lain seperti, personil Destiny’s Child,

Kelly Rowland, Jennifer Hudson dan mantan bintang O.C, Mischa Barton. Semua yang ikut hadir membayar US$ 2.000. Dan acara ini

berhasil mengumpulkan dana sebesar US$ 1 juta yang akan disumbangkan pada anak-anak penderita AIDS di Afrika. (ctm/erl)

Guy Sigsworth sebagai produser album ini seolah membawa nafas baru ke dalam tradisi

Alanis yang meledak-ledak penuh kemarahan. Guy mampu menjadikan lirik lugas Alanis

menjadi terasa lebih ‘megah’. Sentuhan electro beat, perkusi, dan string arrangement

mampu mendramatisir nuansa dalam album ini. Namun lebih dari itu semua, Guy tak

membawa Alanis lepas dari jalur yang selama ini ia lewati.

Dari semua lagu, lirik lagu Torch yang berada di posisi kedelapan mungkin adalah lirik

yang paling menyayat hati. I miss your smell, and your style, and your pure abiding way

seolah menggambarkan rapuhnya jiwa Alanis yang merasa kehilangan.

Terlepas dari laku atau tidaknya album ini, keputusan Alanis menggaet produser Guy

memang tepat. Abum ini jadi terasa komplit baik dari sisi lirik maupun aransemen. Guy

mampu menerjemahkan lirik puitis Alanis yang sering kali seolah mengajak pendengar

untuk ikut masuk ke dalam perenungan yang ia hadapi menjadi sebuah kesatuan bunyi

yang lebih bermakna. (kpl/roc,

Alanis Morissette: ‘FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT’, Puitis dan Menyayat Hati

Alicia Keys - Annie Lennox Berhasil Kumpulkan Uang Amal


1. Katy Perry “I Kissed A Girl”2. Rihanna “Take A Bow”3. Lil Wayne “Lollipop”4. Leona Lewis “Bleeding Love”5. Coldplay “Viva La Vida (Live)”6. Chris Brown “Forever”7. Natasha Bedingfield “Pocketful Of Sunshine”8. Faith Evans “Burnin’ Up (Feat. Missy Elliott and Freeway)”9. Plies “Bust It Baby Pt. 2”10. Miley Cyrus “7 Things”

MTV Chart: Top 10 Song of The Month


MTV Asia Awards 2008 Pertama Kalinya di Malaysia

prime time | �� Edisi Agustus 2008




Untuk pertama kalinya MTV Asia Award diadakan di Malaysia. Ajang musik ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan penghargaan

kepada musisi berbakat baik lokal dan international untuk wilayah Asia, yang dilaksanakan pada 2 agustus nanti, di Genting,


Dan yang didaulat menjadi host pada event glamour ini yakni Jared Leto, vocalist dari group band 30 second to Mars. MTV Asia Award

ini bakal ditayangkan dan akan disaksikan oleh lebih dari 291 juta penonton di seluruh wilayah Asia dan Acara ini akan ditayangkan

di saluran MTV seluruh dunia, Dengan jumlah penonton lebih dari satu milyar orang di 162 negara. Ini tentunya merupakan kabar

baik bagi para fans dan penikmat musik, baik yang berada di Malaysia ataupun Indonesia untuk menyaksikan secara live ajang

musik bergengsi ini. MTV Asia Award 2008 itu sendiri terdiri dari 16 kategori yaitu, 9 kategori favorit Music Artis Award ( Favorit Artist

China daratan, Hong Kong, indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan dan Thailand ) dan 7 kategori lainnya Favourite

International Artist Awards in Asia adalah Video Star Breakthrough Artist, The Innovation Award, Best Hook-Up, Bring Da House Down,

edc Style Award.

Dan semoga tahun depan Indonesia bisa menjadi tuan rumah ajang music bergengsi ini. []

Alicia Keys dan Annie Lennox berhasil dalam kerja sama mereka untuk sebuah kebaikan. Kedua penyanyi ini bakal manggung

bareng demi menggalang dana bagi anak-anak.

Kedua penyanyi ini akan tampil bareng di acara amal Keep A Child Alive yang digelar di London hari Kamis (10/07/08). Keduanya

membawakan lagu klasik Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams. Acara ini juga dihadiri beberapa bintang lain seperti, personil Destiny’s Child,

Kelly Rowland, Jennifer Hudson dan mantan bintang O.C, Mischa Barton. Semua yang ikut hadir membayar US$ 2.000. Dan acara ini

berhasil mengumpulkan dana sebesar US$ 1 juta yang akan disumbangkan pada anak-anak penderita AIDS di Afrika. (ctm/erl)

Guy Sigsworth sebagai produser album ini seolah membawa nafas baru ke dalam tradisi

Alanis yang meledak-ledak penuh kemarahan. Guy mampu menjadikan lirik lugas Alanis

menjadi terasa lebih ‘megah’. Sentuhan electro beat, perkusi, dan string arrangement

mampu mendramatisir nuansa dalam album ini. Namun lebih dari itu semua, Guy tak

membawa Alanis lepas dari jalur yang selama ini ia lewati.

Dari semua lagu, lirik lagu Torch yang berada di posisi kedelapan mungkin adalah lirik

yang paling menyayat hati. I miss your smell, and your style, and your pure abiding way

seolah menggambarkan rapuhnya jiwa Alanis yang merasa kehilangan.

Terlepas dari laku atau tidaknya album ini, keputusan Alanis menggaet produser Guy

memang tepat. Abum ini jadi terasa komplit baik dari sisi lirik maupun aransemen. Guy

mampu menerjemahkan lirik puitis Alanis yang sering kali seolah mengajak pendengar

untuk ikut masuk ke dalam perenungan yang ia hadapi menjadi sebuah kesatuan bunyi

yang lebih bermakna. (kpl/roc,

Alanis Morissette: ‘FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT’, Puitis dan Menyayat Hati

Alicia Keys - Annie Lennox Berhasil Kumpulkan Uang Amal


1. Katy Perry “I Kissed A Girl”2. Rihanna “Take A Bow”3. Lil Wayne “Lollipop”4. Leona Lewis “Bleeding Love”5. Coldplay “Viva La Vida (Live)”6. Chris Brown “Forever”7. Natasha Bedingfield “Pocketful Of Sunshine”8. Faith Evans “Burnin’ Up (Feat. Missy Elliott and Freeway)”9. Plies “Bust It Baby Pt. 2”10. Miley Cyrus “7 Things”

MTV Chart: Top 10 Song of The Month


MTV Asia Awards 2008 Pertama Kalinya di Malaysia

prime time | �




Heath Ledger Pasti Masuk Nominasi Oscar


August 1- America the Beautiful (limited)- Frozen River (limited)- Midnight Meat Train (limited)- The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon

Emperor- Sixty Six (limited)- Swing Vote

August 6- Bottle Shock (limited)- Patti Smith: Dream of Life (NY)- The Sisterhood of the Traveling

Pants 2

August 8- Beautiful Losers (NY; LA release:

Aug. 29)- Beer For My Horses- Elegy (limited)- Fly Me to the Moon- Hell Ride (limited)- The Perfect Game- Pineapple Express- Red (limited)

August 13- Tropic Thunder

August 15- Anita O’Day: The Life of a Jazz Singer


- Bachna Ae Haseeno (limited)- Henry Poole is Here (limited)- Mirrors- Star Wars: The Clone Wars- Vicky Cristina Barcelona

August 20- The Rocker

August 22- Crossing Over- Cthulhu (limited)- Death Race- Hamlet 2 (limited; wide: Aug. 29)- The House Bunny- I Served the King of England

(limited)- The Longshots- Momma’s Man (limited)- Trouble in the Water (NY, LA)

August 27- Traitor

August 29- Babylon A.D.- College- Disaster Movie- Sukiyaki Western Django (limited)- Year of the Fish (NY)

Premiere on August 2008

1 Hellboy II: The Golden Army $34,539,115 2 Hancock $164,115,004 3 Journey to the Center of the Earth $21,018,141 4 WALL•E $163,055,900 5 Wanted $112,455,060 6 Get Smart $111,564,176 7 Meet Dave $5,251,918 8 Kung Fu Panda $202,154,311 9 The Incredible Hulk $129,905,435 10 Kit Kittredge: An American Girl $10,992,641

Box Office

prime time | �8 Edisi Agustus 2008

Aktris Kristin Bell akan kembali mendukung

sebuah serial hit televisi HEROES yang akan

diproduksi dalam waktu dekat. Aktris kelahiran

Detroit, Michigan, 18 Juli 1980 itu telah mengikuti

serangkaian proses casting pada tahun lalu, dan akan

memerankan kembali perannya sebagai Elle Bishop.

Elle Bishop sendiri merupakan manusia yang memiliki kemampuan

lebih dibanding manusia kebanyakan. Ia

berkemampuan menyetrum para pengacau dan


“Saya benar-benar bahagia untuk

menyetrum orang kembali!,” ungkapnya pada

Bell akan membintangi serial itu dan

secara perdana akan diputar di Amerika Serikat

pada 22 September 2008 mendatang.


Kristen Bell Kembali Perankan Manusia Elektrik

beli paket dunia anak sekarang juga!!


Saksikan serunya beragam tayangan Dunia Anak di TELKOMVision


Dapatkan juga lebih dari 100 channel lokal dan mancanegara secara GRATIS.

Hanya dengan TELKOMVision anda dapat menikmati TV Pra Bayar, tanpa perlu terikat biaya bulanan. Cukup miliki parabola dan decoder TELKOMVision* Pilih programnya, beli vouchernya Isi ulang voucher sesuai pilihan Anda untuk dapat tetap menikmati channel premium di TELKOMVision

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku**Harga Channel dan paket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya

prime time | 49

Content April 08.indd 49 24/03/2008 16:56:22