mt3KS Jt* · JL-.? T * vusijm...

JL-. ? T * vusijmpn g a «rw>^j3tpws,} M> frr-fr"ifrm fT i 'iijl.. im ®pm*&mMm:- v«i» n i* .S 4 21 .x uij.,,.r,pimin-^-gj i».-.iH i64|gi^jt e m m r^-J w im i ^ jc. u - _____ 4 ..^.t^-.U„.ii.,gn-ii-> .... ijy i^ ■<„■ , i Ji\j~„ mm'*.»*****« hv .. . . . !,■«■ .'»,»■ • if».a ~ I- ..... ■^■ r*...M * ... . D fePAtftifr -Wto 6 KEtolW* ottyj certam^tw<>t «wi«yv?t,G ,i‘^ .jflrliyjfMil^ ♦?■ fortiW:iiMi«to^-|l^^%^,«A}E*-^ JqpevOne, tliousawl .eight .biM»di«!il. yiqd eighteen, executed by Samuel of ’ junior, of the ahum plnce* :of ih»« oitofeuM't ffef&aff &!] GriUVMtlt,, ■*•-•■ - « r . j . iuttii | to Skill }■' ’■ •• ' ?:f ; :: ■ '■ §$Afd ; •'//;;-?•,, : . *?A»t;'r* '•'*. y.- x ’fy >r^.--: '“ ■\ M j:xl ‘^ i V-^ -"•. ',. t -'^r ifi0 & a5 fl?Y fruntetouf oiHdaldyties would fter* ■■ :■:; v ' z- :v x j V fv ?^,; ;.i «,'^ v '-‘-r :;,. - . ... „ _ ? . , , ■ / -Deeply us bm*;tm fo •! pmrfog M lbrem^km WtHls t i M j^sIl cou. * 1 ? $ $ ^tofSwWKIifiSl *1 few trever^r, I to? <lo% pot opty •■ JtistJtce *«'PffiW n Chapter; W #M $a» claims Aptfer^fip •'*» the i p tthm o t ^ «M» fjtuateonMii^KCftU* < 3 tS Fifty-rive m the town of Breton afbfef*M, toeing the same orppnses lateiy \Souvejeiby tftt s&M laitnei Trumbje, junior, fodi® ;to»^iVbi?se rtefe/fiirti* hereby guMt th?t toy *irM* uf * R «ww ' e a n ta iM m ton! !uof^»JSe» ^to* <-a»d moW^egeilpre* uiti toe ?t»W fwbliC yemlup^ pifMWWt to ttor e ineuelt case mtile and p^vn}w,^t Itoe ^ofura Mnet statute TompJtin^^oi-tliejMgtoi . o^clocb tu the fateiicn in l)at,eif J hI y 5tto, fo« ^ iJlfflER XRl(MBEP,iUaior By Wooooocs h Batrx»r A t^s. J n iy B h ^ 6 u» , , . n, .„^,............... '* T |r « f; B E A ^ John J »»■»«>, •"** B«Jiy tornwife of Iff the Movn o t Hector »a ttoe county nf J «jppkit» of ISfew^fh/f^se^ruiKlUf pdyraeyt ol oMtl-'at^vof i6pjsartdib5 liif'H3fS6l,t nl - ’» certain «qnr o f d a o n ^ % lailmtlfh' of 'tk&tgage, henrioK^etttiTlhhd&jMKi^atoh, i a tton.yeaPeigbteeij M k a h t u u ^ tiineteep| tliif «onvey;unto, jfol^r.WSitte ■mi the fiume p i a ^ V ail th«t certuln MwctuPieceV.or J parent olf.iatttU sjiudte, fym^ ^mf being in ttoo Mwn jifqresftui, oteing pkri^of fot tuiftb^' ?ev 6 nly'm tlie towij»Wji}OfHeet»r?-hf)iJuiled at'pitfi^vj, toy^il 1 soJitb by |a«d# o^aetl^y Fbepper BMsiutin^ toy^unds ^ W fi» * toy;^ratitto«9 Otoediab Bnnviii on •Sot opwfer.*ewtooty*(«ie 16 j^»a lj>ww t pprthvliy -l»jilleji ivesttoyian^o^BtoB*" ‘ p% hty*^fe.'^cfces-', aiid; I .... . .. .^hn/t&tw^of^* oKtf* hioidrisif^<lp|}aif,' * |}®eby Wf as ihose seripus' charges against my- Piyn 4 ai, Jin^l |iiiys|p ^fflsaater pre.ajttmpietl; 10 h e ’swp- ^prted by spedlitc pjr<j<%they ^Vilt ra4de the ^bje^t pfesaiitipatioti Jljgfe^ter^ Aa bften as you d e ^ w general t^nts Ml Wpusation and re- prpach^ (ot which your letter is fuU) I iapst meet thepa a g ^ s as I have beretdfofii (Tone, with a sol^pto denial il^Bow add fe'cithat the whble , of my topnduet yowards you has riianrthsttod a for- hcafance which has been pushed to the utmost yprge-q|‘&y opic^Wuty* I will oobhete repub-< |»sh thp fetters tomedyaddiesseel to you, pojieit-; ing ahd eyen entmatitog ydu, for the'sake Mifvotor pvyn^ejmtatmn, to Jtttend to |he adjustment of yohrmyi^Hnfsf aud to s^vc m e frpm, thucensuie p^hich I ;\vas io danger'of incurwug, by}he long ' jnllqlgGtfce. which I had gi anted./ Vom ^ These Jejtep1 are hefo^the puhhej. But X am now en abled to refer to ypur w n opinion as eyjdence of the correctness- bt nxy official condhct, and f 'In vite your pttentJon to the dilemma in Which you ; appear 10 he^ikcefL.' ' 4 If I had been guilty of all the Various acts of Jnjusticpyuth Wmch you charge m e: If ~Xhlid the mouey. The- appropfiifdus Vldch k v e at various times bheir m|de fpfthl ijiiprii^meiif of ... „...... and in-sh^, all||>propriaQonsfei^Bolicahie«s, have be^n paid $& J c.bfen . f l w n raade frbm time to time by tliese k^Pkb^^heir subordinate office^ they t jiave. |tfvdE Reived credit for such advances^ untdjft^^^^ < iroper voucbersthatffie mpijey was Actually ex- mnded for the puffidsfis ffor^hicht|X^as, agprd- : pnatedj except id,iases spe^ajly provid^dipr by 7aw. This praptite^. haylrt| pdent uniform ftid well fendwn to the legislatkoil. vCHnhot ^ee aiiy feaspd why it should |e depar^frqm^hea,y<3 n. are the agefit receiv|% money wt^thn’treasdry, ' If it he.ji hard aadjU^to^frui^Sp tepsjiaEture haVthe power o^jhltofhlg if t hut ll could hot tike It h#on myselfto depaw todni e^tahfialied forihs withou); XeghHiye S^ict^d% Jfp. it dear Therefore that X a^iu «d: HUe uuimrcu uifunjo, nii-i, ..... ...... v.. _r._ _ . tfe itotdAt’fb*h<mw'#t3to9i6n I*i»wWr', .f#rtoH^tt*g^'ia\'tbo.«mo^ir of Sciie»,‘i^ |fi ^ceDtbCjfvof^rch aslvat fe-^ifocpr noon. 1 .myal:Simwter% 1819 ' ? " : * , r >r :•■;'••' r> -.r- * -;-' ^ ^~ ' ,t;, m> iot • W Jh ’: • f r f maMiy of*Tauijt!pns. dW by forfcniui'e-ofciuo'rt } ,.»»ge, 3^ % RRctjutii k y of J mmry, on« tboir- M»o4-eigtit • '’Bv^heiit'offoar^(^6-ddih^fn^h6'6m>ia&'tmer4« ,;.ltortp^ufiwh -rfitpsfe«o!i, ot Jltooyaiifitofiluce. •iffl ttp i n^siiii^lnf of grnuiiil.v*titi»ate .J* tna^Bitee o f Idittabl'hi the Cowiniy of'T'uMjAinx r^pdjsiaWof Scw-yoitoj? iiht hnown toti&<il&n 56fiSr . ^4<srrttidt ;l| ,:lu«n .<liifl<. lt&^iriviid in .Ferns FinCH* of doJ City _„ .. ........ . , ....... r, toip’. a i ^ n d ’./tt' J$*w Fli§l; jof lh«: Brfmer, anil has.'tospii. ‘’^subin^^itoocaitaipp^f^kaliriiottkL^v ttwofii power tftoiiilif^ f t f ' . 1 « ( y wwi i'tica d f Hite ’itituua^lu MictoHfoMi»to» W |iP;t»w» M&&i <hrref *»-pfWilt tokaltf ^HinU^MajP^enni tE«ttlt,flaacfi,lii uto» ft>Wnof ):«iiiua w, djs.^ttoty ol > pi*'-- tto th to ^ p e^ tb i^ p l 3bm^- toap^afMval i^cll’ck |j.tiiie:»{utotot>h of tout jSAjrC. ' _.; x-:"^ - y- FEKEfs Akgofe -- -0teamH»i«i'irA'St, mt3KS .:%.. f ,, Jt* .■ /.. ,f A 1 ^? -i;*> v .. v. v *- .-\v »WVJi •Xcuriaot*ripetod.a.spn‘e i t o / ^ /b f a h abfeisraplttuvV | fiavh noi« Ijr a 5 'i”pktt: ^ f nto hhderatoood, jtisafl 1 ■ppfjliayeitlhmypp^*; areffijfouude^ la iathes^pih^iny pwpllkiai^- tloi^he'p^ntrHhustr^vnpbh jth^' \ •todt'TftWi^rytT iaVA-hiK niiraonhl 'interest h«ri»tg to«oi» 7naile in-tffie pkynienf»/ ami tft«-bi^P'tbt^i*i re&ired .ttoJm paid hyi'- Hf*ypOl**y»ohetlipu •exftcuted toy.r^ tbp town of D ^ sw jf ir .iif .|t o < * ^ ... ( OO ttoe/«)k>wjr»g.pif.C(‘t|f l(lm*T. heiMa Imft Ofirtt-M/i ;1 **1 1 *y*##nu>*Wt«w(T'^pfff^eir^a^iVijoukeitias ^ I foi}oiv«;toei<iiifijjig fifty r.)it<. m - uiH rtf tfie nortfirnM •- -- -r- *-Zfi ’ Jv5 £X*to - ^ 1 * *•■ *?*•_. fc^rntfr of foi Jap* l & X i e f i f tBite If 1 ^ife^ftkwkt. dSMtttka riwls i , ttoenedisetitto'tevejfty rod* ?' tto^ub, Cft’jt difrty ro»l 6 ; tbeijc* north.Jiffy/ntir rod-S to dip ; plaee mJiPiiifinmg t r^mtHiiuiTg «U;v«rj nores^mi* Crip r a ff aca an^ foUM-^n ire rmt*. of land, itfU t mertsgr *trafway»‘i*?«irvwg Hot jn'ivilegr o f a duni Viv' -jsrt,Crcek^.taLJie.katitjJHAMiniciP)it tii.'tiirn th e xvSW ' Hf«to Mill -Crerlt orHhe Greek-Uiftt"mi5r(?o)!e>tFeTTt tie fate m eoinaio 1 Jlqw water marW—iVOfi&r« 7ie«6y g b ’«a>'(fifit Siy i^iilttc ftt'a'pmver contniued in satii, njoVlgflge. nmi in puriii«r ee o f dre slntuto-jri siich cacr totife siul p»yV;ii[ed, ,tl)e iliqyo <ti*wiritoeil;prfemipeB loll b e Rofij lit putolf^veuilno, «t thaliouseol Hoofeei- Util-i lard, innkftKpec ih tlie (OiVit o f Drvifrtn on, th e tenth, "HJay ofjiinunry. itf-xis nt.tep o’ciotok jn tf;fe fdtkoou b f that day JO ipiI Jimfe 24th* tW _ jBtlNMMiN 1.AH* ' BortrSBE.vfefl Altyi -■.’ ^ t»98 « ...........................................................................4- , .. j- / y ^ - . .... «■ l r- .,._ . ftEHBA v J ita fv ii’l‘r, ni the t >wn of FfySFT In ttop'XtfMTiycfuii t^orsV^opi oh timthir|i8t||«' W f- ' - -rij.SS*4 -i-- o f nltJrtby tnSrr 111 i|»pcliied; -■gfartt^todrgaita sell, hlitti, roleaie Snil teen^nn t ntp j hjah Miller, of the ton ft* <if Alitellus, lii itti couhfy of CajjngU, fdl llidt cerlula, piecepr ph«;el dflHtld, !_> |dg in the toWU of fJlytue,^ In the county of Ku etit tra wn anil tibtiiigubfieil by * being fnl nuxutoor ^verity.'OigJifr m. the t6w*»dHjj m" TJfys^ei, contaTomgiive bundled abd elt-vbn acres ex. ciUMve of tlie Stai^j ohe -lilondred 'Bifms fn the souili. «ast corner^ auilRftyiiCres in the norUuvfest corner of uaui lot, irhicit are.hereby.exoeptedi aod fesei’Vetl— and whereas default has been m$ le In the paymeufof & partbf tlie'prHielfiai aml Intef-fjiX stCiired to'toa f aid in and f>J t'ftid r im> fgage fs therefoib Orel y given that by \ irtue wl a /fcrtjBtuIiSed In -said niortgage, and in phrpuajice of the fiicti «ase made an I pitiviled, lhu iw l mln^Bgeii^pf^ihitel ».w ill Wiold a t rdhdndj a%f3o0?s iioiei »o, the. Viflagoof Jluburn, in tile rfitwty o f 'Cayug« d lewuf, on tbf' ! 4*t Monday 'ofM'ftrcli nest^^t 10 ri»c.floli ,i» the fatey peon ofthatday, JDatea At.^um - M 17 isis ntl06m- ' ••-y . 1 ;- ; ; ; - , 3 ^ ^ r ' g | C E i t ^ , ^ BY orrfer o f tfie ^onSfiljfe Blcherd Smith, .esquire, first judge of the. court of coaunon pleawv m n|uf IpV ToispStins courty, notice is hereby given to fell the creditors q( Nathan feayer,, of the totvn of Hector, m sai 1 county, eu insolvent debtor, to thou Cause if any they have, before the said judge, at his office, m the' town or Hector, in the county of Torriphms. on tbe 7th il/wof Janiiary n e* t,a t2 o’clock in lheallferinioif,' whv an assignment of the said i|t|tfdvent^* aviate should not be made, and his perfioij be ‘ixetnptedTrohl imprisonment, pursuntu to Ore act enptled, * an act to ^holisli imprisonment for debt in cerlaih cases,’ pAsssd >A?ril 7, iUto. Bated the $0tb of Wetyber, 1819, ’.Mtv ........ ^ .& wt pvmzmy*miurManji8 unptu uuu.u puw«, -j■ ■ : - , ■ - - r - , ll<? officer, a n d xmdef thfe iiffiiience,!!^ feeupgs’o f ' d*8 * if X bail degjgnediy cpuiused ^oPr acccuUnts 5 cHsappomted «cuptdi^.$W"'iavW'^toetl- • vent tor. iltoijf settldmeiifj aV ‘thejdostiinjast audcrurf, ealutunjus ugaiijst me. these textygs mtest havb been well ffafom toyov> ^ »>• -» -v * '-•- .r-.JiLt.yJ' *±„ r . T T^,l7r .& 'lu --- .*•*" ’ i * /' #i&t^ - i * ' ^ :;f“ But tvpm it It 1^3 bfifm tftecU^pfp ollh# ojBlcp tp advftn^ ___ w sivrw j ? rr 't ’a, imafiV ?Au4^^indeeiii ydu^OW Fad ' not have atppiied . vitt%oasldev it ats t^iQf^lwt-I ‘' w !eg&M<ft in , j the mv&mwhich were £tomy&'*jeJ ^ f S f tfae«krdil>oo4 4b ’J o m n fijm a it toe j destroy x*f - ,*- niuc. . •»- y ff» y y ^ -b---—4—)'> * ? ♦ ' ", ■%.: ‘S u c § y f e a f 1Wtftiig of !ofyotu* * ;ti& e y e s-flf Jfou per-: .• sojAis*: apptoat k^eplipKii^yinputby, C° D* j 'tofuiftimiii ;3 f'y 0 3 ted tywl ^ndftobu!»t»m- r tl^e yon nal lliksqife®; but 5ott peypt to wp«i?|jncie efthat 'contoiiwee* spate o f m$t i m faeti m ih o lp^e^tiptfy \W k. o^aost'oftlieactsofMujtic^und^ ^ a n # J cgto^l jiou must jliaveiihk felt' in ip fayqui? o O t # , «si|5«gRi' 4 t : pttojws nth* toek seagei? w». «k vrhd fit*! 3 $ *&ptypl Jfn ttto p upa^^^tf^ nothing if vow ,?iltlfnsfeljf 'qtjtlhrftbfe* tk tf fti asury’ 'the inop* Midtik mm coaffaahvg*1 . ^Ii6inlb^reste4( situ# ww^p^^'^pnvatfe be a% yoii ua.eivqrd^^ Svitnessin ymao^k cause, andeyeu ineotoneledt:bj?*ilitlie , of eyufeace ?' fed;Issueed^- «r. If. s||. ff3^ j pective claims to credi6cdltvteust ^*6nft|^e3> t h ese Considerations tt lit ttdt Beotf e ^ p lged* ^rour letter, t o enlqr into1M ;etdil of yo’rtr services duVjug the w a r ) ^ detail^. Wludl y o u seem to a p - prelieudinfty be considered by lorae rto§t^nta- tiuqsj” and wluch^ust Be ack,iipwledseil.toy all to be w klty itielevaiit: Yoqr servic^, lidwev- e r feiuch demanded of y o u by ypjif ofiSqal ^t^tioD^ and,hb\veyer iin|i^tant and efficieirtj can sense^ illustrate thejushee, tif youir c l a k s? •^a^fihe=^«ew~J^wPSfiiu)(u^^ fariuy have itifluenefed the iegi^Iat^e In _ enactitog th e law, yftii tnttsi be sensible that fhey oUgiirnot to iiifluerice n ie as a.pdblicofficeriia.fixecntingHt, or the pdblic. m jMsinJ$ the fairness'and cor- Tfectness of m y CQn^uu^;a,nd iof:tiie*e^|. m,e|ljts.o f fllfe qqestidu ittdisjkejbetweetl US. If, there- - forb, you h a d jqtended; to reiy e a ^ ii appeaL to the cool Und oan^idjuclgmept of die public^ you woqld Have oniitte^lhj®' jdupJay oXvyoul^ ow u uncommon itierds,i and Wtiuld have contented yourself with discussing tb e riierltso fy our bfalpisj you would brit have altempted to euhst In your, favorj the feelings 6 f tfie commuhitjiy audfo With- ' draw their attention from the hue points of th e ' coniroversyi >. That t&ls aiiempt willfaii,! havO; no doubt T h e peoplfe w ill consider this siibjedti coolly and dejiberatefy^ *Th6 y are too muchritf- feresieddi i t to be fhattstntiye Or carele^ ot fo be Jed away by ^ny excitement Urhicb you may -labor to pioduce. ^ ....... ' Since th e negofMio'tt betweeh tis for the^ad- justmeht ofyrour accounts was finally broken off5 . to your pubitcationat thai period j jand in your lelltr wWch. 1 am pow an-swering* you have as siduously labored to ffx cm me the dharge pf in-t juSdee towapd^youj of having long bdeii adudtetl b ii a design t o oppress anctiiyutw y o u - of know ingly violating my official duty j of carelessness, iyitft respeCUo your vou*hfefsy'iS’ay, of the uiteft- tional suppvessitm of them ; bfiiesigxiediy throw ing your accounts into confusibh, w ltlt ihe vfew M fc m & m fi 4 * 3 fr-t fthef m m m ttottsacdon^ ‘f with fespect affid. eop3derfc%a6d' ^^rferdes^hy toy:oui- i caalrnay^yniivaie cl^t1tef*,hyi;Bi%^'lito 1 Vrith «la .whfth Of ' Boikeukmd beyrnet dnctedf ..; 'yft.' \a , '-f' J Sir, you. ^ o k lh s it, snntra nPrh» tn lllB/'V\!rtmltl*»ti U.thith -rOaiVfipt' injure rj^ Jig confdeuce^'hdtfoflandi^miltc^yl'^ dis* < credit my ofeialstoteiaetits, And toy destroying me fa open the way to the ultihiate attaltttnent of yel^^eclSv-. i* 1 On t|ie spl^eetof thegqneralspint and tem per o f my conduct.towafdyoa/f must also refer vouto JltoiohcluifihgpalKigi'aph.of the leitei of tfqll pavij, in the Appendix^ fiTessiyS, thatda^ i*ih| my whole liifertourse withhdn on file sub je c t o f yofiir accoutfts^ my u conrfutt tea's m& faff fiirougJtoptij? itdehcUle ~ahd4cnipulmis rpgarS ■tp^p^f^hsxdcl^-s^dfse^ag^^Alh^Jkisi-Ll dou; iy avoided any thing ofiedsive to y d u r fefel- iiigx or prejudiciil to yourchums v Surely, s i i if Ijidd been uqtiiatedtadai’ad you by the motives l^Siich yoii nf>\v atttihuteio mp, those motives woidil havemdaenced mem my interviews with. Qol Davis, who, you say, % alwny§ been ar dently opposed to you mi his ptditipal feelings^ pnd was;c< hLsome degree^ perhapsyiiifiUeftced h jr; those-feelhi^ irimatitutnig ad enquiry Into your * accounts^ Xf^o h& ^wptdd-not Jlaie r^Lciv&t- Unfavorablyany suggestions from me * prepfttykl to yopr claims*’^ Yet,m all nly intercourse witU ' 1 nm» I WJte“ delicate and scpiptiloud,M in rela- tionWyour « ^hardcte'rmOTellng?” It $m* me gieat phasute^b-addition td your Owif sol emn acknowledgements nf the fairness ahd up* I rightness of my dfneial conduct, to m »rtb tjfie ppimou of CoC Davi^ to Whose candoi, and id- ' iegrity, altwhd kuo^r him will mute With you id bedrrog testimony, s 1 < : AmohgTtheSpeCinc .qetsiof ju stic e towards ■ you, (whjch yptrhdve dlledged,isthe rule adopt- ‘ ed by me ot holdffigyouaccouutdblefot'the faith ful expenditure ofalln)on^s drawn frdm the trea sury, c n y our order, by suboWmdte agents of the goverbmfeiit j\oO fthat ^ydt# protested agaipSt this prefchce mtheearly partdf yotWAd ministration,” t '~5 * Xn answer Xtsemdrhj thatlha^e norecollechon that you ever pifltested.Ugatost if feut ever,, ^ you had, I could, not wdhqut d law,feave altered it. Thus pfacticqsvaS In force WhCAt ^ m e into officejand,Xeonjtimie3 it^ecdtftoD^ihnd Ites- tablisjtod, and because! thought it a sdluthry rule, that the agept to Whom, or to whdjfc order, money wae, directed to be Vf% should b ^ held accbuntable rot if^faathful ^teenditurC. Xtlsiea- senate to Suppose that »ur j f f these drcomsfon- ceshe wpdld be v i ^ t i t m calhngto. aCCount the sUbbVdinate agent0 ' whom he might advance by tfte^totlj .‘or tlrnf when ydij^im te secret hd to . pur* pose out merely tocmuy itto yf#t} it,ought to be chm§ed toshcn/ Igeiih ' 'B^usie* .you; wili Pot ctfnleftd* fRSrefole 0 ^ re- m^ns'tblie hdtpPhsmfc «ge»'h#Wto|- 'yJ»+U**%X *+ .loA amtowijmb- *-*W-?T r U fa : J '^ c k (tf 3 e to li I h e 13ifem?r eh>Jirdpdrtions received 'p|j m p j p c d t o p n l a g e i f t S f ^ a ^ i n j d d k ^ * - XflfE Jtoj? that ^bfup¥MWtto.Pf one pEulhonpf,4#artwm?}i add for th e e x p ^ d k r e pf^ whie* X: hhye ioitojdces tor^ccmtn|^4dbry mgep^bjpor^iin^m^ %e/f Darmk'yodr adwffiiaMohvWalr^^ Order wwedrawjS nciia^he^toastte^ toc fhe p ^^ defehce|.^e)mhdmveT^c^^g^ These Warrants were paidfaL the treasury,to the foltowsng persons; as appear# :'i$* ceipts to tfte warrants how on Me|tt,fms,o|fi^| viz.* '*J.- To yourself, ' ^ ^2fl&j8S2 y^ T<ragent#erapiq^edtareceive^d^™r^^^^ idon^t ipr youhj or to whommdn- * - > Oy Was due by youforpubhcojb* . ' 4 jectsj And paidLby Op-'order oft ~ f the ttodtory, viz» John C. Spencerpyoyr pnvatesec- : s ! retsay^..„ < .. .. . 80,4$S.l'f Daniel Kothnan* do. p ,000 Aaron Dlark, . - db; ^ ^ 3j 5SB John IVlcLeaa,ji, do. 4,500 Jbhft W,Yjkesj cashier of the New-York Stato-fiaiikj 362}12I 46 Samuel F'CWweliing, eashtof of the Man- ^haXteirfeankf Ahtliony Lamb* (fnlSlO and 1811, he thbn being ajpubhc officer,) Isaac Q* L.ea^ite, toilifhuJenkiinSj ^iiUam James^ • t &;X, ToWnsetid, I? ■ ■'' ’ YitiahiXihfeC^'■*■■ I.W*Livin^t 6 n, . Eicim^d'Vv ihsIawr,, Mdssel A ' •* ■|osi*ifrM#tei!S^; Sn.uth DogiWelf, l.etnuelTomertty, . to embarrass and preventjthAir final settlement; 1 * Bek th'e fetters ofJVlr. Bacoft and t^bk DaVil? and indeed o f being guilty of almost every-hmd | m tH ^*ppea<hr, marked ( lite C j _____ 11,000 <© 2,000 00 10,000 yso - 10,500 - zirm •■ 3,111 50 i,roi do . 550 ;* 5.000 5,0Q0 f 2.000 -' - $53,587' 6S?' n” ’ ’ ’ - dSthtt Safoa®rlM^ttfe#p^foW<> BidhdrA i S IsmMomtoa^:. f JJ®£ Wlfiam^kpettiJer, . 5>000 • _ ^ y 6 fe^c|teahi*to«m»s«lty» 25/100^8 ^ 5 0 t\ v U - ^ - ■•:! V • ■ ' $!i042j»i^ . fe n 4 this^t hi»beei4jthat you received ^ lr . i!ii p g i ^ u at h W w M r by ypp te expend itj the ORIGINAL STAINED j 1

Transcript of mt3KS Jt* · JL-.? T * vusijm...


? T *

v u s i jm p n g a «rw>^j3tpws,}

M >

f r r - f r " i f r m f T i 'iijl..i m ® p m * & m M m :-

v « i » n i * . S 4 2 1 .x

■ uij.,,.r,pimin- -gj i».-.iHi64|gi jt e

m m r ^ - J w i m i ^ jc. u * »-_____ 4 .. .t -.U„.ii.,gn-ii->....ijy i^ ■<„■ , i Ji\j~„ mm'*.»*****« hv .. . . . !,■«■.'»,»■• if».a~ I-.....■■r*...M* ....

D fePAtftifr -Wto6 KEtolW* ottyj■ certam^tw<>t «wi«yv?t,G,i‘^ .jflrliyjfMil^ ♦?■

fo rtiW :iiM i« to^-|l^^% ^,«A }E *-^ JqpevOne, tliousawl .eight .biM»di«!il. yiqd eighteen, executed by Samuel of ’

junior, of the ahum plnce* :of ih»« oitofeuM't ffef&aff &!] GriUVMtlt,, ‘ ■*•-•■ - « r . j . iuttii |to Skill

}■' ’■ • •' ?: f ; :: ■'■ ’

§ $ A f d ;

• ' / / ; ; - ? • , , : .*?A»t;'r*'•'*. y.- x’fy >r .--: '“ ■\ M j:xl ‘ i V- -"•. ',.

t - ' ^ r ifi0 &

a5 fl?Y fruntetouf oiHdaldyties would fter*■■ :■:;v ' z- :v x j V f v ? ^ ,; ;.i « ,' ^ v ' - ‘-r :; ,. -

. ...„ _ ? . , , ■ / -Deeply usbm *;tm fo •! pm rfog M l b r e m ^ k m WtHls t iM j^ s I l cou.

*1? $ $ to fS w W K IifiS l* 1 few trever^r, I to? <lo% pot opty• ■ *» JtistJtce *«'P ffiW n C h a p ter ; W # M $ a »

claims Aptfer^fip •'*»

the i p t t h m o t ^ «M» fjtuateonMii^KCftU* <3tS Fifty-rive m the town of Breton afbfef*M, toeing the same orppnses lateiy \Souvejeiby tftt s&M laitnei Trumbje, junior, fodi® ;to»^iVbi?sertefe/fiirti* hereby guMt th?t toy *irM* uf * R«ww ' eantaiM m ton! !uof^»JSe» to* <-a»d moW^egeilpre*

uiti toe ?t»W fwbliC yemlup^ pifMWWt to ttore ineuelt case mtile and p^vn}w,^t Itoe ^ofura


TompJtin^^oi-tliejMgtoi .o^clocb tu the fateiicn in l)at,eif JhIy 5tto, fo«

iJ lf f lE R XRl(MBEP,iUaior B y Wooooocs h Batrx»r A t^ s .Jn iyB h ^ 6u» , , . n , .„^,...............

'*T |r«f;B E A ^ John J »»■»«>, •"** B«Jiy torn wife of I f f the Mov n ot Hector »a ttoe county nf J «jppkit»

of IS few ^fh /f^se^ruiK lU f pdyraeyt oloMtl-'at^vof i6pjsartdib5liif'H3fS6l,t nl- ’» certain «qnr o f d a o n ^ % lailmtlfh' of 'tk&tgage,

henrioK^etttiTlhhd&jMKi^atoh, i a tton.yeaPeigbteeij M k ah tu u ^ tiineteep| tliif «onvey;unto, jfol r.WSitte

■mi the fiume p ia ^ V ail th«t certuln MwctuPieceV.or J parent olf.iatttU sjiudte, fym^ ^mf being in ttoo Mwn jifqresftui, oteing pkri^of fot tuiftb^' ?ev6nly 'm tlie towij»Wji}Of Heet»r?-hf)iJuiled at'pitfi^vj, toy^il1 soJitb b y |a«d# o^aetl^y Fbepper BMsiutin toy^unds

^W fi»* toy;^ratitto«9 Otoediab Bnnviii on•Sot opwfer.*ewtooty*(«ie 16 j^»a lj>ww t pprthvliy -l»jille ji

ivesttoyian^o^BtoB*" ‘ p%hty*^f e.' cfces-', aiid; I

. . . . . . . —

. hn/t&tw of * oKtf* hioidrisif <lp|}aif,'* |}®eby

Wf as ihose seripus' charges against my- Piyn 4ai, Jin^l |iiiys |p fflsaater pre.ajttmpietl; 10 he ’swp- ^prted by spedlitc pjr<j<%they ^Vilt ra4de the ^b je^ t pfesaiitipatioti Jljgfe^ter^ Aa bften as you d e ^ w general t^nts Ml Wpusation and re- prpach^ (ot which your letter is fuU) I iapst meet thepa a g ^ s as I have beretdfofii (Tone, w ith a sol^pto denial il^Bow add fe'cithat the whble

, of my topnduet yowards you has riianrthsttod a for- hcafance which has been pushed to the utmost yprge-q|‘ &y opic^Wuty* I will oobhete repub-< |»sh thp fetters tomedyaddiesseel to you, pojieit-; ing ahd eyen entmatitog ydu, for the'sake Mif votor pvyn^ejmtatmn, to Jtttend to |he adjustment of yohrmyi^Hnfsf aud to s^vc m e frpm, thucensuie p^hich I ;\vas io danger'of incurwug, by}he long ' jnllqlgGtfce. which I had gi anted./ Vom These Jejtep1 are hefo^the puhhej. But X am now en­abled to refer to ypur w n opinion as eyjdence of the correctness- bt nxy official condhct, and f 'In­vite your pttentJon to the dilemma in Which you

; appear 10 he^ikcefL.' ' 4I f I had been guilty of all the Various acts of

Jnjusticpyuth Wmch you charge m e: I f ~X hlid

the mouey. The- appropfiifdus Vldch k v e a t various times bheir m|de fp fth l ijiiprii^meiif of

... „......and in-sh^, all||>propriaQonsfei^Bolicahie«s, have be^n paid $&

J c .b fen

. f l w nraade frbm time to time by tliese k^Pkb^^heir subordinate office^ they t jiave. |tfvdE Reived credit for such advances untdjft^^^ <iroper voucbersthatf fie mpijey was Actually ex- mnded for the puffidsfis ffor^hicht|X^as, agprd- :

pnatedj except id,iases spe^ajly provid^dipr by 7aw. This praptite . haylrt| pden t uniform ftid well fendwn to the legislatkoil. vCHnhot ee aiiy feaspd why it should |e depar^frqm^hea,y<3n. are the agefit receiv|% money wt thn’ treasdry,' If it he. ji hard aadjU^to^frui^Sp tepsjiaEture haVthe power o^jhltofhlg if t hut ll could hot tike It h#on myselfto depaw todni e tahfialied forihs withou); XeghHiye S ict d% Jfp. it dear Therefore that X a^ iu «d:

HUe uuimrcu uifunjo, nii-i, ..... ...... v.. _r._ _ .tfe itotdAt’fb*h<m w'#t3to9i6nI*i»wWr',

.f#rtoH^tt*g^'ia\'tbo.«mo^ir of Sciie»,‘i ^ | f i ^ceDtbCjfvof^rch a s lv a t fe-^ifocprnoon.1.myal:Simwter% 1819 ' ? " : *,

r >r :•■;'••' r> - . r - *-;-' ~ ' ,t;, m>iot

• W J h ’:• f r f maMiy of*Tauijt!pns. dW by forfcniui'e-ofciuo'rt } ,.»»ge, 3^ % RRctjutii k y of J mmry, on« tboir- M»o4-eigtit

• '’Bv^heiit'of foar^(^6-ddih^fn^h6'6m>ia&'tmer4« ,;.ltor tp^ufiwh -rfitpsfe«o!i, ot Jltooyaiifitofiluce. •iffl ttpi n^siiii^lnf of grnuiiil.v*titi»ate .J* tna^Bitee o f Idittabl'hi the Cowiniy of'T'uMjAinx r^pdjsiaWof Scw-yoitoj? iiht hnown toti&<il&n56fiSr.


; l |

,:lu«n .<liifl<. lt& iriviid in .Ferns FinCH* of doJ City_„.. ........ .,....... r, toip’.

a i ^ n d ’./tt' J$*w Fli§l; jof lh«:Brfmer, anil has.'tospii.

‘’ sub in^^ itoocaita ipp^f^kaliriio ttkL ^v

ttwofii power tftoiiilif^ f t f ' . 1 « (y wwi i'tica df Hite ’itituua^lu MictoHfoM i»to» W|iP;t»w» M&&i <hrref

*»-pf Wilt tokaltf ^HinU^MajP^ennitE«ttlt,flaacfi,lii uto» ft>Wnof ):«iiiua w, djs.^ttoty ol

> pi*'-- tto t h t o ^ p e ^ t b i ^ p l 3 b m ^ -toap^afMval i^cll’ck |j.tiiie:»{utotot>h of tout jSAjrC. '

_.; x - : " ^ - y - FEKEfs A kgofe-- -0teamH»i«i'irA'St, mt3KS.:%.. f, , Jt*.■/.. ,f A

1^ ? -i;*> v . . v . v *- .-\v »W VJi• Xcuriaot*ripetod.a.spn‘e i to /^ ■

/bf ah abfeisraplttuvV | fiavh noi«

Ijr a5' i ”p k tt: ^f n to hhderatoood, jtisafl 1

• ■ppfjliayeitlhmypp^*;

areffijfouude^ la ia th e s^ p ih ^ in y pwpllkiai^-tlo i^ h e 'p ^ n trH h u s tr^ v n p b h

jth^'\ •todt'TftWi^rytT iaVA-hiK niiraonhl 'interest

h«ri»tg to«oi»7naile in-tffie pkynienf»/ ami tft«-bi^P'tbt^i*i

re&ired .tto Jm paid hyi'- Hf*ypOl**y»ohetlipu •exftcuted toy.r tbp town of D^ s w j f i r . i i f . | t o < * ^ . . . (

OO ttoe/«)k>wjr»g.pif.C(‘t|f l(lm*T. heiMa Imft Of irtt-M/i ;1■ **1 1*y*##nu>*Wt«w(T'^pfff^eir^a^iVijoukeitias Ifoi}oiv«;toei<iiifijjig fifty r.)it<. m-uiH rtf tfie nortfirnM• - - - - r - * - Z f i ’ Jv5 £ X * to - 1 * *•■ * ? * • _ .fc rntfr of foi Jap*l & X i e f i f tBite If1ife^ftkwkt.

dSMtttka riwls i , ttoenedisetitto'tevejfty rod* ?' tto ub, Cft’jt difrty ro»l6 ; tbeijc* north.Jiffy/ntir rod-S to dip ; plaee mJiPiiifinmg t r mtHiiuiTg «U;v«rj nores^mi* Crip raff aca an foUM- n ire rmt*. of land, itfU t mertsgr *trafway»‘i*?«irvwg Hot jn'ivilegr of a duni Viv'

-jsrt,Crcek .taLJie.katitjJHAMiniciP)it tii.'tiirn the xvSW' Hf«to Mill -Crerlt orHhe Greek-Uiftt"mi5r(?o)!e>tFeTTt tie fate m eoinaio 1 Jlqw water marW—iVOfi&r« 7ie«6y g b ’«a>' (fifit Siy i^iilttc ftt'a'pmver contniued in satii, njoVlgflge. nmi in puriii«r ee o f dre slntuto-jri siich cacr totife siul p»yV;ii[ed, ,tl)e iliqyo <ti*wiritoeil;prfemipeB loll be Rofij lit putolf^veuilno, «t thaliouseol Hoofeei- Util-i lard, innkftKpec ih tlie (OiVit o f Drvifrtn on, the tenth,

"HJay of jiinunry. itf-xis nt.tep o’ciotok jn tf;fe fdtkoou b f that day JO ipiI Jimfe 24th* t W

_ ‘ jBtlNM M iN 1 .A H * 'BortrSBE.vfefl Altyi -■.’ t»98

— « ...........................................................................4 - , . . j - / y ^ - . . . . . « ■ l r- . , ._ .

ftEHBA v J ita fv ii’l‘r, ni the t >wn of FfySFTIn ttop'XtfMTiycfuii t^orsV^opi oh timthir|i8t||«'W

f- ' - -rij.SS*4 - i-- „o f nltJrtby tnSrr 111 i|»pcliied; -■gf artt todrgaita sell, hlitti, roleaie Snil teen^nn t ntp j hjah Miller, of the ton ft* <if Alitellus, lii itti couhfy of CajjngU, fdl llidt cerlula, piecepr ph«;el dflHtld, !_>|dg in the toWU of fJlytue,^ In the county of Ku etit tra wn anil tibtiiigubfieil by * being fnl nuxutoor verity.'OigJifr m. the t6w*»dHjj m" TJfys ei, contaTomgiive bundled abd elt-vbn acres ex. ciUMve of tlie Stai^j ohe -lilondred 'Bifms fn the souili. «ast corner auilRftyiiCres in the norUuvfest corner of uaui lot, irhicit are.hereby.exoeptedi aod fesei’Vetl— and whereas default has been m$ le In the paymeufof & partbf tlie'prHielfiai a ml Intef-fjiX stCiired to'toa

faid in and f>J t'ftid rim> fgage fs therefoibOrel y given that by \ irtue wl a /fcrtjBtuIiSed In

- said niortgage, and in phrpuajice of the fiicti«ase made an I pitiviled, lhu iw l m ln^Bgeii^pf ihitel

». w ill Wiold at rdhdndj a%f3o0?s iioiei »o, the. Viflagoof Jluburn, in tile rfitwty o f 'Cayug« d lewuf, on tbf' !4*t Monday 'of M'ftrcli nest^^t 10 ri»c.floli ,i» the fatey peon ofthatday, JDatea At.^um -M 17 i s i s

ntl06m- ' • • -y .1;- ; ; ; - ,3 ^ ^ r 'g |C E it^ , ^BY orrfer o f tfie ^onSfiljfe Blcherd Smith, .esquire,

first judge of the. court of coaunon pleawv m n|uf IpV ToispStins courty, notice is hereby given to fell the creditors q( Nathan feayer,, of the totvn of Hector, m sai 1 county, eu insolvent debtor, to thou Cause if any they have, before the said judge, at his office, m the' town or Hector, in the county of Torriphms. on tbe 7th il/wof Janiiary ne*t,at2 o’clock in lheallferinioif,' whv an assignment of the said i|t|tfdvent * aviate should not be made, and his perfioij be ‘ixetnptedTrohl imprisonment, pursuntu to Ore act enptled, * an act to ^holisli imprisonment for debt in cerlaih cases,’ pAsssd >A?ril 7, iUto. Bated the $0tb of Wetyber, 1819,

’ .M tv ........^

.& w t pvm zm y* m iu rM a n ji8 unptu uuu.u puw«, -j■ ■ : - ,■ - -r-,ll<? officer, a n d xmdef thfe iiffiiience,!!^ feeupgs’o f ' d*8 * i f X bail degjgnediy cpuiused ^oPr acccuUnts5cHsappomted «cuptdi^.$W"'iavW'^toetl- • vent tor. iltoijf settldmeiifj aV‘thejd ostiin jast audcrurf, ealutunjus ugaiijst me. these textygs mtest havb been well ffafom toyov>

^ »>• -»• -v * '-•- .r-.JiLt.yJ' *±„

r „ . T T^ , l 7 r

. & 'lu--- .*•* " ’ i * /' # i& t^ - i *' ^ :;f“

But t v p m i t I t 1^3bfifm tftecU^pfp o llh # ojBlcp tp a d v ftn ^

___ w s i v r w j ? rr 't ’a , imafiV ?Au4^^indeeiii ydu^OW Fad ' not have atppiied •.vitt%oasldev i t ats t^iQ f^lw t-I ‘' w !eg&M<ft in , j the m v & m w h ic h were £tom y& '*jeJ ^ f S ftfae«krdil>oo4 4b ’J o m n f i j m a i t t o e j


x*f - ,*-niuc.. •»- y f f » y y -b---—4—) '> * ? ♦ ' " ,

■%.: ‘S u c § y f e a f 1Wtftiig o f!ofyotu** ; t i & e , « y e s - f l f Jfou per-:.• sojAis*:

apptoat k^eplipKii^yinputby,C° D* j

'tofuiftimiii ; 3 f 'y 0 3t e d tywl ^ndftobu!»t»m-

r tl eyon

nal lliksqife®;but 5 ott peypt to wp«i?|jncie efthat 'contoiiwee* spate o f m$t im fa e t i m ih o lp ^ e ^ tip tfy \W k .

o ^ a o s t 'o f tlie ac tso fM u jtic^ u n d ^

^ a n # J

cgto^l jiou must jliaveiihk felt'

in ip fayqui? o O t# , «si|5«gRi' 4t

: p tto jw s nth*toek

seagei? w». « k


fit*! 3$ *&ptypl Jfnt t to p u p a ^ ^ ^ t f ^ nothing if vow,?iltlfnsfeljf 'qtjtlhrftbfe* t k t f fti asury’ 'the inop*Midtik mm coaffaahvg*1■. Ii6inlb reste4( situ#

w w ^ p ^ ^ '^ p n v a t f e

be a% y o ii ua.eivqrd^^

Svitnessin y m a o ^ k cause, andeyeu ineotoneledt:bj?*ilitlie

, o f eyufeace ? ' fed; Issueed^- « r. If. s ||. f f 3 j pective claim s to credi6cdltvteust * 6 n f t |^ e 3 > t h ese Considerations tt lit ttd t Beotf e ^ p lged*

^rour letter, t o enlqr into1M ;etdil of yo’rtr services duVjug the w a r) ^ detail^. Wludl you seem to ap- prelieudinfty be considered by lorae rto§t^nta- tiuqsj” and w luch^ust Be ack,iipwledseil.toy a ll t o be w k lty itielevaiit: Yoqr servic^, lidwev-e r feiuch demanded of you by ypjif ofiSqal t tioD and,hb\veyer iin|i^tant and efficieirtj can sense^ illustrate thejushee, tif youir c l a k s?

•^ a^ fih e= ^ « ew ~ J^ w P S fiiu )(u ^ ^ fariuy have itifluenefed the iegi^Iat^e In _ enactitog the law , yftii tnttsi be sensible that fhey oUgiirnot to iiifluerice n ie as a.pdblicofficeriia.fixecntingHt, o r the pdblic. m jMsinJ$ the fairness'and cor-Tfectness of m y CQn^uu^;a,nd iof:tiie*e^|. m,e|ljts. o f fllfe qqestidu ittdisjkejbetweetl US. If, there-

- forb, you h a d jqtended; to reiy e a ^ i i appeaL to the cool Und oan^idjuclgmept of die public^ you woqld Have oniitte^lhj®' jdupJay oXvyoul^ ow u uncommon itierds,i and Wtiuld have contented yourself with discussing tb e riierlts o f y our bfalpisj you would b rit have altempted to euhst In your, favorj the feelings 6f tfie commuhitjiy audfo With- ' draw their attention from the hue points of t h e ' coniroversyi >. That t&ls aiiempt w illfaii,! havO; no doubt T h e peoplfe will consider this siibjedti coolly and dejiberatefy^ *Th6y are too muchritf- feresieddi i t to be fhattstntiye Or care le^ ot fo be Jed away by ny excitement Urhicb you m ay- labor to pioduce. ^ . . . . . . .' Since th e negofMio'tt betweeh tis for the^ad-

justmeht ofyrour accounts was finally broken off5 . to your pubitcationat th a i period j jand in your le lltr wWch. 1 am pow an-swering* you have as­siduously labored to ff x cm me the dharge pf in -t juSdee towapd^youj of having long bdeii adudtetl bii a design to oppress anctiiyutw you - of know­ingly violating my official duty j o f carelessness, iyitft respeCUo your vou*hfefsy'iS’ay, of the uiteft- tional suppvessitm of them ; bfiiesigxiediy throw­ing your accounts into confusibh, w ltlt ihe vfew

M f c m & m f i 4 * 3 f r - t fthef m m m

ttottsacdon^ ‘f with fespect affid. eop3derfc%a6d'

^^rferdes^hy toy:oui- i caalrnay^yniivaie cl^t1tef*,hyi;Bi%^'lito 1 Vrith « la .whfth Of

' Boikeukmd beyrnetdnctedf . . ; 'yft.' \a , '-f' J

Sir, you. oklhsit, snntra nP rh» tn lllB /'V\!rtmltl*»ti U.thith -rOaiVfipt'

injure rj^Jig confdeuce^'hdtfoflandi^miltc^yl'^ dis* < credit my ofeialstoteiaetits, And toy destroying me fa open the way to the ultihiate attaltttnent ofyel^^eclSv-. i* 1

On t|ie spl^eetof thegqneralspint and tem­per o f my conduct.towafdyoa/f must also refer vouto JltoiohcluifihgpalKigi'aph.of the leitei oftfqll p a v ij , in the Appendix^ fiTessiyS, thatda^i*ih| my whole liifertourse withhdn on file sub­

ject of yofiir accoutfts^ my u conrfutt tea's m& faff fiirougJtoptij? itdehcUle ~ahd4cnipulmis rpgarS ■ tp^p^f^hsxdcl^-s^d fse^ag^^A lh^Jkisi-L l dou; iy avoided any thing ofiedsive to ydur fefel- iiigx o r prejudiciil to yourchums v Surely, s i i if Ijidd been uqtiiatedtadai’ad you by the motives l^Siich yoii nf>\v atttihuteio mp, those motives woidil havemdaenced m em my interviews w ith . Qol Davis, who, you say, % alwny§ been ar­dently opposed to you mi his ptditipal feelings^ pnd was;c< hLsome degree^ perhapsyiiifiUeftced h jr ; those-feelhi^ irimatitutnig a d enquiry Into your * accounts^ Xf^o h& ^wptdd-not Jlaie r^Lciv&t- Unfavorablyany suggestions from me * prepfttykl to yopr claims*’ Yet,m all nly intercourse witU ' 1nm» I WJte“ delicate and scpiptiloud,M in rela-tionW your « ^hardcte'rmOTellng?” I t $ m *me gieat phasute^b-addition td your Owif sol­emn acknowledgements n f the fairness ahd up* I rightness of my dfneial conduct, to m » rtb tjfie ppimou of CoC Davi^ to Whose candoi, and id- ' iegrity, a ltw hd kuo^r him will mute With you idbedrrog testimony, s 1 < :

AmohgTtheSpeCinc .qetsiof ju s tic e towards ■ you, (whjch yptrhdve dlledged,isthe rule adopt- ‘ ed by me ot holdffigyouaccouutdblefot'the faith­ful expenditure ofalln)on^s drawn frdm the trea­sury, c n y our order, by suboWmdte agents of the goverbmfeiit j \o O fthat ^ydt# protested agaipSt this prefchce mtheearly partdf yotW Ad­ministration,” t '~5 *

Xn answer Xtsemdrhj tha tlha^e norecollechon that you ever pifltested.Ugatost if feut ever,, ^ you had, I could, not wdhqut d law,feave altered it. Thus pfacticqsvaS In force WhCAt m e into officejand,Xeonjtimie3 it^ecdtftoD ^ihnd Ites- tablisjtod, and because! thought i t a sdluthry rule, that the agept to Whom, or to whdjfc order, money wae, directed to be V f% should b ^ held accbuntable rot if^faathful teenditurC. Xtlsiea- sen a te to Suppose that »ur j f f these drcomsfon- ceshe wpdld be v i ^ t i t m calhngto. aCCount the sUbbVdinate agent0' whom he might advance

by tfte^ to tlj .‘o r tlrnf when y d i j^ im te s e c r e thd t o . pur*

pose out merely tocm uy i t to yf#t} it,ought to be chm§ed toshcn/ Igeiih ' 'B ^usie* .you; wili Pot ctfnleftd* fRSrefole 0^ re-m ^ns'tb lie hdtpPhsmfc

«ge»'h#Wto|-'yJ»+U**%X *+ .loA amtowijmb- *- *W-?T r

U f a : J ' ^ c k(tf 3etoli Ihe 13ifem?r

eh> Jirdpdrtions received 'p|j mp jp c d to p n la g e iftS f^ a ^ in jd d k ^ * - XflfE Jtoj? that ^bfup¥MWtto.Pf one pEulhonpf ,4#artwm?}i

add for th e e x p ^ d k r e pf^ whie* X: hhyeioitojdces

to r^ ccm tn |^4 d b ry m gep^bjpor^ iin^m ^ %e/f

Darmk'yodr adwffiiaM ohvW alr^^Order wwedrawjS nciia^he^toastte^ toc fhe p ^ ^ defehce|.^e)mhdmveT^c^^g^

These Warrants were paidfaL th e treasury,to the foltowsng persons; as appear# :'i$*ceipts to tfte warrants how on Me|tt,fms,o|fi^| viz.* '* J . -To yourself, ' ^2fl&j8S2 y ^T < ra g e n t# e ra p iq ^ e d ta rec e iv e^ d ^ ™ r^ ^ ^ ^

idon^t ipr youhj or to whom mdn- * - >Oy Was due by youforpubhcojb* . ' 4 jec tsj And paidLby Op-'order oft ~ f th e ttodtory, v iz »

John C . Spencerpyoyr pnvatesec- : s !retsay^..„ < . . .. . 80 ,4$S.l'f

Daniel Kothnan* do. p,000Aaron Dlark, . - db; ^ 3j5SBJohn IVlcLeaa,ji, do. 4,500Jbhft W ,Yjkesj cashier o f the New-York

Stato-fiaiikj 362}12I 46Samuel F'CWweliing, eashtof of the Man- ^haX teirfeankfAhtliony Lamb* (fn lS lO and 1811, he

thbn being ajpubhc officer,) Isaac Q* L.ea ite, toilifhuJenkiinSj ^iiUam James • t &;X, ToWnsetid, I? ■ ■ '' ’ Y i t i a h i X i h f e C ^ '■*■■ I.W * L iv in ^ t6n , . Eicim d'Vv ihsIawr,,Mdssel A ' •*■|osi*ifrM#tei!S^;Sn.uth DogiWelf, l.etnuelTomertty, .

to embarrass and preventjthAir final settlement; 1 * Bek th 'e fetters ofJVlr. Bacoft and t^bk DaVil?and indeed o f being guilty of almost every-hmd | m tH ^*ppea<hr, marked ( l i t e C j _ _ _ _ _

11,000 <© 2,000 00 10,000

yso -10,500 -z ir m •■

3,111 50i,ro i do

. 550 ;*5.0005,0Q0 f2.000

- ' -

$53,587' 6S?'

n” ’ ’ ’- dSthttSafoa®rlM^ttfe#p^foW<>BidhdrA

i S ■Ism M o m to a ^ :. f JJ®£W lfiam ^kpettiJer, . 5>000 • _ ^y6fe^c|teahi*to«m»s«lty» 2 5 /1 0 0 ^ 8 ^ 5 0

t \ vU -^ - ■•:! V • ■' $ ! i 0 4 2 j » i ^ .f e n 4 th is^ t hi»beei4jthat you received l r .

i!ii p g i^ u at h W w M r by yppte expend it j the