Model Lesson Plan_reading Mind Mapping

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Transcript of Model Lesson Plan_reading Mind Mapping

PPL I Jurusan Sastra Inggris Pemodelan ,21 Januari 2008

CONTOH RPP BAHASA INGGRIS SMA Kelas :X Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : II 2007/2007 Waktu : 30 menit Deskripsi : Siswa akan membaca teks jenis information report tentang Houses dengan keterampilan skimming dan membuat mind mapping, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membuat ringkasan. (Reading and Writing:Summarizing)

Kompetensi Dasar:Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari dalam teks tulis berbentuk report. (Sub Competensi )/Tujuan: Menulis ringkasan dalam bentuk paragraf pendek dari teks report dengan menerapkan langkah-langkah retorika yang akurat, lancar dan berterima.

Indikator: (Sesuai dengan indikator dalam silabus)1. Menemukan pikiran utama dalam teks 2. Menemukan informasi rinci 3. Membuat peta pikiran (mind map) dengan menuliskan pokok-pokok informasi pada peta konsep yang disediakan) 4. Membuat 1 kalimat yang benar dari tiap-tiap jaring konsep. 5. Menggabungkan kalimat-kalimat yang telah ditulis ke dalam paragraf dengan langkah retorika yang akurat, lancar, menggunakan transitions yang sesuai.


White board Marker Worksheet Dictionary Reading passage

Materi: Teks tulis tentang Houses Do you know that houses in Japan are made of wax paper and wood? .. etc (Practice Makes Perferct. Comprehension. Primary 3, by Magdelene Chng. Singapore: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd, 2003): hot, dry, cool, cold, comfortable, cosy : occupants, earthquake, climate, blocks of snow, : protect, absorb, experience, : in Japan, made of

Vocabulary: Adjective Nouns Verb Preposition

Language Focus:

Passive: Most houses in Hongkong and Singapore are made of bricks and cement. Some are made of wood. This board is made of teakwood. In Java, houses are made of In Papua, most houses are made of ..

Metode: Inquiry(Langkah Pembelajaran) (Opening): 1. Tuning-in Sampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan topik bacaan yang akan dibahas, yaitu Houses Ajukan pertanyaan tentang jenis-jenis rumah. Misalnya, What are houses in Indonesia made of? Mereka mungkin menjawab Bricks Sempurnakan kalimat mereka dengan kalimat lengkap, Yes. Our houses are made of bricks and cement. (dst pertanyaan tentang jenis-jenis rumah di Indonesia). Sampaikan kepada mereka bahwa teks yang akan dibaca adalah tentang rumah. (Main Activity) (2) Finding out Teks dibagikan, siswa membaca dalam hati. Tanyakan kepada mereka apa topik bacaan tersebut, What is the topic of the text? Mereka akan menjawab Houses What does the the text tell us about houses, etc Dengan dibimbing guru mereka membuat mind map dari bacaan. Siswa dibimbing untuk membuat mind map (Peta konsep) dari bacaan untuk menemukan poin-poin utama dari teks. Di tengah peta konsep ditulis kata Houses (Lampiran)

In Japan: Materials: waxed paper and wood

etc Houses: ( materials used, in different places )

In Hongkong and Singapore



(3) Practising Siswa menyusun kalimat untuk pikiran utama (main idea) . Siswa menulis1 kalimat untuk masing-masing butir (item) yang ada dalam peta konsep. Contoh: Main idea sentence: In many different places, houses are made from different materials. Kalimat pendukung (supporting sentences) Contoh: 1. In Japan, houses are made of .................................... dst 2. In Hongkong and Singapore .....................

Selanjutnya siswa menulis paragraf dengan menggabungkan kalimat-kalimat yang sudah ditulis, dimulai dengan menulis main idea sentence (topic sentence) sebagai kalimat pertama. 4. Publishing Paragraf dipajang di dinding (papan pajangan) untuk mendapat masukan dari teman dan guru. Siswa memperbaiki paragrafnya setelah mendapat masukan dari guru dan teman-teman. 5. Closing: Reinforcement Setelah paragraf selesai diperbaiki, siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang bacaan yang sudah disiapkan guru (untuk penguatan: menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi tertentu dan informasi rinci).

Penilaian (Process assessment) Selama proses terbimbing, guru menilai secara on-going process, yaitu penilaian formatif berupa umpan balik (feedback) yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan hasil belajar. Penilaian ini bukan untuk memberikan angka capaian (skor), tetapi lebih pada keberhasilan belajar mencapai tujuan dengan munculnya indikator yang diharapkan. Hasil penilaian berupa komentar dan koreksi guru berkenaan dengan penulisan kalimat yang benar, kosa kata yang sesuai, serta ejaan.

Tindak LanjutTugas terstruktur: Secara individu, diberi tugas PR untuk membuat mind map dari teks lain yang telah disediakan.

APPENDIX: WORKSHEET Instruction: Read the text to get the main idea. Do you know why houses in Japan are made of waxed paper and wood? This is because Japan often experiences earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. As such, not only do the houses protect the occupants from rain and sun, they also do not crush the people residing in them when an earthquake happens. Houses are built to protect the people living in them. Only then will the occupants feel comfortable, cosy and safe in the house. Houses are built in different ways in different countries. They must suit the climate in which they are built. In large cities like Hongkong and Singapore, houses are built with bricks and cement. However, in Alaska, some houses are built using blocks of snow. These igloos are sturdy but cosy and keep the snow out. Some Eskimos stay in them during the winter period. In Africa where the grasslands are hot and dry, the houses are made of mud and grass to keep them cool. In some areas in America, one may be able to find earthsheltered houses. These houses are either dug into the earth or surrounded by earth. This offers protection against strong winds, storms, and natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes. In hot weather, the earth can absorb extra heat from the house. In cold weather, the earth helps to maintain warmth. What is the topic? What does the passage tell you about the topic? Write your answer in the center of the mind map. Then complete the mind map

In Japan: Materials: waxed paper and wood

etc Houses: (Function, materials)

In Hongkong and Singapore



A. Sentence Writing Write one sentence for each supporting idea. e.g Houses in Japan are made of waxed paper and woods. B. Summary paragraph Combine the sentences to make a good summary paragraph.

C. Follow-up activity Questions Answer the questions in the space provided. Your answers should be in complete sentences 1. When an earthquake happens, why wont the Japanese houses crush the people residing in them? 2. Why do people build houses? 3. According to paragraph 2, why are houses built differently? 4. What are igloos? 5. From what natural disaster does an earth-sheltered house protects the occupants?