Bangun Tubuh Bakteri

Bangun Tubuh Bakteri • Primer (utama, setiap bakteri memiliki) • Sekunder (tidak setiap bakteri memiliki)


Bangun Tubuh Bakteri. Primer (utama, setiap bakteri memiliki) Sekunder (tidak setiap bakteri memiliki). Primer. Dinding sel Membran plasma Sitoplasma Ribosom DNA Granula penyimpanan. 0.2 m. 1 m. Respiratory membrane. Thylakoid membranes. (a) Aerobic prokaryote. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Bangun Tubuh Bakteri

Bangun Tubuh Bakteri

Bangun Tubuh BakteriPrimer (utama, setiap bakteri memiliki)Sekunder (tidak setiap bakteri memiliki)

1PrimerDinding sel Membran plasmaSitoplasmaRibosomDNAGranula penyimpanan

2Some prokaryotesDo have specialized membranes that perform metabolic functions

(a) Aerobic prokaryote(b) Photosynthetic prokaryote0.2 m1 mRespiratorymembraneThylakoidmembranesFigure 27.7a, bMany prokaryotes form endosporesWhich can remain viable in harsh conditions for centuries

Endospore0.3 mFigure 27.9Sekunderkapsul atau lapisan lendirflagellumpilusfimbriaklorosomvakuola gasendospora

5Dinding sel BakteriGRAM POSITIVE

peptidoglikan tebal dan asam teichoicGRAM NEGATIVE

lipopolysacarida yang tersusun dari peptidoglikan tipis6Peptidoglikan

7Spesifikasi Bakterimenurut GramGracilicutes - Gram negative dengan sel membran sekunderMollicutes - Gram negative tanpa sel membran sekunderFirmicutes - Gram positive dengan peptidoglikan tebal Mendosicutes bakteri jenis Archaea 8Bergerak dengan flagela Tipe letak flagelaMonotrichous




9Cara Memperoleh MakananBAKTERI HETEROTROFMakanan berupa senyawa organik dari organisme lainBakteri saprofit : mengurai sisa organisme atau produk organisme lainnyaBakteri parasit : dari inangnya (manusia, hewan, tumbuhan). Bakteri patogen

BAKTERI AUTOTROFMampu membuat makanannya sendiriBakteri fotoautotrofBakteri kemoautotrof10Bakteri berdasarKebutuhan OksigenBAKTERI AEROB, membutuhkan oksigenProses oksidasi amonia NH32 NH3 + 3 O2 2 HNO2 + 2 H2O + energiProses oksidasi ion nitrit HNO32 HNO2 + O2 2 HNO3

BAKTERI ANAEROB, tidak membutuhkan oksigen, prosesnya disebut fermentasi.Bakteri anaerob obligatBakteri anaerob fakultatif11In the cyanobacterium AnabaenaPhotosynthetic cells and nitrogen-fixing cells exchange metabolic products

PhotosyntheticcellsHeterocyst20 mFigure 27.10In some prokaryotic speciesMetabolic cooperation occurs in surface-coating colonies called biofilmsFigure 27.11

1 mObligate aerobesRequire oxygenFacultative anaerobesCan survive with or without oxygenObligate anaerobesAre poisoned by oxygenMacam-macam penyakit oleh bakteriTetanusTyphoid feverDiphtheriaSyphilisTuberculosis PneumoniaMeningitis CholeraFood-borne illnessLeprosy15

16Reproduksi bakteriAseksual : pembelahan binerSeksual : TransformasiTransduksi: menggunakan virus to helpkonjugasi

KonjugasiJenis Jenis bakteriProteobacteria

Chromatium; the smallglobules are sulfur wastes (LM)Fruiting bodies of Chondromyces crocatus, a myxobacterium (SEM)Bdellovibrio bacteriophorusAttacking a larger bacterium(colorized TEM)2.5 m1 m0.5 m10 m5 m2 mFigure 27.13

Rhizobium (arrows) inside a root cell of a legume (TEM) Nitrosomonas (colorized TEM)Chromatium; the smallglobules are sulfur wastes (LM)Fruiting bodies of Chondromyces crocatus, a myxobacterium (SEM)Bdellovibrio bacteriophorusAttacking a larger bacterium(colorized TEM)Helicobacter pylori (colorized TEM).Chlamydias, spirochetes, Gram-positive bacteria, and cyanobacteria

Chlamydia (arrows) inside an animal cell (colorized TEM)Leptospira, a spirochete (colorized TEM)Streptomyces, the source of many antibiotics (colorized SEM)Two species of Oscillatoria, filamentous cyanobacteria (LM)Hundreds of mycoplasmas covering a human fibroblast cell (colorized SEM)2.5 m5 m5 m50 m1 mFigure 27.13Peranan Bakteri


lactobacillus plantarum (L.plantarum) yang bisa mengusir gas dalam perut dan ketidaknyamanan yang terkait dengan gangguan BAB.



2. Bioteknologi ModernRekayasa genetik pada sel bakteri mampu menambah diversifikasi dan kuantitas produk bioteknologi. Pengembangan dan produksi hormon manusia, protein darah, interferon, dan protein untuk vaksin sekarang dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bakteri yang sudah termodifikasi.3. Perombakan Material (Biodeterioration) Thiobacillus ferooxidans

Prokaryotes are the principal agents in bioremediationThe use of organisms to remove pollutants from the environment

Figure 27.17Tetracyclines: Streptomycesside effects include yellowing of developing teeth

Hillary Clinton has yellow teeth. The original, completely unedited picture

Prokaryotes are also major tools inMiningThe synthesis of vitaminsProduction of antibiotics, hormones, and other productsPenemuan di bidang Mikrobiologi


Dihasilkan : Bacillus sp, Clostridium sp Bacillus stearothermophilus spora - indikator alat sterilisasi Bacillus anthracis - spores - biological warfare


ApplicationsEkstraksi carotene dari halobacteria sebagai penambah cita rasa makanan dan sebagai zat pewarna panganUntuk fermentasi kecap asin dan saus ikan ThaiBIOINSEKTISIDA - Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) BAKTERI GRAM POSITIF, BERSPORA CIRI KHAS PROTEIN KRISTAL (PROTEIN CRY) TOKSIN INSEKTISIDAL SUMBER Bt : TANAH SERANGGA SAKIT AIR

The worlds toughest bacterium

pigmen karotenoid pembersih molekul radikal bebas meningkatkan sifat resisten DNA-nya terhadap molekul radikalBioremediasi limbah B3 yang terkontaminasi radioaktif SUPERBUG

Streptomyces coelicolor colonies The wild-type colonies are covered with grey aerial mycelium and spores; the reddish mutant colonies are not forming aerial mycelium. The red mycelium colour and the dark background is from the antibiotics produced by Streptomyces coelicolor

Antibiotic productionGeosmin : produced by filamentous actinomycetes gives soils characteristic earthy odor

Agrobacterium tumefaciensArchaebacter/bakteri kunoArchaeaArchaea share certain traits with bacteriaAnd other traits with eukaryotesTable 27.2

Some archaeaLive in extreme environmentsExtreme thermophilesThrive in very hot environmentsExtreme halophilesLive in high saline environments

Figure 27.14MethanogensLive in swamps and marshesProduce methane as a waste productConcept 27.4: Prokaryotes play crucial roles in the biosphereProkaryotes are so important to the biosphere that if they were to disappearThe prospects for any other life surviving would be dimChemical RecyclingProkaryotes play a major roleIn the continual recycling of chemical elements between the living and nonliving components of the environment in ecosystemsChemoheterotrophic prokaryotes function as decomposersBreaking down corpses, dead vegetation, and waste productsNitrogen-fixing prokaryotesAdd usable nitrogen to the environmentPathogenic ProkaryotesProkaryotes cause about half of all human diseasesLyme disease is an example

5 mFigure 27.1650Pathogenic prokaryotes typically cause diseaseBy releasing exotoxins or endotoxinsMany pathogenic bacteriaAre potential weapons of bioterrorism51