WHAT TO DO WHEN RETIRED Contains Over 280 Sure And Proven Ways To Make Money On Retirement

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WHATTO DOWHENRETIREDContains Over 280 Sure And Proven Ways To Make Money On Retirement

Edesiri Sanford Enovwo


DEDICATIONThis book What To Do When Retired, is

dedicated to you:

if you are going on retirement.

if you are already retired.

if you want the best for your family at


if you want to be retired and not tired.

if you are unsatisfied with your present


if you are an aspiring entrepreneur.

if you are an aspiring investor.

Then this book is written for you.


Congratulations for being in

possession of this little book, it shows

you want to be really useful on your

retirement, I say this because, If you want to

enjoy the fruits of retirement and free yourself from

premature aging and early death, then read this little

book with the urgency it

deserves, as your

retirement must be

seen as a blessing

in disguise and not

as a curse as most

people believe.

Retirement is a point in time when

someone stops employment completely. The

period of one's life after leaving one's

job and ceasing to work.Life begins at

retirement. It is when you retire that you

really have time for yourself, time for

your wife, time for your grand-children,

time to think, time to reflect on your

past and time to dwell on the present. And

as in all successful ventures, the

foundation of a good retirement is

planning. Don't simply retire from

something; have something to retire to.

That way you could do whatyou want -

when you want - anytime you want. Anyone who

does not wish to live to see another ten

or twenty years after retirement in good

health, wealth and abundance must not only

be insane but also be abnormal, because

retirement is essential and necessary for

the betterment of a mature mind. It is

needed for the promotion of good and

fulfilled living. It is good to retire. If

you are not retired as at when due then

the burdens of routine work life will lie

heavily on you. You can be retired by your

deliberate decision and action, voluntary

retirement and, by the passage of time or

the deliberate action of your employer

which is referred to as compulsory

retirement. And if you value your life, if

you value your wife and, if you value your

children thenyou have to retire. Retirement

itself is the best gift. No gold watch could ever top it.

I do know that one thing everyone

going on retirement talks and worries

about is how he will get the money to

carry on in life after retirement. He

worries about good food on the table;

money for good clothes on his body; money

for daily and personal upkeep; money for

comfortable shelter over his head and that

of his wife and children; money for

guaranteed love from his spouse. Life is a

burden and boring without money at

retirement. That is why everyone worries

about retirement. A lot of us worry about

retirement because we are not sure of what

to do thereafter; because we are mentally

lazy; because we are so satisfied with our

present jobs that we do not see the need

to plan for our retirements. “I believe

that the biggest mistake that most people

make when it comes to their retirement is

they do not plan for it. They take the

same route as Alice in the story from

“Alice in Wonderland.”And age does not of

itself limit or enable us, our lack of

planning does.


The one singular point to making your

retirement time on earth worth the while

is for you to find a need in

your immediate society, town,

city or country and fill it

with that skill that you’ve

been using in your previous

job. No matter your previous job, you must

have a skill which your society wants. If

you will care to comb just ten or

twentyhouses in your neighborhood to find

out what the people want on a daily basis

and what you ought to supply using your

present job skill to meet their needs, you

would be surprised at what amount of money

you can make during your retirement. There

is money right within the stretch of your

hands only if you can see it. So stop

worrying about your retirement.

The success story of the pure water or

canned water came from the idea of a man

called Omadibo, who on his retirement

combed the market in the neighborhoods and

saw that market women and young ladies, as

well as, children in the markets were

often thirsty for water and so he decided

to supply them first in cups scooped by

little cups from plastic buckets which he

sold for a cent; then he progressed to

packing the water in tied cellophanes

which he sold for three cents;

progressively this same man started

bagging the water in little sealed sachets

which he called‘pure water’ and sold for four

cents; when this retired pure water seller

saw that there was great demand for his

product and that travelers needed water

they could travel with and, party

organizers needed water they could easily

give away to their guests, he then hired

young men and women who assisted him at

minimal daily fees in re-packing the water

in cleanly labeled tin-cans which he sold

for ten cents.

You see this retired man, turned pure

water merchant who discovered that the

once scooped water from buckets can now be

packaged in clean tin-cans and sold for a

higher price made it. He did not only made

it money-wise, he also made it by being

employer of labor of those who wash the

tins, treat the water and fill the tin-

cans with the water, corked them and sold


Again, let’s take a look at the old

school teacher in my neighborhood named Pa

James, he knew that some pupils needed

private one-on-one coaching classes where

they would excel and since these pupils

want to study on a private basis, and want

to improve on their ‘marks’ at school, the

old teacher placed a signpost soliciting

for evening classes where these pupils

would be treated to private, personal and

one-on-one coaching from the old teacher,

so the teacher packaged his lecture

materials in well-bound folders which he

not only uses to teach the pupils but also

sold to them as lesson notes after each

lesson from the comfort of his own home

and Pa James not only became popular but

also rich and famous several years after

his retirement.

Those who made money and are still making

it in every area of life scanned their

societies, saw a need, a missing gap, a

hole, an opening and using their old

skills, they created what was needed to

fill this gap and money came their way

even at retirement.

If you were a retired soldier, form a

security outfit and even the government and

your former employer will patronize you. If

you are a principal form a school and your

former students children will patronize

you. If you are a retired driver form a

transport company, your own passengers and

their children will board your vehicles. If

you a retired musician form a band. If you

are a retired orator, form a team of young

orators and groom them at a fee and money

will come. If you are a retired accountant,

form an audit firm and the public will

patronize your company. Being retired is

not equal to being tired. The skill you

already have can pave the way for you at


You can’t afford to be poor in

retirement, but, you can afford the luxury

and joy of being rich!. Look at yourself,

your talent, yourskills and do something;

do not wait until you become an extinct

like a volcano before you act.


The truth in life as in love is that very

few persons can survive

on retirement benefits

which always delay in

coming and if it comes

at all is also always

inadequate for our daily needs. At

retirement you have to develop many

sources of income as one basket of eggs is

no longer enough!

LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAPThere is no time more appropriate than at

retirement for you to look before you leap

as any injury sustained at that age and

time will not only be very difficult to

cure but also too painful to endure. So,

look before you leap. At retirement, a lot

of your friends and well-wishers will

suggest many avenues through which money

can come to your pocket. Some may be

genuine and others may be fake. One thing

you must bear in mind is that as there are

sources of income so are there sources of

losses. And one basic truth which most of

us have missed out either before, during

and after our work life is our usual habit

of believing our friends suggestion for

our lives. Though these suggestions may be

as good as they sound they are to be taken

with some degree of caution as they are

not all the time meant or intended to

benefit us. They are most times given

based on their knowledge, skills, likes

and preferences and not on your own.

Again, if you happen to receive your

gratuity on time do not rush to invest any

part of it in any line of business that

you knew little of rather as a first

measure put the whole money in a fixed

deposit account where it can yield some

interest while you are watching the best

line of business for you. Remember that

cash kept in a fixed deposit for say six

months will give you enough time and space

to plan for any line of business that you

intend to embark on. Again, do not

withdraw more than one-quarter of your

gratuity to put into a single line of

business, put just one-quarter so that you

can watch it grow and during which time

you can as well study the trends of the

business. And learn to plough back your

profits rather than injecting more cash

from your family’s lifeline which is your

retirement money. And if you are not the

business person, simply build a commercial

house for tenants with your money and rest

your case. Please don’t waste it.Again,

“learn the lessons of history. Don't let

how you feel about your tenure at your

organization drive you to make poor

investment decisions that could

potentially derail a successful


GET SOME ACCOUNTING KNOWLEDGEI am constantly disturbed by how little

the average man on the street and

particularly those of us going on

retirement knew about the basics of simple

accounting and bookkeeping. Many adults in

our society do not know much about the

relationship between an Income Statement

and a Balance Sheet. They do not know that

this basic knowledge relates to how they

spend or save their money and ‘become rich

or poor at retirement.’

To say it in a lay man’s words, an

Income Statement called (Profit & Loss

Account) measures the money that comes

into your pocket and the money that leaves

your pocket (receipts and payments). The

income statement shows you how much money

you have made from your transaction as

your profit, which is simply called “net

profit,” which is the amount of money that

you have left after deducting your

expenses from what you collected as income

from all your transactions for a period of

say one month. A Balance Sheet on the

other hand, balances assets against

liabilities, that is, the difference

between what you owe people and what

others owe you. You should know that the

relationship between the Income Statement

and the Balance Sheet is of great

importance if you want to enjoy your

retirement days and years.

Try to learn what the Income Statement and

the Balance Sheet contain by taking a

simple training on them.

KEEP RECORD OF EVERYTHINGMONEYAt retirement, one of the hallmarks of

living well is that you should not

do any monetary transaction

without recording it. That is, you

must keep an accounting record of each and

every single money you receive or spend.

Do not let a second pass by before putting

on paper any transaction. You must do a

careful and painstaking recording of all

the sources where money is coming into

your pocket and a similar record of how

money is going out of it; not leaving out

a single detail unrecorded, no matter how

small it may be. You don’t have an

employer to pay you salary as usual at the

end of the month any longer. So, keep your

records straight and right.

Accurate record keeping is a life-

safer and a strong tool in our retirement

age. Don’t count on your memory, though I

agree, your memory is powerful, fine. It

is even a million times better than that

of a personal computer which I use every

day, but the truth is that it can only

deal effectively on one subject at a time

with a high degree of accuracy. And you

must check and double-check your money

records daily and always. At the beginning

of the day check your records, at the

close of the day, check your records.


At retirement you must control your

buying emotions, because emotions have a

way of controlling the spending habit of

most people. Emotional buying lowers and

weakens the amount of money that you can

keep or invest. And I know that money has

a way of making every decision emotion-

laden, so be careful and wise. Do not

allow emotions to swayyour buying

decisions for the now and in the future,

remember as I said earlier, an injury at

retirement is difficult to cure. If you

want to buy a car for your wife and

children’s use at retirement, please buy

an averagely priced car that you know you

can conveniently maintain, do not go for a

very expensive car because your friend has

it or it shows how much money you now have

or your most recent taste, you must know

by now that all you have is all you have

received and nothing more. Do not imitate

your former colleagues, your friends and

others, and do not be an emotional or a

‘spur’ buyer. And do not be like Mr Jones

who buys a thing because friends say it is

expensive and befits his status, weigh

your pocket and your daily or monthly

income. You are on retirement period!



Anywhere people live, there will always be

a need and to satisfy that need, you

create what they want and creating what

they want in order to satisfy just one

need will bring money into your retirement

pocket or purse. Do not be afraid to start

small and also do not be ashamed of those

of your friends and neighbours that will

laugh at you. Remember, you have your life

to lead and live. “If you succeed, you

succeed for all; if you fail, you fail by

yourself and for yourself alone and, a

single failed attempt can lead to your

sudden death at retirement.”

Those who laugh at you for starting

what they call ‘odd job’ will celebrate

with you when money starts rolling into

your pocket from it. Confession and

positive thinking are good but will not

put food on your table, you must do

something meaningful to make extra money

at retirement. Remember that making extra

money at retirement requires doing the

common things of life uncommonly well.

There are several ways you can make money

at retirement and , those I can remember

are listed here from which you can pick

the one that you can easily carry out.

However, before you start any of these

lines of trades, businesses or vocations,

learn something about the business or

trade that you want to venture into so

that you can do well in it. You’re never

too old to learn. I mean take a lesson, do

a short course or programme on it if


HAIR CARE - BUSINESSAs everyone needs to look nice

by having his/her hair cut,

washed, set and jerry-curled or

braided, or maintained weekly or monthly,

there is a pot of honey in the head care

business. You can be a barber, hairdresser

(young girls and ladies), hair weaver

(young men and gents) and you will

definitely make money.

1. Hair Cutting.2. Hair plating.3. Hair Jerry curling and perming.4. Weavon fixing and sales.5. Hair attachments.6. Hair braiding.7. Wire works.8. Ladies Hair Braiding salon (men braiding

hair for women)9. Gents Hair Braiding salon (women

braiding hair for men)10. Hair Dressing salon for men and women



The coming of the computer and internet has brought with it various business opportunities that use the

knowledge and facilities of the computer. Some you can easily get involved in at retirement are:11. Computer Business centre.12. Special computer training13. Commercial computer training services14. E-commerce.15. Sale of Computers and Accessories.16. Internet Café.17. Telephone services.18. Website Design.19. Social media marketing.20. Web Hosting.21. Website Advertisements.22. Free e-books sales.23. Sales of examinations forms and

question/answer booklets.24. Teaching online.25. Video-editing.26. Graphic designs.27. Book publishing.28. Online journal editing.29. Article marketing.

30. Affiliate marketing.31. E-video lectures.32. Motivational online writing.33. Programming.34. AutoCAD drafting.35. Online Speech writing.36. Seminar coordinator.37. Small how-to-booklets.38. Online Result Checking and Scratch

cards sale.39. Large format print agent40. Handset repairs/sales.

SERVICES – BASED BUSINESSESPeople want their clothing to be kept clean all the time, they want their homes to look and smell fine, they require theirsurroundings to be insect – free. You can choose to provide dry-cleaning services for your neighbours, friends and relativesand money will come daily to you.41. Dry – Cleaning.42. Day – Care centre. 43. Laundry Services44. Rug cleaning.45. Pest Control and Fumigation. 46. Sewing ladies and men’s clothes.

FOOD - BASED BUSINESSES Food is the most used product on earth andanywhere that people live, food must be eaten, so if you are skilful at preparing food or know how to hire those that can cook good food then you can make money by doing that business.46.Booker/small eating centre47. Catering Services.48. Cake making and dressing.49. Butter/margarine production50. Tooth paste51. Restaurant services52. Take-away shop53. Food preservation outfit54. Cold rooms55. Mobile softdrinks shop56. Mobile children library57. Mobile book shop58. Bread production59. Biscuit production60. Chin-chin production61. Sales of condiments and spices62. Sales of fruits63. Roasted cashew nuts64. Roasted ram65. Roasted plantain and fish

66. Roasted yam and fish67. Sales of Prawns and other seafoods68. Sales of edible worms69. Sausages70. Scotch egg71. Fish sausages72. Egg ball

73. Doughnut.74. Wedding Arrangements.75. Chairs and canopy rentals.76. Events Management.77. Photography.78. Party MC79. Local Satellite monthly stores/houses

connections.80. Computer Networking.81. Computer repairs and maintenance.82. Comedian83. D.J.84. Book writing.85. House-to-house dustbin evacuation.86. Carpentry and Furniture making.87. Welding.88. Fabrication.89. 53. Formatting and configuration of

Computers.90. Thin-client Networking.

91. Book sales in motor parks and public gathering.

92. Book writing and adverts.93. T-Shirts designing.94. Sales of Second hand clothes

(Okirika/Akube).95. Banner and logo creation.96. Website Design and sales.97. Bead making.98. Burger99. Sales of jewelleries.100. Sales of Stationeries.100. Distributing other companies products.101. Sales of mobile phones recharge cards.102. Sales of Plastic chairs.103. Sales of Video CDs.104. Sales of Phone accessories.105. Sales of Second hand bags.106. Sales of Handbags107. Sales of Second Hand Shoes.108. Vending of books.109. Printing and sales of free e-books.110. Organising football clubs.111. Photocopying business.112. Wedding cards designs.113. Motivational speaking.114. Conducting seminars.115. Operating Phone boots.

116. Dairy milk production.117. Sales of fried meats and sausages.118. Sandwich sales.119. Writing of Music.120. Electrical installation and maintenance works.121. Ice cream production.122. Chemical production.123. Soap making.124. Detergent production.125. Party car decorations.126. Sales of canned water.127. Sales of handsets.

128. Sales of women clothes.129. Sales of children’s clothes.130. Sales of Exams scratch cards.131. Housing Agent.108. Hair cream and Shampoo.109. Hair oil110. Setting lotion111. Weaving thread112. Weave-on113. Manicure/pedicure114. Sales of Internet Modems.115. Facebook marketing.116. Snail production.117. Vegetable farming.118. Fruits selling.

119. Flower planting and sales.120. Gym setup and organising.

COSMETOLOGY BUSINESS121. Powdered soap or detergents122. Laundry/bar soap123. Medicated soap124. Liquid soap125. Toilet soap126. Body lotion127. Body jelly128. Body cream

AGRICULTURAL - BASED BUSINESSES129. Catfish production/hatching130. Commercial sheep farming and

management131. Catfish growing techniques132. Edible mushroom cultivation133. Horticulture134. Gardening services135. Rabbit farming136. Snail farming137. Poultry farming138. Egg production139. Goat farming140. Piggery farming

141. Commercial hatchery (hatching day old chicks)

142. Livestock production143. Gras cutter farming144. Bone crushing145. Bone meal146. Chicken feeds147. Cotton seed oil 148. Groundnut oil149. Glue 150. Leather tanning151. Clothe dying152. Handbags (from beads)153. Leather footwear154. Lace footwear155. Sewing (unisex)156. Crops farming

FOREST – BASED SERVICES157. Wood sawing158. Planning of wood159. Palettes making160. Photo-film production161. Rattan/cane furniture162. Baskets163. Making Brigitte of sawdust for fuel164. Wooden blackboards165. Formica whiteboards

166. Mechanized fishing boats167. Raffia production168. Mat weaving

HERBAL – BASED SERVICES169. Herbal tea production for hypertension170. Herbal farming171. Herbal tea production for cough,

bronchitis and chest pains.

PRODUCTS - BASED SERVICES172. Block making173. Nylon / plastic bags production174. Printing inks175. Waste conversion176. Polythene production177. Gift bags production178. Matches Design making179. Men’s tie production180. Chalk making181. Tie and dye182. Lithographic printing183. Rubber stamp/company seal making184. Wood polish185. Rubber spare parts production186. Flexible foam production187. Millinery (ladies hats making)188. Book binding

189. Shoe making190. Balloon decoration191. Disinfectants192. Safety matches production193. Plastic dressing mirror production194. Air-freshner production195. Commercial ice-blocks for events

managers.EXPORT – BASED SERVICES196. Exporting Plantains.197. Exporting cocoa-yams.198. Herbs farming and export.199. Snail farming and exports.200. Ornamental fish exports.201. Dehydrated and powdered vegetables

export.202. Arabic gum export.203. Cassava chips exports.204. Palm oil production and exports.205. Pineapple production and exports.206. Cashew processing and exports.207. Hides production and exports.

EDUCATIONAL/SCHOOLS – BASED BUSINESSESNigeria with its over150 million populationhas the greatest numberof children of school

age. And being involved in this sector isa noble thing and an excellent ground formaking real cash and providing usefulservice to the teeming number of children.Do not mind if you don’t have NCE or B.EDdegree, all you need is the zeal and flairto teach children. Areas that you can getinvolved in to make money and createsatisfaction in the minds of the childrenand their parents are:208. Private primary school children

coaching.209. Organising Nursery schools.210. Private lessons for children.211. Evening lessons.212. Writing Children Books.213. Sales of Children books.214. Day care services215. Tutorial /coaching classes.216. Health fitness centre.217. Security agency218. Parcel/ Courier services.219. Films rentals services (video/CD)220. Shoe shinning shop221. Events managements

(parties/promotions)222. Travel services/tours

223. Air-ticket booking224. Recruitment/consultancy225. Cab services226. Party rentals services227. Sports shop228. Video viewing shop229. Video game shop230. Screen printing of t-shirts231. Software sales232. Software developments233. Car wash234. Vehicle service shop235. Water supply services236. Foreign children books sale.

BEVERAGES237. Ice Cream.238. Lollies239. Fruit juices240. Yoghurt241. Chocolate drink242. Custard powder243. Wine making244. Zobo making245. Ginger drinks246. Brewers malt from sorghum247. Fruit jam

MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIPS COUNSELLINGLadies and men that are looking for life partners and those already in marriage that are having problems require counseling to enable them stay together, if you are skilled at counseling on relationship matters then you are sure of making real money by rendering this rare service.248. Marriage and Relationships Counseling

MATCH MAKING SERVICESThere are lots and lotsof men/women seeking life partners as spouseand if you are good at connecting the different sexes

together you would have gotten a gold-mineat your fingertips.249. Match-Making and Relationships


EDUCATIONAL SERVICES AND COUNSELLINGYoung men/women about to enter higher institutions of learning require counseling to enable them take well-

informed decisions and if you are verse inthis area it can yield you good cash that you need to live your life. 250. Educational Counseling Services.STUDY ABROADWith the drastic fall in our standard of

education, our certificates and degrees are no longer valuable in the job markets, employers both home and abroadnow prefer foreign

certificates/degrees to our very own and hence young men/women are seeking information on how to go overseas for educational purposes and if you have such information, then you can make enough money for yourself and family from rendering such services to them at retirement.251. Study Abroad Counseling /Admissions


BUYING/SELLING – BASED BUSINESSESIf you must be make real money in Nigeria or anywhere else during your retirement, buying and sell something is a sure bet. It is easier to make money selling than tobe producing anywhere. Those who made

money in the real sense of the word are those who went into buying and selling than into production. If you want to stay in business afterretirement, then put one-quarter of yourmoney into buying and selling where youwill not waste your money buyinggenerators year-in, year-out, and endlessexpenses on diesel or petrol to fuel themon a daily basis. You can sell anythingpeople require in your locality such as:252. Sales of Television andradios253. Sales of Clothes and shoes254. Sales of Plastic products255. Sales of Bags and ear-rings256. Sales of Beads257. Sales of Beverages258. Sales of Books259. Sales of Stationeries260. Sales of Soft-drinks261. Sales of Beer and hard-drinks262. Sales of Shirts and dresses263. Sales of Chairs and modern office

furniture264. Sales of baby things.

265. Sales of Computers and itsaccessories.

266. Sales of Handsets.As my parting words, learn from themistakes of those before you and also gainfrom the wise decisions of those beforeyou because you will not live in thisworld long enough to experience everythingbefore you learn from them.

Good luck in your retirement journey,see you later ingreat wealth. And happyretirement life!

Good things are eternal.

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