Ultimate Destination Certified NLP & Time Line ... - Sarah Merron

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Transcript of Ultimate Destination Certified NLP & Time Line ... - Sarah Merron

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"Pathology is not a problem to be solved, but the soul's way of working on itself."

James Hillman

Going Beyond The Tools & Techniques Into The Soul 3

NLP Master Practitioner Syllabus 5

Pre-Requisites For Training 6

Why Join This Ultimate Destination NLP Training? 6

5 Reasons To Invest In Destination Training? 7

Training Involve Exactly? 9

Live Training Dates & Schedule 10

Assessment & Certification 10

Course Investment 11

How To Progress Your Booking 13

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Going Beyond The Tools & Techniques Into The Soul “Motivation Is Activated When We Accept Ourselves At The Soul Level”

Sarah Merron

My perspective on healing, therapy, coaching, the psyche and life’s reflections have expanded significantly over the 12 years that I've been training NLP at the Master Practitioner Level. 2020 delivered me the gift of time and I took the opportunity to take a step back and review my training at this advanced level. The result, is a training that centres around acceptance of self, integration of ALL of who we are and a resulting alignment with what we really want. That is to say, I’ve taken the time to go deeper within to explore how the acknowledgement of soul or calling, (separate from of any religion) is fundamental to many of the behavioural elements and characteristics we all seek.

I took myself back to the beginning of my coaching journey in my mind and asked myself what I found challenging and which beliefs may have limited my perspective over the years. Now, in no way am I suggesting that my path is suitable for anyone else, however, I believe it’s useful to highlight some of those ideas during the learning process in order to facilitate potential rapid expansion others. Moreover, we live in a different world to the one we knew a decade, or even 5 years, ago. The general population is more comfortable with blurring the lines between concepts and behaviours. Wellness and meditation at work is becoming increasingly prevalent, and the force of the unconscious is more readily accepted in today's world. We have the freedom to express our feeling and acknowledge them.

All that being said, it's also useful to notice that our lives are now dominated by information. It arrives from everywhere, and it's challenging to switch it off. To manage this tsunami of incoming data we expedite our brain’s natural tendency train to categorise everything to the ‘nth’ degree. The need to judge and categorise all this information can lead to excessive labelling. In turn, this labelling can turn possibilities in ‘facts’ in our minds and result in a stuck state. To give you an example, the frequency of words on the internet such as ‘bi-polar, autism, ADHD, depression and anxiety” can elevate these ideas in our mind and separate us from accepting some behaviours as just a part of daily life. Furthermore, labels feel more permanent, they get stuck in time. For example “I feel depressed today” can easily become “I am a depressive person”. You’ll appreciate the latter is likely untrue and yet the brain can easily make this jump in today’s world.

Specifically, it can be challenging to get out of the “broken or fixed” mindset, which is a barrier to gaining mastery of NLP concepts at the Master Practitioner Level. © Fire Dragon Lanka PVT Ltd Page � of �3 13 Certified NLP Training Brochure

As a result, to minimise fixing problems and parts, and shift us to a state of long term solution focus, I’ve designed my new Master Practitioner NLP & Time Line Therapy® to focus on these main areas:

1) Master Practitioner Level techniques in the syllabus

2) Additional learning topics that I believe will elevate your perspective.

3) A deep dive into shadow work, symbols and archetypes - promoting connection over separation.

4) Acceptance of the whole self - right now - through a process of integration rather than release.

5) Alignment with the energy of self and daily life.

6) Learning to listen to and nourish the soul.

7) Flow - the appreciation of constant change and growth and flexibility around our life plans and goals. This delivers us the ability to appreciate the NOW and live each moment in connection.

I’m excited to deliver my new training for the first time at a destination training. In my mind, it couldn't be more appropriate. Giving ourselves the experience of having our physical needs taken care of in a blissfully nurturing way is merely another way of feeding the soul. Allowing ourselves the time to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, and the space to address them, connects us deeply to our inner selves at the soul level. Moreover, learning is the ultimate flow into expansion and we were designed to grow and expand. Quite simply, growth is a given for the soul’s purpose.

I want you to feel so comfortable, safe and confidence in this space that you have room to play, experiment and test your new knowledge and techniques. We’ll even be looking at how you can design new interventions, by combining techniques and adding your own personal touch.

If you’re looking for a truly expansive experience that will result in transformation, I hope you choose to join me. This experience will support you in levelling up every area of your life, from your relationship with self to your business goals. Everything begins in the mind.

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NLP Master Practitioner Syllabus Master Practitioner Level Standard Syllabus:

• Proficiency in ALL Practitioner level techniques

• New Language Skills - Multi-level communication, utilisation and transformation of beliefs

• A different perspective on goals and motivation

• Sleight of Mouth

• NLP Values

• Social Evolution of Values – Clare Graves

• Values Testing

• Modelling

• Advanced Submodalities

• Meta Programs

• Presentation Skills and Training Design

• Advanced Strategies

• Personal Breakthrough Coaching

• Advanced Emotional Release Techniques

• Conversational Change & Quantum Language

• Physical Healing Via Mind

• Intervention Design

• Time Line Therapy (TM) Master Practitioner Techniques

Topics I’ve Added To Expand Your Perspective:

• Basic Principles of Quantum Physics

• Metaphysical Concepts

• The Magic of Numbers

• Jungian Archetypes

• Astrology 101

• Metaphor & Mythology

• What is Alchemy?

• Energy & Chakras

• Clean Language Questioning Techniques

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Pre-Requisites For Training If you’d like to attend this training you must have completed a certified NLP Practitioner training prior to attendance. If you didn’t train with me, I’ll ask you to send me a copy of your certificate before you can book on the training.

Otherwise, I merely ask you to attend 80% of the online training sessions prior to the live training. Once all delegates have booked we will arrange suitable times for training based on timezones.

Why Join This Ultimate Destination NLP Training? There are 3 main reasons to join this particular training:

1) Are you in the process of transforming your world: working in a different way, changing your career, setting up a business, or looking to find more meaning in your daily experience? If so, there’s no better place to create powerful and lasting change than the Maldives. Beautiful, expansive and free, you’ll have time to think, explore and discover what you really want.

2) A trip to the Maldives can be a life-changing experience in itself. The wildlife, the water sports, the crystalline waters and the powder-soft sand. Moreover, when you combine that blissful experience with a profound level of exploration, you create an intensity that facilitates a dramatic shift your perspective and the clarity to motivate yourself to bring your vision into reality.

3) Uniquely designed. Uniquely priced. This is the one and only time that you’ll be able to attend my training in the Maldives at this price. What’s more, you won’t find these accommodation rates for Amilla Maldives Resort & Residences anywhere else, or ever again. So, if you’d like to experience a stay at this exclusive resort, and for an incredibly rate, NOW is your chance.

About Sarah Merron

Sarah Merron offers ABNLP certified Certified NLP & Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and Master Practitioner training courses. She has run both Corporate and NLP Training in many locations around the world (including Maldives) under her own name and her Fire Dragon brand.

Sarah has a background in corporate and over 14 years of experience coaching and training across different cultures. Sarah guarantees to facilitate your journey with encouragement, an eye and ear for detail, a sense of humour, inspiration and empowerment. Sarah’s NLP Practitioner training teaches you new skills and a specific mindset to elevate your communication, assertiveness, leadership, management, coaching and presentation skills. Sarah Merron is an approved trainer of the American

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Board of NLP (ABNLP) and the Time Line Therapy® Association (TLTA) and delivers certified training under the ABNLP governing body.

5 Reasons To Invest In Destination Training? Destination training delivers a deep and meaningful experiential learning environment that builds a strong knowledge foundation and a greater level of confidence at the end of the programme. Sarah has been running destination training for over 10 years and here are her 5 reasons to invest in destination training if you want to become a coach or you’re looking for personal transformation.

1. Environment

A new environment always brings a fresh perspective. However, an environment overflowing with natural beauty, comfort and ease allows us to feel nurtured and cared for.  When all of our basic needs are taken care of with seamless ease, our mind is free and we’re open to learn.  We naturally develop a ‘can do’ mindset.  We start to realise that anything is possible.

What’s more, when we’re comfortable and we have space for solitude, uninterrupted thought and self-reflection, life appears differently.  Quite simply, we’re giving ourselves the gift of ‘freedom to be’.  As if we’re able to stop time while we’re in this place and see our lives from the outside in.

If we’re learning NLP or coaching techniques, it’s imperative we learn how to shift our perspective, find inspiration, draw connections between concepts and more.  In a blissful environment we’re unconsciously learning how it happens.

2. Balancing Intense Thought With Relaxation

When we’re taking-in a vast amount of new information, our brains are working very hard.  Just like our bodies, our minds benefit from rest and recuperation after learning.

Specifically, with NLP training or Coaching training, we’re not only taking in vast amounts of new information, we’re practising new techniques on one another and working on real issues.  That is to say, we’re delving deep into our minds from a logical, conceptual and emotional perspective.  It’s intense and tiring.  So, just as we benefit from a hot bath and a cup of tea after re-arranging the furniture in our house, we benefit from profound relaxation after days of learning and emotional shift.

At a destination training venue, you can lounge around in a hammock, have a drink with fellow students, go for a swim or a dive or take a long walk.  There is space to process your learning experience and knowledge.

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3. No Distractions – Away From Work & Family

Sometimes our daily lives offer us a great excuse NOT to focus inside, on who we are, what we want and more.  In other cases, life is just so busy that we don’t believe we can prioritise exploration and learning over the ‘musts’ of the day to day.

When we are far-removed from our usual life experience, we are free from distractions in the moment, urgent matters that, seemingly, only we can resolve, and everything else that seems to eat into our usual timetable.  In fact, that freedom often causes us to question whether we are choosing to engage in those distractions or if they’re really important at all. Effectively, we get the opportunity to take of some of our masks and undress from roles that we play in daily life.

When we’re learning NLP or coaching, having uninterrupted time to explore our minds, our thoughts and our feelings is incredibly valuable.  Free from distraction we find resolution more quickly and we can turn up the intensity at will, knowing that we can crawl into bed afterwards if we want a bit of extra TLC after a breakthrough session.

The gift of space and time in any life is precious.  For this type of learning experience, I would argue that it’s the difference that makes the difference.

4. New People – New Energy

When we engage in destination training we meet a range of different people.  The environment is new to everyone, which brings a sense of equality and curiosity for one and all.  Everyone’s present for the same purpose, and everyone wants to engage.

I think we all know what happens when you put a group of highly engaged people in a room together.  That’s right – MAGIC! What’s more, when you’re learning coaching or NLP, it’s so useful to blend different cultures, perspectives, ideas and dreams.  Specifically, it gives you a lot of experience in using the techniques in a very short space of time.

Equally delightful is the ability to share with people on such an intimate level.  When we meet others who are also driven to gain self-insight, understanding, realise their dreams and more, we know that we’re not alone in this world.  There are people like us! In fact, some of those people will act as a support network, become firm friends, and support us in accessing a much bigger world in the future.  Who wouldn’t want that?

5. Focus

When we visit a destination for a purpose, we are naturally motivated to get the best out of that experience.  What’s more, when we’re free from the physical daily distraction of work or family, we free

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our minds to focus on the experience at hand.  We literally give ourselves permission to immerse ourselves in the learning project.

In fact, when we direct our in this laser-like way, we get so much value out of the day-to-day experience, because we’re looking for the learning opportunity.  That is to say, when we work with a new technique, or when we learn something interesting, we’re asking ourselves “how can I apply this in my business or personal life?”  Having that learning supports us in taking ownership of our learning experience.

Training Involve Exactly?Stage One: Pre-Course Learning Study

When you book your place on the course you’ll be sent your books via Amazon and given access to the online training portal. This includes the following:

• Online Audio-Visual Learning materials accessible via my website training portal.

• NLP & Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner Training Manuals, Revision Notes & Test Questions

• Live online training and discussion sessions

• The book “My Voice Will Go On” by Milton Erickson

• The books in “The Structure of Magic” series by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson

Before The Live Training - ONLINE Training & Discussion Sessions

Before you attend the course you’ll want to spend time working through the online learning study material so that you have an understanding of all the techniques we’ll use on the course. You’ll want to read the manual, work through the book, watch the audio-visual materials, at least once before attending the live training. Moreover, you’ll find it helpful if you’ve completed the questions in the revision notes.

Working through the online study materials gives you the opportunity to raise any questions you have prior to the live training and we can discuss them during one of the live sessions between April and May 2021.

Stage Two: Live Training

The NLP Master Practitioner Level live workshop is 60% practical and 40% discussion and learning. The second level of this training involves some complex concepts and is more effectively trained in-person.

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Delegates often leave the course surprised by their dramatic change in perspective. At the end of the course you will find you are armed with a fired-up “can do” attitude and a perspective that focuses on the wealth of opportunities available to you rather than barriers you may have seen before.

At the end of the live training you’ll be totally ready to put your new knowledge into action and you’ll feel totally confident in your ability to make things happen when you get back into your normal routine. You’ll be ready to apply your new skills to achieve your own goals, to inspire motivation in your colleagues, or support family to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Live Training Dates & Schedule Booking Deadline - 12th March 2021

Textbook Shipping - 15th March 2021

Master Practitioner Level Online Training Release - 27th March 2021

First Master Practitioner Level Online Discussion - 3rd April 2021

Arrival in Maldives - 14th May 2021

NLP Master Practitioner Training - 15th-19th May & 21st-26th May 2021

Full Day Off To Relax - 20th May 2021

Departure from Maldives - 27th May 2021

Training Times - 10.00 am to 19.00 pm daily

Assessment & Certification

At the end of the training (so long as you have achieved a sufficient standard of knowledge and practice and passed your written test) you will receive your certificates onsite and become a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP & Time Line Therapy® .

In order to gain your certification as both a Practitioner of NLP and Time Line Therapy® you will need to meet the following standards:

• Gain over 90% on your knowledge test.

• Attend 80% of the live online training and discussion sessions

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• Attend the 11-days of live technique demonstration and practice in the Maldives

• Demonstrate a full understanding of the topics involved in training and the desire to explore the topic outside of the training.

• Demonstrate competence in successfully delivering all Practitioner & Master Practitioner level techniques.

Course Investment

The cost for the NLP & Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner Training is divided into two parts:

1) Training Fees - $3500 USD (Paid directly to me via bank transfer or credit card)

2) Accommodation Fees - Price on Application. This is paid directly to Amilla Resort & Residences Maldives.

3) Please note if you’d like to arrive 2 days early and refresh your knowledge by attending the technique demonstration and practice days at the Practitioner level, there is an additional charge of $200 per delegate.

Training investment includes:

• All Study Materials - Online Learning & Books

• Training Manuals

• Live Training & Discussion Sessions Online

• Live Training in Maldives - 11 days

• Water, Lunch and two tea/coffee breaks on training days (13th-19th & 21st-26th May 2021)

• Assessment and Certification with 2 Certificates

• Two hours of 1-2-1 online coaching with Sarah after the training.

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Accommodation Costs Include:

• 13 nights’ Half-board accommodation (breakfast and dinner)

• Single, Twin or Double accommodation available

• Return Sea-plane transfers to and from the International Airport.

• Complementary WIFI.

• Complementary PCR testing on arrival.

• Complementary non-motorised water sports and snorkelling equipment.

• Complementary weekly activities as per weekly programme.

• Daily personal turn down service.

• All service charges and taxes, except ‘Green Tax’.

Accommodation Costs Do Not Include:

• Additional beverages taken during your stay.

• Green tax of $6 USD per person per night.

• Additional activities enjoyed on the island, e.g, diving, motorised water sports, etc

• Flights from your home location to Male International airport (Maldives)

• PCR testing for departure - available at $125 USD

• Lunch on 20th May 2021.

• Any cash tips you may choose to give to your personal guest relations team.

• Travel Insurance

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How To Progress Your Booking

Let’s hop online and have a 30-minute chat to find out more about your expectations and understanding of the programme. This will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions you have. I’ll also share with you the accommodation fees.

Book Your Online Appointment Here - https://calendly.com/sarah-merron-book-online-coaching/nlp-maldives-training-discussion

If you can’t find a suitable time for you, please email me at sarah@sarahmerron.com or via WhatsApp on +94 7732 76994.

Once you’re ready to book, you’ll receive an invoice and payment confirms your place. Payment can be made in full or using a 50% deposit on booking and a 50% payment on 1st May 2021.

I will also put you directly in touch with the Guest Relations Team at Amilla Maldives to confirm your accommodation booking.

Once payment is received, your text books will be sent and access to your course materials will open in the last week of March.

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