The Effect of Using Dialogue Journal Toward Students' Writing ...

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The Effect of Using Dialogue Journal Toward Students’ Writing Descriptive

Text at Tenth Grade of Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang Academic Year


A Thesis

Submitted as Partial Fulfilment of Requirements to Obtain Strata One (S1)

Degree on English Education Department




First Advisor Second Advisor

Reflinda, S.S, M.Pd Loli Safitri, M.Pd

Nip: 196907291999032002 Nip: 198805282015032003





2018 M/1439 H



Skripsi atas nama RINA RIDAOS (2314.106), dengan judul “The Effect

of Using Dialogue Journal Toward Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at

Tenth Grade of Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang Academic Year

2018/2019” telah memenuhi persyaratan ilmiah dan disetujui untuk diajukan

kesidang munaqasah.

Bukittinggi, Agustus 2018

Advisor I

Reflinda, SS., M.Pd


Advisor II

Loli Safitri, M.Pd





Rina Ridaos 2314.106. Pengaruh Dialogue Journal terhadap Kemampuan

Siswa dalam Menulis Deskriptif Teks Pada Kelas X Man Koto Baru Padang

Panjang Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Skripsi, Institut Agama Islam Negeri

(IAIN) Bukittinggi, 2018.

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa permasalahan yang masih

banyak dihadapi siswa di kelas X Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang dalam menulis

bahasa Inggris. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang ditemukan oleh penulis,

yaitu siswa kelas X kesulitan mengembangkan ide yang akan membantu mereka

untuk dalam menulis dengan lebih baik dan siswa kurang paham bagaimana

menjadikan kalimat yang mereka tulis menjadi padu dan berkesinambungan,

kurang paham terhadap konten dan terkadang melenceng dari topik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian

quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan model pretest-posttest. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X di MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang Untuk kelas X IPA 1 diperlakukan sebagai kelas eksperimen yang di ajar dengan menggunakan dialogue journal. Sedangkan kelas X IPA 2 diperlakukan sebagai kelas kontrol yang di ajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik yang biasa digunakan oleh guru. Peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampel untuk menentukan sampel penelitian ini. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan tes normalitas dengan memakai uji Lillifors dan menggunakan tes homogenitas dengan menggunakan uji-F. Sedangkan untuk menguji hypothesis, peneliti menggunakan uji-t dan mengkonsultasikan hasilnya dengan tabel

derajat ( ) = 0.025 untuk hipotesis pertama dan kedua dan ( ) = 0.05 untuk hipotesis ketiga.

Dari hasil penelitian dan perhitungan tes awal dan akhir dari kelas

eksperimen terhadap hasil uji t-hitung (82.46) lebih tinggi daripada t-tabel (1.960)

dengan derajat kebebasannya df = 28+40-2 = 66 dengan = 0.05/2= 0.025. Jadi

hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dengan

menggunakan dialogue journal. Pada perhitungan akhir dari kedua kelas: kelas

eksperimen dan kontrol diperoleh t-hitung (26.86) lebih tinggi daripada t-tabel

(1.960) dengan derajat kebebasannya df = 40+40-2 = 78 dengan = 0.05/2=

0.025. Jadi hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan

antara penggunaan dialogue journal dan teknik yang biasa di gunakan oleh guru.

Kemudian nilai post-tes kedua kelas di dapat t-hitung (26.86) lebih tinggi daripada

t-tabel (1.645) dengan derajat kebebasan df = 40+40-2 = 78 dan = 0.05. Jadi

hipotesis alternatif diterima yang artinya siswa yang diajar menggunakan dialogue

journal lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang di ajar dengan teknik yang

biasa digunakan oleh guru. Jadi bisa di simpulkan bahwa hipotesis alternatif

secara keseluruhan diterima. Ini bisa di buktikan bahwa menggunakan dialogue

journal bisa membantu siswa dalam keterampilan menulis bahasa Inggrisnya.

Kata Kunci : Keterampilan Menulis, Teks Descriptive, Dialogue Journal



Rina Ridaos 2314.106. The Effect of Using Dialogue Journal Toward

Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at Tenth Grade of Man Koto Baru

Padang Panjang Academic Year 2018/2019.

This research was due to discover the effect of using dialogue journal on

students’ writing skill. It has been done at MAN Koto baru Padang Panjang in

writing ability because most of the students of MAN Koto Baru Panjang still

encounter problems in writing. Most of the students were not able to write

because they could not develop their idea to made their writing coherence.

This research used experimental research. The researcher used a quasi-

experimental design by using the pretest-posttest control group design. The

population of this research was the tenth grade of MAN Koto Baru Padang

Panjang. The sample was XIPA 1 which was treated as experimental class and

taught by using dialogue journal and XIPA 2 was treated as control class and

taught by using conventional technique. To determine the sample, the researcher

used purposive sampling technique. The data was got through pretest and posttest

to experimental and control classes. To analyze the data, the researcher used the

normality by using Lilliefors test and the homogeneity test by using F test and to

test the hypothesis, the researcher used t-test formula and consulted the result into

t-table with level of the significance = 0.025 for the first and second hypothesis

and ( ) = 0.05 for the third hypothesis.

From the result of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental

class, it was found that the t-obtained (82.46) was higher than the t-table (1.960)

with the degree of freedom (df) = 28+40-2 = 66 and level of significance ( =

0.05/2= 0.025. So that, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted which means

that there was significant effect of dialogue journal on students’ speaking skill.

Then, the calculation of post-test both classes: experimental and control classes

was obtained the t-obtained (5.15) which was higher than the t-table (1.960) with

the degree of freedom (df) = 40+40-2 = 78 and level of significance ( = 0.05/2=

0.025. So that, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted which means that

there is significant difference between using dialogue journal and using

conventional technique. Then, the t-obtained in post-test both classes was

obtained t-obtained (26.86) which was higher than t-table (1.645) with degree of

freedom (df) = 40+40-2 = 78 and level of significance ( ) = 0.05. So that, the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted which means that the students who are

taught by using dialogue journal is better than the students who are taught by

using conventional technique. So, it can be concluded that the entire hypothesis is

accepted. It is proved that using dialogue journal on students’ speaking skill can

help the students in their writing skill.

Keywords : Writing Skill, Descriptive Text, Dialogue Journal



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, in the name of Allah SWT, the most

gracious and the most merciful, who always gives health and all of things to the

researcher in accomplishing this thesis. Sholawat and salam to the most honorable

prophet Muhammad SAW, messenger, and his followers who have opened our

mind to study until now.

This thesis is impossible to be completed without helps and supports from

many persons. So that, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude

and great thanks to the following persons:

1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M.Hum as the rector of IAIN Bukittinggi and also her first,

second, and third assistants.

2. Dr. H. Nunu Burhanuddin, Lc., M.Ag as the dean of Educating and Teachering

Faculty of IAIN Bukittinggi.

3. Dr.Veni Roza, S.S., M.Pd as the major of English Education Section.

4. Reflinda, SS.,M.Pd and Loli Safitri, M.Pd as advisors. Thanks for their care,

time, attantion, guidance, valuable advices, and patience in accomplishing this

thesis. Their suggestions and contributions are highly appreciated.

5. The Librarians of IAIN Bukittinggi who have sincerely helped and allowed the

researcher in collecting the references.

6. All of the lecturers who have given their knowledge, ideas, and contributions to

the completion of this thesis and educated his precious things in many fields

during his study.


7. The researcher also delivers many thanks to all English students, English

lecturers, English, English Alumni of IAIN Bukittinggi and stakeholders for

their helps, supports, and helped to do this research.

8. Thanks also for all of English Education Section students as my junior, my

senior, and my friends. Thanks for everything including their supports, advices,

and helps in accomplishing this thesis.

The researcher hopes Allah SWT always blesses all of the people those

helped her, who have been mentioned or not. The researcher honestly believes

that this thesis might still have some weaknesses. Therefore, she really hopes that

there will be some criticisms and suggestions from the readers to make this thesis


Bukittinggi, Jully 2018


NIM: 2314.106



ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................

LIST OF APPENDICES ...............................................................................

Chapter I: Introduction

A.Background of the Problem .....................................................................

B.Identification of the Problem ...................................................................

C.Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................

D.Formulation of the Problem .....................................................................

E. Purpose of the Research ..........................................................................

F.Significance of the Research ....................................................................

G. Definition of the Key Terms ...................................................................

Chapter II: Review of the Related Literature8

A.Review of the Related Theory ................................................................. 8

1. The nature of Writing ......................................................................... 8

a.Definition of Writing....................................................................... 8

b.Purpose of Writing ......................................................................... 9

c.Assessing Writing .......................................................................... 15

B.Descriptive Text ..................................................................................... 20

a. Definition of Descriptive Text .................................................... 20

b. The Criteria for Good Description ................................................ 21

c. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ................................... 22


d. The characteristic of Descritive Text ........................................... 24

C. Dialogue Journal ................................................................................. 25

a. Defenition of Dialogue Journal ....................................................... 25

b. Advantages and Benefits of Dialogue Journals .............................. 27

c. The procedure of teaching writing by using dialogue journal ........ 28

D.Conceptual framework ......................................................................... 32

E. Review of Related Study ..................................................................... 33

Chapter III :Research Design ....................................................................... 34

A. Research Design ................................................................................. 34

B. Population and Sample ....................................................................... 35

a. Population .................................................................................... 35

b. Sample .......................................................................................... 37

C. Instrumentation .................................................................................. 39

D. Technique of the Data Collection ...................................................... 39

E. Technique of the Data Analysis ......................................................... 41

Chapter IV: Finding and Discussion ............................................................ 45

A. Findings .......................................................................................... 45

1. Description of the Data ............................................................ 45

a. Pre-test of experiment class ................................................. 45

b. Pre-test of Control class ....................................................... 47

2. Post-test Data of Experimental and Control Classes................ 49

a. Post Test Score of Experimental Class ................................ 49

b. Post Test Score of Control Class ......................................... 51


c. ... The Cummulative Test Result of the Post-Test ................... 52

d. The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test of the Experimental

and Control Classes ............................................................. 53

B. Analysis of the Data ....................................................................... 54

a. Normality Test of Pre-test Score of Experimental Class and

Control Class ............................................................................ 54

b. Homogeneity of the Pre-Test Score ......................................... 57

C. Testing the Hypothesis ................................................................... 58

a. First Hypothesis ....................................................................... 64

b. The Second Hypothesis ............................................................ 66

c. The Third Hypothesis ............................................................... 68

D. Discussions ..................................................................................... 70

Chapter V: Conclusions and Suggestion ...................................................... 73

a. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 73

b. Suggestions ...................................................................................... 74





Table 4.1 : Pre Test Score of the Experiment Class ...................................... 46

Table 4.2 : Pre Test Score of the Experiment Class ...................................... 47

Table 4.3 : The Cummulative Test Result of the Pre-tes .............................. 48

Table 4.4 : The Cummulative Test Result of the Pre-test ............................. 49

Table 4.5 : The post-test scores of control class are ...................................... 50

Table 4.6 : The Cummulative Test Result of the Post-Test ........................... 52

Table 4.7 :The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test of the Experimental and

Control Classes...........................................................................53

Table 4.8 : The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and Variant of

Pre-test Score in Experimental Class...........................................54


Table 4.9 :How to Find the Normality of Data in Pre-test of Experimental Clas.57

Table 4.10 : The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and Variant of

Pre- test Score in Control Class...................................................59

Table 4.11 : Normality Test of Pre Test in Control Class...........................60



A. Background of the Problem

English knowledge has been known as important aspect by the people for

long time, almost every subjects in this world use English and that makes

English as the most important thing to learn. English has been becoming the

international language and every country already set it as one of subject in the


Students are expected to learn English skills well include: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. All of skills are needed for students in


understand English. Among the four skills writing is one of important skill that

should have been mastered by the students.

Students are frustrated in writing because writing involves all aspects of

language such as: grammar, vocabulary, word order, spelling, arranged the

word and develop of ideas. Developing the idea means the students can express

the idea that comes from their mind and write it, when the ideas are strong, the

message is clear and the story line is easy to follow. The students will be easy

to write if the students can develop their idea. According to Anne Whitaker,

“Developing the idea will help the students see what the students already

know, what they think, and what else the students need to find out about the

topic, writing things down also ensures that will not forget great ideas later” 1.

If the students can develop the idea, students will be easy in writing, the

students will see what they already know. Developing the idea help the

students to achieve coherence in writing and logically through the ideas of


Developing the idea while writing is the reflection of the students’

understanding about what they are write. It will be seen in their writing, if the

students can develop their idea, their writing will be more variated, the idea in

the topic that they want to share is clearly.

To develop the idea of the students, teacher can ask the students to write in

many form, one of kind of the text is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a

purpose to describe and reveal a particular person, animal, place or thing.


Anne Whitaker, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Academic Papers ( City University of

Seattle) p.6


Additionally descriptive text is a paragraph defined as a group of sentences

that are closely related in thought and which serve one comment purpose often

used to describe what a person looks like and acts like. Furthermore Pardiyono

state that “description paragraph is a type of written text paragraph, in which

has the specific function to describe about an object (living or non-living

things) and it has the aim that is giving description of the object to the reader

clearly”2. Descriptive text aim to describe something, describe people, thing,

place and other.

The students described about something in descriptive text, students need

to develop their idea, but sometime the students are difficult to write because

they don’t know how to start. In this situation the students really need help and

one way that will help students is by using dialogue journal.

Dialogue journal is alternative way for the teacher to know the ability of

students in writing. Peyton, J.K., Staton said that “A dialogue journal is an on

going written interaction between two people to exchange experiences, ideas,

or reflections. It is used most often in education as a means of sustained written

interaction between students and teachers “3. Teacher can write to the students

for sharing idea or information and the teacher will know the students’

creativity while writing after the students give back the paper.

2 Pardiyono. (2007). Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre Based Writing. Yogyakarta: (CV. Andi

Offset) p.7


Peyton, J.K., Staton, J, Dialogue journals in the multilingual classroom: Building

language fluency and writing skills through written interaction. (Norwood, NJ: Ablex.1993).


According to Jeremy Harmer “Some teachers write to their students at the

beginning of term and invite the students to write letters back to them, as with

journals, they can write about anything they want. Journal writing is easy to

consider as part of a learning and writing process, and can be the regular

feature of lesson”4. Teacher write about something and give to the students,

then ask the students to write back for teacher, so the teacher correct the

students error while writing, that will be help the teacher in writing process.

Dialogue journal helps teacher to communicate with students in the

classroom in writing form and teacher will guess the characteristic of students

and analyse their mistakes. In dialogue journal the teacher will know where the

students’ lack of writing by correction their writing by giving comment and

engaging in a continuing conversation. The teacher is a participant in an on

going written conversation with the student and evaluator who corrects or

comments on the student's writing.

Using dialogue journals is a common procedure in many writing classes.

According to Holmes and Moulton “Many studies investigated the use of

dialogue journals in the language classroom focusing on writing skills

instruction fluency and contents5 Dialogue journal also help learners

understand that writing is a means of communication. The journals also allow

teachers to interact with learners and getting to know more about the learner

Based on interview with the teacher on 6 February and 13 February 2018

and observation on 11 May 2018 in Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang,

4 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing ( Sixth impression, 2007), p. 125-126

5 Holmes, V. L., & Moulton, M. R. Dialogue journals as an ESL learning strategy.(

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy , 1997)., 40(8), 616-621


researcher found some problems related to students ability and understanding

toward writing descriptive text. The first problem was the students were still

difficult to generate ideas in writing. The students confused how to explore

their idea and didn’t know how to put the sentence together in their own way

and didn’t know how to make their writing more interesting.

The second problem was the students were lack of vocabulary, the

students difficult to write because they didn’t have enough vocabulary to write,

their writing lack of diction because they didn’t know how to exchange the

idea. The students wrote in monoutous way, just stuck in one idea without add

the other idea. That was like on going mistakes for the students and one the

way to make it right with correct the mistake and help them to developing their

idea to make their writing be more variated by using dialogue journal.

Dialogue journal will help teacher to know where the students mistakes while

writing, involves written interaction with the students and some questions often

raised by teachers.

Based on the problem that found by researcher, the researcher wants to

conduct the research in title The Effect of Using Dialogue Journal Toward

Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at Tenth Grade of Man Koto Baru

Padang Panjang Academic Year 2018/2019.

B. identification of the problem

Based on background of the problem above, there are some problems that

could be found by the researcher and the identified as below:


1. Some students are still difficult to develop their idea in writing descriptive


2. The students are lack of vocabulary in doing writing descriptive text

3. The students are lack of diction in writing descriptive text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on problem above, the researcher want to limited the problem of

research in students still difficult to develop the idea in descriptive text at the

tenth grade if Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang.

D. Formulation of The Problem

In accordance with limitation of the problem, this problem of the

researcher will be formulated the problem by following question:

1. Is there any significant effect of using dialogue journal in writing

descriptive text?

2. Is there any significant difference between students who are taught by

using dialogue journal and the students who are not taught by using the

dialogue journal?

3. Does the students who taught by using dialogue journal get better score

than students who do not taught by using dialogue journal?

E. Purpose of The Research

The purpose of researches follow:

1. To find out whether there is any significant effect of using dialogue

journal toward students’ writing descriptive text at tenth grade students in

Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang in the academic year 2018/2019


2. To find out whether there is any significant different between the students

who are taught by using dialogue journal and not using by dialogue journal

at tenth grade students in Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang in the academic

year 2018/2019

3. To find out whether writing of the students who are taught by dialogue

journal is better than students who are not taught by using dialogue

journal at tenth grade students in Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang in the

academic year 2018/2019

F. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to be useful for:

1. The Students.

They can improve their writing easily using dialogue journal especially in

writing descriptive text.

2. The English Teachers.

For the English teachers, it can be used as a reference in giving

dialogue journal in teaching writing, another to improve students’ writing

descriptive text ability.

3. The Researchers.

The significant if the research for the researcher are to improve the

researcher’s knowledge and experience.


G. Definition of The Key Term

Some essential terms are used in this research which are:

1. Writing

Writing is about discovering ideas, thinking about how communicate

into statement and paragraphs6. Iin this research writing is discover the

idea and write it down into a paragraph.

2. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a style of writing which is used to describe what the

thing looks like.

3. Dialogue journal

Dialogue journals one way to provide functional literacy experiences

that are personalized, responsive, critical, and reflective7. Dialogue journal

let the students develop their idea in writing.


David Nunan, Dissertation writing in action ( Heinle & Heinle 1999)p.199

7 Peyton, Reflections on Dialogue journal Writing with Adults Learning English

(AGENCYOffice of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. 1991) p. 16




A. Review of Related Theories

1. The Nature of Writing

a. Definition of writing

Writing have so many definition, writing is process to

communication in written form with using alphabetic and symbol,

writing may well be to get information from someone we can not

presently to talk, experts define writing in variously. According to

Harmer “ writing is important tool to communication in written or

printed symbol, as found in news paper, book, magazine and letter”8.

Printed symbols and alphabetic in writing be the commercial function,

8 Harmer. How to teach learning ( sixth impression, 2007 ) p. 3


because the sign will continuously transfer the information for the


Writing is how to make the reader understand what are the writer

write. According to Heaton “writing is a task which involves students

to make grammatically correct sentences by manipulating words in the

form of a piece of continuous writing with successfully communicates

the writers' ideas on a certain topic”9. From that definition writing is

one way to share the idea, feeling or anything that exist in mind.

Writing is one way of making meaning experience in a written


Writing try to combine word be a sentence and good paragraph,

good paragraph can reflection the meaning of the writing. As Harmer

stated “……writing is used as an aide – memoire or practice tool to

help students practise and work with language they have been

studying.”2 Through writing activity, the students will learn how to

convey and expand their ideas into written text and also they can

express their ideas which are meaningful and valuable by the readers.

From the definition above, the researcher conclude that writing

can be defined as writing as words with components are combined in a

sentence, discover the idea and used in communication even spoken

written language.

b. Purpose of writing

9 Heaton, Writing English Language Tested ( Longman Inc, 1975)p. 127

2 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English new edition, England: Pearson Education

Limited, 2007, P. 112


The purpose of writing is what are the writing for, if the

students know what are the purpose of writing they will be a good

writer and the reader will understand. Nunan proposed there are

three purposes of written language those are primarily for action,

primarily for information and primarily for entertainment.3

1) Primarily for action

Here the purpose of writing as primarily for action those are for

public signs, for product label and instruction and for social

contact. The first, writing is used as public signs and it is

commonly situated on roads and stations. The second is used as

product labels and instruction such as on food, tools or toys

purchased, recipes, maps, television and radio guides and others.

The third is for social contact such as personal correspondence,

letters, postcards and greeting cards.

Based on the explanation the purpose of writing the

purpose is for sign. Sign is very important in some aspect, sign

help the people to identify about something in this case on

writing form.

2) Primarily for information

Here the purpose of writing is primarily for giving

information such as in newspaper, magazine, nonfiction books,

including textbook, public notices, advertisement and so on.

3 David nunan. Language Teaching Methodology-a Book For Teachers, Prentice Hall,

1991, P.84


Giving information in writing form help the people to know

about what are the current information, in this case the

information can get in newspaper.

3) Primarily for entertainment

Here the purpose of writing is primarily for entertain the

reader such as in comic strips, fiction books, poetry, drama,

film subtitles, games, including computer games.

Writing can be an entertainment if the purpose is to

entertain the reader, entertain the reader can apply in many way, like

novel, poetry etc. So, writing have so many important purpose.

Writing can transfer information if the function of writing as sharing


Moreover, the other expert give the another explanation,

Penny stated that “the purpose of writing, in principle, is the

expression of ideas, the conveying of a message to the reader; so the

ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important

aspect of the writing”.4 Through writing, the writer can convey the

ideas or the information to the reader. The ideas or the information

that will convey should be clear and easy to be understand by the


4 Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching Practice And Theory, United Kingdom:

Cambridge University Press, 1999, P. 70


On the other hand, Reinking and Hart classified some

general of writing which are:

1. To inform

Presenting information is one of the most common writing

purpose. Writer tend to use written language to give some

information to the reader.

Inform about something will be good if present in writing

form, because the rider can read the news every time they


2. To persuade

Writing is also used to persuade the reader. In writing

writer tries to convince he reader about what they are

thinking or opinion.

Writer can persuade the reader about they are think and

what the opinion in written form, they want to reader

accept that. The example in persuade the teacher persuade

the students and motivated them with give massage in their

mark like study hard.

3. To express self


Most writers write about self, through writing diary, poems

and other.

Writing is the media to express self, telling about self in

diary is on of kind to express what we fell, sometime

people didn’t understand if we talk to them and writing is

one of the solution.

4. To entertain

Writing is also aimed to entertain the reader. Many fiction

or stories are produce to entertain the reader.10

A lot of the famous people success because their work on

write novel, fiction or reality story always be interesting

story to share.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

the main purpose of writing is to convey, expand, and share the ideas

or information to the readers. Every written that is written should be

clear in order the readers can read easily and catch the meaning of

the written.

c. Process of Writing

Process of writing concentrate on raising the awareness of

composing, know well about process of writing make the


James, A. Reinking and Andrew W. Hart. Strategies for Successful Writing. (New

Jersey: Practice-Hall, 1986), p.2


arrangement of writing more organize. Alice Oshima suggests the

process of writing into four main elements. They are planning,

drafting, editing (reflecting and revising), and final version.

1. Planning

Planning is the first process of writing, before starting to

write or type, they try and decide what it is they going to say. When

planning, writers have to think about three main issues. The first

place they have to consider the purpose of their writing. Secondly,

experienced writers think of the audience they are writing for.

Thirdly, writers have to consider the content structure of the piece,

how best to sequences the facts, ideas, or arguments which they have

decided to include.

Based on the explanation above planning is any pre-writing

activity that stimulate students to write, it moves students to generate

the idea and gathering information for writing.

2. Drafting

Refer to the first version of a piece writing as a draft. This

first go at a text is often done on the assumption that is will be

amended later. As the writing process procedure into editing, a

number of drafts may be produced on the way to the final version.

Drafting focus on development, organisation, and elaborate

the idea.

3. Editing (reflecting and revising)


After writers have produced a draft, usually read through

what they have written to see where it works and where it doesn't.

Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers (or editors)

who comment and make suggestions. Another reader's reaction to a

piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate revisions.

Editing avoid unnecessary word, find error editing make

structure of writing much better.

4. Final versions

Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes

they reader being necessary, they produced their final version. This

may look considerably different from both the original plan and the

first draft, because things have changed in the editing process. But

the writer is now ready to send the written text to its intended



Writing process is activities that helps the writer to drawing

the ideas, write a draft to make the idea clearly and write down into a

paper in a sentence and revise to make a good writing.

c. Assessing Writing

According to Arthur Hughes, there are five aspects which are

used as consideration in scoring writing text; grammar, vocabulary,


Alice and Oshima and Hann Hogue, Writing Academic English ( Addison Weslay

Longman, 1998) p. 3-13


mechanics, fluency, and organization. 12

There are five the analytic

scoring that devised by Hughes, is as follow:

Table 2.1: Analytic methods of scoring by Arthur Huges


Categories Level Scales Criteria Score

Content Excellent

to very


30-27 Knowledge;

substantive; thorough

development of thesis;

relevant to assigned


Good to


26-22 Some knowledge of

subject; adequate

range; limited

development of thesis;

mostly relevant to

topic, but lacks detail

Fair to


21-17 Limited knowledge of

subject; litle

substance; inadequate

development of topic

Very poor

16-13 Does not show

knowledge of subject;

non- substantive; not

pertanent; or not

enough to evaluate



to very


20-18 Fluent expression;

ideas clearly stated/

supported; succinct;


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 2002),p.91-93



logical sequencing;


Good to


17-14 Somewhat choppy;

loosely organized but

main ideas stand out;

limited support;

logical but incomplete


Fair to


13-10 Non- fluent; ideas

confused or

disconnected; lacks

logical sequencing and


Very poor

9-7 Does not

communicate; no

organization; or not

enough to evaluate

Vocabulary Excellent

to very


20-18 Sophisticated range;

effective word/ idiom

choice and usage;

word form mastery;

appropriate register

Good to


17-14 Adequate range;

occasional errors of

word/ idiom form,

choice, usage but

meaning not obscured

Fair to


13-10 Limited range;

frequent errors of

word/ idiom form,

choice, usage;

meaning confused or



Very poor

9-7 Essentially translation;

little knowledge of

English, vocabulary,

idioms, word form; or

not enough to evaluate




to very


25-22 Effective complex

constructions; few

errors of agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ function,

articles, pronouns,


Good to


21-18 Effective bit simple

constructions; minor

problems in complex

constructions; several

errors of agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ functions;

articles, pronouns,

prepositions but

meaning seldom


Fair to


17-11 Major problems in

simple/ complex

constructions; minor

problems in simple

/complex constructios;

frequent errors of

negation, agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ function,

articles, pronouns,

prepositions, and/or

fragments, run-ons,

delections; meaning


confused or obscured.

Very poor

10-5 Virtually no mastery

of sentence

constructions rules;

dominated by errors,

does not

communicate; or not

enough to evaluate

Mechanics Excellent

to very


5 Demonstrates mastery

of conventions; few

errors of spelling,




Good to


4 Occasional errors of

spelling, punctuations,


paragphing; but

meaning not abscured

Fair to


3 Frequent errors of

spelling, punctuations,


paragphing; poor

handwriting; meaning

confused or obscured

Very poor

2 No mastery of


dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation,


handwriting illegible ;

or not enough to



Total Scores


Content:…+ Organization + Vocab: …+ Language Use:…+

F:…Mechanic:….= 100.

The table above shows that the teacher should make writing test

result. So, the test result is calculated as follow:

The highest score for each point above is 30. If the students get the

highest score from the four points (grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, form)

so the maximum score is gotten by students is 100.

Then to find out the writing mark, the researcher divides the achieve

score to the maximum score of the students’ writing test and finally it is

multiplied to 100, so the students high score is 100.

Based on the explanation above provides guideline score student’s

writing test. As stated by john Anderson in Athur Hughes. Some research

suggest that analytical scoring is more useful in rather training, as

inexperience can more easily understand and apply the criteria in separate

scales than in holistic scale. The researches will use the following table in

assessing students writing

B. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text


A piece of text is create when the word are put together to communicate

the meaning, or when someone write to communicate a massage. There

are two categories of text: literary and factual. Within these various text

types. Each types has common way of using language.

Each genre is characteristic by a distinctive schematic structure, that is by

distinctive beginning, middle and structure through which social function.

It is a term of use to classify types of written these are normally classify by

content, language, purpose, and form. Learners analyze an example of a

formal letter of complaint. Looking at structure, set phareses, formality

and purpose. They identify the key element of genre then produce their

own example based in this data. Written genres that learners deal with in

class include report, descriptive description and so on.

Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or thing is like. Purpose

is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing .Descriptive

text stretch out many information about certain people, things and place

clearly an detail13

. Descriptive text how to describe something, how to

make the other can imagine what we are describe, including place, people,

building and the other.

b. The Criteria for Good Description

The key to writing a good description is to use details that help the reader

imagine the person describing. So when the students describe what the

person look like, the students write about physical characteristic such as


Bactiar ima M and Cicik Kurniawan, Let’s Talk, ( Bandung, Pakar Raya, 2005 ). P 15


height, weight, and hair color. There are two keys to writing good

description. The first key is to use space order, and second key is to use

specific detail. In space order, students might describe something from top

to bottom or left to right. For example, when they describe a person, they

could start with the person’s head with the person feet. They could

describe a room from left to right or right to left. Imagine that they are

standing in the doorway and write about each part of room in order,

moving from the left side of room around to the right side, and ending at

doorway again. The second key to writing good description is to use

specific details. When students describe something, they paint a picture

with words. The goal is to make the reader see what they describe. The

way to do this is to use many specific details, specific means exact,

precise. The more specific they can do, make thee reader can see what they

are describe14

Here are some examples of specific details.15

Vague Specific

A lot if Money $ 500.000,00

A Large house a six- bedroom, four bedroom, house

A nine car a Lexus

Specific details have two function. First of all, details excite the reader’s

interest. They make writing pleasure to read, for we all enjoy learning


Karen Blanchard and Chirtina Root, Ready to Write, ( Longman: Pearson Education, 2003), p. 70

15 Ann Houge, First Step in Academic Writing, ( New York ; Addision- Wesley Publishing

Company, 1996 ) p. 74


particulars about other people. Second, detail support and explain the

writer’s point : they give the evidence needed for us to see and understand

a general idea16

c. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The students should master the generic structure of descriptive text before

they write a descriptive text. Genre is a tool for understanding and

teaching the kind of writing requiring of non-native English speaker in

academic and professional context. The structure of descriptive text

follows some particular stages, the beginning, middle, and the last part of

the text. Each text has its has own generic structure.

The generic structure of descriptive text is shown in following table17

Generic Structure Function

Identification 1. It is a statement or a short

paragraph that identifies the

object that is going to be


2. It is usually interesting and

able to provoke the reader to

be eager to read the text

Description 1. It may consist of one of

several paragraph. This part


Jhon Lengan, English skill, ( New York :McGraw Hill Company, 2006 ) p. 58


is used to give sufficient

description about the object

as mentioned in the

identification part.

2. The description of the object

can be done according to

different angles, such as

size, length, strength, color,

height, condition of the

location, whether, qualities,

shape, etc

The characteristic of descriptive text are identification and description.

Identification is statement or a short paragraph that identifies the object

that is going to be describe. Description is part that used to give sufficient


e. The characteristic of Descritive Text

The are some characteristic of descriptive text

1. Using Present Tense

In descriptive text, the sentence have use present tense, using verb 1 for

plural subject, and verb 1 + s/es for singular subjects. To be that is

used are: are, is, am in present time form, also using auxiliary fro

plural subject and does for singular subject in negative form.


2. Using Action Verb

Descriptive text aso uses action verb where the verb also in present time,

for example : work , see, run, etc

3. Using Adverb

In descriptive text, adverb is also used, for example adverb of time. It is

also in present time to describe what happens about object. Adverb it

contain statement that describe about object that will be describe.

C. Dialogue Journal

a. Definition of dialogue journal

A dialogue journal is a written conversation in which a student and

teacher communicate regularly (daily, weekly, etc.). Students write as

much as they choose and the teacher writes back regularly, responding

to students' questions and comments, introducing new topics, or

asking questions.

In dialogue journals, students can write about topics that are

important to them. Sometimes their concerns and interests are

personal. This is one place where students may write freely, without

focusing on form.

The teacher's response in the journal serves as a model of correct

English usage. At times, however, students do request correction. See


Peyton & Staton stated ” interaction between student-teacher can also

take place in the development of Dialogue journals”18

. Dialogue

journal make relationship between students and teacher be more close,

because teacher do ongoing interaction with studets.

In addition Peyton stated “Dialogue journal writing as a type of

process approach writing, has been regarded as a written, regular

discussion between the teacher and student in which the student writes

based on his or her own topic of interest and the teacher comments as

a partner in a discussion rather than a grader or evaluator”19

. Dialogue

journal let the students to write based on their interest, teacher will

correct students’ writing and give advice what should be corrected.

Using dialogue journal, students are not assigned a topic to write

about, but they can write about their desired topics and worries. It has

been reported that when students write about topics of their interest,

they enjoy the process, have lower anxiety and consequently improve

their writing quality.

Kreeft also statement that “ Dialogue journals can serve as a bridge

to develop the essayist prose that students need to learn in school”20


Dialogue journal can be the alternative way for the teacher to know

correct the students’ writing.

18 Peyton, J.K., & Staton, J. Writing our lives: Reflections on dialogue journal writing with adults

learning English. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Regents Prentice Hall and Center for Applied Linguistics, 1991)

19 J.K. Peyton, Students and teachers writing together: Perspectives on journal writing

(Alexandra, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 1990).


Kreeft, J. (1984). Dialogue journal writing: Bridge from talk to essay writing.

(Language Arts, 1984) p. 61


Based on definition above the researcher conclude that with the

use of dialogue journals, the teacher can make use of the functional

language that the students already have and bring them to a level

where they can begin to write in essay form.

b. Advantages and Benefits of Dialogue Journals

Dialogue journal have advantages will help learning process,

according to Oxbrow, “dialogue journals provide a welcomed and

personalized, unthreatening arena to try out language and ideas in a

supportive, encouraging environment as well as evolving into a rich

source of information for teachers about language learning and

classroom strategies”21

. Dialogue journal can be the strategy in

learning for the teacher to improve the students ability in writing,

teacher try to develop students idea.

Another benefit of dialogue journal mentioned by Staton, is that

“opportunity to write in a purposeful way while employing different

types of writing: narration, description, argumentation. A great

advantage is that the writers tend to experiment in a meaningful


. Students can write in many form, teacher try to developing

students idea with ask some question related to the learning like

narration, description etc.

21 Bc. Soňa Remiášová, Using Dialogue Journals in Basic School to Enhance English

Language Learning ( Masarkyh university Brno faculty of education , 2009) p.15

22 McWhirter, A.M.. Whole language in the middle school. Reading Teacher,. (Special

issue: Whole Literacy: Possibilities and Challenges 1990) p. 562-565


Dialogue journal receive students individual answers from the

teacher. That is certainly an extraordinary advantage, especially for

language teachers, who are always desperately looking for resources

and materials to motivate students to learn.

According definition above the researcher can conclude dialogue

journals provide a great variety of benefits for both students and

teachers. The concrete benefits of dialoguing can be divided as for

student – teacher relationship, benefits for students and benefits for


E. The procedure of teaching writing by using dialogue journal

Sara Denne-Bolton said that the procedure of dialogue journal must be:

1. Choose kind of notebook or binder for the students to use for their


2. Decide where the journal will kept, taking into account the need

for confidentiality, where the students take the journal home, or

will they looked up in the classroom. The decision depend upon

where the journal writing going to take place.

3. Plan writing routine ahead of time

4. Choose how often the teacher will respond to students’ entries

5. Consider whether the teacher want thejournal entries to follow a

particular format.


6. Teacher strategize how will help students’ understand that

dialogue journal \s, although ungraded, are importand part of



Regan stated follow characteristics and steps must be met when

implementing dialogue journaling in a classroom :

1. Teacher and students write to each other on a regular basis. This could be

daily or weekly depending on amount of time teacher has to respond to all


2. Teachers spend 10-15 minutes to read and respond to each student’s journal


3. Entries may be written like a letter, including the date, a greeting, body, and a

closing. Entries do not have to be written in letter form.

4. Each entry written by students must be at least five sentences. For older

grades, students may be required to write more.

5. Journal entries are not graded. They are simply used as a conversation means

between a student and teacher.

6. Teachers may put stickers or compliments on the journal entries to provide

positive feedback24


Based on procedure above, dialogue journal an apply in classroom and

will help teacher to see the ability of the students in writing, the teacher have to


Sara Denne-Belton, The Dialogue Journal : A tool for building Better Writers, ( South Africa English Teaching forum, 2003) p, 8-9 24

Regan. (1997). Dialogue journals as an ESL learning strategy. Journal of Adolescent and Adult

Literacy, 40 (8), 616-621. Retrieved October 1, 2009 from EBSCO host.


introduce the dialogue journal with carefully, and try to make the students enjoy

the lesson.

Based on procedure above dialogue journal can apply in writing

descriptive text because the teacher try to figure out the ability of the students in

writing, in this case the teacher related that procedure with telling about

experience. The students ask to write at least five sentence, from that sentence

the teacher can correct the students mistakes in writing and develop the students’

idea with the other question, so the students write back for the answer of teacher


The procedure of dialogue journal by other expert, Ming-Tzu Liao and

Chia-Tzu Wong done with procedure below.

1. The study was conducted for 2 weeks.

2. The students write dialogue journals twice a week, one of which was

accomplished at home, free topic writing, and the other in class,

situational reading and writing.

3. students are required to submit the free topic writing on Mondays to

ensure that they would have more time to construct their content on


The procedure by Ming-Tzu above showed that dialogue journal

writing can apply in classroom. Dialogue journal can help the

student to write and guide them to develop their idea with intensive

writing in the school and their home.


Ming-Tzu Liao and Chia-Tzu Wong, Effects of Dialogue Jourals on

L2 Students’ Writing Fluency, Reflections, Anxiety, and Motivation (National Kaohsiung Normal

University, Taiwan,


The other expert Kreeft stated follow characteristics and steps must be

met when implementing dialogue journaling in a classroom “

1. First, the focus of the interaction is on real communication.

2. Second, along with the privacy of the writing.

3. Third, teacher and student can act as relatively equal partners in the


4. Fourth, the genre encourages students to expressing writing a wide

variety of language functions”26

All of these characteristics by Kreft above are important when

conducting dialogue journal. Dialogue journals are not only a means for

communication, but can be used to improve attitudes towards writing.

Based on procedure above the researcher can conclude that the

dialogue can apply in learning process especially in writing. Teacher can see

the the students writing by using dialogue journal. The researcher will

combine the procedure above.

1. In the first meeting, the researcher will explain what is dialogue journal,

and relate that with descriptive text.

2. The researcher will give the same question in writing form for all

students for the first question. The topic is about experience, the question

will guide the students to write at least one paragraph and the students

will collect it.


Kreeft, J., Staton, J., & Gutstein, S. What is dialogue?Dialogue, (1984). 2(1),


3. The researcher will check the students writing and answer the students


4. the students will check their mistake and give feed back for the question

D. Conceptual framework

Dialogue Journal Students’ writing

descriptive text text

The procedures teach writing by

dialogue journal:

1.Teacher and students write to each other on a

regular basis.

2. Teachers spend 10-15 minutes to read and

respond to each student’s journal entry.

3. Entries may be written like a letter, including the

date, a greeting, body, and a closing.

4. Each entry written by students must be at least

five sentences.

5. Journal entries are not graded. They are simply

used as a conversation means between a

student and teacher.

6. Teachers may put stickers or compliments on

the journal entries to provide positive


Generic structure of descriptive text




Students difficulty in writing

descriptive text

Students difficuslt to develop the idea

Students lack of vocabullary

Students lack of attention


The scheme above shows that there are some principles in teach writing by

dialogue journal. The teacher can apply the procedure above in teaching

descriptive text by using dialogue journal.

E. Review of Related Study

The researcher uses a study that related to dialogue journal

improve students writing. Marlese Alden Vander Molen conducted a

research entitled “ Does dialogue journals affect the writing fluency of

low- literacy adult Somali students?”. The study aims to find the result

of whether there could be any improvement in low-level ELL students’

writing when using dialogue journals. The result of this study obtained

the effect of using dialogue journal writing to improve writing.

The second research was done by Gonca Yangin Eksi, his title

research is “E- Dialogue journal: students teacher prespective on their

experience” his research is about consider the contents of the dialogue

journals via the e-mail between the teacher trainees and their trainer

during their School Experience with particular emphasis on insights into


their observations and the feasibility of the process. The result is obtain

students improve their writing.

The third study was conducted by Ali Dabbagh, the title is “The

Effect of Dialogue Journal Writing on EFL Learners' Descriptive Writing

Performance: A Quantitative Study” this research is about This study

thought to evaluate the effect of dialogue journal writing on writing

performance as well as its different sub components, namely content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. The result is the

student’s writing ability improve well.

Based on the researched above researcher conclude that

descriptive text can apply in many technique. The researcher also use

dialogue journal in writing descriptive text. It’s quite similar with Gonca

Yangin Eksi’s research, the differences is on the media, Gonca Yangin

Eksi’s used email but the researcher using a paper. The result of using

dialogue journal in writing descriptive text is the students can develop

their idea while writing so their writing have more variant.

F. Hypothesis

Based on the background, formulation and purposes of the problem above,

the hypothesis of this research are:

1. Ha : there is significant effect of using dialogue journal toward

students test result in writing descriptive text

Ho : there is no significant effect of using dialogue journal writing

toward students test result in writing.


2. Ha : There is significant difference of student’s writing ability

between students who are didn’t taught by dialogue journal


Ho : There is no significant difference of student’s writing

knowledge between students who are taught by dialogue journal


3. Ha: Does writing descriptive text taught by using dialogue journal

writing better than students who taught by other technique?

Ho : Student’s ability in writing descriptive text who taught by

using dialogue journal is not better than taught by other




A. Research Design

The researcher used an experiment research because it was purpose

to find out the effect of dialogue journal to Develop students’ Writing,

Suharsimi states that experiment research is the research to know whether

any causes or not from the treatment that will be given to the subject.27


27 Suharsimi Arikunto,Manajemen Penelitian, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2013,p.207


researcher used this experiment research because she want to find out

causes and effect of this research by using Dialogue Journal Writing.

This research design by using the pre-test and post-test control

group design. According to Gay, pre-test post-test control group design

involves two groups; experimental and control group, they are chosen

purposively, they get a pre-test and post-test, one group receives a new or

unusual treatment and another receives usual treatment. In this case,

experiment class was treat by using Dialogue Journal technique while

control class was treat by using conventional or usual technique. The

material, the length of time, and test as same. To made two groups equal,

pre-test give; however, treatment was gave only for experimental class,

and at the end of the program post-test presented in order to find out the

students’ achievement.

Table : control – group pretest – post test design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Class T1 X T2

Control Class T1 - T2

X = The treatment that is give to experiment class by using Dialogue


T1 = Pre-test


T2 = Post-test

- = No treatment

Based on the research design above special treatment was only given to

the experimental class. The post-test is conducted after giving the

treatment to the experimental class and to observe students’ writing on

descriptive text.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population and sample were two important elements in the

research. According to Gay, population is the group of interest to the

researcher, the group to which she or he would like the results of the study

to be generalized6. In line with Gay, Margono says the population is the

totality of research object as a source of the data that has specific

characters in a research or study7. The population of this research all of

the Tenth Grade of in MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang in academic year

2018/2019. The population was describe in the following table

Tabel 2: The totality of the Tenth Grade of in MAN Koto Baru Padang

Panjang in academic year 2018/2019.

No Class Students

7 Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidika, Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007, p. 118






3 IAI 1 30

4 X IPA 1 29

5 X IPA 2 34

6 X IPA 3 28

7 X IPS 1 35

8 X IPS 2 35

9 X IPS 3 35


Source : English Teachers of Man Koto Baru

Tenth grade in Man Koto Baru have 9 classes, and have the science

1, social 1. That is some gender in keagamaan class, male with male and

female with female.

2. Sample


Based on the research problem and the research design which was

used, the researcher need an experimental class and a control class. There

were some sampling techniques to determine the sample and the researcher

use purposive sampling technique. According to Arikunto, purposive

sampling technique is a technique that is use by researcher if that researcher

has some certain considerations to determine the samples8. Researcher

applied purposive sampling because that is difference from class and

another class, there is excellent class and regular class for science and social

class, and difference in gender in Keagamaan class and the teacher that

taught them in this semester are same. So that, the researcher chose X IPA1

and X IPA 2 as the sample in this research based on some considerations

such as the total students of both class, and the teacher that taught them in

this semester was same.

To choose the experiment and control class from these classes, the

researcher followed the steps below:

1. Collect the score of students test previously in X IPA 1 and X IPA 2.

Before doing the experiment, the researcher collected the last

score in daily test of X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 to test the normality and

homogeneity of the data.

2. Test the normality of the data

8 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Revisi, Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2006, p. 139


The purpose of testing the normality of the data was to know if

the data spread out normally or not. Lilliefors test was used to test the

normality of the data. It could be done as these steps below:

a) Arrange the data from the lowest to the highest

b) Find the mean score (x) , the standard deviation (s) and

the variant

X =

S =

c) Find the score of Zi by using this formula


xXZ i


d) Find the score of f (Zi) by consulting the score of Ziwith Z table

e) Find S (Zi)

f) Find the absolute score of F (Zi) – S (Zi)

g) Determine the highest score of absolute mark F (Zi) – S (Zi). It is

name as Lo (lilliefors)

h) Test the Lo score with lilliefors table with the certain degree of

freedom = 0.05


i) Take the conclusion. If the Ltab> Lo it could be conclude that the

data distribute normally with the degree of freedom in 5%.28

By using these step, the writer knew whether the data spear out

normality or not.

3. Test the homogeneity of the data

The homogeneity of the data is to know whether the population

is homogeneous or not, so the researcher use the F test. The

homogeneity test by using F test is done by following the steps below:

1) Find the mean score ( x )

2) Find the standard deviation (s)

3) Find the variant (s²)

4) Find the Fobtained =

5) Find the score of Ftable with the certain of level significant (α),


6) Find Ftable


Gay, L.R, Educational Research : Competencies for Analysis and Application, … p.



v₁ = n - 1

v₂ = n - 1

7) Take the conclusion, if the Fobt<Ftab.

8) After find the homogenous group, then the researcher decided the

control and experimental class.

4. In determine the experimental class and the control class, the researcher

chose the X IPA 1 class as experimental class and XI IPA 22 class as

control class. The total of the sample are 63 students; 29 students in X

IPA1 class and 34 students in X IPA2 class.

a. Test the homogeneity of the data

The purpose of homogeneity test is to know whether the

population homogeneous or not, so the researcher used the F test. The

homogeneity test by using F test could be done by following the steps

bellow as suggested by Arif Miboy10


1) Use the formula :

Fhit =

2) Consult with table F which α (0.05)

Ftab right = fα (V1,V2)

Ftab left =

Note: F = homogeneity data


Arif Miboy, Statistik Pendidikan, Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi, 2015, p. 88


s1² = high variant

s2² = low variant

α = level of significance

v1 = high total sample minus 1

v2 = low total sample minus 1

1. If the range of score of Fhit located between Ftab Left and Ftab

Right, it could be concluded that both of the classes were


C. Instrumentation

The instrument of the research students’ writing test wrote a

paragraph of descriptive text. The test in the form of written test. There

were two kinds of tests that were used in this research, pretest and

posttest. The pre-test used to know the students’ writing at the beginning,

and post-test would be used to know the development of the students’

writing skill at the end after given the treatment.

D. Technique of the Data Collection

In line with the research design above, the data were taken from the

students’ writing skill test. The test given in written test to the students at

XIPA 1 and XIPA 2 of MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang . The test

delivered to all of the students in the control class and experiment class.


The researcher gave the test which consisted of mechanics,

vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension aspects. After the

students finished their test, the researcher collected the students scores.

After getting the students’ scores, the researcher compared the students

scores of the two classes and answered the hypothesis.

The procedure of research in experiment as follows:

1. Pre-test in experimental class and control class

The researcher gave the pre-test to the sample class before

teaching. This pre-test gave for the tenth grade (XIPA 1 and XIPA 2)

a. Experimental class

The researcher applied dialogue journal writing in teaching writing

descriptive text. In this activity, researcher explained what was

dialogue journal, and related that with descriptive text. The

researcher gave the same question in writing form for all students

for the first question. The topic was about experience, the question

guided the students to write at least two paragraph and the students

collected it. The researcher checked the students writing and

answered the students writing, the students checked their mistake

and gave feed back for the question. From the question and answer

build the dialogue journal.

b. Control class

The researcher did an usual treatment in learning

descriptive text throught their lesson material in syllabus program


at the teaching learning process. It was begun with the explanation

of the definition of descriptive text. After that, the students were

given some examples of descriptive text in a paragraph. In the last,

the students were asked to do some exercises about the topic.

2. Post-test in experimental class and control class

After teaching, the researcher gave the test for the students in

60 minutes as the comparison and as the evaluation of students’ scores

before and after the treatment will be done. The researcher did the

following instructions :

1. Arranged the students seat and giving the test and the answer sheet

2. Asked the students to answer the test in 60 minutes.

3. Collected the answer sheet

4. Gave the score. The formula that is used in this step is same with

the formula used in pre-test.

E. Technique of the Data Analysis

The researcher used the t- test in analyzing the data. To find out how

the effect of using dialogue journal in teaching writing skill, the researcher

used statistical calculation of t-test to determine the final calculation tₒ (t

observation) did using dialogue journal had an effect toward students’

writing skill or not. The t-test is a kind of statistical calculation used to


examine the truth or false of null hypothesis that stated no significant

differences between the results of two samples from a same population.

There were three formulas that used to analyze the data in this

research. The first the means, used to find the average score of each group.

The second sum of square. The third, calculated the standard deviation. The

last calculated the .


For hypothesis 1

t = The score of t-calculated (obtained)

1 = Mean score of the posttest of the experimental class

2 = Mean score of the pretest of the experimental class

n1 = Number of experimental class in posttest

n2 =Number of experimental class in pretest

s = Standard deviation

s2 = Variance


= Variance of experimental in posttest

s22 = Variance of experimental class in pretest

For hypothesis 2


t = the score of t-calculated (obtained)

1 = mean score of the posttest of the experimental class

2 = mean score of the posttest of the control class

n1 = number of experimental class in posttest

n2 =number of posttest class in posttest

s = standard deviation

s2 = variance


= variance of experimental in posttest

s22 = variance of control class in pretest

For the first, pre test and posttest scores from experimental class

analyzed to see whether there is or there is no significant effect of using

dialogue journal toward students’ writing.

For the next, post test scores from experimental class and control

class analyse to see whether there is or there is no significant different of

the students’ written between the students who use dialogue journal and

the students who didn’t using dialou gue journal by comparing mean

scores both of the classes.

The last, after analyse the post test score from experimental class

and control class, it found whether written of the students who were taught

by dialogue journal was better than of the students who are not taught by

using dialogue journal. To test the three hypothesis to indicated a

significant difference between mean scores of two classes, it compared


between t-obtained to the value of t in the table at the degree of freedom

= 0.05. The condition is the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted if t-

obtained > t table. While, the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted if t-obtained

< t table.




A. Findings

The research literature in this chapter was reviewed with respect to explored

students’ writing ability and students’ score both control and experimental

classes. In this respect, a large number was research findings to explains about

the analyses of the data collected to answer the formulation of (1)The

significant effect of using dialogue journal in descriptive text (2) The

significant difference between students who are taught by using dialogue

journal and the students who are not taught by using the dialogue journal (3)

the students who taught by using dialogue journal get better score than students

who do not taught by using dialogue journal

In findings, there are three parts, they are: Description of the data,

Analysis of the data and testing of hypothesis.

1. Description of the Data

The data of this research were based on the research that had been done by

the researcher at the tent grade of MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang. The

scores of the students’ writing skill were collected a pre- test and post test of

the students both the experiment and control class scored by rubric from

Arthur Hughes. The score were calculated from the criteria of the

standardization of measurement of writing : content, organization,

vocabulary, language use and mechanics. The pre-test and post- test was

given in the form of essay based on the topic that were given by the



The data was gotten from the two classes that were involved in this

research: control and experiment class. The description of the data in both of

experiment and control class were explained below:

a. Pre-test of experiment class

Table 4.1

Pre Test Score of the Experiment Class



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 15 3 58

2 S.2 20 10 10 16 2 48

3 S.3 15 9 9 9 3 45

4 S.4 17 13 10 10 3 53

5 S.5 18 12 11 15 4 60

6 S.6 25 15 15 20 4 79

7 S.7 20 10 10 16 2 48

8 S.8 21 15 11 15 3 65

9 S.9 15 9 9 9 3 45

10 S.10 20 10 10 15 3 58

11 S.11 17 13 10 10 3 53

12 S.12 25 15 15 20 4 79

13 S.13 20 10 10 16 2 48

14 S.14 18 12 11 15 4 60

15 S.15 20 10 10 15 3 58

16 S.16 15 9 9 9 3 45

17 S.17 25 15 15 20 4 79

18 S.18 20 10 10 16 2 48

19 S.19 21 15 11 15 3 65

20 S.20 17 13 10 10 3 53

21 S.21 15 9 9 9 3 45

22 S.22 20 10 10 15 3 58

23 S.23 25 15 15 20 4 79

24 S.24 20 10 10 15 3 58

25 S.25 21 15 11 15 3 65

26 S.26 15 9 9 9 3 45

27 S.27 20 10 10 16 2 48

28 S.28 25 15 15 20 4 79

29 S.28 18 12 11 15 4 60



According to the data, the lowest score of pre-test that was gained by the

experimental class is 45 and the highest score is 79. It was found five students

got 45, five students got 48, three students got 53, five students got 58, three

students got 60, three student got 65, five students got 79,

b. Pre-test of Control class

Table 4.2

Pre Test Score of the Cotrol Class



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 15 3 58

2 S.2 20 10 10 16 2 48

3 S.3 20 20 20 15 3 78

4 S.4 25 20 20 15 3 83

5 S.5 10 10 10 10 2 42

6 S.6 15 9 9 9 3 45

7 S.7 21 15 11 15 3 65

8 S.8 17 13 10 10 3 53

9 S.9 20 20 20 15 3 78

10 S.10 21 15 11 15 3 65

11 S.11 20 10 10 16 2 48

12 S.12 20 10 10 15 3 58

13 S.13 20 10 10 16 2 48

14 S.14 21 15 11 15 3 65

15 S.15 15 9 9 9 3 45

16 S.16 17 13 10 10 3 53

17 S.17 20 20 20 15 3 78

18 S.18 21 15 11 15 3 65

19 S.19 20 20 20 15 3 78

20 S.20 20 10 10 16 2 48

21 S.21 17 13 10 10 3 53

22 S.22 25 20 20 15 3 83

23 S.23 20 20 20 15 3 78

24 S.24 20 10 10 16 2 48

25 S.25 21 15 11 15 3 65

26 S.26 20 10 10 16 2 48


27 S.27 20 20 20 15 3 78

28 S.28 20 10 10 15 3 58

29 S.29 21 15 11 15 3 65

30 S.30 15 9 9 9 3 45

31 S.31 21 15 11 15 3 65

32 S.32 20 10 10 15 3 58

33 S.33 17 13 10 10 3 53

34 S.34 20 10 10 15 3 58


The data obtained showed that the lowest score of pre-test that was

gained by the control class is 42 lower score and the highest score is 83. It

was found that there were one students who got 42, three students got 45,

six students got 48, four students got 53, five student got 58, seven students

got 65, six students got 78, two students got 83.

After classifying the data in pre-test, the researcher made the result

calculation of scores that was gained from the pre-test. This was done by the

researcher to know the result of student’s score including mean, standard

deviation, variant, the lowest and highest scores as on table below.

Table 4.3

The Cummulative Test Result of the Pre-test













(S) Score Score

Experimental 29 58,06 11.62 135,14 45 79

Control 34 60,47 12.61 159,04 42 83

The table above showed that the mean of the experimental class pre-

test score is 58.06 while the mean of the control class pre-test score is 60,47.

The the standard deviation of experimental class is 11.62 , and the variant is

135,14. The standard deviation of control class is 12.61, and the variant is


c. Post-test Data of Experimental and Control Classes

The post-test conducted at the end of the treatment in order to find out

the effect of dialogue journal towards students’ writing descriptive text . It

was given to the experimental and control classes after treated. Both classes

were given the same test material and time allocation. The description is


1) Experimental Class

Table 4.4

Post Test Score of Experimental Class




Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 25 20 20 20 4 89

2 S.2 20 10 15 20 3 67

3 S.3 20 13 15 20 3 71

4 S.4 20 20 20 20 5 85

5 S.5 15 15 15 10 3 58

6 S.6 25 20 15 20 4 84

7 S.7 20 10 15 20 3 67

8 S.8 25 20 15 20 4 84

9 S.9 20 20 20 20 5 85

10 S.10 20 10 15 20 3 67

11 S.11 15 15 15 10 3 58

12 S.12 20 13 15 20 3 71

13 S.13 20 10 15 20 3 67

14 S.14 20 20 20 20 5 85

15 S.15 20 20 20 20 5 85

16 S.16 20 10 15 20 3 67

17 S.17 25 20 15 20 4 84

18 S.18 20 20 20 20 5 85

19 S.19 15 15 15 10 3 58

20 S.20 20 20 20 20 5 85

21 S.21 20 20 20 10 3 73

22 S.22 20 13 15 20 3 71

23 S.23 25 20 20 20 4 89

24 S.24 20 13 15 20 3 71

25 S.25 20 20 20 10 3 73

26 S.26 20 10 15 20 3 67

27 S.27 20 20 20 10 3 73

28 S.28 20 13 15 20 3 71

29 S.28 20 13 15 20 3 71


The data showed that the lowest score of the post-test that was

gained by the experimental class is 58 and the highest score is 89. After

classifying the data, it was found that there is three student who got 58,

six students got 67, six students got 71, three students got 73, three

students got 84, six students got 85, two students got 89. It means that


there was significant progress on students’ post-test score if it was

compared to the pre-test score. The significant progress on experimental

class achievement occurred after getting the treatment.

2) Control Class

Table 4.5

The post-test scores of control class are follow



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 16 2 48

2 S.2 20 20 20 15 3 78

3 S.3 25 20 20 15 4 84

4 S.4 20 20 15 10 2 67

5 S.5 15 15 14 13 3 60

6 S.6 15 12 10 10 3 53

7 S.7 15 15 14 13 3 60

8 S.8 17 10 10 10 3 50

9 S.9 20 10 10 16 2 48

10 S.10 17 10 10 10 3 50

11 S.11 20 20 15 10 2 67

12 S.12 17 10 10 10 3 50

13 S.13 20 20 20 15 3 78

14 S.14 15 12 10 10 3 53

15 S.15 20 20 15 10 2 67

16 S.16 20 10 10 16 2 48

17 S.17 15 12 10 10 3 53

18 S.18 20 20 20 15 3 78

19 S.19 20 20 20 15 3 78

20 S.20 15 12 10 10 3 53

21 S.21 20 20 15 10 2 67

22 S.22 20 10 10 16 2 48

23 S.23 15 15 14 13 3 60

24 S.24 20 20 15 10 2 67

25 S.25 15 15 14 13 3 60

26 S.26 20 20 20 15 3 78

27 S.27 20 20 15 10 2 67

28 S.28 15 15 14 13 3 60


29 S.29 17 10 10 10 3 50

30 S.30 15 15 14 13 3 60

31 S.31 15 12 10 10 3 53

32 S.32 20 20 15 10 2 67

33 S.33 15 15 14 13 3 60

34 S.34 15 12 10 10 3 53


From the data above, the lowest score of post-test that was gained

by the control class is 48 and the highest score is 84. After classified,

four student got 48, five student got 78, one students got 84, seven

students got 67, four students got 50, six students got 53, seven students

got 60. Based on the calculation of the score that was gained in the post–

test of writing test of both class, it can be summarized as follow.

Table 4.6

The Cummulative Test Result of the Post-Test

















29 82.46 9.61 92.47 58 89

Control 34 60.97 10,69 114,45 48 84

The table above showed that the mean score of the experimental class

post-test score is 82.46 while the mean score of the post-test score of

control class is 57,20. It means that the mean score of the experimental

class was higher than the control class. The standard deviation of the


experimental class is 9,61 and the control class is 10,55. In addition,

based on the table of the experimental class and the control class above,

the highest score of experimental class was higher than the highest score

of control class; 89 is higher than 84.

After doing the pre-test and post-test, the researcher compared both

of the result of pre-test and post-test from the experimental and control

classes. The comparison test result of pre-test and post-test from the

experimental class and control class is showed in the following table.

Table 4.7

The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test of the Experimental and

Control Classes

Test Result

The Class



Experimental Class

(X IPA 1)

= 58,06

S = 11,62

S² = 135,14

= 82.46

S = 9.61

S² = 92.47

Control Class

(X IPA 2)

= 60,47

S = 12.61

S² = 159,04

= 60,97

S = 10,69

S² = 114,45

Based on the table above, the post-test result of the

experimental class was higher than the pre-test. It means that the


treatment that had been done by the researcher could help the students

to improve their writing ability. The comparison of the post-test

results between experimental and control classes showed that the

control class test result was lower than experimental class. The mean

score of the post-test result of control class (60,97) was lower than the

experimental post-test result (82.46). It means that the students who

were treated with dialogue journal gave better result than the students

who were taught without dialogue journal.

B. Analysis of the Data

In analyzing the data of this research, the researcher used two kinds of data

analysis; pre-test and post-test from the experimental and control classes.

The pre test of the two classes showed that both experimental class and

control class were almost equal at the beginning of the research because

they were normal and homogenous. The researcher used the Liliefors test to

find out whether the data distributed normally or not and used F-test to

obtain whether the data of two classes were homogenous or not.

a. Normality Test of Pre-test Score of Experimental Class and Control



Normality test was used in this research to know that the data distributed

normally or not. Mean score and Standard Deviation were used to

identify the value of columns which were used to find the normality. The

normality test of pre-test score of the classes is presented below.

Table 4.8

The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and Variant of Pre-test

Score in Experimental Class

Xi F F.Xi Xi- (Xi- )² F (Xi-

45 5 225 58.06 13.06 170.564 852.818

48 5 240 58.06 -10.06 101.204 506.018

53 3 159 58.06 -5.06 25.6036 76.8108

58 5 290 58.06 -0.06 0.0036 0.018

60 3 180 58.06 1.94 3.7636 11.2908

65 3 195 58.06 6.94 48.1636 144.491

79 5 355 58.06 20.94 438.484 2192.42

∑29 ∑1684 ∑ 3783.86

Mean score and Standard Deviation were used to identify the value of

columns above which are:

Mean Score




x = 1684


x = 58,06

Standard Deviation


)( 2






S = 3,37



)( 2





1015722 s

62,32 s

Table 4.9

How to Find the Normality of Data in Pre-test of Experimental Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi) -


ISn(xi) -


45 5 5 0.17 -1.12 0.1314 0.0386 0.0386

48 5 10 0.34 -0.17 0.4325 -0.0925 0.0925

53 3 13 0.1 -0.09 0.5359 -0.4359 0.4359Lo

58 5 18 0.62 0.00 0.5 0.12 0.12

60 3 21 0.74 0.03 0.512 0.228 0.228

65 3 24 0.83 0.12 0.5478 0.2822 0.2822

79 5 29 1 0.36 0.6406 0.36 0.36


From the column ISn(Xi)-P(Zi)I, the score of Lo= 0.4359. Ltablefor n= 29

with the level of significance 0.05= 0.886 . It means that Ltable> Lo (0.886

> 0.4359). It could be concluded that the sample distributed normally.

b. Normality Test of Pre-test Score in Control Class

The normality test of pre-test score of control class could be

showed by the table below:

Table 4.10

The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and Variant of Pre-test

Score in Control Class

Xi F F.Xi Xi- (Xi- )² F (Xi-

42 1 42 60.47 60.47 -18.47 341.141

45 3 135 60.47 60.47 -15.47 239.321

48 6 288 60.47 60.47 -12.47 155.501

53 4 212 60.47 60.47 -7.47 55.8009

58 5 290 60.47 60.47 -2.47 6.1009

65 7 455 60.47 60.47 4.53 20.5209

78 6 468 60.47 60.47 17.53 307.301

∑34 ∑1890 60.47 -18.47 341.141


Mean Score






Standard Deviation


)( 2












)( 2








04,1592 s

81.42 s

Mean score and standard deviation of pre-tes in control class

should be known to test the normality. Then, the data was used to find

the value of the columns which were used to make sure the data

distributed normally or not

Table 4.12

Normality Test of Pre Test in Control Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi) -


ISn(xi) -


42 1 1 0.1 -0.54 0.0618 0.0382 0.0382


45 3 4 0.11 -0.46 0.0694 0.0406 0.0406

48 6 10 0.29 -0.40 0.3446 -0.0546 0.0546

53 4 14 0.41 -0.22 0.4129 -0.0029 0.0029

58 5 19 0.41 -0.73 0.2327 0.1773 0.1773Lo

65 7 26 0.76 0.13 0.5517 0.2083 0.2083

78 6 32 0.94 0.60 0.7257 0.2143 0.2143

83 2 34 1 0.66 0.7454 0.2546 0.2546

From the column ISn(Xi)-P(Zi)I, the score of Lo= 0.1773. Ltablefor

n= 34 with the level of significance 0.05= 0.886 . It means that Ltable> Lo

(0.886 > 0.1173). It could be concluded that the sample distributed


c. Homogeneity of the Pre-Test Score

The homogenity of the data was used to find out wether the data

were homogenous or not. The pre test data of experimental class and

control class is presented in the table below

Table 4.13

Homogenity Pre Test Score in the Experimental

Class and the Control Class

Class Number Mean Sample Standard Variant

of Score Score Deviation


11 58.06 29 11.62 135,14


10 60,47 34 12.61 159,04


Fhit 2





Fhit 14,135


Fhit = 1,17

FtabRight = F (V1,V2)

= 0.05 (10,9)

= 3.14

FtabLeft =



= 0.33

It can be concluded that the data was homogenous because Fobtain located

between FtabLeft and FtabRight. 1.12 located between 0.33 and 3.14.

Ftableleft < Fobtained < Ftableright or 0.33 < 1.17 < 3.14.

d. Normality Test of Post-test Score of Experimental Class and Control


Researcher calculated the mean score and standard deviation of the post

test of each classes. It was needed to identify the normality of the data.

The normality test of pre-test is showed by the table below.


e. Normality Test of Post-test Score in Experimental Class

Table 4.14

The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and

Variant of Post-test Score in Experimental Class

Xi F F.Xi Xi- (Xi- )² F(Xi- )²

58 3 280 65.87 -9.87 97.44 487.18

67 6 600 65.87 -5.87 34.46 344.57

71 6 189 65.87 -2.87 8.24 24.71

73 3 264 65.87 0.13 0.02 0.07

84 3 140 65.87 4.13 17.06 34.11

85 6 320 65.87 14.13 199.66 798.63

89 2 249 65.87 17.13 293.44 880.31

∑= 28 ∑= 2042 ∑= 2569.58

Mean Score



x 82.46

Standard Deviation


)( 2










)( 2








18,1482 s

45.1142 s


Table 4.14

Normality Test of Post Test in Experimental Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi)-


58 3 3 0.10 -2.55 0.0054 0.09

67 6 9 0.31 -1.61 0.0537 0.26

71 6 15 0.52 -1.19 0.117 0.40

73 3 18 0.62 -0.98 0.1635 0.46Lo

84 3 21 0.72 0.16 0.5636 0.16

85 6 27 0.93 0.26 0.6026 0.33

89 2 29 1.00 0.68 0.7517 0.25

From the column of ISn(Xi)-P(Zi)I, the score of Lo = 0.46. Ltable for n= 28

with the level of significance 0.05=0.866. It means that Ltable > Lo

(0.866>0.46). It could be concluded that the sample distributed normally.

The normality test of post test score of control class can be seen bellow.

f. Normality Test of Post-test Score in Control Class

Table 4.15

Normality Test of Post-test Score in Control Class

Xi F F.Xi Xi- (Xi- )² F(Xi- )²

48 4 192 60.97 -12.97 168.221 8074.6

50 4 200 60.97 -10.97 120.341 6017.05

53 6 318 60.97 -7.97 63.5209 3366.61

60 7 420 60.97 -0.97 0.9409 56.454

67 7 469 60.97 6.03 36.3609 2436.18

78 5 390 60.97 17.03 290.021 22621.6

84 1 84 60.97 23.03 530.381 44552


∑=34 ∑2073 ∑= 87124.5

Mean Score






Standard Deviation


)( 2










)( 2








5.871242 s

45,1142 s


Table 4.16

Normality Test of Post Test in Control Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi)-




48 4 4 0.12 -1.21 0.1131 0.0069 0.0069

50 4 8 0.24 -1.03 0.1515 0.0885 0.0885

53 6 14 0.41 -0.75 0.2266 0.1834 0.1834lo

60 7 21 0.62 0.46 0.6772 -0.0572 0.0572

67 7 28 0.82 0.56 0.7088 0.1112 0.1112

78 5 33 0.97 0.59 0.7224 0.2476 0.2476

84 1 34 1 0.27 0.6064 0.3936 0.3936

From the column of ISn(Xi)-P(Zi)I, the score of Lo=0.1834. Ltable for n=

34 with the level of significance 0.05=0.866. It means that Ltable > Lo

(0.866>0.1834). It can be concluded that the sample distributed normally.

g. Homogeneity of the Post Test Score

The homogeneity of the data was used to find out whether the data of

post-test experimental class and control class homogeny or not. The data

can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.17

Homogeneity of Post Test Scores in Experimental

Class and Control Class


Class Number

of score

Mean Sample Standard Variant

Score Deviation

X IPA 1 8 82.46 29 9.61 92.47

X IPA 2 10 60.97 34 10.69 114.45

Fhit =

Fhit = 114.45= 1,87


Then, consulted to the Ftabel with the level of significant 0.05

Ftabelright = F (V1, V2)

= F 0.05 (7,9)

= 1.64

Ftabelleft =



= 0.27

It can be concluded that on level of significant 0.05, The data was not

homogenous because Fhit was not located between Ftableft and Ftabright.


1.74 is not located between 0.63 and 2.16. So, the data was not


C. Testing the Hypothesis

After finding the mean score, the standard deviation, and the value of the

Zobtained by using Ztest of the both classes, the hypothesis was tested. The

hypothesis of this research was tasted as follow.

a. First Hypothesis

The first hypothesis of this research, t

Ha : there is significant effect of using dialogue journal toward students test

result in writing descriptive text

Ho : there is no significant effect of using inductive approach toward students

test result in writing.

To measure whether the researcher accepted or reject the hypothesis, the

researcher used the formula two tails test to find whether Hₒ or Ha is accepted

or rejected through comparing the pre-test and post-test of experimental class.

The value of the t-obtained was compared with the value of the t-table. If the

value of t-obtained located before t-table ½ , it

means that Ha accepted and Hₒ rejected (-t-table ½ > t-obtained > t-table ½

) as explanation below:

t =

t =



t =

t =

t =

t = 8.80

t =

From the calculation of pre-test and post-test scores of the

experimental class, the mean score of the post-test ( is 82.46. It was

greater than the mean score of the pre-test ( . Then, the standard

deviation of each class was obtained and they were analyzed by using t-

formula to find the value of tobtained. It was found that tobtained is 8.80 and

the ttable for degrees of freedom (df) = (na + nb – 2) = (40+40 – 2) = 78

with level of significance ( ) 0.05/2 (0.025) is 1.960. through comparing

the t-obtained and the t-table, it can be seen as -t-table ½ > t-obtained >

t-table ½ .

Figure 4.1: The Curve of the t-test Result in the Pre-test and the

Post-test of Experimental Class


egion of Ho rejection Ho acceptance Region of Ho rejection

-1.960 1.960 8.80

From the data in curve above, it means that the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected

because the value of tobtained was higher than the ttable or (ttable ½ > tobtained

> ttable ½ ). It can be concluded that there was significant effect of

dialogue journal writing towards students writing ability at the tenth

grade of Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang.

b. The Second Hypothesis

The second hypothesis, Is there a significant difference between

students who are taught by using dialogue journal and the students who

are not taught by using the dialogue journal. To measure whether the

researcher would accept or reject the hypothesis, the researcher used the

formula two tails test to find whether Ho or Ha is accepted or rejected

through comparing the post test of experimental and control classes. The

value of the tobtained was compared with the value of the ttable. Ha will be

accepted and Ho will be rejected if -ttable ½ > tobtained > ttable ½ ).

t =

t =

t =

t =


t =

t = 14.81

t =

From the calculation of post-test score of the experimental and control classes,

the mean score of the post-test in experimental class ( is 82.69. It was

greater than the mean score of the post-test in control class 60.97. Then, the

standard deviation of each class was obtained and they were analyzed by using

t-formula to find the value of t-obtained. It is found that t-obtained is 14.81 and

the t-table for degrees of freedom (df) = (na + nb – 2) = (40+40 – 2) = 78 with

level of significance ( ) 0.05/2 (0.025) is 1.960. Through comparing the t-

obtained and the t-table, it can be seen as -t-table ½ > t-obtained > t-table ½

Figure 4.2: The Curve of the Z-test Result in the Post-test of

Experimental and Control Classes

Region of Ho rejection Ho acceptance Region of Ho rejection

-1.960 1.960 8.80 (tobtained)


From the data above, it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha)

was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected because the value of

tobtained was bigger than the value of ttable or -ttable ½ > tobtained > ttable ½ .

So, it could be concluded that there was significant difference of the

students’ writing ability in writing descriptive text.

c. The Third Hypothesis

The third hypothesis is the students’ writing ability that is taught by

dialogue journal writing is better than the students who are taught by

using conventional technique as follows:

Ha: Does writing descriptive text taught by using dialogue journal writing

better than students who taught by other technique?

Ho : Student’s ability in writing descriptive text who taught by

using dialogue journal is not better than taught by other technique.

. The value of the tobtained was compared with the value of the ttable.

If the value of tobtained bigger than the value of ttable or tobtained > ttable, it

means that Ha will be accepted and Ho will be rejected. The explanation

is below.

t =

t =



t =

t =

t =

t = 8.80

t =

From the calculation of post-test score of the experimental and control

classes, the mean score of the post-test in experimental class ( is

82.46. It was greater than the mean score of the post-test in control class

( 60.97.

Then, the standard deviation of each class is obtained and they are analyzed by

using t-formula to find the value of t-obtained. It is found that t-obtained is

5.15 and the t-table for degrees of freedom (df) = (na + nb – 2) = (40+40 – 2) =

78 with level of significance ( ) 0.05 is 1.645. Through comparing the t-

obtained and the t-table, it can be seen as t-obtained > t-table.

Figure 4.3: The Curve of the Z-test Result in the Post-test of

Experimental and Control Classes


1.645 80.82 (Tobtained)

From the data above, it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha)

was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected because the value of

tobtained 80.82 higher than ttable or tobtained > ttable. It was found that tobtained is

8.80 and the ttable for degrees of freedom (df) = (na + nb – 2) = (40+40 –

2) = 78 with level of significance ( ) 0.05/2 (0.025) is 1.960. through

comparing the t-obtained and the t-table, it can be seen as -t-table ½ >

t-obtained > t-table ½ .

So, it could be concluded that the students’ writing ability who

taught with dialogue journal better than students who were taught

without dialogue journal.

D. Discussions

Based on the hypothesis that explained, the resercher had been answered

the three formulation of the problem in chapter I. In this research, the

researcher had seen the effect of dialogue journal. There were two classes

involved in this research. one class was assigned as the experimental class and

another as control class. The experimental class was treated with dialogue

journal while the control class was treated without dialogue journal which was

used by the researcher in second grade of MAN Koto Baru Padang Panjang.

First, from the calculation of the pre-test and post-test scores in experimental

class, it could be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted


because tobtained was higher than ttable (8.80>1.960). So that, there was

significant effect of dialogue journal toward students’ writing ability in writing

descriptive text.

Second, The data obtained in this research through pre-test and post-test

indicated that the mean scores of experimental and control classes were

significantly different. The mean score of the students’ post-test in the

experimental class was 82.46 while the mean score of students’ post-test in

control class was 60.97. The diffrent result of the two classes could be seen

from the testing of hypothesis. The value of tobtained was higher than ttable in the

level of significance 0.05/2 (0.025). It means that the alternative hypothesis

was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. It can be concluded that

there was significant difference between students who were taught with

dialogue journal and students who were taught without dialogue journal in Man

Koto Baru Padang Panjang.

Third, the data of the experimental and control classes were also obtained. It

was found that the mean score of post-test of experimental class ( was

higher than the mean score of control class ( . The curve of t-test result was

shown that the tobtained was higher than the ttable, 8.80 > 1.645. The result prove

that the writing ability of the students who taught by dialogue journal and

students taught without dialogue journal.

Based on the observation, it was found that the students were motivated

to learn English and the classroom atmosphere was really good. The students


focused on their learning activity and asked to do the same method when they

are learning English with their teacher.




A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and the discussions in the previous chapter, the

researcher concludes this research that focus on students’ writing skill

through using dialogue journal writing .

1. The use of dialogue journal in teaching writing skill to ten grade of

scientific of Man Koto Baru Padang Panjang has the significant effect

in improving students’ writing skill.. score of students’ in experiment

class increase from ( 58.06 to 82.46 better than control class is

60.47 to 60.97 It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of

this research could be accepted that dialogue journal gave the

significant effect toward students’ writing skill.

2. The use of dialogue journal in teaching writing skill is better than

conventional technique. It is proved project based learning is a

approach that effective to teaching learning and to help students solve

the problem. Moreover dialogue journal can be improve

professionalism and collaboration.

B. Suggestions

Based on the findings of the research, the researcher would like to propose

some suggestions as following:

1. Based on the result of the research, the English teacher is recommended

to use dialogue journal as an alternative teaching especially teaching


writing skill. The teachers are hoped to facilitate the students on

practicing the media or provide students with varying materials to be


2. The teachers are hoped more guiding students in using dialogue

journal in learning as media to help students more mastering the

writing skill.

3. Further researchers are suggested to conduct a study on the effect of

using project based dialogue journal other skills to explore the use of

this in other skills.


Appendix 1

d. Pre-test of experiment class

Table 4.1

Pre Test Score of the Experiment Class



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 15 3 58

2 S.2 20 10 10 16 2 48

3 S.3 15 9 9 9 3 45

4 S.4 17 13 10 10 3 53

5 S.5 18 12 11 15 4 60

6 S.6 25 15 15 20 4 79

7 S.7 20 10 10 16 2 48

8 S.8 21 15 11 15 3 65

9 S.9 15 9 9 9 3 45

10 S.10 20 10 10 15 3 58

11 S.11 17 13 10 10 3 53

12 S.12 25 15 15 20 4 79

13 S.13 20 10 10 16 2 48

14 S.14 18 12 11 15 4 60

15 S.15 20 10 10 15 3 58

16 S.16 15 9 9 9 3 45

17 S.17 25 15 15 20 4 79

18 S.18 20 10 10 16 2 48

19 S.19 21 15 11 15 3 65

20 S.20 17 13 10 10 3 53

21 S.21 15 9 9 9 3 45

22 S.22 20 10 10 15 3 58

23 S.23 25 15 15 20 4 79

24 S.24 20 10 10 15 3 58

25 S.25 21 15 11 15 3 65

26 S.26 15 9 9 9 3 45

27 S.27 20 10 10 16 2 48

28 S.28 25 15 15 20 4 79

29 S.28 18 12 11 15 4 60



e. Pre-test of Control class

Table 4.2

Pre Test Score of the Cotrol Class



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 15 3 58

2 S.2 20 10 10 16 2 48

3 S.3 20 20 20 15 3 78

4 S.4 25 20 20 15 3 83

5 S.5 10 10 10 10 2 42

6 S.6 15 9 9 9 3 45

7 S.7 21 15 11 15 3 65

8 S.8 17 13 10 10 3 53

9 S.9 20 20 20 15 3 78

10 S.10 21 15 11 15 3 65

11 S.11 20 10 10 16 2 48

12 S.12 20 10 10 15 3 58

13 S.13 20 10 10 16 2 48

14 S.14 21 15 11 15 3 65

15 S.15 15 9 9 9 3 45

16 S.16 17 13 10 10 3 53

17 S.17 20 20 20 15 3 78

18 S.18 21 15 11 15 3 65

19 S.19 20 20 20 15 3 78

20 S.20 20 10 10 16 2 48

21 S.21 17 13 10 10 3 53

22 S.22 25 20 20 15 3 83

23 S.23 20 20 20 15 3 78

24 S.24 20 10 10 16 2 48

25 S.25 21 15 11 15 3 65

26 S.26 20 10 10 16 2 48

27 S.27 20 20 20 15 3 78

28 S.28 20 10 10 15 3 58

29 S.29 21 15 11 15 3 65

30 S.30 15 9 9 9 3 45

31 S.31 21 15 11 15 3 65

32 S.32 20 10 10 15 3 58

33 S.33 17 13 10 10 3 53

34 S.34 20 10 10 15 3 58



Table 4.3

The Cummulative Test Result of the Pre-test















Experimental 29 58,06 11.62 135,14 45 79

Control 34 60,47 12.61 159,04 42 83

3) Experimental Class

Table 4.4

Post Test Score of Experimental Class



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 25 20 20 20 4 89

2 S.2 20 10 15 20 3 67

3 S.3 20 13 15 20 3 71

4 S.4 20 20 20 20 5 85

5 S.5 15 15 15 10 3 58

6 S.6 25 20 15 20 4 84

7 S.7 20 10 15 20 3 67

8 S.8 25 20 15 20 4 84

9 S.9 20 20 20 20 5 85

10 S.10 20 10 15 20 3 67

11 S.11 15 15 15 10 3 58

12 S.12 20 13 15 20 3 71

13 S.13 20 10 15 20 3 67

14 S.14 20 20 20 20 5 85

15 S.15 20 20 20 20 5 85

16 S.16 20 10 15 20 3 67

17 S.17 25 20 15 20 4 84

18 S.18 20 20 20 20 5 85

19 S.19 15 15 15 10 3 58


20 S.20 20 20 20 20 5 85

21 S.21 20 20 20 10 3 73

22 S.22 20 13 15 20 3 71

23 S.23 25 20 20 20 4 89

24 S.24 20 13 15 20 3 71

25 S.25 20 20 20 10 3 73

26 S.26 20 10 15 20 3 67

27 S.27 20 20 20 10 3 73

28 S.28 20 13 15 20 3 71

29 S.28 20 13 15 20 3 71


4) Control Class

Table 4.5

The post-test scores of control class are follow



Elements of Writing Score Cont Org vocab L.use Mech

1 S.1 20 10 10 16 2 48

2 S.2 20 20 20 15 3 78

3 S.3 25 20 20 15 4 84

4 S.4 20 20 15 10 2 67

5 S.5 15 15 14 13 3 60

6 S.6 15 12 10 10 3 53

7 S.7 15 15 14 13 3 60

8 S.8 17 10 10 10 3 50

9 S.9 20 10 10 16 2 48

10 S.10 17 10 10 10 3 50

11 S.11 20 20 15 10 2 67

12 S.12 17 10 10 10 3 50

13 S.13 20 20 20 15 3 78

14 S.14 15 12 10 10 3 53

15 S.15 20 20 15 10 2 67

16 S.16 20 10 10 16 2 48

17 S.17 15 12 10 10 3 53

18 S.18 20 20 20 15 3 78

19 S.19 20 20 20 15 3 78

20 S.20 15 12 10 10 3 53

21 S.21 20 20 15 10 2 67

22 S.22 20 10 10 16 2 48


23 S.23 15 15 14 13 3 60

24 S.24 20 20 15 10 2 67

25 S.25 15 15 14 13 3 60

26 S.26 20 20 20 15 3 78

27 S.27 20 20 15 10 2 67

28 S.28 15 15 14 13 3 60

29 S.29 17 10 10 10 3 50

30 S.30 15 15 14 13 3 60

31 S.31 15 12 10 10 3 53

32 S.32 20 20 15 10 2 67

33 S.33 15 15 14 13 3 60

34 S.34 15 12 10 10 3 53


Table 4.6

The Cummulative Test Result of the Post-Test

















29 82.46 9.61 92.47 58 89

Control 34 60.97 10,69 114,45 48 84

Table 4.7


The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test of the Experimental and

Control Classes

Test Result

The Class



Experimental Class

(X IPA 1)

= 58,06

S = 11,62

S² = 135,14

= 82.46

S = 9.61

S² = 92.47

Control Class

(X IPA 2)

= 60,47

S = 12.61

S² = 159,04

= 60,97

S = 10,69

S² = 114,45

Table 4.7

Normality Test of Pre-test in Experimental Class


The Calculation of Mean Score, Standard Deviation, and Variant of Pre-test

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi) -


ISn(xi) -


45 5 5 0.17 -1.12 0.1314 0.0386 0.0386

48 5 10 0.34 -0.17 0.4325 -0.0925 0.0925

53 3 13 0.1 -0.09 0.5359 -0.4359 0.4359Lo

58 5 18 0.62 0.00 0.5 0.12 0.12

60 3 21 0.74 0.03 0.512 0.228 0.228

65 3 24 0.83 0.12 0.5478 0.2822 0.2822

79 5 29 1 0.36 0.6406 0.36 0.36

Table 4.8

Normality Test of Pre Test in Control Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi) -


ISn(xi) -


42 1 1 0.03 -1.7382 0,0207 0,0293 0,0293

45 3 4 0.12 -1.2965 0,0485 0,0515 0,0515

48 6 10 0.29 -0.8549 0,1112 0,0138 0,0138

53 4 14 0.41 -0.4763 0,2177 0,0573 0,0573

58 5 19 0.56 -0.0247 0,2446 0,1204 Lo = 0,1204

65 7 26 0.76 0.4064 0,516 0,059 0,059

78 6 32 0.94 0.7859 0,6844 0,0156 0,0156

83 2 34 1.00 1.2273 0,8051 0,0699 0,0699

Table 4.9

Homogenity Pre Test Score in the Experimental


Class and the Control Class

Class Mean


Sample Standard Variant


X IPA 1 62,57 28 11.62 135,14

X IPA 2 60,55 34 12.61 159,04

Table 4.10

Normality Test of Post Test in Experimental Class

xi F


(a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi)-P(Zi) ISn(xi) - P(Zi)I

53 1 1 0.04 -2,47 0,0068 0,0170 0,0170

60 2 3 0.11 -1,89 0,0294 0,0420 0,0420

67 4 7 0.25 -1,3 0,0968 0,0699 0,0699

73 1 8 0.29 -0,81 0,209 0,0767 Lo = 0,0767

80 5 13 0.46 -0,22 0,4129 0,0633 0,0633

87 8 21 0.75 0,36 0,6406 0,0499 0,0499

93 4 25 0.89 0,86 0,8051 0,0758 0,0758

100 3 28 1.00 1,44 0,9251 0,0749 0,0749


Table 4.11

Normality Test of Post Test in Control Class

xi F fk (a) Sn(xi) Z P(Zi) Sn(xi)-P(Zi) ISn(xi)-P(Zi)I

58 3 3 0,025 -2.8 0,0026 0,0224 0,0224

67 6 9 0,05 -2.36 0,0091 0,0409 0,0409

71 6 15 0,225 -1.1 0,1335 0,0915 0,0915

73 3 18 0,275 -0.72 0,2358 0,0392 0,0392

84 3 21 0,4 -0.28 0,3897 0,0103 0,0103

85 6 27 0,625 0.16 0,5636 0,0614 0,0614

89 2 29 0,225 0,75 0.54 0,7054 0,0446



Categories Level Scales Criteria Score

Content Excellent

to very


30-27 Knowledge;

substantive; thorough

development of thesis;

relevant to assigned


Good to


26-22 Some knowledge of

subject; adequate

range; limited

development of thesis;

mostly relevant to

topic, but lacks detail

Fair to


21-17 Limited knowledge of

subject; litle

substance; inadequate

development of topic

Very poor

16-13 Does not show

knowledge of subject;

non- substantive; not

pertanent; or not

enough to evaluate



to very


20-18 Fluent expression;

ideas clearly stated/

supported; succinct;


logical sequencing;


Good to


17-14 Somewhat choppy;

loosely organized but

main ideas stand out;

limited support;

logical but incomplete


Fair to


13-10 Non- fluent; ideas

confused or

disconnected; lacks

logical sequencing and


Very poor

9-7 Does not

communicate; no

organization; or not

enough to evaluate


Vocabulary Excellent

to very


20-18 Sophisticated range;

effective word/ idiom

choice and usage;

word form mastery;

appropriate register

Good to


17-14 Adequate range;

occasional errors of

word/ idiom form,

choice, usage but

meaning not obscured

Fair to


13-10 Limited range;

frequent errors of

word/ idiom form,

choice, usage;

meaning confused or


Very poor

9-7 Essentially translation;

little knowledge of

English, vocabulary,

idioms, word form; or

not enough to evaluate




to very


25-22 Effective complex

constructions; few

errors of agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ function,

articles, pronouns,


Good to


21-18 Effective bit simple

constructions; minor

problems in complex

constructions; several

errors of agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ functions;

articles, pronouns,

prepositions but

meaning seldom


Fair to


17-11 Major problems in

simple/ complex

constructions; minor

problems in simple

/complex constructios;


frequent errors of

negation, agreement,

tense, number, word

order/ function,

articles, pronouns,

prepositions, and/or

fragments, run-ons,

delections; meaning

confused or obscured.

Very poor

10-5 Virtually no mastery

of sentence

constructions rules;

dominated by errors,

does not

communicate; or not

enough to evaluate

Mechanics Excellent

to very


5 Demonstrates mastery

of conventions; few

errors of spelling,




Good to


4 Occasional errors of

spelling, punctuations,


paragphing; but

meaning not abscured

Fair to


3 Frequent errors of

spelling, punctuations,


paragphing; poor

handwriting; meaning

confused or obscured

Very poor

2 No mastery of


dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation,


handwriting illegible ;

or not enough to


Total Scores




Satuan Pendidikan : MAN Koto Baru Panjang Panjang

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1

Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI 1 dan KI 2

Pembelajaran Sikap Spiritual dan Sikap Sosial dilaksanakan secara tidak langsung

(indirect teaching) melalui keteladanan, terkait jujur, tanggungjawab, disiplin, dan

santun melalui proses pembelajaran Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan. Selanjutnya guru

melalukan penilaian sikap tersebut sepanjang proses pembelajaran berlangsung, dan

berfungsi sebagai pertimbangan guru dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta didik

lebih lanjut

KI 3.

Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan

pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI 4.

Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait tempat wisata

dan bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

Siswa mampu:

3.4.1 mengidentifikasikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan descriptive . (C1)

3.4.2 menampilkan kembali teks descriptive yang

disajikan dengan kalimat dan bahasa sendiri (C2)

3.4.3 membaca teks descriptive dengan pemahaman

yang benar (C1)

3.4.4 menemukan dan mencari makna kosakata baru

dalam teks

3.4.5 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan teks descrtive

dalam membuat contoh kalimat sehari-hari (C2)

As a reminder


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator


3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

khusus dalam bentuk


(announcement), dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Siswa mampu:

3.5.1 Menjelaskan makna yang terkandung dalam

descriptive teks menggunakan bahasa sendiri dan

ditampilkan di depan kelas. (C2)

3.5..2 Mempresentasikan kalimat dan dialogue

sederhana yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan

descriptive teks dan di tampilkan didepan kelas.


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Teks, peserta didik terampil membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan, serta mahir menangkap makna dan menyusun teks

khusus dalam bentuk descriptive

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi sosial

To describe about something, It is also in present time to describe what happens

about object.

Struktur teks

Generic Structure of descriptive text :

-Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

- Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object

as mentioned in the identification part

Unsur kebahasaan

Tense yang digunakan = present tense

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Diskusi, tanya jawab, Project,

F. Madia/alat/bahan/sumber

1. Media/alat :

Laptop/komputer, LCD, Video, Mobile Phone

2. Bahan


PPt dan LKS

3. Sumber Belajar :

Tercerminkah 4 C ?


-Bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK kurikulum 2013

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama: (2 JP)


3.9 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan descriptive teks dalam membuat contoh

kalimat sehari-hari (C2) a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 10 menit )

Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti

berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan buku pelajaran;

Memotivasi peserta didik secara kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran mengenai descriptive text dan penggunaan present tense.

Mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan materi yang

akan dipelajari

Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan

dicapai; dan menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian

kegiatan sesuai silabus.

b. Kegiatan Inti ( 70 menit )

Membaca descriptive teks yang disajikan tentang mendeskripsikan

seseorang, benda atau tempat

Menemukan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan didalam teks

Menjelaskan generic structure of the feature dari teks yang baru saja di


Menyebutkan kembali inti bacaan yang di baca pada descriptive text

Guru akan mulai memperkenalkan dialogue journal kepada siswa dengan

memberikan kertas selembar kepada siswa yang berisi dialogue journal

yang berkaitan deangan dengan pembelajaran descriptive text

Di depan kelas guru akan memodeling dialogue journal yang diberikan

kepada siswa tadi dengan menjelaskan secara detail maksud dari

pertanyaan di dalam dialogue journal dan megarahkan siswa untuk mulai


Siswa akan mulai menulis descriptive teks dari menjawab dialogue

journal yang diberikan guru pada kertas selembar.

Siswa akan menulis setidaknya 2 kalimat descriptive teks dan guru akan

melihat sejauh mana kemampuan siswa dalam menulis.

Setelah menulis jawaban siswa memberikan kembali kertas kepada guru

dan guru akan mulai membaca apa yang di tulis siswa.






Guru akan mengambil hasil kerja dari beberapa siswa dan menjadikan

sebagai contoh di depan kelas.

Guru akan membacakan didepan kelas hasil kerja dari beberapa siswa

tadi dan memberikan komentar dari apa yang ditulis siswa dengan

jawaban yang menyenangkan, guru akan bertanya, memberikan

pendapat, mengkalrifikasi dan memberikan pujian.

Setelah siswa paham menulis dengan dialaogue journal siswa akan di

berikan lagi pertanyaan yang akan membantu mereka menulis lebih baik

Selama proses pembelajran siswa akan bertanya jika ada materi yang

kurang paham.

Siswa menulis berdasarkan dialogue journal yang telah di diskusikan.

Secara individualy siswa mengkoreksi kalimat yang baru dijawab.

c. Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 menit )

Guru meyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini, guru menyimpulkan bagaimana cara

menulis descriptive text yang terdiri dari identification dan description, di dalam

identification terdapat topic sentece dan supporting detail terdapat pada

description. Siswa bisa memahami dengan baik sehingga siswa lebih bisa

menulis dengan menggunakan dialogue journal.

Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses pembelajaran: Well, class, you

have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope next

time, all of you involve in the interaction. How do you feel during the

lesson? Is there anyone want to say something?

Menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini

Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan


Pertemuan Kedua: ( 2 JP)


3.5.5 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan descriptive teks dalam membuat

contoh kalimat sehari-hari (C2) a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 10 menit )

Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.






Memotivasi peserta didik dengan dengan bertanya-jawab tentang

descriptive teks .

Mereview pembahasan pada kegiatan sebelumnya.

menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai


b. Kegiatan Inti ( 70 menit )

Menelaah kembali penggunaan descriptive dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Secara lebih mendalam membahas tentang penggunaan descriptive dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.

Guru akan memberikan contoh descriptive text yang lain

Siswa akan kembali membaca text dan akan menemukan generi structure

of the text dan menemukan inti bacaan.

Guru akan memberikan dialogue journal yang lain yang akan lebih

membuat siswa mengembangkan ide dan memperbaiki kemampuan

menulis mereka.

Masing masing siswa akan mencoba menulis jawaban dari dialogue

journal yang diberkan guru.

Guru akan membimgbing siswa ketika menulis dengan cara mendatangi

meja siswa satu persatu

Guru akan menjelaskan bagian mana yang siswa kurang paham

Bagi siswa yang sudah selesai boleh megantarkan hasil kerja mereka ke

depan kelas.

siswa memberikan kembali kertas kepada guru dan guru akan membaca

hasil kerja siswa dan mengomentari dengan jawaban yang


Siswa akan mendapatkan kembali kertas mereka dan akan tetap menulis

berdasarkan jawaban yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

Guru akan menjadi teman dalam dialogue journal siswa yang akan

memberikan siswa perbaikan dalam beberapa komponen bahasa, seperti

spealling, vocabulary, punctuation, topic sentence dan supporting detail

dam menulis

Siswa bertanya jika ada materi yang kurang paham.







c. Kegiatan Penutup

Refleksi sejenak tentang apa yang sudah dipelajari dalam pertemuan ini

dan sebelumnya “Well, we have talked about descriptive text, anyone

can tell what is descriptive text and the function of?

Menyimpulkan pembelajaran

“Who can conclude what you have studied during these meeting?

H. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik Penilaian:

a. Penilaian Sikap : Observasi/pengamatan

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes Tertulis

c. Penilaian Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja/Praktik.

2. Bentuk Penilaian:

a. Observasi : Jurnal guru

b. Tes tertulis : uraian dan lembar kerja

c. Unjuk kerja : Praktik/Pedoman Penskoran

d. Proyek : Produk/Pedoman Penskoran

e. Portofolio : E-Portofolio

3. Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)

I. Program Tindak Lanjut

1. Remedial

Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (80) diberi tugas untuk membaca

beberapa teks descriptive dalam bahasa Inggris dan menjawab soal selama

satu minggu.

Setelah satu minggu guru mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi peserta didik

dalam menangkap makna dan atau menyusun teks descriptive. Kemudian

guru melaksanakan penilaian remedial.


Bukittingi, June 2018


Rina Ridaos

NIM : 2314106



To describe about something, It is also in present time to describe what

happens about object



Fungsi sosial

Struktur teks

-Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

- Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object

as mentioned in the identification part Unsur kebahasaan

Tense yang digunakan = Present tense

Materi :


Definition of Descriptive

Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or thing is like. Purpose is to

describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing

Generic Structure of descriptive

Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object as

mentioned in the identification part.

Examples of descriptive text



Jam Gadang is literally “Big Clock” is a clock tower and major landmark

of the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located in the century f

the city, near the main market, Pasar atas, and is a tourist attraction. This clock

tower has large clocks on each side and was given the name “Jam Gadang” (

English big clock).

The structure was build in 1926during the Dutch colonial era, as a gift

from the Queen to city’s controleur. It was design by architects Yazin and Sutan

Gigi Ameh. Originally a rooster figure was place on the apex, but it was changed

into a jinja-like ornament during the Japaneseoccupation. Following Indonesia

independence, it was reshaped to its present from resembling traditional

Minangkau roofs (see Rumah Gadang). It is said hae cost 3.000 guilder.

Each clock face has diameter of 80 centimeters (31 in). it is base is 13 by 4

meters (43 ft * 13 ft) and stands 26 meters (85 ft) tall. One unique clock features

uses “IIII” for the number 4 instead of the traditional Roman number “IV”. Based

on local story, the four vertical lines represent the four workers whodied while

constructing the building. The laying of the Jam Gadang cornerstone was done by

thr 6 years old son of Rook Maker, the city secretary of Bukittinggi at the time.

Given its iconic appearance, the structure is a frequent object of local

souvenirs. It is printed on apparel, painted,used as a sculpting model, and so

fourth. As of January 2008, it cost 50.000 rupiahs (around US $5) to enter the is plaza serves as the centre of New Year celebration in Bukittinggi.

Teach descriptive text with dialogue journal

We are discuss about Jam Gadang, for now here is a dialogue that you should write

about Jam Gadang.

Teacher : Do you know Jam Gadang?

Students :

Teacher : Where is that?

Students :

Teacher : What is the colour of Jam Gadang ?

Students :

Teacher : What are the big things in every side of Jam Gadang?


Materi pertemuan kedua

Communicative Language Teaching


Tell me about your hometown

Teacher : Do you have hometown?

Students :

Teacher : what is the name of your home town?

Students :

Teacher : is that a big hometown?

Students :

Teacher : what does your home town look like?

Students :


Describe about place

We are going to discuss about place , I want to know about your favorite place with your


Teacher : Do you ever visit some place with your family?

Students :

Teacher : What kind of the place do you like to visit with your family?

Students :

Teacher : Where is that?

Students :

Teacher : Is that beautiful place?

Students :

Teacher : What does the place look like?

Students :

Teacher : How many times do you go to that place in a years?

Students :






-Menjawab pertayaan dialogue singkat (preseent tense)

Kompetensi Dasar IPK Materi Indikator Soal Bentuk


3.7 Membedakan

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks descriptive lisan

dan tulis dengan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

sesuai dengan



4.7 Menangkap

makna secara

kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahassaan

teks descriptive

tlisan dan tulis

terkait peristiwa


3.7 menggunakan unsur


descriptive text dalam

membuat contoh

kalimat sehari-hari




kalimat dan dialogue

sederhana yang

berkaitan dengan


descriptive teks dan

di tampilkan didepan

kelas. (C2)

-Fungsi sosial

To describe about


-Struktur teks



-Unsur kebahasaan

Present Tense



ikan fungsi

sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur


descriptive .


4.13.1 Menjelaskan

makna yang


dalam descritive



bahasa sendiri

dan ditampilkan

di depan kelas.










Satuan Pendidikan : MAN Koto Baru Panjang Panjang

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1

Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

J. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI 1 dan KI 2

Pembelajaran Sikap Spiritual dan Sikap Sosial dilaksanakan secara tidak langsung

(indirect teaching) melalui keteladanan, terkait jujur, tanggungjawab, disiplin, dan

santun melalui proses pembelajaran Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan. Selanjutnya guru

melalukan penilaian sikap tersebut sepanjang proses pembelajaran berlangsung, dan

berfungsi sebagai pertimbangan guru dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta didik

lebih lanjut

KI 3.

Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan

pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI 4.

Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

K. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


Siswa mampu:

3.4.1 mengidentifikasikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan descriptive . (C1)

3.4.2 menampilkan kembali teks descriptive yang

disajikan dengan kalimat dan bahasa sendiri


3.4.3 membaca teks descriptive dengan

pemahaman yang benar (C1)

3.4.4 menemukan dan mencari makna kosakata

baru dalam teks

3.4.5 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan teks

descrtive dalam membuat contoh kalimat

As a reminder


To describe about something, It is also in present time to describe what

happens about object

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

sehari-hari (C2)

3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

khusus dalam bentuk


(announcement), dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Siswa mampu:

3.5.1 Menjelaskan makna yang terkandung dalam

descriptive teks menggunakan bahasa sendiri

dan ditampilkan di depan kelas. (C2)

3.5.2 Mempresentasikan kalimat dan dialogue

sederhana yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan

descriptive teks dan di tampilkan didepan

kelas. (C2)

L. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Teks, peserta didik terampil membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan, serta mahir menangkap makna dan menyusun teks

khusus dalam bentuk descriptive

M. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi sosial

Struktur teks

Generic Structure of descriptive text :

-Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

- Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object

as mentioned in the identification part

Unsur kebahasaan

Tense yang digunakan = present tense

N. Metode Pembelajaran

Diskusi, tanya jawab, Project,

O. Madia/alat/bahan/sumber

Tercerminkah 4 C ?


4. Media/alat : Laptop/komputer, LCD, Video, Mobile Phone

5. Bahan : PPt dan LKS

6. Sumber Belajar :

-Bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK kurikulum 2013

P. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama: (2 JP)


3.9 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan descriptive teks dalam membuat contoh

kalimat sehari-hari (C2) d. Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 10 menit )

Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan buku pelajaran;

Memotivasi peserta didik secara kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat pembelajaran mengenai descriptive text

Mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari

Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

e. Kegiatan Inti ( 50 menit )

Membaca descriptive text text yang disajikan Menjelaskan unsur bahasa (present tense) yang terdapat dalam teks

decpriptive teks. Secara lebih mendalam membahas tentang penggunaan descriptive

dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Siswa membuat kalimat sederhana tentang descriptive text.

Siswa mengerjakan soal yang tersedia.

Secara individualy siswa mengkoreksi kalimat yang baru dijawab.









f. Kegiatan Penutup ( 5 menit )

Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses pembelajaran: Well, class, you

have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope next

time, all of you involve in the interaction. How do you feel during the

lesson? Is there anyone want to say something?

Menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini

Pemberian tugas berupa membuat percakapan yang menggunakan

present tense

Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan


Pertemuan Kedua: ( 2 JP)


3.5.5 menggunakan unsur kebahasaan descriptive teks dalam membuat

contoh kalimat sehari-hari (C2) d. Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 10 menit )

Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.

Memotivasi peserta didik dengan dengan bertanya-jawab tentang

descriptive teks .

Mereview pembahasan pada kegiatan sebelumnya.

menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai


e. Kegiatan Inti ( 50 menit )

Menelaah kembali penggunaan descriptive dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Guru memberikan contoh descriptive teks lain berupa mendeskripsikan


Siswa akan membaca teks yang diberikan guru dan menemukan unsur

kebahasaan yang digunakan.

Siswa mulai menulis dan mendeskripsikan tempat yang pernah








Siswa mempelajari materi tentang descriptive tesks yakni tentang

mendeskripsikan orang benda atau tempat.

Siswa bertanya jika ada materi yang kurang paham.

Siswa menuliskan tempat yang pernah dikunjungi

f. Kegiatan Penutup

Refleksi sejenak tentang apa yang sudah dipelajari dalam pertemuan ini

dan sebelumnya “Well, we have talked about descriptive text, anyone

can tell what is descriptive text and the function of?

Menyimpulkan pembelajaran

“Who can conclude what you have studied during these meeting?

Q. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik Penilaian:

d. Penilaian Sikap : Observasi/pengamatan

e. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes Tertulis

f. Penilaian Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja/Praktik, Role-Play

2. Bentuk Penilaian:

f. Observasi : Jurnal guru

g. Tes tertulis : uraian dan lembar kerja

h. Unjuk kerja : Praktik/Pedoman Penskoran

i. Proyek : Produk/Pedoman Penskoran

j. Portofolio : E-Portofolio

3. Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)

R. Program Tindak Lanjut

2. Remedial






To describe about something, It is also in present time to describe what

happens about object

Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (80) diberi tugas untuk membaca

beberapa teks descriptive dalam bahasa Inggris dan menjawab soal selama

satu minggu.

Setelah satu minggu guru mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi peserta didik

dalam menangkap makna dan atau menyusun teks descriptive. Kemudian

guru melaksanakan penilaian remedial.


Bukittingi, June 2018


Rina Ridaos

NIM : 2314106



Fungsi sosial


Struktur teks

-Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

- Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object

as mentioned in the identification part

Unsur kebahasaan


Tense yang digunakan = Present tense

Materi :

Definition of Descriptive

Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or thing is like. Purpose is to

describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing

Generic Structure of descriptive

Identification : A statement or a short paragraph.

Description : This part is used to give sufficient description about the object as

mentioned in the identification part

Examples of descriptive text


Jam Gadang is literally “Big Clock” is a clock tower and major landmark

of the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located in the century f

the city, near the main market, Pasar atas, and is a tourist attraction. This clock

tower has large clocks on each side and was given the name “Jam Gadang” (

English big clock).

The structure was build in 1926during the Dutch colonial era, as a gift

from the Queen to city’s controleur. It was design by architects Yazin and Sutan


Gigi Ameh. Originally a rooster figure was place on the apex, but it was changed

into a jinja-like ornament during the Japaneseoccupation. Following Indonesia

independence, it was reshaped to its present from resembling traditional

Minangkau roofs (see Rumah Gadang). It is said hae cost 3.000 guilder.

Each clock face has diameter of 80 centimeters (31 in). it is base is 13 by 4

meters (43 ft * 13 ft) and stands 26 meters (85 ft) tall. One unique clock features

uses “IIII” for the number 4 instead of the traditional Roman number “IV”. Based

on local story, the four vertical lines represent the four workers whodied while

constructing the building. The laying of the Jam Gadang cornerstone was done by

thr 6 years old son of Rook Maker, the city secretary of Bukittinggi at the time.

Given its iconic appearance, the structure is a frequent object of local

souvenirs. It is printed on apparel, painted,used as a sculpting model, and so

fourth. As of January 2008, it cost 50.000 rupiahs (around US $5) to enter the is plaza serves as the centre of New Year celebration in Bukittinggi.

Materi pertemuan kedua

Communicative Language Teaching


Describe about place






Kompetensi Dasar IPK Materi Indikator Soal Bentuk


3.7 Membedakan

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks descriptive lisan

dan tulis dengan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

sesuai dengan



4.7 Menangkap

makna secara

kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahassaan

teks descriptive

tlisan dan tulis

terkait peristiwa


3.7 menggunakan unsur


descriptive text dalam

membuat contoh

kalimat sehari-hari




kalimat dan dialogue

sederhana yang

berkaitan dengan


descriptive teks dan

di tampilkan didepan

kelas. (C2)

-Fungsi sosial

To describe about


-Struktur teks



-Unsur kebahasaan

Present Tense



ikan fungsi

sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur


descriptive .


4.13.1 Menjelaskan

makna yang


dalam descritive



bahasa sendiri

dan ditampilkan

di depan kelas.








Appendix 9: Documentation






Anne Whitaker, A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Academic Papers ( City

University of Seattle) p.6

Pardiyono. (2007). Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre Based Writing. Yogyakarta: (CV.

Andi Offset) p.7\

Peyton, J.K., Staton, J, Dialogue journals in the multilingual classroom: Building

language fluency and writing skills through written interaction.(Norwood,

NJ: Ablex.1993).

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing ( Sixth impression, 2007), p. 125-126

David Nunan, Dissertation writing in action ( Heinle & Heinle 1999)p.199

Peyton, Reflections on Dialogue journal Writing with Adults Learning English

(AGENCYOffice of Educational Research and Improvement (ED),

Washington, DC. 1991) p. 16

Harmer. How to teach learning ( sixth impression, 2007 ) p. 3

Heaton, Writing English Language Tested ( Longman Inc, 1975)p. 127


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English new edition, England: Pearson Education

Limited, 2007, P. 112

David nunan.Language Teaching Methodology-a Book For Teachers,

Prentice Hall, 1991, P.84

Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching Practice And Theory, United

Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1999, P. 70

James, A. Reinking and Andrew W. Hart. Strategies for Successful Writing.

(New Jersey: Practice-Hall, 1986), p.2

Bactiar ima M and Cicik Kurniawan, Let’s Talk, ( Bandung, Pakar Raya, 2005 ).

P 15

Peyton, J.K., & Staton, J. Writing our lives: Reflections on dialogue journal

writing with adults learning English. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Regents

Prentice Hall and Center for Applied Linguistics, 1991)

J.K. Peyton, Students and teachers writing together: Perspectives on journal

writing (Alexandra, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other

Languages, Inc. 1990).

Kreeft, J. (1984). Dialogue journal writing: Bridge from talk to essay

writing. (Language Arts, 1984) p. 61

Bc. Soňa Remiášová, Using Dialogue Journals in Basic School toEnhance

English Language Learning( Masarkyhuniversity Brno faculty of

education , 2009) p.15


McWhirter, A.M.. Whole language in the middle school. Reading

Teacher,. (Special issue: Whole Literacy: Possibilities and Challenges 1990) p.


Sara Denne-Belton, The Dialogue Journal : A tool for building Better Writers, (

South Africa English Teaching forum, 2003) p, 8-9

Regan. (1997). Dialogue journals as an ESL learning strategy. Journal of

Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 40 (8), 616-621. Retrieved October 1, 2009

from EBSCO host.

Ming-Tzu Liao and Chia-Tzu Wong, Effects of Dialogue Jourals on L2 Students’

Writing Fluency, Reflections, Anxiety, and Motivation(National Kaohsiung

Normal University, Taiwan,

Kreeft, J., Staton, J., & Gutstein, S. What is dialogue?Dialogue,(1984). 2(1),

Suharsimi Arikunto,ManajemenPenelitian, Jakarta: RinekaCipta, 2013,p.207

Margono,Metodologi Penelitian Pendidika, Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007, p.


SuharsimiArikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Revisi, Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2006,

p. 139

Arif Miboy, Statistik Pendidikan, Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi, 2015, p. 88