S(Hayd Reaic - To Parent Directory

Post on 26-Apr-2023

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Transcript of S(Hayd Reaic - To Parent Directory


LOG NEWS.—A pump factory at Mentone

would be a payin enterprise.

—Miss Birdie Adams is cierking

in Manwaring Bros’ store.

—Mrs. McCleltan’s mother, {rom

New York, is visitin her this week. W. W. KIMESpot Cash Prices.





—Mr. and Mrs. Cox, trom Starke

county are visiting their son James.

—Highest market price paid for

fat cattle by J. F. Love, butcher, at

Mentone, Ind.

Watch,clock and jewelry re—

pairing done prompUl and at reason-

abl rates hy Middleton,

—Bleven varieties of smokingtobacco, seven of plug nnd five of

fine cut at the Corner grocery.

—A very small business may be

carried on ‘under a bushel” but only

a few peopl know anything about it.

—Lumber lath and shingles fer sale

at Mentone. by C. H Adams, agentfor Vrackett &- of Rochester.

—The Fireman’s Tournament to

be held at Plymouth, August 16, 17

ard 18 promise to be an immense


ne ae Cite, a mining town six- willbe prosentat the BLP.

ee re Hot Spri Ark,


S5sMDY at Mfisinkwekee Lake on

fonr months old ead bran population


AUSUSH2T The Associetan opens

100.on Augnst 2

cop kere'lia Usb! Wie) ewe. iw,


Oneiot Lmorsn old bachelors

stances witlin the last fifty years thatthat need killing say that the reason

i voman i led a “duck” is

the temperature ling reached 100 de-|”

Faee ee er mmers of

Deranse the dressing is better than the

178 and &#3bird, [Leaver News.

—The first time you come to

town just ste into Dunlap’s and

buy a poun of Japa tea, the

best in town, and take a squintat the biggest fiddle in the state.

—A new servant kaviug been eu:

gage atan aristocratic Denver re:

denee was inlormed that they nsual-

ly had breakfast. at cight o'clo

She replied unsoncernedly “well, if I

ain&# dow to it, dou’t wait.”

—Every advertisement in the

Gazerre represents a thrifty business.

—The Mollenbour boys are run-

ning their saw-mill day and night.

—The B P. Annual confere nce

begin at Marion, Ind, August 18th.—o—0—0—0—0-~0— 0-000

—106 in the shade, Wednesday.

—Gasoling delivered ,leave your

orders at Middleton’s.

—Hlercules powde for sale at N.

N. Latimer’s hardware store.

California prones, the best in

the world at the Corner, grocery.

—R. C. Railsback and wife were

iting at Maxinkuckee Luke over

Sunday.—Mra E. M. Crall and) daughter

Vesta are visiting friends at Orion

this week.

—A good variety of fresh and

_{sal meats alway on hand at Love&#3

= ieee dares

Worth LivinThat depen upon the

Liver, for if the Live is

inactive the whole sys-tem is out of order—thebreath is bad digestiopoor, head dull or achingenergy and_hopefulngoue, the spirits are de~

pressed a heavy weightexists after eating, with

eral despondeu and

the blues. The Liver is

the housekeep of tho

health; and a harmless,

simpl remed that acts

Natare, does not

jantipaie<dtdrw -or-

req constant takin

does not interfere witl

business or pleasur dur-

ing its use, makes Sim-

mona Liver Regulato a

medical perfectioT nave tated ita virtues personally, anSR EU pee ti emt mde

2S Nee ne paneer

—Dr. Stockberger’s horse ran

away yesterday and never crackea tug.

—Keuney BMcCleltan, of Stony

Island, is visiting his brother Jobn.

of this place—The Comer grocery will have

a mew lot of Michigan Cream

cheese the first of the week.

—Chieago Daily News, Saturday

Night and allthe leading wagazinesand literary papers at Middleton&#3

Drugs and medicines always at

fair prices at Middleton&#39 drog


— a first-class dentist of

Warsaw, will visit Mentone, Men-

day, August 15.

—Dr. Reeves, of Mentone, psil

Dr. Robbins a itying visit on Tues-

{Denver Sm.

—There is not a better point in

Northern Indiana for a carringe fst-

tory than at Mentone.

&qu te H.C DOASE for satishetorywork m PAINTING, GRA! B


ING, etc., at low figures,

14 Pounds Granulated Sugar.

15% “A” Sugar

18” Extra “C” Suga

Bars Washboard Soa

Japan Tea, best

Pa fired Japan Tea F


Stareh .

03 and OT

drug store. Soda and Saluratus .-


The Corner has..the


14 PoundsCarolina Rice vA Qe com

greatest variety, the best quality] 4 »

of plug and smoking tobaccos, and

th finest: fine cut in the city.—Mrs. N.A. Clay. started


Tharsday on an extended

to friends in Ohio.

—Samuel Love and -ife, from



Knives and Forks

—There is no let up in the de—President Stevens of Adrian

Tabla Peaches :

ries_ fro


mand at Mentone fur all kinds of

Miami county, spent Sunday with his


oa roa ‘Th best

brother, J. F. Love.arm ut garden produ ‘T best

of prices always paid by our wer-

—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sellers spent



mnday a


Sere Warar this week


_ rhe picnic at Sayger’s grove

ns .

2} miles north-east of Akron, on

—Charl Kintzel and Lash Stans-| ugust 20, is expecte to bea hugebury and wif of Plymouth, spent !attair, ‘The Afentone band will firm

Sunday with Mr. Kintzcls. ish the music.

(Owing to the poor health of —Our most wide-ewake and su!

his wife, Mr. Price offers his hotel


cessful business men embrace every

for sale or trade, at a bargain. opportunity within their reaea to let

We notice a fine residence going |the world know where they aze sad

up on nosth Walnut street. A nran [what they are doing.

named Wellington is the builder. _—-Near the head of Swan river,

--Shaffer & Fish, is the name of


five miles above Bre kenridge, Colo—

the new firm that sveceeds L. P.|[rado, a nugget of guld was recently

Hudson in the restaurant business. |found weighing nearly


Miss Ida aceompanied hy [PowNd valued at $5,000 the larg

Miss Mabel Doddridge, returned to |Resset ever found in Colorado.

“| hoine at Hebron, Ind., last Mon-


—Mirs. 8.8.

Mentzer came

: Tuesda and subscribed for the

Am enterprGazerte for Lwoof her brothers in

“tnarhle gutter would find Mentone


Kansas. No doubt they will uppre-

the best location for that business. in [ciate such a sisterly kindness, and

the state. accep the paper as a news letter

‘lon the dentist was crowded from her hands-

He will be


--Caleb Lockridge bss retrmed

here again ope week frova next Mon. | from Mentono, where he fy build

a resi ich Le expects to

xamter became joupy soon, We serry to lose

Bue little giri| from our midst, but Mentone

a good citizen—{Marshlandster Tribune.


rehants |Vou Want a tist-cl a

Routing done, dow&# fail to eal on or

write to John Bilger, as be has 2

first-class sla Wany work done

hy him is stric jy warranted. A car

load of slate j received. Prices to

suit the times.

Rising Sun Stove Polish

Bird Seed we

Lamp Flues, 0 and 1

A Big Cut in Spices

Oat Meal ve

Carpe Ts

ation.G’none of them gave more

than temporar reliefbu the Regulator‘only relievedwoke.

HHL. Joxes, Macon, Ga

-2 Boxes aeks wa

Goad Fine cut Tubace

A “rattler” Fine qut

Pail Tea o :

AO quart Tin Pail

Whitewash Brushes

Pin full count

Spea Head Piug Tobaeso

—Any person in the yicinity of

Mentone, or surrounding towns,

who desires to enter the Mentone

Building Savings and Loan Associ-

ation should eall on or address J.

B. Middleton or M. H. Summy for

particular The orgzaitation will

be effected soon.

—*Darling I will come again.” Tam Saus

This New Song of Persley’s 1s be Raisins, Best

yom doubt the sweetest and most} 3 pounds Bulk Starch a

charming ever written by thi Siausaate, pee'well known composer. It is writ-


ten ina style that captivates the

ainger and hearer at once. We advise

all our musical friends a vocalists

toorder a copy at once. Price 35

cents, Ing. Ficher, Pubtisher, Toledo,


— man who is everlastiigly

finding fault with men and things

around him is an infernal nuisance.

Me makes gloomy every face that

would othermise sunile; he darkons

every prosp-et that would otherwise

heeome bright; he provokes to hatred


and disgust every sensible man, who

assists h fellows in maintaining the

charseter of their town. Lightningshould strike such beats, and strike

them hard, for their loss is the world’s

gain--[Avilla News.

Cit Directory.CORPORATIO


Coune iimen,a



2 Papers

Star * *

Horse Shoe


—About 93 out of every 100 of

the victi of sunstroke at Chicago

during the recent he term were

Bohemians and Germans wha were

bard drinkers. Mor fire, on both

sides will mett the hardest

Patlor Matehes

Dried Peaches

Arbuckel’s Coffee


ki «

Sardines per box...

=-A basket pienie will be held

near the Yellow Creck Baptist

church by the Suntay- of that

place August 27,’3% A cardial

invitation is extended fo all. Byorder of the S. S. Peter Jeffries,

; Josep Bybee Sect.

newspaper is the medium


ec cainge in Rely



sre Good Smoking Tobacco per I

A No.1 Wash Tub

ANo2 ”

A Good Brown 7

Ksence of coffee5...

the proud papa of 4

lay of las week.

our congratulation—The dent for butter

stweek that our


pai 16 cents for the best when but 8

aud 10 could be got elsewhere.


7B. Garrison bas sold bis

property in the south-west part of

town to Nr Rivearson from near

‘laypool. Mr. Garrison will move

back to Kans in a short time.

We extend

the world,

ve the curses of the pubic:

yet no matter how near you have

acted toward them, when death

cowes they are the first to cover

np your fanlts, lay the Jaurel leat]

upon your grave and commend

you to the merey of God.—E

Golden Syrup per gallonNew picktes in stock.

In fact in everythin,in the Grocery line, I wil

save you from 20 to 30

per cent. Call in and see.



Wientome, End.

—We are reminded thus early of

the approachin annual Indiana

State Fair, commencing Septembe19th. Iinprevements are being

‘made niore speci exhibition build-

ings ereeted, a. new roof on the

main exhibition hall and‘ the

rounds enlarged. The Indiana

Stute Fair is now recognize as. the

center of the great breeding groundof improve stock. Flerds of im-

prove cattle were shown at the

last Fair from nine different States.

Vighteen States und the Canadas

were represente and the show of

live stouk and anachinery never ex-

celled on the continent.

—Phe balloon ascension last Sat-

urday was failure, and the loca-

tion of the cause depende princi-

pal on the locater, ‘The facta in

—The town which sits down en its

—Tee cream, the best ever madehind legs and waits for some onc to

[ready every Saturday evening and|COMe along, and drop an occasional

Sunday, either wholesale or retail hig fat worm into its mouth will get

at JAcoD Byubhtss also mails to'ordet Fat worms are parce and high.

for parties or festivals at anytime.and the proper way to get the bes

% is to get ont and bustle for them.

Nothin like it—[Maey Monitor,

--Every man who owns a business

building in a wooden row or valua-

—Three weeks ago Indiana

man tanght, a very finely-bred, well

be-haved setter, to chew tobaeco.

No the dog comes into the honse

by the back door, never


his fect on the mat, never goes to

church, is careless at hi ameals, gets

burrs in his tail, goes wilh a lower

grade of dogs, and it is feared that

he is beginning to take an interest

in politics —Burdette.

—We see by the correspondenin last week’s Warsaw Union that

our friend “Sal” is aga seriously

ailing. By a passin diagnosi of

his ease we conely that he has

swallowed a doseo

own “siv-

tax” and his desperat efforts to

digest the blamed stuff has taken


ox at


J.B. MIDDLEandaie Peace,

-—Not a-week passes but that the

Utlice in Middleton'i

Gazerts is placed&# obfi

*|to Hayde Rea for specia favors.



Fee Teno aNa heal Hetate Agi.|e never loses un opportunity tol). welling property, should have »

Gitce in Robineon& Block, Main St” &quo a goo word for the paper.


wind-pump with elevated tank for

—_—_——————— ~=

a 4

a &q

—George antl Warren Kime were | protection against fire, or for. the



smamoned to Ligonier las! Sumdsy


purpose of wateriag garden or lawn,

“rme pansen equip o th

x |on account of the sickness of their


yJoral; we have two wind-pumps for

eand ie suppli wits the tate" father. Word received from them sale cheap. Who wants one? Calt

atate that he is ina very critical con-| and get prices,| ithdition.


—Sifas price, of Mentone, was in

—A very succcesfiil business man] town last week. He has gained in

remarked to us recently that the/ gosh considerably since he quit farm-


appliancesPb travel."Fa dep fro wh

uuiway_Depat. Yun bur:i.

ye ay.

K Depot.

Foitewing is time tm elfe

until turthce notice.

Gora wast.

rei Ft, am am 1


‘Tarouiicon of the company

atheHON ER,

Gen. Passenger Age Clevelond, Obi



tlekets to all points areou saleat

oft ooat lowest

a tickets desired. Bae

CLAY, Agent, Mentone, Ind.

business which woutd not justify 9

liberal use of printer’s ink, was too

insignificant to be worthy of his


—D, B. Snodgrass M. D., of the

Physio Medical Institute of Marion,

Ind., will lecture at tha M. E. churcb

next Tuesday evening, Aug. 9. His

subject will be “The Science of Life.”

All are invited.

—J.M. Ferree, of Demoines, Towa,

traveling agent for the New Home

Sewing Machine Co., of Chitago, was

in town Monday and gave us a call.

Mr. F. was at one time a resident of

this county, und a former teacher of


ing nnd went into the hotel business,and his friends here had to take a

second look before they could be as—

sured that it reaily was Silas, He is

doing a fair business and in well

please with his location.— ArgosReflector.

—Belvin Yocum, s young man

whose home is near Akren, passethrough town Monday o his way to

Barr Oak where he begins rading

place, Mr. Yocum recently graduat-ed atthe Ft, Wayne college, and

professio whieh he has chosen.

medieine with a physician of that}

will no doubt be successfail in the


place his name on the Gazerts sub-

doctor. H will no doabt use


in th seale of pedagog

all the color out of his usually rosy

cheeks. By all means consult the

double- back-action stomach-

and then get ‘the famous

professe who correspon for the

Hoosier Democrat, to analyz the

proceed and locate the “if’s” and

expletives If he (the Prof.) is

abl to perfor his task he will be

entitled to a six months promotio

—An eastern paper very trathfully

thus comments on building towns in

ourstate: Take two sites; let one be

a beantiful location, with al{ the

natural advantages possible and the

th case are, that, although the 2s-

cension was advertised to take placalat one o' P. M., nothing was

done toward filling the balloon un-

til about six, then owing to the

sultry atmosphe and the close

surroundings formed by the crowd

etc., it was found very difficult to

ge adraft through the furnace.

‘As a result of the slow process of

filling the support were removed

before the balloon was inflated srf-

ficiently to support itself’ and_con-

sequently when the heat slackened

the balloon wilted, as did also the

patienc of many of the peopl who

looked upon the proceeding as an



Weatly av




A Good Supply Always o Hands.

at LOW Prices.


aPromptly Done.

scription list while in town.

—Montone against the world for

a large crowd! The town was packed with peopl last Saturday. Some

came from twenty-five miles away

to see the balloon ascension and re-

mained until a late hour only to

witness a very grand fizzle. The

capturin of the ponie was ‘not ap-

preeinte as anything enjoyable,pecia by those of finer sensibili

ties who know that bratal treat-

ment is not the correct way to de-

velo the useful qualities of that

noblest of animals—the horse.

—The genuin Buchur, Gibbs

Imperia plows and repairs the

origina Kalamazo Reed’s patent

spring- Harrows, New Deal

walking sulky plows, Roller and

Baker hoe drills, for sale by E. 0.

Clay & Bro.

—Charley Casad left Monday

afternoon fer Chicago where he will

join Beach & Bower&#3 minstrel troupe

and them toi

and return during the coming season.

is father. John Casad, will now

take charge of the balloon ascension


imposition. W leave all to form

their own opinion of the matter,

but we desire to impress upon all

this one fact that the entire day’

doing were a private enterprise en-

tirely, and the town of Mentone 0

its citizens in genera shoulé

in no way be held’ responsibfor any success or failure that

other none of these, Take 500 old

fogie and misers— men who do

not believe in giving, but ge all they

cari and hold all they get; men who

do not believe in giving capitalists

anythin for risking money in their

town—-and put them on the goo

site. Then 200 good live, energetic,

ges up and get sort of fellow who

never let an opportunit poss to ad-| may have been made. When Men-

vertise themselves and their town. |tone sends anything up, it usnally

‘and put them on the poor town site;| goes.

then watch thos 4wo towns for five!” _Now isa goo time to plac

years, and you will easily catch on to]your nime on the Gazerrs list.

the secret of town Snihling

Liv Fe a S Sta



to solicit orders for our reliable Nur-

Good Salary and Expen-

ses or Commission. Permanent em-

ployment guaranteed. Address at once

Ftating age. BNELL & HOWLAND,

Nurserymen, St. Louis, Mo.

308 (Nurseries in Western N. ¥.) GOO HORS



B ?. Jefferies,‘mate



when in cag wait frd on Hes

wa Sias mien St

Enecreeod LOR & 1



CONDENS NEWS ville, Wisconsin. ‘The child was, tabbed Jers om the land have been compelled to A REI OF TERROR INDIANA.


I. + Neveral times, and afterward iis brains


move out. ‘The Brown K Feud Cause!

THE GAZ ETTE. —_—— were cubed ont on the edg of a barrel.


Earthquake chooks wore felt Wednes-|“ Total susp of Sosn epara of the Latest News


So Bol

Intelligence From all Parts of ‘Dr. St. Jobn, who is charged with com:


day morning at St. Louis, Evansville, InCondensed Rep

of the Latet ie ¥ aa a

MENTONE, INDIANA. th Worlplicity in the exeape of Ex Warden ‘Me-


dians, and Nashville, Tennessee, and t Sena Freepe

from adopt syst


Barigie, the Chicago boodler, bas boca termediate points, At Centralis,‘meorenena to _Near Glenda Reason. Chay | At Columbus, Coroner SH.

c. M. SMITH, + PupriserFIR


RROO ie and hela under $20,000 bail to th sh wa the severent_ over felt in‘His Mina.

a farmer, was kille by ‘ailing tre[ris retn thefollowrer “S

(on lumber mills at | the to the sharesa A Lexington Special anys:—Col. John


—-Willlam Decrington died at Mow deceased came to het death by

dames Ee eee agit 14 Within forty-ave minates over t¥°|5 Casteman and Adjutent Roger Wit | @zume Teoently, at tho age of 9


wound inflicted upon her head an

ts shown by oficial returna that the Cui wore destroyed O Soe \ ears of age, was x the ap-|inches of rain fell at. Wheeling, W-¥


isms returned from Moorehead, whoreTea his eighth wife a widow. {¥eSm blunt instrament in the

production of anthracite coal in Pennsyl-

The paper mill of the Chicago firm of proac to a bridge in Chicago. Ho Many cellars and firat floors wore flooded.


0143 been sont by Gov. Knott to in-| —Tt is reporte that Congre hands of Ivo Catsinger, Frank Cu

venie the last fiscal year was nearly thirty: Bradner, Smith & Co, on the Tippecanoe giothing was disarranged ana tornButter eold briably at 27 to 273 cebta


i ity th De coa biog salv wh


visiting in Pennsyl {singer James

fiv south of Monti Thaw Ture. Cuaiug & Sooparate struggle iz which she qui in th propiay of ending W van, will bring a ride home wit Me

= the ground. Lees, $1500 ‘The had been outraged and mardered. Seentswi wreak Owing to the oo th jo atte on the seos of s | Tin re

Tna eaSorocted lors than year f°|

A chriatening,


the family of Willinm


Hnv tthe Tronght the milk aupply Cir Coo wi *ar whe congressman Steele has appointe Ser were arre and Bel ti

sralange of the “eppusi soxcathe site of a mill that had then jt


yfuulen, at G42 Gates avenue, Brooklys, askea for by Jud P a Hogg. {8 808 of Thad Hoke, of Roann, to 3 preliminary hearing befor Mayor

‘boon burned. broke up ina row in which one man was;‘The new Minnesota and Northwestern


ang others. ‘The ary * et Mont | cadetship at West Point. ‘The young Spencer. whe

‘us Dogus pring chicken hes done


Pefuz & Uirteh&# malt house, with eon: yilled, s woman fatally stabbed and sav- {Railr hus been form opened A Sterling, and deet th Bit not go


man will have bis final examination in to awai the action of the

goad scivice Us year, but ia now Lelng tents, was destr B fire at Peoria, ML


ora} injor:party of gentemen frow S Paul Geis fend court unless


Septethe Septembe term of

cnpaily retired by the Bushing of tha Less, $8000, Jndge Shep overruled th matEinueepalie visieed Chic on the in “In Daviess county, Rei aon part belong to the wealthiest faim.

‘two fires were started by incendiaries !for x now trial in the cases of E

train through. qChap

,a farmer, cut dasi ‘tree, ilies in Johnson nt; greal

t Bessomer, Mich, fhe town for a time


MeDonald and W. J. as theie wae Charles H. Reed, the defender


amining the situation carefully,Yt fell on&# breaking his leg in two


deal of ‘excitement is manifested

i who speculate ou the sly is was in danger, but the flames were &acayy boodlers. MeDonald wa sentenced nites, who is alleged to have at-| to report adversely to sending troops to


place and he acat [eter in| At Evansville, the cit coal

ceintio toyet thrown as the weo- tinguished with Gut small Loss. eee Gem of three years im the penitentaa suicide by jamping o N


Moothend. The town is a dead town


Jtries from whieh h aft a long and lively ao au tene

who attempts to liv gracefully in a Firedestroyed tho sash and w fac- ary.Pennsylvania railroad ferry

--Mary Warner, who cut the throat to & propo submit i eat

to of 3- Webber & Detroit, Mic =

lies in Bollevue hospital, and t

i F convict in the Jefferso H. Verner, representin the hol 0

0005ee INDUSTRIAL say that his constitution is 20

vith a shoe knife, a is; water. *rok and railro i

Tamed by Joba W. 0 —

mined by high living that setions doubts

in the county jail await. city, amounting to $1,12

Broondensh chairman of the Union At Chicago a fire destroyed ‘Armour&#3 |‘Phe strike at the Black mond Bisel o ee must be entertained. He re per

h been grant ted a. pen fu te ea zworki ees

Labor Pasty of Kansas. fur a masa cOU- stanghiter-house, his oleomargarine Works, at Pittsburg, Pa., is at an end, ihe so suffering from melancholia. Witt.

cent, and t r na o

1 factory, and Lis ga: ou, javolving a employes going to work unoonditionally. charge is made by South no! oneA. barn oor b ae se ven thenew rh ae oematt in

total fess vf abo $50‘The mon went out because the employers

| pa that the Department of Agrical- |and aight by io aa ay

ne. t ee

ee: wince mo w “ig ot cep Sai

eee ea to recoguize the Knights of Labor.


ture bas overestimated tho acreage of the8 Or SS In erop of b an ey and a Jot |the ci place Ne

CASU Itip announced that the oteam-ttters|tobseco orop, an itis anerted thes etUo men azo armed with Winches | rng implem 103s, $y st ea “ d pa titie the

Pittsvarg end Allegheny City will with:


Will redace ‘Price to an enormous extent.Sn

‘and are the only persona to be secn i i 2 ay

ie faded

beeving necessary to thin them, One WAR qhreg men wereTata sas in an

arg en Allegheny‘Th disco

moving around. They are constantly on


H insurance.other bonds en refunded

fatimates that bis crop will be 20,000 f Lima, 0

da trom the Knight of Labor.0 disco of gold deposits near the |

th. siert for an attack from the Tolliver oe veter Barkhardl 7 a Mareh last, ra th total debt un


MIREALBE Acrhden a e ‘The. Michigan woather service weekly


boundary tines of Alaska and ‘ritiot PS: tnd ramors of the cl ‘prozimit


wealthy farmer, nour Petersbur\the new scheme is now $2,145;


In a railroad accident next De


crop balletin reports corp, potatoes, 09 qubie&# st iG sence Se Wash:



o Prcrovery


Jo bec jeaio of pearrewif su


questio the legality of 0

rue target-practicy of the now steel Lake, D.T.

Tusabay, Soe man was | pea as suffering ve much Sem t ington, mi Aiapate over the loca-


Gay All membera of the ‘K and Order


deliberately shot her dead in the pres-ds Will now ‘probabl be

‘Aitanta resulted i the serious°™4 ‘sov wore injured. Tong drought. Pastures are burning up


tionof Pa ne cePntter of great in-


Seviets abject to the presence of troops


ence of their 4-year old boy and thenatta

oof that vesael b Hae reeoil of the ‘During the progress of the Hod- 4 strike has Leon ordered in -he te terest at the next session of Congres


ana people who are known to have been | Killed himself. ihe WitewBen


‘The tarvet is uninjured, however,rier's_pien at Pittsburg, ® lamp °° iargest rolling mills at Youngstown, a

Americans are now working mines ©n onthe other side are vehement in their _—It is announced that Dr. C. B.| Mrs. Lneretia Bemis a Wi

plov i the dining-room, seattering th Several employes had been holding teet aimed by the English GoverD- roguest for military sid. ‘Tho former| Higgins, of Kansas at Peon ap


Her nustand was sea captain,

arm fluid ove those in the i or powitions, apd the Amalgamated As ‘o xpress thelr ability tb prot citiz pointe surgeon of Th Wabash Tall.


when he died about fifteen years ago

heighbo Five persons all colored: tion proteste with th above ree

al-service bulletin says and aid the court iu the full Way hospital at Peru, to take the pl he lett his wife, among other worldly

wore wore or less serionsly injured, andthat th wea during tho past week haa


the law, It is the xeneral feot th aNah DOeREane by the surder of Dr. woo lange een parrot, versatile

six millions of tons.

wa. California, ix scon to have a

genuine article,

Acaue has been

vention at Topeka Aug 9

‘tun peach trees aronad Fennville,

Mich, are so tudon with fruit thet it hes

Bag the week emting Wednesday. 22y

the lake shipments Of trou ore from the© of them, Mrs. Mary Jordan, will prob- |

ighty members of the BUon fore co


inine of Lake Superior regatod 187. who have been on duty in the coke regions:

boon unfavorable to t crops in many


soon ns the pa is removed, or i it} North week or two ago. alike in plumage and in conversa.

ably die, Her clothing was compsections. From Alabama eastward ma Should become carele 80 ae to afford a a

FU yerose tons, this being the largesthave been withdrawn.

_Farmer Love, near Seymour,ional power This


patrrot was


borned olf her back andis suffering from the shangDry and opportunity, th “Tollivori will sweep

c ned INeptune—a modes|

janauat ye forwarded by in asingle z Mr é

‘The refusal of General Master Work- ce set lire toa tree stump to dri Bamne plune—a


to crisp. ‘Tho others will recover.i

: i he


Rot weather in dhe corn belt has affected down on the town and aronge the oa etka. ‘Th fire not only drove tbe trident-bearing de


Janes Martin, a painter, fell from the


man Powderly to grant a charter to t


this orop unfavorably. Tn the northwest


of their chief and his kinsmen, It is o te wake, but followed it into the main ha Augen travers

Carinaaigcamanfi vo latgeat

Brooklyn Bridge 120 feet into the water, FOR workers’ National District Asse: b t ee ee teat favorable, and har- know that an organization for that Put |

grace, and now Mr. Love will have N al Capt. Bemis. Te widow Bemis

ah ee The firemen of a passing tug jum in Was sover criticised at a meetin ho weather bas poets aa far worth as tho peso ia in ensy reach of Mooretoad, nd)Tu what hay is cattle ent best jens the reputation of devoutly

winiy vineyseds ik the 2 him, Marti ped begxecalive board of th new National a for sevonth parallel.

the chances are that mors bloodshed w 2See a woman whos

‘ jot at Pittsburg. ‘Th irom worke A very heavy sibdv pre overthe follow tho slightest opponi tor an| WINS d deeds are arb by

stened to withdraw and organize on ty Ci wor


attack. ‘The presenco of troops might{ Ladoga, near Crawfords


{h cai seoounl,vicinity of Mason ea ;

iiam R. Wales, a boot and wo | ir piety Mites thbuildings were

Saro a “yar and h ia avert this, butt voly (rne

a com idie ‘lo husband, she has ‘ve

A iat mane oly we]HONE committed suicide. He first

vt SAN) eres, qnantity of hay has been consumed.Th

WASHINGdwolli blown down.


a te to butt his brains out, and, fail- the wealth of her affections upon the

i Bae

uaeermermere fighting the flames.

‘ Ata meeting at Boston of the Atchisou,2 ing, took a razor and cut his throat, parrot Nent gd h cee ao

ay ae . in b ee Gs ‘wo persons supposed to be a Mr. ana | Comptroller Trenhotm has called upon | Top and Santa


a39 ae Y Thon and losses in business


time en en the bir religions

nee Sie ail vet ai Rollins, of Chicago, were drowned the National banks for a report of theif a fa mane a pom Ineee O §


ar (thoug lo! Bare ansettied BEY ae ee bo live next door to

ane ee ee condition at the eloss of business Ang. 2


° aa

t Mra Bemis. ‘Ther are three of them

dance chantawit, aud Rod LAK yuring a heavy thunder storin one Of


Monday at Washing Surgeon ‘Genshe International Assooiation o F:

rf a -besi faar OE they are 15 18, and 19 vas o

No. Ho will be at the daat-nanted place que tanks of the Atlantic c refnety at


eral Hamilton, D Magning[222 Expositions, which mot at


:| respe


from Aug. 1 to folut Browse,B s aipiak


favored the holdin of a world’s fair inn


MYotut B P ok by he Logan and Major Tooker, reset Mrs


e490 and poi ‘oat Chicago asthe


The Wron Mi Mang fo tth Mur-| Jeft an sw Wabas! ‘riday, smith, and h is an Inde na

ning. T amount of oil consu it


john A. Logan& fract shouides blade


eo citable place.Ger of D&#3 Me! Jef Homes ean to g tepal ‘n Dut these three boys are so wonder-

variously estimated at from seven to SC

| an gibow, the surgeon having mady the


oy was struck Thursday at Walton, Ind.

fara thresher, No trace can be o


ously ,shiftless that they app to

toon hundred barrels Aiecove thet the pa had begun tosar vi te

oat oLoga Acconsational sto comes frou OMAWS,


tained of him at Peru.’ and isfea| hav

a om able 1

&quot overiow from the Heads is the S| mit in He wrong Plsooe whos cation


"a te m es south of Logaus:


Ont,, based upon apparently geo au) he has been foully dealt with.yd soul, to the

cn ieee an vannah River bas Uestroyod the cotton


was entirely snocessfal, and Mrs. Logan,thority, to th effect that the actual murs | Mario specia says: Hog chol-


About a month ago these sben

growing is never Like TN Unem .

ri though suifering intense pain, is reportedToes men are troubled over the


aoror of D' Mectiee escape the pe era, whieh in the past few years has )} u turned their diabolic atte

to be resting quietly without suffering:number of disastrous fires that ha oo alty of the In while Whalen, an innocent

| swept away thousands o hea of hogsthe begui of n Widow

Part of A merged. any ill effects from the ether she inhaled.montha, It is be

| saan was mado the vietim of sireumistan- jn this State, hus agal ken out ia ie par int nti N


Au express train ge juto a freight


The Interior Department has informhe teachi tint evidence

no t him his life ou| various parts of this onn | in n or te h ae

wat Mast Newton, killing ire:


tion that the law of Feb. 2% 1885, to pre- i bnereness the gallows. When ae Whalen was] year in this country alone, not lesie tise wi th Ee een st

siany of ihe conte and Most’s executed for the murder Tho than 20,000) hea perishe ‘The } a Ae daai lop} mo tanght


oe Gynamite and phosphorous a8 in-


Dyarey Mees grave doubts we ente


speci is in danger of becoming ex-e Be n

the doing so. Tb Ohio is Tipe jes injured. with throughout the west, especially ageat have beon core a tained as to his being the actual anue tinet in this county.

for more aggressive works William Parrott and Addison Porter Arizona and New Mexi See ee ceceY Fir | Tho vietim of the cond destiod the geo: ithe Louisville, Evansville and | gn wicked phrases Tik to Cause 8

fhol rao the Des Moines River at Des sadern a tone rer von to tho teat and die en igmonint


Taw Maa te yncad company Wil


Rush of shame, if nots thrill of bol

danura in round mumbers® PEPY Mojnos, Their horses became entangled POLITI seg 3 ne? fous death, protesting his innocence. It] commence atonce with a large force i

£00,000,in th

aro enid to be draining the resources of

B ror, when heard in polite society.

intion Guinn, There nracnew ia { by gunk stampa and threw theit riders. | |o aati

ous deaths (Prcbeowuently that a soa of| of laborers and team on the extension


[ast xatnrday the widow



Sioux Falls penitentiary about eighty-lve parrot was drowned, bot Porter waa | Maryland Prohibitionists, in Stats con‘com pal Nea Trotter, where MeGeo lived, « who


of ity road from Huntingburg to ‘Tell [happene to bear the parro explod

yesons, in the Bistwarek prison from ashore,yention at Glyndon, selected a jicket.

‘At Peoria Thotsday, the thermometer | ha since died in the States, decl be- pity, The work will be pee for-janoath, and to piuish him for the

tig to sixty: i all, sa 1H0,0r one evieai: Half the buildings in David City, Nob Summ Baldi, of altimore, was


res 1 deg omg that. Whal was not the wior-| ward as rapidly as possible and thes |shocking


«mens, the proper dame

nal te more than 4,000 inhabitants, Imetading two chorehes, were leveled b aHOM ated for Governor. fa rom hea one of which prove |derer, Young Trotter was ab the time Of


expec to have the road in’ condition


jocked hin X in the gartet for sev

oo tornado, Une man was killed. The finan:T ‘New York State Republica Con-


91.the murder in the commons of Canada,


for business b the Ist of January eral day and fed him nothing but

‘Yue famiy of John Bui of Peoria, ci 1089 fs pla at $200,00 venti will bo held at Saratoga, Sept 1A strong dow of natural yas hus boon


and th left the ho about the sa phe bar Of Jesse Hern in the


dry bir tn ‘Tuesday she believed

consisting of himself, wize and ehiht, were ive persons lost their ‘liv by the} The State league of Republiean clu Str a sor of virtesn hundred fot tins ae eed — | southern part of Decatur county, was him sufficiently punish and she

taken vielontly al aiter partaking Of collision on the Alton road near seme ja te Eee at Toledo, Unio Ths


Deer M 5Tee e regi capil Se nica


I). was suspecte that an in-


brought him Gow into the sitting-

cee. utdnner, ‘The raise thelr OWL dale, ll, aod thirty others were woanded.


Hov au,


Seij FOR aes mong a tie are nad been around, and after a [roow. ‘The dejected countemance he

Zoe an meee ry] Jung ¢ :

Weish arrested


wore and the melancholy dro of his

Stanford' emeyard at

vrantecut 23a) acre and the Nadesn —4h woods aroun the Fillage of wa |veeevamiot Plorenes, Los Angeles COUWlYs Springs, II wre burning, and a larg

Tur Los ange ys The

now orange Crop as rather Hych this year,

xo that lane erowers will be able to

Luk National Weman’s Suifrage Asso.

ing sigs tn Ohio for the

fo uf wonuets tvadd to exercise thetuto saad fatally ae fan engitiwer.


vent the maintenance of illegal fences on

Vioae aud mea whe belive i‘ye ytauer of passengers were more of


public lands has been generally complioin

creckeus, bit cholera tad Lvsn iu the Huck, he track was blocked nige hoars:diec resido and



le states that he was LL years of age and

cy they still ato one ut the disensed binds, ‘The Aloumt Rasage bridge near Comerie to atiend the mecting of the Ne


Theeity of Cuen Bousdor, was al) yt Ottawa cola

11 ge o oy Oo |William Maker and ht wife, nud &quo tail feathers convinced Mrs Bemis

ee Lerland, Md, collapsed under a inixed


tional league, most destroyed by earthqu shooks, but


for the night tu hear the expected debate

Alissesucy is credited onthe volts ofthe fram, Euginesr Win, Driseoll and Fire‘Vhe national prohibition comimities hae


no loss of lile is reported, Heavy damage


in the hor 2, and on his o home on! it of the fire about that tine, there th goo ladys

war department with having Toenished gan William Payne were billed) and a) T° ania ia Chisago Novenuber |yesntted from the shocks at Azognes and) feo nen in frout of rotten hones, Ae u a e ba are led arene OThea ae thoadded. 1 to fix the time and place for holding Canar. At Quito, Cuena and other towns


one ‘of them was a well-kuown criminal ors,evening and threatened him with | ete ‘ai t 5 Tenda das

the presidential euuvention of the party


the oseiliations are rey ported




fright erud the other, Whalen,

as .et

in Ls88,a chareeter. Loss of life follow th wo cia W ha but funked mi

~Th managing committee of the somewhat Tage’ than usual.



Ata mecting of the Masanchusstls Re [e aaa eae at Guaranda, and at Guay a:0 es casas

a the, aoaold-settlera ipeeting from the counties ceremonies had reached the most im

een ei eemitten Bo [sa the abook broke all the telephone


comrade took, the pistol nad Soo8 w ot sh, shel Tertho a R matatain the. vsrr w

Noted to hold tho Stale eon wires.cara oh ended Metiee&# Life, shoved it

Johnson hel a conference at tihad maintaines silence al

‘September ‘Gcasran Gack ’Logue ino: aia Hoe Tush County, and it was de. day, ejaculated suddenl and in harsh,

des aHeneral Bonlanger has sont tie secu e a a

at easy,

Bos o hold a reinion meeting of /discort tones. “Rats! It would

Jnckson was nominated for Premie Ferry to close b a or rapidly ae tod


the olds settlers and soldiers of the four tear to conceive of an interruption

ove ‘b s Democrats of Meryland. 7 a avow


startling developurents aro sxpvete in aoe eet Flat Rock, Aug Mand VL,


more maM props, more sh n

Revolution: were qdopted indoreing, the I not accept the challenge. souneotion with the inattor, ‘Ph first day will be set apart Yor the Th widow Bemis mad

ar now in jail. ‘They W seen in| that Neptune was truly pe and

Guang the war 24020 wen, The records brakvman was seriomsly wen

chihe pension oftice slaw that there ara A eunstruation train om th Chisthe prusion rolls G07 residents of the and Alton Rrilrond was ron ie N

The. pensioners recvive each freight wear Hopedale, Mi Five we

siete)Cree a tarnine sorlounly injur |

—The reaponaibility for the wevident has

‘vaene isa Jaw in Washington ‘Terri: Gut Leen located,

tory compelling the teachers of public

schu to teneh physiology and hygiene, CRIMES AND CRIMINALS.

cannot draw school moneys ales 1 the lousy murdered wea Kossu OMe Mei has appointed Rev.

soldiers.of inearcerating him again in th

pape at Ay Tang being found SPORT NOTES aa delegate t th ‘Cuter:


Governor For “Re- by —— Connersville, Charles Johnson bot,as if he fore her geal

eun Le expelled frou th seh ina gravel pit. .



o ethodt Episcopal Churct: eclamation, was struck with a club aie e pp o volley of oaths

SURED euaietas geapens lamoateanten UP eee fiuanoiai


1 soe inlernati eee tot af =

James Ketcham, and proba k so


prodigious sh ‘yha the

volue a Vinelmid teiikgrower© kor of Montreal, awore ont a warrant


Frankfort, Captain Mackenz of New| Tho fire at Balochna, Rus: has been


Semator Shermau _Taanim is Rig yeurs ago Johnson.sie K Widow Bemis fell b and over on


derved as a F: rreside Canal ‘m’s father and served four years the floor and la there a so dead.


aud they do not feael the same the



amd oe \ t s they A old farmer name Hap was myste anus of President Cleveland, ‘The Methodist Conference, now in sea- OHI REPUB i: old-settlers and the second for the th deprave bird, with the “nt

ee es cee ea)

Ce ee eam MeGeZork woe. (le Bee Fe extinguish after raging seven days and e-

Seee ee SHE abe,

eaveang Ni etiuoouee 55s Garg


yengue ball games Tuesday ‘esalted:


consuming ane million poods naphth

int penitent wg Ketcham | Old Mr. Sawyer mo pass at

Sree nis S staction dati back to the time cn CHiengo. 1, Washington, 4- Boston, 1;


General Boulanger issaid to have asked


‘The Oli Stato Ropub Convention


has followed hi ev since, and to-


Neptune wit his cane,‘ alth did

es ied a ones the boodler was Chiet of Potice of Chi-| Indian & ‘New York, 17; Pitte-| permission of his.cuperiors -tu challenge


mot Inst week at ‘Toledo. form


O a te, vio fO a any fr t ENBO eae o

n amecess


method ins o dein cago.burg, 4. Detroit, 10; Philadelphis, M. Parry to fight duel on accou of the


tavors the protective tarif, demands du- so mis a pe ee oe — coma ame at Sewer

Gustatwd, as the clusters thus trentel are Near Homer, Mich, George Burton shot Lengae ball gaines Monday ‘osulied: jatter’s recent speec at Epinal, tare wook, advocates, Liberal pensions,with a wife and children, Johnson thi prei op Arend

jn tine coudition, freo trom the rot Ghat gu] killed his wife, from whom he had ee a: Washington, 0.—P: ttsburg, | ‘Turkey has decided to reopen negotia-


ang denonnces the President&#39 vetoos. Ithad n family. al oT ey ay a

bs prevailing, and hace escaped Une rose beon separated, next shot his mother-in-|

3v7 Y i. 0;—Philadelphia, 7; Detroit,

| ious wi Engla direc for the wettle- come Governor Foraker&#3 adurinis-—During the ig ail ata reporte

et ae poplectie fit.

bug plague, iuw in the back of the head, and then blew12 “Bos 102 Indianapolis, 7 ment of the Egyptian question. 1 heartit aapaa hi deter:


Jon Sims, of West Mai twelve ed

\*%ney paen a

jon, and heartily applau hi d wiorithio W peak | tho bir h become possess

pat his own brains. ‘The mother-in Law,


‘The stan of the League Sunday,teav emot to aurronder the rebel flag

nile northeast of Wabash, wa struck


#€ the Dirt So vvrate, never before

Mr D. P. Hateh, is not believed to be daly 81, was as follo&THE MARKETS. minatiands a fece ballet and a fais, and| 2 tebeHe bya

ya bi win shut | fee a An Tadizors been Dur

,fatally wounded. {nai

Maeyed, Tost anaes. 1 domnids


eeerctieeiramigration Inwa


T blo glan o or th ator ha dened with such i tlood-tide of ribal

Martin Sedlacek, a harness-maker of :

s| and profanity as he launched 0

snake. The same view Brew tho sn Troy, Mo, quarreled with his son-in-law,

ed he found that he had ost, the

h per ‘at the back of the hnair-

veep thie nie and it fell upon the judge& Ggorgo Pratt, and was shot. Deceased,

cag about which it cuited with a conval itis said, was somewhat demented. :

five grasp, atthe sauve tise Keeping up A Hungarian eake- rotarned to] into =

Hteominens rattle, A colored man polled work at Gallitzin, Pa, ‘Puosday, and Wi aapecial trotting race for ‘00

the body eff the frightened jadge and as-, egunteymen murdered him because “hclave Patron defeated Har-y mes |

sisted hin to the house, where it was qus x traitor to the cause of their strike.”163g 22161 and 21444

Ste MiMpetore he could convines hiay A special from Eaton, 04 aaye thaThe free-for-all trot was won by Araby J.

weit that the blood which was smeared on John Beall, 13 years old, who has been in p a and Charlie Hilton Se =santhce from. the bod of the snake waa jail aiz weeks on the charge of killing his

fot the result of « utnds ieoiken, ae auade f ronfession to theial e ere fn s ‘mot to

aces a

ae prosecutin altorney, the sheriff, and an | ak a she third, ee|

ox-sheriftlease ie OD: are _ son; momber of the ct pats Ma was burned to death.

are ron Mi rege


aod 1 iene Wika ‘isp apis; OUI ME w Late Meek sins 0 GiB



Work G. A Fickinger.uals we atta 10 to of



spon pus fa dork in the employ of the Central”Guger wan a race at Brighton Beach, SEW

—_-——traw. A spark from an engine ig-




charch parposes. ‘The wade silk quilt, gion telephone company, was arrested. pxxvse-—Deot Native Steers. 15

ON CANADIAN SOIL. rile the straw.shoat 1b

cian Te tnaies doviiting a blook each. 4 Chic by aPinkert deteotive on w

and pai hie backers $270 straight and | garer—Range neer $B BS “phe Terra Haute car-works, thetoge an’ m the root aup an

‘They then selected four girls, aged from charge of forgery.| Sez2e for 9 Bee Wa ta

@ Bh | McGar tne Escap Bood [ana larg maetinctiting establishment


Plaster some wed on “em goo

ito Ls years to ennvess the town for MeGariglo has again disappearedJacob Schaster, the billiardist, who i




4 3sdat Point Edward. tfrerra Haute, were, with the excep-



votes at Hecents each, the one receiving Nothing has been seen ofoe Sarn 70 at Paris, has made a match with gay .

a seognta Himnrit a sare

to of the foundry department, a “Y I txed “em,


e Vignauz, #1. u a side, for a b 2



now Regating Him at =|stroyed by fire. ‘The origin of th fi “Put th nel in the wagon, an”

the:most.x 10 Ue sented te etna Ben oie ie state don con ot 00 points—- pot each $mppeniic Fert mu is unknown. Mr. Seat the presi Pil take itto town an’ give it to the

Mh Yoong aus dt hr leone are ENS ae a renscnoe mont atcon| othe comanycat mob at


SOO&q RA" fe brite

dial but onergetically. ‘The canvasshe pest battery of the Allenjown te | [eNo.


SRG cs:0,0 e ‘a

between|seed. An then he will say in the

last th dn gitt Fletcher Franklin, amem of the old

S B|

gle, of cue landed hor this mornin Nat he ania

was to las! thirty daye, and each girl ent‘ club-—Beatin and Kinslow-—have been

: ini Sore tha exhoonsr Babar: Binks: Tho


W0 ‘and $60,000. Be ared a wa on Wednesday

ried n sealed bax in which the votes and Je‘


While being pursned tw the Deiroit manage for heunatNo, Re B



Bake and Marsh wore Wo bamastow,(BET. fifly men are thrown ont of em-

0) of wheat b farmer

money wore de; vited. The result was


ee o

i me L


Digyment Fifty new cabs had justh there

that the canvass became a livty

i GEN anos‘S| and while in American waters tho tug


heen completed, whieh were destroyed. |

which older herds (ook a hand. ‘The ti

Oriale, with Chicago deteotives on board


It is the inten ‘of the company to


This tales produet is all from

Fh nought i they-eould me

A lunatic, who wa


being takton to tu see “4 steamed up to the Maral ih apparently with


rebuild atone grain of seed. Dukota agin the

fies thought i the could raise $ o

e for horae-stealing. finns, jum) rom & win OAta eee ad 3

‘the intentian of having them drop the m

world! Next! --Dakota u

‘tho quilt they would Le well repaid: for)having bean arree| he ing Binnapotis, jumped from s:0 andow

ate are Po specia says: In com. > se

See rigs Were niuek parpr cr aerees TE Jowph Selim


near Fox, Ind, while the train a8, R01


wnspErRotn. Lea ecamnte sh conv


piance with an ordina passe b


Little Richmo is learnin

y e

m aged 14, shot hia wife Lillie, 16 years at a high rate of speed He tended on h


Wz Ne & Ret n t Binke tow-line was let go ba atthe council, t OeCentral Union Tele-| cite. Lik most children, he Ste


Jepar Stoss, of Golconda, bh, was cut

fing weeds near his house the other even:

atling and cut off the lead of a

So alamo, rious


Power to utter a word, and is sti wna

Seastor Sher ‘nnd presenta his name

e goo f the |S rie widow Bem so out a wto the peopl of the country as a ca ra ‘against the Fol ys yeate

eee in presid The renolutioInee In Rope of

a ae sTaatige Kerst will N

were unanimously adopted amid th pave the absence of the owner


Po ‘ides of the Interesting stoWildest applaose, ‘The ticket nominated


th farm ‘house of Thomas


phe widow claims that the bo hav

is as follows. Governor, J. B. Potnear Wabash, was Dan rupl

Lient Governor, Captain W. C. Lyous content were save Th


that he no longer delights on good

reme Judge (lon term), Willi o e of the fre is a mystery. The

ne but. ine Pleasur only in heath-

peae gcu500 with no insurance. In|en practices and sinful eonversa-

the same neighborhoo a valuable | t jon.Ve Ha ren Oe

3. G, Browa; Attorney Gener: aren team of horses, owned by Benjamin;





‘Vu ladics of t Methodist Episcopal

when the count was had to see the follow: a sacweed Ahead, bat was not seriously bar!,

“S| the same instant a yal left the schooner

Te had be agree that the marr with MoGarigle and quickly rowed for the

oa ao wt ite toge fe tBob Caruthers, the St Louis pitcher,

.Canadian side, landing st Post aren,


supplante b the Cush ‘Telephone ca it was Mary ao her ttle iafy turned out of the little boxes

MeDougall, $4442; Missy the htes taken serioualy il at Phibad ee


ee eS Onargsey

ny. the wanagers of Which guar-| Richmond mused a moment



Roaire niles cote he ec e com oteet its, subseribers from |asked, coolly “lan&# Mar Wtlpat”

iucot, $42.80; Mi aiea h ta ‘an returned to his home in Chie:

a! litigation and t furnish equally a [amb most & sheenow grand

phone compat emoviI

3and his small wits usually

Prone eeele ‘The system is to be|devise a way to get rid of it This

eeeiepees seze

49; Miss Mabel Butler, $74.85; enta’ home, Falli ein he mat&quot


Alarge section of land aenrGold

tot sua ‘Yhe three ansucosssfal in the street with her moth and grand Po Trigg county, Ky. is ruported to

competitors were each presente with & Sab = her dead, and fled. unk a half dozen feet curing = easis-Rei Be

peantiful gold ring with % diamend set Em man bas been arrested for aaaa Monday night. ‘Tiss distri Ro. & Whit3

se a = legiticoate child at Jans


ia now slowly filing with wate(ter, und ral

in Cantservice at mn tor rates. a



material is all onM forthe erec For traveling m wom ref

S ba jen cat ie, br the line, and work will be commen.


silk to kid gloves at ‘th

ne: P a Cod in a tew days. ‘The exchange will


thereb exhibit goo =—‘ei sell that

ty i


oasii wciaa

‘The Agent of the German Bapti Pub:

tivation ‘Society, 0. Mr.

Schalie ‘kee Bt. Jaoob’s Ofin


writes “We

A man wh is


in the habit of get- on hand and consider it most valuable i

ting full is apt to find mose tight, case of burns, ‘scalda, £0.& Use acco:

too.—Boston Courier. tdi

Buffalo Bill has been wonderfullysuccessful in Lond He is said to

be on “A ther terms with the

Queen.—PucNo man can realize how easy it ts

s the contribution box around



e of the most intellidog in

a nelgb el Is Donald, who is

never more proud than when he knows

he is useful. ev evening he goes

to pasfor the milk, and bring back the can

and forget to chi in, until he tries it, without spil & drop of the liquid,

=Louisville Democr he is all alone and without

‘There is a tide in the affairs of men surervi The other night the

which, if not skillfully dodga the cotkeame out of the can as he ap-

proper time, drowas ther. hiproa home. He place the ean

nati Commercial Gazette,on the ground, turned id the stopper,

eya seemed greatly distresse He

anch ork Cit theneve m realized that omeswawro

woman is until he or she murders ete ee sed

el i ‘Buflate Pines. w trotting along with the can in

Bay actaraashorsallimouth a. Tonlookin fellow

;and lady defends a or pa “Get out, you cur.” Donald, a:

the sizeo her bustle sayi tl it appreciating an insult, lowered his

s isn&# respon for what e on tail, and crept home. wi a most in-|

ehiud her back.-— Bazar jurediair As soon as


had givMount Hugging, in New Hampshire, up hi ean he slunk imo th most re

Is to have a cimmer hotel, It ought mote corner of the stable and nurs

to. rival, Kissimmee, Florida, as his insult for hou —Bostou Journal.

pleasure resort, —St, Juseph dazette.

It is said that


craze for studyin;J.

W RMo 26 Toc Street |

eae auage is springing U ae writ was tnk wit 8‘There are, however, easier ways Of gaoob&#3 Gil cured ma” ier .

eommitting suicide.— S¢ Pa ant Globe eve Dealer

southern lands come strawberrie:

uiarket stalls are touthaome dates,

‘Vhe cherries deck the cherry trees,

‘hud pairs are seou on garden gates,tou Courier,

"T ia no lack of Presidential ean- Yea AB could scareel

didates, but the ominous thump ofTol Hi draperies are

the coopera. who are tightening bar& 38 “poems in fabric, her figure

hoops is heard in the land, —Sarato- pos ‘and her manners are certainl

giun.charming enough. | have seen her sit

‘A mixed congregation: Ida Good.down beside a railroad president

speed recently attended our chute! quite close to him. in tact, —and chwith a nice horse and buggy, which

ter away at him for half an hour,

Seen a negent from her father—-os-the end of which time he filed aie

weye Pines ye pa ihe na and prese |= a

her. S charms everyono (al

wena fine ap mer men o eel a wo who mh e



im contact wi er, and has a special

ia roe a woes aReri Me fo daraing sock ge

nhst = “she h almond eyes, like the Cu-

ba yo and bright and, thoTy

Kentucky liquor men have decided she vars old and a wife of t

to limit the outpat o whis What ye ceas Inoks like a aiwo

our temperanceis to from the villa sengohouse.

Vimit the input aswra th ‘output.—

New York Pribune,

It is suspecte that the reason so

many men are afraid to die is that

they dread the possibility of meetingfailed to discover any reaction

mo than

so many life-insurance agents on thefrie rail quart bottle, For sale

other side.—Locoel! Citizen.Orsay ner

Young wife (petulantly)--Well,if don&# come to meet you

mn Til Wheeler Witeox, who wrote that

little book, “Poems of Passio which

couple of

‘An eminent puyii says out seven:

teen months old buby drink Moxi be|

would milk “ad libitum,”

even The Oxford Cop “a Salphar |

‘every Company hus made a successful ap-

night as used, what does it signify? plicatio for the appointment of a re-

Young husband—‘That we have been ceiver. ‘The capital of the compen is

rie six months. Life. $1,000,000, and its property conIWiscwaill th the trout are “rising? of mines in Canada, factories, real €

W Mosseluemeguntie Take tate, and persona property, vala

Mee res&q evidently prefer to About #4Ul0N0, The Tckory located

die ins frying pan than live in a lake

with such’a name.— Harper&#3 Bazar,

sJohany,” said the minister, rather

yerely, sao’ you che tobaeco:”

ence yg he a SE on the President aud) Manager o th

Gegnont just dow! sJimmy Browa’s| OP AGN aie oases

01 =Washiuylu

paerapidy : S

we goer though. Vashinglod “catt as possible ‘The failure is sup-

From its tendeney to gush and

spout and create a bad odor, and tare

up an go oft when it isn&# luaded, veconclude that there is a good deal

human nature ina gas well Srifield Union.

‘ bullet has


ei ideGoai a

and Depositwas appo |

Drrc at big figures of copper,

wh haceount af the demands oOlredit the company Was

comp to sell AL a great, sacrifice in

consequence uf the recent shrinkage

° i copper.

been invented that“ “OPM-

the body “without

An enterprising ssior gardener


saary discomfort.” jn thathighly cuttared snbutb of Bos

‘Kills aman tice and ea and not ton, Cambridg gets

like the chioue yelluw bun Ate eompetitors in the early

uelphia Call using steam for forcing purposes.

“a villain has been swi beds, a is said, have pot

ling a lot uf folks down town, coverings which are provided is

passe hunself olf as me, and wai ordinar hot: beds, but x novel arrange

in quite & sum o mepassed m in addition, in the shapeof a

himself off


you Why the &q yatem of undergrou steam pipes.

lust be lust to all sense of shame.” Th are for the benefit. uf uncovered

Heston Trans vipt

‘A hopeless case: “What&# the mateeve so that. in early M When

ter, bub?? inquired a‘Mullad t Ordinary hot-bed hus go by, the

titizen of a little boy who was crying,foreing process at still ge on, even

T k kite won&# tl sobved the lain

“Well, ne wonder,” id the ge ntlenan, of this “bottom heat&q in th pipes.

cMMinining it, it is made of the edi: ‘The plan is seid te Pay

torial page ot the Ledyer™ Life. Heening Hera

Johnn was visiting at bis grands

pa’s farm, He bad seen the rows, and

(rank the rich milk, but had never

seen the milking. “Mamma, vhemiik come


etcows, dear.” How do th Be

bo they yuu it with ber Be‘T tell in Philadelphia, o & sm The R Fra “H Chalfan of Pitts-

whose governess one ut burg, joi an elder brother in Northern

atience with his mishhievou Chi a

a missieau him by the arm, saying:


pisos Remedy for

“Harry, believe the Old Nick has oid wnseatini o Saes

of No Quick as a flash the youn! ‘Anna Katherin Groen (Mes Hea her

ster viyers eves, but only wit magried name) moves from Brookly

one hand.” —Neew York SunBuffal

‘The hottest place in the country last

week was in the White House, Wash-

ington, No thermometer could be pose BR Beersa

found capable of registerin the degree

of heat there about the time the Presi- amesBchwat bus aeen huge

dent wrote his letter explaining w na noe te oe ee sory aise

h thought it best to order a retrin th curve of

ma Bt Lou — Nee York ‘rribnThe husband&#3 card

of his



nell wearssever elabora rings

recte to him while ho was iu Kil-

aainham jai

If aMlicted with sor eye use Dr.

Jsaae ‘Thompson& Celebrate FyeWater.

tarrh Jeagreeabl use, 16)‘Bue

Firs All Fit stopps De, Kline GrNerve Rest Ne

free bafter

‘The Richmo (Va)Stat is agitatingthe establishment of a Confederate mu-


Come to the bridal chamber,


DeaGome to the mother, when she

Fthefia tim Tar peat bos bacaterrible?Att untim aeath which sunu

carrivs off thousands of huma being

the prime of yoot! ndood terribl‘Th frst appro come iain

siaio as hims is the

oak Spsapa N appre e

jo ‘the most alarming tymite eeGread. disease is, in fact, ineradioable

which lurk in the heart of the vio-

bowers and the ace,pac by a couple

of goo side eards, she might. ventto pla it alone without any assistance

fro her husband. ‘Norvst Her

yen gitl--So you knew Clara

Smart&#3 father before he wa tnarrPoor man, he came to t to

his daughter gradu a ‘out

help pitying him.


Oma is

daughte is a beau eshe is rather prett “Al

livere the viledict “A to Authenticated

m sYes, b h ldress didn’t Golden Medical Discovery has effected a

fit to be seen. a World. somplete cure,

Excited faherPain hotel: London haa

man “There isn a bit of fishing mon. The Chief has a

around her E brook has a sign 4 year.

warning people off. What do you

mean by luring anglers her with ‘the

Tromise of line ishing? Hotel man scrds that germinate most rapid 1 1 those of

“a didn’t say anything sro Ling rocummatian and neuralgia. A slight cok, bromght

fishing. If youread my adver ;

ot Dran Ina day ‘wet feevor damp clothes,

Sane efuly you Will see that what


*!t|devslor sper of Une aboar patTsaid was “Fish w

unapproachablae ein rani

Burling gi Free Pieee

si tourist &qu \dlord) —

zo aldd inyou behot an |

rin all the dogs youamr tourist— have, preve

I can&# sta aml

pol o of 18,849|

° Of $10,500

aT wail),

ree boman systemfetraitta soll, and among


jack, hver wad Bo

TPourist-— sOTry. MY


ise tne pro of appe and a ceplia tale,

o dog she


thin mo of than

of k Sun.‘A recent govern

opin i Ban Franciseo brought $46

As he §


For sale by Dru

Wheeler Wileows Pepullarities.

‘b called | headac

spoken of |alo ver.


‘and we have |

at Cons Hook, Berge Pie NetSe


Seat athe pap have beet

josed to have been eansed by Da Roe a

beds as well as for those that are glas |

in uncovered out-door beds by means

‘of amuggied600,

advertisementW e&

Cat Remedy re tho


Ohio oil men are excited over theDr. Sage‘nom it has

youn oll voleana:tallyHowels

Lae Geoon to

uinchametmorning a inscottage to his writ

his family an &quthe entire surrounding country,

pool of oil are bei formed and the

flow is still undiminijis ow byJamestow ct

They ha be do their w

keep the mat quiet When

the casing, six

th vicinity of the well.

and large quantitie m‘The

tthe mouth of th M has been

exeav for rods in diameter and the

derrick ie mu beneath the debris.

8 The we ‘ond all control, It is

neari ris -€ab SE sout

track half-way betwee C and

Meriill, Oil:men areSMe: t thei just been pirA TO a

jopene and’ it is

very Wi force the price of

down bélow 20 cents per barrel.

impossible to esti the am vunt of

the flow of the oil.

ATriatby Jury.

That great American


th people,have rendered a unanimous srdiet in

[fav of Dr Pierce&#39 Pietoant orgativePotoe the standard remedy (or bowel



[Seanad Wnt Sete maurajiziness, constipation and PA Once

worth BaSample so


ee ee te


D ECaceon overy Co span to ast under

A striking instance of labor-sa’

| machinery, s toate nak aee tGine o the machines used in

th process ‘solders the erieaio |seams of the cans at the rate of fifty a

minute, the cans rushing along ina

continuons stream; of course & drop |

jor two of solder is left on the ean:

‘The dro on the outside is easily wiped |

o but it is nut so easy to secure the |

drop on the inside. “An ingenious

wor has patean arrange,

wiping the of the ean

¥eho stopping the machinery. Re-


gi‘sult, several thousa ‘oll in roy.


tiga in his own pocket a a savi A stnjof $15 worth of solder p

7, Pauret ‘re

‘Zine pressed into heavy ante leather on underal

FNCU preetenbamen always ool NeveE

i sr recenonatiok Wi R cloneUx rou pour ik & Sab.

eat ay ceca gar,tare

eos Toe ale aral Hantarga i Ree Hen or



maio Wee

Beauty Is . o rorevN

o M ea

inJou bad a raw sore ould


‘ora soft, neat


firm that uses it, Thir Peartcans is 1 day& wor for this machine,

Mla Woman orwo rac pi Beighise Detes, Ue fais

oui “ta de be weap D Rik Swa


Rises, Liv “ Tayd CigRep iighe wou Pri

Many good sporkimenabra shoot

with boeye ope and now the British

voluntee ddyi todo thy same


gine Collac Pad for

This is not av avert Tap but

for the goo of horses wa tale pleasur |in saying that after man conversations

with horse anu seein i oy certiti

srinary surgeons snd others,

Gobolt that fur curi and. preventing a

sores on horses, ther Deen. no better aw aacANP USER aa


raleabey i ton

& ithe Ski Ppepa iooui al! Ce

os us Hat i

Hee ea than the Ro ine and Teather


Poraatcollar pads patented. manuf J and enhedioll y Dexter Curtis, of Madison, fi em

tal pre olay altagl St,

is i e superintendent of the dep:

ment of horses at the World&#39 New ox position. [¥e ths, Huinaue

gornal, “Ua Dam AnimalsA Hooton Walt, Whiu ociel will

pay awee pension 19 the *yood gray


* o haha ay tr

“Whou Baby was sick, 9 g0

When ahe was a Child,


cried for Castoria,

‘Whou aie became M ebe clung ts Castoria,

‘Whoa ebe bad Colldran, aue gave thaw Cuatoria

Peoding ravks tllad with old hay are

fo be seen in many of the cow pastures

near thi city.

Scrofb no form uf dise i te KeneTa

yodath a acrotsiime-

canker, Dyspepsia, Amer iy Fev

ju Nera Hout Faeual Weak:

& ature ate out

ailsEinar hat ingle, Sort

tude i Bin ey


TRS Reitpeesou, the sond power of

Hood’s Sarsaparilla

clearly and fully

sec iasiste gra ‘medical djgoovery of

{a gancra Te isanade by © HOU &am Cd,

Lawel sot by all drivggtats,

p Dos One Dolla

ednafie (Sa &quoGETSae




Quak Testimony.Mrs. A. M. Dauphin, of Philadelphia,

an done a great deal to moke known t0

Iad there the great value of Mrs, Pink-

nam’s Vegetable ( ‘empo na a oure for

er troubles and diseases, She writes as

lows: “A young lady ‘ot thi city while

See some years ugo was thrown

fontly again the life ine and the in-

Juriow received rosnited in an ovarian

Jinor winch geew and enlarged vntitdeath

seemed certain. Her physivian Sn svised her to try Mra.

eee be did’so nad in-®sho ti

Fro tamer was dissolved and she is mos in

‘efaot health. also know of many cases

medicine has been of greatand


alleviating the pains and dungera of child-

birth, Philadelphia ladies appreciate the

worth of this medicine and its great value.”

Sent by mail in Pill and Eono fora

~arout of price, $1, M Pinkham,

Riso iu liqaid’ form, at all

YeMOHI wat Pa,

mac whieh alli 0

nd “Wd

di fh Womof this country use over thirteen million cakes of

Procter & Gamble’s Lenox Soap in 1886?

Ra a cake of Lenox aad you will soon understand why.


BW. Madersi & fen.

TIettaie OPnees Low, eae ao

K= cs ae)

ganch™ ag

Aades RW. TAN! joao



UngrgarmLADYLADY:etngt a oa Godenee


‘Gall Belts, Har-Phove,

E deniSte. 2 La


ong) wanted



rmeny “Tenet MENTS PROSE!

ist antin ge ‘and haveonly had


case weekc

a ‘Ton Drag Brack LY.



‘Agents coin mShe ith my

Se rua

meetie eiiteer Sa-Thompeon, 1 Quincy’




pepe Hon Baalag: 94 Dearhormay


=Taamen iE haes

ay galin Impromail.

nt ——CITED.



NenveReSe Diseas Oso

| y ATR Stif

rai: aw ‘ascuicaca i‘Wo Jo

Do you feel dull, lang Jow-


_I you hav all,

spirited, lifeless, and indiscribablymiserable, both physi and

mentally; expetien a sense of

fullness or bloati after eating,or of “gonenes or emptine of

stomach in the morning, tonguebad taste


Bilions Dyspe

Indigestionted your disease

ness, freqof sympto

eyesight, «Hos speclthe eyes, nervous prostratio or

exhaustion, irritability of temper,

hot flushes, alternating with chillysensations, sharp, biting, tran


Gotpax Mr

of time.

ness or disturbed and unrefresh

ing Ble constant, indesevfeclin of dread, or of impendin |


case, or other gri

Low Bea, ofSt Agathe AfanitingeaBruo cri oBi etait ly Mib Pt

aAt pee‘commenSG o

a Aledi Bissq oy, u “Battet

pence therefrom.”

1ta au derived tue very highest

Moru Tato,


Cannelt Ind}

o “hi o eeia Heatest meaicinif pe H fy int and

EVE her of the, malarial fe

Mo, write “1!

ne cbt edra an sloee-

sa Nedical Diocovery Cul

azane I. Beaman, oot Sitar, Qh:

rfe b was go adhieted w Liver

oleee tartoue tami phys

cia aaf Yo fuer, tues all

Biot ep; cak


Tawpete! Sa Ye wiRissoaas, but your “Golden


reaDis Tena

Mee aco thy a seal a Peau ee Bh

Mra, Mecawea, AT ATER, of Stewben, WieshiDysPe oN AtR eb ra ite

NDDesir. |

medicine from purses,bs

your&q Sg Disco “raBet ee ea Phat,

5 that 1 RAie ya be im very poor

sick Sayaibe


yours, and took



Lupwool no beneit from ther.

ny A McCune, Colum Kant:

NovemrereGaide ‘Medi

Breserig and Pol,


“Pleas Purgativefunder the Uae

Biy Sigteni ba

Fehie urso fe maleteal ra gai Tea, o te ‘ie aa ot th


ee e xaedies tho credit, far euviny


tenese Ea icy te2,4

rat for Fo kivavess andfa ‘thank’ you

ig eee Sot of sult


Blot or Eruption, to the worst |

Salt-rheum, Fever-Thoroughl cleanse the bloph is the fountain of health,

using Dn. Piercs’s Gouv

pica Discovery, and goodfair skin, buoya

“hea “and

rofula,ea Sealy or

blood, are

ating medicin

common | nign influence.

Ho Po

at chine o Sin Ad. says

atflicted with catar a in ogefa Blotc ye t atige


enres all humfro a

\upieestiexperienced &Is, |

BuoTo fer etbe the ioe

o br, Pierce

tke me dirweted byor uel com anulein one week' tine

ti aa ea a gt

u ey oe villouYad taste 10. thie


tag nie erte Degas tae

gh abe Lower quite lite ways, and do wwe

oe yeu, irs, Samad A, Temw of Gan, (ity: Ut Te“ See2 My: ‘oki child W ured, nearly three y

rit 8! yet?apts tne ea Dupe D OE a

AYA ite ees ae son

Ba ULS retiatov Ne se S ones


‘daughter‘ihe Gotdeat

MediDiggoc uym8 Sar botet heatedad ulhe

4 P. BECKWITH, £07tek Neel Ju


te Ube



get with your Konee! ow

Sertccta well

CONSUMPTION WEAK LUNGS,Go.pex Mupicat. Discovery |

cures Consumption (whie is Sero-


or strengthening

fula of the Lungs), by its wond blood-eleansin

ful. bloo purifyi invigm

Froits marv

ala po Al this ter-

ribly fatal disease, when first of-

fering this now world- fa rem-

edy to the public Dr Pierce

thoug seriously of ‘c it hi



“Coxsum wre,” but al

doned that name as too rerestriive for a

sedio which, from its

A, Sromuze, Qoa Port, Mf

Blood, a Lungs.

f Breath,

recovered, and

m4ORio, writes:

Burrs, of North Clayton, Miaso ‘et t arsis th wed yo

ato Ber epes Mee



God tha h 2

To Goitb ho might wo me 60m

aa isc oomeating fg eeSy wif wok Ban rect

ce cal

sqe F.Ctane Baas

f (BoxTana,

Ce wetted:

pallial fo iem1

mont ‘Wh I co

cia iaee Taagoat th maicia of AG

Seweti t piace. H ba 2

a recor Jo “Discov‘wh

alwayswin to Bre a

medtodaehav ne

bebeen coae.eae in1TyelTeekteb

‘on fivoiaarPar fo, (Aiter Pa these bene”

tral from adding: goat onial, unsolicited,

5 of4An Georgia,ntti’ aeBoa tam sound

fwonde ‘Golde Mealcured of the

Pefta now sound‘three dollars,

pare aof Bellville Fla. writes:

able number of thes symptoms,

er, associated with Dy spepsi OF

The more complica-has beeome,

greater the numstag it bas ied Dr, Prere:

picat. Discovery will |

subdue it, if taken according to


digdirections for a reasonable len

T not cured, comy

| tions multipl and Consuof the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart

Disease, Rheumatis Kidne Dis-


quite liable to set in and, soone|

or later, induce a fatal gerha io

well ‘and’ strong.

short, all diseases

comppowerf parifyin

Ulcers rapidly heal under

wonderful combination of tonic,

ng, anti-bilions, ‘[peetoral, and nutritive propertie is

unequ not onlfor Consumption,Chronie Diseases of the Liver,

Lan aiit ‘ Blood, Short-Bronchi Chron-

ic*oe Catarr Severe

‘Asthm and kindred affections, it

js a sovereign remedy.

Dr. Prerce’s Gotpzn Mrpican

piscoveey sels powerfull upon,

from th most | the Liver, an throug that greaties— blood ee ing organ, cleanses

yatem of all blood-taints a

from whatever cause

“ is equally efficacious

in acting uponth Kidneys and

other excreto orga elansin

strength and heali their|

disea Roan appetizrest tonic, it promotes

jon and maer there-

v ‘puildi up both flesh and

rength, alia district[thi “Wonderful, medicine has

‘gained great celebrity in curingFever and Ague Chills and

Fever, Dumb Agu snd kindred


or any consider:


and diversiN matter what |

fe niala are

an of TovtshirCottarauord


wap unable to d ta owuk) to&q me

A.B WATE |Buffalo, X.

‘Gul Seat family

desire to ityiad

bye ia cas wene remedy, for

Mkew found a ug Sout b ve it vapor

a tay availed to prompuy ebeck Mayattac O

oo,a wou wa

vel beaWa mpto era

een Ta

Conny, Fag. o Puea Houston


S Metical

nad Ta ee ent

a ane aWeil: one bun

poundmer aa hue eve

Powe took‘ne tt

and in the who eysten

au & Pale:a

Mss Ranvey Tere of 1 tack Satea trstbled With

saad gener de i freq ent

Treen aemont wns b eankere

ier as! tou eed tulte hich from

nant ad it Sone

uaa mae alltPelle hn

reung ia

theit to yout, "Favorite

ACwost eeerltent inedicineove Rell ia°Giweain tay fatns with exee

lea reaulhas be

Chroui Diarrhea Curearakeie nies, LH feel iis una

be M ean uw mab

Chita an Fever. Bev. 1B MUst a

ast Aug Fh would’

ol thomdie stopped tem ib m Very

LIFE.”ng are, by its use, robbed of

es terrors, Especiall has it

Skin, in


manifested ts potency i curing

sed b bud


etter, Eezema, Erysipela Boils,

re b this | Carbuncle Sore Eye Sorafuanid inyigor Sores am Swellin Hip jolat

Grout Eati


Disease, “White Swellings,”* be.


Guitre, or Thick Neck, aud En-

Virulent blo larg Glands,

oNHog T

1, Esy., 275 and

‘usil three valcured



So uat


tt ee ea ad ecuot in Shae





i iane without |utterin gr

now, thanks Diseover tes able to befd ea

wal wit t

yuan, eat aud sleep 8 We

b edu, arylse ete of Lena w


Reet b Uae


to wt heary

commen neticommenced

O aint i nuw w aun be

BR uedicl ha aye be it ctan prolon her

Nr, Se of Ba ve “Mar Reiga Cod Als

vonbines toech vabo f act

[Fever Sores. At e amr of Siar Rapids, Bucna

at (an AOHee roars wu | wa cite of * ever

Bests 0 done, ESS pignc Gold Medical Discovery,

SPITTING OF BLOOD.it. promptl cures the severest

Coug it swengthen the system

an purifie th blood.The nutritive propertie of ex-

tract of malt and cod liver vil

are trifling ph compBo sessed by the

alterative, or

as a remedybut for all


For Weak | coveTt rapi builds up the system,and increases the flesh and weightfof those reduced below the usual

standard of health by “wastingdiseases.”



ra. N. W. Ri of Newfane, Vermont,ra Bey to neko eleGov O YeaFiv YEA AN gu Se san

STAND PhaTabo ube DLac

oss UE RT Popper

family, with good oeat

p eo wh oin Dy

of Wales Centre, Ne Yn

et het an raised Gua

tt dea wane Sola w toe several MANEbu at rea settiwod sour or Nevi Dieoveny

al vi e ele Ta now a {considerable

ha at vidi

Lanta OWES, of Carthage, Jasper Co.rE OT

FECES Lay ant ohasan fo conmum witht Regtw ‘alter


Blooa.—b. ASie,




Counm ak

fscovery P

‘eh 1 wich ino to

sulfonFre W



the use of Dr. Piere


eraa ose ratebei 2 high the dic idpeared to be c

atte Talia was ereIn breat

taliitoun thatwed ta ae yo Discov

Nioxin of Maanbeg take 79Wec

enjoy. Weg | pr wrot 3 ‘was Bald





in the frst

Price $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Boitles for $5.00,


No, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO. N

cals 10 cents per line Tor free insertions

ad? GUS ome per line fer ra subsequent

BO tion for the samme Inter.

the Pest Office at Mentonered at


eeemtgiiion through the mails ist neeSEAPeT




of SevastopWho saw the bailoon go up al

Mentone Saturday

Geo. Rickel’s commodions restr

dence is nearin completion

John Vandemark attended eamp-

nuceting at Bourbon last week

John Mullenhuur’ new bicicle is

as har to Hide as a trick mule.

‘A. C. Mitchel, of Rochester, made

a Inisiness call at our place Monday.

Burs Personett w soon lay aside

his crutches and resume the role of

a carpente againWe have had quit a muruber of

scarlet fever ¢ in and around

all are doing well under

|Hefiley Stockber-

town, butthe care of Dr’

ger.Paul Wilkie and wife are moving

to Silver Lake. Mr. Wilkie will be

princip of the school there. We

tre sorry to feso him from our

midst, but wish him success.

Beaver Dam.

Cor is about readH Swick has been vis

DeKalb county.

Levi Swick is very sick with

antery rheumatism.

¢.W. Middleton and family took

in the sights& Mentone last Sat-

urday.Mr. Sherman and Miss Effie Mid-

Aleton were visiting their parent at

‘Mentone last Saturday.

F. Stener, who has been vi

relatives in Ohio for some

returned home Monday.Melvin Yocum, who has been at

tending theM

College, atEt

Wayne, is at home on a brief ¥

tev. Shanks, from Huntington,

preneh ai the ebareh last Sub-

Ath. Althong he is quit young

‘his sermos was well appreciatB.F. H 6 has been


tives in


loway, wh

or Sev


edieal’ Institute.

and friends would be pleas to see

Shi benefitted.The Beaver Dam camp-

commences to-day (Thursdaynumber of Saints have alread eome

from distant point and many

qnore are expecte A large

tabernaele has been built and

tnoct of the Saints will eamp on the

ground A large crowd is expect,

By and a lively time, no doubt, will

v JJX. Penrod, accompanie b J.

Sta-Babecck was at Wagoner

tion, last Sunday.‘Mi Emma Rayer has been sert

ously ill for afew M but is now

coavalescing lowly.

‘Miss Lin Leonard, from near Ma-

§ visiting friends in town this

Uwee :

Paul Wilkie, of Sevastopomoved to our village.


control of our

winter, as principaJudge Long was in town the first

of the week visi friends,

‘( Mr. McKee, of Logansporttl5



visiting his brother, A. Jhis

(week,We understand he contem-

plate purchasin the livery stables

Ve this plac We would be gla to

have hita locate here, as we feel

confident he would be an honor to

our town.

Mrs. Hiram Honey, wh has been

dangerou sick for the pas ten

days is at presen somewhat better.

“R., Cecil and Win. P

Akron this week doing a jo of

dlate roofing. Cecil is # first-class

Slater and tinger, and any person

wanting work done of bim will ge

a fir t-class jobRo Leonard was at Akron on

“ynsiness Wednesday.


Sank Hanes has traded bis share

in the tile and brick mill, to

© Yellow Linke, for a

thirty-five a¢Sank


move on his farm in a few weeks.

Jone Jontz has moved into the

propert vacated by Wim,SeithmaDavid Love and wife, after a few

days visiting friends here, returne

to their home, near Macy, Saturday

bvening. f

Dr.P. B Terry drov across the

country to Akron Tuesday evening

Melvin Rager, who has. been at-

fending school at Loganspo for

several months, will attend Com-

qnencemen there this “week, and

the return homCatir.

Tho Gazerre $1.00 per year




more than ten

rSlhave use six different cl

He will have |ls this fall and

‘Mr. |iriends and neighbors

| like. Oné agent sold 27 last week.


Just Armstréng. Harris, son of

‘Mr. an Mrs.8. H. Harris, was born

We are gla to note the succe


July 8,1886 died at their home one

ofthe above named enterprise in| inile west of Mentone, Ind, July

our town. Their room has been


99 1987: age year and 21 days.

crowde fromdh first, with person ‘T funeral services were So

Tearaing the system and all seem


quoted at the M. E. church, July

well please ‘The system of Gat-!3), by Rev. Lewis Reeves.

iment Cutting which they teach

With us through life' troubles

seems to be easil understood an: No longer to roam.

cory practic judgin from theOur lov on Ma et

expressio of those who hare/

learned it. The business is giving

payin employme to a large num-

ber of peopl over the country as

The Garment CuttinSehool.





We desire to express our heartfelt

HoePhe toleving

thanks to the neighbor and friends

shown so of t follow} who so kindly assiste us on the

communications. oecasion of th recent sickness and

Prencetos, July 19, 1887.| geath of our child, We can assure

To the National Garment Cutter Co. al) their kindness ‘will never be for-

Grxre:—Having used your G

ment Cutter for some time, nm bap-

pil eurprise at the simplicity and

nsefulness of yourwalked

three and s half miles to Pierecton


gotten. gu§. H. Haznis ano Fast.




to secure my lessons, and have never_

JacGros ws bom i UD

fora moment regretted my time oFv vip Wittemburg, Germany.





Deces 1810, served as a sol-

e i securing the best system in}|


aT E daa : djer six years under Frederick W ile

ttake $5 for my sWi

Beeraeeai of il |yim TH emigrate to. America in

. = his 27th year, landing at Baltimore.

ment Cutter System, iff could not ar acia


secure another, and have doneHe settled in Starke Co, Ohio, wes

‘Oberianiter, March

work enoug to pay for it, Wishing

you saccess am yours truly.



cae ana Beeanera, [U Sally to Tndi and. settled on

15.1887,(52 farm three miles north-west of

ee eben where he died, August 3,

gneil hereby


ye ag 77 years, 7 months and)Rocnester. Isp.

Sins :-- the und i

ist Quality Tin Roofing,

S-ply Felt Roofing, ssst 1,

Sheet-1st Quality


All kinds of J ob Work!


before going

Terms CasNn.



pelts Fitth Annual Nagar Falls

Excursion will texve Valp » Ind.

‘August 15th h N &amp

$5.00 pr. Sa. |i. ty.



gt PARIS £2

‘This specialtr wilt be gis

We are Introducin

vil day coaches an | Pai Celebr Engli Laun Be

sre for the|


to the Fals

se $1.00 |

made up of 2

partor sleeping cars. Fs

round trip from Mentone




4.75 ”

Pine Shingles, 2.90 pr. Mo'cl srriv

260 » clock and remaini

8 and Q cts: per ft


vcr. u.

visit C


peeulditional time

” omyfollowing mor

will leave the is Aug, 1th at 7

” ”a

ing in Clevelmd at 3

His Creat Strength and Beautiful Color ~

rare accured fori ihe largeet ale of 77 UPS

Faye acearys We wat every Rousehos)



june wetbw the Execlience aud Reouomy of


ints biuctag iresclotheever been equale

‘post free a2 8

Ptaqua will leave opr train at

hots are

train only

send goo

Sunple by

o tocadecaer Totes, Ae-

Hnesenh grat of 10st be gh Boalforms


am sap cf saxcplee

Thos. Leeming & Co., New York.

Sole Agents for Tnited States aad Canadia

return portioncommudated by

applying to esenrsion agent en train,

Our excursions are largely psttonconduct

Come and

of materialelsewhere.

All Work Warrante “=:c yea




papalers amt students from


Eyery ommortation

ar will be given, We sare}

n pains in making this trip in-expen

sive and pl For further i

forms.tion, tickets, and berths

agents of the company or addre

W. J, Beit, Excursion Agn’t.


A. N. Hamile"


Red Front, Main St. Montone,



Beas i

tnd.STP SOUEE Deeres ef gear parse ene

Gy ied paale ss



taise ppurchas the Nation

Cutter,-and after a carel

tion we are convinced it

rior to any other system

known, nple easily

and correct, ithe

tat w have];gas, The funeral services were

yal Garm conducted by Rev.—~—-of_ the

f exvmiOse eran chureh, at Dfen-

tis supe-

we have}red

6 Y

it ¢


highly respecte bOS Tnew im.ats

g for men, women PERSONAL.

viet children, including dimpery aul


ty, N. 11, Froblichstein, of Muvite.

trimmings, with instructions in mak-| Als. writes: Take grent pleasure hy

ing np and no trouble to Term to recommending Dr. King’s New Dis-

Meait,, We believe it to be just as[Sees for Consumption, having used

represente 5it for a sovere attack of Bronchitis and

Pentreatarth. It gave m instant rele’ and

Mrs, P. Waite. tntielyenred ine and have not beet

Mrs. G. A. Cetlin, Afflicted since. also beg to state that

Mrs. J. Skoup.Thar tried other remedies with ro

Mrs. J. M. Spotts.good reaults, Have also used Electe

Are. J. Slick.Bitters an Dr. King’s New Life Pills,

Mise Huta Felts,

poth of whieh I can recomurend. Dr.

Linnie Graves

King&# New Discovery for Consumption

Coug and Colds,


sold on a positive

quarantes. ‘Trial bottle free.ay W. B.

Miss 2

Loddridge’s Drng Store.

Miss Nora Downeypense

M Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.

July 11, 1887.] ‘Phe Hest S iv in the world for Cuts,

owon, Chicago.


Breises, Sores, Uleers. Salt, Thanh,

Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappe Ha

Chilblains, Corus an all Skim Erup-

tions, and posi ivel cures Piles or RO

pa requ Tt is gnarimteo to give

perfect satisfaction or money refunded,



cents per box. For Sule by

W.B. Dopnnpes.

Goldsberry, Doran &

Tagai take the privileg

vit aview of becom:

2 your agent to canvass 10r,

to sell your dress cutting system.

Thave worked at dressmaking for

avs; in that time


seales for garment cutting, byLIFE OF BELCHER.


find yours the most perfe and the


easiest to understand, bought the

eyste of Miss Lizate Conor, your

agent in this place Ihave used it

two months with the best of success,

and now I would like to have the

ageney for some town or locality

aud it [find that Ican do the work

to your satisfuction, I would be gla

to put in ell my time in working up

sales for your National Garment

Cutter, Now will you please let me

know whether you will give me the

agency for cither of the following

places: Kokomo, Logansport Hunt-

ington, Wabashtown, Anderson, (sll

in Indiana,) or Three Rivers, Mich.

Yow, ifyon can give me one of the

places mentioned, plexse state whieh

one, but if they are sll taken, will

you please point out some other that

have. Give me agent& terms

and prices for the National Garment

Howard&# “Life of Henry Werd

Beecher” has been issued, and it ful:

ly meets the ex

edi, Ibis

interesting book, coming #s it do

from one of the mest sceompli

of journalists, and concerning

dues, one of the brightest of men:

‘On of its most remarkable features

ig, that it gives ws an insight into Mr.

Beeeber’s own mird and heart, such

as nothing bat the breathing of his

inmost nature to bis most trusted

ant life long friends could fit

author to present These sketches

written in many moods, with the ut-

quost frankness andl freedom, aud in

many lands, reveal this foremost

Mmerican citizen in new and unex

pecte lights Other Lives of Beeel

er may give a conceptio of him ss

seen b an oufsider-— gives us

the immer thought and character of


‘Loemarkebly bright snd ti

iTitt ad

E.wmber Ezousewe


Lumbe Shingl & Lat

Paid for

on. Our

ie will be

elsewhere consl

quality of goods





th kindl neti


AM persons are hereby notized to

exist from teesp

premis for the p

shooting oF gatuerin b




ag pon

rpose af hat



BE FOUND A GooD or—ieee


WD. Hort & Co,

Retail Drug. ists Rome

We have been selling Dr. Ki

Di: Elveicie Bitte-

Hewsfor four years.

a Seive


caloy-Asx gons dear 26aor


_Cer th

b Use few L

‘New Liscove

[wi Beot «



Market Price!No. 1 Wheat,des in Proporss«:

Prices on all

and Shin-ower than

idering the



new alweyss

idye.SRECTAT 205

oo foe


wer Ga the


i eatin: in

iss Eton B


printermediate grad, M

primary grate

A telegram W'

Fletcher Sloner3

Dearing the ie

death of his brewer Willi

Ston 3

mber, Latha

recived b

as been W ‘

+s home in tine to attepl

Call and sse our goods.

Tucker & Son.the ubsequies

onpl of Silver Take =

nilicated 8 t

and makingEXPLOSION

= da atteins


whose condulack

of goo breeding,

quent tips to Akrow in the pas few

wrecks, and each time would attempt

A the town a bright vermillion,

" capers are usually cat short on

Plain orforms,Tal

Tilustrated Clrealars‘Sead for


Jad ‘WEIDENE Sit Ceo of Patsa

Cutter, and also for the Voice ot

Fa:hion. am truly in earnest, and

hope to hear from you soo. For

your satisfaction I will state that

have had some experience in can-

assing, and I believe 1 could make

a suecess of the werk. have lived

in this plac for seventeen years.

have no family now, My husband

died aearly two years ago. Thave

‘all the means necessary for carrying

on of this work, if you are willing to

trust me with it. I feel that I aw

entirely responsibl fur all I am

asking tor, and that I would put

forth every effort to do true and

honest work, and to produc goo

results. I would also refer you to

Miss Connor. She is personall

acqnainte with me, and with my

the man. ‘Then again this book bes

been prepare the labor of a loving

heart. It is not the work of a mere

Diographer We quote from the on

thor’s preface “He was great in the

pulpit and gran on the platform ;

but in the ealun restfuiness of a pri-

vate life he Was sweet and helpful, 2

balm to wounded spirits, a cheer to

the desponten a sharet in the goo

or ill fortune of his friends.&q ‘The

ook contains a perfect “portrait in

steel, and many other beautiful illas-

trations, and in typogrpby, paper

and binding is a superior book, well

worthy of as immense cirenlation.

Had Mr. Beechor attempted an auto-

biograph he could not with premed

itation, have put so much of his real

nature into it as is given 80 sponte

neously in this volume.





The BEST and the CHEA

Is the univesa

A larg!


Bo, 36 B. Socom Street, Philadelphia, Pa-



sir efforts to exhacst

the stock in trade at olr grog shop:

Not lovg since a brace of them

coming top-heayy, found it con

venient to lay themse Ives out en &

Inmber pile i the roar of Boik’s sa

Joon, where they furnished pienies

for the green ‘lies the bance of the




verdict concerning the


e and complete assortment of

on hand atthe Fac-

Main St., Mentone,


ly celebrate:——=

Lapiss op THE WHITE Hovse

have fount that their sometimes ex-

eessive duties produc a low, weak,

tired and tremulous state of the sys

tem, and that iron restores richness

and color to the blood, calisaya bark

a natural healthful tone to the aigest-

ive organs, and phosphor mildly

stimulates the prain,--all combined

in Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic.

Tile constantlyNo. 515 East

MENTZEEconomical. Convenient, Reliable.


As you deat t sto ye BLU ‘CASTO 7

‘§2All Dreggists, Gnocers, ‘Wardware and

sass Suops alli


Very respectfull yours,

Mra, Bevis VaNtRer.

Bain, New., August 7 1885.

Parties como eig or ten miles to

get the system. Never saw the

Indispensible To ‘The Toilet.



Prophylactic Fluid oures

chafing, eruptions and inflamation of

all kinds; cures inflamed or sore ey¢S3

relieves pains from bites or stings of

insects and sore feet; destroys all

taint of prespiratio or offensive

smell form the feet or any part of the

body; cleanses and whitens the skin.

Use asa dentifrice it purifie the

breath; preserves the teeth and cures

toothache; sore gums and canker. A

ittle of the Fluid in the Water used

in bathing is very refreshing and

especiall beneftvial to the Sick.

Tlave five more agent going out.

any Prrtock.

sold 27 Cutters in West St. Paul

in 1 days, Have ha years of ex-

perienc in traveling business but

Never met anything equa to the

National Garnient Cutter.

Ep McAnpett.

{sold 19 in the country in 4 days.

© ALB, Apraxs, Towa City.


BAUM CASTO COSyracuse, Ne Fay Us 8 As

per-coustertits are numarout.



eR ee Siigae enty genuine AKLE OU

Cupid never studied theology.&quvill Herald.

‘An Jowa editor wrote an obituary y

‘on of his subscribers, at the request0 wid Io ‘which be inadvertently



Jordan, No. 27566, Imported by Win. Esson, Fores:

man tnd, She, Hero Bra, No. 6489. Dam, Constnnces

ams 314. Terms, $4.00. For particular inquire of R.

Christian & Son, Mentone, Ind.25-m3

NO: 32.


Spet Cash Frices,14 Pounds Granalated Sugar

15 “4” Sugar

18 Extra “C” Sugar

7 Bars Washboard Soa

Japan Tea, beet

Pa fired Japan Tea

Starch sie

Soda and Saluratus’

14 PoundsCarolina Rice




iL o G A NEws —Niagara Falls excursion next

Lt + afonday.

—Dr. Swigart was at Atwood

Thursday.—The next issue of the two-cent

stamp will be green.

—Gasoline delivered, leave your

orders at Mid@leton’s.

—August 27th is the date of the

Yellow Creek S. S. picnic.

—Sham battle at Warsaw

Monday, the Inst day of the Re-


—J. W. Sellers was attendingthe Christian conference at Bloom-

ingsburg Thursday.—' Corner grocery expects 9

new suppl of Michigan Cream

cheese this weeic.

—Jonathan Dawson, of Rochester,

was in town on business yesterday.—In four years Mrs. Fannie A.

Kerr, of Denver Colo, has made

$190,000 in mining operations.

—A bx of new. lemons at the

Corner grocery.—The Comer grocery is head.

quarters for Japan te .

Hercules powd for sale at N.

N. Latimer’s hardware store.

—Every advertisement in the

Gazerre represent


thrifty business.

—Druga and medicines always at

ir price at Middleton&# drug


—Miss Bessie Dawson, of Ruches-

ter. was the gues of Miss Mabel

Smith, Friday.—A gno variety of fresh and

salt meats always on hands at Love&#3

meat market.

—Elisha Worle of Silver Lake,

gave the Gazette a brie! cull Wed-

nestay evening.

—California evaporated apricots

the finest fruit in the world at the

Corner grocery.

—W. S. Charles will soon begiwork on his brick business room

adjoming Forst’s.

—0—0—0 —0—- 0-000 — 0 0-—


--Soldier’s Reunion.

Soldier's Reunion at Warsaw

August 19, 20, 21 and 22.

—M. H. Summn spent Sunday at

his former home near Galveston.

—Wateh,clock and jewelry re-

pairing don prompu and at reason-

able rates by Middleton,

—Lumber lath and shingle for sale

at Mentone. by C. I, Adams, agent

for Nrackett & Barrett, of Rochester.

G to H.C. Doase for satistactory



ING, rre., at low figures,

—A fresh suppl of salt meats and


dried beef at Love’s meat market.

—The M, E. Sunday- will at-

tend th picnic at Patestine to-day.

—J.F. Love, the buteber, kills

a beef every da in the week, except


--Rev. J. I. Wilson’s lecture at

the Reunion will be on Sunda at


Rev. Riker, of North Manches-

ter, was the gues of J. W. Sellers

WednesdayHigdon, 2 first-class dentist of

Warsaw, sill visit Mentone, Mon-

day, August 15.


--Newton Herendeen, of Silver

Lake, came over yesterday with Rev.

Jordan, colored gentleman who is

making arrangements to hold camp-

meeting at this place—A terrible wreck occurred near

Chatsworth, 1. Thursday, in which

1C0 people were killed and 115 were

wounded; caused by an excursion

train going throug a bridge.

—The Soldiers’ Reunion at Lake

Side Park, Warsaw, next Friday,

Saturday, Sunday and Monday will

be an immense affair. The attract-

jons will be more extensive than

at any reunion ever held in the

State. On Saturday there will be a

gran parad of infantry, artilleryand cavalry. Sunday will be ob-

served by divine service at 10

o' A. M.and at 2 o'cl the

soldiers’ favorite, Rev. J. H. Wilson

will deliver an oration, and the dawill close with a grand dress paradThe reunion will close on Monda

by a realistic representatio of the

Battle of the Wilderness, in which

from four to ten Canon, GatlingGuns and 500 Breeeh-loading Mus-

kets will be employed with a naval

engageme on th lake as a granfinale.

—Many of the peopl of this vicin.

ity will remember the personage

spoke of by the Plymouth Republi

can: “Rev. Jobn Littlejuhn, the

eccentric tramp preacher now 85

years oftl, passe through Plymouth,Wednestlay, and in crossing the

Michigan street bridge dropped his

cane into the river. He went to the

opposite side, took off his boots,

rolled up his pantaloons and waded

ia to get the cane. He would probe-

bly have never found it had not »

little buy, who could see & great deal

better than the old man, waded in

nnd got it tor him. ‘The old preach-

03 and 07





4a. zen eoMAGG GA.


_-The New Howe, the best sew-

” Crackers

ing machine in he world, for sale by

E.0.Clay & Bro.

—Zene Grubbs, of Bloomington,

IIL, is visiting his friends in this

lucality st present

Knives and Forks

Table Peaches

Rising San Stove Polish

Bird Seed

Lamp Fines, 0 and

A Big Cu in Spices

Oat Meal

2 Boxes Carpet Tacks

gulator has been the means

jore people te health and

x them a healthyru


-—-Mentone will furnish

delegation to the Soldier&#

io at-Lake Side Park.

—Soldier’s Reunion at Lakeside

Park, Warsaw, Ind., commencing

Fri August 19 and lasting four


—T. B, Ford informs us that he

will move his drag store to Ligonierin a short time.

-+Miss Cora Scott, of Bluffton,

Ohio, is visitin her aunt, Mrs,

Sarber, of Mentone.

“-Mrs. Kat Finley, of Whitley

county, is visiting ber grand. parents,

Mr. and Mrs ‘hos. Griffis.

—Samuel and Hervey Love, of

Hooversburg, were visiting


brether J. P. last Thursday.

—Charley Noyer. of Akron, was

in town Saturday in search of a sit-

olring in the expac of typo.

—Chieago Daily News, Saturday

Sight and allthe leading wagazinesand literary papers at Middleton&#39

deug store.


Storing tu




Good Fine cut Tobacco

‘Avrauler” Fine cut

Pail Tea

A.10 quart Tin Pail

Whitewash Brushes

2 Papers Pins, full count

Spea Head Ping Tobacco

Star® i

Horse Shos

Ham Sauseg

Raisins, Best

3 Pounds Bulk Starch

Stoneware per gallon

A big cat in Dishes.

Coal Oil.

Palor Matches

Dried Peaches ....

Arbuckel Coffee.



Sardines per box

Good Smoking Tobacco per T

A No.1 Wash Tub

ANo2 ”

A Good Broom

Esence of coffee....

Golden Syrup per gallon

New piektes in stock.

—T’cbacco ehewers should lay in

a supply before it advances. The

Corner grocery keeps the largestand best assortment.

—Tho Garment Cutting School is

in full blast and producing goot re-

sults. ‘The proprietors are pleasant

and honorable gentlemen tw deal


days—The new firm of Rober Faw-

ley have been making the dirt fly

around the new buildings during

the pas week.

-A. N. Hamlett now

star, he having been

Marshal in the placThrop, resigned

—The wealthiest worsan in Colo-

rado, Mrs. Bishop Tiff Warren, made

her own money in the cat busi-

ness, and is worth $11,000,000,

—Every GA. R. Post in’ the

county has promise support to the

coming Soldier’s Reunion, at War-

saw, either as a Post or as individ


—100 sheets of excellent letter

paper and 100 envelopes with your

fame and address printed on the

corner, all for 73 cents at the

Gazette office.

—Joln Ellis, who recently got

le ernshed m the Novelty Works

saw-mill, expects to be able to. get

out of the house ina few days. He

luas had teclions time of it.

wears the

appointeof O.D.

—Alfonso, King of Spain is now

2 years old and receives $1,500,000

per year salar, ; what n task it would

he for some women tu study how te

spend it,

Charley Barber, of Cla

making it pleasan and lively for

his cousin Ikey Surber and others.

ypool is

—Work has agai commerced on

the tower of the Baptist church. C.

Koppe is chief archivect, It is ex:

pecte to bave the building ready

for dedication sometime in Septem-


—While the inhabitants of Men-

tone are enjoying their milk and

honey, the “eullured” peuple of Bos-

ton are feasting on beans; 350,000

bushels were sold in that city in


Latimer Bros. soll

house on north Treker street last

Saturday tea Mr Sinith, from Pea-

ody, Ind.

e has broke groundof his brick basi-

ness room adjoining Manwaring’s

new build his

y evening for the first tine


[sin hi revent severe iNluess. Mi

were gin to see bin.

Loan Association are being rapidad

taken ani those who wisk to become

members should do so immeiliatelyof as no more shares can be added


S. Charles and wife,

ONAL CARDS, Lucas, Ohio, are visiting their—Mr. J. F. Charles, wh recently



W.5. and J. P., and old aequai

rice a


ances about Mentone.

—Farmers will do well to exll

Love’s meat. market for their i

|for threshing day.

anry Publicane, Dil

UMMY, Attorney at

stand Nyuary Public. “




gute all calls “dy

dead,LET Jusvice

hd Collecting Agentre. ately for that place


iddleton’s Drug:


Real Estate Agt.lock, Main St



ience when completed—Fred Middleton,


Dam, gave us a business call Me

veatcne | Mr. Middleton is our agen

ana {that plac and any subscription

coma vaer,#8 paper handed to him will

an. pm ym LelFx.| properly credited.

—Rev. J. H. Wilson,

eager eqpipm of this X

eeessary tO Rule


Potlowings is tims

amo further not


well please the boy and every-

rp [bod by his famous lecture

Andersonville Prison, at last yesr,s

reunion, has consented to attenda28



Tao]nm |



& all points arcou saloat


is complete and theof the. company at lowest

desired. Bags

side work

‘Orders tilled day

or night; suppl always sweet and


Nos. W. W. Kime received a tele~

gram from her husband at Ligonier,

— |"Phur stating that his father was

Mrs. Kime started immedh-

Isaac Swigart has his new heuse

on north Broadway about read fer

He will have a resi-

dence combining taste and conven-

of Beaver

—The masov wor on both Man-

waring’ and Lewis’ new buildings

going rapidl forward. The build-|( Wiyinson next Wednesday

came to this plac from Ohio, bas

his house on north Broadway al

most done. Tt will be an additional

ornament to that beantiful street.




—Ive cream, the best ever made

ready every Saturday evening and

Sunday, either wholesale or retail

nt Jacob Bruch’s; also made to order

for parties or festivals xt anytime.

--Yes, we know you can get 8

city-paper much larger than the

Gazetre for the same that it costs,

but just Iny the city paper and the

Gazetre down together and see

which one your wife and children will

gra for first. That is the correct

way to test the real value ofa nens-


—Tescher & Ketchem, of Bour-

ben, made the galvanize cornice

on Manwaring’s new building, and

Jehnny tes is the mechanic who

put it up. ‘ihe jub shows skill in

the workman, and isa fine exhibi-

tion of the goo taste and enterpriseof that firm.

—The officers of Evening Star

Lodge No. 151, D. R.T. 0. O. F. were

instailed as follows: Mrs. A. CroyN.G., Mrs. H. Damman, V.G., Mrs.







and give one of his famous lectures

at the reunion on the 19th inst.

after the organization is completed.

—The genuine Buehur, Gibbs

ial plows and repairs the

al Kalamazo Reed’s patenspring- Hurrows, New Deul

walking sulky plows, Roller and

Baker hoe drills, for sale by E. 0.

Clay & Bro.

—A member of the iereeton, C

A.R., bas cortributed &a worth of

watermetons to the soldier&# reunion,

to be held at this place, Aug., 19, 20,

21 and 22. This assures the attend-

ance of, Comrad Henry Clayton.—

[Indianian Republican

—Avy person in the yieinity of

Mentone, or surrounding towns,

who desires to enter the Mentone

Building Savings and Loan Associ-

ation should call on pr address J.

B. Middleton or M. H. Sumy for

particulars The organizatio will

be effected avon.

—-When you hear a person findinfault with bis own town, and compar-

ing it unfavorably with other places

you may safely con that that

person, from some cause, has lost the

confidence of his fellow citizens, and

it js perhaps as much his own tault

‘as th town’s.L. P. Jefferies, Sect., Mrs, S, Arns-

barger, treasurer, By omer of com-



mittee the society will hold a social

at the residence of Mr. and Mire. W.


—Farmers wanting the only genu-

ine Bucher Gibbs pluw shares should

er’s step is no longer elastic and his

day of ramping Will soon be over.

Years ago his mind became unbalane-|

Je and day alter day, winter and

Suinmer, he travels over the country

where he was so well known 8s a

pioneer preacer. He knows scores

of old settiers in every county of

Northern Indiana and always finds a

welcome. H thinks h is still doing

zou service and hopes to keep the

country from going to destruction.”


Mrs, Harriet M. Doke was born

in Franklin county, Ohio, Aug., 12

1800; died, at her residence in

Mentone, Ind., Ang., 10, 1887; age

77 years, 11 months and 29 days.

She came to Indiana in the autumn

of the year 1837, and her home

since that time has been in this

state. For about four years her

home has been in Mentone. She

was the last one of a family of

eigh children all her brothers and

sisters having preceed her to the

lan of spirits. She was the moth-

or of seven children. ‘Tyo of them

are dead: five live to fnou their


When twenty-two years of age,

Sister Doke was converted to God

not be deceived into buying worth-

tess pot metal sbares, but caliat E

and joiced the M. E. church, and

In fact in everythin the Grocery line, I wil

save you from 20 to 30

er cent. Call in and see.



Ivientone, Ind.

>Hayde Rea




A Good Supply Always on Hands

at LOW Prices.

in this church for fifty-six yeusmember.


Repairing Neatly and Done.

ings are fine specime of modern]oo” Ate. 17

she was a consistent

Jarchitecture We will give a folly se oy attei

deseription of them in a futore| Aoiatient


EE ton, OhioAlt aro cordially] Ca


Bee o e cca b Often in with the




titer she has spoke with the ut-

issue.“We havea few subscribers who


Bucher Githe é Cow Canton, Obio.


nost confidence of her trast in God,

after reading the Gazeere mail it| —Died at her home near Clay-|and of her resigantio to ‘His will.

e fe ee oo Fegular tevan absent friend. We|pool, Ind., August 5, 1887, of £00


Kindness marked all her intereoutee|

dens a * conme 2 ace glad to see such appreciation ‘ot sumption, Mrs. Amanda Rhodes, wile| ith neighbor and friends, und

a v (Ne inter 2760,eee eee a ee ines of Joseph Rhodes. Funeral at Clay


many jittie hearts will be sad be”

Nery Stock. G Salary and Expen-| &qu the little sco |*uszestion: By the time you have| pool church by Rex. J. D. Cover-|cynse “Grandma ‘Doke’s” door will _ Ae

ses or Commi Perm em: n a &g b e ec caaat tsread the paper it is old, then it costs|stone. Interment at Center cemetry-|} closed and the light has gone NE INDIAN

orent guaranteed. \ddress at noe |m l 2



Plop <n TLR HOWLAND, |gociety andia blessing to all with|Z one ce postage an th troub Mra, R.leavas a husb 94 501 |oué of the Kindly eyes thal were MENTO 3


Xurserymen. St. Louis, Mo. ah intes.of wrapping ard mailing it if you|cbildren aud a large circle of friends.


vont to them so pleasantly

Xurser series in Western N. ¥.)/"HO O pants send it away. “Now if you would| __tave you ever seen the “Battle| Ang. er hor Toth birthday, |

--LOOK HERE BUILDER: subscribe for your friend it would


of Gettysburg Panorama” at Chics. |the body o the age pilgrim was

| koorenk a. fetal fob of Slate| cost you less than fico ceats a paper,| aq Ifyou have, we need not tell jaid in the tomb to await the ‘res-

Roofing done, don’t fail to call on oT


and ve would wrap it and send it]son to


and see it agai use


w of th just. Foneral serv

write to John Bilger, as he has a|




go , beca




th just. Faneral



eee rea ae ae Te re CEae |

you wil ao ee od viatiol lee oe the M. E. ebareh at Men-

Svcs sate, and any w do ler wonld get ashare of the profits, [J yutirgou bave not yet sited


fone conducte by the writer.

by-bim is strictly warranteA

car |instend of Unele Sam getting it all-/uhat remarkable: work of art. the Lawn Ease

loa of sla just receiv Pi to


phis last is what interests us; we bave


guest tite‘ entertainment in


sui th time Silver Lak Tnd.


gresympat fo th poor print “a workis yet belbt you,


Liv oo a S Stato solicit orders for our reliable Nur-



J desire to give notice to all per-

sons to desist from trespassin upon

my premise for the purpose ofgatherin berries during the coming

n. Please take warning from



P. Jefferi”

‘Th Gazzrrs $1.00 pe year.&qu

PRIC FAIRProprieto

this kindly notice.

May 26 1887.

Latest Intelligence rom al Pars of |‘theWorld

FIRERECOThe fire Icssv in the United States and”

anada during July: were $21,026 500,

shich in doable the average July losses

for the last twelve years,

‘A business blocs at Norwalk, Ohio,

t fire and was’ damaged to the}

ere of $8000,The Elkhart te paper pai factory

was destroye by fire Friday Seri‘oss, $10,000.


( M. SMITE, - Peazrerre|

Eientr-siGeT persons were recently|

-=mmarily executed near Shanghai Chins,

for belonging’ to secret societies.

An zstmuitz of the population of China,

based upon official data, put it at S82°

(000,000, aa against 413,000 in 1842.

Sroartant FarrcatLp bas directed the

anticipation of the interest on the public

debt due Sept. and Jan. with # pet

cent rebate.

Fire at Baltimore destroyed James D.

Mason & Son& cracker bakery, Henderson,

Laws & Co’a cracker, cake, and candy

factory, and the store warehonse of Lic-

it, MeDowell & Co. Portions of the

stores of E. Whitman & Sona, Newton’

Karta & Son, EB Owens & Co, and E

jegraph h L: Parker & Co. were also burned. A,Ova one thousund telegraph pote have

{+ Tare! 4 Cos othe rains, and Chief

been pulled down by mobs in the Munap-ineer Henni of the fire department,

we Niegtsz district ia Chine. The pop on mee ee


neta Loss

ince denounce the telegraph a8 40 IYO"


$500,tion of the devil.

‘Tuxax are 6,561,36 bushels of wheat in

store at Minneapolis, St. Paul, end Do-

loth, as against 7,012,4428 year ago. The

receipts continue to be large.

‘Twenty-two buildin in the business


rtion of Boni Green. Wood County, |

Tux exodus of farmers and peasan ctroned by tte

from Central Russia to western Siberi®


ces raging arene’ Baan

threatens to result in an agricultaral (40 ‘Tastin, Cadillac South Boardman,

‘The Russian government ™) 4nd other points in Michigan, Consid-

take steps to check the migration. 3 been done to crops‘V flames


‘Yun snow-sheds to be erected on the

lin of is “switchbacks” over the Cas

cades in Washin territory, a distance

of sixteenaes ‘will consame 15,000,000

teet of Inmber in the construction.

Fire at Evansville, Ind. destroyed the

lumber yards of the Armstrong Company

and Jobn A Reitz & Sons, fifteen railway


cara laden with grain, a large warehouse

‘Yo pe able to fix the thoughts or the at- 8nd its contents, Armstrong’s sawm |

tention exclusively upon one subject, and sd stables, and two dwellin ‘The loss

to keep them there without ‘wave 8 i placed at $250,000, with comparativelylittle imsuranee.

joug 03 necossary, is a most important si

etement of success in everySeac CASUALTIES.

An rxmsition of Freuc caricstorists 4, Jay on the cathedral property inwill take place in Paris this winter. Only Contral avenne, Cincinnati, collapsed

artists of the present century will be rep- ayo, under pressure of a sand pile,|

Fevouted, aud there will be somo excellent Srec threo persone who were passing

sainplos of Gavarni, Dore, Cham, Andre atth time, Josie Coreoran was fatally|

Gall, and recent caricaturists. aurt and BW, Young and Fred Wessel

serioucly injuIncuraxixa ont a well the other day at

yonr hundred acres of prairie have been

Kenney, II, Florence Wells found & sored near St Joseph Minn. and a:tucket of butter that had been baried i§

jumper of farmers have lost all their grainthe mad for seven years, On exposure lO

nq ropa, The flames are apreading:

the air the bucket eraimbled away, bet tD®iatg the oxtonsive forest ia that regi |

butter wan left fresh and sweet. ind a general disaster is feared. ‘The

mon are fighting the flames with bat


An ‘te to extingnish the tre that |ans been





Forwanp, of Palatka, Fla,

who holds 30 many public offices thet

is a veritable Pooh-Bah, has been sus-

pended by the Governor for malfeasance,

+mbezzlement, mutilation of records, ete.

His shortage is Sgured at $25,000,a

whowent down into tho shaft to stop some |

crevices, One of tem was overcome b

developed by searching in the statisticsi. yas, and his companions removed him

of our foreiga trade. We sell more sewing 4p preat peril to thetr own lives.

machines in Switzerland than We dO iD Daniel Fressler, a boy at Upper San

Chi, And Switzerland sells more mack- ggszy, Ohi Richard S Westry, night

ines in Chi than she bays of us yardmaster and watchman at Charlestop,

5 Reg Moar eeatisl cage Wad tay: PO Od Tn


a, were ran over by the cars on

earth' polar ice is penetrating the inte” sonday, Westry and Dawson were killed,

rior of the globe like a wedge, and that #8 gnq Freseler will prcbably die.

soon as it reaches the furnace there will Mra, Henty Brandt, of Fort Wayne,

be an explosion that will split the worl) jamped from a window while delerious

into pieces too small for truck patebes (rom typhoid fever, and was killed.

‘A emall exeursion steamer havin:

A warren in a Southern contemporary party of locomotive engineers on board,

says: “We have nevor known 8 town Or capsized in Lake Manawa, near Connell

city built yer, withont fryt Duildi houses Bluffs, lows, Five Bodies hnve beon ro

fo: the people to live in.” This shows covered, but it is Dele that to oF

that thore are great stretches of this coun- three others also perished,

is not ac Thousands of acres of land have beon

burned over in the neighborhood of Joliet,

—<— LL ‘The fames were in some instances

A Wurvay (England) posrman haa just (wenty feet high, and the fires rolled

couated up the work he has done during glong the prairies faster than a man

forty years of service in the letter depart: could ran. One honses, hay. machinery,

ment. He has delivered 5.000.000 letters, fences, ete, were destr ‘The men

served under fourteen postmaster gen- are organizod as fire-ighters: women are

erals, and walked 7,CO iniles in the dis. fering prayers for rain.

cstinrgw’af Lib: dullMrs, William Kern, of Elkhart, Ind,

—— weut to her door Friday in answer to

Wea-xxown capitalists, iucluding ex- knock. Some friends stood there, and in

Senator Windom and Dorsey, are organ-the excitement of greeting them she fel |

izing a company to control the output of Heed at thelr feet. Heart dise

Hossomer ore in the Gogebie and Menom- Fie fntai gases of sunstroke were re-

juee ranges. The corporation will have a ported Friday at Pittsburg. where. with a

capital of $25,000,000, and will be calledhumid the reg:

th k Si Tro!istered 92 degrees.

je di Sapa e ro company: Millbrook, Mo. a place of 590 inhabit-

ants, was rained by a windstorm. Bat

fone house in the town eseaped bei dam-

aged. A boy was killed, and twenty-five12

none fatally. |

A comtovs piece of business has been

try with whieh the writer


Tur immigration of the past month

was exeeeded only by that one of July in

the record of the garden. During it 27,- ther persons were wounde



some Uhree onthe ago, Joavin «shorthis 0c cono $3000 voliinterity

b aE Spri of Irvin TL, is

him ander arrest.

‘A writ of error in the Maxwell: Preller

murdrt case, St. Louis, was granted by

Justice Milter, of the United States Bu

c Thursday.” Actin as 8

soperaedea the writ provent the execu-

tion Ang. 26.

‘Tur effort made by Mr. Baxter tosecure

the arrest of MeGarigie has so far provedfutile asthe St. Cathrine’s Judge and the

Ontario Attorney General refased to sign

the warrant.

Deputy Sherif? Buck Stanley. of Lo-

gensport, Ind., started from Marion with

a prisoner named Richard Adkins, alias

| “Windy Diok.” When his team reached

Bunker Hill four of the windy man&#3 paseton the officer, beat him into insensi-

bility, and rescued the prisoner. Stanley’scondition is critical.

‘A gang of union sailors attacked non-

‘union men on a'sehoon at Toledo, Ohio,

and in the battle William Colton waa fa-

I {ally shot. He belonged to the crew of

non-unionista at work on the ship.Iy an election fight in Manchester six

on were shot or stabbed to death and a

number wounded.

‘Tho Rev. West, who is wanted at Bt

Louis for the murder of Susie Beck, was

at London, Ontario, last Thursday, where,

after paying a visit to his brother, he

again disappeared.


Fifty stonecutters at work on the new

court-house at Findlay, O., stroek for an

advance of 25 cents per day. They were

receiving $8.25, and the contractor

he will Sl the pla of the strikers at

those figures.

‘mado&# seg=is a ta


aggregate‘are estimated af the same Sgure

Grease hogs are declining constantly at

ithe Chicago stook-yards under latge re

ceipts, but corn-fel swine are stealy.

Cattle are aslow as ever, under heay,|

auppliaa. are scarce and firmer.

‘The German Cathclics of th United

J. M Gil, awslkk citizen of

Omaha, died suddenly of heart disease at

Aberdeen, Da., Saturday.Thomas J, Seaman, peatm ot

Wabash, Ind, died at that place Friening.Natoral gas hes for some years been

known to exist in ‘many Jocalities around

Albert Lea, Minn. Several mali walls

have been struck, which were regarded as

curiosities and never turned toany sc:

to operate gas wells on ten thousand acres

ofland, and it proposes to light and heat

Albert Lea and neighboring cities,

‘The transpacific tea trade now largelyexceeds the shipments by way of the Suez

canal During the present season 18,418

448 pounds of -tea‘came to the United

States and Canada, of which onty 4725,

654 pounds came by way of the canal.

Tra Rich fell dead in the strest at Iowa

City from heart disease, Ho lived in New

York, and two weeks ago went to Iowa

City to obtain proofs for a pension claim.

‘The day before he died he remarked: “If

you don&# get me tha pens! retty

‘soon, it won&#3 do me any go for TH be

den‘he refusal of the Western Passenger

so mill


|‘Men who held {w jobs in iron mille | ascosiation to transport members to the

Youngstown, Ohio, have, und pressure


s+ Loois encampment for less than one

° f the Amalgamated Association, relin-

quished one of them, and the strike in-

augurated over the matter is at an en

‘A thousand men are idle in consequence

of the tre in the Cotnmet sd Horta Mine | fener {| astatehich has not yet been controlled.


Workmen are busily engazed at the

National Museum packing exhibits to, be

sbipped on Wednesday or ‘Thorad to

‘the Minneapolis Industrial Exposition,which opens on tho 31st inst. The ex-

ponse of prepating and shipment of the

exhibits is borne by the management of

the exposition, Congress having author-

iged the display of the articles providedno expense should fall upon the govern-ment.

Bids for the construstion of the cruisers

provided for by the last congress have

been opene at the navy department.ain were mae for all the ve-eels at

prices well within the limits fixed by the


eorge W. Melville has been appointed

chief ofthe burean of steam engineers of

the navy department. He succeeds

Charles H. Loring, who bas resigned.Assistant Postmaster General Stevenson

will deliyar an address before the anited

agricultural associations of the Fifth

Tlinois district, which meet next month

at Woodstock.

poLiTicThe probi “amendm was de-

feated in Toran by a major ranging |

Dotweon Afty a erxty thou

W. G Bradley. tate claims to|

have beon etested Governor of Kentucky.

‘Reports from seventy-three counties show | near

24,000 yain for him, and the Democrats

have cat their estimated majority tor

Buekuer to L

and reelectsd George “Wili Corts

President. Tha latter, im his adJress

sritiots the conduct of the administra-

touching appointme to off

remarking that it was not, in any strict

sense of th son a peace reform:


that o circular sddv to oftoial

1888, has been disregarded, especiallyin Maryland, and point out changes that |

fare for the round trip has badly damp-

ened the enthusiastie patriotiem of the

G Army of the Republic posts of

and there is talk of withdrawingnational encampment and hold-


It is estimated that the losses of the

{poll elique at San Francisco, who hay

been manipalating tho wheat market,

will be between $5,000,00 and 6,800,000.

Mackay and Floo ure beleived to have

cipal promoter of the

“corner,” and the opinion is expressethat a money shortage caused the col-

lapse. ‘The seesions of the call board

have besn discontinued for the present.


The sugar erop of Honotalu will not

exceed 100,000 tons this year; for 1886,

the crop was 108,000 tons.

The German and Austrian emperors

slobbered over each ather very profuselyat Gastein the other day. Jniging from

the amount of emotion displayed. the

touchingness, eo to speak, of the parting

affection between the two

reigns a European war. with Austria

and Germany on opposite sides, would

seem to be imminent.

‘The French wheat crop will excsed that

of last year by about five millions heoto-

Titres. harvest reports from Ruasia

are favorable,

‘The British trade returns for July show

an increase of £700,000 in exports and «

decrease of £480,600 in imports as com

pared with July, 1886,

‘A patty of nationalist excursionists

from Belfast wore mobbed by Orangemen,

that city, Sunday. Bottles and

pistols were freely used, and many heads

were bi

‘The remains of M. Katkof, the Russian

onenatist, have bee inter with im:

posing ceremonies astery at


yw Hawalian government i

vestigating the peculiar transactions of

the syndicate whieh place the recent na-

tional loan in England, ‘The contract

‘with the yn e allowed 5 per cont

2 per vent. for expenses, |

im and it issam that ths syndicate at-

oftempted to squeeze large sum3 oot

the government for alleged expenses in

ao be made in conformity with the|

addition to the amounts to which i

Tt was stated that of 194 aj

fhe Philadelphia post-office 192 were

ppointees 6

S44 people were landed, against 14,434

last year, Up to date t

landed at the garden since the Ist of Jan-

uary 240,499 persons, and daring the payyagemaster was beheaded, and a dozen

same period of last year the number war passengers wore badly wounded.


Tux Railway Register says.

who predicted that passenger fares woald,

The seventh will recove

re have beencoach and two sleepers of an express

G“The men


ocrats.the first-class.

GENEfrom the track. The

Monday ai the Bost Theater there

ax ayathering of notable pngilists, the

ooeasion being the presentation to John|

L. Sollivan of a golden belt inscribed

Cha of Champions.” The hose’

Neatly all the not prizo

Near Greenwood, Va.

train were thrown

‘A beer-kettle, in Rabr&# brewery a2

reen Bay, Wis, expluded, scaldin seven

m,six of whom died of their injories.

he greatly reduced whea the issuing of The walls of the Dar caniboay ele-

passe should be abandoned are evidently ator, at Minneapolis, fell upon » gang

false prophets. The passes given out by of workmen who were digging out the

the raitways were, or at least were intend- damaged wheat. Six weretaken oatdend

ed t be, for value received, aud wero not and one was fatally injured.

gratuities to favorites, as some wouldae

have ua believe.”CRIMES AND CRIMINAL

An effort was mad


to throw a train on

Te ag Repo ar, ican the chcage, Bow nana nd Pui

Road into the Iowa Rive near Iowa City.

navy died in 1879 in a foreign port. Several spikes had been taken from the

Lody wax taken to Vallejo a yearand @ ;xits, but the engineer sew the danger in

haif ago and pleced in a government time to avert it.

storehonsa Itia there yet and neither The two seamen from the schooner E.

the government nor the relatives manifest R. Blake who hare heen bronght to Chi-

sufficient interest to give the remains ago to testify against Dr. St. John im

decent burial. the MeGarigle pee are said to hare

made statements direetly implicating him

‘Tux most carious book in the world is Inthe mscape, A Mobtr ‘ramor bas it

one whieh is neither written nor printed. that McGarigle is in the city of Quebec,

pvery letter of the text is cut into the and another that he has embarked on 8

leaf, and aa the alternate leaves are of


sailing-vessel for (sibraltar.

blue paper, it is as eanily read an the best, The convicted Chicago boodlers have

print. The labor required and the pa- resigned from the county board, Judge

tience meeessary to out oach letter may be


Jamieson Monday contineed argument

imagined. The work ia so perfect that it on the motion for a new trial in the cases

seems as though done by machiner bat of Wren, MeClenghry, Ochs, Van Pelt,

‘every character was made by hand. The! een ne beg until

“» of nee



by ie a2 Se iat,”upon Geile at hie own request, and be

paid the §1,000 fine imposed b the jury.ee. Frank Brown, in charge of a deputy

Evourr- to thousand Germanslive in | United States marshal, has arrived at

Franco at the prese time, notwithstand- Fort Smith, Ark, whb has been locked

Brown beara

tionality.they have gradually crept back’ into the

country, while, thongh bursts of anti-

Tentonle -festing may occnr im the press,

and even be practically shown by the

Franch- themselves, aa on sayerreaunt oaeaaioas, in the main the Gerous get on very comfortably wit beSer slr =

their wt-enemies, and find the enm (5 ig pabuin oke

sore theoretical than practical.a

near Fulton, Missonri, has been arrested

for shooting his father, Herson’ Smith.

He any that he was perv to do it by

disappeare‘el treannr carted in (

Eght of the country were p

were also Mayor O’Brien and othe ity

officials. Councilman Wall made

presentation speechAunie Watkins, a colored lady of Pa

eah, Ky. departed this life, to all appear:|

ances, last Saturday. All her neighbors,colo and white, ited to follow

the body to itetaat resting place. Daring


Hoo -Ranre.the corvices Annie sat up. in her coffin.

Hor colored friends flew in dismay. She

took part in the emancipation celebration


Ludwig Schmitt, of Mansfeld, O., who

come time ago attempt to commit sui-

cide taking shot himself

through the head Monday.Toe dare i ap in Manitoba tell-

ing the natives that his chances for the

presidency are Al. He will ext his

journey to the Pacific ooast.

William Ball, ex-mayor and



merchant st Barlington, Iowa, died and-

Genly in that city Sunday nightElaborate preparations are making for

the celebration at Philadelphia next Sep-

tember of the one handredth anniversary

of the nigning of the constitution of the

United States.

“Johnny” Reagan and “Tom* Henry

had a prize fight on the Hudson river,

fifty miles from Now York, Monday. The

mill was stopped by © mob in the thirty

eighth round and declared a dra

‘The qmon of wheat in sight in thin

country was inereased last week 558,247The

stock of corn

‘The official showing wakes the visible

supply of wheat at the present time 33,-

690,859 bushela, of corn 7,900,808 bushels,

and of oats 2,868,797 bushels,

‘Two important business failures oc

‘hioago Baird &

jobbere at Nos. 141 and| Dillon, silverware

atitled under the contract,

‘A fire in Dublin last week destroyed

$600,00 worth of property.

‘Ar Bridlington, England, Temple of


Chicago. lowered the half mile bicyclerecord, making the distance 1 pinut 13}seconds.

Feom January to Jane of this yes

there were 10.238 deaths from cholera in

Chili, and the government spent $1,000,-000 in fighting the plague.


4m @ 4m2 gas

n a4en


rans Po bashel.Fours cuckea pe fi.







Coux— 2.Oare—No. 2 White.

oh ea: REObS5 ‘cecEse cadsceeee



wee=gee =i i

whos sretb bes. be

@600 008000



Contes Reports of the Latest News

from All 7a


of the State.

ill is threatened with

[th horrors ‘ a water famine.

| _ Natural- gas explorationsRank Hill bave resulted. In failurand the wells have been abandoned.

—Robinson Alexander, one of the

leaders of the Jobn Brown raid at

Harper& Ferry, died at Jeffersonville

Friday night. He was a negro.

—David Hodgman, of MichiganCity, an employe at the natural gas

weil, was struck on the head by a fly-wheel at the mill, and almost instantly

Nile Methodists of New Albanya&#3

icthave purchased 140 acr

joining West Baden springs, an

open an encampment similar to us |taugua.

—Enos Stangleage, was kicked inmule at Peter

Logans| and

inju ‘That will cau his death.

Jarge block of slate becamedeta from the root of a coal mine

lat Fort Wayne, and in falling instan&

killed Mike Boban, a miner. He was

55 years of age, and leaves a wife and

seven children.

~ Searlot fever h broken out in the

sduthe part of Blackford county.

The disease secasits the form of

= fever. The v dry weather

eaused the fever to spread with

San rapidity.—A small worm is said to be doing

agreat deal of damage to the corn

near Seymour. It attaeks the stalk at

afon 30 years of

the stomach by «

the tasse and then works down as far

ear. Hundreds of acres areas theth affected. ‘The ears are shrinking inotrac them

and dying away

—Jobn Hermann,

ployed at the furnit factoryEmerieh, Pantini & Co.

in attemptin to slip a belt on a wheel.

was caught in the shafting and hurled

around a hundred times or more bef

the machinery could be stopp“right arm and leg were brol

ws D crushed.afterw:wT Evansvill while at work on

the residence of Capt. William Field,

Alfred Bippus and Ben Winslow, col-

ored, were precipitated to the ground

fro the roof, a distance of forty feet.

both were horribly bruised and‘ were

g 0b ig grereciwit lumbe

e shook visit Eans at ha42 Tesi

lateral motion and y pro-Windows anddoor rattled,

bringing people out of bed in

haste. ‘There was a stamped in the

news| offices, the sompo‘making desperate efforts to escape.

‘The wave lasted about eight seconds.

—W. D. Porter, traveling for a saw


threw himself off the south-bound

Indianapolan Vincennes passengertrain and killed instantly.Suted stran from the siart and

attracted attention, but before he could

be prevente he rushed out of the car

and plunged under the wheels, His

body was sent to Indianapolis. No

eu se is re for the sucicide.

nsport, Henry Wilson,Windsor hotel,


with a man by the name of Stum-

bangh, who assists at the Inneh

counter, the melee Stumbaugh


de Wilson powerful blow on, the

ead with a heavy saber, cuttingwnorr gash fully six inc long.Stumbangh was at once o

the charge of assault and batt with

inteut to commit murder. H has tig-ured in two serious cutting aftrays

prior to this.

—At Indianapolis, Miss Rene Ward,

fa young woman from Michigan City,took a large dose of morphine, with

Suicidal intent, She hail torwed au

aequaintanee, it seems, with a man

named Ogle, a musie teacher, and when

he one to see her s handed him a

kage of morphine and took the

bete hers Kindly asking him to

m the other por u n

Jooked as

wight pull through.east-bound mail-train on the

Ohio & Mississi Railroad was

wrecked three miles west of Cochran.

‘The accident was caused b the break:

in an axle of the engine on the:

‘rear of the tank and several cars were

tached. Mail Agent It, E. Baker

S UL, was ‘insta Kill


and gon eCla were seriously injured. ‘The ac-

cident was a very bad one and sev-

eral ngers in addition to those

mentioned were injAt Wabash a Wab railway de-

tective arrested Ethan Vandyn7


is cha

jump on the fast-line train

boun West, intending to beat their

train was promptly stoppedand they were put off. Vandyhis rage picked up a buge rock and

ten it through th window of a pas-iking a Lafayette

travein mani the “face, indicting

serious injuries, the glass bein driven

into his face.& Vandyne is in jail.—Two fine horses of W. B. Martin,

a farmer; near Lafayette were shock-

ing mutilated Su morning. Ukno! the

Gaping slashesShieh ihe bowels protru and arag-

ge upon the ground. The horses each

walked about a hundred5

drag-ging their entrails, steppin upon

them, an tearing them ‘completely


©out.’ Mr Martin knows of = enemy,

=aunib the deed to pu

A ifendish ‘act hik ae ion punishable as malicious

—As Joseph Rich, a

30, hi wife, their 18-month-tonife’s mother, Mrs. Hannah

a workman em.


o “ih opinion tht: the fait o the

of | legisiIndianapolis, priation for the capitol So Uns



He died shor |

[ou sources to supply




It is a singular fact that the United

States, while strong in resources, is

entirely dependent upon foreign coun-

tries for the gold and tinsel which are

used in decorating her officers of the

army and navy when on dress parade.A mititar officer, no matter what

flag he fight under, must have a cer-

tain amount of glitter about his shou!-

de o he cannot do justice to the

ernment which employs him. Fj

ala and shoulder knots are as ¢s-

sta rile ail three being urrinirs. Rich escaped wi

demolished. They attemp&after hearing the bbe of theapproac! train.

At Lafayette fire destroyed Ries&q

dott ‘Loss, $2,000; insured

in the Firema of Day ‘Newman

& Bohrer’s loss on the ice house and

contents is $2,000; insnred in the De-

troit Fire and Marine, Concord of

Milwaukee, Franklin of Indianapoliand the Fireman’s of Dayton. The

Home, of New York, has


loss of 36‘on William Garlands house. and the

Peni of Hartford, $400 on G

larrison’s furniture.

ee as are the guns and ammunition

use onthe enemy. Yet, in spite of

the fact that there are six or sever

thousand officers in the service of the

Unit states who must, hare ok

, gold lace, and gilded epauletGa uote slamla manulacorythe country where this “war material”

can be made. Every piese used in

the decorations of uniforms of the

regu ‘as well as the vast quantityyes to adorn the militia of the

differ states, comes from England.A officer of the Quartermaster’s

chan of Little river, Little river S te Oe ey eee eat

the reason that none is manufacturedditeh will be, with its branches,miles in length. It will drain th (Be fact “tha ie plant necessary t


stan gave away, an James “chru-

was perhaps fatally injured in the

ek an a number of others received

sligh injuries.sf gre ditching enterprise is now

being carrie out i the west paro ‘li county, where employment is

to a large number of men by the

enlar and deepening the


evidence that the stuff could be made

here as cheap as in England. At all

events, nu one as yet had the hardi-

hood to risk so great a sum in the es-

tablishment of a business which must

necessarily be restricted. — Washingtondetler,

i‘They are now

Grilling sixty feet a day in hard limstone, which they re compelled, border of court, to deliver to ‘adja

land-owners. In several instances the

sale of the stone has bee suiicient

compensate the owners for the as-

sessment on th dite!

—The anditor of st has issned a


{When a cou otot old warriors meet

cireular to the various county auditors the scene i usual affecting, if not

tolevy no tax for the pathetic. A “mee took place

new state-house fund this H is | Short tim ago between an old Union

General now connected with one of

the numerous railroads entering Chi-

cago o ex-Confederate Colonel.

Alte the introducti the SouthernK We met once

ture to make a 5] Appro-

course. ‘The state-honse fund is not

[larg enough to complete the capitol,but the auditor is of the opinion that neral, in ‘62. The General

ate command | Facked his merory, but could not re-

‘and ‘vari. call the incident. &q Colonel smiled,

‘the needs of the |4nd withont a word took a set of false

commissioners, at least until the next teeth out of his mouth. A great light

legist tan act. At present there suddenly burst upon the Genet

sto the credit of this fund in the “Why, you&# not the man—down in

han ‘of the treasurer a balanc of | Missouri: “That&#3 me.” “Why, great

$157,000. A large part of this wi be


Scott, man, thought Killed you!”

Que the contractors when their work


Then for the next five minutes the two

is completed, on account of the 10 per


Old men wrung each other&#3 hands, and

leent. reserve rule made obligatory by


talked as never two old men talked

Jaw upon the commissioners, The re-


before. After they had partially re-

sources of the commissioners inelude


gained their composure, the Stroller,

this balance and the uncollected one-


Who Was a interested listener, jearned

halt of the taxes o1586.that in ‘62 the General with his stat

was riding through a thinly inhabited

portion of Eastern Missouri, and, com-

in across a little farm house, the Gen-

mounted and asked a small boygethim a drink of milk, While

talking to the boy a bullet suddenlywhistled past, a little too close for

comfort, the General thought. He

immediately ran toward the house,

and discovered a man in the act of

Juading his rifle. The General clubbed

his revolver and strue rebel a

fearfal blow in the face. He drthe (ieneral suppose dead,oped, however, that he had only

knocked all his teeth out. ‘The two

old heroes talked for something like

ahou ‘a when they parted the

s heard to say that he&#th Colo a new set of. teeth, —

feuyn Journal.

who GoT MY MEAT?

As the tirst lowa Cavalry was thareh-

ing through Arkansas, one day we

came to a wood whieh we had to pass.through. As we were riding along

w emerg into a opening or clear-

wi a commodious logLo and what most struck mye

as a good- log smoke- and

the prospects of full rations struek me

still more “foreibly.


We: dismouand, tying my horse to a fenee 0sovausad on mat smokeboe mobehold, it was locked: but not wishing

be balked of iny contemplated feast,ran back and then forward, andpla both fe agai i when the

door gave aw tha Enter-

ing, I sawsuaigh as never hungry

soldier saw before. Hams and shoul-

ders, side meat by the “hun of

pounds, hung tempt array bee

fore us, sized retia shoulder; dee in ea baud

‘At ab the time October, 1859

—a white man named Bland was killed

by the Wylackies under the followingcireumstances as stated in the otli

military repor of that date: One daythis ea i his Tambles in the moun-

tains after game, came across a youngIndian a ‘aod iellin love with her

at firstsight. He carried her away

from her people by force but she

escape fro himand came to the

reservation. One dark night soon

after having ascertained her where-

abouts he came and forcibly carrie her

while waiti th arrival of her people.‘The officer in| command ot the small

cee ofre troops stationed

girl again escap fromhim and this

time got back to her peopl but Bland,

searched the mountains for months,

harassing and annoying the Indians

in his endeavors to repossess himself

until one day he met

hat was

merited death.

large party of wylackies one eeeand after a desperate resis

overpowered and burned at the stake.

Oneof the finest mountains east of the

finest valley has his nam ever


tain is one of the best known land.

marks in the vicinity of Bound Valley.‘Although characterized in the reportsof the army officers as a lawless ruttian,

Bland, like all the men of his stampin those early days, had ma good

poi about him and to his utter fear-

oOverland Ma: pesi

The Fatter Wee outA lady walked into a cit sto

a few days ago and ingui for

condeeted. “You see, she explained,“Lboughta pi “ carpet ere fo

mu pati and Samuel, my husband,

headded aninexhaus find


carpet depart to which she was

started for the door, where | confront-

eda woman and half a dozen tow:

heay woun: :

“For heaven’s sake, men,

ao ta it all, My ebildren will

sta &q hurt me, but braced up and

said: “I am hungre, too; and we

don’t get such fare often.”

In just twenty mimutes there was,

p eno meat in that smoke-house


says nuthin’ &q do but we must have

more like it, so want to get the

remnant. I don’t remember the clerk

h waited on me, but I&# know the

if set eyes on it.” ‘Three

Gle were kept busy an hour and

a half unrolling carpeti foheidentification, but the desired ret

n& come to light. “Dear m thiis very disappointing said the lady

te) tone atvexati “I felt sure

could fin the rest of it’

“When did you bny the good

mada ‘inquired the lens:

cat. Well, ot to myhor na tied a ham on one side and

a shoulder, on the other, aud we were

just fairly mounted. when an order

came along the line to charge forward,

in hopes of eaptnring some guerillaswhich some of the men in scoutingaround had discovered.

Away we went, pell mell, hucryscurry, in disregard of all military dis-

jcipline at full gallop, Away "

my ham and shoulder, swinging w| and down witha force that took

fittle hor from one side of the Toto the other, but hung en to them

for a half mile, when tho t “This

will never do,” i east my eyesaround for a good place toleaye them

and in a ravine a little way abead I

thought I contd thro them wnder a

small bridge which came in my way,so loosening the strin threw them

down without stopping, and thoughtwould come ba and get them when

went into cam Then we wereOrdered to sear all the houses im our

way, but we did not tind anyone, and

soon came to a village, which the boyransacked completely, taking all the

eatables the two small stores contained.

I did not take any mas forthou would have all



want to carry when I got inaWell, we soon started back to ginto our line of mareb, and

bar t come up with the ravisuppose my sa (won hi Amagine if o

feelings when found the go t

cannot adequately express my feelings.[never found out who got the but

some one of the boy that sa me

throw them there, 1 suppose. It has

been over twenty years, but I wonld’

just like to know who got my meat.

celebrate, and-”

the clerk “I fear the

been sold— CouriAY.

‘The Ki of Holland ed,his seventieth birthday, aac maeable gift from the Queen. Her majes-

ty, upon congratulating the King, told

him that she bad a large bouquet sflowers for him, but it was so heat

tha she had asked th ladies in aling to bring it in. ‘The door

opene and severa ladies ent

surpridenly “h topSpo th tb

‘bouquet openedand the head of his infant daughter

ethro gh the flowers. The King

ted with this pretty sur

pricet we should think has not

deen’ equi since the days of the

“four and twenty blackbirds.”—Home




heypreas Eugenie has spon

theec i geve of Naplesto enter the Poop


as anuand care for soldiers wounde at

‘MaasowahM. M. DELANcy,

‘Firat Towa Cavalry.

oa Well-reguiated army or


Before the days of clock in hall,cron

&quo ancients told the time of day

‘C measurements of sun and shade,

Tuat as you do you froward j

‘With snllen humore on sou!

Por every hour a different frown

‘ha th aun set of hid his light8, and in the night

Thea the time another way.

‘By water, which fro:

‘Til they were ex: pti when

And this they called


clepsydrnd 1 he iame

ol measure yetFo evermore your eyes are se!

‘You leaky ereatare, old and sou‘Whose


is a perpetual shor


How he can tell, with you in sight,

Wh i tbe the day or night,Has pu mo, own, for year:

Your peovis temp change

Your fr >

a no itis ‘aidmigh Yourme

;Stoddard, im Harper&# Magazine


vice to


Spring ha clothed itself

est colors.

pur of o odorou violets 60

see aeweicome to. the prim

that were just openingthe dew shelter of their green lea)

“dt is&#3 if all nature had sarakto new life.” Mbd Clide

‘as she stood in the shadowea wo


indeed, she looked, with her

the wus by a

sme teimtinher straw |


over the stre

delicate motion.dear old

roe MLSs

love it!

would not Le like destroliving thing to puil it down.

the spirit of th great solem!

would haunt th

she sinited at Tu bn

a look of star wonder

net ber breat in

arighi1 heard somet she

cman Could

the wind? No.

Her fac grew pale an U shrank

from ont the shadow of the ereaking

shafts with


dee awe in her hehvunted?the

heard sometal to this effect in a

s there truth in the

‘On mire the sound eame

Zai to ne and she looked on the

around her, the fear that |

had Na e oe beat with redoubled:ina long

a practica sense re

childish day


spent itvelf

turned to hesome must be there

or go up first,

really the matte

she decide

the rickety old

disused milnt streat

narro creni wi

walls with the ivy

“1Madoline saw nothing of

Her ga was lized

est corne and her mut lips seemed task a silent question as s mov

nis side and bent over him

‘T have met with an acci wosita

rep ere las

cniu die ieto|

an gasped, frawith ditieulty. “1 ¢

night. I thoughtany one came to me.

‘Phe words ended in 8

‘anda second look at the

pt inh

ng.A wooden

mouldering shelves.

ui wer

‘should he be, and in his prime,

To whom, as wife, you measure time,

Dee im the woods theean ore


Soft moss, and the yellowedie Mystery she should bring ha

paste? Disn

int K this danger secr from those Who

Sal igo, even though the

with the breeze flat.

tering the golde enrls around ber fa

and setting everything about her in

mill!” she murmured,

co tovin up from the flowingcovered

As if



anething that sounit m

in painwas the next conclusion she caine

yonder if [ hac better eall for help,

no discover what Is

led un this last eourse, and

sithout a mument’s pause, she climbed

d ladder, und entered the

ing in through the

where unee the win-

dows had been, showed up the ruined

disorder of the place, the crumbling|

cn pin throyou are shu


on th form of

nan of pain,white pros

trate face warned Madoline that thstranger was on the point of swoon-

cup lay on one of the

She snatched it

y Fou:somebody at the farm of

© ‘The man mor

“ae jock of more than bodily pai

thoug you were

he mur-

[Patemor Zoscc wilting to Ss me,”

mured faint

“J am moret


than witi to do what.


He ga her a long steady look.

‘asurer proof thaby asking this favor of you? 1 do not

wish it known that Tam here. Lhave

ent: and des-

ae el aeppsi: ee

itstopped. jmsa tone of bitterm

pat sufficient faith in me to take

word for truth? ‘The motive which

compel mv to seerisn guil one;

‘Lam innocent of an:

wrong-doing tow\1f you this be

; and the

day may come whem you will ook

‘hack with thankfulne to the tine

wheyo 7rend blindly, this ser-

a ‘all bemy refuge unti!

eee for him.

i breast rising an

retahi geae resting on her wit

Strdowatch him with 2 name-

read and uncertainty in her heart.

Wh if through ben this

m to him?

roses J

W h if he sho aie? Wi ou not his

h be at her door, sin she had

aig have saved himistook herthought, |

1 bis

i oe ‘a&qu up from th ‘de o his.

the ripple of

“How happy it- makeso have sak too mneh,” he said

hoskil no right to expect

anythingio a Go, if you will, and

tell the owner of the mill Tam here-~

pa shall not be found, The moment

have lett me for that purpose,effort cost

e my last breath

&qu tried to raise himself, clutching

‘one of the projec beams to support

{hi bruised f succeeded in

draggingvlin to his fe and then

Sank on the nearest bench, and leaned

against the rough wooden watl.

;"" stretched ont her hands

involu as thongh to give him

°“et here in peace, she murmto dispel his fea “not for

[wor would


drive yo

eer wil ke silent a3 you


“Thank you,” he said slowly; “you

" doi mor for ine than you can


w s tea tuad passe away from his

ce, and he gaze at her with the

a S voiceless relief of the condemned

‘released wh stan on the scaffold

awaiting d‘Madoli


wen closer, and touched

his wounded arm, a great eompassionshining in her eyes.

been(&quot you not let me see how Fou

are hurt?” she asked gently; “perhaTean do someth to ease the pain of

jou arm.”‘A haggard smile fiitted across his

features.he echoed, half cynically,

{had not thought of that; yet you

have advised well. The sight of th

ugly stain must have been enou to

e you away from me, J will wasb

it offH tore open his sleeve with utter

recklessness of theagsny the move-

ment cost hi and Madoline saw that

his arom. wasTerri bruised and lac-

erated, as though it had been crushed

ita ‘blow from some heavy sub-


‘Let me,” she said, softly turaing

back the rent sleeves “y are not gen-

tle enough with yourself.”

-s¥on think so! he laughed looking

with pleasure into her sweet downcast

face; =t fempl is great to leave

myselfBut no,” he

aanim ext on ering the wound;

aa ‘and how pale

yo have gro& ean not alloixyo to try your

nee te such an

tentMtin do not mind” Madoassured him You ace hurting +

Be patient, and w

to |,woun that it may heal the ae

of faintness had come

rat te sight of his injury, it

as . te dispelled now, and she

ta d what she lt was neces-

to ton

readysary aba recovel

ai Tones thon wast pots freate

suppl of water, and then ‘ahe knelt

down, an bathing the plscarefwith her handercl


up hastily, and desce the Tickerty | task, that 1 dare pot think what it

staircase,sh plunged t

the stream, and |

brim, once more


at the work of an instant to he always Wi

kneel down and raise


water will eeri o and you wi

able to tell me what | can do to serve


‘He drank eagerly

and his eyes ¢

With quick Tron ‘Madoline pour-water over her


te tenet, and bathed his brow and


"1ed the remainder of the

his hands.‘A thrill of horror ran

which his sleeve clung to

alo pitiful voice.

ch hurt.

~ & help.

alo for a

g back somebody who

pre use.”


few mommoved his head,


raising his lids with an effort, he tura-|&q «Prisone

od his dark eyes earneatly on her pal owin el


“[ am better.”

shall soon

. wib send oe

my presencnnBButwhy ne

al of anxieoe have si

the \ ya vn


refus the belp

the igr Bred. For your own|

he bow! into

letting it fll to thehurrie breathlessly

gently; “the coolin be

gratefully, and

then his he sa on to the straw, tn,

through her

aa she saw the stain of blood upon biyoul ni

wrist, and the heavy damp with

his arm:

must leave you while eYou will not mind beingTwil

will bo of

he muttered.

te w enough t help a [3

joes d | brow, and his gaze, as

“Mad asked,“You

must have bee for you to gaa“Not Much,” he answere caref

not, to let her see the opio had

him one twinge of pai “if it

vane such gen treat

the stranger&|

f 1 dota tne refreshing draught to


OTD could court accident for the

mere deligh of feeling that had such

aw sympathy I oe yon must be

airy doctor. T feel so much

[B that I haveate forgotten

< ‘am here.”wre was a slight pause and a bit-

ter aang S bef the last sen-

as she rose

from her ‘kne ‘vos ‘Madoline

waa reca to the ‘emme of


long to hold thes

Cr‘at sGen Sr o tat Ts

‘with rheamation

wo 44859 aah we cna o ee1


sance.” rmanent

o put into one pice I wo ‘make | ——————

‘yard wide a 25} miles

all Kinds otma ieubtstbeaters for th th tt

serenelyof binder | banks.

found.00 po you know where Icam get one

of thos opaquees?” asked

Posqp were 27852 sheeyakina used.|Crq Why,” exeiaimed Mamie, in

72RN poat skins, and 155 calf ski


“Chpri vaye You ao afr of su

‘As none of these siins were split, it {Sar No.” return cont.

pa ee the killing of 89 Gentially” But Mr ert a {are

aero wo abost 2Se

10 reana oe gomm st ERE

in inwhich sie

_.Well, Brown can afford to:

can&# You see endorsed a

Srouid ma a strip two feet wide | ba fo Si and yesterda

2,6 mil Long. ma it, I might help you,

Mipeoks were piled up in one |other man woul pay my

anos narrowest wa that B th | Boston Budget.

same aa they would stand in a bool


fase it would ta # shelf 19}sai Eiki me i tec munecessary-

ing Seay


Tt also removes the

If the pages ve were join |eitec of eat SSarp deans i

togeth it woul 28 air O PA] ay,


9 King of Holland is Fat mm Be

wher ones wide and G20} miles)| pe Ni So pain and ye


orty-one steam presses


Work: a

ing day and night, more than 1,00 Mild, sootbiog and ‘healing ie Dr. Sage’s

operatives sere


‘employe and more Catarrh Remedy.

than 9,060 agents engage in distrib- free ap ‘and the em B are

Ru tho book, & these dat ph


tng wal sana th rohonoy Citwere mainly old soldiers— paid in hocommissions for sellingtebok‘on

‘tth golduse in stam lette aing, in a dwaga ‘To liquidate

fe bills. Why do they bob up

moak arun upon the

FigsGar togConsumption Cures

wieOatta Vedi talk 35

sar ‘more than


fi S|Menry Ieving, the setor, i said to have

n careep ing Reape TPG thio an some

ca tells of 8 plan w‘wh he devised

fo get water pumped for use in his

1 get o utilizi a small park of the

wast energy of the St Lawrence

Fiver. ‘The apparatus was very sim

Ble, a consisted of framework of

hung between two uprightsdriven firmly in the beach just at the

point where the incoming waves at-

tained their grea velocity just be-

fore breaking. A the bottom of this

was hun a tio nade of two

their edges at right

angles, and at the proper height, to rSeeure a full immersion in au ordinary |

frave; the concave side, of .

ward the open water. ‘This float rose

and fell with each wave, and each

motion worked the piston of a pump

toa greater or leas degree accordingto the size of the wave. ‘This con-

trivance was found satisfa a9 it

pumpe an ample supply of water for

Ris household neods, cost D one-

third of what a Tdmill would, and

did not make an unsightl feature of

his landseape. N reason is perceivewhy the sa devise might not be eni-

ploye ou larg bodies of water as a

meana of ‘surni chea power.

M n 3 Marpl Si Deba Place,



promotasDigestion, onovarmnes Fiatuleucy, Comstipanag Sour

Stomach, Diarrhes, Feverishness.

Th the child is weni healthy and its

skep natural Castoria contains no

Morphine or other narc propert.

wit re nausJesoe Oa very

eiie al bFre ie and Dantere. ev wher

To keep yoMbur from being burg-

larized, leave watermelon on tho

back poreh— ‘Telegra

Treo = merLate 1S wage Cystoria in Be

en and find It

specially adap to affectl of Siidre"RomERT10st al Aves, New York.

‘Tue Cestava Co, 182 Fulton 8t, X. ¥.


Notai 1, but a

Home,ized with


And exclusively aerei to the treatment of all Chronic Diseases.

‘Thig imposin Establishment 1;

ee sprains Eee a gefio Seat of skilled

and erect?moans f

‘and eurzery

erected to accominodate he large number of Invalida ho visit Buffalo

tanscat cofig ava teem,


Of the protcesio servicesaa


W carnestiy iprit £0u 10, C7"

‘Have a mind offour eaten of

‘peo against us.

skeescon a aexpenses of yourIorested and caudid people

sa‘a, Do ak

tralia oF mic oexamine for yoursif, our institutions, applian ad

Tt ian vo oF Eeed the couse 3!lose

oe ar Bs ce

we Fe

ea ofean

feresigati have Ho geerets a


NoT ALWA NECE TO SEE PATIEBy ou puigi sectsR eho seaiseases

gikati Whe wee,

tit Se cake to

a af uetermin with EBC

Ghro siseases, without see!


cia, we can trea many



yo eeou Bnways

eeje them, HO

aruthe w oe

‘Our eystem oftre a Fee ee e awundr

in ‘without a

the pauenk we

shi oa Re

naunstrate, ts

oust phenomena, which.

SInY S'Sticndl anaiy farm

EsSiawietai gna


euilsof itt practi gear ae



oe, a

Eo Of co SS eewithi




ok may Tes froi the.



or 3


rae sre thas ak Saree

Setteealae ta

Ta cate Raaeet


W ja a wetbbnotaand on6 That appeals to the judement of evecr yhinking Person. thee, ee

ine.hig whole taod,

tic att ‘ae 1S SE every ill to,

Sen, 1DOrig, WhO BAKE

Eterauare. «

e mora, creeBe ng reReta ge uranic daa ater


Mas Tano



Lu Diseas


Sis&quotsei aaa

ie oughtPleas Po

fe UngoinBob Lineot has “go “materi in him

fo aesla ‘Ho has the sagacity to

fs month shot.—Burlington Hawk.

PeIf y nove Tra 0 in tea |

Be rea Te or you ate

Bet ieitable im da shock—Dr. Kitiet’s

ewan Wann veeseoev cortects td Cate

Herr Krap it i believe has assisted

more emigrants tu a better sphere than

any other man in the world&#3 history.


BW. TassieThe

£Co,, v hicn zo:

“Tensi 3 cigars are

sold 80 many in 80 short

Will try and give you another |

Emma Abbot has gone to Paris to

pare now operatic attractions from

1k js outrage for theenvelop man:

nfacturere to put up the price of envel-

Spee jase when everybo be gi it

qoi into the country. Glebe

‘A Periigus Pontponempostpones whea the dnty for bnmedi

stV ean ts aw ani Rep isimcreati iti health calls for a resort

caica ains ihon ‘anil blade

dur are often of ewift growth —always o! fatal

tendency if not combatted at The outset


of Ginna, ch pe


Sfauwaperso with a tendenci PePebbl thay are hikewine incompart

Upepepoi debili fever abd ague, and ‘thoast

‘Th assessed value of Kansas texables



current year is $310,59%, a0

Tnoroane o 55,47S.ATSOve last yea!

‘When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castor,

“Whan abe was a Child, she oried for Uostor


cPhish1 knew. yourtroub she

sa Soo at hi os though she

istory in his face. |

“ua you no friend—no one who

would care to fanew of you—

wo come to you?”None. It is better so.

“ Bi you‘trong.

are ill

‘This weakness will

isuner.””fast no struck


aoe of tone, as if-he wo have

ea back an uttel e that fore:

She a painful mew

ry? =Taarmi her eyes

der under their da“Mu

from her, seemed to burn with a fiercer


Some of the new silver bells import.

ed are studded with Roman ‘pearl and

‘a Latin motto on the clasp.

‘When she became Miaa, abe clang to Castaria,

yrotheun Castoria

The tone Mexican press (ore

shadowa intervention ba

throw the gdicta assumed by Presi-

dent Barillas in Guatem


10 in adios’ hats will

ate cof pleasnLadies

‘The newest fas!

oubtlesa cause 8

excitement among

aro always 2copi 90 t ofa

plate; and tl fomo sttrain the

Sep ‘he "morearne tho

‘mode. Dr. Pieros&#3 Favorite

iT poui cure for

ict females an make thv

noes ean

peerWhy did the Women

million cakes of

Procter & Gamble Lenox Soa in 1886

a acake of Lenoxand yo will soon understand why

the poor,

onon iro her rene’

ee ats t a, a &

renknoss and of this country use over

r setts in over 0290,


th Sat |‘Rea printe gasr-

We publish three


Throat and, Tang DiseaSitnas tb, Treato ov Come

price, post-paid, ea,

pmace ear onDISE O


besiexist, Ol

disease which doesWeil be seat tO

ofth Dircot Say‘stays

BRsinn aia



Dis cabanawe clus tor

bya gpeca thorugfem vat

ee uae

rine, and then,

turing, oud tof on of ou ouvea

‘To this wise courWONDE sersol 2

Succe Of dgenseaof the Ednment of


beluliegs ave ac‘ean. ‘Th ere ful Hycau of

of ca

‘SendSerreijustrated treat

_apnerti Conew

yng ane?

OPIU E2222bin Ha Cur 5sa, Rone Ul



investigation of a

rons Suemi

OHITladies, have

nd cures eect in thousands 2

Snportane and Oxtenaive

Ma tious devote cecus 3

oie se pane esie

eerate, ae

Saas Sept In

‘and subdividing the practice of medicine and an

who. iaereohie encod atiogb te toe Pee a lass

‘certain,which Besh,

Nnus ‘pecnme betterShea withou

ping ape ateptle wspecial branch,‘a heir. with

have devoted

tn. this,eno

et‘diseases to_ which’

aa, Yast field ee Seetreatment.fcal woven lle


GORE gh degr of success in the

(Th trentmentctof Diseases of the


Eun ey uclaLargueAetna ao

mnat oUF aghituti const


‘obscure a

saisians forothe fpundant

rect sorean ofa



‘any address’on receipt ofi

BISEASE, DIABETES,vo oon ory largely,


acticate iseaseg bo pe ccm =

siti SP

ther Be en

of action we attributth‘our


RELBrav ‘Baterg Prosfenton of ne

may pelncl thos in

ur 6




veases of the Worst o

aruinetsaTone fic ive tarou uns


otSraiai ma Canal

faase Dane 19gEe ato insooniith

canes which bad|

re The treat


on ofwhic wil

apa ot oi eebe sent

we may!Eanes posagSiveamebe sau]



to nome: Dyciasis. jor

‘Send ten coms in sui

A Diseases of Women, illustrated



culored plates (16) pase =Rapi Gu c part


O RurTua wieosig eae Pie]ivstrate ‘Treat

other diseases aul sce

Vitel eiesttise


bow ae treate with’

matie to twenty daysand, off

rondertrer permun cured. i

iva te cent for lUngtrated ‘Treatice






Wo paired oere a

thos* that a ia Terat


the er.Ponc eera. mot nochy an P

Gur inaitytions ta hardly necesSTNee Oxfora Sereet, LODAOD,


‘of being

ousttheweathfat Talis ti

Oe rafaltin al wh aken aut cet‘althe

2 Sutnu o 8


Council of e epecialists.

W OrreN mu 7

tt ae eara

le, t cure the ors



of oll

an atHow.Seeks fare is bara

on eT aly


the most difficscene eager

cat Suit aaa“sare


eureaeenre fre

eecntpurof tbe Cer



. a ‘for its cure me

of inquiry,

‘our different uiustrete


MN. P. Gon,CurcaTae OL


ME w THE‘Thom, peo’a mk.

Panis arsicio is « carefully prepare poyslcian’s pr‘sertpstou, a has, ant us fOr near

ican ch 19e ote ~ond to. ‘ema


186-152 Wabaal



NIAGARA FALLS AND CHAUTAQU f bat a monrent if rheumatism or neural

LAKE EXCURSION, fatrk th bear ‘Thes

elle Fifth Annual Niagnen Falls


Se pein oolescursion will leave Valparaiso, Ind,


They iy fro one part 19, ‘anoth without |

August 15th via, the N.Y. C. & St


momen an Laim so |

L. Ry. This specia train will be




are liable to

made up of Pullman day coaches and


S2 thoon

partor sleepin cars, Fare for the

round trip irom Mentone to the Falls

“SAMANTHA at! SARATOGA.”‘The New Humeréns Boo

‘B Josidk Allen&# Wie.One of th mo prominent person-

ages of th literary world just now

is Miss Marietta Holly, —popatknown ss Samantha Allen, or Josiah

‘Allen&# wife. She became a favorite

very early in her literary career, an

cach new isstie from he pen bss


Mestou Cazette.


= u

Editor, Publisher and Proprietor.

WENTONSunspiprioy, 81,0 Pex ‘Year

‘diseas to some vital organ

Looats 1 cents por line for first insertion,

auiEve conts per line for each subsequent

Atgortion for the same matter. ~

Yhe Post Omice at Mentone for“ntered at

af through thosmulls as a newspaper.



Beaver Dam.

Juuther Wade, of ‘Tiosn, was the

guest of C, Wade, of this’ piace

last Sunday.

TTVTONE, IND., AUG. 13. 1887

‘The Saints are arriving from dis-

tant point and a very Jar crowd

is expecte over Sunday,

Mis. Cowap, from Danvi

ba been ‘visiting her gran

“Mis, S. J. Thompson” for several

days‘A small fracas occurred at the

camp-neeting last Suniiy caused by

a young man presistin in keeping

chis feeton aseat, No serious injury’

was done.

Wm. Smith and Abe Nye, who

pave been in Alabaina, for a time

ooking at the country, have obiain-

ed 160 acres each, They will move

‘to that country in October.

Wm. ‘Thomas, who is employed as

fa typewriter fur a beok firm in

Chicago, is at home ona visit, Wil

ha many triende in this vicinity who

gla to see him. He will

yeturn on the Toth.

Adam Long w: flying

around with his Suada clothes on

(it being the first time this simmer

airing his queer con:



and upon ex

duet, said a little laughter

come to live with him.

‘There was an immense crowd at

y from

ple in gener h

“ie witness the peculiar method b

which the Saints worship.-

B. F. Holloway who has been at

the Marion Medical Institute for a

few weeks came home on a visit: last

Satueda Te has been benefitted a

great since ke has been there.



added to he fame, until, for her

latest work, “Samantha at Saratoga.”

Messrs. Hubbar Bros. pai her #

prinecl sim, and the hook is decid

edly abit, It will doubtless outsell

all he previous issues, as it unques-

tionably outshines them all in the

fascinating vein of humor in which

Miss Holle is so happy aad rich.

Preparin for the work Miss Holley

went to Saratog and spent an entire

[season, with eves and ears open, and

with brain an pene vigorously at

work. Plain, back-country, village

lite and gay, artificial Saratoga life

are so wide apart, that each side be-

ludicrous, laugh-contrasts are the dominant features

of Miss Ilolley’s book. Her style,

too, is highl attractive, being riebly

humorous and yet truc to life, Her

account of Low she got up the ‘poun

party” at Jonesville is better than a

sermon on charity; Josixh’s “mi

understanding” with the hackman

funny a8 it canbe; Bial’s flirtation

sith Ardelia is true to life; Josiab’s

tri smong the side-shows is a brigh

sketch of such experience while st

throng the book there are Dashes of

fun and touches of sentiment that

hav certainly not been excelled.

‘This delightfu book voutains near-

ly 600 pages aml has over one bun-

dived original illustrations by Frete-

rick Opper, of Puck. Pablisbel by

Hubbard Brothers, Philadelphi



Wall, we descended from Wf cars

and went to the boardin’ pitce pro-

vided for us beforehand by the look

outof friends, It wuz a goe place

there haint no doubt of that, goo

:|tare and clean,

‘Ardelia, parte way [rom us at

the depo. She wuz a goin’ to board

to a smaller boardin’ house kep hy 8

second cousin of ber father’s’ broth-

er’s wile’s aunt, Tt wuz her father’s

reqnest that she should gel her board

thereon account of its bein’ in the

family. He loved “to see relations

H will go back next Monday.

Mrs. W. Wiley daughter,

from Chicago, aro on 8 visit to ber

dangiter, Mrs. D. Hart. Mrs. W.

has been suffering for some time

‘with dropsy and she has come to the

country for the benefit of her health,

Wesey Wen


ClaypoMiss Scott, from Ohio, is the guest

of Mrs. Sarber.

‘The deadly watermelon is begin-

ning to make its appearance in town.

Produce of all ki very searce

‘on account of dry weather. Butter

very high.

Quite a number trom Claypooattended the colored camp-

a Silver Lake Sunday.

Ea Loehr has begnn the erection

ofa lage broom handle factory in

‘the north-west part of town.

The Nickel Plate Ry. is building

atransfir freight house at this point

‘to aceoromodate the traffic handlea

Detwe the two roads.

Our hotel-will soon be oceupie by

a party from Sidney, Ind. Claypoolis a good point for the hotel business

and the should have success.

We understand A. J. Scott will

soon move his stock of Arv.good

and groceries to Kinsie, Ind. and

engage in business at that place


Indispensible To The Tojlet.Darbys Prophylactic Fluid’ cures

chafiig, eruptions and inflamation of

‘all kinds; cures inflamed or sore eyes;

relieves pain from bites o stings of

inscets aud sore feet; destroys all

taint of prespiration or offensive

sinell form the feet or an part of the

‘vouly cleanses and whites the skin.

Use asa dentifrice it purifi the

breath; preserves the teeth and cnre‘toothache; sore gums and canker. A

little of the Fluid in’ the Water used

n bathing is very refreshing and

espec beneftzinl to the Sick.

Attention Farmers!CLOSING OUT: Genuin Steel

Plows only $10.00 Cnsh at E. O.

Clay: Bro’s. Call&# once if you

‘want a batgain24

‘Fr Sto And Read.

weer th next fifteen days you

an biiy Drugs, Patent Medicines‘paints, Oils, Varnish, Paint-brushes

and Toilet articles at Wholesale

Prices at&# B. Ford&# Drug Store.

Menton Ind.

Now is a goo time to sub-

hang togetber3 80 he suid, and -get

their boards of cach other.” But I

thonght then, ‘and I think now, that

it was because they asked less for the

board, Dexcon Tutt is close, But

howsumever Ardelia went there, and

my companion and me arrove at the

abode where we wuz to abide, with

no eppisod only the triflin’ one of

ine driver bein’ dretfu! mistook as to

the price he nsked to take us there.

J thought and Josiah thought that

50 cents wuz the outlay of expenda

tur he required to carry us whero we

would be it wuz but a short distance.

But no! H said that 5 dotlars wuz

what he said, that is, if we heard

anything about 45. But he thought

we wuz deef, and dident hear him.

Ile thought be spok plain, and said

4 dollar for the trip.‘And o that price he sot down im-

movable. They argue and Josiah

‘Allen even went so far as to use lan-

guage that grated on my nerve, it

wuz so voyalent and vergin’ on the

profane. But there the man sot,

right onto that price and he bad to

me the appeerance of one who wuz

goin’ to sot there on it all night.

‘And so rather than to spen the night

outdoors, in conversation with him,

he a settin’ on that price, and Josiah

a shakin’ his fist at it, and a jawin’ at

it, told Josiah that he bad better

pay it. And finally he did, with

groanin’ that could hardly be utter -

ed.-— “Samantha at, Saratoga,

by Josiah Allen’s Wile.


Mr. N. H. Froblichstein, of Mobile,

Ala, writes: I take great pleaxur in

reconittiending Dr. King’s New Dis-

coverytor Consumption, having used

it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and

Catarrh. It gave me instaut relief and

entrely cured me and hate not been

afflicted'sin I also beg to state that

Thad’ tried other remedies with 10

good tesults, Have also used Elecinie

Bitters and Dr. King’s New Life Pills,

both of whieh I can nd. Dr.

King& New Discovery for Consumption

Coug and Colds, is sold on a positiveguartntee. ‘Trial bottle free at W. B.

Doddiidge’s Drug Store.


W.D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and

Retail Druggists of Rowe Ga., says:

We have been selling Dr. King’s New

Discovery, Blectric Bitters and Buck-

len’s Amica Salvé for four yenrs.

Have never handled remedies that sell

‘as well or give suc vifigers satisfac-

tion. There have been some wonder-

ful cures effected by these medicines in

this city.* Several cases of pronounceConsumption have bee entirely “cure

by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s

New Discovety, ‘taken in connection

with Electric Bitters. We guaranteethem always. Gold b W. B. Dod-

pon for the GazEr dridge. <

Lumber Elouse



Lumber Shingl & LatALSO FINE NEW YORK

G Li H Pla Cofaa

Hard and Séft Coal.

(Highest Market Price

Paid for No. 1 Wheat,

‘Lower Gades in Propor-tion. Our Prices on all

Lumber, Lath and Shin-

gles will be lower than

elsewhere considering the

quality of goodsCall and see our geods.

Tucker & Son.



1s the univesai verdict concerning the

justly celebrated MENTORE TILE.

A large and complete assortment of

this Tile constantly on hand atthe Fa

tory, No. 515 East M ain.St., Mentone,



Jorden, 56 Imported by Wm, Esson, Fores-

mau. Ind, Sire, Here 3rd, No. 6489, Dam, Constance,

14, ‘Terms. $4.00, For particula’s inquire R.

ian & Son, Mentone, Ind. g



]363 and 365 WABASH AVE.

only 87.30 to Chautaqna Lake $1.00}

extra. Train will leave Mentone atl

12 Meyarriving at the Falls on the"y

following morning Returning train

will leave the Fall Aug. 17th at 7

o'clo arriving in Cleveland at 5

i and remaining there until 10


Brockton. Tickets are issue gou

for speci train only. I*srties desit—

ing additional time on return portionccommotlated by

ized by the best peopled in a first-class manner, ant have

become very popular A large dele-

nef teachers and students from

Northarn Indiana accompany ns

each year, Eyery, accommodation

of last year will be given, We spare

in making this trip in-expen-

nd pleasant. For farther in

formation, tickets, amt berths call on

agents of the company or adress

W. J. Bet, Exeursion Agn&

gned has for sale 970

hon of tine Stock Sheep. Any one

wishing to purchas sheep will de

well to call and inspect said flock 1

miles south of Etna Green.

Stacy H. Roose.



Atl persons are hereb natified to

desist from trespassin upon my

premises for the purpose of hunting,

shooting or guthering berries in the

future. S. ARNSBARGER.


Buckien’s Arnica Salve.

‘Ths Best S ive in the welt for Cuts,

Rroise Sores, Uleers, Salt, Rhea,

Bever Sores. Teiter. ped Hands,

\Chithiains, Corns and al Skin Ero

as.and positivel eres Piles. or £0

yrequ red, It is gnarantee to give

the sfactinn or money refunded.

vents per box.




bench,&quot Miner needs ite case of

‘The Plancor ncedatt— sat:

‘The Farmer needs {tm bis house,

‘ana hisstock yard.‘T Stonmbeat man or

‘sei Mberal supply efloa ashore,

" Horae-funcler neoda it—tt is bis best

friend and safest

‘The Stock-growerof dollars and ‘of trouble,

‘Phe Railroad man needs it and wil need ft 50

Yong as his life ina round of aco\dentsand dangers,‘There la noth


the Bentinan needs

‘Deeds 1t—it will eave Bim

ja world,

hens come the afustang Lini

‘Keepa Battle inthe House. ‘Tis the bestat

ors. Itetmmediate



‘Keop a Bottle ia the Fact| wae in cane of accident saves

‘Keep o Bottle Aiweyein the,

pe when wanted 005*~

Noe of wages,

See east

Sarena tatSage OSs

eden eeands Aveund OL

seen camgy thsSivek es Botte a

Sea ioud “ON


ere eeeal

Sess a SUMOme era RS thd

Sears ee vous SUMOoe

[alias sarimi O14 ¥i suas= aah

ogom “in

SS ERS card Ogeeseen InAs OULIMO


Sms acs Wiad, ue santas3qe eats wateai eo os S TORN


fo ag to ture? th F

o cute of a tapering waists at

Weling of a straight ab

remer Sretegent pestee iaty Eau eeae

FU ne Sykes Seater

EI: ale gee aoa

ine SayamaPIR) Oa Sah arora oS

‘Sia besoi aksea spentehPop tei

meng og Sere sane ME T ag

oar anaes Leaed na Y

axaexeo any Soi Su oxrresm wos


rysay Feeney Con |LET Wah ae. |



damntecio an fo atte b

FORT CORSET CO, tow Fdeatre to entt SPROTAT. Attontton bo o>

urtant pouty GCoxeativace Cound ouly Me

wit tretion R rns THE CHAMPION LAMP.

iirweghe to Soucy

For Sale by




Made in all forms, Plain or Fancy. Tablo

ASaging: Sond for Iilustrated Cireutars

2 AJ, WEIDENE fe bree o tat

| wos 36 8. Geound Street, Fhiladelphia, Par



Tias attained a standard of cxcellonce which

‘admits of no superior.tains overy improvement thatinvontire

onus abil snd money can producs. styles.

S.A. SMITH &a CO.&#3 North 3d St. Phila. Pax

PeteRt EStaeoacs on eotietare

retie eS

hoations for i








Worth LivinThat depen upon the =~

Liver, for if the Liver is

inactive the wholo sys-tem is out of order—

mner desponde andf blues. The Liver is

the housekeep of the

health; and a harmlesssimpl remed that acta

like Nature, does not

eonstipat afterwards or

Tequir constant taking,does not interfere wi

ing its use, makes Sim-

mons Liver Regulat a

medical perfectio7 nave tested ita virtues ny, and

eckott Tease Dyspenain, Bitioyen and

SShrovhing Headache, 11 ly the best medic

ab the World over caw. Have tried forty

gie omen oee&#39 ane gm

aes ote


the Barethan womaparan bu thotitegula‘aot puis relieved pa cared.

HH. Jon gs, Macon, Ga

|Mentone, Angust 26,

ings the anafoe mouth iy

Law, Insure© Ones i Bob

LOGAL NEWS.—o—o—0—0—0—0—0— 000

—Peaches and cream.

—At Opera Iiall this evening.

—J.F. Love made a fiying visit

to Macy lust Tuesday.

—Mrs. Levi Doran is visiting her

sister at Cedar Rapids Towa.

— the dentist will be at

Mentone again Monday, Ang., 29.

—Rev. E. J. Delp preached at the

M. B, church last Thursday evening.

—The town was full of peoplWednesday evening to see the circus.

—J. W. Sellers and wifeare attend-

ing the Christian church conference

near Cromwell, Ind.

—A goo house and lot for sale in

the west part of town. For particu-Rar enquire of J- D. Heighway.

—Iece-cream. cake, lemonade and

goo music will be included in the

program at the festival this evening’

--To Chicago and return by Nickel

Plate, Saturday, Septembe 8d, Es-

cursion, Lo rates from all stations.

—A young child of Jerry Byers’buried at the Mentone cemetery

yesterday. Funerai by Rev. E. J.

Delp.—E, M. Crali has sold his lot on

Broadwa to Latimer Bros., who will

crect a dwelling on the same, in the

near furure.

— Mott has sold his proper-

ty on Tucker street to Pierce Arns-

barger. George will build again in

the north suburbs.

—The Boptist church will give a



festival at the Hal this evening.—

peache with sugar and crenn,—does

that strike you frvorably

—Colored camp-meeting hegi at

A large at

tendance is anticipated. ‘The sing-ing is said to be especially good.

--The M. P. church folks have

received a new 400 Ib bell for their

church which will he place in posi-tion as soon ag the belfry is complet:ed.

—Thonsands of peopl will attend

the soldier&#3 reunion at Warsaw to-

day, aml on the oceasion of Witsow’s

lecture Sanday and ef the sham bat-

tle Monday.

—“Madoline’s Fate” is the name

of an attractive story which beganin this paper last week, Those who

love to read good stories will be


richly repai for its perusal—The Detinentor for Septembe is

an excellent mmmber of that popularfashion magazine It is standard

anthority on all fashions with the

Indies, For sale at Middleton' news


—The population of Mentone

would be increased one half within

three monthe if there were a sufficient

ember ofhouses for the peopl to

occupy. Why do not our capalist| consider the matter?

s and in supyiled wih

seary to sule, specdy

e mt Union

cago, and


pin LelFt.





‘Taro tick tall points are o tal at

Thelp ofices af the. company. at lowestSat fer

y class of tickets desired. Bug~

BOF. HOUSER,Agent, Clevetond, Obl

a.CLAY, Agent, Mentone, Ind,



t solicit orders for our reliable Nor-

wery Stock. Good Salary and Expen-

ses or Commission. Permanent em-

ployment guaranteed. A ddressat once

statingage. SNELL & HOWLAND,

Nurserymen, St. Louis, Mo.

30-8 (Nurseries in Western N. Y.)


I desire to give notice to all per—

sons to desi from trespassing upon

my premises for the purpose of

gatbering berries during the comingSeason. Please take warning from

this kindly notice,

Jaurs BeRxeR.

May 26, 1887.



next 30 days.

father Gregory, who has been

spending the sunmer with his son-in-

fam, Dr, Heflley, returned to his home

at Monticelio ‘Luesday. He express-

ed himself well please with Mentone,

and mace many friends while here.

—400 rounds of cannon ammuni-

tion have been secured. Six, ten

and twelre-pounder cannon and two

Gatling guns flaming and thunderingall at once will moko the liveliest

conmotion ever known in Warsaw.

—H. Doran & Co., of Burkett, are

reducing their immense stock of

hardware hy selling at cost for the

Persons wanting bar-

gains should call upon them at once.

They are pleasant and accommodat-

ing gentlemen to deal with.

—Peterson’s Monthly Magazinefor Septembe has arrived, and is

fully up to its firmly established

standard of excellence. Its readers

always anticipate a treat beth in

good literature and fine art, upon the

receip of this favorite periodival.

—Philip Bowman, of wood,

was in town several days this week

completing a bargain by which he

becomes owner of the Central House.

Mr, Price’ will give possessio in

September We understand Jacob

Bruch is negotiatng for th renting of

the building.—The artillery positively engage

for the soldier’s reunion commencingat Warsaw, Friday, is the Elkhart

battery, two cannon and gatiing gun;

Butler battery, two cannon; Lafayette battery, two cannon; Peru gat.

ling gun, and the Logansport naval

battery of ten guns,

—A fresh suppl of salt meats and

dried beef at Love’s meat market,

~-Hereules powde for sale at N.

N. Latimer’s hardware store.

—Every advertisement in the

Gazette represents thrifty business.

—Drngs and medicines always at

fair prices at Middleton' drug


—Sham battle at Warsaw on

Monday, the last day of the Re-


Wateb,clock and jewelry re—-

pairing done promptly and at reason-

able rates by Middleton.

—Lumber lath and shingles fer sale

at Mentone. hy C. H, Adams, agentfor Hrackett & Barrett, of Rochester.

—Soldier’s Reunion at Lakeside

Park, Warsaw, Ind., commencing

Friday August 19 and lasting four

days.—Chieago Daily News, Saturda

Night and allthe leading magazineand literary papers at Middleton&#3

drug store.

--A. L, Yenner started Thursday

morning on his overland trip to

Kansas, He expects to be on the

road about six weeks.

Go to H.C. Doane for satistactorywork in PAINTING, GRAI G


ING, ETC, at low figures.

—Uharles Baekman, who for some

time past has been visiting his sister,

at Mentone, has returned home.—

[Syracuse Cor. Indianian Republican.

—20,000 rounds of ammunition

have been secured for the sham

hattle at tho soldier&#39 reunian, st

Warsaw, Aug. 29, 20, 21 and 22,


—100 sheets of excellent letter

paper and 100 envelope with your

name and address printe on the

corner, ull for % cents at the

Gazette office.

—Hen Ford, ot Ohio, [of Mentone}has rented the Staith saloon and ap-

plies for aficense at the Septemberterm of the commissioner's couit.—

[Ligonier Leader,

—lee eream, the best ever made

read every Saturda evening and

Sunday, either wholesale or retail

Jacob Benel’s; also made to order

for parties or festivals at

—The shares in the Building and

Loan Association are being rapidlytaken and those who wish ta become

members should do so immediatelyas no more shares can he added

after the organization is completed.

—The genuine Buchur, Gibbs

Imperial plows and repairs; the

original Kalamazo Reed’s patentspring- Hurrows, New Deal

walking sulky plows Roller and

Baker ho drills, fur sale by H. 0.

Clay & Bro.

—We are informed that the pack-

ago of Gazerres sent to Beaver Dam

last. week failed to reach its destina~

tion, As we placed the package in

the postoftice at this place in goodorder we cannot account for its beinglost on so short a line.

— Farmers wanting the only genu-

ine Bucher Gibbs plow shares should

not be deceived into buying worth-

fess pot metal shares, but call at E.

O.Clay & Bro’s, as they warrant

their sbaras to be manuisctured by

Bucher Gibhs & Canton, Ohio.

—The following sensible advice is

for overworked women: When you

feel languid and weak, anattracted

by out of doors, and when to move

eyes or hands seems as hard as to

move feet, be wise in time; go and

rest, Smovth your hair, bathe your

face, take off your shoes, lie down on

your bed or lounge in a shaded placeand shut your eyes and ears, and be

resolved to rest. Do this even if it

deprives the family of their dessert

for dimer, or their cake for Sunday.It wiil be mucn better fer them to

lack these things a few time than to

go to your funeral.

—The gas well project has been

abandoned and the money retarned

to the stockhollers, The dificulty in

making a vatisiactory contract with

partie to do the work, together with

the consideration that eve.y attemptin this part of the state bas been a

complete failure, are the combined

enuses which led to the disbandingof the company. The conclusion, no

doubt, isa wise one, as now the

money which was so readily obtained

for tue gas well, might perhaps be

secured for some enterprise which

would be a more certain and substan-

tial benefit to the town and country,

—Zene Grabbs is now employed

as night watch.

—S. W. Tracy spent Sunda at his

home in Macy, Ind.

—Mrs. Loron Manwaring hss been

quite sick for several day this week.

—W. E, Garrison intends to start

with bis family to Kansas next Wed-


—A gran tim is expect at the

Yellow Creek §. S picnic next Sat-

urday. See bills.

—The North Indiana Conference

of the U. B. chureh will be hetd at

Roanoke, Ind., Sept, 4;—The U. B. churo Silver Lake

will give a peac ice-cream

supper in the near

—The Indian git i inedting


begin at Warsaw, at Lake Sid Park

‘Ang. 25, and continnes until Sept 4.

—Chicago Excursion, Sept. 3d.

by Popular Nickel Plate. Tickets

goot Ten Days. $2.10 Round Trip.

—The editor of the Argos Reflect-

‘or has gone back on the ‘‘non-transfer-

ahles” to State fairs, camp-mectings,&am We second the motion.

—dJames C. Regers orders the

Gazette sent to him at Girard, Kan-

sas. where he is engage in the

Rogers Bros. printing house of that


—Rigdon, the Warsaw dentist, is

meeting with a goo prtronage at

this place. H is master of his pro-

fession, consequently his work givessatisfaction,

—A pigeon flew into a shop iv

Elkhart and lighted on the buzz saw.

That pigeon was all leathers in about

three-fourths ofa secon!.—[LaPortePublic Spirit.

—Fair representation of


famous ironclads—the Monitor and

Merrimac bave been built and

Innnched on vike lake, Ten

have bee received from Logansport.and the naval battle at the coming

reunion, at Warsaw, will be a com-

plote suceess,

~-Asa rule the very rich men are

not those who build np a communi-

ty and create booms. A singl bu

ness man, full of life'a suap gad en-

terpnse, who is not afraid to tall

sense and knows how to advertise, is

worth any dozen very rich men who

usually unly take advantage of other

people’s booming to™-increase their

values. Inter Ocean,

—A New Hampshir woman, age

eighty years, when asked recently


how she kept herself&#39 vigorous and

healthy, replied: By never allowing

myself to fret over things I oannot

help: by taking a wap and sometimes

twoevery day of my life; by never

taking my washing ironing and bak-

ing to bed with me; und hy ‘oilingall the various wheels of a busy Tite

with an implicit {sith that there is a

bram and a heart to this great uni-

yerse, and that I coutd trust them


—Wastev.—Fifty or a bandred

young men of all sizes and shapes

from the tall dandy with hair encugh

on his upper lip to. stuff a barber&#

cushion, down te th little pug-freckled face up-start, to form a gap-

ing crowd to stand in the doorway

of the Methodiat church when the

assembl is dismissed; to block up

the passage-way, stare at the ladies

and make remarks about their dress

and persona appearance. ‘The pres-

ent crowd is lang enough but not

woll organize and a few of them are

not near ngly enough and we notice

‘one or two who have


little shame

lett which must. be entirely obliterat-

ed from the organization.—~-Young man, it is easy to be

nobody, and we will tell you how to

doit, Go to the drinking saloon to

epend your leisure time, You need

not drink much now, just a little beer:

or some other drink. Meantime,

play dominoes, checkers, or some-

assistance possible

the best singer of northern Indiana.

‘al admission, 10 cents, children 10 to

entered and declared himself sole

--Dexter Garrison is now a resi-

dent of Kansas City, Mo,

—Mrs, Wm. Alleman, of Argos,is visiting ber brother’s family, Mr.


—Forty-four of the seventy-fivecounties, of Arkansas, have no


—-Any one having books belong-

ing to Mrs. Doke, are requeste to

leave them at Richard Railsbacks,

—Peter Mentzer hag the fourda-

tion walis of his new brick residence,

‘on Morgen street, about completed.

—Mr, and Mrs. Dodd, of Rose-

ville, Ark., age respectively 63 and

G62arethe happy parents of trios,

born last week.

—Miss Batcheler, of, Saratoga,daughter of Gen. Batcheler, is onl17 years old and speak cight lan

guages fluently.

—Subseribers who, at any time,

do not receive their paper propmptlywill do us a speci ftvor by reportin the fact to this office.

—The funeral of Mrs. Rachel

Groves, age 66 years, took place at

Yellow Creek church, Thursday, con-

ducted by Rev. E, J. Delp.

Farmers will do weil to call at

Love’s meat market for their bills

for threshing day, Orders filled day

or night; supply always sweet aud


~-Mr, Charles who has beea visit

ing his sons of this place for some

time returned to his home at Lucas,

Ohio, Wedneslay, His wife will

remain here a couple of weeks longer.

—-Baitle of the Wilderness at the

Lake Side Par and also a grandnaval engagemen representing the

conflict between the Monitor and

Merrimac on the lake next Monday.

—Persons who have been connect-

ed with building, loan and savingassociaticns, all, wilhont exception,

apea favorably ot the scheme. It

is one of the very best enterprisewhich a young man can go into for

the purpose of saving up his loose

change and making iteam bi big



to hare a military

company organize and armed under

the lnws of the State and subject to

exceutive call at any time. Mentone

might have stch an organizatien.

The company must consist of not less

then thirty-two members. Let some

of our young wen lead out in the

matter. ‘Tee Gazerre will render all

--A Colored Camp-meeting vill

be held at Mentone, commencing

Friday, Ang., 26, 1987, and continn-

ing ten days These meetings will

be couducted by the Rov. N. M.

Jordan, of Wabash, assisted by Rev.

George Bundy, Indian preache of,

the Indian Reservation, Wabash, Co.

Rev. Scott Ward, of Newesstle, and

other eminent ministers, Rel

services on Sundays at 10 A.M, 3

P.M.and7 P.M. Preaching duringthe week at 7 P.M. Admission free

to Social meetings at 3 P.M. on week

days. Th singing will be under the

charg of W. Stauras, of Wabash,

who will be assisted by a corps of

Everyone'co invited. Gener

12 5 centa,

“On last Saturday evening while

A. N. Hamlett and family were

absent from home, a tramp, who

ve his name as Perry J. Aldridge,

proprieto by locking the door and

retiring to bed. Th state of mind

of our town Marshal, when he came

home and found the condition of

affairs, can perhap be better de-

seribed than imagined When Mr.

‘Tramp refused to have his rest dis-

turbed b rising to unlock the door,

Hamlett summoned a few bystanders to his assistance and they pro-

will be sure not to read any usefil

book. Hf you read, let it be the

dime novels of the day, ‘Thus goon

keeping your stomach full and your

head empty, and yonrself playing’

time-killing games, and in a few

years you will be nobody, unless (a

is quite likely) you shoul turn out

a dronkard ora profession garebler

hanging about saloons and billiard

rooms just ready to graduate anil be

nobody. —Ex.

senbe for the @a2ETRE-

thing else to kill time, so that youf

either of which is worse then nobody.

‘There areany number of young men

—Now- goo time te sub-

14 Pounds Granulated Sugar...

bB ”


Bars Washboard Sea

\” Suga

Extra “C” Suga

Japan Tea, best

Pan fired Japan Tea


Soda and Saluratus

14 PoyndsCarolinRica.4.7

Crackers we

Knives and Forks

Table Peaches

Rising Sun Stove Polish

Bird Seed

Lamp Flues, 0 and

A Big Cut in Spice

O Meal

2 Boxes Carpet ‘Tacks a

Good Fine eut Tobacco

A sratiler” Fine cut

Pail Tea

Whitewash Brushes

2Popers Pins, full count

Licad Ping Tobacco

Horse Shoe” en

Ham Sausag

Stoneware, per gallon

A dig ent in Dishes.

Coal O

Arbuckel’s Coflee.

Dilnert’s *

Livering 0&q


Sardines per BOX... sss

Good Smoki Tobacco per I

A-No. Wash Tubst

ANe2 "7

AGood Broom... i

Esence of cotfee.... aaa

Golden Syru per gallon

New picktes in stock.




eeded to force an entrance. ‘The

man was too drunk to offer any re-

sistance, and in fact did not appear!

to realize the nature of his offence.

However he was taken before Jus-

tice Middleton for examination aud

then consigne to the “cooler” for

future hearing, but sometime in the

night he broke jail and came wp

town and finding Hamlett barricad-

ed in his own domicile be concluded

to not disturb him, but went to the

Central Hous and took rooms and

left the night-watch


guar that

his rest might not agci

Howe i

proceed upon his journey |

his guar seks

x, being an e

>Hayde Rea,






Spot Cash Prices.«81.00



In fact in everythingin the Grocery line, I will

save you from 20 to 30

cent. Callin and see.


Sx7. SA’. RIME,

REemtome, Ermdc.


A Cood Supply Always on Hands

at LOW Prices.


epairing Neatly and Promptt: 7 Done.

Liv Fe a S StaAt




Latest Intelligence From all Parts of

the World.



&quot steam ouring mill and contents, |

‘A orvrrarron from General Boulanger

to bar Mohren the Sones, |Skel&qu blackamith shop end Gullford’s!

ter to France, to pay bim a visit is cana-ont-buildings at Storm

ing considerable comment ot Paris,





- +Pupuisarr

des:royed by fire Sunday.insuranos, $11,000.

‘The great fire in Pittsburg


not got-

ten under control until 3:30 Saturdaying ‘The Masonic temple, Hamilton

block, Campbell and Dick’s carpet ware-

house and a nnmber of tenement houses

were entirely destroyed and Schmidt and

Friday& nine-story building seriously

ing fora|damaged by fire and water. ‘Tho aggre:

largo increase in freight tralfio this fall,


gate loes was about $500,00 well covered

but even now it is admitted it is doubtful o AonrEn O ar oat of Allegheny,


o was assisting th firemen, 8

hotho the inoreased equipment Wi B®


ceighbouring oo ana was fatally injured.

suficient to take care of all the shipments .

sr eatteipated sil us offered.‘T barn connected with the asylu for

the insane at Mendota, near Madison,

qione for a setilement of


Wis, was destrayed b fico early Friday |

morning, and property valued at $29,000 |

nouneed that the Commercial company‘The inmatos of the asylom,

ig Which canght on the roof, were frantic,

bhha notified the other companie that&

an advanoo is not made to 40 conts 8 wordand it was wit difficulty they could be


within a week it will make n cut to12 conta,

‘Loss,$ 17,000; |

‘whieh announces that he i

facial decorating salvon,

physioguomic hairdresser, and facial

operator, cranium manipulator,and cspi

inty abridger.”

‘Easrean railroads aro props

fauna, UL, center of the great hay|

Firemen, which


market, was almost destroyed by fire

‘The flames started from 8|‘Tux Order of American

has just been organized at New York, has



adopted o constitution which restricts the


spark from

tnewborship to white men. The color


thousands of tons of hay,

tine was drawn, it is cid, in order to moat | other implements. ‘The Sire was spread

the wishes of Sromen from the “now


Ibe Ove the town, " « heavy rain fell,

ni atinguis it, The damage ia very

great,The Kansas City Bor Factory was des-

Ignatiue Donnoily while ho was making a


troyed by fire Wednesday night with $11,

apeoc onca Ho pause second and h damag Jam Sturovant, a watoh-

aoe SGeralclana) Lonly anki foe:yove-


mam vertshe ‘in the flames,

ears; [don’t eare for your heads!’ He miefae mot bothered any muro daring the WE Tis


remainder of his spee[Wedhe nie)

Soux one threwa head o cabbage at

and Heidmann’s fvur-will at

entirely destroyed by fire

Int ; tose $5,0


.P. Cody, nephew of the famous |


uffalo Bill,” was bitten by a mad cat at

from tho alr Council Grove, Kan, week:

evolution of man has been attended with


Nouday he was attacked by hydro

much amt inarked by

desoont from spirit to matter.

A NEW cookery-book gives the Informs:

tion that originally “man ato nothing.



but imbibed nutriment by the osmose | 4 y,

Upon this theory, the

inconveniones, aud is now in a very eriticnl condition.

‘The body of John J. Reilly, foreman in

the scratch shop of Ratnbone, Sard £ Co.&#

sove foundry, Albany,


¥was fewnd,

Monday, in an oven for baking ladles.

Boylston street by work of an elect |Yo e beh inissing since: saun and |

Light company, who aro digging & tronch, irRoumber of boass a vkulls have been |

exhugys and some of theu: have been|

hang upron the feuee of the Common.

A sensation has boon eroated ni Boston

by the deseeration of graves underlyingN.

‘wenty-threo persona living in the

Seventosnth ward of Pittsburgh have been

poisone by eating custard exke, pur

chased of w local baker. It ia believed all

will recover Tho deadly ingredient in

the eako is supposed te have been yollowParmasren Daxter N.

Basar of tho Unit

tea States army, who was robbed of

200 in Wsoming last Nareh by 8 cowbuy,,


hes been suspended from daty. The in-



At Montgomery, Ii, early Friday 8

wentigati of th affair sede by & e0%tt


cracagn, Burlington & Quiney ain line

of inquiry is said to have reventel carey |reizht dashed into the end of a Fox

Joasness and negligence on the part of


River freight, An engine and a number

Major Bash, cars wore wrecked, and four mon

wounded, two of whom are not expecteto recover.

Apassonger train ranoffa bridge at

Albany, Ga, ‘Thoraday night, all the cars

being wrecked. ‘Thirteen porsuns are TO

ported wounded, bat none ki led.

e Fggleston, an 80-year-old|

farmer of Madison, Wis, was attacked and

almost squeoze to death by a spotted


adder Thursday. Tho reptile wound it-|

ports of American whoat into the United oe goreKingdom were 735 per cent. of all im-


trousors, but, hi limbs being protected

ports of that cereal, against 60.8 per cent. by boots, did not reach the fleshy Neigh-

fa 1886, and 60.Gin 18 American wheat


bors killed the adder.

tolls im England 8 cents higher per bushel


Thro anon were Killed and another

than East India product, aud 5 cents


fatally injared by the caving in of a shaft

higher thay Ruasian wheat.lin the Ashland mine, neat Hurloy, Wis.

—— Wednesday evening. :

Near midnight Wednesday an oxcarsion |train of sixteen ears on the Toledo, Peoria

& Western Rond wes wreoked nonr Chats:

a locomotive and ten cars fall-

ing through a trestle that had been burned

by pr fires, ‘The cars were smashed

to splinters, und the sleeping occupants

mangted and maimed ina terrible man-

ner, Luteat reports place the number of

Sh ahile 115 persona were |

many of whom it is foared enn |

Gazpey, Mich, had a narrow cscape

from total destraction by Bre Wednesday.

The wind, which had been blowing the

flames from doomed livery stable dau-

gerously wear a row of frame buildings,

suddenly changed, aud the calamity was

averted. Tho fro was started, it is said,

by incondiaries

Dunne tho first bi 1887 the im.

‘Tux Massachusotts Fish aud Game Pro-

fective association have just issued their

annual compilation of the state laws reg-

nlating hunting and fishing, corrected to

date, Besides tho lawsin details sehod-

lea are printed with the open seasons

for all kinds of fishand game and penal

ties for catching and killing out of sea |

worth, IIL,

dead at


not recor!

Members of the Third Regiment Band

were penned in by afire in the fourth

he demanded to sce the gloves, and ins story of a bnjlding at Concord, N. HL |

Gd that a round’ sould bouparred inorder Te*eay-might:


Some jumped and othor

to ansuro him of its pencefu charactor,Uronped trom h dow-sils. to the


street. Tho seven mon were badly burned|

and, being satistied, he withdrew and {h65 i herwiso injured.

‘Bght went on, {At St. Louis Wednesday morning the

walls of the burned building of Bishop &

Spear collapsed, carrying with them

portion of the walls of the wholesale gro-


eory honso of J. Alkire & Co A number

Pari You Parisians are too poor op Tre wore beried under the debris,

like butter on my bread. So I will have|

threo Leing killed nd four others

to return to America.” Her pet tiger,


wounded, ‘o fatally.

which she is please to call an Algerian


‘Tho roof of the opera house at Spring:

black cat, has been fined 100 franes for


Geld, It.-suddenly fell in Tuvsday after

disturbing noighboring families. noon, conpletoly wrecking the slruotare

pauses ja causi lois eatin gon.


hero was no person in th auditoria!

has writte a letter to M. Rochefort repre:| g¢ the tins of P eeacak., “Ths last poe

bating the tributes paid by the French j

republicans to tho memory of M. Katkoff.

M. Rochefort refases to print the letter,

although he sa that as a socialist he ap-

proves ite contents. But as a Frenchman

he reveres the memory of M. Kutkoff, be-

cause M. Katkoff was a hater of Germany.

Is San Fuancrsco, one night recently,

two pugilists were engage in a prize

fight when the chief of police entered th |ring and stopped the exbibition, Then

Sanaa Bexxuanpr is to have

shooked her dear Paris by



emphatically‘1 cannot play auy more iu

the Rossian nihilist,

formnnes was given Saturday night, at |

which titae the house was erowded.


George Kurtz, who was stabbed oarly

Bunday morning by William Wolcot), at

Bloomington, Il, died Monday. His

Ir tea common thing for sailors on


sssaitant i in ja

weat- English steamers to tind from


Senator Riddleberger, who wa sent to

jen ot fifteon stowaways, ‘Tho freight: | ja by Judge Newman for contempt of!

handlers are great friends to the tramps /court, and who was afterward reseued,

who wish to make an inexpensive voyage.returned to cuntinoment Monday. The

Fee esta ihal tirlageover brisk tha log: [*2etteme over Che.aHele Ras ine mete’)

build u| little room a

ure oubsided.

Te cesteal obe mar tv Two inquests have been held on the

Gosen to two dozen mon have thas been


UF Of Mrs. Eliza 4, Johnson, who was

cravedfount hanging from a tree on her has

==nnd’s farm near Beloit, Kos, on the 20

‘Awanutaoz took place Monday, 11:80 ]inat. Tho first resulted in a verdict of |

o'cl by telegraph from Fort Supply suicide, the second in a verdict that sho

to Fort Sill, Indian Territory, a distance = murder by Be a wh is held

of two handred miles. The contracting|&q examination © ary

partics were Mr. Clark Smith und Mis?Friday afternoon at Austin, Texas, Mrs.

Bussey Nason; Jovoph For, United StatesNellic McKendrick, lately of (hicago,

. a


fired five shots at husband, inflicting,

commissioner, officiating, and Wiliam

Garvey and H. F. Ambrose witnosing.


Sow sre Dotelight wounds. In the polic

Eracihi Ploweips fall



court she regretted her bad markmanship.

werything went lovely, and a ful cere-| fuisg & Tobin, reatauratenrs of

mony was given by means of lightning.


gpringfleld, IN, who refused to permit &

Au oatH-zounD labor organization, B Turner, colored, edit of the State

known as “Tho Brotherhood,” is said to Capit t eat in thei place, were held to

have gaine a large membership in Newthe Cireuit Court Friday in $800 bonds.

Engiana Tt was founded in May, 1886,Charles Apfel, of New Orleans, La., shot

and ita objects appear ‘to be substantihis wife fatally, Friday, an killed him-

tha same a2 those of the Knights of Labor,self. The couple had not lived happy to-

| gether.

except that ite policy is opposed to strikes, en Hopt, alias Weloo was shot to

‘The names of Its ofic She pee geath in tho gard of the penitentiary, near

ite headquarter |p& raf eae s itgait Lake City, forthe murder of Joba

ramifications are earefally-guarded 9°) p, purner at Park Cily eoven years ago.

Lake, In, were



8 8g

phobia |

Leen beked forty hours. e



sat in

five of the sheriff&# deputiestheir riffea at him. Death was


In a quarrel over a law-snit at Owenton,

Ky. J. M. Boarne. shot and Killed his

nephew, James Bourne, Jr.

‘Mezander Walker, a colored prohibitionadvocate, was beaten by a mob at Prairie

Grove, Toxes, last weok, and mangied by





ing jt

died Sunday, and bis fri

saloon adherents murdered him.

‘The divorced wife of Peter William

‘Thompson, of Fort Wayne, Ind. who se-

enred her decree Monday, visited her

former home Tuesday to get her clothiag.

‘Thompson fired at her twice, inflicting

slight wound, and then blew ont bis own



‘There will probably be a strike of all

the Knights of Labor employed in the

shoe factories in New York and Brookly


a cigar while




are abandoning theit ranches, and conster-

nation prevails. Im a brush between the

Sherif of Garfield County ‘and the reds,

occasionedindicted bucks, one Indian was shot

‘The Governor has been telegraphe to for

assistance, and the attention of the War

‘Department has been called to the out-


‘The yacht race for the Boston Herald

cap, sailed of Marblehead, was won bythe Volunteer, beating the Puritan 8 min-

utes 3 seconds, the Intter boat ccossing the

finish line 14 seconds abe:


‘The Gladstoneans have captored an-

of the Atlantic.

consequence of the strike that h been

existence against Hanan & Son for


‘An attem is making to settle tholong-

standing dispute betwoen tho operatorand their employes in the Pennsylvani

coke region by arbitration.

The lack of water powor at Minnespo-

tis, Minn, redaced the production of floar

during the week. The woet’s product

was 139900 barrols, against 163,410 tho

previous week. In store at Minneapolis,$240,925 bushels ; St. Paul, 145,000 ; Du-

Auth, 1,899,612,Ite believed that if the seasan continues

worable, the cotton crop of South Caro-

ina will tho largest on reoord. Tho rics,

sugar-cane and other crops are also of a

high average.


The Secretary of the Navy Monday

awarded tho contracts for constructing

five new naval vessels as fullows

er No 1 tho Newatk, to Cramp &

Sons, $1,248,0 Cruiser No, 4, to samo

partivs, $1,250,000; Craisor No.


to the

Union Jron Works, of Sua Francisoo,

1.425,000; and gun boats Nos. 3 and 4 to

Palmer, Jv. & Co., of Now York at

$490,000 each.

‘ Woahington telogvam to 8 New York

paper asserts that the government is pre

paring to begin eivil s against the

Pacific railway peopls to recover the

amonhts they aro alleged to have defraud

plunder is enid



tu aggregate §7The president and Mrs. (leve!and will

witness the processio of the veiled pro-

phots and attond the prophets’ ball in

St. Lonis the night of Oct. 4 and he will

Tenve for Chicago as soon as possiblethereafter, reaching Chieago on the 5th.

H will go to Milwaukee on the 7th, and |‘tho next day will goto Madison, spending’Sonday, the 9th, with the postmaster

general,‘Tho Secrotary of the Trensary has

awarded contracts for furnishing yeneral

supplies for the Eleventh Life-saving

District, which includes Michigan, Ilinois,

and Wisconsin, to the following firms: R.

A. Robbins, . Heyman, and 8 A Schoo

maker, of New York; G. B. Carpenter, of

Chicago Detroit Stove Works, of Detroit,

and H, G Woods, of Muskegon.

‘Tho National Agricultural Department

reports a falling off of 7 points in corn

uring the past month, owing to drought.

Spring whoat is in tow condition, and cats

nro alightly undor the average, While bar-

ley promises an average yield, Tho loss

in potatovs during the past thirty days is

figured at 20 por cont. of the prospective

erop, while the frait and hay orops are

very } Whe cotton average is good,

and the tobacco plant is i high condi

tion, exeept in Wisconsin,

The au of $5,462,000 in 43 bonds was

offerod for redemption on Wednesday at

tho National Treasury. ‘Tho Seorotary

accepted the offer of tho Suffolk Bank, of

Boston, for $260,000 registerod bonds at

1.10 flat. AU the other proposal were ra-

jected aa the rates wore not considered



tho Massachosei' democrats will hala

their convention at Worosstor September


“Jodge Edward W, Pettus, of Alnbams,

jasaid to have been fixed upon by the

President for the existing vaosney on the

supreme bonch.

onferencs of (eading republicnns

held. Tuesday night in Sonator

Nuhone’s residence at Petersburg, Pao at

MMichtavorable reports of the condition

of tho party in the State wore reeeived.

Governor, Foraker will formally open

tho ohio Campaign of 1837 at Caldwell

Noble County, Sept. 7


Ata meeting of Elgin dairymen it was |

ed not to make an advaneo in prices

for the preasut.Tt is said that Shaw and Gilligan of the

Washington club are to he traded to New

York for Ward. If tho deal taxes place

Ward will be mado captain of the states


‘The trial of Dr. Woir, at East Tawas,

Mick, which Iasted fourteon days, was

conclude Monday. ‘The jery was out

fifteen minates, and roturnod a vordiot of

not guilty.aptain Ormiston, uf th&g British

steamor Annie, ont from Baltimoro to

Queensland roported passing the Soottish

yaoht ‘Thistle Aug. 6, 1a Intitude 46.42

jorth, longitude 44.39 west, She was un-

der plain sail, in a fresh southerly wind:

Fre1 Donglias, who has just returned

from an extensive tour of Europes, reports

that he was overywhoro treated with dis-

tinguished consideration, notwithstand-

ing complexion.Ten thousand tons of raw sugar from

Hawnii have been shipped from&a

Franciseo to New York via Capo Horn.

‘This ia an innovation deatined to have

important effects upon the trade, as the

suga w be laid down nt New York free

‘of duty under the reciprocity treaty with

‘Hpwaii,There are only sixty Indians “on the

warpath” in Colorado, but they will

doubtless lead all of the United Btates

army that can be spared from the eastern

watering-places ® lively dance for the

next fow weeks,~

‘An aged citizen of Mattoon, Ill, named

John Goodpasture, attended the funeral

of one of his friends Friday. At the gate

‘of the cemetery the ald man fell to the

‘hose with him ran to assist

him, but he had joined his friend.

The White River Utes are on the war-

tide seems to be running stronglyagainst the Saliebury government all

over England and Scotland.

Advices from Holifar, N.S. are to th

effect that it had beon learned positivelythat gon shots wore heard off Buotouch:

Harbour some days ago, the reports beingconnected with the alleged sinking of an

Amertean fishing vessel by « Canadian


‘The Literal-unionists in England seem

to be getting demoralized. Maudo, secre-

tary of theit union, has just tendered his

:arrhe finds himself unable to

sustain the tory program. Protably the

reanlt of the recent elections hail some-

thing to do with Maude&# chang of heart.

Prince Ferdinand’s arrival on Bulgarian

soil was heralded by the firing of salutes

at all military po Tho prince has

issued a manifesto in which he plelge

himself to devote his life to the “happi+

ness, greatness and prozress of loving

people.”‘The London Times construes Lord Sal-

isbury’s recent speech as an emphatiocondemnation of the potiey of tolorating

tho Irish National League.

‘An attempt was made by unkuown per-

sona to destroy with dynamite the Luitd:

az occupie by the ministry of the m-

terior at Madrid. No diunage was dons.

Advices from Honolula are to the effect

that tha new minictry is in complete con

trot. Nominations have toen mado for

oprosentatives and Nobles.

gelaen, son-in-law of ex-Premior Gibson,

has beon arrested for forgery.

‘Tho Marino Hospital Bureau is informed

that small-pox and yellow fever aro raging

in During the month of

Jul there were 10f deaths from yellow

fover and 112 from small pox,—_-_—

oq Worth Maving.

Captain John Se imidt,a Loat-builder

of Tompkinsville, 8. [, says the

ton Globe, is the owner of one of the

most knowing dog im the country.

‘The dog is a cross between a St. Ber-

nard anda Siberian biood-hound, and

stands three feet high. and measures

f his nose to the end of

his tail five feet and ten inches. Hissailor. He is about 8 years

old, During the seven years that

t Schmidt had Sailor, the dog has




wharffell into. the water.

heard the dog barking, and goingdown to the wharf saw the man in the

bay, with the dog holding his head

above the water.‘Whenever a catboat race occurs in

which Capt. Schmidt enters. Sailor is

taken along on the boat te act as a

H perfectly under-

g said to him, and

take hold of the rope which h

the jib in plac and rw

length of the boat, h

When told to

tool he alwaysthat is needed.

days ago, as a lady and child

were driving past the boat-shop in

a dog-eart, the horse attached to the

cart became frightened at a locomo-

tive whieh was passing and started

torun away. The horse had atiain

‘a fairly good speed when Capt. “Jake”

told Sailor to cateh the horse. Yun-

ning aiter horse, Sailor soon

caugh u to him, and jumping at

the horse&# head he got pars of the

pridle in his mouth, and pulling the

horse’s_head ground he soon

stopped him.‘

1 to the

brings back the one

4] do wish I was colored people like

the cook,” sighe Freddic, as h re

Juctantly followed the nurse to the

bath room,— Washington Criti



uy aulwpaatlakosnbeg 3beeeeeeed

e2bh wee B

aeos ha

‘an attempt to arrest two

F. H. Hay-


An Excursion Train Goes Through a!

Bridge Near Peoria, Hl, CausingGreat Loss of Life.

A atepatc from Peoria, Ii, giving an

account of the terrible affair says: For

some days past the Tolodo, Peoria & War-

7 road hes advertised an excursion

train to ran to Niagara Falls and back at |

reduced rates. The great heat hore, and

the induatry with which the excursion welt

was advertised, brought it to the notice of |

everybody, and a large number of citi

zens from thia and surrounding towns

availed themaetves of it. When the tr!

pulled out last night there were twelve

coaches filled. A large erowd assembled

to see them off, and as they pulle out of

the station it was noticed that the rrain

was a double-header; that is, that there

was an engine behind assisting the one in

front by pushing. Nothing more was

hoard from the train until this morning.at 3 o'cl when a dispatch wos received

that it had gone through a bridge at)Chatsworth, and that one hundred peo-

Jo were killed


as many more badly

injured.the bridge over the Vermillion river was

ct on fire b the flames that have been

raging lately, and that the stringers were |

‘weakened that they let the bridge down

with all the cars.

‘An old Toledo, Peoria & Western con-

ductor named George W. Scott, who loft

here at 2 o'cl this morning, has just:telegraphed that over one handre@ are


killed, but that no one in the sleepers are

‘injured. This is regarde as authentic.

‘be obtained. Engineer‘The wreck ia about

three miles from the station.

Chatsworth is a small town of a little

oyer one thousand inhabitants, located in.

Livingstoud county, a abort distance west

of Gilmore. It is on a brauch of the Tki-

nois Central railroad «nd also on the main

line of the Toledo, Peoria & Woestorn. It

is ninoty-six milea from Cuioago.Alate dispatch from Chateworth, TIL,

says: Tho horrors of e Chatsworth

rock seemed dee pening early this murn~

instead of lessening. Added to the

pitiable spectacle of tho doad and the

inizeries of the dying a stench, sickening-

ly foul, was issuin; the numerous

t whore the corpses of the victims

yot romained.

N pictures of the horrible occurrences

immediataly succeeding the accident

could equal iu revolting details the seone

at the Toledo, Pooria & Westera depothere to-day. Tho west ond of the little

structure is a coal-house and lumber-

room where, promiscuously stretched on

the floor in the coal and rabbish, were

seven unidentified bodies. Blood-stained,

awfal odor emanating from tho bodies

offectually kept the room clear of att bat

tho hardiest of the still lingering anxious

or curions crowds, The ostimates of the

(ead this morning are about the same as

the figures sent last night, The coroner&#39

list revised up to the timo the ing

was resumed to-day foots up seventy

Notwithatanding contrary opinions ex

under the debris of the smashed engines

and cars. The report yesterday that twenty

ond bodies wore at Pipor City is denied

this morning by President Leonard of

the Toledo, Peoria & Westera railroad.

‘Three or font of the wounded carried to

Piper City yosterday died there, however,

0 that with tho soventy-aix on the coro-

nor’s list hore and those supposod to be

yet under the wreek the estimate of

ty-four deaths appears to be very close 10

the actual number. Information of the

victims can best be ob:ained

*s ofiicials, who have gone

toPeoria __


The New York team which will start for

California early in Novembor will bo as

follows: Miko Kelly will pla right tield;

catchor, Brown; pitcher, Tim Keefe; first

‘pase, Connor; second base, Dan Riehard.

son; third base, Denny; short stop, Ward;

left field, Ewing; and center, Gora. Most

of theso players are strangers to the Pa:

cif Coast, although Ward played as

pitcher when there before.

‘The Bostons have enough ox-members

in the Leaguo to make a good nino. ‘hero |

are Buflinton and Guaning of tho Phila

Golphias, Hackott of Indianapolis, Whituey

Detroits, O'Rourk andand Deales of the Washingtons,White and

Manning of the

Deasley uf tho New Yorke Here are no | live

1c ix first-olass catchers and two

pitchers,Mike Kelly is now catching Radbourn

and the Boston Herald thus comments on

the chang “With his captain facing him

at the receiving end of the battery Rad-

Vourn will not have so good an oppor-

tunity to sulk. as heretofore Capt. Kelly

can detest in an instant whether ‘Rad’ is

trying to wit.”

July 28, Jom Carney had a monstrons

benefit at Birmingham, England, at whieh

Patsy Sheppard, who backed Carney in

hie fight with Mitebell, sparred with Cnr

ney. With them appeared Jom Smith,

Jom Mace, Alf Greenfield, Tom Wall, Sam

Breezo and William Mathews. i

Jnko Gandane is still at Orillia, Canada,

and will remain there for a week or ton

anys more, If he is feeling alt rig

that time, he will take part in the Uswego,

N.Y, regatta,

Pitcher Gleason, of Willinmaport, Pa,

whom Harry Wright tried and discarded,s

;and on ‘Tuesday the

with Seranton,

hard-hitting Newarks got but threa hits

off him.

‘Tiernan has developed into a fall-Hedged

Giant, and is batting equal to Connor,

Ewing, O'Rourk Ward, or any ‘of tho old-

timers on the New York toam.

Duncan C. Ross threatens to sail for

Evrops about September 1, and while

there will do the sword-fight act.

Madden is confined to his bed with a

stomach trouble, and will not be able to

pitch for some time,


Reports of the Latest News

from All Parts of the State.

650 feetLa Porte&# gas well is‘visiblede but no signs of gas are

as yet.goose died from the effects of

the heat at New Albany one day re

eny in boring a

‘six miles east of Fowler, Ind.

struck natural gas at a depth of elghtythree feet Wednesday.

~-The commissioners of La Porte,

Elkhart, Stark, St. Joseph, and Mar-

shall counties are making an effort to

establish a soldiers’ home.

—Cattlemen of Tippecanoe county

are driving cattle thirty miles into

White county for pasture. T pi&atures there afford plenty of grass.

—' large bara Mrs. Mary

Hosler, six miles east of Huntington,burned Saturday. Loss, $4,000; in-

surance, $8,000 in the Ohio Farmers.’

—Knightstown claims thirty-fiveyearsof steadily increasing success in

jts annual fairs, and always pays

preminm in full. This year the date

is Aug. 30 to Sept 2.

—The old settlers of the Indian Re-

serve are holding their tenth ann’

meeting on the fair-grounds at Xenia,

There is


very large attendance of

pioneers from ail over th reserve.

john Miller, a young married

man living at Denver, Miami County,attempted to board a freight train near



was thrown down and

terribly laceruted about the head an

will die.

Saturday morning a fire at Bed.

ford caused the following losses:

D, Owen & Co. $3,000.



TIndg E. D. Pearsons $2,000 fullysured; George McDaniel $200, no in-


peopl of Elkhart, who

wouldn&#3 bave the telephone except‘under the strict letter of the law, have

followed the example of other placesand are now using it on the toll sys.

‘The exchange bega operations



Seamans, Postmaster

Wabash since January, 1885 died

y night after a brief iliness.

118 pioneer in Wabash,

and h always been a farmer until

appointed Postmaster by President

Clevelandniel Drew was Friday commit-

ed, without bail, for the murder of

John Mackessy in Lafayette. T of-

ficer who made the arrest testified that

Drew admitted hitting Mackessy for

taking advantage of Mrs. Drew While

she was drunk

—The Indianapolis Natural Gas

Company now has Lree wells in opera

tion within twelve miles of the cil

ielding 7,000,MW feet dail ‘The

feld is being still further developed,and the company contidently hope to

be able to assure the city aa abundant

supply before another month has


—The “White Caps” of Crawford

and Harrison counties are having con-

siderable trouble with the “Biaek

Caps,” an organization formed to pre-

yent them from pursuing their custom

of punishing everyone who ineurred

their displeasure. Already the last

named society taken members of

the “White Gap band to a convenient

‘treo and given them a dose of their

own physicPho reunion of the One Hundred

and Thirtieth Indiana Regimen elosed | thesei

eat Wabash Saturday. At thy business

meeting Huntington was selévted_a

tho place for the next meeting, which

will be held the first Wednesday and

‘Thursday of Septembe of next year.

Jacob Kenawer, of Huntington was

elected President, Samuel Dunbar, of

North Manchester, Vice-President, and

Ton Hendrickson, of Indianapolis,

Seeretary and Treasurer.

_Division No. 7, Miners’ Assembly

of the Kuights of Labor at Brazil, in

conformity to the call of the National

Exeontive Board, demanded two

weeks’ pay, to date from Aug. 1. To

this demand they unite with the state

Miners’ Federation, two orders

representing about’ 7,000 miners. A

flaw was passe at th last Legislature

making two weeks’ obligatory.

‘The operators protest and will test its


—Judge Woods at In

tenced William ‘Teal, &

counterfeiter, to tue penitentiar for


years on his plea of guilty.



wns ‘Teal& third gentence from the

same court, ‘The last time ‘Teal and

hi father were sentenced together.

‘The father died in prison, and after

his death the son plunder his father'

clothing of his valuables, and denied

having done so until his cell


—R. W. Greenwood retires from

the ollice of Treasurer of Daviess

County. Uponi ni

Saturday with his suce

Smith, a shortage rangin ftto 814,000 was found in hi

His bondsmen, forty-one

napolis gen-


‘and the stolen articles were

in th city ¥

to $8,000 whieh he will dispose of to

help psy off the shortage. He al

holds notes for money which he loa

e to various persons. ‘The deiiciency

was not caused by Mr. Greenwood’s

mismanagement, but from his allow-

ing others to impose upon him.

—The oldest woman in Indiana is

‘Mrs. Magdalene Boggs, who lives with

her daughter, Mrs, Anna Kothermel,

at Milton, Wayne County. Mrs. Boggs

was horn Dec, 22, 1733, at Flizabeth-

town, Lancaster County, Pa. Her

father, Peter Shaefter, was a soldier in

the Revolution, and died in 1843 at

the a of She was married to

‘Mexander Boggs in 1801. Sho is the

mother of eleven children, fouro

whom are living—the oldest being 81j4 She has forty-

a vi


Kreig, who used to eateh for Brouklyn,j

|i yoceiving $225 per month from tho

|Minneapolis club,

‘When a baby’ mother treats it like

If it is better off in heaven than it

| possibl become by remaining in

Philadelphia —Missouri Republican,

Men who know all about run-

ning newspapers are lucky, as theydon’t seem to know how to run any-

thing else successfully.—Puci

is over 50 years old. and

great-groat- is over 25.

—Oliver Overshiner, age 20 years,d indulgent parents

shot and almost instantly killed Day-

ton Warlield, an inoffensive young

farmer, at Elwood, O. Warlleld ant

his brother had bronght a load ol

wheat to town late in the evening, and

at about 11 o'cl went into Beach

festavrant to get aluneb, While eat-



+ proeurin

+,|The mother say

$y can&#:

ie. |

how has

| beat a t

‘of the luach.

Warfield knocked Overshiner down.

Warfield ran into the restaurant, Over-

shiner shooting at him. Dayton, the

brother of the fleeing man, interfered

| to make peace, and was at once turned

o by Overshiner, wh fired three shots

at him, the second taking effect in the

abdomen, causiny instant jeath.

‘Town-Marshal Wagoner appeare and

put Overshin under arrest, and on

| he was released on §10,Dail.

‘An Ohio Ghost.

‘Thore is a highly respectaby the name of Mark living in the vi-

cinity of Sug creek, Fayette county,

Ohio, who claim to hnve had a remark.

able experienc for many years; and

what they willingly

|settied in the neighborh

‘day, when this section of the State was

‘sparsely settled. On the banks of

Sugar ereek, some woodman bad built

f frame strueture, and for some years

had taken up his abode within it,

Eventually however, changes occurred,

and Mr. Marks took possessi of tho,

|house. One very warm night, while

sleeping alone in


upper room, he

that he was looking toward the

open window, unable to sleep, when

a. stately, serious looking man i

broadcloth glided into

ap ed his bed. Toe apparition—for so he regarde it—had a strange

unearthly expressio of countenance,

and didn’t use its feet in moving about,

Mr. Mark was utterly terrified, and, as


leaped almost to the foot of

the stairs and hurried from the build-

ing to the home of a neighbor as_rap-




idly as his feet could take him. Some

time afterward, while workmen were

yggravel from a pit near by,

they came upon a barrel in which was

secreted a hideous skeleton, which be-

came the basis of many unpleasant

conjectures, On xnother occasion,

latter the gentleman referred to bad

become the head of a large

perous family, while some of the chil-

dren wero playingdoor, a cadaverous object,strange, livid complexion

joutstretehe arms, rese apof the ground iinmediatel

them. The altrighted childre

to the house tu their mother,

Jing, and unable to make known what

It was not loug after

\this aifair until one of the daughters



few months elapse and the

mother wag awakened about o'cl

an ominous sound in

She arose to investi.

jgat About midway between the

house and the street gate her deceased

daughter seemed to_ b standing, as if

in trouble, and a if she were search-

ing for something that had been lost.

say that it all seemed so

jrea to her that she attempted to ay

proach her danghter, but was disap-

pointed b seving her suddenly vanish.

(‘Ph entire family are firm in’ the be-

Viet that all these circumstances were

real, and nothing will make them

more indignant than to eal! them in



ingthey hid seen,


Without a Nation.

In ‘de sour,’

Htry. regions where y

jst to a great extent preymuch jealous and ill-teelin

‘the full-blooded negroes and the halt.

breed negrohe ‘black

‘niggers’ and the ‘

the white eorner-grocerycall them,

ack negroes professQnsider themselves greatly superior

to the mulattves, notivithst anding

latter&#3 adwixture of white blood.

/They declare that when that gathering:

wogether of the nations of the earth

Ispoken of in the Bible takes place

there will b no place fur the mulattoes

and negroes of mixed blood. because

being neither white nor black thee

an& got no nashan,’ an consequently:Fean&# b gathered is

This notion h some hold

north,’ as was shown b a seone

the other day b a reporte:

[street s The Netw Yo

‘Phere curreida ‘tracas”

Jatto woman and a negro woinan w

skin was of Ngyptian darkn

the e with most such q

origin of the dispute of a triflingTiut the combat was none the

the cour.-

r notions

il, there is

loungers of




k Tribune.


Jess fierce for that while it lasted.

They fought with nature’s Weapons,

and the woman with pure african blood

was worsted. But sho still nad a

Parthian arrow lett.

Hse done whup Y

tto, trinmphantly.” sai the mul-

whu me I’se gwwain

to ax yer somlin, an ef yer answers

dat yer kin whup me again.”


ean’t aX me nuutin’ dat

answer.”Jes you wait, yaller niggah ; don’t

pe so brash. Doir&#


know dat de

Bible say dat de na:

going to be gathereday ¥°

H Well, den, jes tell me wer you&

gwine to be den when Gabriel blows his

trumpet Yer ant blac,

and yer an’t

White, an’ yer an’t got no nashun no-

yer?”‘The mulatto woman was at a loss

for an answer, and the black woman

Htoo advantage of the opportunity to

iumplant retreat, oveasionslly

yelling back at her antaxonist, “ Gwon,

jyer ole yaller nigah, yer an’t got no

pahun, nohiow, Fer an&#3

nightening His Fathers Burden,


togeder in de last.

We see it announced in the papers

that young George Gould will hence-

forth manage his father’s business.

&quot will be a grout relief to bis father,

who is evidently growing cld and fee-

jble, When he went down on Wall

‘street the day that Manhattan took

such a tumble everybody could see he

wasn&# feeling well; a he tottered

perceptibl a few hours later when he

of started for home, carrying Cyrus Field’sr

acl70,000 shares on his b He

dance off with fifteen millions of stock

‘as jauntily as he could a few years

ago, and there is no use for him to pre-

tend he can.

It is real fortunate for Mr. Gould

that he has a son who can take some

of his burden off his shoulders in his

old age. And as h sees himseli re-

flected in his son, and sees that h is a

chip of th old block, as it were, and

daily grows more like his sire, Jay can

lie Back in bis yacht on the wave, oF

in his palatial hammock on snore, and

laugh a laugh of Gouldish glee such a8

few can afford to indulge in.


does not seem 5O

Te is stran that

&l should ow

seta on ‘whieh to vely yet

faith in me must be my

|ge B te world

te (iNothin’ toeay, danghter! Nothin’ at

a Sepyher very.strength

He managt

0 say

Girls that’s in love, I noticed, ginerlyhas their way!

Yer mother did, afore yoo, when her folks

‘objected to me—

ritb am, and here you ait and yer

other—where is she?

to drag himself to one

reeze ble re-

Yon look lots like your mother:

much same in size;

‘And abo the same complectefavor ubont the eyes,

Like her, B ‘abont livin’ here, because

sh couldn stay;

Beas s like you was dead Tike her!

4 I hain&# got nothin’ to say!

She te 2, her Tutt ae yer

e acrost t

and wo arbobs fe J2 0


anddom—could he

a step boldly

n unlucky accident,” he

muttered ooki fereel down at

fis helpless arm; “unless tmy plan of |

Concealment succeeds, it may cost me


ef ever yOU more than my life!


Mapourwe went toward her home

with a new responsibility upon her,

and ske did n notice the sunshine

ed the gold of her hair,

bo flowers budding be-


Tve nie po = _gyso rem, but

goin’ away

woth 28 B‘Jaag Nothin’ at

You do ott we ceNos

| bright!nor the new

neath her fee

a ‘The craa dark aching eyes

haunted her; she could not get theout of her mind,

corrow at leaving him thus, a8pon

th brief half- of their acquaint-

ance had influe all the p years

of her youn lif[do not Kn what his ‘seer is,

nor wil I seck to discover it, &quot

mised as she burried forw with

bent head, and lip Preolutely

together. I am certain

his reason for con

to blame, and no bu & goodtive Keeps him silen!

was notshetu that such

thou should come to Madoline.

been some wretched trampof distress

she would as will-

on on this errands ut |

dependenc up hshe feita separate and din the stran whose

once so full oftlone and bitter-

ness, and sbe ro he did B belong

to the comm order of 1

a second timeShe had walked more

th a mile

thoughts to ele a across.hie Hof she reached the

Whatever bi Secret, he could not | farm.

irl share it, and he felt that) Ay th gate she pause and looked

ie h said too much in her


pac the mill with a soft smile in

her ee“Fa sent me there to-day,’

ting to hersel

eed wis

af hau got nothin’

‘Teonty year! and good a gytl as parent

Thore’s a. straw Kotch ont sodress

here —TUl bresh it off round.

(Hor an was jest twentyhe ws 70

ran away!)

Not t s my daughter! Nothin’ at

—[ta Hhitco Riley._——

CHAPTER 1—“1 thought you understood,” he

said, his voice seareely above his breath.

*Lam under the ban of concealment.

Aynile [can remain here undiscovered,

had best not g until B have

stren to ‘v those who might pur-

sue alte ‘stop ab cat as tho for

uttered his

Ma watched him regretfully,

Jonging n_

daring again to asl

him toiat het

“Ho will


y live—how get food &g | wshe iafter a short silence. © You

aeee teohe yoursel What will

you do here ala w night comes

dn, and the a gets chilly # T pr

roof will ee shelter you from edamp, ate the long dark hours will

almost unbearable.”

He siniled in su the em

ing positi in 9 e found hinins} f the oar torture he Was jongVhanr for torture it Was,


vo eeerect and tal with composure, M fe mast have a big eu

w thrilled with a str that


to cold chicken Paceig broken bi streu “Dinner will be ready ‘

fis ot ae one ny hour, Miss Madoline,” the anhe quite happil W rept i b


Fo at th pateh of blue sky thatsaid, ar a S G m

a through the roinsd windo& it is—well, | am at your an appetite‘There was something so singularly


(he oe for Shpathetic in the weakness expr eewith so

oura and oa an in|ay gu

lee Madoling held out her hand to\&g

pF stop su T \Had she not nearly

must hav pas 2

so nnconsseepur theon the dairy into

t kitchen, a astonished the buscook by gotng pots Were steawin;

a litin t li eagon b ohere, Martha?” she

sbe from, brhe exelte of the


Whatask an

sp your appedo not wantgat is, not to

confused.yed herseli—

betrayed theSl : Teo not. tell

M will not fail you, she promias his hand clos eag on her

Hee o much depende on her se

ht“Fate brou ou to-day,va cree,

Twill be yourfrien Mar noticed the change in the

T sweetes friend gitl manner, and smmiled ey.Know What Miss Madoline

she said wit a good-of ti

as ever a-

he y

ning as

ve o her J a

a ohave given me new life. only hope |

ne head; it’s for some poor

if you ever need & man’s|

strengt 1, c ger again, I can’ L a i the

shall be near to serve yuu.ick foi woul do without yo I’m

“if Lean be useful to you, I shallsur ‘Ther Pil get & par packed

lied as her ha i ou, and one of the boys

fell lightly hold.

safety will be my be recompense—

desi noth more.”

wi an

Mado answered ina fain

good,” he murmured, ‘The fact is—I do not wish any one to

it nse


teciln itluminiI am going with it—

talu Syour


pecially do “c

k ie to mya yoohis aa white

hhas been like a an.

no forget how weBo m to-

‘tyou do not ask me my name,

e said, a tinge of color “creepiinto her cheeks.

fis lips contraete and his deep

s gaze at her With earnest prideBecau eangot reveal to yor)

my own. Your pen s does Ti

give we aright t & fe you a

confiden lean returHAVE NO Sec!

oe answered,

glancing brightly o him, “and my

name is as well known run iteou as this old mill is

doline, the daug of Cuthbert ( ny ; Aloud she said.

whom t kind, as far rou ag|“Depend uponnit TM not say a

the gazeT stretal rer. No about it. I&#3 the last one to

haps you have met_™stand in the way of your goo actions;

H sno his head.and when poor folks are. in distr

ci can [ meet him now.it is n a time to visit their sim

you wi no forget that?” upon

O Will not forget anything youSfad was embarrassed to decid |


havetold me, As far as it rests with


DO far thi speec applie to the

me, you have a safe hiding- here, |e need, but not feeling herself

for this mill is mine, and nobody eve *f to make a confidence of Martha, |

interferes with my right to keep it se-sheva not reason out the thought,

‘aude to myself.”and contented herself with having so

I “apologiz for having in-

ee in so unwelcome & fashion.

From this moment ‘until I am well

ough to crawl away, of until you

bi me go, shall consider myself

your guest.” bus Herself already wit her task,

‘Mandoline gaze rather disconso-doline, feeling that her pres-

lately on the comfortless surrounden might delay the prepar

ings, and then her glanee tested againhurried to her own room,



on the handsome haggar features o Da He so S old “T teron then uhe was sheltering, she kneW


S00 handkerchief with hic fe

had bound the stranger& ar

When she returned to th kitehen,neatly packed,

with an earnest “Thank you” to

artha, she tool

more hurried out into the 3

father nor to Aunt

Se t Madoling an effort to. say

this much, and there was such & reearnestness in manner that

Maru nore than willing to

in with the girls plashe&# helping so of the poacber’

pe rs ner egB thoug coming

9 the only conclusion which seemed to

Q for concealment. Nr. Clyde is so

Gelernined in his anger against them,

{tha they& have to ‘very near

tarving before he gave them a crust

of bread.”


if you

thing together auc il y not!”

“Never fear the Woman replied,


yowill Gnd me a

aid, wishingge for

fainting for’ wa |M

not yet thought | Once

in will


4ready you must be

of food and have ine.

‘This tim she di not cross the fields


was afraid she



tha poor armight be seen on

enA sl |

tush stole Or an pallor of do she knew, and be forced to

his el

some account as to her journey.

“1 & tha Lam exacting too m‘Madoline wished to avoid all ques

from y he mutter¢

1g oejus of


tions to which she dared not giv ®

his ‘oblig to her; san |direct reply; and with this aim in

not even reveal to vie she took a narrow pa skirting

ki th woods, and reached her destina-

e stranger much

and ‘an Ss whip.”

pearance.m moment she had disap- ‘n believ

Si tp kill hin,”

fe low arch door-


she thought, the old fe returning to



her. “Poor fellow!


wish ‘he would

ane‘ad and hurry away. let me tell Dad about um

gel,” thought, aj The stranger greete her with a wan

great-scfi coming over his fa smile

S pure, so trustin, Since I hav [ro Be conTinvED.]


futu emper

y it tefullgratefully, a






bY ‘Druggists and Deale every-

{On of the Sr interes|relate by, countryman of the ¢

w waa in regar to his early yoGn which seems to be little Known.

pub gambling has been for-

biaden b law in Germ th ‘votaries



[ fortune from. ho used

‘0 Bll the hotels a Ema Bad ete,mnaco. ‘The story‘Willi while he

‘ag still erown prince and a dashing

you atti entered the cursaal at

Ems, wearing an overcoat which con-

Ems hi bellia uniform, and 9)

proachin the crowded table, placethereon a coin 0

A dollar. With a contemptuou ges-

banker tossed the coin upon

‘vith th remark: “For the

An Hour t=EL. Sep says:years, Ver.a

at this notice—|tly remarking that

whole bank.


onWiliam glance san is sokind, and

likes her.Stceot togetgentan uncelish


ith sudden respect.hi

r of Germany then

, displayin the imT

d along, but it happened E.ith’s

h he what

th tod Teeot

bank was’ broken. “raki up the

jenee stm, he deliberately daston the foor, exclaiming: “For

‘Then, turning on his eei

the apartment.— Baltimore


con thatea daug She recalled,

fiad read of Dr. Pierce&# Golden “MonDiscovery, a o tho eur ‘of the moment

she stip ‘a drog store and bought

a sup)took it faithfully, with

thAP ana it cleared her disozdero)

relio the Maso made het

Di ‘eo fair and faye she iwSTouly the “eweotstgi in sehool,”

the most beantiPlast sind


x nie2

Thing Like

Last Monday hile Jake Gibson,

colored brother, was sitting he

forks a o! id oak t on the Balre

Leadville appears to be ina fair way to

,near Centrev entin

seeuro first-class botel,

Tho nightly watchwo in * Old K

tuck "—* All quiot at RowaplantMaterlightning stick the

fragments, and threw

aways appar dead than Hector.

Mr. (3 Johnson, “Uncle” Glenn,

an old ssl man, and others rusup, poured water in his fac

began to rubhim. 3ust as alt ho oZiseitatio had fied and his friends

had turned sadly away to prepare for

the fune Jack rose ps tooked around

half dazed, an inquire Sn Gleam

paii mywaterme —Peallahussee



(Fla.) Tellahae

The propristor ofthe “Plain Dealen”

Fort Madis ar ni Dutt

writes ars ag we od

Tene tian in m Epes by

‘Oil; have had no retarn

tions did the work.”


(cel a5thoug water wasgatherin aroutl

aeheart (beart- oF have Beart rheumatism,

fon of the heart. with sufoeation, symcies hearetrouble — De Kilmer’s Oceas

reguintes, cormecss an CAT

Tw “eigh Wiscunsi Volun-

re ith ann rounion xt

‘ the second




Surering from Kidney Dis~

usa of froeiro oo

rebat heatingaud that i ee ae4

Sa tat

e‘ Jacob&#two applica-

A Dartmouth“Bet tegare

‘The severe thunder-stormeich

visited New England last week partly

demolished the Venerable pine tree at

Dartmonth college, now over a century

old, hich has always played 8 eospie part in th class- exercise:

re is a traditio that the India‘the drst students athe

were went to hol a meeting aronud

the foot of the tree on their graduand smoke 4 parting pipe peace.

‘The custom has been prese and it

one of the most interesting exercises

uss- to watch the graduates

smoking clay prpes—many using to-

baceo for the firs

throwing | the at

and scrambling after the TragTh tree will “prob Tecovet from

its prge ty ste! be good for

many yearsCo Hundreds of

aase mourn tha

| reof this

f of the early day of the eollege—e rinyf Repu

‘il sinly n Dato Vegeuble

you mcommen tobe, has dane mee Words spet Tenet a s to Cee folio

eral package of your

Poghetotellyou bow much ood T derived eed

2p area regular Gatsend. Alltbe pain

cet aches Save almost disappeare my scomac is mafaronger too ant T feel my inpe ‘seery way&

f by aft Presets

the base o!

to b hop th Gon. Grooly’s ox

poti ‘at tho head of the signal servioe

Mia not make him a kind of weathor-vain.

—Boston BudgA Corrector, Reguls

STho Heartas the Sea

The colored man of ‘S Joo who has

bo Socpiny for three days und is proofoused sh id be placed on

th police forex— Boo.

ous Megulat!

1 no Jon # ques o of a situthsours be nei

eects aScud to

oth hother words that super

reedae ae reckon an

Injare the systrath thaa reform


ect a ayevac th b

mtctt StoS ee



otin and enables,

the a

Gee Parifping Tatumnet.

“piceit ‘006 bottles $5.00.

eres ‘at Dr. Kilmer’s Dispensary,spramitons N. Ya, Ae

angaiJitts* Gutmarisi See

m CGnGa in no surall dexres—


Sayes) —

cecp theae

Toeaaso m troublewith

‘The seve annual reunion of the Tron rgu ageBrig ‘will tako place at Milwagkoo Sept.



df afflicted with sore eyes use

Isaac Thompson’ Celebrated m|


Bi erkin venating his rich

ornti Tnagin wit the waters of

fea loge.

There will beapen din ‘Feunion Rising

Sun, Ind, Sep 1

National headq W. R. C will bo

_= ite: oeperf

at the Southern Hotel.

we eae


as S eae cle

Oft obseure the road that Jeads to health’

Unma b y board or signsfom avails not, powe i is wealth,

T sooth those sehes of

Feat gcepmin with lif there hops ‘orsent by mail.Toa: Se pn







2 Sane

those weaknsent peenliarto:

Srema All atogu u UM‘The Brookiy Beechermonument fund



mountsto $25,008Coy


Wh did the Women

of this country use over thirteen million cakes of

Procter & Gamble’s Lenox Soa in 188

Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon under wh

Toll course mate ae then pos i thes Tielas Shoui ‘of ladios all over the lan

jooming with bealth, tooti tth

tirite Prosoriptios

h and care stu i tho happ

ac aaTiNo-Sa

Reducing Mileage Rates.

To Mon Ben C Sh Gaire on


ofces, a now form of Milea Book af

‘of 2 cents per file, whicham end hi

3 of Te So ao

the ere ore snd tptw Sad y are

“When Baby was sick, wo gave her Cantaria,

‘When abe was a Child, abe cried for Castoria,

‘When sho became Mins, abe clang to Castoris,

‘When she bad Children, abo gave them Castari

issuance, and 150 potbe checked with each coupon.


good faith, $500fatarrh whi they cannot care, The rem-

edy insold ,b droggists at only 50 conta,

“A toad who disgracesig what ane Missiselj

‘aliuding to another.

‘Cardinal Gibbons went over the ficld of

Gettysburg Wednesday.

whs gut of a saul Bde,

A small thermometer for a breastpin is

something rather clover.

oa Remedy for Catarrh 1sagrecablato ase Tt


‘The Twelfth and Sixteenth Wisconsin

‘Volunteers are to hold a joint reasion at

Madison Sept 7 and &a

races bis own war

noe Ngtior eayein

Tho following wor inpracg. 7‘prn FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION os a remedy for 1


peculiarIntere to every suiferee from, euc man ‘Tues are, vitSs

NEE ene stag giv wticrane® fotheir sense of erauude inestimable boon

‘this worldstamed 2 cottan‘and one

F Pellets.&

Testored to them by thé use ‘of this

100ney Aun seeps a

Tenow AwaW pecs

ste euap tes eat



2&qu seses YiaReaee eensie ae ie


aside, and fcel as well a3 1 ove di

LEASON, Of Ortawa, Oo,

aoeof paya Peescripll

custtr Woe

emascct:isda ‘whi basbeen

Mra, Sopmta F. Boswatt, White

wee ST To elev potites, of

re. MATweomi

Ta aitIe. a Dr

healt 2 thou roceliiz aabehethe greatest

¥ beat

earthly bo to Usis.


ment of mys s ‘iri can 2


write Prescrih wonderful

in new be o DF

Te nafori womeaattending to the ‘of my household.


THE WRO DISEASE.times women


on thele family pseicia SEO fas they imagi one from drspel other from heart diseess,

my disease, gnother tre


SettoringsMaste o Syrah, Tnotiee with pictHer Oehere, aud

aie t tenet ie ege aig and MUR Or TT ucts Sepe Sto]‘such, 1

‘all-onieee,OGn by 8

debree b ides The veei vons at comip cop

See Ee ees Gievel



Mona, of tx ‘Tealefai sufferer fron: mg

eit of the



T began F

lone: al BOER sreatia Foo

Medt adv ‘Pecommme to Tea a

i nd Baye ha

att hat h" sent the

agroli he


‘ourGreatm o monywomfoul reales a

rap Pustitut But Sxse


of cases

oha Gringwor

Bor ea

a0 ToglumSenate Py oe

.and adaptedSees

coceavor Prescription



curetullyrienevd and seillfut



Sema remoioo tau

rely woyas and ecrotul

it it


einsayrev d


Ssap spol can—

themaoetBiotellof and cue of auferi ween He



cure-all.” but

cepitrf Spec “for woman&#



en otta Bpete 'Nipay ‘Preseramen is the only

tt apliee adi scroorri OF

= walt,”

at monthig periods, pale

actual euprressons



ine womb, weak

rand. itso oxetworke”“ES tea


ext ca

Sppetiing enrdi a FesiProm dizestion a assimilat



CO Always ask for Dr. Plerce’s Pellets, or Little

Sugar- Granul or Pills.|

BEING ENTIRELE VEGETABLE, Dr. Pierce’s Pellets operate without dustarha to the systerts

aicev wecupatt Fmt 0% 2 Slee eae crce’e Rellcts OFS rge “rmays frou an reliable, AS 2

Deg Ges Toremami or Rm azIveS tee tically seated. | Always trperfe eatiataction.

aeHE pa ee eees at egutle wtEET e art

Sa tokity

that time J h sls

prey trou sTake

afiv Tele

sheay et c evr aneoarseaEast

FRM aces

"e HOOTTu B fort &qu theGarman


Fior oeenous athe tin’

rapakoneta, Cio.hurma Pe actswe esata

efficient, revFe Haa eaMea M ake

muyFe Sn.o the

tigts over £0 Ereatbe, at tha shel, soto, Upot ‘the sy:

Fe ecot a clama oF ti escaping th sualse Jiitiu

Bo by deny eis at Sent ‘Mant rod at



Iga tabapui of WORLD&#3 ‘Dismans Teeter A SsboLA‘Guttalo, N.Y.

$ ma tranny, beie rer






wy beacheohatr o M yna edt

pan Be

a a, thi acl, ee farmers m vole TaThe marninea ater | M M Cet eCarart me


three mos!Spo 1 as

man, and bus been 1

ora ‘ offeaaive matter,

3 changed a bus

‘the famous mesmer.AT writes: "So ten

Tal aunty froteh ofyea aoe ra me Ume eee

i MgN.fered

arb ‘p

Matncurab and aai

pe pc a bBecome £0, eeat be ach ohatruction of

Sie ano a renal i Som

oisSaaeEo comm morSema dangerous

Beers gsothinand Resisian.


Catac ‘Gold in th Hea Gary an Gatarr Ueadac


PRrcE, so CENTS.

Mextcne Gazette




Cc. M. Smith,

Editor, Publisher and Proprietor.=



ScpsRiPrTioy, $1.00 Per Year.

ocals 10 cents por Hine for frst insertion:

anogtls, ces P Hine tor cach eubecquent

itn foe the same matter



Tiersiat the Post Office at Mentone for

rent igion through the malls asa Dewspaper.



IND.. AUG 20, 1887

Corresponde—§—§-$-$-§-$- $$$ —

Beaver Dam.

Ed Swibart is practicing on a

new bicycle.

L, H. Middleton is at work on 9

job of carpentering at Akron

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mered ‘are

pn avisit to relatives in MAilison

county. LWe

d that Robert~Ball

—Ouly $2.10 to Chicago and re-

turn, by Popniar Nickel Plate, Sat

urday, Sept., 3d, in elegant Pullman

day Coaches.


Train leaves Mentone,

4:02 P.M. Round trip only #2.10.

‘Arriving at Chicago 7:50 P. M.

Tickets goo for return” 10 days.

Secure tickets and berths from near.

est Nickel Plate Agent, or address

J. W. Butler, Excursion Manager,

88 Seneca St., Cleveland. Obio.

To ne ApsouuTELy CerTarx

of most things is difficult, but it the

united testimony of peopl in every

walk of ile, ror more thn a quarter

ofa century, he good evidence. then

dyspepsia Joss of appetite, headache,

wakefulness and debilitation, from

whatever cause, may be cureil by

Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic.


Mentone, Inp., Aug., 13, ’87.

The relatives of the late Mrs.

Doke desire to return their thanks

to th citizens of Mentone for their

js working in the ‘Tribune office at

Rochester. Devil, eh?

C.IL. Petry attended the picni

north of Burkett tast Saturday, Go

it while your young ,Charles!

Ob! what will paor Lily do, now

that her lover has gone farther away

than ever? How wo pity her!

‘The Saints closed their eamp-meet-

ing last Sabbath, A large crowd was

in attendance most of the time.

Wm, C. Thomas returned to Chi-

cago last Monday. By appearances,

Will enjoyed his trip to the country.

Wexcr Week

ClaypoMiss Corning is v!


Bently & Roger& cirens is billed

for Clayvoul en the 19th.

‘A good many are goin to Warsaw

to attend the Soldier&# reunion.

ett and wife, a

panie b Mrs, Cora Eastman, were

the guest of Mrs. Dr. Barckett.

Curl Eldering, assistant agent on

the Nickel Plate, was called, Tnes-

ny, to Wanatau to relieve the agent

nt that placeDied. at the home of her father.

y Ring, near Claypool, Ind.

EF, Parker, August 13.

sed was almost 29

years of age. She leaves a husband

and two small children, with a large

circle of friends to mourn their loss

Funer:l scrvices at Germantown:

chuteh conducted by Rev. Coverstone

Miss Rosa



‘The seyenth volume of Alden’s

Cyclopeitia of Universal Literature

now Published contains biographiesketches of about 100 authors. of all

nd countries, with copions

extract from theie writings, all ar~

yurge in strictly alphabetic order,

&quo fullowing are a few of the names

included in the volume:

‘Anirew J. Downing, the most

famous writer on Landseape garden

ing; Josep Rodman Drake, author

ot Thi Jobn W Draper,

the American scientist and historian;

Prof, Henry Drummond. whose recent

srork’ Nawural Law in the S ritual

world has been pronounce “almost

a revelation”; Joln Dryden. the

famous british poct: Paul EvChaillu,

the noted traveler in Airica and

scaudinvia; Madame Dudevant,

g San the fimous French

author; Junathan Exwards, the New

glan theologia Ebenezer Elliott,

“the Corn Law Rhymer”; Ralph

Waldo Emersen, phitosophe and

thos, Dunn English, author

Ben Bolt” aud other popularEpictetus,

poet:ofballads and

Fpienres, and Greek

classic authors; Erasinus, wit, scholar

and reformer; Eusebiu “the Father

of Ecclesiastiat History “Marian

Evans, better known as “George Eliot

“William M. Evarts and Edward

Everett, statesmen and orators; John

Kvelya, whose Diary is one of the

most “emous in’ Fnglish literatere;

Faber and: farraz, both famous in

Christian literature; and Faraday,

the most Christian of scientists.

‘The scopeof the Cyclopedi is broad-

than that of any similar work in any

Inguage. it embraces not only the

names and works of writers in the

English language, but also those of

promient authors of all ages and

countries who have fairly made their

mark in literature, Greek, Latin,

Danish, Dutch, French, German,

Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish,

Swedish, Russian,“ etc; the works in

foreign languages being given in

translations into EnglishThe work of the editors is now so far

advanced that volumes will hereafter

Le publishe at’ comparatively brie!

intervals, Thé publisher& descriptive

catalogue (6 pages of standard

books will be set free to any appl i-

cant. Jobn B. Alden, Publisher, 893

many kind acts bestowed upon the

deceased during her sickness.


Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.

‘The Best Sslve in the world for Cuts,

Bruises, Sores, Uleers, Salt Rheum,

Fever Sores, Totte Chapped Hands,

Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup-

tions, end positively cures Piles, or no

pay required. It is guarantee to give

perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per box. For Sais by

W.B. Dopprince.


Probably no one thing has caused

such a general revival of trade at W.

B. Doddridge’s Drug Strre_as their

giving away to their customers of so

many free trial botttes of Dr. Kin

Sew Discovery for Consumption

‘Their trade is simply enormous in this



Toughs, Colds, Asthma,

Croup, and all throat and lung

quickly cured, You can test itbefore

auytng by getting a trial bottle free,

large size $1. Every bottle warranted.


You are feeling depressed your ap-

petite is poor, you sre botkered with

Headache, you are

generally ‘out of sorts, and want to



which have for their basis very cheap,

for an hour, and then leave you in a

worse condition than before. What

you want isan alterative that will pu-

tif yuur blood, start healthy action of

Liver and Kidneys, restore your sitali-

ty, and give renewed health an

strength. Such a medicine you will

findin Electric Bitters, and only

cents a bottle at W. B. Doddridge’s

Drug Store.

—Mr. Geo, W. Persley’s

Song, “Darhag I will come

“(Worls by Chas. A. R

daycan sin this, which will be known

the world over for its beauty. Price

35 cents, Ign. Fischer, Publisher,

Toledo, Obio.


Notice is hereby given, that tho

undersigne has been appointed by

the Clerk of the Kosciusko Cirenit

Court, in the State of Indiana, Ad

ministrator of the estate of HarnietT

M. Doxe late of Kosciusko County,

Ueceaceil, Said estate is supposed to

be solvent. Epuunp C. Doxe,


Angust 13, 1887.

A BargainWe have two Cook Stoves, as

goo as new, for sale or to trade

for wood, at a bargain; also an

Eleptic Spring Buggy for sale

chea or trade for wood, ab E. 0.

Clay & Bro.

Indispensible To The Toilet.

Darbys Prophylactic Fluid eure

chafing, eruptions and inflamation of

all kinds; cures inflamed or sore ey¢ss

relieves pains from bites or stings of

insects and sore feet; destroys all

taint of prespiration or offensive

sinell form the feet or any part of the

body; cleanses and whitens the skin

Use aga dentifrice it purifies the

toothache; sore gum and canker. A

ittle of the Fluid in the Wator used

in bathing is very refreshing und

specially beneftoi to the Sick.

Attention Farmers!CLOSING OUT: Genuine Stecl

Plows oly $10.00 Cash at E. O.

Clay & Bro’s. Call at once if you

wanta bargain,


W are in want of a few more good

men to canvass for the sale of ehoice

varieties of nursery: stock, Any man

who can make mauceess of the buainess

we can pay good salary or commission,

and giye permanent employment, We

have many new and choice specialties

both in fruit and ornamental line which

figetty, nervous, and | t

ace up. Brace up, but not with stim-|1,Jants, spring medicines, or Jitters.)

pad whisky,and which stimulates you

another of the few beautiful Songs]

full of passio and feeling, any singer



who sings the popular songs of the} $

breath; preserves the teeth and cures SUE eles.“rest or


‘The undersigne ha for sale 97

head of fine Stock Sheep. Any one

wishing to purchas sheep will do

well to call and inspect said flock 14

miles south of Etna Green.

Sracy H. Rocxmu.

We were lately asked what

magazin had made the best progress

during the past year, and were

unable to give an answer; but Demo

resis monthly for September baving

just arrived calls the question to ou:

mind,and an examination of this

elegant Family Magazine obliges us

to admit that it would be difficult

for any publication to show niore

enterprise and progress. AN the

Department sre so complet that

there is nothing left to be desired;

information can be found herein on

every point interesting to the bouse—



yon want first-class job of Slate

Roofing done, don’t fail te call on or

write to John Bilger, as he has

first-elass slat and sny work done

by him is strictly warranted. A car

load of slate just received. Prices to

suit the times. Silver Lake, Ind.


All persons are hereb notified to

desist from trespassin upon my

premi for the purpos of hunting,

shooting or gatheri berries in the

future, 3. ARNSBARGER.


BOOKExtraagewAgents who he

te we


The CREAM of all BOOKS of

ADVENTURECondensed into One Yoiume.


and Daring DEEDS.‘The thrilting adventures of all


her expo

ene ana frontie Rent th wl si

wil b ver a

Erm ber Eiouse


‘gles will be lower than

“elsewhere considering the

quality of goods.





Lumber Shingl & LatALSO FINE NEW YORK

S Li H Plas Cs ffard and Soft Goal.

Market Price,Paid for No. i Wheat,Lower Gades in Proporstion. Our Prices on allLumber, Lath and Shines

Sciatica, Seratchess




| torit. Oncor the reas

the 3

applicability. Everybody

‘Phe Tambermannecde it in

‘The Hanaewifo needs!

‘The Canter necds it for!

Mechanic needs It a!


‘The Pliner needs it in ease of

‘The Pieweerncré: k—ean'

oDhe Furmer needs

and his stock Tent‘The Steamboat

tem hberat

Tho Ti

friend aud

Win ki

|r m




eno wheo

Gall and see our gsodz.

A. Tucker & Ge.


Im Circulation cod Potties! Influence te the

Lead Republ NewspAN THz NORTHWEST.

W OCEAN haa from the boginntag been

pitions aed American |

See tne advoonts of equal rights for all be-

fore the lam of prote 1p aunesican labor, wud

BUkke den that America Im for Americans not Bee

ate moricens by birwh, but ene citicens Of he

GPbeior i the Wr and Western‘of ome

astestpP! Fa ia bald



its apposition to the wubedy ale

co SStecen


Insuag changers of Now York

Sity and the Staves tatolyTHE INTER OORAN t

Republican part




pe Nad insaaoreRihomatmed woeso

Se would lonve ne di

Sad, consequentment of Soldiers!Such pension inwr

fon inwant.por THR INTER OCEAN is not ox:

(ha SeBclaL NEWS BV

Branch Omices.

{be Daily Inter ocean‘Ta published every day in the year

Tric exelus o Sun = $8.0 p Yea

©” Sun inede "=== 1.00

{be Semi-Weekly Inter Qecan

fe pablished on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and

PEDUGhe the News concensed from the Daily.

THE SENILsg other features,

&lt WERT

Swing and other lead:Amos

pegueseme one‘Mininters of Chicago.

Price, $2.50 per Year.

[he Weekly Inter @ocan

Ban tne LARGEST CIRCULATION of any weekly

nome Weak of New York.

tn 1984, before the reduction ef postage, It pela


$25,000.Price, $1.00 per ¥ ear.

Beery effort

nrvan oGaANBEd tat can be taken into O27

Seqtrhes mecsbers. The:



EeSRs.BBSSRaw prowdy Loswa, and BP.

te ading teararae otinn pape wich MOTs

teases gan Ix THE HOME CIRCLE will

eee SOG nad improved, and nothing

Bacentitne Sheep trin the ont rene

Wnouasoan REw


°S be outof tho reac



‘asd gitl ough to be fumileTh'ca bard.


Jchttn haa made apecial arrangements



Brown’s History- the United States

Gan be offered with THR

‘Sue your. at

ON DOLLAR A‘both eh


NPor hatory


very low




paper,‘and paper.




paye jor the paper One Year wad the History,






any‘will be sont om epphiostion.

“at our risk, elther by2


the re do not handle,’ —

‘Address at once, with references.

Pearl street, New York, or Lakeside

Builaing. Chicago.

k -

May Broruers, Nurserymen

Rocnester, N. Y

vay, ba maacte,“order,

‘pont bsvoondag,



este are al

‘of tne




The BEST and ths GHEAPES

the universal verdict concerning

justly celebrated MENMTONE TILE.

A large and complete assortment of

this Tile constantly cn hand atthe Fac-

fis, [1D East Main Si., Mentone




gard of




aia .

iHid ak


trays st

NEW, wp totx!






rice bok: ake

leper i tyPLANET PU

Pine Street S

@daya time given Agents without

Instruction Books and

Catetoguea and Erieo Lists,00

ShattN &

The ELDREDGE “B” is sold with the

graarante of being the BEST

that can be MADE.persist

“o Appetien. He eat

‘Sernbyeh aneapa

by cice

rae oesae



363 and 365 WABASH AVE.

iene the ated

Bet R pin poe

sera Peco writ hea fe DRHaney ON 1CSIC 6

bors pieincote Rerepa

“ano Say

hat fern





ays cn

ot wlon:




case of acoldent.

ral family Use.

amsand bis men.

his work






Fiano Stools.

apulicetion, FRE


Jer 20 esnamtom:

Sou Jatad Tissese tan ebon‘rund omn go ruoepee 1818 TIO,

HD P ot or lagejretren suvatout os

Mapua oy goss

‘Slugenred Snowme ooh1a gsaus see


gods fasr02

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Sear ra Be Donenay she wor ire

Spee atagentniees ioed Sed

fa Gigssteagron ane tees ot

Beare cose sos SuiSO OLLARO: peter

Soreay go


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PUN Uefa pan

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a erate mmr tnt

all for Pluta or Foney. Table

Aging. Sond for Illustrated Clreulars

2 A.J, WEIDENER, is Osa ef Potat

Mo. 30 & Socond Street, Philadelphia, Pa-

S.A, SMIT &a GO:3d St. Phil. Pa.

Sapland Fea

cies Their eayerrs


se teeuitios aro mab

asec*ectings and specifications P

forthe Pare Udies 00 shore Bi

Pale No charge for exa

Se Adg bY

ensiidty Mugtrated ngwapnpery Wegen eds&qu

2 doroted t uenee aed 2


bygatietsc pehe bast paneues Tacsatioan ak

‘ot ore

of etatate te a

Tag eee ineunaion panentedseat Skee Por ono dolar

8ott soenite to


WekS paeas sist

VOL. 3.


4.3 sana SOGasew, Sa.


i of the ills of tho human




LOGAL NEWS.—o—o—o—9—0—0— 0000

Lemon snaps;

O—Vanilla wafers;

ER Lemon creams;

TT—Basket Jap teas

—Cocoannt taffy;Ee—Pure joint jelly;

Gr—Desicated celery;

oporated apricots;FR—Nichigan cream cheese;

=Z_A now line of school tablets.

—Rigdon; the Warsaw dentist,

next Monday.

—The new business rooms are

ready for the white coat.

—Mrs. W. B. Doddridg is visit-

ing frien at Hebron, Ind.

—The Mentone lega fraternitythe world for short cuts.

from. 6range to

—Those evaporate apricots at

tie Corner grocery are deliciv

and cheap.

—he Gazette bas


new sig

Now dow&# say any more that you

can&# find our office.

—Charley Kintzel is with






CHURCHEPISCOPAL: brick elmieh on


grocery is ne:



tinili close out ow

jeash or



{0 employ the





Foil rime imetect Nev

aunt fartber Moree,


c ain am Ly.


ew 5

stove preferred, Corner g

parents at present, He will start for

Dakota next week.

--Miss Exie Smith and Mrs. Poff-

Walkerton this week.

—Wanted, to trade a goo cos

burner for a wood burner; be

—That pound plug of tobacco

—Danlap wan

turned. ¥

—Rigdon the dentis will be at

‘Mentone again Ménday, Avg., 29.

Take your potatoe to the

Comer grocery and- the cash for

s his baskets re-—Sre Rigdo next Monday.

Best steaks 10 cents at Love&#


—Tlerenles powde for sale at N.

N.Latimer’s hardware store.

—W. E. Garriso1 n tamily started

for K inst Wednesday morning.

—Drngs and medicines always at

fair prices at Middleton&# drug


—Father Babsock will fill Elder

Graham’s place at the M. E. church


~-Rev. Graha Went to Detroit

last Wednesday to purchas windows

for th Baptist chateh.

Lumber lath and shingles for sale

at Mentone. by°CeH, Adams, agent

for Hrackett & Bagrett. of Rochester.

--Chieago Exeursion, Sept., 3d.

by Popula Nicke Plate. Tickets

goo Ten Days. $2 Round Trip.

S for satisiactoryG


ING, Bre., atTow figure&qu “Domestic” is the star that

leads them all. Call at A. N. Ham-

tett’s shop and see this truly beauti-

ful and standard sowing machine.

. -Farmers will do well to call at

Love’s meat market for their bills

for threshing da Orders filled day

or night; supply always sweet snd


—Rigdon, the Warsaw dentist, is

meeting with a goo prtronage at

this place. of his pro-


—'The Comer Grocery has a few

odd pieces of queensware it will

close out cheap.

—Wateh,clock and jewelry re-

pairing lone promptly and at reason-

able rates hy Middleton,P.

—A good house and lot for sale in

the west part of town, For particu-lurs enquire of J- D. Heighway.

—3> Cents will now pay tor new

subscriptions to the GazeTre until

January 1 1883. ‘Tell your friends.

To Chieago and return b Nickel

Plate, Saturday, Septembe 30 Es.

cussion, Lo rates from al! station:

—he gas business in Northern

Indiana turns out to be prineipally a

bore. Mentone had a narrow eseape

—Xrs John Fotks moved her

household good to Frankfort, Ini.

yesterda where her busband is em-

ployed.—— rich mines are being open-

ed in Ark. Ore taken last week from

amine 20 miles north of Bear City

assaye $1,212 in gol and $92 iv

silver to the tun.

—A new line of school avd writ-

ing tablets, the largest, be and

cheapest in the City at the Corner

grocery. --A Brick Church in Valparaiso,

Ind, G4s104, costing $21,000 was

Aedicated last Sunday. Dr. A. Ma

riae, of Trinity Church, Lafayette,

Ind., preache the dedieatory


—The Domestic is the finest finish-

ed and the best sewing machive

made, A. N. Hamlett is agent at

this pVeal may be kept perfectly fresh

for several months, in the hottest of|

weather, by simply turning the calf

case ot Stevizk ys. John

Milter, for trespass end damages,

—summy ts hunting a new

partner._&#3 B, Ford pulle up stakes and

started for Ligonier last Wednesday.

He goes into the saloon business at

that place.

=—Mrs. C. M. Smith and Mrs. E.

M. Crall took a drive across the

country to Miami county fest


—Jacob Brneh has a

Bi Casstock of confectionery, candies,

whic he will close out

Cali in and get a bargain

—A.N. Hamlett was at North

Liberty several days this week, at

the bedsiit of his step- who i

very poorly, with uo hope of recov-

ery. Later: A dispatch received

last evening announces his death

‘Mr, Hamlet will gow back to-day.

—The hardest job an editor has,

says an exchange, is to blow about

the progressiv proclivities of his

own town, when the ‘business men do

not appreciat his efforts enoug to

qive him a small advertisement.

Some business men can appreciate it

until it comes toa few dollars and

cent then you ean pleas excuse


—-An event of more than ordinary

importance Lappene over in Whit-

ley county last Monday, Herman

Harteock, vounty Sheriff, who has

some acquaintances in this seetion,

wag out surveying a piece of Jand

about seven miles from home. Noth-

ing specially remarkalle about

but in his absenee a tittle girl came

to claim a share of theitaiti

home. His wife decided to

kee it, at least until the Sheriff re-


Indispensible To The Toilet.

Darbys Prophylactic Fluid exre

chafing, eruption and inflamation of

all kinds; cures inflamed or sore eyes;

Chicago Daily Ney

Night and allthe leading

ry papers at Middleton'

ith hes moved

with his family te Rechester c

jtuation as sslesman in a


hisStockberger, Mentos


coo chewers.

‘e the advance. Tl

plug at the Corner |

1 gone.

eent pound

anid wife, of De |

ing her son

linger, ever Sunday.

remained several days this week.

—Heating stoves and cooksle

ale cheap ov trade for weed, nlso

r stock of imple-on, at for

0. CLAY & Bro.

—The school board have decided

fellowing teachers

for the winter term: oxgess,

ments, not in


s rst,

|, Mi

Nora Melic interme

14 Ezra Railsback, primary.

_W. H. Smit who moves to Alt

bama iv October, bas traded forty

acres of real estate to John Bennett

for his saw mill, It will be shippe

to that state where it will be operate +

by Mr. Smith. —[Akron Echo

_-Rev. Isaae, Crago, of Burket,

was in town several days this week.

iting orders for “Decrls



Deeds.” two excellent and interest-



ing books.

ints are.on sale at

ppany, at lowest‘desired. Bag

Torouzh tick 1 po

peipatl tthe co


r Age Clevelond Obio

LAY. Agent, Mentone, Ind.


to solicit orders for our reliable Nur-

eeryStock. Good Salary and Expen-

ge3 or Commission. Permanent em

ploymen guaranteed ‘Address at once

vatingage.SNELL & HOWLAND.

Nw ymen, S Loui -

S (Nurseries in Western N.Y.)


1 give notice to all per—

vfrom ti g upon

for the purpo ofcoming

J desire t

sons to desi:

my premisesgatherin berri

season Plo



—Say, boys, ene dollar per month

will secure you one $200.00 share in

the Building, Loan and Savings As

sociation about to be organize in

Mentone, and your Savings thus in-

vested will earn you from 15 to 25

per vent interest.

_—The County Teachers’ Institute

begin nt Warsaw next Monday .

The program as publishe foreshad-

ows a profitabl meeting to those in-

terested in edueational affairs.

plain that Supt. McAlpine uncer-

stands the needs of the professio

ancl has prepar to supply the same

_-The Gazerze establishment did

a large job of printing this week for

the 7th Ind. Cav, Regimenta Associ-

ation which holds its fifth” annual re-

union at Indianapolis on Septewber

21, F.M. Chaplin and E.S. Black-

ford, of Warsaw, and Rey. Reeves, of

this place are members of that organ-

ization. Th latter is Secretary

‘un pastnre, brought over from Furkett, on a

_-Prof. 0. S. Fowler, the noted | of venue, to Ju

phrenologist end lecturer, died on] ton’s court last Tuosday, tamal ont

the 18tb, at his home at Poughkeep-


to be a brief a Judgement was

fe, New Yo rendered against the plaintit for

The first uumber of the Cheru-| costs. Mr. Moreland, of Warsarr,

tucea Dispatch is received, Jt is as sttorney for plaintitf, Eller and

published by ©. H. Downey bat Summy tor defendant,

ces evidence of bis being a full| —“Deedsof Daring by Blue and

dedged editor. Gray” is the most rbrilling book

__We did quitea joh of printing [ever peblishe on the late wa. Itis

this week for Kaley & Zeehiel, the /made up entirely of accounts of ade

w ke proprietors of the Anh. Yenture, narrow escapes and brave

heensubbec Roller Mills xt. DeLong, [ets by friend and foe, Every soldier

Ch firin has the reputation | Will read it with enthasinsm, Every

aking anexeelient grade of flour. |yung Person who has any recollec-

tion of those exeiting days will be

ae codeen tncte by-( TE ateeat 8 ee


Teachers will find in this book Utose

oms rapidly for eM, i 7

nating narratives so ‘vell alapterlForst will extend his wa room on ¢ t important bistorieal

wp another story to correspend in j

jo rivet important historical events

upon the memory of pu

Sharles and Deeter & Fi-

fer are pashsim MM.


Mrs. [heigh with the other buildings o tn buiklings Cf the| 96 Crago, of Burkett, is agent for


premise for the pu

block.oe this county, and will be glad to take

your order for the book.

=-St. Nichols for September

opens with a delightful frontispiece,

by Mary Hallock Foote, illustrating

“Tib Tyler& Beautiful Mother,” a

charming tale of life at a seaside wa-

tering-place, by Nora Pirry. A paper

Down in Perry county a queet |yhat will interest hoys is the article

m occurr Miss 5 Hospital, the mous

Lawrence, 62 years old and 237 |upiuecort School” of London,—

pound heavy, wedded Charles Love


where the scholars never wear bats,

years old and 110 light. The} qress very nearly as the boys did

bride was very rich and the husband ghen the school was founded, bund

as poor ss a rat, but he was Jove all

over. — Times.

—Aterriffic hailstorm swept over

Atchison, s last Saturday.

Hail measuring nine and ten inches in.

cirenmference fell. Windows were

demolished generally The heavy

French plate glass in over twenty

buildings was demolished.

quaint and curions customs,

An exchange very trathfully re-| girls and boys will be interested in

marks: “The fellow who loafs|the race-hunt, in E. S. Brooks’

aronnd on the streets all day ant goes


«Historic Girls” series of “Christina

heme at night toa wife, mother or|of Sweden,” who was yauch more like

sister, who works hard tosupport him|, boy thana girl& her nature, and

cau tell you exactly what the country |was, in fact, drowned “King” of

needs to make it prosperous and] Sweden.’

what policy a newspaper ongh to

pursue and the kind of matter to

make it a grand success,

—Only $2.10 to Chicago and re-


utc. So Noah Webster bas been

called, and two or three generations

turn, by Popnlar Nickel Plate, Sat o So ee sal aayarday, Sept., 34, in elegant Pullman Webeter’s Spellin book to the col-

day Conebes. Tria leaves Mentore,|iege graduate an the man of letters

2 P.M Rou trip only #2.10.|;. wenster Unabridged Dictionary.

Arrivin at Chicago 7:50 P. M.|-phe latter has been rebuilt and adde

Tickets goo for retum 10 days.!to until it is a grent University,

Seeure tickets and berths from neat-| comprisin not only its main trunic oest Nickel Plate Agent, or address


pexieography but its minor branches

It is|J. W. Butler, Exeurs asla



is sitler, Excursion Manager.|;. a Biographic Dictionary of nesr-|3y “pown 82 north,

$8 Sencea St., Cleveland. Obio.

—Rev. L. Coomer, of the M.P.

ly 10,000 Names ,a New Gazetteer

ofthe World with 25,000 Titles with


church, b the request of the mem-} valuable information in condensed

bers of the Plymouth circuit, has form under each title, and s variety

been returned by the General Con-| of other useful things in its elaborate

ference which has just closed its an-

session at Marion, Ind.

be his third year on this charge.The peopl of Mentone will be gisd bulky and

to welcome him back. His next ap-] What more

pointmen at this plac will be Sun-|ry than we now

day, Septemb 11, at 10:30 A.M,





have in Webster’s

‘Middle. |in

n-| Its Intest addition, the Gaz- Notion and meet on

‘Wiis letter, must be of great use to the]pact quarterpo of sald section,

many who do not possess the more


can we.ask in a Diction-

pains from bites or stings of

destroys all

GRoocERyY!Dd you know that

: $100 —

will buy more good at

this store than at any oth-

er store in Mentone?


Produc o all Kind


>is— PEN

at of prespiration or offensive

gmnel form the feet or any part of the

vodly; cleanses and whitens the skin

Use asa dentifrice it purifies the!

erves the teeth and cures

tootmker. A

little of the Fluid in the

in bathing is very refreshing

speciall beueficial to the Sick.

or used


Attention Farmers!CLOSING OUT: Genuine Steel

Plows only $10.00 Cash at

Clay & Bro&#3 Call at once if you

want a bargain


‘All persons are hereby notified to

desist from trespassin upon my

rpose of hunting,

ing berries in the

S. ARNSEARGER.shooting or gathefuture.



Notice is hereby given, that the

undersigned has been appointe by

the Clerk of the Kosciusko Cirenit

Court, in the State of Indiana, Ad

ministrator of the estate of ILanmret

M. Doxe late of Kusciusko County,

deceased, Said estate is suppose to

be solvent.






Angust 13, 1887.



We are in want of a few more

men to canvass for the sule of choice

varieties of nursery stock, Any man

Who ean make a success of the business

Bring us your Butter

Eggs, Potatoes and Meat °

and Get Highest Cash



CRO GLAS a LAAt Rock-Bottom Prices.



> Rea, ic




we can pay good salary or commission,

and give permanent employment. We

have many new and choice spreialties

bot in fruit and ornamental liue which

thers do not handle,Address at once, with references.

May Brormers, NurserymeoRocusstsr, N.

Notice Of Survey.

‘To Wuost It Mar Coscers?

Yon are hereby notified that T, the

undersigne have employe Groce

W. McCarter, Surveyor tor Koset-

usto Comnty, Indians, to divide and

set apart my Jan situated in Section

and Range 4

east, The Survey will commence

‘on the 23 day of Septemb 1887,

‘and continue from day to day until

‘gnished, ‘Those whose lands ste

affected by said Survey, will take

said date at the

(Signe Jars H. Buvs.

__Now is a goo time to sub-

senib for the GaZETRE-




A Cood Supply Always on Hands

at LOW Prices.


Ropairing Neatly avd Promptly Done.


Liv Fe a S Sta


| 2. Jefferies,





Latest Intelligencs From all Parts of

the World.


Pee Guiadne ‘Tho Merbichead Lime Works, south of|

ing stresnoms: oor:

Quiney. 11h, were burned Saturday Loss,

on ction of the Red River Valley tipe i50) Ai the property bummed with


exception of the depot and post oftes,

Tux corrent assessment of tazables in was owned by the Chicago Loner Com-

Camaais shoes aa increase over last|

pany, of Chicara Nearly covered B

oar of $132,00)00 ‘The total assess:"SRFANe®,


inent of Sao Francisco couaty is $251, ‘Two barns at Hastings, Michigan.

taining twenty Norm

dostroved by lightning.perished the loss exesedimg SI.

‘The village of De Graff, in Logan

county. Obiq


almost destroyed by

fire Satantay ‘Th loss was about

$900,009,The flouring mill of Direks & Uo. of

(©. wes Lume Wednesday

oss, $20,000, Tho ( ineinnati,

oa and Baltimore railroad

beigg new by was damage! 10 some ex



(. M SMITH, Pomwesr

je oficia’ are mak-


to defeat the



It Curer Coronow is as ugly in war

paintasa his portraits show him tobe in

al costume, he mast bes “holy was


‘Tux stocks of wheat in store at Minne-

G22n48 bushels last week.

the Mimneapoli wheat and four war!

is Luttish,

morning:‘ket Washingt

‘A uesipent ot Labrador rites to The

New York Herald that, unless assistance

specdily comes, the people of that pro-

vince will perish on masse of starvation

during the appsdaching wint!


Ywo encives and fifteen loaded cars

were demolished in a collision on

Chesapenke Ohio railroad

blow UP ® Charleston. Virginia, mvolring a loss

ridge at Suny, Ireland, with dynamite, ihe company of $750

but no serious damages resulted. The&#

town hall at Crusheen, County Cork, 85in the

abso fired into, bat no one was injured.



near |

Aw arrewrr was mado +to

K. A. Archos, professor of hygiene |

University of Penneylvania, was

;drowned at Atantic City.

Conenatap skoat


Gniny effects of


At Enield, IL, where the Sighiy seventh

cag Mary Seait a Boston beggar, justitineis


Regiments, and the soldiers of

Se ike quis Inkad aires, gon,Cbts nad Bomnites counties Kre

cet aie, Goverammnt bonds, an baak


inf their reunion, two shocki accidents

credits, a total of between $6,000 andoceurred Friday. During the hain bat-

tle. two cannons used by b siogers and)


Desioged were promatueely discharged and

Miso Curase Staurrew, the New Or- mang persons vere injured.

leans bolle, to whom Mr. Tildea loft §100,- Two pracenger engines in the yards Of

tua, ia at Bar Harbor, aud gees i for the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company, a

rowing aud other out-of-door exeroises. Philadelphia ran away Thorslay night,!

crenee me of the best-dressed young end Morris Thompson and Joe Kelley. re

ceived fatal injuries The locomotives

were almost totally destroyed.

New Jensen' Prijon holds 850° The North German steamer

conviets, of whom LM) can neither read Trane. from Bremen, crashed imto the

hor write. Sep. Laight school will be pier at Hoboken. N. J. Friday, and part |

opened, to be in session two houra each of ashed fell pon tho passungers. who;

evening. All who would learn the radi FOr? cone b eee ee, awere fatally, and very many seriously in-

mente may do so. a = ”

women there,


A New Your heiress, accotling to re The coroner&#3 jury at Washington con-

cent report, purchase a Chicazo massaze sured the Baltimore & Obio Railroad Com- |

operator for $100,000; at least she paid pany for the accident that oceurred at the

hus wife that amount to allow the diveres. “Y& there Wednesday.

‘She evidently had an exaggerated iden of The inqnest ow the bodies uf the vic-

the value of the rab.tims of the wreck at Chatsworth, 111 has |

been concluded, the coroner's jury hold:

Mus Cirveuann enjoying her rest atsng Timothy Coughtin, section toss, to

Marion, saya sho 1s grateful to the pres the grand jury. ‘The company is not

uf the country for uot seeking her out ment:oned in the verdict. and the good |

for interviews, an} she wooll much pre- men and true thought “the bridge was |

fer anything she may say should be pub- fred from ti_

lished im the third person.Francis A. Scott, who had been capt

of Company A, Fifty-fifth Hlineis Volun-

(Oy Late the atmesphere of the Hub jeors, was killed by a train near Baltimore,

appears to be freizhte with pride. ‘The, Mu, Wednesday night.

Hestou Globo ia moved toremark: “James” An elevator in which were eighteen!

Hurns, the ‘prinee of thieves&qu has died in women. fell from the third floor of G.

Hamburg. He was a Boston boy. Bos- Sidenburg & Coe building in New York.|

tun boys always get to the top of thei thursday, easing the death of Mra. dane

profession.” Lynch, and injuring many others quite

While his attendants were asleep Thurs:

in thecity a few wooks, was heard to re aay morning, C. A. Rice, sutferiag from

mark that he hal eaten so much levand typioid ferer, at Coloma, Mich. arose

Latterine he wouldn' be able to 100k 8. from his bed, procured a revolver and shot |honest cow in the {aco oa hi retarn himself.

home; the old creature would accuse him fn Ne York Wednesday 8 yonmz man

of yoing back on hie best friend. threw away the stump of a cigarette,

skogneanea In

«which lodged in the skirts of Miss Ella

_Tu sratema Cle ong aedntn eth son hve wea

death bot for the prompt netion of by

Lites continues. It is reported at RawUNS tqgders

that 150 of them are Hzhting fifteen milesAy Gepreus train on the Haltimors nud

{romMere ee it ta wi the Ohio rautroad few the track a2 it wat ap

7 b proaching the station at Washington. a1

the couutey in sad to Le “all on fire

(ween the White and the Bear rivera


A Covsrex gentleman, after tarrying


crashed into a three-story brick building |used by the company 83 a Fignal-tower.

Sineuants SEMIS SOL phen unayTh MENON Rind vodiabout (07

aus abeconded wit § Te Sothers injared, some of them dangerous y.

ae ee eer R Y ua TM SER SS! nee bre tater oti nir-brakes,

been heard from. He eoufessed hia guilt —

United States Consal General

Wittiam Sloan, eterk of the Tittsburgh

poties court, was shot in a dive in that»

city by Paddy McGraw, a notorious des:


perada. Sloan died seven hours later

Deasi” Witcox, ten yeare o!2. of Cin MeGraw is in enstady.

ciunati, is ahora. ‘The other evening he John Dwan, a railroad fireman was

was rowing in the Obiv river with a little assassinated in East Saginaw, while walk-

miss of eight, when their boat was cap- ing on the street, by some unknown per-

sized by the waves froma passing steamer son, ‘Three men were arrested on su

set both throws into the water. The lad picion. but the evidence ccunecting them |

swam to the girl peized her by the arm,With the affair is stigh*.

ce eith cap haat sai to the-Obio,_Walter’S: Baboock, the: Chiengo lumber!

ing the Tittle giel as well as him Merchant who was +0 mysteriously shot

ay night at Gardner, ELL died of his in-|

== jures Sunday atternoon. H mado no;

Tux fire losses in the United States <tatement as to the eireamstanees of the

Guring the rst seven months of 1587 are



computed at 876,924,100, An analysis of (°.R. Hodge, alias W. IL Carroll, a no&q

the statisties shows that incendiarism is torious coafidence man and forger, who

teapomaible for a larger percentage of recently escaped from the Columbus pen-

fires than tny other known cause. De- itentinry, was captnred in Chicago ‘Satar

fective flues come next, which speaks very4 ht.


badly for Amoriean recklessness

construction of buildings. The

insurance loss to the aggregate loss from|


has been commence] against the latter

for $210,000

ay 3

‘The family of C.O'Briea of Elkhart,


fire daring the past ten years average

per cent. Notwithstanding the prev

ing opinion to the contrary, it doos mot

appear that fire waste is inereasing mors

rapidly in proportion than the value of

destructible property in the country.


sent to the penitentiary Friday.

Samuel B. Gann, a wealthy stock raiser


of St Jon Mo, was shot and fatally

‘An opp Mormon romance appears to wounded on the highway near bis home

have been revived by The Globe Demo- early Thursday morning. The object



rat as chowa by a revent St. Louis dis-|tbe shooti wae robbery,|

An armepatch, ‘The atory ia 10 the effect that


bo # in pursalt of Ma:ossnllanit.

vee. time about the year 1542 Joseph


Sherif’ Lynch. of Alpena

ae ne ee nmcled of en nginh {B One of the Cleveland far-robbare while

seen cea eakmay aniay ho bod-eax rremtin thems few Gare.szo, Ja 9°)

ed ike Merin dalth|

his injuries at Detroi ound

pome t Morm faith That wasnce killed by this gang while resisting

abont th time Smita was said to have re- ‘

Sey cuarsistion sanctioning and’ reel

Ceeetise aoe boatman ato

: J Coughlan, end Harrington—are in jail at |

commending polygamy. The prophet Cieretand.

‘wished to take the girl as hia spfritual

to which she consented o condition

that if she bore a non he shoold in the—

We on clits tac tha ead ot oe Sasenal ipckonkel ihe: Supleies of

{eine Olhareh, The eoteact waa catered


tte Now York shos factéries arising Irom

Morse close ven born, ant stucsted| corms deraands of the Knights of Labor, i

by the mother in England to Gt him for‘* said to be immisent



of age, and likely lo appear asa com

petitor for the vacant presidency. There Pranasivania coke region.

may besome groundwork for the story, *, atrike among the Milwaukee brewers

dat even wore the story true the English- ig agid to be impending The cvopers

man woul! etand little chance of becom aim the brewing firms ha beon pur.

ing Taylor successor. Thehond of the|. kegs made. by non-union men, |

Mormon church ia elected by the chief and the emptoyes will show their alley

eldere, and ia not a hereditary offioa ance to union principles by striking.|

left barning. tne


crop is light.condition.

a, who was shot S8BT°R!


t expende the

most of anydepartmen', $51,011, with

New York next, $45,80 Ithmois expendedMichigan. $2.

‘The interns broveane Lurern Jonounees

the reporte from Chicago about the

transfer of gaugers to xpd from Louis. | 81103, Indiana, $5,63

ville ae entirely sensational. It is a habit, | and Wisconsin, $4,159.

they say. coustaatly practice’. by which


Senator Frye, who has just returned

grogers’ errors aind frauds are uften cur- frum a five month&#3 sojeara in

Fected, ba is no more signifieant ia this


says that what = Kies ene

Gere thna in others oecaring almost daily. abroad was the extreme poverty of the

‘The civil service commissioners arc


masses and the frighifal prevaience of the

still unable to come to an agreemen re: drink evil.

garding the charges preferred by the Chi-

cago C Servico Reform league against

the adininistration of the cestombonse and

office in that city. Commissioner Bl: |

gerton’s report contains an onslaught

non civil sertic reform organizations t¢

which bis colleagues dectine to affix their

names There will probabl be three re

ports on the question.Colonel D.S Lamoat left Washington

Friday for New York for stro


Two Russian ft hare been ¢:

polled from Berlin by the imperial gor-


‘ Dublin dispate eays Mr. Parne!l has

that his visit has no political significance.

Resoluticns denouncing the proclama-


tiun of the National league were passed

&quo British Minister at Washington ba» ae peo of (Eres and “asked an explanation from the Unite Laa tage bel

States government of the recent seizures aan ‘a3 usnal, throaghout Ire-

of British vessels in Behrin sea.


Doring the three years ending July 30. M. Deront President of the French

4.315 postmesters were appointed. ‘Tho Patriotic eagns, bas been tende a ban

total number of postoffices in the country ae by omen ijn) Re ore

is 58,1571e speec al in allusions to

ie hes been offeially stated at the In-


the cordial relations existing vetwsen

terior Tepartment that, white decisions


France amd Ramas tothe indemnity grants of all of the Frince Ferdina has retnsed th re-

ralroads on the list wilt be rendered 4000 O the foreign cons at Philip

none of them will contain any new fent- popotis for an unofiicial interciew. MM

som and that they will all be short and


Radosla and ‘ontchelf decline to form.

formal ani will refer either to the de



eision in the Atlantic and Pacific cass, or &quo rebeltion in Afghanistan has col

the Northern Pacific ease for their ¢x- | lapsed.

planation: ‘hese two cases have becn ‘The Irish National leazus ha been

Incite te fe oven pen SME | wpatmed” end tho provons of te

‘The war department dectinss to author- scor ot ee nn iTe b

ize the employment of troops to ascist a ‘Salis ‘ea ori tie commthe sheriff posse in arresti the fre py Mr, Balfour, chief secretary for Ire:

tron Ute Aodha Gen. Crook, howe land. All the important docaments ‘of

has been instructed tu take. all meoessnty ox have Nemoved from the

steps for the protectio of the &ttlers


headquarters in Dublin.

On September 23, 1862, PrPOLITS7AL.


——marck became the foreign minister of

‘The Virginia Ropabl can State commit:


pygsoia, andon the 8th of October fol-

tee has issued a lengthy addres: to the Mesumed t premiership Prep-

Kepublican slectors of the State, ia which


grations are making for the celebration

the demand made in the Demoeratie State


of the twenty-8fth anniversaries of these

gonvention for repeal of the internal


events The Prossian government has

soernue taxes is denounced as insinosre,


ordered a colossal bust of the chancellor

ana in conflict with the poticy of the dem-


in marble as memorial of the vecasion.

ocratie party of the country,

‘The United Labor party 1 cor

Syracusa N.Y. Friday, nominaled

Henry George for Secretary of State,

Floyd county. Iowa, Republicans nom-

nated Dr. EB. Wiltur for the Legisla-

are. Allthe county officers, excepting

supervisor, were renominated

‘The united labor convent ion assembled

‘ince Bis-

Maxwells Ferterae to]

‘Asix-hours stay in Washington to-

day gav Mr. P. W. Fauntleroy, coun-

sel for Maxwell, time to have the seal

of the Supreme Court aftixed by the

Clerk on the writ of error granted by

Justice Miller at Bloek Island, and to



‘Virginia, where he has relatives

einai| jiving. Mr.& Fauntleroy was much

aoeplease wit th suecess of his mission.

See de time uy


He ureie said hat, th wr wa‘e


c(grant on the claim that Max-

ported in faror of the sitting 4°)ey had not been fairly tried, and

that he was deprived of liberty wit

f law, ‘The right.ye said, Was guarantee under the

fitth amendment to the Constitution

which had been violated in Maxwell&#39

ease. There were, he said, a number

Of points. in his application, whic

wos a long one, ‘Tre chief of these

were that the public bad been exelud.

ed by th police from the trial duringthe first day& proceeding that one of

the counts in the indietment was bad

or defective and bad been amended

b the court instead of by the (rand

‘Jury, and then a detective had obtain.

ea an alle confession from Max.

well by trickery, and had used this

rt of testimony against him. Mr.

Fauntleroy said that he had great

hopes of having the writ sustained: by

the full Court when it met in October

next. He had bad no difientty with

rstice Miller, and thonght his argu-

ment would be equally convincing to

the other Justices. The questionwould be whether there was. groundfor Federal interference—that



whether the Court ought to exercise

jurisdiction. If the Court interfered,

Me. Fontleroy said, he would

new trial, If it decided against him,

then Maxwell&# next chance was the

clemency of the Governor.

ebraska prohibitionists nor} in-

ated J. F, Abbott, of Seline county, for

supreme judge, and adopted the regualtion platform.

‘Vhe Lincoin homestead at Springtistd,

cently deede? to the state by Mr. Robert

T. Lincoln. will be restored as nearly as

possib’e to its condition when ocoupied

by the late presitent.‘The Pacific railway commission held a

brief session at Portland. Oregon. The

testimony thas far taken lls twenty one

thousand pages.

OF the eleven delegates chosen by dis-

triet assembly No. 4% Knights of Labor,

tothe gener. as-embty, all but ono are}

opposed to th) Home club and to the

Puwdorty administration.

John T. Dobbins, who lives at

Camuen, the Now Jersey Grotna Green.

000 in marriage fees dar-

ing the last year ands half. Most of his

patrous come from Pennsylvania.

Reports from varions points throush-

out the west agre&gt that the recent rains

came tolateto be of much value to the

corn crop. Dakota alone reports, the

condition of the crop above the average.

Pasturage was revived by the rains, and a

fair supply of fall feed is anticipated.

‘The yield of potatocs is short om acconnt

of the prolonged drought. The appleCattle are improving


&quot late Judge Aaron Goodrich had

men who

‘The great phosphate industry of Sonth

Carotina ix in a domoralized condition.

‘An attempt is making to form a combingtion of the various companiee for the par.

pos of balling prices,Mra Warren Edgerton, once ¥ilely

known as Julia Duly, the actress, died

Sanday at Newfiold, New Jersey, of par

alysis.Contracts for twelve additional cottages

a hospital and a sewerage system for the

Soldiers’ home st Quincy were aviarded

Satarday night by the board of trustees.

The aggregate cost of thes> improve-

monts wil be $124 O76.

‘The captain of the Bear wrote to his

brother, the R Father P. F. Healy a

ago, stating that the cattor had

that you gentlemencause for worry as tot

bis head about you. He finished w

you when you Were born.”——si, Puul

Pioneer Pres.



that city Friday at the age of 8%.

During the past seven day the failures

inthe United States mambered 135; in

ad 2.

‘The weit-knowa jewelry house of N.

Matson & Co,, at State and Monroe crests,|


107,744.amount to about §30

‘will, it ia thorght, yield $100,000 more

‘The failure was precipitated by the recent

death of Mr. Matson. Tho concern was

a stock company, with a paid-up capital‘of $225,000, Edvard Forman baa been

| appointed receiver unter bond of $250,-


Hania, the oaraman, left Toronto, Can-

ada, Thursday for San Franeisec, from

whieh port he will sail for Australia to) Oars

row Beach.

‘The insarance rate an elevatars has

been advanced 5 cents a hundred! by the

Daring year ending Mereh 31, esi, |


‘various Grand Army departments of the



country have expended $255,961) in Te-Oss

Veving distress amonz 26,606 ex-woldiera

or their ta, besides as mnch

mors not reported to National begdquar-|


Warat—Na & Rea...‘No. & White



catch the 2 o’eloek train this atfernoon t

Colorew at the Head of His Band of

‘Utes Still Scaring Settlers.

Bheriff Kendall Deserted by Atl _buFifteen Men Armed Only With

Colts Revolvers.

‘A Denver dispatch says:— Sheriff Ken-

jal hes finally been hoard of through Van

Cleef, the courier sent out by Adjutanteal West, He found Kendall near the

Chornburg battle ground, where he had

pea deserted by part of hie men, leaving

aim only’ fifteen. His horses are worn

gut with hard riding. He sends for re~

vnforcements and shows no signs of fall

None of his men were billed im

ais skirmish with the Utes, althoagh one

had his horse shot from under him. The

iettlers abont Meeker are said to be fock-

‘ag im there in large numbers. The Utes

are reported coming from their reserra-

tion in large numbers, and a messenger

has been sent to Fort Duchesne fur car

airy. ‘There are none but colored troops

there, for whom the Indians hare the ut

General West is urging

and one company of eavalry left Denver

Tor Gypsam by rail within twenty miles

ot Glenwood Springs, Cavalry from As

pen, Colorado Springs, Canon City and

Leadville have also been ordered to get to

Glenwood Springs as quickly as possible.These troops have orders to assist the

Sheriff m serving his warrants, but as tho

Indians ar inclined to reaist this with

Tores of arms, it is equivalent toa dectara-

Crock, at Omaha, that the situation

aerious, and he urged that steps be taken

by the War Department to protect set-

ters, and arms and ammonition were

shipped in quantity from here for Meeker.

Much apprehension is felt for State Ser-

ator Eddy, who is on his ranch in the dis-

turbed district. Late advices eontirm the

ceport of a skirmish between Sheriff Ken-

Yall and the Indians, in which four of the

clatter were hit, One full company of in

funtey will be sent to Meeker at once to

protect the women and children, ond their

presence will retieve the sattlers who will

Avabtiess be enrolled as Stat troops and

ce-enforee the Sherid’s party.

Reports from the front are

ger, as the telegraph lines are down.

Several skirmishes have taken place, and

Ehe casualties so far are three Indians

woanded and one killed. The horse of

one of the Shoriff’s party was Killed in

the settlements of

yused ani

after the Indians, who are m

high mountains. Settlers have mado no

call for assistance from the government,

as, now that hostilities har

Tey seem determined to settle the ques-

hom tor themselves for all tims, Colorow

being re-enforced by small parties of

yoong Indians from the Utah agencies.

Collisions between those parties and set-

tlers are of daily occurrence.

‘Tue country in which Chief Colorow’s

band of Ute Indians is now committing

Qepredation s the wid and mountainoas

section lying in the northwestern part of

the State. It was bere that the Utes were

originally located, and the region bas

been made famous by the massacres oc

curring at Yellow Jacket Pass and at this

yee. Sinee the removal of the Utes to

Utah, Colorow and his crowd have openly

Jisregarted the authority of the whites.

Colorow wanted to be obief of the tribs,

and failing in that he became a renegedhe bas

northwestern Colorady, doing ne misebief,

bat nevertholess causing sume annoyance

to ranchmen and settlers. He is

whon he ean obtain

runken and violent. Sinco

183 be has appeared at the various

ranches in this section two or three timea

a year and, elaiming to be the sole owner

vi the entire country, be has demanded

igwbat he called “rent” from the whites.

‘As a rule the ranchers bave paid him smal

me or given him whisky and tobaceo in

order toget rid of him. He has been

growing insolent for some months, and

eacly in the summer he was arrested by|

jm army detachment which had been

chasing him for one hundred days.

Making his escape, he began depredating

ou the whites, and an atiempt by the

Sheriff of this (Garfield) county to arrest

two of his followers brought on the prea-

ent trouble.

RH. S,lester, of the Polico Depart=

| mont, of Washington, who was secretary

of the U Commission of 1883, referring

to the present Ute Indian outbreak says:

“It grows out of the dissatisfaction felt

by many Utes with the settlement of the

dificulties several years aga Prior to

1879 a bue and ery was raiaed by Colorado

settlers against the Utes, «ho then held

some of the finest lands west of the

mountains. They wanted the land, and

wanted to oust the Utes at any cost. So

they appealed to Congrees and Congress

passe the bill providing for a treaty. A

commission wae sent out, the Utes were

given choice of certain lands in Southern

Utah, and aa a bonvs to induce them to

accept the situation were granted certain

annuities, Colorow, who, it is alleged, is

making the present Jisturbance, waa, one

of the first of the Utes to express dissatis-

faction with the efforts to deprire

Utes of their rich lands. The Utes were,

however, tinally wed, driven from

theit fine lands at the point of the bayo-

net, and settled in Utah upon an arid

desort lava bed tract, Colorow resisted

all the time, He would not stay, but re-

taened to Western Colorado with sixty

braves and their families, He used to go

ty the agency, however, when the annuities

‘were distributed and claim his share,

‘Terrifyinghave. prostratpeople in the

thunder-showers are said to

tod from fe manyCatskills,

‘There are said to be quite a number of

walnut treos in Philadelphia which are

over a century old.

A railroad man dropped $600 cold eash

ino poker game at Chattanooga, Tenn,

‘the other night.___.—_—_

‘The best lecturing sections ar said to

be in the west—Ohio, Kansas, Wisconsin,

and Michigan.

‘Twenty-one thousand dollara has lain:

uoclaimed i a Hartford savinga bank for

twenty years,gee

It is estimated that since 1792 4,470,000

wen have been killed im ware,

very mea--

Condensed Reports of the Latest News

frum AN Parts of the State.

_—Mrs. Sarah Green, of Port Fulton,

died Monday of dus, age 74 years.

-—Christina Reiner, aged 84, suicided

Friday morning in a cistern, at Clift

Knightsville is being rebuilt—thi

time with substantial brick buildings.

—Robert Rankin. architect and

builder of Madison, died of abscess

in the brain, aged 52.

Announcement is made of the

death of Miss Mollie Tulley, a beloved

young lad of Greenwood.

The river is so low at Columbus

that private consumers have been cu

off and a force of men set to. work to

drain it out.

—' Huntington couneil is exam.

ining several water-works systemswith a view to selecting one for the

use of the city~The Clay County Agricultural so-

ciety has been organized, ste|

&quo being taken to hold a faicat Brazil,

the first for four years.

—James M. Groves, wh is 76 years

oid, and has served continuously as

tice of the peace for fifty years at

‘Nashville, has resigned.—Fire in Brazil destroyed W. P.

Biair&#3 lumber-yard, three barns. and

a number of outbuildings. Blair&#3

oss, $2,500 insured for $1,500.

—Two women near Taswell are re-

ported tv be aitlicted with leprosy.‘One of the causes assigne is the Use

of sugar from the Hawaiian islands.

—The yearly meeting of Friends wilt

convene at Pliinteld on the 18th of

Septembe and continue ten days.‘Th session promises to be largely at

teli "P seet of ‘Soul-Sleepers,” i

Jefferson county, have a 10-year-boy, Paseal Porter, for preacher. He

is said to lead his congregation with

eloquent earnestness.

—A large force of men will be putto work next week converting the old

Jeffersonville glass- works property into

machine-sho} viler-yards, Work

on the maring ways will be commenced

—-Dr. W. D. Foutz, one of the best-

know physicians in southern Indiana,

_says he has not eaten


morsel of solid

for six years. He subsists on

nothing but buttermilk, au:t consumes

six gallons a day.

&qu bod of Gus Enders. a farmer,

near Shelbyvilie, was found on the

road near his home last week.

started Sunday night after a doctor

for his sick wife, and it is supposehis horse threw him.

—Charles Stewart, son of Treasurer

Stewart, of Carroll county, has been

appointed to the vacancy in the An-

napolis naval academy by Congress-He will depart for exam-

ination in Septembe—Daniel Stutzman, the first settler

of Harmison township, Fikhart couaty,

died at his home in that township

Wednesday. H was in LS0s,

and edueated in the log schools of

grease paper windows, ete, of that

period.“Several disastrous tires have oc

curred north of —Viaintietd

‘Thomas Cassely had a large tarn with

th entire contents destroyed by an in-

cendiary fire the other night, while

several ineadews were burned in Wash-

ington township.—Samuel Meyers, Superintendent of

the Peru Poor Farm, who was arrested

and fined for cruelly beating hal

witted woman in his charge &

weeks ago, hag teen expelled from

# position by the Board of County


Quite an. excitement prevails in

the vicini wetu a dis-

ease wh amnong,

the cattle of that I



nounced plenro- ant up te

the present time about twenty he

have died, and as many more are af.

fected.“A New Albany telegram says th

sounty commissioners will order

work-honse established at the

meeting. Under the presen arran

ment, prisoners conliaed in th&g county

“jail live a life of leisure, if not of lux.

wry, and t taxpayers have to pay the

i he work



With a work-house,

performed will at least pay for the

food they eat, which with be that

amount saved.

—_During the reeent hot spe’l. Tudze

Hazelton, a house- painter at Rushville,

lay dowa in the shade in the court:

house yard vind went to sleep, and the

sun veering round un hin he was seon:



bad shape. He Las recovered suf-

fielentiy to be up, but has completelyTost the use of his toague, and eaDnot

say a word. ‘The physicians do not

Know whether or not he will ever re-

cover his voice.

~The biggest job of ditching ever


undertaken in Nocthern Indiana is

progressin i the big swamp ia the

western partof Alien County, It is

called the Little River Diten and with

its branches will be fifty mites long.

Nine miles have been completed and

thi contractors have until December,&

1888, to finish the Job. Between

Iifty and sixty feet are exeavated

daily, An i se tract ry

fertile land in Allen and HuntingtonCounties will be redeem by this

ditch, which will cost about $100,000.

_-A Washington dispatch to The

Indiandpotis Journal says ‘Twenty

ditehers inthe north part of this county

are mourning the loss of from $50 to

| $10 each on account of the disappearance of Bernard Doogan, a diteh con.

tractor of that neighborhood, who de-

parte the other day. Bernard Doogan

was detectoil in the act of foisting a

for bond for $2.00 on the drainage

commissioner, and steps were taken to

secure his arrest, bat he yot wind of

the matter and fled. Doogan owed

some twenty of his men for back wages:

Doogan is A diminutive Irishman 45

years of age, and he is unmarried. He

Nsvd to b a detective.

—The ‘commissioners of Martin

county recently devided to ereet a

bridge over White river at Hindosian.

Half of the county& population op-

pose the project, however. and took

s\pps to have it stopped ‘Tuesday at-

torneya for both sides went to Wash-

| ington and proceedings were had before

Jndge Heffron to enjoin the comm!

sioners for contracting for the build-

in of the bridge. ‘The case was arguedand


court grante a restraining

order enjoining the commissioners

from letting the contract until the in-


junetion suit is finally settled in tho

Martin circuit court, which will, probably be in September ‘The bridge, if

built, is to cost $10,000 The feelingin Martin is so intense over the matter

that the inhabitants of the extreme

western part of the county are makingarrangements to be annexed tv

Daviess county. :

-—J, M. Connor and J. Roberts, two


of the most prominent mea in Frank.

lyn county, had an aitereation Tues

day which promises to result in one of

the longest and most bitterly-legal rights the state has known for

{some time. Several years ago Conner

[butt near Connersville,


the fines!

country residence for miles around.

its building led to his financial

rnin, a it plunge him into debt at a

time when his advancing years and

| failing health rendered him unable to

bear the burden. He tinally appliedto Roberts for money, and the latter

tock « mortgage on the farm. ‘The

unpaid interest accumulated for sever-

al years, and the mortgaze was at

[lengt foreclosed for a of

about $6.00). Conner’s year of pos-

| session under the redemption law ex-

pired a month agy, and Roberts receiv

Jed the sheriif’s deed and attempted to

take possessio Ie first sent_ men to

[work upon the farm, but they were

driven away b the determined ocen-

ant, and ¥


noon Roberts

Went up from Brookville in personandwent to the premises.


is stated byConners wife that Roberts struck her

husband several blows with anv

brella, and that after a scuttle the lat-

ler wrested the umbrella away from

him and retaliated with it, At this

tree in the door-yard, and then eam

out with a Iong-bladed poeset knife

open in his hand, and began cutting| Conner i the baes. ‘The woman suc

separate the men, and Roberts went

laway. Conner is suffering intenselyfrom his wounds, and it is feared he

may die, Damage suits of immense

proportions are promis

A Tea-Taster.

one of the pretty swnmer

honses on the blulf, inf the

Howland, a youngish-looking man sat

this morning peering through an

l era-glass Cirected at & group of

g in bathing. He wore a sult

of white serge,wi

flannel shirt tied loosely

knot, a straw at. an

waist was a wide cloth belt that had a

lot of guld cording on it, was told

that it was some sort of



searf, ‘Ther: Was a blase air of uncon-

cern about him, as if he had seen every

ing in the world, and

g the specimens of

feminine anatomy before bin because:

‘he had nothing else to de. He was

looking through a powerful set of

tenses though, for an acquaintance, to

whom he condrscendingly suggested &

arial, assure we that he could easily

ise the very stitching in the bathingi L would not have come down

here,” said the young man with the

Horguets “if [ not remembered

[that the prettiest forms I saw: a

‘where last summer were here.



ally ths on y pleasure have.” he

added, adjustin the glasses at a rather

plump girl in a white Nannel bathing:dress.

“By foe, she’s


stunner,” he ex:

‘qaimed after giving her a thorough

| ynspectio through the glasses ‘Then,

peering at heragaia, h said, in a tone

of disappointment, “Ah, but she&#

wearing stays.”‘AU imeonseions of the fact that

¥ move that they made was beinghed and commented oa, the girlsced amd romped around in the

Surf, but the Ured young man Kept on

|G his peculiar occupation. He is at it

every morning,


am tok, No one

knows how he spend the rest of his

itime. He has see everything, been

everywhere aud there iS



look of enatti and depression on his

face as if he thought that Ufe were

| seareely worth living. He is a quect

individual and be follows a strange

pucs Itis tasting tea, lle samplestea for halk a dozen of the biggesthouses in the county and earns about

$25,000 a year by it, He has the re


pa knowing more about

téas than any one else in the country.

It ig at the sacritice of his stomach and

good digestion that he has earned the

reputation, f Loth are ruined thougt

h is still a young min

&quo only thing that he really enjoys

in the way of nourishment i



jtea that he brews himself ever morn

Tt is made of leaves that in

are used only for the Imperialy and c here 25a pound. He

buis it overs gas jet then pours it into

the thinoest sert of & Dive China cup

almost as thin as 4 Champagua glassi Phen he sips it as he Hes ia bed, and it

brings on a dreamy sensation, whieh,

ne declares, is the one delight of his

fife. It lasts from two to three hours

and then passesaway. Unlike opium,

ino bad effects are left behind, for he

is over it a scon as he moves about

and shakes off the drowsiness. m

e takes h’s opera-glasses and goes

over i the summer-house to study the

anatomy of the Long Braneb girl.



Always Tell Mother.

|There is something that tugs at

Jone’s heart in the last words of the

young woman in Sacramento who shot

en comniitted suicide


After being long in

|astupor she rallied a moment and

‘said to the attendant: “Dlease don’t

tell mother.” It was the final illumin-

ation of a path that was endin in

joom and disgrace. Made th vietim

of heartless seltishness b the man she

had killed, and going to her final ae-

count tarnished and forlorn, she was,

latte all, the vict of not tellingmother. There vay uf estimat-

ing the sorrow and sin and suffering‘that would be avoided if the eont-

{dence of children continued throughfe to ran to theit mothers. Over the

yrave of this girl, dead untimely byher own hand, on whieh was the blood

jof another, might be inseribed the epi-taph: “Died in her youth, heartbroken,

yer, self-siain, becaus::




\she would not tell

Franciso Atte,

Sam Johasing’s Rule.

jo an Austin colored

man, has balks. After

Sam’ had belabored the mule for an

nour the animal trotted off all right.“Dar,” said Sam confidentially to

the mie, “dar, yer see. Ef yer would

‘only do what&#3 right we mout lib. ter-

wedd jes like two brudders."—





shoc to seo yo wasting yourtime 80 presistently.”Mado gave a slight start, and a

eeper shade flushed her cheeks, us

she moved to her father’s side.

m What ia tho ‘matter, my pet? Has

x little fart on-

There will be t sh find reat.)‘anon :

Thus do we say while eager youth invites |

rop ho to try h wings in wanton

Ana tkmb faney boilds the soul a n

as uaete tay erat bat moan yout (cred away.

its craven iheveh wa when Aut Esther spoke

“You mus take a ride with me to-

morrow morning,” her father said,drawiog her down onto a stool at his

Piittie farther on side, and Keeping his arm around her.

shall find rest; half-tiercely wo avow


=, gallo across the country always

. Wh nooa bests on the dusty fish! and |

puts you in spirit By the way, have

you Tea Luvien’s letter?”shook her head. The name of

her aunt’s stepso awoke no p'ememories in her mind, and in the

stara; the frenzied |AGW embers of the Hire she still

saw the pale sunken ato of the

Paifor the Ianrel more than for the breast istranger, who was suffering alone,.

relar s nesthug waits, Not) where none co hear if h will out

Wien feverishre

weay orwa verie ree meeInha ins sort

cana Kn whet your Tuooil feel flattered by such a show

A little farther on indifference,” Mrs. DeCour cualTehall find rest; half sad, at last, wesay, with a touch of dispieasure. “1

When ets sultting cloud blurs out|

jieve his one reason tor coming is be-seen feaus of you, Madoline--in fact,

rch, ana 40a vais dre |e OFEY uni with pote

3jadd without lifting her eyes from

Po aien sic at heart -we may not stay|her work,” and let y Know the

wears fort ao lonely then doth seem


truth, He is coming in the hope of

W adm Lawited werd. Wa so} winning you to be his wife.”Madoline looked up in a Bla sur |

w ‘to to aes the grave which waits |prig then after the first shock of

ba astonishment had slisti she bainto alow rippling tau

“How absurd!” s exclaim her

eyes shining with amusement. “Did

he really say n“Is i so urpising?” Mrs.

DeCourey ask Test “I can not

comprehend why you should considerhis 18:0 ution in anyway ridiculous,

nutes, of course, you retlect tha he

flame i gone

Burn lightly out

With smiling confitence,—-I shal! find rest

Whitt further on,

o re to uujuint our armour, and the

‘Vhrowith the pulse of battle while Life&#3

Or gtoxo’ yala ns been turned he,

ve round our feet the cool,

fayeWe s “u fading world farewel&#3 and

2 shall find reat

jo further ox.

—[Motert burns Wiseu, in the Century



Nore thinai


he might choose.

lus position does not need to be for

ja wife”

“No Madoline assented, trying to

look graves “therefo he should’ not

come to me.”do you mean’? Mrs. De-

Cou side iraing her eyes slowlyou her wilful niece,

‘only if there were but one singleman in the world, and that man were

Taie would not marry him,”

Mr D Courcy smited seornfullYon are taking without reason,

why you should | camot und’ nit Madoline, You h not had suiici-

for f whom you know nothing,” |ent experience to be able to judge

She kuighed softly as she lifted h your own fee in; Jueien is no saint,

snows serneffe trom the basket and; but you might tind many men worse

at him the cup of soup she ba th | l few better

Ueg hot from the tire, ur aunt is right Me.

Thy does it seem Wonderf she wark e suokin Madotine’s hair, as

san ght to see how gratefully he be laid hi paper dow on his knees,

einplied the cup, “Woul yuu ot cHere’s


| have just been read.

lave dunes yaeeh for me? ing of A young scoundrel who has

hat would be a different mat been forging his father’s name to such.

altogether, What man could see yon |am extent as (0 cau riin to his

iu peri and not ris his lite, nee entre family. He was tried, found

Tedtosave sou? Hut foranyselt, wh guilty, and ‘condemne to a felon’s

ch have on such compassion? bat somehow he man-

Besides, do you not

to be able fo de


SYou have kept your promis h |

said, rising paintuly an moving to:

wards her, &q pray Heaven omay

able tu repay you for your kindwess

to me sume da

“Did you not expecta litte reproachral,put full fxn inh

Shudeed, y he answere gravely.“If tell tii truth Eanust et fe idid think you would come

wasked,T h ha not


av ol


think iti Lease

souethit usef Yor owe in ee a

have wasted so many he jany Strangely

days, doing nothing, Hel Hob (tion he has been t5

Noh feel that Laan diving) for some tell the men to ke a shar look-out

dood, aud as long as Le help Yon, for all tramps, and i he&#3 found lurk.

eT hamper tian wh Lhid no tag about he will not revive mueh |

care in the wortd, merey at my bands.”

Her words mov him strange! “Yet he has done us no harm,”

Sh mas close bes hit ‘od locki


Madoline said alter a silenee, “And

at hee with h he took her will not the loss of a son be greater

Tad aml tont aE vont pects Un the loss o a fortuney™

With his tips,ild, have you not yet

earned to disting between the

Shaws of right and wron Has your

education be so pain y neglectedseem to have Tormed

Lrange ideas.”

Mail of Madutine hel hee point, notwith-

t depth of his. standing this reproof,few words; “you “lt wonld be hard to convince me

noe fountain spring. it is not wn unnatural thing f

ing up. from a scorebed dessert a futher to condemn his own son.

star shining ont of a night full of should b the lirst to forgive him.*

Litter tempest. You have givea me A man forfeits atl right to forgive-

hope a streugth, | feel how Untt ness when he wets a8 Ronald Castle

it is worth Lighting to liv ton has done, ‘To him should be ap-

Mado ine scarcely Comprehencd all pt ied the word unnatural, not t the

he tneant. she La betriended bint the one whe but his

ina time of need, san he was grate, vicbuny. w go ai onc and set the

ful ‘This was the one conelasi she) men on the: watc .

Grew from his manner, aad ste was Madotine| h his hand so that he

content to have it se.could not r

‘That ber so winning But. dad, a youknowall the storrou ay

Are you sure itis not mistake?rain Ronald Castleton is guil

tit says here,” she added, a

stich as her ghinee fell upon’ the columo he

had been reading: “Vrisoner, on be

hear of Fau governed his thoughts,


iug asked ifhe had anything to

Tetleeted Wait if mengever replied, Noting; exeept thal | hope

ut it must be for the; yet to prove my innocence of



innocent: purity as. sh charge brought against: me; and

Inth ees o the gicl Who light-


regret that your blin juened the dark prisoned hours fo your diabelief in my word, given i al |

wh h soi E ese truth and honor, enables the unsus-

eee ne farm,


pec criminal to lawfully eseape?with her inissien being diseovered,


Does that ae a if he uttered a Liev

and althou f the rest of day, she she asked, looking up from the paper.

pre weep nobod


“Under tiut7 his “after

ed anit Unusual had tran- conduet—the cleve way in which h

spired to take her thou fro her) gave them the slip! But, there,

Meine, and she was left Lo dream, un-| don&# wish to pollute your mind with

interrupted, over her secret. ‘such a dark history, ‘ha fellow is a

Tr wagrnot until late in the evening


scoundrel, and if had the chance of

that she had cause fur itamediat- handing him over to justice, you |

alanu.;shonld sce the kind of pity should

In spite of t sunshine which had show him.”

made the warm, the air grew; “Not for the sake of

chilly Nowa mi and. a cheery, ward, dad?” she sai

fire burned in the large handsowely )strained wistfully on him.

faenished sitting-room, inviting the


‘Goodness me, no!M

only desire

inmates to gather round the hearth |is tu uphold rastl ‘To my mind

for a cosy chat.there is no treachery so black as the

‘Mr. Clyde, leaning back in his com- Ingrati that makes a son sin

fartu ‘hain, Was’ glancing over a agains his father. At to the reward,

wspaper, and near hit, bent over iPa of ny men were able to detect

So bright-colored embroidery, was ) the nigo the money sroutd b thelMeester Mrs. DeConrey, who, ‘since | and well earned it would be, too

the loss of his young wife years ago,


Full of importance at the probtad tak wpe her the duties of ty of being able to render gome se

& mothe adoline. [vi to justice, he left his seat, an

sternduti ey were, too, and the

girt bad Leen brough u in suck a

bf Aunt Esther, that all sympathytween them seemed furbiddes

a cold relationship aE ie

loyalty, of homage,


brehet a hl h

half wonderin tead=rnessalled to the


the re.

her eyes


walked from the room, he went out iinstruct sd put is farm Laborers ou

i uheirNaioli sat for along time on the

st by the large empty chair in fronhe fire, the sharp, almoat mechan-foli of Mra De. Courey& needle

ing t ly sound that broke the

stillness, the tlickering fire tlamnes picts of strange fancies in|

was a piee of half-tinii

tapestry- place prominently on

taMible near Mrs, Deourey, but al-

though Madoline knew it was put burang a bothere for her, she Tet her gaze fall


the red eml

idly over the little pil of woot, and What tin searching for Ronstood restlessly b: ndow, think. Castleton they should disco

bleak darkn outside, and stranger who lay wounded in th othe’ old mill!

ii dare sar it is a mistake—I dare}

think you| he hai not even made



ie a (8 esc to this part of the country.” she

urself with thought, trying to set her fears at rest.



“If they are going to make a search, itwi be dan for my seeret—very



in of the

the solitary prisoner up in

mill.“My dear, don’t you

would be better if you came

the table, and oeeu your:Somet Surely i can not be

alousing to stand in ta draught with:

nothi p a ig with which to!

break motony. It ix really vo ux covriv

Clyde re.)

the t


) ments and irregularities


At Bieber, Lassan County, Cal. re-

sides Mr. Thomas P. Ford, who writes:“I ean truthfully say 1 have used St.

‘Jacola Oil in my fam forfor Jea and

tind it « never fuili remedy for all

painful complaAre'val ofthe Talbeamy Sc cutterdro anchor off ‘Tomp




lent health and spirits, and the vessel

looked as shipsha and ¢lean as

though just in from a cruise on the

sound instead of a transal voy:

se S saplok mp at4 a.m, justGok by the tug Wend

Goo } S asa litte breeze struck

her, When she was sighted from ‘thtug she was ina dead calm, and the

watchers on the tug had a g ce

ogee how en sho started, bow

swiftly she sailed under her sea rig in

the light air, and with how little

commotion of the water 7 slippeThro the waves. As the Thistle

caine up the bay throug th morninghaze she was met in the Narrows bythe nealth cilicers, tug. A moment

sutti to pass her and she wa -

ed b


reporter in a sm: ‘The

Spu sniited broadly and talt with

equal broadness, when congratulateon his run and the excellent showingmade by the boat and ere Then he

led the reporter below, wher CaptainDonald Kerr, Tariga nas was

writing his log down to date.



glance over the well kept record show-

ed that the best day& run was 247

miles, and even on that day the skip-per and navigator were not satisfiedWi the weather. “We did not have

da “s run in the whole ts said

Captain Kerr, “Not a that we

see atistkd with to sh what we

‘The winds never held goo

battling breezes at some other time

that had to come in on the same day’srun.”

KOK Hus Adri N.Y

says: “My father was very lame withrheumatisin. Now after using St.

dlacobs Oil he is no lamer than I am,

Ue was cured.” Price Fifty cents.


The prod of anthracite coal

for Unesix months ending July was

27738 tons, th larg ever known

for like period, yet the stock on hand

is leg than 500,000 tons over that of

any previous pertItis rep tha a woman sixty

t Hosevi Ark. re

Mining is commeneing to revive in

every section of Arizons,

About 6u Chinamen are employedin the busi New York.

The Chi population of that eity and




A toad wh digge his own warts”

ia what us Missisippi editor aaya m al-

\uding to anot editoA Bloedy Affray

Is often tho ronult o &quot blood” ia 9

tamily or commanity, but nowhere ia bad

blood more destructive of huppinass aud

pealth than in the human aystein, When

current fe foul a ‘suggish with

impurities, and i stot iatributing its

pokon tocrerg part of th body the perilto healh, aud li imminent,

arly ay miptouss ar dul nd drowsy feel-

mee actors headaelsn, cont tongus,poor appotite, indigeatio und generallnssitude, Delay in treatment ma entail

the most serious n&# let

Visoawe get strong hold on yo cou:

stituti D trent yourself by n DPierce&#39 Gold Medica! Disvovs

Be sostored ths sings of heal “Adruggists,

‘The first Polish newspaper ever printedim America has L started ia Buffalo.

Ut is ealied Th OjeayA 3 Ntemach

Toa Mosstng for whi uals of our dlyspeptle

countrymen anid wome

Which swallow wueb medic

wo allen yaubably” are there we many alle

Uls veaatious und bstinat aabady, Bxperieuce

indicates Mustetier Bitters ae a mews

titeradivatineg dycpe rich x rm reliance

be pines So ran ne thee decals

s oxee evinced sachs septa, wae Baa

ited euch wngu ewtvd sac on,

Tun edhnirable invtigorant, bes i euriches

the bla, and ta only tebe Det Ahar oe

tulates the bowls, kidney« amd bl

‘Yous symaptois ar usttully relleved byuwed


For the be show of tripl a thFast Aurora, Erie County fair,

$10 in gold, furaished presidCleveland, will be given


A Woun Bweet WIL

ia prematurely deprived of herchar Of face aud Yorm, and wade UB

attractive by the wasting effects of ail-

‘peculiar to her

‘To check thia drain upon, not only‘upon her

forite Prescription, a nersina io


wonderful efficacy, and pre:

pared expecially “fo tive ae of

thoae suffering froin ny doeins ceaantionk oF naieson,

wincident to women—a Loon to “p ae

The village cart drawn by a pationtmonkey


one of the latest ideas ia lueo-

motion at th summ reset

N Opium In Plan Cure Tor Consumption, Cures

where Stee remedi fait, 8s

andid young ladie ar free to admit

thet it there waa bo beaur at the eneor iv the mountains they would not ca

to gu.

‘When Baby waa sick, wa gave ber Castorla,

When sh was a Child, ahe cried for Castoria,

When abe became Mise, she clung to Unatoria,

‘When abe had Children, she ga them:

r sulphur bott “whasiaty feet in le p =i ibPigeon Poi

R Tassie & Co Chica


hike your “Tansil&#3 Pun cigarsvery much, and wish to have th ex-

elusive sal in this plac and will) do

all Tean to push ther lieve in

advertising, and am takin pains to

distribute the circulars where they will

du the m good2 V. ELLiorr, Mansfield, Pa,


captu at

da ug

ne nitte

as spoent saw a

g, and in the ae of it a


Soog ‘Littl champion ‘whliberarely knocked over, one by

‘nore of big


arl looting fe

ota easlythe rest hollow!


A San Francisco business fi

female drum in. the ‘eld Sh is

having great succ in the interior towns,

Ladient Those dull tiedlooks



we She oe eae Pennie Wame

regnc yo sh toe s ay ar aes

SE Bod bes

rm have a

Jveteran firemen of New{oie number of one hun wilthe Phiadelphia centennial in a



Gem. Howard Bellevesin Mozte,

obtained only a temporary steadinens the

Moxie docs it better and as a food, leav-

ing no reaction or mobeefsieak. ‘The Moxie baa-to



ares toed and' often, atimel often-

N hope the Mois will sucnood, It

‘said the old scakers are getting to take

to it quite ardently.Out of 192 sppot in she Phi




guee GOM




Wralt promotes a regular and healthy

Cirie and to women past maturity. It strengthens

the back aud the pelvic organs, beinging relief

fod comfort to tirdd women who stand all day im

dome, sho au factory.Leveorrhra, Infammation, Tleeration and Dis

placeiment of the Uterus have been cured byt,

Es eonen everywhere grtetl tale. Requat



Sold by all eel Price $1.00.Yen, Pinkbam’s “Gulde to Health™ malted toany.

Tay soning stamp tory,




leStomach, Dion

n th ebihl i rendered

Thea fa tsal. contains mo

Morp or user narcotic property.

sicasto beso well adapt to childr that

(ras wuprrior to any.Ti A. Ancu Sh oport


‘ve. rvokia,

“1 uso Castor’a In my.


emeti,anfind it

ally aapte t affectsaes:Xe Non 3



Apply Balm lnto each nostri.

a feel dull, langui low-opi lifeless, an indiscribabl:

miserable, “physical an

mentall ; experien a sense of

fullness or bloating after eating,or of “gonenes or emptine 0

stomach in the moming;t toncoated, bitter or bad tas

the eyes, m Bexhaustion, frritab of temper,hot finshe alternating with chillysensatio charp biting, transient

pain here and there, cold feet,

dona after meals, wakeful-

sa, or disturbed and unrefresh-

iBulcen constant, indescriba

feeling of dread or of impendincalamity ?

DAT? Glows Be of

our *G

Mra Mousewriteds,

cee teSere ‘the

‘world,ir eured ‘bee

wert bett


genewit veecoTessn put your “Golden Stedical

Medical Discov for

Malouerw os bes


Oepiui |i

ne‘eo year

MMe, Many A. MoCrz1weritea:Te,

frotipi ad, female. we


Live DiseaCv)

: Eee

Hea Treust Beis

_elean ‘Purgativei

neBy aiment ‘medicine,

TINK four oF ve

iG ha all disappear’thee a




‘aun a3 well

Thorough cleanse the blood,which is t fountain of health,

b wing Dx Pruscs’s GonpeNupi Discovgey, and goodigestion, a fair skin, buoyant

spirit and bodily health “an

vig ‘wi be establishedMrptcan Discover

a common

x Hocures

all humo f ro


f0 fostf Bunatl Fonet

po in Thm ever use

theyet No she cau walk quite &

Tight work.

Sore Byea. Mra. Sa A; TORXER of

fii aaa M id wa eeSPU MO: pe a the timealual Discovery, and follosel hen


Medi DiscSea very. ba uve.

ceorayStre Bimira, No Y welteg

SGalocaHtc Biaco& wand

getwiih four aud "a my

Gowen Mxnicat Discovery

cures Consumpti (whieh is Sero-

fula of the Lungs), b its wonder-

ful blood part invigorand nutritive pro

ity marvelous powerov i er

ribly fatal disease, when first of-

fering this now world-famed rem-

to the publie, Dr. Pierce

thought seriously of eallin it his

ao oeurrion Cus, but aban-

done that name as too restrict-

ive for a medicine which, from its


Mire. R A. SICELES, of

Quunty, Ne Jereerve sae(pti Moat ay son

last two nd HinUne or on cide haa

ug beatae, consol

‘entirely recovered, aod

SoLomos Burrs, ofhave not the words to aS

world, prar to Go that beb gy ae

Frond: Lipa AG cash onmethingr tel

Seti BisBheo a wr took it


vailof ox

{eatiinonial for the benet w


Wh did th Women

of this country use over thirteen million cakes of

Procter & Gamble’s Lenox Soap in.1886?

Bu a cake of Lenox and yo will.seoo understand why.

Rn on Se

ta’ and derived the very highest


Tete i ap mae

Sprtno Mo, write: “T

e fopan etoMr. Buuanera J, Dusawaw,

Live ete: MP hit oy wat oyeTro and ‘otherrr dispaocs that our



p ed be coma not tive.


In. fact

h gave bim Pellets


Mra ATWArEn, of Steube, Washincom Mate: ma ol was auct with

cong andoe an gre Discat and = “rawFoon eatde e Sitiog


eck ‘Th wie

ho caved mie &#3 that { havtoeawkk Tusd beenBee Tor a

Sum of years, and took. much

medicine from paysicians, but received Bo beueft from them.”

bus, KeT addressed you in Noverber,

aeitorea wit iver diate, heart


n aid Bo EINK, 1

ate ‘ch aSeer ReRy‘and


"Th Nock.—Juuta P. rcuwens of 101 Wetgn

Aner“ pavor


‘to pic

SErat Cate

Discov hapone,

a ae eri

Golden Medical Discovery ts Sold by Draggists.

you have all, or uny consider-a Tam of these symptoms,you are suffering from that most

common of American maladies—

Who QiisDe. Prerce’s Gotprn Mrnicat

Discovery acts powe uponthe Liver, and aie that greatblood-purifying cleanses

Bilious Dyspepsia or Torpid Liv-


the system of all Dlood- and

er, associated with Dysy ia, or

Safle Tea conted your disease 2, the

ter the number and diversityof symptoma. No matter what

as reached, De. Prnece’

subdue it, if taken according to

directions for a reasonable lengthof time. If not cured, complictions multiply and Consumptof the Lungs, Skin Diseases Heart

Dice Rheumatism, Kidne Dis-other grave maladies are

qu abl to set in an sooner

or later, induce a fatal termination.


a Bi|

medicines In‘and


baviPavin yoifor

ec fobalall



T'hev took a

and ineand * Pellets.”




RE, Cota a8.



wasne Golden Medic M

iden Medical inen an ¢ caureference

Chroute Dinrriprett Melt ee


feeluid ev

arate a

Chra dlareten,

yt ‘a than you


fever.re th

Blot or Eruption to the worst |Scroful Salt-rheum, “Fever-

sores,” Seal or Roughshort, all diseases cau:

blood, are conquere b this|

powe purifyin and invigor-ating medicine, Great Eati

n in

Hkewise fey it a


at aul

pysvepela— 1. Cotoo

bourtily grooa ee



‘To seeued 1 tonebole eyatem equal

chia, nervous d gegore thruat, an

B ver waoachi and T&

Trscow and *«re8S Sour Kavori

ES Itelt a most excellent medicine for

eon used in my family with ex

ana Fever—Tast August though would

Lhe Four "Discover " It ato

impuritie from whatever cause

arising. It is e ua efficacious

in acting upon ‘idneys andother excretory organs, cleansistrengthening, and healing their

diseases, As an appetizing,

igestioby build up both fies!

stren; In malarial districts,this wonderful medicin ha


bedtairediteetspely cheek uny at of

LY, Fra. of Fucatan, Houston

route with aa duo at‘the same time. ethe

Many otherThat disorder


to yo *Dicover

Mra PARMELIA BRUNDAGE, o16 Lack Street,X,Y. yrit withality with frequentmy mout was tally cankered.

watered Much frow,

am plca to ayat

f in their praiee. maescriptioefcellent results.

D Laxan Bogu £75 and £77‘used three bottlesaedN 1a.

the Sao Me Biant a | je ta cured ape

rv bo}

Rey. H, B Mosiny, Montmorenci, 8.ie ich Gh ab

mopped avery

“FO T BLOOD [IS THE LIFE.”poison are, b its use, robbed of

their terrors. Especial has it

manifested its potency in curing‘Totter, Kozema, Erysipelas, Boil

Carbuneles, Sore Eye Scrofulous

ores and” Swellings, Hij jointDisease, “White Swel Fig

Uleers rapidly heal under its be-


Goitre, or Thick Neck, and En

inign influence, Viralent loca larg Glands,


inow, thanks t

ahd oan wa a t b offor tighine ai the chest,

so tnca n.»

of SvoveriattackedAlter ben

ng, Villon,wen gomi



‘P botti be

Mr.vet tc taboveee

use of yBreecrip toLas now become

wond combination of tonic,or strengthening, alterative, or

blood-ele anti- “pectoral, and nutritiv properties is

uneq not onl as a remedyfor Consumption, but for allChronic Diseases of the Liver,Blood, and Lungs. For Weak

Lungs Spitting of Blood, Short-

vess of Breath, Bronchitis

ie Nasal Catarrh, Severe CougAsthma, andkindred affections, it

is a sovereign remedy. While

Qp Por Monmouth

:Sareei ‘oufami for the

ing eloe to equal it.‘ahd one



med to

{sterthe use of






first began taking y

aHnet Dag Thad he tr

yi ‘t oe wate“Dy the


of Dr:


ot p aii


ia ofgle

Soe apiliye‘Mra Marri OWEN,

Tete, hae aed cre

A phy o Gott Mi

maaT foupan sonia val fo these

‘without your* Disoo&


oof MeMra,


Hi NICE Of seDieeo

AB. STRONG, Of Ainsworth, Ind.

vi i

pevioie rent pai Butfa alo ba a he te,


a wiy be

nocd wori Fo wesicincpres ny ktutitude tor the

ne Dernoerat and NevaLanekiMaryfe capes ars. Be

OLA wife of Leonsnl Poo O 1 ie

heMeee feeds extou t th Koee

rho whole of the, lower Himba from feet to kuces, Een

ib "i ecTee b several ph

ieee aii0 how well erty

the wed ti saved her life an pron

a AvnEs, of oh ‘New Mark Do

ce Yo prostr her.

get hec Coun My

If, Chawroien, o Sin Ra ite venPiono Gunt bedio Discov


Cou rengthens the systemand Pil the blood.

‘The nutritive properti of ex-

tract of malt and cod liver oil

are trifling when comp with

those sed b “Dis-

covery.It rapi builds u the system,

and increases the flesh and Weighof those reduced below the usual

standard of health by “wastingdiseases.”

ra, N. W. RICE, of Newfane, Vermont,My Weel aruberty to acknowledge

wo bottle OF

Atalsed Blood.— Cox, ron Steps trcubl witiden Medi

1 ale to,

Crete ees pineo

yeigi for eonurup without rec

comme takiae a a

o ool


rao‘ou o 000 bore who.ont wes peri tueres fous. wo diseasele


MLNS OF Dr Bierc Favorite Prescription.

anne 8.Srowm, Postma ssoonrites: “1 ‘feel that ie vannotoS

t edie Dic

Te azian, tndou

‘o altit

Attendant upon

tbe Dew t im we a one‘was enti

Price $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00,


THE FAVORITE |&q ™* «=< Curerao. on I -No 8

spetei mone mportat tmprovementalntreduc

PIANO”sh moderate price for eauh or etsy paymente,


156-188 Wabash Averue,


EDICINE IN THE@CRLD la prananspaon&# Celebrated






oo SS eer Ss






SNoswtes Cazetie CHARLEY HILL. the bet. ‘The broncho all ak cnet

siThrongh the kindness of Mr. seemed toga nee ee




OM. Smith,|

Railsback we are permitte to pub-| o ye

iaregai b

itor Pecpote itor. the following letter from Char-!f faain



i |

prpraner oHie oa

le Hill. Though it was not in- ns ee nae at the B |

rab arate ag at ela bee

tended for publication, it will be bie m fl backward, full on the

interesting to his many friends in b ot=

Levels 1 centsmertim,|Ehis Vieinity who are ansious tol ed over tho Mexican and th go!



oD li foes scat noe Rr Hills coudiaon: Gra terupd and lookot at th tare 08



. if h expect i to Bike

ar Menton“dlospital for the Tnsane, t ju o bi TA ag But he B i

a Senec Ixprawapouis, Ixp., Ang. 20, 1887,| didase s ly he

there stone decactus. pls

:Ricuaxp Ratspacx, Esq, at

ee ‘Kindo” sroitae at

Mento nad |bi nose against his master. Sizzard| WHE MAY BE FOUND A Goop sTocK oF-—

who came up to extch uor rosp Dean Fuses 3 vo won ihe eowbo}



know that Jam in ver go health) ivi

R ustan5 State of te ut HR ‘Lumber Shingle & Lat = c

home daf time o Sta Fa “ eon ak Thave trained that )oon

iTwish you would write to ve] bronche to fall back on Mexican grec

iHimer Kuhn will go to Colorado) tell th

rs without pay? He fell bac on



tell me th names of yout |fuicbre fast week at Sye Katchon 3 ALSO FINE NEW YORK

fail, friends who live near this hospital


ranch and settl a atch pa&q “th, een

aster Gorden and Mis Edna} | might mayb see some of them. = to ore ieee for teach i

ferate a

Middleton, of Mentone, Sunday | hardly know how to pass the time en ae ismadi Dow i

with relatives here! away ber where [am acquaint


NeMesiog yg out i i a ct ef

h t h-owners


‘la Andrews, from|with no one, only as form Re-ee ae Doe.

if aa

ves |quaintance in here. Tam staying


Ne Y

os ae| L3K8

e a,on M ward and hays been for = Hard and @oft Go

Banioes, {Spat Files eee ee

Summe and favilySundaved| months. A Mr, Murphy and wife} There is dear Ch anot 4oa

he 5 eyWee eaon

a feare the attendants, and they are call ot the gre A ican et

song crseal Soaps

very Bad, attentive to. and potie |, Sti eu “te ts Ti hest MarketSore quaaumroc

with those put under their. care. slon ‘waist, Dut for other particular s. jenniYao"’St Svounn CLINGS

Joe Shoemaker has bough theey T ad s ee of |romsone. Wut, clever as fit all ar

read ree


ae Sateu

Pe tioeereiny Se ge ES ula geent wring i ep ee Paid for No. 1 W hea nesiccrgrsci prsapin came ce eesti ash

town, and will move there soon.late. hop it has rained in Mar-\ makes a mistake in her answers, &

ee Rfecuaces it always oa Bis OnE SuisseSh‘aSak

ec Saink Shi wag


MME Ree ee how setmote i ye ‘Lower Grades in Propors)s“Re se ece cl merci



Beaver Dam.

in Nanancs, the gue of his

w, John Hau

ewes 3 “eelSoa pei]reese cig: ShadBRED Weis 0

Lhave been trying to find out how gt the door a

trance, toh




i. b w hel

wince: toth fruit prospect 18, ot


n E panie dn Breaeh, “Pas ‘tion. Our Priceson allsZltearued much about that yet./Oe" Only once I tried her

Please inform me on thet subject.


Englis hard, an got my reward 2 Pay b a SIi fete ag a eee ate eri ant


pe m goe awataa spa | moer, Lath an hin-:






® few drops ov +8]

few nee! oe races

cHte bpeo

Trin thi ghat not to waite, Some of the tn, being u til blac pana

-Wihesnde oe

res :

ssiytay see ce |oathortos here ast Sy ot a a assiiiacetere a

S ani tie liane

tke they Stoel +n telad

ae Seaga elsewhere consider the a mit cwtcewh Wee meme Si

same ward Tar.

uphere r


boon eh uaa sae Qality OF goods. EAS |eeeeesefore, Tam so homesick I can; ‘J7ai du bo taba

=taerre—Uerrel' Vemnis Bar.

ily stan it, and yet sme told

met ee ae

power to mete: b the doctors that I must not thi

The Beaver| about home. Ph have very en- Extr es

ously We-|rious w of yeasonine saul seti AGst delegation here to say the least, and do not},


A. WERer & Gee fete sont a3





jhelieve the try ver he f avoid |}x

Call anil ces ous geods.a

pounce n fieLe

sag ca ecg Sa


enab eo GXV Soe HN BNTIVSR wou f

viting ar Plpm- no ht ¢


Mua sa :


ee eeaus




: ie — =

a beg5

: oor


Vnele Rober Less 23a ss

he ‘whi Tonever co |+


nso fwily but for this

jon, Lexpect ts conefensed Int Oe Forme,Co

duty to the veryPIONEER


i and Paring DES

aiek Fist a fe deys


into t


this week, hat |_

Witowu : li c


ere long,

y peas tumthequse st jihe we can talk tog

y Rager accompanie b Very res faia, Sundaye at Sym

samacl Hinkle and Jae Sater

Tad, were in tw?pos


Cour Gornsand allatl positively eures Pi

required. It is gnarantei per ati isfaction or money ret

,formerly “M Price 25 cents per box. For Sule by

te i’ B. Povreine

tarted fb Kans:, auh

returne ho

machude slee will =| RENEWS HER YOUT


Mrs. Phoebe Uhestey, Peterson, Clay

Win, Reed, has sold hi |

Co.. lowa, tells the following remark

Tactler W. C. Hoc ‘pt story, the bath of which V eout


Pj : a

y business, in a re i th resid o a L ic i

cifaber tee wedin at Pisin or Ta

USILeEss, a few |giy

e been trouble


Or Manging- Sea!

ishuce,fa 0 few fam 8 geod, teen

oe WEBSTE. R oat ee

{f amy yed




+ Mo 58S. Secu Streets FI hla,

heen |¥hel Now Lam free form all


SM &a



Seco Street, Phiadelyila, Pa

ae and soreness and am able

pal my own house work. [ ewe my

time, ttle nk t Electr &

for baving

avery, bat u is at onew a jov com-

pletely all diseases and pain” ‘Try

o-and $1. at W. B. Doddriage’ssresent convalesriny, molM McKee. trot!

arvie the de

nigeo Wonks, 2000 Engrarinesy

A Gazetteer of the Wori‘of 2500 Titles, (recently added) art

ce cud] ath Seuor ho wet 8 pore


A Biogra Diction+ sham


22d talking. ‘th were catitomon and | Banat

Mon ome ranche in New Mexico and Allin On Boonday,.| Colorado They were talking of ranc! ‘T latest editi i


thStic of goalttthe | life experienc and the checkere ¢:



s aer and sulden end of some of theit pe= th



owe We<

cowboys. The ranchman from Colo- and nearly . &


as wh bad once a the N shania Paar Tustices’ ard Ccnstables’ Blanks, and

OAng 21, a) thMenocopi lio com ride

Ufo.)Ga MERMAMA CO Fullea Petes Ee

- osz



aid a. another| any animal be could straddle, was stilloe — everything in the Frintirg Line, exe-

velo the Repanticia Jian, But} SOOM a

wo rather predict the mother, may] dead. “ will tell peer a On cuted neativ and at prices that de-

in regar t ay, 8. round Grea Pedro was

Meehe H dath sb anfy competition. Satisfaction

the cowboy throwing his lari

¥ F


o bk ate B a ati

CaLir-|catting all sorts of didlo on his a a : Grarranteed.

Sona antd a

for busy shel


back.” Finally one of the cowboys

*Bare He em A._SMITH & CO.

WORTH ENOWING.id: ‘Say, Greas —they alway call


3 X Morgan, merehant, Lakeq uel lari agin


ADDNESS OR CALL AT vsBAt FACTEIT219 North 3d St. Phi Pa.

.vas taken witha severe Cold

foam. ue REY, Town ine

( piobald bronchEWIN ~

musk Marcncax,

_ ee 0 # Co a tiac Jim fecu R yesterday.’THE GAZETTE OFFICE, cowene=D, BARE TRI

sning i Cunsiinpioa in its first) ‘The was accept by Pedro. The! ay


YO y

M tried many socalled popu-| broneho was Tass and aft goveral |BA E BENTONE. IND.THE £ O Th AR OR

i etedie aml steadily grew


attempts a saddle was buckled on him. =

Sain eel it Heel, b dif|

All the cowboys mounted their horses‘

* a Becksan Pius

euby in br Indl Was wasble to|% follow up the broncho if, he raty o




ee ee D Kings Noe fun. The little animal lool


ve: Winul Hing Bev | steengey And apeod is aren e ie





CR o

Discovery for Consumption and found i legs and trotted around stiff-jointed pe


jummediate relief. aud after using about With one bound Pedro Tea into the



‘ es


svat dozen bottles found himse:f weil


saddle and cried, ‘Iet gel’ The cows


Ss: 5


ind has had no return of the disease.boys gave a wild ereet whoop and

“ gscy eke ee : eas recor ———

No other remedy ¢m show se gra

broncho. aee




. rs



record of cures as Dr. King’s New|B

n bo


keepin- Sd 2 F



Discovery for Consumption Guaran- D





“teed to do just what is claimed fjs

wh tactics, bei





ah es

" bottle free at W. B in acicol an buc The o

aaa t;

Oras +

e ortle tr Doddriige’s Eas See eT easese : =


airug store.stuck to him Jike a leech, but the vio-



Tent Db shook the color out of his that can be MADE.e



she termi res

etstrengt a ore ad red ay patentee

TRUSTEE'S NOTICE.ironeho hail not taken bi


: pitneaignthespee

ish b : sitiee seerlegs, and thi


— &l

will be at my residence on Satur-| gav the cow! nop that he wo A =D.

et Ser] Br A,ENTS WANT =e

icon mepusiness. By order of the Board of twice


first distance


‘ P ecommined. asthe: iF powe


ord ea al ronertioa


‘back.No. 7814. Te &q prrticul tani * aS a polonBastaee


eaeENTER, a

‘an hour had vas in this S | r Christian & So Meuto Inc.

YFinstee, Harrison Township. and excit pastime, and it looked | 363 and 365 WAGASH AVE,

ery much like the greaser wonld win

