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First of all let us thank to God who has given us a chance so we can complete our

assignment in the major of Theory of Culture successfully. We also owe a great debt of thanks

to the people and also institutions that have helped us with data for this paper. And many of the

references we have got and a lot of material s that collected with full of wonderful details.

We also thank to Mr.Nurdien as our lecturer who has given us chances to explore deeper

about the Theory of Culture explaination within context about the culture that existed in society

,so that we can also learn more and discover new knowledge how the culture can exist in society

, how the society applied their culture in their life .

Although we wrote this paper in order to fulfill our responsibility for our assignment in

the major of Theory of Culture , we did not write this solely for our scoring only. But also for

any reader with an interest in culture and the development in society especially about the religion

cultural tradition in sociesty that really interesting to discuss, how we can know the history of

Nyadran Tradition that has relation with the culture .

Semarang, December 20st 2013



Acknowledgements iii

Abstract iv

Chapter One 1


Chapter Two 2

The Basis Theory and Methods of Data Collection 2

Chapter Three 3


Bibliography 9

Appendix 10




Karomah Widianingsih

English Department Faculty Humanities of Diponegoro University


Nyadran merupakan sebuah tradisi keagamaan dengan mengadakan selamatan satu desa

yang dilakukan setiap tahun sekali sebagai penyambutan datangnya bulan ramadhan sekaligus

berziarah ke makam untuk mendoakan arwah sanak saudara yang telah meninggal. Nyadran atau

sadranan berarti rangkaiann kegiatan keagamaan yang sudah menjadi tradisi yang

diselenggarakan masyarakat muslim pada bulan Syakban (Ruwah). Nyadran dalam islam

memiliki tujuan dan makna sendiri dalam memperdalam kedekatan manusia dengan Tuhannya

selain itu nyadran ini bertujuan untuk mendoakan arwah sanak saudara yang telah meninggal dan

semua anggota keluarga yang masih hidup. Tradisi yang turun temurun dilakukan masyakat

muslim desa Doro Tradisi yang dipercayai sebagai sarana pendekatan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha

Esa atas segala nikmat yang diperoleh serta sebagai sarana untuk mendapatkan keselamatan serta

kesehatan untuk menyambut datangnya bulan radamadhan. Konsep yang mendasari tradisi

nyadran adalah adanya asimilasi antara kebudayaan islam dan budaya masyarakat jawa

berkaitan erat dengan latar belakang sejarah perkembangan ajaran agama islam yang masuk ke

kabupaten Pekalongan dan menyebar ke desa Doro, Kabupaten Pekalongan pada zaman kewalian

(wali songo). Unsur- unsur nyadran terdiri dari tokoh masyarat, Semua warga muslim ,tempat

pelaksanaan nyadran, dan ambeng. Semua unsur yang ada dalam tradisi nyadran sangat

berpengaruh terhadap jalannya acara upacara selamatan nyadran.

Key words: Tradition nyadran, the elements and the equipments in nyadran, implementation of

event series in tradition nyadran.



Chapter One


As we know that culture is the habit association of many activities which are always

conducted by the people and it has the important values in society life. Where is the society there

should be the culture , because society life always cannot be released with the culture .

Koentjaraningrat said that culture is whole system of ideas, actions and products of human

endeavor in order to serve human society that belongs to human beings by learning. Culture also

very influence in the social life especially in the scope of society’s daily life . It means that

culture can be exist in the society and applied by the society in their daily life . Culture can

influence in all fields of society’s life such as religion, economic, education, social and the

pattern of society life. From existing of cultural influence in all society fields culture can make

the acculturation and assimilation so that create the tradition in society .

If we think about culture , automatically we also think about the correlation between the

relation between culture and the tradition in society . That society it self is any group of people

who are drawn together for a certain purpose where there is the culture there should be existed

the tradition . One of the tradition that exist in society is Nyadran. Nyadran is the annual

tradition that has been hold by society to great the coming of the Ramadhan month for all

muslim people especially in Doro Village , Pekalongan Regency.

In this paper, I choose Tradition Nyadran in Doro Village , Pekalongan Regency

because of some reasons. First, Tradition Nyadran in Doro Village has characteristic that has

religious situation still strong and unique to be researched. Second, although Tradition Nyadran

in Doro Village has the similarities with other Nyadran tradition in others villages in Central

Java region , but tradition Nyadran in Doro village nowadays has been different because of the

acculturation with the modern culture. It has caused the Tradition Nyadran in Doro village

become more modern impression within the practice of the religious traditional ceremony.


Chapter Two

Data The Basis Theory and Methods of Data Collection

2.1 The Basis Theory

The mindset of rural communities in Doro Village within their perspective of

increasing gratitude and close to God they tend to make religion as a reference in the

proximity of self-achievement by implementing a series of religious rituals that has

become a tradition for generations. speaking tradition cannot be separated from the

cultural context in interpretation against religion in the public system.Culture is a

configuration of learned behavior and result of behavior whose component elements are

shared and transmitted by the member of particular society (Ralph Linton,1945) .

While tradition can be viewed in terms of the meaning of the term translation

dictionary which is a belief, principle or way of acting which people in a particular

society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc.

(Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary ,2008). According to the expert had said that

tradition is socially-inherited belief or beliefs involving Piety for what is thought to have

always existed (Roultledge, 1997 : 221) .

According Koenjtoroningrat religious systems that exist in society has four basic

components that must be present in a series of ritual tradition which places the ceremony,

the execution time of ceremony, ritual tools equipment and the people who act as the

executor of the ceremony. Further explained that in addition to the four major

components in traditional ceremonies are also a combination of various elements, such as

praying, prostrate, preparing offerings, sacrifice, eat together, dance, sing, procession,

fasting, asceticism, and meditation… (Koentjoroningrat, 1985 : 240).


2.2 Method of Data Collection and Analysis

Collecting data about the tradition nyadran done using the library to study and interview.

The author conducted interviews with actors nyadran tradition, with a structured interview

technique, which conducted interviews by asking questions to the respondent in accordance

with the needs of research, as well as providing the broadest freedom to issue informant views,

thoughts, and beliefs without regulated by researchers. Data were obtained from the literature

study and interviews, analyzed using qualitative methods that are descriptive analysis.

Chapter Three


3. 1 Meaning and Purpose Tradition Nyadran

Nyadran tradition is a combination of tradition and nyadran said. Tradition great the

reflected –upon , systematized culture of society (Rouledge 1997: 221). While nyadran itself

comes from the word meaning sadranan or visiting a family grave to pray for the family

who had died and Sadranan this done by the end of the fasting month of Sha'ban.

The purpose of Nyadran is that deepened a sense of gratitude and as a means of

approach to the Almighty God for the blessings of life that has been given. Tradition nyadran

is held annually in order all Doro village society are given safety and health to welcome and

follow the fasting month of Ramadan. The concept underlying this tradition is an association

nyadran historical background as well as the assimilation between Javanese culture and

Islamic culture that had happened in rural communities Doro. Doro village community have

applied Nyadran tradition since Kewalian period , that period is closely related to the

development of the Islamic religion throughout the territory of the island of Java, including

Java middle and spread to remote areas in the remote villages in the territory of the district of



3.2 Elements in the Tradition Nyadran

The elements contained in Nyadran tradition in the village of Doro, Pekalongan regency

include the following.

3.2.1 Community Leaders

1. Pak Lebe is a very influential figure in the implementation of Nyadran tradition. Mr.

Lebe This is part of religious Village device. Mr. Lebe this is leading the ritual

tradition nyadran from start to finish. He who lead prayers for the spirits of those who

have died and to say a prayer for all those who are still alive to be given safety and

health in welcoming the month of Ramadhan.

2. The village head

The Village Head In a ceremony nyadran participated in filling welcome in a series

of events nyadran.

3. Religious elders

religious elders is someone who has mastered a lot of knowledge about the religion of

Islam and is considered more experienced his deep religious knowledge is already

high base. He is selected by communities to provide welcome contains a description

of the history and the meanings and content contained in nyadran.

3.2.2 All Doro village Muslims

Tradition Nyadran is held annually by all citizens Doro village communities

especially for Muslim men. This tradition practiced by all groups irrespective of caste and

status, all Doro village muslims has permitted to join that tradition. To benchmark of

age, there is no limit to the citizens of the communities to follow this tradition, both old,

young or small children may also contribute in the implementation.


3.2.3 Places held tradision nyadran

Ceremony of nyadran is held in the Singoaji cemetery, doro village , Pekalongan regency,

south of the hamlet of kasotangah or 2 km from the south of Doro village.

3.2.4 Equipments that are used to follow the tradition nyadran

Equipment used to follow the tradition nyadran consisted of; The mats and microphone

along with a small speakers that had been provided by the village. village communities and

citizens sat on the mat. On the other hand to attend nyadran tradition, village communities

are required to wear

Muslim clothes or koko complete with scabbard and a peci or cap for praying. And book of

Yasin and tahlil which are should be brought by communities. book of yasin and tahlil are

used for joint prayer led by Pak Lebe.

3.2.5 Ambeng

Ambeng Ambeng a complementary elements that should and must be brought by those

who carry out the tradition nyadran. village communities of doro bring ambeng as

complementary elements of nyadran. Ambeng consists of a variety of side dishes and meals

and rice. Side dish consisting of a chicken ingkung, sauteed or stir-fried soy beans, serundeng

(grated coconut and mixed with brown sugar until dry), kenol pan-fried noodles (yellow

noodles that are large), boiled eggs, chili, sauteed green beans, chili fried potatoes,ikan asin

gesek with flour, tempeh fried with flour and white rice.

All dishes are put on ancak (made of woven banana stems and lined with banana leaf). for

white rice is placed in a large ceting (a container made of woven bamboo).

Exceptions to residents of Doro village communities are less nyadran Able to bring all

equipments completely, they might bring Ambeng that are filled with Glutinous white and


serundeng given above it (which grated coconut cooked and mixed with brown sugar until


3.2.6 Implementation of Event Series in Tradition Nyadran

A series arrangement of events in the village of Doro nyadran possession, Pekalongan

include the following.

1. At 6:30 am Doro village society, especially Muslim men gathered at the cemetery

by bringing ambeng. That ambeng then placed in the middle of the stretch of mats

that had been prepared by the committee nyadran. the community sit around their


2. Nyadran ceremony consisted of three sessions:

Session I Opening

The opening event nyadran tradition begins with some remarks from influential

people in the rural communities Doro.

1. The first is the speech of the village head

it contains notices of tax information programs , the program of village clean,

election information, the annual village events .

2. The speech of Chairman of the Board Tomb

Speech of the chairman of the board contains the notification about the

income and expenditure of funds from the village to take care of the tomb.

How the funds are used for the care of the cemetery like to paint the walls of

the cemetery fence, renovating a warehouse for storing litter and other

purposes relating to the improvement of existing infrastructure in the grave.

3. The speech of the Elders of Religious

Speech contains a description of the history of nyadran, he also gived the

notification about the religious values from nyadran.


Session II Contents

this session is the contents of nyadran tradition that is the core of the the events by reading

book of Yasin and tahlil led by Pak Lebe and followed by all the people who follow nyadran.

Session III Closing

The last session was the culmination of a tradition nyadran ceremony closed with a prayer by

Mr. Lebe after the reading of Yasin and tahlil. Then the ambeng of nyadran are shared by

committee equally . One package of ambeng containing complete side dishes are placed in

acak along with rice is placed in a medium-sized ceting are given for three people. After that

people left the grave by bringing ambeng had been obtained from the nyadran.



Nyadran ceremony is a tradition conducted every year once to greet the coming month of

Ramadan . Nyadran in Islam has its own purpose and meaning in deepening human closeness

with God . In the other hand nyadran has the aim to pray for the spirits of deceased relatives and

family members are still alive . Hereditary traditions of Muslim communities do Doro village

tradition is believed to be a means of approach to God Almighty for all the blessings obtained as

well as a means to get to safety and health for the coming month of ramadhan . The underlying

concept is that there is cultural assimilation between Islam and Javanese culture which is closely

related to the historical background of the development of the religious teachings of Islam that

goes to Pekalongan district and spread to the village of Doro in the time of sainthood ( wali

songo ) . The elements of nyadran consist of figures of society , all Muslims society of Doro

village, the place where nyadran is held , and ambeng . All elements must be existed to conduct

the tradision nyadran .



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