Level I Manual - Michelle Mayur

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Transcript of Level I Manual - Michelle Mayur

Level I Manual

by Michelle Mayur www.angelwings-healing.com



A human being is a part of the whole called by us as universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein


Index Welcome 3

My Background 4

The Goddess Isis 5

How I Received the Isis Healing of Love System 7

Benefits to You 8

‘Before’ Ratings 9

Daily Journal 11


Focusing Exercises to Heighten Psychic Abilities 12

Breathing Exercises 13

Improving Focus in Meditation 15

Playing with Light Energy 15

Seeing & Feeling Energy Games 16

Nature Walk 17

Reconnection to Nature 18

Psychic Communication 19

Our Deepest Fear 20

Chakra Chart 21


Preparation for Isis Activation of the Healing Heart 22

Isis Activation of the Healing Heart 23

Discussion of the Chakra System 25

Subtle Energy Bodies Chart 26

Isis Healing of Love – Self-Healing - general 27

Simple Version of Isis Self-Healing 28

Isis Self-Healing including Subtle Bodies 31

Position of Organs in the Body Chart 33

Isis Self-Healing Chart 34

Isis Healing of Love – Building Your Energy 35

Isis Healing of Love – Working on Another 36

Isis Chart Working on Another 40

What is a Light Body? 41

Isis Healing of Love – Absent Healing 42

Conclusion 44

The ‘After’ Ratings 44

Bliss 47

Additional Information 47

Disclaimer 48


“The ancient and most sacred traditions, such as the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, the Maya, the Hopi… the Egyptians and the Australian

Aborigines… all had a similar message; a vision of expanded consciousness… Are you…courageous enough to unveil this ancient wisdom within you and

bold enough to live your life as a direct expression of the LOVE of All Creation through you?”

Simone M. Matthews (Shealla Dreaming 2012)

Welcome I warmly welcome you to Isis Healing of Love Level I. Get ready for a transformational and life-changing experience of learning, fun and spiritual adventure. You have been drawn here because you are now ready to take your own quantum leap up in your personal and spiritual development and to transcend your old stories of struggle, limitation and lack – experiencing firsthand how to just let them go effortlessly! I have been guided that the Isis energies are the bridging connection being used to connect with the Love of God (the god of your understanding), where the Love of God is no longer an intellectual concept but an experience of rapture and bliss. Isis is but one facet of the multi-faceted diamond that is God or Source energy. As you journey through this Manual and well beyond, you will be guided to move into a deeper connection with yourself, others and Gaia, our beautiful Mother Earth. In fact the healing techniques you will be learning heal you, others and Gaia simultaneously, moving you away from the lower vibrations and mass control of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) and into the higher vibrations of expanded consciousness and LOVE.

Using the compassionate power of the Divine Feminine has the potential to create balance and harmony in the world.

Working with Isis energy there is a strong theme of PURIFICATION of body, mind, emotions and spirit so that we can hold the higher vibrational energies coming onto the planet at this time. We can then continue to move more and more into 5th dimensional expanded consciousness in all aspects of our life.


My Background I am passionate about empowering Lightworkers and healers to excel and to fully realize their true potential, life purpose and the highest calling of their soul. I have been a Spiritual Healer at Angel Wings Healing in Melbourne (www.angelwings-healing.com) since 1995 with clients ranging from royalty to Buddhist priests and everyone in between and am the founder of the Heal the Healer global community of healers and Lightworkers, with members from over 100 countries.

With my particular affinity to Ancient Egypt and the Goddess Isis, I am progressively remembering my healing skills from lifetimes as an Isis High Priestess, which I am now adapting for the current healing needs of ourselves and Gaia. I have designed and facilitated several Spiritual Egypt Tours, including private time in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid for planetary healing work, between the paws of the Sphinx, and in Sekhmet’s Chapel, as well as healing retreats to other power places such as Cradle Mountain in Tasmania.

Although I now work with channelled guidance from the higher realms, especially from Isis and the angels, I am also a Reiki and Seichim Master and have completed advanced studies in Sekhem, an Ancient Egyptian form of energy channelling. My other work includes Light Activations in power places around the world such as Bali, numerous workshops, clinical hypnotherapy, past life regression, soul retrieval therapy, flower essences and mentoring of healers. I am an international speaker and author and have been interviewed on both radio and television.

In 1994, after a near-death experience in equatorial Nauru, I resolved to devote my life to healing work, in whatever way I was being called to serve, and have done so passionately ever since.


The Goddess Isis

The Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis is known as the Universal Mother Goddess and has counterparts in many cultures down through the ages, such as Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion and Mother Mary. Often she is depicted in Ancient Egyptian art with outspread gold wings. She may be depicted with the solar disc surrounded by cow’s horns on her head or with the empty throne of her murdered husband Osiris on her head. Personally I usually see her with the outstretched gold wings and the solar disc surrounded by the cow’s horns on her head. Sometimes I also see her looking more like a massive angel with outstretched white wings. After the death of Osiris at the hands of his evil brother Seth, Isis managed to invoke Divine Magic to resurrect Osiris just long enough to conceive their son, Horus, the Falcon God. Isis is associated with compassion, tenderness, love and devotion. She is also known as a Divine Physician and often works her Divine Magic. More than likely she will be working some of her Divine magic on you too. Her Divine Feminine energy embodies both inner strength and innate healing abilities and temples in her honor have been found throughout Egypt. The Temple of Isis on the Island of Philae, in the Nile River in Egypt, was known as the center of the Cult of Isis and she was widely worshipped there till the 5th Century AD. Visitors flocked there for healing in the beautiful island Temple and many miracles occurred there attributed to the immense healing powers of the Goddess Isis.


The Ancient Egyptians did not separate healing and magic and indeed all of life was organized by the use of Spells or magical incantations for protection, healing, love, and to communicate with the Divine Gods and Goddesses, to see the future and for guidance. Today we may achieve this through prayer.

The Isis Energy is a very powerful energy that raises a person’s vibration to a high degree and works to repair damage to their 12 strand DNA and energy fields. When our DNA is fully reconnected plus our Cosmic Energy Field (which is like an extended aura that reaches to the stars and other planets) is re-established we awaken to many different realities. We can receive visits from beings from other dimensions of time and space such as the White Light Beings from Sirius. Sirius, known also as the Dogstar, is the brightest star in the sky and it is said the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses were really Siriun Beings come down to this earth.

Isis works closely with other members of the earth’s spiritual hierarchy to help with the expansion of consciousness through soul initiation. When you are working with her you may see her cobalt blue energy or the pale blue sparkling light of the Divine Feminine, as well as gold and white light. She may also give you symbols to work with such as the ankh, the key of life, which represents the union of male and female energies. She is also the Egyptian Moon Goddess

(Reference: Elisabeth Jensen of Angel Miracles and the Isis Mystery School.) As Chandra Easton states in Isis Rose of Ascension (2011: 48): “As we enter the 21st century of the Age of the Heart the Goddess re-emerges and female Initiates will take prominent roles in all cultures and spheres of influence upon the world stage. They step forward at this time, as doorways to the Great Mother, in order that those of humanity who choose to love may now enter onto the Way of the Heart.” Isis has touched me many times with her Divine Magic. My favourite experience was when I was leading a meditation in the Isis Temple on Philae Island for our Spiritual Egypt Tour group gathered around her stone altar in the Holy of Holies inner sanctum. I could feel her energy hovering over this altar. It was near the beginning of our trip, so in the group meditation I was asking Isis to fit us with wings of energy to raise our vibration and expand our consciousness. After the meditation was completed I picked up my white jacket from where I had it folded neatly on my handbag, and lo and behold there were two perfect golden wings that had appeared on the collar! Those wings stayed on the jacket, despite numerous washes, for all the rest of the trip!


How I Received the Isis Healing of Love System For many years I have felt a very close affinity to the Goddess Isis and have felt her loving presence numerous times while working with clients, especially those with a fascination for Ancient Egypt or who feel they have had previous incarnations there. She has both guided my hands for healing positions and given me messages for my clients, as well as for myself. Early in 2012 I kept getting the message that my work would be taking a quantum leap up and that I would have to let go of much I had previously created. Isis and the angels helped me through my initial resistance/fear and in meditation I was given a very powerful energetic transmission that I was told was an Isis Activation / Initiation I had ‘remembered’ from the temples of Ancient Egypt. For several months I worked with this Isis Activation of the Healing Heart, discovering what people’s experiences of it were and just being blown away by the reports I was getting back of how this helped people to transcend their previous issues, especially of the heart. Not only Isis was present for these Activations, but also Anubis, the jackal-headed God and patron of healers, and Thoth (pronounced ‘Tote’), the ibis-headed God, the Scribe and keeper of the Akashic Records, as well as many angels and other higher beings and deities, depending on the person receiving the Isis Activation. It soon became clear this was the Initiation into a whole new high vibration energy healing system I was going to bring forth into the world. It took a number of weeks for me to undergo an energetic process of preparation, purification and raising of my own vibration before I was given the first part of the system as a massive woomph of energy down through my crown chakra, while I was waiting in the Suly Resort restaurant for my lunch to be served on my last day in Bali in July. For 48 hours afterwards I felt everything moving and swaying around me and within me with the intensity of this energetic download. Bit by bit the teaching of the actual Isis Healing of Love system started to come through to me in both meditation and by actually experiencing the sequence of positions in healings from Isis herself! Subsequently in meditation I was taken back to an Ancient Egyptian temple in Abydos to one of my previous incarnations as an Isis High Priestess. There my special duties were to take the food, flowers and other offerings given for Isis by the villagers and take these offerings through a special PURIFICATION process of prayer and ritual using herbs and crystal-potentised water before presenting them to Isis at her altar. No animal offerings were permitted. I would also bless each of the villagers bringing offerings by


touching them in a specific way on their forehead as I connected them to the Divine. My blessings for the people were for good health, long life, abundance and happiness. It seems now that so much of what I am being guided to do has that same theme of Purification – of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Benefits to You

• Learn a new, advanced energy healing system for self-healing and for working with others

• Transcend the struggle, subconscious victim-mentality and old limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviours that have kept you stuck

• Let go of toxic blocks and emotions • Gently open and release even the most deep-seated energy blocks in the heart

to free up your energy to experience LOVE at the highest level • Clear through issues at all levels of the physical body, aura and beyond • ‘Cut to the chase’ and fast-track your personal and spiritual development

exponentially • Experience more enduring inner peace, harmony and synchronistic flow in your

life • Develop your intuition and psychic gifts – and gain confidence in using them • Learn how to switch off that busy mind and meditate deeply • Restructure and begin to activate the 12 strands of DNA


The ‘Before’ Ratings Here are a couple of simple exercises to see what your current baseline is before you start learning the Isis Healing of Love. You will do them again after you have completed the Manual and are likely to notice a remarkable difference in your results.

Exercise 1 – Subjective Ratings Rate yourself on a scale of 0 – 10 in the following feelings and beliefs. Write your scores down and save for later reference. 0 = I don’t resonate / agree with this at all. 10 = I strongly agree / I really feel this strongly

1. When I have an important decision to make I ask my heart for advice. 2. Spending time in nature refreshes me. 3. I feel strongly connected to animals. 4. I make it a priority to nurture myself each day. 5. I feel loved and supported by my guides and angels. 6. I am assertive and speak my truth, even if it means ‘rocking the boat’. 7. I love and accept all parts and aspects of myself. 8. I feel all my energy centers / chakras are balanced and vibrating in harmony. 9. In meditation I often find myself losing awareness of my physical body. 10. I can manifest whatever I want to once I set my focus on that thing. 11. I feel a strong sense of connection to something vibrationally higher than myself,

such as God, Source, universal energy.


Exercise 2 – Emotional Assessment Ratings

Quickly tick the feelings below that you resonate with. Only tick from an emotional feeling, (subconscious). Do not think about the word before ticking (conscious) as the conscious mind will evaluate the word and may change the emotional response. Total the number of ticks and save the results.


Daily Journal Write your feelings and experiences in a daily journal for several weeks after you receive the Isis Activation of the Healing Heart. A suggested format is below:


Part 1 - Developing Your Psychic Awareness Focusing Exercises to Heighten Psychic Abilities We are all born psychic. It is not something that some of us have and others lack, although the more we exercise our ‘psychic muscle’, the stronger it becomes. It is likely that because you have been drawn to learning this Isis Healing of Love system that you you are already quite psychically-aware, maybe with skills in clairvoyance, clairsentience and/or clairaudience, but these can always be developed more. Often when we think of being psychic we think of being able to see a person’s aura or of seeing deceased loved ones around her. If we can’t do this then we may feel we are somehow inadequate and don’t acknowledge the psychic / intuitive skills we already have. Personally, my psychic strengths are in seeing and feeling energy blocks in people, hearing messages from the angelic realms, connecting to messages from plants and animals and occasionally smelling things psychically. Rather like watching Windows Media Player with all its swirling colorful patterns when music is playing, I also often see sound as both color and patterns. There’s no magic way to increase your psychic ability genuinely, although many have tried to fast-track it via a very dangerous route with hallucinogenic drugs. The bad news is that the only way to genuinely develop your psychic ability is through self-discipline and practice, unless you suddenly experience a profound spiritual awakening. The good news is that this daily spiritual practice can be a whole lot of fun! One of the key components to developing your psychic ability is to learn how to switch off all the ‘noise’ that is in your mind and around you and go into that quiet space of stillness within so you can pick up the subtle messages of the higher realms. Yoga is really good for this, so too are breathing exercises and being in Nature. Despite all your good intentions, how many times have you found your mind wandering in meditation – if indeed you do have a meditation practice – maybe finding yourself thinking thoughts like, “I must remember to phone so and so after this” or “Gee a cup of coffee would be nice right now”, etc, etc. No wonder you haven’t felt much benefit or had any profound insights during that meditation session! Maybe you don’t fancy sitting on a hard floor in lotus position chanting “Om” to hold your mental focus, but there are a number of other ways of training yourself to hold your focus, switch off the mind chatter and go deep within. We’ll be practicing some of these now, as preparation. Being able to hold a strong, clear focus is essential to learning the Isis Healing of Love

energy healing system effectively. Exercise 1 – Belly Breathing: Close your eyes. Imagine there is a balloon in your belly and as you breathe deeply right into your belly, this balloon inflates with the in-breath and deflates completely with the out-breath. You may have your hand on your belly if you wish to really feel the inflating and deflating of this area. Hold you focus entirely on the inflating and deflating of the belly tied into the breath cycle. Do this for a couple of minutes.


How easy/difficult was it for you to hold your focus on just the rise and fall of your belly and on your breathing? (Don’t worry if it was a lot more difficult than you originally thought. Just practice this on a daily basis to build your focus and concentration.) Exercise 2 - Counting with the Breath: Still with eyes closed, this time you may like to continue with your belly breathing or you can just breathe deeply. Place your entire attention on your deep breathing as you count up silently in your mind, one number at a time, with each breath cycle. Keep your focus entirely on the breath and the counting until you reach 20, then stop and open your eyes. How easy/difficult was it for you to maintain your focus without your thoughts wandering? (Don’t worry if it was a lot more difficult than you originally thought. Just practice this on a daily basis to build your focus and concentration.) Exercise 3 – Heart -Breathing: Closing your eyes again, become the observer to your breath, directing the energy of the out-breath into the heart. You may choose to breathe deeply, or not. No counting or extraneous thoughts, just directing the energy of the breath into the heart chakra for several minutes. Don’t be surprised if you feel yourself being rapidly drawn into an altered and delightful state. What was your experience?

Breathing Exercises for Meditation and FOCUS, Deep Relaxation and Stress Management People who suffer from the effects of unresolved trauma, conscious or unconscious, tend to have constricted breathing as part of the body’s freeze response. Bringing mind awareness to the breath immediately turns on the parasympathetic restorative nervous system for relaxation. (With smokers who claim smoking relaxes them, often it is only the act of inhaling deeply that is calming as it turns on the body’s natural relaxation response.)

The more relaxed you are doing an Isis Healing of Love session on yourself or others, the easier it is to maintain your focus and ALLOW the Isis energies to flow rather than

trying to force them. Here is a selection of Breathing Exercises you can experiment with and play with to find which ones you most enjoy and feel the most relaxed with. These are designed not only to assist you in your overall wellbeing, but also as preparation for learning the Isis Healing of Love system. Calming Breath / Tummy Breathing


• Lie on your back or sit comfortably. Place the right hand on the abdomen and the left hand on the chest.

• Inhaling through the nose, fill the abdomen first with air, then allow air to fill the lungs.

• Hold the breath briefly, then slowly exhale through the nose, allowing the abdomen to empty first then the chest. Notice which hand moves up and down as you breathe.

• Aim to keep the left hand still and breathe down into the abdomen so the right hand moves as you breathe, filling the abdomen, hips, pelvis and lower back.

• Complete 5 of these breath cycles, rest a minute or so and then repeat the cycle again, imagining that air can flow into any part of the body that needs it.

• Practice this Calming Breath or Tummy Breathing until it becomes a habit. Triangular Breathing Inhale through the nose for a count of four, hold for a count of four, then exhale through the nose for a count of four. Repeat for 5 breath cycles, take a brief break, and then repeat, this time imagining that the air can flow into any part of the body that needs it. Notice the results. Purifying Breath Imagine that the body is surrounded by light, healing sound or healing presence. Imagine that as you inhale, you are sending that light, sound, presence into your abdomen and chest, and then throughout the rest of your body. As you exhale, imagine what is being released from your body - perhaps tension, discomfort, pain, stress, worry, and so on. Repeat this for 5 -10 breath cycles. Mindfulness Breathing Practice Explore the present moment. What do you see in your mind’s eye, feel in your body, hear, smell, taste, think about, imagine? Name these for yourself. Accept with love and compassion toward yourself that this is your experience in this moment. With the next breath in, hold all of your awareness along with your breath. When you’re ready, let it all go…. On the next breath in, step into another new moment. Be open to what you find in this new moment. Repeat the cycles above.

Chakra Kassei Kokyo Ho (from Reiki)

This breathing technique can be used during personal meditation and self-treatments Draw the energy (‘breathe’) through the base chakra to the heart, pause and breathe out through the heart chakra. Breathe in through the heart chakra, take the energy to the crown chakra, pause and then breathe out through the crown chakra. Breathe in through the crown chakra, take the energy back to the heart chakra, pause and then breathe out through the heart chakra.


Breathe in through the heart chakra, take the energy to the base chakra, pause and then breathe out through the base chakra. Repeat several times. This technique is calming, facilitates an alpha state and promotes enlightenment by clearing the Kundalini pathways.

Techniques to Improve Focus in Meditation and Reduce Anxiety: 1. Yoga Position for Calmness and Sleep

• Lie on your back or sit with your left ankle over the right ankle. • Cross your arms with your right arm on top, fingers under your armpits and

thumbs on top. • Focus gently just on the physical sensations in the body, such as tingles and

twitches. • Focus on using your preferred relaxation breathing technique. • Hold the position for 10 minutes, then uncross the ankles and put your fingertips

together in the prayer position. Hold that position for one minute. • Notice how calm and clear headed you feel.

2. The Power of Now Concentrate your awareness on your 5 senses.

• What can you see around you? Look at the details of colour, shape, size, light, shadow, etc

• Close your eyes and be aware of all the sounds around you. • Notice physical sensations in the body – comfort or otherwise of the clothing and

shoes, temperature, feelings of chair / pillow against the body, etc • What can you smell? • What can you taste?

Playing with Light Energy 1. Channeling Energy – If you have no prior experience in energy channeling,

don’t worry! Just imagine that you can breathe in a column of light from the higher realms to your crown chakra, located on the top of your head, and then allow this energy to flow down continuously through your body. You may feel your palms tingling as you do this. You may be able to see the color of this light or get a sense of it. If not, just ‘pretend’ you can until it becomes real for you.

2. Purifying Breath Meditation to breathe in healing energy and breathe out energetic dross, including negativity, sadness, frustration and tension. See that denser vibrational energy as clouds of dark coloured energy rolling away from the body and dissipating out of the energy field.


3. Nature Walk Holding the Light. Spend some time channeling and building the Light energy within you as discussed previously, then go for a 5 minute walk in a place in Nature (even just your garden!) holding this level of Light within you. Notice your experience of how expanded your energy field is and how easy or difficult it is to maintain this.

Seeing & Feeling Energy Games Finger touching exercise With a plain, light-colored wall facing you, hold your hands out 20-30cms in front of your body and firmly press the two index fingers together at their tips. Then watch carefully what happens as you slowly move the tips of the fingers a few millimeters apart. Most likely you will see a whitish haze between the fingertips. You can then play with moving the fingertips to stretch out this white energy (part of the aura) and move it around. If you defocus your eyes a little by looking at your index fingers with ‘sleepy’ eyes, you may see the fingers completely outlined in this white energy haze. You are now looking at part of your aura! Powerball creation Intend to channel energy. With your two palms facing each other about 30 cms apart, slowly bring them in towards each other until you can feel a subtle resistance, rather like putting pressure on a spongy ball. Now mold your powerball into shape by gently moving your hands around it. You are now feeling energy! Seeing auras Just for fun, have a friend stand in front of a plain wall, preferably in low light. Stand 1-2 meters away, defocus your eyes – almost looking behind the person – and look around near the outside of their head and shoulders. Don’t be surprised if you see a whitish energy haze. You may even see subtle colors running this energy haze or aura. You may even be able to follow this energy field right around the body. Just have fun with this and don’t worry if you can’t do it. Your psychic abilities may lie elsewhere.


Nature Walk Increasing your connection to Nature increases your connection to Isis, to the god of your understanding and to your Divine self. The veils between the worlds are thinnest in Nature. Once again build your energy through intention, the breath and drawing in the Light. Feeling yourself becoming centered, imagine that your feet have energetic roots growing out of the bottom of them which help to ground and connect you to the earth. Say an internal prayer to establish a deep energetic bond with all the flowers, trees and other plants and especially with the earth. Enjoy a leisurely stroll by yourself in a beautiful place in Nature in a meditative state, just allowing yourself to be intuitively drawn to wherever you are being ‘called’. Suggested things to explore, experience and take mental notes of during your walk:

• You may like to walk barefoot upon the dark cool soil or upon the grass to connect deeply with Gaia (Mother Earth).

• Send love to everything in the area and feel deep gratitude and appreciation for being in such a beautiful place.

• Ask in your mind if any of the plants or flowers has a message for you. Ask what that message is.

• Notice that each plant has its own aura or energy field, as shown in that whitish shimmer around it. Can you see the auras? Try defocusing your eyes a little.

• Does any plant, flower or tree have a particularly strong energy field? • Are any plants looking sick or dying? What do they tell you they need in order to

be healthy? • Touch the flowers, plants and trees you are drawn to. • Rest your back against a tree and feel your energies combining with the tree’s

energies for healing. • Try connecting your third eye directly to the bark of a tree. Does the tree have a

message for you? If so, what is that? • Place the palms of your hands on a tree and feel its subtle vibrations. What do

they feel like? • Do you sense that there is one tree that is the dominant one in the area? Which

one and why? • Is there a particular type of flower that is attracting you? • What flower colours are attracting you? • Cradle a flower in your hands that draws you to it. Examine its shape, aroma,

colour and texture. What is particularly special for you about this flower? • What do you intuitively feel its healing properties, if any, could be? • Ask for its message for you and be open to whatever comes. You may receive

the information by hearing a message in your mind, by a deep inner knowing or even by a visual flash.

• Touch the large natural stones and see if you can feel their vibration.


• Do you feel any parts of the area have a particularly good or bad energy? Where and why?

• Are you aware of any non-physical energy presences with you? • Can you feel a specific overall vibration or energy to this area? • Sit on the ground and tune in to the energy of Mother Earth. Can you feel her


Reconnection to Nature

To do the Isis Healing of Love work effectively it is essential to be well-grounded. Each day spend time in a beautiful place in Nature, maybe by visiting a local park, taking a walk in the country or even a walk in your own garden admiring the trees, flowers and other plants. Notice the amazing fragrances, touch the softness of the petals, pick a flower you are drawn to, feel the different energies of the flowers with the palms of your hands. Find a tree that seems to ‘speak’ to you and ask it for its message….. You will be amazed what you can receive with a little practice! Don’t be surprised if the colors of the flowers seem brighter and more radiant and the leaves of the trees greener as your vibration rises and you become more sensitive in their presence. I love a wall plaque I was given saying, “One is nearer to God in a garden than anywhere else on Earth.” See how many joyful ways you can find to connect more and more with the Divinity and the soul of all sentient beings. Begin to feel or strengthen your connection to all life-forms and to respect and honor them more every day.


Psychic Communication With Angels Angels are always available to assist us. All we need to do is to ask them for help, being open to the myriad ways they try to get our attention. Being still in meditation and prayer is essential to deepen your connection to the angelic realms. Some of the common forms of communication from angels include finding strategically-placed feathers to get our attention that angels are around. The angels may guide us to look at a clock at exactly 11:11 or we see the same number sequences recurring over and over on a particular day, such as 444 or 1414. Both those number sequences mean that even though you are finding things difficult at the moment, the angels are around to assist you. If you have been worried about which course of action to take, 222 shows you that you are doing the right thing at the right time. 333 is also a definite Yes. Sometimes you will be guided to turn on the TV or the radio just in time to hear or see something that is of special significance to you. Similarly you might suddenly be guided to look up at a billboard with a special message for you. I had to laugh when I was out driving one day and was pondering whether my work was reaching enough people globally, when a truck pulled up next to me with the sign, “Loved around the world!” With Animals and Birds If you are the ‘person’ of a companion animal then most likely you already understand each other quite well through body language and your intonation. In the stillness try connecting telepathically with an animal (who doesn’t have to be present physically) via the third eye and sending it a picture message, in preference to using words. Be open to whatever senses or impressions or even pictures you get back in response. In her final days my dog was too weak to walk so I decided to take her for a walk in a modified pusher. Upon our return I was working on my computer with her lying behind me when I suddenly received a very clear message from her, “How humiliating! Don’t you ever dare try taking me for a walk in that thing ever again!” It was the voice of a dignified old lady.


Our Deepest Fear…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does nothing to serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure about you. We are all meant to shine, as children do, We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson



Part 2 – Isis Healing of Love System Preparation for Isis Activation of the Healing Heart

1. Sacred Spiral Intuitive Creative Symbol or Power Symbol Used as a focusing tool to bring in and condense energy into a specific area 3-dimensional symbol spiraling inwards from top left

2. Lotus Flower Acts like a key or gear to open chakras or areas of blockage

3. Infinity Symbol Run the energy round continuously in whatever direction feels right to you


Isis Activation of the Healing Heart

* Listen to the separate Isis Activation of the Healing Heart Recording that comes as part of this Isis Healing of Love package.

I use the compassionate Divine Feminine energy of the Goddess Isis, Great Mother Goddess, (think also Mother Mary and Kwan Yin) to open and clear the heart energy center to deeper levels than anything else you are likely to have experienced before. It has been brought forth through me to bring the energy of Compassion of the Empowered Divine Feminine into the Earth plane for 2012 and beyond. The Isis Activation of the Healing Heart is a Powerful Energy Transmission that:

• Is a deep heart energy center cleansing to release those most painful parts that have previously been shut off from access

• Activates the pineal gland to awaken to increased psychic ability, healing gifts and/or move to a higher vibration

• Activates communication and harmony between the chakras in a unique way • Restructures at the level of the DNA (Some clairvoyant people see the DNA

double helix changing during their Isis Activation) • Activates and anchors the empowered Divine Feminine, both individually and

into Mother Earth. • Uses Ancient Egyptian Energies and parts of ceremonies ‘remembered’ from

ancient temples • Is experienced differently for every person with different deities according to that

person’s belief set and/or need As this is the Initiation into the Isis Healing of Love system so that you can both receive and use this very special high vibration Isis energy, you may find yourself going through an emotional and/or physical cleansing after the Activation. Just drink plenty of water, rest if necessary and be the ‘fascinated observer’ to what is bubbling up from deep in

the heart and psyche for release. Some other deities that are often present during this Activation include:

The Goddess Sekhmet


Depicted with the body of a woman with a lion headdress, Sekhmet is a primordial Goddess that legend tells us was present at the creation of our universe. She destroys all that is no longer needed, rather like the Tower card in Tarot, so that you can rebuild on a firmer foundation and she is considered the Goddess of Regeneration and Healing.

Anubis This jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Ancient Egypt. He is the son of Nephthys and Set. Rather like a ‘patron saint’ for healers, he is often present when healers channel Ancient Egyptian energies. Your Experiences of the Isis Activation of the Healing Heart ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Discussion of the Chakra System, based on the chart on page 21 As well as the 7 major chakras detailed in the chart, there are other major chakras, such as the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, as well as numerous minor chakras around the body, such as in the palms of the hands, the knees and the soles of the feet. Please note that Isis Healing does not rely on using the chakra system, but as so many people these days are familiar with the chakras, it is an easy reference point for the general areas of Isis Healing. Soul Star Chakra – The Eighth Chakra Located about 15 cms or 6 inches above the crown chakra, the Soul Star Chakra is known as the seat of the soul and is the point where spiritual energy and Divine Love enter the body via the Stellar Gateway. This energy is then filtered down into the Crown Chakra for distribution throughout the body. It is also where we connect with our higher self and our akashic records, the life records of our soul. It is associated with the issues of Letting Go and Transcending and allowing more of the Divine Light and Love of God to enter your life. As we ascend on our spiritual journey this chakra becomes more and more important and opening it will assist in developing our psychic gifts and in enlightenment Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is located approximately 30-45 cms or 12 to 18 inches below the soles of the feet. It is not within the actual physical body but is part of the etheric body.

This chakra aligns you with the magnetic core of the earth and connects you with Mother Earth or Gaia to resource and reground your body. Its strong properties keep you grounded and protected. Especially if you do spiritual work it is very easy to become ungrounded and you will realize this when you suffer frequent headaches after doing your spiritual work or feel floaty, tired or mentally confused.

The colour associated with the Earth Star Chakra is black, like the earth itself, and spending time walking barefoot upon the earth will help to connect you to your Earth Star Chakra.

Thymus Chakra

The Thymus Chakra or Higher Heart Chakra is located midway between the heart and throat chakras. It heals the immune system and helps you to speak with intent from the heart. It connects the emotions of Divine Love, compassion, truth and forgiveness in the heart with the area where language originates and is about selfless, spiritual love for the god of your understanding. This chakra relates to Christ consciousness and is the bridge between your emotions and your intellect.

Turquoise is the colour associated with this chakra. The thymus gland itself has within it the patterning for your DNA and your karmic design for this lifetime, including past life information.


Subtle Energy Bodies


Isis Healing of Love - Self-Healing

How is the Isis Healing of Love Energy Experienced? Although you may have slightly different and equally as valid experiences of the Isis energy, for me the Isis energy feels like a shower of fine metallic gold coloured ‘raindrops’ that shower down from Isis and into my open crown chakra, progressively filling my body with this fine gold energy. It is an intelligent energy and once you set your intention for the energy to flow for healing, especially when using infinity symbols, the energy just seems to flow of its own accord and often you just seem to be an observer. Rather like set and forget. It moves very fast and seems to zip around an infinity symbol like gold streaks of energy. Wherever there is a block it may slow down or try and divert around the site of the block. This is where you need to guide it and pull it back into the direction you want it to run in. Sometimes it can be like trying to push the energy through thick dark sludge until a release is obtained. It is not uncommon for higher beings to be assisting you during this process.

When an Energetic Block Releases Once a block releases the Isis energy will start to flow easily once again, zipping around. Some of the signs of a release occurring during a self-healing include:

• Deep sighing • Spontaneous tears • Colours seen with the inner vision, especially the Violet Ray of Transmutation • Visions of people and old events • Waves of tingling sensations through the body • Pleasant heat at the site where the release occurred

Benefits of a Regular Self-Healing Discipline • Letting go of all sorts of heart-related emotional pain, such as grief, sadness and

relationship issues • Letting go of people, things and situations that no longer serve you • Experiencing more flow, Grace and ease in your life • Release of stress and tension and making time for you • Releasing negative or lower vibration feelings • Profound feelings of inner peace and calm • Sending out a high vibration to the universe that attracts the people and

resources you need for the next stage of your journey • Feelings of transcending old issues so they no longer hold any emotional charge • Developing a feeling of connection to the Divine in everything, including yourself


Simple Version of Isis Self-Healing (See also Diagram on page 30) Listen to the Isis Self-Healing Technique Recording as well for a slightly different version

1. Hydrate yourself with a glass of water. 2. Lie down or sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed for at least 20

minutes. (You can do the actual healing in as little as 10 minutes if you are time poor.)

3. Say a silent Prayer of Invocation to Isis to connect with her energies 4. Mentally draw the sparkling white and blue 7-petalled lotus symbol just

above your crown chakra, with the base of the lotus closest to your crown. 5. Allow the lotus to flow down into your crown chakra and spin / rotate it

whichever way feels most natural to you (either anticlockwise or clockwise) to allow the petals to open fully, also allowing the crown chakra to open wide. There is a sense of the lotus being like the key to unlock the crown chakra, or you may like to think of it as the lotus being a gear that fits into the crown chakra and opens it.

6. See or sense your open crown chakra. 7. Now similarly open your heart chakra using another 7-petalled lotus

symbol that flows into your heart, lotus base first, spin it and feel the wide expansion of your heart chakra.

8. Open your base chakra using another 7-petalled lotus symbol. The petals will be pointing down your legs as the symbol flows into your base chakra and you spin it open.

9. Open each of the palms of your hands using the lotus symbols and spinning them.

10. Now open each of your feet chakras in turn by visualizing a downwards-pointing lotus in each that flows into the sole of the foot and spin it open.

11. Imagine creating energetic roots from the soles of your feet that ground you to Mother Earth.


12. The first few times you do the above sequence may take a little bit of time, but eventually it becomes flowing and almost automatic and you can open the above chakras very quickly with the lotuses.

13. Place your hands over your heart chakra and breathe deeply with the intention of channeling the Isis energies into your heart. Sense the down-pouring of the fine gold rain energy straight into your crown chakra and down into your heart chakra.

14. With each breath draw in more and more of the Isis energy until your heart seems to be made of liquid gold and is shining brilliantly.

15. Feel that gold energy radiating out into the rest of your body and energy field.

16. Continue to channel this energy for as long as desired, but at least 10 minutes.

17. To close, become aware of the grounding cords of energy from the soles of your feet into the earth. If you are feeling a little spacey, you can also imagine your feet covered in earth to ground you.

18. Request that your chakras be adjusted to be open to the highest vibrational level you are capable of holding in your daily life.

19. Request that the angels send any energetic dross from you or your environment to the Light for transmutation.

20. Wriggle your fingers and toes, have a good stretch and another glass of water.



Isis Self-Healing including Subtle Bodies and Planetary Healing (See also Diagram on page 34)

This form of self-healing gives an even deeper level of healing and also connects this healing to Mother Earth at the same time. Allow at least 20 minutes.

1. Follow steps 1 - 12 of the Simple Isis Self-Healing on page 28. 2. You may then place your hands wherever you are guided to on your body, but not

directly over your heart. 3. Breathe deeply with the intention of channeling the Isis energies into your heart.

Sense the down-pouring of the fine gold rain energy straight from Isis into your crown chakra and down into your heart chakra.

4. Visualize / imagine drawing a huge infinity symbol that loops out from the front of your heart energy center, through your subtle bodies and well beyond and then comes back down into the center of your heart chakra and proceeds out from behind, looping out through all your subtle bodies and beyond. The infinity symbol will look like it is made of a fast-moving gold streak of energy set in blue. Initially this energy should run unimpeded very easily and you are observing it rather than directing it. The cross-over point of the infinity symbol is at the center of the heart chakra.

5. As long as the Isis energy in the infinity symbol runs quickly and easily, just let the loops of the symbol gradually start to become smaller. Mostly this process will just happen naturally as you observe it. (See the diagram above)

6. You may find as the loops are becoming smaller that the energy also feels more dense and doesn’t flow as easily. Sometimes it may get stuck or divert away from the natural path of the infinity symbol. Sometimes the loops become very wide the closer is gets to the heart chakra.

7. Guide the energy to stay on track and also to ‘push’ it through any areas of stuckness in its path, which are where the energetic blockages are. You may need to push the energy through a stuck area several times or more as you do the loop circuits, but eventually there will be a release of this blocked energy and the infinity symbol will form easily once more.

8. Continue allowing the infinity symbol to get smaller and smaller until the focus is entirely over the central point. Hold this focus, maybe also with your hands on


top of the area, until a definite release it obtained. You may feel the energy shift with tingles, colours, deep sighs, jerks, visions, spontaneous tears or even wide yawns.

9. Next move your attention to your midsection (solar plexus chakra) and repeat steps 4 – 8 above, using the solar plexus as the central point of the infinity symbol.

10. Repeat the previous step for any other chakra centers you are guided to. You can just do another 1 or 2 or maybe all the major chakras.

11. Similarly, use the infinity symbol process for any areas of physical or emotional discomfort in the body, such as the liver (stored anger), stomach (assimilation of experiences) or spleen (anxiety and worry) (See reference chart page 33)

12. Finish by visualizing a long, skinny infinity symbol of Isis energy that runs through the body’s core column of Light (just in front of the spine) from above the soul star chakra to below the earth star chakra, crossing over at the heart. Run the energy rapidly around this until it flows effortlessly, uniting both heaven and earth.

13. To close, become aware of the grounding cords of energy from the soles of your feet into the earth. If you are feeling a little spacey, you can also imagine your feet covered in earth to ground you.

14. Request that your chakras be adjusted to be open to the highest vibrational level you are capable of holding in your daily life.

15. Request that the angels send any energetic dross from you or your environment to the Light for transmutation.

16. Wriggle your fingers and toes, have a good stretch and another glass of water.




Isis Healing of Love – Working on Another

Building Your Energy You have the potential to channel huge amounts of Isis energy using this system for use with the person receiving the healing and also for Mother Earth, so it is necessary to first connect with the Goddess energies of Isis and ground and center yourself before working on another. Most importantly, you need to build the energies within yourself first and give to the other person from the ‘overflow’. Expressed another way, fill up your own cup with Isis energy first so you do not drain yourself energetically. Remember, you are also receiving a healing! It is also not just a matter of being able to channel energy, but for maximum results you need to make a commitment to yourself to keep your own vibration as high as possible. Things to consider are your diet, how much regular meditation as well as exercise you do, your sleep pattern and how much time you spend enjoying nature and doing other soul-nurturing activities. Because this is very high vibration energy we are using, you need to put self-love and soul-nurturing as your top priorities otherwise you may find yourself feeling exhausted and unable to cope with the intensity of the energy. Startup Procedure to Build Your Energy

1. Hydrate with a glass of water 2. Invoke the Goddess Isis with a prayer of Gratitude and humbly offer yourself as a

channel for Divine Love 3. Ask for the presence of any other higher beings of Light and Love that also wish

to assist in the healing. You may sense Sekhmet, Anubis, Siriun White Light Beings, angels and other beings gathering in Love in the room. I always find Isis is opposite me with outstretched wings.

4. Standing near the feet of the person you are about to work on, visualize drawing the shining blue 7-petalled lotus symbol above your crown chakra

5. Let the lotus flow into your crown chakra and spin it either clockwise or anticlockwise, whichever feels the most natural to you. There is a sense of the lotus being like the key to unlock the chakra, or you may like to think of it as the lotus being a gear that fits into the chakra and opens it.

6. Feel your crown chakra open wide with the petals of the open lotus spread out around the perimeter, allowing a shower of very fine metallic gold raindrops of Isis energy to begin to enter.

7. Next open your heart chakra using another lotus symbol in a similar way. 8. Then open the base chakra with another lotus symbol. 9. Pulse gold light several times backwards and forwards through the midline of

your body, reaching up to Isis herself and down to the molten core of the Earth. You may find this gold light changes to silver light as it goes down below the solar plexus and into the Earth.

10. Open the palm of your right hand with another lotus symbol. 11. Open the palm of your left hand with another lotus symbol. 12. Similarly, open the sole of the right foot with a lotus symbol.


13. Then open the sole of the left foot with a lotus symbol. 14. Visualize energetic roots from the soles of your feet anchoring you to the ground

and to the earth star chakra. 15. Continue to breathe in the gold Isis energy until your whole body feels as if it is

vibrating and full of this energy. You may even be able to see the gold specks with your inner sight.

16. For those of you termed Earth Angels, you may feel your ‘wings’ spread out wide to bring you into full power and balance.

Procedure for Working on Another You will find this startup process becomes effortless and flowing after a few practices, rather like being part of a graceful and flowing ‘dance of energy’ Once you have built up your own energy, are connected to the Isis energies and are securely grounded, you are ready to begin working on the other person. There is no need in a higher sense to get the person’s ‘story’ or details of their issues beforehand as the Isis Healing of Love is a complete energetic rebalancing. Of course, if you feel a person needs to tell you about their stuff first, by all means listen to them before commencing to build your energy, but know in the back of your mind that this is not necessary for the success of the healing. The first part of working on another is similar to opening yourself up to receive the energy, following many of the steps above, but on the other person, who may be seated or preferably lying down. You may like to physically move to each area as you are working on it, or you may like to just visualize what is taking place in each area from a distance, as I do. This will largely depend on the strength of your psychic sight and on your ability to hold the focus. I visualize drawing many of the symbols over the appropriate areas and do not even need to touch the person. Many times higher beings, especially angels, come in and do what may be termed psychic surgery on the person. At such times all you are required to do is to ‘hold the space’ while the work is being done and you can just be the fascinated observer.

1. Before you do your startup procedure to build your own energies, offer the person a glass of water for hydration.

2. (Refer diagram P.40) Similarly to points 4 – 14 in the startup procedure above, visualize drawing the shining blue 7-petalled lotus symbol above the person’s crown chakra

3. Let the lotus flow into their crown chakra and spin it either clockwise or anticlockwise, whichever feels the most natural to you. There is a sense of the lotus being like the key to unlock the chakra, or you may like to think of it as the lotus being a gear that fits into the chakra and opens it.

4. See or sense their crown chakra open wide with the petals of the open lotus spread out around the perimeter, allowing a shower of very fine metallic gold raindrops of Isis energy to begin to enter.

5. Next open their heart chakra using another lotus symbol in a similar way. 6. Then open the base chakra with another lotus symbol. 7. Pulse gold light several times backwards and forwards through the midline of

their body, reaching up to Isis herself and down to the molten core of the Earth. You may find this gold light changes to silver light as it goes down below their solar plexus and into the Earth.


8. Open the palm of their right hand with another lotus symbol to allow them to automatically give and receive healing from everything they touch.

9. Open the palm of their left hand with another lotus symbol. 10. Similarly, open the sole of their right foot with a lotus symbol, so that everywhere

that person steps will receive the Isis healing energy. 11. Then open the sole of their left foot with a lotus symbol. 12. Visualize energetic roots from the soles of their feet anchoring them to the

ground and to their earth star chakra. 13. You have already learnt the basic techniques during the longer version of the

self-healing you did yesterday, so this next part should be relatively easy, although profoundly powerful.

14. As the person’s heart chakra has already been opened wide by the flow and spin of the lotus symbol into it, now visualize/ imagine drawing a huge infinity symbol that loops out from the front of their heart energy center, through their subtle bodies and well beyond and then comes back down into the center of their heart chakra and proceeds out from behind, looping out through all their subtle bodies and beyond. The infinity symbol will look like it is made of a fast-moving gold streak of energy. Initially this energy should run unimpeded very easily and you are observing it rather than directing it. The cross-over point of the infinity symbol is at the center of the heart chakra.

15. As long as the Isis energy in the infinity symbol runs quickly and easily, just let the loops of the symbol gradually start to become smaller. Mostly this process will just happen naturally as you observe it. (See the diagram above)

16. You may find as the loops are becoming smaller that the energy also feels more dense and doesn’t flow as easily. Sometimes it may get stuck or divert away from the natural path of the infinity symbol. Sometimes the loops become very wide the closer is gets to the heart chakra.

17. Guide the energy to stay on track and also to ‘push’ it through any areas of stuckness in its path, which are where the energetic blockages are. You may need to push the energy through a stuck area several times or more as you do the loop circuits, but eventually there will be a release of this blocked energy and the infinity symbol will form easily once more.

18. Continue allowing the infinity symbol to get smaller and smaller until the focus is entirely over the central point. Hold this focus, maybe also with your hands on top of the area, until a definite release it obtained. The person may feel the


energy shift with tingles, colours, deep sighs, jerks, visions, spontaneous tears or even wide yawns.

19. Next, move your attention to their midsection (solar plexus chakra), opening it wide using the lotus symbol and repeat steps 14 – 18 above, using the solar plexus as the central point of the infinity symbol. Wait for the release.

20. Repeat the previous step for the other chakras in the following order: a) Sacral plexus – about a hand’s width below the navel b) Thymus gland chakra – midway between the heart and the throat c) Throat chakra d) Third eye chakra

21. Similarly, use the lotus opening and infinity symbol process for any areas of physical or emotional discomfort in the body, such as the liver (stored anger), stomach (assimilation of experiences) or spleen (anxiety and worry) (See reference chart page 33)

22. Seated behind the person’s head, place your hands underneath their head and really feel the gold Isis energy flowing down through your crown chakra and entering the other person’s crown chakra via your heart and the back of their neck via the palms of your hands.

23. Fill their body up with this gold energy and well out into their aura. 24. Move to their feet and visualize a long, skinny infinity symbol of Isis energy that

runs through the body’s core column of Light (just in front of the spine) from above the soul star chakra to below the earth star chakra, crossing over at the heart. Run the energy rapidly around this until it flows effortlessly, uniting both heaven and earth.

25. To close, become aware of the grounding cords of energy from the soles of your own feet into the earth. If you are feeling a little spacey, you can also imagine your feet covered in earth to ground you.

26. Request that the person’s chakras be adjusted to be open to the highest vibrational level they are capable of holding in their daily life.

27. Request that the angels send any energetic dross from you, the client or your environment to the Light for transmutation.

28. Brush down the person’s lower legs to help ground them and see the energetic roots grounding them to Mother Earth.

29. Detach energetically from your client. 30. When they are ready, suggest they wriggle their fingers and toes, have a good

stretch and another glass of water. 31. They may like to discuss their experiences with you… or not. Be sensitive to their

needs. Remember, how much they feel or see during the session is not a measure of how good you are as a healing channel, but merely a reflection of their level of sensitivity.


32. Request that they drink extra water over the next few days to facilitate integration of the higher vibratory energies. Allow about two weeks before another session with them to allow plenty of time for integration.

33. Mention they may have vivid dreams or feel a little emotionally up and down as the clearing is taking place. There may also be some minor and temporary physical symptoms such as tiredness, colds or gastric symptoms.

Guide to the Chakra Positions

See next page for full diagram of Isis Healing of Love



What is a Light Body? The Light body incorporates the aura, or energy field, as well as the cellular structure of each organ, the molecules of each physical cell, the atoms of each molecule and the electrons and sub-atomic particles of each atom. As the Light body develops it is even capable of influencing and re-patterning the DNA. A person’s mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies are transformed by the higher frequencies of spiritual Light to vibrate at a higher level and with a higher level of consciousness in increasing alignment with the Divine, including within themselves. The increasing levels of Light infused not only brings more Divine Love, joy and happiness, but will also ‘shine the Light’ into those areas of darkness out of alignment with the new higher vibration. So it is common to shift between feeling ecstatic, expanded states of blissful union with the Divine to having greater awareness of areas of blockage within the body that manifest in physical and emotional pain and feeling stuck. What was previously hidden and suppressed in a heavier vibration surfaces for healing, processing and release. Sometimes it may even feel as if we are going backwards in our spiritual journey while this process of holding increasingly more Light is taking place. This is all part of the purification process as we learn to stabilize our energy field at a higher level of vibration and at a higher level of consciousness. Intuitively you may feel guided to cleanse the body in some way to assist in this process, such as by eliminating red meat from your diet or by doing a juice fast or a detox. Eating animals that have been killed in fear serves to lower our vibration and so does eating refined sugar or highly-processed foods. As we continue to purify ourselves progressively on all levels we allow more Divine Light to enter and transform us to be able to hold increasingly greater levels of Light that enables us to truly live more consciously and from an expanded state of awareness in connection with our Divine Essence or God-Self and with the Divinity in everything. It is a continuing process of integration and transformation.


Isis Healing of Love – Absent Healing Also known as ‘remote healing’, absent healing can be done when the person who is to receive the healing is not actually physically present. Once you have connected to the energy of that person and received their permission at a soul level to perform the absent healing, you are free to proceed. Usually I will get a clear sense of a “Yes” or a “No” response.

Most schools of energy healing teach complex symbols for absent healing, such as the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen of Reiki, to connect you with the other person’s energy. I discovered long ago while teaching basic level 1 Reiki that many people intuitively know how to transmit healing energy at a distance without any symbols and find it easy to connect just by focusing their mind on the other person.

There are many proxies that can be used for absent healing, including: 1. A pillow, doll or teddy bear or any convenient object 2. Writing the name of the person on a piece of paper and hold the paper between

your hands 3. Placing your hands on a photograph of a person 4. Cupping your hands together and visualize the person between them 5. Mentally inviting the person to stand before you and visualize them there. Hold

your palms towards them and beam the Isis energy towards them A photograph is a good tool to help focus your attention although it is not necessary. If you don’t have a name to assist you in working on someone, use a descriptive phrase that has meaning for you.

If you are using a proxy, you may like to invoke the Hermetic Law of Similarities to establish the correct circumstances. Say: “I now invoke the Hermetic Law of Similarities. Every part of this (example) crystal in my hands is now every part of (insert name of person).” As well as focusing the light of our third eye on a person we can connect etherically to another person via the throat chakra by naming them aloud. Then by maintaining the concentration and connections at the third eye and throat we can send the Isis Healing of Love energy to the recipient.

Suggested Absent Healing Format

1. Mentally call for the thought form of the person and say their name 3 times. Then declare: “You are free to accept or reject this healing energy to your fullest capacity to receive this energy. This energy is healing, harmonising, balancing and loving.”

2. Use a prayer of gratitude to connect to Isis and her Divine Feminine healing energies.


3. Declare the Intention of the healing. Example: I am asking for this Isis Healing of Love energy for …………..’s healing and their highest good and also for my highest good.

4. Build the Isis energy first within you, as you do before commencing a healing with someone in the same room and as per the process on page 35

5. Invoke the Hermetic Law of Similarities, if using a proxy 6. How detailed or how long you make the healing will depend on how well you can

maintain your focus. I would suggest you start by adapting the simplified self-healing technique on page 28 for another person by focusing on opening and expanding their chakras with the lotus symbol and then focusing on channeling Isis energy to their heart via your heart. If you would like to extend it further, then you can also add the infinity symbols coming inwards to one or more chakras, including the heart. (page 31) This gives a much more comprehensive healing as it works through the subtle bodies as well.

7. If you know in advance that someone has an injury or discomfort in a particular area, then use the lotus symbol in that area to open it up so you can channel Isis energies directly into it, regardless of whether or not it is a chakra. You may even be able to see areas that need work using your psychic inner vision. Don’t be afraid to be guided by your intuition!

Not everyone is ready to experience the intensity of the Isis Healing of Love energies. Enthusiastic as you might be about using your newfound skills, know that the vibration of these energies is far in excess of things like Reiki and may trigger a healing crisis in someone as their energy shifts rapidly with a treatment. Of course many people feel absolutely marvelous, energized, expanded and ready to take on the world straight after an Isis healing!

Absent healing can be done without the recipient having to do anything, or even be awake, although it is advisable that the person is in a quiet, relaxed space lying down. Good hydration for both you and the recipient is also desirable.

Ask the people you do absent Isis healings on for feedback on how they feel and on information of things they have noticed such as particular areas of the body tingling, vivid images or dreams or emotions surfacing.



Healing with the Isis energies of compassion and LOVE will bring you and those you work with energetically into greater Divine alignment, expanding the energy of the heart

and dissolving the illusion of separation. As you naturally find you love and respect yourself more, you also respect and honor all life forms, recognizing that we are all part

of one unified field of energy. As vessels of Divine Light and Love:

• We forgive ourselves and accept, love and nurture ourselves just as we are. • We no longer come from that place of greed, materialism and competition. • We value co-operation, collaboration and effortlessly draw to us heart-centered

relationships of a high vibration. • True happiness is found within ourselves and we no longer seek it outside of

ourselves. • All our words, deeds and actions become more Divinely-aligned and are based

on Love. • We learn to trust and have faith in the co-creative process rather than needing to

control every detail. • Our inner Light shines through in all we do and people sense this. • We become a beacon of Light to light the way for others to also follow a path of

higher evolutionary consciousness. • We are the way-showers. • We open the space to receive miracles. • Divinely-orchestrated coincidences and synchronicities become commonplace in

our life, in ways our Ego Mind could never have figured out! The ‘After’ Ratings Remember those two subjective ratings exercises you did when you first started this Manual? Well now it is time to redo them and look at your progress since completing the Isis Healing of Love Workshop.


Exercise 1 – Subjective Ratings Rate yourself on a scale of 0 – 10 in the following feelings and beliefs. Write your scores down and compare to your previous scores. 0 = I don’t resonate / agree with this at all. 10 = I strongly agree / I really feel this strongly 1. When I have an important decision to make I ask my heart for advice. 2. Spending time in nature refreshes me. 3. I feel strongly connected to animals. 4. I make it a priority to nurture myself each day. 5. I feel loved and supported by my guides and angels. 6. I am assertive and speak my truth, even if it means ‘rocking the boat’. 7. I love and accept all parts and aspects of myself. 8. I feel all my energy centers / chakras are balanced and vibrating in harmony. 9. In meditation I often find myself losing awareness of my physical body. 10. I can manifest whatever I want to once I set my focus on that thing. 11. I feel a strong sense of connection to something vibrationally higher than myself, such as God, Source, universal energy. Notice some changes? Write down what you have found has changed by completing the Isis Healing of Love Manual. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Exercise 2 – Emotional Assessment Ratings

Quickly tick the feelings below that you resonate with. Only tick from an emotional feeling, (subconscious). Do not think about the word before ticking (conscious) as the conscious mind will evaluate the word and may change the emotional response. Total the number of ticks and compare to the original results. .



I sat among the flowers and prayed, My emotions filled to overflowing. Tears of joy descending unchecked, My heart full of love was glowing. Connected to God, connected to Earth,

In pure bliss of contentment floating. No more feeling alone, frightened and lost, My soul in a happy home dwelling.

Gone was my struggle with the demons within, My shadow dissolved by the Light. Love lit my soul with its magical spark. The whole world was filled with His Light.

Mayur, Michelle. (2001) Angels are Watching. Surfers Paradise: Zeus Publications

Additional Information:

Private Healing Consultations, globally

• Email: michelle@heal-the-healer.com • Phone: (03) 9888 0138 within Australia

(0011) +613 9888 0138 outside Australia • Skype: michelle.mayur

Especially for Healers and Lightworkers To help shine your light brighter and heal yourself and others at a higher vibration, become a Free Member of the Heal the Healer global community at www.heal-the-healer.com and enjoy free teleseminars and inspirational resources. Connect with Me on Social Media Twitter: angelheal Facebook: www.facebook.com/HealTheHealer LinkedIn: Michelle Mayur


Websites: • www.angelwings-healing.com • www.heal-the-healer.com

Disclaimer: The information and exercises in this Isis Healing of Love Manual are not to be used in place of medical advice. Learning or receiving Isis Healing of Love is unsuitable for anyone suffering from psychosis or Grand Mal epilepsy due to the intensity of the energetic transmissions. This Isis Healing of Love Level I Manual is Copyright 2013 Michelle Mayur and may not be copied in part or whole without the written permission of Michelle Mayur.