Level 3: Blueprint for final assessment - Saleheen

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Transcript of Level 3: Blueprint for final assessment - Saleheen

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Level 3: Blueprint for final assessment (All units from “I Love Islam” Level 3)

Notes to parents Dear parents, This material is being provided to help students prepare for the final assessment on completion of level-3 at Saleheen Academy. The questions & answers provide an overview of topics covered in level 3. Final assessment will be based on a subset of these questions. You are encouraged to use these questions as outlines of topics and discuss the related subjects at home to provide more depth and enrichment. Memorisation tasks Some questions require memorisation. These tasks are underlined. Please help your children at home to accomplish these before the assessment. These tasks include:

Specified azkaar for Salat (five daily prayers). It is expected that at the end of this level, students will have memorised all parts of salat in Arabic and know their meanings.

Surah Al-Fatihah with meanings

Some other Surahs which relate to various lessons covered during level 3

Knowing some of the beautiful names of Allah s.w.t and their meanings. A brief meaning is provided in the answer. We encourage discussion and reflection at home.

Performance tasks Additionally, this year’s course included making Wudoo and performing Salat the correct way. These were reviewed in class a few times. However, due to limited time available in Saleheen lessons, it is not possible for the teachers to ensure that every individual student is observing them correctly and consistently. Moreover, improving and beautifying our Ibadah is a lifelong journey for every Believer. As we approach the end of level 3, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you to observe and review the performance of Wudoo and Salat by your children and help them overcome any deficiencies through gentle and consistent reminders.

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Preparation Material 1. (i) What does Iman mean? (ii) What are the Arkanul Iman (Pillars of faith)? Ans: (i) Iman means believing in Allah s.w.t and every unseen thing He has told us about (ii) Arkanul Iman are:

Belief in Allah s.w.t1 Belief in the angels Belief in the messengers Belief in the Holy Books Belief in the Day of Judgment, which includes believing in Paradise and Hell Belief in Al Qadr – Decree of Allah s.w.t

2. (i) What are the pillars of Islam? (ii) What is the meaning of Allah’s name Al Mumin? Discuss. Ans: (i) The pillars of Islam are:

Shahadah (Testimony) Salah (Prayer) Zakah (Charity) Siyam (Fasting) Hajj (Pilgrimage)

(ii) The meaning is The Faith Giver. Only Allah s.w.t gives Iman to a person and keeps it strong in the hearts. We should all make du’aa to Allah s.w.t to establish & beautify Iman in our hearts. 3. What do we call the names of Allah s.w.t in Arabic? Name four of them. Ans: Allah’s beautiful names are called Al-Asma ul Husna in Arabic. Examples: Al Quddoos, Al Kabeer, As Samad, Al Azeez, Al Hameed. 4. Why did Allah s.w.t create us? Quote an Ayah. Ans: Allah s.w.t created us to worship Him. Wa ma khalaq tul jinna wal insa illa liya’budoon. (Al Qur’an 51:56) Meaning: “I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.” 5. Memorize Surah Al-Ikhlas (Surah 112) and its meanings in English (Parents please help children memorize in Arabic) English meanings: “Say, (O Prophet,) “He is Allah—One (and Indivisible); Allah—the Sustainer (needed by all). He has never had offspring, nor was He born. And there is none comparable to Him.” 6. Write names of any four angels and their duties.

1 Abbreviations used in this text: “s.w.t”: Subhanahu wa ta'ala – After Allah’s name to praise and glorify Him “a.s”: Alayhi s-salām: After the names of the prophets and the messengers and the angels “s.a.s”: Ṣall-Allāhu ′alayhe wassallam: After the name of Prophet Muhammad “r.a”: Radiy-Allāhu ′Anhu: After the names of the companions of the prophet Muhammad s.a.s Radiy-Allāhu ′Anha for female companions, Radiy-Allāhu ′Anhum for plural

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Ans: Jibreel a.s: He brought Allah’s book to the Messengers. Mika’eel a.s: He takes care of rain, upon Allah’s order. Israfeel a.s: He will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement. Ridwan a.s: He is the guardian of Paradise. Malik a.s: He is guardian of hellfire. Angel of death a.s: He is responsible for taking human soul at the time of death. 7. (i) Who are the writing angels? How many do we have? (ii) Who are the guardian angels? How many do we have? Ans: (i) They are the angels that write down our good and bad deeds. There are 2 with each one of us (Kiraman Katibeen) (ii) They protect us from the harm by the will of Allah s.w.t. There are 2 with each one of us, one in front of us and one behind us.

8. Name at least two books that were sent to the prophets before Prophet Muhammed s.a.s. Also name the Messenger a.s to whom the books were sent. Ans: As Suhuf (Ibraheem a.s), At Tawrah (Musa a.s), Az Zaboor (Dawood a.s), Al Injeel (Isa a.s). 9. What is a chapter of Al Qur’an called? How many chapters are there in the Al Qur’an? Ans: A chapter is called “surah”. There are 114 chapters in the Quran. 10. What is Allah’s promise about Quran? Quote an Ayah. Allah s.w.t has promised to protect Quran from any change or loss. “Inna nahnu nazzalna aththikrawa-inna lahu lahafithoon” (Al -Qur’an 15:9) Meaning: “It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.” 11. What are the different ways in which we can we show respect to Al’Quran? Ans: Examples of such ways are:

Reading it Learning it Memorizing it Practicing its teachings Teaching it to others and inviting people towards its message Keeping it in a safe, clean and high place

12. (i) Why did Allah s.w.t send prophets & messengers? (ii) How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an? Ans: (i) Allah s.w.t sent prophets to guide people to Allah’s path and to teach people how to:

Worship Him Have a good character Live happily in this life

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Win Jannah in the next life (ii) Allah s.w.t has mentioned the names of 25 prophets in the Qur’an. 13. (i) Write the names of five messengers. (ii) Write the names of five prophets. (iii) Who is the last and final prophet and messenger of Allah s.w.t? Ans: (i) Ibraheem (a.s), Musa (a.s), Isa (a.s), Dawood (a.s), Muhammed (s.a.s).

(ii) Adam (a.s), Lout (a.s), Yusuf (a.s), Ayyub (a.s), Haroon (a.s), Ilyas (a.s), Yahya (a.s), Zakariyya (a.s). (iii) Muhammad (s.a.s)

14. (i) What is Yawm ul-Qiyamah? (ii) What do the names of Allah Al-Khafid and Ar-Rafi’ mean? Ans: (i) It is the day when we stand in front of Allah s.w.t to give the account for our deeds. It is called as Day of Judgement. (ii) Al-Khafid - The one who can bring high things down and make powerful people weak. Ar-Rafi’ - The one who can bring low things high and make weak people powerful. 15. What should a Muslim do when he/she makes a mistake? Ans: When a person makes a mistake, he/she should

Admit the mistake Make Istighfar and seek forgiveness from Allah s.w.t Seek forgiveness from the person whom you have hurt Try not to repeat the mistake

16. Memorize Surah Al-Zalzala (Surah 99) and its meanings (Memorize the surah) English Meanings: “When the earth is shaken (in) its ultimate quaking, and when the earth throws out (all) its contents, and humanity cries, “What is wrong with it?”— on that Day the earth will recount everything, having been inspired by your Lord (to do so). On that Day people will proceed in separate groups to be shown (the consequences of) their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” 17. What does Al-Qadar mean? Ans: Al-Qadar means Fate. This means that Allah s.w.t controls the fate of the people and the whole universe. Everything happens with His knowledge and permission. 18. (i) What should we do when something good happens to us? (ii) What should we do when something bad happens to us? Ans: (i) Thank Allah by saying Alhamdulillah. (ii) Consider it a test from Allah s.w.t., accept it, be patient and ask Allah for help. We should always be thankful too.

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19. Define the following names of Allah: (i) An-Nafi’ ; (ii) Ad-Darr Ans: (i) An-Nafi’: The Benefactor (ii) Ad-Darr: The Afflicter 20. What was the first thing Ibraheem (a.s) thought was God? What did he realise after that? Ans: The first thing he thought as God was star. After the star disappeared, he said I will not worship something that fades away. 21. (i) What did Allah s.w.t tell Ibraheem (a.s) to do, to see His signs? (ii) What happened to the birds? Ans: (i) Allah s.w.t asked Ibraheem (a.s) to take 4 birds, kill them and cut them into four pieces and put them on different hills. (ii) When Ibraheem (a.s) called for the birds, the pieces of the birds came together and the birds came back to life. The birds came flying towards Ibraheem (a.s) in no time. 22. Who was the king of Iraq? What did the king of Iraq want his people to do? Ans: The king of Iraq was Num-rude. He wanted his people to worship him and his idols that were made of stones. 23. Write the meaning of Allah’s names Al-Haqq and Al-Hadi. Ans: Al-Haqq means The Truth and Al-Hadi means The Guide. 24. Was Ibraheem a.s afraid to speak the truth? What truth did he tell people regarding worshipping the idols? Ans: No was never afraid to tell the truth. Idols are not God. They can neither benefit us nor can they harm us. They cannot listen or speak anything. 25. What does Allah’s name Al Hafeeth mean? Ans: Al Hafeeth means The Guardian. 26. What was the first punishment ordered to be given to Prophet Ibraheem a.s? Ans: Prophet Ibraheem a.s was ordered to be jailed. 27. What was the last punishment ordered to be given to Prophet Ibraheem? Ans: Prophet Ibraheem a.s was ordered to be thrown into the burning fire alive. 28. Where was Prophet Ibraheem a.s born? And to which place did Prophet Ibraheem a.s move along with the believers on Allah’s order? Ans: Prophet Ibraheem a.s was born in Iraq. He moved to Palestine along with the believers of Allah s.w.t. 29. Where is Makkah located? Ans: Makkah is in Saudi Arabia. 30. What is the name of Prophet Ibraheem’s a.s son who was left in Makkah? And what is its meaning?

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Ans: Prophet Ibraheem’s a.s son is Isma’eel a.s. He was a prophet too. The meaning of his name is God listens to the prayer. 31. What is the meaning of Allah’s name Ar-Razzaq? And what do you understand by it? Ans: The meaning of Ar-Razzaq is The Ever-Provider. Allah s.w.t is the one who gives us rizq (sustenance) like the food, water, medicines and all the things we need. 32. What is Tawaf? What is Sa’ee? a) The process of going around Al-Ka’abah 7 times is called Tawaf. It is an act of worshipping Allah s.w.t which is performed during Umrah, Hajj and on its own as well. b) The process of walking between the hills of As-Safa and Al-Marwah 7 times during Umrah is called Sa’ee . 33. How did Hager (a.s) and Isma’eel (a.s) survive. Also, name the tribe which settled around Al-Ka’bah Ans: Hager (a.s) and Isma’eel (a.s) survived because of the mercy of Allah s.w.t. Allah sent Zamzam water miraculously and because of the water, birds started flying above it. Seeing the birds, the tribe Jurhum assumed there might be water nearby and came to check. And upon seeing the water they asked the permission from Hager (a.s) to stay with her and get some water. In return they shared their food with her. And in this way Hager (a.s) and Isma’eel (a.s) got company, water and food. 34. Write three important tests faced by Prophet Ibraheem (a.s). Ans: The 3 tests were a) Prophet Ibraheem’s (a.s) was thrown in the burning fire. b) Prophet Ibraheem’s (a.s) had to leave his wife and baby in the deserted land. c) Prophet Ibraheem’s (a.s) was ordered to sacrifice his son through a dream by Allah s.w.t. 35. What does Khaleel-Ullah mean? Who was given this attribute and by whom? Ans: Khaleel-Ullah means “The beloved friend of Allah”. Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) was given this attribute by Allah s.w.t. 36. Write the meaning of Allah’s beautiful name Al-Wakeel. Ans: The meaning of Al-Wakeel is The Trustee. “In Allah the believers should place their trust.” (Al Qur’an 3:160) 37. How did Allah s.w.t save Prophet Isma’eel (a.s)? Ans: As Ibraheem (a.s) was about to sacrifice Isma’eel (a.s), Allah s.w.t sent down a ram from Jannah and replaced Isma’eel (a.s). Eventually, the Ram was sacrificed. And Allah saved Isma’eel (a.s). 38. What did Shaytan try to do in Mina? What is the name of Shaytan? Ans: Shaytan appeared at three places to convince him how important Isma’eel (a.s) is and gave many reasons not to sacrifice his son. But Ibraheem (a.s) did not listen and threw stones on him to make him go away. The name of Shaytan is Iblees.

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39. Name one of the things Muslims do when they visit Mina during Hajj? Ans: When Muslims visit Mina during Hajj, they throw pebbles at those three places where shaytan appeared and tried to stop Ibraheem (a.s) from following Allah’s order. Now, those places are marked with pillars. Those pillars are called Al-Jamarat. 40. Who built Al-Ka’bah and who ordered them to build it? Ans: Ibraheem (a.s) and Isma’eel (a.s) together built the Ka’bah. Allah s.w.t ordered them to build it. 41. Why were they ordered to build Al-Ka’bah? Ans: They were ordered to build Al-Ka’bah so that it may be a place for Muslims to come as pilgrims and worship Allah s.w.t. This is the first ever masjid constructed on the surface of the earth. 42. What is Al-Hajar-ul Aswad? Ans: It is the Black Stone sent down from Jannah. It is placed on the southeast corner of Al-Ka’bah. 43. Which messenger is the descendant of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) and Isma’eel (a.s)? Ans: Muhammad s.a.s. 44. What is Hajj? When does it happen? Ans: Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is fard on every Muslim who is in good health and can afford it. The hajj happens once a year in the lunar month of Thul Hijjah. 45. What does throwing stones at the Jamarat symbolize? Ans: This symbolizes the action of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) when shaytan tried to stop him in three places on his way to sacrifice his son Isma’eel. Ibraheem threw stones at shaytan to get him out of his way. 46. What are the first and last things that the Hujjaj do in Hajj? Ans: The first thing is to enter the state of Ihram by putting on the ihram garments and making the intention of doing Hajj for the sake of Allah s.w.t. The last thing is to make the farewell Tawaf (Tawaf-ul-Wadaa’). It is like goodbye to the House of Allah s.w.t. 47. Name three places around Makkah where the Hujjaj stay during Hajj? (i) Mina – Hujjaj stay here on the day before the day of Arafah and for 3 or 4 days after the day of Arafah (ii) Arafah – Hujjaj spend 9th day of of Thul Hijjah here. They spend the day praying, making du’aa, repenting from all past sins, reading Quran and engaging in other kinds of worship. This is the most important pillar of Hajj. Hujjaj remember the Day of Judgement when all people will gather in one place (iii) Al-Muzdalifah – After the day of Arafah, Hujjaj spend the night here before returning to Mina the next morning 49. What is Wudoo or ablution?

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Ans: Wudoo is the method we use to wash ourselves when we prepare for salah (prayer). When we make our wudoo the right way, Allah s.w.t forgives our sins. 50. When do I need Wudoo? Ans: When we use the bathroom. When we pass gas/wind. If we fall asleep before salah. 51. What kind of water can we use for Wudoo? Ans: We can only use pure water (that does not have color, taste or smell) to make wudoo. For example, tap water, rainwater, spring/river/sea water. 52. Describe the steps for performing Wudoo? (Parents – please help children remember the steps in correct sequence and ensure they perform it correctly) 53. What do you do in your heart right before you start the prayer? Ans: I make the niyah or intention in my heart to pray. I remind myself that I am about to stand in front of Allah in my prayer, and this is my opportunity to speak to him. It is the mi’raj of the believer. 54. What do you say in rukoo? And how many times? Ans:

حان س م ر العظ We say “Subhana rabbiyal a’theem” which means “Glory be to my Great Lord”. We say this three times during rukoo. 55. What do you say in sujood? And how many times? Ans:

حان س ع راأل

We say “Subhana rabbiyal a’la” which means “Glory be to my Lord Most High”. We say this three times during sujood. 56. In Salat, how long should our recitation after Al-Fatiha be? Ans: It could be as short as three ayahs or verses but must recited in the correct order. 57. Memorize Dua Al-Istiftah – The supplication of beginning the prayer and its meanings. Ans: سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك وتبارك اسمك وتعالى جدك وال إله غيرك Meanings: ‘Glorious You are O Allah, and with Your praise, and blessed is Your Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You.’ 58. Memorize Surah Al-Fatiha with its meanings (Parents please help children memorize in Arabic). Meanings: “In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. You (alone) we worship and You (alone) we ask for help. Guide us along the Straight Path, the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.”

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59. Memorize At-Tashahhud and its meanings

Meanings: “All greetings of humility are for Allah, and all prayers and goodness. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.” 60. Memorize As-Salat ul-Ibraheemiyyah (Durood) and its meanings. (Parents please help children memorize and learn the meanings). 61. How do we finish our Salah? Who are we greeting? By turning our face to the right and left and saying tasleem (Assalam Alekum Wa Rahmatullah). We are greeting everyone who is praying with us. When we are praying alone, we remind ourselves that angels are praying with us and there are angels on our right and left sides all the time. 62. What is khushoo? Ans: Khushoo means that you feel a strong love for Allah s.w.t in your heart while you pray, you are focused and feel humble standing in front of Allah s.w.t and aware that Allah s.w.t is watching you. Some people have so much khushoo and they are so focused in their prayers that it makes them cry. 63. Fill in the blanks: Ans: • If there is a male imam and one male ma’moon, the ma’moon stands on the right side of the imam. • If there is a male imam and one female ma’moomah, the ma’moomah stands behind the imam. 64. What is Qiyam-ul-Layl? Ans: Our Prophet Mohammad s.a.s used to wake up a little before Fajr prayer to say a voluntary prayer for the sake of Allah s.w.t known as Qiyam-ul-Layl. 65. What do you do when you miss one rak’ah in the congregational prayer?

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Ans: You count the rak’aat you prayed with the imam to see how many rak’aat you missed. Then, do not make tasleem with the imam, stand up and pray the missed rak’aat. 66. If you enter the Salat-ul-Jamaah in the middle of a rak’ah, how do you know if that rak’ah counts? Ans: If you join the salah while the imam is in qiyam or in rukoo, then that rakah counts otherwise you say the missed rakah. 67. What happens if you enter the Salat-ul-Jama’ah during the final sujood or tashahud? Ans: This means you did not pray any rak’ah with the jama’ah. So, you stand up and pray all the rak’aat of your prayer. 68. What does is the greatest Tasbeeh? Ans: Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi. Subhan Allah Al-Atheem. Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) said, “There are two words that are easy for the tongue to say but they ae heavy on the scale of Allah’s rewards and Allah loves them.” 69. What are Tasbeeh, Al-Hamd, Tahleel and Takbeer? Ans:

Tasbeeh: When we say Subhan Allah meaning “Glory be to Allah”. Al-Hamd: Thanking Allah for all the blessings by saying: “Al-hamdulillah” Tahleel: Saying “La ilaha illallah” which means, “There is no God but Allah” Takbeer: Saying “Allah-o-Akbar” which means “Allah is the greatest”

70. What is the best type of dhikr that helps plant a tree in Jannah? Ans: Allah s.w.t loves the words: “Subhan Allah walhamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah Wallahu Akbar” and when we say it once, He will plant a tree for us in Jannah. It is the best kind of thikr as it includes Tasbeeh, Al-hamd, Tahleel and Takbeer, all in one. 71. What should we say when we hear the name of Rasoolullah s.a.w? Ans: Every time we say or hear the name of Rasoolullah s.a.w, we say “Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam” which means, “May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him”. 72. What is Zakat? Answer: Zakat is a third pillar of Islam. Zakat is a donation of a small part of our savings at the end of each year. Allah commanded us to give to the needy and poor at least 2.5% of our savings every year. 73. What is Sadaqah? Answer: It is an extra donation to earn more Hasanat or rewards. It is also called as charity. 74. Name various kinds of Sadaqah? Answer: Smiling at others, removing something harmful from the way, sharing lunch with someone, helping someone, saying kind words, cleaning the masjid. 75. What is the meaning of Allah’s name - An Noor?

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Answer: The Light 76. Where did Muhammad s.a.s become a Prophet and who visited him? Answer: Muhammad s.a.s became a prophet in the cave of Hira, and the angel Jibreel a.s visited him. 77. Who was Waraqah ibn Nawfal? Answer: He was cousin of Khadija r.a, a very wise man and had vast knowledge of religions. 78. What were the first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad s.a.s? memorize them Answer: The first five verses of Surat Al Alaq 79. Who was Amr Ibn Hisham and what were his two titles? Answer: Amr Ibn Hisham is the real name of Abu Jahl. His two titles were Abu Jahl – Father of Ignorance (given by prophet Muhammed s.a.s) and Abu al Hakam – Father of wisdom (given by mushrikeen of makkah) 80. Write the names of at least five of the early Muslims who were tortured by kuffar. Answer: Bilal Ibn Rabah, Abdullah Ibn Masoud, Yasir Ibn Amir, Sumayyah bint Khabbat and Ammar Ibn Yasir r.a 81. Who was the first woman, first man, first boy, first servant to accept Islam? Answer: First woman: Khateejah r.a First man: Abu Bakr r.a First boy: Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a First servant: Zaid bin Harithah r.a 82. What does Rasoolullah mean? Answer: Rasoolullah means the Messenger of Allah. The one who delivers the message from Allah s.w.t to the people. 83. Name the four Khulafaa (singular: Khaleefah) of islam. Answer: Abu Bakr As Siddeeq r.a, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab r.a, Uthman Ibn Affan r.a, Ali Ibn Abi Talib r.a 84. What is a Sahabi? What is a Sahabiyyah? What should we say when we hear their names? Answer: A Sahabi is a man who saw the Prophet s.a.s and believed in him. We should say “Radiy-Allahu Anhu” (May Allah be pleased with him) when we hear his name. Sahabiyyah sould be the woman who saw the Prophet s.a.s and believed in him. We should say “Radiya-Allahu Anha” (May Allah be pleased with her) when we hear her name. 85. What is sabr / Patience? Answer: Patience is controlling oneself and being calm even when things are not going smoothly. A Muslim must accept that sometimes challenging situations in life are a test from Allah s.w.t. We should endure them with steadfastness, bear them with patience and make dua to gain the help and pleasure of Allah s.w.t

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86. Where did some of the early Muslims migrate to? Why? Answer: The disbelievers and leaders of Makkah tortured early Muslims to dissuade them from their faith. To protect the early Muslims, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w asked some of his followers to migrate to Abyssinia in East Africa. The king of Abyssinia, Negus (An-Najashi) was Christian and a kind and fair king. An-Najashi allowed them stay in his country for as long as they wanted. Later An-Najashi himself became a muslim. 87. Name two of the uncles of Muhammad s.a.s who accepted Islam. Answer: Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib r.a and Al Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib r.a 88. What was the name of the uncle of the Prophet s.a.w who used to hurt him? What was his wife’s name? What did she used to do? His name was Abu Lahab. His wife’s name was Ummu Jameel. She used to sneak out at night and leave thorny branches at the door of the house of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. In the morning when the Prophet s.a.w left home early, he would step on the thorns and hurt his feet. 89. What is the name of the Surah revealed about Abu Lahab? Memorise it. Answer: Surah Al Massad. It is also called Surah Al Lahab. 90. Describe the different ways Quraysh try to stop the Prophet s.a.w from spreading his message? Answer: The Quraysh did not want Islam to spread. To stop the Prophet s.a.w, they tried many different things:

The tried to call the Prophet s.a.w names like a poet, fortune-teller, sorcerer knowing that he was an honest and truthful person and was none of these.

When this did not work, they tried to make a deal with him where they would worship Allah s.w.t sometimes and he would have to worship their gods sometimes. Prophet s.a.w did not agree to this. Muslims can never worship anything except Allah s.w.t

The tried to make offers such as lots of money and leadership They plotted kill the Prophet s.a.w

91. How did the boycott end? Answer: Abu Talib told to the chiefs of Quraysh that Allah has revealed to the prophet that saheefah has been eaten by termites. So, if we open the door of Ka’bah and find that Muhammad s.a.s was wrong, then they can take Muhammad s.a.s. But if the prophet’s dream was true then the Quraysh must end the boycott. They all agreed to the condition and the Saheefah was found eaten up except the name of Allah s.w.t. Hence, the boycott was lifted. 92. What is the name of the night trip the prophet took? Also name the animal the prophet rode. Answer: Al Isra wal Miraj. The name of the animal is Buraq.

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93. Where did the Prophet s.a.w go in Al Isra? What did he do there? The Prophet s.a.w went to Al-Aqsa mosque in the city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) where he led all the prophets a.s in prayer. 94. What was the title given to Abu Bakr r.a and why? Answer: Abu Bakr was called As Siddeeq. Because he believed and testified to the truth of what Muhammad s.a.s said about the journey. 95. What was the special gift given by Allah s.w.t to the prophet Muhammad s.w.t and his ummah during Al Miraj? Answer: The five daily prayers. They are our means to worship Allah s.w.t and establish a connection with Him. Allah s.w.t promised that this ummah will pray five prayers a day and will be rewarded for fifty. 96. What is the meaning of Ummul Mu’mineen? And name five of the Ummuhat ul Mu’mineen. Answer: Ummul Mu’mineen means The mother of the Believers. This is the title given to the wives of prophet Muhammad s.w.t. The five names are Saudah bint Zam’a, Aishah bint Abu Bakr, Hafsah bint Umar bin Khattab, Zaynab bint Khuzaymah, Umm Salamah, Umm Habeebah r.a 97. Name the 6 children of Khadeejah r.a and Muhammad s.a.s Answer: Al Qasim, Abdullah, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Um Kulthoom, Fatimah. 98. What is Nadhafah? Answer: Nadhafah means being clean and free of dirt and bad smells. Muslims are supposed to keep themselves clean. 99. What is Najasah? Answer: Najasah means dirty and unhealthy things like human and animal waste. We should keep our bodies, clothes, places and furniture etc. free of Najasah. 100. What is Taharah? Answer: Taharah is purity and cleanliness. It is the opposite of Najasah. 101. List some of the things you should do to keep yourself clean? Answer:

1. Take regular baths 2. Keep your teeth clean and your mouth smelling fresh 3. Keep your hair neat and nails clipped 4. Observe Islamic etiquette when using bathroom 5. Keep your clothes clean

102. How should we enter the toilet? Answer: Enter with left foot first and say the following dua:

اللهـم إ

ـك أعـوذ ث مـن ائث الخـ والخ

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Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba-ith Meaning: O Allah, I take refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers (devils) 103. How should we exit the toilet? Exit with the right foot first and say: ك



Ghufranak Meaning: I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness 104. List some of the other Islamic etiquette of using the toilet? Answer:

Be alone when using the toilet. Noone should be able to see you. When you are finished using the toilet, wash yourself with water. Before exiting, wash your hands or make wudoo’ Do not play, talk or extra time in toilet. You should leave as soon as you are done

using the toilet. 105. Narrate a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w about co-operation and unity Answer:

ان للمؤمن المؤمن شد الب عضه عضا Almu’minu lilmu’mini kalbun-yaan yasyuddu ba’dhuhu ba’dhon Meaning: A believer to a believer is like a strong building; each part supports the other. When the Prophet s.a.w was saying this, he clasped his hands together and put his fingers together. 106. Gvie some examples of the ways you practice Ta’awun/cooperation at Masjid? Answer:

Keep the masjid clean Keep your voice low to not disturb those doing Ibadah / Zikr of Allah s.w.t Walk slowly and follow the rules of the masjid Stand straight in Salah, shoulder to shoulder with your neighbour Encourage your friends to come to the masjid Teach others about the manners of the masjid

107. List some examples of the ways you can practice Ta’awun at home?

Doing dishes Cleaning the yard Carrying grocery shopping Vacuum cleaning the carpet Folding laundry Helping with cooking Praying on time