Inter religious dialogue Consciousness is one and same for all

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Transcript of Inter religious dialogue Consciousness is one and same for all

Dr. Chandra Prakash Trivedi


Honourable Shri Barak Obama

President of America

New York USA

Subject-The Pope in Istanbul; Call for inter religious dialogue

Through the President of India, New Delhi

Respected Sir,

With utmost respect I feel pleasure with due respect and honour that I wish to say with reference to honourable Pope’s call for inter religious dialogue.

Divine light - In all the religions, it has been accepted that soul is life energy, and present in the body as consciousness. In the Upanishads soul has been described as the invisible by the naked eyes, but its presence can be realized through meditation in the form of light. In Quraan prophet Mohammad says that soul is present in the body. In sura Kaf he says that every person came with a driver and a witness and that God (Allah) is very close to you even closer then the vein of your neck. Further he says that those persons who are dutiful, who are on right path they can realize the light of God (Allah). Description of this type of light is there in Sura-Us-Shums (Sun). Prophet Mohammad has given the example of this light how it shines in dutiful and truthful persons. In Sura-Un-noor, he says that it is like that, that in side a glass chamber there is a shining star, though no fire or light touch it but it kindled from a blessed tree. This light does not require any external source. God (Allah) guided those who follow right path in this manner. In Bible saint Jesus Christ says that soul is present in the body, soul is flame of God. In New Testament (6-22) saint Mathew says that light of the body is eye, if your eye be single your body will be full of light. But if your eye be evil, thy whole body will be full of darkness. (New Testament 6-22). Saint Paul says that your body is temple of God. God is inside you. Iniades describe that aim of soul is to touch the soul not by any other light but by its own light. J Boehm and William law have realized the soul in the form of divine light. Prophet Zarthustra in Zend-Avesta has also recognized the soul in the body. He has realized the divine fire in the body means light. It means all the prophets and saints have recognized the existence of soul and its presence can be realized in the form of light. Consequently all religion says that God is light.The God and Soul is same.

Science of Consciousness and Divine Light In all the religious scriptures, it has been said that Soul is present in the body as consciousness. The Soul is invisible, indivisible, and eternal, but its presence can be realized during the meditation in the state of Trans in the form of flame and light. The result shows that the life energy can be condensed in the mid brain with meditation. The concentration of the energy is the excited state of the conscious energy; it gives the reflection of sparks and light. Simultaneously due to the continuous concentration, there are certain chemical changes in the brain, due to which universal sky of infinite mind appears and light is visible. According to the electron theory of atomic structure, the electrons are invisible in normal conditions as they are in bond state, when energy is induced, they jump from higher to lower energy levels, during the transition of electrons from one orbit to another orbit, they may release energy as visible light or other wavelengths of light. It seems that during meditation and concentration followed by Ash tang yoga (the eight disciplines); a gradual stimulation of nerves of nervous system is started from Muladhar Chakra (the base of spinal cord) up to the Sahasrar Chakra (mid brain). Due to this stimulation of the nervous system electrical activity is initiated in the brain, which when leaks in to the vision center of the brain, it brought chemical changes. Accordingly the light of different wavelengths is visible, although the eye lids are closed. The stimulation of the nerve cells of the nervous system also influences the electromagnetic currents in the brain due to which excited charged elementary particles are also produced, these charged elementary particles emits different wavelengths of light in the vision center of the brain in the same fashion as atmospheric aurora occurs in the mid night, during the disturbed magnetic conditions in the atmosphere. Similarly with continuous meditation and concentration practices, a change in the human body's magnetic field is also there, it may be the cause of divine light. The changes in electromagnetic field can be measured by EEG Electro Encephalogram. In the Upanishads, it has been said in the brain there is a cavity which is the seat of the soul. In the mid brain the pineal gland is present, which is supposed to be a photoreceptor organ. When one concentrates continuously on one abject sufficient amount of energy concentrate in brain. Due to this energy, the electrons present therein transits from one orbit to another orbit and consequently different wavelengths of radiations are emitted and when all the wavelengths are emitted white light is visible. Simultaneously, due to the continuous concentration, there are certain chemical changes in the brain, due to which universal sky of infinite mind appears and light is visible, although the eyes are closed.

With regards

Dr.Chandra P. Trivedi

The Pope in Istanbul; Call for interreligious dialogue

Max Muller in his course of lectures; India: What can it teach us? (1883), he declared that she was the country of most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow, indeed a very paradise on earth, a place where the human mind has most fully developed. Some of its choicest gifts, [and] has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life and help for inter religious peace. India is the cradle of civilization, and the man has arisen in India, the birth place of races, Philosophy and of religions.

The DNA is light of life from generation to generation. It is in the background of religion. The concept of Dharma, which is in India, is not in the world, and concept of religion, which is in the world, is not in India. It has created lot of disharmony and confusion with equating ‘Dharma’ with religion. The ‘Dharma’ is self duty in life, under cosmic principles. The Brahma, God is the cosmic principle, and the Soul is life principle, both are same, and beyond perception of human senses. Hence it is the matter of self realization, just like magnetism induces magnetism in iron, in the same way the cosmic principle induces its replicates. The life on the earth is its higher form with evolution and complexity in nature. Hence it has been said that God and Soul are one and the same without attribute and character.

Being a cradle of civilization on the earth the ‘Dharma’ is a universal approach to matters related to NATURE, whatever is and whatever will be, is nature only, the harmony with nature has the key to understand the life. The man is the inseparable part of nature. Hence to act ethically in the society is duty of an individual in life.

The Indu is Vedic term for oxygen associated with life resource Sindhu, just like a stream of river in the ocean of life. Indian subcontinent was once a political power and cradle of civilization, invaders called it as Hindustan.

Sindhu and Sapt Sindhu

The singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvan’s place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare.

The Rivers have come forward triply seven and seven Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow Rig. 10-75-1

The brain waves are working with its dualistic force adverse and obverse, just like two faces of the same coin. It is the all knowing soul of an individual working with its dualistic force to stimulate thoughts in the brain. The resonant vibration waves constitute the individual mental identity with complimentary identity in synonym mental code on immortal DNA.

The DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid is universal instrument of life with

complimentary electromagnetic spectrum of visible light and audible seven syllables of voice.

The Vivasvan is term for DNA and the water (language of mental code) in it is the source of life, its vastness is beyond compare. The Sindhu signify the individual life stream flowing with DNA replication during the journey of life, it surpasses all other rivers in the ocean of life.

The God and Soul is a scientific fact. We can not divide it with name. The fundamental energy with vital gravitational force is the phenomena of existence. It is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God and Soul of the religious scriptures. With origin of life from DNA, the consciousness appears at its own with cell metabolism as its source and disappears with death. The life energy appears at its own with the movement of the sap with metabolism in the cell body in the first cell with birth. It maintains its continuity with cell division. With ageing and death of the physical cell body, it disappears at its own. In this way the consciousness is trinity of three.

1. The immortal Higgs field, which impart mass to subatomic particles from underlying space.

2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis with metabolism in the cell body is the immortal source of life energy with cell division.

3. The DNA with four bases is immortal instrument of life; it is activated by immortal thought words from generation to generation with new life. The genetic recombination is the cause of biodiversity.

The life on the earth has evolved from the single cell. The biodiversity in the nature is due to the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid recombination. We have evolved from the single ancestor of DNA. Hence, we are all connected at cellular level, exhibiting the same functions at cellular level.

During the development in the womb, an individual borrow the hereditary characters from his parents for the physical development of the body. In the same fashion, the individual borrow his language code of his previous birth from his parent with DNA as ancestor. The code open the language of his previous birth on DNA, accordingly the individual faces the consequences of his deeds with new life.

The concept of the Religious scriptures that one has to face the consequences of his deeds is also having a scientific base. The DNA is universally present in the living-beings. It records the deeds of an individual in its language code. It is immortal through cell division. Accordingly one has to face the consequences of his deeds with opening of the language on the DNA in the womb. Accordingly under the laws of God and Soul, an individual lead a new life and birth, with repercussions of his deeds of his previous birth. It is known as fate or Prarabdh. Due to this even the time twins have different fate. At cellular level we all are related with each other with common ancestry in DNA.

Vedic Zero to Infinity with Evolution

The creation came into the existence from sky –zero. It is the contribution of India to the world and is the source of creation and life.

The Higgs field 2013, space lying across the sky, imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of asteroids and planets.

The leading explanation is that a field exists that has non-zero strength everywhere—even in otherwise empty space and that particles acquire mass by interacting with this so-called Higgs field.

The term God particle is illusive for Higgs Boson. The Vedas have given it a scientific name Golden embryo.

In the beginning rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven; What God shall we adore with our oblation? (Rig-Veda 10-121-1

HE only is the Sea holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret bosom. The bird dwells in the middle of the fountain Rig-Veda 10-5-1

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with creative force of fundamental energy. The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. He is the ruler, painter and architect of the creation with vital energy of life and creation.

Inter religious dialogue

A contemporary Global need of the Time

It is common concept that religions are antagonistic, due to this communal riots are there. But is not so, because all religions are humanistic. To spread the humanity, the Religious scriptures have given moral codes. These moral codes are according to space, time and environmental conditions. Some of the moral codes were applicable at the time of origin of religion, due to the environmental conditions of that time. These are still in practice, even though the environmental conditions have changed with time.

The religions have originated long back in different environmental and geographical conditions, when land and people were separated from each other geographically and socially. The adequate facilities for transportation and communication were not available. But the fundamental concepts and nature of God and Soul in all religious scriptures and philosophy are the same. It means all religious saint, prophets and seers have realized the same thing with its confirmation from ancient scriptures. Hence they have said that we are not teaching the new thing, but we are showing the path of our ancients preached by them in ancient time. The differences in moral codes are due to the different environmental, political and social conditions of that time.

With modern scientific development, the rapid communication and transportation facilities have converted the earth into a global village. Now the world is one, environment is one and life consciousness is one and the same for all. We have to live together, whether we like it or not? Otherwise whatever we have achieved will be destroyed with human error of atomic explosion or by natural catastrophe. The global warming and ozone layer depletion due to the ‘Green House Effect’ have threatened the existence of life on the earth.

As per the Hamburg Institute of meteorology of Max Plank Society, Germany on their

project Climap has reported that identical to today’s ‘Green House Effect’ and consequent Global warming had occurred about 18000 years ago, consequently the ice age was there. With this North America, Europe and Siberia were covered with thick snow cover, in between Siberia and Alaska a land bridge was formed. Through it the people were migrated (German News Sept. 1989 Page 25). It means earth has faced similar situation earlier too, the same we are facing today. The reference of the Global warming in the Atharvaveda 10-7-42, 43, 44 is the testimony of the same. was resolved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background.

The religious scriptures are saying one and evidences. The creation came into the existence from a fundamental energy, under the laws of Thermodynamics Rig-Veda 10-90described as Higgs field with the discovery of God Particle 2013. The same is the Brahma or Universal Soul of Upnishads, The God of Bible, The Allah of Holy Quraan, and Ahurmazda of Zend awesta. It has been described as the creator and omnipotent, omnipreseconsciousness, Soul in the body. He is not different with different names. He is without attribute and character, but working with its dualistic force in nature. Whatever is and whatever will be is nature only, where every one has to face consequences of his deeds with new life with reincarnation or rebirth in the nature.

Dualistic Force of the Creator

Figure 5 The cosmology

C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

INTRODUCTION At the outset of 21st century we are passing through a critical period struggling between best possibilities and worst possibilities. The humankind is facing a crisis of faith at global level, which is manifold and multidimensional. It calls for a paradigm shift in our value pold fundamental values of life, above faith in a scientific world. RELIGION AND SCIENCE A GLOBAL VILLAGE

has reported that identical to today’s ‘Green House Effect’ and consequent Global warming had occurred about 18000 years ago, consequently the ice age was there. With this North America, Europe and Siberia were covered with thick snow cover, in

beria and Alaska a land bridge was formed. Through it the people were migrated (German News Sept. 1989 Page 25). It means earth has faced similar situation earlier too, the same we are facing today. The reference of the Global warming in the

42, 43, 44 is the testimony of the same. The mystery of vital energy of life was resolved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background.

The religious scriptures are saying one and the same thing, which Science is explaining with scientific evidences. The creation came into the existence from a fundamental energy, under the laws of

90-1-4, to whom the Scientists call it as Gravitational force. It has been escribed as Higgs field with the discovery of God Particle 2013. The same is the Brahma or Universal

Soul of Upnishads, The God of Bible, The Allah of Holy Quraan, and Ahurmazda of Zend awesta. It has been described as the creator and omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God. The same is the consciousness, Soul in the body. He is not different with different names. He is without attribute and character, but working with its dualistic force in nature. Whatever is and whatever will be is nature only,

every one has to face consequences of his deeds with new life with reincarnation or rebirth in the

Dualistic Force of the Creator

C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

century we are passing through a critical period struggling between best possibilities and worst possibilities. The humankind is facing a crisis of faith at global level, which is manifold and multidimensional. It calls for a paradigm shift in our value perception and radical rethinking on our age old fundamental values of life, above faith in a scientific world. RELIGION AND SCIENCE A GLOBAL VILLAGE

has reported that identical to today’s ‘Green House Effect’ and consequent Global warming had occurred about 18000 years ago, consequently the ice age was there. With this North America, Europe and Siberia were covered with thick snow cover, in

beria and Alaska a land bridge was formed. Through it the people were migrated (German News Sept. 1989 Page 25). It means earth has faced similar situation earlier too, the same we are facing today. The reference of the Global warming in the

The mystery of vital energy of life was resolved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic

the same thing, which Science is explaining with scientific evidences. The creation came into the existence from a fundamental energy, under the laws of

4, to whom the Scientists call it as Gravitational force. It has been escribed as Higgs field with the discovery of God Particle 2013. The same is the Brahma or Universal

Soul of Upnishads, The God of Bible, The Allah of Holy Quraan, and Ahurmazda of Zend awesta. It has nt, and omniscient God. The same is the

consciousness, Soul in the body. He is not different with different names. He is without attribute and character, but working with its dualistic force in nature. Whatever is and whatever will be is nature only,

every one has to face consequences of his deeds with new life with reincarnation or rebirth in the

century we are passing through a critical period struggling between best possibilities and worst possibilities. The humankind is facing a crisis of faith at global level, which is manifold and

erception and radical rethinking on our age

The advance of science quantum theory to Higgs field and single unified force has now become easily assessable to consider the world as a singular nest – biosphere. The Vedic contemporary expression ‘Global village’ needs to evaluate afresh. The man is part of nature. It is time when forces of unity and harmony can triumph, and marvel of science and technology can be used to ameliorate human sufferings and ensure quality of life. It requires to explored symphony which is at once both ancient and modern as identity of life, and our heritage. THE BRAIN IS ONLY A INSTRUMENT The mind isn’t only the thoughts and sensations constantly streaming through it. There is a silent, invisible foundation to thought and sensations. It is beyond the human perception, and individual consciousness remains mystery with multiplicity of human mentality and fate. It has pushed mankind in dark tunnel to search the aim of life in mysticism. It can be explained only with in-depth inquiry in to pre-cosmic atmosphere prior to origin of grand unified force and cosmic dawn. It can explain the cosmic consciousness and individual consciousness. The consciousness is ensign of existence of all, and we feel touch, taste, smell with thoughts in brain for action with development of sense organs from DNA. THE CONSCIOUSNESS; SEARCH AT GRAND CANYON

The vital energy of consciousness is the chief support of life. It is the deeper and more powerful field of life force and consciousness. The key to matter and life is more subtle and deeper than atoms and DNA. The great Scientist Einstein spent his last 20 years in search of Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity.

To search this vital energy and its source is most difficult task, although present within us also as ensign of existence in life. It has enlightened me to search the same scientifically with the discovery of DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013; The vital energy of universe and Life is one and the same, it has manifested with its dualistic force in succession with energy transformations along with its original source. Prior to expedition at America, the Vedic civilization flourished at Indian subcontinent with development of advance Indus Valley civilization, and Egypt. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space to infinity with evolution was their global achievement, just like the modern discovery of DNA and Higgs field 2013

For the first time, scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom, demonstrating a curious phenomenon in quantum physics that sees sound waves take on the role of light.

Atomic Sound captured by Scientists has opened a new door to think over similarities between phonons and photons. It also point to new opportunities arising from the unique features of quantum mechanical sound. The low propagation speed of phonons should enable new dynamic schemes for processing quantum information. It has pushed me one step ahead to define Einstein’s grand unified force theory.

The researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have now succeeded in making acoustic waves couple to an artificial atom. The atom in the Chalmers experiment is instead designed to both emit and absorb energy in the form of sound. The frequency used in the experiment is 4.8GHz, close to the microwave frequencies common in modern wireless networks. In musical terms, this corresponds approximately to about 20 octaves above the highest note on a grand.

Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom; The Chalmers experiment Atomic Sound captured by Scientists has opened a new door to think over similarities between phonons and photons interaction. It has pushed me one step ahead to define Einstein’s grand unified force theory.complimentary spectrum of light and resonant vibration waves.

We speak of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, of which the visible spectrum is one segment.

The electric dipoles can be broken apart to form isolated positive charges and negative charges. Any electrically charged wire radiates waves into the air.The Sound and dark energy together with electrostatic energy is architect of the creation with grand unified force ‘Phonic compression electromagnetic force’. They act together with complimentary wave length at every step.

The great Scientist Einstein spent his last thirty years in search of Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity. Its answer is in the Vãk voice, which is close to every one and far away too also.

The voice is the first to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound, which is complimentary with light spectrum, and cause of existence of every thing. It has evolved into thought and words with evolution of life. The wise meimprinted in the mind as blessed sign of friendship in life. The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Sc

Scientists have used sound to 'talk' to an artificial atom;

Atomic Sound captured by Scientists has opened a new door to think over between phonons and photons interaction. It has pushed me one step ahead to define

Einstein’s grand unified force theory. The electromagnetic rays with resonant vibrations have complimentary spectrum of light and resonant vibration waves.

entire electromagnetic spectrum, of which the visible spectrum is one segment.

The electric dipoles can be broken apart to form isolated positive charges and negative charges. Any electrically charged wire radiates waves into the air.

energy together with electrostatic energy is architect of the creation with grand unified force ‘Phonic compression electromagnetic force’. They act together with complimentary wave

The great Scientist Einstein spent his last thirty years in search of Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity. Its answer is in the Vãk voice, which is close to every one and far away too also.

to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound, which is complimentary with light spectrum, and cause of existence of every thing. It has evolved into thought and words with evolution of life. The wise men have created the language for communication. It is imprinted in the mind as blessed sign of friendship in life.

The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background. The vital

Atomic Sound captured by Scientists has opened a new door to think over between phonons and photons interaction. It has pushed me one step ahead to define

rays with resonant vibrations have

entire electromagnetic spectrum, of which the visible spectrum is one segment.

The electric dipoles can be broken apart to form isolated positive charges and negative charges. Any

energy together with electrostatic energy is architect of the creation with grand unified force ‘Phonic compression electromagnetic force’. They act together with complimentary wave

The great Scientist Einstein spent his last thirty years in search of Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity. Its answer is in the

to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound, which is complimentary with light spectrum, and cause of existence of every thing. It has evolved into thought and words with

n have created the language for communication. It is

The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep ience in the background. The vital

energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geo-magnetic belt. Its secret source is in bosom of water currents in the deep see. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time. It has been investigated scientifically at Grand Canyon, underground cave city of North America and at Egypt with construction of Pyramids in deep sea, and caves, just like the Large Hadron Collider tunnel from Geneva to France.

The underground cave city at Grand Canyon explore its live evidence with most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves with advance robotic DNA technology to develop giants of 7 to 14 feet in height, and animal gliders for travel in space.

Front page of The Phoenix Gazette of April 5th, 1909

A lengthy front page story of the Phoenix Gazette on April 5, 1909, gave a highly detailed report of the discovery and excavation of a rock-cut vault by an expedition led by a Professor S.A. Jordan of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian, however, claims to have absolutely no knowledge of the discovery or its discoverers.


The Petroglyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching. The Petroglyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching.

Crescent Moon - Is It a Symbol of Islam

The crescent moon is symbol of DNA mental code, which is activated by synonym thought mentality resting in the universe is source of life. The star with five arms; five gross elements, which synthesize the cellular body with activation of fertilized DNA in the womb of mother.


The green colour of flag is symbol of chloroplast as source of food.

The five tribes; five gross elements Pa¤ca MahÈbhÊta, Air water, sky, energy and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is sign of life with voice.

The flow of life channels

Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)

The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

The Christians have the cross, the Jews have the star of David, and the Muslims have the crescent moon. The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. Information on the origins of the symbol are difficult to ascertain, but most sources agree that these ancient celestial symbols were in use by the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia in their worship of sun, moon, and sky gods. The crescent moon is symbol of DNA mental code, which is activated by synonym thought mentality and star with five arms represent five gross elements.

Set me as a seal upon thy heart" (The Song of Songs which is Solomon's, 8:6)

King Solomon, the son of King David, established Jerusalem as the city of justice and peace. His name reflects the original name of the city, Shalem. Solomon is said to have been given both "wisdom and knowledge",The legend of King Solomon's Seal, of the wondrous signet ring is common to Judaism, to Christianity and to Islam and India. King Solomon's Seal, whose significance is manifold for mankind as it is multi-cultural with its text in Vedas.

Space Higgs field

Vedic Zero to Infinity with Evolution

The creation came into the existence from sky –zero. It is the contribution of India to the world and is the source of creation and life. The Higgs field 2013, space lying across the sky, imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of asteroids and planets. The leading explanation is that a field exists that has non-zero strength everywhere—even in otherwise empty space—and that particles acquire mass by interacting with this so-called Higgs field. The term God particle is illusive for Higgs Boson. The Vedas have given it a scientific name Golden embryo.

In the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation? (Rig-Veda 10-121-1

HE only is the Sea holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret bosom. The bird dwells in the middle of the fountain Rig-Veda 10-5-1

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with creative force of fundamental energy. The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. He is the ruler, painter and architect of the creation with vital energy of life and creation.

It reflects the cosmology and life on the earth.

Masonic Bookends

with King Solomon's Seal

Space Higgs field


C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

Figure 5 The cosmology

Dualistic Force of the Creator

The creation came into existence with union of two forces, and underlying space imparted mass to beings. The life consciousness is trinity of three with five gross elements, which appear and disappears from vital energy. It has been described in anthropomorphic manner symbolically Shiva and Shakti in India.

At Jerusalem Israel the startriangles explore awakening of consciousness from space, (Higgs field God particle, which has imparted mass to elementary particles.

The Hiranyagarbha golden embryo (space) became the lord of created beings

C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

Dualistic Force of the Creator

The creation came into existence with union of two forces, and underlying space imparted mass to beings. The life consciousness is

with five gross elements, which appear and disappears from vital energy. It has been described in anthropomorphic manner symbolically Shiva and Shakti in India.

At Jerusalem Israel the star of David or Solomon seal with two intermingled triangles explore awakening of consciousness from space, (Higgs field God particle, which has imparted mass to elementary particles.

The Hiranyagarbha golden embryo (space) became the lord of created beings

The creation came into existence with union of two forces, and underlying space imparted mass to beings. The life consciousness is

with five gross elements, which appear and disappears from vital energy. It has been described in anthropomorphic manner

of David or Solomon seal with two intermingled triangles explore awakening of consciousness from space, (Higgs field God

The Hiranyagarbha golden embryo (space) became the lord of created beings Rig.


The consciousness appears at its own with activation of DNA and disappears at its own. The life has originated from single DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid

THE CREATOR The Creator is working with its dualistic force under the cycle of six seasons with DNA as instrument of life; it has four bases, triplet code of three bases with two strips, just like two wings and in between two nucleotide pair, seven hydrogen bonds. Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number.

Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortal’s ÿg.4-58-3

DNA-Further the structure of the DNA has been indicated through the buffalo.

The four horns is a symbolic expression for the DNA, where four horns represents –four base of the DNA, two head represents two strips of the DNA, three legs represents- a triplet code of the DNA, the seven hands represents seven bonds in between triplet nucleotide pair, with its triple bond the DNA roars loudly just like a steer. It has entered in to mortals (living-beings) ÿg. 4-58-3

DNA at the base of statue and below elementary particles, which have synthesized DNA All elementary particles are vibrating with their respective charge. The resonance of vibration and resonant from lowest musical note to its highest pitch of electromagnetic rays are complimentary with each other. They find their resonant with which they are in resonance.


TWO TRIANGLES The Gayatri hath they say three bands for kindling hence it excels in majority and vigour. Rig-Veda 1-164- The three fundamental particles with space constituted the base of creation with five gross elements, from it the three mental qualities have developed with origin of life from DNA, it has spread in all the direction, under six seasons.

The Magen David (Shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today,


The seven complimentary wave length of vibrating Electromagnetic Rays of visible Light

Seven branches – seven visible rays of light with complimentary spectrum

One of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith is the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple.

The seven Electromagnetic rays with complimentary spectrum of light together with vibrations are playing their role in the creation


The five tribes; five gross elements Pa¤ca MahÈbhÊta, Air water, sky, energy and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is sign of life with voice.

The flow of life channels

Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)

The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

The Food is Source of All

The five gross elements linked with deposition of calcium carbonate on one side and on another side linked with chloroplast, mitochondria and DNA for function, under temperature pressure gradient of six seasons.

This partially erect structure still stands behind the remains of Kepha’s (Peter’s)

"Cross section of a portion of leaf of Ficus elastica showing the multiple epidermis from e to a inclusive; c, Cystolith; b, palisade parenchyma; d, spongy parenchyma." -Stevens, 1916

The Cystolith is deposition of Calcium Carbonate, just like bones in the body and veins in the leaf and vascular system in plants. It is linked with photosynthesis by chloroplast pigments in the leaves. The five gross elements synthesize the cell body with mitochondria as power house of the cell body linked with DNA.

The trinity of three immortals

1. Immortal chemical energy of photo-synthesis

2. Immortal DNA

3. The mitochondria with oxidation and reduction reactions are source of consciousness with five gross elements and six seasons, they all are linked with each other in cellular body.

All the living-beings have evolved from food; the production of food is dependent on rain; rain ensues from sacrifice, and sacrifice is rooted in prescribed action. Know that prescribed action has its origin in the Vedas, and the Vedas proceed from the indestructible; hence the all pervading Infinite is always present in sacrifice GÏtÈ 3-14, 15 Here Lord K‚–‡a expressed that the food (photosynthesis) is the main cause of evolution of life on the earth, the production of food is dependent on rain (water). The rain is due to the atmospheric actions and interactions as hydrological cycle, the same has been revealed in the Vedas, the actions have been generated from the indestructible Supreme. He is present in all actions. The creation is working in cyclic manner, just like hydrological cycle, he who does not follow the duty in the cycle, he is sinful, sensual, and lives in vain. The Petroglyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching.

The Consciousness

The consciousness appears at its own with activation of DNA and disappears at its own. The life has originated from single DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid

This small Gold Artifact was found in Kincaids Tunnel. This Artifact for Iris in currently on display in the Smithsonian Institute at Wagington DC.


The two forces opposite and like abhorrent floods; the dualistic force of the creator, which blossom like flower.

Collision of Antimatter and Matter

The compression lead to annihilation into photon imbued energy. It stimulates the thought in the brain to express it in words with electrical impulses.

They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’ Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.

The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anushtup calls him.

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves have generated the light and sound. They together are complimentary with each other and working with electricity. The lightening is the symbol of electricity.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, VipÈ„ and ƒutudrÏ speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean (ÿg. 3-33-1,2)

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.

The flow of life channels Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12) The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

All elementary particles are vibrating with their respective charge. The resonance of vibration and resonant from lowest musical note to its highest pitch of electromagnetic rays are complimentary with each other. They find their resonant with which they are in resonance.

The creator has created the man in his own image.


The discovery of DNA Watson and Crick 1953 has opened new vista in biotechnology. At cellular level we all are related with each other with common ancestry in DNA. Darwin 1859 has given the theory of organic evolution, and at once, we consider it against the theories of religious scriptures. Just for example if we look into the description of creation In holy Bible and Quraan. In the chapter Genesis symbolically, it has been described that God has created the creation in seven days, and we have discarded the theory of evolution, it has intensified the problem, we have ignored that the one day of God is equivalent to one thousand year. It means the creation came into the existence, with gradual process of evolution. The God has created the man in his own image. It means the creative force of the creation with its dualistic force is one and the same.

Yama beyond, below Vivasvat beyond that do I see nothing whatever; into Yama has entered my sacrifice, Vivasvat stretched after the worlds (bhÊ). Atharvaveda 18-2-32

The universal occurrence of genetic material DNA in the living-beings has been indicated symbolically, synonym to our modern knowledge of Genetics, that in the biological world, which is before us, I see nothing beyond Vivasvat - DNA. From the DNA the chromosomes have been synthesized. They have stretched in the world in the form of food chains and the food webs have been expressed.

The Evolution Lord K‚–‡a expressed the living-beings have evolved from food; it confirm the modern view of the evolution of life on the earth from a single cell. The evolution on the earth is related with the ecological succession, with the development of the autotrophic cell. Where photosynthesis on one hand is responsible for the development of the carbon skeleton with food, and DNA is responsible for the genetic recombination with multiplication and successive evolution. One downward to the water drives the crippled cow, other trims the flesh brought on the carving board.

One carries off the refuse at the set of sun. How did the Parents aid their children in their task? Rig-Veda 1-161-10

The Ribhu (cell) has expressed the truth about respiration, photosynthesis and the decomposition of the dead parts, through which the system operates in the nature.

Respiration – Oxidation Reaction One downward to the water drives the crippled cow,

The cow is the metaphor for the nourishment, the carbon di oxide is the source of food as well as it is poison in the body, through respiration, it moves out of the body. The term ‘crippled cow’ has been used for the unwanted CO2 (carbon di oxide in the cell, it drives away from the cell, just like water moves in the down ward direction.

Reduction Reaction

‘‘Another trims the flesh brought on the carving board.’’

It has been expressed that the food material in the cell is sate by the reduction reaction in the cell.

Decomposition – Oxidation out of cell

‘‘One carries off the refuse at the set of sun,’’

It has been expressed that one reaction degrades the dead body after the end of life. The term ‘set of sun’ has been used for the end of life symbolically. The dead cell body under go decomposition with oxidation through microbes in the nature, in turn waste material is released from the surface.

These principles have given the way for the evolution of the living-beings. Hence degradation and decomposition of the waste material by the decomposers has been expressed.

These important ecological and physiological functions are going on in the nature, through which the nature is working as an ecosystem.

Let him who truly knows (here) tell the set down track of this pleasant bird; the kine extract milk from his head; clothing themselves in a wrap, they drunk water with the foot Rig-Veda 1-164-7

The pleasant bird is sun, from where the kine extract milk from his head. It indicates about the visible solar rays (VIBGYOR), which are coming on the earth’s surface from the head of the sun. These rays have been trapped by the plants for the photosynthesis; they act as milk-food (k–Ïra) through

nourishment for the living-beings. Hence the visible rays of the sun have been compared with the milk and plant as kine. The absorption of water by the green plants has been indicated through the drinking of water with the foot, the foot represents root system ÿg.1-164-7

AIM OF LIFE He is the sustainers and ruler of this Universe, its father, mother and grand father, the one worth knowing, the purifier, the sacred syllable OM. And the three Vedas Rk, Yajus and Sama 17 Lord K‚–‡a; narrated the whole knowledge of the creation, to understand it, one must know the purifier, OM, and the three Vedas. These are the books of Science. Through it, he has satisfied the quest of Arjuna. The purifier is Ozone layer in the atmosphere, which absorbs the toxic UV rays of Sun, OM is the symbol of Magnetosphere around the earth, which produces a shield against the high energetic solar winds, and it feed the creation with ionization. Due to this the life is present on the earth. Lord Krishna has said that ‘OM is that truth’, by that were the Brahmans, the Veda as well as well as sacrifice were created in ancient era. The creation came into the existence from the Supreme Soul, which is formless. In the modern terminology it is the magnetic-gravitational force with its dualistic Force , it has created the cordial atmosphere for the creation with the formation of magnetosphere around the earth with actions and inter-actions, accordingly the human species came into being. The magnetosphere is its manifestation as ’Sat’ The structure of OM with three long elliptical arms is the testimony of the micro model of the magnetosphere around the earth. The people are working in the nature with these three inherent mental qualities. They are inherent with birth and only go out with death. They tie down the soul in the body. Lord Krishna said whatever is going on in the creation is nature only. The human species is under the process of mental evolution, under the cycle of rebirth and death. The three quality of the mental nature are inherent from the birth. To evolve one’s own self from animal instincts towards higher Human, and divine quality is the aim of life.

The Petroglyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching. Its text and explanation is in the Vedas. It is for the seeker of knowledge to grasp the truth for his guidance to solve the unsolved problems of the creation. It may not be utilized for glorification in any way. Hence only universal symbols have been used for the pious, as common heritage of mankind.

The petroglyphs explore high electronic photography technique to imprint electron microscopic and crystallography images of DNA on rocks. It reveals the secret of DNA technology and its replication in air, just like scent weft from flower.

Sparks from Vedas Vital Energy

The Life has evolved from resonant vibrations, DNA and space with photosynthesis in nature.

11. a body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.

Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses 1-163-11

Rbhu has a body formed for flight in nature. The Charger DNA is swift like wind, the motion is his spirit. Just like his horns, they spread in all directions with rest less beat.

The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life, just like current of a river in the ocean of life.

Hear all the Gods my words,

SarasvatÏ give ear together with Pura£dhi and with holy thoughts Rig-Veda 10-65-14

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that producesth nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant ÿg. 7-101-1

The SarasvatÏ thought words ensign of existence with chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind for action.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, ensign of existence. With this the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, infant.

1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of existence of all.

2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings. 3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is light of life for all

1. 2. 3.

1. The sky space, the underlying space imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of existence of all. The DNA double helix is ensign of life consciousness with photosynthesis by the plants for all living-beings.

2. The DNA nucleotide pairs divide and synthesize its complimentary base pairs, just like nectar of flower in air. The spiralling wave compress the specific complimentary DNA code with touch and repel action, and the DNA divides in four fold manner.

3. Cell body

Here, verily. I bind you, fast as the two bow-ends with the string. Press down these men, O lord of speech that they may humbly speak to me. 10-166-3

The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might. It is the spiralling waves bind the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow ends with string.

They who for Indra, with their mind formed horses harnessed by a word, Attained by works to sacrifice.

Accordingly with movements of the charged particles and resonant vibrating sound in a closed system, the primary cell body moved on path of life, the horses harnessed by word to sacrifice.

11. a body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.

Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with restless beat in wildernesses 1-163-11

Rbhu has a body formed for flight in nature. The Charger DNA is swift like wind, the motion is his spirit. Just like his horns, they spread in all directions with rest less beat.

With compression of resonant waves activate the DNA code, just like scent weft from nectar of flower, and fertilized DNA code replicate in four fold manner with compression of resonant waves.

Vital source of Creation and Life They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’

The opposite resonant waves in pre-cosmic space with compression activated the dark matter. The two abhorrent annihilate and produce a burst of light having the energy

corresponding to masses of the two anti particles. The collision of antimatter and matter with photon imbued energy.

Collision of Antimatter and Matter

The compression lead to annihilation into photon imbued energy. It stimulates the thought in the brain to express it in words with electrical impulses.

They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’ Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.

The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anushtup calls him.

10-125-7 On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean. Thence I extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.

The dark matter of the cosmos is the source of creation as celestial water. The fast moving hypersonic shock waves acted like abhorrent floods in pre-cosmic atmosphere, and moving in cosmos in the company of dark matter like opponent friend for many years till electricity appear with time.

The vibrations of sound and electromagnetic rays travel parallel with each other in straight way. They have synonym opposite complimentary wave lengths. They have evolved simultaneously into atom, molecules and matter.

The compression of resonant waves stimulates the DNA code to generate thoughts in the brain to execute action with words.

The resonant vibrations evolved into thought and words with origin of life from DNA and space imparted mass, ensign of existence.

They who for Indra, with their mind formed horses harnessed by a word, Attained by works to sacrifice.

Accordingly with movements of the charged particles and resonant vibrating sound in a closed system in the primary cell body moved on path of life, the horses harnessed by word to sacrifice.

(End of Part 1)

Architect of the Creation Archaeology of Mesopotamia and Vedas

The Creator Sky

The creator has created the creation in his own image. The zero is the contribution of India to the world. It explore the underlying space Higgs field with zero mass imparted mass to

elementary particles, the source of existence of all Higgs field 2013

The underlying space with vital energy has imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of asteroids and planets. The Hira‡yagarbha,life.

In the beginning rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation?Veda 10-121-1)

Archaeology and Vedas; ZERO TO INFINITY

Exploring Einstein’s Grand Unified Force

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with Creative force of fundamental energy.

The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator.created the creation in his own image and entered into the creation to regulate i

The creator fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval man, he is the architect of the creation. It has been depicted on the seals with man in different form and shape. He is the ruler, painter and architect of the creation.

The seals and statue have been prepared for demonstration and teaching through the art of hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbols. The symbols explore their knowledge of DNA, and cosmic principles of creation.and entered into the creation to regulate it.

The work of Dr. Trivedi explore scientifically the ancient origins of symbols in modern perspective establish the ancient knowledge of DNA with four bases is universally present, it regulate the life. Going ahead he has traced the single unified force, which binds all in one thread. It is the nature of God, and God is not different from us; as the creator fundamental energy is universally present with its dualistic force.

The seals and tablets with courtesy of British Museum

Figure 1

The four dots, four components of atom and chromosome

The four components of atom constitute the foundation of the creation, and the two helix of

elementary particles, the source of existence of all Higgs field 2013

underlying space with vital energy has imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of Hira‡yagarbha, underlying space with zero mass is Golden embryo of creation and

In the beginning rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation?

Archaeology and Vedas; ZERO TO INFINITY

Exploring Einstein’s Grand Unified Force

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with Creative force of fundamental energy.

The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. The primeval man has created the creation in his own image and entered into the creation to regulate i

The creator fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval man, he is the architect of the creation. It has been depicted on the seals with man in different form and shape. He is the ruler, painter and architect of the creation.

als and statue have been prepared for demonstration and teaching through the art of hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbols. The symbols explore their knowledge of DNA, and cosmic principles of creation. The God has created the creation in his ownand entered into the creation to regulate it.

The work of Dr. Trivedi explore scientifically the ancient origins of symbols in modern perspective establish the ancient knowledge of DNA with four bases is universally present,

oing ahead he has traced the single unified force, which binds all in one thread. It is the nature of God, and God is not different from us; as the creator fundamental energy is universally present with its dualistic force.

rtesy of British Museum

The four dots, four components of atom and chromosome

The four components of atom constitute the foundation of the creation, and the two helix of

underlying space with vital energy has imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of underlying space with zero mass is Golden embryo of creation and

Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation? (ÿg

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with Creative force of fundamental energy.

The primeval man has created the creation in his own image and entered into the creation to regulate it.

The creator fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval man, he is the architect of the creation. It has been depicted on the seals with man in different form and shape.

als and statue have been prepared for demonstration and teaching through the art of hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbols. The symbols explore their knowledge of

The God has created the creation in his own image

The work of Dr. Trivedi explore scientifically the ancient origins of symbols in modern perspective establish the ancient knowledge of DNA with four bases is universally present,

oing ahead he has traced the single unified force, which binds all in one thread. It is the nature of God, and God is not different from us; as the creator

The four components of atom constitute the foundation of the creation, and the two helix of

DNA with chromosomes constitutes the foundation of the living

Let us declare aloud the name of Ghrita, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage. So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter.

The creation is held up by the four components, the three elementary within the nucleus Higgs; God particle. It has produced the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid, which is universally present in the biological world. The DNA acts like clarified butter with his four bases, just like his horns, they have spr

The architect of the creation


Figure 2 & 3 The creator primeval man ‘Purudifferent shapes. Tva–—È DNA is shaper of all creatures.

Tva–—È the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us (ÿg. 1-188-9)

The primeval man; Creator

According to the inscription this statue was made by Gudea, ruler of Lagash (c. 2100 BCE)


Figure 4 the Creator; Food chain and food webs in the nature

DNA with chromosomes constitutes the foundation of the living-beings.

Let us declare aloud the name of Ghrita, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage. So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter. This hath the four-horned Buffalo emitted

The creation is held up by the four components, the three elementary within the nucleus Higgs; God particle. It has produced the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid, which is universally present in the biological world. The DNA acts like clarified butter with his four bases, just like his horns, they have spread in all the direction with life consciousness.

The architect of the creation


Figure 2 & 3 The creator primeval man ‘Puru–a’ is architect of the creation and painter with DNA is shaper of all creatures.

the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us

According to the inscription this statue was made by Gudea, ruler of Lagash (c. 2100 BCE)

Food chain and food webs in the nature

Let us declare aloud the name of Ghrita, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage. So let the horned Buffalo emitted (ÿg. 4-58-2)

The creation is held up by the four components, the three elementary particles and space within the nucleus Higgs; God particle. It has produced the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid, which is universally present in the biological world. The DNA acts like clarified butter with his

ead in all the direction with life consciousness.

a’ is architect of the creation and painter with

the lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us

According to the inscription this statue was made by Gudea, ruler of Lagash (c. 2100 BCE)

4.2 The creation is held up by the four components

The three elementary particles and space within the nucleus Higgs field; God particle4-58-2, 3)

4.3 Flow of light rays and sound waves from ocean of sky

FORTH from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am‚ta. That which is holy oil’s mysterious title: but the Gods’ tongue is truly Am‚ta’s centre

4.4 The arrangement of atoms;

. 4.5 Light rays - sound waves and DNA

The light and sound waves are complimentary with each other. They together have synthesized DNA with life. They are opposite in character and feed the creation with life consciousness, just like two mother.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as tOpposing struggling;

Like two bright mother cows who lick their younglings, waters (ÿg. 3-33-1)

Vipasha and shuutudri speed down their watersThe thought mentality is flowinflow is checked with life consciousness and birth of infant.

The creation is held up by the four components

The three elementary particles and space within the nucleus Higgs field; God particle

4.3 Flow of light rays and sound waves from ocean of sky

FORTH from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am‚ta. That which is holy oil’s mysterious title: but the Gods’ tongue is truly Am‚ta’s centre

4.4 The arrangement of atoms; the atom with four component is building block of the creation.

sound waves and DNA

The light and sound waves are complimentary with each other. They together have synthesized DNA with life. They are opposite in character and feed the creation with life consciousness, just

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein

Like two bright mother cows who lick their younglings, VipÈ„ and „utudrÏ

speed down their waters The thought mentality is flowing like river Vipasha and shutudri in the ocean of life. Their free flow is checked with life consciousness and birth of infant.

The three elementary particles and space within the nucleus Higgs field; God particle (ÿg.Veda

FORTH from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with, the stalk it turned to Am‚ta. That which is holy oil’s mysterious title: but the Gods’ tongue is truly Am‚ta’s centre (ÿg. 4-58-1)

the atom with four component is building block of the creation.

The light and sound waves are complimentary with each other. They together have synthesized DNA with life. They are opposite in character and feed the creation with life consciousness, just

wo swift mares with loosened rein contending.

VipÈ„ and „utudrÏ speed down their

in the ocean of life. Their free

4.6 The DNA has spread in the form of food chains and food webs, just like spider’s web

Remarks on seals found in the Gulf states, Artibus Asiae, 33, 31

The Cosmos; Dark matter and Anti matter

C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

Figure 5 The cosmos

The picture expresses the cosmic and precreation from the dark matter with generation of light and sound symbolically, and the underlying space (Higgs field) has imparted mass to the elementary particles. In the beginning rose Hira‡yagarbha (space in the centre)

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins (ÿg. 3-33-

The dark matter

The pre-cosmic condition

4.6 The DNA has spread in the form of food chains and food webs, just like spider’s web

Remarks on seals found in the Gulf states, Artibus Asiae, 33, 31-7].

The Cosmos; Dark matter and Anti matter

C. 18th cent. BCE. [E. Porada, 1971]

The picture expresses the cosmic and pre-cosmic condition and stages in the evolutiocreation from the dark matter with generation of light and sound symbolically, and the underlying space (Higgs field) has imparted mass to the elementary particles. In the beginning

Hira‡yagarbha (space in the centre), born only Lord of all created beings.

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares


4.6 The DNA has spread in the form of food chains and food webs, just like spider’s web

cosmic condition and stages in the evolution of the creation from the dark matter with generation of light and sound symbolically, and the underlying space (Higgs field) has imparted mass to the elementary particles. In the beginning

reated beings.

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares

Then was not any -existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond. What covered in and where? And what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? (ÿg. Veda 10-129-1)

Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this all was in discriminated chaos.

All that existed then was void and form- less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit (ÿg. Veda 10-129-3)

Shock waves

With all her eyes Goddess Night looks forth approaching many a spot; She hath put all her glories on (ÿg. 10.127.1)

Immortal, she filled the waste; the Goddess hath filled height and depth;

She conquers the darkness with her light (ÿg. 10.127.2)

The universe has 95 % dark matter. It is condensed zone of high magnetic inactive field, just like sun spots. The sound shock wave is its antimatter with opposite character white, antimagnetic, and with different half spin wave length. It is immortal counter part of dark matter.

The force prior to big bang

Vχa; shock waves draws up his wave from out the ocean; mist-born the fair one’s back made apparent (ÿg. 10-123-2)

The shock waves with concentration and compression of dark matter prepared the condition for big bang, and explosion with blast is its first manifestation of sound and light with activation of dark energy.

The sound and resound echo is collision of mysterious dark matter and antimatter shock waves with annihilation, and produced mass less photon imbued with energy in fraction of a second with primary hydrogen and helium, were created in the big bang.

The process can work in reverse decay into matter and antimatter.

The light and sound

The Goddess as she comes hatch set the Dawn her Sisters in her place, and then the darkness vanishes (ÿg. 10-127-3)

5.1 The dark matter and shock waves

The cosmos is vast ocean of unknown dark matter with calm and quiet deep darkness every where. The movement within it generated the similar opposite shock waves prior to the big bang. The immortal shock waves filled the waste inactive darkness thoroughly for many years. With time the concentration of shock waves in the center developed the pressure with generation of

heat. The collision of dark matter with shock waves annihilate with imbued photon energy.

The light and sound

She conquers the darkness with then the darkness vanishes. 3

On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father

The resonant vibrations of shock waves have stimulated the dark matter in action with resonant vibrations of light and sound and vanishes the darkness.

The annihilation replaced it with light and sound spectrum, just like sisters of resonant vibrations.

Sacrifice, Indra made thee waxWorshipful, with worship help our worship, for worship help thy bolt when slaying Ahi.32.12)

The impression of sound is just like wax

They brought her, dealt her forth in many places: seven singers make her tconcert (ÿg. 10-71.1-3)

Thus Gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in125-3)

It is touch and go reaction, which bring micro atomic changes in configuration of atomic structure in fraction of a second, and transfer it to all associated particles in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force.


The collision of two equal and opposite wavelength undergo annihilation with generation of sound and light.

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves

5.3, 4 The light and sound

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves have generated the light and sound. They together are complimentary with each other and working with electricity. The lightenin

heat. The collision of dark matter with shock waves annihilate with imbued photon energy.

She conquers the darkness with her light 2. And set the dawn her Sister in her place, and then the darkness vanishes. 3

On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father (ÿg. 10- 125-7)

The resonant vibrations of shock waves have stimulated the dark matter in action with resonant s of light and sound and vanishes the darkness.

The annihilation replaced it with light and sound spectrum, just like sisters of resonant

Indra made thee wax so mighty, the dear oblation with the flowing Soma. O rship help our worship, for worship help thy bolt when slaying Ahi.

The impression of sound is just like wax and Indra carry forward it with electromagnetic energy.

They brought her, dealt her forth in many places: seven singers make her t

Thus Gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in

It is touch and go reaction, which bring micro atomic changes in configuration of atomic econd, and transfer it to all associated particles in series with phonic

compression electromagnetic force.

The collision of two equal and opposite wavelength undergo annihilation with generation of

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves have generated the light and sound. They together are complimentary with each other and working with electricity. The lightenin

heat. The collision of dark matter with shock waves annihilate with imbued photon energy.

her light 2. And set the dawn her Sister in her place, and

The resonant vibrations of shock waves have stimulated the dark matter in action with resonant

The annihilation replaced it with light and sound spectrum, just like sisters of resonant

so mighty, the dear oblation with the flowing Soma. O rship help our worship, for worship help thy bolt when slaying Ahi. (ÿg. 3-

and Indra carry forward it with electromagnetic energy.

They brought her, dealt her forth in many places: seven singers make her tones resound in

Thus Gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in (ÿg. 10-

It is touch and go reaction, which bring micro atomic changes in configuration of atomic econd, and transfer it to all associated particles in series with phonic

The collision of two equal and opposite wavelength undergo annihilation with generation of

The dark matter and antimatter shock waves have generated the light and sound. They together are complimentary with each other and working with electricity. The lightening is the symbol of


Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray t(ÿg. 3-33-1,2)

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like twwith loosened reins.

The antimatter and dark matter in Physics

The Eye

5.6 The sun is the soul and eye of the creation ÿg Veda 1


5.7 Asteroids

Higgs field

5.8 The space Higgs field impart mass to elementary particles

The creator primeval man with vase is the source of all. The underlying space with dark energy has imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of asteroids and planets

In the beginning rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation?Veda 10-121-1)

The zero is the contribution of India to the world. The sky is infinite and zero signifyfield as lord of created beings.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, VipÈ„ and ƒutudrÏwhom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like tw

The antimatter and dark matter in Physics

5.6 The sun is the soul and eye of the creation ÿg Veda 1-115-1

5.8 The space Higgs field impart mass to elementary particles

The creator primeval man with vase is the source of all. The underlying space with dark energy has imparted mass to elementary particles with formation of asteroids and planets.

g rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation?

The zero is the contribution of India to the world. The sky is infinite and zero signifyfield as lord of created beings.

Forth from the bosom of the mountains eager as two swift mares with loosened rein contending.

VipÈ„ and ƒutudrÏ speed down their o urge you, ye move as ‘twere on chariot the ocean

The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mother supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complimentary and follow each other, just like two mares

The creator primeval man with vase is the source of all. The underlying space with dark energy has .

g rose Hira‡yagarbha, born only Lord of all created beings.

He fixed and holdeth on this earth and heaven What God shall we adore with our oblation? (ÿg

The zero is the contribution of India to the world. The sky is infinite and zero signify the Higgs

Prof. Chandra P Trivedi Professor with incredible amount of experience as professor, researcher and Principal of lead college, Bhind and Ratlam under Jeewaji University, Gwalior, and Vikram University, Ujjain respectively. As an academician author of more than 10 books, his books and work has been published in many leading papers of the subcontinent and books from India and Germany. He is former senior fellow, Department of culture, Govt. of India, Associate IIAS, Shimla. As a Professor and Scientist, he has gone into the depth of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism and Vedas at Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam. He is among original thinker with innovative approach to solve the national problem. He explored India’s glorious past with answer of Einstein’s Grand Unified Force. As an academician, Vedic Scientists and professor, he has first time crack the Vedic code with oldest un-deciphered symbols of the world ‘Advanced gene technology’. Going ahead Prof. Trivedi has given the answer of modern problems related with origin of life consciousness and Higgs field 2012. E-mail: