Greek Exercises, Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosody

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Transcript of Greek Exercises, Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosody










0 GREECEl thou sapient nurse of FINER A RTS !Which to bright Science b looming Fancy b ore,B e this thy praise , that Tho u, and Thou alone,In th eqe hast led th e way , in these excell


d With the laurel of assenxing time.

In thy full LANGUAG E, speaking mighty things ;Like a clear to rrent close, or else diffus


A b roa d, majestic stream, and rolling on

Through all the winding harmony of sound.


BY Rm . WI LL IAM NEILSQN, D . D . M . R . LA .

“ W


printer: at the a nimosity press.




1 8 1 41






In hein'

g permitted to,

dedicate this work to

toyou, I f eel that grateful pleasure, which arises

f rom the contemplation (f labours sanctioned and eh

courag ed by thepatron andjudge of elegant litera


I t s hall be my constant endeavour, as it is my

anwious wish, tomerit a continuance of your hind at


I am,

With the sincerest resjnect,

Your obliged humble servant;


DUNb ALx,August, 1 8030


TO acquire a correé'

t knowledge of any language, it is

neCeEary to fiudy not only the words of it, but the man

ner of their comb ination, in the confiruétion of fentences.

Without this minute analyfis, words may b e learned, as byrote ; but no taite for elegance of {tyle can b e formed ; no

underftanding of apparently ob fcure exprefiions, nor gene

ral idea of th e language can b e ob tained .

For this reafon, many works have b een pub liih ed, in

troduftory to the making of Latin, and ufed with the bell:


eét. That, which is now offered to th e public, is anattempt to furnifh a fimilar opportunity for: improvemen t,in the molt b eautiful and important language of antiquityth e language, from which almoft all th e terms of fcience



derived, and in which the f ubfi'

ance of general know

ledge is contained.

In th e concife Syntax, which is prefixed to th e fixercifes , the rules, or partsof rules, which differ from Latinconfirué

tion, are marked with aflerifms ; that the Prudent

may fee, at once, th e agreement, and the difference of the

two languages. It is particularly‘

recommended to the

teacher, to make th e pupil ftudy the Notes on Syntax, and

th e ob fervations, at th e end of th e volume, to whiéh refe

rences are made, and give an account of them, when herecites th e rules to

which they are annexed .

Th e fentences, of which th e Exercifes are compofed,have b een (elected from a great Variety of th e fineft authors .

It was judged unneceflary to infert th e author’s name, at

th e end of each fentence, as this part of the work exhib itsth ofe forms of caprcflion only, which are common to all

th e Greek writers .

The fentences are all, except in one or two unavoidab leinflances, inA ttic, profe ; for it is evidently improper to


t th e learner’

s attention from fy ntax, to poetic lia

cenfes, or variety of dialects.

a Q

Each chapter is divided into three parts. The firft con

tains plain fentences, rarely anticipating any fub fequent

rule : thefe ought to be all rendered into correct Greek,

b efore th e other parts of the chapters are attempted . The

fecond contains more variety of eXpreflion, and exemplifies

the rules promifcuoufly, as well as the particular one pre

fixed to each chapter : this part is from if to the end of

the Englilh fcntences. Having finifhed thefe fentences,in all the chapters on fyntax, th e {indent will be . ab le to

tranflate the third part of e ach ch apter, which confifts of

Latin fentences, with no correfponding Greek.

A s,there are many Elliptical expreliions, which cannot

b e comprehended underany general rules of Syntax, a fea

leélion of the molt important examples has b een made from


s excellent work on Ellipfis. Th e fcholar is to fupply

th e words omitted : which h e will do with eafiz, b eingenab led, b y the tranflationr to find them

,and direéted, by

the b lank fpaces in the Greek page, where th ey ought to "

b e placed . Th e Latin language was preferred to Englifh ,

in thefe, in th e fentences to b e tranllated at. th e,end of

each chapter, and in the chapter onMetaphrafis, aswe haveno Englilh

- Greek Lexicon .’

In order to give a knowledge of the difi'

erent Dialeéls,quotations from .Ionic, Doric, and E olic writegs,

and Ho

mer, are inferted, which are to b e renderedl into the homm

mon A‘

ttic Greek . The {indent‘

will thus learn every:thing of importance in each

,with much more cafe and


than b y committing a numb er of rules to memory.

Th e lines reduced to profaic order; and to be returned

into metre, are intended to form. a tafie for th e’melody of

Greek poetry. And, to imprefs upon th e mind th e diftiné


b etween a poetic and profaic ftyle,it is recom

mended to exercife learners in paraphrafing, or imitating in

profe, feleét pafi'

ages of th e Greek poets. This is ufuallycalled Metaphrafis. A . {hort fpecimen of it is given in the

lalt chapter. It was thought unneé efiary to infert more

pieces of this kind, as any poet will furnilh fufiicient exerfi'





S INCE the f ull pub lication of the Greek Exercifes, the

author h as b een furnifh ed with emendations and’


merits, from feveral very eminent fcholars . Thefe,to

gether with his own remarks, have enab led him to make

the prefent edition much more perfeét than th e firi‘

t . Some

of the rules on Syntax have been written anew 5 and addi

tional examples have b een inferted, in fome‘


ers of th e

Exercifes. In the chapter on Profody, exercifes, in Pen a

tameter, and Iamb ic vorfe, have b een added to.the original

Hexameter ; and the principles of the notes on Syntax

h ave b een fimplified.

He feels much gratified, in thhs pub licly acknowledgingthe very kind attention of Profellb r Young, Glafgow U ni

verfity and Profefl'

or Dalz el, Edinburgh. The continued

friendlh ip of Reverend Dr. Bruce, Belfaft Academy ; and.

Reverend Mr. Hincks'

, Cork ; with that of many other

gentlemen, who have afiifted h im in improving this work,demands his grateful acknowledgments .


h, Anga/Z I 806.

Bcfides many amendments, and additions, in the fe

veral chapters, an entire chapter (th e firfi in this—A thira"e~dition) h as b een added ; an d a numb er of words,

in the

common Greek, inferted in the chapter on Dialects, which'

are to b e rendered into Attic, Ionic, and Doric Greek .

April I 8 09 .




T o this edition are added, Obfervatz'

om on fime Idiom qftlw Greek Language. Thefe were pub lifh ed, fome years ago,

in the authors Greek Idiomr ; but they are now confiderablyenlarged. Th e underftanding of the peculiar idoms of a

language b eing, at once, a difficult and important bufinefs,it is hoped that theic ob fervations will facilitate it to the


In making them, no attention was paid to the technicalorder of Syntax. The objeé

t was to ib ew h ow the Greeks


ed ideas common to all perfons, but uttered m various manners : to follow

,as much as pofiib le, the courfe of

nature, and habit, in th e formation of the language. How

far the author h as fucceeded muft be decided b y th ofe who

are competent judges . Many of the ob fervations muf’r'

b e,

already, familiar to th e Greek fch olar but,. heb elieves thatfeveral of them are original. Where h e has ventured to

differ in opinioh , from eminent writers,it is with diHidence


and refpeét.

It will b e evident, that the wh ole treatife is merely a con

cife view of the general principles, and mof‘cufual Idioms.

To have gone at large into th e elucidation of any one title

in it, would have required a volume. But it is hoped,that the Student wh o imprefi


es theic ob fervations on h is

mind, will find b oth cafe and pleafure, in applying them to

the folution of fuch phrafes as may occur in the ~courfe of

h is reading.

Thofe who with formoreminute and extenfive 1nvef’tigad

tions on this fubjeét, may confult Middleton s dofi rme of the

Greek Article , Barr Ellzpjer ; Vigemrr Idzotirmr Kn er an

ibe M iddle Voz'

ee Hoogeveen’

r Partzclef ; and Da ra/err Mfi“ llama Critica .


It is only necefTary to add, that, as th e underfianding of

th e Scriptures is, unqueftionab ly, the mod: important objet‘t

in learning Greek ; the author has paid particular attention,

b oth to introduce fentences from th e Septuagint and New


the Exerefir and to illufirate feveral of

the Idioms which occur in theic b ooks,in tbe Objerw tiom.

Dumb /t», November I 8 I 3

( X )

Remnrkr neaflh ry {a lieelyferved in w riting Greet.

1 . THE final letter is generally cut (except inverb si, from words ending in a , e

, z, o,w

, or ox,when the

following words begins with a vowel ; as, Havr


2 . All words ending in m, and verb s in E and 4,take 7


when the following word b egins with a vowel ; as, Emm y

3 . N is changed into 7 , in compounds, b efore, it, y , x,

and into p, b efore 7r, B, q), 41 as, n plw, aug cpaeyw.

4 . When th e following word b egins with an afpirated

vowel, the tennis,or intermediate confonant preceding, is

changed into an afpirate ; as, owro ov'

, Ago,


5 . Ex and w are ufed b efore confonants,£5 and own, or

aux, before vowels ; as, E5 rig o r, ou

6. TheAttics ufe all contractions.

The manner of exprefiion, in which each te tranf

lated in . the fccond chapter, is retained, in_general, through -


out the work : but as this could not b e always done, and‘

as there are many varieties of expreflion, which the mofl:

literal tranflation could not afcertain, fmall Englith letgers

and figures are affixed to fuch Greek words as might prob ab ly b e rendered improperly.

A fter a Verbdenotes A ttive.





I fl: Future.

2d Future.

I l’t'


2d Aorif’t.






denotes Optative.

f Infinitive.


After a Sub f’tantive, Adjective, Pronoun, or Participle,








G R E E K S Y N T h X .


I .T HE article is ufed to mark a diftinfiion or empha

fis . W'ith th e infinitive, it fupplies the place of nouns

, ge

runds, and fupines. With a participle, it is tranflated bythe relative and indicative. With pee and is, it fignifies

part/y and it is often ufed for ornament ; as, (fee obfer

vation 3 3Axrxum; 6 rpxygeo


oe. A efchylus th e tragedian .

Kocxwy m y 77’

l f urrowexam. To rememb er former evils.

T at £50 , The things without.

E7 Worm . In wifdom.

O gpxo‘ugrog. He that cometh .

T a rgfwflm ov yw e 7 ” y er ayx Mankind are partly good,

Gar, 7 1; is par/M r. and partly b ad .


H nan ti fl atworm 7 07 ave/ear, Faith, the victory which 0

a; mar-m .

vercomes the world.



2. An adjective agrees with its fubfiantive, in gender,number, and cafe as,

Adm ayaeol . Good men.


w ouxaxau. Evil communications.Eflrea aroma. Many nations.


8 . An adjective is often put ab solutely in the neuter,being underflood ; as,

C ygow ri « antiwar ow. Truth is always a right thing‘

H 7 0: 7c «pm-

ra ror (n wa) To men their country is mofiBfO


I Wc. dear.

4 . An adjective is fometimes put in a different gen

der from the fubflantive with which it ftands, as agreeingwith fome other fub ftantive underflood ; as, (fee ob s.

A 951” ; A104 7 6x04 a rpurwm. Minerva, invincib le daughterof Jove.

‘PME TEKVOV. Dear child (fon).Q . fill/901 5 ; WS

dog/re. O foul ! wh o haft not beengratified .

5 . Participles and adjeétives are often put,

they refer as, (fee ob fervation 4

pea/t error swarmed-

rare r avgpw Thinking themselves to ‘ be

arm . for OtUTOU; w on ootpw the wifefi of men .

7 aroug.


6. A verb agrees With its nominative, in numb e r and

perfon ; as,

w fz; eygaxl/ e. Z euxis painted.

b een /aw u ltra-

tray. His eyes th ine.Karaiovoxr aweg. Birds fing.

7. Neuters in the plural have commonly verb s fingq

lar ; as, (fee ob fervation 3, note).

1’ Thus To) Volume, the women 7 0) z etes, the bands , 7 11? G ear,

the goddess .

h doovoo'rwv ‘Lce

'roo n ew, weak t M odesty am

n ow,

oovflgofl rov; A ida ; not : Nt lfift men, to the,

(4 90 1 4 . heavenly gods .

This form of construction is used to generaliz e the expres


Tot [35 7mtxma'


T 9) apyvpu‘

o h omers-

rot: 77 00'

7 a .

8 . Substantive verb s, verb sof ggizere, have a nominativeb elonging to the fame thing ;”rpm 65 1 5 7 0 (pm; 7 01) aoo


KomwremitaM ft/xa ton ré on w

9 . The infinitives of fubfiantive verbs , fuch as w ar, 7:

ree z fiv’

e. have the fame cafe after them that goes b eforethem as, 1T ot/g yaw vcwroc dyezro He thought that th ofeWhoaamvc not: (z yd eco; £1c ,

T ove knew thefe things were gooda t ayreswroze arifocmioiezg car and honourab le ; but thatdimme r; z eamogaz . thofe who were ignorant of

them fhould be justly called

flavilh .

1 0. The infinitivemood h as an accusative b efore it, whenits agent or fubjeét is different from that of the precedingverb ; (fee ob s. but a nominative when they are the

fame ; as, i.

T; [399 7 03 4 were” M yovot Why do they fay thatmortal

men are wife

Eden? m as/1. 10; em uflow-

17m. He fh ewed th at h e h imfelf

was an enemy to the king.

1 Sometimes when a dative precedes the infinitive, an accu

sative follows it, agreeing with an accusative, .unde1 stood, b e

fore it ; as,Hgu ace o

ol film-mm emu ogrewv. You ought to be Icing of biids .

T The accusative, ve 1 y rarely, precedes th e infinitive, whenit refers to the agent or sub ject of the precedmg verb ; as,

09x 5: z eito'

o-mv 3135 : a n, xaa

oiz '


e He commenced not those thing s,so adsi exw or aireom on e , room in which he knew flimsef



4m reams. be superior ; but those in

which be well knew that lie

was inferior.

A 2

The darts fall out.

All things are fubjeét tomoa


paflive of naming , and verbsboth b efore and after them,


Ye are the light of th e world.Wealth is the cloak of evils ,


l l . The relative agrees with its antecedent in gender andnumb er.

’ If there comes no nominative b etween the rela

tive and the verb , the relative is th e nominative to the verbb ut if there does, the relative is governed by fome word in

the fentence ; as,

Arxfac of m arrow. Men who Will know.


0 A070; ir cure. Theword which he fpokc.

1 9 . The Attics often put the relative, by attraftion, in

the same cafe with the antecedent ; and, fometimes, the an

tecedent in th e fame cafe with the relative ; as, (fee ob s.Heat T OUTOIC of; M 70 Eeyocpwr. Added to What Xenophon

fays .


O woc wrrr ér Atyetq anamor. This is the man‘ that you lay.


1 3 . A noun of th e dual numb er may have a verb,ad

jet‘tive or relative plural b ut a plural noun can only have

a verb , adjeétive or relative dual, when it fignifies two as,

A‘ucpw M eyer. They b oth faid .

fl ; a ss/ m own er. A s two winds excite

«pm ; my: Xitfs Bummer. Let us put our dear hands


1 4 . Two or more litb ltantives fi'

ngular have a verb , ad'

jeélive or relative plural if they b e of different perfons or

genders, the verb or adjective will agree with th e molt

worthy ; if they fignify things without life, the adjeé'

tive is

commonly 1n the neuter ; as, 1

1 To this rule may b e added nouns of multitude, which of

ten require verb s and adjectives pldral as,

c rno'acv aw '

rov Emmy To wAndog. All the multitude asked him.

The same occurs, when an indefinite pronoun refers to several ob jects, taken individually ; as,'e m cw vyxavom, n 30071 50, 11 Whatever slave, or f reeman,ear


Jeegga , 7 mm»; emmoy

. they met, they slew the

( 5 )

Ear admcpoc n « Sewn 7144 70: If a brother or filter be nae:

dfl afxwm. ked.


Ao Suraarem: new3 ”mu-

rec810C Power and riches are defira

rrluer tom (x


/gen t (a b le for the fake of honour.

y am ).Eye an: cu m Jinem (Xl’n‘ You and I will do the things

para) which are juf’t.

1 5 . When an infinitive or a fentence is in place of the

nominative to


a verb or fubfiantive to an adjective, the

verb is in th e third perfon fingular, and the adjective in ‘


neuter gender as,

To araow affirm : garages-

rarer It is very hard to pleafe all.

(Xmua)£7 7 1 .


1 6. One fubfiantive agrees with another,fignifying the

fame thing, in cafe ; as,

Kuattfatfrc 5 war; rov Ao7vayou. Cyaxares the fon ofAfiyages.

Auroavaou (iv-

yarn? {ueym nrofo—

c Anticlea, th e daughter of theAvrmm a . magnanimous A utolycus.

Indeed there is considerab le variety in the application of the

rule to wh ich this note is attached. For, when two synonymous nouns are used, the verb is frequently in the singular ; as,Mex» marque; re 35 371 5 . Thefight and battle raged.

A nd, sometimes, the verb agrees with that nominative whichis nearest to it ; as,A ny a; 7 1 m imay “ weh atw e. The “

(057c and wave impelled.




1 7. One fub ltantive governs another, fignifying a diri’


rent thing in the genitive ; as, 1 .


Tau 3 200luaxfoeuy ia. Th e long fufl


ering of God.

1 8 . An adjeé‘

tive in the neuter gender, without a fubflantive, governs the genitive as,

T o Aomov (prefix) human} Th e rep: of th e day.

T o xpam cflorCa spar) Tn; cpiAa The b est part of ph ilofophy.


1 9 . The primitive pronoun is ufed m the genitive,inflead of th e poffefiive pronoun as,

H umplaw , for matrix? spar. My father. (fee ob s . 5 7,

1 A lthough the rules, with respect to the construction of

cases, appear very numerous, yet they may all b e reduced to

the following principles

1 . Every nominative agrees with some verb , expressed, or


2. Every genitive expresses that f rom which something pro-i

seeds, or by which it is possessed and, in general, depends upon a noun, or preposition, expressed, or understood.

3 ; Every dative expresses that to which something is acquir

ed. But, as the dative, in Greek, corresponds also to the ab la

tive, in Latin, it expresses that f romwhich any thing is tahen,or by means of which it is done.

4 . Every accusative is governed by an active verb , or a preo'

position, expressed, or understood ; or it agrees with an infini.t ive.

When otherwords are said to govern certain cases, as verbs,the genitive, dye. or when cases are said to b e put ab solutely,these principles should b e referred to, and they will shew the

force and nature of the expression. In order to assist the

learner in doing so, the ellipticalwords are inserted, in the ex-J

amples to the rules on government .

1 The dative is, sometimes, used instead of the genitive as,

Ha re: Ti‘uwgor ¢ovov. The avenger of yourfi tller,



And the poets, sometimes, change the sub stantive,that

should b e in the genitive, into a corresponding adjective ; as,Act/Mm inseam. The head of a slave. (see ob S.

( 8 )‘

l lpa fora: a czpoy. It will b e ufeful to us.

I wrgoooc rii dam-

run . A ccultomed to fimplicity.

Baez/Qty?) d rip: tum or. To b e Wilhed for by a libe

ral man .

Tom yerrazoic 1 0 a zoxpor ex TO the generous, a b afe thingGfor. is detefiab le.

£34 . Comparatives and fuperlatives govern the meafurc

o f excefs in the dative ; as,

(E5)Afipwnwr (em) (“ WWcc By far the hell: of men.


25 . When up“ and YIVO/AGCI fignifyMfg/ion, property, or

duty, they govern the genitive ; as,


O morgaomoperot £1 9a (alone) He who is fold b ecomesthe

y zye'

rou. property of another.

”X“26. Verb s of beginning, admiring , w anting, remembering,

accujing, excelling, valuing,flooring, and the like, with theirtontraries, govern the genitive ; alfo thofe wh ich'fignifyelf/lance and fen/e (exceptfight/Z as,

1k This is a very general rule. It includes all verb s signify

ing to

1 . B egin, attempt, undertake, endeavour— cease, dismiss.

2. Admire, desire, love— neglect, ridicule.

3 . Want, ash, deprive, despair, abstain f rom, spare, empty ;

f rustrate, err,f czil- obtain, abound,fill, enjoy .

4 . Remember, lenow— fm'


5 . Accuse, blame, spealcf alsely of ,judge— pardon, acquit.6. Excel, merit, command, conquer, restrain, seizeon, hold by .

7. Value, carcfi r— despise.

8 . Share, dgfiizr,partake of, separate.

9 . D istancef rom.

1 0. Sense, as hear, smell, touch, taste.

However, many of these verb s are, occasionally, found withother cases ; particularly, verb s signifying to

Remember, desire, obtain, enjoy , the accusative as,

Mepn npcatt m om . I remember these things.

1 1090 a vroy. I 1072 f or him.

Tuxm h ar m. To 0 tain all things.

Atoearopal topaz). I hear a noife.

Hoo ra y m y xarar nfa . He loved all that were Viri


b uds (an )rourov bin/t uft s. Neither did h e fail of hav

ing this.

Ann ex; (ar e)m y cpzMor. You negleét your friends.

An oaavsz (in) f or naporrw . He enjoys things prefenti


9 7. Ear: taken for 6X6), to have, governs the dative as,

Eon no: a para . I have riches928 . A ll verb s put acquifitively, i. e. verbs of/eruing , gw n

mg, n/ing , rg/oicing , obeying , tra/ltng direct/Mag ,fighting , and

th e like, with their contraries, govern th e dative as, T.

Boneea 7 01 7 9131 . To helph is country.

Emery notable. To yield to misfortunes.

MaxeoGa : ran; n one/awn. To encounterwith th e enemy.

I la; ampaura 776m . Every man lab ours for h im


9 9 . A verb fignifying aftively governs th e accusat1ve as,

Tov'ror cu (or; ayueor 0085104 7 1 You honour him as a good

par. man .

30. Verb s of fense, with the A ttics, common ly take

an accufative as,

Axouo m om . I hear thefe things.3 l Every verb may take an accufative of a correfpond=

ing noun ; as,

Command, abound, the dative ; as,c

HyfilTb ow n “ . He led them.

Bgum again-

a te. Abounding with bees .

A nd many verb s seem to govern a genitive, 01 accusative,indifl

erently. But the genitive, in such cases, always denotes

a part, in contradistinction to the whole, and depends upon w,

pcegog, or the like, understood ; as,N ew on ce. I drznh the wine.f lue-1 (7 : or(4 2501; 22)w on. [ drink (some, or part)of


1 A preposition may b e understood, after verb s off ollow:and discoursing as,

A o ovGeiv (new ) 7m . Tof ollow a person.

(our)rayon. To conversewith wise me n.


( 10 )

Aoumum Savi ourmurmur. To ferve a bafe flavory.HON /£0! n ompiifea . To wage war.

3 9 . Verb s transitive of acczying, giving , and their contra

ries and thofe of declaring , and comparing, with the geni~

tive or dative, govern alfo the accufative as,

A0; no: ram'

rat . Give me theic things,3 3 . Verb s of (fining, teaching, cloathing, and concealing

And fometimes with the A ttics, verb s of giving, hurting,

and accn/ing, with their contraries, govern two accufatives


A n ar'ra (in)at Siberia/tat . I Will teach you all things.Kpn act


rm rev; (Kd ,or We {h ould ails good things

om)ayaQa . of the Gods.

A im -

reps: pa (m m)m a He deprives meofmy goods.

norm .

(Etc)cs yew.) prev. I give you wine to tafte.


it 34 . Pafiive verbs take a genitive, of the agent, after

them, which is governed by a prepofition underflood or


ed ; as,

Ka: nfo; zipor aeifpenconai ; Shall I b e left by you alfo

(Tm)eaten m an-

cu cpntoi. Friends are prevailed uporr

by friends.

Ugo; Sear sippinnerom Impelled by the Gods.3 5 . Sometimes paflive verb s have a dative of the

gent after them as,

T o la zy/ £90; mango m y The greatnefs of his actions.



36. An imperfonal verb governs the dative as,Meyzo

‘ror aura ebofer twat. It feemed greatef

’c to him.«

37. Km, of fence, and it behovetb , govern the accua

fative, with the infinitive ; as,

a lipid s, 7 mm You mutt do this.

“i3 8 .

At : andxpn, fignifying meg/it)» or want, simian,

( 1 1 )

pin t,Sweeper, ya wn , "Sexu al, with their compounds, go

.vern the genitive and dative ; as,

Kyn an (a ug) cpzw y. You need friends.

Exam 7 014 (poo zc (luepoc)yus The Wicked have a th are of

fl ow . them.

A u « w e (7 1, or paper)xgm He has occafion formoney.


e 39 . The infinitive mood is governed b y verb s, adjectives, or fome particle, fach as air, “X5”: flex,” as


Dem earth/y et, m igowGw Whoever defires to live,let.

my . him try to conquer.

filers aw oug y er exam So that they pofi'


ed them.

is 40. The infinitive is often put elliptically, if“ , Mme

exam : or aicm b eing underflood as, (See ob s.

Aura; en ago-

ram (flame)pm Do you yourfelf fight amongXeagaz . the fir -Pt

(Slave)lumpy di

m . Almofi .

4 1 . The Greeks ufe mam ,with an infinitive, to ex

preis th e future, both a€tive and pafiive, which in Latinwould b e rendered by a participle of the future and the

verb jin n as, (See ob s.

” if: air vluuc gen u s xpzmr. Of which things ye are a

b out to judge. Judi‘




42. Participles govern the cafe of their own verb s ; as,

Tau; non fat}; f awn/Tot ngnmxz Infiructing theyounger men

fist/arm. in fuch manners.

4 3 . The verb s mu, 7 uyxarw, v



afxo , ytroluou, xvpu,9X” : 990W; and Ad ream

, are ufed, with participles after

them,to excprefs, what in Latin would be rendered by fome

teufe of a tingle verb ; as, (See obs. 89B 2

( 1 9 )

Sayer. rw Eem c, not: [ me (5; Be now filent fianding there,nuguew r. and remain as thou art.

Es .

w fa'rnc Tvyxozm m fma

'rwr. Socrates walks. Ambulat.

4 4 . Participles are often ufed, infiead of the infini

tive, after verb s fignifying an emotion of the mind ; as,

(See ob s. 86 ) fAyavranpt Sta


rum. He continues to loveme. Per-s

feverat amare.


luag womanly. I rememb er that I did it.

Memini feciffe.


4 5 . The infinitive mood, or aparticiple, is ufed to {up- x

ply the place of gerunds and fupines ; as, (See ob s.

Etc 7 0 UTfOLTlCOTOtG avvocyayw . To gather the foldiers together. Ad congregandum


Euefyem v (xv—rev; ex


rneapnv. I acquired them'

by doingkindly. Benefaciendo.


How a zexpov. Shameful to b e done. Tur

pe factu.

46. Verb al adjectives, governing a dative of the a

gent, and the cafe of theirown verb s, are ufed to fignify

gzeceflity ; as, (See ob s.

q fl reov e/xm €7HGTOMIV~ I mufi: write a letter. Scri

b endum cit mihi epiftolam.


4 7. The caufe,“

manner, or infirument'

is put in, the

dative ; as,

1 Under this rule are

comprehended verb s signifying topen

severe, desist, perceive, appear, and the like as,

Ami/w wa ve-rm. Sitire desim'

t. He ceases thirst

Allied to the principle of this rule is the construction of ada

jectives followed by participles. (see Obs.

( 1 3 )

Kparez (av)mxaraxc. He conquers by firatagems.

(Er) af‘

yvf’talg AoyXOUO


l [4 a Fight with filver weapons,

Xov,m xwarm nyocrnetxc. and you will conquer all


4 s. The queflionfwloizloer e is commonly anfwered by

a ; or apoc, with the accufative : where ? b y er, with th e dative : salience b y ex or aa o, with the genitive and by or

throng/5‘wlzat‘place by Sid , with the genitive ; as, f

Er Pro/4 34. In Rome.

EIC 7 e Ar‘

n oXétay. To Antioch .

Ex, or am 7 11; a oaswe. From the city.

Axon yac. By land.

ii4 9 . A dverb s in 9: and 01 are ufed to fignify at aplace

in is, as, or Ce, to aplace and in 96V and 9sf rom aplace ; J


is alfo added to accufatives, to fignify to a place; as, 21:

KopnGc ouuo; razor. Inhabiting h oufes at Corinth.

Kinsmen ocmm'

ro Kow tsay ey He took the b raz en fpear

xoc. from the’


Elli,“ Ma nia. I go to Ph thiai

5 0. The diflance of one place from another, is put inth e accufative ; as,

Etpeeo; aa exet, (Kd ) 7 9w Eph efus is diftant three daysdeeper journey.

5 1 . The time wben is commonly put in the genitive,fometimes in the dative ; bow long, in the accufative ; as,

(Alec)vinegarm urvx'roc. By day and night.

(Ev)despot pilot. On one day.

1~ The preposition is often omitted ; as,

E ouwov lgoveDmo‘ueéx. We came to sacred Sum



mag. m a y. Dwelling in Aether.

1; These adverb s in e : are, originally, Ionic datives plural,governed by 5 7 understood ; as, A flnvym, for ivA dmacg.

Adjectives formed from nouns of time are, sometimes

used in place of the nouns themselves ; as,[Intrautetot pocAarp3307 Man or” . l ey pr019 1



61 t the g" ! with

a song, during themale

( 1 4 )

on» emww r (t om) omyov The angerof thofewho love,wxuu Xfaror. prevails but a fil ort time.

5 2 . The price ormeafure of any thing is put in the

genitive ; fometimes, the price is put in the dative as,

A vlpac (mm 7 0 emcee, n,A fiatuc twelve cub its high.

aid/ 0c)Suwgma a nxewr.

Simeon/4m (am )Xua again ”. I b ought it for two pence.

(Em)Xpuego 7mm ay wm wra. He b ought the victory with

gold .


5 3 . The genitive cafe of a fub ftantive is often put ah

folutely, the former fubltantive, Em a, Xocycr, m,

if, or some

cafe of 7 1 ; or if; being underftood as, (See ob s. 1 9 , u


To: (snot)IIAowaJvoc The works of Plato.

Oaupmac vi(fun ny) Anim Olympias the mother of A

Spou. lexander.

Emma: (tram)Tn; cpmo‘aouomc. I commend you foryourloveof mufic.

Tn; 7 11 ; (piper)w ag er. They laid wafic part of theland.


roe 3,

syn/re(may en)90 Hemarriedoneof thedaugh

70: 1 9am ters of Adraftus.

9 . ( new ) 7 114"

« vaccinate. O ! impudence.

3“5 4 . The dative is often put ab liilutely, efpecially af

ter gun-

ac, ow b eing underflood as,

Twr ow'rwi spyer (our)entirety. The fame works with them.

5 5 . The accufative is often put ab solutely, mam beingunderflood as,

(Kat-m)ample Pw/Ad leg. By country a Roman.

Mam (nan ) exoawea. He was much enraged, in

his mind.



1 4 6. A fubl‘

tantive with a participle, whofe cafe de

pends upon no other word, is put in the genitive abfolutc 5

( 1 6 )

0 5 3 , Nnand an govern the accul'

ative ; oi/Aoc, and 5m”;the dative 3 5 »

Mot. (oprv‘w)Amt . By Jupiter.


AIua (our)7 9) 53am. Together with the water.5 9 . Two or more negatives firengthen the negation ;

1ougtarmron 01136? It is impofiible ever to do

” gonn a . any of thefe things.

60. Some derivative adverb s govern the cafe of their

primitives ; as,

Agree; xAno'w g. Worthily Of the canine .


6 1, The prepofitions am ,05 7 0, ea or s

Z, and 7 90, gm

vern the genitive ; er, and our, the dative ; etc or so, and

ma,the accufative ; as

, (See ob s . 9 7E2Aflmnc. From A ttica.

Er omgo. In a houfe.

E14 ozxor. Into a h oufe.

The poets fometimes have am, With a genitive,

or dative ; as,

A ra mo; £ 11 . He Went into the fliip.

4" 62. Am: and 5 7 59 govern the genitive or accufative ;

W 1 ; ” if”: and 5 77 0, the genitive, dative, or accufative’


Sometimes two negatives make an affirmative, as in Latin,and English . Such expressions however, are always easily distinguished, by the context, from those in which negativesstrengthen each other ; as,00 dvmym for) ”Wino

-Goa . Nonpossum non meminisse.

cannotf orget.

i No precise rule can b e given to ascertain when these prepositions govern one or other of the cases specified The gee

neral principle is, that when rest is implied, the genitive or da

tive is used ; when motion towards, the accusative. Itmay b e

ob served, farther, t t as the dative denotes the end, aflQt, em ,

an y ,and inro are f


oll wed by a dative, only when they express

close around, resting or depending on, immediately under, or unf

der the influe nce of ; as,

( 1 7 )

Ara ova/foe. Through fire.

Em 9oam i. Upon a throne.

Em y aw. To the ground .


ta ngo. Upon h orfeb ack .

63 .Kare rotn or cumin common] overns the e3~

3 «b i y g

a ltive ; at, or according to,the accufative. Me


roc, w zth, the

genitive to,orafter, the accufative. H aoa and a far,f rom,

the genitive at, or‘wzt/J , th e dative to, bgfide, or again/t,

the accufative ; as,

Ka ra overpa y. From the rocks.

Ka rat Suntan . A ccording to mypower.

Mam (ma y . With friends.

H aifa XUfICU. From the lord .

Hoot yU/i vowtor. To fchool.

The poets fometimes have new ,with a dative ;


Mf r


argyl e; [Maxie To fight with men.

64 . A prepofiiion often governs the fame cafe, in com

pofition , that it does without it ; as,

A aron}; ixk wht ‘

ra l. He is tofihd from his chariot.


65 . The conjunéiions, noq, 7 3, he, co ma, lair, ours


the like, Will have the fame cafe ; and, commonly, the

fame mood and teufe after them, that goes b efore themas


Zane? wanton Close around the shoulders.

Em 7 mm rovrotg. I n addition to all these things .

T n sp’

in” . The things depending on our

selves, i. e. me ourownpower.

Il se: 7 ?Close about the breast.

Etna ; 137 0 73 5 5 6 1 . Under my hands i. e . power.

Ym e ta. Under the itfilzcence of God.

1. mega and orgo; are joined, in this rule, for the sake of con

ciseness ; as they may, commonly, b e translated in the same

words . But there is a marked distinction in the ideas expres

sed b y them ; z'

otgzimplying permanence, duration, possession,

and Wgog, contingency.

( 8 1 )

llalmromou oxmu ov

'rot, koq The multitude b eing very

F” exowwv 7 1 tpa7w01 . great, and they havingnothing to eat.

w atxa xaq la t/4 053

9 7 11 911 1 1 . I have teen and b ofineWit-k


66. Av, tau, w ager, 1m, ooga, 67 41 5 67 110 , amm o,new


new, and cit, are, for the mot’t part, joined with the fubjunctive mood ; as, 1


Iroc 7mm . That ye may know.

Kd r aluewar aycom a

luaq. Though I fh ould fight b et


Ar, now, and my, are often ufed to give a fab

junctive meaning to the other moods ; as, (See ob s; 74 ,

76)Av xa/ Tuyxarexflowntw; aw. A lthough h e were a king.

i” It cannot b e said that any of these conjunctions necessa

rily requires th e subjunctive mood ; nor that there IS any dif

ference m th e meaning of the conjunctions, according to the

different moods with which they w e used. In th is 1 espect the

verb and conjunction appear totally independent of each other.

P ractice only , and th e ca1 ef'

ul reading of the b est authors, willdirect the W1 iters in the application of this rule. Some gram

marians have b een at great pains, in specifying with What paraticular moods and tenses certain conjunctive particles are used ;b ut he who depends on any other rule, in this case, than hisown knowledge, and imztatzon of chaste wrzters, will b e evenliab le to errors.

( 1 9 )



I F h onours,to a city, lab our,

of an old man , to oxen , to lions,

faith, to a“horn , of parfimony, 0

Thomas , two fons of Atreus, of


2 . Mountains, of two Winds,

b ows, of a day, 0 Mercury, to a

day, tvgo ‘brothers, of a



woman, to Jove, life, of mufes .

3 . To trees, 0 man, of De

mofthenes, to Latona, of a ph rafe,to a father, 0 king, of a poet, to

a moufe, of an end, virgins,friendfhip.

4 . To tribunals, O rob ber, a

fliip, to men, of a king, b owls, of

a mind , oxen, to daughters, to

ih epherds, a fiream, parts .

5 ,To nations, of a flock, aprieft,aif‘ifh , to a hiifb and, of fpring, to

feet, 0 Hector, 0 Ajax, a crow,

of a wall, two ferpents .

6 . Of two men, a Ptorm, a fa

ther, cities, A rab ians, a fnake


fathers, a comb , lions, walls, cluf

ters, winter.

7. Dogs, to a vine,a fea, a

wild b oar, of an army, to horns,

9.T hu", ow‘lv, nova;


9505 wc, how,am , 7 10


, negate, cpeigco, (Dag/401g,Argegnc, Hugayq


Opac, annoy, razor,ni

/aepa ,i


,Pipifcx, oc

Smear, comp, yum, Z ivi‘



, [um/oat .

Asa/Spay, a mp, Anatom

etrnc,A nn a ; (ppow


zc, n oc

7 np, fiaa'mwg,

e a

pooc pepoc.

Eeyag, n ew, faggot; ‘X"


, sap, n ave,aEr r A wtc, nopag

T GIXOC, Spencer.

A vgfan ocfltammia 7rd

7 npa

,n amc, Afadz , ago/c



cramp, m e ga


,f ax

or, [Borer/ca

, Xewwya.

Kuav, « nam e, 9a

M fmaa

, coca

,o7farev/m ,

( 20 )

or a moth er, kings, a (tone, favor,

to a heart, 0 boy.

8 . A mother, to an oak , O Si

mois, a giant, ofpower, to honey,b irds, o f heroes, rofes, 0 fun

, 0

S cythian , to orators.

9 . To b irds, of two lions, to

a b one, deb ts, O Hercules, fonq,

o f a word, to fh epherds, of a ci

tadel, fnakes, of a foot, to b ellies.

1 0. Teeth , O Neptune, to fa

thers,a b elly, to b odies, honours,

O impudent, to mullard, of a

hatchet, parfimony, of yeuth , of

doors .

1 1 Of Pelides,a fountain, of

love, to Phoebus, marriages, two

heads, of oxen , fervants, night,‘


power, of two h orfes,'

a port.

I 2. Of Sparta, of a wound , a

gob let, to citieshto reverence, two

month s, 0 interpreter, trenches,

virtues, to two hands, to myriads,a multitude .

1 3 . A ir, two eyes, a b each,

fioWers, to a well, of years, of

water, cufioms , Trojans, Greece,0 judge, of a tripod.


1 4 . Poffefiions, a’

fea, chuntries,eyeb rows, knees, O Jefus, difciples,of a fpear, a kingdom, parents, of

A tlas, laughter.

xeyac, pry-mg, daem on



, Xatpw“

, map, 7mm.


, Spiic, EIIMOEM ,

y lyata

, duvet/u s, lam ,cf .

nc, wiper, i SOV,‘

div er,

Ext/9m, [Sw ag

Optic, Aewr, oo'


04, i aa c,titer/c, ear

or, rola tuc, 01070, aort



y acflnpITOO‘

HSU Vmat-mp,701 07119 area/4 a,

roomy,01mm 7 671


yea-mc, Gupa



rng,(Pa/605 ,

ya/rag, x5<P06M ,Bat/c, depanwy , WEnga rag, inn oc, Mam


Efi af‘

ra,Em och



n émq, oqdoc, 040,qif/anitvc, Tacpfoc




;71 701911 4



A 49nf Old /Ad , pnwur?

acreag eopeap, £ 7 04, ugcop,2904, p c, Em ag



7 91 7rouc.

K '



, Warp/g,

oopuq, 70W,Inoovc, lua

Gnrnc, Sago, fiaometaa

,7 0

new,An ac

, 7 5am“.

( 2 1


A verb agrees with its nominative,in number


Verb umcohaeret, Ste.

-E 1‘on.



dantim sunt,

A verb agrees with , Sec. B ell.

Concordantioe dune sunt, & c. Holmes .


I . P ref: I HONOUR, thoufirikeft, h e fays, ye two write,

they two give, we fend, ye b ring,they are willing.

2 . 1 7711p I was carrying, thouwait feeing ,

h e was fending, theywere laughing, we were running,

ye were thinking.

3 . 1 . Fur. Ye two fl1 all drive,they

{h all fay, I {hall follow, thoufh alt call, ye {h all labour.

4 . 2 . Fat. I will do, h e willbury, ye will cut

,they two will

5 . I . Aor. I wondered, theygay e, h e did; thou placedft, theytwo remained

,w e wrote.

6 . 2 . Aor. They did come, Idid find, we did firike, they twodid give.

7. P fif I have feen, we haveget, ye two have fpoken, he hashonoured

,we have lab oured .

T ia), Afiyw,

yfotcpw, 01 2M w,

cpepw, agat e .

wage , 61860, ore/4 7 m,

y tmw,rfexw, YO/Ucw.

Eaavrw, emu


Bew, m am

,north .

Gan rw,7 5a



a), grim/u,

fl paoow,”mental , (new),

” mow.

EfXO/aal, soprano), 7 11 71

7 9,3134154 1 .


09am, Tvyxam,M .

ya), Twas),wares) .

( 29 )

8 . P 1. puff. I had written , ye I‘

gacpw, yrroow , 7 m

two had known , thou hadftmade,

so,7 v7r7w.

they had firuck.


9 . FrejI Thou fitteft, he comes,i

H/xou, {no/rat,

they turn themfelves.

1 0. Imperf . I was b eginning, ApXo/xou, fim 7rw ,lo'

ye were hurting yourfelves, they’

were fiandmg.

1 1 . 1 . Fur. Thou {haltprepare Hapaoxwocfw, Saxothyfelf, we fhall take

,I fh all luau, y zywa


xw, k angaroo.

know, ye {h all receive.

I 2 . 2 . Fat. Ye two will {trike T v7r7a1 , ma),Tptn


yourfelves, h e will drink, I willturn myfelf.

I 3. I . Aor. He ceafed, they Howe,nyaww, 7 e1m.

two did, I firetch ed myself.1 4 . I . Aor. We two did give,

they were, h e did place h imfelf.1 5 . P erf. I have fuffered, we Hairxw, warm, 7 61 960,

h ave {truck ourfelves , thou halt oevyw.

trufted, he has e fcaped .

1 6. P l. pay". He h ad left, I had A sia-



heard, they had come.


I 7. P riffi He is named,We two Ova

/twice, rpecpw, 9am

are nouriih ed, they are admired. wife .

1 8 . Imperj : I was druck, they T 1 mm , n apaoxevazw,were prepared, it was written . yfacpw.

I 9 . I . Put. I {hall b e punifh ed, Koaafw, Aetnw, 07EAACJ .thou {h alt b e left, he {hall b e fent.

20. 2 . Fat. Ye will b e firuck, Tuam ,car damom .

he will be delivered .

2 1 . r. Aer. It was faid,wewere A eyw, eu'

pzcmo, omen.

found, ye were loved .

( Q4

ing conquered, to have refemb led, “79 50

thou faweit, they were b roken,

thou comparcdfl, it will b e necef

fary, ye ih all live, I would fhout,they are pleafed .

30 . To have b een hurt, ho Baan rw, quorum, Su

nour thyfelf, he is ab le, they may rowan, 7pt7ra1 , uwavm, 07?

turn,he { hall prevent, he hath

been feen, they confute, to have apXo/uaq, erla t

,Sta rd om


b e

en,h e would b egin, thou {h alt avmw.

b e, they have ordained , to haveb een grieved .

3 1 . Nothing was made, John

aniwered, do not ye say that it isfour months, and th e h arveit

comes Jefus b ore witnefs, Cyrusreceived, then the man went away.

3 2 . Philiph as dzed, Chryfantasdid {land up, and h e fpoke thus,the time would b e, th e man {halllove, Panthea having fent did fay,do not grieve, O Cyrus, that Arafpas is gone.

33 .


Amab am, novi, invenies , fcribunt, cecidi, ihat, cucurrifti,

mtimnit, venieb amus, fedeb o, ero, pugnab at, acce

pit , moriemur,

pab fumptus eft, ureris, percufi

us fum, pugnavi, magnificab itm

34 . Lex ell, tempus videtur, homines cognofcunt, filius


rex exiftimab at, majores th erunt, pater coepit,

Deus potef’t, difcipuli veniunt, poetze cogitant.

Iow aOugey ywoy ou

m; OCWOKflVO/Aoqps

,our. 17 11

Layn or : Target/mar a /u ,

mg 5 963310

114 0; io /xoq

Inaovg paf’

rupew, Kugo:SeXo/wq, av eo /xaq


6 a yefcwror.

<I> 1A1 7r7rog Gmcmw, XfU-


(f arm ; anon /u ,not] A676)


gs,net/fog dnwWOC

(11 1 11 5 19 , 1; Hargeia mph ws

ewroy, [anAvmw


5 7 1 Afcwfl occ atxoluaq.

( 25 )

CHAP . I I I .

An adjeé‘

tive agrees with its fub ftantive, in gender, numb er and cafe.

A djeftivum cum fubfiantivo, 8 m. Eton.

An adjeétive agrees, & c\

. Bell.

1 . A. ufeful man, a common

city, fweet honour, b lack forrow,

of a b ad cuftom, to a worthyman,

a holy day, 0 immortal poet,

a fweet voice, two b lack eyes.

2 . The eighth woman, an h onourab le fortune, ofab loody fword,

lofty mountains, a fweet word, a

happy life, every way, true horns,a tender heart.

3 A greaterman,much wealth,mof’c

admirab le wifdom, to a more

formidab le giant , a moft graceful

virgin, happy gods, a moft b ene

volent nation, a b lack wall, fwifter

h orfes.

4 . A mof’t hatefulname, a b etter man, the deepePt well, to th e

greatef’t father, two horns, of three

men , the third hour, of this thing,another fh ip, to my book, feme


5 . 11 Sweet peace ; h orfes thatwork together, ftand togethermore agreeab ly ; the fervants

were equal fharers ; my friends,

Erpnm 138W 3 {777 04



orwr,7 9910; oumm

f u7 ° 5 Jfl nfe

'mc 100144 0190;

agar amp cpmog, 6{MW


3 91101 0; 01 1 119, 11 01 1057 mm, £311 4,mm1 01 5 11 9

11; motor, 01 1 95

3017 0;

015 1 04 , 017104, 7 0m7 11 1; 01 901 1 0c1 04, _<p01m 53114,011 111 01 y eaar.


u n 078004, 7 11m 7 1

1 1 11614, 11 01x4453“ 01 110101 7 0614,

oyac vxlz naog, £71 01; 771 11 .

[3104 £ 1180!” v 7rd ;

0304, 11 2901 1; gAn9ng, 11 20197 23111 .

Amy peyote, 7 071 11 ;

m wv'rog


,00<p10c Gav/a cre

7 1701 ; (19066904,

d uuc,’

9EOC panag,£910; 5 11 1 011 5 4 21q flame,


7r7rot; 7 01x11 4 .

OVO/LOC en or, 01mgayaeac, ppm? 301911 4 3 7 01

7 119 1 1 2701 5 311 01 1 1 59014, 7 535 1 ;061 95

901 7704, oiyoc 7 91 1 001


7 901711 01. 011 1 05 , row;


, 11 161 101 yum7 1;

( 26 )

the b attle is near, for the enemies


6 . Thou art a happier man ;

all themen failed wounded thofe

tragic actors ; that is the temple ;Agamemnon was pafling on joy.


7. Wherefore, the law is holy,and the commandment holy, and

juft and good.

8 . Homines illuflres, capita caduca,cranium mulieb



alia dogmata, laeti et alacres viri, quaeriam hera, pulchrumct b onum virum, maxima pars, daemonia multa,medio mari,

b enedictus rex, priori tempore, humanae fpcciei,‘

reélam ta



A verb fignifying aftively governs the accufative.

Accufativus fequitur verba, Sec. Eton.

Tranfitive, 8CC.

Verb s fignifying actively, SI G. Bell.

Regimen Graecis cum,SCC. Holmes.

1 .FOR. ye [saw thepoor always,

but ye la w not me always.

2 . I did one work, and ye all


3 . Do ye not know, that theunjufi [ballnot inberit thekingdom

4 . The faintsjudge the world.

01701 1 eyyw, floooeyXo/xoq

70159 0 m ac/1 1 09

Euclid/11 1 101 01 1 99107 0; £1

,11 1

7 90101 101 7 101 ; ha 7 01 ;

ifl lfl h ia) 6 700171 11 0; 15

7 01131 7 11 ; 015 7 0;a

211 21 104

5 ieyow 137 531 1811;

71 015109 051 01; 7 1190011 1

104 .

roy oc’



0 sw am 027 104, 11 011

31 11 011 0; 11 01; ocyodlog.


0 71-701xoc70107 007 07 6

txw, 271035 011 7 01 17075 exw.

Em iyyar 7 01 12105,11 01;

901 11 1 1 01610.

H 011 11 e10’iawm7

, 67 1 agnwg

fiaomem 011 u nforo/xeco.


O 05710; 6 1100111 0; 1111 1 110.


5 . Fear God, and ballot/r thym

6. Hqte tfiofi 1 1m:flatter, as th é fe

that deceive ; for both , when trufted, injure tbofiz try? them.

7. The poets know that this isTo,and tbe dgf erenoe.

8 . fl And tbinke/l thou tbir, 0

man , thatjudge/l tlwn do fuch

things, and doft th e fame, thatthou [ bolt (fiape the judgment of

G od ?

9 . For it 1311 1“ not flow by the

fmith , nor arm: b y th e {h oe


t e . But the difciples did not

know th efe tloingr.

i I . Hippocrates having cured

many difiqfer, fell fick and died ;

the Chaldeans foretold the deatbr

of many, then fate took t/aem ofi'

alfo A lexander, and Pompey, and

Caius Cmfar loaning entirely dylroyed oobale cit/er fo often, and loaningcut of many myriad: of h orfe and

foot in b attle, at lafi departed

from life themfelves.

1 2 . Jub eb at cos, hab eb ant currus, mittunt nuncios, dice.

b at hmc, adducere obfides, focios metueb ant, relinquere nul

lum,vera loqueris, eofdem h onoro, quos ego video, bene

volentiam hab ens,videbunt filium, dimittet nuncios, muta

bat habitus;

O(11 1 1 91 0; 30061 10 0

5 1 701 1 11 0 7 1111 0101 .

Man n) 5

050m ; 5 1201 7 017 01 10,1p07 1g0; 70151 71 1075 11 10”


77 1071t 015 1 11 101 .(

0 7 1 2X0),11 01, 5 51o1pogo1 101111 1 5 71




A oy 1fo/1 01/ 5 1 min e, to

011 9301 17 04 , 5 11 91 1 01h

,0 0 7 01

h011 7 0; 7 5

1 010010 11 011 71 01 1 10h

5 7 1 011 excpsvywm5

11 11 1111 01 5 6960;

011 51 yap ext.)5 101 5 Xa evr


,011 51 5 71 71 411

5 101 5 011 11 7 2113 .


0 11 7 0; de 011 11 7 1 1 10011 106

5 1 1 01 911 7 114.(

1 7 17011 5101 7 114 7 011 11 ; 1 011



1 0101 1 01 15, 01 7 09

1 11011 106 ' 5 X a ASa/og 71 071 11 ;

9011 01 7 0; fl foayofevtos, 9 17 01


11 011 01111 7 0; 0 7 1 7 9101 1 1 1 011

AAEEOW31100, 11 011 11 01 1 7 11200, 11 011

P atio; Kayo- 01 11 5 11 01“ 7ro1 uc

0110811 1 7 0001 11 7 01 11 1 ; 011 011 9101


11 011 1 11 7ro1fx7 otf1q 77 01131 ;

1 1 037 1 01 ; 17 77 1 11 ; 11 014 77 150;

11 017 0111 07 7 105,

11 011 01 117 05"

1707 1 zfegxoluoq

‘s 5 £ 105 .


An A djeétive is often put ab folutely in the neuter, X9"11 01 b eing underflood.

When an infinitive or a fentence is in place of the nomi

native to a verb , or fubfiantive to an adjeftive, the verb isin the third perfon fingular, and th e adjeélive in the neuter


When an infinitive, 85 C. Bell.

LWHICH then is Nireus, andwhich Th erfites for neither z


ibir manye/l2 . They do not/Ding new , but

plunder, perjure, write down theirdeb tors, and weigh the farthings.

3 . Let fome one having come

fhew,either that I do not fay tbefe

t loingr true ; or that th ofe who

have b een deceived will truli him.

4 . Yes ; for the light was a

plerfant flying , and to die, dreadfitland to be avoided.

5 . Receive me quickly, 0 sea,

having fufi’

ered dreacy'

nl tloingr.

6 . 1] Tell me, faid h e, are not

you one of thofe perfons, who

think that riches are a better tbingthan b rothers

7. To depart from men is not/Bingdreary /l

,if there are gods ; forthey

would not encompafs you with

evil but if either there are none,

or they do not care for human af

fairs, wlaat is it to me to live in a

1 1 07 690; 011 1 5 s we,

11 011 7 07 1 51 0; 5

011 5571 10 7019 05 7 01; dome.

Koqyoc011 561 ; 711 01 1 10, 01 11

11 01 dyn afw, 1 71 1 011 11 1 10, 7 0uoyhvgoeco, 0COA00701 7 1w.

H agegxoluot 7 1; 5 9 1 11

1 111 1 15,

11 15; 011 11 01 11 119114

01;7 0; 1 7 10 11 15; 5 £201 7 01 7 1 10

h71 107 1 11 9 1 01 11 7 04 .


Nog'1;q 7015

1 a

111 100, 11 011 5 7 1 9141 1 1, da ta;

1101} 111 1 11 11 7 1 04 .

Aexolaoqs 1710, 10 3 01

71010001 561 1 04 n aoxw"


E1 7ro11 eyco, (pH/1 1 , 011 5 11

7 011 11011 011 5 7 01011 ;

7 0; argywn oc, 5 ; a cnlaoc

pan/1 01 11 015 1 11 11104 ;i

0 12 01n107 0; 01 71'

eyxolaafi, 01 la st 3 1 0;

011861 1; Savor 11 01 11 04

6, n

5 1 £1 7 1ch e

011 11 n 011



world void of gods, or void of

providence ,

8 . We received Oedipus, and

thofe with h im,when unfortunate,

and we have done many‘


f riendly and bonoarable tbingr totheTheb ans.

9 . It is not ineredi5le, 0 Pro

teus, that you, being an inhab i

tant of the fea, b ecome water ;

and if you would be ever changedinto a lion, neither is t/air b eyondfaith . But if it is poj ible that you,dwelling in the fea, can become

fire, I entirely wonder at tbir and

difbelieve it.

I 0. Our exeelleneier and dejefir

are wont to arife nearly from the

fame caufes .

I I . I fpeak tho/e tbingr, whicb

I have feen with my father, and

ye do tbe thing:fro/Die]; ye have

feen with your father.

I 2 . Indeed many tlJingr, but itis not right to publifh tbew to all

men,nor to reveal tbefieretr.

1 3 . But Athenians, I do not

think it is proper, to relate the

firength of Philip, and by th efe

words,to perfuade you to do tlae

tbingr‘wbicb are neaflary. 1

1X1.) 1171 0111 011 .


1 4 . P ernieio/ij imwn ell, non modo domum fuam deflru

ere, fed e tiam corpus, cc animam.

1 5 . Hi nzulta 11 11 1111 11 1 dicunt atquepare/angl ed niln'

l ia


7 1; 1701 {01 60 1 1 11 00311 0; 11 6.

1 0;‘

3 1 09 11 7 1301 0101 11 1 1 0;

0 11 01; 5 11 17511 11 9 1 1 0;

g, 1 11 7 1 7 7 01

“11 7 0


11 01, 7 011 11 ;

syn v7 019x01 o1 1xot1 99017 0;11 011 1 1 50350; 7 1

1 0; 6 1601701 3


H9017 1 11 ; 011 11

1 1 01 11 10; ye ewe 11 011 1 ; 1 1 1

01 1 57 07 6

011 56 011 7 0; $210 E1

5 8 11 011 7 11 1) 5 11 1 01

£ 1 5 3 01 11 010001 01 11 101,

5 t1ro;a

7 01W Sow/aafo 11 01;

01 7 10701 .

A 7 05 ; eywpd 5 01701 905

oxe501 01 7 0 0007 0; 05 7 0;11 01; 5 11 0111 0; 71 1 1 0101


41 1 11 1 01 .

E7 10 5 ; 5110101 7 01901 5

7 01 7 119 eyw, 011 7 0; 71 01 11 101,

11 01, 011 011 1 5 ; 5510101 7 011


5 7 01 7 119 011 , 011 7 0; 7 01 101 .

N11 2 1 11 ; 11 01; 0171

1 1 01 on excpsyw

7 110; oi7 a; , 011 5 1 5 01 7 051

,5 117 0; efayofww.


0 1 1 1 1 011 1 , 01 01 1 11?A911

5 <I>1 71 17 7 0;

5 1 121 11 1 1, 11 011 5 101 011 7 0; 5

11 070;g

7 907 51 1 7 01 5 5 1 1 11

7 01 1 01 011 00X1 11 01 11 01 ;


Sub ftantive verb s, verb s'

paflive of naming, and verbs ofggflure, have a nominative b oth before and after them, belonging to the fame thing.

Verb a fub ftantiva, 81 C.

Nominativus pof’tponitur etiam, 81 C. Eton;

Verb a pafiiva vocandi, 81 C.

T vyxoww, & C.

Verb s of naming, 81 C. Bell.

1 . A ND Cyrus took care,

that they mfg/1 1 never001710 1 11 fwd/1

put ba fving f fweateal.

2 . What thenlcan one fay,

when afuch old perfons are 101101 1"

3 . I wilh it would come to pafs,faid Arafpas, that I /bould be

4 . Gordian waxproclaimed

1101 01 b eing about thirteen yearsold .

5 . 1] to your parents, asyou would will) your own c hi ldrento be to yourfelf.

6. Am I not f ree ? am I not

an apojlle ? have I not feen Jefusour Lord If I am not an

to others, yet doub tlef'

s I am to

you ; for ye are of mineapoftlelh ip ; are not ye my work

in th e Lord ?


137 11 1 1 11 1011 016 5 1 11 a]

5 Kugoc, 5 7 01 ; ,11 177 07 1 01 1

10"01 7 0

6 6 °,0 1 71 1 01 1 011

T 1 ; 011 1‘

01 1 7 1; 1 7 1 M‘

O t c

701 07 07 1 0 7 11 11 1 11 011 7 0;

501 110601 0;

T01011 7 0; 71 1 01 10, 7 1 51 1

5 701 1 11 ;a

, o1'


,01 1 evxo

pat/5 °

7 191 0101111 7 011g7 1 10.

1 1011 5 01011 1 7 011

011 11 e1,11 1 1 71 1 11 9100;

011 11 01 7 007 0A0;

1 170011 ; 5 v la; 1 701 500101 ;l

E1 01 71 71 0; 0011 01 7 0070Q

01 11 11 01 7 1 011 0

701001000171; - 01 7 0.

1”flak” 011 011 5

1701 W 61 16 “ 1 1 19 10104 ,

( 32 )

legion: man be torn (fi nder, by the yeGor“G/JCQ AAQ

Z 6Se 16

chimatra. foot/M g one 6 X t‘uouoot.


diocon aws.

5 . {I You have already feeni

O Woollluwc‘

odroc, 6;

this ferrynmn, who brought you or)3

Jianeoaw, xat b mjum,over, and the lake. nbn boom).

6. We might to fllun tlnye bindsi

O“c60190; [

an oimtooc,

of manners which are notjimple, 000mt ovAog, cpvm oow’“

but in/idiow , more zlJan vipers .

[a ocM or321 11 b exzc.

7. I {hall endeavour to {h ew Eyw ou n ergawm


you, what this is, which has cauf San a/us, we were e


ed to me both zbe name and tbe cd 0151 04; 5c £76) 7 mm.)

now5 Stagom.

8 . Q 1 }proximi funt Deo, et circa cum ordine inflrué'


geometm , et aritbmetiei,ez

pbilofopb z'

, oi mediei, et q/lronomi, et


9 . In his enim folis filentio mel ior eft oratio ; in alnavero ta

eere fatius el’t qunm loqzn'



Ar, tow, w agon, 1m,ocpooc, 57 mg, bra t, bn orav, now, new, SC

do, are, for the molt part, joined with the fubjunétive mood .

— A v, how, and nor, are often ufed to give a fubjunc’


meaning to the other moods .Subjunfiivo junguntur my, 8cc. Eton.

AV et ear, 8 m. Wetten.

The conjunctions 2m , 85 C.

The conjunctions on, & c. Bell.

l o B UT the chiefPriefis con Bowtwwmbe5 apxzepeug,

fulted among th emfelves, ibat ibey Im m : o A aZaoo; omemigbt kill Laz arus alfo . kn ows.

2 . Tba’

ave/loould take to us both K oucar 5 yea, not: are?

the earth,and the fea. S ame-oat

( 3 3 )

g. A} foon all you w ill bave afcended

,if youfee Menippus th e Cy

nic in any place .

4 . And lh e alh ed him,tbat be

would erg/l out the devil .

5 . And if yozz dcfire th efe th ings,b oth to b e rich and to govern .

6 . If you be fond of learn ing,you wil l learn much .

7. {I Look inward ; the foun

tain of good is within , and'

always ab le to fpring, z


f ym alwaysdig .

8 . No other {h al l hurt you, unlefr youplenfi: then only you wil lb e hurt

,wbefz you ibinlz that you

are hurt.

9 . He hath b linded their eyes‘


and hardened their heart ;ibey mfg/at fee with their eyes , and


tinder/land with their heart, and

be converted, and I jbould beal


I O . And it is necelTary often‘


take courage in hunting, w ben

any one of the flrong wild b eafts

fete ig/Z’lf agaiifl ar.

I I . Unle/r the grain having fallen die, it remaineth alone, but ifit die, it b ears much fruit.

1 2 . Yet he/b ould not, on thisaccount, appear b etter than a nob leCommander.

1 3 : Lord, if thou wert here,my brother/71 011 141 not bn‘

ve died.

E7 218“ ? Taxman c usp6


ma n oc b w r

nr n ow01l Me

Kou eowraozowrag,


Voc b SOU/AOVIOV enCaM w.

Ear 86 not: brin g 69mm,xou armorial xoa aoxw.

Ear il/ul cpzaoluocllnc,

etluz n ow / Meme.

Ergoy fixerm'ergor 3

ornyn b ayxgeg, xoci once

a vaCAv Sou nd /h

, sowottt

Ufl d fl'


Z v CHO W; ou[ h ow-7a), sow

{ w (W 9m }7 07 6 de et

fimwrrw'fl‘ Q t Q

crow vn oad‘u

Qam GBaan ro .

T vcpaoaic oc b ocpgoch

luoc, not: meow own ; 5

xaobiov iron[an eiopo 6 6

0499504 4 04, not: flow s 3

nag/38105 , nou


KO“ loco/wit ow'


K0“ 5 xii/X11“


ayoiyxn Snyom

er 5 Sneeze,brow 7 1 ; b d AKI

IMOC 3 1191 09

a yQ/ornluz.

Ear/ Mb xoxxog 97 177506

an emone s,

ow'roz; juoyoc

new ,ear de an oeynoxw



n ow ; xaon og 30690 .

Onlam Slot mire;




é' Soxews

oowyewouoc xou

oroarnyzxoc amp.

KUfIOC, 6: f la t aide, owe6 1

a v an oeynoxw eye; b e.

( 34 )

1 4 . ldcirco ct legiflator primum hoc pofuit in judicum

jure jurando, Sententiam feram fecundum leges”

; illud

n imirum b ene fciens, quod , cum cot/erfvarentur civitati leges,

fervatur etiam democratia.


One fub ltantive agrees with another, fignifying the famething, in cafe.

One fubfiantive agrees, & c.

I . I - P aul the pryoner.

2 . Of God the flztber and the

Lord 7414: Cbrj/i.

3 . I am a relation to y ou, be

ing alfo myfelf a ear.

fl For Homer, relating th e

wounds , difi'

entions, revenges,tears, chains, and fufi


erings of

every kind, of the gods , feems to

me, as much as in his power, to

have made the men who fought atTroy, godr, and the gods, men.

5 ; And a certain P barijee of thecouncil rifing up, b y name Gama

lzel, a dob-

lot“ of law ,ordered them

to put out the men a l ittle while.

6 . You may teach the fan of

Crcefus for I w i th to be a talker

mid not afiatue.


Eye.» Hoax/h ot; b legume.

Oeo; 711 1 7 319 not: xvyzoa



Evyyemc ez‘w crud


not: own ;(

Otunyo; y ap, ,

eym doxew

,n ocoocbtbw/u jrpowluoe

S'eoc, moron,Soc- l

not}, bio/aw, 7 01 905 , n os/u

cpvp'roc, 5 [

my em 5 D uo:


argpwn oc’

boo; emC

6 Swot/ugd

,S ea; 7701660, 0

S ta: be, av9fw7rog5



TM/Al be 7 1 4; in o

ovregfuor(b afeoouoc, ova/t oo

P ot/MOMMA , ropoollb



M g, neu vo sift.) flfaxu o

oullpwn o; n oigos‘

d c


0 Romeo;

eyco yoga.

Aoatoc’owc arbfzaq' fi



WOUC m ule/ cw

7 . Venia, 0 Ajax , (ci deb etur)fi, cum cfl'

et homo, appetivit gloriam, rem du/rjflimam, propter quam et nofirum

( 3 5 )

unufquifque periclitari fufiinet ; quandoquidem etiam vicit

te, et haec apud judices Trojanos.

CHAP . X .

The infinitives of fubfiantive verb s, fuch as ilyd i, yaw.

90u, 8tc. have the fame cafe after them that goes b eforthem.

Th e infinitives may, Sac. Bell.

I . T HEname b oal’ter ap

pears to me,to lie upon tbofe «wbo

pretend to be ricber than they are,

and more valiant, and w bo promifeto do those things which they are

not fit to do .

2 . You fee how nothing h inders the Seytbian Anaebar/ir to be

admired,and called a wi/e man.

3 . {I The fhorteft, and fafeft, Eur-rope; Te, xaz aacpa .

and molt honourab le way, is, in M t, xou new: 530; 5 , 7 e

whatever thing you with to feem cc

to be good, to endeavour to be good 7d 90c 7 007 0 not: (are)in it. yew/Leon


4 . Mihi videtur inj zf/Zu:W»

, a quocunque quifpiam be

neficns afi'

ec‘tus, five amico five hol’te, referre gratiam non


E 2


0[way 00.01n tyco



Sousa» oyo‘uoc, atway em 6



xoa mtovozoc

n tat/u ,not: aygfmc,

not: o'

rozea)3f be jun ixayo;

aim zimoxreoyuou



Opaw 05; now /co

b 2x09ng Amxocpa'

zc not:

Stat/lo afe


,re not: oocpoz: o

( 36 >

ClIAP . X I .

One fub ltantive governs another,

fignifying a dill'


th ing, m th e genitive cafew

An adjeé’

tive in the neuter gender, without a f ub f‘tantivc,

overo s th e genitive.

Graecis cum Latini s , Sic . Wetten.

One fub ltantive governs, Sic.

An adjective of the neuter, Bell.

1 B LESSED b e h e that cometh in the name of the Lord


2 . Now is thejudgment of thisw orld now th e ruler of this w orld

{ hal l b e call out.

3 . And immediately bid ears

were Opened, and the bond of bit

tongue, was loofed.

4 . You fee a citiz en of the w orld.

5 . A little time b reaks the con


onr of th e w ieleed b ut no

length of time can defiroy the

6. The miizd of man‘


itlelf, when it is hypocritical .

7. Nightly vifions are not onlyt he eeboerof daily aeoidentr and eon

fverfationr, but alfo the produflionrof a renziJ babit.

8 . If ye delire that I l houldlofe my good tbingr, that ye mayacquire things which are not

EvAoyeco 5 ifXo‘uwhcg

ova/4 00 v zo; , 5 €0wmeug5 Iofoma.

Nuy Kf lG'

lC 0 x00

,uo; ov'

ro; j vvr o 009w o

Koo/40; ozi-

ro; euCaM w £200.

KOCI £09600; 5touotywsow.

7 0; 5 anon, rtouAuras 5 5607

yuo; 5 yawooa owTo; .


O z oo/4 0; opi um; 590000.(

0[a ir 5 Qd uko; ovmlieroc

omyo; l oro; 5 100Av005 ° 5 56

5 07 011 5001 0; (Erma, 011 5s oar

5 7{'

O(C 0am“


swiav'roub 5mega)


o; fibvxn, zinoxfnfo



O rww epzro; (poww ow;

ou(a ctor 5 pegnfleytro; El

la :

ouw vX10; not: bluw oc arm.

XM/AOC, not: bfal uo;aux/meme yew

/mud .

E: eywa


afiowb ayago;5 e/xow


rouan omvpusf


at! b

Junocyodlo; mgr/701m


( 37 )

good, fee yourfelves h ow unjult

and though tlefs ye'


9 . For as when a light i s prefent at night , it draws the eye; of

all to itfelf, fo the beauty of Au

tolyez/r attracts the regards of all to

l o . {I He wil l eafily find his

leathern coat again, and his fpade,in th e leer of his erg/b .

1 I . I am a deliverer of men, and

an bealer ofpaflionf , but upon th e

whole, I defire to b e th eprop/get oftrutb andf reedom.

1 2 . By their prefent great joy,they h adfonzetbing of a jligbt bope,

that, in future, they fhould not

be confumed by any other diforder.

I 3. You defire notbing of a difficult matter, with ing to knowwhat the law is.

1 4 . A refemb lance differs froma fymb ol inafmuch as the relemb lance aims , as much as pollible,

to reprefent zbe very nature of tbe

ibing , and it5is not in our power

to vary it but the fymbolis whol

ly in ourpower, as e diting by ourimagination alone.

I 5 Tbe end of tragedy and of

b/lory 1 5 not th e lame,but oppo

fite ; m the former you muf’c

firike and captivate th e hearers,

at prefent, by the molt perfuafive G'


5pm) s o 7 1 0; 01 11 1 5 0;


H aneyyap57 01 11


f r 1 02n apalm,7ra ; of fbe

ayco o o‘u

‘a a , 011 7 10 M 1 0

Avroawco; xam o; ora ; f.


em iaurov“



Pa5 1w; 0591 5 11 013 5 5 14391

fa av91; , M 1 1 5 5 1 :1 5M 01,£ 5?

5 5 7r190; .

EAt epco—m; ex

la 1 5 ar

9; 107ro; , ica 1 1 a rpo; 5 7 m

5 5a amgua

xa 1 way/511 5 101 7 90mm:

Bovaola aui

O n apaxpnlua n epxa

9115 , e; 0 5 71 5 1 7 01 Xporogtam; 7 1 ; 0K0)

”uovgoo; ,pm

50 ar zin o a7ot0;


rooi1,a ot



07 e £7 1 5 1ap91 1p106 f


Oudu; 7 1 ; Xamn o;

apayla a 271 7914 1 1 10 flat/Ao

‘a a 1 y 1ro oxw

67 1 ; ro

yao; .

A 101 <p£pw 5 5114 01 114 1 01 5

oulagoawg' 11 019017 011 5 par 5

‘u owja a 5 ear/01 ; am p; 5

apay‘a amam , 5

an emowfwmflovaolaw ,

z1 az

ow1 t1/.1 1 em eyodav7 o; [we

7 01 7raa00-

015 ' 5 5cyeov/4C0

M y 5 s7r1 syo sxw,057 5 ita1 £11

luoyo; zi<p1a7 01 .

pad o 11141 57 61

30; £7r1ro101 .'

0 7 em; 7paygo51a na1

ion /Ma on 5 avTo; , aMt'

a 5

irar7 10;'011 1

101 1 11 yap5 5 1 5 1 01

o mearo; Aoyo;g, 01 7 mm

5z oo { uxaywyewfl

( 3 8 )

words in the latter, by real fuels ico1ra 5 0 aroma

and narrations, you mull , always, er9a5 1 56,5 1 01 5 01 1 m91 10;

inflruft and perfuade thofe who epyor 11 a 1 7toyoc, £ 1; ora ;

Will) to learn. 5 Xpor0; , 5 1501011 105

11 01 1

71 61901 5 5 WM/xalleo g.

1 6. Socrates , ct Homerus , et Hippocrates, et P lato, earumque admiratorer, quos etiam reque ac deos colimus, tanquampnefifli quidam, atque Deimini/Fri.


The relative agrees with the antecedent in gender and

number. If there comes no nominative b etween the relative and the verb

,the relative is th e nominative to the verb

but if there does, the relative i s governed by forn‘

e word in

the fentence.

Relativum cum antecedente,

The relative,

ti, 5, Sic .

If a nominative comes,

1 .T HAT the word might befulfi lled w bicb be/pobe.


2 . Having feen the cbariotr

wbicb Jofeph font, th e fpirit of ourfather Jacob revived.

3 . You fcem never to havefeen the polypus , nor to knowmrbat this fifh fufi


4 . There was a certain richman, wbo bad a fieward.

5 . 11What time or what op

portunity do ye feel; better thanthe prefent or when wil l ye do


Ira 717.11p 5 aoy5; 5;e17ror.

E15 10‘ 5 0501 01201 5; 01 7 0olemo Iwomp, ara n t/pw

5 71 71 141 101 Iaxwg 5 7ra 7 i1p'


Ev 0”o n'



590101f7 65 7707 6

,011 50

7raa'xo 5 1n f; min ; 61

Ar‘lpwno; 7 1; 7mm}

a1o; , 5 ; 1X1.) amoropco;

T 1 ; 300m,11 7 1; um

,00; 5 n apupu

gaya90; Cn

( 49 )


The prepolitionsam ,

(1 770, ex, or £35, and 9790, govern the

genitive ;w,and our

,the (Jamie ; etc or to, and am

,th e


The poets fomettmes have am

,with a genitive or


Praepofitiones funt,Si c . Eton.

G enitivo foli, 8 m.

Dativo foli, 810.

A ccufativo foli, 8 m. Woften.

The prepofitions am , Ste .

Ev and ow ,8 m.

2 . HEfigh tsfor bi; own z‘bingx.

3 Then one of the difl‘ip/of fays .

4 .I did catéh in rno cave, h av

ing return edfrom 1 .54 222?a of;mycattle, many fel lows.

5 . Pleafm'

e is rather in 1273,

than motzon.

6. And all th e b rethren wit/J

me, to th e church es .of Galatia.

7 When h e Went to tbe Per

If .

8.He was a manflayerfrom rim

beginning , and h e

has not flood in

Z/JC trot/J becaufe th ei

tmth is not

Exa yoc arepwn onroroc( I

aim ot7ro ocFXn, xou so a


aweefoc aux ioinf u‘ 27 4 ot v

Anetta ovx elf/ J cvact/7 04 .

Eye.) ex 5 Geog £2fifX0~

‘uoq not/ n


uron ou 7a? oc7ro

Qu i z/“

row io /xou, auo m2

xw oc syce an oon M w.

Hgo 5 181 0; Ia ocxoluou.

A eywow if; m 5 la d en7m.


7 90V, an o ova/mamongs

(pws,n ow ;

“n o.

n ovn/Aocmtovw ups/m :

n ey mmmg.

Kou5 oureyo n ot; age“

goog, Sexmnoxcx

On a ; Hagan; an emia

( 4 1

9 . And fome were Grecians,of tbofe who w ent up, that theymight worfhip in {befifiivaL

I O. It is a fine thing to receiveimmortal glory, in exchangefor a

1 1 . fl I think it the duty of a

good citizen, to choofe the fafetyof affairs, before grace in [peaking

I 2 . It contributes much to tbeirlearning, to b e temperate, that theyfee the o lder men alfo living tem

perately, t/yroug/J every day.

1 3 . Having in bi: bomb , the

crown of the far darting Apol lo,m tbe golden/Z eptre.

t. 0

Ego ; 36 7 1: Emmy, in e

a yaGouw Siroc ngoo'm rtco

er 0 sogrn.

KocAoc, otv'n Smroc cm

,uoc, xea yocn c 302m our:



Amara; eromrncg xgzm,

o n fay‘uot co rny/ ac, own a

w o M yw Xagzc aifewm

Meyoc ovlué

amwm a ;‘ne

[w agon/co w cpgorw ow.


my sgoc,

f og, on

ogocou, am. n ot;

owcppoywc o’locyo .

Ergo/rot. 7'

s exco ey Xf lfEnngoaoc An amar

, nd

05 0; OCVCC G'


TfQV o

1 4 . Ego meis pofieris generi s princeps ero, meumque a

me genus incipiet, tuum vero in te definet.1 5 . A lii vero, confiruéto rogo ante tamaloe, et efi


foveaqufidam, adolentque fumptuofas i llas coenas, et infunr

dunt vinum, mulfumque infer/ear.


Amt and 5 7 510govern the gen itive, or accufative ; “

(U- (Pb

0m,mgr, and 67 m, the genitive, dative, or accufative.

Alon,81 0. Apex, 860. Bell.


HEY are troub led inf o,

2 . Takeaway defire entirely,5 entrant


, avenge“


ow8m.m t: w;fizog.

0 095 51; mar-



( 42

3 . Begin therefore from final]things ; never fay of any t/aing,

that I loft it, but that I reitorcd


4 . Your forgetfulnefs, about

all tbingr, . is near ; and the for

getfulnefs of all, about you, is nearalfo .

5 . He was always difcourfingabonf t/ze af aiu of men confider

ing, what was pious, what im

pious ; what honourab le, whatfilameful ; what jut

t,what un

j olt.


6 . Strip this man alfo ; for

thou {halt fee many, and ridica

lous things, lying hid under My


7. And they were aftonilh ed

at his dofl rine, for h e was teachingthem,

as one having pOWCr, not

as th e fcribes.

8 . And the general of the

Lord fays to Jolh ua, loofe the

ih oe off thy feet, for the placeupon


eb thou hall: now flood,on it, is holy.

9 . They have the b ories tiedb y the feet to toe/loll; and if anyone would go agony? tbem, it is a

lab our to loofe the horles at night,a labour to put on the b it, a labourto put on the faddle, a lab our toput on the coat of mail ; and it

1 5 entirely impofiible, that they

A ura; my: a eugen

n e w: occa Szaaeyoluow oxa

mw,7 1C

UQ£UU£€nQ weowe

6 14 °7 1 : name, 7 1; ouoxgog


we‘dlxotfoc, agmoe.


Anoguws not: ov'



7 anm n ow/ g, xcu ya

AOIOC, u7 m0 i/z oc'

n ov agon


Ao /aou‘Toxyocpow euro

B/xmgoc pngmore 277 1 { m

Xeic wrays, on an o muluz


roe, « M ot 57 1 an oxxgwluz.


yvc luey é oog, my:

n ote, men eyyv; he 5 7 mg

mg: 05, men.

Kocz exn knoom £ 7 : 5 8:

85901 ow'

loe, ez/u yet/9 Sigma

no) ow'

roc, air efouowt exw,

o ai; oygozluluocn ve.

Ka taeywoagxzo'rfofln

y o; v uoc new: Inoovga


A um 5 Jn oXn/xoc 5 Wot/cg

avg,5 ya; w ere; em 5; we

farn/u , em ow’



Honwwhexw 5 inner

em 5 (pcw nr not: a 7 1 ; emecu


raga£44 1

6, nayWE;

Ava); izrn'

og, eff-

avXe xa .

w ows, iffiJV 35 emcee-fin s,

eofiygeen tflwpscmm /a

hGouraf Seenunnogg emu

( 4 3 )

having mounted on the bar/Er, m“ 81d 5 orparomgofi,

could drive tbroug/J the camp. « Swan -

04 .


I O. Cyrus fometimes invited a Kama em Samar a

whole company tofizpper, with the Kugae ciao; era-

t em ite, ourcaptain .

6 T aftapxoe.

1 t . They came, not on account EgXo/t oq“, ou Slot 6a


741 1 : alone, but that they might oovc t wat , an d it“ not; 5

alfo fee Laz arus . A azapoc 6 806 .

1 2 . He alfo goes out to aiiift,

ExConGw not/ owroe, one

with thofe that are aoottt bun. 5 mg: owroe.

1 3 . But, as I think, you did Amot 0090d Jen yea,not come the molt beautiful per oi; agany


,name egxoptaq.

fon, under the earth.

1 4 . Many at lait were fpenti

0 7 0A04 5076f0r31 d 5 d 6

by wealne/r for th e diforder hri’c Geyewt Slottpfletgw’not; 3462

feated in the head, having b egun tat/4 12

y ap81 6Cn ote tio'w/xot


from ab ove, went t/Jroug/Jout the otvweey trons-n

whole body. (potan a gon ynvtopsh

not .

1 5 . fl If God b e f or 11 1 , who E: aGeo; wa s; en , 7 1;

can be againft us not't at syw

1 6. But tel l thou me,how A rotf eznay eye), ow n?

th e things upon cart/3 are, and v


n e; yeotg

exec, xoq 7 1 ;

what they do in the city. 7701650 ey é n ame.

1 7. And the others Who Kay 5 ovo7pot7'


fought with Darius agazn/t’

the Aotpetoe otM og em Ext/9m“

Sa t/want ; becaufe the Whole Per~ on £77 : ozi'rocd


oerH epflan army was in their power

,to onto; O


TpotT lot

dellroy, or to fave it. Smttptlttgws, Kati or


1 8 . Timon ih all do no fuch 00861 4 ert roo 7 oo5 T z

thing about you any more, for the{may efyotfoluag n eg: ov



fpadc h as completely taught him,n ow) yapeta/ 7 04 ”meme

that he . ought to ch oofe you to a a/Saywyew,nica

h imfelf, before poverty. are : 5 7mm,” foal/fwd .

to. Sic enim vivis, quo pafto quivis fervas [ no domino

viétitans,non maneret.

( 4 4 )

20. Si vero nonnunquam invitatus ad caenam vellet~acee~

dere, quotl operofiflimum eft plurimis, cavere fcilicet


' fe

repleant ultrafine/(item, hoc perquam facile caveb at.


Kan t, from, or agony}, common ly governs the genitive

t“, or according to, the accufative. Mtrot


, th e genitiveto, or afler, th e accufative. Help“ and apog frotn, the genitive ;

at, or w ith,the dative to, bfide, or again the accu

fative.” The poets fometimes have new ,

among, with a dam


I THE article {lands with2

O agefor{at'Iot ore/t ot, not}.

a noun, and the pronoun, for a o own


2 . It was terrib le not accord

ing toone onlyof the circutn ftances.

3 . The way to b e.

fi l led is

much more fimple and firaigh t

fwitb 20, than w itb you.

4 . Of not fewer than five

hundred, who failed in the flaip,

three w itb (and)tb z’

rty only werefaved.

5 . As two are to four, lo are

four to eigbt.

6. fl He thought that thofewh o inquired fach things f romIlse gods, did impious things.

7. A ccording to Me elf/tom;twitb

tbcnye/ver, they made a nolfe all

together, with their arms and

having fhouted together, theyrulhed againft the enemies.

d ew: earn ,00 karat ti;

(Moro; 6 agaylttot


I Ioav oinaooc not, £090:

mega eye 6 660; sm o


fnarupot ov



O enticexh

er 6 rotug, owt

eaaxvr n ortyTotxootot,7 99 16

7rpo; 6f

rgzotnorrot noror 64

otowzws.“e Jim 7 904 6 7 60


oats; not; 6 TWO'OCfEl,‘

nfoc om w.


O 6 ‘

TOICUTOC erotgot 6 3 30:

nvyeotronoq’ h

aGeatoro; notew



KOLTOC 6 n agot owroc 9905 ,

ounlapew, 6 67 mm"

not; our


otAotAot s, 657 mmem 0 m



( 4 5 )

8 . And afl‘

er them, all the 0 Kat; new carrot“


ther arts are th e third rank, thus 7 91 7 0: w it; 6 won-roe n xm

arranged, acmra’mg to theirpart: n ag, notrat page; Km: 65 1 0

but they all look to the God, 0 noontwwi

n ote“

ope nyoc

heying the common command Geo: an oC’

Asm ,new : 5

from him. n atya owroc nyooroty‘uot 7 61


9 . And perhaps Cyrus was Kat] a“ year 6 Ku

too talkative, b ecaufe h e was go; a oavaoycc‘5m drawco

ob liged b y h is matter to give an {to tim: 5 Stgaommc Kat 3!

account of the things which h e Son: k ayo; «Begn orm

, not,

did, and to receive itf i'

om otherr, Act/4 5 am 71'

a aAAOC, 67 01 6.

when h e judged. Smoté'



1 0 A lready were two gene— H§n Svo newy trsot Mimi"

rations of art iculate- voiced men, magm a

men decayed, and h e was reign <l>91w8 .

ing among the third.-

,ue7a o

le 7 9174170; « totem .

1 1 . Ego vero fretus venio, primum equidem deis,dein

de legibus ac vob is, exifiimans nul lum apparatum valereapud var, plus quam leges atque jura.

1 2 . Ex h is igitur cupieb at aliquid jam negotiorum ad

q 1 hoflhrgerere.

1 3 . Cum hi: et Gyr am contemplab ere, et Ptiamum et


( 4 5 )

GilAP . XVI .

Adverb s o f time, place, quantity, order, exception,and the

like, govern the genitive.

Na andnot govern the accufative ai/t ct and 61a ov‘

the dative.Some derivative adverb s govern the cafe of their primi

A tlverb ia loci, 8 m.

Aunt et dawn, 8 m.

NP) Ct lad , 81 0. Eton.

Genitivum poll fe, 8 m.

Dativus fequitur, 8 m.

A ccufativus, Si c . Wetten.

Adverb s of time ,Some adverb s of order, 85 0.

1 .T HE world h as goneafter him.

2 . And Cyrus defired this decree, on account of the Quart/tot

3 . Within the enclofure, a mul

titude of women were feen.

4 . From the b eginning, tothis

part which is laft.

5 . A tragedy cannot be with

out action but it may be with

out morals .

6. Between u: and you.

7. Stfi cientlyfir me.

8 . Neither a feafl: w ithout

concord, nor wealth w ithout vir

tue, has any pleafure.

9 . That which 1 3 Cal led thelaw of a Rate, w ithout oheclience

of the fubjcéts, is quite a vaincompofition .


O mono; 07mm twrof:

d fl'




0 6s Kupoc Bovaopou’


xoq cwrot' m eat 0 6/t a



atiroc 6denounce.Ergor 6 n eptcoaor, muz

90; we yum 6posw7'


A 7ro ot n, ‘uns atirar;

opapa; o; eoxuroe

Arev newapatite, our. our

y lVO/AOC/ rfotyt‘ohtot'


62 11 90; aura/rot,“


DIGTOtEU £76) c o'


Enapxouym ; sy to,

Ow e ovnn'

ootor otteu 5

,trorotot , ours n aourog xwptgctgwnriSorn 2X6) .

H owe 6 notaecah


rouog, ares.) 6 c to~


, ouyygotuy ot 61g :

Mo; nerog‘


h ire, and undergoing everything, for flat /b k: gf t/Jq/e t/Jingr.

A nd th ofe who calt away gloryfrom themfelves, doing everything eagerlyfor it.

2 1 . In their troub le, they naturally remembered this faying,The Doric warwil l come, and

a plague witb it.”

2 2 . Do you fee then, fays h e,bffore t/aat grow ,

a place whichreems to b e b eautiful and like a

meadow, and illuminated withmuch light 9

23 . It h as b een wel l (aid, thatevery end does not appear along

205t [be beginning .

2 4 . They l ive entirely for thefucceeding time w ithout earlier


and go into dwellings yet more

b eautiful than thefe.

2 5 . Since then you have triedalmofi all liver, and know all

things, you could tel l clearly,what things are peculiar to the

rich .

26. I think , by the gaa’r, that

h e i s intoxicated with the greatnefs of the things which haveb een done ; but not, indeed, thathe choofes to aéi in fuch a man

ner, that the molt foolifh , of

th ofe with us, may know whathe is ab out to do.

27. No one having renfe, Ours m as/t ea; 6 mm;

fightswith his neighbours,mere auger, woo; 5X”:

eyexey ow

lyfor the/aka of conquering his 7 04 6 uocraywnZoluwsf 5 qw

mhOpponents ; nor fai ls upon the wrawaw aura amen 3 are.



acq 7rd ; imam aura;

tiara/4 6m .



re 6 Sofia a

woCaM wh

, owraq Erato: 7 mc


EV 5 name, oz'

ac efxac,

arapyaO/xoqps my 682 5 6

7 04,


w 3 Aw‘

ptanoc waxed

luoc, x1 ; AOI‘MOC (Xi/AOL owroe.


Opotco our, WNW; qu

1 900- 99 5 aw e; exaroc, ro

7ro; new: re

all“ ,

m y Aer/xwroeidiqc, k af

ow; 7 mm; xaraAa/Afl wh


Eu pian o°

,un (it/Ad agxfl

amg rem; xoc'rotpoqmm

Arev rs mm {an 7 0wac

poamay en; é eaewa xporoc,aoq a ; unmet; eff : aura;

tumor d emise/my.

v ow £7 613” 027m; exe

gov 31331 6 [imgg welfare


are; M ywo

gn ngizaaqbwc, par a a amou

cm gg

E70 oz/xoq y et, m 5 3 80g,exam; peevw

aBfleyeeoc 5


ov y er-

rows, pmZ euc, ozirw apaaxptw


aw, too-

re o aronroc, 0 nonfat

eyw, e1 3m)"TICmam from:


( 49

feas , only topafr over them nor

takes up th e fciences, or arts,merelyfirMic/b ee (f the b row /edgeitfilf ; but allmen do all things,on account gf tbeplea/Ezra , banal/rt ,

or prg/itr ‘Z U/JlC/J arie from the

works.2 8 . Ye fee to w bat a pitcb gf


«wantanmf: the man has come,

who does not al lowyou a choiceo f fighting or b eing at peace ;

but threatens and ufes proud

words , as they fay, and is not fatisfied, pofl

efiing the thingswhich have b een conquered


fiay with them,but is always

adding fometh ing about them.


Aotyac Xctprr 6 ” spa wn/« cg

[t aroy'

Kat] [a ny ov65 6 genre:

pm: my 7 9 cm ctizroc tried 6

imam/an ammlué


arw" m u:

6s 77961006) m g, xapzr tiem‘


6 epysyd

rigor, n

xaAoc, n ovfugoefw



Opocco oi fl yoepxplucq cm

tAyewt ayepwaroc, 61; ovolia‘

o u'

pemc cw 61664 4: 6g


owfn ayw riavxzoc OCAMZ awr

enteco, xaq A070; zlrrepncpcc

roc, w; paw,M yra, xoq owc

oioc 7 5 film

,ext.) 6; maroo

crrpeqxo, pew £77 1 oti'rocg, out.

A05 0661 7 1 ; apoo'



29 . Definite mihi, at}qua}q/gue armor'

exiftimare Oportet,homines effe juvenes.

3 0. Q i'

is enim aly'

que baa b o'

num aliquid difcat3 t . Veltes quidem qui commutant, f rigoris eas a/lwque

tau/a commutant.

32 . Er, per comm,O viri Athenienfes, certe ego patieb ar

aliquid tale.

( 5 0 )


The infinitive mood h as an accurative befo: e it, whenits agent or fubjeél 1 5 different from that of th e precedingverb ; but a nominative, when they are the fame.

The infinitive mood 1 s governed by verb s, adjeftives, or.

fome particle, fuch as, air, area , (1 201 , (WK?!Th e infinitive is often put el liptically, 69a , paw s


or air, being underflood.

Infinitivus faepifiimei

loco, Sic .

Modo infinitivo eleganter, 866 Eton.

Latinum ob tinet plerumque: 860. lVettefl.

The infinitive will have, Ste.

Sometimes the infinitive, 85 0The infin itive is fometimes put, Ste.

One verb governs another, 3CC .

The Greek infinitive is often, th e Bell.

Infinitivus fubjicitur, St e . Holmer.

t .HE beard that be load done”this miracle.

2 . Another again, war/bew

3 . It plea/ed them that eacb

jlooald bebonoured according to hisdefert, and that Cyrur [ boa/d bethe judge.

4 . They b rought all thingsfufiicient, fo tbat all the army/apt

5 . . I, havingput you into theh oufe of correétion,/71 allperfuade ‘

you that I amyourma/ler.

6 . Hefind that he was the


A kita) aurae own ; 75 01 504Q

o Gfl/AEIOV.

O 7 1; ow WOLMV,

ayagocQeluz vyoq o mtow oc own ; cc



Hot; ixotvoc orpoootyw

oi; 661 7 7601 5 mm ; m m; 6

” parrot.

Ey/o’ye, W 77611 saga/ mo


a ; 6 putter, 7 6 96) Secr




(imy Aoyo; tpn/u auger"

matter of his words himfelf, but

firtnne of h is aftions .

7 . Then , being fuch f didyonto live

8 . Tobe things concerning th e

body, as far as they are ufeful

for th e mind.

9 . Fear, and the law arejiffficie nt to refirain love .

1 0. Become a friend flowly,

b ut when you are luch, try to

continue for it i s equally/ name

f oe! to [rave no friend, and to

cbange many afi'

ociates .

I l. I am ready to tell for it

i s plea/ant to remember and relate

any thing about it.

1 2 . And be began again to teaclJb efide the fea and a great mul

titude was gathered to him ; fafloa t be, [paving gone into a veEe l


fat on th e fea, and all the mul

titude was at the tea fide.

1 3 . O A thenians, many

fpeeches b eing made, almaji, inevery afi


cmb ly.

1 4 . Demofthenes lamentedthat being the molt laborious ofall the fpeakers, and having al

mofl man/led th e vigour of h is

body in this, he had not favourwith the people.

1 5 1TTalkativenefs, if one

would define it, wouldflew to be

an intemperance of fpeech : and

th e talkative perlon i s fuch an


aura; an), a 66 7 96121; 0 n o


St Meme, 7 018 7

G 2


Error, Torou-

ro; ant, Cots)


O n egr o6 amluot


, l‘EXf‘

6 Xfila slavxng

fl xpdjtafigame .

$ 0604 , xoq yonoc {noel/043

epwc amavo .

BpotSecoc Iuey cplaoc wro


7no,uoq6 h 66

,n epam



yap aga

Koog, finalise onto; axe), not;

oroh vc trot/pot neramowoco.e

Erozno? M yo 11611 ; ye w


”not, Steffen:

n ; my: « 07 05 .

Kay apXo/Aoq n eatly 616mm) 7 90; 6 3 a2xaooa




own ; Lao;

n on /4°

oio're owroc, engagro6 g

£1; n acxoy, naenuoq w

o SOLAOUJ'G’CL,my 7rd ; 6 cx

no; 717m: 0 S am oa-

or ant .

How e, (0 ampAgni/awe,Aoyoq ywonoq, omyo; die-1,karat insa ne; EKKM IO



061 4214 0026 Annoogemc,

on n on; ozawroror 1 As

yoh, not; {

w ept 6a“KCCTCt

7‘ 6 6

in: oziroenc xerox; aux. exw



0 ex 7 1 ; euro;


an: otr 605 °

outf l ow o Aoyoc. O

760 .


T IC, olo;

5 2

one, as to jby to the perfon 6 erruyxocvw"£17707

,61 ’

l at»

who meets him, that h e him 7 0; 77a ;

felf 'knows all things .1 6. Having left the judgment

feat, we came to the place of

punilhment ; but there, my dearfriend, there w ere many and

mf/emble things to bear andfie

1 7. But h e h as come to facha pitch of pride, t/mt. 68 /67s to

the Eub oean s fuch letters .

1 8 . Sophocles faid, ilwi [

be Eccpouan; aun t“

made men fuch as they ought to my oiag 6ex wozeéo'



EUf 17H

b e, and Eufipz’

der, fuch as they 6m“ 65


3 re

1 9 . It i; beeler that oneflea/d AyaGocMa o; emofimo'kw‘


die of hunger, being witbeut grief con/7 m; my apogee j ava/1 6:46


orflar,than live in plenty, being n Coco er oc<p90wc


T d ffow'

2 0. I mzf/i‘pretzel: the king

dom of God to th e other citiesalfo

‘; b ecaufe I have b een fent

for thi s2 1 . And if 'Cyrus faw any

thing, any place, which wouldb e an ornament to th e army ,

gett ing it,he gave it to the

moft worthy perrons ; tb z'



whateverb eautiful and fine thingth e army h ad, tlrat bewarhonour

ed b y all th efe.

2 2 And if I / bould fie ( my

petfinperi/bing in fire, and eiztreat

mg me to extinguj/Zw it, I flu/II

extinguj/b it with pitch and oil.

And if the river carry any one

away, and he, firetch ing out his

Agnew/1 x6 6Smow'mftor,

orpoe 6 nom o'rnotov dem ea


er9oc 65,co omoe, 7ro

auc not: memo; saw fl ows

7 : m a £z6w6‘

O 65 we ori'roe,’me 65 91; eg

o ,

Xola oq, aia '

re smo'

TeM o) Eul


oeu; 7167; 7 01611 7 64 emera


Kou 6h epoc 7 07m; way


eyw 6st 6flowmetoc6 (Dear 61 ; etc 667 0; oc7ro


Koo 6 Kvpoc, em c, 7rov,

71am; £1606 0 it; 6 orfa'n



ov'roc m oto

luou Sofia/a cct

“ 6‘

« glow rop w 64, we namexou ayaeoe exo

°6 crooner),


poet, own ; cu m; ourzl'

oel1 mo.


E: 62 we. 5 166) er maySlacpgetpw

p,not: 060mm bee


, ma'

oao m u tAouor noc

7 ao€€wuluh Ka t m7

6 fl ora/« o; fl apaoefw, 6 62,

o X09 aloeyco, awmoelué



( 5 3

hands, entrent me to take bim to

my/E'l , I muft drive h im alfo,

f ol/mg on his head, fo that bemay not be able to If}? it up.

23 . One of the powerfulmen, of the cavalry of Gadatas,

(when he (aw him revolting fromthe Afl


yrian,)ibougbt that if hewould fufi

er any thing, be bim

felfflaould receive, from the A iry

rian, all theproperty ofGadatas.

24 . For they mu]?firibe thatwhich comes againfl: them, and

n ard tbemfilveragain/7thatWhichruns at them ; fo that it is noterg/y to find, what one, of the

manoeuvres of war, is not in


2 5 . When you bave to encoun

ter danger for your friend or

country, do not eoryidt tbejbotb

fetyer whether you ought to do it.For if th e footh fayer declare: to

you, t/m'

t Ibe omen: have been bad,’

tis evident that death is fignifi

cd, ora lofs of a part of the

b ody, or flight.26 . We tbinb ibe w riting: of

Plotinus and Gentilianus Ame

lius are wortby fit/dying for,’

why would one think it ”ere/a ir

yto tour/J the others, omitting to examine thofe, from whom, havingtaken thofe things, they have,

written them.

2 7. Be ye present then, faidhe, at the doors , clothed withtheft: (lrefles , befire tbefim rijef ,


6mm “. mew xoa ouroc, $774Q




rw5 6uray a 19 5 °

Orotr 6ex ovyxn6vi£uo5

ontor"nwot -rote, ,un [man eu


,£ 1 ouyx1r6wevr tor. Koq

706? owWFOEI'


OV w 6 par

me, cpoo c yum/4 d : 6 it‘oor,

Sum 67 ; 6Ga yaroe armoured ,n wnfwo


xq flsyoe owluoc


E11 6 P a6o¢rc¢c 1'7t 7r1nor,

6 6uroc'roc rcamp, $ 71 1 1

fora)“own ; down /m


6v ovftoc, ro Cw £1 7 1 ; ou

roc craw o



d y ad,“

Carma, 7701560: 6 Aoov r,

7 me 6 I‘

ot6ot7 ote.

H omehlusv y a o 6e1 o


ovm o‘

ows are 6


,66t av foam ;

evfmtwé7 ze, er63 11905 amu

1 6 ty 7rom oerroc e1 1h.l“ : 1



n ear xoq I‘


hmavocAmmo; eyw « 2m romo

(to emoxofl ew" 6 Gun/


' 6 /aty y apAom oe 7 1 7 1 1;

ow 11mm o1 o,u. a 1



[11 16 3521 a visa/or, fl apoc

6c, oJroc Aa/xé aLwG, ozfrc;

yfagoo .

H agen/ 1 ovati

on/11 1 , £771 6


M fr/4 . 665 h 6 oroan ou

7 04 , 4 ) [ CC m'atT imo '


( 5 41 )

and (fi nd as Pheraulas the Per 11 111016 7 1 1 1 611

01 1 6 11 $ 11»

fian {hal l tel l you from me. puma ; 6 H epon; aforyysh .

A615crapoc eyw.

28 . And he died for ruch a Kcu 6pay rozov-

roe cem ae

caure, being furely the icail wor 3 1 116 11 618, 5 11 16 7 61 611 61210; £1

zby, of the Grecians inmy time, ,11 1 , 6 ya em en Exam, £


to come to fuch adegrce ofmifery. o67o1,"e 611 0711 96101 , ot



2 9 . When you pleafe, find 067 01 6 {31 131 101 awn ,

th ere b ooks, orrather bring them. 6ro1 11 6 11 6611 21 , [men tor 6s

For I would not reg/e, to requejl ou yap ow d own}.

you often , topreflr the road to us,11 1 6n oaaooa ; 6eo/1 61 1 ov,

b efore any other : if for no other 6ergo; 66a; 6 in fant,

raufe, for our old friendlh ip, a nd npoxpwws'5; air 1 1

the air, _which is very temperate. « M o; 6 7 5 n a me; own

Gem,11 a 1 6



1 p1 o'


30. Ip leafe, I wil l let down Hy 1 91 1 11 5 , eye.) {an ex 6

a chain from heaven, and if ye, ovfocror oufoc xa 51n/4 13, on


h anging from it,endeavour topull 69 11 1 an oxpeluozw


me down, ye wil l lab ourin vain 6 7mmfi1o1Co,uo1 1 eye) , now-

11 1

for truly ye (h all not drag me 71 611661 3 1 21 yap611 11 11 91 1 11 1 1 1 ,


3 1 . He had been fo h ab ituat 1790; 7 a 14 9 1 11 10: 6mm :

ed to tbe requiring of moderate 77 61 16211 16 " oe c, 166 7 2 n ew

th ings , tbat, baving poj ij ed very puxpo; araououp

n ow p95

fmall property, be war quite ca s ocpxmm.

fily fatisfied.

32 . He never did prbmie to 0 116s mono” a oxveos

be a teaeber of this,

but he made y ou 616oco-

xa 7toe'3 oziroe,

rboje who cony crfed with h im to ocM oc M 7 156.) 7701t 6 06 1 .

60156, that tbey, imitating him,61o1 7p1t Ea t/7's , {unto/1 111 1

c uld berome fuch perfons. 211 9 1 1 04 , 761066€ 7 1 1101110

61 13.

33 . Rhetor Demias advenir, pleb ifcitum hab ens


m dex

tra,ct eonfanguineum

ng/x'rum efi dicens.

Miror igitur, quo tandem pafio, perfuafi fuerint

A thenienfes, Socratem de Deis non /1 1 1 1 1?men

3 5 . (Lid jucundum nolli, nihil horumlenr . quae jucundorum appetitum non expeétas, fed, p1 i11

guamnppeiar, omnibus repleris ; [brill/61 1 1 1 177 efi1 1 ta r, comc~ .

dens p in/gunmf fiaf , b ibens .

( 5 6 )

6 . They accul'

e, and b earwit 11 01 1 11 01 1 01 .

nefs againll, and cenfure the fiaprupew, 11 01 1 gnaeyxw 3things , which have been done ”paw


01h5 701 7 015

1 01

by 11 1 during life.

7. There are many fub lime Home vxiz oc Stxot 71-


cxprefiions w ithout“

pathos, as, 034, 71 904 11 119 101 can oe, 11 01 1

with innumerab le others , thofe 0,mp1 0 5 7 mm

b old exprefiions of zbepoet, about 7 11; fl aparowmwwh


the fons of A lous .8 . He has exceeded all per A 251 ; 11 01: 0001 1 0101 7 01: ti

fons in exprffion and invention. myfiaaaw.

9 . A s fire burns thofe that 9 -4 07 119 0 0171 7 0.

touch it, fo the b eautiful inflame {1 0:1h11 01 1 10

,3 Se 1101 1 0

thofe wh o View them from afar, 1471091 1 Sad a/1 01 1 vpam'rw, airs

until they burn w it/3 love. 1 01 1901” 5 spree.

l o . {I If we fal l much ib ort E1 xa'


oAv o 0 7 39070

of the v irtue of our anceflors, it 1 01 apernge


aw m

muft b e a grief to them‘



if [my 01 1 $111 1"

11 01 : 1 11 1 1 1 01 , it

they have any perception 5 and we own : 69m 011091101? 0qa a

byfo macb ib e greater fha‘

me to XW” Je 676) 011 17 0; 7 000: 88

ourfelves, by a: mud: ar our de 1 1 27014, 000; m ua w e; 71's 1

{cent i s moft illuflrious. yxcpqcmc.

1 1 . All theic things bave been‘

Ew roc my 0571 01;a

7 010010.

1 2 . Come then, let us conli A701 7 01yvy.,0x07rew 6 eye

der all the things {bat bmve been 71 9010000

7 01 1 , norm if; End

done by me, one by one , for thus bro: ovm we311 pu m a

truly it will appear mof’t plainly 3m c 01 7 1 ; 7 6 aura;

which of them i s good, and at m uaxoc.

which b ad.

1 3 . Th e parts of the plot, arec

Opeyocc, 5 ; vxogywymthe chief things, by pubic/5 trage 6 rpaygedioc, 5 {1 11 901 papa;

dy captivates the mind.

I 4 . The things in our power 0 per em eywa é1/1 1, pm

are, by nature, free, unhindered, we, sh ivetyos'

,aw kvrag ,

unimpeded. afl ape‘uwoSW-


1 5 . They alone having con M01 01 , 0peyote 779015 14,quered time and envy by tbez


r xyoyog 1101 1 pew; 1 1 1101015.

great exp/01°

1 1 .

( 5 7 )

I 6. W'hen Cyrus faw him'

0 11 61 Kupoc, tie 1 1

having leaped from his feat, h e to 01 1 01 7 111010 9 £ 11 5 igpot,went to meet h im, and took 117 01 1 7 0101 ? 7 6 01 117015 3 11 01 1 5 5 .

h im by th e right hand ; and th e 5 10511 01 12

' 5 5 8 00 mg, {1 115614

refi,knowing nothing of it, were 13131 1 7 1 11 71 1 1 10001

8 5 ”gamma .

aftonifhed at {be ibing .

1 7. Con fider that learn ing 1 5


171q a greater good thingthan ignorance, in a: macb of ,

all men,mziking profit, do other

b ad things but this (ignorance)alone always injures th ofe wh o

1 8.It is not proper, in this

place, to omit one of the thingsthat have b een ob ferved by 1 1 1


b ut it {h al l be very fiiot t.

1 9 . Tho’

if I mufi conjectureby tbe jilmee being yetgreat, andibe £0111 not yet pine/Jing me, as is

uinal 1 11 the morning, it is not

yet midnight.


20 . And many, b eing depriv

ed of the ufe of their {horterfwords


, fought czvitb tbeir band;

and 11 1011 111 1 inftead of them, pul l ~ 11 01 1 01

ing, b iting, a nd tearing their ad 01 11 1 10

verfaries, as b eing much ab ove

them by ibegreat/7 17} of their bodies .

2 1 . I am neither fwift offeez‘


nor {trongq eindr and I know,

that, of the things which 1 can

do w it/3 my body, I fhould not b ejudged firfi, nor fecond, nor Ifuppofe th oufandth , norperhapsten thoufandth .

Hyeoluou5 7 0056101 7 00011

7 00 [ueyae 0170190;

01 7 01 15 1 001 01 , 5000, 01 71


A0; poxenpoc 71 01 1 , 11 1 9501 1

1 10 007 00 50 1 1 01 01;

11 01 1 ” 9005 135

11 1 010 5 extol1

0 1711 015 1 00, £7 1 007 01 0

7 07 055, 1 1 g 7 1 ;

5 eyw Sewpewh

, 50 7 01 1 11

011 1 7 011 04 .

K0“ 7 01 5 175 X9}?

f0,1 1 01 1 5 11


00X101 77071 170 1 7 1

11 01 1 5 xpvog, 1 1 115 5 7700

eyw 7 0 030991 1 01


,1507 1} £910


01 71 011 701 1 10,0175071 10

(11 1 00; 1 112

K01 1 77011 111 , 5 5 55


c E1W; Xprmc 07 1 11 1 10


7 axiii/o 11 01 1 5 01 1 7 1 1

11 21 1 00 017 101 19 11 017 ,

07701 10 5 01 1 7 1 71 01 71 00, 5

071 145 010010, 01 7 1 11 01 1 5 11 17 5


901‘ 0 010111 01 71 01 1 11 ; 01 11 7 0;



E7 10 1 1 1 7 011 7 1 71 011 ;

7 01x17 1“

,011 7 0 X“ ? 1 1004


7 17 1 10011 10 52, 57 1 , 12 50.

{ 701 0 71 01 1 105 3


011 11 01 1' 11 5

1 1 1 105 0

011 7 1 71p107 01 ,

021 1 6 5 1 177 21301 , 56 011

5 1 X1 A1007 00, 5 1 01 53

11 11 91007 01 .


( as

22 . Now the b attle has b eenflicwn to us, which I fee all men

underflanding by nature,even as

all other animal s underlland a

certain kind of b attle, havinglearned it from nothing elfe thanfrom nature ; as the ox to fight«1 1111 15 1111 1101 1 1 ; the horfe, wit/0

boof ; the dog, 1 1 11117 11 11 moutb ;

the b oar, w it/1 1711

03 . When Cyrus°

heard thatth e Chaldeans often went to the

Indian king (rememb ermg thatfome perfons came from h im to

the Medes , to view their afi'


and went to the enemy that theymight again fee theirs)he Wilhcd that the Indian {h ould learnthe things which had b een doneby bim.

24 . From my very childhoodI knew to put fomething b efore

h im . by 7 11 101 17 I thought If {h ouldb e (truck ; and if I h ad nothingelfe

,holding my two hands b e

fore me, I hindered as much as Icould h im that {truck me.

2 5 . For almof’t all other ani

mal s are without knowledge of

art, except fome few of them,

and these have got arts by 11 11

lure, rather than by 11 1 101111 1071 .26. Of animals, fome being

1e11, by i

tbe defire of eating, to the

b ait , are taken ; and fome are

iff nared by drink .

27 Omnibus fpoliarigrave ell et moleftum ;

NW 1 710 001211,5 ; 1710 5901 10 71 01 ; 01 1 9y

1 1071 01:

<pu01¢ 10071 19 ye

11 01 1 5 01 11 11 01 {01 011 1 71 1 07 0411 01 1

7 1 1; /1 01X11 5 11 0107 01 , 011 5 1 7101

901 1 11 01 7x11 0; /1 01 1 901 1 106,11

01 01 5 £011 ;

xepa; 71 01 1 10° 5 171 71 04, 571 MI


5 011 01 1

5 11 11 101 , 5 11 01 71 5100,



O Kupog, 15; 01 11011 10 57 1

71 90; 0


1 1 501; 7roM 01 11 1 ; 5

X01A501 101' 71 0f 1 11 0/1 01 1"



01 101

g ym/1 ,

01 1” 57 1 e 0/1 01 1





y01 01 11 7 00,

1 1; M11501 , 0 01 11 7 1 ;

11 01 1 coco/1 01 1"

71 51 01 5 71 071 1 111 1

00,5 71 10; 01 11 11 01 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 0;

11 01 7 615006 £00A0/1 01 1 (1 01 1 901

1 1060


1 1 501°

0 01 11 7 01;

B7 10 £ 11 71 01 15 1011 1 11 911 1 /1 61

71 31 0

5 1°

7 1 ;

11 011 e: /1 11 01 11 71 01 0115 1 1: 1X10°


5 Xilf fl yoexw,2

5c 7 1 ; 5 11 1 011 1 01; 0 71 011 10h

71 905 01 71 71 01"


0 7019 0171 71 01 (1001 0X1

501 017 tx1 0¢ 71 01 1 71 7 t

071 1701 5 11 7 1 ; £ 1 017mm

11 014 05 7 00 0011 01 ; y ummy 11

75000141 1 01 1 7 exm

g1 11 7 11X1 10.


O £1001 , 5 /1 1 1 5 1 71 19141 1 1015 1p01y 10 017 10 71 1

1 01 05 5 1 71 1010,01A10

'11 10

° 5 5 1 71 07 01°



( 5 9 )

quum ab inimico cui hoe accidat ; tum vero b enevolentiilveftrfi et humanitate, quanta eafdem confequi eft amp/1p?mum.

2 8 Non enim 1 5 11 1715 11 1 dignitatibm, neque generi s l11 1-

11 1 1 !

lentia, neque 1111 111 111 Deus Optimos judicare folet.29 Una vero caufa judicata fuit 11 111 11 100 etiam m gratin


Adjeétives fignifying plenty, w ort/1 , candemnation,power,

dfflérence, and their contraries alfo verbal: compounded

with 01 privative, and th ofe which fignify an 011101 101 1 of the

mind, require the genitive.

The comparative degree governs the genitive, when it istranflatcd by 1 11011 .

Adjeftiva qua: defiderium, & c.

Comparativa, cum exponuntur, 81 C. Eton.

Q i'

orum Latina genitivum, 81 C.

Sic et comparativa, 81 0 W1 1‘


Adjeétives fignifying df re, 81 1:Adjeétives compounded with 01 privative, 81 C.Adjeétives fignifying merit, S1 C Bell


ITHE love of th e fabulousi s peculiar to a great geniw ,

whendeclining, in age.

2 . I am wfer than tbi: man.

3 Nothing i s bolder tbaizfolly.

Maya; cpua'

u; v



ngn 1810; iv yepac, 5


061 0; 0 ar9fw7ro; eyw

capo:Owe e

lm aim: avg“ :

7 oA‘unfog.

( GO

4 . It is l ikely, that you, b eing Bmoc, cpxmw m; erlm av ,

an admirer of b eauty, would 0 pHSac o afitoq"

8 2a n axon

mit none of- th e things wort/J wapaxexrroG

feet/1g or bearing.


5 . I th ink that fome havecdme out with us w ortliy of belfer and fame of Je/Jx6 . Every fpeech is futile,

which is dtflztule qf afl iom .

7. You are w itbout bearing ,'

0 aw e/a ct

,m ot/rag

fi efiueetc/f bearing, th e praife of dew -


, ammo; ewe roq o

yourfelf and fwitboutfeeing the tilt}; S ea/roe ageowog.

8 . 1] They think that to b et

T 7ro « M ocpvrt og clergym

governed by a firanger, and to yr'


“ PX“,xoq 6 riyeluonoc

b e deprived of their command, an oarepew, arafzoc ro/us

is un‘zvortby t/Je glory b f the Gre elm xoq o 0 Emmy Sofia, not,

pians,and tbe ‘virtue of their an 5 o wee


yam; angler”

ceftors .

9 . Do not fear, faid h e, that

you wil l want a hufb and {Oryourdaughter, w ert/3)» ‘

of ber.

1 0 . In order to have men 0

b edient , nothing is more ufef ul,213m tofirm to b e ‘wier t/s {be/e‘w/Ja are governed.

1 I . The fervant is not greater

zban bi: mrfler,nor th e apof

’cle '

greaterthan be ‘w/Jofem

‘ h im .

1 2 . “lh eth er are theft: ma

th ematicians fuperior, as to b e

coming betier ib a/z ot/Jer men P

1 3 . You1 wallet wil l b ee ful/of lupin r, or [70014 ] ?s ‘witb fwri

fing on five bat/e , and b eing m thisRate, you wil l fay that you are

fiappier {ban [ be great kmg .

Ewow egepxo/xoq our

eye) 5 /a iy ud/ ayagog, 5 56

not; p upa; aflog.

Afl ac fl /AIJ W‘

yOC (a un t/


filoagz; a/xozpoc y zra

6 h


Arne; 5 3 117087 593,

[my jpoCéo/xaq cic





E14 0w e

fl agwfi‘h ‘

a yefmroc

exo , 8 561 ; d rum/4 04, 71

War/y oga 50mm ef f/u 5 ag

tOUR é


’gwmc [£4 9o 4 5

1101 91 04 , cwroc, a 71'




A0; (ueyag 5 rt e/a rm

H oregor Wfoexw wi

re; 5



pectin/retra ce, 71'


0 067d 604

y lVO/AOU6 5 can


or (xi/959m m;

O my?“ cudSee/4 05; ex/u


roe, n omaaoyfoupoc [3:

(3r xaq aura);


2X5 ) w

Sa I/Awr"

<pM/u3o /Aeyofc


( 6 1

1 4 . Well I { hal l hold mytongue for you, and b e mucheere/ le'zt t/Jemtbejf/bef .

1 5 . If you find any thing .

better, in human life, than juftier, trutb , temperance, andfi f ti

mule, b eing turned with your

whole mind,to it

,enjoy that

which is found th e heft.

1 6 . A {hort'

fyllab le iswhich h as a th en or ih ortened

vowel , not at th e end of a Word

fo that between it and th e vowelin th e next fyllable, there b e notwere confonants tban onefimp/eone

,but either one

,or none.

I 7. My father,wh o h as giventhem to me

,is greater iban all

and no one can wreft out of the

hand of my father.

I 8 . It would be proper to

have exprefiions wart/By 9{ fee‘


1 9 . Fortune gave into theirhands riches, and glory, and

friends b ut they rendered them(elves em wert/Ly of ibeprefirzt

20. It ispeculiar to mart to loveeven th ofe that ofi


end ; and thiscomes to pafs, if you confider


that they are your relations, and

err through ignorance and un

willingly and that after a littleyou fliall both die and

,ab ove

all, that it did not hurt you ;

act; 7 0A.) capture;

q7 m

E) “ pa r neuxa b w Q0 IX



E:la ir 50

,1 q supwuw,

er 5 ar9pwmrog fixer, 5” qcum,

(Junea u, (reappear/m,

xcq ar5§ eiqc, copycat/a


a vgfeia , em exm oca

£2 5M ; 5 doxn Tf€$7w



y aeeq idf zexwharromww.

Bgaxuc £ 1114 1 oumacn 5


fiFaXUC (power n 3905 .

xvrw [an £77 : T e c

g mil;czirwg air, I

aerafiv w rocfmy

5 er 5 avmafingammy,(a n Jfl afxw avypwrar 7 mm;

ti; oin‘mog, d AAOC $1 7 01 21C,

21 tic.

fO 7 901719 670, 5 Below"

lueyac 7rd ; ex


' my 3

521 5 5uyc< 1u 5q oifwaZw ex. 5

X“ ? a 7 5: 1 a(

0 ” fay/2 a 77967 5 10

(59a fixedar 5


Ola ir rvxn owroe pam


,my Sofa , my cpnxog ey

Xexfxzw' 5 56 5g own ; a

raftoc 5 v


fl afxwhsugar/


marten /4 16


1 51 5 ; argfwfl'

oc pn ea my

5 77 7 1 t cui


re; 56 y zroluc u,5 1 1

mg o-uyyem; (7 51 5 : ayroza

e ct/ a exwr a

5 1 V oemrr’


ay ag-

ra rw'

x74 ac

para. cmyoc a/ACPOTEfoc 7 29

mm) ’ mu,

7f fa were, 5 1 : cu

8 7d ? 5 nytlue.

( 62 )

for it did not make yourmind m ay do mow;‘

walemin f rac

worfe th an it was before. Ger elm.

2 I . And this is by much more E7 : 56 m ay ; 05 1 0; we re;

obfurd [ban tbofi tbingr. For, oh « 7 5m g.


0 y apown ; 5 5 7 0:

ferving clofely, I found thofe eu'


,emrnfw, amm o:

fameperfonspraftifing the things 5 own ; M yoc £7n 7 n5£uo .

moltcontraryto their ownwords .2 2 . If you make a friend, Bar 270 cpnm ”mo


I {h al l b ring you to the moft em 5 5 504; re noq 505810; 0

pleafant an eafy way ; and you 50; ayw av my 5 fl" T ifib all be tefile/rof none of th eplea mo; ovSefg « yew


roe Gaug e

fant things, but you {h all l ive Si Xomwroewrap;

aneogperieneed of troubler.

23. Mihi igitur Socrates videb atur bonore efie reipub licw’

dxgm u, potins quam morte.2 4 . Vides viros difiidentes inter fe

,et gravim fefe



tantes bominibu: m’

lvilo dignir.


All adjeélives, placed partitively, govern the genitiveplural .

Nomina partitiva, 8mNomina etiam qua: fuperlativorum,


Adjeétiva faepe permutant, 81 0. Eton.

Adjeétivum plurale cujufcunque, SCC Wetter: 8LHolmes.P lural adjeétives often, 8 m.Sometimes the latter of two adjeélives,

‘ 86C. Bell.

1 . N OT many of tbe inba Cu 5 m zxofzo; may ; ar


taflt: of the countryknow,What my , 1 1; were 5 5 1 9; 5 levee

thing this Rory may import. mym 5vroc,uoq°.


1 r. In th e finne way I think ,th e poet reprefenting Ilorms


feleéts tbe Ina/l ten ible gf llac eir~

~1 2 . In Libya, th e Carthagi

nians govern, and the Libyansare governed noble/J then of tlvef


do you think to l ive mo lt pleafantly ; or 9

“ llae Grecianr, in

whom you are yourfelf, twine/3feem to you to live moft pleafantly, thofe who rule or thofe

who are ruled1 3 . The gods give ,

to men

none of (be {bingo float are good and

glorionr, without labour and di~


I 4 . And Cyrus h avmg cal led

fame of tnefiroanfr afloat w erepre

feat, Tel l ye to me, faid h e, h as

any af yon feen A bradates ? For Iwonder, fays h e, that frequentlycoming to us b efore, h e now ap,

pears no where.

” Then one of1 , ferfuanlr anfwered, Matter,

h e does not live, but h e fel l inb attle

,having driven his chariot

againlt the Egyptians .1 5 . Like tbe bad erierf in af

femb lies, h e fpoke fomething ra

pid and not diltinét.

1 6 . And many perfonr ‘l o

w ere neglee‘led ran intb wells , b e

ing tormented b y incefl‘

antxth irfl.

1 7. But, that I may know.

every thing, in rwbat meant doesh e delight

e h0 ayafiog xou noc

Aoc 5 05614, atrw nova; h arem ;


,3 204 (Jagged

71 04 .

c I




,y ou em u

Xem a’T U7TOC-J 5 .7ron1 rnc,

Act/2 5 amo

‘5 7rotpomoh 5vtleoi 5

XOtM fl'


Ev 5 A zQun, Ka MSorxoz;

your a c’o,A rgue 52 afxo


05 7 0; w n orsyo; 55m oxla ou

Coco) n 5i

EAM r,er 5; not:

OCUT.0¢ aw, n orsyoc at] 55new 275m , 0 nyarew

h “

n 5


reo) Coco


O 52v og


7 1 ; 5

n ayayxihJnnferng, Elin or

eyed , (paw , 55am)"7 1 ; cu AC

fedo ra; S avflafw 70m,gnaw , 77905 90 3 06/4l e.


l £76021

)VUV Elsa

/0.00 goon



9rnoxw6 NepCaM o 5 5519114 “

5 Azyvn fl oc.

fl oa ty 5 cpowm; 5 tr 5« year nayuf, smrp ec 7 1 ;

RON an oco<pocang e yyo/rou’

t.Koa n ow ; 5 ammo ?”

5 099 5 1 77 04 5 1 5yaonw e; offing,5 5:31am am mo -

roe ours’


0 521m 56 a7 mg 61 5665 6,

7 1 ; Xa tjoow 5 so

lemn ;

( 65 )

1 8 . When they learned the

truth,they were enraged at tbs/2:

orator: wbo encouraged the navalexpedition, as if they had not

voted it themi'


1 9 . It is a ib awe that painters thould imitate beat/199 1 1 animalt

, and children not imitate

goodparentf .

2 0.

‘ I, having pb ferved, with

much accuracy, both good menand b ad, did conce ive that Iought to write thofe thingswhich each of them praétise in

life .

Ea a 5n ymlw

, xama ocaim 5 av

‘u7ro U/Atoluotx

psh 5

finrwf 5 txmxooc, dampcw:

own ;

Ara-Xfac 5 law wouptuc

amwazm a name 5 (may, 55a 7 ma; w: 5 a7rou~

5 yoytvc.

Eyw 7 5tfat920tolucqp7


d lCGf OC 7 07x11 4, 5 re ayat

95 ; 5 arefw roc, my 5 (pau

Aog, abroad /4 5 am 56: (my

751 5 1490

5 5 ; Exartfo;-


tm rnXevw tr 5 Blog .

2 I . Omniuin bomirzum continentgfiimw erat.

2 2. Critias- quidem ammum, m ohgu chig-

avarfimw et

5 3 . Cum et bruta animalia doceant, et fatnulum igna

vum ac inertem nulla re dignum efie ducant, folos vero feipfos negligant, planum cit abjefii: eosfirvi: efi


e fimiles .

( 66 )


Adjeftives fignifying profit, lilefmy] , oéedierzce, f tmf1 , I ;and their contt aries and thofe

campawzdm’ with our and quot}, govern the dative.

Eori, taken for exo , to 5 1 1 1 1 1 , governs the dativesAll verb s put acguf tiw ly


, 1 . c . verb s of firving,v zvmg,

{1/ 1 1g, rejoicing, obeymg, trzffliflg, a’

fiomf 1 1g, figbllflg, and thélike, with their contraries, govern the dative.

Adjeétiva quibus commodurn, Sac .

Huc referuntur adjec'

tiva, 81 C.

Verb a acquifitivé pofita, S w Eton;

Verb a cedendi, 8 m.

Q l'

orum itidem Latina, St e.

fVerb a communicandi, 81 0 Waite/1 .

A djeélives fignifying advantage, Sic:A djeétives compounded with 5 11 1 , & C.

All verb s put acquifitively, 8 m.

Verb s of adoring,

A lfo verb s of advifing, 8 m. Bell.

Verb a dandi, & c .

Verbum d O/M U, SEC . Holman


H AVING faid thefe 05 1 0; 11 01 1 5‘


things and otbem‘ like tlaem, I de 05 7 0; 61 7 01 115 1a 11 1 5 19


fcended .

2 . Behold I am really naked,

as you fee, and of eg‘

ual w elgln‘

w ill: llae otber deadpeffim.

3 . Well, I have at leaf’t thisone thing, that I am like you.

4 . I wifh to return therefore to

th e thingswhichI did next in the{tatel And in thefe again, con

1 5011 yvproc, oi; et

M1 95 ); 11 51 1 1 5 05 7 01 5 10; 5

« M o; 11 1 11 904.

El; ptv 115 11 05 7 5 ; ext),57 1 av.

Bovao/xoq roww ch ange


32m 53 ,52114“ 7 0


rww Kou cinema),£7

( 67

5 . Did not you, faid he, pro

pole contel’ts and priz es? But

certainly, {aid Cyrus, thefe


are not Me t/mfi. For

whatever things theymay haveacquired making war

,they will

think to b e common 1 5 z‘benfi’lfzxef .

6 . To awn/fie emilJ one anotlzer

about words,b ut not to quarrel.

7 . U r1 lefs one ruler pleg/izre

in empty tzar”er

8 . hen themultitude thatflood and heard

,faid that there

h a d b een thunder others (aid,An angel boil:fi es-ten to 11 1m.

9 . They now ferve bim, as be

(lid tlsem b efore .

1 0. “ Thy are you angry at me

I I . Crwfw lated two fons .

1 2 .‘J It fiemr to me to b e a

great fault, that a ruler/71 5 11 111 beb ot/b te

all ibat aregoverned.

1 3 Jupiter, th e great leaderin heaven , goes firft, driving- a

flying chariot, and an hoft of

gods and deitiesfillewr 5 1m.

1 4 . The aids of the gods do

not kelp treaeberow per/5 1 1 1 as is

right ; for men do not commit

iniufiice, until they b ecome im- f

pious towards thegods.

7795 1 5 901 .

T 1 ; 676) opysm

E11 1 1 5 Kpowo; 5 110 770W


ord ow,7


14 5 mm;017 5 1 904

H av ou not; 0 « you, on


,orgoezmx my 0 5 1911 011 ;

AAAot luot Z eug, cpnlm 5 Ku.

for, aux 5111 0104 5 11 7 0; tumor.

0; per 5 1 1 organ-


un to


s,noxroc 501 5 7 011 riyeo‘uoq


JAMU MCJV Wig: k ayo;g

olognrem la z y, £91601 J‘


E1Ia n 7 1 ; Xot/pa)



0 our exact 5 forma txoq exam s

, Aiywz

{5901 7 11‘

yno‘uoqf AAM ; A675 ), Ay

7t ,\0¢ act/7 0; Aa kew.


rw 05 7 0; 503

Aww,xxflowreo 05 7 0; txsn




O amp“


,7rd ;



OL/Vca 5 aph

, 05 7 0;

eywyt 5 5mm ‘ueyag 52

11 10197 11

pot Wu.


0la zy peyote n


yeluafy tv

0110000; Z eve, emu/ya) wrnrocC

off/1 a , 7 5 407 0; 7 099 11011 5 14, 9

56 o'rfoun ct S toc not;


ct/law .

0 1 5 5 5 oropot 5 Geol; em

xovftot 5 7 95 507 11 ;


0:15am“ c

yap 07 530

7 2901 15 77 5g: 5 Geoca

a oté’



When firft the defire of

gold and filver came into th e

city, w ill) ibe poi

/Mien of wealthfollowed avarice and meannefs ;

and w itb tbe ufi'and enjoyment of

it, luxuiy and efi‘

eminacy and


1 6. And 10 a man from the

multitude cried out faying


ter, I entreat thee to look uponmy fon, becaufe be irony only fon.

1 7. If any one jeriva lne, let

[Jim follow me, and where I am,there alfo will my fervant be ;and if any onejerve me, the father {hall honour him

1 8 . Philipcomes and tell: Andrew ,

and again Andrew and

Philip tell f emur. A nd Jefus an

revered tlmn, faying, Thehourh as come, that the £011 of man

fllould be glorified.

I 9 . Simon Peter milk to bim

Lord, whither goePt thou Jefirsanr'wered bim, Where I go, 15 011canfl not now fillofw me ; but

hereafter 1 5 011jlmltfillo‘w mel

20 . See then, this Menippus

{hall judge which of us is more

b eautiful. Tell us, 0 Menip

pus, do I not teem to you more

b eautiful.

E7 9 1 77000610501 1 1”


7 01 £1 ; a 7 071 1; apyvpoc not;

v ooc (nioc, 11 011 0 11 1 001 0.

M ullet.) 5 7171 011 7 04 05[use 11 7 1:

5 1 ; n aeoreifwt 11 51 1 1 1 1 113v

7 101‘ 5 5s Xpnmc xo a 01 71 0

Aowozc, xou(uotk txxm

11 01 1 n oxvr tmm.

Kat: 15011 amp017 0 5 °X‘

A0; £00101 Myer A15otox0tmr,Q5 501 1 001 011 , smgaenws em 0

£701 , 57 1 11 01 0761 11; 0701

9 111 1 .

Ear eyw . 5101 11 01 501 7 1g,

tyco net: 57 011 ar

1 1 1 £701 , 611 5 1 1101 1 5 5 1011001 0;5 11 01 1 £01 1 2700

5 101x01 601,7 1/1 0101 own ; 5 orat

7 d?

o oluou <l>171 17roroc 11 01 1

71 5701 5 Ardou r, 11 01 1 7 0171 1 1“

Ar5oeot; 11 01 1 (11 171 1 7 770; A170;

5 1 1100110. 0 56 1 110011 ; 007 0

own g, M 701, Ef

9 011 01 1 5 (55 00,01 1 90007 04.

Aeyw 01 11 1 0; 211 1 01 1 I le

7 90? Kupmc, 71 011

01 11 7 04. 5 1 11

0011 4, 577011 5 7 01701 , 011 . 511 1 002.

11 011 £701 for 01 11 01 009101 5, 5 .

07 5001 5a anoaovflew £701 .

Ifou 15 11, Mir/7107 0;

5 1 11 0120: 71 07 25 01; evluoocpoc 61

,11 1 . Emoy

,to Mewnnog, 011

11 0011 0; 011 5011 501

( 69 )

2 1 . The difi'

ufive flyle is p'

ro Too-1 117109101 0 X1101 1 , 1101 1

per for allfamiliarfuéjefi‘f , pero 1 71 711 0701 , 11 011 7 01001601011 ,

ratio/11 , digrj iom, eafy narrationf , 11 011 5 4100107 1 11 01; 01 71 010, 1101 1

and pompous amu/ementf , bi/iorief , 1 7 15601 7 1 1101 , 507 0f101 7 1 11 01 1

relation: of nature, and not afiw 41 001 01107101 , 11 01 1 0011 011 1709

0111 1 1 1 parts . 01911 05 1 01 .

22 . He faid that he faw mofii


gun/1 1 5 71 011 11 ; 5 11 1 11

people knowing th e numb er of 11 7 1111 01 , 11 01 1 71 01 1 11 71 011 11 ; 01 11

their pofibfiions, although tbey 7 0; 5 7 11 1190; 1 1501 7.

bad very many.

2 3 . It is not certain to tbeper 011 7 1 5 11 01 11 100

j5 n loaf planted bi: land well, 7 £vwm5 h 5 1111 00, 507 1; 11 01’


who {hall reap the fruit nor i s m an"

011 7 1 0 11 01 11 10: 01 11 101

it certain to bim 1 115 0 be: built a 01 1105011 1 105 h 5 117105 507 1 ; 01 .

well fir Min/elf; who {hall 11 1 10.

inhab it it.2 4 . Anacharfis b eing


once Avaxaow 17 01 1 71001 7 1;

upb raided by fome perfon, b e 01 1 15 1510, 57 1 BapCapa; 1 11 1 1°

caufe he was a b arb arian and a 11 01 1 211 11 911 1 ’ E7 10

Scythian ; My country if a 5 71 01 701 1 01 1 150; 011

reproach to'

me”(aid he

,but J

's 0 71 01 701 1 .

you to your country.

And Charicles, being eu X01 1 5‘

X0191 11 7mc, 09711219 5

raged at bim,


faid b e, 011 17 01 , 1 71 1 1501 1 , 10

O Socrates, you are ignorant, 1 901 7 11 1 , 0171 01 10, 551 011

we command th efe things being 911; 7 90017091 11 10, 5 1 101

more intelligible to you, [ 1 5 1 to con 5Awg’

1 1 11 5 1001 17011 01 1 .

var/é at all wit/3 young men.

26. Qnibufcungue fiudiorum non a]?fims utilis ad vitam,

h zec non funt artes.

27. h gationes undique venieb ant, omnibus gratuiantibu;

Romanorurnf ub Pertinace imperio.2 8 . Mira fortafl


e videbor.

dicere, fi Cyro eon/ilium dar’


velim aliquid dicere pro nobis, cumarma fumant ii qui 1105 13“

( 70 )


When my : and “

yin /um fignify

poffflion, properly,0

01‘ Jul};

they govern the genit ive.

Verbs of beginning, admiring, w anting, ramemberzng, accu

jing, excelling, fvaluing,flaring, and the like, with their con

traries, govern the genitive ; alfo thofe which fignifytance and f ade? (exceptjigbt

.Verb a amandi,860.

V erb a .fensus , SLC

Procter illa quae, Sic. Eton.

Verb a incipiendi, Ste.

Verba auditfis, 860.

Sic et verb a recordandi, & c .

Verb a permutandi, Woften.


na/xon and film

, $Lc .

Verb s that fignify any of the fenfes, Ste.

Verb s fignifying plenty ,Verb s of attempting, Boll.Verba fenfuum, Si c»

Verb a permutandi,

L HE caugbt bi: bead.


O xeoakn ecpan z o‘uaz.

2 . He fopamte: bimfifi’

fi om M afia 6 Geog.

3 . It if tbepart of a v illa in? Kanoupyogmy eff“ ,Rf”

that h e fh ould die, having b een M 15

anoeynos f a f farnya;

condemned ; but of a general, 32, ‘uoc /xal one ‘



fightingwith the enemy.

4 . A certain woman, havingheard concerning Jefus, havingcome in the crowd b ehind him


touclzed bi: garment, faymg in her

felf, That if I but tomb bi: gar.

went, I {h all be made Whole.


wn 7 14, « nor/ cos mpi5Inaovc


cer 6 oXAo;

omaeey,oin ropw 5 inoc

'n or

avroc, Aiyw iV iavrov, on

not] av 5 174 05 7 101! auto; ain‘


( 72

1 4 . 11 It is not certain to the

politician, if it profits him togo

vern tbeflate, nor is it certain to

him who h as got powerfi drela

tions by marriage in the (late,

if by them hefl ail be deprivedof

1 5 . O the fpeed l they run

together from every fide, dultyand panting, I know not from

whencefine/ling tba gold.I 6.

‘Whilft l was a b oy, near

ing Homer andHe/iod relating the

wars and'


cnfions,not only

of the demigods, but even of

the gods th emfelves.

1 7. As the time of the pra

mifa was drawing nigh, whichGod promifed to Abraham, the

people increafed and was multi

plied in Egypt ; till anotherking rofe up over Egypt, whoremembered not f ofiplv.

1 8 . If any would propofe a

choice, whether I would rather '

with to bear you relating fuch

things, or again to fee that delightful dream, which I

latelyfaw, I know not


which I would

1 9 . Thou feefi: how few thingstherb are w bieb , onepofllfling, 'is

ab le to live a godlike life; forthegods will require nothing more,from theman that'obferves thetethings.

Cure 5 a omrmoc guitar,6: au

lwptfw 6 mm; npoo


7 5a),w e 6 Swain ; er 6 ore

mt unite—mc Anofiny‘

m‘ 3n

M C, e: Jlot bun t; 5 7 59504 6



<I>£v o Taxoc' non/Taxo

9£v 01 1 79660,




n aw,

owe also” 696?

oacppoqvoluoq 6q ovon

Axot newW 7rd ]; ct

novw not: Hernia;

m ite/t o; xoq crown; gonna

pay, av noyov o npieeoc, on u‘

Act not; ecu-

roe ”X" o S tag.

577 160 axooroc 6 e


yema , 543 moan

/en d“

5 Geo; 5 ACPOLOC/L, d ugcam 6

M ia; not; an nex/m ev Aiyun

7 04"

axon6; cemen t/4 16flow:

aw; E7153”; em A lyvn'roc


6c 00 praoy oup 6 Iwengo.

El 7 1 ; d igs“ ; groo719n/u6



naM ov'

eGeawsav cc

6 i


nova) 0 7 01007 0; Steffi /4 1 ,

6 n aveulounwv orerydc exam04 191; 5

Iumoov quagm

e9ey, owe 6 80m7

onorepoc our



09am7 m; ouyoc en“

xoot'rtws 7 14, 6am,


3 £ou

611 ; fixowsBloc

not: yap6

3 60; n ow ; 611661 ; anwrms,

mayo: 6 65 70; epvmom".

( 73

20 He enaéted,that eve/ bonld

neither ta/te fleih , nor eat beans ,turning from th e tab le my plea

fanteft food ; and moreoverperfuading men not to converfe for

five years .

2 1 . I t is pofiible alfo fin d one

tone/singfire fll ould not prefentlyb e burned, yet am I not willingto tie touebingfire.

2 2 . If you would be your own

meg/len , a nd if you would everyone ecafe eXpeéling, that h e

need do nothing h imfelf, but

that his neighbour will do all

things for h im ; you {hall b othrecover the things that haveb een b afely loft, and you {hallavenge y ourfelves on h im .

2 3 . Some perfons having feena philolb pher, and leaving beard

fime onefloating 1 11 1 1 1

,How well

Socrates (peaks . though indeed,who can (peak as he they toodefire to b ecome philofoph crs.

24 . If then tragedy excels 1n

all th efe things, and moreoverin the work of the art, as it

rear/m tlze end (b oner, it is ma

nifefl: that it is better than Epopmia.

2 5 . In converfations let everyone avoid”Seating often and im

moderately of his own aftiom or

dangen for it is not pleafant

to others, to hear vulnat t/Jingr

ba-ve happened to you, as it is

“0EV 6 5


7 1 ; 6 eaurou tfyor n raga

roe em n


oAv xa/ anerow‘


ou yapwe av n

Suc 6ne6 00; 11 1 1 0

011 70;

Waco/4 611”,ov'

m ea] 6 « A



, 11 117 6 xptagp

yet/mm, ,

un7 e 11 1101 11 0; se91c0‘

560: tyco ye our oxlz ormgog an ogoanw


£7 1 65 11 011

om en 5 t; 7 5 1 7 5

$7 0; 11 11 61aAeyo,aa1 .

Koq a ny 7 01 fut

£11 911 ; 5am; 65011 7 6 77119 61 1 01 1 61 1 01 1 067 7 01 1 01 1 .

H1 o'u aura; egtw s

7 1 1 0


,11 01; n avw

msavn c


{4 21 011661 ; ixao7 oc

tamfco, 66e mtnmoc 1 a ; xi

mg 011 /n eg

775901 5 5 10

3'11 011 5



Aangam,xoq exarog


Gem/M 45

7 1 ; omoooo'


ital anauo 05 7 0 7 1 ; M yw,

oi; eu w fa'

rn; Atyw ; 11 a,

7 01 7 1 ; 05 7 01 duvet/1 a; 6 1 7 01!

aic exenoc S aw 11a; au7 0c


E1 our 05 7 0; 61a <peoco 17 01 1;

6 7oa79161a, 1 1 01; £7 1 5 5

“ X” £51701 , (payefoc 57 1 a

701 90; ar namoy 6 7 6

M ; 7 vyxa 1 cob

,6 Ra anana .

( 741 )

pleafant to you to mention your 0 0 11 11 (wan

ow n dangorJ . Canto“axovco.

2 6 . Sola vero incolumis fortuna evadit, irridens nominee

plorantef eamque woeanter.

27. Sad alio quodam in fenfu illa attigj/li2 8 . Dicam autem primum , quze aliquando andi'vi

de daemonio difierenwm ad Arittodemum.

CHAP. xxnf.

Two ormore fub ftantivos fingular have a verb,adjee‘tive,

or relative plural if they b e of difi'

erentperfons or genders,

the verb or adjeétive will agree with the molt worthy 5 if‘

they fignify things without life, the adjeé‘tive is commonlyin the neuter.

Two or more fub f’tantives, Ste.

of different genders, & c.

of different perfons, 8 m.6



1 . S IMON P eter, and 7700 E111 1 Ewan I'




may,and Nathaniel were toge eta; (9 60,1d ,

not, Naeayana.


2 . I go away to Cree/11 1 andSardanapalnr, ab eing about to

dwellnear tbem.

3 Peter and John mf weringto them, [ aid If it is jult b eforeGod

,to hear you rather than

God, judge ye.

Em 5 Koozooc not] Soto-5

damn/onto; owl- elm,

mo mmy

amem3 M 7 04 3


0 Se Heroog not: Iowa/m;

afl onfn'o/Aou

ps Wfog own ;

£1 7 01” E1 Sued/o; ei/u ems

ortoy 5 Geog, av axoziw {4 0m

M e n 5 Gh ee, won/cos.

( 75

4 . 1]No, by Jove, but vain

glory, and pride, and much mad


the] ? Ming: burned you to

a coal.

5 . And the Lord faid to Jofhua, Lo I give into thy hand

j ericbo, and h er king, being powcof al in fliength . Now do thoufet thy foldiers in a circle round


6 . There, it is faid that Ga

nymede b eing torn away, difap

peared, lair‘

brot/Jer and bit [over

dragging h im contrary«way;

7. And his mother {aid to

117m ; Son, why didft thou thusto us ? b ehold thyflit/oer and I

Ov, pot Z euc, « M ot xero

SOEId , not: Tvcpoc, xou 7 mm ;

xopufw 61 5 7 0; cm awarefcx


Kouewrovv ioc orpo; In

aouc, Igov eyco 7rapot31gco‘a i


oxeiftor av 5 Ieyzxco, icon

5 flowmevc Oil/ 7 0C, San/om ;

6 f er ” t 4“

. Eu Se moi



own ed 5 flax/4 0;


F 1 90: not: 5 P aw/4 71811 4

affl agcos

agoamc y zvolu‘


Aoy oq, 009mm) own ; 0 cc

Sewo; not: 0 soaornc.

Ka i emor woo; ecu-

roe 5

own c T error,7 : 7 0:

so; syta min or ; 1802} 5 7 mm?ou xoa eyw ogurao

la ouital Aus

m61 7m av.

8 . Cyrw et Cyaxarer cum iryiruxi/ent (fnos)expefl aoant,tanquam, fi accederent hofies, pugnaturi.

9 . Neptunw, ct 71010, et Minerva maofiinabantur vincire



Verb s tranfitive Of acczg/z'

ng, giving , and their contraries 5and thofe o t declaring and comparing, with the genitive oi'

dative, govern alfo the accufative.

Verbs of comparing, & c.

Verbs of accufing,SCC. Bea.

1 . YOUfloat/1d cq/i up to no Mngegt (r



per/on bi; miJfortun} 1.

for fortune uonoc

hy af o Tux”, no“ o

n e

is common,and the future 1 3 in.

”snubd afoc


Eran/o; ea t/Tau o Timur-e

n o; n apaSISco/u .

3 . Tbgy [new bim {loo/e tbat are A nnv own ; 0 ext: 3101

ole/y there .


4 . Pirfl then,-

I tell you myown opmzon

,and from whence I

was excited to th e defcent.

5 . Do not ye area/e tbepeople

of the A thenians offi/ly, b eforethe Grecians.

6 .Demofihenes and Diogeneshave fpoken well theone call

ing rich and ignorant men, goll

den {h ecp the‘

other, comparinglbem lofigr upon precipices.

7. O Athenians, Iregnyitbif

from you.

8 . To give great and pompow

flanm , would appear the fame

thing, as if a perfon wouldput a

Kai 311 7 9007 01, av

o yrw‘un 6 gap}, uou 69ey

ifluotws71 90; 6 11 01 7 01 5 01014 .

MnSe 01 151 60: 7 01901 16101, 6

rarn ov 6EAA11 1 , 6 ti

A 9111 01 1oq.

Kama; 11 01 1 0 Ari/1 0091 1 11;

1001 1 0 Awyevnc 6[newv oeog

n foCa’

ror 6 m wvcno;

11 01 1 01 7 01 101 11 7 0; 0 J‘

s,6 671 7 6

inn/1 1 043011 11 11 annuaZw 01 11

9 . 05 1 119 14 9111 01 104, axin g

av Sea/1 01 1 .i


jooc army/1 01 7 101 n e

91 7 19r/1 1Q

/1 97014 11 01 1

01 0111 01 , 6 aura; 01 1 (panto


a); it 7 14“ryotymoginfoe


( 77 3 ,

great tragic mzfl upon an infant

9 . In the Odyfi'

ey,‘ a perfon

w ould compareHomer to tlacjetting

fim, whofe greatnefs remains,

without h is violence,IfCritias and Alcib iades

committed any tranfgreffion, the

accufcr blame; Socraterfor ibir ,

b ut becaufe Socrates kept themtemperatewhen theywereyoung,does he feem to the accuferwor

thy of no praife ?

I I . But th e Chaldeans came,

entreating Cyrus to make peace

I 2 . I manife/ied thy name to

tbe men, wloom tbou lag/l given to

me out of th eworld ; thine theywere, and lazy}given tbeni to


and they have kept t hy

1 3. What law is full of‘


much inju‘

ftice and inhumanity,

as to deprive of grateful acknow

ledgement 1 11 : perr ontwloo bargiven

fome of h is property (to the

Rate), and bar done an humaneand generous action.

41 013119010 6 ou 6 ar

Sgwa oc, 01 6160411 1 6700 1 11“

6nor/1 01


00; 11 01 1 0701

9167 0: 6161011 1 , 11 01 1 6 A070; so

7715760 .

T 1: 7 00011 7 04

0131 11 1 01 11 01 1 p1 1001 1 90w7r101 law

7 01 , 166 1 5 6 Smile/1 16 “

f 1c"c6

16101 9 , 11 01 1 17 01 1w 7 941 7p1p1 71 01 1 9f01 71 0¢ 11 01 1 ¢lh 08wf04,6Xaftc 01 77007 19101 .

1 4 . Nam fi rebw animam intemlar, non propter civitatescomperies in gloria cives eiTe, fed ipfum fane contrarium


pmpter viros artibus pfaeftantes, corum patrias fuifi'

e nobili

tatas .

1 5 . (Lid hoc .

P ferifne, O Timon Anteftor, O B ercu

les . heil injar voco te a'e vulture ad ArcoPagum .

1 6 . Clananz forty /1a veteres dedere ;

61 1 1 f uljecerunte! bafin globe/ampedi

oculis etiam (cam)privarunt.

or {1 1701 1 17 01 14 7 51 1 7 19111 1 16 ?

1 1171 101 .

Ex 6 0611 0061 01,7 11 061 11 01

2105 "

7 1 ; 01 1 11 01 7 01611 6 "O u

M?“ zizuoc, 65 , 31X01'


o 0010

31107 111 , 71 01 90111 1 1 106 lag / 1 901 .

E1 11 1 1 1 11; nannlztemmdm

Kf1'r101 : 11 01 1 ozi.


7 01; 201 11 1101 1 116 0 xa rnyopo;

Se 1 1 0;

01 11 1 01; 21011 51 11 7 11 ; n apowxw


woman , 011661; 1 11 0111 0; 3011 101

0 xarnyof oc 0121 0;.

0 61 X01A601 1oc 61 0

61011 6Kvpoz; apnm 6; 71 01 101


( 78 )


Verb s of q/l’ing, teacloing, cloatbing, and concealing ; and,

fometimes, with the A ttics, verb s of giving, buf fing, and new

czying, with their contraries, govern two accufatives

Verb a dandi, 8CC. Eton.

Sic et verb a rogandi, 81 C.

Verb a implendi, 81 C.

Verb a dicénd‘

i, 81 C.

Verb a'


Verb a of afking, 8CC. Bell.

Verba dicendi,‘

& c. Holmer.

1 T HEwicked always work

fime evil to ‘wbo are h eareft


.2 . The king faid to themaid,

of meWhat (Ming) youWill,and I will give it you.

3 , Come then, If I buy you,tubal w illyou teacl: me

4 . It is fit that men th ould

b ear fuch tbingr ar tbey bave done

to oilierf .

5 . They havepaired adecreeto demand P agcyaefrom Aim, andh ave prevented h im to fortifyMagnolia.

6. I never find nor did any 0 31 71 1071 07 1 01 11 7 01“011 76

doing to bim, for which he was e1 71 01 011 7 1 71 01 1 01 0116014, 1 71 1

afhamed 6cd(Z IO




7. They feed: th eir fervent:i

0 {1 5 1 0mm ; 1 1181301011 01“

arty, frequently fpending much 7 1901 11 , 070901 71 011 11 ; n omarn;

moneyupon them, but they neg 1 1 ; 01 11 7 0; 0197119101 01 10111 101


t themfelves. 11 1.1J6011 1 7 011 30 011 1 1 11 101 .

O fl oynyoc 0121 11 01 11 01; 7 11

eyyaCo/wq 0 17711 701710 01 11 1

7 0; Gill/Jb


< 6E1n'

01 1101261 1 101 5 11 0901 ‘

0101,A 1 7 101


£710 5 £011 (X91:

1 1 01)3 1 71 10, 11 01 1 0031011 1

$ 1000 811 , m' 71010111 1 011 W,

7 1; £70)

Amyun 0

01 1 9001 71

1 01 7 01011

7 04 namxo , 01 017 71 10 01 11 5

0mm; 3901 105.

Kou 11 013101601 1 017 01 17 10)

01 11 7 0; +ncp1§wp, 1101 1 Mag/Mg

11 101 111011 11 10 7 61X1Cw.


Participles govern the cafe of their own verb s.

Participia regunt cafus, 8 m. Eton.

Idem, ell ac, & C. Wetten.

Participles govern, Sec. Bell.

Participia ferVant regimen, & C. Holmer.

I .HOWEVER it is pofiiblethat one giving trouble to the ene

my, may efiord/Zy‘ety to birfi iena


2 . I bavingfeiz edfime of them,

devoured them, aswas right, being rob b ers.

fo obeying, immediately obeyed .

4 . If any perfon thinks thingscontrary to me, looking into theirfworif , h e {hallfind them bearing

w itnefi to my 7 1101711 .

5 . 975131 having forgot ibefiijfiebingr, or rather indeed ibe evbole

6. qThinking that amanwho

h ad once taken a b ribe, and been

corrupted by money, could not

remain a fafe judge of tbingrufef ul to 1 11 13flare.

7. Then again talking of the T 07 6 31 01 11 77 1 51 1 13

great lofs, wh ich bad bappened to 1301g 31 126—11 1 1

6,5170; £710 7 1 1

11 1 thinking that we {hould 0111 01 1

7ha luz°°

01 7 9 01 101 1571 0.fpend the refl: of our life, as bav-o 11 011 , 050771 51 7701 7 111

1 M emos,

ing been defirived gf‘

aj atber. 81 61n 13 1 71 1 1 7 01 15 1 01 .

31 0111 1101 1 770111e

away/1 01"13 77011 111 103 ,


11 01 w o men 71 0111 1300.

E710 com a/1 601 1 1060111 7 01


7 1 1 , 130771 11 61 11 01 1101 7 01

3001710 11 507 111

0 81 , 011 01 10 1101 1 0 81 7 71 0

7 11; 7 01Xv 776—1900“

R1 7 1 ; 5 1 1 01 1 7 101 1710

7 171 10011 10, 13 1 51701 01 11 7 01 6

1 1101011 10 01 11 7 01

11 0111 7 11010. 0 £1 1 0; Aoyoc.i

O 71 17007 01 1 7 1 71 01 1 901 10

,1 01 16, 11 01 11 11 01

1 31 11 01 1 5 1171 0

9101 1 01101 .

Hyeoluoq 0 01 7701 51 10 1

63101 <p901910 zine

Xian/1 1 01",

01132 11 11 1 7 11 1 1 7 1 i

0111 141 151 111 otocpomng {1 121 10 5 770

71 1 ;

( 8 1

8 .Wealth israther the fervantof evil than of good ; f urnj/bingopportunityfor indulgence, and en

ticzng j011ng men to pleafures.

9 . MORof us are afl’


ted like

Telemachus for he, thro'


perience, or rather ignorance ofgood, ba

fving flan Nefltor’s [Jon/e

conta ining 1 011 1 11 1 1,tab/1 1 , vg/Zmenn,

1 011 1 1 1 1 , and plea/21 1 1 1 w ine, did

not call h im happy, «wbo 1 001

prov ided w it/J mag/21 131 and n/Efizl

tbing1 ; but with Menelaus, baco

mg Ive/1 1 111 wary, gold, and amber,

he was {truck with admiration .

T h ou-

1 01 11 01 11 101{11 c1 11m 11

1101 11 011 0131 01 9101 11 71 1101 7 11 1 1 1 11 1

120110101 11 1 1 01301 911

11 1101 71 01

1 0011 10050 , 1 77 1 31 5 15301 1?

1 1 0;'

0 77011 11 1 6“ 5 1 301 11 1 11 .



11 01 1 70101 11 1 1

rog, Jn a 01 71 1 101083, 1 1 01 11 11 011

31 071 1 10011 01 11 101 , 5 per N1

01 1001 1801601 1 1 01 11 11 1 1 11 1X0


7001 71 1601 , 611 01 1 1 01 , 070011 1 01 ,

01 1 01 15311 1 , 0011[1 1 01 11 0101601


1 11 71 00101t 11 11 01 1


10100 71 01001 31 0 Meye

Aao; 3 1 01011 01 15

1 11 1001 1 , 11 01 1

XFW“ :11 01 1 11 11 1 11 7001


,1 11

01 11 1100106


1 0. Vidi reges et fatrapas noftros, mendicantes apud cos,

ct 111 1311 01 111 11171 1 1101 1 1 1 1 1 1 .

1 1 . Plures futuri funt c1101 redarguenz‘1 1, quos nunc ego

compefceb am .

1 2 . D 101 ct fines ita tranfierunt.

( 8 2 )


Paflive verb s take a gen itive, of the agent, after them,

which is governed by a prepofition underflood or expreffed.

Pafiiva exigunt genitivum, 85 C. Eta”.

G enitivum etiam cum,& C. Wet/en.

Paliive verb s wi l l have, Scc.

Sometimes the prepofition,Paffiva fere exigunt, 81 0.

I . SUCH things are done bybadpoet; of th emfelves ; and by

good arm, for the aétors.

2 . They are named philofo

ph ers by w .

3 . It is one of themoPt [h ame

ful things, that we fhould b e

feen throwing away, not only thecities and places, of which we



ors, but even theauxiliaries and Opportunities rbatw ereflm zy bed byf bn


4 . No aétion of any account

W I done by tbem.

5 . I feck truth, by wbicb no

perfon was ever injured but he

is injured who remains in hiserror and ignorance.

6. He bar bee/z bellow ed byGod and by mm .

7 . I was thus Mug/at by mycountry and yours, to fubmit to

T azow og mm», 5 7 0per

6 (poo/M g 71 0mm; 8106 pm

7 042' 5 7 mbe 5 05705 994, 8106.

b u'

m nfzrnc.

(Inmaocpo; moo; eye.) aya

page).Ella: b ouo‘Xpoc

g, F" ho

voy 7romcg mu 7 07m: 5 ; ex

,w 7 07 1 xupzoq, paw

/w 77pm


an d nowe mm o TU

XH wagaaneuaé’



Xe; 7 a not: not/fog.

Hfu aws, am 0507 0; ov

361; epyoy afizoM y 04 .

c c 6

a w o OCAVIQEICC, u7 m0;

011361; woman Encla ve)“

BAowr'm are 5 em


hem 5


rev wronng m u ayroloc.

Hpoc 6 5 0i xou 7 5mg ow

Gpwm ; 7 11m m.

Nougat/ cos oJTwc 5 770 a

ga s; 76 non Jpereyo; 7 m

( 8 3

my feniors, not only brothers,but citiz ens alfo.

8 . flQ iintianus having takenhis Rand, in the entrance of the

amphitheatre, having drawn h isfmall fword, rulh ed fuddenly on

Commodus, and cal led out witha loud voice, ibot be beenfe/ztto him by tbefe/mtr and not h av

ing quickly wounded him, but

wh ilfl he delayed ab out th e ut

tering of the words and {hewingof h is fword

,ba rzgfizz ed by zbe


s lifeguardf , h e fufi'

ered pu

mlhment for his madnefs.

9 The peoplewere def’troyed,

not only being beat down by flip/9 !dierf

, or tramp/ed upon by ”38

130421 , but alfo being oppiefled by1 b : multitude.

I o . Pertinax having faid fuchth ings, encouraged the fenate

very much, and being applauded

by all, and having received all

honourand reverence from them,

h e returned into the royal court.

I I . Super/rm; a marte.

7 9m, 5 fl ycaé’

vt, ou y am”

aSeApoc, an d not: 7rom'rnc

67mm .

Totem/up o v wotroc,


tr 0 o alugwgecx


rpov emoboc,


oO zliplblw,efl eyxa


"ShTe cit/embed ; b Kaye/Aa


, xatz (ueyac (pawnmay .


(l7 0;

(a ); (pilots

/ cosh,otmac iv 5 4

7 s

pz 0 o [ma ce ”popopaiowxonewp now0 86121 ; a Excpoc,

Q 1

u7m 0 Wyn n-

roe ow.

fem z e


T Iw d'


oum at av 21 770 a evaluat

7 O@U7\G.E b gamma/g, 31 1m

aroma 5 7 20'w$ 99 19wSnyxoc, av from?


cube mu ss) vrro a


0 0 07 901 l 77143

amot xou wro o mtneog wGew.

1 2 . Oporteb at quidem me forfan prolixa dicere, quoadtam mu lta a re acm/atum.

T orov'roc b Hegrlyocf it


7rav,15711 961360 7 5 o W yn n

TOC Boom,xx: 7 1

30; n ot;


. wag 7 5 7 1mg

xax a lga); m y“ own ;“


l w6

£14 b fiowmstoc vrot



( 84 )

CHAP . xxvm.


Th e accufative is often put ab folutely, mm b eing underaflood.

Adjec‘tiva ii fubintelligatur m ica, KC(Q eedam nomina, 860.

Pafiiva per fynecdochen, 85 0

U b ique locus efi,360. Eton.

P lurima nomina pofi fe h abent, 8rd .

Verb a jurandi, Se c . Wetten.

To the genitive of meafure,Sic .

Many adjeétives have an accufative, gtc,

Many verb s, b oth in the aélive, 8t h

Th e pafiives of fuch aftive, 8 m.

The participles of, 81 6) Bell.

A ccufativum regunt quae, Sic .

Pafiiva regunt accufativum,

1 . OME perfons withoutcrowns , appear to have tbez

r leg:

and bead; torn .

2 . Wilt thou kill me, a: thoukilledf

’t the Egyptian yefierday ’

3 . I feel pain in my bead.

4 . No one of men is w ife inall tbingr.

5 . A Prone of an hundred feetin lengtb .

6. Having b een deprived of

ibe empire.

7. I venture to b e wife, a: to.

O ar99w7ra oc copra, my:

buman qui/(lam. Swat/w 004094.


0 be own tpamroc, 0 KW!"

{ mup“ (i impam bonsai 7 9:

ga p”

Mn carat/few“syw av 3 6

mi,5; mot/pew


b Atywr‘

n oc ;

AAysw b xecpam.

0035 1 ; argpwa'

e; aura; cf.

7rd ; aocpoc.

A 190; 5 la cy

(unite; 777004;

inat'roy .

Apex/yams b afxn.

( as

8 . Or who,being a Have to

pleafures, would not be fhame

fully afiefled, b oth in body and


9 . flHomer is worthy to b e

praifcdj b r many atber lbingf , andcfpocially becaufe he alone of

the poets knows what it becomes him to do .

t o . None of the immortalscan efcape tbee.

x 1 . Into whatfoever city you

wil l have come, you wil l b emcaner than the citi z ens, in all

1 2 . One of themwas advifingme to takepleafure in every ibing,and to purfue this alone ab ove

all for that this was happinefs .

1 3 . Endeavour to be lab orioasin your body, and wife in your

mind that with the former youmay be ab le to execute your defigns, and with th e latter may

know to forefee ulisful things .

1 4 . Do not difturb nor exa

mine h im for h e is drunk, fothat h e could not anfwer you,

fiammering w it/3 bi: tongue.

1 5 . I law a fair woman and

very long a: to ber fl ed“

, fo that{h e feemed to be the daughterof a fwan .

1 6. Th e man appears magnanimous in bi: life, and correc


H T IC aux aw, oi

ribomSuM uw

, auaxywc im am”,

not: b eta/tat xa: tiluxn;

Oyunyac aM ac 7 e fl aw ;

aim: m acaw,

not: xau

on para; a 7ran1'

n 1c, aux aty

vaeza b; be: warm auroc.

Eu ours ateam '

ra; cpuft

lua; aubexc.

E1 ; 57mm; ate 7ramc at.

6QIKVQO/l d / a wart ime, fl ag,



O my aura; a ayaqrew 37 m; abduct” not:

(um ; ov


ex orau; yawn/4 1 , axin g 7a;“ l“ b eubwyuwr


Hepatcam 5 [A6V awluac


,b be 41 a (pm

aacpor Ira: 5 per em '


Suratluaq a Santo s“

, be

fl paayaw emulated ; b au‘utpt


Mn eroxmw aura; lunge

ctratxjo lrw

{ueGuca yap, cin e

aux. atr a a axf lro/z aqso

ou, 6



0t Stamagaum .

E180 1

Atuxac[a ir w e, not.

emanxnc 5 Tyaxnaoc, air é:

na xuxrac Suya rny eryaz .

<I>aurtam6 am? 5 (a ir (can

dxlnmcpywr, 5 36 7mm; 1


( 86 )

1 7. Becanfe the barb arians aremore flavifh in flm r manner: thanthe Grecians, and thofe of A lia

than thofe of Europe, they re

main under the defpotic government, in naibing murmuring.

1 8 . Timieus is ful l of th e

other fault, (I mean the frigid

fiyle a man, in olber tbingr,

wel l enough .

1 9 . Th e keen and ready wit

tecl are,fir zbe ma/lpart, readilyexcited to pafiions and are

b orne along bounding, as {h ipswithout b allal’t.

20. Th e one was lab oriousand manl ike, and fqualid a: to

bee buff , full of hardnefls arta berbandr

, girt up ax to ber robe, ful lof dull, as my uncle was, whenh e polifh ed the fiones ; theotherwas very h andfome, neat a: to

b ar drefr, and graceful a} to .ber

2 1 Moreover a: fame of th eletters are vowels

,which perfeét

a found b y themfelves fa wemay remark of exprefiions themfelves ; fome of them,

in tbe man

ner of vowels, are of themfelvesexpreflive.

2 2. I hope, if you turn yourfelf to {be w ay towards virtue,

that you wil l be an admirab lygood performer of good and ho

n ourab le things .

Amt b" Sauamaq

nenuz b

alaw fiayfiayoq a



M y,ti be my: 5 Amar


b are

f: b Euytaan, ba a/a im 5 Sea

7ra'mtac acyxn


,auba g

ne Sua



O in form, (mym be 5

"l’ UXi’OCg

J mtupnc t luaqar

amp, 6 {my atM ac, Inatrag.

O re aft/ c not: atyxlrbac,0 w e o

ai; o 7ra7xug“ mg 7 90; a

an y; ofaofia- roc ewe xaq

acn e.) cpsyw, ciao-reg a away/t at

w aroc mt atay .

Ella : i


(use e

joyatrntac xatz


ymag, mu coax/anyone a

italun, 6 X“? ‘



7 11 ’

armor, Swim/ tuft : a sagag,

7 1m m; narrow/ slaw“


0 3 5m ,boron few


QA1 90; ! oa w ay:4 be (

d onor eu

a yaawa'

ae, xaq a «rpm/a ct eu

not; z oo/no; 6 atm


ET ! 5 ; 7 907 0; b aTaxXezae

5 {4 27 (pe rmit, 5; xaq

nat'rac iawrauporn aca a7eaeca'

b aura; 7 5307 0; up: emvota


xau em a a yuey awQ

7 04 , ryoa'

a; 7 1 ; a cpametc,


nrae talya t.

EAm,iz b a far 5 gift

7 n a


ls; 7 9mm“

, 0420b 06?

ou 5 not: aeluyac

7 n¢ yaolucq‘s


( 8 8 )

fortune ? or again, how are tbe

contrary ibingo not b ad 3

l o . 1] Ye ufe the earth and

iky for an houfe, and ye haveas many couches as there can b eb eds on the earth ; and ye

reckon as your coverings, not allthe wool thatfleepproduce, but

all the bufhes that tbe mountain:and ibeplainr/endf artlo.

1 r Whoever knows goodandb ad tragedy, knows alfo epics ;for tbc qualities which the epo

posia h as, are in tragedy.

1 2 . R iches, honours, titles,crowns, and euloatever atber tbingr

ba'uetheir outfide decked in theatrical fplendor, cannot to a wifeman at leaft, feem exceed inggoodthings,th e very defpifingofwhichis no moderateexcel lence.

1 3. I {hal l relate how eaeb of

th efe things baue been done, ac

cording to their times .1 4 . Let tbeye tloz


ngr be fifii

Ouro; au apnea), (1 61 807.

cient for you, let tbem always be not “ b “

as principles .t 5 . Let filence generally pre

vail, or let neeeflb ry tbingr be

fpoben, and in few words.1 6 . And it fhallb e, when ye

{hal l have foundedwith thetrumpet, let allthe people {hout togethen, and whilfl they are fhout

c ing,’

tloe wall: of the cityfloallf allof their own accord

,and all the


oratyat b ruxn ; n 7mm" , 0

trauma; mac aux an; xatxac

Ozxzat { e xyouluaq year

7 : xaq auyatrag, xmyn be out

an: ba aaac yua/xaq“

av eu

m em yeag°

a—rywyxat Se vo

WC“ ) aux 67mm; W'


gauo tyros/p, OLAAOLboroaaccpyu.

yam 0390; re xaq n ediar o:


Oa'n ; my: 7 730575031 1


also)” (m ould/o; xat/ paw

M e, 61860 xaq 7 291 mat," be .

yap£7ra7ranqt exo , zioratyxa;

b rfaygabtat.

Haauraq, 30205, ru

fawnc, m, baa; all: « n o; a

XC" oraxuz; d sinew(

759007 905

ywlewp’ h

,aux atr aye (ppm

,uae, Saxtca


oayatGoc ump

a; d uo-

acneb myt



yareca atyateacne



u usrgxac.

Q ; ixaa’

laep azi'roc organe


G),lt.d XPOVOG



Exam; 5 n ew n

Aataeca b arayxaqac, my 3105

an y/04g


- Kau oi; azr raaonfca6 (rommylE, araxgafw

“n ot;

5 Actor ai/xoc, xaq avaxyafws

aurag, morrwm

aura/xarag /

b rezxag 0

n ame, xaq z loty

Xouauam; 0


may, bf/xataaf"

( 89 )

people fhall enter, each one

tulb ing forward into the city.

Exam ; xaurac wyaamn'

or er;

5 71'


1 7. Domus quidem tibi b ene hab et, et mancipia omnia,

ct equi fane, ct canes, et pradia, et quzecunque pofiides

pulchredi/pa/ita funt.1 8 . O fiulti, nefcientes quantis terminis negotia mortuo

rum et vivorum df/Z‘

retafunt, et qualiafunt apud nos.


The primitive pronoun is ufed in the genitive, inftead of

the poll'

ellive pronoun.

T he genitives of primitive, Sic .

Groeci fub ftantivo ftepe, SEC .

1 . T HEN Jefus faid, Letthou her alone, th e h as kept ituntil the day of my burial .

2 . Fearnot, daughterof Sion,lo tby king cometh, fitting up

on the colt of an afs.

3 . And that they may not

gladly fee th e place, where theykil led our auxiliaries .

4 . And the fteward faid in

h imfelf ; What ihall I do, fincemy Lord takes my fiewardflaipa

way ? I am not ab le to dig, I amafh amed to beg.

5 . You fay right, for I cured

your burns , when lately you cameup half burnt.


Em ar our 5 Inaauc, A lpin

yxg‘awrac, cl; 5 dfl fpa b 61

7 a cptataluac eye rug/ eta aw '


Mncpa ,Suya rnpS law,

18011 , 6 Baameur; ou eyxayuaq,

xabn/xa u em mexaca


Kaq 87m ; pm 5 w iov

tibia); bfatw, 0 9a: xat'


eyw a aululuatxac.

Ezoroy be er iaw'

rau 5 ant

arc/4 04°

Kuloxac eyw area/yew

ayauxx tyw ; exam-

rmaux te.

T l; 7 0160 5 7 1 o

0 01K.

q ,m am a: maxi/roam.

Eu h iya), im ou 6 £70t

‘uat iota


61 g 7 19a amy6

XO‘MJ I nyuzqmexrag.


( 90 )

6 . 1]Do you then, my fon, b eftrong in the grace which is in

Jefus Chrift.

7 . If ye keep my command

ments ye { hal l remain in my loveas I have kept my father 3 com

mandments,and I remain in his


8 . Now my foul is troub led,and what { hall I fay ? Father,fave me from this hour ; but,for this did I come to this hour.

Father, glorify tby name . Thendid a voice come from heavenI have glorified it and wi l l again

glorify it.

9 . And the b ook of this law{hal l not departout of tloymouth ,and thou fhaltmeditate in it

,b y

day and b y night, that thoumayett know to do all the thingsthat are written then {haltth ou b e direéted right, and thou{halt rightly direét tby ways, andthen {halt thou underl’tand.

1 0 . Num major es patre 11flea

I 1 . Filius tuuo Vivit.

Eu our,

aexyov £710, 1 9


mo xayzc 0


w rac Inaauq.

E01 11 6 sw am eyca Tapews,

[Ail/Cd 9 1 5 0170 t eyw

x01 9w¢Q

1 710 o



raan o wot-my £711 1

rupee , tea, ( e 0} aura; er 0

0171 01 71 11 .

Nuy 6 eycaf

rayoca7,own 7 1 ; H ooray,

awgcas 6710 ex b (5901 abrar .

31a oziraca


en; 5 oiyot owin g. D owny, So

Eotgcasou 5 aya

luac. Efxoluoq

ouv (pom ex 5 auyotyoe, Kat:

SoEaCois xaq 71 01 71 1 1 302016103

Kanaux camera/1 1m

Aoc 0 aura; ex 0 era/xx

au,xoq l

ame-rota) tr otu'




/4 2901 xoq ruE, Iyot also: 71 017 01 ; 5 yyoupo

flh7 07


2 eu

aliow,xoq euaSow 0 030; au


xaq 7 07 5 (WWW/Al.

9 2

6 . I nay/elf bane ajbare in tbe


7. My friends, a moft excellent man is come to us ; for all

men ouglot now to know this man’s

deeds .8 . I do not repent that I kil

led your fon, but that I did notkil l you alfo .

9 . You fay a pleafant t hing,

if I mu/l firft become a mufician

and then be a w ife man .

1 0. It has b een written ; Thouflaalt not muz z le the ox tread

ing out the corn . D oe: not

God [ are ab out th e oxen ?1 1 . I

_do not care about you.

1 2 . Cbildren auglot to inberit

as wel l their parents’

friendlh ip,

as their fortune.

1 3 . It it lefs allowable for

princes, than for privatepetfam,

to b e unjuft.1 1 1 . If you appear to them to

fpeak the truth, you w ill loave no

need of any tbingr, but go away,

h aving taken your own things .1 5 . HFor h e having a navy,

w e need fwgft galleyr, that our

force may fail fafely.

I 6 . I {hal l try to make bun,

wh o gave th efe things to us, never to repent of bit journey to me.

1 7. Te mtfl loate th ofe wh o

write things contrary to law, and

tb z’

nkno one of fuch things to be

0 pm oriroc eye),

n emawm

7 mm, unn on l


7 atutae15 5 7 90; £70) blag.

Xyn oulam a) 6 5 mayor

va/xoc yyotcpwh

,xot/ purge :

umyo; nyeoluoq Gill/ J 0 1 01


rou {4 67 607 1 0 8101-2

11 01 105 .

Amy cpnxoc, iixoi eyoi arnyoc


yotgac'yuy yacy 11311 7rd ; atr

G‘oonror 39 1 613107 3 min ; sy


OuX 67 1 anoxz euoi au 5

via; pen t/1 67m eyoi, OCAMZ zi

7 1 u xcq o


un yoaaoroxre ucas


X otylac Milo), e1 nyareyov

x10atyoi§ae yuolixaq“

, xau e:

7 01 aa<pocxyn.


yotcpoi' Ou (tn/t wo) Boug

otAootoi . Ou‘

7rey1 b Bouggpte

aa 5 Gear ;

0 11 361 4“

tyoo [utt e



Hyena 0 n one, oiaorey 5

ouazotg,ozi'roi xoq b cpmtot 3

orat'ryzxog xanyoya/xeoi.(

O Batomeuc mi

rror 627 1V 018mm: 11 b dun no.

Av 8011 5 10 01 1 119114" aeyoo

sxavoc, auga ea

av n yoy

plot, o ot A


auCuyw6,at7 m

/x1 , 5 aeow'


A61 yacy, 6X0 oxen/ac raw

7 1xoc xau TOCXUC rymync e

yo), 07 m; otocpotaoic o Surat.

puc WASG).

( 9 3

imall, but every one exceedingly great .

1 8 .

It became: all perfanr to

make libations, and to facrifice,

and offer firft fruits, chaftely,

and not diforderly, nor carelefs

ly, normeanly, nor b eyond theirab ility.

1 9 . Do ye wifh that we

fhould lay a fine on thofe wh o

do not do this , or are youfar

20 . Sending out the flleep

one by one into th e paliure,

h aving commanded the ram,

what things be bad to do for me.

2 1 . Tau may ufe, as Winter

quarters for th e army, Lemnos,and Th afos, and Sciath os, and

the other iflands in this place ;in which there are harbours,and corn, and all things whichbra neaj izryfor af fl llé’f ,

2 2 . For Jupiter, having b e

gotHerculés and Tantalus, made

the one immortal , on account

of his virtue, and punifhed th e

o ther with the feverel’t fufi'


ings, upon account of h isw ickednefs ; ofwhich examplesw e,mal

ing u/i’, j bould aim at excellence.

2 3. The people anfwered to

him, We have heard from the

law,that Chriftremains for ever ;

and h ow do ll thou fay that tbe

[ on of man mtg/l be lifted up?

ow oc, OCAAOC im am; 5m;


Efl evgw,

uaq Sum,


a'frafxoluoq, Exowro; wpw

HKGi, xatllafwg ,xoq [

a nemae

cup/4 6mg, M1S5 a/xmwc, ‘un

5 5 yamxgwq, lungs Limp



BovmluoqCry/mot o

pn 7 m



,n7 mm; ye 52:

IVIOWM'Pl warm/4 :




Carey 2; 5 volun, a ren a)

5 after, 5 7 000; Xpnz

” fow

aco owraq on e?

fT fl afxer ovpl

xa luofizoc’

Xfa oluoq 5 Swot/4 :4 , A nlurog,

xoq G aO’


,Kd/ EnraQog, xoq

5 au to; 0 ey ov'roc 5 7 07m;

mow er 5 ; my Mum,xcq

on ce, my 543‘

Xgn O'




y a 7m c vfl apxw.

s g yap‘

Hfaxa'enc nag

T ar mac; yerraws,5


5xx 5 ape-m


,aga ya '


w,5 5 5

,5 1a 5 xafua

,5[a e

7 a ;“

rt/awlotocxoaafw 5 ; X?”

n apagaylua Xmapaq,0


0 uamnayaGMg.

A z axptvoluaqpown ; 5 ox.

M g, E75 ) axouwsex 5 ro


5 7 1 5 i a'

ro;{Mil/a) ex; 5 man


not: 7 mc cu N 75 ). 5 7 1 56: ti

xlz ous 5 via; 5 aewfl og



( 9 4

24 . How then wi ll you b eof no confequence w bo are re

quired to be of confequence in

thole things alone that are in

your power, in which you maybe moft worthy.

2 5 . If he wh o cenfures thofe

wh o write to infirué‘


conlider thele things particularly, I tbinlz h e would no longertake th e contemplation of th e

prefent fubjeéls to b e fuperflu

ous and ufelefs.

26. We mtg/l learn from . no

thing elfe than art, this molt im

portant thing, that there arefome of th e things in writing,which depend on nature alone.

27. It i s doub tful whethertbefi animalr ‘wlaz


eb are called irra

tionalba've notfamefl areof red/En

forperhaps, although allpartakenot of that which is uttered bythe voice, which they name e~

nunciative, yet they do of thatwhich is in the mind, whichthey cal l internal, fome more

and fome lers .

Han: 5 5 ou5ez; auger/40435


5; fr [4 0mg 7 1:

5 5 : 5 277 : cu“

,er 5 ; 22657 :

cu up: 7 mm;

2 8 .

“ Sib onum aliquem amicum paraturi fimus, no; ipfir

50720: oportet eye, et dicere pulchra et facere.2 9 . Sive zes, five aurum

'dicaveris, aliis quidem aliquan

do pofi‘

efiionem et praedam dicaveris 5 deo vero parvafi re/m

aurgficum tuomm.

E: 5 5 7 0; emaoyxé'


Q QneuronEav'


,a o xpnaro

”ocean sfl s /xawg,

OUR. ow

an,eye.) 50x21 , 7 591 5 5 0; m,

b Q Q090

9 175 7 0; 0 am og

7 7mm.


hgrifl e/4 05 :


0 5axvpzoe re not; carrot,5 we: 7 1 ; 5 er Aoyog


lam/o; 5 cpvozg

dowe a h Aoeiv

n 5 rexmetc/4m

90cm6 5

E: per Mom ; A070;

person 5 owtoyo; ore/ua


(m y,(XSPHWC ez/u

' mo;“

yap,it no “ 7 011 p21 narrat e5 30mm,

5; non apopofmog ova/4 0565 ),« M oe 5ye now


cc 5 44a 5;eVBzaGe‘

roc named, l

awsxca7 05 4

“ e


{ma mb o0 56


( 9 6 )

fin irgoing abroad,or when be bar 11 ammo/u 5 iowrou,

h is property, beware lefi: npoaexw an ou 5 par/m am:

the appearance may take you awapn aZw5



5 . It being‘

of great importanceto the army, that the generalfliould take care of h is own fafe

ty, for th e good of all.

6 . WbenGodgive: bi: aflfianee,

mal iceh as no power ; and -wben be

doe; not give it, lab our is in vain .

7. The Grecians having tbree

fleet: w ortb attention ; tbat'eubieb

you have, and aura, and ibot of

the Corinthians .8 . Th e fum of all thefe i s,

alma/l fifteen talents.


9 . Tbe year being pa/l.

I o.

“Tbe man boning done this .I 1 . Many of them alfo fled to

the mountains , as expeéting tbatA lexanderwouldnot come to themat leafi.

I 2. Thepeople voted to make

war ; but when they bad determined on it, it was impoliib le for

them to b egin‘ immediately, be

ing unprepared .

1 3 . fl] Having befbreflae‘wn ibe

tbingr, which make writings

great and fublime, it is manifefl,

that the contrary of thefe wil lmake them mean and vulgar.

1 4 . Fathers ref’train their fonsfrombad afib ciates ; thefieiety of

How Jlaoepei 5 orgas

rev/rot, 5 arparnyac 5

avrau awrnpiae, wrap a x01



®eo¢ 5 15mm, [4 6561 4 10'

q <p90vo¢ not: an 5 15mm,

[4 715614 IO'

XUGJ n ayae.


we: Aoyac

5 Emmy vow-

n uav' 5 arac

poc au",not: 5 tig erepag, not:

5 Kopwetoq.


Ow ae necpaaaouav 7 m;

y zyra‘uou, Iumpac M ina), mv

7 5xa 15mo¢ T OCAOCV’



H elper/U6 mann e





ti'ra; m ans.

QHome aura; xoa £1; a

5 90; xoc'raccpezq/ca‘s

oi; npac

azirac ye aux fixa fiAME




O Witneoc 44 }?tMinew' 5am: 5a can


ac, w.

90; (my a5wac7 0cpr'e

W" cm

Xezpiw, unafowxwogpld

(a t.

Hpa Jnadetxru/ai 5, 5 5 0;

evyernc not: aid/mo; epyazo

y ou 5 Aayac, 5naoc, <5 ; 5 e


lac"05 1 0; Tswana; 7 me

ew3 not: aaxn/Acar.i

O visa; a n anny £1975 :

« no 5 arampa; . ay9§w7rosf

( 9 7

the good being an exercif‘

e of

virtue,b ut ibot of the b ad

, a

deflrufi ion.

I 5 . Tw oflying: being good to all

men tbe leading one, and greaz‘

eflof all, to be farce/{fill tbe azbar


[eff than this,but ibe greatly? of

other things, to intend we l l .

1 6 . Tbe earl/a being torn open

from its depths, Tartar”: i/fifi'


pafid ta view , and ilae l o/e w orld

reeeiving a commotion and a rent ;

all things together, heaven, hell,things mortal , and immortal , to

gether comb at and lh are the

danger in the fight .

1 7. I remember, not longiince, how h e was quite terrified,and this too , ibey being but ibree.

1 8 . O ye worll o f Lydians,and Phrygians , and A llyrians,know thus, that [ w ill not eea e.

1 9 And I b lame Bacchus truly, becanfe,having conquered youin a fca fight, he metamorphofedyhu, w ben be ongbe only to haveh eld you under his own power.

2 0. He prayed to the godsiimply to give the things thatwere good, as {begodrinow b ell,what kind of things are good .

2 1 . If you efieem a pot, re

Ian 5 Mano


roe gum/at“

aaxnaic 5 afsrn, 5 5a 5

n ot/ 13,9 05 , X d TOtM/U



Ava ayaese i l l/J 7rd : a v‘

finance- 5s pew iiyeouou, ice/4

aeya ; m e a tun /X5 5 ) 5

5s emxue (use atirac

,0 56

came; ‘ueyac, 5 Malta); flaw

awe/mg .

A rafpny

wlui per tn Bag

pa; yea , own ; 5 5 yuproc


T ap—rape, amt -

flown: dz 5

}.a; xoq 5ia5 'm aic o ROG/£ 06

Aa/ucocrw 7rotc cila at, aupavac,

cc5nc , 5 Smrac, 5 agayaroe,aka 5 rare wan n a/Asa) not;



cu ago n ai ve,Qca; n arrow ; 5a 5w


my 05 7 0;"c

,7pm a



9 . name A v5a¢ xau

(Pfuf, not: Aaavpioc, czi’


y nwaxa , c5c au5e n aqwm”

eye) .


oq {agape/ecu ye a5 A“


ac ,5 7 1





s, [

LtiTocCah Aw6,5h


luavoy .

EaXa/mq2a fac 5 960; ci

sn wc 5 otyot99¢ 5 15 5 5 114 1 , ( 5; 5

S taga

norm /5 7 0. 61 5255 7, 5 77 5 1

5 ; ayaeoe alw .

A vxvrfa arspyw, lume


( 9 8

member that it is but a pot that

you cll'

eem and thus, w laen it iJ'

broken , you w ill not be troub ledif you dearly love your fon, orw ife, that you love but a mor

tal and thus, w laen be diet, youwil l not be troub led.

2 2 . They who are ab le purchafc fervants , that they mayhave them as fel low lab ourers ;and acquire friends, as needing

afiiflants but they negleét theirb rothers, as if f riend; could be

made of citiz ens, and not made

of b rothers .23 . And now flee play being

over, each of them having firip~

ped 05 that gilded drefs, and

having put off h is maik , and

come down from his b uflcins,

goes ab out poor and humb le.



7 5 7 1 xv'rpa anpyw na

T d yVU/uis

yapm ac, av 7 a

paoow3 ‘

av 7ra45iov aeav‘rou

na ra cpmw , n yum,5 7 1 ar

lipwarac xa'


ano a


yapaurog, a n apaaowi‘.

Once-mc [AW 5 5vrala aq“

onto/aah ira owepyoe‘


xa/ cpzaoe n'raa

la af, oi; fionGoe

5eala oq

° 5 5e~a5eacpatg ape:

aeé , oian ep‘

ex aroma-

n; my iyrola ai (putoc


,ti“; a5tapo;

5a of) 7 17V0/4 af .

H5n 5a n epa; 6X6) 5 5pm

,a a

,an od


uwms Enaa ‘

rac au

7 0; 5 xpuoon aafrac.


£ 5 9514, noq 5 npoawn eray a

WOT lgn/Almis

,’ xoq na

'z agoq

6an o 5 tp€a 1 ah n ew;

not; 7 an c—ira; fl ip/EpXO/Ad la

24 . Illa haec adhuc dieente, non eXpectaviego finem vertb orum.

2 5 . Hi: p OfifiI , felicitas in laudab ilibus fit'

, an potins mhonorabilibus rebus, videamus.

26. Hunc igitur Pertinacem, nafie intempeyla, fopoi'

e ear.

repti; amnibar, Laetus atque Elec’

lus adeunt.


( 100 )

not b e thirlly, nor b e cold inw inter, nor warm infinnmer, no

law could make men obey as to

thefe things.8 . On Me fir/l day of the

week , Mary Magdalene'

comesearly to the tomb , and fees theflone taken from th e tomb .

9 . {I A nd having failed fromthence, tl‘e next day, we came

over againfi' Chios ; and tbe day

after, we put into Samos and

having (laid in Trogyl lium, tbe

next day, we came to ‘h/Iiletus .

I o . Tbe next day, Cyrus fentthe mefienger ; and th e Arme

nian, and the Chaldeans fentw ith him,

thofe whom theythought mo lt fit, b oth to aft

along with h im, and to fpeak

properly of Cyrus .1 t . The fubjeét of the Odyf

fey i s long a perfon beingmany

year: abroad,

and guarded byNeptune, and being alone .

I 2 . Yourfervant, Menippus ;

and whence have you come to

us for you have not appeared

ibir long time in the city.

I 3 . They continued thuscrowdedfinzefiventy day: thenthey difmifi


ed the relt, exceptth e Ath enians

,and whatever of

the Sicilians and Ital ians werein the army.

"I ”

annoy i.

O O5vooeiai

/aanpag 5 Ao

yoc afar ana5nla ew 7 1 ; £7 0;

n ame, 5m n apacpvaao'

ow ti

n a 5 H ootz5wr,not:


5 Xa lacayg, [W75 5 SaAnca o

S epoe, av5uc ay rag a; 5um.

lua i

pso 5 ianpaooa>m5


n oc ozircc 77 61 8m.


0 t 5 oaCCa ’



plot 0 May5aanrn t ala az

npau ticLam/40W,xa i [iaen sa

5 “ Go; a ipo7an a

(urn/4 am


QKa i ma iler an onaew


on ce/uh,xa

rarraw awmpvc

X zar~

5 5s irtpoe, T apagouu

Ko G a ; Z a la ae'

not: newsor

Tpoyvitmoy, 5 O



yaa t

oex a rcc



O ziorepatae, 5 re Kvpoe;

n e/xnw25 ayysaae

' not: a

Appnnoc, na z 5 Kampala;C

own s/An a)"

ac ixarac ran:


xai ovnnpaaows,

not: n ap: Kupoe 5 npau


it‘ll ] .

Xaipw, w Mewnnor nae

ne y fyta apno ea/ear ,n a

Ave yapxpora; av patrol“

itQa n ame.


Hya tpoc pm i€5o


7 a 7 1; 05 1 5 : Sid d G/ld lpa 9n



enema, nany A9nyaiog,

um um"

Ememwrnc n Ira

Nm '

nc oyarpa'revo)

,5 ama§

an a515wnim6



I 4 . Socrates, having talked Exinog, train er 0 K,”

to tlicfc women, before. Crito, 7 m,5 Smpxn z; 5mm”

and having direc‘ted whateverlu au 7 c , xa i €7NGT£AAGJ

th ings he pleafed, came to us oioaa fiovm,ua i


h imfelf ; and it was now near

fun - let, for he fpent a long time

within.1 5 . As h e was ath ing thefe

things, (Socrates) a nfwercd no

more ; but having remained

quiet a little time, he moved, and

the man uncovered him,and he

fixed h is ey es .1 6 . I fay


that five hundred of

th efe {h ould be A thenians, of

whatever age you think right,fervingan appointed time, not long,but a: mad: at feems proper, in

lucceflion to each other.

I 7. It is faid, that A lcib iadesb efore he was twenty yearr old,

converfed about thele things,with Pericles who was his tutor.

1 8 . From the time that theyleave the Ephebi, thefe live a

gainfive and twenty yearr thus .

1 9 . Cyaxares , king of the

b ledes, continued drinking, tbatnigl

't in which Cyrus departed,as if fortunate ; and , hearingmuch tumult, h e thought thatthe o ther Medes , ex c ept a few,

were in the camp.

Iaursc rixw

wafer. tyw' m u SI

‘LU 67

7 tc iimc; Xfovcc

y ag 71 0t 81 51 7 5)l WSW.

Ouroc ego/a x : aun t , cu

XUC ( Tl d fl'

CKflVO/Kd l’



QomyocXfaroc Smu t


yew? Te,xx: 5 arefwrroc ex

xou wtrrw aw og, not: 54 5

alufua iarn

‘a t .


Gun ; 35 AGm/ouo; (pup:‘86! m vraxamm

,£2 5;

on 7 44 cu Jamie: team); 5X”

85 x21, xgoro;

ram -

o; 0'

dT tuw

m, ,w 1

luaxpoc oJToc,

co ma 50- 0; on Sane: m m ; e

Xw, ex glaXOXH a AAnAwr.

A syw, Aamgtasnc, fi ftyemoatr e


rotgEI/xl, Neptu ne

em '

rfarro; (a t? it

‘d lh

,taun t}


raw: 8e dlaA -syopai”


A 7 0 5; av efsfxopouo

xfcvo; ex 6 ozlrat;

owmm xx: 21x07 : £7 0; 81 d


O Kuacfafnc, 6 t; Mngcc

[Emmet/c, 6 per WEer 6; s




Kugoc, aura;

7 s y ear/ri d“

,nic em wru


° m u 5 aM oc Se Mngoceta/4 1 1

”” affix/U £7 5 01 905

7 o7re80v,7 mm an y

/ cg, « nova:

3 0fUCc; m kvga.

2 0. c tcm indueris non modo vilcm,fed candem quos

que cg/latc et layeme.

2 1 . Pg/i'ridze Tigranes ipfe aderat.

2 2 . (Q um vero advenerit finis, non ob l ivione inhonorati Jacent, fed memoriaper omne tempt/J celebrati florent.


The queflionw bitber? is commonly anfwered by m or

77904 with th e accufative : by it with the dativew hence ? by m or aura with the genitive and by or tbrougb

w /Jat place? by 3m with the genitive.

A dverb s in 91 and a: are ufed to fignify at aplace in 4‘


as, or C2, to a place : and in SW and 3 2, from a St is

alfo added to accufatives,to fignify to a place.

The diftance of one place‘

from another, is put in the


Graeci faepifiime in locis, 6 m.A liquando ufurpant, 81 0.

As ita additur, 81 0 Eton.

Nomen fpatii, 81 0.

Nomen loci, St e . Wetten.

The difiance of one, 81 0.

To the names of towns,The prepofitions are fometimes, Ste.

Th e Greeks often change, 81 0. Bell.

Ad locum, in, aque, 8CC Helmet .

A ND now fend men to Kou'

vw it; Im

7 a. we came.

2 . And having got upfiom t xeigtr aware/ “6,


1 04.

ders, and high priefts, and

fcrib es.

1 3 . Bring forward another ;or rather theic two ; that laughing man f rom A bdem , and thatweeping one f


om p cfw ; for

they are wil ling themfelves to

b e fold together.

1 4 . Odenatus the Palmyrenian , a man at firit ob fcure and

unknown , foon humb led h im

then from h is infolence, after h eh ad come borne

,and was raited

to great vanity.

1 5 . Do not heiitate to go a

long w ay, to thofe that promifeto teach any thing ufeful.

1 6 . Paul had rcfolved to failb y liphefus, left h e migh t haveany delay in Afin ; for he was

b attening to b e in j eufitlem, a

gainft the day of Pentecoft. And

f rom Zlfiletm, having fent to

Eplief m, h e called to h im the

elders of the church .

1 7. I fend youwh o have b eentaken


,and I give you

leave to confult with the OtherChaldeans, whether you wil lfight with us, or b e friends .


s m'

o H on/me 7mm.

57mm 6 Etptoog


, pinat a-

r i

7’ 1 l’0/ACU

P5 5own ; not



il’ 6 Aotct ' yap, 21 ;Q QQ0 mayo 0 m omma


Tn, 7 :





y Isoovoocmfu . A77 6!

5art .

Epsom: fleraxctasw o a far.

62 6 Mnxn7'oc, Wfi/J fl w

Con go; 6 im am-

ta .

E760 acpm/u ou outfi t,


‘uga yw


, m : 616mm ou't


ow 6 can t o; XaAolcuo; (Sou.


e'Te flouaoluou7 6.

M y st» eyw, en

's (plAOC ti

lt/J .

1 8 . Defcenditque poft finem annorum ai Achab in Samarimn.

WON/l: Wd O'

XGJ 0770 6 wpeoq

Curepoc, not: apxttpeug, natt'


AM cc crafotyotyw'

(a cct.

M y 6: 6m“

Aaw 6AC6nfoflsv, not: 6KAOCIQX

6 £2Rosa-


ci/aat y apaura;

m yrpxoxw7[scum/t ow.

Cu611 6) ovrag° o ye,


OvT oc eV ow oncoc66 owl’

91; otcpmveo/amwh

, not: 7 90;5 h

ant agon ist <1 :p WON/c,

a 7ro7rauw amt cc nomina,-f6.

epoxy/act USU/attic; 6 H aa

luupnroc, ampago

/34m; law 7 0a

fl ow'

roc not: onyx/tarot .

Mn xaromt w paxpoé 6a

60; aroma/z oo, 77 90; 6 6:6ao~

km 7 14 XfMO'

l/UOC ifl



yy‘é tt


( 105 5

l g . Scd mihi neque domo‘

exeuntimane, deifignum add

verfatum ell, neque quando hic afcendeb am.

20 . Laudaverit jure aliquis illum Atbeni: legiflatorem,

qui vetuit parentem a filio ali, quem nullam artem caoeu



The price ormeafure of any thing i s putfometimes, the price is put in th e dati ve.

Nomina etiam,Ste .

Pretii, EKG . lf Vetten.

Nouns of meafure'


The price is fometimes, Sic . Bell.

Laus et Sic . uti et menfura,

I .T HE gods fel l all goodthings to usfor 10mm.

2 . If this man b e willing to

give you, for tw opence at molt.

3 . Confider, th at calmnefs is

purch afed at fo mac/3, firmnefs

at mac/3, but nothing i s got

gratis .4 . Th e fruits of the palm

trees beingfixfinger: in fiz e.

5 . Ye know that ye were notredeemed w ith corruptible flyingt ,

fib er or gold, from your vainconverfation .

6.Of wh ich things fomeper

O mayo; z‘amew tyw 7rd ;

5 d yaGog 3 5 0g.

H r t Aw av amicgwlw

ouroc, o{ueyac

z 300 ofiomc.

Emmyw, on T OGOU'i‘éC

mama: av aile d, TDO


7 apufta , flyoma 85: 011 361 ;fl sptyzroé


napfl ocn

xara 5

{ueyeOec £2Swen/7x0; e


Elisa)” 67 : av gogaf'rog




yupmv n XFWW : M r

9ow5in r; para/a; ou um


0c 7 1; (amp; y epo; mt.


( 106 )

fons having received fmall partsfrom h im gratis, fo ld them to

others for a great price.

7 . I b rought you an anchorforfive drae/Jmee.

8 . fl] They fay unto h im ;

Shal l we, having gone, buy two

a dree/ penny w ort/5 of b read,

and give them to eat .

9 . Tel l me, fays h e, Tigranes,atwbatprice y ouwouldpurchafe,to get your wife again Cyrus,fays h e, I would purchafe w ill:

my {if} , to preferve her from fla


1 o . Anacreon having received five talentscas a gift from P0

lycrates, after he h ad fpent two

n ights in anxiety about them,

returned them, laying, that theywere not worth t/Je anxiez‘y whichthey created.

pot exewoe fl fo‘mac Aa


m‘, m ax/p aCLAAOC

Ayxupoc tea/mite arm/Te

Spaw n.

A tya oat/704° Ampxoluafiayopa

ss Sid k OO’

IOl S ynonymalon e

“,no“ S lice/4 :

6 5ecu


t o;


20 Se, any/u , wT z'


seyw 07mm; av wpm


oaid -

re c yum « m ace/4

6am “; Eyw l

a z y, mm,


Kuyae, xoq ow64/a 71-




, (501 6 [armors Aocrfeuws

min e.

Avocxfewv weow wagon

H oAvxyoc'rnc Act/ACa

‘S m v

7 6 mama/Toy, 65; (fifOVT‘ZQ S'

em own ;d iva) wég



Szgw/u act/704, w ray ou art/a cct.)

OCUTOC 6 £77 1 aura; heari ng.

I I . Nicias, Nicerati filius,dicitur praefeétum fodinis ar

genteis emiffe ialem‘


x2 . Neque fi quid emam, fi vendat minor trigmta annis’

interrogab o 571/anti vendit


mire you at lalt ; b ut if you b e

overcome by them, you {h al l receive doub le ridicule


9 . All the maids about her

raj? upalong w ith her.

t o . Stranger, I have alljufiicefrom you fince you eondemnyour

filf to death .

I 1 . 1] If two confonants chanceto be added to a/hort vow el


wi l l make the fyllab le long.

la. Folly, and with it incontinence, are joined to rieher


powerr, andfi/low with them.

1 3 . Thole who are ignorant

of wifdom and y irtue, but [pendtheir whole time in revel; and the

like, fink downwards, and err

through life.

i4 . And Jetus, h aving feenher, faid unto h er; Woman, thou

art loo/edf rom thine ieyfrmity and

he laid h is hands on her, and immediately { he was made firaigh t,

and continued glorifying God:I 5 . Critias and Alcib iades ,

wh ilft they were w ith Socrater,

were ab le to govern their badinclinations ; but being /eparated

from him, Critias having fled ih

to ThelTaly, afieiated there w ithmen Zf/iflg iniquity rather thaniufiics.

ou dan ger S ofia/t ale): sort it.C

”Tw 5ow'

roe, 31 7mm a foo


'"xa '


Z urarw'mflfi lute own ;

are ; 5 app: ecu-



Exo , a) fa r“ ,a


otoot au

om e o 8um,67m in a ewurou


rotgmotfw S am -


Ex Bpotxuc

goon/net; Sue ov


m '


(pipes, (t ax/

co; a ortafi 6 aun


Eur-m am ", xou dumm

Aoueew o“ use a nal/7 0; mg a

not: pen t

ozi'roe, axoaaazot.'

O opornaic ital aft?"Q

omeryog, eucoXiot it not; 0

T OIOUTOC ore: duvet/uh,Xd



deform, k oq mtotvocwm

E1306 gt aura; 5 Inaoue,Conroy otv


roc' I



5 aoeera oc aw ital ea rn er:

,w ow'

roe 5 Xilf; xoq r apac

Xpn/t ot avofeows,not] 3&a

{a 6 5 0;


n ote not] AmiCiaSnc,w ela z y Ecoxpoc


lnc duvet/u2” ” l


alumna, a fan name m illa



rear sumo; 86 at.

6, Kfl

n d ; [ m


£1; G er rama, ex“


aural/u ctr/99mm; arc/act

Fan cy a Sataqoougn xfam

( 1 09 )

1 6 . Firft then, I am right toanfwer to the Brit falfeh oods,

w hich have hem/poker: agairgfl me,and to th e firfi accufers ; and

then, to the latter falfehoods,and the latter accufers .

1 7. You need notwonder, myfriend

,for, having been lately

with Homer and Euripidee, I

know not h ow I was fi lled withtheir words, and the verles comeof their own accord into mymouth.

I 8 .

'A jax , if you, b eing mad,killed yourfelf, why do you

b lame U lyfi'

es ? And lately youdid not even look toward: him,

when he came to confult the

prophet, nor did you deign to

[ideals to a man that was yoarflllow foldier and companion.

1 9 . Socrates taught h is afi'


ciates to refrain f rom thingf im

wj zg’t, andf hameful, not

only when they would b e feen

by men,but alfo when they

would be in folitude.

Hymn ? per our,hmouoc


aa oxoytopoqs

a go; a

a ye-

roe eye.) xotriiyo


,xoq a go; 5 7 90 7 0; x0:





rot 5 5,

of fice 5

voreyov, new a vareyoc.

Mn 3 auy agwss

,w in tr

goe, morn yay Eup1 7r1di1c gi

ottnfoe avyyiro/i ot/G,


in ); ayaari t ms 0


7704,xoq a uroy aroc £769 0


ptryor £7 1 0 are/a d"



E1 avlurqm co A rie,

otowrou tporweo, 7 1 ; 04 1 mm

5 Oguoow; Kou a far/w oo

7 1 fl yoocmaws (xv-

reg, 5 7m

1 2 rincoa

pa rr tvo/aoumh


wyoetmoy org amp ou..



rnc not, in uyoc.

A1 5acrxw 5 s pa rnc 5

cove r,ou

[Mayor 5 7707 1 tiara 5

otVOymroe iyaw, a 7rs1X'


aromoc, 7 c not, ac'ixoc, xoy

awxfoe, ca lm my 57 07 2 if

tymum20. Sib imet ipfi multa decEe ; prepo/itum vero civitali

, {1

non omnia perficiat, qua: civitas velit, ob id pmnae fubjectum efie

,nonne hoc ingens ell amentia ?

2 1 Ego vero cum Diir h eifer, veifor cum hominieaf hoflefti; nec ul lum praeclarum facinus, five divinum five humapum,

ab fque me perpetratur.

( n o )


Th e geni tive cafe of a fub l’cantive i s often put abl'


ly, the former fub ltantive, ivanac, Xayw, ex,£5, or fome cafe

of 7 1 4: or i1¢ . b ein_g underflood.

Ponitur genitivus, 8CC.

Genitivus per fe, 8 m.Mutatur nominativus pol

’c verbum, 86C.

Aliquando folus genitivus, & c.'


Nomina etiam, Sic . Wetten .

Sometimes the firl’t fub ftantive, Ste.

Sometimes the cattle, & c.

Sometimes th e accufative,& c.

Sometimes th e nominative after the verb , Ste.

Many verb s leem, Sic. Bell.

G enitivus taepe ponitur, 8 m.

1 . CYRU S , having hearde

O Kuyoc, « nouns, 5 ” (ea

this, pitied him on account of the 904 l’

rfityw Oil/7 04“


mi; ortune.

2 . He loves h imfir hi; virtue.

3 . There flood by the crofs

of Jefus, his mother, and h is

mother’s filter, Mary the wife of

4 . It i s not right to b lamethis man for the thing: that havebeen omitted, fo much as to com

mend h im for hit ingenuity and

(Putin oat/ roe 5 « fern.

Tarn/usn ayoe 5 area/pa:

5 Inaouc, 5, yunrny avroc,

not} 5 « 5mm5 h orny ow'rog .

May1a 5 5 KAw7ratc.

007 0; 0 may auxozi'rtoq'

ha 1 7 1 oto

luocz 5 en ema.)

hair; ow

7 a; 5 e7r1vo1cc xatt vaov5n eig1oc




1 4 . O can/egr1 1 1 11ch laughter !

But now who could look upon

them (0 contemning other men

or who would believe, that aftera little time the one {h al l b e a

captive, and the other {h al l havehis head in a b ag of b lood ?

1 5 . Then Ammon told a falfehood, laying that you were his

fon ; for you were thefin of Phi

lip. Alex. Certainly .the fan gf

P hilip. For b eing the[ on of Amman I had not died.

a n ame yew e. Amm

VUV T IC OLV Oil/ To; 71'


” a,605 0 wire ; 1i7r£p<pyorew 5 out

meg n 7 1 ; OCV n 1a7wws°


new omyac ouroc new 5c1x

ptoutw'roe aura; 5e 5

xepotM 6X6) tr dam ; aupwt.

5 Apt/4 1.1 11

3 c

A27 1.) tow—rev au


vioe ou Qumran; ago:

(it/l l. Ami. ibu un'

ai‘ oe, 5nAoc5n. Ou yupow Swami

Apt/t or

1 6. Si velles hofpitem impel lere, te, cum in urbem ip/iurvenilfes, accipere, quid faceres 4

x7. Aufcultabunt plurimi inhiantes, admirantes, et fel icem praedicantes te propter vimfermonum,


et pattern tuum.


CHAP. xxxvm.

The dative lS often put ab folutely, efpecially after atom ,

mib eing underflood .

Subauditur ita ow, & c.


popoeia muft have thefame fpecies w ith tragedy.

2 Bread and flelh bring us


E1 ? 56, 5 191 50: 5 aura; 5aexec 5 erran'odix 5 ryocyw5 1ot.

Eyto p1 6? aproe xouagent;to this and ye defire thefame 61C 0070; « yew av it 9 1; my

1 1 3

thing with no, but ye, wander

iug up and down through many

round courtes , hardly arrive . at

length, where we are long hute

3. the mind i s intonicated with wine; it fufi


ers the

film thingr w ith chariot; that have

lfi thriir charioteers.4 .

,\Ve do not fearch and ex

111 common men, equallywith thofe who are of fplendid

5 . They failed immediately

It appears to me to b e a

fliameful thing for a man , to


er the fame thing: w ith the

rizg’ljl1 1pid of animals .7. {I In one refpec

t, SOph o

cles would be the fizme kind of

an imitator w ithHomer, for theyboth reprefent good men ; in

another, w ith Anfiaphaner, for

they b oth reprefent inen aftingand doing .

8 . A b out Egypt, two hundred triremes, w ith their crew :

a nd pafiinge m, were deftroyed ;

about Cyprus, an hundred and

fifty ; in ‘

Pontus, they loft tenthoul

and armed men of themfelves and their auxiliaries .

9 . If Thelialy had one man

only , and Arcad ia one man

thinking theflame thing: w ith me,none of the Grecians would havefufi

cred the prefent misfortunes .


5 ow '

roe eye) amt/5a),

n ame

5 5 7 1 ; iA 1y/1 ac3

, ,a ra1 xoqm oc


7 a) prom; otcpmrtam


p eg, tyw n otaoq mew"



G ran a you; tin e m ag'


165 ) 6 avroc aracrxw

o aifluozh

, o o nnoxcg afl o

Ca h aw

Oux £55 ” t 7 6

m y Bowmafiai 6 em 'rvxwr

arefwm c, 6 ex w e; aa‘u.


T h em £u9vc, at tiremy 61

aom raw.

Aam eyw

a iefmroc, 6 own ; waoxw 6

awa y 6 Super.




6 own ; a ?

Opmfoc Z opoxmc,

‘u i



yap “M?“ wrouG

0 6i, Afxa f ocpamc,fl paacm yap y z/Aeoluou not]

89m: “F?”

Iief : la zy A IM/71 7 05

3 81 06


moi Tying/74, own edwan


, Sixe9afw6

° my: is


,WEVTnKOVT d . mg 6


t or fr i nn-

rag, luvpzo:

omwrn; own ; my 0 cup/i at

XOC ” roam/u .

E: sic ampluorog 9 5 7741 .


“ a,not; sic amp Afxd gld . 6

euro; Worm exw“gym, 9

Sa t i'

EAM V 6 wafa /u xat

XOC Xw /udf

sid l’

l lar )

1 0. Of writers, fomernadeno'

0 new“, 6per vie:

thing more than a collefiion and wow ; n dumywynmy

tranfcript of the things compof ”econ 6 6 q'Cu; w rrfinw

ed b y the anc1ents, as Euclid, p5 b

” new,

italiciz e? Eu


Democritus, arid Proclinus 34m in ,xaq Ah/ioxpii

roc, not,

others, h avmg feleéled fmallparts Hfoxm or o 66, pag e: no

of the h ifiory of the ancients, fairy may/ m o6 6 womaqoc

to comment on, attempted to forefzoc afl olumy oreuw

s, erg

write books on the/21018 fubjefis 6 own ; 7 07 0; axe-1704: em;

wit/J tbem, as Annius, Medias, X6 ?“ cur


1 19m: BiCMov,'


and Ph crbion. S ame? Ame; 7 5 not; Mn

Xioc, uou <l)ut

1 I . Q 1_id enim defuit felicitatis i lli, qui tales majores

habuit, quales nemo alius, nifi quis iirdem cum illo ortus .

1 2 . Magnam hofiiummultitudincm, cum arwir,ce~

n o

8 . fl Thofe w bo are about to be

auxiliaries, ought to b e friends,not enemies, neither envious inthe profperity of their comman

der, nor treacherous in his adverlity. (futuros .)9 . For who

, being about to

mabe any thing, is ignorant what

be it about to mabe P for h e doesnot make it by a power void of

reafon . . (cum faéturus fit), (facturus cit .)I o . In the (play)Crefphontes,

MerOpe it about to bill her fon,

and does not kil l h im, b ut dif

covers wh o h e i s ; and ' in the

Hel le, th e ion, being about to give

uph is mother, finds who {he is .(dediturusfi)

I t . And be w ar about to do

{til l more good th ey to his fubj ebis for h e h ad driven

th e in ;

formers from thei

city, and h ad

ordered them to b e punifhed in‘

every place. (b enefaéturus efi .)

(Dime; oux exfipo; 6a ao

(w ,


ova/t ax“ er

p13,my [inf o em

pd 6o ayxcoVl


, pm

7 6 1 V 0 xocxogp


T 1 ; yap, Iuem ’


woieo fi

7 14, 057Ve 0; (nemo) aroma


ov outoyoc Jaw/4 1 ; 71 0:

EV 6 Katmai/w e, 6Me

poanN AM) 6 via; ocorax'rez




6s ‘

ou,ocM oc

5c l

ocVocw pi not; EV 0 En try,

0 vioc, 6[41 117 115

9 sit





Memos 69 64V 5 7 1 xoq 773


w e 5 0997 5 1 5 613 6 zi7rimoocv

me: not; 6 obxocpaV'

rn; 6 7 0.

MC elm" 6106x56 5 “

,not/ 6;

Z n 5‘

7rocV~raXov fi t “ M AOCCG)

an ew”


1 2 . Nonnullos occidit, nonnullos (inteififiarua) erat

1 3. In hoc ipfo die, Zataraf Ly? unufquifque veflru’

m fen

tentiam, cle fua etiam ipfias dicendi l ibertate.

( 1 1 7 )

CH31 P. X L.

The verb s apt, w yxarw, Ja agxw, y in/t ag, nope , 5X0 ,

oiz u », and AarOaw , are ufed with participles after them, to

exprefs what in Latin would b e rendered by fome tenfe of

a fingle verb .

Participles are often ufed, inftead of the infinitive, afterverbs fignifying an emotion of the mind.

Verb o Tv‘

yxotw ,82C .

Sin participium fequatur, & C .

Nonnunquam participia, 8 m. Eton.

Participium non raro,81 0. Wetten.

The participles for, 81 0Participles are often ufed, 860

When a participle 1 5 joined, 85 0 Bell.

Pro infinitivo crebrius, 8t c .

1 .

‘1 F he alwayr'afiedjb berly, E1 m agm a) 6xot7 tmw’


how could h e juf’tly have th e o w; ar 61xoqwc,

~ 6 own 0 61 .

b lame of the evil which was not pubtailor, xacmac agwot fixes }

in him (permaneb at fobriusefl

e.)2 . He faid that be bappened (Pit/u w yxam

"7 07 g 9 1 .

then to be with Demaretus. (for ,u 1 ciao; Anluapn


te fuifiiz .

3 If a companion be pollut Bar 0 eroqpoc ab “ IN N!"

ed, he who touches him muft be 7h, l a] 6 award

polluted, though be himfclf were m o; poavrw amyxn, xaq

pure. (fuerit.) on own ;‘

ewu 7v ot o6na

a oc.

4 . We were walking in the Tuyxarwmym arw er 6

temple of Saturn , in which we 6 Kym ; ftp” ,tr it n ew :

(7 1 1 3

beheld many other ofierings.

luey ltd] 0171 11 0; am9n

‘ua Se

(deambulab amug ) wpewz


5 . What a great defire have to ; big lueyac we £7 190

you raifed in us, if thefe things wot wfiaam eye , a cv5m:are (0 ? And ibey are fo, faid h e. 01;w éxw Amos ez


(fe habent.) lut

,euro ; exo .

6 . I am prepared to ob ey the Eye: wafm neuazw”pew

laws ; but that I may not inad a value; 07 m; are

verte/zt/y trarz/greff any thing 3m ayma Aareamc’

7 1 ;

through with to ofi‘roc Bot/Ao

learn this diftiuélly from you. y ou coupe); [4 017901 11016wagon

(infcius tranfgrediar.) cm".

7. He is worthy of praife, En d ive: 212105 5; av <p9a

‘wlwbarfiij}conferred af amar on m'5 tpntoq euspyerew.

h is friends . (prius b ene fecerit.)8 . And I am note/burned to Kan 0137 0; pm 011 11 OW"

fay this but b e afiiu’

ed I would xuywmMyra

" 6 3e, m law.)

b e aihamed to fay, that, if ye 7rapot eyo ,anodised/1 1


flay with me I wil l pay y ou. tanfitfif

n odroc a zaxvmm


(me pudet dicere .) sw ay.

9 . Becaufe w e know that the A ld eigecfl fouy

o; oc

Iatter if true,our mind fafi/y 71 11919; a

lt/J ; waphaayzfofim

conclude: that th e former if fo syo 5 {J r/X71 not: 6


(fcimus efl'

e), (falfa air exlu


ratione credit efi'

e.)1 0. Amn whom alfo was By a; nonA oy

ymc elm,

Longinus, whofe compofitions a; auyypoc‘uluoc lap/ac; 0

Wm! great b enefit to t'1 6 fludi 7701 135 1 98; {xerafl ozewmh


ous. (conferunt an; papa).

1 1 .‘JBe fatisfied, Cyrus, faid Gdfifew, cpn/u,

h e, for'


Ifi au/d never my} my woman

to look at her, I could not be av(an



overcome,fo as to do any of the aim s WONG; 7 14 or


things which I ought not to do. mwo .

(defifierem contemplari.

1 2 . Gadatas having heard Au x/ cos

05 7 9 525 ‘ I


1 20

divination, but evenderided thofewho did there things . (edifceham (uti,)(irridere .

1 9 . I know verywel l, that ifthis two: fo, sue j bould not h ave

heard that h e «was in Elateaxbut

upon our own borders .

(audivifiemus effe.)ao

. you not fig/2fell me,if you boveperceived tbat I know

any allurement, which I havenotolflroed myfelf to know .

9 (nonprius dices) (fenferis nofi

eQ(feire ignoraverim.

2 1 . You could neither fay,nor ib ew to him greater tokensof faith, than what you yourfelfv e received from us. (accepifii.)

2 2. If lie/Emume doing you any

wrong, there are laws about all

things, and punilhments, and

trial s,and judgments, having fe

vere and great penalties, and it

was in h is power to ufe allthefe.

(laedere perciperet.)2 3 .

‘ I would be very grateful to the Deity, if I

b e not

mifiaken in the Opinion, which Ihave of you. (h ab eo .)

2 4 . And when be ceq/ed/‘oeak-afog , he faid unto S imon ; Launchout into the deep,and letyedown

your nets for a draught. (loquidefiit.)

2 5 . When you w i l l have methim, ifyouperceive that he wyberto be our friend, you muft plan

Xpaop gaw m 1 6 meta“

ov'roc naraymgtw.

7 1pw91ot,,xm1

motyow, new

01 4, 7r1xpog . 1touMaya; ext.) 0

w a x/ my, 11 01 1 05 7 04

0571 05 ; d c/AOU.

H ow ; av o


9 5 0; d it'


exec“ , gr 1 1 11 hot/nocfrotma“

7 U7Xot1 o1 .i

07 2 32 7rccum’3’

32t ot1tew, 5 1

7 01 71-


ti 1



£14 a

5 Smevor cwpl£ 1; ayfot.

15371 1 1301 11 ovyywolucuqem

T og, towlater7 1 1 511014 511


’t at;

cpmog eyw‘



l C

Eumgewm",on £ 1 011 1 0:



roc J oyxotw"

ext), aux.

av own ; otxouw ey EAw—i

7 210: ettw ,

<2t em 0man e4.


; 5pxord.

Owe av <p9ur99



aeymf sz

7 1 ; canteen/alum?~wen



w az/z an, gig eyw'

aiéw" Meta





r1 A


roe own ; owe ow

”5 7a ; ou-



ay,ow e




own ; av Wy

Xam 7 mmsym Aer/ £ 90 19 .

zE n g agin g 01} opgw

1 9 1

it fo, th at bemay not appear to be

a friend to us . (velle fentias ,)

when be

beard tbat Cyrus w ar tbere, be led

away the army to him. (adefl'


audivit,) (deduxit .)27. The mot

t dreadful of allthe evil was the defpair, whenany one perceived tbat bewasfieb.

(fentiret fi grotare.)2 8 . Do you think then that

th ere is fo much pleafure fromall thefe things , as from a per

fon’ s perceiving that he is be

coming b etter, and acquiring

better friends thefe things indeed alien »: tbml'. (nunquamnon exiftimo

2 9 . And if fometimes I wouldeven liftv the water, and put it to

my mouth, I cannotfuddem’

y w et

the edge of my lip, when flow

ing through my fingers, I knownot how

,it again leaves my hand

dry . (preeoccnpo madefaciens .)30 . As then you know and

are perfuaded, that all pcrfons

fl1 ould be ready, w illing to do

their duty , 1 ( erg/e to jpeab of it.

(ultro vel le,) (defifto loqui.)3 1 . When the Afi


yrian know

that the (pies w ere advancing, he

orders t wo or three chariots, anda few cavalry, to fpring forthand fly. (perciperet accedere.)3 2 , W

'hen the camp of the

0157 0; ”X” X?” lunxw


5 7m ; m ew"




Avenpepov, ems: axoua

wafer/u v oc, otxo/t ou”

WfOC owroc ayw 6 orparw

Pd .

Arn o; 77054' 6 xaxoc

a area/1. 101 , 67 mm r ig un ilat


“z az/4 m


OIOIU d / ovv omo erotc 6 157



T ooovroc rigom apt, 6004 at

ion/ Tova

7 s tiytO/Aoqf

ayaeoc ylyvoluoqi, xoq 5mm;

a yaeoc e rotoluoq ; eye) 7 01 1 07

(11 047 5 t oo‘

rog io/u gw.

Hr 32 were my aft/coQ53am, xaq wpw cpep

o 07 0

pa, ou ogxrw fifes axpoc


,my 31 1 5 dowry

cw. agewm"2x04;


36pm,cruel; ot7re t7rw 211904

6xaf £760.

to ; {a ir ow Si! 5 7790077


7 mm.) teem.) Jwapxw oi

7rd ; oi; eyrwcg

cropxoq 7re19w7





O Aooupoc, cic

779009 114 : o gt tffuraw oeu

76) xen on (1 p tiara- 1 n

I“ 1“ duo n 7 9m,

my form ;

ou yoc.i

07 6 oimcw o c Aoovfto;



Anrians was taken,her huf

b and bappened not to be in the

camp, but w as gonem ember/Eider

to th ekingof theBaétrians. (fortefuit,)(legatione fungeb atur.)33 . U nlefs ye punifh thefe

orators , the people cannotavoidbe.

coming fing er to th efe moulters .

(non efiugiet fervitutem.)

3 4 . Non eeflizbofcribere.

3 5 Sed quomodo agit ? Sitire

07901 1 077 1 507, 5 amp ow'ro;

6on rvyxozm tr 5 07W”

n eioy exam i

nes); a

Baxrymroc flownxwg wow

w olxo/aaqz


E1 1 1 111 fl w eoy cq 6

9117 01; ovroe, owe av (pea .

m°0 aw ay 0 Samar


36. Pueri, ad fch olas ventitantes, in juf’titia enema me


37. U na adhuc pars impern reliqua eft, 11 quid modo cc

go intelligo.


The infinitive mood, or a participle i s ufed to fupply the

place of gerunds and fupines.

Pro gerundns et fupinis, St e . Eton. Ct Wetter),

The gerund in dam of the accufative, & .c.

The fupines,81 0.

The gerund m dz,81 0.

The infinitive lS fometimes, & C Bell.

Pro gerundiis, 8CC.

Pro fupinis fimpliciter & c. Holmer.


L T HE Opportunity of eyf

jfiing. (auxiliandi.)2 . Not powerful tin/fl aking,

b ut unab le to keepfi/enee. (lo

quendo,) (ad tacendum.)

Kat/ea: 6fianBemn.

Ou Asyw Smog, an “


( 1 24 )


1 3 . fl But if battles are de 1131111 5 1 7 01

,(507 19 77966 91 1 ,

cided,now, as formerly, b y th ofe Jioc 6

w paxoluoqb

, en 11 614

that fight well, you cannot be 1 11 136171 09 01 1161 1 61 , Sapfiew

wrong m taking beart. (confi ou6€1¢n°


dendo .)1 4 . The Perfians take care of

bauz’ing pub licly and the king,as alfo in war

,is their leader,

and hunts h imfelf, and takescare of the refi that they mayhunt. (venandi.)

1 5 . And what decrees havebeen pafied againfi the rich ,which

,b y Cerberus, they have

no means of ewaping . (efiiigien

1 6. He h ad foon defiroyed Taxu 6 61 6 7 011301621001;


the wild‘

b eafis in . the park, by 3 179 101 01 1 01 10011 61, 11q

purfuing , andfiribing , and billing 11 411 11 01 7 001 441 10.

them . (perfequendo ,) (ferien'

do,) (interimendo .)1 7.

’This is the way leadingto true learning, and it is very

difficult in appearance. (afpeftu.)1 8 . He was quick infpeabing,

and with his quicknefs, a certain

perfuafion fat upon his lips .

(loquendo.)1 9 . To love too much is the

caufe of not loving . (amandi.)20 . Women are quick infind

mg devices . (inveniendo)321 . The h ifiorian and poet do

notdiffer in tbeir exprgfling thingsin verfe or in profe ; for were

Ari/1 00101 6

Snyotw 5 7 1/ut

Aoluoq 6 Hefonc

'11 0g flam

M ug, wan es) xoq er n ow/1 04,

riyquw carrotd


7 0; 7 5 11 61, 60171 71 9 1;

5 7 1/An tony 67m c 011 3 11901 610.

Key 61 6; X£ 1§07 01 2w 64m(par/a ct not


roe 6 WAN/ 01 0C, 64,

[11 01 6 Kegé

epog, 006614' lun

Xoa'n b Swapwyw





Ov c 6 6604, 6 ayw,

7rf>oc 6 01 71 1191 1 0; n ot/62101,xaq

{ma myexamn oc 779005 16111


T ax‘

v; M yra la zy, moo;

65 ye 6 rotxvc, 71

1 1 ; 0 17 11 01915612em 6.xemog



0 may cpmew, 6101 11 (pmew'



Aura; o yum 611 19 10116 1

TEXW] .i

O im ofmoqf xaq 6

mg, 011 6 n Efl/AETfog Ae

yw n a‘uerfoc 61a <pefco


£1 :

the writings of Herodotus putinto metre, they would never

thelefs be a hiflory in metre, as

well as without it . But they differ in this ; in the one tel/mg

things as they real ly are, the o

ther, as they may be . (loquend o, (narrando .)

2 2. A perfon may know the

age of b ees, in this manner ;

thofe which are but a year old

are glofl'

y and like oil, in colourb ut the elder ones are roughbo th Iofie and to tourb , and ap

pear wrinkled by their age. (vifu,)(taftui)

2 3 . He who fears death , ci

th er dreads a lofs of fenfe, or to

have other kind of feeling ; nowif y ou lofe fenfation, you wil lfeel no pain ; if you ob tain otherkind of feeling, you wil l b e ano

ther kind of animal, and wil lnOt ceafeflan: b eing . (a viven

do .)24 . When h e was prevented

fi am doing pub lic duties himfelf,by being employed about greater

things , he exhorted Arch iadas,

a religious man, to it. (a faciendo .)

2 5 . To {peak in a word, all

thofe perfons appear to have erred farfrom tbinbfng as theyought,who have pub liflied their opi

nion that the foul is corporeal ;for what can the finenefs of

11 1‘

yazla 01 1 0 14 3

1 0607 0; 1 1 :

1 1 1 1 901 11 01, w

61 1c"°

{1 1 11 3304 ah a/1 1




7 14la t


rat{1 1 1 1 901 11 emu F5

agar. An a 011 7 0;


diapi ow,6 66 6 Aeyw,

61,d og 01 1 7 1 1 011 01 1

6 0

61 1 71 16 6 01 1671 1 11 101 61ay 1 1010'

7 1 ; 01 1 , 67 30.7 04q

067 00

6 1 1 1 7 01 11 7 01 7 11; 07 1 71 77 1 0; 7 5

xat/ exxwmfl

Xf01 01°

06 6. 779 1 6611 4 ryaxvc

11 01, 1 16106

1101, awn/11 01 1

57 1


—0g dz 610010)

p 6101 0

0 63 01 1 01 7 04 oogwmh

, n

7 01 n 01 10'946 1 1' Ersfm c OCAAOC £ 1 7 6

auxin 01161 11 01 11 0;

1 1g en s 01 71 71 01

07 190; 01 16 9176 14 11 7 01071 1 01 19,

01 701 010; (01 01 11 01, 6£0161-ou

B7 1 16}: 77901 600: 01 11 7 0; 11 0)

11 11 10"

6 6101 a

11 014 peyaca


1 1 01 17, Afx1 1 6stc, 6 6 3 1 0;


491 11 04 , 1 17 1 03 7 0; fl ayaxot

1 1 9‘

5 01 01 01 1 1 1 1 7 01,

fl ap/61.1 .

eyo 6011 1 50 d rum /1.1 1 66 101


A0y 1 , 7 01 ; seeing, 07 m

6 0; 6“ 5

. 1 1 ; yap 6 6 m et/lu st.

279) 11 1 71 1 07 11 ; 7 90 eyycv y 1

b reath do to us , to produce ideasand reafoning or what form of

atoms,b eyond others , h as fuch

force and power, as to produce

fentiment, when it is mingledinto the form of another b ody ?

(a cogitando .)26 . Proclus was very lovely

to befeen ; for not only was th efymmetry of his members perfeét, b ut it is wonderful , h owth e vigour of h is mind {hone inh is b ody, like a Vital light, and itis not pofiihle to be expnfi d inlanguage. (vifu,) (dic

‘lu )6 Aoyoc 60701 7 01 .


27. De rebus incertis vero, omen/a

fuos, an fufcipiencla effent.

2 8 . A t ifle certe pater tuus aptior el’: 1 1 11 dorendum minus

quam plus habere.


Verb al adjemVCS, governing,

a dative of the agent, andthe cafe of their own verb s, are ufed to fignify necefi z


Cum fignificatur neceflitas, 81 0. Eton, Wetlen, and Holmes.The gerund in dum of the nominative, 81 0. Bell.

1; E my? not overcome Ou 091 1 0; 1 1 11 11 7 101 (eyw),

w omen b y force. (Vincendae funt.) yum.

2 . If it b e not poflible to be A 1 1 1 10 ago; 6 x01

01 1 , 1 1; goon/7 0101 01 11611

Aoywluogp'; 7 14 61 6 01 7 0

11 1 01:

axnluoc 7 00'

ou7 0g, 71 01901 6

01 11 11 04“

1X0) 611 1 011 1 1; 11 01 1 [30

wn, 1607 1 0151 01 1101 ; 7

1 1 1 1 0101 ,

67 01 1 1 1 ; in fo; 7 11 0101 ; 1711 01;

7 01/1 1y 1 v/u 15ow



E1601 “ 1 111 1 1 6 111 065301

‘11 104 6 17 3011 11 01

"11 01 1 y





0 001 1 11 1 1

7 51 1 01 1 11 900, « n ot yap 11 01 1

own ed


01 71 0 6daa 271 01 1 91 61h6

cpwg 601 7 1 11 04,we

S aw/01 01 01 0; 1 00; 01 71'


7 1 7x~

11 01 1 av 7 01 1 0Wag.“

( 1 9 8 )

8 . If you wifh that the gods E1 6 3 10; 131 1 0; 011

f hould b e propitious to you, you 16011 1 01 1 01 1, 3 1901 7 107 1 01 (ou‘

)my? quot/111 111 711 0 god; or if you 6 8 1 00 1 17 1 671 0 on e; 1 91 1101

would with to b e b eloved by your 01701 71 01 1 1 , 6 cpmwa

friends, you my} do good to your 7 1 01

1 1 7 1 611 0 1 71 1011

f riend; and if you delire to b e 1 1 1 11 1 7 100101, 6 77071 1 ;a

11 41 121 11

honoured b y your city, you inn/l 7 1 01 .

(lo [131 1 1 11 0 to your‘

oily. (colendifunt D li, 31 C.)9 ll


o not omit one dream,'

0 all 7 1 11 1 117 01 10; 11 01 1

th e laft and greateft, which gave 7061 , 6071 10 01 11 7 0; 11 01 1 6 1 11

h im all h is hope. (omittendum,71 1 ; 7 01 1 01 019 01


61 eyo 7 11001 71 1 1777 1 01 .

1 0 . Si quis, quum tib icen b onus non fit,videri velit,

quid eif aciendum fit ? An non lmitamli b oni tib icines in ii;

quos funt extra artem ? ac primum quidem,

quum illi inftrumenta pulchra h ab eant, multofque pediflequos circuma

ducant, etiam 11030fl cimo’a .


Every verb may take an accufative of a correfpondingnoun.

(Q odvis verb um admittit, 81 0. Eton.

A ll verb s govern the accufative,820. Bell.

Verbum quodvis accufativum,SEC Holmef .

I o rich live a mucht

o 71 o 0'

10; 7701 1 11 01911 10;

more myé rable life than ye. 011 6131 0; 61001 .

2 . Left fome one ih allfi/e 0 M 11 7 1 1 1 7103


bill of impiety againfi us, b efore 751 01011 01 01 5 1 101 , 1 7 1 6 P0300

Rhadamanthus. 1 1 01 1611 15

1 29

3 . And theyweregreatlyafraid,and faid to each other ; Whothen is this

,that the fea and

winds obey h im

4 . Then, 0 Pythagoras , we

eat afi lendidji1pper, coll/‘

yiing ofmany kindi of meat, laid on muchgo ld and filver ; and there weregolden cups, and beautiful fervants, a nd muficians, and buf

foons .

5 . You awakened me b eingrich , enjoying the molt pleafant

dream,and extremely loafpy.

6 . He, who h as formed b afe

defigns, if fortune favours him,

bu: obtained bi: (lg/ire, neverthe

lefs he has intended b adly.

7 . 1TI make ibej iyle/lpropo/nlamong friends ; for if I {hallappear to have done any wrong,I will confefs the injury ; b ut ifI appear neither to have done,nor intended any evil, wil l not

you confefs that you are not in

jured by me8 . Tragedy baving undergone

many cbangei , relied, when it

h ad got its proper nature and

E fchylus firft brought the number

of attors , from one to two,

and lefl'

ened th e parts of the

chorus .9 . They killed moreover th e

fans of Cleander,and put to

9 1 7 V“ )

Koq 01610”page;

you,my Aeyo

’17 91 ;

Mor' T 1 ; 01001

67 1 6 3 01x010001 11 011 6 01 1 111 0;

617 11 11 011 01 0107 0;

T ot/ 1 7 1 11 91 1,6

Hveayopac, 77011 11 0400; 7 1;

11 011 7701 11 1Ao; 61 1 11 1 01 1 7 1

xow org

71 011 11 ; 11 014 an t/001°

11 011 1 11 7 011 1 01 Xfuo'to; ,

11 01/ 61 01 11 01 0; 11 01 1

00u070; , 11 01 1 7 1 11 01 7 07 0109

2 11 1 701 77 11 007 1 01,11 011 1i

611 ; 01 1 111 06

111 01 1 11 01;

1 060111 1 01 101 1 0600.

1 1 01 1 01 , 1 71 171 1001 .'

0 flouxeuwmsb

oqcrxowr,0 0 mo

a 0; 0 7 1001 1 7 1017 01 1 11

9 1111 01 1 611 1011 018

, 61

0061 1 ; 6cd11 01 11 01 ; [3011 11 1 1101 9 7


0 1 1 (pmo; 61 11 0110; 67 091

01; 1 y01 67707 1 91111 1”

11 1 70151

7 1 ;a“

1 701 cpoqw 11 01 11 0; 7 01


,6,01 0A0y600 0161 11 101“ 11 1

1 1 1 1 7 01 1 1 1161 1 ; 11 01 110;

1 1 1161 Baum/1 01 19 5


11 01, 011 ow 6,01 0A07 1 013

677 0 1701 0161 11 1 01

How ; 1 1 1 7 01C0M1 1 1 1 7 01

5 01 11 1 01 6 6 70017016101 , 07 01 1101m

1 7 1 1 1x01‘ 6 601 07 011

11 11, o,7 1 6 11 7 011 1

1 1 7 11;

1 1 ; duo,i nc 0

A 10XUA0; 01 7013

,11 011 0 o

xofo; 1 11 01 7 7 001 .

Hpooarouow"61 11 01 1 0

71 01 1 ; 0 Ka1 arcl'

fo; , n ow“

7 1


1 30

death allwhom they knew to be 600;a

016101 ? 1 1101 1 0;



friends to h im ; and having drag 6101X§>01 0Iuar 011001"7 1 6 010

ged theirb odies, and treated 160111 1 1 01 , 11 01 1 7701 ; 5 5 391; 1 1v§01

wit/1 every kind gf abu/Z’

, at laft, C01 5 , 7 1Ao; , 71015 0101 1 011” b

111 ;

carrying them thnsinfulted, they 6 6xen ; [31 71 7 01 cps'


threw them into the fewer&

I 0 . Ye have feen, in the 00


000101 , 1 1 6 A0107 0o01 1n;

medy of ArifioPhanes,‘

one So 1 10111 106101 , 2011 1301 11 114 7 1 1: w e:

crates carried ab out, and faying 77 101 101901, <pa1o1cao 7 1 aepoga

that he walked in the air, and 7 1 01,11 01 1 0171 71 0; 770710; (1971 11 01

babbling 171 11 1 73 10t filly. 01 01

I I . Populo amicus erat, et unafizgit'

hanc fugamVidentes autem fiellam; gavjfi [ 11 11 1



Verb s of fenfe, with the A ttics, take an Accufative.

A ttice vero omnia verb a fenfus, 81 C.

A lfo verb s fignifying, 8CC. Bell.

A nd th e A ttics conflrue, 8 m. Holman

1 . IT is not fafe for you tofay, nor.forme to bear/1 101: z

‘bingJ .

T011 beard ibe/e tbingf true,0 Menippus ; and I have d ied,as you fee, being ab le to b e immortal .

3 . Now ye feek to kill me, NU1 {117 101 1701 0171 01 7 15 1

who have fpoken the truth to5, 6c 6


1 1 11 1 91 101 71 11 11 10:

Owc ampomn; ow eW M .

aym, ov'ré £70 axouw 3 7 01 4

011 1 04.

Amen; mire; cum/co ca


Menmroc'nag Smok e), (5 ; 5 .

yaw, elm Surat


( 1 32 )

9 . Bonum gzgfiaverunt Dei verbum.

1 0. Audio bare de te.

1 r Sentiuntpng/Entia.


Participles and adjeétives are often put, by attraftion, inthe fame cafe with the noun or pronoun to which they refer.

The Attics often put the relative , by attraétion, in thefame cafe with the antecedent and fometinies the antececdent in th e fame cafe with the relat ive.

Att ice relat ivum et antecedens, & c.

Att ice quoque antecedens, Ste.

Gen itivus fequentis adjeétivi, 8 m. Eton.

The A ttics put th e relat ive, 8tc.

Sometimes th e antecedent , 8mTh e antecedent is fometimes, Ste. Bell.

Frequenter relat ivum et antecedens, 8cc. Wetten and

RELAT IVE attraéted by the ANTECEDENT.

I . IN bi: righteoufmf; that hehath done he [hall live.

2 . Your b ody is the templegf tbe bolyfibirit in you, wbicb yehave from God.

3 . There are fome, who willnot admire you at all more, upon account of tlwtbing: wbicb

you give .

Ev et

Xmouocrvm aura; 54

” News (atom


O awluoc av mo; 5 tr (m

oi‘yzoc a rea/Aw am,5; axe.)

05 7 0 69204.

Ell/Lu7 14, c


c 5; law cm 3:

Saw: ouSe pmgar

ov'rag item av

(Ltd AMV Stay .

( 1 33 )

4 . I do not afk for the world , Go wept a


noo‘u cc triflaw,

b ut for Ibo/2‘w/iom thou hail: au x are

,” (room y) mi; 31 .

given me, becaufe they are th ine Sat/u cyw, in ace all“ .

5 . And now,0 father, glo Kcu Vuv XoEa S

eye: on

rify thoume, w it/J Iliaglory‘v lc‘b "Hemp, 5 5; exw


I had, b efore the world was . 5 o mar/l ac

6 . Rememb er ye (be w ord Mmporwo o M ‘

yoc Sc 5 .

twlzirl.’ I faid to you ; if they 7m sis-ray cm in eye Su mo ,

perfecuted me,they wi ll alfo xx: cu Jiwxo ’


perfecute you .

ANTECEDENT attrafled

7. There is no public ofict,

through whirl) he had not gone .8 . And fome of the difciples e not: a

from Ctefarea came with us,

b ringing one M ayor}, a Cyprian,an old dzf a


ple, with wbom we

fhould be lodged .

PaRT IClPLE and ADJECT IVE attraé‘

ted by the suasn nn vz .

9 . It has b een ordained by'

O mmc (Ililf‘w

fate for mo]?men, w bmfizccg/iful, 7 a,to z yd eco

, Worm"


never to b e wife.

re . He was broiber- irz- law Qf Aang e/m “ f“ nvromcf

me flaamelefs .

t I , Th e fineft traged ies are 0 M M : Tow/ 9 3m our-


compofed about A lcmz on, and 9mm my: A lix/Awa y“


Oedipus, and Oreftes, and arbor: Odom /c, xauOperrnt , xa:

to w éomfoow r it has happened 500: aM oc ovpcwrw n woweither to fufi


er dreadful things, s Smog, n m iso‘.

or to do them.

1 2 . They fay that there are Egan wagon aura: con/u

with them two kind: of req/oning , afloat o Aoyoc o Xfeww r

the one which is better,and Me 007 14

"“It“ , not: a wow .

grim which is war/2.

by the RELAT IVE.

0px ec/u clon e"


oux 0:9w doxu.

Eurtoxoluatf 8

pagnrnc ot7ro Kalad f tla ow

eyw, ayw, mega o


; fettfw‘,

Mvotowv TIC, Kuz ptog, “ 1’


1 34.


1 3 . 1! He comes then to acity of Samaria, called Sich ar,near 1 198 ground ‘wbicl: Jacob gavet o h is fon Jofeph .

1 4 . When they landed, theyfee a fire lying, and fmall fifh

lying upon it, and bread. Jefas

fays to them, Bring of the [ mall

fi/lm eobicb ye caught jof’t now.

1 5 . At every difagreeab le appearance accufiom yourfelf tofay, that i t is an appearance, andnot at all what it feems 5 thenexamine it, by tog/é ruler, whit/7

you have.

1 6. Do ye now defire peace,for any other thing than this,that ye think ye are ab le to l ivemore fafely, when peace ismade,than making quar



1 7. Socrates faid that thofe

perfons weremad, who exploredb y

divination the things, whichthe gods permitted men learningt o difcern and he faid thatthey ought to learn thofe things,which the gods permitted themlearning to do .

1 8 . He defired h im to cometo the army, that they mightconfult ab out tbe org/ll“ w bicb

they had taken.

1 9 . His eunuchs and fervantsdug a grave for him, when he

Hot; oarraomd


[ mem o mmsyw, or: (pow

T OtG‘

IOL “ f" : .xou ou area/m :e n ho


$05 1e 5 7721 7 06 tEe'rotCo ,c Q t

a m otor ovrog, 0; g m.

p o‘uouow SIC‘ 7 mm: 6

a apeta , Atywplh

Euxotp,Q Q


IOV 0 XQPIOV 64' 818W!

1 94a Id ono6 via; owrat .i

ll ; awoé’

oum 6etc 6 yea ,

Bum.) mgpcxmot Kit/4 061 , are;

me: up7 04 . A sya avroc 6 Iflrouc,theft)

?in 6 adaptor i; motgo


A AM ; f; n05 7 0; ye 6mm,

ezpnvngvw emevyueo, 67 1 ro

F ife.) aooaa'


refor Swat/tot:

(d o , t zpnm 31 7ro7te~




, on‘ut é 2a).



6 « raga /rot 616W“ 5 9 20;

”ocean/d gzauptyw gun/u Se 6sé,

6;Ia wV


7 mm.) 6dp 5

G en; pots/9am .

upotmc, 6 luavn uopotz

EmoreM o mm avroc e

m 6 orpot'

rev/t ota


6 opoupovg 5; h ot/(46am [lov




O { mewovxo; not: 6 Se

gomwy act/7 04goguoow 9mm i


( 1 36 )


An adjeftive is fometimes put in a d ifferent gender fromthe fub ftantive with which it ftands, as agree ing with fomeother fubfiantive underflood.

Sometimes a neuter adjeélive, Ste.

The relat ive fometimes agrees, 85 C. Bell.

1 . P OETRYis morephi/afiphical and laboured than hiftory.

2 . Teach ye all nations, b aptiz ing tbem in the name of theFather, and of the Son

,and of

th e Holy Ghoi’t.

3 . I fay that expréflion is theinterpretation (of thought) by afit appel lation, ‘wlaicla h as the

fame power in poetry as in profe.

4 . The whole multitudé Imoz


ng performed the jocrgfice, cameinto th e temple.

5 . How deep you flept, 0 fia9uganomad ” ,


fin, d id not leap up? But renvoy, 66"

our exeopew at 0


h ow then did U lyffes efcape ? 6e our Oiuw ew; 7 mc Sleepw

6 . 11When he faw the woman fitting on the ground , andth e dead man lying , h e wept forthe misfortune, and faid, Alas l0 good and faithful fin d, thouart gone then lJaving

It] ?us !

(I NAooacpoc roq 6 71 0066“

0; m om; toroptot


revos7m ; 6 sever,

{3001 7s owrocm

ore/l ot

6 warns), xoq 6 vice, xoq 6

05710; WWW/AOL.

A eyco Aegtcii

et/u 0 61a. 6

oray ocoxocgep/Amewt, or not;

em 6 flu/teapot

”,xaq em 6


ext.) 6 owro; Sui/aptly.

p o/xoqo614 6 itpor, Su


, 7 mc 6mm90c.

Em : one (5169 2 67mmX0:

luoq xocen/xa t, not, 6 mega:k it/Lag , Saxfuw 7 5 em 697 6:

964“xoq a n y

, ow,w ayat

90; my xl/ UX”, aixa.

y ou 611 eyw.

( 1 37 )

7 . There are intomalfmjb liom A 070: 0 ixow'

f ocp


in each of us, w bicb we cal l 6; mm ; oropafo .

hopes .

8 . Think that the hearing ofmany things is b etter than muchriches ; for the latter fpeedily

periflt, the former endures forever ; for fwrfdom alone, of allpotl


eflions , is immortal.

9 . Tbe barbarian: are, b y na

ture, fond of money,and dzfpi

jing dangers, they either providewhat is necefi


ary for their fuftenance, by incurfion and inva

fiou, or purchafe peace for great

1 c . Cities have made deaththe punifhment for the greateftcrimes, as not ba ng able to reflrain

injuftice, by th e fear of a greater

l r. Oblefiatis, cum honeftate,eft optimum fine hac, pgf

1 2 . Pm rlarum efl'

, pub licorum aétorum cryiodia .

1 3. Genre: ambulant in vanitate fenfus fu i alienati a vitaDel.



Act n ow ; Xpnyuot ayat

90c° 6,utr yap7 :1c amo

Aetorw,6 6s war a xporoc

a apapsvw occpux yaph avoc,6 in n/4 a ,

d welt , 7 0 Baffiapor ol

AOa fla TOV,

xot/ x1 r6urocg

xa rafl ornoaflcmp‘

n 6la em

Spolungxot/ e¢>060c 6 XPEW‘


argoc 6 fitoc woptm,

n h iya ; y toGocg 6 9 15mm a r

f ixaraaaaoowm



0 7mm; £7“ 6 Iueyac adi



Cit/mot S aran ; m um,

air can ctr, peyac narac (pc

Coc, 6 « 6mm fl atw orm


1 38


A noun of the dual numb er may have a verb,adjeélive,

or relative plural b ut a plural noun can only have a verb ,adjeélive, or relative dual , when it fignifies two .

Omne duale necefi’

ario, die.

Contra vero omne plurale, 8cc. Eton.

Cum verb iprima dualis , 8 m.A/xgow et gum, 860 » Wetten.

Sometimes the dual numb er, Bell;

Dualia non necefi’ario, 8 m.

1 .WHY then are you of

fended againf’t them ? for tbey


zf er juft punifhrnent.

2 . But one thing vexed'


not little Thefm0polis difturb

ing me, and teaching me, thattwo negativer make one affirma


3 . In treating of every art'


two thing: being required, the firflt,

to th ew What the fubjeét is, andthe fecond in order, but themore

important, how,and by what

methods this may b e acquired.

4 . And ye rivers , and earth ,and ye w bopmii/Z» th e dead men

b elow.

5 . {I If the two bawdy,


G od made to afiifi: each other,

Tu; our « you/win s) m ace

own c ; Ss /u alucpeo

xaaoc o0 3mg.

HAW alum sic eyw t u


'rf zwc

' 5 (9 6074 0

mmc tyoxaw , nag 313mm),air 5 (” mommy tit; noc

7 a¢cc<m ocaro'


T im 7705; 7 £XVOA0710£g,

3m: can-

an ew,


207 290;n

6g 361 uyvlu15

fl cr’e



h 8211 7 690; 86 0


7 05 14, 5Xvi/agar; gs 15 21 5

31 04 ,cm ; ow

sym macro; ou'

roc, xoq diet 0;

7 7; pagodbgg




Koq 7ro'

rocIuoc, nag yet/cg,

6 11my 54?v


va/eyes nae/um oer

wro; T IVVU/Adf .

E1 5m

XET) 6; 5 (Dear ec f

m odovaaa/igxrw


1 40

o.Whydo I fay thefe things ?

That ye may know,that notbing

is formidab le to you when atten

tive nor, if ye b e negligent,

any thing fuch as you will .

3 . I would not pay even an

ob olus to any perron .

4 . Ye fee that ye profit no

5 . Thus there i s not one Wifeperfon .

6. Verily, verily, I fay unto

thee, the cock ib all not crow,

until thou {halt have denied me


7 He does not then regard

praife from fuch perfons wh o do

not even pleafe themfelves .

8 . Never expeél, having doneany b afe thing, that you w il l efcape notice ; for though you

may efcape others, you wi ll b econfcious to yourfélf.

9 . 1]When he faw h im una

b le to b ear the fpear, he gave

h im the other things, and didnot fear, that he would be unable

to b ear them .

1 c . Let death and flight, andall things that appear terrib le, b edaily b efore your eyes ; but mof


of all,death ; and you wil l never

think any tbing mean,

nor exi

cefiively defire any thing. ours oo‘

T 1 ; ivexa ati'rarh iya) ;c


rot ergo), 5 7 1 auger; our: cpu


ov aim (pagepoc


ours,our omywpew

,7 01007 0;

Ola; oty av fioUAO/Aoq.

Owe av an oSISw/Az ovge

owogoaoc ovbac.

®ewpecot bn aux. wcptmw




z co; ovx Gila! oocpop ou

36 air.



M yco av,

oulun omewrwp cpwrew, ice;





00 ran/w 0036 b n otpoc 0

7 01 011 7 0; sn out/or er Aayac 1 t

9m t

Sn s

”b“ ooye ou a carrot e




Mnben ore, foobar 05 10’

XI ”; norm s

9arw3 °

not] y ap d v 5 CO MO;

£707s Aar

AocrgotvcoG,oeow'rov ye


Q c bpawzow'

roc ou Xv

lot/Mot] fiaora s b 809V, 6

au to; Sabra/4 :2

,not: aux (po


, yunav luminou



pca ow'ror.

G orgow'

oc, not; (poyn, not]

9m ; 6 Sen/or; (pan/d im,wpa

ocaA/Aor av noc'rot ripe


(nomin ee is n ucle


3 am

7 04°

ucq auge r eugen ors 7 05 -9

mayo; ergo/utopw

yasy sa U/z ew3

1 4 1

I I . They who are molt hof

tile in the play, having becomefriends at laft, go out, and no

am is kil led by anyper/on.

1 2. Neitber then do ye think,that any of thole things, whichneither afi

eét the nature of our

body, or our foul, is grievous .

1 3 . Let your converfation be

without covetOttfnefs ; bein'

g con

tent with fuch things as ye havefor he hath h imfelf faid, I willnot leave thee, nor forfake thee.

So that we may boldly fay, Th eLord is my helper, and I {hallnot be terrified at what man

{h all do unto me.

1 4 . The war itfelf w il l difeover the frail parts of h is affairs,if we apply to it ; but if we fit

at home, hearing th e orators reviling, and b laming each other,new of th e necefi

ary things can

ever be done b y us .

0 en oc tutu"tr 6


90g, cpnxcr yxro‘uoq‘;

a n

M urug,tf

t o/taq, xoq wro

amm o.)a

ou8e4c u


7ro oubac

Mn our [0 166 (w

, h urt

Xa h tfl oc 7 1g 0 relax/ roe,6c


r: 6 aqua, pure 65 4m.

X11 Gym Quoted

7 90mm), ia

Ni“ calm.

Apraaoy vpoch

6 7 poa'


apxsw o n apa lm cm-

roc yap

few, 00 pm ou amufu cube

ou,un ou synd rome


ram Kl o

7 e- S otpf'


'eyw Ku

flOC eyw‘! Cougar, xot/ ov cpo


7 1; aroma tyw awfufl og.


Evptoxw 5 ext—1

roc n fayluot own ; b arom

,uoc, otr emxapear otr

lam a:

xx9ryluou OIKOI



mum, xcu ot/T zotw'"

cru mmy "

6 Atywh

,cube 7ro


re cube-u:

eyw ou,u.n 7 1 70/4q 6 6st .

1 5 . Dixerim ego tequidem,nemini nullam efi

e infiitutio


m ab il lo qui non placcat.

( 1 42 )


The article i s ufed to mark a diftinélion or emphafi

With the infinitive it fupplies th e place of nouns, gand lupines . With a participle, it is tranflated b y the re

lative and indicative With my and 36 it fignifies partlyand 1 t is often ufed for ornament.

A rticulo praepofitivo, 8 m. Eton.

Articulus fequente 6e,8 m.

U tuntur autem Grreci, SEC ,

Infinitivus cum,SEC . lVelz‘en.

The infinitive w ith the neuter, fi e.

Th e prepofitive article, 360. Bell.

A rticulus quando vocibus, Holmef .

I IT i s honourab le even foran old man to learn.

2 . Deatb is frequently moreeligib le, If } .

3 . It IS b etter to be dead, thanto live miferab ly.

4 . To tbofi tbat are and tbal

have b een.

5 . Thefe th ings, want of

fleep, and cares have b een the

caufe of deatb to me.

6 . Two men went Up to tbe

temple to pray ; tbe one a Ph a

rifee, and zbe other a pub l ican.

7. Having feen zbe liar, and

come into tbe houfe, they l


tbe child

Kama; not; yupatamah

b argain).

Aiperoc n oaaamg,

an aernonw6 6-{acca.

Kama; 6 pm{aw sum,

Cato) memoir.


0 WV not] 6 aporepor.


Ova-ac eye a « 7 09mm

au'n ac7 1 1



wac x



A yepwnagt gva atrocfiauw’

cia o iepav npaaevxa/Aaus 6


if; (b apzaauor, m u 0 in fo;

rew mc.

E1650" 5 cramp, not:


6a g o omzat

,evpzanw o

( 1 44 )

1 6 . Cmcilius tbe Roman ou Koummor, 6 6i


rbor, gives this proof tbat Rome ouyyloacpeuc, 011 7 01;

w ar founded by the Grecians, ma nor,6 Eaanymor

tbat it (till retains tlJe original urn /act6 Pro/ m, warp“ ,

G recian cuftom of facrificing to aton e 6wanna; 3 00mQ


Herculer. ammo; 6i anaenc.

1 7. Horum minime ell, qui prudentiam exercent, vim

infi'rre fed illorum ell, qui vires babent ab fque confilio, ta

lia facere.

1 8 . O\u'

o autem modo mihi vifus fit familiaribus th is prodelTe, partim opere femetipfum demonfirans,

qualis cfi'


partim colloquiis ufus, fcribam.


EA ARI‘YIE eft dcfeftus vocis, unius, duarum, velplurium,

quze ad integram et juftam firucturam requiruntur.

L . BOS.

1 46



1 . Q 1 } nefciat, Ephefiorum civitatem aedituam efi'

e mag~

me deae Dianae, etfimulaeri ab Jove delapfi.

2 . Q 1 } quam vacuam reperit, plenam reddidit urbem

noftram bonorum.

3 . Sumfiatua filn Hermocratis Proconefii.

4 . (Eidam de Afiae principibus, qui erant amici ejus,miferunt nuneiof ad eam.

5 . Poflridie fub latis ancborir navigab amus .

6 . A lexander autem ex Onchefio tollens eu1fi1m.

7. Moriens autem, ad amicos refpiciens, Magnos, luqait,ludor funeb res video mihi futuros .8 . Ex fereno et puro a



re amb iente fonuit vox.

9 . Propofuit viéloriaepremia totis etiam ordinibus.

l o . (Ea de eau/a magis Trojani decem annis refliterunt.1 I . Si quod ef’t in hoc viro crimen, accufent cum

I 2 . Non invenientes can/21m, quomodo punirent cos.I 3 P lauflrir onerariis impofuit l igna.

1 4 . De defertis vitibur putab at fe adeofacile decerpturum uvas .

1 5 . Ea quae ad Deum pertinent.

1 6. Dicunt bominer.

1 7. Nam et tale quiddam de mortuir dicitur.


1 8 . Omnibus bominibur notum el’t.

1 9 . A tenerir unguiculis.

2 0. (Q i cum diceret cauponam eam magno pretia ven


( 1 4 8 )

2 1 . (Madrigas quidem fecerunt.

2 2 . Rurfus de novo prineipia feditiones moverunt adverf us fe invicem.

2 3. Vi te urb e expulfos cauffati, ab imperatore qui tunein Italia imperium ob tineb at.

24 . Haltafque etfeutmn b ovinum.

2 5 . Et levato artemone fecundutn aura flatum.

26. Hoc eft opus Dei,ut credatus 1 11 oum

,quem mtfit,

Illi vero‘

cum cele'

rrimo a




ent grefl‘


(Linto vet o anno Arifiodemi regni.

Diocles tet tio librobrevis pertraétationisdicit'


Peragere v itam in pac

Noble poft precem tranfmutavit oitam, 1 . e. mortuusQ ! "

32 . Non accipiebant cum in urb emh ‘

nequc tn communelll . 1

3 3 . Si quando 1n untimeozf liuni confultabitnus.

3 4 Deliberandum efle communt eon/110i

et tibietmih i '

cenico .

3 5 . Non quod jam acce‘

peri‘mbrabeznn, 3b“

.jam pea


3 6. POP: haecos fuum aperuit job,et execratus'

efl: dtem

utes mul ieb ri c c 1 617 , tanquam infirmiori vafi,




“ W

3 8 . 13167 0541 101 vocantur, qui genere quidem conventunt,

in alieno vero terra nat1 fiint.39 q ue dum ih pacata rtgzone vel terra fuinus.

4 0 . Non omnes C 1 aocorum linguanz fiintelli

4 1 . Cognofces, an et divina volunta/e vel



fis defltuélurus.

2 . Populus fcivit ; Tii'

amenusjententiam dixit'


4 3 . Cineas ad Senatum Romanpm arcanis 11 121 11 fcripferat.

J i


4 .1 . A patria, tanquam a facra linea, inc1pieb§t femina

pacis abjicere.

4 5 . Nova quzedam numina infers ant ibus noftriS.

( 1 49 )

" 1 . 1 1 571 7 7 61 71 5 1 1 71 6 1 116 1 1 . Ki lian .

2 2 . £11 1 9 1; w'


" earamaaar. Ilcrodut.

2 3. Ecemxatoew 7 11; d /l /AEVOI 5 1 61 , 7796; 7 6 11

7 67 e xatrexerrac xazrat I TOtN OCV 67 1 11 61 65 . Dion . Hulicar.2 4 . Kat; Scope Anucr.

2 5 . Key t fl d faVT ic 7 6 1 a f fl /AOYO'. 7 11 Wi



H Act; “ 7

26. T avra £7 7 1 7 6 tpycr 7 611 irat 71 16 7 11 1 6 11 7 6 9 1 1;


renter mem e. Joan . G.



O 1 005. 7 11 1 7 X <TT iIV apoagfauotn c Hi lian.

2 8 . 65 £ 7 21 7 1x Ap1a7 6611/1 611 Pausam.

29 . An na»; £ 1 7 91 7 11 7 111; Radio/um cptm. Laert.

30 . 5 1 5 153 4 1 57


T r 41 5 7 6: evxm 1 vxr1'

.u67 na1ta£ev {Eschm

32 . OJ fl ycazbtfz r


ra 61 11 7 61 6; 7 11 1 7 0A”,


( 77 1 7 6 k OIYGVr


lmcvd .

33. E1 be 71 6 7 e; ye fiavaeuooluev. Hon] .

34 . Emm a afm 11 61 1 1: mu as 11 61 1 f‘u t . X enophon,

3 5 . 67 1 11 1161 1 n u ance/1 61 1 . Phillip. 23.

3 6 . Merat 7 cu7 a 11 1 61 5261 7 6 61 11 7 6 11,11 61 1 Kd Td UCCTO

1iptpat 1 aUTGU . Job .


1 1 ; 61 6961 27 7s 6'w 7 6> 7 11 1 61 1 11 61 61 61 71 6 1 671 6 1 7 5 ; 7 1

11 111 . 1 Pet. 3 .

38 . Aa '

raieror 61 yo u 11 5 1 npaanuaw ec, £ 77 1 611 7 11; aambamzc


ric. llesych .

3 9 . The; £ 7 1 £ 1 W“ ? Xen.

40. OUK 667 51 1 7 1 4 7 11 1 12m 6 11 1 1 61 6 1 . Luc.

4 1 . I‘

moeau, £ 1 11 61 1 Sea-mom aux

£1 1 1 . 1 1011 1 .

4 2 . Heroic 7 41 31111 6 Twat/A 1 6; 1 1m . Andoc.

4 3 . Kn sac 7796; 7 111 3021 2017 7 61 1 Powwow typa‘be 31


m oms”7 61 1 flilian.

4 4 . A 71 6 7m 7 & 7 5 166c, 1671 19 61 66 {spate npxe-

ra' 7 01,


d iflua‘

f d 7 11g “lime; unaffm n n

' Ph i lo .

4 5 . Ear/£61 7 61 7 1 1 6: omega ; £ 14 7 61; 61 11 611 4; Act. 1 7.

( 1 5 0 )

46. Vacuos et noé'

tumos militum timotes 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 panicosvocamus.

4 7. Si qui s infidelium aa'convivium vos vocaverit.

4 8 . U 1 3 multis pcrfonis in nos col/1 1 1 11 171 donum, per‘

imultos gratiarum afiione celebrctur pro nob is .4 9 . Efl‘h giflipaenam, Lab es .

5 0. E1 11 11 1712711 aliquot diebus iterum ingreffus efi: Ca


5 1 . Secundum meam opinionem.

5 2 . Pantherinam pellem humeri s habens .

5 3 Verum in fingulos annos decem millia dracbmarum.

5 4 . Levis armaturae mi lites ut habeb antpalg/z’atem celeri

tatis fequcb antur.

5 5 . Nequaquam puto pg/z’

bile ePc magnum et juvenilemanimum cos accipere, quiparva agunt.

5 6. Gloria Deo in altifiimis

5 7. Jufiit eos qui poffent natare projicere [ e primes, et

ad terram exit e.

5 8 . Regum fententiam immob ilemfi hab ere dccet.

5 9 . Armeniam ct vicinas eidem genie: Lucullus debella

60. Secundum patrize 11101 1 1 .

6 1 . Singulz’

: diebus.

62. Didicit, ex ii; quae pafi’

us efi, ob edientiam.

63 . Nondum erat fpiritus fané‘

tus qma

mondam erat glorificatus .

64 . Pof’tquam ct mihi dicendipotylatem feciflis.65 . Seepe blandis 1 1 1 1 611 alloquutus f fl.

66. Et 3 foro venientef,nifi loti fuerint, non edunt.

(b ot 11mmnaius es

Q 1 } citharam tenet.

Incolarum manfuetum et mite efi ingenium.

Virtutem a juvenili aetate cole.Vefpere Sab bathi qua: lucefcit in primam diam

Cras certe veniam.

( 1 5 2 )

73. Multa quidem in term, mu lt a autem in ma}? humi.

74 . Gubernator autem jam lucefcentefcle anch oras cum

filfltllifll t.

7 5 . Non ab optimo am'

mo, i. e. fine dolo, ad rempub l

cam accedunt.

76. A liufque aluficm facieb ét imn‘iortalium deorum.

77. In feverarum Dearum temp/11 1 1 1 .

78 . Q 1 }mol lia wflimenta gefiant.Nunc vero me viftam malis naxigare 71 011: contrafli



8 0 . In prefenti tempore.

I Interest.

8 2 . Cum producuut arb ores fcitis qliod ja

pmpe CR zefias.

8 3 . E1 ait illiPetrus , [ Enemfanat te Jef us Chrifius, fur-u

ge et fierne tib i 1017 11 1 12.

84 . Dicit ei Jef as, Q l

id mih i et tib i0011 1 11 1 11 110 negotium8 5 . Sime b icec ex two/21 1 11 vi abripiet.

8 6 . A lexanderphilofophus Vifus efi fib imorti afyua’icatw .

8 7. Equitat'

uin et jumentfi.

8 8 . Neque enim gzztz‘ulam in Theb anam undam evomuiti

Bacchus .8 9 . E1 ut pauci s verbis dicam.

9 0. Bene etiam fia‘

tamaf ugnd certare edofius.

E1 frumenti addere 17zedifnn01'um decem millia.

In h acparte, 6 1 in illaparte.1

q ualem mecum regn i pariem tene.

Exteriorem poculipartem.

Non m Opportuna pm z‘e eft fixa fagitta.

Primas part“ ci dederunt. 1

Coecas et inermes et manibus defiitutas has corporis

part” .

9 8 . Q 1 hab itant ad h afce Tanfi101 1 1701 .

Ars autem necefiltate longa men/”11 1


11 imbecilior efl”


I oc Sexto (lie meg/ix ineuntis.


( 1 5 3 )'

73 ; Han alaw er7p, 7 010‘s: 69 15799:

74 .


0 6i. xvCegmrnc Slapwo'

xorroc TOU

WWW“ . Polyh .

75 . Gun arro TO’

J {Ba n an a Ta xoxra’

t 7 6005 5:cm l. Plat .

76 . Alma; 6.

« AM : epefe Sew aqevymm wy .

77. Ex 1 0 7m ore/um emu. A ristoph .

7 8 . 01 Ta lam anoc Qayowreq. [Haul] . l l .

79 . Nur 6,

0 nam e pm {n ew J‘



8 0. Er 1 0 7 5 9071 4' Thucyd.

3 1 . RV fies?) E SChyl.

8 2 . b ra y fi foCaAwwr ngn 7 05 69 639 65 yxrwaxwe 61 : nxniyy uc 7 9 S ega: tan . Luc, 9 I.

8 3 . c a v er cm 6 Herfoc, Amx,


rag as 1 316001; 6 X?!

orcc, amon g: my arpwwr 021 07 6) Act. 98 4 . A 276! aura 6 Inaovc, T: qua: non; co:

Joanz fl.

8 5 . E: pf oJrog ex n or am aun tie -rd, flag . Sophoc ,

8 6. xxx 6 ¢1Aw o$o§ £605 9. 7m am Saran » mm :

xexwaq. Artem.

8 7. Tm T i i-nror xaq Tat axsvowa Dio . Cass .8 8 . OJ 7a? wxgar a ; Q nCoq 15609 m rwer 6 Am u

roc. Dion.

89 . Katy ow emrn Qara : Constant.

EU 65 Ea : er oraSm Sagan/a irs; ar


n cpefwflcz z, APO]

Ka t array fl poogma :luvfmcfa


1 707 qua: Badma n Hom.

T o £ 629“ 1 02) 7 07 11?t LUC. 1 1 .

Ow. er t wp? oEu fl ayn fiexoc. Hom.

T a: fl fw'm e6w¢ xr aw-

rw. JFlian.

T a Twph a n u aqua-mg xax a smxa muaxega n wn z

9 8 . T au; em r a ge n u T augcv xaz'


9 9 . T ixvn 3,

cu r /x, avgevw refx ”any?

1 00. El m in xn evov

( 1 5 4 )

1 0 1 . Vcturius dimidiampartem exercitus ad

1 02 . Non enim magnitudine tantum, verlmero virtutum longe inferior cfi Lyfias.

1 03 . Numquid in ca vefie initiatus es mag

1 04 . Rogavit ipfum, 1 1 1 a term paululum


1 05 . Videmur ad Bacchi urb em appulifi'

e m

1 06 . Qqanarn re violavi [agar quid mal i p1 07. Advertere mmtem ad ea qua: dicebantt

1 08 . Ego veto putab am, me compendiofam


e 0 50771 .

1 09 . Et progrefl'

us via Babylonem duccnte.

1 t o . Hac via etiam hzec diceb antur.

1 1 1 . Q 1 } in Afia cfd hab ent.

1 1 2 . ER illis forum, ub i ct regiae et al isefunt exftrufiae.

1 1 3 . Vocant autem me Jocafiam ; hoc en

ter impofuit.

1 1 4 . Gratia vob is et pax a Jefa Chrifio,

fidelis .

1 1 5 q mque intentos hab erent oculof in

1 1 6 Edcntes et b ibentes, ea, gue ab ipfis

Hieme jam biz/Janie, regrefli funt.Celeberrz

mw A lexander.

Marefizxif occultis plenum.

A Judacis quinquies quadragenas p

Tum fagittas in exercitam Grzecorurn

Secundo flatu navigate.

Cui cum fimilem pendaspamam, laudIncipientes in parvis b ibuntpom/if .

In duospale: erefl’


Vultum ipfius feverum et triflem ti

Eft autem in Hierofolyrnis, ad pa

( 1 5 6 )

Paucis verbi: fcripfi.

Dicito, fed nec longam orationem, nec cum probes


derana’um an fatius fit affirmare.

P langent fuper cum pefiora omnes nationes terrae.

1 3 2. Anaxagoras infcripto dc regno.

1 33. Norunt enim,quibus conditionibw ipfos ducat Cy?

1 34 . Dans autem ipfi equites et nudos militef .1 35 .

tiklrando tu excipieb as amicos in natalitiis

1 36. Ex aequafociez‘

ate communes expeditiones faciebant.

1 3 7. Solvcfime: quibus alligatur navis in littore.1 3 8 . Amiétus findone fuper nudo corpora.

1 39 . Ex a quo imperio imperavi patrize .

1 40 . Q 1 } pedum celeritate pofi'

unt, aufugiunt.

1 4 1 . In arte equitandimire fuperb ieb at.Mortua fuifi


cst fi dignas luifi'


I 4 3 Interficicnt ex vob is aligzm .

1 4 4 ; Non convenit talz' viro mentiri, qualis eft Socrates.

1 4 5 . Magno faenore ab aliis accipiunt.

1 4 6 . Jaceb at graviter gemgns in loco puro.

1 4 7. Domus in commodo urb is laco zedificata.1 4 8 . Eihaut tam‘

um quantum rapere licet .1 4 9 . Ego vero exiftimo orationem haucce non expodirc

civitati, et prx ter {weminime juftam effe.

1 5 0. Nunc quidem ad men/6m hofpitalem te invitamuS.

1 5 1 . Cani capil/i caput coronant.1 5 2. Ne accipiant hijudiciale trioéalum.

1 5 3 . Ipfe dixit, fc dudum hoc defiderarc , ct fiudere

pmni modo.

1 5 4 Propino tib i, in/Zzlzztem ducis Hercul

1 5 5 Lotus oceaniaqua .

1 5 6. O\am profundum dormivifiifimflum.

vanam[ If/b icionem nob is ipfis fingeoamus timo

( 1 5 7 )

1 28 . A1.

6mm 1 Pet.

1 29 . A eys, my pa ge" yum 1016: pm : ” y ummy.Lucian.

1 30. 14 » 7 07


ow xpurfor M ‘

ym. Dion. Ha].

1 3 1 . Km‘h rn u m


a way mw ay 6 d00m; 1 7 15 yuc. A

1 32. Araf ayofat u 1 0 mp: [iota-

lu lu .

1 33 . In c: w.

of: cw rouc Kuafiafnc (fit




1 3 4 . Aw: 86 awn : {m ac n m u \

‘a uc Arrian.

1 35 .


Ou u'

wn ac w n u: 01 1m mtr“

rot; 7m9u occ

Am 7 115 mzc XOIl'

d C 6 751 1 1 01 5 maxovrn .

1 37. A ut 7 a: 1 71 671 1 61 Lucian.

1 3 8 . Htfnctgmluewc 6 03071 em yvprov

1 3 9 . nffia (mmc fl arcog Lucian.

HI 71 66617 exovan'

, « 7 0616powmum. JElian.

1 4 1 . 8 7 : 7 » 11 m m peya swam . Aristoph .

1 4 2. Amfiam , u m : aftac ew yxanc Aristoph.

1 43. Oxrarw owm cf alum Lucas .1 4 4 . Ow: a m of? Sonya


re: xfievcf'

wea t

1 4 5 . A apCamw n em m u m m1 ? erefwr. P lut .1 46 . Ke no fiapwn rzxw a 11 01 9a . Hom.

1 47. Onua a mu g.» 7 11 ; m um otxofa‘ungum . Lucian.

1 4 8 . 6707 £7 7 ” oiprrao'ai. JEIian.

1 49 . Bym 6: 57 9 144 11 : f or Aayar 7 676s awn/400907 man,

n o; 66 um av 61mm . Demos.

1 5 0. NW per cm £1 1 13: as xaxou‘aer. Lucian.

1 5 1 . HauntO

xaga y armsvm. Anacr.

1 5 2 . Mn AapCave'

rw ar 0131 0: 7 0 Sn ow-ma r Luc,

1 5 3 . 7 601 0 emOupm,xauwrw ex mv

1 5 4 . Hgawm 6 61 ,


Hpau iovc apxnycn u. Lucian.

1 5 5 . Am y/4m : wxeama Hom.

711 Lucian.

1 5 7. Ala mm; armaaflc‘uermaul! weeuc. Diea.


( 1 5 8 )

1 5 8 . Via, qua: dacirad falutem.

1 5 9 . Ccf perunt una w ee omnes excufarc.

1 60. Ad utramquepartem fluvii.

1 6 1 . Dextra manu Dei exaltatus.

1 62 . U na manu aquam, altera ignem fereb at.

1 63 . Z enothemis utraque manu, altera nafo, altero ecu.

lo prehenfo.

1 64 . D uplicem marmoream Ice/1am.

1 65 . Populus, in omni re, jam facilis ipfis cvaferat.

1 66. Re: b ene/e h ab et .1 67. Filios divites hortantur parentes, ut fervent fun


1 6 8 . Mefié nu vifioriam brevi tempore Lacedaemonus deg.derunt.

1 69 . Pro mortuis erogare etiam volopecuniae.1 70. P ro viri/ms date eleemofynam.

1 7 1 . Ex'

quo tempore.

1 72 . Paululum et non videb itis me.

1 73 . Famam hanc jam olim accepimus.

l 74 . Nifi imperium brevi difi'

olutum fuifl'


1 75 . Sufliciet ipfis interim vel hoe fupplicium.

1 76. In omnimontana regime divulgab antur cunfia.

1 77. Hic non confcnferat confilio illorum.

1 78 . Acceptam cladem ingenua anima non‘


1 79 . Pater nofier qui er in cmlis.

1 80 . Q 1 } in foro meree: permutant.1 8 1 . Ex quo tempore patres foPiti funt.


1 32 . Defiderium me tenet audiendz’

quid diam . fig.

1 83. Hoc Cinyras nymphisfire-

raw? rete.1 84 . Vendidit quemcunque cepit abduoendum trans mare


1 8 5 . Et a foro venienter, nifi laventur, non cdunt.

( 1 60 )

1 86. Propitiéfit tib i, Dom‘ine, non crlt tibi hoc.

1 8 7. Amen,amen, dico vob is, mariar fi dabitur


huic gee?ncrationi fignum.

1 8 8 . Mihi videris 11 011 his attendere, ct haecfati: cumfis Tapiens.

1 89 . Neceflitas confilu urge! me ct te.

1 9 0 . Vide ne facias .1 9 1 . Si vero velint et ipfi.

1 9 2 . A l iza eventurae erant, aliac jam praefcntes Grant.1 9 3 . Judicavit moriapartere virum.

1 9 4 . Per Jovem raga ut una mecum fis.

1 9 5 . Da; 0 Jupiter, ne prius fol occidat, et tenebraead¢veniant.

1 9 6. Dona etiam adferentes, quanta quifquepaterat.1 9 7. Mirum g/i, quantum praefiant.1 9 8 . Veni huc in terram, quamcunque oficndero tibi.1 9 9 . A lexander Arifib teli falutem apprecatw .

2 00. Ab avo meo accepi nioris cfié candidi.2 0 1 . Name vero ifios dimm; quotquot Pelafgicum Argos

h ab itab ant.

2 02. Si quidcm dabunt pracmmm magnamrm Ach ivi;mm.

203. (Ejd non ego tib i, quid non tupm/iity h'

mihi 9

204 . At 1116 inquit, majus ePt.205 . Verear ne quis mihiDanaomm fucccnfeat

206. Sivero non credit,age, tibijam capite anmvam.

207. Non darem tri'

ob olumpro Diis.

208 . Eunt per campum.

2 09 . Multosper lab ores in 1 1 1623 venit mam :

2 I o . P ropter ca 1 11 6 afpicicbas.

2 1 1 . P ropter quid me tentatis2 1 2. Sequcmur in tuam gratiam.

2 1 3. Expeélans in venientem diem.

2 1 4 . Lupum ex auribus tenco.

2 1 5 . Hic Pelopa genuit, ex hoc autem Anew; natus.

( 1 6 1 )

1 86.


Imam 001 v n,w 7

101 00701 1 001 7 001 0. BM“ .

1 8 7 . Apnr, “PW,M 70 01 3091101 1 1 1 : 731 yt

rsat 7 0107 31 11 71 741 1 101 . Marc.

1 8 8 . Max Joxerc ou fl foaexur 7 01 row f au-

t elc,‘




0@0f 071 l)lat00

1 89 . Xfew [3007010 ga s xau 6 6.

1 9 0 .


07 m; 7001 7 01 1105 1 .

1 9 1 . E1 31 notz aural 11 0m.

1 9 2 . T a per gummy 3’

1131: trap”. Demost.1 9 3 . Expmr 01 7 091 1 1 17 7 07 01 78000.

1 9 4 . 11000 7 011 Am: 5 7 c 7 201 00 74 01 . Aristoph .

1 9 5 . Z w7001 £ 7 neiuar 801 01 1 , xctl 1 7 : n ewt; n

007. Hom.

1 9 6 . 6 5000: 7 e, (5; Em a-

7 01 0efor'rtc. Arrian.

1 9 7. Atwpegavm3 000704 01 07 01 Aris tot ,x9 8 . Aer/00 a ; 7m, Jr ar 00: Act.

1 9 9 . 1 1 110501 7570: Afxm orem: Xaufm

200. R afa 7 01 7 71 00 7 0 xaAonGec Anton,

20 1 . N01 8,

aun t/c 50001 7 0 I'

Ie wyxxorA070; math


. Horn.

202 . E1‘uer 8010007 1 76001 ; 14 1705 9010401 AXCt/OI,

Horn .

203. T 1 3,

01m 1 70 at owe fps W

Po lyh .

204 .


0 Es au to: 00p £07 1 . 1131111 11 .

20 5 . M):“

n ; (401 Aarawr relumwe-

rax. Hon).

206. E: 3,

aye, 7 01 105001 701 xararew oluau. Hom.

v . ar 30a 7 m Gem TfIUQOAGVo Aristoph .


rcq 7718101 0. Hom.

Han an‘uoxgm mgt Xa fac a ; guac. Eurip,



01000 xaq m ega; ‘uox. X en.

T:714 2 7 1 1001263 1 Marc .

Expo/2 1 91 7m cmX1 7” . Aristoph

a 01 0100000 if,01 t ymw a . Eurip.

A uxcr 7 m (07 0 1 1 7901 7 00.

b um ; qu it e: 1 005,

11 1 71 0; 101i. Eurip.


( 1 62 )

2 1 6 . Cumm Suniuin facfum pervenimus.

2 1 7. Dein mMarathone cum effémus.

2 1 8 . Dividamus igitur cam in duas partes .2 1 9. Ut tingat extremamdigiti partem in aquam.

220. U ncle 0d hanc Siciliam navi adVefius advenis .

22 1 . E nefis primus jaciflum mifit in Idomeneuxn.

2 22 . Egrefl'

um parat,ficun‘




223. 22140011 omne verbu‘

m otiofum, dc ipfo i'


funt h‘

ofnines fatio‘


efn .

224 . De re al iquid2 2 5 . Die in ib i de patre e


t filio quem féiiqui.

2 26. Difcefiiérunt cum e‘


2 27. Ne autem illinc efi'

ugerent, fpeeulatores fidtuebas.



2 28 . Nen‘

1 0 unquam invenire pofi'


29 Si tanquam fervus irbcafus es .

230. Fidel is efi Deus, qui c avit nos, qui éfian


l 50m

fluid .

2 3 I . Vis at me convertam ad al ias aliquas vias .P

2 3 2. Major et it in echio laétitia, ob uninnfdntem, qu1

redeat ad frugem, quam ob nonaginta novem infontes,2 33. Défc




c dornum fuam jufii‘ficatus


magix quam

2 34 . Volo egopepuluxfi faivum efi'

e,potius qua'

m 1perire.

235 . V ide ut facias omnia 261 101 1 11 3 111 monfiratam 'tibi.

236. Sic corruptos fuifl'

e oculos, ut caecutiret.j237. U t in caelo,fic etiam fuper terram.


238 . Silquis judicum nonaliud




239 . P er le-gate: in Peloponnefum mg'


egit, ut aliquod

auxilium mitteretur.

240 . Ireperf



am duce‘

m’em ad mortem

24 1 . E1 c'


rnpandsmultas omnino myriades fuperavit

71071filam, fed et imperium fecit m'


242. Salutatefratm quifunt exHomfiz


: Arifiobuli.

( 1 64

243. Si quis al ius balm poj z‘

t, pro annorum conditione,nigrum eapiUU 1n hab es . 1

244 . Juflit eos duci admortem.

24 5 . Nonneflu/tum gfl, quod mifer ego domo hue adve

nerim nudo capite.

246. Si ego fatis doceo vos, quales erga vos invicem efTe

oporteat, bene/2 f er bah t fin vero minus247. Q

\u_omodo enim tibi dab unt praernium magnan imi

Achivi? nam im'

gzze log/711 111 1 .

2 4 8 . Nonfolum caflra pofuit in folitudine circa platanum ; fed et pretiof um ex ea ornatum fufpendit.

2 49 . P am Afiae quae ad orientem vefyb cf}.2 5 0. Videtis enim hoe omnes

, praemium quod mih ifuz'


transfertur al ié vici.

2 5 1 . Amicitiae pow /a plena propino, vino pari , pari aquatemperata. v.

2 5 2 . Menelae, tib i h zec dico, et facxam m/uper.

25 3 . Si enimfifii: Bacchi dieéur tragoedos fpeétfifi'


2 5 4 . P ropter quid rides, o Diogenes B iog. Q 1,

“ enimal iud fi cerem quam ridere, quando meminerim qualia fecit ‘







HOSEEgyptians who l ive in the cultivated parts ofthe country, are, of all whom I have feen, the moft mge.

nious, b eing attentive to the improvement of the memory,b eyond the reft of mankind. To give fome idea of theirmode of life ; for three days fucoeflively in every monththey ufe purges, vomits and elyflers this they do out of

attention to their health, b eing perfuaded that the difeafesof


the b ody are'

occafioned,by the difi


erent elements received as food. Befides this, we may venture to alien,

( 165 )

24 3. E1 7 1g'aAM ‘4

txac, ”pa; ( f or, yum “ ;

m vplxa . Theoph .

2 4 4 . Exeasvfi r avrwg awaxgmac A ct,

24 5 . T o it My xumr 01x09" v.9eo flue TOY

xaxoSau/u r

exmn z. A ristoPh .

2 46. E: sym {name £ 80! e J‘uac, oioucXpn vrpec aAmn oz/ g a

a it pin— Ken .

2 4 7. Ho ; yupT o: Swoow c yepazc IueyaGU/z o: Axauo:


24 8 . Expnn n 1 11 epnmgt 7 1; wept 7m!

an al-

rarer au x 11 1 1 95 7i" aw n; xocrluor wow n m. jElian.

24 9 . Tn: An a ; n wpoc 7 a ; ava ronac.

2 5 0. A way s-

re yap 1'

o way-

rec 5 pm ytpx; OIXE‘

I d l

m m Hon] .

2 5 1 . T n pa w ns-

rat cyw (amid ; a poc mw, may to?

npa‘uuaq. A then.

2 5 2 . Merew e, ca: ffa rage A270 , Spam Se fl poc r m,

2 5 3. E: y aper Acovuaou 7pa791 <fovc egeawcxoGi.

D emos.

2 5 4 . T 1 yexg c, w Azay . T 1 yap « M y

are a rs‘ulnGGnr oix ez olcu i

Eu ag Lucian .


IONIC GREEK to b e rendered into AT T IC.

1 . Aurw are Sn Aryurrn wr if y ermp:

“my awapopfrm Aiyuyr

f or au tumn, ywl

am arllpwfl m fl at/law tmmxscy'

re;(aw a rd

, Aa

710 7 11 7 01 em [4 & p 7m gym 5 ; S towe—tpm ammlunr. Tpamp 8;

£c mimic Sn Xpeww au‘

avpy z ifovm Tpac fig s/om main; I'm“

m ixcw '


-mm awpem 1 71? 157mm x'x: xiwcrpam, wa fer

m am: ‘

rwy vapor-m v 0mm 7mm ; 7 a; rouaou; 7 0m argpmrom

7mo9su . yapnot: au x: Aryvfr'

rmla c

-m A tguac zifinpw'


7 0! m a n " a r9pw7rm ,1 m cipw r (gum Jamar) eirena

,on on

pt f axawww d x'

mpg u'

w 7 1 ; 7 5 7 1 paragomm ram aewmm6

( 1 66 )

that, after the Africans, there i s no people in health andconfiitution to be compared with the Egyptians. To thisadvantage, the climate

,which is here fubjeét to no variag

tions, may efientially contribute : changes of all kinds, andth ofe in particular of the feafons, promote and occafion themaladies of the body ; To their b read, whiwith fpelt, they give the name of cylleftis

v ines in.

the country, but they drink a li

from b arley ; they live principally upon fi

or dried in th e fun : they eat alto quails, ducks,fmaller b irds, without other preparation than fi

them ; but‘

they roaft and b oi l fuck other b irds and

as they have, excepting th ofe which are preferved for


2 . At the entertainments of the rich, juft as the compal

ny i s ab out to rife from the rep/aft, aTmall coffin is carriedround, containing a perfect reprefentation of a dead bodyit is in fiz e fometimes of one, but never of more than two

cub its, and as it i s {hewn to the gueits in rotation, the b earer exclaims, 4‘ Call your eyes on this figure ; after death


yourfelf wil l refemb le it drink then, and be happy,”

Such are the cufioms they ob ferve at entertainments.

3 . They contentedly adhere to the cuf’toms of their an:

ceftors, and are averfe to foreign manners . Among o

ther things which claim our approb ation, they have a

fong, wh ich is alfo ufed in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and otherplaces , where it is differently named . Of all the thingswhich aftonilh ed me in Egypt, nothing more perplexedme than my curiofity to know whence the Egyptians

learned this fong, fo entirely refemb ling the Linus of the

Greeks it i s of the remote& antiquity among them, and

they cal l it Maneros. They have a tradition that Maneros

was the only fon of their firit monarch ; and that havingprematurely died, they infiituted thefe melancholy {trainsin his honour, confiituting their firfl, and in earl ier timestheir only fong.

4 . The Egyptians furpafs all the Greeks, the Lacedae

monians excepted, in the reverence which they pay to age

( 1 68 )

if a young perlb n meet his fenior, he inftantly,turns afidc

to 'make way for him if a fenior enter an apartment, the

youth always rife from their feats this ceremony is ob ferved by no other of the Greeks . When the Egyptians

meet, they do not fpeak, but make a profound reverence”bowing with th e hand down to the knee.5‘ Their hab it, which they cal l calafiris, i s made of l i

nen, and fringed at the bottom ; over this they throw a;

kind of fhawl made of white wool ; b ut in theic veils of,“

woo l they are forb idden b y their religion either to b e buried or to enter any facred edifice this is a pecul iarity of

thofe ceremonies which are cal led Orphic and Pyth agOa,

rean ; whoever h as b een initiated in thefe myfieries can

never be interred in a veil of wool,for which a facred read

fon is afiigned.

6 . Of the Egyptians it is further memorab le, that theyfirft imagined what

month or day was to b e confecrated to

each deity : they alfo, from ob ferving the days of nativity,venture to predict the particular circumfiances of a man


life and death : this i s done b y th e poets of Greece, but

the Egyptians have certainly difcovered more things thatare wonderful than all the refl: of mankind. Whenetzerany unufual circumf’tance occurs, they commit the particulars to writing, and mark th e events which fol low it : ifthey afterwards ob ferve any fimilar incident, they conclude »

that the refult wil l b e fimilar alfo .

7 . The art of divination in Egypt i s confined to certainof their Deities . There are in this country oracles of Hercules, of Apollo, of Minerva, and Diana, of Mars

, and of

Jupiter but theoracle of Latona at Butos is held in greatercfiimation than any of the reft : the oracular communica

tion i s regulated by no fixed fyf’tem, but i s differentlv oh

tained in different places .8 . The art of medicine in Egypt i s thus exercifed : one

phvfician i s confined to the fiudy and management of one

difeafe ; there are of courfe a great number who practife

th is art ; fome attend to diforders of the eyes, others to

( 1 69 )

om c, entouai r mogou, xa: txrpaurorroq' 3ta] v muov, 1 5 iSpfic

norearar 7 086 pa ra: aM om Eammr auger/am : oupptpovraf .

Arr : Tau apooayopweir aAMMOUc £1 7 1104 530m apoaxvmun,na

7M TiC (Kim! 7 011 70U71 7 0¢ XC'lfd o

5 . EIStXUX 1 Gl 86 antiw ar M rtouc, mp1 7 a enema Suaara ‘rouc,

out xaAtoua: xaaaorpw i‘


I Xe apnea tila a

'ra M uxa m a .

racMXor popf ouor ou per 7 01 to y e 7 a Ipa wpept'

ra/ apnea , ous:

« vyxa raear rtra/ apr w yap oalor' oq oyeouoz Xe raura 7 0101

Oppntom xaaeoperom x1 1 fl u9ayopa oiar oust yap room y To " op

ymr pertxorra ,6am can er apnea/tn £1

,1l Sacpemaq tan 3s mp:

cwm r lpoc Aoyoc Atyoperoc.

6 . Kay rage ama Aiyua rwm err: ip nfltrd‘

pac as M ] ripe.

p); ixao'

rn S towon u wrr xoq Tn ixaaroc wimpy yeroluevoc, n om

tyxupnaet , xx, onac remurnaa ,xoq oxoloc n o (O


Td/ na4 7 007 010"

7 m‘

Eaamm oi tr aromas-1 y troluiroz expmarro' Tepa


ra 7 c 7mm

cplr artupnra/ n ram am om a


rraax aemram . Feroptrou yapreparac, puaaaoouo: ypapoy trot 7 0


woCoqror not] fly xort tic -

repaya apaa anom

roam ytmroq, nara rwvro rowZoum aa of natagoq.

7. Mar-m mSn ow'

rom oils Jiaxtt‘

rar arflpmmrla ir ouolin


roq 11


n xm,f o r St S tow

lutn fiw epom . Kaf yapi axM oc


rm” M 7 091 tart na4 AWOAM JMC, Kai l 9nmc, not; Apf eptxoc,2a; Aptoc, na/ Atop x1 4 bye fl amera tr

rt/ay ayor'

roq wa r-

rm 1 0 !

F arrm'

wr, A nrouc tr Bovroa 770A: eon:

oz)lam a: a iye parrmoq op;

ka rat row-

t o ioraor,

aM a itapopot em.

8 .


H is in pu t: xara rage op: lilac-

t ar pm: vouaou ixaaroc


rpoc « 7 1, mg m.

”Manor warm 3 017w 607 1 ”MW " fl" yap,


( 1 70 )

thofe of th e head ;'

fome take care of the teeth, othersare converfant with all difeafes of the b owel s whillt ma-


ny attend to the cure of maladies which are lefs confpicu


9 . With refpeft to their funeral s and ceremoniesmourning ; whenever a man of any importance dies , themales of his family, disfiguring their heads and faces wd irt, leave the corpfe in the houfe,

accompanied by their female relations, with theirin diforder, their b reafis expofed , and b eating t

feverely : the men on their parts do the fame, after

the body is carried to the emb almers .


1 0. Before Darius arrived at the Ifier, he firft of all

fubdued the Getae, a people who pretend to immo

The Thracians of Salmydeffus , and they who l ive ab oyé .

Apollonia, and the city of Mefamb ria, with thofe who are 1

called Cyrmianians, and Mypfaeans, fubmitted themfelvésto Darius without refiftance. The Getze obftinately dens


fended th emfelve'

s, but were foon reduced thefe of all the

Thracians are th e b ravefl: and the mofi upright .

I 1 . They b elieve themfelves to b e immortal and whenever any one dies , they are of opinion that h e is removed

to the prefence of their God Z amolxis, whom fome b el ieveto b e the fame with Geb eleiz es . Once in every five years

they choofe one by lot, who i s to b e difpatched as a inef

fenger to Z amolxis , to make ‘known to h im their feveralwants. The ceremony they ob ferve on this occafion is

this— Three amongft them are appointed to hold in theirhands three javelins , whillt others felz e b y the feet and


hands, the perfon who is appointed to appear b efore Z a

molxis ; they throw him up, fo as to make h im fall upon

the javel ins . If he dies in confequence, they imagine thatth e deity is propitious to them ; if not, they accufe the

viétim of being a wickedman. Having difgraced him, they

( 1 72 )

proceed to the eleftion of another giving him, whilft yet

alive, their commands . This fame people, whenever itthunders or lightens, throw their weapons into the air, as

if menacing their god and they ferioufly believe that thereis no other deity.

1 2 . This Z amolxis, as I have b een informed by thofe

Greeks wh o inhab it the Hellefpont and th e Euxine,

h imfelf a man and formerly lived at Samos, in the

of Pythagoras, fon of Mnefarchus ; having ob tain

lib erty , with confiderab le wealth, h e returned to h is

try Here he found the Thracians diftinguiih edb y their profligacy and their ignorance whilfi he

h ad b een accuftomed to the Ionian mode of life,manners more polifh ed than thofe of Thrace ;b een connec

ted with Pythagoras, one

ed philofoph ers of Greece. He was thereforeb uild a large manfion, to which h e invited the

nent of h is fellow a citiz ens h e took the Opportunity

feftive hour to affure them, that neither h imfelf, his guefis,nor any of their defcendants,


flaould ever die, but {h ould

b e removed to a place where they were to remain in the

perpetual enjoyment of every b lefiing. A fter faying this,and conducting h imfelf accordingly, h e confiruéled a fub fpterranean edifice . when it was completed, h e w ithdrewh imfelf from the fight of h is countrymen, and refided for

three years b eneath the earth — During this period, theThracian s regretted h is lofs, and lamented h im as d

In the fourth year h e again appeared among& them,

b y this artifice gave the appearance of probability to whath e h ad b efore afi



1 3 To this {tory of the fub terraneous apartment I donot give much credit, though I pretend not to difpute it ;I am

,however, very certain that Z amolxis mull have lived

many years b efore Pythagoras . whether, therefore, hewasa man

,or the deity of the Gem

,enough has been faid con

;cerning him. Thefe Getze ufing the ceremonies I havedefcrib ed, after fubmitting themfelves to the Perfians under

Darius, fol lowed his army

( 1 73 )

M HMWW 7 0 Geo augera aM or voya ger-

rec fl ycq a 7" cQg.

1 2. TR Se eyo a vv9aroya/ rwr rorTaxmaa ovrov oixeorrmi


m m xoq Horror, ror Z aluoaiu rovray eorra argpmrov, Souxeuaoq

gr S ayer fouaevaoq Se HoGayopy 7 91 Mmaapxow £ 1 9eurer cfe ao

ror yeroueror 1 11 1 11 91 or, "para. xrnoaaiioq au ra°

xrnaa evov

Se,a rreagetr en; rm iiuroi

cfoire Se nano ; rei


orm v rm gpmxwr xoq Ja acppovto

’iepwr, ror Z aluoafiv rouror emara/xeror Scot/ray

re Iacfa , ita; ugta Baeurepa n xa ra Gpn'xac (oia

EAM ai re

M aarra 11 1 4 Emma " ou rw aa9ereara ra ao<p1ar >7 Hu9ayopp)xaraaxtuaaaac avSpema

,e; row a arSoxevorra rwr aa


lwr row; 77pm.

ravc, 11a; euwxeorra ,arasisaaxar air oure ow '

rag2 oure oi cultura

raf a vrov, oure oi ex. rourewr oqei yno‘aeroi arroGareorrai, an: 11


xapoy rovray ira aer r epieov'

iec iiouai ra a arra aya

Ga '

er oi Se er ozee ra xaraaexgerra , 11 a; eAtye raura, er rovro

xaraya/or own/4 a ta citero'oi; are oi a arreaewc axe ro l fl

‘u d ,

ex per rowQ pni'

xwr mpanalin'xaraf ac Xe xarw e; ro xarayoqov

omnpa , Supra-

t o err erea rp1a°

ci ft fur esroeeor re 11 a] m ereeoy mi


reh ewra 'reraprp S

e ere: epam ram Gpiiiifi, xoq ou


rw mgara

cap: eyerero ra eaeye 6 Z apoaflr. T aura (paw la ir 77 01 11a .

1 3 . Eye.) is mpi per rourov na/ rouxaraya/ou m afia-mc ou


a rm-

rem, oure w mareuw 7 1 now Soxea Se a oaaom ereai aporepov

ror Z aya oxiw rovray yew/1 9a; Hv9ayopew. a re he eyerero r ig Z a

yuoafic en


1 5 7 1 Soy/1m TIC I‘

errai atiraf emxwpioc, xayperm. odroi per J}, rpovrgo roiovr

p Xpewy eiol, to; exapwenaar var

Aapeiov 1ta; Hepaewr. timrro rm aM w arparcg. Herodotus.

( 174 )


1 4 . Need, D iophantus, ready wit imparts,Is labour

s miftrefs, and the nurfe of arts

Corroding cares the toiling wretch infefi,And fpoil the peaceful tenor of his breaft

And if foft flumb ers on his eye- lids creep,Some curfcd care ficals in, and murders fleep.

Two ancient fifhers in a firaw~thatch’

d ib ed,Leaves were their wal ls, and fea-weed was their b ed,Reclin


d their weary limb s hard by were laidBalkets, and all their implements of trade,Rods, hooks, and lines, compos

’d of flout horfe hairs,

And nets of various forts, and various fnares,The feine, the call- net, and the wicker maz e,


To walle the watery tribes a thoufand waysA craz y b oat was drawn upon a plankMats were their pillow, wove of ofier dank ;Skins, caps, and rugged coats, a covering made ;This was their wealth, their lab our, and their trade.No pot to b oil, no watch dog to defend ;Yet b lefi they liv

d with penury their friend.

None vifited their ib ed, fave every tide,The wanton waves that wafh ’

d h is tottering fide.

When half her courfe the moon’s bright car h ad fped.

Joint lab our rous’

d the tenants of the ib ed ;The dews of flumb er from their eyes they clear


A nd thus their minds with pleafing parley cheer’


fl . I hold, my friend, that trite Opinionwrong,That fummer nights are fb ort when days are long.

Yes— I have feen a thoufand dreams to - night,A nd yet no morn appears, nor morning lightSure on my mind fome firange illufions play,And make fhort nights wear heavily away.

B . Fair fummer feafons you unjuftly b lame,Their bounds are equal, and their pace the fame

( 1 76 )

But cares, Afphalion, in a bufy throng,Break on your reft, and make the night feem long4 . Say, hall thou genius to interpret rightMy dream I

’ve h ad a jolly one to night.

Thou fh alt go halves, and more thou can’

fi not with ,We

’l l { hare the vifion as we ib are our fifh .

I know thee ih rewd, expert of dreams to fpell ;He


s the b elt judge who can conjeélure well .We

ve leifure time, which can’

t b e b etter fpent,

By wretched carles in wave-wafh’d cab in pent,

And lodg’

d on leaves ; yet why fhould we repine,While living lights in Prytaneum ih ine ?

B . To thy fall friend each circumftance recite,A nd let me hear this vifion of the night.A . Laft evening, weary with the toils of day,Lull

d in the lap of reft fecure I lay ;Full late we fupp

d,and fparingly we eat

No danger of a furfeit from our meat.

Methought I fat upon a ih elfy fieep,

And watch’

d the filh that gamb o l’

d in the deep;Sufpended by my rod, I gently {hookThe b ait fallacious , which a huge one took

(Sleeping, we image what awake we wilhDogs dream of bones, and filh ermen of fifh .)Bent was my rod, and from h is


gills the b loodWith crinifon fiream difiain

’d the filver flood.

I firetch’

d my arm out, left the line lh ould b reak ;Th e fifh fo vigorous, and my hook fo weak l

Anxious I gaz’

d he firuggled to b e gone


re wounded— I’

ll be with you, friend, anonStill do you teaz e me i

for h e, plagu


d me fore ;

A t laft, quite fpent, I drew h im fafe on fhore,Then grafp

’d him with my hand, for furer hold,

A nob le priz e, a filh of folid gold 1But fears fufpicious in my b ofom throng


Left to the god of ocean he b elong’

d ;

( 1 77 )

A pporn c norrrwaa, y anpa r rar ruxra m un r1r



A . Ap’

e/aaOe; xp1reir 77011


trwrna ; xpnara y apagar:

011 ae Semi rte/ w parraa/xaroc npir a'a ozpor


fl ; xa 1 rar aypar, rwrupara ararra‘uepé


Ov yaprmagn xara ror roor°

carac ap1aroc

Earn orapcxpn ac, 5 Slgd G’

Xd AOC tar 1 r apoirovc.

An a : ita, axoan earr ri yap 7ro1e1r ar exor 7 1:Ker/1 1m; er pvu mc 7ror 1 nu


, [unit xa9ev§ar

A er/z ero; er forms» ; 7 0 Se auxuor er rrpvramw.

<l>arr 1 yapa m aypar roof,

exa r. B . A eye ,aoi were ruxro;

Osfur, warra rem J‘

s aeywr anruaor Era/p91 .

A . Aen uror air xa regapgor er traA1 oia1 worom r

Owe nrpar a oavarrsc'

(errea Sam eurrec er cipa

E1 (at/ 031 , rar yaarpo; epedolq’

)agar eIuow -


Er 7rerpa pela awrw xaGeCo/aeroc Se SoxevorIx9uar, ex xaaa

luwr iii rrAaror xareaewr egwhar.

Ka/ 7 1 ; rwr rpapepwr opefia ro'11 a] yaper 15mm

Haca w r aprwcparreuerar 1Xeua unyur.

X 41,u1 r rwymarpa worepvero, xoq peer aiyad

T or xaaaluor S


Jrro rou xmwaroq ayxuacr uxor.

T o) xepe re1roluercc, mpr xrwSaAor eu


por ayara,

Hat per in; peyar 1X9.» apauporepom a1ci‘



Jfl op1/1 raaxar rm rpav‘uarog, ap

ela e ruffle ;

Ka 1 rvfp xaaerrwr xa 1 ou (peuyorrog erma .


r or aegacr' armxiaa xpvaeor 1x91 ”

II arra rgov aw r ea uxaa/Aeror'axe Se Sal/4 a

Mn r 1 I'

Ioaedacm mpmafleroc 1Xeuc,

( 1 78 )

Or, haply wandering in the az ure mainSome favourite filh of Amph itrite

’s train.

My pri z e l loos’

d,and {trifleft caution took,

For fear fome gold might flick ab out the hook ;Then fafe fecur


d h im, and devoutly fworeNever to venture on the ocean more

But live on land as happy as a king .

A t this I waki

d what think you of the thingSpeak free, for know I am extremely loth,And greatly fear to violate my oath .

B . Fear not, old friend you took no oath,for why

You took no fifh— your vifion’s all a lie.

Go fearch the lh oals, not fleeping,' b ut awake,

Hunger wil l foon difcover yourmillakeCatch real fifh ; you need not fure b e toldThofe fools mull {tarve who on ly dream of gold.


1 5 . No remedy the power of love fubdues ;NO medicine, D


earefi: Nicias,but th e mufe ;

This plain prefcription gratifies the mindWith fweet complacen

ce— e—q— b ut h ow hard to find l

This wel l you know, whofiri’t in phyfic ib ine,And are the lov

d fami liar of the nine.Thus th e fam’

d Cyclops, Polypheme, when young,Calm


d h is fond pafiion w ith the power of fongWhen b looming years imbib

d the foft defire,

And Galatea kindled amorous fireHe gave no wreaths of rofes to the fair,Nor apples , nor fweet parfley for her hairLove did th e tenor of his mind controul,

And took th e whole poffeflion of his foul .His flocks untended oft refus

d to feed,

And for th e fold forfook the graffy mead

While on the fedgy fhore he lay reclin’d,

And footh’

d with fong the anguifh of his mmd,

( 1 80 )

From morn to night he pin’d, for love

’5 keen dart

Had pierc’

d the deep recefl’

es of his heartYet, yet a cure he found for on a fieep,

Rough pointed rock,that overlook’

d th e deep,

And with brown horror high impending hung,The giant moufter fat, and thus h e fung

Fair nymph why will you thus my pafiion flightSofter than lamb s you feem,

than curds more white,Wanton as calves b efore the udder’

d kine,

Harfh as the unripe fruitage of th e vine.

You come when pleafing fleep has clos’

d mine eye,

And like a vifion with my flambers fly,


as before the wolf the lambkin b ounds ,Panting and tremb ling, o

’er the furrow

’d grounds.

Then firfl: I lov’d, and thence I date my flame,

When here to gather hyacinths you came ;

My mother b rought you—’

twas a fatal dayAnd I , alas l unwary led the wayE

er fince my tortur’

d mind h as known no rel’t ;

Peace is b ecome a firanger to my b reafl:

Yet you nor pity nor relieve my pain

Yes, yes, I know th e caufe of your difdain

For, firetch’d from ear to car with {b agged grace,

My fingle b row adds horror to my faceMy fingle eye enormous lids inclofe,

A nd o’

er my b lub b er’

d lips projects my nok

Yet, homely as I am, large flocks I keep,And drain the udders of a thoufand fheep ;

My pails with milk, my {helves with ch eefe they fill,In fummer fcorch ing, and in winter chill.The vocal pipe I tunewith pleafing gleeNo other Cyclops can compare with me

Your charms I fing, fweet apple of delight !Myfelf and you I ling the livelong night.For you ten fawns, with collars deck

d, I feed,And four young b ears for your diverfion b reed

Come, live with me all thefe you may command,

And change your az ure ocean for the land

( 1 3 1 )

11 1011 01 Paula -

t a ct, 7 1 7 01 01 1 001 7’

017 0601 11 11 11

A tuxofl fat 17 01 11 7 01: 7 07 131911 0171'01Aw7 tf01 3’

« frog,

hiw 71 010007 10111 01019017 1 1101 0

101001 11 0; 1011 011 .

{ mm 3 01 09 007 01; 011 11 01 yw xuc 077 1 01 txnpt,O1z u 3 1 090: 101001

,011 11 01 yauxu; 017 1 01: arm (At .

w at 3 0107 1001 ; 17 011 101 11011 07

Hfao9m per eywye 11 0901 021 1 11 01 1 7901 7 01

HIGtc gag. cw [4 01 7 95 92mm,

1501 11 1 1 91ra pun tat

BE 304 0109011'tyw 3


0301 riye/xoytuor.

1 1 01 110010901; 3.

mfm 7 11 mu 15071 90r sufen 7 m rw

Ex Swat/4011 , 7 1 1 3.

00 00 luat A1.

01131 1 .

P am 3010100001 1 0301 7 1 1 0; 0131 1 11 01 peuyc—rc

05m m,a o1 Ad am y er appuc 1 77 1 7 01 77 1 [

14 1 7 017 10

Bf 107 01 7 1 7 01 7 01; 7707 1 104, 11 101 luaxfot.

E11: 3,

0p9axy 0; smolr mta raat ft 510 cm Xena .


01 11 7 0; 7 01011 7 0; 1 101 , 307 01 Xw a Boom),Knx 7 011 7 107 7 0 11 901 7 1070v aty tAyousror 701 71 11 . 77 1 10


7 m 007 1 1 91001 , 007 1 1 017 01911 ,


7 010001 3 uma Otic 011 61 .

01 7 1; 1 77 107 0501 011 1581 Kuu wwwr


(1 1 01 1 1 01

,10100107 01 01118011 ,

d uff 7pm) 31 7 01 31 81 1101 1 16910;

100, 11 01 1 outpu t»; 7 10001001 ; 01910 01 1 .



argue, 31 01 1 0081 1! 0101000?

3 01 71 01 7001 1 1 01 71 07 1 xtpoov 0f 1x91 1r.

7 01 1 7 991 1 11 1 11 7 01 1 1 011 7 01 31012£1c°

1 1 7 1{301 5 1 1 011 1107 0191 0001 ,

( 1 82 )

More pleafing flumb crs willmy cave bellowThere fpiry cyprefs and green laurels grow ;

There round my trees the fable ivy twines,

And grapes as fweet as honey load my vinesFrom grove- crown

d fEtna, rob’

d in pureft fnow,

Cool fprings roll neélar to the fwains below .

Say, who would quit fuch peaceful fcenes‘

as thefe,

For b luftering billows and tempefiuous feas

Though my rough form’s no object of defire,

My oaks fupply me with abundant fire

My hearth unceafing b laz es— though I fwear

By this one eye, to me for ever dear,Well might that fire to warm my b reaft fuflice,That kindled at the lightning of your eyes.

Had I, like fifh , with fins and gills b een made,

Then might I in your element have ‘



\Vith cafe have div’

d b eneath your az ure tide,

And kifs’d your hand, though you your lips denied

Brought lilies fair, or poppies red that growIn fummer

s folftice, or in winter’s fnow,

Thefe flowers I could not b oth together b ear,That b loom’

d in different feafons of the year:

Well, I’

m refolv’d, fair nymph , I

ll learn to dive,If e

er a failor at this port arrive ;Then {hall I furely by eitperience know

What pleafures charm you in the depths below.

Emerge, O Galatea from the fca,And here forget your native home likeme.

0 would you feed my flock and milk my ewes,

And e’

er you prefs my cheefe, the runnet fharp infufe lMy mother is my only foe, I fear ;Sh e never whifpers foft things in your ear,A ltho’

{h e knows my grief, and every daySees h ow I languilh , pine, and wafte away.

I,to alarm h er

,will aloud complain,

And more diforders than I fufl'

er feign

Say my head aches, -fh arppains my limb s opprefs,

That {he may feel and pity my difirefs.

( 1 34 )

A h Cyclops, CyEIOps where’

s your reafon fled

If with the leafy fpray your lamb s you fed,Or ev

n wove b alkets, you would feem more wife ;Milk the firlt cow

, purfue not her that fliesYou


ll foon, fince Galatea proves unkind,A fweeter, fairer Galatea find.

1 6. More happy than the gods is he

Who,foft reclining, fits by thee

His ears thy pleafing talk beguiles'


His eyes thy fweetly dimpled fmiles .

This, this, alas l alarm’

d my b reaft,

And rob b’

d me ofmy golden reft

While gaz ing on thy charms I hung,My voice died faultering on my tongue.

With fub tle flames my bofom glows,

(k ick through each‘

vein the poifon flows,Dark dimming mif

’ts my eyes furround,

My ears with hollow murmurs found .

My limb s with dewy chillnefs freez e,

On my whole frame pale tremblings feiz e,

A nd lofing colour, fenfe and breath,

I feem quite languilh ing to death .


uading HECTOR from battle.

1 7. Too daring prince ! ah , whither doit thouAh l too negleétful of t hy wife and fon

And think’

fi thou not how wretched we {h all be,A widow I

,an helplefs orphan he

For fure fuch courage length of life denies,

And thou muf’t fall thy virtue’

s facrifice.

Greece in h er fingle heroes {trove in vain,Now hofts oppofe thee, and thou mull: b e flain.

0 grant me, gods ! ere Hector meets h is doom,A ll I can afk of heaven, an early tomb

( 1 8 5 )

Q . Kvxw xlz , Kuam ala, 7701 7 011 111111 1 01 1 1 11 7 1 7 07 01001; 1

A 1 11 7 01 11 01 11010 7 1 7r1x1 11 01c, 11 011 3 01mm 011 1 01001 1

T01c af 1 1001 01 1 1101 1 , 7 09011 11 1 1 17011 11 pau or 1X01¢ 1 011 1 .

T au 770g1 01001 1 atluexyv 7 1 7 01 pray/01 7 01 Jiwxm


lit/11 11011 ; 1 0 11 01 7 11 01 1 10101 11 01, 11 01 A1t 101 01 101 01 1 .


1 6 .‘I’a4n 7 a/ p01 11 11 1 01 1001 33 1 01011


amp, 007 1; 1 1 01 1 7 100 7 01

30811 1 1 1 , 11 11 ; 77 1 1 11 0101 01811 11101 1 1 11 ;

- 001 ( 071 01 11 011 01 .

Kat, y uan; 3,

{114 1901 1

'7 0

{11 01 y ou

K01 93101 1 1 1 07 1191 01 1 1 77 7 00101 1 .

in; 701 11 11 301 01 , flpoxewc 1 1 1 0101 1 11 ;0 11 81 1 1 9


1 11 61 .

A na. 71 110100


ways, 01 1 31

Au7 1 11 01 71 1131

077 7701 7 1001 1 3,

win 011 111 1 1 ,

1 1 8,

01 11 001; For,

11 11 88’

1311 1004. 11f x1 1 7 01 1 , 81

11 01001 1 aypa , xawfon pat 81 7701 01 1;


7 1 9101 11 11 1 3,

mayo , 97 181 11001

01 17 1 011 ; Sappho.


1 7 ,Aamms

, 0917 1 1 01 7 0 001 003’

1 11 10115161 1:

1 1 01 1801 7 1 1 1177 1a ,11 01 1 1 11


apt/1 01101 , 1; 7 01X01 xngn

2 1 11 woluar 7 01X01 yap01 11 01 7 01 11 7 01 1 1 0001 1 Axum


11 11 1 7 1 1 81 11 1 11 198101 em

21 11 « 11105 1 011 7 000?x901 01 011 yap 1 7


A 3

( 1 86

So ( hall my days in one fad tenor run,

And end with forrows as they firPc begun.

No parent now remains my grief to lh arc,No father

s aid, no mother’s tender care.

Th e fierce Achilles wrapt our walls in fire

Laid Theb e wafte, and flew my warlike fire.

His fate compafiion in the viétor bred,Stern as he was, he yet rever

d th e dead

His radiant arms preferv’

d fromhofiile fpoil,And laid h im decent on the funeral pileThen rais

d a mountain where his bones were b urn’


Th e mountain nymphs the rural tomb adorn’


jove’s fylvan daughters b ade their el

ms bellow

A b arren fh ade, and in his honour grow.

By th e fame arm my feven b rave brothers fellIn one fad day b eheld the gates of hel lWhile the fat herds and fnowy flocks they fed ;Amid their fields the h aplefs heroes b led !My mother liv’

d to b ear the‘

V ictor’ s b ands,The queen of Hypp0placia

s fylvan landsR edeem

d too late, {he fcarce b eheld again

Her pleafing empire and her native plain,When, ah Oppref

’t b y life- confuming woe,

Sh e fel l a victim to Diana’s b ow,

Yet, while my Heélor {til l furvives, I feeMy father, mother, b rethren, all, in theeA las my parents, brothers, kindred, all

Once more wi l l perifla, if my Hector fal l.Thy wife, thy infant, in thy danger {hareOh prove a hufb and

’s and a father’s care

That quarter mof’t the {kilful Greeks annoy,Where you wild fig

- tree joins the walls of TroyThou from this tower defend th


importantpoll ;There Agamemnon points h is dreadful h alt.

That pafs Tydides, Ajax, flrive to gain,And there th e vengeful Spartan fires his train«Thrice our b old foes \

the fierce attack have given,Or led by hopes, or diélated from Heaven.

1 8 8

Let others in the field their arms employ,But {lay my Heflor here, and guard his Troy.

1 8 . But fpringing b ack, he flood before his b orfes

chariot.He depending on his b eauty.From Ereb us the cruel fury heard.

Dardanian Priam, m counfel equal to the gods.To b oaft to vanquifli me wzth mighty force.

With tears his eyes were fi lled.The hunter wounded h im, when fpringing from his den.

He fights afiified b y the gods.To th e fplendid wal ls of Troy.

Ob ferving when th e’

Grecians would ruih from the Ih ips.

He fent another arrowi rom the firing,

1 9 . This, thou knowef’c, I led; a b ee, they would b e,having known, I fung, of a king, I have come, thou {haltfee, h e would firike, now, I was ab le, I have received, Ihave feen, having loft.

20. To whomfoever, of a hare, it has been decreed,’

of a ferpent, more, to - day, to take courage, th lS, I haveafi


emb led , let them firike, I would love, with, a fea, he

would enrich .

2 1 . Being, he feemed, of myfelf, of mures, to words,we will firike, thou firikefl: thyielf, of death, they haveb een loved, to place, an army, himfelf 01 herfelf, of thefe,

them, holy, for, to thein.

( 1 89

HT OU 7 14“

up” mor e 3 2077907 1 5 ” w as“ ,

KH m xoq m ay w arfum xaq « buyer;


1 8 . AM’

araxwpzaa; 7139009 i9r:70s my oxtmr arm.

O 3,

ayxaqgnpt mmfiwc.

Eu r/ er £2Eyegeuww, apamxov "T o; exoua'

a .

A QPSQ YISWC fl ycapoc, empty araAar'


v so'Gaq w e mxmraq xyz rej

cpw13135431 .—T u Se o: ew e

,Su fuww mawgm,

T ar 1 £5 sump: Gafor'

raz,Onion "; cruxmn Gamay.

Ex woM‘wCa .

Kara Imocpw xxx/“m Taxez .

Asylum; 5 7 7 01 6. ramp" amp/uneasy q ax.

AAW am rat/imply tamer. Hom.

COMMON G REEK to b e rendered into ATTIC.

1 9 .


Cvroc, nyor, panama,

emoocr, agnc , ty,/ am,

fixamwc, nhuga, Tvx‘Laq, my


/any, q m


20. H arm,

k aymou, y epaf


raq, aqua“ 7 2mm , « Meyer,



t au-

ray, nyefxaz , WJ/ aw aar, q oz‘w , our



mat/7 01 .

COMMON GREEK to be rendered into ION IC.



eluow rov, l

am/m y, Aoyolc, f uwovaer,

Gara rou, wecplxnrm , 9mm,a7fa

n ar, man y n u

‘m v,mac, iefcc, 3m m, cpm .

( 1 90 )

2 2 . Of thee, a b rother, a conteft, a wonder, felf, éafy,truth, of a king, how,

they were firuck, they would firike,themfelves, they have been firuck,

2 3. Fame, to whiftle, he, I came, to b e, they fatwenty, greatnefs, heaven, to (trike, fweet, to, thoureceive, fleib , a fhepherd, thine. a

24 . Of nymphs, having fat down, I, to words, laughing, they toi l , of youth, mufes, a fong, they laugh , when;foremoft, where; being, we have died, I wi l l go, of me,moon.



ERIAM begging the b ody of HECTOR from ACHILLES,


r. A H think, thou favour’d of the powers dmne !

Think of thy father’s age, and pity mine

In me, that father’ s reverend image trace,

Thofe filver hairs, that venerab le faceHis tremb l ing l imb s, h is helplefs perfon, fee !In all my equal

,but in mifery !

Yet now, perhaps , fome turn of human fate

Expels h im h elplefs from his peaceful RateThink, from fome powerful foe thou fee

fi him fly,

And beg proteélion with a feeb le cry.

( 1 9 2 )

Yet {till one comfort in his foul may rife 5He hears his fon ftill l ives to glad his eyes ;And, hearing, ftill may hope a b etter dayMay fend h im thee, to chace that foe away.

No comfort to my griefs, no hopes, remain 3

The b ell, the braveft, of my fons is flainYet what a race ! e

er Greece to I lion came,

The pledge of many a lov d and loving dame INineteen one mother bore- Dead, all are dead !How oft, alas ! h as wretched Priam b led !Sti l l one was


left, their lofs to recompenfe

His father’

s hope, his country’ s laft defence.

Him too, thy rage h as {Iain b eneath thy fieel,

U nhappy, in his country’

s caufe h e fel lFor him, through h ofiile camps I


b end my way,For h im,

thus profirate at thy feet I layLarge gifts pr0portion

d to thy Wrath I b ear 3O hear th e wretched, and the gods revereThink of thy father and this face b ehold !

See h im in me, as h elplefs and as old !

Though not fo wretched ; there he yields to me,The firf’c of men in fovereign miferyThus forc’

d to kneel, thus groveling to embrace

Th e fcourge and ruin of my realm and race

Suppliant my children’s murderer to implore,

And kifs thofe hands yet reeking with their gore,


2 . AsCupid, the fliefl: young wanton al ive,Of its hoard of fweet honey was robb ing a hive


The centinel b ee buz z ’


with anger and grief,A nd darted his Ring in th e hand of the thief.He fob b

d, b lew his fingers, flamp’

d hard on the ground,

A nd, leaping in anguifh , {h ow d Venus the wound ;Then b egan in a forrowful tone to complain,That an infeft fo l ittle fhould caufe fo great pain.


( 1 9 3 )

Aura? warm-

tarps; we», w e: « furrow; w’

acm m

E: type"! Tgam, 3 ow ner“m y Aeaapeaq gun/u .

Hour (4 0! m nnxorm ,5 1 w


er Axel/w "AI/907°

E nm a fitxat pm lai r near, an an: " 13q

Tour 3'

« M W; yvraqxec e'mt 'ror y o: m ptyapom .

Tm per Ayn: S at/fog u'

rro cancer wou w‘ yowar



0c 86 010:luormy

, be apuro « an ; my w rouc,

Tor cu xra rac 7 90m,« y um/40 01 7 a

rfnc mp1 ,

Exrofw sirex n u rw 5mm Axaqwr mat ,

Hap: 6 61 0 wee/Air“ , peer.) 8 ampcw r at'

rorm .


Sa x/c m ay 7


su nn y , Axm u,

Z ou [armor/a ir“ WGTfOC

'sya» 3

sn a re-

refer my,Erhnr 8; of “

NC 00770 au to; imxeon ocBforoc,Ofcwx/ ( rag a. 7 07 : Key


z y goeorom arSgoc,

2 . T oy Egon a o-



xam rav an d. pmam xtr'


Suawptror 301l u: cayCAwr’

carpet Se Xerfwv

Amt -rum. Jam/Errm u“ 6 3,

my town Xe?"

Kay m an tis f ar you ,my aim -

ro'7 93

Apps” ;Tar of t/ 74 1 86 2" , xay ptppt

ro ér'nye 1 11 7 907

Guru: « sw eat an , my dam“ mm ” appara

E h

( 1 9 4 )

Venus fmiling, her fon in fuck taking to fee, fn am

Said , Cupid, you put me in mind of a b ee 3“


re juf’c fuch a bufy, diminutive thing,

Yet you make woeful ‘

wounds with a defperate fling


3 . Forth from the portals rufh th’

intrepid pair,

Oppo s’

(1 their b reafis, and flood themfi lves thewSo two wild b oars fpring furidus from th eir den,


d with the cries of dogs ‘and voice of men ;On every fide the crackiing trees they tear,

And root the ih r'

ubs, and lay th e forefi bare

They gnafh their tufks, with fire their eye- b alls rofi,Till fome wide wound lets out their migh ty p


Around their heads th e whittl ing javel ins'


With founding ftrokes their braz en targets rungFierce was the fight, while yet the Grecian powersMaintain

’d the wall s, and mann

’d the lofty towers ;

To fave their fleet, their lai’t efi'

orts they try,And {tones and darts in mingled tempefis fly.

A s when {harp Boreas b lows abroad, and brings,The dreary winter on h is froz en wingsBeneath the low hung clouds the {heets of fnowDefcend, and whiten all the fields b elow$0 fafi: the darts on either army pour,

So down the rampires rol l the rocky fliower ;

Heavy and thick refound the b atter’d fh ields


And the deaf echo rattles round thefields.


4 . Who, full of wiles, his ne1gh b oFalfe to h imfelf, againft h imfelf h e flr1veS '

For he that harbours evil 1 n his mind,Wil l from his evil thoughts but evil find ,

And 10 ! the eye of Jove, that all things know,

Can, when hewill, the heart ofman difclofe ;

( 1 9 5 )

Open th e guilty b ofom all within,


A nd trace th e infant thoughts of future fin.

0 ! when I hear the upright man complain,And by h is injuries, the judge arraign,If to b e wicked is to find fuccefs


I cry, and to b e jufi to meet diftrefs

May I nor mine the righteous path purfue,But int

’reft only ever keep in view 2

But b y refleétion b etter taught, P find

We fee the prefent, to the future b l ind.

Trufi to the wil l of Jove, and wait the end,

And good { hal l always your good afls attend .

Thefe doétrines , Perfes, treafure in thy heart,And never from th e paths of jufiice part ;Never by brutal violence b e fway


But b e th e w il l of Jove inthefe ob ey’

d .

In th efe the brute creation men exceedThey, void of reafon, by each other b leedWhile man by juftice fhould b e kept in awe,

Juftice, of nature wel l ordain’

d the law.

Wh o right efpoufes thro’

a righteous love,Shal l meet th e bounty of the hands of JoveBut h e that will not b e by laws confin


Whom not th e facrament of oaths can b ind,Wh o, with a will ing foul, can jufiice leave,A wound immortal (b all that man receive ;His h oufe

’s honour daily {h all decline

Fair flourilh {hal l the juft from line to line.

0 Perfes , fooliih Perfes, b ow thine ear,

To the good counfels of a foul fincere.

To wickednefs the road is quickly found,Short is th e way and on an eafy ground .

The paths of virtue mufi b e reach’

d b y toil,Arduous and long, and on a rugged foil,Thorny the gate, but when th e top you gain,

Fair i s the future, and the profpeét plain.

( 1 9 7

0 a (ft xoumy St diam 77 6MC u roc.

NW Xe eye a urocpar.

3:11 am tr avg/9 5 1 7 0101

Emr, luv




uioc spar i‘


tl xaxov e azov ardya

Epueran u ye agrxrb'rtfoc ifs: page: e m'

AM a own ) ray tomva 1 tpamtyaurorAra Team .

Q . 11 t J} ouBau m Tau-

rot ptra mmWmKa i w axous to ta xan9£o amrs a a

‘ufl av

Kfonwr yapga rage rev «ft vapor arepw'frowl


Gripe : ‘uer xar rx9u-o


r xar a trium ; owrorc

Aaauaouc teem ears: 81 10 : cu ton y wr’


A lefwf’rsm 3


Su m than , n ayrn n fl oM or


m -

t ar yapa 1 m x.’

( 909 1 ayagtum 7 a 8ix“ :

rawsxwr. Z euc tupucara 8180: oAQov 7 91 per'

0c be as iz uvpap-

rupzron oyaooeac ea ropxor"I’ tm rax. tr Baaxiaat be 8mm,

aauenma rrow

T ou Se 7


79 m alum/forty}: Atawrrar pea


077 1096.

A 785)“ 3,

tuoonou apetrwr yevenptn moOtr.

Norm sa9aa spew syn 001 1 1 5 5101 1 , y tya mms

Earn main xariasaGar 7 m y er-

rat xaxorn'ra

Pniirwc per cam; ra m eyyu91 .

Om t9nxar apoarafofliv 8 agen t ihpw-

t a,

Aeara rot beluaxyoc xa : 09910; 677 aurnr,

Ka t ro fl fwror 7 911c may 8 innacm axyor,


t a mas: fusion, my mum xaaemz.

1 9 8

Far does the man allother mene xcel,Who from hi s wifdom, thinks in all things Well

Wifely confid’ring, to himfelf a friend,

A ll for the prefent befi, and for the endNor is the man without his [b are of praife,Who wel l the diétates of the wife ob eysBut he that i s not wife himfelf, nor can

Hearken to wifdom, i s an ufelefs man.

The Song ofMENA LCA S and DAPHNI S.

g. M . Ye vales, ye ftreams, from fource celeitial fprung,If e

’er Menalcas fweetly pipd, or fung

Feed well my lamb s , and ifmy Daphnis needYour flow

’ry herb age, let h is heifers feed

Fountains and herbs rich pafturage, if e’


Sung Daphni s meet for nightingales to hear,Patten my herds ; if to thefe meadows fairMenalcas drives, Ofeed his fleecy care.

M When here my fair one comes, fpring finiles around,Meads flourifh, and the teats withmi lk abound,

My lamb s grow fat if {he no longer flay,

Parch d are the meads, th e lh eph erd pines away.

D . When Milo walks’, the flower- enamour’

d b ees

Work food neétareous,taller are the trees,

The goats b ear twins ; if {he no longer Pray,The herdfman w ithers, and the herds decay.

M . O goat, the hufb and of the white- h air’

d flock }Drink at the Ih ady fount by yonder rock ;’

Tis there {h e l ives and let young Mi lo know,Proteus fed fea- calves in the deep below.

D . Not Pelops’ lands nor Croefus’

wealth exciteMy wifh , nor fpeed to match the winds in flightBut in you cave to carolwith my friend,And view the ocean while ourflocks we tend;M . To teats the drought, to b irds the fnare, the windTo trees, and toils are fatal to the h ind

( 9200 )

To man the virgin’

s fcdrn. O father Jove IThou too haft languifh

d with the'

pains of love.

ORESTEs to his Tutor.

6. Thou faithfulell: of friends, and b elt fupporter of

my finking fortunes , who daily fh eweft me fome frefh

tokens of thy afi'

eflion and tendernefs l A s a generous

courfer, wh o, though old, lofes not his courage in the

greateft extremities , but kindles into his ancient fires fo

you not only excite me by your counfels, but give me yourexample. Wherefore give earnei’t attention to iny words,

and correcft‘


if you find I fpeak not to the -


When I came to confult th e Pythian oracle, that ‘

Imightlearn h ow I could takarevmge of the murderer sof my


ther, Phrxzbus gave me this anfwer, which you Iliall hear.“Eh

That I mutt {teal upon him unprovided of arms or tr00ps,

and with my hands take juft revenge by killing him. And

fince we have heard fo plain an oracle, you,~going when

you find a favourab le Opportunity, may know all that paffeth 1n th e palace, that when you have feen all, you may

give us a perféét account. For at this age;wand after fo

long a time fince - t 11 not know you,nor wil l they have of you, b eing thusequipped Tel l them that you are a Ehod arr

’firanger, fent

b y a man of Phanoteus, for he is their chief ally“

and tellthem, confirming it by oath, that you are fent to give an

account, that Orefies died a violent defl

athctumb led from


h is chariot at the Pythian games . Be that thy tale. But

I, after I have adorned my father

’s tomb , as : Apbllo corn

rnanded me, with l ibations and hair cl ipt from my head,wil l come hither again, b ringing in

'my arin s the braz enurn, which you know i s hid hard by in


a thicket, that wemay more eafily deceive the affafiins, by b ringing them the

confirmation of the agreeab le news, that my body 1 5 burnt

and reduced to alh es. Why fhould it grieve me tcrpaf'


for dead, tince it is plain by my aftions that I am alive,

( 101 )

A139: is 71 090c oirraaac a ap9mxar ,01 Z w

, 01 warty,Ou npa09m 11 014 7 11 yuroqxopnxac.

1 11 111 1 1 1 0.

6 . fl . 11 13901 1 03; oaqm

M m ; 011/ME“ : yeywc or 1174 11 :



y tf01 1 11,Gun 11 17 01 11 t 3 11

114 01 £1 7 0101 861mm,


our 09901' drown ); St 11 11


07,0ure1c 7 1i

luac, xau


roc earn tr

T01yap811710111 01 1 1 1 1 7 a Xouar‘

ra cu 82

Audit/c toua av axonr 7 01; aoyoxc,


01 er[an w yxarw 7 1 xoupou.

Eye yap 1300101 1 flux, 7 0 7 11 91 11 01,

Mar7 e1 01 0ir 7 01 7 90; (11 51 90111 1 07 01 7


Af01‘uny dixac 7 01 1 Qoitusa v'rwv

O <I>01€0c z yn 7 o1au9 1 1 01 , 01 1 7 axat m uon

A urov aoxeuor 07pa 7 0u 7 2 11 01; 01071 1901 11

KM xl/ a/ opayac 1 131 11 011 ; xepac'

0 7

our ero'


ay tr 7 0101 82 Xfro'


29 per 14 07x01 1 , 5 7 a r 11 1 190: ewaya 06,

7 01 1 9,

tow, wa y 7 0 bfwlueroy 1 091 ,.O7ra1r 01 1 , (Ho

rror, ayy tntrc aaw "20 1V.

Ou yap 06 ynpa 7 5 11 a, [1 1 01 11 901 xporp

Tw o 008 11 1 91074 0 01 035"

dwofl rtuswan .

Xfa 36 7 01013 A0y01 , 07 1 £1 per Eeroc,M xtuc, 7131 01 1 fl ag; a yb

yooc <I>aro7 t01c

° 6 yap

Tuyxaré la cy

/ 107 0; Soft/firm au7 01c.

Ayt ,WfOO



apx01 , 29,


“ 91 11 11.

£2 arayxa/ac wxnc,11 091 11 0101 1 01 911 0107 , 1 4 7 9001 11 01 7 01 1

101 11 1091 1 ; 03 £6 7 1 7 0”luu91 ; .

H/ mc Se 7 11,11C0r 7 01


root , 03; sp1 t7 0

A 01Ca1 0'

1 , XA lSd fC nayan pur,77901 7 1 7

61 7


01410e 71 01 11 1 1

Hgy tm xaaxomxuoor Xepon ,

( 1 09 )

and am about to gain immortal honour ; for I am perfuad

ed that no unfortunate oracle can be attended with fo much ‘

advantage : for l have often feen wife men falfely reported

to b e dead, and after, when they have returned home,

they were honoured more ; fo I promife myfelf happinefs,that after I have every where fpread the report of myd eath ,I { hall appear as a (lar to my enemies, and fhall {till fb ine.

But O my father’

s land, and gods who there prefide, re

ceive me kindly in thefe enterpriz es ; and thou, 0 my fa


s palace, for I come to walh away thofe {tains by which

thou art polluted, incited by the gods, fend me not awaydilh onoured out of the land, but greatly enriched, and


elror of the palace.

( 904 )


A literal tranflation of a Paraphrafe, by Socrates, of the

oppofite Greek .

V ENIT Chryfes filixque redemptionis pre'

tia ferens, et

{upplex Ach ivorum, praecipue‘


autem regum ; et orab at

illis quidem deos dare, capientes Trojam, ipfos etiam fer

vari, filiam vero fib i ipfi folvere, accipientes redemptionis

pretia, et deum veritos . Talia locuto i110, alii'

quidem ve

nerab antur et affentieb antur ; Agamemnon vero exafpera

tus ell, jub ens nunc et ab ire, et rurfus non venire, ne illiet fceptrum,

et dei corona: non fubveniren’

t ; prius veroquam folvi illins filiam , in Arge dixit feneéluram cum fe

ab ire autem juflit, et non irritare, ut falvus domum veni

ret. Senex autem audiens timeb at et ab iit filentio ; di

greffus vero e cafiris, multa ApoHini precatas efi, et cognomenta deiinclamans, et in memoriam revocans et repe

tens, fi unquam vel in templorum firuéluris, vel in Viflim

marum sacrificiis gratum largitus fit, quorum tum gratia

imprec‘zb atur ulcifci Ach ivos faas lacrymas illins fagittis.

( 005 )


META PHRA S IS, or Pom rw to b e paraphrased

Puos s .


O yap 11 1 91 Saar 1 01 1 1 1101 1 Axaqwr,[ tw o/4 1 1 00 7 1 3 11 701 1 901 , 01 1001 1 7


01 71 1001 1 1.

a a'ma


27 1 11 1 1 01 7


‘X" ' 1 1 Xepon 1 11 115 011 011 A r ommoc,

Xfuasw 01 1 01 011 11 1 1 7 1101 11 011 1 1 1 1 01 7 0 arar7 at; Axaqovc,

A rtur—1301 81 pau 07 a

, 81101 11 001 1 11 7 011 1 Aaa r

5 1 700131 1; 7 1,11 1 1 am01 1 5 11 1 111 1 18“ Axam,


T/u r 3 1 01 801 1 1,Gav/u

ln a 8011 1 01 7,

1xo1 7 ec,11 5

1 1 01114 010 7 011 1 1

,1 0 8


01 11 013’

I la/301 31 1 1 01 101 001 1 7 1 01 1 101 1 , 7 a d,

a 11 01 1 01 89 0091,

Agoy erot A 1 01 v1'

c1 1 11 1 1€0A01 A 71 0Ah01 1 a .

E1 9'

02mm(11 1 1 71 a 1 7 1 1 1 7 1 0011 0 1100 1 Axaqot,

Ada—1 1 19011 0,

1 151 1101 11 011 017 1 01 01 Sex9aq 01 1 1 01 1 00


011 11 1373061 831 A yalu e‘w on 11 1 801 1 1

An a 11 01 11 01 ; a¢ 1e1 , 111001 1 1 1101 X


1 1 1 1(11 11 901 1 7 1M 1


Mn 01 . 11 01 11 1101 1 1 701 11 1 001 1 11 1101 11003101 ,

H 11 1107 1p01 0107 1 1 101 7 01

M 11 7 01 Xpaw/xp 011 1171 7 11 01

,11 011 0 7 1 11 101 01 3 1016.

T 1111 3


1 y01 71 11 001,7101 1 [

11 1 1 11 011 ynpa ; 1 71 61 01 1 ,

3 101 7 1001 1 1 1 01 1101 , 1 1 A07 1 }, 7 11 11 091 71 01 7 11 110,1 7 7 01 1 7 01x000 1 "

,11 011 1 1 1 01 Aexoc 01 1 7 1 001001 1



1 91, 1 1 11 (



1 51 1 9150 0a01 7 1poc 1 5: 11 1 1 1 11011 .

1001 7'

1 530101 1 3 00 7 1 11 01 1 , 11 01; 1 71 01 91 7 0 11 11 901°

B 11 0 01 11 1 ' 1 wapa 3 1 1 01 71 0M1 ¢A010€010 3 01 7x01 00“ ,

1 1 01 1 01 3 1 71 1 1 7 a71 a 1 1 z191 11 101 1 110a9 0 yepa wc

A 71 0M 01 1 1 01 1 01 11 7 1,7 01 11 11 11 0

111 00 7 1 11 1 A 117 01


1001 91 1 1 1 11 , 1051711007 021, 6; Xpu0n1 00016161111 01 ,

K1M 1a 1 7 1 (01 91 11 1 , T 1 1 1 §010 7 1 101 a 1 01 00a c,

2 11 1 1 1 91 11101 7 07 1 7 01 xap1 1 1 7

1 1 1 1 1 1101 sped/ a,H 01 31 1 1 07 1 7 01 11 01 7 01 7r1ora 1 1 1131 1


1 11 1101.

T aufm 113.

01 1701 1 , 7 031 11 01 11011 1 1 1 01

T 0 0 1 1 Aa 1 a01 1 11 01 301 1111 11 01 00101 131 11 1 001 1 .



E E K C I S E S.


x. Tumor, am a,worm,

fi feogeoc, 4 m, Bow l, mum, mm ,

l egal-

n - :z


x - a,

- xc Gay/1 a ,A f fatga , HUQaj/ oyou

2 . 0921- 71 , aye/4 0" , Tofu, n/xefac, Efluea n, n

/uefgc, agemw,

t w'

rnfoc, yurau, Au, fil er, (aw a y .

3 . AerSgq ,any, A nluOoS

‘wwc- xc, A n'

roz- ol, cppoweoc- ewq, 7m

f egt fixam u,mmn u

, (1 07, m foz'

roc a og mc, wafeeyouc, cpnua y .

4 . Bny am,Anqn a , raw 005mm,

m ax-

rag, “ fin-

rag, roou wau,

[Zucc - cv; , Swot-

rpm,7 01

/awl, four- our, ‘

usfea n.

5 . E9rem,7 5 mg, iefwc, xxgw ,

7mm 21,eafoc

17904, mm,Ex

1 09, Amy, xofaxa , 7 ? c avg, Byw ay -re.

6 . A v9jow7roxr, Aama fl d

,mu sed , n


ameq- uc, Afagf c , ow,


rgcwz, x'

rera,M an ic , T ilXfia - H, Borpuag

- vc, xii/4mm .

7 . Kuoreg- xvrec, alum u

o,9a Aaaaay - Aa 7 7 a r



mfam, lunrigoc

- Tfoc, fiaameac c—vc, Ad m , c gm,amp 77a}.

8 . Mn'

refa , Sim, y zyayra , gura‘uecc- w g, (

mu n , 0?91954, nfwwr, faid , mus, q gcc, f




A 2

( 4 )

9 . Om ,M ar


row, 09 69 - 7 9) paced -M3605 ,


HfOtKAiéCJ tiu‘


thief£74, sm og- 004 , voy eum,


soc, opwzc- xc, 7 0304, yamfm.

I o . OSoyv—ec, l'



00700m, you (rm/4 0001 , xv

"07701 , ozrnmz- m , mmneoq, (PGISOd - a). ye07 n7 04'

, 900W .

I 1 . Hmexgov,77 1300000

,<p1A07 n7 oc, Q oté

g), xecpomoc, (300W,Gefowoyn c, vux7 oc

, wane s- ex,17 7 m

,Award .

1 2 . 2770007 04 , eAxeoc- ouc, ngnmya , 7 e 01 , 5 00007 6,Ef‘unvw, 00067 05 4, Xepow. pvptaat, mmGur.

1 3 . 13 195000, 000007 6 1507000

1 00, cameos- n, mean , w avy- 7 00V,

15304 7 05 egeoc- n, w ec,


EM oLSa .30531 7 00, 701 7 0304 .

1 4 . K7 eoc7 oc, a27m,7 00701304 ; 09005 44 1 4, yoyoc


, pmUm‘

ou, 309007 04, flowmeww, Toneec- etg, A 7 A0u/7 04


, yehw'roc.


1 . T IQ ,7711 71 7 614, Aayet, ygoecpen v, 31307 05 wears,

2967x021 “ .

2 . q epov, 61324 , ware/um ,eyemyf e-rfexolusr, era/xzze


3 . EAowe7 0V, (pm-

oval, cann ot/ 91100), nocAeaetc, 7 01/ni ne .

4. Hfayw, 7 0091961 , Tat/£ 61 7 6, 7 v7re1 7 oy.

5 . EMU/4 00005 , 5300100011 , 67700026, ea ocq, wen/017m, eyfocxpotluev.6 . HAGGV,

wfov, 27 07701040 ,

7 . imam,7 67 vxnxoc/Aev,‘ mmxwroy, 7 e7 z/xnxe, wen



8 . Eyeygoccpw , eyywuerror, 27 27 017130614, e7 e7 ucpm'


9 .

H00u, 13067 1 1 , 7 9677077 061 .

1 0. 207001 7 0.

1 1 . Hafowxeuowy , Seéo/xeea , v aoluou,

1 2 . T u7 a090V, men u, 70007 024 1 001 .

1 3 . 1517 0000007 0, 27 0002000a ,w a rd /my.

1 4 . Egoluegoy , eyevow o, 295 7 0.

1 5 . Hev oc,7 27 0770005 5 7re7 019ac, wecpuye.

1 6 . Emmmet, meow , mugszo'





1 . XPHETOE 000019, 0000001 7 0mg, 0730000 70107 0 0000000000,W

900; 00000000,0090007 00 002000, 00000900 007000, 7 0001 7 00 009000007 0


090000,010000007 00007x0000.

2 . I‘

um 073007, 7 uxn 7 000000000, (0009000000; 0000007 000007, 0901 J

4001A00, 07 0; WWW , {300V 0109000000000, 7700000 0000007 00 007001901,

7 00W.

3 . Am; 000050003 77k 70o 7 00, 0040000 9000/0d0707 o07n, 70700007 0

epogejown fga, 7000090000 X05P1W7d 7 ’70 9000 0000000000, 0900; 01000007 007 07,7 59 604 00070000, 0707 00 7 09 007 0000.

4 . Ora/0000 9 69007003 00000 00


,7 007 900001

70070. 09000 0000007 0, 700000 00090007 0003 030000' 7007 010, 707

0007000700 7 011

7001jraw 00mm, fizgi uw 0

11000, 7000000000;

5 . 130001001 0590000 00 070-

7000 0007 00011 07 05 7 00007 0000 0000007 01000000'

00' 5 707 1007 000 0000000000 010000

"000300; QDIAOI, 5 (00000 00w eyyug 77000

00X007 000 7009 607 070000000.

6 . E090000000007 000; 00095000770; 300700070; 07007nx0005

7 011 ; 70007000000;057 000007 00; 7 007 00; 00000070 007 0 7 0 i0000

° 107000091;

7 00009 5 7 0 70490011 004 .

7. 0 0000 0070003 00001 21 007 02001 007000, 00000 0900000000 00000'


8 . 04009000770: 07700070000, 0000001000 0000007000, 00000000000 7000000000000, 00A

A00Joy/0007 00, 00201 7 00 00000 00003900 00n0; , 770000 9007700000, 000070000 00000'

00700900! 00009

000 7 0 71'



0Vl00000; , Sou/0000000 7 070000

, [000001 9000000010


0070070100000 00 3000070000, 7 007 0000Xfoy‘f’a 0009000700000 003mm, 00900 A0




I . TOTE 77 7 00X00; 7000770007 07 0 0X£7 0, 80 00 07 0007 07 0ext.


2 .


E0 00y00 0770001000 00000 07 0007 00 900040000C07 0.

3 . H 01000 00f007 0,07 0 00300000Baamewzr ou “ 0900000000000.

4 .


0005 0000 7 00 00000000 0000000000.

5 T or0000 0000 00600, 7 000; 80 700000

6 . M0000 7 0000 000Ao0000u007 000, 00007 09 7 0000; a00¢07 b

000 700077007 009007 00 7 000; 07 007 00007 00: 003000000000.

7 .

0 7 0 7 007 0 0007 000 exs0, 00000 7 010 8000000000 00000000 00'

7700007 000.

8 . A oy0§ 080 7 0107 0, 00 0009000770, 03 00000000 7 00 7 0000007 00 7 0000

0007 004 ,00000 07 00000 00007 00

,67 0 00) 0000000200 7 0 7 000 6 0000

9 . C afe 70000 507 05010007 00 0X00 3000 7 00' X00A00000, 0003 0770000 3000

7 000 00007 000.

I o . T en/ 7 00 80 am 070000000 00'

000901 7 000.

1 i.


Irv-770000007 000 7700000000 00000; 0000000000000,

0000100000 00770600000’ 50

3000800000 0070w 0 9000007 000; 7 00470000000, 007 00 00000 0007 0000 7 0 070

0700000000 00007 00000539 " 13005 0003000 00000 11 0007 0100; 00000F00000R am-


07 00000; 000a 7 000007 000004 00000007 00, 00000 00 97 0 9 007 0200 770M 000;

0000000800: {07 07 0000 00000 00700000 00000 00007 00 7 07 0 0500x900!

7 000 5 0010.

1 2 . Av7 ovc 000070001 00, 7 004 0020000200; exor, 7700077 000000 ayyikouc,

000” aye ” 0000000000, 7 0000 0ul00/000X0uc 0005 00007 0, 00007 000

000030000, 000001901 “ yew, 00007 000; 7 00000, 000; 0700 0000, 000000000 0


040007 000 7 00 00000, (1 7706 7 9 061 00770 0100, [4 07 05 0000 7 00

CHAP . V .

1 . HQTEPOZ ow 5 m u m n poc 6 (Depot-

rm; ougmw

yapTOUTO 811m}.

2 . KOUVOV ouSeV 77’


1V, an,

offfl afovmv, ea togxouw, 7 oxoyw‘

9 00m ,oQv o

'rc m/my .

3 . HageAw Safa 'm , n (5; mm d AnGn Tav'r‘

eywM ycw n 634of einfl arnfleyoz man vaouow act/ 7 9).

4 . Na : yap'

m/ tpwc, net: 1 0 ” emam,Sh aw no“

5 . Asia : m, a) Oaxaca-oz, 3am 0 5 77011907 05 .

6 . Ems flat,em,

a 3mm; m : av 9 : 7m Tozau'rwv ar9§w7 m5 oi

a orzluw'

refoy yo/xzfouoza pow‘

oc n agempov;

7. T o £2ocy9pw7rwy afl eAGew, e:

law 95 0: E10W, ougev Sewer noc

no as aw. ow wefzgoch oter n 89. e1 7 : owe aw , n ov luéAet cm7 01 1; N War9pww

awv, 7 : C2” ev new.

» 966 W, n 7 90mm:

w e.)

8 . T oy m u Tau; ywiexeway exmaariac Jfl eSé apeGa,m uirefocw oM oc Jim Jwagxet



ocxou 7I'

f0t; GeCou.

Out .


YSwg (my yweagou, ww '

rev,owc « mew/or, cramovye afloa

xou e; M ayra (Ev e-

te o Aoeyemc, a‘uw


q ovge TOUTO ego) ma'rewg. E3

Se m u 7 m? er 7 31 omovy'm ,7 011 1 0 7 0m}

Gav/ mica xou oz7rza7w'

I o . A cp’

03V fill/J V 7


car/ ocean, axegov aw,

ow'm v TOUTCOV nae: m

mum yewowQaz cpma

1 1 Eyw ozwoucoc 7 065906 7 6) y ou, f oun d Am e


not: J/xete

our at ewfouccx're wagon 7 9> warp v

luwr, TOCUTOC wota re.

1 2 . Nn Am not: aroma,am


no Gala}; encpege fl ow'rat flea; offl oa

7 054, 011 32 7 06 ag o/915mm efocyopevew.

1 3 . T o pewow,6) « figs; Aenyouol, 7m

<I>1At7r7rov fay/Any Swimion, xou3la 7 0:1w Aoywy, wga

rpearew a men: J‘uac,

aux: Kama); axe”! 570744 05 1.

1 4 . Kaxovfyora'ror ear l, lunpom TOV omovm y


eow'rov cpeetfew,

Q AA“ KO“ 7 0 awl-l a ) X“ ! 7777 \IJ UX”V.

1 5 .


ro: Asyovm (a s? 7 0mmmu mm , wow: 32 00367.

( 1 0 )

4 .


O(my Ancfln; Euro; 2w07pa

roc, e; Hupzmeyworflx slugsch nGGa) ‘ 5 of

[spew/M g 5 7 mTn; l uoqfac onzouwroa '


5 . Tby M FG/use: TOUTOV,5 ; as Sififi fif d d

i,nag 7 71V M/Arnv, a

w ocxcxg.

6 . T ot m y ngwy fin 027mm,ocm

smCovm , c Aoc-

r'IwGou luazmqv

361 n T OU; exa c.

7 . E7 5.) Juiv wagowoluou oc'irogexfoq, Tr 7701


£07 1 TOUTO, 5 Q‘MOI

wi7row e 1 0 7 6 ova/Act not; my SmCoAny.

8 .


01law eyy za


roc 7 9) xoq my: owrov er nun c,

» xenaownlae.

V0],xoq as /An


,nag cpmoaoqmt, my 1 05 7 901 , my

ampere/ m, xoq way/Admin .

9 . EV TOUTOIC yapIa ovoz; 5 A070; 7 11 ; am; gcferr


lwr' er 82 frommam; owe—troy onl y n M 7601 .


1 . EBOTAEYEANTO Se 5 : d liffi g, [rat 5 7 0V

fl oura ywaz .

2 . t y my 7m xgw7m GaAaaaay fl foq Cw/AEV.

3 . Efl agay TX G'7OC ml m m 1334 ; Mewmror 7 0Vuwoc.

4 . Ka t nfw'

roc awn y,7m 7 0 d


oq/uovzov ekCaM M.

5 . B owXe nae; TOLUT,

29mm,uoq 7 Mou7 ewmy afxew.

6 . EM 11 4 cpmoy ocgnc, £071 7ro7xu‘ua 9ng .

7 . Ergoy [57m m a gar 15 67 7177] T au ayafiov, xoqfate: araé

mZa ySurat/um,

sawone: as

8 . 29 wo w; av [ h aul/ a , ow[an av Gemg‘

7 07 6 Se mn fieC’

Apc/z lue

V04, 5 7 00 Jfl ok aé’

ncfiAa ’


9 . T e'

rvcpm nel

v ow '

rwy T au; ocaA/xovg, my wgfl wfwuer 600v

my nagguxr ivoz (an 18s 7 01; 03090074 014, my venom} 7 24 xafgzgx, m4embq ocm ,

not] 10600 111 66] owrovc.

1 0. Km7m4. 1)a fl o'

mwmtc a yayxnGym/saga : ey 7 14 91154 , 5 7 °F"7 : 7m CLAW/4 60V 9175

3s g y9f07 n7'aq.

( 1 1 )

1 1 . Earm 5 nam e; mam own ; (uoyoc (

a cre , say 83

« 7 09mmm mv xxfm y W?“I 2 . Cu pm a

lum wr 805m: av yewcqcu xaq 6 7 901 72 17:


1 3 . Kujm, a xc (335 , cm any a 7re9ave

law 6 agewoc.

1 4 . Kat/ 5 rqucgz rnc r ou'ro w ray w afer (V 7 9: N W

Smaa '

rwr 59x9 5‘I’npzovluaq xa ra 7 01/C yo

luouc (ne w 7aw GISQ C, 67 1 ,

5 7 a ! Slxrnfnewmr 5 1 valu e: TH 7re f,O

QCETOQmy »; Sn‘uoxfa'n a .


1 . EI‘

Q . I'

Ic oc 5 Sec/4 10g.

2 . G em) fl arfoc xcq 4 1133c 1 4000 Xfw



3 . Eufyern; El/AI O'

OI,xuwr mu M 7 0; (or.

4 .


Olumfoc 7 1 9, [

umgonef , wafagtgovc d U/Ad‘


d 9m ,oraoac,

‘nluwptag, gd ufua , Sed/Ad , 7 m9n T CUC [

a n em n ay b ucc

xwr a rejomrouc, Boar cm 7 57 Swa


,fl efl olnxeyaq, Tau; Giouq 32,

a refwm wc.

5 . Amara ; Se 7 1; ex rou auyegfmu é apzca/og, ova/4 0:7 : I‘

a/Aahm ,

ropoglsao'xamc, exsmuosv ego; flpaxu Touc afipwa ov; womaaq.

6. 00! 7 0V Kfowou 7raq§a v ac/Samar eyw yag nah ac, 8 K 00“

Jpn ; 61m, Esme/g ag .

7 Evy‘

yrwpn, a) Am ,a a y9fw7roc cor, a ffixes

” fayy a'

roc, 5m? c'

mxsq n


luwv kno wn ; mnfureva r 157ro


°27 mxaq

infamy aw, my mum WafocTyaw Smack /4 .

1 .

O MEN ah aZwy 011010000 ua090q £777 7 01 ; fifw f olw

cow/« wig

z oo; WAOUG'

l efOu; exyou, n em, naq oat/306107 5 5001 5 , my Womb

GEW00pmimam ewzv JmaXVoz/lueyozg.

2 .

0000; 05; 0085 11 m ime: 7 0V210090” Ayaxafazvgeay Gav/4 05.068 ;are 10001 00<p0y ova/4 005209001 .

3 , Z UVTOIq TOCTn, 7 2 m u d apalxw'


n, not; nocmzcfln 580g, 0 7 1

(00) 06V [Sol/Ago 30mm 0070490; w on, 7 007-

0 now(05)7611 209001 00700901!

07010000905 1 .

4 . Ame:(0001


7 14 770490013em cpzAau a re WOAE


Jam 7 015

9007 00; xoc'

fzy 0477031301 01 , 0031 11 0; w ow.


X I.

1 . EYAOFHMENOS’ Befxo/ moc er ore/04001 1 £ 00100, 5 [300005

M U; 1 00 1 0000142 .

2 . 1804 100107; 207 1 TOU 0000-

10:o ray 0 000w 7 00

”rov'rou enCanQnaem z

3. f z fiueewcJIMVOIXQZ’IG


OU 050700 of: 00400001.mua men 5

7m; 0007 00.

4 . Tau 200,40o 7 0e 500443

5 . Ta ; la zy raw 30000w abynGewtc loM'

yo; xporoc

6 row07rov§0uwr (pmtocc, 003,

ou5 7 m; 00l efozxezxpete.6 .


T é’




éowrmf nt

7 00 « V90w7rm/ Jauxn, 07-

000 vmxgwurou

7 .


A : 70101 201 t cpou/Towzoa OU [away 7000

T UXIGJV noct 5/4 1’

7uwv ocmoxn/Aoc’

roc, not: my w rnBexqcé

yawn/£007 00. Qg; E: 0051007 5 T 00705 900 1 00 e/xocvrov OCZ



OCL,zr 7 00

{4 11 7r£yz7rotnw509e, 50047 0 020014 7 m; act/100: 607 5 2041 07e

( 00 )

4 . 03090007 00 7 00 000 7 7000000, 00 00x00 00000000000

5 . T 0000X00000, 0; 7 0000 0000000 7 00 7 00007 00 5 0007 000 00

7 07 0 00300 7 000207 0, 00 0000 000

6 00 0700 7 000700000 0000000, 00030000007 00 07 0 7 000

(b fuycoy .

7. 030000000000000, 020007 000 0080000 007 007x0000.

8 . A0000000 7 00, 7 0000000000000000000, 7 0007 00, 00000 M0000000000

0300009007 000007 00 00 7 0 5 000000000 7 00 9 000.

9 11 00007700 7 0007 00 2007000 7 000 0007 000, 00000000.

1 0 . H007 000 7 000007 00 00 7 000 00007 00 000Ce0 00 7007000, 3007 0000Q05 7 000 7 00 00 0 000700 7007 00, 00 7 000 07 0000.

1 1 . T 00007 00 7 000 0000000007 00300000 00000 7 00 7 70009007 0000 5 0020 .

000 7 000 07 007 00,7 00

0000030000 00 exew000000000.


1 2 . Ap'

00 7 00 30007 0007 00 00 7 00500 00000000007 00, Xcofaow000000

0000000 03000000, 0000 00000007 007 00.

i3 . A000n0 7 0000 A0ye00.7 000 00090007 000 7 010 005 0707 000000, 50 7 0000

7 00 00007 00 0000000, 096000

,0000; 0

7000000000 007 000007 00.


1 . EFQ 000 7 00 (9 000 020000900 00004 013000 00 7000007 000007 00 2M]

00,000070 00000000 [00 07 007 00700.

2 . 1 100 7 000 0300000000x07 00.

3 . A 576! 000 000 000 7 000 0000907 000.

4 . K007 0A005 00 00 7 00 0007000, 007 0 7 000 00000070044 00, 7 070

0000 7 0000.

5 .


Hgom [0000M 00 00 00700, 0) 00 00000009 0.

6 . Koq 50 000 010000 7 0007 00 003m000, 0000000100000

7 010I‘


7 0000.

7 07 0 000 1 1 00000000000700.

00900 7 007 0000 010 07 “ 9X“ ,0000000 7 000000190090 aux

007 0000'07 0 0070190000 0000 00700 00 0007 00.

( 1 5 )

9 . How Se Tm; Emmy, en 7m OUOCCd/VOVTCJV, fretWPGO‘



cmW 7 31 Eofiry.

I o . Kocmr,ONT ! a '

rou i xd Tbg, agavowoy Sogar c an name».

Aafaaew .

1 1 . Amoqou w om'rov xps m


ny 7m ” fayluaz wr co rnf zow, own»

sr 7 a) Aeyetv Xocf z-

rog, oupexaeou.

1 2 . Meyoc O‘

U/ACOCANETGL/ a ; parGavw O'

Q QPOVEHV owrovg , 5 1 1,

my TOUC a geaé’

un fov; éfwcny, am 7 am ? rF/Aefocr, 01 04b q


1 3 . Ere/4 11,40; 7,

exwy ey xsfow Exné’

omu Awomwycg,

v ow am man7r7 fw.

1 4 E70 7 9 1; am"

slum/T au a f

zéw T au yen/avg, xoq'z o

Iueyway om

elaou 7m ; 0592677 1 1 , 7 0 Se coy a ; as TeAez/Tnaez .

1 5 . 01 8s, xoq 7 21 59001 vnaoey

'ric, 7 90 may Xw/uowwy, mg £09120?

7 1m afvfay'reg, not/own 7 5 7 am“

: Tot wow -

rem mg a ; 7 a a

Puyy a’

ra oy oy, xoqy sAl ocroy eyxeovm.


1 , TAPATTONTAI 31a 7 o 3100.

2 . Tm opeéw Wd PTEc , gm T OU fl aw-

reg, own s .

3 . Apia; Tozyccgow oc7ro 7 amlump y[00785 77 07 6 van

lungez/og 61

mm, on a 7rw7xw ot owro, cum on afl egwmg.

4 . Eyyvg [m y n cm,

7 257: farm/Tm

, M ew sy7m 86 n Way'w y,72



gz aou, mGn.

5 . Au'roc my: TOWa yepwfl aw a erSlfik f ‘


f fl‘

n ew er,7 1 wasé


7 : 0605 5 24 ‘

7 ; KOCAGV, 7 1 cqcrxfoy'7 4 31x4405 f

r; agmoy.

6 . A 7ro§vaoy x 0 e: at WOAAOC 30 m m u7 m7 4)“I 7 P z 7

[lua '

n go z fvw'ro/z eycc.

v Q

7 . c sieflmaaow o ear; TV, 81809 6? ow '

rcv, w 7a ; ozooumwy own


ranc, cu; aim/mar exwy, o co; 5 : yfa/A/Aanag .

8 . Kay M yem ocjcxmfscrnyoc Kupzav 7 904 Iwow

,A uacq u~

7 m3mm: n or 71 0n our 0 7 am g, up c.» wry/mag, ear cw 'rov,

1 6

9 . Hem ofia/xmu; exaun Tau; im avc em 7 0g: cpocrvaxg‘ mu 5 :

7 x 9 7 cw -

rouq m ,epyor IueV Vwc'roc Auaoa in fl ow,


yOV Sem a

spray s ew zaafoq, if

yOV S t GwpaxwowGoq amflawroc; Sgeqb

Ifl fl wy sh owaq 81a 7 o 07901 7 071 5301} fl ar‘


d cm agvyoc'ron

1 0 . Fxamaev em Samw o Kvpac M W 7 07 6 O'

UV 7 c) 7 05

5 1am»

1 1 . HAS’

OV,ou 3m TOY InaowmVoV, ozm


m my 7 0? A océ’


Sam .

1 2 . ExQoHGe: xaq ow 'rag, WV 7 01; my: ow



1 3 . AM’

o 1 mg Ja mynV, <5; ozpcoq, nomma'ro; mesa

1 4 .


Oz aroma: Ja7e90V 3105 m y 040Gustav Sm¢9e1 fowro~ xoq 31 521164


ya? 3m m un ; TOU“

cwparwc, oc 9£V affix/ MW, 7 0 eV 7 p necpowj

flycoror 1390961 xcxxoV.

1 5 . E: 6®£o¢ Jmp75pm,7 1 ; nae 14


1 6 . Area? ems pm, 7 m; 7 0: 5 7 69 w; 9 05 1 , not/rm 7701011 01e 1 p

7 07m.

1 7 . Kaq 5 : ova'rfowevcroc/xwoz Aafaw d u o: em Smear 5 7 : em

7 ov7 ozw n'


OC Hefamn o’

kocn gc ee e'ro

, 310409615901; new

1 8 . n sr m TOIOUTOV o TWW ef‘

yowe'roq my: as

,7 0c yap

cwn v n gam ma mn'

ougaywynuey, (5; Xa as, am Tn; m ncxc, 71


£ 9 . Z n; yovV ourwg, to; W a ; opowwg vzro Sea-wornSwarm/ae

Vog (a c—Were.

2 0 E: Se 7ro're xAnGerc egewoa eV em 361mm 5 7 01 ;

07014 efn efloc'

roy $01 1; cpvh aéoweoq 7 0 113769 7 0V uogov Quart»

vrm aeoq, 7mm fiaSiw; 7 0c ecpvmfie


Q 7

1 T o afgfoy law evoluoc


roc, mg n a Vv/uac, d V-

r xoVo‘ucwog.

2 . Aw ay mV, ou m eiV pomv 7m Wfd y/XOCTCOV.a


3 . How oZza-Aoucflepocmy 6U9U7’

6f06 7 m? 37s n 080; iO’

TlV em 7 9

V; 7 m? U/AIV.

7. 007 0 ouluwaovar 00V0u 6

,000V01000, 007 0 77A007 0cxwptc 00707 11;

n60rm' exa .

8 . ITaAew; 7 0 mama/ mar 061 7 007 0 emu 711 91 900; 7 00V


,005 7007047000 007 7 00mm w ar.

9 . T 007 1 7 0 nanoV 00 007 070730)

lumayxawax007 1 .

I o . Kaq 700m; Szxa,Bow

/000637 004 07 07 0 44 001 10009 eaw7 nr n 00'

r01 00, 61'

0007 0 7 0 700700M 770V.

1 1 . Tn; 7707x000; 3 005 070001000 syyvc.

1 2. O 69 F006007 000 00; 0770; m 7 007 00V 7 00V xw‘uwr, 7 0

V00¢ fl faefswno'

apeVaz/ g .

1 3 .


1510000 60 7 n 600, a7s avV7 0q 6777001; 7 70; 7 11V 90071 0000000


00600 7 0000 7m 660V 7 0VEw ga kn ow/ mm,wrofevorn .

I 4 . Tran s; 61 A 9nvaqaz 67 : av AOUOOCVOUW,xa7 090V70 770m”


7 mm 7 fza0x00100V (00007010700 0067001 .

A yw arau,xaq 0000060 000.7 10V00/ 706001000900.

1 6 . Kaq 6 ,140VAcct/910; Szwiac-

axfzc 60 0077007000707 0 w on, 00

7 5 77007 07 0.

1 7. 0: WVAoavfzaz, V007 61 GUV 000 7 010, 0717 1610 efyug OLMUMUY7 00

0707707 0, 7 00770V wepzeé’

amaw a 67707 10004 a w£7 1 6:


afoz [3000e 10; 7 010000, 671-

07 00V 07 7007 077060q 7 007.

1 8 . T 0[040V 707

3007 0V OUTIV


5000 7 011 007701000709 0

07 9 : 65 6107079 , xaq0200 "V fiekavg, 006000011 ; Mia/1 00500900: £717.

1 9 . EwpwV 77071 7 0q 00

707efaluevavg, 10004 077 1

(0006900 7 004600000

7 00; nag 7700V7 006m mTOUTGJV umaywaw acg. T ovg 60 7 nV 60200 00770.

Qamalueravq, 0007 100 6mm 77 007 00 07 1 7 06000V7 000.

2 0 . EV 7 00 3000000 0000 00000, OCVGIMMGGHUaV V000; 7 00 60 7 00 077004,


Héa Awflomag crow/4 04, 10004 Aozluaz; 0007 00.

2 1 .


0790; 00V,0710, 6

1007770090 00mm): exewov, 7


071 0V 7 0m,

6060109 1 x00A0¢ 7 0may, 7000; Aapo aSHS', 10004 7007 : 7707009)007007 00

h apfl aluwag

2 2 . EU 9 711 7 001 , 7 0 10017 agxpw a w7 0m; n007 0070qV00900/.

2 3 . An y 7 0 07,00007 00V C000" ; 7 0 7ra0fa0a 600 7 0V 2770—1 7 00XfOVOV,

00001 a ; 000009 1; 07 1 7 007 00V xaAAzav: 007n0V00V7 0q“

2 4 . OUKOUV £77606n OZ7I'OCV7'

CJV axeapoy 716V; 7 00V l3i 057 017009140, 10004

77 007 00 010900,Aeyazc 00V 1160 0007004, 06100

law 7 00 7 00V 7 M000100V.

2 5 . £ 700 l0m

,V?) 7 00; 90000, exaVaV peeve” 7 7 74070

901 7 00V 7re7rfa7/40V0VV'00 {A f t on


A 100,607 00 7 700017610907 7 9007

( 1 9 )C 0

700V, (007 0 7 000 00007 07 007 000, 7 0 ? 7 00? 001V, 0180007 ; puma

a r 0700—000.

26. 007 0 wan /4 01 7 01 ; 7m m; 006010, V00V 0x00V, Eyexer 0007 00

7 00 30007 00700r10'

000900 7 004 ~00V7 1 7 0077olu0rovc°

007 0 711 6 d mmzyn,

xafw 7 00 0 07000091000 luoror x00 1

0 c 0060 7 000 0700070471“ 10004 " X

mg m g'

0V0x00 7 nc 077 107 0144 00 00V00A00

70€00V07 77007 00 60 1 700770000

5 7 0077 00, X1 ?" £ 77 17£V07u£fwy 7 01C £3970“ n Xd AGV

,n GU


2 7 .


09007 0 6: 07900AnA090V 0000 701 000 0097007700, 60 006’

606007 : 7 00 9 9007700 n 0070" nwxxaw am « cream, V000

0m gn7m c, 06: 7um, M 701 , 30a] 00X 610; 7 0 07 7W, exwy 00 00007 0

07 701 7 7 00, 700 0—0 07 1 7 007 010, an 0001 7 : 77700770905 00M e7 aq.

2 8 .


0700007 0 pot, 77 0v 07 00V 6a voltage ", V000; may 7 000

000970101 7000.

2 9 . T V; 7007 emu 7 0007 0; 7000090: 7 1 w 00700900

30 . T a 70 (um 174 007 100 6: 007 00Q00AA0‘000V01 , 70x00; 1000] 900mm”:

670000170007 005 00AA01 7 00.

3 1 . Kay, m 7 0V WM , (0 00106900 A90V0001 , r1; a 0700 077009010 7 :



1 . HKOYEE 7 007 0 97077010000 00 7 0 00100107.

2 . 0 7 1 ; 000 7700700 , ayaBar a raq 700g 7 0V 07A007 0V awroV 00770

7000007 0.

3 . E605 0 10007 00 7 0V 00210” 7 100009004, K070V 60 70 0074

00V7 00 60000.

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,7 0100) may 600770

6 . Tm 007 200w 0766

1007100 0007 0; 0 000, 7 00V 60 077005000 7 07


( 90 )

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1 01 1 .

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1 3.


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VaV7 1 0171 01V,67 1 0007 00 77001 7 00 0160.

1 4 . A00007 001 7 00 7 00 61x0007117100, 07700 7 0 KOAOCO'7nf1 0V 0071 10V00

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0101 0101 .

1 7. K7010001 A 107 0071-

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1 8 . Kau 7 0 0 67 07001 0 71 0A00'

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7 0 07 707 000 00, 7 007 010 067 0001 1 0007 00 1001000000900 .

20 . E1 60 7 1 1 0 0V 71 071 61 007907000 05 1000 05 00 07000 1 100

7 0001 7 00, 77 1 7711 100000A00100 007 0005 0 1 01 00 . Kcu 11V 7 1 1 0 , 6 7 07 007001;

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2 1 . Ex 7 00 F006007 00 177 77 1 1000, 7 001 60V007 001 7 10 00167001 , 00001 600700.

0007 01 00700701007 00, 007 0 7 00 A0007100, 01 010 400 01 7 1 607 00 7700901 , 000

7 00 00V 20005 00 ,7700900 7 00130007100, 77007 00 7 00 1706007 0.

( 29 )


I . T Q : ward /4 9) en taxvfo'repoc wn vfiwomc, n 7 01; Taxeat.

2 . Hu m 0007 3 4, 677 50800; 7 5 not: TGAfiTOUC 7 1m , ayatyew

0283 n u: T UAd C.

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4 .


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new7m cpmwr'

fifloweaz Tau; wefyewouc.

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7f oeev eewluevx; Jcpa fl


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1 1 . Exam la cy civrocy'roc valued 7 e'ram'


1 2 . Aye T OIVUV, O'


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7 8 v x my"5 07 1 .

1 4 . T ea{my ecp

Jpn 207 1 , cpuaa,‘

emveefoc, « momma,camps/4

7 081 07 04.

1 5 . Mot/oz, Tau; y eyauxou; Wfagm y, Xfaror xou cpflorov rmnacxv

1 6 .

0law 101 904, (5; 9 13611 , arawngnaa; an 7 11 4 23mg, Jfl ny'm

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eEwTo' ocM oz, {wgw 61807 64, iKfl’


AHY/AWOI flax?7 90


7rfocy luoc'n .

( 23 )

1 7. I I)? 7 11 1 7 11 1 36 101 11 7 1 11 71 7 0)[1 1 0601 017019. r611 01 1 7 171 01 77 01 131 3

7 01 11 1 1 « Am y oxgnfa 7 01 1 7 1 1 , 77011 778 01'

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,wafammm 1 1 7 1

91001111 1 10 11

,1 07 01 1 31 7 01 1 0 011 1 7 01 101 .

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11 01 1 7 9) XfUGt, 14 1131 5 7 101 1 1 7 0 05 9171 1 01 , 15071 137 6 11091 1 , 1101

71 10 1 1 1 001, 1 11 11 7 1 4 61 17 17.

20 . Kau 7 111 7 01 1 701Xv7 10wr f1pm a o-

emc 07 1 911 91 1

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2 5 . T 1 71 019 (1001 axegor 01 7 9011 77 01 1 7


1 07 1 , 77 a 071 171011

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rwr ww xnxsv.

26 . Tm (ma y , 7 1: an ew/1. 101 T‘d (paye w « yo/4 21 01 fl fcc 7 0

01A1 7xs7 01 1 ° 7 11 Se 71 07 0) 1 1 131 1 027 01 1 .

$07 1 11 01 1 xamm y 01 1 mm

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( 9 6 )



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4 . Cza ca ecu-

ray sugawoyew owovyeyoyevouar‘

wwmr. m y cv‘uaz

kfco 7 0. elufl foJGey Xyoyw 7 e9v m/Aerwr.

5 . How 7m; Twy ” cuppa-

rem w e: noce ex/ox, m : Staixoy zfo

1mm er T au; nocffwuc cit/raw, Aeyovn c T: van ; aura: BAaaipn/ m

7 1 ; Summit occpzeyou 7 a; apocy'uocc, a pn o0 6 5 0;

6 . T o 35 fl awwv pew/n or m u nahmflor, 7mluer any Xcofow

mascara/ mm my 36 rawWoke/um Ia ev emv.

7. No‘wze fingev emu 7m aygfwm ywy fieéawr aura)7669 our

euruxcov eonm fzxocpnc, w e Sua'

luxaw m fmvwag.

8 . 6 07047 904 urn/a far Ea'hw yereGAtoc, not: wafexam


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1 x.

Owrzf xou am “m y xe—r/xww v Tumay 5


rnc, ex

AocpCocref n ewwapaxqweovv'rwv 1 a Xommw



1 2 Ev Tn A zCun, Kapxngowoz pay apxzm ,Afive; 35 apxovw ,

«rowmum y ow m n fov; nStov cm (W ; n m y Emnywxf, sy 6x,

xouown ; a, man go: om Saxovmv ngzoy, a: xfoc


n c n o: upoc'ra

[xii/01, (M ;

1 3 . Tear ov'w r ayaawv xoummv ovgey, avw fl ax/av not: empe

m ax, 9501 3:30am]! 0095x07 01;

1 4 . 0 Se Kuloo; xomwag 7 1m: 7 507 mayov

'm v Jfl'



pal, apn, kayak s 7 14 5/ w Afifcxgoc'rnv ; 1 GavpaZw yap, ecpn, 67 3

717 0099 1 901/1 1w if éluag, rvv ugaluov cpouren u. T aww Jfl nfe

'rwv ,

7 1 ; am nf zm'

ro, 67 1 , (fl am e

-m ; ou (34, anon"er 1 37 ‘uocxp h fl egarev,

gufiaw y 7 a a ; n u; Anya/7 7 10114.

( 9 7 )

1 5 .

fl cm ef 5 : ma ma: m y er rm « yam unfoxmr ma yo/xv: n

t au ovx aacpamc 1 9 9:yy £-


1 6 . Km wan e: 7m upemr/xemr 00990 7 4 " £39010” ( c ” tau t,

Tn Sulma rrawa-

rm zurexoy evou

1 7. To 8am Se o7rwc 13m, 7m xaupet 7m ( Stowaway1 8 . Emagn eyrw ar

, Xaxwra: ma y 7 01 ; fupfl'


furo'om f or murmur,(50mg 8 K aura: xlampwa/Aerm.

1 9 . w gor 7 004“

law 791 9 61 4 awa xafe w ‘

rot xaAa 7 07 (mm,

7 00; 36 7rax§ac‘un {

aqua aGa l ravc ” rot/gamut: 7m 70m m

2 0 . £ 79 wagon-

rcgéozlueroc, if axfxgu ac woM nc, rot/c 7 e aya

Oouc “my a rwrmr xou 1 0./c cpawxovc’



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rawar9‘aw7m r eyxfcz

rw -m -


2 2 . Kfzn ag[a n 7 61 V

,iv 1 3; omyafxlgz , warn» m uom nw'


7 a; Ti x1 : filI IOT a TCC 270 3 1 0.

23 .


o 7 d ? not: 7 0: 7m {m y 7ramf‘

euwcn, xau own ay ayyarxa t a rexvor oufsroc aim a rm yo

‘uxCoz/m, (

uomr 3 mum ? a‘ummm


SUS’MOV 61 1 7 01; ao M-

rotg 7 m amen »! sotxom.


1 . TATTA xau 7 a fl agamxnmoc 7 01/Ton: 6 mm xanGm.

yvluyoc aim ,

we ago“, now moflamoc 7 0m « M ax; m


3 . EVper ”8” TOUT.

6X0, cap: 001 .

4 . Bum/4 a : Tom/ r w areAQa V up,

oi m omn vo‘unr. Kat:

unawa re er 1 cu1'

otc mu n aw,n 1 7; 7 07mfiEAT IG


5 . H 8 cu new7 01 4 aywvac, em, 71709 1 7701: A “ ! 1 a. Q GML ;

Ad[a d AI

, wri oo Kugoc, aux ela ou 7 a U7


Ct exam c. A [an « r

rrpa n uay erax xoxm taun t; nyua-


ra : a re a.

6 . Amnmw m y: Aoywr agucpto

'Cnrc—wpay, 8i[am

7 . E : “n ; arc/4 am Xouye: xtmc.

D 9.

( 28

8 . O ow oxxoc 5 i070): not; axwaocc, ekeye fifownv yeyoyévaq'

An a: exeyoy , Ayyexoc cwm h emmxe.

9 . Exam yvy 7 021 7 50 Joumuouax, naeogfl ef 611 7 0; sum/014 argon

1 0. T : y o: 0537 1531 ;

I t . Hoocy 7 00 Kgowco 800 fl ex/Sec.

T 0, a ySpapxoy

'm 770m xocmmx/ya y 7 07; apxo‘ueyozg, 7 ou«

7 0 euazye 30x61: fleyoc aluocfmlucc em u.

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smuywy 777mm cap/4 a ,

7719007 0; fl opwerw ,

7 0) Se £7 67 00; 07 ,00c7 zoa Hwy nowSou

/a oywy .

I 4 . Ouop 05 : 770000: 7 0m99m swam/01001 7 otc flpogawqc Bon90v"

61mm ; ovgey yap77707 ep0y aSmcevmy, n 77e 7 0m; 9200; aaegow z .

I fl afaaegu 7rgw7 0y a ; 7m man y 019711000 xoq Xfw ov

(M ac, xou avynxaxaufinae 7 x 7I'


8 7 n la cy n'rncre: 7 Aeoye21a , xoq

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e: xoq 0671'

0AOW0'61 7 9mmmy panama xoq 770~

Avn h a a .

I 6. Kay 1301) 05n euro 7 00 axlw egoym Asyay' Azgocanam, See

y a; 08 , emCAssll/ a/ ear: m y way

law 07 1 poroyeync p01 5 0


7 12

1 7. Ear s/xoz Szaxoyn anmovGeww, nag o 7rov C'W‘ £70;

cue: xoq oo gtocxoysc oa qua; 607 0; not; say 7 1 ; £100: Sunbu rn, 7 1/ m0ea

auror a0 7705 7 7101 8 . p ew .’

(Ima m); noq M 721 7 50 Aygfegc, not; 7 0cm AySgeoccmy fbm zrw oc Aeyovazy 7 0) 1mm.

0 Se Inaov; amngzygin M 7 014,

Asya y EAnAvGey 15 035905 , [ VOL Sofowgn 6 15 10; 7 8 aygfwm v.

0507 0: 29am Hu go; 10101 5 7700 11 7705761 ; Awa y:On awm 0 1 110007 . ew ov 2771


7 740, 00 Suyacoq (a c: yvr anao flno-oq v0

7 eyoy Se ao ouBnaacpm

20 . 1 33 Sn, Mex/ 1 770700 007 001 cfmowex7707 £f>04 evluogtpon fog

E1776, 0) Mayra-

776, av xc zwy 00: 30x00

2 1 . T oz nycgmqg, y;xum , may eo yotc, not; z afocgowwt, not,

7 01 ; cpfow'

lmozg 057 001 , nag em§em7zxozg iflogmq; 7 s, nag {pt/01 07 07 10175not, an omyozc 00mm 3 9960" eff/1 00004.

2 2 .


00c em 7 3 ; m ama; 7 0» law x7 nlao¢7 c0y, my 7705s mu m

tau/7 01 ; oy7wy, 7 0 7720190: 6 807 014.

3 . Ow e mm ; aypoy qwn v eyc‘

aSymoy, 6074; napmofi roq'

011 7 6 7 6)mime outlay oxxoSOIunaowiygo3mm, 0071; 01 101061 .

( 30 )

An a; 11 01 7 010001 00 9591711 01 7 101 fl ag/ 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 7 0

,$101; 015 1014105100

01 109011 7 111 1171101 1 01 117 1011 .

1 0 . [21 7 01 11 901 5 11 £ 01 1 . 11 0y [301A01 ; , 11 01; 11001 1 5 1 1 7 uyxo1 yay

11 11; 910001 11 1011

, 7 101501 1 , 5 1 are 11 014 (11 119011,11 01; 11 1 1111 1 1501 .

1 1 . E9SA011 0101 , 1 11 11 , 1 071 , 11 011 1 1001 1 11 01070; afy 01 1 7311 71 11 7 00.

1 2 . T 0y 1 7 10011 1 7 1/1 1 1 Aau/1 1 y0y, 7 011 1 7 13011 0101 71 110011 , 0 01001 01

1 01y11 11 .

1 3. A r 77011001 91 1 7 0» 001 011 01 11 11


1577 1015 11; 7 07 1 11[uoyaw

7 111 1 7707 11 ; 1 031 , 01 11 11 01 11 01, 0z1 ra

1 4 . 011 7 1 7 10 77011 1 7 1 11 01 5 11 11 011 , 11 7 11 ; 770007 01 7 11 0,011 7 1 7 10 5 10 01 7 011 ; w

7 11 77011 1 1 5 11 11013 1 61 5 101 7 011 7 11 ;

0 7 101101 7 01 1 7 11; 7 011 1 100.


1 5 .(P1 11 7 11 7 01X011 4 7701 1 7 c1xa91 y 011 1 91 011 01 , xenon/1 1 1 01 11 01 1

71 01 1 7 1 5 11 11 01501 5 91 1 000001 1 001701 7 11 XFW ‘W°

1 6 . Ax,” 11 1 11 1 y 7701 101 1 ny, 01 11 011 101


0,0 17,

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1 1 011 ; 11 01 1 0701 001 ; 5 1 1170071 1 1w ,11[uoyay 7 61 V 11311 1 91 011 , 01 11 11 01 11 01 1 01 11 7 101

1 15 11 7 101 91 101 .

1 7.


9 4 1177161 1 5 Xfayo; 7 17; 1 7 0177 1 71 101 1 , nt

; 1 7 1 1779 111 0 7 0 5

0 1 0; 7 10 AC00101/1 , nu£n01 y 0 M 1 0; 11 01 1 1 1 0 1 01901 97 ey 15 17 11 77 7 00 axfz

5 0 01 1 10711 [30101 11 1 110 1 7 1570; 1 7 131 17

1 11 77 7 01 , 5 ; 011 11 1 1 1 1 110911 7 011 1 10

1 8 . E1 7 1 ; 0510101 1 7 0091 1 11 , 7707 1001 (1 1 01 11 71 011 1 91 71 01 0011 01 11 511 00 7 01

7 01 01 11 7 01 5 1 12101 7 05 n m y 7 01 1 1 11 501 1 001 0171 1 1001

! 1 11 1 1 1 01 01 1191 ; 5051 1 , 7 011,

1 11 1 071 0091 1

,011 11 01 511 07707 1 5

1 01 01 1 1 11 01101 11 1 .

1 9 . 05101 ; 77 10; 0A 1y01 1 071 y, 10V 11001 7 11001 ; 5 11 1 01 701 1 91 011 5 14film

001 1 11 01 1 7a 51 91 01 71'71 1 0y 011 5 1 11 01 7 01 1 7 000001,7701011 7 011 7 0107 01

0011 010001 7 01 .

Eva/1 091 7 1 1 711 117 1 1 01 101 7 1 11 10901 1 , 11 0011111011 ; 1091 1 1 1 ' 15510

7 0y y our 071 01 1 11 7001 7refay 0107 0001 1 1 101”

1 7 1 5 1 11 01 1 17 1 1 9101 7 011 ;

01 11 900077011 ; 77 1 1 7 1 1 7 11 [ M5 1 001 710901 1 .“ 5 43 7

2 1 . Km 77 000; 7 01 1 071 9170y7 01 11 11 1 11 911 ; 1 1 01 1 10901 1 , 070 10; S ; 9120

7 1 011 7 1 1 11 10r 1 1 1 01 1 01 77 7 011 1 01 1 .

2 2 . Hy 11w 01 11 7 10r 1 91 71 11011 7 1 7 1 y10901 1, 11 01 1 770611 011091 0107 0;


011 5 1 1 1 11 0107 0; 7 01 1101 0 1 11 7 15101 ; 7 0y 5 1 771 1 1001 01 7 11 1 9 11 71 110 01 11

7 011 7700121 1 1‘

11 01 1 7 01 11 11 7 107501901 1 11 1 1 1 1 01 7 01 1 1 11 01 1 01 1 11 5 1 091 , 1101 11 1 1 1 0

91 .

23 . (9 1 01 00111 1 1 01 7 1 1 1 ; 01 1 11 0001101 , 11 01 1 01 11 00001 1 7 1 ; 7 1 1 0; M e

1 0 2 101 001 7 11; 11 01 1 7 01 7 1 ; 007 10 0901 01 7 01 1“

1 1 77 1 1 1 10;

1 11 1 1 1 0; 91 11 0001 11 01 1 01 07 01 101 11 00011 1 1 1 .

2 4 . E1 11 1 7 11 7 01 ; 8101 41 101 1 77010 1 11 7011 711 13101 , 11 01 1 1 7 1 7 10 7 11;

7 exr11 ; 10y10, 01 01 1 1001 07 1 11 51 1 1 77101 01 1 1 1 1 1 , 11 01 11 11 01 7 00 7 1 11 11 ;

x01 1 00001,7 11; 1 17017 01 1 01 1 .

2 5 . E1 7 01 1 ; 01 17 1 771 0, 7 0 7 1 1 01 7 101 10107 00 1 51

7 10 1 11 11 1 130

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,7 0 7 01 1

0001 11 1 1011 1 101 PWVWGJ ";

7 01 ; 01 11 11 01; 1130 1 071 , 7 0 7 101 001

0005 16 1 1 07 101 01 11 11 1 1 1 .

26 . Mom 8,

01 5 11 016 1 ; 1; 7 1001 31 151 55 07 01 1

,11 01 7 01 y1 11 10001 7 101 011 0

¢0001 1 1 1 10 1 7 1 11 01 1 11 01 11 11 1 7 101 0107 11 1 .

27. AAA,

01 11 11 11 7 1 1 1 01 1091101 1 1 111 1141 01 11 11 7 01 12 8 . A 120 31 170107 01 , 01 07 07 1 01 1 171 1 11 11 11 001 07 1 5

1 1 7 11 801 11 1 01 1 10

3101 1 1 1 7001 1 1 11 7700; A fw'



i. H001 1 0'11 1 11 11 1 7001 , 11 01 1 6 01 1 1 11 1 , 11 01 1 N01 901 1 01 11A .

2 . E17 1 7 101 K001 001 11 01 1 201030 1 0 3 0 11 01 01 17 1 11 1 1 , 17 11 1101 01 01 11 110101

0107 101 .

3 .

O 31 Hw y ; 11 01 1 1 101 1 1 1 11 1 01 7 0110191 1 7 1 ;10700; 01 07 11 1 , 1 1 7701


E1 31 11 01 101 1 071 1 1 1 107 101 7 11 (3 1 11,

01 11 11 1 1 1 [1 01 11 11 01 11 7 11 0 1

11 111 1 11 7 2.

4 . 00 11 01 A101 , 01 11 1101 11 1 1 030551 01 , 11 01 1 7 0001 , 1 1 01 1 07 011 101 11 0005007 0107 01 01 01 1


7 11 1 90011 001 1 .

5 . Kau 1 1 77 1 K0010; 771 0; 1 0911 1 7 10 17 0100131fa1 1 1 1 07roxszf 101

001 7 11 1 1 109 110,11 01 1 7 01 [301 01 1 1 1 01 301 01 7 11 ; 01 7 01 ; 1 1 1 7X01 .

5 031 77 1010711 701 01 07 11 7 00; 11 1 0901 1 11 ; 11 11 1 1 11 1 0.

6 . E1 901 11 01 7 01 P aw/11 11311 1 0107 01091 1 7 01 , 7 1 1 1091 1 00701 ,

Freon/ 4 1 7 101 7 11 1131 14 11 7 11 100107 11 .

( 32 )

7. Kay ewe 7790: 6607 07 P; fun ny act/ 7 00° Teuror, 7 : momaag a;

pw 5am»; 4501) 5 7mm? aov xgcyw oSww‘ueyo: uaq Aufl ovluem £31 7 8

per as.

8 . Kuyoc my Kwafagnf ok’éa/xiro: WifIE/AEVOY, 634 , a fl fOO



oz waxepm, flaxovlaerw.

9 .

0 Hove-15m , xou J'

Hfoc, my 5 MM ! emCovMum vEvnaaf




1 . Mngm ov/ cofocr ovaSwnc'3mm yap3; 7001 , mg 7 0 “ may


2 . Exam; Eavn v 7 9) I‘

vmz mo wafegwxey.

3 . Aemyvovazy own ; 7 8 ; axe: 51a 7 fz€or7 a9

4 . Kay 7 90m ,o'

o: Stet/u 7m yw luw 7m 5

4W": my 5 5:

‘unGuy 7790; 7m nowaé


5 . M11 56 OZIfEITfi wafayozxc, GVOCVTIOV 7 cm Ru nway, 7 0}

7 5 1 7 Aenm/wy.‘

6. Kama; my 5 Any ooGem; nos: 5 Azoyemc' 5 my" v ooc «7 90

435 1 7 0: xocm v 7m: a im/m mmy a7raq5ev7 ug' 5 5e 7m; em 7m ugny

m y O'wcaq; d fl


GiKOCCCOV aw ay .

7 . 9 . engine; A9nm/oz 7 8 7 0 J‘uwy Sea/l ap

8 . T ax; (umgozc army/l oam ; wefmGeyoq psi/amt not]mum ovo


,TOG/ 7 0V owcpoqrorro, w; 61 me; nay


a ovy eya 7m;

3: Wefteemmmgo.

9.EV 7mOJ‘

vaaergc, wafaxowaq 7 1; car nowaguomr?) 7 art


75mg), 5 11 , SIX“ 7m a<p05§ o7 n7 og, ” agapevet 7 a lug

/ £904 .

I o . E: per 7 : mmluluemmmv Kgrn ozc uoq Au té

tofing, 7 3 7 8

w pamv‘

5 m am/ago; OUTIOCTOU’ 5 7 : 5e yew ow e ow‘

rw w fa'


fl afeaxe awtpfoye, 5 71-

am; gone: 7 9) aim; 5 1 l

I It

Ox 56 XaASouoz fixer, Sea/xerox 7 8 v b' agnmv aqua; 770m

( 3 4 )

9 . I'

Iocm 7 4;s xa rs y Neo7r7 0Aeluov 7 0V Jn'

oxftmv 7 8


7Xa yoy

7 x agd ac, KOUCOC 5,

efyocgolueyov 7 00 palm/100 THYman y

, wayeAewV

a rray em uy ac.

1 c . Kaq ey exam 7 8 nluefoz, we 8 8 efcflnaen 8 5am A


«(any Aeyw 5 7 : 0004 on oqrnann TOV 7ra7 e§0c er 7 w0V0/4 0C7 1 /4 8 ,

Same film y .


A 7700; (LC/180 04 Baygafw mfoaegozwl


Spwmr me

g a ; 5 1 outfl ow not; 5 8 4“

[ud AIU


ld 28 89767 710014, 7 8 7W; exGfBC exam

1 1 . Ayaeov 7 : 770168 / Tm/ 7 04701500 77 61005 7 04.

1 3 . Hot/5a; Kd/ egoncw 7 00/ own “ 7 8 7W 251508 1 8 5 7 6.


1 . EET I 5 5 04mm 7TOCF€XOVTOC army/4 007 00 non /4 1034, 7 asg


2 . E71 0) aum aé’

wy aw wv 7 tmc, cam-

res: emo; ml, ua 7 ecpoc


yov 7m

o‘7ac 0y7 0cg .

3 .


O : 5 5 , 50mm; noq 7 00; 52007 07 04; 7 & 90/xeyovc, 7 0cxu'


90m .

4 . E1 fa T OLVOCVT IOC yryywmcé , 7 00 ifyoc acu7 amemammoy,93.

5 . T aw 7rpw7 wy £7rlAOL90/A6V01 , Ia ocAAor 53 my 77 14 vfl ogeaewq 0



MOIC Aoyozc.g

6 . Hyman/0; 7 0V d a msmafia/7 05, my Stagoeocfew a 0070Xi


7 0)v, 8 56 ngzmv £7 1 7 0 8 O'


/TCOV owcpocm [awa y 7 71

7 . T 07 55 5 ow 7m; oulucpofocg 0852101 7 64, OO


VIma y yeyoywosa rr a TeXx

/wg fiwlueyot, 050m? 7705 7005 07291790 7 94, BIOCEGIV 7 0V 677 1- 47 00

BM .

8 . HAOUTOC mama ; ((AOCAAOV n xocmxgc

yaGtag 5 71-

839 27 144 £071 1 "

afoumccvlaw 7 14 809010 157 w apowxewj



gw ,em 56 7 d c figomc 7 011 ; v6.6

8 ; wafomomwy.

( 3 5 )

9 .


01 7 0 7 8 Tmsuaxou wotaxoper'11 011

J‘. s wu foxamxc, [4 6 1 Neoqofo; 01 11 1

a r xMra ; 901 17 01 7 , 7 1101 7 1 501“ 01 1 01 1158 1 , aux

v am pire 7 cv £U7I'

OFOUVT d01 1 01711 58 01 1 11 11 1 ,xfmnpmr 7701011 5 1

Ma gma.» 91 0100111 0 0; 671 5 5 01 1 7 01 , 11 01 1 X? 17 01 , 11 01 1 iMfX Tfoy, (2ga xayn.

1 0 . Begum/1 117 7 8 ; 5 7 015 11214 1 7 fixamea ; x01; 17 7wxw~

01 7 01 ; 77010,

0wro1; , 11 014 7 01 77001 7 01 5 15087 11 01 7 01 ; ” 0154 11 01 7 01 .

1 1 . 6001 7 011 5 1 1 5 1 ; 5 1 exeyxovn g 5 11 ; 1 8 1 g m x01 7 c1xov.

1 2 . Hfoa'

eufixlufim 9501 ; 11 011 1118017 1, 5 8 7 10 81 16011 1 01 7 01 501 01 .


1 . TOIATT A 7 018 77 014, luey 7m cpwuw v 17 01 11 7 01 1 5 1


7 w ;° 5 1; 01701 901 1 , 5 101 7 8 ; 157701101 7 010

2 . ova/4 015077 017.

3 . E07 1 7m 01407007107, 1 1 01 07 7.7 e 01 1 11 01; 7 01701 11,037 ”

la cy

6 707 6 11 80101 , <paqre090q 77901e‘uewc, 01 16 1 01 157 7 7 11; 7 11x114 7 01


xeuaweefl wy 011/1 1 11 011a 7 7 a naq 11 1 45

1 01 7.

4 .4 E7 fax9m 01 5 7 M 617 8 5 1 7 657707 afwh o'yoy .

5 . 2 11 7 01 7 117 aAnGa a v, up n'

; 8 5 9 1 ; 7701 7707 5 sQAaC’


flAa 17 7 27 0q5 1. 5 empew r £77 1 7 11 ; Emma 01 7701 7 11; ay 1 0101 ; .

6 . H90; Geou 11 01, 7 f0; 01 1 90107 101 ” 7 11 1 117 011 .

7 137 0145211 91 " 0770 7 11; 7 2 11 1 1 11 1 1 27 1901 ; 7701 7 5 1 5057 01 ; flWCUTifOlg, 00 {1 01 07 a5eA¢01 ; , au a 1cd ; 07 6:

ace—1 7.

1 7 7 11 7 00 d /AQIQif OU a cro5a1 , 3 10m

7 01 ; 7 0 5 17100107, £7 “ n 7 s 01147 1 15 1 10; Koluy ocg), mg lueycxxp $01 1 1:

71751 061 77 107 05 70 6 070001 c own : 5 7 1 7 1 7 917791 7 pm171 951

( 014 , and . £ 1 a 7 691 7 11 1 7 01 7 f:11/.1 01 7 01 7 7 focpafav 110


X0Ae1 7 0, 11 04 7 11 7

5 6121 1 7 8 5 1701 8 , aumnwa f 11 77 0 7 01 7 awpan cpumw r TV flz ‘f‘MW ;

M m 0170101 ; w r saxer.

( 36 )

9 . 13091 191 7 0 5 8 Ed n a/1 1 110; 11 770 075101 7 101 7 07,

005 1 11 770 7 1011 577 77 1011 , 1101; 11 770 7 011

;4 1 1 04 .

1 0 . T 01 0w 7 01 0


Hepn yaf 1 1 77 1011,

11 77 11961 171 7 2 7 11 11 08711 71 117 011

[308 1x11 1 5 11 01; 7790; 7701 1 7 01 11 1 11 18 11 1 10907 , 1 5701 17114 7 5 1101;

7 701; 01 11 7 1011 7 11X101' 1 14 7 11 1 60101 11 0101 1 77 01 1 11 11 91 1 01111 71 117. 1

Ka 7 01 7701 11 01 109e14 11 770 7 011 901 1 01 7 8 .

I 2 . Expnr (11 1 11 7 01 11 01; ;.1 01 11 f01 01771 1 1


, 5 11 7 10 07011 1100 5 770 0011

11 01 7 11y051 11 91 1 7 01 .



01 5 1 0107 1001 1 0701 , 7 01 ; 11 005

7 01401 1001 11 014 5011 011 171 7 1 3

7 51 10901;

2 . Mn 01 1/ sh ew[11 1 1711 911 1—14, 011 7 907701 01 11 9 171 1 ; exec; 7 07 A 1yv77


7 1011

7 11 11 11 1001 18 1 1 .

4 . 08 56-1 ; 01 1/991.17 e 01 11 7 0; 01 7701 1 7 01

5 . A 190; 7 0[11 1 11 1 1 11 11 04 770w 1 11 01 7 011 .

6 . 1000801 901; 7 11 11 “WW“

7. Tnv 000101 7 11 1 1 5 11 11 100) e nd; 17041 04 .

8 . H 7 1 ; 8 11 11


050110114 5011 1 1 11 1011 , waxyw; 5 1 01 7 1 99 115 ,7 0 001


401,11 01; 7 11 1 41 11x11 1 .

9 . 01 1 1151 0; 01 11 11 01 7 1 1 17011 1101 01210; swag/010900, 11011 5 11 11 01; 5 7 1

8 01 0; 7 01 11 7701 11 7 01 1 , 0011 ayyoez 5 7701 11 11 0007 07. 1

1 0 . H oféuoluevgo 01707 91 11511 5 P 01501 7 014, 1 71 15 1 5 11 1 1 1 0; 7073001 11411 01


01 77 111 7 01 .

1 1 . E14 577010111 0111 7701 1 7 0101 11 11; 7 01 1 7 01 1 7701 1701 117701 11 1011 ,

1 2 .


0 per 0011 7 1011 7 01011 1 01 7 0 7701 1 1551 0901” 11 01; luovoy 7 8 7 0 1 112:

71 01 1 7 0; MTWW,7 011 7 0 7019 01 1 0

1;7 07 11 501411 07.

1 3 . New 7 0my 01 11 11; 01 1107 01 04, 7 11 7 ope4/ 11a 01 11 000007

1701 1 1 1 11 1 7 1 7 121 1 1 11 011 1 11 7 111 50201 1 701, 7 11 56 7 900901 11 1 77107? 7 05 W,

9 19011 7 01 .

( 3 8 )

5 . T ow-

roe auV 7 1m £ 57:

6 . T aaawaet T au; a Vflamraug, 8 Tot w‘aacyluac


, acmac 7 05 area:7 m Grad y/warm gay/a ura .

7 . A U7I'


XVOU 77a 1 5 e acyaceac n/xocg, or iAOt/AQOUE; 7 05



rac az'Ta



remcflaq aaxn5n.

8 . T ea 71 90605 1 05 awn .) acxaAaueet,5 7 1 algaeaf '

rnV tpa V aw'r'd .

aux £571V ayaga , 5aac Aa/ACOCVOUGVV a: acVwraV 7rac§>ac

7m; Ta g n 7TOCMV, 7 a £VOU’TIOL 7 m; aux £57: Vanna ,

1 0 . Oman [14 8V Xanaee yn naq auaacvga, mum/ 5 t5q em 5

7TOJ OL/ 7/EV01VT acV euVaq em ync

'(flaw/Aort a Se Va



en ,aux 5 71-am


ac—rac cpua cam, acM 5m'

aaacWuyawac oar; 7 5 not: 7 5 5m ac at.

q 1 . 0 571 ; max TSJOCyQ SIOCC 0156 xaq pam nq, 015e nag

an y: w ar 05 yapewwrauac fixa , u

w acaXfl 7 34 man/ 9 5 1“ .

1 2 . HAOUTOI, f xluaq, gaéaf , Tuaa VVVSec, nag 5aac 5 11 acM ac axe:

7raAu eEcaQeV fi faa7aan aUpeVaV, aux OCV 7 a) ye cpfaVV/xw 80261 21’ cc

7 ac9ac umpgacm aw ac,cav own T o mac

o0V€1 V acy acOaV x 1& i t

1 3 . Enaca’

lac TOUTwV fl ea aauw aq, Ka TOLXgaVaug, Smyna'


1 4 . T awrac aaz acanen'

co,ace: 50715 4 5 5 7 5

1 5 . 21mm 7 0 m m V1 Aacketaew 7 a - acVac7na/ac, nag 5 1,



5 6 . Kaq ea’

laq, c aw cram-

nam e TM aammyy z, acVac


157 04; 5 h aw; aZ/xac, xaq acVamaacyaVTcaV awe,m am -

cg aw'raluawac 7 a

7 61XV1 Tn; 7raAewg, nag a aemuaw aq'

fl ac; 5 Aacac, 557 mm ; M afia;


ac faraaacafi aV 614 TM 7TOMV.

1 7 . 0m1aIU iV aaz eu 6X6! ) my 7


act/55 5 171 0455 7racVTac, nag mm :

5 11 , xaq xuVeg, my Xcaatcc, xaq 5a'

ac nix-rnaaq Su ma tran. namcag.

1 8 . QllAOLTOUtOI, aux 61 807 26; nAmazf 55 01 1; 5 1005 615 91


q 7 a: f fwyg

xaq Tao{c a V waxy/matron) my 5 1 5 : may 74/s‘

5 571 .

( 39 )


1 . EII'

IEN auV 5 Inaauc, A?“ own ”,a ;

“my ”274 6;o 7 8 sw a

tpmapu y ou 7 e'

rnpnxer own .

2 . Mn cpaCau Guy/atr ia Elm ,15W, 5 fiacmsuc a


au eaxeraq, xaz

Onluerag em sm AaV arau.

3 . Kay 5 7m c Xcapzar treat xxrexauVaV 5q7 3 ; au



4 . E75 7 6 5 5 er Eu 7w 5 czxaValuar T l 770mm)

, an 5 Kufuaq f “:

wpa zf a'

raq 7m atxara‘w atV lug axa a fla r aux wxuw, £7 5 1.77 e sua

Xuraluau .

5 . Eu Aeya c, 5 7 1 mu 7 a eyxaw luacrac loam /4m,

5 7 5 773)a 0mm

95 ; mm M i n g.

6 . Eu w ,T SM’

OVluv, 0807d U 7 71 xafrn 7 g; 0 n a7§a In

7. Bar 7 05 ; SYTOMI C luau 7 nfnan7 e, luiVa Te £ V 7 31 a7am'


xaewq £7 5 ) Tag iYTOAd C 7 cu 7 01 7570; z

aou Ternfnxa , xaq I'm“) aurou ,

er 7 71 aya srgf.

8 . NW I; 4a I “ 7 5 7 aaam au, mu 7 t a w.) Han a, g ammy


in T 7IC among 7 1 0771? a AACZ 81 d . 7 8 7 0 ”AHOY PM“

I n? (5d Tag-

ray ,

Han g) , SaEaaaV 03 T o araluac. HA9£V w (pawn in n u augan u, Kcu

egafiaa'a xai 7mm Xaiaaw.

8 X. aw aa-

n fa-


rau 7; fixCAcg 7 au VOIMCJ 78 7 8 ex 7 ou 070

pa: xaq Iuemv



eu; ev aw 'rn

, fi/xeaazc mu Vux-

rac, [Vac as”;

fl axar warm 7 a yeyfalu‘uerw 7 07 2 suaSmGnm

y,xau £u05waa g f

ra g a

53 ; ecu,xx; 7 ou sumo- ac.

I o . Mn ou ya r e: 7 5 2) 7 05 7’s

:. 4 nq

mac a'




OTE 5X?” 5 1mm 7 011 GaeVac‘

rOV,a}; 7 6WsV 7 9) 75 15 95 macaw

¢Otflu f1 k 0ht e f e c

HocVu e7roc1Vau 015 10; a 0905 , ca; w acVTa eXwV 05 01. 56- 1 21 7 1 17 55 031

T aV Hgoaucr'raV 56 aux £561 eAeVzo


au, 6 87 1504"JoV 5V'rac 7 0V A


4 . E1 7 2 one 7 aU7 a

,aux 5 7 1 7 95 1 M W7 7a1w ccm

5 7 1 xA£7r7 nq 11V, m u 7 a 7AwO'


0K0/AOV bxs, nau 7 a Baum/« war. egoc


5 . A sya 5u7 ca5 1 fl wc'afwxwg, 7 1 ; 35 5 7am 7 1 001 7m; Vac

-m 7ra~

53cm ; screw s

6 . Ela acu

'rca 7m; Stomawacg .

7 . AV5feg cpmaz, 5 15 6—1 75s am? 015 1 5704

'VUV yapnSV: ay

95 5 7 5 5 ; 5 5 1 6 152Vaa 7 m 7 8 7 8 elm/ac.

8 . Cux 5 7 1 amem ewac aou 7 aV MOI, am 07 1 cu


9 . X afm M y st—1 5 , exWfOTifOV x19a1§ 55 5aV e a/AeVaV, 11 917 5 1 61 l ao

tpaVa .

yo . I‘

eyfa 7r7 ar Ou fiauV aAawV'z‘a ' Oumy} 7 607 BM W

{ueka 7 5) G aga

H . Ougev[ush et J

lq .

1 2 . 11 5 27 6 1 7 aug 7ra1 15ag, 155 7 25 7 14; auavacg, 5u7co 71 01 : TV); 901

macc 7m; w awfnm; nAf aVa/xew. 1

1 3 . T a.1; Baca'meuow V177aV 522571V 5 15mm

,11 7 01 ; 1 5 1w7 a1 1c.

4 . A V 5 5 x14 ; amen AtyG-

IV enam c, au5 5 V aaI Senaa 7 5 0175 01 7 5 15acM cc Aagwy

,a 7

191,7 a cracu7 au.

1 5 . Acd y am,£XOVT DC exe wau Vocu-r


maV, uau 7 aXe1coV 7 91 17w V7

(LU V, ampcck car; n Swat/A1 ; 77min.

26 . T7.) /.1 £V J

maV7 1 M‘MIV

,7 91501 5 07140“ 7I


OIC'W, mmn(« e

7m 7 5 51; we 55cm.


EIEEAGOTEHS 7 110 90701 7 505 7m(

w 5 101501', x01 : °fX”‘

noct 7 9> 5 1 13 10534 , xa1 1 7 01 1 UUVd VOlKH/xEVOIC'

e meV 5

fiawmeu; 7 9> xapacavg, a ITHO'

OV75 1 6 5 61 V 905 7 , 71014 5 107 10 001 .

2 . T nV 5 1xaqaauVVzV, 10 77017, 77 101; 71 019404 WUQ OPé , w e: 0V7 0>V 001

7 10V 5 15010>1 01w

3 . Ann; Kd gd/fG/AEVHC u'

rra AGnVaqcaV eV 7 505 5 7 9> gram/01 9 5 11 01 :

7 10V 9mm a Va/feeua'wr 5001 WowT0>V 7 29Vea>7 0>V iv 7 7 may, 157m?

fifucu Kaye; ecpa1 V>1001 V.

4 . Q 7 01 V t /OVTOL 15V; 7 1V01. €V 7T€V9€1,V; a1 7ra5n

‘11 0uV7-

ac 7 00 8, n

aw ahwxexa'

rac 7 01 WfOO’

iXE. 11 1 V; 02 V1 <po1 V7 010



5 . How 5 101¢efaV 7 9> 07901 7 euluc1 7 1 , 7 0V 075 01 7 1170V 7m 501u7 0z)

01017 179 101 5 , 5 7705 7 10V x01V10V,

6 . ®eau 5 150V7 01', y n5eV x01 : /.1n 5 150V7 04, (10 1567

10xua 7 amg.

7. T 5 101 0V7 01 Aayau 012101 7 01 1; Emma V01 U7 1x01'

7 5 7 017: u

‘w V


my 7 0 H/AETfOV, xaq 7 a K091V91wV.

8 . T 0U7 0>V xecpamauaV 7racV7 a>V 7 17727 014, lumfau M marrag, 77 1V

7 e>1 0015£>1 01 7 01A01 V7 01 .

9 . 11 015 10V7 1 0V101u7 10.

1 0. 7 0V 00755 01 7 011 7 0 6 701 11 7 007 01 .

1 1 . H an a: a1 u7 0>V xaq 01 ; 7 01 05 11 xa1 7 e<puyaV, 15; 7 50; m un ;

79 ” X ££0V7 a1 AMECLV590V.

1 2 . T a 777x4 90; upmpw’

aw a 7 04 0/1 01 V’ 5050'ylum 5

' 5a o1u7 arg, euGug

g eV a1 5uy01 7 01 217V emxerfewawracgawxeuazc 0u01 .

1 3 . Hfa 5 7 052501711 10V0w 7 C8 V,l

5001 suma c xau 15a71 00; 09701 .

{1 7 014 F

rau; Aayauc, 5nA0V 10} 7 01 eV01V7 101 7 av7a>V 7 017 € 1V0uc 7701 11 011

xcq 010XHpaVacg.

we ; 5 1 7 01 7 1 5 21; effyauaw 01 770 7 10V 770”!w atpw'm'


034 TM ,u. 1 V 7 0>V X0n070>V 5/1 1 A101 V mummy 0u701V 7 11 ; 019m m, 7mSi

7 10V warnw >1 01 7 acxu01u

1 5 . Avon 01701 90” 0V7 01V 770101V 01V9f0>7ra1r 7 x N V n'


x01 ; [11 17107 0u 77 001 7 07, 7 ou eu


ruxe w'7 01} 5c, iAA017 7 0Va; per 7 011 7011,

1 10V 50 “may 11 17107 0u, 7 8 mm ; flaukiugoem.

( 43 )

1 6. 14 1 01975 1171 0,q [1 1 1 011 301 97101 7 111 , 01111 7 011 ft 71411 10141 0 00

Tagrafov, 11 1 01 77071 171 5 1 5 11011 19 01 7701 7 1 1 11 07711 011 AauCarorn c,

9701 1 9'

01111 01 , 1 0711 1 01 915 11 1 , 7 01 91 1 17 01 , 7 01 01 901 1 01 7 01 , 7 21 7 07 1

11 014 7 11 711 5 01 1 11 01 W‘XP'

7. Me‘um

u cu,

7770 17 011 11 011 , 051 7 01 1 7 01 101 11 1 11 011

7 01 11 7 01 , 771 01 1 1 1 7 11 1 .

I 8 . 0 11 7 111 5 1 041 101 1 7 1; 1 11 11 111 , 7 31 p1 1; 7 101 7 0165 01 7 101 ,11 01; 7 10 1 5 77 011 117 01 1 5 1

{1 1 01 911 7 014 5 101 7 01 70C01

7 101 Iov5014 101 ' 11 1 7 £771) 61 1 7 0(11 1 7 01

,11 011 M yef

Eqnm 21211 1 1 .

Kaq 7 1 7 10 13 101 11 7 05 5 7 1 , 15711 01 1 11 01 7 01 1 a07

11 01xn7 11 1 ,

71 1 7 1 5 01 1 1 , 5 1 01

20. v sro 7 011 1 91 011 1 057 1 101 7 01701 901 151 7 011 1

91011 1 11 01 AA 17701 01 507 01 1 , 5 17 01 11 01 701 901 1 7 7 1 .

2 1 . A 1 X” ?01 1 7 1177 1 1 , 711 1

11 1 1 117 0 5 7 1 XU7701

1 11 01 7 1 01

701 7 11; 701 51 011 1 7 111 7 017ax9n7gr 01 1 7 014 5 101 7 011 1 7 011 11 01 7 0171 11 1 1 11

7 11 1 74 11 01 , 5 7 1 01 1 971071101 11 01 7 0171Ae1 1°

01 71 0901 1 017 0; 7017 01 11 7 01 1,011 7 01

22 . O1x1 7 01 ¢ [11 1 1 5 1 5 11 1 01

11 1 1 1 01 101 011 1 7 011 , 7 11 1 177011 1


0X107 1'

xaq 1 0; 160119101 51 011 1 1 01 ' 7 101 50 01 5 1 7171 1 1 0171 1 11 011 7 1 1 ,

157 77 17 1 1. 77011 1 7 101(11 1 1 7 17 1 0711 1 1 001 71 11011 1 , 1

215 01 5 1 11 7101 5 1 11 7171 141 1 1


8 8 523. H 11 01 07 1701 1 9 101 7 01 7 011 90171 01 7 01 , 01 770 11 7 0171 1 1 0; 1 1 017701:7 11 1 v 7 071 01 7701 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 11 01; 7 0 77707 10770101 01 77091

‘1 1 1 1 01 , 11 014 11 01 7 01601 ; 01 770 7 101 211 601 7 101 ,

107 1 1 111 11 01; 7 01 7 01 1 01 7 171 1?

Kin g .

2 4 . T01 07 : 1 7 1 71 1 )0117 11 1 01 11 7 11 1 , 11 77 191 71 1 01 1 01 17 10 7 0 7 1 71 01 7 101

21 07101 .

2 5 . Main /1 . 1 1 001 01 7 007 101,1 7 17 1 141 701 901 107071 7 0; 1 05011001 101 1

7707 1701 7 101 27 04 1 5 7 101 1 771 , n I1 1 01 11 11 01 7 101

026. U fa; 011 7 007 01 7 01 “ 577 1 1 01 11 01 , .u;1 7 01; 7 01 1



01r m 0171 1 101 1 7 014 5 A 01 1 7 01 11 01 1 £ 10.1 a

( 44 )



T nv yuxrcx Sum ; m ofsuow o.

2 ; Ova-20V aw a y 8 7 07mm: 7m fi/f ag er

fl fwror vega n yew m Ton: A 9m/ozxozc.

3 . EV co nos/53a)

,eyewn9n Mwanc, m a 7IV 0607 61 0; n o G ear 0; our

ergolgon [UJ IVOCQ

17mg, iv 7 0) auto) 7 8

4 .


0 Kayo; moat/av ‘uey 7 1m mw7 n1 xaregocv aey, 67 61 7 01. Se 6

myga ro.

5 . Tum 7 02){um/04, Same mug amem'

emocré exaw oz X afxgn/ wr

xeyac, m u ra h ocr'roc afyvpxou.


6 .


Co- Tic 7 07n Xf oyor 043;w OMOMZ O'

TOCpew , 7 ov7'

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mat/v. 11 GIN/077 05 45 (my,

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owvalue; guyn9em Staflpagafi a : a y9yw7rovc 7 av7 oc w ei9w9ou.

8 . Tn[w ot 7m aaCCa Twy, Maggot n MaySaAnm efxeroa

7 39m,

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a orov

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ayroc. q.

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rwaow, Tau; ocM ov; awzgorra,

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5 . H‘uGIC Se, 9 : Sana , I

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oSor 3e xoq auroq omef, a yewx'

roq own ; wlutv n 9uooc.

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$1004 .

Ez ra yap zm9or (fa-

fog)w a rooo apxouov f acpor.

8 . Apia/4 & 0; owro mg Pu ma/ac, Eco; 6385 .

9 . Koq Sn d orm/aye (us woo; 7 :


xcooxoy, 7 ou amou Cocpiow'reoov.

1 0 . Go g o: Sana yvvm ay/a v, v/jcocc a ; IeooooAu/uoc 7rooevto9og,

a ; 7m 7m ex9lowy ” ou r, ”[a omoocu ourwc 050m

I I . T oIa v9wg 7rozety Ecrzxoco/xo; xoq (Poo/uo nofooy. T o la z y

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9n own ) narrow-

Xian W 7 21 Ao'

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en; Ecpeooy, [a e

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our 7 01g ocmol; X a ASoqox; fiovAeuoac q, a re Boumo9e won‘uewn

,un', a reWM :

1 8 . Koq noweé’

n <1r Tw o; w ay‘

woog Axaag 81C Z apaoetocy.

I 9 . Elmo: Se effort ; Ew9ey omo9ey mayww9n To 7 021 95 00 om

‘uaor, 8 7 5 5mm areé

oovov errcw9oz.

20 . 15m m ” ? oar my 7 07 7 0V160;

gzgafay'm f'rexmy EKQ AUE 7

59 5 ; 7 01) 57 9430; Toecpeo9oq


x. Towworm mah ouon );U. IV mo ron T


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2 . Hr e9sm as a fl o6o09zq cvroo : 1 aza eyur


or £ k 7 .

3 . Em h eye, 61 a 7 07 03) c onw ard ; aw aGu a,T OOCUTOU a raoafo

m, 6e auger moonin g .

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ya9oc if SCI XTUAQ)? orn c.

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.Q .r Tli tC la n gaa lu ff", woof,

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7 . Aynufocr exo‘woa w ar


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afrovc, xx; Jw/AiV cw rot; c ye fl.

9 . Eu Si , em,a: T ryfa rec, A ssay I

uol, 6oroo'

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x. Efsxeon ec 7mwomac.

2 . Cox. ow¢aM4 “ yewm f wow'

roc'my not; 1 : xaxovcommon :

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1 2 . Evyn -


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rozg xou Tom;


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rowmg, axoxocozoc.

1 3 .


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1 4 . 16wr 66 ojn nv 6 Inoovc, aw ay cwm I‘

vyocz, a fl e Auoa z

7 u: owGevera ; crow mu £77 294e cam; Toe; Xaoocg, not: z aoaxf’


awsa 9n, xx: £6021 4? 7 0V (Door.

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vocg9m/ n or{an rumor £ 7 1 9.1 6 s x

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M y n SmouoownXowlueyotg.

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rovg uocrnyooov;

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005 0: 65[away -rec 605 056000: 7 05 7 5 15 0005 7 007 05 35 05 : 7 05

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7 195 , V 1 V60V5 00nc.

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525 1 5 V 05005 9) 05 110 05 7 04 ;1 5 . Ouxow 60 A

luluow591 5 065 7 0, 25 5w 50507 00 05 5 005 : 010V' 00 65

(0105)© 20 77 s 05905 00905 . AME (107007 7700 651 75 056512 00 7059 00

5 7 5 954715 5 0 A/A/AGJVOC ow.

1 6 . E5 60015 01 0 £5 V0V 7701 57005 : 557 065X5 0905¢ 05 0507 0V, 67707 05 15 5 »

901 ; 7 m 5 15 5 000 7 : 05V 7rozomc

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7 00; nnoXouc 057 0t 75 000” .

4 . OUX 615 5 01005 5 55 7 05§010 5 V 7 5 $5 05 1 E05005V5Z010 5 V 7 00;

0099507 004 , 7 05 5 5x 7 5 V004 55 055 5 7 900.

5 . Efl'


OCV 5 090; 7 5 V7 5 x05 : 5 05 00: V05001 .

6 . A05 5 :100: 05 10x9oV 5 005 1 00995077 50 7 0507 05 77050765 0 7 01; 05 990

050705 7 014 7 00V 9119100.

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1 0 . T e n 7905905 7 505 , 65 75 5 5 0065 5 77 55 5 05 0 0055057057 555 55 00 (55 5 7 05

7905 9055 5 7 505 7 05 ; 779505 07 5 905 ; 005 7 5 95 5 7 505 5 7 05 55005 5 , 55 05 905 7 5 9 Em u—53

6575 , x05; Anlu0x95 7 0; , 55 05; 11 90x75 5 5 0;° 65 65

, [5 5 5 55 905 55 074 565

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not; Mn65 0; , 55054 <1>05€ 50m

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5 7 0X5 5 , 65 505 0065 5 ; 05 55 75 05 07 75 557 51 7 5 ; 05 77 0 7 5055'

0507 505 5 55 5 5 55 50 7 5

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I . MEA AEI ” 0590565600905;

2 . 1 00605 ; 1055 0595 507 05 ,6 95 5 15 75 505 0507 055

3 . 67 5 09 95705 09051 50mm,7 05 [Somme—5 55 05 55 060

155 9 ” 05 9


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5 .


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55905 7 05 5 55 5 5100005 05

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7 . A065 ” 05 5 1 1 95 1 0905; 14 5 5 55 00005

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144a 0c e«

aeaGaf , mu[um-

re em 7 010 007049014 T au aaxorroq goeamff omocg, l



T e er 7 01 ; mum ; v fogws oyrag.

9 . T u; y ap, (a smear m ummy

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ayroeaaPen a 71'

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£7 61 my T au; auxacpacyf o'

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Tau; fl aVT dXOU

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1 3 . Ev 7'

a Tn ki


/£ 2000, fume: 310000701; ut

lawr Tm44 7490? (Pi

aexr, my: Tm; a rou fl aafinaxag.


1 . E1 005c w 3ze7 eh er,a w; ccy Smaqcac, mg aux evow ng owrgo,

oqn a/ 5X0:

2 . EM T UXé iV 7 07 5 scar Amw ay-


3 . Eccy 5 £7 0400; 54 xaq 7 0V auraq é


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4 . Ez uyxacro/ m T fiflfl'

d TOUVT ec er 7 0) TOU Kporau iv a;

7 0mm per my 00 mm amen/4 007 00 eQewaau/ w.

5 .


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6 . E70) wafeaxsuaa‘ua/ (MW 7 9 1900900, 7 010ro/xaxc

' 5 7 mg Se (an 81,

ayyazar Aaew T l w agayolunaocc, (Baum/M 4 aacpwq {a ccee w77000

7. Ba a/you aétag, 54 av 090051 7 0u; gozAaug eueyywwy .

8 . KmTOUTO paw aux Aeywr 7 0 36}m (am/me 77 009


9001 , 067 08607 60, w 1072 5 7 : 7 007 0 aqaxuVoz/xnv (XV 61 7 617.

( 5 4 )

26 . Aufinueaar‘

, su mmovers 7 000011 7 00 Kuyay

, 906 7 0 7 001; auro'


05w 7 0 07001 7 0011 1 7Q

1 7 . Auyo7 01 7 0y 7 0011 7 00 11V 7 ou 1001 11 00 n 01 9ulu101 , 07 07 s 7 1g 0140901

7 0 Kat/u aw.

2 8 . 0101 au? 01 7 0 7 01V7wy 7 0u7wy 7 0001 11 7 1111 nSayny 00m 05 77 0

\7 ou

w uror 7 a 109014 7 17v0090q, naq <p1 7x0u; alum/av; 11 7 010

9014 eyw 7 01vur 7 01u7 ac vo/ncoy .

2 9 . Hy SE 7 07 0 11 014 aauaaq/u 7 0 11 014 7 0005 110w 70) 070

1 1 007 1 , ou ca yw (5055201 ; 01 11001 7 0Xe—moc, xaq 0101 7 001 00007 q 00010

fiuey, aux 010,

07 0 7, acu91c 01 7 0xe17 u 211001 11 7m Xfl foc y ou

law auy 001 7 00 7 000711 01

1 7 01 7 01 9 1 11 29071 01 7 01 ; zh otaxew00

7 01 r7 01 ¢ 07 011uauc, (5 1; 07 1

101 11 07 01 1 5,1.c not; 7 0w0/4 0q

M ywy .

3 1 .

O A00up1ag, 03; 12v 7 000101 7 01 ; 7 oug Szeasuma'

ay'm c, gusu

y e wnexeue: 25501 1 0v 7 01 000 n 70101 , nag f7 7 oug 0A1yauc.

3 2 .


0 7 0 h uman 7 0 7 m A00u01wy 07001 7 07 00011 , 0o ur)? 001 7 11 ;

011 10 w uxev av 7 00 07001 7 07 5350 01 1 , 01mm 7 100; T OY Bax


7 f1 acywr 5 0101

A605 7705 060q QXETO.

33 . E1 pm7 44 010517 11 7 90 7 0u¢ 0147 0000; 7 0u7 0u4, aux OCV 7 0

7 701904 7 ou-

rozc 7 01 ; 91001 014 Saumuoy.

3 4 . Cu 7 aua'

0lucq ” 003001 1


3 5 . An a 7 10; 75701 9 1 ; A 144 )? 7 01u27 01 1 .



01 7 01 1060, 01; 7 0: 010010n017moc cpam r'rec, 010170u0


1 1 1 01 1 95“

11011 7 2; 01 11 01 007 1 7 11 .

3 7 .

E1 ua aAem'

erou. 1 1 500; 7 11 ; 77 0A17 e1014, em 1001701 7 uyxoww

7 1 100011 017.


KAIPOE 7 ou fionflar.

2 .

‘Ou Sm og,01 11 71 01 01701 1 01011 1 01 7 01 .

3 . Bong , xau 7 ou 1 7 17 1 11 01 1 01 7 exou.

4 . 1 3 1211 11 91 7 5 91 1 570109014 .

5 .


Em1 01 7 1 1 ma y .

6 . Kan/000 7 ou 01 7 1 1 1 01 1 , 11 7 0 7 011 /.1 01X1 7 901 1 .

7. Br 11 01 1 9001 7 141 1 1 , 11 01 1 Bat/ 11 1 01 0901 1 , 7 01 7 11 0107 01

xporcr 01 1 701C’

1 .

8 . T 01 10101 a lua ra 01 1 11 11 01 11 01 , auger 0mm 7 01m, n 7 11 1 01 1 , 19

xafgolufroc, 07 01r 7 1 101 01 701 17901 7 01 1

9 . A01 11 61 S am/001 7 110, 011 ; la st n 7 021 1 ; 1 0

11 1 161 Qiauc, u 1 0

,1 1 1C01 y .

1 0. E70) 7 00; 06 11 1 01 , 5 71 101 644 0111 0 0; 0 10; exa g .

1 1 Ou 7 01 7x01 7 1 ; eu,01 71 21 01 11 7 01

11 1 1 901 7 0u¢ qpmoug.

1 2 . Taxu 7 auc 75 1 7 1 51 01 ; 7 01 1 071 1 11 101 7 01 1' 0011 5

9 7 117 00Kugac,

mor, 11 01 1 1 1 001 11 0; my 07 1 1 1 177 01 507 0 au7 0w ‘

ravc 5 1610.

1 E1 11 1 1 7 01 , 0317 7 207590091 1 01 01 7 00; eu y axaptrauc, 1 7 1 11 01 1

yur, 001 1 1 0901 1 x01rar7 01 1 , 1101 1 a v acpxxam.

1 4 . Air/1 1001 91 7 3 9110017 01 Hefaau'

11 01 1 Baum wuc,

1007 19 11 01 1 er 7 071 1 1 100, 1 071 , 11 01 1 01 11 7 04 7 1 911001 , 11 01 1

7 01 1 01 11 110 " 1 7 11 1 1 21 131 7 0“ 07 01; av 911001 1 1 .

1 5 . Km 0101 xexa007 0m7 01 1 7 01 xpnwvlua 'ra 11 01 7 01 7 01 1 7 11 021 01 1011



7 01 Kefgefar, ougwml10 1a 7 3 0101¢u7e r 01u7 0uc.

1 6 . Taxu 7 01 er 701 7 01001061001 9110101 01 1 117101 11 9 1, 11 01 1 (30171

Nov, 11 01 1

I 7 .


A u7 n 1 07W 1 ; 000g, 1; 017011 7 01 7 00; 7 11 11 01An91mr 7 11 109 101 1,

11 01 1[1 1 01 1 1 01 7 1 xa kea m7 000101 1 7.

I 8 . Taxu; 21 1701 1 my,7 001 31 7


01 11 7 8 7 0) 7 axe1, 7 01 901 7 1 ;

1 07 1 11 01 9s 1 7 1 7 01; Xe nia .

1 9 . T a A 1 7 1 7 0u QIAGW01 1 7 101 .

20 . 13 6001 1 001 7ura 1 11 1 ; 00010e 7 9001 1 .

2 1 .


0 107001 11 01 11 01 1 07 01 117 11; 11 7 01 n 1 1 1 11 1 7001 A1 71 " n 0111 1 701 1,

Su pefauaw'em 7 11 5

) 01 1 7 01


HfOSOTOU 1 1; ”U fa 7 191 1 01 1 , 11 01 1 01100

( 5 6 )

11 1 707 01 7 a n 1 0700101 7 1 ; {11 07 01

[1.1 0700u, 71 01 71u 71 1 70011 . AM a 7 0U7 01

010101001 , 701 7 07 (11 1 7 7 01 7 1 7011 1 701 21 17131 7, 7 07 01

,0101 01 7 7 1 701 7 0.

2 2 . M1 A1 7701 7 71 7 1 11 101 7 01017701 11 7 1 1; 01 7,7 07 7007 07

01 11 7 01 7 151 ; 07 171 077011 7 0 61 17 1 , 11017 1 01 71 01017 1 71 01701 , 7 717 X001 01 7°

001 090

7 01 0QU7 10011 7001x0101 11 01 1‘

1061 7 11011 000010901; 7 17077 01 1 , 0u074 01 000177 ou 01 01 7 0 7 710010.

23 .


O 7 07 901 701 7 07 006071 10700, 717 01 01 7011 09701017 005 01 7 001 , 71 0110

911017 07 100101 7°

01 71 71,

01 7 1 01711 1 7 1 0170971017, auge 11 01 11 011 7 1 70; 01 0971077

01 7 1 01 7 7 0107 1001 7 017091101 7 11 7 71071 , 01 7117 0107

)(0107 1 071, 11 011 7 0u {717 8

2 4 . Ew agn 77091 77C'IV 1 11 01Aue7 0 7 01 7 071 1 7 1 11 00, 0101 7 0 71 01 1

110 101 11 1 0150701 n0x071 710901 1 , A0X101001 7, 7 07 7 01; 9101 ; 0171 07, 07 1 7 ou

7 0 7 010011 01 21 61 .

2 0. 2 11 71 71 077 1 £1 7 9 1 7, [1 101 0011 0u017 01010777 1 701 1 7 11 7 01 81 07

7 01 A07 1C€0901 1 7 01 77 6; 1062714, 07 0001 7 717 xiq nV 00111 1 01 01 7 5031 701 77 7

7 1 701071 7 ou 7 71711 01 7 0; 71 1 7 7 07 71; 7 00 £070u 7 1 701 7 01 7,01;

001 77 010101 1 11 01 1 71 07 1071 011 ; 7 1 01 7 01 7 01 7 011 1 01 7 070171 01 7 0001u7 717, 7 01

001 7 01 01 71 71 01 , exa Sum /17 1 7 11 01 1 0007 71 7, 03070 000771017 71 7701 7 07 01 7 1 1 ;

07 simu 7 71 01017 67 11 01 7 01 111 1x971 00171 01 7 01 .

71 7 0000001 0001071 10; 011 0071 11 0; 11 01 1 7010cu7010707 cw

7 01 7 01 7 71; 0711 11 1 1 70101 ; eu 9 1e ,01 71 71 01 701071 01 1 7 0 01 1 7 0 7 11; 0uxng

£ 7 01 790uy 701 010701 (01 7 171 07, 9011 171 010107 0007 01 7 6071Afoo


71 01 1 ou 77 01 7u 0001001 1 7 0 A070)0u701 7 07.

2 7 . 1 1 101 Jr: 7 017 0107111 077, [11 01 77 1u0/7 1 70u1; 1 7 171 7 1 7 , 01 7 01 717 101 .

2 8 . A21 7: 07 5 00; 07 01 7 71001 1 707 100; 00717 01001011 1 17 71 7 71 01

07 skew.



1 . OT 091 701 71 11 11 7 1 07 7u701 1 11 01 1°

2 . A 7 (11 71 71 7 00; 701 71 01 710) 00>C1 0901 1 901 7017 07 7171 17 11 1077 1 07 10

( 5 3 )

4 . TwreuGer, egemyu‘uev


w Hugocyopoc, 72'

9MJ04/ 0V 7 : mg cram;

o Sam ar, em Xpw x m am xoq an t/Paw xoq exfl w/Aex'

roc mca xoq Slocu m wfoqox, xa/ luouw gyox, xoq yeAw


rofl mm.

5 . Eu[a s 7TMfT8 V7


Ot,my 1131073) amp?) Swarm

,xcq Gw y bcarnv

eugagpomav evfa/Iuomw a,m nya focc.

6 O flxmvaa/uevoc a/O'

X9wc, e: at n smwrorro, Wyn/ m

ivfnxa , naaov Se 8 35 11 or mow ; BeCmez/n q.

7 . Tm' ey cpmoxc Slum/OTOCTPIV wroeecm £76) un oe e/xar mv yon;7 x aym (poem xaxov 7re7romq ,

opomyw agate ” my lawn :IunSw


a z xaxormmmc , y nJ‘

e Q’

sc —rc, a KOU av cw opomynm c

finger v7r flux ocSnce ou

8 . H omozc‘ue

'ruCv cg pe


awm 5 mag /503m, w e:

wxe my Eow—t hc cpuozv

not; 7 0,7 6 way Jfl og fz

fm y mxneog, £2kw;etc Sva, wince

—rag Anxumc nyaye, max 7 05 7 3 X0?“ mar/lame.

9 . Ugommmy Sem u 7 8 ; ” a lga; TOU KAiOCVSfb‘


s 5

m ; nSwg v enema (pnwc, Szexpnm w o'avfow sc 7 e 7 a aco

la oc



v aca y uGgw M Aa /xivxc ea; 7 8 4 ox’

e'ruc effu



I o . Ewgexxan ,cv m Afxa7ogoocruc uw/xwgtgc, w pa

'rm' 7 1m we:

w efc efaluevor,mwmv'roc 1 e d efoé


rew, m u « Amy n an ny (pAuocfmiv


1 1 . Tmm et Erwfog nv, xouEwetpvye 7m puynv Tow'mr.

I 2 . 13mm; 36 7 0V aflega , exagnaarXocpocv {4 67mm acpoo’zm.


OYK ompocmc 8 7 8 ob : M yew, w ewe: aw a y 7 a f amw’rat.

2 . AAnGn n u n M ama, 6) Memrm' mu 7 e9mm ,

a; apac, 41 9m

mro; amt Swot/A mp

3 . NW (Wre ns pa afl ox’

rw az,6; 7m « AnGe


mi “ manna; 55 m,firmum mega 7 8 6 88 °

7 8 70 Agpomp 8x mom“ .

4 . How7 0 omeror epyovacywwgc.

( 5 9 )

5 . Hff l per, ” mar/ w 7 1 X?" xaqmyew Gaye 13mg, xa/ a cm


, xoq (I TO/4 8 C, xaq xwa , xaq 7 018 7 07 7 1m oxxov or’

oluacm r


1 11/1 q , aura » nxuor.

6 . A eya aw -

romé Inw c, Arrmm re wvr,xaq “ Pt " 7 0 any

e fuxmyy nag msy‘



.Q.c Se eywaac'

ro 6 agxn pmmroc To 689 9m ay yeyemy eror, cpwra TOY ruy cplov, xaq h iya awry, Ha g arOfmroc

vim-mv TN xamr m ay 7 1911 7 1 , mg 5 7 00 men/09am ,

f are Toy n ew

t ar c'

v rernfnxac f or xaAor w arhad ap t .

7. Kay (1 7 5 7 awn ) Iaaax,6 7mm? own

,Eyyn ov y a ,


pnuwar (a s

,f exror. Koq fyywac, smucsr ow -

ror, my wapfmen

7m 00'

a 7m Qua-

rm» cwn,xaqwxoyrmr 31 07 07 .

8 . E07" Hoow,5 « Sum; (

a s,

ampJam/c, We.» Be an}? Aa oc

p»; crof t {fl axaqman pt a na nny,xa/ eva

luaq can tor aw ou, a ; na

” Warsaw.

9 . KdAay eyew arro Gearfin‘ua .

l o . Axuw raw-

rat my: as .

1 1 . Awgavoy‘

raq 7 a wagon a .


1 . EN J‘

maqoovm aura, n


m amas, (HGETW.

2 . T o o'war, 9pm row; 7 3 er Jiw r ofyw a rea/ an ; (671 7, iv

£XE1 £ « 7 m 6 200.

3 . Em 7 lng, 6: (Jr la ir cu 3180; Xynlua'

rwr, 8 86 lumpy 7 8 7 0 !

2mm 02‘uaM sr Gav/J amaal.

4 . my: 7 8 nod/ w (saw-m , « M an my (7 3 7m) (Jr Etgwxac

pm, 61 : c a: 6101 .

g. Kaq vvy 365mm) y e av,

fl d Tif, 805g; a; sugar, T au TOY

xwluov w ag .

6 . Mmpweuen 7 8 A078 Ev eyw am r u


luw,a ga s sglwsa r, my

7. Ow. £6717 n'


nm 7 5077 5 7


8 4 nfzir afxnr.

H 2

( 60 )

8 . z um eoy 5 e xoq m y paenm y 00770 Kat/00:59am ovy ula zy, afiy

7 cc, w ag e.»m ist/109044 ” ,Myowwys 7m

,Kvarfnw, apq w

114 0:a

9 . T ot; c mew’

oc 61140407 01, [a n567ror ,

w 7 005 770001 , cpfoyeyy.

I C Amy 9040; mm xvywmgoc.

1 I .


A : xpcm zfioq 7 900700512, ovy7 196y7'0u my: AAK/AOUQ VOL, xou


uy,xcuOfecflny, new 5001; W

IuCeCnxey n crocQn 5elm,

n woznaar.

1 2 . Ezyoumay,

owm c goowxy cat/4 3000 7 a) Aoyw, 7 0V xfa 770y’

5;7 1 ; £071 , xou 7 0y fir

hya .

Efxerou ovy a ; 7royuy THC 20000096105 5 Aeyopeyny z vxocf,"mummy 7 8 Xwgzou 5 21 5 500

100 1 00w Iwcrmp 7m 5m carry .

1 4 . aa oay a ; my yny, BAen‘

xmy ayepamay xwlutyny,

xa 1 0+af zoy emxa/xeyoy, xou af‘

TOY. A579 : Eyey30007 5 in TGJV axly ocplcoy my 67 1060067 6 yvy .

1 5 . How); cpocyrowtgc 100 5 7 00 emmyef y , 5 7 1 (pay/775001002071 , y oux crown }; 1 0 (pouycweyoy

'27 6 7 00 2267 0563, 7 01 ; mayocn Tov

5 1 ; exac.

1 6 . Anus T8 n 7 8 7 3 ye eyenoc 615mm; yvy emQU/a en


e, 5 7 1 mmCefl

re owcpouxw’

kfoy 5vyoc09cxz CW,6 920c y zyolueyng, n WOAE/AOUVTEC

1 7 . Aouluoygcy, icpny 5 200009007 175 , 7 8 ; g amma/M y“ ,

oz 7 01 ; d y

s5a yna y 5 1 6 201Iuocexm


OQd KfWC’ iV

'ecpn 5e 56 0, a paeoy



w ozeyy egwxocy 5 1 6 601 , payeaya y .

1 8 . E7 607smey finery ocv'roy em 7 0 07005 7 5 14205 , 5 7 00; my: Tmy

gofy fzwy myemwwocym voa zw o.

la z y evyxxoz mu 5 : Gefafl oy'rsg own ; wfwfo


cy 91mm 7 50

T fiAa O'

a l/ T I'n 52 yum naenra t Xoc

la ou, xsxaa

luymwoc 5 10 (axe 7 07

a y50a , m y necpomyzy own exw a em 7 014 70mm.

20 . Aura; cpoya g, fiaamaw Imam: 7 0C; 5 621 01; a b

y aw,51mm W1, 7 90; 1 0 my a yoo


xoy, y ou vm igoy than ,

emuv yoy n'

3 70a? 7 1 slaw/To) ouy0150¢ Av7rn0a y'n v


2 1 . T : wor e Aeya 5 6 5 0; 270) 700; Sn, w e(aw/00 w e

EIMOCUTG) aocpog coy .

2 2. Hepowy luey 7 mm 0 i/xog 71 047 1010,Mn5wy $ 7 01


oawy ewfomoc 7 0Av\

5v7 0; 5 fara7r7roq nocM w7og.

2 3 . T oy; cpo aocpoyg mom my, 10m a yam ocflefy xouya 0y0,uam ,

lungs Anga y my: osy aux IO'

d G'



1 . T I uy anyw ay-

ref; xa r'

owm y 8188 01 7009 ay cpw xowwmy


2 . Hw y aM oce

6ylue ®6074 0770M¢ ep ‘


noq5 15a0xcoy 03; 051 500 667 04306061 4, [may KOC‘



IV 067707 6o 01 .

3 . 1377 1 77 0007 7; 7 6Xyo7xoy zocg, 5um ocmq eywy, 77007 698 ,luey,

7 3 00612061 7 1 7 0 Jfl oxewsyoy, cfw7 6§ 3 5 6 7 17 7 06261 , 7 71‘



f l EPOU, acy 75n M 7 0 7 8 7 5,not: Si dy 7 zycoy 7.0690n x7 n7 oy

76yoz7 o.

4 . Koq 6 707 096601 , 0600; yai oc, g 5 : 5 770 65006 xocla oyn u;A ygfwa n'c 7 1 yyv090y .

5 . E: 7 0) Xexfe, of; 5 6 604 6771 700omyxoclugocya y comma. ” 67rom~

06, 7 9007701 11 7 0 77004 7 0 5 1006007w amnhw n 61 7 0) 7 056 6740705 19 166


amnmr we a y G OAAVI 0600091 06 a n, m; xoucogoqluorwc

6 . T a) 5,

ac6uay7 6 flamy 7700900 91V,

oo c OCTn fiTOIO,

Mug/uz5 oycoy 5'

em 7 6 m ama ; z aq ynoc; 136609715 .

T oy 5,

evfoy 7704900 7 6 mm ? xoq ymy awn”.

7. T o 5,

0007 0)114 0097 1170: 607m ,

Hgoc 7 6 960Wpxxocgwy, ” fog/x7 6 Gym-m y ocnw'

frcpy .

8 . Nay 5 6,7 : 8X1 oznoSo/ wlusy m omma 7 06 ofyx, 65; 62651744 67


an5>1§ 60765>a y 7m axon-my.

9 . Koalaemy

luoz 177770: Accoy 06761 98 057.


I . IIAA IN ”TBV06, 50 ySa y 007 6 00:‘uexoy oy guyog ‘

uo: u

7 6 Foaoy 677 1 7 00Xgm'oq 8 S6V.


2 . Two; 6mm TCW‘

TOC A670.) 5 N 61 5717 6, 57 : WSW ov7 6 goumw

70mm ; ma y 6071 3 7 ay anw nn , 7 018 7 07,5m on 11


fis h noge.

( 63 )

3 . 1 7 007705001y 8 5,

my 0C0Aoy u5m .

4 . 9 600961 7 6 5 7 0 an 8 867 .

5 .


OU7'6)C 8 K. 6071 7 001900 00056 600.

6 . Ay n ,A679 001

,u ff

?! « M u m? 000001004 , 50 00


7. 00 7 oxyuy 8 86 7 0y 77 00700 7 0W7 013 7 007 m a nor 0y A079:

506 3 5'

0607 00 {ow -

row 0096010007 001 .

8 . Mn5 67ro-

rsuunf6y cqaxfoy An0exy


x00, yap00V

7 3 0 « M ac 00007 0) ye ouya Snauc.

9 . auroy 30 50005 600 07 {30007 00007 7 0 50711 , 7 00 6

5053,my 3 00 6006667 0, (

a n 8 50007 00, tpsfa y 0007 00.

1 0 . 9 06007 06, 39 W7”: x00, v an e. 7 0 50- 0000 000/000mm ,

7790 00;

Gaxpwy 60700 00: fi/xqcxr ‘uaMa

lot 56 7 00y7 00y 5 900007 00 xoq ou

56y 8 5 67707 6 7 007m y0y 6y90‘un9y1037, 8 7 6 aya y 697 490/4 n0640 7 1 yoc .

1 1 .


00 9 63107 00 0y7 ec 6y 700 ¢lk 0l 677 : 7 6A607 nc,

ifsfxow ou, 5 00:7 09m0x61 0061 ; $77


1 2 . My; xyla y: 6 cu

, Xam'froy 7 : 7 00y 7 079 7 0 7


iun7 6 7 3

70001 7 6 7mq, uc yfluwy (PUO'C- l ” gamma ,

yolwfi w ag .

1 3 . A¢0Aafyujooc 5 7 f07roc ° 00

5020074 6o 7 010 wafcumy

'000 7 04 7007


winner, Ov luv 06 am ,

8 8)

00W1 06 g ym 90077501”

7 00; “ ye n v m; fianGoc, my 3 cpc€n9n0074q 7 0 07 0771061

76000 a tefwwoq.

1 4 . 7 00 7m 9 0am 7 000774 007 0 00 0007 0;

007 macaw/7 9°

a y xaQw/u‘ia 01x01 , o Sofupsywy 000000 7 60,

x00; 0047 1 0009 0700 7 00y M yoyn oy

,3 56 7 07


005W 00,un

70 017 00, 7m

1 5 .(b almy 5


007 670076, 7015614 100may 7700050101? 77009007 10

pmaf wxerfl c.

( 64 )


1 KAAON 7 00009001060 .



A lf iTwT ifOV 6070 7roAAouug 7 0 007 09o0yety, 7 8 (w.

3 . KocMuoy 7 0[an {w 6070 , n if” 009n .

4 . T on: yvy 00001 7 01; WPOTfifOV.

T 007 0(0 0: 7 8 o07ro9ayexy 0007 10 ayfzm yzoc 10000Way.

7 1560.

6 ° A y99w'

77 00 500 00y6€n0o0y ex; 7 0 iefoy 7 900602009000 0 614 <I>00

500000106, 39 5 6T £f0§ 7 6mm;

7. 1 5oy7 6; 7 0y 00076900, {9 6A9oy7 6; ex; onuo0y,605

7060 70 77000

8 . T oy 7 8 775300776 0 Xpoyoy 7 0 7 009000106000Z609000 00y007u0y00‘

9 . Eéyyh 9ey 5 (77 6w 7 8 077 60060y°

1000 6y 70) 0776196 0 aw ay,00

my 677 606 7 000 m y 5 5oy,’

00000 7 00 7767 6000, x00: 10007 6000076y 000700.

1 0 . T o007 31 Xsomoqueyoe; 7 1; wee/030, 7rocy7 00 8 007 607007 7 00: 3000: 6

Xer 7 00my, 03; o0y 6A00y 7 14 2X0! 7707x6740), 7 00 56, 1000:

cpo 0 7700000000 04 .

1 1 . P it/01 7“


o0y 6y 7ro00zy, 5 1 ; 610007061 9

77100; 7 0



0A07 6A6g 220678 000 10; 56 7 00; 7 0 507706001000yw98 000.

1 2 .

O 6xa y 7 00; 6y7 v cg p08 , 9“

7 M0W 0007 004 , 610600; 607 1y 5

0070067 000/

{A6 O5 56 ayocfarwy

(0 6, « 70007090067 00: 0070 77007 5


1 3 . A6 0507 2 7 0 19 00000900, 7 00 Kayo-0000 10000 7 00 78 (9 600, 70:

1 4 . T0) 005076 0, 36”60760066 0, 67767 000 7 0 007709615 15 7


00767607 5900:

woxvfi fay/Aoya y.

1 5 . T o 00 950006004, n, M unay, 8 7790007000006: 7 0 7707 0 7 0 56,

£05461 , 0,5 6600500 6

,7 0my 7 oy 7ro090y7 00 Xfoyoy, 7 0 56 m y 770606


1 6 . Kamn uog, 5

[away 7 8

EM nymoy 61 yo00 007 1 010 06 7 ny Tao/Any, 7 0 0007 04 7m 7700

701010 900106V


EAAm/mm’ 617061 70) Hfoma.

7 myt

Poo/000000“ avyypaqvwc, 7 8 7 0 7 0967 000 014

( 66 1“ 0 . E7 01 8 641 007 0 U OAHV 000

-my 7 011 xawnAoy 000711018

1 ’ T 6901 7r7700 /J. £V 67701 14070010.

2 2 . A 091c 610 60: 0016 1 11 1 0101 1 6070011 1000002 3 . E561 111 0009101 7 110 7707\ €C0)C 001 7 1011 1 61 01 (3100, 717

10; 7 8 my 0004

xm' 7 07 6 10007 90107 00; 10007 00 7m 1 7 00A1001' 117610001 04 .

24 . Kou 10001 [3061 11 1 00071 1800.

2 5 . K001 67 000001 7 60 7 010 0007 6001 00 7 11 001 768 011 001 1000.

26 T 8 7 0 607 1,7 0 607W 7 8 ®£0U, 1 y00 77107 611 011 7 6 610 0007 01' 01!

0677 50761A€V 61061 y00.

2 7. O1 36 7 11V 7 00x107ny 7700030001 1 0y7 60 18008101 10.

2 8 . 1 1 61000 7 9) 86 67 61 7 141; [301070311 108 (30001 1061000.

2 9 . A 1010A110 61 7 11 701 7 11 [5 15 7x011 7m; 1377 13000111; cpyzov.

3 0. Amwa y 7 oy Bmy 6y

3 1 .


Ty /1 67 00 7 11 1 621a 1 01 107 1 lufiTHAAOCEEV 7 ar [31 0m

3 2 . 00 711007 636200y7 0 0007 01 60 7 01 71 0A” ,

8 0W67 1 7 0 1001y0y flou

91 601 7 1701010

3 3 . E1 86 0007


64 71 6 {01 10011 fib’AMV fi8 7xeuaopey.

3 4 . 210077'e1y 002101 1001 1 11 5 001 7611 g 06 10001

3 5 OUK 07 1 11311 676006011 7 0 5 00069 1 010

, 11 nopn 7 67 61 61010001 .

36 M67 00 7 8 7 0 11 1 01561 1 01 5 7 0 0007 011,10001 1007 1 1000007 0

“my h1l1 6d 761 691 1 8 001 1 7 8 .

3 7. 00096y6‘0‘78fw 0106061 7 01 yvy001 1ce101 76m aw oy6/00y7 60 7 1,0011 y .

3 8 . A070£6y01 01 761 61 7 00011 1001 7 60, 677 1 J6 7 140 007 6 030071 110

7631 01 07 60.

39 .

Ewc 67 1 6y 711 0p1A100

4 0 . ouX 0017001 7 60 7 171

Emnywy 7760000001 001 10001 .

P y0106001 , 61 51 96077601 11 QGUAH 11,

_8 10 00160077006

Cay .

4 2 . E8026 7 91 Tu x/01 61 01; 7 11 1 y yw/ my 6107 6.

4 3. K1 y6000 7 001: 7 111 £8 1011 7 wy Pbluwwy 67500041 6 JY» o07rof‘5 117 01y

y oga/01 1 1 007 01 1 .

4 4 . A 770 7 110 7700701504, 0101 71 60 cap,

{600007900510110; 111

1x670 7 00

07776010007 00 7 110 01011 1 11 ; 007 00101 7 7 01 1.

4 5 . ; 6y1C0y7 0x 7 1 1 00 3001/1 0y100 61001609 10;010 7 00; 00100000 n/Awy .

4 6. T au; 1061 0u; 10001 1 11 107 60” o 7 01V cpoé ovc 770031 1~

1000 Set/4 007 00 1061115010061 .

4 7. E1 86 7 10 1000A61 0300000 7 00V 0071 107wy 677 1 861117 010,

( 67 )

4 8 . Iroc ix. mama.r vrfacrwzawr 7 0 61 : muac Xapwy a Sigopeiovto: ” WOW ” evxugmmgp wrig n‘


4 9 . Exmmvy z c 8mm , 0 A acfc.

5 0. Ken mu m c-rmnGev a c Ka fl epraovla 3: n



,SmAGs crwv

7 1m .

7 Q 2;

5 1 . k arat 7m gum

5 2 H afgamnv 3939 00 wuom v exor.

5 3 . An a ”via/cuSfxxpa : xx

roc T OYmax/Tor.

3 8 867 07 wa x: Sum -

raylusyac xourear/nay Wow/« a

Auga r xx at 7T a‘


rcrrozc.F P F

5 5 . A031 6 5 9 er cmmuowz .

5 0. Exeh svo'e n ; Sura‘uiscvc o v



,« frown-Parrot;

iaun v;

a part-

avg, am my ynv efxeyw .

5 7. Hyena “my“m y [Baa

-mew 7m ‘unv cgui

'rammrwc sk ew Erw

5 8 . Appm av xa: momma T J.UT}1C £9m xa'rmoxeunae Amm

5 9 . Kara 1 a an t-

rpm £94 .

60 . Katy Exaw'fnr J‘usfar.

6 1 . Ey aeer, our,

exam dv m ags, 7m Jfl axonr.

6 2 . Oucm nr wreu‘ua a27m sxxwaperor o


n oo Inaovc augen'


eSaa Gn.

63 . ErraSn xg‘uw A073 pe



wxan fiwmr.

64 . Han a SiIuewxzcm 5mm a foowga .

65 . Kou awro io ‘uerw tar fl” fiaz rtfwn az

,8 K w91


66. How: rm yeyomc

67 Q 7 31V 10 91 900 exam

68 . To v 060 1 7 0w "pep” xaz 7r'

9wy (07 1 7 near.

69 . Ape-

rm in ma; aaxa maniac .7 37 £7n¢waxovan 54 ; pla y Jpefar N CCamr,

7 1 . eyauaufia sgaymu m-m Jim.

p a nama y er er 75 , mam a Se eqf Ga a'


73 .

O St xugifM-

rnr af'

n 8m¢wcxor7 oc 7 3 n'

mov, « fa; 7 a; af


74 . 7 8 Ba rmou 9.1 /0. o fire; 7 a xoxroc fl ycatpxowat.

3 com.) Zap: speEeHw y wa yere‘

raw .

76 El: 7 0 7 0 7 01,“ e at" V up} .

( 6 8 )



01 7 d{m am a 171 01 7 101. (000011 1 7 24 .

78 . NW 3 £ 11{01 01 7mm 1100101 01


11 7 0 107 101 301 1 07

79 . E1 7 01001 7 1

8 6 . EV

8 1 .

0 7 01 1 WQOGCXAQJO’

IV 11311 7 00 89 113001 11 071 7701 7 1 1 0101037 5 07 1 11811

M y ; 7 0 9900; £07 1 .

8 2 . Kou Gifl‘

iV 0007 01 5 Hemog , A IVEOC, 1 007 01 1 05 1 110005 13 Xfuflog,

A CU 07001001 021 07 0) KAN/ 17V.

8 3 . A sya 0007 11 01 110- 8 4 , T 1 11 01 1 001 1001 1 011 7 0007110100 £071

8 4 . 151 1110007 0; { 10 7 01 1 100A77w1 aw aiw w [5 101

8 5 13 1 601 1 859 0; 8 cpmoaocpog $805 5 7 11 1 em 901 1 0070) 110101 1 11 047 0 0

11 014009001 .

8 6. Tm 7 0 {77 7 011 11 01 1 7 01 0KEUO¢0PO€ 107 111 11 .

8 7. Cu ya; (0 1 11 901 1

1 01 ; ®11 § 001w1 5 Alarm

8 3 . Km awemw z cpocyoq A070».

8 9 . EU Se 11 014 21 070131 11 {14 09 611 35301 11021 04 001 7 1cpef>2090ap

9 0. Koq 01 7 00 770009011011 {11 1101 010000

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1 67 .


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agwoq xvmzxpzw az.

Eon flu ent; xwaoc, ear OC/(A7I


EAOC n ywxuxozpm g'

Eon ¢uxfoy vfcof, alaw n fl oxvgsrgfeoc A trm

A euxnc exxzoroc, 7ro 'ro y d/Afipoator, fl fotmw

T 1 ; av Twrgc Gu mm y fixer? n xvlu'



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ax aura; sym 30m Aamwrepoc may ,

Em Spuog {fr/Act la az, nowtw o 07 030 amt/4 05 7 0? 7 m;Koaopeyoc J



o aou nowmy 41 :1a arexoz/xw,

Ka t TOYEm ocpgomluoy, ou pox7Aunefw'

refoy OUSW.

9 .

[uot on am n ew

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fl ; xa regw wgoc uou “

rm'Xepac aou egomnaoc,E:

[an 7 0 95 7m; egoepov Se 00: n xywoc Aevxoc,

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Amot 7 Ct /AEV 959505 7 a 36 ytrerou sr Xaluwnc

fl ar e 8 X. owoat 7 0am : (pepa y WON/TOG egwowgny.

NUYlaw a: mp”

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yewye Nagy /m u,

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EEeAGoz; Toma -

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g a; 59 5mm 1m AEG

TOV 071 06.

(19 11a 7 s necpocAnV mu 7 8 4 7 0801 ; alucporepovc law

EgouZew, 5 ; anaagy, ma m agym artwluou.

Q . Kunm xfz , Kuw ‘L, m 4 T oe; cpfsm; exwmornaaz

E1 la zy skew T OCAOCSDOUC 7 s m ama ,

not: Gamay alunaocg

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Tm fl afovaewaspen/2°

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AM oy 0107 011 007 0 110110110 100mm.

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rocn , 010900, nyocyov, 7401017 7 01 , em,

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70001, 9001 007 010, 7 001 100007 001 , 070007 1 11 1 , 001 1 , 7 0v7 0001', 090000,


01 101000, 0cp1 .

2 2 . 20901 , 0030700000, 00091000, 9013000, 01 11 700, 1131119100, 001017911 1 111 ,

3001 101100, 10010, 07 07 7 0007 0, 7 11 07701007 0, 7 07 010007 001 .

23 .(Pa/000, 0up10301 1 , 7 111 00, 111 9011, 0

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1007 0,7 0007 107 00, 7100, 011 1 700, 7 091 00

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Axmmv,Tmunw, 01017 000701 1 , 01 001 07 1 7 1100000 011 801 .

Kw 01 01 7011 100-1 1 01 0 001 1 01 107 001 001 7 00

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Tm luer 71 07001 1 9011000 A011; 117 0 7011 1 007,

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Arn o/4 01 0; 7 0000 0610, 8 « 1 60W 1 a 71'

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011 10 10000001 01 0101000010

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Rama/1 01 001 11 11 700700001 , 70001 000007 0000001 . Horn.

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K001 1 11 09070110,

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0 1 141 30 70001 7 71 1 80 0070711 71 071 10 01 7 00 00031 01 .

NU1 80 0701 01 001 950077 0101 317000100

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T01 11 01 7 01 007 1 1 07000901

( 8 5 )

Ou pom: npowgnr' mg 7 1) yum xowmc. Theocritus.

6 . Q . (pnvroc-

r ougpwv fl yovflmo y w; ‘uo: coup"

En‘ue—ta cpoqyac seem; a ; nlu

a ; ysywc.

Sl am s? y ap 1 0 71 0; wyevm,xav n yegar,

Ev 7 0m 86 V014'

9upoy an “memoir

A AA afear ow: 10mm waow'

rwc cfs cu

H‘uotc 7 OTS

JUVGK, xowroc ev ” gm-

rat; 37m.

T onyap, 7 a la zy Soiocrroc Snw o'

w av Se05am omom' 7 01; s

lum; Aoyozc 313014 3

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Anzac; « 5301a 7 amcporevm vrmr 711 1 905 ,

a la az

roux/9 0 é ozgoc, car w evcm Taxa'

Acrxeuov own v own -

1307 7 5 my orgarou,

Av m maxi/ cu Xagoc argues ; afpocyocc.



w 7 010786 Xa /xoy exanxovaoz/Aer,

Ev la zyIa ow v, 67 00

’ as xoqfoc era-


‘uwv saw m yS x09: w ow7 0 Xfwueyor,

0 1m ; owetwc, nluul ayyenmc a'


y et? asmy 777905 7 6 mu paw? lunacy?Tw o

,8 3 um w '

rwa'wmv 63



A 079) 36 Xfco 7 01503 Esra; [way a

é wnevc, w ag,

00390; Qu an ta); incur 5 ya?Mafia


To; owraq Tuyxavet Sofvffeywr.

AyyeAe S'

,opted T fOO


TlGEfl '




T egmx’


rnc £2d rag/mud ; wxng,

ABAom I'

Iv9mozaw,ex Tfoxnw m y

A lcpfcov xvmogag‘

(03 0 114o 1; w'roc

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IMCOV, co; amen ,

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unpofléay n'

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Ofl w; my?) m z f oh ec, 63am cparw

ow'mc, ”law to; effa Sill/(Ow

émyw'ror ngn, no“ xozm efaxw‘

um r.