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Transcript of FAITH PROJECT









AD NO : 13 – 0412


The tithe of this project is integrating faith and life. The role of the contemporary Christian scholar in the field of psychology.

What then is integration? An integer is a whole number. To integrate is to make “whole” or complete by bringing parts together. Integrated is the opposite of disintegrated- broken into fragments. Christian scholars should seek to live a whole life rather than a disintegrated one.

This paper will discuss how Christian scholar. Can life a whole Christian life by avoiding compartmentalization of career, faith and life in general.


I believe that faith is one of the main reason why psychotherapists have some degree of success. To me it is not psychotherapeutic system which helps people. It is psychotherapist himself who is able to stimulate faith and establish a relationship of confidence, trust and growth.

The bible defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). This faith is belief in something or someone even through there is no conclusive, physical evidence that what is hoped for will come to pass. Like religion, psychotherapy is method pf faith healing.

The faith one exercises influences his recovery. One faith seems to benatural and psychological, the other supernatural and spiritual.

Faith in natural is lower level of faith as compared to faith in supernatural.

Faith in the natural works because it is a step in the right direction, but faith in God is far more effective far healing troubledclients.

They are many issues that divide Christians today but one of the main issues is the relationship between secular psychology and Christian theology. Some Christian psychologists are willing to embrace the theories and practice of modern psychology and integrate them with

Christians/ biblical truths, others completely reject modern psychology.

While I do believe that some of the psychological theories and practice are being imported into Christianity dangerously, distort important biblical doctrines and potentially pervert the mission and ministry of the church, I do not reject modern psychology, I believe as a clinical psychology scholar should most integrate life and in faith in my work in order to work in harmony.

Martin Luther correctly taught that there is a kingdom of the left-hand ruled by the law and the kingdom of the right hand which is the church ruled by the gospel. He described these kingdom as the kingdom of God’s power and kingdom of God’s grace. (Michael J. 2003)

Luther recognized that within the kingdom of power or the kingdom of the left hand, natural, sinful man does not often exhibit virtuous qualities which are pleasing to God and will be rewarded in this life.But when it comes to righteousness and every person inspite of responsible life style is a miserable sinner.

So while I accept modern psychology as a legitimate discipline within the social sciences. I reject the notion that psychology can be integrated into biblical theology, psychology has a place and it must stay in that place.



One of my most fundamental question in the debates and issues is concept of faith. The question is am I going to place my faith and trust in the systems devised by men (psychology) or will I believe andtrust God’s word as set forth in the bible.

The fact that so many different theoretical models are currently beingtried indicates that not so much is really known about the cause and cure of mental emotional disorders to me proposed psychological causes

and attempted psychological cures are merely guesses as to how to dealwith such problems.

To me there is no final or conclusive evidence or proof for either thepsychological way or spiritual way. When one person chooses one way over the other , psychotherapy has numerous theories which are believed as fact by an act of faith. To me it is dishonest not to admit the aspect of faith and insist that psychological theories are universal facts. In my own view such theories vest on the same need for faith as religion does. A therapist will choose a certain theory and ignore another theory simply because of faith.


After uniting all the suggested ideas which were discussed in the course, the question that lingers in my mind is why people and especially Christian exhibit confidence in psychotherapy. Why is it that when Christians experience problems in their lives they turn to psychotherapist psychotherapy who sometimes use theories that contradict with Christian principles. The other main contradiction is why Christian universities offer psychosocial theories as facts. Lastly why do priest and ministers so readily refer their people with problems to psychotherapists?

It seems that Christians have uncritically accepted psychology, is it because they fear to challenge a system which the do not fully understand or is because principles of psychotherapy and psychology have sometimes been so carefully integrated and interwoven with biblical principles that the Christian cannot separate the two. To me the main reason why Christians have placed confidence in psychotherapyis may be that they have lost their confidence in spiritual solutions for mental emotional disorder.

In his book (1961) entitles The Crisis in Psychiatry and religion, O. Hobart Mowver asks a penetrating question: Has evangelical religion

sold its birthright for a mess of psychological pottage. It’s time forChristians to look objectively and prayerfully at the birthright and the mess of pottage.

I may not fully agree with Hobart O. M (1961) but I believe that psychologist should integrate their work with Christian faith in orderto be effective and efficient.


As a Christian who studies clinical psychology I must pay attention tospiritual growth i.e. regular times of meditation, on scripture, worship with other believers and consistent prayer these can strengthen me and protect me from influence that come not just from psychology systems but from all corners of the globe.

I must also recognize that psychology like every other field of study can be helpful provided it is tested against revealed word of God. I should not always agree with clinical psychology uncritically. Clinical psychology can be received gratefully when it is consistent with the biblical teachings. In contrast parts of psychology must be rejected if they contradict or attempt to undermine scriptural truth, therefore I should study psychology with a constant awareness that thescience of human behavior could both powerfully effective and risky.

Psychology just like other influences in this word can sometimes undermine the faith of Christians, however becoming psychological illiterate is not the answer to temptations, I should learn to discriminate what is harmful and what can be helpful.


John Carter (1979) said that integration is not always understood. Since integrating psychology and Christianity does not involve attempting to merge the systems of thoughts, it is like trying to mix oil and water, therefore integration is not the same s merger. John Carter (1979) argued that integration involves a recognition of the

ultimate authority of the bible and willingness to learn what God has allowed humans to discover through psychology and other fields of knowledge and a desire to determine how both scriptural truths and psychological data can enable psychologist to understand and help people.

To me integration does not attempt to elevate psychology to the level of the word of God. Therefore psychology should not water down or contradict the truths of the scripture. Therefore integration is the process where both disciplines retain their own identity while benefiting from each others perspective.

It is well known that parts of psychology contradict the scripture e.g. some work of Sigmund Freud psychological conclusions that contradict biblical principles certainly cannot be integrated with Christianity.

Integration should be done carefully by individual who seek to be led by the Holy Spirit.

To me one cannot dichotomize counseling into psychological versus biblical approaches since there is overlap, listening, talking, conceptualizing, thinking etc is not purely psychological nor exclusively biblical.

As a prospective clinical psychologist I cannot avoid at least an overlap and integration of psychological and Christian principles.

To me Christians and psychologists can learn from each other without watering truths of God’s word.


There can be no denial that some aspects psychology is more indifferent to religion. Some psychologists have no belief in a personal God or acceptance of biblical authority. If some psychologists are guilty of opposing, undermining and sometimes

attempting to replace traditional beliefs with humanistic substitute hence a Christian should free from them.

Paul instructed Timothy to turn away from godless chatter and opposingideas of what is falsely called knowledge which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from their faith (1Tim 6:20-21). As a Christian who is studying psychology I should pay attention to spiritual growth.


Ritzer G – 2011, defined globalization is a system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop global economy. Globalization refers top the integration of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization involves technological, economic, political and cultural exchange made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation and infrastructure.

Human societies across the globe have established progressively closercontact over many centuries, but recently the pace has dramatically increased. Jet air planes, cheap telephone services, E-mail, computers, huge ocean vessel instant capital flow all these have made the word more interdependent. Globalization of society all over the world. They are two types of integration negative and positive integration.

The issue of globalization is one that has in the recent time occupiedthe attention of different scholars as well as Christians. The wide spread attention given to the phenomena stems primarily from the fact that it has permeated every aspect of society, politics, economy, health, security, religion etc. as it concern the Christian religion generally and Christian value in particular, globalization particularly its information and communication dimension, constitute both blessing and potential threat.

Globalization in the area of communication and information has functioned and is still functioning impressively to spread Christian

values. Adherence to these values is needed so that the society can bepositively affected.

On the other hand globalization of communication and information also provided impetus to adherence to and practice of Christian values to be compromised. As such despite the free flow of Christian values madepossible by globalization of information and communication, society isstill destitute of these positive values.

Globalization has become a strong force in spreading of Christian values in various globalized technology such as television, internet, cell phones. The holy bible, where Christian values in its entirety are contained can today be stored in mobile phones and computers, hence people do not have to carry the bible to remind themselves of the Christian values. Hence reference to these values can be made anywhere at home, office, in the bus, train, aircraft in day or night.

These technologies also serve as a storage device for message and music containing Christian values and can be played by anybody anytime, any day and any where. For me I use Christian music as ringtone for my mobile phone. I also find myself playing Christian message or music with my personal laptop while still working with my laptop. These are avenues of learning or being reminded of Christian values.

Through internet, Christian around the world are able to share ideas and views on issues regarding their values via emails and websites. Time, distance and location no longer pose serious hindrances to accessing Christian value. It is one thing for Christian values to continue spread across the world. It is another thing for people to strictly adhere to them.

Globalization information and communication technologies have become the major inhibitions adherences to and practice of Christian values especially among young people. It is estimated that around a billion people were using internet by 2005 (Gidden 2-006). This number would probably have doubled by now.

Unarguably, a significant proportion of the population of the internetuse are young people, Christian youths inclusive. While surfing the

web, these young people come into contact with some what unlimited anduncensored information, such information including issues on sex, pornographic and nude pictures and video.

The point I would like to make here is that when Christian especially youth surf the internet and come across these uncensored information and pictures, accompanied by with set of excuses, justification and rationalization for indulging in them, it becomes easy for them to compromise their stance on Christian values. Thus they can find reasonto begin to indulge in masturbation, premarital and extra marital sex and similar behavior which are not coherent to Christian values.

Some television programmes expose society members including Christiansto different form of social vices. A number of movies shown on television portray and to some extent promote violence crime, drug alcoholic intake indecent dressing etc. usually individuals who are portrayed e.g. heroes in some television programme especially movies had to indulge in some of these vices listed above. This tend to influence immature views some of whom are Christians whom may decide to compromise their values and indulge in some of these ill behavior in order to feel like heroes. Putnam 1990 noted that television functions to erode social resources like values that enable people to act effectively.

My conclusion is that negative dimension of globalization in relation to Christianity must therefore be fought to a stand still bearing in mind the suggestion above, while the positive dimension should be promoted. In this way globalization will remain a strong toil to spread Christian values and if Christian values are practiced as much as they are spread, then we would all be heading to a better world.



Leadership can be defined as the ability to turn a dream, a vision of a dream, a vision of a desired future state into a reality with and through cooperation of other people. Bennis W and Nunus B (1985). The

difference between Christian leadership with above definition is that the desired purpose and vision to which the leader is moving is intended to bring glory to God.

This means that not only his/ her desired vision is in conformity to God word but also the method of reaching these objectives must be in conformity to God.

The character of leader must be in harmony with the leadership qualities described in scripture. As such a leader must demonstrate inhi sown life characteristics in conformity to Christ image. A leader should be a man of the word of God who consistently leans on the holy spirit to direct him in self management and people management in his quest for God’s glory.

Id Amin of Uganda, Adolf Hilter of Germany were effective leaders in asense that they could create vision. The difference between them is that Christian leader is a servant first to the Lord Jesus and to the mission for which he is called, second he is a servant to the people to whom he has installed the vision.

Godly leadership can be compared top an iceberg. Most of the make up of a leader lies below the water. The ten percent above the water manifest itself through action, behaviour and decision making. This illustrates the point how external actions do not necessarily correlate with inward growth.


2Peter 1:5 – 7 contains list of character qualities for which God has made provision and for which every Christian should strive to acquire.Now for this very season also applying in diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge self controlperseverance and in your perseverance, godliness and in your Godliness, brotherly kindness and in your brotherly kindness love.

To me Christian leaders should possess above qualities which will helpthem lead according to God’s will. As Christian leaders above all,

must demonstrate moral character if they expect to exert influence upon their followers.

As one of the Christian leaders I should understand that people will loose their faith in me if my morals are compromised. I believe that the greatest power I can get over my followers is the power which comes of consecration and holiness.

Integral to character is the issue of integrity. To me I believe that public image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are. Integrity is the human quality necessary for Christian leaders tosucceed in their work. Most leaders both spiritual and secular list integrity as essential for effectiveness. It is one of the most important characteristics in developing Christian leadership. Michael L. (2003).

To me a Christian leader with integrity is incorruptible, trustworthy,honest reliable and dependable. He/ she does what he/she says he will do. When one has integrity he does not pretend, therefore he/she has no hypocrisy. To me integrity is key to the work of Christian ministry. As a Christian leader I should strive to maintain integrity all the time.

Character in leadership also include unconditional core. Unconditionalcore does not mean that we should condone or wink or sin. If moral failures occur must be addressed.

In all matter of Christian leadership there must be a capacity for forgiveness, one must offer forgiveness one has received from Christ.

Michael L. (2003) argues that Christian leaders should have faith and firmly believe that God has called them. A leader should be convinced that God had a great plan for his/ her life. A Christian leader shouldhave confident in Gods power which will give him strength to serve andlead.


To me the greatest power or influence a leader can have over someone is through his character, hence the closer one go to Christ the more obedient one become to the truth revealed to him by the power of the holy spirit and God’s word.

Michael Larry (2003) says that per Rev. Jesse Jackson of U.S.A was found to have fathered a child out of wedlock,when it became a public knowledge two years later, Jackson was asked whether his moral influence had been compromised. Jackson responded that he did not think his moral leadership had been affected. Jackson was not remorseful. Michael Larry (2003) argues that public leaders should avoid moral failure as hard as possible because when open heard of reputation once shown is hard to grow.


The crucifixion and eventual death of Jesus is one of the pivotal events of Christianity. A great social injustice was perpetrated through the most advanced legal system of Roman Empire. Jesus, an innocent man was cruelly punished. Christian leaders must safeguard against such abuses in our contemporary society by imposing legal restriction on the power we exercise over each other.

The purpose of a legal system is to create a good society. That can bedone in two primary directions. Limit the bad laws and promote the good. All legal system attempts to do this in one way or another with varying degree of success. Christian leaders have duty and responsibilities to ensure that legal systems nurture our effort to use our God given – life and talents to fulfill that duty of service and co-creatorship.

Christian leaders should understand the fallen state we are in and seek to awaken our compassion for God and each other. As such Christian leaders should seek to be the instrument of God in this world, by restoring that which is fallen and creating that which is good. Thus the church leadership and law should be for organized so asto facilitate that mission of reconstruction and perfection of Christians society and the world in general.

Christian leaders should come up with universal Christian legal systemwhich should be simple system consistent with achieving the societal good. Christian legal system should prevent injustices and protect therelatively innocent by curbing abuse of power and providing effective remedies for such an abuse.

A Christian legal system should be understood, created and embraced bythe governed and governing as an expression of their common sense of Justice and fairness tempered by compassion and forgiveness.

Christian legal system should facilitate the creation of a good and a prosperous society through economically justified rules that promote actualization of the potential of each God’s children equally. Allocate freedom and resources fairly so that we can make ourselves, our families, our communities, countries and world flourish to God’s glory.


A post modernism is a late 20 century style and concept in the art, architecture and criticism which present a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious uses of earlier style and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media and general distrust of theories (oxford dictionary 2013)

Post modern therefore is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific or objectives, efforts to explain reality. Post modern is highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions or race and instead focus on the relativetruth of each person. Post modern relies on concrete experience over abstract principles, knowing always that the outcome of one’s own experience will necessarily be relative rather than certain and universal. Post modern is the new way of thinking as opposed to modernism: the old way of thinking.

The Christian faith is understood as a story by post modern generationthat see itself as part of developing storyline. ( written

Instead of breaking down the bible and analyzing it as in the modern era, postmodern believers see the bible stories as part of a bigger picture and larger story. To post modernism bible is chronological stories of God and creation, the story of Abraham, Moses, King David, the prophets, Jesus, Paul and themselves as modern Christians. As Christian scholar I disagree with the views of post modern, since the bible is the inspired word of God not necessarily an ordinary story, no wonder most of the post modern philosophers are atheist.

Post modern thinking therefore encourages choice. The ethos of internet relates closely to post modern view. Every one is free to offer, or find any view point.

To me gospel must be presented differently in post modern situation, people may not be interested in Christian version of truth, however they may be interested in Christian solutions which meet the problems they face. It is important that as Christian we should help young people to understand the way post modernism affect the world, the church, and communication.

We live in post modern world where people demand choices and freedoms.The democratic space of publishing anything in the internet is very much post modern reality hence it is no longer possible to effectivelypresent the gospel in the way it was successfully preached in the first part of the 20th century. Understanding postmodern world view isnot luxury for sociology. It must be an essential insight for all Christians.

Postmodern is a philosophy that says absolute truth does not exist. Post modernism supporters deny long life beliefs and conventions and maintain that all viewpoints are equally valid.

In today’s society post modernism has led to relativism, the idea thatall truths is relative. That means what is right for one group is not necessary right or true to everyone. The most obvious example is sexual immorality. Christian or the bible teaches that sex outside

marriage is wrong. Post modern world would claim that such a view point pertains to Christians only but not to those who do not follow Jesus.

Taken to extreme post modernism argues that what society says its illegal such as drug abuse or stealing is not necessarily wrong for individuals. Not only do post modernists deny Christ claim to be the truth, but they also dismiss his statement that he is the only way to heaven. Today Christianity is ridiculed as arrogant or intolerant by those who say there are many paths to heaven. Post modern reality advocates for pluralism, the view that are religious are equally valid.

In post modernism, all religious, including Christianity, is reduced to opinion.

In my view Christianity is not a religion , it is the truth. Hence Christianity is not matter how post modern believe sin exists, sin hasconsequences, and anyone ignoring the truth has to face those consequence.



clinical psychology rarely it ever deals with main sphere of concentrations is with the mind will and emotions. And even then, someforms of psychotherapy concentrates more heavily on the emotions than on the will and the mind while other form focus on more on the intellect Bugman and Martin (1979)

Psychological normally deals with very poorly with spiritual side of man’s nature choosing either to ignore it or label it as pathological.To me psychologists should appreciate the spiritual dimension of a human being. The body soul and spirit are intimately related and interact with one another. As far as I am concerned the spirit has preeminence. It is through the spirit that we find highest level of human existence. A such psychology should not replace spirituality it should complement it. Spiritual aspect of a man has an important

effect on the total health of an individual. To me the cornerstone of good total health is good spiritual health.

A health physical life is related to positive and stable mental emotional life which in turn influenced by stable mental emotional life which in turn is influenced by sound spiritual life. As such the spiritual dimension has its role in human life as well as psychology dimension. It is worthy to note that the two disciplines complement each other and neither psychology nor Christianity should be ignored.

Some psychotherapeutic system either reject or ignore the spiritual relationship between man and his creater. The then deny most vital aspects of man nature which is the deepest and most significant element of his existence

Spiritual solutions are not merely operative upon the spirit. For the word of GOD applies to every aspect of daily life including mental attitude and interpersonal relationship. To me every aspect of a particular brand of psychotherapy must be checked. One fundamental question, is this form of psychotherapy based upon ideologies which agree or disagree with the scripture?

I believe that faith hope and love are the main reasons why psychotherapies have some degree of success. To me it is not a psychotherapeutic system that helps people. It is psychotherapist himself who is able to love, stimulate faith and hope, and thus establish a relationship of confidence ,trust and growth. Since the most effective basis for change lies in such universal virtues , they are not limited to the therapeutic settings. Interpersonal qualities are equally effective in spiritual fields moreover they involve supernatural faith, hope and love which originated with God and are expressed through his word, his spirit and his body of believers. In conclusion, the two dimension are important and therefore psychology and spiritual dimension of human life should complement each other.


Instead of worshiping God some people bow at the words and teachings of psychologists such as Sigmud Freud, Carl Rodgers, Jung etc. Paul Vitz (1979) argues that psychology has become a cult that worship the self. Paul Vitz hold the view that in place of self discipline, self sacrifice, self denial, the new religion (psychology) has substituted new values of self fulfillment, self- actualization , self realizationand the pursuit of self esteem or a better self concept.

To me psychology promises a better life and tell us how to achieve success and meaningful life. However psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists should not replace priests,pators and other evangelists with psychology. Psychology should not become a risky force that undermine religion, and competes with Christianity.

In John 5:21, the bible clearly instructs believers to keep themselvesfrom idols. An idol is anything that people worship or depend on apartfrom God. In ancient time idols were man made statutes of wood and stone, however today idols are man made conclusions and ideas.

In psychology, I need to note abuses errors and dangers in the field; however I should not or throw out all psychology simply because some people misuse it.

The noble bible at Berea examined the scripture everyday to see if Paul’s words are true Act (17:11) in a similar way I should examine the message of modern psychologists and researchers, to see what I canaccept and what I must reject if it competes with the word of God. In conclusion it is worthy to note that psychology should not be rejectedbecause some people have distorted view of it’s values therefore I should use psychology when it is consistent with the scripture.


according to the book of Genesis God created males and females in divine image and what he created was good . Genesis 1:27,31. However the first humans disobeyed God and fell into sin and were introduced to physical pain and mental turmoil.

Since all problems comes from the original sin, it is in one sense valid to say thus at rout, all psychological problems are spiritual however all [problems have mental, physical and spiritual component. As such problems and especially psychological problems should be looked from a holistic approach.

There has been a notable and unfortunate division of mind and body. What generally happens is that the medical doctors main interest is with the mind.

The separation of the mind and the body is naive way of dealing with the total person. Infact the total person includes the spirit. As suchtherefore the mind, body and spirit should be considered in any problem which a person is experiencing , Martin and Bogan (1979) argues that there is abundance that all human problems have three components: physical, psychological and spiritual, sometimes are of these may be most noticeable.

Effective Christian counselor knows that the personal sin may be a major cause of depression but I would be naive to conclude nothing butfinding sin exhorting the person to change. It is important to help the counselee to cope with his or her psychological stress.


The vision of contemporary scholar in the field of clinical psychologyshould always ultimately bring glory to God. This means that the process of Christian clinical psychologist is always as important as the end product. As a contemporary Christian scholar in the field of clinical psychology, I will be more concerned with who am I than with what I will accomplish. Self management goes beyond my perimeters of my occupational skills. I will be concerned foremost in pleasing God. I will not manipulate clients into my plans, instead I will improve each of them in the process.


Allen E. Bergin (1980) Psychotherapy and religious values. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

Adam S.E (1970) Competent to Counsel. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.

Bobgan, Deldre Martin, (1979). The Psychological way/ The Spiritual way. Bethany House Publishers.

Bennis W, Nanns B (1985) Leaders the strategy for taking charge. New York Harper and Row 1985.

Cavanaught Michael E. (1982) Counseling Experience. A theoretical and Practical approach, Montery, Calf Brooks/ Cole.

Gidden A (2006) sociology. Cambridge : Polity press

Hobart Mowver (1961). The Crisis in Psychiatry and religion Princeton D. Van Nostrand co, inc.

Holy Bible

John C. Carter and Bruce Narramore, (1979). The integration of Psychology and Theology Grand rapids Mich. Zondervan.

Martin and Deidre Bobgan, (1979). The Psychological way/ Spiritual way. minnea polis.Bethany House Publishers.

Michael J Larry (2003), Key insight for christian leaders. Kregal publication.

Paul C Vitz (1979) Psychology as Religion. The Cult of self worship (Grand rapids. Mich> Erdmans.

Patterson C.H (1973) .Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy New York: Harper Row Publishing.

Putnam, R (1996) The strange Disappearance of civil America. American Prospects.

Ritzer, George (2011) Globalization,. The Essentials Ny . John Wiley &sons.

Steve H Guyford (1972) Science system and society. Journal of cybernetic.

William R Miller, and Kathleen A. Jackson (1985) Practical Psychology for pastors Engle W Cliffs, N,.J Prentice Hall.

Oxford Dictionary (2013) oxford University press. DAY STAR UNIVERSITY








AD NO : 13 – 0412


The tithe of this project is integrating faith and life. The role of the contemporary Christian scholar in the field of psychology.

What then is integration? An integer is a whole number. To integrate is to make “whole” or complete by bringing parts together. Integrated is the opposite of disintegrated- broken into fragments. Christian scholars should seek to live a whole life rather than a disintegrated one.

This paper will discuss how Christian scholar. Can life a whole Christian life by avoiding compartmentalization of career, faith and life in general.


I believe that faith is one of the main reason why psychotherapists have some degree of success. To me it is not psychotherapeutic system which helps people. It is psychotherapist himself who is able to stimulate faith and establish a relationship of confidence, trust and growth.

The bible defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). This faith is belief in something or someone even through there is no conclusive, physical evidence that what is hoped for will come to pass. Like religion, psychotherapy is method pf faith healing.

The faith one exercises influences his recovery. One faith seems to benatural and psychological, the other supernatural and spiritual.

Faith in natural is lower level of faith as compared to faith in supernatural.

Faith in the natural works because it is a step in the right direction, but faith in God is far more effective far healing troubledclients.

They are many issues that divide Christians today but one of the main issues is the relationship between secular psychology and Christian theology. Some Christian psychologists are willing to embrace the theories and practice of modern psychology and integrate them with Christians/ biblical truths, others completely reject modern psychology.

While I do believe that some of the psychological theories and practice are being imported into Christianity dangerously, distort important biblical doctrines and potentially pervert the mission and ministry of the church, I do not reject modern psychology, I believe as a clinical psychology scholar should most integrate life and in faith in my work in order to work in harmony.

Martin Luther correctly taught that there is a kingdom of the left-hand ruled by the law and the kingdom of the right hand which is the church ruled by the gospel. He described these kingdom as the kingdom of God’s power and kingdom of God’s grace. (Michael J. 2003)

Luther recognized that within the kingdom of power or the kingdom of the left hand, natural, sinful man does not often exhibit virtuous qualities which are pleasing to God and will be rewarded in this life.But when it comes to righteousness and every person inspite of responsible life style is a miserable sinner.

So while I accept modern psychology as a legitimate discipline within the social sciences. I reject the notion that psychology can be integrated into biblical theology, psychology has a place and it must stay in that place.



One of my most fundamental question in the debates and issues is concept of faith. The question is am I going to place my faith and trust in the systems devised by men (psychology) or will I believe andtrust God’s word as set forth in the bible.

The fact that so many different theoretical models are currently beingtried indicates that not so much is really known about the cause and cure of mental emotional disorders to me proposed psychological causesand attempted psychological cures are merely guesses as to how to dealwith such problems.

To me there is no final or conclusive evidence or proof for either thepsychological way or spiritual way. When one person chooses one way over the other , psychotherapy has numerous theories which are believed as fact by an act of faith. To me it is dishonest not to admit the aspect of faith and insist that psychological theories are universal facts. In my own view such theories vest on the same need for faith as religion does. A therapist will choose a certain theory and ignore another theory simply because of faith.


After uniting all the suggested ideas which were discussed in the course, the question that lingers in my mind is why people and especially Christian exhibit confidence in psychotherapy. Why is it that when Christians experience problems in their lives they turn to psychotherapist psychotherapy who sometimes use theories that contradict with Christian principles. The other main contradiction is why Christian universities offer psychosocial theories as facts. Lastly why do priest and ministers so readily refer their people with problems to psychotherapists?

It seems that Christians have uncritically accepted psychology, is it because they fear to challenge a system which the do not fully understand or is because principles of psychotherapy and psychology have sometimes been so carefully integrated and interwoven with biblical principles that the Christian cannot separate the two. To me the main reason why Christians have placed confidence in psychotherapy

is may be that they have lost their confidence in spiritual solutions for mental emotional disorder.

In his book (1961) entitles The Crisis in Psychiatry and religion, O. Hobart Mowver asks a penetrating question: Has evangelical religion sold its birthright for a mess of psychological pottage. It’s time forChristians to look objectively and prayerfully at the birthright and the mess of pottage.

I may not fully agree with Hobart O. M (1961) but I believe that psychologist should integrate their work with Christian faith in orderto be effective and efficient.


As a Christian who studies clinical psychology I must pay attention tospiritual growth i.e. regular times of meditation, on scripture, worship with other believers and consistent prayer these can strengthen me and protect me from influence that come not just from psychology systems but from all corners of the globe.

I must also recognize that psychology like every other field of study can be helpful provided it is tested against revealed word of God. I should not always agree with clinical psychology uncritically. Clinical psychology can be received gratefully when it is consistent with the biblical teachings. In contrast parts of psychology must be rejected if they contradict or attempt to undermine scriptural truth, therefore I should study psychology with a constant awareness that thescience of human behavior could both powerfully effective and risky.

Psychology just like other influences in this word can sometimes undermine the faith of Christians, however becoming psychological illiterate is not the answer to temptations, I should learn to discriminate what is harmful and what can be helpful.


John Carter (1979) said that integration is not always understood. Since integrating psychology and Christianity does not involve attempting to merge the systems of thoughts, it is like trying to mix oil and water, therefore integration is not the same s merger. John Carter (1979) argued that integration involves a recognition of the ultimate authority of the bible and willingness to learn what God has allowed humans to discover through psychology and other fields of knowledge and a desire to determine how both scriptural truths and psychological data can enable psychologist to understand and help people.

To me integration does not attempt to elevate psychology to the level of the word of God. Therefore psychology should not water down or contradict the truths of the scripture. Therefore integration is the process where both disciplines retain their own identity while benefiting from each others perspective.

It is well known that parts of psychology contradict the scripture e.g. some work of Sigmund Freud psychological conclusions that contradict biblical principles certainly cannot be integrated with Christianity.

Integration should be done carefully by individual who seek to be led by the Holy Spirit.

To me one cannot dichotomize counseling into psychological versus biblical approaches since there is overlap, listening, talking, conceptualizing, thinking etc is not purely psychological nor exclusively biblical.

As a prospective clinical psychologist I cannot avoid at least an overlap and integration of psychological and Christian principles.

To me Christians and psychologists can learn from each other without watering truths of God’s word.


There can be no denial that some aspects psychology is more indifferent to religion. Some psychologists have no belief in a personal God or acceptance of biblical authority. If some psychologists are guilty of opposing, undermining and sometimes attempting to replace traditional beliefs with humanistic substitute hence a Christian should free from them.

Paul instructed Timothy to turn away from godless chatter and opposingideas of what is falsely called knowledge which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from their faith (1Tim 6:20-21). As a Christian who is studying psychology I should pay attention to spiritual growth.


Ritzer G – 2011, defined globalization is a system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop global economy. Globalization refers top the integration of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization involves technological, economic, political and cultural exchange made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation and infrastructure.

Human societies across the globe have established progressively closercontact over many centuries, but recently the pace has dramatically increased. Jet air planes, cheap telephone services, E-mail, computers, huge ocean vessel instant capital flow all these have made the word more interdependent. Globalization of society all over the world. They are two types of integration negative and positive integration.

The issue of globalization is one that has in the recent time occupiedthe attention of different scholars as well as Christians. The wide spread attention given to the phenomena stems primarily from the fact that it has permeated every aspect of society, politics, economy, health, security, religion etc. as it concern the Christian religion generally and Christian value in particular, globalization particularly its information and communication dimension, constitute both blessing and potential threat.

Globalization in the area of communication and information has functioned and is still functioning impressively to spread Christian values. Adherence to these values is needed so that the society can bepositively affected.

On the other hand globalization of communication and information also provided impetus to adherence to and practice of Christian values to be compromised. As such despite the free flow of Christian values madepossible by globalization of information and communication, society isstill destitute of these positive values.

Globalization has become a strong force in spreading of Christian values in various globalized technology such as television, internet, cell phones. The holy bible, where Christian values in its entirety are contained can today be stored in mobile phones and computers, hence people do not have to carry the bible to remind themselves of the Christian values. Hence reference to these values can be made anywhere at home, office, in the bus, train, aircraft in day or night.

These technologies also serve as a storage device for message and music containing Christian values and can be played by anybody anytime, any day and any where. For me I use Christian music as ringtone for my mobile phone. I also find myself playing Christian message or music with my personal laptop while still working with my laptop. These are avenues of learning or being reminded of Christian values.

Through internet, Christian around the world are able to share ideas and views on issues regarding their values via emails and websites. Time, distance and location no longer pose serious hindrances to accessing Christian value. It is one thing for Christian values to continue spread across the world. It is another thing for people to strictly adhere to them.

Globalization information and communication technologies have become the major inhibitions adherences to and practice of Christian values especially among young people. It is estimated that around a billion people were using internet by 2005 (Gidden 2-006). This number would probably have doubled by now.

Unarguably, a significant proportion of the population of the internetuse are young people, Christian youths inclusive. While surfing the web, these young people come into contact with some what unlimited anduncensored information, such information including issues on sex, pornographic and nude pictures and video.

The point I would like to make here is that when Christian especially youth surf the internet and come across these uncensored information and pictures, accompanied by with set of excuses, justification and rationalization for indulging in them, it becomes easy for them to compromise their stance on Christian values. Thus they can find reasonto begin to indulge in masturbation, premarital and extra marital sex and similar behavior which are not coherent to Christian values.

Some television programmes expose society members including Christiansto different form of social vices. A number of movies shown on television portray and to some extent promote violence crime, drug alcoholic intake indecent dressing etc. usually individuals who are portrayed e.g. heroes in some television programme especially movies had to indulge in some of these vices listed above. This tend to influence immature views some of whom are Christians whom may decide to compromise their values and indulge in some of these ill behavior in order to feel like heroes. Putnam 1990 noted that television functions to erode social resources like values that enable people to act effectively.

My conclusion is that negative dimension of globalization in relation to Christianity must therefore be fought to a stand still bearing in mind the suggestion above, while the positive dimension should be promoted. In this way globalization will remain a strong toil to spread Christian values and if Christian values are practiced as much as they are spread, then we would all be heading to a better world.



Leadership can be defined as the ability to turn a dream, a vision of a dream, a vision of a desired future state into a reality with and through cooperation of other people. Bennis W and Nunus B (1985). The difference between Christian leadership with above definition is that the desired purpose and vision to which the leader is moving is intended to bring glory to God.

This means that not only his/ her desired vision is in conformity to God word but also the method of reaching these objectives must be in conformity to God.

The character of leader must be in harmony with the leadership qualities described in scripture. As such a leader must demonstrate inhi sown life characteristics in conformity to Christ image. A leader should be a man of the word of God who consistently leans on the holy spirit to direct him in self management and people management in his quest for God’s glory.

Id Amin of Uganda, Adolf Hilter of Germany were effective leaders in asense that they could create vision. The difference between them is that Christian leader is a servant first to the Lord Jesus and to the mission for which he is called, second he is a servant to the people to whom he has installed the vision.

Godly leadership can be compared top an iceberg. Most of the make up of a leader lies below the water. The ten percent above the water manifest itself through action, behaviour and decision making. This illustrates the point how external actions do not necessarily correlate with inward growth.


2Peter 1:5 – 7 contains list of character qualities for which God has made provision and for which every Christian should strive to acquire.Now for this very season also applying in diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge self controlperseverance and in your perseverance, godliness and in your Godliness, brotherly kindness and in your brotherly kindness love.

To me Christian leaders should possess above qualities which will helpthem lead according to God’s will. As Christian leaders above all, must demonstrate moral character if they expect to exert influence upon their followers.

As one of the Christian leaders I should understand that people will loose their faith in me if my morals are compromised. I believe that the greatest power I can get over my followers is the power which comes of consecration and holiness.

Integral to character is the issue of integrity. To me I believe that public image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are. Integrity is the human quality necessary for Christian leaders tosucceed in their work. Most leaders both spiritual and secular list integrity as essential for effectiveness. It is one of the most important characteristics in developing Christian leadership. Michael L. (2003).

To me a Christian leader with integrity is incorruptible, trustworthy,honest reliable and dependable. He/ she does what he/she says he will do. When one has integrity he does not pretend, therefore he/she has no hypocrisy. To me integrity is key to the work of Christian ministry. As a Christian leader I should strive to maintain integrity all the time.

Character in leadership also include unconditional core. Unconditionalcore does not mean that we should condone or wink or sin. If moral failures occur must be addressed.

In all matter of Christian leadership there must be a capacity for forgiveness, one must offer forgiveness one has received from Christ.

Michael L. (2003) argues that Christian leaders should have faith and firmly believe that God has called them. A leader should be convinced that God had a great plan for his/ her life. A Christian leader shouldhave confident in Gods power which will give him strength to serve andlead.


To me the greatest power or influence a leader can have over someone is through his character, hence the closer one go to Christ the more obedient one become to the truth revealed to him by the power of the holy spirit and God’s word.

Michael Larry (2003) says that per Rev. Jesse Jackson of U.S.A was found to have fathered a child out of wedlock,when it became a public knowledge two years later, Jackson was asked whether his moral influence had been compromised. Jackson responded that he did not think his moral leadership had been affected. Jackson was not remorseful. Michael Larry (2003) argues that public leaders should avoid moral failure as hard as possible because when open heard of reputation once shown is hard to grow.


The crucifixion and eventual death of Jesus is one of the pivotal events of Christianity. A great social injustice was perpetrated through the most advanced legal system of Roman Empire. Jesus, an innocent man was cruelly punished. Christian leaders must safeguard against such abuses in our contemporary society by imposing legal restriction on the power we exercise over each other.

The purpose of a legal system is to create a good society. That can bedone in two primary directions. Limit the bad laws and promote the good. All legal system attempts to do this in one way or another with varying degree of success. Christian leaders have duty and responsibilities to ensure that legal systems nurture our effort to use our God given – life and talents to fulfill that duty of service and co-creatorship.

Christian leaders should understand the fallen state we are in and seek to awaken our compassion for God and each other. As such Christian leaders should seek to be the instrument of God in this world, by restoring that which is fallen and creating that which is good. Thus the church leadership and law should be for organized so asto facilitate that mission of reconstruction and perfection of Christians society and the world in general.

Christian leaders should come up with universal Christian legal systemwhich should be simple system consistent with achieving the societal good. Christian legal system should prevent injustices and protect therelatively innocent by curbing abuse of power and providing effective remedies for such an abuse.

A Christian legal system should be understood, created and embraced bythe governed and governing as an expression of their common sense of Justice and fairness tempered by compassion and forgiveness.

Christian legal system should facilitate the creation of a good and a prosperous society through economically justified rules that promote actualization of the potential of each God’s children equally. Allocate freedom and resources fairly so that we can make ourselves, our families, our communities, countries and world flourish to God’s glory.


A post modernism is a late 20 century style and concept in the art, architecture and criticism which present a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious uses of earlier style and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media and general distrust of theories (oxford dictionary 2013)

Post modern therefore is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific or objectives, efforts to explain reality. Post modern is highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions or race and instead focus on the relativetruth of each person. Post modern relies on concrete experience over abstract principles, knowing always that the outcome of one’s own experience will necessarily be relative rather than certain and universal. Post modern is the new way of thinking as opposed to modernism: the old way of thinking.

The Christian faith is understood as a story by post modern generationthat see itself as part of developing storyline. ( written

Instead of breaking down the bible and analyzing it as in the modern era, postmodern believers see the bible stories as part of a bigger picture and larger story. To post modernism bible is chronological stories of God and creation, the story of Abraham, Moses, King David, the prophets, Jesus, Paul and themselves as modern Christians. As Christian scholar I disagree with the views of post modern, since the bible is the inspired word of God not necessarily an ordinary story, no wonder most of the post modern philosophers are atheist.

Post modern thinking therefore encourages choice. The ethos of internet relates closely to post modern view. Every one is free to offer, or find any view point.

To me gospel must be presented differently in post modern situation, people may not be interested in Christian version of truth, however they may be interested in Christian solutions which meet the problems they face. It is important that as Christian we should help young people to understand the way post modernism affect the world, the church, and communication.

We live in post modern world where people demand choices and freedoms.The democratic space of publishing anything in the internet is very much post modern reality hence it is no longer possible to effectivelypresent the gospel in the way it was successfully preached in the first part of the 20th century. Understanding postmodern world view isnot luxury for sociology. It must be an essential insight for all Christians.

Postmodern is a philosophy that says absolute truth does not exist. Post modernism supporters deny long life beliefs and conventions and maintain that all viewpoints are equally valid.

In today’s society post modernism has led to relativism, the idea thatall truths is relative. That means what is right for one group is not necessary right or true to everyone. The most obvious example is sexual immorality. Christian or the bible teaches that sex outside

marriage is wrong. Post modern world would claim that such a view point pertains to Christians only but not to those who do not follow Jesus.

Taken to extreme post modernism argues that what society says its illegal such as drug abuse or stealing is not necessarily wrong for individuals. Not only do post modernists deny Christ claim to be the truth, but they also dismiss his statement that he is the only way to heaven. Today Christianity is ridiculed as arrogant or intolerant by those who say there are many paths to heaven. Post modern reality advocates for pluralism, the view that are religious are equally valid.

In post modernism, all religious, including Christianity, is reduced to opinion.

In my view Christianity is not a religion , it is the truth. Hence Christianity is not matter how post modern believe sin exists, sin hasconsequences, and anyone ignoring the truth has to face those consequence.



clinical psychology rarely it ever deals with main sphere of concentrations is with the mind will and emotions. And even then, someforms of psychotherapy concentrates more heavily on the emotions than on the will and the mind while other form focus on more on the intellect Bugman and Martin (1979)

Psychological normally deals with very poorly with spiritual side of man’s nature choosing either to ignore it or label it as pathological.To me psychologists should appreciate the spiritual dimension of a human being. The body soul and spirit are intimately related and interact with one another. As far as I am concerned the spirit has preeminence. It is through the spirit that we find highest level of human existence. A such psychology should not replace spirituality it should complement it. Spiritual aspect of a man has an important

effect on the total health of an individual. To me the cornerstone of good total health is good spiritual health.

A health physical life is related to positive and stable mental emotional life which in turn influenced by stable mental emotional life which in turn is influenced by sound spiritual life. As such the spiritual dimension has its role in human life as well as psychology dimension. It is worthy to note that the two disciplines complement each other and neither psychology nor Christianity should be ignored.

Some psychotherapeutic system either reject or ignore the spiritual relationship between man and his creater. The then deny most vital aspects of man nature which is the deepest and most significant element of his existence

Spiritual solutions are not merely operative upon the spirit. For the word of GOD applies to every aspect of daily life including mental attitude and interpersonal relationship. To me every aspect of a particular brand of psychotherapy must be checked. One fundamental question, is this form of psychotherapy based upon ideologies which agree or disagree with the scripture?

I believe that faith hope and love are the main reasons why psychotherapies have some degree of success. To me it is not a psychotherapeutic system that helps people. It is psychotherapist himself who is able to love, stimulate faith and hope, and thus establish a relationship of confidence ,trust and growth. Since the most effective basis for change lies in such universal virtues , they are not limited to the therapeutic settings. Interpersonal qualities are equally effective in spiritual fields moreover they involve supernatural faith, hope and love which originated with God and are expressed through his word, his spirit and his body of believers. In conclusion, the two dimension are important and therefore psychology and spiritual dimension of human life should complement each other.


Instead of worshiping God some people bow at the words and teachings of psychologists such as Sigmud Freud, Carl Rodgers, Jung etc. Paul Vitz (1979) argues that psychology has become a cult that worship the self. Paul Vitz hold the view that in place of self discipline, self sacrifice, self denial, the new religion (psychology) has substituted new values of self fulfillment, self- actualization , self realizationand the pursuit of self esteem or a better self concept.

To me psychology promises a better life and tell us how to achieve success and meaningful life. However psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists should not replace priests,pators and other evangelists with psychology. Psychology should not become a risky force that undermine religion, and competes with Christianity.

In John 5:21, the bible clearly instructs believers to keep themselvesfrom idols. An idol is anything that people worship or depend on apartfrom God. In ancient time idols were man made statutes of wood and stone, however today idols are man made conclusions and ideas.

In psychology, I need to note abuses errors and dangers in the field; however I should not or throw out all psychology simply because some people misuse it.

The noble bible at Berea examined the scripture everyday to see if Paul’s words are true Act (17:11) in a similar way I should examine the message of modern psychologists and researchers, to see what I canaccept and what I must reject if it competes with the word of God. In conclusion it is worthy to note that psychology should not be rejectedbecause some people have distorted view of it’s values therefore I should use psychology when it is consistent with the scripture.


according to the book of Genesis God created males and females in divine image and what he created was good . Genesis 1:27,31. However the first humans disobeyed God and fell into sin and were introduced to physical pain and mental turmoil.

Since all problems comes from the original sin, it is in one sense valid to say thus at rout, all psychological problems are spiritual however all [problems have mental, physical and spiritual component. As such problems and especially psychological problems should be looked from a holistic approach.

There has been a notable and unfortunate division of mind and body. What generally happens is that the medical doctors main interest is with the mind.

The separation of the mind and the body is naive way of dealing with the total person. Infact the total person includes the spirit. As suchtherefore the mind, body and spirit should be considered in any problem which a person is experiencing , Martin and Bogan (1979) argues that there is abundance that all human problems have three components: physical, psychological and spiritual, sometimes are of these may be most noticeable.

Effective Christian counselor knows that the personal sin may be a major cause of depression but I would be naive to conclude nothing butfinding sin exhorting the person to change. It is important to help the counselee to cope with his or her psychological stress.


The vision of contemporary scholar in the field of clinical psychologyshould always ultimately bring glory to God. This means that the process of Christian clinical psychologist is always as important as the end product. As a contemporary Christian scholar in the field of clinical psychology, I will be more concerned with who am I than with what I will accomplish. Self management goes beyond my perimeters of my occupational skills. I will be concerned foremost in pleasing God. I will not manipulate clients into my plans, instead I will improve each of them in the process.


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