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Samara Afzal

MBA 2014

Research article

Submitted to: Shamila Nabi Khan


This study was conducted in an effort to investigate the

emergence of employee’s intention to quit in the organization. It

investigated the relationship between employee’s intention to

quit and various factors which led to the employee turnover.

These factors include customer relationship management

organization, knowledge management, technological based customer

relationship management, employee job satisfaction, and

organizational commitment and employee retention programs. In

order to conduct the study regression and significant tests had

been used which revealed the relationships between the variables.

Keywords: employee intention to quit, knowledge management, CRM



The company started its operations in 1977. In the first year of

operations, the company was involved in the construction of plant

and providing services.

Employee turnover has been a critical issue in many regions. High

turnover proportion in the organizations causes high cost of

enlisting and preparing new employees, diminishing of

organizational implementation, absence of authoritative worker

progression and hierarchical solidness. Subsequently, turnover is

an undesirable occasion in the associations, on the grounds that

long haul benefit is affected not just by contracting the best

qualified staff, yet keeping them in the association for drawn

out stretches of time.

For the recent decades, worker maintenance has been of great

interest to specialists and researchers in different fields. To

stay aggressive in the quickly growing worldwide economy it’s

important to keep pace with mechanical advances which obliges a

workforce with vigorous institutional learning; in this manner,

worker maintenance is of extraordinary importance.

Earlier research has demonstrated that occupation fulfillment is

firmly and conversely connected with worker's plan to leave an

association (Egan, Yang & Bartlett, 2004). As it were, more

fulfilled workers are less inclined to look for another

employment, with another boss. Consequently, concentrating on the

elements connected with employment fulfillment is handy and


Two general classifications are accepted to impact worker work

fulfillment: demographic factors and organizational factors.

Demographic attributes incorporate age and gender. While, on the

other hand organizational factors include employee retention

programs, employee job satisfaction and organizational


Employee job satisfaction is being created as a moderator between

the customer relationship management and employee turnover.

In Pakistan employee turnover has been of great area of interest

since many decades. Employees’ intent to leave their jobs due to

many factors that include demographic as well as the working

environment of the organization.

Recently, researchers have increased their viewpoint of turnover

to incorporate groups of CRM practices and their impacts on

employment fulfillment, duty and turnover (Alfes et al., 2013).

For instance, Alfes et al. (2013) talks about the "captivated"

representative and connects this with turnover plans. They draw

on social trade hypothesis to demonstrate that representatives

will be more captivated when their work is significant, when they

have associations with others and when they feel esteemed and

trusted by their executive.

Alfes et al. (2013) found that captivated representatives are

more prone to stay with an association.

Representative support is additionally connected; both with

expanded occupation fulfillment and diminished turnover. For

instance, a workplace that permits interest in choice making has

been demonstrated to build work fulfillment (Scott et al., 2003)

and more prominent association in consideration getting ready for

attendants' collaborators has been connected with diminished

turnover (Simons and Jankowksi, 2008).

Employee job satisfaction is being considered as a moderator

between the employee intention to quit and customer relationship

management. In this paper the moderating role of employee job

satisfaction is being investigated to learn the impact of CRM and

its importance in employee turnover.

Theoretical Background

Agrela, et al (2008) states the need to concentrate on the

variables that influences maintenance prompting development and

achievement of associations. Studies recommends that maintenance

methods, which adequately fulfill the needs of all workers thus

improves the capacity for organizations to adjust all the more

viably to progressing authoritative change (Gale Group, 2006).

Exploration demonstrates that patterns rethinking present day

maintenance methodologies go past the conventional pay and

profits bundle (Gale Group, 2006) and recompense (Feldman, 2000)

grasping worker inspiration (Thomas, 2000), as one of the key

components to indulge the differing qualities and long stay of

the workforce in the association. Maintenance elements joining

the needs and cravings of workers at any age upgrade levels of

individual occupation fulfillment, unwaveringness, and duty

(Boomer Authority, 2009).

Cunningham (2002) expresses that representative’s rank

representative distinguishment, adaptability and preparing as top

needs for delaying individual work, while Walker (2001) and

others call for securing a strong learning and working atmosphere

for representative maintenance. Further, profession improvement

(Boomer Authority 2009), hierarchical responsibility (Patrick

Owens, 2006), correspondence (Gopinath and Becker, 2000) and

unrivaled subordinate relationship (Zenger, Ulrich, Smallwood,

2000) are likewise the elements known for delayed stay of the

workers in the association. The rundown of maintenance components

and writing survey is most certainly not intended to be

comprehensive of all conceivable speculations or variables

identified with worker maintenance and turnover (Griffeth et al.,


Shang and Lu (2012), stated that The essentialness of

representatives in any association's accomplishment of business

destinations and execution has been

Discriminatingly accentuated in surviving writings, most

particularly in the fruitful execution of CRM to accomplish and

manage company's playing point in the connection of call focuses

(Abdullateef et al., 2013; Akroush et al., 2011; Senior member,

2007). In backing of this is the confirmation from Zahedi,

Cheshmberah & Tofighi (2011) who contended that CRM include the

synchronization of exercises to expanding both interior and outer

clients' fulfillment by building solid and better relationship

among clients through the selection of different procedures. This

raised a contention that proposed to the administration of firms'

the need to understand the suitable strategies that could aid in

diverting the workers' conduct to execution change in their work

(Gonza'le & Garazo, 2006). It was then found that CRM has the

capacity to improve and guarantee a noteworthy yield on

relationship speculations if appropriately actualized and oversaw

(Yueh et al., 2010).

Nonetheless, the model proposed in this study conceptualizes the

linkages between CRM Dimensions (Customer Introduction, CRM

Organization, Knowledge Management, and Technological Based CRM),

Employee Job Fulfillment, Qualitative Overstretch and Intention

to Quit inside call focus industry. Discoveries from abundant

written works has recognized steady representatives wearing down

as issue call focuses administration are even now applying

tenacious endeavors to diminish till date (Calisir et al., 2011).

All the more in this way, surviving writings has made

representative employment fulfillment as the major causal

variable of this marvel that has unintentionally helping

contrarily to client fulfillment and unwaveringness, and

additionally hampering the execution of association and

aggressive edge (Joseph et al., 2007; Korunka et al., 2008;

Mcknight et al., 2009).

Then, accessible confirmation in the current showcasing written

works unequivocally concurred that CRM measurements as capable

administration rehearse that associations' can rely on to

accomplish their destinations (Yueh et al., 2010; Sin et al.,

2005; Yim et al., 2005).

From the theoretical framework research questions were

established and based on those research questions the following

null hypotheses were formed.

Socio-demographics of employee intention to quit

Hypothesis 1:

Ho1. There is no relationship between socio demographic variable

such as gender and employee intention to quit.

To test the hypothesis, t-tests and ANOVA table is being used.

Organizational commitment and employee intention to quit

Hypothesis 2:

Ho2. There is no relationship between organizational commitment

and employee intention to quit.

To test the hypothesis mean scores of organizational commitment

and employee intention to quit were calculated. The

organizational commitment was regressed on employee intention to

quit as tested at p<0.05.

Employee retention programs and employee intention to quit

Hypothesis 3:

Ho2. There is no relationship between employee retention programs

and employee intention to quit.

To test the hypothesis mean scores of employee retention programs

and employee intention to quit were calculated. The employee

retention programs was regressed on employee intention to quit as

tested at p<0.05.

Moderation model

Hypothesis 4:

Ho4.. Employee job satisfaction will not moderate the

relationship between CRM organization and employee intention to


To test the hypothesis mean scores of CRM organization and

employee job satisfaction were calculated. The beta coefficients

were being considered in order to analyze the hypothesis.

Hypothesis 5:

Ho5. Employee job satisfaction will not moderate the relationship

between technical based crm and employee intention to quit.

To test the hypothesis mean scores of technical based crm and

employee job satisfaction were calculated. The beta coefficients

were being considered in order to analyze the hypothesis.

Hypothesis 6:

Ho6.. Employee job satisfaction will not moderate the

relationship between knowledge management and employee intention

to quit.

To test the hypothesis mean scores of knowledge management and

employee job satisfaction were calculated. The beta coefficients

were being considered in order to analyze the hypothesis.


Customer relationship administration (CRM) has been called an

inexorable actually tireless development in light of the fact

that it speaks to the way clients need to be served, and offers a

more powerful and productive method for directing business

(Rogers 2004, p. 6). Underpinning the ideal model of CRM is the

fundamental conviction that client connections, in the same way

as other vital resources in an association, can be successfully

created furthermore oversaw.

Customer relationship management organization

Yim,. Anderson, and Swaminathan(2005),indicated that despite the

quickly developing client relationship administration (CRM)

writing, the measurements of CRM and their impacts on client

conclusions stay ambiguous. It shows that directors need to think

past the mechanical segments of CRM and concentrate on four key

CRM measurements to fundamentally improve client dedication and

deals development.

As per Duńu, Hălmăjan (2011), CRM is a business procedure which

intends to make esteem for both association and clients through

launching and keeping up client connections. As a center

technique, CRM is focused around utilizing an advertising data

framework and the organization's IT foundation.

An alternate examination stream concentrated on the recognizable

proof of CRM discriminating achievement elements Csfs (e.g., King

& Burgess, 2008; Ngai, Xiu, &Chau, 2009; Da Silva &Rahimi, 2007;

Mendoza et al., 2007; Corteau and Li, 2003;lindgreen, Palmer,

Vanhamme&Wouters, 2006). In spite of the fact that this work

gives managerial ramifications regarding key achievement

forerunners, they neglect to characterize the separating

components that empower a few associations to beat others in

dealing with their clients' relations. The asset based

perspective of the firm RBV has been connected in the IS and

showcasing writing to clarify hierarchical capacities and their

effect on point of interest (e.g., Bhatt & Grover, 2005; Coltman,

Devinney, &Midgley, 2011; Day, 1994, 2000; Melville, Kraemer,

&Gurbaxani, 2004; Peppard& Ward, 2004; Ray, Muhhana, & Barney,

2005). The RBV recommends that reasonable point of interest

results from the capacity of the firm to incorporate and compose

important assets in such a route as to make different abilities

that are heterogeneous, stationary, and hard to copy (Day, 1994;

Grant, 1991; Barney, 1995).

Knowledge management:

Korzeniowski (2013) noted that concerning information,

partnerships keep on struggling with two clashing objectives. On

one hand, they need to gather and merge data to streamline their

operations. On the other, information archives regularly grow up

in an impromptu manner (particularly in extensive organizations),

so it gets to be troublesome (and sometimes unimaginable) to

comprehend the association's millions and even billions of


That yin and yang is presently playing out with CRM and learning

administration (KM) frameworks. The two grew up as generally

independent controls, however as of late; there has been a push

for tighter incorporation between them. "We are seeing a pattern

to a solitary stage for everything CRM needs, with information

administration in-fabricated or incorporated with the CRM


Then again, merging the two applications speaks to a huge test.

Initially, firms need to uncover the whereabouts of the majority

of their institutional information, which generally is scattered

arbitrarily all through the association. Next they have to decide

how to incorporate their different data sources, a procedure

loaded with specialized and managerial area mines. At long last,

they need to discover subsidizing for the task. In the event that

the reconciliation is attained to, which could be a multiyear

handle in substantial undertakings, the potential advantages are

incredible: streamlined operations, lower administration costs,

and enhanced consumer loyalty.

To begin with, scholarly writing has principally tended to the

impact of single CRM exercises, concentrating on either

innovative (e.g., Jayachandran, Sharma, Kaufman, & Raman, 2005),

hierarchical (e.g., Sabherwal, Jeyaraj, &Chowa, 2006), or vital

perspectives (e.g., Bell, Deighton, Reinartz, Rust, & Swartz,

2002) and their specific impact on execution. Nonetheless, CRM

"obliges a cross-utilitarian coordination of procedures,

individuals, operations, and promoting abilities that is

empowered through data, engineering, and applications" (Payne &

Frow,2005, p. 168). Along these lines, CRM usage must be assessed

utilizing a more comprehensive methodology. In practice, numerous

organizations have concentrated on mechanical arrangements

identified with the client database joined by programming

preparing projects (Csoinsights, 2006).however, effective

execution additionally obliges changes in authoritative

structures, the extent to which workers are spurred to make

utilization of CRM, and the utilization of complex task

administration intended for managing the progressions launched

(Day & Van nook Bulte, 2002). Achievement comes not from the

aggregate of single exercises yet rather from communications

between exercises. This applies particularly to connections with

help exercises inside the organization (i.e., top

administration's giving CRM key help and workers' really

utilizing CRM frameworks; Payne &Frow, 2005).According to

Boulding, Staelin, Ehret, and Johnston (2005, p.161), little

consideration has been paid to individuals related


Technological based CRM:

Yim, Anderson and Swaminathan (2005) noted that Numerous CRM-

situated exercises, for example, learning administration,can't be

enhanced without leveraging the most recent engineering.

In fact, most CRM applications take extraordinary focal point of

engineering advancements with their capacity to gather and

examine information on client examples, create forecast models,

react with opportune and powerful redid correspondences, what's

more proficiently convey customized quality offerings to singular

clients (Peppard 2000; Vrechopoulos 2004).

With the advancement of complex data administration instruments,

for example, database advertising, information warehousing,

information mining, and push innovation, organizations are

striving to flawlessly consolidate the most recent engineering

into their CRM frameworks. Specifically, business people often

rely on upon consistently upgraded programming projects to better

react to their clients and fabricate continuing client

connections (Kotler 2004, p. 141).

CRM innovation helps organizations and their business people

gather, break down, and convey data for improved prospecting,

enhanced correspondence and deals presentations, and custom-made

item designs. It additionally encourages cross-referencing of

clients inside divisions of an organization for more prominent

deals opportunities (Widmier, Jackson, 2002). Among the

significant results looked for by consolidating CRM-based

innovation are improved consumer loyalty, higher client

maintenance, and more beneficial long haul client connections

(Butler 2000).

In synopsis, fruitful CRM executions rely on upon consolidating

the four previously stated measurements concentrating on key

clients, sorting out around CRM, overseeing information,

furthermore joining CRM-based engineering into a powerful general

CRM technique. Insufficiencies in any of these zones can render

the association's CRM attempts lessened or even insufficient.

With a solid concentrate on key clients profoundly implanted all

through its CRM framework, the whole organization ought to be

composed around developing these important connections. The

hierarchical structure needs to be adaptable and, if necessary,

reconstructed to create customer centric qualities (Homburg,

Worker, and Jensen 2000) and enhance coordination of client

centered, cross-utilitarian groups (Brown 2000; Homburg, Workman,

and Jensen 2000; Sheth and Sisodia 2002). For CRM accomplishment,

there likewise must be an organization wide duty of assets. With

purposeful endeavors by all authoritative capacities to

consistently give a stream of quality rich activities and client

conclusions (Ahmed and Rafiq 2003; Groénroos 1990), the

organization and its business power are guaranteed that they can

fulfill clients' necessities and upgrade client connections.

Employee job satisfaction:

Spector (1997) alludes to employee job satisfaction as far as how

individuals feel about their occupations and diverse parts of

their employments. Ellickson and Logsdon (2002) help this

perspective by characterizing occupation fulfillment as the

degree to which workers like their work. Schermerhorn (1993)

characterizes work fulfillment as a full of feeling or

enthusiastic reaction towards different parts of a worker's work.

C.r.reilly(1991) characterizes work fulfillment as the

inclination that a specialist has about his occupation or a

general state of mind towards work or a vocation and it is

affected by the view of one's employment. J.p.Wanous and E.e.

Lawler (1972) alludes work fulfillment is the entirety of

occupation feature fulfillment over all aspects of a vocation.

Abraham Maslow(1954) recommended that human need from a five-

level chain of command going from physiological needs, security,

belongingness and affection, regard to culmination toward

oneself. In light of Maslow's hypothesis, work fulfillment has

been approached by a few analysts from the viewpoint of need

satisfaction (Kuhlen, 1963; Worf, 1970; Conrad et al., 1985)

Work fulfillment and disappointment not just relies on upon the

way of the employment, it likewise rely on upon the desire what's

the occupation supply to a representative (Hussami, 2008). Lower

comfort costs, higher hierarchical and social and inborn prize

will build work fulfillment (Mulinge and Mullier, 1998; Willem et

al., 2007). Work fulfillment is perplexing wonder with multi

features (Fisher and Locke, 1992; Xie and Johns, 2000); it is

affected by the elements like compensation, workplace, self-

governance, correspondence, and hierarchical responsibility

(Lane, Esser, Holte and Anne, 2010; Vidal, Valle and Aragón,

2007; Fisher and Locke, 1992; Xie and Johns, 2000)

A thorough definition given by Locke(1969), expresses that

occupation fulfillment is a pleasurable or positive passionate

state coming about because of the evaluation of one's employment

or employment encounters. Agho, Mueller and Price (1993)

additionally characterize work fulfillment as an individual

assessment of conditions present in the occupation, or results

that emerge as a consequence of having a vocation.

Therefore, organizational commitment has turned into a real

distraction all through numerous nations. This has prompted an

extensive increment in the advancement of open arrangements and

projects went for tending to the issue and numerous experimental

investigations of such (Joolideh and Yeshodhara, 2009).

Employee retention programs:

The contemporary worldwide financial environment has changed

radically and keeps on doing so. Social improvements, for

example, proceeding with globalization, innovative development, a

It must be noted that, specifically, the way workers see and

experience the working and learning atmosphere is discovered to

be imperative for their maintenance (Birt et al. 2004). This

discovering underlines the need to consider both individual and

hierarchical components in considering activities to upgrade the

maintenance of talented workers.

Intention to quit:

Employee turnover is a broadly explored issue of hierarchical

therapists. There have been a few hundred studies completed on

worker turnover since 1900 (Cotton & Tuttler, 1896).

Representative turnover is a progressing theme of examination,

particularly in the range of open administration, medicinal

services, accommodation and innovation areas (Decker et al.,

2003; Fields, 2005; Davidson, 2006; Hatton et al., 2001). In this

paper, the issues identified with worker turnover and part's

propositions to stay or leave were examined contextualizing the

theme to assembling area. Representative turnover is

characterized as the flood and exists of people into and out of

the workforce of an association, over a particular time of time

(Watkins, 1953). To a certain expand 'part's plan to stay back in

the association' is identified with numerous key authoritative

conduct and administration space like, inspiration, authority,

hierarchical society, hardworking attitudes, worker relations,

authoritative strategies, authoritative responsibility and so

on., like a few individual and hierarchical elements.

Aguenza and Som (2012) explored that a primary concern of any

association is its ability to pull in, captivate, and hold the

right representative. Certain elements are urgent in impacting

the workers' choice to either leave or stay in an association.

Regardless, the imperativeness of different components ought not

to be miscounted when defining a maintenance arrangement.

Association ought to give various procedures to expand worker

maintenance, for example, outline an intriguing representative

worth recommendation; create an aggregate prize framework that

contains more than recompense; give helpful perspective on

representative execution on normal premise; actualize

adaptability programs regarding work-life offset; assemble a

society of engagement, create and refine administration aptitudes

to be compelling, as it captivates workers while driving enhanced

execution in the meantime (Neelman, 2012). Additionally, managers

ought to concentrate on issues and on the individual connections

they have with the worker to perform each one capacity. This

examination looked to recognize considers that influence

representative maintenance and anticipate ways that the

association can enhance current practices.

Jacobson (2011) expresses that each worker has a need to be

lauded and perceived, and the all the more frequently they get

it, the better. Being perceived for making a decent showing

brings about a noticeable improvement about themselves and the

association they work for guaranteeing more faithfulness.

Superintendents are in the best position to perceive and hold

today's workers. Heathfield (2012), recommends that associations

ought to prioritize representative distinguishment to make a

positive, profitable and imaginative authoritative atmosphere. He

included that individuals who feel acknowledged are more

beneficial about themselves and their capacity to help the

accomplishment of hierarchical objectives. In 2011, Accenture in

Ireland led an overview about the level of distinguishment that

workers get for making a decent showing with work, and discovered

63% who have no arrangements of leaving are fulfilled by their

distinguishment, while 24% are not fulfilled by the

distinguishment of the associations. Given these various results,

associations ought to look for changes to enhance their systems

like to take out preference, perceive more than simply the world

class, and quality representatives for more than their work.

Nelson (2003), recommends that, with the goal associations should

guarantee that representative distinguishment exercises are

compelling, authentic and serious, they ought to consider the

accompanying: distinguishment ought to be reasonable,

straightforward, comprehensive, visit, convenient and changed;

the type of distinguishment utilized ought to be fitting to the

commitment that was made; distinguishment ought to be genuine and

reflect the inclination of the beneficiaries. Heathfield (2008),

includes the accompanying rules for successful representative

distinguishment: reasonableness, clarity and consistency; worker

distinguishment methodologies and substance must be steady;

associations must be particular in telling the individual the

purpose behind the distinguishment.


Sample size Determination

Dutu and Halmajan (2011) have suggested that if the study sample

comprise of 1,223 administration firms chose on an irregular

likelihood premise from the population.

The population in this study was all the employees of the Descon

Integrated Projects Limited. In order to ease out the research

the sample of 200 employees was being taken. The geographical

area of the organization is Lahore. Two hundred questionnaires

were being distributed among the employees of the organization.

Questionnaire: Development and Description

The data collection was done by questionnaire for this research;

and it consisted of combination of instruments. Questionnaires

related to each of the independent moderating and dependent

variables were combined to make one comprehensive Questionnaire

that the respondents could complete.

The questionnaire for this research consists of five sections.

The first section is the CRM, in this section questions related

to CRM organization, technical based CRM and knowledge

management. This section contains eighteen items which are being

distributed among the three variables.

The second section consists of employee job satisfaction. This

section contains twenty items. These items were being taken from

the articles and online sources. Since it’s the moderating

variable therefore it was made sure that the items cover all the


The third section consists of organizational commitment. It

contains eighteen items.

While the fourth section in the questionnaire contains items

related to the employee retention programs.

The last and the fifth section consists of the items related to

the dependent variable which in this case is employee intention

to quit.

The questionnaire was made according to the variables in the

framework. The independent variables and the moderating variable

was being considered in detail while designing the questionnaire.

In order to investigate the relationships between variables the

items were being selected from various articles so that the

impact on the dependent variable would be examined properly.

Variable Constitutivedefinition



CRM organization The ongoingmanagement ofcustomerrelationships.

The mean of items 1-5 measured on a 2 point scale of 1=Agree and 2=Disagree

Knowledge management Effectivelytransformingcustomerinformation

to customerknowledge

The mean ofitems 10-18measured on a 2point scale of1=Agree and2=Disagree

Technical based CRM CRM technology helps companies and their salespeople collect, analyze,and distribute information for enhanced prospecting, improved communication andsales presentations, and tailored product configurations.

The mean ofitems 6-9measured on a 2point scale of1=Agree and2=Disagree

Employee job satisfaction

It is defined as the positive emotional

The mean of items 19-39, measured on a 5

response to the job situation resulting from attaining what the employee wants from the job.


scale of 1=strongly agree

and 5= strongly disagree

Organizational commitment

Desire of employees to remain employed with their organization.

The mean of

items 40-48,

measured on a 2

point scale of

1=yes and 2= no

Employee retentionprograms

The objective of retention policies should be to identify and retain committed employees for as long as is profitable both to the organization and the employee.

The mean of items 49-63,

measured on a 10point

scale of 1=strongly disagree

and 10= stronglyagree

Dependent variable

Employee intentionto quit

The intention of an employee to quit his current job and discarding of hisor her organizational membership

The mean of items 64-67, measured on a 2 point

scale of 1=yes

and 2= no

Measurement in Research

Validity and reliability of the items are characteristics of a

good test. Validity refers to meaningfulness and appropriateness

of the result. Validity was measures by principal component

analysis, varimax rotation. Reliability refers to the error of

measurement that is present in the scores which the measure or

test yields. The internal reliability is the extent to which the

individual items on the questionnaire that constitute a test are

correlated with one another or with the test total. Cronbach’s

coefficient alpha was used to measure reliability.


It can be observed from the table below that employee intention

to quit is correlated positively with employee job satisfaction.

Though the strength of the relationship is not so great but the

positive sign indicates that more the employees are satisfied

with their jobs more they tend to leave the organization. But on

the other hand theory supports the fact that more employees are

satisfied with their jobs; less they would leave the

organization. So the sign of the coefficient comes out to be

inconsistent with the theory. Since the research is being

conducted in Pakistan therefore it can be assumed that the value

comes out to be inconsistent.

In order to ease out the research the variable CRM contains three

variables namely CRM organization, knowledge management and

technical based CRM. Since the three variables impact employee

intention to quit in the similar manner therefore they are being

considered together.

In addition CRM is comes out to be positively related with the

employee intention to quit. This seems inconsistent with the

theory because the relationship should be negative. Again since

this study is being conducted in Pakistan therefore it can be

assumed to happen.

On the other hand the organizational commitment is seemed to be

positively related with the employee intention to leave. This

relationship is again inconsistent due to the reason mentioned


Employee retention programs are negatively related with the

employee intention to quit. Though the strength of the strength

of the relationship is very weak but the sign of the coefficient

is consistent with the theory. Theory supports the fact that the

more employee retention programs are there the easier for the

organization to retain skilled and talented employees. Hence

there would less chance for employees to quit and there would be

less intention for employees to quit.

β P





← CRM organization 0.02 0.802


to Leave←

Employee job

satisfaction0.12 0.721




← Knowledge management 0.201 0.439



to Leave←

Employee job

satisfaction0.04 0.243





← Technical based CRM 0.43 0.897


to leave←

Employee job

satisfaction0.56 0.865

The table above shows the coefficients and p-values for the model

which was being conducted on the basis of the moderation.

The three variables which were CRM organization, technical based

crm and knowledge management are of positive relation with

employee job satisfaction. Though the strength of the

relationship is very weak with all the three variables, but the

positive relationship depicted by the table seems to be

consistent with the theory.

β P

Intention to

Leave ← Employee Job Satisfaction 0.03 0.707

Intention to

Leave ←

Customer Relationship

Management 0.01 0.896

Intention to

Leave ← Organizational Commitment 0.079 0.319

Intention to

Leave ←

Employee retention



0.073 0.358

The table above gives the values for Pearson correlation. It

is the correlation matrix. It can be seen from the table

above that only organizational commitment is significant at

0.10 level (2 tailed). All other variables are insignificant.

Since the study is being conducted in Pakistan and the

questionnaires are being filled by Pakistani employees,

therefore the results are not as expected.

All data analyses for this research were generated using SPSS.

This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section

presents the demographic data obtained from the questionnaire

concerning the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

The second section deals with testing of the null hypothesis and

included the results of correlation coefficient, ANOVA and

regression tested at p-value < 0.05 significance level.


It can be seen that as the study is being conducted in Pakistan

therefore there are great discrepancies from the literature. It

can be hence concluded that in Pakistan customer relationship

management is not being mediated greatly through employee job

satisfaction. There could be other variables affecting that

relationship mainly favoritism etc.

Managerial implications

Companies should engage in customer relationship management

through enhancement of marketing department .Companies can reduce

their employee turnover through greater incentives, rewards and

financial bonuses. By focusing more on CRM, companies can

increase the employee job satisfaction. By increasing the

employee job satisfaction companies will gain greater employee’s

organizational commitment and therefore will have less employees

who intent to quit or leave the organization. Companies in

general and Descon in particular can reduce employee turnover and

can increase organizational commitment through greater employee

retention programs and with better deployment of resources and by

enhancing CRM.


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