Dorsem Retreat-Manual

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Transcript of Dorsem Retreat-Manual

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

?  >: AR- o/- ;=- IA- /2- L%- 353?; HUNG! In the Northwest of the country of Oddiyana

0E- $J- ?<- #R%- 0R- =;  (Born) on the pistil stem of a lotus

;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- I2- 2fJ?; Endowed with the marvelous supreme attainment

0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?; Renowned as the Lotus-Born

:#R<- .- 3#:- :PR- 3%- 0R- 2{R<; Surrounded by a retinue of many Dakinis,

HJ.- GA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- 212- GA: Following you I shall practice

LA/- IA?- 2_2- KA<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=; Please come and bless (me)

$- <- 0E- ?A:A- >; Guru Padma Siddhi Hung

!,    2.$- $A- tJ- !J%- <)- ;A$- .3<- 0R- =?, On my tongue, a red letter Ram

3J- :2<- 2YJ$- /?- :R.- GA- i3- 0:A- %%- , burns like a blazing fire. From this state of light,

3J- 5B$- 3A- >A$?- 2Y- 2g/- 1- =)- IA, an indestructible, firm and stable crossed Vajra is created.

o- P3- .3<- 0R- ?%?- $?=- vJ- 2:A- &2?, It is a pure luminous red. In the central hollow sphere

.L%?- $?=- 3.R$- .!<- 3- +A$- UJ%- v<- {R<, are the white pearl-colored vowels and consonants arranged in a circle like a rosary.

o- P3- 3,:- 3<- ;J-K<- .!<- 0R- 2{R<, YE DHARMA is white and arranged in a circle around the crossed Vajra.

}$?- UJ%- i3?- =?- :R.- 9J<- KR$?- 2&<- :UR?, From these rosary-like mantras light radiates in the ten directions.

! 1Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

l- 2o.- ]- 3- o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- GA, All the body, speech and mind blessings of

{- $?%- ,$?- GA- LA/- _2?- 3- =?- 0, our fundamental and transmission gurus, of the Buddhas and the Boddhisattvas

:R.- .3<- 5=- 2!$- hR- eJ:A- }$?- UJ%- =, are invoked in the form of red light that dissolves into the rosary-like mantras

,A3- 0?- .LJ<- 3J.- $&A$- I<- %$- 1A2- ?R$?, becoming an indivisible single entity. The defilements of speech and son

.$- /?- $?%- $A- .%R?- P2- ,R2- 0<- I<, are purified. The siddhi of enlightened speech is attained.

<- =- >;

A- A- AA- AA- A- A- <A- <A- =A- =A- AJ- AN- AR- AW- A)- A:

!- #- $- ,- %- ,

4- 5- 6- $- *,

B- C- D- [- E,

+- ,- .- K- /,

1- 1- 2- S- 3,

;- <- =- 7,

>- !- ?- @- e,

<- ;A- Kk- @J- +- T- S7- @J- +_- F_- ,- $- +R- q- 7- .+,    +J- FO- ;R- /A- <R- K- AJ- 7)- 2- .A- 3- @- X- 3- E- ;J- J- @,,  

         !,  92- =3- 2.J- $>J$?- !/- :.?- =?;  }R/- :PR- $/.- GA- $.3?- 0- 28$?- ?R;  

!,  2.J- $>J$?- !/- :.?- z- =- K$- :5=- =R; Homage to the deities and assemblies of all the Sugatas.

! 2Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

3A- 29.- :#R<- 2- 3,:- 3J.- GA;  #$- 2}=- :)A$?- ?- <%- 2- =?;  Those beings who want to free themselves from the fierce sufferings ,<- :.R.- ..- w/- *J?- 2- i3?-;  2.J- (J/- =3- :.A<- $8$- 0<- L; of the unbearable Samsaric suffering, may they enter this path of great bliss.

.%- 0R- .=- :LR<- fJ.- .!:A- 5=; =J$?- 0<- 2?3- /?- %J?- >J?- 2*J.: First contemplate well the difficulties of obtaining the precious human birth and generate confidence and stability

5K- :.A- .R/- $*J<- wR$- L:A- KA<:  3A- g$- :(A- 2- ;%- .$- 2?3; In order to reverse the notion of only seeking benefits for this life, deeply contemplate impermanence and death.

=?- :V?- 2a- 3J.- %J?- L?- /?; Gain confidence in karma and its result.

:#R<- 2:A- #$- 2}=- <%- o.- :$J=; Bring onto yourself the sufferings of the cycles of smasara.

#$- 2}=- .J- =?- 3#:- 3*3- :PR:  ,<- KA<- =R$- 0:A- =3- %%?- /?;  In order for all sentient beings throughout space to be free from suffering, abandon wrong paths

.!R/- 3(R$- $?3- 0R- *2?- ?- 2!J/; and take refuge in the triple gem,

.2J/- 0<- 2.J- 2:A- !/- =- :.$; Sit on a comfortable seat in a solitary place.

<%- ?J3?- i=- 12- :.A- v<- 2?3; Calm down your mind and think in this way:

3./- IA- /3- 3#<- .0$- 2?3- >A%- ;  <2- +- o?- 0:A- ~A%- 0R- =; In the space in front of you is the wishful-filling tree. In the centre of this

?J%- OA- 0E- *A- ^:A- !J%-;  l- 2:A- ]- 3- hR- eJ- :(%; is a throne of lions. On a lotus-seat, sun and moon sits the root-guru, Dorje Chang,

2o.- 0:A- ]- 3- i3?- GA?- 2{R<; surrounded by the lamas of the lineage.

3./- .- ;A- .3- .GA=- :#R<- z; In front of him are the deities of the mandalas of the yidams.

$;?- ?- ?%?- o?- .!R/- 3(R$- !J; On the right, the Buddhas,

! 3Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

o2- +- .3- (R?- .$J- :./- $;R/, Behind is the holy Dharma and on the left is the Sangha.

3,:- {R<- 3#:- :PR- (R?- *R%- ?R$?;  3A/- 1%- $+A2?- 0- v- 2<- 2?3; Around him like clouds are the Khandros and the Dharmapalas

3- )<- :PR- .%- z/- &A$- +;  $?- 0:A- ;A.- GA?- *2?- :PR- L; along with all mother sentient beings. Take refuge with a devotional mind.

/- 3R;  2.$- ?R$?- :PR- !/- L%- (2- 2<;  ]- 3- ?%?- o?- .3- 0:A- (R?; Namo. I and all sentient beings take refuge in the Lamas, Buddhas, holy Dharma, 5S$?- 3(R$- 2.J- $>J$?- .GA=- :#R<- z; the excellent Sangha, and the deities of the Mandalas

3#:- :PR<- 2&?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A; and khandros, until the attainment of perfect enlightenment.

*2?- ?R%- .3/- 0:A- =3- *A.- =?;  wR$- KA<- L%- (2- ?J3?- 2*J.- L; After going for refuge, in order to turn away from the lesser paths, generate boddhicitta. 2c=- .!:- YA.- 0:A- o- 35S- =?;  3#:- 3*3- :PR- i3?- 21=- 2:A- KA<, In order to liberate beings throughout space from the ocean of Samsara which is so difficult to cross,

]- 3J.- mR$?- 0:A- L%- (2- ?J3?;  .3- 0- 2.$- $A?- 2*J.- 0<- 2IA; I will generate the sacred and unexcelled Bodhicitta

8J?- 0:A- ?J3?- 2*J.- 5.- 3J.- 2|R3; Thus generate Bodhicitta and meditate on the limitless aspiration

#A$- .R%- KA<- .- z$- 0:A- z;  hR- eJ- ?J3?- 0:A- 2|R3- 2^?- L; In order to purify negative deeds, practice meditation and the recitation of the special deity, Vajrasattva

<%- $A- ,A- 2R<- 0.- ^:A- !J%-;  >- =?- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- (J; Above your crown-chakra on a seat of lotus and moon, the letter Hung transforms into the great Vajrasattva.

.%- 3.R$- 8=- $&A$- K$- $*A?- 0;  hR- eJ- :6B/- 0?- ;3- =- :H.; He is the color of a conch shell, with one face and two hands, holding a vajra and bell.

.<- .%- <A/- (J/- o/- IA?- 2o/; He is embracing his consort, and is wearing jeweled ornaments and silken clothes.

,$?- !<- ^- !J%- hR- eJ- =;  >- 35/- ;A$- 2o:A- :UJ%- 2?- 2{R<;  

! 4Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

In his heart center on a moon-disk is a vajra with a Hung in the center, surrounded by the mantra like a rosary.

.J- =?- L%- ?J3?- 2..- lA:A- o/;  22?- 0?- #A$- 1A2- *J?- v%- !/;  .$- 0<- 2?3- /?- 2^?- 0- L; From there a nectar-stream of Bodhicitta flows and purifies all the negative deeds, obscurations, breakages of Samaya and so on.

<- 2#- ?<- ?- 3- ;- 3- /- 0- =- ;- 2#- ?<- <J- /R- 0- +AN- DA[A3J- S- 7:    ?- +R- XR- 3J- S- 7- A- /- <RR- 3J- S- 7- ?- 0R-

XR- 3J- S- 7- ?j- ?A:A- 3J- T- ;- o;    ?j- !k- ?- 4- 3J- 4B- X)- XA- ;- !- <- >- @- @- @- @- @R;      S- $- 7/- ?j- +- ,- $-

+- 2#- 3- 3J- 3O- 2#B- S- 7- 3- @- ?- 3- ;- ?<- A;  8J?- 0?- $?- 2&?- $?R=- 2- :.J2?;  hR- ?J3?- :R.- 8- <

%- =- ,A3; Thus praying with devotion Vajrasattva dissolves and enter into you.

..J- ;A?- 1A2- .%?- 5S$?- 2?$- KA<; With that the purification is completed.

5S$?- 8A%- *2?- ;=- 28A/-.- 2|R3; Visualize again the refuge Mandala.

.%R?- ?- :LR<- .%- ;A.- 3=- 0:A;  KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- 30=- i3?;  All the offerings that I could gather or create with my mind, the outer, inner and

$?- 0?- ]R- ;A?- .2=- 2<- L;  KA- /%- $R.- 2&.- $%-YA.- (R?; secret Mandalas, these I offer with perfect devotion.

(R?- .LA%?- <%- L%- <R=- 0:A- l=;  KA- /%- $R.- 2&.- $%- YA.- (R?;  All phenomena, the outer, inner, the world and its contents, whatever is possible

H2- 2h=- 8A%- #3?- 3A/- 2&?;  :#R<- $?3- ;R%?- .$- *A.- .- :2=; as the manifestations of natural Dharmakaya, all the pure realms filled with clouds of offerings, I offer to you with the view of the three perfections.

 (Mandala Prayer)

?j- 0- 6- <_- 3-30=- >;  Sarwa Putza Ratna Mandala Hung

8J?- :2=- LA/- _2?- M<- :)$- KA<; Thus make the offering in order to quickly receive the blessing.

*2?- !/- ~A%- 0R- ]- 3- ;A;  i=- :LR<- =3- =- $8$- 0<- L;  The Root-Guru Dorje Chang, with one face, two hands .$- $?=- ;J- >J?- :R.- s:A- [R%;  ?J%- OA- 0E- *A- ^:A- !J%- ; and holding vajra and bell, is radiant with the signs of the

! 5Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

l- 2:A- ]- 3- hR- eJ-:(%- ;  8=- $&A$- K$- $*A?- hR<- SA=- :6B/; Buddha's body. He is decorated with silken clothes 35/- .0:A- $9A- LA/- <2- +- :2<;  .<- .%- <A/- (J/- o/- IA?- 2o/; and jeweled ornaments, smiling with joy and radiating lights.

.IJ?- :63- :R.- 9J<- 3R- 2:A- {;  hR- eJ- *A=- N%- z3- 3J<- 28$?; Sitting gracefully in the vajra-posture, 3,:- {R<- 2o.- 0:A- ]- 3- .%;  ;A- .3- ?%?- o?- L%- (2- ?J3?;   He is surrounded by the Lamas of the lineage, Yidams, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas,

:1$?- 0- */- <%- (R?- Y%- 5S$?;  3%R/- ?3- v- 2<- 28$?- 0<- 2?3; liberated Shravakas and Pratyeka-Buddhas and Dharmapalas. Visualize them as being really there.

>A/- +- ..- &A%- $?- 0- ;A?;  ;/- =$- 2./- 0R- i3- .$- L; With great devotion and respect make the Seven Branch Offering:

Y?- 2&?- o=- 2- :#R<- 2&?- =;  $?- 0?- 2+.- .J- K$- :5=- =R;  (Prostration) To the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and their followers, with great respect I make prostrations.

KA- /%- $?%- 2- ]- 3J.- 0:A:  3(R.- 0- !/- IA?- ;%- .$- 3(R.; (Offering) I make the outer, inner, secret and completely pure, unexcelled offerings.

5K- <2?- ,R$- 3J.- /?- L?- 0:A;  #A$- 0:A- =?- i3?- 3,R=- 8A%- 2>$?;  (Confession) I confess and purify all the negative actions that I have accumulated since beginningless lives.

?J3?- &/- !/- =- 1/- 36S.- 0:A;    .$J- 2- !/- =- ;A- <%- %R- ; (Rejoicing) I rejoice in all positive deeds that benefit beings.

?%?- o?- M- %/- :.:- 28J.- $%;    2{=- 0- o- 35S<- 28$?- ?- $?R=; (Request to stay) May all those Buddhas who are about to leave continually remain among us for eons.

$.=- L:A- 2?3- 0- )A- 28A/- .;    (R?- GA- :#R<- =R- 2{R<- 2<- 2{=; (Request to turn the wheel of Dharma) I request them to turn the wheel of Dharma according to the needs of beings.

2?R.- /3?- $%- 8A$- 2IA?- 0- i3?;    ,3?- &.- L%- (2-(J/- 0R<- 2}R; (Dedication) Whatever positive deeds I have done, I dedicate them for the great enlightenment of all beings. Lineage prayer: (For the Dharmakaya Amitahaba)

! 6Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

*J- 3J.- 3R?- V=- (R?- .LA%?- 1R- V%- .:    <%- 28A/- i3- .$- $.R.- 3:A- 3$R/- 0R- 3(R$; In the palace of Dharmadhatu, unborn and unelaborate, naturally pure, the lord of primordial wisdom- (Smantrabhadra Dharmakya ),

!/- 29%- (R?- {- $%- 2- 3,:- ;?- =;    $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; pristine pure Dharmakaya, to Amithaba I pray, please bestow your blessings on me.

$?=- 3.%?- :$$- 3J.- hR- eJ- .LA%?- GA- 8A%- ;    z/- P2- :R.- $?=- 2.J- (J/- +- 3:A- {; In the vajra space of the unceasing radiant luminosity, the illusory body of great bliss, born of spontaneous luminosity,

=R%?- ,R.- mR$?- {- ,$?- eJ- (J/- 0R- =;  $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; To the Sambhogakaya Abalokitesvara I pray, please bestow your blessings on me.

$%- :.=- .J<- $%- ,$?- eJ:A- 1R- V%- .;    3- :$$- <%- ><- :PR- :.=- 3=- 0:A- {; In the palace of compassion where things appear as they are needed, the emanations who liberate beings

AR- o/- aR2- .0R/- 0E- :L%- $/?- =;    $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; arise spontaneously. To the Nirmanakaya Padma Sambhava of Oddiyana I pray, please bestow your blessings on me.

,$?- eJ?- :PR- 2- :.=- 2:A- 1R- V%- .;    )A- v- )J- ~J.- (R?- !/- 3HJ/- &A%- $9A$?; In the palace of liberating beings with compassion, you see the nature and details of all phenomena.

1- 2+<- =R- (J/- 2N- <R- 4- /- =;    $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; To the great translator Varochana I pray, please bestow your blessings on me.

9$- 3J.- 2.J- (J/- hR- eJ:A- 1R- V%- .;  3(R$- $A- ?- 2fJ?- 3#<- (J/- 35S- o=- .%- ; In the palace of indestructible and unchangeable great bliss, you who have attained the highest "bhumi",

3%:- 2.$- 5%?- 0- z- ;A- 3J- +R$- =;  $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; To Yeshe Tsogyal and King Trisong Detsen I pray, please bestow your blessings on me.

$?%- (J/- (A/- PR=- (R?- GA- 1R- V%- .;  92- 3R:C- =3- =- {=- w/- :SJ/- 36.- 0; From the palace of the great secret Dharma of ripening and liberation you lead fortunate beings to the profound path.

<A$- :6B/- ]- 3- :I<- 3J.- hR- eJ- =;  $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?; To the Vidyadhara Lama Jigme Dorje I pray, please bestow your blessings upon me.

.J%- /?- 2.$- ?R$?- 3#:- 3*3- :PR- 2- !/;  ?J3?- .%- ?J3?- *A.- 2.J- (J/- (R?- {- [R%; Right now, myself and all beings throughout space, may our minds attain enlightenment in the sphere of Dharmakaya.

$.R.- 3:A- .LA%?- ?- 3%R/- 0<- L%- (2- /?;  3,:- ;?- :PR- !/- :SJ/- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?;

! 7Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

the great bliss, the primordial nature. May I be blessed to be able to liberate the three lights.

8J?- 0?- $?R=- 2+2-]- 3- ;A;  $/?- $?3- :V- $?3- $/?- 0- =?;  Thus praying, from the three letters in the three places of the Lamas body, radiate the three lights,

.!<- .3<- }R- 2:A- :R.- 9J<- :UR?;  2.$- $A- $/?- $?3- ,A3- 0- ;A?;  They enter into my three places, and I receive the four empowerments.

.2%- 28A- ,R2- /?- 1A2- 28A- .%?;  {- 28A- 3%R/- .- I<- 0<- 2?3; They purify the four obscurations and I attain the four kayas. (Meditate like that.) a<- ;%- 3R?- $?- $.%- >$?- GA?;   $?R=- 2- S$- +- 2+2- 0- =?;  and I receive the four empowerments. They purify the four obscurations and I attain the four kayas. (Meditate like that.)

:#R<- i3?- {<- 2#?- .IJ?- *3?- GA?;  <%- $A- $4$- LR/- :R.- .- 8;     Again pray fervently with fierce devotion and confidence. All the retinue then dissolves into the Lama.

,A3- 0?- <%- ?J3?- ]- 3- .%- ;  .LJ<- 3J.- %%- =- 3*3- $8$- L; The Lama looking very pleased comes on top of my crown and dissolves into light. The ball of light enters me. My mind becomes inseparable with the Lama. (Remain in that!)

.$J- 2- 2}R- 8A%- 2N- >A?- 2eR.;  .%R?- $8A:A- *3?- .%- gR$?- 0:A- l=;     Make dedication and auspicious prayers.

*J.- LJ.- M<- 2:A- =3- IA- |R;  92- 3R<- SA=- 2:A- $.3?- 0- :.A?;   May this compact profound instruction become a great benefit to the fortunate beings.

{=- 2- &/- IA- .0=- .- >R$; This is an entrance to the path which will generate the actual experiences and realizations of the true essence.

?- 3- ;;  $+J<- o;  &?- o;  $?%- o:  #- ,):

<A$- :6B/- $+J<- 2.$- \A%- 0?- >- :$- !$- |R- 2.J- (J/- ;J- >J?- GA- :#R<- =R- /?- ,/- S%?- 0:R;    ;.$J:R; This is discovered by Rigzin Terdak Lingpa at Shawook Taggo, the wheel of wisdom of Great Bliss.

Mindrolling Lineage Prayer:

!,    ,H2- 2.$- .%- 0R:C- 3$R/- 0R- !/- +- 29%- , All pervading primordial sovereign, Kuntuzangpo

,2.J- !R%- .LJ<- 3J.- .0=- w/- hR- eJ- ?J3?, Bliss and emptiness inseparable, glorious Vajrasattava

,o=- 52- !R/- 0- .$:- <2-hR- eJ- =,  Their regent, the teacher Garab Dorje

! 8Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?-?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?, To you I pray, bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

,9%- :)$- 3,<- KA/- XA- ?D- @:A- 82?, Consummate state of union, Shiri Singha,

,$?%- 2:A- 36S.- :6B/- hR- eJ- >- 36.- .%- ,  Holder of the secret treasure, Vajra Hungkara and To you I pray. Bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

92- =3- ~A%- 0R:C- .R/- $9A$?- 2A- 3- =<,You who perceive the essential meaning of the profound path, Vimlamitra

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?,  To you I pray. Bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

,.?- $?3- ?%?- o?- {- .%R?- 0E- :L%- , Embodiment of all the Buddhas of the Three Times, Padmasambhava,

,3#:- ,R.- .2%- 3R- ;J- >J?- 35S- o=- .%- ,  Powerful mistress of celestial realms, Yeshe Tsogyal and

,%J?- .R/- =3- 29%- $?=- 36.- 2N- <R- eJ<,  You who have elucidated the most excellent path of definitive meaning, Lord Variotsana

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?,  To you I pray. Bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

}- :I<- 2!/- 0:A- *A- 3- $+J<- 2.$- \A%- ,  Sun of the great secret doctrine, Terdag Lingpa,

,2A- 3:A- i3- :U=- <A/- (J/- i3- 0<- o=, Crown ornament of the teachings and of beings, Rinchen Namgyal, and

,<A$- :6B/- ?- 2fJ?- 0E- 2!/- :6B/- =,   The most excellent Tutor, Pema Tendzin,

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?, To you I pray. Bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

,%J?- $?%- =3- !R/- UA/- =?- i3- 0<- o=, Teacher of the definite secret path, Trinle Namgyal.

,3(R$- $9A$?- 0E- .2%- o=- t3- S=- 9%- ,  The Union of Supreme Knower, Pema Wangyal,

,3HJ/- 2lJ:A- .2%- 0R- :I<- 3J.- %J?- .R/- .2%- ,  The great king of knowledge & compassion, Gyurmey Ngedon Wang,

! 9Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?, To you I pray. Bestow blessings upon my mind stream.

,(A/- PR=- :.R.- .$:A- 3(R$- )R=- ]- 3- eJ, The fulfiller of the supreme wish for maturation and liberation is the Lord Lama,

,2.J- (J/- +- 3:A- i3- <R=- ;A- .3- z, The illusory play of great bliss is the Yidam Deity, and

,UA/- =?- ,R$?- 3J.- 3#:- :PR- (R?- *R%- =, Unobstructed enlightened activity is the Dakinis and Dharma Protectors

,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?, To you I pray. Bestow your blessings upon my mind stream.

:.A?- ,R2- .$J- 2?- 2.$- $8/- 3#:- 3*3- :PR,  by the power of this meritorious practice, may beings numerous as space is vast,

,L%- (2- ?J3?- :LR%?- $%- $%- z- {<- ><,  Become trained in the Bodhi-mind of compassion and perceive whatever arises as the dawning appearance of the deity.

,OJ$?- (R.- v- 2- 3,<- KA/- ,R.- c=- IA, By bringing the view of Trekcho to its full perfection,

,:1R- 3J.- 92- =3- 3,:- <- KA/- 0<- >R$ May the unchanging profound path of Togal be brought to full completion.

&J?- 3.R- #3- $R- :)R- ]- 3- >J?- <2- :R.- 9J<- .%- 2?R.- /3?- 1/- 5S$?-

$*A?- GA?- 2{=- %R<- :I<- 3J.- hR- eJ?- VA?- 0:R,,

!,      $+J<- (J/- /?- 3HJ/- lJ:A- 2<- IA- o.- <A3- #- {R%- 3*3- 3$R/- $-E:A- $?%- %R,,  

!,  ,.0=- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- ,$?- GA- 12- 0:A- 2~J/- 12- UA/- =?- GA- (R- $-

i3- PR=- =3- 29%- 8J?- L- 2- 28$?- ?R,,    ,,

!,  ,,.0=- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- ,$?- GA- 12- 0:A- 2~J/- 12- UA/- =?- GA- (R- $- i3- PR=- =3- 29%- 8J?- L- 2,,  

.0=- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- =- K$- :5=- =R, Homage to the glorious Vajrasattva!

,2.J- (J/- L%- (2- ?J3?- 3(R$- !R%- 0:A- .%R?, Actual manifestation of emptiness and of

! 10Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,$*A?- 3J.- <R- 3*3- 3#:- H2- hR- eJ:A- ?J3?, The supreme enlightened mind of great bliss compassion,

,3- =?- <A$?- GA- :#R<- =R:- C.2%- K$- $4S,  Vajrasattva, all pervading equal taste of no duality,

,]- 3- 3(R$- .%- .LJ<- 3J.- .J<- K$- :5=,  Universal ruler of the circle of all enlightened families,

,.0=- w/- ?%?- o?- !/- IA- ~A%- 0R:C- PR%- ,  Inseparable from the supreme Lama, to your I pay homage

,2.J- (J/- L%- (2- 3(R$- $A- .GA=- :#R<- .,  So that countless excellent practitioners may engage in the supreme method that leads

P%?- 3J.- i=- :LR<- :)$- 0:A- ,2?- GA- 3(R$ To the Mandala of supreme and enlightened great bliss, The city of the essence of all the glorious Buddhas,

,i3- 0<- PR=- 2:A- =3- 29%- .LJ- 2<- L,  I open this excellent path liberating all.

,.J-;%- $+J<- $8%- l- 2- =?,  ..- 2lR/- >J?- <2- ~A%- eJ<- w/;  ;%- .$- 3(R$- $A- =3- :.R.- /;    

hR<- ?J3?- ,$?- GA-12- 0- L,  8JJ?- $?%?- 0- 28A/- gJ/- IA- $%- 9$- ,/- 3R%- $A- =3- IA?- o.- .%?,

.GA=- :#R<- (J/- 0R- :.A<- 8$?- >A%- .3- 5B$- .%- w/- 0,  }$?- GA- .J- #R- /- *A.- =- 3#?- >A%- $R.- .-

I<- 0- .$- $A?]- /- 3J.- 0:A- .%R?- P2- M<- .- :P2- 0- /A- .3- 5B$- i3- 0<- .$- 0- =- <$- =?- >A%- ,  

.J:A- ,2?- GA- *J- =3- /A- :.A- #R- /:R,  ,.J- =- i=- :LR<- =- :)$- 0:A- .R<- 2- .%- ,  ,8$?- 0:A- (R- $-

.%R?- .%- ,  ,(R- $:A- ;/- =$- $8/- 2>.- 0- .%- $?3- =?,  .%- 0R- =- gJ/- IA- .GA=- :#R<- :.- L- 2- /A,  

$%- .- .GA=- :#R<- L- 2:A- $8A- .J<- $+R<- 3- .!<- ^3- o/- w/- 3(R.- 0- 2&?- 0- 2>3,

2#- 3- @- XA- @J- <- !R<@@), BENZRA MAHA SHRI HERUKO HANG

<%- *A.- {.- &A$- $A?- hR- eJ- @J- <- !- {- 3.R$- }R/- 0R- OR- 2R:A- (?- &/- hR- eJ- .%-

.%- O$- :6B/- 0:A- {<- I<- 0<- 2?3- =,  

! 11Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

I am instantly the Vajra Heruka, blue in color, wearing wrathful garments and holding a vajra and a skull-cup filled with blood.

.J:A- ,$?- !- /?- <)- ;)- #)- :UR?- 0?- 3- .$- 0:A- .%R?- :6B/- ,3?- &.- 2YJ$?- $+R<- .%?, From the heart emanates RAM YAM KHAM, burning, scattering and washing away all impurities of fixation to a solid reality

!R%- 0:A- %%- =?- 2?%- (:A- !J%- ., From the state of emptiness, upon the water of purification,

3- ?$- 30- =, MA SURYA MANDALA

*A- 3- =- $/?- 0:A- >- ;A$- .3<- 0R, A sun disk appears. Upon this stands a letter HUNG.


?)- @- <- E- >, SAM HARANA HUNG

:UR- :.?- ;R%?- ?- I<- 0- =?, Radiating and absorbing (light), it is instantly transforms into,


OR- 3R- .LA%?- K$- 3- .3<- 3R- SA=- 2- .%- S/- .3<- :6B/- 0:A- {<- I<- 0<- 2?3- 8A%- ,  

The red and wrathful Yingchukma holding a bell and a scull-cup filled with blood.

hR- eJ- lJ- $&A$- 0:A- K$- o?- <J$- =,  The red and wrathful Yingchuk holding a bell and a scull cup filled with blood. (Meditate on this)

<- 3- @- NR- KA- I- <A- ?j- S- L)- >R- K- ;- <-=>- ZA:C,   OM MAHA KRODHI SHORI SARWA DRA JAM SHODHAYA OM AH HUNG HRI TA X7 8J?- 2o- l- 2o.- GA?- LA/- IA?- 2_2?- 0?,  ,R$- 3,:- !/- +- 2?%?- $+R<- IA- L- 2- ,3?- &.- :.A?- L:R, OR- 3R- .LA%?- K$- 3:A- <%- 28A/- IA- (:A- h=- U- <2- +- I<- 0<- 2?3,  

Wrathful Yingchukma becomes one with the atoms of the water.


! 12Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

8J?- 2.$- $/?- ;R- L.- ,3?- &.- =- 2?%?- $+R<- L- 8A%- ,  ,R$- 3,:- !/- +- 2?%?- $+R<- IA- L- 2- ,3?- &.- :.A?- L:R, Sprinkle body, text, etc., with bumchu! Offering to local gods and obstructing spirits.

$+R<- 3-<)- ;)- #)- $A?- 2YJ$?- $+R<- 2N?, RAM YAM KHAM

!R%- 0:A- %%- =?- W&- =?- <A/- 0R- (J:A- $R.- ;%?- >A%- o- (J- 2:A- /%- .- $+R<- 3-

#- .R$- SA- <R- /?- 0- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0<- I<,  From the state of emptiness the syllable BROUM transforms into a vast and immense jewel vessel. Within is a torma perfect in color, smell, taste and power.

<- = >-$A?- LA/- IA?- 2_2,OM AH HUNG (garuda mudra)

W- 3A- 0- +A- ?- 0- <A- 7- <- 2#- ?- 3- ;- 6:?- ,/- S%?,  BRHUMI PATI SAPARIWARA BENZRA SAMA DZA W- 3A- 0- +A- ?- 0- <A- 7- <- A- !- <R- ?R$?- $?3- IA?- $+R<- 3- 2}R?- =, (Dedication of Torma Offering)

This first Torma, (Kartor-1)

W- 3A- 0- +A- ?- 0- <A- 7- <- A- !- <R- 3- #)- ?j- Kk- /- 3- A- KA ;- /- 0J- /- +R- +- <- =>- 1B- J- @,


$%- .$- :.A<- $/?- z- .%- [,  

,$/R.- .A/- YA/- 0R- :3- $8/- .$- =, Yakshas, Rakshas or whoever you may be,

,.GA=- :#R<- .R/- .- ?- KR$?- :.A, I request this land for the purpose of the mandala

,2.$- 8- HJ.- GA?- )=- .- $?R=, Please bestow upon me your permission. In this way make the offering.

8J?- =/- $?3- $?R=- 2?- $/%- 2- LA/- 0<- 2?3- 8A%- ,  $+R<- 3- $*A?- 0,  2nd Torma

<- ?j- SA- ,)- /- 3:?j- +- ,- $- +J- UR- 2A- I- 3- #J- U:?j- ,- #)- AV- +J- c- <- E- AA- 3)- $- $- $- /- #)- J- @, OM SARWA BIGHANEN NAMA SARWA TATHAGATE BHAYO BISHO MUKHE BHYA SARWA TA-KHAM UTGATE SAPARANA ii-MAM GA GA KHAM SOHA X3, SKY-MUDRA/BELL & DORJE

! 13Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

8J?- =/- $?3- IA?- 2}R?- =,    ,

>,  i=- :LR<- (J/- 0R:C- .GA=- :#R<- :.A<, In this mandala of Mahayoga,

,$?%- 2:A- .3- &/- ?R- ?R- /?, Only the gathering of deities of the various

,:.- 2:A- z- /A- 3- $+R$?- 0, Secret Oath-Bound may remain.

,,3?- &.- ,$?- eJ?- 2{%?- 9A/- IA?, All others, fulfilled by compassion,

.- v- *A.- .- ?R- ?R<- .J%?,  Return now to your various abodes.

,&A- !J- 3A- :PR- :.$- I<- /,     If you fail to depart and attempt to stay,

,hR- eJ- OR- 2R:C- 5S$?- i3?- GA?,  Numerous hosts of Vajra Wrath

.J- 3- ,$- +- 2!?- /?- /A,  Will immediately shatter and

,2./- 2o.- <A$?- G%- 2_$- 0<- :I<, Destroy your lineage to the seventh generation

,8J?- 2!:- 2|R?- =,    2$J$?- i3?,  


@- =- @- =- @- =- >,  HALA HALA HALA HUNG 8J?- S$- }$?- ,/- V2- %R?- <R=- .%- 2&?- 0?- 20.- =- Y%- 2:A- :#R<- =R?- 353?- 2&A%?,  

,.GA=- :#R<- IA- $8A<- 2- L%- $A?- L$- SA- 29%- .%- 2..- lA- s?- ($- ($- $.2,  

.J- /?- ,A$- {.- ,A$- 5=- .%- 2&?- 0- :.- L?,

>- 2#- QF- N

! 14Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.


<%- *A.- hR<- ?J3?- ?- $?=- 2:A- .R<- 353?- /?- {- $?%- ,$?- GA- <%- 28A/- IA-

,A$- {.- .J- 28A/- $>J$?- 0- ,3?- &.- GA- ;J- >J?- s- .%- .LJ<- 3J.- 0<- I<,  

6;6;8J?- o=- ,J2?- ;3- .- $?=- 2- =- ,A$- $- $+.,  


<=>,    >- <- J- A)- @,  8J?- 2eR.- &A%- ><- /2- GA- 5%?- ,A$- $.2, HUNG OM SO ANG HA .J- 28A/- .- $8=- ;?- #%- P- 28A- |R- 28A- g- 22?- 2o- 0- 0.- hR<- 3J- UJ%- $AA?- 2{R<- 0:A- .2?- ?-

0E- :.2- 2o.- KA- /%- $A-3- O.- .%- 2&?- 0:A- ,A$- ,A- v<- 2+2- =,  5S/- i3?- }<- 28A/-

;2- ;3- IA- .R<- 353?- /?- L%- 2:A- ;J- >J?- s:A- <%- 28A/- IA- <A/- 0R-(J:A- h=- U- <2- +- I<- 0<-

2?3- =- }- IA- ?- 2R/- i3?- 2eR.- 0?- LA/- IA- 2_2,    5S/- ,R2- /A- 0E:A- vJ- 2- 3,A%- $  

,$J- ?<- IA- 3- H.- ?J<- 0R,    :.2- 3-i3?- $- 5S$?- 0,    3- H.- u%- $,    |R- H3?- KA/- (.-

,A- .%- 3,/- 0<- VA:R,  l- 2<- 0E- :.2- 3- 2o.- 0- #R- /- =?- 3- 2>.- 0- /A- |R?- GA- H.- (R?-

.3A$?- ?- 2?=- 2- ;A/- IA- $8/- |R3- .R/- P- 28A- |R- 28A- 0- ;A/- 0?- VA?- .GA=- G%- .J- v<-

.$R?- 0<- P2- 2R,  o/- .P3- 0- /A,  12- 3(R.- ,A- 43- =- .GA=- :#R<- IA- .2?- ?- 3/- >J=-

9<- S$-0- .%- ,  .2%- .%- :VJ=- /- .GA=- :#R<- IA- .2?- ?- 3QA:A- !J%- .- <A/- 0R- (J:A- 23- 0-

/%- m?- 3$=- (A%?- .%- 2&?- 0:A-#<- ,R.- 0- .3- 2- $&A$- 0- 2..- lA- <A=- 2?- &$?- 0:A-

(%- $A?- 2!%- 2- 28$    ,.J:A- !J%- .- 3J- =R%- =- ?AK<:A- h=- IA- L$?- h?- (R?- :L%- 2$R=- 3-

3-&;A$- .$:- :HA=- .%- 2&?- VAA?- 0?- 2!2- 0:A- #<- }<- IA- >J=- hR- 2!R.,  $%- v<- /- ;%-

.GA=- :#R<- IA- 3./- .- 3(R.- $+R<- ,  .J:A- $;?- ?- (/- 1.,  $;R/- .- <R,  (- $*A?- }R/- .-

:PR- 2:A- *J<- ,R.- =- ?R$?- 0:A- 3(R.- m?- 29%- 0R-&A- :LR<- 0?- 2{R<,  ]- <J- 2- ./- o=- 35/

?R$?- GA?- 36K?- 0<- 2o/,    5R$?- m?- hR- SA=- ?R$?- *J- 2<- 3#R- 2:A- ;R- L.- ,3?- &.- 3- 5%- 2-

3J.- 0<- :.- L:R, $*A?- 0- (R- $- .%R?- =,    }R/- :PR,    .%R?- $8A,    eJ?- GA- <A3- 0- .%- $?3- =?,  

.%- 0R- }R/- :PR- =- $?3- IA- ,    .%- 0R- }R/- $+R<- /A,    i=- :LR<- 0- i3?- !/- =- :#R.-.J,  $8A- 2$J$?- =- $+R<- 3- ?- (R$- $A-

{2?- 28A/- :.A<- ;%- L:R,    $*A?- 0- o.- .$- 0:A- KA<,  

]- 3- <A$- :6B/- o=- 2- 8A- OR:A- .GA=- :#R<- IA- z- 5S$?- ,3?- &.- 3./- IA-

/3- 3#<- 2#- ?- 3- 6:?- ,/- S%?- 0<- 3R?- =,  

! 15Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

LAMA BIDDZIN GYAL WA ZHI DRO KYIL KOR GYI LHA TSOK TAMCHE DUN GYI NAMKHAR BENZRA SAMADZA The entire assembly of Buddhas, Lamas, Vidyadahras and deities of the peaceful and wrathful mandalas appear in the space before oneself. BENZRA SA MA DZA

]- 3- .0=- w/- hR- eJ- ?J3?:  Glorious Lama Vajrasattva.

3(R$- $?3- o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- =,  The Three Supreme Jewels, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas,

i3- !/- 2+.- .J- K$- :5=- 8A%- ;  To all of you I prostrate with devotion.

KA- /%- 3(R.- 0- o- 35S?- 3(R.;  I offer an ocean of outer and inner offerings.

#A$- 0- =?- /A- vR$- 2IA- 8A%- ;  I turn away from all negative actions, and

2?R.- /3?- !/- =- eJ?- ;A- <%- ;  I rejoice in all virtuous merit.

g$- +- (R?- :#R<- 2{R<- 2- .%- ;  Continuously turn the wheel of the Dharma and

:PR- $/?- 2<- .- 28$?- a.- .;  Remain for as long as sentient beings exist.

2.$- /A- $?- 0?- $?R=- 2- :.J2?; With devotion I pray to you,

2?R.- /3?- $%- .J?- 3#:- 3*3- :PR;  Through whatever virtuous merit I possess, may all sentient beings numerous as space is vast

]- 3J.- L%- (2- $/?- ,R2- >R$;  &J?- =/- $?3- =- ?R$?- 0<- 2eR.- =,  

Attain supreme enlightenment

2#- 3:?-5S$?- 8A%- i3?- <%- =- ,A3- 0<- 2?3- 3R,  

BENZRA MU SA The field of assembly dissolves into myself

$?3- 0<- 3(R.- m?- LA/- IA?- 2_2- 0- /A, Blessing the offering substances Open Kapalas

<- J- S- 7- >:;?j- Kk;J- S- 7- >:R*- @),OM SOBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SOGHAWA SHUDDHO HANG Fixation to the substantiality of the offering substances is purified into

! 16Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

a non-conceptual state. 8J?- 0?- 3(R.- m?- GA- .%R?- :6B/- ,3?- &.- 3A- .3A$?- 0<- .%?- =,

!R%- 0:A- %%- =?- $/?- #%- :R$- 3A/- !$- 0R- 2!R.- 0:A- 8A%- #3?-$8A- .%-o/- .%- From the state of emptiness, one's environment and dwelling appear as Ogmin Tukpo Kod

.LA2?- .%- 2!R.- 0- 5.- 3J.- 0? - 3%R/- 0<- :1$?- 0:A- KR$?- !/- +- <A/- 0R- (J- .%- 0E- =- the Unsurpassable Densely Arrayed Buddhafield, with it's ground, adornment and shapes inconceivably arranged.

?R$?- 0:A- $R.- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0<- >- ;A$- =?- L%- 2:A- 3(R.- ;R/- 82?- 2?A=- 3J- +R$- 2.$- %R?- so that it actually appears in all directions as an exulted place made of precious jewels,

3<- 3J- SA- (2- 8=- 9?- <R=- 3R- :.R.- ;R/- s- <A/- 0R- (J- $- 2./- 2N- >A?- 0:A- m?- 2o.- lotuses and so on, offerings of water for drinking, water for bathing, flowers, incense,

hR- eJ:A- z- 3R- 2&- S$- 3(R$- $A- 3- .- /- .%- <- KA- <- $- 5S$?- lamps, perfumes, food, music, the five sense pleasures, the seven precious jewels,

0:A- 29:- 2&:- w$- M%- =- ?R$?- 0- 9$- 0- 3J.- 0:A- :.R.- ;R/- IA- i3- 0- ,3?- &.-- the eight auspicious substances, the sixteen vajra goddesses, supreme Madana, Gudihira and many various foods and drinks to delight the tongue, to savour and to taste 3(R.- 0:A- 3A/<2- :L3?- ?-z/- IA?- P2- 0?- /3- 3#:A- #3?- ,3?- &.- $%- 2<- I<,  2?3- =, spontaneously manifest filling the realm of space with infinitely vast offering clouds of inexhaustible sensual delights.

<- 2#- A;)- =>,  .J- 28A/- ., OM BENZRA ARGHAM AH HUNG

<- 2#- 0H- =>),    <- 2#- 0PJ- =>,    <- 2#- K- 0- =>J,    <- 2#- A- =R- !- =>J,    <- 2#- $k- =>J,    

<- 2#- /N- 2A- H- =>,    <- 2#- >;- =>- =>,    8J?- 2eR.- &A%- <R=- 3R- L, Mudras & Pekor



<- 3- @- <R- =>; OM MAHA RAKTA AH HUNG X7

<- 3- @- 2- =D- +- =- >; OM MAHA BALINGTA AH HUNG X7 8J?- 0- i3?- <J- <J- 28A/- =/- 2./- 2./- 2eR.- 0?- H.- 0<- IA- m?- i3?- LA/- IA?- 2_2- &A%- ,   Say each mantra seven times to bless the special offerings. Then with

! 17Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

2#- c- <- E- #)- $A?- 3(R.- 0:A- 3A/- <2- :L3?- ;J- >J?- GA- <%- 28A/- 3#:- H2- +- %J=- =R, BENZRA SAPARANA KHAM The infinite clouds of offerings transform into the nature of wisdom and increase filling all of space. The main body of the Sadhana

$*A?- 0- (R- $:A- .%R?- $8A- =,  1A2- .R%- 2~J/- 0:A- i=- :LR<- .%- ,  5S$?- 2?$?- 12- 0:A- i=- :LR< ,  

LA/- _2?- .2%- $A- i=- :LR<- .%- $?3- IA,  .%- 0R- 2~J/- 0:A- i=- :LR<- =:%- 28A- =?,  

.%- 0R- .3- 5B$- IA- :#R<- =R- 2*J.- 0- /A, There are three sections, the yoga of recitation that cleanses defilements, the yoga of accomplishing the accumulation of merit and the yoga of the blessing empowerment. The first of these, the yoga of recitation that cleanses defilement has four sections

<- 3- @- >w- +- x- /- 2#- J- S- 7- Ah- !R- h@@);          Dissolve everything into emptiness.


:#R<- :.?- (R?- !/- $.R.- 3- /?; From the original condition of all phenomena of Samsara and Nirvana,

3- *J?- !R%- 0:A- %%- *A.- =?;  The unborn empty state itself,

:$$- 3J.- ~A%- eJ:A- <R=- 0- /A:  Arises an unceasing dynamic display of compassion

/3- 3#:- =?- /A- :):- 5S/- 28A/;  Like a rainbow in the sky.

.%R?- 3J.- .%R?- 0R:C- ;J- >J?- 3A/;  A cloud of primordial wisdom without true substance, yet physically apparent,

3A- :I<- >- $A- %R- 2R<- ><; Arises as the unchanging, intrinsic nature HUNG

.J- =?- :R.- :UR?- KR$?- 353?- !/;  Radiating light outward in all directions.

$8R3- 3J.- hR- eJ:A- <- 2- $<;  An indestructible vajra fence and tent

;J- >J?- 3J- .0%- :2<- 2?- .NA$?;  Engulfed by a blazing mass of primordial wisdom fire is formed.

! 18Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

.J- .2?- AJ- ;)- <)- 2)- =);  In the center of this, the syllables EH YAM RAM PAM LAM and

?)- =?- /3- 3#:- _%- 3J- (; SUM arise as spoce, wind, fire, water,

?- .GA=- <A- <2- !J%- .- W&;  The Mandala of earth and Mt. Meru. Upon its peak is the syllable DROUM

;R%?- I<- !/- 29%- $8=- 3J.- #%- ;  Which instantly transforms into a most sublime Celestial Palace,

KA- /%- 35/- *A.- ;R%?- mR$?- - .2?;  Completely perfect in all of its outer and inner characteristics.

?J%- OA- 0E- ^- 2:A- !J%- ;  Upon a lion throne, lotus and moon,

<A$- 0- >- =?- hR- eJ<- I<;  The intrinsic awareness HUNG transforms into a vajra.

3R- 2#?- 2.$- *A.- 2&R3- w/- :.?;  Emanating and gathering back, I arise as

hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- ^- 2:A- 3.R$;  The Tathagata Vajrasattva, the color of the moon.

8A- 5=- 35/- .%- .0J- L.- :2<;  Peaceful, he is radiating with the characteristics and marks of enlightenment.

K$- $;?- hR- eJ- ,$?- !<- :6B/;  His right hand bolds a vajra to his heart,

$;R/- 0- SA=- 2- .!- =- 2gJ/;  The left holds a bell to his heart,

82?- $*A?- hR- eJ:A- *A=- N%- &/;  His two legs are crossed in the vajra posture.

0%- .- ~J3?- 3- PA- $$- .%- ,  In his lap is Nyema Karmo embracing him around the neck,

,R.- 0- :6B/- 0:A- 3$=- /?- :H.;  While holding a curved knife (drigug) and skull-cup

.<- .J%?- <A/- (J/- &R.- 0/- ?R$?;  Clad in flowing silks, precious jewels, silken crown pendants and

! 19Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

o/- (?- 2&- $?3- .$- .%- w/;  The remaining thirteen pure ornaments and garments.

3,:- ;?- :R.- 9J<-3R- 2:R;  Boundless rays of light emanate forth.

.J- v<- ;R%?- ?- $?=- 2<- I<- 0:A- ,A- 2R<- <- .!<- 0R,  Clearly visualizing this, the crown is marked with a white OM,

3PA/- 0<- =.3<- 0R,  The throat with a red AH, and

~A%- $<- >- }R/- 0R- i3?- GA- 35/- 0- =?- .J- 28A/- $>J$?- 0- ,3?- &.- GA-

hR- eJ- $?3- IA- %R- 2R<- I<- 0- 2?3- 3R,  

The heart with a blue HUNG. They are the very nature of the three vajras of Body, Speech and Mind of all the Sugatas.

$*A?- 0- ;J- >J?- GA- :#<R- =R- ,/- S%- 2- ?R$?- /A, Two, for the invocation, perform the Wisdom Mandala

~A%- $:A- ?- 2R/- =?- L%- 2:A- :R.- 9J<- IA?- ;J- >J?- GA- :#R<- =R- 3./- IA-

/3- 3#<- 2#- ?- 36;?- ,/- S%?- 0<- 2?3- =, Rays of light from the seed syllable in the heart invites the mandala of primordial wisdom into the space in front. BENZRA SAMA DZA.

<;  KR$?- 2&- !/- /- =J$?- 28$?- 0:A; slow!

All of the Tathagatas and their children

2&R3- w/- o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- !/;  Who auspiciously abide in all of the ten directions,

,$?- eJ- (J/- 0R?- .$R%?- 36S.- =;  From the treasure of your enlightened intention of great compassion and

(R/- =3- .2%- $A?- $>J$?- ?- $?R=;  Due to the power of this prayer, please come here.

AJ- qJ- @A- 3- @- !- <- EA- !- SF- B- @R;  ?- 3- ;- @R:  ?- 3- ;!);  8J?- 0?- ,/- S%?, EH HEYA-HI MAHAKARU-NIKA TRISHAYA HO SAMAYA HO SAMAYA STOM with this invite.

6;>- 2)- @R:    ?- .$$- $8$- 2&A%- 2- .%- .IJ?- 0- 2*J.- /?,

! 20Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.


.3- 5B$- $A- :#R<- =R- .%- $*A?- ?- 3J.- 0<- I<,    .J- /?, Cross arms!

Dha Tsig Kholo becomes inseparable. Visualize goddess from the heart and do ablution from the Nectar of Vase thinking giving empowerment.

,$?- !- /?- 3=- 0:A- z- 3R- i3?- GA- 23- 0:A- 2..- lA?- O?- L?- >A%- .2%- 2{<- 2<- 2?3- =,      


Goddesses holding vases emanate from the heart and pour amrita-nectar that bathes and confers empowerment.



8J?- .2%- 2{<- 2?- SA- 3- ,3?- &.- .%?,      1%- 0R- s- $/?- I<, Thus empowered, all stains are cleansed and the five] Skhandas are purified in their own place.

(:A- z$- 3- IJ/- .- =.- 0- =?- .J- 28A/- $>J$- 0- <A$?- s?- .2- 2o/, The overflow of liquid flows upward to form the Crown of the Five Sugatas and

;J- >J?- s- 3%R/- .- I<- 0:A- %- o=- L:R,     The five primordial wisdoms become fully manifest. Assume vajra-pride!

$?3- 0- =- 3(R.- 2!R.- 2^?- 0:A- i=- .%- $?3- IA,  .%- 0R- ,/- 3R%- .%-

H.- 0<- 3(R.- 0- $*A?- =?,  .%- 0R- /A, Three: The yoga of offering, the yoga of praise and the yoga of recitation. In the first one are two sections, the Ordinary and Special Offerings

The Ordinary Offering

,$?- !- /?- 3R?- 0:A- z- 3R- i3?- GA?- 3%R/- 0<- 3(R.- 0<- 3R?- =, Goddesses emanate from the heart to actually present the offerings.

<;  .0$- 3J.- /3- 3#:A- #3?- *A.- =?; Om: From the realm of infinite space,

3(R.- 3A/- 2?3- =?- z/- P2- 0; Clouds of offerings beyond imagination spontaneously arise.

3J- +R$- 2.$- 0- 3<- 3J- .%- ; Flowers, incense, light,

! 21Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

SA- 3(R$- 8=- 9?- <R=- 3R- .%- ;  Excellent perfumes, delicacies, music and

$9$?- 1- SA- <R- <J$- L- (R?;  Forms, sounds, scents, tastes and tactile sensations are

?R- ?R:C- z- 3R:C- <R=- 0<- 2&?;  Gracefully presented by each of the various goddesses.

<2- :L3?- /3- 3#:A- HR/- 2!%- !J;  Filling the vast reaches of space,

$?- 0:A- ]R- ;A?- .2=- 2<- 2IA; These offerings are made with reverence. <- 0- /- 0J- /- ?- <- +R- +A- 0- ?j- +- ,- $- +- ?- 3- ;R- $A- ?A:A- >;    8J?- 3(R.- 0- 3=,  OM PANA PENU SURATA-TIPU SARWA TATHAGATA SAMA YOGI SIDDHI HUNG (Sing) With this, offerings emanate. (Do a slow Pekor and snap)

<- 2#- 0PJ- T- +A- o- @R:      .J- 28A/- .- >;:A- 2<- .%- ,  

0H)-T- +A- o- @R:    0PJ- T- +A- o- @R:    K- 0J- T- +A- o- @R:    A- =R- !J- T- +A- o- @R:  


3- @- 0- 6- T- +A- o- @R:      8J?- 0?- 3(R.,  

MAHA PUDZA PRATITSA HO With these they are offered. (pekor & snap)

$*A?- 0- H.- 0<- IA- 3(R.- 0- =?,  .R<- 3(R.- /A, Second: The special offerings is the offering of union

35/- w/- 2.J- 2:A- o/- w/- 0:A; Loveliest of all Consorts,

3A- 3R- i3?- GA- <J$- L:A- 3(R$; Adorned with the attributes of bliss,

LA/- IA?- _R2?- >A$- i=- :LR<- 5S$?;  Bless this gathering of yogic practitioners $?%- 3(R$- 2.J- 2:A- $/?- =- <R=; May they delightfully abide in supreme bliss.

! 22Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

3- @- ?- #- 2R- KA- 4BX- A- =- =- @R;  (/- .%- <RA- 3(R.- 0- /A, MAHA SUKHA BODHI TSITTA AH LA LA HO

$4%-. 3J:A- SA- gR$- !/- V=- 2:A; I offer the great medicine of rasayana

<- ?- ;- /- (/- (J/- 0R; That is beyond all stained concepts of pure and impure,

*R/- 3R%?- ($?- 0:A- <R<- 2&?; Together with the blood of the disturbing emotion of attachment.

3*3- 0- (J/- 0R- 28J?- ?- $?R=;  Please partake of them in great equanimity!


$+R<- 3:A- 3(R.- 0- /A,  The Torma offering.

>- s- 2..- lA:A- ~A%- 0R- &/; (5 meals - human, elephant, horse, dog, cow) The essence of the five meats and the five amritas (5 amiritas - blood, urine, brain, semen, phlegm.)

29:- 2&:- 2+%- 2:A- 5S$?- w/- 0:A; (excrement), (flesh)

Appears as a collection of food and drink.

.3- m?- 3(R$- $A- $+R<- 3- :.A;  Please partake of this torma of supreme Samaya substances without duality.

$*A?- ?- 3J.- 0<- 28J?- ?- $?R=:  Without duality.

3- @- 2- =D- +- #- #- #- @A;    8J?- o- (J<- 3(R.,

MAHA BLINGTA KHA KHA KHA HI In this way make the offering.

$*A?- 0- 2!R.- 0- /A, Dorje & places

<:    ]- 3- .0=- w/- hR- eJ- ?J3?;  OM Glorious Lama Vajrasattva,

2.J- (J/- ;J- >J?- s- ;A- 2.$; Start inward pekor!

Lord of great bliss and of the five primordial wisdoms,

.GA=- :#R<- !/- IA- LJ.- 0R- 3(R$;  Supreme creator of all the mandalas

.J- =- 2.$- /A- K$- :5=- =R;

! 23Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

To you I pay homage.

SA- 3J.- !R/- !:A- ^- 2:A- 3.R$;  Your color is that of the stainless autumn moon.

hR- eJ- .%- /A- SA=- 2- :6B/;  To you who hold a vajra and bell and

2.J- (J/- ~J3?- 3<- 3*3- .R<- 2:A; Are joined in union with Dechen Nyema,

?J3?- .0:- hR- eJ- HR.- =- 2!R.; The Vajra Warrior, I give praise.

$%- $A- 35/- 43- :6B/- 0?- G%-;  To the one who simply by holding the name,

/- <- !- ?R$?- %/- ?R%- $A; Grants protection from all suffering of the Avicci Hell

#$- 2}=- ,3?- &.- *R2- 36.- 0;  And of the three lower realms of existence,

3$R/- 0R- HR.- =- K$- :5=- 2!R.;  Protector, to you I prostrate and give praise, &J?- 2!R.- 0- L,  

$8%- l- 2<- .2%- 2{<- GA- eJ?- *A.- .- 2-?- 0:A- i=- :LR<- LJ.- 0<- $?%?- 0?-

3(R.- 2!R.- 3- L?- G%- (.- 0<- :I<- <R, In the root text it explains that the mantra recitation is directly after the empowerment. So, if the offerings and praise are not recited, there is no fault of omission.

$?3- 0- 2^?- 2:A- i=- :LR<- /A, Three: The Recitation Practice

2.$- $A- ~A%- $<- :R.- s:A- [R%-; In my heart, in the center of lights of five colors,

^- !J%- <%- :S:A- ;J- >J?- 0:A; Is the Wisdom Being seated upon a moon disc, similar in appearance to myself.

,$?- !<- hR- eJ:A- vJ- 2<- >;  In the heart is a vajra, in whose center is a HUNG

.!<- $?=- }$?- GA- UJ%- 2?- 2{R<;  Encircled by the clear white mantra garland.

! 24Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

:R.- :UR?- :1$?- 3(R.- LA/- _2?- 2#?;  Light emanates, making offerings to the Exalted Ones, there are place in a state of great bliss.

?J3?- &/- 1A2- .%?- 2.J- (J/- 2!R.;  Cleansing back, the light absorbs into the mantra-garland itself.

5<- :.?- }$?- UJ%- *A.- =- 8$?:Gathering back, the light absorbs into the mantra-garland itself. 8J?- 0:A- +A%- %J- :6B/- IA- i3- 0- $?=- 2- .%- %- o=- 2g/- 0- .$- 0- S/- 0- i3?- =- ?J3?- lJ- $&A$- 0?,  

<- 2#- ?<- = X800

OM BENZRA SATTO AH Recite this as much as possible. Then recite, 8J?- 0- &A- /?- ?- 2^?- 0:A- eJ?- ?- a<- ;%- , 100 syllable mantra of Vajrasattva.

<- 2#- ?<- ?- 3- ;;  3- ;- 0- =- ;;  2#- ?<- <J- /R- 0- +ANSF- [R- 3J- S- 7;

?- +R- XA- 3J- S- 7;  ?- 0R- XR- 3J- S- 7;    A- /- <RR- 3J- S- 7;  ?j- ?A- :A- gJ- T- ;o-

?j- !k- ?- 4-3J- 4BX)- XA- ;):!- <- >;  @- @- @- @- @R;  S- $- 7/- ?j- +- ,- $- +-

2#- 3- 3J- 3O- 2#B- S- 7- 3- @- ?- 3- ;- ?<- =>- 1B;  &J?- 0:A- 2^?- 0- $R%- $A- S$- (- 43- .- 2^:R,    ,A<- 2~J/- 5.- /A- 2~J/- IA- .2%- .- L?- /-

;A- $J- S$- 0- :23- 5S- S$- .%- ;A- $J- 2o- 0- :23- U$- $&A$- #- {R%- .%- 2&?- 0- 2^- 8A%- ,  

2^?- 0:A- ,/- ,3?- &.- GA- 3,<, Recite the second mantra one sixth as much as the first. In general, the duration for mantra recitation is to complete 600,000. of the 6.syllable mantra, along with the supplementary numbers of each mantras. At the end of all sessions of mantra recitation, recite the following prayer.

<;  .0=- w/- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- GJ;  

OM Glorious Vajrasattva, Listen!

2.$- =- eJ?- ?- ($?- 0<- 36S.;  Hold me with your loving compassion.

*J- c- /- .%- :(A- 2- ?R$?;  From birth, old age, sickness and death.

:)A$?- <%- YA.- 0:A- #$- 2}=- =?;  And from the fearful suffering of existence

! 25Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

3$R/- 0R- HJ.- GA?- 2.$- *R2?- >A$;  Protector, grant me refuge!

#A$- 0- !/- =?- i3- PR=- 8A%- ;  Completely free me from all negativity and

;%- .$- ;J- >J?- ?J3?- .0:- (J:A;  May I accomplish the body, speech and mind

{- $?%- ,$?- ?- 2.$- 12?- >A$;  Of the great and utterly pure Primordial Wisdom Being

?- 3- ;- ?A:A- A- =- =- @R;  SAMAYA SIDDHI AH LA LA HO Pray in the way 8J?- $?R=- 2- $.2- 2R,  

,28A- 0- *J<- 2#:A- i=- :LR<- /A,      *=- 2:3- ,/- 2#- 2- /, Three: The Yoga of Dissolution. When going to sleep or concluding a session:

<%- $A- ~A%- $:A- :R.- GA?- 1R$- 0?- .GA=- :#R<- IA- :#R<- =R- :R.- .- 8- /?-

2.$- *A.- .3- 5B$- ?J3?- .0:- =-,A3, Rays of light from ones heart touch the encircling mandala. Melting into light, the mandala dissolves into oneself as the Samaya-sattva.

.J- ;A- >J?- ?J3?- .0:- =- ,A3,  Which dissolves into the Jnana-sattva,

.J- +A%- %J- :6B/- ?J3?- .0:- =- ,A3,  Which dissolves into the Samadhi -.sattva,

.J- ;%- >- =- ,A3,  Which dissolves into the Hung.

>- /- .:A- 2<- .- <A3- IA- ,A3- /?- 3A- .3A$?- 0- =?- :R.- $?=- The HUNG gradually dissolves upward into the Nada, which dissolves into a non-conceptual stated of radiant emptiness.

!R%- 0- *A.- GA- %%- =- 3*3- 0<- $8$

Om Maha Shunyata Jhana Benzra Sobhava Adma Ko Ham

,*=- 2- =?- w%- 2:3- ,R.- =3- =- :)$- /, Upon arising from sleep or engaging in activity, say

<- 2#- ?<- =  8J?- 2eR.- 0?- a<- ;%- hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:A- {<- =%?- =- 3,<- .$J- 2- 2}R:R, OM BENZRA SATTO AH X7 Again arise in the form of Vajrasattva. Then dedicate the virtuous merit.

! 26Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

!,      .$J- 2- :.A- ;A?- M<- .- 2.$

Through the positive merit of this, may I swiftly

,hR- eJ- ?J3?- .0:- :P2- :)<- /?,  Attain the realization of Vajrasattva, and thereby

,:PR- 2- $&A$- G%- 3- =?- 0,  May every single sentient being

.J- ;A- ?- =- :$R.- 0<- >R$ Reach that state of perfection too.

,HJ.- =- 2!R.- &A%- $?R=- 2- 2+2- 0:A- 3,?,  By the power of prayer to you,

,2.$- ?R$?- $%- /- $/?- 0:A- ?- KR$?- ?, By the power of praising you and praying to you,

,/.- :.R/- .2=- 1R%?- ,2- 2lR.- 8A- 2- .%- ,  In this place where we reside,

,(R?- .%- 2N- >A?- :1J=- 2<- 36.- .- $?R=,  May all the diseases, obstacles, poverty and conflicts dissolve and May the Dharma and auspiciousness increase.

 !,  ,2- .%- 35S- *J?- hR- eJJ- ;A,  

,2!/- 0- :6B/- 0:A- *J?- 2- i3?, Those who hold the teachings of the Lotus-born Buddha,

3$R/- 0R- 5K- 3,:- ;?- 0- v<,  Like the Buddha of Limitless Life.

,3A- >A$?- hR- eJ:A- <%- 28A/- &/,  In the nature of an indestructible diamond

,35/- .0J?- 2o/- 0:A- {:A- .GA=- :#R<,  Within the body mandala, decorated by the special signs and marks,

,3A- :)A$?- ?J%- OA<- 28$?- ?- $?R=,  May you forever sit on the fearless throne of the lions.

,92- $?%- 2..- lA:A- P- (<- IA?, With the profound and secret rain of nectar

! 27Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,<%- $8/- (A/- 0<- 36.- /?- G%- ,  Ripening yourself and others.

,<A3- $*A?- =3- =- <2- 8$?- /?,  By entering the path of the two stages.

,3,<- ,$- {- 28AA- :V?- 2- (J,  Finally the great fruition of the Four Kayas is obtained.

,3%R/- I<- $.R.- 3:A- ?<- KA/- /?,  By realizing the primordial state

,.R/- $*A?- UA/- =?- .3- 0- ;A?,  And by the activities that accomplish the two purposes,

,YA.- 35S:C- :#R<- 2- .R%- 3$?- /?,  May you churn the depth of the ocean of samasara

,i3- 3HJ/- ?%?- o?- ,R2- 0<- >R$ And my all beings attain omniscient Buddhahood.

!,    o=- 35/- lJ- 3R- 2#?- 0- 28$?- ?R, Prayer to Gyaltsen Tsenmo Pung Gyen

<- $- <- ;A- .3- o=- 35/- lJ- 3R:C- +R$ Om: I take refuge in the Guru, the Yidam and in you, Gyaltsen Tsenmo Pung Gyen.

,>- o/- z- 5S$?- HJ.- =- *2?- ?- 3(A, Hung: Along with your retinue!

2.$- &$- ~A%- /?- $?R=- 2- 2+2- 0:A- 3,?, By the power of this fervent prayer of ours,

,c.- 0- !/- =?- M<- .- 2*2- +- $?R=, Quickly protect us from all failure and misfortune!

<- >- J- @, OM HUNG SVAHA

.0%- o/- z- 5S$?- HJ.- GA- m- :U=- 3,?, O Pung Gyen and your retinue

,2.$- .%- o- :LR<- ;R/- 2.$- :#R<- 2&?- =, With the force of your magical display,

! 28Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,kA- =3- %/- .%- 2?3- %/- .R<- l2- ^R$ For us, our benefactors, and all those around us

,L.- #- 1<- #- :,2- lR.- :O$- =R%- ^R$ Avert all bad dreams, and those who have ill thoughts or do us harm!

,YR$- =?- .2%- ,%- _%- g- c.- 0- ^R$ Avert all weakening of our life-force, body, wangthang (power) and luck or windhorse!

,3A- =- /- 5- K$?- =- $R.- #- ^R$ Avert spells and curses, dispute and conflict!

,5K- .%- 2?R.- /3?- .0=- .%- P$?- 0- ?R$?, Avert all illness in men and women, all loss of our resources!

*A/- 35/- !/- +- 2.J- =J$?- 36.- .- $?R=, Grant us long life, merit, glory and renown and Make peace and happiness reign, ,3A- 13- 0?- ?R,,    ,,  

Mi Pam Pe So (Written by Mipampa)Throughout both day and night!

!,    o- /$- {$- ^R$- 2#?- 0- 28$?, Turn back the Chinese obstacle immediately

,5- 2:A- ?J%- $J:A- 2.$- o.- LA/- IA?- _R2?, Manjushri, Lion of Speech, bless my mind stream.

,YA- !J$- ,/- v?- %/- 0- 2+<- .- $?R=, Transform repeating obstacles and undesirable omens,

o=- 0R:C- (.- 0- 1?- GA- :)A$?- 0- ?R$?, Punishment from authorities, fear of being attacked,

,35%-: V- lR.- .%- cR=- 2- ^R$- +- $?R=, Provocations, disputes, attacks and so on, turn them all back!

,&J?- 3A- 13- 0?- ?R,, Mi Pam Pe So (Written by Mipampa)

!,    <)- ;)- #),  <- =>,

{.- &A$- S$- mR$?- <%- 3./- ,R.- +J.- !J%- , Perfected by instant recollection in front of myself on a tripod of skulls,

! 29Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,.3- $&A$- !- 0- =- ;A- $R.- /%- ., A "single-piece" skull container in which are

,>- s- 2..- lA- s- ?R$?- .R<- 1R=- m?, Substances of union and liberation such as the five meats and five nectars, etc.

(Purification of the Materials)

,3R- 2#:A- :U=- IA?- o=- !/- $?%- $?3- 2&., Through the magic of projecting and receiving, the three sacred essences of all the Conquerors

,,/- S%?- $+R<- 0:A- m?- .%- .LJ<- 3J.- I<, Are invoked and become inseparable from the Torma substances.

,.%R?- :6B/- SA- 3?- 3- &$?- 3(R.- $+R<- m?, These substances of the offering Torma unstained by the defilement of grasping them as real,

,KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- .0=- ;R/- <2- w/- :.A, Rich with outer, inner and secret glorious qualities,

,3(R$- $?3- l- $?3- 2!:- Y%- (R?- Y%- ,A, To the Three Jewels, Three Roots and Protectors of the Order and Dharma Protectors in general,

,H.- 0<- }$?- Y%- AJ- !- 4- +A- .%- , Especially the protectress of mantra Ekajati and

.0=- 3$R/- 3- /A%- 3$R/- 0R- 1- o.- 5S$?, The glorious Lord Manning, the hosts of Phogyud Lords,

1R=- $A%- hR- eJ- $A%- hR- eJ- =J$?- 0- 3(J.- :#R<- 2&?, Vajrasatu, the hero of liberation with his companions,

,$9:- 2..- (J/- 0R- $.R%- 3R- #J- 2o.- :#R<, The great Za-Dud, with retinues of the eight classes of Dongmo,

,.<- OR.- z- 3R- 3A%- YA%- 2o.- 0R- .%- , Charnel Ground Goddesses, the eight brothers and sisters, and

,5K- <A%- 3(J.- s- $;- 1R/- 2!/- 3<- 2&?, The Five Long-Life Sisters, Yodronma and the (twelve) Tenma,

,KA- /%- $?%- 2:A- z- YA/- #J- 2o.- i3?, All the outer, inner and secret Eight Classes of Gods and Spirits,

,3=- 0- ;%- 3=- :#R<- .%- ;%- :#R<-2&?, With their manifestations, re-manifestations, retinues and sub-retinues

! 30Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

,3(R.- &A%- 2!R.- .R- 2{%- %R- 3%:- $?R=- =R, By offering praise, fulfillment-offerings and glorifications,

.IJ?- >A%- 5B3- 0<- 36S.- =- *3?- ($- 2>$?, Be happy and satisfied, and purify our transgressions;

,<2- :L3?- UA/- =?- $%- 2&R=- :P2- 0- .%- , Please accomplish whatever was entrusted of the infinite enlightened activity, and

,:U=- 1$?- ;R%?- .$J- ?%?- o?- :P2- 0<- >R$ For now and ultimately may we accomplish the totality of virtues and Buddhahood.

&J?- 0- :.A- ;%- 0E- (R?- :1J=- %R<,      hR- ]?- %J=- 2- ;R%?- ?- .$J- 2<- I<- &A$    .$J:R,,          ,, This is written by Dola (First Dodrup Chen Rinpoche) at the request of Pema Chopel. May it be meritorious.

!,  ,(A/- \A%- OA- <A/- 0R- (J:A- 82?- 2g/- $?R=- :.J2?- /A,   Long Life Prayer for Mindrolng Trichen Rinpoche

<- J- !A, May It Be auspicious!

:I<- 3J.- 2.J- (J/- !/- H2- hR- eJ- ?J3?, Vajrasattava, unchangeable and the great bliss that pervades all,

!/- 29%- ;J->J?- +- :U=- :#R<- =R:C- 3$R/, The wisdom emanation of Kunzang Deity, the main deity of the mandala,

.$J- =J$?- 1/- 2.J:A- :.R.- :)R- .2%- $A- o=, The best Wish Fulfilling gem; source of all temporary benefit and happiness,

$?%- $?3- g$- 0- .3- 0<- 28$?- $?R=- :.J2?, I pray, may your permanent speech, mind and body remain forever.

Prayer Written by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

<- J- !A, May It Be auspicious!

:I<- 3J.- hR- eJ:A- <A%- =$?- }- :I<- IA,

! 31Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

Upholder of Terton Gyurme Dorje & Nyingmapa Tradition,

3.R- o.- (A/- PR=- o- 35S:C- 36S.- :6B/- 36., Treasure Holder of ocean of Sutra and Tantra teachings that ripens and liberates our mindstream,

3(R$- $A- 3=- {:A- {- 5K- 36.- 29%- .0=, May the Dharma activity of the your supreme reincarnation flourish

g$- 2g/- :(A- 3J.- hR- eJ:A- YR$- :P2- >R$, And may you remain firm and permanent like the eternal Vajra!

Written by Minling Khenchen Nawang Khyentse Norbu

<- J- !A, May It Be auspicious!

:I<- 3J.- 2.J- (J/- !/- H2- hR- eJ- ?J3?, Changeless all pervading great bliss Vajrasattva,

!/- 29%- ;J->J?- +- :U=- :#R<- =R:C- 3$R/, Wisdom manifestation of Kuntuzangpo, the Master of Mandala

.$J- =J$?- 1/- 2.J:A- :.R.- :)R- .2%- $A- o=, The Crown of wishful-filling Jewels, that provides all the wishes of permanent and temporary wellbeing.

$?%- $?3- g$- 0- .3- 0<- 28$?- $?R=- :.J2?, May your sacred body, speech and mind remain with us for ever, I pray.

                                         ,.A=- 3$R- 3HJ/- 2lJ:A- $?%- LA/- &/- /R,,    ,,  

Prayer Written by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

H.H. Dodrup Chen Long Life Prayer

2a- 3J.- *2?- $/?- o- 35S:C- LA/- 3,- ;A?

! 32Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers

Minling Dorsem Retreat-Manual, Lama Sherab Dorje - Andreassen.

By the power of the ocean-like blessings

,:)A$?- 3J.- ,2- 2!/- UA/- =?- .0=- :2<- IA,  My Jigme Thubten Trinle Palbar's

82?- 0.- 3A- >A$?- 2{=- 2o<- <2- 2g/- /?,  Lotus feet remain indestructible for hundred of eons

,_2?- (J/- 2!/- :PR:A- 28J.- .R/- 3,<- KA/- >R$ And may he accomplish his vast wishes for the doctrine and beings.

!      .?- $?3- o=- 2:A- ,A- $9$?- !k- 0:A, I pray for the long life of the one who accomplishes changeless activity,

,2!/- 0:A- #<- (J/- :.J$?- =- 3A- %=- 2, Who has trained his being with the armour of pure good conduct

i3- .$- 5=- OA3?- $R- (?- o.- .%?- >A%- , And who is untiring in carrying the great responsibility of the teachings

,:I<- 3J.- :UA/- =?- LJ.- 0R- 82?- 2g/- (R/, Of the Karmapa the embodiment of the Buddhas of the past, present and future.

&J?- 0- :.A- 28A/- 3=- {- !k- 5=- OA3?- :I<- 3J.- :UA/- =?- GA- 82?- 2g/- 2#?- 0- 8A$- aR2- 5S$?- i3?- /?-

2{=- 2- v<- +- ;A- ?- +- 0?- VA?- 0?- .R/- .%- w/- 0<- I<- &A$,    ,, This brief long-life prayer for Tulku KarmaTsultrim Gyurme Trinle was written in accordance with the request of his pupils, by the Taisitupa.

! 33Vajrasattva Practice - Ngondro Minling Dorsem - Prayers