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NIM. 106026001002





2011 M / 1432 H




A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Strata One Degree (SI)


NIM. 106026001002





2011 M / 1432 H



Lia Fadhilah, Deconstruction Analysis on Major Female Character in Film A Destiny Of Her Own. Thesis. Jakarta: State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Jakarta, 2010.

The study concern on the deconstructed fminist characteristics of the major

female character in A Destiny of Her Own film. The writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis as the method to analyze the relationship between the main character and deconstruction theory and feminism. The data are obtained from the film, the books of deconstruction and feminism, and the website. The writer focuses her analysis to the character using through Jacques Derrida’s Deconstruction Theory.

In this analysis, the writer finds that Veronica Franco is a decisive woman. When Veronica becomes a courtesan she wants to existence in her decision. She is also independent woman, because she is not dependent to any man as generally other women are; an unmarried woman is to some extend dependent to either her father or brother and she is not at all a young woman of that category. And these characteristics are considered support feminist movement.

In other view, using deconstructive theory the writer identifies some different things about Veronica Franco characteristics which is re-deconstructed, are decisive and independent. From those characteristics, they reveal that actually, Veronica only wants to bear all her family’s expenses by becoming a mistress. Hence, we may conclude that Veronica’s characterization does not produce stable meaning because it depends on the context.







A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Strata One Degree (S1)


NIM. 106026001002

Approved by:


Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum

NIP. 19781003 200112 2 002





2011 M / 1432 H


Name : Lia Fadhilah

NIM : 106026001002

Title : Deconstruction Analysis On Major Female Character In Film A Destiny Of Her Own

The thesis has been defended before the Faculty Letters and Humanities’ Examination Committee on February 28th, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, March 17th, 2011

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd 19640710 199303 1 600

(Chair Person)

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum 19781003 200112 2 002


3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum 19781003 200112 2 002


4. Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd 19650919 200003 1 002

(Examiner I)

5. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum 19780126 2003122 2 002

(Examiner II)



First of all, the writer would like to give the most appreciation and many

thanks to Allah SWT., the lord of the universe and the thereafter. She is sure that

she cannot do anything without Him. He guided us with all of His blessed in our

life. Then, peace and blessing is upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad Saw,

and all of his followers.

The writer would like to express her highest gratitude to all her family, and

special for her mother and father for giving support even financial and psychology

that makes her strong and accomplish her thesis. And also her beloved nephew

and niece (Annis, Hany, Nabila, Zie, Sadam, Naomi, Ilham and Wafa) for always

make her laugh and entertain her whenever she was down, and great family; her

brother and sister (Fifi, Embeng, Muiz, Uye, Acun, Ummu and luffy, and for her

sisters and brothers in-law), for their big supports to her in doing this thesis. Big

thanks for Aki Awank who help correction her written English and Aa Ian, her

uncle, who with his loyal always accompany her. And also special her beloved

person, Saeful Anwar SE, for all inspiration, motivation, spirit and help that will

never forget and replaceable.

The writer cannot fail to mention her advisor Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum

for her great patients and contributions in finishing this paper. She thanks for all

of her advices that have been given to her; and may Allah SWT. Bless her and her



The writer also wishes to say her gratitude to the following persons:

1. Dr. Wahid Hasyim, MA as the Dean of Faculty of letters and Humanities

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd as the Head of English Letters Department.

3. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum as the Secretary of English Letters


4. All lecturers of English Letters Department for taught and educated her

very well during her study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

5. To all her friends in the English Department; Akin, Cahya, Djarwo, Eka,

Dian, Mitha, Vina, Ara, Ega, Tokek, Emak, and others, she cannot

mention all.

6. Thanks for her beloved friends, Mbyu, Buntut, Emon, Amel, Noeridha and

Ditha. She never ever forgets all the experience that they gave got. Keep

going togetherness.

Finally, may Allah gives His blesses to us, amien.

Jakarta, February, 2011

The writer


ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... i

APPROVEMENT .......................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION .......................................................................................... iii

DECLARATION ........................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study...................................................................... 1

B. Focus of Study ………………………………………………………. 5

C. Research Question .............................................................................. 5

D. Significance of the Study ..................................................................... 5

E. Research Methodology ........................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................... 8

A. Character and Characterization in Film ............................................... 8

B. Feminism ............................................................................................. 14

C. Feminist Film Criticism ……………………………………………… 15

D. Deconstruction Criticism ..................................................................... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDING ................................................. 21

A. Character Analysis….............................................................................. 21

B. The Deconstruction of Veronica’s Characteristics……………………. 31

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION ............................. 36






A. Background of The Study

Jacques Derrida, postmodern philosopher, was born on July 15, 1930 in

El-Biar (a suburb of Algiers), Algeria, into a Sephardic Jewish family. “(…)

Hidup di negeri poskolonial, apalagi yang tengah dilanda perang seperti Aljazair,

adalah berkah terselubung bagi Derrida, karena ia dapat melihat dengan mata

telanjang bagaimana kekuasaan mencengkram tanah-tanah jajahan di dunia

Ketiga”.1 From this point on Derrida started thought regarding logocentrism2—

western thought domination—resulting some kinds of deconstruction. He also

used to write comments on hysterical issues and writings, appearing in the second

half in the years of 1960’ies in Paris journal, Critique- this work had been made

the basic of his masterpiece Of Grammatology. His works that had made Derrida

well known are among others: Writing and Difference, Speech and Phenomena,

and Of Grammatology. In Of Grammatology Derrida had analyzed and criticized

western philosophy since pre-Socrates up to Martin Heidegger. By that book

Derrida has openly refused “logos” centralization philosophy and resulted in

thought known as deconstruction.

1 Muhammad Al-Fayyadl, Derrida, ed. Goenawan Mohamad (Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta, 2005), p. 2 2 Logocentrism is the attitude that logos (the Greek term for speech, thought, law, or reason) is the central principle of language and philosophy. Alex Scot, Derrida’s Of Grammatology, accessed on January 17th 2011, 08:45 am.



The deconstruction introduced by Jacques Derrida showed logics or

rhetoric’s in consistency between what was explicitly mention in the texts and

implicitly hidden in the texts. Ferdinand de Saussure had explicitly made verbal

language priority to written one. In the other parts, de Saussure strongly criticized

the “tyranny” of written or verbal language. But on the other hand, particularly

when he explained that language is symbolic system depending on the context

differentiating among one symbol and other symbols, he necessarily depended on

written language. The written as secondary and derivative system and which

depended on the verbal language, was the best illustration for the explanation of

linguistic characteristics. The inconsistency was indicated in the Saussure’s

theory, which in his explicitly level had made written language priority to written

one, but in fact he had implicitly depended on the written language as his theory


Stanley J. Grenz said that “(…) dekonstruksi adalah segala sesuatu yang

Derrida tolak”.3 Deconstruction is everything Derrida’s denied. Deconstruction

used philosophic assumption or certain philology for the logocentrism

deconstruction. Deconstruction is found not only in linguistic but also literature.

The contribution of deconstruction to literature theory development can be found

in various in efforts to integrate deconstruction techniques by other approach,

such as: feminism approach, psychoanalysis, Marxism, and post-colonial ideology

critics. The feminism critics relates logocentrism which was criticized by Derrida

3 Stanley J. Grenz, A Primer on Postmodernism. Translator, Wilson Suwanto (Michigan: Willian B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1996), p. 235.


with “phallogocentrism”4 that is an ideology emphasizing on “phallus”. Derrida

had positively responded to the application of his theory into this area saying that,

“(…) phallosentrisme dan logosentrisme system yang satu dan yang sama: yakni

yang menegakkan logos paternal dan yang memprioritaskan phallus sebagai

penanda yang paternal”. Phallogoscentrism and logocentrism is one and same

system: namely that builds paternal logos which made phallus as paternal symbol

a priority. 5 Phallus does not just simply masculinity, but thinking approach that

makes hierarchical binary opposition between masculine/feminine, logic/emotion,

and courage/weakness, and any others. The feminism critics borrow

deconstruction techniques to interrogate the phallocentrism tendency in texts,

discussing it, reversing it or finding out the alternative surpassing dichotomist

thinking approach mention above. The post-colonial critics applied deconstruction

by identifying logocentrism with ideology that make hierarchical binary

dichotomy between west/east; logic/emotion, modern/primitive, etc. are made

colonialism and imperialism.

Deconstruction in literary work can be noted in Anna and the King novel

by Margaret Landon. Ratna Asmarini, a researcher at Undip-Semarang, analyzed

the hidden meaning contained in the novel through deconstructive approach from

a feminist perspective about two different cultures (British and Siam) that interact

for a long time. The result shows that each side –Anna the British woman and

4 Phallogocentrism is a neologism coned by Jacques Derrida, used in deconstruction ( a postmodern from of philosophical criticism and literary criticism) to refer to the perceived tendency of Western thought to locate the center of any discourse within the logos (speech and words) and the phallus (embodiments representing the male genitalia). accessed on Jan 19th 2011. 19:56 pm.

5 Melani Budianta, Teori Sastra Sesudah Strukturalisme: dari Study Teks ke Study Wacana Budaya (Jakarta: PPKB-LPUI, 2002), p. 46.


King Maha Mongkut of Siam– deconstructs and is deconstructed in the process of

interaction. Both, in the long run, have a blend of cultures for their own

betterment and for the betterment of the people around them.6 And many other

literary work that can be studied using deconstruction theory.

Based on the above research, that deconstruction is not only found in

linguistics field but also found in literary work. Deconstruction theory search for

the hidden meanings in a so called stable permanent meaning to prove that texts

always depend on the contexts. It is from that point that the writer is interested in

analyzing a film with the title of A Destiny of Her Own directed by Marshal

Herkovitz. This film described the main character, Veronica Franco as well-

educated mistress and far different with the condition of that days: the period

where woman is confined by the existing tradition and rules, to be housewife, take

care of her husband and children and household work. Veronica is very much

different from common women in Venice. Viewed from feminism, Veronica is

literate, independent, decisive, and courageous woman. Based on the very

different character of Veronica from common Venetians women, the writer is

interested to analyze more deeply the texts findin the film A Destiny of Her Own.

In the literary work, deconstruction is used to find the contrasted matters found in

the texts themselves. And the meaning shown is even in the contrary with the

precious existing meaning.

6 Ratna Asnarani, Pendekatan Feminis Dekonstruktif-Kultural, (Accessed on Jan 3 2011)



We can analyze Veronica’s character using feminism deconstruction in

order to see the possibility of different meaning from that concerted in that film.

Since the texts has copious the meanings, then the texts of A Destiny of Her Own

can be seen from the different point of views that result different kind of


B. Focus of The study

This research is focused on Herskovitz’s A Destiny of Her Own film and

limit merely on analyzing the characteristic of Veronica Franco and relates it with

deconstruction and feminism theory.

C. Research Question

The writer takes the two interesting question out based on the

background of the study and the focus of the study.

1. How is the main character, Veronica Franco, described in A Destiny of Her

Own film?

2. How does the film A Destiny of Her Own deconstruct Veronica’s


D. Significance of the Study

This literary research is expected to vary the knowledge in this

literary critic and approaching, especially, in the deconstruction and

feminist approach; however, it can be variety and especially for the

students who love the studying of deconstruction and feminism. From this

research, the writer would like to show about another meaning of

character’s Veronica Franco.


E. The Methodology of The Research

1. Object of The Study

Based on the problem that has stated above, the writer takes the

objective of the study are:

a. To describe the main character of A Destiny of Her Own film.

b. To analyze A Destiny of Her Own film based on deconstruction

and feminism approach.

2. The Method of the Research

The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative.

This method describes and analyzes the collected data from the film. In

analyzing the data, the writer uses the concept of Deconstruction and


3. The Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis of qualitative is method which used by the writer in

this research. The analysis is based on method, theories or approaches that

are relevant, like historical approach, sociological, psychological, and

textual approach.7 In this analysis, the writer will explain the data in the

film and try to figure the relation out with the Deconstruction and

feminism theory. By watching the film, the writer will analyze the

character and find another meaning from both; textual and visual data in

“A Destiny of Her Own” film.

7 Muhammad Farkhan. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. (Jakarta: Cella. 2007). p. 42.


4. The Instrument of Research

The research instrument of this qualitative research is the writer

herself. The writer tries to get qualitative data about another meaning of

the main character related to women role in A Destiny of Her Own film by

watching the film, understanding the story, collecting the data and

classifying the main character in A Destiny of Her own film itself.

Furthermore, the writer relates the existing text with the deconstruction

and feminism theory.

5. The Unit of Data Analysis

The unit of data analysis in this research is A Destiny of Her Own

film. A Destiny of Her Own is directed by Marshall Herskovitz that was

released by Twentieth Century Fox in 2006, and the screenplay was

written by Jeannine Dominy.

6. Time and Place of the Research

This research is accomplished in ten semesters. All the materials

are taken from the libraries: Letters and Humanities library. State Islamic

University library, Universities of Indonesia library, and the other libraries

and internet to get more references and information related to the research.




A. Character and Characterization in Film

A character is showed at perpetrator of presented story or the player of the

story. The character of narrative film is studied in cause of effect as a part of film

analysis. The character is the agent of cause bend effect. By creating and reacting

to event, characters play roles within the film’s formal system. Thus event when

characters are based on historical personages, they are not identical real people, in

a narrative, characters are constructed being.

Joseph M. Boggs and Denis W. Petrie in their book that title The Art of

watching film, character devided in some parts. They are;

1. Stock Characters and Stereotypes

Stock characters are minor characters whose actions are

completely predictable or typical of their job or profession. They are in

the film simply because the situation demands their presence. They serve

as a natural part of the setting, much as stage properties like a lamp or a

chair might function in a play. Stereotypes, however, are characters of

somewhat greater importance to the film. They fit into preconceived

patterns of behavior common to or representative of a large number of

people, at least a large number of fictional people.


2. Static and Developing Characters

Developing characters are deeply affected by the action of the

plot and undergo some important change in personality, attitude, or

outlook on life as a result of the action of the story. Static characters

remain essentially the same throughout the film. The action does not

have an important effect on their lives (as might generally be the case

with the hero of an action/adventure film). Or they are insensitive to the

meaning of the action and thus are not capable of growth or change.

3. Flat and Round Characters

Flat characters are two-dimensional, predictable characters who

lack the complexity and unique qualities associated with psychological

depth. They often tend to be representative character types rather than

flesh-and-blood human beings. Unique, individualistic characters who

have some degree of complexity and ambiguity and who cannot easily be

categorized are called round characters or three-dimensional


A character usually refers to human, animal or thing that has function to

play its rule in a story. And every character has variety values to make a story

seems real, understandable, and worth caring about; the value could be moral,

1 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, The Art of Watching Films (London: Mayfield

Publishing Company, 2000), 5th edition. Pp. 57-60.


emotional, intellectual, or appearance value.2 To give impressive values toward

character is called characterization.

The process of describing character is called characterization.

Characterization means how the writer tells the reader about the physical and non-

physical characteristic of the person told in the story but characterization in film is

different with characterization in literary works because film is a visual story

telling so that the characterization of a character in film more complicated and

detailed than in literary works.

Characterization of a character in film can be given in some ways; such as

characterization through appearance, dialogue, through external and internal

action, and through reaction of other characters. And even setting has contribution

as the characterization of a character in a film; it can be determiner of character

and reflection of character.3

Characterization in film has some values that could be showed, like

characterization appearance. A character is showed physical, dress, facial feature,

mannerisms and the way they move. And other characterization in film is

dialogue; characters in film could reflect themselves and give point from viewers

only with their style when their say and talk with other characters. And there are

some ways like characterization through internal and external action, and through

reaction of other characters become important thing in film and also influence

viewers in interpreting the characterization of certain character.

2 Rosenhaim, JR, Edward W. What Happen in Literature. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1960). P. 79. 3 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) , op. cit. P. 50.


Characters are clearly different with characterization. If the characters are

all individuals or figures in the story, the characterization is the way how the

author shows the figures. The author displays those characters through several

images such as dialogue, behavior, movement, and so on.

1. Characterization Through Appearance

Because most film actors project certain qualities of character the minute

they appear on the screen, characterization in film has a great deal to do with

casting. A major aspect of film characterization is revealed visually and

instantaneously. Although some actors may be versatile enough to project

completely different qualities in different roles, most actors are not. The minute

we see most actors on the screen, we make certain assumptions about them

because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way

they move. Our first visual impression may be proven erroneous as the story

progresses, but it is certainly an important means of establishing character.

2. Characterization Through Dialogue

Characters in a fictional film naturally reveal a great deal about

themselves by what they say. But a great deal is also revealed by how they say it.

Their true thoughts, attitudes, and emotions can be revealed in subtle ways

through word choice and through the stress, pitch, and pause patterns of their

speech. Actors’ use of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular

dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their characters’ social and economic

level, educational background, and mental processes.


3. Characterization Through External Action

Although appearance is an important measure of a character’s

personality, appearances are often misleading. Perhaps the best reflections of

character are a person’s actions. It must be assumed, of course, that real characters

are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do what they do for a

purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality. Thus,

there should be a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions; the

actions should grow naturally out of the character’s personality.

4. Characterization Through Internal Action

There is an inner world of action that normally remains unseen and

unheard by even the most careful observer/listener. Yet the dimension of human

nature that this world embraces is often essential to a real understanding of a

character. Inner action occurs within characters’ minds and emotions and consists

of secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and

fantasies. People’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations can be as important to an

understanding of their character as any real achievement, and their fears and

insecurities can be more terrible to them than any real catastrophic failure.

5. Characterization Through Reactions of Other Characters

The way other characters view a person often serves as an excellent

means of characterization. Sometimes, a great deal of information about a

character is already provided through such means before the character first

appears on the screen.4

4 Ibid. pp. 50-53.


6. Characterization Through Contrast: Dramatic Foils

One of the most effective techniques of characterization is the use of foils

– contrasting characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical

appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters.

7. Characterization Through Caricature and Leitmotif

In order to etch a character quickly and deeply in our minds and

memories, actors often exaggerate or distort one or more dominant features or

personality traits. This device is called caricature (from the technique used in

cartooning). A similar means of characterization, leitmotif, is the repetition of a

single phrase or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark or theme

song for that character. Because it essentially exaggerates and emphasizes

(through repetition), such a device acts very much like caricature.

8. Characterization Through Choice of Name

One important method of characterization is the use of names possessing

appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. This technique is known

as name typing. Because a great deal of thought goes into the choice of names,

they should not be taken for granted but should be carefully examined for the

connotations they communicate. The connotations of some names, such as Dick

Tracy, are rather obvious and clear: Dick is slang for detective; Tracy derives

from the fact that detectives trace criminals.5

5 Ibid. pp. 54-57.


B. Feminism

Feminism is a theory, movement, epistemology, methodology and practices

which yearned the truth. The word feminism originated from the France word

feminism in the nineteenth century, either as a medical term to describe the

feminization of male body, or to describe women with masculine traits.6 It means

feminism is something which concerned with issue gender difference, advocate

equality for women, and campaign for women’s right and interest.

According to Soenarjati Djajanegara the prime aim of feminist movement

is “(…) meningkatkan kedudukan dan derajat perempuan agar sama atau sejajar

dengan kedudukan serta derajat laki-laki.” Thus feminism’s aim is to have equal

right and position between men and women. The main objective of feminism is to

encourage the idea that women and men are totally different in biology but have

the same position and right.7

The feminist movements’ impact is widely known since 1960’s, not only for

women, but also widely to all societies of America. Feminist movement creates an

awareness of the societies about the inferiority of women situation. Many arenas

of the society give a great supports to increase women’s status. The movements

itself can be divided into three waves.

The first wave of feminist movement began in the 19th century, precisely in

1848. In that year, a convention was held in Seneca Falls, USA. The convention

tried to declare another version of the Declaration of Independent, which did not

6 Jane Pilcher and Imelda Imelda. Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Study. Trown Br Idge. Wiltshire: The Cromwell Press Ltd. 2004. 7 Soenarjati Djajanegara. Kritik Sastra Feminis. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2003. P. 4.


represent the women aspiration that declared, ‘All men are created equal.’

Therefore, to bring the equality between men and women, the convention declare

another version; ‘All men and women are equal’. This event is the first bar of

feminist movement and noticed in history as women great rebellion.8 Then, in

1963’s, there is a second wave of feminist movement. This second wave

movement is born by the publishing of The Feminine Mystique, written by Betty

Friedan.9 The second wave of the feminist movement conveys specific objections;

to try fighting the sexual discrimination, sexual insulting and getting a fairer

house job description. Finally, the movement of feminist rises into the third wave,

as known as “the rebirth of feminism”10 Which gives a new formulation to bring a

new concept of life for women.

Furthermore, the feminist movement gives a new concept in women life.

The feminist movement has good impacts in the world that showed from United

Nation activities which made Women Decade in Copenhagen, Denmark and

conference in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. As a result it is many countries used

equality of right and obligation in each society, even men and women.

C. Feminist Film Criticism

Feminism is a social movement which has had an enormous impact on film

theory and criticism. Cinema is taken by feminists to be a cultural practice

representing myths about women and femininity, as well as about men and

8 Ibid. p. 1. 9 Ibid. p. 10. 10 Judith Pole and Ellen Levine. Rebirth of Feminism. New York: Quadrangle Books. 1971. P. 194


masculinity. Issues of representation and spectatorship are central to feminist film

theory and criticism. In the Rebirth of Feminist book, Haskell and Rosen said that

the early feminist criticism was directed at stereotypes of women, mostly in

Hollywood films. Suc as fixed and endlessly repeated images of women were

considered to be objectionable distortions which would have a negative impact on

the female spectator. Hence, the call for positive images of women in cinema. 11

Feminist film critics work to raise our consciousness about the negative

images of women in film in order to denaturalize these images, to expose them as

cultural constructs, not mirror reflections of the way women really are. The first

feminist film critics took a sociological approach to the subject. The sociological

approach greatly contributed to an awareness of how restricted images of women

film often were, but it was limited. Academic feminist critics, influenced by

Semiology, the study of how meaning is produced in communication systems

such as language, literature, and film, suggested a more sophisticated and nuanced

approach. For these critics, the argument that women are presented as negative

stereotypes or poor role models in film does not go far enough toward explaining

how Hollywood films reinforce the idea of women’s inferiority. What really

matters is not so much the type of woman the fictive character in the film

represents, but what she comes to signify within the whole textual system of the

film’s narrative.12

11 Anneke Smelik. Feminist Film Criticism. Accessed on August 05, 2010. 3:20 pm. 12 Marilyn Fabe , Closely watched film an introduction to the art narrative film technique, London: university of California press, 2004. P. 208.


Feminist film critics argue that the apparatus of the cinema extends and

intensifies an enduring tradition in Western art, a tradition which the art historian

John Berger sums up in his famous dictum: “Men act and women appear.” These

conventions of looking in film, which give activity to male characters and

passivity to female characters, are replicated on the level of a film’s plot. Male

characters are traditionally the heroes, the doers, the rescuers, or even the

psychotic killers, whereas the women are traditionally the hero’s reward, the

rescue or the victim.13

D. Deconstructive Criticism

Deconstruction is unthinkable without post-structuralism. Many of the

writers associated with post-structuralism14 are considered to have practiced

deconstruction.15 The same presuppositions are shared by both approaches. The

purpose of the present section is to out line the specific characteristic of a

deconstruction approaches to literary analysis. The nation of deconstruction is

indissolubly linked to the named by Jacques Derrida.

Deconstruction who described by Jacques Derrida is aim to show

inappropriate of logic or rhetoric between explicitly was mentioned and implicitly

hidden by text. Ferdinand de Sassure had explicitly made verbal language priority

to written one.

13. Ibid. p. 212. 14 Poststructuralism is the name for a movement in philosophy that began in the 1960s. It remains an influence not only in philosophy, but also in a wider set of subjects, including literature, politics, art, cultural criticisms, history and sociology. Accessed on Jan 19th 2011, 20:03 pm. 15 David Carter, Literary Theory, (Great Britain: Pocket Essentials, 2006), p. 109.


Language and writing are two distinct systems of signs; the second exists for the sole purpose of representing the first. The linguistic object is not both the written and the spoken forms of words; the spoken forms alone constitute the object. But the spoken word is so intimately bound to its written image that the latter manages to usurp the main role. People attach even more importance to the written image of a vocal sign than to the sign itself. A similar mistake would be in thinking that the more can be learned about someone by looking at his photograph than by viewing him directly (de Sassure: 24).16 Deconstruction is a philosophy applied to literary criticism, as well as to

criticism of the other arts, which began to gain popularity in the 1980s. The field

of deconstruction arose partially in reaction to the literary theories of

structuralism. Structuralism17 posited that when words could be understood within

the context of a society of readers, then one could point to the specific meaning of

a text.18 Structuralism is an ideology of substances, that us the structure itself.

Structural method was found by Sassure when he research language. Thus,

structuralism is identical with language. If the language seen in structural, it is

assumed that language exist because the system of differences, and the essences

of this system is binary opposition. It refers to two mutually exclusive terms such

signifier/signified, speech/writing, langue/parole. The concept is one of

underlying tenets of structuralism. Deconstruction criticism basically is a critique

of structuralism.

16 Melani Budianta (2002), op.cit. 44. 17 Structuralism is a method of analyzing phenomena, as in anthropology, linguistic, psychology or literature, chiefly characterized by contrasing the elemental structures of the phenomena in a system of binary opposition. (Accessed on Jan 19th 2011, 20:10 pm). 18 What is deconstruction?, (Accessed on Dec 28th 2010, 10:49 am)


Deconstruction is an approach, which rigorously pursues the meaning of a

text to the point of exposing the supposed contradictions and internal oppositions

upon which it is founded - showing that those foundations are irreducibly

complex, unstable, or impossible. Derrida shows that a text can be read as saying

quite different from what it appears to be saying, and that it may be reads as

carrying of significance or as saying many different things which are fundamental

at variance with, contradictory to and subversive of what maybe seen by criticism

as a single, stable ‘meaning’. Thus, a text may betray itself. Texts create only a

semblance of stable meaning. Where a text may appear to offer the reader options

(either/or), in fact, it offers not such choice (both/and), and remains ultimately

uncommitted, leaving the reader with no sense of closure.19 The kind of options

which text offers will often be in the form of apparent binary oppositions which

the text seems to distinguish.

In feminist theory which based on Sassure concept “signifier and signified”

meaning was produced by a different system. Correlates with this, we only know

the meaning of the word ‘woman’ by virtue of its contrast with the word ‘man’.

Related to this opposition between ‘man and woman’, deconstruction critic argues

that meaning is not oppositional in the way structuralisms assume. The feminism

critics borrow deconstruction techniques to integrate the phollocentrism tendency

in texts, discussing it, reversing it or finding out the alternative surpassing

dichotomy20 thinking approaches.

19 David Carter, op.cit, p. 111. 20 A dichotomy is a split into to part which is considered to be either contradictory or mutually exclusive. (Accessed on Jan 19 2011, 20:14 pm)


Furthermore, we can assume that dichotomy of signifier and signified in

structuralism of Sassurean, only utter one meaning. The words of ‘chair’ will

produce the concept of chair in readers thought. The figure Veronica Franco in A

Destiny of Her Own film will produce the concept woman as figure of woman’s

movement based on the directed, Marshal Herskovitz, perception. On contrary,

deconstruction sees that the language does not have stable meaning. As a result

the concept of ‘chair’ will change depends on the context. The figure Veronica

Franco in A Destiny of her own film can be seen in different point of view, besides




A. Character Analysis

The main character in this film named Veronica Franco. She comes from a

lower class family in Venice. Veronica was described as the lower class woman of

Venice in fifteenth century. The characteristic of Veronica Franco are complex. In

the beginning, Veronica is a simple woman who is a victim of circumstance and

environment. Before she is a courtesan, she was taught to be a passive woman,

and been a subject victim that occurred in her life.

This paper will focus on the development of Veronica’s characteristics

into feminist character. From the beginning, Veronica Franco is a usual woman

and always as a subject victim. Until her boyfriend cannot marry with her because

his marriage is determined by her parents. Actually, at that time, their marriage is

like a contract, and for Marco’s family that comes from the honor family must

marry with the woman in same class. Veronica broken heart and must fulfill her

family needs. So, she becomes a courtesan. Here, the writer would analyze the

main character which changed to be an educated woman, decisive, independent

woman, confidence, struggle and courageous.

In this film Veronica Franco is also described as an educated woman. It

is shown when other women embroider, she prefers to read the book (see picture



The picture captured on 0:03:08 described that Veronica was different

with other women who lived in patrialchal world in Venice on 1683; even Venice

was the richest one in Europe and women were treated like property; very few of

them were capable to read. What they did were only domestic chores just such as

when they ready get married, they were obligated only to stay of home and follow

whatever their husband wanted and Veronica was not one of them.

Veronica often absorbed in reading books. One time, her habit caused

Elena Franco, her aunt, to ask her to mind her manners, which she said that she

would be better for women. The dialogue below is captured on 0:06:40 and

described that Veronica has high spirit to further learning everything and she

believed that reading will lead her to know whatever she want to. She ignored her

aunt attention and warning, she keeps on reading, and only her mother or Paola

Franco who pay attention to her.

Elena Franco : Ladies have better things to do than

poison their minds with books.

Paola Franco : Such as.

Elena Franco : Such as minding their manners.

She likes writing a poem at the time she was falling in love with Marco.

She used it to describe her feeling. She also gets some opportunities to publish her

poem by Domenico Venier, Marco’s uncle.

Maffeo Venier dislike Veronica’s poem which is published by his uncle

and he is afraid of Veronica until he cuts Veronica’s book of poems with his

sword. Below are the quotations narrated by him.

Maffeo Venier : Honestly, I didn't think Uncle was still capable of getting it up. What did you do to him, to get him to publish this little pile of ditties? Won't give the time of day to his own flesh and blood. Marco Venier : She worked for it. Maffeo Venier : I'll bet she worked for it. What do you cost these days? Veronica Franco : If your prick is as limp as your verse, no price could purchase time enough. Domenico Venier : Just making a point, Cousin. Marco Venier : Very brave. What point would that be? Maffeo Venier : I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I apologize.

That dialogues captured on 0:46:23. The describes that Veronica is an

educated and excellent woman. She does not only read the book but also write

book. Veronica has been appreciated by others because of her ability, efforts and

her hard work.

In this film, Veronica’s appearance is visualized as a decisive woman; a

decisive woman who has and can show the ability to make quick decision. In

other words, a woman who is able to make quick decision for her own fate. In

patriarchal society, a woman has no excuses to decide what she really wants, only

men who have the authority to control everything.

Women duty is only at stay of home and follow whatever their husbands.

Veronica is not that kind; she is a decisive woman. We can see it when Veronica

decides to be a courtesan. Everything she wants to be in existence is only her


Veronica refuses her mother wish to be a courtesan, but later she decides to

be a courtesan and without her mother’s pressure. Veronica begins to learn how to

become a good courtesan such as how to clean her body from head to toe, how to

conducgood attitudet, how to walk, how to eat properly, how to converse with

other people until how to satisfy her partner’s sex. Paola Franco, her mother, acts

as professional trainer for her to learn how to be a good courtesan.

When Marco requests her back to him, Veronica finds one way or another

to avoid such request. She wants their relation to go no further beyond friendship,

and she states that she must give full attention and look after her family. (See

pictures below)


The picture describes that Veronica Franco firmly avoids Marco Venier.

She is different from other women who is dependent and afraid of missing her

boyfriend or her husband, she is not that kind of woman. Marco offers of

befraying her family, Veronica, once again refuses it.

Veronica Franco :”My affection can’t give you tonight. I must to defray like you.” Marco Venier :”I can defray your family.” Veronica Franco : ”No, no money between us.” Marco Venier : ”so, you want to life with this way?” Veronica Franco :”I haven’t no choice. It’s the life that

given to me.” And when Marco said to Veronica to make a confession that she uses the

black magic to save her life, she doesnot do it. Veronica make her decision. Here

is the quotation narrated by her.

Marco Venier :”You must save yourself.” Veronica Franco :”How?” MarcoVenier :” Confess whatever foolishness

they put before you... Veronica Franco :That I'm a witch? Marco Venier : What does it matter what you say? would

be saying it. There is no honor with fools like these.

Marco Venier : God will forgive you. Veronica Franco : If I give them my lie,

I give them my soul. I'll lose everything I ever was. My love, my words, my heart.

Marco Venier : But you would live. Veronica Franco :As someone else. Marco Venier : I've let you go too many times. Veronica Franco : I can't do it again. Marco Venier : There is no choice.

I'll never see you again.

From the dialogues above the writer analysis that Veronica confesses, but

she didn’t accept the blamed as witch. She confessed everything she has done.

She tried to be honest with herself and accept her destiny. The dialogue above

proves that Veronica Franco is a decisive woman and she also an honest woman.

Eventhough, she faces a big problem; the curch gives a verdict that she is a witch

and send her to prison, she chooses to be an honest woman and denny the curch’s


Veronica is not only a decisive woman, but also an independent woman; it

is clearly shown After Veronica has become a courtesan; she also has a sense of

strong confidence in herself. She gets her confidence after her relationship is cut

off and she felt broken; she has strong confidence becoming courtesan. She

refused Marco Venier who booked her up. She would not be too confident.

Marco Venier : ” We are so alike, you and me”. We both know that love is inconvenient. if not impossible. So why not enjoy what little. we're allowed together? Veronica Franco : “I'm all booked up”.

(disk 1, 0:35:25) The quotations above describes that Veronica Franco has a strong

confidence and she can refuse Marco Venier, the man of whom she is in love

with. Again, it is one prove that Veronica is an independent woman.

When she makes decision, she also has self-confident. Although she was

blamed of using the black magic, but she still gives her answer confidently and

follows her own judgment. The statement below captured on 0:30:19 on disk two.

Maffeo Venier :”For each you learned his unique favored touch... ...and enchanted him to believe he was the only man in the universe. How many per week”. Veronica Franco :”I told you. I enchanted no one”.

The statements above show that Veronica was very independent. She

answered, calmly whatever the jury asked her. Veronica was also a woman who

did things resolutely; it was shown in the beginning. Veronica was an indulgent

woman who knew only about happy life. But, after she became a courtesan, she

began to be a mature woman. She began to learn her life and grew as an adult

woman. She could solve all her problems by herself. We can see of her maturity

in the end of the play where Veronica clearly, bravely and honestly told the truth

about herself. She was not crying at all, but solving all her problems toughly.

Veronica Franco ”I don’t pain my live. Such surrender is be mine.”

After Marco broke their love, Veronica tried to improve her life. She tried

to forget Marco, and by helping from her mother, she becomes a courtesan.

Veronica was struggling to learn everything which are needed to be a courtesan;

How to eat, how to walk, to read, to satisfy man’s desire.

Paola Franco :“the first secret of the high courtesan is you must know the satisfaction to give the satisfaction. A beauty was a big supremacy that given God.” “The high was the power of women and man. The way to walk was giving good impression in the first sight….”

Veronica got the proper life to be the courtesan. She even loves being a

courtesan when her mother tells her that she can go to the library to educate

herself, because a courtesan ia a well-educated woman in the world.

Veronica Franco :“we forbade to enter it, mother.” Paola Franco :“The good women, can’t, but for the courtesan, yes.”

“a courtesan was one of the educated woman in the world.”

From the beginning, Veronica was very struggle to have a good life since

she is a poor woman.

Courageous is the ability to control fear when facing any danger, pain and

opposition. In additional, courageous also means the ability to give opinion and be

brave in facing risks. Veronica is courageous to speak out all the right things in

her mind.

When Veronica was blamed that she used the black magic to conquer all

men in Venice, she courageously speak out and elefend herself .

Veronica Franco : I confess I find more ecstasy in passion than in prayer. I confess... I confess I pray still... feel the touch of my lover's lips... ...his hands upon me... ...his arms enfolding me. The judge :Veronica, stop!

Her courageous being her freedom and she is finally release.

B. The Deconstruction of Veronica’s Feminist Characteristic

Veronica Franco’s character in A Destiny of Her Own film is a source text

which the writer tries to divide it into some part of analyzing to point out how the

sheer problems in certain part. In this case, the writer focuses her analysis only on

Veronica’s character in respect of her independent and good education qualities.

From this, the writer would like direct her discussion that will lead to different


Veronica Franco is a very independent young woman. In A Destiny of Her

Own film it is clearly shown that she is not dependent to any man as generally

other women are; an unmarried woman is some extent dependent to either her

father or brother and she is not in that category.

Paola Franco : But your father... ...drank away your dowry. Your brother must buy his posting. And I am too old. (Disk one, 0:17:48). In that situation, her mother indirectly asks her to pay for all her family

expenditure. Paola Franco, “It is you ...who must support us now” (disk one,

0:17:57). Veronica decides to follow her mother’s suggestion to bear all her

family’s expenses by being a mistress.

However, the writer does not discuss further Veronica’s characters as an

independent and decisive young woman who is different from common other

women by then; obedient and powerless. We would easily note this by reading the

text once again; we will easily find her contrasting characteristic.

When Veronica sees that her relation with Marco Venier only a quite

slim possibility due to their different social status—she only belongs to a lower

class compared to that of Marco Venier— she finally decides to be a courtesan.

Marco Venier : I must marry... ...according to my station and my family's wealth. My marriage must be a marriage of state.

(Disk one, 0:15:25).

According to her mind that only by this way, becoming a courtesan,

may enable her to live together with Marco Venier. At first, Veronica keeps

refusing Marco, and seems to have no interest in him, but finally, Veronica sets

her mind to abandon her courtesan status as suggested by Marco Venier. Marco

Venier, “Stay with me for as long as we have” (disk two, 0:04:00). Veronica

leaves her status as a mistress and cancels appointment from those who have

booked her. Franco, “Cancel my appointments, please” (disk two, 0:04:30).

Below the pictures when Veronica is no longer being a mistress.

0:04:24 0:04:30

The picture above displays the situation when Veronica returns the coins

she has received from one of her guests. The other accompanying picture taken at

0:04:30 portrayed the situation when Veronica requests her guests to cancel all

appointments to book her. Veronica doesnot only leave her courtesan status but

also return everything which she has received from everyone who has ever

booked her. From the picture and text above, it turns out that Veronica remains to

be dependent and obedient to Marco Venier. It is quite unexpectedly and contrary

what has been stated previously her being independent, when she is a courtesan

she also depends on man–guests—on their money to book her by using her

beauty. Paola Franco, “Beauty is manifestation of the divine” (disk one,


Veronica stated that she has no other alternatives while she has to bear all

of her family’s expenditure. Veronica Franco, “I have no choice. This is the life I

was given” (disk two, 0:00:37). In the clause ‘I have no choice’ indicated that

‘being a mistress’ is not the choice of her own heart; it is because her family’s

condition that has urged her to becomes a mistress.

Furthermore, the writer specifies the other side of Veronica’s quality, her

decisive. It is obvious in the previous analysis that Veronica is somewhat different

from other women in her days. In patriarchal society, a woman has no excuses to

decide what she really wants, being men and only men who have the authority to

control everything.

In these film visuals, there are some points of her decisive that raise

question. She something doesnot make decision by herself. Veronica becomes a

courtesan by her mother’s order although at the first time she refuses her mother’s

order. Paola Franco,”...who must support us now .Look at these hands. Soft. Too

soft, for a scullery maid, or working the winery (disk one, 17:55:00). She becomes

a courtesan to fulfill their family needs. Here,it is clearl that Veronica is following

other wants.

Furthermore, when Veronica leaves as a courtesan, she doesnot make

her decision by herself. There is another person that influenced her decision, that

is Marco Venier. Marco Venier asks Veronica to leave her as a courtesan and to

start living with him. Marco Venier, “Stay with me for as long as we have” (disk

two, 0:04:00). Veronica accepts Marco Venier’s order to leave her status.

Moreover, Veronica cancels all other appointment with men. Veronica follows

whatever Marco Venier suggests and wants. The explanation above shows that

Veronica has a different character from the previous one.

From the analysis above we get the result that Veronica changes into new

characteristic of Veronica is not a fully decisive and independent woman.

Although she appears different different from other girls, seems to know what she

wants, it is her mother and her boyfriend who drives her to do things. It is her

mother who makes Veronica to take a decisive to be a courtesan and it is arco who

makes Veronica to stop being courtesan.




A. Conclusion

In this research, the writer analyzes the main female character in A Destiny

of Her Own. Taken in Venice in the year of 1683 tells the story of the life of

Veronica being a poor woman in a patriarchal society.

This film displays various kinds of characteristics of veronica: having

profer education, good in making decision, independent, confident and courage.

Good education is proven by her love of reading books more than embroidery

work; good decision and her independency is displayed when she makes her mind

to became a courtesan while her courage is shown she sharply expressed her

status that she is not at all a witch as is suspected.

However, the writer finds out that Veronica is not real independent young

woman; it is proven that she depends on men to feed herself and her family. When

she decides to stop being courtesan she continue her dependence to Marco. In

respect of decisive, when Veronica decided to become and leave courtesan it is no

really her decision.

B. Suggestion

In analyzing film, it is always interesting for the writer to explore the film,

all aspect of film; sound, character, dialogue, visual form etc, because there are

thousands of ideas and massage that share through the film.


The researcher should use the appropriate theory or approach in order to

have comprehension of the film it self. In this thesis, the writer uses theory

deconstruction viewed from Jacques Derrida concept to reveal the main

character’s deconstruct in A Destiny of Her Own film by using another approach

or theory in analyzing it, and they can focus on the some aspects in the film that

the writer doesn’t analyze yet to get broader comprehension of the film.


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