Covid - NET

Post on 15-Mar-2023

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Transcript of Covid - NET

Covid -19

Some reflections and comments

on the way that the global

pandemic had an effect on

pupils from these four schools.

‘A snapshot in time 2020’

The German pupils returned to school sooner than some others

in the spring/ early summer

What the children said about lockdown time

• It was boring at home.

• I was so sad that I couldn't see my friends.

• I was angry that I couldn't go outside.

• The worst thing was that playgrounds were closed.

• My parents fought a lot. That was bad!

• The work was too much.

• The work was too few.

• I wished we hadn't had to work for school.

• I was really really happy when I heard the school is going

to open again.

• I was frustrated that there were coming new working

materials every week.

• It was nice to have so much free time. I didn't have to go

to bed early.

• I missed my sports (horse riding, playing football, ...)

• I missed the Bundesliga-games.

• I was able to sleep long every day.

• We had a good time having trips together with the

family for example we rowed on the river Lahn.

• I went to live with my aunt for three weeks. She speaks

better German than my parents and helped me with my

school work.

• I missed meeting with my friends.

• I couldn't meet my family (grandparents).

• Masks and having to wait in front of shops is awful.

• I fought a lot with my siblings and parents.

• I was able to read the whole day - and night. That was


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What the parents said about lockdown time

• I'm exhausted!

• The time at home (working plus homeschooling)

overcharged me completely. Even if I had the possibility

to work from home (home office)

• Being a teacher would be no job for me I'm not as

relaxed and patient as you need to be. I salute you for

how you manage a day with so many children - and

stay calm!

• When the children received the first workload, it was too

much and too unstructured. But when they received the

weekly working plans it was better.

• We appreciate the time at home together as a family.

• It is exhausting to manage job and school work.

• We gave up forcing our little child to work for school

every day. We are happy for each day when it leaves his

older siblings alone that they can do their work for


• We are happy and thankful for what the school,

headmistress and teachers do for us in this difficult times

• Our child's motivation is shrinking every day.

• My child tells me I'm not as nice as her teachers are.

• Sometimes the working materials came late. That's not


Feelings during the lockdown in La Asunción School, Cáceres, Spain

During this time i felt very strange, i didn’t expect to live something like this. I miss travel a lot, to be able to go out and see my friends. The truth is that i had thousands of things that i wanted to do this year and they’ve all been ruined, it’s very sad what’s happening right now, but we have to know how to deal with it, in a short period of time normality will return. Mauro Anes In this pandemic I’m feeling bad, because in this situation is very complicate because we unknown the situation the people is in other house and is very bad. The pandemic is for a virus, coronavirus. Candela Arroyo

This situation has been somewhat difficult for everyone, no one imagined that we would be in the house for two months without being able to go out because of a new virus, and even less that this virus would cause a pandemic. This quarantine for me has been somewhat rare, since I am used to being on the street, seeing my friends every day and going to school, although in truth I have not had a particularly bad time. Online classes have not been particularly difficult for me although I have greatly missed my classmates. María Bazaga

The first days of the quarantine I felt so bored because I could not hang out with my friends. But at the third day of the lockdown I made a schedule to have more time to spend in my favorite activity, which is write. A few days later after recovering my phone, I talk with some friends by skype and I felt so happy to see them again.Two months later, the govern allowed the walks with schedules. The first time I hang out with my mom when the walks where allowed, I joined that hour as never before, so a felt so happy. The classes didn´t stop and we had a lot of homework and exams. Now, I feel happy because we can hang out with our friends, but only with a few. Santiago Bernal I am sad for not view my friends, i don’t play the hobbies liked. I live in the country of my granfhather in the lockdown David Boyero

I am very disappointed in all this. For some parts it is good because you relate more to your family and if you know how to use technology it can go very well, in addition to that you can socialize with your friends through social networks and the bad part is that there are people who do not respect others and they go of powerful believing that no one locks him up Juan Bravo

During confinement, I have had many emotions. At first, I felt a little lonely without my friends, since I miss them so much. Until I realized what we can do with technology: I make many video calls with my friends and my family (uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.), since

they did not live with me. We also started to make video conferences with the teachers already teaching.

Now is the end of the course, a unique and unrepeatable course that I will remember all my life.

Heliodoro del Campo Barriga

During the quarantine I have been very bored, but I have had a good time, at the same time, because I spoke every day with my friends and I have spent a long period of time with my family and it has been 2 months in which we have played many things and I wasn't bored all day thanks to my family. The teachers have sent us a lot of homework, and sometimes I got stressed and I didn't want to do them, but, with the help of my brothers, I managed to do everything. Now it is much more fun, because I can meet friends and go outside and see my grandparents, even if it is from the door, because we cannot enter. On the 17th the school is finished, and I really want to, because that way I can get up late and do what I want in the mornings. And also, on the 20th the pools will open and even with limited capacity and limited time, I will not I'm going to think twice and I'm going to dive head first into the water. And so far my thoughts on quarantine. I hope that during this de-escalation, everything goes better and we can return to normal. Rocío Candela

Children’s reflections on lockdown

At Blewbury, we opened the school to more children on 3rd June.

To give them the chance to reflect on their time in lockdown, we went on

Talking Walks. We were working in Bubbles, so I chose two children at a


The three of us walked, sat and chatted, either in the wood of the Wild

Area, or in the Biodome.

Here are some of the children’s thoughts and impressions.

• I really liked:

getting to stay in my room, alone, drawing, all day.

playing in a very deep swimming pool.

swimming, in my pool, splashing was the best fun.

losing my tooth. It really was great, as no one knew at school, so when I

came back, it was a surprise for everyone!

having lots of time, to play Spiderman, on my Play Station. I got lots of

new skins.

a spider game, which is really scary, the spiders jump out at you. You

play it with lots of people, but they’re far away.

doing some fun home-learning activities, like games on the computer.

making books, with my friends, one drawing, and the other writing.

Playing computer games (Lego, Minecraft). We made ourselves into

creatures, with panther eyes and big smiles. People liked us.

collecting cards, lots of fighting cards.

choosing a new kitchen, we could all choose, because we were at home

a lot.

my new, bigger bike.

seeing my Gran, in her garden. We had to walk round the side of the

house, not through it.

staying with my Dad. It was good to see him, I don’t see him much


seeing my Uncle, for longer, he was staying with us.

going to the park, I could wave to my friends, when they were there too.

playing at the Play Close, my friends live in the houses around it, so we

could play with lots of space around.

it, when a huge package arrived, with a 10 foot swimming pool in it.

That was so exciting, the best bit ever!

focusing on the garden.

• I noticed:

more mice, rats and other creatures.

birds singing, lots of different ones, I don’t know all their names. I saw

Red Kites.

my plants growing, I have planted cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. I

have to water them a lot, like we did here (Biodome), last week.

lots of things in the sky, but there are more now, look up there.

our blueberries growing. There are loads of them on our bushes.

lots of people running, and being more active, maybe because of Jo


• I learnt:

how to grow fruit and vegetables.

how to tie my shoelaces.

how to ride a bigger bike.

some harder Maths.

how to socially distance.

how to value the NHS.

• I tried:

eating Kito. I actually liked it (Child A).

eating beetroot. I don’t like it. (Child B).

• I found it hard, when:

I couldn’t hug my Gran-it made me sad.

I went to my Grandparents and not being able to hug, it was very


we couldn’t touch people.

we had to decide, which relative to visit, it was very hard to choose.

when we couldn’t do sleepovers.

some of the home-learning work was too easy.

it was getting quite boring.

home-learning was much harder than at school. The Maths was really


my sister, who is much older than me splashed me with her feet, in the

swimming pool, you get much more splashed with feet!

I had to share a bathroom, with all my big brothers; they were all

home at once and they all take 5 HOURS, to get ready!

we were all stuck in the house together.

people stopped clapping, (on Thursday evenings); maybe they started

going to the shops, instead.

people started breaking rules, picking up food in the supermarket and

putting it back on the shelf, without buying it. That leaves germs on

the fruit, for other people.

The Dutch children wrote and drew about the way that their summer vacations were different from normal.

Because of corona I could not go on vacation abroad, so I

did not leave with my father. but I went with my mother to

Flevoland! It was super fun. But it was a bit crowded as we

went with 7. For the rest I have not done much. but with

my father I slept in a tent in the backyard for a long time!

that was really nice!

The vacation was verry weird. I was supossed to go to America, but that

was canceled because of corona. I was really looking forward to America,

but because of corona it was canceled and i was quite sad. We eventually

went on vacation, but that was no longer as cool as going to America. We

eventually went to France and Drenthe. In France we had been in

Normandy by the sea. And in Drenthe we went to horses and germany.

And we also swam in a lake there. Me and my bff have also played and

stayed a lot togheter. I also went to the fair and was there in a very nice

attraction. That was my vacation.

I didn't go on vacation because we just had a new

house. We did go out for days. for example: to

walibi, hellendoorn and to friesland. The other days

I enjoyed myself, because we also had kittens.

They are really cute. I also went gaming again.

In the corona time i was just yelling couse i dident need to go to school but like

after 2 months i startet wanna go to school but finnaly we were getting

homework so we have to do something. still i dident have much to do cant play

with friends need to be inside the much i can it was

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.

I will actually go to America but that was not due to corona. So I went to

Noordwijk aan zee and to the city canal. We first went to Noordwijk aan

zee there it was very cold so we could not lie by the sea. That was really

stupid. when we went to city canal, nothing special happened there.

my holiday was a bit different because of corona i went to the campong

with my mother and grandpa and grandma there we would normally do

fun activity but it did not go through with my father we would go on

holiday but that will not happen that was my vacation bye

my vacation in corona was i was able to keep my work at work, but i

couldn't always get it done. when i had finished my work i went to watch

netflix. because I was not allowed to go out and my phone was broken.That

was a pity.I was happy that I could go to school again and could see some

of my friends again, unfortunately not everyone.But it is better than

nothing. by

Hello gays

i not

I have not been on a vacation

Because my mother

because she was a little scared

For vacation

but we stayed do go

away for days

Well in The


for example,


but otherwise at


but that's what i did

during the holidays was one of my most boring


Hi Andy,

How are things now that Corona is everywhere?

It's fine, but it's boring at times. I can't play hockey and music. That's not


I also do my work at home, but then I sleep well

I think the work is boring. but I think it's pretty easy

Fortunately, it is warm outside and we can play and work outside

I also sometimes play with my best friend Linde. That's nice

I was also sick during corona, but I did not have corona at the time. But I

was very nauseous and had a headache.

Well now i'm curious how you are doing.

Greetings Noëlle

my summervacation

My summer vacation was fun and it went as follows:First my father went

away 1 week in Limburg.

Then I went to Amsterdam 5 days.

And then i go 1 week to nunspeet my summer vacation was very different

because of corona.

Actually the only friend I really played with a lot was Tomas.

And for the rest my vacation was just a bit of gaming,eat and a little bit chill

hello this is how my vacation in corona was.

everyone knows corona by now. when the school closed i thought it was a

shame but also fun. like that i have discovered a new hobby hobbyhorsing.

it took some getting used to that your class friend no longer soft. but the

teacher i like when i had to make a dictation, for exampel i was lucky that i

cen settle well at home. and that averyone could work somewhere alse.

and i thought it was very separate. how was your holiday in corona.

My holiday how did it look like?

my school day ended in grade seven and i went home feeling holiday! I was

happy that i have holiday. I went on holiday with my family and dog. We

are going to Zeeland and Ommen three weeks. In Zeeland there was an

animation team that we did go to. We also going to the beach. But because

of corona there was much less to do and dat was a shame. After a week

and a half we drife to the camping in Ommen. My grandmother and

grandfather and my aunt and ucle stood in Ommen, so we are there al lot.

There was also an animation team there and dat was great because we

went there ty dyen. In Ommen there was also a very nice weekend with all

sprinkles. We are there a lot of time. The best sprinkles are the water slide.

Then that weekend my other aunt an uncle came and it was great fun.

Then we went home and when we went my sister and i were allowed to sit

on the trailer tent until the end of the camping. When we got home we

were very bored. Because there is nothing to do with corona. There ended

the holiday

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so I had been to Ameland there was not much different than normal

because of corona there was a lot different because we wanted to stay 10

days and it became 2 that was due to my grandfather and we went home

again because he was doing badly 2 days afterwards to a wet hour

playground with water and a cursed mud slide

Hi, my name is Bo and I'm going to tell you about my vacation.

Well let me start. At first we just stayed at home for 1 week. So there is not

much to say about that. The 2nd week there were 2 guest ponies with my

grandfather and grandmother. For three weeks! Of course we are riding

every day of the 2nd week. The 3rd week we went to Italy and then we had

a lake very close. And there we had made a friend and the 2nd day there

we went to find out where she lived or was on vacation, we searched all

over the street. Because that morning we saw her walking down the same

street to the lake. So when we found the house it turned out to be our

neighbor. It was quite difficult to communicate, because she was Italian.

But we did it. It was great fun and I thought it was really stupid when we

had to leave. Anyway we still had the ponies with grandpa and grandma,

we were really happy when we were back in the 4th week we went back to

grandpa and grandma to go horse riding. And it was really fun. I was really

up sad when the ponies are going. But the 5th week where went to

Bloemendaal and my sister and i thought that were never in a week gonna

make friends. But we did. And many love problems with our friends. And

when the the week is over, we sit at home for the last week. Or should I

say we were in the pool that week and that was my vacation

Vacation during the Corona time

The vacation time during corona was weird, it was vacation, but we

cannot go anywhere. And when my mom went to the supermarket

she had to go alone, she had to stick to five feet, and if she forgot

something while she was in the store, she couldn't go back. The

vacation during the Corona time was sometimes boring. My birthday

and my sis birthday were also during that time. Only my mom, my

dad, and my sis with my cats where there. But after all it wasn’t a big

problem, it was kind of a relaxing vacation because we couldn’t go


summer vacation

hello I am Casper(12), my vacation was great fun!

it all started with Andy(10), he askedme to if I want to go on holiday with

him. and I said YES !!!!! OF COURSE!!! and then we went to a campsite and

its name was veluwe beach bath and we go there TWO WEEKS and believe

me it was super fun. there were a lot of children and Andy and I were

almost all friends with it and that was great fun too. we also had a friend

who loved fishing just as much as I did so the three of us had just collected

a cross from his house and then we caught a fish the size of my


More from Spain.

For me, the quarantine has been a bit boring, well at first when you couldn't go out for absolutely nothing good, just go shopping or take the dog out, but my parents wouldn't let me take the dog out because this quarantine had a lot of things that the minors could not do but I understood that I could not go out, although the least and when I say the least is less I liked it was that I could not spend the whole afternoon in the patio that we have with my dog because as there were animals that had coronaviruses I would But the coronavirus not only brought bad things, I do not know the boredom of all of Spain, according to me it is not so bad (well yes) I have said it because thanks to the confinement I have been able to get to draw and well I have drawn so much that I have I finish my favorite watercolors although I don't understand why I like them so much if they only have four colors, I suppose that is why I create the exact color that I want obviously it has not been the only thing I have done, I have also learned to play the organ one that was in my room since I have reason and well I still do not know much but if when I learn I like it maybe I will have a piano but first I will see if I Like, apart also during the confinement I realized that the place where I am less I am from my house is my room if as you read it (I know it is as you hear it but as it is written it makes more sense as you read it) and it seemed to me that it should spend more time in eya that I only use it to sleep and order it according to I am not well so I decided to spend a whole day in it good at meal times not the only thing I ate ayi was a juice but well at that time not only I heard my parents say but you are confining yourself in a confinement and as it was true because I did not deny it, basically what I did was to order in the morning (it was Sunday) and in the afternoon to paint make video calls and find in a huge drawer where are my teddy the organ but had no batteries when my twelve

hours in the room, yes, I know that one day lasts 24 hours, but it is that if my sister came to disturb and we ended up in a chase all over the house, what if Maria helps to place the purchase while we wash it? video call with the family in conclusion of a whole day nothing but I realized something that without me in this house are nothing thanks to my many speeches have ended in laughter in fact once when you could already go to the houses of the others my uncle came and they began to argue and my father and I are ruining the family time we have not seen each other for months and you use them to fight (my family stayed in schok) then we laughed a lot . Obviously in the confinement there is no existing person who has not made at least 1 video call I have made with my family and friends at the beginning every afternoon Rebecca and I made video calls but the phone began to fail and now by a miracle we talked but well too I have made a video call with my family, although with the person who has made the most video calls from my family is my cousin ale, she is my age, therefore we are fingernails, so to speak, we are the most bichas of the family, she always goes with us. Candela Ale's little sister is six years old in the mischief that we only help when she wants, but hey, we're talking about video calls, not who the family's biggest thing is with Ale. I make super fun video calls. We cook

together (well, through a swamp. ) we paint together we talk we clean and we play occasionally onine in specific roblox and well I could keep telling things about confinement but I assure you I would be reading

to late afternoon María Carmona

Ángela Carrasco

This quarantine I felt because we were in isolation and we

couldn't leave the house. I missed my friends and my

family too. I was also afraid because my mother is an

essential worker and she was at risk. But I also spent more

time with my family playing games during the lockdown. I

feel better now because I can see my other family

members and friends keeping social distance.

Álvaro Carretero

I've had a great time listening to the teachers and working. Elisabeth Carretero

I felt bored but in the end when I got used to it my routine was done because it was always the same but in the end I had a great time and in the end I even had fun Ignacio Collado We had to go home for two months due to a pandemic, it was unexpected. The most important thing for this to end is to have the vaccine and at the moment it takes a long time. Many people have died in this epidemic, lets hope it happens soon. Sofía Corbacho My name is Isabel, and in this time of quarantine and coronavirus, I have a little afraid of my familiars and my friends,since i was afraid that they would be infected with coronavirus,but luckily it has not happened.Now I am more happier that everything is improving :D :) byee ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Isabel Duchel

Hello, good afternoon, I will talk about my confinement. Well look it has been very strange, there have some cool moments, many other things that we have never done, for example I have made muffins that I have never done, we have been more family, but there have also been those moments of great boredom, and I have made much less many other things. África Frade

This global pandemic has helped me to reflect and spend more time alone. Sometimes it's okay to spend some time alone; but other times you get too bored because I can't think of anything I can do on my own, without anyone's help. At first it was all a little frustrating, so I couldn't get out. But then, with the de-escalate and things starting to normalize, it was better.The first few days I was going out for an hour with my mother for a walk; but I'm begin to be a little tired, so he just went out once in a while.Even when you could go out I

was not going to walk so much...😅

One of the few positive things I can get out of this quarantine is virtual school. Because you don't have to wear the uniform . That for me is super awkward and I don't like it. Also that you can choose what to do first, whether Language or Religion, math or English, E.F or Plastic... Etc. Also get up whenever you want. Let's be realistic, no student in the world is getting up at 8:00 . For example ,I get up every day between 9:00-9:30h. Attention, this does not mean that you can get up at 12.00. You don't have to get up at 8:00 , But don't go too far and get up at 12:00, take responsibility. I would like to say that thanks to this quarantine I have been able to spend time with family, but as my parents are bankers and have to "save" and help some companies, they are almost all day working. my father in the living room; and my mother in the studio. That's why I love Friday and Saturday nights, when we see a movie all together as a family. Well, I also

like those days because on Fridays we diner pizza 🍕 and on Saturdays we

ask for king burguer 🍔.

I think that in short this quarantine has been positive and negative for everyone. I'm looking forward to an interview in 10 years do us an interview in which we say that this experience was for us and that our future children are examined about the de-escalation in Spain

Rebeca García

In the pandemic, while we were all in quarantine. There was news of the symptoms, of people at high risk, that we would have to have a certain social distance. Sometimes I was overwhelmed, bored, or sad, but with video calls with friends and family, I felt better. And now in the de-escalation, although things are improving, we continue to have those measures and many more, with the difference that we can already see our loved ones and little by little return to normality, the truth is that now I feel much better and happy that everything This is happening, that my loved ones are well and that in a while we have a vaccine. And that next year I can once again enjoy doing things with my classmates and going to a real school. María de Santos

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I have felt a little sad during the confinement because with all this it was something that saddens me but seeing my family who were all well gives me joy and I can make each day more bearable and the time passes faster and it is over so that we can return to normality. That is what I felt during the confinement.

And what I want is for people who are sick to get better and get back to living their lives as before. See you soon.

Clara Bravo

In the quarantine i do the homeworks of my school, and I have video calls with my english academy class. I do sport in my home with a application in my smartphone. When we can go out i ride my bike with my sister, and we meet the grandparents. In the weekend i play console games with my friends. Sometimes i was boring a lot because i can’t see my cousins and my friends. When i go out i put my mask. The quarantine has not gone as badly as i expected.

Jorge Fernández

In the confinement, at first as it was only 15 days, so y was decided to took it was a vacation, when it got longer I was feel bad, but in the second week our parents decide to surprise my sister and me and they gave us a German Sheperd named Thor. If it wasn’t for him, the confinement would have been fatal, but thanks to Thor I feel better. Lucía García

Ainara Gómez

I have enjoyed it a lot and I prefer to study from home Aitor Gómez Everything started in Wuhan when the virus started, the people thought the virus was only in this region but the COVID-19 affected all the countries. On a normal Thursday, when I went home after school, I was sitting on my chair, I heard that we needed to stay at home for 15 days. I thought: wow! That’s so difficult! So the school was closed. At first, I felt happy but when the days passed, the homeschooling was more difficult. In my opinion the days passed very fast. I never thought I would stay in my house for almost 100 days. The first week I felt good. But only a bit bored. When they said in the news that the lockdown was almost 15 days more I was very sad. A lot of days later in the 3rd or 4th week of lockdown the president gave permission to the children to walk with our parents, but respecting the security rules like:

1. Putting on the mask 2. Respecting the distance of 2 m 3. Not moving more than one hour 4. Not moving more than 1km 5. Not touching anything

When things got better, in Spain all the provinces were in different phases to come back to normal life. Now Spain is in the 3rd one. In the quarantine I felt good but a little bored. I have realized that we have to pass more time with our families because the family is the most important part of our lives and we have to take advantage of it. EVERYTHING PASSES VERY FAST! Clara Gómez

When i was in my house i feel that ,is so boring .All the days in the same place , i think that are people says ¡hurray summertime! but no , it's not summer, it’s not happiest situation in the world , it is sad cold and bad . Day by day i have in confinement a routine this is: 1 breakfast 2 play the piano 3 do homework 4 a little break 5 play the piano 6 do sport 7 sleep. And now do you think bah , so easy... oh! it's so difficult all this things are depressing ,it’s like a prison! well that it´s all , so good bye . Diego Gutiérrez When i am in lockdown i´m feel very bad because i can´t meet with my friends and i have to see my brother all the day.But the lockdown have a lot of good things like i don´t have to go to the school and i can play videogames all the day Carlos Jiménez

I wasn’t boring when the coronavirus is in Spain, even if I wasn't bored why I have one brother. I alive in a house in Cáceres and I have a garage and we play a soccer,a tennis, a paddle … In my house we have many tables games and we watch the movies, we saw new Aladdin and Harry Potter and I loved it . I was boring a little until they let me out, the first day I went out with the bike but other days I didn't go but because I stayed in home. I don’t go out because I don't boring because we play in the garage. In the month of May and June we went fishing in Malpartida de Cáceres with my father, my brother and my grandfather. We went after the lunch. We fishing many fishes. I like very much. I will hope that they discover vaccine soon and we will go at school.

Álvaro Holgado

I get up at 9:30 in the morning an the first thing I do have breakfast and look at the tasks I have for today I do them and the time I have left until lunchtime seethe mobile after eating I study for a while And I play a video console for my cousin and my friends after I only watch TV with my family for a while and at 11 o'clock . The weekends is special days for not homework and no videoconferencia.

Rafael Jiménez

During the lockdown, I have felt many things, fear, stress... No one

imagined that this would happen, at least I, the pandemic became

serious, at least we expected it. When confined, most people were

frightened, knowing how long this lockdown would last and the fear of

spreading was global, especially older people were the ones who were

most afraid, because having fewer defenses, they were the most

common point of contagion. Looking out the window, you see a lot of

things, a desert neighborhood, shops with disinfectant at their

doorstep, and people on the balconies thinking about what will happen

to them, I have seen all that and more, because WFH by not being in

the face-to-face classes, most of the teachers and students like me,

we are stressed, since it is impossible to work , since there are so many

tasks to do, that you could even say, that we worked more than when

we went to class. A TOTAL MADNESS and with this I speak on behalf

of all the teachers and students that it is almost impossible for us to

stop seeing the computer or electronic device that you use, as far as

the coronavirus is concerned, we have all had to go through wearing

masks that leave you without oxygen, buy every two by three

disinfectants and above price, and not be able to hug any of our

relatives that we are waiting so long for all the children to embrace our

grandparents have been at risk, as it is the most common point of

contagion in the case of coronavirus and where we have been able to

communicate with them to say a simple HELLO, HOW ARE YOU ?, has

been for a video conference. This pandemic, has been a small lesson for

me, for people to take a little care and follow the security measures,

has been, as a stop in time that for the moment, for the duration of 5

months, that for many children assumed a great challenge, that we

have had to win, from my point of view, for adults , it has been, a real

marathon that they have had to win and on top of that with little food

because of what it is, and I think that grandparents and elders already

predicted the appearance of this lockdown and knew what would

happen, the doctors who have been taking care of everyone during the

pandemic, are the protagonists of this film that we have spent during

these months, for me, we have all given everything, and we deserve a

CONGRATULATION, for continuing together in this. We all

know, that losing a family member in this pandemic, unable to say goodb

hiye tom is very hard, but we all know, that person is not gone and

continues in heaven encouraging us to pass the lockdown, so this stop in

time, marathon or prediction we are passing together, and no one will

stop us until we destroy the cause , that's why we all united, WE GET

IT !!!

Angela Manteca moyano 6ºb So...I don’t have a very good experience, because my mom is doctor and she saw old the days a lot of people whit this disease and my father has to go to the hospital because he is sick. Don’t worry abaut this because he is in perfect state. So this is not too bad because we learn a lot of thinks. Like that we have to be very cautius and that we have to trust to help at home. And now that old the World changes and we have to be careful and is the best moment to see your friends and the persons of course you can see fulling the rules. So this is my experience and I jope you like it

A very big hug and by!!!👋🏽👋🏽 Ariadna Marcos

This time has been the rarest in the world, our grandparents told us (at least mine could but it was very small and if I told them I don't remember) that they survived the Second World War; Well, when we are the grandparents and the grandchildren ask us, we will say that we survived the coronavirus. Of course ... I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND MY BIRTHDAY LOCKED AT HOME !!!! The days become eternal, I think it is the first time that we have had enough of the play, the wii, (at least those who have it because I do not have either one) the mobile, the TV ... We can not meet friends and change from school to google classroom ... I had never missed school, but exams never !!! I want to go to Holland if the project comes out again and to see my great-aunt who, at 94 years old, has overcome the coronavirus and give her a huge hug, and my family in the village, Zafra's ... in short I WANT TO GO OUT TO NOT GO HOME !! If you didn't know me before now, yes. Elena Marroquín

I had a pretty good time, although I got pretty bored.During this time

I missed a lot to my grandparents, my cousins, my uncle, my friends,my

teachers. I spent very good time with my family, specially with my

sister. We sleep again together in the same room. The best moment of

the lockdown was when my parents bought me two Agapornis.

Vera Martín

1 weak- In the first day of the lockdown i feel very sad

2 weak- the second week i feel serius

3 weak - i feel any happy

4 weak - i feal happy

any weaks i feal happy Andrea Mirat

I was always very bored. All days the same. It

never changed. I got up, had breakfast, did my

homework, ate, watched TV, did my homework, had

dinner and went to the bed. On weekends I watched

YouTube videos. I wanted to go outside, and clear

my head of all my thoughts. When we could go

outside, I was very happy. That news was great. But

the virus is not gone.

Paula Reveriego

I ha

bought me two Agapornis. María Raquel Rico

During this time I felt strange because I didn't go to school and I

didn't see my friends. I don't like social distance and I feel strange

with facemask. My family didn't have any symptoms but my aunt,

who is a doctor, got sick. I'm very sad for the people have dead. I

hope they can find a vaccine soon.

Jorge Vicente

I had a pretty good time, bought me two Agapornis.

I had a pretty good time, bought me two Agapornis. Lucía Sánchez

This pandemic has been a bit boring because we have

not been able to leave the house and we could not see

our family and friends to avoid infections, in addition to

not being able to carry out our daily life as we normally

did, but the good thing is that we have been able to

spend more time with our parents and brothers. And

after being in QUARANTINE we are already in de-

escalation AND AFTER BEING a long time without going

out we can and we can also see our friends and family

keeping social distance because there are people who

are asymptomatic but still can spread. And now they

are looking for a vaccine to avoid infections and prevent

another outbreak

Celia Solís

This quarantine at first believed that it was going to be 1 week and already but after the state of alarm was decreed I saw that this was more serious than a flu later I felt that they were not going to put anything serious, nothing at all and that I was going to be on the phone all day but I was wrong, we started to eat a lot because I was getting bored so much internet then I discovered the series and I have been all the quarantine watching series and eating apart from Acer what they sent me from school and I think I have not done nothing else. When they already let go for a walk I went every day, but I got tired. When they stopped being in groups I already met with my friends and that is what I have been doing the quarantine. Andrea Vaquero

All of the work in this book contributed by Spanish and Dutch students is original to the way that they have written it in English and has purposefully not been corrected.

To finish some presentations from some Dutch children.

e stayed there for days and then we sailed to harlingen .

rom arlingen to edemblik and then back to the adden Sea

IDA In corona time

I go to Ameland!


e camped on ameland . there we

went to the sea almost every day and

we made a lot of new friends there !

e always camp in a very large tent.

Amsterdam In addition to only a week to Ameland, we also went to Amsterdam for a

weekend! e went there by train and bus. e spent the night in a hostel.

e went to three museums. icropia , the Tropical museum and emo

sciense museum.

I was often bored so I usually went

for a swim in the garden because

we had a pool in the garden!

Thank you to everyone from

• Blewbury C of E Primary School, England

• Colegio La Ascunción, Cáceres, Spain

• Christelijke Daltonschool Koningin Emma, Zwolle,


• Hans Alfred Keller- Schule,

Gemeinschaftsgrundeschule, Siegburg- Deichhaus,

Siegburg, Germany