Child labour

Post on 22-Jan-2023

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Transcript of Child labour

{\rtf1{\fonttbl {\f2 Times New Roman;} {\f3 Times New Roman Bold;} {\f4 Calibri Bold;} {\f5 Calibri Bold;} {\f6 Times New Roman Bold;} {\f7 Times New Roman;} {\f8 Times New Roman Bold;} {\f9 Times New Roman Italic;} {\f10 Times New Roman;} {\f11 Times New Roman;} {\f12 Times New Roman Italic;} {\f13 Times New Roman Bold Italic;} {\f14 Times New Roman;} {\f15 Times New Roman;} {\f16 Arial;} {\f17 Book Antiqua;} {\f18 Times New Roman;} {\f19 Times New Roman;} {\f1000000 Times New Roman;} }{\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0;

}\viewkind1\viewscale100\margl0\margr0\margt0\margb0\deftab80\dntblnsbdb\expshrtn\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg1}{\bkmkend Pg1}\par\pard\ql \li3206\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3206\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3206\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3206\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3206\sb259\sl-402\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex95 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs35 Child Labour in India:\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs35 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs35 An Overview \par\pard\ql \li5840\sb211\sl-241\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf4\f5\fs21 By \par\pard\ql \li4477\sb160\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 Gangabhushan M. Molankal\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 \u8727? \par\pard\ql \li5444\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5444\sb228\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27 Abstract \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb53\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Engaging children in any sort of work inhibits affects their fullest growth. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 Legislative provisions are formulated to prevent the menace of child labor. But the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 children are the most deprived section of population forced to earn a pittance or to \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 contribute to family work sacrificing personal development. Poverty coupled with rapidly \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 growing population, ignorance and increasing dependency load are behind the grim \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 incidence of children employment in the villages and towns of developing countries. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Though India is signatory of various international Conventions and Agreements, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 there is growing number of child labour in India. They work under very hazardous \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 conditions.\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Given the magnitude and complexity of the problem, this article is an attempt \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 to formulate integrated approach and various intervention strategies towards eradication \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 of the problem of child labour. \par\pard\ql \li5209\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5209\sb285\sl-310\

slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27Introduction \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1559\sb33\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Child labour is an integral part of labour force, especially in poor countries. These \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 childrenare the most deprived section of population forced to enter labour market at \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 tender age toearn a pittance or to contribute to family work, sacrificing personal \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 development. Povertycoupled with rapidly growing population, ignorance and increasing\line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 dependency load are behind thegrim incidence of children employment in the villages \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 and towns of developing countries. The exploitative structure, lopsided development, \par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri2420\sb208\sl-220\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs19\ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs18 \u8727?\ul0\nosupersub\cf10\f11\fs19 Faculty, Department of Social Work, Assam University, Silchar -788011, Assam, India. Email: \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 1

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1750\shptop13918\shpright4552\shpbottom13938\shpfhdr0\shpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz175\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn geoRight}{\sv 2802}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;5;(0,20);(2802,20);(2802,0);(0,0);(0,20)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;11;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;32768}}

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg2}{\bkmkend Pg2}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1561\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 iniquitous resource ownership with its correlation of large scale unemployment and \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 abject poverty have contributed towards increasing child labour among the countries\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 1\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 . \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb277\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Child labour hampers the normal physical, intellectual, emotional and moral \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 development of a child. Children who are in the growing process can permanently distort \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 or disable their bodies when they carry heavy loadsor are forced to adopt unnatural \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 positions at work for long hours. Children are morevulnerable because they are less \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 resistant to diseases and suffer more readily from chemical hazards and radiation than \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 adults. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb257\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 In India, child labouris not a new phenomenon. It has been in existence since \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 time immemorial in one form or the other and has been changing from time to time. With \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the advent of industrialisation and urbanization in the early 19\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 th\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 century, the factory and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 industry began taking the place of handicrafts. Agriculture became more mechanized. \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 This gave rise to landless labourers. Andconsequently, there was an unbroken stream of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 the rural poor migrating to urban centres in search of livelihood. Factory, on the other \line \up0 \

expndtw-3\charscalex100 hand, required cheap and plentiful labour. Children started being employed both on farms \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 and in factories because they provided a cheap and uncomplaining labour force as against \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 adults who could be more demanding and hence more difficult to handle (Gupta, 1979). \line\up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Children are preferred as they are not unionized, can be easily controlled, tortured, and \line \up0\expndtw-1\charscalex100 exploited without any fear of backlash. Moreover, children are better suited to jobs like \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 brick making, carpet weaving, and silk spinning etc. Their cheapness and remote \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 possibility of collective bargaining on their part makes them vulnerable and induced \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 producers to employ and exploit the child labour. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi758 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex109 The importance of education is neglected for the child and replaced with \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 necessity of providing food and shelter i.e. children work to supplement meager family \par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-340\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-340\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1579\sb210\sl-340\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 1\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23\ul0\nosupersub\cf11\f12\fs19 There are still many people in the world who are so poor that they often don\u8217?t have enough to eat each \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 day and suffer from hunger. People who are extremely poor are people who have less than US$ 1 a day \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 to live on. There are more than 1 billion people in the world who live on less than$ 1 a day. \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb235\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs232

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1750\shptop13329\shpright4552\shpbottom13349\shpfhdr0\shpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz139\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn geoRight}{\sv 2802}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\

sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;5;(0,20);(2802,20);(2802,0);(0,0);(0,20)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;11;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;32768}} {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg3}{\bkmkend Pg3}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1565\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 income or otherwise to help the family business. In doing so, they are being denied of \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 basic rights such as the right to education, to freedom from abuse, and to proper health. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex109 Therefore, there is a need to look the problem of child labour from a multi \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 dimensional aspect to understand and address the same in a society where the parents are \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 programmed to undermine the value of education, poverty persists and century old \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 traditions upheld. \par\pard\ql \li5100\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5100\sb285\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100\ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27 Policy Options \par\pard\ql \li1750\sb148\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf12\f13\fs23 Pre-independence Period: \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb21\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Several preventive measures have been initiated in India for regulating child \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 labour during the pre-independence period by enacting important legislations like The \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Indian Factory Act 1881\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 which defined\u8220?child\u8221? to be any young person below 12 years of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 age, and fixed the minimum and

maximum ages for employment at seven and twelve \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 respectively, and the hours of work at nine a day with an interval for rest of one hour, and \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 a weekly holiday. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb0\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 The insufficient protection of children and the failure to regulate women\u8217?s labour \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 were among the causes of the revival of agitation for the immediate amendment of the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 first Act, and the appointment of Factory Commissions in 1884 and1890. On the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 recommendations of theCommission, the Factories Act of 1881 was amended in 1891. \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 By this amendment, the definition of \u8220?child\u8221? became any person below 14 and the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 minimum and maximum age limit for employment of children were raised to 9 and 14 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 respectively, and their hours of work were limited to 7 a day. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-405\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 came into being\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 to prohibit the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 pledging of labour of children. The Act lays down that an agreement, oral or written, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 expressed or implied, made by parent or guardian ofchild in consideration of some \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100payment or benefit for causing or allowing the services of a child to be utilized in any \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 employment, shall be void \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 (Section-\up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 3). However, it is worth mentioning that an \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1560\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 agreement without detriment to the child and made in consideration of any benefit, other \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 than reasonable wages to be paid for the services of the child and terminable at not more \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 than a week\u8217?s notice will not be void. \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb138\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 3 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\

paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg4}{\bkmkend Pg4}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-401\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-401\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-401\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-401\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb144\sl-401\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 In consonance with the recommendations made by The Twenty Third Session of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 the International Labour Conference held in 1937, India passed the \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Employment of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 Children Act, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 1938.\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 The Act prohibits the employment of children who have not \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 completed 15 years of age in any occupation connected with the transport of passengers, \line \up0\expndtw0\charscalex100 goods or mails by railways; or connected with cinder picking, clearing of an ash pit or \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 building operation in the railway premises; or connected with the work in a catering \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 establishment at a railway station, involving the movement of the vendor or any other \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 employee of the establishment for one platform to another or into or out of the moving \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 train; or connected with the work relatingto the construction of railway station or with \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 any other work where such work is done inclose proximity or between the railway lines; \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 or connected with a port authority withinthe limits of any port [Section- 3(1)]. The Act \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 further prohibits the employment of children below \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 14 years of age in workshops \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb20\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 connected with beedi making, carpet weaving, cement manufacturing including bagging \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 of the cement, cloth painting, dyeing, weaving, manufacture of matches, explosives and \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 fireworks, mice cutting and splitting, shellac manufacture, soap manufacture, tanning and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 wool cleaning(Section- 3(3)). The penalty for the breach of the provisions of Act was \line \up0 \expndtw-

4\charscalex100 with a simple imprisonment up to one month or fine up to 500 or both (Section- 4). \par\pard\ql \li1750\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1750\sb249\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf12\f13\fs23 Post-independence Period: \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb8\sl-420\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 India\u8217?s commitment to children is clearly manifested in its Constitution wherein \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 several articles are incorporated dedicated to children, viz.:-\par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \u8226? Article 14\u8212?The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal\up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 protection of laws with in the territory of India. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1565\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \u8226? Article 15\u8212?TheState shall not discriminate against any citizen\u8230?\u8230?Nothing in this \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 Article shall prevent the State from making any special provisions for women and \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \u8226? Article 21\u8212?No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 to procedure established by law. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb17\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \u8226? Article 21 A\u8212?The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 the age of 6-14 years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine. \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb17\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 4 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg5}{\bkmkend Pg5}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 \u8226? Article 23\u8212?Traffic in human beings and \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 begar\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 and

other forms of forced labour are \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 prohibited and any contravention of this provision shall be an offence punishable in \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 accordance with the law. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1564\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0\expndtw0\charscalex105 \u8226? Article 24\u8212?No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb20\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \u8226? Article 45\u8212? The State shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 for all children until they complete the age of six years. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \u8226? Article 243G read with Schedule 11 - provide for institutionalization of child care by \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 seeking to entrust programmes of Women and Child Development to Panchayat (Item 25 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 of Schedule 11), apart from education(item 17), family welfare (item 25), health and \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 sanitation (item 23) and other items with a bearingon the welfare of children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Factories Act, 1948\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 prohibits the employment of child under 14 years of age \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 in factories (Section- 67). A child who has completed the age of 14 years is not permitted \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 to work in a factory for more than 4 hoursin any day (Section- 71(1) (a)). They should \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 not work at night i.e. twelve consecutive hours including the period from 10 P.M. to 6 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 A.M. (Section- 71(1) (b)). The period of work is to be limited to two shifts which should \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 not overlap and spread over more than five hours (Section- 71(2)). They should not be \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 employed in two separate factories on the same day (Section- 71(4)) \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-406\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Minimum Wages Act, 1948\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 provides for the fixation of minimum rates of wages in \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 certain employments which have been specified by

appropriate Government in the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 schedule of the Act. The Act made provisions for fixing minimum rates of wages for \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 adults, adolescents and children (Section- 3). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 According to \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 the Plantation Labour Act, 1951\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , a child (below 14 years) or an \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 adolescent between 15-18 yearscan not be employed for work unless he is certified fit \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 for work by a surgeon (Section- 26). The certificate of fitness is given by a certifying \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 surgeon who certified that the person being examined by him is fit to work as a child or \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 as an adolescent. This Act makes the provisions foreducation as the responsibility of the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 employer (Section- 14) and so is for housing (Section- 15) and medical (Section-10) and \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 recreational facilities (Section- 13) \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Mines Act, 1952\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 provides for some more stringent provisions. The Act \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 prohibits employment of persons (below 18 years) in any mine or part thereof (Section-\par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb135\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 5 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg6}{\bkmkend Pg6}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb130\sl-404\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 40) and also their presence in any part of the mine above ground where any operation \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 connected with or incidental to any mining operation is being carried out (Section-45). \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 The Act prescribes punishment of fine up to Rs. 500 in case of employment of persons\line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 below 18 years (Section- 68).For contravention of any other provision of the Act, there is \

line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 provision of imprisonment up tothree months or fine up to Rs. 1000 or both (Section-\line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 73). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 prohibits employment of children under 15 \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 years in a ship, except in a school ship or training ship; or in ship governed by family \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 members, or in a home trade ship of less than two hundred tons gross; or in a home trade \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 ship of less than two hundred tons gross; or where such person to be employed on \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 nominal wages and will be in the charge of his father or other adult near male relatives \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 (Section 109). \par\pard\ql \li2450\sb133\sl-264\slmult0\tx6419 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Motor Transport Workers Act, \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 1961\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 covers every motor transport \par\pard\ql \li1750\ri1562\sb22\sl-402\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 undertaking employing 5 or more persons. The Act prohibits employment of persons \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 under 14 years of age in any capacity in the motor transport undertaking (Section21). \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 covers all \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 industrial premises wherein any manufacturing process connected with making of beedi \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 or cigar or both is being, or is ordinarily carriedon with or without the aid of power. The \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Act prohibits the employment of children below 14 years in any such premises (Section \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex10024). The employment of young persons between 14 to 18 years are prohibited between \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 7P.M. to 6 A.M.\par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The National Policy for Children,\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 as adopted on 22\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 nd\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 August,

1974, stands as the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 basis of several national policies and programmes initiated in the last few decades to \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 address the varied needs of children, and is the policy frame for this plan. The policy laid \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 down that the State shall provide adequate services towards children, both before and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 after birth and during the growing stages for their full physical, mental and social \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 development. The policy emphasized the need for the measures of the balanced growth of \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 children; children shall be protected against neglect, cruelty and exploitation. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Government of India formed the first committee called \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Gurupadswamy \line\up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Committee in 1979 to study the issue of child labour and to suggest measures to tackle it. \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb21\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 6 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg7}{\bkmkend Pg7}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1561\sb101\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 The Committee examined the problemin detail and made some far-reaching \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 recommendations. It observed that as long as poverty continued, it would be difficult to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 totally eliminate child labour and hence, any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 would not be a practical proposition. The Committee felt that in the circumstances, the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 only alternative left was to ban child labour in hazardous areas and to regulate and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 ameliorate the conditions of work in otherareas. It recommended that a multiple policy \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 approach was required in dealing with the

problems of working children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1564\sb299\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Based on the recommendations of Gurupadaswamy Committee, \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 the Child Labour \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23was enacted.\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 The Act prohibits employment of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 children in certain specified hazardous occupations\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 2\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 and regulates the working conditions \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 in the jobs that it permitted, and put greater emphasis on health and safety standards. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 The \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 National Policy on Child Labour\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , was adopted in August 1987 contains the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 action plan for tackling the problem of child labour. It envisaged a legislative action plan \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 and convergence of general development programmes for benefiting children wherever \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 possible. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb279\sl-402\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 India was party to the Declaration adopted in the \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 World Summit for Children\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 held \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 in 1990 which adopted goals for the Member Countries to be achieved by 2000. India \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 acceded to the \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 on 11th Dec., 1992 to reiterate \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 its commitment to the cause of children. The objective of the Convention is to giveevery \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 child the right to survival and development in a healthy and congenial environment.\ul0\nosupersub\cf14\f15\fs20 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 is the guiding instrument for \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 implementing all rights for all children up to the age of 18 years. The rights of the child \line \up0 \expndtw0\

charscalex103 as articulated in the Constitution of India and theCRC should work in synchrony to \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 ensure all rights to all children. Building on these provisions and in recognition to India\u8217?s \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 commitment to the Millennium Development Goals and the World Fit for Children, the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 State shall work to progressively extend these guarantees and protections to all children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-220\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1585\sb49\sl-220\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs19\ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs18 2\ul0\nosupersub\cf10\f11\fs19 \ul0\nosupersub\cf11\f12\fs19 All occupations related to rail and road transport, bidi (cigarette) making, carpet weaving, cloth printing, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 dyeing and weaving, the manufacture of shellac matches, cement, soap, explosives and fireworks, mica \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 cutting and splitting, tanning, building and construction, factories, plantations and merchant shipping, \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 come under the banner of hazardous occupations. \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb180\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 7

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1750\shptop13708\shpright4552\shpbottom13728\shpfhdr0\shpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz221\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn geoRight}{\sv 2802}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;5;(0,20);(2802,20);(2802,0);(0,0);(0,20)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;11;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;32768}} {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg8}{\bkmkend Pg8}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\

slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1561\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Constitution (86th Amendment) Act\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 wasnotified on 13th December 2002, making \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 free and compulsory education a Fundamental Right for all children in the age group of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 6-14 years. \par\pard\ql \li2450\sb0\sl-264\slmult0\par\pard\ql\li2450\sb129\sl-264\slmult0\tx6039 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 A \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 National Charter for Children, \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 2003\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 emphasizes Government ofIndia\u8217?s \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb24\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 commitment to children\u8217?s rightto survival, health and nutrition, standard of living, play \line\up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 and leisure, early childhood care, education, protection of the girl child, equality, life and \line\up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 liberty, name and nationality, freedom of expression, freedom of association and peaceful \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 assembly, the right to a family and the right to be protected from economic exploitation. \par\pard\ql \li2450\sb133\sl-264\slmult0\tx7133 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 The \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 National Plan of Action for Children, \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 2005\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 emphasizes the role of \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb24\sl-400\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Government\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 to ensure all measures and an enabling environment for survival, growth, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 development and protection of all children, so that each child can realize his orher \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 inherent potential and grow up to be a healthy and productive citizen. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1564\sb0\sl-406\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 ICDS is being universalized with enhanced rate of assistance for nutrition. ITPA \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 is being amended tosave the girl child from trafficking and exploitation. \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Sarva Shiksha \up0 \expndtw-1\

charscalex100 Abhiyan \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 is being intensified to reach the goals. Rural Health Mission is another attempt \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 to cover better health services in rural areas. \par\pard\ql \li4411\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4411\sb260\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27 Incidence of Child Labour \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb54\sl-402\slmult0\fi699 \up0\expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 In spite of all the development and legislative measures taken to prevent and\line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 regulate, the incidence of child labour has been increasing in the country, including in the\line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 hazardous occupations. It is difficult to estimate how many children are actually working \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 because many work without pay in assisting their parents or are working for employers \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 that do not report it to the census.Studies indicate that the burden of household duties fall \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 largely upon the female child. Thereare jobs that may jeopardise a child\u8217?s psychological \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 and social growth more than physical growth. In rural areas girls are responsible for \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 looking after younger siblings, cooking, cleaning, fetching, and carrying, which releases \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 adults for productive work. Though a domestic job can involve relatively \u8216?light\u8217? work. \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 However, long hours of work, and the physical, psychological and sexual abuse to which \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the child domestic labourers are exposed make the work hazardous. Studies show that \par\pard\ql \li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10036\sb16\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 8 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg9}{\bkmkend Pg9}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1566\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 several domestic servants in India on

average work for twenty hours a day with small \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 intervals (Nazir Ahmad Shah). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb0\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 These children are engaged in the unorganised sector where the legislative \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 measures are not implemented. Because of the wide coverage and informal nature of the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 unorganised sector, monitoring the same becomes an obstacle. Varandani estimated that\line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 there were nearly 55 million children in India working as bonded labourers in agriculture, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 mining, brick-kilns, construction work, fishing activities, carpet weaving, fireworks,\line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 matches, glass moulding, bidi-making \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 (cigarettes), gem-cutting andpolishing work, \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 electroplating, dyeing, washing and domestic work. About 20 percent of these bonded \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 child labourers were sold to cover some small debtsobtained by their parents, usually for \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 some social celebration like a wedding in the family. (Varandani,G. p .42.) \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb277\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The study of Varanasi carpet industry corroborates it. The manufacturers, weavers \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 and other involved in the industry said that children had nimble fingers and keen eyesight \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 which are essential for accuracy. They will sit in same posture for hours at a time and, all \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 they have very little bargaining power. (Kanbargi, 1988). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1564\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 There arethousands of children who live and work in the city streets of India. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 According to a study conducted among the street children in the city of Chennai \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 (Madras), about 90% of them live with their parents in the streets. The same study also \line\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 revealed that the largest group of street children in Chennai work as coolies (22%). About \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb20\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 10.4% of them work in hotels (small restaurants and

snack bars), 9.6% do rag picking, \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 8% pull rickshaws, and 7.1% sell flowers. A smallerpercentage of children are employed \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 in other areas of work, including prostitution (0.3%). They work for 10-12 hours a day \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 and at the end of the day what they earn is barely enough for their survival. About 32% of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 them receive less than 100 rupees (about 2.5 U.S. dollars) per month as wages. (Joe \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Arimpoor, 1992) \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1563\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 A recent ILO report, in India about 80 percent of child labourers are employedin \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 agriculture and allied occupations. Studies also reveal that about 86 percent of bonded \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 labour is found in India\u8217?s agricultural sector\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 3\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 . They are also mostly the children of \par\pard\li1750\sb0\sl-218\slmult0\par\pard\li1750\sb205\sl-218\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs19\ul0\super\cf9\f10\fs18 3\ul0\nosupersub\cf10\f11\fs19 See "Nobody is free until everybody is free", \ul0\nosupersub\cf17\f18\fs19\ul Anti-slavery reporter\ul0\nosupersub\cf11\f12\fs19 , October\ul0\nosupersub\cf10\f11\fs19 1999, p.9.\par\pard\li1750\sb0\sl-264\slmult0\par\pard\li1750\sb173\sl-264\slmult0\fi8286 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 9

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1750\shptop14379\shpright4552\shpbottom14399\shpfhdr0\shpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz176\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn geoRight}{\sv 2802}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;5;(0,20);(2802,20);(2802,0);(0,0);(0,20)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;11;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;32768}} {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv

1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg10}{\bkmkend Pg10}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 parents who belong to scheduled castes and tribes. According to one study, there are \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 about 10 million bonded child labourers working as house servants in Indian families. \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 (UNICEF, 1999) \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1560\sb280\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Among some of the major factor responsible for the institution ofchild labour in \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 India, povertyranks first. Most of the child workers belong to poor, landless and semi-\line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 landless families whose income is otherwise insufficient to keep the family alive. The \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 children are, therefore, made to work to supplement the meager income of the family. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb0\sl-402\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Large private entrepreneurs with automatic machinesrender a large number of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 workers jobless. There is major expansion of the unprotected, unorganised labour force. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Unemployment among men, together with increased migration or desertion and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 alcoholism among men, has led to an increasing number of women and children joining \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 the labour force (World Bank, 1991). The disruption of food supplies, the destruction of \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 crops and agricultural infrastructures, the disintegration of families and communities, the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 displacementof populations and the destruction of educational and health services and of \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 water and sanitation systems, all lead to further exploitation of the vulnerable children. \par\pard\ql \li4566\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4566\sb223\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27 What needs to be done? \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb34\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \

up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Given the magnitude and complexity of the problem and the relative \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 ineffectiveness of the government, many non-government organizations and collaborative \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 efforts by the government and non-government agencies are becoming more prevalent in \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 recent years. Though many organizations are focusing on eradicating child labour by \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 mobilizing community participation for universal primary education, there isa common \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 attitude prevailing in our country to accept child labour as an unavoidable consequence of \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 poverty. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 There is a need to formulate a holistic, multi-pronged and concerted effort to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 tackle this problem. An integrated approach involving various strategies like poverty \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 eradication programmes, campaigns, budget advocacy, community action, engaging \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 institutions of governancefor the ultimate attainment of the desired goal. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1564\sb280\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 1. Poverty Eradication Programmes\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 : Poverty has an obvious relationship withchild \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 labour, and studies have "revealed a positive correlation - in some instances a strong one \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb209\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 10 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg11}{\bkmkend Pg11}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-404\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb130\sl-404\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 - between child labour and such factors as poverty" (Mehra-Kerpelman 1996, 8). With \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the growing gap between haves and have-nots, poverty eradication programmes occupy a \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 central position. Thepoor and needy should get their share in the development process.

\line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 There is need to create and implement pro-poor, inclusive policies with strong political \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 will. Caste is also an important determinant on child labour. When analyzing the caste \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 composition of child labourers Nangia \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex110 (1987) observes that, "if these figures are \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 compared with the caste structure of the country, it would be realised that a \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 comparatively higher proportion of scheduled caste children work at a younger age for \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 their own and their families\u8217? economic support" (p. 116). Scheduled caste (lower caste) \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 children tend to be pushed into child labour because of their family\u8217?s poverty. Nangia \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 (1987) goes on to state that in his study 63.74% ofchild labourers said that poverty was \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 the reason they worked (p. 174). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1559\sb278\sl-403\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 The combination of poverty and the lack of a socialsecurity network form the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 basis of the even harsher type of child labour. For the poor, there are few sources of bank \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100loans, governmental loans or other credit sources, and even if there are sources available, \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 few Indians living in poverty qualify. Here enters the local moneylender, for an average \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 oftwo thousand rupees, parents exchange their child\u8217?s labour to local moneylenders \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 (Human Rights Watch 1996, 17). Since the earnings of bonded child labourers are less \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 than the interest on the loans, these bonded children are forced to work, while interest on \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 their loansaccumulates. A bonded child can only be released after his/her parents make a \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 lump sum payment, which is extremely difficult for the poor (Human Rights Watch 1996, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 17). Even if bonded child labourers are released, "the same conditions of poverty that \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 caused the

initial debt can cause people to slip back into bondage" (International Labour \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Organization 1993, 12). \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb257\sl-404\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Even though poverty is cited as the major cause of child labour, it is not the only \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 determinant. Inadequate schools, lack of schools, or even the expense of schooling leaves\line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 some children with little elseto do but work. The attitudes of parents also contribute to \line\up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 child labour; some parents feel that children should work in order to develop skills useful \line\up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 in the job market, instead of takingadvantage of a formal education. This abhorred \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 practice is accepted as being necessary for poor families to earn an income. Thus, an \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb4\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 11 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg12}{\bkmkend Pg12}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-403\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-403\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-403\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-403\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb135\sl-403\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 extensive reform process is necessary to eliminate the proliferation of child labour in \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 India which strives to end the desperate poverty in the nation. Changing the structure of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 the workforce and hiring the high number of currently unemployed adults in greatly \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 improved work conditions is only the first step in this lengthy process. Emergency relief \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 should give attention to the rehabilitation of agriculture, live stock and fisheries. New \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 labour standards and wages must be adopted and medical examinations and minimum \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 nutrition requirements must be established in India. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb257\sl-404\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 2. Campaign for strict implementation of Legislations:\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 NGOs and voluntary \line \up0 \

expndtw0\charscalex104 organisations can do an intensive campaign to spread across the civil society \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 organisations through networking to draw the attention of the policy makers, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 implementators and the community. The organisations working on any issues should \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 involve in the campaign by putting the problem of child labour on the prime agenda. The \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 campaign should focus on the effective implementation of the various legislations. The \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 strategies should be aimed at change at the local, provincial, national and/or international \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 levels. NGOs can play a pivotal role in the process of universalisation of education by \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 adopting innovative approaches to quality education. Effective implementation of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) would translate the Right to Work \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 as envisaged in the Article 41 of Indian Constitution to a statutory legal right. The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 NREGA heralds a promising era in poverty alleviation. Poverty is not just income \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 deficiency; the need for enabling environment both physical and psychological needs to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 be addressed. The works are necessary for the ruralagriculture economy that has the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 potential to get this poor deprived community out of poverty. Hence there is a need to get \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 active during the implementation of the various legislations. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb257\sl-403\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 3. Budget Advocacy: \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 The organisations need to take up the issue of budget analysis and \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 advocacy for budget allocation for the implementation of the policies. Most of the time \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the policies are formulated without proper budget allocation which affect the process of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 implementation. Budget analysis is an advocacy tool for developing public understanding \line \up0 \

expndtw0\charscalex100 on policy priorities of the Government which will have a greater impact on those who \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 have little political influence (poor and marginalized). It is important to scrutinize the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Government Budgets from the perspective ofchild development. Mere analysis of the \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb4\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 12 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg13}{\bkmkend Pg13}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb139\sl-402\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Budgets alonecannot influence the policy making unless it is supported by proper public \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 action or advocacy to promote the findings in public forums so as to influence the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 common mindset. This would eventually empower the people to seek Governments\u8217? \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 accountability. It willgive widespread information about the performance of the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Government and can also become a ground for creating public pressure on the issues that \line \up0\expndtw-1\charscalex100 affect the children. There is a need to establish a strong lobby body or platform to work \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 with Government to increase allocation ofbudget for children. Coordinated and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 collective effort from the NGOs and Civil Society Organizations strengthen the budget \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 allocation for children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb0\sl-405\slmult0\fi699 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 This process would provide a large operative space and public support to the child \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 labour campaign. 93\ul0\super\cf6\f7\fs23 rd\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 constitutional amendment to the constitution made the right to \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 education as a fundamental right is an opportunity to strengthen the campaign. The main \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 motto of the campaign should be to changepolitical attitudes by socializing the issues of \up0 \expndtw-3\

charscalex100 children at the community level. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1561\sb254\sl-402\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 4. Community Action towards Child Education:\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 There is need to bring about wide \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 spread public awareness towards initiating community action in promoting school\line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 enrolment. Education helps a child to develop cognitively, emotionally and socially, and \line\up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 needless to say, education is oftengravely reduced by child labour. We need to create a \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 conducive climate in which community people at large would not tolerate the child \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 labour in any form any more. There is needto bring about awareness among the poor \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 parents so that they will develop a willingness to make any sacrifice to get their children \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 educated. It is possible only when they are convinced about the significance of education. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Once the child is released from labour, the child should be admitted either to formal \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 education or to informal education depending upon various factors like age, level of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 understanding. This should be accompanied with vocational training depending upon \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 their own choice. Preparation should also be made for sustaining education outside of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 formal school buildings, using community facilities and strengthening alternative \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 education through a variety of community channels. Influence and sensitize the political \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 parties to include child education and eradication of child labour in their election \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 manifesto. Through training and capacity building of central care givers, including \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb20\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 13 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg14}{\bkmkend Pg14}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\

pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1562\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 parents, teachers, and community health workers, a diversity of programmes can enhance \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the community\u8217?s ability to provide education to children. \par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-402\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1561\sb277\sl-402\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 5. Engaging Institutions of Governance\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 : The institutions of governance at grass root \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 can monitor the policies, programmes and laws to ensure protection of children\u8217?s \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 interests and rights. Gram Panchayat can play a responsible role in identification of the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 projects in the Gram Panchayat areas and allocate employment opportunities to the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 needy. It can also ensure child participation\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 and choice inmatters and decisions affecting \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 their lives. There is need to create community monitoring system through their effective \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 participation in the Gram Sabha. Strengthening community participation in the whole \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex113 process by way of conducting regular social audits of all the programmes is a \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 prerequisite. In doing so they seek authorities accountable and transparent towards \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 effectiveimplementation of various government programmes meant for child education \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 and eradication of child labour. \par\pard\ql \li4279\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4279\sb204\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27 Conclusions and Suggestions \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb56\sl-400\slmult0\fi524 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Unless there are socially conscious policies in the country, the policies won\u8217?t make \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 that much of a difference. It is still true that things are not very good for children. Child \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 rights need to be

actively respected rather than simply acknowledged, and we must admit \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 that more than the passage of laws and publicizing the same to stimulate the kind of \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 debate in such a way that leads to attitudinal change. \par\pard\qj \li1750\ri1562\sb19\sl-402\slmult0\fi524 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 The problem of child labour can be best addressed by adopting various strategies \line\up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 ranging from enrollment and retaining children in the school, income generation avenues \line\up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 for adults, poverty eradication programmes simultaneously. Awareness generation in the \line \up0\expndtw0\charscalex100 society towards universalisation of primary education. The need of the hour is that the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 Government should ensure all measures and an enabling environment for survival, \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 growth, development and protection of all children,so that each child can realize his or \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 her inherent potential and grow up to be a healthy and productive citizen. This calls for \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 collective commitment and action by all sectors andlevels of governments and \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0\par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb76\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 14 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg15}{\bkmkend Pg15}\par\pard\qj \li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1750\ri1563\sb149\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 partnership with families, communities, voluntary sector, civil society and children \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 themselves. \par\pard\ql \li5317\sb0\sl-310\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5317\sb285\sl-310\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf7\f8\fs27References \par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1564\sb36\sl-400\slmult0\tx2450\up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Ali, N. (1987), \u8216?Child Labour in the Carpet Industry of Kashmir\u8217?, in Gupta and \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100

Voll. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb113\sl-264\slmult0\tx3981\tx9785 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Arimpoor Joe \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 (1992), Child Labour Cell, \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Street Children of Madras \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex127 - A \par\pard\ql \li2450\sb156\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 situational Analysis\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , National Labour Institute, Noida, Ghaziabad. p. 9. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Govt. of India (1933), The Children (Pledging of Labour) Act. \par\pard\ql\li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Govt. of India (1938), The Employment of Children Act. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Govt. of India (1948), Factories Act. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Govt. of India (1948), MinimumWages Act. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 7.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Govt. of India (1951), The Plantation Labour Act. \par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1563\sb8\sl-420\slmult0\tx2450\up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 8.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Gupta, Manju (1979), \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Young Hands at Work: Child Labour in India\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , Atma Ram \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 & Sons, Delhi/Lucknow. \par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1564\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 9.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Human Rights Watch (1996), \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul The Small Hands of Slavery - Bonded Child Labor \line\ul0\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul in India\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 . New York: Human Rights Watch. \par\pard\li2101\sb117\sl-264\slmult0\fi0\tx6051 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 10.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 International Labour Organization\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 (1993), \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul World Labour Report\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 .

Geneva:\par\pard\li2101\sb138\sl-264\slmult0\fi349 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 International Labour Organization.\par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1564\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf16\f17\fs23 11.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Kanbargi (1988), \u8216?Child Labour in India: The Carpet Industry of Varanasi\u8217?, in \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Bequele and Boyden (eds.), \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Combating child Labour\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , op.cit. \par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 12.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Mehra-Kerpelman, K (1996), Children at work: How many and where? \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul World of \line\ul0\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul Work\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 15:8-9. \par\pard\li2101\sb117\sl-264\slmult0\fi0\tx3586 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 13.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Nangia, P\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 (1987), \ul0\nosupersub\cf18\f19\fs23\ul Child Labour: cause-effect syndrome\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 . New Delhi: Janak\par\pard\li2101\sb139\sl-264\slmult0\fi349 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 Publishers.\par\pard\ql \li2101\sb125\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 14.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Nazir Ahmad Shah, \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Child Labour in India\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , p. 99. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 15.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Stein, E Davis, 1940(Eds) \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Labour problems in America\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , F. Forraer & Rinchar. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb156\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 16.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 UNICEF (1997), The State of the World\u8217?s Children. p. 38. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 17.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 UNICEF(1999), \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 i bambini che lavorano\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , Rome. p. 11. \par\pard\ql \li2101\sb136\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 18.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Varandani G., \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 Child

Labour and Women Workers\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , p. 54. \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb164\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 15 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw11900\paperh16840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg16}{\bkmkend Pg16}\par\pard\qj \li2101\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2101\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2101\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2101\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2101\ri1565\sb149\sl-400\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 19.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 Weiner, Myron (1991), \ul0\nosupersub\cf8\f9\fs23 The Child and the Statein India\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 , Oxford University Press, \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Delhi. \par\pard\qj \li2101\ri1562\sb0\sl-400\slmult0\tx2450 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 20.\ul0\nosupersub\cf15\f16\fs23 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs23 World Bank, (1991), Gender and Poverty in India: A World Bank Country Study, \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100Washington. \par\pard\ql \li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\

li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb0\sl-264\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li9919\sb201\sl-264\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 16 \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24}