Chicago Mark{,t, liners Bound for the Stant.

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Transcript of Chicago Mark{,t, liners Bound for the Stant.

\ )


~ugd Jound ~i~pnttb. \ Administrator's Sale. ' . I NOTICE !10 hereby L>1Ven that In pur.<ullnee Pubhsherl every Mond ;1y morning by of an Order of the Probate Court of King

CountJ·, Wa•hinl{ton Territory, made on the BERIAH BROWN• 211tb day of July, 1~, in the mutter of the

Esllltc of Jubu H. Ryllu, deceased, the nnder-TERMs-$3 a yen, invariably in ad · sil!ned Administn1tor of the said Estate, will

ecll at public auction, to the highest bidder, on -vance.

Official D~rectory .. Kl:>IG COUNTY.

R. S. GREE~E . ..... . Judj!c or District Court ·rHO~.\S BURKE ... ....... .. Probate Judge LEW\S V WY CKOFF ......... .... .. Sheriff ~1. S. BOO"IH .. ................... . Auditor G. D. HILL .... ... . ...... .. .. ... Trt:al'urer H. F. WHITWORTH .. ....... . . .. . Su r.oeyor E . BRY A :>I .......... .. .. ... ....... Aai'cssor F . W. ::iPARLING . ....... . ....... .. Coroner


I •. P. S!\ftTII .... .... . ... ............ llfayor E. S. USBOilXE ..... .... ....... . .. . .... Clerk I. M. lluL ....... .... . . .. .. City Attorney

L tl. Mc LURE . .. .... . .......... . . Treasurer F. SEIDELL •.• • • . Harbor Master and As.cssor J. H. ~lcG R.-~.w ....... ..... .. . l "hiel of Police


U .. \{ - Rai' in, Ceo. W. Stetson,, John Col­lins. W. A. J cnnin:;•. Chas. :\lcDouald, M De11smore 11nd J ohn :>lstien.

C. D. EMEi\.Y,

#aun.;u_[o,_;. at $aw.,


Office in DISl'.ATCIT nuil cling.





Saturday, the 4th day of &ptember, 1880. at 10 o'clock, a. m.,

In front cf the Real Estate office or Mackin­to~h & Ree,·es, Corner of Mill and Commer­cial sl reetl'. in the City of Sea ttl.,, in said King county, all those certain lots, picct•s and par­<·cls of land lyin~:" utul l>e in~:" in the said City of Scuttle, known aud dc> as follows, tO· \\'it: Lots numbered Ouc ( I), Two (:.!), Three (3) und Four (4), iu lllock nnmhercd Tltil"t_,·-tltrce (33), in A. A. ·u~nny' s Addition to IJell & Denny'~ plat of tbc town (now citv) ~~~~ . -

Tt:tnrs A.XD COXDITONS OF SALE:-Cash, Gold Coin of the United ~tales to btl paid on the day of •ale. Deed made to purchaser on J>a~·mcnt of vurcltuse money. Deed at ex­pcn~e of purc-haser.

Dated Aw~ust :!d . 18SO. EBEN S. OSBORNE,

Administmtor of the J..:st.ate of John H. Ryan, ll~ceused . • l!S-4 The above sale is ndjourned until Saturday

th e 11 th day of ::lcptcrnbcr, A. D. 18~. at 10 o' dock a. m.

E. S. OSBORNE. Adcuinistrator ef the Estate of John H. Ryan,

Deceased. 42-lw





Chicago Mark{,t, FRO_U ' S T. SF.'A1'1'LE.

Fresh and "-all Meats

Tll•rlew Weed •• I•Ke-•11• survi~e, r~joicir.g in their conversion from

The following Jetter from Mr. Weed a 11inful to a Cltri!!tian life. Tht memory appeara in the New York Herald: of W~aley i,. everywhere cherished by

llea entertaining intid.el opinions for\ the good and the pure, while VoltRire the last twenty or mCjre years, and un:II and Paine are only remembered for the the a•pearance of Holtert G. Ingeraoll, evil ruther than for good they did.

hne aeldom obtrude1 themselves upun H it be urged that the promi""a of the the public. There i1 u.thing in the 111an- Sniour have not all been realized, that ncr or " 'alter of motl~rR dlvinea either siu 11t11l abounds, and tha' the world is as to pro~oke or in~ite antagonism. Cler- had as eYer, it may be answered that re• gym•n do not, as formerly, dwell •nd ligion ia werking 01it its mission; thllt linger upon the dArk features of theulo . 111 hendi~g i1•flueuces are constantly ex­gy. Nothing is now heard of the fate tending, and that li~.tht i1 rallillling intu

of "intanta nut a long." The min- the darkest reces1es of heathenism and istry of nur day ia a miniatrJ of peace, idolatory. It requires no argument to cluuity and goorl will. '!'hi• generation tl'!tnnnstrate the fa.!t that our race is im­

Jearns to lu~e and acrn rather thnn to proved hy civiliZIIIion, or that civiliza­dread and distrust our Creatir and Sll- tion owes its nri~in anrl progrese to re­Vl.,ur. Wlllltner gro11nJa existed lnrm- liginn. To rcligiAus influenc•n we are

erly to tempt scnff~rs and rcv i l~r~, the iul!ebted for all the reform a which henefit

religior• of our time diaarms and 1ilences 1ociety. Our Sunday schools were insti' unpnjudiced criticism. tutt~d in obedience to the divine com-

Colonel IngeraC>ll, whom I know, has mand. In these achoola children arl! the reputtltiun of being a centlemaD" of tau~tht, "wit bout money and without. education, with a well storett mind and price.'' all that cnncerns thdr pr~>sent

attractive personal mannen. whn speaks welfare anrl their fntnre ll:1ppin~s~. Tltt'SI' fluently and eloquently. A man thua intellt't>ltt>tl nurs.·ries h:\ve enri<-lwd ancl

~tiftt~d caD de much gooll, but mucla more fert!tlizcd, and cnntinu" to •·nrich nne! evil, according to the principl .. s up,usHI fertali1.e c,•.,rv city, village, haml!!t and

and the line of cnnduct marked "ut fn r hnusc·huld throughout the Chri sti>~n

himself. Co lun d lngl·r , n ll, it st ·em~, ll(.l world. If reli!.!inn hn<l <Inn~ nn th ing

un the c·!ltl· rancc intn ll('tiYc lifl', elwse cnort· th~t•l to blts3 our ruce with the th <"! left instea d nt tlce ri~,:h t pathwav, Clln~~cra ting influence of Su ndH.y sdwols. amt J.ecnmcs 11 l'l"Viler or, in•ttad of a scuff,·rs sh,ul cl llc shamed into stl cnc:e.

beli.-~er iu , n rc ligi"n which b~s Leen making th e worl<l w;ser. l,ertt>l and h~tp­pi~· tnr 11illlo~i ain t!tren Cl'ntu ri t••. With­

out que~tioninr Colom·l ln~ersol l'• siu cerity <'I' implt;!ttlng hi ~ motiH~. I am

pt·rsua"t-rl th•ll if ludt' th!! tin .ct:X!-l:'nrlt·rl ;n fnrci'yin!{ himsdt 'll' ith ari!umtnls h11•l

SEATTLE, V. T. A L \\' A 18 ON II AND. t>f:rn olevetcd to 110 ll'tc:li!!l'llt unrl inl-

Frn LANDS.-In \Veste rn Orc•gon nn•l

\Va !; hingtol' mu•·h •II the lan•!w. nnd par­ti t:u larly thos!' that are now vacant 11nd r~tctl a~ dwap lnnds. is fir lanrl-that is,

fir 1~ the nntural !!Tnwth of t1mher up"n

it5 !'UrfRCP. As WP are very freqtt~ntly irqnirrrl of 118 to tho•ir V'llllt!, we, withnut

gi~in!! the n•tmP, mention the fou•t that in thi ~ county ••ne of our suhscril • .,rs-';n fnrn1~ u~ th11t he has tl11~ ~~R~on h<tn<>stt'cl

ov~ r 35 httshl"l~ nf thl! finc•st wh!'llt he

Offke on !lte corner of Frc nt aud \f:tdi;on }' Streets, u,i ·5Uiro I urm

' j partial cnllsidt·n.tion nf the ~videnn·s P,·nducc !Jought and Sold. · · ~•ai.Ji•hing tiS truth, till· C<\lt ntty wn"n!d

Dr. E. L. SMITH, I ONSU~I & OLSTAD. itav" hacl in s t1·•" ' .. r a ,.. ,·ift·r a gitt t!rl !olin'' .. r of Hin•, \\ho-e mi s;; inns. labt rs

OFFICE .. Colm:an '~ Bu i!dlr.g cor. Mill j1 M R MADDOCK-S

and C omme rc1al Streets. • • 1

Otll c ho tn·,, ·: tu :; 1'. ~ j 1: l D ~ Resid~ncc corucr 'dil! a nd ( U lll <ll~ rci tl !:it-. 1 sen t e rt-.g; '"" tore,

0. JA CO BS, I t>E.\.TTL8, \\' . T.

.:f!ft~"•'-ni!.!J: an.rl 1~c.u..n ~ :!.lla JL al 1 DRU G S AND CHE ?. .. ICAL~,

:::Ea.u.t' -

Office in hu i ~d in~ f Pt1 1' ·! ,· ~~~ l·u . • ir cl hv l..:tr · ' ra.Lec a \' d il:.n!l~+n l . IIP:II; fl ('l' l f'lllal dn tt·l. ' BusJne -. .. p r~J rn j Jtly atli• lltkd to


,.,JOS - Sli:.-1 7 7 u; DUli O S TOnE.

Jf)HN I{ENNEY, c. 11. t .. \ ::n ·,ncr: c. u ll .l:'\FO"n. 1 Boot and Shoemaker,

LARR AB E E & I-JANFORD. !p- l d d f' · . . rtces ow a.n goo 1t guaran-'lllla.~n.e,,_J.-aL-$aw.. ' d - - · tee . lter)airin0" neatly dune.

~E~TTL~ w. ~ I Office in l'o':: •. , · " t;.,jj··li n!!. <"llrtter Front C<~ tU n tt:re i " l St. , St·altl· ·, W. T .

B. G. STH U\" E J . • ' II \ IS hS. J OIIS I.Y.AR'f .


:fl:lia!ne.~t,J.-af-$a.w.. oj.~ . \ T I' I.E, \\". T.

Offif'C un (;o:nm ercial Sl'"t:<' l. noa rly oppo­iltc the 11ttice furm~ r iy uccupkd by ~l c :>lau :;ht & LCllry.

Ju. Mc~AUGHT . Jns. F. ~l c NAt:OUT


:flttun.egJ.-at-;faw.. t=:EATTLE. W. T.

Gffice on First Floor in Colman's Brick Block. Entrance on Cvnllne<ciul Street.


.:f!i.lo..; aw..,



The aboYe resort is loc&tcd on

Commercial St. opp. Opera House. Headquarters for

liners Bound for the Stant. The best brands of Beer and

Cigars always •• band. A finely finished Club-Room in the rear for

patrons. Give us a cull, we solicil, your patro-lldge. EVJJJRSH.tJI 4.; DLLLON.


.5'.E.J"12 2 LE, Jr. 2.

Board anu Lodging at modcr·ate rates.

This i• the L.u:::cs t llotcl North of San Franci>co, Jtnd is f'ir; t-<..:lass in all re~pccts .

Free Coach to and ti'Om Hou11e. JOHN COLLINS & CO .. Proprietor...

Bow dowu your lt e3d, ye haughty clam, And oy•tP:s, eay your pruyer,

The mouth has come the "R" is in, You' re on the !Jill of fare-





25 Cents Per Plate. C. CRATER:& F. '"·BART, Proprietol'l!.



SALOON. Opposite Yesler's Hall, Seattle:

""" t·hara<·tc·r. \"il·Wtd nwre l_,. fro m n worldly stand~"'int , in~pir" ndlltiralioll, aff• ·(·t ic•n uud gr~ t ilu•IP. Is it not, then·­tict"t·, p~infu! to see 1111·11 r ichly t nrlowt rl

pt·rv., r ting tllt'tr ~ilt~. misusing thl'ir tal • · hi~ in ptr~umptuou, Tt' \': lings an rl rilmlrl j cs tllll-( lll_!~>iii S t II Crt'li{IIJ" nnd ll oaviour

frnm whlln cY•·ry t·arll tly ltuunty Rnrl

1,( ~~tng •·milllltl·S?

N•• ;u ·t ,f th!! Saviour's lite nod "" wurd Ht t•V• ·r uttt·n·d ' as !Jetn or can ' •e cun~trttt ·d o•· tor turNI intu , hostility tn the wdlare ltapptnP RS ot e\·ery mem­

bcr nf tlt c ltUIIl >t ll iamilJ . Hlltuan laws

nr·· lnuntled upnn th" DiYint: law. All

that C!nnt·t!rn s uur lt•p ptnt·ss lu~ re ~"" hop.-s of happin•·ss lu-re>tlter is d t·rivt·cl frAIIt the s .. ril'tur.-s. On the nthl"r hancl, what has inlid.-lity done lor ns? Wltn

prnfils ••)' its h •a!:hin!,!S 1 Allt· r ~epriv­in~· :t,. follow ers of tht ·t r bdief in" fu, tun·. lttHV dot'S it cnmpensa·. ~ tlu·m ?­Whttt clues it oll"t·r in cxchnnge lor a life ttl unmortality 1 I I, lor t·Xample, Culo lll"l lug-n~ull ahonld I~ ~UIIllllllUe<l to the he.liiide of a flying fri.-11t.l or r.-lcltive, wh11t ~· ortls nf cnmfnrt or of itt>l •e coulcl he ollt:r? or ~· hat acrvice could he be to that 5tricken lriencl t Wt•ultl he·~­gro&vatt tl e sufferings of oue wlmHe i11st bnurs Dt'ccl ••nthin:,! by ttolling h im tium: wu nnthing but the cold, d~&rk gran

awaiting h1m 1 Tins crut:l theory is repelled nnt nnly

!Jy reveh1tion but by the laws of Nature. Nllture is in!tinct w1tb evidences and coufirmlltions of the truth nt' revclatiun. The ngatable anti floral world only die

to live again. The products of tile 411rth lin aud die auually. 'fhe burit!d acnra

reproduces the living oak. And yet in­fidelity inaista that 1nan, the image of the

Cre11tor, wonderfully endowed nd gifterl, under ·wbose auspice• the world has been enlightened, elevated and adorned, is

after a brief existence to lieu thou~h be ball nner been. Cantrast the labor• of Voltaire a'l1 Paine with theM of Jebu Wealey. CaD it lte aaid With troth that the former twe made •ny one better or happier 1 Bandreda ot tboaPanda of tbe

fullowen ot Jebn Wesley b .. velind and died and ot!Jer buudreda of tlaouanda

.. vc·r ~a w from e<l('h 11rr·~ or, his ' " rm : P. nd that he got twarly thn•e tnn~ of clo\'PT

from e\"f•ry 11erc. The l:\ll cl rt·ll'rrt•<l to hall l>t't'n in t>Ultivation st'v•·rRI years. an rl

lms ttc·vcr harl otlwr lf'rtihzo•r ex••t•pt A

hnlf hnrrp l of l!~· p~11m (lnnd plRster) to

the acrl' nl•out Pv .. ry <'lht•r yeHr. There

nn• millinn111 of RCr!'!l nf this kind <c f lnnd •nst nf thl" Ctt~nile rlln)!e n nw ~uhject

to pr"' f'DlJllinn a11d hnmeslt·Ad'; anrl the 11 :\Dll~ Amount. thH.t l'lln he hnu!!'ht fe~r I rom $2 50 In $10 Jlf'T t~rre.- ' ' ttrrel Spirit.

A WtTTY .lEw.-- During the fl'urtf'f'nth

l'f'nttuy, wht·n the Hl'hrc w rare WIIS

unrl<'r!!<'in!! flllt: of thnse perinrlit>al pt•r­

se• utions whif'h it hRS ;lef'n ~ul~jt'd tn cluring the reign of events ns recor<lt•cl hy hi stor~·. sinre tite hirth of 1\lo~t's,

tlwrl' linrl in I~pnhnn 1111 opnllDl Jt'wish nwrchant. p.,r!'(l('ution , which nl""a~· s

set·ka A \'UlnerRblc pntnt 11nrt nevPr rlRree

a•s,. il •trrn:rtlt , fixefl upnn the rich Jt•'ll'

ll!l " v1ct1m. The Cacli nf Tspah11n, from motives of jl'alous_, and du1 _ pr•:iuifi~e.

nntrlr. matll'rll ao unpiPlllllnt for the Jew th11t in rlt>11p>11r he went tn him •ncl ~aiel, "Ynu will not allow me to li~e here : where ~h11ll I go l" " Go to Bll!!l"lcul," r"Jllit•d the mntti. •·But." rP!Ipondt•d the Jlehrew, "your brut her rult'll there." " Go t., bpRD, th.,n." "BtJt Y•JUr uncle is chief

mn=ristrate there." "On to Dllmii!ICUI, lbPn." "llut. your IIPpheW ru)e!! th~re." "Then, it my fAmily will not nllow ynu

to live in t:1i11 w•rlrl, go to h-1." "Ah, me," replied the Jew; "you ff'rget tb!lt

your respected father ie dead."

DEATII oF JuDGE NoniiAN,-llllny nld Portl~antlers will doubtless rememt,..r Judge W. B. Norman, who was at one

time engaged in husineiS in this city.­Fnr sneral year• Mr. Nnrman WB! pro­

prietor of A general Vllriety &tore at the corner ttf Fir\t and Washington 11treets.

Judge Norman left Portland about seven yeara a~to. As 1nll be Hen by thetollow­inl dispatch, dat.d Steckton, Califtlraia, Aug. 26th, publiabed in eae 11f the San Franciece excban&n, Judge Norman i1 dead: "Judge W. B. Nora:au diad here at eix thia evening. He waa a aative ef

Misstasippi, and ene ot tbc prominent

Democrats of this State. In 1856 be was elected State Senator from C11IRVeraa, aud

be was twice elected County Judge of tbe same county. Ia March last be finished

a four years' term u Port Warden at Saa -Francisco. He was formerly Reeei~er of the laad office at Stockton."-Ort~gonian.

Tne London New• ha• punted repone of the actu11l expenditures of cRndiilatea for Parltament, both euccesstul and un .. successful, in the last general electiou,­The amount puhltshed 1111 officially ex­

pended is £792,810 by 396 c:andidates.­As are 652 members of the Houu,

and half aa m~tny candidates again a,a members, it is probal:,le that the expeniCII did not fall far shurt of a million aud a half stearling. The official expen1ea of membera ot ourCong:eas at any one elec­tion is not nearly so hir~e; but our elec­tions come oftener, and we huve to tne arlllerl rxpense of State, municipal

and judicial elect ion~. tn 11\Y nothmg of the g-reat cost nf Prf'sirlential r.leetiona I'V!'TJ four yeATS. It is ilouhttul whether the nritish ppop)e nre wor~e oft' than

tbos1• of the Unitccl Sltltt•s in the matter nf elcoction t'Xp!'nst•s; but tlwy h11ve noth,

ing to boast on the SC'nre nf purty.

A young ~tr. Cox is running fnr Con­

Jlrcss in an In<lt•p .. n<lt·nt way in tbe Fnttrtlt Di~triet of Gt•nrl!ia. At a recent !!nth.,ring of yeonwn hll tlt'clRrerl his ia• tentinus in the f.,Jlowing nut hurst; "If yon l'ee fit tn send me tn CnngrPn I will go to the h .. st nf my ahility . (Cheers.)

I helievc I woul•l lik1• to ~"· (Renewed chter!<.) In faet I know I want to go. (Lour! chet•rs .) I have heard th11t the sala~ ry is nmple, nod as I have a sm11ll ft~mily, wnnt insi~t nn 1ts increase-. (Cheere,) AI I am fnlld ttl vinclic .. tion I ·wnnt In nodi .. .. otc myself. Tt haa heen hnrll•d at me like a thuDf]Prhnlt that I um too ynung.

In nnswer to thi s I RRV, first. I can't help . it RNl •t is not my fntllt. 8e<'onil, I nm trying to grnw older every duy. Third, J nm Sll('~eetlin~. Fmtrth, I 1101 afrnirl I

will be much oltler tlum I 11m before I ::et

to Cougregs.'' (Prolonged appl uusc.)

St>hnol teacher, to lit.tlt> boy "bAI!e f11thcr is" liquor-teller. "Now, Jnhn!ly, it ynur father h11s n b:urel ol whtskt'y · cnn•Bining forty g-nllons, ancl one-fnurth nf 1t le11ks out, how mnny g'al!nnf! ioea he lo~p?" Johnny-''Hc rlnn ' t I Me none.

Ht' fills it up "l!nin with wuter rig ht off."

Toung Gt•orl!e D-, h11ving 1mpnrtunel! his fAthPr for a horsP, the in,:tti(!"Dt fatk­

er prc'St'ntecl him with the ancient t!teed . which for yr11rs harl r.arried him nbm1t the city streets, A few clays Aftt!nvard the ftffl'c tionate pon intcrvie'lfed his flltb­

er and re!lewed his Tt'C}Ue~t, s~yi ngJ:

"Father, can't yf'u g"ive me ll hnrt!e a little nearer my own 11ge, th ·tt would be ·

more of a cnmp11ninn for me ? "

An American u-1rl whn marries nn TtaJ,

ian M"rqui1 •:ets on ~~ ·~y well until hia serene highn•·ss hegins to !<pt>nd 1111 her money an<l l~tlk of "ber fRth ,. r,.ze shnp­kcepnire. '. There she fires up and gives bim a little Fourth of Jt1ly.

Pr,.si1lent Hayes it frn g aJ ·in his taate1,

nnd it :~ s&itl w11l retire frnm the White Hnu'le with what m11ny pc·rsons regarcl as a very hnntlsnme competency-enough, at leut, to last him during the remainder ef his life. A g .. ntlemau who knows all ttbout the "ins t&Dd out a" of the White House, and the amount of money ncces-.

sary to Ice spent Icy the Prt'liclent, say• tb~at the lalt!.!r baa bet"n extremely t!CO ..

nomical, amd ha• not l(ll'nt to exceed $10,000 or $12,tl00 a year. A11 the PRiary ot the otlict! i1 $50,00(.\ per yur, the Pre11i· dent hal been l!Dabled to IIIVO between

$35,000 anti e40,000 eacb year. Tbe gentleman who is nuthority fur theao

figures says tllllt President Hayes will retire from the Wb1te Houae about

$140.100 better oft' 1hat when he entered. The Government pays tor nerytbing about the White House except tile actual

food, and the most of this ia obt11ined

through the CommiaaarJ Department at coatract price,

.-- ......

--·-- - es which are ~~p~sed to ~aniel -her-~re -~~a~tiag - ~~~,;t -~~-~~e- terra"'!~1 Cincinnati as Boston ~ It. Captaia Charles P. Saltb. . ~Ugd .fOUUd ~iSpatc11. maiden cheek. "Selika,'' ~or th~t wall and ~re tnform£d of the bradegroom s A correspondent of the Boa~n Herald The thrilling story of the hereio oap-===============- her pretty name, was attired 1n the verd1ot. thus writes of "the Queen C1ty of the tain of the S:~awauhaka, who steod

::: u~ual wedding robe of blood-red satin, :Veed I say that Abdul Aziz, Selika's West:" bravely at the wheel, wrapped in luaea, SEATTLE. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. richly embroiderud with gold. A husband, a handsome fe~low of twenty· This is the self-entitled "Paris of until his work was don~, baa bee11 read

Grammar in Rby111e.

i. 1'hroo tittle words you often see Are a.rliclell a, BD LLnd tlu·.

H . .

A noun'A 'loo name of auylhing . . A• school or gard~• ·, h OJO!) or s~rwg.

m. Aej•-ctivl'll t~ ll the ki ml of '!"un. At<, f(rtllt, KW.!I, pr<' l'.l'· wlial<l or llrown.

IY. } 11a'"ad of nnnns ll •e pronouns stand­Btor lau d, lois rae· • ~·our lifOI, my l.oand.

Y. Terba t(,l\ nf snm•tloio l( to be_dont•-'la read, c . ua.t, Kin~, laugll, J ouup or run


Row lhing• are douu the a1vtl r b~ tell, As abwls, q aickly, 111 or wel l.

Vll . (Jo.juroctiOD8 j " iU tlH• WOrdS tog~ther, AK iuao and wvm•t•, with ur wL.,tlJer.

TUl. ~ha pr~poililion ataud~ l·efore A uouu, as in or tlorougb "door.

IX. •.rue interjections slivw ~nrpris~. Aio eh! how rmtt.y; olo! how ..-i.e. 1'he whoiK are c .. ltt'd uio,.. p&rla of wpeech, Wu.icl.l re&diRg, writlu~;, Sl>' &kiug ta .. ch.

crown of gems was on her head, and eight, who ball traveled 1n Europe an_d America," and it does resemble Paria- in every household ia the land, anli hu jewels plentifully besprinkled her per- knows lais way about London, Pat:11 viewed through a smoked glalla. Then, taken its plaee in the. c:hrenielea. as son, a perfect dew of diamends. The ·and Vienna almost as well all he does 10 too, the inbabitanta itrongly resemt.le among the greatest deeE!s of liarmg prooeeaion was now formed, and this C.&iro, returned a favorable aoawe_r? Parisians in their devotion to beer. done by men. lfew, eYeD of the mnt consisted of the bride an•l I!Upporters, He would have been hard !o please, 18' Out of the 70,000 adult male citizens, courageous, would have faced a fa&e so preceded by an .old hag cracking jokes deed had lae done otherw1ee, and dear 60 000 are eag11ged daily in carryiLg terrible a11 that nf being roaeted alive; · - a sort of fema'.e "foul "-and fuJl~w- Selika was not " plucked .". at the "ex- around 80,000 over-developed abdo· And yet with the almost eertaiaty of ed by a covey of young girla be:u1ng am." Fireworks and clashlLg banda of mens. Yon meet Falstaff's brother snch a death before him lae neYer lighted tapers, decorated with paper music proclaimed to the ·outer world evl!ry three yards. When the big· bel- flinched, bot remai9ed in his baruinc dowers, fhe nsaal howhng wowen that one of Cairo's belles w~ ,the ac- lied Cincinnatian gets overheated, he cage until the fire bad 11corchei lais (professional@) broogllt up the rear. ceptt'd wife of oce of Cauo s moat doesn't betake kimself to an ice-crtlam face and blis~red his arms and sbGul· We passed into tee throne· ro~m-t> "chic" cavaliers. a~&loon, but to the nearest beer-garden, •1ers. When at last his boat was saf.,Jy handsome ball, at one end of whiCn a - - ~---- of which there is one to every 1,000111- beached he sprang, all ablaze, iu·te tlae rllisf'd d11is was1-repared for the bndc. :SbeldOII, tlle Hermit. hllbitanta. The beer momentarily cools water below, and at the 11ame instant Selika ou her throne, bel:' eyes cast loim wbile the low table at which he the whee)..3ouse crumbled and fell in uown, her lips half smi I ing. looked Ao<Jtin Sheldon who has oc~pied a sits ~rves as a rest or brace to his forty· ruins behind him. He barely able charming, ~ 'Ye t~l·l her arterwllrd . rooky caYe in th~ foreSts of Lehman pCiund abdomen. After having rested to drag his exhausted body tbroagil the much to her saht~fachon iipparently. for Township. Pike C~u!lty, ~a. , for more this peculiarly Cinci~.onatian tpalforma- mod to tho shore, and whell fouod this time she really blushed, all the than thuty years, hvtug w1thout a c_om· tion of the lin man form diviue, there· there he was ntterly exhausted and hard f~&• • ning notiVitbstanding. . panioo of any kind, bas become tued spected citizen goes out on the street quite unconscious.

N?w began the formal presentation of leading a single life, and re'"ently llDd ahonta "Oh, boy!'' two or three To those who kne1v him well all a of g1rts, and tbe!!e, strange to say, all became en11mored of a girl yet in her 1imes. Up roue a gamin, carrying a boatmaa, the gallant conduct of C•p­oontsisted of C.&shmere shawls: I be- teens who resides within a few miles of sort of German silver arrangemellt, tain Smith was not a surprise. An in­lieve it is customary for rel<~tlons and the humit's abode. The hermit ha.s containing boiled sausages. 'fhe re· timate a88ociate and friend of thirty friends to agree bt'forehaud as to the frequebtly visited the girl's home, and spPcted citizen takes a boile;l sausage years-Captain Post, of Glen Cove­nature .of presents to be offered. There the i~&~~t time he was there be a.ske•i her tllld a bit of bread and slowly moncbes g .. Ye an interesting account of bia ea­weru e1ghty·seven of these. shawls, all pareuts to conaeut to their marriage. I the delicious lunch. This is truly P.&r- rcer to a reporter of the New York Bu.n. of oontnderable value, whtle the hest Of course they refused, and ordered the risian, and reminds one of the boul~- "Charley," said he." has been used to "ne" must have been worth $1,20~ to old hermit to make a hast.y departure, vards. Boiled sausages are eaten 10 the water since he was big en911gh 81.500 a-piece. E <1ch .shawl _waa 10 a aud never tr0oble them agti1n. Sllel- Cincinnati when the mercury registers to dig clams anti catch horse-feet. kind of vdvtJt purtfoho, whl?~· how- don ftolt greatly injured, ud has since ninety ilegrees in the sh~tdc, and to the He knows the Eo~at River, top and hot­ever went back to the donor. I he head I.JetJD looking in otber directions with .. young man thinking of visiting the tom of it, and has piloted all m~aner o i

~ . _ . .,. , unrse called out the uame of eac_h do· view to matrimony. . Paris of America, I would su..:ges~ tba~ craft through it. He hlus run sail-b011.t 3, F"gyphan 'V ethltn,., li ete:.~. nor as she opeoe<l the parcel. Tb1s part Sheldon's hfe bad been a sad and be should never escort a Ctncaoo 't1 sloops, schooners, a~d ferry· boats, ao~

----- of t~e bus~oes~ lasteJ over au hour, checkered one. He was born in the ~irl out of an evening without treati 1g all kintls of boats, b1g and httle. Has We were invited "for sunset," and dn_rmg which time. scented woods .and village of Bradsord, C,., in 1&06, and, her to beer and _boiled sa~s>~ges. She father was a boatman on the south side

accerdingly made our appt!a raoce at tlae E'p~ct-s were bur1!'-d. uud many P0ous cooBt"quently, is seventy·four ytJars old. would resent an 1ce as an 1nsult to _the w the island, and went 'to Roslyn bride'· p lace in hmaila as the thou· •b10~s from the K oran repeated. ut· In his boyhood he learned &he black· native fruit of the Porkopohtan vme. about the time Charley was boru-say sand "colored lamps with which the side_ m I.~~ c"urt. }l~rf_urwed the pro- ,.mith's trade, and arriving at mllu'., Wilen ;you are in Paris! Y.ou will,_ of fifty years ago- to sail a sloop for lfil­sire<lts in the Dt-lghuorhood of the fe~~>lOllnl fautusl~ gtrlB-~oung ~ad· e~tatfl he mysteriously left home, came course, do what the Panss1ennes wtsh li~tm Hicks. Charley was broo~ht up house had been rl Pcorated were being 1es more .renowned lor t~eu dancJDg to Pike County, and yurcillleed ll few you to do. . . on the water. Wnen he was only lighted. The efft-ct wns stoikin g and ~.u n o the.'.r d~cenc~-theu faces .are acres of wild, unculnvated, worthlet1s 'fhe Cincinnati women, as m fact t~e eighteen years old btl piloted the sl<top 1 • f r the delicate caned win- fatdees, tb~u ulack ll n_ed eyes glea Lu lllnd. Upon thi8 l.&od was a cave lll women of the great eorn-fetl West In M~trtha Ann. Next Le hall charge ef ~ e~llll .. , d

0 portals nod the plentiful Wlcket.lly, thPtr co~;tume IS rothmentar} • which 'With a few alterations, the old gencrul, are well developed and look the sloop Mouy Ktrby, when he was

8~:~ (~tu.reen unci' l'ed fl ags, trimmetl sav tJ i n t.ue m_att~r of_ j t1wels au_d I.Ja~- l!ermit hils since made hisaliodt-. Dis fully capalile uf nurbing their own a~out twe&ty yc"r"' old. 'l'uen his fa· with g,oJ,Itinsel, stood out iu a .lluu gles, tbelr VoiCe 16. stnueut, thelr .gf'st- ap11oiutment i_u love_ills~&id '" UllVtlUt'tlU dJ ildren, or of leadtug a hungry tramp the~ built anuthllr sloop, c.&lled the drerl different sundes of culor. Gnests nretl more su ggesllve thuu gract-ftJI. tl!tl cau11e of h1s lea viDg bts home. H'." hy the ear down the front door step!!. Ruth 'f. Hicks, an-I Cl..~<ul~y piloted her.

· ·ug f11:s t some ; ,1 rumbling ~l1lwugh they are what the me1:1 would n.&rents \ Vt're well·to·do f•rmers , and 11 'L'IJe women of the West are c11rmvur- tie bas beeu f<&miliar w1th tue Sound were urrlvt · · 11 ·· · 1 t ·• d are never al- ... · •· d · · 1 · b h E R f b '· d harem c11 rrillges, some on mul" back, ell " s 'a~ Y su ·, 110 . . wus not unnl a pa agr~tpu upJ.It-llre w uus amma s, . con~>umaug moe am, llud the .u;t tver rom oyuuo . liOm B 00 foot, nnd many broogllt " lowe•l u-ltlnu th ~ ~a rem w_a.ll~, where all , uto 7'•rne·' ll ftlw ago 11Jut tl!ey ktJew pork and buJit'd satHlHge. !. s~rolleu rbat' t~ bow he lintJw just where t •J IJeach b t 1 of fem!lle s ldves as escort. . to givr ~ ~ .. of cuurstJ, Billet lJruvnct) • but mu,t o! Au .. atsu 'l! wht:rcai.Jout>~. A brutuer lllJU •llrough several or tLe large Utncaunatl thto beawauhaka. H" could not hllVC U:e::;~Jves dignity withal. Needle><!! gtve tbt'tr>ttOlJal>le J>:rfo •ml\oce" .,t 11 ttr cumtl here and vi t~ itt.~l their lung w~<rkets H~ a11 to get :'n idea of pup· picked out a better spo~. Then Cuar· to 88 tliat euuuchs uboundeol; indeed, tuti.Je ou ter court. All thts tl~tl the lu"'t urutller, &U•I ttf~er Sh>JlUg Willi lt1ru ular subsastt'nce fhe IDilrket !ltall ~; ley thought he would like to be a vilot we To~O all wome n untl t-uoucl.t s , but llnde lilll- mutiO!! let!s aud !lpeecl.d.t'hl<, 10 hi:s cavtJ oYer DI!S ht, u~ed ev"ry Ill· "ere frequeutly kelJt by ~re~t t~turd) uu a ferry-liollt, and Mr. H.-veweyer

t to be llet'U A. mihtllry band Wlll.t dOI\n·cast t-yet~ auoJ modet~t mteu, duceweut to l..tave ulm auauduu Ul~ ,,·omen who tihllrpened tt.JeJr kmve~ gave him a positiGU on the Gr~tnd s,ree~ no a mau · •· t ' lit' ' It h d I een di~; · · · ' h d · Th W N '· h was statioucd uel'ore the galt'S aud uu · w ·· en u ue gt ll " 1 . . luutly aut! rooky ualJuuuon, and returu w11 h strengt an uuctton. . e vur ferry to tlliamsliurg. ~tXt, turoag awoke tu11 ec!.Joes witu barba ric strain , IJ ll\yed " 0 " was led back tu her !Jrt\ute "itiJ ti.Jew to tht! howe of lllt1 culltllwud, cbllsers were, ptlrhu~_s, two _tL1rtlt1 ol wy iL1luence llDd that of others, b" got wLicll appeared to hllve no little elf.;ct ruum. As soon 88 !!hto bad le l_t, her httltl wl.tertl ht! would lie wt: ll cared fur. He thew womt-n, all carry1ug thtllr mar.ket- u~poiutt-d pilot on the Fulton Ferry. on th(• carriage horses and ruules, f• ·r b lt~l er Mlnaru, ~ surtmp of <'U:, ordere•l rt:fu~etl, stating_ thllt be prtl~err~J. tu I b~t~k_e ts. They wtre all_ buymg }Jig_- But lie j oined the famous strike of tile iliese pr11 nct-d and reared in terrible a eauuch to fetch the moaey- I.Ja~~;s~ the uie ~ttl ue ltud hved-.. he:r'mlt. I he.) ptg 10 the van, cooked p1g, smo~ed p1g, J.<'ulton .Ferry p1lot11 aliout t.wenty ye.&rs fashion. 'l'lte noisy, highly· scente•l, COI •teuttl of .wbwh she pr,o . eedell to 1eft hiw t1ome e!otuiug und mouey, llll'' ground, cbeweJ and p~ckeJ pag. .Bo· ago, amd io:.t· his lJlace. He has two aDd matJv-colored tllruug presse,l into n,url _ brua•~cast am.~og t ;.e motle; ttllurned huwe. SI.Jt!l.lvll: h~11 f~eq uent lto~na saueag• s, hug tl-~ead cheese. brothers who arc now pilots on the Fal· tJae colonnaded conr~ and swept ur the rurun~. R'~ 11~ a bW~ll we .• tdwg, ly rtJceived letters from L111 la&~utl.) I!IUCe I pork chops, bacon, etc., ~lied the l.Jas· ton Ferry. You see it's a f~&mily of brO».l\ stllirc<tse ltladiog to tht:l first fl oor. t~.e colD~ · cut.: « l~. te.l _ of stlver l! 1a:; tret~, LI.Jeu, entre .. uug him tu llbanduu bl:;


kets of these Ctnclnnatl ~atroos ~nd pilots. H1s n .. xt place was as pilot of lly companion and myt~t: lf u .. iug tht' w_nh a f.ur 6JJLUkhng of gold }.llect:s. 1vretched ~~obode. A tsburt llwe ago lie uoard1ng-bou•e ket'pers. 'I he roastwg tue tug-bttat ;J . ::;, Underhill. When oDl.Y two •· Fmogi:;" (Europt~ at.J~c~) lha scra mi.JltJ wl.t~eb llOW flu_e~etl wu_~ parttally couclulled to _do so, bu1 btl· bed is left for the Htlbrew r~s1denth Mr. Suwerind_yk11 ran the steaabqat preGeu t exoitell no little rem~Ark among uue of the_ m(ost Vt:llement It l l:l pOS!:!t .cumiug ~~ocqu~tluted w1th the yuoug nod such hotels as are piitruulzed by Long h1land, Cliarley Smith was pilot, the guests who by the by l.tad bv tbit~ bl .. 10 . glt laliove rttferred to. he gllve ap tht fa~tidious E~&Sterners. 'l'!Je f!COple elll lu 11:157 the boa&t ran on Execution tiiBb !lll tb~owo 'I.Jack t.ueir'vt:ils. K10d· . Pi<!tUotl to you rsel f eight hundred tdtJa altugtther. Shdden·s dress and a great vartety of vegetahlel!, which, iu Rock, or Sucoes~ Rock, at Sands PoiDt, 1 looks however met us on nil s1des, lewal" t!-:most of .them fat ao_d all ~tplJtl•r.&DIJt! has of !ate Jtlllltl impruvad, p•rt, counteract Ua~ gr~ssne&s of tht- uut ~£11 of the tOO passeogeu got off fno. furtive,gla~; c;s, in which the innattJ dre .. sed 10 tl.te ~nghttJst of cowr:~- although btl is a wretcl!ell-!ooktug ob· pig diet. In Cincmuau, how!lver, 1 sa&fely, as i~ was uroao.l daylight, au& the

litent>ss of the Orieu ~al struggled plnugtDg " 0 '1 ~"'llwg o ver 0 !le · r, jt:c' ytJt. more hungry people tllao lu Chi IJilot was not blamed. 'fhe boa~ sus-. :tb femioiue curosity. What a vnri· grabi.Jwg,, and shrttktol(, tl..ttl Bttl caYe is o.11ly about twelve b) cago, where even the tratops and beg- tained little aamage, and Mr. Sqmerin-etv of feature was beru to ue seen! Tht- lltr 010 '1"Y wtth rlnht and w_Ith tbt- fourteen ftJet, with a t!lab roof. Hu• glltl! are well fed. . dyke kept him on. In 1861 or 18~, cclic .. te, thin-nosed, pale Circassian , ~mok., 0~ mceuse. 'rbe .scene IS most furniture cousists of four blocks of * * * . • • * * • * wneu 1 ball charge of the big steam· tho claocolate colore.! Egypli .an, with ~xtraurdantary. The rteh scrawble. wood for cu~&irs, a box used as a table, 'fhe smoke I$ another a,nnoyance. boat Arrowsmith, which was char&erea the p,ame distinctive type we find por· Ju"t ~" burd llS the poor, for C•>lDS tbul! a firt·place oVtJr wh10h be does. h111 .Except for a few hours on S~nd~&y, or to carry troops. I took Charley with tra.:yed on tombs of forty centuries acqnar~d are tremeu dou!!ly lucky. ave~t cuuJ.aug, and an old rackety rocktug· .. tter a thunder-shower or raln·storm, me at1 pilot. I alwaya had conliJeoco pas\ the coal-black Nubi~to with g igan- tl.ttl tlVII t'Je, lllsnre the po!lsessur 11 chair JU which he sleeps. Hehus llliuat tl.e air ia filled with soot and swokl' b mas a man wlto wGuhl do the right lie lips and recediug forehead. At sucl.t uealth, and ~re. altoge~l.ter must '.le- .. u acre . ~f land clean·d, uu wuicu lte from the bituminous or soft coal nni thing in an emtorgency. He had a cool a "filntaaia" as thi11 all are equal, the tslmble acqU1Hl '1008·. r .he eunuch~< grews u httltJ corn aud garden trul)k. versally used. Aclean collar at 9 A . Ill head 11nd a steady ltaud. He was a haughty "gem of the harem" being Vlllllly eudt uvor 10 mamt~ttD order! and Wbat lte grows aod wh .. t iti given tu 1s uutit for an unclean tramp at nouu mom whu could a lo ng watch when vcated just the same as the l owlie~;t ol llre llt 00 P~1 ".s to enforce t~etr WlHhe~ I.Jtm by lti11 neighbors keeps lt1m. Htl Dou't get uut of bed in yourstockmg wanted. •• i!arkies "neither better nor 1wrse, su · •\llh mod t: rllt to n, but elbo" and s l.t ~ ul 111 deaf at1 an a&ddtJr, hat! IJeeu so lur ftJet, for the soles of your bose wlll •• When the Long bland North Shore that the dompany lost no time i& dis· ll.- r. ai.J~ut co" amo?·e . Soddtlnly anse~ )eous, 11.nd ptlrsons who_ vit1it him occa- look as if you bad been Wlllki_ng on tbt- Freight 11.nd TranafOrtation Company eussing precedewts before sitting down " pl t: rcwg t!hnt-k, every one for _au w _ t~loua!ly. out of . cunosaty, convertltl I.Jottom of a charcoal wagon IUI!tead .ul ••as formed, and lhe Jesse Hoy' was to ihe dozens of little tables wllich stood t~laut ~:~lauds still. A large mushn cur "ith him by wrltlng upou a sl .. te, avon a chamber carpet. Near the WID put on tue Glen Cove line, Charley in for the marriage guests . t~tiD hils caugllt tire through th? care- wllich tbe old herwlt ktltlps fur that tluws the carJ'et is always stauned, asy Smith was given the place of pilet. I These tables were car'l'ed br .. ss trays, a ltt!BI •el'~ or . twu negret;b~t! who, 10 thet~ purvose. He is iutelligent und rellds a toy the upsetting of an ink bottle. l:;tlll tbought he ·was the best man we conld yard or so acr0SS, and su~puri('U aliout determmatw~ each to ;ussess ~ert~el. l ~reat deal. The book lie most loves i" tl.te l~tt1ies wear whitt>, st11By~starcbed ~et. He knew his business, wus a so­eighteen inches fl"o m tl.te ground Oil ' of a _guld ptece, have . palled It- tbto LI.Je Bible, which he has read_ through ~kirts, as they d.o in eveu smokier P1tts- uer, st.,ady man, and • reliable man 1!1t~r\ legs. Si:.;: or t>igilt women SQUill· cnrtaw-uo .. n on to the fi,.nug wauy t1mea, and moat of wl.t1cb lte hllll uurg. In CtLClnnatl Y<?U should never when there was trouble. I have never t-Gd indiscrimioutely round each tlli.Jle, torches. The Hnmes have already coo comwitted to memory. He bas had .. crlltch or put your finger to your face known bim to t<Ake a glass of li~taor the fell8t consistiugjof a hundred " medS· tsumed ~he curtaan and are. blackenaug rullny hllirbreadth escapes. A few yearH 1f sou do, you will !euve streaks ol When the company boih the Sea waD.· es." The company numuered about the ceahng. If _the turmoil l..ta~; beeu ago IJis C<4Ve was surrounded by the white, and dlt~torb the somber monot· baka, in 18ti6, C<Aptain Smith was .put eight hundred .. daughtera of Eve.,. wrnlJie before, It has be?n as u~~htDK lu•eet fires, and ~he old milD came near ooy of your complexion. ~ew E~g · in charge of her as pilot, and he hllll P.l!aua of muttOn and ric., , with more com~~red .to the reall:r Jnferoal holll ooiug rollllttld alave. .liltJ once fell frow laud ladies who keep bonae 1D CIIJCIU beeu there ever since. He was pro­iliaD 9 dBSh of garlic sweet cakes of b:;la ~hwh uow anse.:l. Words ut- tilt! uppermost branches of a huge uati get dt-sper~tely mad 1he first mouth , mute:) to be captain about four years ma~-1lour anti crush'ed dat.:.s, salt fbh I terly faal to portr>&y the seen~. As tu chestnut trtle, breakin! st:l_veral ribs lllld I the second they meditate suicide, but ugo, wbt~n I left her. I .baye seea h~m and dried fruit, formed th e pie,., ~ df. rP. the tJUnuchs, thtoy. take .tueu staYes otherWUle cr1pphug h1m, and h:tl the third t.hey make np two d ' zetJ wany times in dangerous places wath ~ a JS d these were all eateu wtth ) .. n~ l"Y. about l~em wdlscnmat.t-Iy • tAud has frequently been found in h1t1 white skirts and go out oa the prom· bua&ta, and ·no matter how heavy the the fingers. We were supplied wiiiJ ~ ~~IS cl.laefly owin~ ~0 the frantic exer · cllve iu a frtlt-Zing conditton. Th>&t tlDade and help keep up the delusion o;torm or how dense 'he for, he c<Jold kn.ifll and fork as European!!, but scorn- t10ns of these plt~~Aule wretohe~ tuat be will tlVeutually be found rle~&d (dear to the feminine heart) that th .. l manage a boat well. ed to make use of such absurd aills tu lh~ w~o!e plactt 1~ ~ot burned owu . . there ia almost certain.-N. Y. Times . .. reclean people in a clean world. Up .. He is married, and has three chil-eatiog and fished fur the tid-bits like Wlth_tslogular una~nm1ty and pre,sen't vD the bluff<~, and beyond in the nolJl£ •lren, and live!J very comfortably in ClUJ' m~BBmates. The enlluchs were in- of m~nd tbey re~~&tr ~o the 11pol, ree _y Gxnr.s ON T•.& CA.BS.-" Many par- tsnburbs, the air is clear, and cleanl) B.ouklyn. Ooe oi his brothers w~ ce_ssant in the attentions, tl~ttingd ab~ut =~~~n~~:~~:se'!::~~::a;-;e~.:~~i~~ entti,"ubsene~t the Pll-~burg_ {P<l.) Oom- ron;ekeeping is as easy as ill New Eug· lost in a schooner that went to Georg1a w1th finger glasses and foo , ~n gnu· Li; 1l mes A we ldiog is often eu- 111e,·cial, "must be enttre!y 1gAorant of an · for a load of lom~er, and was never good·naturedly the wh1le. The r ~ne~ b 'a fire o~in to ever one'l! '1le mllnner in which their daughters heard of afterward." ~st ~bing I tast~ "'!as a sweet~eat c~reless~.!88 80 that t.! clever ~ondnct · conduct them!ielves on railroad_ trains, HoLLY SYsTIUI OF STEAK HEATUi&.- A purse of money is being raised in oompoaed of camels milk, hon~y, r~ce, of the eun~chs is quite explicable. ?r they would pat a stop ~o theu carry· The H ' lly sy11tem uf steaw btlating is to this city to be distributed ameng the burnt almonds and plums, wh1le thust rhe atmosuhere hlld lJ this time be· 1ngs on. The young mtss_ who fit~s be introduced in Lynn, M11ss. A com- oflic:Arl! and crew of the Seawanhaka, Wall slaked by rather nasty sherbet and . - . . by! d we 11 wuh the braloeman ou euter1og the car vany has been org~&uized, and the.7 pr..,· iucluding the captaio, in grate.ful rec~tg-

t.e Ch ld h come quite nresp1ra e, an a . . • t 1 t f doubld str~et Tk orsrge wa r. r.mpagne won ave trouped down to the court below, stalk~ ~nth .a 11tately au toward her se~t, posA o ay a 11ys ~m .o v ~ uition of their valuable serv1ce11. e beeD preferable. whtn·e sherbets and cufftle Wt're halllled drops1nto 1t as _tbough she ~ere falDt m~&ios-oue main of six io tenincb irou :mm alrea.iy amounts to $3,500, and

1behll&tand odor soon became op 1 W 1 dl ft from overe.xtlrllOD tllen stares at the about7,000feetfor power exclasively, ~1·11 douhale8B belargely iacreased.-. _. •t 'th f 1 1 rouoc. e soon a terwnr e . .' . · h .1. be · d 1 -preas1ve, ae .. 1 was WI a ee mg o . passenger•, tllrow1ng s1~ns to such a"' in wb1c w1 1 carr1e a pressure o Ht~rper's Wt~ekly. :relief we weloumed a elave comet~ fetch . So ended the first day of the wed- 11he cuooses tu recogu&ae, and oa the seventy-five pounds. --- --us to the private room of the bnde-.. dl~•g. Ou tl.te morrow much the sa~n:e first opportunity uegln& to giggle and On thi11line will be runBiog twenty­mark of exceptional favor. We found t~wg_ occurs, save the guests. me'.lt th1s chatter with some companion t:qually four engines, aggregating 1,~ horse Ule heroine of the day res.dy drt:~sed lime In th? bonae of the br1~egroom. ligll*·helidtd and frivOlous-such a !aoy power, and many "swaller eugine~t b~­and about to proceed to the." throne Wilen all1s ov~r the nurse br~_ngs the is in a way of encountering a wreck tiides. The steam from these t-Dgines room ''-the a · artment-, thut IS, where bride , dres-ed 1D all her .wedding gar· of some kind. SLe is inviting her owu will exhaust into another main line abe shows herself in public. Slle real · meotF<, to the brt.t egroom s apartments. downflliL• The girl whu is mouellt and alongside the first wentioned, and )y w~11 a prett.y girl, rather tall, not too llnd there le~ves ll er ou a cluur of reseiVed in her dembanor-who is lltll· whieh will have exten11dons along lb .. fat, (the usual defect of harem women) t!lllte. Tl.Je br~Jegroom, who has ttll tiler pra.tish un the one hand nor iude· I.JnsintJst~ and resident streets, in which most' dtJhgbtlul figure·, aliuodant dark- th1s moment oev <"r c~tst eyes on btl! coroHtsly free 00 ti:Je utber-who mllke<> will lie c.&rriell 11tcam at twenty pouud~; brown hair, with a touch of reel in it, lady love, now upproachtls! taku ~er no 1 ffurt to aotiract uttention and eLcuur· fur beatiug purposes. · . (a oaost unusolll tbing in E ){ypt,) and l.tlllld and (•lonlttlet s With b~atu .. g "Kt-1:1 no advauces in alte way of !uve- Ou thi::~ !;ue will be a bout 1ti,OOO,OOO very small ears- altogether a very heart and ~ pr•·Y to deepest curwsat~ 1 wakwg, willlllwllysi.Je tillfe from annOJ· cei.Jic feet to be heated, and will IJ.­"love·awakening daughter," as an Arai.J hfts her Vl'1!· a~ then procetldS to dl· uoco aud proof agulDBt SCalldlll. h re· dune to a very llirge PJ:teut by thu ex· would say. Tile ~ol_ur. of the eyes I vest her wltll l..tls own I.J~?•ls of her qniru sumtl strt:ul!'tll of chllructer ou huu~ t. steam from the engines. The could, not see, f ur ~t u• 10 Eqpt •· good blo?d;fed robf.l and ~lh t-r parllpL~r· ti.Jtl}.lart uf young ladies to keep "itbin grellt economy of this system lies in the form 'for the brad!\ to appt'ar over- naha. .ll" seats her on hits couc_h, tl.te propt!r hmits in regarll to this mat· fact that the steam gtlDt'rated will du wllelmf>~ with conluts!o.n and ~hyne~s at anol, t~kmg the hem of he~ l~n~ wlta •e ttr, aoDd if parents are not well-ussured double duty. It will run all tl.te m~A· her terrtale (?) pos1tt~n . fhe eyts robe m hut L.andt<, he k1111iestt, an~. that their daughters are strong enough cbinery on the line, anilthe same steam must on DO a~cou nt be hfted from the kneeling, p~a.J s long, deeply and a;~- to trllVel alone tb.,y should either pl~tCtl will then be used to warm stores, o.Oitles, ground; about by her nur11e le~ttly over 1t. ~e hllll ~ow seen has them under a guardian or withdraw an•l dwelliDRS. -6 fooctJOuary, by the by, who play11 a wife, and ca~, 1f so nunded. put her thtlm altogether from the ~rains." The Lynn company is the first to con-prominen' p11rt a' the w.,ddiog, a&Dtl away-J.ut th1s ~ldum happena. A struct and operate this doulJle system ooo whom it is the jMnce'1 interest to cro~d o~ :· calhng . wo~en," ~hose en a J.&rge Beale. "~p" litterlllly-and two other attend· business 1t 1s by tLe1r cnea of JOY or Gainsborough hats, ornamented with ___ ...,..,_ __ a~~ta, while a couple of slaves fan her aorro• to annon~ce ~o those w1tboot long plumee, are ag11in l~U~hienable for Buttonleee gJoyes baYe Ute IUD of tolltiaaally, to oool the barDing b]aeb- whether the br1de 11 aocepted or no, OIW'ill8•11118. fubioaable fayw in Paris.

The very earhest .epectmeD.s w.e pGB· sess of priuting, by me~ns of ank Gr any 11imilar substance, IS .the Bom~n tltamp, which is p~eserved m the Brtt­i11h M useam. It 1s made of metal, a sort of Ruman bro~ss, the grou_nd of which is covered with a green kmd of vert!igrid rast, with wl!ich anlique medul s are UtiO,.lly covered. Tbe let­ters rise up to tb tJ e levation of . the ex-1erior Jim which surrounds 1t. Its dimetJ@ions iire two inches long _by. one iuch uroa tl. At the !Jilek of It IS a 8 mi•ll ring for the linger, for the con­Vt'Dience of holding it. As no peri!Oil of the name which is ins r.ribed upon it·. io mentioned in R <> m.&n history he is 11 upposed to ha&ve been a functionary of some R lmlln of&cer or private steward, who used the stamp to save l!i~aaelf Ule trouble of writing his name. A etaap aomewhat similar, o! the Greek cbarae­ter. is in tlae poaeession of the Aatio­quarian 88Cliety ef Nttwcalltle-ap4Nl­•t•yae.




, r

Coaplimeot». Ladies' Party in Persia. A . Strikfog Reseablaace. Aa long aago as 1670 compliments I had been invited by the wjfe of the We once told a story 'or two Shakers

were duscribed as a collation of sweet- chief banker of Shiraz to spend a day dov.n East w_ho so nearly resemhled meats to a banquet, pleasing the dainti- with her and a party of ladies at a vii · one another ID characteristics. Here eat tastes, the quintessence of wit, the lage abont tlve 1.11ilea from the city. is another somewhat like unto it-a refiners of speech, the mind's fine ex- • • .,. I was conducted into the pres- story of two brotlu~ra, who 9'ere law­eroise. "They have," the writer con· i ence of my hoateu, and, after a grand yers, and praoticing in the same town­ti•nes, certainly without flattery , .


ceremony of bowing aDd endless flow- which is ~ertainly worth telling: "eome drosa in them as well a.a silver- ery speeches, we all sat down on very A certatn gentleman requiring legal are, i'n fact, a kind of ben metal ; for sort cuahiona, embroidered with gold assistance had been recommended to wit and women are frail tbiags, gilded thread (snob a thing as a chair WatO not one of the two brothers, but haol for­hypocrites to which compliments, like to be seen). After a Jittle conversation, gotten the Christian name of him he feathers to r~mall birds, make of fair a cloth was spread on the carpets, and sought, so be called at the omce of the proportions, though the body itself be di~hes, containing all the varieties of first. found and asked for Mr. Podger. small. They are multiplying glasses sweets for which the country is famous, "That is my name, sir." aDd flattering mirrors that conceal age 1 were arranged in long rows. I may " But there are two of you of that aDd wrinkles- jaws finely dressed for mention rhubarb was cut in thin slices name here in town?" ihe moment." Yet Shakespeare wrote, 1 and eaten with salt, quite raw. Melon- "Yes."

'1'wa3 never 111erry worlJ seeds, salted, were also very plentiful, " Well, I wish to consult the Mr.

Alexander the Great r Wept because there were no more werltls ·to CODI!Uer. but the pr •priet.ore or Dr. Pierce's F•mlly Medicines who have found it neces­~ary to est•blisb a branch of the World'!! Dispensary at L rdon, Eoe;la~d, in ord~ r to &UJIJ>l.J from I hat gr•atcowrnercial emporium tbeee remedial bl essings to forci!tn t•oun' rics, ••here they are larcely in demand, do not sh~&re the great conqueror's sentiments, as tbt ir conquests arc of diseau'e and have macl tl happy not only the conaueror but tbc peoJ>Ie who employ them. Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all b ooa and skin di;;eases, sr·rofulous alfections, swellinga and internal sorene~s. Or. Paerce's Pdlets are tt>e little giant cathartic ; Dr. Picr•·c'c }',.v­orite Prest·r·iptloo-woru•n's tonic and ner­vinv-Dr. PIHce's Exaraet of Smar t·W.,ed the ~erea&t remedy for culds sod all bowel sf. fe<·tions as dlarrlHaJ, •h seutery aud ll ux. World's Dis pens.ry J\ledical Assoclatiui•, proprie tors, Bulfalo and Lond on.

Snce Joor.,ly f•Jigning wu clillul compliment. and pistachio nnta were strewn PoJger- excuse me for the alloaion-Aitd Steele, who knew the world well, over moat dishes. ~everal sorts who wears a wi~r.'' Volh.ic Belt Oo., Ma.rsha.ll, Mich. speaks with contempt and pity of those of s~erbet, with lumps of snow, were "We both wear wi1s, sir.'• Wil• send Lheir celellrattld Elllctro-Volt11ic

Belts to tbc atnictcd upon all dayg' trial. Speedy cures !{uaranteed. They menu what they u y. Writ .... I<> t.b.,m wilh•mt delay.

solemn expressions of respect and handed round, and, at iutervals, the ''Well, the man I seek was divorced kindneM which pass between men who kalian, or water-pipe, made ita arpoar- from his wife not long ago.' ' perhaps never met before, suddenly ance, and the ladies took freqnent " There you hit us both again air.'' devoted to each oth, r 's service and in· draws lit it. The guesta having eaten " 'l'be man to whom I was r~com- Furniture. Serest, infinitely and eternally obliged as_ many of the B1!eeta as tht~y felt i_n· mended has tecently been '11ccuaed of New a•rd ~e.:ond-hamd at auclioH priee~.




55 Cents, I n 2-cent Posbge Stamps. Coin, etc. , w d

Cet the Creat Weekly · SAN FRANCISCO

CHRONICLE For the Entire Campaign from <late ti ll the l8tb of :November. tea aa7s af&er tbe election, ..., selld

$170 for no beneit, concerned and aftl.icted chned, carefully tied up some more tn forgery, thousb, I trust, unjuatly.'' H. Schellhaas', 11th St., Odd Jo".,llows' Huild-for no cause, and that hollow kind of a small cloth, ready for eating from "There we are again, my dear sir. ing, Ollkland, Cui. Couo 1ry ordt! rs promptly In 2-cent Posta«" Stamps, Coin, ""'·· aad ~t Ul6

h attended to. Great BAILY, ineluding Ike Donble-31leet BOI!J>.

ceaversation which, being compli-•' timet~ time. We the~ ente!Bd into a We have both ad that gentle insinu· - - - - -- DAY CHRONICLE, for the Campaign. mentary, claims to be no real deceit; ..-_er~ hyely cenversa~JoD, chte1l.r con· ation laid at our doors.'' J. W . Shaefl~r k Co.,321 and S2S S•tc- 87BOTH PAPERS POSTAG~ PREPAID. fer werds are like money, when the Sl8tln~ lD my answerJDg the nnmer()US .. Well, upo~ m.J: _word, yon two ramcn :o St:, San Fran~iscn, CDijl loy De ALL THE NEWS ·F BO H sa•Es current value of them is understood no questions as to my dress, the cost ot tt, brothers bear a strllung resemblance. I drummers. Cigars snld v ~>ry chllllp. u- T u milD is cheated by them. Compli- tbe way my husbaand treated me, what But I guess I have it now. The one I j 44dl'C881MPARTIALL Y OIYEI. menta have ever been esteemed the money I had, etc. Oae elderly lady a~ af~r is in tbe habit of occaaionally ALL L'hotogra.pbs mad• at tho New York Gallerr l t;U,Ui. DE 'i'OIJKG 4 «:o.. key to open the secret cabinet of advis~d me_ when I wanted a new _dress dnnktng to exceBB·-aometimOII to in- No. •a Thu-d st., s. F., are g•u•ran&eert to be II rat· san f'rt>n~ prinoee' breasts, and no great wan but t~ wa_1t until my husband came _lD for toxioation.'' ...... Prlc• "'••It <botlmPs. J . ll . Pa-nas "' Go. 1 bas his circle of courtiers, who com- h1s dtnner, and then to ask for 1t. If ":M.r dear man, that little vice ia, 1lD• E---~-- --- - - - ---- ~ plimtlnt him by deeds as well as words. !' not ·granted, to scream an~ ~ry unt~l fortunately, charactetistic of the pair Hence a lame king makes a lame court the hungry man gave permtsston. Th1s of us; and I doubt if our beat fri8Ddl - - ·- ---- · ... -- -· just as the men about Alexander th~ is , I believe\ what many of them do; conld teil yon which was the worst.'' $1,000 Cl"aiionrra Ore Fee ... er ,_ Great bent their necks because his was but I faacy 1t has not always the de- ~·Well, you are all"atched pair, cer- ll lluglJ I bent. We are all inclined to pray the sired effect. They questioned me very ta1nly. But tell me," coatinued the MACHINIST TOOLS ._,rd, with the Weaver of :K.ilbarchan closely. as to the mode of punishment visitor, "which of the twain it was that 1 I · ! te aend us "ll guid conceit o' our-' 1 adopted by husbands to their wives; took the poor debtor's oath a few j I Uining and Saw lqll Uachine%1. sels," and insensibly we like those who 1 they, most_ of the_m, had_ had very inti- months ago?" help to establish our own self-esteem. m11.~e relations Wl_th a shck, and hardly " Ha, ha ! we were both in that mud- J>c:oler in al l klnolo or new and Secead-Halld Many a man dates his suoceBS in life behevod my denial that my case was dle. I was on Bob's paper and he was ENGINES AND BOJLVDtiil. from a .well-turned compliment. One not &~. Another _lady expressed great on mine.' ' A ad other ld..ehlne,.Y nongat a nd !;.~ ef the most popular meD of his day su~pr1se at_ my be1og able to read and "In mercy's name!" cried the appli-made his mark in society wllen 1\ friend ~rlle Pers1aa~. IShe wondered what use cant desperately, "will you tell me J. ~N"XJY', addressing him io the crush room of tt could poBBtbly be to a woman , as the which of the two is the m sensible U N LIKE pI L L s j N . .K. cor. Wlsoloo and Fremon~St•:._:;•_:~~··•eioDe .. ~e opera said, "Look at that fat Lady payment of a small sum to ~ scribe man ?'' i • C: D--. isn 't she like a great white cab· 1 would get a letter far better written. I "Ah, there you touoh bottom, my And the usual Purgatives, I :d e ba~e ?'' " S he is indeed like one "

1said: •· Bnt suppose yon should want friend . J:>ogr Bob, I can't stretch the Is Pleasant to Take, ] ~

was the wise reply- " all heart. " T he to write something yon did not wish troth, even to serve a brother. If yon · .. "" J d h I t h b t 7' Th · h b An~ ,.,ll l>ro•·• nl nnco l ho "'""' P"l•nt and hnrml••• ~5 '"' a y eard, and was his friend from every one o e:&r a on 1s, B e want t e most sensible one of the two I 11117at- Kenov•tor aml u~aa...-ohat hn.• yee "d ;:

thenceforth. F11shionable life is I ~bought, w~s not likely, as everything suppose I must acknowledge the corn . ;;i~~~~:.:;: -=~h!:.' . .l:'ti!.~~~·.~!~; ~ ~d, not se much in being happy

11s openlydtsCt~llscd before servants, and I 'm the man."-1'crry (MiBB.) Bn ttJr- """"9 ~'"'"""ol.'''" ' ""' •~<•tc of l ll<•~ll4c•,ni4•~>••"' · .,

as ID pla.,ing at being happ_7, and com- , by them carried to the . ball&llrB. T_ he prise. rn~abl y the ""1 ' "'"' "' """' ' · """t tiling lor CAKPIN& I'AftTIB~. ,,.. ..., " J 'fiCOPit:-l'lll!IT 1. . .\XATU'IE Iii put up ia GILBERT & MOOR-E, SoleAguli; plimen!JI help to keep np the delusion. entrance_ of a . ew and hJB son, playing bron~..u. tin bo•:..,. out~·· p ,-.u, ~ CrHola. l'rooure 18 and ao Satter'""· · 8au ll'raacLseo. ~al. MaDy polite phrases are expreBSions and on a. gu1tar, JDterrupted our chat, and A .~ater hat th~D ,the " beef-eate~ " !s l)t."'cr>pt" e f'a~>phlet orom your dntgg.,.t, or at! · i Dealer>lu Furft itare or ev•n tle!!Criptlon. no~hing m~re, and we glean something we hstened for an heur. to some of the the bull-fighter B hat. ~he br1m ta dres• the propr> etnr. . I ----- --- --- ----of the meaning of thu word compli odes of Hafiz, after 1!hich _a coll~tto~ rolled up aroun~ the_ pyramidal cr~wn, "· t::, "r.:JI•::•~:;.,o:v.. I CARRIAGES ment from an illustration which al- was made, aBd the hberahty or stJDgt· and the cnly tr1mm~ng are two httle · cw or · or . anct8oo. • most every one may mat(lh I'n his own I ness of each freely commented upon. clust~rs of raveled sdk plactld on the ELEGJR IG BEL JS ,. M_H. M. BLACKC~r~~iie Mailers. reeollections. A. man-servant each Our hoste88 wore a bright-red satin I left Bide. · · · 7-t and 741 lle w ltontnomeroy aorning, t' n r eply to t'nqnl' rt'es us •o skirt, . richly embroidered with gold Rellubte-·~ttmo~-. B-'ml< ""'1 Appl i'"'"""· for the cure "1 l<cr>·ous, · Slroet, ono block t.:Om tile .. ., - .&.vu ~ ('hronica• ;d Sptoda i Di~cJ. {:anOe procurcd from .... Palace H otel Sttn p ,.,._ · &he health of an invalid lady, was wont lace; ~t was very full and shor~, barely Wherll testimonials give tbe residence of the l' ULV~:Lt.\IACHER GA I.YAl>IC C0~513 ll ont- 1 cieoo. ' ourt>p .Y, IBS · -- 8 comp 1m en s, , . = J.llC e o e par 1es r ~ ~ a:t ea~y ma -er or any per. J'am 11 t nnd The Electri . R•vicw """ ' ming tun , 1< n • or Sprlnr and Thor<ou~:h- BroCP. w:.~ -'-e is worse " or better as the case blne velvet, also mach trJmmed- thia son to verify them Thousand;; of people -1" 1e , ,_. b c c 1. ' ... of • • Ex pre•• wa.':n"'· " '""""· Soda An o Bolf'lli!r W~l:<'ftll. •- I "M' M . I' t reachtng to her knees· a looD4 k t I tb t' ·t ·- - tt f goouel')· St., S:J.n Fr-.lncisco, CaL Sc for Free I All · i d D.D , , • • Jtarhcu ars .. ., 00~« OfliUJ upp r.a na'O o c-oerv l \416 Grocery U \·try a nd su r veyGr•s \\":)gODE cte. may be. At the aupreme crisis it was time with silver lace; the sleeves were from a ll parts of the Paclllc Coast can and criptieu claiming •k<:tric 'l"atill e'-. ' WAGONS d C • ' u. d f h b 1 b ~ b have expressed the opinion that th ere is no . an arr1ages ... e same: .. .Misa M--·s compli- ma e 0 cas mere 8 aw ' uttone.. y ot • •r art icle in the world equal to PHOS- I National Snl'g!Cill Instlt~te (Western Dlvo&I<>:J) . Ill9 1 or eve ty ~·•cr ptlon 1ll3dC tn or.lcr. ~ t.•Qttine menta, and she died this morning." I about twenty small steel buttons. She PRATE SOAP for co t · 1 t • ~ Bnoh St., s, F . De' ote~ to or lmpor..-d Wa~~;oos ronstonrly 011 hAOHI '"" ror sale.. .. -- wore •everal neckl-ell, most of them I mmoo OJ e u.c. - I Crlpplco. P lica, F lotula, &c. Send lor corcularo. Orders CrulO I he COU ll trY ,romptly at-leade d lu

~ ,...., great many peop c lune tested thla soap for 1 · THE YouNG rou Wno WB NT W E&'!!. I very massive, and stndded with fine skin dis.,ascs. Amoog others we give the G.t.RL-'NP·• '\'r:GII:T.t.HI. IC co1JGR HUIIPUKEYI!I" HO:UEOP.t.TJII~

-1 was falling into a d oze wlten a tnrqnoises: On her head she wore a ~~lt~~ ~~;;g~f!'J~·I·~~o~~~ave thoroughly l•ndf~~~~~gr.'i~t~~~t ~~~~w~l~·~~lt r.!;u~~~i~~o~t SPBCIFit N . ~8 plain, farpi er-looking- m~An across the white shawl, with a band of jewels OAKLA..f o, Cal., April f> , ~sso. I MONTG01It:KY•• T.,n.., .. rane., 001 .,1• · 0 aisle poked me with his cane llnd said , round her forehead , and at one side a STA~IJAIUJ SO AI:' CUllP aNY -u &NTS: ~!7 Rnd 2:19 s -conrt sr. . s F. Boord and Hoom I "Been np in the West?" I told him large pearl star. SL.e had on both arms Some two or t ll rcc months a~:o,l bad a boy per d·•y. • -•c t• $1: p--r ·~cek f -1 t" t s. ::> lx meal o:ck · that I had , almost to the land of Nod. at least a dozen bracelets-some hand- about two \·e a r~ old that had suffe red 'or a I ..... f l. Ba;<rngc a.o an·> fN m the Uotcl free. !I .nt that d idn't make any Nods to llim, some ones. some only banJs of colored year with a se>cre eruption on the bead nod MANUFACl'URER OF .. · lu use ~• years. The onlr •nct•"'•fnl remedy Cor

r .. ce, cauoetl tJy tee th in_!{. The child w.s iu ,. LE .,. EL"'IN A .,y L _Jt er,·oa" f!eblllt,·. V H al n · .... k .... ,.,., fer he continued : " Great country, 1 glW!s. H~r feet we1·e covered with such misery that it would olten ·be awakened OAA A.o.B:Ei B .o. G Q.o.,D ACilfG sn.ll'roatratwn aro 1• o•-.r-wo"k :>r •>tiler '"'n"""·l that West of ours. 'Tain't half ap- ! coarse W~Jte socks; her shoes green ou•. or sleep by tbe sever" itc.h wg. He L . P . ., ... ., ... 10 F re~non a St., San Francisco. g~~;';i :~ A'..;;:;.1 ~~~~d~~::_r:,.:::~1 ~~~·:;:;~i ~~e.;D preeiated yet. Ureeley unders tood it, ll lea~her, With s~arlet heels. Some Qf the would then scratclJ his head a !d fa,ce u ~Lil w s· CAUnmKIA BUCI!. 00 liOAT ~';'.'[a';,~!.~'~"o . !!::~":::~~~~: .. .:::.::;-"gaa:,re th9ngh. He knew what it could do ladies wore ilr1glit red trousers, reagb· the blood ran fro m tbc "aM. \\ e tned G,, ,·cs. " hcapesr. a no bt:ot. w. , ----- . _ · . _ ---'-- · · • I N h d ingwth kl b tth ' .t tb everything _we could fi nd , but nothing • •bhl r es. ~ :thr ket ~t .. SanF'rav· F W SPENCER er a young man. ow we a Il l e an e; u IS was qnl o o seemed to J!LVe ao v permanent reiad until <~oco. :send tor vr-L-e li•t. .•

young fellow un where I belong- ~ excep_tion. They Wtlar a long veil, we tried PHOSPHATE SOAP. Botorto we ..- p • TI• c · .II h f h d f t Ja malllnc au)' purenaae or t

nron county. amarter 'n a whip. reac tng rom ea to 00 • gener~lly had used one ca,e, tbe child'.; bead and face •• wrlll ••c ... reltpoU84'l 10 aDJ' Iano 01~ e . ompany Oo11Jd do an"thing. But, bleBS ye, he made of some smart print or muslin . were t:ntirely heal.,d, and there has been no • ._ _ _, ' t h" d th E I ought t t ' •b ' lad appearance or tile disease since. ad'l'er&l~~emea& In 'bt• paper, J'OD will DMJD no c iiECe roun ere. • very- ~ - o mea lOD • a every y MtcUABL KA NE No. H;t>S Kirkham St. pie- meallon '&lt . ~a10e or &lie paper. O wing tn the incr'""'u~ ocm·•nd '"' oor ).tMcbleao Uliag occupied except ~tmself. Eve'-'y wore a sm~l. le:\tber case Tonnd her - -- · - 1 ~:~;e; ~;~~~.;~?Y:;~~~!~.t.:ro;:-~~"~: 1 ~~g~:·t~!1!: flaoe fnll . Folks said if he wotdd only neck, conta1n1ng some earth from Mecca STA~0;-lRVL>Bn~0·fpiz~o~:?.i~{::J."::: s: our WELL AUCER is the j ao d now M~e ooe or the Ia rJ'e•t at>~ nneH s r.oct;:a or ge West with all his talent, he would. I and veraea from the Koran. The faces Having received your box of PHOSPHATE che~pest, bor~s tho f~t~test. ~Ve IU'etheoldcst and !~~~u~ni~~~.:'n'1st!!e,~~:,~r.; ;~~ ~~~:~·~f;;J:~,e a~!~~'i: HOD be a big man. no woul 'n 't lt' a- ~ of rny hostess and friends were mach SOAP, and bavin." used only one cake or lar~est firm '" Amenca. Send ~or 0!'r pwtonal I way's, Kn obe . .. lcl<eMns. Emcr iMl n. Mi!ler's.. B nMI-.u.., u . ,.;,. catalogue. U Nn·nu ISTA:rBB MP oCo., Chicago, I U. bury "B a Dd olhe r m 16kt!n at a n l'r ict' M. ..

te~ to it for a long time-kept strug- dec~rated, ~he eyebrows broaadened and l:!thOAt Pit ohut ef theitht rel c, I adm happy to~~~~ P. N. P. Co ., ( ne·w- uerl es) No. 127 Mason & Hamlin, Geor~~ \Vt!Oils J • h d 1 d · wblcb was caused oy the alkali duilln ldauo -.\ ND--

glmg on, but iinallw he went. This carried qlllte acroBS the noae. Some a a~ como c e Y cure my •ore eyu- ~ - I waa two years ago. And now, sir (ria- , a amal esJgDI tattooed on the Territory, in 1877, acd have I een sore ever A. 'DT NOVELTIES "l' 'th Am . 0 aa r B t , illg np in his seat with eagerD888 and ch_eek\ The hair is very long and since until I used PHOSPilATE 80.\.P. ~ • lliDI .en can r .. ns 0 OS on. aaimation, while I, catching some- thick, generally dyed red; it is worn Co!IPORAL D&NNJS lluBD, ' Sold onlo>ta.llmeote If dc•lred . ' ihiDg of his enthusiasm, half rose my- plaited, in many thin tails, twisted with Twelfth ln&u•trJ. A ~.:"n~~~g 0l..~?.~'}~r~~.!. J~~~r!;~~E~!:~~: I send tor circulars. .11'. • · - 8P.((XVEB 4 c. .. self), and now thi11 young man, who gold thread. . The hands ar& well- SAN FRANCJsoo, November 27, 1879. Dgll , Sat!D·Uoed P &88e Partouta, etc. I 23 aad •~> Ftrtll 11111 . , sao Jl'raoelee. had no chance in the world in Ohio, shaped, but na1ls and palms are stained STA: NDARD SOAP COMPANY-Gents : SCHWAB a BREESE,&Z4 Market Street, 1 N.B.-PianootaDed ••r>mired an'd l.>r rent.

)a d k d Aft& a number of trials of Soaps, 1 lane (OpJlOftiW> Palace Hotel. ) ' ~T~iii;,jjjr.~•.r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; W. ~rei dd~1 youk suppose he is ?''h I a ar re · learned that the PHOSPHA TK Is certainly Ain' GALLERY .... .. .. .. .. ..... . ADlllSSION Jo'Ut.:l\ . j 1 8al• ltan't now. (ltesnmilig ia · · · · • - -- tn., Vtiry bes t for shaving. I Lbaok ye.u. for - ------- 1 &eat)-" either. We haven't No llarket. it.s in ti'Oduction J .. uu:s P. AKTD'ua. ST. MATTHEW'S HALL, heard a word from him sinoe he left.' ' • - - - - - - · ----· · IIAN MATEo, CAL. --------- I There is, alaa! no market for manu. A Su"geation to Summer Tourletlt. A Cla981eal and Military Scl>ool ro r Bo>•-

" S A YE TBB CHILD."-An old lady, script. Almost anything else will A change of climate ia at all times more or 14th YEAR. Jlargaret Muir, of Brooklyn, about 60 ' bring aometJting. Yon can sell old le@s dangerous. There are elements in a new l'repareo otorlenta rorState Unlverolly or Praouoal wt~~~rs of age, was pioked up while float- iroo, old clothes, broken furniture, atmosphere which are injurious, especially ••stn-. Trtntty se .. loa cooamcnCf's .July z.w. ~ · th h ld' h' h bo h k h f f b when the system Is exhausted by care and B EV. ALFRKD LKK BREWER. M. A. l'rtnr.toal. mg m ewater, o 1ng tg a ..-e er moe eapa, re use o any sort; ut onrwork, and which should toe guarded her infant grandchild, 15 months old. poems, essays, novels, criticisms, in against. Arter careful eb>eror.,.ion we have DO r..~~~. r~,.\,~~ tl .~·~r:,~ She besou<>ht the men in the bo~ t wltich I their original form, are not market- come to U1c conclusion that Warner's 8afe ISSu. FJ:KT< ro ~ "Y .., 1 K ' " L aut irt"~-. upou ap-eame to her rescue to save the child at nble unleBB a publisher has approved ,.oey and i\·cr Cure ia the best pre>en- ,,p"A!""· cont.''"" all he.zards, saying: " Oh, for G od's lllld promised to nee them. The poe- tlve for atmospheric evils and that it will re· :'~;·;';;~ p l ~·:~~ ~~~,rvf~K;

k th b b 1 D 't . d 1 , f •1• d . t store health and Tigor sooner than any per••ma.l .. r famdy n>e. Ia e save e a y. on mJD me . , sessor o a ... ousan mannscrJp s, remedy which baa eTer ~eeo discoYered. wttll over 1.200 llh>ill'>"i""' · we sell all

aceount! l'm about _done f~r, any..-ay. hundred dollars ~ach, could not g~t a The black raspt.>erry is the shad among w~.r;:.r;:r:n.~s tiil;-'~i'.~J~'tr.~ t~~·~;." .~S:,":e1srt I aa an old woman, whel!e life is of no wkich might in due season yield one _ -- .. -· I ft,oode at wl)olesale prrre' in ~"""'lt l r> ao ' hit

Sa-ve the baby, and tf there s room for cheap breakfast With all of them with · 1mall rr·uits. Its dispo.: itlon is eo mean that UOJ\,641°:g:\\'~b'!'J.~'i~c~. ~~c>u:o. llL me, I'll come, too.'' Both she and the out a publisher's I{Uarantee. They it .wishes cn ry one ef ita se.eds was a bone. balty were reseued.- -Ne111 I1a lJen R6(1iS· have no monetary worth while they· re- W ludln' Suntlay l..eadn·. ,,-- -T--H-E- -A-U--0-I_N_E_T_, __ 18#'. , main unpubliahed. Clever writing is . ·-

i so very plentiful nowadaya that there j Gu1Ity or Wron". The month of ,Tune, 1880, wi ll long 1

1 ~oes not begi_n to be _room ~or its print- Sowe people have a fashion of con fusi u~t

-.... 1ng Wh t s declined IS oft s cxcell llut remedies with the large mass of - aem&rable for ita steamboat disas- ' · a 1 . . en ~ "pat-ent medicines," and in this they are ten. On the night of the 11th the j good, as ente~tainmg, · as g~aphle guilty or a wrong. There are some advertised •arragansett was burned and the Ston- 1 (~ore so sometimes) as oa:hat ~~ re- remedies fully worth all th at is asked ~or ington crushed. Quickly followed the

1 tamed. The remark o_f d1sappo111ted them, and one aL least we .know of-Hoo

news ;.of the collision of the Q ueen · au_thors, t~at the be~t th1nga are ah!aya Bitte rs. The writer has bad occasion to llBe

an(' the Anchort'a. 'The Ct'ty of 1'-'ew reJected, 1s not wathont_ foundation. the Bitters In just such a climate as we ha>e I ·• "'' Th most of the yc11r in Bay City, and has always York was burned in the East River, ere are oountleBS cucnmstancea, round them to be first-class and reliable, and tho Adelaide waa run down in the hardly to be understood by the out- doing all that is claimed for tbcm.-T••iflune. :Werth Uiver, by the GrllDd Bcpublit'. eider, which prevent acceptable lite~- - - ------ -The Long Branch, loaded with excur- !ttre from ac~pta~ce. Much 18 The Robertson Proceu aionists was disabled in the Bast River 10 nse owes Jta fair fortune to other For working rebellious ores ia remarkable ud th~ horrors of the burning S ea: cau868 than absolute me!it •• There. is for il& simplicity and cheapness. No other W&llhaka are yet fresh in every mind. comfort as well as truth JD l.h1s bebef; methotl is .known which so completely re­

.Pittsburg has bad the wonderful powth of from 86,000 i~ lSfO to 153,-100. Allegblllly City jumps from li3,-000 to 78,000. The two cities, . wbieh. for baaineBB purpoeee are bat oDe, lave a oom biDed population, therefore. ef Sl,OOO, which would make it follow iaaediately after CineiDDati. aa the Diath city ia the V niota.

and U should be diBIMiminated and in- duces rebellious gold and silver ores t.o the sisted upon, that the great arm1 of tbe same oonditloa as free millin~t ore. Parties re;ected may be OODIOl-"" m· •be hour who have the machinery fer pulverlzin~ aud

• <>Y • amal~tamatln~t can erect a euil,able furr.aee of bitterneBB when they learu tba' for usinl!' t.l!e Robertson Process at a eoat of their eager hopes aDd aenre toil have from liM &e 11.500, aecordlur to eapaeltJ been defeated. If it kaohea them to re,ulrecl. •tJr full partle•tan addre. .John run DO further risks. 80 much the lJe&. A. Robertson, the pa&ea\ee, P. 0 . bft lift, tel'. Oakluul. cat - -

- - ··- -- Gray haln are lto1erable, but few lllle Cincinuti baa abou' 22.000 aon ia- iiaea. Clo,he them wlilaUle hun of ,..a•ll

babitutl thaD San Fnaoiloo. 1rJ .. llll.lJer'e llalr Tl&or.

A XE'ft. IN'VE"'TIOX Til AT F.NABLEI!I the deaf to bear at church , coucerts , theater ,

and all ordinary conversation . Send f or Circular. L. 8. BAXT .... Pa«tllle ~oa. .. & .t.trenl. '

Boom 37, No. 128 l}earny •tree'· San .li'raDclooo . ------------ - .

·---- ---1 ec tha,t 1

Car .. -. eu (llo&~-. Wladow aHA.DD. Wall .... ...., tJoral-. e&e.,

Clla M panllalell ut

HARTSHORN & McPHUN, ..................... -...... . PI'" •• tile Lewm Prt~l Ia tltla et .,._.,..


891 WA.0¥8, Uae 8A•aoa• WA&o• DIIPO'r •

PMiaere are .!~'!;.~ ":~.:!::· 8 " P.




People's Ticket FOR


In pul'!'nance to- tl~e fullowlntr cnll :. ~· All Democratic con~crvativc and other Citizens of Kin" co~ntv,·e of party or po­litical 'fts~ociaiions or tltffercnces, who ~an unite with us In an effort for pure, economical v;o,·emm~nt. are l"Ordially im·it.:d to join in sending Dele!!lltes t.l the ('om'entinn," It is now announced that on Sat111d~'• September 4th, 1880, the following "Demoer-.1tic u~d People's Ticket " was unanimously placed 1D

nomination : ·· For Councilman,


For Rfluse of Representative!', LUKE 1\lcREOMO~D.


For Auditor, ROBERT L. THORNE,

For Treasurer, GEORGE F . FRYE.

For Sheriff, JOHN T . JORDAN.

For Prob~t e Jucl~e.


For <.;ounty Connnis~ ionel'l!,


For County School Superintendent, !lise ANNA BEAN.

For A~sessor,


For Su r .. eyor, F . H. WHITWORTH.

For Coroner, T. S. :RUSSELL.

8E..l.TTLE PRE4JI:."fCT. For Justices or !he Pcsce,


For ronstables, JAMES WELCH, H. C. LUFF.

~v ordn or Demorrotir. Connt"r Commiltct' of King County . W. H. \VHlTE.

4Z...Sw Chainnan.

Party !iiiotJblstry.

The Oregonian is 1 he rcco~Jnized repre­rent'ltive nrgn n of the R~puloli ca n p 11 rty in the Pacific NorthwPst. It tak~s tht­lcarl of all other j ournals ot its p a rty in this section a~ an PXponent of the princi­ples and polir.y of its party. Yet we seek 1n vaio in ics editorial cnl umns for the intell~ence. the honesty nnd the pat­riotis m requisite to commend any p nrt v to the popular 11upport of any inttlligPut commumty. It rants, denounce~. Yitu­p emtes nne! f11lsifies after the mann er of the :no~t sh allow flemngogue, b ut OP"rer

or a political kn"Te will ch11racterizo~ a­treasonable a .war begun, prO!r.CDtt!d an(l rlosed in strict conformity' with the IRW!I

or 11'1lr in every detail. We DPVCf, by thoup ht, word or df'ed, connte01mcecl se .. cession, or gave aid or encouragement to the enemy while the w11r lasted; bot we have no 11ymvathy witlt the cow11rrls and sneaks whn seek to ca~t odium upon a ltrave and patriotic, though mtsguiderl pPople, who piPdgerl th• ·ir live~. their fortune and their sacred honor to a cause, which they had ahuntlnnt ren!!On to he­lie\c wns their only hope of maintnining the r•ghts guar11nteed to them un(1Pr the Con~tttution . E\erv Stille UD!Ier t.he control ut the Rt>puhlii'nn pnrty h11rl nul­Jifi.,d the constitutional compact anrl en• dnrsefl the doctrinP of IICCPSSion before ll ~ingle Snnthern 8t11te nttPmpte•l to s .... cede. It tht're was any treiiROn, 1t WR!I on tht' p·ut of the party which nullifiN1 one of the conrlitinns upon which t.he Union was fnrmerl while chtimin!! tlH~ prntf'c­tton of the Gt>n!'rnl Gnvt•rnment, nne! not on the part of tho~e who nss!'rted their originnl 80Vereign!Y nnrl tenrlt•rec1 the wngt'r ot hattie, HS sov!'rPign ~ta trs, in dcfehce of rig hts wl•ich hllfl h~cn rt'pU· dintt rl hy thr pnrty tlwn in the cnntrol of the Gener~tl Government.

The trPnson of GPn!'rnl Grant, as Com m11nder-in Chief of the " Bn~·s in Blue," is ns rn :m ift·st anr1 pronounced liS thRt of A11ron Burr, in orgamzinJ! n secret Rrmecl anrl oa th-hound !CRJrUe for pnrpost~S

purely pnrtisan or pt·r~onnl, to dominnte .or revoluti onize the Government. Burr fought as hrnvi'Jy ann RS ZPaJou~ly for the in r1Ppl'ndence of this country as <lid Grnnt for the maintainnnce of the U nion, anrl wns ne11rly ns highly hnnorPd 1<nrl trn s'e•1 hy the AmericAn people in his d~y nn r1 generation. His personal ambi­tion mnde him a con~pirator 11nd a traitor to the Government w!,ich his j!PDHts anr1

valor hn•~ helperl to found . In view of arlmittf'd fact s is it ~Rfe tn ror.r.lurle thAt Grant's amhllinn is !P~S unhnll•1wer1 ? HP is the ncknowledgerl militnry commnnner of R Sf'Cret RrmC'rliPngue hounr1 to!l"t'thPr for politicnl purposes, unner military drill and s11·orn tn obPy the 11rtlf'rs of their military chief. Whnt furth er oroof, short of an ovprt net of tri'R~on. is necessnry to conviC't him ann his a~sociate~ of treR· &nnnhle rlesi:rns? It c:nnnot be Rccountec1 for uphn nny other h:vpothPsis. Ever~

s~c· p olit ical nrgn nb:nt inn i~ trPR sona· hie to popular gnvcrom!'nt, ~e!•king hy covert lllt'nc:s to tlefeat the popul ar will, an•l whrn such or:r11 nizRtlf>n is nrmerl Rn•l drill eel in m ilitnry tactics, it nincPs 11n unmishk nh le determinntion to sr- ize hy \·iol enr.e the powt•r which cnnn11t ht,

achiever! by fr :1 nd . Will the Oregoninn, wh ich i ~ evPr so prompt tn rleny. Affirm ~nd rlt•notmre, attempt tn controvert th P. fo regomg facts and their log i!:al conclu­sions 1

Hill R:nnpnnt.

the Territory against Chief Justice Greene's decision, rclyinJr for a reversal upon the ftACl tiJRt the IIIISOCillte JustiC:411 are va1ty Republicans. Hll tlmt r,lan-1 aalnw anest1m11tenpon jurlici•l int .. grity a1 npon ' porml>~r intelli~~;nce, anfl in11ults and ontn gu but h. The h•w is pt'rlectly clear. The Revill'rl l::ltlltures npres1ly fi1bids "any perenn belnnging to the army" to bol rling "any civil office or aJ'poinlmcmt in any Territory." The on, ly reason why Cllpt. Hill h111 hPen pt>r• nutted te bol•l the uffice of Treasurer for nearly 11Lx years is hecRuae the case WR!I never heforc brought hefore the c.,urt fnr arljud1catinn. !Secretary 1\tcCrttry, no" a United States Jurlge, gavtt the ume cnnatruction t•l the lauv tl111t Jnd~e Greentt h11~, hut sn1d it Willi a matter for the Territo1 ial Cnnrts to ndjndic11te ; an rl the only hupc C11pt Hill has lnr retaining thtl offi ::e, if re · ch·ct~d , is hy turning the Supreme Court into >\ !Jiirty cnucua anrl subordin11ting the laws t<> PHrty purposes. No s11ne man he!il!ves be c"uld rln any' thing nf the kind with the present bench. Three tillles the vottrs ot King eoun~y, by l'\vor to Capt. Hill, hRve elected hin• tu the mnst rPsponsJiJJ,. office in t.he cnun ­ty, with the chancea of his being onler .. d to other duty at nny mument, and with the knowled&e ihat hi& nfficial houri was

utterly v;orth1ess so long as he hnlcls the office in vinlati1 •11 nf I1LW. Thi~ is not a per1onal m11tter, u Capt. Hill woulol make it, but a mntter of lnw and public


Demoeratlc ~ondnation!!l.

The Democratic County Convention Sfl imrnl'flint ely pr~rerletl the time of our rt'gular issue ns to allnw us shn rt time 11110 smnll !I!JRCc for extenrlt>d comments. We must say, however, that we never witne~sed a p11rty convention le~s un1l~r

the influence 11f p11rti san feeling, nnrl the rl'sult Hemplificn the liont>~ty anrl sin r.e r· ity of the delegates in c~rrying out the princ1plcs of '·c ivil cervice r•·fnrm ,'' whi r. !. 81 C 10 W'Dl'ra))y profes;;ecJ Rn r) S" rnnJ~·

prnctis ~:d hy politi cian~. anrl wins the he11rty comm end atinn of the con ~rrvRtivl'

citi zens of the county. Onr Rtt puhiicnn cotrompor>u y h na th ll gnc .. tu ~ny: '·Tht• D~mocrntic Convr•ntion tn·rl>L.v w:t~ "ne of the most harmoniou~ evt·r lot·l!l in this cnunty. wit hour R sin~le n c,.ption.'' Tht• Convention wns in eve~y P•~P ntiul p:trttc·· ular in m11 rkerl tme1 lwnor~t ,Je c~tntr11~t

with th e late Repnl>li ~a n Cnnvt>ntinn.­Titere wer1• no rl elt•~tatPs p~rkNI in the interest o! anr Cllndi chte~. Nn C•ln tli-rlates upnn the floor of the C.mVI'ntion engngNi 10 un1eemly srr!l mhl••. hnrgain­ing lln•1 lng-rulling fur nnmm:~tinn . No secr~ t h11llot, winch i.s R n .. Tice t rtrnug h trl'nehrry nnr! corruptinn are pnu··

ticed wllh '> ut rle tf'<'tion. All 11·ns fair anrl npt•n ; no p)p.-lgell Rllked nr :riven.­The mvitllt ion to Rll, •· irrrspec tiv1• uf party or political asllnciut : .. ns nr rliff,·r­ence~. who Clltl unite with us in an .-tfort

argues-never exhibits 11 si!!n of states• " Whom tbP gocl~ woultl tlestrov, thf'y for pure. ecotlomical !!onrnm"nt,"' was mnnship or the least rC'~n rc1 historical first mnke m11<:l ." Cnpt . Genrge D. Hill, f.ithlully observed. in ~ pirit nnn int .. nt . fact s; its appeals arc exclustvely rlirecterl who has enjo~·f'd the emnlamentsof two, F or tw• of the lwst nffice1 in the cooJnt y t o the ig norance 11ne1 prtjurl icP. i n st c ~tcl of an d for a time thn·e, lnerntive pnsitiftn!. -Tro·a~nrl'r 110 1 Slu•r itf-men who h:tvt the intelli :zence and virtue nf the pP(l plt·; through public forheRrance, tor tht> p:t ~t hei Ptofnre het·n iol · n t. i ~erl with tht' R~­

puhlico&n party wue unanim ously nomi

"ylnnia would drop frflm 27 to 26; Ohio s Rr w w R R would loae one, making her represent&· 1 \XI 1 • • •

tinn 1D; M11ine. New H~tmpshire anrl Vl'rmont ncb 1, and larliana, A.lahiU!'a .

nnd TennesSPe, ..acb 1. making a total nf SEA TTL£ TO RJITQJ 10. llinnesota anfl Nebraaka woultl ""ch I ~ain 2, K11nsas 3, Trx:ts 4, anr1 llichi~tRft, · 'I' - . K t k v· · · -AND-" tssnur1, en uc y, trrm1a, West Vir-ginia anrl California, each 1-a total ,:ain of 17. Other Statea wnuld neithu g11in nor lose. Pl•einJ! thl'gRinsin Minnesota. Nehraska, Kans•,., Miclns:an ancl Califor' n;11-in all 9-n~Rin~t th-~ Jogses ot' New

Ynrk, Penn11vlvani11, Ohin, lhine, New Hnmp~hir1•, Vern,.,nt and Indiana, in all 8, it wnulrlleave tor the North •nd 'Vest a net J!Rin ot 1. Pl11cing gnina ef Texas, 1\fiaanuri, Kentucky, Virginia and Weat VirJ!inill, in all- 8, against the Jostes of Alahftma nnd Tenneas•·e, eRch 1, it woulrl JenP t11e South a net gain of 6, and give


pASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS OF Sea ttle and \\'nita Walla Railrolld will

leave ~cattle every day (Sundays excepted) at 7:30 A. ~~. and 2. P. ll. Arrive at Renton gt 8:30, A. M . an<' 3, P. M . Arrive at Newcas­tle at 9:30 A. x. and 4 P . ll.

RETURNING, lt'ave Newcastle at U .A.. 11. and 5 P. ~~ . Arrive at Renton nt 11:45 .a.. M and 5 4:45 P . 11. Arrive at Seattle at 1 P. 11 . and 7 1•. 11.

tbr House 300 ml'mhen. ('arryin:r this DEPOT, KING STREET, FOOT OF COMMERCIAL• comparisnn to cnver the pre!Wnt pA!itirsl st11tus of the 8t11tea n11med, 11nri omit!ing N~w Yurk 11nrl Inrliana •• douhtfu!, the St11tn ordin:trly cla!!ll'"d 111 Republican would ht~ve 1\ nt•t J!nin of four, nn r1 tha&e

J. ~1. COLMAN, Genl. Supt.


cla~aerl as Dt·mncratic a net gain 'of six. Ben. Murphy This_ mig ht not tiwan nn incre11se in the Comer Commercial and Main Streets, oppo-Dtmf\CrRtic m•joriry, for, so f~tr trom thRt, site the U. S. Hotel.

th11t majhrity m1ght he wiped out in spite ot the sh11wing, 'hut it would me11n simply thllt the !;!tRIPS now consirlerl'rl Democratic wnulrl eain tw~t a1orc DlPDI­bers than thttse nuw cotJnte(l Rt•pnblican.

The Pierce Cuunty Rt•J~nhllcRn Con .. Vl'ntion, hl'lrl 11t New Tacoma l~tst Wtf'k, m11de the followiuJZ nominations · Audi­t >r, A. E . Aldt•n; TreRsUrl'r, Juhn Mur­fiiT; Csmmissioners. Gcor!!e.Byrd. W. B.

Bl:lckwell nr.rl W. C. Gibhs : Prohnte Jur1gc. C. D. Y:>Un!!; Schon! Superint t- tlll­r nt , )l• ~s Clara McCarty; Sheriff, Henry Winsor ; R .. prl'sentnti v ... G. H. Greer.

A quiet place where cun always be fouDd the very best or




Watch-Makers -AND-



Democratic Territorial wATcHEs. JEWELLERY SILVERWARE & cLoi:Ks. Convention. Nutanal nn•l oth~: r senls mnrle to or--- I rlcr.

After rnnsultntinn per~onally anrl hy . cnrresr•nnd .-nc" witn the tOlt'mhcr~ nf the --~---------------

Territorial Committee. ir has hecn tletcr SLORA. H & CO.'S mined tn call n Convention of the De-m .. c rucy Af \Votshina:tnn Tcrritury, to nlt'e t at KALAMA. ••n Wt·dn"stl"~· . St·p -t .. mher 15, 18:!0, lit 1 o'clock, P . M., fur 1 hi" purpose of · numinotting a t•andid ate lor D·· lt·gate in Cungr .. ss , and can.lidat ~:s fnr Pms•·t·utin:z Attorn~y in the sevt•rotl .Judicial Distric t ~. Tlw fnllnwin )! will he• rht· repn•scnt11ti>'nuf t!te s•·v.,ral cnun­tics: (;lu·i, .. li~ . . . . . . . .. 2 Pi•·re·c . . . . . . . 5 Cnlumhin ...... . . 8 !;l~okane ... .. . . 4 CJ .,IIam .. . .. ... 1 S t•· .. ~n~ ... . .... 2 Cl11rkl' . .......... 4 ~nnh1 nu~h ..... ~ Cnwhtz ... • . . : . .. 3 · Skamat.l'l . .. . .. I l~hnd . . - . .. . - ... 2 s~n Juan ..... . 2 .J .. !lt: rson . . . .... . a Thur~tun . .. ... 6 Kin!! . ....... . .... 8 W alla Wnll" . ... 8 Kitsap .. . .. . .. . .. 2 \Vnhki~tkam ., .. 1 Klikitat . ...• . . . .. 3 Wharcnm . ..... 4 Lt·wia . . . . .. .. .. . . 3 Whtll~>lln .. . . . . .4 .\l usun ..... . ..... 2 Yakima ... . . . 3 Pncitlc . . .. ... .... 1

L. B. NASH. Ch~irman .

University of Washin[ton. Fum· complete courses of stu­

dy : Classical, Scientific, Nor-


STILL TAKES THE LEAD ! nnd in that respect it is a fa ir rPprcsent· six y~11rs. nnw clounorously r1emAnrls liS a ative of its party. The .following is one nster1 rig ht what he hRs lu•rPtofnre ht>ln of its chnrncteri~tic paragrnphs : hy autf~r>~ncP, Rnr1 with a vimlictiT£"n .. ~s

artert. solwt y on the g round .. r tlwir e111i· mal and Commercial. NEW ENGLAND HOTEL. "The Seattle DISPATCII. whose enit.or anrl violence "unb .. coming "" nffieer 1nr1

nevPr wns al>le to fin rl nn•;thing trt•nson . . > R gentleman." dennunc£'~ •nrl vtt.Up£'rH te~

nt'nt fitnt'~s fnr those pnsitinn~; tlwy have bnth accepter! nncl will fnithlully work for the !llcce!s nf the whole tickt•t.-shle in was done by WariP H:tmp­

ton nnrlltis ilk. an'~ e1i sc•• VI! rs al :.r111ing all who qnestinn th'l nlirlity nf hi s prP- Ju rlging from tile Pllrrf'ssinns an rl n·pnrt~


Boarding Department. Cor. Commercial and Jl1ain Streets,

SEATTLE, W . T . evidence of the exi ~t encc ot n "trea~ona hie t•·nsi•n s, d~fy i ng the law' repurliMtin!! the of lmth Dt•mocrats nnd R•·pu ' •li <:ans from or<Tanization ' ' in the ~octetv known as th r Cnurt , anrl npt•IIIJ hoasttD!! of his pnwt•r nil pnrta of rh" county. the eh•crion of F .\1.1, TERM-llegins Wedaesday, Sept. •• Boys in Blue." Ot course 00 (~ who I I . . f h


tn con !rn pnpu :tr support tn spttll 0 t t' that til·ket ts u~surerl, it h<·in"' concerlPd 1st, 1Mti0. For adntisswn or Catalogue never ha!l Rny censure for .Jdf. Dad s, "' J Hampton lind Lee, anrl whn look~ upon jud icial r1 ecisinll Rgainst his legAl right hy Rll rli~i•teresterl pRrties to be the hP~t npply to the Pr~sitlent, them as monel ratriots, will nntnrallv to holrl the nffice •. the bt•n .. fit~ nf ~-hich , t1ck .. t en·r ntfl! rerl for the sutrr.,ges of the A. J. ANDERSO:N, A. 1\1. tlenounce Gcner~ l Gran t for a •· trai tor" he hns Sv Jon~ t-nJnyerl, anrl to " 'btch he electors uf Ktng county. S 1• W T hecanse of h is recent ortler to this" trea- would have n'> further claim upon any eatt e, • · ~onRhle orgnniZ>Itinn" to nri~Je an d sn\·e II _, -1 th 1 1 W Kr A. n bl ' ................. ... . ........... ....... ........ . the country from the Confed erate D Pm- r .. asona 1 e groun"s 1 t•re was no rgit ANT!'T" .SMW- nep11 tcnn friend ocracy. The Ethiopian can ' t clumge his ol•stncle to his holrling it. Instead of lfnuts tn know, it it is true that Irvmg skin, t~ Oi' can an oltl Demnr.rat hrought shnwing any Sl'nse of ohligation fcor fa- Bailnrd acver "goPI bnck on a fri .. m1," up in th t' S tatP suprl'lllllCY school. whnsp vors received, his deaunciatinn! nru di - lww is it that he did nnt shnrl hy L. B. Tiourhonism 18 in g rain, he anything else recterl motinly ngainst those who have Andrews in the late cnnreat fnr the llomi­tbnn wlta· he is '

It is true that we "never was able to hereto lore unifc•rmly suppor:ed him nnd nntinn for Aurlitnr? Anrlrews 8tna1t hy besitRti now unrlu jurUci~Al notice tliai BRllatd in the last V~tncnuver Conven­

fintl anything treAsonable in what. was he c~tnnot l10lrl the office but in vinlutinn

done by Wane H11mpton and his ilk;'' ot law; thu~ exhibiting tbc fact that hi~

we have searcherl in vain through a11 tl11• ~nly senile •lf gmtiturle is for ftAvora ~x~

acrepterl publicists of anciPnt anrl morlern times for 11ny authority to chamctt'rize ns pected-not for fa\·ora rcc~ived. tre:~son11hle !Lets committerl untl"r the Wc hel!t,ve that Capt. Hlll greatly

uadere~t i matl'l the virtue and intelligl'nce authority of a recognized civil govern­

of the pEople uf King county when he ment, in accr.rdanee with the laws of wnr

ilr assumes-as he dues openly anrl ddiant• h v ncknnwlc•1<Ted belligerents. If whnr

· "' ly-tbat a large m11jority "' the popular •· Wnde Hampton and hi~ ilk" rlicl in the vola will sustain him in Tiolation of law,

tion, when he waa oft' .. rl'd thirtten votea for Brents, on the first hallnt, fnr two vntes fr.:m Kin;.! cnunty for Bradah••w for PruSt.'<'Uting Atttitney. What kind of stnurling hy 11 friend i1 that, llr. 13:.~1-

lnrd? It i1 unrleratuorl thllt those kinda of trades are arlmisa•ble in all Republi­can ·conventions.

Cheap! Cheap!! Cheap! I!

NEW HARNESS SHOP. All kinds of



A largr. S~ or.k ot

Miners' Pack Straps ON HAND.

Repairing~ ~ .··c teaply done. EVI'rythmg market! down to

PORTLAND PRICES. a ttempt to ucbieve iudependcnr.e was

NEw Yonx, Aug. 23.--Thc World'• ..J. FIJMSELL. Maaa.:er.

Is eliJ!ibly loeated nml its accommodations for 'f;tmilies arc unsurpass•:d . The house is newly built, is h:ml- nishcd tbron~hout, has larJ!e and well furnished rooms and tirst class board, on the

. European Plan

Can be had at moderate prices.

-IT 18-

'tho Best Hotel in tho City. L. C. HARMON,


For Tacoma,Steilacoom & Olympia


W. R. BALLARD, Master. trcn~on nhle, why wa!l not one of them as poaitively declsred from tbe bench by the Cbi~f Juaticc ,ot the Supreme Court

ev•·r arrnigaPd, tried and convicted of Washiagton corre~pondent speaking of Foot of Wasnlngton Street, In rear of Hor- Carrying U. S. Matis and "elts, ~argo · • Wb t tb •t 1 o! the Territory; that l1is popularity it the cnm<', a au on .J 1as our

110 un bouadell that the people are r~:atiy n onrnmcnt to compound felony ot such

11 h. . t , __

11• . d •

. . . . to to ()W tm 1n • ret.n' JOD 111 e·yaag v>~st proportions and adm1t to CitiZen-I b 1 -> d . . t tb C l . t w aws an.. eclllODS o e our -~hi!J no nrmy of felons more m number . . . 1 · 1 · · 1 1 - f th U · Capt. Htll savs be Will g1ve boo(. S and than t u• ong1n!L popu atton o e nt' •

S ~ ,.,. ~. . ora· } take lll1 appeal to the Supreme Coun n{ t<.'<l taWS t .,,o ~ IliA~ au 'liD · !DUll

Congreaaional repreee.~ta~iun - under the ton's Bnnk. SEATTLE, W T. & Co's. Exprese,

ne" censut, gives the follewing aa the DEl\ITISTR.Y WILL LEAVE SEATTLE EvERY probaPle results: 'rhe etfect would be II " W edncsday and Fridt~y morofligs at with reference to New ·York. as reported DR. J. C. GRASSE, DE~TlST. OFFIC£ 7 A • .¥. and Sunday at 6 P. x ., connect . by the enumt!ratore to lessen the number f over 1•· r- 8!"ith & Son'• Jewellery Store, I' ing with the Railroad at Tacoma. • · ·. Sullivan s B10ck, Seattle. Also Agent tor ur ReprttentatiY~ fro.m 3t; .to 33; PtDD- C:llickcrlng & Soil' I tlkbr!ite4 i>iaDOI. nftl(l) .

. ..., . . :. - . . . -



fugd Jound ~itApatth. liUICIDED.-Mrs. Clark, who was aen­tencad to the ~nitentiuy for maaslau1ll"

,..OND •y SE T tar at the l111t tum of court at LllCnnne;, "' r ''- . • . • . . • • . . • • . P . G, 1880. committtd auicide in her cell at Beaten,

Local News. by banging herself with a towel. Her l£!!!iZ2! _ I young son, a bny 11 yean or age, com·

KIDK t;oaaty D•nnocratlc Cea• mittt"cl the homicide for which she waa -vent loa. convicted. Tbe boy was granted a Dl"W

~rtal. Seattle, S11hurlay, Sept. 4, 1880. the

Democratic CnnYentioa WRS c•llerl to ord•r by A. lf. Snyder, Chairman of Countt' Ct~mmit.tee.

On motien, C. D. EmP.ry, E~q'r .• was calle-1 to the Ch11ir, llod E. A. Turner, L. S, McLure an rl Samuel Coombs appointed Secretaries.

On motion, ll•ossrs. U. li. Ruin, Robert Ru~stll, H. It . Snow, Dr. A. 8. Hughtt and J anws Baglty were appointed Com~ mitt~e on Crecll'nriala.

On motion, Tltt'ssrs. W . H. White. S. F. Conmhs, L. D. Hit.kley, Wm. Pickerin!( aafl E. ll. Smith HI, w•re appointed Com­mitt tee nn Perm11nent Oorganizatien and Orrler of Bn~in,.s~.

The report of Committee on Creden­tial• adopted.

The rl"port of Co111mittee on Pt'rm1111ent Ori!Anzation ·and Ordtr of Businel!s


The ttmporuy officen wrre marlr. the permllnl'nt officrrs of the Conl'rntion.

The Convention prncrerled to -the elrc­

tion ,of DPlrgntes to the Tnrritnrial Con­T!!ntion. Hillory Bntlrr, Brri11h Brttwn. W . H. Whit!'. C. D . Emrry. U. )f . Rosin, Frank Dontn, Tit . :MrAndr!'WS !llld S . W.

King county people appellr to he ap­p•«iattd in tlte new County or Spokan. We nottce that at the Republican Con­v~ntinn h~tld 8n the 21st ult. at the Falls, 8. c. Hyde, lute or Seattle, Will nnminat­ed for Prosecuting Attorney, 11nrl A. J. Stevens, late of Snoqualmie, Cor School Superintendent.

-------The "Sarldle Rock," tlw ntctat place

in the city for a frt·d, is now under the proprietorship of C11n. Cuter anli F. G. Bart; a p11ir •f good fe!lowa who under­stand their buwine~•.

KrTSAPCO"NTY.-The Repuhhclln Con · venlion of Kitsqp cot.nty Will hl'lli at Port Blatkeh on Thurs<lay, At:~ust 26th, 1880. The following named persona were n11minatcd :

Cnnnty Cnmmissioners-S. W. Hovey and H. C. McQnillilln.

Sheriff-Joseph Com&tock. Trcnsurer-P. J. Primrose. Aurlitor--Nelson McCallum. Prob11te Jurl!re-R. R. Lomhllrd. Uoroner-Dr. W. P. 1\lorgan. Survl'yor-D. B Jncksnn. Schnnl Snperin_t,.ndcnt-J. :M. Friok. Wreckmnster-Chas. E. Stevens. All'x . D. Smith was nomin11tecl for

Thr Convf'ntion thPn prncPPdf'<l tn the justice of the pt-Rcc for Port 1\la<lison. nominot1on of I'Uiilinntea for I'Ounty of- The following nnmcd dell'gatl'~ "·ere ficrrP: whif'h re~nltPn · R~ follo"'·~: elected members of th._. Central Commit-

For Ltgislative Council-Wm. P1ck - tee for the ensuing two years: Chas. E. erin!!. Stevens, Geo. Le,·eny, H. C. :McQuillian,

For 1\fpmhl'rs of A~~,.mhly-L. i'tcRed- W. D. Scott and N. Buckli11. monel nnn Dr. A. S. Hu~::hes. Dclegatea to the Territ<>rial Conven-

For Connty Juilgt-Thomll!! Burke. lion-Charles E. Stev!'ns, George Leveny, Fnr Conntv Aurlitnr-R L . Thorne. S. W. Hovey and N . McCallum. Fnr 'T'rt' • ~urrr - G,.or!!f' F . FryA. Fnr Sheriff--John T . Jorf111n.

F"'r As"4'!lS••r-H . H . Snow. For Schon! Snperintentlent- Miss An

na n .. an. For Count~ Com111is~ioners-J~tmes

Begley. Charlea 1\tcDonald and Terence o •nrien.

F~tr County Surveyor-F. H . Whit­WC'rth.

Fnr Drlrj!ates to conftr with Dl'll'!!lllet from Kit~ap county on fhr. nominAtion of Joint A~s11mhl:rmnn-John Collins and Frank Guttenher!!.

Counh Committ11 f•r th11 •nwuin!r two :reara W. H. Whitt, u. ]I[ R118in. Frank Dorrm, S . F. Coon1bs 11n<l Jos. FostPr.

Connntion adJourdtd.

The D,.Jegntea from Senttle Precinct mAde the f.lllOwinl!' nominlltions:

For Juaticew of the Ptace-Samutl F .

CMmhs and A. 1\l. ri;nyner.

"Wh11t are you dning out there, my rlaughter, in the ni:,:ht dew ? " &*icl tne kindly ol<t gentll•m11n on the pi11zza.­.. Practising timcing," wns the swe .. t 're­ply, as she leanerl over the pickets till her face was dre11dfully close to Will­iam·a.

The Dareoa11. Messrs. Plummer & Yuung haYe jnst re­

cei \'ed a Lnr~" a d Fresh •leek of Confection­er\ which arrh·ed ou the Idaho from Ran Fr-.m­cisco. This last invoice cflmprise~ many new varietiCi! hcrctof().l e unknown in Lhis-<:ity, and are very delk itlus, By same stt>amer wa.• t.l•o recei ved a new stock of all the f,n·orite brand5 of Ci~ars, both ~'o rllign MUd Domeetic; lllro Cil{"rcttes, Tebacco, Pipes, etc. The prices ou these goods nrc put down at the lowest livin~ mtes, nnd the public are invited te test our sincerity in tllis matter us well ns the quality of our goods. PLIJM~!ER & You:sG, corner Mill and Front sts.


8. BAXTER & CO.'li WLUilN.

S. Baxter & Oo., IMPvRTERS OF



Domestic Wine~

• Liquors, Cl~ars~

and Tobacco.


'V oel, llldes. Fnr•• ~rala.

Potatoe•, Uop•, Eac.

OFFER t'OR SALE TO 1'HE TRADE only at Whoh.'Sale prices, to arrive per

British ;:;i1ip Golden Gate, now due from Lh·· t:rpool to ;:;.&n Franci:;co, aud other vcs~els to follow.


100 Case!! • Hennessy Brar.dy 20 Cases * * * " " 100 Cases • Martel " ~0 Cases Holland Red Case Gin 50 Cases Fine Old Tom Gin, 50 Casks Guinness' Porter, qts:

and pts., 50 Casks Bass· Pale Ale,

in quarts and pints, 10 Octoves Fine Old Martell

Brandy. 10 Octaves Fine Old Hen­

nessy Brandy 5 Octaves Holland Gin, Fine Old Port and Sherry


For Constahles-James Walch and H. BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE TERRifO- We also have constantly on hand a fnll line

C. Luff. offi~e OLD BOUIU30N WIWlKIES amd otb-

Ia Menaorlam.

A.t a rP2ular communication of St . John'R Longe No . 9, F. and A. 1\I., h eld llt the Lodge room, in Seattle, Au::ust 28, 1880, the followiag preamble and rESoluti611S were reported 11ml adopte~:

WHEREAS, Bre. R. S. Doyle, nn es­teemed IJiember of this Lodge met his drath u the re!Mllt of 11ccideDt on the railr•ad , at Ogden, Utah Territory, alter enduring much pbyaical suffering for senral days, during which be waa kindly cared for hy atrangera: Therefore ;

Reaolnd, That we cherish the memory of our depart-ed l.rother as that of a true Mason, n Chnstian without guile, linda citizen without repraach, the enmple ot whote life reflects credit upon our Order, and it worthy of tbe emulation or all.



RY OF WASHINGTON. er Dome; tic liquors which we offer t.> the WBERSAS, It is the duty of the Go\·emor at trade at San Fnmci~co prices.

least six t_f days l>dorc any ~cnerdl o:lectlon to issue his Proclamation designating tlu: otHct:~~ to l>c fill ed at such election.

Now, therefore, I, ELI~n.a. P. FERRT, Gov­ernor ef .aid Territory, du, •\Crcloy declare that a general clectiun willl>e lu:la iu 8aid 1 t·rriLury ou Tut:Sday t!Je second dHy of No••ember, A. D. one thousand•eight huudn:d and eighty, at


:;~~~~d .the following uawcd otHct:rs will be DIRECT IMPORTATIOI A Delegate to represent said Territory in

the Forty-tieventh Congress of tllll L' uitcd Statco.

A Brigndicr General. A Qm1rter Master Gen~ral, A commissary General. An Adjutant Gcnt:rul.


A Prosecuting Attorney for the Second Ju­dicial District.

A Pro<ecnting Attorney for the Third Ju- HOM~ HOUSES. dieial District. ., ..

A .Memher of the Board of Equalization for the First Judicial District.

A Ml'mber of the Board of Equalization for the Second Judicial District.

A Member of the Board of Equalization for We are the .;ole &g<,nts for the PacUic Coast the Third Judicial Oistrict. of the

Memberi of both brsucbes of the Legisla-tive A>st·mbly.

And all t:ounty and Precinct officers requir­ed by the laws of s11id Territory

In tc.•timony whereof, I ha,·e hereunto st:t my hHnd and caused the Crest ~t',.J of the Territory ~o be attlxed, at

Celebrated Fair Oaks

Olympia, this 3!st duy of August, A. D., oue thous- Bourbon Whiskies. and ei~ht hundrt:d aud eil!b-ty,and of the lndcpcodence of tbe United .5tates tbe one hundred and fifth .


By order of the Governor. N. H. OWINGS, ::Secretary.


·N ort;h Po.cidc



The Best Beer aiwaya en Hand.



Imported by them direct from Eastern' Dis­tilleries thus avoiding the docLoring proce&ll of San Franci111:0 cellars; are guaranteed pure, aod otrercd to the trade in let& to&uit, a\ low­er prices thau );ood& of a aimilar quality can be bouzbt for elicwherc.

For further particulan apply to _ · · ~ S. BAXTER .• 'CO.,.:

Sttttle, W. T.

BOFORTHE Skagit Gold Mines!



will leave Seattle for head of

lV. T. CODY a Co ••

CITY DRUG STORE; (Sucee&IIOr to Geo. W. Harria & Co.)

Wholeaale and Retail Dealers ia .



We carry a full line of TOILET an<l other navigation on the Skagit every Articles usually kept in a l'irst CliLIII Drag Monday and Friday. Store.

Corner Mill and Commerelal Streets·, Eutut and Ch.aput Route. SEATTLE, W, T.

The largest and best selected ·stock on Puget Bound on hand, and

for sale cheap for Cash.





D. A. Jennings, Two doors below the New England Hotel, Commercial Street,




Copper- ~• are, I.ead Pipe,

l!iteaiD Pipe, c .. pper Pipe,

l!iteaiDaadGa• ' .,ltlla.-,

8bee& Lead.

sheet <:opper

.&ad Zlac.

Graal&e ._ .......... Ga• Pipe.


:ai£.ED.A.LXC>N" R..A.NG-E


BUCK STOVI. All JOJS WORK pertalnin~t to the business promp\ly attended io, Orders !rem abron tl

aollcitcd'llDd ~~&ti&faction guaranteed.

H. McALEER ct. Co., Collllllereiaa' l!i&ree&, l!iea&&le, w. 'I'.



Hustic, nooring," Casings, Gutters, Packing Box~s.

Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Shutters and doors Finish of Every Description.


The Portrait. 6aJ, Cllll yon read i&? Lo i& writ

Ia any line upon &bil race. Lon ouce bad here dwelliug·plae4!,

.lie toaebed tbis brow and b&Uowed i&?

fte pictured bee 1m ilea baek at me; Ky art bath fubionl'd all thi1 forw, Ky eager band and fancy warm

7bey madl' &hia tbiug, and bade it~-

Bat is II bere? I knew the life, I watched the budding of tb~ l ower, Tile glorious riJ.eniug hour by hour,

ADd tbcu &be storm aud paio and strafe. now. .ExcPpt tbe canvas ahow 'l'be cousumDiation pore and fair, Love's holy work in radiance there.

fteu back lo chaoo~ it aball go.

._,were it not a lifeless, If pictunod lip! could emile and speak, "nleu th•se should uy, in accents muk,

"11oought am 1 bot what Love llu made."

An insurmountable Objectioa.

Juel Dudley ., the country bouse of a lam, I l!bonld aay-c&Jl it be you?" abe Supportiag the Family. I Tbe Diary or a CeD8118 EDumerie~ eoaBin, where be wa~~ visiting oae eum · 1 mer holiday. She had anduaW at the " 1 Mr. Hallam!'" echoed the young . A pl~t eubject h~ come up for Some one picked up on the street the. Normal College a year or ao before, 1111d man, with alight laugh. " It is John- diBCuBilon be~ore the c.:>nventioa of I following journal of a cenaaa enumer­being obliged to leave the city directly your own John." Cou~ty tiuJ.Mlrl~tendentll ,,f the Poor, ator. Be eaa havtt the eopy by calliDg after. on account of her mother's failing "Yon are mistaken-" abe began now IB seBB1on 1n New York It i8 · at this ofloel health, had sought and obtained the po- bot he interrupted her haatily. ' "~ow aha~l. mea who refuse t~ auppor~ .Jane 1.-How 1lad I am to get work! aitioa of village eohool-mistreaa at "Uncle Roger baa deserted me. I theu. fa~nhea. be punished?" The I thought the time would never come Strawberry Centre. am glad uf it. His desertion sets me question 1e .an Intricate one and eng- ronn.i-and I have bet~l!. so long idle.

They bad fallen in love with each free." gesta grave possibilities. There are Two ceatea name-exOf!llentpay. llew other at .fir~t eight, he faacinated by her " And ~ill yon not get hie fortune, I so ~any varieties an~ degrees of I I !!hall be able to 1ave $300 or 1'00, and pretty gnhsh f11ce, her graceful way1, after all? she asked. family support, and a fa1lore tosoppot, j put the amount in fntnre1. Lel me a~d quaint, precilld speech, a~d she by ~·Don:~ be_ sarcastic, Janet," he re· l that even th_e Soperiatende~t of. a see, I have my portfolio, the IJlank h1s handsome brown eyes, h1s gayety, pbed. I d1d what I thought was for poorhouse might be troubled 1n trymg !schedules and blotting pads, my rn~ his fine tenor voice, and his gallant 1 the be~t, and the end proves I was more I to draw th~ line in .the right place. As 1 ber inkstand-now for my work. lbn bearing; and before John's holimay was fa!-see1ng than yon were, for every- to the ablftless and indolent peraoa

1. must 8llrD his bread by the swea' of

over she had promiaed to become at th1ng has turned out for the best. I who 11pends his time in gin·mills in· , his face. me not far distanttime his wife .. Bat have had a grand holi~ay, am richer by stead of wor~i~g for a li!iug. there ca.n · June ~.-I suppose I shall soon ge~ a few months after they bad plighted twenty thousand dollars lhlln when I be ?O two opinions. H 1s through h1s used to the work. One js apt &o feel a troth, John's uncle Roger, wlllo bad wooed an~ won you, and you shall have laa1ness and ill-management that his little awkward at first. I hope I ab&ll been the IJlack sheep of his family, re- a set of duamonds, and teach school no f~m1ly becomes a borden on the pub· do better to-day than yesterday. I suo-­turned from abroad, like the famous more." l&c. . But there are families who do not I ceeded in making ten cents-live names black sheep of Babyl&nd, wit~ three or " I neve! cared f~~ th?nsands of dol- consider themselves BD)lported unless a~ two cents apiece-but it's a ~gin­more bags fuJI. not of wool, however, l•ars o~ diamollds, IJBld 1aoet, with the h~11band and father 1s a\Jle to keep nmg. L- street is my district. I but money. No one knew where or · rov~k1ng calmneas, "and I gave up them. In ~1 sorts of luxury. One wom- , though~ I would commence with this how these bags had been filled and no teaching school at the beginuing of last a~ will hve on what ·would not a1f..,rd locali'Y. The first bonae I eutered wu one seemed to care. That th~y were VIICation.". pm-mo~ey for another. One th:-ifty not distinguished either by tho beauty full appeared quite enough, for all " Yon ~1d? _Then there need be no la~y will do as much household_ work of . its surroundings or its imposing ap-

AT THB GARDEN G.HB. doors .flew open to him at . the first delay. .~on will marry me at once, w1tb her ow~ han_ds as her. neighbor peara':'ce . . n was a tenement bouse· ____ _ " Baa." Jenny ? . and ~e ~aught her band and m_ay aecomphsh w1th the a1d of ~wo !mhab1ted by_ foreigners. In aa few

Janet Da 11

t d t th d I Among others who renewed their ac- pressed 1t to h1s hps. · o. three servants. The lady who hves ' words as poas1ble I stated to u.1e first pte that lov~Ii evse:: g ~n e ras en quaintance witb llr. Roger Vander· I .. John," she replied, as she quickly OD servants would consider her unfor· l f{eatleman I met the object of' my visit. tember ga~zing up the 0 d1 -~~r Y . ep· gaaa, now bleachE'd to admirable white- withdrew it, "I ceased to care for yon tunate hus~and guilty of the SID of ! He wore a loog beard, and had evident­ens 1.·he f in~ ·li ~~a ;~b an~I<_>n& ness, was his nephew, whom he had not as soon as I ~ad read the letter you sent J not suppor~mg the family, if the pres· j ly not washed, and appeared of a taci­Dio~ lay lik 11 bl ~n ° b e r•;~ng seen since his chilclhood and to whose me announcing your decision to remain sure on h1s pocket became so great I turn disposition. l told him I should heaJ and t;e 8 air e~:~~~ 0!-thertl~o f e~ mother he bad not sent o~e line for fif- wi~h !\{r. Vande.rgaas. Strive to dis-~ that the se!vant.s h ·1d t~ be dismisse~. li~e to know. hia age and that of hi& au~ of ue Bl' b 1 e. r~ teen years before her death Tho old guise 1t aR you Will, yon chose between .Total deshtntlOil of diamonds, India wife and family; that he would oblige

f:aehed hH wj i own •Y; caresNng Y man received his young reiative with a hum~le Hfe with me and a luxurious ~~awls, opera tickets a~d carriage me exceedingly -by telliug me where he rettier maid :: 'i:i0 f ace. ever greMt kindness, and being also immedi- one w1th your uncle. I-" r•?es would lead some ladies to believe was born, and by giving me other nec.-

Johll Hallam's 1~ waso~e;;, ~nd y~t atel~ fascinated by his baudsome face .. "Janet," he int~r.rnpted, eagerly, tliat they we~e. not supported at al~. e~~~~;~~ry information. I stood with pen face clouded as he emer ed fr~ ~8 (which be. eeoretly ~attered himself re- you do_not, yo~ wdl. not, look at my Bome ~omp!Blning women have a _h~b1t poised to put down _the nam~s. Then ehadow of the treesandg t e sembledhisowu),hlsairdebonair and conduct 10 thenghthght. Yon are of 88Ying,whenevertbe appropriation he spoke' "Russk1-no sp1ke Eng­ller. 1anet opened the gat:~r:: 81~"'a!~ fine ten_or voice, declared his iate~tioa such an u!lcompromi~ing little woman. for dress goods runs a little short, that li~h. " I felt a little discouraged. I eat to meet him .. W ·II J h ? ,pP h of makmg him his heu commanded Bo~t grantmg that I d1d do wro11g, • For- they are on the road to the poorhouse. ! tned other doors and houses, but found eaid, and her ;oice tr:~bl~d 0 ~vers s e him to resign his sitnati~o at Mink A get and forgive'-that was one of y~ur 1'hen they belabor. th~ir basb~nds with i nobo~y · to give me {'articular& about little. 0 Otter's-a comm~nd which the com- school mottoes, you. know-and g1ve r~bukes and faulttiadmg, whiCh ma~e ! anything. '.rhe name~ of a washer-

The oun man took h 1. manded lost no t1me in obeying -and me back your heart, 1f you have ever him regret that he ever too'!' on h1s l woman and her four children I secured,

iD his ~nd J~oked dow er 10£ han~s installed him in elegant rooms adjoin· taken it away from me, which I doubt" hands the contract for supportmg such j however. Net earnings, ten cents. waa a'wee tbing-withn a~~O:St :rf~ e ing his own in the St. Sky Hotel. -with acou.tident smil~-'.' and tell me querulous people. T~ese.wome~ wonl<l ! .Tune a.-Eureka! I h~ve discovered 1lpen his brow .. Un

1 R !0 n But when Uncle Roger came to hear when yon Will be my wife. ·' take oath before a ~astlce, either of 1 the secret of census-takmg. H 11nded

obstinate ns a~nle .. h~ :Sid og?~ IS as of the pretty Tillage school-mistreas be "Never, 1ehn,'' peace or war, that th~y were not prop- j in a lisL of 600 names, which makes me jus~ come fr•·m a ~ost weari~om 1i!:'"e~~ w.&s exceeding wroth, _and swore, .;ith " Nonsense! I woo·t take_ that for an e~ly snppo!ted. It •s · hoped Lhat


$1~ is pocket. I have D? more trouble new with him He insi t h c maoy strange anJ terrible oaths that if o~nswer. I foresaw, know1og you so t e Superintend~~ts Will pay some now. I know how to do 1t. I b~tve my either take

0 • my dru~ s t at I ~ball John did vot promise to remain'a bach- well, that you wunld bring forward heed to the condltlc;>D of the luckless blanks filled in for my whole district,

llink A Otter·r. or some ~~~t:a•~1~t elor for at least five years, and when he many obstacles, and l have come vre- man. who wonld l_Ike to support ~is , !'nd. I didn't trou_ble myself much about Jl@rehable establishment and for?~t fi did change his state, to marry his - pared to ~ombat thew all, and to do !;;:uly _If he could tind a way til do It. ! 1t e1t_her. The City dir~ctory is an ex­elaims upon him or giv~ him the tHo~- Uncle Roger'11- choice, back to work battle w1th whatever stanJs between . ue. 111 many a man who h~ts . lost b1s ) ce~dm_gly .useful pnbhcation. M.y im-ilte he asks.,, ' pr should he go, and not a penny from the us. A few good blow~, and down it Sltu~tion. Perhaps h~ was mcompe· l agmation IS almost of as much a88ist-

•• Well?" said Jane . . three or more bags full should he ever goes before me, Janet.' ~ut, perhaps he was siCk. Perh~ps he , ance. eteM.I . b. f t agaJD, .ga~lng have I Janet's eyes twinkled and a Jittle IS a nervous soul who has fallen Into a 1 June f.--Discharged for too hea-vy Iller ;Jceu~i~n no•: t:::·b~Ild !hill u~~ Ndw, this jelly, singing tine-looking ' laugh escaped from her 'lips. state of discouraged dnmpishness be- , uerage of Smiths to the block. lis lover's did, aR with hatf.:v~rt~ y_oung fellow beu~~th a c'areless exte- " I ~arn yon to attempt no blows," c~use of ~ontlnaed showers. of d~me~ _ __ _ e,ee he made answer· .. I sh uld h te rwr concealed an Intense longing for she sa1d, as a stalwart yc:;ung fellow ~c scol~mg. Some consi~eratlon l& j The Army Worm te go clerkin it a ~in after ~eio ~ ":ealth and all the comforts and luxu· strode np to the ~ate, "for I must ne to t e poor fellow .who 1~ crns~ed 1 ' · ow• · master !o long• and t g thy r1es wealth could bring; besides which I present to you an Insurmountable ob- under any of these evils. Everything 1 The story told of the army worm and uuth, patronizing zi;~ old 'chon!:~ome~ he ~as troubled wi_th a constitutional Jection-Mr. John ~all11m, my hns- ~eemr. to be again~! him, and he wish~s ~ his performances in the Eastern States what whenever we met· and it seems lass1tnd~, ~a certa10 fox once called it, band, Mr. Oscar L~mer." 'b· were _dead. .L~ere are cases. 10 almost equal tho wonderful tales in toe bad to Jet such a' fortune

0 t though 1t Is better known to tho world • . , ,· . • · . w lCh ~ Wife and ch1ldren 8o not hst- j Herodotntt, of ants that devoured cam-

strangers e U I R d I g .o under another name also commencing The l:lnue of ~eduction. lestsly &It down and ask to be supported. ' els and elephants and found an army • a nc e oger ec !lres It ·th l A d 'd A spirited woman and a grou of 1 f b 1 ,, · •ball if 1 don't come to terms But WI au . n to escend from his Se<luction is worse .than murder b.t' b. d . 1 . P am- ~ o men no great o stac e to tae1r marGh.

then the promise he exac•- is ~o ab· IM:roh, as it were, and mingle once more The villian who under the promise of d 1 lu~s t o~~ an gu ~ ~re ;rten able to They get so thick and grow so fast a11rd." _,. With the grubbing work·a·day crowd, marrirge, or who b his words and ac· 0 w a ~ Is~onrage at er may have ~bat they cover the ground some

•• I Absurd,',, repealed Janet slowl seemed to him worse than death. But tion leads a girl .to ~elieve that he in- totall,r f8lled In. The pe_opl~? w~o can j inc~es deep, and rolJ and tumble over •• Ja it so absurd, when you tbi~k of 1't then he loved, as well as such a selfish tends to marry her, seduces and then fo _this, t bu~ Stal_ld on tbeu ~~~nity' r~· I ~acu ?the! until the soil seems mov­ealmly? Your uncle wants to make nature could love, blue-eyetl, golden· ~ deserts his victim leaving her dill- ~st~~ b o It, ~nd clal~Ing tbeu , IDg WILh hfe. They cannot be stopped nre of a pleasant companit~n for five haired Janet Dudley • and bated to give grMced, humiliated 'crns~ed helpless is rig . o ~ sup~orte 'are quite as de- I or tll.rned asi_de •. They go over stene years and at the end of that time her up almost as much as be did the a demon a blackllearted villain de~ti- serving o pumsh.went as 18 the neg- I fences, a sqturmJDg gray mass, many wish;s to choose a pleasant com anion elegant ~ooms at. th!3 St-. Sky. Here . tute of e'very spark of manline~s and, Jectful husband. rhere are tboas~nds j yards wide, covering i~ up like a for that pleasant companion tEereby ~as a co~l, and thmk•ng how to unwind I honor and courts liDd juries should ~~ ~1ortu~te and ~~most pe:ailess I blanket-. When a field IS e:s:bansted &eeuring for himself two lea~ant com It cost hlm a week of sleepiess nights . see t~ it that be goes to the niteu ami lt:B, w o are as . ey a~e ecause ' they take to tbe road and travel under palli4.lns for the remainde!' of his life- T~e proposition he at length made to tiary the' full term provided~y th~ th~h ~om~ ~n{f children k ~Ither. k!low I some .a,parent guidance, until they which sonudslike something out of one ~~s ." ladyelove," as has been seen, she ! taw. In the trial of such cases thev no .,•ug ~ onh ow to wor or a IV!ng, i come to a field th~~ot is fit to eat . . They .t Ollendorfi·s books for beginners or m_dignautly _repelled; a~,d swearing, "I should be very carefalllow they weigh ~~· . ntwlDgl :w, ~re too proud to pat at~ack barns and eat np every green a riddle "she continued with a Ia~ b will never giVe yon np, he gave her up the testimony of oun wen intro- !Jlf n~w e ge

0 .pracucal u~e. A thmg and even the hay. Sometimes

Utal had no merriment i.; it "And ~o the next day, as will be eeen by the fol· duced by the defenaaot ~o attack the :usban~ 1: a ~u~d thm\~o have •n the houses are assaoltccl and it is foand he offers you grellt indace~ents to be· lowing letter: character of the ruined •~irl It is a out se fl e. IS llld wor mg order. .If hard, even with brooms, shovel!! and

h . ...... n F . · ~ · on ° repau an vermanentl:y d1s- brashes to protec• residence~ H 1f

eeme t at companiOn. And,1ohn you .w.Y ABLL..,•:- •or, notwith9tanding I notorwus fact that every libt!rtine aad abled or iuoom etent- so eb d I ' · . • ·· . a a. llave always been discontented be~anse your cruelty" (hel' "craeltv," poor licentious reprobate has "pals" and come to the res~ne If t':e.; Y 1 must do~~n ~f tnem ~llldtake possessiOn of a J8Ul station in life was not a higher c~ild !) " my _da.rliog you are "and ever I foul birds of hke ilk to himself, who Superintendents wlll show us o~ro lOn:e s~a 0

.;ye or a e of. grass and eat ODe, and more of the world's gold had wdl be, the d1e 1s supposed to be cast. j are ready to go into court and swear revent the evil the de lore r:

0 t e sus nance out of Jt. Th_ose w~o

Mt fallen to yo~r. share. .And now that I h~ove acceded to UncleR~ger's wishes, , that the youog girl has a bad character, fhan bow tc puoish l thep wili do the~ ~ome tO? I~ for the first ta.>le wlll wealth ud pos:hon are offered you, it ~a you ~onld say, you pr1m, old·fash- that they personally know it to be so, ciety a valuable service .!Philaael ~~a n~~ow ~at h ~oots until the .fi!lld looks would be • alllj,nrd ' indeed to refuse umed h~tle s,.eetheart, with a mental I etc. Burglars and thieves always have Tiwae~ · P a~ 1

a re a l'assed over It-. ~-them for. the Aake of a poor country re~rvabun. Yon are that mental reser- certain friends to «O into court and · · - . rlage and ~agon ~heels make n~ n~1se Hhool·mlstress." vahon. Be true to me, as I shall help s;vear ~be defcnda~t out, and se- UoNQilATULATilll't THE AGED IN JAPAN. las the vehicles dnve over t_~e squumlng

"Janet, you are cr~el. " be to you, and I may yet hy a fortune I d~cers of g1rls are simuarly provided -In Japa11, it would seem, they honor I :~es. k ~h~h acco~phl;b most of "Perhaps I 11.m-1a the way sur· at your feet. JoHN. w1_th unscrapulonsdepraved, licentious the aged with the same bongr.&tuiations - elr wor

10 e evenmg or the morn­

ge®s are orael; hat I really think Only a year had passed and Mr ' friends of large animal propensities as we offer on their attaining a remark- !:g. :rhey can:o~ bet:tam~d out, for Jehn, the cure for your hurts is to ac~ Vandergaas, already weary of hi~ I and "one-story beads'' who will nn- able number of years though in a k.~Y d mcled~h 88

·&b ~~ t Y ca: ~~ eecle to yonr uncle's wishes." nephew's fine tenor voice handsome I blushingly appear in court, and not somewhat ditrerent w;y Mrs Iwa .

1 eed.. t

1 becWl IS

00 Y a . r1~

"And t ·th ? " I f d · b · ' 1 f th · 1 d · • · 1mp 1men · a use as soon as 1t lS " par W_I yon. . . ~ce, an au de onau, suddenly bade on Y con ~Ir own mora epranty ~ora, mother of one of the dignitaries full the re:Oainder ~f the host c And part With me, as •t 1s only too h1m farewell one cloudy morning (they and beastbness 1n general, but falsely of the empire has jast arrived at the 'th d ad bod. Th rOI!'!

e~ent that that worthy gentlema11 oon- w~re stopping at a ho~l in Paris), gave s" tha.t they have committed imor- age of fonr-eo'ore years. In order that ~bout :n i:ch Ion •e:hick as~ rw:~~ 18

lic1ers me totally. unworthy the bonur h1m the smallest bag of wool-money I ahhes with the poor broken-hearted she might understand how great wasj d . lik tatoe g, d ·n t [ h~!· of ever becoming the pleailant compan- I mean-and again departed for parts girl then in court. Let these black the joy of her friends eighty of them b1~c ealt ·

8i au WI n: f oucfooc! .... -ion of his pleaaant companien." unknown,. To do John Hallam justice crimea against vonng, innocent, nnso- came to an understand'ing each to write Irk ~h IS ho ~ven ~


• or • The youn.g man drepped her hands, he also waa tired of the companionship' phiaticated girls be punished by swift, her a short poem Among the anthon c~:pe:e!:eS:~o opf:r' dn :t ~8 no :al

lllld caught her in his arms. "Yon do and at times had alm01t regretted eo: sure and severe legal penalties.-Cres· . were included so~e ofthe greatest per- · od ed 1e, ~ ;vas Jon w 10

DO& lon me, after all," he said, reproach- tering into compac~ ":ith t~e wicked old ton Gazelle. sonages of state, And from what a Jap-11

pr ac .- rotl r·tH. ~Y· , . man. Bat on re~a1n1ng b1s liberty he anne paper saya or. the subject it may -- - --

I ~o love ;ron, she repbed, at the congratulated himself on the clever- Novel Nuptials. be inferred that the liaes were f)f a j ~e ~l!l:itl t~rnmg her face away from ness he ha~ displayed, for though the highly figurative and ornate character. Fluu!cu ~ARHIX&;-French farme!"! h_ll kissee, and I have loved yon ever larger porhon of the fortune might be Here's a hint to the ladies who have The verses, for instance, written by her J work unceasingly. rhey are n<!t rapl~ BIDe~ we first mvt, but I have become lost, he had. se~n the gayest part of the charge ,f chuNh socials and festivals, majesty, the queen, delicately treated ~orkers, I?nt they are ~I ways atlt. Thll! MllVInced that as a poor man yon would Old World ID Its gayest dress, eecured and who, righLfally enough, want to of the great age to which the stork at- i •ndnst~ IS acc.ompanie~ b~ extreme aot be a snccees, John, .aad the.refore a snug sum of m.ooey, and was free to "blake them pay well. At a recent festi· tains, and, contrasting Mrs. Iwa Kora l' f!npbty. Theu clo~h~n~ . IS of the I ~y, obey your nsole,·hve the lde for retu.rn to Amer1ca and Janet. "I'm val in a 11·estern city a wedding was one with this favored bird drew inferences simpl~st and most primitive form _!Uld which you have longed, and get the sure she is waiting for me , he said of the featnrs of the occasion. The of tho~ most Aattering 'character It ie mater1al, and the Fr~nch housewives '-June." . : "though she wouldn't ans,;er one

0j ceremony was announced in advance. not said that the old lady read 'an tlse


• or mothers _seem to . ha\·e carrie~ \he ~y heavens I will not give you up!" m.r letters, tho proud, io1lexible little The idea was so novel that, as a result, poema, but it is noted that she took ~t of patcbiag c~othing to the blghe~t

exela1med .~allam, stn.og by h!lr quiet \hmg." the church was crowded to overtlowiag pains. to preserve them by having every p1tch of perfectu?n. In some . spec!­IUeasm. . B~t, Jennl4? dear, hsten to And back home he went .. post-haste- on the evening in question, and the one puled on a pair of screens and rel·l mens I seen ~~would. be dl.!licu! t :reason. Prom1se to _wa1t for me, to be back to the village where he had left money began to pour into its open cof- egated to a place in her dwelling. ito. s~y Wl~h certa1n~y _ wh1~h was the true t? me, a~~ I Will agree to Uncle the prett~ young achool-mistress. fers like water. Whether the authors will take this I orlgmal piece, as distmgatshed. fro~ :Rogers condl~lon~. Who knows what It was Jast such a lovely evening as The young folks discussed ice·cream as a compliment or not tt~e writer who the They ~pend b~t little lD. may happ~n 1~ five years? The old that on which they parted when he and cake, and tslke~ of the event about records tile fact seems as yet unable io 1 fnrn1shmg ~nd almes~ nothing in the MaD ma:'!' d1e- fonn~ himself once more, this time with to !-&ke place, while surrounded _by decide. 1 o.ruamen~tion of theu homes. They

_The gu~ started back from his arms hnr~1ed · steps, walking along the old th~1r fr1ends stood. ~he prospective 1 hYd also lD t~e most frugal, way. It w1th glowmg cheeks and flashing eyes. familiar road. 'fhe birds were chir - ~ bnde and groom awa1hog expectantly AB Ora!lge county man was not sar· i has bee~ 881d that two Sc:>tchmen ;: Shame . on _you, John!" she said. i~g "good-nights " to each other, t~e the words ~hich would pronounce them prised when the conductor of a Fonrtla would hve where one . English~~n ~hat hai!opwess Gou~:l attA:nd the a~r was full of fragrance, the. great man and w1fe. . avenue c!'r atep_ped and held the hell ! would starve.. Be that as 1t may, 1t l !

union of two people wuo wa1teJ for n1ght moths were humming in success· ~!ter an evemng of rare pleasure and rope while he ]Dmped on board, and j ~robable t!!.at three Frenchmen could Dea&h and l'~alsehood to bring them to- fal mimicrv of the humming-birds as enJoyment the time for the nuptials 'JIIid, "Much obliged to you; makes me hve on an allowance all too small for gether? Yon have eaid enoo~h. Oor they ho¥er6d over the blossoms that arrived, a~d in the pr~sence of t~e &:reat feel as if I waa to home. We never let l the most frugal Scotchman. Th_is fact bGDds _are b~oken. You are fne. " open beneath the stars the crickets congregation the r1te was a<tmmi•- a strangar walk along the road up onr j seems to selv., the problem how 1t hap-.

A famt vo1ce from the cottage called !' shrilled loud and mer;ily the fairy tered. · way when we can let him cat"h a ckanee , pens th11t. a populous country like "~~net._'' . ' lanterns of the fire· dies glo~ed fitfull ~hen came the C?ngratulatioas, ride wiih ns. It's sort of neighborly, j Jo,raoce, w1th an !verage production

I wlll never g1ve yon up," repeated on every side and Janet-yes it w~ . wluch, from such a mnlt1tnde, were ex· yon know. What! want 1ix cents? Oil 1 per acre less than .e.ogland, can y6t ex­the lov~r, yebe~ently, and snatching I J11net, the m~nbeam11 resting ~n her tended ID almos' ~Jess flow •. The I that's for the toll. w~u. we always !' port breadatntrs. The producers eon­laer !'ga10 1n hiS ar~s .• he kisae<l her goldeu head-stood, as though abe had season of c~nversabon '!as again re- pay ~be toll when we get a ride for same so much l(:ss. Small farmiLg pa88lonatel,....R!Jrl turned away. Jauet I ne¥er left it since the honrthey parted, newed, an~ 1t was nc;>t nntll a late hour nothing. I suppose that was the ton- J s~e~s th_e rule of the CO!Jntry, one man looked after h11. ret.realting form for a I at the garden gate. "Dreaming of that the assembly d1s_persed. . J gate." And he pointt-d to the elation of j ti!hn~ h1s own. laud w1th the help of ~oment, thell raised her clasped hands, me, no doubt," thought the fast-ap- Several hundred dimes w~re coined the elevated railroad.-NQ YOTk Her- b1s w1fe aDd chddren. ~.mute appeal to Heaven, choked a proaching lover, •od in a moment more at the door, and the exchequer of the altl. · ! DBIJig llf\b, and answered her mother's be stood be(ore her. 1 church was materially inc~eaaed by the - - ---:-· - 1 . . . . aal1. She started; a faint bluah roee to more than novel entertaiDmellt.-&- There. are !1,000,000 hlYM of ~ m

1. A 11!11: without 1ts poDiahment ia 116

John Hallam. then clerk ill the whole- cheek· she lo k d d f U b .hhr ell.ange. the Un1tcd Statee, 1111d the eatimated ~mpoaa1ble, u co01plete a contredictioa aale fu ~&ore of Mint~ Otter first aaw ud ~ ~.We .. woD., ebr a IJ'_ DIB_,t an11ual nveuue from them is 81!,000,- 1n terms, as a canae without an ·eel'eot.

• PP7· uy, .,o D-llr. ..- BeD Btatler..,. balltiag on knday. 000. -LGNJ .



InteJiigeace Items. Beer sells for twentv•five oenb

glass in Mexico. . -Forest fires have again been prevail­

Jug in sections of Long Island. " Tile best crop sinoe 'he war" is the

report from many parishes in Louisi­&Jla.

Each one of the four Presidential candidates is onr six feet . high. En­glish and Arthur are also six-footers.

Mil waukee anti Indianapolis report their cenens complPte. 'l'he former b~&s a population of 118 131 , nod the latter '1:>,131-large gaint1 in both cases.

_Duseeld~>rf, or: the Riline, is having, t1ili summer, an inrlu!!trie.l and art ex­hibition, which, it is daimed, is the largest ever holJ in the German Em­pire.

'l'lle constructors of the railway up Mouut Vesuvius hnve adopted the American dnuble iron rope system ll8

the l>est means fur raising and lowering Ute tr~&ins.

The ~ay before the Fourth of July, 42 000 pounds o f meat were placed in 'lle ice house at M .. nba~tau BtJach, Cv­ney Island, in prepuation fur tile ex­pec ted :ru!!h,

Ce nsus returns place the population of New YMk at 1 209 .561; Pbil~tllel­phia, 847 452; Brooklyn, 55-l ,693; Uhi· cago. 477 500; St. L ouis, 377 .000. B •s· tou, 352 000; aud B"ltimore, 3~0.000 .

The State of Yirgioi a hire~ out five hundred a nLI t wenty-five of her con· victs to work on her railroads and flther public improvements, for whom sh u re· cr iYes t"euty-five cents uet eacil per day.

Japanese fans have been in such de­mAori in Eogl~And late ly that lrtst year a 000,000 were exported from Hiogo nut! Yukohama., whereas in f urmer VPIU S the whole trad e never exceedeu lOl'OO.

T . A. BrecklPh i!. rk es timates that in a siog l t~ dectLde 500,UOO p .. r~om!<l iu i u du~trial pur.;Ull ll iu Gr ..-at B itt~.iu s us tain pe t~<onul itJj ury or a re killt ·d; iu mines, 300.000; 1u milroa.ts, 70,000;

·r.ud Ill factorie:~ , :il:>G 000. There ar"' abont tig llty employes i!l

th o D ead L etter Ofli-:e ut W..stJiugtou, an •l abouc eight 1hous11ntl letlers ar.­~ u i ly recd veJ. tll e re. In geu ,.. r rt l, tl.te ru n:, t vt~lu a bl e iuclosur.-s a m f,JUUti i t> lo:Locrs whiclo are nut uirect.-d at all.

All ~o:·ts.

There is music i1:1 the iroo · tootbed rtike as it rattl es over the gruvelled wulk. Ti..t at i:~ to say, wbeu it i" in an · other man'11 hund .-Bust<~ ll T•·a11.ocript

This coantty offers every opportn Eity !or tile humble,; t to succeeJ in but~i · 111\SS. It's very ea•y f·•r a porte r to lo1··

come an ex · p orter.- · P/,i/adelp/tia CitrOn·

*· "Dr. Tanner·s Fllst."~N. Y. Ne1rs

1'~1J"-'" · That is; k t-ep him fatlt . lo it1 b aving sne ll i d uts loose that makes th e mi:;chief.- Buston Commm·e~tti llulletin .

Can Women Drive?

"len't it rather siagular, that wom­en never learn bow to drive a horse properly ?" remarks some irate man as he inspects a tired animal, and ftnds ~,.,., brhlle over it" ears and. the bits hlllr·w~ <town its throat.

"But women can drive,' ' cries a cha111pion of the sex. ·• Dont they drive seven or eight miles to market with vee-etablea or lo~&ds of. hay? Don·t they take theil· babies out lo ride when­twer they crtn get bold of a horse? Whv there never was a woman who couidn't drive. and some of them can llandle a horse much better than their llusbauds can. ,.

"Clln women drive? and do you let. them handle your best horses?" were the questiona put to a good-nature;) livery -keeper by an interested party.

"Drive," ans.-ered the letter· out of equiqes, "I should think they could; hut as to letting them our best horses, that is another matter. We have hor11es in our stables few meu could tlrive. We keep what wo call safe horses for ladies' use-the kind that will ·gb anywhere if you just gni.Je 1hem-old family nags, sensible enough to trot along and min..l their o"·n busi­uess amd not fret if they are pulled two ways at once."

"Do you object to letting hor~~es out for women to t1nve ?''

''No, indeed; we have from twelve to fifteen ladies a week come to us for horses, and we give tilem good ones, too, but, somehow women fret horse.:­,, ben they drive them, so we don't care to give them hi~h-spi ritl!d animals. Now look at that sorrtll, uointing to 11ne from whom the harness had jur.t been removed; "I let thllC horse this morning to u bit of !l woman wtth wri11.ts uo oigger than my two tiugrrs. I didn't wunt tu let it go becaul!o it's such au ugly puller. .( tohl he r it hlld a wouth lllie iruu, but she said she W!l.uted to take a u old uunt thut wu11 visiting her out to see the town. uutl 1Shtl drove t·ff quietly enongh. B ttt lmlf nu hour .. r~er I t!IHV h.-r cowiug tluwn Wood· ward avenue like a tllre .. k of liglttning, tJ verybutly ruuuing to get out of th.­way, aud he r ul.t uuot h"ugiog on iur J .-ur ltfe . S;..e j u~~.t bad the hues wound aruuutl tho!!e hule wo i:;, U••tl l..oraced tre r ftet on the dOl::!h b.•artl , aud '' h.-n ~ue c~tme to a c uruer wui:;ktld urouud tt on one wl..teeL 'fl..te rig cawe in ull

lrigl.ot, t.ut. ti.Jut hor:;e wou't get it~ or •·utll for a week."

"Do you often meet with acciJents <1Dd uave a l!m<i::!h·Uf1?" '

"No. It tt! curi•J US, hut a woman ,vill take a team tilruugu a doz ;~ n hair· lJrt'adtl.l escape~ uuLI uriug it back all rt"ht. We l..tave uov amount of trouble with men , who take-our btst rigs, gut uu a spree, ~tnd Lreak things .. u to tJie~s. A woman is either more can· tiou~ or she will c .. ll upon every mao iu ::~igut to hdu her out of the scr .. pe . L'l.wy are mo-re "Vt to lose their helloS tU u cruwd or cullieion, but there iii most tLlWllJS sowe !!peci~AI vrovitlence .. t hand te help them. If you notice, the mot!t di~llslrous ruuawayt! happeu ,, hen some mau has the rein~:~. "

A little girl i11 church, after the con- Furtber tttlk d •. veloped tile fact that tributiun plate harl heen passed, com- women wtre t.ot cot~idt~rate in their placently and au:libly said: '.' 1 r :iLl mauagemeut of u :>rses. They forget to r .. r four. mlimma; was tha~ nght? - ul .. uket them iu wiut~r anti to tia them a .. Jmown. . liD the el.tade in tlltl summer. They "I didn't know," s11id an old lady, as :;ometimes use the hitching ~traps, an<l

slte put down her newspaper, •· that l.tave a sattletl dtsltke to learut~g proper thieves were so scarce that they hllU to n11mes for haruetJs. N ut one 1u a hun­advertise for 'em and offer a reward for llred co~ld tell the dtll'~renc~ between their discovery tlte eurclu!!le aud the marbngale, or

• bllu the least idea to which end of the A well-dressed man was recently sit- ~tuimal the crupper belonged, and 1f

ting at a tuLle in a first-rate hotel, and cumvelled to t:tivest a horse of its was served with soop. He looked up trapping!! would undo every buckle in a.t the waiter, and sairl: "No, you ct~u't the 11ervice, and take the cullllr oil over tlOme any soup diuner on me. Bring the animal's head, to all of which the lllQ &Ome thiugs that I pay for-a!- mteliigeu& be~&st would submit, r.s ii moods, salmon , water-cru~<hes, ohick- charwed, by being steadily talked to ens, ice-cream, aud tba~ hllm with during the prooet1S in the witching cLampagne. L eave out the cham~agne, tones of a wom~tn't~ voice. aod l'il make it up in beer." All this may be a libel on the sex,

--- but it is certainlv true that when an old fllmily horse, with a ten-minute gait

It ha~ been officially decided that a comes sea-sawing duwn the street with railroad or steambo~&t corpora- a comically reckless air of runnin~ tion has no rtght to det lin or imprison t~.wav, a woman's head looks out irom a passenger for refusing or neglecting und'itr the buggy top, a woman's hand ~ pay his fare. 'rbe Metropolitan guides the ste• din liB eccentric orbit, Rlevated l~lilroad Company detained ~tnd a woman's voice shouts in distinct a pa5senger, because at the end of his tones, "Wb-o-o·a·a," at the same mo­jonruey be had lost his ticket and had went that the reins are jerked ~and the \ried to force himself past tile gate. whip applied, while pedestrians send The court awarded him $100 damages. to the sidewalk in terror. However A Harvard student, lllst summer, going Ji.,ble a woman is to run over a cow, or to Newport, bought a through ticket tL street car, she will always atop or turn ')New York (or a dollar, the fare to out for a baby. This is one of the in­flew port beiog $1.60. The officers of :~tincts of her maternal heart to which \lie boat kept IJtm on board by force at ~<ven "get up!. gl-a-n-g" is saori­New'port nutil lle had paid the extra ficed. sixty cents. The court adjudged him - - - - ---$75 <iamages for false imprisonment . . PLANTATIOlf PnoVEBBS. - One-eyed Another passenger lost his tieket dur- mule can't be handled on de blioe 11ide. i•g the night, an~ was n_ot alluwed to Moon may shine, buta ligbtered knot'a d~part nex_t mornmg nn_hl he had left mighty handy. De pig dac rnus off hts watch 10 _pawn for hts hcket. Th e · wid de year er corn getalittle mo' dan court gave htm $50. de cob. Lickor talks might] loud

- - --- - when it gits loose frum de jug. Sleep­in' iu de fen ce corner don't fetch Kris­mus in de kitchen. 'Tween do bug aod de bee- martin taint hard to tell who'd gwiuter git ketclled. De proud­ness on a man dou ' t count w'en his he.l's cool. Yun'tl aee mo' er de mink ef he koow'd whar de yard dog sleeps. Huugry rooster don't ct~ckle w'en ita liue a wum. Trubbles in seasonin', 'dimmnns ain't good teJI dey er frost­lJit . w .. tch out w'en you tlr gittin' all you watot. · l!'lltteuing hog ain't in luck. -Atlanta Co111tituti11n.

Tiul OLD SALT·s J!:STIM:AT& OP THE ..t"H.MO. - A C!iptain who wa!! asked hy 'his wife to louk at some pillnos while lae was in the cit-y with a view of buy­ing her one, wrute home to her : "1 nw one that I thought would suit you -lllackwalnnt hull, strong bulkheads, strengh;meu fore anti aft with iron frame, sealed with white wood and maule. .Kigging, steel wire-double on the ratli ues and whipped wire on the lower stays, and bt~avier cordage. llelayiugpius of steel and well driven home. Length of t.otirail over all, six Bonnets are trimmed with feather Ieet one inch; breadth of beams, thirty- designs which t •1ke the form of ilowers, eight inches; depth •f hold, fo~r1een thistle11, bu1terllies, and · even rosettes, inches. Hlltches can be battened down all brilliantly colored. vroof against 10-year·old boys a•d com-mercial drnmmars, "r can be clewed T~e ~11~ of C..orn•ille ia &be w_aJ •p, Gn occasion, aod shee&ed hom;• for , ~ou~a':ille &11'11 are apokta of by Oln-.a &rat-class inatrumeDt.l •Jclone. ' Olnaati.

Son Sipallng.

The London Daily NNB ·states that they 'have to thank the heliograph again for an important me1111age received from Gen. Stewart, and announcing the result of an attack on the JJritish troops, in which the enemy seems to have suffered severly, The message is dated Camp Gbuzzi, April 22d, and was received at the India office on the fol­lowing day. It is very probable that the news could not have been brought so speedly by electrio tel_egraph. The heliograph rloes not r!!q nne the ro"!lte to be kept ope a. The line of comnnnicatiol! cannot be cut, for the · simple reason that the signaling takes place ovor the the heads of the enemy, and the ata· tiona reqnirvd are but few and far be· tween. A ten -inch mirror-nod this is the diameter of the or,liotAry field hE>li­ograph-is capable· of refte~ting the son's rays in tt.e form of a br1ght spot or flare to a distance of fifty miles, the t~ignal at this interval being recog· mztible without the aid of a glass. Tlliat is to say, twotraioeC: sappers, each provided witli a mirror, can readily speak to one another, 11upposing that tile sun is shining with an interval of lifty miles betweea them, providing their stations are ~uftlciently hil!h, and no rising grounLI intervene" to stop the rays. The adjustment of the ~pilitary heliograph is a very simple mlltter. Au army leave& its base whMe "heliograph station is located, anu, 1\fter trtAverliug some miles, desires to communicate with the sta:v-at-homes. A hill in the locality is ciJOI'en, aud a sa1-;per ascends wi~h his heliogra p!1 , wh ich is simply a stand bearing a mirror swung like the ordinary toilet looking-glass, exoept I that besides swinging horizontally, it it1 also uivoted so us to move v~rtlcally as weil. B ehind the mirror, in the very center, a little of tl.oe quicksilver bas been re moved, so that tne slipper can go beinil his instrument aoJ. look 1hrough u tiny bole in it toward the station he de11ires to sigu•ll. H ·lvin>{ !Sigh ted the station by ud j usticg tile wirror, .he next prucet'<is to t!et up iu front of tile helio>!raph a rod, noLl upon thiH rod is a wuvalJle !ltnd. 'l'hit1 t~tud i:< manipnlt~.ted like the furesight of ll r iBtl , untl tLe sapper agaiu, btauding hehind his iuBtrnw~<ut, llirectt~ thtl ud· justwt·nt of tLis uutil the ht•le . in tl.te <u irror, t.he stu.I~AnJ the di~taut. •tatiuu llre in liue. The heliograph is then t•eady to work, aud iu or.ter to fl<i , IJ s ignals ~o that they muy be seen at a dit~tauce, the sapper h"s only to tlike care that his mirror r• fltlott! the sua­sl'i "e on tile stud j nst in f::out of him.

The first use of wit~ i strumeot was in tho Zulu war, when a rudely cun­stroctet.llnstrument, IWtJrovised by a licutenaut of engineers, euaulcd L ord Cltelmsfurd to keep up const.ant com· wonicatiun wtth tlte belt'agured !orces of C..ol. Pe .. rson tLt Eko we.

Where the Joke Was.

On a Michigan Central train the oth111r dtty was a passeng.-r who h .. d lost bi11 right arm. ::),>On ~&tfer t4e - train pulled out of Detroit, be begt~.n talking witli tho~e around bim iu reg11rtl to the political canutdates, CltLiming tu bi&Ve osarved nuder both. This let! some one to ask him ho~ and where he lust lti11 llrm. and he replied:

"It was down in the wilderness . We were cbargiug the enemy'& line. A bullet struck my :u-m , cruihetl the


8:H ••• 8H a-r•~ B&..llaa p...._ tl ~ ••• tiOO PEa DAY.

H. C. PATRIOG£, • • PMPSI-Two «Jea .. ord Cleaeh- wltlo thr. oame oiiM

Hotel on, will aiO'&JI be In watU111at the Ia ..... • convey p.....,naere to the Bole! tree. PI'""Be -fOIII6l Into the rllbt Coaeb: I C JOII do not. t11Q .. " bArtrttJOU..

FOR THE OOKPLEXIO:J AID TEETH, Supersedes Everything.

PRICE, 50c audll. GEO W SHREVE, PI'"" Sold by Dru~ioteaool 1~nera , dealers . .,._ • •


li ·•~<I<IM tLnd E•nre .. Wog•no : R. M. Mlll •r& Cn."o. (Qr11flnv, 111 . ) Bn~l f'B. ~ht~ae'on" and C~Wr ' Rltft&. HI PA ~enul 'C Conc1)r R~t.•netWt, Whl ne, Uobea and Blankets or P-very dPIK"rlptton fnr Pale

BELOW COST. T. Ill, Jl:-'i!J'lii.Allf, A.r:.,nt. 48 twew Jfeoot­!_!ID.~!_"Y _:41itt. •• next to Pat.htec RntP1. 1't n ••·r,.m·b..-n.

K_"r.d r·;lt ::rc' <> o·.\'n n :r:-:cd:;-!1er ·• b :_. l e .. t t:ift to rr . .o~. · .\ 1, ·:···t .'\ Lt h J.:. t. \\'i ' n mounta::~ fa.:,til (."SSC S. ~c..t!··r1 t ;~ . .f .L:l cy l..u r;· .1n f\)Ot.

'.l l 1~: c Olre tht...~: .. 'l.:. l;.., a :i. ich.:d ,,.:t h di~:to:.cs o f t he J: i.Jr; .... :, "\ C'r C rir1;.;ry \. ~ r::_·a!.!' \\ l.o ~t:!i cr i:1 :- i.t.:ncc r.ut:_c r r ~ ..l'l to.> r:-:.1J.. c k r;o,, 11 l! .,~. r trouble!' . Other... ::cck r c!.t.• f I i d .c l! : c wf \ ,.t:ct.; 1 :1:cm rn4':: Uicine~. w hich, if d u.: y \'tl I!Ct :1 ~- ; : .,,.:tt~ tl t: c.:i-c:a·.c :n h.::t~ t Co n o t .lc!-SC'l it. J:' en ll.o'c \ \ ! u : • • \. rc d .c advice of J hystCl:tns ·often f:~.i l to get n.:J:d. C \\ .!.~ to tl.c \. cry comp!icatt.d and t.'c :i ate 1::uuri.: o f t l.c ~, .. g ans af':cuecJ , ·1 1.e _CREGUN' KJL>:O.:b.Y T L.\ is a !-t r.-.1. y veQCt:t b:c pro d u c tio n,_ a nd ,,; .I not injure d :c.!'-n:a'.c ... t chi! , r.o r tl.c mo~t c~ c hc:J.te \'.'Om:m , bu t ' ' i!l u m.! Pa:n in t l.e l 'ack :1.~d. K itlr.cys, non- rctenl i'-'n of t: r:1:c Diabetes, h :r.:umr ... ,t!on o f t he Blad er or J..:. iJn~y!'- , u'r;ck Du::.t Depo~: t ir1 ~rine. Leu· ccrrhoea, P.:1:n fu l cr Supprc_!'~cd ~ lcn s· nl~_tyon. and a ll comp~;l. :nts ari~ ing from a d tsca~d or dcb1 ilta ted state of t he kidneys or urinary o :-g-::m:oo o! either sex

Hoc!gc, Davis & Co., Proprietors, PORTLAND, OREGON.



214 Bush St., San Francisco. Importer and Jobber



And ,_.portsrn· ·n•s nood8.


~(--~SHEEP W ASK ••per c•ll•a.

T. W. UOKSON, Bu Pw:aa. cls~o. Sole Agent Cor the Pa.. eiftc Ooaat.

N.CURRY &BRO •. 113 Saneome St., S&a Fraaci-,

Sp~e .A.&e:u:t• ~or -the


'f:~':~~~~~;"iu~J"~~~~O . A ~f.~"Ag,.~~v~r3W .WW~ttt::= t>r'~ Celehrateti Wert~era.•r. Cnu~ebore. Rreeeb-oluad.1ag (}fubl~t · U ' 1 8: ~n·' all klnrtH o) ( GnaR. -l{ff\~ anct PlJi~

~~~:; r;_:,;J;rrJa.the ~.:!~~~~:~~~~:_cr~~·:r:1jr k~:fa--:! lll •lntitlt•Q fn "'Oi t .

Not only :lor daily use on the~ ana hands, but for bathing th• entire body, there is nothing equal to PHOSl:'HAT.E tiOAP. U 18 8 thorough disinfectant and remClYell offensive odors of every kind..

Sensible girls avoid cosmetlos bal use PHOSPHA·rE SOAP for the toilet because it is fragrant, pU1118 and p1ewsant. ___ _

The ~~utne mertts or PHOS. PHA Tl!: SOAP and persistent 'd­vertising wil\ force every droggJB~ groceryman ar.d generill dealer to order it by the gross sooner or lata ~ sk for it in ct ory stoM. 'IIut re. tail price is 25 cents per ~o. We wisli to sell it only at wholesal6,. Inti in cast~ you cannot ft.nd it we will send a nice box of three cakes bv ma.ii. :postage, on receipt of 81 "lents m stamps.

STANDARD SOAP CO •• ~... ,. .. r............ ........ • ..

COLD MIN INC. bone, an•l I fell unconscious. When I 1 waa restored to con-ci »usness, I wall SILVER PLATED "AMALGAJIIATING PLa.TE5 FOR SAVING GOLD. iu the bands of the C..onfederlltes . In . • • deetl, a sol.tier WllS going through my tl'secl in Quartz, Placer and ~ravel Mlnlng. . . vockets. When he dbcovered that I Wo~=~~1'~e~;~·~'!s~~t :::!;io:tt~~ g~t~~n'i:.d~~e~{. nt~"u':.,::v·~~.i"Th~31~tr:~:!~' aod Nickol l'laeitlg was alive he W'AS about to bayonet me, !IY" •·"'' ror clrr:o ~r. E. u. DK:tt~!llt,..TUN, Preprl.,._ but a corporal sprang forward, knocketl the wrelch down and saved my life.''

While he was telling this a m~n with his left arm gone had risen from his seat ~&nd came nearer, and as the other


tlnished he bent forwartl and said: " 1 am that very corporall I rcmem- F 0 r

her th~ incident at! if it h..~ppenetl only Linen Markin-g Etc. yesterdtLy. I ha.l you conveyetl to au old log barn over on the right." This cut represents n fac-simile of the Cabinet (open), which consists oi tour-

" Yes, yes-let us Rbrtke hands, let teen articles, as follows: ns embracd! 'rhllnk H .. aven that I have found you out. H11w came yon here?"

" I have been to Detroit to be treated for cancer, but there is no longer any hope. I am going home to go to the poor house and there end my d~tys. 1 haven't a shilling or a friend."

•' And I am going to the poor house as well,'' replied the other. ''I have con&um .tion, and as I am penniless I must go and die among paupers."

Thon they embraced some more and seemed to weep. One passenger fislieol up half a dollllr and p~&BSed hrs hut, and in tlve minutes a collection amounting .to $3.50 was divided between them. Everybody said it was a shame, and one uld man seemed willing to adopt them both if they would go on t.o Illinois. But they ddn't; they got oft' at Dear· born and it was a q Ullrter of ail ho or after' before a commercial drummer Jared make the stlltement th~&t both cllllPS liveJ in Detroit, both lost their .. rw"s by accident, an•l tll<&t tl:ey had vl~tyed the same gilw.e over and-ovAr on every railroad in the State.-Datrott P•·es .~ . - ---- ----

The plan for utilizing Genesee Falls is really being carried out. ~ue power is to be cot.trolled by lt'ttt_ng the water f~&ll into perpendtcnlar cyhu· ders in auch a manner as to compress ~tir with tremendous force; and this air is to be conducted in pipes to various ooints for use in rnnniug machinery. The fir11t novel application of &be power will be to &be propulsion of street oera. If &be aoheme provea succesd .. l, Niag­ara will be tried.

1.-Name In Full, any Style Letter desired. 2.-Ftlncy luitial of Surname. 3.-Jniti .. ls of EtJtire Name. 4.-B,,ttle of Indelible Ink, Ulue or Black,

warranted. 5.-Bottle of Ink, Red, Blue, Violet or Greco. 6.-P!ld and Distributor for Coiored Ink. 7.-Pad nnd Distributor for Indelible Iok. 8.-Bottle of Gold Bronze. 9.-Bottle of Silver BrotJze.

lli.-Camel's-hair Brush, for applying Bronze. 11.-T.wecty-tive Transparent Cards,

new Stvlcs. 12.- Twenty-five Superfine Bristol

Cards, Assorted Colors. 13.-P~tteot,-Cabinet. 14.-Card Case.

F.R.XOE, $a.oo. E\·ery m'"· woman and ch ild ~hl)llltl h!loV"e 'l ne or Utese C~b : n e ts. a.~ it i ~<' ~~tometh ' n~ . rntl~f'lJ' new ~rul

usefu l, oc1't· clean 1tnfl co mpacr. lC jud 1 ·i •nsly use,1, i t will 1l<1 all your Lfljl cn MurkiD5E'. Cnrd Prtuuag. c tc .• turycars Thel!tllc lbh· lnk l ~ ma uti\ ·tnred cx,u·ess ly fqr. his c~'hi ~ct. sun lswa~nlllCdout to gum up th~Srantps n r w . .. h out. rhc ~a.Ls. w tten s:ttur . t e·l wit h tn " . c .. nt.atn c norgh 10r •·re tliO IUtand tmpruSJil •118 each. Ucle~· weg i\'C tt rcw s:uoplcs oCou ; styl03 of le tte rs. an}" uthcr 5t) lC oC 1etteradeatred furol&hL"d :

~~nud: No. 2.

1rrtha ~· $puds. No.·.~ . 4hati. $. 1$anLn.


~Uun ~ ~lli.t ~inhtf. No.4.

f(J£Ln $. d$'~. BUSINESS STAMPS FROK ~3.00 To es.oo

According to ·size, Style, &c. 111 o•derl..., -'" &ho an111boreC the alfldoCieder ~•trtld,tr ao~ otller otyle 11 W&'ltet, •z·•..,a•Jie

Wft>IJ the urd•r. Tll .. e C , I) I !lOll O'IIJ be lOOt •O ~DJ&cilr- Ill 1110 0 ulted :ttatill Qe_ftell Jll• price, le In poe>ap alaapeorc:D "acy,_eh~rpe prapald. AdJre .. or•ler. t, V~I&LUit WMII" a.. ·•· •••••r..., (Unr W.tlla, ... ....., 4t On.'• &spnee,J ••• r.raael•-· ·





Mall and Telegraph.

Nzw Yo:ax, Aut{. 30-ining ball thi!l afternoon •n~ to Tammany ball a aeri• of reulutiona JookiDg to and propoaing a conference to adjust dil'ereucell exist· ing. The communication wu responded te ity Tammany, who appmuted a com­mittee of elena to confP.r with a ain1ilar onefrom Ininghall Wednesday evening.

Nzw YoRK. Au«. 31.-Tbe Bulletin ticable, for a trap ;a the platform' and uya: Our priYftte iofomtation confirms a a notber ID tbt box cobld rc•rccly 1M' cahle diapatch announr.ine the rlefinite ma()e 10 Dfttly al to nuid d11t~tiun ; anrl formatio• of l>t'Lt-twps' ca ... al Comp,.ny heliJea, Yiaitttl'l are inned Co place imminent. It il! prohllhle. mnn!OYPr t.h11t atrio11, aticke, etc., heluw the platform, the syndicate will emhnce the 11uppnrt any disturbllnt!e in tha position• of which nf han king h'lUSel in t.his City ani! San I could bu ,letectect. Bnt · bow ia it dune t Franc11Cn. Thf' h1nkrl'l appt'llr to hBYP Vrry aimply io(leerl, dnrkneaa being •~­concl•llled thl\t the p!'e!lti:re of Dei.KI!f'Jll . cun=d. The aack IS m11ile of an elutic, ns the aUC«"I'Illfol promoter nf the Suez ! lbroua atuff', through which the r.aptiYe can•l will insure aufficient aubscriptinne, eaa f!alily blake bia eiCIIpe wi~bnut oia-

NEw YoRK, Aug. 31.-For the purJ>f••e of uniting~ harmonizing aml r.onaelidat­ing the Democracy, the Kelly Slate Com­mittee, chosen at Shakespeare ball, Syra• cuse, on the 20th of Apr•!, revokes ita call filr a State Convention, and ratifiea the call ot the Fatulkner Stlltc Committee tor a Connntton llt Saratoga Springe on the 28tb ot September.

Tbere is jlOod re111on to ht-line thllt turbing the D41Ck; and the hole thrnu&h DeLessepa' Pnnamn c•n11l atnck wilt be which he baa acaped clo&~.-1 bt-hiud bim placNI on the market hy a synrlicate ot in conlt'qotnce of the el111tic:ty of tbe Amf!riCiln hankrrs in a fpw il~tya who will 1aatrrial. Be ia nnw free in a llt:aled act under th11 protection ef the Amrri· box, and wba' dnea he do next, The can goYernment. top of the box is 110 constructed tl111t

Haaeoek Ia T'ermea&.


DRAR GRA:MDsox: -Not having henri from you in about three months. I thought I wonld resume correspondence wrth you in hopes tbnt it will be continued durin~: the short remainder of my life on thi~ earth, which, accerding to the cc.urae of Natorf!, can not be vPry Joug, as I tun n•'W

DEATH oF J. T. ScoTT.-Aftf'r ll pllin­fol illnHs nf tour week!l, Mr. John T. Scott died nt hit home 1n Fori'St Gro•e, WuhinJZton countv. Oregon, on the lat. Decused Will lln old Rntt much re&J>ected pionrer. He waa hnrn in on thr 18th of Fehruu,v. 1809, ~tnd con~ quPntly Willi in the 71st yf'u of hi~ ll!!e 11t the time of Ina tieRth. He Pllli~Zfftlf'd

to I!Jinoi~ wben qnite a •oon~ mlln, and cRme to Orf!~ron in 18~2. ~tncl hR!I eYer since ff'lli(leti here. Mr. Sc•tt ltJ111'c.>s a wile ~tnd lar!fe f.>~mily r.f sons ~tnd

four score and ae.en. I suppose you are d:to~htPrll, mo!lt of whom lu••e TPRrhrd interesttd in the political sitoalion of the the 81.:\te of m11 nhood nnit \t>OmRnhoml . country, and a few linl's on thd ~ol1ect He i11 the fdher of H. W. Senti, .. ditor applicable to thia srclinu will not prove of the Oregonil'!n, 'Mr!!. A. S. Duniw11v, wholy uuintl'resling. For a qn11rt••r of r. f'clitor of the Ne1o .Northtce3t, 1\fr~. C. A.

when a spring is touched it torn11 easily open a rod inkrled long-iludinally thro' the top. There is, in fact. a f11lse top, s:lme inches above the apparent top where the lucks and scala are. They rem11in intact while the lalae top is now swinging loosely. A aecou.l touch of the spring when tlu· captne has alippell out kcorly ~astena the f~&lse tnp. The hghta are turued on, spectators are summoned b

lo-ok at the So:als, which have nut, ol coork, been touched ; the aeula are bro­ken, the liox unlocked, anrt there in the box is th.s rmpty suck, while to .the anutzement nf all present, who do nut kuuw tho: se<:rer, tbo: man who was so firmly en tr11pped step• forward, upnn the

century I was a R•·puhlican, before tlutt, C•hurn, 1\[r!l. 1\1. F. C~tnk, Mrs. J. 1\1. Kel · A QUEJ•:R WEDDING JeuRNEY.-The a Wl1ig. I sat in the Ll'gislntnre of Vt-r' ty, lira, 1\lcCurd, Miu Ell!l Scott and W'. Saxon high school !Jt'd>&,gogues met in mont for 10 years as a R.-pr•·•"•tati•e B. Scott. coult"rence at Zwickuo, u few w~eks age,

ef the his• oric region ot B~>nnin~ton, A. Mn~:"JSISeeat Bride~. a1ul Wt're glad to wclcnme hroth~r Rein-elected by the suffragra of thf! Rtpohli · rich from u renwte corner ot the king-caa party, hot whe .. Tilfltn was elt>Cteil OMAHA, Aug. 30.-The formnl trst of dum whHe aahmcs ure small and the to the Presirlency hy a populu m"i"rily 1\ new railroaol hri (ll!e joining th.~ Q. B. hnpt:s ol prumution nre limiled. Broth• of a quarter ot a million Yotes, anrl Will and Q. lind B. anol 111. rnllrn>tcl lit Platts- tJr Hrinrich had tiOt nu: t with the Lm:th­defraudt>d out of the ~tat to which he mouth, erghtl't'n mile~ from Om11ha, tonk n·n for many yrarll, and they uekt-d him wu t:ntitlerl hy the Republican leRders, place th&s morninl! and was witneseeti hy what gavtJthem_the vt.-a .. ure. · ·• Well, my and this great frnnfl, 110~ onl,v con(loued, a IRrge crowrl of fhrmers. At 9 o'clock dt!orly .l•elm·cd," wns the answ..r, .. the bot justified by the Repuhliclln Pl\rty a spt~cilll trnin containin)! p•nmino·nt of- filet is, I aOl happy. )Jy salary haa IJccn tbroughont the country, I, u a citizen, ficillls of the C. B. nnd Q. from Ch1cago rui~ed to $120 per unnum, un<l at lust, at;., too old to be ili1hnnest or appro1'e dis arriveol at Pacific Junction 11nd shortly tt-r the patient wailing of twcuty-onc hortraty, dissolvrd my connf'('tion with •flerwnrtl crossed oYer the bridge and ycura, my dear c~tharine and I have ht!t:n that party, ~tad h11Ye taken no interellt m met thtJ .officers of the Burlington road. nu1rru:d, 11nd this is my wwdriin~ junrn · politics till the.Dt•mocrats honored them- A:~ the tmins finished cr,)SSln!!, eight ey." The brethren cnngratuh&kd Hein­selvts and honorerl the country hy put.. h'!avy engines of the C. B. and Q. ro11d rich ur.d hrggecl to be prt!Bt:oted to the tin~ before the people, as a candidRte for approached the eastern 8P11 n of the urulg•·, It ride. •• Wei I, now, ruy friends," !aid their suffragl", Gen. Han rock, a man whom atnd crossing slnwly to I he east Bplln iu llcinr1cb, "this IS 11 little tmb!lrrauing. I haYe e•er loved, honnrefl nnrl admirf'il scc.ions nf fonr, waiting for the woul to YoJ ace, I am nnt 1icb, 11119e in the l"'·e for his patriotison, prol.ity an.! courft!rf!. c~oplc.' . At the given signal •·igbt l'n · of ruy d.-arC11tharine. She msiaterl upon 81d a~ I am. new com·a!!e was infusefl into gmcs JOllied th .. nJsi"IVf'S on the 400 foot a wending juumey, but, iD nrder to SltVe me, new life and ener!!.Y ~inn me, ani! eastern span, making a tesr wl'ight of UjJ&Dkl, we thought it ·llt'at to trut:l •otwjthstRnflin!l my phrsical and ml!ntal 440 Inns distributed ov~r 320 ft·d of spar. j alnne. When yuu co~ne t•• ~w.e u~ lit infirmities. I feel Rlmost young 11~11in . I Th~ ~Aolt WIIS a mn~mfic~nt proof~>l the


hume, Cath11.ine 11nd I sbatll spar11 no ef­am yonnc enough, at least, to w11lk tft the sohduy of thl' structure. Tht~ engmet:n lot ts to nutke it ·pleMSilnt lor ynu." p~>lls in Novemher next (if alivr) llnfl fie· then measort:d the dt·fl,.ction, and 11 pho· posit my first Democrlltic yote, feelin~r togrnpb was laken of the IJrid~re :tt the I JrlaCI that it will hf'cRst for a man llspnrr, moment the test waatnkt>n. Th~Pn~in .. s Albert-~ Snyder lJonpst RD<I high.mindefl AS Wa~hinlltOD, !Lien lllOVcd to lhe lleC.,nd Span where -of whom he is the prot .. typf'. This re- the trial proved equally sati~lactury, ~tnd AT 1 ORNEY FUR U. S. CLAIMANTS,

giou is nhlnze with Hancnclr the " .. II sted" IJridge ucro.srhe .Mi•~nuri CuMIIISSIONEROF DEEDS FOR OREGOIAID CAL· nil I heliel"e every mRn in the ole! 1Sth river at Plaltsmouth was dt•clared op.n. FORNIA. Vermont, wlnch wns hnnnrerl on the fi,.ld The te@t was more s~ttisfactory than waa ~OTA.RW PI, L (J. UOPW 8'1' •

Uulleelor. Ete. ei GcttyEhurg by the thRRks of the !!Ill- anticipated. Th11 deflection from lenl lant corps comm~nf!Pr, will vntP for the when thg immense Wt'ight of 440 tuna hero of th11t rl<>cisivP conflict. Col. Ran · wa11 placwd upon the span, waa only thrtoe <.11111, the old Co1onel of thia re~rimf'nt, a in-::bes, and when the enginea were rt-• lif~lnng RepuhlicRn, ;11 "·orkint!' like" moved, the bridge resumed irs ort~iMI Trojan for Hancoc:{. Your cou~in, El.. p~sition. The brtilge wus huilt ul iron mer Allen, a Colonel of volunteers rlnr- and steel, and i~ 3,000 feet lonl{. It cun in~t the war, th@ jlreatgranflsnn ttf Ethttn · sisla of 1,440 ft·t't of 110 iron vi.tduct Allen lln<l son of theCell!fres~m~n Alltn. joiut:d to three d~ck apans 200 feet 10

•lso "life- lo•g 'ftppuhlir.lln, is work in!! length, und west of that, tuw .. nls the for Hancock. Thon2 h I (]ou~t murh if NebrKIIU& slwrl', nnd over rhe nver prop Vermont cRn he rPdremert . yP.t the ~i!!'ns er, two apuns uf 400 letJt e11<:h, all sletl or' the times •re enrnorll!!in~r lind mur.h tru1s. The cut thruugh lht! lnmk t~n can he &Rfely prnmi!lrd. I rPrl'ive.l 11 lf't the Neltruaka siut: of the nvtr, in some trr from yollr Unr.le JnmPs ~t Mf'nilnt11 , places, i" 60 feet deep. 'l'he ut 11111 .• eij;!httf'n milf's frnm Chir.R!!O. He the hmlge are 1:10 lvet below the water aan hP. hu arrumnl11ttrl n fortunf', which m11rk atnd sink 30 t~et below the level of ia prin<'ipnlly in ?overnmrnt. honds: that I he riv~r. The IJridge was r.nustructed liP. hall ne1'er 1'0tl"tt for II n .. mnrr~t in hill by the Keystone Brio!g~ Company nf life, hut propnef'!l •n Vll'f' thiR tim" for Philarlelpbill. Go·o. S. llurrison, Cluel H•tnr.ock. He i; pPr~on~ll.Y r.on-nizant of Eni,;ine•r, 8. W. Parkurst lirat as.;istatnt, the 1111t. of Chittl!nrlP.n vs. DeGnlyer anfl )frCif"llllnd, whiPh was tri .. cl in ChiCIII!O, of whir.h you , no <louht, h••e reRrl, anfl 111~11 he can not conRCit>ntir nt~ly 1'ote fnr a hrihe-tllkcr, if hP. is 11 Repohlic11n. He wnte~ th ·.i H11ncock is hoominj!'. anrl hill gun11 me11n Yicl11ry now ns much ae thi"V dd 11t Gett,vsl1111~. Now, Tom, no rloul;t yna think I nm crnz~ to take such 11n in .. terest in politJCI, 11n<l I eo old . hut I e~~n't ltelp it. I never mean to 1'ole lor ll thif'f or hrihe·taker, or" man concerned in the Electoral C01nmissi11n.

ToT. M. Draper, G. R. DRAPER.

and C. .tJ. SchnefltJr in churgc ul the auperHroetnre. The coat ot the bridge w .. ~ $600,000, and t\ year'd ti.,.e was con sumed '" its construo;uon.

THE ~ACX TnrcK.-Bt:caose n thing appura tn be ill•pn•s•lole it dues not to!• low tltKt the uccmuplishment ot iL i~

supernatural. .lt'111 in,;tanc.-, whut CIID Lie mure marvdou11 than the lla<·k and twx trick which <:olljur"" snmetia1es perlorm? A man is put in u 1111ck, the neck of which 11 aecurely tied up with strin;.{& and the knots catrelully aealed. The r.ack it then place(! 111 a bux wbit!b stanrts on a plat ..

DETlloiT, Aug. 31.-Hoo. Rnbert Me- form above the stage; tbe box is locked, Clel!Rnd died at 10 miautea put 10 thit and numerou" seala are placed on the ••eai•e, bning nenr reconred coocioua- cracks where the box cloaes. How utter­oeu ai•ce his attack Saturday afemoon. ly incredible it HEDis th•t a man c .. free T .. it deaU. Jeans llut two of Pre!irlent himself-that is to aay until one kno"l Pierce's cabinet still h1'illg-hia Poatmlls• bu• it ia dono:. The first idea which tar Gt>ner!tl, Judge Campbell, or Phil•-~ will occur to an inquil'l'l' it that the pria· c:idpl :ia, and Jttt: Davis, hill Secretary of oner fall• through a trap door and ia re­\V' u . .. lelliCd I.Jelow. Thia, ho1\·evir, is impra.c-


Kt~ ];\Ill SETTLERS,



f)fli ccl"\!. Soldiers and Seamen or t1111 \lcxi · Cilll \·\"ar lut\·e IJc•~ n ~Tdntcd tlarce tnonths· ex­Ita pay by l 'On!!n.,;<.' Tlw WidOWti. Children, lirolilers, anti iii>' lcrs or deceased Soldit·rs and ::-ailol"\! nre entitled under the act. All such will do we' I to call on me and make applica­tion for the sanw.

Soldiers' Additional Homesteads. E\·ery solollcr, sailor or murine who served

foruot le:o~s lhuu 00 days in the An!ly or N>L\'Y of the United Stulcs ''durin" the re~cnt rebel· lion," and who Wll:! houoni'11y dbchur~t·d, ir he hM entcrcd le:;,; than 160 ucres of :und un· de•· the provisions of thc homc ·tead law, is "ntiUcd to n cerlilicute from the Gencml Laud Officc, rccO!!Uiziu~~; tbe right of the pur­ty tu make addi tionlll entry to make up the full 160 ucrt'S. Thcs'l claims are assi:;nuble by the USC or two powen; or11ttorney, lllld cau be located on any sun·cyed laud that id sub­ject to orl~mn1 Homestead entry. That i~ . 11ny surveycd lllnd, whclhc1· $1. 5 or 82.50 land that i~ not minemllan<!. The rl;rbt at­tnches, without settlement or irnpro\"emcut, at once un lilin;r the scrip in any distrif:l l11nd olticc, to the cxclu8101l or uny ~ubsequcnt duim under any law. I huve the olticial blanks furnished by the Go\'crnment at.d can ohluln them at short nul ice. Order~ for ecr· lilicates alrc11dy issued taken by me, and ctm be furul•hed on devodt of moncy at the fol­luwin~~; ruto:s; 1~1 acrc·piccc~. IS. !iS P"T acrt; I!O·ucre Viccc~, $:$:75 per acre; 40 llCre piece ·, 14;~ per acre.


Have ~:"renter fucilit.I to obtain and collect these clnims than lillY other on the coast, hav­ing all the blank~. l11ws and l11t~ rulings ortbe Pension Office in hand.



gy-Letten of Inquiry mnst contain postar• stamps for '"'PlY and address ALBERT ll. SNYDER, Seattle, W. T.

eae-lllill b\reet, next Poat Olllce. Rerers to Delegate T. H. Brents of W, T.,

seuatOI'I I.. Jo'. Grover, JMe. H. Sliter and Reprl'OCntntive J obu WlliteRker or (•recoa.


WEEK:j .. Y

BERIAH BROWN, Publisher.



This Journal is now in its Eighth Volume and; as hereto­fore is dt!voted to the material prosperty of the Country m which it is located.







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