CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Speaking 1. Nature of ...

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A. Speaking

1. Nature of Speaking

Speaking is one of the language skills which has important role

in many countries in the world. Speaking is considered as the way of

communicating particular issues to other people. Through speaking,

people are able to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings in certain

issues to the other people around them. Tarigan (1990: 15) defined that

speaking is the ability to say articulation sounds or words for expressing,

stating and conveying the idea, thought and feeling. Nurgiyantoro (2001:

282) also stated that speaking is an activity to produce language and

communicate the idea and thought orally.

Additionally, Nunan (1991: 41) supported that speaking is the

same as oral interaction which are conventional ways of presenting

information, expressing our idea and thought in our mind. Nunan (1991:

39) also quoted that “To most people, mastering the art of speaking is

the single most important aspect of learning a second of foreign

language and success is measured in term of the ability to carry out

conversation in the language”.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


To sum up, speaking is an ability to express idea, thought, and

feeling as a way to communicate. Speaking as an interactive process of

construction meaning which is presenting new information.

Tarigan (1990: 16) mentioned that speaking has three important

aims, there were:

a. To inform

The speaker informs to the listener about everything they wants

or need and also inform ideas they want to share.

b. To entertain

Through speaking, speaker can express their feeling and listeners

know how to entertain them through this mutual communication.

c. To persuade

Somebody uses speaking to persuade to do something in a certain


From the statement explained earlier, speaking is concluded as a

productive skill to develop students’ speaking competence which is used

in the lives of human language that have function to inform, entertain

and persuade the listeners.

Syakur in Mora (2010: 3) mentioned that there were at least five

components of speaking skills, namely comprehension, fluency,

grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

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a. Comprehension

Comprehension becomes an important factor in speaking. This

measures the understanding of conversation. Comprehension is the study

how well students understand a language. Hornby (2003) stated that

comprehension is the power of understanding an exercised aimed at

improving or testing ones understanding of a language in written or


In short, comprehension can be defined as the ability to speak

fluently and accurately. Comprehension in speaking is the aim of many

language learners. Comprehension is the ability to speak in language and

be understood by its speaker.

b. Fluency

Wolfe-Quinter in Koizumi (2005: 46) defined that fluency is how

fast and how much a learner speaks without mistakes (e.g. functionless

repetitions, self corrections, and false starts) in coping with real time

processing. Fluency is as the quality of being capable to speak without


c. Grammar

Grammar is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in

conversation. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to

gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

The study of grammar shows how language works. It states that

how words and sentences are to be put together and formed in language

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


so that the speakers are able to arrange sentences or phrase to express an

idea. By knowing and understanding grammar, learners are able to know

how speech is put together, how words and sentences are formed and

how message are communicated.

Grammar is very useful to develop students speaking

competence. If they master in grammar, it is easy for them to produce

sentences and it helps students to speak fluently.

d. Vocabulary

In speaking competence, vocabulary has an important role. In

vocabulary limitations can hider speaking activity. Vocabulary can

developthe communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral

and written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Vocabulary

means the appropriate diction which is used in communication.

e. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for students’ to produce clearer

language when they speak. It deals with the phonological process that

refers to the component of a grammar made up of the elements and

principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language.

Speaking activity can be described as the act of producing sound

through the use of vocal chord or other means to convey some messages.

Helping the learners to speak and sound more natural is the duty of

teacher. It is not easy to pronoun word that belongs to foreign language

because every language has its own system or code. The key for learners

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


to do this case is by giving much time for learners, teacher have to

analyze learners’ competence in pronunciation.

When teacher teaches English, she/he needs to be sure that

her/his students can understand when they speak. They need to be able to

say when they want to say. It means that their pronunciation should be at

least adequate for the purpose.

There are some aspects that include pronunciation:

1) Sound

In our teaching, we want to be sure that the students can

make the various sounds in English language. Some problems

which are found by English speakers as a foreign language have art

precisely because they have difficulty with individual sounds.

2) Rhythm and Stress

Students need to use rhythm and stress correctly, if they are

to be understood. When they learn new words make sure that they

know where they are stressed and able to say sentences. By using

appropriate stress, the students will know how stress can be used to

change the meaning of questions, sentences and phrases.

3) Intonation

Intonation means the pitch which is used and the music

shows to the students need to be able to recognize intonation. They

need to recognize whether the tune of someone’s voice suggest that

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


speaker is convinced or uncertain. They need to understand the

relationship between pitch and intonation. When we teach language

we will try and ensure that the students use it with intonation which

is appropriate.

4) Accent

One issue that confronts us in teaching pronunciation is that

the accent. In other words, how important is it for our students to

sound like native speaker of the language. Some teachers seem to

think that the students should aim for this idea. It is worth pointing

out, however, that some learners seem more inclined to native-

speaker like pronunciation the others. A lot of depend too on their

contact with native speakers. If they live in target language

communities, they are more likely to acquire that accent of that

community than if they do not.

From the explanation described previously, it is clear that students

should be careful in choosing words and styles in communication.

Somebody who wants to speak English well, she/he has to know the

ways of speaking English. Speaking is really different from the other

skills. In speaking, students need to know about comprehension, fluency,

pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


2. Speaking Competence

Many language learners regard speaking competence as an

important role in communication. They can communicate with other

people around the world.Based on Tarigan (1990: 16), speaking

competence was the competence to express, explain and convey

thinking, feeling and idea. Hornby (1987: 172) also defined that

competence meant the state or quality of being capable or competence,

skill, ability. In other words, speaking competence was an ability to

make students in ordinary voice to express his feeling and ideas using

appropriate language.

Based on definitions of speaking competence described

previously, it can be concluded that speaking competence is how well a

speaker expresseshis feeling and ideas using a good language in a


Competence in speaking is the ability to communicate orally in

clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose,

occasion, and audience. Developing this competency includes acquiring

poise and developing control of the language through experience in

making presentations to small groups, to large groups, and through the


In developing speaking competence, some criteria can be

standardized, which is called micro-skill. SIL International in

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013

12 some of the micro-

skills involved in speaking, in which a speaker has to:

a. pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough so

that people can distinguish them. This includes making tonal


b. use stress and rhythmic patterns, and intonation patterns of the

language clearly enough so that people can understand what is said.

c. use the correct forms of words. This may mean, for example,

changes in the tense, case, or gender.

d. put words together in correct word order.

e. use vocabulary appropriately. Vocabulary can develop the

communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and

written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.

f. use the register or language variety that is appropriate to the

situation and the relationship to the conversation partner.

g. make clear to the listener the main sentence constituents, such as

subject, verb, object, by whatever means the language uses.

h. make the main ideas stand out from supporting ideas or information.

Based on explanation above, in measuring speaking competence,

generally there should be five points which are taken consideration. Those

point are comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

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3. Teaching Speaking

Some people think that teaching is a daily activity of the teacher.

Teacher always organizes the material and prepares what the teacher

wants to bring in class to be given for students.

Sudjana (2000: 1) stated that teaching was an interaction between

teacher and students in its interaction process. The teacher is doing his

activities that called teaching, whereas the students who are doing their

activities that called studying.

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for

communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other


Speaking is developed from the first contact with the language

that we learn, because by speaking we can transfer out idea to order

people. It is clear that language is very important. We cannot only teach

what will be spoken but also the situation that we deal with. The teacher

teaches speaking by carry out the students in certain situation concerning

the topics discusses. The topic must be familiar to the students, so that

ideas and the organization are clear and the learners have an oral

command of the language need to describe the topic.

In teaching speaking, teacher must create a good atmosphere. A

good atmosphere can interest students to follow speaking class. Teacher

should be a motivator for students to practise English, so that they will

have good habit to improve their speaking.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


4. Speaking Test

a. Type of Speaking Test

Speaking competence is elicited using special tasks in a speaking

test. Madsen (1983: 147) stated that the testing of speaking is widely

regarded of the most challenging of all language exams to prepare,

administer, and score.

Based on the definition, speaking test is the most important

aspect of language testing oral communication. The testing of oral

production is an important part of many language-testing programs.

Testing speaking is also a particular problem when it is necessary to test

large numbers of students.

Speaking ability which be chosen should make students to be

able not only speak, but also express their ideas, thoughts, or feelings.

Thusa speaking test is functional, in addition can also reveal the ability

of students to speak in the language close to normal usage.

Nurgiyantoro (2001: 278) mentioned that the types of speaking

test are:

1) Telling picture

Picture can be a good stimulus of speaking, but the picture must

be based on students’ ability. Picture can contain an activity, which

has a certain idea, meaningful, and show situational context. It can

consist of one picture or more than one. It must be related to each

other, which has sequence of story and certain context. Picture give

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


series number to show event sequence, so students can express their

ideas based on the picture that they see.

2) Oral Interview

Oral interview is the common way to measure speaking ability. It

is usually used for students whose language ability is good enough. It

is possible for them to express their feeling and idea using target

language. Anything can be the topic of interview, as long as it is

appropriate with the students’ level, such as: age, kinds of school,

and language ability.

Kitao and Kitao in Handayani (2007: 45) explained that oral

interviews were testing situations in which the tester and the testee

carry on a conversation. The tester generally had a list of questions to

ask the testee, and someone either the interviewer or another person

but preferably another person assesses the language proficiency of

the testee. The advantage of an interview was attempted to

approximate a conversation situation, and it tested speaker’s

knowledge. However, an interview was caused on unreal and

unnatural conversation.

3) Telling story

Telling story is away to measure speaking ability pragmatically.

It can be done using short movie. The students also can tell their

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


daily activity, experience, or tell a story on story book they have

read. That stimulus can be applied for any level students.

4) Speech

Speech is good way for students to express their idea in language

accurately. In real life, there are so many speech activities. For

example: welcome speech, political speech, religious speech, etc.

Training students’ ability expresses feeling idea in appropriate and

accurate. Language oral skill in form of speech activity is also

popular in school and university. The fact, there is often speech

competition between students.

5) Discussion

It is good for high-level student to measure the students speaking

ability and to argue each other. The students must tell their idea, give

response to other members’ critically and also depend on their

opinion with logical and responsible arguments. Because of that,

speaking ability and fluency is determined.

Among the all types of speaking test mentioned telling story is

taken to measure the students speaking competence.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


b. English of Speaking Evaluation

To know students’ speaking ability and to measure their speaking

competence, there are five components of language proficiency what

should be concerned. There are comprehension, fluency, grammar,

vocabulary, and pronunciation. Those are used to determine students’

speaking competence in which each proficiency consists of six

descriptions (Nurgiyantoro, 2001: 284). The criteria for each component

are applied by point 1-6 (See Apendix D).

B. Media

1. Nature of Media

Sadiman (2011: 10) stated that media was everything that can

be used to send message from the sender to the receiver or from the

teacher to the students, and it can stimulate the students’ feeling,

minds and attention in teaching learning process. Hamalik (1985: 23)

also explained that media were the tool, method and techniques that is

used to make communication and interaction between teacher and

students in teaching and learning English in the classroom.

On the basis of definitions, it can be concluded that media is

tool or method which can stimulate the students’ feeling in teaching.

Media are the things or method in teaching technique by using

something in classroom to develop and give students motivation to

increase their ability.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


Using media in teaching learning process will engage students

to learn what teacher taught. Media is interesting way to be used in

teaching speaking, because it can improve students’ speaking

competence. Through media, teacher is easier to explain the material

and students can understand the material well.

2. The Criteria of Choosing Media

Sudjana (2000: 4) mentioned some criteria in choosing media,

such as:

a. Cartoon narrative should be appropriate for learning objectives

It should be relevant with the aim of learning.

b. Cartoon narrative should be appropriate for the material

It should be useful in understanding the material.

c. Cartoon narrative should be easy to get

Teacher should think that cartoon narrative is easy or difficult

to find

d. Cartoon narrative should be appropriate for the teachers’ activity

e. Cartoon narrative should be appropriate for the time available, so

media can make the teaching and learning process more effective

and efficient.

f. Cartoon narrative should be appropriate for the students’ interest


The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


3. The Function of Media

Media are tool or method which can stimulate the students’

feeling in teaching speaking. Media in teaching and learning process

can help the teachers’ performance to explain the materials easily, so

that students are able to get point of materials.

Sudjana (2000: 2) mentioned the functions of media are:

a. to clarify the presentation of message in avoiding the


b. to overcome the limitation of space, time in sense of power

Event that happened in the past time can be presented in a

film, video, and photography.

c. media can overcome of the passive students

Media enable the interaction more direct between students

and environment in the reality.

d. every student has own characteristic, environment, and

experiences but the curriculum is same. Then teacher has to

make the same perception among the students.

Media have important role in teaching and learning process.

Beside that it builds learner’s self confidence in practising English. It

can be considered to be indicators of whether the use of media is good

or not.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


4. Nature of Audio Visual

Arsyad (2007: 30) explained that audio-visual media was a

way to produce material by using mechanic and electronic machines

to show audio and visual messages. In addition, Dayton et.all (1985)

explained that audio visual aid was a tool which is used in learning

situation to help writing and word which is spoken in giving

knowledge, attitude and idea.

Based on definition of audio visual mentioned previously, it

can be concluded that audio visual is concluded a media which can be

used to show or transfer messages by mechanic and electronic

materials or machines that we can both see and hear in giving

knowledge, attitude and idea.

Gerlach and Ellyin Suseno (2011: 10) classified media into

some types:

a. Still picture

Still pictures form as photography of any objects or events,

which can be presented in textbook illustration, bulletin board

materials, slides, filmstrips frames or overhead transparencies.

b. Audio recordings

Audio recordings are made on magnetic tape or disc on

motion picture sound tracts. These are the actual events or sound

effect reproductions.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


c. Motion picture video tape recording

Motion picture video tape recording is a moving image

produces in color or black and white form live action or graphic

representation. Object or events can be in normal or it can be in

slow, time lapse or stop motion. All types of audio video

electronic system eventually appear on a cathode ray tube

(television monitor) included on cartoon narrative on the screen.

d. Real things, simulations, and models

Real things, simulations, and models include people,

events, object, and demonstrations. Real things are actual object

or events. A simulation is a copy of real situation designed to be

similar as possible to the actual events.

e. Programmed and computer assisted instructions

Programmed and computer assisted instructions are

sequences of information (verbal, visual or audio) designed to

elicit predetermined responses. The most common example is

programmed textbooks or instructional program prepared for


By using audio visual aids, it is expected that the teacher will

be able to motivate students to learn and pay attention to the learning


The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


5. Nature of Cartoon

Sadiman (2011: 45) defined that cartoons were interpretative

drawings using symbols to convey something asprecise and concise

message or something attitude towards people, situations or certain


In Harper Collins Dictionary defined that cartoon was also a

film in which all the characters and scenes have been drawn rather

than being real people or object.

Furthermore, Van Wyk (2011: 118) also stated that the use of

cartoons has been found to offer an effective means to develop

particular things. It means that cartoon is interesting media to develop

speaking in teaching and learning process.

In short, cartoons as audio visual aid is a good material, which

is drawn like real people or object to develop students’ interest in

teaching and learning speaking.

The knowledge about the quality of effective cartoon will help

teacher in choosing cartoons that will be used in teaching and learning


Sudjana (2000: 59) mentioned the qualities of cartoon were:

a. The use of cartoon must be appropriate with the students’


Cartoons should be understood by students when they are


The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


b. Simple

Generally, the good cartoon just contain of important

things. It depends on the characters to introduce the wide

photography, imaginative ability, and artistic creation of the

cartoonist that are visible from all effect or influences which can

be reached through physical elements and ideas. Another

physical characterization is short or limited of explanation. Some

cartoons even do not need any explanation at all because the

pictures itself have extended idea without any words.

c. Clear symbol

The effective of cartoons should have clarity of symbolic

meaning. Symbols that describe abstract concept will be difficult

to be understood, so the teacher must be careful in choosing

cartoons with its symbol and cartoons themselves should not be

difficult to be understood by students.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


Sudjana (2000: 61) explained that there were three reasons

why teacher chooses cartoons as a media in teaching language,


a. Motivation

Appropriate with its character, an effective cartoon will

attract and develop students’ learning interest. It shows that

cartoon can be useful tool in the classroom. Some cartoons which

have interesting topics, they would be an interactive material in


b. Illustration

Cartoons can be used as an illustration in teaching

learning process. The use of cartoons has two advantages, there

are cartoon can attract students’ attention and there is a variation

to make teaching and learning process interest.

c. Students’ creation

Cartoon creation is made by students themselves. It

means that students express their ideas and feelings in the form

of cartoon.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


6. Nature of Narrative

Anderson (2003: 8) defined that narrative was a piece of text

which tells a story and its purpose was to present a view of the world

to entertain or inform the listener.

Gennete (1983: 25) defined that narrative was the oral or

written discourse that undertakes to tell of an event.

From the definitions mentioned previously, narrative is

concluded that can be in a text, movie or story telling form. Narrative

is a kind of story telling about something which is interesting that

have purpose to amuse or entertain the listener. Narration has always

been one of the main means of practicing speaking in the classroom,

this used to take the form of having students recount folk tales, or

amusing or dramatic incidents based on a cartoon.

Anderson (2003: 8) explained the steps for constructing

narrative were:

a. Orientation

Orientation can be a paragraph, a picture or opening chapter.

The narrator tells the audience about who is in the story, when the

story is taking place, and where the action is happening.

b. Complication

Complication sets off a chain of events that influences what

will happen in the story. It is pushed along by a serious of events,

during which we usually expect some short of problems to arise.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


This complication will involve the main characters and oven

serves for reaching the goal.

c. Sequence of Event

This is where the narrator tells how the characters reacts the

complication. It includes characters’ feeling and what they do.

The event can be told in chronological order or flashback. The

audience is given the narrators’ point of view.

d. Resolution

In which the characters finally sort out the complication.

e. Coda

Coda provides a comment or moral value based on what has

been learned from the story.

Further, Anderson (2003: 8) mentioned language features of

narrative were:

a. Specific characters

b. Time words that connect events to tell when they occur

c. Verbs to show the actions that occur in the story

d. Descriptive words to portray the characters and settings

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary,

factual or a combination of both. Anderson (2003: 18) divided types

of narrative including:

a. Humor

Humor is one type of narrative that aims to make the

audience laugh as part of telling a story.

b. Romance

Romance is typically tells of two lovers who overcome

difficulties to end up together.

c. Historical Fiction

Historical fiction tells a story that is set in the past. That

setting is usually real and drawn from history, and often contains

actual historical persons, but the main characters tend to be


d. Mystery Fiction

The term "mystery fiction" may sometimes be limited to the

subset of detective stories in which the emphasis is on the

puzzle/suspense element and its logical solution as a contrast to

hardboiled detective stories, which focus on action and gritty


e. Diary Novels

Diary novel has the text presented like diary entries.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


f. Science Fiction

Science fiction uses a setting involving science and


g. Fantasy

Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and

other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot,

theme, or setting.

h. Adventure

The adventure fiction is a genre of fiction that has adventure,

an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, as its

main theme.

In the simple words, narrative involves imaginative thoughts

and fictive stories to present a story by showing sequence of events. It

spreads the sequences one by one to get fascinating story.

7. Cartoon Narrative as a Media

Sadiman (2011: 45) defined that cartoons were interpretative

drawings using symbols to convey something asprecise and concise

message or something attitude towards people, situations or certain

events. On the other hand, Gennete (1983: 25) narrative is the oral or

written discourse that undertakes to tell of an event.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


Bretz in Sadiman (1990: 20) mentioned media into three main

elements, there were sounds, visual and movements. Based on the

statement of cartoon and narrative, it can be summed up that cartoon

narrative is a media which includes the three parts of them, which is

played as a short video.

Further, Harmer (1998: 308) stated that we can use a short

video can be used as an extract in a longer lesson sequence, whether

to illustrate the topic or to highlight language points. In addition,

Harmer (1998: 308) also stated that short video sequences of between

one and four minutes can yield a number of exercises, demonstrate a

satisfying range of language, are easier to manipulate, and can be

highly motivating .

In short, cartoon narrative is a kind of audio visual that have

highly motivation to convey message for retelling story. It is an

interesting media, because the learners can imagine and enjoy in

language learning particularly in speaking class.

Arsyad (2007: 21) mentioned the use of short video in

teaching learning process can give advantages as well as cause several

disadvantages, namely:

1. The Advantages of cartoon narrative

a. Cartoon narrative completes students’basic experiencewhen

reading, discussion, practice, etc.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


b. Cartoon narrative can accurately describe a process which

witnessed repeated

c. Cartoon narrative can encourage and increase motivation, in

still attitudes and effective in terms

d. Cartoon narrative is containing a positive value and can invite

thinking and discussion with in the group

e. Cartoon narrative can be shown to large groups or small

Based on the advantages of cartoon narrative above, it shows

that cartoon narrative is a good media can accommodate learners to

develop their motivation to speak english spountaneously. It can

make a lesson more enjoyable and more effective. This is in line

with the statement of Syaiffulah (2008) stated that supporting the

language with suitable, relevant and effective, cartoon narrative will

lead the students in their development of language skills.

2. The Disadvantages of Cartoon Narrative

a. Require expensiveand longer time

b. notallstudents areable to follow theinformation

c. notalwayscorrespondwith the needs anddesiredlearning


Furthermore, Borras and Lavayette (1994) argued that

cartoon narrative which were shown by subtittle of mother language

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


will distract and slow down the students listening ability which will

be impact to the speaking competence. However, the those

advantages should be considered by teacher in using cartoon

narrative as a medium in speaking class.

8. Teaching English Using Cartoon Narrative

Teaching English, especially speaking is very important part of

second language learning. The ability to communicate in second

language clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the

students in school and success later in every phase of life. A good

teacher has to know how to teach speaking easily and to make the

students interest in it. The teacher has to create a classroom

environment where students are able to speak English spontaneously.

One of the ways is by using of cartoon narrative in teaching speaking


Van der Mark (2011: 222) describes that teaching strategies based

on the use of cartoon narrative can challenge the students to encourage

more creative thinking and the inclusion of new ideas into a language

to speak English spontaneously. It means that the use of cartoon

narrative can be effective in improving speaking competence.

The goals of speaking is to communicate effectively. The students

have to master all of the components in speaking skill to communicate

effectively. The components of speaking are comprehension, fluency,

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. First, Sherman (2003:53)

assumes that for most students, the first problem with speaking is

comprehension. It means that comprehension is difficult to be

understood well about the story.

The second component is fluency, Pinter (2006:55) describes that a

lot of practice is really needed to be able to speak English fluently and

it started by practicing and drilling set phrases and repeating words.

Fluency is as the quality of being capable to speak without hesitation.

Brown (2001: 268) states that someone who had grammar is viewed as

the person who is able to use the language with sufficient structural

accuracy in speaking. A good grammar is needed for students to

arrange a correct sentence. If the students master in grammar, it is

easily for them to produce sentences.

The third component is vocabulary. It can develop the

communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written

form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Cameron (2001:73)

argues that vocabulary development was not only about learning words

but it was also about learning phrases or chunk and finding the

meaning of words itself.

The last is pronunciation. It is the way for students’ to produce

clearer language when they speak. Sherman (2003:53) underlines that

cartoon narrative can be replayed to make sure the pronunciation.

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013


Based on the explanation mention previously, it could be

concluded that the use of cartoon narrative is effective for teaching

speaking competence.

C. Basic Assumption

Cartoon narrative is assumed that it can create a good atmosphere

and provides more information on a topic.Cartoon narrative can make

students to be active to speak up spontaneously. Students more

enthusiastic and feel interested to follow the class. By having interest,

students can be more active and easily to interact with the other students

using English. Through cartoon narrative, the students can imagine and

practise speaking by using their own expressing. The students will not just

keep silent in speaking activity, so that they have idea for say something

using English. This is based on the reason that generally students like

cartoon narrative in speaking class, because it make them interested in

retelling story spontaneously.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the basic assumption, the hypothesis is that “cartoon

narrative is effective for teaching speaking competence in SMA N 1


The Effectiveness of Cartoon Narrative…, Nur Haryani, FKIP UMP, 2013