Post on 25-Feb-2023

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W eath e r (o-tnoirow ; Probably rain or snow . ‘ LAST EDITION

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N U M B E R 8 .7 0 9 N E W A R K , N . J . , T U E S D A Y . N O ^ r E M B E R 1 4 . 1 9 1 1 . - T W E N T Y - F O U R P A G E S . T W O C E N T S .


Tift's Coiinselirs Point to Desirabilitr of Lettio( Bisi-

oess Go Abeiil.


Federa l In e o r^ a ra tla a Aet-^Hnainca 4kat i t « r a ta r 7 W lU aa’a FIb m H a i Al- n a d j B eea O Serad lo Ollieni* \l'ko Haira D eollaed—W l«keni¥Bia Said to B« Not Y«t Satlafled aa to Le^aU tr « t H atlo aa l CCty Coni^aBy*^ ButLneai.

WASHn^QTON, Nov. H .-Preeidpnt Tnft met the Cabinet to-day for the Aral time In thre4 m onths. Secretary Bttmson was the only tnember absent. The head of the W ar D epartm ent Is In Kansas Clt^, Mo.» where to ^ a y he made an address on the Panam a Canal,

The reassembling of the President's offi­cial family gave recurrence to the rumors that Secretary Wilson Is soon to resign. This la generally believed to be true, and In official circles It U stoted that the Sec­retary of Agriculture fa only d^aylng the announcement of hie resignation until Pictflde^t T aft decides upon another man for his place. I t is said that the port- folio has been offered to a t teas! two men prominent In solentiflc agricultural work, and declined.

Aside from a conskleratlon of the many questions which have accumulated dur­ing the summer, to-day’s Cabinet meet­ing was largely devoted to consideraLlon of the P resident's message to Congress and the official reports of the Cabinet offi­cers The President’s recomntendatlons to Congress lor supplementary anti-trust isglilatlon. probably along the lines of a federal incorporation act, will be formed after thorough conferences with Attori^ey- Genera) W tekersham. The Attornoy-Gen- erai Intimated th a t the President had not fully framed his Ideas on the subject, and daclared nothing could be predicted a t this time.

I t Is understood th a t the President’s advtsere to-day pointed out that the work of the coming Congress srould centre upon tiro main Issues—the tariff and the trusts. W ith Democratic leaders declar­ing for some readjustm ent of the fiher** man law and tire Republican Insurgents declaring for some affirmative legisla­tion to point out the paths for the legal conduct of big business, the President's closest coun*<elars seem to favor some legislation which will permit buRineas to go ahead and know where U stands, At­torney-General W lckersham, a t the Presi­dent’s direction, prepared the federal In­corporation act which was offered to Con­gress two yearn ago. Whether tbo Presi­dent had directed him to prepare a like measure for the coming Congress Mr, W lckersham would not Indicate.

It became known to-day that a decision In the National City Bank case probably will be made soon by the President, even though some stepe have been taken to rllSBOlve the relations between the bank and the N ational City Company. Cer­tain powerful W estern bankers, particu­larly a Chicago group, are reported to be In.slstlng th a t the legality Of such a corporation as the National City Company be fully determined before they will give iheEr full support to the Aldrich plan of currency reform. I t Is understood that Altorney-Oencral Wlckersham has re­ported to the President that the recent action of the National City Company In disposing of certain of Itli bank stock holdings does not eliminate all the con- diilnne which h« criticised In hit investl- gatoQ.


NEW YORK, Nov. I f —A cable dlspatcri received hero sla te i that ttie Russian Minister to Persia has been Infornned by the head of the Russian oectlon of the Persian offlee that, as the new Cabinet haa not yot been formed. It la impossibia for the government to reply lo Rusala'a renewed demand for an apology In the Petroff affair.


Wooll Like to Me President, bot B ts Great Refard

for Prince,


81aff CorrtAp/mdenet.TRENTON, N ov./~lf—Success a t the

election brought to the B u te house to­day a large gathering of HepubHcaos. The Democrats were few In number. Gov­ernor Wllsoh nnd Secretary Tuinuity were both absent, the Governor on a va­cation after the atreniioaUlvs nf the cam ­paign,

The organization of tho incoming Sen­ate is the m atter that Is giving the Ro- publican leaders the greatest amount of worry, owing to the close dlvlHlon between Republlcnna imd DemocraiR n to JO. Hen- Qtor Nichols niepubllcan), of Cumber­land County, ga\'Q some Hurrenpe from sorrow when he stated tn-dny that while he would like to be president of the fion- ale, he had a gi'eat regard for Senator Prince, who Is slated for the place,

Mr, Nichole aaid lie would like to be leader . It has been suggested last Sat­urday that Mr. Nichols might vote with the Democrats, In the House it is prac­tically certain that Thomas F. McCran, oP-passalc County, will be the speaker

The only active opponent against Mr. McCran is Jfr, Del’ngar, of Camden Coun­ty. When Mr. McCran and he met, they congratulated each other Inevitably the rivalry for the Speakership caffie up. Mr. DeUnger argued that the g reat ability th a t Mr, McCran displayed as leader last year of minority proved that he would be the Ideal man for lender of the m a­jority. to which Mr. Mc('ran responded th a t he would regard such appreciation as a poor reward for acknowledgod good work. Mr. McCran insisted to ail In- qulrera th a t he was a candidate only for Speaker and that he expected to get the chair.

It is underfitorid th a t McCran has more than tw enty votes alrerulj’ pledged In recognition of the ability he displayed last winter as leader of the minority.

It is probable that the Republican pow­ers In both hoimes will get together early to lay out ft program for the coming ses- sion as well ns to caucus on the officers. The caucus of House members will prob­ably be held two weeks from to-day, though it may be deferral a week more.

C onstracllve Dei^lalatton, prom inent leaders say th a t the program

of legislation will be constructive. Tliey will npt sta rt In to tear down the beno- h d a l legislation of last year. To do so, say some of the most prominent, would be bad politics.

W ith • the Presidential campaign com­ing on next fall they wish to make a reoord th a t will a ttrac t support for all the party candidates next November,

Although there were a few House Dem- Doyata on hand and far fewer Senator* of the moM ptrauaelon, there was a rnulU-

WESTERN B A N i n j u l A i m g S A nfm bly, There ere four^ mea’ * eeaktng the honor end the work th a t soet

wUh It. AK kre trom.Hudflon County.They are AaeeRibJymeti B^an, Martin,

Qrlffln and Agntw . Bean wee the only on* here to -da/, and he expreeeed con- fldence tha t he would be able to land. For tha honor ot belne nominated tor Speaker the o n lj Demoeratlc candidate w at AaeemWyman Meyer, ot Suesea.

A fter Senate Leadership.For the leaderehip of the Senate mo.

Jorlty there Is to be a warm conteet. Sena­tor Nichole, as already explained, would like It. Senator Leavitt, of Mercer Is actively out tor It. Senator Edge, o f 'A t­lantic County, desires It very much

Back of the ambition for this place Is the prospect of belnij promoted to the Presidency of the Senate In 1913 The uos- Blblllty exists that the then Prealdent may be Acting Oovernor If Governor Wilson should be nominated and elected Presi­dent of the United Stales.

Perennial Jam es Parker, veteran, sol- dler, po iu idan and clerk of Assembly was circulating among the Republlciiii Assemblymen, willing to be made clerk of Assembly again. He has served only thirteen terms so far. Tlilrteen Is regard­ed by some pereons as an unlucky num ­ber, while fourteen, being composed ot two sevens, Parker regards as doubly lucky.

The principal thing In his way Is the probability of both the Speaker and the Senate President being from Mr Parker’e county, Passaic. If Mr. Parker cannot land tha clerkship, his asalstant of former years, Upton ' 8, Jefterys, of C areen , would bo eligible. He also was on hand to promote his eJIglblilty.

I t Mr. P arker should secure the clerk­ship, Mr. Jefterys wonld like to ho aeo- retpry of the SenaW, but be will have a couple ot opponents a t least, and will also hava .to surmount the dlfllculty that tha Camden Senator, William T. Read, will be a new man In the chamber.

Seeking the place are Tuttle C. Walker, of A tlantic County, and John Ulrich, of Union, The la tter county la also repre­sented by a new Senator, Carioton B. Pierce. Mr. W alker Is experienced in the Senate duties by reason ot'preylous ser­vice under the secretary. For th a t m at­ter, the work would not be Strange to Mr, Jellerys.

NATle OTT COespecial f/trvltt »/ (At J ftW t.

WASHINGTON, Nov. I t - A n early de- cleton as to the legality of the National City Company, known ns the "Money Trust." w as aeked from President Taft by W estern bankers. They say that they want the decision despite the (act that the National City Company hse been re­o rg an ise , as the precedent will he ot great : Importance. Attorney-General W tekersham and Secretary of the Treas­ury MaoVexgb disagreed on the cuee which Is now before the President


SEMENTSU and W j ih av«nui| on £mniv._ Uel wttitl • f t «a*t a flAO* north-1 M:row Ifiro-l it north o fl . which ta | on Rnihfll c*r. Un* M l6»lt Of t l^ lme* norUt-r

p#*t* to ** !th*r1r JtM

a l w th« PatiiMMit

•etl ‘ *

. atwot.^. Ustaads;a of-r

have (lik>S k »I, 1 thattoroay.ths

4 Nesja—•ay oUee*

a CM. city AttoiMy.

NEW YORK, Nov, 14.—The will ot Jo- eeph Pvlitaer was tiled for probate to-day. I ts conspicuous features are the ratlflca- tloB o r the g ift ot 11,000.(100 to Columbia University the adtabllehment of a school of Journalism, and aleo the rallfi- uatton of an additional iLOOO,O0O tor the same purpoee, subject to certain condi­tions which If not compiled with by Co­lumbia before the amount Is paid over, will reault In th e sum going to H arvarl U nltsrslty , one-halt ot It for a school of Journalism and one-half for many unusual prises and aobolarshlpe as set forth In the will,

A tnotg the bequests Is one of I3S0,004 (or a sohotarsklp fund a t Columbia ytilver- slty; 1309,000 tO the Metropolitan Museum of Art, |SOtl,009 to the Philharmonic So­ciety ot New York; 3100,000 to Mr. Fullt- • e r s valet, Jabos Dunnlngbam; 3100,000 to be distributed by the exeoutors among his personal secretaries, readers and eom- panjoh# and certain editorial wrltere em­ployed on The W orld: 160,<»e for the erec­tion of a fo«4it«tii In Central Park; '336,000 for the erection of a statue ot Thomas Jefferson In N sw York City and soma minor bequests.

The capital stock of his two news­papers, The W orld and S t Louie Post- Dlspateh, are le ft IB tru st for his sons and their mate IsMtis during the lives of tb s tw o younger eons.


fiesNardsrotce of the KBtFB.ROHBl, Nov. 14.—J t Is announced to-day

th a t the Ita lian torpedo boat destroyer fleet under command o t the duke of Ab- russl will sail shortly from Tarano for a raid along the Turkish coast In the Aegean 6ea.

Definite Inform ation ae to the purpoee of the raid or the ultim ate goal of the Vessel Its withheld. Offlclale will not ad­mit th a t Turkish towns will be s ^ e d merely declaring I t wlU be a demonstml tlon In :toros. ' '

T IU FO td, Not. 14 (Special Cable).—An Italian torpedo boat destroyer which re-

.rturnsd h ers to-day reports that It bom- ^barded th e Turkish fortress and port of ro rona , from sthich the garrison fled

The vsssef aklpted the coast as fa r or the Turkish frontier. Everytblng Is quiet In the city of T ripoli to-dsy. ^


flonlUct between th e Centy* a ^ n - S j , , ,m t W s ^ tho o n . hand, hnd tb . K e i of R apw ays on othlir, m w w S ^ I R « I » ‘ sui^Mrted th a ie n lstry .

DIEfiLE OBTAINS STAYCOtiDlilBUS, O., Nov. 14,-Rodn.e t

Diegio, fo rm er sergoaiit-at-anna K i ta Senate, e o n v lr t^ hT thT^M m ei? tqaas and Clroolt Court S And a M te d In th e bribery tttor i , H, A adtew a and sentenoed to serve th ree y e a n la the S t A P e n i tJ r

■ tisry, w as to-day granted leave to 111 . . bill of eiseeptlona to the ruling of the e ir .

cult (Joort by th e SupVeaa (M urt The Bupreme C ourt will ranrleyr all e r id n o e r

P s i lM B li ' a w n u tr OMtan, • fee i k ^ 4 h s " M whe snelMS tlitB- He baSwa-


IN tjEPEN D EN C E. Kan., Nov. U - Unlted States Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, perm itted himself to be eucd by trades- me,o so as to let bis employes know tie does not w ant them to buy supplies and have them charged to him. He an ­nounced this and then said be would pay the claims. Half of the population of Cank; waa present a t the tria l of a suit brought against the Senator by four msr- eban ts fo r bills for supplies and lumber bought by agents of his In charge of Monticello ranclr, south of here.

Senator Owen created I aurprlae by tak­ing tha stand and making a speech. He eatd:

'Tn allowing this attit to oe brought I had but one objeot—to let my emtfloyee know that they muet stop b u ^ g things and charging them to me. 1 da not Intend to try to evade ptyraent of the ctaline brought agalhst me, k m e at them are juat and some of thatn are iinjaat, but I will willingly pay them alL"


BERLIN. Nov. U -T h t flret tangible resnlt of tho Franco-German ogreomaat appeared to-day when a oontraot was Bigfned by which the FTtnoh and German mtnlog ayndlcates In Morocoo Were fused on a boris ot equality.

The mining rights In Morocco have bean one of the chief esnsee of friction be­tween the two countrlea

BANKER SEnT t^ SOHgpeciof goflslw Of Ike }tBWS.

NEW RAVEN, Conn., Nov. 14.-Piead- Ing gullly' to embenling tlLMD as trua- urar ot .the City Savings Sank of Meriden, Conn.; George U. tmeas was to-day Mn- tfSioed to three yean In Btafa'a prlton,

Covehs. fecanmuss. dlshUwria snO (or the ihnwL us* W ensl't esoab godlaU it's tbs Wet,•*»*« " . s . . . . . . . .... ...............


Stiike i f New Yerk City Em- Rtoyes Is Broken, Nooidpal

Aithorities Claio.


NEW YORKs Nov. 14.—Som* hM4way in*d« to-day agalnm th* gfkrbag*

anti rubblih whloh Eluue the oorlmeii i t tii* Ktfeei cleaning dfltiartment sirurk l*44t \V*dne*day niglit ha« accumulated ai Ui* rat* of nearly lO.OOg loads a day.

Ry night th* departm ent promised Ihst collection* would be going on as usual. Tlio city authorities said the etrike Wfl* broken and the dleaptHtarlng plies of re- rti«e conffrined th*lr aflserllan. Hill) Ihar* were signs th a t the drlvere would not aur- render without a tlnal struggle.

A general team eters' strike Is Uit weapon with wlilcii the Union oimmliers now propoao to nght lim city. li wni evident, however, that no radkai mep would be taken until thn strikers naa exhauflted their last jmaiis lo mak^ tko Mayor and the stroet (.'leaning coiniuU-' Bloiier negutlate-

Th* Streep ftoaning department had tnore men a t work lo-dny than before the strike, but a t least will he necessary lo give the streets the cleaning they need. To ijie men on the Job yester- diiy the deiiartment ihh morning added nearly a thousand. .Mnny of these re­cruits cnnie from (’hirngn, Pittsburgh, Boston, Phltudolphla, Providence and RuffAlo, Ry night ilie nrm that has been commissioned lo Itiiijort stiike-br*ak«rs I stvi-l tt expected 3,5iV» new men.

The health offif^ra have derided that the street cleaning depHrlment has the pltujillon und?r Buch good control that their Interference wllj not b* necessary. There haa been no violence or open ef­forts to Interfere with strike-breakers since the riots of Runday, when hun- dreda of etrlTiort and their aynipathlKers were clubbed by the police.


John J, Monahan Sworn In ky Jid fes Datia and Martin

Before AsseobI



Campaifn Exfeiditores of Losers in Recent Election Also

Skown in Stateaents,


The brat batch of etatenienta showing campaign receipi* and expenditures, a* Irequlred by the corrupt practises act* 'were ftlsd with the county clerk thSi mornlng-

Bfsldes (hat of Sheriff John F. Mona­han, disclosing a contribution of | 1,000 to the Democratic treasury* the county Democratic committee and several As- Bembly and oldermanic candidates nied schedules. Nominees for Justice of the peace and constable* also ffled statements in whioli they confessed to apendliig a few dollars.

The cgunty Democratic commltlee'n re­ports ehowod receipt* of •K>,243-16 from varioui ■ource* and expenditure* of |S,TD6.D1. The expenses are Itemised as for rentand B talloneryTna^K nB r *NETOmnry out* layi. The sum total repreteiAted expendl* turee In the Interest of all the candidate* In a lump and were not designed as to In­dividual nominees.

In the list presented by Richard j, Franz, treasurer of the county Demo­cratic committe** the following were glyen as largest oontrlbutora and tbe amounts conliibuted by them:

James Bmlth Jr., 11,000; James FL Nu­gent, $1,000: John R. Hardin. $100: filmon Hfthn, 1^1 Gottfried Krueger, ISO; Tax Commissioner Thomas F. Preston, 12S0; H. J. nnd J. B. King, $300; Richard J. Fran*, 1200; Valentine Braun, $2M; Coun­ty Supervisor ^ w a r d Schlckhaus, $aW: George E. Mautfert, $100; J. H. and W. C, Ely, KlflO.

The manner In which the money wa* expended la classified under various heads. The largest single item was for chal­lengers a t the polls, amounting to t2,fl6(l.

Two candidate* fnr the General Assem­bly died stalmeniB showing lhat they had coritrlbutad nothing to the war cheat These were I-awrence McCabe Jr. and Hubert J. Rowe, both Democrats.

Alexander Archibald and Charles F. Krahier, the Democratic nominees for (he Board of ’Works, filed statement* giving their personal <*ontrlhutlona as 1500 each.

Alderman W, F rank Hopping, who fiye* In the Ninth W ard, filed a statement rending as follows;

'•Nothing • • • paid to Frank Mead." Bat there Is Included no receipt from Mr. Mead. Mr. Mead wo* financial agent for Hopping.

Dr. Ernest Tutschalte, one of the Re- publican candidates fo r ooroner, confesses to $25, paid th* Republican county com­mittee.


PARIS. Nov. 14.—Amerloui Conaul Majon has been notlfleil from Calais that It Is believed th a t Edgar W. Mix, the Fell-known spstrtsman, committed suicide by Jumping from a cbanntl steamer Bun- day nlfht.q

Mr. Mix’s home Trgt In Columbus, 0, He h a , been engaged In business In Paris for many years and, being a member ot both lb* Aero Club of France and tbs Aero Club of America, has represented both countries In tnteniatlonal contests.

Mix left a le tter to the captain ot the steamer Indicating his Intention to end his life.

WUh Alfred Leblanc Mix piloted the balloon I'lsle de France, which flnlshed second in the Internatiooal race of 1907. S tarting a t St. tx>uls Mix landed a t Herbertevlllo, Monmouth County, N, J., after covering a tittle less than 997 miles

In the IBM balloon race Mix covered 948.94 miles, s ta rtin g from Zurich. He landed near W arsaw , In Russian Poland, early on the th ird day out, defeating, among otbera, Alfred Leblanc, his com. panlon In th s 8 t. I jOuIs raoe. He was promptly orreated a s a spy by tbe police of Ostrolenka, b u t subsequently wss re­leased upon the order of the late Premier fltolypln.

COLUMBtTft o .. Nov. 14.—Edgar W. Mix was bom- In F ranklin County, a few miles west ef Columbus. He was a grad­uate of Ohio S ta te Cniveralty here.

Mix had not been In Columbus (or a long time, b u t while participating lb a ballotHi raoa w hich atarted In et, Louis •sveral y a a n ago, Ms balloon sailed dl- red ly over the farm on w hkh he was bom and be dropped a note to two aunts who occupied tb s old home.

o o u n r a u - s iE R L i i io H O IBYERS BDICTBD

BpoHsl B tnko o f ^ BBWf.NEW York. Jfov. lA -X hs Federal

Grand Ju ry to-day returned tedldm enu a^atnst F ra n k Orff, J . a V. A tU na Lea gtdwen and B tooha V., Fates, afllcers of th s C o l t t» t ia « c r l to g PubUshlng Com- pany.’OD nhariae of uMng the ataUs to ds- fraud.

Tha men w ere a n y d e d MvaraJ days agoIn oonnsctlon w ith th a sala of tZ.(l(lOiDil( worth of i t < ^ in a magaalha oanUna,

- n t t o M F e w T alnddea . ’


John F. Monahan wa* sworn In a* ahsrirr of Kmssx County b«for* Judge* DaviH Qtiil M trtln . in th* Court of Com- *non FIfuh, shortly b*ror* noon to-day*

Th* Ittrgfai crowd that h*a cv*r at- lerulod such a function flllsd the co u rt­room, und *«veral minute* before tho proreduro wa* actually begun ih* doors of the room w*r* closed by order of Judge T>avla, Tlila excluded fully two hundred friend* of the new'wxecutiv*.

After filing an account of ht* election expenacs, a* required by law, Mr. hfin, with hi* sev^n bondBmen, held a conftrent'e v lth Judges r>avl* and Maf- i)n, wli(> Inspected lli* bond* offered as m rety . .Shortly after tlie two Judge* had taken their places on the bench Mr. Monahan entered the courtroom with the bondsmen. The Isiter were lined up across the room before the Judge*’ bench, with Mr. Mcmnhan In the centre. To his right wa* r<nniiy' Clerk Wooliton.

AlthouKli (he law require* only Hve bondsmfii, each furnishing $4».000 *urety» Mr, Monuhan hud auveii. Richard J. Krttdx, treuhurer of (he county Detrm- oratlo cominlUei;', went on his bond for JC.OOO and the oUiur six who pledged 1-0,- 000 each were Valrniine Braun, Jam ea H. Nhgenl, Thomas F. Preston, rfamucl P. i«Valdron, Jiilin J Mooney and L r, P a t ­rick J . Mctjiiinnpsa.

Iimnedmtf’iy after Mr. Monahan hart taken hlii oath of office. Ills eJ«ven-year- oM danghtur, Ufieti, who waa dressed in white, Kiep;>e(l forward and preeented her father with a large ihower bouquet of Jack-^oaes. Mr. Monahan presented on* of the flow.'re lo each of the Judge*, hla bond«tnan and to Mr. Woolston.

Upon taking up the duties of hla office to-morrow morning. It Is umleriloud th a t one of the first a^ts of Mr. Monahan will be to appoint James F. HyJand as "firat deputy slicrlff" anil Jercnilah Splllane as hie p riva te secrclHry.

A* lo **<'onllden«lar* Job*Relative to appoiiutnents, Mr. Monahan

has raised a question as to the statu* of some employe* in his office at the rnurl- hou8* and some at the county jail, who occupy w iiat he deem* (o be confidential poalilon*. Prartlcalty all of Sheriff H ar- rlgan 's staff and (ha JaU employes, from warden down, are under civil service pro- Uctlon.

Mr. Monahan ha* a theory that those ocoupyJng the bertha that necessitate con­fidential relations with the sheriff should be ciBftftiflpd In the exempt service under the civil servlro act.

In order to clear up the situation. Mr. Ijionnhari has asked the civil Service Hoard to investigate the staius of ilicsso various employee. With that end In view, the board will have a confprenoe at Tr»sn- ton to-day with Attomey-GeTiPral Wilson.

U ha* been stated, on behalf of Mr. Monahan, i?iat there Is no rUspoaition to oust any employe who Is entitled to the protection of the civil servko law.

Mr. MoriHhan’a personal report of canfi- palgn contrSlHition* showed a single sum of $1,000 paid to Richard J. Franr, cludr- man of the Democratic finance commit* lee.

Mr. Woolaton prepared the cetilftcat* of Mr, Monahan'fl eleriloti Immediately afte r the la tter had tukeri, the oath of office, und forwarded It to Governor WH- aun. a t Trenton, The latter through the secretary of g u te ’s office will *end Mr. Monahan hi* commission.

Some time before Sheriff Monahan waa sworn In, hi* office, which was banked lilgh w ith flowers, was packed w ith d ty and county officials. Among the early arriva ls were Mayor ilausallng, William A. Weber, president of the F ire Board; Dr. Charles F. Kraemer, of the Board o f Work-s; Klre Commlaaloner T. Edward Burke. Edward M. Waldron, who patched up his differnnee with Jam es R. N ugent when Monahan got the tna- chine’s IndorHcmcnt; Lawrence T. Fell, president of the County Boord of T a x a ­tion; Police Commissioner John B aader and Oorntnl!«H|onera Adolph Flach and Dr, Wllltam lUmond, who were Mr. Mona­han's colleagues on the city Assesernont Board. '

The John F. Monahan AMoclation i* n t a horseshoe of red roaes and white c a r­nations, nix fept high, atul wHh It a large leather office chair. A large horseshoe of rosea and a rocking chair* wa* jiresented by tho William llarrlgan Association, and the 1,/Onl Lenape Club sent a pillowof rose*. From the Joel Parker A ssocia­tion cam e a large "houquet of roses, c a r­nations and clirysantheiminifl. the E m ­mett J. Quinn Tally-ho Club sent r3>*e*, the Elm M. B, A- sent a large piece and n piece was spnt by the First Ward Tom- many Club, with three ribbons on It symbolical of the public office* th a t have been heSd by Mr. Monahan.

A horse.*^ht>p was went by the Michael J. Owens Association and another one by (he Thomas A. Blaney AsBorlation, There were m any plecflfi from pernonal friend* of Sheriff Monahan.


T hirty tfilr.iitea b rfor. Hherlff Monahan was inalalled In offlee, Sheriff H arrtgan draw Ha laat panel ot 125 petit Jurors,

Under-Sberlff Charles Reilly did the ac ­tual draw ing. The panel drawn to-day will not a ta r i aervjce until Monday, Ua- cember 11, the heglmiliig ol tho Decomber term. Y esterday a ilkejpinel waa draw n, to s ta r t service Monday. November 30. The nam es follow:

New a rk —Lou IB Ltppraan, William C. Hlerine, Theodore F. Johnson, Philip L. Smith, E llis Hlmber, Jacques Hotel. George G. Lewis, George McNeely, Charles E. Mackey, Frederick A. Jorgen ­son Jr.. Charlea Loebel, Frederick J. Jjockwood, H enry Uvesey, George D. Leber, A rthu r Johneon, Howard 8 . Hleb,A. Preston Jum p, Jacob Jedel, Louis Ijevy,' Sherm an Jones, James Lees, E dgar 31. Joraiem on, Samuel Levinson, John Kay, A lexander P, Holbrook, W illiam KroepUn, F ra n k W. Kraemer, Gyrus F. Lawrence, William Koppel, Philip Koeh­ler, H enry F. Jonee, John Q. Keller, W il­son L Jenkins, Jdbn McDonough, Traso Lehman, Ralph Bohme, George K rem entx William A. Lewie, Max Lederer, C harles D. K eer, W llllani Lenox, Elmer H acker and R obert C. Hoffman.

M ontclair—F. W illard Brantigan, Robert Boqveer, Charles H. Bruett, Charles Bull, Peter J. t7aroy. Henry Calms, N oah Brooks, Ralph BlistoL Robert M. Boyd Sr., Oscar Burgl, Irving Cslms, W, R ay­mond Bunker, D. Steward Cameron, W ill­iam T. Boat wick, John' Campbell, Joseph K. firuff, George J. Carr, W illard Chqrch, W illiam H. Brush, James H . ^ y d , Charles J. Brooks, Ogdtn Brower, SilosB. Brown, H enry J. Bristow, L Sand M. Burr, W illiam S. Brayton. Frederick F. Brosm, Charles T. Carni, Benjamin C ar­ter. W illiam S. O m p , Edwin A- Bradley, Willlsun N. Callendar.

E a s t Orange—Alfred R. Bunnell, A r­th u r Brown. ThOttiae G, Bailee, David Blnghem. J. Newoomb Blackman, Sam ­uel W. Beldon, Norman T. Boggs, W ill­iam Browning, Edward Booie, Lorenso BenedioL John F, Burke, F rank 31. Berger. Theodore H. Blackly. Harold B. Brady, F ra n k E. Blske, W. F ra n k Bower, W llltam Thayer Brown, R sletedC. Burnet, Ctaarlet A. Bond, Carl Behm.

Maplewood—Clifford Wllmurd, GeorgeM. Stohl. w illiam H. Selpb, H arry C, TbompBOD, George a Vole, George D, Tallmen, WUllam 8. Scott, William ,B . Patterson, Charles Q. Willis, 3IartlD L. Pfell, WUllam D, Riggs, Howard C. Bea­man, Sam uel Williams, Georgs w . M un- alck, Thomas B. Were, ptanlc Wallace, G. Harold Porter, Lester G. Bmlth, Ogden W. Tunison. _

BloomBeld-Cbarles O. Barefood, WBl- 1am F. Bennett, Halsey M B arrett, Charlee F. Carroll. Axel, V. Beeken, Fr«<l. erlck H . Carl, John F, (Japan, George W . C adm na W illiam BIggart, ComaUua C M - mns, E dw ard W . Baldwin, Eugene B ou­ton, F ra n k H. Baker.

Irvington—Robert Uttiefleld, Charlea a , Loogfleld, Andrew J. MdMenue.

'. WkoB Taw W sm t Ptertu es asi41 Fdsrtiro Maes# gs te Cstg * Itesay, 0 3 Jksad-wt.,-. Adw"


Joseph Sweoty's Body RecoT* e'ed from Hiberoit Shalt,

Where 12 Were Drowoed.



ATLANTIC CITY. Nov. 14.-Arter a iilaht *peni on a 'launch afronnd on a niaMh. Dr. J. Q. CoH xnd John Smith vHh a party of rlrl* manased to reach Kafely late yeaterday. Th* launch wu» driven ashore In th* itorm.

The party ntaried out early Sunday and expected to return before nightfall. The *iorm, however, prevented and the launch wum grounded In Graaay Bay.

flerrlre of (A* yf'WS.ROL’KAWa Y, N ov. ii.—''1‘h* first of the

bodies of (he twelve miners who lofll their lives by nn Inrueli of w:tier at the I’l'per Hlberiilu mints on October ID wtw re­covered shortly itUur 7 o’clock tUi* morn­ing. It that of Joseph Bweniy. who was on level IS when th* disusler oc­curred. Tile remainH were *o badly de- corapoeed that they were not rocognUable by the featurri. The Identity wa* m&rte through the victim * eluthlrig

Irnmnrttnlety sfu-r the finding of th* body Coroner EdYvmd F. To(ten^ of Dover, was notified, und he impaneled a Jury romjwflert of the follnwlng: John W, Ho-tslen, foreman; James Gardiner. Edward , ■, „* -(hres to one'' romhlnsllnn as ItHurd, Mni‘maduke Fk’kett, superintendent corn** tn h-, Unnnrn i . . ...r the Emplrs Start and Iron Mines a( Mt, ' “7 m r l .. aHope; A. Jrnlaon Co* and Thum a. De- President

W eber and Commissioners Btrstlon and I-agay cotJ*tltute tho large end of the ratio, whil* Cotnmlisloner Burk* »tanrt«


Weber, Lafay ao4 Strattoi Lined Ur Afaiost Berke on

tbe Depoty Cbiefship,


The "three to Oho" rnnihltuillon,

laney, of Hibernia. All except P ickett and Deliinoy nre from The Jury exain-Inert the body and then wa* exou*ed until ih« t'ufuni'r haa an f>pportunlty to cciiifer with faiinty Proaecutor Halhbun. at Mnr- rlatnwn. When |hl* 1* ilot>e ibo Jury will be callfd together again.

It Ih tapetlt*.] lhat the next hoily (o be found will be ihnt of Mlchuel Knmpu*. who van making bis way out of the mine, and who had almost renohed a place 0$ aafety when the ruaWn* fioort over- took him. It Is known that ho ronched a

)nut hc'low thul at which Bwonty's body wa* found.

There are hUII ISO feet nf water In the mine, and It 1* not believed th a t the other bodies, wUli perhaps (ho exception nf KanYpuB, will be found within six week*' lime.


Daris Grants Prosecutor's Motion Despite Objections by

Defendant's CoinseL


Groatlng the motion of Prosecutor Mott for a atruuk Jury to alt In the retrial of Mathew J. Heady, charged with the forgery of tho will of John W. IlUBselh Judge Davifl, In the Court of Common Pleas, thin morning, ordered a special pnnel of Jtjrors. The court will lek ^ t the Jury during ihe week end Reudy will be brought to trial next Monday.

The motion for a struck Jury wa* made on behalf of Prosecutor Mott by F irst Ah- alBtant Prosepiitor luChlbach* yesterday, and was opposed by Thomas B. He&ry, counael for Read.v. A* a part of hi* a r­gument agalnat Hiich a proce*lure the law­yer filed with the court a brief. B etting forth htn rranons wtiy the Jurymen should be choecti In (he regular way. In part bis argum ent wa* a* follow*;

’Tw o reaaona are stated by the prosecu­tor; first, that It la a caae of Importance; second, th*M'«i*ttfiilt iuiVv«Mii'better de­termine the Valuii of expart iestlmony as to handwriting than a Jury ■el*cleU from the general panel.

" I don’t think (bat either reason I* valid. If a struck Jury la to he Mked for In eT'ery caee that la Important, the time of this court would he largely taken up In hearing appltcatlone fop struck Juries. Aa to exp^*rt testimony as to handwriting. It Ib of lUtle weight and (oo loose to lay the foundation fnr ft Judicial rteciHlon.

"It la apparent th a t It Is now the law of this State that expert evidence aa to handwriting Ih t<jo uncrrlaln to lay the foundation for a Judicial de­cision. The late Justice Peckham, of tho United Slates Supreme Court, whit* a member of (Sie New York t-ourt of Ap­peals oxprcBsed blmaclf thuB, In the case of Roberts v*. the K le v a t^ Railroad Company Iffl New York A56: 'ISxpert *vl- rtence, so-called, or, Jn other word*, svl- rtcPM of mors opinion, wltneBse* have been used to such an extent th a t the Hvldenoe Riven hy them haa come to be looked upon with great eunploSon by both courts and Juries, and th«* fact ha* be­come very plain that In utiy case where opinion evidence Is admipalble the pAr- llru lnr kind of an opinion desired hy any party to the Invertlgailon can he readMy procured liy paying the m arket price therefor, P^xporlence has *how'n that It Is much safer to confine the teatlmony of wltnesspH to facts In all cnee* where that Is practicable and leave the Jury to ex­ercise their Judgment and experience on th* fact* proved,' "


Afl smoke poured from a burning build­ing dtreotly across the way from the Mon­mouth Street School (lUs afternoon, a* th* clam or of wheels, th* clanging of bells and th* shriekn nf whistle* filled tti* air, there wrs no sign of panic among the 1.200 pupU*.

The trulpltig from many fir* drill* en­abled the principal and the teachers to prevent excitement and, not only that, In the rooms facing (lie *lre*t the incident was turned Into capital os an lllusiraUoM to th* children of the methods used by the fire companies In fighting fiume* Pupils wlio had In the i«*t w ritten com­positions on fires and firemen gathered at th* windows, having the operation* of the firemen explained as they progressed.

Th* fire was discovered In th« apart­ment of Harris Gush, on th* second floor of a (hree-Btory from* building a t 36 Mon­mouth street. '\ '^illlam A. Dougall, princi­pal of the school, saw smoke issuing from a window and started downstairs to tele­phone an alarm. At the same tlnv* the smoke was discovered by the Janitor, who sen t In an alarm by th* school box. No. P27. The fire wa* put out with a damage estim ated a t 1300.

The fire, it wa* ataied, w'an started by two young children of Mr. Gash, who had been playing with imttches in the rooin used by tUeIr father a* an offioe, Igniting th* contents of a wsrHie bojsket.

Shortly after th* fire alarm sounded po­lio* headquarter* was deluged w ith tel*- pboQ* tnqu|rtes from nnxiou* parent* of children attending the school.

by hlmaclf.T h * question of naming a deputy chief

has a g a in blown tha sm ouldering embers Into flame. Uoforc another period of c o n ip a ru ii\‘e calm aultlos down on d ep a rl- merit affair* (horn promise* to b* liv e ly dglngs.

BiiU ullon fthlefs Moor«, Towey and Mo- l.fflrn ilii. who took the mental exatnlna- UoiiN recently fur pronudion to th* posi­tion of deputy chief. Th *lr papers are in I renti.»Ti to ma-rked, but In connection with the m a rk in g the C iv il Service Co m - miijslon tifked fer the department'* r«o- onl.! Ilf the three men. A* was published yeBiHrday, the Btnte body threatened to obtain the Inform ation by means of a ^v^ l of mandiimuB, If nnce*aary.

Mr. W eber and h is two colleagiis* *r* elrenuously opposed to thU Inform ation being given out. Mr, iTurk* Is w illing It should be and hn* ev'tn urged on th* board that It he done. '

I f Towey, Moore and M cD erm llt *11 pass th* exam ination* their name* w ill a ll go on an etlglbl* li*t from which the board m ay select on* for promotion. If one or more fa lls the C iv il Service Co m - nilsslon ha* ruled that a new eiam lnatton must be held. W h ile there l« no definite knowledge am ong th* commissioner* on th* subject it 1b generally believed that th* record* of the three chief* w ill p lay A very Im portant part !n the fixing of their rating* by the c iv il service author­ities.

M cDerm ltt Is decltred lo be the choice of Messr. Weber, Stratton nnd t^agny at the present tlmo fo r promotion Th l* wa* adm itted to-day by one of the three. On (he other hnn4| B u rke Is a stannh reporter of Moore with Towey ns second choice. Mr. B urke is reported in he unequiv- | ocahly opposed to M cDerm ltl.

Tho records of the three men have not been fo rm ally presented U» Llia FIro Hoard for conalderallon as yet. and there 1* yet no deolslon ns to whether they should be transm itted to the C iv il ftervlce Com m is­sion.

M cDerm ltt ha* be*n tw’enty-seven years In the department, while Moor«j and Tow ny have servod nineteen and four­teen years, re*p«cf.lvely. On th* on* hand, M cDerm ht occupies a more con­spicuous place on ttie honor roll than either of hiM competitors, and, on the other, netlher Mnor* nor Tow ey have ever been before th* hoard on charges, w hile M cDerm ltt has been called upon to make explanation* on more than one oooasloti, according to the official refjord*. M cD a r- rnlt’s record as * battalion chief has no blemish.

In tho light of thl*. It Is held, tbe rea­son* of the three coniTnlssioners. who d#»- nlre to keep the records w-lthln th* d*- partm enl, 1* «n apparent as that of Mr. B urke In striv in g to Imv* them turned over to the C iv il Service Commission, In the mean tim e the Ftntn body la w aiting for the F ire Hoard to dlepoee of tho r t - queat for the records, and, according to Colonel M u lllkin . member of th* com m ls- *lon, In charge of local affairs, that body’* next Btep w ill be a w rit of mandamua If It Is necessary.


TO ABDICATERebels Flan Joist L asl aiil

Water Attack Ufos Naakiol,


A new Influence I. e t work In the eevm- a t Pcitint. aecordin* lo a epeslal die.

patch from lliet city.The Prince Rcient U beljit u r ,e d te

abdicate by nearly .11 th , dtplo. m a t. who have reprcienied China li, the mportarit foreign capital*, a ithoush th*

loyalty of th e ., dipiomete [■ UBqoee. Honed, nearly all of Hi.m beln i H aoebui'ea,

W u T In t- fa n r . addreae to t h r Regent, enklnj (h . throne to prevent further bloodshed and itatlng th a t the only eetety for the Manchu clan jay In each a oottree, hae been followed by other pleae o t elim> lar character.

^ 'h lle Tuan Shi Kat returned to Pehlng for the OBtenalhle p u rpnu of edvlelng the government In Iti dealing with tha retrolu* tlonarlea. It to aald th a t hla troope will be used to protect tbe royal houeehold In COSO the Emperor deoldei to abdicate.

Meanwhile, the rerclutlonariee have prepared to eend the thirteen vcaeela of tho Imperial fleet, which Joined (hem yee- terdny, against the government (orce i a t Nanking.

W ith the ravoUitlonery flag! flytng from (heir top^ loya e apeclal d tipatcb from Shanghai, the warahipe ateamed up tbe liver poet tlie berlhe oeeupled by the foreign vceiela, none of whioh ackitowl- rdged the aalulea ot the rebel*. I t le'.I’mi'’?*’’ ®*'®re of the vweeele

III he retained in commend by the revo­lutionary lendera.

Nnekleg'B flarrender B xgerted .Ijirl.11 "j?* Nanking, the

1'. »tiH 1" thewill be nble to

whiH, r ' ®f ffla wnrehlps,Jiavy * '® "™"®*** Chlneue

w frj; i " ' ’* ' ' . ' ’I*® » Jd 'et ■ (tick by the wurshlpi and (h* land forcti.s a t . ' f i t . '’'"P**'’' Frenehoefnff, P''®''*'’" ' w'ti> the arm s and" alTlnv J?" ’ I'*!'” ’wallljjg for severs I days, (he revolution.'f i r j , . . ®« NankingcarIj (o-day. The authority for th is le i


burg lar slipping out through her kitchen window In the early dawn yesterday and aeeing the figure of another pasa a fro n t window, Mrs. Hyer, wife o f Pro- feesor wnilam D. H yer,, principal of tha Jajaiuee Street High School, fastened the window end returned to her room erlth. ou t Inseetlgatlng or giving an alarm.

When Mra Hyer aro io In the m oralng ih e found a quantity o t silverw are piled on the kitchen table ready to be talU n away. The Intruder! had broken open a dresser and bureau and rifled their oon- Unte, but had carried nothing away.

---------------a---------------- 1

WORKMAN'S U W UFBELDMADISON, Wls„ Not. U ,-T h e Wiscon-

aln Supreme Court to-day austulned tho constllutienallty of the w orkajen’a com­pensation law enaotad a t th a last seesloa of the Leglglatuia

A large number of W Isooailn «airpoiu. Uona bad clroady' dadded to ooflM .under th e law. )

. .*n Faeha la tb e R e a l

• H k e R t|t a b e u imer. ,Ada,


Although h* had cot s<»( n him In **vpn years, Detective Ryan, cf police hetd- quartfirs, recognised George Morton, tlfty- thre* year* oM. an an ex-convict when Murton fttspped from a (rain at the Atai- ket Street Station of th* Pennsylvania Railroad last nliiht.

Morton wa* arraigned in tlie Flrfit Pr*w clnct Court thl* morning, charged with being a fu g i t iv e from JuBtlc*. Usutenatil Thoma* Monaljan, of New Y'urk head­quarters. Ji'karle tho complaint. MonaJian name here with MIba Nellie Cole, on* of th* niiraea who*a room wiiA robbed hy Morton. She Irtsntlfled som^ of tJi* good* a* hers. Clothing which she and Mlsa Minnie Leruer and Mtb* Winifred S. Ruder, two other nurses, \'alucd at $2k.\ I* still miwing, Morton said that he put the clothing In two suit case*,- which tie lost In coming to Newark.

Ryan arrested Morton on suspicion and took him to police heartquaHers, where he 1* alleged lo have admitted that he was thieving again. A quantity of Jewelr y and other valuables wnra found In Mor­ton's poAflenslon,

According to Ryan, the prisoner con- feesed that he had Just robb<*d ih* nurse's home of th* H%r Morlali Hospital a t 138 E ts t Second street, New York, end that he came to this city to dispose of the loot, Morton ia salrt to h*ve (IprlnriKl th a t he foared he would be detected In M anhat­tan and thought he would ho safer her*, lie artmlttefl, Ryan said, that he dis­posed of some of hla booty before coming here.

The police found oti Morton je.37, a woman's op -ii face gold watch, nickel- plated watch, two wedding rings, a signet ring, gold neckchaln, pair of eclasora, gold pins, Aevpral woman's kid gloves, and a Hmall h<ix such as la used hy doctors. A skeleton key was also found on Morton. He denied th a t h* intended to do any work here.

R ran *aifi th a t Morton was arreatert In this city seven year* ago and sentenced to five years In S tate prison for steallns horses.

SNOW OR RAIN IS DDE lO-HlGBT OR TO-MORROWKeeping pace with the shrinkage of tho

meroury, the first real snow of the season Is due hero w -nlght, according to the con­ditional nropheclea o t the local and Wnsb- Ingtojq w eather seer*. I t will snow If It does not ratn. they foretell—If not to­night, then to-morrow.

Professor William C. Weiner, of tbs local observatory, says yesterday was Oie M ldeit November 13 since 1«I6. The day * iptnlnium tem perature of 34 degrees a t 3 A. M. was duplicated to-day at the same hour.

The tem perature a t 3 A. M. to-day waa 3 degrees, a t T o'clock 3 and a t noon 2*. Tho humtillty a t 7 o'ilock was *7 per cent., and a t noon Si. The wind a t noon was south a t a velocity of four mllea an hour.

Tho maximum terorwrature yesterday was 30 degrees, the lowest 3 and the average 37-3- TH® maximum humidity w as 87 per cooL, tha minimum 47 and the average 77. The prevailing wind waa northw est with a maximum velocity of twenty-five miles an hour.

One yenr **® itiw highest tem ­perature recorded waa 43 degree*, the lowest 32 and tho average 3S.1 Partly cloudy weather prevailed.

----------_— a ------------— -F at* u i« flapper

F o r the benefit of H ospital fo r Women and Children Thuraday afternoon and avening, Nov. 13, 1311, a t th e cbaiial o f tb * flaoond P roabytertau Church, oer. W M llJtg ton an d Ountt* itra a ta . Bupper TImpiMr grattliit tkoM 140 to t.—a]Bv.

The advices say th a t the Im­ps have been driven to the 8 and lhat their position Is dea.pciato.

'!V "dvioes ohtalnabl*from the river points! outlawry seem* to he spreading and crime la unchecked.

'*r elite*tho Inhahliants, supposedly under tho pro­tection of the revolutionary leaders, ara In trrrn r

ThouaBiids (11 river pirates, openly band­ed f>gH her. are attacking tha police, and enldif-rs burning village* and murdering til* inhfthtiantP nftsr carrying away ♦‘Vf’rythlng of value,

r™"' Chang Chow Fu, In south- cm Gnltio, which wpnl over to (h* rebel* yesterday, say -hat the city la overru t with thieves. All buildings have baen iM tn d ^ y iher, (nvadlng Wldlera and their offleerfli,*!^ unable to Inforce discipline Th* terror of th* peopfs nlnrie, wh * w»t* tf>o frlghtrncd to i-rotrct their puFsoi- stons, prevsnted msBsncre.

Th* spoclsl Shflngh*! dispatch sa y t'. th a t (t Is axpert^rl ihat the governmsifit wilt b« forcfd (0 cRpitutate to h* rebels within a vory tew day* becouse of Its lark of funrtji.

TTie ffpiibllrnn trl-rnlnr wave* over Amoy tfi-rtciy. Early this afternooiK crowds hrjran to nsirmble for a confer­ence with the revolutionary leaders, At 2:30 o’clock the gtmhoat Qtianknl, ftylng the dragon flag, cast off her lines and steamed out of the harbor

Then about 1,000 revolutionists formed In line and marched to the w nlkd city, wher* they raised the repuMlonn emblem over th* TaotPl’s palace a t 2:M. fllmulta- peously a few trl-cnlors were displayed In other qunrtera of the city, Mnny Jap ­anese And ^'hlte finga also appeared.

Excitement thet preraded the change nf goVernnu^nt waa quickly anA3>d. Fears of 'exceaseH kept the populace In a nerv­ous etat* for * while. For several days there nnd been nn locnl government and the nminteniince of public order devolved upon vninnleer guards recruited from th* beat fftmlllra.

Rut tho revdlutlonary leaders soon eliowpfl that they hod their follower* well tn hand nnrt popular fear gnv* way to *e- c:ir1tv. Tl.fre I* no dtaorder,

M'nrnhlps Restore Cobfldeiiva.Thn arrival of ttie American cruiser

S:iratogn, Ihe mcnitor Monterey and th* giinl>oat Qiilroa and the Pritlah torpedo hoat dealroyers Janus and Vlrngo Oils morning helped to restore confidence.

A telegram from Mukden, relayed from St. Petersburg, t ty s th a t TJang Chl- iriilflo. the pioneer tn constitutional move­ments tn China, has arrived there, and delpgates of th* conslltutlnnal party *r* consulting under his presidency a* (o the l>cflt means of ending the revolution with­out further bloodshed and regarding mcasiirea necessary for tha protection of th* dynasty.

The dispatch also confirma earlier re­port* rhat Manchuria hae declared itself mitonomous, and the admlnlatratfon u( the government has actually pasHcd Into the hands of a committee, who have adopted a strong courfle to maintain pub­lic order.

Liang Chl-Chlao is on* of the hent- known literary men among th* Chines*, He has been an exile slnoe the palace rev'Ohitlon In ISW. and recently has edited a paper at Kob*. Japan. It has been underatood that he was returning to Peking for (he purpone of directing th* reform movement.

Tt la reported from Allahabad In British Tnrtta. (hat the Tsotsl of Teng-Tua, Ttm- , nan ‘Province, China, haa found refuge In Bhsmo, acrosa th* HHIIhH Indfan horde*-, heofluse of the revolutionary upheaval In Yunnan.

Although Yunnan is contglous to the revolutfonarv rcrrltorv, it h!»s not been counted with ths ten provJticee under relict control. The dispatch Implies that the revolt la BtlU spreading, *


MANILA Nov. 14.—Announcement was made a t military headquarters to-day th a t the sailing ot th e transport Sher­man for the United States had been post­poned.

No ofllclal explanation was offered, but arm y olficers expressed the belief that the boat waa being held for use In carry­ing troops to China.

A large detachment o t soldiers la In readiness to move at twenty-four honra' notice.


n e w TOHK, Nov. 14.—Th* 1 following cables have been received a t the rooms of the Prosbjierlan Board of Foreign H is- alons:

"Tslnanfu, China. Peaceful revolution. AU s a te J. B, NEAL, M. D ,"

"Shanghai. ChlnA Mr. and H ra A R. Keppler and children. Dr. and Mra. F, J, Tooker awl children, Mlea E. T. K oltrat, MISS C T. Wooda, Rev. Gecrga C. Hood,~(CentljiiH!d on, tth page lat calumnj

Dewey** F o rt Wtoe a a d OUew Oil.Nothing RKtrenourtahlngand tm ugihan lB g H T. Dewey 4c S o n * ^ ., IN Fulton at,, n Tt . , —Alta, ■ < '

‘ t ; . '. 'i.tJJJtW.-




'The B«hr Collwtion

^Tes Wmbio SeTea Billeti, RMiirkiil tk it "Oae It


Early ChinesePaintings

B r o n z e s a n d P o t t e r yNow on PuUlo Exhibition

M O N T R O S S G A U E R Yfi5d f i r t h Araa««i abo^a AStb » ff. t .

Bineial Stntee ef VSW8.BAYOKNE. Nov. I f —W ith aeven btil*

k u (n blB hiind. F r .n k K »» a llw id d«i«rtir from tha IJrltad f lu te i Navy, antered the kitchen in tlie home of Mre. Annie Uelafe, Ihle mofnlii*. handeil her Die eeren bullet, with tlie fem erk that • line la enounh for me, " and a aeconrt Jatar shot himself dead.

Husky, aho was tw enty-tw o y e a r , old, had spent the night a t the Mcia«a homo. He 1| said to have entored th a navy Jaii- la ry U last and deserted from the batllo- ship Utah at the Brooklyn Navy Yard October 7 No reason to r his suicide luis iHien leanicrt. ,

The weapon with which th e man hilled himself wa» a thlrty-alglvt caliber revnl- v n . The police took possession of It.

liallery oiMm week-days » a m. to Sp. sa.Toeadays unt» P- m-



Decisioo o i Soitb Side Hi^li School Locitioi Looked

for To-oi^bt


T h i n g s Y o u N e e d J i u t N o w

The doming of colder w eelbei b ring! Into eerv lce meny tn ln i* about w hich you need not tnlolt through the lum m er.

If you ere not eupplled with' be'


L O U A vnA E , Ky,, Nov. H .- In on ad- dr«M delivered last night a t services uf dedication of the new F irs t Christian Church here, Henry W atterson, editor of The Courier-Journal, paid his respeels to joumallats, »laup™en and nilntltare, say-

would havo' all m in ister, of religion a s free to dlscoss the tilings of th is world as the statesm an and the Journalist; but with this dllference. th a t the objectlva point with them shall be the regeneration of man througii the grace of t!od and not the wtunlng of olllca, or tb s exploitation of panlea and oowspapws.

"Journalism," ha. .ptmUniiad, "la yet loo uprlpe to mora thail g u e a r 'a t tru th from a single side. The slatesm an stands mainly for pollUfl*! orgniilitn. Until he disa bo la suspected. The pulpit remains therefore still the moral hope of the uni­verse end the spiritual light of mankind,

"It must ha non-part|xanr It must be non-profeaidtiCial: f t .must tw manly and Independent B ut I t m ust alik> be worldly wise, not abtlflclal. ty ram the tje , broad­minded and m a t^ e ld ed , equally rejidy to ■mite srrong W 'Ole thlghty and kneel by the bedside of the lowly and the poor, the ^iJIakknd afflicted."

The Wret C hrlltl«n Church has Just vacated an old building in the heart of the city and occupied a magtilflcent new ■trueture a resldcnoe district.

Bptrial ftcn'Ire aj ftir .Yf,'W5.TH12NTON. Nov, It. -On behalf of the

Erls. Hu.ijiielianna iiiKl New Jersey and N'l.w York inllnjad.i. Ilerborl A. Taylor lu-ilay appllvd lu the Board of I'ubll: I'tlllly Comnilasloncrs tor a further hear Ing of the proceedings In which the board di'cWwl Egiilnst the sohadule of rates which the railroads proposed to put Into effect on August 1, where It Involvsd any Increase In existing fares. The board ra- servfil decision upon tlis application.,In the petition of the railroads It was

Bet forth th a t the companies do not ad­vance Bs the principal Jiiitincatlon tor the Irii-reass in their ra tes between points In N'lW .lor.Hcy any legal or practical ne­cessity arising out Of the provisions of the IniiTfitaie commerce act. Neither do they raise any contention that the rule embodied In Bacllon d of that act to the effect that passenger fores ehould not exceed liie wum of Intermediate fares slionld be given universal application. The peltllon continued as follows;

"They (Ihs railroads) allege, without admlltlpg th a t the existing rates on tholr rsspectlve lines are In any wlee unjust, unreasonable or unduly discriminatory or preferential, th a t the proposed changss In their tariffs which were to have be­come effective August 1, 1911. between points In the Riate of New .Tsrsoy, were. In genersl, for the pnrpoeo of producing a system of rates In which no combina­tion of fares would exist which was less than the tiirough far- between the rnost distant points covered by suoh comhlne- (lon end for the purpose of remedying In some Instances lns<luaUtU'S which have heretofore eilated. caused by reasons not now conirolling,"

The peltllon claimed that a partlouiar and detallad exuraliinthm of the Individ­ual changes In fares proposrxl would show them to he fair. Just and reasonable and producing rlo hardship upon the public.



KANSAS CITY, Mo- Nov, 11-Secre ta ry Of W ar Henry I . Btlmsoa and former 'United Stntee Senator Nelson W . Aldrich, chairman of the M onetary Commission, were the principal speakers a t the opening lesilon of the twenty-eecond annual Irans- MlaslHlppl Commercial Congrees, which began here to-day. Secretary flttmson diecuaeed affaire of b is departm ent, and Senator Aldrich outlined hla tdeoe of cur­rency reform, under the head of "Cur­rency Legislation,"

Seven hundred delegates were present when A rthur C. Trumbo, o f Muskogee, chairman of the executive committee, celled the convention to order with the declaration th a t the conclusions of the congrees should be morally; .binding upon every W estern Congressman' and Senator a i Washington.

The opening addrofs w as made by Fred- •rlok W, Fleming, of K ansas City, presi­dent of the eeagrees.

Profeteor J. Laurence tiaughlin, of Chloago, dlscuseed banking control.

The address of .George M. tBcyiiplde on oredlt end ourrency In th a rel|jtloii to buslnefi folowed. . J


HACKKNBACKx Nov. l i —AUixand«f H. O. Maldment, a local lawyer, whom Kranci* Dervioux. of Edgewater, iiaa au^d, together with Mra, Dervten*. for the return of property alleged to have been iranaferred by the plaintiff while hlB mind was a blank, made a etiitement here last night In reply to the allegE" Uonis Mr. Maldment Huld:

"No advantage waa taken of Mr. DarvlEUX- waa not indiiceil to algnaway any properly, I wan sent for by Mr. Dervleux personally and certain paper! were executed on his Irmtmctlona prior to Mr. Dorvteux’s leaving Edge- water for domestic resaotje. He wan not ordered by hla phyelcian to go to any aanllarinm, but for personal reaflOni he was willing to leave Edgewater for a month. Ho has been living with his sinter and mother In Oronge. rtDti tney have re­peatedly refused to allow any commmiint- callori between Mr. and Mrs. Dervleux.

"During the time that Mr. Dervleux wg! away I wee In coneultallon with him freouentiy on different Hema of hual- neaa that had to be attended to, and he diacuaerd huslneas matiera in an Intelll- g1bl« manner.

"The day th a t the alleged papers were jlgned he drew. In hla own handwriting, checks In payment of, several hundred dollars' w orth of Wlla, mailing them per- tonally. and on the aatrift i‘venlng he a t­tended a corporation meeting, at which he 'dftp.uge^d InteUtglhiy mauerB relating to a il* said corporation. His wife has at-

*^waya *>«♦" actively engaged In the clean­ing and dyeing buelneti and In the atorea in New Yorks In feet* no one was recog­nized by the enstumerfl In the liandllng of Ihe buainciaa, excepting Mrs. D ervleux/'

Another effort will be road* lo-n lfh l by the Board of Education to aettle the prob­lem of a !lt* for th* profwaed South Btde High School A apeclal meeting h u been called with th a t purpoae in view.

The me«t1ng haa been called for the earoe hour th a t the regular aesilon of the Commlltee on Inatruotlon la held, and thla la taken a* an Indication that. In tt>* belief of the members, ttio achool aU* Queatlon will be delerinlued without con-- Rumlng much time.

I t U underitooJ th a t the declalon will j lay between the .two eltee already under i conilderatlnn. 'These are the plot a t johnaon avenue and Alpine afreet and the flit* purchatird a few ypara ago a t Avon j avemie and South Temh aire+t, and orig- InaUy intended l*ir an elementary arhool.

Tli* Bandfurd hoin*atead ilte, la upper Clinton avenue, which has baen the ob- Jeot of acma longing hopcfi, la ealrt to be out of the question. The prcHanl owner of the property hea put the prohibitive price of |2Q0,(XK) on It.

The Johnson avenue alte represent! a cost of HO,WO, and th a t In Avon avenue was arqulrwj for IH.tOO. It will he nerea- sary. If th is site Is chuaen. to secure about aeveniy-flve more feel along South Tenth atreet to obtain sufficient room for an adequate building.

In the m atter of opinion aa to wiilch In the belter site for the proposed scho<d. the member! of Iho hoard are vory closely divided. If a decision In reached to-night It will probably he by a narm w margin on the vote. According to expressions made an«J votes taken In the past on tbo m atter, It la believed thn< thn decision will depend upon one member.

Messrs. Outid, Rrown and Taaffs. of the hofird, ara.flrm In supporting ihy Jobnspp avenue sltA Mr. nelfatto hsa e x p r e a * a preferenofl for tfie w m e site to thatro f Avnn avenue. Messrs Tnvhir, Rrenfilg, McCabe and King are cr»^dltpd with be­ing favorable io thc Avon nvenne plot, norwlihstandlng Its pr*ixlmlty to Woo<l- land CVniciery This leave.s Mr. Tjunklns with the balanca of powtr. It wna thougiU he mantfesled a ‘leanliig to tlie Avon ave­nue slto. when the qiiestinn was taat dlB- cuBsed. but U is known th a t both side* ar« hopeful of sacurlng his aupiJnrt when the final lest Is made

It wiJ] not Involve the raising of addi­tional fund# no m atter which site h chosen. Thors is now evaHabl* to the credit of the fund for acquiring High Hchool Rites ahnlit Wfi.NM, Of this sum, if the Avon avaiiue site Is to he rhosen. Ill,MO will havft to bp transfarred to lh* elementary scthool account.

That will leave al>out ♦L' .OfiO avallahl* for the piirrhnsG of additional pmpcrly. which will h* needed If the Avon avenno tract la wlected. It will also leave, In that evont» the 1*0*000 Johnson aveniu- site Intact and avallftblc either for (dher r,F*s iiy the board t r for Bale.

th»M iblnit, Ut lu bolp Fou to them

Do you need »n Aeh CtnT Here it fl.8S up.

Do you need a Gnrbige CtnT Here it 40c. up.

Do you need tn Aih Cm Truck? Here at $2.

Do you need an Ash SifterT Here’a the "Hustler" at *S.85.

Do you need a Furnace Scoop? Here at 65e. up.

Other household needs, also.

L U D L O W & S Q U IE RE xperts la H ardw are.

0 7 - 9 0 M A R K E T S T .(Just Abuve Waeiilncton St.)


CiMsiog B roil Strwt War Veteraa Stefi

Vekicie's Patk.


**D a G W tffiM c a a tlm o 4 lfty."

JDe. ItiCIwar, MRVsawMiL, Oheni S. / .. ■. .v; ? ■<



a C

S t U - R a l s I i i g i l o a r 'n r Paneakit, PoJtry amt ■


ROCMESTEH, N. Y„ N ot. H.-'W lth nearly !.W» delegates jiresont from all parte of the United S tates apd Canada, the eighth annual ronventlnn qf the American Hoad Butldera AekecloUtm and Ihe American iOeod Hoads'.''Uongress as- semhled In Conyehlloii H all to-day for n four days' session. ■ In uDhnectlon with the oonventlon an rtW id t of road hulld- in i and street paving machinery, mata- rls ti 'wid appliances Is being held.

The session was called to order by Tretldent H aro ld .F arken chairm an of the Maesachusetts Highwiiy Commission. Tha morning program Included addresses by Samuel Hill, president o f the Washington State Good Rqads Association; N. J. Ualcjielder, m aster of the National Orange, and Jam es JP. Hooper, president of the American Automobile Assoelallan.



)g6r« ISO women merobera of dif- fcr«ui dfcnoirtinatlon! heord Mr*. William 31, rarraer* o f" A£Dntclalr,r glv* lh ! flrit of a serlB! of ilA leolur*! on Robert Hpear'i book. "The Light of the World," in the Firat Prcebyterlan Church th li morning.

While Mr.H. Farm er has a claas or •womwti In FlalbuMh, 4fl0 member! In Mant- olalr and 2ixi m em ber! taking the aame cinjrso of lectures In IJarlcm, the leolure tills mornliis was lh* first gl\eti by her in thlH I'-lly, She had for Jier topic ‘‘Animism end Us Origin."

l;’aoh woman In thi» a\idlen''f was .pro- vldvil with a chart on whloh by marking they w*ro vnabled to follow Mrs. Fariuera explanation of these fealure* of animism; Origin, fonmler, God and worship* lUera- Ujrt* f'itiirc life, itrengfh , weakneas, re- HuliH tn lives of followers.

Mrfl. Farmer explained the customs of Ihoae who believe In anlmlapi and de­clared that the n*lJgSon fn antrolstic rnun- trles iB due prinjarlly to lack of pure ideoj^ and Ipve. It !s for the ChrlflllanB to lead thpHo antmistlc believers away from ihclr hollef by love and true Chria- ilanlty, Mrs. y 'anner said.

In the opinion of the apenker the Boxer uprising was raii*«d memly by the belief of the Boxers In anlmlam. The Chinese. Mr®. Farmer continued, believed that they Wer'e IhvulnePable to deoJh, but afiar inativ were killed lh«y largely deserted their belief trt animism and were left with no belief.

Thi! was the time for the ChriattanB to act. declared Mrs. Farm er, but they neg-

'lected th* oppurtunlty lo aBslsl the for­eigner! to believe hi Chrlitlantty.

The meeting was opened by a musical selection, witlj Mrs. Henry C. to ll, of Prospect avenue, presiding a t the piano. Kev.‘ L. B. Hulls, assistant paulor of tlie church, led the devotional exerclies. Mrs. Call, as president of the Jubilee aoclety. extended greetings. Uf the ^ members enrolled for the course of lec- Itires, lhaee denomlnatlonH are repre- BtmtedH Congregational, Heformed. Bap­tist, Frcabyterlan, Methodist Kplaropal. Lutheran, l.'niled Presbyterian and Chris­tian RHenc*. ^

Thp next lecture will be given Decem­ber 2.

While hundreds of people were on thplr way home from work late yesterday after* noon an old eoldler wi?o attempted to croM Broad, near Market street, wa« knocked down and perhaps fatally Injured by a trolley car. He Is In 8 l. Michael's Hospital w ith hla akull fractured.

The vlutim Is John F. Brolth, seventy ' years old, an inm ate uf the Boldlers’ Horn* : In Kearny. He was Ulentlhed through clotbOB .he wore and whan the hospital | officials C om m unicated with the author­ities of the Soldiers' Home they learned that Smith had been m lulng for three days.

Policemen Sm ith and King arrested the trolley crew a f te r the acddaiYt and took the trolley men to the hirst Precinct Police Stutlon. A fter being recorded the in Hi were paroled In the custody of an agent Of t]|ie company to await the ou t­come of S m ith 's Injuries. The men were FatrloJi Baney, forty-one years old, of 20 Homblowor avenue, Belleville, motornnan, and H arold Gorman, twenty-two yeara old, of 342 W ashington avenue, Nutley, conductor.

The accident happened shortly afte r G o'clock. Sm ith was croa.alng from west to the eaut aide of the street. There was ! string of cars on the southbound track from M arket to Rank Rtreet and the people were crowding on them. Stnltli


DISCUSS HELP . FOR CHILDRENCemnittee It Contiler Petitioa ii for SUte I s |u r y Into Work

for Depeolenti.


R etrial ot suit brought by M ra Helen McConVllle. vl S7i! Broad .etreet, to re- cover 19,000 worth ot jewelry—era tehee, rings and diumunde—front Je tnet M. Do- remus. of 171 Broad xtreet, 'with whom ,Mra. MrCoiivlll, declares she left them as security, wAs coutlnued to-day In the I'Ircult t’ourt before Judge Adams. The

. The appointm ent of a commlltee to con­sider the deairablttty o t petitioning Gov­ernor Wilson to appoint a conimUston to Inquire Into the work being don'e by S tate and private agencies to r dopendent ohlldren was the outcome ot a dlacusilon as to m eant to establish a better oo> operation a t a conference on dependant children held a t the Public U hrary, thU morning.

The conference was called by the State C haijtlsa' Aid Association and Franklhi

children'sMurphy Jr., chairman of the chlldron'itria l started yesterday atiernoon before I committee, presided. The commlltee ap- a airuch Jury. pointed by Mr, Murphy consisted o t John

June 21, 22 end M last the cnee was Aral I A. Cullen, of tho CathoUo Children's Aidplaced before a Jury, hut after a hotly , Boclety; Atmand Wylo and C. V. Wlll-contcsteil Irlal, the. Jury failed lo agree. ' lama, of the New Jersey Childrofi'e HomeThe suit grew out of proceedings In Boclety, Trenton, who were lo conferChancery, where Mrs, AlcConvIlle t i r i t - during the luncheon recess and report a t sought lo hoy* the chancellor order her ' I*'® afternoon meeting, tewelrv returned. In Chancery Mrs. Me- , Worhere connected with Institutions or Convilie was advised th a t the m atter ■' societies for tbs oare of dependent chll- could he settled only In the law courts. dren In various parts of the State oon-

The jewelry originally found Its way Irlbuted to th« discussion on the need pf into Mr Dorenme s hands ns additional o " 'oro cordial co-operaiion, among exlgt- securtty for a chattel mortgage of C .a» Ing aghoclee. ond to ascertain It any addl- held by him on Mrs. McConvIlts's prop- j Hon®l provlilon for this clas^ should be erty.

Mrs, McConvIllo fontlnncd on the stand to-day. Louis Hood, who, with \flll1am A. Bmlth, reprsaenls Mr. Dore- tnoa. cross-examined lha plaintiff.

......... .......... When Mrs. McConvlUe tranaferred thewalked betw een two of the curs, and j jewels to Mr. Dorotniis, It appears they i stepped on tho Other track. Northbound i were contained In an ordinary leather Mr blemiPaterson car No. aW6 struck him. I>ii*-J9.000 worth. Mrs, McConvlUe told

In an effort to save hlnrselt Smith , how she had turned the valuables overa friend lo deliver them to Mr, Dore-

iLiade by legislation or otherwise. H. L. Fleming, of Jersey City, a member of the S tate Hoard uf Children's Guardian*, declared Iho laws of the State were not practical, and th a t municipalities were given too much power In dealing wltli

Jumped on the fender and he was thrown against tho forw ard part of Ihe car. Ho fell to the pavem ent at the side of the car. Dr. F ra n k 8 . Carpenter, of ?SI Belle­ville avenue, attended the Injured soldier.

Jam es C. Dunn, secretary of John It. Dunn * Sons, Ino„ of 7M Broad street, took Smith to tho hospital In hla auto- moblte.


SpfHrtl fc’ert'irfl nf tfie XFU'S TJlKNTON. Nov. U. TlK*ro was nn un­

usual !c^n4* In the I ’nlled Slate* Dlntrlct Court lo-(lay. when H e gov(>rrmiejtjt muved Us rtit^e ngiilnst Jullua F. B Fraa- ketibprg Anil Uharles? l>«» Pelloglo, Itirllin-

jointly for milawfuily Importing iner- fharohae Into rhe couniry, Man D. du-ur,

HE WAS SURE IT WAS STOLENJohn G. Anun, of U Belmont avenue, re-

ported lo the Fourth Precinct police yes­terday that a gold watch had been stolen from Ills trousers pocket, and when Patrolman H aas visited the house Anan

who repreecnted Do Bclloglo, was engaged eohflded to the policeman that tlie onlyoiip who had an opportunlly to steal Ilia watch was a fourten-year-old boy. Kaaa the boy last righ t and brought him

the Anan home, where hq was posltlve-

w'atch In this

ill a case In ,Vsw York nnd 11. B- Itosen helm, who appeared In hhs behalf, naked for nu adjournment. This was objected lo by Julius Llchcnsteln, counsel f irFrnnkcnberg. who wanted the cases irled. | , jj,m lfled by Anan.

W hen Judge Cross refused the motlun I ,.j carry niyto postpone, Mr. Rosenheim asked for a , ■■ and reached for the

to the police, but later he was not quite

That a city ahculd flrst be made worthy before a campaign Of ’Tioostlng" la started, w as the point advanced by Theo­dore B. F c ttlnger In an address to the Men's Club o t 8 t. Paul’s Methodist Epis­copal Church last evening.

The "booBllng" ot Newark was Ihe sub­ject on which Mr. Fcttlnger epoke, ond Willie he said he was among the ''boost­ers" and a g reat believer In “boosting." he thought all publicity should bo sclcn- tlllcally prepared, so as to prevent reac­tion and m ake for actual results.

To o ttra c t crowds without giving them what was expected from publicity, the speaker declnred, was poor advertising.

"All thla 'hut air* about 'boosting' the city." be said, "may go as clvlo prldo and pairlotlatii, but a better patriotism and saner civic pride 1* that which will make Newark a greater, grander city — that whicli will lend us to measure ii] to the wonderful possibilities ot our city— ond thle we are not beginning to do. "

R eferring to the needs of the city, Mr, P'ctllnger declared'

"N ew ark most decidedly needs a change In public spirit. From nwny back public spirit has dom inated the town and this seems I') linger with us. It is a spirit which alrnost every uttemi.itat prygreaa no m atter by whom made- U IH a Bplrlt which blocks progrt-ss In every d ire c tio n -th a t condemns a t Ihe atart every lnnoi.ation and new enlarprlBe. I t


"Did you aay anything about th* valu* of the jewel! when you turned them over to this friend?" questioned Mr. Hrvod.

"Nu. Bir; I limply handed them o v e r- on a Sunday morning, 1 think It was."

‘‘And when did you *ee Mr. Doremu* about It?"

"Monday." answered Mrs. McConvIll*. "Mr. DuremuH told roe that h* hAd taken the hag to the North Ward Bank."

"D idn 't he tell you." Mr. Hood asked* " ih a t lh* offictrs of the North W ard Bank told him that they would nok b* responsible #or the Jewela—th a t you would have to assume the r l s k f ’

"No. he did not."Yesterday Mr. Hood questioned Mr*.

McConvlUe about th* value of the jewels, and her iiwthQd.of eoinpuUnff tho value, 5lrg. McConvlUe Is represented In th* suit by Borden D. Whiling.


Tbe budy at Isaac S. Douglass, who «lt»- appeared October 2£ and was fouhd In the t-aiial a t Bellsvllle. Saturday, was laid by tbe side ot his wife In Woodland Cemetery this morning.

Tbe funeral was conducted last righ t a t K uni's morgue. Orange, under' the aus­pices of Kearuy l-odge No. 195, Indepen­dent Order of Odd Fellows, of wlilch tho decedent had been a member for many

laming asserted that children are fruiuently returned to uuDt homes from State Institution*. Joseph P. Byers cited the lack of provjslois for the feeble-mind­ed child as Illustrating the inadequacy of. the State 's provision for Its words. ,Mr. Byers reminded hie hearers that there la no Institution provided by the Slate for feehle-mlnded children, though the Btato t rm itrlbutea to the maintenance of tba Training School for the Feeble-minded at Vineland, where about, three-fourths of the Inmates are sent by the Riate.

Mr. t ’ulien told Of the provision made for dependent children through the coun­ties. pointing out tha t Hudson County wuj the only one curing for thla class, la other counties the burden falls on tb ■ State, the .munlelpalltle* or on prlvati organ! aotlons. The normal dependent child, he Buggeeied. !« the most negleoleJ the tlefecllv* and douiiquent making & ni6re direct appeal^ to the public synj palhy. ,

Mr. Cullen pqlnYefi out th a t many pri­vate organlaatlun* are working for 11.e claBS. unprovided for by the State, lu the countlee of Bergen, PasBalc, Morris, Union. Hudson and Esaox. he *«1d he haO found twenty-nine non-CnlhoUc and ntue- teen Catholic organlxatlonu. He alAivd th a t tm) one. however, really knew what U being acrompUshed.

"Thla confereiM'?*" he said, "won t i fa r unless the Governor Is esHed lo hi»- pOlnt a cummlMlon to find out w bal is and what Is not being ilonr."

Other members following spoke In favor of the commission. Mr. WUIlamB nrgeJ the need of a central ugmey aivl a legi'*- latlve coromUtee to watch all Icgls'Kilor? affecting the welfare of clilldiTti nho a belter understanding bftween all nrgon- iiatlona'doing eimlUr work.

Dr. 1-Aban Dennis, of Orange, epoke nf 1efectt^’e children and the need of heuv.* Rupervisfon of the ^duracloiiHl opivpr- tunltles afforded children lit InsUtullon'.

Douglas C, McMiirtrle. of S*-w Yor City, who has worked with the Rux.svll

years.Repealed efforts to see Mrs. John Fits*

.■»lmmons, of 21 Augiwsta Btreet* Irvington* with whom Doiiglua boarded for year* beforo going to live with her parenli. Mr.and Mr*. August Stegel. at 19 Monmouth ..................Bireet, end who huq had full charge of ' s^^ J Foundation, urged more buslnejis

Wtlhdfawi|) from the css*, than suggested that the court apiH)!: counicl ti> defend J je Pelloglo, but the later Raid he would not accept mheJ cdimHfL ' J ’ ' ' ' ■ ’

The imtt'pme of a conference, between live cniirt'flfid counsel wns the poalpohe- ment of the trial vintll December 2h.



per* deal wllh tb e Hamroerateln Opera House opening lust n ight tn the raosl friendly teriUfi Thla relates not only to the house Iteelf, but to Ihe opera and the l>erforninnc!. On>i luipt-r Bays tliai the natural nnawer u> iliv qtic'ffUm wliethor ur not Ixmdon Is i>i Lave ,i permanent <i|iere-house l« "ijuc \ ‘udlB "

Another BnyH; "Mi' 1 lam tnHsteln prom- lixed UH grand opHtu utt a acuie. Hehas fultlUed Ihal i romlKt" wllli Intoreist. The groat bplm'[jic1*-.'> )n the Hemijiii and third act* have n«u;r Lemn RLiipastrttd on the Knalleb

su n anotl'tfr s.iys- "Tho pnidurtlon leaves the of lihI trean-urablB buauiy, Tin-rc tire nut nutny operaa that achieve a« rnui-h "

NEW YORK, Nov. 14.—The Public B«r- vlce Commission of New Y'tprk Htate de­cided yesterday ft fight which haa been going on before that coromlaslon betweeii ilu.' PoHial Telegraph t'am pany and the W rsiern Union Telegraph Company for the iHHl year and a half. The decision U In fuvur of the Postal Telegraph Com­pany.

II appears that where the Postal com­pany has a ineflflage dcatlned to a point not reached by It* linen the Foetal com­pany ha* carried 1i hh far as It could and then turned It over to the Western T^nlon for Hnal transmlBRlon and delivery, end tbe W estern Union ha% inalated that from thre^e to five words be added to the mesaage, chnrglng the Postal company for th* tranfliniBslon of the ndditlonal wordfl.

It Is now decided by the conmilfwJon Ihat thla charge 1* Illegal atui the W'eF't- erii Union Is directed to discontinue U The decree say*.

"n e a r ly a public Fcrvlce corporationniuBl extend preclftely 11in same fftclbiles to ft ctimpetlior as li rtoeB to Hic eni1n» world. It cfth makf* tio dletlncMon be­tween IboRe offering It buBlnetft H tiuiMt chargM them alike and Bsrve them allk*-.

Harict of ifte NTH’S.NEW BRUNSWICK. Nov. U - Harry

Conrad. c iah |er of th e Flret Natlonat Bank of P^rth Amboy, was appointed [

iht/ old man’s money, have failed. I jnethodfi In dealing with ihe quesiion,Vlflitft a t the Jiome of her sister, | tho evident lack nf eo-ordlnatlon.

Porker, with wfiom Mrs, FSlxslimnona re- j private organizations, and sftld a................. ........... . ..... , I aides* have on sevcial occualons elicited i gtate agency was ewpecially nefd-1ft Hie B plrirof pessimlftm In Its most dan- | the Inforrnallon that "Mrs, Fltxslmmons j . ^ 1 dlRtrlcta.geruua forivi. In." and a visit to the house th is McMurtrle suggestwi that much

"I have." Mr. Fotilnger concluded, morning failed to bring any re fl^n w . | accomplished through the public"Kreat bopo In the generailDna now in the i The bell was pulled repeatedly ana the i clllng London, Englsncl. as anschools I look to these buya and glrle, rear entrance tried without any answer, ' Others Joining In -the djw-whpn they come Into power, to take New- although from sound* coming worn tM - - ark froTii the h&ndH of those who have ! house It aeemed likely that some qd* was

BO sure. Kaa* suggeated that It would be •a good Idea If lio apolgglr.efl to the ac­cused boy. ^nd Anan did ko.

abused and mlBueed it—from those w ho! a t home. . ,■ w u wi-lFwiAfhave ralBcrably failed to take adviintage | Mrs. Fllssimmons ta said by her m oFWof i t s ’ire a t-n a tiira l posalbllltleft- and give j to be In poBaesfllon of a will med^ by to It ltd rightful place among ihe cities ; Doiiglft-'^a. In wIiL'li she 1» narrted

SOHE KINOR ROBBERIESof the world and m.'ike 11, If not thebiggest, the beat city In the world which to live."


Gustave Lledcrraan, of KB Thlrteemh rtMMiue, rrpm lvd to the pollro this after­noon th a t a firr<*en bad been removed from a wiiulow' -in the rear of bis bouse and a vlojln and ca^e atolei

Mrs. iRiiac M. Lyons* of Ifil Rosevll!*


iruslet* to-day for the creditors of Kmll j avenue, reported m Ihe Fifth PrecinctSftim'lb. who formerly conducted a pri­vate banking buslneas In Perth Amb(*y. Sainelli was sentenced to State Prison lam Friday j

A meeltng of the creditors was held a t the prison tu-day with Jsiiiea Parker, referee in lAnkruptoy, presiding. Clahns eimonniing to E6.W0 have been filed against S am eihs properu'. He owns some real estate which I* covered by mortgage. The personal estate Ih valiie«l a t |. \7no.

th a t i\ pockeljpiOoH contHtnIng 8 bud been taken from' her dining-room liLhle. She mlPeed It shortly after the departure of a ohalr-vftner who had been in tbe hou?e.

ficlnry, and now that he Is d*ad U Is un- deretood that ahe bflH tbe power to draw the money—aomethlng over |l ,000—th a t Is In the Howard Saving* IfistltutloHi placed there by Douglas.

L ast July Mrs. FltEslmmon* drew 1800 from the Qernitm Pavings Bank, where It




rhiaens* Iseagne Ib Burlington-BUitLISClTGN. N^v. 14.-P rom inen t |

cltlx.-nn Of th«' cmintj', prlnolpxlly Indf- . pendent Itfipubllfans, whu roriiied ihe rlilim is ' ptttdy In lh , rerent ('am.pniun solely tn forward ttie ramltdac.v of An­drew J Jordan, Iteinorraile candldalB fur ; hlierllT, decided last nliftit to conttmie I ttieir orxanl^allon and matte It the t'tti- xens' l.eakije. The organliatlon is to lie , al.sulntely imTi-pnrtl-/.aii a n t 11a main ot>-< Je.'l will h« Id »en that reprefentatlve ill- | Urns an- mnntnaied for comity offices

The Newark Credit Associationwill hold Us n /lh annual banquet at

I Krueger's Audllorlura* Thursday evening j a t 6:S<) O'clock.■ The speakerH will be William C. Free- ! man, advertising rnanager of the New ' Vnrk F^venlng MSll: Harold Renilngton.

counBel of lb* *N’ailorial Assnclwtlnn of t.Tfdlt Men. and Hjdqiund D. Flfther.

' flcimty comptroller of New York City.



ItGiTftrii 4t<iirhrd to l lra ra e lloll.Sprrio.1 fr’errlce of iDc St:WS

The second hearing by the Board of Public UtlMiy Uommlssloners on the pro- jjoseU "full crew '' bill will take place a t the courthouse to-morrow morning.

The purport of Ihe proposed mj*ftpujre Is to have sufflcleut crews on tUa pas- jieuger 'and fre igh t trains lo thuure the

ruKNTON. Nov. It.—During tbe funeral I property of paBeengtr* and

NKW YOHK, Nov. 14.—The pollcft IhoI hlfjht arrested Mattco Dellonia. a Flif-*'- rimk^T, and duirgcd him with ibe irli.ile murder in Rrcoklyii yesterday of hlw wls- :«r, Mrs. Adolph Lofsry; her five-year-old flaughJer Uosb*. and lil* motlivr, Mrs. Atitfjnlo Deliomu*. who were discoverrd Ehot to death when L.ofaro returrjcd home M noi:m from his plucu of erDploymeni a* a Uttor.

Tbe police say th a t Delloma had re- fenlly attempted to force money from lili Inotuipr ftvid Bleter as hlk BUT<posed sKarc 111 the ftrnall catnl'j of bis father, who died kurne time ago. L^rlloinu danled all Unowl- 4dge of the murdvr.

P o r tr Teftre W ed, fo r Dtvor««.NEW YORK, Nov. 14.—After more than

twoBOore yeara of m arita l happlneas, that began ehortly after the Civil War, aeven. ty-flve-year-old Busan Elson Dye began bult for absolute dtvuroe In the Supreme Court here yesterday against Colonel ^losaph Eme*t Dye* seventy, war veteran end mem]>er of New York'* OJd Guard, Mrs. Dye allege* that her aged husband •‘fell under tbe charm* of another wom­an," and In her behalf a W est Bide board* !ng-houw keeper testified to-day that Colonel Dye and a woman he Introduced a* his urtfee "bu t not the plalatlff," lived with him during the winter ot I807.

WASHINGTON, Kuv. 14. Following U'O verbal repropentaiiunN proviously iimde to tills goveriiiuriil In r+'Kard In dutlKrt uii wor«l pulp ami priming paper, th* i.^rr- niflJi FinlihBey lifts eeiit a nciLata tlie Rli^t* DHpnrlmeiit, formally clalinliig, under tnu fftvorfd nation clause of the exiai1n#{ tr '‘uty. 111* name lulvllegea enjoyed by Caiifullnn i)ulp end pHper of fre* enttyliitii Amcrti'ii

Count BernKturff. thr Oertnan Ambapea- dor, Is at proapiH lii New York and in ex­pected tnkft up tbe subject with Becre- tftry Knox upon blH return to VVaBblng- ton In th* conrBP of a few da>it. The Ger- man notu If pur'-h' formal and Is simply Inmnded, iis expliilned at the Embassy, to save thft rlgb:* of German expoftera.

Rflverftl r-.junlrieB have already lehl claim lo exeniptimi frYim the paper and pulp dutleft ori elrnllpiT grounds, and It Is expected thru witlilu a ehort time every nation that vxpnr^» p u ^ or loW grade paper will have r^^gistered at the Btate Department fippllcatlons for equal privi­leges w ith Canada.

uf John D tcher nrul John Bkulot, vlrtlma 'uf a railroad uccbbuit a t lA w renre Riallon In-i Friday, one of tlic horves attarbf-d lu th f hearNH rontalnlng SkuIrt’H body be- nimfl frlglU*Tied on the way to the Grc«*k <‘ftCiollc Ci'rnntery This siaitml aniimway ift w'bbii sehm is ctmsequenrPH Yvero-narrowly averh'd. of the horse* fftll. breaking m e tungu« of the hearse. Th* funeral wa>< continued after the ilam- ftgw had repaired-

Hldppel^*. It 1* aHftarted tha t the full crew plan la not carried out now.

Three youthful delinquents were a r ­rested. one yesterday afternoon «nd two last night, on charge* of theft, On* boy w as held, another was sent to Ihe City Home, and th* third was freed under suspended sentence.

On a charge of larceny preferred by Frederick of 1» Cenlrttl ax'enue,his son, fourteen years old, who was re ­cently discharged from the (’Ity Home and ano ther boy fifteen years old, were arrxTlgned In the Second Precinct Ootirt this morning. lew is 's son was sent back to the borne and on the refusal of the com plainant to press a charge against lh* other, the boy's sentence was sus­pended.

I.pwle gave hla son tlS-MI tn par Ihn month’s ren t yesterday morning and the hoy gave the money to his young com­panion, Tpim hts return he. told his father th a t he had been held up, Tlie tioy cor reseed suhsequently nnd most ot tlie money was recovered.

Wlicn a colored tjoy was sent to the home of Ousiav l,eheiman, at M Thtr- tcentti avenue, yesterday afternoon lo deliver a package and discovered no one wa.H liorne. it Is alleged, he broke Into the tioiise and etole a violin.

Now the lad occupies a cell a t ths Fourth Precinct Police Station, and Pollceraan Sebold. who arrested him, r e ­covered the violin In a second-hand store in A cadem y street.

had been deposited as g joint account gued beforo Referee Edwin O. Adams m tor Douglass and herself. During the the Bankruptcy Court to-day. After J. O.time th a t the police were aearching for ghlpman, 'a ttorney for Samuel D. Mon-tho misalng man Mrs. FUialmmons did ( ,0^5 the Montrose I.umber Company, not once Inquire If any trace of him had claimed by petition that the steedsbeen found, and she Ignored her m other's ' ..nur-Bm the case wasplea th a t she offer a reward from thh , belonged to that .comern the was$800 that Bbo hart withdrawn from the laid t>v«P untiJ next T


Observe^ W «ddlug Jiibll<‘es&«Trh-f of the .N7GFN.

BLAlliS^iTOWN, Nov. 14.—Mr. and Mrs. lJ+:«)rKe f’arter, of this place, nelebrsted their fiflU-tli wedding anTilvereary yaa- t»Tflay at Efti^tqu, Pa-* wheije 1ltf*y went tiatm day tu vl«U Mr*. C arter's throe sl*- lere. They were Joln^id by their *on, D, C. CftHfer. and' Mrs. Carter, and thw lat* ter'p molUer. and the party of eight had e.h aiififverNary dinner a t The Hufitlng- don.

F arew ell to flarkelorbood.Nicholas Scftlcra. of Plan* etieet. gave

hla bachelor dlimer at a Springfield ave­nue restaurant last night, at whlr.h The quests Included term er County Clerk Wllllsiti O. Kuebler. Freeholder Herbert C BuUlvaut. John H. Hiiye*. rharlea Muellers Andrew O- Kb-fer. Morrt* Green; berg’, OemoTid Janiouneau. Oscar Block, Loula Conti and Jam es TJ'Aiola.


■ C npm H at W ertoer N ear O n « bfipfcisl SriTicc nl Iht A'EffS.

A TTA N T ir CITY, Nov. H -B . H. 'W it- Ing B reltre* fiaptWllit Of Baltimore, opd member of a family which own, e large lirtcteet fn 'llie Tmym ore Hotel,- Is-a t,th e point o t (le*lh. O thers of tha t^rftUy, la- eluding 'Hohert K. 'Waring, a hrothe#, have come tm and are near the W aring 'suite » l th a t hoilee.

Blase IB Elllsalwthpeft.B tttM Service of <Ae NEWS.

ELIZABETH, Nov. I t —A Are last night In the grocery atore o t Samuel R. Breeky, I'n F ln t etreet, E liiahethport, did about I.J90 damages. A lighted m atch dropped hn the oil-saturated floor near a small oU .ank causes tbe blase.

Feared ConsumptionEndlrgly C urad. Intgpggting Oag*.

W. I t Burtch, Bingbam, pa., writes; *'I wee In a te rrib ly run-down oondl, t.cB, my tunge were week and sore, and I bad A dull, heAvy pnln between tha gbouldere. X leet flesh very rapidly, end leered I wee going into ooneumptlon jMMr taking four bottles of Hood's Sara-

parilli I WSJ entIrMy cured and never 'fit better."

Speclol Serrice of <Ae JfBffS.INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 1*.—A union

labor w ar against tho high cost ot food products through the country te an­nounced hers to-dey by President James M, Lynch, of the Interoattonal Typo­graphical Union, and chairman of the committee wblob Is putting Into aotion the purposes of ths new league Lynch plane for the o rgan l» tlon ot "Coat of Living Loagues" In every city where organised labor ie found.

An Interchange of leformatlon and oo- operatlve action, be bsllevoe will nltl- mately lead to methods whereby tbe high cost of living problem will be eotved. He win iupervlso the organisation of a aoore of leagues In the larger oltlee Immodl-

' ■r'hB local organisation, wblob Is already well started, will Join with the oo-opera- tlvB buying organisations reoonlly launohed hers by omployes nf tha Penn­sylvania Hatlroad and the pestofflae em­ployes.

GiOs C osts a L ife. .JERSEY CITY, NOV. 14. — lyben a*

agent called: to coUsot a premium on the life Insurance 'policy of A ugust KeUer at

Chief ffioBB aksiii h i.'C h ief Sluan. of ib* rtre tl*partment, who was on duty last week, after more than a month's' lllnesH, was unable to report for duly to-day. and ts again tit a t hts home, Nelson pines. The sudden w'cnther change had an effect on ths chief, and, while his condition la not conaldcred serious, his physlctons have advised that he remain a t homo for a few days.

As a means uf expressing Its adm ira­tion for General Daniel E. Sickles, the V eteran Assoclatton of tips Eighth NewJersey Regiment, better known us Hook- ----------- -er 's Old Guard, has Invited him lo be one hope of bettering their flnanilal condiuon.

The horses In question are part ot the asaet.s of the Sussex Lumber Company, a Belletllle concern; which failed last Au­gust, The granting of the petition waa opposed by the attorney lor J. Tracy H or­ton, trustee ot the defunct concern.

According to the evidence, the Bussei company was a combination of various lumber concerns, which combined In the

of the principal apeakers at Its fiftieth i The Montrose combiny w ia one of thdse'. anniversary dinner, which wtll take place [ According to Montrose, hla company e n - .a t Achtel-Stelter'a Tlivirsday evenlqg of | (^red the combine upon Hie stlpu|atloa

V e te ran s to See AVar Play.To view David Belasco's picture of the

struggle between the North and the South during the starvation period of tlie Civil W ar, members of six local Grand Army posts will attend tlie performance of

rhe WnrreiiB nf Virginia" at the Or-

next week. Recently the committee ot arrangem ents having the anniversary cet- fthrailon la charge adopted resolutions disapproving the action of the Loyal !.«- gton in refusing him membership.

The Eighth Regiment was one of Phe flrst to restjoiid to the call for troops Issued by President Lincoln In 1861. Be­sides General Sickles, InYllatloin tg a t­tend have been sent to Oenerol Fioderick D Grant, General E. Bird OrUhb, OcneriA J. Madison Drake and Governor Wilson. Josepli Atkinson, who served in this regi­m ent three years, will read an htslorlcal sltetch dt the regiment's service; in the war. The dinner will begin a t 1 o clock.

FIRE INSPECTORS LABELEDInspectors ot the bureau of conibustlbies

and fire risks went on duty to-day with new badges, new cap fronts and sleeve

I chevrons, designed lo aid them tn letting• 1_- .- u.eva sk 'Amax *\pgi vJtnfr Innpheutn T heatre Friday afternoon. They ,, o„hn'o know whet the 'flro prevention_.lll ' A... —.veirsSis n# VTunnAar MiM-rlu M ^ ^will ■ be guests of Manager Morris H, Schlesslnger, o t the theatre, and ot tha Corse Payton Stoek Company. The th ea­tre boxes have been reserved tor the old aoldlere.

Pnblln Serrlen Issgeiittos.' Btartlng from Perth Amboy this morn­ing, President Thomas N, McCarter and other offleerB of the Pubttd Hervlce Rail­way Company began the annual Inepeo- tlon sf th e property of tha t, oogporatlon- From P erth Amboy they traveled to NSW 8 ru*!lwte!i, a n d ihenoe to Trenton and damden. The lnep« tlon usually UksS about thpee dnya ' . .

LessM S fo r PsTlng Insgeetors,For th e purpose of brushing them up

on various provisions ot street paving contracts. Chief Engineer Sherrerd had before him late yesterday afternoon the city 's tw enty-sight paving Inspectors, W ith the aid of a blackboard and chalk, Mr. Bherrerd Instructed the men tor more than an hour on their duties. Ho plana to m ake th is the first of a series of alm- llar lectures.

departm ent’s alms are,The chevrons bear In silver letters the

words "Fire prevention." The badges are German silver maltese oroases. on which the words '.;Bureau of Combustible*" Is displayed- These words are also on the cap fronts. The badgsa are worn outside tbe uniform ooat like a poUcetnan'i badge.

CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTSA fter gettlni off a trolley ea r a t Spring-

field avenue and Charlton street late yes­terday afternoon, Mary Agens, eleven

R allies *»oi» W eek 's Coma. <After haring remained In a sta te o f

coma at St. Michael's Hospital to r more

Lsoksiyss oa.

hi* home yesterday afternoon, he smelledidgas, forced open tha door-of the flat and

found Kellsr dead and 'hi* wife uncon- seloUB from asphyxIaUon, I t Is bsllevad Sunday n ight's gale blew out th s gas lothe couple's flat. ' ' _____

^ ickciyin M e^ !



WILKEB-BAHHK, P a , Nov. 1 4 .-^ a y - men entitled '‘Prepare to Meet Thy God," which was taken from the pocket ot Rev.

AT roUHTAII«g.HOTtkBtOR H JU BIH glltGet tba

O r l f l n a l and G e n u i n e


Neirfltk-An niostratsd leoture on "Newarti As

I t -waa, rs And,"W* HopS'KlM By Be," was delivered tiy F rank J, Urquhart be­fore ths aiMOX county Boolal Workers’ Club lh tha t« r io r of the Hebrsw Orphan Asylum la s t n ig h t

B lg h te m Bssewie OltliisBa.E ighteen forslgnera were adm itted to

elllsen ih tp bMors Judge Davts In the C ourt of C om m on-Pleas to-day. Tan other* 'waro put oft to r six months. In wMob tttn s they were advised to taarn a little m ore about this country. Chief Bx- am lnar Jkm es C. Sheer, of the Govern­m ent N aturaltia tlon Bureau, questioned thd applicants.


In eases where a strengthening, ton­ing, appetite-giving medicine la needed, pioS'M Barsapartlla has effected thou- gaods ol cures.

Get It t a ^ a y ta nsusi liquid form or bbsoelatad UbIaU sallad <AR«ATABfl.

M. V. Williams, a Methodist mlnleter of Athens, P*-, when he w st In this city, by plckpockete, who extracted a large wai-

has been returned to him. Rev. Mrw ilU ana 's pocket was picked whUa h* v a s In this eity te r the purpoaa *1offloiatiM At a fussraL

The Food Drink for AIlAgetu a m x . m u c u n tn u c r . n rovnn

N o t i n a n y M i l k T r u s tlM U to i i* 'H O B U C K 'S '*

T a b * *

The fourteenth anniversary ball of Pros­pect Council, 'Jr, O, U, A- M., will be held December H s i Oraton Hall.

A w h lst'fo r th s beneflt ot Ihe Homs of the Aged will be held at the home, (0 Bterling street, to-morrow afternoon a t !:M.

The annual banquet ot Court Passalo No KC4 Independent Order of Foreetere, will bo hold a t Renner Auditorium, J99 Ferry street, a t fl 0 clock to-night.

The annual Itanquet of Court Passalo No nM. Indeptndent Order of Foresters, wni be held a t Renner AudHarium, sn Ferry strsb t, a t ) o’olook to-night

Cards have been inued by th* member* of the Echo P leasure Club tor a danoe to be given to-naorrow night In Oraton HatL John Weigel J r . will to t as floor man­ager, aselated by J. Fred Cook.■ A regular m onthly meeting of the New­ark Dental Cflnla will he h a lt Thutaflay •wsntnE Nawswbsr II, s* tb* I m l e t Iw ndtnt, n Central aranua.

" C lub to H ave IMoek TrtaLTha Bereau Young Man's Cluh of Cen­

tra l M ethodlat Church will give a mock tria l F riday night a t tbsehurch . Bundiqr, P rofessor B. L. Earp, a tsacher of Chris­tian aoclology, will give hie leoture on "Team W ork In th s Community.*’______

V>’T£ I'-'n-ri'y

D u t c h

* M a i d C o c o a

Use (Hily half as much Dutch Maid to the cup as of usual c o c ^ .

EcoiKanical— delicious—di*

y ssrs old, ot 6J Charlton street, Bteppea { j ^„os SSCklly; of Ml Fulton In front of a knocked | regained consclousneas thla morn-down and Injured. The girl wa« cut and ="eei. e ^ recovery Is expected, Sscklly bruised on the right knee and left arm , ' - .-g c j Qn unconscious a t the foot o tand was taken home by her ancle. Tho . -. t , , gtalrs a t his home a ' weak agoraxleab ts owned by th s Universal Taxi- |cab Company and-was driven by Andrew | . . <inh ............................Ettlng, of Itt Botlth Orange avenue.


fliSHlan were C. F. H art, of New Bruns­wick; Mr. Wyle, Rev. S. L. UarWr, v. tflrcnton, aud.,McSi.EU*aheth V. U> MajI-. sell, ot tbe Slate liom e for Girls, TreiJtoB.^ REICfi


Ownership of a team ol horses waa ar- «

BERLI oism In Bgreemen ■tag shoe ot such 1 breach li teh Em Pi

Vlce-Ch nounced stag, to 1 hod been ^ad foun

/should b!acqul

rltory. T1 f.fposed, sta

Kelchstat change It the More under lh(

tlm t he, aa head ot the concern, receive fJOO In Losb and stock In the Sussex com-

pony.I t was later found Impossible, according

to Montrose, tor the Sussex company Yo _ make the eiltlr-, payment at once, and hs agreed lo take .he sum In weekly tW. After he bad received ITS he decided to withdraw, from the combine, and re­ceived a bill o t sale reconveymg the prop­erly of the Montrose Lumber Company back to him.

The horses named In the petition were al­leged to be part of the Montroae com­pany’s property, and their conveyance to th a t concern was opposed by the attorney for the trustee on the iFdund th a t tho bill of sale recoilveylng the property to lha Montrose company wae contrary tc the bankruptcy act on the ground of pref- erence. An attem pt was made to show that Montroee had knowledge ot the Im- .

pending failure a t the time he withdraw hi* concern.

lA ck qt details ot the business done a t some of the rneeilnga of the combine caused Referee Adams to request tha trustee to produce th* minutes, and the. case was postponed.

The hearing Is declared to be praialoahy , in the nature of a test case. Should It be decided th a t the animals are not the prop.


WA5H1 [ foiI State* tn I pmrtment J win be J Iproctlcab] ivlee coat I worn wh< lit win a I blanket a


of thtny- taad .fomp Bamuel ai net by ai

re last return

I the had I


■When t Vfk yes

nt pailbs I

erty of the Montrose company ateps wHI-j-. bs taken to attach all the k o p e r ty oon- tatned W the blit reconveylng the Mon­trose Lumber Company back to Montroae.

itte , fortune

tha ndon a:


lO U i


struck by th* rear *nd of an automobile ' St Bank and Ftaue streets last night, Adolph Klein, flfty-one years old, ot fil Rutger* street, wa* knocked down and suatained a scalp wqund. He waa re­moved to th* City Hotpltal, nid after ra- oelvlng traaUnent went horns. The. auto-' mobile did not stop. Klein said that w bS was crosilng tbe street, the tutomob^ turned the corner Slid the rqsr enfl m him. He said that perhaps the driver i i t not know that the maohlne had hit him.'

John Leondoikl, thtriy-eltht yeara old, ot 2£t Passaic avenue, fell downsUire at hla home yesterday afternoon and hla head struck tb* door. He aliitnlhed a gnab on the left aide about six Inehe* long. Laondoskl waa removed to St, Jaraea'a Hospital. j'

Two workman w m injured on fhn no'w double-dack drawbridift of th* Hc- Adoo-F«nn*ylvsnln hlgh-kpead line over the Paatnlc Itiviir this morninig,. Jolwph Mahoney, an eteetrlHan, thlrfy-slx years old, of W EaM Twenty-slglith street, Hanhattnn, wa* hurt about the Mgs When , he oame In contact with the flywheel of an electric motor about S:*). A f*W hour* eariler Joseph Dorbous, forty-two year* old, of UR Mtiler street, was severe­ly burned about the arms by eleotriclty when a monkey wrench he’iheld.touqbgd the thlid Both victimt were taken to their horn**.

joba tjulnn, of 4W Market atrset. wnsIn lOo and Ue pa«ttn|r«a

Trial atao I eaato BmwtwCoooa 1 ^ 0 «

J * n t y C ltr K 1

NoOutolaxpsyentaxes for ^ y * « » U are ynyj

abla at v v odiM (retd Ootobsr M.i n L

If y m baiM not reerived a taxhlU on. d r bMate th a t date, dimii- ea taa can h i ' obtained a t the oAea

B oard o f-A isea* m « t a ^

■ . Failure to roesiva a b n wUI In no wiss remove (he obUgatlOQ from the p a ^ Msemwa. .


1BOUTH doaqiilto

*leot N. , Vlw

1 Rldi lorsnee


a tRen Rid


> Men »tly

PltM. M WW 0

■ublldui' tim i i


s l lA tI t Injured shortly beforo noon to day WUIs ffotklng a t the new Bember-g s r building eft U trk td i t r e e t . ' A heavy n tank tall ftom-fbo floor abov* and s trn ekdm a glaM ln^ ^^M i tho back. Ha ra-

oohrad a few '

BIDS W ANTED!Bid* w ill he scdelved by t i e Grafts

Ite CiMWt»we«i* * Raalty C», flowth O range erre. * IllMth eft. Mntll h P , IE W edacedhy, Mev. U L j e r th e pwro ahaee and m n e v a l o t th e p ise e a t M> A atnalnaafe C ln re h < bnUdla*.



EBi ,an

' y«ars < dletr I wa

eomlr this rll

Ivolver I t he a

•iand *

ARIK ANTOINErra, tho latMm novelty, hand-nada ourtalns.

white or Arabe; store prioft tfl.dDl fictory. price. B .S , a t the


B5SBX L A ^ CURTAIN WORKSh t W a iiT a sU g g te a flu eot,

OyoB flaturday E vinlnge




C n u istios GoTerueat Dit- c a m i i t M u k ip il L c i |ie


^JfBWARK EVENING NEWS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1911................. - i r ------ ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------



to oon« ig Q«v- inilMton lone by pondent ic'uailbn ;ter dO* p«ndoni ry, thU

le Stato rranklLuUldrfln'a tit« ap*o t Jobn en‘i Aid V. wm- « Homn

confer epoft at

tlons or nt chll* ite oon- need pt

,g exUlt- ny addl>Lould bo . R. L. iibor of lardlani. vorc m>l ea were ng wRb

^ren aro lee from BTB I'ltcd hk^iiilnd- avacy of da. Mr. there la

Itate for he Btato i

of the ilndefl urtha of e.on made ho coun- unty W£i laea. 1 di on til- I prlvati lependci^i lofflectfi'J nakiiig ft )ltc ayrii'

mny prt- : for 11.e Itftte. Ill s, Morrle,Id he haO and ntuo- le BtAUil jew what

won't g 'i ed to »?*- : wbat ia

a In favor nts nrneJ I a lejji--

lO.srlslall"!: n; iil>o a jll orj?an-

apukt' of uf beuv.

j1 oprvor- slltullon>.,'t-w Yor ;: u> Bussvll

bualnejis- i <jueai!on, ordination, nd said ft ially ne<d-

httt much the public id, aa an i -the djH- ew Bruna* Harter, o*

U - . . j j, t«rtWOr.


ateedii e waft

of the any, a at Au- ti waa y Hor-

SuBsez .^arloue Id the idltlon. thl»Be.

.tty e n - . u|atlo« receive

according rompany 1 f> nce. and h« k!y suma oi

he decided ae, and r*- ig the prop- ir Company

[ion were al- itro ie com*' Dveyance to ;he attorney \A th a t the property to : contrary tc und of pref« de to show i of the Im *.10 withdrew

i6Bi done a t . . .he combine request the

and the.

e praotlcolty Should It ^ lot the prop* ly steps w U l-1,. roperty con- \g the Mon- . to MontroBG.

Com a. a i ta U o f

tal for more )f Fulton p this mm^h- ctea. Svcklly f tbe foot of g weok ago

a y e r s«r« pMr.

otatMT M.

r»a a t u iM. dmu> tii« <mt»

m tn t fa d flaolt. Oty

-?iin win laitlOD (ro n

» 1


RICHMOND. V».. Nov. H ._ “Th« mo«l notable tendency In American municipal Hfe 1| that toward hopefulness," Hid Clinton Rogers Woodruff, of Philadelphia, secretary of t t e N ational Municipal League. In an address before the league's annua] convention to*day. HLs subject was 'American MunlcH^al Progress."

"QrafUng la becoming more and more unpopuiaj' as people come to know more about It. The revelations, e^hlle disgust­ing, are Iroporiaiit and encouraging, be­cause they reveal conditions which an enlightened public sentim ent promptly seeks to correct am i elim inate."

The Increasing tendency toward an ex­pansion of munlclpai functions, a simpllfl' ration of the machinery o f city govern­ment, and the greater use of the dtivect primary and methoda of controlling public service co lo ra tio n s, Mr. Woodruff re­garded ss the more :m portant progress of the year.

"The movement for the establishment of commission governm ents In American cities owes ft tftrge part of 11b success to the fact tha t it Is a simple form of gov­ernment, easily understood, and providing a short ballot and a simplified form of nomination and election," he said.

Chicago aud Philadelphia were pointed to as evldencee of the wider use of the municipal j^lmary. Mr. Woodruff referred to the reported use of sum s as targe as I3DO.OOO by candidates in Chicago.

"The remedy for this difficulty lies In the direction of restricting the amount to be expended by the Individual for elec­tion expenses," h e ^ ld ,

"Some Idea of the grow th of the move­ment for an adequate supervision of fran­chises In th^ interests of the public may be gained from the faot th a t to-day there are fourteen cities with utility commis­sions."

The progress of sorlallBin wee reviewed by the speaker, hJs record Showing that Mayors and village heads have been elect­ed In twenty-eight towns and oittes In the •ast two years, and sevent>-flve other city ofRctali have been seated by the Soclallats.

' I t Is too soon to estim ate the true value of the Socialist movement In the city," said Mr. Woodruff. "If the Social- lets will place the em phasis upon the many excellent features of their platform, and eliminate the idea of class dlsTlno- tlons, and will offer to work with all other cltlsens IrrcBpectlvs of party , who have for their object the advancemc^Jt of high

^ideals In city life, they will contribute an earnestness and an aggressiveness of great value.'

Molih Coast

•bMt Ui Ih Md. ,iwr.Jiun. o«n'l A,t. PiM,

iltpt.. Slit Brn»dw,y. Nfw Tofli ■■('y. N. T. Thunr MVNortlieni Peeifio .

3E S E 31=BB 6H IV B 711 t i 721

BnMii Street

Store Clocei SatMrdejre et

10 P. M. Other DajreSiSO

T E L E P H O N Essoo



M a r i e An t o i n e t t e , th*novelty. hand-made curtaln i, white or Arabe; store price, fS OOt

factory price. »a.!!S. a t theE S S E X L A C E C U R T A IN W O R K S

ISO W u sk la g to n gfrOettOpen Saturday Evenings.



HOTEL AND BANATOfllUli.With ICS elegaat eenferta its tools and eurm- Uro baths and superior tabta and service. Is an Ideal place tor fail and winter. Alwaje open. AIw m readr. Always busy.

F. h. TOUNCI. Oeosral Hanagaf. L

“ h o t e l d P i n i ^. ATLANTIC CITY. N- J.

The fall and winter patronase of this house U aver Increaelng, on account of Its locatloa. directly on the ocean front, facing south Its supsHor appointments and careful service.

OPEN ALL t h e t im e .WALTER J. BUZBT.

O D a d b o t c i ^ b ' f i l a MStlairtto City. N. i . yooiau White * S o u Oa



NATCHEZ, Mlsff,, Nov. 14.—Indicating In his charge to liie grand Jury his readl- nesH to send io Jail petit jurors_whO would acquit excise law breakers In Ue- flftTice of law and evUlsnce, Judge JSrnest N. Brown, of the Adams County Circuit Court, provided the second sensation of the new term. The first senaatlon was when he polled the mimbers of the grand Jury as to whether they would return true bull If evidence of Illicit sales of liquor were brought to their attention. An , attorney for sev'fn men w-ho»e places were | searched for liquor last Sunday filed a ; bill of excoptlonp. j

The court In his charge to the grand | (Jury asserted that any member of a petit Jury who failed to vote for their convic­tion of An illicit dealer when sufficient evidence of guilt was placed before him

i would have to defend himself against 7 charges of perjury.!j "I and the district atto rney will bring li charges of perjury against the Juror who

does not vote according to (he law andthe testimony," he said. " I f a Juror is

I brought before mo on a charge of perjury ■y I will fletid him to Jail,"


NEW JERSEYEtpcclai aUentlon !p drawn to th^ a t'

traction of (he place for pooplp ilealring 10 locate In th? country for the F'aU. Winter and Spring months.

Among th^sc fpsiurei aie ths benlLhful cllmatlo conditions, which permit out­door recrcBtlon thmughout Ih** Wlnt<*r seaaon; social aijrantages. Including pri­vate schools for l>Q]’B and girla, churches of the varlmia flentiralnailons, ft country dub with elaborate facilities fnr golf, tennis, etc., and a winter colony of re­finement, to be deatred by families es­tablishing their Winter residence.

The place appeals Uhewlen to men of buslneee, seeking freedom from the dls- oomfortf of the cities, witliln easy daily travel of iheJr offlee,

T H E L A U R E L H O U S ENOW O PE X . A. J , M URPHY, M »r.

The Laurel in the PinesW IL L O PEN X O V EM RER ISTH.

PRANK F. SHUTS, M ^s-scr.Booklet, deacrlptlve of hotels and Lake-

wood generally, mailed Oh request.

R eached from New York City v ia New Jeraev Central Hatiread.

BERLIN, Nov. ll.^T h e general oiill- dsm In connection with the Moroccan agreement with Prance th a t the Eelch- atag should have n voice In th e conclusion of Such momentous treaties has made a breach In th4 constitutional position of teh Emperor bs ft treaty-m aking power.

Vice-Chancellor Uelbrueck to-day an­nounced to the committee of the Reich- Stag, to whom the Franco-German treaty had been referred, th a t th e government )i&d found It to be Just th a t rarliftm ent .'should be consulted In a trea ty Involving

/th e acquisition or cession of colonial ter- Iritory, Therefore, they accepted the prw-

^.Iposed. st&tute requiring the assent of the / Reichstag and the Bundesrath to any change In the buundary of a colony, but

j the Moroccan-Congo treaty was excluded I under the existing law.


WASHINGTON, Nov. H.—Coats will no [ longe^ form p art of the uniform of United

States troops In the field. The W ar De- Ipartm ent has decided th a t a light sweater J will be Just as comfortable and a more Iproctlcable garment than the present aer- Iv iee c(«t. Not only will the sweater be I worn when the men a re up and about, but l i t wilt also be used to supplement' the I blanket as a sleeping garm ent.

TWINS STRANGELY MEETBOSTON, Nov. M.—A fter a separation

f thirty-seven yeara, during: which they .^m pletely lost track of each other

lamuel and Henry Briggs, twin brothers, let by accident In the corridor of a hotel

lere last night. Both had fe lt the longing return to their old home In Batem,

here they were bom flfty-nlne years Eigo d had stopped In Boston for the ntght, litte ring quite by accident a t the same

^ote).When the brotheri left Boston thirty- -'em yearn ago they wanilared Into dlf-

t parte of the worU. Satnudt was one the early gold eeek^re tn Alaeka, later lepeottng for oil In China, M d realising

fortune on his Investments. H enry went the wholesale tobaooo buelnest In

tdon and retired to become a suocets- ul evangelist



MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGEBOtJTH HADLET. Mass., Nov. U.-xfie loaqulto Club, at Mt Holyoke College, ■as alBoted Dorothy Dllworth, of New- irt. H. J,i as president. Other oIBcers n : Vlee-preeldent, Marjorie Cordley, of Hen BJdle, N. i.; ecoretary-treasurer. noranoe Austin, of West Orange, N. j.( •rgeant-at-anna Myra Qlaaler, ot West n a f k iFhs club Is tbs New Jersey oo-

at ML Holyoke. Lena Wilson, of n w ‘Bugs; Nellie Dodd, ot Montclair, iM Cora Hni, of Paterson, havs been NMr as a eonunittee on InltJatlone. fto seen Chapter ot the debating society sosimy disoueted political- party plat- sriM. Harlan Tatmage, of R«d Bank, N.

»<ie one of the speakers for the Re.' ttbUehn party. Dorothy Dllworth spoke tr Oil Independence party. (•

lAniOBg recent vtsitore at the college 1 ^ Ipslen Baker, ’l(L of Montclair, N, j.

'l '.


E D !' t i e G rates ' C es S o n tli l a tn W P .I L

the latM la ourtaliu l.' e « ptioa M'W:


SKIT SELF UURWG DREAM /( ^ I ^ A S H A , Okla., N ot. 1A—Thomas u n g ; an old i(idlan fightsr a n i for twsn- ' Wkm deputy un ited State* m arshal of Jg dlatrlot, shot htm selt In a dream, g ito was In Ducan serving w arranta for • coming Btsilan oA the federal court

city. H e slept lit a hotel with hie volver under hie pillow. In a nlght- Mre be seised his rsfp tv er an d pulled the ttSdr. The bullet sten t through th s pli. g and mrhek him in the low er jaw.

IS tg M K. > . C sB u a lsa to a g u t a l a e d .H o„ Kov. It,—A tern-

p S w Inunction against th s eoforoement Ihe^ Hlssaurl RallroeuS and WarsbonsS

p M to-day. The decision w as randsnid Judgss William C. H ook, Smith lEe-

1 sad A. iL T a a VaHcenktmg,

IK COURT HOmiA K tw o o a ,n .X ^ -A famll)' ho(«], notable for ■ quiet air ftf domeatjctty and a homelike atmosphere.


Tbt Ideal family Hotel. Chaa Hecht.


T H E H / i ^ l L T O NUth and K ate., N. W.. Waefalnfton, D. C.A leleet family a&d traoslent hotel; eoaven-

lentlr located: thoroughly comfortable and hornlike. Good (able. Atnrrican plsn, Ratat tR-BO up per day. Bend (or booklet.



-aOATeRAILP n fftd n H P tm t, |I .U I W orcaur. SLID D a lly , In e tn d ln g S an d sy , gi30 P . IL

Prom Pier IS. K m River.NSW MBBBaeiueBt. Im proved fe rv te e .

City Ticket Offlea SBO Broedwey, H. Y.

M A N R A T U N U N EI . T o J U d E k A N YtJ H RonaM T rig , Good Sa Uay*.

gtra, ive. f t W. Houetoa 0t., gJQ p. M.; W .lBlft Ste • P.M. dallr A Sbo.

■■■■ stop Oiltsmbla 8c. (Valon 8tiM> Albany; southbound, atop ft W. iSlst 8t., N. T. Tickets, Kipp's Agency, 182 M anei st. TsL S8 llarket.


B O S T O N ri*eV ;,lS 2 .50PROVIDENCE, Boat Direct.. . . . . 1 .00

Weekdays and aundays ai d:SO P M. (rom Pier 8P.N.R .foot 'West Houitort 9t. Berths free

Tlcketa a t Kipp's Agency, 1R2 Uarkst s t.snd Bdw. F. MeKroo, 807 Harrieoa ave., HaHleon.


B E R M U D ABovKD a s A a s c


Tht Isjil Vail Rtaa Facka Ci.’tr - s s ^ t i c « q T A G U S »

All accemmedatldnf Srat elasB: no BBOond class or stsesngs; orohsi- . tra: water-tight eampartmentk;

■ubmartne signals; bilge heels: wirelMs.

Essssngers Landed at HaatUten, SMSm I HMlE m , H IM K, 1 T. A H sed' l a DBiBiBbk n * Mcead St. iT ll. an ne Ce. n t Bread St./ • ■ . HajrM v S d X lia tB n t t .


C B a r m u a c tn il , Kov. 'Jta Bad Dec. i, 13tti and tSd. suse kerli; tlectrlc faiu; wtfsini telesraphy.

rss tc^ . iwerat. SBt ^ y M tu n r IsndiM pse- nnser, *t the dock Ib BemaS, 'A r r — . . . . . -

I t , or BBT Tl« IM.. OufEss.

c m ADvmisast^iTsPUBUO. NOTICE Is Hereby gtvcB that the

following imUBSMi Itaa bMB iwmd by the Board of Btnet and water c^oimailoasre, and asaroved by tko Ifsyor ot Ue tdty of Hewarfc, and is atreby i»UMisd accordlag to law:

Aa eiWBSac* g iu t lw ptnalssiota to pobUo tHTtar Railway Cotapany. its cunenors orsnlansj to locals, coastmcL vsiat* and mala. tata tha IdUewlag ntaadoa to He stmt rail­way ractsm ta the ctly of Newark, coumy spf

State of New Xtran. betns ta tnska, In Soutb I^Srtemtli ___y. B > M S | t l ^ _ i _ ^ i J ^ 10

aa «K-atTMi


Iks oMiny#y.

. d w pfCf NOW J«l , ,

Be b r tka BoatWater Cwmaisaiaam Pi th t Of felKnii:

apQS Y>stween ths____ locatod <81aroaoe. (its estoa-

Mstsrly apd " aupet, th

and MtawM pi tfrm t and «t|F iff NMrark.

AnnualChristmasRoomMakingSaleComprising H undreds of Specia ls of D iverse C haracter, B esid es M any Other F eatu res

, (jjf Exceptional In terest. M any Are the A d van tages th is Sale H olds Out

Advantage No. /Brosd sayings on season­

able merchimdise for every member of the family, be­sides goods for the home.

Advantage No. 2Many articles suitable for

holiday presentation in this sale. Buy now and save money.


Advantage No. 3Everything is new this sea­

son and of a highly meritori­ous quality standard.


Advmtage No. 4A small deposit wit] re­

serve purchases—and they will b(t shipped to any ad­dress.

Advantage No. 5You can’t make t mistake by

attending this sale, is everylhin( la extctly as advertised—and our guarantee Is your safeguard.

Sale Men’s 2,5(1 to $4 Xmas Umbrellas 1.59T h ese Silk W arp Taffeta U m brellas W ithout H andles W orth M ore Than the Selling Price o f 1.59. H andles

Alone W orth 75c to 2.50, S ee W hat a B argain W e Offer.^ W ill Ho ld ^Upon

D e p o s it ) fo r Y ou /U n til

X m a s a n d E n g r a v e

I n t ia ls F r e e o f C h a r g e .

Every one new; made up expressly for us and ju st in from the m anufac­turer. How we do this is a trade secret, which we cannot disclose here. W hat we ask is tha t you open and exam ine one of these fine umbrellas and we know you will be more than pleased.

A Vast Assortment of Artistic High‘Grade HandlesOf real pimento, scid wood, furze, ebony, etc,, all trimmed with sterling silver, or gold

plate in various designs, opera and Prince of Wales shapes. Coverings of fine, taped edge silk warp taffeta cloth, a mixture of silk and linen, over an eight-rib paragon frame, with steel rods, insuring a close roll umbrella, fitted with silk case, which gives all the appearance of an all silk umbrella when rolled.

W e will not restrict the num ber. Buy as many as you please. They a re all men’s umbrellas. H ere is a chance to buy the 3Unas gift for husband, sons, brothers, friends or sweethearts.

The 2d Instalment of That M en’s & B o y s’ Sweater Sale

Just in time fo r the cold snap—all new, perfect goods—below regular prices. All are cut full in length, ample in body and made of superior wool and worsted yarns.

Men’s Regular 2M Sweaters Men’s Regular 5.W SweatersFine wool, with pockets and pearl '’sst. purest worsted on the

buttons, gray only, this coat is (ull fashioned in every par­ticular; gray, navy, white, n r i ail sizes 34 to 48; spe-nicely Snished and will fit

perfectly; sizes 34 to 48; special ................................. 1 . 7 5Men’s Regular 3.S0 Sweaters

Pure worsted, with two pockets and pearl buttons, full length In body and perfectly cut, gray only; sizes 34

.48; special..................... • • 2 . 8 9


Bays’ Regular 1.50 SweatersWool, perfectly made and finished,

all with two pockets and gray buttons to match, gray, cardinal, gray and cardinal, gray and navy; | sizes 24 to 34; spe- I cial .......................................

Boys’ Regular 2.W SweatersOf pure worsted, nicely finished

and full fashioned, two pockets and pearl buttons, white, gray, | navy, cardinal, gray and I / X cardinal; sizes 24 to 34 ..

Boys’ Regular 2.50 SweatersFull fashioned, pure worsted, with

two pockets and pearl buttons to match, gray, white, tan, cardinal, gray and cardinal, gray | and navy; sizes 26 to 34; I U S special .................................

Our Great Thanksgiving Linen Sale ContinuesG ains impetus and streni

magnetic bargains In linens of tl;th w ith Its now offerings. In addition to m any of those previously advertised we offer the following le m ost sterling character. T h is is an opportunity to fill up the linen chest that no woman should miss.


TOc. Silver Bleached Table Damask—One ofthe best wearing and washing damasks possible to procure. We Know of none better at the price; made from Hne all pure linen flax, flrmly woven,. heavy weight, no creasing, rich lus­ter, silver bleached, pure white tn one or two washings: attractive de­signs; sped si, this sale, yard...

$1.00 Sliver Bleaehed Damaak—the kindold fashioned housekeepers like so well; best for long wear and service; firmly woven from finest all linen yarns, heavy weight, free from dress­ing, rich permanent luster, silver bleached, al­most white, in two weavee, pltln and ^ ^ embossed, handsome designs, full U two yards wide; special, this tale, a yard ...............................................

$1.8S Bleaehed IM * DBiHRak—Onr own importation; made expreaety for va; a damaak we recommend wltb every coofidenoe; made from choicest all linen flax, exceptional care taken In spinning and wetvlng; heavy weight, free from dressing and all fmperfeetlona; baadeome designs- full two wide; tw^al, this sale, yard ...................................

I1J8 Aabeetof TaMe Paddlnf—84 Inetietwide; splendid protection for blgnly polished tables; msde from best mineral aabestoe, cov­ered on both aides with canton flannel to pre­vent It from scratching ttirface; thoroughly heat proof; easy to keep cletn; epeqlal thli tale, yard .............................................

otiona; ^ -g a i

. r : U 2 +

1 . 0 0

|I .t8 Henetltehed Lunch Napkins—Beauti­ful quality of finest Austrian pure linen dtmuk, fine weave, no dressing, rich satin luster, mag- nlBeent aaaortment of handsome new designs, full spoke hemstitched edges; one of * m the prettiest lots of napkins we have ^ C l | ever put on sale; size ISxtB Inch; ^ - e y ” apsclal, dozen..................................

fl.TS Hematitched Pattern Table ClMha— Heavy weight, all linen Austrian denluk, close weave, no drsaaing: launders exceptionally well; good, rich luster, sliver bleached, pure white In ono or two washings; splendid cloths for hard service; boroers all around with full spoke hemstitched edges; 67x74; special, this sale___

75c to 98c Em broideries27-in, Swiss embroidery floun­

cing, eyelet and baby Irish pat­terns, deep, showy seal- ' J A — tops, mussed from coun-

n ter d isplay; special, yard ^

5 0 c 2 to 14-in. L a c es .O riental edges and Insertions,

also galloons, white and Arab, 2 to 14-lnch, good trim- m fng laces at, special, a y a r d '.............................

Reg. 25c Trim m ingsPersian woven bands, threaded

with metal two-toned and solid shade silk bands and -g P belting patterns, suited 1 ^ ^ for hat trimm ing, yard .

Women’s 15c to 25c NeckwearFine plaited mull rabats, Val. and

torchon lace trimmed, lawn sailor col­lars,Swiss embroidery trimmed and set with baby Irish medal­lions, black and white em­broidered silk bows, etc...........

T h a t B i g S a l e o f S t a t i o n e i y29c H ighland Plaid

That favorite crosabar paper, note and letter tlzea, pure white linen quality, 96 to 120 sheets ^ —each pound package, suitable for mono- gramlng; regularly 29c., special at.............

25 envelopes to match either size; regularly -10., ipeclal........................................ .........................8e

X '

25c A m stel Lined PaperPut up In packages of 65 sheets, linen stock of the

highest grade; made especially for ui; our -g 'W regular 25c. per pound, epeelet, per pound ...........................................................

25 envelopee to match, special................... . .7e

C hristm as S tation ery OfferStamping Free from Yoar Die

will stamp free from one of our stock dies the choice of 8 distinct styles or from your own dies—one of our holi­day cabinets of Christmas writing paper, 48 sheets paper and 48 envejopes, covered with holly, autumn leaves, poinsettia and other designs, very special; worth 57c., at

W hiting’s Pound Paper

1 7 c

R w U r 3Sc. India Cabinet So sheets paper and 50 en­

velopes, good linen fabric stock, white and light blue; one of our best values at 25o.,■pedal at . . . , v . . . . . . 1 9 c

Regular I Sc. W riting Paper While th ^ last, good fabric

paper, 24 aheets and 24 envel­opes, generally retails Q /v15c.; special a t ................. O C

French dimity writing paper in pound packages, letter sire, contains 96 sheets, the small note size about 120 sheets; we hsve It In white, blue and gray; would sell readily at 25c. per pound;special in this sale at, pound.....................

25 envelope! to match, alze or color, at.............$«

I9c Ruled Pound PaperA limited quantity, rare opportunity for those who

use ruled paper, white only, about 96 sheets gx to the pound; regulerly 19c. • pound; special W Cat, a pound .......................................................

25 envelopee to match......................................5<j


Just at a time to make your purchases for presentation purpose or for u personal use at very low prices. N othing but the highest standard of writ­ing paper offered in this sale. Have you ever seen more inviting bargains?

□ E

c m APVEKnspiBTOAnd tlM, Rftm* ftr* iMTObr vrofttftd t« PnWlo Bcrrle* lUllway Campftajr. Jti mooftwort or oo- •Iffti* tofiocftit, eoBitnieL opfintt and mala* tiain th« Itollowloa tzMotloo- to t u i t m t roll- wajr to Um e ltr of KcwaiHa cftantr effEtMX ftod Btfttt of Now tYonoy. b tlo f u ox- tfnftloa frotn tnbckft In South Foortoenlh ■trtftk IH aftld cHx. ooaiifttlnc of ft «iarl« (rich Ift OtMjld ftv^nuo, with conntatlono Mtweon ttaft tftmo and iUi car houio proportr rioottod oa the northorlv ildo of Qoutd ftveaui\[f(* ctlon*

btliur Buipfx ftVftnuft. Eott OrtAfo.) and ftlfto with eonncetloTui b«twc«ii Mid •Inait traek In Qouid ftVftflUft ftnd tha oftitoiiy fttuf WHtoTv ly t m k i la South FourtventH otrAtt, la tb« city of NtwarlL eoimty of Bm «x and Stftt* of Naw JoTftfty. Thft centre lUiM of th ( traftkl compe^nx lald extenitoa aad conoectloiMi atedeftcrlbed fto folloHV:'^fft) Beftonlnc a t a point la th t centra Uoa of the prwont Mutorly trach la South Four- taenlh otrMt, d ltU nt flfty-oirfet fact and fifty- htindredtbft of ft foot f«et> oouthwordiyfrom tJi« latftrMotlon of said cettlro Una and tha canlra Una of Gould an n u a . «ad ax- tcndlof tbajK» oa tollowa: (1) NorthwardlycurvlBf towani tha laft with -ft radlna of ana httftdrw and two fMt ftnd thlrty-five-buQ- dradtjui fool (103-Sh faat). ft dlXftnca of alaran tMC ftod nlnaty-ont ona^hundradi of ft foot lUJU.'^aac) to a polai of oompodod c u m ; utanca <v. atlll einryliiw toarard the laft with ft radJoft m ifty-tw o laat and ihirtf-fira-htui- drtdtha of a Coot (H-Oft taat>. a AfUnca of a av n w teat and fhra-hiiadrftatlM oC a foot (TQ.Ofi faai> to a point of enapound c a m : (h n ea (E) «tin ptttnag ioway9 i $ r h i t with aflve-nutidraeiDii ot a fMt fin8.18> 0 Uoro of. ftovM faat iM

c m ADVBimSKIUCNTgsne tii. bT « nwt ( i n se f tM , b eiM««* n. I m a tH t BBS ntB.ty-DD. oi»4kuiUln4Uia Bl. Btoot < (Mt) to B polBt a t MneoBBd e l m ; th«K* (3) MU eiuvlnf to n e d I |m H tSt wilk B radliu ot torty-two t«*t BBd tl|in y - l» - ln » - drodthi of B foot (sase m t ) b aieisBe* el S(ty-ils fMt u d aUty-Mveii-BOBdredllie o{ t fool (H.dZ fMt) u e polBt at ooiBpoaBdSfty-ils fMt u d ality-Mveii'fool (W.dZ fMt) to e polBt of _______thenee (S) etlLi curvlos toWBed toe rifSI B rBdloe of 00. huodree BBd two fMt Bad

CITY ADVEBH8EMENTS(ATT^tsM) tHWtliinstnrdlT fn>ni Uib BBd ot tU. iocead boune of tdld dMcrIptton, Bed . i- ttBdliit thiBCB BB toUowB: (1) BorihWBftnrd- ly carrlfw toward tha riflit wllii ft fu lt ia of ana huodrM and twa /aat and tbirty-fitewhua-

lor toward tha riirht with idTM and twa faat and thirty'

dfadtha pt a foot faat), a dlatanoa ol«a fait aa4 otaaty-OM ane>h«Adrtdtha of a : (11.01 faat) to a polat of oainpowd evrra:

ty-flva-httodradtiM of a foot teat), atanoa ot ilavaa faet and nlnaty-P«ia*httiidra4tW of a foot (11.01 fMt) to -a jMffiit la ^ ew tia Una of tba tineh' abova datcribad aa (ft) ft44 lhara oonnectlnf tharawlth.

(c) BairiBaiBa ftt a polBC la tha aaalia Uaa of tba conatotioa mbora datcribad oa (a), dU* u m Ihlrtr faet »nd thlrtyHna-«M>hundradtha of ft toot lOO.Ol faat) wattvordly frooi the end of tha third oouria la aald daodriptlan, add eytandln# thanM aa tenawiit (1 ) northwaat* wirdly cuTvina toward tha r » t vtth a radlua of ona hundrod and two teat aad thirty*- fiva'bnndradthe of ft foot (tO M l faat). a dlW IftBM «f eleven faat aad nlarty-ona ofto-buo* ciTodthf of ft foot (It Ot faat) to « of eoai’ ponne onrva: tbenca (9) attll earvlB< toward the nrtat with a n d lu i of Ihlrty-ftaraq feat and ihlrty-ft'k‘e*nurM)redthe of •» tout fIT.M faai). a d la t f t^ of eleven feet a ^ ^rtywbnndnddw

(t) fttin euiTlnc toward tba right with ft rftdltw 01 thlrty*MTan feet and tblrty fiva* hufidradtha at a foot (MT.W faat). n diatanca of

Cm Ub a diV ftlnttr-afta*oaa*hun-

dradtlM 6t a (11.0 1 feet) to a jNffnt of tan- ftcnt; thaaca (4) north twan*ty-two alBUtW (fib dedyaaa^tt d ^ t a i ) waot.

nd ta n H n u w m w of •ih« ilMw-B - ■ — ------------- •»* <1(0. wE r Giaago.

(h) SagtantME at ft pointf in tha omin Una“ «w In ‘

revan^-iix fcM and tan*aan$ foot fT&lfi te ftj te ft polot Ul lh«M w ara Tha cHy af Nawoth aod

of the waatfiiV ttic it Tn i o n U i ^ u r t ^ t h UraHr dlguiu teiV ^D ia and «av«»ty*twci-* hUadra^hii of a foot <%rTM feat) ooithwmrdly teqfH tha IntacHcliM. m aaU ocotN Una and tha eantra Una af ttaw d avenna and OKtead- <Af thaaca an to f fq n t (1) KMrtBwuily Mrv- tug toward th t n | ^ ; with a rodtw Pt ooa

of a foot (li no faet) to a 'point of tangent:thenca (8) north fortv'-ava dagraat twanty-tw#mlmtlM (4ft dagree* mlautai) waat, u------flva Taet and iweeity*thraa*lniBdradtha

waat, twenty-- _ dradtha of ftfo^ (MS Sn feet) to a point la the dividing Una barivaen the city of Nawark and tha efty of Aipt Oranya. ,(d) Banning at a point In tba oantre line of Ilia treat tbove daacribed aa (c), dlfiaiu three feet and aeventy-eeven-bundradthe of a font (0.77 faet) nortnweaiwardiy from the end oC tha eccond coureai of eaid daaorlpttou, and et- tcndlhg thence aa followa: (1) north foriT'tt w dagreea. tweaty*two srinutee (4S dwreat. a ■mutaa) watt, eleven faet and lartr>inM-bam diadtha of a foot (lLd0 feet) to a of

CMoa (M) cunriow to w ^ tha Hgfitndhia of oof (mndrad o n d ^ m faot and.with ft ndhia of one (mndrad aiM raw faot fad

t t ^ - a . . imiianstliB or b «» t (m Ch (bmi, b ^ lea of tan feat and tweaty-aM oiia*Bu*

» of ft (lO.fl t e ^ to ft WqteTb WP lUm Una aetWran th t <nr.-aC)VvVBfa and

toa alty of Xopt Oi ; (a) •Ute

hufidradthft <— — _________ ______t i a r ^ teat' and oavaaty'’iilne’aiiadradtha af _ foot ( l l .f i fM> to a a^nt In (ha dlviditur Itna b^waan tha city «t Newark and the city of Bftat Oronaa.

(f> BaftJiBinf a t a point in the eantre llna «£ tha traeV abova daaorlbad aa (ft), dleianc aav- •ntaan teat and Mvanty-two-handradiha of a foot (IT.Tfi teat) aaetwa^ly from the dlvidlim tta t batw ftn the city of iteet Onnga and tha city of Newark, and ettendlng th*^ce ^ fol* lowai (1) waatwardly ourviniE toward tba right m tli a radriie of ona haodred and two faet and *hlrty-flve-hundradtha pf a foot slO^M feat), ft dietence of alavan feet aM niftity-oDa ona'hundredthe of a foot (11.91 (aaU to ft point-of compound oorve; tbaaca <3} Btlii carving towerct the right with » rndiua >t ioTtj~two fMt end thlrYy<flre*hundradthft of ft foot (42.fib feet), ft dlttftiiea of dva feat M d blnaty-fiVf*lIuridredthe of a teat (S.9S faat) to ft point In the dividing Una betwean tba city of Nawark and tbe city of jfiM Dranga.

Tha trftckft above doKrlbad .a te tbovn on map nuneberad fiOfiO-C atteebed to petition oji which thie ordltiftncO la baead.

fiaotlon 2. Pemieelon te farther graatad to tftid company to operate i.:arn ovar eald con-* aectiBg tracbfl by eleetrlcUy 'tupplied to aleo trie motore on the care from oVarhekil wlrea by What la hrmarn a« the overbaad troUay tan, and la cracF the nKeaaanr wtraa tbtra* fer, and for the purpcM of Mpparttag aaid wirae to aroei and nmintaip ala <•) poiaa te tbe locftttfte* Indicated tea namhM^ rad---- _ L — Bon iftftp flUtebared 8689-0 ftttaciiad to pa*

tela ^ ip an aa la baaad. floMara t o t e located aa followa:

No, Y te to ba teeotod wUMa tb i noFIbarly tearb Itwv of Ookid avaima. dleteat ^ t y ‘7ai« (|8 laaO ........ -

I te to ba-JTb Im

8 * ~ o f F M m a a n t h 'T l r w^SitlM raiy from

. b. iBCBtad wltMa tht i tlsuld Btinae, dlKiBl t wMtBBMlj team Boi* 1 kB l»S !M WllUB » S 1

arly curb ilna of Obalo avenue, dlvtant thirty- four feet (64 foM) WOftwardly from polo No. ft

Foie No, 1 la to ba )oo«tad within tha eouth* erly curb ilna of Oogld avenue on tba eaetar- Ir eld* line tiff fibtith Feurtaemh etreat pro- duead.

Fola Na. 4 Id te ba loeatad within tha eouih- erly c ^ b Itaa of Gteuld avenua, diatant tw ^ y feet (80 feaO waatwardly from tha woiterly elda Ilna Of death Fourteenth atreet ptoducad

Pola No. 6 la to be located wltUn tha eouth* erly curb Ilna of t ^ l d avenua, dUtaot forty* live M f m waatwardly from pole No. 4.

Oectioi I. Tha pariod for which aeld panwla- alon ta glvan te for a period of twaoty itfU) yeere from iha data of th t approval of thla crdinaaoa.

Section i . Tha roila oompoalng tba above tracka are to ba of a gauge ot four faet, elghi ood ona-bftlf lachM (4 faet 6H inchee) end ere to ba laid on each aide of and equally dletant from tka caotra llaaa abova deecribed.

f i^ lo a 6. Public Service Railway Ccmpariy eball malDteJB and keep (n repair (he pave­ment and CFomwalkft between Ita tracke andfor atefataan Inebea (16 InchM) outelde thereof.

saeUon o. The atreet and avenue, isclnding aidewalka disturbed In the oonetnictlon of eoJaeoiu»act1ng (racks, ahall be restored ttL-ccndl-

lllsfactory to 'Cion wniefactoiT .. .... ___ _ .. ..^ worlte of tbe Roard of Street and Water

(ha general superintendent^mmiaalonera

Section T. Tbo pernUeelon and consent to eon- atntot, locale, eperate and maintatn ibe tracks and connections herelnbefurs described are given and vranied only for the use ns con'* bactkoQB from South Fourteenth street and OouM avenue to the car booae property of said Public Service 1^11 way Oompenyj located op (he northerly side of Ckuld avenue (its ezteTV* KloQ bolax Baavvy avenue, East Orange,) and for the Tiding of oars upon, to snd from Its aaM cor nouM property, and for no oltanr pur- i>oia wnataovver; end this permlmioo and cob-* aant ars given and granted upon the expreaa cwdlMon that Mid tracks and connecclona when laid abaM be used, operated snd m a l^ totoad for no other purpoa* whateoever thaw to move oars optm, to and fro from w id ear hongs property of said company f r ^ South Fourteenth street and Gould avrirae fits meton* alott bslof Suaiex avenue. East Omoge). la eaae any other use of said tracks or counec tkuiB Io made by Poblto Servica Railway Company. Ite noptasofg or aasigoa, tho per- ' *' ‘on ftod osoi itit bareby jgfven thaU forth-

m m g o i l i m m m M notira

____ CITY ADV ERTlSm^TSall Other use Ip. Immedlstely thertafler di*- contlnued on notice and demand given an-i made therefor by the oKy (o said company ite successors or asslsnsi uid In case of 'sui-J forfelLuie the said company, Its eoceaBEdi-,. , rB..I*n.. .).Bl) upon Ihlrty Tfe) a .” mwriting mailed to the prioolpal office of 5bId company, (ts eucceesora or aiiigns bv sold city, take up sod remove sueh tracks and con- nectionr and upon faliure thereof the city may, after (he expiration of said thirty (Hu> deys. remove the same without further noike to said company, Iti Mccaesori or Milana aud the cost of removsi of eaid tracks anVl connections ahaJl be paid upon demand by u u l Minpary, Ite auccesiora or tsslgnh. to an 1.1

SeetloD 6. Nothing tn (hta ordinance eball lie eonairued as a waiver by (he city of any right that {(m ax havs under asy existing ordlnanca

® re q u ^ (he discontinuance by the Public^ Service Railway Company, or corporatloi^ J eased by them, or its stiectosore or asslans, of the ^cratloni of cars on ite several llnet In ths city by eteetriclty suppll'^d (0 electrio motors on tba ears from overhcdd wires by what la known ts the overhead^ trol­ley system or In any wtM to affect such rights, and tha provisions of such ordinance shalT ap­ply to rights acquired by aald Publio Service Rallyway Company under the grant and per- mtssion hereby given. /

Section G, The cost of advertising in counec* tion with this ordinance aball be paid by said Publio Service Rallaray Companj,

fioc^lon to. The provisions of this erdiDancs If accepted by aald Public Service Railway Company, shall be ao accepted by the filing with the clerk of the Board ot Street and Water Commlssioftart oi Ihe city of Newark of ft (ormal acceptance IberepI, te w r i t l^ ex- aeuicd by ihe d w autUbrlted ofllecra ue Mid Public ^ rv lce Hallway Company within twenty ISO) days after the a p ^ v a ) of th.i* ordinance, wbereu|Kin the aama shall effect Immediately, otherwise ordtearvee and tbe consent and permission given thareby shall be void end of no &act

Adopted Norembir 2, 1911,WlIZdAH UUNGLE.

Pretldenl of the Board of Street and Wator Commiasloners.

WIM. R. QR10ATHBAD, Clerk <ff the Bdbsi,

Approved Novaraber 11, 1911,XACOB H A C T K ^fO ^


HHWARK a v r e x r a f l ‘ KEWB. TU ESD A Y . KOVEM BEB K .


O u *f Tfce« laterpreliAjh fireitlT Conflicting S^cUoni

ot District Conrt Act



fiMriil Streiet ol t*» * * ’* ''■ ,, ,------------ j^o,, n.-FollowIngera” u d o ^ oi “ >« ttrm of th*

court lo.e■ numlwr of' opinion" ami mamoranda of decl»lon» were flUd liy ttio court In ca« » argued a t preceding icrme.

1b nuatBlnlnf a Judgnitunt obtwnea in tke paaiale Iilairict Court by John T.Van Riper agnlnat Samuel Uubron, the court found it neccaaary to ri'uoncile two conflicting aeotloiia of the dletrlcl court get. One of theae provide* that when luiy Judge of Ihe court ahall ceaae holding hia oBlee every null nnd proceeding pending ihgll be continued and proceeded with be fore the eucceedlng Judge, Another ecc- tlon provide* th a t any Judge whoie term >ney expire ehall proceed to the Anal de­termination of any cauae or proceeding then undetermined hefora h1rn In the eaote manner a« If hla term of office had not expired.

Finding It Impoeelhle lo give to both aoetlona the explicit force contained In tbaJr language, the Supreme Court hold th a t a reasonable conetrurtlon would be th a t the outgoing Judge should carry to a flngl dolermlnallon all caeea upon the trial of which be had acluslly entered, but Should not begin the Irlal of any new rime nigrcly because It had been Instituted dur­ing hie term.

The District Court for the Third .lu- dlclal District of Bergen County was gSrm ed In granting a nonsuit in the proceedings Inattluted by J. M. Qulmby i Co. against Addison Ely Jr. Tba no- tlDB was based on a hook account and the tr ia l court found that the evidence failed to show th a t the work Involved wae or- dsred by the defendant or wee done tor him or on hie account.

Afflrma Declaloa la O rala Cnee.Tha same court was ofllrined In the

case In which Ottorflar Ssrthold, ob- lalned a vsrdlet In ib* suit brought agt^nsl him by Frank A. Champlln The action was bated upon the defendant a refusal to ncc»pt a carload of oats con- algned to him. . .

In a memorandum by Chief Justice Oummere, the court granted a new trial In the suit In which William Eager ob­tained a verdict for damages against Adolph L. Bolpa. The verdict was based upon Injuries received by Eesger as the result of a collision between a motor- eycl* upon which he was riding end ah automobile of the defendant. The au to ­mobile w as being driven by another man and th* court held It had not been ihown th a t ha w ai tha agent ot Bolce.

For th* third lime tba Buprem# Court ha* S«t aside a vird ict for heavy damages obtained by WaKor Chambera, a boy who im t Injured while In the employ of tho PhUadalphla Pickling Company. The pr«aent decision of the court wss baiaa upon technical irregularities s t th* trial.

hT th * ault ot Joseph O'Connell against Charle* H, Hand, tho court directed th a t If th* ptatnOft would accept tMO In I leu o f g larger verdict awarded him ax aM * by a Jury, the 'Judgment m ight stand. Otherwtie, a new trial would be ordered. The eult wee for poreonal in- lurlea reeultlng to O'Connell from a ool- llalon between two vehicle* going m op- poitto direction* upon ‘West Newark ave­nue, Jereoy City. , .

Finding no error a t th* tria l the court n tH rm ^ a verdict for damage* recovered by Helen Noble against th* Public o*r- vlo* Hallway Company. Plaintiff w as i caasenger on one of the ®***h£^*'* when it Jumped th* track. The Public ■otvlc* claimed th a t there had been eiror la th* eharg* of " th e trial Judge. The Supreme Court held th a t If f’'*™ bem any error It m lltttted agalnet th* plaintiff ra ther than the defendant.

iM poriaaE S ah lb lte Lacklaa*F d llu n of tho partlM In tha lu lt or

Lewie i Allen agalnet Joseph 8-jU aii* iS up several im portant

SsilSWfSS fruls Jt*r>


fiMMItkeg HtU s CMlart

Suits,Special Sale Coats and Dresses


Special at f2 5 .0 f r - A lot of 200 high class suits in ’ Taple and fancy materials where colora sizes

broken; also several smart models in heavy



areDiagonal C heviots in Navy, complete ran g e o f sizes.

black and brown, in

cloth coats— full


Soedal at $19.0(L Double-faced length. Made of warm Winter Coatings and a range of Fancy Coat Materials.

Socclal at JlR.Oa Party Dresses of Silk Chiffon', also a number of Taffeta and Foulard Dresses tngood models.

Suecial at $18.50— A collection of untwual valuea in ^ a r t Tailored Serge Dresses in black, navy, brown and other colors.

SpecUl at $29.50-Corduroy Dresses, also Crepe Me­teor and other silk materials.We urge our patrons to do ihelr Chriatmas shopping

I t Ihe earliest possible date.

t l a n i s s J V l c C u t c h e o n •& C o . ,

ih Ave. & N.l i a n g t i M m M n g n a r a V J I

Ipsdsl Setvie* *f t»e sa iFa .^ K N T O N . Nov. H .-P t»clng W

oenst ruction upon the o rd ln en « « Mor­ristown regulating hsrk driver*, th e 8 u- prerno Court he* eel aul'te the convlellon ot Joseph Murphy and Gcorga were charged with cianillnir a t th* rail- rosd station on Morris street a t a place not rcelgnatsd In the ordinance. Th* de- fandanta were ftni-d m e»oh by a police Juetlc* end on eppcnl the convlctlw s w ets ainrmed by the Mayor and Board o f Al-dfirmen. '

Th« often*® chargedi In lh« 6fthe ordlnifit"®, ’’'■aa Uiii th® defenaanf® were "BtRndlnjj with theif* hacka a t a plftfe which hiul not been deslsnatad a® a public Stand tor harks." The only teatl- mony offered In support o f Ihl* Charge wa.« that ''dsfcn.lsnts were tn their hack* al places not (icalgn.itcd a r publlo hack stands.''

It was remarked In Ihe Buprem* Court cTJnlon that If such testimrtny Jusllfled the convicilon nf rtrlvera they could never lawtiilly move from the designated stande set forth In the nrdlnaitce. In view of this defect at the trial the Supreme Court found II minene.vsary to pnes upon the olhrr rju..rilc>na presented regarding the

lldity if the ordinance.

o f a M o d e m

M a l i e s C o o H l n ^

B a e y ”

Camplata G a a S a a ia Attackdtf t* tka #b4 af

Ca»l KaihI*-

re '* .:





false the testimony offered by KruBchka

,n support of co u rt wasThe opinion of th* „ „ „ r k c d

written by Juellc* th a t the

,ho remarked^lleintlniis a Bupreme aergen. wh

insL tnv --------- ^irue wouldaVave vroUtton of

affltinvu prruo"’'*?, JmddInvolv® Wr. Cook 1l> a grav®

rtafoh to d lttu rb th® vprdtct oxcopt upon th® ground th a t th® pecuniary lo** sus­tained by Ihe next of kin of th® deredent did not Justify BO tarire an eward as that inada by the Jury.

Special fl'errloe of lA# HKW9.Ma T>IBON, Nov. H —Contldering luelf

outwitted In a bArgafn for pole removal* the New York Telephone Company an ­nounced last night a point blank refusal to enl®r Into any gmor® auch bargains with the borough. As has been told, the borouah arranged with the telephone company to pay half an etllrnat«d ex­pense of H.'jOo. Then the borough made a eininar half-and-half deal with the Morris County Traction Company and ®s- cap®d any charge.

Th* Mayor did not announce the ap­pointment of a naw borough recorder. He saAl he would make th* appoUitment a t the meeting on November J7. An ordi­nance cstabllabing 'lire limit*" and mak­ing fireproof construction obligatory In Ihe section bounded by Kings road. Cool avenue, Madleon avenue and Greenwood avenue, wae placed on ftrat reading. II Is likely to encounter oppoaltlon and mod- illcatlon may be neceasary to aecur* 11s paaaage.

L A. KIRCH & CO.,7 7 and 7 9 MARKET ST. NEW ARK, N. J .

Dunomtiiilloii bI Wniiooil Coal aoJ Eos Eonos lo Boi ioio* HI Is KeekGlenwood Range Mves time and Money, and why it ceruimy ooes man

iiis' professional duly ''e ^ ^ * $ ll» * 'o f fl«l th a t be heii P«‘'‘ .« ! tie-I H U J . I O I I S * • • • a * 1 f lwhich 160 »'*■ to be ‘X i* h mment of n suit then pen^ng ‘'ji.In tbs Monmouth CommonCook was to reiurn■aid that Mr.much of the t60 »" payaettlement nf the suit and wa* to pay the other SM to another "* ‘tntner In a sull to he brought ' ,®A .S"ry Park Journal for an .a lle isrf,.“ b*'


K ruichka te .l lf l^ lh» t M e J^“ “ r?ednot Vettle th* Judgment, hut conve rru all of the l i a to hi* own nee end retuseu lo repay It to t*'" ^'''’ '* ““ *”1'; . . .Mr. Cook'e defeni* was th a t he paid th* ItOO as , a retainer in

wasthe Ub®l

the prosecution,pending.

by the teatlmony te>a«y« conduct in the matter,

*“"A careful reading of the volomlnoue gnd to a conalderable extent ‘rretevant

Special Serrirt of ihe SKWH.TRBNTON, Nov. 14.-The fibpreme

Court has handed down an opinion dle» tnUelnf the deniurrer intorposed on be­half of the West J^ffBey und Beashor® Railroad Company In tho suit for dam­ages Instituted SKSlnai It by Edmund Tarhickl, who was Injured by coming la cqntact with the electric current of the company’s th ird rail

The contention of the railroad was that the term i "aaclent byway " did not mean a "by-rolid" which U waa bound to pro­tect from la ten t dangers.

The court he ld 'th a t the two expressions should bo regarded as equivalent In so fs^r as the legal ^uestiun of the rallrokd'i liability was concerned. i


Justice Bergen

testimony, leave* no doubt In our m lndi i r a rM r^ Cook . Has sustained _,h x etalmr. UOOK gXXSDSW—— ,b y 'a n overwhelmingly ,h r"L o t and ha* nearlyat leaat, of th* prosecutor


Spertnl (Beri'lce of t»e f/KWS. ■MORRISTOWN. Nov. H .-H olding tlisl

the verdict returned bv the Jury was not Justified by the evidence, the Richardson & Boynton Company ot Dover has, on a rule to show cauae. appealed the case recently tried here. In which the town ot Dover sought to reoover the value of w ater which. It waa claimed, the com­pany had taken unlawfully from the town's water malca.

The case waa flrat t r ie d ' In October, mo. At th a t time the Jury returned a verdict of JlS.OCd In favor of the town. The company appealed and a t the re­tria l al th is term of court the award waa reduced to 113,011.07. The matter will 'be argued before the Supremo Court a t Trenton In February.

O U TERO A RM EM T693-695 B road St. , Newark

5 H0 PN.J:

ttsR m o n y .'^h e itw y of' A"not only'^Improbable In view of the facts.ESI ;"'Ln.radlcted hF 1-several wltnPBses whose tru thfulness ha*

th g t he paid thenot been questioned, V„i; ,ndmoney a* n retainer tn the libel suit » o not for tho settlement o t the eult P * ^ ' ' t kgalnst him In t’’* 'He undoubtedly retained Mr. C ^ kthe libel suit a t a time when he was In

exhibit*ofCersd at the trial made It impossible forthe Supreme Court to render an advisory . -j_ i— —kleak, sBked for by lb® I Re­

work for whli^h tho

opinion which was sale Circuit. Tho case was th ereo f*

■ f l m d back to t h . trial

d l i n ^ n g 'an appeal o^ ttia . ^ e n d - an t In th* suit of Charles V.Michael Moore the court eeUbllehed rule th s t hnefs -will reeelved or considered unless signed, by a ^^^selor-nt-1aw . The brief dn of the defendant and appellant -was signet only hy on attorney who does not hold a counselor's degree. „ ,

The East Orange Dlstrlet Court flrra'ed In the caae of Edmund R. Va g a in s t . Herman H. A. Schmidt. Th plaintiff obtained a Judgment tor ordered hy the defendant, latter promised to pay. '

Judgment of the Bergen Circuit was afllrmed In the damage suit In which .Xlols Foil* obtained ft verdict Bgamst Frederic C. Dunn. Folle wns Injured by the breaking of a chain which was being need In moving a house, The court held th a t a proper question was presented for

*The court sustained a verdict for toe defendant In the replevin eult brought In tho F irs t Dlslrlct Court of Jersey U ly by Simon Bender John KISroy,

The-court refused to disturb a veidK-t obtained by George Voehl against t'nr- nelliia Smith and others. The action »«a for breach of contrtiot by the rtafendanl, In refuBtng to deliver «B barrels of flour pur^ftsed by the plaintiff.

Holding that Rebecca E. Beltslck we* giimy of cootrlbulory negligence In try­ing to alight from a train before It had coine to a full step the court set aside a verdict of ilanuiKss recovered by ‘.he woman agotast the West Jersey and Sea­shore Rallroart.

e in sed by The publication, complained of, Z d R 1. qi'iW evident from the te"ti"»>"/that his lltiglov* "Stffl" u*ty hicause of hi* apprehended dlfllcuity mco lla ting a ' ^ : C ^ t h b re-wants Mr. Cook to refund the retam er without tn any way offering lo e S p e n sa te him for his profeselonal ser­vices The prosecutor ha* vices. to establish the

jjpeeiol Service of fke Js'^WS,TRENTON, Nov. H -A beenre of negU-

gence on lb® part of the Public Service Hallway Company 1e assigned by the Su­preme Court aa the ground for setting aside a verdict for damages recovered in the District Court of Hoboken, by Dor­othy M. lIutHlxer. Tho plaintiff waa In­jured In attem pting lo board a trolley car from the platform Kt the Beacon Avenue Btallon at Jersey City.



I t 'u h of’’bls"afflrsrtT upon which the rule appointing Dallas in his plgc, J™ .how cause was based." demurrer It was claimed that L'


Special Sercir* of tS* ^ ,TRENTON. NOV. H .-H em ark lng that

Ilnce the lime ot the Norm an conqueat a legal name ha* consldled of on* ifn ur given name, and of one "urhat^*.

nali-onymlc or family nam e, the Supreme ro u rt has afllrmed a, Judgment o^t^ned m Ihe liobokrn DlalTlct Court by H, Al en Hchaffer trustee In bankruptcy of the Nor“hamrton Cement C om pany against tilt* Ijevenflon W recklny Company.

Tb® only point relied upon by ih® de- fciKlania tor setting aside the waa that the Ple>"t'«

Depoeed CotiaelliBilQ Wla® Rolnt.fipKHal SrnHce of KEW3.

TtUSNTON. Nov. 14.-T1}® Supreme Court has overruled a demurtpr filed on behalf of Joeeoh Dallas In the quo war­ranto proceedlHKH by which Thomas D. Laudlam conleHled th« right of DrUrr to a DOilUon In the Common Council of Hea lale City Ludlani waa elected 1n 1W)8. but failed le ellend any meetluge. Counoli declared hla office vacant In No­vember. mo, and pasted a resolution

place. In lU® 'lUdlarnhad

not qualified within the twenty days re’- qulred by the charter of the city. The fluprenJ® Court held that In this respect the charter had be<*n repealed by aub- •equent leglaletlou which only' made It neceBeary that an incumbent shoiild qual­ify at Bome time before taking oftlce-

gpertal Servict of tho SBW8.MORRlSTOWNg Nov. 14 . — Bherlflf-®lect

Whitfield B. Gillen (D®m.I. Of Dover, took the oath of office a t noon to-day. Ills bond for lfiO.000 w'as signed by Thomao H. Hoftgland, 'Wtlliam Qlll and Augustus H. Munson, of Horkaw sy; H enry J- Mlsel, Emil O. Katternm nn, John S. Dickerson. George Pier son. Dr. J. W illard Farrow. Edward Kelly. Albert R ichards, of Dover; WltUam E, King, of laindlng: L.ewl* Kay, of Morristown, as sureties.

Bherlff aiiU u has selected Thom** lA)n*. of Morristown, as his deputy, while Head- keeper Carroll will be retained.

F u r s

Timely Sale o f

a n d F u r C o a tsThe coid snaps are what generally A i^ t^ s ^ s ^ U trhav'e^^edSd prices con'

are lowest at all times, even at the very begmning of_sMsons.;s, even at m e vciy . r- .., r „ . t e All guaran ­

teed. p - ^ -


S u p re Z l urt held th a t th . trl*l court bad property denied a XBiiU based upon the grounds th a t Mr.Schatfer had not su 'd " '‘TJi,.,r L , . . . l o a the fule regarding leg*

a w a r d f o r d a m a g e t oTREES B Y G AS U P H E L D

uam'esTnThla‘ s,ale.- tbe Supr.m* Coqrt

"“■■In this male, as ft ®h"must be commenced and Proaecuted In the proper Chrlsllan »''d • '‘' " ‘ "I* ah,u.lies. Initials cannot be used for th* Ohrt tlan names ot parties to actions except In t'ftsefl of parties described by UUtia

m bills of axebange, Promissory notes or other written Initrumenta under Bocilon ^ of the preplli® »ct,

■■Hut this lA not utlan nnme 1® mcnllgtied, ,rhilstlnn name IsIIS Initial letter. Th* uncontradlcted testl- ” .y xUe ttiai the plalnt'K's Pmper name was H. Allen Bchaffer. Hie given naiM having been nsed lo de.scrlhe lilm, the siiollon 10 nopBUlt was. of course, properls

A llan lle City Act Net Aelde,fieeriel Service of <Ae V£H .

TRENTON, Nov. 14.—Fnllure to observe the charter provlelon® rfqulrlng connent of abutitng land ownerB has led the Su- prfltnft Court In sftt bhIiI® an ordinance of Atlantic City providing for vacating forty feet nf the eastprly portion of Main ftVtinne, between Baltic and Medlterran- enn avenues. The ordinance was attackod by VVateon H, Lewla. a property owner whose conaent had not been aougbl.

fiprriai Sotvica dfDOVKR. Nov. 14.-The Kaaterh Penn­

sylvania Power Company wqe scored last night by the Common Council on account of the allefod poor street llfb llng eervlce the town Is receiving. The attitude of the lighting company toward private con- Bumere was also erltlcleed by Alderman Edward KeSly*and o ther njerobera. Mayor John Mnlltgati appointed A ldtrm an Kelly, Cmincllman YUniam P. Jones and Ed­ward M. Searing to confer with the of- fleeri of the company to t r j to have the condltlona improved.

Eastern Mink Sets5 full grown mink, beautifully marked- Lari® pillow muffs, Russian and fancy s**®*'®' med with tails and paws. RegularS t25.00, special

Natural Raccoon SetsThis is an excellent wearing fur, and big demand this year.

Cross Fox SetsThis fur is noted for its rare muff, trimmed with natural head, laiU and paws. Scarf' U the latest Parisian d e ^ n , in animal effect. Imported satin V O f i ing. Worth $125.00, specia l..........

is in muff; Lined

u.K this year. Large pillowRussian and the new animal with Skinner’s satin. Worth special ..................................................



where Chrln- ncir whare the

frpfriifJ ppri'h'ff n?TRF.N’ToN, Nov 14 ■ l^liiihiiK no error

li) ihc trial, tin* Hnijr- ni- i o irt has nffirmed ® verdict for Ctnry&H' S obtained In t - ‘ amrien Circuit h’-' Mwry i,. N» vVii | agalnet the Fiiblii: f'cru. «* Ohs' i t-nuiany Th® action was best-d M[on tht- dfstr n'- I tion of f l v f t ahade trves. p l a r i n - 1 In.m e j diately Innlde the curb line of rt [. ildic street, which were dcslrnycd by llliriiln- atlng Kaa eeeapltig defcndSTitBmoJna in the street.

At the concluilon Of the tHal the com­pany had HBked for « nmiann upon s**V'

grounds. One w’as th a t the plalnllfT hod failed to Khow the ownership of ihc (reel or Ulle to th® lands rm whloh thny 1


were standing. Th® court held that thin | without merit A KBcnutl ,

finfi-lot Serrtft of (littu b n TON, Nuv. U.—Proper meihit*

nf uMilnlng legal service upon doiqeatlo crpuratlons are cunsWered In an 0Pjn‘“n fll.'d in .lie Supreme Court by Juatlce Treimhard, eeitlng aside a i'''’*™®,’’h ”, ’ Ulned in a small cause court of I'0111,tv by 1***0 .saslnst tbs fn1«n Tran*pOrtatlon Com- " Ttu. aruuud of reV«r**l "'as service npnu !tic company

ground vvas s'llbo' reason iirgcil for ilie niuo ii wns Unit the company 's negligence hail not been shown.

In disposing of this phase oI the case the court said:

"A aevvpr bad recently been cunstio ' ted which wa." likely to cauSB a rtepri-«Bl,m In the gas main, perhaps resulilng In a leak.J here had been an odor ot ga« m rrmit cf 11,e plalnl lira prviiiltea for sum* six weeks before a r y repairs had been marie, and there waa also some evidence ul a lack ot Inspccllon. and a delay to repair after actual notica had been served upon the company tha t there wa? a Irak. Vege­ta tion In and ahmil rt'c trees had died, ncular proof that there m igh t be an escape of ga ,. I t Is clear, therefore , tha t

o In fiCt iTilaijCt! with t.he method pre-Bcrlbcd by siaiule.

The sum,none I" 'h e CB*ft WBS senea .l„.ehua M. I'U"'". a**"‘

of 111. tranrtm itntl..n company a t CooKs- tnwn The small cause act provides that

I tee shall be mode, first. OP th* prest- I dent or head n m v r or * sen t In charge i o( the principal ..trice o( a corporationI h: \h\e BtKt®; nud. secoTully, In oaee Ihe

preildent or ''iber head efficer cannot be foujui »u4 ha"’ no usual p M® of ftbod® In thu ounly. lh«n on the cl«rk or secretary, if there b* one within the c.uiitv A third method, wftere neither of the other two Is possible, permits of service tip..n on« of the directors, and, tsBtlv It po’.c of t"® methods canbo followed, service may be made upon-

P a t e r s o n , nov- h .—w ith th* arrestyesterday of Charles Lecseman, all lout of the persons said to have been coti- cerned In the plot to hold up and rob Samuel Demarest are tn custody.

As told. It was be.ause she feared thatLeeseman m ight commit murder that Mrs. Irene 'Whltehurat-U.irna, formerly of Newark, wrote a nolc to Demarest. who Is a Main street nicrchant, warning him of the plot. Mrs. Hums explained in her note that she waa In love wllh Leeaemnn.

Following the arrest of th* woman, lo- gether with Michael Splnelll and Ray- more Miller, who were Implicated by her tn the plot. Miller Is said to have made a psTtla! contenBlon to the ppllce, In which he said lhat ho knew of the plana

1 and had talked over tho proposed rob- hcry of Mr. D.-niareat with i.eeacman and

i Splhelll-The Rum* w.-man waa in several places

about the city during the latter P a f of last week telljng of the plans of the gang with which she claimed to have been traveling. But In no case was her story' given full credence.

She declared Leeeeman wa* being led on by the olhei's. and they were hatching up the schemes and trying 10 draw him into them. The others, she said, wer* always bringing home blackjacks and plalDl* to Charlie, and getting him tfl acquiesce to their plans,

She #ald they had four plaeei gpotteo In th# vicinity of lower Main street, n ^ hed studied Just how to get Into the stores nnd how to And what monejf might be left there. ,

"Thd other* don't like me, she said, "tor they say th a t 1 am a wroman and can't keep my mouth shut "

Bpertol Serrlce of Ik* NBWB.CHATHAM, Nov. 1*.—tVlth the excep­

tion of W ashington avenue properties, this borough will be able to connect with the sewer system next Friday. This wss announced by Engineer H. Ryon, ot the sewer contracting firm, to Common Coun­cil last night. He also stated there were several breaks In the line In Passaic avenue, but they could he repaired In time to permit ot the flowing of sewage that day.

Black Pointed Fox SetsSnake effect collar and larR* pillow muff. Regular $90.00, special .................................................

Genuine Blue Wolf SetsSnake and Russian shaw ls, large pillow and Russian muffs. Skinner satin lined. A pop^ lar fur for the younger ele- Q S

R.oiiiar S.W00. soeelal. * P ^ •

Western Lynx SetsTwo different styles. A lustrous, jet black. Large Russian shawls, large sailor collars, with double POiu«<l Trimmed with silk tassels. Muffs are large Russian pillows and the novelty muff?. Trimmed with tassels. Skinners satmlined. Regular $25.00,clal

White Iceland Fox Setsand Russian shawls. LargeSkinner satin lined. $1L95piitlow

ment. Regular $30.00,,special

Genuine Beaver SetsLarge Russian shawls and large pillow muffs.

Snakemuffs. -----Regular $20.00. special.

Black and Brown French Lynx Muffs. ^ C QRegular $9,00, special................ x /F t / .ts x J '

(^.resreTcts; v a M lT$IO.M?spicial

$3.50'^ $6.00A very pretty and serviceable ( F J O

Ponu Coats $47.50SERVED 37 YEARS, NOW

QUITS SCBOOl BOARDgpertoi Sorrtoe of the SEWa.

BERKEl-ElV HEIGHTS, Nov. j t-A fte r a eervlce of thirty-seven years as school trustee, during which lie held every offlee In the gift of the board. Simon T, Pebble tendered hla resignation Iasi night ne * member or the New Providence Board ot Education. Pour health was given as a reason lor resigning. Carl Hedglo, a flor­ist of Mountain avenue, was named as Mr. Debbie's successor to hold olllce until the election- next .Marah.

Any Pony Coat up to $55 special at,

Hudson Seal Coats $55.00

A \


- s ,‘s ~ cish.ber 15th.“ "■••"“ I 'X I '; « « «n, u ^ -4 7 ^ 5 0

You save $10,00 on one of these coats to-morrow, seal coats shawl collar and turn-back cuff, plain Skinner s or J r o ^ e d satin lined, wonderful value. Any seal coat in our store marked up to $65, special.

Ricft black, deep nap, well sheared,



GaBBalldotlac M orris T ox n u U p SebooUMORRISTOWN. Nov, 14,-Another step

In tb s consolUatlon of schools 1q Morris Township has been recommended by I* Shaffer, *upervlitng principal. He hSM ) •ubm ltled to the township Board of Edu­cation a plan for the combining of the tinlon Hill and Hillside Behools. Whether th® pl®H '*■' '1 approved or r®J®rted by the hoard will l-e decided i t a meeting Ir the near futur**. Som® lime ago It was ileplded to cortihlne tho Mt. Kemble Av®» nu« and the South fitr«€t schooJs. An

building Is under eonatructiOTi In Soljtlj street ^or th® pupil® ot those schools.

Natural Ponii Skin Coats $75MO

brocaded lining; beautiful light weight and warm; regular $85.00, apecial........ # c r . V vmedium and dark brown

11ERNARD8V IU -E . Nov. K -T h lrty - flve school bonds ot the denomination of

rs -.-cu on A hAartna flv® per cent. Ifl- Ifcht by th® BOftid

n'.ioo'each and beattog flve per cent. tU- toTMt were sold 1**1? mRbt by the BOfttd o"Ed,m.iVon to John D, Ev;.Att & Co., ofNew York, who** bid for th* entire i»*u* was The bonds are to run fromtwo to slxlsen year*- ^ ,

The Bernnrdsvlllo National Rank the second highest bidder, offering a pfe-. __.,B AeRcknxu A ('A 9f®r®

I n lleeaied H n n tr rs F ined.Special ffrrrlce of t*e .VlflFS.

DOVER, Nor. H .-C har*sd with violat­ing the fleh sad game laws of the State by hunting without a lloons*. Henry Brlant ano hi* son Ru***U * ^ e fined MOand eoet* W Justle* of th* Peace John

T ounf Saturday* Th® Brlant# 'Wsr®

Fur Lined Coats $20.00

SPECIAL!Eight fur lined Coats, suitable for

_.:.v _____ sntiirrftl nlato Sistika and brookmink Collart 2 Q ^ Q Qing wear, lined with German aqnitrel plate Sistika , blended squtrreli pieced Persian lamb, fox, marmot. Special . ■<. ■ ■ ■are

I f . I

eHc«y„ w* *“ ”■ . . .............. ....... ■’ , I agent in charge of any otflee main- I mluni of 11,0*1,a Jury question was thus |.reserted. ami | ..orTOrallon In the county. | third with a figure of »ffi.61A6t.that In view ot the facts thus nddu,.-pd a t, riresent ease there were Ihre* ■-------------- •direction to find for the defendant wou director* of the a n r * ? . " Of YOUTHFUL AGENT ARRESTED

m ight have been made tn - ——------'rccnr,ianc* with the third proviso of th . act.

hunUng on the land* of Stephen Brtani and said they thought they had a legal right, a* they had *om* equity Id th* property. ------ p

bavB been Improper "E rror Is assigned fipon the admission

of testimony with referenca to the de­struction of grass, trees and oOlcr vege­tation in close proxlmlly. This was clearly admissible a* a clrrumstivica cal­culated to put the defendant upon Us guard against an Imperfect main, and to give cauae for a particular Inrpectlon tn ascertain If escaping ga» ’r*s causing the death of the vegetation. There Is, titeretore, no error in Its admission.’'

a sb u r y p a r k l a w y e rEXONERATED BY COURT

v er d ic t f o r HARRISON BOY'S DEATH EXCESSIVE--------- Nov. 14,—Ap,.-,-

Umlts dam#t®s to the pe-TRENTON, Nov. 14 ,-Applying the legal

c u n l a r t 1rule

Sl'MlkllTe Nov, 14,—Oh chary® ofbreaking open trunka sleallng the contents, Thonia* ahllllng, seventeen years old, was night a l the Ijickaw anna depot, where ha was the aesistsnt baggage roaster. He

taken to Elisabeth, to bo arraigned in the Juvenile court. The 7*uth had teen In hi* present position About *hre* months ebmlng her* from BaMtlng R Id p

The arrest was made by Dotecllt^^ Me.



S t

a t

Pat Thlrt for J backin Mover ,Tht

Fran of IH here niece treat.

The lb th by h tft mi*bta>T-hst

U riBtatli What daugl the t not a h*r d roan, h*r d treat) youni now, her fe

A I< broth back f*ctly and 1 lloeiH' him.

Van being had I bate the c ceihtn


the F «xp«ci m®nt8

A IT and tt latt C v«T)iui r®ct i ^A* pi IBg IP tiiat back I will F bond yoresl

Mem Churo They 1« . f th* ft polnte Qtdnb; roan, .


■■Mali. ' fw h*l

m cjyent,Ik tiM U* In Ifima:W alihSfarraW t,

« t » t• J * to RMflay*s*»Mite I

foseW fierrtce of lAe KEWa.TRENTON Nov. U .-B randlng a* a

lamentable effort to Injure the profes- •lanal character of a lawyer without reasenaW* w arrant through the com- plaint made by Ha* H. Kruschk*. the Buorero* Court has dlsmlseod the pro- ceedtngi nnd*r Which Charles B. Cook, of A«bury Park, waa required to show cause why be *hould not be disbarred. In ed- dttloB to coxapletely vlndlcaUng Mr, Cook, th* eourt took eoeaiion to orltlola* u

ih e re 'd e a th results from an aecldem, ,*hiVf Tustlce Gummere ha* filed an oplo- h n in th e Supreme Court holding that a l . r d ^ t of » WO obtained by Matthew F. Bb noft. of H arrison. agsln .t the Public Scrrtce Railway Company was excesMve.

SfM uSn of th e judgm ent, there must be

*Marth*w F. a inno tt sued lo recover for th'^ death of M atthew «nnott, W* ion, which reiulted from a collision between

, r wagon and a trolley o*r o ir Bloomfield l i v * n i . Glen Wdgm wtort found no

Is said th a t the alleged theft* will amount to several hundred dollars.

W iteh Slip* V ader T ta ia ,Spertol BtrrUr of (*o NEWS-

DOITER, Nov. H.—Whll* Thomas Beat- tergood, of Princeton avenua Who car* rlea the mall, was loading th t ju a l l on a car Saturday, his gold watch ellppea ont ot hi* pocket and between the rail* und*r the train. He did not mix* the tJt^ lM W for a half-hour, when he .hastened bMk to the depot. He found th* watch ir tW I

Well Known toWho Indorse nia MetUtHi

n , B bBELEV. ot Philadelphia, th* « u» expert, win 'be tn lA w ark at

V h B ^ ^ o " H otel. C en tra l *ve. and HiH- Lm ^ on Monday, TuM day and Wed-

lGo7®nib€r IS* IG &od 10, " U f 'A M A T l C S H I ^ ^ T B W 8used and approved by the JL 8 . Govern- m m t eti* the ex ar of R i ^ A will rt- t J n arty case ot rupture pertocxly. afford-.«lldsF *Hdl thr -----

. H M ilIrSxirtnR


where h» had dropped It.

ISTlromedTsTe r t l t X ir td 'c lh w . ihe open- IM in a short time on th* avereg# cas*. u p re d u c e e re»nJUi '^ Ih M tira rg e n r or harm tol Injection*, and I* gwraniewd to hold any ruptore or money r j lu ^ e d .

No leg strap* to Irrita te jn S aoll. No binding ot h w . Clean and dursbla

peraonal refCenc* on Home omoe, lOW W M iat fid'**

I delphta.-7 .

•£ -y


1 r ' ; - v - a V .-v-

v H ' «7

. 4



irge an<t

1, in

) 8


/ | \

t at a il Bn-




ides of




N E W A R K E V E M K G S E W S , T U E S Q A Y . K O V E M B E B 14. 19U .


S i !e C om R uy 't R iflit to Do B oM iess, ao4 LiibOity for

j i l e o Q o e it io ie i


Q | | f f j l [n ” N l f l fT f i r Q F f l i l c f OottWf Green StampM Before Noon: Single Stamps After Noon

Comfortable, dependable train service e v e ^ day without change from Market St. Station , Newark* Dining cars, m eals

aUewtat aiactrk IlgtitMl vutlbidad ileeptnc cars aad day coachM. PhOM, writa or cd l lor tickato and InformatloB-Clty Ticket Office. 211 Market SC, pbone 2S7 JHarket*V60 Waverly. Baagaae checked from reeMeace to deatlnatlon.

B e o u H lh> recorfli of th» >«cretary of e u to Bbow th a t th« Herrine-Hall-M arvln Safa Company, incorporated In thia Btata, wa* dlaiolved by co n n n t o f Ita •teckholdara In 1*06, and tn offlee la atm I e ln talned hers In (bat name, a ault for uummlaalona h a i tiven rlie to a quratJan of trad e trrcfUlarUy. The attention of the aaeretary of State haa been called to the operatlona of the Merrins nontpany, tb ro u fh Itg offlea a t 22 Clinton i t m t , and he haa adviaad that tho quaatlon be re­ferred to Proaeoutor'Mott, which la aald te ha*a t>een dona.

The eommlaalon ault, maanwhlla rtlaea a complex problem of liability, a -wHt '.of a ttach m en t waa Itaned In the Seebnd

DUIrlct C onn yaaterday on application ol F ra n k H. Ptdesok. of Tranton. who haa b reuch t tu l t to recover ronimlaalona of tSATt on the aale of aatea made by (he H errin s company. He eaya he waa em ployed aa a ealfanan by Rodman R. Draka, of the Clinton atrret addreaa.

Although the State rerorda ahow (ha dlaeoludcn of the - Herrlna-Hall-M arvln Company In 1901, the Iron* window of the Cltntun atreet addreai beara the corporate or firm name "Herring-Hall-Warvin Sate Oempany" In two placet In large eiit lettera.

The Clinton atreet oitice la In charge of Jutiua F. Myera, deacribed In the N ewark directory ae ''aaletman. 22 Clinton atreet raaldence, New York CTty." Mr. Myere'ii Istlerheade deaorlbe him aa ^Dealer for N orthern New JerOey In Heirlng-Haai- M a m n safea."

W hen Ur. Uyere wae aeen relaftye to Mr. Pldcook'a ault he dlaelalmed all 11a billty, ekpleinlng that Mr, Drake waa emtdoyed by him aa a clerk on a aalary baala

Tha Newark directory deacrlbea Drake ^ "M enager of Herrtng-Hall-Marvin Sale Cempeny, 22 Clinton atreet; raaldence, Brooklyn."

I t le alleged that Mr. Drake, corre epondlBg w ith Mr, Pldcock In Trenton, di­rected him tn lettert otgued "H erring H atl-U arvin Safe Co., Newark Branch, per R, R. Drake, manager." to eell eer- t ^ H erring aafea and agreed on behalf o f th a t company to pay him the regular ceiamUalona. Mr. Pldcock aold a number ®f eafea and received oommleelona from Drake. Finally Drake refuted to pay an alleged balance of 9H.76 on the ground th a t he (Drake( had not received them from th e New York office of the H erring company.

Mr. Pldcock accordingly took the m atter u f with the New York offlre only to bo told th a t Drak*» had no connection wltu the company a t the time the eafee In quea tiOB were eold, but wae In the employ at tha Blaateni Safe and Vault Oompany'a eaatem repreientatlv*. Pldcock then brought ault, naming the Herring com, pgny, th a E aatem Safe and Vault Com pany, Mr. Uyere and Drake as defend ao ta

Counael for Mr. Pldcock learned that tha E aatem Safe and Vault Company wae reoently adjudged bankrupt in New York and th a t tTeeldent Forepaugh. of the Herring company waa appointed receiver

G « L F L E D W IT H U N a E ' F R O M E L D E R L Y SU ITO RPatrolm an Thomia Adubato, of the

Third P recinct pleln-clothea aquad, left for Altoona. Pa,, this morning to brl ,g back fifteen-year-old Uarle C'oluoci, pf i n Malvern street, who left home a lit-. uVer a month ago.;Th» girl w ent away with her

F rank Vender, a well-to-do business nan of lOM N inth avenue. Altoona, who came hare in responas to a letter from his niece ela ting th a t she wai being m al­treated a t home.

The girl declared In lettera to frienda fit this city th a t eiw waa cruelly trea ted by her parenta because □( her refusal tft m arry, a t the aolleltatlon of her par- ehU, a man old enough to be her father. TYigt auch ii the case her mother den lea.

M ri. Coluccl said a t the Third Precinct Station th is morning that a man eome- w hat more advanced In yeara than her daughter had formerly been a caller at the houBB. but that his Intentions were not aerloua. She had never tried to force h*r daughter Into a marriage with this lagDs she averred, and the allegation of hgr daughter th a t ehe had been cruelly treated wae absurd. Her daughter la too young to contemplate getting married ROW, she further declared, and ahe w ants har brought back to this city.

A letter written by Mrs, Coluccl to her brother in Altoona last week brought back the response that Marie was per- faetly vatlBfled to remain at hjs home, and a s long as she was, "a hundred po- lloemen*’ could not take her away from him.

Vender also declared that the girl was being well taken care of by him, which had not been the case at home. Adu­bato has the letter In bis possession and the chief of police In Altoona has been camtnunleated with.


L e h i ^ ' t i i l l e y ' R a i l r o a d n - c i r r j r r .. 7^ I — sa. Big Sale (H Furs and Fur CoatsB 'S» -

A Good Judge of J e w e lr y Would Give U s th e Verdict of Quality and Term s on Our W atch es aod Diamonds

$ a S X K > ^ 9 1 * 0 0 m W e a k

8 0 . 0 0 - « t X > 0 a W e e k

$ 1 0 0 . 0 0 - 9 2 . 0 0 a W e e k

IP YOU CAN'T CALL WBTS ASK p o ea n t neo bow


Cr e d i t .............8 3 7 i B r o a d ' S t

Children Cry for Fletcher's

The Kind Y on H ave Bonifht hag borne th e giena^ture of Chag. B . F letch er, and has b een m ade under h is pergonal aupervlgton for over 8 0 years. A llow no one lo deceive you in th is. Counterfeits, Im itations and “ Just-as-jEOod” are but experim ents, and endanger th e health ol C hildren—Kxpepienee aga in st Kxperlipent.

„ What is C A S TO R IACastorla Is a harm less substitute lo r Castor Oil, P are-

gorle, Drops a n d Soothing Syrups. I t contains neither ipinin. M orphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de­stro p W orm s a n d alloys Feverishness. For more than

thirty year# It h a s been In constant u se for the relief of C onstipation,Flatulency, W ind C olic ,a ll Teething Trou­bles and Diarrhoea. I t regulates the Stom ach and Bowels, osslm llatcs th e F ood , giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chltdren’g P anacea—The M other’s Friend.

The Kind You Have Always BoughtBears the Signature of

In Use For Over 30 YearsTHC ceWThUB COMPAWy, TT MUOMT *TMKt, NEW TORK dT?.

Th* flrectloR of two n«w churches In tba F orest Hill and Woodslde section la •ztMcted this coming taring. Arrange- numts for the work are now under way.

A m eeting haa been called of the elders and tru iteee of the Forest Hill P resby ter­ian Church for to-tilght to consider con- vaning a meeting of the congregation to ^ a c t a building committee. This church

pledgee for about $4a,{lOD besiden Qwn* lag Ita present property. Tha only thing ttta t the church inembera are holding biick for le to see whether the Presbytery will g ra n t tne Third Church permission to bttlld within four or five blocks of the Forest Hill Church.

Memhera of the Summerfleld Methodist Cburoh a re working for a new building. T^ay have aecured their building lot at Mt. Prospect and Grafton avenuea and t b t following committee haa been a p ­pointed to recommend plana: William J. Qkloby, W illiam F. Ktmber, R. 8. Stead- m$B, A, P . Conery and A. J. Patton,


Iftinbara of tha T ours Men'i Catholic AMoelatlon will hoU their flret audhre of fllk leaaon to-morrow nlsht a t In im u te KslI. The affair will be one of aeveral to «S hatd tbrouffhout the winter.

In com pletlns arransemente for the ^ a n t , th a younr men have been aeijeted h r the W omen’e Auxiliary, The sommil- M In e b a r n Inrludea Frank Smytbe W illiam Cotton, WIllTam Reilly, Johii

Saleh, John M enu. John Duerr, Andrew irray , Edw ard Ward, Charlee D. 81n- ■Utt, Thoinaa O'Bhaushneeeey, William

M b ^ a m , H a n ? O'Connell, Joeeph A. Car- f M and the Mlaeet Etlxabe'th Ellis, Mar- Jmmt Auatln. Jenny Mkck, Lucy Carpen. ifl^. Agnac Burke, Lulu Brown, Nan Cun-

M argaret O’B r l^ and B eute 8 te-

i - "T ' -T h ie f L eete A partm eata.

^ k t r w aa used to effect an entrance • r « th ie f who robbed two apartm ents on J lrtl fourth floor of IM Adnme atreet yes- kt^flav sftam iw n. The vlctlnta were An- B p e Baatlnello and Ralph Ubalore. Baatl< " ■" ' feported th a t a. woman’s sold chain

a t 112 had baea stolen from hie HI and LIbalore said th a t a silver all efaala valued a t fl, four pairs of

, fo ld ring with a blue etona gold r w ithout a etone and IS In mousy was

from hie rooma

Good For YouYou can’t have a clear brazil, | active muscles and firm nerves, if your bowels axe sluggish: but see w hat a help to you be a few doses o f

B E E C H A M l SP I L L S

SeU Evsiywhere. la bosse 10c. end 2 ta

IRISH POINT CURTAINS, In beautiful deslgna and all! le^igths- Stora price, IS.Of); factory price, S2.00. a t th*

ESSEX LACE CURTAIN WORKSS30 W ash lB g to a S tree t,Open Saturday Evenings.

F.N.SOMMERA2lvi«riiMrdeivijita nir i'fte aiMlall Npwark a a 4 A(« ¥ . «cifa$ap«ra received « t offlee rate# , and for «n oeoropapera and o ta« asln ea pob- ||ahea» AdTertlocmeafo fo r N. Y. aewopmpera received beCorw 6, P, M. appear aext m om lDg. T94 Broad **- tn tu r Bldg.) Tel^JtoMft NTnekfT.


TAX N O T lC B --O V « g iO F B ic s Iv iR ^ STAXK. CiTT H A tJ , “

-rv.. • Nkwa'k, a . ... Oewuer Ik UlL TWe afflee will be open trom iirldar, Oeto- ber M. » ii . tuui ajMI l a UU, (or u» i*- cepllea of ta w tor Wl|.

P u ia u lu atuntloa a oslled te the foUewlBs rKUIrcmcnte t l law:

T( paM OB « before the thtrty-ltret’ilav at Ortober. one |J1 per oent. win be deduoM

If pM OB or before tbe twentieth day of ^ v m b e r , one-baU 114) ot one (1) per cedit, will be dedwhed.

I t paid OP or before the twentieth day «r Deoaaibir. the eiaot anouat of tax.

net paid on or before the twentieth day of Danenhar, htierett at the rate of twelve <U) pew omt. par enpum will be added.

If not paid OB or befm April 14, IPlt, war- ma tl will he limed with thiwe it) ,er cewt ppaaltp, IneUee and eolteotoi'* fees, fa addl- Uoa to tee a u n eeata coat of puMlostioo. » oach aaieBM penoSaL

M oa open fnm t A. M. to t F. If. •aturdayi, finn P A H. to I t It.

rOBKRT 1. RfHff,Reeetrer.

ell— fcllFORD PROPOSALS. ARBAGE co n th a cto rs . Tio*|vtd by tho Mayor and

of Ituthorford for thoi l **'!!.*** aihM A d garbago for one, two



NotlM It hareby riven that an ■ t to t tm f t upon all Ihe owiMPt of all the Itnda aad rtol ettata peculiarly benefltad by etch of lb* fol­lowing improvemenu, namely:

The g rad ln r curblnr any fiagrlDK of AVENUE C.

from Emmet atreet to Vanderpool •treat, oo- cordinf to the provleione of an ordinance of the city of Newark, entitled "An ordlnoxice to provide for the grading, curbing and Aagglng

AVENUE C.from Etnmet street to Vaaderpool a tn e t," ap* proved March IT. » lle

The grading, curbing and flagging of BOCK AVENUE.

from 4U.81 feel weet of Seymour avenue to Oeborne terrace, according lo the pnvialoni of an ordinance of the city of Newark, e n tltl^ "An ordinance to provide for the grading, curbing and flagging of

BOCK AVENUE,from 45A.8t feet weet of Sem our avanue to Ofbonie terrace," approved July i, IDIO.

The grading, curbing and fluging of ' SOUTH b t r e e t ! »

from Faelfle etreei to Tyler atreet, ocoordtog to the provlelone of on ordinance of the city of Newark, entitled "An ordinance to twgrlde for the grading, curbing ana flagging, of

, tfoUTM STREBT. '^ r a Fadflc etreet to Tyter itreet,'* appeevwdA ^ o t as. 1910.

The grading, curbing and floggli _ . . SOUTH THiRTEHtfTH ffTREBT,

offrom Avon avenue to Woodland aYastiOp oe> cording to the provlelmu of an ordinance n the oltr of Newark, eniftted "An ordtnanoe to provide for the grading, curbing and floggliig

SOUTH THIRTEENTH B fR B gr. from Avon avenue to Woodland aveaue," mp* proved Bepiember ack, 18I0.

The pavllpg ofGRAFTON AVENUE.

from Summer avenue to Ut. Promeet av«nu«t ■ocording to the provlelcnf of an ordtnoxme of the city of Newark, entitled "An ordinanco to provide tor the paving of

GRAFTON AVENUE. ^from gummer avenue to M t Froappet ovo* nue," apfiroved April T, 1911.

Tbe ooDftruetton of a eewer lo be known of PASSAIC STREET AND OOUVXRMBtTR

STREET 8BWBR,recording to the provialooe 'of an ordinance of the city of Newark, entitled *’An ordifianea to provide for tlie oonatruoUon vt a ie««r in

PASSAIC STREPT.from Fourth avenue to Carllile plaoop together with a branch gtwer In

OOUVEftNEUR s t r e e t . tiEhwaeii Fasoalc atreet and Ht. Pleaeant nvo- oue," approved Febniery 24, IflU.

Hoe been prepared by (he undmignod oom- 1 mlMtonere, appointed by the Mayor of the citya . . . . .4 .- --------- . 4.. ‘goale


. _ JB TO Bide wiu b*

oouboU of the koroogh « l lw ^ n of uhH iSid „ .™ ..• I tk i* yean, ea >n*ldtd by ordinabes.

Alio bid. win he reoeleed for one, two or tbr.0 yean.. tor ooUeetlona twice a weekthruughout th« year. r'* ...... .......

^np<*aji wHi be received on Friday* No- f of Naimrk. asid ihnt a’ report by a certlFcaievemher IT, at a P. M, - - - -- -------- ------- ---- - -F. A. STEADMAN. 'BorougJl Clerk.

| » « j

IIe J c i i I iiI

Broad and Cedar Streets—Mail O rders Promptly and Carefully Filled

ton ribbed underwear; shim bsve col­larette neck; drawers with ex- C A „ irt double g'usteia; a garment. G U C

H n ’s N «ta S b ir t t - j l '- '.etie; bodios cut extra wide and full length; Hnlshed in best manner; neat plnx and blue stripes; special, C C . each................... .. O d e

You cannot possibly get in Idea of the money you save unless you come here and see these furs. They’re from our great purchase of the S. LIndiu & Co. stock. The goods are new and rellaWo i every way. A small deposit will reserve any until December 24.

Caracul Skin Coata— Europeandyed skins; full

length, 52 inches long; deep shawl collar and cuffs; jeweled or crochet buttons; lined with brocaded silk; ,T4 to 44 bust;Llndm’s price $57.50; our price ........................................ 3S.75

Near-6«i1 Coats —All sizes: 52 Inches tong; brocade silk lined; Llndau's price,$85; our g Qprice ....... O V .y aJ

Children’s a n d Mitaes' Furs, included In this sale ranging in price, $1.25 to $16.50.

Mi oh Stoles, ^arfa and Shawls

Riis$iui Pool and Frendi C m j Skit Coits- In sable and black; full length, 52 inches

long; only first quality skins used in these coats; lined with guaranteed satin; r \ ^ g* aliek 34 to 44 buai; LIndau’a price A y . J $40; our price ............................. ^ MFur S e t s -A big collection, consisting of Bel­

gium Lynx Sets and Blue Wolf Sets, have pillow muff and large full shawl; p A pLlndau'i price, $0,50: our price...............

One White Coney Full Length Coat, aelected skin, with while hare shawl; Llndiu’a '1'^price, $50; our price............................. / .s H f

Natural Red Fox Seta, animal ' shawli and muffs, in the newest effects; only 5 ‘\ a * 7 5 seta: Lindsu's price, $55; our price.. * 5 ^ . / v

Hudson Seal Coata—One 36 and one 38; 52 inches long; Euro­pean dyed; Llndau’s price $110; y y g Qour p r ic e ..

Iceland PoxLindau’s prices,to 0^ .00; our IS.95 to $15.00.



Roaalan Pony Skin Extra Quality Coata— 52 inches long; bro­cade s lk lined; one 34, one 36, one 38, one 40; Llndau’s price $97.50;

62.50price .Mink Muffs,

to f 1 00 .00 . $20.00 to $100.00 .


A Sale of Suits for Extra Stout Men

The corpulent man at a rule finds it hard to be fitted in a ready- to-wear suit. These suits are made just for such men. About.60 suiti bought at a great price concession from sn exclusive manufacturer of stout men's suits; made of plain blue serge, black clay,diagonal and thibet and the newest mixed chev­iot and cassiinere, all hand tailored and absolutely guaranteed; sizes from 38 to 47 chest measure, di­vided into three groups.

Suits worth I ij AA $15.00 at.. U.UU

Suitsworth | T ^ Suits worth 17 TA $18.00 at.. Id.UU $22.00 at. li.D U

On Sale 3d Floor Men’s Clothing Store

$19 to 23.50 Royal Axminster RugsSizes 0x13 and 8.3x10.6; these rugs are almost half an inch

thick; designs and colorings are suitable for al- -f A C H most any room; fog. prices $ 19 to $23,50, special at I O a d U

Sale of 2,000 Framed Pictures Worth to $2, at 65c'^ 1

Religions and Figure Subjects —Colored, framed in 3-inch gilt frames; heavy brass corners;size 21x25; sale price ................... O G C

G ilt, A n tiqu e , G o ld , O ak , M iss ion an d B la c k F ram es. A great collection to choose from . O n sale T li ifd F lo o r P ictu re G a lle ry . S ee w indow d isp lay fo r m any o f the specials.

A rtist’s P r o o f Etching's— C hristy D ra w in g s — 12Genuine copper plates, mat- most popular subjects, hand ted, 2-inch mission oak colcred, white mount, black frames, size 16x31,

Yard of Flowers and Col­ored Landscape*, In 2-inch gilt ornamented frames; siz* 14x36; very ipec. for this sale O G C


and animalDining-room

Fruit, game subjects, mission frames, 3-Inch ornamented; sizes up to 18x36, at ................. 65c

Sheep, cattle and Land-aeapes—Subjects in colors, white mats, with 2-inch quartered oak frames; sizes up to 16x32; extra value, at___U G C

oak frames, size A 17x21, special a t , . L f O C

Combination Fruila and Games—Also Red Coats, Hunting subjects, framed in brown and black oak frames with brass ornaments; three subjects in each frame; X C . . site 16x36, at..................... O d C

Lace Curtains and PortieresHere Is an /rtfdr«f<ng List of Specials that Cannot Help Appeal­

ing to Those Who Are Refurnishing the Home.IrUh Point C urtaini

An exceptional value; mounted on good quality imported bobbinet; heavy applique scroll and border effects; new designs; full length and width; special, per pair.................................

Ruffled CurtainsBobbinet, extra quality net, Renais­

sance edge and Insertion to match; 2'^ yards long ind 36 inches wide; white or ecru; vplue $1.25, special at, per pair .......................................

MattressesC 0 mbination Mattresses,

fiber filled, with cotton top and bottom and sides, as well, covered with good quality ticking, full sizes ^special

Tapestry Armure For- Scotch Lace Curtains, 50 Mission Net—36 snd 45 tierea (mercerized), full and M Inches wide; oyer-

red'lndiraa */'**''’ ihi*’r 1 0 " ^ season's nt w designs (fullred knd green Ireverelble , pretty deelgtis to select pieces), white, ecru andepeciit et, per •j Q o from; epeciit at, | green;valuea up |

.............per pair................................. 1 .V O to 19c., ai, yard 1 Z '/^ C :

V -

F re epair

Couch C overtOriental Couch Covers, 50

inches wide and 100 inchea long; fringed all around; re­versible. special

Lace PanelsAn entire sample line of Door and Window ■

Panels, the right width and length, mounted on ! good quality bobbinet, handsome designs to se­lect from:

Value 3Bc., apecial, each. . . . . 19cValue 4Bc., special, each......... 29cValue 59c., special, each......... 39c

m i i a Cut this out, pre-k W ffl sent to Spalding Dem­

onstrator, Toilet De­partment, and receive a 25c, or 50c. plaster for rheumatism before

__December 14th.These plasters have been demon­

strated in Snyder’s over a year.

liable Stamps Before Noou

Extra Special for Wednesday

Wool Finish’d BlanketsHere’s a timely offering no person should fail

to come for. They’re full size blankets; white with pretty pink or blue borders, some slightly irpperfect; regular $2.00, special for Wednesday only, per p a ir ................................................................

Basement Specials

Grand Union Sewing Machines$1 Down, Then 75c. a Week

or if you prefer to pay cash we will allow t discount of 5 per cent. These machines are guaranteed for fifteen years, but will last a lifetime. They come complete with all the new improvements. On sale in basement

foot of main stairway. Note the difference between agents’ snd our prices.

Agents' Ourlee


Agenhit65.0045.0050.0045 .0040.0035.0040 .0035 .0030.00

htce32 .50 26 .0026 .5025 .0023.5020 .0022 .50 20.00 18.00

Imported Enamel Toy Tea SetOonilota of 8 Cup*. 9 Saucerii 1 Tpa

Rowl. 1 rn*am t | \ A PIti!ber: all large actual I lU IVtluB 11.76, BOD HetR a t ............ i* V U

Cut Qllaoa W at«r T um bfan , neat d«sijma. « t . . . ............. * v C

J»p. P latet—7-lnnh fancyDfjantal design*. 600 of them at.

Ironing Board*-A ft it*R, A f t - ■alecfetJ w hlla lum ber, r i . . , v O C

ktSa’* ' 8c

W hite Enamel Ware Special

Quadruple coated, white out and Inside, blue edges and ban* dies: Choice of Berlin Covered Cook 1

Pots. 4. fl end 9 qts.. . I Deep Dish Pans. 10 qts.. \Preserving Kettles, B, 10 ■

and 12 gts. . .. . 'Tea end Coffee Pote,

qU................................Leather Suit C atee~24-lnrh ^ a D

ilsn, fancy braaa p ro tec ted / U X cornerfi. F n ‘nrh shape handle .

New Floor Brooms

Good quality. fun weight, wJro bound llRht handlfi. at

Choice at


3 7 c

Nsw Stindsrd Oil "Perfection’ Parlor on H e a te r F u l ly warranted, holds 1 ^ l lo n of oil, latent rmptovern't, choice of nickel or Japan l*h. at flu-2.69

Cut GU te Fern DishP'1411 ilxe, With plated fern

aieh. mirror plateau and fern; new cutting; a a £\

pretty; ipe< 4 4 U d a l .............................^ 0 ^ 7

High Grade Trfpf* Coated BnamaJ Roaster - rival nhapo. blue rlhhnn iirlze white llni'd Innidp, robin rag outside; IflxlR size. If you want the host. one ^ A%m o f thenc to-morrow. / / s Hpeclai a t ....................O-eOrU

The New Sfmplicity V a c u u m Cleaner Rc- mrrt'fts rlirt u'lli’kly with little labor, raises no duftt, JiKht in weight, durable ori'd cany C f C running; special


O TI ADVERTISBMENT8AN np^lUNCB. ____«ii31 b. <XV*M __________ _rsx t plsatM h w 4 m «ihI dcvni ranxtnlni

tfcxt(• fix Ui* n t . of InKrMt

UUsn t u « lor iintwcntlotta, ntnotoio


't ■ I



CREDITA T C A B H F R I C K Sl l i a r * 1* * w«y t« b u r TManaBfl*

m * m ^ ,t« rin B , a t e w h prloai, lit ts M ln * J ra e lr r . otares. r O ur

xhanfliiH O rd tr* ar« aoelibted Jewaltffa iu s t like u o h . You par m on *a*y fertna, ,aa low US ILIS • week.'

N M C E t S M I T ItT Martas St«**g S$ (MrtMw '

texM ee niaeunnjt lUioeM on thet dai thereca Crom oM v u r lAal date a t of twsiv* per esttoni''po t oxuiam. .irjin

< feee tad peboltlet ifH n iM by law.

unpaid «fl#T piifffllisi' hundred hfld elevsA. ,

Be It ordained, fay the Commoii Copoctl of the city of Newark, as foilawa:

aeetlon 1. If spy togea aeseased tar tbs year ninetsKi hu&dipA m *l«rea ohail wx se paid befers the tw*ijtitth ^ ot Oecsmbsr of said ysa>, It shall V Ike duty M um rscelrer of

Ft chorid sdsFhFS and dalleot upon such----- - - — iniortelat the rats

R). .with aUother fcM kod i#cn ide i by law.

ifeclMn fc wdloands shall take oiFsct la -“ JSowS'KevewW i*, i tn .

• . ' J, H. DONNffl.LT. 1beiuent ,<(t OniiBieii Cosind!,

Pt h o M M'tM Miror (er hU apprerat Ne- v m b n , iw i. C0HN*U-T. '

City a«Hr.Apprevel *<w«*b«r II, t n i , __ ,

- .7 ^ 4 * C X » HAUWUKO.Here*

' VRie torepotnt erAtapaoe waa p n an tid 'lB fmetasm Osxnol on FrMay awtntna, WtvwabwM, Wit. w tkU* iMtlne ks4 f in a l---------— - 1 and fiulr- iJniea pv tbe

tn wMtln*, with an accompenylna mai ■ohultil*, eboirtna th. «veral B H n n e n t. a«otiut the ■eroral ownera pocullerl, beffiffltod ,. . . . . . . . effic.

WBI puMfi aufi 4u I la tbeienre a law.

M H X tr

■ &- =-'-'.ate-iM -

M afinaiaifi. lua bo*n 4.p«.n.d in m ... ol lb* owik of th . oil# of N.wartt, t a t aUbwtloa bp-tfia parUoi launottfi t h e r ta

fM d .w ta n n a ^ (xmdiImo all lota, aa<t jiunoU w f tand. aad feel ootato liaiw bo M iio io aaa a f o w w ^ j y ^ ^ n b o t b l i p i offrom Bianoot atreot to Vatonpotl fiX-ttl; on

fwMB ibiLBi f ts i t M • '.T ap w w r a v m a toDshsfae tetraos; slaffo^from Foelflfa octaei w T^ter s tiw t; on both

& U T H THIRTEENTH BTBBET, from Avon avratte to Woodland avenue; ea

' ^ a f t CTN aVBNUff,' freoi SgibiMr afaflua te w , Protpeea avM tttt

fn m CMIpla t w * M fb i l th aroBuo; on taetb-"^*!*'** :POUVH»NIIBR fiT S jm , bt^wooB X a a l^ awoM and H L F io aa a a t.a 'n .

* ' ■■lot" npmODta an tn t in ptirt of bu,*, wlMthor Urge or omaU-.

------------------------M I P. W-. a t the sMBmiaeli (H Aasirb d tp balL

Dated XIavaaimor r

- a . . - - (Wl o ^ , reo a ,.lro . <



Notioe if hereby 0 ven that the commtteteii- 'e rs hrretorors appolotsd by the H ayor • ! Hhe city of Newark, to M k e « a eotloiAts and. ss- ■sssmsnt upon i l l the ew nsre e f a ll the Ihn-I and r s tl estmta la tha cHy • ( Newark, peeul- Isrly demogsd or faensAted fay oay Ideal tm- provement in the oold t i ty 4n, .proportlcti m ticarly os may be to the odvilUtage ooch woe flestnefl th havo aegu lnd . b a se n a d t on eftl<> m ate and aaseeamant o f Soiaaces oustataed or benefits conferred upon a ll tbe osmers of oU the lands snd r w sstocs la the slty of Newark peculiarly damogsd o r beneflted by each of the following Im im veraents In said city, namely: The o p fh lu of

GROVE T i ^ C B ,frbm West End sreaut easterly to Hstrooe «ve*80s. approved December Id, IBID; the pae*

AVKNUH A,from Xinnitt otreti w Patalw atroat, tpprand

from Bootb Tirnili atnat lo Jtoao a tm t. ap-


from tbo Junction o( Aator P t n ^ and Shar- aaau avonu. to Miuor atroat, .-aao from Mlllw atraat to Dazton alreat. abprovofi Zaib U, UUi; Iba ogoatractlon o f a , acwot to be niownand daabnwtod■.vi9(D“: i.wor, approTad Kora

.D .irocJ^ of a atwar laAViSfDB C AKD DAWaON BTItlBT

roTid HoTambar Ukono.irocttan «( a atwar u CHANCllLLpR AVBffUm,

fro a tbo tnm lBin of fim ppotakt aawar, aboua n o foot wMt of H adda ptraat far a jpataaoa a t otamt OtO fatt waaMfip. vffOOMl'-fvbrOanr n , n i l ; tbo o ^ i o ^ B o a j ^ arwor la

batwaoB IbMti •*!«* • W lS s ! f*****-

aad ClarX atnot, approval Wabnitry l i , ta il Bold ssossament comprieea all lots, tracts

and paresis lend snd real estate Ueble to fas seseessd os aforesaid lying «a both sides of ^ AVENUE Aa

froiQ Emmet itrest to Polnler street; on both sldu o€

BRENNBIR STREET, toatb Tenth street to Hoes street; on

both Bides of^ FRELINOHUTSEN AVENUE, fram the Junction of Aetor street and Sherman avtnus to I^yton street: on that section of







bsfinnint a t the M int of Interseccton of the Borthsrly line of Thomas street, and em the tssterly Uns at Hermon streot; ifaenoe norths' ■riy along the snsterly Hus of Kermon strest for a diimnes of about fOO fast; thrnca oosir erly and porallsl with tbe northerly line of Thomas ssrMt, aemw Dawson street to a point about 360 fast sost of tba eostorly line ^ Dawson strsst; Ihsnos sonUunir and paralls) with Dawson street, aeftSB Tbotnos streot and Porkhurat Mrest to a point in (h« south­erly line of P ^ h u r s t s i t e ^ W M ^ Is ehcrixt AM feet Sost of the sosteHr tnie Of Aeenas C. thenos BtUI southerly and p n n lls l w llti.Are- noe C, ocrois Bnrper, Mnn«c» A lter and ttb - met streets to ths oortbse^ line eg Wright ■trstt: thsaos westerly along t)is oerthsrly line ik i m i l n street M A M A t nh te t ttO «iht

lb. tanwtaa* at tha j fiaatw atwar. about Mfi

____c m ADVKRTIgEMENTSfffit south of CUy street, lo the D.. L. end W. R. R. erotsfitg. and between Fourth evenua to ths tear line of lots fronting on Emmst etrsit; thsnee westeciy and pnrslEe] with Emmet street to s point about 100 feet east of ins saeierty line of Avenue B; thence north- m il Avenue B ecpois Em-

fa too fMt north ofihs northerly line of Emmet itr^ret which |i property fronting nn Jihnmet

— **’a**'' * westerly along said rear line of p r^ e ity to a pomt about lOo feet east of ths cssterty line ui Mulberry street: thence nortb-

parallel with Mulh^rry street, seross -.1121 Bouiherly line of Murray*■ * ? ' easterly slong the southerly lineW Murray street to a point about lOO feet e is t u i l b s easterly line of Goble street; thence fa th e rly and ponuiei with Goble streH. across Murray, Ksrper and Parkhunt etrert* to a

aw ut iw fest north of the northerly tine , POnlivrst street; thence easterly along the

^•■■P llhe of property fronting on Parhhuret ■trsM for e! dlflance of about fifty feet; thence northerly and parallel with Gobi# street,, scroae Thamas street to the point nr place or begin- ning; on both sides of Chaneellor avenue, farom the torminui of the present teWer. shout Ifll) feet west of Hedden street for s distance of about feet woetsrly: oa both eLdes of Ogden street, faelwoen Bridge atreet and Grange itrosta fron the terminus of the preoant eewer, about MO feet south of Clay street to the D., L. and W. Railroad crossing, snd between Fottrth avenue and Clark atreet, and have flled Ihdlr reports of said ameosments for benefUa or damages In the offlee of the clerk, of the Circuit Court of the county of En#x, and tliei the Judge of u td court has flsed -flaturday, the elghUettth day of Novembar. IBIU «t 10 0‘eloek in the forenoon, in the Circuit Court fwm at tbs eoartlKniae In the city of Nssrmrk. es the tifhe and pMce of hearing any objee- tlOM t te t may M maflt to the said ^ " tt~ n e a ts

iMtsd Nevambav 1|, JSll.SE ItB iR T BOOOil CHy Attanay,

- i-r.,:-.



Clfy Kali, Novemher 10. |[m The foliewlng Is the list of the najnea, r^m.

dniwes end places of business of applJcanti tor Hrenses conUUnod In oil applications or pptl tlons made to ibis board for the gramlng ot llcensse to otll spirituous, vinous, mall or brewed llQUors, and not heretofore published according to taw, to wit:

RETAH^-RBNEWAD.Name. Place of Boilness. Residence

James Murphy, •IflO Market s t...... ,Sa*ne placeOlyHppe Addonills, 199 Bruce st__ Same olacsCharles F. Bauer, 243 New Jersey Rail-

road slv............................. ................ -Samo placeJacob JAurt, BJ.*4 U .aa iln . •(... .8*m» pise, Oluiappa Colangtlo, m Norfolk « . .8am . pi»c. Thomas Stanlslawcsyk, 1(9 Bowefy at *

U n . Sophie Voeltsel, 48 Garrison st.Sa.m nllm Antmiio V!n!ka!t!s. 8T River a t,.S o m e place Michael Wosllauckae. 88 Folk a t.. . .Same placerhlllp Uesoner, 1 Avenue L „ ........ BajneplaceAntonio Rlasl. 201 Bruce st..............Same olaoslire. Margaret E. Seller, 189 Maine i tPatrick Gonniey. 19 Bowery et........ Some ^ 2 ^Ferdinondo Tortlsllo, 309 Bruce st. .SonsChrtitUn Schmek. lOfl i9th av........Some pi«/-

WHOLESALE—RENBWAL. ISuperior Supply Co.. 00 Market et. .Seme place

BETA ID-SINGLE TRANSFER.Thaddeus LessoiinuilEt, from 259 Pamoto

av to 1-8 LlStet A'C............... .....OS Court ll,3UCBARD ttlL L im .

_____ J r s a l ^ UJAMES P. CONNELLT.ORy tM .

< 'J?

. . W i .


; 6


11 —------ . ,, ,„ „ tBttUMtiullr **>“ • ” ** " •vwywhir* *l»», !• *» oM«1b *

jreuK ttk « w n i n s »9(rty iM 'f 1 * ( j ,, nu i^nc* to > minimum,e n d in n . t t h . a r u t m » n of An ndvUory coramWtn of eompotonttn l* ‘“ X o a " n . Wldod lnto a pro,- 1 o o . ln n r . oonvincri tft. ‘»a t t h .

. PabllMid dtlly, «e,j>l »nid*y. W


n b w a h k . m. i <• m n d »t th , Sw oA . W P-rto®"* “

Mosil-ciM, oi,«t*r

p ^ ro u T ^ ro r -w ilv , world-powtr ^ n ly by | w .u r bound ,y .t« n of oonrtruotln , m « -S r Of . P to o n , of « l u n t l ^ : . n - ,d .m , ' which, by th . way,

a._____ _ dh.ii. ■laitt iintvftrHl In ihe United 8tf>teIf Almoit

T ,U phon.llM "M ark.t ' ^ r i « ‘« ^ B xchanft coonectlni ill depirtme

KAIL iUBiCEnTIONS- Tha N.wmrli Ev.nln* N*w«. oh, mo"«b

afty emit,, ilx month,, two dollar, aft» « n t , ; on , yoar, flv, dollar,-

P o iU f, to fortlun oourtrl,, «da«-

" o r a n . . Branoh ',? S ‘‘ K . ^Br‘;nor*.?x 'ch.'S^i

,fh T o * r? ii"o * w ;"S h "“cmie,, 1. So«.h

^ JK n « W ^ ‘ B™"noh” ofno.. t!t q i ,n r1d „ •vm ua. 1*1 ^

i S l b u m - Sprlhfflfld Branch offle. Campball', Crii* Stora, Bank Bulldlnf. Slltrmm avanua T»l. 90 M illhurt.

' **ium St Branch Ofllc,. 20 M api, »tr,M

^Dov^r Branoh Offle., Room 1. National tJnlon Bank, W rtt Blackwell a t r e t . T ,l IM-L Dover.TRENTON B tlR E A D -

I? W „ t W ,t , at. T,1 W3 Trsnton.NEW JERSEY BBA9HORE O F F IC E -

MO Main ,»r*M. nonth«aal corner B a n t, at^QM lOMirf, W. pitteoEar a Real E<- U t , olBoa), oppo,1te railroad atitlon Talaphone Tit Aabury Park.ATLANTIC C tT Y -

Th# Doflind A dverllalrf Aaonep. « • '■ ta r E. Edi*.

Ih il, alven ih lt advam a*,, lh«lr a ta t, may occupy a placa of for«no«l rank; and that W w tem nattona a r , wtlllni to aup- ply Ihia education, thair duly ondoubl- edly a*em, clM r to them and pairlotlam alone would be ei.mclent to ailmulete them to irel from (heir atrona Wealen. hro iheri every poeelble advatitape.

The duty of the weeher brother, both lu himeelf end lo the etronaer brother, la a phae . Of the m etier of unlver«t brother­hood of which very mtle 1, « ld . The Chinaman -eeme to he m dln f cut what Me duly le rather well end the world would he rapidly Improved If the week .verywhere were eoually rwpon.lve to Ih* efTorti to help them.

i N c T M E r A I R r

UOQAL BRANCH OFFICEi. ■«n*fl1e erenuc. loe. Himburf plec. lal iS S k tm t 299 Myrtle erantie. »StaflttSSt iwil 9o“'h *«h ,tTeet. MO.ItSetm ivwo?,. A,».»r

.V lv



CONSISTENT, ANYWAY.H r Taft deserve, full credit for the

eonaletcncy with which the fihermen law h a t been enforced durth( hla adm inistra­tion.

I t made no difference whether the law Wai aood or bad. It wao the law. It became the P re ildenfa duty to apply It vlforoualy. He hee dltcharged ttila duly, and In ao doing brought down upon hlm- aMt the charge th a t the liepartmenl of Ju ttice WM wantonly heraialng the buel- tieM of t h | epuntry.

To do Ihfc took coSVletlon and. courage egUlng for rtapeot.

Thle remain# true regardleee of the tTw tdent'a atl1t|ide toward the Sherman law and toward tru it leglelatton In gen­eral. Mr., T aft'e conalitsncy In getting th* federal etatute entoreed le undlmln- lahed by auch facta aa the tollowlng'.

That ha objeeia to regulating the great Mtnblnatloni, yet defenda the Supreme Court deetalona which reitiH In the aa- sumptlon of 'adm lnlitrattve powera by pu rity lodlotal bodlea—th i eourta.

That he objeota to the Itraliatlon .-■f oompotltlon. and Inelati th a t the Iruel problem m ay be eolved by enforcing com­petition by perpetual Injunction, yet haa propoaed a federal Incorporation law whtoh '^ u ld charter practical monopo-tlM.

That he eee* no middle couroe between ’I Bttrcitrlcted eompetulon and State'soclal- ] ^m . STt h a , etrengthened the Interatala

jommerca’ act, which regtilaloe rallrond ^ ratee Ikrgely for the pfeelae reoatin that

the mllroade have In good part ceased to ; be'compotlllv#. ............. .. ,

T H E W E iW E .il BR O TIIEn.While the revolution In Chinn conflrnia

the long-elnndln* claim of the mlaslon ■bonrda th a t their mleetonarle, are waken

N.ATIIINAI. 01'ARD d e f e c t s .M 1. generelly admitted that the critl-

dsme leveled et the New Jereey N ational cuard In the annuel report of Adjntrinl (leneral Sadler ere thoroughly warranted The officers of the (liinrd have no heetta- llon whatever In earing that the faulte pointed out nlB l and have not been eg- aggerated The New Jereey mlllMo leek.In organliallon, In equipment, In oppor­tunity to aerompUsh all tha t It 1, Intended to accompilih. The trouble le not thdl- vhlual and It le not conllned to the troupe of Ihli S ta le ,'bu t le more or lee. In e ’l- denea In other eom m niiweelth,

Hrlefly ,t»t«d. the chief defeete pointed oul by the adjutant-general end the regu­lar army oflteera who Inapeeied the Stale rnimia are A failure to keep the guard up 10 Ite eulhoftaed strength, with an annuel decreaee In the TBlIltery furre, In- jufflclenl erme, untforme and eqnlpmento; neglect lo properly cere for arms and equipment; acceptanoe of recruit, phyetc ally dlsqualtfled lor the eervica deficiency In equipment, dleclpllne and knowledge of regulBlIone on the pari nf the medical co.-pe. Inadaptability of the See OIrt camp ground, for the purpose nf military train Ing, large, unnecalSery and cumheriome staff,; exceeelv* baggage taken to camp byt officer,, and too many reremonle. In cainp th a t Interfere with proper Inalnic- tlon

Thii wouirt iM m to t>» a ■fvftpft'^ftrralrn- raent of the fluard, hut It ahould be read In connection with the many words of ap­proval of that organltatlon contained In the report. There ere many good fea­tu re , a , well as bed. end the former ex­ceed the latter. There was a voluntary' movement on the pert of the officer, Im- medl,tely following the late encampment to bring about the ellmlnollon of these de- feel,. but nothing definite ha , yet been Bccompllahed, The belief we, then ex- prewed th a t what w a, needed w a, a re- organl,atlon of the Ouard, and It 1, poe- slhle th a t the oflteera will push for the accomplishment of this object. Some of the featitree of the Dick taw, under which the New Jersey mllltt* secures federal aid, have not been complied with aa they Bhoulil he. One of the great proMema 1, how to keep up the strength of the organl xntlon. There must be fome added In. ducementi to secure aufflclent enllet- menta, end only when these Inducements are provided will It be possible to elimin­a te gtierS'""^" phyilrnl requlr mpntt.

The medical department of the New Jertey militia I, particularly weak, it needa a thorough reorganisation on lines approved by the regulnr array esiabllsh- menl. There has been dimculiy In secur­ing enllitm ent for the hranch of the ser-

Iinlvereal in the United Stalea. le Inarte quate It was decided that bltumlnoua binding m aterial It more aattafectory. and the grant 1 of th . board were made upon thia hvpotheals.

With all this Is the recognition of the fact that the problem le atlll uniolved. T hli comes In the esUbllahment of a phyelcal laboratory ,. where eipertmelU al work may be carried on To give thle tnstliutlon the widest practical uaefulnoae all road materials may be leated In It, whether submitted by local euthorlttee or by dealere or producer,.

The eyitem atlc study of the problem provided for In thle laboratory; the choice of m atertala tn accordance with the coon- aels of able engineer*; the policy of keep­ing the main thoroughfares In repair anu, flnelty. aiaeeelog the coat of Jt all p rin ­cipally upon Ihoee who neceeeltate the expen,e are the main featurea In the plan They are feature, that we, who have wasted ao much time and money In unimelilgenl. hap-haiard road repatre may ttudy with great profit.

INTBLIEDT AND AIR. j | l « Janet RIfliarde slopped tn her lec­

tu re , t Wallace Hall le«i Friday evening and demanded freah air (or herMlf and her gasping audience. For thle display of courage ,hc was applauded properly at the time, ind she U now hereby eleclod to lie the first liiinorary metnlier of the Ventlletlon Ucouts of New Jereey. If MIei R ichard, had te -a »n ordinary leolurar like Prefeaaor prewlna. ehe would have allowed her uudlence to lo t , conKloue- nnea. to mUs hearing half of her ta lk ' and to leave the hall In a condition of aeml auffocatlon and nervous collapea But ehe called s nud for the window, to be opened, ehe gave her heareri two mlnutea of deep breathing and after that they aal up and listened with cheerful Interest unill ih" last The aeratedaudience I, the best.

rsually M happens that a company of Iniclllgeni people-brainy, advanced, clear-ihinking, strong-minded, cultivated, relined e--tiolarly piople. who read the

The brown rat haa reached W1»Rlp»gi end the Deputy Agrtcaltura(or the province le doing hie utmoet t6 eweken wldeepread Intereel In Its deatruc- tloti. According to the statletlcs of the Depertment of Agriculture of the Prov­ince there le in area ninety miles long abutting the t'nlted Hlatee on lie northern

hands over iheir tieerts. the afSIhte peo­ple look 111 anil dlatrcssed, end the sound of heavy breathing on every Bide piinclu-atee the prufeak'u 'a slury, until, a t leal, me i niteu mines on n , ..o ....— ..lulled bv Ml* vulcu and dulled by the car- , frontier and sixty mile* wide in whichlulled uj m doxe off to the rats have made their appearance;b^nlc acid gae. the . . - . .m s tt ia t »bd Mr. Golden, the deputy mlnlater. estl-,leep. or float Uiva> In miKiy dreama th a t --------- ----- ------

to do with the

(lANAD eONB GOVERNMENT.In the current North American Review

prqfeewir Emory R. Johnion w rites of •panama Canel Legteletlon." which, e^

he Justly .urge,, thould be forthcoming a i iwpn aa m ay be. The canal I, the graateat ent*epe|ae of the kind In hlitory. N oth­ing eeem* surer than th a t tt la to re- pdute much 'oi the commerce of the world.AS the day p t Ha completion 1* now reck­oned In montha rather than years. Its gtrvemment. and especially the to lls to he fixed, should be decided at the aarileat poialble moment.

In auggesttng the government, ProteaBor Johnson follow, closely the llnei laid down In the Mann bill, now before Con­gress To him the territory In queetlon Is far too limited for the Ideal democracy which some have seiggested. Nelthar le It adapted lo the support of a perm anent population, owing to the nature of the BOll and th e climatic condition, which pre- vaifv' i t appeari, too. that Its proximity to lA tIn America would be a fru lth tl eottcc* of misunderstanding and trouble ware the sons eelf-fovernlng

All this la logical. One can hardly imagine an "Idenl democracy” In a tropi­cal Jungle of «e aqusre .mllee, all but 2«7 eqmir* miles of which Is already devoted to the cannl and the Panama Railroad.

The fact te th a t the canal Itself la the prime consideration. The little atrip of territory through which It rune was not acquired tor an experiment In aelf-govoco ment, but for canal purpoeea only. I t le but extensive enough to eupport those actually needed for the malntopance and conduct of the water way and Ite protec­tion B in d I y speaking, the whole Mine, railway and all, la the canal. An Ideal democracy,' strstchlng In a thin lino through the Republic of Panam a -was something never contemplated—and not to be contemplated, save by the dream ers

The Panama Canal le a bualneia enter- prlae, purs and simple, and ahould be lo

have nolhliig w hatcte regulating of factories

By the lime the professor has ex­hausted hie subject »nd the lungi of those presenl have oshaiisled the air, the audience Is alieorbed In watching mental motion pictures nf sailboats bend­ing before brisk b reei's on a blue, blue bay; picture# of palm trees swaying Ihetr leave! In languoroue i^phyrs from the Gulf; picluree of cornfields flashing In the prairie wind. wHb cottony cloud. Roaring over head and windmill, whirling builly In the middle distance; p icture, of cyclone*, tornadoes, puffs, guete, , 1- moon,. elroceo,. Rummer gale*, winter b laali—pictures. In brief, of coplou, quan- tle , of fresh air.

People of lofty brow have lovely limes dreaming the hours awoy at their lec­tu re , on the Wretched Ventilation of Our Workahope. People of a more degonerale typ* to Chinatown-

m ates that the damage dune this year by the brown rat 1, II.000.WW and that It will proportionately Increase unless the people generally awaken to the serlous- ncea of the iltuallon and by thorough systematic methods stamp out the pest

According to the deputy m inister the r a t . In the province move In a radius of fifteen mile, tacit year; and he ha* complied many valuable atatlatlci relating lo the rat. Two yeari ago the depart­ment conducted e series of Inv-eeilgatlone and produced virus that It was thought

twenty-four hour. It h*'' * ® " * S * t ‘ L h the dead rat, with '*'* * ^ ^ ^ccum bed

tlthh'"! “fU‘ hou i

Mr. Golden found that the present confining ,heend towns, made f"h u e n t v illk ln«” fields «n.f destroyed quantities of gram Along the southern border of Matilton* corn is rawed to a certain last spring a farmer found

shock of corn, which demonstrated lha

■ HU V>a vsa- ku - - wouWellmlnate the post. There waa quite a conslderuhle amount of Inloreat a t t in t

rhl'.' colpny' had lived In this lUirUcutar t i n

and many application, were made for the virus Report, Irallcale th a t thousands of r a t , were dsstroyed by Ito use, but tha t public Intersil lagged after a while, and no systemailc methoil now seem , to b» followed by the farmer,.

Minister Golden conducted ,om e Inter­esting eirertm ent, at Gretna, a town a few mile, from the frontier of the United Blau-,, last year to determine the amount of food the rat would consiime per day. and at the same lime teal the virus. A number of ra t, were caught alive In tra p , and fed. and while the am ount of food

OPT IN THE fOIiO.The Thing howling "O homelessly down

the chimbley theae bitter November night* is probably the Zeltgelirt,

idt^nlstered.In suggesting a govarnmant. Prafassor

Johnson la mors apeelno than Mr. Mann.T)tey Bgres In yeeiltig all power* in the

■estdent, In the on* clrcutt court and

Jng tJl«. people to g new life, it 1* *l»o

’. m

nitceasary Inferior courts, but Professor Johnson recommends th a t the canal d i­rector whom the President le to appoint

, , .adm in ister offatr, tl.rough four d epart­ing enllitm ent for the hranch of the ser- 1 designated as Canalvice now generally claBSined In mllltsry EUllway Operation, Sanitation

paper, ilm o,t every day, and understand hygiene and sanitation and germ Infer lion, and kno * what a handy aid oiygen 1, In ksepin* allve-wUl gather of an even ln r In * hall, assembly-room, par­lor or other chamber capable of being made airtight, end. closing the doors and windows and lighting the gas-jet*., will proceed to enjoy ore another's society and esrbon dioxide till the wee small hourfl,

On# who goes often to thee* hot and dlf,y functions held In th* name of iclsnce. civic, liters turs or art, declares that the greater the bralnlneae of the meeting, the thicker the a lt Is likely to become.

perhaps the subject dlscueaed will be factory evils, and Profe.sor Prewlns. who could talk for a week In a perfect vacuum If neoeaiary, Just aa Ur. La Fotlett. does aomstlmsa In th# United Btatai Benate. will relate In detail the horrible dtsoover- lee that he has made while Investigating the microbe, In tbs air of th* sweat- ahopi; how th* weary toller* In these haukta of 111 health are compelled by Ihalr' cruel taskm asters to breaths the ■ame t lr over and over a«aln to save the expense of heating a new supply, and how they droop aind pins and fade away and go into early declines for want of a whiff of the pur*, free air of heaven.

Bo the good Dr. Prewine drone, along, exprseetng hta eense of outrage a t thle great wrong; and the atmoepbwe of the iotres grow* heavier and heavier, the poopt* of apoplectic tsndsney turn red In the faoe, the etout ladle, preei their

TONT’» INFERNO.The break of an electric cable th a t put

two generato r, opt of commlwlon at the Marlon power hou,e and halted trolley oar, all over town last Saturday, was the work of an Italian laborer In a trench In Bloomfield avenue While deep In th* hole of hla own m iking the man ■with the pick hit th* lighting cnblo th a t nine between the City Dock and Montclair mid broke the Insulalton. There wa* s serlsB of fla,lies. and then, more frlght- pne.1 than he had ever been before, the Italian climbed out of the hole.

'I digga down to hell.' he murmuredHe certainly raised It, as General M an­

ager Farrand admitted afterward.

place tTfrourhout the long. and had fed upon the groin and slalks<*f corn.The difficulty has been in creating a gen eral Interest In the "has been pOialble to secure the heorli operation of on* or two furmer* in a neighborhood in the use "f ;other, have been quiescent, with tho res that, while their more progressive neihu- bor, have deal roved the rata, they hn^i virtually conducted e hrsedlng phice uno luppUed the neighborhood.Thh rat thus far d iscover^ ‘*',u n »ck

exception, of the brown variety; the block m t bol having mode Its appearance 1, ex^ plained by Mr. Golden to be due to the fset that Ihl* species falls an easy vT- tlm to the brown rat, which Is more 0

•less eanntbatlallc In It* tendencies The iiibject 1, one of conslderoblo in

leresl Just at Ih l, time to 'h e l>*P«i'' ment of Agriculture a t Manitoba, an those charged with the m atter are try ­ing to evolve some plan hy which gen ere: public In te rc t can he am ua.^; ,for^and red. and fh lle the am ount Golden, "the

coneumed varied, Mr. Golden demons rat- gmln belt ofed beyond perndventurs the efficacy of the P Canada means that the farmervirus In the fnllftwing manner, . enemy to fight that I, more

Two rais were raugld. and one of 'P '™ ) meldlou* than lAanv other*, and the rs-reeelved all Inlectlnn of the vtroa. H it In I annual loss, Inoma.stngtwo days It died, and the other i . , ^ rnt-tnfeeted areahaving been provided with food, proceeds.! i each year an?o devour h . dead e m rad e . Within ■ spread.

G u a g in g tK e F a l l o f L e a v « in A u l -u m n

Th<* fftll ftiiliimn amarkahly vorlahle process, the foliage of oak, and heechei being slowly dropped during a period of weeks and even months, while some tree* and *hnth, become .uddenty hare In u few day*.- A curious report 1* rrode tiy Professor (i. Kratili. of a horse-ehestnul and a maple In the Hotanlcal Garden at Malle

SCHOOLS FOR BRIGHT CHILDREN.■‘Backward children have bssn getting

oil the attention,'' said Mr, HlUelde- "The educators ought to study the problem of lbs exceptionally bright child a while. There ought to be special schools for mtle genuise*. Just as there are for littlenumskulls."

"Tour scheme wouldn't work," Mrs. Hillside replied, without looking up from Florence Barclay, "Every parent would expect hla ahlldren to be sent to the brlfht-chlld school, and the whole edu- r-attonal structure would toppl* to n il" In a weak-"

o'clock & veritable shower bfpan fmm enrh rrcR. 1h^ |pav<*a dropptnR In ft srcfti plfEnm. . *

The fall alofipcd nbrldenly r1 tn« ena I of an hniip from the hnrKe-cheatnut and

In shoul half an hour from (he msplc 1n the hour the horse-cheslmil lost St.iifJ leaves, weighing IK pound*, and the half- hour fall from the maple was slxty-one pounds or IS.EIS leaves, at the average of

le ,iqcan„-oi , ,scond. The Ina'l leaf fell from therieriimny. Both tree* were tn korL-rbestnut on November W, the totalwhen a f r e t of tw en ty -- * degree F ah r- n r , ,^h«tnut^o^n ^

S r ' m ' a n d Wh*: .he’‘ aun .^V, At E 1 CT.Om lenves, weighing HE pound, .

A N e w antJ S a t i s f a c t o r y R e a d M a t e r i a lThe reinforced macadam of Oulet, a

French engineer, Is a new road that la claimed to have given *uper!or results in his teats of the ln ,t year or two It I, made In plates of various sUss nml eonaHta of a bottom layer of ordinary cement concrete, a middle layer of enclosing the strengthening pieces of tla and circular iron, and a lop layer of broken stone pressed Into the cement.

Formed Into plates of n « , iwenty-flght Inches long by nineteen

wkle. the pavement readily supported ar evenly dlstrlhuiod load of thirty tons or a load of eight tons concentrated at one point. The surface hus been found ver, realstont to :he wear uf heavy traffic an . ' Its emootbness-glvlng a .*10 stone pnvenienl-ls a special advantage.

In places where Ihe plate" '“ '® pensive to use over the entire wldlh of the roadway. It 1* recommended thot u nar- r.-iw trsek b , laid to receive the wheel.of vehicle*.

f< i'■'1'

:1• i


brtnflng about underntandlni oft b i Chlnaman*i aeflre for Chrlattantly.

Chlneee mind is kefniy peroeptlvo and frankly lotflc'*!- i-Viisn IJ Hung Chang was tn this rouniry bln qiisullons furnished a greut deal of amusing In­terest. Tb^y were pul In a vary dlrrot. gtrglghtfoTward mnntier. He knew what M wanted la And out and m ade.Jn- QUlrles thal touched the very rnot of bl^ Interam. He waw typically ' Chinepp

How Chinese converts to i'hrl*Ufttiliy making addressea at public meptlo'^N

and before church iocletlcH In which tb«y describe the Chinese aitUude tcjwurd Chrlitian mlrnlonarlcB and niipplon Pio® tlona as frankly as 1.1 Hung Chang In­quired Into Occidental mnnn»’r8 and cuu' tame.

They make no effort to foncefil the (act th a t what China wHnta fniiii mlaetonaT^es above all other llilnga is edu­cation. They are lavish In th d r prals# of the mlftnlon ita llons becanee Ihey arc •upplylng Ihia great essential. lUi! they ee« in the Christian erhools ainl coUegee •omething very much more useful than places where individual Chinese mti be educated: th f\ look upon them as inail- tutloHB In whl-'h the tenuhera for natlvo eohools will bp irnlned. The leaderehlp of CaoioT. I'ollege, In the South, for In* itance. Is opeiilj HpbTceleted With the undlftgulpp(i 9'xphinfliion thn' ItA gfftdu- gtae win nrftUer all over ihe South of

opening Pchi'OlR ai wlitv-h Ihe Chl- mQ*»;s will 1<H ediUHtcil, hh will

tiever be jinssIhlH f=urh ti-arhrrftg i Uie Hrh-inle turn <'ui uro pro­vided for I hpm

A ssconfl f.-aliirr of Ih'-vp frank Thl- pese arknnwlcdgmrnts Ir rl,,- papFs protherhoofl which la IClCIIj nerrutrd The eflucaiPd Chinaman art’* t.‘‘y'irn1 t1,p l.orlion of Ills own empire Ai ilic mis ,:on Bchople he ba* been ta.igiit ihe Christian principle* of brotherhoad and a penetrating luflght Into hla own cnnfii- tton perenades him to acrepl It ns some- thing very much rtiore practl. ,vl, a Ysaullful theory of the Meal Ilfs

It la iioi that the ChlaainaT; feels a aen*e of obligation to heli t, a fellow - men In fill* brotherhood He frankly ad- Itilts that at present he has nothing in contribute to lbs rnoir afl'anced ui. unlees it Is the contribution nf nn Im provement In hi* own people which Is. of eourae. a very eubstanllal cnninbu-


circle* as "aanltary troop*." I There are privilege* enjoyed by other ik*mb*rs of the Guard which are denied these enlisted men. Rifle practise la one of theae privi­leges. [t in difficult, therefore, lo enlt,t competent men for this brnnrli of the aer- vlce when In other branches they can se­cure training that appe.'iie to them strongly. Hesldeii thia, the lack of equip­ment Is a great detriment. There Is not a stiiBlo field liospMnI connected with the N,.w Jersey Guard. No suitable quarters are provided for eaaltnry troops In arm o­ries, Medical supplies are Iseued liy the qim rlerm asler-geiisrsl's offloe Instead of Girough a merticul supply department. Bo f;ir as field hospUalB urs concerned, Ihe hu'k 1" pot peculiar to thia State. There Ih b slu.rloge In the militia of the country of forty-one nmhiilam'O rompanlee ami forty-one field hoepllala. Even In 1)he regular ann.i this shortage lu field hoe- pltttb nmounta to twenty-seven. And yet lliere is no moro Important branch of the ai rvlre If Itie military 1* to he placW In Lwuidltlon for ncllv* and efficient duly.

As lo the Bea Girt ci'mp, the crltlelBm by the adjulant-xenernl la not new tl h a , been pointed out before t h a t while the g round , there are pBrilcularly (avorahle to rifle pr,c'ttse. Ihey Isck odnplablllty fur o ther military tmlntn*. The troops can make a pretty atiow In the way ot evolutions lhal will cniertahi the Ihou- *ends of vl*l tora„lhe officei* and men can enjoy aoclal privilege*, but they cannot , a , I, pointed mil by Oenernl Sadler, 'r a r ry out In a successful manner the

choracter of lastructlon desired.' In 01 her words, troopa coniiot he tra ined for It,>1,1 Bsrx'lrc al Bea Girt

Yet aH I'liptsln tfeniy D IhomaBan. cf the rcgtilar army, haa recently pointed out, the paramount object of th* organ- lied ralhtta of Ihe Tnlted Binto* la to prepare, tra in a n d , equip Itself for field service > • • to enable It to take H* place with credit In Ihe first Hoe of de-

of ibp niitliori

IN TH E b r i g h t lexicon ol oollete youth there 's fio auch thing M almplc failure. I t you read the footb»ll new* you will notice thnt « player "h o *'•wwya fall* ml**rably-

THE w o r s t thing abent « fnnny col­umn I* th a t It *nooura«» hon**t jmung writers to s ta rt other oolumni and thu*^ ipoU themielv** for any fu tu re u*eful-

I THANK TOU. dear reader! you are kind Indeed to' aay *0.

L. H, R.^ lA U T E R -H U M A N A

H la n n o n a r W i l s o nOperation, FUllway Operation, Sanitation and Quarantine and Zone Admlnlotyatlon He also suggest* that the Prealdent act through the W ar Department, whtoh ha* already abundantly demonethated It* ahlt- Ity to cope with the problems presented on th« Inthrmin.

It la ft simple, rtlrecl onff apporantly adequate scheme. U removes canal at- f;tlra from tho domain of politics and minifies th* opportunlllss to r corruption. It Is ju st the sort of an organlialloo, In fact that one finds In any of the vast huBlnesB enterprises of th* country. Why 1, It not adapted to the g reatest of them allT

When It cornea to the m atter o f canal tolls. Professor Johnson adhere* to * business principle rather than th e m axi­mum and minimum ratee of the Mann bill. The lolls In hl« view Etould b* high enough to make the canal pay. but not ,0 high B9 to materially lim it Its ue*. In other word*, they should be fixed from lime to time a t th* figure th a t wUI yield th* beet returns from the great enter- prisf.

The world must kmrw th* canal rate* before It can adjust Its commarce thereto, and such an ad je tm en t t* not to b* made In » rtay.

RECITALFrom th* If*w York BvwnlngiPtWt.

The two leading D*mocr*tte candld»t« for the Presidency are unqueatlonablV Governor Harmon and Governor Wll'oh, in all probability, on* of them will be nominated, tail H be eald a t once t ^ t either would make a good President. ^ * nam- is fortunate which haa a choli* be-

»e*ert on Fvery itump th a t a Fota lo r th* Democratic ticket Is a vote to **alt and Intrench Murphy. But who ctmld meet and break that charge and niaJie It appear perfectly kidlorou* a* could Wood- row Wilson? He ha* already ibow n th* country what he think# of bo#e«* and

Uuter Hall 657-9 Broad Street, Newark Wednesday, November 15, 3 O clock

iwpfin two Boch men.

An ftllpsea baron, over here to m»rry * widow whom hfl hud never Been, I# to be deported. Perhap, a t la»t we have hit upon an #*p*dlem (or abating th* inWr- national weddtnt nuisance.

Doctor Wiley aeaerta th a t American cooking 1* th* worst In th* world, but perhaps hie view, will change as soon as the hired girl itrlke , and Mrs. Wiley ha* an opportunity to get up a few meala for him.


United State* Treasurer McClurg recom­mend* the Issue of some five dollar gold certificates. Many of u* have noticed a rem*r!s*ble scarcity of #uch currency.

With hi, etraighttorward logic, he a r­gues that since all th* -world arp brolh- er*. and since It I, the duty of the strong­er brother to help the weaker. It I* pract­ical wiednm for the wesker to get from the stronger whatever he ran end arceiit tt gracefully. Put he i-'.alms at Ihe same time that since one man out of pr-ery tour le a Chinamen, the three ere better off If the fourth accepts the benefits they seek to confer upon him.

Of poursp. Ibts rney paelly be enn- gtrued Into an Indictment of the Chlneae f i t "working " the Christian missionaries for all the practical benefit they can get out o t them; for putting the benefits of­fered by the mlSBlonariet through a aleve, aelecting what they want, whetlier H be the thing which the missionaries lay moM atrea* upon or not; and for ■tlmulatlng the mleslonartea to greater activity In order that they may gain a greater benefit. *

R* atai#d, the cjiarge aeeme to be kgolnit the unadulterated aelf-Beeklng itf the Chlneae. To thle, th* reply may b# xnod# th a t It 1# merely an enlightened ye*pon*lvens*a ana it la ogolnat apathy and indifference rather than agalnffi a goptnbundance of reiponslveoe## th a t Ttfonnera have alway# protested.

la deoUiig setth the Chineee, the m il ' .gleoart** have te trea t with a peepl* who

|* 6aai*jF


The first "nnual report of Ihe Road Hoard of Grrsi ilrltaln. issued October II. Is of IniPrps' ' ii (Ills "Ids of the water. F.urope lias farther In solving theroad prot.ipm ti-.aii wu and road conclu­sion* arrived at there sre necessarily lu- f.,rmlng here.

Th* funds at the disposal of the board, eo th* report reveals, are derived princi­pally from two sourcea. vti., a duty on gasoline end Uie fee, from motor ear Ucenies. From the former eomelhlng tike IJ.qoo.flfih w-a, re.TlIsed during the current

Mr. Carnegie unloads another big bunoh of those steel bonds, thus giving charity an Interest of about t2S.<k»,000 more In Mr. Wlckersham’, latest litigation.

And now some folk* are Intim ating that that New York boxing law Is largely re- eponBible for th* overthrow of th* party that put It on th* sta tu te hooka.

A rv u ovwwee ---- • •can ba PMBtdenl bft m uft wId th© elec- tlon; and the queetlon th a t DemocraU have cameslly w discuss t , which ot the two, all Ihlngs considered, would have If nominated, the better ebano* of being elected Ft Is a quWtlon which there Is an excfillcnl opportunity to throah out In the next i l l montha b*caii»e It le already evident that the Democratic nomination 1, lo be dictated by neither a boss nor a machine. Th* party oa a body of voters will come much nearer expreiwtng Its wHi III the convention than haa recently been the case with either Democrat* or Repub-, llcana. Heno* the Im porunce of duljf wtIgMng the f-lftlm* put forth In behnJf Of Harmon and of Wlleon. for both of whom active efforts arc being pot forth and organisations formed, In Iowa, for example, the Democratic county cholnuon have Just boen potled, the reeulj being thirty-five for Wilson to three for lU r- mon. Next week a public meeting to launch the Wlleon movement In Georgia will be held In Atlanta. Harmon e friends ere oleo astir. The contest for the nomi­nation Is on.

No on* who desires to be fair In pre- Bentlng the case for Governor WIlHon can Ignore th* "check" which It I* so widely ■aid he has received In the Bast. We do not tore refer partloularly to th* fact that New Jersey waa won bock tost Tueaday by Ih* Republican*. Change, In thei popo- letlon of that Btate have mad* It normally Republican, and It would he rtdiculoue to lay it up against Wlleon that he oould not repeat hi, extraordtiinry feat of last year In winning thousand* of Republican v o te

' If hla Quallficallone tor the Democratic Presidential nomination aeemed olherwlne pre-finlnent, hi* sethock In th* loi* of the Ijegtilature ought to count for little or nothin*. W'e do not believe that It will count at all serlouely. What le admittedly lerlovi, however, le the change In attitude toward Governor WllKin on the part of many who eupponed him lost year oy ware a t leaat dellghtwl by hla victory. He bae undeniably chilled If not alienated many auch men K* ha» done tt by hti leglitatlon and by his apeechea. Both are declared by these peraont' lo be danger­ously radical. That charge we will not here examine, simply conceding, tor the sake ot the argument, the fact that num­bers of people In the Bnet hgve taken offense At Wlleon on thal score. Ilut granting thle oa freely aa may be desired,

would poliit out another element In

I has a cuuivw lto* i ------But l>ef*N Btth«r w hat he lU n d i ready to do w ith them.

Th* ChliiMfii TrlPuns fltscovert that Mr. Taft hasTi’l m miiah hair on tha top of his haad 41 In formar day*, b«t aharttaWy

A boM who aMjnfd as IpTinclble M Murphy ba Arat rtpudU ted and th«n buffered and Hnally dtahad to tha oarth. Es'orybody bnowi tliat ha would do the saino for Murphy W Ija r> t tha chanca.If ha were nomlnatad #er tha Praaldancj, we ahould eaport him to mak* as frank and direct a declaration of Independonee of Murphy aa In Kaw Jersey he did of Jam es Smith. And no loie of strength with which WIlBDD may he thr**tened In the Eaat could weaken the aupport that would there be attiactad to him as the candidate who would go furtbeat In de­fying the boeiM and la cUpptng Ihetr claws

Nor mum we forget that the fadlcallem of W tlion which dieturbe the K a it da< llgbU the Middle and PVf Waat- The Wilson sentiment In the SUtaa of lhal region 1« undeniably powerful. It I* taetl- (letl lo by travtilerft and oheervers of every sort and of ell partlee. If any Democrat can break Into tha* chain of Republican Slates and carry enough of them to make election 4o the lYeeidancy absolutely certain, Woodrow W llion can. Anil let It not be forgotten that the Demo­crats, under the new apportionment, can- not succeed on the old allgnmente or by the ok) oomblnatloni, but have got to make conqvieata. It will not be sufUolent to hold th d r own and win tha tradHion- ally doubtful State*. They need a candi­date who will make other BtatM doubtful; who will put the Republicans on the de­fensive in Wlsconeln and Minnesota; de­feat them In Illinois. Colorado or Ne­braska, and All them wUh (earn concern­ing ev*n Iowa and Kansas, The evidence Is ■ overwhelmingly strong that Governor WTlson Is the Democrat who can com© nearest to doing that. He Is the man whom the slandpftt Republicans really ' dread, and for whom the Progressive Be- publlcans could most easily be got to vot*. Hence it Is & fair conclusion that, looking a l the m atter purely as one of pollitcat strategy, Governor Wilson appears to be the most promising candidate for thb Democracy, both East and West.

It Is not necessary to dwell upon (he other reasons which would make bli candidacy one which (^uld ba contem­plated wlUi so much satisfaction and hope. Woodrow Wilson Is of the very type of the highly trained and sinewy man whom we liave so long desired to see take a leading part In our political life. H e Is a campaigner of e itrao rd lnary power. HIb speeches are of the kind that hold,J^ttentlon not merely try their form

PROGRAMM i l l E th e l C eeeliti S m ith • - V io l in i i t

H r , M o r n in g s t e to a t t h e L a u t e f - H u m a n a

t. Theme ani Variation* oj...t.No,*M oszkow ski

Aleratlon B o r O W s k iViotin Solo Nocturne Violin Solo

Op. I, Ne. 9 ChopinOtiertoae Moiorka

WieniawskiSi Whltpctlnf Windt Maturka

lyal/enhaupt6, VloHo Solo WaltlieFa Prlee Soig

Wagner7. H orlllo Alleiro de Concert Terschak


Y o n A r e N o t

f i r o T O g Y o u n g e r .

we wo\jld paint out another element in thought arid convlctlOfi whichthe poltilfAi situation In the Bast which behind them. He would land dls-Hit? ?tJlllHI|»J «*< am.-w "-v--- - -----would esBlly enable Governor Wilson to

refueSB to five th* re*»<m wby.

reer. The anuimoblle license* yielded neerly H.SKIfitih From every sourve the road inalnlenenoe fund receh-rd t5.®0.h00.

The figure, ehow that In England, aa here, the eulomoblie, being reeponelbte lor the major share of road deterioration, ts made to eortrlhute correspond Ing I y toward road maintenance. Thle la Just.

The policy ptireued by the board la of especial aIgnlOcanee. It gave little or no aenletanec to new road*. All Ha fund*, tn faot, were devoted tn the bet­terment of roada already exletlng. Of these, It selected, first ot all. those leading to or through the more populous com- muhltlee. Next were th* great main thor­oughfares of the rural sertloni and the principal highway" connecting them. In Other word*, th* assistance wa* rendered where most needed. The money wa* med* helpful not only to th* l»rg**t number of people, but expended for the benefit of the cl»«a which really paid It, The roads lelected are ihn#e meet u*ed by motor ears.

Tk* attention and effort# of th# board were focuaed upon the road cru#t rather than upon It# width or alignment. Th*

The controv*r*y wlH not be finally laid, though until w* are Informed *a to which of tha two tray* the Utah m*»*

‘uee* on Btat* occaalon*.

Goat , milk may h* * sovereign remedy for Inebriety all right, Imt how In th* ■world are you going to Induce the In­ebriate to drink It?

ov»rcome this ^andlcap. If It tf On*, and to prove htmaeif even tn thl* part of the

Thle climate ueem* to Indicate that the aympathtea of IVofeSior Moore are with Itlg Bill Edward* and the M ayor In th* present ecrlmmags,

country the etrongeet Demooratio condl date In sight.

We refer to th# 1#eue of hoaeltni, That will almost certainly be tS* nrttical leau* In the critical B u te of New York. W ith­out New York It Ii baraly conceivable, but not a t *11 probable, that the nemo- crate could win. But All St. In thle State, 1, hoiiqd to be th* chief cry of th* Re­publican# 7 Obvloualy. that, of Murphy- leni and Tammanv domination. No m at­ter what Independent Democrata may do or eay, the ReptibMcitne will appeal, S* they did thl* year with such effect, and as they have'done tn prevloua campelgne one after another to the dielike and dread of the Tammany boss. They will

glow behind them. He would land die- tl notion to any cane* which he advocated, and would cerry with him Into any office th* quatltlee cf a true man. Th* effect he can produce by political dlocueetoit* before an audience hearing blm for th* flret time 1# well conveyed by a letter written by th* Rev, George Gllmour, and published In the Dallae News, a t th* tlid*' of Governor W llnoa'i racetil Vtott to Tex**- Thle clergyman writ** of th* ipeaker'* ability lo "preoant new and um welcome tru th , with a temperateneg* of phrase and a fatrnea* and even iwearfneaa Of aptrlt that irrealellbly carried oonvto- tlon"; and declare* th a t "all who caughtl»On , ailUa ffllmp** of tha t face. Illumlno^ b r p » tnliving nnd liigh thlnklnf, will maroh In

Every year over your head bri- <js you closer to the period of diminisU jc physical powers and reduced earn­ings. You may make adequate pro­vision for this period through a Pru­dential Monthly Income Endowment Policy. You deposit a stipulated amount yearly for a designated num­ber of years. ’ Then the. Company pays you a Monthly'Incortie f<v twen­ty years and as long as you live thereafter. Inyestjgatc it.

• f

uvmn nu'i Jiiaii a.....-a...*. —------the ranks of enUghten^ political action Stronger and stndISfe**


Ry the way. Mr. Frothingham , of Mse- aachusetta. may now figure ou l Ju»t how much of a chance an old bachelor ho* In politics, •

China now understiinda p re tty wolVwhit the rest of ui have mount a ll along whan we rfferred to "the yellow peril."

V e s s t l s a l a D is t a n c e C o n t r o l l s J b y W i t t b s s

• Mra Parkburat la understood W lie tjTevocabty In favor of H alt Caine for poet Laureate of England.

Yea, the Bt. Joeeph N«w*-ITe*a Is right.......... . _ _ "No on# ever to llu about “ elght-hour-

rood problen e( th* hour In Bngland. i day for mothe*,'* , . f , . .

"Wllbln th* last three or four year* a number of jiHrtklng experiment* have been made in contrclllng. from a dl*- taiice, lb* motions of email t***b1*. tor­pedoes and ballocna, l>ut th* moot elab­orate apporatue of the hind eeeme to have been worked out by Christoph Worth, of Nuremberg, and sereraJ back­er*. Jn the tell* In GermolrF during the last few month*, two unmanned motor­boat*—thirty-three *nd flHy feet long— were ironlpulaied In every way by elec­tric wave* sent lipm shore without wlreg.

The boat equipment Inclnded on an­tenna, a receiver, a tuntng device.‘n dl»- trlbutor, eleotrfe eteering apporatv*. Mf- nol guni, Ughta owl llraworka, and th*

Ruhmkortt coll on ehor* not only ito rted and stopped th# motor*, which gav# *■peed of eight or ten milt* an hour, but steered perfectly, fired th* gun*, rung th* bell* and discharged the firework*. Thl* wa* *11 ronlrollod by a alngl* tyatn of- wav** broken Into Mora* algnal* by a key. -f-.-

A prolonged preinure on th e tnuiltBU- ttng key e b a n ^ th* tna lng of th* re­ceiver, and by frequent nhonge* and the use o f many paeleg* idfnala It w w itaode Imponaible for an enemy to tn a m i t t wavbi of the right pttoh to taterfer*.FfrRW mine*, aendtor lltebORti.tO wroefc* and oontrolling i«lf-pTope>IMI torpedo** ora -Rnong the ni«a inggefUd- , , InwOopi


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u nof’■wheel!


, tNew tork Cathilies Heaor

Firlej ani Falcooia, the Carduals-Desi^oate.



NEW YORK. Nov. l i . -S l i thouiand children and more sang bon voyage In Bt, Patrick’s Cathedral io-day.n?» Arch­bishop John M. Farley, of York,and M « t Rev. Diomede Falconlo, apns- tollo delegate to Wftshlngtou, who sailed for Home, where they will be foniiully elevaiud to the College of Cardinals. Thousands of Cftiholica lined the route taken by the prelates from the CaiheU- ra] to the Hudson River and waved Ibem farewelL There was also an ^Hcort of fifty otllclals and monaliLn' t't the diocese which accompanied the distlu- (culslied travelers to 'Thet river and aboard the steamboat Rosedale,'’where 600 clergy and hOOO laymen crossed tlie Hudson wUh them to the New Jersey sliore-

At HoboUen^ the cardlrtftlN-dfleg;ite boarded the KronprlnzesHln CecIHf. ai'ier holding a farewell reception on thn Hose- dale. As the liner made her way down tiis bay. .the Rosedalo and ollior boats carrying private jiarUcH lUigrred I't-sMc her.

fin the heights a t Fort Wadj^worih and opi>oalt6 a t Fort Hamilton, thousands of Fchool ohltflren were niaHH«‘d. They wavsd and cheered as the big liner swung through the Narrows.

Archbishop Farley Is taking with him one of the flneat cardinal’s rings In the world. It contains a sapphire ,wllh the Isrgfst surface of any ><apphlre this country, The r lrg was presented to the archbishop before his rteparfure by a life­long friend. The blur sapphire Is always used for the ring uf a canliriiil. allhough tbs rohcH of th.* prelate are red.

Jusi before deparlure Monslgnor Fnl- oonln .<jaid.

"J hove Ijeen for some time among the American pcopl.*, and during this lime I have learned to love tliem. I admire and love iheir InreJiigftu-e. their warm hos- pitallt> and th d r loyalty. My heart goes oul In thanks to them for this magnlfl- cent fgrewcll; mv bleaslrig Is upon them."

Archbishop Farley just before stepping aboard KronprlnseeJ^ln Ceollie said: "Please Vlu«nk for me the Arriprlcaii people for their many kindnesses. I leave my blessing with them,'*

Tt la estimated th a t 20.imi0 t ’Bthollcs took pan In the farewell lirnimiBlratlons.


CHICAGO, Nov, U .-Identity of persona asso c ia te wdfh the defense of Mrs. LiOulse Vermllya, cl>a.rged with poisoning i ’ollce- man Arthur Blj^sonette, \vh .. are suspected of Interfering with St«nP witnesses, la being B'jugtu to-duy by tho police. Arrests wUl, bi> made, acc- ’nlltig to the oRh lalH, I tr rofin as wispon-r^nllliy can be fixed.

SeVerSI wlttie.^aes, who heretofore gave tlio pOlke usaurance that they were will­ing to testify for flic proseciuion, It Is as-

iifiert<Hi,^luiC-. suddenly devA-loped a di.sjiit cllnatlpn, to i^^tlfy. 'Some of ihetse, ii f i Bald,.have % i\ih e cliy.

The |Kilitre eiaHii Ijave h-arned thul a railroad n%an'* wife, who was considered ^n InTportatitr. wf^neSSt was .‘ibout to -bo sent to N w York.- riT, ■ Hajpfe' V^-mnya, of St. Fdul, Ai Is Buld, llaBvWit gtiBwfereci letters from the ,gutlmntieB2tn ;5fn^sl'uC Informfitlon, « id T ayv they means of-cbm-

ttja Arthur His-.BPn#UB'lft(ilQat Friday, i

. i'-Mrli. Altofe ikiideraoti, of Plymouth. In­diana. U said to have told the police ehe could"give them valuable Informa-

^ tlon -Qdncei^ftg the life ftivl death of Hlchard T Smith, one of the ftlleged

, pnison vit’timB. She came to Chicago os- ‘ lenslb iy 'for tha t purpose. She failed to

keep an niipoltilment to go with two de­tectives to the S tate attorney's office yee-

' terday to make a dopogitlon. Poiu-e Cap* Harding immediately ordered hts men

t>'to go out ftHcl find her. and see who waa f^ntorferlngi ' i^*,-** n.


jClub of Amherst College has been leor- ■ ganlicd with 9. H. Cobb. '13, of South Or- ; 'ange, N J , aa »ecretary-treasurer. '

Qn the Tiianksglviag trip of the Am­herst College inusicBl cluba concerts will be given In three cities. The first con­cert will bo given In the William* M e-|

•''‘tnorlal Institute Hall, on November 30, fFrom there they will go to Rutherford,* K. J., and on the following evening, De­

cember I, they will be entertained ip South Orange, N, J.

JAKOLA LEFT $25,000DULUTli. Mlrni.. Nov, 14,-Tho tnte Dr.

John Jakola, who committed aiUcldft re­cently and who was arrested on complain^ of Mrs. O H P. Belmonh of New York,

Jo r annoying her, left an estate valued at - 126.000. The doctor's mother and some

brothers ahd sisters, all residing In Fln^ land are the hairs. An administrator has been appointed h«r«.

Ponjr B ro ther* K illed In Wreeha,GREENSBORO, N. C.. Nov. U .-Engl-

heer W. A. Kinney, the only man killed in the wreck yesterday of the New Or- loana limited, near here, was the last of four brothers to be claimed In railway Wreoks. The other trainmen Injured are fretiorted recovering. The accident occurred ifrhlle the tra in w as runnltif about slaty- «v* miles an hour, and was caused by a tpreadlng rail.

T h e B e s t L u n c h O R a i n t h e W o r l d f o r 0 3 C

Prom 11:S0 to 2td0, atIflKWQ DFQTIIIDilliT >lanh aaaMIOCR 0 RlOIAUKARI W ashington Streets

Rollih, soup (choice of tiro), flih with pota- UMii entree (ohoiee of two meats) with spa- ghetti: roMt (Choice of two) or poultry withvegetablee, ice cream or pie, demPtaMe.

No lunch Bundayi or holidays. Music__■InglnB every eventrig. Mlsa Badia Callahan.•cpranQi Mr. Ocerge Reid, character elnger, Uie of the pink tiady Co,; Ulsa Helen L« Roy. ,

'U r. Je«n Kirby, duo; Ur. George Utt, charac­ter singer.


Jea, M. Qatai OffaraR A L P H H E R Z

INth a Naval M ualaalCam ady

D R . D E L U X E

N e x t W e e k — S e a t s N o wLauylitar from Chloaga ta Nana

HCNNV W. SAVAGE OFrCN S V ^Tba Traval Farea That TfaklaA

N e w Y o r k A l l L a s t S e a s o n


P rices 2 0 c t|o g j .6 0

P R O C T O r S v a - A .«'*■

7DrBKtBSDT?ntoflinrirKRii:jAWia * CO.I MASON « BART, Tha Haiar X M lA m i An af iha K nioaa, Clm eaaa BMa.) 4 Coah Stotarai Tataria Saicw, " W S h ta - is .,

RSWaRK‘8 rU<SsT,T[IBAT»m. ..

All Hail==the Horn of Plenty Is Here WednesdayM a ra b o u t

C apesFive-strand Mart-

bout Capes, eiicellenl ‘quality, chenille tas­sels; black or natural; value 53.50; | 'Q Q special ......... l . , V O

D re ssin gS a c q u es

AVadc of flannelette, with rolling collar, shirred hack and ell; light end dark pat­terns; valued 'J C / v at 39c.; special A v L

Good News for the thousands who welcome its coming e a ^ month. Have you been waiting for it? If you have ever attended any of the gatherings on any of its previous appearances, very likely; if not, come to the store to-mor­row and partak^ of its offerings. You will not need another invitation.

N o Mail Or 'P h o n e O rd e rs F illed . C. O. D. O rders D e liv e re d O n ly W ith in th e R a d iu s o f O u r W a g o n D e liv e ry .

D r e s sG o o d s

.3ti-incli all wnol uil- ing, in different weaves; worth 3Bc. a yard; for itiis T C day only . . . .

Silks22-inch all silk fou­

lards; plenty of polka dots, in black and navy; new designs; worth 59e. a yard; for this day only ............. 3 9 c


f-V I / l l J L .1 1 WALDMANNS

“^ i s s rT H E B O N T O N S

' *■36* .WlWtWBCfnBT BCBUSWinU,


T h e finest grade of un­bleached mus­lin; you can u s e i t f o r sheets or any other purpose: a fine c lo se , weave muslin' is made for; m i l l lengths from 3 to 20 yards; worth tOc. a yard; sale price, yard



The agent we bought these s h e e t s from r e p r e s e n t s some of th e best mills in the country; he is going out of t h e business: we bought all his sample doz- e n s; e v e r y sheet perfect; full double bed size, 81x90, and seamless; they are worth fiOc. to 8,5c. each; sale at, each


Great sale of 45x36 bleached pillow C ase s , plain hem or h e m s titched, e v e n thread, strong muslin: rdg. 14c. aoo 16o. each; for this sate, each


Of fine quality, trimmed with black cheviot, seml-fitted style, revers black satin. The garm ent trimmed with, but- revers of black satin. ,T he garm ent trimmed w itk bu t­tons, Sizes 14 to 44. This coat is valued at $9.98 and is an excellent bargain at this price, as mateflal and workmanship is of the best. For W ednesday only we will offer the same at the v-ery low

price of ............................................... 5.98s t r e e t .

^^3'SST Bro& ^a«,e^ ot

MOyo'A® ot

$1.69 11-4 Blankets, $1 .1,5 PairDon't miss this sale if you n ant the best blan-

kets for the price we have sold in years, extra heavy weight, look like wool, full double bed size, while or gray, with neat fast color borders, double stitched edges, wear better than the binding; regular SI.69, for this one- day sale, pair....................................... 1.15

$2.69 and $3 Comfortables, $2 Each ^We buy thousands of comfortables from this

manufacturer. We asked him for something good for (his sale. He had some ends of (he Cloths he makes our S2.R9 and 53.00 comfortables from, not enough to make more fhafi two or three of a kind, fuli double bed size, pure white cottontilled, handsome patterns; buy these

2 . 0 0regular S2.69 and S3.00 comfortables ■It this sale for, each

f u A ‘“v - ' '« r a r e » * i ;* b 'u t '’j r ' r s i « -(be

taV.cb ’ very ' ,1



f .s 'Hh»'

5 9 cft'

69 cherewan'’

Men’s Negligee ShirtsWe have grouped together a lot of

Men's N egligee Shirts, which we are going to offer a t a ridiculously lowprice; valued at .59c., special 29c

Women’s Hosiery .■jManufacturer's sam ple line of Gauze and

.Medium W eight C otton and Mercerized Silk Lisle H osiery ; sizes 9, !)i and 10; no pair valued at less than 25c,, special at, a pair................................... 15c



Turkish Towel SaleCalled mill accurtiulalions, a rough thread or

a very littj[e soil; they will be guaranteed to have no holes; \k’e have put them in two lots and we say greatest towel values you have ever seen; all hemmed for use; not a sniall tou'el among them.

LOT 1 lot 2Towels worth from ' Toaels worth from

I2Gc. to K5c. each, at 25c. to 39c. each, at

9 c I . 1 5 c

y S j■alue

''tscrtion 'n f^ cambric'ucks

Value .s.Or , ........ c ' Special

Made of flr

f t With.


W om en’.s Glovesimporter's sample line of fabric gloves, m

cashmere; some silk and some doe lined. Also suede and mocha finished nnd dinmoisctles; one nr two clasps, made of horn or pearl; 4 • valued from 25c to ,50c.; special at’ I . S f* a pair ............................................ '

Siccve.s- ri.Bt •peeiaf ''"immcd 'i^itk and A _ ■

va/ue 39c.; V Q ,

Women’s ShoesWe have grouped all our S2.00 to 53,00

shoes together and will offer them at SI..59. The lot includes palents, gun metals, tans, suede and velvets. All sizes and rtyles ...........................

1.591,000 pieces

of t h i s fine g r a d e l o n g c l o t h , y a r d wide, close un­derwear weave; full 10 yards to the piece; reg­ular $1.00 the piece; for this one-day sale at. the piece

69 c11=4 Cray BlanketsI f t h e s e

blankets were in pairs they would sell at $1.50; full 11-4 size wool fin­ish, good heavy weight, fine for winter sheets, or a pair of them will make good bed blan­kets; each one bound; for this sale at, each

39 cSilkolineRemnants

From 1 to 10 y a r d lengths, 36 inches wide. In a variety of patterns; regu­lar 125. 0. per yard; special, a yard

6 ^ ^ c

Rubbers' W o m e n ’ s

storm rubbers, all sizes; value 50c.; special at. a pair,

-Pure Liuen P attern Cloths $1.69 Each, Value $2.50

Heavy Weight All Pure Linen Bleach Damask Pattern Cloths, hemmed for use; they are 85 tnches long and S6 inches wide, beautiful bordered patterns; they are very good import value at S2.50 each, for this one-day sale, \ / i f \ while one hundred of them last, at, I f ) w each ................................... ......... ■ * ^

Lace CurtainsA g rea t special in oyr Lace C urtain

D epartm ent for the H orn of Plenty only. A good quality net, in a large as­so rtm en t o f patterns, 45 to 50 inches wide, 3 yards long; reg u la r ^ ^ $1.50, sp ec ia l............................... O D C /

DollsTw enty-tw o-inch H andsom e

Double Jo in ted Dolls, light, dark and tosca hair, sleeping models, real eyelashes, dressed with shoes and s to ck in g s; worth $1.69, special a t . . . 98c

Um brellasMen and women's Umbrellas,

covered with tape edge, American taffeta, guaranteed fast black and waterproof; 7 and 8 rib paragon frames; plain and trimmed mission handles; case and tassel a with each one; value 51.00; special .............. ^

German Silver Mesh Bags

5'/2-inch fancy pierced frame, fine ring mesh, kid liiit'd; v.Tlue $.3.50; ^ A r \ special .................

ShakerFlasael32-inch u n-

bleached shak­er domet flan­nel; one of the h e a v i e a t w e i g h t s for wittier u n d er- ' Rirmems, You have pa'd l2c. a yard for this widtli, weight and quality; for Ibis sale in 5,"

1,5 or 20 vd. lengths, c u I from the piece for quick sell­ing, at, a yard

32»inchMadrasF i n e goods

for shirtinga, shirt w a I s I a. boys' or girls wear or dress- e s; w h i t e grounds w i t h n e a t stripes with c o r d e d weave; regular 15c. grade; for this sale, at, a yard


TableDamaskThe mill sent

these lengths to us at a great r e d u c tion in p r i c e ; snow w hd t e, highly

.mercerized, full 58 inches w-ide; handsome satin damask p a I- terns; e v e r y V a t d guaran- t e e d perfect; 1/j, 2, 2Vt and 3 yard lenglhs', r e g u l a r 40c. damask; s a l e at, yard


Bed SpreadManufactur­

er's !,ample line of bed spreads, some slightly soiled, o t h e r ­wi s e perfect; itemmed a n dfringed; regu-

g prfrom $2.50 tolar selling price

95c. each; sale, while they last at, each.t from 1.89 to

69cHeavy Oatioi:

FlannelB u y y o u r

winter wants of outings al (his sale. You will never get the chance to buy such v a l u e s again; perfect goods, from the piece, h e a v y weight and well fl e e c e d; all good patterns; light or gray grounds; real ioj.jc. grade; for this one day sale, a yd.


Boys’ ClothingBoys’ Rain Coats

Tan and gray rubber cloth Rain Coats, cu t full; have military collar, slit pockets; good fitting; size 6 to 16 years; value $3.00; spe- | Q Q

Boys’ Chinchilla OvercoatsBlue and gray, all wool chin­

chilla; cur on full dou'ble-breasted Russian models; velvet collars; two opened vents; face buttons; plaid lined; size 3 to 9 years; ^ 0 Q35c I value $5.00; special , . . . .

Brooches and Cuff PinsMany styles to select from in good quality

gold plate; brooches set with assorted stones; value 25c.; s p e c ia l .. . : ................ v L

Silver Plated Tea Spoons, each 4c Silver Plated Table Spoons, each , 8c

Each spoon guaranteed good quaiiiv silver plate, French gray flowered pattern; value 7c and 14c, each


Medium weight cotton, black and tan; valued at IZySc.; special at, s ' pair,

6 ‘I C ‘


Large size roll, ijaod tissue; value 4d.r‘'8peda1,

: ;..'.o • ■ '-T- ■

• 2 'A c

VeilsA fine lot of veil­

ings in dotted and plain meshes, black and colors; values up to 15c, a yard; special at, a yard,

S c

W om en’sH osiery

Heat;.' Ilecced cot­ton and cashmere wool hose, merino heel and toe; valued at 15c.; special at

7 '/^ C

Women’s Hand Bags

O f lea there tte , seal grain and a lliga to r finished, mojrc lined, fitted with change purse, silver and gilt fanvv fram es; value 59c.. special


f indow ShadesSlightly sec­

onds. in white an d g r e e n ; made of a good quality botland, .'i>x72; regular 2!ic,; special

17cCold CreamHxtra large

sr: regularI5l value;special at

8 f '^ c

B abi^ SacquesMade of white flannel, pret­

tily embroidered in pink and blue; value 39c., ape- | d id a t , , . , . . . . . . . . , , . . V l 5 ' C

I-Babies’ Boiui^ :!Mode of , felt, trimmed with'

fancy fwetitt of satin ribbon, in all colors; sizes -I '-to 5 years; valued >14, I t .00, special

; Babies’ Coateand.b^flrt, of .hedfordo

: co^' trlnlmed with face and . jiilbMt, nicely lined; e t m ' "2 yeafin; y^ued « f t C -

itt , . O v C

briesseslind thort, in fine cam-

br|e> yoke of embroidery aad flue tucks; ages up to 2 t f t _ yw n ; vthte 26c., apecial 1 O C .

CarvingMade of genuine.- English

steel, highly polished; stag horn handles; large size;' two styles; vdlue $1.25; ’ speciti,

Knives and ForksExtra good quality eteel; six

kinds to select from; e value tOc.;'special, each.. a /C

Knit BagsFor shopping; made of very

strong thread; flne'inesh rub­ber bandies; good value 3Bc.; special .Z i /C

Tailor*^ W aistsMade of good quality white

madfaa, nicely tucked and tail­ored; alzes 31 to 44; a value 09c.; special at..

RiblMm,Bdtiiig"All silk moire ribboae. In gray,

white, black; navy, browa and

Children’s Uiidemear' "Vests and pants in sitver-^Tay

ribbed, fleece lined, small sizes only, 1 to 5 years; valued at 25c,; special 1 5 c

Women’s Corset CoversWinter weight, siliite, silk

(rimmed, extra sizes; all perfect .goods; reg. 29c. values; \ n ^special at, each ..........1 / C

3 for 50c.

Fancy Dress WaistsAn exceptional lot of hand­

some waists in velvet, chiffon taffeta and messaline silk, trim­med in a number of pretty styles; valued at $3.50, | f t A special at ..................... i t O y

/ Silk Embroldaies -Allovlf Nets, In wbite, cream,

light blue, pink, navy,V brown, gray, black, garnet and. Alice;

Corset CoversFrench models, with yoke of

embroidery or lace; sizes 34 to

Sai 1 2 //2 CShort Skirts

Made of flannelette, pretty striped patterns, ruffle, scalloped or trimmed with braid; | f t ^ value 25c., apecial a l... 1 O L

Women’s Moreen Petticoats

Made of excellent quality moreen, corded sectional ruffles and dust ruffle, colors black, navy, gray and green and brown; valued at $1.00, special

; Men’s UnderwearMen’s 44 Natural Wool Shirta

and Drawers; shirts have atlk braid binding, rib tail; drawers

wmra, oibgk; navy, otowb ana H gray, wacx, garnet ana. Alice; have outside-Mteen band, aus-cardtael; valued at f t - ,-value 78a. and pender tapaa; value $I,jC A -special SI O t f,gpedsl^st, a y a r d ..... .^ r O C apecial a t . . ..................... O x C

Children’s PetticoatsMade of flannelette, in all

white or pink and blue stripe; i sizes 6 montbs to 4 years, with

waists, and 6 to 12 years, with band; value 25c., spe* | C.-, cial ..........I .................... 1

Men’s HandkerchiefsMen’s Fine Lawn Handker­

chiefs, with plain white hem­stitched edge or color border trimmed; value 5c., spe- ' J i U ^ da! at, each.................

Gray E::l:— nareDouble coated on steel; coffee

pots, tea pots, preserve keltlek, 4 or 6 quart buckets with covers, full size colanders; | value 25c., special..,

Gray Enameled WareDouble coated on steel, No. 6

tea kettles. No. 0 coffee bolters snd l}4-qusrt rice boilers; value 38c., special 'V y i j z r . c t ........................

Notions, Art and Toilet floodsWa,shable Net ( ollar Foundations, in

black or white; valued at 5c,, special, ^

( 'o tto n --2 0 0 yards machine or hand sew ­ing co tton ; \a lue 3c: a spool, spe- U ^cial at, each ........................................... 1 “ V '

W hile Basting C otton, regu lar 3cvalue, special, a spool, .............................

S k irt Gauges, regu lar 15c. vglues, Qspecial a t ...................................................... O L.-

Soap— Toilet Soaps, including Oatmeal, Glycerine and B u tterm ilk ; regularprice 5c. a cake, special a t .............

Talcunt 0Powder— One-pound can Talcum Powder, scented w ith violet or ar- bu tus ; regu lar price I5c. a can, a t / '

18-inch Linen Centres— Stam ped in eyelet, braid ing hr solid em broidery "I C /-vsigns; value 25c, and 35c„ each----- I O C ’

Stamped Collars and ^ w s —Stamped on white or colored linen ; value 10c. and ^I5c„ special; ,pach.......................... .. — Afr C

Stamped Cetset Covtfs— Eyelet or solid embroidery designs; value lOc. | and 25c., special, each!................... .1



J- • ■ ’ ■‘f-iSi.:


m ttu* ol the ln*rd y*it*rf»y S ^ . l H. Wervck, town tro M u r.f otHoMclair wnJ in **P»rl “ *miko »n audit of the county ■ t«H>ki.

The commUlee elinod i conirio l *« W Mr Wenck C6 a day, hi* flr»t a**l*unt w a day and a .eoond aa .W an t »10. The S reem en i provide. ihM th* wm

ooet more than $4,ODD, or h a ^ of the amount appropriated by the board for

, I ' . H r i ” n s . —

~ s « v , r .


TO ABDICATE(Oootlnued from Flret P a f )

T JK W A B K e v e n i n g N u a v s . T U E S D A Y . S O V E M B E B 14 . 19 1 1 .,

T h e B e s t L u l l a b y f o r a B a b y I s t h e R i e h t A m o u n t o f t h e R i g h t F o o d

O . . . . . ............................... I f . , „ n n t ,n f >

t"!* - . . . . ir* a l Tuen, Nankin*, ladle*

I M l.. Kolfrat and HIH ^ w S d f l « n V r o m penneylvanla. While

J r l f o S ! 5^0 h a . on;y r -o - I® the Adil. te froTH ComJofr * ■

, j a p a n w i l l A t t IN L H A ih O N n m e POWERSP ^ W U H fN Q T O N , Nov. W .-From un- IS^B ilrial hot rellehl* eourcee. Information " ' ha* reached Wa»hln*ton a* to the attl-

of the J*P*n*»e Oovernmenl low- ItSle tailn* It h»* tone far tw .rd d1»- * l l l n « any •u'PlcIO" th a t mlftit have

• w , 55tert‘ >'>e *"at the JapaneM were to eel** the opportunity .Iforded

th* preaent chaotic condition* In 'rm ina to iacure undue advanta**. either 'throufh th* acdulaltlon of territory, or ' tK* *«tM!iieloit of itiAuttica.' I t und*r*tood llifct the whol* tubj^rt « ■ **hao»tlv*ly dticuMed hy Ih* taM naae Cabinet recently end the reiult. M n M rted to the ■mperor, wa* a de-

to re ta rd tha revolution ae e met- eohcernln. Chin. .lone.

* ^ ! v la event of the eltuadon felling toa^to^^y beyond control of C hin, would

’ iOT»ld*r th* po..lhim y of Inter- wSSllon It I* “ 'd- »"d fhen action would

’S token only when Japanese IniereeU etore being tnjurtoualy affected.

to aav event, while the Japaneee Oov. >^BiMant will i i t P 'r protect tt* intereet* tT c h T n a , It 1* declared, It will eeek to do » only In harmony with tha other

> • • • « • ___________



■. NBW HAVEN. Conn.. Nov. H .-The In- ;.v»ilon of New England with the referen*

dum btgan to-day when a bond Isaue of rwractically a . million doItarH wee placed iiM ore t ^ ' ^ e r * of New Haven for re- ijeetlon M W Ckpttnce a t a tperlel election.

Two jM M a a o ’a vote wa* taken on the ^ J to ^ In l^ C k a n f iu ^e ra tln g plant which Wduld I to ^ c o e t About QOO.dOO, but only About ten per ennl, of the vote of the city era* polled, apd the plaitt, although au- thorlied, ha* jfbvar been built. The Legle- lature *ava perm ltilon last summer for tba olty to l*«u* the bond., a referendum dauce being attached to the bill

Wve diatinct leaue* were pre»ented to ‘ th e voter* M-day for approval or iH»card;

|ii(l,QW for the development of the park gyatem, Including the purchaee of park Ignda and tha drainage of large tract* and rtddiMg them of moequltoe*: Itli.soo for

■ ■ an addition to city hall: for a *ee- tgau to deuble the estent of plnyground*

' t o tha oongeeled portion* of) the cliy; |WO,<li)0 for perm anent pavement* and tUd,OOi) for new playground* end for Im- toovemente to th* Central Green. Includ- tog th* eonatructlon of a house of com­port. Total. MM.MO

Th* vote wa* light to-day; but It was tttim ated a t noon th a t about twenty-live per oeol. a* the to te l city reglatratlon would be recorded. The epadal election wUt eoit the city about ttOOO. I t wai

i b ilev ed th a t all tha bond leauaa aeked for towuld paei the votere' poll,

n C B B ^ H TRIAL IS SETi MORTON, Nov, l i —Th# trial of Hev. C.

■ V T RIoheeon. aceueed of the murder of mW avIi IJnnell. wa* aet for January Id t o Judge Bafidereon, late yesterday. Tha courtroom 'w aa crowded, but the ac

eeamed hot to tea r the etarlng I t took fiflien minute* to reed the

I to ^ o u n ta tn the Indtotmant*. Mr. Rlch- - ' toon * t ^ patiently watting until the

tttitshcS droning out the » i .^ ;g a g ." T I » * priaoner then pleaded not

■ *Aitolher le tte r from Mr. HIcheenn hae AMR racalvad by th* Immanuel Haptlit Okureh. of which he I* paitof. It read*:

"D ear B re th ren -I cannot eipreia to you how deeply touched l am at your tovatlv and m anlfealatlons ol confidence to me th thl* ini' g reat hour of trouble, and I thank you moat alnoerely.

cannot but feel pereonally, however, th a t th* welfare of the church m ight be wtoludteed while tta mlnteter I* placed in wS present po*lllon. and I therefore ftol notwlthetandln* my grateful appre^ .■totion of your ktodnee*. th a t the church ahould accept my resignation, of course rnavln* It entirely to you how and when the m atter ehould be oarrled into effect.


MISSIONARY BISHOPr e po r t e d m u r d er ed

_________ r .# I

. i ^ T r ^ No'^.*K “e' O o r r ^ r ; ^

B l i ^ o ! C e a ra n d .” ; r th three ^ ‘ . Vacentiv landed on the portugue*"

r “r « ‘h " t - t : « a d . J b - e m a t n d e r

^ i 'rB ^ rV .‘v r : : r . ‘a“t r u T o . i * i n - T*»tlg«tlng the matter.


When Harry Bayra, a night hackitmn, r« u neu o h i. bom*, a t M Green . t r e . l Lhout 7 o’clock th l . n 'oG 'l"*’ h ', the of hi* wife. Death

“ M rrB 'a y ^ - ta d 'b e e n elck for »cver.l month*. It I* believed *he wa* taken during the night and aroee to get

.. , Utor htvrtv wfc® tound on ® Z T ‘- CiTunty" I’hyriotan McKen.le granted a burial rertlflcata.


" s i? M 'M ^ 'rN : : , 'iV -B rc h i ; f . .n d m ^ ^ ^

^ n ' : t m t d T m r : u i . X l a T n g h t t ‘o the hunting-grou'**'" of Owrap'.kamum Tr'be l5ci Men. They .a t m the w »n- Iil of the local warrior* In Odd Fchow* Hall and l^en went to the Summit House

* Great Sachem William A.Wildwood; Great Thief of ttecorde Daniel M. Steven*, of Oamilen, and Clialrmaii of thfi ftiAie FlnATice Committee Gfiorge Sculler talked to the Indian.. They U.ld of th . work the tribe. In various pari* oC the Slate ore doing.___________ _


waged for the po*tina*ter*hlp of «»5- onne. The term ol Postm aster O. C. W. Lang will expire January 1.

Lang 1* seeking reappointment for a term of four year., but li opposed by Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Jocab J, Bechtold end former Assembly­men Robert Scott.

All thr#*** m#Ti arp confluent aeciirlfiR the indorsement of the Hayonne city Re­publican comiultle*.

The right food is milk.The right milk is clean milk.Milk that you know is clean.Milk that your doctor knows is clean,

for the doctor’s idea of clean milk is much more accurate than yours.

Because he knows what an awful ef­fect a colony of harm ful bacteria works in milk.

Now the doctors of Esst^ County have appointed a Medical Milk Com­mission.

Anri this Commission of doctors in their search for clean milk have found Fairfield Dairy Milk so good that they have contracted wdth l^Ir. Stephen F ran ­cisco. president of the Fairfield Dairy Co., to produce milk under their supervision.

Milk” is clean, pure and safe for food, ac­cording fo their standards.

So you may have good, clean ‘‘Certi­fied Milk” for your child, if you want it, at 15c. per quart.

No, we can’t produce if for less and keep it up to the doctor’s standard.

And you may feed the baby milk that will be as good as the sweetest lullaby that you can sing in putting the little one to sleep.

And you may keep the baby and the children well on F . F . D. "Certified Milk, because it is clean, fresh and good.

'Phone 940 Moikclair to-day for a supply.

PHILADELPHIA. Nov. JC.—Connie Mack ht* ilgntMl th* *«negtloo»l echool- boy Rict buem nn of Ornnge. Mnto.. Bo- lend A. Ch**e, who U a woiMer *l th* Bret i*ek, aceotdlng to tlioee who have aeen him play »t Orange. Boout O’Brien watched Tilm perform with Ih* Orange High Bqhool team and later to the ■uinm^r him In ftotlon with in®Fitchburg club. About a ^ o n t h ago the

tonafl’amAnt AfPcrc,.— -. ___ k«pt un-C h a u hae been


And they regularly certify, upon peri-. J ■ „< o v a m t n a t i n n n f milk, barns, c o w s I Fitchburg club. About a /tii O d ic a l e x a m i n a u o n O I n u in . , ^ > PhUadel^jIa m anag.m enf offered young

J H p H v e r v t h a t F F . D . C e r t i n e d Cha*. a contract, wlilcha n d d a i r y u e n v e r y , u i a i r . i October » . i------- ---ordered to report to the Athletic* In Feb­ruary, when he wilt m ake the eprlng training trip with the champion*.

C'haae la eeventeen year* old and ai* feel to height. He w eigh. 180 pound*. Ha began hi* career a* a pitcher, and tor lw!> year* thnw w a. a .lum p In the bat­ting average* Of th* gema who itacked up ag*ln»l Orange High. Then he ewung over In Aral baa*, and thl* poBitlon b*w>. hall *h*rkt think la hi* home. He le a clever Beider, good on wide throw* or heave* Into th* dfrt and ha* ‘ reach that be can u*e In more why* th»n one direction. ______ _


NKW YORK. Nov. 14.—Richard W. (Rube) Maruuard, ji^teher tor the Glanta. had a narrow escape from arrest yeeter-day when a body Attachment w a. t»»uodagainst him to the City Court by Ju . c« Delelianly for failure to appear Id "“ht''* ' irx-nlary proceedings and hat* his fl^ancea Inaulred Into. Tho was issued beeauu of Marquard » to comply with a Judgment f « tstoed against him In the Municipal Court bv Hay K Sterne. -

When Marquard heard that he wa* wanted and that the nttavhment h*d be*" Issued against him he looked up W alter F Carter th* attorney who represented Sterne, and paid the amount ordered In the Judgment

To Brighten np things In the home use J

^ g g i iH asB CTAIN COMRINtP

Cemes in 16 u * e f u 1 colors. Just what you need for fclinishine and brighleniitf! up Ihe Some.

A n o th e r B r l th te r W o Sell l i

. S a p o linOoM end S ilver B ronze

Giveg a durable luster; ust it on any object. Wash- able, non-tarnishaWe.

— - t i s : ' ,z a w t i k t a w m i i K J

Taken from 'Doings of a Dairy." Copyright, 1*11-

UJB ANGBLE9. Nov. H .-The stith vtolre In tha McNamara trial, summoned y to terd ty appeared In court to-day [or m llm to try hearing before Judge Bord- w*tl *t which those who desired are 'allowed to present personal and business «cu*«a for the eourfa consideration.

Intertot centred In Talesmen Milo A. n a k tr vice-president and superintendent nf the Baker Iron Works, a concern eaalnst which a strike, called by the In. . . _I a __j»-alto ttnn rvf a nj

Med B ank t'lvie# Prala*d.r e d b a n k . Nov. H .-T he Red B»nk

Board of Commercr was praised laet night by William McCaroll. of the board of transportation of the Public Hervlc, New York, who spoke on 'A Man and Hto Community. ” Other addresses were made by Rev James *■Ht. Jama*'* Church; Rev. Jam ei W. Bo­gan. of the Flret Presbyterian Church, Edwin H. Burr, chairman of the .tra ”*- portatlon committee of '* '• of Comrrwirc®, R«v, Dr. Miner, of t F lret Bapttet Churob, he«- dent Berry, of the New If"r'',Branch Railroad, hae been aeked by the Board of Commerce to buUd a road etatlon here. Mr. Derry said he would try to pemuade the railroad man­agement to erect a new depot.

N ortham ptoa'* OlBelal Votb.EABTON F a , Nov. H .-T h e flret an­

nouncement of the offldal vote cast In Norihampton County last Tu***!*^ * “ made late yesterday gfternoon. Robert K. l> rch. Republican candidate for county treasurer, defeated John H. Mc­Grath the Democratic candidate, by a uluraitty of twenty-three. The vote was: l>erch ».0#S; McGrath, »,<169. Philip Bheri- rtnn W elsi. Rcpuhllcan, had a plurallH' of twenty-two over Alvin O, Koehler, the Jem ocraU c nominee ^clerk. The vote wa*; Mela*, #,OT2, Koeh­ler. ft.DSfl. ___^

Verdtet A galaat K leetH e Co.fipectal SffTlc* of ilte -VRttS.

FREF.HOLD, Nov, H .-A Jury yesterday In the «ult of Mayor Frank PIttenger. of Red Bank, against Ihc Moninoulli County Electric Company for 1300 domSBea for the |o*» of a horse In a collision wllh a tra iler car. May 23. 1*10. returned a ver­dict laet night of I2M damages, a fte r hav­ing been out four hours. Tho ease wa* trloil before Judge Dungan.

TH R HTTIIKIIFORD*.Mis* Mabel L. White, of Bnlllng Spring

avenu*. East Rutherford, I" visiting jn Bocton.

The Rutherford T rust Company has pur- rhaecd the Boettcher hiilldtog, in Park eyeone.

MIee Lulu Fryer, of Lincoln place. East Rutherford, will entertain the Epwurih tjcagu* next Friday night.

Mias Agna* Rryor, of Passaic avenue. Hulherford, la vlalttog to Hartford, toon.

The fair roiiently held by the f.ael Ruth­erford Aid and Im provement Asaoclat'on netted AV-7.H for Its treasury. -

H lH Ada Morae, of E verett place, Kiin Rutherford. Is vltiting In Philadelphia

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ten Broeck and MISS Jennie Ten Broeck. formerly resi- | dents of Rutherford, nra *'*®"** :and Mrs i.'hsHea H. Dorcmue, of Home avenue, ihat borough. , „ ,

Mrs. Henry L. CsnipbeU, of nue, Rutherford, Is visiting In thjffato.

Miss Minnie L. W heaton, of BuRalu. Is a guest of Miss Catherine L, Smith, of Faiit Rutherford

Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd '5 'delphla. are giiesla of Mr and hlrs_ S. . ■ HIgble of Addleon avenue, Rutherford.

■The Epworth League of the M E. Church will give a chowder a t ll e home of Mr. and Mrs, W f'sh t Johnson 'f f’liMtnTit oTi Fridftyi Novpmb

T h rn e w truck fur the Rutherford Fire Department arrived to the borough les

' 'u r “ Charle. Calhoun, of Passaic avenue.Rutherford. Is 111 with

Frank W Fleming Jr., of Daniels ave mm R utherford , !s hom e from Woodstock.

^ M ra ‘ nanlel Mlers, of Rutherford, la home from a visit In Bo«ion.

a l l e g e s b w b e i y a t t e r f tPOINT PI.BASANT, Nov. 14,-Th* de­

feat of Captain Jamea M. Van Not* (Deni.) by two votes to the recent Mayor­alty contest by hi. Republican rival ChMter W, Clayton, la once more rmalled by th* lateet devetopmenU In the charge* o f attem pted bribery made "y V»n N oto

An BfHdftvlt sworn to by Rob«rl R lg fi a c c u .. . T hom a. Ferguwto councilman-elect. with

12 RepublicanThe Republtfana declare that certain of

their opponent, are guilty of qutotlonabte method*, but none of the R e p u b ll^ e

1 would dl.cto»« the Identity of thee* men I nor would any eay by wham he action*I of Illegal voting and bribery wUl *>'

Captain Van Note and h is . *‘*°'l'’*^* both refuee to dlecloae the Identity of the six men charged with Illegal voting a t the elections of last week, f

PI.AItlDERg AND VICINITY.Miss Esther Hay. of Flatbush, Ijong

fslami. Is a guest of a former school friend In Centenary Collegiate Institute. Hiickellitown, Miss Mary A. Bartley, of Bai^Iey. g

Mias Madeline Smith won the first prlxe and Mr*. Albro W. King the consolation prize at the meeting of the Mehave,i Club, nf which Mies E. I.oulse King, of le>dgcwood. was the hostess Saturday sflernnon. Mies Kale Bunch, of Kenvil Miss Easton and Miss Myers, teachers li Boibury Public Hchool. Succaiunna, were proposed for membership

Miss M M. Reger, at Westfield, has been spending the last several days with her father. B. E. Reger, of Buccasunna.

The I,adlea' Aid .Hoclely and other women of the M, E. church tn Succa- eunna will meet to-morrow at the homo of Mrs. John Htelce to pack a barrel of vegetables and canned goods tor the Deaconess Home to Newark.

Mies Jessie Emmons, of Newton, hae been a guest of her cousins, the Misses

DOVEIt.President WflUarn H. Truesdal*, ^ the

IfAckawannur a number of other itilII' ro«d offlciaU Inspected th« railroad prop* eriy h#*re finlurday while on the way to the new cut-off.

Mr. and Mr®. WtHiani Hodden, of Chryaial strort. &re vlalling Mrs. Uetf* den’a brother, Jam®a GUIen, In PhJIHpa*

j burg! Mr. and Mra, Alonso Parllmaii, nf Madi*I son, are a t the homfl Of Mr». Parlhnan’s

mother, Mr®, Isabella P latt, of Hlreel. Mra. PlaU la critically ill.

Mrs. Ellinbeth Newcombe, of Gront ' itreet, relum ed yentcrday after a visit in

New i^oiidopii Conn,A variety <*merinlriment will be given In

1 the Grace Mcthodlit Churoh December 13 under the auspices of the Epworth

! Lt^ague.Mre. Howard flatlerfleld. of rialnfleid.

formerly of Dover, la the gueal of her sister, M I« Minerva Freeman, of W eft Blackwell atreet.

Rurtls Gillen, of C'hrystal ptreet. lefl yesterday for a visit In PhllllpMburg.

Ml6» Jennie Kenstler, of MorriBlown. returned yesterday after spending sev­eral days at the home of her parent?. Mr.

, and Mrs. Frank Kenatler, of ProspectI Blroet. XI Mrs. Samantha Mills, nf Orange, Is flalt-

ing her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mills, of Pequannock stree t

Mr. and ATra. i'harles Apgar, of Lln- hl I coin ft\'enu6, ure enlertalnlng Mr. gnd

Mrs. Bert Apgar and children, of Newai’k.Mrs. Jam es Gibson, of Berry street, left

yesterday for a visit In Boulh Orange.


GERMAN VALLEY—CH B iTEIl.The Ladle*' Aid Society

preebyterlan Church will hold It" o v '^ riuppor, lee cream and fancy g ^ ----------to-morrow night In '*’* ,,'^„jmttog Gracs and Mary Salmon, of Ml. Olive,reeds are to be applied toward pamii g , Charlc* A. Stephene ha* returnedthe pereonag*. ,,Mirnerl ^'1Mr and Mre. F rank H aw kln. returned to their home In Callfon yeeterday aftera visit to Mrs. “and Mr*. William Barker, In C h o ie^

nllN, lltot l -!t rt- aayi jeiiw.......... .to her home at Mt. Olive after a aurgtcal operation In a hospital to Summit aito a visit to her mother, Mr*, ijiw rance Cut- ver, of Ch*lh»Tn.

_nd Mr* William ;;"';","H ack- i The gro*a receipt* from Ih* oyater «up-Mr. and Mre. the tor- , per th a t wa* held under th* atieplcee ofetletown. concluded their vhtR ‘ ^ i ^ Novem-

? a " w : e n r ‘^ e “ « . * " « . ” day. and re- her 8 were » ,,1 1turned homSs ^

Ml*. Belle Hlck*on, of near phla. la spending a week tlItm Frtwftrd P. Gardner, In Cneiier.

■Current Events’’ will be the sobject et

The Mlaaes Beetrlc® end Angflllne Jftr- dlna returned, Sunday to their Ifome In. K rn \il after a visit to Miss Grace Deprohon, of Morristown.

The young people and others InterestedFv«*nte'^ will be tho auDjeci oi | rne young p«op*« aim Current E e_ service to the ' are invited to meet a t the manse of the

v u re h a d o ! Thursday night. 1 First Presbyterian Church to Flanders Su tton of Cheater, will retire j to-m onxw night to discuss the subject of

Aaron S. Miiito , Thuri- • ,.1a « for Bible study.from The mercanille huslne*. on Thuri-day.

forming » claw for Bible study.Mr. and Hra. Wimarn W, M cljiughlln' T Mr. ana « r s . wiiuam » , w*t-g,B.uaii*-»s

William Front And children, of i ^nd their non, of Nfcwsrk, are guosts of Mr*. .5.,,__.4 *h« horns of *Mtoiw w.n»h*i- MfB. William McLaughlin.Rahway, are visiting a t the horn, of

■'‘‘5 ' " ’’l , ‘'M ‘‘8 *” 'rrimmTr, of German

ness of srveral month*.

WHARTON.Edward 'R’llllam.s. of Second street, who

t* a patient In Memorial Hospital, Mor­ristown, is recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deacon, of Church street, are the parent* of a boy. born Saturday.

The headquarters of the local Y. MC, A, have been moved from the borough hall, Popenhusen street, to Canal street.

Miss Helene Eddy, of MAIn street, left yesterday for Flanders, where ehe will spend several days.

Tho rank of knight will be conferred on one candidate by Hppewell Lodge, Knight* of Pythias, Friday evening.

The P ort Oram Social and Literary Club will hold a Shakesptere night In the school hall Thursday ertn lng . CharlesD. Plat, o l Dover, will apeak on "Baconwas Shakespeare." The musical program will be to charge of Mr*. LTySse* O. Dav­enport. . ,

Daniel Ketterlok, of Second street, had a narrow escape from serious Injury while gunning with Anthony Monahan, of Mato street, a t the "Scrub Oaks" Saturday. K etleilck, by several inches, missed being

, struck by the full charge of gunshot tired a t a rabbit by Monahan, who, stand­ing a short distance away, did not see Kettertck owing to the undergrowth. Ket- terlek did not escape entirely, as about a dozen grains of *hot tound lodgment to

NEW YORK. Nov. H .-F red Knowles, lliflffnrmer secretary ol the New York I Giants for whom a benefit was given on Kouflay night, left New York yester- ] day afternoon on the h:30 o clock ti ifln I for Aurora. Ind . where Mrs. Knowles has.| a m ile farm. He will stay there a few i days belore he leaves for Denver, wlierc liK has etiong hopes of recovering h>s l-ealth. When aoen yesterday St the Hotel Breslto, where he atayed while to Ihe cuyi he was full of hope and gratitude to ‘every oh* for all th a t had been done foi

' h'* Is In such poor health tha t he wns not able to convey his appreciation to all those’who bad. helped to make the benedt aucfi tt success.

---------------• ---------------


BOSTO.N, Nov, H.—The Boston Ameri­can League baseball team will report for spring iralnlng a t Hot Bprlngs, Ark.. MarcU 10, iiciorUlnK to mi announcement Tnaile yesterday by John I. Taylor, of the club owners.

The men will r»‘maln at the Bpiing camp until April 8, when they will go 10 Cincinnati fur three ftamea on April 8.7 and 8, with the Clnclmiatl Nationals.


call ol Max S. Erdman. a large coterie of Allentown tens met laet night to arrange for professional baseball here next sea- \ son, Dr. A. H. Balllett, wtio has spent i thousand* of dollare developing the cham­pion Allentown A. A. team, was elected , chairman. In terest favor* Joining the

I New York State League, but If that can- ' not be i accomplished an ellort will be |

made to get a TrI-State franchise. i


Welch will referee the Wolgast and Welsh flght here on Thanksgiving Day for the lightweight championship of the wnrld. If the articles of agreement are arried out There ha* been some question as to the selection of an arbiter, not a few be-- llevlng the article* would be overthrown and another man selected.


You MenI ................... —

andW om en,Boys and Girls who are not wearing your Birth- stone should give the

'matter a little thought.A Birthstone is cer­

tainly one of the most acceptable gifts, and if it’s set in one of Tack’s guaranteed rings you will be sure that the stone will stay set per­m anently .' We guar­antee it.

Solid Gold Ringsonly.

Birthstones for every month. I

Prices from $2 to$500.

JEAN R. TACKRtUabU Jeweler

857 BROAD ST. fSooth)N E W A R K

their m olher.’Mrs. William McLaughlin Of Flanriers.

Mr. and Mri. W alter Hulbert, of Mt.Freedfim whose home wa* destroyed by

® 3 ; E S ' " C g h r l g h t , or German i « ; * , ’;:” r t"* l^ ;o d ra n d C e r th ln^ '^S atur! I t h r ^ ' c o 7 h i e " l e f t j ^

" ' ' th : “ o. *t inander. w a. breken ' f re . Klnnev Is at the home of her par- , cobbed for the third time Salur-

' Mr ard Mrs, George Geddls, In , night. A pair of eyegtasees belong- ru .p ta r Mr OeddI*. who Is over ievtn ty , postm aster's daughter, Mrs, A.

HADI80N. )Ralph Parkftr, of Maple avenue and

NEW YORK, Nov. D, —Announcenienl la made here th a t the Futurity Stake* fur 1S13 and 19H will be reopened on Jan'Jary 1 WJrile the evert waa declared off .h;s year, the atake Is In existence for 1912.

SPMIHIT. IAt-the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Me- |

Tlernan, Morris turnpike^ last nigh', *Rftluh PurKsr, o i xniipiB avf*Jiue. « im f *giui4u» , ^ j q 4.a.Charles Muchmore. of B rlttln ' street, are j »urpri»* name,


F s m r r a ’ Inaritu te a t Newtoa.gnrrlo) .VriTirr of (8r .VKk’S.

NEWTON, Nov. 14—A farm ers’ Insti­tu te will be held here November 26. Th*

iT", AIT- ” 4‘«H ‘•“N' ........... . " . .. 4,old, is 111. Newell Abel; some ktamps and mail m at

!__________* ---------- -— (ol- were taken. Tt was the second timeBOONTON the office had been robbed since the pres­

t o all-d.y ‘‘fh e rto n ^ 'c h U to h I rbarg"^’‘?h” 'K ^ a T tb ^ HighSociety ol the hmne of I Bridge branch of the New Jersey Centralwill be held Thursday I R .tiroad. also wa* entered the sar

S’. gatritton u ray '-»ur, iiutMionpr i uewh6 wftfl eunim on^ on th® l««i

vtolr®' wa® frTtcuiad by constnl of coun- ■»I tt* wa* thought Ukfly that the same nrij«dure would l»e followed with Maker.

- Thiia B2S men have bw?n rtravrn on ■% connerllitn wiiVi thla raw . Of

IM liftvo entered Gif’ box, and nine ; Btlll then" whrn rmsri b«(fan to-day.

I; W.iKIinFzN t tU STV. 1i‘‘- The Cooper farm nt l.-mR RrirtKf h ii'

b®®n purohaanl hy C OlMis. r»f

f Johneonburg.The FrellnirhMVfl»‘ii 'I nw'.uliln ' ■''lrxmIr^^e

win meet o” BflliirdKv, S'oveml'»»r 1?. to ^ rgcelve road lin.ikw from tl'.o BniiJr »isor!*. j

.jjam el Gould, of I ndriiPiMflnrp Town­s ' ahip. bfti taken' m a hoai»ltnl aj

' Y5H®lon, Pa., on aceoimt of n frnrluri'tll®8 . rei^elved tn a fall from a Inrtdor

'Hif Guild of Hi .Tomes'? Kpleror^l (Thkirch at Delaware htia fleeted the fol- lowing officers: Presldefti. Miss Mnry

'' Qtlikon; vice-president. Mrs. Harry CJtilk.1 R®CT®ta'ry and treasurer, Mr*. Rva B. K.

HOtVhlnoon-A daughter was recenlly born to Mr

and Mrs Charles Bcohel, of AUamuehy

rh ee tn u t ®tre®t,T h . funeral of M r* . HeiHe Miller, vrido-

- - ' " . “ “‘''h'eid^Td:^ ?retrTh.Samuel Tlmbrook, 115 East

H > m . i r w - Mf»- •**'*'*®’’T 7 he age of *l*W Y-tbr»

Mrs. Eito F fio"yd,'of H yd*£ark . Ma.*., is visiting her son-ln-laW aiM

NORTH B R A N m . IThe North Branch L iterary Circle will

be entertfllned Wediiestjay afternoon. No-................ ..... ______ jaf RJtaa Ttflllv.

-TH lliHTt l/lu.lH-11 .......... ........ . . . „ , . *Rfttlromd. also was entered th® aamo nlghl. The chewing gum slot machine was torn from the wall and taken away.

FI.BlllJIOTON.The women of the First Baptist Church

will serve Ihetr annual turkey supper to the lecture-room to-morrow evening,

Tha large shed* near Grand ’View Orange, west cf Flemlngton, were blown over during the high -wind Simdey night.

Tho glrla’ baakethall team of the Read-be eutertnloed Wednesijay arteraoon. rvu- ; '^„^;,;[-i°'"Mo"toa^y“C e to n g ! ‘ De«m b«r 4 I *ad ,% rH iy h %'cb"^^ thevember 22. at the reeldence of Mrs. Wll - ^ engtoe-bouse for the South | piainfleld girls' tegm at th a t placelam E. DuMont, at North Branch j L? Company. | Saturday afternoon.

Word has been recoLlted of the death of . Boon election for director* and , Antl-Salonn league ol Ne-w JerseySamuel B. Narine, slxly-two yeer, o d T h e *nn f,„„n,on Building and day" to Flemlngton next

■ ■ ------------------- ' P ' " ' ; / " " ’' ' ' ' ‘ 8 'today. Repreaenlattve. of the leaguenlaht to the rooms of the association. j occupy th* pulpits of tha different

--------------- - eburehes.

home after spending a few days a t Cor nell University. ]

Edward P. Holden Jr., of Woodland road, la visiting In W ashington, D. C.

Hook-and-Ladder Company No. 1 has presented a chair to Edward J, O'Don­nell, a member who was recently m ar­ried.

The sophomore class of the Madison High School has elected the following offleera: Prealdent. W andell Mooney; sec­retary . Mary Curtle; treasurer, CatherineHope. __ , .

John M'. Flynn and J. E. W ashabaugh, seniors at Drew Theological Seminary, returned to resume their studies yesterday after a visit a t Carltsle, Pa.

m iiasisv- K—-'J - -- . _About fifty guests were present. Games were played throughout tho evening, after | which refreshm ents were served Bolus , were rendered by Joseph H art and Am- hrose Dully, while Instrumental selee- lions were rendered on the piano and vio­lin by Charles Badgeley and John Kol-

^*A*un!on m e etin g of all the local Frotes- tan t churchei will be held to the Young Men’s Christian Association *uildmg. Highland avenu*. to-morrow evening a t g o'clock. Charles A. Coborn, eeerelary fit the B ta te ^ e io e u tlv e committee, will be

■tooys*'^own" special meeting will be held to the Y. M. C. A. to-morrow afler-

1 noon a t 4 o’clock. H fB , Grant, secretary

W aterproofC o v e r *

O ur new style ^pliable w a­te rp roo f covers have proven very popular. They a re not cumbersome and unw ieldy, like the usual w ate rp ro o f cover, but are readily handled and cost but little m ore than regu la r canvas duck.

Made in several d ifferen t w eights, suitable for w agon covers, building m ateria l, horse covers, etc.

’Phone for sam ples and quotations.

Awnings, tents, canvas, flags, etc., for 43 years.

J . B R O C K IE & C O .8 R a ilro a d P la c e N ew arkOne binck no. lb of Market St. Sta

which occurred At his home In Franknn Park Ho bad been a sufferer from can­cer for A tong time. He was « native of th* Grlggstown vicinity and had alway*lived to Mnmerset County, He leave* a wkli'W

ST 4 NHOPPl— NF.TCONO.Th. Mis*** B l l* Mse_B,ruble norenre

Mr. and Mrs. John ‘''to * " '" '''' AhnM.^Margaret Powers anddsuRhter, of N eshanlc S tation , a r r ir e d and - M ilton Hunt, of manhop^^hniiio yeslerilay from a vUlt Amt’rmaTi’B brolhpr, Isaac Wrtgrrt, in 1 ■■ '.nrpion , ,

.Mrs WUllAm H. HlKRin* w ill enteriala M\p NorilT Brauch Knchre CIul5 Saturday aflrr'nuon.

Th« Ladle* Aid Sof'lpty Of th® M®tn-tiiiwt churf’'h at Ml TIoreb ha® had n«w

' I firppiP laid tn th® chapel at MartlnavUl*.' «)tiit*r Im provem ents have De®ti mad® to ’ the church property.' I ewls Perrlm* of ManinsvIUe, lB v’lau-

Mrs Kdwin Miller, at

Gavanaugh. of Neteun*. were received In the Btenhope M. E- rhiin-h aundey morning on probation^

Geora* R Bhaw. of P ta n h o ^ epent Sunday witb W. T. Cooper and fniully.

“ The IMS of th*

Joseph Runkle, of Philadelphia, Is vtsll- ing his brother. I.ewls R. Runkle.

Rev. Dr, A. TV. Sonne, pastor of the pfesbyterlen church, has declined to be a candid*!* for Ihe pastorate of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Trenton. A committee from that congregation has listened ID dlseourees by Dr, Bonne and wna considering the question of extending

* 'The Bomervllle High School basketball

ixer K rea ........... . - • noon a t ' o kiiovik, **• ’The apteteur play, "Facing the Music, , "Boys' Own Work, of Orange,

for which members o! Branch No. 5 of , Denver an address.District No. 11, St. Patrick’s Alliance of | Rajjtlet church next ThursdayAmerica, have been rehearsing, has been i a lecture on "CannibalismIndefinitely pootponed on account of the ■ Congo," by Hev- Gabrled B.mlf ’on being conducted In 8t. Vincents Maguire, of Plainfield. The lecture willChurch a t present, . i be given under the aueplces of the Bap-

Former Mayor William F. Redmond, Men'* League,of Loantnka way, has returned after a . Employes of 1'"® T®.,week’s visit a t Chester, N, Y. Charles M. Decker, this city *"

Jam es H McGraw la making Improve- annual dance In Orange last nlghL ^ v e nmenre to hl,s hou.e on Prospect street. i,y ,h . proprietor to hie, employes to

' I ' *'M^”and Mrs- Irving Taylor, of SunsetMORRISTOW N. . have gone to Brooklyn, where they

The eewlng meeting of the Women’s j ^ take up their residence for the- ...... of the First _

Holzhauer’s SodaIS A S GOOD A S IT T A S T E S

Bread and Market Streets

Twwnihlp.The Ladles’ A 1.1 society of Ihe Col,im M a I

Methodist Kplscopal rhurcli will hold Us lug hi" ''A"*bicrannual fair on the nigh, before Thanks- , High^Urld^ge^^ , ,

I spending aoine lime Witt, her parent*. Mr.I ' - 1..____ T -l._ _* WT -.V..—giving

WOOIJBRIDGE-Mre Harold Sokay, of Fultori slreei, la

efltertelntoK her sister, Mias l/iul,se Ilo- Ign. «f Totten villa.

Mr and Mrs William Hitchcock, of New York, are visit tog at the home of Jgeeph McEwen, on St George avenue.

Mlss Carol Martin, of Green sireel. Is able to be out again nfier being con- Ooed to the house for the pax two weeks with a broken enllar-botie, the result of fklltng from a couch. i

^r*. Jgbes Edgar is III at h-r home on ar'e HIU

officer.: President, IsOUls W, Plpley; vice nreeldent EllM beth Berger; secretary.

I Olive Howard; treaeurer. Milton K Hunt.An oyeter .upper and an art gallery

! will be held to th* Baptl*t church to Net- i ron* to-morrow evening.

' u lrv ln Honne*. of Stanhope, «Pect« to 1 mnve Into the house now occupied hy tV,

and Mrs. Evans Ijtke. at Neshanlc. | gp,ncer. who will m ^ e hi* family oRev. and Mrs, w H. MacRorle, of Mt. , j^njoyer about December 1.

Horeh are In New York State, spending | Jertey Arnold Damper Com-a portion ,if their vaeaiton 1 _ ,n y ha* the foundation* "

Mr and Mrs. John stiiditiford, of South , Three carload* of materials forI ____ eeeeiissmjl TfRRtAffsIaV if

The flaBS of W13 ot ’ 1 t « m *>i« ReaiUnff Af-ademy HighS^'hool hoa School b tro Thursday Afternoon.

factory- iin»« --[be building rece yed yretetoay.Hrancb. are vtelilruf In Pf'rmlngionv ! hulldlng ware receli’cd ypstarday. If

Jcuob 1‘hllbowf‘T. of N'Tth (tranch, ha® i is f*iviirabl® it If aapected ines.iaii-incF iup afvri Mm L»B.vl(i Phil- I will I'kfc pomDistsd by January lbeen visiting Mr. and Mrs, David Phil- ] [Junjing will to eomplited by January 1

bower, a t Callfon ------------ ^ ^Mrs. Sophia B ar ren re turned to her

home In North Branch yesterday, af te r a visit to Hlesell

CHATIMM.The Holy Name Society of 8t. Patrick '*

Church haa nominated the following of- fleers for th* annual clei iion next month; For president, Augustus H. Ryan; vlcc- prestdent, John L- Hynes; secretary, John L Glynn and John J- D’lis ra ; treasurer, Charles A. O’H sfa; collector, Patrick J.Reilly. , , „

The Woman’s Chrlsiian Temperance I Union will meet to-mori,uv afternoon at j tits residence of Mrs, Nelson .K elly •"

Mato street. 'Reuhen Godwin, of TVestfleld. Is the

, guest of GhrlstOpber Reilly, of E ast Main I street.

The funeral of Mary Reilly, *even-


HACKRTTSTOWft.1 T h . Treble Clef Club will hold 1'* I

Mrs Anna I’orle returned to Neahanlc I monthly meeting to-morrow • ' . j . Keilty. o f 'P assa lc av en u ^esterday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. borne of Mr*. Theodore G. P'*'® : died Sunday night, wa* held thl* aflor-

wr I>^iss,_eiilnLr it| IrJ'IiI Rfllnn ®.nd yCndltlOTl * a.s-ewi Allt n;a« In Vincent IIyeelerday, «*>-*.* *. -■ -s s- .........Rynear Sulphin. to New Brunswick. -ph* euojecr lor

Mias Loralyn Boehiu, of Brooklyn, wa* .„,n be rorapceltlons by MacDowel the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs evening Ihe F ite HtEvans l ik e , a t Neshanif.

Mrs D. W. Bowman and phlldran, of South Branch, have moved 10 Somerville

the home of Mra, l iieoaore u . n e t s jr . , Sunday night, wa* held thl* after-Th« eubject tor discussion and rendition [ interm ent was to at. Vlneont'a

(111 be compoelttons by MacDowell. , Cemetery, Madleon. Dealb wa* caused On Thursday evening Ihe Five Hundred bronchial pneumonia.

Club will be th* guest* of_Mrs. George j ------------ — , -----

RikersExDectorantYaur stilld need* a gaf* lamedy for eetioka and oeld*Ilka RtKER’g IX - PtCTORANT. It’s n«t mily aaf*. but ■ft sunt and it's goad fiat aniy for y a t^ pMM but for

<M « FRCK sample botfie by] li^ ih la ad a i any Rikar Drug

___R a ia ttr aiaaa. » « . and We.lA llA lirH O .

for the winter. ,, Mrs Airihur Maslerson, of Newark, ar- I rived a t Bedmlnster yesterday, to visit

tor a week. She will *Ho visit to Far HUlt.

ROPELLB— ROSBLl.B PARK.The complaint made by Preildent Sam­

uel Patterson, ot the Rosell* Borough Council, against the member, of ha Board of Election of Roselle, of throwing burning cigarette* on 'b t t*'*'** floor, of the new borough W l. ha* c a u i^ con»ld*rable comment tn the borough. < F. W. Veghte, of F ifth avenue, has made a public itatem ent to th* effect th a t he li wrt th® Vaght® who 1® on th® election |board- . 1

tfoeelle Borough High School, eham* , ntlm of th* Union County High School te a g u e for IM*. will play th# Rahway High Bohool a t Rahway Saturday after­noon to daolde tha aounty faotball e tatn - Bloitahlp for m l . Ldat Saturday Rahway L t Battln High School o l Eliaabeth M to U. m U tn aarller to tha season le tsa t- ad RoMlls I ta b.

W Smith, wife of Mayor Smith.■The annual chlekt-n and buckwheat

cake supper of the Pastor;. Aid ^o rto e ’ 'F to.t Preebytorlan C h u r^ will be h®Id Thursday even!u« In th® nKip®L

Mina Susan Thumb, of th® Pr®®byt®rlan I inaii®€. I® apendtng aiveral dli^B « Tren- ! ion and Philadelphia.

C A P I T A L $100 ,000 .00Th, eeaeirrattM banktof law* ef tk*

gtet* *f Hew I«s*T *i*t*et year Reesy U de»*ri^,wltk a s n a ^ a .It wettk ^ e . BsxUeg by Kid >**kw It eeana tah

Write fw S**hM.

t h e s t a w t r u s t c o m p a n yAT PLAINFIELD. N. | .

R ’HIPPANV.The Monroe School closed yealerday

on account of the heating apparatus being out ot order. Repairs *re nbw being- made and the echool will probaWy re- open to-morrow.

Ml®H Nilll® IJTidabury r«tuni®d hOIP® yettterday. after ipendlng t^ o woelai »t TJew York- ^ . .

Percy Egnor, of Ihl® pUr;®. r®aicn«a hU poRltion at ihe State Hospital and .!■ tiilt* | Ing a trip through New York Stats.

A celehratton In honor of the vlctoriooa candidates a t tho recent election will ha held to-night.

________ _—a-------------—■BRNARDfiVILLB.

Fred Rickey and George L. llyarg have taken poalllon* with t ie W- D- Itowd* , Company a t Roselle. I ' - A

A newapaper •ocl.l wtU he hsM Id n a 1 Ita th o d l.t church Friday evening.

James F, Guerin, Samuel N. Pu(t bkd I Sanford W. Tunleon left to-day f«r Silidax , County, where they will hdnt dear. ’ t

A bkininterton was teitderad torit MtJit to Mr. and Mr*, p. Voorheea Tnntaow a t thalr home on the Mine Brook road.

Home Mtssiunary Soelely — - . ------Presbyterian Church will b* held In tho chapel Wednesday afternoon.

At the meeting of the Friday Evening Club th is week Professor C. T. Copeland, of H arvard Unlverelty. will lecture on Charles Dtckena.

John Murphy, of th is i^ c e , was j'es- terday found guilty of malicious mischief bv a jury to the County Court here, with Judge Alfred E. Mill* presiding. It was claimed th a t Murphy threw a »tone which broke a large plate glass In a window In a restaurant In Morris etreei near th* Lackaw anna e*»Aloo.. -

A Bociahl*’ under th# ausplcea of the Doraicii Soolety of the Methodist Ep!»-

Church will be held a t the home of Mrs. Ella* S. Ammerman In Early street to-morrow evening.

The Summit Y. M. C. A. basketball learn will be the opponent* ot the Mor- [ X w n T. M. C. A. live on the local court Friday evening.

MBNDHAM.Mr and Mra. Charles Rupp entertained

Mr and Mr*. Robert RUpP. of Coatei- vlU* Fa., over Sunday- Ttog wae the g rat'tim e in thirty year* th a tn h e hrothen tied seen each other,

Mr. and Mre. Samuel Sireit have cioaed their summer home here, returning to Newark.

" I t o r ' D A. FOI, Of Beeehwdod P a rk , l . t t yeeterday to r a tw o weeks’ M ay to

*’ Mr*°0toorge V. Muchmora and daugh- . . r M rrE d w a rd F, Phelan, returned to ; ; , r rom ee to fiprtogfleld and H obart

avenue, on Saturday, after Htendlng ®Dm® lliTi® In Bermuda. ^ „ „

After being the guest of Dr. and Mr#. Robert H . Hamtll. of the Boulevard, for ro m rtlm e . Ml*. Carolyn T ^ lo r returned [ r h e t ’ h o ^ e to Hartford, doim,, yester-

‘’‘u n a b la to And any th ing a g a ln r t rh a r le e Balotnon and Bmll NetHon. who w ere held to th e p o H « «tatlon .lu ce S a t­u rday w hen th ey w ere a r re tte d be- eau*# ' o f th e ir a ttem p t to drtpose of th lrtv -n ln * paw n tickets here, th e m en w ere yM torftoy a fte rnoon d i.charged hyPolio# J w t i c* H lck*^________ ^

BAffKINO HIDOB!.Mia* M arg are t M cM urtry hae aa a g u e i t

M ias M ary Steven*, o t Morrietown,M re M ary N u tt, who epent eeveral

m onthe to Sprlngfleld, 111., re tu rned home S aturday .

Mr* C harle* D unham left yeste rday to v is it a t th e hom e of her eon. Calvin D un­ham , in Trentoif. , .

WgUer E d g a r returned yesterday to Maitlnga-Ou-the-Hudeon after a v i . l t a t

S a d a 7arity indDeUcioasness

‘ —as well as Sanitarv Service, finds its full­est expression at the Holihauer Fountain. Hot or Cold.

i®war».\*uB«i* «#**-* ™ - -Frederic Cromwell, of New York, who the home of his mother, Mr#, Bamiiel

b u a large summer estate here, has Edgar, In Mato *traet.I ^ e d the Borough Council to sllov him H aro ld Bockoven, o t N ew ark, w ho w a» t(0 ®r®ct a "Itharty pol®’* the publit r®e®Qt g ueat of Mr®, R o ^ r t B lsnop.

—are always appre- ciaKd, and it Isn’t • bit too early to mak« your aelection.

rhoose from our large and varied stock ofMd ClDoks, and you’ll >» to

-have aoinottilni^of worthy <!>“ *■ in- » W possibleprio*®0r it.

ngniJaMfi pr»acri(pff®na P i l M

■qua re. (

O btain N ew L ife . H oarcU t'

L y m p h i n eT A B L E T S ,

x a n icnucM * tonio and Y irA U un-BMtorw the Inst wire lote* saS

left yeeterday. ^Mr. and Mrs. Luther Child* r e t u r n ^

|n Saturday from a trip to mtool* an® [iaeouri

A U K 8 H A M M E RZM SpringfieW A ve. Coiaev


LocoEwtoff Atula,

g t s e g ?RsMiauer. Beaad sod

ETItDHIJKWV The Township CommlMo* tost is ll^ t

] granted permtaaion 1 m twenty-Uich w ater main to

ffom tta p tp i Hn* tO th* H «H l d^ito*toi»

” M ra A, L. Orcutt, of V e ^ r tW tK ave­nue. la vtslttng frtonda in B «™ o.

Th* w estm toatar Praehytarian Church hM ^«t«K lod a can to B*v. Mr. Kingman. « Union Theoloftoal SemtoWT-

A apaclal etoetton to vote <ra b o n d l^ i t i d t M o f O r tb#' egtoDeton of the w ater

t o ^ ^ t o T e a r t a t o street# and tb* ■ butUHoA ef a naw toR® ^

i ” «fc Y i U i l ^ F * ” * hetgar No-yfitibor l l o*d 14

M STIDERTSNo nlttng under tali* colore. No eagtof

OM thin# ia *0 advortteement and then do- IM sometli^.elt,- T *a“ ™ J® “ofitw! ettmd to■aif Kiwi g]v® tlkM tk® ®onw atteatWft mthough theyPn I Rearnntontt t t t tO y o v rtlttuB- f «aiu HyAentiiL wwk t* ih<^ tt® qiiaUty through 'Oroar. SxjunlMtlonf fr®e-

D r. F . C- F w rd e n t i s t '

641 Brood streetKMf#i M l Saadwn



e and ratcbta aura to f qual- losaible




ITSHo itftng

n4 iboB d<H MM to mr


. . _ ■!W k tth tr or not 0 K«j |m H,‘ HoppCpf ti

entlUod to eomlMlons fQ T,to r^ e i u BuUtJtatod aaminfotimtor of tbo .ortftto of Goorgo D. RuidaU, who diod oarly In IfgrcbailM i -tto ihoifKl hovo'chnvyd )ili o r cont In-loi;wt td r advanqoB argrogoU ns Sl,B0Q w ii^ l y g i i vVuod befofO V lca-C^ncal- lor Etnour yeatorday. Dorlokon war ro^

I'CXaroooo Backott. aa counaoi for tha CopiplalnatitB, Frederick Randallr Ufa tonantj and the la tte r 'i two m &b» urged th a t Mr. Hopping wae not enUtled to oonafnlaBtone. for the reaaon th a t ho M d not properly admlnlatered the tote.

Mr, Bookett cited atatuteo under whieh. bo oontondedt Mr. Hopping ahould have Improved run>down propertlee oo ao to make them more productive.

To thlB tha vlcO'Chancellor made re> jelnder that the atatutee cited did not apply to the Randall estate.

On the suhjert of the In tereit charge. Mt. fiackett contended th a t Mr. Hopping should hitve charged his wife nix per oent. Instead of five.

In the course of the ault brought by th e oomplalnants. through Mr. BacketCt for an Msoountlng from the late George R. Gray, the' iheti Pole aurvlvlng exec- u tor M the Randall eatate, as trustee of the a m U , an account iubm ltted by Mr. Hopping was referred to Francis Child 0r. M apeclel master,‘Jfr. Child made a report, which vtce-

Oh'aneeHor' Emery approved, ovemilltig Six exceptions presented by Mr. Sackett, In which Mr, Child spedllcally praised Ur. Hopping's adm inistration of the ee> tata..A b '.eT fl« made by Vlce-Chahoellor

BmerT In the case last July rid te d r“And It appealing th a t It la claljned

by the said Charles M. Hopping, the aeld oomplilnent, Frederick L. Randall, has now received about $1,400 of the Income of the said estate of George t). Randall* de­ceased, In anticipation of the ineoma of said estate to which the said FrederickL. Randall may become entitled^ and it further appearing th a t the said CharleiM. Hopplhg has moneya In h it kftjidi, tn« rnm s Of the estate of George D. Ran* datl, deceaeed, It ts on this eighteenth day of July, 1911, ordered th a t the Charles M. Hopping do pay to the said Frederick I* Randall • * • the ftrrther sum of $40 per month."

In this order there followed a prorteo* however, tha t Mr. Randall gtve a bond for $800 to s son re th a eatatei, felling wMoh hiB Income was to oeese temporarily,

Mr. Randall did not furnish th e redtttred bond end no fu rther Income wee n»rth- oomlng.

In the oeuree of his ergument^ M^ Sankett da ltn td th a t the finding th a t Ur. Kendall had received H.400 more Inoome than Mrs. Hopping was Incorrwot, In computing Mr, R andairo Income. Mr. Qackett explained, sight had been lost of tha fact th a t.u n d e r Mr. Gray’s trustee* ship, Mr. Randall had received t$81Bd'14si than the other Ufa tenants.

FOREST HILL AHD WOODSIDEFriends of E d w ^ Orosjean, of Lake

itreol, have receiii^ announcement of hts m arriage to Miss May aammls, of HvnU Inglon, Long Island. The ceremony was performed at the brlde'i home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grogfean after a wedding trip will reside tem porarily a t the home of Mr. Grosjean’e parents, In Lake street.

Rev, John E. Parm ly will have charge of the prayer-m eeting to-nlghi a t the Forest Hill Presbyterian Church. fils eubjeot will be ‘TVhy Is the Gospel of John ,Dead to Me?”

Mt. in d Mrs. David Mulcahy, of Wash­ington avenue, have been spending' a short time in Lakewood.

H. R. Van Ness, of P arker street, has been spending a few days a t hie home before returning to Philadelphia.

Col. Book Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., has six new rnembora so be initiated NoVfim- ber tt. There will be a special meeting tn-morrow evening In preparation for Cho event.

Mlaa^ .Grace Cleveland Porter, of Sum­mit, wll) give a recital of aanga and etorlea in the Forest Hill Presbyterian Church Friday evening, .December 1, un­der thft auspices of tho Dorcas Circle.

W. C.*Nell1«, of Montclair avenua left last nigbt for a short stay tn Philadel­phia.

The various contests held a t the recent bazar of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel will be decldtid Thursday r\<'Dlng, when (he drawings will be held. Rev, William J. Richmond, the rector of the church, hopes to hav'e all the re­turns Jn hy Friday, so th a t he will be able to announce the am ount cleared by the ram lval.

Mrs. William V. Mulford, of Bummer av enue. 1ms had as her guest her cousin, Mrs. Walter T, Cavell, of Florida.

North End Lod^e. 1. O. O. F., met last night In WooilSIde Hall.

DaWd M. Meeker has been re-elected secretary of Troop No. 7, Boy Scouts, for the ensuing year, Leonard Hubbard la liio new treasurer, to Bucceed Clement Honnefis, who was unable to serve again.

Mtb. Louts Stolber has invited (ha women <>f thn Foreet Hill Church to her home, 723 l>c Graw avenue, to-morrow’, to meet Miss Amanda Jefferson, of Rat- nlglrl. Irnlia.

St, MnrKaret'a Guild of St. Mark’s Epis­copal Mission has decided to hold a fair and baxar in the new edlftoe, row In the course of construction, Wednesday, De­cember 6, afternoon and evening.

Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton T. Dlsbrow, of He Oraw avenue, hav t been spending a few days in Boston visiting thalr daugh­ter, Miss Elsa Dlshrow, who Is a stu- dent a t Wetlesley.

VAILSBHKGE SECTIONA rumrnngc Bale for the benellt of the

Industrial Club, an organization con- tiected with St. George's Episcopal Mia- Sion, will be held Thur.^day and Friday a t 12 Sunset avenue.

A Sewing Circle, composed of young girls of the Vallsburgb Methodist Epis­copal Church, met la^t night a t the home of Misses Radle and Mary I'romanB, i

- daughters nf Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tro- /rnana. of South Orange and St. Paul ave- ' nuM. Nest Monday night the circle will meet a t the home of Miss M argureta Hausmau, of Vermont avenue.

Charles Kopfman, secre tary of the .Vallsburgh Athletic Association, Is spend­ing a week a t Somerville.; The Improved Order Heptasophs met las t night a t Union Hall. Otto Haar- Under, Fred Babbitt and F rank Con­nelly were chosen as,.E visiting commit­tee. The next meeting, November 27, will be a reunion-

The commUtees which were in charge ' t f the John W. Daly Association emoker win meet to-morrow night a t Daly’s hall, , to report.

At a meeting of the Alexander School Alumni laal night (he constitution and bylawi were adopted. I t w as decided to meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month-

The topic of the iSotura In the Alex­ander Street School to-morrow night will be ’'America In Prose and ’P o e try /' by Mies E, Marie Sonn.



iu«it«i M I,«ad oa yo« kuta. 1 Milt Uty tmangh


Mrs. WUllain W orsley and her daufhtee, Mies Viola Worslsy. of 463 Rldsewood

' avenue, have returned from Waj>plngei*e Falls, where they had spent the last two weeks. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Jamee 'Worsley. who wftl he thslr f u e l t i for some time.

The Lyons Farm s Aid Boclety will meet tQ-morroW afternoon In Looker's haU,

iMlIlside avenue, Lyons Farm s.- Mrs. Jefferson B. Miller, of Hillside avd-

.nue, Lyons Ferme, entertained the mcpi-bers of the PIcaiure Club a t a l u n c h ^ yesterday a t her homo. Covers were laid

(/for Idrs. Wlltikm Tobin, Mrs. William '^Slma, Mrs. Clayten Pierson, M ra John H. D anm iis Jr , and Miss Sadie Doremus.

A supper and basar will be held Tues­day and Wednesday eventnta Of next w eek the Bible hlassroonii of the Ellaa- betb Avenue- B aptist Church, under the

’ auspices of the W om an's AuxlUary of the- churirti.. Tuesf^iy evenlPk the supper will . ‘be e^aecc 6t Ihe 'im D j-w tntkw pi pre-i^phre-'/aad wefve it. - W alter ;J, -Wlkians Is ’q lta tt^an of the m en's committee. Wed-

a Uenfy, A. j4 iiey a#: ____ eo«nhlttee. -i-Ahrwni ....... ' ■

---------- Kntwdi

■ ’ k l - r f ; . .rr - ‘ ‘ i’ ,-'*.' '••■I . t

^ 1

P e p f t t f HeaHi^ Fo p

Be c o m e m a s t e r o f (he health of yourself and your fam ily. Y ou can- w ith an O X Y P A T H O R .

T h e O X Y P A T H O R is a d is e a ie d e s t r o y e r , a s im p le d e v ic e w h ic h u t i l i z e s t h e o x y g e n o f t h e a i r f o r th e c u r e o f d is e a s e b y b lo o d a e r a t io n .

O n e O X Y P A T H O R w il l s e rv e th e e n t i r e fa m ily , o n e a t a t im e . I t n e v e r lo s e s its f o r c e t h r o u g h ju s a g e ; i t a lw a y s r e m a in s th e s a m e .

W htt the body needi moit ii not costly prcKriptioiu, nor dangerous druas, but more Oxygen—Oxygen In lufficlent ^ a n tjt^ o purify the system by ebminkting the fu e t, adds and poisons upon which diseeie feeds end thrfrei. The OXYPATHOR supplies this need. It pours i generous stretm of Oxygen into the blood, freeing the body from all disease breeding impurities.

If you own an OXYPATHOR you can prevent or cure diaeate at will, not with druga or medidnes,, but with your OXYPATHOR. No diagnosii is necessary with the OXYPATHOR—simply adjust the two small datpa and you are immediately put on the road to recovery.

In short, the OXYPATHOR gives i tick person the best chince of recovery of anything the world has thus far evolved.

T ha OXYPATHOK li a Klentifie diacevety with an appllcstlmi ai ptactical la the Itlaphona and telegraph. ^

Writ0 for oar FkEE Book on "Oxypathy" and thm Drug EoiLThere are many OXYPATHORS In dally use in this city and we will give you the names

of Newark parties, relieved from their sufferings similar to yours. Call and lell us of your troubles. There is no charge for consultation.

HUDSON OXYPATHOR CO.,John Fulton, Mgr. 828 Broad Street, Newark


Liltrotarr Moi Comrfmdtmt* (■


D U P L E XO X Y P A T H O f* ..


u .A ■

, /swarl, Osrmmm «og ImIIco

T h e S t o r y I n A N u t s h e l l Io

The Price The P int Payment The Weekly Payment

$ l / \ $ <' 3 9 0T h e P r in a a to n eP l a y e r - P i a n o

Marks an Epoch in Player-Piano HistoryH a v in g b e e n d e s ig n e d w i th a v ie w to t h e u tm o s t e c o n o m y in s p a c e to m e e t c o n d i t io n s o f M o d e r n A p a r t m e n t a n d Small H o m e s , w h i le r e t a i n ­in g e v e r y d e s ir a b le q u a l i t y o f t h e L a r g e s t S iz e P la y e r - P ia n o .

We Anticipated the Enormous DemandF o r t h i s w o n d e r f u l i n s t r u m e n t a n d w e re o n e o f t h e f i r s t to p la c e a l a r g e o rd e r . O u r f ir s t a l l o tm e n t o f 25 is f a s t f in d in g d e l ig h te d o w n e rs , h e n c e

Prom ptness Is H ig h ly ' EssentialI f y o u c a r e to p a r t i c ip a t e in t h i s e x t r a o r d in a r y e v e n t .

O n ly '10 ( ^ h Is R e q u ir e dT o s e c u r e t h e P R I M A T O N E P L A Y E R - P I A N O , w ith w h ic h w e in c lu d e

a f in e b e n c h , b e a u t i f u l s c a r f , 12 ro l ls o f m u s ic a n d f r e e l ib r a r y p r iv - le g e s .- .W e a lso k e e p y o u r p ia n o in t u n e fo r o n e y e a r f re e .





<uf i ^ A t f p e f t :S t r ^ Nekarjk, N. J.


Bitsters Broke and Formed Scabs. Nose Covered with Them. Very Itchy, Used Cuticura Remedies. Now Hasn't a Single Mark-

” Uy Mi)hew first ibowsd itgns of scsenison tha middle flofer, stid U csiDs out like s bllstar. His mothsr thought h« hsd rotten i burn Id soma way imkuown to her, sod ihs treated It as such. He imiai bars rubbed his face wUh that band, as It then broke out on bli DOSS the eama way. When thg bllsicri broke, they tbriveiled up and fomed scabs. Hli noM was eorerfd wUb scabs, and It was Tsry Iteby. He was badly disfigured with iin- Llghtlf seabs. At first, his nose was sore, and it gndusJly became worse so hli mother took him to the doctor. He gave bar eoma preparation, and told hsr to rub the scabs off everj day. and anoi&i the affected p ^ t with the madktne he gave nor.

"The man must have been rtuaae, as that w u extreme torture to the child who was only two years old at (he time, lod that was two years afo. Wall, we decided that that treatment would hare to cod. I mg- {Sited Oulieura Olntmeml and they bought It aod put It on frsejy sTssy day fsr two weoki. Be had the ecsemi for four w«aki altoniher, but was getting gradually worse until they used the Outloura Reinedtei. and he was cured b twe weeks. He most cer­tainly would bare been seined with the other treatment, but now he haen't a single mark. Outicura Remedies cured him In two weeks, and now we always keep them la the house.'' (Signed) Miss Ida Slarln, 288 South Fifth St., Philadsipliia. Pa., Jaa. i, IRU.

For more than a generation the Cuticura Remedies Iibyo afforded the most eoanomlcal treatment (or affecMons o( the skin and eealp of Infanta, children and adults. A eake of Cutkmra ^ a p (28c. )> and a box of Cuticura Ointment (fiOc.) are often lUfllcieDt. Al­though sold throughout ihe world, a liberal sample of each, with A2-p, book on the skill, will be sent free, on ■pplicatloii to Potter Drug A Cbem. Cerp.. Dept. IIA, Boitoa.


Gold Crowms, $5 upThe price of crown end bridge

work often depends upon tne standing of the dentist, if "fssh- ioneble" he will charge $25 or more per tooth—much of thie for reputation. But if “cheap" he will quote a price insufllcient to allow the use of gold of the proper quality or quantity. 1 am neither a “ fashionable ” nor “cheap” dentist, but one who per­forms dental work as ably as buman hands of specialized skill can perform it, and charging ts little as fine work can be done for. No pain to my methods.

EDM UND S . NINE, D .D .S ,FXD»rlaior W hits JDeutoL F u lo rs

671 Br»«4 StFourth Floor, Wiaa Building

lYPEMlTERS RENIED 3 Months for }5

sn4 upn-jud. Every huchlas Is in fine work- fng tirdvr, aud wiM b4 kat>t ift during term of rwiicL inlUa] psimisnt ai)ow«g to a P ^ r if vur- rhsM'l. %VE &IU-L rebutli mschines, guenn- issd far one y«sr, t t s uv ing Of SO p«r eent. to 79 pw cent. 8eftd for catslogae.


M & r s h a c l l < S i B q l UHighest Type of Beady~to- Wear

------------------ ~ S o7-8ij Broad Street------- ----------- -

O v e rc o a tsG u a ra n te e d A l l W o o l

$12 to $40" MADE IN NEWARK "


This is the sort of weather that makes a man feel the need of an O vercoat »

Come in and feel of our Overcoats, even the lowest priced ones, and youftf understand why we put t ' “ Guaranteed All Wool " label in them.

In our all-wool silk-lined Black Overcoats at $15 there is more value than

you can hope to find elsewhere at the price.In our $40 overcoats every penny is a wise

investment. A n d ^ t every price between $12 and $40 there is more quality and character apparent than you would expect at the price, .

Great Coats, Raglans, Convertible CoIIi Coats, Belted Coats and long loose boxy effects; also Chesterfields; rough and smooth fabrics; new and unusual patterns and tones.

Also fur and fur-Lined Coats


T h e O r ie n t a l S to r e . Announce, i

An Im p o r ta n t S a le o f Oriental Drapery Fabrics

.W in. heavy w eight striped cotton tapestry for portieres, couch covers, cushions, etc. R egular price—$1.00 ,

50 in. (unfndablef m ercerized cotton for side cu rta ins, portieres, etc. Solid colors— red, sage, olive, gold, blue, brow n and green. R egular price—$1,50

SO in. heavy w eight figured co tton tapestry fo r wall and fu rn itu re coverings, po rtieres, table covers and cushions. R egu lar p rice—$2.00

We also offer, because of broken asso rtm en t o f colors, several lines o f 50 in. tapestries and dam asks for wall and fu rn itu re coverings at R egularly sold from $1.00 to $3.50 a yard. O ther fabrics 25c. a yard and up.

Sale of Couch CoversIn rich color tones, and both Persian and 83.50 to

Kelim designs. R egular price $5.00 to $9.00. 85.00 eachNOTE;—We give special attention to making up materials for

window curtains and portieres, piano scarves and table scarves to harmonize with the room furnishings, Quntations gladly given.

50ca yd

05ca ydOOca yd

50cto $2ayd

Japanese Screens, Kimonos,Embroidered Waists and Dress Paiterna, Silks, Rugs, Teas, Jewelry, Perfumes.

A. A. VANTINE & CO.,Broadway, bet. 18th and 19th Streets,

New York CityAlso Boston and Philadelphia.

E z n z z nr z r

A Warm Bathroom

Every mother should he careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room is dangerous after com­ing out of the hot water.

A Peifectiaa Smokeieti OH Heater brings bathroom or bedroom to just the degree of warmth you want m five or ten minutes. All you ht've to do ia to touch a inat^.

The Perfecdoa Heater bimi nine hours on one filling and is always ready lot use. You can move it anywhere it is n e ^ d . There is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms. Just the heat you want, when and where you want it

The Perfection is fitted with an automatic-locldng flame spreader that prevents the wicl being turned high enough to smoke and it tu y to remove and drop back when deaning.

Drums iiiiilied alh«t ia torquoue-Um caamcl « pUa Ussl ( Kl|)hl m S am ^ ■CBtal, yst sb u f snd dumUa—suitibie l«r t iy m*ss ia a i^ heoi&

D ukn M-vwkm i t t writ. I. M r •ew tr ,|ka

Standard Oil Company( la e w a o n ta ) J

389 Mulbnrry Ht., Nawarh, N. J.

Tel. 8570 Hnrketl34$ Broadwijr,

Hew Torti. N. T. Tel (H08 iH’nnkltn.


Re n a is s a n c e c u r ta in s , iHib in-aartlon and «Ibm to matcli, white or A t ^ , tti yards tong: atoro

, price, Sl.SSl taetorr price. T6c., at the~ »B X L A C ^ C U f t T A M W O IU C !s

see Waaktactwe iSiHS^ o m a n i iK is » .a s « r t s »


OLD CARPE1JS ^ NEW RUGS We ere the eldest end larosst Rug *nd Rsa Carpet Weeving Faetory

N«w JtTfty- W« MHiv* It win b8 for your I n ta ru t wh*n pUeltw y«wp ftHtoi for Iteti klnd^«f wgrkp to tlvo it fflroet to ONLY . ^

Orunlal Rut to.^4 /

•NWlWSRp'-y ' '




ltdair CmdoI FOb Vaeta- cki, Nuniot Artkir G. Wit*

I u l Getrfe Prutef.


ntfC w nllnK a pftltl®" bearlnf th» alj- of t ia

I F o urth worn, IfoiUclatr, tha t

$ 4 .5 0

C o c b l P r i e e ®A c i v a t i o © S o o n

Ton BoA PkoM* 354 ia4 3SS

W e A r e S t i l l S e l l i n gS e tt U fM UW Bh No. 2 Nut, M rfo ii, $ 4 .* 0 T rim m eri MIi Iut* , S tove, in d Httlrinimci a miAiiua, —- - - ,

mixed with U rge Lehigh No. 2N ul,$S .« Bert U h lg h Stove or Egg.................... oO-” *'



S.Trlmmer&Co.1 3 6 L a f a y e t t e S t r e e t

IP u tM b« nanuHl as councilman »«<>>*»w u d to an ths unciplrsd term of Wlll-

i .to n U. fenlor, realgned, the members of f Uto Town Council Isit n lih t chose Arthur fO . Wilson for the place.

M. Wilson formcrlr representeO me I F o u rth Ward as a councilman. He was I nMnlRated br Councilman McQlynn and r a S S the VOU of every other member.

Clerk Trippett read the petlllon K r i ” lo th . tote on Mr. Wilson, but no Von* placed Hr. Fusco's nam s In nomina-

All the vacancy caused by the rcsls- I luttlon of Councilman W iyiam B. Wallace,

S t ^ B s e o n d w ard, Qe^rge P raeter wae Ti,e norulnatlon was made by

Cowellman Wrenich, and It also received nnaiilinaua vote. Mr. P ra ite r

j chosen for the plane by the Second t \ ard 1 BSpuhlican Club laet Auguel. Mr. Wallace ■•liid a t that time stated th a t he etpected

to r e ^ n . Had ho done so a t th s time, Mr. Praeter would have been the itc- uuhUcan candidate for councilman a t ihc gaasra l alectlon. Mr. W allace's reslsna-

f rtOB was accepted October II. . ,' In regard to an Investigation made by th a Law Coimnlttse eoncernlng the ai-

.c legad disappearance of i fnwn the town atseeeor e omes,

m an JtaingW n, chairman of the Finance Catniniltee, reported the inveeilgatton a i n a t oompleled. Mr. Farlnglon said that * full rapOTt would bo made on the mat- ta r a t the next regular meeting of the oouaoU. The loee of the books wee re- pggted IW Councilman Bedford three

1 , a t which time the committee leg s raaueeted to take action. , . . ,

H_ an atnendmenl made lae t n lsh t to ■antlnn 1* of the town escloe ordinances, earU in violatlone of th e ^i.fc.fct. la future by a One of tlOO for the S 5* r t l« v .o and m for the second oO tiua. Imprisonment of from o j* *o th ra s m onthi may also bo imposed for vMatlOiu, The clause referred to re- la ts s to people selling -wnhout a license, for Uoensed persons to sell more than taaeifled amounts oft of the p r e m l^ for w hM i a license le given, and for lie*"*** ae-aoiW to lell llouore to be drunk off of t ^ iiainlses. Under the ordinance, prior to amendment, tW W*s th e fixed fine tor a ll otenees. In addition to fine or Im- prlsonmenl. doalere who violate the ord 1_ tiaase are now eubjeci to have their lleanses revoked a t the discretion of ths

a sesftlutlon wee adopted ordering Mr. T r t p ^ t to notify In w riting every man In th e town employ th a t the town will 5 U bound by Bectton S of the em- B tfreT f llabiuty ac t and to get from each i i ^ ^ C an geknowledgment ewu The resolution also speclfiee thag. In future alt men empleyed by the t o ^

a oontraot In which It wMl i g tsU d th a t Bectton 2 of the employ ere UahIHtv law does not apply.

GMBollman KIdde dem urred a t the ex elaatoh of town employe* from the bene fits of seollon two of the Employes Lia U tH r act. He said th a t p riva te corpora^ U M allowed their help the beneme ot th e law and he thought th * rountclpallty

I should do the same. A ttorney Boyd eald r th a t no prortelon had been made In the

b o ^ and as the llablUty to bo mourred WBg ludolermlnate It could not well b«

*he fW n c e and Law Com m ittees ^ e r e

Stricken wtth hesrt failure, M f - E. Wlnans, elghtr-three years o'*. e t the home of her daughler. Mrs. w . & Mitchell, m Claremont avenue, M ont^m . last night. Arrangemanll for the fun are delayed pending the arrival o ‘be ecne of the deredent. Clarence It. and Mallne WInane, of Unde".Wlnane i f i t apparently In her ^ u a l heellh yesterday. Uealh came In the evening while she W“ " ,room. H rr daughter and son-in-law were with her when ehe died. „ -

Mrs. Wlnans was Ih* o . Wlnans. of Undsn. who ago She was born In lived nearly all her life U ndrn Town^ ship, where the family " ,!!" jy ,f ,n d -oidUt in the neighborhood, fants being those of early ecttler« ot thesection who acquired theeatata from the Indlane M ■ j ,and her daught.r hada mile more than one * g^rtchll-grandchlldren and Iwc g relallvca,dren are among her FurvlvlnK relatlvea,

ot haval Veteran.I'nltcd Htatea naval Home for Disabled

last nlgbi. He wan



Under the auaplcea of the Civic Club of Arlington, W. 8 . O ll^ r t 'a <hr«-art mythological comedy,fJnlateft." win produC'frd by Arltnilton amateurs In Midland Hall a t th a t place last night. Mlsa Marlon Jewell, as Ual- a lL was forced In the llrat act to set In pantomime on account of an «"ack of laryngllla. her mother. Mr*. H ""'''* ' " l Ing Jewell, reading the lines from one of


th«^ wlngi*, MI^m J 4*!weil wns able to u«e her voice In nucrfl^dlng A di.

The otham m the raat were Hlecy Mil­ler am Mtmoii, Hupfrl TliomeJi, ee Age- Mlmoa and C'hryYOB. Frank Burgeis, aa Pygmalion, MImm Kiilherlne ATide^eon. aa CynlBca. Ml«» rtuth lluebels i»»Frank Thornan. Leiiclppe.Gertrude Hinmg, an Daphne,

DeathJani€» t ’hofvicmnn. i

velrriiii. dl+'d theBoUllcrB. Kearny. If-. maixty.two years aid. He was adm iltrf to th . home from Ueverly, four V™” *niece Mla« -Mva t’heeaeman, of Sf* Orange street, this •■Hy, aurvlves.


. W11 Haiti Me

and Miss Mrs. Jewell

acted as coach. 1

ExpecUi Hmt* Nofth Arl- io|too Coiiflcil Blockti ky

Griffin’t Appeariiice.



Spfricl gertH-s of Fit hElV8 r I .A N U E H 8 , N'uv. It-

I-aughlln died yest.-rilay. l i e was the son of the late Mr and Mrs. John I . -Mc- ”!aughlla and wa- born In I.himp.Hburg,

1,1 this place twenty-one

Ltnaei do awf, .............. ^atty of changing flgaie* «« fgrana naar.

AH fc on* plec*. without th*unilghtly line*, which not only look bikdiy. but blur the vision. If you need glasses for ta r and near l*l Ui m ake you a pair ot





It was expected th a t the second appMoa-1 tlon ot the New York and Now Jersey W ater Company to lay Iti main through three streets of North Arlington would bs acted un nt a meeting ot the Borough Council last night, but the achema was blocked apparently by the unexpected ap ­pearance of J. W. Orimn, superlDtendent of the tv a te r Board ot Joraay City, iupplloi the municipality with water. The application win not read, and not a refer- enc* waa made to It during the council aaeaalon. , ,,

Turner A. Beall, president of the New Tork and New Jersey W ater Company, was present prior to the meeting, and ex-

Organlxatlon of the Men's Church Fed­eration of Weet Hudson was effseted a t a meeting In the First Baptist Church, Ar­lington, laet night. The object of the so­ciety Is to "promote Chrletlan fellowship and principle* and also the moral and ip lrltual well-being of the Weal Hudson lowna." Rev. J. Franklin Hhlndell,-pastor of the church In which the meeting took place end chairman of the promotion com­mittee, was elected chairman of the meet­ing, and W alter S. Newton secretary.

The following officers were chosen: president. W. K. Warnock, of the First Methodist Church. Arlington; vice-presi­dent. Nevin Kennedy, of Knox Presby­terian Church, Kearny; secretary. Mr. Mewton, ot the Flrnt Boptlsl Cburch, A.'- Ilngton; treasurer, 8. J. I’tircell, of Christ Episcopal Church, Harrison.

Two from each church affiliated with the federation, together with the officers, will comprise the executive committee, which will have power to call meetings of the federation. It la planned to hold two large public meetlT^gM every year.

yeanago since which lime he hail been In the creamery business He was also a coa dealer. Before locating here he operated creumerles In Hunterdon County.

The tuneial will be held Thursday morn- tng In the First Presbyterian Churen, t o - lowing a brief service at the family resl- di-nce. Rev. nr. Jnmes F. Horn, pastor, Kev WilUnm Panncll, of CedarvHle. a former pastor of the church, and Rev. George F, liman, of the Melhodlsl Epis­copal churcli. will olflclaie.

Mr Mcl-aughlln wae taken HI about two weeks ago with pleurisy from wh ch he had seemed to recover. His condition gr«w worif th*® l*Mt of iha w«ek.

flprr4<jl Strviee of lArA TI^N TIC HKJHLAxNDfl. NOV. «;

(!i>H of m u n k r from tlie doiubcottftRO At a n ' ^ a r l y hour UiIh morning rouiod *'Dan'* Bryant, the bonlfaoe. next door. HIb ’phone nieiiHage entire polloo force uf tliio John Hs^HnedoUcr Officer I- M. y<>*- tor, Uryanl, Iho hl^U'CoalM nml a few re ­cruits ■urrnuntlod the coUageg wUkh v aa aupDosetl to have bt-en unoccupied-

SnedoRer found h window In front of (he houae open, end aflor taking a Hoo.l look around the room climbed In. ■with hlB potato masher; Kaym<*nd 1 led win. an axe. and .John 8. ' ' “"" '" 'T ' " ‘'g a elxleen-gag* pump gun, tullowed (lose

'L'he cries came from the third floor, A door slammed ami the cries became inlnter. As the third floor was reached, llryanl still clutching Ilia potato masher, ■l„wed he'd stoy down and see w''®'Jh® Chera found. Through the closed door ot ii room crsine this wurnlnff-

Wlih of r**r*t tlia t lUbBBlth nocBNtUtM tbB of thellARor, OounoUinin T*lbot Root Un- a«r*d Mayoi Onoi W, Moad » iHver- UtiOd ebosy f*vo1 and bl^ok a t the CHeii Rldjge Borough Counoll m««Uhg nJfht, on bohiaf of tb* council. Tb* In* •crlptloa bBori th* hatom of th* eouncU- BQtn and th* date.

RoportlAf Un a rr«*u fo t automobil* Bp**dlng In th* laat th irty daye, Coun- cllraon l»ord told th* order of th* council

j to *nf{>ro* th* *p«ed ordlnmnc* ha* h*«i

1 CouncllBDOO BknUn reported progrew in the obtaining of aignature* to ih* peti­tion calling for a ■p«clal flection on ih* purch*#* of the w ater plant. He ea'a the petition probably will be ready to preient a t the neat meeting.

Announcing that the vote on the pro- poMd free public library wa* favorable* the clerk wae advised to get the opinion of the borough couneel on th* n*at »t*p to be tekeTT.

To the Et^llroad Committee wai re­ferred a public complaint mad* through Councilman Root th a t the Lackawanna Railroad stop* no westbound train* a t OUn Ridge between 6:*) and »;tt In the morning. „ .

Philip Qoodell. repreeentlng Miss Sarah Benson, Hied a claim with th* council for M80, P art ot a piece of property that »be sold In B arringer street had been annexed to Eeeex avenue. *o that she had to relmburee the purchaser. Her claim wae referred to the Law and Fran-

" It you bother me I'll scratch your *)r*s out; get out ot here, yoy devils."

And Bnedeker made answer: "Open that door, or I'll nil you full ot holea." A tor­rent of profanity Issued from the room.

Foster, who had reached the bottom ot the third night of stairs, thought be rec- Ogiilie.l the voice in the room, and, walk­ing straight past the chief of police andbis Opened the » ciaim wae reremwedged between the closet 1 chlse Committee.floor, was a poll parrot, wnn iis ic* Telephone Company wssbroken I granted permission to lay conduits In

"Why, I'd know that er Hawthorne avenue and Park avenue,this Bide of kingdom come, sala F ■ I g^wer contracts were let to Joseph Css "That bird belongs to Amil M, Posten, Montclair, In Forest avenue andtho undertaker at Naveeink, and I hcern avenue, a t »519 and »876 rcapertlvely.It got ewoy yesterday. Don t you r*metn- Jam es T. Boylan, of Belleville. Inher the last time H got loose and lit In the cemetery one night, and scared Birkles. ihe aBfleflior, aird John BlcKlei, the coroner, and Ada Linim ayer most to

'" h 'p'’ caught the bird and carried It to Posten's undertaking shop.

I Ovitlook place, at 1622.

Need* of Freek Atr Cl***.The Freeh Air Claea of Orange, which

meets In the Charities building. Is In need of dIshea. forks and spoons. Contribu­tions of such articles or money may be sent to the building.


Spsrlaf fferrlce ot Ike AKWH.WMITKIIOUBE STATION, Nov. H -

Word wss received In this pince yeslei- day ot the death of Saiiiuel A, Tlltmars. sixty-seven years old. in the Ikirkliam Memorial Hospital In New Brunswick after a long Illness. Before taken there he wtii III In Somemet Hoipital In aoin- prvlll* for soTTie time. He wbm formerly a T*Hldenl of N'ew Haven, Conn., where h* wBi engeR<‘d iTi tha coal buelne** for about thirty yoarn.

Mr Dltmars wan a aon-ln-lftw of ino late Q. Veghle Stryker, of Wliltehouae.


Throi'ith the death of Mrs. .^Hnlrne*. And the resignation of


press7d’"lhe hope Ihnt the appilvathm of his concern would be granted, Lefore


active members. Offl_rtal_recjWil^^^^^ advised them to


atsHSH to look the m atte r up and ^A axxtani of *mpIore«‘ Insurance could not b* provided. I t thi* la done, th e tmoIu- t l f i l B d ^ e d la»t night, will then be re-


reil-.ewawitTH Nov, lA—A t their rtsMA l i l t Hampton placa. la« t night. Mr. g a d Mrs Mlcbaal ,W. illig in a o n cele- i S ^ ^ ^ r t f t y H A f i h annlvaraary of thair S f l a e r f i a couple w are m arried a t the h M g of the bride'* mother, on Nlne-

rtreet, Hew York,AiMonder Of tb* StreetWtMbytVfUn Ohuroh. Tho bride wae Mlse CgreUnt Brant, and wns bora In EIIib - b rth . Bhe waa one of tho heire of the H ileey eotot* In lian h a ita ti.

m T h Ih Uw i" 7 "land, and earn* to tho United States m IOHl The couple moved to E lliabeth more th an forty year* a«o. Bine* ootnlng here tlioy have W n member* o t the Second P tM bytirlan Church.

They have two ehlldren, Mlse Mary Btlgabeth Mlgglneon, who Itve* with her pgrenta, and YVIlllam M. Hlgginson, who W ildes In Newark,

MeCabe-Obert.Announcement ha# been made of tha

nmrriag* of M l« Edith Obert, daughtei ^ H i T a n d t i n . P au l W. Obert, of Avon

nlgc* and Leo McCabe, of Elm street. TBa wedding ■olenmlxad last Satur- day morning In the rectory of St Jam ei • Oathrilc Church, Dean Patrick Cody offi- Olatsd. JIlea L»bl» Dickie attended as M id of honor and the beet man wa* P rank Hanlon. Mr, and Mr*. McCabe left for g -trip to —Berm uda ■ and upon their -letura will reside a t MS Belmont gvenug.

HeHs»a*HoBgUnd BiumgenieBt. gpecldl getrics of the

KHTPORT, Nov. It.—Announceraent has been mads of the engagement o t Miss Kathleen V, D. Hoagland, daughter of the late Dr. G arrett H. Hoagland, of

‘ Keypprt, and Jam es McKwan, son of ' John HoEwan. of Ottawa, Can. Mr. Mc-

Ewan’, irho Is acting a* superintendent of an automobile tire concern In Mllltuwii. sraa g" former Keyport man, having been iUperintendenl of th e W hitehall, Tatum Co.’* rubber plant there, _________

Borough Clerk Devine etarted to read the minutes of the previous meeting Mr. Griffin entered the room. There was a brief conference between bim and Fnink Kocb, the borough attorney. ^tw**n Mr. Beall utieI Mr. Keen, arier which the representallves of the w atercompanies wftnt away. r.«»npB

Mr. Koch would not sta le the of tho conference, but said ‘J’®''® likelihood of th* two council agreeing to some k nd of a con tract whereby th e main would he laid to th* aatlefactlon of all concerned.

'Th# New Yark and Ne'W Jersey W ater eJm pa^y in it* application said It de-

r t e Drivtlege of crossing Paasalo,Kearny and Beff'e^^ A l '^ r ^ t h e c i tT o t Bayonne' T h r i a l r i l ' m u n f f l l y It w as declared In the

,^ -A |n„*^«ct4*d an e x t ra supply of

th ro u g h the present pipe line, which Is l»<l*nuate. J h e present sup-

’’'Lcord'ng* tT ’the franohtse under which J.’J ^ r C U y operate. ^ > - 7 ;Jersey City was to have tne eiciueive

A resolution was adopted at a m eet­ing of the East Newark Board of Ijkluca- tlun last night closing the day and even­ing Buhools from Wednesday, November 211, to Monday, Uecemhei' 1, for the Thanksgiving holiday.

President Patrick Kinsella and Clerk William A. Carey were empowered to negotiate a loan of Jl.OOO from the W est Hudson County Trust Company, to be paid oot of the that money received from the Stale franchise lax. Custodian Ter­ence H. O'Donnell reported the expendi­tures during October to he (l,6tl.66. He an­nounced a balance of lf42.Hl on hand.

Truant Officer Thomas Neville report­ed that he had investigated twenty-live complainte. Ten puliHs were found sick and the remaining urteen had other sa tis­factory excuses. Principal Jam es Nugent reported tho attendance a t day echool to be 325 and a t night school thirty-tw o. A t a recent Are drill of tho day school pupils, ho said, all the rooms were emptied In two minutes.

gpsriat Serrire of IA« ASH’S.SOMERVILLE. Nov. U .-The funeral

of Georgs W. Baldwin, aged slity-ioven years, a former employe of the Standard 1)11 Co look place from the home of M, brother-in-law, A, N. Rngere here to Jay Mr. Baldwin had been In the emnloy of Hie Btandard concern fortyflye vears In the capacity of a manager and was recently stationed In the South. He was retired hv the company on a pension

c a l here only last Friday to live with Ills slflter. Mrs. Rng^ra Sunday morning Of apoplexy.

JoMph1. 5il xs.vlirexelJames O. Riggs, ““P ® ""'® ""'" ' ” ‘u >0; iirange schools, who leaves this Oswego N. Y„ the executive cnmmltUee ,,f th^ I’htldren's Aid and Protective 80-

..A ei.„ rVrAPtirna hftH lOSt tWO Of It*of

the society'" lo®» 1*'*®'’ ' . , ,u„ternoon at the November meet ng of the board of directors In the society s rooms In the Fharltlea building, Orange.

srcrriar)' Thomas S. Frano was author- iTi'd to express t o the family of Mr*. Holmes the sympathy » ' directors. For Iho past eight Years Mrs. H®'"'®® ’'■®® ® director of the society, and P®fnv« years was a memher of the ex eoutlve committee.

Mr. Riggs has been a director for vears. HI" poalllon among tha children and his active Interrat In child-saving work resulted two years ago In pis election fo ri'e exLutlvo committee. In his letter of resignation he expressed regret at be­ing comoellcd to sever his connection with the society and ronuhended Its work In behalf of the children of the commun­ity

M IL LB U R N .The meeting of th* Township Commit­

tee scheduled for last night wa* poet- poned until Monday night. Novembor 21.

Georgn W. Eager, of Ridgewood road.Three youths eatd to belong to th® UaM , y - " - supervisor ot the E ise i Coun-

Orange car barn gang, were arraigned 'vyomi.L*. Rncheitsr.this morning before Recorder Nott, of 1 tythat city, charged with having stoned Beecher Clark, the colored policeman, while he was making an a rre st on Sun­day. Fur lack ot evidence they discharged, but before allowing them to

avoid even tho appearance of evil In fu lure aa conviction would certainly mean for them terms In th* county ponllenl- lary.

Chief of Police O'Nell also romarksd, with the permission ot tho recorder, that hie force was ready to descend on the region of alleged disorder and rout the gang at any time. The young men aiTalgned, whcee agea are seventeen toeighteen years, are William "i I of Mr. and Mrs. Oenrge2S South Fourteenth street, and Elwood J nig sum m it, who will leave In

roads, left yesterday for Rochoiler, N T where he will attend the annual convention of the American Road Build­ers' Association. Mr. Eager will remain In R ochester until Sunday.

Perry Alien, of Conlston road, Short Hills, will sail thl* week for Porto Rico for A month'* Btky.

Tn W ltlkop's hotel, Mlllhurn RVenue, to-morrow night the Republican Club will hold its annual election of officers.

Frank Dunlcan. ot Mlllburn avenue, left this morning fur a to u r 'o f the North, West and South. H« expects to be away about three montfis,

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Oliver, ot Church street, entertained at a progrea-

euchre party a t their home last*lv«2S ’rhlrtoVnth street, this [ Duryea. of Summit, ■whoKane, of &7 South - — city, and WtlMam C urtla of 20 Sterling street, East Orange,

about * Cal


He died

druggist d r o ps dead

right to supply th*In borough’s last fight to prevent the York and New Jersey W ater Com-

* Trnm laying th* street main, which derided In favor of North Arlington,

the munlclpallly was bached by Jersey r t tv T h e ^ u n r i l . therefore. It Is said,

the moral a t well as legal sta tus S r ’I ' pra-ont” problem.Jersey City should have a fair show tn w r « l t le m e n t of the question.

M a % W illiam rJ*®wfe re-eleoled chief executive of the bor-ANiffh laa i w**k, <1U*UA*m,

C o u n " m a n - e lM t Sidney WhUla com- nIM nS th a t some o t the sidewalk, along Bellevlllo turnpike were obstructed with miss of stone, left there after the county rebuIR the road. Mayor Brandenburg re­plied th a t the county engineer toldhim he Intended to remove the same very

Jlnri^nl Krn’irr nf SEW8.

oL'fiipr thti propriocor of a drug fitort In Raritan dropped dead on leaving the .■eakfait table at hl» home In Somerset I'^'eetTls morning. He had been * «uf- JLer from heart disease recently, hut was able to attend to buslnesa,

Joseph N, F lan lg aa , Loog Braaeh.

under the auspices of


w M k for San Francilco. w*h#re Tb^v will m a k e their home. Twen-^ ry-flve p^iaona pUyed. High score, w .re made bv Mlsee* Florence^Snell. o f j 'n lo ii.

I K lii’Pra-.'d. ot S u m n ^ F lo re n c e Belten- 1 gi*r. of Newark; ThornW



.Vperiol Serrfcs of (he SEW a. l o n g RRANCH, Nov. H.-Josoph N

will he


While walking along Third Rtreet, Hur- rlRCvn, last n“gh(. Enoch Bone, eixty-alx years old. who lives a t 12 North Tnlrtl street, th a t town, fell, he reachod Cleveland avenue, and fractured hie right leg. He wfts removpd to SI. MirliaoJ's Hospital in tho Harriaon ambulance by I’ol iceman Coburn.

byMoon. .911 building perm lli were laeued

Building In specto r Daniel McCarthy dun Ing October. The perrnim ‘'7®*dwellings, a wagonshed a p la s » and barn The fees amounted to IH. The in- ipec to r said som e builders had violated the ordinance by not applying for a mlt Iinitl the giructures were nearly com­pleted. He said this might be avoided le h« was provided with forms which might be sent to prospective builders. He was authorliod to procure lb* necas- •ary blanka. _______ ^

N ew ly W edded I’a l r E n te r la ln .With music, elnglng and,, dnneing,

guests ot Mr and Mrs. William Hodgette, Of 23» Kearny avenue, Kearny, were en­tertained last night. Tho host and hi* wife recently returned from their honey­moon, which they spent In Canada, and the affair was a sort of home-coming reception. Bolos were rendered hy Will­iam Walsh. John J. Doyle, Joseph Carey, Miss Laura Trumans, Miss May Hender­son and Miss Margsrcl Steele. Mias Tro- mans acted as nccompanlst. Recitations were given by William Trom ans and Chris Bellow and Jig dancing hy Mr. Carey and Mr. Doyle. Others prcaeiit were Mrs. William Tromans. Harold Tro- man.i. John (Julnn, Mies Loretta Hender­son and Mias May Smith.

Flanigan, who died Sunday hurled to-morrow. Mr. Flanigan had re- sided here (or forty years. He built the Roselle Inn, at Deal, and the Columbia Hntel. Ihle city. He was for four yen.s a member ot the City Council ond for twelve years a member of Ocean Town­ship Committee. He was one of the first members uf tne Beach and la rk Com­mission. A widow and four eons survlva

R e tiring SherKT* W itt Dead. grirrloJ AVri lce ot (ho A'BIFS. -

MT ilOLLY. Nov. H.-W.llllam W. Wor­rell whose term as ehe riff of Hurllnglon County expired at 12 o'clock to-day, waa not present to hand tha office over to An- drew J Jordan, his successor, owing to detainment at Rochester. Minnesota, where hla wife died yesterday afternoon. She was operated on last Thursday hy Dr. Charles Mayo. The body will arrive here on Thursday,

Mrs. Joarpklne Woolley.Eoertol Herrice of (»« SEWS.

UINO BRANCH, Nov. H.-M rs. Joseph­ine Woolley, widow of Elisha Woolley, for seventy years a resident of Long Branch, died yesterday at the home of

Harry G. Woolley. 41 Norwood lllnPHs. Shft

A floral baiftr........ .Bromley Chapter, Epworth l-cague of the Bark Metiiodlst Churrti, Hlootnneld. wilt open In Ceiitrel Hall, that town, Thursday ariernnon and close !• riday. The proceeds will he fur the benefit of tho new Suiiday-srhool building.

The chairmen of the committees rlinrge of tho various tables will he follows:

Faiidy, Miss H arriet Walker store, William Rhears; bakery, h p s Bertha Gllhert: dolls, Mrs. Abram W al­ker' domestic. Mlsa Zllla Cadmus; fancy- work .Mrs. Annie Erb; fiowers, Mlsa Edna Parkhill; painting, Ahram Uo™ n“ "; fortune-telling, -Mlsa Rayllno W hite, handkerchief. Mrs. George Wheaton; soap and perfume. Mm. Frank De Moyne; lem­onade well. MISS White; "‘atlonery Miss Grace Decker; supper, Mrs, < harles H- Madole; cabbage patch, Mrs. Bernard Fuller; fish pond, Mrs. J. E. Lancaster.

The High School Glee. Banjo and Man­dolin Club will render selections.

Before a large audlencd Mark Andrew*, organist at St. Luke'* Episcopal Church, Montclair, gave an organ recital In that edifice last night. Included In the pro­gram wae "Andante," by Tschaikoweky, the transcription of which from the orig­inal orchestral score, by Edwin IjCmarc, Is said tn tax every resource of the mod­ern organ. ,

Other eelectlons given by the musician

' ftmnta In D Minor, No, ». by Mendels­so h n ,' I’rchide In B minor, hy Bach; rnn ionetta . from the string quartet, by Mendelssohn; "Clair de Lune.' by Karg- E lert; "Musette," by Bulger Van Woert. Verdi's "Ave Marla” and "March on Eas­ter Themes," tho last named being com­posed by Mr. Andrews,

Fentiessy, Stew­a rt ' Fleming" and Valrick M. Feeney, ct Mlllburn. Other players Thompson Rrawti

were Mri*. of Chatham: Mr. uiiU

Mrs, William Brown, of West Orange; Mrs Fdwln Cook and eons Elwood and Edwin Mlsa Bessie W'etsel. of Sprlng- fleld; Misses 1-oulse Snell. and Genevieve Seat erns and Clen^t tJohnson, of Cnlon; Mr._anff Mrs r h o ^rV a e r 'o t 's u rn m u V M r. and Mrs. John IfcmlMl and Robert S. Oliver Jr., of MI11-

Conllnental Ixidge, F, and A. M.. wll meet In Its rooms In the First National Bank building to-nlgliE_______

U V lS u B T O lS .Miss Addle Moore, of Railway, wfts a

of her


1 ' H iawatha," which has been dramatised1 by Mre. H. 8. Jackson, one of tha resi­dent workers uf the Ornngo Valley Social Settlement, will be presented In the gym­nasium of the settlem ent by Hie young I men and women of tho community on

; Thursday and Saturday nights. Theae en-

HONOR SYSTEM WORKING WELL of the O range P layg round fund, and will---------------- I m ark the opening of a new stage, which

ha* been added recently to the settleroenl piant-

Recommendatlon was made by the fa ­culty of the East Orange High School at the meeting ot the Board of Education last night for the abolishing of the de­merit system and the elimination of de- portmenl marks as an addition to the honor system established In tho school two months ago. Principal Cliarlos W. Evans reported that the new system 1* working out to the satisfaction of him­self and the faculty. The proposed change was referred lo the Committee on Course of Study.

week-end visitor a t the home cousins, Mla."cH Em m a and Sadie Baker, of Mt. Pleasant avenue.

Mrs. William C. Owen returned to New­ark yesterday after visiting Mrs. A E. Plue a t the Baptist pareonaga Mrs. Owen gave a lecture on "Missionary Work In India" In the Bapllet churchBunday night.

Mr. and Mrs.



her pon,avenue, after a lingering ^ ,was seventy-five years old. Her husband


I N W O M A N ' S

HARRISON AND K.491’ NEW ARKA t A eesslon Of Mondamln Tribe, Im ­

proved O r d T o f Red Men, of Harrison, to be hold a t Elberon Hall, O'** T iin ra d ftV h Ik M , ifold * m b l* m H lc bftQg*8 will be presented to Past Bachera ^ o r g e W, WalBon and Captain .*^^®®/®'the tokens having been awarded by the Great Council of New Jereey for their work In securing a stated number of members during the term. . .

A large number of persons attended tne Nations' F air" a t St. Anthony a

K earny Cklmncy F ire .A chimney fire In Patrick McCaffrey's

house, at 25 Tappan street, Kearny, this morning, did but little damage. Tho downtown companies answered the alarm and put out the fire. Edward Dillon oc­cupies the bouse.


M ate Safe b y L y d ta E P ta k h a m ’s Vegetable C w npouad .

GranlteviUe, V t - “ I WM pMslnf through the Change of lAfe find luflered

^ ------------ i f r o m nerroiuneM|and other umoTlng lijmptoms, ina I lokD trulf m; thfitU f MTIlLTdlfi S, Plniluiiii'a iV e g e tf ib le

Y e n ta b le Com] a u n n g

OoiIp o u B d bM p r o iM I 'w o r th m ountblnB or Ig o ld to mei i* I te s to r e d m y h ea lth l a n d ( t r e n g t h , 1 In e y e r fo rg e t to te ll l in y f rie n d s w b iit jL y d i* E . H n k h a m ’i

Hall, Becond street. East Newark, last night, which wa* formally opened by Mayor Cornelius A. MoQlennoti end Rev, James ZuccareUl, who mad* addressee. Thwe was a vaudeviUa ent«rtalnio*ot, followed by dancing. The fair will con­tinue every night thl* week.

A special meeting of Neptune Hose Company of Harrison has bean Oilled for to-nlghl *t S o'clock at th* firehouse, onCleveland avenue. __

The metoberi at VlgUant W iloom* Councdl. Daughter* of Liberty, of H arri- eon, have nearly completed aTrangement* tor lb* celebration of an anniversary *0- clsl lo take place Friday evening, No­vember 2* A short meeting of the coun­cil will be held previous to the celebra­tion exercleee to take action on a chonge recently mad* In 111* bylaws, which Is known as the "open doo-,.

The Senior Holy Nam* Society of t}i* Holy Croe* Churoh, Harrteon, wUl meet to-nlghl In Aseembly Hall.

The Harrison and Kearny Building and lican Aesoclatton will meet to-night at

headquarters tn Rlordan'e Hall, 315

KEARNY AND A RLIN G TO N ,Ladles' Auxiliary, Dlvtslon No. 7, An­

cient Order of Hlbernlana. of Kearny, will meet In Roche's linll to-night to make final arrangements for the entertainm ent and donee which will take place In Quincy Hall Friday night, Tnvllatlona to attend the entertainm ent have been sent to a number of divisions of the order.

Countess Eugenio von Boos, meszo-»o- prano, will assist at a concert In Beulah M. P. Church at Kearny to-night.

Final returns from the euchre held In St. Cecilia's School hall Friday night will be made a t a meeting of the com­mittee to-morrow night.

Nicholas Rolando, of 3M Kearny ave­nue, Kearny, wl'l celebrate hla twenty- third birthday to-night with a party a t his home.

Four maple trees were set out In front of the Public Library building to-day by the Shade Tree Commission.

A meeting to noihlnate officers will be held by the Fourth XVard Republican Club, a t 443 Elm slreel, TTiursday night.

The Kearny Democratic Aesoclatlon will meet at Its clubroome to-night. The annual election will occur a t the De^cem- ber meeting. Prepaimtlon* made by a committee for f lv m In honor Wodin

died thirty-five y tere ago,Kniieral e f George J. Cannoe.

Bprclol Herriee of ll/t SEWS 1 ONO BRANCH, Nov. H .-Funeral

Borvlcee for George J, Cannon, who died a t Sprlugneld, Saturday, will be held al the F irs t Reform ed Church, In this city, to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Cannon waa In hie ntlv-elghlh year and for yenrs was a reakleu't of Ihla city. He wae a printer on the New York Times for years. Ho li survived by tv o eona. Mr. Cannon was a member of the Maaonlc fraternity and the Loyal Association. ^

Dr. th a r le # E . T hones.PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 14.-Dv. Charles

E Thomas, of Woodbury. N. J., was tatelly stricken with heart disease yea- tordnv while walking on Chestnut stroet. He died while being taken to the Jeffer­son H ospital. Dr, Thomas was seventy, three vears old. and for many years had been identified with the glass-making business.

jn e o k D oll, P lan o M anuf eel Brer.n e w TORK, N’OV. 14,—Jacob Doll, a

prominent piano m anufacturer and hrail of the Jacob Doll Sc Rons Company, Is dead a t bl» home here of a complica­tion of diseases. He was elxtv-one years old.

George L- TTlireT, PasaetigrT Agent.NEW YORK, Nov, 14,—George L.

Thayer, fifty-two year* old. Eastern pas­senger agent ot the MIseouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, died suddenly of heart failure early to-day- In [j'ouL of hli hcina In Mornlngslde ivenn*.

aliG O M FIK liD ."Missions as Been from the Cruise of

liic AHuotlc Fleet Around the World" will he the topic of Ctmplutn George R. I', fitevenson of the battleship Virginin, i.i the F irst- Baptist Church to-morrow afternoon. He will speak under I he aus­pices of the Wunian b Missionary aociely of the church.

Mias Estelle Harvey, of Wnliuit street, was i-emoved to fit. Barnahns's llnsphul In tills city yc-sterday to he operated upon tor

Chnrles Howland, of Rdchestcr,Is visiting hlJ aunt. Mrs. Freiiei Plh'h In Ij iwrence street.

Rev John Kern, nf Orange Valley, will talk to the Men's Club uf the Park Ave­nue German Presbyterian Church lo-nlght on the Rahway Reformatory.

Mrs Hnrrv Cooper, uf Miiple street, h.i* cone to Sulilvan County. N. T,*■ f(5v Carl Aue. of Portland, Ore., Is vis­iting hlB father, Gustave Aue, In Thomas EIrootCharles Grlesshaher, of 59 Belleville avenue, I* visiting friends In Trenton.

When CornolluB Van Ness came across i stray white bulldog early thl* morning, while he was on his way to work a t 97 North Arlington avenue. E ast Orange, he thought he had found a prize. He In­duced the animal to follow him, and when he got lo the bam oliem pled to put a rope around Its neck. Th* dog resented It and bit Van Ness on th e arm and on the thigh. Weary of hts experiment Van Ness brought the dog to the police sta­tion, where It was turped over to Dog tVarden Tisdale,

...... Benjamin Nealy, of Yon­kers, are visiting their niece, Mr*. OscarCarter. , , , , , ,

A meeting of the Woman a Home Mis­sionary Society has been called hy the president, Mre. Benjamin De Camp. Friday afternoon a t the home otOscar Carter. , , , tn

The UBual BnpMst choir rehearsal w 11 be omvlted Thursday night In the ah- sence of the lender, Revv A. L. Plue.

Mrs. John Daum and daughter Anna —CTJ week-end guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Hoffman.

Jonathan Force Jr. spent the week end wlt^ h irp a ren te , Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan jPorce Sr. ___ _

SPRINGFIELD.Whilfl cutting IroT pipe Jit the plumbing

ghop of Thomae A.

M. T , Frederick H.


iompound bas done f ot me M th li trjrin j period, Oompleto

to neklth

H arrlfon avenue, Arrange-menl* will be mad* for the ieeulnffvit a

Of «tock, to b« optned In

T fitb n tlo ii to~hee1th m een s e e m ueb to m eth fit f o r th e lak fi o f o th e r suffer, bur w om en I *m w illin g to mslte m i tro u b le p ub lic so y o u m iy publish th is l e t t e r . " - M r s . Oh a s . B a b c l a t , E,F.I>>. O m n lte v llle , V t .

Ko other medicine for won«n*s IHs bus rei^Ted such wlde^preed. end un- ousUM wadorsement. N o other me^ {kne we tamw of b u such a r ^ r i «f cures IM has Lydia K. Plnlrham s VegeUble Compound.

Tormoce than |0 years !t has been aritut woman’s lUs such as Inflamma. lloiLuloeratlon, fibroid tumors, lrre«- t4 M tle s ,i^ w c pains and neriwu MttQ/Oon. and. t t to m w w U rt fw earning women s ^ e l/ ttrough the period of change of me.

M fs . P t e k t o m s « t L y n n . M a w .,E tes all itek women to '■ w ^

feradw lM H j o r n d w I w to t r M t •»aalw«gfl®«lp<iA

new eerie*December.

Chart** Jeee, of *** Harris™ avenue, Harrietm, has Istuid Invitation* lo friend* to attend a rabbit supper ot Monday evening, November ».

Ethic Temple. Pylhlen Sleter*. of H ar­rison. will meet to-morrow night a t El heron Hall.

The annual dance of the Harrlaon Hoee Harriaon will b* held a t Hall, that town. Friday

November M. . , .The Esem pt Firemen e Aasoclatlon of

East N ew ** srui m art on Tueaday night a t th* borough flrehouee, on Sherman avenue. James A. W right baa been elect­ed correepondlng eecratary of the aseo- olaOon. School Truetae Joaeph A. Mc­Donald ha* been ehoeen to reproeenf the association In the board of representa­tive* ot the Firemen's Belief Aseoclation.

A meeting of th* West End Socle! Club of Harrison will be held a t Ita head­quarters, 209 John street, a t B o'clock to­night. After the buslnese meeting a ao- cial hour will be held, ^

Louis Heart, of II H arrison avenue. Harrison, was taken to Bt. H lobaere HoBpItat last night to he treated for Bl-

”135#* Catherine lAseane, of it North Third gtreet, Harrison, he* announced her engagement to WlUMia l ^ k l n . of

a re being dinner to be

of SherHf-olact N. P._____ _t an early date.Mayor and Mri; LkjuI* M. Brock were

entertained a t dinner by General and Mr*. E. Burd Grubb at the Home for Dleabled Boldlore laet night.

Mrs. William Hoff and children, of P»*- u lc avenue. North Arlington, returned reeterday from a visit a t Rllenyllle, N.

Mies Anna Hoff, Mr. Hoff a elstor, came with them lo spend tho winter.

P U N AND SAVEi v o w

FOR CHRISTMASSelect now from our

wonderfully varied a s s o r t ­ment of

Really Good Jewelry under our deposit plan, A small deposit will reserve any article you choose.

B R IiL SV IL LB .Belleville Lodge of Elks has engaged

the following entertainers for a reception and entertainm ent In Bellevlllo Hall F ri­day night, November 17: Keene, themagician; th* Knickerbocker Quartet. Joseph Burke. Scotch comedian; Maecoti •leters, lightning ohang* ehatacler artist*,

Add" Hoey. black-face comedian; Colgan and Harrieon. in a aketoh, "A Love Les­ion " and "Bob" Nolan, piano player. The performance will b* under the direction ot the entertainm ent eommllte* of the lodge, composed of W alter Joralamoo. H«nty MoConrtch. Thoma* Malcoro. Wmiam S. H a m lli Bmll Albrecht, Georg* PeeUiani and H t r y Cassidy.

The Board ot Education will hold a meeting In th* Joralemon Street School to-nfght. __.

Stereoptleon vl«w* of Italy and Frknc* were given In the Silver Truck House in Belmont avenue las t night. Lculi Thoe- ber, of Forest Hill, gave the show.

The Stines Saving Club will hold a re- ceptton and dance In Bellevlll* Hall F ri­day night. November 24-

r o h k l a n u .George W-xlsh and family, of Roseland

avenue, moved on Saturday to East Or-

* IMie Woman's Cirri* of th* M. P, church will hold on nil-day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Charles Braunworth, ot North Midway. Arrangements will ha made for a church fair.

Mr and Mrs. H arry Winkle, of Kearny, are visiting Charles Briggs and family, ot Paasalc avenue.

Mra. Louie Patton, of Upper Montclair, le visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Wlli- tains. of Eagle Rock aVenue.

Mr and Afrs, Frank Cohan have re­turned to their home tn Schenectady, after spending a week with George Morse andfamily. ^ , . . .Mrs. Thomas De Poalo is entertaining relatives from Brooklyn,

William Barnes Is spendlsg a few day* with friends In New York.

Mis* Louis* Cook, of Montclair, le visit­ing her aunt. Miss Anna Cook, ot Passaic avenu*.

Mr and Mrs. Wallace Jacobus returned to-day to their home in Newark after a vlelt (H- the home of Mr. and Mr*. Clar- ence Baldwln.

Mr- and Mrs. Richard Walcott, of New­ark. are visiting Mr. and M ra Clarence Bush,

Georg* E. De Camp and Franklin Dye left to-day for Columbus, O., to attend a meeting ot the Ohio State Board o t Agri­culture^_______________________

M O N T C L A IB .The auditorium of tha Montclair Y- M.

C. A. was well filled a t a meeting In the Inlereat-s of the Men and Religion For­ward Movement last night. There were several speakers. A musical program was also given. , „ ,, ,

Members of General H arris Council, Jr.O. U. A. M., will give their first aiimial minstrel show and dance In Metropolitan Hall to-morrow night. The lodge has been | preparing for the performance for Bevcrnl months, oml no effort has been spared lo make the affair a success.

The (li st meeting of the session of the Q Club ot the Trinity PresbyterianChurch will be held a t the home of Mrs. Amcrman, of 9S Midland avenue, 'rhurs- day afternoon a t 3 o’clock. The topic will be "H istorical. Sketches of Physical

^"rtie Montclair Branch of the Indian Aa­soclatlon requests th a t toy® and other articles suitable for the Christinas box anm m lh sent by th a t society to the In­dian reservations he left a t the home of Mrs. James W alker. 61 Valley beforeto-morrow night. A spec al n e ^ of books Is announced for the children of the C hp - enne Indian Bchnol a t Darlington, Okla., where the school library, was recently de- stroyed by fire.

Mri Q. Sherwood Eddy* who had Men In India for fifteen years, gave an In- toreatlng talk on the conditions of that country before the Monday Missionary aoclety and the Foreign Missionary So­ciety of the Congregational church, In Memorial Chapel, yesterday afternoon. She spoke chiefly of the Christian m artyr­dom on the part of the girls and boy* to their toleration of peraecutlons from their fathers when turning against their caste Other phase* dwelt upon were the craving tor knowledge among older wom­en the peculiar conditions of their home life and the "horrible surroundings"

Jouglas, In Mlllburn avenue, yesterday Charles James, of Weatfleld a'vemiR, struck In in© left eye hy a Plfice ot the Iron. The Injury Is nnt believed to he serious,

Mrs Elston* W. snow i-elumed to her home. In Westfield avenue, after spending two weeks Stroudsburg, Pa. . „ , . ,

A delegation from the Presbyterian and Methodist churches la a t Plainfield to­day attending the annual convention ot the State Sunday-school Association. Tha convention will be In session until T huii- day.

yesterday a t West


lairL-*. Brtrt breiiWiiKwitii ffVfftv lifcitba Bik** w—g, -- - •**6 «vp* " "iS r S I h t i Crtwlea* it IwUsiWe lo aioih.Ti

S S S m « d a be. 1. nfertitfrowAitbtrt.wlcb «hU4im '

Stall at potisl far d ite tlrtlt^ jJJ i AU, DRU0(UST3.

Try Gittoliu *sil-i|Hptle TM®** Yt'ilrit ■(erikt Inlitied ibtoti.Tkty art tlniri*, let s*4 iiilttyile. Ofyoat 4in|lt* •* Ifswet*IOC la ttupt.V tM C rooteae Cw. rtCirlUi«St,,It.1f.


otThe Angelo Dofjienlck Association Btlver Lake will hold a reception in tt*Now Auditorium, Ihla city, Monday night, November 20, Michael Castellano, 1* chairman ot the arrangem ent committee, and Anthony SteffaneUl i* head ot th* reception committee.

Frank Holt & Co.


FortBKMrt J«Wf©l#Wi

Broil) Stroit, Corner Acadeiy

MAPIiKWOOD.Under the auspice* of the Ladle*’ Guild

of at. George’* Church, the annual pariah fair will be held in the parieh houi* on Thursday and Friday ot naxt week. A td rk * y ^ p p e r will h* »erved on th* open­ing day.

The Army of Constipation

Hie* B- B. Askew, of tt* Tt-enton State L ibrary -AasocUtlon. wlU. speak a t theDUbllo eehobi hall December 4, under th* joint auspices of the Home and School and ltopl*wood Improvement Aksocta- riewB, t .

b G m riiiff Saan«r f vCARTER’S U TTLE l i V E R r a X S iN. . — .'TLl— ■!..... ^

•rtf |j»e ieli*f-*j tb*Tp*na*BeMl|'r a n C*»*toa . tiek. Mi-e )ie*s methem for

the Gang**.A fair win be held a t Pilgrim Church

to-morrow and Thursday afternoon*.

PINE UltOOK.Mr. and Mr*. Vllroy ’ o m * are movtni

Into their newly erected houi* on Bloom, field Avtnu©.

George Miller wHI *0®” '• • y» for a trli through the Mfe*tera Btate*.

Lloyd Blmm*. of Caldwell, I* Haying i^ th his uncle. Chari#* V. Reub, of Pin* Brook.

Mrs. G. Nichols and h*r daughter, Ml** Carrie Nichol*. of Newark, have retu ratd bom# after a visit to Mr*. C. KayharL

During the heavy wind on Sunday, tho big elm tree on th e Collerd farm was blown to the ground. The trs* was on the roadside and fell directly aero** th* thoroughfare, stopping all traffic until Monday morning, when It wae removed.

Bi*«, UfMtimk tUi liibdM, MsffMbH u u n u , w u iD o a tH A u m c t

G enuliit SigDatur*

StwMrVt Pfajsssi Cisl'i

CHlOn TOWNSHIPThe home of I ra Bingham, In Btuyv*-

_xnt avenue, waa broken Into last night and a new tJd overcoat st<«n. ^Tbe gar­ment hed been hanging on the hall | Entrance was gained hy the forcing of latch on the parlor w M ow . ’

A soedtJ Diwtlnff of tb© BOftrt of u i t l m will be held In the Hillside fcbooL

^ A“ t t r ^ « th* guest ofSchool T ruitea and **dwardof U berty avenue, flhlem, Mr*, tow ard Moore returned to her home tn Denver, CoL, yMterday.

S ilv e r^a n d C u t G la s s

’That Commwifi Atl*ntlon jN ever b efo re In the h lrto ry

o f th e H ir td e m n S tore h w th e g h o tr in j o f Table Silver and C o t G1m» been “ m to d iflf- . . .

And never before bM the p rice r * w be«n lo attructive .

I t n e e d i b u t e glence w e i w r e tock to be coiirtnced o f th e econom y of H ertdegen |prlcesv

§ ^ m p t ffw f AccffffffeOptlcBj Work.

The ChrtsUan Rndeavot-Soclety of the C O T n e c tic T m rS s Pregft-U rian 'Churchvrlll how a soclahto at th* h ^ e of John B. Buchanan, in Cheetnot street, SatitT' day afternoon, . .

t n U X a i ^ k i t JhASL

iliniflBSEBHilW E W ILL 8IMO AND M fA tU N E

y o u r wtndCYWS f r s i lit tho ^

1 /



ESSEX LACE CURTAIN WORKS !StO W aaU n g ta a M ioct.

, opeii Saturday Sveolagt.





r i

EVllla ')-





f t :



Cost i f Improreneiits R ile by Park fioar^ Arouses Cooacil

a i i Many Citizeni



That the E ast Orange City Council yaa hoodwinked by tha Essex County Park (.'omrnieBlon when it made an agreement as lo payment for the curbing a n < ^ u t- terlng on (he avenue In East O rlngk wan the opinion of Councilman Oeori^ A. Qrover, expresaed last night, when a volume of protest against assrsa* menta was showered on (he counoU. Mr, Grover fought the agreement a t the time It was made.

"It's a case of sharp practlea to niy mind," said the councilman, "ar^d we fell for St."

At was predicted In the News yester­day the report of (he Board of A.ssfse- menta on the Improvement was brought up for dlecutelon a t the meeilng of the council last night. The report showed that an Improvement which had cost 11.lit a running foot was asaeaserl M>n llio [irop- erty at $1.48 per froni foot. The fonrloen cents was levied on the property bti'ause the r ity Council agreed that the Improve- ment should be made at ' the enst of abutting property up to $1,25 a (ool. hut failed to take Into consideration iliat (here would be more feet of curb and gut­ter than ar<» actually represented In the frontage which may be asaensed.

The total cost of tho Impravem^nr is 122.674, and about $2.50u represemg the amount which (ho property owners say they ought not to pa>'

The' dlfTeretice amountPd to Just 1,880 fF-ei. Numerous letteri' of ohjeciion were read and ma^^■ appeared In pereon lo aJ’k why tlie aB.'«<'Rsment w’aa $1.38 a foot tn* stead of H.25, the amount tlie tex]>ayi*i's had been led to believe w'oiild lie the mBxImum. ^ »

Secretary William C. Schmlilt, of the tBseasmerit board, appeared to l^nd it dilTicult to nittke clear tha reason fnr the sxceas. U was finally settled (hat the report should bo referred back (o the board and tha t fhe public should be given an opportunity to meet with the m«*m- bers on the nJghta of November 21 and 23, to ask questions, and also appear at lha meeting of (be Road Committee on the night of November 28. Then, on Novem­ber 27, the council will again consider the report and If possible take final action.


An echo of the historic encounter on August 14 between City Engin^ier William D. Wllilgerod. of E ast Omnge, and Mia. Lydia Swllier, of 110 Podd street, that city. In which Mr. Wllllgerot] discreetly withdrew when Mrs. Sw'llser ducked tnto the house avowedly to get a revolver, wai! heard a t the meeting of the City Council last night. Mrs. flwlUer was there with her Bister, Mrn. Charles Bald­win, as spokenman, to continue her objec­tion to an artificial stone sidewalk Rmt the city has laid In front of her home.

The encounter happened when the en­gineer and bla workmen wero busy laying the walk. Mrs. Baldw’ln was on hand last night to object to the assessment a t Bit- (6«n and one-half cents a font, when, she said, ehe could have had It done herself for fifteen cents. She protcHted In vain against Imvlng the dispute referred buck to the city engineer, saying ’she would not talk to him, ns he was "no gentle­man."

Mr. Wtlllgerod, however, was Instructed to make a report on the disputed Improve­ment and (he Road Committee will Been to pacify Mrs. Rrildwln.

t‘>ank JRIIbs Colton, councilman-elect in the Second Ward, was appointed Iaf.t night (0 fill the unexplrecl term of John Lenord Merrill, who resigned a few weeke Bgo and refused to run again. The term expires at noon on January 1 next, when Mr. Colton will begin hlB elective term.

The appointment by Mayor Gregory of Jiimca F. Boyle as hla private fleefietary, WEB confirmed hy the council. The popi- tlori pays ITIiO a year. Tf wbs' recently created by ordinance a t the request of (he Mayor. *

The ordinance Increasing cab fares at night was paased on final rending, L. H. Conant & Co., was appointed to audit the city accounts for the past year a t a cost of

B a m n c -P o w d e iAjxSoIutely Pure^


Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts

The only Bakfng Powder made Irbm Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar


At a two-hour session, behind cloi^ed doom a plan lo merge (he West Nutley Hose Company end Yantaeaw Chemical Engine Company, w as discussed by the Fire Committee of the Kullcy Town Coun­cil last night.

West Nutley Hose Company, expelled two years ago for insubordination, follow­ing charges of beer drinking In the hoas house, made by Mayor John P. Lux, was reinstated about two months ago in the department, and since then has had no meettQg place and no apparatus. The membership Is about aixteen, while Yan- tacaw has about eighteen on tts roll.

Members of the Vantaraw' company see In the plan a ,schem e of the councllmen to rsinetale In the company Fire Chief Edgar T. Humphrey, who atands expelled for not paying dues. A request of the Town Couacll that the Yantocaws rctn- ■tale Humphrey, who la secretary of the Btate Exem pt Firem en's ABsoclution, has been tabled by (ho company, and the oounclj has assigned the chief to mem­bership In the W eal Nutley company.

After the meeting one of the members said the metjie^ would likely take place,

Humphrey, who has been asked by the council to resign as chief, was present a t the meeting, as wae also First Aantst- anl Chief Louis Oehrlng, who. It is s ta l­ed, will be Hum phrey’s suceesBor.

SEEKING BENEFICIARYTh« wharwbouU at John ]>'ou8hnM] li

knilouily .ought b]r sites. Ml.. Mtry A. Ctnning, of qiea'‘HiOg«. 6h« Is a, do- u ts tlo Id t b a - n h i l f ot f n i e r l e k 8chet. Bar, In R1df«wood svanua,' tliAt brought

rgufhsan, whf a t 4oa ttmo/lived lit Naw Tork; wai M M tlr iaft ibKW by 'bU alatar, H u y Aas 9'auglinsai .who dlad Id that olty about- four ago. H*doari’t Know ‘an]rt|itiic of this baqueat, hlj niaoe n.ra. ' .f.

$5p0 LOK&lNCOWjUNPiREThe wind lart night blew a laea cur*

tain agktnst ly cat jet In a bedroom at the home Of William E. Ranaom. 4S1 North Qrove atreet,’ East Oranga, and before tneuibera of the family knew It, the room wee ahtaze. The Are department Waa tummoned and atoptmd the fife in the room where It etarted. The damaga

Piles Quickly CBreditHoiie

Dutatit R elief, PtermnoMt Core.Trial P sckace M slled Free to

Alt !■ ngUii Wrapper, 'v- Haiiy caiea of FIlea have beeo cured by

a ttU) package of Pyramid Pile Remeily wtthbut further treatment. When Jt proves Ita value to you, gat more from your drugglat at fOc. a- box, and be aure you gat the kind you aak for. fflmply BU ogt free coupon below sod mail to­day- (lave yonraalf from the aurgaoo'a knife and its torture, - the doctor gsB hM Mllg. ■*. ■* .

rm P t t U K c N m ,H r iu i i iD iH tu a c o u p j u n ^ d w .

Pymald Bldg., UanhaB, MMir lOBd. ly tend me a sample of Pyramid yile Remew. at once by matt, WtOSS, to plals wmiver. ,

Kama . . . . . . . . . . . .' ' 'wV

BtrSdQ aaadeitseasegil^ >A»ra«iae4***er»

QtFaew^gggaw'spgigw,.., tfUor


The c'lmpalis'n for the sale of ChrlBlmas sealH for (tic i>f tlip AntS-Tubercii-inalj? I/ 'aguia of iNt' lltnhK*^s was opt^nt'dlam fklght at a meftlriK -if iho league in ihn WlllJAm FIriNoii Mf'diral Ijlbrary, whfn the presUlenl. Cliurlvs A. Llndsley, announced that Mrs. Halph 11. H unt,.of Ennt Oranga, had taken the chairm an­ship of Elta cnmmtitee eiurualeti with tJieir Bale.

The plan used last year (ff dIvhJIng the aruA <if the Oranges Into districts under the stipervlflliin of sub-commllteea wl]| be followi-rl Last year 270,000 seals were sold, and a total of 300,OW this year is aimed at. /

Mrs. Har-y M, Terhiine voJiunteered to handle tit*- sale of (he seals In Orange Valley with the exct-iillon of the hai- shops, whCTt: a volunteer connected with (he hflUJiig trade, whose name has not been given, will take chfirge of the work,

The secretury. Health ulficer J . Scott MflcNutt, BuggeFted that a folder de- BCrlptlv© of the work of the league be published, rind whs authorized (o have this done.

Seals will he obtatnrrl from the Na­tional Aeuorlallon through William C. Smallwood, of (he Stale Anaorlatian.

Be.'ddes the direct diHlrIhutlon other means nf sal© are proposed through stores, churches and other public Inler- esls. The puggeellon UmJ the growth of the league requires a leorganizailon of commlltees was referred (o a sperlal com­mittee.

Ruperlntendent of School.^ Jam es Q. Riggs tendered his resignation becaURa of leaving Orange, and Jam es H. Muir, the new superlnlerident, was elected a member, aa waa Dr. Anna Hlchardson, of East Orange.

WOOLSTON NOW HEADS EAST ORANGE COMMITTEEAt a ,special meeting last night of the

Republican city executive eopimiltee 9! E ast Orange the realgnatton of Oharlea U Wllllama, the chairman, *tvas read,' A'hd County Clerk John B. "Woolston, who had been slated to take that ofilce on the organlxatlon In January,-w as elected tem­porary chairman.

Mr. ^Vlilams's resignation waa submit­ted on account of the death on Sunday of his father, Charles E. W-llllania. Res- olutlons of condolence w ere adapted hy the oommittee and will be sent to the former chairman.


Alderman Henry T. failed tortinvlni'e the ofloT nirinliorH ,.r the Ur-

C’liutritm iM'iiidi lust night tha t the urdiiiiirKM' al.!U^lllg the ]va>inenL of assensmenla for s - lm i Impnivvmentl un­der the ten-year tlrtii Ih expensive to the city and pnifHTt v nwnvTM, and Ills re- peuirr of the nieu^urc waa dt fcaled by a voro of 12 to 3. AliJeiman John G. Fin- crmi, leader nf tin.* heinocra tIc majori ty, ninveii lo flirlke o:it ttif enacting (

hen ary iinieniH against hltt rn<:asiire were iid\BTicfvl hist hlght. Mr. Hteison claimed that uti a rasual IrueHtlgHlIon tlie len-ycar plan secrm-^l lu work jiailBfae- liirlly, hut he cialni«tl tha t (Hi ai-- iiunt of I'tana wlil-di Imd li- in* neg.i(l»itt?d, ibo city's rredl t v>iis unharrneBcd, and prop­erty owners who {my an aRscHMCieut In ten years arc obliged to pay In teres t amnuntirig lo tweiity^nlne per r^nt.

Aldermen M 'lnay and Berryman op­posed jiip repeal, the formpi- Insisting that local condJikinft seemed to w arran t a perhn! of Icn vf ars m pay for s treet Impriivt'iiienta, Mr. Rerrv m a n pnlnled out tha( the property nwner.s appre- elated tho henefilp of t]io ordinance, ns shown by the fact tha t niuTiy s lrecls wJiicli arc now Iniximvcd might otherwise have remained iindevelnped. Aldermen Gheethnin ami Kceley voted with Mr. Sletron.

The ordinance g ran t ing a frundiJse to the Orange Mountain Hallway was one nf Bcveral mea^*iircs laid over iinlll Mie next nicetlng.

NEW NAN IN ORANGE COUNCILAlderman Henry W. Matheslus was

seated in the Orange Caramon Council last night an a rcpreaentatlve from the P’lfth Ward. Mr. Alaiheslus was olectvd last Tuesday oti the Republican ticket to fill tho vacancy caused, hy the death of Alderman W. Stanley Grinsted. With the new member from (he F ifth Ward the council will be conipo.sed of eight Democrats and seven Hepubllcana until the end of the year.

This Is not CiiiisldeHed a working ma­jority for the Democrats, aa Alderman Jlenry T. Sietsmi elected by that party In the Second Ward, Ima been a free lanco since the bc-gintilng of tho year. Having Secured one more member, it |g anticipated tha t the Hepubllcan minority will attem pt to force action on se\ eral ap. polntmenta which have been In abeyarjo© sine© the Democrats apctired control of the council a t the beginning of the year.


Declfllon hsa been reached hy three Rellevilie DiiraorraiH to corublno for a coiinl of the vote of Inst Tuesday. They ate Martin A. Malague, who lost the col- lertorshi]> contest by one vote tO George AV. StaiUar; Joseph A. r’onnolly, who waa defeated by fifteen voles for Mayor by f’liarles Ij. Detilft<in, and L'. W. Herlitoldt. who loBt the c.X)unoUiiinnlc election In (lie First \\'artl by pJglU \'otea.

Application will be made either tn-nlght or to-morrow .light to Chief Justice Gum- mere, at his home, 891 Mt. Prospect ave­nue, according to Andrew L. BojTan, who Is acting as attorney for (he trio.


C, E DECKER GIVEN WATCHEmployes of the varlbiis stores of

Charlej M. Decker & Bros, attended a /dinner and entertainment held In the Lyceum, East Oranfife, lent night, In cele­bration of the fortieth anniversary of the concern, Charles M. Decker, the Bcnior member of the firni, was presented a gold watch, the presentation speech being made by Charles A, Hasseimnn. manager of the Brick Church store, Sliver-headed walking canes were presented to Caton L. Decker and Guy Decker, the first and second vlce-prealdentfl. fleveral of the employes participated In a minstrel ptrformifnce, which was one of the feat- urea of the entertainment. Mr. Hassel- man acted as Interlocutor.

TO PLAT “THE HALFBACK"Rehearaftli nr» in progre«s for the pro­

duction of "The Half Back," a comedy In three acta,' hr the memhere of the Holiy- rrood Club of Baet Orange. In the Lyceum.' thAt, bttr, on Friday night, for the benCBt of pb* Home and School Leagne of' tlia Orahgee. The play le being eoaehad uitder the peraonal direction of W. ’.a. , Gauitt, late pf Paly'e company. And the caab baa among Ita membere eev- PPal who have made blti tiyjocal anuit^ur productlonal Attbf the eliow there will be dancing, music to be furnished-' by WeateWelps Oroheitra;

, 1- e —...............;f;'j W B|T,,UHANGt. ^

tha beneBt'Of the organ fund of Holy' Trinltir'^Ohurch, a copcert will be given In the ohuccli to-night, under the

— loM of the. Toung Indies' OuUi, As* ig'tbe ymngt Wolmn mil be Cliiford

Werner and'tha Rtka-.Quartet, eom- p o ^ 0* netwg«-Keon«r. Charles Kenney.Ja h n 'C o ^ f .nntrnhariea TOuBg.

John Holternuu< ot M» Watehung aventt#; mtertalnM thirty frlende at a suppeb BaturdAy slgbtL Tha ««ne was caught during a recent hunting trip at High Bridge, tallere Mr. Holtertnan bag­ged tweotyretghi babbtla and site g ^ egulrrett. 'Pollotrln# tha BupjHu* a musical program mas enjoyed;' Incnidtng aoprano solos by Tbeodpi'e Klendt and aenta by a quartet 'cothpoaed of Herbert 'Wilson. August Schveitaer, pavid W ardu and Joseph Hooper,'Bia'nolliBhriAa Alad cajoyed. moalc being fumUiML by Hegenhelmer's gyehestra. .i ■ ■ «

James A. Duncan, ot SS Valley toad, i m given tbe option of. pvBig a One of W. or spending six c ^ th a m the penlteiir tialT by Recorder Condlt this morning, when he was chntged with' ncglectlog bla tAmitr- Duncan has been before.the re­corder several tlinee on the same chabga, preferred by 'Agent A. W, Abbott, of the CMWren'a Aid and Protectivn Society of t)Tiflg«. He, took the attergattye of tha term Jn ja&

Kipll "'UArrlcon. of Httchetl atr^t, haa rncoveced from an attack of pnepmonla.

Misa tjertinrie Hanley, of Frahkilh ave- mOe. waa given a' surprise party at her ' hoine that night on the oeoaaloh ot hgr b ir t l^ y J

. Joseph Htebaaia, 'at Vatehung'avenue, :|a fam* from a .bMMU«'. *i4P >n Mna- movtb Oeianij,, , r

Plans filed In the Montclair bulPl- ins department this morning for a $6,600 adtillion to St. Caaalan'a Catholic ChurcU» Upper Montclair. The speclficathinB call for a frame addition, sixty feet Ions, forty f*=et wide and iweiUy-two feet in height. It will rest on a atone founda­tion, with cellar eight feet deep, and will be allached lo bark of the present church. The plam! were filed by Kcv. John A. McGeary, rector.

MAYOR OPPOSES NEW SCHOOLMayor S. Alan Muta will speak a t the

special school meeting In Weat Orange to-night In opposition (o the proposed Issue of bonds for Slfi.OCO for the purchase of land and of a new school a t Gaston street and Lindsley avenue and the abandonment of Bt. Mark'ff school In Val­ley road.

The Mayor opposes the scheme becauBe he nays tlint with proper repairs St Mark's can he put In perfect condition at a reosonalfip cost, and the building la too yaliiable to be abandoned.

MANY AT PARISH FAIRLar^e crowds are attending tho annual

parish fair of St. John's Church, Orange, •which Is being held in Coluraboo Hall. The fair opened Saturday night and will continue fur two w©eks. The committees In charge of the different booths liave made a special effort thin year to seciira a large assortm ent of useful household articles, tipectal atiractlona wUl be of­fered lo-morri'W' night to entertain the heads of families.

C.ALDWELL A lO ) VERONA.The Ladles' Aid Society of North Cald­

well, will meet Thursday afternoon a t the hOTTie of Mrs. F rank H. Baldwin, of Mountain avenue.

Mrs. Ernest P. Keller, of TJttle Falla road, Cedar Grove, will entertain the St. Agnes's Ladles’ Gfulld a t 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon.

The "Glva Players" of Caldwell will produce the play "P uss '' a t Association Hall Friday and Saturday nighta for the benefit of (he Baptist church. The Cald­well Orchestra will provide the music.

The Free Public L ibrary of Cedar Grove, which has beep housed a t the home of Mrs. Lewis Captain tor the last year, has been moved to the Ashworth building, on Pompton avenue. Books may be had Thursday afternoons, ha- tween 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock, during Novem­ber and December.

James A, Chandler and family closed their house on Hanford place, Caldwell, yesterday, removing to Newark for the winter.


i t is » serious. m atter when the lunge are atfected. A trip away or to a aan- atoiium la not only tremendously ezpen- elve. but it Involves separation from homo and friends. Borne are benefited but none con safely return. Eckm aa'a Alterative Is effective—no leaving home beceesary. For example:231 S. Atlantic Av«.. Haddanfleid, N J

"Oentiemen—i n th e fall of toOS I con­tracted a very severe cold, which set Hod on ray limBs. A t'la s t I beiran to sputum, and my phynclan then told me I must go to Callfornlm Immediately At this time I w ^ Mvlsed to take Bok- man'a A ^ ra to o .. 1 s ta red a t home M d ^ m e n c e d taking It flio-'last week in October, 1 b d n n to Imorove, and the Brst week in ^ a n u a ry . IM I, I resumed my rogtilar ocmipatlon, having gained U pounds, fully yMtored to health I t u now nve yea ii since my cure has been effected, and i. cannot praise Eekman'a Alterative too highly. I have recoin* mended It w ith aiceBeDt rasults.''

(Hgned), . W, M. TATHR.Eekman'a Alterative 'la effective^ in

Bronchitis. Asthma, Hay psver. and tucur Troubles, and In upbi tha rnratem.. Dace not oontaln tt- opiates or habft-torm lng druys. sale by RJker Drug S t i n ^ Chaa.

i w iia i a * *


Discuss Past aal Fotare at Meetiaf UoVer Auspices at

Montclair Leafie.


M im O N S ,o^FAM lLlESnr»u s i n ^ S Y R U P o / ^ I G S O O ' J


In ihp EiitcrratB of wcrai,aii aufTrage a pull]' m e e t i n g w a s h e ld untt«r (h« aun- p lo ts of t h e E q u a l 8u(Tr:)K'> le^agua o f W'Ti i. ic l r , in U n i t y C h u r c h , Mml tow n, loM n ig h t . B eve raJ b u n d r w i peraona a t - (►‘U'lt.i. A d d r e s s e a w e r e mad© by R»'v. J i 'hn I l a y n c a H o lm e s , of New York, a n d Mih. Minnie J . R eynu ld* , reoenUy of D e n ­ver. Col,

T h e le ag u e w a a o r g a n i s e d a liUi<‘ m u ro th a n ft y e a r a g o w i t l i seven n a m e s on th n r\'l! o f m e m b e r s h ip . T h e r e a r e now ucilvD m e m b e m .

Mls.i Jant>( H lu d d lfo rd , p res id en t o f (ho l^'agut*. p re s id e d a t t h e me<-ting le s t iilKht- In iu tm d i i r ' i n g t h e njieagerH she ro r a m e n t - i j on Ura rap id g r o w t h nf the l o c le ly am! rirnwrlied a t t h e in l e r a a t be ing t a k e n in lie move im 'f tl hy t h e <'lprgyition o f M oni-

'■iHlr. T w o o f (hi* mlnjHiers, she fllfirnied. h ave p ub li c ly a l l ie d th e m s e lv e s w i th th e 'aujie, am i s h e ii Uletl t h a t sevi*ral o th e r s 'iverfl In s y m p a t h y w i th t h s pro ject . Rite nsnii'^l nn ( h e f o r m e r iCdgar 8 Wlera , 'f I ti lty C 'h u r rh . . iml JU*v I>r. T h o m u a

T ra v is , o f W a i r h u n g Congregal lornalChui-f !j.

Tb.fh iirftftScftl a n d elhlofll cn n s ld e m . lloLS w lU'e nif»n1loTird by (he spni ikers in th e i r illHCUsyliin n f Ura s u f f rag e iiuestiuTi. Mt.h p o I n f H o u t t h a t th e Irrnrl of liiuM i.ti (iiy.Kr'1 rr-form, am i th e s a fe -

ril ing a n d im p r o v e m e n t of ho m e In-

"Till* ncpepinni 'p nf (h e eqtinl f r s n o h ls e arri-mlTTiiMi! In r i t l l f - i r n i a a t Iftst eler - lli'p lit Tni'Sf g r a t i f y i n g , " salfi Mrs. Roy- ruililrt, "rii r It p r i u i ' s f*(inrlvifdvpl5’ thfJt th e siifTrage gvrri! viui J u m p a s well as ip r e a d . r te fore iKn( M\e S t a t e s Rdopting the m e a s ­u re h a \ e Klwft\'H b o r d e r e d on o th e r rn m - monw<-iilllis w h e r e w o m e n h a v e th e Ram© potliloHl sliitiiH ns t h e m e n

"So e s sen i la l Is (He suppor t nf the w om en O'uiwiilerivl l o t b e piissnge of bllH In th e I'Nlnrnil-i L e g ts la t i i r e 'liMt not fn\ly fifp ^',a naked tn Inlthy for the blTlP w hUb WH f .n u r . Lnit n f( im tinrrv-ii i ' ritlTs nr* reenp'i' i l rm tlje fr- lepbnne n.sklng o u r h ul tn 1(111 ihu^e hil ls ll ta t nrp ohleetionKlile am i »4r«’ a h o u t to ho passeii If a n y m a n has n proje i I w b le h he (hjHks will he a coOil th in g lie h u r r i e s r ig h t down to t h a

f ' lu b and a s k s for n h ea r in g "Tl:o I r g i s l n t h e ojj ippslt (re of the rlub.

whOHP rlidv U Ih to InveH tlgu le sui h m#il- tors Hfitt k ee p t r a f 'k o f th e hlllR in tho g v'ornlng InidU't, heonnie so liiu^y th a t !l w as iier‘»‘s s a r \ ' fu r II to m eet r v e r y ilni', ftml s ix ty w e r e nppohitpd. 'Hi it‘' 'U ntulU*e o f the W i ' i u n n 's Club Rln^e bo»n .'}'angr-i! to th e p u h l l ' S e r ’ 'f's TiOag'ie. w h lr l i is Hupporlirig reforn^ rnoas- uros in t h e i | l \ - rtp1 S t a l e "

Mr. I l o l m r s nsso r te i l t h a t lie w'Bs a re- opiit c o n v e r t to t h e mo'vempnt and d in t Ills t a lk Iflfit n lg l il wriH hl;< niftidcn effort , i'll t h a t PiibJ».-(. H e ftvj'rre-1 th a t the ah- ^tr:\o( a r g u m e n t s geni-ral ly advanced In , b e h a l f of t h e p a u s e h a d not appealed t " ; him, lujt I h o t in rons if ln t ln g Ihe rocI;;1ond epoiiomlo nspoots ^if the prfitilem his change of attiiude on the Mihjeot had forced llsrlf upon Ibm He further nfl* fierted that the Stares nf the Middle West ftre from thlrtV'five Ui flriy years nliead of the h’fiBtern comnmrwealths a n d that it is to ihiun d ial (his and ndjolnlug flfRte.s shniild look for KUidanoe In pollt- tml and pochil betterment

The clergyman omUned (he fact tb which Ifd him to ll.e conclusion that votes for w ' - m m a r e a necessary and Itp- portaht step toward toUlng Hie social prohlemp ''if Ihe limes. He continued;

" T h e w'eigUr of t h e very clvlllzall 'an i w h ich w e e re n t e Ss t l i r ea ten ln g to topple th e whole Rcnfrolding rh'Wn upon oiir hcftd.s In t h e final aeltleTnent of the dIfficulUes w h ich t h r e a t e n iia the v o k r of ilifi w om en , 'w ill p la y a very Im p o r tan t Iiavt

■ \S'omen c a n no lo n g e r p x h t 1ti the sh e l le red . s e c l u d e d life of th e home. !n o rd e r to t>ro tert t h e fam ily , to g u ard Ihe In te r e s t s of h e r h o ine . 11 Is necessary for h e r to gii qii t a n d p e r f o r m the ilu iles of a c i ti zen Tl la no longe r a pnil)lem of ihf! r u r a l l iom s w i t h Us IndlvPliial crtss ; w'f m u s t j5et-(iH c e n t r e o u r on tlie c l ly home.

" In t h e n ew dv ll Izu tlDi i of to-day H ti no longe r poRslhle f o r a n y nian or w om an to Mve a sepfirfUe life. W h e th e r he wishes it o r no t. he In h e a l t h y only an the social whole Is h e a l th y ; h e r u n pri sper and tb« fa m i ly s n d h o m e c a n p rosper only by m a k in g s o c ie ty w h a t SI ou g h t la be, Good g o v e r n m e n t raea n n h o t t e r home condlijcuis a n d !i Ib b e c a u s e s h e loves h e r home a n d fam ily t h a t W'oman shou ld ba^■e iHe p o w er tr> go f n r t h a n d compel those ag e n c ie s to c o n s id e r h e r needs ,"


BiuoujNEu.wrm most SATurAcrour m su lta






I AM taawsMB as •vn-HM totijE .T S S .'.S S S I

1 luSiTWHOoatnnnI*« sB* MN-iii PHbPPii • _



ChtriM G, Titsworth Rdeis to Eleetioo at Men's Forward

MoTement Dinner.

■ f




always buy the GENUINE.



Juat as the twelfth man of a jury took his Heat to-riay In the East Orange trlct Court, to hear the caae rif ci-eorge W. Harrison, a InWyer. against John II. Baxi- ta, of 4'i3 Siimm<*r avehuo, thI.B oily, liaii- ta agreed to nettle and the Jury waB di t- rrilHBed. That and a Jury ojiHe that l>J*t preceded It made the (wo ahrirtpsl Jury trials tlml h a \e ever taken place In the East Oruiige eourt.

Harrison had a lolal claim of Hgninat Bunta, on whicli $'Ki had been ]Tuld. After making thr» [larl payment Haiita had refused lo at tile.

I'he other ju ry triul was over a suit of Jidui 9i.habi‘r against Frederick for an alleged aspault. The plHlritiff a.sked for $500. Tha I'laltillff's ease waa In byfore the fKOt came out that nu crirn- inal romplalnt had ever been inadc. Judge Mountain granted a non-suit. In case a criminal charge Ih made, the rane can be brought again in a rlvil court.

Aulliorlly lias bc 'n li>- (hn <)r-ungo ftgenifl -if Hie Frudt ni -d anti Met- ropolKan Insurance *ainpaib>-H to allow the Irvfftl (*alJerlorH (o diHirlluite th" cn-velopeJ for plaj'gruiJiul vvej'k tii order to give evnry resident of ilie « lly an o[ipor- tunlty to contrlbuiQ (owurd rulaing for lining thft mortgage ‘Ui iho properly,' envflopoe will be i.Uiced In every h'luae* hold and collii tpd latf'r !n the w’ci k

,‘ ltii »' playground week was Htrtrt«s! with nn Indriraemeht from tho pulpllH oi> .‘Sun­day. (he rortmilMees In I’barge have lieen kept buhj' explaining lh« iiliji'cts nf (he mnvenieTit. j:\en with all the fublh iry Ihftt l\SH bren glvi n. flofuo prople who have bei'otiio Inlereslorl i.'cpnilv- iii.* nui thoroilKlil) Infonueil Menjtiers if (In’ riftyground fcunnilll'e. uf whh-U rormi’r Judgi? f’hftrli'H B StDiTs is chilrinan, arc llicjftfore einphaHlzlng the fa> t lliai thia will I'F- the iRsi apju’til for funds for the putillt’ iihiygcfoifid.

When Hulflrlenl fiihilH nro etinl rlbuteil to cancel the rnortgaK’n the propei-Ty will be decilrated to (lie i'll)’. The thmiinoii Council hftH jnlfruidy puaHcd a I'enolution providing far Ilje rnalntoiuitu e of (lie playgroijnd in llu' futnr*', and after (he dedication, u Playground ' ‘ommlsslun will pmlmblv he appointed hy M.iynr Ar­thur B R* jumnir

Some miaunderHiandlng ns to the hica- tlon uf the priiposed pUiygrouiiil has also dPvelo)irtd. acirne r---'1denl.‘( being unili-r the ImpreHahm that Pie tract nf land In Gray street now uHcd as a playgromn^ is to be purchased Tim site ul the rlly pkiygroimd will he In Pentral nvetmi*. l)e- tween l.lTV'oln and Kssex avenues. This tract ooritalriH alujut five ncron, and i.s noi only the largest plecn nf imdev* lopi d property In Ojange. hut In also centrally loraied. The new playground will be within easy reac]i of t)!e rliililrcTi ll\ltvg

Mn the Valley illsirl'^t. as well ns Itt tl-a nnngriztpd d lstrk ls of the First atul Third wa rd.s.


An automobile lielonging to liijvld ft. MUIh, of lu4 rpp er Mountain a\eiiue, Momciulr. was stnleti lust night from in front of tlift Kssex Title rpiaranteo and Trust L'ompkny bulidlng a t .Monl'-ialr

I t 'en tre Mr, Mills was attending a incel- ' Irig of the board of directors of the fiiian- I rial InatUutlon at tlie time He dlni i}\ - I CPv'l hSsi losH HlKirlly bernre H o'i-loi;k upon I leaving the meeting to go home, j Mr. MUls's caj‘ was a Po|K--nar1ford

pong tohnertu. It I'ore lliree license rium- b trs—m anufacturers' lirenHC. 6847, New Jerpey lltiense C437, and New York li­cense, fiT.HT. A generij] lilarnj, with ib'- Hcrlptlon of the cur. lina been sent to .ill polli-e HlfltloDfl wiliiln a radius of twenty- five miles.


CrmspUratUjijs arlalng out of tho con- rbunuitlori of lands belonging (0 I'hlllp .1 Mowers for In. Iiislon Iri VVittaepiilng I’aik were brought lo iho notice of Vice riiunei'llqr Kmorv to-day by Alonio bliuicii. i«VTeinry nf (ho iCsHox Tounty I'ark CcmimInBlon. To eiiaiile cuuttBei for (lie several parties In Interest to look up the law dll' vlf’o-L'banccllur continued

I the matter until Monday, j !Tnm filalein(.'nls made to Hie court to­

day H appeflreii lliftt a fter both the rl(y of Ihist OrOMge am] (he town of Uiourti- fWld iiftd tiiade certain Improvements, sn 'll as Rlibiwaik construrllnn, curbing, gjadlng. etc., but Imfori* the nsseHsraeritH fur ilie Improvements boeanip Ilona undor the Htatute, the larnla were i.'ondenraed fur park p'Jip<<aeB at tlio Inslaiv'e nf the Burk Commla.xioii.

i Hnridemtuilloii commlsHloiierH first j nwaideii Mr. Bowers tTbl’‘U. and on an ’ appeal from tlm eornnllKshuserR' awaid I a stnick Jiirj Rppral.soil the land at

$jn : ig.56.I'firk lands liehtg exempt from asseFis.

ments for public Improvetnenifl, Mast I Oiuinge and Bloo?iifieliJ think Itint Ihch- ! respcelive ftSHCHwoiepts sh'iuld come out

of the award to Mr« Ibiweis. Italpli K. lujin, rouiiHcl for Mr Bowers, stated to Ihe vicF'-rhancelior that If this were to be the ease lie would appeal from ll»o |ftwnrd

.M the heurljig tn-dny flrange was repn'Heriteil liy Km esl I. ■yuackcnlnisli and lllootnfli'ld liy Ib-p'ity Rurio^iafe 1‘bnrleH f* Kucher .Mr, '*huTch debited to pay the tiward of $*S.'?IH.5r) Into noiii't

PARENTS WORK TO AID SCHOOLAchlev.?nientfl of the Home and Sehcwl

League of tile UrRngeu and of the non- parOian Board of Kducatlon of Orange were reviewed a t the annual nieettng uf the league la i t night. That .Jamea (i. Higge, tbe retiring euperlntendent of the O range, schoola, has contributed much to the Bucceas of both the board end the league waa pointed out by aeverai speak- era.

Besides the reports and addresses a double reception m arked the meeting, as farewell was said, to Mr, and Mrs. Biggs, and an opportunity waa also afforded to welcome Jam es N. E(it)r, the new .auper- Intendent, and Mrs. Muir.

IRVTJiGTON A S D H U T O N .A plnoclTle to u io tu n en t. will be started

by Irvington Council, Jr!' 0. U. A. M., a t the close of the regular session to­morrow night, and will continue each week until JanuaiT 1.

F rank W. Serb* and sister. Miss Lena flerbe, of aarwood;.DlAce, Irvlngtom have gone to, Daytona, H a ., where they wUI spend .the winter.

The Lehigh ValWy.figclal Club o t Irv­ington, w ill, held A de^ca Id Masonic Hall, Jfrliay ' ev4n|gg,. Nbykfnber . i t The comtulttee in c h a r n id n s ls ts . o t Edwin JuengUng. A rthur liAckher and Frank CurtlsB., . . - ■

Mrs. John E. L. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Link, of 39 Lin­coln place. Irvington, Is seriously m with typhoid fever a t th e Anna Hughes Sani­tarium, in Charlestown, W. Va , whereshe resLdee.

Barauel M. Kip, of W est Cllntgn ave­nue, and J H ow ard Adams, ot EhnWood avenue. Irvington, hBve returned from a month's stay In New Albany, Pn.. where they were hunting aiM trapping.

At a meeting o t Irvington Lodge of Elks, held In Uasonlo Hall, last night, a committee constating ol George F. Berbe, J. Herbert M arM id and lUcbard F. Hopkins, was s^pbtnted to arrange for tho annual memottal sarvlce to be held in tho Tbdge rooms Sunday morning, Dscembor 3. Tbe lodge baa aecepted an Invitation to attend th* se rricss arranged by New­ark Lodge, which apa to be held In the evenliig of th a t da te In th* Orpheum Theatre, A commltt** Composed of H arry J. eianlsy, K arl E . O ^ , John i l . ■fifrommer. T. Davld'M ayfleld and Joseph gonnenberg w as appointed to arrange for a c h r ts tiia s boa for tho poor of the town. ^

Members o t tb * T rl Mu Class of the F irs t Christian Cburch, Irvington, have a r ra n g e for a ladlos' night, to bo held to-morrow n fsttt Iti tlm tooturo-rooin.

Th* W est H ad linprdvsm tnt ijiaM ia- tioa a t liT ln g tw will hoM a moDthly

■ — n l i t ^ a t tb s bsadtuartsTB la

ARRESTED ON OLD CHARGEThomuR Marino, "f .Mprlninlc hi rnF:-!. »_>r.

ftnKRr v,iu> WSH rhariifpii laxf Man h wit/i cmbejEZliim^nt nf frmn MlrliaiiPetrlllo, ft Halorm-k^+'p^ir i f KHf;i‘x n.TJ(l Mi-vh.mir hlreef, that I'lfj', wn<i av- j'RBlf fl yRstPfday Hft'iTiinnn hv' i'nllf’t’raun Curl In hi ' r^^lurnwl ro UrariRQ UTilay niter Ih-iiik hvmi} alncR March. Ho was linll liy ,Jiji)ki-ilray to awali U.e action nf tba. jfjarulJUTJ‘.

It was allPijed that Marin'’) Hold iVtrilio $n.OOO ')f Insmanc:* atni IiIiti a ^willryfrom S. 'I', A' ' A. iSmltli A- r-i . nf <jr- jiigiv 1't‘irlllt) Vyfi ><ifbsfquc>n(iy pjlvan naik'** thill imlps.*i hu paid Uio pr^mUiin ftl a r&nuiii (luM‘ the prilii y hf ran 'celrd, tl'f hrokri H Inn Iuk i c pIs f' iI jio payrnciiL 'J'lu' I’llSHpin'nTancP of Mailjio folio wp(L

J IW L K lsMifl, H iiwht’iI Kilgar. of Tennis place,

went ypHterday lo New York ty apvnd the winter.

MlHs Marjfarrl Mllrip, of New York, !• a gu»‘SL of lirr aunl, Mra. Alexander Carleton, of .Vntlpy avuniie,

Allan fV Rtirralf, nf I'nj^aaio avenue, started yeaterday for a week's huntlag trip to Oak Uirlge.

H arry (.'uU'. Jamen J. Hewe, Dwiflil C, r>ecki'V, and riarence C. Howe, of Kln^a- land filreei-. are liome from a short hunt­ing lilP Woodjjorl.

KchO' l Trufftpe Thumaa J. 0 ‘JVell, of BrookfleUl avenue, la home from an auto trip to Valley Fall.s, N. Y.

George W. Gladwin, of lilghfield lane, who v.'tt9 hunting at Munden. Va., re­turned home IbhL nl^lit.

The board of truniees of the Vincent ^ E. Church hna appointed J H arry Van Winkle, ThoniaH s, Hrown and J'>- eeph Mulch a house commlUee to have Diuirge of letting organlaadons u«e the edifice.

William Warren, pun of Mr. and Mra. Charles Warren, of (’hurch street, who is In the Essex County laolation Hoe- plimi, Ja convaJesopnt from scarlet fever.

Crowds attended the baaar in fit. Mary's hati lost night. Thr> affair will be con- Utiued until Saturday night and, baaldes the usual baxar and (able features, there wtU be a program and danolng each bight. _________________


rlujiH iti Rvrur« free jiostal d-’-llv^'iy wf'i'f' lilBi’iiHfli'fi la s t night at h. mt-Hllrg uf llii* Mapl«.‘Wnod Iniproveinyiit AhhocIii- tion. hi'li] III the mMiih lpal btilldlntf, aitd II I'oinmllU'C was apptilnlt*il to endeavor to.Ki'i'urf' UiIn fftc'llUy

William -Strong, rr prf'Sf'nllnk tlui W\- omliig 1 mprri\i-mnir AsnovlHtli»n, prpfli'tii-Mi ihi farij* of the ]irF'sriil iiostal jillit.ill in nfff-itlng \\'yiirr!Sn« iimJ Mapleviuixl niid (he iiei'esiHlI J fnr |niprnvfi?i'*nt. He Hulila IHiUtlLjii alH Ukl bo pUt 'Mj 1/efore ilic Vlthi li! lit i ’nat niaKterH lenerti I.

All iifforl nuidFi In this <llreetioii I'.o years Kg'> by Maph’^ood reslili'iifFi w.ih i|io]jper1 tieiauHo It wuu unilersUKHl iliii( till' Mal'lewnnd would l<ise Its lilen-tity U>’ reason of :i l•f>nsu]ldatl^>n wltli li'e Smith (ii-jitiae olth-f>.

Then! are over lift) lioUfies In ilu- Wyom- ihK'M-iplewiii.iJ <llsthct uljh-h wmlld re- reive irei- tli-M\Hry of mail If the ayaiem fihoulil hi- ♦■Hliihllrthed

ijenrs'- K Thnmr'Wf^o, I’Mlip B. Smilh, If l'’lfi-kii'-r and Harrs’ r Tliomi.«')ri

were rt|iitnlnted a rnim nlltte to eo-(>i.a’]‘ati5 RiTh iJio Wyniiiljig fomiTiUlf-e in an effort to Her irf the fjee clelUery of mull.

The mj.iirl of H. W ItoRers, ireasUfor shiiweil lli<- aHsocIntton ui l»e m n lienUfiy rondlllon. \ plofi wns mail" that r loh no'inljer stilve tn Inlernsl other rrsklentH !n heonmliiK ftottve inHmbMB at M a year, as with a larger and niu.i* ie]irenental|ve meTTilipr.'iljlp niurli nmre I'onlil In* nrnJtj/'- tiLlirtii toward Ihe mwn's Inipn.tvemeni.

That the result of Ihe ■hrievulty elec­tion last Tuesday wus "un e\'cTlastlng disKraoe" tu this oouhty wa»i Hie ug«er- Uun made last night by Charles G, THb- ^ ''r th , of HUa city, Ht a (llnner In tiie hiierest nf Hih Aipis and Raltglon p*ur- ward Mnvi'iiierit i-lven In the \Vonian'rf ('liity OrangH, by the Men's U'euera- t i 'n nf that city.

A'l iiiL (hri p imiidrrd and fifty men, T*p- i ‘-»'niing niujiy dph-.mlnattons In the Or-

bixrd the of the httll-i !'0 9pMuJ<i.Th, boHliioH Sir. Titsworth. were I '' Mlyn K Vosii-T, chairman of the

■uui.iiH'rt i f nni. I iukIt i I of Worcealer*' hesn ; (.'ongrcsisniiin illl.uii fi Beitnetli

Ni'w Y'lrk Hottiiril Maratiali, presi- U'lil Ilf tho Ciiniiii ,i(f t H iH iRiie, and KeV- I t V\llli:im H M-naan, uf tfil'i d ty , Al* fi’isl J[ MiilliU'i'k v.iiH tmi.Hfma.ster,

Mr lltHwortli. \il." !■* rlmlrmiin of the>'iiniiiiiti.-o i.f iiijr huuiivi-a of Htlft o|ty^df|ilunil Hip Lump ' 'I' |>- lloii hy tliy'.MihUlatoB <>f Mu- tu ., h -'iilln g p a rtie s. l"'Hi Lif yvlvm, ho mil h luu! plnljiiHi thrn;- •■Ivea tn libr-riil loluiiiu-bi|-(ith>n i‘f Hie

(•Itlre. If i-li-rtcfl. niul in h i doing hftil df- ilar»d II to ho MiPtr liiirmiSnn. If suci'esa* ful, In illHolM'y Hk» lawH

"Hriw many rhiJaH.m nu-n, " askoii Mr, Tliswiirth. ‘•voted for eltiu-i of ihoita cau- dlihiirri?'

It wus to arouse rhrlM lan men to ft full undPi-Mtandlng of Ihvlr rempon.'iilillith s IJiul ihp forward movemvnl is hMiig car- rlod «n, Air, Tllyworlh f"ntlnum].

11 liHd hpon noiflpd uhuut lie said, that J. I’lprpnnt Mot’Kun waw Imoklng tho Kui- wanl Movement and that every'body was til he sent to the Kingdom of Heaven by tho power of money. This is not true. Mr. Titsworth deeJared, an Mr. Morgan hail rontrlbiitod no inoro than many othera *>•

The purpoef of (he movement he de»*' ii'Hirt’d OH bringing rniiglrm lo a leveJ with the s(reet, whrrn It might he grasped hy every otie. While the churvh lias been 'mtirkliig time" spvpiuy per cent, of the ln)>-H JiHvo gilt iway from It.

"Biislnuss Metiinds In Churrh Work'* was Hm tofile disi-iissed hy Hr. Poeier. 'I'he forward mo\ejnpn(, he said, la not ’ evatigellRtle tn ihe general! sense and the Idea of establiwhJng a doctHnal C h rlitlsn ' 'union had tieen given np ns im prartldai hei-ausp of (he enuiral temperamental dlf-'- ferences that exist among men. The ob- Jool Is to estaliliBli u dyiiamlo union 1«ay* - Itig the clrtiHls of lu-llef to the Individual ' eorisi'iencp,

I ho fuitragi'fl whii'li ])ft\'p marked the Klreflt cleani'r's stilRe In New York, CoA- grrKsman Hennott Haid, was due (o th# lose of respecl (i> I'miHtliutUnial authority and tills loss he aUrlimle<l largely to the waniing pow'>r of du* coimlry church from w'Jilch the strong moi of the cities are te - i-rnltcd, He recHi-d hicldema In the life of New? Y'ork lo llJiislrule (he condUloQ Af lawlessness i#lilch exists (here.

There are no evils, however great they may ])p, ||^ ttjfflerteil, that cannot be mlhlmlsrd by organlxed efforr. IIu tOld how by Ihe efforts of a fi iv men a move* tueni was starlod llmi lius reduced th t number of saloons In .Vew York by more .. ihen one-hfilf and u law ims lieen paeaed W'lilcli imikeH it liniioHslbU* to establlBh a m-w fiiHooii in N<-\v York State except by buying out ftnuu- existing place.

If fvery jTiiin and wnrimn in the Or­anges who does not now contribute to Ihn MupiH.irt of a i imrcli were to give ten Mdifs earli week. Mr, Marshall figured , ilifit from tTfi.iKK) lo iiw>,(ioo more than kl •. now obtained could be devoted to re- llKloim work. With that addlHcmal avtm li would bo ubneeetfaary, ho said, to get up fall's «ml suppers to kt»ep tJic church • free from

Till- euprcuift nged of the movoment, Dr. Morgiin rdclarcd;’ fs powVf. ' Without tr tit ; Fplrlhial powur noililng can be accom­plished. With It, great ihinga can JM - dom*.


SEEKS FINE REMISSIONlieorKP II i'lunic, of l-’a.*)! Mmug*', .4

property -^wiivr in ('tihlWF-ll, \sho nil's r i i‘(mtlv ]'V lii' iu .r I-', U

Heller for ii'||i-iM''mpUjviife wbii iin tinier of Ihe ('alii^ell H<jiir[.l of lii'iiiih (o clean up hlf RTjil $-0 e \ i ia fur roti*ie mp( of I'oiiM, wfipuHn-d Ixduri- t | ,e Imard last ntglU .uni iiiaUe a plea fur ihn re- nfillllng of H'e fines.

I'lume tb'' liiri'd Hint he hnrl nul re- reh’ed any nulb’e rehilh-e to clviirhig al)ont his j>Ia'-e ftnd addwl that wlo-n he was fined l»v Hie r* fanJer lie “lust* his iiead end iisci langnagH wlilrii lie shoiil ) iini ha^p used, A'- llenpti officer Widla y,as not present h j a-llon was taken in the rnse,

Noflilng done In the ease (hi?pfjii'Jtlon of (ho brook ly Hie ' ‘ aliiweil littunilr;. i'»-jirling a report from (h« Hlale Board of Jlriilih.

TOWN CONTRACT TO FORBELLI'm lcr an ordlnimre recently adopted by ’

the Bciiril nf iBiulth of nioonifield, re- ijulrlng u license for Hie rfinovRl <>1 dead anlmuJs from tho town, lha bonri last niglit grant»*t| a lloenao to Hettrs Kurbcdl, of Uds city, and rejected the aP‘' pUuatlon raude by fieliwura Brother!, C! • Kearny, '

A rr’prvsentallvn of the Kearny firrr wus urrefited aume Hnic ago and fined fc?. fur joiuiivhig tb-ad anlmala wlthniu a livensc. l.atc-r Hie (Irm d«i>Oilted Ihe re- nulcrd sutn for a IJi-ense. but no actlOC , was taken unlll IuhI iilghi.

I'tiwu Altoi'iiey Halfpenny was dlractbl In notify the Cuiisolidated Safety Pin ' '''■mpun> to fruBM polluting Toney'* lirook with waaii and waste water aivi he was told In notify the Paw ait Valley RewprHge Hnnifnlfiulan that Hi# stream was bvliiK polluted by the corpoP' ' allots.

H u i ^ a d t ^ Janos

No Bad Dreams of NervousnessNight sweats, iilespl«9sness» nervous-

inesSi dlKstneas, and sick headache are mostly caused by an upset stonnaoh.

MI-0-NA stomach tablets will clean ahd drive poisonous gases front the stomach and stop all the dlstrseslng a i |. m ents named abovSp

They will relieve gas. heavltiess, sournest a*ii.l distress After eating In five minutes. If your nerves ere going to smash vour stomach may be io ntame; try Ml-O-NA, It has r e s to re thousasda ofnervous people to robust health.

MJ-O'NA means health*, a r y streng th , energy, vigor, n U C V E r S vim. vltalfiy- It means bright eyes, clear ektn | * | I | | K 4 ^ and a n abundance of W l l V l f W rloh, red, pure blot^> s i i i s A g e s a

« ts; vUr* iKKlT « »• tooM *t ptoMrtpuoo for * tom ub *v** wrltt*#.

I M * bofc » e*Bt*. * t B. H tm ltr ’a paA f t v d M a «T*iT«tw(a. H jp m n

SO l'T H OHANOE.Ml. ii!vl .M' John McGuverii, who we.r*

rei'ently ni.m'Hil, have taken up houee- keeplnir at tl it'Kgi place.

Bti new m' tnhers were received into the Prnepectors t ’liib a t H» meetlnit lust nlkht Arrunuements were made for a whlnt In the li,g hou*e on Friday evenUiK, Novi.niber 24, and p la n , were made for the armiml ntlnutrel show |H Culuinhla Sehonl Auditorium on Decemtwr R,

Thomas Conlon and Jfohn J. Mewraan were proposed a t a m eeting of tho Hre de- purtinent last night as nandldatea lo dll vacancies In the orggnliatlon. A emn- mlttee of fifteen, headed by Chief Patrick MeCaherly, was appolntet)'f o arrajige for a ball. '

Th* flrat 'kneeling of the Board of Health In three raontha will ha held In Ihe village hell to-nfght.

Arrangement* a re being made by Wln- nerauoca' Tribe, IlApIrpIfed Order of Red Hen, for a m asqueraite ball In the village hall, on Thanksgiving eve. 'The proreeds Will go low ani the equipping of a heae- ball teem to partic ipate In the Red Men 9 League, next seaaoit,

Baldwin McCoy, .eon of Congressman McCoy, whb recently underwent an opera­tion for appendicitis, ia ngulo able to he about.

An Iron gray Aorse haa been put In the fire house to be given a try-out on the new three-horse hitch.

Mra. Howard tVatklns, of Walton road. Is visiting relatives In Philadelphia.

Mlia E. I.. Broome, who Is visiting In Bouth Orange, after her return from a ton,-, through Bwltierland, will return to Europe, Saturday.

Stewart IL. Roue, teacher of mathe­matics In tho High Bchool, Is to-day visit­ing the Jersey-City High School.

A ball will be given In Hollywood Hall, Maplewood, on Ueceraber H, by the South Orange Local P. B. A.

'The second day'e practise of the police department with tb e new positive idhtola showed an Improvement yesterday. Act­ing Houndsmen Btleve was first with els- ty-one out of 100 ahotA Other acores were; Kelly, N; H attie and Hanlon, eZ; H arsh And Uaguire, 41: Sergeant Kenny, 34; Comerford and Aher, 21; Skefllngton, !S; Tracey, H; P. H a g u ira S ; Meeker, II.

Under the' auspice* of the Autlllary nf th* Society (or Lending Comfort to the Holt a pivot bridge and whist urtll' be g|*«Sk F f t la y afternoon a t the home ot jdto, Oliarlaa 0 . Oima^ M Rlebmond av*-

NaturalLaxative Water

S p e e d y S u r e

G e n t l e

Q u ick fp R c lle v a s



^ O D orti C l^ en in ^198 m a in s t r e e t

Oppoilto Cleveland Street.

Business office open until 8 P. M. dally. Advertlaernenta racelved for publication tame day until n A. fVt.

f O ranfte 3000 J M a rk e t 1884

T ils, j private Braach Exchange[ connecting all departments

: t

AdV ri|(jFfTH!Tiii slso rfc«lveil by the rcMowIng-jifUll-t'lii’-t agrtiim OHANCiE VAiJ^LV-

J. SL till Bcotlend ttreel.Tel.

Mm. J. J Sr4']lrriFif\, Highland Ava SuiMon TpI. Vi'Jd.

EABT (.fJAVfilK-Harry lunlMll, 417 Central ave,

Tc\. 2u-7i'lLaft. MUhR, 3S3 Main etreet. Tel. gS4J. Hro'lle A Kolodln, 120 Main streot,

Tfl. ."t2nSR.Mas Naiinan. 844 Main street. Tel,

8I2A.M. Buhln, 28 Washington pltcsv Tel.

8750 FI.J* K Vraaer, MD Main street. Tel.


Karl OlBon. l u Fourth avenue, TeLSDGRl

BOT'TH ORAJfOE-ft. A. Wallace* South Oranss ars*.



ORANGE ADVERTISEMENTSFUlfL line Jap-a-Jae, Lucas stkI AHas paints;

Oriental stovrjwwrta^^autlful desliffi, : mvIh ^b«r roofina. $1.75 roll; ear paper, two-plv* TSe. ' - roll; fs s tnsndet. spMlal, 8 for 35o: Orai 'Hardware Co.. 341 Itato St, Onnt*.



I » u V L M i J i i i iV&

o e o c c c c C , e > C C € ) € ) € ) 0 C € g ) € ) 0 € )QUT~ or THE mow KCHT PIOTKICTl

^ •M U L Y I m j n M i f , g * c o . fa t i ^ S M N t r . 5 P t m nan makicet a tW M H K :^

© Another Extraordinary Premium Offer Appropriate for Thanksgiving

T h i s E l e g a n t $ 1 5 S i d e b o a r dTo Be Given

A w a y Absolutely FREEW ith E v e ry P u rch ase



With the knowledge that every housewife takes pride in having her dining-room look best at TOANKSGIVING, we have selected as our premium an article that we feel will isfaction. THIS MASSIVE GOLDEN OAK S IM - BOARD is a beautiful piece of furniture, highly pol­ished. with large French plate mirror and pacefully turned stanchions supporting canopy. You couldn t begin to buy it for less than $15, yet « e deliver it to y o u absolutely free with your purchase of $50 or over. And it matters not whether you pay cash, or take advantage of our easy payment plan, which is con­clusive proof that it pays to take “a few steps out o f the high rent district,” especially when you add to these inducements a guaranteed saving of 25 per cent, on every dollar’s worth you buy, whether your bill is large or small; and keep m mind this fact—

Y o u r C r e d i t I s G o o d I f s E asy to Pay the D w yer W ay

This $8.50 Couch BedA Couch

f By B«y A Bed

A W.i»ttMl fraro., bran**!. N»tUm.l■Fabric .iMl iprtn*; two er**" a«nlm m ltin tM . ana bolitw.: o^nad t " T l S l l cln.jJ a roralorubl.eouclu ih* ooropHt. obtCi onlr................

AlNight Out of The High Rent


There i» i»*tr economy (n buying

, or*ni« nnd ernpelmltby the box — they ooit Uei


When yon boy by the box, you fet^ , tiylt that hjaw’l been handled by bate handa.'

Florida O r^ g es and G rapefruit Are the Best Produced in the World


I are the oBsprinff of * mirriage of wil iiid cliiDRie M d windi. B u ^ in c y tn dPlondi 0T*n|ei ind g flow* freely wherever t ripened iphere d Ffonda Citrui Fniitii broken. Otherhealth abound, artificW prop.garibS, may produce fdrly good ftuita. But no-',■tatei, "•'«'*“ *"** rwfu'Thare auch perfect blendina of deRghli. It takei a year to make an orange opa grape-where eiae than in Florida i _,„n,kl of orange weather—the kind that preeaila in the fruit-belt of Florida. Thai a fruit, and It mu.t hare |,rk „m«hinf-thay do not have the rich JuicineM, the ipicy flavor, the health-

me Dce - --------------a------- GrapefruitAre Shipped by the Florida Gtrus Exchange

' t ., FWd, a ™ !

a oi.iiu u,, , to get to you. It ii fttaher, of coufae, than fmit ahipprf The fruit grown in Florida doea not , |onnt—until it la fully matured—and never hia to be picked gr«n in

from remote t^iona, h can remain “P°" The^norida Citrua Exrtange inaiits upon the fruit ahipped by it reaching Jorder to reach the market before « begin, to .ff„ Ail S the iTme the bto.»m. come u ntirthe ri pc orange.

, „ s - - - - - -I*::;:. “L7your d7ler m p ; i; ; - .- - S ~ -tJfmaC'InS inTerfor'S Thu'".";Exchange^—yoqr protection ugainat uarjpe, immatufc ana ^


W e G ive th e S.&H. G reen S ta m p

^Parlor Table

$6 Wash StandThis commodious Wash SlUtid

(exactly like cut), built of oak, fitiiiheu golden and nicely pol­ished; splasher back style: has


a splen­ia ■arti­

cle, sold in most

stores , fo r


special . *'111106


m.€ )€ )€ )€ )€ )


Com et Oak H eaterLow in p r ic e , a t t r a c t i v e in

a p p e a r a n c e , a p o w e r f u l h e a t e r a n d a fu e l s a v e r ; w a r r a n t e d b y th e m a k e r s ' t o

b e a t h o r o u g h - ly r e l i a b l e h e a t e r , w i t h 1 1- f n . f i r e p o t , n ic k e l t r i c ’d , m o u n t e d w i t h n i c k e l u r n ; a r e g . ^ a r t i c l e ,

, S p e c i a l -

Regular $1.50 ValueThis exact Table, top 24x

24 Inches, can be had in oak or mahogany finish, mounted on nicely turned legs and fit­ted with lower shelf; a regu­lar $1.50 article,only f l Q - one to a customer, y ( j C at, each....................


GREAT PROVERB CONTEST$ 2 1 , 0 0 0 ” * p t f l K S

WHY NOT Cn ONE? fiS 2.500 PRIZESlo Be Distributed to Customers ot the Great Atlantic anti Pacilic Tea Company’s Stores

Equal to Custom-Made In Every Sense of Its Meaning to You

- t . o os . s o

P l a n e S t i ' e & tN EW A RK , N. J .

3 3 33



C O M P L E T E L IS T O F P R IZ E SSS-67—Leather Travetin,let. 2<S and 3d Grand P rliev -T h ree Everitt Four

"36" Self-Starting, Fully Equipped Automobiles.

4— Solo Apollo Piayer-Plarm, Stylo^ H . 10305— Regular Apollo P layer-P ano. Sty e L . 8506— Regular Apollo . Vh.........7— 8—Apollo Player-Piano, Style B, tesO each 9.1l_Futly Equipped Liberty-Brueh Roadatere,

12-13—Genuine Solitaire Diamond Binge, S»0 eacn..14—Beautiful 10-Plece DInIng-Hoom Suite. ...............16—3-Plece Parlor Suit, Mahogany and Leather.......16—Beautiful Library S u i t .- ..................................... • ■17.22_Round Tripe to Bermuda, via Steamihlp

Bermudian, 160 each .................. ........... ..............23-27—Genuine Solitaire Diamond Rtnga S50 each .. ge-32—Genuine c lueter Diamond Rinqe* 150 each. . . .33.37—Leather Folding Davenporta, $50 each.............33-42—Turkleh Leather Rockere, $60 each ... — . . . . . 43-52—Ladles' and Men'a Gold Watchee. $50 ea c h .... 63.67—9x12 Axmlnater Ruga, $40 each.........................


ig Bags, $15 each..................... $1|092—Silver Tea Seta, $15 each...................................... 47B

93.102—Leather Suit Caaea. $10 each........................... lou103.127—Adjuatablo Morrle Chalra, $10 each.............. Z50128-177—Gem Set Gold La Vallleres, $10 each............. 5m178-202—Silver Knife and Fork Seta, $5 each............. 123203-252—Gem Set Gold La Valllerea, $5 each............. 2oO253-277—Silver Tea Servicea. $5 each.............................278-302—Beautiful Mlaalon Boclysra, $S each.............. i"5303-402-Ladles’ Manicure Seta. $5 each..................... |ud403-602—Carving Seta, $5 each ......................... .............603.562—Ladlee’ Silver Mesh Bags, $5 e a c h ..! ........... 250653-577—Men’s W atch Fob», $5 each............................. 1 «678.627—Linen Table Seta, $5 each......................... .... 250628-927—Gem Set Gold La Valllerea, $5 each............. 1500028-1227—Ladles' or Men'a Silk Umbrellas, $3.50 ea ... tOoO1228-1427—Ladlea' Leather Hand Bags, $2.50 ea......... 5001428-1927—Ladles' or Men'a Perrin Gloves, $2 pair.. 1000 1928-2227—Ladles' or Men'a Onyx Silk Hosiery. $2

pair ......................................................................................... 6002228-2527—High Grade Fountain Pena, $1,50 e a - ...-* ,450

P.R.m]RPHVSHOECO.843 BROAD ST., South NOW IS T H E T IM E T O S T t B T - ^ IN FU B N U TIO N > T m I & P. S T O R E |

Ir f A UeEBAl OFFERW® aiurttittec to Relievo Dyspepsia,

tf We Fell tbe Medicine CosU Nothing.

To unauftitionsb ly prov$ lo peo- pta th a t In fllfertlon and M pomasnanlTy raUeved and th a t Rexall DyapapilA Tablata wH) bring about Ih li resuU. w e will fum lah the medicine a b ­solutely f re s W It falls to give w tle fac - Uon to s jiy one ualng It.

T he rem arkab le euccw i of RexaD Dye* | eepsla T a b le tt- l i due to the iilgh degree ' ef •cSsnttflo Bklll used In dBvtHlng theJr '

fo rm u la as well as to the care exercloea In the ir m anufac tu re , whereby the well- know n properties of m sm uth -fliibn ltra te and PepKin'hHVft been combined w ith C arm inatives and o ther ageiits.

Bism uth-Subnltraie and T^epaln are eonatantly employed and recognised by the entire medical profession as In vat- uabla in the treatm ent of IndlgeHtlon, and dyspepsia.

The Pepsin used In Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets Se carefully pTcpored so as to develop Its greatest efficiency Pepsin supplies to the diKi'sllvfl apparatus one of the inoel Impnrtatii elemcnii^ of the digestive fluid. Without It the cllsestlon and ajislmllatlon of food are irnposBlblo.

The CarmlffiBt Ivhbb passess properties $vhlch aid In relieving the dleturbancea and pain caused by undlgeatud food. This pombinalJon of thwie InNrrcillents m akes a remedy Invaluable for the enm- pleto relief -'f IrullgcHtlon and d\Hf»pp‘'la

We arc so certain of this that we iir^c >'(>'! 10 try Hexnll DjiSpepslii TahU-tN nti our own personal guarantee- Tnreo fUeSv SB cents, 60 cents and Si 00. U« ’ member, you can obtain Hexall IUmu- edles only a t our bIotc—The Rexall Ftoro, P e tty 's Pharm ary, Broad 8t., 4 doors from Prudential Bldg.

iM E N Wt m e d r u o o i * t

DOES COUGHING Disturb Your Sleep?


Bungalow in Beautiful

H a mMuunuiii A'urk. Id4AJ

A |V ly loii'ated buiTtfAlowH ■ H f l H clKsi within fik»y cum-

jT M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ muting dlBiacice ufWlM - ■ \ W Npw Vorh City, ron-

■ Vfinipftf to IiigMetTidAko. Siatlrin. I'riinse.

forty mlmuM oui *ti n . ]. anil W rtnllroad. Adjoining Tatnoiii EiWT f'fiuniy Park. fWO thov* »«A level. Mnnv Liurmnioww nmvbuilt. 8ii«i nnfj. jtn nnwTy, »ri a month



Does It break up your nlght'B rest and annoy you by day? Arc you lioarsa and Irritable? Then put atop to It all quickly, befora aerlouB reauils happen—uae

Menk’s Cough Cordial 5cSoothinx—palatable—quWM.

For coufh and

long, ary, peralatentbn •■■■

Pink Caindy


Monk’s Congh-Eml 25cNETRR n i lL S


I7fh.c? Creamery Butter s!£77fv j i V ODier Sloies Charge 4?c te 44c F o il for I s Brarle ot Gotils v J I v

Don't forget, we guorAntee results, or refund money.

or any of the other brilliant colors you have frequently scan in both cheap and high priced confections,can only be produced by using chemical coloring matter, which you wouldn’t think of eating by itself.

MENK’S, 106 m a r k e t S TQpD.WiihinlttonSt. Hwiafk.m,


Teas and Coffees|30 S ta m p sIviTU I roiiD


Belle Mead SweetsChocolates and Bon Bons

display none but natural colors or tints, pro­duced solely by the juices of the fruits or kernels of nuts that flavor them so deliciously.

Every ingredient used in making these datntv and wholesome confections is good and pleasant to eat by itself.

Made in the Cleanest Candy Kitchen in t h e \ \ orld, which you are invited to visit.

Sold in only sealed boxes at the better drug stores.

60c, 80c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the pound

Ninety Agents in-Newark and Vicinity

Write Us For This FREE Sample

There hi eodugh Kondon's CatBrrhBl elly in Ihl aample for sere-roldayi' treatment—enough to give laetaat relief from cold in the head or paeal cBtairlu Thte wonderful, pure reroody (In smC-

lary tubee) Is uppHed direct to the raw •nrUces. It Is flo Aooihlng and healtn®that It gives laitaut relief and Ita con- tlnaed use wfllcnropermanently all lonQf of catarrh. Over Ss.oyo dnig'glsta sell it In and 50c tubeA. Doctors, ouraea. drug stBrecornmend It. Even oar sam­ple wfll cenvlacB you. Ask your drug*

or write today lor free sample.lU ndosi M « B v lM la rtiif € « •

M lnm eepolla, M lu *

^ c n Pnr« Enongk to Eat

6er»d for detallB. vIuwa. mapa • ic . alru Tree tranaportatlun. H«prcBeniRt1v«i uja at Orange IlDuntaln Park every ariernoon. Vielton ('sn take Waet orange trollpy fn>m Market and Bread eta.. Newark, tranif^rrlng to 'W.>«t Or­ange CroaetowD Line to Mountain Railway. Total ^ re . 10 cantB-


C E > I « T r SI » E > R

W E ^ B ^ K

^ CUNY CURTAINS, hand-mid, linmi lacea, la lYhlte or Arabian, at the

m S a n t la iy M c A S O e


3 5 ciMost Delicious

Coffee Qrowa

2» STAMPS with I po««il SULTANA COFFEE 3 0 cThe Be*t 30c. Colfse In the U. S.

10 Stamps with 1 pound 8 o’clock Breakfast Coftee 25c

80 STAMPSw ith 1 t>mn

IBaking Powder 50c

20 STAMPSW ith 1 oaa

A. & P. Cocoa 20c15 STAMPS

With 7 caikee

; L aa id r; Soap 25c25 STAMPS

w ith 1 Jar

Beech-Nut Peanut Butter25c


Teas and Coffees 25 Stamps


AMBOSA COFFEE 32cExtra Pine In cup.

Wonderful Value

too Stamps w ith llb.Tea7Bc 75 Stamps with 11b. Tea (Ik (iO Stamps with lib.Tea 50c 40 Stamps with l ib. Tea 40c

Cot Piice LeadersJapan Rice, l b . . . 5 c Iona Cod Fish, brick . 11c USP Corn, can . . lOc Iona Corn, 4 cans . 25o

Corn, 3 cans . 25c

10 Stamps With Your Cbotee1 can Sutlana Spies. . 1. . 10c 1 Foand Prebsls . . . . . 10c 1 Jar Jellif . . . . . lOc1 Pig. HP Borax ,. v • iDc 1 PXg.FlashlIuMTsplocs . ■. 10c 1 BotUe Ilnsjar . . 10c

Cakes Sco^ Soap, atth' 5c 1 Jar Mmtarl ReOth, . 10c1 Jar BeeclPtliil Peanut -10c

Get Price Leaders•V,

k, c a n . . 9c IT, 1 M s . 25c .1, b i t \ . 10c

SaliM, C i i i i s M . 10c le w Biieliiaat, lb . . . 40

Pears, HOP, can Fniniis, EO-TQ, giwiiil . 10c P m e a , 30-1110, O t s . 29c


l - ' i


win pay frir absolutely high and dry loti at Inland Heights (Jnivo?, laland HelRhls, N- J.. famous shore resott; price 124 eaoh; fifteen niimites' walk from River, Bay, PemiaylvanJa Railroad Depot, Hotels, SioreH, Cottages.

ESSEX LACE CURTAIN WORKS230 'n 'aahtug^oii fircwti Opan Saturday Evening!.


Red Stif Uphslstging Co.188 Market streetPbonsllM.W. Haxk.t

S-riK C X S L IP C O V B Mto ordrr, GrriuM llaaD,


j ; : " -

B R O O K S & B R O O K S184 Market Street

bound w ith b la d ln x -.,.R R U PHOr-STCBINO

On. wn*K OBlr. S i™. Pnrlor Bull n m i In TauMtiy, BIllLWmp; Pranw, PoHfbnd — —I Like New



IN CKANITERT OF NHW JERSET-To Julie C. Wlllerd and Franli A. IVIlIerd.By virtue uf an ordt-r of the Court of Chan-

tery ot New Jersey, inads on tba day of the da>. h.™l, in a cons, 1h. ^of tbe btaie of New Ja-my Is Domplalnant and Comneailoa wHh Amg Otluiv ttirm*



IN cilANCgRT OF NEW JERSET-TO Hughyou aad others arv defnndants, you are uulred to asipear, tlead, demur or answer w the bill of aald t mi'lnlnant, on or before the I ninth day of January n»i, or the Mid bill

Dy'™rtu« o( sn tmlw of ih . Court ot Chnn- will 5. taken « con(..«d afulnat ,ou. e r r ot New Jetiey. mode on the 6«v of the I The .alrt bill 1. I'l'vi to torMloes a mort- date hereof In a certain caua* wherein Julia Xlven by Lnlon Building CompMiy. . cOr-


1 ' r A K U R •H IT H ’S

OAT-lS e * B id ik s T h a t H e lp

Im Hmw Sernt lor It.OV om O B M BinST i u i t bMHaSmv^ SoUftM

«noTS» Xb J,

Hugh lie- } ratf<vi uf' the Slate of N«w Jeroey' to tha i c«$>p nwua wkwici — —.------iimrtvi ‘are dafentian are requtr to ap- 4 vhancellor 4if thf? State «f New Jeivey, dated I in Amelia S. Btctaer Vlrmtnt la petlUemirt, ano ' • -• ---------------—- -a-.»a*crvK- I November plghU'en, nlnoleeu bundrod r~"' : Ibe*

] Mcllmoyl la prilllonpr. and yuu, llmoyl, are dafenijanlr you are re<._ .ir»ar, and ideadt; anmrrr or demur to poUliOh- w ’s petllloa, on or oefore the fourth day of Januarr neat, or. In default thereof, fxicb.TV neat, or, in derauK tnereox. sucq aw cree wlU be taken against you as tbe eban- eellor ehatl think eduftable and Juat.

The object of Mid suit l« to obt«iB a deeree of dlToret. dissolving the m arriage between Toa ukd tac said petitioner.

CHARI^FpS K. MASOKr BoUeltor Of FetUtimer,IM lUikM N. J.9mM XnwiMr a tM$.

IN CHANCKRTSamuel Vlpoeni. _By virtue ot an order of tbs Court oa CTan* eery, made October 20, iCtl, In a cawps^ber^I you, ^muel Vincent, are defondaJ are

NOTICE—To libe orodltora and clalmaBta.of tbaE. M. Harrison Company a New JerseJ' mf*

poratloaIn puretiance lo on order of the DIstrlot Court of the United Stales for tbe Dlrtrlct bf New Jersey, mads on the nineteenth day of October, IHU. In the matter of Bertomon & Uayimum. a bankrupt, pending In aaid court, you are hfttby notJfled to coma in and prove before m«. at the addrsts glvsn below, yow claims and demanda against tba said B. U. Harrison Company, luidar ogtb afBm^tloiL w^ln two months from tba daU said

NOTIC8h-Tj tba cradltona'and cJalmiBta of tba 8. Maybauro Food Compaiur.L b Maw JarSar

corporation: >order ofIn pursUancfe to an order of District . Court erf tha Unlttd States f*f tba l^rlcl rt I New Jersey, mailt on tho pidsteanth day ^ |


New Jersey. 1 October, lall. Maybaum.

MViMtiilM,’ cn or'hefor. th. fourth Uhy ot I x«.n, on l*ny« m t he cUy of Ww»fk; anu i inquired lo ,ppMr ,na pl«d, »n.wy ... , I you jyna XMiurd. are mads defsn nt, ----- ----— — * ---- -ordw. or will ba excluded from tha baneflt \ of lucb : idsnide as n»jf tneraafter ^

dC Bolovtioa 8.___ 1®3 •* court,yo“u an hereby wotlftsd to e*ma ** J»»d prove

claims and damandi .-iiSi.haun Food Campangi unflw'tlon, wlibln ■?isaf such dUwidsBda ai M f ' Ihwaaftar to mad#

/UUi HMIxa V- PPIIMP.U. •«« 444«U« UVL8U6MIII,caufs you o-wn said landti: and you, Frank A. Dillard, are tsyie defendanb beoauas you are Che husband ot bald JuUe C. Willard, the own­er ot aald premiere, and may hava or elalm

to the petlthmer'e petutoA. on or bafore Daovn- ’ bar 21. IPtlr or in defauit thereof, swh daws ■\ will to takiB against you as tba €touw»llwand dMlired l>y tha aaid court upon tba pro-

1 oceds sbt effacte of tba '

eom* Interest in said land.Dated Newark, N. J., Novambsf A 1PU> ATWOOD U DR COlhER, BoUeitar for tbs QB9pUlaaal«

T7d Brred NOlrg^ K. j ;


gt^ Uitnk siiilttablt acid Jast , _Tlw object <4 said auH Is to obtain a ^ Ig tba n a n te g a totr

crwUtoibled«f divorce, dlaiolvlfig tba 1 ywn and tba skid

X I notf Droof aigi.l«a •UnMWl

______________Id corporxtlon. Suchor elhlmapu -Vlu> limy, h,f4lofoi, cimimi or drm.ndi Mdlen Md

rnllh th . unOenlxnPd n t n * , •hmll Wd to hMk, mny other h r farther the further ar**. o f 'th a w ort. ADA.ins. ReM ne In Beakropter.

, eoen.r <H Bm iH t u 6 Clinton 6 ^IT. J. . e u *

of .uch dieUndk u md decIM^te C.HI. end eSk*:^!!* e?mn»yp«L. Snehcredltore or c1«lai«»t» who hmvo--------nstd thojt elhl«8< «r #emjM* wMnM iiiUd cwnrwSH with th, 1»d<S5|f»ti rUrrejJ^

oMpLReboee In SutOkRMt.■MflW SI M f W Cltotoj

HOnCB—To tha creditor# asd elatmaiita of tbs D. £. Bnanau Compgay, a Raw Jersey wr* poratioa:In pursuanct to an nrder of tba Dlstnlct

Court of tba United Bfcatas far tbe Dlstrtat of ^ New Jsrsey, mada to tba nlneteentb day ot October,'Ifil, In tha vraatter of Holoreon d»Maytotzm, a banfeni paadlng in said court, hereby ootlied to i ~you are hereby ootlded to coma in and preva iMfora ma, at tiia address gtiwc below, your___ ________ f agtinBrennan Cotnpaay, nadsr oath or bIHi tJca, within two mantk* frem tba data of i onMr. or yob wlR to aachided from tba ^of fneb dividandt at fgay tbarsaftar to i and declared to tto Sind o ceeds and ifBtetf w it court upon tba_ l a p s Y l i , imid corpormtlBfE iendlltort n stmiiM who hmve her "Bird thetr dhmt or denoiMt, m(klBM eorpiiTkUim jkB th* upilwiainrt' laforee Pbali__ ___ miur otlur. or turtiwthe YS*hw order, ,1 th, eeurt.O. ADAW. R.4vee h, Smnkrwt ,“ ~ ' IntovT StSe,


Rr•mpDr.Caot■jm;,IkdtcourcharD r.

Th«nc«throwithmllar1h,kdvtIdeAm«Bi'eplntonli arcli

Ehi by ■! ■ctaa •pok

‘TA hi. Ilihi t i hioaaIt ih

•T Amt you tl 81

wdK hMlfsdyim or mibit h t i kno' a«tti by •

Id pidtl tfjrli ABlil intliiand to t with

Po F3re ■aidthepardtain


F(th eYorleanorgjIngcityBroior#«

or : Cou m ill trltM Nev com proi how call* thar tlon Supi

Ac the en t bac( oani

. pen< Clgi HaB h. tendOTgBtureNontlonInff





T’Eton.Sldx.,.oa(»w s< Beam aad a ia ^ , Knraik.'jt y.



i \


R tfa r r ln i to Qovtroor W llion 1, on on- | •mpUftcftUon of th« "Bptrll of 1T?6,'* R«v. Dr. 8. ParkH '"Ifiulinan, patter of lb« CoDtral C onfrefa tlonailtt Ch^rch^ Brook- IXUiiBpok* !n th e-£ lra t ProBbrtertan Church l u t night. The lecture w ai one of the course now being conducted In the local church, and the subject dealt with by Dr. Cadtnan wCb the Puritans.

The edifice was filled with an audi­ence which followed the lecturer through an Introduction which started with the beginning of clvlllxatlono Orient- allstn, which reared the pyramids, said the lecturer, was based on conquest, an advance was made by the (jraecu-Homan ldea» which was based on conquest and asillnillatlon. but the real advance with a spiritualistic basts was made by the Teu­tonic school of thought, which made moii- aretts of all men and evolved the Puritan.

BhtKland and America were compared by/D r. Cadman as types of the Teutoidc school. I t was In this connection th a t be ■poke of the Governor.

"'England evolves.'' he said, ^'whUe An^erlcans a re revolutionists. The Knf;- Ifihmsn says. *As it watt In the beglnninji. t i now, and aver ■hell be/ but the Amerl- oan .saye , 'As It was In the beginning,It is'now , but, by gum, U has got to stop.*

'T h a t ,” said llie lecturer, ^l|i what t)ie American said to England In andyou have a Governor In New Jersey wiio !■ saying th a t now. '

TVhlle It warf all very well, the siicaker dectgred. for each American to f<:€l him­self a monarch a.nd b it own rulHr, tlie saying should mean to him sometlniig more than a pretty phrase, as respun- albllUy went with power. He remliiuod h1i auditors tha t every one should ac­knowledge this responsibility and gage his aetlons with regard to his public duty bgr a P uritanic standard.

Id conclusion, Dr, Cadman drew a word pletur^ of the coronation of Queen VJc- «<irla, th e placing of the heavy crow a amid the gorgeous grandeur of W est- mlxister Abbey on th« young girl s ht'sd, and the alm ost ehlMIsh voice responding to the question. ”Wlll you malntnih It?” with the answer. ”l will, with God’s help.”

Pointing behind him toward the old P lrit Church burying ground, the iertu rer ■aid that the spirits of (he liead Purll<nia there spoke, giving tcvNewarkeri* a stntul* ard of lifo and asking, "Wjll you m ain­tain it?”


For the purpose of co-operating with the Independent tobacco doainrH in New York in an effort to prevfiit iho Amer­ican Tobacco C’ompany from bidng re­organised Into four compaiilei^. a m eet­ing of the Independent dcalerw in this City and S tate win b«* iifUi in the Hotel Broad Thursday night, at wbhh a Riata organisation Is to be effei teil.

The American Tobacco Ttmipany, by prder of the I’liltpd States Siipi'eTiiH Court, following its! tUsfioluilan, 1ms sub­mitted a plan to the Tnltcd Slates Dis­tric t Court for the Southern iJlstrlid of New York for reorganlzalon into four companies, and this plan has been ap­proved. The Independent dewlers assert, however, that by Us operation the so- called truftt will be In a strongrr position than ever. They hope by concerned ac­tion to prevent its final epprusal l»y the Supremo Court.

According to the inder'rndenl dealers, the An^erlcan Tob^ern Company Rt prrs- ent controls nlnmy per I'vnt, of the to­bacco output anti about plghty-spven p«*r cent, of the clgaretM sales. Tho Inde- pendent dealers also want the I'liited Cigar StorPB biishivKH dlvhbnl into a t ^ a s t ten separate and dlsdnc-t mneerna.

Ij. M. Vogel, of New York, will be in a t ­tendance a t Thj^rsilay nlgiii's n^eetlng to organise the State dealer.^ and tnaiuifac- turers. U. H. Hunter, rounsel for the New York Inde^K-ndent tieftlers’ organiza­tion, will deliver an address a t the m eet­ing here.

GESn&N.AAERICAN SOCIETIESBy a vote of fifty to two, the Harmonie

Singing Society last night cle«-lded.;iiot to take part In the saengerfeet to be liold Id Philadelphia next year, under the aiis- * pices of the N ortheast Saengerbnnf|, The alleged reprehensible cualom of hiring or borrowing singers to help out In prize alngliig cohtaats wa.s urged ur a reason for non-partlclpatUm.

The society accepted Invitniloiia to nt- land a Jubilee eoneeri of the Franz Si hu- bert Maj^nnerchor In New York next Sun­day. and also the Concordia Singing Ho- clety’B concert In Hensler's Auditorium November I!h

A card porty and dance was given by the W oman's Auxiliary of tho Newark Turnvereiti In the 'William Street Turn Hall last night. There were fifty-two tables In play. A committee coiisiBtIng of Fanny Bchenck. Johanna Wulf, Emily OHo and Ida Bruegman made the a r ­rangements.

r iA G T ASSOCIATION DANCEThe o.nnual entertainment and reception

the L. 8. P leut & Co. Mutual Aid As* •Delation will be held to-'nlght a t the Kru*»er Auditorium. Professionals will furnish a vaudeville bill and daticlnsr will follow, 'i'fie entertainment and floor com­mittees follow:

Ehtertnlhm ent—C h a ri* Kapner, chali^ m an; George H ealf. Herman Cohan. Jacob .Cohen. Charlee E. Ball. James Naitle, E arnest Kuebler, Miss Margaret Curios and F. A, McCambridge.

Floor— m u e l Klelnbarg, chairm an;Bert PoDc, Louts'’Mints. Paul lAndcmaii, Jake Davie, F rank McManus, Louis .Miller.


m\15c ^


j The recu lar monthly meeting of the Music Study Club was held yesterday morning a t tho home of Ure. Frederick H. Smith Jr . The following program was gtv*n:Plano, Im protnptu...........................Schubert

Mlsa Minnie Landau.Song, "My Laddie"............................ Thayejr

Miss Collins Buchanan.Plano, "S erenata" ..............W illiam Mason

Mrs. Mortimer Remington.Plano, E tude in A flat.....,..M osakow ski

Mrs. Zacharlali Belcher, yrlo, "The D ark” ,...D avid Stanley Smith

Mrs. F. C. Van Kcuren, Airs. Jay Ten Eyck, Mrs. H .'l,..Farrow ,

/ Plano, E tude do Concert, op. jii.' . MacDowell

Mlsa Mildred Allen.Song, "Irish Love Song,”

Margaret Ruthven Lang ' Mlsa Florence Soott.

Duo to r two pianos. Wedding Music,Mrs. Belqher and Mrs, A. M. Swltaer**”

TrJo. "N ym phs and Fauns"......B em tiergMtn. T an Keuren, Mrs. Ten Byck and

Mrs, Farrow,Plano— '

1,^, . (al Prelude In B minor........Mrodelasohitl' -(b) Ltebestm um No. J......................U a i t '

. Mies Florence Helnisob. .

T. i t A NOTES / '.... -• '

'^‘ n e board ol directors will m eet to- nkoiTow o item oon^at 4:90 o'clock, stonfi*

oommlttMB wAtl report■ • i S l - / Q u a t h t l l l . " , - JugMef, and Bert Tomp­

kins,-oam edlaa, as well aa inoUnn pie-, tu re a t still comprise the attrectlope a t th ^ S aturday matin'** u d evssiksg'pei^ tb raao ea .

Vko tU rd entertelnm ent In th e e ta r eoure* wUl be given tn w alU ce Hall W edneaday arsnlng, November 22, when tbdJto b ley Male Quartet will appear, i t

T M aaoond Bimual mesDng of the Bri­tannia Club for election of dBoers wlU ba held f h u n d a y night a t g o'clock, v

, At tba m en's meeting nest Sunday th e addresa srill be made by Rav. p r . w . J. Dawaon. sta ted supply a i the F lra t P res- ifftarthn Church. He will apeak on "A M an> Tem ptations." JMIs» May Korb,

. aoprano, will sing.The senior boys' social committee srlU

entertain thi* evening, Hr. Meta having arranged a program including borinontal and boxing drlUi, tn<i|c races, bM ketbali, atCi A t the end of the program ia a d -„ srtohss an d 'eaeoa will bs served. ' ’'u

WUliam H. W ard will be the speaker a t " th e O rder of the Triangle meeting Friday, and will JIhuttrate hla ta lk by k modal eaUlng vasse^W bleh he bu ilt him- aedf, '

I m S H POINT CURTAINS, la alU teagths. In all 'be l a t ^ deMgna. S tore price, l l . l t ; fmsiory prioe, n ,tg .

^ S E X LACE CERTAIN W 0RK5, —- '^ r k laa iii Tin nir . ’.CSRlii

Sale of L. & G. Enameled Ware

Continue* This Week' With All the Great Specials The Store that Serves the State

You O u gh t to See G reat G ripNut Shellers

/ At Work in Our Basement Thsv Ka«p the Kernel W hole •

For, ThanksgivingSavory R oasters—

easily the best roasting pans oi) the market; oval and round shapes; selt basting and browning; containing all the juices of the meat; made o! black sheet steel without seams or corners; making it easy to clean; regu- ^ - lar family size........................... 9 1

F ood C h oppers —The celebrated U n iv e m a l, fine for making mince meat for the indispens­able mince pie; chops fine; medium or coarse, as you wish; much better than you could possibly cliop meat or vegetables in the chopping bowl;priees75c, 98c, $ 1 .25 ,$ 1.50

C a k e M ixers —Another U n iv e ra a l product; makes lightest cakes; does iis work In the shortest time; _ _ _ _price................................ $ 1.75

B r e a d M ixers —still another U n iv e rs a l product; kneads a perlecl dough in three min­utes without necessitating touching the ilour wilh the hands; prices$ 1 .3 5 , $ 2 and $ 2 .5 0

According to Size.P udding B ow ls —

Oval melon shape, polished tin cov­ered moids, - _price. ,.. 4 3 c to 6 3 c

C offee P ercolators—U n iv e ra a l—most perfect Perco­lator on the market: makes the finest cup of coffee, and does ils work quickly; s e e o u r demonstration

mem* pnees $ 2 .5 0 to $ 1 4 P a p e r C ooking

B a g s genuine S o y er , im-** porteo by us from Eng­

land; prepared under the supervision of Mons. N. Soyer; package contain­ing II assorted sizes wiih in- struclions................................ 2oC

Bread K nives ' widesteel blades wilh riveted han- — dies.......................................... 8 c

K i t e n Paring-Several shapes, blades

a n d handles; — special .................................... s>C

K itchen K nives —French shape; steel blade; _ riveted handles..................... * C

C arving Sets-R^ f-,;steel blade; black rubberoid —« finished handles ........... o W C

D over Egg B eatersFor beating eggs ami whip- —

ping cream; special ................. # C

F lou r Sifters han- _die; special ................................. • C

N ut Crackers ' ®St r ong

1 5 cFrying P a n s s'//!

for large nuts; 1 9 c . kind.

4 5 cpolished inside;6 5 c . kind.

Salt B oxes for hanging on the wall;

blue and while porcelain; at- n n lathed cover; special............ ^ « > C

B aking D isheswhite porcelain; 6 in nest;S I . 1 3 kind.......................... 9 o C

G l a s s CranberryLarge bowl and sixsaucers; Colonial pattern; imitation

cut glass or rock crystal; prices4 0 c . to $ 1 .7 5

T u rkey Platters —Of American Porcelain; pink r t p j decoration; large size........... «>O C

T u m b lers - .m,'weight: c l e a rglass table tumblers; reg, 3 6 c . „ a dozen; special, each.............. *oC

C ups and Saucers—Plain while German china; - ^ nice shape; set...................... l U C

Christm as B o x e s o f

Writing Paper $1

It is not a bit too early to select Christmas gifts—in fact, many forethoughtful folks have been picking up bits of prettiness here and there right along in anticipation of gift things they would need at Christmas time.

We secured these beautiful boxes for early shipment just to satiify those who take lime by the forelock, and we expect to clear out every one of the lot made for us long before what is regarded as the holiday se,pson sets in.

So come for these in a hurry if you expect to get them. H a n d a o m e C re to n n e C o v ered B o x e s in dainty colors; rib­

bon hinged covers; flanged top and bottom. One size 12 inches long, 8 inches wide, 5 ‘/ i inches high; the other 15 inches long, 7 inches wide, 4^4 inches high; either size nice for gloves, handkerchiefs, veils, etc. The flrsi size filled with two and a hai; quires of paper and envelopes; the second size with two quires. This paper is of superior quality, white fabric finish, tied with rfbbons harmonizing with the boxes in color.

And now to give you the best news about these boxes—they could not be bought to retail ordinarily for less than S2.50, but we put thru a deal by which we bring these splendid boxes to yon ahead of the SChristmas season at the extraordinary price of........................... *** X

W e W ill S tR irip the paper in these boxes from your own die or from one of our own two-letter stock dies in plain colors for 2 5 c .

In gold or silver for 6 0 c.


Aprons for Every UseAp rons for parlor and ladies’ maids, waitresses,

nurses, trained nurses, artists, housekeepers, store workers, factory and kitchen use. Ever so many stytes—more than you’H expect to find—and very fairly priced.

Bib A p ro n iB r e te l le A p r o n s , made of lawn, with

hemstitched Gibson strap or bretelle, others with embroidery revers, at 2 5 c .

A ll w a n t e d s ty le s in bibs, revers and straps, single and double width, trimmed with blind and open embroidery in many beautiful de-

f signs; skirts trimmed with insertions and vein- ing, at $ 1 .2 5 , $ 1 . 5 0 , $ 1 .9 8 .

Sm all B ib A pronsSmRll Aprona. cotoiiial, bre-

telle and strap style, round and square shapes, trimmed with laces and; em- broidery, at 6 6 c . and , s .j

‘SnutU A brona,' ' round and'; ' squalM; strap and bib styles, made of tiWh aaS domU swiss, plmmed>with: ^lindand open embro»erjes, laces'and ribbons at 7 B e. ^

Sm all A prons, dreotar and princess shapes; dainfy:trlmfnings off' faces and embraideries: madcofstriss and fine lawn, some ribbon himmed,for 98 c . "". -...if

Sm all Aprons, of novelty lawns and Swiss; eSriioridely trimmed with t laces and ribbops, dainty embroider­ies and inierlions; colonial bib and Gibson'strap, for * 1 JIO, 8 t .9 S .

S tn sle aiM D o a b la O M Ih A prons, of fine and heavy lawn, hematitdied or embroidery trimmed rever or strap, hemstitched Ikirts, atBOc.'

Aprons,^ hi circular and regular . Miapea, Gibson and Florentine straps of nhe embroideTy, others with plain

made of fine sheer lawn,

AsaNwis ifia Princaaa, amd- Circttlar Shapsa vrith Oibion atraps and revers,. trimmed wHh tor- riion and braid edpng; others trim­med wfa stm cobiiiracry^ 90o .

B and A pronsA prons, largeand small, round

and square, with and without pock­ets. Made of fine white lawn or nov- efty colored batiste; tucked, embroid-

: ety or lace trimmed,;lot a s c .Aprona, small, medium and large

size; plain and trimmedj 'in cambric and lawn, for SOc. and 8 9 c .

A p ron s, fine lawn, tucked, em-’ ' tnoidery ruffle, hemstitched and „ em­

broidery trimmed sides, fitted shapes, medium and large sizes, at 7 8 c ., 9 8 c ., 8 1 .3 8 , S i - a o .

TTnlnod Nurawo’ A prons, with Md without bibs; made of cam­bric, mr SOc„ 8 9 c ., 7 5 c .

ColoredG tn g h s m a n d

A pron*, small and cular and regular shapes, ruffle trim­med or plain, for 38 c;

CoFsraill A protis, Mother tfpb- bard, artists and housekeepers, with and without sleeves, in gingham and percale, at 8 9 c . to 9 8 c .

K im o n o Coywrsa A prons, of fine percale, in tight and daric col­ors, at 9 S e . to a i o i s .

Prfatonss Aprdni* iip pink and blue c h e c k e d ^ o r stripe, tcenucksr. b c^ u Jid itta , at 7&

Btridk Sktewn Aprons, lor store girts md geneal wear, snnli and large size, with and witiwut pockets, It a i e . , 3 9 e . ,8 0 e .

Apronsid P i a r c n I a md large size, dr.



An Hntimate Talk About Our Celebrated

For Buying Furniture, Carpets and UpholsteriesT H E C L U B P L A N is p a r t i c u l a r ly ad>

v a n ta g e o u s t o y o u n g fo lk s j u s t g o in g to h o u s e k e e p in g , a s i t e n a b le s t h e m t o s t a r t in c o m p le te ly f u r n i s h e d w i t h o u t s u f f e r in g f r o m t h e f in a n c ia l s t r a in t h a t u s u a l ly c o m e s a t t h i s p e r io d o f life .

A N Y O N E w h o c a n m a k e i t p l a i n to u s t h a t t h e y a r e s te a d i ly e m p lo y e d , t h a t th e y a r e s o b e r a n d in d u s t r io u s , c a n p a r ­t ic ip a te in o u r C lu b P la n .

It is t o t h e s e p e o p le t h a t o u r H O U S E ­H O L D C L U B P L A N a p p e a l s m o s t s t r o n g ­ly , b e c a u s e i t e n a b l e s t h e m to b u y t h e b ig g e r a n d m o r e c o s t ly f u r n i s h in g s a t t h e lo w e s t c a s h p r i c e a n d to a r r a n g e f o r t h e p a y m e n t a c c o r d in g to t h e i r a b i l i ty to p a y .

T h e in i t i a t io n f e e is n o m in a l a n d d e ­p e n d s u p o n t h e a m o u n t y o u w is h t o b u y .

T H IS IS N O T A N I N S T A L M E N T PL A N , a s i n s t a lm e n t p l a n s a r e g e n e r ­a l ly k n o w n , a n d “a n y b o d y ’s ’* c r e d i t is

N O T G O O D . O n ly w o r t h y p e r s o n s a r e e n t i t l e d to c lu b m e m b e r s h i p a n d t h e y a r e n o t t a x e d e x o r b i t a n t p r ic e s to c o 'v e r t h e lo s s e s o c c a s io n e d b y se llin g in d is ­c r i m in a te l y a s i n s t a l m e n t h o u s e s d o . I t is n o t a p l a n to m a k e m o r e p r o f i t o n g o o d s , b u t to m a k e t h e b u y in g E A S IE R f o r y o u , a n d th u s to b r o a d e n o u r f ie ld o f o p e r a t io n s .

T h e r e a r e n o e m b a r r a s s in g f e a t u r e s in o u r C lu b P la n —n o p u b l ic i ty , n o u n e x ­p e c t e d d e m a n d s , n o h a r s h t r e a t m e n t w h a te v e r .

W e h a v e t h o u s a n d s a l r e a d y e n r o l l e d in o u r c lu b s a n d t h e s c h e m e is w o r k in g o u t t o t h e e n t i r e s a t i s f a c t i o n o f b o th o u r p a t r o n s a n d o u r s e lv e s —e v e r y c o u r te s y b e in g e x te n d e d to t h e c lu b m e m b e r s t h a t is e x t e n d e d to c u s to m e r s r u n n in g t h e b ig g e s t r e g u la r a c c o u n t s .

W e in v i te a ll s te a d y - g o in g p e o p le t o t a k e a d v a n ta g e o f t h e C lu b P la n o f b u y ­in g f u r n is h in g s f o r t h e h o m e .

' This Week You Can BuyM etal Beds, M attresses and Springs

On This Easy-Payment

For Boys‘Good News, Fellows*

6 0 c G olf C aps 2 9 cJust rtsht for cold snap; made of heavy alt-

wool cheviots; with fur inbands to pull down over the ears; assorted patterns all sizes; while they last you may choose from these 50c Caps at 2 9 c .

4 J * • «

B oys’ $ 2 .0 0 S w eaters $ 1 .5 0All-wool gray only; with two pockets and

pearl buttons; well made and finished; sizes 26 to 34.

4 4 4

5 0 c N eck w ear 2 5 c50 dozen open-end four-in-hand scarf* for boys;

made of 50c. grade silkj in a choice variety of patternsand colors; you_ma|_^pick from this up-to-date g j - I L i n d f i r ^ A T C f l i r

1,000 P t e o e a W h ite R ib b ed C o tton Veata with long sleeves; P en t* In ankle len0hi and C orset C overswith long sleeves; good grade.Reg. 2 5 c and 2 9 c

On Sale Wednesday 2 P . M. until sold at only

SalesWednesday2 P. M. U ntil Sold


W o m e n ’* T h read S i l k S to c k in s* with lisle tops; blacks and colors; reinforced feet.

C olor* In 81 grade* . B la ck * In 7 8 c grade*.

Pick one or more pairs Wednes­day 2 P . M. until (he lot is sold for only


assortment of 50c.

Boys’ $ 1 .0 0 Sh irts 6 9 cCoat styles with cuffs attached; shirts made espec­

ially tor us; ol excellent quality percale, in the season's newest effects; plain bosoms; figures and stripes; good workmanship ana finish assured; hand laundered; _ _ sizes 12 to 14; any of the lot at only....................o 9 C

Waist Extra200 Fine Messaline and Chiffon Wafsts; in

high neck, lone sleeve styles; braided or embroid­ered; with or without frill; (T*, Obutton trimmed; may be had U j l i in navy, brown, black and ■ other shades; values as high as $6; these are offered at..

The Celebrated Oa- termoor Mattress it known the worfd over as one of the mo s t remarkable mattresses ever pro­duced; It is built of especially s e te c t^ Ostemieor sheets, all hand laid; the cotton Is first sub­jected to such a pro­cess as evolves ali c n t i r ely differe'nt

fabric, just as cloth is produced from wool; the sheets or layers of cotton are 2Vi inches in thickness, wonder­fully soft and elastic, impervious to moisture, prOof against vermin, perninnently clastic, does not mat, pack, lump nr bunch; evenly tufted; closed within ticking en­tirely hy hand; edges are carefully stitched; all covers arc matched: the tickings are beautifully mercerized. French fin Twills of the best quality, in green, tan, drab, pink, blue and the good old-fashioned blue and white stripe; sizes are 4 ft, 6, 4 ft., 3 ft. 0 and 3 ft.

Our regular selling price is $18—a regulated and restricted price by Ostermoor; by special perinission these will be sold at a cut price on account of the cover­ings being very slightly soiled—so slightly that it will be ha/d to detect a defect; this w eektt * K O at only ......................................................... **’ A

Good Pillows

Wom en’s SmtsA t an E xtraord inary L ow Price

Suits of Che'viot, French Serge and Novelty Mixtures; in sizes for small, medium, large and extra large women; satin, velvet, braid or button trimmed; alt new skirt models; may be had in navy, brown and other shades; ou |^ t to sell for $20.00; we price them for Wednesday only............

m im cu; dii new s>Kirilavy brown and other

$ j[Q .98


If Dolly Is Broken

Bring her in and let us fix her up before we get too busy to do this sort of work.

New heads, new wigs, new arms; new legs can be supplied now and the repairs can be promptly made but we cannot accept dolls for repairs after November 18—that is next Sat­urday.

E nglish B oneChina

In many pretty decorations for the Thanksgiving Dinner T ab le- give yourself the pleasure of see­ing our display.

Regular priceFate price__

• Regular price Sale price__

Filling the best of Its respective kind; licking the best qual­ity A. C. A., blue and w h i t e stripe and fancy art ticks—sizes 18x25, 20x28, 22x28 and 24x50.

SI-20 $1.50 $1.90$ 1.00 * 1.30 * 1.80S2..50 $3.2? $4.00

82.26 $ 2.78 8 3 .8 0

A Robe for YouB la n k e t R o b n in light blue, fan, pink

and other shades; deep sailor collars; messaline trimmed; long kimono sleeves; trimmed to match; heavy cord; girdle and tassel; all sizes; « o z lO value $5.98, special a t..........................‘

Misses’ SuitsJunior and Small W omen’s Sizes

These » e ; exceptionally nice suits—we’re sure you’ll like them, and we want you to see them.

Suits of Mannish Mixtures;medium length coals, with dosed or slashed backs; notched collars, with and without velvet inlay; richly lined with self-colored satin; skirts gored, with loose or inserted panel, front and back; deep hem; trimmed with tionc or self- covered buttons; may be had in brown, tan and other desirable shades; special $ 4 9 S p riced ................................ .. X O

Photo DevelopingAnd Printing .

Bring us your lUius and we will finish them with care— better than you cm do yourself—and ask you very little for pur service.

We are making a specialty of developing and printing. F ilm * D«v«a<]np«dt -P ocImI Kodsk—N ob. 1 sod 2 Brownie, Se. roll. No. 3-A BroBvnl* and all sizes of 6 expo, 1 Oc. roll.

X, No.3 ABsre«riiIoaiid allsizesofl2eKpo, lBo.roltlPrintin* as P o lk n w Pockst Koelak Brown!* - Nos. 1 and 2,3«. each.

• and4x5, 4ok each; 5x7, 8 b. eacb.

R oyal C helsea

^ m aAt Hialf Price

This beautiful china decorated in gold v'ith pink border and border of roses will appeal to the most fastidi­ous and the fact that we are going to offer these beautiful china plates at hall price should bring crowds of people to the fine china section in the basement this week.

R o y « l C h el*M P la tM priced as follows:

Keg. S16.(X) dozen at 88 .00 K eg.! 20.00 dozen at 81 0 .00 Keg. 122.00 dozen at 8 1 1 .00 Keg. 138.00 dozeri at 819 .00 Keg. 42.00 dozen at ^ T . O O

* Reg. 148.00 dozen at 8 2 4 .0 0 Reg. 154.00 dozen at 82 7 .00

A ft« r D i n n w r T e a a n d B o u illo n C up* e n d S au cer* ,decorated to match the plates, will be sold as foltows;

Keg. 115.00 dozen at 87 .80 Reg. SI(i.OQ dozen at 88 .00 Keg. |i7 .00 dozen at 88 .80 Keg. $20/00 dozen at 810 .00 Reg. 1^.00 dozen at 81 l.O O Reg, $34.00 dozen at 817 .00 Reg. $38.00 dozen at 819 .00 Reg. $42.00 dozen at 82 1 .00 Reg. I4&00 dozen at 824 .00 Reg. $M.OO dozen at * 27 .00

Royal Worcester ChinaP la tM those stfiendld products of the best notteriet here at 838 t 880 , 882, f l l 8 to 8 1 8 0 adoaM i.

Booyaitil!: Feathei'sWe are lii.’:iJquarters for feathers of all grades

Sleeping on ilcan, purified, gerni-proof feathers pre­vents many dise:isc.s. We carry only the standard quali­ties from the best manufacturers which are secured from file proper cleaning and assembly, thus they are abso­lutely clean, who/esome and healthful.Regular price........... bOc 85c $1.10 $1.35bale price.................. 5 0 c 6 Bc 9 0 c $ 1.10

Muslin SheetsThese are our famous S u r e ty B r a n d B e d

S h e e ts ; standard quality white muslin; made in the best manner; 3-inch and 1-inch hems, and t h ^ will be offered to-morrow at a saving of l Oc on regular prices on each sheet—Sj*® 8 4 x 9 0 , r e g u la r 8 6 c S p ecia l a t 4 6 c e a c h S iz e 6 3 x 9 0 , re g u la r 6 2 c S p ecia l a t 5 2 c e a c h f !** r e g u la r 6 S c S p ecia l a t 5 S c e a c hS ize 81 xBO, raguleur 7 2 c S p ec ia l at 6 2 c e a c h S iz e 9 0 x 9 0 , re g u la r 7 8 c . S p ecia l a t 6 8 c o a c h

H e m m e d P i l lo w C ases , size 45x38K at 1 7 c each.

250 dozen I r i s h E lm b ro id e re d P i l lo w C a se s , hemstitched, size 45x3fi; value 45c each; special at 3 3 c each.

300 dozen I r i s h E m b r o id e r e d I n i t i a l H e m s t i tc h e d P i llo w C a se s , size 45x36, value 90c, 5 8 c per pair.

See an d H ear the N ew

Victor VictrolaAt Only $15

Anybody can now own a V ic to r V ic t r o la —the price need not stand in the way.

A little while ago these in­struments were to high-priced that many felt them beyond their reach. Now comes the new one—the wonder of them all—with a 13-inch base, a 12-inch top, a 10-inch turn table with gooseneck tapering of nicKel: with n o h o r n is sight, the sound coming from behind a lattice work of racial; good, full and strong, reproducing the human voice with wonderiul naturalness; a box that can be carried anywhere wHh you, at only 8 1 8 . ^

These $ 1 5 s in ^ n g machaneSi 4Swell as the more expensive ones, are so ld o n very eossr term s. V

A very tompkle collecticm of reco rds at all times. J




P R O D U C T S O F I K T E R S T A T E I N D U S T R Y I N T R A N S I T - P E N N S Y F R E I G H T Y A R D S . W A V E R L Y ,


Iti cn® riipect, l*ft*t* the truBi liitf* before the Senate Comnvlitee on In- teretat® Commerce are certain to be eporh-maklnt. The committee i« to have a t Ite dlepoeal pcrhapi the ireateat »'<'r® of expert opinion ever laid before a Con* irreeeionai body.

In the flret place, the American Civic jLaeoclallon will eubmli to oommlltee the anawepi received to the Que^tlrmnalT® Pent out by the aja-Klatlon to w».wn per- w ni. among whom will be the leading •ditore, polJllcel ecemomJats. lAwyt'rB, pub- llrifte and Btfiilitl''lane In the couivtiy.

The tlet of quMtlotiB Id expecltd to

will shew how

bring out the viewe pf ih® mu#l com- |

A fflW ®xamr^*’»tnj*' i..t« la. ,

I'rcf-Abor P. W. Til .*►!«. nf Harvard, ha* Just publlihfri ft ti.w ftnllllp4 'T rlpclp lei of Ecounmi'^a ■' In thit work he writ®*:

'TAf*Kl"latlon wUh refrrence tn oomhlna- tloTiB litta h lthfrto ppoci-crtcd In the United fiiat^a In the way qfiffipreealon Prf)hH>lt, j«*iiuUi!e. i>roBfr*:ute—iniPh •hae be®n the pulley • • •

-Tr’ (III inU nt.1 and purpowi‘s, [Mi policy of rt-iipcfialoh hna been a <1»it fulluie: Jiiet UH 11 hna 1-ecn ti ffTlInre In (h« aomewliat

1 aiuilogoUK of r.illwa)B. ♦ • •FlT«l .jjirioiig the lliltutfi tha t ought


petvnt minds tipon every phKSP of the (ruat queiilon-

In the second place, many of the inoru prominent meji of the nation are already on record with euggeetlonie for trust logl*-- lallon. Their publlehed contrlbnilonfl, al­ready a fomildable library In themselvcw. are alao grlet lo r the commltiee.

Ill' done In the riiii''{l States Isth® dPlliJiliv® twuhllshnienl of federal ronlrt)! [.argc-Brnle command of indua- Iry ran h® m n only by hirgi- M'-ale legle- Inrl.ii. .The j-i'-Bi-nt hvircati of corpora ' l1oiii!i hm a lieglnnlnK. H shotild be given greulcr powern l)uui those of mere InvesHgatlon and reiMiri. U wbonld have

scope analogcfUB lo that of the Inter-But not only Will the committee be able | com m erce r ’onimlwlon

to avail Itaelf v a ifeupp ly ef ex-; | piofcsaor Hruce Wyman, of the Har.part docutaentaryV Intdftnatlon, 1( s*ard I^tfw gciioot dleo hae 3nt»t publishedaummon befpM -^ o f tW o^msplc- U book. en«J|i#d “UoritroP of the Market;uouB leadera o f moddfn lndual*ry afid eco- , 'Holutlon of the Trust i^qOallon "

Tlie hearings before UieHenuto Committee on InteraUte Com- inerce will unquesUonnbty «•- ■emblo a g r e e mast, of Inform ^ Hon relnUng to trusts. Not only will the commltteo call before It m anf of the ronsplcuons leaders of Industry, ft will also be able to arail Itself of the pub­lished opinions of enperts, which arc voluminous. As a result, there will t>e brought logpther more expert opinion on the control of large srnle Industry than ever has Iwen gathered at one time since thef ubllcatloii of the report of the

ndustiiul roninitsslon. ten years ago. All schools of thought will he coveretl by thequestions propounded by theCf ■ - ........................ ..N tIc Federation.— Kdltor.

r (avor iif reKulaiInn are Ihc folloftln*; . btriatliin under carefully ■ Kornicr I'resnlcnt Theft'InO' Riftice'. i’U. coliilKlonR.Clcorso tv. J’i-rkln«, HIIktI H. I'.ury. They will Insist iliat Iticrc are two ways SatTinel rn tern iy cr, frcdcrlnk U. Couilert, i of roachlna Uie same deslrml goal—com

nomlta, Tc iUftbs only a' f«w of thene j o , views may be lilnted at as tollowsIssdars, ths number will almost certainly Include J, Plsrpoiit Morgan, Elbert It. Gary. Oitorge W. Perkins, president Ttieo- dor* N. Vail, of th s Americon Telephone and Triagraph Company, President Bam- Usi Gompsrs of the American Pederallon of U b o r, and president Hartley of Vole University.

The very h lghsit interest win nnturslly attach to w hat these men, with many

It has seemed to the writer that these occasional decisions. In recent years, by which the dlsst'lotinn of some one sre s t corporation is altempted In <nfn, are as futile as an anarchist's homh, and th a t the program of destruction of these es­tablished monopolies Is as unintelligent SB the lerrorlal propaganda. * * •

•'The preaent policy ot destrucllon should he abandoned In favor of iha program

others will have to contribute out of of regulation. The law for regulating the thatr storei of aaperlence and knowledge. , trusts la already developed. It only •we

In rdvanc. of the hearing. It Is, ot „ave the tnalfht to realise I f course. Impossible to tell what will be the 1 fh a rle s A. Prm tliA. ProulVe of Hie Tnter-

ommqrc* i.'omtnl.wftlon, ho" recentlymein ilrlft of the proposalfl offered fur ! bIaI® ('• a. . . * * tSB es# «(•>.» commlltce. I urg^d the r®ffulfi>Hon of thp Interstate ItiI^dBlM^’howovar from 'the .oggeetlons I rtuetrlal comblnallons through a com- i ^ M l i b r e ^ t ^ , Z l y that a d ^ «rn.ed with power, almllar tow V e W U lailon will have a prominent I those exercised by the commerce body.


Alio, InproTon Do Not OTer* look ^kipoiii, Skerrerf lad

**UUct’s Nei()ttw."


Attorney-Qenerel Wlckeffilifim, In hlR ad- (Iresi to the Mlnne»olft Her AsBOclntlon, on July 29, hn« eipresBed: prnctlcally the same opinion. Representailv® Martin W. Irtlltleton. of N(*!w York, has ranged hlm- eelf on their Bide.

Among ^Iher well-known rrrn who b«ve come out m ort or Icso emi>hntkally In

ProfejjHOT H en ry R. Seager, of Columbia tlnlverHliy; lYofepHor Frank J Goodnew, also of ( 'o lumbla ; Judge l> t«f S. GrosHs rup. ProfcHsur Irv ing Flaher, of Yale; Bflnator Daniel Guggenheim, head of ihe Guggenheim .smelting InlPrestB; Theodore N. ViiJl: B. C. Simmons, head of the Slin- imms H a rdw are Company, ami GifTurd Plnqhot, former fores le r of thi- goverii- inerit, presliiwu of the Nallonal ( ’oiiBiTva- tlon AflBorlatlon.

Not ihe leftHi rem arkab le uspoiM of thin remarkable lint 1b the fact Ihii? nu'^h varied Inlereats and profoealonf! arn n'pre- een ted -g o v ern m en t officials of highest

pletB control of the IruslB-anAl that safety and justice will require eome such m»‘thod of dlMOlutlon at the leant as th a t worked out In the case of the Amer- j lean Tobacco Company before any al* icTiipt 1r made to Hmootli the way for any agreem ents between oompetitore, even agreem orts In reanonahlo and advan- ingi'oua rcBtralnt nf fn-e corupeiUlon. I

Mr. Charlea O. r>awes, presldi'fil of the ( 'en lral Truel rompany of f'lilcago, who ! has contrlhuted one nf a Hailes of nrlJrlos | now running in a New York now'spaper. , layn streps vjpnn several points -whlrh | hlii.iilil he of Importance In working out ^

Another Big

Shoe Sale

Starts Here To-day

’nuf ’cedstanding. erontimlatH of International rep‘ * » ,«iiirressf-il rm thod of reguhillng combi, utatlon^ bualneHB men of flr.‘*l-rate nblbfy Inniliuift and dlalntereit'^d public servantB in pri- i n i<, fitiggp^ied by him that one rtlfn-

log of the threatening prospect In t»ank- liig affairs, hasten lo withdraw tiu-lr de- poalts, and the panic Is In full lii"'im.

"How about the Aldrich p lan '" wan then asked of Mr. Trelon.

“From what I have ri^d of It to dale. T should say It was a merp pali'hwurU 'of arnendments," answered Mr Ireion "Uu' plan was conceived In March, wurkeiJ out in April, and amended In May and the amendments nr® still going on

■■Frankly speaking, ' coutlnned the speaker, "the plan as conreivefl tiv Aid- rich Is one seized upon to bolster lilsi waning political fortunes. Reolng the handwrlllng on the wall by the elecli'iu of an Infliirgent I/egtslature, he attempted to turn attention by throwing hlw cur­rency plan before tii® public—and (he piti­ful part of It U that the people actually believe that relief Is to be found In hie plan."

vale life IirtiquestJonably, (here will be important '

Opponents of the regulation plan. Dn the whole, there Is a wideepraid dlsposltlpn to leave competition to work out Itg own problems, on tho principle ibal the pub­lic IntereBl Is best subserved by a maxi­mum of free trading and a mliilniuin of government Interference, The advocates of this view will emphasUto the dangers of recognizing even partlsl monopoly, no m ailer how great lie advantages may ap­pear to be.

Again* stress will undoubtedly be laid by olhorft upon the posHlblhiy of more or less dlalntegrallng the irusis iis a first step, however much good nia>' be ex­pected from combination. Those who lako this an llu d e are not opposed to regula­tion ftnauy. but they see the riiik of pre­paring a sort of Immunity bath for com- blmitlons th a t liavp hem hulU up, not only by lawleHR but by immoral methods.

I They will point nut Hie pogslhlo ad- 1 varitagea of applying IIh- Hhcrman act i vlRurously as the first esseiulal step, and . ,' ftiilowlng this, perhaps, by allowing com- I of irustn.

culty la ti> ih'flnft trade ngn*enientF (hut are in Injurious rcBtrulnl nf cimipetltlon, viewed fn'to Ihe sliindpnlnl ' ‘f the public and of whoiegome trading

To gel over this dlffirulty he would have a tribunal of buHlnefls men empow- iTcuI by Congress to pass upon the pro­priety of pmposed agreements, After a;v proving nrij’ agreement, this tribunal would also have power to revuko Its ap- pnjvftl.

Borne sucli experimental method as this Mr. Dawes regards as advisable while urmertiilnty coiillnueR. as he believes It does, pB In (he application of existing law regarding Ihe rcslralnt of Irade to the m-w and complex conditions of modern in­dustry,

EssentiaUy the same tiincHon ae that exprclaed hy Air Duwes'fl business men's tribunal. It Is understoiirt, falls to the In terstate trade rommlflftioii provided for In the Newlandu btll, alrrady discussed. Mr. Dawes must, al any rate, he nuiu- bered among llio supporterq of admlnl-s- trailve. us upposed to judlrial, regulation

Slouknburghi797-SOS BROAD STREET

One Dollar Makes You a Member of the



R E Ireton AdToeatet Central- ization and Mabilization of

Country's Bank Reserres.

Deep Sea-Going Hospital for Fishermen


A Way to Reduce Life Cost o f Peaceful Industry-Amer­ican Sailors Dependent on French Charity.

PianoGubAnd Save $55 to $150-Join Now!

By TnOMAS W. SAI.MON’, M. D..United HUKes M arine UospUal Service

I>eUers directed to the Board of Works, requesting ths clearing of sidewalks in Springfield avenue, In the vtcitilly of Sm th Tenth street, of obetructlons placed

iv e v B tn i f o r a w H D iD A T rn ta rn D V f I ^ alorekeeperH, and asking th a t ftoulh 1 boarders gatherA L D K IC H SC H EM E T A lC n W O F K I Twelfth street l)fl paved, between Spring-* ■

I field and Avon avenues, form ed the prln-

The loft ear of m em beri irf the Board of Worki, of Charlee H. Shipman, gtii- oral luptrhuendent o t work®: of Uorrln U, Mherrtrd, chlof eaglnaer, and of "Mr. fihcrrerd'e nephew" muet have burned Rome laat night during a Bcnelon of the SUghth W ard Improvement AtBoclatlcn, where the men referred to were underdteouBilon.

Edward Bail, president of the urgaOlsii- Uon; Joshua Brierley and A1>^xandor F<;r>

4 dyce carried on the dlecuBeloti, I t was charged that the city streets were un* oiean. All three blamed the Board of Works collectively, while Mr. Hrlerloy placed the blame specincally on Mr. Sher- rerd, and Mr. Fordyce said u was all Ur. Shipman's fault.

To pruve his point, Mr. Brlerley sitld Mr. Sherrerd '^owns the board and bosses them around and .down nul allow Hhlp- man lu do hts work. eBpecJally slm;e he placed hla own nephew In charge of etrrot work with the one Idea of hampering Shipiiian.''

When oakc'i a fte r the mRetlng to dla- close the Iderully of "Mr, Sherrord'e nephew." Mr lirlerley said he wus "lulk- Ing abnu* Hall i>ck "

llu ltu rk Hnkt^a lienial.Jana'S i ’ llalloi'k In dojiufy chief engi­

neer arid luf» bet'M pJttroil In cliaige uf Mlreet w orU Me d!sr-iniitied any rclutlon- sJilp (n-il .> Ill Mr Hln-rrcrd, althougli* he added. Hml iin-J run luul;6d up hli getiealnKv Mi Hiin.^ k df. that ‘‘Home oiii‘ Accnifi l.ct'i nn lunKuis; irifr the rhipl m ivlath e, ha (1i |k Ih rUc ■ nnd 1line Mr lUlerYv Iihm ruihllrly iiro* ialmed tne lo bi‘ Mr Hh**rr*' 1> luqihi-w '

iMii,kIi4'; n p' i\ on Mi' ^Mr l! tl.. nph-nti Uui'lit Bli'Uiii 'YiiiiipCil.' :iri 1 Ulrtr MlHall !ii"la;' 1 ilmi the ix.i ■ m i;man hrld in . j-ii> w.\^ ti- ^'i^n u hub r. n

■’HhljiMiii:' lindded. '.f ykiMiw l l - n •It r,i’t Ih ' auj'f 4rg\ {If ahliily that ho hu! llFTilUHC It If* fi'lft." I

< U Mr Slierrorii. (he spraker thn \r-jiUiion tliHl itio rhU'l' vrigiiieiT wil.m m (h^ |I'-ip vl hlf- ui'ofHtisSmi '

Mr Hrli-rl> innk lo tie orlll- i(Um of Mr t^hlpmaii uml urKcC hh* liciu- i f is 11.«i (o hijimo him bui lu pui nm V'l.’i'

wh-ro 11 lifciOiiged on Sliprrenl. I HIuch the ■'ni-piicW ha't been iilarei! 'Shipman, the la tter coulil do nothing, M:Hrieriey Hiii<1.

■'ThlH n*’itli.''\v ViflA put In at a large salary and lisimpiTi' nucl pmh'itTiJHNi-s 'irlilpman al e\t»ry opponunJly, BprdUng whpi work might he accompliHhi'd," lio dFaJared

la ie r. when It wnw huggeated loxliave Mr. Sherreril appenr before Ihe UMuncia- tioti to dlBoiiHB civic rnatters. Mr. Brlerley volunteered to extend (he lnviintlon hlm- hftlf, He paid he was not afnild (o talk with the enKineor. whom he described hn "my servant," ami added. "It Is be- iTiuse be forgetfi ho, in our servant that be acts as he does."

"5 h"l III. f;1» P-..[iLr ri,,!;.

IT rlbi (]i> hli-f any ii-q ilTr

ibJl> vaiil to

iitid 11 ncnlh of cn- hi» Job, inir

That the country’s banking and currency System ofTers a perpetual Invitation to the panics which recur periodically., and th a t these panlce will continue ae tong as (ha nation persists In maintaining the present antiquated plan, were statements made by Robert E, Iretonj editor of Financial America, during an address be­fore the Clinton. HUl Improvement Abio* elation last night.

Ijater, when a quentlon was put to the speaker as to the advantages o f the Aldrich plan, Uu.' answer was (hat the plan advocated by Senator Aldrich was put forw'ttrd hy the latter as a sort of political booet to lufud hli tottering po­litical fortunes.

Like all political subterfuges, declared Mr. Ireton, It was one clothed In palatable phrasoB, to make ll suimri well, but the Aldrich plan was one no man converiaiU with the needs of the financial world would for a lutimnnt sdYoefttfi. A "patch- work of amendnipiK'i’ was the way It wuH r-haraclerUfltl.

The system ill vogue on ihc continent of Kurope eua uroTitjumtuI iidmlrable by Mr Irelon, who <5crlnre(] that by crnirol- lalng tho gold rt-Herve, mid shifting lie Intluence to wlinicver section of the coun- frv trouble tlirewieueU, panics were checked In llu-'lr Itirlnlency, Uo« reniilt being (hat not in a*lonK period have Ihc riKthiiiH of ICunif.i' known h punir <if lln* iiroportions ..f those wiildi iidslled (his cuuntiy In 1W<1 and In 1!>07.

I'rtUriipeaa <'un(ro|.In furt Jinnies af nny kind are an Im-

poHslldllly III Uiiropc, declared (he speaker, beciivise uf the huge uvnlrallKed reaer\»* wliiili 1 ever ready to lie ap­plied Id an * rnergenc.v, and because (He credit s> st*'iii Ih siudi (hat good com- nuTi Ifi3 iJHpci Is as useful a.i gold.

lu nx[ilninlng the working id this eoim- tr>".s ry.‘«(eni, Mr, In-ton ilcrlared Ihni. Ilicro are nbtnU 33.000 banka In the {'nlted Hiwich (If ihfBe, 7,330 tire notlaiial banks,H iHNi lire HiMie bauks. wlUlo Iruat corn- M'liioH mid ]U'l\iil(> haiikfl inuke up Hie [• iiuiliiiler. Kuoh of Iheae tnstlUltinns Is [■'-iiiircii Id keep h. certain reserve on ]I,.Hid t »r enKTKencle.K. 'I 'he a m o u n t of iidH ll•^^l\>• held iiy nailonttl banks, for

j in -i H..' i.vnesi wlih the location of eer.- Iim ! ri Hi I'w- .■lUfS. f'E'nerve dtlea, or elaeI vi hert?

id-iiira! ii'.serv.- ub'M are three In mim- I b>'r Nf w VoTk, ' b.i'ago and S(, LouK I 'i 111' losiTvc ••11,1 H urq Hiich cltloB an

I'tulmb-Iidii.i. U'l-iuiL. etc., 'W'hJle tli'* o'.,untry ImiiKH iir-" iiwiiled In cities whl b do not cii!r.+- uiiU-r i libcr head.

TiiH fH-M I r c i ; ' , ( r n d tiy banks In rp. serve cUi-s i-* -five per cent, of Uie

wiiU" the reserve required nti>' Is lirieeii per cent.

W here Trouble l.lee.The point iluui rnadc hy Mr. Ireton was

tiiat. In llmcH of fbe rcFierv^ ear­ned wad ieliinm surtb ient to meet (be need. Therefore, an ^-ay om of \\ytkdlltlcuHy would be ■ ' cenirallie the re­serve nf all the banks, and, like the sye- lem used In KiinH'*'. upply It wherever It ■waa tipeded

rerlndlcal pflnb ", continued Mr. Treto'n, are eotnetlmer r aw ed by a sudden demand upon a bank which has tts fundR out In [ (Tall tonne, or In pthef securlilee which are readily con\ftrtlbla The calling In of theno loans causes other Iretlluilona to call their loan* In turn. Depositors, read-

clpal business transacted by the Wcat I2nd Improvemont Ansoclatlou lanl night at Klnaet'a hall.

The request to clear the sidewalks was not sent without opposition, however. Ob­jection was made that this would bo striking a blow at the mflTntoT» owning stores In the vicinity. It waS finally di elded that the piibllo welfare demanded ' that the sidewalks be cleared, despite thoprotests.

Arraugements were made to have an illustrated lecture upon the cause and pre­vention of (uberculosla given at the next meeting. The lecture will be under the auflplees of the Aml-Tuberculosla League.


BLvery August a company pf sad-faced men and wi^men and curlo^e summer ,

lu Gloucester, Maaa.. (0 toko part in o em m ony aufth aa can lift wttnPE.opd nowhere else In the I'nltert Stales. It Ifl the annual memorial aervk-e for the rteep eea nehermen w ^ have perlehPil a t eea. Not more than e.ixw men bo "out fnirn Olouceeier" to ihe deep eea flaherlee, yet during the last ten veara the namea of more than 600 (Itmicee- 'ter Hsliermen have been read at these aer- vtoea. In titiie of war such a loan wnu fl mi th s land with mourning, but In Oloueeatcr It la almply counted a i the cost ot a peaceful Induairy,

Thla toll of the sea /rom those who gather her harvest la tint all, for other brave men were lost ■whose namea were not read a t th s eervlces and for whom no flowers were strewn hy children upon the receding tide. These fishermen died In lied In m arina hospitals, altendcd hy nurses and provided with many comforts. Yet they loat Ihelr lives through the dan-

and a t all times dti banks which He nearer home uo mcdlc&l aid ■whatever la available In time uf need. The Injured man muet grl; hts teeth and hear It wUh the chance of being permanently crip­pled IncrpAsing every minute, and the m an strlrken with sudden Ulneaa must console himself with the reflection that perhaps he liss one of thnee diseases which doctors cannot cure anyway.

Often ll happens that after a week or more has hern spent In securing bait and a good berth and when all Is In I'eadincBs for the real work of catching fish to begin, a man wilt suddenly need medical rar^. The schooner la headed for a Nova Scotian port or for home, the h a lt la tiiTo-wn overboard, the good "berth" Is lo.Ht and eighteen men lo&e the proceeds of the trip, for fishermen Hhare In the sum left a fte r the owner's share and the e^xpenses have been mot.

j Looking for • R em edr,I In looking about for a remedy the most

elgnlflcant fact Is that the deep-eea flaher

WASHINGTON, Nov. H.—Amendment of the fihrrman anti-trust law at the coming eeHal'Ki of f'ongresB Is to be un- derlftkcn In cartifat hy Democrata of thii Houbp, according to a rteclaratlon lam yefttmlay hy RcprceMiiatlve Henry, of Teiftft. ranhlng motnber ot the Commit- tre on Judiciary,

gcrouB nature of (heir calling Just a* 1 a beneficiary of the T^nltedcertainly as their comradee In the do es | Government. The tjnlted States

went astray or In the i Marine Hospital service was establishedwhich fminrtorpil on tha nank=. Many of them dleil from itlneps which tlio re- BOtircM of -mortorn mertlclne, If thay can be applied In time, are quite aufflelent to

‘ T^aldea thoro who die, many flahermen are badly maliped throughwound* which o d t'ld j.a 'rcated -o ,,

Infected iic-

nepresentotlvo Henry'* annonneament , . ,,v were Hiey rerelved ashore, that------ m .ft .nrt * 'tom e V - p e r m a n e n t effects w ouljrame whllo President Taft and Attorney

Oeneral Wlchersham were In onnfcrence a t the White llousa aa to the advisability of supplemental an ti-trust legislation, which may Inohid* a Federal Incorpora- (hm act. , , .

IlepreHenlallve Clayton, of Alabama, chairman of the Judiciary Commitlee, who ha* been conferring with Itepresen- tutlvB Henry and other memher* during the rerene. Is expected In Washington ttllhin a few dayi. when work, already heKnii. on the bill nmandlng the Shtr- insn law 'Will he resumed.

In addition to anti iriiat legislation, the T i.llrlary CominUtee alio haa decided n,.nn revision of the Injunction stanites i ,nl the laws regnh,ilng Indirect con-Irliipt cases.

follow them. When a gSaiit eea boards a little schooner, a broken bone or two la very likely to be Included In the wreck- age F ractu res which have to be neg-lected to r day", ah" m '- “ ,readied , have a very different


I In The CO

J;nUook ; ; ^ " 't h o s e which are promptly cared for.

Flurgle^at •'tid Bea.In other enuntrlea where deep-sea hsh-

l„K is an im portant Induetry, the need for nrovldlng medical and surgical eld at aca I ____ — nmilr.*d so long that the

WASHlNriTON. Nov, 11.—Responding to a request l y Kepresentsllvo Aiken, of South Carolliift. that Iho Federal Govern­ment undeitake the prosectiHoti of "liears." who. 't •• alleged, are engaged In depressing the price ut-eotton to the flnani'liil rletriment of the Southern pro­ducer. Atlorney-Oenerai Wlckeriham frankly mimti* he does not understand the workings of « "l>*ar pool," or how such ft combination could operate in re* Btralni of com m erce.J >

In correspondence ipade public yester­day It is stated hy t i e AtlomBy-GeneraJ ihftt he has ho t a n g l e evidence of the existence of any such pool and ratiueets M r.'A lkfn to furnish him with any de­tailed Information he may have Indicating „ combination forired to depreas the price of the South'd great etaple.

The government * future course In con- necllcn with alt corners. Mr wlckee- ,ham I Ml mates, will be governed largely by the decision of tha Bupreme Pourt of the rm ted Stales In the pending o*»e ngalnsl alleged "hull*” charged with cor­nering cotton to Increase It* price.


The Human HeartThe heart it e wonderful double pump* th ro u |b th i

S0tioD ol which ihe biopd itre a n iu kept ew eepin| round end round tb rou |h the body at the rate of sevon a ilee on boar. Remember thit, that our bodies will not itnad the etriio of over-work without |o o d , pifire blood any more than the eQ|ioe oui run eoiooth- ly w ithout oil.*' After meny years of study in the ae tire pmctioe of medicine, Dr. R* V . Pierce found that wtkco the stomach was out of order^ the blood impure end 'there were syniptomfl of lenerd) break-


eropnized bo Inug nkHv-lcB tor relief are well , hfstltulion*. H is a rather surprising act that ru, elep* have yet been taken

tn dn fo r the Aineriran dpherman what I. done In Kngland by the Royal N a­tional Mission for the Deep-Sea Flaher- nien in French possesslnn* hy the Socl- ele de* Oeuvres do Mer and In New'- tuundland and Labrsflor hy Dr. Grenfell.

In the North flea the Royal National Mls,slnn malnlaln* three hospital and four illsDensary «hlP" w-hich gave medical re ­lief laat year to rrmre Ilian 12,000 men. Many of those who were dangercnisly 111 wera chtrlert to husphals a*hore In com­fort and safely, instead cf a SOO-mlle Journey. e ''« 0 ' bringing new to r­tures for badly Injured men, treatm ent Is com m enced a t nnre, and flaliermen who In the old day* would have been reduced to the workhouse live to walk the deck

* ^ rm e 1662 ^ r- Grenfell has performed a Blmllar service for the fishermen cf New- foundland and I,.ahrft<lor, Within the last tew weeks a fine new auxlllury schooner hae V«ien preaented to Dr. Grenfell by an American friend, and the auxiliary ' yawle Yale and Andrew J,, MhCoeh, pre- sented by Atnerlran college' eturtpnls. show tfiat Dr. Grenfell'fl work h&« fiituid appreciation In ililfl country.

But th e Amcilfari fisherman’s only chance to oMain medical reijff on Banquerau. Flerre Bank end (heGrand B auks l i u-hen a small hospunf ship rnalntatned by charity and hy a small ffrant Irom the French Government makea her summer visits to the fisbinf erounds. At other times on these hanks

in 17!! , to cara for flick and disabled American merchant seamen, ami for a number of years Ihls relief has been ex­tended to deep-sea flaheimen. In the Visnls or iho United Btatee m arine 'f>us- pHnU vaiT l>e seen tha results of the failure t( obtain treatm ent in lime. Dr. Ij- L, Williams, the aurifeon in command nf the United Stales marine hospital at Boaton. haa presented to the nurKOOn pmei'a) a plan to extend the work of the marine hospital service bo sb to kIv® relief to the fisherman ■when U will do him the moflt'good. i

It Is proposed to bul4fl n schooner of the best type, provide her ■ftith ample I auxiliary power, fit her with a complett' | little hospital amidships and with all the I equipment necessary for glvlnp medical all] at sea, and send her out to patrol a w atery beat which will bring her into communication at frequent Intervala with deep-sea fishermen of N’ew Engtand, from (he Geornea lo BnnqLjereaii In winter and to the Grand Banka In summer. Manned by a skipper and a crew who have been fishermen themaelvea and who know the banka as a landsman knows his ow n back yard. It would be possible to CFTilse to such ndvantaKe that PO per cent, of the vessels In this wieJe area could be epokon tn -^lear weather.

U Is, of couree. for Congress to say ■whelliRf this plan can be carried out or not, ' Tt has been shown In other roun- trtea that the part of the loss which la di:c to the lack of medical earc can he greiUly reduced. If It is possible for an iTilllal expenditure of $25,000 and for an anavral outlay of Prom $10,000 to $12,000 to keep a thoroughiy efficient hospital schooner on the American banks the yctir around, it Is difficult to think of an adequate reaion for deferring such relief much longer.

(Copyright,,The Survey, 191L)



The Bradbury Christm as Piano Club is rapidly filling

, , up, and the 40 members for it Regularly ^ j |j enrolled.

$250 [f ii; were possible to extendthe meffibership to 100, we could easily secure this number before Christmas, as the advantages offered by this club are so great that it would be extravagant for any one to buy in any other way.

"Good things come In small pack­ages” is true in this case. Only 40 members can join this club. Enroll now before it is too late.

Our Brooklyn factory made 480 Begalarly pianos and divided them equally **D®**8 stores— forty foreach one. By producing this big quantity at ONE TIME and selling them all inside of thirty days on the club plan, we were able to make a decided reduction in the prices of the instruments, and make the terms of payment so easy as to make it possible for any one, how­ever lean of purse, to become the owner of a beautiful, high-grade pianq that would last a lifetime:

You may join this club with as little as $1.00, You select the piano or player-piano the moment you join.

It is then put aside for you for delivery on or before Christmas Eve. Each week you pay one dollar or more toward the piano until Christmas. It is then delivered to your home, after which time you pay a small sum each MONTH instead of each week, until paid for. You save $55 to $150 by joining this club and get terms of payment absolutely impossible to give under ordinal^ conditions.


Description of These Instruments:THE $195 UPRIGHT PIANO—This piano is absolutely worth $250

and is one of our most popular instruments at this price. Full 7pa octaves, newest design, exquisitely sweet and sonorous tone.

THE $275 UPRIGHT PIANO—This is our regular $400 grade upright and possesses the tonal power of a baby grand. Has a charmingly sweet tone, magnificent case,

THE $550 PLAYER-PIANO—This Player-Piano is the same as we retail regularly at $700. Us human-like playing and utter simplicity of operation wilt be a delight and surprise to you.

P. Q. SMITH, Manufacturer, Factory SaleirooBs:

27 Market St. SSSL

NEW- Y O R K ,'N ov . I l - M u * lc and io- clvly, which uahsr tn New Y ork'* w inter Bcftscn, cam e Into th* lr own la s t night, wlian a la rge aiirtlcnc* Blled th e M etro­politan O pera House to h e a r 'Verdi's tour- a c l opera, "Alda, w ith B nrlco C aruso and Emmy Destlnn In p rom inen t roles Though prices of eeats w ere Increaaed for the season, there w srs ready pur- chasers. II wa* <"'aruBq'ii first appearOJice



here. Bine® a vocal affection fluddefily te r ­minated h it ensagement las t winter.

down, a tonic made of the extract of oertaiaroots was the beat oorreetive. This he ealli^

Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery


Bnttg taade withoot tleohol, this *' Mediae! Diseevary " helps tbs stensob to ■seiaiilate tbe food, thereby euria|dyspepsia. It is sspaeislly sdepled M diseases atssaded srith exeessive tissue waste, aotsbly la eeaTsleeeeoaa Irem yoiieus levers, for thia-bloeded people and these who are always aateUng ooid."

Dr. .Picree’s Comsaoo $*ass Madioal Adviser is sent en rsoalpt of $1 ene- aeql stasnps ier ^ Frsaeb olotli.bound book ol lOM pages. Address Dr. R, V, Pierce, No. 5^ Main Stieet, Bufislo, N. Y.

That hi* voJos still posaeessd tha same limpid, golden lone was recognised In the first few bars ot ids "Calesle Alda,” and the tenor bowed repeatedly to the ap- plauee,

1 WOMEN IN FATAL DUEL8APULPA, Gkta,, Nov, I t —In a duel on

the principal street o( this oJty, U ly Mar- shall and H ra Laura Smith, an 'Ind ian , taught until their frlenda dragged tb tm apart. The Marshall woman Is now la Jail and Mra; Bralth Is deaft. Tbp flght waa th e result e l • lever's auarreL

“ You c o u n t ; I ’lli eat! ” said the boy to his mother when she told 1 he hadeaten a dooen pancakes made of

PrestoSdf-Rainnjr Fbur

Fpertfll Service of (A« VEWS.VVASHllCGTON, Nov. 14 .-T he S ta le fis-

p a rtm e a t has been fn fonaed t h a t th ree of (IS dlplomatla officers h ave assum ed the d ip lom atic duties of rfifllf respec tive posts.' ThomaA J. O'Brfen. reoently 'appointed to euoceod Jc7lm Q. a . Letshm an oa Anf^ boeflador to nomei was (ormatty received by Klnw 'Vtctor yeeterdAT- Wlltloin J. Calhoun h u returned to Peking afte r a m onth's vcuiailon. an ^ reoeaumed charge of the legation; Jam es'T - Du Bole, the n ^ l y .appotnied Minister io. Colombia, wlU ta k e up his duties a t Bo|i^ta to-day.

Inform ation hM reached the S ta te De­partm en t, through reg u la r ofllctal chan-

‘ nets, th a t Bfiron C hinda h a s been select- I cd lo succeed V iscount .U chlda a s J a p ­

an ^® Ambassador to th e UtUted S tate!- I U cbtda Is now re tu rn in g to Jap an .

B aron Chinda is expected to a r r iv e Jo W ashington next month.

1 The promotion of John W , O a rre tt, now ' M inister to Venesuela, to th e M in istry a t

A rgen tina Is rumored The A rg en tin e post wafl le ft vacant by the re fu sa l o f John R idgtey C arter to accept th a t appo in t­m ent.

Mr. C arter had been M lnlotor to tb s B aJkau Btates, and l ^ t th e serv los when appointed to the South A m erican L ega­tion.

Dr. I)avtd Jayne HlU. thg tom er Am- 1 bassador to Berlin, whose resignation

Fvemtiino—cglcdL mnbloi. higcuits. “P »® "vch comment * ■hort timetTKyuting—cwes, cmcieg, j, p»p*riji* to «ub-imde with rretto are light, tuty, and u*h » rwidence in patu. Th* reportmade with the ntver-feil imi. , >» ‘1 m«ni at $ Rue d Anita, whera be wtu Ur«JlectiM M tht hoKiiw, while writing the third volnine ot U*

[IBIHpOCOMPAirr, n F F O a a t . ( ‘tilgtory oC Dipiomaqr.*

• ---.•‘.A

M e r id e n S i l v e rHas Intrinsic W ortli

Friendship (w find no mofo fitting expres- sion t-hfn* tl^QSh ft itunembranoo in Meriden ffilver, exquisitely Mnoo«ht, whkli ll»ec»me8 ftperpkuftl rammer of the giver's generwity’.D L ^ y j M i n ^ t f M r i e s t o f s t o r e i a r e

c o u n t b O ^ W e e d f a l a n d o r n a m e n t a l a r t i c l e s i n ' M e r i d e n S l v e Y . S t e r l i n g a n d P l a t e . A l s o S i l ­

v e r D e p o r i t W a r e a n d r i c h C u t G l a s s , i n n e w a n d n e d u r i v e d e r i g n s . o f o u r o w n m a n u f a c t u r e ,

The.M ObleaGoiiqtaiD ''fSOpmmUu

#*S1 Wert 34th &reet, New Yorkm a w ^ t t$ ^ s o w t '

' Sf i'i


NEW.Luxe,"b(X)k Bmusic bDr, DeHiMisfl Af Hadie .. Dennis Kittle b Mrs. J)(Dr. Rot Alnr, Cl Aiargle Donald John Ti TuodluD Cidonet

Oasplt Newark tion of i ner alir Buppll.v enc^ uf ductory Kiiluh J u niuMii' lights. ' ■vvefe no They Wi l-»r. De and tin for fluot a large throughi

While tientfl V (rred a hJ*i armi paved fi uiohiUi. sheep Ir «>ut of aUie Hugrucognlz college Iraveiy employn te r’H hla dll I It is tuld t home ot a pulror

Arrivli Melvllla he ha( for his re it ni wife. I dale is De Lux( only by maid, b' n'erldlpsi 1 rouble Colonel wife, an Wife hat

The bo Ills dirfe Ihdaent; thwt UlH. iiig of S sou and mated c fhucklln tlpnt Ti by Marj:

■ b ig to Y he quip Hated v tjf mort flctivp li and In [

As n r fill pmig Is Hs ai cent mt fthoiiPd Is dt^vel the exp<

.IvrlpN a showIriK l he ori’h

For a lain It limiors I a nee wo the boy Ihe inju; after hf moat tu railed ' There'A aa aung again Hi stays of liearlng don a. i repented The and Buch a hearing halted f

I Ron hasI U*M It (■ Mr.

I ' hlR Bpea has, ho' B Jester pleasant ings anc the vis expresRi Jerky nn In a sill Phlladel capped

( liax e bti He Is

dates, 0 genermii **When choral ( by far l sung w1 its Intrh


drama. ' the mo* staged I he -Won artistic 1 Is such 1 Payton Theatre latlon, . ed In N( was hoy Who api mouh tin, tIon mlg tlons not welcome coming : though I

The tl closing scene Is tox. A Burton. Agatha Oeneral forces, ( out of t the basil Of war'i th is wo "Bh*ir*n

j by the ! inspired Story, th o f surpt In mart have be'

I author I I scenes 1 l eftecl .01 I stlrTthr.

Prior I I U eutfna I with tbdJwtfA ^ I fae persi I sxigench |« e hla j With thi [ to prise IC irsw b I the sUli

isUnga. M by

I ton u h e I f s te In t IAcer g s I vlted to I Warreo'i Iperlor ,t lehsm d Ib is host Ip ly trill Ifta rv tiw I ro r relte

nfsd>! ■spy and I ta e pOrti

T bs ei. itnifgleIttv tty o

amv< ledtantsni Tsliow of

s n ^ 1 npsth ntus

N EW A B K E T raJIN Q , N E W R T D E8DAY. N O V EM BER 14. M i l



"Dr. de Luie" at the Newark, "The Warress of Vir|iaia"

at the 0(^eo £


tmas lling or it

tendcould lefore ffered lat it y one

pack- ily 40 Enroll

c 480 qually ty for is big telling on the lake a oes of e the as to , how- le the •grade m e^ ith as piano

u join. IS Eve. ) until ne you lid for. lyment

ih $250 sctaves,

upright y sweet

as weicity of

i r e r ,

losite nkoase.

N EW A R K T H E A T R E - ''P o c io r De L u x e /’ a mlialcal farv-e In th ree act&« book and ly rlfa by O tto Hauerbafih, inuaic by K arl H oachnaDr, De I ’a w , . . . - ..................Taylor WllllamBMiHw Harkt'i' ............................. ItPfia Sanlo*MiMa Ada H uu.ston..............M arlon MallouSadie ............................................. J‘olly PrimDenniij ....................... ............... H urry T. IH’ltK ittle MeU'llle ..........................Ruse M urrayMrs. Doro thy M e lv i l l e . . . . .........................

(.’oitleUa MacDonaldI>r. I^oberl M elville ..................... Ih irry StoneMrjr, C lara H oualun............ .H eo rg ii MeilyM arble Melville ................H a rr ie t Starfdonlloruild Huualoii ....................E dw ard E arleJohn Trueadale .............. a .........Ralph HerzTuodlumn ............MaaterMVllfred MorleonColonel HouHton ..................Edward Wade

Deaplte the w in try chill without the Newark )a»t there watt a auggeH-tlon of dog ijaya within the houae. The in­ner almoaphere waa not due to an over Buppl.v uf Fletim hetu, hut to the preS‘ ence of a dozen ran ln e s in the Intro- \ ductory acene In “ Dr. De l^oxe,” in which I Kulyh Merz made Ida hret' appearnru't^ Ma j u musical comeilv- s t a r h»-hlrul loral foul* - llKhlH. The poodleH. apanlejs and terriers, were not there, to do a vauileulle etunt. They were brought by iholr mlaireseea to | l>r. De P aw ’H S4anltariiitn for ailing pele

EU lph H e ra a t N c tra rk .

sw eethearts plight their troth In the old rose garden where Burton had Aral de-I la red his love.

Mingled with the fiioro pprlous develop* nionts fire humoroue louches In the con­duct of the younger ^Vn^^♦;n children end of their negro mammy that agreeably lighten the Hoenes.

M anager Payton has creditably stagedand their Inttodurtlon nuved the wav *, * * . .v. i j j ui v t i -fy*. o.irtK h I tlie pl«v Into the uplrlt of which hla comtor such humuious develnpnipidH Vmr i ' • *'»large audlfui

as kepta large aiidl4rnrt! In a laughing mood throughout the evening.

While the wiiiita of the four-footed pa­tients wera being nlietidvrl to there en­tered a traniplFh-kmklng chap bearing In hl5t arms a whlte-fanKi boy, whom h»> hml pflved from beirg run down b> asi itulo- inablk.. Tills John Tnieadide, (h« bhuit sheep In a reapeHTlable llnston fandly, Im out of a Job and ready for anything. At the Huggesllon of Margie Melville, who recognizes him ek a son of her father's college chum and h i^ w!tn?^sed hla hraveiy in re.srnlng the lad. he la given employment by Dr De I'aw. as the lat- ter’H aaslatiinl. A fter being Initiated Into hla diillea u" vh'^l to the various pets, he la told to lakij junie dog medicine to the home of Dr Mvlvule, w'hope daughter is a palron of the hospital.

Arriving iliere he Is mLsiakfii by Dr. Melville for a young practitioner. Vrimm he had hastily fiigagid Irj corefor hla pTfirllse while he takes a reet from tlic jealnusj of hlaw'lfe. Much Rgalnat his will dale is mnda to masqucradi'

pany enlers so fully th a t j t a performanca largely renllses the Intent of the author and has a quickening effect pn obaerveri, 1'he most admirable of the Individual ef* forts is Lea Sterrett'a portrayal of Gen­eral Warren, Ft frank and courageous Southerner, proud of belnp a Virginian, warm hearted in extending such hospl- tnlliy as the tlmen will allow, affectionate lowanl hlfi frimlly and Jealous ^ hla honor hr an officer and n man In mak Ing tip for the rliararter, Mr, S lerrett Shows more ilinn ordinary nldll In ehow'- Ing Uie erfecis Of the labor done and the prlvationa undergone by the resniule de­fender of the lost cause. Tt Is by his artfu l slmolntion of the n>ental and moral a ttribu tes uf the luishanU endfather, however, th a t the actor priijerls

1 on the mimic scene an Ingratiating image of manhood and dominates the situations.

Equally eatisfying as a vital and llhi- aivn inippr.sonatlon Is Miss Sadie Rml- cllffe'R embodiment of the colored

I mammy, devoted to the W arrens and Trues- I hesllatlng to pmir the vJjils of her

jjp I w rath on the detested bkiecoats. Ml.' s

drgw to Proctor*! p c r to n i tc ld o n tM O tovaud*vlU* pUyboiUM U U n«*. w** ”!■ aw » t »nd '

T h o n dealrlns d iv e n lo n r k tb t r th * a m o s liln f, how ev tr, will rev*l Itt NflUlt H«lm. iw o very y o u th fu l pereona who e ra t tr ic tty em uelnc. Bu4 Helm •eem t young in y e a r i, b u t he !■ bid to the w ays of com edlaha. T h l i boy—*nd bo !■ only a boy^le th e fu n n ies t th ing »e«n oh the local e tage in m an y a lo n f day. H e 1* na tu ra lly eomto and co u ld n 't be any th in* else If he tried . Nellla ■lAI* ^ IHtle and looks v e r t p re tty , b u t Mud la the whole show. * Laat n tg h t’a audience almply shouted lie app ro v a l and recalled him

I again and again . And. really , a ll he Joea Is to net like a p e rfec t fool.

A nother good a c t l i th a t offered by Manon and H art, novelty gyntnasta. who <iuse the ahow. W ail for them , they are w orili it. Realdqs being really rcm arkiible Hcrobals they nre a lm ost aa funny ns Bud,

O thers op the bill a re th e en tire fam ily tif K enton'e. who have been here so often th a t (heir a r t needs no description; the F ou r Cook Ststera, who Iiiive masalve voices; H arry II. R ich ard s and Company In an o ld-fashioned fa rce of Hie "scrfarTi- Jng” kind; V'aleHe S arace. slngcT, and tin*

1 riem cn so B ro thers , m ualcal clowns, whn J open the show and p u l th e budlcnce in :i ! good hum or by th e ir clever work.

But “ E verybody" and Bud Helm w o u 'i carry any p ro g ram to aucceae

• • •The U o n -T o n B u [ie s< |u e ra .

In a rran g in g the en te rta in in g achema ' th a t eervaa th e am u sin g purpose of ibc

Don-Ton B u rle ig u e ri thla naason. the m anager of th a t com pany evidently kept !n rn!i:il (he old saw iilionl \iir ie ly hflngihc fpire o t life, fo r in ‘i le r» ‘. There snd jln v ea ttrid it ( 'om pany for the equipm ent

of tho A rena re s tau ran t, M arket s troet, whOKft lenpes. Adolph Bahweltaor. waa re ­cently a<IJudged Ineolvent, should not be iii'cextied by ilie rocelver, Daniel J . Lynch.

rile AIMiktice Invesim enl Company, Which la aJlled w ith the b a llan tln e brew ­ery iniereaiB, has a ilalm for IT*,000 for futir momh®' ren t, which is adm itted ly aiiead of aj], inji the claim s of eniployee, 'J’iiPs** nggrt^gute abou t 12,000.

J hb equipm ent and supplies In posaea-

B lM k w tin I i lM fl." nolftnd C »rt«r ana h oouDle o f o ia v ir anoelatcia pleaaed the Mudlenee by th a tr Jesting, singing and danolng M lai H a tty U rm a. know n a s the Am erican V e ita Tilley, wore m aw ullua garb with a nonehalance th a t, coupUkI w ith hep e inging of hum orous d itties, earned geiverpua recoimition. Tn a comic Sketeh called **A M odern P lirlS tlo n / ' w e st Bnd Y oung prom oted m errim ent, Edw ard I^ w re n c e 'e monologue la an en ­joyable fe a tu re o f th e Show, as Is the m usical a r t in fOTir acenes im roducing Tom and P:dlth At|nond.

• « •Vaudevllto a t the U'aahiiigton-

l^ rg e audiences found much to in terest thf'm In th e well-bftlanced program of vaiidevllle a r ts and m oving p ic tu res a t the W ashington T h e a tre yesterday afte r- hOMu and last night.

The lipeclaKy perform ers Included Sweeney and Rooney, com edians; Miss D erirude fiuiiierlanil, s inger; the Castel- Urie BrothiitH. Mias H a ttie Rcm pler and '■'■'inpany. in a <^comlc sketch , and Lu ll«*lnc, & nlmhlft and g racefu l dancer, whooe perforjuances w ere given with a -poctacu lar se ttin g th a t Increased en joy ­m ent of tho act

Aa th e re will be a change Inthe bill next T hursday.

SUES TO HAKE RECEIVER ACCEPT RESTAURANT BIDV lce-Cliancellor Stevem* to-day signed

an order d irec ting p a rtie s In in te re s t to show ciiiJBc* wtiy a bid by the A lliance

136 1,11*6. H I. services arn dem^niled not Mnlrel Brownell imparts flnely feminineonly by a senllm enlal and slangy lady’s iTi&id, bu t also by MIrk Ada Houston, a meddlpeomp^ 5pln.«tfT, bent on fomenting irouble in the houBehoid of h^r cousin. Colonel Houston, who is Jealmis of his wife, and in that of Dr. Melville, whose wife harbors suBplcions of his loyalty.

The bogtjs phyj^lclun a efforts to diagnose Ills different pa t ien ts ' allmontfl result In Incidents end d ia logue of n comic hue tha t make for m err im ent , while the wnn- ing of Marple by the fler>’ rnloiifTs eihy son and the mtirltfil Bqiialibli's of the IM- mated couples fu rn ish furilUT cause for chuckling laugliter. In i Un end, the diffi­dent Truewdale is m ade 1o understand by Margie Oiat she loves him and is will­ing to wed hirn. If h^ w an ts her, which he qulckh’ as.«ures her he does Asso- Haterl with i^ieve characHTS are others Ilf more or !• ss linporraTire. who are active In lendiun Hulnifilion to the sci'iu’fl and in prnmollnw wholeanme fun.

Ad n noiis^naUa! farce svlth soTne luije- fu! pmiRH (o catch liie ear “ Dr. De is as ainuHlng us must of the niore re­cent mmsicijl slunvi*. riquan t eayliijits abound in llie I'ook and Die comic scheme Ifl developA'd nlonc original Iln'^s. Willi the exception of « couple "f sunga, the

.Ut Ics are commonplace^ tlie nompoeer showing more clavernesH In wriling for ihe orcheBtra than for the voice.

For ,T few minutes hef^'we the final cu r­tain it seemed as thmjeh -■sm-h honors as were earned In the perfoTTn-

“The W arrens of Virj^inla."Although Wllllnni C. De Mine's four-act

drama. “The W ar re n s of V irg in ia /' Ik not th e most meri to r ious of the many plays staged by M anager David Beloaco since he >won hia spurs a s a n Ingenious and , ar tletic producer, ye t U aen tp r te ln lnew or th Everybody Is agnln sought by Shirk ahrl Is such as to make Its presenta t ion hy the I M easure , but he will have none ot (hem. Pay ton Stock C om pany a t the Orplieum 'Theatre yeaterday a cause for congratu­lation. After the piece was first footilgbt- ed In New York about three years ago, It ■was hoped by, m any local theatre-goers.

A gatha Warren, th e elder daughter of Oeneral 'Warren, of the Confederate forces, combined with Incident* growing put of the m ilitary operations, serves an tho basis for the d ram atic developments. Of w ar's rude alarm s, less is heard in this work than In Bronson Howard’s "Bhetfanfloah," W illiam O lllette's “Held by the Enemy'' and some other dramas

j inspired by the Rebellion: but the love story, the clash of characters, tb s element of a u i^ lse and the spirit of the period In m ertlel circles and In domastio life h iv e been so adroitly treated by the

[lillthor that Intereet In the succeeslve I l^ n e s la steadily oumulatlve and the l ^ e ^ .of the more dram atic episodes la l A M h r 'J1 P r io r : to the beginning of hostilities, IrU eptf^ ln t Burton had met, fallen In love l # l tb snd asked A gatha W arren to be his i ndf*. : ^ s p l t* her rejeotlon of him then, 1 I fa* peisisted in addressing h e r ' an the leulfpiicles of w ar perm itted. Only one iSE. ? '* Isttera reached her.I Wltn the tapae of years, she had learned r a prise hiB affections and when chance lUirgw him in "her way near,.the end of Iw * iltife, she was ready to avow her

aetiualnted with and well ■Wed b j the TYarren family, young Bar- 1 ^ takes a rosy view of the future. But Ifate la tbs person of his commanding of- Ifleer darksns hla bright prospects. In- Iw ad ta pay a social visit to General IWarrsa** home, he la ordered by his su- Ipsidar to bear wltfa him there certain

an dlspatehea dealgned to,, hoodwink non as to the moveiifents of a aup- tcMB O B 'tho aiirlval of which the d|ig Confederate torcea are relHng rM^f from hunger. It has bees ar-

•M that he ahall be revealed as a f tt necessary, suffer death In J pwiormance of hie duty.

parrying out o f'M i orders hla '**"*1>* 'bst'a'sen Tpv* and duty, the ac-

OC Us sweetheart In trying to newt tbs scheme ot the Northern WMsr are acoompaated by aneh a

|ihd5g;« feeling as the strsat of Urcum- itstteat-provokes and put an audlencs In a “ npatbatlo atutude > toward tbe lovsra.

entually the clouds pass away and the

e iO O M F IE L D2 5 x100 Foot Lota

Sc FAIE re NEWARI <1*A « M l l toiM t ibm t la boln* v

olo tod crat « t Acre*** ^vrlMO.

Fr«« n t l « luatinuiea FolUetoa tM rt If. J . T ttia *

▲liatnMtOo.$11 DOWN-$5AMONTI

Bend tor map and full partleulara

Wa. B. ItoLih l«dl^ > Co.WAiiBitmat auaDitia

Bmadwo'. Coh aath at. irewTurfe


C a r p u s C l e a n e d ^


346 Belleyflie Ave

Tdephott 91 Iraidi Imk

^ LUNY CURTAINS, hand-made Unea laces. In white « Arabian, a t the

ESSEX M C E CURTAIN WORKS, » # W e a tk e te a Stfeeh Open Saturday Ev^ljiiga.

JCvprywhpTf/' th« alafill'* muplt'al pxtrava- K^anza pti^getj by lilm ftt Iho Du>'eiy Theatre yeaterday aHernoon and lust night, there a re surh varied doings aa keep un audience keenly Interested In nil tha t goes on behind th e footllghtF

Two sportive husbande, who resort to all sorts of decepilona to escapr iheir watchful wives, a re the m ln a p r in g s In the cemlc btialnesa. As IntperBonated by Ber t Baker and I^ee H1rkmnh. they set a rapid pace In the fiin-maklng tha t ta j slon of ihi* receiver wero to have beennever allowed to lag thf- wives, Miss Helen De Nourlo and Miss Edith Graham

*are clever foils t»i the gay huebands, whiJe Miss Babe I*n Tnup, hb h wealthy blim- Riocltlug. helps to upped mirth. lUJuir prlnclpalfl and a acore of lively y I’lnif ■women, who sing and dance, disport them eek'ps in w nya th a t IncreAse enjo)'- merif uf th e show'.

In Ihe olio nf sperliillles, Bert Bakpr'fl orlignal monologue w as a tickling effort nnd the acrohal le work hy Kelly Kelly earned deserved applatise.

qualities to the youthful and high spSrltod heroine and nifford Stork showH com­mendable restraint in dealing wllli the predicament lii which Lieutenant Burton ifl pinned. Miss Belle D’Arcy ns the gen­tle Mrs. YVarren. Miss J.!nbel F^&telle as Flatty, Edward \ 'an Sloan as Arthur W ar­ren. fighting hy }ils fa ther’s* side, and the others in the ca.«t contribute much to aa- Joyment of the performance.

VaHely at thf> Court.At the Court T hea t re yesterday after-

noon and lust night a billiard expert, known HR ihn Great ’rnliman, showed his skill In nitttilpulatlng the cue otid balls in a wiiv rliat aatonlshcd and delighted all witnessing hla i>erformanreA. The dccm- racy of his shots and the varie ty uf his pia.\' made hla exhibition very Inler- estlng even l<f those whfi know very little about bllllardB.

In a skitch. en titled ' ’C hristm as on

sold a week ego lobt Thursday on a dts- tre«B warrant Bued out by Ihe Alliance i om|>any. The appoin tm ent of a receiver iniervenpd and the sale was temporari ly enjoined. It was fixed for Thursday of tills week, which also is made th e re tu rn day for to -day’s order.

The m a t te r w(u< nmnenled to the court lo-day by .\]lrliael J TunWiy, reprcHi’ntlng the fmplu\e.^'' claims, and John A. Millet, who Tcpresenied P Rullantlno & Hon»

hiid l a n d ilif* Alllnnco Tnvesiment Company.Mr, Miller s ta ted to (ho court that tho

claims against flchwettzer aggregate about (2u,Du>

FL.iN NEW F IG a r FOR PBRiTYSteps will be taken a t a meeting to l>e

tieM in i Mh Y M. C. A building a t Tren tun lo-morrow afteriiunn, looking to the organization of n Stftte Society for tiie Freveniron of Social JCvlI. Nine months ago the Now Jeraey Sunltallon Asaocia- tion appointed a commlliee to a r range for

th li n tw o rg tn lu tlo n . The committee, of wbloh Dr, Alaxender Mercy, ot Hlverfcoiir ie cHetmien, ta now reedy lo report.

The epeekers e t the meeting to-morrow will be Rev. Dr, F-ioyd W. Toinpktoa, rec­tor of Trinity Church. Bhlledelphle, who will ipeek on the mural otdo of the quei- ilon; Dr. Robert N. WIiaon, secretary of the Pejjnaylvanin Society for the I’reven- Hon of Social Evil, who will dleniBi the medlcel aide, and Talcott Wllliame, of PhlledelpiiU, who will present the legal nspecta. Notices for the meeting to-nvir- row wete i«ued hy l>r Ttmiima N. Grny, of Ea*t Ornnge. secretary of the commit­tee appointed by the Stale Sanitation As- aoclation


By gn order xlgned tn-dav hy JudgeN D avis am i M artin, the salaries of three of the ofllcers uf the prohiitkm uthce were lnureas«d. ^

John J. Ua.«coyue. chief prolMitlon ofH- cer. will, a f te r November 15, when the orde r rohh into effect, receive »2.Kl0 pF*r year, an ln ■rt»as^ ur j-liHi. Henry Uurna, aBBlktaiit probation officer, will te re lve ^,Mi> per year, an increase nf LWU. Misi Fau la I jiddey will roc«l\ p H.S50. an in- c rease of 1350.

The order is njflde under a u th o rity of ch ap ter 22S of the laws of 1911.

, NJaauee lo I 're ee o t F n ree .How She .S'HlIed IlUt/' U the title of a

rl*y. adapted frum on EiipUah farce and tocaliied for funmuklng piinjosei. thm will be given by membera of Northern lA>dge, F. and A. M.. a t the entertain- nient and recaption by that lodge at the New AudMnrlum lu-xi Wednesday nlgtit. Two of the am ateur plnyern wIM appear In feminine roles. Tticy aro Sidney A. HpIss and Howard IshennAn.


‘*Ten Xi^hf.R in h Itor-room.”■with th e possible exception of “ Dncla

Tom ’P Cabin,' no s tage version of a pop­ula r nox'oi has been longer before Hie public or has exclietl wider interes t th an

drn matlzatlori of T. S A r thur 's fnmniiR piece of fiction, “Ten Nights In B ar -num i," iTf-sentod a t the (’olumbla Theatre , j'eHlerda.v afternoon and la st

\ night, the old play a l t rac ied Rood-sixed audiences. The sto ry deals with the evils of Jnieniperancc and contriists effectively the happiness tha t r»'wards sobriety and honest labor and th e Jiiiscry caused by men s’leldlug to the ir appet ite for In tox­icants or engaged In the liquor fraffle.

The realis tic scenes, sliowlng Joe Mor­gan 's demoralizat ion th rough drink, his re fornia t lon a f te r the death of his d augh­ter. and the decline of Simon Slade, the tavern-keeper , and hla family, a re so enacted by the company appearing In the prorluction os In hold closely the a t t e n ­tion of audiences and to enforce the

Open N afnrday E re . T ill 10 l \ !U.


ance would fjo in M aster Wilfrr*d Morlson, j moral lesson in the piece, the boy anprnno, who nssumeR the role of | Among the principals In the cast are Ihe. injured lad. To him Is given, shorlty Willis Hall, who appears as Morgan: L, after hfs entrance Jn the first act, th^ S, McKee, who Impersonates the elder moat tuneful ditty in the piece. It Is ' Slade: Ralph Ravencroft, E. D. McMillan, culled “For Every Hoy Who’s T*oncly There's a Girl W ho's I^onely, Tno,’' and, aa sung by M aster Mori.'jon, It is encored ngaln and again. I t Is one of the nin In- stays of The production. After the first hearing it Is aung hy Mias Harriet Stan- 4ir>n a.s Margie In the second art andMif I'epfirtted by M aster Morlson in the third.The audience cottoned to It and kept up such a din of applause after the final hearing that the stage proceedings w'ere halted for sex’eral rninuiea. Young Morl- Hon has a clear and musical Boprano and

I uses It with no little skill,Mr. Hera In not a Ringing comedian, anl

his speaking voice Is not agreeable. Ho haa, however, individual rnonnerisniH as a Jester that rivet attention and give a pleasantly condo cornplexlon l« IiIh say­ings and doings in the title role. He has the vis comloa, and his eyea are quite as expressive as his staccato speech and Jerky tnovemenlf. Carrying hie left arm In a sling, as a result nf an accident In Philadelphia last week, he was less handi­capped In his fun-m aking than might

fliave been expected.He Is very well aupported by hla asjio-

elatds, one of whom—Miss Santos—e&rfted generous applause for her singing of "When the Old Top Hinnmed," with choral accompanirT’ftnt. This number is by far Hie worthle.'^t In the Bcore, and la sung with a refinement Ibat cmphaEizes It® Intrinsic merit.

Royden T'Uey, hUma Cornell, Ruby Love and Bessie Sheldon.

/ • ’ *Proctor^a Vaudevilllans.

Along about 10 o'clock la st n igh t a b re a th of crisp, c lear a i r waa w af ted over the fontl lghta of Procto r’s Theatre . Tho curta in had risen on ’’Everybody/ ' callod a “morn lUy Bketch," b.v P e te r O. Pla lt i, its nutlior, and presented by Max H ar t .

Mr. H a r t 1b to be congmtu la ted. There Is something new in vaudeville, and U bears no t the sllglUest rela tionship to Broadway.

Everybody meets hlH eroiiy. Shirk, on the alreet and Shirk Introduces him to his “ lady fr lem l/ ' Pleasure. They are a Jovial pa ir and Everybody likes them, especinlly as they both seem to be good fr iends with Lurk, a most d az ­zling, a llur ing creature . There Ib a stupid old fossU named Advice who b u t ts in all the time and tells Everybody w h a t to do, but Shirk and Pleasure have no use j for him. Old-faPhloned Honesty comoa along, aa does s turdy Work, and AUvIre would have Everybody tie up with them, but Luck proves too a t t rac t ive and E v e ry ­body follows her.

Luck accompanies Everybody. Shirk a»’d P leasure to a poolroom, where Eve /yboJy wins his bets a s long as Luck Btaye by him, bTit liUCk soon dances away with an Old Sport who w a n ts to play the cards, and then Everybody loses his last cent. Broke and a n oulcnat. Everybody ia cas t off by his "f r iends,■' but good Advice is et last sought, who again IntroduciTs Everybody to H onesty and Work. On his feet once more, th rough his coitipaniaii- slilp with Advice, W ork snd Honesty,

This Bpeclal offer la made for the purpose of F U R T H E R popularising already fajooua Hllborn 'Trigger H ip noeepkee. For a limited hirie I will n

grade glaasea with th\n unapproached mounting (finest guM for »2.50. The lenasB are flue prPBcrlptJon Bpherluals (auHable for all

ordinari- caaea of eyestra in ) arid specially made to meet the requlrementB of your eyea 1, personally, will make the examlnallon and g L e you ahsolutelv correct glasses t h a t will enlisnce your power of vision t o a surjiTislng degree 1 guarantee the m oun t ing for a y e a r It !a the most comfortablw. the best nt llna and most sa t i s fac to ry nosepiece ever Invented.

HIIBORN K S 19 W. Park Street, fm


n orsiD iiE ii.In aenfilna yf,n fq i, uiij-ollcited if-atL

nionJal ti) t)!(* meill.s of juii r grent rejii- pily Swamp-Rirnt, I um only reMimli.g tn a v#n ' smull iJt’gree the henefH 1 r«- redved from li After Hiifferlng fur H >^arH with pains in my hips, in J a n ­uary, I'JOS. J was taken with a Hevure cane of uremic poisoning After ponsull- ing five riirfprrnf physicians und ttlU g+’t l ing worse, I began the uae of your remedy. 'Die urit' went Inlo theniuBclea of my bu- k and hlp . causing nie ex r r i i r la i lng a^iiuiy, so tliHl I lost Ht.xty-nine ami nn^-holf pounds in foui- weeks. My only n-llof wna luorphliif. which caused after rffr^cts olmost as hard to bear aa ttie pnln I nmJd eju bo aolld footl and indeed tiad no appetl tn for It. F o r nine wu'^ks 1 aubslsfed on h itiUk diet. My tiiistiand and friends had given m« up to tile, when 1 commencpil tak ing Dr. Kllmet a fiwauip-Root l\fy In ip rosement was immediate anti m arke t . Now, a f te r tak ing It for one year, I fvcl like a new woman.

1 do fill m y own work and aewlng i n ­cluded. H a v e fin elglit.-ronm house and tiiree In family. J can take long walks and feel fresh und vigorous a f te r Htein Jn far-i. I am better (bun I have been 111 fifteen years You can use th is te s ­timonial in any way, aa 1 fnel It Is dun you for m y wonderful rrenverv I fe«-l tJiat lo -day 1 would not be lining hsul I not taken Hwnmp-Runt Again tbunk- Ing you for your wonderful rotnedy. 1 am.

Yours rnD«t gratefidly,MRS. KATE B()WEKS.

1332 Ridge Ave . Steubenville, Ohio Personally app'’f'rcd bofoie nte ilds

22nd day of .Tnlv. 190f<. Mrs. Kute Ruwei.'', who subflcrlbed Hie above alfliemenl and made oa th tha t the same la true in sub- slancfi and in fact

BENJAMIN F PRFNTIfli^.Ju.sllce of tho Peace.

i L e H e r (oD r. K tim e r A Co.,

I U ln g k am lo ii, !¥. Y /

P ro v e Ml H w am p-R oot D ill Do f o r \v mSend to Dr. Klhner dt <’o . ihnghiiiu-

Ion. N. y.. for a sample bultle It will cotivinne any one. Yoti will atso recftlvn a booklet of vahmlile InforrnaMnn, teUing all about the kldnesa and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the New­ark Evening News. Regular flfty-oont and one-doIlBr size bottles for sale a t all drug stores.

• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ M U S I C b y NAHAN fRANKO'S ORCHESTRA. RESTAURANT, D A lL Y « ^ ^ ‘e ^ ^ ^ «-

but now' she Ih Fortune, and she promisea to a lw ays follow him an long as he st icks to W ork and Honesty.

Marvelous to relate, a careless, am use- who appreciate M r ! 'B e la 8 c o ' r a r t r B r r7 ' ln vaiitlevi!Ie auilienre tookmourning pluj-a, t h a t th e original produc- I “ '"'P'® " “ '®tlon m ight he seen here. T heir espec ta- I “ uree. w as as clear as In atlons not having fieen realized, they should i ►^•itKtoy-Bohocil book, hut It did no t bore, welcome the p resen t opportun ity for be- : r'usalbly It because the dozen o r so com ing acquain ted w ith the dram a even ' P^"plc In th e com pany brought It ju t so though Its setting la not «o p e r fe t t ' I s tra ig h tfo rw a rd ly and well. E very m an

The tim e of ac tio n In th e p lay Is the w om an seemed selected to look th e irclosing days of th e Civil W ar and the several ro les aa well a s play them . T here scene Is the neighborhood of Appom at- 'tm r scen es-tw n s treet sets, one Intox. A rom ance Im plica ting U eu ten an t ' the poolroom and th e la s t In a business of- Burton, of the N o rth e rn arm y, and ■ f le e -an d they A;er« sh ifted smoothly.

A V I ^ .i9 ^ T 0 2 0 ^ S T R E B T ^ N E W Y O R K .

Curtains==25,000 PairsNothing but L&ce Curtat,ins in This Sale—

Grea.test Sale in Years!'Whole Upholstery Dept. Transformed for To -morrow-

Lace Curta.ins Will ReignWe ve planned an enormous Lsce Curtain business to-morrow. We're going to

Sell F ine L&ce Curtains Cheaper Than We Ever Did Before—At A ny T im e

We tiave taken every odd and miscellaneous lot of Curtains in stock and priced them in a way that ought to pack -the Department with customers. The lots of 1, 2 and 3 pairs of Curtains in­cluded naturally represent the best sellers or they would not have been sold down ahead of the others. Every one of these small lots includes a mussed or soiled sample, Every one of these

(("■lots has been taken out of stock, and has been repriced in such a manner, as will make our sale price much lodver than the usual import or domestic costs. Nearly every style of Lace Curtain we handle is included. Fourth Floor.

The entire Lace Curtain and Upholstery Department has been rearranged for this wonderful oc­casion, and every aisle and table will be given up to the display and sale of these Lace Curtains.

" E v e ry b o d y ” a a play tha t ia likely to

5,000 Pairs Nottingham and Scotch Lace CurtainsRegularly $1.50; $1,75 and S2.00 per pair. These handsome lace Curtatos arc 50 and 54 Inches wide by 3 and yards long, made of Egyptian yarn, in double or triple thread weaves; all have fast overlocked ^dges............ ................... * ................................................................................

other 1,2 and 3 pair lots of Cable Net and^otch Lace Curtains Priced as follWs:Pine Cable Net Lace Curtains,Beautiful Scotch Lace Curtains,Regularly $2.95, $3.50 and $4.00

1 .6 5 Beautiful Corded Anblan Curtains, Finest quality Scotch Lace Curtains Best Grades Cable Net Curtains Regularly $5.90, $6..50 to $7.50

7 5 c


^ O L D ? Y o u l l e n j o y o n e o f o u r

U l s t e r e t t c s , t h e n . T ^ e y ^ r e m a d ewith a strict eye to comfort, w ith plenty of good- looks thrown in.

Single - breasted, with belted or loose back; long, roomy, very warm, but not heavy; with the patent Hart Schaffner & Marx collar adjustable - three - ways.

We show them in the thick, shaggy warmth - without - weight fabrics, and in fancy cold-proof and rain-proof worsteds.

Winter Overcoats |I 8 and up.

■p’OR outside work or sports, for automo-

biling, or for times when good-looks is the main object, our new knitted waistcoats, made of real, long-haired Angora wool. Soft as the finest fur, and as durable, almost, asleather. At $4, $5 and

there arc only a fewof these in each size.

These are bargains we picked up and are passing on to you.



OtrjtHU Kin BckefbH k

3 0 E 2\£ 3 0 C m


Ho u s e h o l d l i n e n s at s u b s t a n t i a l r e d u c t io n s


LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS . EACH, $2.00, 2.50 & 4,00

NAPKINS TO MATCH . . PER DOZEN, $2.00, 2.85 & 5.00






CHILDREN’S LEGGINGS of l e a t h e r , v e l v e t e e n ,



Jftftlj Anronr. 34Uj nnh 35llj frtrrrta, N m forlu


C O RN E R H BCRA N IOHIKRHJTT G. FF.RKl^H* P re a ld e a l,J . H’AHD \V O O » n iF P » V lc«-Prefild«$if,

H K NRY M. D o RRMI'!4. Tr^naHrer* W IL M A >1 G. S ec re ta rj*

55th DIVIDENDThe Managers have declared a dividend a t the rate

of FOUR % per annum on accounts of $1,000, orlese, en- iltled thereto on Nov. Igt, and a t tho rate of 314 % per annum on the p art of any account that exceeds 11.000. to JB.noo. Payable after Nov. 15th. 1911.

4.000 Pairs Irish Point CurtainsRegularly $3.95, $4.50 and $5.00. These beautiful Lace Curtains have elaborate insertions ----- -■» .um . n - n .centresl' MounteTupM Net" ^ tO 5 f ' Dcposits Made by December 4tb Draw Interest from December 1st

Other 1,2«nd 3 iiair lots of Irish Point Lace Curtains are priced as follows •Elaborate Irleh Point Curtains * 4 C I B««utlful Irish Point Curtains ^ ^ _Duchess Point Curtains ^uchesi Uce Cumins O f S . SRegulsrly $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50 pair ' f Reynlsrly $10, $11 pair V /* v J i7

3.000 Pars Renaissance CurtainsRegularly $4.50, $5.00 to $8.00 pair. These beautiful Lace Curtains have strictly htnd-inade O P Insertions.«r edges, and are mounted on heavy quality French nets. In while or Arabian I color ....................... .......................... ; ................ ........................................................ .....................

Other 1, 2 and 3 pair lots of Renaissance, Arabian or Marie Antoinette Curtains are priced as follows:

Beautiful Marie Antoinette Curtains. $ > ^ C 1 French Lacet Arabian Curtains. Elab- $*■■ m. Hand-made Renaissance Curtains. Regu- 4 ^ 0 ^ ^raie Renaissance Curtains. Regularly i ^

lit................... ' I Slj, $12 to $13.75.’......................... . . . . . *larly $6.90, $7.00 to $8.90 pgi

2,000 P ^ Antique Lace Curtains a t . . . . 2 /4 C, Regularly $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00. These Curttlita have hand made antique Iniqrtlons and edges, 0 c 4 0

and arc mounted upon extra quality serviceable scrim.

Other 1,2 and 3^pair lots of Antique Bnusi^ and Tambour Lace Curtains are priced as follows: '

Hand Wrought Bi^aels Curtaina $ - ) Q A l Antique Lace Curtains. FinoBrus-$M Vv a Swiss Mode Tambour Cttttslns. Regular- a ) j O v | Regularly $9.00,ly $5.90, S6a0 and $7J0 ptlr............ $10.00 and $11.00

1,000 Half Pain CaUe Net and Fine Scotch Lace CurtainsTheae would aell by the pair at S2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00, These handsome Lace Curtains are *50 inches vide, 3 354 yards long; tome are white i l^ some an Arabian color. Because there A A f f ' < >is only'one of a style, ve letl them at.............. ................ .....................^

GOOD FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS10c. and 25c. Per Box At All Orugalsts

OrsdiNCt ify o iiw lih from U alt Ch«mlrAlCompBn7 » lo l^ tfia tr itfito n , Newark, N .J .

asofor Solid Gold Eyeglasses1.00

Se«el*l A l tn t i * *GiTeil to

Sehiwl ChliSr**.


i r ' I ■

. - - ^ I " " ’'- ■■■

200 Pairs itoiaisM nce and Arabian Lbm Curtains S| 5 - /11 , Thew would tell hy the pair at $4.00, $5.00, $6.90 to $10.00, at. etch .......... I iOd ’ MFWAHK OPT 1€AL CO ff4 fC nfiW rO R D CO. WXTH A V t , IOTU t o 20TH ST, h e w YORK CITYs ^ i > « « * e . A « « e .e n Y«I* oimZ ^

n * M S*Ud G u a gT *> l»—«* ■*• a t t* d w ith r m n W h ite CiTBlal ! « ■ • • • re u a la v ll ' • • IS t o r IB M . W ill b e h M th i* n e c k to r g l , R a te ■■■■• s i te a e a i e t k“ iiCva-----------

BROAD ST.Kbit Be«rteBeri«m . -

i-S t t i '- sW -a

16N E W A R K E V I B N I N G T U E S P A ^ N O V E M B E R 1 4 . 1 6 1 1

r \


l i n M n Court C i lb Jersey Concera "6 i| u U c anJ

N eftrio is Sekeme."

$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 PINE ALSO IMPOSED

J. r . l O M i N A CO. H A Y S E L L F E R E H A B Q E E n E

Batetol Bfrvtn of <*« SKWB JK FER80N CITV, Nov H -C liarsctor-

lling the Internatlonil Marvceier Com­pany «« * "gl.nnllo “ no nefnrlmi. .cheitle," .nU pnaslng upon It pracllcully the »»me Judgment rendered In the ease ot the W*tor.-P)ere« Oil Comiiany. In con- neotlon with the Standard Oil ca»e, Judge Oravea, o( the Supreme Court of Mlaaourl, to-day handed down the eontrolllng opinion In the International Horveaier m at, holding that the company ihcmld he ouaUd and fined tW.OOfl.

The ouBler will be auapended. aaya llic court, by the payment of the fine within aUty daya, and If In that time the com­pany withdraw , from Ita cotineetlon with the New Jeraey company It will be a l­lowed to do bualneaa In Ihla State.

By thta deelalon the company Is further ordered to make a rompleto atatement of Ita capital and baaineea in Mlaaourl and agraa to atop engaging In bualneaa that will make combination, and control out­put and pricea of harveater machinery In th is State and to oomply with the laws of MItsouri.

Chief Juetlce Valllant. In hli opinion, wanted to ouat the company but leave the amount of the fine to be determined later. Judgee Woodion. lAmm, Rroan and Ferris opneurrad In the Oravea opinion. Judge Kenniah. being of eonnsel, didnot alt. _ ,

To-day'a decision by the Supreme Court followfd the report by Bpeclel Coni'alaalofier Theodore Brace In flie suit en­tered against Ihe Harvesler Company by Oovernor Hadley, wNen he was attorney- ganaral of Missouri. In hli report. Brace

' daelared that tlW International Harvester Company was organised by the respond­ent and Ita leading eorapeiltcra. and their propertiM wore transferred to It for Ihe purpose o f auppreaalng oompetlHon.

Tba Intarnatlonal H arvester Company Of New Jeraey, nnw eap iu llied at HJO,- 000,<li(l0, waa formed by the leading har- vaeter flrmt purehaalng thd reapondiint, Which waa the Milwaukee, of Wlaconsin, changing ita name to th a , International K arvastar Company of An^tlca:

Tha company iriiida a return admitting Tlrtuallr m the gllM stlong of th e peti­tion, but declared UuU It* Ytuam... wh*

, not In violation trf tha airtJ.tttirt laws of the State. , ,

Jiidfe Or*vea, In filf opinion, w ita in i the epeclal oommlailoner In all hla find-

' Inga, and aaya th a t tha organisation of tha International H arvest Company was aimply a echem* to evade the laws of the iflpuotry, control prices and outputs of (arm machinery In the Stale. After dls- cuaelng the plan of the company, the aptolan ■ays;

"The reepondent In thl* caie waa a part and-paretl df thla gtgantlo and ndfarloua •obenu. For tom e y a a n It has been the mere aalea agatit of the Inlerflnllonal H arvester *Company-the New Jeney or ganlaatloh. I t waa llnenaed In thla State to sail Its ftwn goods, bu t It la now selling tha goods of another. Ae such iiiirty to an unlawful Arrangement or comblmitlon, U ahuifld tu lla r the peoeltlei prescribed by our laws." ^ . i

b o s t o n . Nov. H .—I t la atated that a deal la under wav whereby J. P. Morgand Co. la to sell a controlling Inureat in the Pere Marquetla Kallroad to a New York ayndlcate.

The coal-carrier ot tha Middle uperatea nearly 2.600 miles of ralirrwd from Buffalo via Uelrolt to Chlcwo. I « outstanding slock nggregatea iind tin funded debt I0O.IM.TI2. J- ■ gun & Co. have had po.seeslon of the property sine.' March, lim, ^acquired control hv the pufchaaa of JU.noO.UjO common stock. ,vnd1-

The lilentitv of purchasing •17''’ 'cate I. no. revealed, hyt 11 laIt inrliiflia Nftwmun and a ffr p

The Pare Marquette las t year dietrlt^ ufert nhoul of Mtumlnou. It. coal tonnage

Te^Tl'N-l'r;™. '; ; d T ," r a n .p o r ,w l Into

h T jT gr"a^C ^ l / r T h i T a ^ r - r - a n " e n : r m o t t .

^ 'The‘'e"rnm g" of Ihe P e r .during the last year have aggregated»i7,«»,OllO.


CoBOKtee Cottft C fh r i l i Con* f t it s t io u lity of

C li i i e n U w .


K epab liao i, It U S a il, W ill Try to P is h Tarilf Into



I r fc t iU r ity in P in t Hosr Fol­lowed by Pront'T ik iiit

and Reactioi. •

U U D T R A D E R U T V A L m r A T S T E E L M E N 'S F E A S T


N A T IO N A L P A C K 1 N 6 C0.'S R E O R G A N IZE D H E IB O D S

CHICAGO, Nov. ,elmeinbsra of the ao-called f„r neat Monday In the United SUatea Ola irlct Court on the charge nf crlmln*1 violation ot the Sherman anll-lruai am. It became known to-day thai return of the Indictments there has a complete retM-ganlaatlon of the N a tl^ a l Packing Company. In the opinion 0 go - ernment ofnclals. this (.ompany la tna renlral point of the so-called truat.

Private weekly meetingi, at which We government ohargea tha t prices fiaed. territories allotted and “"’““"J* interatate shipmantn by each of me firms decided, have been dlacontlniied and to ihelr place monthly meetings ar* no held hy the directors.

Kdward Tllden. president of the com­pany. and one of the ten men under In­dictment, remains a t president aud ni- rector. J. Ogden Armour, Bdward Morris, the Swifts and the other defendants have resigned. Nine men Instead of nineteen now make up tha board of directors.

WASHINGTON, Nov, U.—in the majur- lly opinion of the Commerce Court, for­mally handed down to-day In the irans- corllnental, or Spokane, rat* caaee. It la held th a t the "long and short haul" pro­vision of tha Interstate commerce act Is constitutional. Judge Archibald concurs In the Isauanco of a temporary tnjunctl'm of the o rdari of the Interatate Commerce Commlaslon, but In a dlesentlng opinion holda the "long and short haul” provlalon to bn invalid.

WASHINGTON. Nov. H (Special).- Though the dwililon of the Commerce Court enjoined the raduoiloo In rates In Iniernioiintaln cities aa ordered by the In ­tersta te Commerce Commlealon, the com- mlaalon found much eatlafactlon In the upholding ot the "long and abort haul" clauae. The principle eetabllahed waa looked upon by aoma eaparta to-day aa favoruble lo the Inlermountaln clllea In respect to the final Issue In tha caaa.

The court aa quoted disagrees with Ihs mathoda employed by the commission to determ ining the proper rate and In thla regard It Is egpected that a thorough In­vestigation will be made before the case la finally settled. The commission has a l­ways strongly supported the constitution­ality of the long and short haul .clause, but has had some fear th a t there m ight eventually be an adverse deolalon upon I t

tperial Htrvict of t*a A'A’WS.WASHINOTUN. Nov. H .-U was oom-

mon talk among political strategists to­day th a t the adm inistration will make every effort lo push the tariff troubles Into the background. F rom ,now on an attempt wilt be imide lo m ake the T aft unti-trust record the laeue In 1(12. To that end Ihe president will devote much space in the meesago to the an ti-tru s t law.

The tarlfl. It la said, will bs dlamlised with mere recommendatlona for the Tarlfl Board. The President will endeavor to (ores an active dlecusalon of tha antl- iruat taw, which will be depended upon (O plaoa In the epolllght the Btandard Oil. ■l obacvo. Steel Trust, Hardw are Trust, Baihiuh Truat. I-iimher Trust, Shoe Ma- ehlnery Trust and half a Score of olher Irusi s’lUs- for nil of wSH Melolmed for Taft, and the President a ipeerbes on the trip lie has Just concluded will lie quoted to show his position.

In his meseage, according to reporta, the President will go further than Inalet- encs that Ihs fitierman law shall stand aa It la, and recommsnd a fnrteral Incorpora­tion law to give the government closer control of the Integral p a rti of big trueta after they have been dissolved under the law. He will oppose, however, any Incor­poration acheme th a t would supplant tha Sherman law.

Indifference among market- leadera the announcement oft the decision unfavorable to In- lernatlonal Harvester In the Mlasourl oiialer suit and more profit-taking lell the stock msr- kei story of the early portion ot to-day.

Irregularity, reaction, mild at- tempts a t recovery marked the course of prices until near the closing hour. Then came some­thing like a rally under Ihe ac­tive bidding up ot the Coalers and the Harrrimana,

The Inter-mountaln freight rate decision was taken aa a bull argum ent and prices took on a higher range, but tha clos­ing was weak and quotations were off froaa I to IH from the beat

'VRRNTON. Nqv. U .- lIo rs tlMtl W bualnsaa and profasslonal men o t Tran- tan attended * dinner given Mat night In honor ot President H arry G. Stoddard, o t the Trenton Iron Company, who la about to sever hla oDtineollon ertth the Vnitad Btatee Steal Corporation to m an­age a large mgnufgcturlng plant a t Wor- ccater. Maas.

Mr, Stoddard racalved many tributes a t the hands of the apeakara, who Included Prealdent Jam es A. FarrelL of the United S ta tu Steal Corporation; former Gov­ernor Edward C. Stokea, former Mayor F rank B, Watxenbach Jr,. Prealdent John A. Campbell, of the Trenton Potterlea Company, end W alter K. Browne, of the Trenton Iron Company.

Mr. Farrell said Mr. Stoddard's asso­ciation with the Steel Corporation would always be remembered aa agampllfying what the corporation and Its oflicials stand tor, a recognition of the dependence of each m an's business and the country 's business fCT properlty and progress upon the prosperity gnd progress of all.

"There Is something more In ths world than dollars and cents, than the busi­ness conencted with our particular line of activity," continued Mr. Farrall: "wa all have responsihllltlea and we must measure up to them. As s nation to com­mand world-wide respect must b« com-

' posed of upright, law-abiding and In- lelllgent people, so must a buelnesi o r ­ganisation to merit approval and luo- resa choose of Ite dlVcctore. officials and salesmen men of unquestioned Integrity and unimpeaohagla honor,"

The Oreat Enemyof progress is worry. I t saps a man’s energies, dis­sipates his mental force, makes hihi incapable of his best thought and ef­fort.


FOR $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 IRON CO.DOVER. DfrL, U .-Th*

Iron Company, with a capital of 00()» waa Incorporated her* to-day Tr6 company It au thorlw d lo operata mines, mllUy ore and Btona q u a rrltt. Tha poratora are Robert Jomlaott J r , R. Baugh and T. li. Banners, of Hlrmlng' ham. Ala . and E. E. McWWnoey. WH’ mlngton, Del.



JBSSHIT OITT. Wov. 11.—In connection with the oj^ndal a ttached to the build­ing of tha $3,100,000 courthouse, four more of tha fourtaan man now under Indlct- n o n t charged with oonaplfgey to wrong, cheat and defraud th e county were ar­raigned begor* Judge Blair thla morning. Each w ai placed under ball after a plea of not guilty had been eevarally entered.

Five o t th* num ber under Indictment pleaded yeaterday, Thera are nve more who Itavo TfA to ,

ThO men arralgnad thla morning are; Tbotdaa O. Frankie, aaaoclate archlteotr who waa Diaoed under $2,000 ball furnlah- ed by William A. Wolf, l-eonard C. H erb it and George C. Motiger, both con­nected with the fum lahlng of the court- houae, who each gave $2,600 ball, tur- nlahed by tha United Statee Fidelity and Guarmnty Furtiiahlng Company, and Jud- aon Wells, a atone contractor, who was requlT^ to give ItOOO bonds In default Dt Which he was released In the cueiody of hla counsel to obtain the requiredpecurlty. , ,

Word waa recelvad thla morning from William E- Smith, former courthouse commiBiloner, who recently removed to Chicago, th a t he will appear In Jersey City fhl* week.

CHICAGO, Nov H.—W ith the European visible supply ahowlng a emaller Increase than expected, traders on the bull aide of the wheal m arket to-day felt somewhat anecuraged. Another help to prices cam* In the shape of on eallmale that seventy per cent, of the Northwestern crop hud left the farmers' hands. Prospect of a record-lirenklng yield In the Argentina, however, tended to restrain undue en- thunlasm, ond at tlmea appeared lo give the bears a slight advantage. The open­ing was the same as last night lo t4 off

December started a t 93*$ to 98H, un­changed tu ki lower, and rose to » V

Flrm cublea gave strength to com. Bhorta and commlaalnn-houaes were tha Chief buyers. Deceml>*r opened at 83H to 0 %, last night's figurei. to H higher, and advanced to 831i.

Data showed sym pathy with the gain In other cerenla. There, however, wiia Utile general trade. December started un­changed at 47H, um3 're n t up to 47%.

The huge run of hogi West made p r ^ vtglona weak. A good demand, though, developed a t the ensuing dcdltie. Initial ■alee ware a shade to .7* down, with May delivery 79.BO to K.6214 tor pork. (.60 for lard and 8.6'JVi for riba.

Light receipt a of w heat Southwest fur- nlahed additional help. Subaequently as­sertions that the acreage In Argentina

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-A preliminary atatem ent by the Thirteenth Cenaus of eatabllahm enta engaged In the m anufac­ture o t glaaa, ehowi that Ihe capital In­vested In 1906, waa I129,38»,0(», a ^ SU.m.OOIk or 46 p-r cent.., over $88,®(,ww

"The value of ptodticH wae t92.0Mi.OW In 1(0* and r9 .«« ,0« In 1B“4, an Increase ot $12,4i7,0«L or 18 per cent. *

Tl.e salarlea and wages amounted to $44.2(3,000 In HOt. end I41,2«,000 In 1904, an increase ot fj,005.000, or 7 per cent. Tno average number of wage earners 0^ ployed during the year was 68,911 m and « ,(6 ( In 1(04, an Incrseae of I cent.; their wages Increased from Rsj.hhi,- 000 to (M.300,000, or 6 per cent.

The to tal plate glass cast conatUutOT (0,106.094 aquart feet in 1»», and 84.804.™ In 1904. an Increase of 73 per cant- The p o lish ^ glaai obtained from *he lo ta cast waa 47.870,264 square feet in 19®. 27.2(3,138 in 1(04. an Increase of 7 per cent. W lndow-glaas production amounted to 0,(ai.<ll fifty-foot boxes In 19C(. 'and 4,86i,- 816 In 1904, an Increase of 48 per cent-

Of preaaed and blown glass Ihe number of doxen ot globes and other electrical goods waa greater than any 01*'*’' , “ '!’" 11.738,79* doxen In 190* and 1,901,416 In IW , an Increase of 617 per cent. tum blers and goblets number n,087.U3« doaen In 1909. and 1.846.114 In 1904, an In- creaee of 69 per cent. Bloivn tumblera. etem ware, and bar goods numbered 9,182,- 000 doxen In 1909, and 8,282.606 In UW. an lncr«o«« of 46 per cent

Under the head of "boUl** and Jars, "preecripllon, vials and druggists' ware were greatest In quantity, being 3,874,IH2 gross In 1909. apd 8,302,688 In 1904, an In­crease Of 13 per cent.


Fresident of Vfiacoosin UeiTer- lity Telli H arvard A ea He

F av o n lodastria l Com a's.



rtionn uirtt ■- ---»s-'had been greatly underestimated led to - i setback. The close, nevertheleas, wasa S<1t.U$tA:K. J ..*4 «w. ..................steady, with December a shade net higher,at 9bW&0W8

Covering by shorts In com sent the m ar­ket Btlll higher. The close was steady at lor December, a gain ot t* higher.

The following to-day'a quotallone, close being a t 2:16 F. M.. New York time, were turnTshed by Byrne & McDonnell;

At the Chicago Board of Trade:Yeaterday a


RICHMOND, Va.. Nov. 14,—Governor Mann did not m ake known to-day hla attitude In the caae of Henry Clay Beat- tie J r„ sentenced to be electrocuted No­vember 24 for the murder of hla young wife. The Governor conferred with Beat- tle'a lawyers, who presented a petition iliat a reaplls of a t least thirty days be granted tor spiritual preparation.

It Is expected the Governor will Issue


C orn -Dec,May

O atn-Dec.May





?«»% 63H


. 16.20 16.17lrt,'6l>Di6.82 16.67

9.60g.SOlG 9.32 ».B2

At the Now York Produce Exchange:

W heat-Dec.May

Open.Y esl'y 'iClose.Close

9DH.1U4^®104% l04VdH>*H

n e w YORK. Nov, 14.—The cotton m ar­ket opened iteady a t an advance of W points In reaponse to higher cables th iit expected, but quickly turned easier and la ter In the morning ruled about nat uu- rhanged to one point lower under re­newed Bouthem selling, scattering liqui­dation by recent buyers, and Inrnl bear preseure. The weather map showed con­tinued low temperatures In the South, hut the w eather ws* warmer than it was yee^erday and appeared to be moderating, while tew reporta of damage were coming In a* a result of Ihe bad weather reported over Sunday and lorvil sellers evidently believed that any falling off In ginning for the period ending to-night would bs attribu ted to the unfavorable weelhcr

Rumors that preliminary returns to the N ational Glnners' Association Indicated a ■harp falling off In ginning for the period and continued nervousness aa to the ac­tion ot the revision committee at to-mor- row'a meeting, promoted covering by some of the early sellers, and the market late In the forenoon waa steady, with prices about 8 to 6 points net higher. Riialnesa w’aa not active, and seemed to he largely In tha way ot evening up or of swapping from December to January, rondttlons noted since the end of the month.

The m arket continued steady during the afternoon, aelllag about 6 to 8 points net higher on scattered covering. Buslnese was comparatively quiel and seemed to he largely In the way of evening up for over the revision of spot differences to-mor­row.

CAMBRIDGE, Maas., Nov. 14.-The reg­ulation of prices by a national commla- alon almllar to the In terstate Commerce Commission, ra th er than the general dla- Bolutlon by the government of the 10- called trusts, waa urged by Prealdent Van Mlae, of the University of Wlaconsin. In an address on "Concentration In Industry before th* students ot Harvard University to-day. Dr. Van Hlee la a close personal nod po'lltlcal friend ot Senator La Fol- lette.

"When great economic advantage can be shown from concenlrallon ot Indus­try." he said, "such concentrotlona should not" be broken up nor prohibited. Never- tlieless„^the conditions which make pos­sible erceaslve profits rannot longer be allowed lo exist. If existing conesntra- tlons be permitted to continue. It Is cer­tain that they must he controlled.

''Experience with the railroad rate prob­lem points the way to the creation of Bum and national commissions having powers with reference to Industrial com­panies similar to. but greater than those of existing railroad rate commission.

The powers of such a commission should Include the following:

First—When a combination which Is either a national monopoly or is a re­straint of trade where there Is no mon­opoly, Is found to have marked economic advantage, a commission should have authority to order prices lowered or raised as may be necessary.

Second—When comlilnatlorte In restraint of trade are found lo be such th a t they do not result In economic advantage, the

I commission should have power to dissolve Burli combinations.

T h ird -ln the case of natural resources, the commission should have authority to order such changes In proce.eses of production aa are necessary to use these limited natural resources ecttnomlcally. Anthracite operators, for example, should be compelled to mine and handle Ihelr coal without needlesB loss. A return to unlimited and destructive rompetlUon will result In an extravagant exploitation of our coal resources.

The objection to oommisslon control of prices, on the ground that It Is a new step In the direction of soclallBm. Is not io tin d -lt socialism means government ownerflhtp

N, Y. OUTSIDE SECURITIESTb« following jjuolallons are furnished



It iB expected w v ern o r w$u iobud | . .Btatempnt to-morrow. Paul BefttUe’e '

"NEW YORK. Nov, 14.—Flour, quiet, ba t

ftllegf'd pepudUillon of aome of hla leall- mony is euid to have bpen diacassod aloo.


■W'AHHlNfvTON, Nov. 14,-T h e Chicago Junction Rnllway Company which i>er- fornii for various Interatate railway car­riers BwUfhlnjf service In thn city of Chicago, lo-ilay waa held hy ihe Com­merce Court to bft a common carrier.

Tn afcordance with that hnldlhg. a nian* datory writ wlU be ieevuni againnt ihe company to compel It to nit* with tt.’ Inlarstttle Ciimmcrre CtiiiimhaloTi inrllTand Otfliedulefli of charges end to make io arjjiaH; pcconciei, the EommlBBlon repciris In conformli) wUh ' make, nrste,e L. 1 - — I ., SI.. .L-irnT reCOiDtit. 3*211

VCK.UJ'I , _ .Wheal-^Or a hUlc room ooverlngy dtje in

strength In the northwest, wheat was firm and a!>out V ' higher this morning. December M iF' *'"2*?*-Pork—KIrni, mess, n .lO. short,clear, nOOGISIW

Hecf-Sleady.I .a rd -F i™ . Middle West. 9.4(W.5n. Sugar-R aw . nominal; Muscovado. 89

test 4 62' centrifugal, 90 lest. 612; molas­s e s , '89 4.7T. Refined, easy.

Petraleuni—Bieady.Molasses Steady, „Hay—I "111, prime, 176: No. '. 130ffll-6. No.

2, 116; No. 3, I'*—Steady . receipts. 10.663; cream

erv firsts. 31'p.G’d. creamery, held, spec- loi ' 32WII33 extras, 31®32; process, firsts, a a a t s ' seconds. 22®r2\i; factory, current


by William F. --------INDUaXRlALfl. ,

ClMiOC LIOP.M yeaterday. lo*dayBtd.A«kttd.PM-Aikrd

MilkBorden s ( ■ M„ pr,

NB'W YORK, Nov. 14.^hang4i* In the opening pricea of etocka lo-day were amall and Irregular. The Harrtm an atoeka, the Coalers, United Stales Bieel and Atchison made email gain*, while American Smelting, Northern Faclfic and Bouthem Railway showed some heavl- neee. National Biscuit, whloh advanced V was the strongest slock. Canadian Fa- eifle lost a point and American Car and Foundry $i.

There were alternate periods ot strength and weakness In the active stocks, with fiuotuatlona wide In Union Pacific, Read­ing. Lehigh Valley and United Btatee Steel. These Issuet seemed to encounter a good deal of etook whenever they ral­lied, and derived little benefit from the •ustalned strength of various specialties. National Biscuit moved up Hi and Great Northern preferred and Norfolk and W estern 1.

Deeptte early evidences ot firmness among some of the speculative leaders, th* *tock m arket was hesitating and Irregular during most of the morning, with a downward tendency. The nrofll taking, whloh began on a targe acale late laat week, was continued to-day, and fectual In bringing about reaction wnen particular slock* moved upward.

The m arket also was affected unfavor^ ably by the ouster decree against I"* In­ternational H arvester Company In Mls- aqurl, which not only caused acute weak­ness In th a t stock, bbt depressed the gen­era] Hat.

The nawB of the International Har- vesler decision caused a sudden drop In the stock of 644' to 102I4 Bear traders took advantage of this Incident to a t­tack the general m arket and prleo* yield­ed easily, , . , _

Amerlcun Fiiieltlng sold a point under yesterday’s closing and most of the other Im portant stocks a substantial fraction. Cenfral Railroad of New Jersey gave way 7 points. The tone was better at midday, but there was scarcely any Inquiry for stocks. Bonds were irregular.

Blocks were unloaded freely again aM ut 1 P M„ and whole m arket became active and weak. 8t. Paul made a sudden drop of over two points to llOti on a few sales, which had a bad effect on J , ®recoghiied leaders also broke sharply. United Blatcs Bteel falling IW terday 's closing, and Reading 1%. Union Pacific touched 17044 against 1.19i, earlier Bouthem Pacific, Bock Island preferred and American Ixicomotlve P™'®’''',™ lost a point each. A fractional rally threw the m arket Into dulnees before 1

The shorts beet a hurried retrea t about 2 o'clock when manipulative tactics were resumed In the coalers and Harrtm an stocks, lA'high Valley was bW up from n s ’i 10 18tr!4. Beading from 16flki to lS-4 and t'nlon Pacific from 1704i to 1734*. This demonstration put an effectual check on

■short selling elsewhere, and the m arket rebounded swiftly. Bt. Paul was about the only leading stock that did not re­cover to yesterdays closing price or

The m arket, however, closed heavy. An analysla ot the opinion of the Com­merce Court granUng an Injunction against the In terstate Commerce Com­mission In the In ter-Mountain freight rate coses afforded satisfaction to the buJ* end they bought heavily all around the

’ "Bral prices ot the day were established generally and there were some large advances above yesterday's close. But n the last fifteen minutes the market s p i n pursued a downward course and there were recessions in many cases from 1 to IVs fronri th^ b«®t flffureSi


WASHINGTON, Nov. I4.-A preliminary statem ent by the thirteenth census as to establishments manufacturing autom o­biles contains summarlea for 1904 and 1909.

There were 748 eslabllahments In 1(09 and 178 In 1904. an Increase of 317 percent.

The capital invested as reported In 1909 was $173,887,1)110, a gain of I16«,7M,0I». or 663 per cent,, over $23,084,600 In MW.

The value of products was $348,202,000 In 1909 and $30,084,000 In 1904. an Increase of laS, 168,000, or 730 per cent

The coat of materials used was $111,640, 000 In 1909, as against $13,161,000 In 1(04, an Increase ot $118.496.000, or 901 per cent.

The salaries and wages amounted to $68,179,000 In 1900 and $8.4U1,000 In 1(04. an Increase of $49,767,000, or 6(1 per cent.

The average number of wage-earners employed during the year was 76,721 In 1909 and 12,W9 In 1904. an Incraiae of 621 per cent.; their wages Increased from $7,160,006 to $48,094,000, or 612 per cent.

The man with a good bal­ance in the bank doesn’t have to worry much. The saving habit kills worry ■—helps a man to devote all that is worth while » »

* ftim to his business or pro­fession. 1


Start the saving habit— open your account NOW in the

S avin gs D epartm entof


Th with I n ^ be f niuc. te r I

An fairs in R thf! whni of w ly n

An out I with fflvtr hoiid

Ev ^ven mak meal

ThRirt of h for t thon

(perPi l»artl

At rhan year festl' of S



LONDON. Nov. 14.—Th# Thamea Iron tvarka. Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd,, appeared In the Bank­ruptcy Court to-day and a receiver Was appointed. The company 1* Just complet­ing the British dreadnought battleship Thunderer, and Its failure to obtain a contract for a battleship In this year's naval program was the Immediate cause of Its embarrassment. Owing to the higher wages demanded by labor In Lon­don the concern was unable to bid auo- cessfully against the provincial ship­yards. A. F. Hills Is the chairman and managing director.

N E W A R K , N. J .

and every week add some­thing to it, a little, if you can’t add m u c h — but something anyway.


The results will surprise you. You’ll have a good balance almost before you realize it.

4 per cent, p a i d on amounts up to $i,ooo.3^ per cent, paid on ac­counts over $ 1,000.


TRENTON, Nov. X4.-The Pan-Am eri­can Chamber of Commerce yeaterday filed articles of Incorporation with th* seoreiary of SWte here. I t noa an au­thorised capitalisation of $150,000, divided Into 100,000 common and &0,000 preferred guaranteed seven per cent, non-cumulftllve dividend-bearing slock. Ita Qbjcct Is to conduct a chamber of oommerce tn New York or clsewhers with ft view of moling commerce between the United States end the other countries of the W estern Hemisphere. Julio F. florenso and William B. Hill, of New York, with John A. Wlleon, of Nutley, are the In­corporators.


NEW YORK, Nov. 14,—NegoMatlon* looking to a $10,«»,0I» merger of Inde- pondent glucooe and starch m anufactur­ing companies are under way here.

The concerns th a t It Is proposed to amalgamate do about thirty per cent, of the business. Among them are firms in Indianapolis, Cedar Rapids, la .; Keokuk, la.; Edinburg, Mo., and Clinton. la.


LONDON Nov. 14.—American securHles opened firm’ and higher to-day. The m ar­ket was HupporUHl during llie first hour and pricea continued to advance. At noon the lone was firm and values ranged from L lo a point higher than yesterday's New Tfork closing, ('snedlen Pacific was a weak exception and lost about a point.

P rofit taking followed the receipt nf the Wall street opening and prices receded a fraction The closing was steady.

Havana Tobacco Havana Tob.. pr.,Houston O il...........Houstiin Oil, p r ... .International Salt.. Inter. R ubb er.......Manhattan T ransitaa , - - . -a b * aN. Y. Tranportatlon Randard Oil

The range of to-day's more active securities In U'e to rltmarket. In contrast with lost night 8 cld6‘ lug quotations C last saleh as furr^hvd tor the News by Post & Flagg, Is given below: Lag,

,-------- To-day's---------.nightopen. high. low. close, close

* 34i 3^ _3}i .84i .844


tba law.

LOST RACE WITD DEATHHftMftninir to thft Babies' Hosfiltal. on

R\Kh street , th is morning, with hej rtve- week-ol^S baby, who wan rrUiral ly IM, i l r s . Myrt le Rerdon, roior^'O, of ]f')9 Sh(>f- fisM atre&t, arrIvetJ too late. W hrn sho reaeJufd the hospital Ihe Infant waa dead, having expired In Ita mother’ll arms.

The body wan taken to Hollo's morgue, on Shipman straat.

t'hvenf -Firm , recaiptf. Ss211; Rtut* nhnie milk. Beplember and earlier ep^-- lals, 154»; do,, average fancy. 16^ :.^. Biste whole milk, current make, spei-lnla, U \ . do., average fancy, 1444. do., under grades 124teH4i,

EggH- Hiead> . receipt*. 7.702; all grades are unrhangsd from Monday's prices

Poultry -Alive. Steady; We.stern chick­ens. lOWIllSs; fo'*''*. 1CI81154; turkeys. 1*9 IS. iiressed, easy; Weotern chickens, 7®1S; fowls, 701644,


Btoady cent.; ruling rale.closing bid, 7%; offered at 8,4. Time loans easier; sixty dnys and ninety days, 34i® aHi per cent.; six months, 344084,.

NEW YORK BUND MARKETThe following quotations were furnished

by Post & Flagg. Q„„.jiigh-ljOW-Cloa- Ing. eat. est. '

AUle-Chalniers 6-' ■ ®4j lOl^Am. ft B- 6sAm.


The follnwlng quotations w eft furnlahed by Elseie & Klbft:

LONDON, Nov. 14-—A dispatch tn th* American Railway Co...Evening News from Hangoon. Hrltlsib India, nas'H that th« Bank of Burma tailed tn-day. Its deposits on Junm last tolalv^ S3,T[(0.000.


J\T[1t11 iUris44 — ................ - .Canvbrlft I ro n ............................... *+

Bid.Asked. 44^ 4&

NEW YORK, Nov. li^-Arrlved, steamer Lft Brotftfbe, November 4.

U«lYesto« P o rt CklirgieaWASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-Tfcrmtnftl

Litharges, absorpUoni of ratfn and csrtaln rftgiilftUons fllfd with the Ituemtftts Com- merce Conumtsalon by ths Qalv«stom, Har- rUbufg and Ban Antonio Railway, which* combined, IncrcaM the freight charges a t tha iM5rt of Qalveston. Te*., to-day, w m guip6tid«d until May 34, 1911. Thf» oomntltftltm U makiog ftn Inquiry into the propoBftd adviL'ncM, and oannot conduda It b«for« aftxt sprlov*

Cambria Steel.Storage .... . .. ■ ....................ElfC Co of A m erica............... iiE. & P- 4*......... ..................... 5*I,ehlgh Valley.. ......... ■ ■ ■ ®44ijiko Superior corporation...... 27Marsden ......................................... 'IGfJ. J. Con. T ra c i......................... ^N. J. Con. Tract. 6s..................... IM^PhllsdelphlA. Co™......................Philadelphia, pr. ........................ «44Philadelphia E le c ...................... WPhiladelphia E ec. 4 a .,.., .......... 7711rhlladelphta Elec, 6a.................. 61'k,Philadelphia T rac t....... .............. 84Residing ........................................... 7 ^

101K 102 103 109419144

Am, t ; & T. cvt. 4s li*Am. Tob 4a............ JiMAm. Tob. fa . . . . ........ 11614A,. T. * B F, 4S... US'* A T & F.con^'.6« lOOBeih, Bteel 6s......... 9f4Balt. * 0 ,4s- . - ■Centra? L a t h e r ^ . ^Che*. & Ohio 444A.. 1014*C„ B. A G. 4*....... ^G. Gt, West. 4«.... ^ C K. 1. A P. old 4* ^i-v r«i « ' 4«...... rB%Chesa. & G. 6e....... 111|4Cheso. A O. cv t.....Chi. * Alton 3 s ..... 724, C . R. I. & I'tto- '•»■ IJk Colo. & Bo. 444fi---'-- Gl*. Co. ot Am. 6e.. h4* Brie cvt., series »< Erie cvt., series E m li. Ml- 1- 4» " IS t

109„ „ 9044

11744 116 994* 991*

1»>4 109



C30 645fituliebaker Co... . JJiA 64 stuiiebaker Co., pr. 10 % I'niled Cigar Mfr. . 44 4<

EtAlLBi'ADS, _ Amer. 7Jght & Tr. 293 295Amec. Lt. & Tr., pr. lo6 (■blcagr.Pubw ay.,.. HSeaboird Company. 24 Seaboard, 1s t p r— soSeaboard. 2d p r ...... ""


hllutte & NpiV York ^Colialt C e n tra l........ *C, A. H.. of Maine . 9-16Davls-Daly ............. ]sEly Cons ................... J*FIrat Nat. Cop....... 1',Giroux Con........... 'Oreenp-C'ananeaOug Exp Co.......... l.,vInspiration .............. JrhiJumbo E x t.............. '9Kerr Lake.

630 6455244 6441

10144 KS 44 47

AlllB-Cba........ 3J4Allls-Cha!., pr J844 Amal. C op.... o84t Am. Beet Bug. o6Am. C an......... 11J4Am. Can, p r.. 9ii » Am. C. & F .■ ^44 Am. Cot. Oil.. 46Am. Loco...... 35Am. BmeU.... 71Am. Bug........ 117



d S68%5611%89%624444%3470

A atroB onleal Bvemla—Frol* Noon To­day to ffooa To-m orrow.

November 14—Sunset, 4:39; aunrise 8:43. Maonrlse, 1:06 A. M. Moon's age 24 days, l^nn ld meteoTt poMlbl® For n«xt two mghIS s ^ nUdblght to dawn; m L y seen In early morning ot November 16, IMl. Moon's light unfortunately Inter- fereg

Some Men Are Afraid

to acqu ire kno\vl- edge regard in g up- to -da te M utual Bene­fit Life Insurance*lest the know ledge gain­ed will leave them with po excuse for being w itho u t the sp lendid protection which our policies afford. D ay & Corn­ish, -General A gents, 750 Broad St. .N ew ­ark, N. J. i

^Ferd R . M oeller


s . = . i !S» i i K ™





$1,120,1100 Passilc Vallsy Sewer Bonds


llrlt. Col. Copper, •HuUe 4’oailtlon.


ivS^ 4 13-10

IBIL.,Am, T- & T Am. 'VN’oolen Anaconda •.A tch..............B & O............U. R. T ...........Beth.B « h . Bteel, pr.. WCan. P a c ....... 239% 2«ChvH. & Ohio, 14% i6%C., M, & Bt.P. n.% 113„

Gas......... 142% I

139 ~ 139" 138% i® ’ 13929 29 29 29 23%38% 36*4 . 3 ^ 36% 3.

107% 107% 106% 107j02 102% lOl't 101% 10278 79 % 78 784, 77%

S9V. 29% 29% 29I 57 67J394* 240 i m \74% 74Ai 747*

11944 111% 112%

Wiiblle hlfla will b* received hy the Comp­troller of the City of .Newark, .Now Joriey, until 12 O'clock noon on WedneeUay, the Iwen- tu ninth day of Noveroher, nineteen hundred and eleven, et the ofllcs of the Comptroller In th . cllv Hell. City or Newer;:, Now Jeresy. lo? t S purclisM of the following leeut ofllTlM boO PAaflAIC VAIXBT 8KWER BONDS,d4 Id’ m b o r 1, 1(11, proceeds to bo ue«l la aocofdanoe with an Act of th* UslMiture of the Btot* of New Jersey, approved 8-aroh 18. lUOI. end the smendmem. approved Meroh 24. 191o!

STOCKS AND BONDSN. y. Stock Exchange connections

Small Accoonts Vetemne800 Broad Street

®Th* above Issue of bonds will bo fifly-yesr bonds, and bo rsBtitere-1 or eoupon. and bearLM riuDi _.*■ nf fmir ripr i-AniU/mdlA ana m '*■ igx —miorMt at th« P " 7®"*'onn™,. and _wl!l oontjm a

Cen’ L*a’ther.. 23^14244 142% 112%-■ 23%

Cen. L., pr. .. - Ch!,. G, W ..... 39

86*8>i 98',Sbd 8614





McK.-Darragh Mines. Co, A. newNevada Utah ........Nevada Sm elt.......Nevada Hill"NlplBlng Mines......Ohio Copper............Pacific Smelters ...Bay Ceiitnil ......Btewart Mli'inR —Tnnbpah'’Ea»eb''''’'' 1 3-H Tonopah M- ol ^<'''• '14rn ltfd Copper......... 1%I'ltlted Copimt. p r... 8W ettlaufer Silver,.. 81

...... b o n d s :

75*; 73^77^S7UTi%

Eric79l(|91H 91

X\enii.>i3$0 ...... -............canui;

U. G. 1.................V............Union Rall'k'ny 4s.........Union T raction ................U, 8. Steel ........................■Warwick ...........................

FIMAIiClAL FOIHTERS.It li r«D0rt6d thftt rftcent orders for

iUet mil* ftcrrtrate about aoo,ooo tons. In ths cofTfttpondlni psrlod iMt yeftr ths totsl Wftft ftboui thft sftms. Th« Resting

m# MicV ,T*raa'V >tkw*a <***•.

0RlDGKi—CALEFO?!.Bswftrd W ear, of Somsrvllle, w m ftn

uver-Sunday guest ot Mr. end Mrs. Stew­a rt Klee, of Callfon.

Mr and Mrs. John W. Beaty, of Callfon, will go to Rockville Centre. Ixjng Island, to-morrow to be guest* of Mr. and Mrs. William pruden for a 'week.

Mrs. M atilda Rinehart, seventy-five


Cons. Mlne-v 3 13-16 3’41’. 1 15-16 3'% 1%

7-16 449 162% 2 i y 6

lU 1 3-lH3-16


» D c. n ........»9% lOm W'% 1014*MO Pac 6 p. c. n .. 96% M 96% (7MO, rac . ^ __„ no oou aaM K * T 6p.c. n. » 8944 99X-" V City .. . 103 1-16 1034* 103 1-16 IMVi So B. T a T. CO. W t 89% 96% 99%

•Et-dlvldend, ■___

Chl.„G, W., pr 28 Chi. a N'WeStMv,.Chino Cop...... ^Corn Prod...... IffSCom Prod., pr IIS'* Del, a Hud. .. IDErls ................. » ,?7rle, 1st p r.... 6.144 Erie, 3d p r ... . . 44 Fed. M. a B. 4 ^ Oen. Elec. Co. 1 6 ^ a t . North, pr..Gt. North. Ore 42% Goldfield Con. 4% Inter. 6b P ... 33% Iowa C ftn t-vs lo Iowa Cent., pr 81 Inter. H arvest 1«

20% 20 3844 38


nnmtm S»n« OUllipiK » »iviiiq 1L4Wr itv of NeTv*Tk the option to pay ih* Bam* a t I n f time forty year* from ihelr daW.No bid* will be acceptfed for Iw t than par and B ccni^ Ipterert.

m 171 in I 'i ,a ® s ! i s

Ttlnt th« nnancla,! oondl* ■, upon raqueite

rAnoAijj, Comptroliar,City HftlL Newark. N. J.

X>tUd Novembar 11* 1#1L

a n d pirticulSr. rSsp^lng the


D S E l E & n NM vm benvf N. ¥. S loea hlsvhaeKr tlem kera e t P U la . S tack K achaagt

New Jersey Investment Securities a SpecialtyUK»» All CLINTM fTIEETt

in a ta a l Baaoflf BMIMafll P to asa t8ao,*A 3l.» « » » » » ' W -

Inrer-M et. ... H% H% 14% ^

S '* i r i f I

E x h a u s t i v e R e v ie w o f t h e T r * d iD S i t u a t i o n , t o g e t h e r w i t h a c a r e f u l a n a l y s i s o f f u t u r e o u t lo o k a n d d i s s o l u ­t i o n p o w ib l i t t ie s . F r e e o n a p i^ lc a t lo n .

Mo. ‘pac“ flc7.V. 41%

l«i% 189% 94% 84%

; s r N L 'T . - r . e y '- J a r t r n * T Jb e tw « n K.800 and » .«« M to

of roils.

The K rw York Cantral Railroad handled 3$.M (DOT* loaded cars in October than M any other motith In It* history.* ■ a

New T ork Central tralonikn k t a re- GMit owstlofl tn IndUnsroUs dooldad th a t p re itm eoBdltloiu 4$d not JusUty s d»- nwnd to r in eri s s UI wsaN*-

L,*qanon J . . —. — -- ------- ' ---- ,naralyets occurred Frldoy a t the home of her grandson, William H. Thomas, at Hampton. Bhe woe a daughter of William Lee of Mt. Ijebanon. Mrs, Charle* Von Houten, of Newark, I* »«««■ -

U r and Mrs. Leonard Coleman, of Haekettstown, returned homo Sunday after vtsltlng U r. and Mrg. James L, Cille- mon, M U m c VslMr* , ' ,

in te r Paper —Inierborough 4%B....Iowa Central 4*.... 91 Kan. City South. 6s 1«%K. <’ Southern 3s...Lake Shore 4s ... M M anhattan rJ. Is ... 07%M.. K. a T. 4'.*s....Mu. Paelll'' cv i;.... K N T.. Ch. L t>. 344* v" Y O & W 4" ' 33^ n : Y. cent, 3%.,.. mN Y Cent. 4s....... 8344N:Y..Chl, * Sl.L. 48 1»Nor. Pacific 3t....... ®%Nor.’ Pacific 4s....... 100Nor. & 'W. con. 4e.. 106%Ore. 8b. Line n, 4s 8444 Pec. Tel. ft Tel. 6s »%Ore. 8h. Lins 6*.... 114%Pennsylvania conv.. W i Pennsylvania 1915s.. 97 44 Pobllc Sorvles 6*.... ^Reading Gen ts ......Seaboard a'lj ■ ■ ■■.... 80%St. U 80Uth, 1st 4s. 9144 South'n Railway 6s. 1«44 South. Railway 4s.. 79447 7 X ‘ f a ^ “illf'ta’‘.” lJl% 101% f m mUnion Pac- coiiv. 4e KWM W i lojjs 1 0 ^u . B. Steel, R F. 6s 1<»44 10241 W I0JJ4tl. 8. Rubber 6s...... KB74 K*% 1<^ !«%■W. p . Ter. 1st ctf.. 43 4! 41% 4$W estern Union 6*.. 101 W*a. Maryland 4*.. 87%W abash iBts.......... 106’Wabash M t............. 94%■Wabash 4s..,......... 64W h .^ L K. m 4s. U

i i r . ^ i w . M e l t , a

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETTha following quotailoDB lo-day war®

furnished by J. 8. Rlppet:


7»4 7(44 7*%

87% n%

Celluloid ...... ...............................Consolidated Frac Ion.............. G44Consolidated Tractkm 6a^......... WKlaa^x ft HtKlBon Ga® C o ...... 136Gas & Electric of Bergen Co.. 8844 Gas * Hl“ . of Her, Co. 1st Bs.. 101 Oat ft E, Par Co, gen. Bt.. WHackensack ' ' aier 4s............... 84Hudson Co Gas Co....................WHudson county Co. 6s......T*r fltVs Hob, ft Pftt. ....... . 7»%NawaVk ConaoUdated Ga® Co,. 9W4 Newark Consol, Gas. Co. 6 s..... 1 ^ Newark P assm ger Ry. Co. Ss.. 187%M bWAIsIi Oft® OO-s bB.N?rth JeVsey St, R a llw ^ 4s... 7744Pet ft Pas. Ges ft LI. Co...... . (2Pat ft Pee- Co- Bs... MlPublic Service Corporation..,,. 110Public Service Certificates...... IMPublic Berv. Corn. 5s 1(6»......... »Bo Jersey Qaa. E. & Tf. C o... 128

Jerse^y Gas, E. ft Tr. Co, Be (8% United Electric Co. TOBom Union ft MW-^LW. 4i TO 6cm Union ft Md. Ltg. C o.,... WSlnxer Mfg Co.................. ........ $78IL I? J R R. * Canal ** ad rrie ft Essex R. R. 1st Ts »141« Morris ft Essex Con, 7e JJfCent. R. R- Co. of N. »$7 .1*} Long Dock f t Imp. 6s 1“

M. "i St. P ..... 136'N it. Biscuit.. 14344 !«■P IN. T- Cent ... MS JW Nor. * W ort.. 1 ^ W North, Pac;^.. ITO N.Y.. O. ft W.Pac. T. f tT . . . 47

64 61%I4U «i

Amer. Dock ft Imp. Lehigh Vol, T * r ^ U

, Bond#, guoranteafi e trrlo a C w m < » tM .r-

E itts. Coal 1....' 19% P itts . Coal, pr _&44


P u ll. 'F a l.

pS.”'oa*:::::: **”!*’£¥Hiidlng ........ 1B% ira% IW-Rep. 1. ft a... a u , nRock ItlsiW .. s s ^Rock W% 60% MRy. 8 t. 8p ...

13544 13W4 13»% 14244 143 143^ 3344 •334 1744 17% 171

13S 139% li49% 60

m10844 IW 119 U9

19% 19485 85




Tel. dSSS. dSW M arket.

A l f r e d L . D e m t l aN aaianiri R a rta w s

■ eanberta f X ,¥ . n o e k Uxahnaga.,

r !*!. f t " ^ p r : : 8i;jSouth. P ac .... 118South. R y ...... 281*South. Ry.. pr 71%Tenn. Cop...... 36%Third Ave...... 1174T., 8t. L .A W . isil T..8t.L .ftW .,pr 4274 T, City Bap.. 106

cons 14% 14%11% 81

113 111%3044 TO

ISOfV TO TO TO 37 50% 61

81 81%112% 173% 10 8072


106y . .P o tj. p t” •• .93%Union Pacific. 171%U fl. Rubber. 46% 47 U. 8. Steel ... 62%y', ft «e*l, pr 1 ^ 11^ ! t ' ^ i t - p r l i ? A

LT, ubile

"TO IM «W lL'l

U. f t R-, 3d pr Vk.-Caro., pr. iimsVa,-C*ro..........l a MW a? ,^ h u S TO


T O • «


iM O R m S T O W N , N . J

Pa^ 3% intefaftt on Acoounta of $100 OP Ovop. Subject to Chool '

DEPOSnS B B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 ,(illO ,llM'GtPITIIL, s m s AID PMFnS OVBI S2,000,111)11;

ifiUratt Paid ta Daaaaltora Sinoa Organ- Ixatlon. Dae. 1S,‘ 1892 » f l ,009,047.00

k l'v i. . -Jf j /

si-- ■

t :



»d bal- loesn’t i. The worry devote hile t » jr pro-

labit— NOW


. j .

Id some- I , if you h — but'y-

surprise : a good fore you

l i d o n 1 ,0 0 0 .

id on ac- oo.

I Are

ig up- IBene- ice.lest s gain- ‘ them ise for [It the tection Dolicies [ Corn- agents, . ,N ew -





: K M 6

i«k Kx«Imi«kv

vestment Specialty N s r iE E nnulM lanl i ^ M o n Mkt.

i b l h i e ^ I i L o o ^ ( e ' T U L i L i l P c . , _ _

d d i l b W © F > ] k e ^ ] n > B o u / i i i L e k ^ W o m s t i i ^ -4

D i r a g '

THE TRUE SPIRIT OF GIVINGThln^B which ‘Vomet easily,*' that

without much effort on our p art—blass- ln|p« though they may h e -a ra not apt to be fully appreciated. They do not mean much to ua. for we takeMhem as a mat* te r of courae,

child know the true rh ris im aa spirit. If she la Hhle lu leai.h him this now, he will have a prlri'lcya yoaseaslon for all the ycara to rome.

TpHi’h the hlhl Hint It Is not the gift j Itself that <’oant>«, but I hat for which the

Amonir children the earne sta te of af* fairs exists. The child whose every wish Is gratified, dona not, ns a rule, enjoy the things he has a t does the youngsUr whose pnstet.Ninns are few, and for sonie of which, perhaps, he has waited longing­ly many a montli.

And as people may accept things wlih- oul much thought, so Jt la poatJble to gtvn without much thought. The m atter of giving Is espertally Important as the holidays approach.

Every one likes to receive gifts, and even greater happineee should come In making gifts. This U ao. If the gift means something to the one making U.

The gift that "means something" is tho girt Into which the giver has put a part of himself. TWa Is the gift that stRnds for something. ThU "something" may he thought. It may be actual labor. It may be self-denial, flurh a gift goes to a person because the giver wishes that t>artlcular person to have that thing.

At ChrlBlmas time more gifts are ex* changed than at any other season of the year, Indeed^ ofien the true spirit of the festival seems lost In t}ie single thought of gift-making and gift-receiving.

A mother should begin now to have her

gift stands As Lowell bo wonderfully puts It;

"Tlie gift wlihowt the giver Is litre ."T(*R\h the child to put a p art of him­

self Into his gifts.Anti how may this be done?l.ct thu child. nt»t the parent, make

the gift.ti IH H great mlslRke ftir the parent to

baud over to the small boy or girl some money to be spent In buying gifts. That money moans nothing to the child; It conies easily; It goes easily. He doea not know that some one h a d . to make ef­fort to get that money. Tw him It Is simply the medium of exchange that stands between his desires and (he g ra t­ifying of those 'desires.

This Is all arrong. The principle, as w’ell as the fact Itself, Is wrong-

TTave the money the child ipends for Chrlflimaa gifts mean something. him earn it. or deny himself something to have It. I,el him b© willing and eager to give something out of his own life In order to have the pennies he spends to gel aome- Ihlng to give another.

Then and only then will the Thrlstm ai gift carry the Christmas spirit, and bless the giver as well as the receiver.

n tY fiO V A f ja, GAJ?J3.

UNCLE WIGGILY ON ROLLER SKATES*'WeU, where are yon going this morn- i the bear w-as still In tho

ing?" asked Jimmie Wibblewobblo as he | looked out of the from door of his house, and saw Unci© VVlggily, ih© old gentle- j

aum. The po­liceman dog hid behind ii stunvp. The hear stopped (he aulo In front of Uncle

j Wlgglly and got out.,, , . I "Well," Bald ihe burglar hear, smack-

man rabbit, putting some gasoline in tus ,|p„ jj., ,„ p p ,r ,ime now.automobile.

"Oh, I am going to take a little ride out In the country," said Unci© Wlgglly."I am going to ae© If I can And an ad­venture. Nothing has happened Bine© r.ulu put loo much yeast In th© bread andmad© It run all over. I mvist have excite­ment. It keeps m© from thinking about my rheumallsTiv So 1 am going to look for an adventure, Jlmrnlo. '

"I wish 1 could come." said the little duck boy.

"I wish you could too." said his uncle. "B ut you most go to school. Bom© Satur­day I’ll take you with me and we may find an adventure for each of us."

"And for us girls, ,too?'' aaked Igulu and Alice as they rain© out, a ll ready to go to flchool AHre had Just flnlahed ty ing her Bky-y«llow-gr©en hair rlb- b*in Into two lovely bow knots.

' said back

I'm going to eat you," and he made grflb for the old dpentleman rabbit.

"Oh you are; are you?" piiddenly cried the policeman dog, drawing hlB club, and Jumping from hi-hind! the stump "VVell, I giiefls you won’t eat my good friend. Uncle U’lgglly. I guess not!" and wUh that the policeman dog tickled th© bear bo on his nos© that he fineezed, and ran off through the woods taking his atnhhy llttl© tail ■with lilm, but leaving behind hiB roller skates.

■’ ih. I'm ever so much obliged to you. Policeman Dok, " said the old gentleman rabhll, as h© look off the bear's skates.

( "You saved tny life. I'll take those Bkatea home to Jimmie. They will lU him ■when he grows bigger,"

"That Is a good Idea," said the dog. j "and If I ever catch that hear again 1 I win put,,.hlm In the beehive Jail and make ] him crack hickory nuts with his teeth- I Then Uncle Wlgglly weni home, and I took the little mousle girl with him, ami

Social and Persohal

Miss Mary G. Wlllianifon has Issued In­vitations for a tea on the nfirrncon of Kriday, Novetol>er IM, to be glvni al hi-r home. 4S8 Mt. Pronpeot avenue. In honi>r of Mias Cornelia Boggs, who la one of tli-* debutantes of th© winter.

* • fMrs. t>anSel Pemjrfrest returned yesi# r-

day, after having) spent the wet*k-C 'l with her lister, Mra. Clark, at WesterK, R. I.

• * «Albert J,' Moore, of IK HrelnliiRlS pUi^e.

denot; of Miss AlbUia Fransloll, of U>st End avenue, Manhattan, will enieitam the members of the hrldal party who mil attend u( their marriage, nl dinner Th ;ra. day night, at Rhanley’s, New York. Th© giieNlR will Ifictud© NfiSh Marl© Hyrnc < f Brooklyn, who wdll be the inalil of hci ,>r. and Miss Klhel Kli^g, Miss Mae Mcl’srt- land, MIbs Katherine of Nr-wYnrk, and Miss Isabelle De Ona, of Havana, Cuba. Others in th© party win b© Percy J. King, of New York, whf will be Mr. Moore's attendant; Louis G. Gard- rlgan, Jam es R. Mulligan, of this cUv; John J. W alsh and Morgan J. O'Brien, of New York. Miss FrannlnU and Mr. Moore were the guests of hnn 'r at s dinner giver last night by Mies Marie Byrne, at her home, &6 Montgomert- place. Brook­lyn Covars wer© laid for ten.

• * *Mr and Mrs. Jacob Holla J r , of High

street, have announced the engsgemenl of their daughter. Miss Lucinda M Holl©, and Georg© H. Hepp, son of Mr. and Mra, Jacob H*pp, of this city.

* * *Mipfi Beatrice Wapshsre, nf Kl1xab©lh

avenue, bus been entertaining her cousin, Mlss Ethel Cross, of Bay Ridge.

• • «Mr and Mrs Henry J. Volker, of 2S2

North Seventh slreet, have announced-the engagpruanl of their daijglster. Miss Plor- enr© Volker. and Philip \V, flaitta, of Bay Ridg© No date hna been announced for the wedding.

"Yes, for you duck g irls , too,’Uncle Wlgglly. "But I w ill be oacK | duck children about his adher© when you com© from school, and j v^^ntur© with the hear. Just as I have It anything happens to me Ml tell you bedtim©, tf yona ll about It." picas©, and T can't tell you any more.

So he kept on p u ttin g gasoline In mnn who cleans our ysrdhis automobile until he had the link- ■ ^uoeen’t take my overcoat for a clotbca eruin-tankeruin full, and then _ he baakat and put th© dried leaves In It. Ml tick led the hlckory-dlckory-dock ’’ ^Rh to-morrow night shout Unclea mucilage brush, and he was all ready Wlgglly and the turkey s ta r t off and look for an advenlur©. _____________________

So Lulu and Alice and Jim m ie went on to school, and Unpl© W lgglly rode a long over the Helds and th rough the woods and up hill and down hill.

Pretty soon, as he was riding along, h© i heard a funny Httlc noise in the biisfie.-. |I t was a sad, little, sfiueaklng, sort of : noise and at first th© old g e n tlw a n mb- | b it thought It was made by Bonrethlng on '

W em cn s Organizations

Th© nrogram nrrann»*d for th© mlsiton- nry rnll.v of th© Young Women's Chrls- iJoii .Assi)clatlt>n a! 14 East Park strcei to-morrow night ln«hiri©(i two Hpeskers— Mm. Thomas P (Jladdlng, a member of th© bourd of the NaHonal ABSoclatlon, and MIrb Sarah r WrUb. city secretary of th© a©sncliitlon, who expects to go to India to takf charge of th® work In that held. Mrs. UlRtJdlng ha© recently return­ed from abroad, having visited the varl- oiia missionary centies, Musical numhers wlil be given bv William 1,. F^arker, tenor. Pledge© will he received nt thin meeting for tb© support of the ■work of MiHfl WellR In Imlla This la to b© bus- talned by three cities Newflrk, Brook- nud Hochenfer. It has been ©stl- mated that Dip local ass<*clat1nn must cmdrlhiil© J,1 a day ten days each numfh, and li has elioscn the dav's from the tenth to the Mx'ontleili nf each month Several pledge© hax'e already been mad©.

Owing to ihp Increase of fund© fn the Ireasury, meniberp of the Vinltlne Nurse Assnclntlnn are hoping to enlarge the sc<ip© of their work. Six nurses are now' employed, and 11 Ib hplleved that more could b© utilized. Also, the establish­ment of diet kitchens Is under considera­tion If contributions are mad© regularly and generoufliy. At th© last meeting a balance of 5488.10 W'a« reported.

I"Recent Tjegtslallon' will be the topic

considered by the ('onference of Friendly Visitors al lb© Public Library. Thursday morning at 1»> o'clock. The speaker ■will h© Joseph P, Byer©, general weretary of i: p States ChurlUea Aid and Prison Re­form Association.

Ah E ffec tive M ode! j Frills of FasKioh H?r T hanksgivihg P roclam ahon


o y ecipe^

D e n n i st t ln w t ^ nsk XulWH*..


intt pf;C h p o k . '"

2,000,01)1)^„ .tt JSl-. v

, - ■ ■ ■ : a Organ-.5 , 0 4 7 . 0 0

f his aulomobil© that needed oiling.^ Then | ; h# looked over the side and there, aiiMnc* under an old cJitihagp leaf, ‘W'as a lilt!© niouale girl, and Jt was ©he who was c^v-

I ' Ittf-' , "Oh, hoV exclaimed Uncle Wlgglly, "II* th a t you. Squeaky-eaky?" for ho thought j it might he the little cousin-inouHP wlu' IJv'ed with Joll> and J111I© IxrnglaU, us I

- liQVft told you In other stories.\ "No. I am not Siucky-eaky," Ra4d ^ the little moUBfi girl, "i>ut I am cold anu

' huhgry and I don't know w hat to du or where to go, Oh, dear! Boo hoo!"

"Never mind," «a1d Uncle Wlgglly kind­ly. "I will take you In my auto, and Mi bring you to the house where the Ix>ng-

\ tall ohlldren live, and they']] take care of* you." ^j "Oh, goody!" cried th© little girl mouse,J "Thank you so much. Now I am happy."I Bo Uftcle Wlgglly took her up In the t nloc, warm automobile, i Then he twisted the noddleum-noddleurn j until It sneesed, and away thtf auto went

through the woods again... And, ail of a H sudden. Just as Unde Wigglly came to t a big black stump, out Jumped the bur- g la r bear on his roller skates.

"Hold on ther©!" the bear cried to ihrt old gentleman rabbit, and he poked a

f stick In the auto wlieels. so they couldn't* go around any more ' "Hold on. If you

please, Mr. Rabbit T wmit you.""W hat for?" Rskod Uncle Wlgglly."T want you to com© to ati^per," ©aid

, th t burglar bear.j. "Tour eupper or my eupper?" asked [. Uncle Wlgglly, politely,

"My supper, of course," ajtld th© bur­g lar bear. "I am going to have rabbit pOl'Ple to-night, and you are going to be both the rabbit and th*» pie. Come. now. get out of that auto. I want tp ride in

* M t before I eat you."5 _W'elh of course. Uncle Wigglly felt pretty badly, but there waa no help for It.

He had to get out, and then the burglar »• bear, taking .'off hi* roller skates, got up

In the automobile.1; "Oh, what dice soft cushiona!" exclaimed

the bear aa he sank down on them. Then I , he took hold of the steering wheel in his .; claw© anMtvlMed It. "I shall have lota of

fUB riding In this auto a fte r I eat you ? ;u p ," went on the bear, looking a t the K r*^Wt with hlB bllnky eyes, " l must

J J. le tm to run It. 1 think V\\ take a little rids before I have my supper. But don't .ypti dare run away, for I can catch you.'N

Then, to make sure Uncle Wlgglly ATOuldni't get away the bear took th e old ;5i;rabblt gentleman's crutch away frpm him ' and Uncle WlggUy'g rheum atism was so

asygre, which means painful, th a t he couldn't I riR f a ste^ without hla crutch. So tb«rs wai no use in him trying to r t ^ away.

bear knew how to work the auto, U seeitiat and he started to take a little rltfe In It. Uncle Wlgglly felt pretty

, ;''t rad b M u fe he was going to be eaten up and laSe h tt auto a t the same time,

AH at once, when the bear In the auto wAt lotne distance off lii the woods, tjftcU Wlgglly heard a little voice speak-

E pot ^ him, c:Unela Wlgglly/* the voice said.

.7 ther beat ofth a t' beafr*uUed Uncle WlMUy, ««#*rly.

Ifcre a n hit roller >aid the. und It waa the little mousle girl

, Sw ho was tpeakinr 8he bad quletlv I f jumped out oC the aUto. "Put on his I t •Xalai," laid the mousle, "andS ■Xalo down the hill until you see a po-

la , dog. Then tell .the policemanI Jt.dW to come and arreit tho iw r. He'll

ft, and then you'll get your auto t .*?* ■*’®>‘ 0“ OB roller skates even i wtw yvwr rhfPUntUsnie can't youT" '' •Oi" s ^ the rabbit. "HI try ,". M M pot on the skates while the burglar t * !K "*X)ng the auto go around la a C.jnga te the woodi, and that bear was f S f J g f • All at ones Unoltj V ltfP r atoad iwap. First he want - mM p. aad thin ha wont fatter and ' l u t e unto ha traa jutt w b h ^ aion*. t ^ than, at tbs foot of T I bllL he f i a M the pollehnan dh*,,’.# ^ s t plans* come aM a n u t tb# burg­

lar t a u for m ar he««d tJncls Wlggtiy."To ba wr* I will,’? said the poUceman.

Sa the deg pot on M* s e l te stetaa and kaek wfth Uadi* m p g u y to wh*f*

' i ■ 4 •*: '


Bananas. Cereal,^ CodHsh Balia,

Uon'*'?- Brown Bread.LUNCHEON,

Kidney© wiUi Potatoes.Bread Tea.


Soup.Breast csf Lamb,

SjiiOtlirred Pniatoes,Crvamfd (*©l©ry.

Bvet Saind.Pru)i« Shortcake.

^uggeetlon* for Menu No. 2.The codrteh . balls prepared thv night

befu'e. thi? cooking take© hut a few min­utes, they may bg cooked in deep fat or sauted In drippings, ,

Take half a tJoEen Iamb kidneys, cut them In Jialf and let them soak In salt ■abater for fifteen minutes; drain and cover with boiling water. Again drain. fiauLo fhem In bacon fat left from break- fnsl the day before; when browned, dredgtt Holt Into the fat, and, after It !■ blended, pour on hoi water enough to mnke gravy: seanon and let the kidneys i.-ook for about half an hoar slowly. Cut Into Btnall ciibes Ih© potatoes which were saved froni the codfish balls and add lo the kidneys, "When heated through, serve.

Usp clear soup for dinner. Have th© breast ut lamb boned. Geoaoti with pepper and ©Jtit and roll up, lying securely. Chop an onion fin©, sllve a carrot and a turnip. Put the vegetables into a braising pan with a tableapoonful of butter and cook fnr five minutes. Add the meat and

^dredge the flour. Add enough water to keep from burning, rover and cook slow­ly for nn hour—tlila may- be cooked In the oveh. Baste It frequently. Remove the string from th© meat before serving. Skim the fat from the gravy and stt^hi It over the meat. Serve garnished with green.

Cream the stnIkB of celery left from the night before, bake the potatoes a t Che same time the lamb la cooking.

Get a smai) can of the sweet red pep­pers, turn them out of the tin and rinee. Cut sirlpa of the pepper, end serve them on romalne or lettuce leaves, with Frencli dressing. Keep peppers left over In & glass Jar; cover with a brine.

Make an ordinary shortcake, split and spread with butter. The prune filling is made from the prunes soaked the night before and stewed until tender. Remove the stones and then simmer for ten min­utes lilt they become pulpy. Sweeten to taste. Spread the prunes on top as well as between thg layers and serve wfth whipped cream.

T'i niak© a ©teamed whole wheat pud­ding. v.hU'h w’lll h© found delicious, (ilfi topeiher on© cupftil of whole wheat flour, nne-half I'upful of white flour, one tea- ipoonful of soda, one-half teaspoonful ©nrh of ground cloves, cinnamon and mac© Beat thoroughly two eggs and add to them two-tlilrde of n cupful of nweel milk. tWQ-thIrdft of ii cupful* of Nnw Orleans molanses and stir together bito the dry Ingredients, after which add one- frujith of a cupful of melted butter. To thlfl arid nne-hftlf cupful of currantp, and one-hnlf ciipful of stoned raisin©, which ha\’c been ihorniighly cleijnsed. Steam In either Individual molds ur one larg© one for a t leusl two hours and serve hoi with any shuc© preferred. An espedaiiy good sauce for this pudding Is made of two tnblespnonfuls of butter, one tahleepoonfut of flnur, op© cupful of sweet cream and on© cupful of maple syrup. Cook together for aliout three minutes over n gentle Are and serve hot with the pudding.

Blue and ©tlver «r© the cnlori com- bfnpd In 1 h© dinner totletite shown In the llluHfrattoTi ir I© made on slngulatL' graceful lines and (he effect is bpautlful

The hndir© is melM of ban«l© of silver and blue ernbroiderv over ellvor gaus© embroidered in blue

The h1gh-wal©t©d skirt li both unusual and striking, being of th© torquols© blue satin over which Is draped the silver cloth with a seam down the front which gradually turns bark forming two reverea faced wMth trimming to match the ■waist, and revealing the blue satin down (he fiont. Th© train Jm unite nnrow and Is Sfjuare In ahape ANNE BOMERBET.


"Parly ■ Is Ino weak a word to buK th® elrenuoiifl, m llllanl RuffraglHtfl of the Woman'© 1’ulltlcnl I'nlon of New Jersey, who met last night in their hoadqunrterft a t the Kvnipl\«)uy Auditnr^um. By a for­mal rcMoluiliin they decided rlmt they prefer to h© ilcsiirnated as ' An Army uf Men end Women, Carrying on n cam­paign to f’.alti V\'ftmen ro lltlialEqimlily WiUi I^tcn,"

Mrs Abrajii \u j i Winkle ■ovas eleried president nl ilu- Army, Other ofllcera elected wire: I''lr*t vire-preRldent, Miss Bell© Tiffnri> ; ae^mni vice-president. Mina Carrie Spann; ©erretary. Miss Jeusl® Marshall, and troasurer, Miss Mary Morse

Appointed to th© pdvlpnry board! w-ere: Dr. Mary Hussey, of East Orange: Mr©. Clara V. Laridey, of Arllngtiin: MiesJfliiPt Hiuddilfoid, of M-mtcIftir. and Miss Alice Si’Otf, Mlflft Emma Rlcharda, and MIhh t'lhel noermon, uf Newark. Airs. Fred H. Colvin, of East Orange, w-hh elected chairman of th© fliinnre fomTYilt- tee,

On® of the handsnn:© new evening Is uf pal© liit-jui'ls© chiffon «»ver

pink Tbrt clmngeablft cfftHT Is unutnjally beautiful.

cbangeahl© e lk hoiti©ty Is n fad of th» hour. Th©B© fliockiRg® are of heavy nllk ' ofteti ©mbfuldored: of cmirae. they are I <‘o*tly Anolh©i fad In Imslery In to have j It inoicii the gown, not only in ©olor but ' In th© character of lb© embroidery. [

Tab|©rln1h© with noiiklns In match. etTi" , broM+^rert wRb nrcfitl)© of ruses done In cro.'s tttiii'h ur© amutig the bambsum© nu ■- I ©1tl©H In table lin©n>t this autumn

IjOtig r©\©rsibl© coals of black velv©l©en ; with the* ri’\ur©e elrie of htuiidcioth or aalln. in street or evening ©had©*, are in» cr©nalngl> popular. |

Theatre rap« of vr1\ci are ft«!lsli©<l with a deep hiMid uf heavy rtlver or gul<| nat- ling across th© front, ntiiors ar© «*f tlt« I flgured chlffun. wltll® stll] others are of not over n color.

Wing* and feathers, of all hlrirta aeem- ing]y. nr© used for the turbatiB which e©t well down on th® head. A* a rule thesa ' are made without any further trimming. I

The acarah Is appearing 'In different artlclea of jewelry. Of roursa It la but an Imitation of this p rl«d relic Of Fgypt, | hut It iB most effective, whether wrought Into necklace*, pendants or pin* oC dlf- | ferent kind*.

Tom Thum b meialllr fringe, w hether [ ©liver. k IU, or Bome of the other ihad©*,Ib pff©cti\’e trimming for the chiffon blouse

While the hoop skirt hBs not refunded to favor, ©tlffpTiIng Is appearing In the form of n narrow wire or bon© run through A ©aatng a t ttio lower edge of the tunic. The turnback ruffs to the sieevea often a re eimUarly etlffened.

Luncheon or breakfoBt Beta In grayai, blues, or In ih© pink or yellow linen may

j Bn had etthf'i h©niBtlti-.hed or ©calloped.! The larg© cloths, too. are to be found In

Ih© colored damask© or linens

CovkadCH of bright ribbon are imcd lo ' trim the simple hat of velour, felt or velvet.

Hid© frills of ahe*r linen, ©dg^ with Irish unw-het, \a l or the exqulgitety tine lace of the Arm©nlans gtv® an a ir to many a simple waist or Bull.

Badger. A ustralian opo«?um, croas fox. n)«l© iind r©ri fox art* nmong the sm art fur© this winter

Rug muff© of rorduroy. edged with fur m alchlng th© ©ull of corduroy, are quite up-to-date.

Frin pins of Hlnmlnurn set In a slngto row of rhiTirstoripa are dainty and not <-on aplcuouH

"Th® President ha* Isaiicri his Thanks* giving provliimatlon, I ©e©. ' j-ald a worniiTi lo K friend over a cup of afternoon tea.

"1 ©s'* ■ the other woman replied, her tone ©xprsaslng mild aurprlse at the turn th© conversation had taken.

"Well, do you know." the first speaker went on, wIili that air of dertelon he- lokpnlng tliut ih© mind had Just been made up, "t think 1 sitall Issue a Thanks­giving proclamfUltM) of my own ’*

The friend rvallv was surprised by this lime. "Why. tthnt©\er do you mean?" she said.

"Oh, Lni not thinking of making any announcement iu Uie nation al large, of my speclsi ©Auses for thankaglvlnif," waa th© reply 'But 1 do t>ellev© jt would l>e a goiKl Idea for m© to put togpiher family reason© for IhankfuIncH© and have I hem read at the Thunkaglvlng ditt- ner ‘

Her henrer's ©xprepston changed from c'jrloslly In Inlereal. "Why. that would lie Mil ©xocllent plan," she said.

" I t seem* so to Tne." the other contin­ued. I WHS mapping out the menu for our Thanksgiving dinner the other day, when the thought cam© tr> ni© that year after year the festival did not mean much lo us except the occasion of a more or leaa elahorat© i-eyast. Then I liegan to wonder how the apirit of the day could ha emphaalierl

Afler pustUng my brahma a little, the very Bimpleat answer rnm© to my quei- llonirtgf. It w*B to bring before the fam-

I tly 111© thing* for which the family shouUl be ©BpeclaUy thankful-

"Thos© thlnga are ao easily forgotUn." she went on, ‘T m not better than any on© ©is© In this regard) bo 1 can apeak my mliKi freely. The buBineBB worries that wo had last w inter were very real at tiui (lnu>. and. w© liHve had some anxious weeks l-eraijse of IllneflB, No one wants t'i dwell I'll worries or unhappinesa, but if ©©j't.'tn m nuers had turned out dlffor- eiiBy fium .whnt they did oar Thanks- gl'liig wniiiri he far removed from whntvir iiuw exi'eit.

■|iun hnri ihai fin© vacation trip last suinmer Tliat aaa soinetJring to be tlinnkrijl fur at the tlinv, and to be thank* fill fui now' There Isn't one of iiB, I .. iim Mir.' »ho vHimot present some ap©- rejisuijH for |n> over wlial the past

has brouglit Oh. ■we'vi* had our ©tmre nif dlMni'p-'lnfmenis, but It 1* nui tlius© tilings un wbU-h wc dwell at this Unie,

'So, ah© I’OiH'luried, " rm going to can- VBsa my family foi' i hum'h uf Thanks­giving, and I'm going to writ© 1h©m out, and mnkfl the reading a feature of the Thanksgiving dinner ”

SOAP CHIPSfiORp shavings, w’hlcli may be bought

by the qunniliy, are preferred to other klndB of ©onp by many hmisekeepara. They dissolve quickly and so expedit# the making of Buda.

GUEST TOWELSGn««l fnwflp, mcftflurlng about flftocii

Iru-hos P i and a HIM© Irs.s thnritweniy-fom inches In IsTigih. are being shown In v&risly Miah ever. Bomeof thosf^ In wtripe or floral dcalgn ehow a spar© for ih© monogram lo be added by th© buyer

HECK FIXINGSThcr© Is HM{‘h a displa)- nf jipck fixing©

in th© shops that It In most difflcult lo make a aclci'tlun. Howpvcr, || is w©P to be PUT© that a t'harlott© f'unbiy niff iB boco^ning befnr© yon Invosi in oij©, for whpp lhc>‘ givf* a dftrlrieril.v rirsssy touch tn Bom© l•' ) tllm©a, from ntbere th#*y only detract. Thcr© ar© Jabots of numer. OU9 atylp© In black and also in w'hit©, as well as In tl)p black anrl white I'nmhina-

’ tions. Fivtjua are of net and lace and I Bheer nsatcrlal, ■while th© coat sets of , cloth and whit© etrlped saflb tranaform j th© gftrment wUh wMilch they ar© worn. ' Indeed. It Is pusslhio by changing one's

neck fixings Ao give an entirely ilifforent tons to onu's toilet, I hough th© suit In the aame In ©^ery Inslajic©.


" • ^ ‘ f § a i r

H c a tihRestores color to Gray

or Faded tjair—Removes Dandruff and invigorates the Scalp—P r o m o t e s a luxuriant, healthy h a i r growth—Stops its falling out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye

Sl.Cn sad SOe st Dru| Stores or dircel apos rsesipt af priea ancl dealers aane. Send lOo (or ssmple Koiile.—Philo Hsr SgcelaJiies Co» Newark, N. U. S. A.



8S7 Broad Street

GILDING LACESIt Ip not difflcult lo tranaform a pier?

of ordinary cotton or linen lare Into a piece of Btriklng metalUn trimming ao popular for hats and gowns. The lace Hhonid be pinned on heavy blotting paper, With ft bruah give th© fabric a coaling of the metallic paint, such a* Ib used for gliding varlouB article*. "When quite dry, unpin the lace, turn It over, pin again Into place and gild the qther aide.« BO treated will retain lU bcllltant coating for a tong time, and when! only a ama:! amount of m aterial ie needed. It answer* quite a* well ae buying the tinBel trim ­ming In the Btoree.

AS TO TIN WAREIt ta ft good plan to emear all new tin

cooking utensils ^ wlth lard nnd then wipe thenr with tlsaue paper till perfectly dry befirfe uBlng them. Thla preventa rust. Tf tin cAkr>! panB are turned upside ^ w n on a atove and left till they ftBsume a bluish coloring there 1® little danger of cake or bread burning In them after* ward. _____

CARAREL CUSTARDFor * froMn c*r*mc! custard, which

one wtU find delicious, take a quart of milk and tha rotks of six esgs. Let the milk heat gradually In the double boiler. While It Is heating malt three tablespoon- fule of sugar In a quarter of a cupful of water. Let iCetwk to a dark rich cara­mel, stirring constantly to prevent It from burning, then stir Into It two eup- fulB Of boiling water^ and a enpful of sugar. - Let the water and sugar boll for fifteen minutes. Mix It with the boiling milk and when It bolls again add the egg yolks, beaten together. Btlr thor­oughly to prevent curdling. When cold, freeae It and serve wttb white sponge cake, prepared from the whites that krere left over after using the yolks In the custard.

SATIN I D L E S TSatin soles to be converted Into the

daintiest of boudoir mules ars to he had inj the phopa Satin, or the pompadour ribbon, bannontxing with the color ot the Boles Is gathsrsd on the toe. Often ^ y etUfCon flowtr* or ribbon roeettee give the flnlsblng touob to th* 'toe. A narrow rib' bet) la tacked into place at the emtro of tbs he«l back.. Xbla uta ovar th* ankle, tnaorlng keeping th* mulsiia plaee op tks tMh ■ , ■■ ,

A Plot of UiHiqiiBled Cflogli Sjfnip Ilf 50c

Th«Qulek**t, Burnt C«ugh Remedy Y*u Ever U*«<J, er Money Refunded. Stop*

Even Whooping Cough Quiokly.Ton may aot need the $3 which a 6<b

cent bottla ot Pinel itrei you, but you do Bosd tho woBderful effoctivonsoa «t this fasaens Mogh remedy. It wilt lunaU ly stop th* awat otigeinat* doep-oeated cough Inside *( 34 bouri, aod baa no equal for whnoidBg ceogb.

A Kkeoa* bottle of PInox, mlisd with honw-Btad* sugar syrup, tiros jom a foil piiu—a family supply—of th* stoel plea*. ant and affactir* ooort tomedy you orar used, Baeily prepared In Br* mianme— dlrecttona in paemige.

The way this takes bold of t cough and idros Instant rellsf, wiu oak* you rsgrst that yon noesr triad b bsfet*. BtlmnlatH th* eppetite. Is slightly lauttrs tod tastm food—chUdten take it trilllfity. It baa a wondortnl ncerd la eiasa j i neiilont Isng trouble ond I* oplsadld for etnap, so tim , broBChitio, tbroot tmblo, *t«,

Piuox Is a spoclil and hlfbly otacoo- tmtad eompoand of Norway Whita Pin* extract, rich in gnoiieol and othsr B itm l boaliiif pin* olemaot*. Simply mix with oufor symp or ntialnod hotn , la « pigt bottle, end it it ready for nn*. OmJ in mar* homos in tl IF. 8. nnd Onanda than any othor eo ;h tomedy.

Pinax ban o ^ baan Imitated, but never soccessfnllj, for Mthlng rise will PTodnot the name reantta. The ioutiiot la gnaranteod to give tteln te latisfaclIaB or fflooei refunded. CerUlcat* of guay ontoe Is wianped in etch Ptebage. Tom d r u ^ t bip Mnog or will gU ja gti It t e you. U atnd t* The f l i u x ^ K wayai, lad. "

FREE R E M O ItliA nO Iat your homo ot our Modid t*> Hlsotsla TneBBSB Clenaot. Sold on Mrt pay-

. monts. Bond card or 'phone 141* KarkoL ; i .BUOHMomi! tALM flOo l|. m ■ « 'cil***a •**!

Tiny anti ferneries of twlsl-d ! R E N A IS S A N C E CURTAINS, with In-crepc paper, fUlcri with pafier Howera or | sertion and ertgen to mBlch, whiteplant*, ©iifthir fitip tu carry nut any ric- 1 * * or Ar«h©. yards lonif: atore Bireri color flChcme for Ih© luncheon or ' 11.25: fHrtnry prlc®, 7Br., a t thedinner l«tile. Tiny etflnds of while china | E S S E X L A C E C U R T A IN W O R K S have a vaae or pot of flowera resting on | 330 \V o.hln*ton Street,them, rheae make efleetlve place cards. I open Saturday Evenings.

3 TEIN \effS U P E R IO R Merit is invaria­

bly recognized.Not only the United States but eve^ foreign countiy as well has adopted the Steinway Piano as its leader and has made it ^ favorite instrument. The Steinway has earned this premier position through its supreme qualities of tone and workmanship.

The life of a Steinway so far exceeds that of any other make that every used Steinway is eagorly sought for and gener­ally brings a higher price than any other new piano.

STEINWAY & SONSSleiiiwty >4ill

l07-t09 E ait (4 th S t , N e w YorkSubway Exartu StaUoa at mt Door

'w ; r H

t / . E f a. f f / f




{ 5 EachrEMEH! 01IMIIGIM


5 0 cFIHtlF mMCDOfSO*

WI1H GU SI. 00

llcauiifiil Ret* of Teeth, hand-carved i;iiin* and auiomatic Huction, guaranteeing a p c rfe c l lit, w h e th e r u p p e r o r low er. M ade and inserted at Ihe lowest prices reiBOd- ab le for lire t-c la s i w ork.

American Dental P arlo rs787 Brotd Street



COftNER MARKET H oiihauer'i

Drarf» A. M. toH r . JM.:SiitnlBjN ID In ?


STERLING SILVERFruit Bowls................. 11,00 upBon Bon Dishes.............1.75 upAimond Sets, in cases. 19..")0 upBread Trays................ 11,00 upButter Spreaders,F/'2doz7.00 upCake Servers................2..’>0upPie Servers................... l ^ u pCheese Sets, cased. . . S..70 upMayonnaise Sets........ K..50 upTea Sets, 5 pieces. ,. %.00 up Tea Spoons, I/2 doz .., ..T.OO up Soup Spoons, F/2 doz. .8.00 up

iriGC rrT i PDV Th© Fatnoua “ Wl« Carvisr*"W IJJ VftlULlU and Tlihl® ( ntl©rj

Wiss Celluloid Knives and Forks — 4.0ft set upVt'iss Rubber Knives and Forks........,1.25 set upTable Knives and Forks, bone or ebony

handies ..................................... 1.2.5 to 3.00 setWiss Table Knives, with slag, silver,

ivory, pearl and celluloid han­dles ................................ .3.50 to29,00 per dozen

Wiss Silver Knives....................2.00 t'i dozen upWiss Fruit Knives, plated.. 1..50 to 5.,50 I'j dozenWiss Carvers, stag hanles........1.25 per pair upWiss Carvers, rubber handles. .1.75 per pair up Wiss Carvers, slag handle, sterling

trimmed ............................3.50 to 20.00 per setCarvers and Table Knives in sets al reasonable


W I S STable Service

For Thanksgiving Day, or Any Time.

Largest and Best Stock of

Artistic Silverware Table Cutlery

and Cut Glass At Moderate PricesQ U A D R U P L E P L A T E

Baking Dishes....................4.00 upBread Trays........................2.2.') upButter Trays....................... 5.50 upCandeiahra, .S-light . ,. ,7.50upCandlesticks .................1.75 upCasseroles . . . . .............5.00 upAfter-Dinner Cntfee Sets,

12.50 upFern Dishes..........................,1.00 upGravy Warmers.............B.50 upMeat Dishes........................7.7.5 upPie Dishes........................... 3.00 upTea Sets, 5 pieces... ,15.00 up

J. Wiss & Sons

FINE CUT GLASSA Few Heme from our Large StockNappies .................................1.00 upBerry Bowls.........................2.75 upCelery Trays.........................4.50 upVases ....................................2.25 upSugars and Creams............4.50 upTumblers ............2.50 '/i dozen upWine Glasses. .. .7.50 yi dozen up Lemonade Cups. .3.50 G dozen upCracker Ja rs ....................... lO.aO upJugs ...................................... 2.50 up

6G5-667 BrsaJ Street, Newark “At the WUt Cliines"

Try Petty's Emulsion!Builds Up You^ System—Puts on Flesh—

Splendid ^ r Bed Coughs!Petty's Emulsion does wonders for run-down folks. And

It is pieasani-tasting'-any one can take it. One of the best things in Ihe world for deep-sealed coughs—to build up your body—to increase your sirength and vitality.

The T^id Cherry Increases the medicinal value, as well as removes that unpleasant taste peculiar to other cod liver oil preparations. Try It. You’ll be delighted,

Petty’s Emulsion of Cod Uver Oil with Hypophospluics . and Wild Chenr. BoHle, 50e.; 3 for 11.35.

P e t t yf P h o u r m a u c y ^ 'J

S 781 Broad Street(4 D M ra tnM* F m ie n t l s l WOc.

— Open , A ll Night.P a tty : Mt P u ta Up PnM jtipk to te .

e t ''-' : ' 0

I t . 'fcii




JACK CEYER BEATING"Hope of White Hopes,” Who Lost to Jim

Flynn, Shows Vast ImproYcmcnt in Battle with "New Possibility" from Denver.

Q u e s t i o n s a n d ^ n s w e r sf p n r Ir . oT /> M ~ ~ H ? Q Q


CsrI Morris, the "Oklahoma Giaut" .md prospective '"White Hope," is a little older and a heap wiser than when he first came P ast and met Jim Flynn at Madison Square Garden. Morris, in his bout last night with Denver Jack Ceyer at the Olympic A. C , in New York, proved that while time flics you cm learn while on the wing. “The Giant" is now possessed of sumdem skill m more than take his own part. He made Geyer, who waa touted as a “very good man with a very good punch," look like a most ordinary person throughout the contest, Morris won the fight in the ninth round, when Charley

Monroe, who onre* upon a tlm<* WAA (lulie a irrapp^r J" flotnucnridlflemblp bUiinMfl for profi|iprtlve ■haTOphYnJi or the roped nrenfl. Monro*

I huH iHken Johnny WnU* imdnV hi* wlnff : nnd wnii'i me (is foilo^H of hi# miin a

hriffhl ruliir**:J. J’. N

1 have Tjiken iindn my manng^ni^nr Johnny iSiejiUl U'mUi . who, t hellevr. will be<onns an fiimoij# a# th# greai hanlnm. Frunkle Rnrn:* I wfiB hehind I'rankle three yean* ii«o and prwllcted IliRl woiihl he n clinmplop, 6# he Hhtiwi'fl nflttiml point# If Wallis I'ttrt III litmnelf. there i* fi'eo « finore for Mm. He 1.** bt'-n working oTider my caff for two Wt?ek# and should give a KOI >) arrrttn l of hlmsflf w l»#n he hoito# Kdilk Rertor oi llrown # Gymnaelutn next Hafurdav night

} yoiji *.

h.B lint nmllsHilon papersO

Orange. November 9. 1911.J. P N

)■ 11 pfiaalblp for a young fellow to eectire employni^ f'i In liie Weal th rough the govern'm eni etnploytncnt nfUee, 17

rutfi aak him If theym.t pr .'v. 'n t yi-ur husli^in.l frum KBllIn# for UIbbU'k 'i-r-nr lir?, .. ^* itre riipahle t" I'ook inelr rnilon* IJ

were on n Iohk hike, whni would be tu® anawer" rr#nrr:»lly thr cooking la «ona by tho I’ontp.inv cook, hut can they coo and prepnte ■ fTe« or lea. cook meat or cook vegeuhlcH?

Without Hthletb‘8 iTi our army webecomi- Idh- .ih'l It I* u ilctidly for a





Pearl a tree t, a t th is llm** of tb* untrained men wltimiit n leader.I'ould ! ge l ti Job on **>me of the hoata SERGP.VNT FIIJPPO N E,going to the Houthweet? STEVE. Oomitiny 1.. Tiret ReRlmeni

Priocetoo P layers Show Up ia G oal Physical CoDdition A fter

S ita r ia y 's Gime.

D eW itt Oatshioes Baker as Drop Kicker ia4 W iU Do

P in t i i f in Yale Contest


Vfol cnii huk* I'll anyth!iig

try It w on't cost

J P N ■Whf»rf* - Hii I learn moving plrture nper-

Bilng In Nb-wark anti what are th* rharge#'* W hat Is the Inlllatlnn fees to 1 .In the Prof Maaon#; do they pay regular.V fh” a . W.


wtiich couiiiry i.js .he biglipst Iialv or Turk*)? *■ ^

Italy malnialria a «i.r strength 000 men. Turkey's IMal war s tr e n rh is given as 72S.OOO; but ef men o rg a n li^ ana

The Tigers went through a long signal drill >’eMiM0a>’ afiernonn, Inil cut 'jut all aerlmmatilnn Th#* men were for ihe mnat part In good condition. Wllaun and L>ufT did not get In thf* drill, but look a few

a\*allable for duly. H*ly l.KD.OOO and [ around the gridiron and chucked

1 s-miitu.HEO,

refipe^i fully MONROK.

old-faeldMnedJ }\ NHr.iW' <liY yt"i inpkf an

pumpkin T'le an.1 "'*> where can I pul in an appitratlon nri Ui" I> . !.■ and W. Rnll- rnad ns a iralnnian'’ _ . „ „

MH. AND MRS A. C. PTo make olti-fashloned pumpkin ple saw

or chop a small, nolirt pumpkin Into la^ie plrres awl hnke slowly until soft. Then

Vhite’ the referee, presuming that Geyer hod accepted sufflclettt punishmeni ; Wh"n*rrad7”for maka Ihe pis, nift together In a howl atnd believing that the cruel spectators had been given a long, hard run --------------

their money, tapped the "Denver Po.sibllitv" on the ahoulder and sent ''i" ' ;''>;f“;^ ;^ ,;:ji;i„ ‘ ^ r , r h '." k ‘.n, 'pow.ler. to bis corner. Geyer was a happy guy when he realized that he was through tabiMpounfui of i«o. aOifor the night and would have nothing to do till the morrow. He didn’t make any bluff at wanting more, for which he deserves praise. He had enough and he knew it. It would be a great world if everybody knew when they had enough. Geyer was on the level with himself and appeared aatiafled with the referee’s action. Surely he waa a beaten man, but he was strong and well able to continue

Iiltogt ligir

It ia doubtful if White used good judgment In stopping the contest, espe­cially when he did. There were only two seconds left in the ninth round and Geyer was no worse off at that moment than he had been during the last three rounds. The fact that Geyer himself did not make a protest —was satisfied—exonerates White from criticism. Charley had the nerve to allow Morris and Jim Flynn togothe lintlt when the conditions were a thousand times worse. The panning he received after that contest has per­haps tamed him somewhat Outside of the show of punishment—a bleed- | Ing mouth and a closed eye—Geyir | was not so badly off. He was strong j on his feet, fought back viciously whenever he sew an opening and never once showed signs of being “ill in.” He was well sblc to protect himself and he was strong enough to fight back whenever the chance pre­sented. Geyer, from outward appear- ancee, looked as if It would be merci- fo! to slop hostilities, but he wasn’t so badly hurt at that. His left eye waa closed and swollen as a result of Morris's ripping right-hand uppercuts.

Jim Corb<’'lt had el rlniald* Beat, and h* made a iihort npeech, in wblnh he aaM:

'■fientlenifn. 1 will not detain you lonf, a* ] know you anxioti* to m * the men perform. We are here to-nivht look- in* for a 'real white hopr,' W* ipey clIaA'over him before Ibe evening la over.1 thank you '*

Corhett KOI the "R ah’ Rah! Jim !” an- rompanled by enthiielaatlo applauae. Next to me at the rlnKMldti eat P- T Powerfl, who talked baseball a little arxl the Bix-dey bike rare a whole lot. Mr. row ere’B partiifir. H arry Pollok,Geyer In tow. und "IV T." ram e "Just to see how ll;irrv 's man would make o u t" Other devotees of the sport were aUo there. Aroortd Ihe r ln f could be spotted Dlgby Bell, the actor: the twin m anageri, the two I>ana, Morgan and McKettrIck; Tom MesBenger and a num­ber of Newark and New Jersey sports.

cupful of cold water and mU Into a amooth. Arm paite. Turn It out on the flourod piisiry board and flat- . ten ll out ihln with the rolllni pm. ThorotiKhly jrr^aee a deep pi* pUto, lay m the paete. presaifiK ll In rlose to fit IIW tin and trim lh« edges Mix U»f«ther two cupfuls of the prrpared pornpkm. half a b'vpl teaspoonful of salt, half * rounded teaspoonful of ground ritinamon, a rounded teaspoonful of ground gtrtfer, two wcll-be»ien egga. two-thlrda of a cupful of sugar an«1 a scant two oupfuls of milk. Pm*r this mixture Into lha pla- plate ami bake It for forty-live m lm it^ m a moderate ovon K. T. Manda, round­house, Hoboken, la the man to see about A job on the !>., 1-s- and W.

riiATc are nu plares In the city where lli-^ uacb the art of operallng moving plf'fiire machines If yo\i caji laT>d a Job Ilf assNiiini at one of (he theatre's. >ou m[nhf be able to pick up the The tniilulbm fee of Free Masonry Jodgt-3 is not I'ulillc pioperi)'.

East Orange. Nov. 10, IBll.J P S

Kindly bu me know through your col­umn* when and where the Montnli^lr HIbIi Sch'Htl-MontcUir Ar^ademy fonthajl game i» to be plu>‘f*(J this year: at what time of dnv Is the Newark High School- East Orsnue High Hchool football game. M ^ and whfil Is the school Mower of Newark High Sfhool? K. R B

Montclair Hftrh School and Montclair Academy play their game a t the Mont­clair A. f grounds on Sslarday, No­vember 25. The Newark High-East Or­ange gamp w'MI be played gt Ashland Flalrt. Ertst Orange, on Thanksgiving

Turkey 2,0<J0.«P.J p. N.'

P leafe .say the nailonallty HaiLdntph Heamt. ow'ner American’ ^ ^ ^

Mr. Hearst Is ih" son of English and Scotch parantaj nourished on Amsnean •oil. Hla father. Senator Georg* H «r*b the son of William G Hearst, a Poulb Carolina farmer, of Scotch ano*8iry. William Randolph Henrsit’* Tnolher was of English parents.

10Orange. Not

Please tell me If an Acting Qnvernor of

the pigskin back and forth Both of them showed the effects of ihclr four days rest, hut are not yet in tip-top condition and will require at least another day to put them In the proper shape for the Ytle game.

The signal ilrlll was not as encourag- 1ns as It m ight have been There waa lacking the dash nnd stamina In the men that charactorlred the week of work be- fure the H arvard contest. The backs still ahoTkcd lip poorly at Interference! and the new’ combination In the back- field, Tlaker, rendlelon, D# Will and \'anR’hsn, could not get together when

New Jersey r^ e lv e s the Governors pay around the flanks. One ofwhile performlbg the dullo* of that omce , guartot waa always In the wrong during Ihe Governor's absence? menagernent has tried the ex-

J w L. I ------ having a photog-, perlment thl- . — -- The Acting Governor is entitled lo the rapher take pictures nf the plays and

OovernoFa pay and la given it- The prac- 1 then exhibiting them to ihe players in

The expected rest for the varsity play­ers of the Yale team did not materlalixe yesterday, though Ihe scrimmage was shortened to ten minutes, The variliy had lo scrimmage Just as any other duy and were sent agaltiet the strongest scrub team. The scrimmage was for tha pur­pose of trying the new plays, and ther# ^ a s no attempt to make a touchdown by the varsity. Waller Camp Jr,, who wm Injured In Saturday's game, was all right yesterday and played left halfback at the field. Captain HoW« waS slightly Injured, frut has recovered. While no change -was made In the Une-up except the putting In of Reilly in tha absence of Dunn. U la generally expected that there will be a sislft lA the line-up this Week, especially In the back fleld< and that room will be made for SpoJdlng and Anderson to start In the Princeton game Saturday PhilbSn is probably relegated to the second team for Alie real of lha season, though he should get In one of the games. This Is because he cAnnot catch a punt with any dagroa of cer­tainty.

tlse, however, ban been for the Actingflay, etarllnn at 12 o'clock noon, Newark j ejovernor tn turn over the inoney eo re-Ihgh bnan't any particular flower, girls prefer chrysanlhernums.


Fighter* have great c'-infldenra In ) -themselves—aometlmes. The day b efo re’ ^ ^he met Jim Flynn, Carl Mairls said toV. T. Powers, In answer to what thought of hla chances In the battle.

"Well, Mr. Powers, Flynn can’t pusalbly stand up under my punches for ten rounds and live." Flynn won.

When Geyer came Into the ring last night the Denver man w as very cocky. He said to a friend, who Inquired as to his opinion of the outcome:

'Tf Flynn could do it 1 can." But he coqldn''t, and he lost. If ha had won, Qeyer had arranged to telegraph his

J P. N.:A claims that the Royal Arcanum is

the only Insurance th a t 1* paid to the I heneflclary of a man w'ho commits suS- : ride n claims th a t only a few of the

bat* i big regular companlps pay any such ' rlulm. nnd that the Royai Arcanum es­

pecially bar* the rlaltn of payment to the relative.^ of a suicide. 'Which is correct?

J. C. EIf death Is caused by suicide the claim

will be paid by any of the big companies. If the insurance has been In force over a year. The Royal Arcanum, 1 have been informed, pays Insurance on suicidal claims only to those Immediately con­nected with the Insured person, such as

In this case,too, the Insurance must be In fore* more than two years.

J t», N.:Flense be so kind as to tell me, through

your column, where Glacier Nnfionol Park Is located, and why It te called the SwUserlAnd of America?**

A SUBSCRIBER.G tarier National Park Is located In

Montana. It has approximately &15.000 acres, of which IB.OOO acres have been surveyed. Within the limits of the park there are 2S0 takes, ranging from ten miles to K few hundred feet In extent. The park takes Its name from the fact tha t there are IBO glaciers between five square miles and a few acres In area. There are wild animal*, plants and rocks in number and quality to satisfy the most ardent Ktudent 1 here are views of great \’artety, kieauty nnfl grandeur to satisfy the artist and lover of nature. Major William R. I-rfigan Is acting superlnten- ileiu In charge of trail and road construe- tUm. His address Is Belton, Mon. The park ran be reached by way of the Great Norihern Railway The tmirlst sea-

: ion extends from May 1 to ^September 15.

celved to the Governor.O —

Bponcho-No premium

Important—Search me' —O"

H arry Btrack-ConsuU

G rant-See answer to Dan Dutson.


H. N -T h e dlslSJice Isthree-quarter mllea.

Blooinfleld--A*h the people you mention for th* Information.

—O—Plainfield Write to the secretnry of the

police h 'fiT'l, New Y'ork f?1iy.-Q

A New’s Reader—There arc hundrads of places w’her# such a motor ran be bought.

SquseduTik Farm er—No premluVn except in the dime, which la worth fifteen cents.

»• -o~J. P. N,:

Kindly let me Itno*' tit* n*me« ef tha dally papers published In New Haven.Conn. A READER

Beirleler, Morning Jourtial.Coiirler, Pal­ladium. TimeB-Lcader, t ’nlon.

but he wta elweyt ttrong end willingend ihowed greet gemeneas end | nanoee, wlm Ilvea in Denver, to come Itemlne during the entire bout His *lajt and marry him. thus not only did defelt will, eettle h!l laplratlona for a 1 he meet defeat, hut hla romance waa while, but he la clever enough to beat blighted.

J. P N.:Will you please be lO kind and conae-

Bcendlr.f as to Insert In the "Bport Topics Of the Hour" of your most valu­able paper the date of production at tha Newark Theatre this aeaaon of "Alma Wo Wunsl D u /’ and win the affections of


e whole reft of the “White Hopes" ! BHiy i^wii, the Newark dihiar, c a ii^now lookisg for e ahow In New York. 1 nt the News offlea to-day and eapresied

J Q I a desire to "(e t bach" a t the original

I . . /

As g r«af fight it wu* perhaps the great- u t 6ver seen between big men. There wggn*t an Idle moment. Geyer wa» always willing and Morris surely did his share. Blews fell thiek and fast and left their Agrks particularly on Geyer Morris, who

'tffiorally ohows puntnliment so eaelly

Willie L#ewia for a le tter the la tter hod written to the New*. Billy spent consid­erable time In preparing hi* defense, but tore up h i | communication when Informed th a t a certain part of it would not be printed. Billy left very angry wUh him­self and vowing th a t the world was

was strangely free frorri bruises. T h a f against him, He also said th a t he would

The German version of the play waa prtidiwed during the week of Majoh 21,1910, but the play "Alma. Where Do You Uve?" notice th* difference fmm “Alma Wo W unst Du,” was given In English during the week of April 17,1911.


light side of his face, thnt had been hut tered so terribly by Flynn, wn* only j aUghtly swoilen and hie lip* were puffed. but be did not bleed a t all. He looked , Bpic throughout the contest, and Is a much fuxler gent than appears on the sur- | face. He took good care of himself a t ' all timeis nnd when he felt conllflent that he had hi* man he did a little footwork and a few* shifts that, while not clevnr, a t least gave evidence tiiat he was trying to learn.

—0 ~While Morris showed Improvomeni In

Ws bout with Geyer over ihe mchlhltloTi he gave against Flynn, he Is not wltltin many miles of being a worthy opponent of Jack Johnson, whlcb is the aim of all "White Hopes.” But Morris Is much bel­ter, He ha* a rlght-hnnd uppercut that Is fairly cl«\'er and very effective. Hia left hand 1* not much, He mostly slaps with It, but h* uses It as a "stall" for a feint tvhfTJ he wishes tn employ his rlRhT. He doesn't swing. He walks right In and [elams away at the bod>' and head, and when he rests he proiertB hlmaeif fairly well. He has a habit nf looking around the ring at the fipectator*. but somehow or other he l* always alert when tlie other fellow gets busy. He made Geyer mies a whole lot of right-hand ewlngs, some of whioh. If Innileri in the early rounds, when the I'priY-er man was strong, would have rui a Ulg figure in ilie nut- come.

Car! Morris 1h pinxiou.t to br ih*” wr»rld * champion, and ho N working huri] lo reach thru gnai Iff 1h a hor^'- for work and be bos he'-n tmui'nfi fi i m bertiflily for the first mji i il n? wnuJil reme along. Gcvcr was th f timm iimI Morris has Blood the ‘Tiip 'llrui' l«» pon- jderoua and be hns prent nr'il>le In rt- ' ducing- When he foughl Pitnn he weigh- | ed 2o5 pounds He whn i<i*vpnteen po'inds lighter last night, and he showed \’afil Improvement hpcnusr- of It Mnirls h.i.H developed a great rlglil-haml jfipercut. He kept (Jeyer H hr*ad rocking nl times as if it were on hinges He ni’nle him go i i cover and iip bcni him ai-nmd ihe bo!1 ■ with good, heftltliy punt'hes (lf*y«r took n hlg load nnd showed great couraBe. At tlintja. when It lociked hr if M'lrrlH woold crumble him. he wonlil rnme with i flgbllng spirit tlisl earner] him cheers Morria has become wise and huti learned how to protect hlmnidf from ti inlehmeni. He will never have tn take anolher beot- Ing like the one Flynn gave 1dm, be- cause he has learned liow to avoid M

Inform his friends that I had refused to publish hla side of the argum ent, which Isn’t so. I^ewla Is not Billy's right (lame, and which I* W illie's right name,rriticiscrl Billy for using hie name. Billy admits that T^wls is not his right name, but he doe.Rn't like the m anner In which Wmio tells about It-

To fAc gporiiap EiUtttr of the \R W 8:Sir—It seems quite evident that the

article which bore the signature of WllUe Iscwls, In Friday evening'* lasu* of the News, Is In truth a case of "a swelled

I cranium." Wherev»*r Billy T.,«-wls ha* ap­peared It he* always been "Billy.” not

! ’Willie." a* has been Intimated by the I Instlgnlor of the ncarly-a-hero letter,; RlUy IjCwIs Is not responsible for any ■ typugrnphU’al error.I Willie Lewis desrr\es censure. If h* j strenuously «ibjected to the use of hla

name, vfhy did he magntry and take oc- I ra.slon to suy, "1 am of Irish parentage

and I'm proud of it; Billy [..ewda is an Italian .■' Is not Billy Ijcwlu jusl as pruud f hh nationality *r he la? And he’s Just

J. P. N.:1 don’t know w hether th is question Is

in your lln* or not, bu t T know you will give me an answ er If possible, I w ant to fo to Europe th is next spring. My husband is not yet an American cltl- xen, but wilt be able to tak e out his final papers th is year, W hat 1 w ant to know Is th is: W ould he be gran ted his n a tu rs llia tlo n papers while 1 was aw ay in Europe, or would I have to be here at that time? MRS. EDDERLY.

The f a d th a t you w ill be abroad will


Indoor A. A. U. Championships

Dec. 27-28

NEW YORK. Nov. 14—AI1 of the holes, „ r , .... ...... o . J consists of tho clothing worn mi j pracHcaJly (or th* K o rn Show beenGarden. New York, on Deoenibe#S e*,ra. clothing. > reserved up to les t night. This ndvenreM V fc i...,..,, . . . . . . . . »IU ha na. ‘ g,j,n„,n|(jon, rations for three days, tools sale, In addition to tha *>'*

aH much Anujficftii, tar>. Don'1 yo\i think Tgewls has used too much elbow 1

tas hs does Jn all Ills flghlsl?'t ho | U'<«*d too much cninr" T leave It lo the I public.^ j

I also wish In Mats as b follower of < the game that rids chap Willie has been i ten frank In bis derlaratlon,' lerming j HUly a "d u b ' Willie l-ewl.s has been , flKhllng for ihlrteen years, and If Billy , hud been In the game just ns long h* could make all the WlBle Iy*w!ses look like mere atoms, not dub*. As a mailer of fart, WIIIIp' r and B illy's name In cor­rection Is William Sincerely yours.


Entry blanks were issued yesterday for the annual International Indoor champlon- Phlps. They will b« held a t Mndlaonflqunre27 and 2S. Thirty-six events will be de cidpd during the two nights. The first night will not he given over to the Juniors. Instead several junior events and several senior events will be derided each night. Entry blanks have been sent lo every athletic club tn the country, and St is ex­pected that all parts of this country and t'anada wit be represented at the meet.

November 10, lOll.Ti) the Sporting E^flor nf the SEWS:

Sir—Will you kindly give me space In your valuable paper to express my Ihnughis In regard to the Basketball Ijcaffue of the First Reglinent.

The necessity of gnvernment service In Ihe National Clunrd I* felt and the men should be well bulll, through proper nib- letii’s, to enable them to walk n long distance with as little food or drink as possible, and to Hustaln hardship.

1 have had Ihlrleen years of military discipline, of which three were in the In­fan try of the orKnnl*ed mlHtlft, of wlilch 1 am very proud. I have enlisted In Company H as n cook and have risen to tha rank of aergeanl, and T also have become an Ins^uctor to recruits. I see enlisted nipu under my aupervtainn are very anxlotis to lenrn nnd are capuhiB of doing many things If their superiors give them more Instructions.

The Regimental Basketball Iiengtie was well organized for th* first two ye.Trs- The enlisted men took keen interest In Jt. The gnm* taught them all aelf-defen.'^i' and when a team was defeated the play­ers would give three hearty cheers to the victor. T hat Is what T consider good Bportsmanshlp.

The IfllO-ll basketball leagu* o'as or­ganised and ctmilucted by only enlisted rnen. The prizes were to go to the first, second and third teams, but as far hr I am told the league has not sufflclet^t money to purchase ihe prixna, and ihe boys who represented their respective team s last year will very likely not play tills coming season.

It Is a pity that the athletic sport should be coat (Dul for imch a minor Tf j you drive out the good old Amerirau Bport* of aihJetlcs you will have no able 1 budled men Join our militia, and If they 1 are accepted or stiriUggleHl Into Mirioufl [ rom panles they will he of no value. They i may have a good head to learn and obey j orders, but when It oomsa down to tli* ' fine point of It, such os what they shcnild wear and carry In the flold, their legs, arms, body and muscles will no longor oimtaln hardship, and such men will more or less fall out and break up the com­pany.

Tf you should tell a young man. on* who ivas not received any athletic training or has none In him, that the regimental

Pan Dutsnn W rite to Superintendent O'Rourke, Hudson Terminal building, Mew "’ork

—O"'"C. G —Unless It Is In very good ccndl-

tlop. the coin Is not worth more than sixty cents.

J. A. W.-■^’rlte uj I»u la A. Edwards, postomc* hullding. this city, for an appli­cation blank.

F. R. P.—Th* dim* has no preralum, hut the half cent Is worth a nickel and th* penny about twelve cents.

"O '"C, Tell-There t* no particular value to

the coin, though, If It Is In good ehape you might get sixty cents for It.

- o -W alsh-A* a rat catcher I ’ll have to ad­

mit defeat. Try aome rat polton and he careful not to get It In your soup.

Dlppythniandthru—A hoy of fifteen be- Ifjoffs In school. Drawings of the ma­chine must be furnished with the request for ft patent.

crticr to kI\ c them an Idea of how they were running them off. Tn spBe of * 1* udvanrngp (he Tiger hackfleld Is slow- to round oiAl Into shapt- for the big game- They Fturt with a jump- but do not keep together w'hen they get more than five yards away.

Baker and He W itt devoted a good deal of the ftfiernoon to drnp-Uickiag. Bnkyr had It on De WUl on sccnrftcy. but Pe Wilt got off tha longer boots. Both men called In the aUI of the wind, whU-li was blowing at a high rat* across th* gridiron. !■)* W itt will probably do the drop-kicking for Princeton next S atur­day. as he has had more experlej^c*.

Hammond alternated with Duhlap at right end, and playsd a pood game at that position. HSs *tar game on Saturday has mad* him look Ilka an end possi­bility. iKmlnp plays a very fair brand of fontliftlK but there Is no denying that tlie >‘oiir!gsfer has it on the veleran In enme departm ents. Hammond Is awfuUy good at forw'ftitl paases, and can be re­lied upon a t Ihe receiving end It was by these plays of the scrub backfleld th a t the heennd string backs gni their nam* as being Just about as good aa the v a r­sity men, and Hammond was the best of the four at the play. Hla play Satur- <lav when h* jumped In the air for the plRskin. got him in soft with the conches. Tho TlRPrs have always he*n weak a t forward puRslug, ndmUtedly so, and six days of work on th* play did not seem to Improve their execuilon of l^ The Tigers will put a good deal of t!m* on the play during the next week, and if the play looks good by Wednesday, It win h* used as a big factor In Salurdoy s game. The onslde kirk will also he a pow- erf\il weapon In th* Tigers' paws, fts De W itt 1* probably the best man In tho ]-:a«t a t ihla form of booilYig the hall.

Taking yesterday’p work as a criterion,, tlio otitlook for Princeton la not encour- nging. T hat was the way ll wna before the H arvard game, ao it la believed that Coache* MacGreg^'n and Cimnirigham have slipped something up their sleeves ready to he used when the tltne Is ripe. Xo definite Une can bo gotten on the real strength of Princeton, as practise is se­cret There Is a feeling around the campus, however that the team is going lo turn on Tale this fall and give the Bulldog a beating. Princeion has suffered too many defeats in the last decade for them not to be desperate when the climax

Yale Field three days from

Stagg to Shape Up Chicago Coach Siagg promlass a vigoroua ahaka-

up and a week of strenuous football train- tug for the University of Chicago eleven in preparation for the gam* with Cornell next Saturday. Poor toukllnf and blo<A- ing slowness with th* open field lactic* .in.i InaJeQuato defeni*, »r« a few 0( th« laiiltB Coach Stan will attem pt to remedy during the n e it tew daya.

Brown U DiscouragedDlacouraged by the defeat administered

by Yale on Saturday, the Brown team look only light praetlae yesterday, but will got ,3owii to buelneoa with renewed tlelermlnadon early In the week. In the effort to correct as far aa may be Ua more glaring defects before meeting the Indiana Here on Thankaglvlng Day. Brownwill play Vermont on next SaUirrt...........Trinity the week following, hnin on home Held.

Penn Shows Much DashThe victory over lA fayette seemed to

give new- life to the University of I’eiin- aylvanla fooUmll equud In Its practise yes­terday afternoon. The workout was shorter than usual, but was much more vlEOrous for the second string men. George Brooke and Mike Bennetl ap­peared nn the Held to help coacb the barks. Broke gave Thayer and Harr In- Ktrucilons in punling.

Anxious—Communications should be ad­dressed to the siiperlntandent or general auditor of the railroads at* Iheir main offlees In New York.

.M. MoG.—Coin collectors and other ex­pert uunilsmatlsts find It dtftlcult to state exactly the value of the certtfleate. They are not wUIlnC to go on record as nam­ing its worth, iinlea* they heve had a look a t ll. So far ae the Intrinelc value of the bill !• concertied, it Is worthless. If it is genuine; you might easily ffnd a market for It among the eollectors,

Navy Will Bel S5.0U0 Mvinbers of the first class .at ilic Na'a l

Academy are r.ilalng tha sum of from the brigade wiilcli will be wagered with the corps of cadets of West Point on the uulriime of the Arroy-Nnvy game. This win be the largest nmi ever placed b>. the two flludent bodies. The bet is always made on even lerms, nn matler what the nctusl sporting odds iidghl lie, nnd has been placed In years when the Navy team was far outclassed. This year, It la believed, ail a pur.'ly aibletlc event the odds should be even.

comes on

WB.B tb* coldest weather that th* learn ho* practlflod In this season. Punts w*r« fumbtsHi evarr minute and the could not sq u e « e Hi* ball for any length

tlm*. Th* dopesiPTS fijfiir* Hiat it

Sell Army-Navy Boxes To-day The lhtrly-iwo boxes for the Armv find

Navy fonlball gum* on Franklin Field. Novemh^'r will he nlimitMl to tho first thlriy-lwo nppllOfiTitR to-day iu ll-l ro'-b- Ilfretofore U has been tlie pnioilne tn auc­tion off the boxes to ihe jilgheHt bidder*, but aa the number of boxew at the dis­posal of the TinSveraUy authoritlpa iiasi alrsafiy been ovorsuharrlbed, there wl no auCtfon sate.


of f Cold Checks Cornellthe Tigers are not , The effect of the cold v.cvp on fooihnli


Boxes Are About All Taken for

Horse Show

r ' n ’n v ^ ^ c C s V ' f gVe“ I ^ wa» demonstrated on Orm..,!terlallj decrea • * , Atiimnl Field yealerday. when a pro-S>w" Haven next Rrturday, all on ae- | pnsed bard program of work, including a .Sew Haven next nai Bc.rimmage, hail to he called off because‘"m k e ” 1® too light to be of much use 1 of the imense cold, the high wind and on a heavy fte'd. And there is not much the frozen gridiron whith chance of Yale cxeicblng much carewith the held. With her Ifbavy team they would tak e to a wrl gridirnn like ducha to water. The Tigers will practite on b rI- day afternoon and go up lo New Ym k that night, continuing the trip Paliirdny m orninj.

was HO hard tha t Dai? r**fl would not allow Ih* play-

ra to tackle or ewti fall on tlic ball.

A R eader-In auawer lo vour qu*B(lon ponrernloK A find B and flic envill deb!, the answer I*: No. A hasn 't ft remot* rhftnce of feltin* on even term s with B.

o -Eijrhih Grade rupll. New Provldimoe—

riHOprftph>' le an lTit**rest(nK sttidj', and If >'nti paid Afienilun to your big. Aft! book Iti aehfvil, you wouldn't ASk such foollnk(jiif Rttnni,.

OJ ll M'--You can have Ih* Newark

E\*niPK News e-iii to you no mailer

Woman Angler^ 100 Years OW,

Still Fishes



w !im e > mi ,i I r !.s ll (liMirlslYiMK t" l»e ruoTu f.>r

BRIBTOl,., Tenn.. Nov. L4—Mrs. Jan* T. Rinkle, wl*o was born in Wythe County,

i Va., Novsmber IS, IBll, osl*bra!«d ysst*r- [ lUy ih* lOoth anniversary of her birth at I the home of her *on, her*. Still vigorous \ for on* of her years, Mrs. Hlnkl* firmly

bplteves that her long Ilfs and her bright prospects for living a few year* longer ia due to hesr nt'Mvlttes and to her fondness

j for the open air.T have hurdly passed a fishing sea-

N it io a s l CwniM sisD Decides Members of D isbisded Clobs

S h ill Get M n e ? D n t

reserved seats yesterday tor the sliow, Robert A. Falrbalrn, chairman of the committee said, indicates a record-break­ing attendance at thlA the iaat, exhibition of Its kind at the tamoui old Garden. As usual Alfred O. Vanderbilt flies in the face of Buperetttlon by taking box No. li.

b u d d y F A U L K S TO F IG H T A L D E L N O N T

Would Guard A g a i n s t the Freak Goal

Harvard Prepares Tor Dartmouth Ttie Itarvard aquad worked for an iiour

In a luting winter gale yesterday after­noon, the play being devoted mostly to signal drill, Tlie work, a“ usual, was aecral. To enliven things, a fast twenty- minute scrimmage polished off the mati­nee, the regutara and the .subs facing each Ollier in a sleillug hattte, in wlilcn neither team scored. Preceding tHe Out­door work a long blackboard talk held attention In the locker building. Siiiiie of the formations tvliltih tiie V'arsily has been working on during the past week for use against Dartmouth Battirdav were again gone over, faptatu' rishor was haciv at rlglu guard. Fisher lias been playing this posltton ever since his entry

NEW h a v e n , Conn.. Nov. 14.-Some of \ Jfito football s*vfn years* ago, and th* prominent Tal* football m*n ai* | adage of "You can’t teach tin old dog

Aturoina th* coach** to mak* a definite - irickg” amply covifta Ills case ornament with Harvard and Princeton rjght tackle, where the Crimron leader bafor* the ■eaHon’s championship games, ]j«en * practising tl e oast wee.ti


ir.mne picking In Fkiriila \ flon," she said yesterday, "In fifty years'.Inpftfl. and there ought

nuple of experts Uko\ ■ HJ.

that I faile<l to go to th* river with hook • nr] line,’ nnd her friends declare sha Im* been a most suocsasful flaherwoman.

L - i ;

Morris had liip belter of p\ery round but ih« fir^t, and lie didn’t iiRvr any th* worst of the oprnlng >i(*fislon. Goynr wan BO fsftt for a big man a t th* i>^glnn1ng that he appeared to have nv>r* ihan a chance, but soon Morris h*gjin to put !ii hli licks and Geyer began to look veryordlnary- In Ih* stj. omJ n»und Geyer hleft «ye became •conipletcly closed, and with hit" mouth pwollcn and tdepdlng and hll face In general bnfiBed h* iiri’senteda rather Inglorious High!. Hut he ............._ ___ ________ .game and the crowd ’’litlil him u p ’ m hia ' blow to boxing In England, unlt^sF It \i work. He fought vlclousiv, and a!tlio\igh ; reversed by a higher court, to whlrh ixi\

1 appeal will b* taken Immediately. Th*

Boxing Practically GetsIts Death Blow in England

\ Tiiaglsirnte In Ih* police court at Blr- ndngbftm, England, yesterday niled that tlio prnpoaed fontcRt between Owen Moran and Jem Driscoll for the llghtwelglit r]lamplonshlp of England would "he a prtsie-flght within Hie meaning of the law. and therefore lIleKdl. He bound Moron and Driscoll to keep the peace. This decision Is regarded In sporting olr-

wft.s 1 rice as praclically eniJivalent to a tipiith

The Ijcach Cross-Ttjmmy Maloney ten- round bout—If It goes th a t dtgtanca—a t th* Fairmont A- C., Now York, to-night, promlees to b« a r«al puflltsttc display,

iHarry Forbe*, of Chicago, th* otie-tlma

cliamplon bantamweight boz*r of the world, wiu make his first appearance In a ring In New York to-night since his re-

A ruling which has Just been handed down by th* National Baseball Commls- fllon, should prove a protection to the p layers of minor Uigu* eluba forced to disband with a salary Uit unsettlod. Hero- a f te r laid territory will not be protected end the league to which the oluh bo longed will not be pernmtecl to suhatltule any o ther city Into Its circuit until the sa lary obllgatlonH hav« been mode up U the players.

As a further pruiecilon to minor league clubs, the National HotnmlfiBlon has thnrlied i^ecreiury Farrell, of the Na­tional Association, lo hold tbe am ount of d raft or purchase money turned over for any of these players by club* with which they as free agaiit* might aubiequently sign.

This money is to be applied pro rat* to the settlem ent of the salary due to ths drafted or purchased player and hie for­mer team mates. In oaie of a balance after due Betticment. the club from whtob the player is purciiased or drafted Is to benefit.

The case of Player Averett callod forth the ruling. Charleston, of the Bouth At­lantic LfOague, disbanded, owing this a th ­lete He finally signed with P itts­burgh on the understanding th a t the Pl-

Buddy Panlka» the colored feather­weight bOKsr of this city, has been matohod to fight A3 DeHnont before the GrofOD A. C.. of-Troy, a week from to­night. The bout promisee to be one of much Importance for the Newark lad. os should he win ha will reoelva bout* wUk some of tha tepllnars in bis class. He Is m fine fettle, and Is being prepared u i^ar tha direction of hts manager, (?rack8r Jock Btbbi.

F^sulks bos been matched with Aba A Wall, th# featherw eight champion. In & bout hilled for to-night a t Troy, but be­cause of Attell's poor showing In a mill a t Buffalo lost week, the affair was called offs Phllly McGoTarn was tater aubitltuted for AUell. but ha backed out of tha mill.

Tha Nawarker la to make HI poonda ringside for Detmont. and h a t posted 1300 forfait lo weigh In aecordtngly,

relative to counting possible field goals mado by drop or place kick* that hit the rm tind and bound over (he crossbar, Tlie irfay is regarded as more of a llhely- poe- elblllty a t T ale than It seeroe to be a t most unlversitlBi. It not only happened a t both Andover and Princeton on aatn r- day. but it hae occurred several times la p rac tlia a t Yale recentiy .____

tlie past Jenckea perfoitned yesterday.



X avier Catholic Club'a basketball leam won a hard-fought victory over tn ^ Mer-

toward tho end his blow* larked Btram lie !

J. never gave evidence of wanting tn stop, ■ft’hen Referee 'Whltf’ did call a halt It came aa a surpri** to fighters and opoc- tatoiffl alike, Geyer didn't rebel. He was app^en tly satisfied Morris couldn't ob­ject. He, XoOt was pleased. Car], in show bis goodness, walked over to Geyer's corner, grasped him by ih* hand and sold:

“ Tou’re all right. Jack! You're a good manf”

Oeyer smiled, and with bis one aye

fight was lo be held In December for a pursS*bf llO.fDO'.

U lrry English, of" Troy, and Howard Morrow, of Byracuse, boxed ten tame rounds a t Syracuse Iasi night. Few blows wpre struck. English broke two bones In his right hand In the fourth round and will he laid up a t least six weeks. Ha canceled his fight with Sailor Burke In New York, scheduled for next week.

•I"Grover Heyes. of Phllaflelphia, won a

P^wepeper declrion over Frankie Burn,,

turn 10 the pim c. He Will meet Gherley , — - , .r .. . .Gnldman in a ten-round bout el tho ' ra tes should pay him aJ Ithe back eslary Royele A, C.. Clermont Avenue Rink, ^ue from Charloslon,

In eeourin* the Park A. A. oval on which to play tha remaining camee on hll lohedule, M ansiet- Robert F raser of the Franklin A. A, football team has made a wise move. The projSQt has ths ■upport of a la ri* numbor of football sn- thuslasta In the North Snd soetlon. I>y its sterltn f work on tha (rid ln ti here- abouta thta season, tb s FraakUn slsfsn has won recognition and may b* oonsld- ered one of the best teams hi thl* TieUilty, Amoni Its reesnt perfonnanoss was a 1 to t victory over the Rahway Touny Men's Leayne, which was recorded on Baturday a t Rahwaj'. On eleotlon day,

cury Five of New York at the Casino Hall, th is city, last night. The flrat half ended w ith the ecore ( to t in the Xaviere

Most of the points tallied during the Oret fifteen minutes were the repu t of tree throwe awarded ^ ®"':llvan because 0l repeated Infractions of ihe rulwn The Anal score was 23 to li. the Mercury playere flnlihlng th* conteet In feet atyle. The game was a hummer with­out a doubt, bu t it could have been m ^ e a still be tte r baskelbsll oontest bad the M ercury men held cloeer to th e rules. The New Yorkers broke the laws of the gam e so often In the ilrot half th a t fouM were mor* numerous than Held goals. In, the second period, however, a cleaner gam e wae played. Near the end oile o the M ercury playere became winded, and time w as taken out until he was able toresum e playing. . . .

F ra n k F larlty wae particularly clever a t toeeing In free throws. There was a tim e when every point counted, and when teneion w as a t the highest the Xavier

— I

Wants Stadium for Army-Navy

Game ;

Michigan Mqets Penn NextAflM'nocm and evening prat'tlae. at

three scrimmages, the iry-dut of two men selected from the scrubs, aiu ijiarf^ etoadj work to perfect new trick plajf

Vnit'a n*w Avdlutlbus of til* forwflFaand Voat's new evolutlbns of the nafrS, Is tha football program for tb j present week, which Ihe Mknlgon aquad must complete before meeting PennHvl- vanla on Ferry Field next Baturday. The coming contest Is regarded by Michigan as the all important game of the season.



WABHINOTON, Nov. H .-T h a t a etadl- um be erected In Potomac Park, this city, BO tbe annual Army in d Navy ^on'ballgame be played in W ashington wo» tlie proposal made to-dsy by Colonel 8 '“ '' '’,?'' Cosby, IT. 8. A., superintendent of public buildings and gruunds.

The Presbytarlan RN*therbcod of Ar­lington recorded, a 2Y to » he Grace Churoh Flv*. on lU* Ja tts rghe Qrsc* Churoh

e. aium pi e i court, last night. - t” - .j work on th e defensive was a bright spot | a rk Church l.eague flilure,m v o r^ lm T y nett’ed’ the'epher,. S tum pfs j co’urf, last night. The f a « i « i i • New- V , .. B M.._I - . .__... ... l.-.l...a.s I ..a. /Nhvewsaln T JbKOlIn the game. The line-up:

Right forwardXavier.

C aicrall. Cent™ Benedict


Joe Coster. Ihe pride of Brooklyn, will, battle with Tommy Houck in O ten-round encounter Wednesday night a t the New Star A. C., New York.

The commission has ordered Becretary Farrell to diatrlbute among th e other

th* Franklins played a no-soors gam* with the husky Arllnglan Field Club men who won elgnally from the powerful Fort Hancock eleven a week or lo before. Orange Y. M C. A., which trounced the Princeton freshmen, scored only live points egalnst the Franklins. These ra-

JoneeT .":L e'fl'forw ard .........KJyi^r S !S * r '''' '‘V.”Rlfh't »uafd ........KfetamerS itS ^ '.; .’.,... Idi« ......... l.aaynofF la r lty ... . Centra ...H orrle

closed K resembled a wink. Carl winked | Francleco, in a ten-round boutback, to show that be was on.

Tha Olympic Club Is a small, compact place, and tt was entirely too small for such an attraction. Ths boat was orlg-

^ htany blued fo r , the Xmpire A. C., a manunoth areiH. The Olympic waa Jtauned to the rafters, and many wtlllng patron i o f tha gams were turned down :at the' door because of lack of room. H o a r notablo* of tho eport woro tb M ,

before the New Orleans A. C. last night. Both wore tiring in the tenth, but Hayes was stronger and pollahed off hla oppo­nent with repeated rights snd letis to th* head.

-I-Flghtlng Dick Hyland, of CaUlornla,

outfought Tommy Glnty. o f Boranton, Pa., In a ten-round boot before the Athletic Exhlbitloii Company a t JUbany, N. T>, last Bight. OdBty was bi distrees a t th* b«U k tho t a n a roiBd.

The National Sporting Club will put on Ttnirsday night Frankie Bums, o t Jersey City, against Young Wagner, of the E astFide. ^

-1-Harry Thomas, ot England, gained a

shads over Johnny Moran, the "fighting actor.” In a fast ten-ronnd bout a t th* Carlyle Athletic Club. Brooklyn, last night.

-bEnglish sporting papers speak of Oeorgs

Carpentler, th* French w e l te r^ g h t , a* tbe beet boxer who has been eieeii In th a ring In th a t country for a long time.

+Tom HeCarey. ot I a* Angtlss, b a t of-

Charleoton p laysn the balance of the I lervc to introduce the Franklin*usual m ajor league draft price on a olaee eurroundlngs.

______ ________J Fraxer, whoa* eddrets la »2HBteubenvlUe, disbanded from the O. and (^imon avenue, has not completed his

P League, has been o rd e i^ to pay the ,g(,*diiled which ha* two open datei. Ar. back ealary of |1» to P la j^ r W. P. rangements have Just been completed,

.... uii .1 . . . . . . I. however, wliereby the FrsnkUna will op'Until this obligation is m et the ^ t y strong Apache A. A. on the Park

will not be tolerated In organised ball „ .

B yrne .r,::...... Right guard ...... ..H ereh tyetum pf.............. Left guard .......F r l^ la n d


N eltlier will th* 0. and p. League be a l­lowed to add to Ite circuit untl this debt la paid.

JUNO CHAMPION HOUNDTha champion allvar cup for the best

ilnffla houtifi exhibited a t ih« annual bench show of the N atiow l Booate Club of America, nov being held a t flbodwell, Va., was yesterday awordad to Junoy owned by Eugena B. Eaynolg of White Floinse K. Y. Governor and AdolOy nnd

A, A. grounds on flaturday afternoon.Asaltist the Rahway team, the Frank­

lins Ihowed gilt edge form. .Kenneth Baldwin played a particularly brilliant game a t right tackle, while John Dllly, who ll a rievvr basHethall player as well, did some irennWtIonal work. In his mole-

Holy Cross won the second fam « In Its series w ith Beyley Lyceum l**t night on the Parteh hall court in Harrison. The score was 21 to 18. The conteet was ona of th* cleanest games played thla on tho H arrison court. son and H arter In the first Cross waa one of the ***‘“ '** game. The blocking of tic o lle n t th a t the wltbin scoring distance o t h O i ^ toy got only (our PO>"‘* *" the tallies being throw m ark. Th* 'toe-up:

Score a t end of flrM b a l f - ^ r a ^ 18, P. B*A. 8. Final score—Qrane B. P. B, A. 26.Q^tis-X. Teickert 4, P. Telokeft 6. War. SnStW igner 2. Met**ar, Roll* 4, Ben­edict' 2, Kreiemer, Baynor I. ^1** throwl -Rolle Hurlburt, Krelamer. BubsUtute- Harlow for Baynor.^


Holy Croi*. ’'Bayleifi Lyceum.did some senabtional work In me mole-r noK arty ........ m gnt l u r w ^ - . '- ' . -ekiat. He stopped a punt by leaping four I S u iS J ’^ . ; . . . . r .U ( t forw ard...........feet tn the air. smearing th* ball, George y itiA n t. ....■ ■ •iv t'*"” - ' ............ . — -Coburn, the husky guard, woe another

Right furward,,:

fared Abe Attell I8.666 for hie *ad to bo* I ftM hfu! apd Counteie, shown by Ray- Johnny KIlboiM on Hew T lh i 'i httom oen I * 9 ^ Selmont, of New Tdik, oapturoi th* a t Temon, Csi. k « t)w to r th* bett oouMo • ( botwd*.

star. W alter Bolton played up to hie top form, while ConloB a t fullback had the line bucking qualities of a Second Wen- del. I t was he th a t carried the ball through for tbe touchdown. Buck Norris, who to out of th* game with a sprained anktoi Wha umpira la (ha gam* oq la tu r - day.

lU rteFWlleon

..R ight guard, . i te f t guard.


. Heery Doremus


The Midget team of Qrac* C hureW *- feated the Imperial Midget* on the O ijc* Church court laet night hy a score of 2* to 10. The line-up: , / ' ’

nrace ' Imperial*.;Camp .........®toht .............Mead ............Left forward . . . . . . . I t o WW nrd ............... .........................................H o p p e r .........iBight g M r t .......... .Hurlbert Loft guard........... . lehlo**

First ha if-O ric* 10, Imperial* A, FjJJH sc o re -0 « c e 24. Imperlata »• *1“soored-By .CMmpHiirlbert 2, Ungeif. M a rt^ ._ C a^ L jJ

IniBH POINT CU^TAlNR 111 *W length*. In «U *h* lat**! detognj. Store prloe, I2.M: factory price, (I.IO.

u a v a h a , Cuba, Nov, 14.—Tho Atewa- dM eSd tb* PhiWjlpkto Ha.

tionaia y**torday by a *oor» of 4 to *

E S S E X l a c e CURTAIN WORKSW W o e U p g U w »tro*l|i '

' Op*n Saturday BroDiliBt.


1y ath<


d nala

Ia nth iotibItoirigeotIn.tbedmtheb ilflnlew






a ahAki'111 traln-0 «taven

Cornelld block-1 Uctlca K Of»mpt to ays.



eemeil to of Ueiin- ctlfleout Wdfl ijch ni'*ro ing men. nnetl np- nach Ilje , Harr in-

ihe Naval , ofa waKtrecl t Point on jvy g:im«. '<T pliued

'lie b tt l9 no m atter mlglu lie. when Ihe Thla year, letlc evfciit

Armv find kliii FieM. n Ihr fhet

line to auc- ‘Ht bidders, it llie dls- jrlllpa linrf iere will ba

on fooil»’ill jn Cornell eii a pro- Including a Life because

wind and ■IS so hard ft' the plny- tlio ball.

loulhI'or nn hour rday after-

rnoBtly to usual. wQfl aet twenty- T the rtmtl- uibs fac-lng e, In widen ns tHe oiit- J talk held llnR, Some varsity has past week

tiirday were Fisher was r has been ;e his entry JO, and the an old dog IB case. At pson leader past wee.ti

tise, at least of two neiX

9, ami ,harA trick ’plAVj

the forwara am for lb«\■hlgan squad ng Pennsyl- lUirday. The by Michigan I the season.

I M•' , rbood ot Al^

victory over ■ 1 tlw lA ttcr'i I « a i i N»w-

The |lne-up:-• Qrfece.

......H u rlb u rtBenedict

........Kfelemer; . . . , , . i .8*ynof 3r»ce le, P B I , P. B. A. 26. lokett 'S, W er. . RoUe 4. Ben- . Free throw!


FASTce Chorch 4d- I on the Qnico

o eeore o t S*


........cwk............ Selctkr.......BebToMerlali i gih*)Lis ID. Oo«U

kiNt, In elBla test desIniA,MTy price, tl.HL'

O N W O R K 5


LOCAL RACES' / --- ------------ ■

C ru k Sprinter of Ir ish -4 n e r i- c u A C Eaters fo r T ibs '

J h n tb o o MecL


U aay m etropolllu eU rs will oumpete In the profraui ot sprint evoMte wIiluU wit) be held In ikiodunaUan wlih th. ■Wther T. A. U. Boolety’s moUined Uere- thon newt daturdsy aftoruoon a t the Nuw- ailc Valodrome. The Now York ouutln- gant will be heeded by Billy Uoatlns, ot the Irlsh-Amerlcaii A. C.. the aoi-yurd Indoor national ahamplun, and admittedly one of the best .prin ters In the game to­day.

Keating will nm In the 7S. 1(» and wo p a r t dasbee and will very llliely occupy the soratoh poeltlon In each, a gulok m u to get away, he Is lightnlu* ta il ed his feet and hes a strong dnlsli, so *h»t he will very likely tre a t local fol- lowwa of the sprinting gaiuo to soma la re stunts. I t wm very likely be a d urn hatween be and Hal Uelland, the New- arksr, tor the honors In the "seveiity-nve" and "hundred,'’ but In the ' tbree hun­dred" Keating will very likely be the class by tdmself.

Rsv. B. F. Quirk, who has charge ol iho arrangetnests tor both the M arathon and t t e sprint program, says he also eipeoU other New York oraoke, and a s ths entry list for the sprints will not cluis until ! righ t up to the call of th e clerk of the eottrs^ there Is ample opportunity to get 1 In, The sprints will be started right after ' the test of the Marathon boy* dlsappHar ' down the 'Velodrome "subway ' to go on ' their road Journey, and will bo completed briore the long-dlstanee boys return to finish their last throe miles Inside theenoloeure.

The arrangement of the entrlee f.T the M arathon Is progressing to-day under F ather Quirk's supervlilon. The list oJusod offloially yesterday, but anything oearteg a postmark of yesterday or last night wMI be rsoeteed. The announcement of the starters will he made soon.



AT STEVENSTeiffl T tke i t i the Ice in P re -

puatioa for Game Against Ham ilioa School



Jo® Daaia, of Orang®, defeated John P au l.-o f Bloomfield, in the State Pool Tournamenl. held at Cnnrannon'a Billiard Aoadeniy, 210 Market etrect, last night. John O'Brien, of Newark, will piej’ Rob­ert Relley, of Orange, to-night. The ■oore:

John Paul—4. 4, S. 9, », «, 9, 9, 10, s. B, t

J w D arta-U . U. 7, 8. 6. 9, 0, e, 6. T, G, 10. 13-100. I

Altiiough It 1® itlll aomewhat early for Icti ikating, cindldatcH for the SievenB School hockey team have taken to liie loo at 3t. NicholM Rink, In Now York, In preparation for their game Satur­day with the Ham ilton School team of Gotham. The Stevena boya have boon out a little over a week now and are being handled by Saunders, the coach of laht year's team. The team pracil&es evtry Tuesday and Saturday mornings, Stevens gives promlae of being represented by a fast team. Besides Hallock and UacliMit, of iaat year's loam, there are fifteen other oandldates out for poaltlons. Amoirg the new materjAl, the playmg of McGsi., at cover point; of Carey, a t left wtug. ami of Bchulilsky, a t right wing, haa stoo<] out moat prominently. The team played d practise game last Batiirdsy Sicuinst i'y\- ler School and won, 3 t>> Manager Bralnes Is arranging a a>'oe«r.]le, Hluth Will keep tho team busy uuCi the middle Of February. GameH are pending wUh the Princeton and Yale fre-'shmeii teams. All the games will be played at ihe HI. Nicholas Rink.

*#•The second football teame of Newark

High School and Stevens Prep, are play- 1 Ing thlo afternoon a t Branrh brook Park.

• • •Stevens School will be represented on

tae Oldmond riejci spring by practically the same team that won the champion­ship last year. Coach Saunders has hopes of annexing anotlier title

Several injportanl rhangps are i-onlem- ' piaieJ In thv cortHtltuiloii of the Newark High Schoiil Afliletli” AHsorlalion An cn- ilrely. new rne^hoil of awarding eiuhletnn will hr tiiaclc Pangll.'eh H » will he awariJ- ed for the minor bpnria, hlorked U'a fur > the ma)or sports, whlrh inrludc baflehall, fomhali and trark , and ' pfe" emblems ; will he ghen only li/ the members of I championship teams. At present ‘ pie’’ ! en;lilen;s are given for has'd all and foni- ball, and each of the other fliKtits :;ave a special 'Inslgma This rhauge was made In order to hqv<* the emMeniJ* uf the High School more uniform In buili rIip and shape. Thu nev, -'onslUMtim also read.s that the managers of flie difTerent a th ­letic teams sliall he f!ioF(»n by the of the AthUulc As’ n -lnMon at the begin­ning of ear h yenr. Formerly, the man­agers selected their asslstanta, who were to succeed m ilie management In the following y< ar. TMs method paved a way for faMir1li.«m.



z /




NORTHERN SENIOR LEAGUE SOUTHERN SENIOR LEAGUEA ttsr tb« gam t. ye.t«rday aftem oon at

Braitbh Brook Park, the F rank lin School and the Central Avenue School eoccer team , ar* no nearer a decision of Ihe f lrit place tie In the N orthern Senior Lwaku* than they were last week. Each tea ls ' won afaln yesterday and each has A to tal of n points In the itan d ln f.

H tm ilt. of Y n te r d a r ’a Oamco.Frankiln 8, Burnet Street 0.Etltoa Htrest 4, - Sussex Avenue 0.0*ntfkl Avottu* I, Newton s tre e t I) (for-

r«tt*d).Koiik Bfeiaath s tre e t 1, Seventh Ave-

. Btta 0 (forfeited).Maadlas ot (bo Teowio.

■W. L. Dr. Pto.pranklln .......................... 8 0 i UJontral ........................ G o 1 ilbillotluMex rtn Seventh ............... 3 t o .lum at .............................. 3 i 0 ifawton .......................... 0 * 0 0loveBth Avenuo .............. o 6 0 0


4 0 3 10* 8 0 C

At Quincy Hall, Arltncton, to-nikht tbe Sllialao Five of ArUhaton will liave for Ito otiponents the F irs t Regim ent All-StsT m e* of this city. In th e preliminary g u n s the ^laslon second team will Une Ml ogollltt ttw Kearny H igh School Five e l KoolW. Thor# win be dancing before

aftM tbe game*. Jo h n Bergner, th e apeody forward of X avier C. Club, witl be MOD In a Iflasloa m lt in to-night’* game.

EAYLBY PLAYS TURNERS.M B agiv Lrooum, 'Fork avenue and

BrMgo Miwet, to-taormr, the Bayleyn will plag the Toner ftv«''of Hoboken. 1^1* iMua emne. to Novmide with a dret-elaia repototlMi, being oompoeed ot players

. tram th* Bodion Constr lAagne. In the prbUmtnMT game the S ^ e y /union will pUy the Celluloid /union.

By defeating the Avon Avenue School Boeefir team a t W®«quahie Park yestarday the of the Haw thorne Avenue School Btrengthened It® chance® of winning th® league championship. Miller defeated Ber­gen In the o ther gam e played. South Market forfeited lo Morton by non-ap­pearance.

R reblte o t Y eaterday 'a OaoMi*Hawthorne 2. Avon 1.Miller 1, Bergen 0.Morton 1, Bouth M arket 9 (forfeit).

o f th e Teame.

Hawlhonje ................ 4 O l 9Bergen ......... 9 1 1 7MllMr ............................ 9 1 1 7Morton ................... 1 2 2 4A « n ............................. 0 2 4 4BOUth M arket............... 0 2 i 8Madison ........................ 0 8 8 2

SOUTBERNJUNIOR LEAGUEHawthorne Atoime School, whtoh has

the champlonshm oi the Southern Junior Soccer Football League practically sewed up, was held to a no score tie yeetarday at Weequahle Park by the Morton Street Bcbool.

Remlto of Teoterday'a Games.Hawthorne Avenuo Ot Hortoo Street g

■toailag irf the Teama,„ W. L. Dr. PtaHawthorn* ..... ..... 3 o 1 ;Morton .'......................... 3 1 1 6Botfon .............. .............. 1 1 1 4Miller............................ 0 3 3 2M odlion........ . 0 3 2 3

TURNERS BIG FIVEA game which ha* eaiued conaldetable

interest on the "Rni" will take place at Wevetoi Cotoeaeni to-ntgbt, when the Natlopal Tiuiier five maeti the Natloiial ,blg Av*.^The players on th* team* wm be as follows; National Tunwra Watwr. D. Refantr, Birch, H. Rolmer, iKoerniater- National flvs, UcOlynn, Hanlloy. ntagii.h Fertuson, 'Wagner.

S T . B E t f E D l C r S C O L L E Q E S P O R T S

Basketball practise vraa dt^penrad vrlth yeatsrday afternoon at s t Benedict’s

' nap , bn acoouet of the atndent* having th* aftsmoon fre*. There are now uo g(ud*ntB nglstsnd at the Instltuflon, the largeat number In the history «t the col- lego, and the afternoon waa given In honqy oi the'event. Th* msic-up of the

''.ImekmbaU team li etUI a matter of eon- JoetuV* among the etudento. Bd atl- hc«l*r, of laet year’e team, bae returned t«r mriioHi and It he dlept^e the earn* ahmty -u he did last year he witl no doubt obtain a poeltlon on the te a ^ •'

A nehednle for th* latonslaa* aooo«r

tournament le being , . ^ w n up. Each class win play the other three or four fames. A special trophy will bo awarded the winners, and H will count in th* point table for the all-around trophy.

That St. Benedict's will be represented on the grimron next year Is not a t all un­likely. A 'n u m b er of enthuelaeta of the gams a t th* eoUege expressed a desire to have a team th is year, but os the proper preparation could .not be mad* tb« Idea M h given Dp. I f tbo plan to have a team in carried o ^ A^Urnt-cIaai coach will bo engaged and every poaalble raeani wlU he employed .to mak* fonthau a *iwo^ a t S t BeaedM ’A . . i

SaTinnak F!an to Giro $1,000 Should Domestic Aito Wm

Vaoderlilt Cop Race,


BAVANX.MI. 'ia . Nov.U,—A prominent Savann.Til^lan v.ijsti name hois been with- j held, has t.uurt-il Ji,(K»0 to the manuJar'- turer of any Amertoan car which may ' win ilifl V'amlorhMt races In Hav:innah . No\'eirib®r 27 Thr eame gentleman do- I nated 31,000 last }'ear to th « first A m e ti- I can driver who flniBhM the Qraotl Priac

It wcR annoiinceil hint night hy Frank Fluagtainl, a.sRlNiKti. nnanu-grr ui ii t- Nu-

' tif>rial ilijsvMna 'l oiii'jianuMil AKS'i' laMnn, \ at a held in tha rooiii.s oi UitiI Board of T i lde . PntRrson. tha t Tht* nyt'ii-

Ing gam es In ihe bipi W" t«Jbu lulled on sUaivti 9, Ir.gtead of Mari b 2.

. a s originally planned Thin rimiiKe vhh I made uei'esnary, &» the Itniii/iwli'k Palke i peopln. who are going to lay the Bileya,I 'Will not be .iblo to have them lnBiAlle>d In I the Auiillorlum. where the tourney 1h ! going to be held, until that lime Conse­

quently entrt"8 call now be made aa late as February 24, Instead of February IT an orignally announced. It was also an­nounced that pracUcatly all the ilckriEj for th® dollar dinner, which Is to be held In F'aierRon, on the twenty-seventh of this month, had b«en sold.


“COHE BACK”L o u t Boxer Ootpoiats W illie

Ckai^ler io S t ir Boat at Ceatral loititote.


Kddl® Decker, on® of the tno®t steady bowlerfl In the Newark Church League and a member of ih® Nortti Baptlot team. 1® now a benedick.

* • •Andy Gro«r, of th® Gottfried Krueger

lac®. which wa® woti by Bobby Burnian. i Aaeoclatlon Suburban League team, la Ap Rurnian Is driving u Marmon car In I not rofllng very big Bcorpfl thla acaaon tlift Vnndefbiif race® thla year h® will t VlTille Andy la hltttng th® pin® hard, have an opportunity lo again aecure- the | falls to clean th® dr1v«® aa often as prixe money The cfmdTtlonB this year I like Id,mail® the winning of th® roco by &n ! . - ■ -—American car neceeaaiT for th® prlae money to b® awarded, and giving (he prlc® money to th® raanufaciurar Initead of the drl'oer la calmtlated to add intereiit among the manufacturer® In the racea and bring In acme that might not other­wise compete The name of the dono? of the prii® waa not given oqt for pub­lication,, following a rule loot year mad® at the reQiMst of the donor.

Th® county oomanlsBloner® have ordired th® ronde of th® county over wbloh th® roLisH will be run to doe® on the two racing days. Governor Smith has been requested to order out the Savannah m ilitary to patrol the course. Th® neces- eary E iecutlva order will be lesued wlth- tn a few days giving th® military full u d exclusive authority over the oourse, eo that no one without a mllttaiT poos signed by Mayor Tledeman end counter- signed by Colonel O’Laary, comraiiindlng the volunteer mllltta, will be allowed to put hi® foot on the ootuwe on racing daye.

A telegram was received yesterdoijr by Secretary A rthur W Solomon, of the Savannah AulomoblJ® Club, from B. R Hollander, manager of the Plat Automo­bile Company, advising him of tb® nom- inatlon of Jo® Mfttaon vice Teddy T«ti- lalT a i a F iat driver In the Vanderbilt race a t Sav&tmnh on November 37. T®ti- laff -wae Incapacitated a® the result of Injur!®® rewelved |n the desert rac® last week Matson la a driver of International reputation and bis name but adds one more bright spot In th® constellation of world-famous stars that will be repre­sented a t SavoJinah He won the Indian; tropTiy In 1909. He and.K hlpper won six­teen events In IMG, carrying with It the A m erica rood championship.

The Studebaker-Flanders entrtei arrived this morning, aecoinpanled by the entry foe. Jack 'Tower, Bob Bvaji® and Frank W itt will pilot thea® speedy K. M. F.s iti the Tledeman trophy, rac®. One of th® cars la the property of C. H. a n e r ip a of W est Hoboken, N. J., another belongs to Paul Smith, of Detrott, and th® third of the trio to Qeorg® W. Hanson of At’MntOs Ga.

A thorough inspcetlon of tha grand, stands fbr the races was made Saturday by City Building Inspeotor Bgrtlsti and Conlractor Art.ley, who made a written report to Mayor 'nedemao and President Granger, of the Savannah Automobile Club, to the effeot that, the stands are sound, safe and subetantigi in every par­ticular. No question had been raised by any one, a® the stands, which were built last fall a t w 139.400, are mostiubrtantlol, but the Mayor And offlcIa% of the Automobile Club wanted to exor- else every preoautlon and gif® the public every assurance of safety.

The Suburban Lro-Rur match Hflnvlnl^d for last rilglit :it SuntU Or»ng<*. In'iiVfeii the Sntith iirang** an<1 Nulloniil Turn vvrt'ln pin kn .yh ta wiis iioatpciui d until iD-motrow riglii

« • *John Mrtiref^vy. rnrlf^ln nf ihr Mlnvral-

lies, 1» rolling tin" hpRt IrnpluH of lil.s career, at the prearnt tlm?. To dalv ihe Mlnerallle liowler liSR un a\’BrnK'* well over (he two huiulroil mtjrk Iti the New Jersey National Touri^ament.

m * »George Steel, the funner New lUven.

National Iritersiato ord I'ark A. A , New- ark Ijeaguc Uiwler will sliiuol ii mn,frh fucalnut J. Himliar Murphy on tlm Tiixfdo flilM'B. next Tut^sday night The match f-alU for the hvst s l i out of elevtn gnmea,

* * *The Elks Iieogu® match scheduled for

to morrow night on the alley® of the Newark KJIhs In Green Btroet Rgalnai th® Riilli®rford Ijoclge of Elk® han been pns(- jiOned hy m utual ajfreement until I>eeem- l»er 5. The local IClka* team will roll Its first match on Novembar 22 at Que»n«- boro Th® p:ik® will ®l\oot fhetr fleet match on their botoe drives on Monday, Novembar 37, agafnat the New York nutn- trt.


A fter, the eiunuJ * 'iDipcctlon by tji# .ijolleo ComiiilsslODers, the .regular weekly bowling mstchea omong the offleer* of the Thtnl Prcolnct. Police Btetlon will be hsM on the Lo QUse titeye In Thonws ■trast (no- wilt be fbUbwed by * banquet There le kesn rtyalry em'oitg the police, man of the precinct anfl lo n e bjg ecorea • r e expected, to be handed, bi.

Omoe P. JL Tulte, secretsiry of the club, holds high score to date, with • mark of HI. while OIBoer T. Qolden le. eeeond with a couiW- of 2U. A, prise haa been offered by Freeholder-elect Erneat E. Hyman, for the bowler who turns In the highest score Jn the games rolled to-mor­row, afternoon.

E K D D M N C E C O R IK ST A T E f l F D e A IL E T S

—— — JA howling endiwaiico contest, open to

ail pin knights, will ho held at the Empire alleyi. Central hvenue and' Twelfth street, ftsturday. The contest wlU last ten houn, begltinlng et l o’clock. Seven two-ni*n team* have already been entered, and bowlera deetrlng to enter can send thajr appltcations to Lotiie 'Walker, addreesed to the Siapire alleye. Tbe a q ^ fee Ik )g.

The team* entered in nu eompetilton •re Hoddard and W.-Caban, 'White and Qrinstead... L. Cobuna and Alliabn.' £ Woefc* hud HcCarttiy, icatt and Car) KMb**, / . Cehnrn «od B«ii)*g, a® •ad Bntt. ., ■ ; ■-'

Irish Mahon, the lootl boxer, made a good oome-back at ttM Central Institute show last night, oteerly outpointing Wil­lie Chaodler, of New York. Mahon hsd the M anhattan boFe left hand delivery e t» d up to a nicety end hla defensive work waa so good th a t he blocked prscU- cslly every swing Intended for Che New- arker’e anatomy. Mahon also put some herd left and right wallops, over and It was only C haodler'i hon JaW th a t saved him from a Knock-out.

The heat fight of the night eras the eeeslon between Paddy Kimball and Bat­tling Jimmy. Once pals these boys are now Mtter enemies, and the.r have been nursing a grudge against each other tor Bome time. They have met before, when honont wore about even, but last night Kimball administered a severe tadng to Jimmy and came within an ace of put­ting him away on a couple of occasLone Jimmy w as.'gaitfe, though, and never etopped fighting.

Allle Burne had his tronble* with Young Petaraon, of New Vtipyk, bub |t. was .eniy beesuse the G othab lad Wouldn't i l ^ t . Burne had to do all the milling, the nlher fellow covering up. Hie defenee was good, too. Burns got home a few l.f t and right wallop* on the ^ d . but they were too high to do damage Hob IJtidsay was winning from Young Orad- well ell the w a y up to the last round, when he sms put out with a right swing on the Jaw.

Young Stanxo had a good shade on Young Diamond ,ln their bout, mpeh to the surprise of t^ m o n d and hie frlenda Stanxo soorqd a knockdown In the last round.

Jimmy Bmlth put Billy Dobbs away In the second round after the la tter looked Bs If ho would, eat blfn up. Young Houck had the upper hand of K id Burns In a hettt which wdht the l|mJt,


F re y ..-.167 189 ITJ gacks ......... 157 180 ITOEllenback ..SO* 176 177F lik ........... 158 U4 l aTlnlle ........170 1*1 )B1Bruokec . ...3 i: lOO sofi

TYCoeymah Ochiner . T. F tey .. ScharTg - Knight


I ti 153 178 .134 ise .147 188 148 -1S7 H4 157......... ,186

-.748 781 *1T|

----- 4S-Tolali 898 831 S88


Team 1—Harnpeon. 77; Plumaher,.4S; Ja- cobua, 60; C artlngton,. 69; Daly, 80; total, 82*.

Team 1—C Bishop, 4t; O. Thatcher, 40; Doescli, 65; G


SEVEN GAHESEastern L e a fn e n Make Clean

S w eef oi Three Gaaes A f i i i s t Bro(ri[lya.


Bishop, » ; D. Bishop, 67;total, 230.

Team 3,'Lam berte,' (5; H. Brown, M;Birch, 70; D urr Sr., 40; A. C. Brown, 86- total, 295.

Team 4—Metnmotl. *8; Darby, 41; H arry Toler, 0; Davie, 84; W . Brown, 60; total,206.

Team B-Q. Lam bert Jr.. 101; Baker, 78; C, Lambert, 80; Cooper, 93; Taylor, S4; total, 422. ' . >

Team 6—R. Brown, 80; Erb, 76: "Ylrtue, 69; Howell, 69; Alllston, 96; total, 309.

Team 7—Fits, 41; O'Leary, 76; Murphy, 46; Carlin, 64; Gleason, 46; total. 377.

Teem 8—Toot, 98; Im bfriag t. 86; Hock- Ibig, 43; G. Baker, 13;'Raidenan, 88; to u i MB.

Team »-TKenna, 77; Smith, 80; Baune, *2; B. Durr Jr., 46; Meade, (6; total, ilk

Team uy-Hlilentprand. TIi O. Taylixr, 68; / . Carnner J r., 67; J . Camner Sr„ 46; D. Taylor, 66; total, t9t.

Taam 11—MaUhewa,-JJ; H a tty , 66; Ltnd- Mtf, I ; Oavia, ■ ;. Wonderlloh, U i total, l i t ■

Team tt-K u U , Q; Beck, M; Durr, n ; ^{iCP«g, M jTHarai, H ; tolW, KUL-

Newark Hlaetern League wood splllers got aw ay with seven game* mil of ten In a scheduled series rolled yesterday sftcr- noon and laet night on Die Tusedo allsys against the Brooklyn bowlers In the in- dMdnal event W elngarth annexed four out of seven games, and in the live n>an match a t ntght the locale made a clean eweap of th ree games. The pinning a t night a-aa tilgh class.

In the night sesaton the locals got away to a good sta rt hy taking the (Irst game by a score ot l.oij to SBl and followed It up by winning ihe second by a margin of twenty-seven nlos. In the Initial game Welngarth oaiuo through with s 211 count, while Jimmy W hatton, who rnlled iri place ot Jim Hoagland, was credited with 308 Ths locoJi accounted for an m the last game, while the vlsltnri notched 667 Hurry Kunalh showed the wuy In this ®®t-to witb a 231 oouct.

' W elagarth did not rOtl itp to his usual form In the afteu-nuoo session, but shot good enough tenpins to four Rabias Out of B®v®n Th® flrsl thatIVstny b e t was by twelve jrlns, i lie aeo- ond by six arvd the third hy four (.ini in the iew nd game he tallied 22i, whleli Was the highest score handed In hy Hiher bowler In the Indiv i.liiat event. The

fitdiiTidDiii.Welngarth {N®w'k> hi3 ari is: 158 Nblson <Brooklynl . ir. 185 m 7M lfi:> 173 ]»i3

NT3WARK. Br o o k l y nNoack— 204 169 19F Dougherty 14U no 145WhftUnrj. aoH IBl U.-i S^'hultle® iS 17 ISQa’brwjta 197 177 10!* Hhedlgrar . 169 isnKunath... 192 203 2.11 Gray........... i?l- 71 tSW liigarth 311 liy N’tslaon )tjfj 177 170

Totftla ..1013 m n \ ' TotalB ,. 8 K7


John Koster rolled good tenpins last n lfh t and had no trouble in winning a Greater New York and Intercity Individ­ual toiirnamnni match from Wetter Flower, rolled on the Brnm Central al­leys, New York Only s u games were rolled, Koster winning all of them. The scores:Flower ................. 157 185 159 166 IN utiKoster .................. 229 isg sou iso 215 yjj

HorrlB Wltks from JHddelf, a e rry Morrle sprung a big surprise last

night on I he Kupvrba alleys, Brooklyn, by iflnnlng a G reater New York and Inter­city Individual tournament match from Qlen Riddell Morris rolled good tenpins and Riddell w-on but ohe game out of seven. The scores:Riddell ........... 207 3S9 1*9 193 177 170 lanMorris ........... 225 3us 232 290 202 208 213

MBRCANTfLE LEAGl’K. BCHM'Z-MOORE. | GEN, ELECTRIC* Baldwin ..144 la t 2»2tTlsda[| .... 1*1 iw 216Btanton ...184 1.78 154 Hill ....159 IM 1«Bnienlg . ..ItS 171 I® Franke .11*185 169A. Sorge.,..113 132 137 Joule .n-> isi XH. Sorge...l3S IBS IgliGrobert ....1*1 19* 17*

Totals ...772 757 *1*1 Totals -.-,77* J32 88|


Coon ......... 1*5 135 ISDIKestl ......... 175 1®Bam nia ...149 15* 1« Dykee ....... IM IM 153Backus . . . .m 196 1841 Twatts ..,.,137.. T Hugh** ....IM lM ailB phbero th ..If*.1711*1

......,183 IM m jfo n sp n .....17(158

7 a Ml'Wood w a r t" ., i . a r i



GOOD SCORESK r ie fe rs Sared fro a Triple D ®

feat in Subirban League by W in o in i Final Game.


FORJpXEDOSDispose of Equitable anJDoqoois

Qointels in the LeGlise Touroameot,


I itxi'.I.i I.uwli-rs gut off t.i a givod start .nsi iifchr in tin. I.etlilse tournament bv two g,lines nn the Thomas stre.'i nliHve, h> ilisi-iisliig of the Equitable IIM.I Iniqnols tcums The pinning In tho il--.-.- mat.-hes ii,si night waa fair, tha I lutii-st mark h.-lng It;',', r.illcd by the T u i-

pin hnlghtf In ii.,- last gums of tha 1 L:lil

III the Initial maii-h nf the tournameBt 111.- K.|iiiiiihh. pill kiiiKhis won from tha Ir-MiuoiH .iinnivi, .-.ipiainvd hy Bammy Wttiihnui. Kssig. i,f Dm - itniiits.'’ was liigti with an v .fii ih.iihit- cemury mark. The match hi'iwvcn Dm K,|iiiiatilc and the Tiin.ilo tenuis iviis i|„. rloaesl of ths nlglii, tM'Ing w.jii i.y Dm latter by a irinighi i.f iweuiv nlii.. pins. The Tux- r.l'iS f..iin.i I.J.- grn.iv.' in Dm last game nn I ni.ti'lmd 92.;, wtill- lln- Irnqiiijls bOWl- i-rs »1iippt.-d III v:b m nr. Murphy and M.-igner WVI.- li..;n i-r.-.llird wtlh doubleI'eiUnry nia iks. Tm- scores

FCQriTAm.i-: IFIOQITOI8.IJoflmi ........... . I'v*. Wnllliour ........... IM............... -hki ............. . 158........ . l;lfii I'Viiry ................ 1H5AII*i?T'! . 17!i Ktitu'li ................. 1G4J. IjitiliiJi ......... I5W| ................ 188

Total ............ . *f.9| Total ................. THT rx T cn o . 1 EqriTA BLE.Lyi’lch ___ . . )■<? nf><‘i i i i i ............... IfiHFiirm rl ............ . I7i' Kst-l .................. i;!4Miii'ptjy ............ , 113 llus?lr'. ...............

\\ URiiPr ........... . ,;i:;j .\\\u>>t ................. mIldkglHnrl ........ liU| .1 Lanl^li .......Total ............ . 963| To'-al ............... m

TI.'XICDU. IHOQUOm.Ryrlch , ......... . len Wiiiriiotir ............ IT?Fiirrarl ............. . 1*9 .Wr.-s ................. 1MB

IDDVVijp ior ............. ■J<6l' noiii-h .................. lAOHcNigland .......... . iGTjNylhim ........ . 188Tolnla ............ . Tolaln ............. m



Third plRCR In the Hiibiirban I,*eawire rac® Is iji>w h4?ld hy the I’lirk A. A. Tr,e uptown reprt’seniutlveB moved up to tlmt puBltlon iHst nlKht by tajilii^ two out of Ihra® fOiTies on tli'^lr own ulleyH, a^ th® champion Kru«ger team. Th® EUta mad® a clt'an fiwecp of three amnes olininat th® Rehrvlllp represenljiUN wr on the la tte r’a nlU'ys 'Hip record:

Standing of th® Team®,W. La Lift 1 WeL.llfl.

NaUonoJ ...10 2 H O range... 4 BCelluloid® . 9 3 WSil ElkH ............b 7 BOBP ark A. A. 7 6 KM. Nnwn.rk . . . . 2 7 0.T4iCrue«®r .., B d Wh! Ug-Mcvi;io . . 2 7 Jv’rtBay Vle-w,. & 4 hili Indliuia ....... l 6 ii73W est E ad.. d d Ha'D

Rolllay on their own rilleya. thn Park A. A. pin knight® aucoeedcMl In capturluff two out of thro® game® In a l^uhurhan League m atch loot night, against th® reprosenta- tlra s from the Gollfrled Krueger AfBBoclo.-

i of (h® i1 to third place In th®Fai'k® moved up

rac®.TK® P a rk s HtHrtBd off by winning ih®

Opening ga:ut» uf the matr ti with a total of B24 to 827, and followed It up by a n n ex ­ing (he second encounter by an ®v«n btin- drpd-pln margin, in the (Irsi gi ime HIn* tott cam® thmiigh with a 2LS score, ojid In th® leoond Hodman, anchor, hod 2IH. Th® vdsltora ®av®d thejnsolves from a trlpl« dofea t by taking th® loai Kaxae of tiie n ig h t by a ecor® of (EiD to 826. Not a bowler on the Krueger team wa® credited with a douhle-century count dur ing the nlg?i(. 'H i® tiooPfis:

PARK. \ KRTJttOER.FTlnton . 218 IBl 179 Graef . 174 179 18TO ebornr !S4 lS.1; Wellor ........172 135 IfilPnwflHTi .. 181 ISfi iB i KiJt'h ,. .181 IW IS8Jai.-kSi^ii t8i \Hj !7a Villi Np®a IS3 IiM 17HBodiuan . i;:u LMS I5!» Spedrj- H7 179 Hf.

T ota ls P2I R13 «j»l Totals .. 82T R13 8fi9

'riir®® (jninea fo r I'llk®.Th® N ewark IClks ikiaddv a, ri#*ftn sweep

of three giim<H hi n fiiibirrl>iiii fg6>ftgue m atch rolh’d Ifiai night on i Ik* alloys of the BcJlPvIlle i'luh The pinning wan noUilTig out of III® ordinary S48 hantled In (hn eenond gume hr>1ng high !rAm to tal uf Iht* night The Nk-uI-h raptorcrl the firR( K.imr tiy (he (uvin* of .Vf? to 741, and thi^ seruiifl prifmint'^r liv e njorglti <if ®lxt)--thr»‘« [lln- Tb« hint Knnif* Ihf I'.lks won b>' a orinjforliil'le njurgln ThaSI'jrcB

I nRMsp:\'ihT/T':Col® .. IL'T 181 17:. \'ftTmeuIn . MM i;:i jflS WllHOT) , , 12B IW Morrell . inii H(JHftvensse. is7 212 J32'C. W eber lai Ifil 178 W W p bfr 184 137 HS’Mftof . 13li UT. Kepple r .. IMi' IW IMfi! ICarr . 148 167 146

ToIhIh 4<>7 m k’i-i Totals TM 78.7 71W


IIOHd KKN. Nov. 14.—Heveii out of Km gaii’v.s iver.t .aptiired by tho .Nvw Voik bowler? the Hoboken rpprHH.-nta.Dvea In iln l■: 3te ll Ig-aguo scrieb nillpij hore yestvrdi.y .■iftvrn.i.m and last night on the I-IiijHon ailpyb. llpliia captured bve gemeo from Moian In tlla Individual scbhIoii In tho aftMuonn, amt at night the vlbltore gut two out of three. In ihe svcjnd gaum the .New Yorkera notnhiad I.nifi. Bivln. dutet waa higli man, with 21*. The a..-ur.-a;

ladlT ldaal.Heins, New York,. 2Sf, 379 K2 21J a2.7 174Horan. Hoboken... 184 1*9 159 212 2v: is;

leive-nan .YORK. I HOBOKEN 14. an 1*11 So hull le ...I5J LNl 3)4

.179 183 212'Topaer ......172 i?.; 173

.1*9 24S 183lachnpider .1!D 2J;| 21S.

.160 169 192 Miller .... 192 1S9 174 ,19S 196 2061 Horan

NEIY Pump ... Hahn .... S telnu 'at Runaslles H eins

SMITH T tll nVKY.KRltEOER, ' n.'W EVn.I.E A, A.

Coghlali ......... 17s Womi ................... |(i;Dvnnebaum ........ 179. Viiii N'.,?',............ 2UJI.Plok ................. 199 .M.,ffBD ............... 112)Koopa ................. 2ia_ I'hH-soii ............. 2T2H.'liolt ............... lei; Meyol' .................. 226

Total ................. II35I 'I'ntnl ................ .J75ID IHJil" ILLE A A. HDKEVILLE.W'.ml ............... 935' D. ..ran ............. 178Van Neas............ iks iliiH;.,'l| ............... 173Moffalt .............. 1*7 [.piirh .......... ]|.2I'l.-rnon .............. 1?J iiHlii.rne .............. IT'Meyer ............... 170| Haint.avher ........ 183

Total ................ 959' Tom! .................. wvIIOHEVILI.E, k i{ |:i-:g et i.

Oeurgv ................ iWj Cuehlan .............. 1*0Riikspll ............... 11*5 Ijvmiekinim ........ 154l.kach ................. 14.1 .................. ITIOalmrq* ............ 15N, Koupi ........ ZKHambacher ...... isii KcIiod ................. 1511

Total ............... 790, Total ................. 6*5. — e ■ -

JE H Ki,i<;n<«’ i.ictfii;)!;.B, O. & O DO. I IV 11, KERR CO.

I Orimi ............ 131[ E llea lii........ 160 HI

D H eath.........147 201Dlarlt................... 210

Moore .......... nil)taiges ........... 177Kucbler ____ 1611

Totals . .513 .1

W B. KERR DO(Jrnni ............182 179P. Ilealh ....l5 l 176 ('. H eath ......1*2 164

Totals ....... 487 802RH'H'N MFO. CO.IS, V, E ckert.-a 198P. Oi-tsal......158 195A, Kletnecht.133 133

Totals .......r.15 6!3l Totals ............ 588 514B G & O. CO. I RICH'N MFO. CO.

Moor* ......... lf.e 123I K, V. Erkert.143 171Ikiges ........... 167 1611 F. Orlsel 166 1*6Konbler .......919 131 A. K lvlneclit.164 166

Total* ...... 642 *12' Totals .471 517


Schfoeder ... ,120 Ihli Force ............ 128143Miller ............ 1*9 14a, W allari ......... 138 181('allaney ...... 132 1*4 1'Irli-h ............ 146 111*

TotHls .. . m &IJi' 'I'otfils ,,., ...412 iJ3,SOMR flPKKL 1 KN'H'KHOCK'B.8r|jl-iiiMl«*I . .lUl' 1116 1'n.rkfi ....... . Ifi* 205Milker ...... .. - irh l!M, W'Hifnpr ...160 m(’aftatiey . .144 IlHitfiHllhK ... . .m M

Totals ... .. 4&4&4ai Total! .........512 584KNICK HOCK'S. [ HILTON.

I^arker __ . . .166 aWt Forr® .........^ 'pitn©^ ... ...184 ISSill'altcrs .... ■ *1Ba 14AIjimRtillnK ...igs 1431 HIrleh ....... .,151 Ur9

Totnl® ... . . .m r.2P TotRl® ... . .. 4li 447

FO RESTllRS’ TOURNEYTEAM A 1 TEAM E.KlHtJier __ . 77 17::, fluhudi ...... . 168 mKIcn ........... . IvHJ 1 lelnjlnger * miJfchiiprt ... . 136 ItelGlhh ............. 164 IGI!

Total® . . . 34‘i 4?2t Total® ....... 466 479t k a m <1. 1 TEAM E.Mimthi‘1 . 1H2 I34i: liuhach ...... m iGTMtii'llfr .. . . IK) 110! Helnjtlnger ,, 13* 147

tillV**?* . I.ia I2it'aibb ............. * 2ii Hi]TotAin ..... , 437 376! Total* 546 4li

TEAM n 1 TEA.M A.Muni her ... . 157 146 fCiitner ....... 114 DfMueller .... . iiy 1104Hl®n ............*Bayer ....... 14* lOG! fjehnert .... *m 153

Tofalfl . . . 410 431] Totals ....... 4*3 3!flt

Totnl* ..863 1016 »73l TotalsI 223 171

.196 674 ito


I. * T ourette . 197 218! j. Doburn .. . . 1*7 ITSVine ...............21* 192[ Wilde .......... no '57R lohter ........ Ud aj*i iJoddard ..........219 193

T otals ........ 601 69s| Total* ......... 573 63*CLAY. 1 VAH-BBURGH.

lat T ourette . 194 2*811 w hite .......... 166 203Villa ............ tec UI31 14-ary .......... ii« 179R ichter ........ 14* 304; Grlnstead .. . . 304 161

T ota ls ........ 192 576, Totals ......... 579 543EM PIR E H. I VAriJHUrROH.

J. Coburn . . .X I 1701 W h ite ............. 163 1S6W ilde ........... 1S3 17*1 l,eary ......... ]54 ISlGodduril ...... 174 J Grliiatead . . . . 1*6 205

Totals . . . s e t s . . Totals ........5(3 572


Stevens .. 175 ITS 199|Ia4ach . 210 190 171TUayer . . . . Ill 1*1124fLum ....... 141 176 194Scott ■<■■■ ISO 179 1*0: McIntosh . 120 157 155Barbor . . . 153 173 HI Bullard ...108 187 198Mowelt . . . 146 754 182] Wood . 213 202 164

Totals .. 764 860 8781 Totals ,. *43 912 *23MAPLE, I UNION.

KruE ... 140 ISS 15.1 Nehr ............. 188 171186P o rte r . . . 180 118 ITOlRogen . .. 161 144-166 le s l^ e r . . 17) 168 1521Naulty . . . . 140 HI 155 H4iddan .. 147 US m l Werner . . . 1(5 380 167 T o rb ert . . ,Ut U7 3B[ Baldwin .. 151191 ]33

Total* . . S n s S ’ T o tl^ . . w i i w

L E E ’SClothes Shop1 12 Market $L, NewarkWe are the S T E IN -B L O C H agents

in this city. This is good Clothes

news to yo«.


Have the gold mark stamp on them

ot past master workmanship and

fit.Open Evening*


112 Market St,, Newark

Bar Fixtires, Billiard Tablet, Bewliag Alleys

H o H M y d le fr ic * • r i f e r M iS Suppliei

m Erunswicii-Bailie-Collender CoOP H iw J i n i r .

226 Market 8t., Newark


of twenty Veara’ experience on all Chronic D lieue*.

D r . M a n d e v l l t e673 Broad St./OytrOMlftFeei low. Notice—Otllce hours, 3 to 4

p. M. and 5 to 8 P. H.. also Tuesday aiod Friday marnlnc, I to IL OBea oloaaa Buddajre w A w ed]iaiaar*4 4 :.

Amrica leaw -

NoTfvtxr II. I»1I. i tlr i

NEWARK e v e n i n g N EW ^ TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1911.

n i r r B S» « » _ T o Hr. M d Ml*. a « n i* «

D U T B i l

S ' - " S S S i ^ "nT K i W “ '"l-


ftlNEBALt l W IUJAM BT. __TttI- M *m K ® T^

M CllnldD iv t.. n*ar JelJIfti 1*1. ^lT»w Wfcv. rirtt»cl>J» w n l r t i raiipryibl* prttr<». _

f«M «t *M k«, m .- I t r ^ ' » ; £ r N * e « . " r ■’ «:'■ < r « * . „

: , S w i w T t i » i H oly 8»pulchr«

V - CANNON-At SpH"*"',' Mth y« r-' I t !«>• O'?''** th l Blfonnai•*nrlMa«IU b* li*W trim ">• widniiMliy.

- , L im Branch. >._.•>■• ™OlenwMIt Camnlwy. Id)"* Brincn, J.

4te}r. No«TnNr 11 ***•*‘* ' 1 1n K»*-

ClwlM r. D"*!"' f".,“'t' ;Tnrr In’ W««li*l»lC tB rtin »“ Tuaiday. Nov«nnl«r U

DUNWOKTH-v*l lJmn*r. N J ■ on Nniem- DLSWUnin Hauinior ot Ann* \mnw«iS,, ...< l n y « r . I t month..

on niur».l«>'. NovfmUir Ifl,WtllUm N<^ P. H lTit*Tnid*nt li JohuiNAtOimf*

M O U J J ^ I N G G O O M _ _ _____

D T lS n IN 7* H O rB S a NII 5 nftii'TVH A swjn dry ci-'Ka n i '*R8 a n dDTERH. 2M IfKPRT BT-: OPKN EVENING*. U D. PHONK OMtHI MAHKV^-


lA&S' b«iw«#n NAwirlt and EIIm (>aIR< ^ llnin IJit* rroll#y r«ut*. f*r* 6 c*nt*; **W *

bUuilful Section Htld duti,-ir» on lawn iiloi am) lawnand partial imymanti. A.ldiwa. tlENRT M.IjfXJKr.R. SitiY^rlnldPil^nt, <*■

^ |llir>omnrl<J: t*lGLKN RltHlK '■’KMBT’BKV KU3J Jilromfl^M; four jjl*

rdf from Nfwurlt <o rro»ilo*'ri rar. BloomndM.*RI INOTON rEMETKRY.ARIaINQTON. N.J.

• P ^ n i IT T»k. K «rny c*n lo Ar»lrt«tonpppoi, ihfnn» Bv* P°** |* **' Wilk to

CEM ET ER Y M E M ( ) B ^ ^^ i^ S o iT ir iio w N * CO. Bnubitah-d lasa

H<iv*mb«r IJ. mUi Rilatlvaa and frtamla SiL Local Union N«>. H, tm i '" ' N Srth*^arlca, aro tnylted lo aitond th i fu- £ S d hla lata rra idam r i n .Main a irt.t,SSttrllU N. J.. on Wodnaiufay. Ncivatobar IJ. p* a * ‘ IL thrnr* to fit. I'atora Ctiurrh.& ara * Maaa of Bmuloni will ho olTrrad tor IB* rapoi* of hll aoul. InlartnanI In »1-p*t*r*a Ctmalarj. o

ORltB-BoddonlT. at Eaai 2''*?#^;.

S r S - W t reonvtnldnc* of **»• famUT

■OtWroN—At DanvpT, Pol.. J«nnla B-


Mn-ATA rollaviilt iva.n£jiojit^jntTanra_^Jo^_Mt_£]ooa*nl*ii£21Si£2;

H E L P W A N T E D — M D i

AgMrta*(',KNTII aim H'hO to *• * day. Intmductni

lalnr ami tltiia-aayln* naooaiHiM. "“ m?* el n a . rail liadrr fraa, CHAHLKH E All A MS. ItO Clinton ova., Brooklyn. N.

J I E L P W A jy E D — M EN

MBN-Wantad. r*p*bll I"*"tablllhad Inturaoc* e o m p an y . aomn* BaallB.aocldtnt, ordinary Ufa and _ andow^ma^liiniT-

Y.AilWNTH-tA W in »1" * dayi Invaitlfita ; na«

lilia. ru t Nllarl. rtUoy-OtJef IOUtr», •a''*' unit r illlo n .a frra. KCUENB M illi d ' K.p in

lua I'riri.Ptuti «vf..AOENTS I mada tf'h.bfy' 1" (Iv* voart w ith .

small m«U ordsr bu"ln*M. began with wetld b>r free tsNs how. HBACOCN.6041 Lofkport. N. T. ________AOI3NT«-tAOck link eaents wanted; ■(•f*

prlcci fnr Ni • 4. f> and fl inch bags. Ao- lireai IjjcK, Boi kA News otflb*.

.na.T",ir,""t;;;:;‘ v ' ‘; .n 7 r ..dlract with company, paylns rawala: irtKid itrrllory opan In north N w jmr aay. Apply at ih* Amariran AMoronca Com pany. 'rblnoonlh and Sprio* Hirdan *tl., Philadeli'h la i Pgi ___

Army, ahlfl-bodlaS,m e n - W a n ta d . fo r U, B. ........ , , ,IInma trial man. halwaaii a .ra <.l IS and J5 . llltatia .'t I'nltad Hlaira, of *w.l rn»™;dM and lamrirrala habit., who r .n 'h'''''/-, writ, tho En«ll.h litiirua*a. f or mforMlIon apply to Itaorultln* Oillc.r, 2tVl Markat at..Newark. S. J. ______ _____ . _.

d m ad a tK i.non m t l '" y m ™ * *™ *''

H U i * W A N T E D — W O H E W ,CANVABSBBB-WafitOd. • <•".

loiM t for liiitidry work; mbulon paid. Apply I tn i^ a YVat Wa.b Laun­dry. m Illth at.. Nowark.CANVABHERb on kOod photo*r*lAlo P™f«hAnvADnc.n(» ,.r— - '-,4 t|** --- -—----------- 1. ........ • , . .-a.*— .— >—Uon; aom^hlng MW. gn th* n»Erk«t. ana NURR&-^^tmed. y®ung wotnAh with monty to right party. Apply SOL*, t u u n u -028 Broad it.CAHinER WtMtad. k irtrl oaihlor a ^ book.

koapor In ih- tliaii " 'l l? i ; , ' I ;parlenced. fa ll after 7 P. M . 220 « t . Ilaa* am ave,. near ijouvernaur at,

H E U w An T E D - W O H E N B M fD O irM B N T W A N T P K -E E N

JaAU.VDABM. for wMhittc ft» d 1 n » ln |: *f«t'no ottiff ncod apply.

N rRSB-W ialad. rompattPl si nHra*: rafarenos ri

UN. 8 Herktliy Htliom pattsi spd wlUliw chlu Mttlrsd, BAKGID

E*ETk. BloowRaid.

MAN wants day wotk. swlal with tiMi« rleaulng, handy man and painter. 'I'kom

Market 4MI. or addreM K.. t oi Broad at.

child■Iwut B moolha old* 'to act aa wtt nuraa.

Apply 2Tt HsUavUla Ovs. ______ _

MAN wonts posItUm oi Janitor: can do all kinds o( ropahing. A1 refertnessa Addrsas

Position, Bog pil, Nears office.


AlfTOMOBlIrC eCHOOL OP NBW JERSCT- M olhar schfjot of ihen i t i l ; u n lim ite d le isou i

heib Jn repairing and driving on all klnli ofT f •' --------------c a rs ; aiiiall feea. y o u r llcenae g u a ra r jte e d i day

and evtslng a»3 Haissy str. B*ar Klnpey;^~ takeROYB—Lf you want a good poaltion,

day or evening course at COLEMAN Uuai- ne«e Cor.ega. AoodttDy and Halsey its. Cal. or write for booklet, _IIOV-Offlos boy wanted, must be of nest ap*

pearance, about 18 y tsre of age; aiate esperl- chce. If any Addreaa Boy. Box Newioffice.BOT-Brlfht boy lo team Jewelry trade;

ehanea lor advancemant; wsgaa to atsrt 18-

r*n—I niiif*«f tup.'.*""' ............ -m all o rd er b i i i ln r . . ;flc b ook let; ts lla how liEA CCK K , nuet) WK-Jt

N. Yfrport,MEN-Ti) lak . practical atiiomoblla '®'i''“ *

n o t .e rlK .n o p « n . '®VjTcun* M . r ' i C h r la ilac A^goclaimn, N aw a rk.

MEN for lnv?™ B.nt )0t»._nnutal fo r l i l t of .t«a!tlO Ill opM .* ... _. APkCil ‘ar.iskMfA'T K. Xainamulc. Dam. 2M1C Rcdmatar. N.

METER A QROR9. 401 Mulberry St.


Freah cut flowem fgf ail <ccaaloni: funeral deal^nlng a apectally. Tal. M 2J M a r^ t.

R E S O L U T I O N ^ ^ J G R O S S ^T o mj V HARING. 174 Summer avs. Tel

B n : artlpl. lllumiottor. easminer ofg u n th ip e d

1K)Y8 wanted lo run trrand i In factory;rhanre for advancemetiL Apiily tHOCKKR-

WllEELFH <X),. Ampere, N. JBOT wonled, Ifl o r IS y e a rs oM , for srooery

Apply be tw een b a n d d T. H ., 8K2buttfi ___M ain a t.. Eaat Orange.

Id Ik, a tro n g and w llU ng: b r in g refer* “ •■ y .B i --------

ROTence; grocery elore,

3Tk Rpririflleld ave.£MAK DRO«,.

ItciT-Wamiil. elevator tKy*; rnuit be IS yetra old or over. Apply HILTON CO , 7Pl firf>si5.

HOT wanted tu take and deliver ordera in b u tch er ahop. R C lU L L E rt. R*4 I 'w e lr th

POY-Rell boy ' Edgamrre. ls>l

wanted, white. Apply at The ' Orange.J t ! L

S STu.^jn,_fbro;*r.Y c< B.*f


Iwme In Denver, on Monday, tffll. iBlsnrent a t Denver.

M a<mraA—Posssil away, after brtaf lllneaa,. «ti Mofiday. November Jfl.

Msttbea beloved aon of Wllhelmlne Mel*r and the lAte WilMoia Mallhea. Euneral servlcaa at

A U TO M O H U .ESItOYB-Wanted, aoveml neat beya for erranda

and door i>or gido. WATSON * cO.


nit' RUTAHIjISHED MKHIT: BXPERIEN* H rsN l-t'fc^K SA ^ Ml’ST H*VB A im -TV INi'OME Lim it e d o n l y by e a r n -

iJVcAPALnTT T B. d a u b e r « • BROAD ST

CHAHllRHMAID An fai.rri«lim l rhambar-Riald uni »allrrai/w inu-it: “ “"’ .'lavr atM»l

rafanncaa. Apply WKliirKtiy. Muflaon. W e tliirn tiy .TelrphriTic hf'ft Mi’ ntciair,

C H A M R K H H A ID -A l l r [ m rt.) 1l*hl c h am b rr-av«., Montclelr.

nA H nr.nM A ii/—.ra and help *'Rh the v»re of two thlldrtn

22 loiwnriiJge roul* Orange. ____ ________L'ABHIER-lllrl nJ laka fiah

book-keeping In buii'her ihi-p. BCHUIDT. 2<IS Perk nvc.. lor.

nnfl d' llfli* Apply HENfiVBlEth St_____

AddreaaC O PY H O LD l-iR . w lih ekperlance. Printing. P. i). Rnx M4, Newark. N J

UPERATOKk oft ffbWltt and corset covera;. trimmers and fellers for our P^IrQtld f«c

tory; steady work, and good pay. Lnderwear Co.. 4T Hamilton St.

Ma n wlahes general factory work with ctienre for advEnrernenl; aalary modenie. Address

Steady, fiox 80, Neva office.OPERATORB-Oirls wonted on /h lld rsn 'a play

suite, can make from | i to tl(L atoady work. Celt l i t week, IT Maine at., ^ i t Kerry at. car,

MAN, age U , wlahN poaltioD of arty kind, in or outMde; eteody and eober. F. RCMLEIS*

TER. JWB Weal Kinney al.

DPERATOR8 and flnlshefa on swestcra; foot- power Hinger maohlaea. Newark Knit llooda

Co.. 440 Cehirsl ave.PAPER BOXES-Experienced iirippera; steady

woi'k; good pay; apply s i ohce. DHAKE- MuKRISON Paper Box V.n., S86 Third M.

UACHINIRT and toolmsker; Al mechanic, long experience on die. Jig, indl geueral tool*

work: wants position whtre sober, reliable and coniK'lentloiis nuin li wanted. Addreaa Tool­maker. Uog 48. News office.

potJH HiH. wHb eaperlence on gold Jewelry; ityedy work. MQORri 4 BON. t i Qraen at.

WA**' Klfat-claa* rolored man to wait OQ table .n.^ 0™ ! ™ work. 71 North Eighteenth at..

F,s»' CrangeMAh' exi)erlenc*d. to have charge of then in ' (Hire samiile oaae dept.: eteadv ernpjoymanc xl«iR ealary. Addreae IL D ffoe

Box T, Kewi gf-

MAN Wented. handy mlrldle-aged man 1ft Mroad at . IlifininfteldL______

MASOKH masons; M P'

row li T) K

wanted. Ihre* or four Italian stone M pec day. op**n shop; a t ^

1{1NK, 48 warren at.. Bloomfield.MAi -HINIST-Hood ntn?hlitl,l U«_J '<> * * ^ ’1.

ni,nt»l work WMited by ROBERT J. ESfOHY ro ., «l ituny™ ii. __________



Mi lilShirt. h?mr, No, *M M u lb .^ .trMt. im Wadnaaday. November ID. at H T. M. In*'■*._ Hit_____*la Fal'rmount Cemeiery at convenience

ftiilly.MoLAUHHUN-A i riindor*. N J.. oh tv M0v«nb*r I I IBll, tA-illl*m McLAUfhlln. filvrtl hM,b*Tia of M*rtb*'■Jt lleli^lvaB and friends, also c^aaur

4ay, Newamber beloved husban5 S 1 ; l" o .‘ o . F-. ■.'hi EV..ID* Bjir Ljm*.. JtnShW of PyUilaa. of German V^ley. N. J., M iitv iied 10 attend the funera from ma 1st* SSi rJ id J m . K Thursday mo™7»-SS fm ber If. a t W-*0 o’clock, S K P V « .lir t^ * ii Church, *t 11®Ufflunt In «im iosint <N, J.) cem at*^

RAHSONS—On Mov»inb*r IS. III}. *1, I 5 r H " V l « o n t •<r**t. H*itTlrtI», »Mcw t*H«flrr C, p»t*«nf, **«J ifS Y«»t*- Notlo* of*t KWiry

fUMf*) hspt»fl*»

vifeiTViijr'Aiss r ’t-ik”".vMH lUtatiTW Olid CrloBda’ ara k lp d lf in v it^

X l U s i » l t ™&Mtand Bk ;iaiL0«

Tfei ^stM^a Cburobi^wbarO;o'oloek. fbrtd tc Ilia Cemetery

V. U"clock

, _____ *t Uh M W of Roqulom will bo o(-

ot hot *oul. Iit‘----H o lv B vpulchrc






H O V -ElP«rl,r«4 boy for 4*Y work lo b«k*lT. I Wmiorn E»»t OrtinEO.

BOY-Brl*ht orrm a bny w*ntoS. Coofrvo* it-. Kourth (liwr. ____

Apply »

BOT »*ntta, Btroof. ** eoniy raokvr'i hoipw. IBI) Cfnirol ivo. _____

BOT w»mril In Nutlvy. N. J.

b*k*ry. IBI ChMtnui it..

BOY wonlvd: whlto boy for Ooclor'i ofnet. IB Chutnut it. '

BUTCHER, nromito*. with r*(irinc«*. for out Montclkir mtrliH. Apply with rerirenen. .u .

MUtlvt ofllfil. ROTH S CO.. Inc . Mvtropoll- t*n tlMs-r Or*n*«.

PAPER UOXRB—EypvrtonciO mon wonlrd onK. A H. BlaylhK machln*. RliO OipOTlrn^


BEAMON. APPLY Bfld llHlH * T - _ . ..DREsuMAKiNoLiApprnsiiri-, poKi: ''Tf™':;;;';'

on fine work; long afanfin. MAUK. Kw ttt»e villa ave., near Orange at. ______


DRESSMAKER w»nt«l i t "Hcv; BOOd oklrt h indi tnd Improviro, Apply MI Corlrton ol.

Eh i O rin** ____ _______ _BYKLETI EKS- W'ANTED,






L 8 r U U T A CO. "BBE HIVE.'



rum w«ntM on rnainu I* r im*M,MAv M.'jbwlr Innlv .1. f!If KlN Jt CO.i olOil« 4 y work. Apply J. ClfElN * 00,. Paaaai< ave., Harrleon, N. J.____PAPER HOXEA-Experlenced •**y*^:

wgfk; apHy at once. Apply DRAKB-HOR' RIBON Pap«T Hoa Co., 6W Third *L______ _PAPPJR POXEfl'Toung man. experienced on

comer cutler, wanted. W. B. Paper Bok Co.,164 Huffimlt at. ______PRINTINCK-Youth warned; ma*l be familiar

itatlng a g e .------Pox 82. Sews

Kh the caa*:'wHte, itatlng age. akperlenca.- - offieictr. Addreaa i''. R..PJiraB FEEDKH wanted, ecouitoroed lo both

cyllmlpr and email press work. Apply w, H hMl.'RTP. 8*7 Brned it. _____________

HAVE Juit dropped ihe prlre# on all COW lo ooil. In order to make room for eeverai we

have Juei purchaeeS; thii te your ?get a real bargain: we have on hand 18|0 Cadillac, 1911 Koehler. 1910 <^kUnd. JBIO Flandere, 1909 Cafllllao, HWB Elmore. IWOJ Cadillac, 1908 Autocar. Iw7 Btoddon^Dayto^IWM Buich. 1906 Buick.176 to 1760; we alao have ail kinds of bodiee,

lU and ooteasorie* a t yretr own pvtc^_ Ar-

f O ^ ' for Ihs reoooe of'bor^iouj. lotermeot in. .. ------- -

llngton Ave. Gafage, cor. Arlington and YPake- man evea. City ‘Khone 2684W D. B._________

DTTTCHICR^Toung man with experience In hulcber hualneea, reoommendailona required.

LIKBMAN DROe.. da Barrow at.. Orange.BUTCHER—foung man wanted; one who can

apeak Pollih; ateady work. Call at 281 |pringffeld ave.BOOK-KEEPER—Young man; eome knowledge

Addreaa Bergen, Box K2,of etanographer, Nnwi office.BROOM WtKDER8“ Want#d. two foot power

broom wihden. Addre«a Broome, Uox 76. Newi office, »> '___B A R B E R walK'sd; a ie a d y h o tp ln g Jab for W ed­

nesday n l fh t i , S a tu rd a y e a n d Hundaya. RAY- ............... B*-HON, td2 Belmont ave.

FOUlrillPnifl—E xperienced m en on gold Jew­elry. R O B K H T IaKVY CO.. 478 W aahtngtofi

f liy .


s b a l t n o im .TABULATTNO.


8AUF9WOMAN wanted fi'T ffeheral dry good!(tore, K‘>i>d pay and ateady poaltion. r.

IIY ITZI.T, 5T1 O range i t .BALEflWTlMAN, experienced In ladl« '

hmlilrrlee. fi. H. SAMUEU A BRO., 68 Market it.. Newark ____ ______PFUMERP ~ ExrraRimtfCBD


Apply at the factory. Watieaaing 5la-tton. D.. L and W. H. R-. In the fore- rmon. or a t 7Sfi Broad at.. Newirk, «c* ond floor, between 1 and 5 P. M., dallTi

6EAM9TRLM9 hand Hewing. >


wHuted for altertllona and I raorninga only, MRS. H 2(X> Elwood tv4.

SEA M BTRERfl--W arned, a e a m itre a i for pU lh MWing and m end ing one d ay a week. Ap­

ply cor C linton ave. an d Leelt* a t.

OIRLS wartt«>d for factory work, over 18 y**f* of age; eteady work and good wigea. Apply

between 8 ami 9 A. U.. R. BEST Pencilof age; eteady work and good wigea.

_elween 8 ami 0 A. U., R. BP"*" Work*. South Grove et , Irvington.GTRLB-IOO flrla wanted* lo leant the eirtw /h a l buBlneea: iteady work: light and airy workroom. Call promptly* m* ^ MORE A

PAINTERS wanted; good mech*nlea; f ^ r l^ liana onJy. '-‘oil to-ntght, ORaVELEY.

Mapliwnod ave., near P. 0., Maplewood.PAINTERB—Wanled. twn good palntem. Call,

CO.. 845 Ogden a t

ready lo work. 7 :8n A. M-, KOIKJDIN [Palrtl- Ing i’i> . IM Main at.. E att Orange^___

OIRLfi-^If you want a good poaltion. taka a day Of evening coutm at COTiEMAN nnal-

reai College, Academy and Kalaey ali. Call or write for booklet. ___ ______

w a n t e d .

work; good home; amall ' Handy, fe g fg, N ew offif*.

Bplddie-oored* handy, all arouid, withoe :ood home; amall wagee. Addrea*

MACHiNiST, flrat elooi. 28 yeara’ all an'und expvrienre; leat aeven year* on High grade

:aa ami gaaolene engine; wente Malllon. AN­DERSON, It l*awrenre at., Newark, N. J.

PAINTER—All-around man. axpprtenced: non­union. D. t*. PHOHERT. 313 Jellff ave.

PAINTING, whlteweahlng, roofi painted; low eatlmale. FAT. 218 Plane at.

SALESMAN—Middle-aged man, 30 yeara* eX' porlertoe &■ driver and aaleamen, wlahea po-

altion a t ®:lean work. Addreaa Energetic, Box 23, Newa office.


B T K N O T T n S T B dM lre evening work, drexa Hteno, Box 71, Newa affice.


Yo UNG m a n . nuIU ary education, wtRhei po- a ltlon , bet-t refe ren ce from laat e irp lo y ar aa

to c h a rd c lc r and bUMlneaa a b ility ; w illin g lo tra v e l. Addreaa It , Box 86, Newa office.

■YODNO M AN . 2ft. Hpeaking G rrm an and E n g - Hah. poaliifm an porte r of an y th in g : re f e r ­

ence. A ddreaa W illing , Box 80, Newa office.

Vol'KG MAN—A young colored man wania work aa houaeman or butler In privala fam­

ily. Call Ifi North Harriion el.. F,aat tJraagaTOUNQ Ma n . is yean, doelrei poeltlon, gen­

eral offica work. AddrMi GEOKUE HAN­SEN. CTanfnrd Heights. Cranford, N. J,y o u n g m a n . handy w ith co rpem er a n d tln -

e m ith 'a loola. w lshei a teady poaltion. QBO. QRQ8HM AN. B80 Springfield av*.YOUNO 9WF.DtsK MAN woull Ilk* IKMttlDn

as dalnr hand or any kind of work. Cara cf ANDERSON. 319 Bank K-YOUNG HAN JlTi with High School aducatlon

wlahex poiltlon; beat raferenoea. Addreaa V, MoC , W Orchard it.yOUNQ COLORED MAN wlahaa work.

BCOTT, J44 Broome it. ____

Gini,S. 18 TEARS OF AGR a n d nvBR. f o r in ca n d ejb cr n t



E M P L O Y M E N T W A N T ED — W O M E N




PAINTER, grmlner. ftrat-claaa. for front doori. I)ONNE!J*r, ’2b" U f^ a G e M. ____

PAINTERS wanted. ftrat-cUiaa only; oil! 2M Seymour ave. JOHN UANT7-

PAINTERS wonted J. C. LEVEflEN. 394 Highland ave., Kearny, N. J.

■ADCLIFPXb“0^i Nttvowbor W. 19I|>

l n p » p . » n in w m i« il M ^ - t r i r r o n Ctm-

N m o b n K _1*IU M. B»T™.

*t*tr.. t h * - y « . B.V.

JSSl *i Y**l». Notice of ftuier*! boro*n*t. fN lU .> N -O B N«T*mb*r It. WH, ?■

. I i5 h l e * ^ l F ionI, 8n*Il«i fn** Bohw^*).i S i t l m Md tri*y*. «l«i m«mb*™ of C ^ -■*bv 1. F lrii ln f* n t^ , N, O. N. J.. *bd M n irk Rill, wid Alfo) AMOClUtob. *ra ktodlT ln,ll*il lo • li« id ib« fun*r«l bli 1*1* r*Md«io», lU P«rtitr *trj*t. on

. day, N*,«mb*r W. *t * F- **■ Inunrunl in Woodltbd C,m»l»D.

fTOLL-duddobly. on Mondiy. Novombtr 1*. Jwob Bloli. b«lov»d huiband 01 M*ry

ttva*. friopdi and momboro of ib , Honry L|»y S uocll No. SJ. Jr. 9- U. A. M., And Arlon

VyrolB. *i» kindly lirrllod (p a it» d |h* fu n tn l **rrl«** on 'rhur*d«y, N o » ,n ^ r

1 A at 1 F. M.. trom hi* l*t* r**lAqo* No,' m Fnlrmoant aatnu*. lnf*nn*nl In-.Wood-

tu d C«n*tory.

THIb’ i* th , b u t tint, or th , y * « ^ Vis’ te n . I have touring cara from 1800 to 11,tw .

Overland!, Haynea, Pope-lUrtforda. Maxvnl a. Wintohj. Crawfonie, Uonx aiid I^cte, f^U ' mana and Buick: runabouia from 1100 to »l,CHiu, nearly all makea; aloo aeveral new cana 1»H> and le n modela. which we are cloaing out a t bargain pricea; glva ut 4 call; we will cer­tainly be able lo pl«»* VO . “ largea.t daalera Ih th* Slate. GILMORE a Auto Exchange. 18*18 Shipman at. _________ _TKJif'K touring, oomplele. 4-cyltndar. ^

Buick touring, C’lnplele, 3-cyllnder. a .Buick louring, compleie. 3-ryllnder. 22 .. »HjW d tourlno:, gm>d order...............................B«o runabout, mp, rumble............................

Above cara for oale on account ownarx buy- inc new cara- _WARD C^>, 4f H a rr1 ao n aV ^S aa t_ O i^g ^

R ARUBA wanted; aieady', good pay; noItalian. 12 North Fifteenth a« , Eait t»r-

ange. ____RAKIlEK-rirat-claxa barber wanted; ateady

poililon. fa ll <W Oriental at., Newark,___UAKBEB wanted. 31 W a r r« al.BLACKSMITH, who underatande wagon work.

KK18 Baal Grand at., Ellaabeth, N. J.

PEAHIa billion borer and car''or wantffd a t DORPMAN PRtiS 72 Proapei'l pi.

RAILWAY mall clerka; cuatoma emplovea. average (80 month. Newark examlnatlona

GIRTaB wanted, from 14 to 18. to leant cigar I banding: gord pay while learning. App^y [

T . A, C, Co., corner Market and Union allFIFTH AND PT:B3EX STS..

GIRLS over elghieen for light work In fac­tory; only ateady rapid worker* need apply.

139 Ogden at. _____GIRLS WANTED, WXPERIEN‘’HD ON

CLASPING. THE FEHRIB 7JR03 CO . lOOSHIPMAN BT.__________________ ____

ApOlRTvS Wanted, eiparlemce unneceaeary ply i ’ninn American Cigar Co.. Market and

Union xla. __ _____


WOMAN- Energetic, of neat appearance, with g«M)d rpference. for ouialde poeltlon; good

aolnry and oommiMlon, Call between 4-6 P. M , or 8 to 9 A. M., 48 Orchard it., city.WOMAN ’.Vhlte. to claan office and waah

windnwi*. in ecuthem part of cUy; one half day fHt'h week. Addreaa Reliable. Uox 46.NewR Dlhi'V.

bbk:3:p t io n -ro o m o f t h e b u r e a u o f »MPU>TMEa^T OF THE CTTY. IN THH CTITY


AND 4.YOU 7Vn*L m e e t a n d . i f s u it e d , c a n


Bl.ACKflMtTH—W'ogon blackamlih wanted, 89 Hartford xt

TAHT-Ob Nt)«inb*r 1*. W l , e*mu*l, hu»- **4 of Pbo*b* T*rt. In bl» IRd j-,*t-. FunoroJ

a jd c« * will b* b iia *1 '•**• d t l t Etfhih itro tt. on W «ld**^y jHttnoon, 'J B ,* ? " " “ ' o'eloek, Hol»ll-y*i »nd-MAywdbM- It, * l 1 O'eloelt. Holill-Hi M m3 , *r* lilhJIy lnTlt*a. Int*rnnnt «t Bo*»- 1*1* *n* Under Cantotiry.

TURN»Y-Al a i*a Rld«*. on Mond»y No-wMbir 18, IflL *fl«y *-5SJt widow of John Turnoy. HoUUt h «nd f r im ^ *r« kindly Invlloa to *um d Tiin,ral

FttW b tri» ln t If w 'd «t onoo; Model * Fortl- 1178 llotii Huotnolille, like o,w. |B(|.J. l»

nve-ne«»ni[,r Jorkenn. 1825, on, nT,-p«ertin*or 8 l,v ,n , Diiryeo; I’eroerd so, eov,n-[ie","n*orAl oondlllon, olK' heve B,v,rol other loor n* n»ri »nd ti-u.-ke. fonlt’, 0 »r»*e «nrt neblln* (To., 8 Wrl*hl Bt ; ni'etl oventn**^_______

CHEF for reataurant; ordar cook: porler |■(*T •tore; atehleman; driver ff>r inaeon and

builder; ifamiUer for loal dealer: four lal>nr- er* for comrartor. experlonced fran whn uu- dfritanda nil reduction and refining, iplenflld ealary and permanent employment In ftriit- claea man. man wanted, experienced. In dell- eoi«*«en buelneaa; grocery clerk, experienced, al once; liseful man for country place; other vacamtei for capable men

GERMAN-AMERIfAN AGENCY,Enftre leconil floor, 19 I’edar at.; rtideil '•a- tabllihed and tiuiloat agtincy In New .IcrBJ'V.

January Ifi; aemple queatlona free. Wflte Franklin Inatltute. Pept. 23uK Rochratar. N.T.RINCeMAKEK

HnpUiymenl. berry at.

wanted on ceat work; iteady METER * GHOSP, 407 Uul-

PALEbW F.N—Ten good huatllnif inloamenwonted for Newark, Pateraon, I'anaaic. Elli-

Rbith and Jeriay City; good paylitK propoal- llnn; nu trlflere need apply. Call at Conti­nental Ilolel. Newark. Wedneatlay, November Ifi. : trj 10 I’ M.

CrlRU <18), exlierlenced. wanted In halrilr-^ax- lug parlor. 2«7 South Orange ave , cor Ber­

gen at. ________ _OIRLr-Wanted. aervarit girl to take, cor* of

child. Call J MORKOWITZ, 271 Orange ^under-GlRLfl- Small hrinht glrli on ladlex'

wear. NAT LEVY 4 CO., 120 William "1.

FOR SALE. 1 io n Oadlllao louring ear, Ofi* 1910 Pope-Hart ford louring c*f. one two-

cylinder Maxwell touring car at your own prlco: all c an guaratUMid lo ba In AIr. ..— ... I,...,.,..., Motor Co., *1Qtton, inquire Well Uudeop H*rrl*on ave., Herrleon, N. J,

CUBTOM MADK AIITOMOlIimi TOPS. S*«t l«mp tnd lip oovere, wlnrl ehlelde »na

other 'aoceMorle*; inielKi- oounte more w tb the Inaivlrluel than nuenilty. We build quality

BALLANTINE'S 85.1 Holley *L

I I'LLfctTr'R wantod; mu»t know the atr^eT* nf N^WlJ^k and vk-lfilty and furniah lurely

Dind and reference, talary to begin |9, ol- vancement to a competent man. Apply flven- m ti ftfler 7 o'clock. CROWN CO., 74 and 7d Market at.COLLECTOR and aattlalanl tnanager of collec­

tion dapartment wanted, only hard workera who will produce raaulta wanted; anawere muat ■tate lowept aalary to begin, alao reference. Addreaa Furniture. Box 3tt. Newa nfflre.

BAIaESMAN, Insurance men. canvasaere; aplen- dld cipportiiriiiy to huatlera. eelllng our ota-

ahora lota. 124 each, on our new Industrial plan- lend! fumlahed to worUera. Apply S- BKHGFaR, room 40fl. 184 Markat *t., Newark, N ,J.SAT/ERMAN In each county for hlgheat i^ade

garden and farm aneda: permanent altuaMnna: good !>»>■; eHmetlneta, not experience, tecea- aary. COBB & CO.. Franklin, Mfioa.

OIIUA-Experlenrert girls winted to wrap ntid pack eandv bin >>niral ave ___

WOMAN to attend bakery and confertlonery;exi^erlenred: well capabta nf taking

charge of aiore. 819 Main at., Orange.


'ty ;full*


iVoMAN w an ted fo r lig h t houaew ork flniea a w eek f a r h a lf a day . 493



St , Arllliglnn.W APH CRW O M AN—W 'omati w an ted lo

wnahmg. Call after 8 P. M., W’UJiaN. SNUth E ig h teen th at.W.UTRFBB'nP Four good waHreaaea; prfi

ha 'e experience, neat and quick. /d« Uimth. 4T2 Broad at.


H E L P “ F em ale ap p llc a n ta nf the Bureau nf E m ploym ent nf th e c ity nf N ew ark who t t a

flealroUi of apeedllv se cu r in g plHce* In first- | Yt'UNG n u rae g irl, O ranga; com peten t w alt- clnne fam ilie s as houaekeepera. cooks, cham ber- ennka ( rm te a ta n t ) , rooka and laun-Tnalda, nura^a. e tc ,, w ill pleas* ra il a l tha I houBBwWk*ra. S T E V E N S 'S Agency,bure-au'a lad les’ re re p tin n -n ’iom. in lh« city | u rnad i t . h a ll annex buIMJng on F ra n k lin at., every



B O O K -K E E P E R —Young wom an flesirea poal lio n ; T y e a rs ' experience; d n u b le-c n try : tr ia l

b a lan ce , payro lls, a ta tem an ta; a c e u ra ta arnl conclcntlouB w orker; r*ferenca; s a la ry t l9 - f l2 A d d rew C-. Box 33. N ew i office.

SALESMAN Energetic ycung man for lelMng a high :!ae« article: muit fumlih reiar-

enre. S46 Rrijad al.. room 22. between 8.30 Slid 10 A. M.


fKrm“ haT dau tb lar'i raaW«n«a, Mra. ThomM W m ItSl 9 » BlooihflalA Avmua.e 4ur, Kovimbar 18, a l 8 A.

on Wadnaa- M,. thenca to

Cktenh of tha ffooroff Haort. Bloomfield, w h ^L H ' g ; a >.«•' roql.S T k O ll^ t Canatary.

a n n i v e r s a r y m a s sHMBBBT—Flrat Annlvaroary Ma*a of RaoutM

vrill b« offarad for tha rapoat of the a o u ^ f tha lliM IVoltgang Harbat. a t fft. Pator'a Church. Wtdntaday Novambar 18. a t 8 A. M. Hala- U tS and frlMd* ara kindly Invltad to attwid.

ARCHITECTS AND CONTRACTORJ^Wa arc the largeat cnmpna'tlon floor layora In Jeraey.

It your plana call fnr compoalilon flooring don t fell 10 IBI our eillmete: write or phone Mbt. Newy Corny. Flmiriin Co., 1W N. T_«vo.bELIVEHT BUH K. SO H P. cheeele. four-

cylinder ibree ,t>eed, eelectW* irenemlMlnn. new penel hudy; will run ' “(Ui With UfW pound!, goud ordar, |700. 48 H arri' »on at., Rgat Oranga.______________ v

COLLECTOR-Tounff man wanted ft# collect­or and office aailatani: m uil furniah refnr-

cncoa. Addreaa irollentor. Box 88, Nows of- flea, _____COACHMAN- Coachman daalroui of aiartlng

In ilverr hualnaai. can rant barn and elabl* In Eaft Orang#. room for 14 h«rtea, iplendld 6-ronm aparlmeni and bath over barn; alectrU llghU ga*. iewer. Addreaa (’oachman. Box 8. News ofllre.

SALVTSMAN waniad: ealary and liberal com- inlvsiun; good opportunity, Call fl-8 P M .

«mJ 8-9 A. M. Sea MR. McCLEAN. 91 Acada- mv «t.

annex ......... - - --f ie rn n o n irT c^ iiilng S a tu rd a y s , Sunday! holldflvei. b c fsp c n th e hours of I huiI 4 wh^n | they w ill m»'el Indies need ing th eir w-rvices. ; No ch a rg e for p n tfu r ln g enudoym eni.

Ytil'NIJ WGMF7N wanted lo enter three years' .’fiurs* In private training acho'il for nurses

I all personaliy at sanitarium. IWO High at.. Nrwftfk

H EtJ’—Earn 'hrlsim ns money di><‘iiraiitig pOBtpardx, dime brings package hunutlfol

aamplei anil parlJcuIars American PobU'QI'iI Co . East Orflni;e, N. .U

Yi ' UNG g i r l for general housework, amall ! Hprirlment: two In family. Call al once,, MBH MYERS. 881 Clinton ava.

ITFLP—ino girls wanted: hoiipework, wsllreM- *i. cnok. iBundresa Heal place always M

BERGHTND'P.. 183 Oakwond ave.. Orange; Central car.

TOH—Experlanrel Inaura^e or surety lollcitor; axrelVent opiiWlunliy, Ad-

80UHTTO1bond loUv..-.. . — ..

drcaa Solicitor, Box 91 News office.HTF3NO(iRAl’HEH, aiperloncerti muot be flrat

rlnxa: good salary to right mao. Addreaa Ex- pflrlenced. Rox 76. N»*wa office,________aCR.ATf’H URT'BH—Experienced young man

<>n gold Jewelry,’ ROBERT LEVY CO., 473 Washington at-, city.

HOURHWORK-Wanted, competent, iteai. nU.e ttppcarirn girl for gfn«ral houeework. m

family of three adults: muat be guc*l cook: white preferTed; laundering pul nut; r*fer* encaa required; good wuge*. 882 Ml. Prospect ave.: oarfare paid.

irlencedand ■willing: care of first floor only: plain

HOUSEWORK—Woman, reflned.

BIG aarrlflca; garoga for oala, 114x80. witit two of It! own cara fully aqulpped with foolv

•nd gurpllea: ciu alor* from 40 to 80 «ara; Fvnl medorata; good ItKillty. Addreoa Auto. Box 96, Nfiws o f f i o s . _____________ ___


FOUR-CTUNDER flve-pas»«ng*r car; equjpi^od with top, apeedomeier. j>raslo, separata truck

body; edit Ifl.OtXl: Juat nvarhaulad; aacrlflce for I860. WILSON, Central ava., cor. V, eat it., Baal Granfe. ________________

liIn toerad mamory of H*nry t^undhail, wbc

4M ^ v tm b a r 14, ItlO.

1911 CADILLAC Thiriys for oala; tuurlng and dsml-tonneaua; ou-oari hava purebaaed flaw

.r- nricM rlaht. DatroH-Cadillac Motor ca r

' n

Grant him atamal rtel, 0 Uwd. and lat par- Mtual light ahine upon him.

UtT hll toul root in peaeo.H it BON8 AND DAUGHTBR8.

car; nrlcea right. Datruit-Cadillac Co . 23i Halaay si.. Newark. N. J : poona3248 Market _________ __________ _aUTOGENGUB walrtihg. brokan parts of aufo-

itiohllaa: machinery, aulnmohlle aprirga ra ^ t nA twBtiirsd: Iron foralngs m id t lo order o_A.

CHAUFFEUR, compatant, rtllable. oober and steady Packard truck driver; with New

York llcenaa. Addreaa Rox A, S2 Rallrnad pi.. Hrick Church, East Oranga._____________CANVAflflERft, flrel-elftis rrop'^alHon. house­

hold uietiiU, Jual out. no opposition; 12 re­quired. Call after | P. M W, CARROLL. qftOT Twelrth ave.CANVASSERS on good photogrsphlo i-ropral-

llon: oomelhlng naw on the market, and big money to right parly. Apply StJL. YOUNG. 923 Broad at. ____________ _ _

STABIjEMAN to make himself generally uae- fu l: handy at repaira around house- Inquire

21W Fourteenth a v e . _________________BORA n*ER K —Young man for xnda founU i^

must be flrat-cla**. Crescent Drug Siora, 707 Broad at.

cooking; with or without plain laundering;

f'ood wagea; comforla of home. In small fam- ly. 111)0 Springfield ave. ---------------------

VnT'NG WOMAN .wanted to work In peeml* 11 m store. Apply Wednesday momlfig. 2fl2

Wfishlngton si. ________YOUNG QIRT.8 wanted for dry foods store.

Springdale ave.. near North Grove, Beat Hrange , ___ ^

D4X)K-KEHPER—Young womin daxlres pnsi tion book-k#-eper, slngla and doublo enti .

aleo passed civil service; reference given. .4,1 tlrcss lirn»k'k**epcr, Hox 48. N ew s nfflee.

laundrea^es. waHressaa. nurses, ch.ini bermtiids; mpid wtshca places os iravflln;

f.ompanUin, RERGrA'ND, 188 Oakwwwl ave . Oratifie; le]. 2703.COOK—air! wishes posltloh aa cook, private

family; beat reference: Newark or Oranges praferred; wages |30. 194 Fairmount ave-Ring second hetl.

YOUNG woman fer laboratory and rallaf In Hi ore Croacent Drug Btora. ‘>'07 Broad at.

YOUNG GIRL to mind baby; go home nlghta. 4i)i'> Fvfislo ave.. Eoat Newark,

H E I P W A N T E D -M E N A N D T O M E N

HGUPEWORK- f'riri for Bmall wpartment; two adults in family: good home for steady, com­

petent uaraon; referancaa; call after R R. M. HKINBMEIMER, 2u Pennlngtoi^ at., third floor.

CHURuH membera and school tatchtra want-' ed: sell Thankagiving poatala; tnike 80c. oq

II. 44 Rrm-»Tne_it.. corner Bj>rlngflgld iVO,

COOK-^Amerlcati Protestant woman would like petition as firaO-olaat Cbok; good pastry

cook. Addreaa American* Box 83. News office.COOK—(.'ook, In private family, by week or

month. Call at 644 Valley road. West Or­ange, oofTier Mitchell at.COOKS. wiitresMi: women for day’s work can

be had a t MRS. RTAN’B. 10 Centre s t . ; te). l ^ R Orange.<;vX>K—Competent girl wants cooking or house­

work; amall family. Addresa C-. Box 98. Newt office.

PLATE ROOFERfi wanted. Apply lAfl. B. Mi'Qunin. :i5l nioomfleld ave.. Montclair.


CARUENTKRP. three, ami two handy men. to nan on plaster iH trrt; work at Caldwell. Mc-

MAlN’fl. Clairmont and fluiiael ava., Verona.CARPENTERS wanted, two. 17.H Ridge at.COOK Order cooH: good for short orders.

V’iciorla Lunch. l»tft Mark'll si, ____

JR . 0 . U . A. M . N O T IC EHBUBBSi Htonr Cl*jr CojnoH Njo. O.

U, A. 11., » " r*qu**t*4 tb A tM i th« *)>i>w»l at our lit* b ro i^ r . J * « b Utoli. froin hli 1*H rtH tnu*. t n r^limouBt a**., on TliunilAy.

■nd ropnlrodi Iron forjlnm mid*HOFFMAN. 3T0 H«l»-y <1.; 'phOB« MUt.AUTO TOPS. WIND aKIELDB, BEAT

u a b o e b t ' a uto t o p MANUFACrU^BItaIN N J N T. Al’TOTOP A BUPPl-T CI...aer iia u a e t bt . ; t e u imh m a r k e t . __

Novanlxr W, *« 2 P. U. ll*mli»r* will mort *t l*«f*-'0*ni, MO W uhin iton *t., *t 1 P. M. W « r fu« ro l ^ ^

DELIVERY car. fully equipped; fltnddard-DHv- tun 40 H. r. i Ttultenbcfg engine; wnrth

ISBo6; sell |B8d. Inquire 1108 South Orange as-e,. Wednetday murning af^r^O^______ ____



aotra fine blank bfoadeloth. white ur gray plush, auk eu with Booulva hoodie^ Mgraved nameplate; oaokec beautifully lined with flne Bilk or eatln; outside c«ae, advertis­ing. embalming, dreeilng. ahaving. uruclAx. candelabra, glovos. chaire, beorM and three coaches to toy oUy cemetory.

f k o p l e ' i b u r ia l COMPAKT WILL rURNlflH FOR |I8

a funeral ihat mceaures up to any high price tadarUkar'i IM luntrai. Funeral parlore free.



m u s t RELL-<HdBmobUe. goM order, »4fl: a l ^ four 84e4 shoes. Ifl each; two redlaiori. HO

aac.h: magneto. |lfl; chaaels. your own price- 4Ui North Grovs at-, Es*l Ornng*^_____ _____

CAIllM'-i'i-MAKKR wantf-d.tieth St

7.75 Smith Twen-

DRIVEIH for retail milk muta. young married man preferrad: muat be atendy and atnbl-

lious; serurltv or bernd required. Addreas Driver, Pox 64, News officeDRIVEP—Laundry driver wani»*d to run wng’>n

un ccmmlision; must he able to furnish t2<kl bond. Address T^Mtuiry. Poe 7H. News offiic.

SUHRW MACHINE operatora wantiwJ.RRT J- KMORV CO . 51 Runyon at. _

TMLoOR—Wanted, all-apmnd tailor and buahai- man ('all a t once. I/>U15 METRDONE. 814

('entral ave.TAILOR wanted; gord coat maker;

work 28fl Central ave.tkeady

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, pood ™hlte

E M P L O fM E N T W A N + E P — M SN

gfnwal housework: famify nf two; gn^ borne to right party; reference requtr^ . Call at 64 p^ereners. Dun. Bradatreela.Lealle at., or 'phone evenings. 3QB Waveriy.HOT SRWORK-Competent woman for ganerNl

housework; no laundry'; for one month, dur­ing absence of regular girl; home in Montclair. Addreaa Montclair, Box 01. Newt office.

TINSMITHS and sheet metal workera. Apply--- — —‘ • -■ ‘ Yorkat ODce. 228 West Fiftieth bL, New

City. __________ ________UI'I1UL8T77RFHS Flrsl-data Workmen, ftt

unre. day or evening. _alan_ gnod boy ro learn, bring reference*. 861 Broad st^'ARN1PT^ -Ft wanted, nn cabinet work.

Fn\;ih Twentieth a t _______ _W.VTTKR warned.

M ark et at.muat be experienced. T2

DRIVER—YuUhg man wanlail; musl Under- Htand care iHf horsea. Call 46 Elisabeth ave.,

between T-8 P. M. __________ .DRIVBH wanted for dump wagon.

LUtleion av«Call 8S

FOR SALE, on* Buick, model 10; one Magwell jHt ....— rouf-runabofllu one Chalmers runabout; ^ cylinder louring car. (.an be tern a t Clinton Garage 4fll Ullntm ave . Newark.

DIE BlNKKR—Hlfh-grada man on small pilar work; 14.60 per H-hour_day. Addresa

KHAEUTER * Newark, N. J.

CO.. D85 Elghteealh ava.,

NETBARK BURIAL COMPANY.EM Broad It., between Bridge and Loiabordy

• ta , oppoilte WaaMngtuQ Park.166-COUPLBTE FUNETU.L-W

Black broadcloth, whits plush or imltatloa Mk eoeket, handle* and plats, lined with silk or oattii. outaide case, advertlalng, emboiinltif, drening, abavUig. crucifix and candelabra, gtovea, chairs, hnarsa and thtea coachae to any city oemetery. Funeral parlore free. Mora for ItiB money than ofTsred elicwhera special atUotloh la directed lo our flrtt-olasa Uvery. Higher prlcad funerals if dtaiiad.NifiWARK Itr-RIAL COMPANY. 6S4 Brood ol.

Tei 2021 Market

THOMAfl BO, sullahle for bualneae or family iiae, with or wllhnul llmoualne body, fins

running order and almost new paint: pargnln. 440 Central ave., East Orange.

SSNIt MAN—Expert end man:miM. mluilrel show In Montrlalr, lo

take place VVedneaday. November 15, Meiropoll Ian Hall, Montclair: mual ha able d^ce aim

YOUNG MAN. accurate at figure* and willing to learn, pnsitlnn Is mainly ouialda work:

one who ha* been connected with building irades vreferred; eteadv position to right (>arly. Apply iiwn hancl-writtng. stating salary expect-

"llARP. Box ft8. News office. ________ed.

HOU9ITWORK—MliMl*-aged woman or girl for general houpawork: plain cooking: small fam­

ily; giKrd home. Inquire MRS. JOSEPH HKNflLER BR.. SS Hamburg pi.7IOUBEWORK—Retfled colored girl for general

housework; family of three: sleep home; muet have reference. 28 Ka*t Fairrnooni ave,, near Springfield ava. ________H(7UBEWORK—Wanted, ftr l for general

houB*wQfk: referencea requlrad. Call J.ANDREWS, Morris turnpike. Summit, N. J,; ’phone . 17 Summit. ________________ __

A(‘COUNTINO by CMrtifled Accountant*.Rdoks opened. clOMd. audited, lynleinatised.

Kxamlnalloni, ItivasUgatkms, Pmetory co»t aynlema. Our specialty, monthly supervision, Referencra, Dun. Bradstreela. Highest grads work only. CONHTAM AUDIT COMPANY, founded 1899. Esmx bulldlDf, Ttlaphofit 0288 Market.AUi’OUNTANT—Expert: hooka opeuad, closed,

Rudlt^d, eyitematlted; Investigations, entsn- glement* adjusted; financial statements; sue- riiil srrHngements for monthly auiwrvlBloii And periodical audita; charges reasonable, G. LANdOAA RD. 846 Broad st.; l«1«phona M2U Market. '

COOK, expeirienced In lunch-room: gooff refer­ence. Call 8- A.. 88 Nuttman st.

COOK—Good cook for private family; furnish htet reference 4l Wllsey at.

COOK—Good plain cook: help with laundry. 116 Bowery at., Newark.

CHAMBERMAID—Colored woman wants place chambcnnald or wallreas: plain cookinir: In

small family. BUSAN BROWN. 94 Hichnry Bt., Orange.

AI'TO MEUHANIC, machinist, desires position In garage or auto repair shop. Address Auto.

Box 66. Newa office. »

HOUHUWORK—Experienced colored glM for general houerwrirk, family nf three: no

nafthlng or Ironing: small family. Call 304Summer ave.

HOflK-KEEPFR—Expert; bnokj balanced, posted up Inf firms not employing steady

book-keeper; books opened, closed, syaloma' tiled; charges moderate. Address CompstenU rnoni 28. 843 Broad et.

COMPANION—Capable woman wnnts posItlni-L, companion, housekeeper or seamstress in in-

afltutfon. Address Position. Box 64. News nfT1c>-COMPANION or upstnlis work wanted by

t» a t middle-aged woman; reference, fl-7 Bouth Twelfth st.CHAMBERMAID and seamatrres, S y^dlsh .

flrat-oloss. Address 669 Main st.. East Gr­ange. 'Fhon* 81681*.CHAMBERMAID—Refined German glr],wishes

posttloT), rhambermaiti and wsltlng. Iflo Baymour ave. /DAT’B WORK of any kind; family or gentle­

men's laundry home; city reference. MRf*. HARRISON, ltl> T.ftfsyette si.

YGUNG MAN—A brlghl young man wanted with some knowledgo of the china, glasi and

hmjfpfurnlshlng lliip^snlary and commlsalon on aalps: a good pomlon for the riglil party TOTING A CO., 616 Bloomfield ave.. Me daft. N. J .’


LJMOUBINE. flve-paseenger body, finetufted Iffttfler upholilerlng._ with /tt wUhoul

oiia"sU; very chtepl complete, *900. Sw Central ave., East Orange. ___________ _

sing ' Navaho Rag.■sfr.Oro^e s(., Hontclan

Call MR. AYRES. 20 l»ef!ore fl P. M to-day.

ENTRY n*ERK for stock ledger work, must be experienced anti effleletil and have a ref­

erence Adilreii <’«pabl*. Box 88, News office.HAYNES AUTO TGp FOR SALE; ^ R F[VK*

UA8SRNGHR MO >FI, S. 0(>OD lO N PI-TION 11 A T(?\VNSKND. IU HAU^SY ST,,NEWARK, ^ _ ______ ___________ __MAXWELL runabnur, with top; new tirre; In

perfect condlltati; the ra r for lady u^ doctor; •ya- Knn

KNGHAVBIR—Wanted. first'Clnsa OMiamentrH engraver; bring samples of work. -toHN

CHATELUER, 806 Market st.

(228; bargain, ange.

419 North Grove *1.. East <>r-

ENCIRAVEB on gold Jawelryj also hoy. Jew­elers' Engraving Go.. 244 Marhst >t-_____

FIREMAN wonted for hotel; porter for hotel:

YOUNG MEN -Don't wall until you are old to get a start In life; start now, and be In­

dependent In yoci old age; the automobile btetnees gives yon th* opportunity; why not grt MOrisd? gee HEBEBRAND. 46 Orange at.YOUNG MAN wanted to learn to hang gas

and electric fixtures; must know how to han­dle tools: good'advancement; 46 per week to start , miiat fumiHh former employment s r«f erence. _____________

offereff to an ao-TOU

a u t o t o p s repaired, side and storm ourlalns made, repaired and window lights put In; no

fancy prices. SIMP80N. 291 Orange st.j phone.

■ iiableman for bakery , hutist. prlvata: waiter. lin.iriliTia-hnuse; driver fw butcher and grocer,

ire. 2W yrgshinglon at-...^rSQ MAfta-An opening 1i tive young man of good addrejm as driver of Rail delivery^ must be thoroughly reliable In eery wxj'^ Addresa Permanent. Box 69, News

HOL’gKWGIiK-A girl for general housework In rmull family; to go honae nights, German

preferred. Call a t 204 Centre st„ Orange, from 8 in 12 A. M. _____

BOOK-KEEPER and caghlsr; young man. sin­gle, experienced, 10 years with one firm,

wishes to locate In a permaiienl position, ‘ ■* dress Energetic, Box JB7, Newa offlu*.


HOUfJBWOHK--Wanted, a girl for generalhousework; must do good plain nookl

------ ADAMS,washing. MRS. East Orange.

genemg i

Chestnut el,.

HOUS^VGRK-Wanted, a girl for general housework, in small family In amall flat: a good plttoa for a good girl. IT6 Main it..

Blast Grange. • _____ ____HOUSEWORK—Competent whit* middls-ageff

woman for general housework; no washing; gcit.i1 wages Call e l 634 Clifton ave., cor. Del­ay an av®. ___________ _ ^HOl'BBWORK—Wanied. ganerat houssworher,

whlto: must ha good laundress, ItB per month Call evenings only at Lib Park av*.. Bast Orange. _______ _

BAKER, first-class on bread, roll®, coffe® cakes, reference®. Addrena Baker. 137^ Flan®

*t., near Central ave,BAKER foreman; an all-around man wishte

AddresB DaA<®r,position; city or eigurtry, fir>x 68. News office.

DAY'S WORK-Wnahing, Ironing, cleaning out. white woman. Address Reliable, Box

61, News office.DAY'S WORK wanted; Finnish girl. Address

34 Wright at., care j^osephsop. ___________DAY’S W’OHK—Uolored woman withes tlai's

work. 113^ Pennington It.

BOY—German-American boy, from good fam­ily, over 16 years, wants position In electrical

or sutomobil* shop. F. HOFFMAN. 506 High st.

DRESSMAKER—Plain dTPsamaker; go out by ’ day; IU2.6. Address Dressmaker, Box TH. N®w® office. ___________ _ ___

b a r t e n d e r withes iw ltlon In city or out of Address T. EBBE. Box 82, Newa of-town.


DRESSMAKING, first-clats. dally engage­ments; no objection to the Oranges. 295 F'p-

shin* ave.DRFSSMAKElk, strlctty firit-closa,

dally engagflmoflts. 18 Rector sU

BARTENDER wlshas poaltion; reference. Ad­dress Bartender, Box 48. Nswp office.

BART b in d er wishes position, city or coun­try. Address U., Box 47, News office.


AUTOMc'iBILE cvllnden and ftiomlhnm parts;slap broken machinery fah^lred „ Autogenoui

WeMlns 866 Halsey el . 4668W Market.

FOiITl\'Er,Y F1RST-C1.AH8 PFRVTC® ATr e a b o n a b l r r a t e s .

A FEW BEAL bargains In "aecond autom ^ bile lire* and inbea; exp<tn lire and tube vui»

ffnleing. Tire Trading Co.. 46 7 iniain st.

also grucary dark ; porter, colored, for dental parlor, married couple. IWI; useful man. col­ored private family: klirhenman, boarding,

I houif. farm hands, driver for othervacanrlM. The Reliable Agancy. 826 Brted

i ■( New Jetacy'a greateit Aff*”cy. Entire i ground floor. Th* Rsliablf. that's all.I f u r n it u r e m a n —Wanted. exporlBnced fUT-' nliure man as manager, saleemah end Duy*?r;

TOUNG MAV- familiar with fruit and produce hualneM. lo pack fruit end take charge

itoch state expsrleno*, reference, salary ax- poeted. Addre«a R,, Box 68. New* office.YOUNG MEN wanted for the rtoge; big money

In show hualneoa; our new hook tel! how: price 2ftc, postpaid. Theatrical Book Co . 229 Washington it.. Newark. N. J, _________ _YOU^NO MAN, about 16, wanted to work In

furnllur* stor* must have experience, speak and write English, A, MARK9, S06 Washing­ton Bt.

HOUSEWORK—Wsnted, a girl for gensf’il hovieeWork: good home and good wages; ref-

erenr® renutred. *00 Boulh Clinton st., Eas; Orange. , ________HOUSEWORK—YVhit* girl for general house­

work Jn family of four adults; reference re­quired: wagee |2H. 1>7 North Parkway, ai* i

HOUSETVORK-Glrl or women wanted to as­sist with general housework: good plain rook

and laundreie. Call 198 Fairmount ave., cliy.HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a middle-aged woman

for general houet-work; gord home preferred high wapee. M16R JACKBON. 78 Suseex ave.



4.CYLINDER. 6-paxeenger: extra fine IwliG and running order. I6(W: also runabout, new

tire* 4h1 tVniral ave*. East Orange.M~\XwT]8.I.. moilrl S. 1910. four-cylinder sur­

rey; like new. veer eeM delacnwbla; price I *476. ''Tonlord Gsiege. O an fora. N. J.I n j

tnuit furnieh bfind and c^me highly raocm- incndnl. Address, with reference# And telary ftipected, Responsible, Dot 84. Newt offllte-

MAHEU A JACOBUi;.Formerly with Callen A* Metrhewx,

UNDERTAKERS AND GMhALjfERS.Oppositr rtffive Pt. staiif^n

GEO- R. UALLEN in ATTRND^NCil. T*l. 13?S Orange EAKT ORAN**':E. N.

RAMHI,ER. flve-paxAengPi-; ** II I viinder, goi«l running order; cheap. M j fnrd fl\e ; ‘phoTifl i'l22L Waveriy.

FKBDKR-'Oordon p re it feeder; steady work and good salary to right P»rty: at onc^

Anirrican Advertising Co., UB South Oranga eve, _____________________

TOUNG m a n wanted by commercial photog­rapher: must furnieh 81& for home porlralls;

experience not necessary. McOUIRH. 40 Lib­erty st. ______

HOUSEKEEPER—Worklng housekee^r in family four adults; reference required; good

wages. Address E. C., Box 87, News office.

BARBER, Geyman. wants steady pcsitlon. Ad­dress Ruber. Box 87. News office.

uoacHMAN and useful man desires position with prlvata family; underetsnda automo-

hllps; will be disengaged Noveinl>er 20; flrsi- ciass references. Address WILLIAM DLREN, care Mr Edward E. Hewltt» West HtJI, Boon* trn, N. J. 1 _COACHJiAN, valet, married, general ear* of

gentleman's country place; life experience niTh harness and saddle hCFOes; highly reenm- niended. MERRITT, 201 Tremonl ave., Or- arg*. ...........................................

DRESSMAKING; ledlea* and children's, dress Got^, Box 4, Newa office,

OIRLS-Wanted. fifty girls for housework;beat wages; also white butler. Apply MRS.

BONE, 484 Bloomfield ave., Montclair Centre.GIRL*-Colnred gfrl as dishwasher or light

housework: small family, adults. CON­OVER. 92 Prince at.______________________HOUBEKEEPER—Rsflh«d German, 40 years of

age, no encumbrance, wishes position ns working housekeeper Jn reapeotabl* widower's or bachelor's home; no ohjcctlon to country. MRB. C. OAflfl, IQS Terrace ave„ Jersey City Heights. fc ,.,HOUSEWORK-MIddle-agcd woman ' wlshei

light housework or housekeeper In wld*iw*ers family; no washing; good homo preferred lo high wRgte, tR Coldsn st., near f ^ t r a l ave.

c o a c h m a n wants position; competeni. Ad­dress FURNALL. Box 84. News office.

ADOLPH PFEIL, for 178 I furnleb x firai* clsjw funeral. Including grave nr cremation.

179 C^utl *1, near West si., tirnlerteker and ptofenilonsl embnlnt^r T*. T''. 'Ptiop* 1647 Mar­ket. fjpen -lay ani msht. Funeral parlors fre*.

A i'T ii T O I'S mad** tn o rder; p r ic e a m o st Tta- aoiiflbl*. F, MATT A C O , 461 W ash in g to n

si L i>. 'phone 47RTL M srk e t. ___ __ra .K G .\N T i.IM id 'F ilN E u a R : F lR S T - t^ A H H

rO N llIT lO N lU '.U tA N T E K D : AT A a R B A l H M 'R IF IU U . yHJ H M J^EY FT. ____ _______!*tKVEN’ -UAi5.'’raNU,i:R lo u rin g

rq u lp p e il. a-ni leSI very cheap . A B R U N - 441 b '.u ih R leverlh st

Albert Heehep!* Jr. Huso !JarUi.HAERURLE A BARTij

(fiufcesiirira to HsAherlc nroai Ft'NERAL rrtR^CTOP.R.

4M fip^^Tlgflrt(k^ave. 'Phone 197 Wgrerly.

SLR.1910 t o u r in g rs r with full equipment; a

bnrgaln A. nnUNNER 441 ftouih Eleventh

C!*A88 BLOW ER-wanted, experienced glass blower. Chicago Miniature Lamp Work*,

16 North Jefteraoij s t„ Chleago, 111._______

YOUNG MAN wanted, between 17 and 20 Tears old, as stock olerk; muet he oecurate

In flguree. Address Block, Itox 10. Ksws of­fice.

HOUSEWORK—Bxperlenosd girl to do houee- work; iwo in fetnlly: sleep home: |18 per

month. Address Girl, Box 70, News office.__

HBLP"Large funilturff houee will reflelYe OQ* pljcalloni for poeltloM In every

none hul sobar. in d u ^ lp u r workerswenied; stale aalsry to tlons tn ei>mpetent pegT**- (rested cotifldeniial. AffffrMS B., Box *8. News offle*.

YOUNG MAN—■Wanlffl. a neat appearlnff young man to dletrlhate asrtiplea. Call at

C40i Market it., W>dn*eday morning a t T;!W.


HOTlHETWORKERfl. W w et\. no washing;places to fill a t oncej good laundress for

Mondaye, Bureau. I l l Penneytvanla ave.

CHAUFFEUR-Wanted. posIHon os chaufleuf by single man, personal reference; experienced

careful driver; last employiT can be eeen. O. SOLEM. 410 East Seventy-fourth at,,, Nhw York City. _______ .

HOUSEKEEPER—Woman would like a nine* In widower's home, as housekeeper; gn^d n f-

ervnee. ItRB. COOK, 28 Busiex ave.. 31 floor.HOUSEWORK BRH-Tweuty girls wish ^S l-

flona; wages |l8-t2ft. MRB. W. JOHNSON S AgencYi 2Q3 Bprlngflcld av t.; tel. 921J. Wkt.

c h a u f f e u r .want* posHIm i; speaha «v* lan­guages: g n ^ experlenoe oft Packard ear.

Addrrea Car* Box *8. News offioa*___________


SMITH A BxllT^I.Ruresiun to J. A. I>lgan.

CNDETfl Ai-: ’'*!»* * NT> Fi^U A I.M CRSroach Owners.

Tel. 4108-41UT Market. 944 Drooff StCALLFN ff MATTHEWS,

UKDERTAltFR” AND FVHAlJdERfit* Urinal** Funeral Parlor

, BROAD yTT^Vaphone 12i Morkei. NEWARK* N. J.

i»15V ^ ^ ^ lv ' rhepei for Servleea.V,. II. VRKELAND.

UNDERTAKER A EMRALMER.469 Uhpion av«., Newark. N. J.

Coaches ff>f *11 oppaelflna.

A utom obiles fo r H i r eH7:M 'T 1FU1 LimiHiBlne and Packard ram t®

hire bv (he hour, day or week; alao slorag*. 12 Lhlleion ave, Tr>iihone 2270 Market.___F n ’E AND 8EVEN PASSENGER PACKARD


A u to m o b lln W ant**!W.4NTED—Good funehoui or touring cir, good

r(»nd1tlon. In exchange for new tRfiO pla>nr pUno. dlrert from factory. Addreae Factory. Pox fl6. Nvwe office.

H ELP-Earn ChrletTpaa • . ... ,poetrarda: dime brliifs p ack e r

aamplex and parilcuJart. American Poitcord Co . Keet Orange. N. 3. ________HANDY MAN to lak* «tere

raithe winter. Call orter *, 81” Burnett it., isaer Orange.HARD SOLDERERBi Iburoufhly experienced

o rT ^ a li brae* noveUles; peiefll worker* need apply, t89 Ogden it

TOUNG MAN wanted to make himself useful In saloon: only ihoae with good references

need aiiply. 9W Clinton ave.__________ _

HOUSEKEEPER wonted to Uke csre of doc­tor's offlee: German apesking couple. Ap-

>ly between 7 and BP- M.. 688 Bergen st.

CHAUFFBITR withes poeltlott* merdol; family eiperiaitce. G. METER, IT

Bast Day n ., Orenge. ______________

YOUNG MAN wanted. Sa5 Central avjL______

ply between _____HBUSEWORK-WhSU s in fnf ,sner,1 houij-

wofk; must he neat and able to cook. 87T JOB. R'OTIZ BON. South Thirteenth at,, near Cllnlnn ave.

CAIURKVERi good oil round man, wants eroplo'.went, firtbry or wsWemlal; reason­

able i i Crawford at . cUy. •

H E L P W A N T E D — W O M E Na p p r e n t i c e wanted by dreMmOker. Apply

220 Fatrmount ave.___________________ .nOOK-KKBlPER, itanographer and typew'rlter:, _____,__a WAV*XUl

gma good opportunity for a wide-awake, accu • - —ft Addrem Newark, Box 94 Newirate


mguhEMAN for privata fiinllyi mu** under- iiand waiting on table « d

Call 88 East Park at.. Boet Oraiige.

I m o t o r c y c l e s a n d b i c y c l e s


THE 710USE OF GTtAMTY. Rep*>sitorv und foneral perlnr. 816 Broad *t.,

Tel, 163 Market; always open.JOSEPH J. MANGER,

Undertaker and Embalmer,Coaches and Camp Chaira to Hire.

1H1. T68 Waveriy. 4Wl Pprlngflelff ave.JOHN 7V. FORKKH tc SONS.

roMWl direcinre. Vndertektng tn all Its btiiiehte. At the old staad. Oragge et.1* D. 'Fhnns li4W B. B„ Nywaik. N. J.

i THE "UIG" 1912 "4"-HAVKRFORD MOTOR iT ruK R . with all ialest modern Improve-

* inems gl76: ready for deliveries, al! our 19U I muiorcycles at ensl. sold nn rrndlt to reipon,1 iJhle people; dlstrlhutor* for Hudson, Dayton.

Ha-erford and pafkard blryrk-s; rssh or ' rred lf write for calalt«u#s and terms: highest I i.rlc-es* paid fnr second-class bicyelea and m«»

torryd*'#. Phone. Market 1S18^.h a v e r i-'d r u c rr!* E c o . . w 5 b r o a d bt .

iiftvinijKitS—Experienced meRar and drop h rn ^ s te ^ - w o r k for

have reference. Apply OTTO 8i HANBACH- ----- ■ ** Rt., thJKH, 82 Msrshall i bird floor.

JEWELER-Young man twtmS*years’ fexperkenc* on gold TfU Rb

TAN8 i TDKB. M> Columbia it.jetWELERP: first dare” ? vouna man wMk some exp^enoe. ALIJIOI P

COOKR. Germans and Swede#: ooolia-l^n- dressee, all natlonalHIei. chamb#rMlds-'W*lt-

r4 tea , parlor mold#. Irish, Swedlah.80 good general hDuaeworkere: all national*llie i. wages |89


DOME8T1C flER^^CII C L ^ , b r o a d 9T., 8PICOND FW OR.

nVETt CHlLDB fl RESTAURANT.^O K S -G o o d oooks. houeeworicero, day laim-

™ m bern.ald-wallpe.Bte, yming woiT;- en houaecleanlng and houaeworkera by day. » Eighth ava.; tel. 454W, B. B , ________

h o u s e w o r k —Girl for general houeework; three In family; apartment. Call before 2three In family; apar

P. M.. IT fflnckton pl„ East Orange.

CBEF wish#® poaltion! oil-aroiffid man; taka fhs- ;« Of kitchen; city or oountry- IW

Way'..ogton at. ________ ____

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general nouae* work for family of two addlia. N. C. NA'VA-

TIER. 866 Main st.. East Orange.

C H i^ . axparlaoped table dihote dliuiar and a la carte: raotaurant or club preferred. 2tT

Newark st.

HOUSEWORK-Maid, efberltnced. white, for general hnnsewnrk: city; rtfetenee rsijulred;

three In family. 224 Broad at.

COOK—Young colored man wlahet poaltlob aa irli'cook Ih private family or restaurant.

Washington st.411

HOUflBWORK—Girl for general housework;three In family Cal! Immediately at

Johnson ave,. MRS. ARNDT____

COOK—Good oolored tnan wishes posUion cook. C. JONHK. J09 Quitman it., city.

flOUBKWORK- General houeewerksr wtntad: must he neat and respectable; tio othOra naad

DRUG CLERK, Junior, wishes pbgUlon; expert eneed and good worker; refereaces' neat ap-

peoranoe. BENJ. H. ffADUR, 2M iSii^teenth ave., core L. Goldberg.

HOUSEWORK-Mlddle-aged German ^vumen - wishes posinon at general housework; also

'ooktng. Call ur address 71 Howard st. __HOUaBKEBPER-German wishes pt**itlori.

neat and good cook; In widower's home. Ad-dresa Experienced, Bos 9Q, News office.______

is;lloflHOUBEWORK-Colored girl wlihea a^a iiis tan t, bourewprk^or mlndjng children.iff a ■ * ” ” ■“Caff all week. 112 East Kinney at.

nOUBF5WORK-a«pin»n won <«, hduaeaork, plain cooking, small family, good Imma, tW Garden ott ___H 0 U B ^ ’ORK-rqiM>t O*™* ! , , ! * / ' * '’1’'*niApfl e t BeiieraL hDUtSWork In small fan Iflace a t general'hDUtSWark21^, Morris ave. •


HOUSKWOBK-WtmiqB wMiath , wMk from T to 1» mortiUlini. i-.hdurini


apply. 2T East Kinney st.HOU^EWORK-Toung colored girl wanted to

assist with general housework; hems nights. Call Off# High Bt., Nawoflc.

DRIVER-Btaadr, sober, experleoced toqb# mob wlabea poallloft. JOHN BOUDAT, 800

West Kiiuisy a t

worn, Aum-p— ——- - ■ —

young man .......4, ALLBUPP. >8 Columbl* »t.■jKWELKR-Plr't-<^'o« ” »'* » CO 'Innm Al>p)y WM. H. TAILOK CO..

S Orchard « . ____ ..JANrrOR-Retiable m ui U

Aturimml-houM;(rom S lo S P. M., 800 Bn»d tL , n»m 3U.


flr,M th* other A* ctiAmbenntJa m o w^ltrow. 6S I'heetrut et., ®Mt tmiiige. __ .COOK ISO. tSS: wBltreeeri, tJB, BJ, PO; JW

hooeiwMhere. tan. »*«: UundreweA . IW;hqueeworkere. W8, ^lo u n , Alrli. ehAmbermAlil. tiurM. Home A*en- cy. TS Centre it.. Orant*.

THE ereiteet motcrcyctee of the gnateet fan.Kiriee tn (h. world, Flandere and Pope, at

■I7ri- (sr lower than the reel; nearly os good.-..I.__^hol vntl nanA. BTANLKT COLS.

UtidWtaker and ErebalxDSr,

modile; not jobbljl maohinej that ™ c en buy under any old name you want, nut ma-

| LABORKBB-Taio <31 labofera wanted. Call

l-IN nnrPI! Inaiructlen; )» K'” !?*!'IM savf lime and money, aueflfl the larg

I « t ^ b » l equipped school In Btudenu; open every evening. Call, telepbono or write Empire Mergentholer Unotyp*

1 Bcbool, 410 First ave.. New York.

COOK-Watned, o' colrged girl oa iaundreoa In a private family 1 r a f e f ^ a f * "

g u l.^ n North Walnni at., fcaat ^Oramid.

HOUSEWORK-GItI fot gensrSl heweworei Oerroan or Hungarian preferred. Call even* i

Inga, 4U High st.

DRUGS: oomprtaiil, reglfterri; ^relief Druggli

c.t houaawoffc;MrtTiftBWDMC-^ming gtrt general

4t 0 « r t» at,, ad floor.------- ' ~ ™“ i5 th a d * y ot week.

UUIam at.a t 19 Someraet pi., PlaiqiWid,

4 ®ELECTRICIAK—Young man tIon with eleetrtclab: year

MOUSEWOPK-Young girt to~aea1it with light ff<»od man. ----- HABSEILDINE. 490 Clin*housework. MRfl.

ton gve., top floor.

at wiring, wd»M

nan (18> ifltM t poll- a Gid ha tf- P ” “™ *':__________ .rear uid halt SV,,m>nv'oilX-<lil^ wlAai cenaral hdonwork.

HOUacwORK-Respectable girl fw houie- work: small femlly, references required. Call

a t 9 second ave.



i'awswOTteL widoWa xwdeTitapds tomoce and ' a n ^ S ^ A W ™ JonUrteS. Box 74, New* nfllea.

h o u s e w o r k —Wanted, aompetent girl (tar housework; email famllyi gooff 'wagas. 10

Chestnut Bt

14 Orange a t Private funeral ettopek Tak U « B. B. and 194 Orange^____

I or ta«y termi

RICHARD M P?EARC^^ Unffetlakiog and Embalmlnt _

fi4Hith Otang* nvo. T*l, 6082 M arkatm South Qt anga nvo.BICHABP HABRERLE.

■ -iartoer of Hot-----ffilgirteeoth ave.. JuwcUott,

m w aj njW4a«U%U£.iimdvUtHr. fomeir I* H « f of Haeberla 8 i «

^ lM dI,W a*ar)j. — — .................F. MDIAIS.


* . K. STONAWB- IlBiertaJier.

w Wottt FU U at. Ttlaphwa UdW ^ J g ;

■t.. blcycleili motnt cycles and supplies. t t 97 Drookdale * city.LUnV h COOK; must hava etperltnoe.

Hf-tel. 44 Bank at.Stag-RHEEIjS. w h e e l s ,

T.aRGFRT STOCK !N EASTERN STATES, ------- ---,__ .___Th. laraaet and I M E N - ih i 'e '^ t .d men wantad ft* t o D. t .

In the Muntry; Mre". H J J »P. “‘d " f i jn n e Corpe. b«w e.n t o j i f a . at " 'h0«»hi( new a u a r a n t^ " ’l l ! ’ AtVsTiii ai Ifti mnet b» native born nr - — — '

id TM «aa <T A I W ,

* * ^ Wa t arty.

Fcm SALB-Saven H. P, twin ipeedomtier.hoTh, lamji, tree ♦V '"* condUlon; bargain: fl*ed cosh. McMItKLE. S3

Wathlngien av*„ Newark.

K o to ie r d M m 4 W * J * * * t ^ “ ^ * l .llOTOKCTiM! wanud Imoiadlatalr; | 0# « c» * dmoa: raady for to n h lM . d Jd to a O.

Boa l O t w * . » » .

19 and__ ___ tave fla t lucAri:monthlytion powinie; loou, uiwiiuo.. .n * .. , . , medleal attendance froe; after W y ia ij a m l c oan eetlrt with aeventy-flya par oent of par and allowance; aarySoa nn t o r d ihlp and

ir. In all parta of tha world. Apidr a t*, . Jlarlna Corpa B «nittlM .ptBce., Ml

5 a r f « M-, Mawar|._J». J., « i* t •twoo- tr-thlrd »C. Now Toe*. N. T .'

COOK--Whin woman, m t»ardln»-houta; imirt '" ’J*"'".**

and come well rofonimended. 1I»T Broad.

™ h In p rlv S i I HODSEWORK-Competent ^ r l « « « ^ itand har bitalD*** I hDUaaworit; no laundry wor^ €00 Hlahland

rLORIBT-Slluatibii warfled,^ . S ?Nowark. by tn all aroand dortrt of o w

y « rF typorlanco; carnaiKm ly : prtvara piaca praforrad. Addroaa iw a4J, Now. craft. ....FIREMAN or «l«ht watoUrnayl

LlIJNDBBM -W omnn **)>«*. >»U”d ry * « L SIwNia or i»«t hy tha d«y. f t l l or afidrew €*

Cm ot at., b t to ia n tta tm lM R ' WORK wanted. lo uVa homo «

PICKETT, H» South oL, -O fout.saga.

COOK—Oocid, competent womap will llffd fdod poaltion with home comforts; refereoeaS re-

quirod Call IS* C*“D a t. near Hlsh.O00K8, ■ w a itre a tM ^ ta m b e r t^ .

tmnea. a » houteworliera, h l ^ n t w i f » wanted a t once. 187 White sc, O raaf»COOK*, ^ t r r m e * . h o u m w ^__k.aa,waVAplr •Imla Coll Ot DTIC*,two colored, houaework ilr la 10 Cantra at.. Oranire.________COOKS, wallrease., lmuaawork(|A ___ - - -- irw.. “ gynpjoyHfltoti l l Main . t , Ba«t O ram ., office. Tel. t l T T . ____ ____

lUM wantad for s » d to u itr ta l ^ *■MABLET, iu p l,. *11 Broad It., Wawaik.

COOK—Good Plain' eooti In ainall BMJlfyi « s a a lAgulre In atorei C. KDHLBIW m

Market st.

HOUSEWORK—Wanied koman to OMlst with houaew^irka sleep home. Coll 162 Plena at.

la .t nlaoe; not a to ld , pfeO Rtn: BKON. Irvtng ava., north Arlinf-<5 BOB!


iiAUHOinmi-Ooad Mindnaa w t a w siM at Soma fTKI-DS, BM Orahsa at.

HOUg»WQRK-Olr1 tor m adult.; call after € o’clock

oeral hodieworii i 67 Hudaen at.

Kot^SBWOBK—Olrt for geticfml houaework, 86 Bleaeker at.

OARDKHaR-Man f* or coachman: goo*J

ener. Box 99. Hawaj"^i i S E T d S a s r a a t


V. SNTDER 00. RMUlAG AN BX-_ _ --------- rB W


LAUNOMtSS-knHniinoed lauadikta iw tn d .Newark Beth larael Hoapltal. comer Kiaaar

and HUB au .

£ * K V A » E R | on a t p a ^ I t o r f W * abuadard rataraiua pahMaatian. C3ali P t o T s ^ * . M.. pcmT n i . IM Karfcat 8b I A. MU- i M I r . H.

" ■ I

JA N lT O B -M M W W ttW U W * y ^ 'watchmaa; gooff rtfaT ai^. F i " Bank IN

about aloro or, handy a t anyj rtlanmt.. 'Addraaa

Sacond dya*. *44n*" OIBca.

: ataady and rallabla: '■ CU«M and

PI « , Nawi

IjAinroRT WOSK (w Monday.; IIrit.oUm. J. AUUEN, *! LleWddtoh **■

lAiniMUMB; lint cla»! work dnu homo.«2S Bldkeyood ava. _________ _________

S m wanti Wdrk by tha'-day.’ «UAimDiH v ta y *1.

tell and

MldNDlNO-WfliiiM ^ wanti woffe ' a t*maadlM «* *» W * l * " ’' • " • USl * eoDertepce Ea paynnenteria fof hats. liRS.

cT t^ ^ lirflDtBhffigtQn ate_________ .

nbraing or eare m iwofl^d

pfftam: ooi a fn :likeraid

m a n , i l 4rtlhaa 1 0<”ffS#3 ^ « " w » r 1 ^ " after iffilMrea;Nuraa. Roa



■ nre ir sK

1. inCts-





• JK>' «r ■*t\g ti>




Xilod paatry »wf ofllce.

tv««k or West Op-

work pan entre st.;

: or hou*e. . Boi 84.

1 ieundry.

^anti placR ^ooklnjr: In >4 Hlflfory

ta pnaltlon. n 88 In in- S’ewa ofTIci-tranlfld by ronce. fl.T

ST^dlah, Enal nr-

(Ipl,Unjf. lihl

f or grntlB- nee, MRS.

rl. Addreaa

riihee day'a

: fo out by sr, Boa Til.

ly enifaRe- rei. 2U5 T'*-

iaa< daairea

)ren'a< Ad-

houaenork; Apply MBB. claIr Centre.ler or light alia. CON-


like a plnoe >er; nf- ive.. 3.1 floor.I vrleh puai-


man wiimen - jaework; «l«o iward at. ^lee poaittnn, r'a home. Ad- offlee.

. poei dim children. it,wants Kenerai

family. K od

girl wlfhetamall fatvNy-

Ike houeawork momfiilp- IW

laiMi genaral raferenfcw.

I light house-' 4ewa «ff6«__•AUKaltiMtlon

labea leneral , 9d floor, a day or week. 1 at. . hohaework and

iral homework.

)a furnace and Box T4. Newa

laundry work 1 or addreaa 63

uka bont « South at« 4>r*

It.ayal IM 'dlaia.

tk d o u hM»<

» the' day. W

nailr: eatl and akin ak

wofli at dfloe. Mb aawlng: ha« i t haU. MR9.


at a m x m m n w a o t b p - w o h u i

i n n m - a r a d u a u d midwife wlabaa e o ^ j t BMftt oaaaa; food cara; i t l ^ o n a MTdW

M arket Mr L A. ROMXlt W raolQo a t ; flprInsiMd ear.M T H SB -V raati^ nurae wlahaa eoaftnamanta

or other eaaea. Addreae MJS8 C. WALSII, IM Plane a t ___ _NURflK-MaunKy ^ * ^ 7 ' ^Mhe§ tnAffeonan — -

freer),_________________________________ _NiTim e - HatetnUF aurM; wlllltif worker Call

or write. 111 Central avefiTENOORAPHER; young woman who hae

bad coBsIdarabie ofHot axpeDenca; refer- eacM riQUired. Addreaa Bianographer, h v t kl. Newi oltloa.

r o i SA LE

gaffeonanta. MRS. STEPAKCSOK. B >ClAyioa •t. fr<

HTCNOORAPHER and book-keeper, expert* encaA oapabla and wttllnv; referencea. Ad-

ilreai Capable, Boa 10, News ofUre.STBNOnllAPHfR--Eit>er1enoed young wotaaB

deatrea poalUoQ aa •teuofrapber. Apply CUR* TIA 4T rareat at., Montclair.flTBKOOrtAPHER, ecperlanced. capable and

willing deairaa poaltlon. Addreaa P., Hox 71. Newa offle6TENOGHAPRER. »ev«n year*' eiperletire,

referencia. Addreae Competent, Boa 44. Newa ofTlce.STENOGRAPHER deelraa work at home nr by

day. omoA.

Addreu Competent. Box Td, Newe

BEWINQ—Famlly eewlng and mending, mnrt- ermte-^r LnetUutlonal work. Addreae ExpitI-

eiu-ed, Una TT. Newa ortloe.SEAMSTHESS—A few more cngAgemenle by

the day at 11.60. AddreM 210 New rc . city,hEAMilTRBBB; fine eewlng at homt or out by

the day. Call at 6T0 Booth Twelfth «t.TTPRWRITINO—Young woman w|she« typ*.

writing to do at hom<*i rates very reueonable.Address H.. Box 80. News ofnre.TipSTAIRB WOnK-Toiiri^pArip,) girl I.TLik^ b<i7d.“ l0.'oorii'. WldfriwIn* ym* iLr-.*ga 1«-m arrk*.L In ignL.I., l _ l __ ...,, I ■ T„ «j .. g ulog for upaialn work iti American tan»ilv HOFTMAN. 23 fiprliiffield ave., 2d rt<x>r 'Phone 5693 Market. c n e d a n d r o u g h p r i e d

The orlguiatore In Newark of the n< w popu­lar ROUGH PRY SYSTEM. We have the largeM and moai completely equipped plant In Hew Jersey for thte claaa of work. Ai 5 CBNTB A POUND we do your family wash—• Iron the bed and table linen, towels, etc-, and rough dry the rest of the cloibee fnr home flklahing. Starching Included at 6 CENTS A "pUND--oaoh qIaai of linen washed eeparmte-

~1jgularltr and prompmees in roflecilon dotletry guarantAed. U> serve over 2.000 flBd cuatomera. No oharge leas than 00 i


*13 MARKET gT. 'PHONE MKT 5263.WAflHINO'-'Roogh dry family washingi there

was B (Ime when you were wnrrted over wash day. hOF you were going to get It dune. wHeth- «r your waslierworran wai going to disappoint you, eto.; to-day It le po different: now you I only have to write or 'phone The Wardeil i Laundry; they will come on a regular day ; each week, do your washing belter than you ! cas have il done at home, uiliig only the l^et —an and plenty of water, Juit as you would ho-— — *•'' --- . - - —

_ ^ a ^ w e m u i n c a . .l i t K A IU ^ ST.. N B W A I^ H. J.

______ A r J * ^ euooBeiTONiuHOT WATHR BOILBRB A m FlPHfli Use Aiumlnum StwaaL

rOR TOUR FLOORS,H. G Stains. Wax rioiah or Shellaa.

PAINT YOUH SCRBENfl NOW.Screen Paint, Oreeii or Black.


Murasco, Calclmo. Banldat Of KeyWone.AIR HEATING rlRN A CB a ai**m a ^ M

water heajlng boilan and radlaiore. Ail Maas; radiators, valves, aiy fenta aebeatoa cement and pipe coraiing, kitchen raiifee anl range boUere. vtnki, wash trays and rpeiAl oovere, high and low patteirt tank cioaela. en­amel roll rim bath tuba lavatorlee. a more itvace aavera tn wash traya. atnke and bath lube combined; goode ara new and high* sat grade at lowest pricaa S. B. LEONARD U Lombard eu. Newark, N. J. Tal. 375L MkC

ALWAYS OH HAND., l*arge duaoNty of Mooad-hand build­ing malarial, itoarda lulati, timber, aaah and d*>ora



aKE you iobhlng-for lliturea such as WUB* itre, Bcajei. show oases, shelving, grocere Ice buaae, also flat lea boxes, oyster bArs, flab

.iiande, restaurant Axtureej sulfrtMe terms ai* tended to all. save rm«-half by buying from the Neuurk Purchailng 0.jmpAny, T3 Aca^my SI . tel. rtil4L Market textures also madh to order; we buy everj'thlng Ujai you don't naco.asphalt roopni, | l 25 per rolL no seconds,

nails aod cemant free; cannot be duplicated snywhtre, Asphalt Neverleak roof Mint: re l 1)10-: biAck. per gal ; aee us for reoflngand supplies, tel. 638 Waverly. Free delivery-

VICTOB ROOFING CO.. 17 WEIGHT BT.ALL KINDS of sM»)ad*basid bulldlmc material

for aaJe; saah door A hemlock and pine larda; lO.QOQ sq. ft. maple flooring, bulldinks

bought and removed. A- ROWE- iTo Main si-, r Hollywood ava. East Orange H. J.;

phone iALE—Bvana'i Cream Ale, |) per case. 'Phone

TT6 Waverly or send postal. JOHN R BRAS* 8ER. Newark. H. J._____________________BILLIARD and pool tables, auppUes, sic.:

lablea bought, sold and rented: repairing and recovering a i^ la l ty TAiDLOw. factory. 1SI Market s t ; 'phone 2484 Market._____________BILLIARD- pocH tarries. A CANFIEIA). :w Market s t. mD^a; i^oes Low; bought sold,

rented, caeh or taistaimeaWi Tspalring injtplleabargains In ladles' and gents' eUghtly worn

clotning of all deecripUotie; open until 16 }'. M. Store, 115 South Orange ava, nearNorfolk,BEAUTIFl^L band-embrotdrred osntxepleoe

and plUuwi. sold at a r«iscmeble price. Ad­dress Reasonable, lioa 7B, News olflcablack broadclolii suit, alze full 38; new:

roasonDble. SlAl Mulberry st.CIDBH for sale, at wboleaalr, right from the

press al reaaonahie racee, apfH.lal dlaoourua on (hoso having own barrels, J. NICK. Bur­nett ave. and Vaushall road. KlHon, N. J.

at pome; w* do 26 pounda for T8 oenta; over 20 pounda 4 cents par pound extra: ihla In* cludea (ha Ironing of a large proportion of yourSoode. ready for use. WaRDELL Steam Laun-

ry, Bfl CrosB st. ’Phone 1TQ6 Branoh Brook.WASHING—Stop fwesting ot'er the waehtub,

let the UNHEDA WET ‘WASH LATTN1>RT. I21 High at., do your antlre family wash for 60 oenia: returned within 24 hours ready for the line; give Tia a trial. Tel. U07W B. D.WASHTNO and Ironing; open air drving home;

•stiffaciIon guaranteed; TG cents doaan. Art* dress Rattafaotlon, Box 68. News office.WABHINO-Woman wants washing and IrotJ*

lug: h<>roe or out; also oleanlng by day. "^Ird floor. 670 South Twelfth at. “ ^WASHIHO-Colored woman would Ilka to go

out WMhlng by day MR8 SMITH, 167 Brootne at.

CARDS and printing ‘on the juaip,'' low prloea: oarda. T6o. up; no sloppy work. ROSE

Praaa, 159 Mulberry pt.; 'phone aiflaR.COUNTERP and ehalvea for aa)e; going out

Of butineae A. BTEINER A SON8. 219 Bprlngflelrt av«., near Belmont ave,BLECTRICURA, maglo cure for all arhee and

palna, curea In 8 min. rheumntlam. neuralgia.60c., tl'hot. dsi'd. 189 Im’lngton ave.. 9o,

Oran^ ._hy Menk. also Moeier, Oiwnga.EDISON phonograph with horn, atand and 40

records; twn library tables, three-pleo* p« suit. hanHw^me buffet ai»l revolving b M i

7^AffKlN<^—Woman wlehea -waablng at horns or out, BANKS, 16 South Sixteenth at., Eaai OraBie.

WASHING—Woman wama weehing at home. QIBET. 107 Seventh at., Harrison.

by the day or house oleanlng. HICKLE, 195 Bpringfleid aee.

library tables, three-pleo* parlor _ . ..._ — buffet ami revolving boarraiimITl BouLh Orange ave.FOR rale—A set of ftirs end small oak slds

tabis. Sm ith , 045 Bergen ItFOR 8ALB"Holl‘tnp desk. In flrst-elass oondl-

llon. lol Ann at . top bellFOR BALE'—Fine parrot. IIP Union st,, city.QENTB' nearly new fall and heav'y overcosls.

12 to 16; also flue eulis. WOOD. 1 Rlveraide ave., near <'hseter ave

WASHING—Woman wants washing and Iron- Ing 4* Oarrison at., city.

WASHING wanted at home.68 Belmont avs. MBS SCOTT,

^"ASKING wanted, to take horns or otherwise. 128 Clifford st.

WAITRESS—Situation wanted by a respeot- able colored girl, as waltrees and chamber­

maid. Addreaa Janitor, 92 Broad at., Hswark.WORK by the day, week or month wanted by

colored woman. Addrsss TriCK&ON, 152 Myrtle ave., Irvington.YOUNG ■ 'OMAN wishes poaltlon at ofllcs

v/ork, understands stenography and typs- writing: refined, truatwonhy; good rafarsneea Addreaa WlMlny. Box S3. Newa office.'YOUNG GIRL wishes poelllon aa chambsr-

maid or waiting. In city: flrst-clafie refar- snee. Apply ‘Washington st.young woman, with five yearW npsrienoe,

withes poiltJon !n bakery or any store. Ad- drssi Clerk. Box 87. News office.

EMPLOYMENT W ANTED-M EN AND ______________ W OM EN_________COUPLE, tint class, wish position in-

oulPS MRS OREENBAT’M. Employment Offlcs, 8 Jonea at.. 4M'? Market.

AND WTFB, colored, wish positions In private family; wlf®, cook and laundreaa.

man. chauffeur, understands houiswork; ref­er bbcss. BCOTT, 22 Race it., Bloomfleid.


LADIES' and gents' clothing made lo order oq weekly paymania. have also a small line of

sample dressss. Addreei Credit, Box 76, Newa Office.lady will sell Alaska sealskin coaU fins oon-

diUon, alao ellk velvet, at sacrifice to quick buyer. Address Great Bargain, Box 90. Newsuffiev,MINK double collar and muff, in good con*

dUlon: paid In Hahna's eicrs lately. U25; will sen cheap. Broad at., room SiftMI8RES’ cuat, large 14-yesr fii«; new;

cheap. Ul flevsnieenth ave , third flat. New­arkOLFS’E OIli—If you want to grow fat and rosy.

Use Lily Brand absolutely pure olive oil, of Nice. Ftanoe; a poelilve flesh and blood build­er; no rhaumatlsm, kidney, liver or stomach troublea can exist where this oil la used; It insures perfect heaJth. Sold only bI DHve Branch, 110 Newark Arcade, 04ft Broad at.; New at intranes, W. B. TURNERON 'account Of golpg Into audd^ mourning,

must dlipoes of the following ladles' wear­ing apparel, all ths latest fall Btyta»; Suit. 118' dreaa, ilO; opera coat, 115; aailn suit, 16; man's overcoat, |S. CXli at 162 Johnson ave., 1st floor.OFFICE furniture and supplies, deakg, chairs,

tablea, filing cablnsis, honkcasea, Indox-carda, loldera. etc.; laj-gs stack safea. Furniture Dept . Ba k er Prlnling Co., 251 Market at

W e d a e s d a y s = S p e c i a l R c a l E s t a t C DayS=SatoriaysF O R SA LS

H oiu«hotd G ood! u d F nrnH unI WELL front iiaibMrij. ti>: rsunA Ublr. M.

P«rlor lUlt. 113: bookoM,. 130. oo.t Wo. (lv»- foot 5 rolltop desk, 155. oust t3< flat lop dusk. I ll; safe, tl6; svreli front chiffonier, tl*. (Jieeaer. $10; small oak dresaer, |4; walnut dreseer, |4. kitchen cabinet. tlO. coet |2C gas range. $5. kUchea range. 16; parlor etovs, |] T5; carpets and other odd pisoes cheap, 98 Ur* ange #i.filNOCR sewing maohlna $10, like new. ma­

hogany iiarlor suit, $23; cook iirve, $0, fsa range. |5 fiOj parlor siots. $3. 15 William at . naar Broad.SER'YNG maohlna, drop-bead, golden oak lat*

eal atyla New Doraeatlo, |Z2, t inger *n«ing machine, |5. Call 40. Thirteenth ave, Aral floor __ _Van po z n a k w il l s e l l you what you

n e e d fo r y o u r home AND WILL Hi;Y WHAT YOU DON'T NEKD. IIUTS AND 8ELL4I EVERYTHING. 42 SOI'Tll OIU.S'GK AVK. 'PHONH 2071 MARKET.WB CARRY the finest aaaorimant rf » <-:cnd

hand furniture In thr city, all likenew, at k>wsat prices: luik bedroom J1H..VI. brais bed. $7; enameleij bedj |i 26. <' ilfimter, 16.60; large drsaaer, $6. blrdeeye chif­fonier, $12.50; velvet couch. $4,5U; ih*" Hume •ewlQg ua<^lna, bookcase, |ft; extenaiun inbls, $4; sldeboai^. $6.50; walnut aldeh.wfil. 14-50. kUebsn atov^B, $4-50 up. parlor etcvai, $l 50 up; steel range, $16. met $50; c!ar;'eta and many other plecsa. HUNT. 8tl7 Broii.l pt.v.’HTTE enameled drop lude crih, Unnkets,

nuUta and sheetB;'all in excellent C'>ndl11on; cheap. 184 Btxvsd sLWILLCOX A OTBB8 tutomstlc drop-head

machine. L. U. MEEKER A CO. 54 Main at . Bast Orangs.1900 Gravity Washing Machine, sole agenoy.

American 'Wriniter Co s ■rlnfcre. and re­pairing, all nukHi. R9 New at , tJhnns 2tft9W, Metropolitan Supply Co.

CblckeiWBARREID ROCK ringlvti; nothing better and

nothltix like tliani, hav» a few oookersli for •ale. OUTTRUP, 7fi c#ntre ii , Oraugei tel. 232. -^ R SALf3—ifl White Leghorn putleti or ax-

change tor Barrtd Hocks. EL 8MALL. 20 Franklin it.. Irvingtun.FOR Sa l e , firwt-olaai chicken coop, ofa«ap;

Blie Hoyden ave.. third house from•chxil, Hilton.FINE Barred Rork rooeter cheap, 1 year old

91 Orange ave., IrvingtonHOUPIKB te eurlng roup and ranksrr all over

Ihle great country; why not cure j'ouiwT Ash your dealsr or seud ftOc. to the W. M 'WIIIT- TNG CG., Hast Grunge. N. _____ |SOME aurpIUB WLiie Leghorn and Whits

Wyandotte puHeta timke rot>rti, II and $1.5(} each: some layrng. Mapiiwoud X^ultry Farm, end of Springfield car line, oloeed Bun- devi.WHIT'S chicken* for lale; slio one Plymouth

tlork rooster aru3 roee-oombed Rhode lelaod Red rOokarel. 99 Devis ave., Kesmy.26 CHOICE Barri'd Plymouth Rock pullets for

sale; healthy and vlgcroue; bred to lay. PF7TBH A. APQAR. High BrlrtfS, N J-

F u nBLACK Australlsn lynx sell rgonulne long

Silky hair), magntflccnl onlmBl effect, muff and shawl elegaj;'1y irirnmnd with head and tali' worn a few times an stage by theatrlctl team, now lea\lrur on Bouihem tour, prac­tically new; cost per aei, aell for %i2 per set; win send C. 0. Ci . allow «iarrlnailon at my expense. Address Manager, ARNt^LD VON POSEN. TI Csnlrnl Park West. New York City.MUST HEI-L beautiful fur set, large muff

and QoJlar. tell for |12, value $50 Address Reverses, Bn* 81. News office.MAN’3 mlfik-llnrd roat. aize 40, never worn;

astrakhan collar; cost |T6; price I2S. J JENKINS, 10 Dumet st.

ONE Fairbanks nlatform, scale, weight 2.500 In*.; 10 set In floor; alao one flOO |b*. scale

on wheel*. gr>od a* new. Ill South Orange ave.OVERrciAT—A very good ovemyai for sale.

IruiUire at 66 North Arlington ave.. ^ s t Or­ange. ' •

ABSOLUTELY highest cash prices paid for ladles' and gents' clothing and ihoei; extrar-hrl/-.AH n A 1.4 J.A _ 11 - _ . . _

OVLRroAT. size 44. cost $32. price $I2; new. Sw Mulberry st; ring second brll

OLD-FaI'HIONRD ipinnlng wheel for sale IIT Green el.

iB-u.m «i,ii L-iuLUJiiu ttjiu Biioes; cxirsprices paid for ail kind* of winter clothing...........—-------------and fancy, also evening gow or bring good* lo etorc, MR. (w. ui.xj« BiNJUB IV •iL-jc, m i. CAKN. 1 IS South • 'tang* avs,, near Norfolk st. Telephone *310W MariceLHIOKETBT PRICES for ladles' and gents'

cast-off clothing and dresses. Tetephons SflOtV Orange, or send postal to B. CHIRLS, t North Grove st.. Bast Orange, or S72 st., Newark.


SILVER, CURIOS. PAWN TICKETS, etc. JOtl^DALY. 654 Sixth avs., cor, 39th *1.. N.T,TRADING STAMP BOOKS bought, $2 per i,000

locee; milk label*, atiap wrapper! and lubacco imnil m coupons, highest price* paid- New Jeneyt'oupon Co., 823 Plane st., near Market at.

PC>TATOER—Good cookers, no small culls' i peeks to 1 biifihel. tl.20, delivered; winter

onions, red or yellow, $1.50 bushel • rutabaga turnips. ftOc. huahel. Writs MR8. A. K IE ^ 8TK-D. Ualdwell, N. J.POUT..TnY, eggs, butter, country produca X

HALL A BON. Clinton. N, J.BOLI,TOP DESK. |16; book-keeper's standing

desk, $8: large pot stove. $4.W; filing oabl- aet. M-M. Ift '^Mlllain e t, near Broad.STATUARY DOG0 AND LIONS FOR LAWN


___ SOa 2fl5 FA9BAIC HT,T' A'O Natlyial Cash Registers: One Ball and

one butler scale, two three-font showcase* and rriAii » »*] South Orange ave.

ON CREDIT, ladles’ coati. suit*, dre^see; fln* fun, etc.; gcnlE' rlciblng; II week!) . strictly

tjonflrtenflal. Addrees P 0. Box N, T.PERBTAN iamb ruata, fl4 Inch, ll'/l. M^ra

pony coal*. 64-lnr-h. jflTi; genti;ne mink, 5-t- Inch, will n^ake Iheee coat* lo order atr>rk-es given. Address Order, T7. Newaoffice.WISH tn dispone of handsome caracul and

pony akin epata. 62 Inchas long, in $ 6; also real raccoon ret, rsMonabla. LEARY, 125 Faai Twelfth at , New York,

TyiM wrIters *nd S-applieaALL MAK£'B. UO Up; largest stock In New

Jeraey. best auppltes and repairs, rmtala, |3 ■hd 13. GEO. M JUDD. 17 Academy at. Tel. 4233L Market. Agency for Monarch 'V'lilbla

NEW AND REBUILT “Typawrltcra of all maksa

■old and rented.REPAIR work the beet In the State.ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY,

lAd Market at., hear Broad; Market 53W.NOTICE—Speclflcallon* our •peclalty: short­

hand, tnuitographing, addreselnt, law work: 8 years' axperlsnca. 'Phone R646 Mkt. Publte Stenographic Butwau, 006 Flraman'* building.REMINGTON lypswrltep, lata model, only

used few llmea with desk. |20, coat $t2a. Call tacinrv. 47 Hamilton at., top floor.'TTPEWRirKR. Undarwood, 128. Remlnron.

tSD; both like nsw; bookcaae, |in; r^ltop desk. 111. 15 William at-, near Broad.

'We ■*]). rent and repair alt mikae. NEWARK TYPEWRITER EXCHANGB, ''Oldast and most reUabls Ifi Newark."

S24 Market at.: 'phona Mkt. 4430.

Dos*BEAUTIFTTL HUle rara bred brown spotted

yeddo fhalrleaa), Japaneas terrleri very dain­ty, affectionate pet for a lady; would take first prise st dog ahow. Addreea Little Pawn. Box 69, News office.BOSTON terrier puppy. malSii born August 5r

perfectly marked; tight screw tall; dark brindle. 886 Blooml^ld ave., Paxaalc. N. J.


10. 12. 14 Orchard at. 'Phone B060 Market.GREAT DANE, goo-d Wfttch dog, for sale.

Claj-emont ave., near Hfilcreat terrace, Vero­na. Tal. Montclair 2973L


POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. I^i:lB FHlED- MAN. 248 BANK ST., NEUR WICKUFFE.WANTED—Roll-top desk, safe and cash regis­

ter: will pay the price if in good condition. A. MARKS, 209 Washington s(.. corner Acad- smy. ’Phone 4447W Market. _______CLc R i ING-HI&HHST PRK7E3 FOR CA0T-


highest prices paid for nook*, couprins. mllK Isbela, soap wrappers. joS Market si., room 31.I WILL pay high prices for ladles' and gente'

clothing, furniture and ahoea; send postal and I will call.__FRANK. 8T Mercer at.CAflH paid for old gold, allver and dUtnonds.

7, J. liRADLBV, Inc., 462 Hroad at., next to Continental Hotel; 'phone 1276L. B. B.HIGHEST price* paid for ladle*' and genta’

cast-off clothing, shoea and feather*. Send postal to J. BECKER, 66 Montgomery st.OLD O^LD, silver, sorapa. Jewelry, dlamcnda,

platinum bought; 781 Broad, over Petty'* new >tt^e. BALkVRE, formerly Gonaalea.WANTlsp^FIfly or seventy-five cord* of dry

wood. H. OERDE8, P. 0. Box 88. Upper Motitotair'WANTED—Barrala: kindly elate price and

SiM. J. NICK. R. F. D,. B 149, Ellxabeth. N. J.BICH taOlBL Wlahlnc lo »ell clothin* of >n

kina*. iLcJdrfloi Widow, Box 44. \ ’«wa of. fie*.

H ooiehold QMKtg W ttr to lAT MR. CAgK'8. flj Ao«d«in]r near W uh.

Ington »l.; t*l. SiUL, Haeket. w« buy your fumltura; w« buy rvarythlnt and anythlni In lart* or ■n»)l lola; Bottiln* too laraa or too amall for me to handl*; we buy old earn*!*, old chair*, teblaa, atov**, piiiowa. iron bedA roc.k*ri, dlaha*. mirror* aruf everythin* you went to *a11 for caafa, I can *lvq you more

. than any d*a]*r or «ny auction houae In th* city. Ton *«a, I havo no agenta or repreaenta- tlva to pay commlaaloB; that'* why l can nay you nMir* for your gooda. Wt call a t one. with a c1o**d wagon; bwlneta atricta. conlldentlal; f*t m f prloo ibat befora ^ In g S th a rx and be codTinced; **nd poiUI o r 'ph™ . t will cal) at one*. UR. CARB. «4 AoiSamy a t : tat.Marfcat'____________________

FCBNmiRB wanted at A. UARE’S, a » WSihlngton at.; tel. 444TW Market: b n m

Iwldara, look to jyiur Intaraal before you ^ your fumltura. Wa pay your pcioa for your fumltura. It In good condition. W* are Um largaat Iniyor* In tha city; wa anbanga fiani).' tura tor marchandlaa; that'* wliy wa ran nay mora than deatori. Band poatal or 'nhona. t WHI eaU at orwo. A. MARK'B. SOS WaaWagW : at.; tol. 444TW Market____________jj/WATB tha hlghaat prtraa paid for AimHura

of araw daaorlption; wa buy oontant* of atorva and marohandUB; wa will a*nd Quragani or colt ptraonally, and wa will pay you mora

othtr Iwnta In tha city; aand tor V, UKOn, tba man who pay* you ctah and daal*I 'S L X M


itoim. abw*M gnd lUtt or euarthlng you have to Ml^botiglit for cooh; consult us hsfor* m !I-

posui or___ _ REID Auetlttfi Rcoki,

gj&tmm. .4 Artlngtott a t . em r Mkt

TWO handsome crepe veil* for sale- very rea- _ doable. Addreas K.. Box 117, New* offloe.TWO rolltop desk*. In fine condition: will aril __for ^ 199 Main st.. Bellarille.nOLiN (?ASR9 at wholesale price, one profit

from facinry to you* 05 Bruce sL, opposite No. 8 Truck Co.

WE ARE HEADQUAR^MfDT coffee rallle, equipped with the potent ball wring*; safes that are fireproof and have hrsei locks and handles; tea lea, even balance iprlng and platform! all tested by the city eealer


‘Tha Home of Good Hardwere."100 NAME CARDR, In purple rase, latest

style, 40 ceota. liigravure Co., SayleivtJla, R. I.

B ouiehold CoadB and P u m l tmA'T A. MARK'S, 308 '(t''aahlngtoii al,, comer

Academy- We are the largest second-hand nimltur* house tn the city; furniture slightly used eold for l<de* than haJf price; can aee fnr yourael#; enamel bed*, cost W. we sell for 11.50; dining-room table*, coat |18, we aell for $B; waabtotand*, coat 16, we eall for 75c.; par­lor atove*. coat $9. we aali for $3; Mtohan range, ftost $18, we sell for $5 ; Rorlland ranges coat $26, we *el| for $9; large bureau, With large glass, coat $16, w« set) for $3-46: three- piece parlor emt, $6; rockora. 2flc. and up: feather plJlowi. 85c. and tip. and a great many thlngB, too numeroui to mention, at A. MARK’S, !J08 'WaBhln^on at., corner Academy

ABSOLUTELY as good aa new; contenta of a home, only u short time In use; must be sold;

elegant parlor suit, made to order, looae cuBhloni; ruga, rockera, buffet, exteiulnn table leather chair*, ohtna and cryetal closet, braaa bed, elegant dreaaer and chiffonier, portlerea* all at a aacriflee; good chance for newlx* woda; lepaxataly or together: to-day OJid tfl morrow- 86 South Thirteenth at.AT UK, CASH, 64 Academy at., bureaus

Wth ^Irrore. coat fifi, sen for 13.60; sd- ameled bed*, coat $8, iel| for f t ; |9 new •Pri&g, *1lghtly used, »el] for 32; Darior heata**

4*11 llpy 33: dining-room taUa. ooit $18. aell for 38, at n4 Academy at.ANTIQUE sofa* high post bcd7 «1d mahogany

deok. oard table, aewing table, aolld miuiog- 01^ bed; some flna old chair* and mirror*. 106 MHUgan pL, South Orange.ALL kinds of itova* and houNhold good* for i «Kla* cheap; ready for use; aleo atovaa ax- dhanged, 370 UuUMrry wt..CARPET your floor for $8; rav*r*lble niga: ^beautiful wool; Burmeaa, Oriental' ■lagtOfi: ruga, 1S9 Irvington av**. ^u tb

aairing oiachiaa choap. Apply 2b

BtiEOANT tibuter jilano: oo*l |U8 on* year MOi twp oomera* and acouaoria* {Dewl; al*o

fcrhltuf* of 8 rooma. IC Jante* a tklmait n*wj M t cIm u

T46 i t , thtrt door. ^TOR SAL.B, i twrlor •*«*! wool m

" 5 PWU], I. UDO-yotjo, w BiowiMd •*•.; M T ia n b . b .I nw ouibli prtoM ter bouMkoU — t w4 e o B ^ jn , BTOfT;* ••fiHikw* wi oonaiuaB, htM Oftnv* sLi SflT BreHA tt. lEflSSi B. B,

o a E s s f lu a iM O a n d M iu jM B a y


UAHOHaNT parlor *ott, H it A lSbolv u fs>aS ? Em lidJS*'dM . IT; hanrooki 0.SO; tawasm, nooi. ig'Wnjimp rt.j, near Broad.Ne, 8 COOK EPOVB* fa* good 4irdaF, I4t tor^w & i S ’V > •HBW Hoit* •iwla* nwehlM tlw «a*; to reoi

cmOlUm; V; ft kMfklo. l « U dmI* Sn T Onuigu.__________ ■

OPTORTOW TT-<>m»tllBI't' i .N «t li yunr ch*ac«; H,0W woiCk flu* hmat- hold gooda, fumttare. oarpaCA e w h ^ a . 600 ■tovea: muat b« a ^ at ono* on aqeount of altoratlOB* to building. A. BAHDiinntn A CO.. 48 Bellerilla —

CMfiininc. foamoaohla^ aBW,

OvAs nllndtr No. 10 •toTi, «B« allOtoc ooWb.both in sooO oenOltlon; utry nuiiinblw

Cill IM Miln it.. OiWBQ*. _______OAK-. RXATER u*^ Urn* w ntn; « u t 114

Wrti tor $0. KBARNO, T«a Botron i t■BBB4TI0M BTORB. 3H lU rktt iL-4pur-

ohiiM. by chuim. thounuioi of Mori mp*. •It*w4 U^rtDB lolnti, (wlvintiid plM, ill il i i i, i id otiiir Unwnjw iUpt>lfi4 'to h ioli i t IS e n t i ikoh while they lu t ; ■!» lOg tollit Mt4 flue Oioomtloni, at It.M with olou tor; t3.M «llhiiu<; In Olnnarwan and odd hlacH In ih lia our nhtoty and low pHou willTot* wiioBHaal pTepgijre l y s rar Orngtinagb bcjk r atwlna naohlBa. in ipliadid ofd«r,

*lthnlUolnwntai a ^ iilano. m , worth HW i Ua«n» city, UfiMtaL tO S a ta r 14

C ow iAUCTION SALE of 00 head of freSh Offws wwii

close aprlngera The undersigned will *a|] at No, 140 Fortlefh bl. Irvington, N. J,, eaat of Olymp lc park, cm Wednaeday, Novembar 16, at 2 K. M,. rain or ahine, an extra choice lot of cowa; condition* mad* known on day of sale.


THREE good freib oowe and oalvea for aale. H- J. -nNCENT, Pleaaantdale. N. J.

WILL receive Thursday. Novembar 16. a car­load of choice fresh cow* and pprihgari,

which aje for sale or exchange. MAX MEIER. T40 South a ‘•.

Elghteanth at., near Springfield

L adders, D m te k i and PlairpolesCAHUJAD LADDERS hflB SALE CHEAP.



S a ftaNEW AND se c o n d -h a n d SAFES; ALL



S ignsAHTIBTIC *1rn*. show oorda and l*tt*rlng. BT-

JAR-VKf SIGNS, ano. to Ren-A-Tbr, 786 Brood, near Market; 'phone 6009 Market.

W alchcB ond J s w e b rON CRKDtT—Dlamonda. watchea, J*welyy; 31

weakly; atrJclly eonfidenilalr no referencf re- qulred. Write AQAR. 101 West 141 at at.. N Y.

H O R SE S, c a r r i a g e s . E T C


BLANKBTfl DIRECT rROM THE MltLi Ch*ape«t bona* in tha fitttc: no vldd]*m*9’i

profit te pay: vtoruD ^n t* , horaa aiid CQTeri Dad*: Mat bowt recbvered, |8 op.BON'fi haroeM idkopi 291 Orange it.THREE big, atranf work hor«a*. suit any

kind of work; aJiO nice bay mare, suit any buaineaa purpoae; price* from |B6 to 1125- work horaee to hire. BoardJag and read Etkblea, 26 Slfhth av*.BTRONG (oml^ hor*«. gbofi i|a«, weight about

1*180 Ibi.; fine light atation wagon, withJloiB frant, and homeia: **11 oil tar EIDO. Call OHNSON’S Market. 6« Main a t . . ^ a t ^ .

ange,flEXiL CH^AP, two young matched teama

weighing 1.400 ponada. |I50 each; four young work hora««, $80 up; hamcaa, top wagon- trial. 4 Tbtoop awa., ebrotf Broadway, Brook-ly?:__________________ ^ b / ________

14.9COMBINATION leal brown gelding, hand*. 6 year* old; abaolytely *r>und; kM

Nddlar and can be 6rtveh; winner tn road horw parade* Addrv* C.. Box 1. Newa egSo*FIRBT-CIiA^ fleiSol cartjage, with new rubber

tire^ front glaae and g1t*s doora, Just come 2”^ . ’W wrighl. Call 449 Sottth ^nl,h at. and blocItBi«Btnltb abop.

RtItoBB TIBEfl for all eahlele*, aoRd or Interna or tide wire, raaettlng and

Uf* IM iiM laS ruintotiitL J. LODWia, tna.. » - g tiiaifitia m.I2A B u ts sevd i l » f i t mu

worker: elbe heovr olngte rate raoldeqda. T04 South fl*

mue^g* aztra good^ t e ’ 'd r t f f . 7W 'W th ^ e n llU S tli '■?.'» m - bibck from Springfield ava.ACCOUNT iMflhg epnttwet elk good bone*.

HilUbU |3ft uj>; trial] alsottflt and opei muineaa wagoha. 140 W«at Thlr-tg'Olntb at., New 'tfuk.

buy a big gtrong work horae ^ summer; worth 1190; coll aulok. lea 4oak or atablea u u

Grant at-* near gprihg. ^CHOICB ckf tb r^ food wait hemea for wwH for

rMaonabie price oloo buckboard and busl- Mte runaboQ^ 4-yaar*old boalnei* mara, fl02 Rirar road* IfewarlLgood horM~uid twd pafntor*' wagowTnd

iMmena: wlU ^ l | a t ■asriflee te quirk buyer. Can be aeon n t S Qreaawopd g**,, Rost Qrabga.FOR SALE—Oheetnut rced bbree; good trav- 'e M r^ lU M e Yor troea^ butcher nr M v -

rry. BflO Q rov wL, naay Spgth Orange aw.WORK bofiea and imalnin* wagon,i to M n:

alao fnmltufe aiowtiif and atonng. d l^ T - TON jk B O r# CDs, S$T«n-3Ufl^ k ^ ,


RlTUi'S nSAD COMMinaiON flTABLER Th* Qreat**i Horae Bubl«* in New Jereer*

490-497 Broad iL. Newark. N- J* Private flolee at All Tinea

Regular Auetlen ^l*a Every TUESDAY AND FfUDAT.

cotniMnclng at 10:30 A. 11 . rain ok ahina at which time we offer over

luO-HKAD OF UuHHBd -aOO of all dwwn'lptkiaa

Far eaoh aala we reoelva oonelgiunaBte at boraae from ibe foma of Penneyivoaiv Oblo, Indiana, Virginia and New Jere«y. ■elaDied by expert hone judgaa and ore liistructed by our abippera to poaillTriy aell Ih m boraaa to Ihe blghaai biddera

llh aaok aaJa goa# our bona-04e guor* amra, which meana horee d axoouy ae rep* r«ec(ii«ij (,r no aala,, IW-gECOND-UAND IfORBES-lOO tianemliy put up at auotloa at koeo* eolaa

T.iuae horaea are brought here by iwlrat* firms and Ibdlvlduola

^OUR q u a r a n t fc pr o te c t s YOU. a ll m oney b e f u n d -KD IF YOU ARK mSSATlS* Flfcjp WITH TOT’R PITR<'HA31.

H'Tae*. Mule*, WagdM and Harnege "Ivad from any one to b* aotd oB oo^ mlaalgn, either at auction or privata ^ala ntiraea f^r aai* or axrhange at all llmea

50 a*ts of naw HarDsaa for aale cheep THi^fl FI. HOY PROP

william A. Pmrkhurai William A- Patlereon, Saleemeo.

J a. w il U ama Auctioneer.


TBiLinPHONB 124 MARKBt.900----HOR0M---- 300

lOO ban quality draft and general purpoae hora*a. waighlng 1.260 to 1.300 pound*.

Just received, carload of PeiiMylvanIa aoell- melarl honu, beet (]uallty, heavy draft; Juet the kind evary one need* when thay are stuck with ihelr heavy auto truck*.

50— Ml'L.E&---60weighing 1,000 to 1 flOO pounda.

Juji reeelred rwrioad of ntuleo, many mated pairs, euitable for axpreae and general dellvary pitfp<f#aa. oloee built, bright and active.

W* are daily (achanglng for good, aarvlce- ■ ble. ierond-hanrl hnrtea. Which w* have for ■ale at reaaonaMe prioee.

75— HuKsEh P:>R h ir e ----T5____ -USTON. SALESMAN.

h o rse OWNERfl!Every time wn pay |T for your dead or ro*-

demnea horee or oow, we get our oompetltora' goat fnr nothing’

WAJ*JTIbr>, i.oon dead or oondenmed hcraea and oowa per week,

AT IT EACH. JPrompt eerrioB, night and day.

BCITWARZ BKOfl. c a .11(V! Harrlaon ava,

Kl'lAKKT, N. JI* D PlKine 2‘JIO Lm o I if.

1,000 dead AT p-cmdeirmod horaea a n peo- onord In .NsTsark and vicinity about every THRKIE MONTHS

Why advertlee for thi* numbar waaklyT \te Tak4 al] oan get and pay

DrWftLAfift each.

n.ooRemove same prnmptly and par spot cash Kvorybexly frenied alike. No favurlma Trv UB If noi ehiiansd where you have bean dealing.

NEW JERSEY RENTIEJUNG CO.. 'Phone Iflrr. Mki p o Box 280. Newark. N-J

ARE CFcmpolled lo ofTer st a aaorlfloe iiur ^erge ati>ck of hutohor, grocer, plumber,

cari'niiisr iind nn*. two, three ton coal and loe leftpinn, iiIbo ■ ne jn r#-n tnji'ki and exprea* waaopft nf alt di-arrliJiionii, rr we are forced i'> go lul l iilu niitinioMls bunlneai, take your iiif-k of lur elei 'hs and cutters t^hlla thay Ibpi hi Ji2rpii esi-1i, our jKock hef'ire buy- in* eljseMhPie, fur we will save you iuf>7try; tliRee irurka and alelgha muat be*'-en In |*e Hpprecinted. rewk boitom prices pre\ail. \ftllaljurgh Wnjiun and Carriage t ‘o-. Tj. r lii'IHi.n:. mgr., lA-uih (.trange and t on- ford avej _ Palm n , Vallatuirgh aeirtloa.


Acruuni rnsllng of eraaon ■will dlspnae of Mveniy-flve young horaea and marve, good conolllon. gied In the diy past year, w*Jgh- Irig l.OOU to 1,BU0 tbs.; also four horaaa used bv our callectnra, 350 upward, fifteen day*' trial allowed; If not aa represented can be re­turned If trial time: all huraa* and roarai will be shown In hamnaa; also alngle and double hamesa; all hnrae* delivered free of Charge; ice trucliR Bee foreman, 4S6-48T Koirt Twenty- third at., New York; ‘phone 4!>2B Grammaroy


0a>* and Commiaalon Btable* Auction ewei f Monday and Thuredey at 1 P M

We always have TB to lOh honwa lo ■•lect from. Hoj-bab. wagons and hamaM reeelved to be told on commlaalon. Two days' trial Hllowad on all horaee eold. and If not as rep- roaenied your money will I* refunded.

_____ PGc iiV>RaEMAN. Manager.




348 PIJlNE 8T.


WAGONS. CAHRIAaER. WAOON8.AH ■tylee, weight*, iJiea; both new and **c-

ond-hand; aullable for any buBlneat or purpose; wa must, sell and absolutely no reaeouable oflera will be refuaad; oall, make en offer.

THOMAS ATCHABON.Office 446 Cent pal ave.

WAGONfl and trucks for grooar, botcher, plumber, or any hind of budfneaa; new atock

and pi-Li'ea lew; collaotnre' and buaineaa fuggieaand phantona in tlx dtfferanl alylea; depots, ■urreya, runabouts and closed carrlagea for pleoaura driving; (hla I* all new stock, and on Rcoount of moving Dacernber J our stock will be Hold ai coat: rubber tlrea put on while you Rail. J. COLYEH A CO,. 22S-235 HtiJaay at.MUBHK liarneea and top grocer's wagon, oijt-

fli 31D0; horaa. hamaa* atid good palptar'a WBgon, outfit fW ' good-alse driving horse, rob. ault grocer or butcher. 185; amalf driving mara. |60. bay horao, euU any light burina**, 34 - small work horse, good for country use, $15; fair trial given 69T flprlnifleld ave.TWO new itok* tiuck*. carry 80 to TO «wt. i

new and second-hand coal and ln« wagoea. capacity from 14 to S’-i tona; wagons ana carriages of all kinds manufactured; bualnMS ■Icda for bakers, grocers, butchers, plumbera milkmen and laundrymen: pricaa $25 to H. M. foot of Clay at.

r u b b er T1RE».We put on and repair solid ood ouehton

vehicle tlrea: we use Hartford rtibher only: they are the beat; prloea low; work doc* while you wall.

JOHN O. MERKEL CO., 28 Prinea a tLIGHT lea or coffe* wagon. 140: pUUform

plumbers wagon. $65; paTniers' wagon, Iflfl; platform open wagon, carry 3.000. 150: good team, market truck, tllW: good top grocer*’ wagon. $46; aingl* ice wagon. 176, light, open wagon. $H>, 597 Bpringflalif ave1136 FOR 7-yaar-oid sound horvo, *oLd for

board bill; o|ao two big wind and work mares, ault trucking, delivery, expreel; three coUectora' horaea; team truck, harneae; trial and guaranteo witb all horaee. MANGER, 14 Eeaex at., Sunday, all week.BOR8E—FaHy not wishing to winter home

will diKpoae of handBome bay horse; suit any buaineaa or ramlly purpoae. for $86; ooat 1250 in June; been used a t aeashor* to stS' lion wagon- Inquire private reetdonea, 14 Grant at . near Brestd,liORFE. harness, putfnnn, oarpentar'a wagon.

outfit $66; Ma*M1r»d depot oarriag*, single market truck, |85| light open wagon, | 2o; ipod platform open wagon, cmtIb* one ton, |«0: three art* of light hamees. 34 Ber­gen it . near 'barren.$25 BUYfl ona email horse. Died In grooery , wagon: ona work Im e ; |10 boy* heavy aet of double hameaa. 64 Newark at.WORK MARE, vitifl* lee wogen, art of hai^

nese; can be seen from 9 to fl. Taoulr* 15 Highland are*BBLIjING out; two wo#ooa dart W fiiah and

mala aJeo farm tmpUmenta. tuqukra iS7 Hamburg pi.FOR SALE •e^^^al wort her***; fuiubiTTor

alow work. COt/r*t EbcpiWM Co., 28 Day

TWO bera;^ «ltaWe for farmwork. HARRY F. fiATES, 12 Rom at., Newark.

A \'ERT fancy aafidl* and driving hor«« for ■ale; can be seen at 79 Haiti a t. Oast Or-

aoge.FOR SALE-Flne driving horae. ffffi ituyva-

lanl av*., Irvington, N. J.GOOD HARNESS and cerared wagon for aale

chHiip. Call 75 Jama* at.WIND and werrk hone for aala, cheap. 43

Clifford ti.. East Oi^ga.HORSE for aale; 6 rear* old; oound and kind.

Grocer, li2 Congreaa pt.TWO gocFd work horsaa for sola ebaap, JO

Broome at.

HorstoL C u rti^ iM , Etc.. W n te dWANT lo bar iinUi. Kun4 liatM, btwtii or

bliok; no mil*: vilftbt 1,300 to 1,(W Tw - n*t unJir nlM r w n #10; no f u t bonHt Tor tidorir poool*: c u ihoir (rom * A. IL to ItSO P. M. n i Wiwton i t ___________w a n t ed —lAiht niniboot or mod wuon-

will niiO* and tn sood oondltlon; dHorlbi and >tat* lowut prlea, AddrMt Wooob l i t Norlh ava,. PloimlBld, N, J._______ ^CROWN Point Btoeli Farm, Tror Kllli, H.

horaaa boardod; poacori; boa itolti: OAddeeia- talaphon*. JT^D CONDIT, Proprlitor.<KK>D iroand-lund Aorii; m u t aralch ohout

1,0011 Ibi.; on. dnr>t trio! ditlrad. OrlnUI ftui Co . Hacltatt it., city.WANTED—A Food worti borM. wiliUiw ohoot

i.soo to tado ttw. jioe. h e k u S o kM i^ ilni it._________ •

PH REN O LO G TCONSDLT v a p r . l x boy , now ponnanuilr

located In tb i C«l«nan buHdltts. eornf,. of HtMd ond OfODfi it i .; ooetiiMii .«tlr* upper fi^v; entnuce to Colemoa bolMtag, 4fl9 BrosMl ■t ! ql*o 87 Cimafft oLi hoiaa > to fl P* ILU A nW .CA BL M O n tn it. . n o w 'l l: ■taftl.-' DtUF fWM i» ft. * . # W > . It.


flUSlNKBS PLAL'ES''^F a'iX^KINDS SOLD,IF YOU w a n t tu ui; v on skll


TKLKl'HU.NE asad MARKICT.ATTENTHiN AII liuyen of btliloe** plaoM

art proiecird against dtbta of sellers, and all busiitsee opportunities ara ihoruughly inveill- ■aleil befiir* i„ |d HACK'S BualnaU ciroJterage.

♦I'fiOO—Rasiaurant and furnished-room boBa*;Old esiabllalird, wall paying plara. beautiful

from. u|Ji sell together of.eeparaie; lU r<K>m* o| furmiure Included renipta average |2lk> waaki gi'lna abroad, MAi'K. Firemen'* build­ing.

LI\'TCRY busineaa, old ratabHehed. oanirally local6j. country lywn. naar nUlrooJ deuai,

» fi\ini Newarlt. raoalpt* average IWOmonihty, hvireaa, wagons, alelfha, etc., all m

CONi'KCTB building block manufafrlurlng"cfth stork and mscfilnsTy nnishetl tu>d unfinished work, iiver-run wit:

busUH . _unflnlahed work, over-ruii wUh

I'.rr®' *ef«. lyi'awrliei, loatiufai luntigliuildijig, bii yard, price MAi K Flra-meti s building.**1: end grccery biumrai. n-ni $25. ea-tslWlahed n yaara. receliMa avernae $275

ef^ays well sleeked yrii o $dOU. K. FIrenien’a building

J CAN BBLL TOUR BUftlNHPfi wUh my syneiii when oihcre often fau, sailing vohn|iii i;s havs lima and monty Ij' rtrat esa- ■ tig .Mai k Firemen’s hulldlngDEIJi'ATKJ^SEN buehisu, eentpallv icoalwl,

0 S'-tri one, sacnflcod for $l.2iii. acoouut •IcJtneHs, reni $35. Including four nice living TOOins and bath, saven )*sra' leas#, raoeljua WfW 'ftaek, lr>aae win-th the money aloiiv Mack . FIraman a bulUllrif.VTJRMfiHED morning hou*a businaae for aala.

I. 'rchard at., 12 rovroa and baih; ihrae^tory and baoameni. nicaJy furniehed; prio* |45i>, rant 142, PK'slpts A13 monthly MACK. Flra- men't building.FURNITT'HP; and leuM cf 15 roew housa;

Uauhlngton at . rent *76 monthly; full of WDiara. reieim $i^i niomhty. a bargain. MArK, FlrnrnaB S bulldlna.FURNISHHD-lluOM houa*. a dandy; oaniral

location. Ji> rotinia and bath, rent |40, guod l^ee, &JI hut parlcr fumilure aacrifleed fur $5yu a snap MACK. Flramen'a building.Fi)H nKNT—Furnished 24-ri>oin hoTi*«. ftttaan

mlninea Iron; Hruad and Markm, very da- ■Ifabia k»catlfin. awell IcioklMg iious«. beauti­fully fumlehed and fillo-1 with teller «laaa of nxiraere: rent |M; lease three yeere. going bouih. Ma c k . Klfamen'i buildingFURNiSHlCD-ROOSd house, Ideal locatloa; tI-

clnKv of city hall, 11 riaiwy rooms; uaeJ by prtvaio family, fumlahed shove Ibe or^- nary; three yaare’ lease; rent *45. fumllurO, Including elegant piano. $6<iO: a anap; mak* offer. MAl'K, Flremen'a building.GROUKRY and notions, In Jio*avi||e; axoollant

iooatlon ami real gi Kl old-eetabllshed btiai- nees, cheap rent, long lease, reoetpij $160 and towards week, stock 1700. price ifoo, MACK. Firemen's buildingOONFEC7riONT5RB-i worn a real good o«n-

fectlofiary and olgar buBlneu, wrih living rooms, recelpiB $LO0 or upward* week, taro cash buyan waiting. CaU MACK. l-'lTemaa'i building.

1 WANT fUTtjl*b*d-room hwiee, 30 rooma or 'jp*'rda; no boarding; ceatral iocailon;

Quiak; ooab huger waiting, call at once. UaUK, riremen'a buildingCONFSJCTION RR Y. claart. newtpapere; five

living rontns, bath loru $36- guarante* rr- cripta average IlDft i-eh. iirxjk, fountain, all $700. no eiioumbraiii-a MaCK. Vlremari'a building.CONFTKTIONBRT, •■laara. etc . one of beat

on Cllolon ave.; prim ll.SOt); receipt* |200 weekly, elegant flaturei; well slacked: tnn years' lease, cheap rent MACK, Klremen'a buildingBA LDOJS--Fin'- proTTilneiii rerncr. howling

a lley i, elitiiflBbriHnl. p im i, n l ’c flri ircp, eim-k, glassware, and all for |fM ; cntnfdrfabi* llTlng; ■even roorna ab'-m |•■ - nH e liullrtlnaIIOTJCL and cafe, nvlghborlrg counlry town;

rent $5n, ^nod lener. rerolpta $176 w<-ek; 15 roome, flaturea, hronee. | 5u0 itnck. and alt for il.ornt. rare oppormolly R«e MACK, Fire­men's bulMIngSAI/iON -Psauilfully fitted rgrner; llle floor:

eir-al retting sflte 2*1 halvei beer waekiy; rent |P0, liu-iutjlng nice seven-room atnam heHied flat, pno], ahiifneboard, bI] for |1,3U<); recripta $176 waakly MACK. Flremrn'i bulld- Ui*SALOON—Nice little place; poeltlvely worth

II, 600; for $500 cash; excellent location; rent $90 month: receipts average more than ibat evary day, well stocked MACK, Fireixien ■ building.

_ _ B U 8 1 N E 8 8 O P P O g rU N re iE SCifir ioO ncUM ilor*. In

. Hill i« U 0ti or IrTloiioa. AOdroH Noilon, 5 ^ ft*. Niw* oBlc*.DHUu STORK In ooioiir **iildo roiort

sale; liberal discount* lov caeh; good raaaoa f ^ eetllng. Addreai Beaetde. Box 91, Nawa oai«.e

Flrtt-claae vegetabla. ~rruit~aad n*h rout*, catering to Arel-elajs niattiOMiw:

owney tnuat change climate on srrouiit of uoor j^alth: mvaatlaaG'Jb invited Addrwa IHiih. U. Hews office, GrangeFor b a l e -Old-eetahllehed grocery and bu(oh-

»r busineaa: ala rooms, l] yeara in plaoa, muat be sold Ihla week at praotkcallT voter

prio*. Address NKIaI ^ 935 Bargen mFOR HALS, milk rotita, guana rotoi) a t ^

cania, on account of eU'kneaa. on* good horaa M ilaa and «4*ei, Addreaa CHuaHtuinUy Dot 9fi. Newa offiot. *’

l\)K SAl.ii]—Oyatar houae, fully •autoptd In faciorv district; will a«|] cheap on aecMnt

other bueineeii. Inquire 111 Paollkt *tFo r SAIftS;—<3ood paying gmoery buatnea*-

will Bocrlflce on oec-ount of old age. Addreaa or nail 29 Eleventh av*.UROCKRT buaineaa for aala; fipitag m New-

lon. N J . eatabilihed 20 yean; barge comer itore. cheap n*iu. Ifl.fWti reqalred for stock and Aaturae, niu*t ao sold at once cm aorount of death of owner. Inquire KATR M. DEMER- EST. SiJiathlBtrairlx. 32 Trinity at., Newton, N, J.UUlm’ERY BTOHB for aala; good tobacco

trade, doing klixI hualnaat; reason for aell- In*. vU-kiieee fpo Central aveGENibCRAL BTORE bueintie for eal*. thla

■tore la eltuatad In on* of the moat proaper- cua ••«t>oiie .if Hunlardon Couruy. ti. J , \t iniereeted ilta ie write. Box 1U. WhUtahouea Statinn, N J

oorner sandy and greaery aCOra for aalp, cheap tngulre 149 Bergen at.

H4T FArTORY for aale, with nubchinery. for Hoft and KtJff haia, iriiennable price, on ar-

tount of alrkneoe. Ad<Jreaa leing Le'JW. box I Newa office.LADY UIHRoroi >|Vr "deemed i« lTuy~~h^r

dressing and parlor, amail oapUaJand expenar*. muei eMorlfloa. Addrean Oppitr- tunlty, Bo* O, Ev«olna News. Moatnlolr Tirench.I'LM.'H Rcif>M. eatabllihed U yean, for *al«;

would consider partner, making |5() and over weekly Bm *79, r»r*nfePARTNER with $500 in 11,000 for bttdher.

fruit and vegeiAblv huilneM. aixteen mile* from Newark. I hla Is a good <u>ening for a live niah. Address No. 4, Newark Newa ofRoe, Morristown, N JFAHTNEH. with $500. to take one-f<H)rtti lb-

(ereat in the wjioWsule oyster end olam busi­ness , lo act ai freaaursr of the firm, quick rrivifna. Address f'artner, box 43. News office.p e r m it us to tneiall a peTinv-Invthe-alut aho*

riaanlng machine. If 100 pennlaa par day In- lAk* la $>oasitiiie in yuur atore. roJI a*^ eew II. Hhoe Cleaning Machine I'himpaDy of N«w Jbv- •ey. WT Broad atSALOON—O od paving aaluun for goJa; *10

astabilfhed buelneas muat aell on aooount of Ul haaUh, WIU sail reaaenabia. Addreaa G , Hox 40, Newa cfllca.STDliS tc let, 1105 South Orange iv* ; r«ni

$W. good IdOatlnn Inquire J. HAJITH, 2D5 Houth Oranga are.V.4N P02NAK w riJi HUT Fr\-ERTTHrNO


'W ant to buy private aeavanger cuatomorg In East Orange, ind also cuatomera who wont

Rn-'Kl acrrlca. Addreea Good flanioe. Box 09, 'ew* office.

tloQlaiVsWA NTI!n>—Moving and atorafv buaineaa t&

Nrwark or vicinity. Write full part; Addresa Moving, lk>x 43. Newa offloa.TCUNG~DOUTOR. with Ik.OOO. to take ooklw*

tniereat In sanitarium. Addreaa Dooiov, Itex 64, Sawa officM.

W i m ^ t i ^ L O A N 8 - - R ^ a iT A T KMONET TO LOAN



R O t^ TM ___PRCDBINTU I. BUnftPlIfO.MONEY tn loan on bond sod mortgog* lB

city of N>n'*rk and ad^aoofii towns; CRiall ■ mouiUa preferred. JONEH k 0LEE90N, TM Broad at.. Nrwgrk, N, J.1500.000 TYJ iiC*AN iin iKtnd and mortgage l&

aiima la ault at 6 par rent., witbrntt bonus. Er’WAKri H BLA«’K. cOtinaelor.52l> PrudenUoL$A,uoQ Tn hioji on flrat bond ana mortgage, at

6 per L'eni., mjghi divide on euilabl* proMr- (Ira, Addreaa Executor. Tloi 55, New* office.HA^''n largo aum t-n loan on first b<md and

morrmiae. rentral proparty prafarred. Ad-dr<‘B* fieriirltv. Box 45, Nrw* offloe.IITfi.tlOO TO lA^AN op firat and aeooed mort­

gage. riaii MRS. BERTHA WKIHS. 233 Weal Kinney at.. Newark.



500 BROAD. ROOMS 504-505.AT>L buaineaa places are carefully InvMtlgated

and you arc protected, buying from ' ZEL A CO-. 500 Broad, rooma I04-50A. ‘ IWE oan sell your buBincaa quiokly and wltb-

aut publicity. If you have a buaineaa fof •ale, BPS WENZEL k CO., 500 firuad, rooma 304-305BOLOGNA and provirion builnioa for aklej

ealnhllahed 15 years, doing a buaineaa of |50d wpekiy; wants Ig retire, price 11,000. WEN­ZEL & CO,. 300 Hroad. room* 804-306BITTCHER and grocery market. East Orange.

for aale; doing a hualneas of $400 wcckrjr; rant $36; a bargain for aoene cne If sold tbJa week: price $700. WKhTZEIi * CO.. 800 Broad, room* 304-900.BUTCHER, grocery and vegetable noiflet. '

'Vailaburgh aectlon, Oblnf a bualneaf from I206 lo $500 weekly, rent $40; wtll give lea**; prlea 11.200. WENZEL * CO,, tOo Brood, rooma 804-500.BAKERY In oovnfry town fer #al«; flrtt*ola*a

paying buaineaa- raeript* ItKXl weekly; alt itore trade; rent $80, Including twelva rooma; flve-year lea**; price $1,509. ^ N Z B L A CO.,500 Broad, rooma 804-8(^.CONFECTIONERY, cigar and lo* er«am M - .

neaa for aale in Irvington: recalpta front C2Q 1 to $2&0 weekly; rent |ltS, Including fjur ro*m*r ' price tS.ODO, a mopaymaker. Aruoulon *1 , WKNZBli k CO.. 500 Broad, noma 504-500.OONFECnONERT, etgar and mrileh atoro* ; ^ *i-°





$ 1 0 a n d u p w a r d You will end thaA M E R IC A N

a euri>rlJlT)ily different Inathutlnn froni fh* nrdinary lo'in company you hear or read a^oui.

i Conhdenttal desJlnga, gulck aervire, oougtaou* •mplnyea, bright, ohearful nfllaea, oonaljdanito ir*ati-netit. raiea you aon afford to pay, moke us dlffcrenl. If you have never borruwtad or If your experience with other uompaafin hoa net been entirety aailefactory plaaae coll on be.

Lei Ul explain lha American ayetem, It will pleaav you.

('all write or ’phoneA M E K IC A N l o a n

C O M A N t Becond fioor,

phone 2235 Market,Tfit b r o a d BT

C O R K E R M A R K E T (jpen Moadaj, Wedseeday

and Saturday eveninia 0 VUR

HO LZ A U B H'Sd r u g 0 t o n b

^Jlg.00 loansUrWARDi

gtKNl ones from CO.. 500 Broad.

for vale. Wa have *averel 1500 to $1,609. 'WENZEL k ronme 804-3U6.CONFECTIOKEHT and cigar store. Roirl*^,

for salei doing a bualnea* of tlOO weekly; rent $18; price H.OOO. Partlculare at WW- ZKL A CO.’S. 800 Brood, rooms 904-606.DBLICATBH8EN—Whaletal* delleoteeaen and

ohseae buelneia for sale, doing a builnaea of $660 weekly; rent $36; long lea**: price 11(500. Including large stock, horse and wagon. V^N- ZEL A CO.. 500 Broad, rooma 604-906.GROCERY buajneee for eale; good lofstlon;

doing a bualnftM of $150 weekly; rent $d0. In­cluding 4 rooma; price $450 for ■ quick buyer. WnCNZEL A CO.. 900 Droad, room* 504-906.ART BTUDIO *nd orttido photograph buainee*

for aale: flret-claaa paying buaineaa; eetab- Hahed nver fifteen y*air«: doing a buaineaa of from $4,000 to $5,0M> yearly; will bear tha airlctcat Inveatlgatlon; price $2,500; worth $5,000. For panloutara see WENZEL A CO-, bOO Brood, roocn* fl04-AV.FURNISHED room hauaei for aala; w* have

a good aelartloD of furnlahM rix m hnuaei at prices from 1600 to $1,500; we cu/i aurcly suit ..... WENZEL ft CO„ 500 Bruad, rooms 104

Pltfkoa. floJ- peoplw *o«

NegetlaMd oD Fomltltr*, Dprlghl Bjy, *10.. at rale* that iw»eat afford to pay.

i>)f ihuuaoAdg ai aoririiad eustomaia la ««ir beat rvoommaadotloa. -

flpeelal Rot* Oitll Xma*.iiaoo .... 16.00,... 20.00.-.. 3500 ... 90.00.

t payBMU* H .Tf. • iflo

6 5.15I AOO5 Tf5

No nstrm Cbavga. Nothing IVaduotad. M1.TUAL LOAN AND W FTMntBNT CO..

Roeen 601 Wlaa building, ffn Brood M

glntranoe next to Ctrltd'f Liinchfi>ni>. Open Monday. Wednesday and Saturday night*.

T^k* elerator la fifth Soar

you.B06.OROCKRY and butcher buaineaa nt) Kerry ft.,

for sale, doln* a buaineaa of tfl5n weekly; rent 140. Including all roomi, pric» 11.600, In­cluding WOO worth of etock. M,T:N'ZEL ft CO., 500 Broad, rooms 804-^05.ORPCERT—A flral-clfua* caah grocary In good

location for aale; receipt* tSM weekly; prlea $8,000, inventory will bear atrieteai inveetlga- lion 'W'EI'fZEL ft (’O,, 500 Broad, rooraa 3M- 805.HOTELS and counirv madhouaea wanted, If

yon have a country hotel or roadbouie you want to aell. nail on WENZEL & Cii., 800 Broad, rooma 804-906MOTINO plcturi theatre for aaJe. eeati 22fl,

rent |60: ha* 8 year l*'aae: receipt* from $76 ^$135 weekly, pri e $550; a bargain. WEN- 2I5L ft CO.. 509 Broad, rooms 804-505.RESTAURANT, heart of city, doing a bualpeea

Of $800 weekly; rent $90; astabllahed 7 yeart; price $1,700; reason for aelang. going abroad. Partldulari at w En zeL ft co,. 5W Broad, room* 804, 805.RESTAURANTS for lala; wa have eeveral

«»tabrante for aala; prices from $860 to $1,500; If you want m buy a reataurant wa can suit you. WENZEL ft CO.. 500 Broad, room* 804-8U6.

BALOON8. HOTEIJ AND ROADHOUSES. Ar* you la the market to b»w a gotvi laljon.

hotel or roadhnove? Then cafj and look over ^ r Hat; wa hava tha beat aelwtlofi to aeleet Ironi and you are protected bgytng from WENZEL ft CO.. 809 Brood, rooma |(M-806.Saloon , cemral, eelllhg 14 balvaa of bear

weekly, on barrel of whUky monthly, rent ** room*: piiee, free and dear.

13,6w, brewera* aaaiataocn, If raqulis-4- your own nlna-yeor lease. Partl^lara *t WENZEL ft CO.'S, 800 Brr>ad *t., rooma 304'SO6.flALOONS—Wa have Mveral good aalooTii for

«a]a, cantral, at prloea from |800 to flflOO balance brewer*' SMlitahce For partlmlar* aee WHfNZBL ft CO. flOQ Broad, room* 8O4*90b



Wi t o ; • fflio of ow m r u t t tm . wttt ootni oopltil u Btoto Hfinl; liftIUmita bui|. n*ea; no peddling or egnyaftring; to t«h right man a llfatima poiltloti wltb oinpl* eomtwnaa- tlon 1* aanirad. Addra** Exorptlonal, B«e U Mew* office,

ANT ONE bit*ra*t«d In Mf*. «gt m flubla lBv«etment*-papar gbeU mooa

addreae E. W. DBNNlBON, K iJo —i flijg.. ritf*-------------- •_AN up-to-date bortwr shop hir *alo at iwlf

the ooM prtoo; raugt Mil at one*. SIT Bpr&- fuiid ave*ClOfllNG OUT my fvi^ghed-roegt floilaew to

e o f il . In iutamohllo builnui, win HU tlirei ^ W in* h M itt *11 cntJOl onO ehMp: thi*# root. BOB, W H iltoy « .______CANDY, «lt*r», u tto M ; no O Fioiltln; brio*

nu«iF tor tlili b*r**lB; lifts. l« g Munoll* OTO. Doir MiftliOD «d0 lloaSov. I tS iS n ttrif. J*CMTOT ^ *Toe«T itoro tor iiJ t; ftixl U

FitlMatli ATiniM Bcbool. 4N Sootli n » r . ttonfli it. _______________•*W »W NtooMi M* f f n a «M(1*1,. oor. lU ttaM k » •* ,

iiixi no*.ft>r ynur need«T Could you ue* a linie mot* then your regular income permlra? ]f go, why not If ua loon It to you nn your fumltur*. planti, at”. ? Ifuu are then Independent OJUI under obllKatloni to no onr, that alone should moke It wall wenh the small charge aoh*d.

WE MAKE NO ANNOYING INQUIRIES amung your friend* nr nelghbore; yon uead no Indorafmanta at any kind whan borrowing from ua. Wa guarantee absolute privacy anti a tquare deal given. You may pay u* bark In weekly or monlhiy payments, to ault your Inoome. that you will hardly mlH and In the eveni of your paying Ihe antlre oe- cnuni aoonar than your coni roc l calls for wf will allow you a lubaiantial rebate. That's fair, Isn't 11T

IN A F iw S oursa/ter you apply far the leoft w* oo^ ploea (he money In your hands. Our large force of oourteou* repreeentalhM enable ua to do thie ' 'ome In to-day and talk over your money ne+ ri* with ue and If you are not aatla- fled, all right, no barm don*. Informattoa fr«« Bjid poeltKeiy do advance chargea. If un­able lo call, writs or 'phone (Market 4BAS) and your appltoathm wtll rtcew* th* aama promoi attention.

PEOPLE'S LOAN ft b r o k e r a g e CO. Eftabltibed 23 years.

Room 401. Nlagwa. bldg.IW Market it.

Office hmitWi fl A, M, (o fl F. |Lflaturdaya till fl p. M.



'TURB, AND OTHBM.119 loan -^c . weekly $35 lo*n-^r. weekly16 loan—50c. weekly 85 lou—95c. weekly99 loab—70c. weekly 50 lcan—fll.46 weeklyIf you have a loon oleewbert, brlDg 1b your

rooelpe* tsd w* win show you how much you con **ve br boirowLiig frMi us. Having loan* eUowber* does not prwvnt your getting Iconi hero.

Credtt OBO* asubllahad with va Is la good *■ a bank oooount In time of need.

Our rata* and plans bav* proved to be tba heat b^auaa our cuetomen are glad to com* Again.


Room 818. Scheuer building, eighth floor. Comer Broad and Commerce at*.

Opporito Postoffice. Telephone 4917 Uarket. Open 8 to 5 Aqllyo flatnrday to 8 p. u .

HONET to loon OB household goodt and per- fonal property, without femoval; our rate*

of* tM uwaai in tbo city; quick, confidential and rfllUbla; come and get our..tem* ihd be COD vUtcekU

IcrrCHETftL’B, 108 UARKET 5T.Room 33, over Van Orden Coraet star*.

SALAEIED pooflls. women keeping houoa fur- ni*b*d wumey without security jchcopeat raUo*

**gia*t paynteste; mv* moaoyi at* m« bafoM troilliHr oleewher*. Office* H prinolpol c iU ^

TOLUIAK. ro«i»flHl,tll WMfllnftas«ti

r v u n wwhen In need of a Uui* avoUible oMhi m floltar* to cents It wtll egg unaaUiraelotSV. h not unpieaaanL la both, lUyb* you o l r a ^ liBAwhow true this ttatonmni ta. th aa oZm to ua; wfl 11 acrommodat* rtni quickly awL orl- valely at a minimum coat; that wui mob* xon hMUMDdeiit ef ail frleoda. Our buolnaMM* cluaDaly to aa*l*t many wbo BORROW MONEY ON HUUBEHOLP rU R-

NITURE WITHOUT DISTURBInS^ rf . ^ , Now isn't this fn irl You have u** *s w a

y«ur m u m y and cur tpongy at psholiiak hm sam* time. \K« losth otiy amount irom |10 v* fllOA for ona moath or «n* y«ar, and If Mltlafl befare agreed w allow you a dllcouBt tor « o ^ moath that tba moMr it not used,

YOU 6n l t payfor th* oatuai tlmo roa keep the money. Thai la th* ataadord prinrjpia cf *ur aucesegi fair and •Quare iraalmoni to avary one N* cavur- Itiam shown. You won't be afraid to tru*t ua with your buaLnee* b*eaua* It la '

IflNTIRIELT WITHOUT PUBUCITt.We exiand to you th* oourleay of our arivate

offlcee for an Intarvtew. tnfprwtatton free; o rirt a* send our rapra*ent«tJT« 10 your home


OO TOU WANT WONttT*»oo tneo

I*’ ,tfliloy.rto $199.00Lo a n r p to tv o R ia N a pEOPiiE o r a l l


L>wmi raiee in the city and ooalMt pay* it'vnu w« eiii poeltlvely guarantee that J'^ur rn.i toyer. friends or rrlatkvee need o*v*r know. , liiu get ntkcnev Uia, eatna day y«u call.



Opposite Pomoffitie Tel. flgfi UMiffit


t\e make it M.y u fHiaiibJe for haftoat people lo do bueineae wttb ue. We apppiriaeg the fact that every pereon of pride dorire# 1* keep Lheir personal affaixa private, and w* can prrimise and ouaroniee lo «uob obeolul* eoaft* dafMs In oJil tranaartton* MMluoted with M.^ WK TRURT youWa wilt open a eonflrtantieJ uredtt oodoaot with you, tf you are In need of money ca jia i euv office- Tour aneount will be waloonwd, «nfl otioa opened ean alweye h* u*ed. 'Yeu have UM iOf both money and goods. Mo*i^ lb R»w hour* after applying. Dn not fall lo call tad get our terms before doing btMtneea alaewtar*.


LOANft OH FURMITUR*. NC-WARK PROVTIHWr LOAN AgSoCUTIOll Hotimi ssit.fiai E n n nuiMiii* iji

Clinton and Banvat ita, ^President, .hjllua 5. RippeL Itivaatmeai Be*

eurlUas-vice^praoliient. Benjamin AUio, vicw.Bra*l.

i^ n ty Naitmal BankNa*

dent Sa*ex County Naitona] Bank Treasurer. David 11. Merritt, Freeld«

tlonal Newark Ranklaa Company.C. O. Van Gordon. Manager.

REDT'COtD RATER Th* totaJ intereei charged on 130 far toa

months If 12.08; oh $&0, $4.15; on $109. flfl.H and on $200, tl8>80- Paymvnia made monthly,' lAoana tiffed from other loan aaaootatkma. Offic*^hourt 8:00 A. M. H> 8 P. M,YDU CAN GET ibdney’on F l’kiTlTtmifOR


With our ayaoem you have the sailsloafjlft of knowing baflorolMind Just whan ydar pay- menia will cloa* th* arroiint. and hew lOJUiy payments tt wfli lake to do It. We geafer ta obtain n*w cuatomsra by nffaHhg low rate* rarhar thoa by paying for large adveriMmenU. Our n*w Plata atver cou**a you to worry. E i- pianatlon* onpt nothing here. All builaka* wfth IhU compuv 1* eirlotiy prival*; Jugt ealh Old rallwble oompony.

_ MriUBEHOLI* loan CO., llfl AND 132 MAHKWr WT., WfV>n


H w n b ro k « nOIFB n u t CBNT. ONE PBB C l i r t .

OH 8MMH OF MO AND OVRR.LoonM on D1in.on0t.

^totohoi, JwilTjr. F»™onAl Pronirty. mTAllLI8HKD IM2.

O, SIBRUAH. 10 Odor it.. o«or aiM d, iM iqiiDiUi W. V. ftoiftor oo.

f tit to 10:te.

P U * 0 8 A ND OKGJUUa >



■TBGim ft BONfl,81 u a r k s t vt.. nm w ajul

BUY DIRSCT FROM FACTORY and save from fM to fljQO on every pliafl.

Bpaclal hale of Used Plotioe and Playw th s io a : Upright Pianos, frma |I4 0 up.Flayer Pianos. fri>D flflOO up.

Easy pavm «ta and guarantee wltll OiahFISDO.These ptaoaa muat ba *«tn to be oWifilMad.

Don't bay unoii you have a«*n these iNibtl'diii al bargaloe.

JAOOB COLL ft flONfl, liw,Faotory ‘Woreroonu,

19T Morkrt «t., Newark, H. / .PlANG^Tb* F. Connor, noted for it* da p T rB i

tone sad wearing fluaUtyi iba paM m sdMliton, $900, sold evcnrwbir* |8iO; el«B*ht Daw Upright, T LB oouva, real iDohogaiiy, lYor* keys, 1175, $6 monthly; all piano* w am atM for tea yean; aiool, aeart or cover, oM yoirig tuning fr#*; aiightly imefl (iprigbfs o& Biftfl* •quare pianoa aerrlfic-ed: open evenlngA

HENRY HORN'S PSTATB.51 finutb Orange eve., oorner Howard a t

ARB T«u going to buy a piano within th t next yeari ib*n don't mlaa tbla manufae-

ttireFa faolory clearing aale; upright* tor. be*

fInner*, $85. $85. $100; illghtly used uprirtlt, UB. IU5. $1U; new upright*. |176 upw a^ U monthly; uprlghu rented; elegant aquarea.

$lp, m . lio. WIBANER. Wholapii* and XatAll wf^rtaottiM, 90B Broad *t.. Newarii.


$1 A WSBSLg u a a a n t b b d t e n t e a m .


fifi b p r in q p ie l d a v e ,, c o r , m O H AT*OPEN BVamNOB.

p r iv a t e f a m il y muat aell a 8450 mabegany upright piano; good ag new; iNv«n and oo*>

half octave; very powerful end sweet tOb*i also mokar'a full g u a ro M ^ fltftO. 90 Myrtl* Sv*., between Orange and Warron upright piano, mahogany, rich d*-

elgn, exquisite too*, flnevt material through- out. appropriate for pupil or artlsi; will sail cheap. Call or writa MRS, 0.. 668 Bummtr

1450 Kff^KArRR ebony upright piano; bOiu> (Iful tonr. will sell for IlOO nath; rail flay

or evening. 15 Howard at., block w«*t of court houseELEGANT mahogany piano player attach-

meni, wlih rolls and bench: Ilk* new; wUJ sell at a bargain. 104 Twenty-first Irv­ington.PLAYER^Ia n O bargola; etandord, latest 8B-

noie, meral tubing, broo* pedal*. *tc. For periicular* odfirfs Plano. Box 16, News officeTH»RirjHT piano, atool and cover; must be sold

at OIK*: name your wlca. 39 Jacobs s i , naar ftrrlngfield eve . block orlow 7th; private bout*.PIANO Tun PR—Practical pleno maker; re-

branebat; new string*, felt*, etc. F W t?ANN. U2 fininiwlck at.; 'phone 23MJ.8400 MAHOGANY upright piano In perfect

pondltlon. full octave, fin* tone, 8100. F(»f partJcuJara write Plano. Box IT. N^wa offiee.MCI) PLAYBR PIANO, 88-note, latest device;

guaranteed; also 34 rolls miialc. mahogany bench, $860. Edlaonla <'0,. fi? Halsey atWILL aaorinca my $400 mahogany upright

plane for lea* than half; muai be sold tb|* week, d l l 482 High a( ; private house.WOO MAHOGANY Upright pleno. slightly used,

|05; bargain offered Kdlaoiiiii (’nm- pany. oT Halaey st . open eveningsBa r ga in—I860 mahogany piayt-r piano, like

new. (isad nuia months, will well rneap. Ad- drvsi: Hurgaln. Bn* 28. News off1--sMahogany ’ pl a y e r ~pianix ii^oteT

sllt'.htly uied. $225 gieat bargain. I^Iacnla Co., 57 Halsey at , Newnrk, S JHOflrtWOOn BOUAKE PIANO

ditlon, $10. Ihdlaoiila Ho. Newark, N. J

in good cob- 57 HeJeay ai.^

81 PIANi'.'fi, orgone, tuned. r*>pa1red; expert;36 yeara' expericDce HENRlk EWALD. 29

State atpian o s TUNED ~like "new. |1 , ^ JOHN

BPCROBI B5 Springfield ave.. 'phoqa 21WR.EQUARK piano for sale. Inquire WTMBTt !

7vr'rvrtetinUI are.. Cranford, N. J.QUARR plotio for eale; gooi 225 Orange eL, firat floor.


r la iM t u td O rcaM W antedWAJ^TBD—A u»<l upniht or baby irait4

piano; g1^ doecriptlon lowest price caah. Addraaa MR- EVANB, Box 47, New* office,

B u s m E S s M o r i ic E a8AVB BMney by having ua reJlnlah your silver

wars, chandcliei'a and t^aa* bedattada, iriag- Ing them Ilk* new; anyiblog In the metal Un* raflnlabed and repoirad, a auperlor silver pdlMg aiway* on hand. Writ* or 'pheo* 8547,

NEWARK NIC.*KEL PLATING CO.#Roar 88 and 40 Walnut *1.

AWNiNGfl, Win d o w b h a d m .for ttoroa, offices and dw*UJaM at manufa<> tur*r'i prirra; awnlnga takan down, stored a<ij rapalred at reaaonabl* prices. Write (or 'phone 4Q65W) Met. 6hade Co., 28 Broome at.FIRG EflCArES—We moke them according t*

Skate, tenement-houa*, oltg ordinance end! fsetory law* of New Jersey; M ug glv* yog OA eatltAak*. Manhattan Iron and Steef Work*. 88-85 Lewi* it.; i*r, 1058 Waverly.

I over th* crocM.....«. itoro, *ro

CelUng “ ^sw*ny.

CH1MNET9 rebuilt, chimney* cleaned troift top to bottom. |fl flue; ptaaterJng, fiag|Kim

and all kinds Johblt^. A. HARRIfC 145 Alag* ander et.: tal. l flfiW. Marlwt.MARON WORX-Chlmney* rebuilt, repelr*4

and cleaned, |1 .80 flu*: ploaierlng a ^ job* ting done at short notice. HGffiVBCiC, U FalrvlfW ave. __MASON WORK—Chimney* repaired rebuC;;

pleitertng, alteratlotu and jobbing a gpeola^. T. H, DFmMODT. 161 HaUgy aL; tel. MIflfL.

M ^A L CEILINOB AKD WAUft erected in all kind* of bklldtngli jAMiOl J. HAOUrRE. fitfl Halaay *t:, 2fl*wmi$kBXFCKT chimney builder and *11 klada at ^ - pairing dwm fu maaon worlt. aBO. F#

hOHNI^ . 47 Wlaang ave-. Newark.___nTa N WORK-HChlTaaem, p M c n w M d

boiler work; eeU m ata s jfi^ W. TlulKViiM* ' BJjih a t Yet t f l f ^KFfi. I

CA R PSim A joblM by ofloimat- MVUUOflN. ^ 4 f f td L .

j c n v


H B W A E K E V B S I K G n e w s . T U E S D A Y . U O V E M B K B l i 1 9 ^

p O T B P c n g w .

» » •

t o n 0*11 » m w o o w iu K a* a k t ic n M i 0«wB«<dii, ^tlnia«}i«t. Ct»ll

ind 'Et ■ lo : bori ottliLchlnM

wrtti caaDthl OIULD

t* ^ , n iH i u>9ATBa i*o8rnoKB.

hml MtjtDiwd SkortbAfidl hb4 T rP « v ^ i J W S i i i S t T t h t c U y .,*!S» ^*?»rth in 4

Bally aid! ca Monday. bIB««.

l» u a tA N WATIOUAL W SIKU* W tX » * .(On* Wook "**1 of

TOHN^i^aUtR J*.. J ’B lnC JFlhi,___ _____ Pitm ^ and 0*aflShorttaiA aaB touch

I ^ A — »- UHI CoIIh U U M udlM

T g s V nfi!:U., FH-

n i f f th in d En4 T yptw riU nflotkoo) of ftniA*

from • to '* *®I C KENNKnT. M Wrl»M •!.

M itce lU ncoiugimVlCB* Wtor_«c^h*«*d_^tM^^»»nl^^t^

vmiiK rain of ojwri.nM Kh«I-irahfp. *a4rt« 8ohol«r«blp, Bo* «, «•*'< ofllcr _________^ i—


ypawrltlng.KEW JMIBBT BO»IN*a* C O U JO t

KTS TEA*.lUMot D ., d . i S r w’»J"p2Day Mioluft. .

for ifefM Amtho Mdht

Moai farorabty Itncn^ BchooJ—ooeauoo ix *■Kow asd moat doilrahlo toeaUon In tho Now

tffrtu OP oolt tar cttolDOOO wiO [lOrtlouIoTO, SDWABD A. NiaWCOMEIt. Pf«-

TO WHOM It mar ooot-on. Bf « TOP In mu rocordi ihi nain* #f 9. C.4V0-, city, w«i uipil In our odvirtlAotnont In

th* NoWATk Bv.ninn ''“ . ' r j ; ' . , ^ 1■interncot mt'l* wui Ui;i Mr. thot h» found «roH r*ll*t from the npDHomtooof tin Snyder Viltrotor Brood iL(HlrnM) Hnjdrr Vltirnu.r Offico. »T1 Brooa__^INrt)HMATIOV «.m rd of Jol'o ®*

WednesdaysnSpecial Real E state DayS=SatardaysLODG EftO O Mfl AND H A IA fl T O U gTIB04U0IS HAIA, 0«*ttB« e»p»on» *0^ '

nnovatad; a»w op** •asai*Piaat<, wit- I abl* fvr baMu«Kf, waddlW. diMaa. laetnrM ond l o l l . r F HUTfENBACU. Hoqoolo bullaini a w -w W»AW»«tg0 -0t,


SoRTH KIOHTII BT..• « ““<* AfI S ^ ^ O MOli-” omh B fhtn ot.Mcond fidiv Impro^amtnta; rani

TER. EloMnfltlfl a«a



tI A I I f l NOIITII THIRD ST.. Vl7| i ALL«9 roomi and bathroom i wteond floor, ran^jidt

smACEIiIfr—Lout, from IW Uptjar Idounlala ava, Montclair, >f. J-. »bogt Ootobor iy■ •

braralEt of thlriy (»1 dlamonda i t l In num. X rcwird of IlOb will b*Quoitlon* for lia r#lurn to lAt Ntticnn. i

BBT. laud. ph o n e T4U.


DUOltlOn* Wi '-m ------- -AMEniKK * Ou.. J#w*l#n. 03 « .Nbw York riiy. __________ _________ _

•oollon, Sun-

nK.\J, KBTATEf- 1 NHtniAN<'»-[aO.JNH.Main fiai.'OR. b fh r y hi HaI.'Ino .


BRICK-'bDlWIna. ooe fl'-ry. d.SXt a^uaro n.ror Upar*-, fur ■ J!Tfr

i-«ilro*d. Apply J. I’ BllaaboihHV4r.LOFT8 to iBi; p«..wer Hf-t.tnBfihT or W'l.oroiT. Iftrjulr*

'ttlTllani and Shipman *tn

LUDOK rfALU-Lodsa hnll lo nllhU In weakl mmt b* up to d

Irnia and pay food rani. U, I ofUrr

UU- for att ilai will taka oi SS, rfawt

R aw ST.. IP*—Pour connaotlni roonu. to > atnall family of adulia; rant I I * . ____

ORtBKTAl. PI», •—PIra moral and bath; b « -■ - -nt lo

imOLlt.:H- Leal In W«»uahlo - _ . , jday, a paarl uronch In_oioidd^forra , ^*A_tr..RlBvatcr. Bull*

ricaaa ra'turn to WR9. PllANCE, l i Waiaon 4ve. ___ —BKI/r-lAiat. a ' vrrr •’•'AwSSjtlkindly ruunt: rtaard alvan, MR. QEOBaBWARD. i«l lllab ‘t- ____________________ -CUFF lil'TTON~l^t, _tm Rovtmba^ D or Id.

EBT ism. ■PHONBIIW,E K BON!) AHEAl, EaTATE-l.RSl-|lAKt;E-l^AJ<a.



p.outl at,, ft.Knglntwr, ;COf. __f FnE tight tofi;Able iitwelry mfn . i-uA8*-"l'in JmmuUaialy,W. T. JANCOVIVH. J12 Arlington I t .___ ___THHEL’-BTOHY HreiKoiff. with »it«rnlcn»

WANTED, hall ii#ar Hroad Majkat ati. ^ lodM purpoa^i. about jiOalM) ft; avallabl#

tvftrv niahi In ih* w«k; will l«a*« and pay

ly daroratadi only $1*: fr#« rant lo liadan i^ 1; or will aatl with 1200 oaah- Ovnor. room Iw. 223 WaihlnglotJ ol- _____

ovfry nlghl In ih* w«k; __any roaiuoablo roni If you hara tha door opa^ and will altd r to ault for thia punyow. Aa- drraa tlUl, pn« Ig

PI.EAiANT lira-room (lat, balb, pantry, an- olomd porobi bol and cold waWr; all Im-

provnmanta: rant $iT. S3B Runyon it. ___ _

■labls and )ark« yard.Ilreiteofff.

fl as Clay it.


PARKER BT., 322—PIva nica rooma; ftatlono ary lub«; gaj; raot. tU m^oth- __ ^


on« gjid llna cutf button, raliad in o n o ft^ cn on« half of )iQk and ttcbMl erW » h^f: iultaul* r«WArd. Addraai Cun, Boa atW V'awt ofilca.

DATtmOF ANfiniW’N.

TWO Buori, inch 2.500 .quiir. feel. ’'*'5,l’;i,^_ and brat; auUable lut lllhl manufactunr.*.

U A. SATKE. ;132 Mulberry at

............- . . [„iann- CAT_IjOlt frOBB 1 WHfOH OOfnlnP fltim JrV*Finnilrmahia. I'ouiuy J.'u near ln*tou to Newirg. two-thirda » r ^ “when la.i «en na, I,, N.W york. Ha "HI hM^ cat! wKahIa raward_ DR.

REAI. WT.tTH AN-I)<74 ]XF;mA1» ST id'lV o RAMj E 3T.


TOP floor! thrfATfcory fnfiory ,Hi.OOfj Muara f«Sl; uprinkltr »>al»tn, ai vfttor Mrvlca. H Johnapn at. _____

la r g e itable In Ewl Oranga; touHMB aUtUl I wo looaa bo*«E. ampla <-arrla#a room; i*w-

er icaa and elactrlc light. aplatidld apartttMtL ■ ‘ —..-A*.- jjn- iiwary andnvr roomf arid bath; aullab)#.TTboMdlng; a b ^ W d tn , . Addre^a.K. B-.

c a n n in g , "cilan Ri<lg«, N. J. ____

drak e c o U a ta a mABT orange, n ew JlClIIST.

A MdlaJ lavIlaiiQb I* aatendad lo ottr i * MMdaiitt t.> viau 111 In our iww b o ^ _

of ■i'mrtliltif IH* A«atlng with hli ni««, MAH\ a 3118 Rld««*wood av*. iTT WIKI-l, N»‘llla, hnviTiR l«fl my bed and

i» I will n..ionn,r.,.,t.l by l.rr y!,’l,a*li;ll, « « " « .

KiTvRjTjbrr 13. IIHI ___ _ .wlrNEBSEa wanlad who aaw hoy run m rr at

Warrrn and Waihlnitinn Hi,, nhiint 0.30

HRircK, nW Hjirinfflaid ava,, Irrlng^n^c u r t a in laOtl. i*t of ald« curtain*. b«lor»g-plaaM oommnnl*

Booit-liiiplBgi BhortbiDd. typ*wr1l- ^^YSoanbhlp. SKTataiial* Bixiliiih. llwbw*

gpd Arohlmtural Dnwlni and Klndar-

liomlBy 03 Ijeinnn at on' and ufiar thla data 1 wl!l not b«

bl« for any d.-h'i roniraclJi-1 by*^p3!IUa tuw ini day or aT«in« in Algabr^

— Ulitory, ^^ iln , Qf®«Hlitory, lAtln. aro«k and ^har ii ^ ^ AT «hd KUrli Sohool ■ubjaoti. Band for“*------Harriabn atraat and Caatral avanua.

■ Sliti'xJ) Nnva»nt'*r lib llRl<

W V p t e i .l e r .

Ina to automoblln. ------- a-- _ __cal* wIII! MR H W, WEIR'B chauflaur. EiaaaFrill, N .1. _ _ ____ ____ _________DOt>~LcH. a biauk und whlti U«a«la ^ “n*.

„Uh Ion* lilBok in.l tan f i n on Friday t!l*bl, November S, IliH. betv.een Park ave­nue and liloomiiflil aveiiui. ij found kindly-re- lurn to A fi.l'I'lll.A. U2 Ml. PnjaWOl ate., Newark. N. -I. BTOrTKNBrrttJT-lliTAl. K8TATK AND INPlRAN'.E,FA 'T‘iHY AN*n PA''TOHY 81TRH

MS lift id . rijnni HI 4ASfl MarVat-^ L n A ^ r McTA'il.'K,

Rwl ihtt.ile JbiUBhl Sohl and KKChan^d Yi'i K PK'»ri-31; I'Y MslI-.l* MtEK,

•rbon<> Mh’Hp: I'nlun In/ibtliUi. O n io n y

FRANKMK RT.. »-lL OPP., cRY Ji.iWlSK floor; iOiTO; paiaonger and fralght •lavatorajm\'.\ d i v i d * . ____ ______ __ __________FIAlOn to lai'w lth el^liic liKh'.

waiar and ateam. Apply Ktmitjppr, Od Arimgtnn at.________ ___ - •—

..,. ralum or tnfor* TCBT. BPd Bergan »t.

1 HAVE Till* rtay “old my unrn, 2HH Suian • bill* Biuat be praaenled by M»v.EMMA DALEYr*a LEADING Bl'SlNEFfl HCIinpU

SSm m SaL _"ltorthan(i. kriglUh and ClvtlBarvloa Couma, alao

HiMlAl Aoeoxmllnf and Btanographlo f^raaw. lAd Nlfbt Baaaiopa. iOntar Utna.

Ko wtranoe Sxainlna.t)oQ«. lUiM; Day acbool. dally, i n P«r ft^ntb;

MB ior I nantha. KLiht aohool. Monday. TuM' y^^g^^toursday awwlnga, M-M par mofilh;

ave.14.I HAVE chia day ao|d niy aiore. tJd Magnolia \ t r i e i 7 a l biff muat ba i.r*«prM by Novem-

lb LtdlimrHT hRo«- II.

r I moolha Band for nataloc. Iw iijC BUIZKS88 COLLTOA

Halaay and Warrvn aia.

l C b. in tw o t e a r *. uri far mil, II irad u iiii tab iaa lb Tranlon In Pabruirr, V

and T iraduaiai taking the


r «■

GOOD hum# with molhar a ear" '" 'JT ' taiblM to b«aM; any »»• OH^ton pi ,

■phone JW2 Waijirjy.____ _____________WANTTSTl—Toima woman wllli rhild el^ul^B

monthi old, to aot le wal nuree Hnllatllla a«*.

Apply 277

.a... a _______ f --In June, all luCMiefuJ. Daw and •ohoola otian Baptember Wt


OUTER APPAHBI* , „ „dlea' Bklrte (me da to fit youi. II w

Bulla <iTHid* lo flt you ' IttedLadlaa’ Bkli L^laa' Bull Every gun

NEWARK BEHINART. irnfORB'B Rchool. IT2 CHOWr « d day echool, Uanaigl couraa*, whh

fcacll! eludlaa wllb cartmealt. Tbor- iteTaT In primary and Intermadlata da-

p h p w i for Oil acaditnlo IJplla '■« ocllaaaa arary year on earlllloata

Calaluauai. '______________ ___

Ml ii> W Wb.tvary fi.'mem out end filled »v 'be w '“ - known and rellabir Itdlaa" tillnr,COHEN, who hae bean Mllbllehod In ilnce ISB2; inodele meda up to aaiMt10 you oen lie how your garment when oomplate; ibiolute prrfMt 111 end - “' '‘"’“J)' •hiD jrueruixtrtdKl; moDCy refundar] fer my thing uneMI»reciDn . »* aarly ti*ll U reep^t* fully iollcliad. Iff Naw at. neii ahop. ______


I!(><jr French hulld'ig, brlndla. wUh frhUa breael and white unde/ nack; aneweiw

name of Jacl* r*->vnrd for mBiion «'f whei''H'-ftuti.' Plt-.fiB 44L Wev/rlS. _ _ _DOG U It, fot u.i rl'r. J,'!*’brown ipi**. iulT*ble reward, - f t Halety i'-_

Jrleh terrlor doB H ^ard If re-tiimBil to 3if J dIujujo rv* _ ___

KY EGLAHhlCS -IdOBt. ryetliwoe, Jn Houth Or- ange Swamp l.lii o/i

WfRl Ofank’fl. rewnrd MIPS I*T‘-epo«’t St . Houili lirange. or to Hlum. rlnh, 3PT MhIii at

'l!l.ASHKltG & „ „ „KWAl y^lAllO .\N!» Flitl^ in BURaNCR.

hi:nt ‘n lu L f TlONa-au ri.iN'TON ST _______ ^

do^eneriii r#M eetate r-uslneea; v.nir imde: eo.ranlee .ellefiirllon, TOANK-

I,IN' F Nl A V*' & ' llr'-Rd r* . Mk

orange.IJirreHT- lent, a snl'' Iwhet Md obain fa

\V>et Ori-i^e mward, Keiurn to n WIAMB. 1*1' Wtttchung ave , Weet Oro^a.___ _MriNKT-Tw^lib b'iTe, balweon gee offloe and

William It., OIL lined. In gal Chlldi on Merkel etr'el, BaturdaV ulgbl, he- iwoan «:S0 end 1 8<1:MR8. HEHIIINHO.S. 152 dnuth Tenrh at.MONKT iio bill ]oet Monday belwMin llrold nnd Mulberry eti . rrward Ifbeiwran llroed nnd returned. 2a5 Mulberry el.


FUliNDBD ITB2. __iro e o K fakrand , h » ad MARtnai.

Rtamigb nrapenllon for any «lla«a of ,*«i‘ ■eBSaSnul, or for bualneii life. OymnaJluiu SSSrthletlti Held. Cntalottia on appHeatUn.


Isb** iffiraan flhoelhand. 'fypawrltln*. Book-AUi A D ^ A rduihoh .

-v™ . anar. Hirkat.lilar 4. Ooodrtcb.


KErKPIEOE-I-oit. m|nk ttrekpleea. lidmmad allh hoaflt, elawe and lain, lef m fi'.0‘’rn-

neiri end Hay ‘“i i .i i<t»! in 51 tJullineTi H.. meark I.AHKA A, FTT.I,t.H_____________

In Eaat Or-

I liW .Mt!> II l .n l .\TIAI. lll,22 |■HI■|M:NT!A^ lll ll.I'l.-viJ I'rjl J...ln’v. I'ii ll.-rtiL.e nn.l Apprale

QI'INN.TF.l, 2mi5R Wareriy. HUAI, ESTATB, IjOANS.


INHI'llAN' _____________yiFAl K'dTvTi; AI.ONO the LACKAWANNA. REAI. K.e, AOBNCT.

urMMIT. N. JIF Yor ao.h TO buy. eell. rent of akchang*

reel eetate eee Ftl-ACKLOCK, 3T Clinton el eallifaellur ri»rinleeil


FACTORIES TO LET-O I T O F TOW Nfor maneRENT-Omcr^l# tulldtny. 30x*t

ulacluTing purports; 2U M 1' imUff ii.MU building, naur Krii HUH'-Ur MoniclaJr CAllLRTON Ll.LIB, fl2 Or««nwouri ejair. ___________


a v a k t m e n t s . r o o m s a n d f l a t s TO LET

a pa r t m e n t .■niB I.AIRBL. IBl-IW HO. SEVENTH

A CHANCE.Elreast hlgh-clftfi aparimam; tnual ha aaan

to i>o (liipreclaied. aoHd comfort; planly or air and HKhi; aevrti rooma and hath; roAood iirlKhbnThood; ateam hoal; hoi water! JaDtlOf ■ervUe. tins gamga. ToC B474L, Majkrl, or Inquire H43 Thlrtranih ava.. corner fetaTwith at.

QUITIIAN iT.» i . naor Wait Ktonar tT ^ Third floor, tavan rooma and bath; all irn-

provemenu. luqulra 623 Ulfb at-, noar Mor­ion at. _____

RANT H.IOO.Oomar Apwimant


(CIlBlort ava., cor Stratford placaia 8ar«ii-room oomar Bulla.

Blavator; Uodara IraprovfmanU. LEON FEIST, AOENT.

Flraman‘a fiuildipg. Phona 43*3 Markwt.ROBKVILLB. North Sixth at.. IT—Firat flit,

two-temlly; lix rooma and btlh; iteam haaip all Unprov0inanla; arwly decorated: near ata- lion. ______ .


BARGAIN' Ilorlfnrd at., and IVnrren in., at flva oornm and Irannrer point; flnr thraa-tiory atora two fl«u. 26x100: two nUarhedloL aoxm. r*ya ^ *ii1ft rmiH low; wil! ^qulrlt Bolr A- '' tET)RlCK pruflAntiHl bulld'Tig _________ __ ___ ]



AT a P M ^ ,On the ground* adiolnlng Mir r/unegli' Riuel

Company. Newark. N J . m I’ 3vl 1 ha lold 10 the blgheei bidder nbi-it nva

a-fd rme-half acrei of mtodr-v. land This atUolre the CanjeRir Blepl NVnrk* on in.' i-aet. and I* one of the mobi dealrubir piote nr^r tn prnpoif'd canal II li convonlent t» ih rnfttl and vFnuld make n i:<rk1 elto T*" nilft land wHS be *016 poemvely tv the hlgh- oet bldda^To reach the praptrty taka Etitaboth car lotbfl ■W>iion KleciHf^l InAlrtimpitt Oomi-«ny. Wnverh. N. J-. oroi* Pamieylvanla Hajlroad hrldga end follow road 10 Carnegie HtmI \Vi>T ki.

APARTMENTS—EDNA AND LITaLIAN, Bouth Orange ava. and South Heventh K. Auractiv* and hlgh-claaa apanraania; oolld

cninfon; baaiillfully lUuatet!; ala fn;! braeay airy room*: plenty of light, Iliad bathj hot watar; janitor aervica; flnt j ^ g e . miill be eeen tu b« appredaiad. Tel. CT74L, or Inquire 343 Thlrtennth ®v«.. coroar Rovenlh

h i:tg d b3 ST. water.

fiB^Pour ro«Hi lo lei, gae.

S O l ^ KUGVFNTH BT.. MO, near South Ormnga av*.—Haw throa-famlly houoa. oac-

and third floom; aavan light rooma; bath and pofib^i lo* box coanacUon; all modem im* prov«aent»: aloctrlo light; atotm heated; nawly papered and dacorataJ. Inquire premliei. i r- - - tm o k d .4S John It.. R.41




rail* iL -


owner. 7M

reward for BptTjfra. New-

r iS t*)lt. tltPOl nraraaeb*e. gbing from Aillbglnri ev" lt> Cbanir' and t ’roftBti'wn rare to Midland are. toward rriiirn to ^ North P hhi iininn'

suitable Arllngltm eve.,

•Phot# flOtUMarkeLI f . I t Clair Wilt


rrip w r. latarmedUia, Aeaff*mIo|^ii^gp4tory Dsparlmanta. New Klndargarten

DR. |(ANDBViLL», epeelaJItl, 6T4 Broad at..over Chlldi'e; iwenly year*' experience oe a

•paulaUat on all elvronlo lUtfieea of men and woman; caianh, nervous diseases, dlseaees oI hsart htdnaye. stomach, liver or biidoer, rnsfU- matliin. urlnaiY « '5 all lung 4ti«iwi. ,

Nollaw—Offles hours, 3 to 4 F. U. and 0 10 • p II • iJbo Tuesday and Friday morning. 9 to li." Offlne cloeed Bunday* end Wwlneiday*.

AHVICK KTtEE.J SSnbar oV b o y riw l^ la the lowor do*

SMrt— ata.kPAMllH. by natlre; Bpantab MiorthaAd,

kooplsi: waakly paymenia. BoWDEN B Cul­ts Cthtra it-; telephone 6269 Morkat.


M u lem o n ia l , coLLtiaE o r v a I> a r t .

82ll-8t0 BROAD ST,■PllONB »We BARKBr.

DRerilUr iiwurpajae* facllHIe* fur iwbaafiaie aw* gnpaatanree of aluBentj In at nMnilag tnualcale* of tba oollaga.Davowa to Ibe parracuan of aingaiw f ran rufUmante of too" l>!»oln» “ ."'J*','-'


Manlcuflng. fsca and acaln moeiag^- poolng end hslr draeUni. with a full Mn. of*‘FI^^*gUAUTY AND PERFECT MATCH OUARANTFIRD. ‘PHONO 4.119 MARKHTl

l■orKI■/^)r.^>K-l-1■l. flunday rrioTOlBg. Pork- ♦ inook. containing

nloYRr and auto llranieI t --me tn imt.jM IlHHACH.Jftl B « n h ^PI RBE I^el. Kunilai. a blOfik

l.niHR lup. combining Ilf) plank roud or Broad car. on Market a t.. work ing gin. 434 Bummer _______________TirMii— McniSay. In Itore. street pr

Indy's rtlaumnd ring; liberal reward. Addir«" ping, Box 6T. Nawi ofllfA_________________

IMIVkOVKl' M:»Tb- Buildcm* and hOtnreook**rt oiiponunliy, 104 lift ' ’olumbla ave.; H'd»-

ft<-h fi.; ft.-ii) South Sln"t*»-nlli *(.. iiualoesi. coiner No. I ex;e. forell impri>v«mi‘nte RI-linT HElADLET. Proed el ___ _________


CKNTIcAl* AYB borgnln, heart of boom fco- tlon. iwn l-Hi; als<> etnre property eplv ;-

did cindiinu, nt lea* thnn t-oet to build dress M'lMuR Dox 40. Newt offee.


rONTRAl’TOIVB rivANT.A l' 8:30 i* M

On fbp pTfmlsi»H efipiinr Fflbi'im plsce nnd PljfMx- avfiiue. Npwnrk, N. J . There will l^ eold 10 iho hlghpet bidder the land and bulld- Ingi Thcr^nn holnnglng lo W. K laeUe A Co. cm thiH plot I* n iwo'FlOT.v brlt-k office build- lav fl'f amrics and rtryjiroof vault on flrat flKi'r tollei* both ami large drafMng-room on rfci'OTid floor. HiiUiimg IB healed by aietsm nnd In good tondlUon It could be very oojlly lu ^ - Rfl tfiu> a two'famllv dwelling or factory. Al»o tliBTO 1* a two-»if>ry brick shed. two*alory v-i. y HinMe. and nriH'ftMiry brick gonge. The

APARTMENT1>-Coiiienta moved ot etorrf un*a,,- uuF giarantee to tl., good work al low*.!

p'-e.__Pianueiilmalaa otiMffulIyfor eeful and machinery. ugiven; eatnhllehed f.fl ieare JOU DB CAMP,

Inc . .32-3, William el . trlephona 482 Market.

BliHlJE.'; BT -Lol. 2nil09; care pees d vr'.Hrtel naved. near Clinton ave. J *1'' " '

cheaji tr. cJmit an eeuia Addr-e* Chea;), H r :iT, News oiHca _____________

UMBRELLA- IxMt, gold »"« umbrella In ■>h™'v,,"'w '^ " ^ - . " , 1 - Ble : tnotiofforri N. vV W .

of aame or htJidla; valued Hecker i t . _____

In Cen-

rsward for return ae keapeoke. Q8

TWRUELD-A-IxuT ire Market, with monogram

ward. Box TS. Newt MTIcOv___umhreU*. rrWaT,Addrese Re*

With oomphiaory atufflM dlramaiio Study of Oermob. Italian and F ranchogtleoe

a i l ' TT41K WEEK Q.60 AND 15-00 OOLD " ^ ^ L ^ D flLASSESFOR $■oruL ivor*^wAn'!^*^^4Hin u pt ic a i- [ 'ah-' I T tVABHINGTON BT,. NEARJfEW FT.

WATiTI-Lo.t ilBdlea'). diamond In centre and pin. Sunday, on Mt. PtnipMt «T

avi. rar, rewir.l It returueJ, ItRS. J-PCMREIBEK, SSO Summer av«.____________

between LibraryiIj Itlio KaTT O’ (IT I - Loftt. on Broid it .billed SPBf’TACLKfl and ETR jn,d Wesi Park it . lady t r>R II; ANT fRAMK YOU ri,Hn,ved -n IneMs onv.r RsULTriT'B Th:-lHnrli iivs.inifKN LFNSBH |U, lUJUATEP I'UU-ft _j_______ ________ ____‘1 litA-rifAl. 1‘A.U- _______ *__ In IaW

TilREK-FAMlLT oJid atora;private mortgata M 6 per oont.; price Iff,™/!. TmiilT* owner. oTO South *1 __FOR SALI5-&0 ft. lot *’ ■part. Addrses fThenp. Bitx 23. New* otTlre.

D w elifn fs

fullMOO CASH buys new two-famlly houot:oeliar celling ptoatered; porceUln waih-

tubs. ill decomteJ and ready to bt seen any day and Sunday aflemoon; Boj|lh Orange eve. or Plank road car to noutft leenth *t.. lb*fi abort walk to No. S-4 on precnieea.

pirM liBJi a fronift^e of 6ft feet on Faliyan place Brill feet on Rhaw avenue, and IB convenThe aboveiMit In lehlgh VillnT Railroad property will potliiveiy be sold to the hlgncBlhlcldvr C. A NCTTINO. Auctioneer.


Cnr "FI ftrel fl »Of. heal, hm water and janitor InclijdM, all rooma light snd airy.

Owner lluiB In bul'fllng. or Inquire of JanlWf. Llghi mlnuie* from Market »t- _____ _ApAK'i'MraN'f-Slx-rtKm Hat. ateam haal-

4*!Rriri'- llgiil*. carpeted, rtecoratedi privet* cntraive. front porches, rent $18; frw reM till liprember 1, one ton of coal wUn on# yi-afs lemn, Applj 831 Bouih BIxteenth st.

SOUTH NINSTEENTH 8T.. fSl—* famllj bouael all ImproTemcDla; separata eatronce; Ural Boor

6 rooma aod bath, |16; oecond floor 8 rooibi aad btrh, IIS; also 476 South Fourtseoth at,, 3 row^ tod bttb, IKL laquiro oa pfamlaae, oc tO t^ LAN BROS,, 633 South Twalfth ft. ______fiOTTTH roURTEUNTH ST., Til, boox B p r^ -

fleld avo.—Sooond floor of T rooma: alAiioh*- ary tuba; hot and eold water; tna|4a watar Glotat; goa; to a family of M&Ua. Inquire proprietor, t t South at., olty.BOUTH TWELFTH BT,. 4T4-Ftva rooma. all

ImprovemebU, raM 4l8; aliO IBO ocn^ Bevonth at., four Ikrga, light rooms, rant HI.

MHOllTB 'TR'ELFTll ST.. 4W-fllx rooma.

til Lmprovemo&ta oxqept boat. XnqtlLro ]tor. or 250 Bpringfleld'^av.. jewelry atpra.SOVJTH BIOHTKBNTH ST.. wi-Fffmt floor,

two family houte; flva rooma; rant $11.

AlMiHTMEKT, ErpI Pnril Sh-FIve roomR tiliart bathroom. #team haal; hot Bmter aut^

plltKj pusecftslon December 1. rant, $26. luqulra jA i’nllY, or j a n l l o r . __________________ _Al’T 154 Omflon ave.—BIx beautiful roomii

ail iaieat Inipt*,: eeparaia furnace:Janllor err* Tlc'pi; rent |22; near Mt. fToepeot car; reference.

SOUTH rWKTH BT., 452, near Flfteanth aro.— Three rooma; gna and water. _______

8PECDWAT AVB.. IS-FIrat floor, two-famlly houaa: $36, worth $60; aevea boautiful rooma;

shower hath, eloctflo llfhf, neam heat. Ap­ply 706 Fireman's building.________________BIX rooma, with all Improremant*; two-fara-

llv oomar bouoa: low rent to deelrablo ten­ant*. Bouth Eighteenth at. Inquire 865 South Serenth at. ___________ .SIX nice, light poom#; all Improvements, ex­

cept heat. 4M Avon ave.. cor. Fifteenth eL. clfy; rent 116. ___________ ___________ _

APARTMENT—Sevan rooma; b*tt| all Im- provemente; ateam heal; a !o l^ light and Mt •' J.. *_ JJltl " ‘

VIILDERRANI»T AUCTlONEn^R CO.. fifTii'* 606 Meiropnlltan building, ** l'cHrdlcftn to Vl'lcc. WEDNKSLia V. NO\. 16. 3 J- M . nil premlaea. the 3-story l6-toom frp^t HHtl 'Mittfn' B-rom rear house. No. 141 JflTer- inn nt ; lenn* eaiy, made known on day orsHle.

REAL E3TATE FO R EX CH A N G EAKT on, Wlfhlng to uchaugc r»al Mtat* uny-

«h,rc can gel v ic 'll'm “PI»LI“”'" ' ' l „ ■•"3 nsrllculara of property end wsnta. MURRAI ii nnp*- DW Merk- t a*.

wilier, janllor on premlaaa. Tfl*T3 Lfttloton sto.ArAHTMENTS. Anionia, Broad at. ' 1168—

KIve and six room* and bath; all Impfove- infoift. near Bouih Ri, Slstloti. Apply jBnlior.AUSTIN ST.. B—Slght-‘room flat. |16: onj

block below Broad, near Parkhurot at.; good place for dinners or boordlng-houes. Inquire within, or ai KOELLMOFFER BROS.' Market at. ____ _________ _________



16.400 _Bargain offered frurn general oontraoiofi vva•'r.'e'JS'.......... .____-n Irvmta *».build Si^-aiory frame building!, *11 Irupts. «■ — .__i_4 ‘.’axsil,

gold wRich; name *rd If Tt iurneil

W ATn4-TJ>fl. wfttch. In 1/yrln Thnat^. bs |i> find n P. M . BAiurday ntgbt re-

IKsT Wfltrii, Box 74. New*

r tOMben for Junior ola^aa.eouTM wnat be pUnlahi and uoderau^d fuadoxnenUl laws of harBobny and * tmm X beautiful voloe la not easenilal.

Kl*gMturB) glfT'for s ' t ^ r murt u lst- 1 Koraol floufliaa lo a/tamoon ood

lM«nkn1lon fOF slDKarp who do not wlimtg MT tor ixtdlvldual leoaena.^*]|g |n r^y Junior singing olaaaas bald

_ ^ c a Ntdlng cUasag,LF'SlijMaklog oltib. _UANN, late harltona of tba Orou-

E5-:tfvw Totli, Jaraey City,ttf ttM Voice m Song and 8pS*oh -and

oMuliif 9t laading artlitj; iIlL JA M ^B S oH, wwoBlit of the Cninton Ava, Reformed dhuroh. and othar aorhpetent taaebariL insure •tUable tuition. Ttons upoa application.

a n r your carpet cleaning snd your uphnU sierlng done where you gel quantity and

nuallty tar your money. f^r|.«tCleaning and I'phol*terlDg Co., *13 < sini*’ bail at ; formarly 645

iwPen wiiril AddreM oilbeW \ r n i Loat. Bsiurday evetilDK, about 10;TO,

up town, gold wRich and fob monogrom H. C. M-; reward 11. C_ ino Uultman at.

BirPBRFLUOUB HAIR,Warli. Mf>l<w end Blrtljmerk* removed forever by eiailrklty; 21 pMME WliS^rKHVKLT ‘'(»M^^CR

21H WMihlngtfn si. _____ _OIaIVEH made atpcelally for iniiformrd And

unequal hande: btrl made fl«n.‘s at mu«l i amiable pricta; all iiovea gimmuteed^ teimir frta of charge; cleaning envl

* NEWARK 6 lO\TC UFKB..34 Siofa It.. Newark. N. J

DOO-Pound. wklU fox terrier, hlaok mark-Inge followad my boy home; owner can

huve same l>v d.*p.-rlb1ni marklnge and paying for ttd, B rarroll si . Eoat <‘>range. __

I IXjn-Pound, collie dog; aable.ubeai and p.iw», very gen_tle. HUlH

MITCHELL. Engle Rock ava.Cel iluilSJ, Orange

West Orange;

pt In rivl rt-pairing m a c h i n e r y f o r SA LE

NFTW AND i:BED-UMvereal and plain milling

cppt Plearn heaj. b«ei nisiprlal uaod alia shelled paprred, aided, double porchea, pl*y .ai. panirlHB, plan* and speclflrtillone furnlthS'l; Rian one famUy house. three familylicHiee J4.H<xi; friod*il houee r«u be ecen. R-Al - LAN’uRi'»H, 553 Ffiulh Twelf^ oL________hTl1*61DB AVK.—Twofamlly, H rooms soft

btrbft: a**?aralB heitera; lot 35il00; good lo roatment will‘Exchange for lute; pile* $5.000. Addreea Exchange. Box 74. News offlee,___ _RO«EVILL^T.**eil atyle nn^famlly Bine-

r'"m Btuceo houeei: hflrtlwnnd flou«, ju ra 1 ailin-i>TTje; lot SSxHtO.72;i Pruilenlial building, or SW H(jaev1lle ava, Newark.


BELMONT AVK., 827-626. Just off Clinton ava.—Bavsn rooma. tiled bath; laparate hret-

ars' elaclrlo UghU; beanoM celllnga; teason- Inqulre JOSEPH OKlN. 222,

BEAUTIFUL six-room flat, all modem Im- provemmis; only lift; 28 Walnwrlght at.

A. OLAH8NER, 88 Avon a v e .____________TA’ANTEU A iw'i! »n<l

lumsp Hill sertioiiSint* full particulars Nrwft 1,‘fllca,

a half or three family mutt be reaeonablo; Addreea M., Box 43,

Li-YTfl wanted for builder In Newart or aub iirbe: elDRle lota or iracta; atate price and to

CRANE. 020 Raeex building._______cation.

T^Vd-FAMl LY. nF sr Central convenientto R tovlMa Htfltlon, prh'O

thrM foniil ■. f6.A3ft. lo 'loae Out hoMingi. Adilreen ^Vnlral, Hux 62. Newa nlllof.QOUVLRNGUft ST., near

family. I* roonis anil bntb; large lot;


PURB0T ITALIAK OUV® OIL Oenulna Partnlglano cheeee; Itnporled epag-

hvltl. 01«,4.11.’.

'’macMnei! catling, epeod and ai-'niihglalhei ilngle and muUlple siilndlo drllU. ftn>lohap 'ra,

m a "Boi.LKa lo ca tion B T irraif'■ n rMtInw. i»pul«r or muklv by ItMlw ,Tiiivl»ltle«., *„• gfg iTatem la * new Ids* end Very alTaple, j n.nevtue ave.i phtuie .inwW AtiMk iT v rft.T t^ S ilH 'o .c b 'B .itT n u. tibriv .i.i« r I - *____ 1.,-. Hnii(gl oourae for advanced BUpHa aM

UOUEH 3. BOLLfit, IT Burnet at.,

jfCBJlKTHUR (laaobar fw t l w yeara» London OonaerwitoTT of Muaio)l ■tng*

« i S i :

fftrtlan ra«tl[ofl), vole pl»clB», oonMrt. afld opera; jilano and riolln tulttoa. 1B4 Ington at.: tel. W3L M arket.________ _

BM1LTE5CHB.^ Honl Conaervotory, Droadea, Qennony. ^ PtANO INitkut'TION.

114 flMih Blxth at.; 'phone 2801/. llariatI M wrtmcia TflABELLls HUNT laacM " olelln and ptano at borne or atudloi rMUtne. ■amilai' or alaaalcai xnuile; b? the Dollaa looa- Q jiiggtam . 6* Boievltl* avK, Newark,

lot Dormanently extrrmhiailng roachoa. nrater bugf and anto; aak for Roach Bolt: accept nj ouisr* comracta taken. llnnufso^red bf Newark Roach Ball Co.. Limited, 330 Markefi t _______ _____ _ ____MABHSrSE. Who has awceeafutly treated peo'

•la for nervoua trouble, poor clrrulatlotv ccnnlpatlon, y\IM give general n^«age and alcohol bntha; work rciom thoroughly haatad To Columbia st.THK NEWARK QUILT AND MATTRRSfl CO.

Down Qullla a ajvvialty. made or «jnfld* at rour resldanoe; hair Jn»“ Taa«i. feather bedi fnade and renovated. 2j8 Bank at- Phone

PIANO LD680NH given i t reaidenoe or my •tudJoi iMdal a tw ti

tomaUc liwimatl^, wo.•tudJoi4amaUc 1„-----Box W, Nawi offloa

1 gi ...idal Rttantlon to beginner!; aya*

Addraaa Uqalmotreaa,

riANO JNiTItUCTlON. RuiaWl me^od luad; ooBtolantlona teacher daalrea PUplla; wHlb g Y Wtfb, Adftraaa CLAlKE t , fTTSWART. ill


mHAOrnra, pomior or alowlool mutto; home

•g atudloi "Bor ..................CiMfS’

DUvUWA Vr wk ■iiiaww, a.w*..-*"BoIIm loonloB •ywum." MIB8

BBL WAONBBt M Nortli Clinton it,. Bwi

M inw irK -I’rlvnt, nurMiif, ponflnft^nl, anojr “ t’ oiii niothfr-i eurocomer Twentieth at., flrat Wori taai

anti power prewM, drop hammer*, nlaneri band ■i row mschlurti. monitor latbeo, iutomailo forming mariilnes. guc trie moiora, boilers, englnea. b inipe.Jacket Keltloa forges, emery grinders, pollthlng ailndlBB. vlaea. hunters, ehaftlni. pulleya. belL Inu and mlemllanocue other fOP perts ilieriKit piirehaeed cash. Newaiii nec- inid Hand Machine Co,. 08 <Tieatnut et

coiiio; price, 63.5UO: $61X1 cosh, Terms. Box 4T. Newt office.

Addreii Ek.ay

I K-sI TKAL htu>]m»fti iTOperty wanted, with ft lot or lavger, Address parilcuiar*

Hrooklrnlte. Box 67, Newa office. _ _


H O U SES TO LETHKLUBIVILLE AVE.-F'ouneen rgora* »n4

tisiti: all Impr^vtirunla; h»at, r»nL MR.

BHlAUnn'U largo, five-room, sunny flntj one mJnuia frona trolley; all lmprDvem|nti.

6U South Elevemh *1. ______ •Bank BT., 224. near oourthouaa—Flat Ay'S

room*; bath; all Impfovemenu: Janitor Bct- ▼Ice; $16 Inquire Janitor.


Flret-olasi up-to-date apartmenti; immediate no„wlon. Apply to JOSEPH -rtllER. lupyr- Inundtiit Hahn, A Co., or to Jinltor. on p«m-

THHKK-EAMILT: St, and i ll nwral, talh: m soiiibl,. Inijulf, jAliltor, TIB South Elfv-

rnith It.; JOS. OKIN. 222 Wn.hlniton "«•t h ir t e e n t h a v e .. 19e-nne lint, S room,;

all imprwementa; lit. Inquire on preitiloee. flrat floor, or 263 Market at.. Jewelry Htore.t h r e e large light room# In quiet two-fann'

lly houee; garden ar>d chicken coop- HO. In- quire 1l>4 Twenty-flrat at _________ _THREE nice rooma tr> l«t: hoi and cold

and balh, with private family. Inquire 126 Academy at. _________________THREII'2 iorge. light room* for adulia.

Thirteenth a v e . _____________11*6

VAILSRirRGIL Norwood lU -^ x jrooma,bath, pemry, lUam heat; all decorated. »ij-

Apply TUETZSCH. 351 Burnet at.. East Or­ange. ____________________ --

BEFUILN I T , 471-Four nice rooms, newly det^ralej; all ImproY-ementH; two-etory houee:

email respeciable family. _BERGEN ST . fll2-riT« rooma. bath and all

Improvemente; two-famlly hotiie; 115, ^

OHlENTAL BT.-^T*b roomi axid bath; ilMm- prnvanienia; oo boardlng-houee, hot aSr heat;

$45 OHITBER A PIaDM. 6*6 Broad rt._____ _STEAM nBATEU HUUFII

B22U Pouih Eleventh at. yeven rooma and bnth ateam heat and electrU' ligbta; rent l•*u• Inquire J. C. MotlUHDY. 800 Broad at,IIOUHE. 61 QaTilde al.—$4 per weak; few doorx

from ore of best eohoula In olty; very cjn- tral. Inquire at 44 New at., or oa premlapa before B A. M. or after 4 P.

CLINTON AVE., near Bergen at.—Sit and Dine rooms; Janitor service: aieam healed,

hot water; new. handiomely decorated- 4Rfl Clinton a\eCHEJ^TER AVF-, 82—New houae, ft-t elegant

ro<ima. all modern Impta.; alaam, electric Hglite; pantry; |2l-|25; concesalon. Apply -m prarnlaeft. ______________CAMDEN ST.. 172-Basement, two rooma. up-f'cr floor three roomi; modern Improvements, th heat: no children. MRB. TRAPHAOEN.


AT BROAD BT.. M nth-Sli room, ind BAtbl coiy fr«nn aw,lllni, an P''"I.rovmn,n(«; will b« »t ttcrjlict, QEIBEBprovements; will

3 PLl'M. 845 Broad ft.well cenatructed two*family dwelling,

prlU M.JOO DANIEL ALT, At offlOA Clm- • irnar Boiith Thirteenth at., 2 ft.toll ave .

13 050 nUTB dandyhouie; nicely dtrorated; little cfiah, balance rent C fi- ORREN. HOC Firemen a Bldg.


Lalheo, drill, foot power knd drop_ pTWiaj,

HOUSE and lot for aaJe; buyer. &0 Howard_eU__

bargain to quick

.......u. nnJ loPtw machine,, arlnA-bun,. lull Tine wocil worhln*, tlnn.r j ana

le i.ler 'a loci,, pulley,. ,ha(ilna;. hanyer, »oB belting: new and second-hand; largeat aiaori- mtnt at lowest pricea.

iS T m E


ATTRaCTIVB Boaion plan, tw o-f^lly: wide lof eeparate improvementt; oeleol neighpqr

hood'i IM ^ ^

DEBIUABLE cottage house of flva rooma j" good order, rear 126 Union st,; fXnt elU;_ .iii-iiYi-rv r, f'lMDOUHHTY Se ttUULD.

Clmton at., rocra 2J4-Eaeex building, 2T

ONB-yaMILT brick bcu»; ,ev»D w j m ao4 balh; lojprovem^nt^

I t . ; rent |1 Broad at.

SEITZ-PFElFEiR Realty Co., 768

roRJlER Waihlngton and WMrap its.—16 rooina In part or whole, Rw

dwtllTnV Imjulrt C. Btna'MAN. 10 CaOar ,LVERONA AVB., tSS-DMlrabl*

hoviM, MBvanlent t» Holl«' and North Newark Btatlon; *>me ImproTementa; rent, Ha-

CORNER Elm and Union ata.; four rooms, balh’ halls furnlehed: egrej for; all Im-

‘ • $17. 2U Hin at.

WF-ST KINNEY ST., 138, near High "I Apartnicnl. elx rooma. hath; all improy-

menta and eeparaie al< am he.Tl: rent $JJ In­quire top floor, or DTIKNNER. 274 MarkettVFHSTKIIt BT - 'ozy flal. four roumf. with

Im provem entrecently de«’OTafed; aj-parnt-ftnliinrerrent $1 and Api^ 4 £ _ H ^ _ wWFHBTER AT.—Coxy flit, four rooms with Im-

tjrovenienls. recently decorated; separate t-n- trS ^ e rre n t Its _flnd |1 4 ._ A t ;p l> - ^ g ^ WARREN 8T.. 480. opporila Cemral av*.

psrk-FIve large light rooms. ■domra, plate rails, etc.; swell decorationa. ^WAINWHIGHT HT.. S4-81x rwmi

beautiful large light rooms; $16, Apply TU6 Iremen'ft blilg., Newark, N- . . . . .

hot end

provementa except heal;CORNER lIJMalde pi. and Rose at,—"Carl-

Ion. ‘ beautiful light fl-room suites; atrarn- heated; janllor aen'lce. etc; rente t2fl up.CORNER flat. 5 rooma; all litaet Improve-

menia, hath; large and light, rent free lo first. Btanion at., cor, Bhentnnn ave.CAMDEN ST.. A*, near Bank at.-Two and

thre« targe rooms to let. Inqvijlrd in the ■tore on the pTemJeoa. ________CAMDEN BT , 35-87—HiTce light, airy rooms

for colored family. Aret floora, ffl-

ONEO-FAMILT h o w room# and bwacaanti

provementa; rant 114.■ISll ara lalw*. brtfht gltobani.all modorn un-flth flvatltobon; l . ^ _Inqulro 336 Saak at,


gve.. -c-.__ -iptmillBia or Plank ra. car to

ril l»V'J» I a»»iTwenllatii at

UATTHEB9K8 maila m w at oualobrtr'l r e ­done, Irom »l.Mi up; bMt work luarantawD

, p11 hfri aprlnia, mattraaM, at TaotorY I. UIN’DA. 2*6 Sjirlngtlolil ava.

ioILRRB, ,ni1n„, boinr anil rbcelvor»iimpA ,1r comlir«„or,. two tt-lnch auto­

matic Mrtw tnachlnc,, Burfac* grinder blowtl wllb itMin oolla, for h tatiri, at vwy tow

11 W ARD ST.Uniia

r e a l ESTA TE F O B S A f .E -O U T OF TO W N


wer r l o M ________BXPfliRT oaierera for dlnneri, luncbeena,

tfea; vary reliable; $6 up. MR8. VTORNKH 18 Wftteeaelnf ave., Dloornfleld, N. phone No. 10t6M-6-

BRnVEHS-HOTTLr.RS-Macblnerr, all oak. cedar and enamol caak ' “ “'Vi.

kalllM cool-ri, ftllrn ^ d J*f “ j;*'*r"r? M .

E ttit O rangeBAST ORANOB-Modain ont-(am ^

•t,am h,at; Brand b'Ma o' R^C^YljIaa^o* lot, Bn,J8*, looatlon ISO I liYWWM art., bb-

FllA.^IC'SCUAIITI S. SONS r< ^ aar ,t.


XOBSRT QROSBUANK, wftl . d-1 lutruct In Nawi thw eyttam." Studio, K. 3

^onlgt %a& toocher,nomaii

and’*Bo)lef looa-

Cantra n ,. Nuileyi

NCltBlND cr old MOPle taken cart iralnedrRIYAT-_ -

of while family irnvela Ifiiilanra. Tel. 2IWk»\Y Market,

nurse in Newark.

rxJBS ymir aewltig machine Tf to. ernd postal to MR- MITCH0LXs W

BANJO, MANDOLIN, aUTTAH. VIOLIN laasons, 80c ; tnstrumanta for aala. Thono

A. J. WEIDT. 4811 Washington at., cof.^ATB LE630NS. BOc.; violin, mandolin.

guitar, banjo, piano: Initrumetita for Mia. BDHREND‘8 MuMc Btore. 52 Sprtngllald ave.XiOnifl WBOOFIa—Plano Iratnicior, 236 Boiuh

Orange ave-l ambitioua soholara rapidly ad­vanced; aueoaaa guaranteed; term* reoaohabla-V!0UN and piano: ragtime, popular or eiaoil*

oal; homo or studio; "BoUm Locatloii 0yo* '* MIBB ADA l e e , 226 Cheatnut at.


Jh^rioenth^ ho reoatrs alt makee.

W A L l.fA PE B A N ^ A P E B H A N G I N ^ItIBENUBHQ. Mllabla

painter end deoorotoT. irmuvad from bl

rHJfiLlBB engine. el»* 30x48 In.! flywhaal, 16-dlilon. The CLARK Mile Ijld Bpoji CtrtlooCb.. Canlml ave.. East Newark, N. J- __.A--— rzn “ -----blbWiiVi"LATHKS. Kjaw «>*;?* ma«hin,r^rollan. aorew bought for cash,

preoaak; ohaagifi21 Market f t

rEVIQRAl, englns lurfilng Intbiaoondlilnn. for sale. Addraaa A.

Third ave., Newark.

tn perfaoi Bi LiJI. 44>1

WOOD trorklui tcola laubd^ •’•“'fEJ'S!'■ ,nll fatral-ra raachttltrT

to '44 Mon-vr al.. near'Siiringllcid ave Rcl"™ ■ ivlng out your coiUrai'i for paper-han^ng. interior or exterior painting send pootal or 'phone 3U12 Market and 1 will call, at your convanlenoa, wUh eampiei Kooma low oa »a; all work guaranteed. with any other Arm Ipesrlns my name. tlHAB-with any other Arm hesrlng my ISlftK^LldRO. 44 Mercer si.

>iT^ FREDA VAlF.R-''rsacher of piano; apo-ctol altentlon to Ivegirfflere; write or cell. l4T -Jaranteed lo b e ...................

South Orove st.. near t IltJton ave., Irvington. f*ureeBnuilve will call; wrlto orILAOTIME and popular mualo; by my marvel­

ous ''location nysiein ' Icglnnere play by note At ones. BOLLKS. 17 RiirnH it., Newark.OOlWET. trombone, 'cello, boaeo Inamiotlon

C. MANGOIaD. aWfilo iftl South OrangetaStONB

Bergen al., near Inetrumenia for Bale.

on piano. 50 c^nte; hand tmintog, 73 canta; harmony. 11; arrangomenta for

SgJtlaa and banquetn. 260 Walnut si.e t iTblMIBB ETIIBL WIEBKB.


tFB DO hlgb-grad« drooratlrtf. painting and usDer-hanglng; lateit dpslgnii on hand: JkrTnlcSl Ic ba (Irrt-cla.a, p r t c

r .p r« .n u ..v .6affS Warren oL

nlcemaktre’ Cheftlnnt at.


all atzra cheap; Market el-

NORTH BBVRNTEBNTR nxinia bath; op«n plumbing, ,« ,m bMt, lot Slliiooi W.000; larm, rtaacraabla, Mao-BRIDW, B« Roaavlll, av«.

R0W1J.ND ,ST., l^ B U,VYTUBRai la*., •*- “ — -------. anadry ■ all limjrovementai rent |2S, OEO. PENEKh Floflii. IBB Market iSUMMIT BT„ M-Urh* baaldM bath and laundry. Apply to MAJtcuS

... — «•— J buildL. WARD. Room 301, gwax bulidln120 FOR dandymenti hoMoe; why pay Mg r« tT CHAtL-R3mente hoMoe; why pay ^B. ORPfllN, HOB Flreroen'e bnlldlng.CLINTON HILL—Bight rcMjmi and

w o^ trim; tile ba t^o m , at©-; riNLBJY,: tel. 2lg6J Waverir

gth: hard- 36 to 16^

CLINTON HILIr-4 *cS a2floor! I aheap ivnt reapoMlbla tdull*. chab,ORBI5N. HOT Ftremeh a bldg.

ELEGANT APARTMBNT, Norih Rroad at.— Seven rooms and bath; all Improvemenle;

fine looetlon; onawar aobn. Address Quick, Box 06, Newi office.

Firemen fWARRKN HT.. 423-Onc rtR’.m lo let;

fold water end pa-niry; Rcnarale enlranre. tollel. ________WOOI>S[I)ii>” Flve rooma; ihlrri Hoot; rent rea-

■onabte. Inquire owner. III Kim at,______ _WABHINQTON ST., 4P7-Fnur nice ronlilB.


TllREB or fnur unfumlahed ro<ima wanted.with imDrovementa, one perHon. In quiei

nrighhorhS^Iu rent about |tn, Aridreer J n* K4. NewB i i f f l r e . _____ ___ _ _

ELEGANT five-room flat; flrat floor; eepiraW •titranoa; all improvemente; adults. SI

Ridgewood ave.. near Clinton aA-e. Inquire third floor.FLAT, two-famlly houfc. 6 roome. bath, pan­

try; enolOfted poroh; all Improvementa ex­cept heat; second floor; third •. house from, Plank road car. rent tl6. 506 louth Twen- ilath *1., eliy. ________FLAT to let. 378 Hunterdon #t.; five rooms,

bath all Improvementa; owner furnishes baal: email famllA rent $20. Inqulrs JOSEPH MULLCH, 06-67 narket at.____________ _

Fanw oodBUNGALOW BITRB on th , bfMtirul bill, ot

F»nwoffl; Inrge chia ,Ctioni, high tUvitloB, 4tY klr. from ripoadway; ooid on very aoay tarme, we w(U build for you on monthly paymanti; tt- Jfra ?our home now. Bend for partlcuU™ and free railroad tlcksto. to vlolt property. H. U LOCKWOOD CO., J « Broadway, N. T.

WALNTTT BT., 28fl-Hoaaa, rooms:ImprovenieiJii: atoafn heat; root, ^o.

quire 16 Paolflo at.BTONE BT 64—Houaa throe room* In front

and th r« tn w . tmprovamema;rent moderate. .CLIFTON AVB,“ D^flhad 2?J1*wd bith: win rStTheap to deslrolie P«ty, Inquire at 200. ■' -


FLAT Of five rtoma, on Aral floor; modern Im* proremgnta: central location: cheap font: Itn-

medlaie poMoaalon. Apply 9 Bseei at.

WANTED, within one block nf Mt. Prospecl five first floor nf iwo-ramDy houm?; rent nut

10 c 'ced I3J, Iiuiblro DR. SMITH. IIH Mar-kfl St.


ii2oM FlELD , N. J.—Very handsome ftparl*menti in two-famlly * .jPi

BloomlSfia Centre; from 6 to 8 accorktea; nil Imprmeinrnt, ’'I 'l ' Mparale en truncea and steam heolefi; rent $16.

M O RaE PeJIbK. I'Totl.t, 186 Mar-inquire OfiORQE ket at . Newark-_N.EELLEVHXK, DeWllt uvu.-Flve Tonmi and

hath' all InnprovpmentB; convenlenl. Belcct ne^Sbbirtoed. JOHN H. WATERS. 2U Bn,oldst,, Belleville- ___________

2(1 PrincetonrOLORKD—Eaat Orange; 6 flfllei 26 Prlnceuni and third floor. 32 I’rincolon el.; 6 roomn.

bath: tie. SNOVER. 275 Mulberry at^FLAT, 156 Court at., above High at.; 7 rooms;

Improvementa: quiet family adults: eultable for phyalelan. litgulrt within.________FLAT to let In Iwo-famlty house: 6 nicely

decorated rooma; all 1mprorv«nenU. Inquire 160 Waieon ave , AtMDLPH. ______________FLAT, flve rooms, part

smell family; rant |13. ave. (South Twentieth at).

Improvementa. to HZ6 Motitgnmery

BRICK b « . , t o ^ t :ImproTetnenta to Cedar at.

2(1 LATHE rhuck,. tram » i i»wi. aell one or all. 811 jia r« « »i.

Phone 536W R- B ____________iiia WALPAPER HAup- , _

Q(>nV>. aiij- ■ itlita 5a . emt>oai«d, THo-i t v^Ioum l»L,tvarrl«h til., fnr 12I4<! ; IPpp rlng mem, for JS; nrlOM! M- HOTHorSK it Soulh Oiang. » v .., ■ it our work guftfameed

M ichlnery W i,n tr tENill.S’K iRtba. acrew outtlng abrtl

.wing, ubouL a-toot ^BP.L 1-xC: rarUurrttr Co-, 260^^ 1 ^ , ^

a u c t io n S A L E S .aih-t IciN MarK— TO-MORROW (WBDHM- ■'V,A\’ , ^ f CENTRAL a u ctio n R«M K. .2 8LUT11 OBANHB A^B.. ATWILL l-'ONTlNtlB ALL.PAT. AANI '


ie Lbunam >1.: '•'I- «I-J Mrrkrt; Mb «

THE. Manhattan Oecorallng Co., papevelaliy; beet work ntily. rop.,


SniTwALLACR CANON, vocol nullure.■Wait Park at.; r''Bid**nf'e. 2bh Cllfinn i

UK 48R. B- B-; voice I rial fivo.FIANO»*Wciu14 Ilka

oaly; leesi na 35c floor.

more learn*i.Tt.ettft PlnTia ftt


H HfUKjW 112iMi Helmonl uve.; ronraa paper-" ;..W -.r" .rllrng, JJ

u t i . paiiiiuiii, 'I"™’'''''"*pricee. patlminee gjven. - -ROHINPON hae removed from 201 M(tlher^

m 211S Ii.rg*n ,1.;^a re rlr .

D m odiifJAKEA R. FRANCIBCO'S DoJWtng naaweo,

OrolOA Hall, oormtr Broad and Rrida* ata., Mty- Advanced r.lariea Tuoeday and litaturday ovanlaga BoglnneTe everj- afternoon and Mon- flay, Wednesday and Friday evenlnga. All donoea taught correctly. Private leeoona a gMclolty. Bo<.'lely. fancy and stage dancing taught. Boeinn, flpanlsh waits and all late gooeea my epeclnfty. Dances arrariged for edaym. etc. CotillioDa, marchsi arranged and owducted. All dances guaraateefl—correot dls* clpUtie. Bubecriptlon classes taught, Berlea of daacei enndurted. Special rites lo clubs of 8, fl. 9 or 12 people. Call or write for circular. Tel. M17R Market. Hall addraai 494 Broad IK. rlty. Reception Monday evening. Oct- 80. Ad- fflkslon, S^. Oraton H&I1 to rent.

fcnd Twill emU J ’hf'Pe 2Mni\V______“ “ TiTEllRCiOKLYN VVALI.PAPKR CO. wll! rap'^r rooms frimi 5c up; pamtlPg «JW kfthnmining done at -.orv Tunsouable priceo. Rend pnfttal or cell el 271 Hank at


FURNI'^LUE*^Ct>NeiflTlNa OF Bi-aaa B**"- ,I ,ll Potion Mattraaa... BOO ami VrIvk Ruga, all bUmrrla and BnProle. Round Dining Tables.^idcl oari

G len R td sem!t-bant ana moBw®, m m HmiI fln-

l,h bora, S room,, balb, -mail rMoptlon hall. - H i n ..Hn •(•am h*at. thr«, ••ah traya fl.'o atactrlo flxt'oraa: -.HI flocorata lo ■ohl 1“

BRENNER ST„Influire W Weal Kinoey at. Ingulf* for key went doorHlX-1 DM hemro; all Improvomatita; rout I16.

only five minutes to Laokaw^na and sevenmlootS, to^'^ronag; 'V .T , .r a ? rS lS*’ f iiv T a or,«oJ)l'm ort-

woJIa m S m ^ V goon bonding lot In CcDcemlng this and our other



TWO aavan-room houaai to lat, * “♦* ava,, Irvington; ona minute a 4 ^

Eprlngflfld or Clinton troller; rant 120-122. Inquire on premlaea.

ipij^x four rooms, linproremeDls; first Door: rent lU: 38 Berenteenth ave. Inquire 372

Hunterdon at. ____________________

TTAaT* dwaNOIC—7-rooiH apartirtenia; »iiImptA-aeparnte atoam heaivr*;

PASIT nnANQE West at.. 47-Beaullfully dec- ail Improvemente; ateam beat;rent to%eccmher 1. Tolcphon*

:^06W Market.

FLAT: central location; atK large rooma: bath;Iraprovemanta; $2^ Inquire 80 Oreen st.,

near B r o a d . __________________ _FTjAT to let; 4 largo rooms: Improvements,

78 Hpringfleld sva., near High; rent $12-___FIaAT-FIvb roome

Beymeur nve.___and bath; rent $16 231

FAIRMOUNT AVE.. 253-Flnt and aecond flats: flva and all rooms, bath; all Improve-

mente; fine location: nwr ^u th Orange aro. eara. 10 mlnulea from Broad and Market, $3).

™ i N RifsBHU Ina. DthcM , t Bloomllaia anJ Qian Hldga-

larth.r, wlni*■ nd MftUoffaiiy UrruBcra and ' hlffonlert.^obe. S . S g Mechinee a - ' na.r_ KnemaWLnn R.-l, nnd 6[irlng«.

- , hlng._an<l ' i * '" <>Ing" known ertlns; Fancy Rockersnn.l I’efloT Furrji('»re; leather ~ fts, large lot

pVrERTNn nOOMR, 43 50 up; painting.outalfle work r^nwannhle; «. nFPTTALNY, Wi Washington nve. Tnl. 966L B,lf.

PAFICRIND ROOMFi. J2.50 up; painting, outside work reaeonahle: work guarant«^q.

KARAPICK. M Fnlrv1<»w g v e . j p t ^ averly^RELIABLE deooraUriK eoinpaiiv M. WAX, pa-

paring roome. $2 .M) up; pslnt. l'3up; Freeman It and Vall**y road. tel. ilT.i A art Orange.REi J aBLK d^cortllnB company M. WAX. pS-

DeriDK rcKima, 82.50 up; paint, $3 up; Freeman ft and Vatiey road- *7*J West Orange

gcan''", Library------- ,

Liul our w in If !"U -"‘f'f i; : : : r % ; x r ^o"zi?rK“ r ; , i n n ' r■i’bon, 2011 M.rktl ___________________ _

Inrg. and wrnpirt*Llamund*. ate I ' ■ R*Jff-

aurdmiMr, ,H19 lh< al'ova, ^'.’ivarab.r lb. HUSO A M. at Mr 'Arlington ,t.. near JIatkat, tm .lttln g ol 14l

LSOli! Ladle, and ^

at auction.

InrlnStoRTrrwm *‘ntnDlelad; aerventoan-room houei; thre^ fam ily half block from Bprlngfleld

Btuyysaant and BprIngfleld Avna.rttiVi rASfi will btiy nice home; rdome“ S d bals: 5 i"m h « t; tat !»xld<b..)n'lngtm;balance Ilka rant: price only iH.nw. ALEX FIBH. ff® wfllkam at-. Newark

irtce only Ifl.ftOa Inquire

LTOciB Firmsrnw BAIjE—New iwo-aiorr frvar-room ■ derue and let. (or »t I7f,. . . W.,t Newark In !>vonH Fjrma. near Lons ase. lerma. lltK) fi«h‘ balance |10 per mnnlh and Inlaraat. aVlrit >1™ to Newark. L A. Da VOR. Lon J Ave ^>nt FUEUbeth. S .1 'Phona 1144M4 Wavirrly, ____

bast ORANOE. North CUntOB at,. fpeclal price _tlll May, 1813. Inqulro 606

FAIHMOVNT AVB., 40. near Warren at.—Flva T(xm» and bath; top flat; rent _______

opeclal price tin «a; Main at, Bast Orange.MITCHELL BT.. 64-BJx*room ^ 'J

good oondltlon. Call for tntormetloa at 8

FIFTEENTH AVR‘, oomusr flotith Ponrteanth •t-—Elegant flva-room flat to let; all improvi;

mente. low rent. Inquire J. HCHAfTKR, 406 fomh Fourteenth at., corner FIftaanth ave.

Minton ph, Orange.SOUTH ORANaBSe Taylot; nine rooms; ill Improvements, near troUeys* Tal. ■IW-

POURTPTENTH AVB.. 824a. near Seventeenth st.-Four-roora flat, with Improvom^ia; tw^

fomlly houft; rent HO. Ownar, DORNBUCH, 61 Centre Market . ______

EAST ORANaE—Hoodiome modern ftrsL ^ a r l - ® ment ?nn?w houae. 247 Amherst

beam celling; three rnmutes Central ave.hast ORANaB, North NinrteedU ,1. IIB-

F!ea.ant, light, llr.t flat; few pinu.e. to statltmr trnliey and echooi.EAST ORANOB. WllHaib rt., _491-FU

pert Improvementa; poaaesalon at or Inquire 4». next door.

Five rooma; once; (13.

FART ORANGE. 67 9t«rHng St.-Flat, 5bath; Si improvements; near Grove

Street Station; (IT.f l a t lo let; .econd Boot; •>' one minute to trolley; rent (26- STATES- YTOOLLET CO., 1006 CIlnlMi av*., Irvington^

fW r^second al>, Irvington. ___________Tts<rfTkJrtTON Qrova at., 65* between Clintonand BprtnSt.w"vM. cobvealeat to b4rtb oa™

;;LbV‘S P T ;’‘bor d r i r . ‘r » o i ' i ^ ? - : ^

KOUSK to let; six rooms and both. Inquire at Ml. Plrtaant ava.. Weat Qrangaj_

FIVE large rooms, wUlubath and heat; root 116. inquire 480 South Ninth it.

STORES, O FFIC ES. E T C . TO LCT FIVE light rooms: low rent. Inquire 191 Thlf- taenth avo.

■nivTvrsTOltf 1280 Sprlngflald, cor. Banford— tiled hStliroo^ all l^pto

hpat M i *nd electric; low ront. Apply The Eecuri^ee Co., room 784 Prudential building.lRVlNOTON-8ik rooma; hath: , m r» Improvement except heat; M

BANK and Wafthington its., few eh'-Ice ofUces, alngle or en aulta; all mod-

Mt) convenience: elevator, light; 5S^vices rent reasonable: open avanlnga. RooM tsx


FOUR rooms, second floor, to let; all lj3*)t'27 Hargati St.; (JO: roapecUbla colored people

net objected; no children- Inquire MR3. Y. 24 Bergen s t . _____

A few small <1 ofllcM, (12 and VPy>" tmorovementa: Janitor heat, light, slavatorMrv l . " UBISBR & I^LUM. 8W Brt»d at.

I.tJVIt%UR room*, all Improvements;

rent (10. In^qulrr MRS. KKBGAN, 67 Bren­ner st., near Rote st.

p ? :;-Wore, large variety of


m\ BROAD r r . (t e l b w . u k t .iFrivnle left«oali a epeclaltr; waits and

step guarantaea- In ajx letaona_ _(5MABI METHOD, THOROUGH EXPLANATION

Select High School class Friday evcnlngi, IS lessons. ID; Tueaday and Saturday evening qlsaa, 12 leaaona. (8; receptions Tuesday ana flalnrday. sdnalaslon U arnto. Visit us bofora deciding on a school.


TEACHEiRP OF DANCING. PRIVATB lessons our ftpedeUy. with muaio;

emits and tvo*et«p guaranteed in a|x lesAona; day or even ng by appoint ment. ■ 'hildren’a I’laai Fridays. 4 to fi_ tJiaaacp—BHrJl^NFRfl. Mon-

PAINTING, paper-hanging; Iffwrsl pricas; oJl work guoranieed; give me aitrial. WEJBa.

th Orange ave.Mal 2 J Market.and

S94 SouthwiBHER & CO.-W« do painting and papef-

h inSSi at retronabla pricaa. 162 Drgelow mT “S S ie S7MB, tVawfy

Clocks^ Wal I ham, flwlM Trenton atid ''Amoricsanr 7 p . r a b . ^ . ^ . b l . . . - r . . ; l p ^ . t , P r = -vas opera ♦nd babyL^keU B ta«i;u Totlat^ c y b a c k ani .Ul. Coraba,. C’.ock_^_(a Or-

N o rth A rtlngtonR-wrt- unT'wF and lot. 28 ft fTT>nt: rhickrn-

on. bfoVk frtra irollrv; ITSO. H gflown (10 per month; m’.flltl'^nal Iota ^ aow . * Taka Hackensack rnr from New*I X T . I ' ' 'o!T ‘ ” S-^ni' North - Arlington,■•hon, IHlTV Arlington H D. BTOVEB. ______

OIT.i'f alw,)', oprtl-

S oath O rance

Clock, ate.

pa in t in g rooma. $2 up; paperiug. IS up: out- iWa work a apeelatty: ah work guaranteed.

F A l 'E N ia

R abb. 700 8rrlngfl,!A .v-*,___ _____________ *^in“ t« raj dm buok, -How to Qat Thara.J'

J SALT7.PBBO 00, painting and pap,r h»ng- ' -larantee tiia beat w >rk; tend poatal.Ing; I guu..

1 wiu call. fi4_JY»2L£L

niMitL'A R R POTTS. Patent Lawyer, BOd JOSHUA ^28 Chestnut it.. Fhh-i R. Dearborn at.. Chicago.Kkrvlh It



roattere rctaltngpatent lawytr; all

Inrontioos, trademarks

Roseville ave.P6

HPTCK qaRAOF, 40x60, Csmfleid sta, bstoresBWsiRhinrtfln Sts., to leas# fbf gHalMY ana Washington

wrm of years. Inquire fefl Market st._

TOUR ntc* rooma: all *■"1’™ ;"’’™*?'. 111.60. 2T0 carodeo ,t., naar nrcMoth ava

DOUBLE! STORE lo Itt. with alt ImPmvj- .raonH; ohrap rsnt; **'' naliwn or :or any hinins,,. Innuli^ MHB.

LKVY, 24 Borgtn at.______________ I

**air Ir^TOTamant,, b . ' l ? ; a n d _ c i ^ . ! j d ; v-,v..,l.nt^u, ^ rtrolTsy "Unfa. Ownir, 606 Cmlial ava. Orango. 'Phono 297J Oranga.

piittek nTH AVII.. comor Fnurtaenth ,t .— ^iMJgnnr oornor .tor,.Ihreo room, *11 Improvomonta, low rant, in- on” . J sAHAPFfV 4»S Booth roortoonlh • f-orner F if te e n th !^

**Blx n M ^ n ia f a i i ImprovwSnS: dumb wal^st; aaporatt heater and enironc#; nice BMgb- borhocSl: rent reasotsabto

G A ^G V and fltahh for «*6ht ITnrf*6T8 High it. ftiquiro D- WOXJTT A CD.»62 Market s t ,_________ _______ *• - .

------ bltlldll

W ent Oraium

« i I F a lew Office*. In the Uston ” r„w‘^ftJora „A«a«M B. M. C-. _ro«n Union bldg.i Nawark. .

p ^ ° l « r ^ '« r “ ''parmonH', aam, aa jUABOE .tor.,


doy; ADVANCED. Tooeday and Friday, BPF. tL cla« 'Wednuday ovenlng*. Davl, ■I Broad at., aoar D., tj. and W.; 8182 B.

BIRRT'B DANCtNO SCHOOL, n s Broad tt.; o w aiary avrnlM for i*

tlniwta; daooing UH«ht a . It ihould ta<; 0,11 ar wttt, for clranlar; latlafantion guarantwl. llgBbar Amor. Nat. Aaa'R Maa'ar of Panrlng.

is o v w Brtdambrr l i haglnnan oaa Join aranlBg. Aopiy araalnga____________ _

_______ _ _ law privat, 1, 1-.-almont ava, naar Bprlngfiald ava

L, Brill, ln«roetor. Opan atHiInfaSAMCINa auanntaad In

■oaa 2 Balmor

RECEIVER'S BALE. , __TIKE NOTICE—Thai on Thora.lay, Novain- I y-RAENTZEI

vw la mil al 10 o'clock In thr forenoon, on No #8 Market Newark,

w / I ahan MPOM U auction,.''j' hlddm. all th* good, and chat-ral,"'furnfuiM •“ > fbllut*,. »uni>U.', and cdulp- t»l,' rofniiu Heatauraol, lawly»nducl,l a ttha l addr.M. Th. raulnmenl oon-

,nd whyrlKhl,. In lb, Pn'/"*7Bf Broad it - ror. Market; _l^j48wK erarsa!.ft R'lrtt.ARDS. Pattni Law.

Mldlorfl of n. 8. sDcJmarks, copyrights. 745-7 Prosd eU Fed"3l Truat Rklg., Fatahllshrd 1K85; tel* 1641 Mkt.

T ^T DRAKIC & CO., Taj. »*« » it, FIREMAN'S INS rO.PROAD AND m a r k e t .


S t c ’iin^.Tn TiUfrV*. i«A!' -


^K ruA N aE RBALTT CO., factory lm>k,r*. “ Jd'^CIlnlon «., have largo ll.i of faclorle. and .lies" win build to .alt on auractiv, «rrn,*^ *llh*r on ranlal or Inafnlnunt Mala Ininluit u, bafora deciding •l.owhero. Phona £?TM ark.l. D. tlorSTON. manag.r. _

Inratlon- next te coroar; two car an« w?r",1cnH?a W n. , «I» south O r a n i « _ ^ T anfitn storoV~cafi he made to suit teuatit^ ^ I t h or wItiiDUt rooms- Inquire owner. 12 Elm at'


TWn ROOMB, SOxSO fsacood flocri, with Of one briok shop, 16x80: four

1o?!,!''i™)', ! 10 r* n ; _at«y;uimblV"o,,in_ rtdrmgE and

Ti*w There will be for sale In ad-SuTon .o lira rMlauranl and. c .f . roulpraent. a

U a g i u c ^m a BBRUiTl B caooi, o r LANauAOEa,

iJo^WlRUAM »T.. ORANQB. nUBNCU W R uT iT BPANIBH. I^AUAN. " " SlFcAJdBHEl.ENORPAKIBR'Unlliagai naUva Inatructor: 14 yrara

■ Tn Nawarti and Otangta; olrculat, moi; htgln aav. J^ttnm Therwgti. Bm M, News once.

D n u in tte and iSoentkmd .J r i « a :

O U ta T E A D ,lC I^ IO N A ^ ^

L"?i.:d;'rab“ rraounrVf «Vtauram Jup’U l Ur kind, all loo numeruu, to menllon.? . l . IsSrtv . Thia la a aplendld orportunlty ?o‘ 'f l .T " a nratralai nal* »>''> "-taurant at Khali 00*1- J ly n c h . Reoaivtr.

MIoha*! J. Tan,ey. Attotney, (taoij164 Market etraet. Newark. N._J- _SW-dt4|J

J B K A T B I C ^SMITH'S Reflnad F*mal* Mlnatral, 2ojf

and lodf*,; why not uy them for »Addrew CIIARDE8 SMITH, Vti Bouih Elav-

prr fjoi'-o; on* ti out lltlla chlckeu farrai. av~—v--,

and rt*iip the proms; ntur Fnnwood, N- *»•■ railroad atailon and tmUny; 46 mlmitea out; fine lucaLlon. lolfl on v^ry pftay terras. Bane for parilculara and free railroad t lw ta to vlall prop^r'v, 11 C. LOC?K\VOOD CO., 141 Broadway, K. Y ____________6B1ND to Counirr D*VjertTnaiit for s llitA Commtiiara FARMS AnyirMte*

FarraeTO. ^ , Any P™*-,.LOtJIB SCTILE8INQER. Inc-. Slaetl BWgafor eale; (47^

'1*AININa, J i?55 ;*^-4^sS S r \ bSCOHE %» iotor v aotrois. The VsudavUtotbeetrlsala end ’SSftSSfcrSf^aSSJSS’a tS t i 1 ffteg* telu u m j price 26icL^pcistb^5a B J ^ ITal aMaatlaw to BLOCOTIOtV gtttfliPtS. gtaOto t — A. WMruh* -M. X.

NEW YORK Vaudrrille Excluitige; rotabllsl^ lt$86; talent furolshed tor

168 Market sL* city. 'Pbotte 23TTJ Market.The VeudavUle

d o ii iM U g 10BLocronqw gieae tolls tewf tsice Wo- ^ pcwtoo*f I r T pQhtMffiD* Cot* Kow»»^ 16«

67-ACRE trecE. near Newark.par acre; rapidly ineroaalng la value,

rtrea* CARROLL Box RQ. » N*wS ofBCfl. ,-------- “ F A R M T W A N t ® '^ ^

^ lSSlgS FAHM to rent; modern conwi- lencea; good building; aulUble fur poultry;

Drefarably between New Urunswlck and Lake* wood. Addre« FArm, Bok 49, Newa office.

L. and W. Clay it.EXCKANOB RKALTT p . , Faclora

45 Clinton st.. have large Hat ofIn all seclidne. with and withoutgpd loft^ ■ - — , uower' is-reonal aliantloti giron.' HON^2OTO MKT. P. HOUSTON MANAqBR.THRBR-STOHT briek. 8.«)0 *t!K.kI2JohnMn at.; o c ta n t. graimd Tioor; aoltabla

000 aqikre feet.. ^ J accp; ittiu

tm moat any Slid _of manittactarlB*; g o ^iwr uiws — •*'"— . ,BPtKirtuidty; roaaonabla rant. VaMy and Harman ata-

Apply eornar

uurtp-_36x52; good light 00 all alflMk. 4aotrlo raiitabl* for any kind qf manufac-

(uftmt'bualn^': rant reaaontbl^ 12 R o n ^ n w W to n , Inqalr* B. COHEN, 16 N*w at.1*1. 6T18 Markal.

lo ftb w it h po w erAND 8TEAM HKAT,



VFYVLT daeorated store with ihelvlPg ^kng roome; low rent; sultoble for grocerr end d*tea™ «n ,lora. 89 Pnbln* aV. _______ _

n e w BT.. J ' bm imany w .ln ^ I n n n i r e A*tna R a lly Co.,Broad et.Iff ORB to let, aouahl* tor i w “ gjeut Of eapartmeutal work. Add oqpr. 24 PowUaot i t


tTOHE to let. corner Avon ave.' —Good place for bart>(L Inquiroieenth st-* In butchers t o r e s . O F n C E S L jC T C jJ V A M r a■rroRln wentad In e good lo^tlon, or party

would like to build soma for a feeW - AddrrsB Baker Box Newa office.


HUNTHRDON ST„ 688. naar Clinton nvf.- Deairabla Hatf Inyovenranta; 6-6 room, and baib. rant, HMHI.

oorchM- all improverooiira «dMr; ** ^**’*'“ ' ■ ®T>’'H*»dley terrace

1008, near MaplaIRVINGTON. CHnlon av*..av*~Blx besnilful roomi.............. - -- ,

pantry; c'rtrtfl':: I»rth<ra; ™"‘reaBOtiahie. _____IRVINGTON. IratUe pl.. 82, m ar fortieth >t- “ rive rooma; hath: all lmprp«ment«; aecond

rt‘ new hon;*: MB. R i-t Bnrt ^ _______ORANGE, Park et., 99 and i

hath; all lmP«''*m*nl*; nolT'T rent fon Tnonto W W*,t Kinney at,. NewnrlrtJ E tiO LJS'i, ^pntre et.y Orange, N.

gam atenm-hJaled data; *'* "orM and^ath. •nt (26. Sac Janitor

G EIG E^ T7 Springfleld 6^*- 11^TO LET-Tbrae room,, aecond *“ ^ { 1

oesslng ave., Bloomfield, N, Jy near I r t t h o u e e . _________ ------------------------ -


HIDt, ST.. »s. oomer Halwy-Elne ala rooma, hith- ,iaatn haal; JaBltor*i lervlca; raaaonaMa

to raSirf aduit” Inaulr. WARD, third floor.

TWO very large unfnmlahed *^5!!? rtraoMc ^ y a w Y a m lly w 8*"iett rt,. Bart Orange.

HUDSON BT., *4-Bl* room,; all tmproyj- ments except heat; second floor; rest $18;

WEST ORANQB-rw ^ "•'*!rent reasoBSJlle'- 6 Chestnut (L

adults only. f u r n i s h e d F U T g J O ^HEDDEN TERRACE, 106-^6.™m data, with

all tmproveffiietils eleclrio light and ill* beth-kVAnTHENTff enfl ro?ms, with or wllhiml ^Kf'm’^SSSkwpingl .team h « t «"« alfjm ,

LITTLKTON AVB., 76—Blegant neighborhood: flnt ana third floor,; flve and Mg room aj^

bath; oH light, pleasant and comftrtable rooms; all Impta: steam heat. Inquire within or 645 Thirteenth ave.. corner Seventh e t

i l l J i i e 'l iw r r o w in n a or Brie. In,iflr. 86bird ava.

rjJdn*w sy e S S S b ™ ^ ' *™ Waablngton a tRRAMDT

LARGE, light and iumiy elx-room flat Improvements, rent $16; also two sUllo, rent

(6. 743 South Twentieth it.LITTLETON AVB., U6“ Flve rooms and hath,

steam heal, electric light and Janllor ssr- vice; rent moderate. Inquire on pramlset*

321-v^hroe nice large

f u r n i s h e d J L A T O W A N T B ^

LIVTSGBTON BT.. — - ........... ,Toomi, all linpmeniaiiU; a l» larga plana;

Udl«, tmployed dnrtnf tii;'*dav woolfl rent three or four nicely

furo*ibo/'n;fl"“ '»'■ '**”*iS to tmalnen centre; murt h* raaeonable. Addrm Chaperon, Bog 6#, Newa ofllce..... ...

reasonable rent:MARKET 8 T ,._ ^ -B a v *> p u : > : .^ fl«i ®afi!*unU” S U S ;Inquire Poultry Btore. or :

iw o la^ea dealre fumUbed apartroem, «.wMid aSara with refined party d u r ^ artBiaj

monSa JWdjen FumlMied. Boa Si. N*aiinontbs.0fl>66

MUDBBRRT p i*. M-Fonr b ln win r a n t _ c b ,a j . . t o .^ j A » > l a ^ ,^ par

f u r n ish e d PUTS TO LW—OUT OF TOWN

tlea. Bee MR. RABHKH

b a k e r y , flril-claM, lo let; foctotr borhood for lunch; with rooms. Mam*

icra^ava and Fifth si., Harrison. N. J.

MUDBBHHY st ,. 8»-V*rydMilr^^^ menu; aeven rooma; all improvamanu. in qnlre JDBRMAWW'fl.

flHU^-QUlCKW Ton, farm o, country o LOUIS flCRLEfllRaER.

— EXCHANGE, nna. Ommtry DapU, b o ,, Raaaa mllfllnt.

m w floor; oaotn ot olty: JACKRCK 430,.

Mechanta nnfl Imwnaw


kick .tore, wtlh or without Urtug n m a , aullabi, for almoat any bualnena, afpwolally

barber ahop: food, fart powlni nMfflbo™^: low. II8 North Grova ot., ilr*-


OUT OF TOWNWANTED-A rtota. aulUbla tor hM rflaiM p

la lira JtfMT *ow«- Bor, R Vwoim, M. / .

MARIE PI*. 1 1 - r u t aU n « ^ t f i m i ^^ a n U e g c ^ b ta t ;duced from {tt. inqnlre flrat -Boor.

’'S . ^ 'n i t f l ™ toMBa. t« i balh and pantry; rmteo oat, nro am *tHwSttm -em ioU including heater ^ ^ f f - ^ t t i r o te f o w c e ; flva 'mlnutee froa EosJrille JR c Itauw . aSi**’aU . ti-letty;^nctstpromises.

Inquire on

v r a n ^ t ' iiffhii oijty, ^ iM r: TWt ^

nsART ORANGE. North NlMleenth it.* 'toteraenP « k s A FoiirSt •viS.-Pirot, flwr »JS

family house: ® rtxjina; butlers p o r i^ s ^ ta r t ; n i^ y fumlahrtl; floe uteV walk from ^adiilu only- Can or °*™°

a c ad em y st ., , »r:5*.”' G i L n r t ? rtSi niUt; complet* ter Ufht ■ingle and doubU rooma; ,team heat. ta r t, phone, convenlendss-

ACADBMT 8T.a 27—Largs room; suftabls W •otmple o*“ *7ro JSrotlemen: steam h r o t ! j ^

m M flow; rih i bou *, MM. aUBLTiTHAfc . ' -


aU coi




imfffmm S


men; iWASa■irroMSMTUDOP]GUIrtp twm S S


. 2 %







Mi(h: SJev- t __OTtIB 1 iImb,

fftrn' In-

■ralvr B 129

ooma. ; IIT. I Ur-

pl5f(>\ r* I. In-eMV


^1fh Im- IP pn- h *\


tiBlh .Ir T\i«

ot ami ranrP;

toap^ft pm ni‘t 4 Mar-

L A lb

apari*iihie toPI u'cik tti© «n-16 Sla i-

mi Htul . Belcct Bayaitl


nuu* r. lAck* prd pva.jUv <1pc- m beat; elpphoaa


1 CllntOQ b«th cara «m flata«r vaia___

Banford— M., atMin pply Tha )uUd!PI-

•hCTBl., OPP.

ilsbi; gaiademy it.

wroa. ntw;



^ , / u .r n i s h e d r o o m s t o l e tAiUTM STm IB. aaar Naw i t —Lar(* front al«

cove roqrp f a lieat, l'4(bi gaiirttH tuble; ban room, tl-tM).Bl4F7£oKER^T^"'"^B«chwc^ nil nbwly

furntataid; mMt ehMrful rooma In city; re* ipocUbla poQpIt daiirtite a nice quiet room: contrail alngfe room. 12 ^ ; room with double tied, IB; larre frqjit room. M.fiti; parlor and ; Idano.BLEKCVGH at.. T; Orange f t , U3—Homelike |

hotteekeepli^ rooma. eingle and connecting,H up; alio 8T Orchard at.. Bath, laundry.__ 'BDRaEN ST., T90, one bl^k Clinton '

ave.«-Ona or two Jerie handaomcly furnlahed rooma, with kitchen, all improvemenifl; Btaam heat for your excluaJve uee; prlvatej very renaonabif.DERUEN BT., M2—Nicely fumlfhod hall mom.

with bath, for gentleman In imall family. Ceil cvenlnga GRUBBKAN. ercond door.

ASHiNOtOn bT-. 474—Large . (urnliheil niOD?, comptrie fur Imueekreplng, eerond

fliXjr; all Improrfroeiiln: nn objeettona to child; central; hon.plilie; rraaonable

'3tt: Warren pt. M and *L ??■ > * ■ ^7* ! ileeptng and haueeke«p-ing rooma. ilngle and tlouble. auraotlve ratet.

WASHtNtriON BT., " jT ^rn ear Warren—T'wo eonnecUng rooma for houeekeeplng, IS; batii a a ^ floor; alio other rooma.

WAflMlNOTON BT., 504—Comfortable, medium ala«d h^m; gooil cloeet; aleo alasle ronm;

heat and bath, rpaeonable.WAKHINOTON HI’ , 462 —One tergri front

room fur light houapkeeping, with ga«, lermi reaeon abJe.WALNUT


BERGEN 0T.. T—I<arge front parlor room, fur- nifidera: niahed, for one or two gentlemen; near two

trolley llnca. In Roeeville auction.

BT., Hfl—("Vnlral; convenient tonicely rvirnlPhed; ilnale or con-

neoting from nxim; ail nncxlern Improvementa;furniahej oomplete for hniiaekeeijfng: terma

BURNET RT., 26-Kurnlah«d rooma: lO mih* uiea Urnad and M arket; near Mckawanna

RtHtlon; lateat linprovementa; private family; r4H»Binable, 'WBHaTRft, an-^ad lltwir.ItritN E T f»T., 57-Nlc«ly furnlibed hall bed

rt>om, fleam heat and uaa of bath: In pri­vate family. fl.Tb.BROAD BT.. bUO—Eacepunnally clean and

pleaeant front room, heat and bath, cofi* ^L'iilant to ].Ackawanna and all (rolleya: rea- purtabla.RR<>AD ST,, Aft3—Third floor, nppoalte Central

]>cpot: furnlibed hjoiu: gantleniBTi, $2; If fultahla (or two n;en; private Improvementa.

\\ALNI'T 8T.. Hj —NlC(-ly fumlahed flngle conhoctlng room*; runiilfia water; all I

PTovementa. for llKht houBCKeeplng.

BROAD BT., 115&-Largf, light front a to m rpo^ alao adjoltklhg room; alnale oi

mlto, fll ImprovemaDti; fumtihed.BROAD 8T., HOT—On* or 4wo newly furnlebed

rooma, all Improvementa; 'phene; near South 6t. Station; gentleman; reaeonable.BROAD 9Tm 246—Comfortable bedroom to let*

near D.. L. and W.; oath; attam heat. Ap­ply afopnd floor.broad BT., 273-NToe light, large fumleHad

ro 'RV ful table for one or two. «iib bathj private family.BROAD fiT., Ula—Vtcely fumtihed reemf; all

improvemefita and oonvenlencei; near BmthBtAQon. ______________

BT., ICy-Leirga. pleawnt front room light houaekeeiung; all tmprovementa;

centrally located, near city hall; terma iwaaoa- able.BANK BT., 1T(V-Sunny front hall room; clean

and conkfnKabJe: gaa, bath, cn lame floor; private; quiet, central, regaonable.BROOKDALE AVEl, 68—Two nice connecting

fumlehed roomg for two.CHESTNUT BT.. 23. near Broad—Ijirg*. plfte-

and aeoond floor frent room, elegantly fur* PlahM; eultable for gentleman or couple; ■team heated; abundance uf hot water; prl* vite.

. TVE8T XINN’ET RT . 22—rumiah<^ room, up* lo-date aparlmetitf. iieam heat: bath; private

‘■mlly_ for gentlemen or man and wife. OgOVEB, tel. tlCHaL Mkt. ^WHfiT KINNEY BT., &d—Beautifully (umlibed

■Ingle roomi for gentlemen; ateam heat, hot water, bath; In up-to-date apartment-houae.V AllREN BT., 03—I’lne aecnnJ floor front

room, with hot and cold water In and gai for housekeeping. t4; all Improvements: fur- naoe heat; glao other rooma.WARREN BT., T2—Large oloan pleaiant houee-

keeping rooms, flrit floor, 12.26; front room, ilngle or oonnectlng, roMoaable, with ruimlng water.____________ ____ ________________WRIDHT 9T., IWti—One nloe room, furalahed

oompleta for bovMkeepliif; laundriL bath,' g o for cooking, ell included^ terrea |2.B0 per

CftEBTm;T ST.. W. 0«»r Brotil-N.etly fur- nlQhed heated large rooma, |2 and $3, to gen*

tleraen or light housekeeping; elegant brick houae.C0G8 PL., li, comer Marshall at , one block

off Court at.—Nicely furniahed aingle and ronneetUig rooms, complete for light houae- keeping; atl ImprovetnemE: alan beut; |2 50COTTAGE BT , 10—Nicely fumlahed room for

light houaekeeplng; aingle ronm for gentle­man; clean American family, three minutes to city halt.COURT BT., f»0—Two nicely fumlahed front

connecting rooma for l l^ t houaekeeplng; bright, cheerful; line neighborhood; no

children.(Ol.'RT 6T.. 20, near Broad—Nicely fumlehad

front rootn first or second floor: <- »mplete for light housekeeping; all Improvemenie; heat


C01:rt 8T , 04—Furnished, large, bright front ro;Jtn. private hpuee; all conv*nli*ncee; five

niinnice Itn^d and Market. King top bell.COURT ST,. Tfi. opposite Plane at.- Nlnely fur­

nished single or connortlng rooms, complete for light bouaekeeplng. all Improv imeriiaFJ^EGANTLY furnished aieam-beated room for

couple, in private apartment: iiae of tiled bath and rtew ptnnu; elevator aervica; (d week­ly Address Crniral. Hoz 52. Newn offlre-EAST PARK BT.. 28-Large Jlze, nicely fur­

nished eteam-hoated single room; aft im- prov«menti; telephone.BAST PARK 0T., 11-Single and double fur­

nished rooms; all Improwmeiua.FURNISHED roonie; light housekeeping; all

ports of the city, Roseville and Oranges; con- vsnleni to trains ajid trolleya; Infurmatlon fros. RPom 5D7. 192 Market el. __________FURNISHED room with private family; ail

Convenlencea: fine location; near Bouih Bt. Btatkin; few genUeman. Addreaa Private. Box T6, Nswa offloe.FURNISHED room, with private family, Clin*

ton Hill section: SO mlnutea from Broad and Market its. Addreee Clinton, Bax 96. Newa u r th AVE., 183—Nicely furnished front

alcove room, with email kitchen; aultable for light housakdeplDg: hath; private house; no children.FRANKLIN St ., 86—Neatly furnished front

and back room: oacond floor; all modern Im- pjnvemaots; suam heat; opposite city h&l).GRAFTON AV"E., 49—Ixxjglng; accnmmbdata

two: convetilervt to trolley and railroads. >11 ________________ _CREEK 8T., B4—Neatly fximlihed large par­

lor; steam haat; all Imprav^menta.HIGH 8T., 463—Medium slse room, eleottio

light, ateftRi heat, bath; newly furnished and decoralod; private family; gentleman only; Apply Janitor.HIGH ST-, 488—Light houaekeeplng. aingle

and connecting rooms; alao front and back parlor; elegantly furnished and heated; near courtbuuae.

HILL ST.. 21—Rooms en Milt or single; run­ning water; large closets ami first-class board

and service.HIT.L BT, 35—Furnished room tn In, with

or without board, alc^m heat.J am es ST,, flb— >ry deslraPte room for ana

geptjnTian! extra large -wardrobe, closets, strictly ITrot-class table board.

HIGH ST., 846—Two nicely furnlghert rooms: flp«t-olees apartment: for gentSeman only:

sU coBvenlvncts. Ring QGAN bell.HIGH SI* <■ B37—Large front alcove room-

newly rumlahedi private house: all Improve- | ( meote; steam he&l; rrasonable,

HIGH fiT., 486—Well'heated, airy, aingle and connecting rooma; light housekeeping: altp

hall rooms; Improvamenta.HIDDEN t e r r a c e , 89, near Clinton av*,— i *'''•* kBtitlemen; ateam heat; *d-jqiBlitg bath; all Improveroentei private family.MOEN PL,. Ifl—Two-room suite, prK'ate bath'

stBifTi heat, five minutes from Fourth Ave­nue Station; housekeep4ng, If desired; tarma moderate. Telephone. 3122W. Branch Brook.MARSHALL BT.. f , nskr city hall—Nlee;y"fu7-

nlahed large frogt room for light housekfep- tog; also ilngle room; all Improvemenis.No r fo lk ST., 239, near Bank—Large rooms,

houiahecping, |1.50 up; connecting rooma, •8; hall room, II up; Improvementa.NOnxB NINTH BT., I8-Purntih»]

large and small.ORANGE BT., 40—Large, well furnT^htT front

room' for two gentlenen: also small nsom; all Iroproveraenta; steam heat; convenient to ^ekawttttna Railroad Station.o r a n g e 8T.I 8fl--Large, light houaakeeping

room; also large front room for two gentie- toen, all Im j^ vementa.OLIVER BT.. 1]D—Three well funilshed rooms,

clean kitchen, water, gaa range, bedroom and parlor; for couple, U; two for |3. In­quire lower'bell, ,ORLEANS B*r.. 46, The Linwood—Bachelor

abartmem: aultea. of two; aingle braes bed; path connoCTitu; every convenience; tel.ORLEANS BT., 46. The LinWood—Light house-

keeplngf lultc of two; nicely furnlefied; every Convenleitee; telephone;

"■ONE Ikrge front room, alt improvements, «tc,; Cilntou iim ; mommendatioB, Address Ref* artmee. Box ^ NeWa offlee,

ORIENTAL flS.—-Bright, cheery rooma; warm ■M oomfortible; running water in each; at S4 OrleBtAl, cof. Brood.

PENNSYLVANIA AVm, Cront room fbr tiouMkeeuing;

ploto, every vldow only: ■hlngtbn i t

N T E D ^qred during four nicely epingl cloaff reasonable.

ofBce.artment, <K< trlng wlotor

ai. Nrwa

Ji.'c— O U T

o u ^y ftoi^^ed ieei>lBgi aleo

heat, bath.

l4TVi—Furnished - - --- — ^—jeulng; aleo sleepingroom; near three trolley Tines; all ImDrove-

toants.PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. «5^Nlce1y fumlahed

room in private family; GonYenlent to ^ u th i t Btation and troUeyi; all Improveineift,PLANE ST.. 142-Two eomtortabte housekee^

llig rooms; running water; first floor: also ■leeptng room; near Central car*.PARLOR to let. convenient to D., l . A

olid Erie Station. Address Fumlehed, Bok 47, News otflee.PLUlf AT.. ao^Nloe^ fum^thed front h i^

room, all improvaments; very cen t^ .ROSEVILLE. fW North Nintirsl., n ^ Conn

apartment—Sonny, well heated hunt rooms* single or en suite; tight houeekeeplng aiiow^: Uteet Improvements; near D,, L, g^d \v R. R. and treiRy; 'phene M4R B. B. MALs!'ROBEVTXXE South Twelfth st,, to—Well

h«ted furniihed room. «.T6; two gentlemen. 12.86; near trolley and station; alee location.RUTOtlRi^ST,, 6P-rumished front room, all , ecttvtnlfiM«e: suitable foV light bousekstn- Ingy ekUd not objected; IJ.60 week; near troL

____________BT,, 69—Flrst-cUss rooms, slngts and

and douhie; steam hMtsd; wUh or without b n m ; t s m nssoitable: eonvsolent to Penn* •JJTMln IL R- BUticfi and trolleys. 'F h ^e 2TTIW. Mailtft; terms moddratg

ftwct.FoiHn, kuKobie 5 ? fsnUems^ all iRRirorsmenta: stto tt a m i teasonable; prtyaie; gear ataiton.

r o r o r Pt*, 1#-L#rts front room and al*- JS S ^ i adjoinlag: ateam heat; man saI ’y ^ isatletosn; near oourttwrase.

. BtttHdBi snniv. Meoin

ith •»*. and ILdSond k

irwwewi Buoiiy, siSBmtWitHMHim; WOM T try _____wiiaawi «t7 8T. botwMfl lll |h

O w it t.*^FttraBli^ roMas.

* a £ n * L ^ -_ ipPM 4 lurijB W l^ l U i t o n . hwst; onerenisak to

'l o m i a v k , Vroonfl iot " la i 'i iU

». liiif.twpT«y mMmiM. ApiSj top floor.

R . . ' n i - s s A im iT O S E-----------BOcan m ottqw. rridbii.DBlrTML PART OR CITT 'w i i K atiinn> PBORUE; m cB ROMS! ro R »B«MMt tlM-

Ik tha task dl tha ntii vho undertakea t® lease his prop­erty, or tell hit liad, Uirou^ tba nedlun of tj "To Uf* or "For Sole" tigtt. wtthoot nstog « ctasslfted tdveitiBenient la dw Evenlog Nowt. A lettoo or bnyor eonld not be expected to canvMO the stroets of tho city. looHflg for aig m to i WswSat v w la the oarfciti


FURNISHED ROOMS WANTEDLIST your furnished rooms with ue; we rent

them quickly. RoommaT Exchange, 198 Mof* Jg^slj^roor^jOT.


BLCX^UPlELD, Wsihlngton at-. 1T6—Fumlahed room, with all Improvements, for one or two

gentlemen.EAST ORANGE. South Munn ave,, 14tl—J>argo.

pleasant, atram-healed furnlehed rooms; two minutes from Central ave. and three from i 8outj^j>ran |«ei^

FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. ________ OUT OF TOWNWANTED -Two young women, teachers, dsetre

furnished rooms within walking distance of Oran» D., L and W. Station. Addrcn Hoom. Po» D, Newe office. Oranff$.

FURNjaHED ROOMS—BOATINGFURNIBHKEi rooms nr board, rciomi well

heated: all impru>'enifnte, In private house: five TnlnUies' ride t*.' I^ckaaanna; two blrK ke from Fourth Ave Hcaiion Erie, ilngla and double roume; good tuMe IvS Mt. Pleasant ave.

fipfda/ Bsn-4r« of fAs \K W 9.TRENTON, Nov. 14.—Tbfl conssnsus of

the several rcpreaentatlves of traction cumpanlea who met with the Board of Buhilc UlliUy Conimlaslonera to-day was that only m ajor aoctdoius should be re* [lortetl to the commission. About a score o/ tracllofi compaiilea reprasetiiatlvefl an- HweriNl a notice of the commlasiun and put In an appearance a t the hearing lor Ihe rurpoHc of suggeBilng a form to be uaed In reporting accidents and dlacuselng what should bo conHUned In tho report.

A number of th e trolley repreaentatlvei said that too much dandled information should not ha required unless U waa kept confidential and not accessible to attor­neys for persons Injured or killed.

UommisslOfier H lllery advised ihose prosenl that th e records ot the huurri Were public and a s auch wen* open at nil times. B. F. H ires, of the Rrldgvinn mu! MMlvlIlfl T raction Comimny, eubm!i t-ii ihfti only head-on and rear-vml colllsii'u-i. '

, Ppre-fujlng of irackfi, running lino waunitu ■ or foot men, mid accldi'fiis rr-nolrlng ' Iru! utiendani e, aliould bi- ri-ported l i Uj* board.

, U U. Lewis, of the Millville 'I rnninn Company, told the board that In l!in b--\- enteen years' existence of his road tl bad killed three drunken men Ho wsh not In favor of reporting mtnt«r aeddenu

(’■' <1. Shultz, of the Morris County Trac­tion Company. w.i« In 'Kavd to j-ilev*

I (liiil only m ajor acHdrnt'* Bhoulrt be re- rort»*d. The aainu view was taken bf John N. Ackerman, of the Centrul Uaw- senger Railway, and C, H Ewing, uf the Ooean Stroet Paasonger Railway.

The New Jsraey ajod Hudson River Pai* ganger Company was represented by B. V. Drown, I* D. H. OlUraour and M. Hoff­man. In the Judgment of Mr. Drown, ac­cidents requiring the uee of an ambulance ihould be reported to the rommlaelon and not minor ones. He also stated that de* rallmente causing fifteen minutes' delay Ihould be reported.

' UREINTNALL PL, 24. jit-ar courthousa. flvr nilnuiDS Hrrvail anil Mnck^i, also 31V Nelson

p!., two elegant, largf, frr>nl aieam-heateU rooma, elaT alnirltt r>-y>iu; c^icellent cable; prl- vati'. UaJl 24 RrointrmllBANK ST.. 2M -One double and single room:

neatly fumlihed; heated; all lmpra%*srnenta. escllenl tnble luKird. ten mlnutea to Brand and Market; tkermati copklng. raiea reninn.vbluDf-KKi.'KER ST., 47 -Ijirge and small rooms;

nicely furnished; etchm heul , ft'puraio hatha; eiuellent igbie board. *4, T» i f'41iJ Market.HJIGAD ST., ll:i7-'Ftna. large. wp]|.heated

front Tooiii, aisi' back 4oijm; single or en suite; exi’Sllpnt tntil**: 'phone.CJ.INTON A\"E . U.4, facing High et . 1H min­

utes’ walk UroHd an T Market- Front rootna, with tward; table hoard; Pates reasonable.COURT fiT., 83- Plcflsarii single room for one;

buard.EAHT Park ST , 4d—largo. plea.^ant romti,

heated, sullaMe lor man arui Mlfe; r|so room with single beds for two gentlemen Telephone 4!!ir>2J, MarkeiP'AfiT PABK ST., 82—Large, fileely henled

front rcK'in, m a small select boarJIng-houee. fultatde fur iwu; gvxui table.EAST KINNEY 8T.. 14—HlPgla and double

roama. running water, lablo board, reflni-d neighburhood,FIFTH ST,, 2H. near rentral ftve,—Nice, clean

furnished single and double ronins, with goofl board. $f>: private, fine nclghhorhi>od.FULTUN ST., 8T—fieronJ alory frxmt room,

■ultabio for one or ttN>>.

MT'LREHRY RT.. 142 - Mecharilca' bonrdlng- houee; rooms, eultable for man and wife or

two men; good, tubalantlal food; board from 14 up.Or ch a r d bt.. Jib—Becond floor, heated room

with large eluset. near bath, near South fit. Rtatloii: telephone connrotlpn; table board.p a r k PL. 40—Two rooma with prlvata bath;

a lad rooms without.ROBE\‘J]jLE—l.arga front rnoTn, heated and

board fur one or two gentlemen; ptlvatj family; referenrc-B; three mlnutee from H.. if W. RiuilOTi. AddresH L., Box 4U, News office,ROBE\TLl,E, Humboldt at., 17—Ijirge front

heated room, aleo eluglo rt»oni. with or with­out hoard: Iniprovemenla; near atatlon, trolleya,BORKVn.I.R. Bouth Twelfth at,, S.1\^Com-

furtftblo. large, froni room; first-claea table; offered reflnad peranu at mo-lerale terms.ROSfiTV’lLLlil. North Second at 22b-Room anl

boan'l In a t^hnle family; also Improvements and steam hoal.BUMMER AVE.. 4RT. near Cheater—Attractive

lonatlon: convrnlent to trolley nnd Erie Bta- llon; lnrg<* alcove room, fr-nl: alao single room; terms 17; home cornforte. tl14H Branch Brook; references.SOUTH BT.. W-Ezcellpnl steam-heatrd single

and double rtKime; good tahl«» hnard. home­like: cortvenlent tn Pennsylvania R. R, fita- Uon arifl irolleyi; terma reasonable. 'Phono in a w Market._______________ ___________SUBBEX AVE., 34fl-Attractive front room;

also amall room, with good board; convenient to three car lines; ten mlnutea from -city.TICHKNOn BT.. 111. 'one rolnuta Broad, hear

Bouth fit. fltatlon'—Warm, sunny room for two; iteam heat; running wnter: egcellient table board; 'phone. _____ ______WALNUT ST., Sfi^ewly fumlahed rootMi_hgjirj|_J^eBiroA________

BOARD WAyTEpYOUNG womaiir employed, deaires room with

board, in modern home: Clinton Hill sec­tion; references. Addroea Immediate. Box 61, Newi oJHce._______________ _


lATge, bright rouius. single or en suite, with bath, telophonca. electric llghta, raw furnish- Inga, palm room, amoklnd ro«jm, a beautiful dining-room with individual tables and hotel service; near trolley and Brick Church 6ia-

TELEPHON£_Nn^ 2B00 ORANGE. jEAST ORANGE. Proaprot at.. 11—One large

front, nlnely furnished room; excellent table board? two minutes Brick Church Station;

lao a leeping board optional; telephone.

FAY SALOON-KCEFER'SfFINES/iert(iJ ffernli'e fif the NEWS.

ELIZARETHt Nov. 14.--After having been In the cuefody of Sheriff Kirkland four hours. Michael Brady, a ealoon- kpeper, of Elizabeth, wae released at a Tale hour yesterday afterhoon. Friends came to B rady 's aeslstance and paid a fine of 2260, Imposed on him by Judge Atwater for eelilng liquor on Sunday.

EAST ORANGE, ttMnans at., !0—■W’all-heatcl furntthed room; firai-claw table'board #4 W

a week; ordera taken for home-made plas. ’Phone 4053W . ___________________ :E1A8T ORANGE, North Eighteenth at . 71-

S^rge, want! room for couple or two or three gentlemen; home table: four lulnutea to carsor train._____ _________ _EAST ORANGE. North Arlington ave., l i -

Rooma, en stilta, with private bath; flrit- ciMa b»eril; bear nation.OHAMGE, fitiyder •!-, 6-^NIcely furnished -room; .aU Ifpprovementi, with or without,

W or t r a week. _______^ L % S R HOtJfiE. IS2 Main st.. comer Maple

ave., Eail .Orange, hag. an exnellent reputa­tion M a home hotel; flrsjt-claaa table with the. beat eer 'IcO; rates tnoderate; very dealra bia location; much cheaper ithan housekeeping. A. N. MEfiggR. Propriistor._______________T O lSirT roiirroom , with board, ftfi Buroatt

t . . Emit Oiatme.

BOARD WANTig»-<»tJT TOVW‘WANTXD^Board for two people, within 6

block* ot Grand' aU Elisabeth. Addraea Quick, Boi W, Newi afflee.WANTED—Bokrd for two p e ^ e . near HWa

Btatton, or Ifontelair Osmtro. AddraM Board, W. f»«wi efllix, — .......................




H A Y S T A C K -

Triilna New "Cnt.Dff."STANHOPE, Nov, K ._The flrul train

outfllde of work tralna and thoae contain­ing offlcialfl of th e lAckawgnna, passed over tho now “cut-off" yoatorday.

The train wns from tho west, coming on the now lino a t Slateford, and leaving; It fit Part Morrla. I t wan made up of tho private cars of tho head officials uf ten different railroad linos.




The ra te all dnsslfied advertlae- ments, with th e ekceptions enumerated below, Is one cent a word {minimum JO centfi).

The average Is seven short words to the lino.I Theae seven words repreeent an agate line. |

Ko reductions in ra te unless advertise­ment la run for one month or every other day for one m onth. Then the rate Is; One month daily, Sl-60 per line; every other day, SOc. per llnei minimum three lines.

One year daily, |1S per line; one year every other day, |9.00 per line, minimum three !!nes.

Where blank lines or capitals are used either a t top or bottom of an advertise­ment, with solid a^a te In eentre, the rate is ten cents IlOc.) per count line. <Cap- Itala four Tvorda to a line,)

EXCBPT10N8.CfcrlstenlngaAnniversary NoticeAfioulment of MorrlafaCoTiflnnatloniBirthsEngagedUaniagasIMvoroedDsathaAnnlveraarr Mot* IfonWi Mind llam ^al SerricaAuetJoa Sale Etnpioymiiit AgsBoteS Mtetlngi Feraonale Bids W ulsd Buiknipter Sale Plffolatfoa of Partner*

ship \Forrnatloa of Partner­

shipIn Iftmortui Card of Thopka Lodge N^lcee Society Kottoee • }

HellgkraR Nottoee, words eg lees »

} '

S,y«n TJnM, AD taut,; eretT «tttn addltloMt woF!l. t r fruttltni] part, 10 ttm ,: !10 trn t, 1, th« minimum.

10 n n t, par lint. Minimum tfcrtt line,.

10 n n tt per llm, Mtntnun f i t * lltWL

tV » n tt: uhHHoB-

t l wtrO,. 1 Mat tu h .

cent w tr d , Mlnimuml t • a varda

Emptormtnt W u ta l l l t l i or FtBWl*

IVtcn stndlDB replte* to •tfvwtliicnieoti addrtMed to N«w> boz«a bo ,u r« to orrlto full oddrOH, All ouch odrortlionionla have a vot'd and bqx nambor or a lottarand bo* noinber. aush u "Ovdot," Bo*

• Bo* *0, Novooltloo.

a a n M e d adTortlaeinenta in a tl bo ro. .rived boforo U:1S o'clock for buortloD la i a ofitlon , o t tho lam o day, AdverllM. m oatr tocrivoa betveon th a t Sour and 1 o ' r i o d ^ j g J j t ^ a r in a n o y a rflo v ^ o l^ ta

T ranrim t ad v ertla in t In tho N evw k ■vonlBg N eva m oat ba tm patd. No " dm oU wIU M «p« mA lo r




A c o m p le te l i s t is p u b l is h e d d a ily a t t h e h e a d o f th e f lra t c o lu m n o n th e e d i to r ia l p a g e . W o w ish i t u n d e r s to o d t h a t p a t r o n s a n d p ro s p e c t iv e p a t ­r o n s sritl r e c e iv e id e n t ic a l ly t h e s a m e s e rv ic e , c o u r te o u s t r e a t m e n t a n d p r o m p t a t t e n ­t i o n a t a n y o f th e s e o ffices a s w ill b e a c c o rd e d a t th e h o m e office, 2 (5 -2 1 7 M a rk e t s t r e e t in v ie w o f th is f a c t w e d o n o t h e s i ta te to in v i te th o s e w h o

m a y find i t m o re c o n v e n ie n t

to t r a n s a c t b u s in e s s th r o u g h

o n r b r a n c h offices to d o so .


ATIjANTIU c i t y , Niiv. 14," A nf^w t e r ­minal Ktfttlon In kBr'i’Ing with Atlanllc CHy'.i neBd. t r a c k Bl' vjiilon to abollali many dafigurovia grailo croa.'ilngs atui lilreot exj;ro»a t r a in B+'rvlce tt> C’helaea, Murgatf and L«ongi>ori nre demanded by the n t y Council in rj-sioluiionE adopted JaMt night.

The resolutions dealgiiiiie Assemblyman Isaac B acharach , \\ 'Mnen Sewvis and Waiter J. Busby. <'o\ni ilman and hotel projirletor, a conimlssiun tn aflcertain ihe purposes of llie f 'erui’v Ivanlu riailrtind Company re ipecUng n imlna! laclllllea.

Thf‘ resolu tions di i l.irt tJia%. Iho proa- eiil slRlInna a re unlli |u»ted and Inaile- qufltp, The romirils^lon la to a r t far Uie rounrll and the cit.\ in fill neKOllatlons neeefiaary to :he tt .nsumrnallon of Im­proved traffic fftrilltlfH.

-------------. . . . . ■ » ------------------------


fiprofuf SVndrp of tht SFWff.KUZAliFTTK. Nuv 14, - H I f r-ffl^dal

plurality t-HlahllBhed ut l.aia by ii hurried canvass of the vote. Wlllldm H. Wright iTtep), of Hallway, was B-worn In at U A. M u>-daj". He a t ouce announced ihe app ’ lntment of his prederesHor. Rnben J. Kirkland, rs hla tlppulN, Wright, during Kirkland's l>Tin, wua deiiiity aherlff. The elpvtion has s lm plj’ Phlfted Jobs,

The oa th of oftire was Admlnlstpred to Sheriff W'nght by Ju ilge Edward S A t­water. Tlie sherltTfi bond was eiipplk'd In the Biini of Sr>0,{l0<'* His bondHOirn, all from Kahway , ure former Kroehc^lder Jol:n FarreU. fo rm er City TreaHurer, George < n l iver , former Assemblymiin and F rw b o id e r FVier Tllmaii, Deputy Sta te Game W ard en William HohlltKel and William H. '\^'eldon, a contrartor .

Tha Union County Board of Keglatry and Elections began yeste rday afternoon a t the caur thouse here the work of com­piling the reault of th e lute elei tlona. Owing to the faot t h a t the sheriff-elect had to be sworn In to-day, the vote for tha t office w as th e first to he canvaaaed aii'l was finished th is rnornlnR

The official reau l t Is: Wright fHep.), 9.H43; Fay (Dem.l . S.riSO, Gustave Themcr Ifioc.i. 1,714; I^ong ( I ’m.), ]4S; McGarry(Sin' J..,abor), 106. W righ t 's plurality wasi.ais.

It will take the board of elections the greater pa r t of th e week to complete iha official ranvafls It was delayed three hours yeste rday owing to the fallurs of some election officers to s«tk1 In iheir re ­turns, and constab les had to be sent to hunt up the neg l igen t officers anti bring them before th e board.


PATERBOTf. Not. 14 -T h* SoclalUta ora now a duly aeoredltad party In Paa- •aio County. One of the notable thtnga ■hown li the ofRclal eanvooe of the votes caat a week ago In the county !■ the big gain mode by the Soelallat oondSdatee, the average vote received by th a t p a rty ’s Aeaambly ticket being l,i7A. Thle ehowi an Increase over the Socialist vote of lost year of more than fifty per cant., and la more than the flva per cent, of the total vote nerussary to give tha SocIbUbU party standing.

Thia m eans th a t at the next pr im ar ies Ihe Socialis t party will be enti tled to have a box to poll Ita vntea, a p a r ty regis try booh, and to have special p r im ary tickets pr in ted a t ihc expense of the county as the two m ajo r parties have a t the preaenl tlrrw’.

T he gTf^aiost plu ra lity secured by any one on the Republ ican ticket waa tha t gl^'en to I'fMinty (“lerk Blatvr. who won by tipsy's c)v«'r Jopf'ph Bergen, DemocTRl. John E. Morris, rtfpubllean, was elected reg is te r of 4h.*efls with a plu rali ty of 3.1* over Ricluird CoKati. Democrut, The a v e r ­ag e Hepuhlican iiiurnlity for Aseemhly w as fi.kho. Hmj the average pluruli ty for freeholder was 4,2 1

TJie average vote cf the Pnshll^ltlon As- eemhly candidates wns aw, while the Ah- sembly rundklates of tlie Social I.abor party received an average of SW votes.

M ayor McBride won re-electlcm by a pJiiralliy of l.lfiO.

t i f 2!:.+j08 voles capt In the county only 477 were rejected aa faulty . These re­jec ted ba llots do not include ballots where vo ters voted for more candidates for an office t h a n they wers entit led to, or where they failed to vote for any of the candi- UatcH fyr some offleea, as was done by m any.

It cost County Clerk fllalpr to cop- duct hla recent election ciim-i^nlgn He filed hlfl crrtlflffiiB of pxjtenses yraterda;- af ternoon in liia ow7i office.


Borlet of the >7JITg.TRKW ON, Nov. H .-R efussI of a jua-

ties of the peacti to g rant a trial by Jury when detiianUed, Ims resulted In the Su­preme Court seitlnK aside the conviction of Jacob Rosen, wliu wuh proaecuteAl by the New Jersey Swlety for the Pr«rven- tlon of Onnhty in Animals, and fined tl.i. The parilcuhir tluirge wsa that Koacn had driven a hnrae whlcli waa Buffering from a lurgn gall aore ui>oii Ita buck, where the huruess preaerd iijk>d the aore.

Tlie Hiiprcini' (,’tiurt held that there eould be no doubt that a proceeding brought uruler the thirteenth Bcctlon of the act for the prevention of cruelty to animals Is to recover a penalty and that tha defendant la, therefore, entitled lo a Jury irlal upon demand.

The society contended fiiat tha proae- rntlon was under the eleventh Bectlon of the act making it a eumnmry pToccedIng In which the defendant In nut PulHIed to fl Jury. The court polnird out, however, that under this sfA fl un ii cnnvictlnn cun onR be had when Um> LloluiimiH <H'ciir In Ihe pren'jif'fi »f the in>|-’<rvtis or (Tffittirs named in Hie act, arul the at rest ahull have tilfii III.(do wlGmut warrkJil liy one of such peraons oh otllour*.

RoHr-n w'ua arrejited on a w unant •ervpil hv K cnnatablft. Tho court held th a t the clrcvimiitanceB were not auch a» 10 bring the onsa within the provisions of the fl'viMith section and tlial, there­fore, aeuiiil of the right Of trial by Jury was fatal


HACKENSACK. Nov. ! l . - t h o u g h th* Bergen County Cour thou io GommlatJou, now undar legiaiatlv* InvMUffatlon. hoa made lha final paym en t In full on tho new county jail, the Board of Freaholdera yeaterday r«fui«'d to accept the Jail. Crlt- lcl«ma ware mada of the Inturlor finish Soma of the window' fram es were broken, some windows could not be opened, tha electric light Inalallat lon Is not coln]^|c1pll and thepp le tio fu rn l turo In the building. In making the fihul payment on tin* nn'lil- t€ct'K Certificate, the rommiHElrni ilhl hut wlthholil tho usuhI ten per mml , altimugh this waa dujie In tiiu ease of tlus cmirt- house.

Tho new Jnll cost ii«n,ooo The freehold- era met In special session yeNiJ-rday to inspect the s t ruc tu re Tho buiMliig eame In for Fonu? ta r t criticism.

Ralph D. Kurlo J r , who ]i> acilng in tlie dujil capacity of county rng!t-cer for the frceiioiderB and rcjnaultlug eiiglru'cr for Ihe I'uurlhoiiHt' ronmilR.slun, illilriT like the rrlllciRnis and remarker) body: “ You are try ing to c reate an hniircH.uion tha t the new* rourlhimwe Is imsafc «nd ready to fall down. All Um ilrf^fctn men­tioned ran be rcpHinvl f(»r Li V, and the Bradj' ooiiipanv \hII1 ImiTjedlately aoe to It tha t tliese repair's nre made."

A committee > t five will be appoinlf^d by r»lrector \ ' an liusKum to confer with the ro u r th o u se Clormidflslon and uotilra'-tor, ■with II \lew to rnrreotlnjf the rtefcciB of wlib'li tht* freehnlderfl complain.


Srti'ifU SrrH.T of tha .VFifff.\\ ASIl lN iITON, Nov 14--A novel forn-

plnlnt seeking Ie save Uilrteen nihiulea lo l,(JtA).iMiu pABHangara iht yaar and eul nff ae many ndllloii ntilee ot tmlfic' was made lo th« In t r r s tn tc ('*ummen'e {'uiumlsnl.m lu'-day by Kanana CUy. Mn, uml K.ioims City. K.iti.

The tnimlclpnllttee reQueai the coinmla- aton lo order the KanNua t 'Uy vi.idu-'i and Term inal Rai l road rninpnny. the Mtt- roixilllnn S tree t Rallwiiy Company <nd

the K ansas CUy Weatern Railway Cora* imny tu reaunu* iraffic over the hruTtch which oonnectH the two clllea, Tho ttrL''Jt i'nllwaya ara hcjw running a roundahdut. Qlrcult, which enusea an addirloiml mile to tha travaler and a Iobb of thirteen niin- ulas to auch paaaenger

M helher th!a complfltnt. which Involve* tho physical operailnn of the IJnaa, la wdthln tha JurUdlctlon of the Inlerwlaia Commerce rommiasion la one of tha pnitua ul laauf.



OCEAN G R O " ^ , Nov. 14.-The annual convention of thwoNew Brunawlck district preachera opens In St. Pau l ' s M. PL Church to -n ight, Jn charge of the Rev. Dr, John H andley , d is t r ic t superintendent. The convention is m ade up of mlnlatera and class leaders th roughout the district. The session to -n igh t will be in the na ture of a union d a a a meeting.


CAM DEN, Nov. 14. -60 g rea t has been the socialistic vote In I 'umden County t h a t n ex t year the pa r ty will have an oppor tun i ty to part ic ipate In the prim ary eleiTlons. This was evidenced yesterday when th e Camden County Board of Eire- lionrt canvai^aed the re tu rns of the recent election. The poll lint showed namea and the highest number of ballota polled fo r t h e caiidldateB waa 1886. This big vote was polled by one of the Assem­bly candidales, '

In the I'anvass it was shown tha t Will ­iam J. Browning, the Republ ican Con- grpHslonal candidate, polled 13,057 votes, or 3.0.19 moro than Thom as M. Ferrell, his Dem ocrat ic opponent. On the other hand, Joseph E. Nowrey, the Democratic hhrteva l ty candidate, polled 12,548. or 3,501 more t h a n Jouhua Haines, the Republican nonilnee.

The Repu^^lican plural ir iea for Aesem- bly w ere : t ’ules, -.764: Do L'nger. 2,5lB,W hy te , L’,5<T6.

F o r Senator, William T. Read had 11,- Bf'7 votes and W’llllam C. Frencli. Dem­ocrat. 10,G5:, a plurality for Read of 1,256.

lO N M O U T H 'S N E W S H E R IF F


TRENTON. Nm 14 -R ushed to this city «in ft Oftlii. H u r ry i ’ riiMowuv, nf SlTii Turpin |'hlin{!idphl;i, ft lniilu!'

I miin oil ihr I’luliidelphla and iteadliiKH.illsvay. was rrusbfd betvivin twofreight i-ar.-i n m r Trcnbin Jtm'Tlon, je.**- lerday, dlt'd in the afterhuon lU Si I'ran- cl^'B HosjJltJl

('LAVT''N, \ ' i \ lb A tniln In ara re with ch-uUi IhM nlghL lOHl out nn 1l carried 11 A Miliurd, ii lirakemiiTi of tlie West JiTRry Htdltiijul, l<» a hoepitsl Mll- laifl Wft.s ilirnwii from n iriiin liy Ihe eiiddcn ii[i|iilrfttlHin of nlr jirakea nl Munumslihi. itinl l>i>(h legn, an erm nud hlH back were broken. A apeclal train made a quirk run in {’ inidpii, but the man died Just as lie reachi-d tho hu.spllnl.

- ---- # ------ -


SpfCiaJ Frrrirc nf the NTTU'fl p l a i n FI ELD, 4V<fv, U,— Perlanrig liy

resnluiJofi, uminlnmiiMly ndopi'd . that "it is flflvlfiohie ilifti Uif iiihaMinnls of thf cll\ ’ of Plainh**tfi Mlnnjld IaH .‘iiip])ll(d wifli porn and whiih‘»jniiii' wnt^r hy ihe d ry rfither than by n priva te water com­pany, wlin.«r liili-resiH fifi a purveyor of water a re not ooijjBifHl to TMalnlleld." the Common I ' lm ndi iu.‘<t idglit uppuinted a enmmirief* to treat «in1eabb' with thf> riflInfield-1'nlMii W ate r Ctimpan)’ fn r the rnirrlifiKe of Ith lorn I plant

Should the HBirr nunpftny refuae to FPll, avciirilliiR lo r i i f l l im un Mygatl, con* di'rrnarlon proreedingp will be begun by Ihe d ly .

The following drefla were filed In tha , counly reg l i te r 'a offloe yealerday;

N'KVVAKK,MAyor and Comnum Council of New­

ark 1(1 eM air of l‘:ila>- liunlteiP, uft cor Rn^t- -,t inid Hr(H)tne st, 7tixlthi.. ft

Jam es J l.. Dnmg to Wye-Kay Realty t. 'uni|>un\ . Im Wimldtitiliui at ub fl a fr I ' a i to re t hL fnuxl.'-u . 1

Jul ius Kodi vt ux lo »ame, li Ktimf- toil iiv e fr Woodalde itv. t>Ixlul* 1

M. Coplftiftl ColjfrD ct UK to I'euri MllKiein et ul. vv ■ Broome at ft fr Waverly pl, K-xfiiii . . . . 1

rhlll]( J Riiwurs to MarCd Zenotiio, w H Telford Ht B26 ft fr ’I'remontav. Ux>xl2f. .............. i*5"

Kll iube th llowurtU cl nl to niUHep|il Hudfo el 111, e a Brueii ui 7(i R ftLiufaveUe at, I9x54>............................ 1

Emma E. H ow arth et a), etni, toaamo, same property ................. AOO

LoulM Rergqti ls t und luiabAnd to D. UpvtE, e « iiillaldR pi :W ft

fr Rose at, 65x100 . < 1Olacomo Lri^rdi el ux to Vlii.enxn

Reft et ux, e a Madlaon at 1N5 fi frDowning si, 30x 77 ............................... 1

Char les S, (!Jrban el ux io Adum Dril ls et ux. c a Triton te imor ['’ll ft H fr land Reabtxly Lniul DouuComimny. L'uxlOO ....................... *

Fran k H. HomroeT to Jnlin T (7lpve. a « a llriinswirk si n t» corlot David K rtcham , 2.'ixllH .......... 4®

Olfl'H lDE DF NEWARK.Joseph r . Lloyd to Joseph U, Ly 'd

el ftl, West t.trftngf, s s Wuslilnj;U'n Kl 313 ft fi Valley st. UHi\pi4 , I

Ur* nkenrldge tSi ’I'lchenor, Ine . b'J|^seph Selbel, Vvlmiloji, i.- s H|ii'i-d- v,fiy av e 25 ft fr llUh ll ■. 1

Ellen U M cManus mul huslmnd b ‘ MjiVues l*o!tcr, ^VeN nrunge, w s WiilMleaey av h fr t ' liesimii el.

............... ............. 1AgiH'H M. f-trittoii iind liusbaiHj to

‘ 'iil-Miin RtruuU et iix. CuliBvell,iTTitre Brooksiile iiv fiiJ fl fr hnul11 '■ Hawk. Udxl'XJ ..................... 1

Anna U Uherheck 1" Mlehii»l E Orange , s s Dark iiv 150 fi

e fr 1 Uiy st, 4fi.xTy . , IN u ib v Keiilrv Diihipiuiy to 1-Teii

erirh II Duxhury, NulU-v. ;v hLaki- si iJNi fi !! w rr High si, fdvHJ I

Jul ius Koi'li *M ux lo \^'ye-l^llvib-iillv Coni|>anv, Belleville, e h

si a fi ialiil A E ^'an Jllpov,iiKi," ......... V............................... ,, ■ ‘

I'enjiD'n Fteftlty DoiupHny In Arlb ii Van .sieanljkirKli et ux, East ‘T angp, w h N'>rvvuoil s[ 3iil li f'Sonlli ii rai ige av. udxlTO................. 1

fiaiiih Malone lo .1 I'red Bero- ' b* i'J r , M i'sl OriniKv e s-Vnlley \\a> n fr .Vlttpie st. lixlfiib and idlier IlHi IS ............................................ *

Louis I'lJfser et ux to Joweiih D l l 'h,\V.-sl on*n«e. n s lands HulieriMopklnH w fr r i e a a a n t Valley way.IK .......................................................... ^

Hob. il J Sllllwcll to I ’mil V\ . Ollu, IrvmgloM. lots 5, fi. 7. Map Dv-

ter. and idher tr a r t s • 1Pfiiil W Otto to John It FronKe.

Irvington, lota 5. 7, S. Map I r v ­ington t e r .................... ,vii ^

John H. Bell ct ux to Jean A, t ' h-Sdh Ens.1 DracKc, w s llurrlaon hiT. ft fr Iviinhoc ter. ri2xl2'l............ 1

Bcrilli'v R HiiMn ei ux Ui i'tlwhi A. BnriifH et u'»L Ulen Hidge, w » r i l n to n rd T'^Dft n fr Oaborn si.:-ixir.o ......................................................... *

Nellie l[ Slrivbnok anil liUflUind l" lo Krederir'k A l-Assen. Wnst Cald­well. w N Lan^ av If/l fl a fr Wood-mere rd, WjilSl .................................... I

fltephen A, O ollwalt el ux tr>H Mermelle ef ux, Irvington, lot33, map iHt f > a r l / ........................ 1

Jlf'len E. Terry to Flla M. Atkins. AtiiUtclftlr, w m W alnu t Crescent n fr Ifl-lid by Bel. Rlty. Co., 4it*H5.. 1

John II. Van C|evp el ux to .Imnea A. Bnker. Irvington, p p 40tU "t 3*)ft n fr ITalstead av. JOxPTO........... I

Simeon H. RoHlnaon et ft I to Anna V, MvC'oakey. West iirfinge, n e h rCg*;!! pi 40 ft s fr nullinsnn st.r.xlfiO ...................................................... 1

Atwood L, De i ‘osier, Sp«'e. Msl . to John MeOarihy, Bellfvmr-. line Ifimla of ( ‘harles H. Bnow. dec.,12J fl n fr William at. 2 dis. x . 210)

MOlrTHAHESThe fidlowlng innrrg.')i,o's were filed In

(he ( OUTily p’frlsB-r‘s ofTb *■ yrslerdm-;NEW AUK

Albi-n ]1 Aar-lu-tihaoii vt ux to Jnhn iJciinlP e s Norllt lUh si .'ol fl s fr 4ih av. S'.'.'HHl,

.MfjiTla F uinI et ux lo UrngroHS Rulldliig niid l.oan, w s Heliriont av liO ft a fr Klnnei' at. $7,Bhi>

Sarmiel Shapli' '^ Biimuel J. Walter, w n prince st I'A li s fr Roulh OrungH ftv, tl.OOO.

Pearl xM lM eln M nl to M. Cnpeland Cohen et ux. w h Rroome st 13') ft n w #r \^'averl>- pi. IftSl.

l.Hlwini w McDonough to Carl A.t'les,-, iA H South lUh Bt 385 ft s ft Wlbn \ .

Hi s<-eipo ot UK to Annk* O.I e Ibvjcft 7fi ft t fr LotftjeU tJi.1*

• ' ' f'lros HinilU'v, same i»ropeity,' ' ' D I ip'Mz et ii\ to Annb' OltL«ii,

'* ** H.: M , ,;.i f, fl {{uHO Mt. EikMi.\ lull II/., .'Vlargaci't J,

si' ii^ il M .1(1 ft TV (r AdHtnaHumi- to Liiigl N’lpornuo el ux • a OHvar

*1 fl W fr AilansH si, tl.CUi)Hoist ppe Clr«lfs»' el i x to .N’lrolO Rah^

I'Ullo, H Mchols Ml .ri; ft V iiH,

i’riistr4-H .if Hornnl I' ieNli>:erhiii Church lo Hr'.iiM,. i' Kvesi' L'( it; fxr mul trua, » s UMi iiv t[ Ir .SiiuH- I7fh m. D.liOu.

Ll/xb M, Heiaclii’l wml husband tv Han* Jamln lluntaniun, u Iriiuvon at kOG f t w fl- llergeii «t.

Jimei)h Hhllkerruaa et ux ii> OrlanWl B'd.dliig and l.oun, s w unr Hellevllla av Hh«J Kourth av HOY'

rtiillp Fink et UK to David R. Mul- cahy. (• M Oiaion at lini fl n « fr Delavan av, Tl,:t:iO

Anna A Josaun to Charles Colyar. # § rlttuti >l 80 ft n f r Nesbitt si, 1500.

DCTHIUE o f NEWARK.Henry Wilson et ux to Bath B. Tarry,

Montrdalr. w a Pina at 20y ft i fr W'ai- nut Ht. f>iO

Baniv' lo N'i'ift P. Nelaon, Montclair, same property, I'.'di

Wiiindniluii Simuh anti husband lo Eu- K*iw l lulerhlll, t ’alihvell, centre Brofik* Hirle ave iA\ U II fl li. <’, Hawk s Id, 11,900.

Ernepr Mi-ChuMney el ux to Dintal I'li-lMa, West Oj-ftitge, jj w a yulnby p| Nl7' H II w fr Kingsley at, 12.200.

Fiederlck H. Dux'Really Co.. Nutley

92 p iXru, lo Marr'ie. Niitley. eama property,

Fiederlck H. Duxhury et ux to Nutlty ealty t"o.. Nutley, w a Lake at 600 A

n fr Hlgli at, I2.KN1.

Jonepli MliaieJn et iiv to Orange HuUd- UTid Loan. MqiUclulr. a w a BluomfieM

w «or Robert F. Railenilna'a Id.It; PMI.

Huiu rt li Welb et ux lo 4Zharta« D« CostiT, West OratiRe. e a Crosa at i i IlAiNd rtv. ,12.117.

ArHiur Vftn Ster-nlmrgh el ux to Peo- pl"'a Ro.ihy Co.. East Orange, w a Nor- wnnd Hi .i'll fl II p fr R Orange ave. 1700.

John (Ray to Hanna Buhload et al. Irv- Ingtiiu, i; M Bell at 225 fl w fr Linden av, D.oo v

Sump to Etitev O. Floinerfelt, Irvington.11 H ihdl al 'S'Ju ri w fr TJiiden ftv, ILWi.

.-Vnlnir D. f'rane et ux to Franit Brady el ux. BIooiuIIpIcI. a a Haxnlwood road d w I'Or Mnry HigHow'a land, 1750.

Wlllluni 11 Ellor ct ux to Rlliabeth Mi'Miilmii, BlouTTifl ld, s m Grace 8t 456 fl r fr W atseaslng av. IJ.OOO,

lin|ii(AP4l Rpiiltv aiul ConairucMon Cora- puny lo Rverell ()o!hv, Weal Orange, w • tjftstoil st 50 ri a fr ronrtll pi, 13,800.

IinprovMi R raitv and Consirucilon Com- puny to Everett Colby, Went Orange, I i i'nndll pi ft' s (iftatoii at, ISIS'!!),

Hvonjp H, Neldlinger el ux to Fidelity Trust ihNmpunv. Kn-sl Onihge, p a Arling- • tun Hv 150 ft Tl fr Springdftfe ttv, |6,W0.

Kohler Uealty Company to aante, Kaat Orungr. w V North Maple av 298 ft a w fr Dark hv. | 2,no0.

John B. IlftlladAv et ux lo Miller & Rons’ Efts! Orftitgp. e a Smilh Arling­ton uv IIS ft H w fr flTalu at. 17,006,

Miintle 1-; llnnn ' to FlaacK Title Oyar- aniv om! Trust Contpany. Mont«'Ialr, e a \^’IMn\v st 4F. fl a w fr ClaiTmoot ov,

.liimea A- Balcnr fn John H, Van Cleve, IrviMfjioti, H a 4'*'tli at If* fl n p fr HalsteadHV, S4fU).

Tforll Daneskl el ux to rjponftrd T.orento- wb-z. lllooinfieM, e « Broad st p » Baldwin Ft, LT&fK).

\ \ ’n]t«r S. Macinlosh et ux to MarguerUa H/irrlaotJ, Oriihge, e s Lawrence tv 723 ft w fr South Valley ft, 14,500.

%VK!IT t i rn a o p r r b a l nsT .iT B .

fiptrini Saroica of ffte N'/SIVff.JEFtSKY (TTV, Nov. H .-The following

deeds and mortgages ftfCectlng property In ^\■est HudBon were recorded yester- dfty;

KEARNY CONVETANCliB. Intermillonol Land and Devnlonmeiit

Cotniiany to JulUin L. Schnell.23 map No 4 of Inlrmflilonal T^and and ‘Lievot«.»rmriu <'ompniiy fl.

WMIlluni .N’ntrn <'ornr»nriy to W'llHarn Niilni. II rnr T:ippau and Dftvls av, tr:xpu, $1.

c. and Alfi'ed J. Pettersen lo Rnlvoluro F’orrocft and fUephen TurH,B w to r T'avlH uv nnd Tappan i t , 25x IW. $1.

KEARNY MOF2TGAGE8..\lurv |£, and Jacob Clark to Pr lic ll la R.

OFbofii, w « uf Chestnut at SOU ft a fr Albliuna iiv, 7uxlWl. W.300.

flulvatore F-'orrrea and Stephen Turrl In 1‘rnplp F Building and Ixian Aaeocla- tlon, H w I'or av and Tappan at,r*xl'i?. S1.300.

BpecSnl Bervicf. of rte .V^irs,FREEHOLD, Nov. U.-Bherlff-elect

W ilbert A. Beecrofi (Dem.h took tlio oalli of olTlce this morning before Judge John E. Fnsler. L'ornellufl R. Rarkaluw was also Bworn in as deputy aherlff. W hile It 1b asarirted In some serllona that newly elci'ted sheriffs do not luke office until to-mnrrow, Mesara. Beerroft and Barkulow ussumed Immediate control.' There was lltHo ceremony connected with Llie Induction of Sheriff Beecroft Into Office, but ite waa preaenud a large floral horseshoe, composed of rosea and ferns, the whole supported on a large ea.Bel. In Ihfi centre of the horseshoe wan tied a large red allk ribbon, l>i-urlng the word "SucceBa” lii gold. Th>. fiornl piece was sent up by a number of the aherlffa friends from Long Branch.

Tho Bhertff's bond In $ waa signed by A. 8. Buckelew, 8, R. Rormen, F ree­hold; John Cook, Donald Rankin, Red Bank; Charles McCue, Lakewood; Charles F- JMocDotiald, Engliatown; George A. Stele^ Eatoiilown, James II. Butcher, Joseph L. Donahy, Ardetia; John W. Blocum, Long Branch; Richard R, Brown, Keyport.


Kprrifl/ Prrvice of thf Sl-^'Sf.r.ONti BHANrir. Nov. H. A pian to

move the courthnuso fiom FrfphoM to Brunr-ii was stntml at a meeting of the Roonl of 7‘i:nm lust rlRbt. A com­mittee was fti'poiTitcd lu ('"hnl’r-r with the neighboring UourdF of tnuJe along the coaat and urge them ti» InUiuee tho mo\’c- menl. Seventy per rent, of the voterB, It la said, Mve along the coast, between Keyport and Majiftsijuan.

Thp board elected the following offleers: President, Harry Rehm, vlce-preal- danis, D J- T. Welch und Siegfried HlrsrhfelU: ireftHurpr, W. H. Warwick; aecretary, Daniel Iioran; directors, Dr. S. George M- Raker, W K, Tampbell, AugustuB ('hanller, Hrent Good. U. L. Crum, Loulf* Mlll'-r. George T>arby, K, K. Eyxenbach It. H Hughes and ll. D. Bob­bitt.

The annual rep'^rt of the secretary ahowed 206 memliers, and rocHpla In ex­cess of lft.000. The new preyid^nt man­aged the carnIvQl last August

WARREN’S OFFICIAL VOTESpprial eetrle* of the SEWH

BELV IDERE, Nov. H .-T h s offlolal re- tUrnH of W arren Coonty's election lant Tuesday, as corrected by the County Board of Elections yesterday, are: Total vote east, 7,738; rejected ballots, 77

F or Senator, Dr. Thomas Barber iDetn.l, 8,US; Marvin A, Pierson (Rep.), 2,368; Van- derlti I im (P ro ), 1971 Benner (Sac.), 1(4. B arber's plurality, 2,15!,

F or Assemblyman. Dr. Henry O. Car- h a rt (Dem.), H97; aeor*e T. P otts (Rep,), 2,27(: Frederlclc Fowler (Pro.), 838; Rhen (Hoc ), IfiS. C arhart's plurality, 1,9!3.

F or Bbertff. WllUam A. Henderson (Dorn.) 4.137; Andrew HeiTIck (Rep.), J.50S; Slivers (Pro ), ®8; Kelso (Boo.), 179. Hen- derson 's plural Ity, 1,882. Mr, Henderson w as sw orn tn to-day.

F or coroners, Qrsek (Dsm.), 8,386: Rod­gers (Dem.), 8,027! Brill (Rep.), !,Tii3; Sha- fer (Pro.). TO; WllleTer (Pro.), 602; Gru- ver (Boc,). 275: Hoyd (Soc.), 308.


THEsN’TfiN N»v. H.-PetUlun'^ were filed In ih4* I'onrt of Chancery (11-dny by Dr. Chtw^es Dills and Fred H. Hakor. of thl.-A city, a!:*klng to b** admltte*! as par- llrs to 1h« divorce suit Instituted by Mr*. Clara H Taylor agalnisi her husband, William T. 'I'aylor Mr. rnvlor, hi armvt'r- Ing hlH wlfti'fl suit, ruinif'Ci Dr. J^llis and Mr Raker as co-reapfiidents. Tlif pur- pone of the petitions ibat the two fii«n may have opporiunliy to def^mti th--!r reputations.

Mrs Taylor also flh d a mpllratlon to­day. in which she enten-d a general di»iilii,l to al Uha Rota of whb'h fhe was accused by her husband.

MAYS !,ANMUNG, Nov. l4-"Thfi Auto 'a^'jiilrp," J-isi-ph W VVeelts. of rieusant- vil|p, has b<’en Imllrb-d hy Ujp granJ Jurv of tho rurroht l^'riu. hasbeen a terrm- to aulomobile dilvcra on their nay froni Bhiladelphiu 10 i am<len. H has been assr-ited that he mml fletd- glaxses ami thi* mall hi comlucth)^ his cftBftft. Hi* would Bf'l on his porch, tho story gne.'i, amJ with iho glnnei-s caich the numbers nf cars nhlch he consid­ered were being driver) fu an unlawful rate of speed. 'I'ln-n he wtmbl writo to the alleged offoiuler, ordering lilm tn de­fend u suit.

Three Indictments «Kn,lnflt Weeks were returned by tbij Krand Jury yeHterday. Tw’O of tlie bll]M eharge WeckJi ' itli ex­tortion by niies from Henry liijiiiplireyH, on July 26, and from Walter Ui-eil, on July 27: the other, aiicging ernbe/.xle- ment, aelthig forth (hat \Ve<-ks, cm Au- guBl If), rnllerted a fine nf |1d from or.e J. WInlot) Hchwuirt/. Rnd frilled to turn it in to tho Htut4- r'lmnd.^iRtorjer,

Walt'T J, Huzby aruJ Sarrvuel Jeffries, indlcled h> (hr "rcgului" /grtind Jury, draivn h.v KlierMT .lohiiHon, for alleged cornpliotty in eh*crioij frauds in 190;> hi Ihe Thirri Ward, .Atinntli: rily. appcHrcd yesierda>' Jr: <’f*uri before J uiIkh illgl)pe. Thev ei.iofed fl.'iOO hull eACii. plettijitig not guilty. The (iflie of (rlftl tvae not set.

SHERIFF IN; MO OEPUTTBpacial Service of tAc NfiTWS.

FLBWINOTON, Nov. 14.~&her1(t-«|eet David L. Holcombo took tho oath of offleo aa ahoTiff ot Huntordon Countr boforo Judge John L. Cannot a t noon to-day. Bbcrlff Holcombe annouDced th a t bo would m ake Flcmlngton h li home, and th a t bo would noV appoint a deputy.

Tho now ihorlff'i bondamon aro fottnor County Clerk O, A. Parlay. John Malloy, Eenator William C. Oobhardt, John E. Barber, former SurrogatO (Toorgo P. H an­lon. Anthony Kligoro, Snrrogato aoorgo R. Bloom. Joaoph O, Moore, Samuel P. Cbae. former Burrogata Paul A. (JueoD, Le^d Wilson. O, P ra tt WUaon, B. 'n tu i and John Johnaon. A ftar being aworn Into otnee. Mr. Hol<n>mbo, h li bondamaa, and Kome of hli f.-landa, dined a t the Hotel Flemlngton.

VEDIV SWORN IN SHERIFFflpi!rtol^frtiice of the VMWS.

JE R SE T CI-TY, Nov. lA—Bherlfl-eleet NIchulaa Wedin took the oath of otflee thin morning befora Jadge Blair In the oourthouae. Eight bondamen were oo- eepted. furnlahlng tho required amount o f 858,000.

Bhenff W edip's'flrat ofUetal act waa to appoint Jam ea H. Clark hla under-eherlff.

J a ra a r O ttr** 8 toroa«U r Vota.JERB BT e r r r . Not. M.—The ofllclal

vote fo r the Mayor a t tba laat rioctlon iv a i aa tollowa; Andraw' Knox (Bep.), U H 5; H. Otto W Ittpaair (Dam.), M,t8l. i ta - aldannan-at-largiit Xmeat B«vp«a- bUm ar 0)MV>> MLW; t . Top* at*P>)f

L ake H opalcoag F roaea Over.FLANDERS. Nov K.-apidom if ever

before hae Lake Ilopeicong been frozen over an early an t!il« year. Tbe Ice In two iftchee thick. Tliere wae nkating on it yeeterday end lo-day. John Cary, a ntudent in Hovbury public Sctjoel, yes­terday skated from the loe hqtiees near Nolan's Point to the Morris County Trac­tion Company's line a t the lower end of the lake, a distance of several miles to taka a car to school.

H ay P u t Fee oflice on Balnry.ATIsANTIC CITY', Nov. U.—The Finance

Committee of CUy Councli may put tho city appralsershlp. heretofore worked on a percentage basis, giving the Incumbent 'a larger salary than th a t of any other dflicial, Including the Mayor, on a straight salary of 12,000 a year. An arm y of candi­dates baa lined up for the job' since the death of Bamuei D English, who aver­aged something like K,000 a year during the tour years he occupied the otflee.

Settles A lleaattew Balt.HACKENSACK, Nov. 14—Defendant In

ah alleaatlon suit instituted by Alexander Bachman, of HIdgefletd Park: William Kahler yesterday effected a seu lem snt I t l9 understood he paid $850. Kahler was a boarder In the Bachman home. Bach­man alleged th a t K ahler had bought tho house and transferred It to Mrs, L e h ­man. Kahler-s wife waa In court when the case was called Testerday,


flpfridi Bf'rriee of thf. ,VJ?T4’S.TRLNT<1X, Nov. 14.-W'lien the case of

the I'liited Rtatea agalnflt W'^llltara Zudak, of Tfni)okrn. Indicted for offoring diaeaiied meal prcxlucta for aale. waa moved In tho Unlird f^tttteft Dtotrict Court to-day there waa no response on behalf of the defend­ant-

L'pon motion of the United State* Dis­trict Attorney Judge Croas declared Zu- dak'!> bail of $500 forfeited. The bond was fumlahed by the United Btatex Fidel­ity and G uaranty Company,

------------------• ------------------

ACCUSER IS HIS NIECESpecial Seraice of the h'Bfffi.

NEWTON. Nov, 14.—Accused by his niece. Mrs. E thel Teatvoa. of Wood- port, Morris County, Noah blartln, re­siding near Ogdensburg. was caught yes­terday by Under-Sheriff Albert T, Lyons a t the home of a sister, in the same house where lives the mother of his ac­cuser.

The crime with which Martin 1s charged is alleged to have occurred on Monday ot lest week. Ou Friday Martin was a r­rested by M. J. Buckley and arraigned before Justice of the Peece Thompeon. of Hamburg. He wae discharged from cus­tody. ho states, after the Justice bed told him to pay 126. To this he agreed. The eherllt heard of the case and spent yes­terday afternoon scouring the mountalna for the prisoner. |

Justice Thompson Is the ofllclel who i was Indlctsd for eatorttng money from ' prisoners arraigned before him on an assault and battery charge. He waa heaidly fined. Shortly after the action of the court he was re-elected Justice on a fluke. r

lA cal P rie st a t Ngyeeiaa Ohareh.gpscfaJ Ssnice of Mo IfKW t.

BATONNE, Nov, IC -B ev . Hepry a«ck- er, of 8L Mary** Abbey, tM High strest, Newark, Is aettng rso tor of f t . 'Placant de Paul’s Churoh, o f Avanu* C and West FoKjHMventb street, during the ab- sane* t i .9 0 r. H g u y Coya^ wb* bag '

• n t b Btt k t i M iM b

L ay Sleitaeaa to la f n te d Pork.CAMDEN, Nov. 14.-Supposedly from

eatliig Infected pork, el* persons are In a critical condltfon here and four otbara who ate a t the same meal with tbem a r t tn a bad condition In their homes. The

m a n who aold the hog from whtob the suspected pork waa out hoe been notified -jg gall no mof*- boge, pending taveridga-

K b r t b f t t a t* Bofltd « t Xwlilk


Serrirr of thf Vh'WS.FLA1NF1KLH. Nov 14.—Delegntpa rep-

reftentlnff nil evangellt’al drnominallonit and IndlvMuftl nchoola In almost ftvery pari of i)i<“ Btsto aro h^rn altfinding tha (iriy-lhiril unnual f<i!ivi>ntloii of the N<'W .lerwfiy Piinilay-schnol AsBOcltttlon, which

In-dAV.I Tlie f*ft8slriii.H nre being held In the First ! ftftptl.m rihurrh. with committee meetlngfl I 81 thH FIrHt M. R. Church, Vlticeitl j I'hapcl nnil Trinity Refortneii Church. The

' ^Vf>Tl(lr> l will last three days and nlghlB. Miiny of t|)o visitors were taken early In thj' afirrnr>on lo view the ftfrmer home of ISIhIp 'P .riJin Vincent,Of the M. E. Church. whoKi' house waa docorated for ihe cele- hrailon. ll wa.'< Blahop Vincent who. while pnslor of the First M. K. Church, w’lm f'linHlilorci! the foremoet Sunday- si'liuol worker in America.

Rpv. r>r. (jhiirlra M.- Andereon, paetor of tho l^lrst M E. Church, welcomed the dei4»gatea after President Edward W. MnrnejM called the convention to order. A Hong service was conducted by Grant Col­fax Tullar and L H. Meredith, who have charge of the convention music.

Philip E. Howard, of Philadelphia, la down for an addreas on "The Home and the Sunday-school," and Henry S. P a r t la to report aa chairman for the Rchool of Methods Hoard. The report ot th* S tale executlvn cnmniittee will be rleltvef- ed by W alter S. Irving and ihe final ad­dress of ihe afternoon by Dr. David O. Downey, of Chicago, whose theme will b« "The VTt«? Work nf Uih Punday-Hchool.'*

The fl«BBlons will he held morning, afte r­noon and night, enillng Thursday ev'enlng.


fip^rful f t the A'f'lVfl.TRENTON, N'nv, U .-The future of

BInney Woodwaid Earl, of Edgewater Park, wafl mortRagGrl to-day aud Vlce- Chanrellor WaikPr, In the Court of Chan­cery, allowed Iilarl'e wife, Irm a Leig), E arl, coiineel fees of BOO and 110 per week alimony, pending Ihe setUemeot of her suit for divorce

The motion was refused two weeks ago becam e of the lack of corroborallon of the allegations in the divorce pelltlons. Mr. Hackee to-day presented afildavits of Mrs, Earl and two physicians in support of the claims le t out in the divorce peti­tion.

The allowanca waa granted deapile the (act th a t it bad been represented to the court th a t E arl bad absolutely no earn­ing capacity and no Income outside that allowed bim by .tala mother from his mil­lionaire fatber'n estate. The action of the court praetlcally oreatsa a spendthrift true t for Earl.

Aaka Dlvoros, O la la tag Pvrsaeailoa.THENTON, Nov. M.-Mrs. UUlo Kirby,

of New Egypt, formerly of tbie city, bae Iiietltuted suit In the (Tourt of Cbaaceiy for dlvoree fraiji her eixty-year-old hus­band, Snm uefS. Kirby, who, she charges, spends his letsura tlms in perssouUng her. The couple will have besm married twen­ty-seven years on Thursday of this week. M ra Kirby avers that her husband abused her until she was forced to leave bIm and remove to New E gypt That waa three years ago, and sbs u y s he goes to New Egypt every week and abueM her tbrough the streets o t the town.

---------------• ----- -— ~ItollaoB Metwms by *>«la, '

fipectot 8sr«4«e of Ms JrJiird.WHITKHOUSB flTA'TION. Nov.

The large dirigible balloon, h, wbieh tbree man made the Journey from Phlla.. delphia to thle section, was yesterdsfit shipped bach to the Quaker (JIty by ex­press, and tboss who cams h m ' l n It rstttm sd bona by tram.


•V' ’

» Y O U 9 A V E M O M B Y W H E N Y O U S P E N D I T A T O O E R K E ’ S "

R J.GOERKE . A . I M . ^ W T a G E R T K/»W K 5.

Sale of “Quality” Ostrich PlumesM A W ^ T .2 S. & H. Green Tradiiqi SUnpt Free for Erery 10c Yon Spnd Here Before Noon; ABer 9 om One

5 k ' .

We use the word qualdy advisedly. These plumes are the best tha t can be produced at their respective prices. They may not be as large and showy as some that have been advertised, but the quality is there, and after all is said and done, quality counts. W e secured them from the m aker a t a material discount, and we are not begin­ning to get our regular profit on them . You can readily see how advantageous it is for you to attend this sale. We are offering these handsome French plumes at these prices simply to dem onstrate to you tha t we sell good plumes cheaper than any other N ew ark store. The m aker guarantees these goods and so do we; moreover, we agree to keep them curled and in good repair for six m onths. Think of it! Beautiful, lustrous black and ivory white. Broad, graceful heads. The finest African stock. Seven big lots, as follows:

V Reg. 4.00 Black and White French Plumes 2.98 Reg. 4.50 Black and White French Plumes 3.79 Reg. 6.50 Black and White French Plumes 5.00 Reg. 8.50 Black and White French Plumes 6.75 Reg. 10 50 Black and White French Plumes 8.25 Reg. 15.00 Black and White French Plumes 11.98 Reg. 20.00 Black and White French Plumes 14.98

Between Renaissance Table ClothsOursdves l i

If Uri£la Satn had all tha moqajr that ia e«cb year waated M advertising, he could build bima^f t super Dreadntught a month.. S o ^ 'o m once said that ad- Tttlisiog' w it in experiment, but It I t no t Some Mople ex- perlm rat' bttth' lidvenlstng, but tb i Mlenee ltse lf~ ind In truth It 16 I loience—is u old ss the ▼try hills.

AlTSrtlstiir !■ pntBsrllT Sawi, •DO tha more nowar sn u is. th« h«ttsr Iti pulUni power.

Th« truth also pl»y» u Iw^ t k port tn kdvertirinf m

> In tno nwwa. You hsTo nooenftSoBo* lo • nampspor thot oonttnukltr •xanarkto*. and you aorttlRhr nivo no confldonce In a ■tore that do«s tho uune thini.

Bvory mtaropTHontallon that ap- PMtra l i an ad—0f*fj IntlaUd vklua—iwproaanta waatad onariy and meesr. i t p«ra to adT*rtl»^I peye w MtiTvsb o t j t ^ ^ ^ f t t e r to XDVXRTIBb!THIl '

Covers, regularly $5.00...................................... 3.75


Wednesday wo shall place on sale a large lot of Renaissance table cloths (like cut) at very special prices. This sale affords an unusual opportunity for those who contemplate purchasing suitable holiday goods. Fine, lacy pattern. Teneriffe wheel effect- open work centres. All linen braid—hand made throughout.64-Inch Renaissance Table

each, this sale a t............72-Inch Renaissance Table Covers, regularly S8.00

each, this sale at.................................. — . — 5.5045-inch Lunch Cloths, regularly $1.75 each, special

price for this sale............ ........................................... 1,3945-Inch Lunch Cloths, regularly $2.50 each, special

price for this sale...................................................... 2.0045-lnch Lunch Cloths, regularly $3.00 each, special

price for this sale.........................................................2.3964-Inch Table Cloths, regularly $2.50 each, 1 72-inch Lunchi Cloths, regularly $3.50 each,

special price for this s a l e . . . . . ................2.00 ! special pftce for this sale........................... 2.7554-lnch Lunch Cloths, regularly $3.00 each, I 72-Inch Lunch Cloths, regularly $12.00 each,

spedai price for this sale..........................2.75 I special price for this sa le ...........................8.50

This Is the Blanket Sale of the YearWe have jiist closed a deial with a big Ea$tem mill for thirty-live hundred blankets. W e secured

these goods a t a"materia! concession in price and Instead of placing them In stock at regular prices, which we might easily do, we are going to tu rn these worthy b lankets over to you at the following figures. This is one of*the best b lanket sales of the year. W hatever you do, don’t miss it.

OtUlM AttikkdU—Single bed size—white,gny ,(/r lirii—colored borders—^value 58c. and 6 ^ . pair, a t..........................

Cotton Blanket!—Ten quarter size—white, |T*y or tan—colored borders, * ° n i e ^ Q _ an white. 78c. and 89c. values.. . .

All Wool Blankets—Full size and fine quality—nicely bound—pink and blue borders-^S.OO blankets. 3.95

Pure Wool Blankets—11-4 size—extra Hne— made of selected stock—colored 5.50

^ M l Blankets—10-4 and I M sties—short napped._ Assorted colors—neat bor- 89cders. Reg. $1.00 to $1.25, at.

Twilled Blankets—‘A ipisndid sssortmentIn grsy, white and fan— 10-4 and 1.0911-4—s i 3 values, speclil at.

Felt Plidah Blankets—10-4 size—^wool nap —whlt^ gray and tan—pretty bor- j

borders—regular S7.00, a t . . . .Wool Finish Blankets—11-4— white, gray

and tan—wide ribbon bound—value | o g 52.50 a pair, special a t.................. a . O O

Wool Finished Blankets— 12-4 size—extra Ane and soft—while, gray and tan 2.00—$2.50 and $2.75 values.


ders—$1,69 to $1.80 values.11-4 Blankets—Twilled and wool n a p -

heavy and warm—neat colors and | C A ‘ bordersj-reg. $2.00 values, a t . . . . 1 . O V

ComfwtablM^pown Ailed—guaranteed pure and o d o r-^

12-4 Blankets of superior quality and An-ish—white, gray and tan—regular 2.50value $3.00, special.

Comfortables—Filled with pure white san­itary cotton—Aoral designs—size' J g p


less^handsome designs—worth $5,00 and $5.60, at.

cotton—Aoral 73x80—regular $3.00,

The blankets included In this ssle are of strictly dependable grades and all In perfect condition.

Women’s 3.50 to 6 ^ Sample Shoes at 2.35 Pair

Silver Deposit Ware



How many times within your recollection have you been able to buy, at th is season of the year, $3.50 to $6.00 sample shoes for $2.35? Not many, we'll w arrant. These shoes are samples. They came from the great factory of Julian & Kokenge Co., of Cincinnati, 0 . We secured th is concern’s sample line last year, but It did not measure up to this lot. We consider th is one of the very best values in women’s footwear th a t we have ever offered. Vici kid, gun metal calf and Russian calf. Lace, button and blucher. Cloth or kid tops. Regular and extra high cut. Sizes 3 4 and 4)<, width B. None of these shoes are worth iess than $3.50. Plenty ^ P of them are worth $4.00 and from that ^

Dainty Little Baaketa, 5 ^ inches high, in Wat­teau shape, with beauAful tracing of stiver deposit. Also lemon plates, sugars, creamera, vases, com­ports, nappies, etc.: worth $1,25 to $1.50, f k o ^ while they last Wednesday.......................... " o C

Sterling Silver Deposit, sugars, creamers, pintrays, toothpick or match holders, vases, open salts, etc,; regular value from 38c. to 50c. each; on sale Wednesday, special ^ h l le theylast, each

$15 Overcoats

the values travel up to $6,00. All one price

A Great Pre-Christmas Saleof Men’s Fine Umbrellas

Ladies, here is the opportunity for you to begin your Christmas pping by saying roundly on the purchase of good umbrellas.

The handles represent the sample line of one of the very best handle makers. M ounted on good grades of silk and linen, gloria, union Qilk and pu re silk. A deposit to-morrow will reserve one of these umbrellas, initials *6ngraved free of charge.

" '1-

Mea’s' Unbrellas—Cov­en 'o f Ane silk' and linen gloria, mounted on best paragon frames and steel rods—handles of genuine gug metal, boxwood, mis- aitin and sterling silver in­laid—28-inch size— $2.50 to $4.00 values, ‘ special . . . . . 2.00

Men's Umbrellas—Pure silk or union silk covers of extra fine quality-full 28- inch size—beauTiful han­dles of fine ivory, Cape lorn, genuine stag horn,

ivory carved animal heads and pimento, sterling or gold trimmed—$6 g Q Q


No two stores can have the best line of $16.00 overcoats, best is superlative, yon know. Ou^ $15 overcoats are' the best In Newark.,No other store begins to show the assort­ments at this price snd no other store le satisfied with the margin of profit that we are. We started ont long ago

.to produce the best line of $16.00 cloth­ing and have suc­ceeded in doing so.R 0 g u I a tion and long shoe top over­coats, some with convertible collars.Strictly all-wool materials which we guarantee. P l a i n black or oxford melton and kersey; new fancy overcoat­ings in prevailing shades and patterns. Hand tailored. Garments that will hold their shape. Remember, if unsatisfactory, a new one in exchange. The line, of course, includes the famous "Frankel Fifteen."

to $10 values., , .Menfa UmbreOBa—Hand­

some handles of Cape Horn,carved animal heads, mission trimmed with ster­ling silver or gold mount­ed—closely woven gloria silk covers—28-inch size— $3.50 and $4.00 values, at the very low price ^ Q Qof, e t c h . . . . . . .

Men’s Umbrellas—Our $1.00 umbrellas are, with­out doubt, the best to be found anywhere. Good strong paragon frames and steel rods—splendid fast black coverings—a choice line of handles—ex­cellent umbrellas 1.00

44Bear Brand” Yarn:A Demonstration

Et the price.I K

fr <?• 1 V d m b e r g e r 6 - Q . \ L . S a m h e r g e r &■ 0 .

^ A T i m l o A m%



Our Great T h^sgiving Trade Sale

Visit our art department to-morrow and hear what the "Bear Brand" expert has to say. She will teach you how to make all sorts of knit articles and also show you many new stitches which, perhaps, yon have never heard of. Don’t miss this demonstration.

One o f the greatest 6~day events in our career—a yearly habit o f showing you how much we appreciate your patronage—merchandise o f such good value for so little money that it is a lm ost a g i f t



S,000 Pairs Women’s Shoes and Pum p3

Ob tkaSccoad Floor _

price u|> to f iv e d o lla rs a p a ir , on s a le o n barg ;aln s q u a re s in tw o g ro u p s.

O ne g roup a t a d o l la r a p a ir th e o th e r a t o n e n in e ty - e ig h t . E a c h g roup in c lu d e s e v e ry size. T h e re n ev er w a s a s a le lik e th is before , h e re o r a n y w h e re else.


Om tk«----MoM - F lo o r

I ' 5 '

Just Tfunk of Buying

a Boy’s UThanksgiving Sale oi $5 Slip-On Raiaeoittsl


F o r W eU n ea d a y Oitljr a t .........................Just 250 coats in this lot, wliidi should sell

vefy rapidly at this price. Made in the Tan and Gray Rnbhcrized Plain Back Cloth, guar­anteed shower proof; new high collar and man­nish sleeve cAects; all sizes from 14 to 44; sale Wednesday only, a t................................................


In Our Girls’ Dept., Second Floor ''

Big Special—3 Piece Comblnatioit Sale

That is just what we are going to offer all day to-morrow. Made of heavy velours in neat brown and gray mixed effects, cut full and roomy with con­vertible collars; sizes 6 to 17 years.

I New Fall C o a t........,.I Rubberized Rain Cape. TFall D ress.....................

Complet* O utfit W ednesday Big Sale r3.95

Here’s a Thanksgiving Offer That Should Crowd Our Girls’ SecUon

New Fall -Coats of cheviot, meltons, in all colors. Rubberized Rain Capes, with attachable hoods; new Plsld and Chock Percale and Peter Thomp­son Dress. This big combination offer for Wed­nesday only at...........................................................

Boys’ U Overcoats 1.69Thera are Just 120 coals, and a t this prico

they should be ioSd out In one hour—Husalan hutton-to-the-neoX etyles, In a nlre \a r.e ty of neat mixed caselmera. elzes 3 to 9 years.

[ C o u c l i V o v e ra' Extra size reversible Tapestry

Coucli Covers; heavy quality;regular price was $3.50, 2.49closing them at.

Boys’GoodSSurdyl QQ Suits, worth $3, at " 0

P o r t i e r e sTapestry Portieres; elegant

designs: rich colorings; finest grade; $6.00 quality ^ Q gfor

You can choose from douhle-breaated, sailor or Russian style sulta, made of Hplandld wearing mixed Cheviot and canal- mere, also plain blue thibet, glies from 3 to 17 years.

L a c e C u r t a i n sHandsome Parlor Curtains,

with beautiful borders; finest effects; $5.00 kind for ........................ 2.50

I r l n l i P o i n t C u r t a i n sImported Irish Point Lace Cur­

tains; rich designs; suitable 2for parlors; $5.00 value

S c o t c h L a c e C u r ta in sD6t> ])Rirri RenrtlBSftnoe, fliet, chm}*

Bml olher rfferiB, with t braiiilfui horderB; $4.00 I M n kind, special a t . . ................

'W i n d o w H V ftd e ROpfuiue Window fc^hades; rfip^*

l»r size, jiiounle-d on Hp lm; roUera; 30c. klml, a t I f l C Ibis aale f o r ..............................

C o u c h C u s h i o n slA rge Hire Coocli C\i?hiona, well

filled, covore<I with novelty burial’ and Btenecied in vorioup ■ J A - dv?lKnH: misHlon effect;$1.00 value fo r ......................

i RIBBONS4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Black Tu­

bular Shoe Laces, dozen ............................. t / v -

Heavy quality- taffeta moire ribbons, 4 and iVi inches wide, in all new colors; reg- . . ular value 19c. yard, 1 1 ^

2-hole Pearl Buttons,z . . . . O w

for this sale.3V4-inch taffeta ribbons in

pink, blue, navy, cardinal, white, black and brown; qregular value 10c.; sate X P

' r ’

price, this sale, yard 7-inch very heavy quality

taffeta ribbon, suitable for hair bows and hat trim- . amlng; regular value l U ^29c. yard; sale price

Dresden ribbons, 4 and 5 Inches wide, in very dainty de­signs and colors; very nice for

sasheswork; v e ^ fine qual-


ity; reg. price 29c. yd.:for this sale, yard 2lc

line 16 to 24, 2 doz.2 and 4 hole Pearl B u t - c ^

tons, line 16 to 45, card Celluloid Collar Slays,sizes

4 inches high, 2 ^

^ 5 cLarge assortment of |

Fancy Hat Pins, 2 fo r ..papers Dressing 5c

2 tocards ............................. a/W

Straight, round and highpointed black and white 5cCollar Foundations,2 f o r '

Your Choice of All These

Baby ribbons, all colors;very good quality; reg-

Kfc.utar lOc. piece; saleprice 5c

Muslin-covered I r o n i n g Wax, with wooden han- r _dies, 10 fo r....................

Extra Heavy Asbestos Iron Holders, bound edges,each ................................

Extra large size Altover Hair Nets, with knotted ends, In black, blonde, gray, light medium anfl dark brown, c2 for................................

12 papers Imported C a Hair Pins fo r.................

Pins for.Black or While Tight-qn

Hat, elastic, special C ~

U , '/i. Vs inch Cotton Elas­tic, black and white, yard

Large spool White e - Basting Cotton, 5 spools J v

100-yard spool White and Black Linen Finish C _Thread, 2 spools,..........

Nickeled Safety Pins, sfzes1, 2 and 3, threedozen ..................

too count Black, White and Colored Pins, per' C acube ................... V V

High Shank Bone C ol-C — lar Buttons, 3 dozen... v V /

Nickeled and Japanne^, Hooks and Eyes, Nos. I,2, 3 and 4, five cards,. w V

100-yard spool Black ,and Colored Sewing Silk . Large and Short White S-hook Corset Steels; ]


pair ......................Assorted' Sii^ ‘

Curlers, dozen....

A PANKSGIVING SAU OF250 TriinmiBdIn black and all colors, worth from 4.98

to 7.50, very specially priced at

S . 0 8Here are four pictures out of the many styles, just

to give you a faint idea otf what the rest are. You’ll find large, small and medium shapes, trimmed with fancy winged effects, ostrich fancies and ostrich tips,

[ Come and see for yourself. It is an unusual event. On sale Wednesday, 2d fiodr millinery department, at $2.98,


Odds and, Ends of URtrimroed Hats, also soma Soft’Feltsr regular 79c. and 98c.yspecial

Untrimmed Dress Shapes,' inand all colors, rolled sailors and

black many

other styles; values-;trp to $1.25, special..White Beavers and Large Rolled

Sailws, with long silk nap; rcgulaiy $5.98, very special..................................

S9c298 tf

_ „ T I '*1 " ' V

* • "'1;

1 . ■ * ■ . 7 ^ 4-^-1.: 'T

.“W/ITH the many boudoir and bath preparations ■■ ry V for the maintaining and restoring of a 'woman’s beaiily, it

is a positive sin for any woman to perm it herself to gro'W faded . .^ ^ 4and old.” So writes a famous French beauty. , ' . -

Madam herself would be delighted with our d e p a r t a ^ t of

■fist AS


Toilet Necessities—soa^s, creams, powditf§. Every, aid to _ o,.orate and to impart a''velvety softness to the skin, to keep captive the rosy blush o f ‘youth,- . ' --f ,,:.y

JliMIvrRESCENTIH E U G S t p R E ? ;


■ ■ - - a

' i M
