CA Christmas Resources 2020 - The Salvation Army

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Transcript of CA Christmas Resources 2020 - The Salvation Army

Christmas Creative Resources 1

MONOLOGUES 4-16 NATIVITY STORIES: Angel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Joseph (I)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. 6 Mary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Shepherd (I)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

CHARACTER STORIES: Bob the Travel Agent…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Bridgette the Baby Place Sales Rep…………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 Brumbly the Elf………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Mission Minded………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

SPOKEN WORD 16-21 A Light Has Come…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 The Incarnate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

SONGS 22-24 Fast Tempo………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23 Moderate Tempo…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Slow Tempo……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Carols………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24 Praise & Worship/Special Music……………………………………………………………………………………………. 24

KID’S STORIES 25-32 Mix It Up…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 Christmas Candy Cane Story……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28 Gifts for Jesus………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 Missing a Light……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 Other Fun Ideas…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33

Christmas Creative Resources 2

Table of Contents

CALL TO WORSHIP 33-36 Call to Worship #1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 Call to Worship #2: We Are Here………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34 Call to Worship #3: Litany………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 Call to Worship #4: One of Us………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36


Christmas Creative Resources 3

Christmas Creative Resources 4


Angel By Christine Trevino

_____________________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC: Christmas, sharing God’s message CAST: 1 actor RUNNING TIME: 1-2 minutes _____________________________________________________________________________________

For thousands of years I have delivered God’s messages to earth. At times what He speaks is personal and intimate. Other times His voice is mighty and strong to be heard by any who choose to listen and change. Every time His words are exact, true, perfect. When the Maker of heaven and earth takes a moment to speak . . . it is more wonderful and beautiful than any being could possibly express. It is with this joy that I proudly proclaim His messages.

Over time He has chosen a specific group of people to speak to. Israel is His beloved and the storyteller of His plan unfolding on earth. In this nation there once lived a girl by the name of Mary. The message God intended for her was one of astounding significance – not only for her – but for everyone for all of eternity. The message I brought to Mary sparked messages for shepherds and Wise Men and people who would live for centuries after her part of the story ended.

This message is The Message that heralds every other message I have ever delivered: God wearing the flesh of humanity as a child born to save the world.

Lights fade. ANGEL exits.

Christmas Creative Resources 5

Joseph By Christine Trevino

_____________________________________________________________________________________ TOPIC: Christmas, response to God’s message CAST: 1 male actor RUNNING TIME: 3 minutes _____________________________________________________________________________________

When I first heard about the baby I was angry . . . angry at Mary for getting herself pregnant, angry at God for allowing it to happen, angry at myself for being tangled up in the mess of a pregnancy scandal. I couldn’t give Mary away – it would be the end of her reputation and maybe even her life. But choosing silence implicated me in her pregnancy and the disgrace I would bring to my own good name was more than I could bear. I made up my mind to quietly divorce her. It was the only scenario I thought would give each of us any hope for the future. I would not openly accuse her, but I could not claim her child as mine.

Then one night an angel appeared to me in a dream. He told me not to be afraid to marry her – that Mary was in fact telling me the truth, and that her child was God’s Child. Everything changed. I understood that God had chosen my fiancé to carry the Promised Messiah . . . and that He had chosen me to be His earthly father.

As we neared Mary’s delivery, we were alone in a new city with no place to stay. I tried to be brave for Mary’s sake but I was lost in my own fear. I’d never delivered a baby before and I wanted so desperately for everything to be right. And then Jesus came into the world perfect and beautiful and screaming at the top of his lungs. It was the greatest moment of my life . . . possibly the greatest moment of all time . . . and the world became right.

I first met God’s Son as a tiny helpless baby in the arms of my young wife . . . needing all the care and attention this finite and incapable Dad could give to Him . . . yet He is my Savior. It is one of the many complexities I am sure to encounter over the course of my changed life. I have embraced this new story I’ve been given with everything I am and am proud to be known for what I am. I know I’ll never compare to His Father God, but I’m going to do my best to be the father He needs here on earth.

Lights fade. JOSEPH exits.

Christmas Creative Resources 6

Mary by Steve Moody for Engage Worship

_____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: Mary has just put Jesus to sleep and is contemplating all the ‘what if ’s’ that come with being a mother, especially the mother of God. TOPIC: Mary, Christmas, Nativity SCRIPTURE: N/A CAST: 1 actor TIME: 2-3 mins _____________________________________________________________________________________

Good, he’s asleep. There is a lot to wonder about when you become a mother. New life with all its potential; an array of possibilities. A new life and a new love which overwhelms you and fills you with joy. And concern. A lot of concern. The world becomes full of ‘What ifs?’ What if he doesn’t sleep? What if he doesn’t eat? What if he is ill? What if I cannot cope?

That’s all wonderful but also routine. I have seen mothers with children ever since I have had eyes to see and all these things are remarkable… and commonplace. I feel all these things too. But there is more; I think it would be true to say that my boy comes with more ‘What ifs’ than most. What if he grows to become all that has been promised? What if he is not able to bear the responsibility, the expectation, the joy and the pain? What if people don’t understand? What if everybody demands of him and what if they do not get what they want? What if? What if it all goes horribly wrong? And what if I am there to watch and what if I can do nothing to help? And what if he is the one we have been expecting? What if he is the one who will save us from our sins? What if all our hopes and all our fears come down to this, to him?

It is good to see him sleeping - so peaceful. Perhaps that is enough for today. I look at him and I cannot help but wonder. What if?

Christmas Creative Resources 7

Shepherd The Christmas Story in First Person: Three Monologues for Worship

© 2011 Matthew L. Kelley _____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: A shepherd recounts the night the angels told them of the birth of Jesus CAST: 1 actor RUNNING TIME: 4-5 minutes _____________________________________________________________________________________

It was a cold night. The coldest night of the year, they said. They were right. It was the kind of night where you feel the chill deep down in your bones. On nights like these, I hate being a shepherd. I mean, it’s bad enough that they pay us next to nothing. We have to stay up all night fighting off wolves, even the occasional human thief. Hey, it’s bad enough that these sheep are so dumb they’ll walk straight into a hole that a blind guy could see, and I have to fish ‘em out.

But the part that really gets me is how people look down on us. I mean, I know we smell bad since we hang out with sheep all the time, but that’s not it. When we’re in town people avoid us because they think we’re scum. It’s not like my life’s goal was to be a shepherd. I just couldn’t get any other job, and it’s better than nothing.

Like I said, it was the coldest night of the year. We were sitting around the fire trying to keep warm, but it wasn’t working too well. I thought I might try to get some sleep, so I started to doze off. That’s when it happened. This bright light came from out of nowhere, and I heard someone shouting. I squinted and saw the figure of a man saying, “Don’t be afraid. I have good news.” He tells us that in town the new king has been born and that we should go see him. He said that a star would show us the way.

All of a sudden the light disappeared. I thought maybe I was seeing things, but everyone else saw it too. And after the spots went away from our eyes, there it was! A star that I had never seen in the sky before, shining as bright as the moon! We headed off, not knowing why. It didn’t make any sense. After all, why would a bunch of dirty shepherds be allowed to see a king? Even regular people didn’t want to be around us. Why should a new king be any different?

Christmas Creative Resources 8

When we got into town, the star didn’t show us the way to a palace or a fancy house like we thought. We figured a king would be born in a real nice place. Instead, the star led us to a cave filled with animals. In there was this real young girl and a guy who turned out to be her husband, with a newborn baby wrapped in rags. Now I knew we were crazy. One of my friends told them why we were here, and the guy looked surprised. “The angel told you too, huh?” he said. An angel? That’s what that thing was? He said that angels had told him and his wife that this baby was the Messiah that God had promised to Israel. They weren’t sure what it meant either. They just somehow knew it was true.

I walked over to take a look at this kid. He was asleep, so I was real quiet because I didn’t want to wake him up. Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked up at me and smiled. It wasn’t one of those normal baby smiles. It was more like how my mom used to look at me when I was little. It was the kind of smile that said “I love you.” I still have no idea what all this King and messiah stuff is about. What I do know is that there’s something real special about this baby boy. I don’t know what God has in mind for him and his parents, but I know that somehow God will make it all work out.


Christmas Creative Resources 9

Bob the Travel Agent By Doug Timberlake

_____________________________________________________________________________________ RUNNING TIME: 5-7 mins

PRODUCTION NOTES: A travel agent, complete with Hawaiian shirt and fishing cap, addresses an unseen couple who have walked into his agency. If you can set up a small desk, that will give your actor more to work with. Otherwise, props could include a clipboard and pen, a portable CD player, and some “tickets” in his front shirt pocket. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Come on in, come on in. Have a seat. Welcome to Nazareth and Beyond: Adventures in Travel. I’m Bob, and you’re--? (Listens) Ahh, Mary and Joseph, glad to meet ya. So where do ya want to go? Let me suggest the Caribbean—beautiful white sand beaches, fruity tropical drinks with those cute little umbrellas. (Sings the Beach Boys song)

“Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama, to Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t you go?” So what do ya say? in’t it about time you two love birds got out of the Middle East? Those ocean breezes’ll do ya some good. I see you got a little one on the way, huh? (Listens) Any day now? Wow. Kids are—are—(a little uncomfortable) wow! Anyway, what do ya say? How about a nice little romantic cruise?

(Listens) You what? (Listens) You want to go to Bethlehem? To Bethlehem? But everybody and their wise men go to Bethlehem! No, no, no—that won’t do! What you two need is something a little more fun. How ‘bout some excitement? I’ve got just the thing—Vegas! The town that never sleeps! Little lady, you look like you’d do well on those quarter slots. Aren’t cha ready for one last fling before the little one arrives? Are you with me? (Waits for response) Aw, come on folks. Think of this as … as … as the start of a college fund for your little tyke. (Listens, then with disappointment) I see. All right, all right, okay. So you’re really set on this Bethlehem thing, huh? Of all places—Bethlehem. Well, I can see there’s no changing your minds, so okie-dokie. Let’s talk travel. That’s my game and value’s my name.

I’ve got a fabulous, almost-new minivan sitting out back, and it’s got your name on it. (Listens) What? You want a donkey? Would you like that with cassette or the multiple CD changer? Ha, ha, ha! Just a little travel-agent humor. Now, are ya gonna need insurance on that donkey? (Listens) Why yes, of course, ma’am. I’ve got an excellent

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map right here. Will get ya from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and back if you’d like. (Listens) You’ll need water? Good thinking! (to Joseph) Mister, you’ve got a real sharp little lady here. I mean, she’s prepared. Been thinkin’ this one through, have ya? That’s good! Never seen anyone so focused. You sure know what you want, lady, and nothin’s gonna distract you, is it? Well, old Bob here admires the fact that you’re focused. Gotta know what you want, that’s what I always say.

Now, one last suggestion: Don’t miss stopping to see the Mirage on the way. It’s about three days into your trip, depending on how hot it is. Beautiful marble fountain with a gorgeous garden. Plus, I just happen to have a couple of discount tickets. Ya can’t go wrong. So what do ya say? Splurge a little? (Listens) Little missy, you are focused! I mean, I can’t get ya to try nothin’ extra. (Listens, then sounding sincere) Well, I’m sure it’s a special trip…and…that’s exactly why I recommend you stop to see the world’s largest cactus needle.

(Listens) Okay, okay, okay. I can see you’re in a hurry. (Yelling out back) Louie! Pull the donkey around front—and throw a couple of nice blankets on it. Here’s your map. They’ll bring your water supply out front. Now, while we’re waiting—how about we talk about starting a life insurance plan for the little one? You see, not only am I in the travel business, but last year I branched out and began sellin’ insurance. So what do ya say? (Listens) No? What do you mean his father is in the life insurance business? I thought you said you were a carpenter! (Listens) All right, okay, all right, I hear ya. You just want to get to Bethlehem. Now why doesn’t that surprise me?


Christmas Creative Resources 11

Bridgette the Baby’s Place Sales Rep by Melissa Timberlake adapted by Caitlin Allen

_____________________________________________________________________________________ RUNNING TIME: 4-6 mins

PRODUCTION NOTES: Bridgette is a perky, well-dressed, lady with lots of energy! She speaks with gusto—and a little condescension—to a customer whom the audience does not see. Props include a computer monitor and keyboard [may be pantomimed, if necessary] and a Baby Needs Checklist. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Hi, and welcome to The Baby’s Place! I’m Bridgette, your personal sales representative, and you’re--? (Slight pause to listen) Mary. Okay, Mary, before we begin, I just need to enter the town you’re from into our database. (Slight pause to listen)

Nazareth. (types into the computer) Well, alrighty. Here’s a little map of our store, complete with an alphabetized listing of the many different baby-ware manufacturers. (Pointing

to Mary’s tummy) And from the way you’re looking, am I safe to assume your little bundle will be arriving soon? (Listens) Oh my, I see. Just a couple of weeks. How exciting! Not far off, not far off at all.

So, have you been to The Baby’s Place before? (Listens) Is that right? Your first time? And have you registered for your baby shower yet? No? Well, my, my, Mary—we certainly have our work cut out for us then, don’t we? There’s just so much to think about!

Now, Mary, for your convenience our store has published this little Baby Needs Checklist to provide assistance to soon-to-be moms like yourself. Do you know if the baby will be a boy or a girl? (Listens) A little boy? Oh, I’m sure he’ll be a real cutie-petutie! Isn’t it just amazing what those ultrasounds can determine? (Listens) What? You didn’t have one? I see—if it’s not too rude to ask, how are you sure you’re pregnant? (Listens) What? Oh, an angel told you. All right, dear, whatever you say. Angels, storks, mother’s intuition—whatever.

Well, our first order of business is to prepare you for your little boy’s arrival. What’s the

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decorating theme for the nursery—choo-choo trains, airplanes, sea creatures? (Listens)

A what, dear? Oh, a barnyard! How cute. I’m envisioning a big dairy cow, maybe a few adorable sheep. Good. That’s got real potential.

Okay, let’s move on—baby supplies. You’re going to need onesies, bottles, diapers, a digital thermometer, pacifiers. Mustn’t forget those! And, of course, baby powder, shampoo, wet wipes, lotion. A crib, a cradle, a bouncy chair, and a car seat—can’t take him home without one! And then a diaper bag, receiving blankets, hooded towels … and out of all those items what do you still need? (Listens) EVERYTHING?!? Mary, dear, your due date is only days away!

If you don’t mind my asking, what have you been doing with yourself these last nine months? (Listens) Focusing on the more important things? Well, dear, I understand that this all seems a bit beside the point. But, honestly, during this season of your life, things will seem busy, busy, busy! What could be more important than “stocking up”? (Listens) I see. It’s more important to think about all the good things God has done for you. How sweet, dear. (Listens) Yes, I’d imagine that does make a huge difference. (Listens) Yes, yes, it would keep you focused—and in your case, so focused that you’ve forgotten to get the essentials for your baby! (Listens) Oh, okay—to you, staying focused is the most essential thing. No offense, dear. It’s just that most new moms come in here a little more frantic and—shop, shop, shop!

Speaking of shopping, Mary, where would you like to begin? (Listens) I beg your pardon—you what? You brought your own list? Well, good. Why don’t we compare notes? (Reads the list and is surprised) Dear, you only have two items written down! You want a devotional book for new mommies? (Listens) Yes, of course. To help you keep focused. And second, you need swaddling clothes? (Thinks for a second) Swaddling clothes? Haven’t heard that request for—a long time. Um, okay, let’s see. Why don’t we wander over to our PJ selection and see what we can find …


Christmas Creative Resources 13

Brumbly the Elf Bradford, Wade. "Sharpen Your Acting Skills with 'Brumbly the Elf' Monologue."

ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, _____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: The following scene takes place in Santa's workshop. Inspector Brumbly the Elf is delivering his routine orientation speech to several newly hired elf-recruits. CAST: 1 actor TIME: 3 mins _____________________________________________________________________________________________ All right, you North Pole newbies, this is your orientation. The Christmas countdown is ticking away, we don't have much time, so prick up those pointy ears and listen up! My name is Inspector Brumbly, Elf Number 8425. I have delivered this orientation speech for over a thousand years, so if I look burnt out, it is not your imagination. The number one rule here at Santa's workshop is, 'When the fat man is on the floor, look busy.' Everything after that is easy. As you can see this is the main room where all of the magic happens. Make sure when you are working alongside the conveyor belt that you do not wear jingle-bell sleeves. Last year, Happy the Elf lost an arm. Not so happy any more.

Over here, we have the stables. Yes, the reindeer fly. But their poop falls to the ground, just like the rest of us, so you can expect to be on 'nugget-patrol' for the first few weeks. And if Sneaky the Elf offers you fudge from the stables, do yourself a favor and say no.

Some basic tips, common sense really. Don't stare at Rudolph's nose. He hates that. It's red. Get over it. If you see a disoriented talking snowman that says 'Happy Birthday,' just smile and nod politely. He's senile but harmless. All right, elves, that's about it. Let's get to work!

Christmas Creative Resources 14

Mission Minded _____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: A bell ringer tells a shopper about the start of The Salvation Army. CAST: Bell Ringer COSTUME: Winter coat, scarf, gloves, Salvation Army hat PROPS: Bell and hanging red bucket TIME: 4-5 min _____________________________________________________________________________________

(Speaking to imaginary shoppers) Merry Christmas sir!… And how are you ma’am? Bell ringer

rubs hands together as if cold.

(to self) Hmmm, it’s cold today. (To imaginary shoppers) And Merry Christmas to you too!… Oh thank you for you gift!… God bless you, sir!

(Bell ringer turns and directly addresses the audience). Oh hello there! I’m a volunteer for The Salvation Army. You’ve probably seen folks like me at stores at Christmas time - with our bells and buckets, raising money to help the poor. But do you know why we’re called The Salvation Army? Well, let me tell you.

Over 100 years ago our founder, William Booth, lived in England. General Booth (as we call him) and his wife Catherine had a passionate desire to reach the needy and the social outcasts with the Good News of Jesus Christ. In 1865, they began their ministry of street preaching and helping the poor. On ministry banners they write the motto “Blood and Fire” - a reference to the blood of Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Over the years, millions of people, like me, have come to know Jesus through this ministry. And many of us still refer to Mrs. Catherine Booth as the “Mother of The Salvation Army”. That amazing woman preached alongside her husband and wrote missionary pamphlets. On top of all that, the Booths raised eight mighty children who were all workers in the kingdom of God -taking the gospel to many nations, including India, France, Switzerland and the United States.

One day General Booth had a vision in which he saw a huge ocean filled with drowning people. Some of these people were rescued and put on a rock (which represented people being saved and coming to Jesus). But nearly all the people on

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the rock were distracted by something, such as making and saving money, amusing themselves with their favorite past time, or dressing up in different styles in order to be admired by others. They didn’t even care about the people who were drowning. William Booth was impacted by the vision, so he wrote what he saw. I’ve read it, and it’s pretty powerful. It’s one of those thing that really make a person think. And I really made me realize how much people need Jesus.

Well, I’d better get back to my job here, and I’ll let you get back to all you have to do. I do wish you a merry Christmas. And like General William Booth always said, “Go straight for souls, and go for the worst!”

Christmas Creative Resources 16

Christmas Creative Resources 17


A Light Has Come By Jon Jorgenson © 2016 Jon Jorgenson

_____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: The Christmas season is the time when light burst forth from darkness. In today's spoken word poem, Jon speaks about the metaphor of light and encourages us on how the light can come into our lives as Christians this Christmas. CAST: 1 actor TIME: 3 mins _____________________________________________________________________________________

Star light, star bright First star I see tonight Deep in the dark creation is humming A light has come, a light is coming A light has come, a light is coming At 299, 792, 458 meters per second A light has come and a light is coming Light is energy It’s rays and waves greeting us with a bright sunny face Light speeds and it spreads, covering everything it touches It breaks, it illuminates, and it captivates It stimulates the senses and eliminates the dark It fascinates the children and generates a spark It shines and without it we’re blind Literally It is only when light enters our eye that we are finally able to see You see We as a people living in darkness need a great, great light So it’s no wonder then that out of all the things God could have chosen to create first God said let there be light Right? So in the middle of the night When the angel appears to the shepherds fright “Do not be afraid” they say “just follow the light” Star light, star bright First Son is born tonight

Christmas Creative Resources 18

To the virgin mother The brother of James Who uttered wonder and suffered under others blunders To uncover a love for each other And a father and a son shining so brightly Its only right we called him the Light of the World This light was broken and spread Covering every sin that he touched Illuminating the truth Captivating our attention And generating our tomorrow So let this be a sign That the blind can see That the water is wine That the broken are free And His light will shine Into every crack of brokenness Over every horizon of home Through the prism of His promise Behold A drummer boy drumming for glory’s homecoming And evil succumbing To the light that has come and the light that is coming

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The Incarnate by Thomas Terry written for the Trinity Church of Portland

_____________________________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS: A spoken word piece about how Christmas is more than just a nativity story - it is the fulfillment of promise, a holy moment. TOPIC: Christmas, reason for the season, holiness of Christ’s birth SCRIPTURE: N/A CAST: 1 actor TIME: 3 mins _____________________________________________________________________________________

What good is the Christmas story if it’s void of God and his glory? What’s the worth of the words “peace on earth” if it’s not rooted in the truth of Christ’s birth? What benefit is it for us to discuss the joy of the season Unless we fix our hearts and minds on the principal reason that Christ has atoned for us? See Christmas is more than just a story of a baby born in a manger More than a poor fiancé engaged to a humble virgin teenager More than a magi, More than gold, frankincense, and myrrh It’s more than a narrative of a nativity scene; It was so much more that occurred It’s the coming of the Messiah, the fulfillment of all Old Testament promises The prophecy of the suffering servant and all of his accomplishments The second person of the Trinity commissioned to abandon his position And literally set aside the independent exercise of his attributes in full submission The Word manifested in the flesh, the fullness of God expressed The self-emptying Jesus poured out at the Father's request The image of the invisible God, the radiance of the Father’s fame Holy, but retained his humanness to empathize with our pain He was unjustly crushed, chastised, cursed, and shamed Mocked and adorned with a crown of thorns, disgraced but he still faced the grave To fulfill the Father’s will, to come and die in the place of sinful men And receive the full fury of God's judgment upon himself instead The most monumental mark for mankind made in human history Wretched sinners being made righteous only by the wounds of the risen King

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The condescending of a holy God made in the likeness of men A child born to be the Savior that would save the world from their sins The offspring of the virgin’s womb The Christ, God’s own Son, fully God, yet fully man, the only theanthropic One This is what we celebrate: Christ

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Christmas Creative Resources 22


DANCE - FAST TEMPO The Light Has Come - Transmission Go Tell - Israel & New Breed Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy) - Chris Tomlin Light of Christmas - TobyMac & Owl City Noel - Hillsong Young & Free O Come, All Ye Faithful - Pentatonix What a Glorious Night - Sidewalk Prophets

DANCE - MODERATE TEMPO Born Is The King - Hillsong Worship Come and Worship - Bebo Norma Glorious - For King & Country God is With Us - Casting Crowns Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Pentatonix He Shall Reign Forevermore - Chris Tomlin I Celebrate the Day - Relient K It’s Christmas - Mandisa Josephs Lullaby - MercyMe

DANCE - SLOW TEMPO Emmanuel - Hillsong Worship Emmanuel (God With Us Forever) - Bryan & Katie Torwalt God With Us - All Sons & Daughters Light of the World - Lauren Daigle His Name Shall Be - Matt Redman Noel - Chris Tomlin ft. Lauren Daigle O Holy Night - Kerrie Roberts O Little Town (The Glory of Christmas) - Matt Redman O Rejoice - Hillsong Worship While Shepherds - Transmission Winter Snow - Chris Tomlin ft. Audrey Assad

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Fast songs are good for Hip-Hop,

Contemporary, Jazz and other upbeat

styles of dance.

Moderate tempo songs are good for

Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz and more. They are also great for

story based performances like a


Slow songs are good for Lyrical, Contemporary,

Ballet and more. It’s a good idea to intertwine the lyrics with your choreography to emphasize the meaning of the song when it is so slow

and contemplative.

CAROLS Angels We Have Heard On High - Elevation Worship For Unto Us A Child Is Born/Open the Eyes of my Heart - Paul Baloche Go Tell It On The Mountain - Tenth Avenue North God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - MercyMe Hark the Herald Angels Sing - Matt Maher Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy) - Chris Tomlin O Come, All Ye Faithful - Pentatonix O Holy Night - Kerrie Roberts O Little Town of Bethlehem - Rebecca St James Silent Night - Lauren Daigle The First Noel - David Crowder Band

PRAISE & WORSHIP/SPECIAL MUSIC Adore - Chris Tomlin Angels We Have Heard On High - Elevation Worship Come Now Our King - Chris August Christmas Offering - Paul Baloche Emmanuel (God With Us Forever) - Bryan & Katie Torwalt For Unto Us A Child Is Born/Open the Eyes of my Heart - Paul Baloche God With Us - All Sons & Daughters Hark - Transmission Hark the Herald Angels Sing - Matt Maher Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy) - Chris Tomlin Noel - Chris Tomlin & Lauren Daigle O Rejoice - Hillsong Worship Silent Night - MercyMe The First Noel - David Crowder Band

NOTE FOR USING SONGS: There are strict copyright and licensing guidelines surrounding using songs during online worship. If you have a CCLI streaming license your Praise & Worship team may play a song covered by CCLI during your online worship. You CANNOT play the original track of a song during an online video - it will be flagged and muted or blocked by Youtube and Facebook. Please reach out if you have any questions! To be safe, save dances and other music performances for in-person worship.

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Mix It Up Sourced from 11/6/20


FOCUS POINT: Jesus is the best gift ever. Kids love to receive Christmas presents. Those who get what they want will tell everyone about their awesome gifts. In the midst of all the “gimmes” kids can get at Christmastime, help them see that Jesus is a far better gift than the latest gadget.


FOCUS VERSE: Luke 2:6 - “And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.”

SUPPLIES: - 1 x Tall glass or clear plastic cup - 4 x smaller cups - Honey - Milk - Dish soap (any color except for yellow) - Vegetable oil



SAY: Today we’ll learn about when Jesus came to earth as a baby - a gift for us. Jesus is the best gift ever. That’s what Christmas is all about! We’ll explore what that means to us. We’ll dig into the Bible to find out more. The Bible is another one of God’s special gifts. It’s one way God teaches us and talks to us. God is ready to teach you and talk to you right now.

READ: Read Luke 2:1-7 (if your kids will sit still. If not feel free to just read verse 6).

SAY: God’s gift had come! Some people had waited a long time to meet Jesus and find out what God’s gift was. But some people thought other gifts might be better…


ASK THE KIDS: What is a gift someone might think is better than Jesus?

* Invite the kids to answer the question. Bring the focus back to Jesus. *

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SAY: But Jesus will always come out on top because Jesus is the best gift ever.

When we are friends with Jesus, we know he’s always with us. He gives us

peace and joy, and we can live forever with Him in heaven one day. That’s a

pretty great gift!

* Hold up the vegetable oil *

SAY: Let’s pretend this liquid represents Jesus. We’re going to pour it into this cup.

What do you think will happen if we pour another liquid into the cup?

* Pour another liquid into the cup and give it a few seconds to settle. The vegetable

oil will rise to the top (it may take a few seconds). *

SAY: Interesting. What do you think would happen if we combine all of the other


* Pour all the liquids one by one into the cup. They will all settle into individual

layers in this order (from bottom to top): vegetable oil, dish soap, milk, honey. *

TALK ABOUT IT ASK THE KIDS: Why do you think vegetable oil always stayed on the top? How can

other people see that you think Jesus is the top gift?

SAY: Sometimes people make Christmas wish lists, starting with the things they

want the most. Those are probably really awesome gifts! But we’ve already

gotten the best gift ever - Jesus! Any other gift will sink below Him because

He’s the best gift ever! Let’s remember that Jesus is the best gift this


PRAY: Thank you God for giving us Jesus - the best gift ever. We’re sorry for the times

we forget that, and we let our toys or friends or other things become the best

gift in our life. Thank you for loving us anyway and for sending us your son

Jesus as a baby. We love you. Amen.

Christmas Creative Resources 27

Christmas Candy Cane Story Sourced from 11/6/20


FOCUS POINT: This story uses a candy cane as an illustration for the Christmas story and who Jesus is.

SUPPLIES: - 1 x candy cane for the explanation - 2 x red & white candy canes for each child



SAY: Today we will hear a story about the candy cane and how it can remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. A Christmas candy cane can help is to tell the real Christmas story. The pure white candy reminds us that Jesus is sinless - he is pure like white snow. The candy hard reminds us that Jesus is the solid rock and that all God’s promises are solid.

ASK: If I hold the candy cane upside down, what letter does it look like?

SAY: Yes! It is in the shape of a J. This reminds us of Jesus who came to earth as a baby and became our Savior. We can also see that there are red stripes on the candy cane. These represent the blood that Jesus shed for us on the cross so that we could have eternal life.

* Hand out 2 candy canes for each kid. *

SAY: Jesus came at Christmas to make a way for us to go to heaven to be with him forever. But this isn’t something we need to keep to ourselves. We can share it with someone! So the first candy cane is for you, and the second is for you to give to someone else who isn't here. When you give them the candy cane make sure you tell them the story of the candy cane and how they can remind us of Jesus our savior.

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Gifts for Jesus Sourced from 11/6/20


FOCUS POINT: Use this devotion to offer 3 gifts for Jesus to remember the gifts that the wise men gave him when he was just a baby.

SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: Matthew 2:2, Revelation 5:8, John 19:39-40

SUPPLIES: - A small tree - A gold object to represent the Gold - A candle or another scented item to represent the frankincense - A lotion or oil to represent the myrrh - Other assorted trinkets and objects that DON’T look/feel/smell similar to the gold, frankincense and myrrh.



SAY: Today we are going to look at the gifts the wise men gave Jesus when they came to visit him as a baby. The gifts they gave might seem strange to us, but they hold a lot of significance. Today we’re going to understand the important of the gold, the frankincense and the myrrh. First let’s look at the gold.

READ: Matthew 2:2 (ICB) - “They asked, “Where is the baby who was born to be the

king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east. We came to worship him.””

SAY: When the wisemen came to visit Jesus they knew they were coming to see a king. So they brought a gift of gold.

* Invite one kid to make a selection from the objects *.

SAY: Can you find something that is gold? Great. Let’s put that under the tree to remind ourselves that Jesus is our King. Next let’s look at the frankincense.

READ:  Revelation 5:8 (ICB) “After he took the scroll, the four living things and the 24

elders bowed down before the Lamb. Each one of them had a harp. Also, they were holding golden bowls full of incense. These bowls of incense are the prayers of God’s holy people.”

Christmas Creative Resources 29

SAY: The wisemen brought Jesus the gift of frankincense which is a strong smelling spice that was used to worship God. The wisemen knew that this baby was not just any baby - it was God!

* Invite one kid to make a selection from the objects *.

SAY: Can you find something that smells good? Maybe a candle? Great! Let’s put that under the tree to remind us that this baby was in fact God coming to earth to be just like us. Let’s read about the wisemen’s last gift to baby Jesus.

READ: John 19:39-40 (ICB) “Nicodemus went with Joseph. Nicodemus was the man who earlier had come to Jesus at night. He brought about 75 pounds of spices. This was a mixture of myrrh and aloes. These two men took Jesus’ body and wrapped it with the spices in pieces of linen cloth. (This is how the Jews bury people.)”

SAY: It might seem strange to read a verse about Jesus death when we’re celebrating His birth. But it’s an important part of the story for us to remember. The wise men brought myrrh, an ointment people put on bodies that were going to be buried. The wisemen gave the myrrh to remind us of Jesus humanity, and that he was going to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life with God.

* Invite one kid to make a selection from the objects *.

SAY: Can you find a lotion or ointment to put under the tree? Great! Let’s remember that Jesus came as a baby to come and die for our sins so that we didn’t have to. And one day we will get to live with God forever. Let’s pray now that we have given Jesus all our gifts.

PRAY: Jesus we love you and we are so glad you came to earth as a baby. Thank you for dying for our sins so that we can spend forever with you. We love you, and want worship you today. Amen.

Christmas Creative Resources 30

Missing A Light Sourced from 11/6/20


FOCUS POINT: We need to let our light shine to share God’s light to the world.


SUPPLIES: - 1 x strand of string lights - Remove 1 bulb so the strand stops working



SAY: Guess what I have everyone? That’s right! Christmas lights! I love how they twinkle and shine. You can hang them anywhere and they glow to beautiful. I’m thinking of hanging them up in here but we have to test them first. Let’s see if this work.

* Plug in the strand of lights. They shouldn’t work properly. *

SAY: Oh no! They’re not working! Looks like our strand is broken. It stopped working. You know, this reminds me of a Bible verse from the book of Matthew.

READ: Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Matthew 5:15.

SAY: This verse says the each person who has Jesus living inside them also has His light. We have to to allow Jesus light to shine and not hide it. When we do hide our light, we break the chain, kind of like this strand of Christmas lights. Here’s a question for you: Which is brighter - just one small light or a whole strand of lights?

* Allow the kids to guess the answer. *

SAY: That’s right! When we allow Jesus to shine through us we make the world a brighter place.

* As you say this look around and “find” the bulb that you removed from the strand earlier. *

SAY: Guess what I found! The missing light!

* Plug in the light and watch the strand shine together. *

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SAY: We need to stay connected to Jesus in order to let our light shine bright. And if we share the story of Christmas and of Jesus coming to this earth to save our sins, we can invite other people to share the light of Jesus inside them. And our strand of lights will get brighter and bright with each person! Let’s pray together and ask God to help us stay connected to Him and shine His light.

PRAY: Dear God, thank you for giving us your son Jesus as a light in this world. We want you to shine bright in our hearts so that we can show other people your love. Please help us feel confident to share the light of Jesus with our friends so they can get to know you too. We love you, and we thank you for the gift of your son at Christmas. Amen.

Christmas Creative Resources 32

Other Fun Ideas All sourced from Pinterest

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Christmas Creative Resources 34


Call to Worship #1 Inspired by Isaiah 9:2-7

Rev Gord, Worship Offerings.

The people who walk in darkness. That's us! We have seen deep darkness in the world around us. So we have come to search for the light. We want the light to shine on us! 

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” A child is born for US! A son is given to ALL of US! We come to see the child that has been born, We come to gather in the glow of the stable, We come to sing with angels and wonder with shepherds. Come and worship, come and worship! Worship the one who is born for us this day...

Call to Worship #2: We Are Here written by Cheryl Lawrie,

We are here Because we have heard a promise of peace And we have faith its day will come We have heard a rumour of justice And we have faith its day will come We have heard a whisper of hope And we have faith its day will come We have heard a hint of love And we have faith its day will come We have heard of the birth of the Christ-child And we have faith His day is here. Welcome to Christmas Welcome to worship

Christmas Creative Resources 35

Call to Worship #3: Litany inspired by Psalm 97:1

written by John Birch

The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad Let the distant shores rejoice

By your word all things were created  Each in its allotted space and time.  You breathed life through your Spirit  And in the whisper of the wind we are reminded  Of your Spirit's continual presence. The Lord reigns let the earth be glad Let the distant shores rejoice

The whole of creation declares your glory, Lord.  A symphony of sound and colour surround us  If we will for a moment stand  With eyes and ears attuned. The Lord reigns let the earth be glad Let the distant shores rejoice

The whole of humankind declares your glory, Lord.  Each precious son or daughter a unit of love In the currency of your family. The Lord reigns let the earth be glad Let the distant shores rejoice

Now in our worship we declare your glory, Lord. Proclaim your Kingdom to the ends of the earth Your love to the highest mountain  Your forgiveness to the depths of the sea.

The Lord reigns let the earth be glad Let the distant shores rejoice

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Call to Worship #4: One of Us by James Hawes

For God to become a baby he had to Squeeze himself into a small space Confine himself into a fallible body Restrict himself to humanity Reduce himself to limited movements Become weak and vulnerable Rely on humans to take care of him

For Christ to become one of us He had to be born like us The light was hidden within the womb The thirst quencher received refreshment from the breast of Mary The bread of life had to learn how to eat The one who holds us, first had to be held The Lover was loved The Way had to learn to walk The Word had to learn to speak The Teacher was taught The Creator how to create This is our God!

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Christmas Creative Resources 38


GRAPHICS & IMAGES All these images are on the Church Motion Graphics website under their “Free Stills”

section. You can download these and more here:

Christmas Creative Resources 39