Ask Your Library - Virtual Reference at FCPL

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Transcript of Ask Your Library - Virtual Reference at FCPL

Ask Your Library - Virtual Reference at FCPL

Everything Else but the Kitchen Sink

April/May 2020

Developed by Amy Conerly, JJ Dickinson, and Sharon Okrend

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Everything Else but the Kitchen Sink

Our April/May 2020 Ask Your Library Training Webinar is a shortened version of the in-person system-wide training that was originally offered by the AYL Training Team in 2018 and 2019. Necessity dictated that we abridge content due to time constraints.

Everything Else but the Kitchen Sink includes a list of practice questions, a master list of system canned messages and suggestions for dealing with potential stumbling blocks and a few other important items that are listed in the contents below.

The Technical Skills Checklist will walk you through using the LibChat software so that you can apply what you have learned about virtual reference in your AYL chat conversations. Please read Virtual Communication Skills to refresh yourself with or learn about virtual reference, the reference interview, chat communication tips and finally the differences between face-to-face communication and virtual communication. When you have read these three documents, you should have a firm grasp of the virtual reference service that we call Ask Your Library.

Please note that some links are currently only available on the “old” FairfaxNet. We are aware that not everyone can easily access these links from home. We will update the AYL Team site shortly! In the meantime, all documents related to AYL Training are available here:


1. Handling Online Problem Situations

2. Potential Stumbling Blocks

3. Customer Accounts and Privacy

4. AYL Practice Questions

5. Master List of System Canned Messages

6. Transcript Review

7. Additional Resources

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FCPL Problem Behavior Manual

Rude Behavior/Obscene Language

• Obscenity is never okay.

• Inform the customer that the behavior is unacceptable and that the session will be ended if that behavior continues.


• Use the reference interview to determine if customer has a reference question or is just goofing around.

• Turn the conversation back to the reference transaction. If customer asks personal questions, be friendly and approachable but don’t feel compelled to divulge anything beyond what professional courtesy requires.

Impatient Customers Whether they’re missing a deadline or about to be kicked off a public computer, impatient customers are running short of time.

• Involve customer in searching process.

• Chat frequently.

• Provide options if the customer doesn’t have time for you to search. Offer email follow-up and/or a phone number for the customer to call (this is especially helpful for customers with tech questions).

Abuse/Personal Attacks Customers who are verbally abusive or who subject chat staff to personal attacks should not be tolerated. Obscenity is never okay. If a customer makes disparaging comments:

• Don’t ignore the situation and continue to help the customer.

• Don’t engage the customer in the behavior.

• Don’t become defensive or argue with the customer.

• Give a warning/chance to continue.

• Use library canned messages and/or have your own prepared.

• End the session if behavior continues.

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Sexual Questions – This is not a problem behavior Questions about sexual education, sexual health, or human anatomy should be treated as legitimate reference questions. If the customer’s questions or comments become inappropriate during the transaction, library staff should refer to the guidelines regarding rude behavior/obscene language.

Explicit Language and Material Library staff will not intentionally provide pornography to customers of any age. A link to a website which contains profane language or mature content can be provided but explicit content should not be cut and pasted or added to the customer chat.


Some common stumbling blocks have to do with the time constraints of a LibChat shift, when a customer becomes non-responsive and when a chat is ended by a customer before you feel that the interaction is finished.

End of Shift

If you are helping a customer at the end of your shift, try to stay online for up to 5 minutes to complete the session. If not possible, consider the following option.

• Offer to follow-up with the customer. A suggested script is "This is taking longer than I expected, may I get back to you via email?" Make sure the customer understands this could take some time and that it will not be an immediate response.

• Make sure to inform the customer if you need to end the chat session.

Customer becomes Non-Responsive

There are several reasons why a customer might become non-responsive. The customer could be experiencing technical difficulties, browsing in another window, or simply away from the computer.

To ensure that the customer has enough time to return to the session, follow this procedure before ending the session:

• Ask a direct question about the customer's status. A suggested script is “I haven’t heard from you for a while, are you still there?”

• Inform the customer about the intent to end the chat if there is no response in the next minute or two.

• If the customer has continued to be non-responsive after 2 minutes have elapsed, send a closing message and end the chat session. End the chat session.

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Chat Ended by Customer If you have received a "Chat ended by customer" note or a "Customer is no longer connected" message, you will not be able to continue the chat. Proceed with Ref Analytics and close the chat. Be sure to make a note that the customer ended the chat or was disconnected in the notes field before closing the chat.

Other Potential Stumbling Blocks

Remember, we want chat interactions to be positive. Other potential stumbling blocks to a successful chat as you assist a customer include:

• An incomplete reference interview.

• Poor rapport between staff and customer.

• Not knowing a customer’s skill level, computer or research skills, or their familiarity with library resources.

• Generational differences – need technical help, want answers now, need reassurance

• Customers who speak other languages.

• Customers with disabilities.

• Not knowing if the customer is on a laptop, tablet or other mobile device.


Please note: Policy regarding Customer Accounts is a little different during this period of time while our physical libraries are closed. We are suspending our message of “No Card, No Service.” Since customers are unable to come to a branch, you may ask a customer for information that we can use to verify their account. Normally, we would usually never ask for the following due to privacy concerns: name, address and date of birth. If a customer can provide this information, we can send a library card number to the email address on file.

When we reopen library branches to the public, we expect that our policy regarding Customer Accounts will revert to the following standards.

You need a barcode to access a customer’s library account. There are 2 types of barcodes: library card numbers for accounts and barcodes from books for renewals. Never give out a library card number – customers must supply this information to us.

The simplified message is “No card, No Service”. If a customer cannot provide their library card number, we cannot give them any account info. We will not take name, birthdate, or anything other personal information. Tell a customer that they will need to come in to a branch so that we can check their ID. There is no way to know if someone found the card in the street, or if a child wants to use his mother’s card to use a public PC. This is based on our existing policies for protecting customer confidentiality.

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Refer to the Confidentiality section of the Circulation Public Service Handbook for more information:

You can renew a book for a customer with a book’s barcode but you cannot do anything else in the customer’s account.

Do not change a customer’s password. Instead send a link so they can change their own password - it can be found in the My Library Account LibGuide.

When dealing with customers over the telephone, we are unable to see identification or the customer (to verify age or sex). We must take additional precautions to be sure that we have authorization to access an account. If the customer is unable to provide the library card number, we can request the item barcode number from an on-loan item. In the absence of either the card number or an item barcode, we offer the customer the options of calling back with the library card or item barcode number, renewing books or viewing their account information online, or allowing us to mail them a copy of the record.

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Send practice questions from:


▪ Consider practicing with other staff members in your branch. Or reach out to

people you know who were also at training or who are already Live.

▪ If someone else signs on to practice while you are on, share the love; AYL is a

team effort!

▪ Take turns being the asker and the answerer.

▪ If no one else is on to practice, you can develop a second personality and submit

a question to yourself. It's a good alternative to help you gain familiarity with the

LibChat interface.

General Questions

What time do you close tonight?

What are nature backpacks? How do I get one?

When is the next book sale?

I need to reserve some books for my book club but I don’t think I can place multiple

holds for the same book. Is that right?

What are the rules for reserving a meeting room?

How do I get a library card?

How do I reset my password?

How do I update my new card number with OverDrive?

I think I lost a book. What do I do now?

Does every branch have a 3D printer now?

I have photographs to scan and save and old VHS tapes to convert. Can the library help

with this?

How long does it take before your library card becomes inactive?

I’m not able to drive. What kind of library services can I receive from home?

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Circulation Questions

I tried to renew my book but it said there’s a hold on it. Can you renew it for me?

How do I pay for a non-resident card?

I lost CD 7 from my audiobook checkout. What should I do next?

I tried to renew my books online, however my account is blocked. Could you do

something about it?

How long does a book usually stay on the NEW list before going to regular circulation?

I have some fines on my library account. Can I pay online? Can’t find that option on

your website.

I need to reserve some books for my book club but I don’t think I can place multiple

holds for the same book. Is that right?

I’m out of town on business and can’t pick up my hold on time. Could you please help?

I’d like to request a hold for the a book by Robert Galbraith please.

My account shows a fine of $4.60. I have returned all books on time to Reston Library.

Why do I have to pay?

When I put books in the slot outside they show up on my account as still checked out.

Please help.

Information Questions

I have a question about dolphins…

How do I find storytimes for my preschooler?

There’s a book I want that Fairfax County doesn’t own. How would I be able to get a


Does the library have a subscription to the Washington Post?

How can I suggest a book for the library to order?

I’m trying to place a hold on a book, but I don’t see it in your catalog.

Does your library have any books about making Halloween costumes?

I’ve heard that can get to Consumer Reports online through the library. How do you do


Do you have book discussion kits?

Are there any genealogy classes at the library?

I really like Debbie Macomber. Do you have any more authors like her?

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❖ Simple greeting - Hi, welcome to Ask Your Library!

❖ Greeting How May I Help You - Hi, welcome to Ask Your Library! How may I help you today?

❖ Sending Links - Computers and tablets - I'm going to send you a link. When you click on it, it will open in a new tab. Return to our chat by clicking on the tab to the left of the one that opened. (If you're on a phone, this may work differently!)

❖ Library Card Number - May I have your library card number? It starts with 22769-

❖ Passwords – If you have your library card number, you can reset your password here:

❖ Account Services questions - This is the page on our website that will answer many questions regarding your library card account:

❖ Need to Complete in Person - We cannot share that information online, you will need to complete this in person at any branch of the Fairfax County Public Library.

❖ Account, Cannot Share Online - We cannot share that information online without your library card; you can come back with your card number and start a new chat or you can take your photo ID to a branch of the Fairfax County Public Library and someone can help you at the Checkout Desk.

❖ Checkout History Feature - You can view items you have returned if you have opted to turn on the Checkout History feature. You may request to opt in by phone, in any branch or by submitting the account update form located here:

❖ Hours - Community - Community branches are open Monday and Tuesday from 10AM - 9PM, Wednesday from 10AM-6PM, Thursday from 1PM-9PM, Friday from 10AM-6PM, Saturday from 10AM-5PM and are closed Sunday.

❖ Hours - Regional - Regional branches are open Monday through Thursday from 10AM - 9PM, Friday from 10AM-6PM, Saturday from 10AM-5PM and Sunday from 1PM-5PM.

❖ Library Locations - Please visit the following link to locate your nearest branch and type in your zip code:

❖ Overdrive Help Link - Here is the link to the Overdrive Help Screen.

❖ ILL - ILL (Interlibrary Loan) is a service where you can request a title that is not owned by Fairfax County Public Library system. More information can be found here:

❖ School Project? What grade? - Is this for a school project? If so, what grade level so that I can send you something you can really use?

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❖ Can help you but not answer homework - This service is intended to help you find information and resources. I can assist you with your search but cannot directly answer your homework question for you.

❖ Can you be more specific? - Could you be more specific about what you would like to find? Any details you can offer are useful.

❖ Suggest a Title - For future title requests, please use the link for the “Suggest a Title” form found at the top of the library’s Catalog search page. This is the most efficient way to request titles for inclusion in the Library's collection as the Suggest a Title requests go directly to the Library's materials selectors. We appreciate suggestions as a direct indicator of our customers’ interests.

❖ Still Searching, thanks for patience - I'm still working on your question. Thank you for your patience!

❖ Still Searching, be right back - I think I've found something that might help answer your question but I'm still searching. Be right back!

❖ Referrals to [fill in the blank] Dep't - We have forwarded your question to the_____ department of the Fairfax County Public Library. A staff member from that department will respond directly to you.

❖ Referrals - Virginia Room - We have forwarded your question to the Fairfax County Public Library's Virginia Room, which is located in the City of Fairfax Regional Library. You can also call them directly at 703-293-638.

❖ Impatience, please leave your email - If you can't wait for me to work on your question, please leave your email with me and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

❖ Rude Behavior, End Session Now - This is an inappropriate use of our service. I will need to end this session now.

❖ Rude Behavior, please rephrase - If you have a question for us, please rephrase it again with more appropriate language.

❖ Still There? - I haven't heard from you for a while. Are you still there?

❖ Follow Up, Need Email - So that we can follow up with this, can you verify your complete email address for me?

❖ Concluding, If other questions - Thank you for using Fairfax County Public Library's online chat service, Ask Your Library! If you have other questions, please contact us again!

❖ Concluding, Enough Info? - Do you think you have enough information to continue on your own? You can always contact us again if you need anything else.

❖ End of Shift – Unfortunately, I am going to have to log out of chat in a minute or two as my shift is almost over. Would you please provide your email so that I can get back to you later?

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6. TRANSCRIPT REVIEW Here are examples of AYL Transcripts for you to review. What makes for a good transcript? What contributes to a bad one?

You may review your own transcripts from the past 30 days from the LibAnswers Dashboard in the orange menu bar under LibChat - Transcripts. Search for yourself as the Owner. Bad Transcript. We made several mistakes on purpose. Can you spot them all?

Initial Question: Hi, do you have back issues of The Washington Post?


2. 3:32:29 Patron: Yeah, do you have access to back issues of the Washington Post?

3. 3:36:19 Patron: Hello?

4. 3:38:10 AC, Info: Yes, most of our branches have they’re own subscriptions to the Washington Post. You can call your local branch or look here

5. 3:39:08 AC, Info: I’m pretty sure that’s all you need. You can always contact us again if you need anything else.

6. 3:39:23 AC, Info: Bye!

7. 3:40:47 Patron: Wait, I have more questions. Did you identify these mistakes?

✓ All caps in the greeting = shouting

✓ Incorrect greeting

✓ Not responding to the customer for a long period of time

✓ Misspelling

✓ Not using Sending Links canned message

✓ Sending a general link to catalog

✓ Not answering the customer’s question

✓ No concluding message

✓ Did not seem interested, rushed the transaction

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Better Transcript! Initial Question: Are there any plans in the works whereby we could at least pick up our books on hold? Perhaps from entryways or lobbies?

1. 10:46:05 DD, Info: Hi! Thanks for contacting Ask Your Library!

2. 10:46:35 DD, Info: I understand you would like to be able to pick up your physical holds - it's hard to be without the books we've been so excited to read!

3. 10:47:53 DD, Info: At this time, we are unable to offer any type of pick up service, but we are constantly evaluating what's happening in our community and what services we are able to change/offer.

4. 10:48:39 DD, Info: I would encourage you to stay updated by checking on our Library Services During Closure guide, which can be accessed here:

5. 10:48:57 DD, Info:

6. 10:49:44 Patron: Thanks. I do understand. Just having acute library withdrawal!

7. 10:49:54 DD, Info: Believe me - we all are!

8. 10:50:01 DD, Info: Thank you for your understanding!

9. 10:50:12 Patron: Stay safe!

10. 10:50:19 DD, Info: You too!

11. 10:50:25 DD, Info: Thank you for using Fairfax County Public Library's online chat service, Ask Your Library! If you have other questions, please contact us again!

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FCPL Resources Ask Your Library documents can be found on the same page as the Practice Widget.

This Library Insider FAQ contains updates to library services to share with customers while the library is closed. Professional Resources RUSA’s Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining Virtual Reference Services RUSA’s Guidelines for Reference Services FCPL Customer Service Reference Interview Refreshers

Who to Ask for Assistance? Contact your branch manager and your branch’s AYL Point of Contact (POC) if you

have questions or concerns. Thank you!