3rd class SPA501

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Transcript of 3rd class SPA501



Mohd Zulkarnain Mohamad Tajulariffin

Md. Kamal Shari Pinansa

Herbert A. Simon: Administrative Behavior –

How organizations can be understood in terms of decision processes

This is a note for the lecture on Simons perspective held on March 11, 1994 on Department of Computer Science, Roskilde University

Simon’s central point:-Decision Making is the heart of Administration

Simon’s theories:-classical, ideal and rational model of human decision-making

Rationality?- Not actually exist- There are practical limit to human rationality

Limitation…- Must seen as variable- Not static- Depend upon org. environment

The Economics Man- The ideal and rational model- Full rationality- Decision in org. are made base on values & facts- Factual – knowledge & information- Values – goals & moral etc.- i.e; park foreman…

Rational Decision;- Decide to do ‘something’ to achieve a ‘goal’- Decide a ‘mean’ to achieve en ‘end’- Means-Ends connected in a hierarchical chainRational Behavior…- Certain limitation- obscures comparative element- not achieve separation factual – value element- Insufficient recognition to the time variable

Simon’s theory of decision meets all objections;- The task of decision involve 3 steps;

- Listing alternative strategies- Determine consequences- Comparative evaluation for each consequences

Rational decision-making model known as ‘economic man’ can be summarized in 5 items;1.Make decision when face a set of alternative2.Rank consequences of the alternative3.Preferential treatment is transitive4.Always choose alternative – highest value-scale5.Always make same choice – same situation

So…- The economic man concept/model represent the objective rationality.

- In reality…- Limited by unconscious skills, habits, reflexes etc…- Diverge from the org. goals

- Actual behavior is thus limited compared to objective rationality- Require complete knowledge- Require imagination to supply lack of experience - Require a choice of all possible alternative behaviors

Administrative Man model…- Looks for a course of action that is satisfactory or good enough

- Make choices using a simple picture of the situation

Administrative Man can be summarized in 4 items;1.Always have simplified model of situation2.Seek only limited number of alternatives3.Decision are oriented toward finding and

choosing satisfying alternatives4.Satisfied with limited knowledge

Simon’s Org. Perspective- Administrative efficiency increased by;- Specialization according to purpose, process, etc

- Arranging the org. in a determinate hierarchy/authority

- Limiting the control to a small number

• Principles set of mechanisms or aspects of influence;1. Internal mechanism2. External mechanism

• Org. influences are 2 principle kinds;1. Permit stable expectations formed

by member2. General stimuli & attention-

directors which channelize the behavior of the member

• Org. influences are manifested by 5 mechanism;– Division of work– Establishing of standard practices– Transmission downwards of decisions

– Channel of communication– Training and indoctrinating

Organizations as system in equilibrium, in which will balances incoming contribution;

- Customer- Entrepreneur- employees

Simon’s Design Perspective- Things can be described in terms of functions, goals, adaptation etc.- Artifact is an ‘interface’ between inner – outer environment – served its intended purposes

- Inner ; substance and organization of the artifact

- Outer ; surrounding in which it operates- Concludes- major problems of org. are organizing information. The general design principle should analyze the IS.

Herbert A. Simon: Administrative Behavior – A study of Decision -Making Processes in

Administrative Organization

Administration?-The art of getting thing done

Decision making Process?-The process of choice lead to action-Theory of administration should concern the process of decision and as well as action.-It include principles of organization to insure correct decision making to effective action

-Organization? -Systematic arrangement of people to accomplish specific purpose. 3 element: people, goal and system

-Organization have objectives to be achieve-involve hierarchy of worker-supervisory and operation level

-administrative authority- supervisory level use to influent operation level to achieve goal –effective behavior

-Decision making involve conscious or unconscious selection process of particular actionExp: Eat-if the complex activities involve in decision making – the organization should have planningExp: build 2nd bridge in Penang

Value and Fact in Decision

-Each decision involves the selection of goal and behavior. Decision lead toward selection final goal call “value judgment". If involve implementation of such goal call “factual judgment”.

- The hierarchy of Decision-The concept of purpose involve. -Behavior is guide by general goal. it select alternatives which conducive to achieve previous selected goal.

-Relative element in Decision making- All decision is a matter of compromise. The alternative select not a perfect achievement. It involve judgment of value and fact

-judgment value is the rightness or wrongness of something. Based on personal opinion about something

-Fact judgment-the judgment based on fact and objective

Decision Making in Administration Process -Administrative processes are decisional process -secreting certain element, establish regular organization procedure (SOP) and communicate to the member.

-Administrative organization Characterize by• specialization-particular task are delegate to particular parts of the organization

• coordination-act of organizing making different people work together to fulfill desired goal of org.

• expertise-skill or knowledge in particular area• responsibility- fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone. It involve authority, control, power and leadership

Modes of Organization Influences

• Operative employee can be influence 2 categories. 1. establishing in the operative employee himself. (value –premises) 2. imposing the operative employee decision in the org.

-Establishing employee himself have 3 types:- 1. Organizational loyalties- a general term and denotes a person’s commitment and attachment to the place they work

2. Criterion of efficiency-completely neutral as to what goals are to be attained

3. Training- educational process. People can learn new information, re-learn and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, and most importantly have time to think and consider what new options can help them improve their effectiveness at work.

Cont..-imposing employee decision have 2 types:- 1. Authority-a person or organization having power or control in a particular, typically political or administrative, sphere.

2.Advice and information- an independent, confidential service which plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life. It enables people to secure their rights and entitlements, make informed choices about public services and play a full role in their communities and society.

Equilibrium of the Organization

- important resource of an organization is it's people. Motivating participants to continue to make contributions is one important activities of management. organizational equilibrium, which refers to the organization's ability to attract sufficient contributions to ensure it's survival.

Conclusion• Decision making is one of the most important activities in organizational. The success of a organizational is critically linked to effective decisions. Decision making is a process involving choices. The process generally consists of several steps: identifying problems, generating alternatives, evaluating alternatives, choosing an alternative, implementing the decision, and evaluating decision effectiveness.

• Two major approaches to decision making have been identified. The rational model characterizes decision makers as completely rational - searching through perfect information to make optimal decisions. The inherent imperfections of decision makers and the social and organizational systems in which they are imbedded impose limitations on decision makers' ability to process information needed to make complex decisions (bounded rationality) that restrict decision makers to finding solutions that are less than optimal.

Federalist No. 51

The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Check

and Balance Between the Different Department

Addresses;- Appropriate check and balances in government

- Separation of power within the national government

- Ideas; “ambition must be made to counteract ambition”

- To form a more correct judgment of the principles and structure of the government – Constitutional

Dependency- Member of each department should be as little dependent as possible

- Stay independent- Not encroach on the others

Legislature- Republican Government;

- Legislative authority is the strongest –the true voice of the people

- Thus, need to divide into branches, and

- Connected with each other as possible

- …Need checks and balances

Usurpations- Government is guarded from usurpations – divided into distinct and separate departments

- Power over people divided through federalism, branches within national Govt.

- Security arises to the right of people

Political Factions- Always be present - Need to counteract the effect of factions by having numerous factions.

- No group should be able to become so strong

Questions• Q1:Discuss the rational model of decision making in public administration

• Q2: Federalism in Malaysia : Discuss about the separation of power in term of decision process.