201601.pdf - HKU Business School

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Transcript of 201601.pdf - HKU Business School

The Newsletter of the Faculty of Business and Economics

Happiness and joy were all over the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on November 18, 2015, where the Faculty of Business and Economics Session of the HKU 194th Congregation was held.

Over 3,000 graduates from the Class of 2015 and their guests attended the Ceremony, together with more than 80 Procession Members including the Presiding Officer President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mathieson, and Guest of Honour Professor Frederick Ma.

Professor Ma, an influential leader in business, economics and finance with rich experience stretching across both private and public sectors, shared in his keynote speech his personal stories, successful experiences and tips generously to inspire graduates who were present.

As an alumnus graduated from HKU 42 years ago, Professor Ma understands that it could be difficult for students to

adjust their student lives to fit into the working world. He encouraged graduates to be disciplined and follow the rules. “In university, you have probably gotten away with partying all night or maybe showing up at Lan Kwai Fong turning up late to lectures and handing in assignments passed due day. My advice is to throw out that kind of lifestyle because you are going to have to turn up to work on time every day and to follow the rules of the game,” he said.

Knowing that sometimes the workplace itself could be challenging, Professor Ma asked graduates to pay attention to enhancing their interpersonal skills. “The working world can be harsh with office politics and unreasonable bosses. And you will need EQ to manoeuvre your way through the jungle of the working world. You need teamwork and network to perform at work. Without high EQ, plenty of humility, and good interpersonal skills, your success will be hampered,” he said.


P.3On top of that, Professor Ma also urged graduates to work hard if they want to become successful one day. “Working hard may not guarantee success but if you don’t work hard, you will never be successful. If you want to be successful, work hard and give not 100 percent but 120 percent,” explained Professor Ma.

Closing his remarks, Professor Ma challenged graduates to step out from their comfort zone, broaden their horizons and embrace the opportunities that globalisation may bring. “I have travelled to live in many places for my career … And it wasn’t the easiest decision with my family in toll. But it enabled me to see the world and build a very valuable human network. So graduates, be prepared to relocate to other cities to work and live,” Professor Ma remarked.

Besides crying for joy on this day of jubilation, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our professors, the Faculty and HKU who had put so much effort in preparing us to step into the bigger world from the campus door, constantly reminding us to go beyond the numbers and profit, safeguard the core values that we HongKongers deeply treasure, and have a passionate heart in making our home a better place. FBE and our dearest professors did not pave our path, but pushed us to the heights we have never imagined. This journey was a never an easy one, but there is one strong belief in each of us – we are the one who take charge of our life, no matter in school or the future of Hong Kong.

Miss Evelyn LamBBA (Law), Class of 2015 Graduate Representative

The graduation ceremony was truly a landmark day. For many of us graduates, wearing a robe and joining our friends on stage was a photo-taking moment three years in the making. For all of us who've since begun our respective careers and journey after school, attending the ceremony and reuniting with friends was a major throwback to the years at HKU that has brought us where we are today. One should also not forget the legions of proud parents and dedicated faculties that have made this day possible for all of us. Thank you all.

Mr. Jeremy HonBEcon & Fin, 2015


P.5The graduation season also sees 254 graduates being conferred the degree Master of Business Administration (International) at a ceremo-ny held at the Shanghai International Convention Centre on November 14, 2015. The ceremony was opened by Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU. Graduates in HKU academic dress mounted the stage and were capped by Professor Mathieson and presented a study certification by Professor Ningsheng Xu, President of Fudan University. A keynote speech was delivered by Ms. Helen Wong, Group General Manager of HSBC Group and Chief Executive, Greater China of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, who is a distinguished HKU alumnus. Professor Xiongwen Lu, Dean of the School of Management of FDU, then gave a few words to the graduates before the conclusion of the ceremony.

The Alumni Welcome Party for the Class of 2015 was held on June 3. Mr. Sam Wong, BSc (QFin), said, “It was splendid to meet new faces from FBE even when I already graduated from HKU. In the Alumni Welcome Party, I met other fresh graduates and had a great time with them. Everyone in the party was open to share their career life and goal, which were great lessons to me. The party was also a good opportunity to say goodbye to professors, and opened a new door for me to keep in touch with them. Thanks to the organiser. It was a really great night.”


The University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Business and Economics welcomed renowned economic leaders to share their unique insights on the past development and future directions for China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) at The Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series on October 30, 2015.

Professors, staff and students gathered at Loke Yew Hall to gain perspective on this year’s topic – Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Meet the New Normal and Internet-Plus Economy. Following the welcoming remarks by Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU, Professor Eric Chang, Dean, Chung Hon-Dak Professor in Finance, Chair of Finance of the Faculty of Business and Economics, introduced the event’s keynote speaker: Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of COFCO Corporation, a state-owned company that is China’s largest food processor, manufacturer and trader.

Despite the evolution of SOEs since 1949, Mr. Ning noted that they remain critical to the Chinese economy, contributing about 40% of China’s GDP in 2013 while owning 30% of total assets of non-financial enterprises in 2014. Also, SOEs still dominate the market in traditional industries such as news & publishing, railways, public utilities and water supply – where they control over 90% of market share – and remain very strong in thermal power, telecoms and ferrous metals with over 85% market share.

Despite their size and market share, Mr. Ning noted that many SOEs lagged behind in delivering return on equity and average revenue per employee compared to A-share listed companies, indicating a pressing need to clarify their self-positioning, improve competitiveness and implement modern enterprise systems. He also encouraged SOEs to promote mixed ownership as a platform to reduce the percentage of state-owned assets, explaining, “Mixed ownership gave COFCO a lot of drive and incentive to grow and play a larger market role.”

Citing the intertwining issues of slowing economic growth, difficult structural adjustments and the lasting effects of previous economic stimulus policies, Mr. Ning explained that SOEs would have to acclimatise to “a New Normal, with a new mentality and new policies” to retain traction in Chinese markets.

“Everything put together is working to respond to the New Normal of the economy,” he said.

Facing growing competition with imported produce, Mr. Ning guided COFCO to transform from “a monopoly to a fully-integrated value chain business”. Initiatives to build global business through subsidiaries in Denmark, the Netherlands and France changed COFCO’s fundamental structure – making it “a network to supply the world” with China as its base, collaborating on an international level to become a leading global food processing company. He stressed the importance for forward-thinking SOEs to focus on lean management market strategy as well as proper incentives and evaluations for employees.

Mr. Ning also emphasised the importance of creating and sustaining a strong presence on the Internet, stating, “If you’re not online, you’re finished.” Citing strong growth in online shopping, he explained that enterprises were leveraging digital strategies to rapidly achieve economies of scale, reduce unit costs and improve negotiating power.

Following the keynote speech, panel discussion moderator Professor Y C Richard Wong, HKU Chair of Economics and Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy, invited Mr. Ning to join the evening’s discussants: Mrs. Laura Cha, Chairman of the Financial Services Development Council and Non-official Member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR Government; and Mr. Peter Wong, Group Managing Director of HSBC Group and Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

Mrs. Cha praised COFCO’s incentive strategy and encouraged organisations to stay “innovative in terms of management and global in terms of outlook”. “You cannot expect an enterprise to prosper [without proper incentives],” she said. Mr. Wong added that it was crucial to set the right balance when rewarding employees.

The discussion then turned to uncertainty in the global economy.

P.7“Everything put together is working to respond to the New Normal of the economy.” - Mr. Frank Ning

Mr. Ning explained that the “model of economic growth in China will have to shift” as slowing economies favour companies with a more consumer-orientated focus. Pointing out e-commerce’s role in changing the face of foreign investment and domestic consumption, Mr. Wong felt it was essential to have “international ideas mixed with local execution” for success. “How enterprises adapt to the New Normal is much more important than ever before,” Mrs. Cha remarked.

After the panel discussion, students and alumni took part in an Q&A session. It began with an enquiry regarding COFCO’s preliminary planning for future partnerships in Russia and India. Mr. Ning responded positively commenting on emulating COFCO’s technological innovations while embracing “exciting visions” for the future.

The discussion drew to a close with final remarks by Professor Edward Chen. He explained, “Everything is about the New Normal. The New Normal is characterised by the slowing down of the economy due to domestic and international factors… The growth rate will be 6-7%, which, for China, is relatively low – as China has to make room to create 10 million jobs a year… It is a difficult time for SOEs.”

Professor Chen reiterated Mr. Ning’s three key messages for SOEs – go private, go global and go virtual – before bringing the evening to a conclusion.


Mr. Frank Ning

Mr. Peter Wong

Mrs. Laura Cha

Professor Y C Richard Wong

Professor Shang-Jin Wei, Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank, shared the bank’s updated Asian Development Outlook and a special report on gender equity in Asia at the knowledge exchange lecture organised by the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong on September 22, 2015 at a packed Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall with some 200 faculty members, rapt students and alumni.

In the lecture entitled “Asian Development Outlook 2015 Update: Enabling Women, Energising Asia”, Professor Wei shared ADB’s views on the growth of developing Asian economies in the next two years and challenges that such economies will face. Touching upon the region’s downgraded growth prospects, Professor Wei pointed out the significance of China’s and India’s roles. He discussed the lowered projected Chinese GDP growth of 6.8%, or the “New Normal”, which includes factors such as a dropped birth rate, shrinking working population and higher average income levels. “Smartphones and other goods manufactured in China are less competitive when compared to other cheaper countries,” he said. He also highlighted the changing circumstances of the global economic environment where developed countries such as the US, the Eurozone and Japan are doing not so well. “This has slowed down the export sector,” he said.

For India, Professor Wei said its projected growth of 7.4% was lower than what had been hoped for but still higher than that of China. The downward revision comes from a slower than expected reform implementation on land acquisition and labour market. Also, many of the top Indian enterprises, such as Infosys and Wipro, operate in advanced economies where performance is lagging and growth is limited. He expected that inflation pressures in Asia are further easing partly due to lower global commodity prices. Asia’s regional growth will be lowered to

5.8% this year and 6.0% in 2016.

Professor Wei then elaborated the two particular challenges facing Asia’s growth – capital flow reversal and currency depreciation. The looming prospect of an US interest rate rise leaves policymakers to navigate a balancing act between financial sector stabilisation and demand stimulation. He also warned that Asian enterprises with large, short-term foreign debt but little such reserve were at risk and that countries, such as Cambodia and Indonesia, with higher foreign liability to asset ratios have to pay attention to rebalancing.

A special report on gender equity examining gaps in areas such as education, health and labour force participation between men and women was also presented. Professor Wei identified reasons inhibiting women’s workforce entry in Asia which includes cultural and social norms, legal frameworks and access to economic opportunities. “Many studies show that there is a salary gap and that women earn less than men,” he explained. The special report concluded – eliminating these gender inequalities could increase per capita income by over 30%. Professor Wei described a grant given by ADB to Ha’apai, a string of islands in Tonga, which was devastated by a cyclone last year. “The ADB offered a grant that included a condition regarding gender equity,” he said. The Ha’apai branch of the National Tonga Power Company was required to hire women to work on the power lines for the first time ever. “Contrary to conventional wisdom that men are better suited to the manual labour of power lines work, it turns out women are slightly more productive as they work steadily but throughout the day, whereas men are stronger but take more regular breaks,” he said. The outcome was so successful that the CEO launched a nationwide initiative to hire more women for these roles.



The Faculty Mentorship was first introduced in 2013 with the aim to provide undergraduate students with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge essential for the future career development through direct and active interaction with seasoned professional, executive and entrepreneurs. The 12-month programme enables 41 students to be each paired up with a mentor in 2015. In addition to providing career advice, mentors also help students build up soft skills and core competencies. Both mentors and mentees will be invited to a thanksgiving and inauguration ceremony in January 2016 where students of the 2015 programme will get a chance to thank their mentors and a new batch of mentees will be introduced to their mentors.

The Faculty of Business and Economics invited seasoned executives from four professional financial associations to give a series of seminars “Career Opportunities – Dialogue with Industry Leaders” in the evening on September 8 and 10 as well as October 5 and 8. The four associations were the Treasury Markets Association, The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts, Alternative Investment Management Association and Private Wealth Management Association.

Valuable experience of working in different fields of the financial industry, and what as well as how students should prepare themselves for joining the profession were shared in the well-received seminars that attracted the attendance of 345 HKU undergraduates and postgraduates.

FBE collaborated for the very first time with J.P. Morgan for two CV Building and Interview Workshops in October and November. The CV Building Workshop saw 87 undergraduates from different HKU Faculties learn from 14 executives from various divisions of the world-renowned investment bank on how to impress employers with a good resume. Similarly, 13 J.P. Morgan executives volunteered their time and effort to teach 71 undergraduates studying different majors vital skills to ace job interviews in the Interview Workshop.

“I found this workshop effective because the executives from J.P. Morgan are really experienced and professional. I do learn that I have inappropriateness in my CV. Also, I like the way of group discussions being held in different rooms, which makes the conversation efficient and customised,” said Betty Jiang, a Year 3 BEcon&Fin student who took part in the CV Building Workshop. “I am grateful to receive so many useful tips, but most importantly, the sincere encouragement from the executives,” she added.



Benjamin Carlucci, Associate,Corporate & Investment Bank,Client Service, J.P. Morgankick-started the workshop.

Sixty-two Year 1 and Year 2 students who enrolled in the courseField Experience in China Business Environment paid a 15-day visit to Shanghai from June 1 to June 15. Students were arranged to stay at the student residence of Fudan University and attended talks as well as guest and formal lectures delivered by successful alumni and prominent scholars.

During their time in Shanghai, they also had six corporate visits to offices including General Motors, Nanyang Commercial Bank, Oriental Phoenix, and Sony. Students were asked to present what they learnt from the tour in the end. A cultural tour to Suzhou, about 100 km northwest of Shanghai, was organised for students to enhance their understanding of mainland China. The programme was well-received by students.


P.13Three outstanding BBA (IBGM) students were nominated in January 2014 to join the prestigious Yale Visiting International Student Programme. The selected students spent a full academic year from August 2014 to May 2015 to broaden their horizons by taking unique courses and joining extra-curricular activities hosted by student organisations such as Yale Entrepreneur Magazine, Yale Undergraduate Consulting Group and Yale Reach Out.

“One of the most interesting experiences at Yale is the freedom to explore a wide range of unconventional courses. One of my favourites is a course called the History of Food, which not only covered historical facts about cuisine preferences, but also taught me how to view and think about food in a critical

manner,” said Rayna Wang, a programme participant, while another participant Michelle Chan said, “What I was most grateful for was the way Yale treated all Y-VISP students as full time undergraduates, with equal opportunities in academics and social life … It was so aspiring to be able to meet, hang out, and learn from friends who have their own special talents in many different ways.” Wing-yan Chan said, “Though my time there was short, Yale allowed me to become a better version of myself – unapologetic for stepping outside of others’ expectations to aspire for unconventional dreams, earnest in utilising every opportunity I was given to reinvent myself, and courageous in letting this new reincarnation live each minute to its fullest.”


Ho Chui Sze Tracy, a BBA(Law) student, spent a meaningful half year in Australia from February to July in 2015 participating in the ANZ UWA Business School Asia Fellowships programme. She studied at the business school of the University of Western Australia as an exchange student. “It is interesting to see professors conducting lectures with many open-ended questions. Students at UWA are highly motivated. Being influenced by the strong participative atmosphere, I tried to express my own view in front of 200 people in lectures,” she said.

The programme also allowed Tracy to take a paid internship at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited. “I spent most of my time in the Business Banking team and had chances to rotate around the company. My major job duty was to build a recording system for the loans the bank offers. It was very challenging. Luckily, all my colleagues were patient and helpful. They taught me step by step and encouraged me to ask and give suggestions,” she said.


Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 2015/16University Postgraduate Fellowship 2014/15University Postgraduate Fellowship 2015/16University Postgraduate Fellowship 2014/15Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 2015/16

Kwan Chung Yin JosephLiu YunanMao WenzhengMo JiaweiYang Yiming

Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Economics ScholarshipsMaster of Economics ScholarshipsMaster of Economics ScholarshipsMaster of Economics Scholarships

Chen WeixinHe ZhicanJiang ChenglingLi Yuting

Master of Economics

MBA (Hong Kong) ScholarshipAmCham Charitable Foundation Scholar AwardCiti Women in Leadership ScholarshipMBA (Hong Kong) ScholarshipMBA (Hong Kong) ScholarshipMBA (Hong Kong) ScholarshipMBA (Hong Kong) Scholarship

An Yi Chung Wai Keung Dewan Sumera Honeycutt Thomas Clayton Procopio Fabio Schissler Stephan Zhang Ruozhen

Master of Business Administration

MBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) ScholarshipsMBA (International) Scholarships

Chen FeiwenChen YujiaDing LanFan LeleFeng GuanghaoFeng YantingGong YuluGu WenkaiGuan YanLi QinLi YingxinLiu FeiLu JinyuanMa ChengchengMa JiaPeng BoShen YangShi DongmeiSun YeqingWan ZhaojunWang ChaoWang GuangwenWang XiaorongWu JianiWu MinqiangWu YingqiangXu FeiXu JingXu ShanshanXu XianYao YanYu LingweiZhang YiZhao LuZhong JunfangZhu QijieZhuang Jing

Master of Business Administration (International)

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland Students

Bali Kanika Blessing NawChan Hiu FungChang Chun-chiehCheng Ming-hai Fan Pik TungFan Yuen YanHan Seok Hoon Hsueh Hsin-yuHui Pui Man SophiaHwang Hsing-chiJo MinseoKim SeolKung Man HuenLam Karen Yun NokLee Sun MinLeung Jessica Wing TungLeung Tsz Ying JoanneLiu Liang-ChunLiu Vivian Hoi YiLui Ka ManLuk Ka YoungNg Karen Ka YanNg Tiffany Wan YingOh EunjeePark So JeongPhan Nguyen Dan TuyenRilwan Naveed AhamedRungta UditSebastio RandyTse Ka Cheuk Wong Chik Yee JaeyXie WenYam Ka YingYeh Su-rongYeung Cheuk Yin TiffanyZhang Jingdan

Bachelor of Business Administration

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland Students

Bali Kanika Blessing NawChan Hiu FungChang Chun-chiehCheng Ming-hai Fan Pik TungFan Yuen YanHan Seok Hoon Hsueh Hsin-yuHui Pui Man SophiaHwang Hsing-chiJo MinseoKim SeolKung Man HuenLam Karen Yun NokLee Sun MinLeung Jessica Wing TungLeung Tsz Ying JoanneLiu Liang-ChunLiu Vivian Hoi YiLui Ka ManLuk Ka YoungNg Karen Ka YanNg Tiffany Wan YingOh EunjeePark So JeongPhan Nguyen Dan TuyenRilwan Naveed AhamedRungta UditSebastio RandyTse Ka Cheuk Wong Chik Yee JaeyXie WenYam Ka YingYeh Su-rongYeung Cheuk Yin TiffanyZhang Jingdan

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsAbdoolally Ebrahim and Company (Hong Kong) Limited ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Amemiya ChieArman ClaudiaAu Chun Ho JasonBaid SanidhyaBi XumingBram Adrian Cai WanjingChan Ching YinChan Hin Fan WesleyChan Ip LongChan Lok Tung DilysChan Nga ManChan Pei LingChan Shuk ManChan Yuen FanChao Hoi IengChen Chieh-Han Chen Chieh-yuChen Guan-yiingChen JiaaiChen ZhirouCheng Shing YuCheung Shuk HanCheung Tsz Fan Cheung Tung In MargaretChia Shio KhanChiang Che-anChiang Chia-lingChiu Ho TingChiu Lin Chu Chiu Wing YanCho Seong Kyeong

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsTargeted Scholarship Scheme under the HKSAR Government Scholarship FundRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsVietnam Van Thinh Phat ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLau Chak Kwan Cheng So Hing ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardSports ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardResona Bank Awards for Japanese StudiesTalent Development ScholarshipThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) ScholarshipRosita King Ho Scholarships

Choi Dong Gyue Chong Eunice CerisChoo Athena Jia YeeChou Shen ChiChow Hoo Keen Chow Ka WingChowdhury RantissaChu Chun YinChu Hei Ling EuniceChuah Xin YinChuang Ka KaChung CherylChung Cho KiuChung Hsuan-hungChung Tsoi WingCui ShaojuCui Wen Dau Thi My DuyenDeng PeisiDing JieDo Sol MiDuen Pui YeeElizabeth JenniferFong Yik YeungGao Miaojia Gao ShuaiGu ShiyiGuo YihanGuo YinbaoHan HosungHanzdima Audrey CecilineHe XiaolinHewa Lunuwilage Udeshika Dewduni MendisHo HsunHo Wing HaHon Ka YanHon Yuen FoonHong Alan Ngou KitHsu Kai-chunHu Chun-ping Hu YuxuanHuang CunchenHuang WenqingHuang Yajing Huang Yung-hsiangHuang ZifengHussain OsamaIp Cheuk YanIp ChingJiang ZiyaoJung Su HyunKai CheungKang Eun Bi

Kang YoonsikKim JinKim JinwooKim Si HyunKo Wai Ching AnnKook Seul JiKristina VivianKwak ByeonghyeonKwan Yau Ming Kwok Tsz Ting Lai Chia-jouLai Cho WaiLam Hin LongLam Ho Yan ChristyLam Ka YingLam Kun Hoa


HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsTargeted Scholarship Scheme under the HKSAR Government Scholarship FundRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsVietnam Van Thinh Phat ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLau Chak Kwan Cheng So Hing ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardSports ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardResona Bank Awards for Japanese StudiesTalent Development ScholarshipThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) ScholarshipRosita King Ho Scholarships

Choi Dong Gyue Chong Eunice CerisChoo Athena Jia YeeChou Shen ChiChow Hoo Keen Chow Ka WingChowdhury RantissaChu Chun YinChu Hei Ling EuniceChuah Xin YinChuang Ka KaChung CherylChung Cho KiuChung Hsuan-hungChung Tsoi WingCui ShaojuCui Wen Dau Thi My DuyenDeng PeisiDing JieDo Sol MiDuen Pui YeeElizabeth JenniferFong Yik YeungGao Miaojia Gao ShuaiGu ShiyiGuo YihanGuo YinbaoHan HosungHanzdima Audrey CecilineHe XiaolinHewa Lunuwilage Udeshika Dewduni MendisHo HsunHo Wing HaHon Ka YanHon Yuen FoonHong Alan Ngou KitHsu Kai-chunHu Chun-ping Hu YuxuanHuang CunchenHuang WenqingHuang Yajing Huang Yung-hsiangHuang ZifengHussain OsamaIp Cheuk YanIp ChingJiang ZiyaoJung Su HyunKai CheungKang Eun Bi

Kang YoonsikKim JinKim JinwooKim Si HyunKo Wai Ching AnnKook Seul JiKristina VivianKwak ByeonghyeonKwan Yau Ming Kwok Tsz Ting Lai Chia-jouLai Cho WaiLam Hin LongLam Ho Yan ChristyLam Ka YingLam Kun Hoa HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Lee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsClass of 1978 ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsVietnam Van Thinh Phat ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsThe Hong Kong Jockey Club ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Lam Ming ShenLau Brian Siu LamLau Ka ChunLau Leo Hon PanLaw Ka ChunLee Jun JaeLee Lai YinLee Pei Yee, FannyLee Wing YeeLee Zhi-xin RhiannonLeung Hoi YinLeung Kwan YatLeung Pak HoLeung Wai KeiLi JieranLi Kei TingLi Kim WaiLi ManlingLi MengLi Mengyuan Li XinLi ZhengyuanLiang William James Lien Huai-jenLin ChaohanLin Ya-chihLiu FeihuaLiu JianzheLiu SichangLiu Wing YeeLo Ka WingLo Siu YeungLoke Sebastian Mun FooLow Mindy Su FunLu XiaotingLuk Fiona Fong WahLuo MengjieMa TiangeMai YajunMak Ping YanMan Hon SangMan Sze WingMo Wing In CharisMohanty ShikhaNg Wing PoNg Yan TingNguyen Truong Nhu PhungPark HeeyoungPark MinyongQi JufengQian ChenhanQin Jiming Razi Syed Alim UlSeo Solyoung Shen ChangliShi WeiShin SoohyunSohn Myoung JiSun JiaSun XueSze Wing FungTai Ka LeeTang Chi Hei GeoffreyTang Pak HinTang XinkaiTang YingxiTang YiningTang YulingTated ArushiTsai Meng EnTsang Cho TingTsang Ka Ki Wang JiaxinWang JixinWang Wai Ning

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsClass of 1978 ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsVietnam Van Thinh Phat ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsThe Hong Kong Jockey Club ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Lam Ming ShenLau Brian Siu LamLau Ka ChunLau Leo Hon PanLaw Ka ChunLee Jun JaeLee Lai YinLee Pei Yee, FannyLee Wing YeeLee Zhi-xin RhiannonLeung Hoi YinLeung Kwan YatLeung Pak HoLeung Wai KeiLi JieranLi Kei TingLi Kim WaiLi ManlingLi MengLi Mengyuan Li XinLi ZhengyuanLiang William James Lien Huai-jenLin ChaohanLin Ya-chihLiu FeihuaLiu JianzheLiu SichangLiu Wing YeeLo Ka WingLo Siu YeungLoke Sebastian Mun FooLow Mindy Su FunLu XiaotingLuk Fiona Fong WahLuo MengjieMa TiangeMai YajunMak Ping YanMan Hon SangMan Sze WingMo Wing In CharisMohanty ShikhaNg Wing PoNg Yan TingNguyen Truong Nhu PhungPark HeeyoungPark MinyongQi JufengQian ChenhanQin Jiming Razi Syed Alim UlSeo Solyoung Shen ChangliShi WeiShin SoohyunSohn Myoung JiSun JiaSun XueSze Wing FungTai Ka LeeTang Chi Hei GeoffreyTang Pak HinTang XinkaiTang YingxiTang YiningTang YulingTated ArushiTsai Meng EnTsang Cho TingTsang Ka Ki Wang JiaxinWang JixinWang Wai Ning

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEmperor Foundation ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardSports ScholarshipsDr. Woo Hon Fai Memorial ScholarshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Wang XiaoluWang YueWang ZhixinWei Hong JieWen TingWong Ching Wai JanetWong Chun Wai Wong Ho PangWong Kong KiWong Man YeeWong Shuk YiWong Yu Kiu KodyWu JinzeWu RuiWu SangWun Ting KwanXiao ChangqiXiao LihuaXiao XiaoXie JingruiXing LinzhouXu DiyuXu QingXu WantingYan GeYan Hoi Tung AbbyYan XiaoyiYang Xinyi Yeh Chun ChihYeung Man WaiYi PengyuYin CuiwenYou YiYu Hee JungYu YidiYuan MengYuan ShuaiYuen Ho MingYun Min JaeZhang Chuyi Zhang JiayanZhang LeweiZhang LiwenZhang QiZhang RuihangZhang WanzhiZhang Yumeng Zhao YeZheng HeyuanZhong Xin Zhou TongZhou XingzhiZhu JiarongZhu YilinZong Yue



HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEmperor Foundation ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardSports ScholarshipsDr. Woo Hon Fai Memorial ScholarshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Wang XiaoluWang YueWang ZhixinWei Hong JieWen TingWong Ching Wai JanetWong Chun Wai Wong Ho PangWong Kong KiWong Man YeeWong Shuk YiWong Yu Kiu KodyWu JinzeWu RuiWu SangWun Ting KwanXiao ChangqiXiao LihuaXiao XiaoXie JingruiXing LinzhouXu DiyuXu QingXu WantingYan GeYan Hoi Tung AbbyYan XiaoyiYang Xinyi Yeh Chun ChihYeung Man WaiYi PengyuYin CuiwenYou YiYu Hee JungYu YidiYuan MengYuan ShuaiYuen Ho MingYun Min JaeZhang Chuyi Zhang JiayanZhang LeweiZhang LiwenZhang QiZhang RuihangZhang WanzhiZhang Yumeng Zhao YeZheng HeyuanZhong Xin Zhou TongZhou XingzhiZhu JiarongZhu YilinZong Yue

HKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsCMA and Donors ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Ahmed Shah Shameer Cheung Ka WingCheung YuenChiang Min-yen Doan Vu Anh DuongFan Wai SingGaurishankar SugandhaHuang YilanJiang Yuchen Khan Haider Humayun Lam Sui ManLeung Chi Yung

Bachelor of Economics

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsTang Pak Kau ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr Scholarships

Li JianLi KanLi YatingLiao MoyuLim Adele Shu XianLim Kai YeeLiu ChenyuanLuo WentingMak Hiu ChingShamsi Ibaad AhmedSharma Vanisha Wang YuxinWong Hin CheeWong Pik Yan Wong Shun Yi Xie SiyuZhang QingyanZhou WanghuiZhou Yixian

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsTalent Development ScholarshipRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsThe Bank of East Asia ScholarshipTricor Services Limited ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Aggarwal KushalAn MeihangAnthony Zee Kian KokBai TianyuBai YangBai YanjiaBang ChaemyeongBao Han Bhandari AngadBi Ran Cao ChunyiCao YixinChan Gareth Ho TingChan Hiu LamChan Hoi YeeChan Kwun HongChan Nicole Lii King Chan Siew KuanChan Tsz FungChan Tsz SinChan Waiga YukiChan Yuen YingChang Jeong Yoon Joanna Chang Te ShengChen HsinChen MingyiChen Sin YingChen Xigejiao Chen Yimei Chen YingCheng Bangce Cheng Ho LamCheng Kwan YuCheung Ho WuCheung Ka YeungCheung Ngai Yin Chin Shih KeanChoi EunsukChoi Ki Kit Choi Min KyuChong Wei ChinChow Tsun KinChu Ching-Hsuan Chu Hei ChingChu Kwok HangChung Brian Ho Yin

Bachelor of Economics and Finance

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTargeted Scholarship Scheme under the HKSAR Government Scholarship FundReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Chung Hee JinDeng KenDeng YanranDu RunqiuDuan ShengnanFan JiachenFan YaoyaoFang HuijiaFeng Qi Feng ZiangGambhir KrishnaGao ZhitongHan DanyangHan Ji HyunHan Lu Hasan NaziaHe BoHe ZhuorenHo Chui Yee Ho Chun HeiHo Tsz Yu Hsia Wei-HsuanHsu Li-ying Hu Hao Hu Qiuyu Hu SijiaHu Yiran Huang Chao-hsuanHuang Guanyu Huang HongjiangHuang LuHuang XinyueHuang Yanqi Hur Seung HeeIdrees ShayanIn Yeon SooIp Wing ToJacinda GabyJewan Shareefa YoushnaJiang Huiling Jin JiaqiJin YanningJin YuanJun MinkyungKamal TalhaKao Tze-keng Karim SafwaanKim SeongjaeKo Lok MingKoo Chak YinKou XinmengKu Ka WaiKua Jingbin EdmundKumar AvinashKwok Wing HeiLai Chun-yuLai Lok ChiLai QimeiLai Wei Xian Lam Tin Wa Lau Pak HeiLau Sin HaLau Yu YingLe Minh Nhat


HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsThe Hong Kong Jockey Club ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Lee Da EunLee Daeun Lee Dahun Lee JaewhanLee JiwonLee Kyung MinLee Seung JuLee Shuk FanLee Siew TsienLee Soyoung Lee Yong JinLeung Ka YanLi ChangshengLi Haoran Li LinxiaoLi LuanLi Mingyang Li QinshuLi Siyao

Li Wai Shan SarahLi WenshaoLi YifanLian QinyiLiang LumingLiang YingziLiao Jingqiu Lim BeiLim DongchanLin ChenyueyaLin JialiangLin Pingyi Lin TongLin Yen-yu Lin Yueh-chunLin ZitongLiu JianhaoLiu LeyaoLiu MeijunLiu Meizhu Liu Nan Liu PeiyuLiu TengLiu Ting- ChunLiu XiLiu YijingLiu YueLo An Yee AnnLu Jui-niLun Siu FaiLuo TianqingMan Tsz Yan CherryMazgalova Irina VeselinovaMiao YingMittal Soumya Mohamed Musammil MiflalMok Ka WingNew Wei JingNg Chiu KiNg Chong ShengNg Joe HuiNg Su TienNg Ying YingNg Yuen ShanNie Lianqi Nikhat Mahir AbrarPan LiuyanPan MengyiPan Mingcong

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTargeted Scholarship Scheme under the HKSAR Government Scholarship FundReaching Out AwardReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Chung Hee JinDeng KenDeng YanranDu RunqiuDuan ShengnanFan JiachenFan YaoyaoFang HuijiaFeng Qi Feng ZiangGambhir KrishnaGao ZhitongHan DanyangHan Ji HyunHan Lu Hasan NaziaHe BoHe ZhuorenHo Chui Yee Ho Chun HeiHo Tsz Yu Hsia Wei-HsuanHsu Li-ying Hu Hao Hu Qiuyu Hu SijiaHu Yiran Huang Chao-hsuanHuang Guanyu Huang HongjiangHuang LuHuang XinyueHuang Yanqi Hur Seung HeeIdrees ShayanIn Yeon SooIp Wing ToJacinda GabyJewan Shareefa YoushnaJiang Huiling Jin JiaqiJin YanningJin YuanJun MinkyungKamal TalhaKao Tze-keng Karim SafwaanKim SeongjaeKo Lok MingKoo Chak YinKou XinmengKu Ka WaiKua Jingbin EdmundKumar AvinashKwok Wing HeiLai Chun-yuLai Lok ChiLai QimeiLai Wei Xian Lam Tin Wa Lau Pak HeiLau Sin HaLau Yu YingLe Minh Nhat

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardC.V. Starr ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsThe Hong Kong Jockey Club ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee Scholarships

Lee Da EunLee Daeun Lee Dahun Lee JaewhanLee JiwonLee Kyung MinLee Seung JuLee Shuk FanLee Siew TsienLee Soyoung Lee Yong JinLeung Ka YanLi ChangshengLi Haoran Li LinxiaoLi LuanLi Mingyang Li QinshuLi Siyao

Li Wai Shan SarahLi WenshaoLi YifanLian QinyiLiang LumingLiang YingziLiao Jingqiu Lim BeiLim DongchanLin ChenyueyaLin JialiangLin Pingyi Lin TongLin Yen-yu Lin Yueh-chunLin ZitongLiu JianhaoLiu LeyaoLiu MeijunLiu Meizhu Liu Nan Liu PeiyuLiu TengLiu Ting- ChunLiu XiLiu YijingLiu YueLo An Yee AnnLu Jui-niLun Siu FaiLuo TianqingMan Tsz Yan CherryMazgalova Irina VeselinovaMiao YingMittal Soumya Mohamed Musammil MiflalMok Ka WingNew Wei JingNg Chiu KiNg Chong ShengNg Joe HuiNg Su TienNg Ying YingNg Yuen ShanNie Lianqi Nikhat Mahir AbrarPan LiuyanPan MengyiPan Mingcong

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLau Chor-Tak Scholarship for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsClass of 1978 Scholarships

Pang BinPang Hin YeungPark ChanhwoiPark Seo HyePeng Jing Prasertsintana NusabaPunjabi Punjabi Manish DeepakQiu JiangjieQue WeichenRhee DonsungSantoshkumar SharujanSenevirathne Heeleliyana Arachchige U.Shen XiSheng SijieShi Di Shia Pei ShanShih Yun-tsoShwe Htet ThiriSim Yi Qi Singh TanyaSrivastava ShubhamStieglitz Sophie KimSu HangSu KeSu Pak ManSun ShengdiSun XiaoyuSun ZhichenTai On Tik Tam Wai PongTan JingyaoTan Kha HauTang Ho Man Tang JiantingTang Jiejun Tang Kai SinTang Nan Tang SiyuanTang YuwenThu Hpone MyintTian JingyiTian LingziTian Meng Tong Tsz ChunTong Wing LamTsai Ching YuTsou Chih-YuTsui Ho YinTu YuxiWadhwani Namita Wan Zhiyu Wang JingWang JunziWang Ko-chengWang Ruoyin Wang SicongWang SongWang Wai Lung DavidWang XiaohongWang Yuebo Wang Yu-hsiangWong Chi PangWong Ching Yee KarenWong Kelly Ka HeiWong Pang ChakWong Wing Man


HKU - Notre Dame Scholarships for Student ExchangeRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsKowloon Chamber of Commerce ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Wong Wing YeeWong Yik LungWu DieWu I-chengWu Muyang Wu TianhaoWu TianxiaoWu YangXiang ShiyiXiong ShipingXu JingXu RuiyiXu Wei Xu YimingXu ZijunYan Mengjia Yang Bin LiYang ChaozhongYang RuoxuanYang ShuoYang Xi Yao ChuangYao WeiluYao YuzhiYeung Sheung WaiYeung Tsz HimYin ZixinYip Wing ShanYoon JisooYu Da VieraYu HaiyueYu ShirongYu XingchengYuan Hongjie Yuan QichangZaheer ZoyaZeng BinweiZeng JiZhang Ankai Zhang JingxuanZhang JingyingZhang LiZhang Lifen Zhang LinZhang Linnan Zhang YueyangZhang YujieZhang Yunchou Zhang ZhehangZhang ZiyuZhao Xinyu Zhao YanningZheng Jiayi Zhou Hua Zhou MengxuanZhou NengZhou Yi Zhu BingyangZhu ShaoyuZhu YiqingZhu Yiwen Zou Yue Zuberi Nael Hamdani

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLau Chor-Tak Scholarship for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsSports ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsClass of 1978 Scholarships

Pang BinPang Hin YeungPark ChanhwoiPark Seo HyePeng Jing Prasertsintana NusabaPunjabi Punjabi Manish DeepakQiu JiangjieQue WeichenRhee DonsungSantoshkumar SharujanSenevirathne Heeleliyana Arachchige U.Shen XiSheng SijieShi Di Shia Pei ShanShih Yun-tsoShwe Htet ThiriSim Yi Qi Singh TanyaSrivastava ShubhamStieglitz Sophie KimSu HangSu KeSu Pak ManSun ShengdiSun XiaoyuSun ZhichenTai On Tik Tam Wai PongTan JingyaoTan Kha HauTang Ho Man Tang JiantingTang Jiejun Tang Kai SinTang Nan Tang SiyuanTang YuwenThu Hpone MyintTian JingyiTian LingziTian Meng Tong Tsz ChunTong Wing LamTsai Ching YuTsou Chih-YuTsui Ho YinTu YuxiWadhwani Namita Wan Zhiyu Wang JingWang JunziWang Ko-chengWang Ruoyin Wang SicongWang SongWang Wai Lung DavidWang XiaohongWang Yuebo Wang Yu-hsiangWong Chi PangWong Ching Yee KarenWong Kelly Ka HeiWong Pang ChakWong Wing Man

HKU - Notre Dame Scholarships for Student ExchangeRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsKowloon Chamber of Commerce ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsC.V. Starr ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Wong Wing YeeWong Yik LungWu DieWu I-chengWu Muyang Wu TianhaoWu TianxiaoWu YangXiang ShiyiXiong ShipingXu JingXu RuiyiXu Wei Xu YimingXu ZijunYan Mengjia Yang Bin LiYang ChaozhongYang RuoxuanYang ShuoYang Xi Yao ChuangYao WeiluYao YuzhiYeung Sheung WaiYeung Tsz HimYin ZixinYip Wing ShanYoon JisooYu Da VieraYu HaiyueYu ShirongYu XingchengYuan Hongjie Yuan QichangZaheer ZoyaZeng BinweiZeng JiZhang Ankai Zhang JingxuanZhang JingyingZhang LiZhang Lifen Zhang LinZhang Linnan Zhang YueyangZhang YujieZhang Yunchou Zhang ZhehangZhang ZiyuZhao Xinyu Zhao YanningZheng Jiayi Zhou Hua Zhou MengxuanZhou NengZhou Yi Zhu BingyangZhu ShaoyuZhu YiqingZhu Yiwen Zou Yue Zuberi Nael Hamdani

Swire Exhibitions (for Swire Hall)HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsSports ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International Students

Chan Cheuk TingChen XiaoruiCheung Wing YeeChu King Ting KevinHo Cheuk Hei ChrisLee Ka Nok ChristopherLi Tsun HoLiu Tsz YinRafeek Mohamed RuzaikShen Pei-minSze Chun LungXi JialeiXia Zhengyang

Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)

Lau Chak Kwan Cheng So Hing ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHSBC Hong Kong ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTang Pak Kau ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe ANZ UWA Business School Asia FellowshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLi Po Chun ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHogan Lovells Scholarship in Law for LLB StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardKelvin and Vicci ScholarshipSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipThe Albert Young Foundation Limited Scholarship

Au Mei NganChan Chung YanChan Hoi Ying Chan Kwan HangChan Kwok WanChan Tsz HeiChan Wang Hei ChristopherChan Wing LamChan Wing Yan JacquelineChan Yin TungCheng Hoi ManCheung Chun WeiCheung Man HoCheung Man YiChing See NgaChiu Sin To SusannaChiu Suet TungChoi WinniChong Wai PangChong Yik YuenChu Jonathan Lok TingChui Wai HoChung Ting Hin AlexFu Man YingFung Chun Ki Ha Wai YeeHo CharmaineHo Chui SzeHo Sheung Him Ho Wing Yuk Ho Yuen YingHui YuetKo Chung Him EricsonKong Wing KeiKung Long YiKwan Yi Nga EosKwok Fong Yan Teresa Kwong Yuan ShangLai Wing SumLam Chak Cheung Lam Chun Tat VictorLam Hiu TungLam In OnLam Ka YikLam Siu KeiLam Tsang Lung DavidLam Wing TatLam Ying Tung Lam Yuen PuiLau Fan HoLau Ka Man

Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)


HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEliot Hall Memorial ScholarshipReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe Hong Kong Jockey Club ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEliot Hall Memorial ScholarshipReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland Students

Lau Kwun ShingLee Ka WanLee Oi YingLeung Lok LamLeung Man Hon JonathanLeung Siu FungLeung Tat HangLo Shuk InLuk Wai ChungMa Ching ChingMak Hiu Ying Man Wing KanNg Chun Wai Jonathan Or Wai SumPang Chak Fung AdrianShum YinTo Shiu HeiTsang Suet Yee MichelleTsang Sze WaTse Sin Yi VictoriaTsui Kit Mei SammyTsui Yan KiWong Kit YanWong Wai Ling JessieWong Wai Tak Victor Wong Wing Yu Wu Pak Ho Yau Chun BunYip Si Ching Cheryl Yiu Nga WaiYu YeZhang JingxiaoZhu Zhu

Lau Chak Kwan Cheng So Hing ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHSBC Hong Kong ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTang Pak Kau ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe ANZ UWA Business School Asia FellowshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLi Po Chun ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardTalent Development ScholarshipBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHogan Lovells Scholarship in Law for LLB StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardKelvin and Vicci ScholarshipSir Man Kam Lo/Jardine ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipThe Albert Young Foundation Limited Scholarship

Au Mei NganChan Chung YanChan Hoi Ying Chan Kwan HangChan Kwok WanChan Tsz HeiChan Wang Hei ChristopherChan Wing LamChan Wing Yan JacquelineChan Yin TungCheng Hoi ManCheung Chun WeiCheung Man HoCheung Man YiChing See NgaChiu Sin To SusannaChiu Suet TungChoi WinniChong Wai PangChong Yik YuenChu Jonathan Lok TingChui Wai HoChung Ting Hin AlexFu Man YingFung Chun Ki Ha Wai YeeHo CharmaineHo Chui SzeHo Sheung Him Ho Wing Yuk Ho Yuen YingHui YuetKo Chung Him EricsonKong Wing KeiKung Long YiKwan Yi Nga EosKwok Fong Yan Teresa Kwong Yuan ShangLai Wing SumLam Chak Cheung Lam Chun Tat VictorLam Hiu TungLam In OnLam Ka YikLam Siu KeiLam Tsang Lung DavidLam Wing TatLam Ying Tung Lam Yuen PuiLau Fan HoLau Ka Man

The Li & Fung ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsKoo Shui Ting Memorial ScholarshipsHSBC Hong Kong ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships

Au Kak LoiAu Yeung TsunChan Ching HoChan Jason Jin AnChan Justin Jin LeChan Ying Kit StevenChen Yudou Chng Wen TingDu Yihe Fung Chun HoHuang XintongHui SamsonIp Wing Chui RachaelKwong Lok Man HarrisonLai Wing LamLau Chun PongLau Wing SeeLee DoohyunLi Hoi FaiLi JieLiu Junru Mo RuyanNg Jason Hoi ChunNg Wai CheongSun YilinTjahjadi Sharon AnastasiaTse Man HeiWang Yiwei Wong Chun Yeung Wong Hok Chun AnsonWu YeXu YidiYan ShengleYau Lap Man Yip Yuk KeiZhang JianingZhang Yi

Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipRosita King Ho ScholarshipsShanghai Commercial Bank ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsBank of China (Hong Kong) - HKU Students ScholarshipChartered Secretaries ScholarshipShun Hing Mong Kwok Ping Management ScholarshipRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsTalent Development ScholarshipHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsTang Pak Kau ScholarshipsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsJohn Swire Donor ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsCheng Tsoi Hou Sing Memorial ScholarshipsKai Chong Tong ScholarshipHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsReaching Out AwardEvergreen Scholarships for Student EnrichmentRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardThe Bank of East Asia ScholarshipReaching Out AwardTang Pak Kau ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsPhilip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships

Chan Chung Hong NigelChan Hon Yan Christie Chan JennyChan Sing YuChan Wai HinChan Wing Hang AvisChan Wing Yan Chan Yin FanCheung Kwok YuenChiu Chun Cheung JasonCho Yu Hin JeffreyChoi Yoon Hwa Di Giacomo Horcel ThomasDing Jiqin Foo Fang Ying RachelHo Chor TingHo Joyce LokseeHui Chun HimJim King To AnthonyKim DohunKim Kyu BaekKoon Man YiKwan Ho Yin JasmineKwok Fu KitLam Chak YiuLee Ming Wai Katie Lee Soo Yeon Lee Tsz YuLeung Fung YingLi Ki Fung KelvinLi Yuk LokLiu YiwenLui Wai Shan MichelleLui Yuen Yue GladysMak Wing ChungNg Chi Wing Ng Ka LunNg Suen NgaiNg Yu TanPong Kin WahShah Shaili PareshkumarShen YidingShi JiayiShin JongminSum Man Hin Tsang Wing ChiWan Tsz KiWang RongWong Ho Kar OscarWong Kakeung Christopher Wong Kin Yee AndyWong Sung HimWoo Choi Yan JoycelynWu Chi FuYang Qiyin Yao FaiYeung Wing Lung Yeung Yuk LingYip Ki FungYu Hiu Wing SharonYu Leping

Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management


The Li & Fung ScholarshipsTalent Development ScholarshipRosita King Ho ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsKoo Shui Ting Memorial ScholarshipsHSBC Hong Kong ScholarshipLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland Students

Au Kak LoiAu Yeung TsunChan Ching HoChan Jason Jin AnChan Justin Jin LeChan Ying Kit StevenChen Yudou Chng Wen TingDu Yihe Fung Chun HoHuang XintongHui SamsonIp Wing Chui RachaelKwong Lok Man HarrisonLai Wing LamLau Chun PongLau Wing SeeLee DoohyunLi Hoi FaiLi JieLiu Junru Mo Ruyan

Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

Reaching Out AwardHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsReaching Out AwardHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsReaching Out AwardRosita King Ho ScholarshipsLee Shau Kee ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland StudentsHKSAR Government Scholarship FundHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding StudentsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsThe Li & Fung ScholarshipsHKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding International StudentsPhilip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships

Ng Jason Hoi ChunNg Wai CheongSun YilinTjahjadi Sharon AnastasiaTse Man HeiWang Yiwei Wong Chun Yeung Wong Hok Chun AnsonWu YeXu YidiYan ShengleYau Lap Man Yip Yuk KeiZhang JianingZhang Yi

Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student 2013-14Xia Yifei

Doctor of Philosophy

Walter Cheung Prize for Academic AchievementsChan Wai Shun

Master of Business Administration

The Brian & Sally Stewart Prize for the Best B.B.A. StudentChong Chi Kong Prize in History

Agarwal ShrutiLaw Cheuk Lem Monty

Bachelor of Business Administration

Alumni Association in Malaysia and Singapore Jubilee PrizeHKU-Simon K.Y. Lee Hall Social Responsibility PrizeLim Peck Siu Prize for the Promotion of Cultural ActivitiesSwirians of the Year AwardDr. Joe Lu Memorial Prize in AccountingThe Taxation Institute of Hong Kong PrizeChartered Secretaries Subject PrizeThe Chartered Institute of Management Accountants PrizeNg Wing Chi Prize in Chinese HistoryW.S. Wong Prize in AccountingCPA Australia Excellence Award

Chan Ming TaiChan Tsz Him Cheung Wing KaiHo Kwan TungHo Oi MeiKo Wai Ching AnnLi JieranSzeto Ka YanYan XiaoyiYeung Chi Sun

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance

Jao Tao Su Prize in EconomicsLi Jian

Bachelor of Economics

Jao Tao Su Prize in FinanceRonald Hsia Prize in Economics

Bi RanShen Xi

Bachelor of Economics and Finance

Hong Kong University Alumni PrizesLee Ka Nok Christopher

Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)

Holman Fenwick Willan Law Prize in Law of Contract I & IIHolman Fenwick Willan Law Prize in Law of Contract I & IIPeter Willoughby Memorial Prize for Property Law I & IICPA Australia Excellence AwardBaker & McKenzie Prize in Commercial Law

Cheung Chui HanCheung Chun WeiChiu Man TingLee Ka WanMa Inez Rachel

Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)

The Skyer (Freshman) AwardCentre for Applied English Studies Book PrizeGrace Wei Huang Memorial Prize

Mak Wing ChungNg Suen NgaiSum Man Hin

Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management



Chen Si Edwards Jonathan RichardGong WeiyunGuo Qijun He ZhicanJiang ChenglingLi Jiahui Li YaoLi YufeiLi YutingLin Xiaochen Liu TiantianMa Mingjiao Ning HuiruShiu King Pan Wai Pak LingWang Chong Wei XingWong Kai Yin David Wu WeijiaYu Shuyao

Master of Economics


Bao WeiChen HuanCheng GongCheng KaiDai MeilingDong YuanxinFu RuiqiangGuo SenliangHan YingHe MinchengHe TaoHe TingHong NaHuang HaoHuang WensiJia YinyinLi ChaoLi HanLi LiLi LimingLi LingLi WuLiang YanLin HaipingLin JinzheLong Zu AnLu XiaolanMao WeiqiPeng YajuanQian JianmingQian YutaoRong GangShang YongShen LiweiShen QingShi JunSun DianchaoSun ZixiaTao MiTian LantuTu YuanWang ChengWang DanWang GuopingWang JunWang QuanWang RongWang XiaoyanWang YanshenWang YingyingWu WeiXia YeXiao LiXu YanyanYin WenweiZhang FanZhang ShuaiZhang XiaoZhang YingyingZhao ChunhaoZhou PeiyongZhou TingZhou XiaominZhou Yuanru

Master of Business Administration (International)


Barry Michael Rory Mcalister Battice Deirdre Tamara Bian Ji Chadha Nikhil Chan Shuk Ling Margaret Chan Wai Shun Chan Wing Hong Anthony Ching Yuen Yuen Chiu Eddy Dewan Sumera Ferdinandi Marco Gazza Alessandro Gianani Hanisha Manohar Goel Priyanka Jha Honeycutt Thomas Clayton Kou Chuankai Kwoh Joni Bernardina Kwok Tsz On Lee Richard Seewhy Lee Tak Hing Wendy Leung Mio Chun Li Wai Yin Florence Lin Dan Liu Huaqiang Lo On Chi Masuda Yukiko Masuyama Yuka Moudoute Eboumbou Frantz Moujaes Samer Shehadeh Nath Kabir Ng Edward Ka Young Polisano Dominic Toby Schissler Stephan Seure Amelie Odile Marie Siu Yi Van Der Leest Yuri AlexisWang Keng Kiat Wei Zhifeng Wong Chi Wai Julianna Wong Man Yuk Raymond Yang Zhaoxuan Yin Yanli Yu Ying Zhang Minshan Zhu Jun

Master of Business Administration


Chan Chun KitChen LinCheung Lap BunFung Chi KitGe ShuHe XiangHo Hoi KiHo Ka WingHui Yu HangJing RuidongLee Tsz YanLi YufeiLiang Shenghua Lin JianyongLing Po FungLiu CongLiu XiaochenMa XiaohuiMak Ka Yan GraceShe YulingSong HaimingTang YinanWong Siu LunWong Tsz YingYang XiaozhouZhang ChangZhang ShushengZhao ZitongZheng Yixin

Master of Finance


Chan Hoi YanFan Yuen YanHyun JineuiJo Minseo Kung Man HuenLau Cheuk Nga ChristieLaw Cheuk Lem MontyLi Chak Pong AlanLi Fengting Liu Vivian Hoi YiNg Man HoPang Hong Lun Park So JeongXie WenYi Angela

Bachelor of Business Administration


BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)

Ahluwalia Rupinder Singh Chan Carrie Chan Hin Man Hillary Chan Kwok Keung Chan Nga Man Chan Pei Ling Chen Changyi Chen Haoxin Chen Jiaai Cheng Hon To Cheung Kam Yi Cheung Shuk Han Cheung Tung In Margaret Chiang Che-an Chiu Lin Chu Choong Kam Chong Newk SienChow Hoo Keen Chu Hei Ling Eunice Chuang Ka Ka Chung Hsuan-hung Chung Tsoi Wing Dau Thi My Duyen Deng Peisi Elizabeth Jennifer Fan Wai Ki Fong Ka Hei Fong Yik Yeung Fong Yuen Ching Gan Luqin Gao Shuai Gao Xinyi Gu Shiyi Guo Yue Hau Wai Yu Heung Wing Yan Hewa Lunuwilage Udeshika Dewduni MendisHo Chi King Ho Ka Lai Ho Oi Mei Ho Wing Ha Hu Yuxuan Hu Zhangyi Hui Anson Yeung Hui Chun Hei Jiang Han Jiang Wanning Kang Eun Bi Kaur Virpal Kim Hyun Ki Kim Si Hyun Kong Lingshu Kwok Tsz Ting Kwok Wing Ka Stephanie Lai Cho Wai Lai Tsz Ki Arthur Lam Kun Hoa Lau Brian Siu Lam Leong Amanda Shu Yi Leung Pui Yin Li Cai Li Jieran Li Manling Li Meng Li Mengyuan Li Xin Li Xueyang Li Zhengyuan Liang William James Lin Chaohan Liu Mei Ting Liu Wing Yee Liu Yikai Loke Sebastian Mun FooLuk Fiona Fong Wah Luo Hankun Qi Jufeng Seo Solyoung Shen Changli Shi Wei

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance


Chan Tsun KitCheung Ka WingCheung Man PanJiang YuchenKo Yee OnLi JianLi KanLi YatingLiao MoyuLiu ChenyuanTian YuanWang YuxinWong Hin CheeZhang Qingyan

Bachelor of Economics

BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]

Bai YangBang ChaemyeongBi RanCao YixinChan Yan NingChang Kai-kuanChang Yui Cheong RichardsChen Hsin-yiChen MingyiChen QianChen YingCheng Chi MeiCheng BangceCheng Siu KwanCheng Tsz Kiu JaniceCheung Ngai YinCho Kyu SangChoi JiyoungChu Ka Yan AmyChu Wai ChunDeng YanweiDeng KenDing YiDu RunqiuFan YaoyaoFeng ZiangFoo Fang LingGuo PeiqiHan LuHan DanyangHe ZhuorenHe JiachengHo HansonHu QiuyuHui Kar Long DesmundJin JiayingKao Tze-kengKo Lok MingKu Ka WaiKuang YangKwok Oi ChingKwok Wing HeiKwong Siu Kei AlexLai QimeiLam Tin WaLau Pak HeiLau Sin HaLau Yu YingLaw Chi KinLee Seung JuLee JiwonLee MinhaLee SoyoungLeung Kam FaiLeung WingLi Ho Yeung IsaacLian QinyiLiang LumingLiao QiLim BeiLin JialiangLin TongLin YuchenLin ZheLing ZhiweiLiu NanLiu ShuhanLiu XiLiu YueMeng ChuyaoMiao YingNg Chiu KiNg Chun WaiNie LianqiOuyang ZiyuePan WenyaPan MingcongPanchmatia Hrisheek KalpeshPark ChanhwoiPeng Jing

Bachelor of Economics and Finance

BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)BBA (Acc&Fin)

Sin Shui Wan Song Jingyi Sue Yui Hang Suen Tsz Fung Sun Jia Sun Yumeng Sze Yeuk Ting Emily Tang Pak Hin Tang Yat Sing Tian Jiani Tsang Ka Ki Tsang Mandy Chikiu Tse Chun Hin Tse Ho Ying Coco Wan Lai Wa Wang Huijing Wang Jixin Wang Yihan Wang Yue Wang Zhixin Wo Chun Nam Wong Cheuk Hang Wong Chun Wai Wong Ho Lam Gavin Wong Kong Ki Wong Kwan Ting Wong Shuk Yi Wu Sang Xiao Lihua Xie Jingrui Xu Diyu Xu Qing Xu Shenlu Xu Shiyue Xu Wanting Yam Ho Shing Yan Xiaoyi Yin Cuiwen Yu Yidi Yun Min Jae Zhang Chuyi Zhang Dongyu Zhang Jiayan Zhang Lewei Zhang Ruihang Zhang Xuelai Zheng Heyuan Zhou Bing Zhou Shiwen Zhou Tong Zhou Xingzhi Zhou Yanjun Zhu Yilin Zong Yue

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance


BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [3-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [3-Year]BBA(IS) [3-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [4-Year]BBA(IS) [3-Year]BBA(IS) [3-Year]

Chow Chi LingChu King Ting KevinHo Wing YiuHuan YongbeiKong Chun MingLee Ka Nok ChristopherLeung Kar Chun VictorLeung Ka WaiLung Yue Hin HinnesNg Yu TungSit Hon ShingTsang Chun Chi

Bachelor of Business Administration(Information Systems)

BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]BBA(IBGM) [4-Year]BBA(IBGM) [3-Year]

Chan Chung Hong NigelChan Hon Yan ChristieChan JennyChan Natalie Lai YeeChan Wai HinChan Wing Hang AvisChan Ying TungCheng Woon Ting StephanieChiu Chun Cheung JasonChiu Wai TingChoi Yoon HwaChui Ka YinKwan Ho Yin JasmineLai Man KitLam Lam Lee Ming Wai KatieLee Soo YeonLin Ka HeiLiu Yiwen Lui Wai Shan MichelleLui Yuen Yue GladysMak Wing ChungNg Chi WingNg Yu TanRauscher Julia SusannShum Chung MingSum Man HinWong Kakeung Christopher Wong Kin Yee AndyWu Chi FuYang QiyinYeung Wing LungYip Hiu YiYu Leping

Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management BBA(Law)&LLB

BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law)&LLBBBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [4-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law) [3-Year]BBA(Law)&LLB

Au Kin ChungChan Chun HoChan Chung YanChan Hoi YingChan Tsz Ting ChristyChan Wang Hei ChristopherChan Yui ChingChan Kwan HangCheung Chun WeiCheung Ka HoCheung Man YiChik Chun MingChiu Man TingChiu Sin To SusannaChiu Tsz LokChong Wai PangChu Lok YinFu Man YingFung Chun KiFung Kin HangFung Yi NiHa Wai YeeHo Chui SzeHo Sheung HimHo Yuen YingHui Kin WingKung Long YiKwok Fong Yan TeresaKwong Ka LeeLai Cheuk LunLam Chak CheungLam Tsang Lung DavidLam Siu KeiLau Fan HoLau Ka ManLau Yuen YingLau Philip HankungLaw Chui YingLee Ka WanLeung Chin HoLeung Hiu ChingLeung Hiu Yan AuroraLeung Tat HangLi Lok Hin DanielLiu Cheuk YingLo Shuk InLu Ming MeiMa Inez RachelMan Wing KanNg Chi Ho GaryNg Chun Wai JonathanNg Hoi WingOr Wai SumPoon YuetSin Ho Lam MarcoSum YanTang Yin HanTo EmilyTo Shiu HeiTong Chi LingTsui Yan KiWong Wai Tak VictorWong Wing SumWong Tung Ming KevinYan Lut Hang LillianYau Tsun FungYip Ho YeeYip Chau YeungYiu Nga WaiYu Chun Yin Alex

Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)

BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [3-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]BSc(QFin) [4-Year]

Au Kak LoiChen YudouChen LuCheung Tik KanChng Wen TingChung Tsz KanDu YiheHo Kai Yin DavidLai Wing LamLau Chun PongLee Chun HoLiu JunruLiu SihanQian MengqiSo Hin HangSun YilinTjahjadi Sharon AnastasiaTse Man HeiTsoi Yee MingWang RongxinWang YiweiWong Ying Yin DavidYan ShengleYau Lap ManYip Yuk KeiZhang Yi

Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]BEcon&Fin [4-year]BEcon&Fin [3-Year]

Peng YeQiu YufeiShen XiShou ZhuojunShum Ho PanStacia EdaSu YueTan ChangTang Hoi ChingTang SiyuanTong Ka Yat FelixTu YuxiWang ZiyangWang RuoyinWang SicongWang XiaohongWong Kwan ChiuWong Wing ShanWong Wing ManWu MuyangWu YangXu MenglanXu RuiyiXu WeiXu YimingYam Ho LamYang XiYang ZilingYang RuoxuanYang ShuoYao ChuangYao YaoYeung Sheung WaiYeung OscarYu HaiyueYu XingchengYuan HongjieYuen Man HinZeng BinweiZhang NanZhang LifenZhang YueyangZhang YunchouZhao XinyuZhong YuguoZhou HuaZhou NengZhou YiZhu XuanZhu YiwenZou Yue

Bachelor of Economics and Finance

Mr. Lee Ka Nok Christopher, BBA (IS) “FBE has always been very supportive in terms of aiding student activities and organising student enrichment programmes. One of the highlights would be the Faculty Student Exchange Programme, which offers me an opportunity to be an exchange student at the University of Southern California in the Fall Semester in 2014. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Faculty for supporting me to strive for excellence in both academic studies and extra-curricular activities.”

Miss Chan Hin Man Hillary, BBA (Acc&Fin)“I can always remember the slogan ‘HKU is a journey, not a destination’ I saw on my first day in school. My two years of study is indeed a journey, an extraordinary and fruitful journey. I met lifelong friends and created numerous wonderful memories. Everything has been so perfect and enjoyable that you did not even realise how time has been passing so quickly. Certainly, there were hard times where I was rushing for deadlines in the library and struggling for an internship. Yet, these experiences have made me grow more mature. More challenges are definitely coming up – exchange and graduate job hunting. But this is how we grow up, you fight and learn. The journey must go on.”

Miss Tse Ho Ying Coco, BBA (Acc&Fin)“Most FBE courses have integrated multiple elements in assessing students’ performance, including group presentations and case studies. These interactive opportunities with fellow classmates, not to mention the participation of international students who very often provide distinguished views from different cultural backgrounds, facilitated our learning experience and knowledge exchange. Other than traditional academic settings, I have also participated in several enrichment programmes designed by the Faculty to bridge the gap between academia and industry, which undoubtedly contribute to a more comprehensive study experience as a whole.”

Mr. Chiu Chung Cheung Jason, BBA (IBGM)“When I first step foot onto the HKU campus as a freshman, I never knew that I have embarked on such an exciting and fruitful journey. In the past year, I have travelled to more than four countries and ten cities on business study trips and case competitions. I have also been exposed to numerous industries, like the real estate industry, hotel industry, and private equity industry, through joining enrichment programmes offered by FBE and completing an internship. And on top of all these, I am glad to be recognised academically, being placed on the Dean’s Honour List.”

CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong Local Final 2015-16Organiser: The Hong Kong Society of Financial AnalystsDate: November 14, 2015Winners: Second Runner-up: Ms. Chen Yudou, BSc(QFin), Year 3 Ms. Cheng Hiu Ha, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 Mr. Chiu Chun Cheung Jason, BBA(IBGM), Year 2 Ms. Zhu Ouhaodi, BSc(Actuarial Science), Year 3

Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Programme 2015Organisers: Citi; Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceDate: July to August 2015Winners: Grand Award for Excellence: Miss So Wing Ah, BEcon&Fin, Year 3

Awards for Excellence: Mr. Cheung Ka Ho, BBA(Law), Year 4 Mr. Chun Wai Ching, BEcon&Fin, Year 3

YDC E-Challenge 2015Organiser: Young Entrepreneurs Development CouncilDate: December 2014 to June 2015Winners: Second Runner-up: Mr. Liu Ka Chun, BBA(IS), Year 3 Mr. Ng Chi Wing, BBA(IBGM), Year 3 Ms. Yip Nga Ying, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3



Mr. David Bishop’s Migrant Worker Advancement Project focuses on the advancement of migrant domestic workers. The project successfully partnered with several NGOs to provide solutions to the recruitment of domestic helpers. “I find it both a pleasure and a duty to utilise the knowledge and experience I have obtained to help those who are disadvantaged. I feel like my students, colleagues and I were able to accomplish a lot for the Hong Kong Migrant worker community last year,” he said.

Mr. David Bishop

Dr. Echo Wan’s research mainly focuses on the influence of consumers’ psychological states on their judgements and decisions as well as the implications for marketing. “I am very honoured to receive the Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2014-15. I am very thankful for the recognition from our Faculty. It also motivates me to continue with my enthusiastic pursuit of research on consumer psychology,” she said.

Undergraduate Programmes Dr. Kwok engages students in the learning process with a variety of in-class activities in his Introductory Economics courses. His conscientious effort to incorporate current macroeconomic issues into teaching materials enables students to connect theory and practice.

Dr. Kim is keen on experimenting with innovative teaching techniques. By inviting guest speakers to share industry experiences, she shows students how the marketing research methods they learnt are applied in the real world.

Dr. Echo Wan

Dr. Claudian Kwok Dr. Sara Kim

Taught Postgraduate Programmes

Dr. Tse tailors teaching strategies and materials to accommodate the learning and professional needs of his students in the MBA, IMBA and MFin programmes. He promotes independent and integrative learning which helps students develop research skills and multi-perspective thinking.

Dr. Zhou’s passion in economics has been passed on to his students who are inspired to see the world through the lens of economics. Students show high appreciation for Dr. Zhou’s instant feedback to them and his creativity in illustrating economic concepts with games.

Dr. Maurice Tse Dr. Wen Zhou


Mr. David LEE Senior Lecturer• JD, UCLA• MSc, London School of Economics • MA, Harvard University• BA, Brigham Young University

Dr. Min Chung KIM Assistant Professor • PhD, The University of Texas at Austin • MA, The University of Michigan• BBA, SungKyunKwan University

Dr. Shiyang HUANG Assistant Professor• PhD, London School of Economics • MA, Tsinghua University• BA, Tsinghua University

Dr. Thomas SCHMIDAssistant Professor• PhD, Technische Universität München • MSc, Technische Universität München

Dr. Yu XU Assistant Professor• PhD, MIT• BS, University of Iowa

Dr. Zigan WANG Assistant Professor• PhD, Columbia University • MPhil, Columbia University • MA, Columbia University • BA, Tsinghua University

Dr. Yinuo TANGAssistant Professor • PhD, University of Pittsburgh • MPA, Cornell University• BS, Tsinghua University

Dr. Zheng Jackie YANAssistant Professor• PhD, National University of Singapore • BBA, Fudan University

Professor Haipeng SHEN Professor • PhD, University of Pennsylvania • MA, University of Pennsylvania • BS, Peking University

Dr. Wei ZHANG Assistant Professor • PhD, UCLA• MS, Tsinghua University • BA, Tsinghua University

The China environment for retail brands– where to now?The Chinese Central Government is currently guiding the economy to a lower and more sustainable level of growth. Within this ‘new normal’ there exists a ‘jewel’ – the number of middle-income class consumers continues to grow. For example, in November 2014 China Singles Day sales reached USD9.3 billion. As PwC reports, although the pace of retail sales in China will continue to slow, retail sales will continue to rise. The World Bank also reports that retail sales continue to remain strong in 2015. By the year 2018 China is expected to be the world’s largest market for retail products. Moreover, PwC identifies that China accounts for the bulk of retail sales in Asia where sales are expected to rise from USD6.8 trillion in 2014, to USD10 trillion in 2018.

As the market for retail products in China develops, new competitive pressures arise. Local firms are raising their competitive capabilities through leveraging their distribution channel relationships, and applying their advanced knowledge of consumer preferences. This is placing foreign brands under intense pressure to raise their understanding of Chinese consumer preferences. Ongoing developments in regulatory requirements for household and fast-moving consumer products, for example, are also adding to challenges confronting firms in China; these regulations have been particularly pronounced in relation to food safety issues.

Dealing with the preferences of Chinese consumersReports by KPMG and the China Business Review also identify that there is a growing need for firms to develop products tailored to preferences and tastes of Chinese middle-class consumers. The US-China Business Council notes that Chinese consumers tend to be constantly seeking out the newest products. Consumers also appear to lack the emotional ties associated with brand loyalty, and express strong preferences for product novelty. When it comes to product technology, consumers tend to be early adopters.

The research paper by Professor Tse, Dr. Gu and Professor Hung was published in the Journal of Marketing in July 2008 (Vol. 72, pp.12-28). The paper was awarded a special prize for being in the world’s top 50 most cited papers in 2008; among 15,000 papers published in business, including all of the top-tier academic and professional journals in the world.

As a result, McKinsey’s reports that brands like Xiaomi, Yunnan Baiyao, and Jahwa are now applying customer-focused innovation through collaborating with consumers to refine their product offerings. Such marketing-based strategies are enabling local firms to grow their share of middle-class consumer markets in China. One example is Haier’s smaller washing machines that are targeted to the growing urbanized single-person household market. On the other hand, to meet the needs of the growing rural household market Haier is supplying larger and more robust washing machines that are also capable of washing vegetables. Another recent example is Jiangzhong Group’s introduction of mushroom biscuits that caught foreign competitors off guard, and so they quickly captured 2% of the market.

It’s an interesting time for brand managers, and their Guanxi networks

How will these developments affect Guanxi? As Professor David Tse, a China marketing strategy expert from HKU’s Faculty of Business and Economics explains: “The current situation in consumer product markets is putting pressure on brand managers to better understand how economic and social forces are influencing norms and rules that govern business to business behaviour in China”. He goes on to explain: “In such a turbulent and competitive environment, does Guanxi have limitations? Does it always provide firms with desired outcomes?”

With these issues in mind Professor Tse, together with colleagues Dr. Flora Gu from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Professor Kineta Hung from Hong Kong Baptist University set out to study the problem of ‘when does Guanxi matter’? With a focus on consumer brands, data was collected from 20 in-depth interviews and 282 survey responses from senior and middle managers responsible for implementing their firm’s brand marketing and sales strategies in China. The study included consumer product brands across personal care, food and beverages, electronics, housewares, and automobiles, for example. Findings from the research are discussed below.

When does Guanxi matter?

The research by Professor Tse and his colleagues confirms that Guanxi continues to play an important role for consumer brand


Guanxi networks have served many Chinese and foreign firms well in their pursuit of Chinese consumer markets. However, will this service continue as China transitions toward a more developed and globally competitive market economy?

P.31“Firms need to devise ways to corporatise interpersonal ties; remaining captive to personal relationships of individuals may not assist firms to develop capabilities that can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage”

Contributing Reporter: Michael Trimarchi, PhD

firms in China. It assists firms to access markets and grow their sales and market share. Through the process of building favours and obligations network members are obliged to assist each other. Network members provide access to ‘insider’ market information and assistance in decoding the intents of government policy. They also provide access to resources, including physical, financial, technological and human capital that would otherwise be unavailable. These factors are inefficient logistics systems. In China, Guanxi provides firms with important channel capabilities. Across the Guanxi network there exists an organisational culture that contributes to the effective monitoring and managing of channel activities. Favours and obligations built up within the network, including local government-owned enterprises, also serve to enhance the ability of firms to control channels.

The nature of the China market requires that firms build up responsive capability, or capabilities that enable them to effectively anticipate, prepare, and respond to changes in the market. Because China is a transitioning economy experiencing institutional market reforms, environmental uncertainties are high and responsive capability is a key firm competence for producing effective marketing strategies. The ability of brand managers to draw on obligations and information from other network members assists them to build the firm’s readiness for coping with anticipated and unanticipated market changes and/or threats.

When does Guanxi really matter?

These channel capabilities and responsive capabilities are unquestionably of value to the firm. However, as Professor Tse points out: “Firms need to devise ways to corporatise interpersonal ties; remaining captive to personal relationships of individuals may not assist firms to develop capabilities that can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage”. The research identifies that firms can do this in a number of ways. For example, firms like Hisense follow the practice of rotating their regional managers at least every two years. Another approach is for the firm to enhance the quality of B2B services it provides to partner firms; and it is important that partner firms recognize the value of such B2B services. The research also suggests that building valuable non-transferable resources through depersonalising and corporatising Guanxi presents a fundamental challenge to a firm.

When can the Guanxi ties that bind, turn into the ties that blind?

Professor Tse suggests that an understanding of the market-based pressures that are facing consumer brands in China leads to some important questions: “Is the turbulence in the market creating any negative impacts for Guanxi network associations?” Here, the research identifies two factors that lead to the destabilisation of relationships within Guanxi networks.

The first factor is competitive intensity. It exists when intense competition puts pressure on firms to differentiate products and/or seek product alternatives. As consumer product firms strive to meet the growing and also unique needs of Chinese consumers, financial pressures require the firm to maintain sales at a profitable level. When financial pressures are high, firms begin to focus on survival, which can serve to cause friction and conflict in relationships. When disagreements on how to deal with market pressures undermine mutual commitments, it can lead to discontinued support from network members. This can also cause firms to start looking for much needed assistance and resources, from firms that reside outside of the network.

The second factor is technological turbulence. It occurs when technological advances result in a situation where some Guanxi members are no longer able to contribute to the needs of other members. Firms that provide consumer product brands in China are under intense pressure to develop or acquire technology to enhance product development. They are also under pressure to lower costs through productivity enhancements. Here, a dilemma arises when firms within the Guanxi network do not possess the advanced capabilities required by ‘insider firms’ to pursue much needed technological advancements. The strong particularistic ties that underpin trust and deliver information and control benefits to firms within the network take time to build, and this can result in the slow acceptance of ‘outsiders’ into the network. When a situation such as this arises and has the potential to threaten a firm’s ability to maintain its technological edge, and its competitive position, the firm will need to assess whether it should stay or leave the network; it is possible that either option has the potential to destabilise the Guanxi network.

In conclusion, as the China market for consumer brands continues to grow, it appears that brand managers will need to continue to carefully assess the firm’s market position and the capabilities of their Guanxi partners.


More than 270 scholars from about 24 countries and regions joined the Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference 2015. The conference was co-hosted by the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong and the Business School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from June 19 to 21 on the CUHK campus.

Four top scholars on consumer research, Professors Darren Dahl, Mary Frances Luce, Angela Lee and Linda Price, gave keynote speeches to share their views on the development of consumer research from different perspectives. A total of 125 competitive papers, five special sessions, two roundtables, and 96 working paper posters were presented or displayed at the three-day conference.

“The research sharing from this conference has significantly benefited the Asia-Pacific consumer research community and scholars in consumer research and marketing. Moreover, consumer research and marketing scholars worldwide are impressed by the growing academic and research strength of HKU’s Faculty of Business and Economics. Given the significant influence of the Association for Consumer Research, this conference helps extend academic connections of our faculty to the global research community,” said Dr. Echo Wen Wan, Associate Professor of Marketing at HKU, who co-chaired the conference.



Fourteen penultimate year students from the Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance programme went on an international field trip to London, where they visited a number of financial institutions including Coutts and Co., one of the oldest private banks in the world; Aberdeen Asset management, a FTSE 100 Index asset management group; Berenberg, the world’s oldest merchant bank; HSBC, renowned multinational banking and financial services company; and the CFA Institute.

The students also joined a mini-conference that was co-organised for them by the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association and Imperial College of London Business School. The conference featured a number of prominent speakers, such as compliance experts from the Bank of England, and Chief Risk Officers and Treasurers from the risk management industry.

The trip enhanced students’ professional knowledge and gave them useful advices on career planning and progression through networking activities and firm visits.

HKU’s MBA Programme has been ranked No.1 in Asia for the sixth consecutive year since 2010 in the latest World MBA Rankings released by The Economist and the Programme has been ranked No. 26, one place up than the previous year, in its global ranking. Members of the University’s senior management, members on the Faculty’s Board of Directors and MBA Advisory Board as well as faculty members joined more than 150 current MBA students and alumni at a cocktail reception that was held in the evening on November 26 at Penthouse, Hang Seng Bank Headquarters in Central to celebrate the programme’s outstanding achievement. In his opening remarks, the President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU, Professor Peter Mathieson, sent his thanks to the Dean, Professor Eric Chang, the Faculty’s Board of Directors, MBA Advisory Board, MBA programme team, alumni and students for their joint effort that makes HKU MBA the best in Asia.



A group of 40 EMBA-Global Asia alumni and Class of 2017 students had the honour to welcome Professor Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences in 2001, to speak with them on Cyberport campus on Friday afternoon, September 11. Professor Spence discussed with the students his insightful views on the recent economic problems faced by China, the reactions of the worldwide stock markets, as well as what implications they have for the economic growth of developing economies.

More than 80 MBA students and alumni were inspired by Mr. Mario Moretti Poegato, founder and Chairman of the world-renowned Italian brand GEOX group on Wednesday evening, October 14, in a HKU MBA Leadership Talk held on the Town Centre campus. Mr. Poegato shared generously the secrets and tips of the birth and success of the internationally popular shoe manufacturer. The talk also had the honour of the presence of the Italian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mr. Antonello De Riu.

HKU has been named a CFA Programme Partner with the Master of Finance Programme (MFin), which covers at least 70% of the CFA Programme Candidate Body of Knowledge, including the ethical and professional standards paramount to CFA Institute.

Professor Eric Chang, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics said, “Our honourable partner, CFA Institute, is the gatekeeper and beacon of standards for the financial industry. Launching a programme partnership with them proves that our efforts in providing the best financial education — not just in the areas of academic theory and practical knowledge but also ethics, integrity, and excellence of practice — are highly recognised.”A lunch reception was held with the company of CFA Institute representatives and MFin alumni on October 9 to celebrate the partnership launch.



The Shanghai-based IMBA programme introduced its first-ever collaborative course in Hong Kong on supply chain management and logistics in May 2015. 27 IMBA students flew from Shanghai joined 31 MBA students in an intensive 4-day course featuring study groups, presentations, in-class projects, and an after-class mixer event.

Those who missed this chance to develop intellectually in Hong Kong got another opportunity in the summer. In July and August, the Faculty welcomed a total of 235 students who broke into four groups to join the IMBA Executive Workshop 2015. Students attended interactive class sessions and guest lectures by successful business leaders; visits to corporations and organisations, such as Independent Commission Against Corruption and DHL, also brought new insights to students.

Summer is always a busy season for IMBA. In August, the programme gladly received its latest batch of 264 students in an inauguration ceremony officiated by Dr. Y. F. Luk, HKU FBE Associate Dean (IMBA and Special Projects) and Dr. Zhiwen Yin, Fudan School of Management Associate Dean. New students kicked start their study in an intellectually challenging yet fun-filling orientation session. One of the highlights of the orientation was the fundraising evening organised by Meng Foundation (萌基金), a charity jointly founded by IMBA students and programme office.

FBE alumni from different classes celebrated the festive season at the Faculty’s annual Alumni Christmas Lunch held on December 12 this year in a Spanish restaurant in Central. Dean Eric Chang, Professor Keith Wong and Professor Larry Qiu joined the lunch to catch up with the alumni with a free flow of wine and a set meal of Christmas delicacies. The atmosphere of the party reached new heights when alumni took part in two fun games – beer tasting and snack weighting – to win prizes. The lunch came to a perfect end with a lucky draw and each alumnus received a box of custom-made Christmas candies.



The University of Hong Kong, to us, is not only the place providing the chance for advanced education. It is also a place where miracle takes place for us to find our lifelong partner who is willing to spend the rest of our lives together. We first met as two freshmen of the Master of Finance programme on the Orientation Day on August 24, 2013. As time goes by, our relationship got a subtle change from classmates to friends, and finally became sweethearts. On August 29, 2015, we got married! We believe our love nurtured on campus will stay true forever, and we are deeply grateful to our alma mater for witnessing our footprints and giving us lots of precious memories.