01 Christmas 'GOOdS· - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne

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Transcript of 01 Christmas 'GOOdS· - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne

,Capital, ~ iSB,700,OOO" 'Rest. - - - S3,500,OOO ~='~~rS12 OOO,OlO

The H";' Sea. Goo. A. eo", P ... ldeDt, • '-_ • B. E. Walker. General_. '

Hoed "tBCe. ToroolO,aod 101 bi-aachea In Coo,d, aDd tbe tloll«l Sta ...... 1Dclud1 ... LoDdoa,EDc.


are the best that experienced "'n'rk~'

men can produce,


, alneral Banking Business t~;!~e! ~::O=~~L 8lerllDC u,. and general handsome appearance. •

Banking by Mall ~~~~!fo~=e~ Their large sale here p~ov~ --this ... ldl ... out of tmm. De(lcOOILI e&" be ' ' • .' , ", ID.Ido aDd _Uladn .... bT ma11.· and we are here, pleased t? quote

Sa,lngs Bank ~nm~:'w~~~' . relit rato. .P ........ I rala 3 per ceot. you pnces and sbow you tbe goods.

Drafts' Coo be pnrebued, PA,.b1e at pa~ d · ,a07 !!Olot I.. CollAda. and principal

oltlOo of the U .. 11«I8tates.

Farmers' and CountrY business I I I I W T.. tC:. Wi{ TJTH OhIO .poetal aUeotCo... ' ..,;;;:)'1 'f l\. 11

BLACKSMITH. MuniCipal ~nd School DistrIct Funds Jtacel1'od on faYorable Iarma, . · . , HUBERT HAINES, Manag!!I'.

TIME AND' TIME Again we have been ao;ked how

we manage to sell good jewelry, so reasonably:' Our answer is that we prefer a satisfied' customer and a little pn)fit to greater gains and dissatisfied b'uyer. ':' ,

On Xmas and New Year's Day It ,is Cl1stomary for people- to

make preseuts. They can do no better t11a'n buy here, if quality and price are a 'consideration.




ph,.lolan, .11111800. Omce aod re.lde .. ce 00 Bo,oe .t_t, Treheroe.

DR. G. w. STAPLES , I, •

Ph,.lolan aod .lIrgeDO. M. D. C. M. Uol,er­.It, of Maoltoba. 0810. aDd r8lldeoce,ooe

block IOlIth of the poIt om ....

]. R. TYNDALL, M. D.

Pb,..lcJau,.aurl'eODt accoucheur. and' coro.or. Da, omoe 10 Drol! Store wllh\ olBce at

re.ldeoce, oorth of MoOowan .iaro. )UN • ., '" ,RATHWELL, , •

" ]. GOLLEY, V. S, . , ' ..

Hooor,Jfad\latoln 1S9Cl of Ontario Velerloa.,. CoUege. All dll.a.o. 01 domOiLlc anlmala

\reol«l b, thelatMt aciootillc mothod.. Char. .e. moderate. OOlco one door ..,aU, of Calvort • Wllaoo. re.ldenco oPpollle th. 8chool.

TREHERNE, MAN, Wlll be 10 Ralhwollw .. klr, (rom ~ p.m. to 5

00 Frltla, •.


Flnt cia .. and thorollllhlr eqlllp~ to cater to tbe traro1UlIlI.I,ubllc. Sample room. In

connecLlon. natoo p.:.o a dar._ , T. M. WILSON. l'aoP.



Wb~n Jon are In nOcd of a good .b" .. , balr eu4 &l.amwo. faco mallago, or BD)'t. .... lng

10 tho tonlOrlalllne, coll on i' R. 11. SlIITH. Front .troet. Treberoe. Here to .tar, anti Kuarantoca ant cia •• work. , '

TIU~HRRNn LoDGE No. 5I,A .F.& A.M.

01 Christmas 'GOOdS· ,


. GfO~ GRIHAM, ,Dr~ggist' Optic,ian

" i!IC$ ,mre, cc&M, 'VI iI{)-HrPr&ifZrH7:Y&+"~

WHAT' YOUR ,\ ' "

Wlfl •.. , ,

Would appreciate for Christ·

mas is a present that would impro\'e house furnishings. , You can"

get a preseut here that will have , ,

.. ,


J, • ~ "l: • 't School Report •.

( " \; _, _, _ •. : - , ' (\ .' " • . The followi1!g is the report of at- :', , Members' of, _Notorious ,'l Notice is hereby given that the tendance for 1904.' Number of, ,,;, ,

Horstf¥n.ieves By-law, No. 37

G,ang supposed to be by-law was passed by the da~'s school was open 198, Number' ," , " . : 'in Treherne. ' ',ICl)Utlcil of the Rural Municipality of pupils enrolled: grade, I,' 39,; " ;,' ,

South." Norfolk. in, council 'as· d d d' . gra e 2, 3 I ; gra e.), 20 ; gr:l e 4., . bled on the 3rd day of JrulUar", d d 6 6 J 30; gra e 5. 19 i gra e .' I ; A clever arrest was

Tnesday evening, when Dan. Wright. who has been running the west end livery barn for the past few months, found himself the prisoner of sheriff Rutten. of Ram­say county, North Dakota. The sheriff"'."ag accompanied by Charles Peterson, of, Devils' La:ke, who had bet!n victimized to the extent of fotir;horses. all of which he dis· covered in this vicinity.

. 1905: ' grade i, 16 ; gradc 8, 19 ; abo,\'e S,. A By-Law of the Rural Munici· 26; total 216. Total for 1903; 196• '

pality of South' Norfolk to regulate Increase during 1904. 20: Boys of : ,; the hours of closing certain classes all ages loS ; girls of all- ages loS. of shops aud stores situated within Grade:: to junior 3 : Harry ·Die­the limits of the said Municipality trich, Clifford Bissett, Stanley, in a=rdance with the shops'Regu· Perrie, Herbert Barkwell, Alice lation Act. Marwood. Grace Martin, Frank , \Vhereas the council of the Rural McConachy. George Greenwood, Municipality of South, Norfolk Robert McGowan, Almer -Carroll deem it expedient that merchants From junior 3 to senior 3: doing business as general :;tore Clifford House, Wilfred·' keepers including Dry Goods,Boots George BiS!ielt, Clarence and Shues, Gents Furnishings and Myrtlc Palmer, Ivy Bullied, Clothing. Groceries, Drug Stores, Robertson, Fred Rice, Etliel

In 'an interview with the sheriff, the Times man ,was informed that Wrighes real name js Harry Mc· Phail, and that he has known him a good', many 'years, having had him uiider arrest before. He be· lie\'es tha't they are now definitely on the track of all thc gang wbo have been stealing' so systemati. cally on both sides of the boundary, and tliat"this Harry McPha~I, alias Wrigbt is the cleverest one of the

Harness and Hardware in the rurnl ling, Pearl ,Darling, John Municipality of' South Norfolk, Creary, Gladys Pauline. " ' shalt close their stores or: sliops at From senior 3 to Junior 4: Hazel the hour' of scven o'clock in the Kiudrey, Roy Darling· Albert' -afternoon on every lawful business Kirkwood, Gladys Hendel'~, Meleta' "

gang, aud that he really supplies all the pll!-ns for the rest of 'the organiia tion.

Provincial Constable Moore; of Treberne, is really enli tIed to the credit 'for the capture of this man and ',the ,restitution of the stolen property. ,He has been in communication with the U. S. authoriti~s for some time, and it wa& only on Saturday evening that he ?ecured the photograph of :Mc· Pbail, whicb confirmed his sus­'picions, and led him to send for sheriff. ' _ When the U. S· . officer ~arrived in Treherne he had, his man brought by an excuse over the in­su~ance, and when he stepped into the room, the sheriff, who had his back. to, him; ,'turned 'around and shook hands with him, but· retain­ed . in a way that showed

than delighted to meet

stolen, and that he never saw 'Sheriff Rutten before.

was taken to Winui;:'eg by Con· stable Moore, accompanied by Mr . Rutten, on Thursday morning.

Wright:s partner, Apd Cormany, was also arrested, but was released shortly after, as the sheriff says they have nothing against him.

All the stolen horses had been disposed of, and the' new owners are trying to get satisfaction from the balance of properly, which ap­pears to be clearly owned by the , ' , pnsoner.

, "

day excepting Saturdays, and at McGowau, Josie Palmer 'Mary nine o'clock in the. afternoon on Richardson. " Satnrday "during the time each -Grade senior 4, to i ... ,in .. ~ year from and including the ford, Hendel'S, RnLrlt,,;e·ll day 'of Jtitie until the r5th day of Olive Douglas, Robert Rice, August, also from and including Little, ,Tom Kirkwood,: ','1.,":0'11"<

the first day of December until the Willett, Willie Carrol, John .n.;ar-

first day of April, save and except· vey, Leslie Adair, Oil' trial: ing each dav immediately preceding Piukerton, James Bell. each legal holiday." Grade 5 to Junior 6: Edna

'l'herefore tbe council of, South WilSOll, Gladys Barkwell,' Grace Norfolk hereby enact that the hours House, Maude MeGowau', Nina', for closiug all tho~e above described Smith, Annie Palmer, Mable Suin: certain classes of sbops within the erfield, Mary Eadie, Willie Doug­Municipality of South Norfolk las, Harold Wilson, Grenville shall be seven o'clock in the after· Staples, Russell Adair,' Hugh noon each lawful business day; ex· Frame, Arthur Paulin,' Earl Bell,'", cepting Saturday, and at nine B S· I o'clock in the afternoon on Satur. F:~~is.mlt I, Ralph Mallock\, Bessie,

day during the time eaenyear from From grade 6 lo grade 7; : Flos· and including the first day of June sie Bissett-,Ethel Summerfield,Tena until the 15th day of Angust, also Carr, ,Jenuie Barkwell, Alice' [rom and'including the first day of tt, Helen Rice, Annie Carrol, December until the first day, of IM[able Palmer, Richmond Wilson, April, save and excepting each day John Smith, Harold Marwood,C",Y:j";"'::>"i'!'''i:l immediately' preceding each legal Gordon Williams. ,L '

holiday. Any, , s~op. k~eper

any: prclvis,ibn,' or,

One' 'liked young'ladies was

orfolk forfeit our, midst by a young ;ge:ntlleul'ail pay at the 'discretion of the said WIIS untin~tely also a"r ;~~i,deilt; Reeve, Justice or' Justices of the here, but who IS now Peace, 'convicting a penalty not ex. a. blacksmithing ,busines~ it~ '"TLnp'

ceeding the sunt of fifteen dollars in vllla~e of Brookdale. Mall1loba.' addition to, costs"for 'each offence MI~s Stella House was and in default of payment may mt1;rnag7 to Mr. yeorge issue his \vimant under 'his hand the home of th: bric;le's p~(r'i :~~~oi:~ and, seal. to, levy the said penalty. evell1ng, ,~he ,,' and costs or penalties or costs by ,belllg performed by, the"Rev. distress and sale of the offenders Redmand, pastor of th(~.'Ba'ntii!;t,·,.,., goods and chattels and in case church, of which th..: ypun:gpeopl~!~,;:3i;rt:':':; suffici,ent distress be found, then valued members. the said Reeve, Justice or Justices away byher Iatnler;' ar.ld:"; !'o convicting'as aforesaid may com. . by her'younger ;""':',";",~,';",;: llli t the offender or offenders to the N elhe. The . common goal of,the, Central Judi- sisted by ,Rev.

A,v~ry inter~sting special cial District in the Provincc of formerly'filled the ing of Loyal Orange Lodge, was Manitoba with' or .without hard bere. held'in the Gordon school house, labor for any period ~ot exceeding The happy YOU?g on, Tuesqay, ,the ,2ith 'u.1 t . "'rhe twenty·one'days, unless such fine mornlI~g tral1l for

" . l(cel. Prltlo)" 00 or belore

tbo lull mooll.lo tho MalOnic Hall. Treborne. "I.ltlng brethren co~l"ll)" wolcom •.

an, all around value to the' whole - \.

housebold. Of course a piano is the swellest thing, in this line, and we grand,- master, Mr. W. O. Smith' or pepalty aud 'costs' or' fine or ho~e, ' amid. the presided.' ,The occasion' was the penalty, o~ 'costs be sOOl~ef paid. . their ma~y friends, ' preselJtat~on'of a silver sacramental 'fhili By-Law 'to take effect on be pleased to bear of ,t1:leir:t:lrosoler~}j,;i',~?: ;7',',.,\"':.'

W Uro. E; Ca~i~~:'W;M'; ·1!':"'Jrw.l!cN"b. si.c. , .

can sell you one on easy terms, but if you cannot quite afford this we can

IPlT': YOtlIR R'DEAS", ',;,,',' . '

Right down to a Centre ta~le and easy,!!bairs at a fewoollkrs.: "'_.1-'­ad\.ice and buy a sensible present that will last ,a' 'life.time We agents for Do:ruinion and Heintzm;n pianos., , . . " A.; METCALf.. ' .' Cor. smlih and 'rronl 51's

l 1 ,. ' " ., •


, '


set to the Rev. ' H: Ha:nilton:; Mr. th..: I 7th d~y ,of JaliuarY,.}905":' !ty an,d napp,iness. ' J

James, Smith read' the" address as ' Done,and passed, in open ' .,The Bap,tlst. ''''UI,'Cf1,'

follows :-We, ' the" officers and this jrd day of January,A.D, 1905. miss ,the servIces menibers of Victoria,L. O.,L. No., J.:MILLS, J."K.McLENNAN,. wedded:youllg 15

68; pres!!nt yon,' M •. Hamilton, Clerk: Acting Reeve ,ways been'a, consiist(~'rit:'al1d; pa:ID:;'~':;;, ""'·'.·.C,',i

with ,this 'sacramental' set, ao; a: to." "",' taking ,yorker; dOi~;~6is:~i(t~!ffi~1~~~~1,:;;i;t~:~i~ k:en; of,' our appreci:lti':lli for" 'the ' her share in th painstaking and long"to be remem. 'Once U1on~ the 'utter helplessness liOllS ~'~iif1Uer ' berect,ser,mon you 'preacbed to us of our, town to combat tlie' 'fire t moved by C::UrI',~'It:a'" O J I

, I",~~~ has been demo1Ist'r'ated. On The 'rinl~es rangemen on u y the roth. last, ~~;1~l~r~~r~;~~~~~!f:ri and in'asking you to, accept it. we eveliing, "sho'rtly afte! S friends i <:,A,LP'U!

trust it may be fotlnd useful to was' discovered iti", the for long, life :i?;!i:;,~'~ you,' and, that yoq may long be end livery. banl. O.nly a fe\" , ) spared -;to ,use th~m from time to minutes', elapsed until the whole lime for the sacred, use for wliich structure was a ma!os or flames, they are intended: 'Comin'g, as whic!t' ill their course swept over it d!,es, so' near another'new year and' 'destroyed Lee. &~" Ingram's and, so near the completion' of the blacksmith'shop'. Fortunately the old ,Year, we may extend to you our night was' perfec'tlY'calm. or there best wishes for a prosperous and might have been a repetition pf th'e bappy New Year.: In the name of fire of 1898" ',Tlie; origin of the our; lodge, we present you, _'Mr. fire is unknown, ,but·tliose ,first on Hamilton with this small gift; and the ground are' of the opinion that

it is a pleasure for us, to a small chemica1" 'ellgine, or p"pril we trust ,it may be a, an energetic bucket brigade lIll.}!U

'you t6 receive it. ~ .. ' . prevented' the spread' of Tbe Rev. flames. If we. cannot'-'have

short fornier we cotild' at, least "',,,pc n, ..

ciples latter.' ,A, su.pPly Of oDe ,UUUUI

buckets witb well would",' "'"." t 11"

thi:a,enhaol:e'tbe'Safety of property, ' :prc)gfaiu ' , ' ,

~i~~~~~~]~~~~~l: The woman EugenIe laugbed came back to the present. "lI1story sometimes repeats Itself:

abe reuiirlced.: "1 don't see DOW wby J'uJJa Knox"~ . . , 'A. halt mile from MrB. Knox's cot.

tage the, red auto, pnfllng back, came upon a surprising sight. A. young woo

, ~.. ,. .' ,

~~~::~,;Z;:~~t; '. lOOking at once de1lant and apolo- Not even··are th'!!', i~i;s more sua­~~ l1tt1e widow III1t ~~ ge~c, b?er w:t:ute dress mutl spattered ceptlble to the elrect of cold ..rafts. cf

'..,.,.,;", , mUstn't, Eu"enIe;' It a!l ood ned,' ber brown hair overbeatlng, ot dampness or cold than .. bjown about by a saucy sea breeze. the lddnC)1L

young and never ae-: stood by the roadsIde holding In her This accounts for workingmen so we are not YOUUg " armll a cUlapldated yellow mongrel. frequently becoming victims of paln.

':'O!~et edPl!OIIUoPDle lnf tol

tblnklng",- one leg swathed stur In plaId silk band. ful and' deadly kIdney dlseases. l' 0 b ue and gold.' '" ages.' Palns In the back are usually the

~Wi)~~~;~~I~E~U;genl~ e morosely. "That'. "Eugenl" where In the -orld are first note ot warnIng. Then there Is called d It i ... "frequent and palnful or smarting uri· you, an au ts l you golng wltl.t tllat dirty do~?" abrUI· nation, headache and derangements of

tell TOU, ,J'ulla;. It's little, ed the wIdow. the digestive system and bowels. otbilftdy to worshIp beaut,. ILa "Home," answered EugenIe Isconicnl. . .IF YOU WOU to PREVENT

be homely as a bedge fence Iy, tnrnlna: toward a short cut across BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND OTHER , :;:";fi~~0~~~!ir~~~~ the hlIl' DEADLY FORMS OF KIDNEY DIS-~,! hedge fence at the foot "What's thlsT' and Dr. Runt IItepplid EASE YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY,

Is beaUtiful, I thInk," out ot the auto. "Broken leg, eh 1 Well, To be certaln of ImmedIately ar· Wlldow. lying back among her resting dlsease and brtnglng about a

l';lt(c'nsIlf(lDJ! u old fellow, you are In luck to get a tborough cure, you must use Dr. FInd another 1I1m1l" bl In'' b ., ... capa e Burgeon ,you.- our of calam· Chase's Kidney·Llver Pills, whIch

t~1U;1'~I~ftbJtugrned away impatiently i" eyes. She was so tired

contlnuall,. booming breakers ,h::';~'anQ oreamy whistling buOY. She wish.

Ity. Silk bandages, too. I wonder it have so many times proven theIr sn. the liP lints are gold or Ivory." pertortty as a treatment for the most "

"I had forgotten mT handkerchief, so sertons'dlseases Of the kidneys. I had to use my Deck rtbbon," she ex" By acting on the liver and bowels,

hadn't come to Calitornla to I (~~[r~!:~:,;''2 It J'ulls weren't a ~ It weren't spend.

::1i~!i\"!~~~~b~I!:~~0~,~~: or it JUlia wereu't

plalned, startlng to go. as well as on the kidneys, Dr, Chase's Kidney·Llver Pills elrect a

"Get In here, Genie!" Re "used the thorough cleanSing of tbe wbole' til. pet name as in the old day.. "Tbls Is tertng and excretory systems and better than walking." tlrely rtd the body of all polsonol:s

The last great buffalo hunt enjoyed in the horse enjoyed the ex'citem~nt of the I hiRher than the muzzle lest the ball thc west took place forty years ago and chase and would strain every nen'e to I should roll out, but, as the rider was

, bring his master alongside of the buf- generally only a fcw feet from. the nearly all the half breed population then falo. In those days the buffalo hunter animal that he wi,she'd to shoot there in Manitoba engaged in the' chase. was' usUally armed with a smooth bore was no such need.to raise. the gun to the Some of those who. took part in that muzzle loading' gun. . His supply of shoulder. Sometimcs a, slnglc hunter wild raid on the bu ffa It> . are now resid· powder was contained in a horn that would shoot four or,.live buffaloes duro ing in Alberta and delight to recall the hung from the sholllders by 11 • strap. ing' the. chas~ m~d~ on' a good" h'lrd. remembrance of the great hunt with the Tht; hunter kept several bullets In hIS The larger the drove the better chance "arious-ildvcntures connected with the mouth for the sake "'of expedition in I there was for the hunter as the a1iimals occasion." In the fall of 1864 the buf· loading. \Vhen"a drove of. buffalo were "ill adl'ance" retarded the progress of faloes had congregated in immense to be approached the advance was made I tliose in the .rear where the attack was numbers. south of the Turtle mountains by hunters in the greatest of silence, the' taking place. Cows and young bulls on the g~eat plains east of thc Souris leader" of the party a little in advance'l were not 'killed unless by' accident or ril'er. The hunthtg party w'ls'large and his. chief!. duty" was" that"lof 'restraining \I;hen game was scarce" On the occasibn consisted 'of men, women and children, the im'Pctuosity', of the more ""impatient of the great hunt the carts were loaded with nearly a thousand 'carts and hun- hunters· and 'get'liis;. bimd as' near{the i ,,;ith pemmican, tongues and skins of dreds of Indian ponies. As the hostile buffaloes as possible. At length when lihffaloes. When a hunter had dropped Sioux were abroad the party had to the buffaloes commenced to move, the 'a-buffalo at some distance from his com. keep" well together while outriders were uneasiness 'would increase and' the herd panions, or from cam'll, the horse was stationed at 'different '. points for the startedi' th~ ICa'der \ woi!ld c shout and tied to the head of the animal while its purpose of wafching the'movements of then every horsenvQuld.'spring :fonvard. 1I1aster was eugaged in ~kil1ning the the buffalo herds and to gil'e notice if All had to start, for no horse could I beast that had been captured .. During danger should appear. ' be restrained; 'bridles were let go, guns I the continuance of the great hunt on

:~; abe so plaIn or It"-dear"-Mrs, Knox looked

abut, baby blue eyes-"do was prearranged for you

d,]1'railkile Hunt and me to play to. 'W:;:X~~U,;r'i-;; children and meet again at

ILa grownups? Don't 70U

[\~~~~~~~l~fff~~ Runt"-my good name?" tall yOUDg man came around

.;W:~:'jtbe)iPlof<I:ll corner tie'sllw only ]alrs. Cousin had dlsn ""cared.

entered ber • .lorn ber tones 1I0ated tJirough the ,

~ill~~J~~:~;~~~I;~j~~vlng one ot ber spells sbe Isn't a Helen ot me ot our 'sebool

\t1;':NClnJls;: L/" ·,·uu remember wben sbe cut 'In a rage because It wns strnlgbt Instead ot yellow

r<"lIi,a "',in~lv: 111". mIne?" tl.tat mean ot Julls," Eu.

'yj;~,~::iiiitbOl1gblt, ber·tace growing crlm· :';~::'~'~iid[;;;;t::';':li;~tl:~~ tbem Is'ugh. It sbe )\ tl.to wIndow just tl.ten she

:';£;M!~!~~.,.,f!:~,~! tbe doctor's answcr. if" Eugenic tl.tlnka ber face

to look at." .I»'llllU by Jullu ascended tbe staIrs

to(lllcd at cousin's door, bls nuto here snd

to rIde wltl.t hIm: Get your

~ijr{}; •. ~r.~~~~:~'~dEoubt It," observed Eugenle. went down 11"e steps and wrInkled her white brow

slgbed and went back. 'called softly, ber pretty

"did no one ever with the' Baruett

"Oh, don't!" sbrleked Julia Knox. waste mattel'. "Don't get In ·bere wIth that awful •. MR, JAMES J. JENSON, Olds, dog! 1 can't bear the sight of blood!" Alta" N. W. T., wrItes:

"Sbe closed ber eyes shudderlngly. • "1 have been troubled considerably The little dog wbined sottly and tried with lame back, which 1 suppos'.! came

to lick Eugenle's face. Her pulse lean. from derangements Of" the kldneYB, .. and 1 have never been ablll to lind a

,ed as sbe met the 'doctor'1 eyes. treatment that was so prompt and et. "You cUd It sclentl1lcally, and you IrElctlve In . curing thIs a!lment as Dr.

aren't. a bIt pale. Sbouldn't you like Chase's Kldney·Llver Pills. At two to be a doctor?" dllrerent times In iny lJte thIs' pre­, "Or a doctor's wife?" suggested Julia paratlon has entirely cured me of thIs Knok, a trllle maliciously. trouble, and of late years I have found

"W I It unnecessary to use any medIcIne II you, dear?" he asked eagerly, whatever. 1 feel It my duty to add

watching tbe color 1I00d ber dark this statement to the many others cheek. "WlII you be this doctor's which 1 see in recommendation o[ wite1" . this excellent medicIne"

"Well!" saId the pretty widow eXIllo. Dr. Chase's 1Udney.Llver PillS' are \'slvely, "r guess I'm not needed bere. so tborough and far·reacll1ng In theIr Eugenle, it you cnn guarantee tllat inHuence on the kidneys as to thor. little benst not to bite I suppose 1 can oughly eradIcate the most serIous dl· tak b sease. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box

e 1m bome for you." at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & "I can't,"'Bald Eugenic bapplly. start· Co., Toronto. The portrait and slg.

ing for tbe thIrd time across the hill. nature of Dr. A. W. Cbase, the fam. '~But," Interposed the doctor, "you ous receipt book author, are" on ev.

haven't answered my question. Will ery box. ,

The buffalo hunter of the plains pos· were brou~ht into position and the wild the Souris plains which 'lasted for many sessed a peculiar character; he was a cavalry bore down on the flying herd. ',veeks, the food of the h'unters was'meat skilful rider. a good shot, hardy, strong After the first shots had been delivered, :and nothing else. The next.season the ana watchful and courageous. He the hunter loaded his gun while his "buffalo herds had moved far to the west u5ually rode a h~rse po~sesse~ of speed, J horse lVas at full speed. and in firing :and neyer 'again return~d i~ /'freat "num- .

and Wind.' LIke 'hls" master, care w:ls taken not to'ralse the breach bers sO,near the Red river.

you. be my gIrl, GenIe 1" She looked back at him wIth radlant

eies and answered wltll mock" solem. nlty:

"It you'lI cross your beart and hope to dle tl.tat you'll always love me bet. ter'n Julia Knox."

PRIM)TIVE' BOOKS, .: . A LOOK AT OUR PROGRESS. " " We wlll soon be closing another

year, and again as we, the cItizens Ho,,,. Tlae-y Were- :\lu.de bY' tile Aut .. :lent Asslnlbola, the farmers of the nuttuk. of' S.IJulttrll • balance our books for another season A near aJllll'oncb to" th'e form of a we can look around us and see and modern !.Jook was wade' by au ohscure feel prosperity; we know that we are people l~llIet1 the Battnks, who In old. better orr thnu we were a year ago, .eu duys InbubltE:d tbe- Isbm!l of SUlUa.

She Dad Der W.,... d th f h h "';, I h an ose 0 us W 0 ave ""en n t e tin. Tuey IIII·ented. 01." a!lopted from Tbe late Counselor E., chairman ot \Vest sInce Its youth knoW that sOlUe unknown sourc~, n form of bool.

tlle quarter sessIons for 'Dublln, was so growth and progrC$s" are substantial. remarkable for II1s'lenlency to female < he pioneers who came to the CO<lSl~1;illg of a long strip of burk flve culprits that a woman was seldom con. wheat belt of \Vestern Canada made 01." six Inches wide snd closely -resew· vleted when he presIded. n cbolce of two propositions bliu:g a piece of :Egyptln:n pnp)7I1s.

they decIded to farm; to select 'I'hey secm to ha!ve!·tnkeu a distinct On one occasIon when thIs humane highly adYertised lands or" the" step forII'llI'd In' tbe' booklUllldng art,

barrister wns In tbe chair a prim look. " kotlls and Minnesota, Or come to the fot' Illstcud. of r9!lIng their strips of

lng woman was put to the bar of tbe, less advertised terrItory of" Manitoba bnrk In. Egyptl!Ul, fasblou they folded commission court, at wblch presIded' and Asslnlbola. .Were they wise In them Into accordfon. plaits, so thllt tbe equnlly bumane though perbaps selection? . Let us loolt at tl.tey took exactly' tbe form oC modern not so gallant Baron S. suits. "

books with uncut lell YeS, ,

.... , • I

, .. ~HE" CAN ATTEND· YCotS mtf n'om u:tctntlng my medita­

tions." We are "tOld, too, thnt be III· lowed shortband: writerII' tc> take !IoWD hIs extempore homilies.

In tlle ',enth eCl)tury Greek nnd RG­man stenogrnphy grn!lunlly dIed out.

.'~ TO HIS' WORK' NOW "and the urt d!!l.,not revive- uotll the MANITOBA' MAN . CURED beginning of the seventeenth century., DODO'S KIDNEY PILJ;.S. During this long Intervul severlll sys· '


tems of "quick writing were- evolved, :'~e Echoes a Statement. Made by such liS tllllt of Dr: Tlmotby BrIght In . Thousand •. of the ,. People of the HiSS, Wllo;undf'ti separate slgn',for ev- C Prairies.' .' " ery' wordVritld so\D~ of thesO" wmOst Giroux, M~n.; D~~~" 26.~'(SpeClnl.)-rlvitl~ sliortllnn!liln!rapld!ty .. ;.~" ',.,' Mr. Phlllas Normandeall, a well

" Imown resldent"of this place, Is one Tlte·IClcker· .. ··Trndemar!c. ' .... ~, ;Of thousands of Mnnltobims ,vhe) haye

In the Englls~ hunting lIeld It Is tll~ 'round relief from' the ,palns',and aches custom to mnrk Idcltlng horses by ty. of Kidney Disease I~ J Dodd s Kidney Ing n picco or' I'ed ribbon ;n:roimd: tllel .. Pll.ls. Mr. Normam:eau Is alwnys

• . ". . h ready to sav a good word for the reo In~lerlted tbe Burnett trIck of

features relaxed. " sbe slgbed as tl.te

Sbe wns Indicted for utterIng forced The llIue Bo~k for the ten Y"e:ar!;1 \Yooden coyers were tllen Pllt on el. • bank notes. According to usunl forms 'UF01 gives the~'average' yield' per tbet"slde, and the whole'was sOlne. of Inw, tlle clerk'of ilie crown asked acre of 12,07 bus. In N. Dakota and . tb ' 10.04 bus.. In S. Dal5ota, with an tllUes bonnd ·together witb, n pl,ece of e prIsoner it she wns ready to take '

Ilverage of all ,\Vestern. States of. 12 Bnnkcskln. "H~d tbe Battak scribe gone tber

trial.. bushels: 'rhe Canaillari BI'ue Book Is one step furtller by cutting tbe lea yes ' WIth becoming disdain abe answered authO'l'lty for the Hgures that coyer and writing, <in, botb' sides tile result "No!" Sbe was told' by ilie clerk sbe the same period of years (,Ul·'(}1) In wonT(l hnve'bcen an'"exAct prototype of

tnlls. Experlenceu hllnters.,ar~' Oll' t 9' medy that brought back his helllth. cureful lool,out for all sucll :.anlmniS •. '""Yes I can tell you Dodd's KIdney and should It buppen tllat thO' steeds Pills ~ade a cure of me," h'l) says, "1 tire runnIng close to one lInotber. tlie ,had..IGdneY'Dleease for three" years .. " cquine with the ribbon be!leclted, ta;l~ Ati times I got so bad I could hardly Is gh'ell a wille bertb, as It;1s more- .attend to my work:, '1 toolt just HVII thun probnble thnt ItT·wil1..ltisll~1,o'{1tllboxes or 'Dodd's Kidney PlI1s and my wltll Its hind leg~ to- the serious 'lIs- pains and. aches' ar~, all gon?, and I u!lYantage of Its neighbors. In the ex- enn wOl'lt as < lVell .!I!1 1!-lIybody." To any· cltcuwnt ~f the cHase borses almosf body who has· trOUble w~th ,thetr Kid·,

Into ilie pnst, taced girl agaln,

'YlthFraolkle lluut, ber sworn her "cousIn, Julia 'Epps,

Personll1ed daintiness

'i;'~i;~f~~~e~:~~;/EPPS' from tbe blue bow on ;"1 curls to tl.te black bows on

",,~'~~::~~:~:tii=; lonely noon hour Eu· i;( around tl.te beech tree

!':~llii;f~~~i~"~~ he bad always played to-I I: sometlling the memory

after a dozen years

~~~,~~~l~~~~~;~~:t:~~~ leap lnto the wo-eyC8. Frnnkle Hunt Julia Epps' linger the

been digging out ot

11~~~~;~fff~ii'~.,:;';'~~~her, Eugenle Bnr·

loves. me' nnnounced::coquettlst!ly.

ber cousIn, "aud my

.1JJ\,st gll'e ber reasous why. the CanadIan West the average "-Ield I"'" "0 I' ' , a JlOuel'n II ~.t. "'" " ,

,.As If scorning to hold conversntlon was 17.07 bushels. 'J;hose .quotatlons 'I'be IIln!loos 'used' II palnl'let\f mo wIth tbe official, sbe tbus addressed gl\'e us a feelaig of sntlsfactlon wlien or three Inches wIde. cut In sections hIs lordsbip: "My lord. 1 won't 'be we look bacltward for a ctecade and t 1 d b realIze that we ar~ about 40 per ce"nt .and dried. Ellcb seetron ,may be com· r e ere at all. I'll be tried by my c _> It I tl Iff' book Lord E." . ,wealthier ench ye'ar than our 'cousIns par"" WIle en 0 II, "

across the line. Even this tlley were plied Up' in seQnence or per· Tbe simplicity ot the woman, coupled which has made so much U'~:l~;~l~~1 fomted amI strnng toge~her like II "e-

wIth tbe well known character ot E., lIqn owing to the disparity In nettlln blind. • ,caused a rolir ot Inugbter In the court by 'tne crop failure In

neys a)) I can say Is ."use Dodd's Kid· lose t\lqlr" hen.da, n,nd,Hn ~Imnl thnt ney p'llia:':" "': '.". I. ,,,. "

natllrally Is not In any ,way vlclolls 0,1' .oood'9 KldDei' 'PllIs' . alwnvR' cure! Inelhied' to be bu!ldempcrcil wlTl'do 'sick Kidneys, With well Kidneys

most"ulIcxpe(·tcd tbhlgs In.tlle Wnl: yo;U can't"ha\'e BrIght's .Disease, Dla. lcl('~llIg, rearing an£! bltlng'7:'Lon~on blltes,; ,ltheumatls1D, .Drqp;sy or any

Tclegrupb. '," "" '. ,. of ' those otber [earful" and fata!" d! •. , ". " . ")\, ,seasel tbat spring, from sIck' Kidneys. whlch even tlle bench could not resist. I"U""n,wjt"e'Ud States . with the rust bllght,

Baron S., wltb his usual mildness, our returns per. a.cre are more than l' '. (' Tho. 'C<>l" ·,w •• _. ' , WUtl about to explain tbe Impossibility It we were farming In Uncle i . -~.:---:., "I tblnk," declared the,Jlttle daugb- H

, , ,.,' 'WHERE UNCLES RULE, ;

.. , ." .. , "

t b I d 0 f 17" b h I Pee.lIar CaMtolD That PreY. II. I .. 'ter' of tbe wldo"~ to tbe m' 1IIIonalre11'ho 'T". Ol!1eAt ILln ... Twl ... , ' o er beIng trIed by tbe populnr judge an. ur average 0 7Z us" e s Xorthern AaMtralla. " Scotlnnd claIms to bave the" c>ldest and suld, "lIe can't try you," 'wben SO cents would be $14' per acre; .." ,,!as call1ng, ·'tbllt you nre Ii charming I

Northern States average of 12 bus. Uneles rule among the natlve tribes Ivlng ,twIns In t~le, world. It had been the woman stopped blm· short and , . und!lell!!btfulma,n.'" .,'. ,",',' ", rt" .• )th t ••. b . . 'at 96 cents would be $11.52 per bordering TOI'res strait,' where the re- P" repo =' a ure' rothers Benbdm of ':!~Ch a?tlntryimltab!e sIneb

er, eXClalmedd: The nmount Is not very" large, lntloushlp between maternal uncle and 'so·~:!:~~ nl.c~!·,_, Whut ,(.~~~~ yo~ ~y :IW!lgeport. Cqnu .. 'w,ho)are.elgtity.sev.

an me. eg your par on, $250 on a 150·acre crop, but It Is nephew Is regarded as helng ,closer. en yenrs"old' .w"erc"eiitltJed to tbut dis. my. lord; he trIed me twIce betore." nIce nest egg, and though our prIces than tbnt between flltber and son: ''')!nm~ told ·m&'to.. .... '1 . '~-J:k ." . tinction;:", SC(It'!and's aged pair are

Sbe was, trIed. bowever, and for the have to' be governed by Br; •• sh " 'Tbere a mlln Is bound to stop '.'" ." " Thomas A, lind G'eorge 1I1IJ Melville ot third time a~qultted. kets, and the' s~arclty, of when OI'dere!l to' do So 'bv his 'mother's ~, ,." ~ " ".: FIfe. ~Tbey '., ar~ :m,", tb~lr .,nlnet,..lIttb

-- wheat across the border ' I'''J i1'"'~' ( FnJ.~,!.~\j..,)I;· '" '" I G I' cal market which can call. brotber, au!l the uucle Is entitled to bId Spell king of II lUau WbD tell In lo,e . yCllr. eorge s the frnller ot the two $3,45 per hundred, while we bls sister's busbnnd cense uny : "'Ith ' . his' ;inoUler-hi',IIIw. >'anrl -: ,finally and has been· totl1l1y blind for the last Hour for $2.20. ' " ties In wblcb he ,m,IlY" be ,eng:ng'ea, 'elopec1 wltl1-her;'"Btother'Dlcl;ey- sal(1; se,'en years. A year or two ago, too,

"'e"' haye our drawbacks lin thIs )!oreoyer, the quelled combatant Is "Well suh, dat IUnn bad ile faltb dnt he 'was untortunnte: cn'ough to break country. but, we also haye substantial qull'ed, to make u present to tbe U"\;"','I;. ac1"e'I'l:i§e fer a loSt' umbreller!" his leg, and he Is permanently conlin-cd

Where Time I. ~othID ••


~~~~~~~~ils~ the la9t '1 ·mny wear my lovely Tben you'll see wbom he

Miss Mary, E. Dunham sri ber book of trnTels tbrongh' the Balkan states says she found thut the Idea of women traveling 'without" a mnle escort In those countries struck the people wbom sbe mot as most slnl,'1llnr. A Montene­grIn was nlso astonished at an expend· Iture ot money upon trqvet which seemed to him without an adequate purpose.

adl'antages. Let us'tben be loyal to or hrotber.III,luw;·asCtbe'case m:l:rbe;:I!:~tc:;, to bed. ' '" '. . /'. y'" our country. Push if along in every whostoPsjblm~. (-' .. f'J :~~~ .' • " ) u, I ,:~ way that Is going to beneHt those "Wben n mnn marries )n~ thE\se P,lIrp! ~"~9""""~""""""""7""''';'"~T' '7""""""""""""===""7~=¥,~,~~"";;"",.,;,.;;,;,,,,~;,;;., ~l

, Tbe English, he had been told: wnnt· ed to see and know eyerything. They traveled everywbere. It .must be a very expensIve hablt.·· It hnd perbaps cost me .£8, he suggested. to come this dist:tnee. I admitted that It bad, and be c.'tpressed great nstonlshment at the In vlsh expendlture.

".!.nd" It takes not only money. but time," sold my companion. ' . He lnughed merrily: ''Tlme! Whnt Is time? Time Is nothing. You li,e: and then you dlc." The Idea of .reck· onlng "time" amused htin "Tnstly: , I '.

"TIme," saId a Hungarian who Willi

. ilie party, 10 order to show bls suo perlorc ' knowledge, "Is ""thought"' very much of by the English. 1 'have b'een'

that they have a proyerb whicb , '

who reside, here' and' tbe prosperity bls father pro"l!Ies the wberewltbnl to'S' . :.i ;1'" ). n s" , . , will contlnue.-[GalnsborOligh Post. pUl'chuse tbe bride, but It Is tbe ulater- _', '" ~"'A~'"" '1 g ,: t .0" .' J

lIal IIncle who mukes the actllul pay· " He'll Get" the Cr:eam. ment nnd wbo acquires tbe credIt

t h""·" t !' . J \ " :..' .-A. 'f '" _ "" .. \. ", '.,". ,,' , , "I'm engaged In' the' dairy business nc ~~ ~er,e o. ' ) .. ' &~ ~f~'t: ~:, ~ \'.::: J. Jj. , ~~ ;~'¥.'" 'J I,"!,~ ~ \j' r' {' q ~ ~ "', . " : ,~ now," saId the lawyer. d, :' • A IDlln In tbose parts'may, not .reduces :,w&sh ·da.y",:'·dru~gery'~and. V.1(:~~~i~{~~~~IF

.. YOII don't say," exclaimed tbe llames 'of his wife's relutlous, and 'your leisure time. It .is, an " easy. friend, .the doctor.. -',' whell he "speaks to bls father or motl.t· '··cleansin.a soat that makes' y"our'clothes "'1~~A~";,~i";II!j", "l<'act." rejOined the· legal' light. er.ln.llni he wust lower his ,"olee and, h' ._, "I'm ml11dng an estate." speak humbly, tbe un!lerl~·fili iuea ,and w I~e"'~it out' the lea.st. h-ifury. \ Ha

In!! probablv a pretense that be has 'soft wa.ter!.will do e:nd you' don t have to cu~rled'llis ~pouse I\way forcibly from ",the clothes .... ,. ':" '. ", i''';' , her ~ome ~nd must sue for peuce./ : ' , ~~y., Su~lig~t~.:".:,".

j 'n', ' , Your~ .arocer, ;is ·instructed .,to .refu ANCIE,NT ·STENOG"RAPHy. :mol\e,YJf~,youla;r~ ~ot sa~j5~~?'d. ',' . "

.&.ever JBrothua LlrnJteoI. 't.l " T .... ", , ,',



ib01i1ld. be so bold J,.~ ,_~OF DAI NIPPON',A 'c.'

~ superststious \ f.o1,.. ~ r."'.4.' ~~,\

t1~7::::~~~~~~r.~~~~fl,~=jbl;;; aUly be wo\l.lll'at. onoa .am ..... sIo,-pJ~. of ~"Ir;,~h .. "'''t~~ ~ Is ~~alc1Mt. reason for 1 latl.c. ~DnT Storl~r.,~e D0<:,t0r

""', .... : . .-, •• and, wcrotd proceed tQ ,",0 Didn't Fear D ..... lara - The war "_Is named alter . The TOte '\\"tlS' taken at Iroquois. I W.rlUAIr'Crluc "\\"O'CO~d.D·t Writ'.,. "eno~ollli thlnh',have b<>t'n h 1 al U,' t.·. ."~' r' _ -. Ont.. on Satunlay on t e DC op on 'TO. a -~Ie- o'f' a collection ot"tunn" and that the' COUDt.r:Y should b I blch d f ted b fi .LU' ~, " ,

~:~~~~~~:1i:=~i!i1;ffi~~~+~; yaw, w y,'as e ea l;~C!.".I,I'!·oalnvSJell.tOrles _11-' ··t""okkel Hv. aku Sbown" 50 IndUJerent to the ~n who foUow 'h tb t -ftftdi ~ <U ~ It • - "J-'_ C ,o ..... s. e yo e~..... ng .b'" "Ur. Kubo Ten"-l tbe 1 ~ OD the ' ......... -""ave .. · as to to 121 [or. .• .u \UoU

;II?aI', "'are Dot theftl at an, limpl,. organlZ.e a mO!f1u!tQ fleet . ·.mn,·, Weekly Mall qnotes tbe {p\lowlng as .. ~_ ot loaa from their own careless- ':I'hat Snake Is regarded lUI an lin- At Toronto. a fe .... days ago. T. W. being pecnllarly characterlstic ot Japa·

Don't tell them that 1 aaJd 110, fortunate name for a ''eSSe1 Is shown Gibson repons that the slh'er mines nese humor: .tlIIOa.1:b. tOt l'Te had enough bIa.me to by the fact that two oC that uame nn·<.Y'''LI at Halleybul"Y are beglnnlng to gh'e A certain go,ernment official who In

R:::.D4!11l' 1D my da,., bnt that's the truth. ha"e been loat, one in 1781 and the P~::;,.!!:lgood returns. One car of cobalt ore olden times used to be called a "daik-"'OIDll!l ';DeS home and makes a other In 1847, hut no "csscl bearing c. realized S3i,500, or an average of $1 wao," but now Is known as a "!.oun-

that name is now kno\\'n to exist. per pound of ore. bee .... \:bnllJa))III,OOlabout being robbed she geta Serpent, which is onl)' a substitute cho" (bend ot a dIstrlct), ha,-ing n 't~1'::':~ sympath,., but let her 811)' she nama for snake, is an unlucky one 1:<I.:ra.rbtlck The new club house of the Western recently appointed to a certain district, . ', bet money 'and abe hJ1s to aboulder olso, for the one \\'J"CCked in 1892 .... as l~~~~~~~i~~~~~'6fAl1~e~:~ti~~~ COmmercial Travellers' Club was engnged in a tour or inspection

whole respollldbDlty and be tound the fourth Dritish war vessel of that. {' '\\"tlS opened Saturday' night at London. when his notice was attracted by the ,<~IlUll with Into the bargaln." lIamo to meet the salDC fate. Yiper Ont. Tbe club,house'is oli;Rlchmond approach ot an old man who was too

wbat beeomes ot the pocket- hlUl been an unluckv name in the Bri· street, and the-interIor Is very hand- tipsy to walk stralgbt. :l5Ilook:li and pl1rlleB1 The,. are not going Ush Savy. The nTst one was wreck- some. \ Wondering who the Intoxlcatl'd mnn

I:~ or thelD.lelves." t'd in 1780, but the Admiralty would could be, tbe district officer accosted It~:..' "'!'belt oWllers lose Clem wlthont not swerve, and so kept the name on Mrs. John Campbell. widow of lat~ hlm and after much dlfilculty ascer· , knOwing It. They lay them down or the, list; i ooch• VWiSe" meeting, .its ,,,.,,..,, Prot. Campbell. ,of Montreal Presb2' talned tbat he ,was the bead or the ~ doonl, and libb' (u'ut-~Jits lostlonly terlan, College, luis heen appolnt"d, , , drop them and they are picked up by l'eccntly The French Navy hos also superlntendent of ,,"omen's residence, Tillage which be bad come ~o Inspeet. h ~lIOmebocly who doesn't nm round look· In connection ~'Ith Toronto Unlvers'j Thinking It to be his duty to make use 'In th been unlucJ;.y, with,yessels so llUUllcd. secretary says '~~~~~;~tl~:::1 " " g tor c pel'llOn they belong to. 'l'he '(t.;per, uf;cd in the Drltish'Service 'be .n "'rawn' as t~ Ity. !lIrs./Wm. MacKenzie will furnlsb .or the occasion. (or obtalulng reliable

~ Here 1.11 a case In point: A. woman seat· - U d I lnt tI th dI trl t officer asked after &he became a prize from the payment \If d'!ty on every bushel the In ng room. orma on, esc ted berselt before a bargnln connter J"rench was lost in .11,~a. Canadian 7wheat that comes .In,. ' ,. the toper how many houses and how .;"pUed with remnants or allk. Atter WIUI lost 'a yelll' lat.er,' tbe'drawhack w1i1 be allowed oni}"on A,gang of desperate mcn,',opertlt· ·many people there were IIi the village. i over a few pieces she telt 179. and the fourtb was recently Hour actual!)' exported. Ing In Cape Breton, have committed "Tbere are 100 houses and, males and 10 tall Into her lap and picked lost in a collision off Guernsey. "The importance of the subject will a number of burglaries, says a des· females Included 60 persons In the

alone Is silent, but lions abound he roars. ror centuries,

and grandeur ot r:31:~~~~~~j'1~~'~i;i~ gradually learned to lIe,e me, It Is . fine to see throw back Ws little head roar like thunder •

"Duntlngs Imitate ntrolts.

finches Imitate Y~~:;~~~~~;;~~~l~I[~<> ,seek their tood ~n the and they gradually stenl call.

"The jay Is an Insatiable Some jays will include in tory not only the wboa-oo ot the scream ot the buzzard and ot the owl, hilt I\lSo

lamb nnd thein[~e1~lg~h~~0:~t~~I!:f~~~~~~~f'~;i~~~ "Even the nlghtlngale's pertect heard the tlp-slp-slslsls warbler and the bub-[Ib·'ublble nuthatch."

, up ~It:~~;;~:~:~;:;~f~~~~;~.~;nirsE;.::,I:~;~~f.P~~~~ilos:~~~~:l;lr~~~~~~!:iil:~-;.I;~~~~~:~ ltd h It Is kno~'n that patch from Svdnev, N,S. A holdup I " th' P I d th ~ ap);Ire.c a e 'III' en , " . took place Saiurda')' nIght at. Brough.: "lUage, re~lIed. e ~an. uzz e, ~ ~ It"IOOkS as It Itl:~'~ lot ot money In other of Ame~~~~e~;:~3it~~OrOO.;,?2~e ~~~~eA~ ton, when two armed men secured a1l


?~:r ~Skedlli; How can bth~t t~et7" PROPE'R BREA '¥ and which ed, and In October.19~,lessthan800 .. the cash In Simon Landry's store., ,. ere s no ng w·rong a o~. a, • ,r JMro.,'f.~lrl.~~·!;!~~r;~\Jii; .,It.' And she banded It to the clerk., ' 'replied the hea'd o' the village' '''Be- 11 ... the lIoatrll., Not the " t.hi[n"-tn: b ttl 000 barrels. In othe words', the ex· -. •• ·"'wbo laId It on a shelt back ot him and a e arc ' , "'d th' I ...... th ount i Take Deep ~:~~i2!:~~~f.ili~~~::, ... 'tho Alli- portatlon of American made fiour has Canada and the United Sta. tes'have , .. es ese s ~'07, ere are any ~m ~ Bald be would send It to the lost and 1 C I I th III b t i th ~ DId . e bserve ' ~ , In fallen during tbe,prt:sent season more decided upon an Internationa om'

l ot peop e In e v age, u s nce ey you vcr 0

... tound department. 1784: the Adder in 1846; three than one-half 'rwo mills are being mission to Investigate and report up· are creatures who know not what It Is breathe through the m,mth 1 "Wben that woman had ronnd the Lizards, two Dragons and one Dasi- hullt In London, ;,ach with a capacity on a1l waterway's adjacent to the In· to drln1l: they are,not, I take It, wOlrtllv,·j\It Plakcs'a ,,'rp[la~!rr'u\,dUrelreIlCe;':~~lien •. goods ahe wanted anl4 went, to take Iisk: j All, of thllSC .lfcre of .the.Brltish 0(, four t.housand (barrels a day. ternatlonal boundary, so as to settle ot being mentioned." we ~talk we are' forced thet pocketbook ont ~rlher retiCule It z(a"l'The list'cOHld be'miu!e larger 1\11-, mills are being built at BeUast all disputes as to commercial ship· I Once upon a time It happened through the mouth,says .. wasn't there, and you ought to have by citing the records or other na\'ies. and otber places. ping and avoid Internatlonal'dlspute~. fI~''e or six bitrgl~rs: armed\' pbhi Inquirer. When not


~beard h~r ksqueaL Sbe she, , "Canadian mills regularly sellllour. rd d h tI like men attack lips should be well closed" ., h d It Jj:" h t ' I ! ' tor export In tile New York city mar- Miss Campbell, of Galt, who was 1111"0 S an s OU ng , • U~~t:{t;;:'3!'~~iy;:1,i Ifwi:t. D!t'i~~niSll. sure 'ir"'~!1!. ~l"~'ar.'f!,r:.'e. ,3'},.\ ket, and It Is tben.sent through the knoeked !Iown by a runaway team at,lng ~ e~emy on the battlefield, came ~reatbln..g sbould be entilrelY

.... < 0 "A • rB. utter's address on the Influ- United States In bond, and, exported Toronto, Friday , night, ' died a few bouncing Into 'the house ot a certain nostrils, but this Is not al. T:l1e::hllblt>:~\i"1:1

,.1 ance or Il(e ~~it~~he:l'~~~~3;;q~::~~ll;t~;mE~lg;'hiti!:a~s well' he bo,urs after being taken to the gen· doctor. The whole housebold, with the ot slow tt~~~t~~'~~~~'i~~~~,fi~~~i}? ;:::;';haetrlend o. mine be j d d b th as eral bospltal. -- ~ . • -exception 'ot the master, were ~ • may u ge y 0 ROWIUI; " Iyzed. Tbey telt as though Iro!l chullns more value and

~, "'ben he asked to soo the pnrse excerpt" " ~"\ h bled d'tb' d till b II til I r WI'~,Dln.'" ourselves. It Jacob Obenesser, proprietor of the ad een pac aroun em" an no wever e eve un you ;..; had tound, and it turned out IluJer ~ things, Albion hotel. London, was fined $250 one' of them mpved; han~ or foot,,;They It, and wben you bave e:t:~il~~§;U;:~~ :'M,{~'i?, \ f()wn. She had laid It down 14jYjl." iIo.In the and bound-over In the sum of $4,000 wa~ched in',terro.r ~o see what :would habit of breathing In tbls " 'thIng, and wben It feil Into either be en- to keep the peace for one year. He happen, when, 10 and behold, the rob- will say some remarkable

.... ',she was 80 surprised sbo didn't reeo\:- was given the potion of six months'l bers took their departure, without tavor. It wlll reach all po~:~t~o.~i;~;O'~E;·.)' CjDLze It. " ~ nf~ 11"( rl Imprisonment, but the money \ ,was Itealfug· n. thlug. i ,Though theyJ,could physical system. J All thu' b~e~~~f~~:I~~I~~'! " I "And I really think that she hdled to paid on the spot. Obernesser s of· not tell what was the meaning ot this occur trom a bealthy c' .{)idmlt that she hadn·t been robbed." . fense was, an assault upon yr. F; ~. strange proceeding certain It was that blood.wlll In a greater or ." , •• ",.()~;.",~ Bst 0<, '" -,., " , ,/ , • • , " .( '" ~ _... r. e. ,! , ' I the . family .was sate .. -But wbere was' be yours:ror tbe manner and

\ . tl I the head or the house7 Arter searcb· ness with whIch the Inhaled The amalgamation of..Jhe fonr lead· ing through the rooms they,found him In' contact with the blood In

Ing cotton eompanles In, Canada has ." ' , ' . been announced with a capital of in hls dispensary. There he stood in are ot the utmost importance

$10,000,000:", Tb·ti'· companJes :affecl~\!.~ 11:he~~~'~f~f~~l~f~;~~~~~[~~~~~I.v!tal:process.~.,..~e~lnnl:8 arc a tbe Dominion Cotton Company, I turnllCe, in whlcb the oxygen Cotton Company amI "What are.you. doing

Bleaching Company. ,rI'Ii'e one ot'the members ~~';e~~o~~~lfti, amalgamation Is th~ re·' SmiilDg,l, he replled:

and the stopping were perhaps as ·noted :a!i\,E;:U1~p.sakaj rates"", ,,A'o;, Cbohan,'~but.1they ,thank .. t.D,ell'q'lier"('/~~~'~I~.~~:'~~e}~~!

stars that they have got off with their

G~!~~~~t~~s~~~~~~~~~i:~~~~~~tl~~i~~~~~~~lr~~~~t~~::;, Brandon Boy. Ilvesl Had they pushed matters a lit-P~'~~~I~~.,~~mn~~n~~~:~~f~~~~~~~~:~~i~~~~~~~;~io-~:li"1l~l~;~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~ m1d(6:(f6~s,L;';i'th I t :t~ members " •• ,""",,' IT

Candle auction

, t ,

j n~Iii!I!ie[' ~ ot I tJnies ~.;;,~~~ri.;~ "n'llrA dlilly,"

rejoined Gabbleton, "I'm snrprlsed '~lthailr\bnV71t worn'it out long ago." -J«" ,- ~, }J, ) f.l- ., l' It ....4 "--_ ..t i if -) '-t .. v I"'! It. J,

10 Delicate. "That's Mrs,)iMarrl~u~, :the, soeJet,.

leader," explained tho man Wh\l knew. , , "My, 'you don't say!" replied the ple­

beIan. ,"Sbe's.in ,bal!,,~oprnlng, lsn'~ she?"

"Yes. You see, three ot her six hns' bands are dead."

't'" TIle ~rrote •• or •.. 1),,1 ff J

Tbe profess .. was wafchtilg a man who was elclinlngj the ,brass globe of the f1al:8tatr on top ot a skyscraper.

"Well,!' Lhe' observ!l4.,,!'1f I were ,as near heaven as thnt I should teel dan­geronsly near the other place. ...

I!;;)~' .,

t1 ttl tl ''I....!! t. I :- :" 1

It ~H t rl d ... '1oj t~ 001' ...... H: : fV'~") PI ",<I>' '''Pop." ,-~., ~ . L r

uy CSt my IOD."

"'~Who was Centaurl'"'Z"~ , .. , "Cenlnur, my 80n, was man who never

A FraIl~"Trlb1lte,

for manx . Wednesday '!Wlthout a sword or a pistol how at develop; ,!-ccldental dlschar~e of could, you have killed tbese xobbers7

ment have been made without suc'~ out rabbit hunting. ' The Can you klll robbers wltb a spooh?" ces's. On strength of these old Imll· with, a companion, was I cations the C. P. R. have reserved seY· buggy, the rlu.:t llelng Whereupon ,the doc~or, with fin!! sel~ ernl sections of their land In the vi· wltb the butt against the dash- assural!ce, replied: How many thou·

Thw Paychnl"",,. 01 Yanlt,.. clnlt" for sale" and so far as the pub· and the muzzle pointing too, sands, of ,lives h.ave I taken by means , , A French scientist, :r.r. Camllle Me- Hc are aware It Is reserved stilI. The 'young Wlnterlngham. By some. of tWa spoon! What to me are the Iinard, discusses in La. Revue (PariS) Indications are tl1at streaks of min· unaccountahle reas:m the weapon was lI,es ot five or six robhers7 " Lucky the psychological aspects of vanity, eral tar are showIng at the surface. discharged, the bullet ente.rlng 'Yin· chaps to get of! as Wey did!" 'wWch, ,ha declares; Is 'tlie '"deslie' for This tar was ,analyzed by the ,Gov· teringbam's ,right side, coming out,on 'The son' of an extremely illiterate pt;iilse ~be~nio.,qll p'pIYerfu) .. ~ Viinlty ernment anal:l,'st at Ottawa and prill' left side just above the hlp. The peasdnt was In the habit of brInging in the beginning, he declares, is mora nounced to he an evldenee of the pre- unfortunate young man was taken to his copies bome day after dol' his a caprice than a vice. but vices may 'o,>ne'" of petroleum. '. the hospital 'at' Brandon, wbere he ' " nriso out at it. E'1 discusses vonity . ' 'died late that night. , hands a.nd face covered with the Ink of dress, of mannerH and or intellect, Good Market In Mexico f6~ Canada. ' >, that should have gone on his copy, To ·provent· the development of A.roporLhas heell recelYed at. the Thinking It well to exercise his pater· ity, he says, WO, should begin Department of r.nde and ,nal autborlty over the lad !lyen In re-'eaTly with tho child" Tn' ract it is we nt,Ottaw,a.fr,o!U l}'C'Ic,n 'WAR NEWS gard to his'school lessons, the father who make the child vain by the mis,. sh' C lllSul .for ]\(>~ . one day commanded the boy to show usc 'of praise, comparisons with com- 'to 'j he trau!:' -'-- him his writing. Looking it, o,er with p'anlons, too much admiration; also country. Hl' I~ of the opinion the air of an expert penman, be crltl-b~' ra'iUery, '",hlcn' mny co.use tho the> ~ Is a/gl'or'market In Mexico JAPAN ESE' PREPARE ATTACK ON clsed various strokes: "This stroke Is child, lDuch Sl!fJering and teach him for Canadian pro,ll cts, sueh as, agrl· UNEQUALLED SCALE. too long', this one ·too'sbort. These two to fear critiCIsm. -i''l'here is too much It 1 hi I' d I Y ro-' . , ' Cll ura mac lIelT,' um ler, a r p strokes are too ~ar /;,apart,'( observed appeal to amour propre, and duce and canned fish. :'Drummers vis· Besiegers Wlll Either Succeed the"fatber ,»' . , arc too many competitions lUng },lexlco," ~ays the, consul, "must - Suffer Heavy Disaster . '. '. . • '

hi h t · I t "But," said tbe boy,. "the wrltlng prizes w c may, S Imu a e energy, not he deterred by modest exteriors " 1 but require ver~t 'prudent uso. It and the abscLr.e of IIxtures' to'. the The correspondent of the London master tells ns,to'wrl~e,t..!lelD as I have would be better to compare the sche- mercantile offices of this country, Dally Telegraph at Cbefoo telegraphs done." "Show.ima'the,;copy," jerked lar with himself .. '1'0 work to, bt: the some oC the most Important houses as follows: rI'he Japanese are mak· out the father. The boy:produced the

illrst need !?,ot be"bad, tiut to'\work keeping up, old Spanish traditions of forts dally around Port wbich his tather began to ex· for the joy: ~r \vorklllg n.itd le8.rning slmpllclt)·. and studied av,oldance of attack Is now ;il;riIDle closely upsIde down.: "Why,

,Is much be~t~r and less excit i4g!!Fln- display." . that he on a hitherto unequalled are boldIng 1t upside down!" ex-ally, lot us remember'thnt 'tile ad- - scale, and It will mean either success '''!Ialtned vantages we boast of havo lIttio or terrible disaster 'to the besiegers.:" tbe lad. Not to be benten, the value In themsolves:-all'depends- on < The Dally Telegraph correspondent repll~:' "Don't be so conceited I tho uso wo make of them. The adds that the ,steamer Lady Mitchell ap1 ,holding '1t ,tor you to 109k at, of

of wllich we can llever be supplies, ammunition and dyna. course. You could not read It were ; ,.', ~, '-! reacbed Port Arthur In a snow it turned the other way. Listen to

, ~;""D ... ~'.~rlia", st()rrn four nights ago. what Is said to you and don't tancy Do,ct4lr-.I think I'll ha,e call III Japanese are said to have eva- you know everytblng.",

,.o'D!!,:otIu!r pbyslclans fO[',Cclns'ultation. IClJat,ed '"Etz Mountain fort, owing 1 to The,above reminds us or a story tbat sO':1ralpl,d~.la Han king movement from the other concerns Taira IGyomorl. I It 1.11 re-

I.".~.i.,~~. ;li}lDclr:eds.,o.:r.qlo,i;l.sanoi; tons and tlie('exploslon of Russian lated thnt In tbe time of the Heljl Ull\,t:I',:, from ",,,nlch they lost heavIly. belllori' the'rebels attacked Klyomorl's

hi('p~'~';;;~i;: , .. Sunken Squadron. , f St. P t b enmp '\'ery suddenly one day. Losing

~~e 1.11 beatrtUu1" ~ th!l..ll,tudiOU.

~1'1. '~ut 8~'~B ~t ncco'fn..I\!fsb~.":f ;I:;'~oinplh:ea '. r " ns .... "red I.flsl C'1oyelllle,

"'.in'" ... .. 'Tt.'Iq,ii -~ ""~ ~ I ...... ~_.': "there Is no aecompllsliment more d1t. IIcnlt ~an being beantlfn}.::",.

e~ery to get these out, ',but, A ca),Jlegram rom e ers urg , • th hll d II I to glue his presence· or mind, KI"omorl put the reeent severe eold snap quickly, states"' at, w e ec n ng • , . \

CANADA. :. f1l'2e up ,the,: sballoW" streams, and It details, the. admiralty: admits that on his armor In a great hurry,' tbe back T~'C~~1t~leri~~lb~'~ on sale Novemher Is jusr a~\questlon" whether many. ot Russian advlces, from Eort, Arthur, part rront. Some person's' nenr pointed tI 31st at rate ot Ho the rrJlIs"'rilay not ha"e to close down sent by General Stoessel, substantial· out the mistake he had 'made,

(:t.r,. ~st, as Montreal; ,proportion for tbe winter. / ly confirmed>'the ,;':rapanese advlces ba,e put your armor on the ",,'nnll ately higher rates beyond, and wlll qe -'--- ! of· the partial "wrecking of the Rus· way," they' exclaimed. "It Is not so, good for return tbree'months from Canadian Engines Best Work, sian' sblps In' ilie harbor, the "As the

date of sale. Special arrangemenlsr~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~;~~~~~E censor bas been ,Instructed '1!<Imlna;jb~Ji~~~}I 'have' pitt' • ' ,- 01"_ ' managing the publleation 'of the '.':, f" will!. be madjl w' make ~tra"c1llng,.a Is claimed 'tbat several or, tbe larger t.lle_.ll!11~~.r the front pleasure on' any/ot the 'four !talns de. b f '~R~~~:l:e 'T(m.u b-e impolite ships and a' respeetable num er 0 " parting from Minneapolis and St. torpedo-boat 'destroyeri( are 'still, sea- ·hQ~1r. part or, one's arlDor Paul: ~,ery ,~day '. The ,finest of blgb for ten mogul engines for the worthy, but that they are not consld· """-''''S 'tiii ~eliipE!r.;'r." ~ "';itbout altering back Ileat. conches, free .z:ecllnlg chai, dian ~¥lfiO"Ra\1way -&itiipany. The l'_;'''~,·,_,_" a fador In the coming fight <::ars' and sleepers make these trams engines, }\'~l b.e ,complE!.t4!~ durlng the between AdmIral Togo's . ,ships and most popular~ with. travelers to East- next ten months. Mr. Birmingham the' Russian' second ,Paelfio squadron. ern Ciilladl!-, Sp'~lal,.P~l!lPhl!!tthgiVlnl g could ha"e bad the order doubled,'but _," < "R'alse"the""'S'h'lp.: time of 'trains, eto.,"or any 0 er n- could not turn· out the finished article' "" .'

It he went " The term applied to doc· '. , tors who wrong medicines.

(ormation, be gladIy turnlshed as soon as deslrell. The company said U:the fortress Is"relie,ed'it Is

:"~~'J;~;';'I~~:.:~~t:;!~G~eo~.: ~:~~;,~Lee, Travel· Its Kingston·made engines were do· lIeved tnat most of t11e sblps wlll LiRe, 339 Ing better. work and glving better,sat. raised 'and saved. The t, 1\ Isfactlon than- their. Amerlcan com. a Japanese squadron of }! ~ petltors; ','" - 'J \', ., already'sailed to,

Now,' It· happened once that a quack having been"tbe menns of kllling the only son or a certain house, tbe' par· entl determined to ha,e their on him. So they sued hIm

"'''':J:", • ~j ...:...___}

IVORCEl , The affair was\;'l~~Ii~~~i~~

P~!~~::'l~;b?lY the worthy q •. t parenti his returIl'tor tbe one

method ot "procedure 1~'Ihlif~~~~m~~o1~ early dn'y!! of the It Public notices, ", .. _,.'_ put up at

'the day long was desk., , candle was lighted. tlnued to ,burn

rlly, but the' :I~~~~:~\l~~~f:,~~~~i!~~: awny tbe goods tbe Inst bidder.

In tins mnnlicr IDtimieri'8e';coiisl~:ii~</i{~,i; menls or silks, IndIgo,

tl!rtll were disposed. ot, =~~J~t~~~~J:.r:]:.~ pounds cbanglng bands, burnlng.o! tbe Inch or caDdie:',;,;"""",

Before the aucOon began

read over ot the nrim~!e~;s~.~0~t!~I~:l1~~~i"f{~1~~ permitted "to bid at contained tlJ(I na[~llfl

tailed to pay, their U~'"':ol~;~~~t~:~~~[r~r~ way wronged the "blacklisted" tbem

~ . 'Kept "Snppose I were

not go to,;'th~~e::'!~!ri:~i;~~~I~t~\:~~~f:~fi

• . . . , , ,

NOW ON ,~.

• , '

This is'the month for bargains; every' department has' astounding ~ , f'

v~lues '.to offer you, many lines to be' clear~d regardless of • price." .. . ; ~ . The following are a few of the many bargains awaiting you. • • • • ..

" .

':0028n" Bla'ck' Overalls . Dress" Goods Reg,ldar ,p~ic.e $1-.00, sale price.

, , Five dozen men's woolen wear,

. ( .' .

',. be~cleared at, per suit ..

75C The balance of this fall's stock to'

be cleared af a discount, of

• •

to • $1.00 •

, ., . , .r

.,' ,. ,

, '

.•. " - .. ,

, '

i I

.~. Felt Footwear

.' ,

.:"Balance' of 'merr\s' ,.,a'nd ladies' felt .. ' . : _ ,.t ", ,_.- " I; J .I... _

':,' ·".footwear to.be·cleared~ at .v.' . . • , , . ,

, "

'Of 'heavy 'wrap~rette, a~sor.ted pat-. ., terns and'liried~" Your choice

, , ." 1'1 j' " •


a " ' . j' J ' " f ~I ' ."

. diScount 'of ~' :, ... '} ~ J j' , '

" "game', 'and alt,'the ,team ,. ~ot~~ th~t the Glenboro boys are 'good'sports, , ,

l'reb4~rn.e riram~tiC society the comic

, Their first i;1"j!i;pr~\c.Uce,"~a!s:,h'elCl'lal5t night ... · :

Rev. F. C. Middleton conduCted four very sl1cceSsfitl lectures' on holiday week; at his north Treherne

. , entitled °Life on Australian ,Goldfields.'~ ~pey

were very successful in every way; We were unable to attend any of them, but hear that Mr. Middleton will probably put '~n the same ,lec­ture in Treherne, in:' the' near (\~ture, when h~ no d,9!lbt, will be favored with a good attencIanc~.

SELECTING'THE CLOTH , , " ,> I. a 1i>8l'lal part of 'onr bll8ln .. i. It mUlt be

Rood Iu tho lint placo. It must be It),lloh Iu the locoed. It mUI~ be reasonably prloed In tho third. 'When ron order,a' ,!" "

,: ,'I •• ,' > ~ > , '


:';~5 p.c. . ,

", . ,

" lat ~ • • • • , "

,I' l'T,::,:$. :t;\'~T;',: . '.LJ" )V'l~'

, .... ' " I ,I • 'J

'D' ' ','0"", :-'m:' ,/;, es' :'i'e: , 'ad,' " A new ~'se:;=~:::7:::, newh:~nse, stables, .tc'l

8 miles from town. l( section 1m. proved •• m los from toWD. ~ scction unbroken 200 Bcres fino' prairie, 4~ milos from town. ~ seo. unbroken, % prairie, balanco light Icrub,

" IrWin's, \ '~'EGU"'ATIONS' a·llocatlon.!oi 'section close to town, 65 acres ~ ,......" J brokoD, bouso, stable. 'veU, etc., 30 acres of fhfo

, '

" ..

• 1; "

• , .. • . " I, ,.

","'. bay and Bomo good timber. 2 qnnrterll, ono all ',' tj ~ _ , . prairio, no .bettor in Manitoba. tho othor 'good ! II • • ~. _.' _ • ~. ",'. , ~;.

AnT ••• • ... ...- ~... of J)omtDloD hay land wIth scnttered timber, 2!oi mile. from P R' ES E T' T " . .. ,'....,.", ' IAn ... In ManU..,.' or the NorUn, .. t TerrS-, lown. An Improved M soctlonabout OOaoros .. N A' I!ON' CAN" D' 'I'ES c.or1u" e1CeI)Unc • and 21, which baa uood0t ~ brokoD, yield 25 bus. this yoar, 2% mUos from ... . . nom .. ,cadecl, ruenod, to pnmde w ~ town, A boautlful half section all prairie, 3 ' Cor or tor other ptII'POMI8, ~y ~ mllos from town. A tlrst-alnu improvod farm, .. i . , '" . -. . .. . , ~ #

by aD7 pusm who ... ...- 175 acros brOKen now houso and stable, etc. - \ .'.., f I

ot a tamUy, or any male oyer 11 7e&n two and a half mhos (rom town. For' particu.. • .'. • _ , ~ . , , . 8&" to the exteD\ of ...... - ~ lars apply to SAH. FLACK. Agent, Swan Lake' OWlDg to the fire 111 ',WIDDIpeg ,we have'Dot'lJeeD'~""'" lIIJ a.crea. lDOn or. -. ,,' ",. '.1. '~"". • " , " , ',,! - "", ,f ,I", ,,:./., \i: -r.r J ' ENTRY. '!- . , able to keep n full line,of.",W.,,J., Boyd's good~ on':,,;,

EDlr7 m&7 be ma4e pea '117 at the loc:aI • f ' I ' .. ' ~ _ _ " •

:and oI(l<o,:or tho _t In.whlch lbe Iud hand but,we, have g'ot a full"'linc'now!'" This'.'is"t'tie ""J , to btl take.D.' 1I,.utua.te. or 1L tbe bomutender 'l ~- j , " , " •

~~.:.e=i.:.noa~~~ ~~':I::': LIVERY 5TABEE best you:can get"and DObody else,in'to~n can handle ,,:' ot l.JnmIKT&lIon. Wlnillpec, or th_ local ..... ' ' •• " ~. ;,r. ,!\ .,~

~l:::I::t\yln(o~=e ~:..~":::= JAS:SMITti; 'them, 'as wea~e sole agents. .. ' , .... " ",_ •. , Car blm. A (.. o( UQ.OII '" charpd !or' anIIa· . , '. ' , , r ' ...,. 1aam .. 1ad eoU7. ' , ' , 'J We DOW have Navel, Oranges'. in:''', The "first of

, HOMESTEAD DUTIES.! " , , u ~." .••• )!rr': ".~ ;:.1 " :Uader :th. pru;...t 1&,,', ,bc'm=heA; OIatSM ' .. We have now greatly increased the season. Reasonable ID 'price:: Malaga gra~. ::;~'~~ ""00. o"tIIe (oIIow~. the"accommodation of, the barn, ' ':" '." '. 1"', ,~<, "', , ".' .':'.,

,UJ Dr at I .... t "'" '!""'Iilui' .... - - and Can handle the' livery and feed 'We expect to have some choice Bannas for·Xmas.' Uld'c:UlUva.UOD ot. th~ land 1D. MCl:l J'Ml' 4IIr- '. t " ~" 1" " •• ~" r ,

~)~i ~e:Dl~~~'J~u..r' (If the ~ busine!iS with great facility. We ", " ." ' ":. ;",'. " .., ' ''" decO&oed) O('ILDY -""" wbo Lo'eII&D>le" can fit you out with any; kind of ·W .. ·, 'J I' ".!':' ...... ' t'"'''' ill ,'(,:'" ':' ~:~~~rr:~l:~.r"*l;g ~e ;~~i~(~'~h~~~~;S;~~~b!i:~::: ,.'. r'ln,' co!::!::ns~'" ,~, ';I;rll .. arn8~

, , ,.. MIl -

:A. MERRY , .' '" .,

~: :'XMA.'S .,' , '


.~st'(,f':the:AssinibOinenver in . section ,:19":9-9. con-

taining htmdred·' arid sixtv one ,about 5 acres broken'. Friune

bouSe, '16X22 covert!d;:with. mica roofiDg. Log stabl~'partlv built. Excellent river Bat land,c1ay loam, that can all be broken . and will inak'e au excellent farm'. "Apply to 10:-3" JAliES HIRD, Treherne. . ..

j=~':;~,~f~o;r tLoIUis4~I·""".." 0111 .. ,.".,.,. .... :. sch!)Ol, on or·· lkfore, first· of . ,

!~~~;:~~~~~=5~!1" , " March, of 10 cords of poplar wood, . The undersigned ,has for sale at .' J,[rs.1 SOmeiville. bas reCeived a cut in two foot lengths. The low- his. place., sectiou 2-9-10. a few letter froin Some anonymous Source. eSt or any tender not n~ly Polland China Pigs, which he will

" ted J S sell ~Apply at once to· the writer having 'failed. to sign a accep. AS.' T.-L"'TON. :. DOUGALD McLAREN, name, or, .indicate, where the , Sec -Treas., Louise. Treherne.

. came from. Mr. Somerville ' j-tf Tlehernegr!lin.'prices ,C01;ec:~ll;;;';: be pleased to have the writer '" WoocI W ... ,.d.

on :Tbufsday noon-" , . of the' letter call and identify it. T ' d! f . d' f c, ~Wbeat, I Northern j8c. . ' . - ", ,. ' • en ers or 30 cor s 0 green . .,. 2 ";'" 7SC- ,Mrs. George Brock and two split, sound. white, poplar body ~ II, 3 . If, ·7OC • .' -- children leff on . 'Wednesday for wOod· will be received by the under-

II 4 " 6oc. . Stratl:icoDa:' to.visit.her sonS, who' signed ,up to January 16th, 1905. Oats' .' 30 to 3SC. comfortably settled in that live The ~oOd·mus~.he delivered:on the

Tahing·No Chances

, ' :;, VIe take tllis' opportu~i . ing' our ::many customers: a and'~Prosperous Ne:w :Ye.~

" , ,; __ N ew year. bargains in P , 2'5 'per cent. ,discounfoff all felt

Our business has been r-,.....''\T.,£1&.Al'>:t:'i/ .. ;:i:'i\··;P;1{;i::,0~g every year, beca11se the qualIty of our ... ,""." ':',.,""'.",i,,',;:§',n

. t Goods pleases and the price makes them go. Al ways buy the best qual;.

. ity. It is the. ch~apest in the end. , Have 'you seen our bargains

IVfen's ·Pur coats. Barley , .', 35. to , ~lberta town.· ,,''.1', '. West Treherne school grounds, not

. . , .. ',,'. later than February 16th, A. D. Mr;"and"Mrs, Ea . .llcMillan .. ],Ii,SS M. ~. ~Itt!~ w~l!,.'x:esume. 1905.', R. J~ MILLS, .

visitea'tbe' city on Thursru(y l~t. Classes tn plano tUitIon ne:ct ;. . Sec.:.Treas. ,: , '. . '. . • .the .19th., when she WIll !I' '!"!B"'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i::""""~!!!!!!!""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. :W ... ·,l. g,CC>TT &"''"''~''.''''(''

A, pair of ill,litation",white pleased to . meet all her fOrD?er ", ',' ':,.. ','." gauntlets and a .. horse and WIll be ready to receive, ; """lIoaU"". Wan,.,d. awaiting' owners ~t:"the. i new ones. ' , :Applications for,' the position of om~.' , , , " ; " c' . ,,_ A B h' ~ba'h,'" . . , . 'assessor for the Rural Municipality

. " • • ' '. , . • Jl'Ul!. • UC CIS' enJoytng a f S thO N f lk '11 b . d Mrs •. HaIry Payne v,:ishe:; visit from' Mrs:" COllver-Rogers, of b t~U u de~r i~ ;~ ~ receIve

thank' ,those who so kindly Santa'Barbara,;: Calilornia, a niece / b e, n I t~ ~ D P I() a. m., ',' ,.M, a.ny .. m. en ril, ake ~ood resol'ution. s .. · .. " .",.' guarded her property on· the whoin she has not !l4;eD for twenty~ e ruary 4 'R'J '~iii;; Cl k . '",,;". of thO:: fire. ,', five years. ,'Mrs. Rogers has been '. '" ,er . the coming year. You can make' one that" '",'

, , visiting ·her old home' in eastern ---- .. ---- ('ty', . . "

Messrs. ,Gorie &. Cook Canada, and on leaving here next 81"ay811. , ,iS~r- is ea, sily kept. It 1.' s that 'y"'ou buy"yoiir' ,: " ' .. :;'.~ . ment dealers disaolved T - • . .. "and the business is to uesday WIll VISIt at ,Vernon and Froni my place, section 2-6-9, . . ' , , . '!

by Mr. Gorie: A~strong,. B. C;, and Tacot,na, OU about the first of October,' two " HA DDWADE . , , he,~ 1\'ay home. '~r. and· Mrs:. vearling heifers, one roan' the other You takt! no chances ,wlien buy- , "- '., ~.

St;veral young folks', fro.m town Buchba~h .. and"Mrs: .~o~ers' drove a,grayish white, both brauded H ing your harness supplies from us: ,. ."." . , ' attended a'housepa~ty given by Mr. qver. th.IS week~to VISit ~rs. Fred on right-lower flank;~ Any' infor- We .. h!1~e ~_ ful! st?ck of all your here, where it IS always' good and 'Mrs. FiedL'Carltqn;,' on the F~rns of ,B~rnSlde .. :'" . mation leading to recovery will be necessitIes lD thIS hne. . hI '" d ' e\'etilng of the 2jth utt. . '. 0' '''M' ':d" "'" ·tti' 'h' h'l suitably rewarded by' ' See us' a!so for trunks, valises, a y price .

n on ayevemn6 e:lc e - 'H H T telescOpe grips, etc. Fair dealing' d' 1:.;1 t"'h' t . If J d "11' ',,-, Mj.~ W. D. Staples, '],1. P>, left o~~ or:,Treh~rn.e.; w~~e., *~ '~hole ,~4-mth UG~udi~~~~~do;'6 is' our style and we Ihre up to. it. an, ua c e s. you are a 't;t. ge you, ,~~ .,:~."".. ~is::~~7uti~r:~~~~~~~~~ ~~:lgb~~t:CI.:\)~~c~e:~·a~·~ll:O~~~ " .. ""1;:'.' ~u ., k~OW. that their ctittin·g.qi1alities'are'~;~e~~,,\;r:': Staples accompanied him as . far . HaU, and carried, through without w ... ,.,,,. S I' 'IIVII . 1 t Th' ." '11 k _.' d ' -"

. 'h'th AL-'-tsl·t· u'pl er ' ,"'.: .'. I. .' e,n .. , elr'pncesWl 'm. a e'youw,o.n ... er','·'.:·", 'Vinnipeg. ; ";,,: .. , ~' I C i uuU,~ Y co es'w e Uoat!s on farm and, village pro~ .. , ',' '.. ; , . ID attendance, several of them be- ~rty ·1l.owest living rates Abuud- how we do it

Cypres;s River;wen,t ,down beockfore ing from R!lthweU:, ,,' Notlting was ant:f~nds just to hand fdr village ,.,' . i '. .'

Holland In a Jeague;game of,b - spared tQ'lnake thebaU'a'success; 10 ns A I t 1 " ','

eyon''YedneSday,nlght,.to.thetune andyefit.wiis·iiuch'a'firiabciaH;~c- a. Pb~O~GEiIOODY' .,'. I I'.' 'r t" '. "":.

of five ,to oner ·eypress made~.a cess t,hilt. ~he .,boys will ~·.a~lt: to Treherne and Cypress\ River. THE PEOPLE'S' MEAT, MARKET much better .showlDg. ou . theIr send a colI!fortable contnbutton to , ' " ' .. ' ': f., :".: ".' . . , . home Ice. ,,,,,, ,. " ,. '. the ! ,roiisu~'ptiv~ .~ ,sapitarium at , 'T' H·r' /a:r'S'T

,'01oeraltlC ,.,.nu,~.r!ly~nhurst., '." ' ih~ ',. .' ',' .' Sl;{ati'n:g' 'Riti.k, ,':, .:' '~" ~~' , .. ,~. ~_!!II!!!!I!!!!!!!!I'I!!!! 't· ..... '!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!! .... "'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~;"""",,~!!!!I!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oo~,

Dram:iltic~:~~; ~~i~:I~~~~t;;~~;~:~:~.!~i~~:i~f"" . , Is 'none too good for our customers


. : The Treherne Skating' Rink' is and' imDrc.virl!1 open every night in the ,veek, for lecLuilP~ent

'oi,CII1Oi::.l'.' .... rinrt,', .• I sk3ting,on,.TueSdays, WednesdllYs~ .alid1.~uEiefl~FC)pe:rla,tileil'labol's.'.)'~A.1l anot:her:.~:9l1:tmDi"·:~~alidj;';~tla[lge ~nl thurSdays,., au'd "Saturdays, ; and, for,

.... . 0 hockey on' .Mondays and' Fridays; ei~~tlr even.~y Curling every week night. Good

thc~te"'l>ejng./C?8 .boys iln,~ comfortable waiting rooms and al­. new .. ,sch~I, ways first class ice. Visiting .cur-

q~~~!~~:;:et;::;~i:l~ . a. VItal one, lers can always get a game. ' , In" the",first 'gam'e of the, South- f( samtary regu- " ,.'! . ,.

western Hockey league ':in whieh latious only :~permit ' about 108 J. S., PALMER, Prop. Hoiland' came' down to meet'Tre- in a- school ,the size of. .. ) , herne, on TueSday, Deceri?ber 27 t11 , ours; and1vet we are making"itac-

pasS 'it over. counter Cil!;tQlnel's.~; ,We\,kill nothing but,

the best and healthiest,. animals. so ~e dan not fail to supp\y good meat.

c. ROUX.

the bome team .won .after a very commodate practically 40uble'the F ... ", '0 R.if, friendly game by a score pf:lo,to 5· number." This question cannot \ , . ' ~'.' <

The Treherne club entertained the very\vell be laid on the shelf next' .South half 3 t~7~tO, ,300 ,'. n,' .lQ. nd .. visiting te.am' to .an ~~ste~ sUPP':r year. , ,'1 ," •• .. ' brcken, 200, acres fall ~. after the match, In' whIch complt-· . '. E~cellent home for first ment'S followed. fieety', and 'proved' '. ,:.':' ; Apply to .. W. R. R:oss, ,',

that the feeling existing. is very , .1" 'Born. ,. . il;4' , " Holland. I, ,:.' ( '.:'" ,tt, ,i '0, '. t'··e.···,~' friendly." Tpe Holland boys,',Jia4 a j, c '._'- ~ , .. , ~~'~'=-#' =' =~~~~~~~. '. cold,drive home. ' , -' . . GATES-At.BoYne Creek:; near ,Tre-" ,,' .. .... .,' ',t ..

The Matchetville ·Chri~tm'as.tree 'herne,'on Thu,rs~ay,.'Decembe.r' Cl'o'sed ·For:'. and . -ntertaliiment was' ,held on 22nd, 1904, the wlfeof1Mr. Geo.- '_

..... , Gates of twius, boy·and·girt:. Friday evening, and Wa! well at- " " , . " ' tended. The program was a good ., Milrried. " .' ,; ,. -;. .• ,.; .... ~ highly appreciated by. the . ..' ,

A couple of very 'pop- GRJ>~NBANK-FR'AMi.-At the res-' " .... '. lar\VOoUnll{·· .. au .. :» who . are idence of Mr. '. Andrew McVicar, W h f '.' ." -

'. Wawota,.?n .. the<~ls~:., ofp~m- ~ atc . or our,op-her;<by, ~be Rev. jlMr. ;Ohver, of '.' • ; . '

. IMcosomln , Assa."Mr. ~amcs ,~'; enlng , announce-. Greenbank, of 'Wawota', to MISS " , Margaret :Frame~ for:nierly of.. t.

" Treheine.- ,:~" .:,. m~n ., . ~, • '- .... i' f. .,

tt!r;l~~t~~l~fj1:rI rlied' I'" .. ...' --

GA'l'E~JH"~)Yne;ereek. n~~ Tre- , ,Will.· K~ R.~'ntori '!:r;iI .... , December;'23, One door east Metcalf's' Furniture

son . of Mf: and I ; House . • ,l~ it~·f ... \t; ~I

'U""~:'."". ' ',' ,J, . ". _ " . . . '

Having taken charge of the Leland . '~otef, I' have, 'been

. busy. ,refurnishing, --I:ejitting ! abd'thoroughly cleansing and ~ f' ,.,' "" (\' l' renovating the house, and can 'n'~~ , announce' lfirst ,dass aii

"ar'C'u:nd: hotel accommodation' ! t(>:th~ iravC1~ng 'and general public. Soliciting your pat-ronage I am

! • ,; ,. 1'" • .:.:'

,>.- 'Yours respectfully>


~>\:J;~'-a<'I:'I'~n' '~"'!g,l; ;:' ,: "~ f ~ .. :. ~ . t _ ..

, .;" , : ~:. ~ ,

. , ,'1. , , '~~, .~ {, ::;I, '"

, , !

'We,' ate' . giving ':z.5 pet;' ceti:.t;t di~count 9~ all ti~es except 'gro-'l'.,·,::;;~i;;:!jt; I.. , • ~ J ~" '., l·.~.-," '"., ... , ... "


ceties, ior, two weeks.'" Make 'aD.>:,;.:> .. ;t;<~!:,(:;;"ir.·}il , ' • )' '; - ~ • ," l', '''. ,:!

ea.rly call.' and get. ba~gain~. )~',: {,:';::t;.',!y,):·C'i'>

clothi~g, :g~~ts' fti~nis~ings, lmit.t~~· . , ' .. , >,i"·:l:·;'C . ,

.' gloves, bqots qn'd sho~s, etc etc .. ' . ':;·"l""'r:',:·,,-,' , ' \' I ' \ ,\ ,

, . ----_. C~ W.-BAR

,.. 1

Furnisher .and Grocer.

:npSy 'Xoe.~ 'A t Irult ~be, tlrl!d of the game aDd dart&! Out ot the doOr, IIlng­lu.: back a hoarse langh at him as she w~nt. He followed. bot when be reach­

the street she was a mere .shadow dlttlDg under the courlhonse treeS. He looked after her forebodlngl;. !hen turned hill eyes toward the Palace bo­tel on the corner. The editor of !he

daY, ~ Sunday, the! it{cn wen: 1 outslde'pocket of his Not trom C:lmp fishing 8..'\\"e Nell. I

"' •• 'I, ....... ub ti greenhorn in Uussla. be knew -"'-~'-, turll JE'wua ~tb1 ~k ~dlnner. J lmmedintely, what the'TArUlr was np In the tent be henrtl steps np- ;.

to. " p~~::~~~:~~.~tl~ll~e~n~-a~~. ti~II~!I:I~ .• ' GoJng.ou t, • i.'" '~ut, bnrln." said the Intter. calling h' thll',.gt'Oun.t .. "

him baCk, "come. Look at the leather by tIm'side' ot n pumpkIn ple.'N Both' " and the lining. 'Silk all through. Please were quite d1stur~on,th""sur'tce. • e.mmlne it ('arefully." He banded tlle v "Oh, dehr," ~Sbbbea SiiSle:ll'\'!iiother ,-

" . '\-\'alise again to my friend and turned ~k !loch ll~In§ .. lUId,l, walk¢, sQ. sI9\V' " baek to,hls·stock. appnrently"lookIng and cnreful nil tlle wuy!" for other satchels to sbow.,.Wlth a sly ''MIlnbs· a)\vays hud, n ,tellller' sym~a:: wink my friend extr!lcted n' ten"ruble Susie. "I atp~o afraid the trnIn Is Inte.'! thy with the woes ot, eblJdreh: " H& note from the outer pocket of tbe va- 'The coming ot the city cousin, Knth- picked Susie 'up in his arms nn'd!'llat Use and hid It lD his hnnd. Then he lyo ~dnlJ, was al~ays a~ e\"cnt. The '. down In the ~ammock wltll her,'kIssed 'sald: "Oon't trouble ~ourself any lou~- visit generplly occurred In stra\Vbem • her gently aud wiped awny the rllin or cr. This ",alise seems to be what you or harvest time, ,~ut ",hat could liave tenrs.' , suy It is, and I will tIlke It." ,~dnced her t~ come' to ~e ta~ In I " "See her~. qear." he sIlICl sooUllngly,

The Tartftr grinned brondly as. be 'November was beyond the combined I "!he pie Is nil right. We cnn slUooth turned around. satisfied that his little cOnjectures ot the Bandnll fninlly. Sbe It down, 'and It we can't welll' ca'll It

............ ~. baa come," the walrus wei.' -trIck had succeeded. Then wblle my had wrltte~ a shor:t .. note snyl!lg she" pudding ... You need/l't tell, any olle at ,..",.:.,.n, of. man,. things- friend pretended to count out the pur- would be there that mornlng'tor a long - the house' alid the tellows.i'\'oid'know

and sblps and seallnJ:''''11% ebase price' he took hold once more ot visit. - (,It' ,"1 '" " \ '." ille dlrie~cn~:"'l'b~~'lj think it's th& And cabbages and kings." • the vaUse 1n ordur accldentnlly to dis· _~~'Can hnrdly wnlt tor what,' Susie?',' proper style for a pIc. You stay and,

"' He put·the' paper In his pocket and co\'er tbe bank note In It. 1 shnll ne\'- asked'a,manly voice. ' .... ': P. " ,I watch 'me 'get dinner nud help eat h, lIet off'rapldly down the \"Illage street. er forget hls-eyes"'~hlch bulged'out of Susie' looked up 'Into. the hnndsome and' t1ien'~;\)'lf h'n\~en)[)ont ride." '" At his departure Wllliam Todd looked their sockets. or the petrified smile on tace ot Nell Milnes. one of the men ,Suslet w'os 'qulckly comtorted.; Sh&

Then he got upon his feet, tils tace when he tound his "money from the city who were cnmplng down was not used to being petted exeept a yawn, and quietly tollowed the gone. He wns so bewlldered thnt he on the. rI\"er ,for 'the' shooting season: by' Cousin Knthlyo, Ilnd her heart went

editor, In the dusk a tattered little stDl:,lmered like n drunken mnn. It was Nell's turn to'come tor, the milk straight Into 'Nell's servIce henceforth, figure rose up from, the weeds across "The 'fellow reiilly ought to get n les· and butter, with whleb ~~rs,~Bradley "~CouBln 'Kathlyu Is golng,to stay heflt the way IlIld stole noiselessly atter son," my friend snid to me In Germnn. supplled them... ,,' ";,,' . and teach the ,school. !:OUf tencheris III WllUam. He was In his shirt slec\"es, while he kept the trickster In suspense "My, cousin. ,She Is coming to ,vl~\t and has gone away. Isn't thnt 10Yely?" hls'wnlstcoat nnbuttoned and loose. On for se\'eral minutes beforenhnndlng us. and. oh. she Is so lovely and wears "What In the world Is she going to-the nearest corner Mr. Todd encounter- him back the bani. note. together with Bueb beautiful clothes!" ,~ " ," doithnttor?"'lle'uskoo In'nmazement. , ed a fellow townsman wbo had <U •• • , ... " 'I" I U='U'I the vnllse. which' the~u"nHir now of- M1~nes Inughed. an!,! walked out ' ':jI,mustn't tell.! Coosln.Kathlyn,tol()

no m'ore mlds. and the pacing up and down In tront ot a cot- fered for less tllan hal! of what he hnd through the woodshed and across fields 'melt' wasn·t nIce ,to, repeat ,t\1lDgs.'·"r men who were Ie"tfkept ' tage crooning to a protestive baby beld demanded betore.-Slgmund Kranz In .ot,stubble to join lils companions.' . 'I ., Nell questioned no turtller. ) "U's

Il[lpallrd and sllnk!!n, ! '. . In bls arms. He had paused In his \"lgII Booklovers' Magazine. ' • "I can just 1mn~De the clty,cousID." Bome whim," he thought. "or n wnger. to, stare after Harkless. ' ' d, " h th ht," I d I h I hi t • by and lett them un· "Where's he bound ter. 'William?" 1, " ':I h !., e oug c!l J n al nrga n s r ,She,won't keep', thnt'up very. long.'

recovered a. measu.re ,ot I " '~:qulred the man with the baby. ,',CONVERSATION '!DON'T:SY . wb alst s,utlt"1.anad

l) a Plctuhrelmhlat ftrbom the J I:,\Yhen Knthlyu went to ,f!USle'ts \led-and b

'';g'a'n'" .... n'k·on :,"l'L1glCpap,toktnve'W:' U'/ azaara ... overwe, n,g, ,eco.,u •• !l- Bde,~.h nt.,n, Ight. fo,r, n,.lIttle v,lsl wIth ~ ... uu , .. Brlscoes· ... answered" Wllllam; pUl'> , I " I try t I h Ith h t I r,' ,I man who Hernld was seated under the wooden ~'Don't Indulge In personalities. The;': 0 k about ere w er s y e. her cousIn sbe cusu!llly mentioued

terror up: 'awning. 'with his chair. tiited' back, '·1l;~~gr~~o:::· he would '·b~.", Invariably return worse :thail they He ~ep.rd,t~1! ,rou~d !?~ runnl,ng teet Nell's name. " .. I; : ,:. ' thne,be been against a post. gazing dreamily. at the , I I ,iita,rted ou~ , , , behind and tu~ned:, ~xpec~I .. !g to see ~ , ,The ,chlld sat up In bed., her ;eyes;

murky red afterglow' In the west)' , ' ,the, other .. turn ng to his w te; ~ yaung but It was Susie.', .' shining, ,,,,, ,j .1, "

~I~t!~~~~~~g~trrftmerilln'g letters and "Whnt's the use of tryln' to bothcr on the doorstep. "I reckoned so Dt;m't mentlon family teuqs. It em·,L.,_~'Mlotlier said I could go down'to'~he ""I lo\'c'h'iml" She' crIed,' , ,

." ;w:h~c,h be}~~a,dEl~ 'with IU" old Tom nSk'ed himself. 11.see !hat lady at th.~lecture barrnsses the'llstener, aud you are sure rond [md meet 'them and'lrlde ' "Wby'Susle!" I, ," ' ..

night." regret It. ," ""'-"ih' h e Ith' th.. ' , '. • ,

~j:~~~:rt;~~~!~"~: b b ' '~He'd only laugh." He notl'll thnt " ," ' , .~ • om W em. '- " : ' , Th'ercupOJi Susie' confided ,the fate ot

, . uek oJlrd }lad lett y'oung Wllllnm' Todd:' the' drug. 'book The ,w0ll1an 1jO!!e' to'_~er" ~eet. ", :'HI, talle of the cost of Ings. It 1 "Your cousin wlll think she has tall- :~e pie and told how he hnd 'kissed.. " behind .i{d 'had Bill Toddl':, she Bald.,' !'Wtint ye' h'lilyes the rich a chnnce for' bo.ns/:t'uI:·'1 lD I h h h th

"':!~~\!:~i:~~lb!UI~O'!t,,:Plattvllle Mr. Brill- and wnll paper clerk, ,sat near t~e ed· . • , ,-' and may be'emburrasslng' to ;the ~~ cover w en s e ears ere,are" and comforted her. The next morning: \f irl to Fisbee with a Itor, wblttllng absently. Martin 'chuc-' on to"the' back'of'yer"'est?'t, I' , ,tollr ,young~,men 'on the,premlses,'; he when' Nell 'chnuced,rtol be strolling jn

shiver that the laugh-, ,ltl,~d~._"W.Il!!l!m:~ turn tonIght," he pnused. put his hand behInd hhlmdand poor. )(; I' ," " I I t ts'; ~uggested •. , .. ;. r1. ,i," 1, ,,' the line'nenr tbc',llttle'sch'oolbouse he. I d. "W 11 th b '11 take encountered a paper'plnned,to t e an- Oon·t tell your persona n e~es .' '''Oh. she, h,a,s, ,.IO,ts. ot, b.e.au~,'· r,eplled, "met'lKn·thly'n., To his' ,surprise , she- '"

li!l'tOt:,Jllr.,Elkllle'tt had caused her and murmure e. e oys ellng strap ot his waIstcoat. The wom- occupations. hopes or asplrutions, No· S I I tti1 . her breath !'I wlsh"-I him." ~e IOCke«l~the doors ot lin mil to'hlm and unpinned the paper. body wants to hear them. and you gIn> us e ,0 y;" '" , ' ", ,'," ,st,opped and spoke I to him., B~lllng, '"

we haif/ii-;'t: drIven ,t;led theIl1;and dropped It b lti Th t kit t h "our dignity' a mortnl stnb. sh~ I\, b!! sure ,to .'Yant,~or~; "graciously. .'", ,:. "';!"'" : .. ', She CIBSP"edl;lli/ Fii. In ~Is}pofket. J IfS ore a wr ng, ey 00 0 w ere • w~, are all ~arrleldl' will, Y,?U7 ',"Susie told me how good you were tOo, I ,r

: ".;ntlv. His eyes shone He crossed tlle square to the drng the yellow lampllgb,t shope ou!jh~~eb ; f Oon't discuss' children, If'-you'hn\'e however. "hnd' cnuglit" the her" she snld. • with a strange: shy .tore. where bl. cronies awaltP.d hIm. the ollen'door'RJld rend: j ,'1ft }any the chances, are you are bortng ot distant wheels IIndrl 'sped'" "Sl)sle's II' dnxllng!", ,he exclaimed. I

" ',_, he turned again to look at'the flgnre of I:t;,~ ~1:;~~~rbe~~r~~~:~n:~s'P~l~Sst:: 'those.:W,h~ tia;,e'n~ot. !~SYou 1£u\:'e 2ljotie,l quICk.ly, a,w~y. Mllne,\ II,let them" rld- .. And, sny. 1'4ss~iiiln~all: It I • can hi\lp" ,[


was putting tblngs to

Ig~~ci~:t:~~~I~~~:~~:~~ln. the Dry Goods ~I to his departure ~ .. ,>n'n"'R gossip and checkers

he stumbled over

i:fiR~'~:~~~f,~;~~;~;~~~:'ly~g on tbe lloor I b~ ::) Tbe thing rose ;'\',111.,11 him. but he put

pinioned It and dragged window, where the lIght

~~I©;g:~: .•.. dny defined hIs capture.

~1~~!{~~~O~~~l:il' shrieked and squIrmed earnestly. Grasped by the 'bcid a"lean, 'fierce iyed:

of tourteen clad In one

~~rt!~1\;,~~~~t~=~~r~;~n~;?~ unless .the coat nil might be es-Her cbeqks were 8n..\­,,'ns£ulready shrewd·

her eyes were as hypo­were savage. ,She wnm 'lIttle. 'but old 'Tom'.

m~irow.lH tilCC .'J:lrc\1r shade nearer, white

the child. ,"You'lIel, me go, will you? I'm

and you're a liar!" I"M1WIed In here to sleep atter

walk, didn't you?"

she screamed. said' Martin, slowly, ,SIx'~Crossroads' and

~~~i~~~~,}~~th~:l\t It anything happens Hnrkless' hend e\'ery _ will burn. and ).o\lr tnth'er: an!f

~:f~l~~~~~~~!u1~~~~r1-brothers;::-au(1, your second cousins. COtlsltlS will never have

the PCIlltentillry.

the musIng journallst. "He ought to go harkls not, Got 3 daa to live we come In you are sure to be mortally woundIng ing In thl,! light Wllgon, ·Mr. BradleY,and you Ip the ~chool !Jr, anyway··...:.' , ,. '\Ij.iI;ll¢lidtl It " tbosewhohn"e. , b'aggngeonthefirstseat.and'Suslti' 'Sb I "I"d'" " ","" " h,);,

~~~I~~e~rd~:i:a;:c::: ;~:~t~:!;le'S .;« "~hnt 'ye think. 'William?" 'aSked' 'Do~·t, discuss aress: The In~y' whose proudly on tbe ¥Ilck sent bel' ' C '''O~. a~gc~n' in~rlnge iho ls~hoOI, ,nll~' ,;", spry the man with the baby anxiously. But e\"enlng gown you nre scoring Inay the most stunning looking glrllthat right.' I illlderstnnd children." ,. ';'.'\".

the woman gave tile youth a shnrp ha,'e come dIrect from Paris. 'wearing hnd C\'er seen. ·1IIr.,Brlldloy reined ,"I shnll'cotue'nnd see:how you glltl ( push with her hnnd. "They ne\"er,dast," ~he newest thing, nnd tile whole lIub- up and Milnes to his ,nIece,· on,";h'e declared., ,: L,' ,'., '.>," to do Itl" she cried; "never In the" 'jeet Is n hopeless one nuyway,: Miss ,Jlle . He, appenred'in'the"schooiroomf,th~"", world I , ,You·hurry;IBIlJ,Todd." ': ,,' I ! -, I,' t\1h'CY: 'very.nex.t dny al\d nnnoul;lce~ tha~J)e;,:, lea ve blm out' of your slgbt one " ,I. ,\lr bad came, to 'tvlslt.'· .,. She. wasr pro-, ond." " ,) The. Korean LnnK'uRK'c., t~e ,big \"vqkeci: but sbe could not turn him out.

The :1J!1P~was lying, Korean Is a' dllllcult,langunge to bunch ot the bel~' Sbe had, written. some words,onAhe-, house steps.,. When the sound of Mar· CH.KPTER iiI. learn. Trllllng errors are lI\<cly to lend the chic h~t and correct appOintments' I .bl~c~~9nt:9' f<lr ~~. 'pupils , to,~ us~:-,tl} "J "

tootsteps had passed away she It~~iIIE str~~t' upo~ wblch the Pal- n foreigner Intblgi-ln't, emtinrrassment. ot veil. gloves 'and purse. Illso foreign'! sentences,. &~e' now pointed to tlie- ' " ti" I f b bldl I ,It was only tbe smnllest mlstnl.e thnt labeled stenmer trunk.:was.amused'ab first one 'iinco'm'~:" ,,r... ., ,"" ,I

st6:~ t~~:~h rtob~ u~~room~~ ;r~~: :~~t~O;~~~f~~n~~~ ~~~~~!~: led an'lmpa-ssloned prencher'to"'''llrtl preconception'of the "city cousin."· .. "''''Yho 'ca'n make-'n sentence and US&' the tence opposite the botel. Herc 'ran' west to"' the'ed:;e'~otCthe his' congregntlon ,th,nt"unless .th.ey 1'0- He~ went'on to the ,camp racldpg his 'thnt ,,;ord 'correctly?" 'she asked, ' " I

.he stretched herselt lIat In the weeds town. ,where It turned to the pented they would be relegated to "a bralns):for a plnuslbl!! errnnd to the ':'Do cnll on' tluit'lIttle'lfnt hoy, tor 'n and took trom the tangled musses of a 'quarter ot a mile or J~~1~~}~~:1~~~trCe'l1ar,'. the Korean ,~ords 'fo\'1 crllar ,l~~~tn~~~;;=~';llb,ut his wits. usu~!lY,~t~r-,. sentence' or',he'll ~wrlng his· hand, ofr."". her hair. where It was tied with B to the west again! ~ ana tRe ~net~er wor~d J \)(>ju~ ,almost I to suggest. Finally he, ,whispered Nel!;, ' • . :' " , ':" , string. a rolll!d up, crumplNi slip or trom' ftthls second IdentlJ!nl. In 111.0 mnnn~r ~I,l,e to go away and awnlt an In- She gave tile youngster .tbe, fioor. ~naJ greasy paper. Wltb this In her flngrrs frontirig close on the rond, ' ,ot Lnzarus. who fell sIck. was When he reached the fllrm- he jumped, to his feet In tr~umph. yell-sh~ .lay, pe~rll!g und,er/the fence. her brick house. the most,pretentious mnn- a~Sunday school clnss with nn Miss Rnndnll. chnrmlngly gown· Ing: , .,:' " .' ,~, , "I" ,;., 'f ":,

lIerce eyes fixed unwlnklngly on th!' slon hi' C~rlow:;'county.~ .cAnd yet It wall thbrlzed ending. The natlye form ed. was In the kltchen':wltb her aunt. "In come a 'rat!" ;: ,,' "'I'" '. ,'I editor ot the Hemld. ,a, homelike' plare, wlui Its red brick expresslon,-Is .. "enterlng_ a. slckness,~, She hardly voucbsufed the young man That' wns too 'n;uch filrJNku's com:'~" ,,' TLe IIlN!etjran lIat'nnd, gray, 11I'the walls ':embowered' Iii u'i'asses ot cool arid by a'ttlfilng contusion the teacher ., ' ;., posure, and he gave wny"to"lIn'lnfcc- ' slowly gathering dusk straight to th~ Virginia creeper. ,aud II~ comtortable was madq",t!>"decli\re t~a.E ,L~~~f~~~' "whnt,cnn I do fo~, 'tlOU1i fit of laughter. 'In which teacher western horizon, where the sunset elll' verand'l crossing the broad tront, wbUe tered a bottle.J ',- ",-,' .. ., t.:~'1., .. " " asked·Mrs. Bradley. , and' scholars' joined. '.WlJ!, ,,,,: bers l\'ere strewn In long. glowing'. dll rk halt a' hundred stalwart sentinels o( .', "Why"':er-ph. we' wnnt some m.ore "You ,badl:better g6 now.'" she· sa IIi red streaks. '1'he maple trcl's W(>I'I' elm and beech and poplar stoo<l, gnard ': ';:f1~~~~~;~;i!~~:~~~ri~~i butter." he snld desperntelY.'" , to ber "Isltor.'" '.. " ',' . clean cut silhouettes ugnlnst ,the PilI!' around It. The front' walk was bor- The' nnlm,,, "What have you, don'l"l'YJth; all thnt "If I'll promlse1not to come In agnln. rose and 'pearl tintS ot th~ skyJ nbove. dered ~ by gernnlums' and' bollyliockB., oiio-flftJi un'J""- you got tbls morning?" she exclnlmcd. may"!' come every, af~ernoo~.I\!1d"row nnd a tenderness seemed to shimmer In snd honeysuckle' climbed the p11lars of ble' globe "W!!II, y,ou see. It's J,o~nson's tum t() y\>u and; Susie home by,the river wny.?:' , the air. The editor often i-o"'ed ,to him· the porch. Beblnd the bouse there was Kingdom. with Its attendant Islands, cook. and he ,uses, so ,Ipuch ,butter I": ' Sbe c?npented, to ,thl!l ;}~r.rnng~wentl ' selt he would watch no ioot:e snnsets a)hndy little orchard: Rnd' back ot the . a~d a.qou,t,for~l:·threc 9~p~ndc~cles \IP·,,,,.---... Bradley's eyes t\YJnkled as she nnd, thenceforth,e,;ume hulcyon dny.II-~o-In Plntt\'llle. He thought they ""pre orcbard nn old fashioned, very fragrant der separate ·nnd'lndependent. govern- a' roll ''ot butte~. ,,;hlt',rSUsle giggled' Nell-al{d 'SusIe at len's't::" I:' ,I:', ;,' mnklng hIm morbId. COUld be bn\'c rose iarden.,dl\"ldpd by n long grap~ ments vnrying In size from Canudn, and he -c~uld"see that Miss NO\'emb~r' yanl'sll'ed. and ""sO"'dId' the: shared them It w'ould' hllve been dlt· arbor;- extended to tbe shallow waters wblch Is thirty times ,tl)e size ,0C, the I:~~I~~~~ was amused. Wough she was' hunters:~sn\'e' ·Nell. who Jlngered 'and' terent. ot a -,:anderl,~g creek. and on the bank United Kingdom. to 'Gibraltar. !he'arent·, Ignoring his presence. Suddenly upon iirs. 'Bradley's Invltlltlon'took up"

His long. melnncholy fncp grew Ion· a'rustlc sent wus placed beneath the 'ot which Is two square miles. Thus ta' It came to him ,In a' tlash ,that Susie.' his quarter's at tbe farmhouse.' HeIWns" ger and more melnncboly III the twl· ByenII,lpres, '.1' "( !I' a'rell of the British empire IS,~llI~ty; !lad repeated his remarks. He turned ve,rydlappy'except he • light. while WlllIum Todd pntiently ., From the first bend ot the rondo eight tImes that of the United Klng- to go, and Mrs. Bradley said good ,nu- bered'how paltry'hIiUti~0,m9 whittled nenr by. PlattyIllc had often where It lett 'the "town . and became dom, while the area of the'self goycrn· turedly: i.>~'i~: discussed the editor's hnblt of sIlence.' ,,' lIig colonies nlone is nea,ly sixty times "Susie. go as tllr as the barn wltb nnd p~lbly th~;ren!'On Mr. Harkless as Inxge as ,tbat,9t ,th9 ,mot~er ;country. Mr. 1I111nes and show,'blm'whore,to get' was such a quiet man WIIS that there -London Glohe. Id ..

I lome c er., ' " '" , 'was nobody/for 'him to tlilk to; but. , ' " 'On tpe way PutilC,ll;s~ed sus!~'n~-hearers did .not uJ;ree. !9r, tlu; , :~ Books. I lously It she had told ",hilt he said. tlon ot Cnrlo\v' county was a' Ot the things thnt make tor hap pI, "Oh, yes." she replied ~heerful1i. " pride. ,helng greater tban ness the love ot'books comes first,...~·,· :-He groaned.~':-~~:: M:"-: __ -., ';:'- "."~':-I'~ti:~I~~fffifif~~~;V~:~li~~td,ftfiii;.~~~r~~I~:::" eml ooi'derlng coU'nUes. A book, unlIke"any other friend, 'WIll "What did your cousin say?" ...

A. bent IIgurc cntne slowly down the walt not only upon the hour. but upon "She sald you dldn't look llke sueb a street. a,ud William Todd ,l~all~ "It< the mood!"llt asks nothing and glyes cad,:~""';'"lf cheerfully,' '''E\''enillg. )Ir. Flsbpe/;l much wilen abe comeS In, the rliht '!I.e winded and was sIlent tor a mo-

W""", .. "A good. ~~~lllnJ;. ~lr. Todd.'~~an- way ••• • Iil your.".,~o.~id a s~~n ment. T!i~ he said suddenly: swered the.old'mnn. pnuslng. "Ah.,lIr. one,' made unendurable by a thousand 1!~}ay. SUSie. Is her' tather·. lIame H,:!rkl~.' I WIlS looking tor you.'~;.i He pe~ ~res? ,Al;~ tlle'beart an,d souI,ot W;eJlman l,li\ndal1?" j ... J~ ~ ':'J hnd not l!eemC!l.>;,to be looking for;;any. you cost'down by bitter dlsnppolnt· "Yes. U~cle Wmlman t8 her fnther. "-"~,.l>~ thing beyond·tlie boulldllrles ot his own 'ment? "r(;1iii:l you lea\,e"I{';nll; It only He la~nw'1u1't'y rich." , dreams, bnt he Ilpprollched an hour, and come back with a new Ot course he was. Ev"n,'one tugging 'neM'ously at~flOlIle"naDel""ln·F 0:lbor"W·ellmiiln'·RllU(lalll~-·thE;';slUclres:8ttll-his pocket. "1 have completed my notes for our Saturday edition. It wus quite easy, sir. Tbere Is much doing."

"Tbank you. Mr. Flsbee," saId Hark­less as he too.'I: the manuscript. "HIlYe yo'i-lItflsh~ll'oUr~ paperiin iPi~ .... ,.Hlti.r,1 Chrlstlil'n IQ'mhollsm? J ~hope the,:Bei" aId mllJ' have the honor~ot prlntlDe It.

Dldn't Know It All. "Oh," sneered the self Important

la,,;yer ')"~o }fa! ~~~~.e.~tp.l~I~~, 'lOll thln~.you ~qp~ltlall; dontt·~qJ'1 ~

"Not "qu1te,!''l replied1 the witness.

speculator. "1 nm som." he said halt to hlmselt. "Why?" asked Susie Indlguantly.

Is lovely." \ he Is. I

"Yes." he said. hili heart hope. , "

"He Is now. He l08t everything he had In a minute, and he sent, CousIn Kathlyn here t04stay :while he went w§S~ ma~~olPe ~oro money. and she w.Quld teii·~ 1M) as to help him."

trlw"nl".' Thls they ~~ " .~ ~Ipl~t ofj, b~D~rl

reltnrneo""a'''''' "Your kind offer

"For instance. 1 don·t know bow you manage to secure an occasIonal cilento"

.... \","" ~,' 'i)~'(,jl'-& • .... ~:::. >4 \ " i t. ~..& .i":.#. f.J. 1. / f ,. (, .. )': .t ~

•· .. Susle. suiire;,'Y'Ou are my good' an-

~t~1E~~~~~~'~'~~~lr~~t:~r~;~~tgel'" he cried in delIght. ' , .lqt~ ~~pt.!2p:'IH~ and bope, BO traIl!!-llgured' hlB countenllnce that Knthlyn


the'.eit: But If "Fancy' Free" and • , " f " ~ ( " arudOIlll for the purest tea grown "SALADA" at once. Sold" only In

Sealed Lead Packet&. By aU' 'grocers. Neve; Sold In Bulk. , :- , ~ \ . \


. ":";~-~-'--";;'-=:--~-. ___ ...,.._ again toward the setting BUlL The Rhodes Scholars.

pulled up stakes and strock' out Tbe Oxford correspondent ot St.

MR. CHARLES A, BARBER, Editor of, the Pilot Mound Sentinel.

, .. , :.

Winnipeg. For three mon~th:~sif~I~~~IJamea' Gazette, regarding the first W&Tked on' the;Free Press. t t th Rh blgg' est dnil"', and, after this erm 0 e odea' scholars, says It

,~ Is the general impression that they ary western ,Canter he have not much opportunity for dis-reer for himself by tingnlshlng themselves because tIlere Pilot JofoWld Sentinel and Its haye been no exams except those or SOl')" buslnes8 fourteen months the pass schools. ' > •

.In that space of time !IIr. has made his mark on the gentllnF.L and his Inftuence felt thlro~:fqbIO~~I~~' Oeld '0{ Its circulation. at Pilot Mound coincided with the town's awakenillg" trom ',the toI'l1o~ and

The harder you cough, tho wone "';;' , tho cough ~ta.,

8hilol"i's Consumption Cure Tho.Lung , ToniC:

'is guaranteed to cure. If It doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give YO", your money back.

PrIces: B. C. WELLS .I\: Co. !CIt Z5c. SOc. Sl LeRoy. N. Y Of Toronto. Can.

, .. r f'

lethargy of years,and the desire of It II

Canada Not Hurting Herself " The Globe, commenting on Lord

Cecil's speech, says no one Is asking Canada to hijure herself. Canada,: having to Import' vast quantities of manufactured goods, wishes' to get tbem as far as possible from the mo­therland.

, W I18h grcMy di.hes, pot. or pan. \\;th

Lever's Dry Soap a powder. '1t will reo !!I0VO thc I!rcl18e \\;t1. the greatest ense. 3Jl

Last weelt·s Tnttler gaye a '·full page 1I1ustratlon showing Lady Minto and her family "In their winter Ca· nadian furs,"

f , Lliti:tens for. civic unity and progress:

A BENEFACTION TO ALL:-The soldier, the'sallor, the fisherman,' miner, the farmer, the mechanic, and all who live lives at toll' and spend their existence In the dull routine of tedious tasks, and who are exposed to injuries ,and aliments that those who toil do not know, w1l1 find In Thomas' Eclectric 011 an exce' friend and benetactor In every at need.,

Mr. Just Susoendcd. Owing to dilferenc~s regarding

ministration at the Canad1ii~a~n;t~~~lilf{t.; I tlon. omce, Mr. W. 'r. R. P suspended C. F, Just, the chief pending Inquiry.

InURn'S LINlllENT RelIelD N euraIltL

It has long ['!lssed Into a' truism In ths renaissance none was as helpful thnt In the :-;ew Worhl men "arrive" as the new editor. In the paper itself be much sooner tban In tbe Old. On thJs !Dado many changes. Tbe makeup was continent ability outranks experience, rearranged nnd Its typographical ap· whereas In Europe, experience being pearnnce improved. Indeed, as far as proven, abillt)· is aJl8ured. On the mechanical care and prinllng·taste Is other side of .the Atlantic youtli.ls concerned, few papers In the 'West some extent 0. handicap-a' dlsadvo.n· are superior to that published at PlIot tsgo that time alone can cure. On Mound, and Mr. Barber's Intenton Is tbls sldo we bell eYe wllh' Shllke' to stIli further Improve it, as develop· speare, tIlat "youth wlll. be servod," Ing business giVes him addilional and, other' conditiOns being equal, the means, and demands additional facll· YOllnget-;io.nd'indi'e, /l'i!ergeL!c men' are ties.' . And;' the mechanical improve­given preference, Henco young men ment "of tbe Sentinel has been kept -mere.lltrlpllngs thoy would be con· pace with by Its news columns. 'rhe sldcred' in older lnnds!....,.are.; to be 10c~1 happenings are recorded with found In all parts of Canada and tile brightness and Interest, as to make States' filling positions 'of·the greatest the ·Sentlnel a welcome weekly vlsl. Stili Smart Enough. responslblllty, planning and directing tor In the homes ot the prosperous Kerwln-I guess my wlCe industries of colossal magnitude and community among whlch;!t I'm a pretty smart man.

.oa1lmellt •• r Ea .... ThrOngbont KOrell a Dombel' of

aments nre stlU stnndlng wbleb from the war o! 159!!, when TIlded Korea with 30.000 ~onuments of ea.rs:' \ as called mark the barlnl places ot ~\I,'1VV ears wblcb were cat from the tbe KOret\ns as trophies, 'o~t~n1:~~~ There are maIiy ot these d

In Jnpan also. tor sOme at these some relics were taken home ~nqticrlng arm, •

11'0. and CopPer PTrU ...

Although Iron pyrltes!SI~'t~a:n~dD~~f:: pyrites ere difficult to dl un-d(irgrouod .. by candlelight. they are rendlly separated nsual\y by ot the blUish white fiame or slum wire or the acetylene light.

SIGNALS ,OF D.I,N(iE1L ... ·H~lye lost your appetite? Have coated tongue! 11a\'e you an un,PIE,as­ant taste In your mouth? headache, nnd ha\'e you dlzzllnes~'! so, your stomach is out of you need medicine. But like medicine. He that nr.,Celt'S ness to medicine must SUDler.

der the circumstances tbe would procure a box of Pa.rniele'e·s Vegetable pHis and speeday get self In healt!J~:and strl\'e to keep

, , In After Years.

Again the village b~,~~~~S~~I~~( Imlier the spreading cJ Jingling the coins In his po(:kctl

spalie: "I care not who makes autos ot the nation pro"lded I the repalrs."

• I1nartls Liniment cures, Bn. H~I understlmd your are 'ta1;ln,g

cooking lessons'/ She-Yes. He-How are you getting 'Sh~Flne, Not a single

lhe undertaker so far;

goyenlln~.',len~!lrprl~;t .. ~f !1~!~?n~!. ;m. u •• ,u" •. Politically thep:~nyt,lfo~, ~~: ~:t~f! ~~at~~~~: t~~I~~~~~!1f portaDce." q lot ' 1,' "'t., ... ~:r. ~'r'l' ':, h At:'J~ ~!.Iilreto,!'\le:O,nIY matural~,th~<; }!Ie one paper In as s!nart as ,s e thought I was the day ~~~~'w[~~E~]~:~. ~ounger ',the" state or ~proylnce, ""the "matters political w~ ,were married. , ' '''. ,11.1";':l .. , 'liirYiii.1Jo ~:Ounger Is the average of the men the polley ot the paper Is to remaJnl ,,,:,' '" ' ','"" " '''U' •• prominent therein. The New neutral. and' hold the balance even. DO NOT DELAY.-When, ~~~";"'''''~'''';'''';';'';';''''''';'';''';'~~''''';,.;, lltates and the lIIaritime t"rloVlnc,esl lllr.7 Barber believes that the field of debilitated digestive organs polson and Ontario do not offer to the! local paper Is not the discussion Hnds It~ way Into the blood, the prime bltlon the sam e opportunity as the of provincial and federal Is&ues, but consideration Is to get the polson' WflSt. Consen"atlsm ,creeps Into all the recording ot local news, and fair as rapidly and as thoroughly, as pos, commWlIJles, and the sympathies ,of on local and general mat· sible. Delay may mean disaster. Par· the, old settlements of the New 'Vorld ters.' melee's Vegetable Pills will be found have much In common ;with ,the older Turning from the editor to the man, a'most valuablEi and effective medl· ch'lIIzations. Hut' the parties and tbe word might be said. In all respects cine to assail the Intruder with. They PaCific 'slope, yet remain, ,the undls· lIlr Barber Is a fine cltzen, and the neyer fail. They go at once to the putod.,berttage or .. youtn ,and"abIllty, representati,vc ot a type ot whlc)! no seat ot the trouble and work a per· aRd there Is to be found the true land country can have too many. He Is 'a manent cnre. " of ;OrJportWl(ty, for: him ~.w'ho fears "sl'lOrt" of the proper Idnd. He han· to put his fortune and his manhood dlE!s' a 'lacrosse stick In great shape, the tes~: -'. ',J ( ; .. ';, ( , '{ " l' and Is captain' ot the town lacrosse

Journalism the world O\'er Is In a team, while at 'football he "handles his peculiar ,sense 'the,llfotess\on ot young feet" with equal keenness and skill, men, but nowhere' are' editors younger By.rl1!:'lon he Is a Methodist, and ~bp.n ,In some town~ fn ~\'e~tern Can· of the Epworth League In aila;' which lIas been' remarkable as He has none of the much Cor the youth as for tlie ability vices," for he neither smokes of ,ninny' of ,the men !of the "fIfth, !ls, nor swears, and Is a total abstainer. tate." A caso In, point Is lhat ot Mr. As yet he Is unmarried.-bllt that: It C~ .. lirles.A;IBal'ber. edltor:of the 'Pilot' Is, asserted, Is not the fault of' the Mound Sentlnol. A.t an ago whim young liI,des of the Mound, 4

most newspaper men are reporting, It will thus be seen that Mr. Bar· and most printerS', ambitions' would Is a' many·phased and r"spect· be realized ,by, a ;'forcmIUlshlp; he~la a man, taking an active Inler· ne1\'spaper proprle'tor: To' "ho:,'e In social, athletic, pulillc and reo achieved thus much after seven years IIgtous al'fairs, He Is a good printer, ot' work'ls"a"'record 'of' which' an)' onc a good. editor, and a good citizen, and might well be proud. ,It Is an accom· his early success may be regarded as pll\lhment ,that much for, Mr. but, the earnest of, the measure time

Dar1>er's ~~h~~~1~~~~~~!a~n~~d~' will accord him: as the years' pass by. much for e

young 'man ,of <.: /.,!,-~;::;~ '------'--'--",'

ist!cs such, o~~~~:~~I;~~i~~~~~{~~r;~~1 ' "~p. ,Po R. Buying

~l i The C.' P. IL~h'5a~is:~~~~r~1~~::f(,~,";,q1T:W'Rltnhv


", . ~ "

., . Monks Get New Piano. A Milan (Italy) despatch says, that

King Edward has just presented the monks of the Great St. Bernard Mcin· astery with a magnificent piano, to replace one given tliem ~ ,by> Queen Victoria halt a centur,y· ago. .

, t... " ... ~. ~

RHEUMATISM 'CURED. ',' Jas, McKee, Linwood.' Onto ' •

'.' L'acblln' McNeil;'M'abo'u;'''C. :B. John' A. McDonald, Arnprlor, Onto C. 11. Billing, Mar,kham, Onto

"John' Mader, )\Iahinie Bay, }US. " , Lewis'S., Butler" Burin, Nfid~, '

'1 hese ",eU known, gentlemen ali assert th'at they were c'ured bv JIlINARD'S LINIMENT.' ,.

May Continue ,the Rate War. A ,circular has been Issued by the

Canadian lines which states that If the rate war Is not settled, by the end of January passengers hooked In ad· vance at higher rates will be taken at the present ,low fare~s.

. ~ , ' .' .- -. \

seIH:Turblne ',LI,~ers Leave on M~rsh 23. " .- -- " yellU's; o.a;ws It .Is definitely decided that~fhe new turbine liner w1l1 lea \'e Lh·er.

tor Halifax, ·N. S., and 'Sc: ;rohn, Marc1J, 23, an'd ,t!le V!rginlan for the same I:ons April 6. , ,

Barber~spent lIn,dlnlg,,:hls aptitudes.; He

did ""'hate\'er eame along." Gradual· "tr!"'hls' 1111nd , became~ bent- -toward newspaper work, In which be saw

I wide Oel<;l. for originality, brightness and j:lil1ccefill. "~ ". 'C' ,'>. ;) I ' I" '!'

:. ...., .f

, " ' . -"" .·SHIRt·

I;J l ~ , .',J

; M,ade' bil{e'nough for. ,'man to~o~k in with' ~'~~' HaS more material in' it any other b;and' of .hirt Canada .. ,' Made 00 t

, f ,0'

H.B.K. scale It requires .- - , to 42 yards per dozen. wh,ere:~

shirts have

33 yards. , ,

',That's the:reason i why H:B.K. .. Big" Shirt " .'.. I ' t ,',

chafes the armpits, is ne'lres'

~tight at ilie nock"or':'wiiin4 .. .:. " I

~nds.: is a~I~Wa~Y~s~'~: ~~~ ,.nd comfortable and,' ,.,,,,.n,'. 'well: ,-.-...- '.' ~-'.

Each s~~ ~ a tiny L."''';LI~



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tunity of advising the public, that any unauthor-

ized users of the electrical flour purifying'

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are the only millers in Canada whose

purified by the electric process.



make, a specialty of low grade wheat."Wrlle us betore 'shl:uoirili'/ ,Will show how we can servo' you. '

R~ferences:-Any Hank or Commercial .Agency. _GR AI,~ EXCHANGE, W,INN,I,P,EG,


, LA'''''' WT. B RO,S~ ',"~. ,"'; • • "I

handle grah;:' strictly able. Li~eral advances.

on commission.' Hlgbest prIces ,obtain­

Correspondence solicited, Trades clirrled on margins In ':":'Innlpeg futures.,

GRAIN EXCH~NGE, Winnipeg," -q' I I ;


alp. e" e~ f~~~~S~i~~G.MrERC~ '. : ConSign your grain to me and get prompt' service: ca;eful' att,enUon.':'

and highest market, prices. : " , , , " , S snINK'DRAWER':' I ~eference: U~ION, BANK O.F CANADA. .: ,r:;, ,1300;: ~:, JI

\ 17.' ,

"6RAIN" (U~tll recently represented by t~e late E. O'Reilly, Esq,)

All kinds ot grain' purchased In Car Load ';Lots. Write us tor top' prices, and, shipping Instructions. Any grade or'wheat, oats, barley or t1ax." ',' ',,;,'

" , P. O.,Box 629, WINNIPEGj,MAN.

cs ',."'lIIIU::1I the hair £rOW lonll and ,heavy

Sto1psf.llinl hair, and, cures l'nllnr to hair.1 [,Sold for

'I(.I,~ Is ~ "QQ.~stion of·,Warmt,h ',,","'1', E,~ B. ,',:EODV'5,,:

',:.BUlhDING PA:P'~-, . , .. '" "

, " It, Retaina Heat' 'e4 :Eeepll .. t Co14. , I '

Unsatisfactory. , Gyer-! understand the llroductlon

of Whlght's, rural drama has' been postponed. " ,

-Mycr-So? 'What·s the trouble? Gyer-One at the !; ens In tile bam·

j'ard scene' objected to the stage set· :It; l"1!:¥,.!n the' Wlngham >:A:dvun'ce ~~ W:~rb~r :Ct:!ni~e:nc(i'(~ls cit· reer ss a newspaper man.' '}o'or three

• "._Dill : tells the whole 'ling, I belieYe. I . , , " ' .. , ,

p'e~rs ~e remal~ed there.:'at ,first un· 'd~r -}\lr~! COJ;ll,n, 'I,and ; late:r , Wlder the :P.r~~nt. proprJ~~nri Mr."Hall:' In 1900 'be'took~ a pas'1ton'ln the job .. office of C. P. Heel"&" Co •• London. He had not been long In London wllnn he was olrered ,and, accepted tlle ;Coremansblp of Lucknow Sentinel, and tor

-,years "I': ]!lJ;'Oadened his field

'~~1~~~~[~~~and t,ralned, himself In

Always useful" and certainly beautiful, a brooch is never amiss as a gift. ,',

, or : the, II Bie .. Shirt, -

, ' ',' I " ,"' r " ,- ' , "Gloom Dis,elle'r. ,{,

"Ah!" she sighed, '''I "seem to ·filled ,with gloom that cannot be 'pelled."; "', ; , :' "

"Oh," don't despair,"" ,'he. TA;i-.lr, .. it "~Vlter on. when 'radium:gets ch,eal~eI;1


" , ,Beaconsfield. ~_ '. " r , ~

, Onr Christmas 'tree was· a s~c~ \'~'=" There,was a ,good time and

fine program:'but the night was so ,stormr, the turnout was not very big. .

Miss Pearl Sutherland started teacbing the Norquay scbool on Tuesday.

A sleigbload of. young people went out to the skating rink on Friday evening.

.-~ , ,I

McInnis' brother and wife , Mr.-George Venner will teach the, BeaConsfield School for the coming term. He arrived on'Mon-::';i(:;;1::~)!~[$!~k~~~1 home to the west last \. after paying the' ,Mcln'nis

J,;0;,rVi:fallJli1Iy a two weeks' visit. day. ' " .

road station. ' ~il~~i~~I~~~lil Terms-Ten dollars and under, •. ~ cash, over that amonnt 10 mont hs qedit will be gi~en on approved joint notes, ,

ALEX.' DE.'VIT; " '. - ,_ A"

". and

f.. . ' "

est at'the rate of 8 per cent. annum. Fi've per cent. ~nnt for cash on all sums entitled to' credit., Farm will be sold on.· a de­posit of 5 per cent, 'of purchase price on, day· of sale,' .balance i,n easy payments,' partIculars which',yill be make known at day' of 'sale; . All kinds of cement work, such GRAHAM BROS., N. WILSON. as floors, walks, ect., a specialty.

Proprietors. Auctioneer. Let us figure on any building contract you may have, large or ._-

Credit Auction Sale, I have recei\'ed instructions from

Mr. John M. Cooper, section 10-7-9,· six miles south west of Tre­heme, eight miles south east of Holland, to sellon



Farm for Sale.

K=~RABI ,'I:

" . , Cough Cure, Arabian Oil" '.>,

Dr. King's Catarrh Balm,'Massage Cream;:.Tooth;" ' Paste; .Arab 'All Healing S~lve. All.: these'" Ct?m,e;

,,' very lughly recommended.~ Full line of rubber goods-:-fountain ',syringes, honsehold syringes, com­bination hot water bottles, etc. Spectadles and eye'

'glasSes fitted'to'any sight free of charge. Call in I".~· - ~ ," ~ ""." 1 ~ >

·:·F?AU,L. KAN E, Financial Agent; Bath,well,

Owing to the financial stringency t.1)e companies which I represent are the only ones loalling c~eap money on' farm loans. Those requiring 10(lns would do well to call nnd see

. me and enquire. ,~', OFFICE AT MEDICAL HALL.

Cherry Valley.

. At 12 u'clock sharp. (Lunch served.) All the under mentioned effects. Remember everything must be 'sold absolutely without re-

_ 'A Christmas tree' entertainment serve, as Mr. Cooper is retiring , from farming; ,

The north-west: quarter of 30-7-S, and the north-east q'uarter:of ,25-7-9, three miles sonth of Rathwell. Thirty' acres broken, fenced, ·log stable, 'house and granary, good water. About thirty acres of bay meadow. Plenty of wood. To be sold for $2,500. This is a snap worth investigating. For further particulars apply to P. R. Cox, A Hot ,.Qtiestioh 10-3 Rathwell.

was held in the ,Cherry Valley Half section farm-Six miles schoolhouse, on Friday. Dec., 23rd. from Treherne, school on the pro Rev. Mr. Hamilton presided.' The perty, church ~ mile; 135 acres For Servioe school was tastefully dec::orated; I ' and a very credible programme brok,:n, 50 'acres fall plowed, can, Registered Yorkshire Boar. Bred

, ' gone through by' the pupils, practlfally all be broken, AI water, by J. E. Keough, Rockwood, OnL, the order of the day, assisted by a few, friends, as fol- all fenced, log house and imported by Thomas Greenway.

"Smit:b.nnd Mrs. H. Hamil- lows;, Chorus by Chas. Scarrow, all comfortable. Terms $1.00 cash. among the last to en- and party; Instrumental, Messrs., horse 9 yrs old, bay horse 8 years 10-2 \V.H. BREWSTER, sec·33-7-


Sitrclwlzer;',: old, gray mare 9 yrs old, brown .............. """"" """' ............ """'!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!"""""""=="'" reading George Carrol; mare 10 yr~ old, gray horse S yrs --.~-----

Kitching returned rS(JU~~, Miss Lounsbury; reading, A. old, black horse, aged, bay horse 9 Rink for Sale. Mrs. Thompson, Hamilton; instrumental, Miss yrs old, spring colt. Cattle-cow The Treherne Skating and

visiting her sister Clark ; Song, Miss Morrison ; 8 yrs old, cow 3 yrs old, fat cow 6 ing rink is for sale, as the proprie-" George Sharpin, speech; Lulla old, cow 3 yrs old, due to calf tor is leaving tbe country for the

Gardhouse, recitation; Ralph Mc- April, steer 3 yrs old,' two winter. Applv at once to . is giving up school- Leod speech; Annie Sbarpin, heifers 2 yrs old, two calves, thQr- .'iOtf J .S. PALMER. Treherne. Man.

:\~~(~i;~:tj~;}:t~(~~~:=al;,n~~d:r:intends living on his I'Recitation ; Mary Sbarpin, recita: oughbred Berkshire sow, with pigs" iii tion; Olive Marlatt, re.::itation; sixty Plymouth Rock' hens. Im-

d h I h d Aggie Sharpin, reading; Lottie outfit, Saw- . Lost. .

sun ay sc 00' a Tucker, recitation " Howard Shar- N t f f D B M K

~;;mi~;,!fj',:(B~~~bl:~I1,C:hr'istm~LS ( 1 t F 'd 20 11 .. ' p" '.engine, new ,1 0 e 111 avor 0 . . - c enZle un. !lS rI ay, pl'n, speech', Hector McLeod, f $ d b F N C d separator 36x58 cylinder or 27.00, ma e y . . arman. a cre It to a new, speech. Mr. L-. Marlatt as Santa Hawkeye feede;, Ne'epawa blower: • Parties are here?y. warned not t.o I

Claus, dismantled a well loaded tanks, caboose, pumps, etc., ten purchase the saId note. .Note IS tree to the satisfaction of all' the inch plate grain chopper, Massey- by D. B. McKenZIe. settlemeut. Harris binder, two Brantford D. B. McKENZIE,

mowers, in good order, Tiger hay Il-3 Rathwell.

, , , .

, ';'" . ,'.

You are probably tllinking of,baving a, better heating , ' ,

system 'this winter; then try 'us for, Furnaces, Heating • ."'," I'

stoves, malleabl~ and cast, ra'nges and cook stoves, stovel

boards, elbows, pipes, and aU necessaries. A first class

job in furnace heating guaranteed. McClary snd BJlrrow,

Stewart & ?lHlue's furnaces haudled.

See us also for Furniture.. We , '

have a nice stock always on hand,


. , ,,:Credit Auction, Sale.

" rake, Fish Bros.' wagon, nearly ,. ne\v,' Snowball wagon, Springfield

wagon, Bain wagon, buggy, buggy I bave received instructions from pole, road cart, hay rack" set bob­

Messrs._W. R. and Joshua Graham sleighs, set light bobsleighs, double to sell at, Wm. Graham'S place, the seated with PQle, Jno Deere gang .. n·rth half of section 22-9-9 in Ros- plow, Frost & Wood 14 inch break­

For Sale. The s. w. 1.( 6-9-8 west. Good

house, frame granary and stabling, all nearly new. 130 acres under cu1tivatiol~. ,For price. and terms applv ~c PAuL-KANE,

The Qeering lI-tf ' Rathwell. Man. nii,les 'north" t;,~s.t of ing plow, Verity 16 inch walking

, "on .. ' .' ," plow, Blake fanning mill, Massey~ , , " ': ,~ ".'1, 1;HURSD4-Y"JANUAR:Y 12th, fIarris 15 shoe ,seeder, set disc l:iar!I======~==============

\litcLllter"':'-M.iss 'Fullerton en'tertain- At,I,2,O'clock, sharp ,(lunch served rows set 3' section' harro\vs car! ................................................................. . i.,- ~ , ' .... J' •••••••••••••••••••••

'''i''.'.;;,.','~ Friday last: Mrs. at 1 , : All the following articles. riole, set 2000 lb platform' scales;' I ':' .' ~' Monday,of this' week ~ must be sold absolutely on trucks,'wheelbarro\\;,grindstone. ':', HALF THE " ' ,:::

1~~~~(i;i;!"{ci~~~~~~~.:~~~r~~~1' gave a party· ' the highest ~id- Miscellaneous-' ~et -heavy harness; :i: FURNITURE' of ~ouse' :i: Minnie, on J,'uesday der" as_Mes~rs. Q~a?ll:m are h!avmg complete, set light harness, com- ':' , , ,:, Wll,lle'Miss BiSset of Tre- soon for the west: '>'. , plete, set single harness, camp ::: ,:,

Hng ~iss' Minnie ~ !Horse~Brown, ~~re S. vrs"old, stove, Favorite churn,' cross-cut 'i' IS GOOD WALL PAPER :i: " ' mare 8 vrs old; geldmg 5 yrs saw, whiffietiees;six holed McClary::: ':'

,gray ,mare 13 yrs old, ,team range, nearly new, neckyok'es, etc. 'i' HAVE YOUR BEST ROOlllS :i: ponies 5 yrs old .. bay horse 5 years Feed-Two' tons timothy' hay, fif- ':' " ,:, chestnut mare 7 yrs· old, sorrel ~een tons w~ld hay, 100 bushels oats', :!: PAPERED-SEE THE EFFECT. 'i' mare 8 Jrs .old. ,Cattle-Red and 2.10 bushels feed wheat." ,:i: SATlSFAcTION~ :!:

te cow 7 yrs old, due to calve . Terms-Ten dollars and under, .:. .'. Feb.,red<cow G yrs'old;'due in Jan., cash, over that amount ten months .!. ~GUARANTEED .;-roan cow, 8 yrs old, ,due Feb. 1St, credit wil! ~~ given on f';1rni~hing :!: H. KICKERT :!: red and white cow 4 yrs olp., freEh, approved Jomt notes, bearing Inter- 'i' ,"," ' .:. roan 'cow 4 yrs old, due in May, est at the rate of S' p'er dint per ... DECORATOR, - TREHERNE .• :. . • .!.. •••• " • ., ••••••••••••••

cow \3 yrs old due in ~Kay, F' t d' t" ........................... ". ......................... •• ... 41

J. annum. lye per cen. Iscoun . ll'Cll1'C. ~2 yrs old in calf,' ,black cow for cash on all, sums ent,itled to ......... !'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!.!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

:due'in 'April, red and credit. 'Farm and thresliing-outfit ,. K LwhiJ,eoil,w9' yrs'old;"dueFeb.'Ist, will;be sold with,a deposit of'five GEO. BROe

heifer's, due'iit' May, per ·cent.· on day of sale, and ,bal­old steers,'·ouU;'C;'P;R'. auce~will pe arranged according to

I Shortblor;n,,:D urham, one cow three- purcbaser's requirements:' , i' one~y"ear '!old JNO M Coop" , N W . '. £oR, ': . ILSON"

2'one-yeai, old steers, fifty \' Proprietor. Auctioneer. "''C.U'', nt,,,.p"n hogs;'lstockers, twelve '{ 'I" ' ,f' , " " ",

"MiScellaneous-One Chamberlain's' Cllugh ,R,emedyr .the e ~c~~I,~:::~lt,~1J.~~ sets ;: iJest naile. ' ,"'" t1 h"rn,.~,,]l ,.: "In OV· oplO'ion. ch~berhlin's

, '400 Cough Remedy is the 'best made have' ey, a quantity of oats. Imple~ for colds," says Mrs:Co{a'WaIKer,

ments-Deering binder, Mceor; of ,Porterville. California.' ,There mick binder"stump puller, good as is no ,doubt . about its being,·,the

.. uu~ new; Chatbam fanning mill, cutter; Best: No otheI' will cllre"a"cold so aone,'l nearly ne\v, buggy;, Empire,Cream, quickly.· "No 'other is' so sure "3

'Sepiirat,or,' Moline"~wagon;' new, pre\~enti\'e of" pneumonia. No ~Ioline wagon, nearly new. two other is so pleasant and safe to Bain wagons, two Massey-Harris take. These. are good reasons 15 'shoe drills, four sets bobsleighs; why it should be preferred to any Jno Deere. bigh lift gang ~Iow, !?ther • .'The fa~t is that few p~ple nearly new, two Scotch CI~pper !Ire satIsfied WIth anv other' after walking plows, ~t 4 section har- having once used, this remedy. rows, set 3 section harrows, set !"or sale by all dealers. I




All kinds of contract.work taken and satisfaction guaranteed.


And new foundationsputin, cem­ent or stone. Estimates furnished:

'r .


JAS·:',DAY,;-, ' .'


, '

Practical House Painter and

Decorator. -

.' <--, •• 1:. ~. ',""~. t •

, Complete samples of wall­papers kept on hand. Paper­ing done,promptly and prop­erly; Graining. Sign-writing.

AGENCY I,' ,,'}'

" I 'I 1~: '.,

, .' , ,

,: I I; I 1, ' !;

. B;,aving taken over th,e Deering Machine, Agency, in 'making my bow to the p.uqlic I wish to say that the fair dealing· w;hich r· have always endeavore.d to do, ,~n ·the "p'ast,·· will be continued in the' new' busine~s .. "-In soliciting you,r trade, I am pleased' ~to/ an­nounce that I am carrying 'the very 'best lines of implements, .and hope :'to·be favored with a ,~4are of your. busin.es,s;" Yours etc.

• ' , r' ,,'

.' !'

CEO. M,cGO'~,~N. "

'. , ~ .... ------'II ,',

I " , ,