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Transcript of soalmde-dmsjadi-angkatan2009

  • 8/11/2019 soalmde-dmsjadi-angkatan2009



    1 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L







    Present :

    SOAL UTS DMS 2011

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    2 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    GAMBAR posterior view of deep layer of gluteal region

    1. Tuber ischiadic

    2. Sacro tuberosum ligament

    3. This is foramen is used by the sciatic nerve for entering the gluteal region


    Piriformis muscle

    5. The prominence can be palpated from lateral side of femoral region

    GAMBAR upper arm

    6. Injury pada nerve ini akan merusak group extensor muscle

    7. This nerve gives the innervations for brachial biceps

    8. This compartment was innervated by musculocutaneous nerve

    9. This nerves give the innervations for flexor carpi ulnaris

    10. This nerve give innervations for flexor digitorum muscle

    11. tes integrity radial?


    nadytia13. sanditya fadli

    14. A 20 years old male presents with weakness in ability to flex the knee

    a. femoral nerve

    b. common fibular nerve

    c. tibial nerve

    d. superficial fibular nerve

    e. deep fibular nerve

    15. Youre evaluating a radiograph of the only bony articular joint between upper limb and trunk. Which joint

    youre evaluating?

    a. gleno-humeral

    b. acromio-clavicular


    .-claviculard. humero-clavicular

    e. sterno-clavicular



    17. in standing position lumbar spine is normally in lordosis. In the erect sitting position:

    a. lumbar curve increase, pelvis and sacrum rotated anterior

    b. lumbar curve decrease, pelvic and sacrum rotated posterior

    c. lumbar curve increase, pelvic and sacrum rotated posterior

    d. lumbar curve secrease, pelvic and sacrum rotated anterior

    e. lumbar curve stable, pelvic and sacrum rotated posterior

    18. hanifah nurul

    19. lusiana septi


    anis21. 21 the head of femur is connected to the shaft by the neck. According to Kapandji, the neck shaft angle


    a. 130

    b. 125

    c. 120

    d. 115

    e. 110

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    3 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    22. anggia karina

    23. wenny

    24. 65 Osteoarthritis suggest to do quadriceps strength exercise untuk

    a. Provide bony protection to distal joint surface

    b. Decrease pressure and distribute force on femur


    Increase distance from axis of MO (aku lupa nih ini singkatan dari apa huhu maap)d. Prevent damaging compression force on quadriceps

    e. Modified sesuatu on patellar contact

    25. 65 years old women suffered right knee OA. Had been underwent physiotherapy treatment. How much

    force within the knee jointwhile standing in flexion position?

    a. Forced increase 0.8 X BB

    b. Forced increase 1.2 X BB

    c. Forced increase 1.8 X BB

    d. Forced increase 2.2 X BB

    e. Forced increase 2.6 X BB

    26. Man 32 years old pain at right leg anterior knee, for 2 week. Pain diminish but cant bend knee when

    prays. Home mechanism knee joint term rotation for 200 extention. Main advantages?


    Enhanced quadriceps strainb. Stand without contraction on quadriceps

    c. Stabilizing patellar movement by controlling quadriceps contraction

    d. Minimize axial compression on tibiofemoral

    e. Coordinate quadriceps and hamstring

    27. 88 years old man , slowly enlarging nodule on his right eye, 0.3 cm pearly papule on the upper eyelid

    near lateral limbus of the right eye. Microscopic: tumor cels composed of nest/ islands of uniforming

    atypical cells within the dermis. Which of the following the tumor cells islands tend to periphery?



    b. Hyperthropy

    c. Palisading

    d. Atropy


    Necrosis28. which of the following is the most likely cause of this tumor?


    Sun exposed

    b. Chemical agent

    c. Irradiation

    d. Virus infection

    e. Physical agent

    29. 60 years old man with nodule on his left plantar blabla. PE: 1 cm, typical lesion are irregular counter and

    pigmentated. Microscopic: tumor cell round polygonal showing irregular rested, pleomorphism,

    hyperchromatin, mitoisis, frequently melanin pigmented in cytoplasm?

    Jaw: multiple melanoma

    30. cell arising squamous cell carcinoma?


    Basal cellb. Melanocyte



    d. Langerhans

    e. Merkell cell

    31. Which of the following is the risk factor for this tumor?

    a. Bacterial infection

    b. UV radiation

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    4 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    c. Chemical agent

    d. Virus

    e. Physical agent

    For the following patient indicate the first priority in management. Mr K 24 y.o sustained haid injury in

    aroadtraffict accident. His friend say he had been drinking alkohol most of the afternoon his initial GCSmeasurement at the scene of the accident was 12 on arival he had laboured breathing and smelt of vomit.

    His arival BP was 180/110 mmHg and pulse 45 beat per minute. There was no vocalization. Central pain

    caused normal flexion with the right arm but only extention with the left. There was no eyeopening. His left

    pupil 5 mm and the right 3 mm, both were unreactive there was no obvious papilloedema. A had collar is

    around his neck.

    32. Soal mengenai embriologi pituitary. Banyak di soal-soal tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Jawabnnya: D,

    Ectoderm ...

    33. 32 y.o Menjalani tiroidektomi. Tampilan makroskopisnya gray-white colour, diameternya 4 cm, well

    demarcated white (ada tampilan mikroskopisnya). Diagnosis?


    Thyroiditis lymphomatosab. Follicular adenoma

    c. Graves disease

    d. Hurtle cell adenoma

    e. Adenomatous mass goiter

    34. A 6 y.o. complains of discomfort the right upper neck it has worsened over the past 6 month. PE: 5cm

    firm palpable in the right lateral neck. No painful or warm... Pathological appearance.. W/ eosinophilic

    cytoplasm, numerous mitotic.. What is most likely tumor?

    a. Osteosarcoma

    b. Rhabdomyosarcoma

    c. Squamous cell carcinoma

    d. Basal cell carcinoma


    Malignant menaloma35. A 10 y o boy is diagnosed with miliaria rubra caused by occlusion in sweat gland duct. What is

    hystological feature of disturbed organ?

    a. Apocrine

    b. Sebum

    c. Connected to hair follicle

    d. Excretory duct is lined by stratified kuboid epithelium

    e. Acini consist of basal layer flattened epithelium

    36. Section of bones, histologically shows normal size trabeculae that are partially calsified & have enlarge of

    uncalcified osteolid. Cause is?

    a. Failure of bone remodelling

    b. Failure of bone mineralization


    Failure of osteoid formation

    d. Reactive bone formation

    e. Reduction in the amount of normal urine

    37. OA, yg rusak?

    a. perichondrium



    c. bloodvessel

    d. hyaluronicacid

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    e. fibrocartilage

    38. Which of clinical problems where above treatment has no role?

    a. hypertiroidism

    b. differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    c. undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma


    nontoxic multinodular goitere. graves disease

    39. a 34 y.o man present w/ multiple large,shortly defined silver white scalu plaques on the extensor surface

    of his elbow&knee&on his scalp.there is (+)auspitz sign.which of the following histological changes is

    most likely be seen when examining histology section?

    a. subepitelial bullae

    b. degeneration of the basal layer

    c. increase granular cell layer

    d. Elongation of papilary ridges

    e. chronic inflamation

    40. Histology of endochondral ossification? Epiphysis (lele)

    41. gbr tumor gituh, ada arrownya nunjukin bagian pinggir sellnya gt, ditanyain nama selnya apa??

    Pilihannye palisade, spindle, trs apa lg gt lupa.. -___-" (juju)42. clinical features from 26 y.o man suffers from skin disease show salmon-coloured plaque covered by

    scales that are silver-white color.microscop: show neutrophils from small aggregates within foci of

    superficial epidermis & the parakeratosis stratum corneum.diagnosis?A.Psoriasis vulgaris b.condyloma

    acuminata c.veruca vulgaris d.molluscum contagiosum e.epidermal cyst..

    43. A 22 y.o. Woman with excessive sweating has a lesion affects underarms area. Clinical features show firm

    & nodular lesion, abscesses & fistulas. What is the caused of the lesion?

    a. trauma


    follicular occlusion

    c. viral infection

    d. bacterial infection

    e. parasitic infection


    24 th man, bump back ears 0.5 cm. Pimple-like shaped, red, swollen, painful. gambar yang ditunjukpanah??



    b. Parakeratosis

    c. Keratin material

    d. Connective tissue

    e. Palisading cell

    45. Soal PA (ada gambar) cowo 12 th, ada hard lump di upper right arm. X-ray : sun-ray appearance.


    a. Chronic osteomyelitis

    b. TB spondylotitis

    c. Osteo apa gitu, lupa


    Ameloblastomae. Osteogenic sarcoma


    Soalnya tentang vulva tissue biopsy dari ibu 35 th, terlihat gray-white to tan, flat to convex, 0.3-0.6 cm

    papules, rough surfaces

    a. Hyperkeratosis

    b. Parakeratosis

    c. Acanthosis

    d. Koilocytosis

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    e. Mitosis

    47. Patient prescribed lovastatin (HMG CoA reductase inhibitor) to treat hyperlipidemia by his physician. The

    drug is known to cause skeletal muscle damage. Which of the following would be the most appropriate

    marker for confirm whether or not muscle damage has occured.

    a. Alkaline phosphatase


    ASTc. Creatinine kinase-MB

    d. CK Total

    e. LDH

    48. Why is lactic acid formed when a muscle is stimulated to contract aerobically them when. It contracts


    a. Glycolysis does not occur to any significant extent under aerobic condition

    b. Under aerobic condition most of pyruvate generated as a result of glycolysis is oxidized by the

    citric acid cycle rather than reduce to lactate

    c. Lactic acid stored in the myocyte

    d. Lactic acid generated is incorporated fat

    e. Muscle is a metabolicaly less active under aerobic than anaerobic condition


    During practical exam a single vertebrata has a transverse processes with foramen and a bifid spinousprocess. there is a bony prominence arising perpendicular to the superior of the body of the vertebrata.

    What the most likely vertebrata???

    a. 30 th laki2,stab wound at gluteal region. Saraf apa yang risiko terlukanya paling besar?

    b. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh

    c. Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh

    d. Sciatic nerve

    e. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve


    While climbing stairs, flexion and extension movement of the lower limb joint occur at which of the

    following axis of movement :

    a. Horizontal

    b. Vertical


    Coronald. Sagittal



    51. A student started to exercise his muscle by abduct and adducting upper limb. What is the specific type of

    joint involved in mediating this movement?

    a. Synovial/multiaxial

    b. Condyloid/biaxial

    c. Hinge/uniaxial

    d. Pivot/rotatory

    e. Ellipsoid/biaxial

    52. Fracture di mid-shaft of humerus, nerve yg rusak dan efeknya gak bisa extensi dari wrist?

    a. Axillary


    Medialc. Musculocutaneus



    e. Ulnar

    53. 50

    54. 51

    55. 52

    56. 53

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    57. 54

    58. 55

    59. 56

    60. 5 y.o. has 4 fingers in his one of his hand & two of fingers are fused. During the development of foot &

    hand, fingers are formed when cell death in the apical endoderm ridge separates into 5 parts. In this

    condition, which of the following is term of abnormality above?a. Amelia

    b. CDH (Congenital Dislocation of Hip

    c. Club Foot

    d. Syndactily

    e. Polidactily



    63. Which of the following statement regarding development of the limbs is true?

    a. The appendicular skeleton is derivied from ectoderm

    b. Bones of the appendicular skeleton appear during the 2nd trimester as mesenchymal



    The apical ectodermal ridge promote growth of the limb budd. The development of the lower limb .... (entahlah ga kebaca) that of the upper limb

    e. The scleretome is major contributor to the muscles of the limb

    64. Which of the following nonsteroidalanti inflammatory drug is through to block both the cyclooxigenase

    and lipooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism:

    a. Tolmetin

    b. Diclovenac

    c. Indomethacine



    e. Acetaminophen

    65. Seseorang, usia 48 tahunterkena RA, diberi steroid. Diamemakainyarutinselama 18 minggu.

    Komplikasiobat yang mungkinterjadi?


    Asthmab. Eczema



    d. Osteoporosis

    66. Which of the following drugs can interfere with tooth and bone development?

    a. Erythromycin

    b. Doxycycline

    c. Amoxicillin

    d. Azithromycine

    e. Clindamycine

    67. A 38 y.o teacher present with pain and swelling on his left ankle for 2 days. He is a moderate drink

    drinker. He explain that his joint are often painful and stiff in the morning, but this is passes of within few

    minute. On examination he is moderately overweight and is febrile. He is in the severe pain. The ankle isswollen, hot and tender to move. After the acute pain has settle, he is prescribe allopurinol. What is the

    MOA of allopurinol?

    a. Blockade of uric acid on the synovium

    b. Decreased production of uric acid

    c. Increased billiary secretion of uric acid

    d. Increased metabolism of uric acid

    e. Increased renal excretion of

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    8 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    68. ASRIANA?

    69. A mother bring along 2 y.o child with 3 days history of a rash. You diagnose mild pic eczema. What is the

    most likely first line of treatment?

    a. Aqueous cream

    b. Betamethasone ointment (betrovate)


    Zinc and coal tar pasted. Promethazine (phenergan) syrup

    e. Hydrocortisone cream

    70. 70. Pria 90 tahun. Generalized pruritus and occurring during the winter months only. Treatment?

    a. Prescribe for scabies

    b. Prescribe steroid cream

    c. Antihistamine

    d. Emollient cream

    e. Blood for liver finction test

    71. ina

    72. which of the following is the most applied fir herpes simplex keratitis?

    a. Amoxicillin


    Ancylovirc. Streptomycin

    d. Netamycin

    e. Piramycin

    73. 24 yo paraplegic woman admitted w/ decubitus ulcer on buttock which is eroding down to bone.

    Necrosis and purulent debris noted within the ulcer. Shes flushed, febrile, tachycardia,. Blood culture

    gram (-) anaerobic bacilli. Which is appropriate antimicroba?

    a. erythromycin

    b. gantamycin

    c. cefoxitin

    d. clindamycin


    ampicillin74. krisna

    75. he was born by cesar as his mother had blister in her birth canal. (ada gambarnya)What is the most likely


    a. Bullous impetigo

    b. Erysipelas

    c. Herpes

    d. Popular articaria

    e. Scabies

    76. 40 yo lady treated with cotrimoxazole for an urinary tract infection. Two days later, she developed fever

    and ulceration inside the mouth and the genitalia. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    a. herpes simplex infection


    steven johnsons syndromec. behcets syndrome

    d. SLE

    e. secondary syphilis

    77. Mr. Redstone came to ER RSHS with chief complain skin all over body.


    BP= 125/80

    T= 38 C


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    9 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L


    Dermatologi status:

    distribution: generelized

    lokasi: a whole body, except palm and sole

    karakteristik lesi: erythema some ill defined, confluence

    tipe lesi: macule +, scales + thick and silvery white.diagnosis: erythroderma

    the doctor gives him IV glukose 5%, 20 gtt/mnt and topical ointment for the skin.

    the abnormality of erythroderma in this patient is

    a. same with red skin

    b. bacterial infection of the skin

    c. psoriasis vulgaris

    d. skin allergy

    e. complication/ late stage

    78. pasien erythroderma, alasan diberikan glucose IV 5%?

    79. 34 yo woman has black mole on her back. Diagnosis: giant pigmented nevous. Melanin pigment

    synthesized by melanocyte. Melanocyte derived from?a. nerve cell

    b. basal cell.

    c. neural crest cell

    80. 35 yo man had discrete, coin shaped, erythematous patches from 20-40 mm wide in which papules and

    papulovesicle and exudation occurred. The lesion were itchy and appeared on his legs. Which of the

    following is the most likely diagnosis?

    a. circumscribed neurodermatitis


    nummular dermatitis

    c. seborrhoid dermatitis

    d. chronic lichen simplex

    e. erythroderma


    15 y.o perempuan complain pustule dan komedo di wajahnya, leher, upper arm dan bertambah parahsaat menstruasi. Tidak ada fever atau itching. Mekanisme nya?


    hyperplasia soft tissue of skin

    b. inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous gland

    c. chronic inflammation and hypertrophy of sebaceous gland

    d. cell type mediated hypersensitivity reaction

    e. conducted with food and psychological factor

    82. which of the following cutaneous infection is characterized by yellowish honey colored crust?

    a. cellulites

    b. erysipelas

    c. tuberculosis

    d. impetigo


    leishmaniasis83. chronic thickening of epidermal with exaggeration of its normal marking



    b. lichenification

    c. itchyosis

    d. lichenoid change

    e. leishmaniasis

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    10 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    84. a 70 year old Caucasian man presents with a pale pink annular node on the right side of his neck just

    below the jaw. The lesion measures 15mm in diameter and is elevated 5 mm above the skin surface. It is

    painless and has not caused irritation or itching. Which of the following features suggest to you that the

    lesion is most likely to be SCC rather than BCC?

    a. general exam of the patients skin shows severe solar damage with many solar keratoses


    the centre of the lesion is ulcerated and has obviously been recently bleedingc. the lesion has a pearly appearance, a well defined border, and feels thick and hard

    d. the patient says he thinks the lesion has appeared and grown over the last few weeks

    e. there is hard lymph gland palpable among the right superficial cervical node

    85. a 55 year old obese women visited the out patient clinic with the main complaint of itching in the fold of

    the infra mamma area, mainly when the weather was hot. On PE, we found erythematous patches along

    the fold of the infra mamma area, surrounded with a lot of minute erythematous papules and pustules.

    What is the most likely diagnosis?

    a. tinea cruris

    b. tinea corporis

    c. candidiasis cutis

    d. d pityriasis versikolor


    tinea capitis86. a 5 year old boy patient visited the outpatient clinic with his mother for the skin pruritic patch on his

    cheek since 8 days ago. While taking the history, the mother told that he had a cat as a pet. On PE, the

    doctor found thah the patient had one rounded lesion with active border consist of erythematous

    papules, minute vesicles, and scales, and also somewhat clear in the middle area. What is the most likely

    diagnosis for this patient?

    a. tinea cruris

    b. tinea corporis


    candidiasis cutis

    d. d pityriasis versikolor

    e. tinea unguium

    87. a 38 year old woman present with a low impact crush fracture in T11. She has been previously well. She

    is menstruating regularly (not taking oral contraceptive). Her renal and hepatic function normal. Herurine and plasma protein level are normal. What is the most useful imaging to identify?


    bone scan

    b. DEXA

    c. heel ultrasound

    d. skeletal survey

    e. whole body CT with bone mass estimate

    88. the usual presenting x-ray og an ewings sarcoma is most commonly a problem of differential diagnosis


    a. osteolytic osteosarcoma

    b. metastatic lesion (secondary bone tumor)

    c. chondrosarcoma


    fibrosarcomae. osteomyelitis


    what is the most possible diagnosis for multiple osteolitic lesions (punch out lesion) in a plain x-ray photo

    pf a skull?

    a. ewings tumour

    b. osteosarcoma

    c. osteochondroma

    d. multiple myeloma

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    11 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    e. ewings tumour

    90. sun-ray or sunburn appearance of periosteal reaction is found in :

    a. chondrosarcoma

    b. ewings sarcoma

    c. osteogenic sarcoma


    fibrosarcomae. rhabdomyosarcoma

    91. what is the best radiologic investigation for fractures pars inter-articularis?

    a. Plain x-ray AP view

    b. Plain X-ray lateral view

    c. Plain X-ray oblique view

    d. MRI

    e. ultrasound

    92. pria pemain bola pro lutut kirinya sakit kalo dipake jalan. Makin parah 18 bulan yang lalu. Gbr x-ray

    a. A.b.c.d. osteophyte

    b. e. synovial cyst

    93. 80 tahun sakit pinggang ga bisa menahan berat dan jatuh xray normal test hip fracture?


    Nuclear medicine bone scanb. cT scan

    c. repeat x-ray

    d. dexa

    e. MRI

    94. picture.

    a. Fractures of radius

    b. Fractures of ulnar


    Fractures of metacarpal

    d. Fractures of piriform

    e. Fractures of humerus

    95. right wrist injury. Dorsal swelling. Fracture : distal end radius. Bagian yg fraktur?


    Head of radiusb. Scaphoid



    d. Styloid process of ulna

    e. Lunate

    96. 21 year old male present to A&E department with left wrist pain which injured 1 week ago when play

    soccer. X-ray showed no fracture & was sent home with instruction to rest & ice the wrist. He fell on the

    outstrech left & has had persistent wrist pain since injury. Exam show full range motion out marked

    tenderness over the anatomical snuff box & swelling over dorsal aspect wrist. Next step management?

    a. Continue to treat as for aspirin including using forearm splint

    b. Aspirate wrist joint for synovial fluid sample

    c. Repeat x-ray & apply plaster cast of result


    Repeat x-ray & apply cast only if F. Visiblee. Fisiotherapy



    98. arin

    99. 32 y.o. male present with back pain since 3-4 years ago. It present particularly on walking but effective

    ketika dia menjadi (bekerja sebagai) car machiner. Untuk mengatasi painnya, dia mengonsumsi

    acetaminophen dan aspirin. Sekarang dia mengalami painful red, sore eye. Untuk diagnosis pemeriksaan

    apa yang dilakukan selanjutnya?

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    12 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    a. HLA B-27

    b. Xray lateral side spine

    c. Ct scan




    A 30 y.o man comes to the hospital because of an motorcycle accident. pain @ right tight, leg, andforearm. X-ray result: discontinuation of medial radius-ulna, distal tibia-fibula. What is most like


    a. rupture of the spinal nerve

    b. compartment syndrome

    c. inferior aorta rupture

    d. neurogenic shock

    e. muscle rupture

    101. 34 years old man has chief complain of purulent discharge at upper right leg sejak 6 bulan yang

    lalu. Past history terdapat fracture di right proximal tibia. Lalu dilakukan treatment implant di

    tulangnya dan tidak dilepas. Ada fever, lab : leukocytosis, elevated ESR, quantitative CRP. Ada ,,

    dan new growth of tibia. Diagnosis?


    muthi103. windi

    104. What would be the most common secondary disability?

    a. Isolation from the community

    b. Insomnia

    c. Osteoporosis

    d. Contracture of the knee

    e. Inability to manage the house hold


    An 18 years old footballer presents to the emergency department after falling on his outstretched

    right hand during a game. On exam there is no deformity or bruising on the right wrist, however he

    complains of tenderness and swelling in his anatomical snuffbox. Which one of the following

    condition is the most likely cause a late complication if his injury is not recognized?


    Malunionb. Delayed union



    d. Avascular necrosis

    106. Gangguan lutut pada laki laki usia 42 tahun yang paling sering adalah *jwb: gout+

    107. taya

    108. A 76 years old female with osteoporosis trips in her backyard and sustain a closed displaced

    interthorachentric fracture of the right femur. Which of the following is the most appropriate


    a. Bed rest with skeletal traction

    b. Bed rest with skin traction

    c. Closed reduction & application of external fixator


    Closed reduction & application of plaster of paris caste. Open reduction & a blade plate fixation



    110. putri pupu

    111. 78 thn jatuh di kamar mandi danga bisa jalan karena sakit di hip. Diag : hip fracture

    a. full length leg plester 6 week

    b. internal fixation

    c. bed rest and traction

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    13 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    d. external fixation

    112. sabrina

    113. an adult male comes to ER 2 hours after burn injury due to flame. He burned part of his face and

    neck, the whole right arm, chest, abdomen, and groin. After a thorough PE, doctor gives him

    oxygen and infuse.Infusion given according to Baxter/Parkland formula:


    Ringer lactateb. colloid

    c. normal saline

    d. glucose 5%

    e. glucose 10%

    114. the burn wound in his right arm can heal within

    a. a week

    b. 2-3 weeks

    c. more then 3 weeks

    d. more than 3 month

    e. ten weeks

    115. in his right arm you see a burn wound that erythematous, bulae (), pin prick (). Its classified to

    burn wound:a. grade I

    b. grade IIA

    c. grade IIB

    d. grade III

    e. grade IV

    116. which of the following is the most possible burn extent estimation in this patient?

    a. burn grade I-II 35%


    burn grade II 39%

    c. burn grade II-III 36%

    d. burn grade II-III 36%

    e. burn grade III 29%


    after the patient is debridement, which of the following is the most appropriate pointment for hisburn?


    chloramphenicol ointment

    b. silver sulfodiazine

    c. penicillin

    d. betadine

    e. levertraan

    118. Which function of the skin that will be preserved in superficial dermal (2nd

    degree) burn?

    a. Barrier against fluid loss

    b. Barrier against UV radiation

    c. Immune function

    d. Melanin formation

    e. Vibration sense

    119. silmi

    120. arif maulana

    121. ara


    a 50 yo male presented with an abcess in the neck which had extended onto the skin surface, for

    last one month. Sinus tracts to the skin surface were evident. Showing purulent discharge, the pus

    was carefully examined and yellow granules was observed. An acid fast smear revealed no acid fast

    bacilli. The patient most likely has

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    14 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    a. actinomycosis

    b. anaerobic abcess

    c. nocardiosis

    d. staphylococcal abcess

    e. tuberculous lymph adentis


    123. A child presented with warts (verucca) on his finger. What is the most likely causative virus ofwarts?

    a. Parvovirus

    b. Herpes simplex

    c. Hep B

    d. Papilloma

    e. Polio

    124. 124. microorganism responsible for production of erysipelas?

    a. Staphylococcus aureus

    b. Pneumonococcus

    c. Meningococcus

    d. Streptococcus viridans


    Beta hemolytic streptococus125. tiara ayu

    126. sufia

    127. ponti - intan

    128. a 14 y.o boy came to a clinic with chief complaint prolonged coughing, since six months ago. He

    also complained about decreasing of body weight (about 7 kg) as well as night sweat. Chest x ray

    revealed a discrete opaque shadow at both of the his lung. Tuberculin test is positive. The doctor

    ask for ziehl- neelsen sputum examination . what is the most likely bacterial appearance on sputum


    a. Acid fast, gram negative rod bacteria

    b. Acid fast, gram positive coccus bacteria

    c. Acid fast, gram positive rod bacteria


    Non-acid fast, gram positive rod bacteriae. Non-acid fast, gram negative rod bacteria


    which organism is most likely to become active as an opportunistic pathogen during prolonged

    treatment with broad antibiotic?

    a. streptococcus pneumonia

    b. haemophillus influenza

    c. candida albican

    d. actinomycetes israeli

    e. streptococcus viridans

    130. 50 y.o. man shuts his finger in the car door, which splits the skin down the side of his nail. After 10

    menit the area is red, throbbing, and hot to the touch. Mekanisme producing vasodilatation?

    a. Lymphocyte activation


    Endogen chemical mediatorc. Local autonomic discharge


    Platelet activation

    e. T lympocyte activation

    131. A 60 yr old male came to the hospital with reddish colored skin over his entire body with thick

    scaling. This patient complains of thirst and lack of urination. Which of the following alterations of

    the skin function is most likely in this patient? A. Bacterial protection, b. UV, c. Evaporation, d.

    trauma, e. heat.

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    15 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    132. Sebaceous gland activity is most strongly influenced by..

    a. Androgenic hormone

    b. Osteogenic h

    c. Adrenergic stimulation

    d. Cholinergic s


    Diets high in fat content133. In the skeletal muscle, where is protein troponin located?

    a. Thin myoepithelium

    b. Thick myoepithelium

    c. Z line

    d. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

    e. Sarcolema

    134. Isotonic exercise result mainly in an increase in the

    a. Number of motor neuron


    Number of muscle fiberc. Number of myofilament


    Oxidative capacity of muscle fiber

    e. Safety factor in neuromuscular transmission

    135. which remain constant when muscle shortened?

    a. Aa band

    b. Bi band

    c. Ch zone

    d. Ddistance between Zline

    136. why do muscle fibers go into tetanic contraction at high frequency of stimulation?

    a. the stores of ATP are rapidly increase

    b. All aCh receptors on the muscle membrane become occupied


    all the myosin head can bind to actin molecules

    d. enough ca2+ is available in the cytoplasmic bind to troponin molecules

    e. atp is bound to all myosin molecules

    137. Apa persamaan smooth m dan skeletal m? (ada d soal taun lalu) sm2 ada actin n myosin (lele)

    138. By which mechanism do ca2+ ion enter sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cell... A) simple diffusion B

    ) faciilitated transport C) primary active transport D) secondary active transport E) unknown


    139. An athlete completed 400m race in 45,3 sec.his skeletal muscle would show a number of

    biochemical changes on immediate completion of the race in comparison to just prior to the start

    of the race.identify the most likely biochemical changes in his skeletal muscle at the end of the

    race? A.muscle glycogen stores inc b.muscle creatinin phosphate inc c.mitochondrial oxygen inc

    d.cytoplasma lactate dec e.glucose 6 phosphate inc


    Which of the following is the most important mechanism in increasing the contractile force of

    skeletal muscle?

    a. an increase in size of the action potential

    b. an increase in the number of activated motoneurons

    c. an increase in the number of motor unit recruitments

    d. an increase in the extracellular calcium concentration

    e. An increase in acetylcholinesterase activity

    141. ANDIKA - desbas

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    16 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    142. Strength training dengan relative high loads & brief repetition. Hasilnyaapa?

    a. Increase number of muscle fibers bkin primarily aerobic metabolism for their source of


    b. Massive proliferation of connective tissue in muscle bikin bulky appearance kayak



    Growth in size of Type II muscle fibersd. Oversupply of lactic acid which stimulate production of more muscle fiber

    e. Conversion of slow oxidative muscle (type I) to fast glycolytic (type II) fiber

    143. Gambarttgneuro muscular junction (NMJ). 1ygeksitasi, 2elektronmasuk, 3elektronkeluar. 1,

    2, 3?

    a. Ach, Na, Cl

    b. Ach, Na, K

    c. Ach, K, Na

    d. Norepinephrine, Na, Cl

    e. Norepinephrine, Na, K


    NADIA - desi145. SYUHADA- kevin

    146. FERRY - rika

    147. What brings muscle contraction to stop

    a. Pumping Ca back into SR

    b. Voltage dependent move of Ca back into SR

    c. Transport Na-K by Na-K pump

    d. Opening K channel in SR membrane

    e. Closing Na channel in SR membrane

    148. SYIFA - nova

    149. AMEL - yoseph

    150. JANNATIN ALIYA - urwah


    ilmahanny rosyida152.Compared to type 2 (fast,white) fibres, type 1 (slow,red) fibres, have which one of the following?

    a. Larger diameters

    b. Faster myosin ATPase activity

    c. More negative resting membrane potentials

    d. Shorter twitch duration

    e. More resistence to fatique

    153. Thomas - reyhan

    154. endi - nabhan

    155. riris - syahla

    156. ditto - galuh

    157.A 1 mo old child w red patches/blatches and area of scaling, in distribution shown. This become

    redder wheb the baby cries or get hot in places158.A young adult with a rash consisting of red lesion some with silvery scaling in this distribution.the

    rash is worse in winter.itching is not a feature and there have been no lesion on the face : ....

    159.35 y.o. Previously healthy man with 6 weeks history of intense itchy, elevated, flat-topped

    violaceous lesions on extremities and trunk, ALL LESS than 4mm in size, plus fine white linear

    streaks on the buccal mucosa

    160.27 y.o male with history of multiple partner presents with nail pitting, moist scalry, red papules on

    glands penis, & scally plaque on the elbows.

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    17 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    161.Seorangpasienlukabakarmengalamiinfeksi green coloured pus. Organisme yang


    a. Streptococcus pyogenes

    b. Staphylococcus aureus

    c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa


    Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Chlamydia trachomatis

    f. Influenza virus

    g. Rotavirus

    h. Epstein barr virus

    i. Salmonella enteritis

    162.Seorangtelahdilakuakan renal transplant. Setelahitumengalami sore mouth, buchal mucosa

    inflamasidengan white eksudat. Infeksiterjadikarena??

    163.PRATAMI , friska

    164.Mr. X have extraction of 3rd

    molar, slight temperature increase, swelling bilateral submandible,

    elevated tongue, dyspnea paroxysms, respiratory paralysis. Which of the following spaces is

    involved in this case?a. Sublingual, submandibular

    b. Sublingual, submental

    c. Sublingual, submandibular, submental

    d. Submandibular, submental

    e. Sublingual

    165.GUFI , shinta

    166.CENDY. cia


    For carries to occur, the following factor must exist:

    a. Susceptible host and microorganism

    b. Susceptible host, microorganism and time

    c. Susceptible host, microorganism, time and substrate


    Susceptible host, microorganism, time, substrate and salivae. Susceptible host, microorganism and demineralization of tooth structure



    169.A parent who lost a child sent a passport picture of the child to hospital. WOTF is the most likely

    identification method that can be conducted?

    a. Facial reconstruction

    b. Superimposition via the recent x-ray image of the victim

    c. The victims photograph

    d. Matching is not possible

    e. An older x-ray image should be also used

    170.170. Ada mayat yang ditemukan. Kulitwajahdanperutnya dark green. Di dekat situ adadarah,

    laludiperiksa. Benzidinedansatulagiakulupanamanya, hasilnya negative. Tapites phenolphthalein

    nyapositif. Ituberartidarahsiapa?171.Ina


    a corpse is found with lividity that is disappeared when pressed and cadaveric rigidity on facial

    muscle. When is the most likely time of death?

    a. 8 h

    d. > 12 h

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    18 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    e. Cannot determined

    173.Airplane crash carrying capt black, mr. whie,, mr yellow. Skeleton covered w/ soft tissue.

    Dibawa ke RS & family bring biological sample. Mrs. Black bring picture of captain, mrs white

    brought her daughter, mrs blue brought her son. Mrs yellow didnt bring anything. How to identify

    mr. white?


    blood groupb. x cromosom

    c. y cromosom


    nuclear DNA

    e. mitokondria



    which of one the followings is the most appropriate initial to support the diagnose?

    a. lumbar puncture

    b. x ray of the thoracic spine

    c. myelography

    d. electromyography

    e. spine ct scan


    aweng177.28 yo woman came to out patient department w/ pain in her tooth. from oral exam she suffered

    caries dentist. before taking further treatment, the doctor gave her nsaid to reduce the inflamation

    and pain. he was also know that the patient are 6 months old pregnant.

    a. Salicylate

    b. Metampyrone

    c. mefenamic acid

    d. paracetamol

    e. ibuprofen

    178.Pasien adenocarcinoma. Diberikan florouracil, terus resisten. Kenapa obatnya bisa jadi resisten,

    proses resistennya? Earlier she went to the dentist and given local anesthetic. There is previous

    history of allergic. What is the drug that almost likely used?a. coccain

    b. lidocain

    c. bupivicaine

    d. procain

    180.52 yo woman with history of eczema and heavy alcohol use begins taking ibuproven to control hips

    and knee pain due to OA over the course of 6 month, as pain worsen, she increase her dosage to a

    high level ( 600 mg 4x/day) what toxicity is most likely occurring in this patient?


    abnormal heart rhythm

    b. necrotizing fasciitis

    c. gastric ulceration

    d. confusion and ataxia


    blurred vision181.mamet


    183.local anastetic interfere with movement of which ion as a fundamental basis for action

    a. oxygen

    b. hydrogen

    c. potassium

    d. sodium

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    19 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    e. calcium



    186. 19 y.o female suffered from fracture of her distal radius. The doctor immobilized her forearm with a

    plaster cast for a 4-week. After that the doctor replaces the cast with a removable splint. This change of

    immobilization is allowed because of the callus formation in fracture healing.Which of the following step is the next process of fracture healing?

    a. Hematoma

    b. Inflamation

    c. Granulation

    d. Consolidation

    e. Remodeling

    187.what is the term for a muscle producing peak tension during rapid cycle of contraction relaxation?

    a. twitch

    b. summation

    c. treppe

    d. incomplete tetanus


    tetany188.tentang EMG, anak 17 tahun gak bisa extensi wrist, hasil EMG?

    a. Pilihan jawabannya : velocity dan duration nya gimana, naik atau turun?


    190.during the process of relaxation, actin will release from myosin after which of the following


    a. ca binding to troponin

    b. atp binding to troponin


    atp binding to actin

    d. ca binding to troponin

    e. atp binding to myosin

    191.which of the following is an important component of excitation-contraction coupling in both

    smooth & skeletal musclea. The inward flow of calcium across muscle membrane


    The binding of myosin cross bridges to actin filament

    c. The binding of calcium to troponin

    d. The phosphorylation of myosin

    e. Depolarization of the muscle membrane

    192.the shape of the length-active tension curve of the skeletal & cardiac muscle is primarily


    a. Max velocity of muscle shortening

    b. Relative degree of overlap between thick and thin filament

    c. Elastic component of muscle

    d. Measurement made of isotonic contraction


    Shape of the length-passive tension curve193.Sweat gland untuk remove waste dan regulasi body temperature



    b. Apocrine

    c. Eccrine

    d. Exocrine

    194.5 y.o. suspect abnormal skull (craniostenosis). The correct statement?

    a. Deformation of suture

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    20 | D E R M A T O M U S C U L O S K E L E T A L

    b. Premature closure of suture

    c. Sutures remain open

    d. Brain tissue herniation

    e. Skull fails to expand

    195.2 successful vertebral missing, definisi?


    Scoliosisb. Syndactyly

    c. Spina bifida

    d. Acromegaly

    e. Achondroplasia




    199.lia nazlah

    200.Yang terjadi pada soal 199 (common acne)....

    a. over-keratinization

    b. immature keratinization


    keratinization of skin glandd. keratinization of inner layer

    e. keratinization of outer layer