Scrum way the way

Post on 08-May-2015

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This is an introductory presentation on Agile and Scrum that was presented at Maranatha Christian University on December 2nd 2011

Transcript of Scrum way the way

Scrum Way, the way@jpartogi

Human knot game• Bentuk tim beranggotakan 5-7 orang

• Bentuk formasi lingkaran dan dempetkan antar bahu

• Angkat tangan kanan dan pegang tangan kanan orang lain

• Angkat tangan kiri dan pegang tangan kanan orang yang berbeda

• Bentuk lingkaran dengan formasi saling bergandengan tanpa ada pegangan yang lepas


•Siapa yang sudah pernah mendengar Scrum?

•Apa yang anda ketahui tentang Scrum sejauh ini?

How we got here

Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management:

“... In the past, Man has been first. In the future, the system must be first ... the first object of any good system must be that of developing first-class men; and under systematic management the best man rises to the top more certainly and more rapidly than ever before”

Peter Drucker (1960): “Knowledge workers is a new breed of employees who employ their knowledge and brainpower, instead of their hands, as a mean to income.”

Software Developer is a knowledge worker!

Base Waterfall model

“Managing the Development of Software Systems: Concepts and Techniques.” -Winston W. Royce

Waterfall model is “risky and invites

failure” because it leaves testing until

the end- Dr. Winston W.


Modified Waterfall model

If only it is this simple...

Kategorisasi Proyek

Jauh dari kepastian

Dekat dengan kepastian

Dekat dengan persetujuan

Jauh daripersetujuan










The origins of AgileNASA dan Department of Defense (DoD) telah menggunakan Iterative and Incremental Development (IID) sejak tahun 1950.

Iterative and Incremental

DevelopmentPendekatan untuk membangun sebuah sistem yang dicerminkan lewat eksekusi beberapa putaran secara beruntun dimana setiap putaran merupakan sebuah rilis dari rangkaian fitur.

Evolutionary Project Management (Evo)

Thomas Gilb pada tahun 1960 mengkonseptualisasikan Evo yang menekankan pembuatan software secara sepotong setiap 2-4 minggu sekali guna mendapatkan nilai bisnis secara maksimal yang ke depannya mengevolusikan deliverable di masa mendatang

New new Product Development Game

“The New New Product Development Game” -Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka (1986)

Agile ManifestoWe are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

What is Agile?

Agile is about people, employee and customer satisfaction, communication, working software, being flexible with change.

What is Agile?

Agile is not just a set of process or tools, it’s a mindset to get things done and delight the customers.

What is Agile?

Agile is a mindset, defined by values, guided by principles, expressed through practices.

The old way simply does not work!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and

over again and expecting different

results. - Albert Einstein

Agile is hard to be done right because it involves a new way


When you change the way you look at

things, the things you look at change

- Max Planck

From holistic to empirical

It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only

one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time

- Winston Churchill

From command & control to facilitate &


Never tell people how to do things. Tell them

what to do and they will surprise you with

their ingenuity. -George S. Patton

From hierarchies of individuals to team

The modern organization cannot be

an organization of “boss” and

“subordinate”: it must be organized as a

team of “associates”- Peter Drucker

From process first to people first

Why not make the work easier and more interesting so that

people do not have to sweat? The Toyota style is not to create

results by working hard. It is a system that says there is no

limit to people's creativity. People don't go to Toyota to

'work' they go there to 'think'- Taiichi Ono

From human resources to people

I think management is about just that -

managing people via man-to-man skills.

- Stuart Pearce

From one way that works to continuous


Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence –

only in constant improvement and constant change.

- Tom Peters

From plan driven to value driven

All we are doing is looking at the time line, from the

moment the customer gives us an order to the point when

we collect the cash. And we are reducing the time line by

reducing the non-value adding wastes.

- Taiichi Ono

Agile’s flavour

•eXtreme Programming

•Feature Driven Development

•Dynamic Systems Development Method

•Lean Software Development

•Crystal Clear


85% of Agile companies use


Why Scrum

•Scrum is very simple

•Scrum can run with existing engineering practices

•Scrum is generic - it can run in non-IT organization

•Scrum will tell you how to do Agile

Scrum is used for complex work in which it is

impossible to predict everything that will occur

- Ken Schwabber

Complexity & Unpredictability = Traffic Jam

in Jakarta

Product increment ibarat Sashimi, dimana setiap

potongan adalah potongan yang komplit dan dapat berdiri sendiri

Sprint ibarat lampu depan mobil, dimana ia hanya

menyorot ke depan agar resiko dapat dikendalikan


• Tidak boleh ada penambahan Product Backlog ke dalam Sprint selama Sprint sedang berlangsung selain oleh anggota Tim Pengembang

• Product Backlog boleh dirubah dan ditambah oleh Pemilik Produk di luar Sprint tetapi bukan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam Sprint yang berjalan



Scrum’s Roles

•Product Owner manages the Product

•Scrum Master manages the Scrum process

•Development Team manages itself to create the product

Scrum’s Roles

•Product Owner tells the team what to make (strategic)

•Development Team manage the “how to” (tactic)

•Scrum Master empowers the team and removes obstacles

Scrum’s Artefact

•Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that might be needed in the product

•Sprint Backlog is a selected Product Backlog items for the Sprint

Scrum’s Meetings

•In Sprint Planning the team plan what to do (Sprint Backlog) and how to do it

•In Sprint Review the team demonstrate what they have done

•In Sprint Retrospective the team discuss how they can improve for the next Sprint

Scrum’s Meetings

★ What they have done yesterday

★ What they will do today

★ Obstacles that are on their way

In Daily Standup Meeting the team tell the other team member three things:

Scrum’s Timeline






Untuk Sprint yang jangka waktunya 1 bulan

8 hours

4 hours

3 hours•Daily Scrum

1 bulan

Scrum dan Startup

We made a initial startup from idea - business plan - pitch in less than 2 days

Scrum in Startup

•There are so many uncertainty in a startup

•On time and on budget is irrelevant in a startup

•Big design upfront is irrelevant

•Don’t build what the customer don’t want

Scrum in Startup company

•Prioritize - Build - Measure - Learn

•Prioritize the most wanted features

•Build and release every 2-4 weeks (release early, release often)

•Gain feedback from customers and learn!

Scrum in Startup company

2-4 minggu2-4 mingguPrioritize



Measure & Learn

Banyak perusahaan di Indonesia yang telah dan akan

beralih ke Scrum, apakah anda sudah siap?

Scrum is hard•It requires new mindset!

•Highly initiative and proactive developers

•Cross-functional team

•Serving and protective managers

•Work is done in short iterations

•Product ownership by customer

•This will make many people uncomfortable

ScrumWay apprentice

Guna akselerasi pemahaman Scrum dan mempersiapkan semakin banyak individu yang siap masuk dalam tim Scrum, ScrumWay mengajak mahasiswa yang ingin memahami Scrum untuk ikut program ScrumWay apprentice -

UK Maranatha dan ScrumWay bekerja-

sama untuk mempersiapkan

orang-orang yang memiliki mindset


Ide-ide penelitian Scrum

•Psikologi produktifitas pegawai dalam organisasi Scrum

•Scrum dalam organisasi besar ( > 100 pegawai)

•Scrum dalam organisasi multinasional

•Scrum dalam perusahaan startup

•Scrum dalam organisasi non-IT (contoh: event organizer, advertising, universitas)

Ide-ide penelitian Scrum

•Menggabungkan Scrum dengan proses lainnya (contoh: CMMI, PMBoK, ISO 9001)

•Perbandingan antara organisasi yang menggunakan Scrum dan bukan:

•Kualitas produk

•Return on investment

•Kepuasan pegawai

•Kepuasan pelanggan

Scrum adalah sebuah pola pikir yang:

dijelaskan lewat nilai-nilai

diarahkan lewat prinsip-prinsip

dicerminkan lewat praktik-praktik

Scrum is a mindset, defined by values, guided by principles, expressed through practices.


Komunitas Scrum












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