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1.1 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)

Malcolm Baldrige adalah seorang Menteri Perdagangan di USA tahun

1981-1987. Baldrige sangat mendukung manajemen kualitas sebagai kunci dari

kemakmuran negara dan sebagai kekuatan jangka panjang. Istilah quality control

(pengendalian kualitas) baru ditemukan pada masa itu. Baldrige adalah salah

seorang yang membuat konsep awal quality control. Sebagai bentuk kehormatan,

Kongres menetapkan namanya sebagai nama penghargaan tahunan di bidang

quality improvement (peningkatan kualitas).

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act, signed into US law in August 1987, led to the creation of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988. The purpose of this competitive award programme is to improve quality and productivity in the USA by establishing guidelines and criteria that can be used by organisations to evaluate their own quality improvement efforts. The Baldrige Award is given by the US President to businesses (manufacturing as well as service) and to education and healthcare organisations that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: (1) leadership, (2) strategic planning, (3) customer and market focus, (4) measurement, analysis and knowledge management, (5) human resource focus, (6) process management and (7) results (Foster, Tina, 2008).

The Baldrige Award is designed and managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a non-regulatory agency of the Commerce Department’s Technology Administration. NIST develops and promotes measurements, standards and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade and improve the quality of life. NIST was selected by the US Congress to design and manage the award programme because of its role in helping American organisations compete, its world-renowned expertise in quality control and assurance, and its reputation as an impartial third party. The American Society for Quality assists NIST with the application review process, preparation of award documents, publicity and information transfer.4 Awards were made to business applicants beginning in 1989

Baldrige Award diberikan oleh Presiden USA kepada organisasi bisnis

(manufaktur dan jasa, besar maupun kecil), pendidikan serta kesehatan, yang

mengajukan diri serta dinilai sangat baik (outstanding) pada tujuh kriteria

penilaian, yaitu : leadership; strategic planning; customer and market focus;

measurement, analysis and knowledge management; human resource focus;

process management; and results. Kongres meluncurkan program penghargaan

ini pada tahun 1987 untuk memberikan pengakuan dan penghargaan kepada

organisasi bisnis di USA dalam hal pencapaiannya pada kualitas dan performansi

serta untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya kualitas dan performansi

yang baik sebagai competitive edge. Departemen Perdagangan National Institute

of Standards and Technology (NIST) merupakan organisasi yang setiap tahunnya

memfasilitasi penyelenggaraan Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards.

1.2 Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE)

Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE)

merupakan salah satu metode peningkatan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan

dan terus-menerus dengan menggunakan pengukuran dan memberikan feedback

mengenai kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan dalam penyediaan produk dan

jasa yang berkualitas (Gasperzs 2011:23).

Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE)

memiliki tujuh kategori kriteria penilaian dengan total skor yang bisa dicapai

adalah 1000 poin. Tujuh kategori kriteria penilaian meliputi: leadership; strategic

planning; customer and market focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge

management; human resource focus; process management; and results.

Tujuh kriteria yang terdapat dalam MBCfPE merupakan serangkaian

proses yang harus diikuti secara berurutan untuk mencapai hasil yang diharapkan.

Setiap komponen dalam sistem ini memiliki input, proses, output dan hasil serta

disempurnakan dengan umpan balik. Selain sebagai sistem, Kriteria Baldrige juga

memfasilitasi munculnya jalur yang bisa diikuti oleh perusahaan menuju

organisasi yang unggul dan efektif.

Dalam MBCfPE kriteria 1 sampai 6 memiliki fokus pada sebuah proses

dan sistem yang dimiliki perusahaan. Kriteria 7 (Result) mempertanyakan kinerja

keuangan, pelanggan dan kepuasan karyawan yang merupakan komponen hasil

yang menentukan bagaimana organisasi menjalankan prosesnya. Proses akan di

ukur dan di evaluasi dengan pertanyaan yang bernuansa ADLI (Approach,

Deployment, Learning, Integration), sedangkan Hasil atau Result akan diukur

dengan dimensi LeTCI (Level, Trend, Comparison, Integration).

Seluruh kriteria tersebut di analisa dengan bentuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan

untuk masing-masing kategori sebagai berikut: Kepemimpinan (120 points),

Perencanaan Strategis (85 points), Fokus Terhadap Pasien Yang Dilayani (85

points), Pengukuran, Analisa Dan Pengetahuan Manajemen (90 points), Fokus

Terhadap Sumber Daya Manusia (85 points), Manajemen Proses (85 points),

Hasil Yang Diperoleh (450 points).

Leadership (Kepemimpinan) dianggap sangat diperlukan dalam

pencapaian kualitas dan performansi organisasi, dapat dilihat dari skor yang

diberikan paling tinggi (120 poin) jika dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya.

Kepemimpinan merupakan kekuatan pendorong bagi sistem dalam organisasi

yang menciptakan hasil. Dalam MBCfPE masing-masing kriteria saling terkait

dan kepemimpinan berperan sebagai driver.

Penilaian kinerja dengan metode ini berbasis pada perbaikan kinerja yang

berkelanjutan, ditunjukkan dengan jenjang predikat dan skor kinerja pada Tabel

1.1 sebagai berikut:

Jenjang predikat Skor Level

EarlyDevelopment 0 – 275 PoorEarly Result 276 – 375EarlyImprovement 376 – 475

AverageGood Peformance 476 – 575EmergingIndustry Leader

576 – 675

Industry Leader 676 – 775 ExellentBenchamarkLeader 776 – 875World Leader 876 – 1000

Table 1.1 Jenjang predikat dan nilai skor kinerja Malcolm Baldrige

1.3 Malcolm Baldrige Specific for Healthcare

The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence are a framework that

any organization can use to improve overall performance. Criteria for healthcare

and education were available beginning in 1999 and the first healthcare award was

made in 2002 (Foster, Tina, 2008).

The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence have proven in

healthcare as well as other industries to be an effective roadmap through complex

and challenging conditions.

Adapun kerangka kerja Malcolm Baldrige Healthcare Criteria yang

diilustrasikan oleh gambar 1.1 di bawah ini:

Gambar 1.1 Inter-relatedness of the Baldrige criteria for healthcare organisations.

Preface : The Organizational Profile is a snapshot of the organization:

a. Organizatonal environment: service offering, vision and mission,

workplace profile, assets, regulatory requirements.

b. Organizational Relationship: organizational structure, costumers and

stakeholder, suppliers and partners.

1. Leadership

The Leadership category examines how your organization’s senior leaders’

personal actions guide and sustain your organization. Also examined are your

organization’s governance system and how your organization fulfills its legal,

ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

a. Senior Leadership

The Leadership category examines how senior leaders actions guide and

sustain the organization. Describe how senior leaders communicate and

encourage high performance.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Vision, Values, and Mission (Vision and Values; Promoting Legal and

Ethical Behavior; Creating a Sustainable Organization)

2) Communication and Organizational Performance (Communication;

Focus on Action)

b. Governance and Societal Responsibilities

Describe your organization’s Governance system and Approach to

leadership improvement. Describe How your organization ensures legal

and ethical behavior, fulfills its societal responsibilities, supports its key

communities, and contributes to community health.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada tiga poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Organizational Governance (Governance System; Performance


2) Legal and Ethical Behavior (Legal Behavior; Regulatory Behavior;

and Accreditation; Ethical Behavior)

3) Societal Responsibilities and Support of Key Communities (Societal

Well-Being; Community Support)

2. The Strategic Planning category examines how your organization develops

strategic objectives and action plans. Also examined are how your chosen

strategic objectives and action plans are implemented and changed if

circumstances require, and how progress is measured.

a. Strategy development

Describe how your organization establishes its strategy to address its

strategic challenges and leverage its strategic advantages. Summarize your

organization’s key strategic objectives and their related goals.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Strategy Development Process (Strategic Planning Process; Strategy


2) Strategic Objective (Key Strategic Objective; Strategic Objective


b. Strategy implementation

Describe how your organization converts its strategic objectives into

action plans. summarize your organization’s action plans, how they are

deployed, and key action plan performance measures or indicators. project

your organization’s future performance relative to key comparisons on

these performance measures or indicators.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Action Plan Development and Deployment (Action Plan

Development; Action Plan Implementation; Resources Allocation,

Workforce Plans; Performance Measures; Action Plan Modification)

2) Performance Projections

3. The Customer Focus category examines how your organization engages its

patients and stakeholders for long-term marketplace success. This engagement

strategy includes how your organization listens to the voice of its customers

(your patients and stakeholders) builds customer relationships, and uses

customer information to improve and identify opportunities for innovation.

a. Voice of the Customer: Describe how your organization listens to your

patients and stakeholders and gains satisfaction and dissatisfaction


Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Patient and Stakeholder Listening (Patient And Stakeholder

Listening; Listening To Potential Patients And Stakeholders)

2) Determination of Patient and Stakeholder Satisfaction and

Engagement (Satisfaction And Engagement; Satisfaction Relative To

Competitors; Disastifaction)

b. Customer engagement: describe how your organization determines health

care service offerings and patient and stakeholder communication

mechanisms to support patients and stakeholders. describe how your

organization builds patient and stakeholder relationships.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Health Care Service Offerings and Patient and Stakeholder Support

(Health Care Service Offering; Patient and Stakeholder Support;

Patient and Stakeholder Segmentation; Patient and Stakeholder Data


2) Building Patient and Stakeholder Relationship (Relationship

Management; Complain Management)

4. The measurement, analysis, and knowledge management category examines

how your organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its

data, information, and knowledge assets and how it manages its information

technology. The category also examines how your organization uses review

findings to improve its performance.

a. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance:

describe how your organization measures, analyzes, reviews, and

improves its performance through the use of data and information at all

levels and in all parts of your organization.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada tiga poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Performance Measurement (Performance measurement; Comparative

Data; Patient and Stakeholder data; Measurement Agility)

2) Performance Analysis and Review

3) Performance Improvement (Best-Practice Sharing; Future


b. Management of Information, Knowledge, and Information Technology:

describe how your organization builds and manages its knowledge assets.

Describe how your organization ensures the quality and availability of

needed data, information, software, and hardware for your workforce,

suppliers, partners, collaborators, and patients and stakeholders.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Data, Information, and Knowledge Management (Properties; Data and

Information Availability; Knowledge Management)

2) Management of Information Resources and Technology (Hardware

and Software Properties; Emergency Availability)

5. The workforce focus category examines your ability to assess workforce

capability and capacity needs and build a workforce environment conducive to

high performance. The category also examines how your organization

engages, manages, and develops your workforce to utilize its full potential in

alignment with your organization’s overall mission, strategy, and action plans.

a. Workforce environment: describe how your organization manages

workforce capability and capacity to accomplish the work of the

organization. describe how your organization maintains a safe, secure, and

supportive work climate.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Workforce Capability and Capacity (Capability and Capacity; New

Workforce Members; Work Accomplishment; Workforce Change


2) Workforce Climate (Workplace Environment; Workforce Policies and


b. Workforce Engagement: describe how your organization engages,

compensates, and rewards your workforce to achieve high performance.

describe how you assess workforce engagement and use the results to

achieve higher performance. describe how members of your workforce,

including leaders, are developed to achieve high performance.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada tiga poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Workforce Performance (Elements of Engagement; Organizational

Culture; Performance management)

2) Assessment of workforce Engagement (Assessment of Engagement;

Correlation with Organizational Result)

3) Workforce and Leader Development (Learning and Development

System; Learning and Development Effectiveness; Career


6. The operations focus category examines how your organization designs,

manages, and improves its work systems and work processes to deliver patient

and stakeholder value and achieve organizational success and sustainability.

also examined is your readiness for emergencies.

a. Work system: describe how your organization designs, manages, and

improves its work systems to deliver patient and stakeholder value,

prepare for potential emergencies, and achieve organizational success and


Dalam kriteria ini, ada tiga poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Work system Design (Design Concepts; Work System Requirements)

2) Work System Management (Work System Implementation; Cost


3) Emergency Readiness

b. Work processes: describe how your organization designs, manages, and

improves its key work processes to deliver patient and stakeholder value

and achieve organizational success and sustainability.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada dua poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Work Process Design (Design Concepts; Work Process Requirements)

2) Work Process Manangement (Key Work Process Implementation;

Patient Expectations and preferences; Supply Chain Management,

Process Improvement)

7. The results category examines your organization’s performance and

improvement in all key areas—health care and process outcomes, customer-

focused outcomes, workforce focused outcomes, leadership and governance

outcomes, and financial and market outcomes. Performance levels are

examined relative to those of competitors and other organizations with similar

health care service offerings.

a. Health Care and Process Outcomes: Summarize your organization’s key

health care results and its key performance and process effectiveness and

efficiency results. Include processes that directly serve patients and

stakeholders, strategy, and operations. segment your results by health care

service offerings, by patient and stakeholder groups and market segments,

and by process types and locations, as appropriate. include and indicate

your results for key measures that are publicly reported and/or mandated

by regulatory, accreditor, or payor requirements. Include appropriate

comparative data.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada tiga poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Patient Focused Health Care Result

2) Operational Process Effectiveness Result (Operational Effectiveness;

Emergency Preparedness)

3) Strategy Implementation Result

b. Customer-Focused Outcomes: Summarize your organization’s key patient-

and stakeholder-focused results for patient and stakeholder satisfaction,

dissatisfaction, and engagement. Segment your results by health care

service offerings, patient and stakeholder groups, and market segments, as

appropriate. include appropriate comparative data.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada satu poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Customer Focused Results (Patient and Stakeholder Satisfaction;

Patient and Stakeholder Engagement)

c. Workforce-Focused Outcomes: Summarize your organization’s key

workforce-focused results for your workforce environment and for

workforce engagement. Segment your results to address the diversity of

your workforce and to address your workforce groups and segments, as

appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada satu poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Workforce Results (Workforce Capability and capacity; Workforce

Climate; Workforce Engagement; Workforce Development)

d. Leadership and Governance Outcomes: Summarize your organization’s

key senior leadership and governance results, including those for fiscal

accountability, legal compliance, ethical behavior, societal responsibility,

and support of key communities and community health. segment your

results by organizational units, as appropriate. include appropriate

comparative data.

Dalam kriteria ini, ada satu poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Leadership, Governance, and Societal Responsibility Results

(Leadership; Governance; law, regulation, and Accreditation; Ethics;


e. Financial and Market Outcomes: Summarize your organization’s key

financial and marketplace performance results by market segments or

patient and stakeholder groups, as appropriate. Include appropriate

comparative data:

Dalam kriteria ini, ada satu poin utama yang dijadikan acuan dalam proses

scoring yaitu :

1) Financial and market Results (Financial Performance; marketplace


Table 1.1 Malcolm Balridge Performance Exellence Criteria and Spesific Items for Healthcare

Continuation of previous table..

Table 1.1 Malcolm Balridge Performance Exellence Criteria and Spesific Items for Healthcare

1.4 Core Values and Concept

The Baldrige Criteria are built on the following set of inter-related core

values and concepts:

1. Visionary leadership

2. Customer-driven excellence

3. Organizational and personal learning

4. Valuing workforce members and partners

5. Agility

6. Focus on the future

7. Managing for innovation

8. Management by fact

9. Societal responsibility

10. Focus on results and creating value

11. Systems perspective

1.5 The Role of Core Values and Concept

These values and concepts are the foundation for integrating key

performance and operational requirements within a results-oriented framework

that creates a basis for action and feedback.

Gambar 1.2 The Role of Core Values and Concept

1.6 Keunggulan Penggunaan Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance

Excellence ( MBCfPE)

1. Used worldwide, model MBCfPE telah banyak diterapkan di perusahaan-

perusahaan kelas dunia di lima benua.

2. Adaptable, kriteria penilaian kinerja yang dipergunakan dalam MBCfPE

selalu di up date sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman.

3. Focus on common requirement, penilaian yang dilakukan oleh model

MBCfPE fokus pada hal-hal umum tentang persyaratan pengelolaan

perusahaan, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk semua perusahaan dengan

berbagai macam bidang usaha.

4. Merupakan proven management model, telah terbukti manfaatnya, dimana

perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah menerapkan model MBCfPE mampu

menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia dengan kinerja unggul.

5. MBCfPE merupakan konsep yang terpadu, meliputi 7 (tujuh) kriteria utama

dalam mengelola perusahaan yang saling terkait. Model MBCfPE

mengevaluasi pengelolaan suatu perusahaan apakah perusahaan tersebut telah

dikelola berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan perusahaan unggul.

6. Model MBCfPE merupakan system manajemen yang bersifat komprehensif,

mencakup seluruh komponen utama dalam pengelolaan perusahaan yang

efektif dan berkinerja unggul.

7. Referensi tentang model MBCfPE mudah didapat melalui media internet.

8. Model MBCfPE memberikan umpan balik berupa peluang untuk perbaikan

dan peningckatan kinerja. Dalam feedback report (hasil assessment yang

dilakukan examiner/assessor) disampaikan beberapa kelamahan (opportunity

for improvement) yang harus diperbaiki dalam rangka mencapai kinerja


9. Melalui application document dan feedback report, model MBCfPE dapat

memberikan gambaran perusahaan secara keseluruhan, baik untuk

kepentingan sendiri maupun pihak luar.

10. Model MBCfPE dapat berfungsi sebagai alat rontgen bagi perusahaan yang

menerapkannya. Application document dan feedback report merupakan potret

diri perusahaan, sehingga dapat diketahui dimana kelemahan dan


11. Model MBCfPE menggunakan pendekatan yang terstruktur dan memiliki

standard international.


BTF, 2009. Apa itu Malcolm baldrige?, diakses tanggal 28 Oktober 2015. < >

The Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellenc, 2010, diakses tanggal 09 Oktober 2015, < >

Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence 2011-2012, diakses tanggal 09 Oktober 2015,

Foster, C, Tina, kk, 2008 Using A Malcolm Balridge Framework To Understand High-Performing Clinical Microsystem, diakses tanggal 09 Oktober 2015, <>