Ppt Ebm Iwan Dan Jelsa

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Transcript of Ppt Ebm Iwan Dan Jelsa

Evidence Based Medicine

Evidence Based Medicine

Iwan sumantri 1102012134Jelsa Meida 1102012137FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS YARSISkenarioIbu, 30 tahun membawa anaknya ke dokter untuk berkonsultasi tentang perkembangan kognitif anaknya. Anaknya sangat suka menonton televisi. Kebiasaan ini sudah dilakukan selama setahun. Dia sering menonton untuk waktu yang lama dalam sehari. Bila dihentikan kebiasaannya, dia akan mengamuk dan menangis. Tapi anaknya sangat aktif dan gesit dibandingkan teman-teman sekolahnya di paud. Dan anaknya juga sangat suka bertanya dan berbicara kepada ibu atau gurunya. Ibunya menanyakan adakah hubungan perkembangan kognitif anaknya dengan kebiasaan menonton televisi.

Pertanyaan (foreground question)Apakah ada hubungan perkembangan kognitif anak dengan kebiasaan menonton televisi ?

PICOPopulation: Andi yang suka menonton tvIntervention: Kebiasaan menonton TV dan waktu menonton TVComparison: Teman Andi di paudOutcomes: Perkembangan kognitif anak

Pencarian Bukti IlmiahAlamat website:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

Keyword:television watching time AND cognitive AND playgroup

Limitasi: Januari 2009 Desember 2014

Hasil Pencarian:4

Dipilih artikel berjudul

Television watching time and cognitive development in young childrenI Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani, Djauhar Ismail2012 Jan 52;19(29):4799-807. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i29.4799.


Apakah terdapat sampel pasien yang representatif, dan didefinisikan secara jelas pada titik yang sama (similar point) , dalam perjalanan penyakit (course of the disease) ?

We conducted a cross-sectional study from Aprilto may 2011. Subject were children agend 34 52 months, attendig pre kindergarten in Denpasar, Bali. The inclusion criteria were residence in as well as parents providing proxy consent and able to read, write, and tell time. We excluded children with history of head injuries,birth complications, major congenital abnormalitiesor illness at the time of the study. The calculated minimum number of required study subjects was 135.2. Apakah follow-up lengkap dan cukup lama (sufficiently long and complete) ?

There were 135 subjects in our study, with ages ranging from 34 to 52 months. Subjects were allocated to one of three groups depending on the amount of time spent watching television, i.e., < 1 hour daily, 1 2 hours daily, or > 2 hours daily. The mean age of children who watched television < 1 hour daily was 45.08 months, 1- 2 hours daily was 40.93 months, and >2 hours daily was 44.29 months. The mean duration of watching television in this study for all subjects was 2.48 hours per day. Baseline characteristics for each group are shown in Table 1.

3. Apakah digunakan kriteria outcome yang objektif dan tersamar/tidak berbias?

Television watching by children has been shown to increase their vocabulary, especially for words that are rarely used by children in daily life. Other studies concluded that television can develop cognitive function through looking at the pictures and hearing words.The cognitive development in children attending playgroup who watched television 1 2 hours per day was higher than in those who watched television for less than 1 hour or more than 2 hours per day. In conclusion, television watching time was statistically associated with cognitive development of children wwho attended playgroup.4. Apakah diidentifikasi kelompok dengan prognosis yang berbeda dan dilakukan penyesuaian /adjustment terhadap factor prognostic yang penting?

5. bagaimana gambaran outcome dari waktu ke waktu?


An overseas study assessed cognitive development with the Peabody Individual Achievement Test Reading Recognition Scale and found positive effects of television watching in children aged 3 to 5 years. They reported that each hour of television watched was associated with an increase of 0.51 points in the reading recognition scale score, but not significantly associated with memory capabilities. Reading skills assessed includeed the ability t pronounce words and enrich the vocabulary.We used the Mullen scale to assess cognitive development in children who attended playgroup, and we observed results different from other studies that used other criteria and cognitive assessment tools. However , we had similar results to a studyby Lineberger, who found that watching childrens television programs (Dora the explorer, Blues clues, Arthur, Clifford or Dragon Tales ) increased the value of expressive languange and vocabulary in children who watched at the age of 30 months.6. seberapa tepat perkiraan prognosis?

7. Apakah pasien dalam penelitian ini serupa dengan pasien kita?



8. Apakah simpulan hasil study bermanfaat apabila disampaikan kepada pasien dalam tatalaksan secara keseluruhan?