Pola arsitektural data Lawang

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Pola arsitektural data Lawang

Pola arsitektural data LAWANG

Arsitektur data LAWANG menspesifikasikan variabel-variabel apa yang terlibat dalam the [economic] network dan keterhubungan topologis (topologic relationships) mereka—ibarat variabel-variabel yang terlibat dalam sebuah neural net bisa berujud bobot-bobot (weights) dari koneksi-koneksi antar neurons, beserta aktifitas-aktifitas (pergerakan) dari neurons.

LAWANG adalah teknik • Siasat & jurus (“teknik”) untuk merepresentasikan


1. Konsep sebuah model data (scalar motion/change)

2. Bagaimana data dilihat (coordinate locations)

3. Bagaimana keduanya berkorelasi (fundamental postulates) ketika mengukur (measuring)—dalam

reality/physical systems/universe—kita start dari/dengan “nothing” (null),

ketika menghitung (calculating)—dalam scalar universe–kita tidak bisa start dari (atau menggunakan) “nothing” (null)

• Analoginya dalam arsitektur software dikenal sebagai MVC (Model, View, dan Controller) – dalam metode pemrograman komputer

Model (=“model data”): scalar motion• Model (theory) ini menangani dua konsep

(postulates): – konsep  “physical location” data

“geometri data”– konsep scalar motion/change (of data)

“analitik”• (Dalam model ini) data dipandang sebagai

“scalar motion/change,” rational numbers (a ratio of natural numbers) that comprise the data model to define any object in the [economic] universe– analogous to your checkbook data that is

stored in a banking computer. The numbers are stored there as thousands of binary digits, and though useful to a computer, is rather useless to find your account balance.

– Scalars di sini just numbers, without any “formatted output.”

View: physical location• the concept of “physical location,” the

coordinate view of a grid of points, spaced one natural unit apart, forming a framework in which this scalar motion/change can be observed and measured, diagrammatic reference system

• This would be analogous to a blank check register, either hard copy or on a monitor.

• The view just defines how the model will be presented—the actual numbers are not yet filled in.

• We can refers to these views as extension space or time; the concept being that the scalar motion/change was extended out into a system of representation.

Controller: Fundamental Postulates

• Fundamental Postulates—controller dari sistem yang menggariskan interaksi antara the model dan the view.

• Controller ini analogous dengan pem-format-an data biner dalam komputer menjadi readable numbers dan menempatkan bilangan-bilangan itu pada [check] register, termasuk the running balance dan totals.

• Controller menghubungkan the unrepresentable data ke sebuah sistem referensi (“sistem koordinat data”) yang menjadikan data bisa diamati (observable) dan bisa diukur (measurable)

Awalnya, model klasik : MVC

Scalar motion/change diprojeksikan ke sebuah sistem koordinat, di mana data diamati (observed) dan diukur (measured). TETAPI, seperti juga terjadi pada modern science, sebuah

unsur penting sering tidak ada, yakni feedback dari the coordinate system affecting scalar motion/change Dalam analogi komputer, the concept of “user input,”

di mana sesuatu di-input-kan melalui keyboard atau mouse digunakan untuk memilih sesuatu pada layar tayangan (viewing screen).

Dalam konteks sistem yang “reciprocal”—interdependen—persoalannya adalah bagaimana interaksi kinetik dari locations bisa mempengaruhi scalar motion/change This concept of feedback is analogous to the philosophical difference

between predestination (scalar motion determining what goes on in the coordinate system) and free will (user input: decision! altering the model).

Cara pandang ilmiah klasik melihat “the Universe” analoginya seperti teater: script sebuah pementasan adalah the controller, para aktor adalah model dan arena adalah the view.

LAWANG membedakan the controller menjadi dua bagian berbeda

• Mengintegrasikan controller komplementer ini, model klasik MVC dijadikan “MCVC”:– Model (database): Scalar Motion/Change.– Model-View Controller (server programming): Proses yang

memprojeksikan scalar motion/change (posisi datum) ke suatu sistem koordinat.

– View (browser on monitor): sistem koordinat 3D dan clock yang kita alami.

– View-Model Controller (keyboard/keypad and mouse): Proses yang mengintegrasikan lokasi-lokasi koordinat (posisi datum) kembali ke scalar motion/change.

Membagi ‘the [economic] Universe’ menjadi

Sektor yang direpresentasikan (represented )

(‘material’: : “realitas”)sektor yang merepresentasikan

(representing)(‘cosmic’: : cara memandang).

Dengan membagi controllers menjadi dua proses berbeda, pola arsitektural MCVC mewujudkan inverse relationships yang sama yang eksis di seluruh systems of theory (“mengamati dan mengukur”) –yang ‘reciprocal’ antara Model dengan View,

dan antara Model-View Controller

dengan View-Model Controller





ModelScalar Motion

(or Change)






Motion(or Change)

Dimensional expansion

Dimensional reduction

ServerPostulate 1

Scalar Universe

ClientPostulate 2

Physical Universe




Pada model MCVC LAWANG ini, komponen-komponen Model dan View sekarang reciprocally related—apa yang di dalam filosofi biasa dinamakan sebagai perspektif-perspektif “objektif” dan “subjektif”

reciprocal system ini

dalam bahasa George Soros:


LAWANG laksana model

MCVC : sistem yangdialogik & dialektik











ViewCoordinate Motion/Cha


Ekspansi Dimensional “3D and more!”

Reduksi Dimensional “2D”

ServerPostulate 1

Scalar Universe

ClientPostulate 2

Physical Universe




1. Model (database): Scalar Motion/Change: “min & max ranges of variables value”

2. Model-View Controller (server programming): Proses yang memprojeksikan scalar motion/change (datum) ke suatu sistem koordinat. “marking”

3. View (browser on monitor): sistem koordinat 3D dan clock yang kita alami.

4. View-Model Controller (keyboard and mouse): Proses yang mengintegrasikan lokasi-lokasi koordinat (data) kembali ke scalar motion/change. “tagging”


2 3




Controllers. A controller is the link between a user and the system. It provides the user with input by arranging for relevant views to present themselves in appropriate places on the screen. It provides means for user output by presenting the user with menus or other means of giving commands and data. The controller receives such user output, translates it into the appropriate messages and pass these messages on to one or more of the views

Models. Models represent knowledge. A model could be a single object, or it could be some structure of objects.There should be a one-to-one correspondence between the model and its parts on the one hand, and the represented world as perceived by the owner of the model on the other hand.Views. A view is a (visual)

representation of its model. It would ordinarily highlight certain attributes of the model and suppress others. It is thus acting as a presentation filter.A view is attached to its model (or model part) and gets the data necessary for the presentation from the model by asking questions. It may also update the model by sending appropriate messages. All these questions and messages have to be in the terminology of the model, the view will therefore have to know the semantics of the attributes of the model it represents.

How Soros’ reflexivity theory is different

• Classical scientific theories operate in the realm of VARIABLES and IDEAS choice-making

• (Soros’s) reflexivity theory describes the whole process of social change – IDEAS, GROUPS, EVENTS, VARIABLES, IDEAS

• Reflexivity is the process of shifting back and forth between description and action (decision-making!, not just choice-making)

siklus dari ideas, groups, events, variables dst. - ad infinitum





ModelScalar Motion





Coordinate Motion

Dimensional expansion

Dimensional reduction

ServerPostulate 1

Scalar Universe




Kuadran 1Ciptakan



Kuadran 2Komunikasikan Pengetahuan(communicate knowledge)

Kuadran 3Fasilitasi Kapabilitas

Kolektif(facilitate collective


Kuadran 4Kelola Secara



ClientPostulate 2

Physical Universe

Pertanyaan dasar:“How much to provide & to store”

Pertanyaan dasar:“Where & When best to do What”

Pertanyaan dasar:“What, How, & When to procure”

Pertanyaan dasar:“How & When to move items/persons”




data entranceA

processing entered dataB


ECprocessing exit data

using processed entered data

using processed exit dataexit data

(B) processing entered data

(A) data entrance

(C) using processed entered data(D) exit data

(E) processing exit data

(F) using processed exit data




View-Model ControllerModel-


If we can agree that the economic problem of society is mainly one of rapid adaptation to changes in the particular circumstances of time and place, it would seem to follow that the ultimate decisions must be left to the people who are familiar with these circumstances, who know directly of the relevant changes and of the resources immediately available to meet them. We cannot expect that this problem will be solved by first communicating all this knowledge to a central board which, after integrating all knowledge, issues its orders. We must solve it by some form of decentralization. But this answers only part of our problem. We need decentralization because only thus can we insure that the knowledge of the particular circumstances of time and place will be promptly used. But the "man on the spot" cannot decide solely on the basis of his limited but intimate knowledge of the facts of his immediate surroundings. There still remains the problem of communicating to him such further information as he needs to fit his decisions into the whole pattern of changes of the larger economic system. (FA Hayek, ‘The Use of Knowledge in Society’, 1945)


Motion ViewCoordinate Motion/Change

Kuadran 1: Ciptakan Pengetahuan(generate knowledge)

Kuadran 2: Komunikasikan Pengetahuan(communicate knowledge)

Kuadran 3: Fasilitasi Kapabilitas Kolektif(facilitate collective capability)

Kuadran 4: Kelola Secara Stratejik(manage strategically)

“Fundamentally, in a system in which the knowledge of the relevant facts is dispersed among many people, prices can act to co-ordinate the separate actions of different people in the same way as subjective values help the individual to co-ordinate the parts of his plan.”(FA Hayek: ‘The Use of Knowledge in Society’, 1945)

How can the combination of fragments of knowledge existing in different minds bring about results which, if they were to be

brought about deliberately, would require a knowledge on the part of the directing mind which no single person can possess? To

show that in this sense the spontaneous actions of individuals will, under conditions which we can define, bring about a distribution

of resources which can be understood as if it were made according to a single plan, although nobody has planned it, seems

to me indeed an answer to the problem which has sometimes been metaphorically described as that of the "social mind."

(FA Hayek ‘Economics and Knowledge’, 1936)

The problem which we pretend to solve is how the spontaneous interaction of a number of people,

each possessing only bits of knowledge, brings about a state of affairs in which prices correspond

to costs, etc., and which could be brought about by deliberate direction only by somebody who

possessed the combined knowledge of all those individuals. (FA Hayek: ‘Economics and

Knowledge’, 1936)

Karl Popper: to design an imaginary construction

The main formula for designing of imaginary constructions is to abstract from the operation of some conditions present in actual action.

Then we are in a position to grasp the hypothetical consequences of the absence of these conditions and to conceive the effects of their existence.

Thus we conceive the category of action by constructing the image of a state in which there is no action, either because the individual is fully contented and does not feel any uneasiness or because he does not know any procedure from which an improvement in his well-being (state of satisfaction) could be expected.

Thus we conceive the notion of originary interest from an imaginary construction in which no distinction is made between satisfactions in periods of time equal in length but unequal with regard to their distance from the instant of action.