Persaingan Usaha & Perlindungan Konsumen · pada satu produk Memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia...

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Transcript of Persaingan Usaha & Perlindungan Konsumen · pada satu produk Memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia...


Persaingan Usaha

& Perlindungan


Pelaku Usaha dan Konsumen

End-/Ultimate Consumer

Intermediate Consumer 2

Intermediate Consumer 1


Pembedaan Klasikal 2 area hukum

End-/Ultimate Consumer

Intermediate Consumer 2a

Intermediate Consumer 1a

Principal A

Intermediate Consumer 2b

Intermediate Consumer 1b

Principal B

Siapa Konsumen?

Consumers by definition

include us all...!(Kennedy)


UU No. 5 Tahun 1999:Konsumen adalah setiap pemakai dan atau pegguna barang dan atau jasa baik untuk kepentingan diri sendiri maupun untuk kepentingan pihak lain.

UU No. 8 Tahun 1999:Konsumen adalah SETIAP ORANG pemakai barang dan/atau jasa yang tersedia dalam masyarakat, baik bagi kepentingan diri sendiri, keluarga, orang lain, maupun mahluk hidup lain dan tidak untuk diperdagangkan.

Haruskan konsumen itu individu?

• Apakah benar BADAN USAHA dapat menjadi konsumen akhir?

• Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman dan Tata Cara Perlindungan Konsumen pada Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi:

Pasal 1 Butir 2:

KONSUMEN pada Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi, selanjutnya disebut KONSUMEN HILIR MIGAS adalah setiap ORANG dan/atau BADAN USAHA pemakai barang dan/atau jasa hasil kegiatan usaha hilir minyak dan gas bumi yang tersedia dalam masyarakat baik bagi kepentingan diri sendiri, keluarga, orang lain maupun mahluk hidup lain dan tidak untuk diperdagangkan.

Perbandingan dengan Australia

• Mempertegas “ultimate consumer”.

Bandingkan dengan Trade Practices Act 1974


1. For the purpose of this Act, unless the contrary intention appears---

(a) A person shall be taken to have acquired particular goods as a consumer if, and only if:

(i) the price of goods did not exceed the prescribed amount; or

(ii) where that price exceeded the prescribed amount---the goods were of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption or the goods consisted of a commercial road vehicle, and the person did notacquire the goods, or hold himself out as acquiring the goods, for the purpose of re-supply or ...etc.

(Berlaku juga untuk jasa)

Perbandingan dengan Australia

Bandingkan dengan Trade Practices Act 1974


2. For the purpose of sub-section (1)

(a) the prescribed amount is $40,000 or, if a

greater amount is prescribed for the purpose of

this paragraph, that greater amount; ...

• UU No. 5 & No. 8 Tahun 1999

Pelaku usaha adalah setiap orang

per[se]orangan atau badan usaha, baik

yang berbentuk badan hukum maupun

bukan badan hukum yang didirikan dan

berkedudukan atau melakukan kegiatan

dalam wilayah hukum negara RI, baik

sendiri maupun bersama-sama melalui

perjanjian menyelenggarakan kegiatan

usaha dalam [berbagai] bidang ekonomi.

Konsumen vs Pelaku Usaha”?

• Seberapa konsumen dapat melindungi

dirinya sendiri?

• Seberapa konsumen membutuhkan

pasar dalam persaingan yang sehat?

Contoh ruang lingkup perlindungan

pada satu produk

Memenuhi Standar

Nasional IndonesiaTidak meniru

merek lain

Isi sesuai label

(berat, komposisi, dll.)Ramah


Iklan tidak


Tidak ada

cacat tersembunyi

Ada keterangan



Tidak ada

klaim berlebihan

Ada kode produksi,

kadualuarsa, dll.

Tidak melanggar

UU Ketenagakerjaan



Hak-hak dasar:• the right to safety

• the right to be informed

• the right to choose

• the right to be heard.

Hak-hak tambahan:• the right to honesty

• the right to fair agreements

• the right to know

• the right to privacy

• etc.

Kennedy’s 1962

Consumer’s Bill of Rights

(15 March 1962)

“A special message

of protection

the consumer interest”

Resolusi PBB No. 39/248

16 April 1985 (Consumer Protection UN Guide):

1. The protection of consumers from hazards to their

health and safety;

2. the promotion and protection of the economic

interest of consumers;

3. access of consumer to adequate information to

enable them to make informed-choices according to

individual wishes and needs;

4. consumers education;

5. availability of effective consumer redress;*

6. freedom to form consumer organizations and the

opportunity of such organizations to present their

views in decision making processes effecting them.

* redress = ganti rugi

Konsumen Pelaku Usaha

Regulasi. Etik dll.

Core Elements of Social Justice

From the Perspective of the

European Unfair Competition Law

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos

Universität der Bundeswehr München

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 3

Structure of the Referate

• Introduction and Framework

• Evolution of the Unfair Competition Law

• Examples of Social Aspects in the Unfair Competition Law

• Result

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 2

What means„Social“ in Competition Law?

Social-institutional Function Private-Individual Function

Social Justice

Consumer Protection Environmental Protection

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 4

From Personality Right to Institutional Protection

„The contemporary economy, which makes that the individuum as

an individuum is a self-deciding bearer of production and traffic,

must be defined through the personality right. After this the

economy is in an individualistic way free, but in that way, that the

personality must not be touched. Any economyc activity of the one

has to keep itself within the limits, that is required by the

personality of the other. The Personality of anyone however

demands that he is not harmed or suppressed by misleading

indecent means.“

Kohler, Der Unlautere Wettbewerb (Berlin 1914), p. 17.

Right of the Legal Subject (Legal Entity)

- participation -

Personal Freedom (Personality) Social Responsibilty

Social Law Understanding

of the Civil Law Subjective Right (Fezer)

Ethic Foundation of the Private Law (Fezer)

Subjective right as instrument to ensure personal freedom

within the pluralistic social order (freedom optimising funct.)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 10

Social Function of Unfair Competition Law


• ´Socialization´ of Individual Interests as Instrument of Market Control

• Consumer Protection as direct – not indirect - Purpose of the Law

• Reduction of Asymmetries of Information between Trader and Consumer

Location of Unfair Competition Law in the Competition Law System


Undistorted Competition

Weakening of effective competition through

unfair competition behavior (also market

Structure relevance offences included)

§ 1 german UWG: This Act shall serve the purpose of protecting

competitors, consumers and other market participants against

unfair commercial practices. At the same time, it shall protect the

interests of the public in undistorted competition

Integrative concept of protection purpose:



Institution of Competition

=> Law against unfair competition

Protection of Business Performance

Individual Interest

effective competition - Institution of Competition

Regulation of the monopolistic impacts of

protection rights

Industrial Property Rights

Trademark Law

Patent Law


Unfair Competition Law

Restrictions to the competition through agreements, misuse of

market dominance and mergers -> Protection of Competition

Freedom => Antitrust-Law – Market-Structure-Law

Triade of Protection Purposes

Integrative Concept of Unf.Comp.Law

working competition

of performance

Consumer interests

• Protection of consum. souvereignity

• Function of consum. to identify best

performance on the market

Competitors interests

• Freedom of offering products

• Chance to realize best performance

on the market

General interests on

avoiding market disturbance

-> differentiate:

consumer protection in

individual interest

(General Civil Law)Protection of general Interests ?

Economic Policy

Protection of middle size trade

Constitutional interest

General ethical interest

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos

protection of

concurrents interests

protection of

consumer souvereignity

• partially harmonized

• i.e. comparative advertisement

• misleading commercial acts B2B

• protection of industrial interests

• fully harmonized (B2B-Directive)

• misleading commercial acts (B2C)

• aggressive commercial acts (B2C)


Dualism of European Unfair Competition law

‘Unfairnis‘ in Competition Law

Sec. 3 Art. 2 Act against unfair competition:

Commercial practices targeting or reaching consumers shall be unfair if they are

not in compliance with professional diligence and are suited to materially

distorting the economic behaviour of consumers.

Sec. 3a AAUC:

Unfairness shall have occurred where a person violates a statutory provision

which is also intended to regulate market conduct in the interest of market

participants and the breach of law is suited to appreciably harming the interests

of consumers, other market participants and competitors.

Consumer ProtectionBusiness Practices against Consumers (EU-B2C Directive)

professional diligence – Sec 2 I No. 7 AAUC

potential to significantly impair the consumer’s souvereignty (freedom of choice)

potential to cause a transactional decision of the consumer

reference consumer

infringements of the prohibitions in the „Black List“ (Sec 3 III + Annex AAUC)

are always forbidden, without test of the influence to the consumer souvereignity

Misleading Commercial Acts

Aggressive Commercial Acts

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos

Consumer Protection

Who is the Reference Consumer?

Sec.3 IV AAUC: When assessing commercial practices in relation to consumers

reference shall be made to the average consumer or, when the commercial practice is

directed towards a particular group of consumers, to the average member of that group.

Commercial practices which are likely to materially distort the economic behaviour only

of a clearly identifiable group of consumers who are particularly vulnerable to these

practices or the underlying goods or services because of their mental or physical

infirmity, age or credulity in a way which the entrepreneur could reasonably be expected

to foresee shall be assessed from the perspective of the average member of that group.

Role Model of the reasonably well-informed

and reasonably observant and circumspect consumer


Who sues infringements of

fair competition?Comparative: Activelegitimation in German UWG



competition relation

between infringer and

infringed competitor


not directly -

only through consumer

protection associations

different: consumer protection

in general civil law!

-> Private enforcement of unfair competition infringements

Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos

The European Consumer Information Concept

the Right of Product Information

Sec 5a II/III UWG- Misleading by omission

closeness to the contract conclusion

amount of


to be given


competitor depending on the product and the

communication medium used


Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 10

Relevant Informations to Give to the Consumers § 5a UWG

Socially Fair Production Aspects and Environmental Relating Aspects

to be Revealed to the Consumer?

Interest in effective advertisement

Right not to criticise the own product

Trader Consumer

Interest in well informed business decision


Some Examples of the Judicative

on the Reference Consumer

Chicken Clucking (BGH 1961)

Some Examples

EuGH 1994 C-315/92

EuGH 1995 C-470/93


Prof. Dr. Stefan Koos | Seite 10
