Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Pada suatu masa di pedalaman pulau Batam, ada sebuah desa yang didiami

seorang gadis yatim piatu bernama Mah Bongsu. Ia menjadi pembantu rumah

tangga dari seorang majikan bernama Mak Piah. Mak Piah mempunyai seorang

putri bernama Siti Mayang. Pada suatu hari, Mah Bongsu mencuci pakaian

majikannya di sebuah sungai. Ular! teriak Mah Bongsu ketakutan ketika melihat

seekor ulat mendekat. Ternyata ular itu tidak ganas, ia berenang ke sana ke mari

sambil menunjukkan luka di punggungnya. Mah Bongsu memberanikan diri

mengambil ular yang kesakitan itu dan membawanya pulang ke rumah.

Mah Bongsu merawat ular tersebut hingga sembuh. Tubuh ular tersebut

menjadi sehat dan bertambah besar. Kulit luarnya mengelupas sedikit demi

sedikit. Mah Bongsu memungut kulit ular yang terkelupas itu, kemudian

dibakarnya. Ajaib, setiap Mah Bongsu membakar kulit ular, timbul asap besar.

Jika asap mengarah ke Negeri Singapura, maka tiba-tiba terdapat tumpukan emas

berlian dan uang. Jika asapnya mengarah ke negeri Jepang, mengalirlah berbagai

alat elektronik buatan Jepang. Dan bila asapnya mengarah ke kota Bandar

Lampung, datang berkodi-kodi kain tapis Lampung. Dalam tempo dua, tiga bulan,

Mah Bongsu menjadi kaya raya jauh melebihi Mak Piah Majikannya.

Kekayaan Mah Bongsu membuat orang bertanya-tanya. Pasti Mah Bongsu

memelihara tuyul, kata Mak Piah. Pak Buntal pun menggarisbawahi pernyataan

istrinya itu. Bukan memelihara tuyul! Tetapi ia telah mencuri hartaku! Banyak

orang menjadi penasaran dan berusaha menyelidiki asal usul harta Mah Bongsu.

Untuk menyelidiki asal usul harta Mah Bongsu ternyata tidak mudah. Beberapa

dari orang dusun yang penasaran telah menyelidiki berhari-hari namun tidak

dapat menemukan rahasianya.Yang penting sekarang ini, kita tidak dirugikan,

kata Mak Ungkai kepada tetangganya. Bahkan Mak Ungkai dan para tetangganya

mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Mah Bongsu, sebab Mah Bongsu selalu

memberi bantuan mencukupi kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Selain mereka, Mah

Bongsu juga membantu para anak yatim piatu, orang yang sakit dan orang lain

yang memang membutuhkan bantuan. Mah Bongsu seorang yang dermawati, sebut


Mak Piah dan Siti Mayang, anak gadisnya merasa tersaingi. Hampir setiap

malam mereka mengintip ke rumah Mah Bongsu. Wah, ada ular sebesar betis?

gumam Mak Piah. Dari kulitnya yang terkelupas dan dibakar bisa mendatangkan

harta karun? gumamnya lagi. Hmm, kalau begitu aku juga akan mencari ular

sebesar itu, ujar Mak Piah.Mak Piah pun berjalan ke hutan mencari seekor ular.

Tak lama, ia pun mendapatkan seekor ular berbisa. Dari ular berbisa ini pasti akan

mendatangkan harta karun lebih banyak daripada yang didapat oleh Mah Bongsu,

pikir Mak Piah. Ular itu lalu di bawa pulang. Malam harinya ular berbisa itu

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ditidurkan bersama Siti Mayang. Saya takut! Ular melilit dan menggigitku! teriak

Siti Mayang ketakutan. Anakku, jangan takut.

Bertahanlah, ular itu akan mendatangkan harta karun, ucap Mak Piah.

Sementara itu, luka ular milik Mah Bongsu sudah sembuh. Mah Bongsu

semakin menyayangi ularnya. Saat Mah Bongsu menghidangkan makanan dan

minuman untuk ularnya, ia tiba-tiba terkejut. Jangan terkejut. Malam ini

antarkan aku ke sungai, tempat pertemuan kita dulu, kata ular yang ternyata

pandai berbicara seperti manusia. Mah Bongsu mengantar ular itu ke sungai.

Sesampainya di sungai, ular mengutarakan isi hatinya. Mah Bongsu, Aku ingin

membalas budi yang setimpal dengan yang telah kau berikan padaku, ungkap ular

itu. Aku ingin melamarmu untuk menjadi istriku, lanjutnya. Mah Bongsu semakin

terkejut, ia tidak bisa menjawab sepatah katapun. Bahkan ia menjadi bingung.

Ular segera menanggalkan kulitnya dan seketika itu juga berubah wujud

menjadi seorang pemuda yang tampan dan gagah perkasa. Kulit ular sakti itu pun

berubah wujud menjadi sebuah gedung yang megah yang terletak di halaman

depan pondok Mah bongsu. Selanjutnya tempat itu diberi nama desa Tiban asal

dari kata ketiban, yang artinya kejatuhan keberuntungan atau mendapat


Akhirnya, Mah Bongsu melangsungkan pernikahan dengan pemuda tampan

tersebut. Pesta pun dilangsungkan tiga hari tiga malam. Berbagai macam hiburan

ditampilkan. Tamu yang datang tiada henti-hentinya memberikan ucapan selamat.

Dibalik kebahagian Mah Bongsu, keadaan keluarga Mak Piah yang tamak

dan loba sedang dirundung duka, karena Siti Mayang, anak gadisnya meninggal

dipatuk ular berbisa.

Konon, sungai pertemuan Mah Bongsu dengan ular sakti yang berubah

wujud menjadi pemuda tampan itu dipercaya sebagai tempat jodoh. Sehingga

sungai itu disebut Sungai Jodoh.

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At one time in the interior of the island of Batam, there is a village that was

inhabited by an orphan girl named Mah Bongsu. He became a domestic servant of an

employer named Mak Piah. Mak Piah have a daughter named Siti Mayang. On one day,

Mah Bongsu wash clothes in a river master. Snakes! Mah Bongsu shouted scared when I

saw a caterpillar approaching. Apparently the snake was not malignant, he swam traverse,

showing wounds in his back. Bongsu mah snake that dared to take the pain and bring it

back home.

Mah Bongsu treating snake until healed. The snake's body to be healthy and grow

big. Outer skin peeled off little by little. Mah Bongsu picked up the snake skin was peeled

off, and then burned. Miraculously, every Bongsu mah snake skin burns, smoke arising big.

If smoke leads to the Land of Singapore, then suddenly there was a pile of gold and

diamond money. If the smoke toward Japan, flows the various electronic devices made in

Japan. And when the smoke toward the city of Bandar Lampung, come berkodi-score filter

cloth Lampung. Within two, three months, mah Bongsu become wealthy far beyond Mak

Piah employer.Mah Bongsu wealth makes people wonder. Mah must maintain tuyul

Bongsu, Mak said Piah. Mr. Pufferfishes also underlines his wife's statement. Not

maintaining tuyul! But he had stolen my treasure! Many people became curious and tried

to investigate the origins of Mah Bongsu property. To investigate the origin of Mah Bongsu

property was not easy. Some of the villagers who had been investigating the curious for

days but can not find the secret.

What is important now, we are not harmed, said Mak Ungkai to neighbors. Even

Ungkai Mak and his neighbors would like to thank mah Bongsu, because mah Bongsu

always give adequate assistance of their everyday lives. Besides them, Mah Bongsu also

help the orphans, the sick and others who do need help. Mah Bongsu a dermawati, call


Mak Piah and Siti Mayang, his daughter felt tersaingi. Almost every night they

peered into the house Bongsu Mah. Well, there is a snake for calves? murmured Madame

Piah. From burned skin peeling and can bring the treasure? he muttered again. Well, then

I too would find a snake that big, Mak said Piah.

Mak Piah walked into the woods looking for a snake. Soon, he was getting a

rattlesnake. From vipers will definitely bring more treasures than is obtained by Mah

Bongsu, thought Mak Piah. The snake then take home. At night it was put to sleep with the

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vipers Siti Mayang. I'm scared! Snake coil around and bite me! Siti Mayang cried in fear.

My son, do not be afraid.

Hang in there, the snake will bring the treasure, said Mak Piah.

Meanwhile, the snake's wounds had healed Bongsu Mah. Mah Bongsu increasingly fond of

the snake. When mah Bongsu serve food and drinks to his snake, he was suddenly startled.

Do not be surprised. Tonight Take me to the river, where we first meeting, said the snake

that turned out good at talking like a human. Mah Bongsu drove the creature into a river.

Arriving at the river, the snake speaks his heart. Mah Bongsu, I want to repay that in kind

with which you've given me, said the snake. I want to ask you to be my wife, he added. Mah

Bongsu more surprised, he could not answer a word. Indeed, he became confused.

Snakes shed their skin immediately and instantly transformed into a handsome and

gallant. Magic snake skin that was changed into a magnificent building located in the front

yard cottage bongsu Mah. Furthermore, the place was given the name of the village of

origin of the word ketiban tiban, which means the fall of fortune or get happiness.

Finally, mah Bongsu married with such a handsome young man. The party was held three

days and three nights. Variety entertainment show. Guests who come not constantly


Behind mah Bongsu happiness, family circumstances Mak Piah greedy and greedy

was overwhelmed with grief, because Siti Mayang, their daughter died pecked rattlesnake.

That said, the river Bongsu mah meetings with the sacred snake changed into a handsome

young man was believed to be the place mate. So that the river is called River SOUL


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At one time in the interior of the island of Batam, there is a village that was inhabited by an

orphan girl named Mah Bongsu. He became a domestic servant of an employer named Mak

Piah. Mak Piah have a daughter named Siti Mayang. On one day, Mah Bongsu wash clothes in

a river master. Snakes! Mah Bongsu shouted scared when I saw a caterpillar approaching.

Apparently the snake was not malignant, he swam traverse, showing wounds in his back.

Bongsu mah snake that dared to take the pain and bring it back home.


Mah Bongsu treating snake until healed. The snake's body to be healthy and grow big. Outer

skin peeled off little by little. Mah Bongsu picked up the snake skin was peeled off, and then

burned. Miraculously, every Bongsu mah snake skin burns, smoke arising big. If smoke leads

to the Land of Singapore, then suddenly there was a pile of gold and diamond money. If the

smoke toward Japan, flows the various electronic devices made in Japan. And when the smoke

toward the city of Bandar Lampung, come berkodi-score filter cloth Lampung. Within two,

three months, mah Bongsu become wealthy far beyond Mak Piah employer.


Finally, mah Bongsu married with such a handsome young man. The party was held three days

and three nights. Variety entertainment show. Guests who come not constantly congratulated.

Behind mah Bongsu happiness, family circumstances Mak Piah greedy and greedy was

overwhelmed with grief, because Siti Mayang, their daughter died pecked rattlesnake.


Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di: https://bisnisbook.wordpress.com http://ebookloe.wordpress.com Attitude of greed, greed will lead to loss of self. Who's attitudes to accept what they are,

would appreciate the other person and willing to sacrifice for others that need them, will bear

fruit OF happines.