LAPORAN ACARA Wonderful Indonesia–Aberdeen Nama acara ...

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Transcript of LAPORAN ACARA Wonderful Indonesia–Aberdeen Nama acara ...

LAPORAN ACARA Wonderful Indonesia–Aberdeen

Nama acara: Wonderful Indonesia PPI Aberdeen

Tanggal dan waktu acara:

Kamis, 8 Mei 2014 ,17.00- 21.00

Tempat dan alamat acara:

Butchart Centre, University Road Old Aberdeen, AB24 3UT

Penanggung-jawab (nama perorangan atau PPI Cabang) beserta email dan nomor telepon:

PPI Aberdeen Yoga Adhi Prabowo & Richard Anggoro / 07463354082

Nama dan jumlah panitia:

Jumlah Panitia : 7 Ketua : Yoga Adhi Prabowo Wakil : Richard Anggoro Sekretaris : Lisa Arno Bendahara : Nilam Sari Internal : Nurlaily Faudziah Eksternal : Daniel Leonardus Media : Akhmad Kusriantono

Jumlah penonton atau yang hadir:

Lebih dari 150 orang

Aktivitas yang dilakukan (program acara):

1. Indonesian Dance Displaying a unique Indonesia traditional dance and alluring the audience to actively participate and taking part in the dance for ensuring fullest experience of Indonesian traditional dance.

Activities: - Traditional dance by PPI Aberdeen - Traditional dance by ISA Student/ Indonesian communities.

2. Indonesian Music Here we will display Indonesian traditional music instruments and we will have a special performance of Indonesian song using a world heritage musical instrument in a bamboo frame (Angklung). Audience will also get the opportunity to try the Angklung first hand, guaranteed for fun and exciting night.

Activities: - Angklung performance by ISA Student - Open jam acoustic and keroncong session (collaboration student and Indonesian communities)

3. Indonesian Food Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences with some of it has been voted

and well recognized as the best food in the world. Audience will have the opportunity to spoil their taste bud

with various Indonesian authentic cuisines for sell.

Activities: Indonesian food kiosk (Opened for everyone who wants to participate. Highly preferable Indonesian communities in Aberdeen/KIBAR/other Indonesian shop in UK).

4. Beautiful Indonesia Here we will display photos of Indonesian landscape and human interest in a photo exhibition presented in LCD Screen. It will be an interactive exhibition where we will gladly explain and promoting the beautiful images and videos shown in the screen.

Activities: Exhibition of Indonesia ornament (fabrics, statue, traditional game, traditional music instrument, puppet, etc) and corner of interactive Screen. It is planned to have chaperon dress in traditional costume interacting with audience

5. Photo Booth Audience will get a chance to take their photograph wearing traditional Indonesian costume with Indonesian Scenery background displayed via projector. Audience will get their photographed emailed directly.

Peralatan yang dipinjam dari KBRI:

1. Blangkon (Kode Item: 1, 2, 14, 34, 40 ) 2. Sayap Jawa Tengah (Kode ítem: 9) 3. Aksesoris kepala Lampung (Kode ítem: 6) 4. Aksesoris kepala Jawa Tengah (Kode ítem: 7, 27, 29, 31) 5. Aksesoris kepala Sulawesi (Kode ítem: 21 dan 23) 6. Aksesoris kepala Kalimantan (Kode ítem: 46) 7. Aksesoris kepala Sulawesi (Kode ítem: 36) 8. Aksesoris kepala Sulawesi Utara (Kode ítem: 55) 9. Baju & Celana Kalimantan (Kode ítem: 45, 51, 72) 10. Baju Sumatera Barat Pria & Wanita (Kode ítem: 62, 65) 11. Baju Sulawesi (Kode ítem: 71, 73) 12. Keris (Kode Item: 38) 13. Selendang NTB (kode item: 44) 14. Selendang DI Yogyakarta (Kode item: 48) 15. Caping Kuping Jawa Tengah (Kode Item : 53) 16. Seruling (Kode item: 54. 6pcs) 17. Topeng Jawa Barat (Kode item 56, 57, 58, 59. 3pcs)

Peralatan sendiri yang digunakan:

1. Sound System 2. Alat Musik 3. Catur tradisional 4. Congklak 5. Gong 6. Wayang golek 7. Perlengkapan Membatik 8. Berbagai kain tradisional 9. Keyboard 10. Angklung

Testimonial peserta (minimum 3):

- Katrina Schofield ( Pengunjung - Mahasiswa ) : “ The night was wonderful taste of Indonesian culture, and it has got me thoroughly excited and more prepared for going to Indonesia”. Dimuat dalam Koran Gaudi Aberdeen

- David Ponsoby ( Pengunjung – Warga Aberdeen) Thanks for giving Aberdeen a taste of Indonesian culture, so much fun!

- Rhona Mowat & Alan Moir ( Pengunjung – Warga Aberdeen) A wonderful night to remember, waiting for the next event.

Foto-foto Acara:

Komentar dan saran perbaikan untuk kegiatan sejenis selanjutnya:

-Penyediaan dan alokasi dana transportasi masih menjadi kendala dikarenakan letak Aberdeen yang berada paling jauh dari London. - Inventarisir properti pribadi PPI harus terus ditingkatkan untuk dimanfaatkan untuk acara-acara selanjutnya.

Website info atau liputan acara:

Video : Album Photo :

(Mohon dikirim ke, cc, paling lambat 1 minggu setelah acara selesai)