L-1 Peraturan B3

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Transcript of L-1 Peraturan B3


  • Outline MateriDefinisi B-3 dan Limbah B-3Peraturan Limbah B-3 Nasional & InternasionalKonvensi Internasional Tentang B-3


  • TUJUAN Memahami regulasi pengelolaan limbah B-3 yang berlaku secara nasional dan internasional.


  • B3 adalah bahan yang karena sifat dan/atau konsentrasinya dan/atau jumlahnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat mencemarkan dan/atau merusak lingkungan hidup, dan/atau dapat membahayakan lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, kelangsungan hidup manusia serta mahluk hidup lainnya

    (PP No. 74 Th. 2001)

    Limbah B3adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang mengandung bahan berbahaya dan/atau beracun yang karena sifat dan/atau konsentrasinya dan/atau jumlahnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat mencemarkan dan/atau merusakkan lingkungan hidup, dan/atau dapat membahayakan lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, kelangsungan hidup manusia serta makhluk hidup lain; ( PP No 18/1999 )

    *Apa Bahan Berbahaya Beracun ??


    mudah meledak (explosive); pengoksidasi (oxidizing); sangat mudah sekali menyala ( extremely flammable); sangat mudah menyala ( highly flammable); mudah menyala (flammable); amat sangat beracun (extremely toxic); sangat beracun ( highly toxic); beracun (moderately Toxic); berbahaya (harmful); korosif (corrosive); bersifat iritasi (iritant);berbahaya bagi lingkungan (dangerous to the environment); karsinogenik (carcinognenic); teratogenik (teratogenic); mutagenik (mutagenic). [PP 74 THN 2001]

    LIMBAH B-3

    mudah MELEDAK; mudah TERBAKAR; bersifat REAKTIF; BERACUN; menyebabkan INFEKSI; dan bersifat KOROSIF

    [PP No 85/1999]*


    Hazardous waste means a solid waste or combination of solids wastes, which because of quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may -cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapaciting reversible, illness; orPose a substansial present or potensial hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed [Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)]*

  • DEFINISI LIMBAH B-3 UNEP 1985Hazardous waste mean wastes (solids, sludges, liquids, and containerized gasses) other than radioactive (and infectious) waste which, by reason of their chemical activity or toxic, corrosive, or other characteristics, cause danger or likely will cause danger to health or the environment, whether alone or when coming into contanct with other waste. (United Nation Environmental Programe [UNEP])


  • Definisi Limbah B-3 : Basel Convention*45 categories of wastes that are presumed to be hazardous.PLUS ...

    These categories of waste need to exhibit one or more hazardous characteristics:

    flammable, oxidising, poisonous, infectious, corrosive, ecotoxic18 Limbah bekas (mis: limbah RS, minyak mineral, PCBs) (Y1-Y18)27 Limbah secara jelas dinyatakan sbg B-3: mercury, lead, asbestos, organic cyanides, solvents) (Y19-Y45)

  • Definisi Limbah B-3 USA*Diatur melalui kebijakan US EPA:

    Limbah yang telah tercantum dalam daftar limbah B-3 sesuai kebijakan EPA.

    Limbah yang apabila diuji memenuhi dan sesuai dengan salah satu dari empat karakteristik sbb: Mudah terbakar Korosif Reaktif Beracun

    Limbah yang dinyatakan sebagai B-3 oleh penghasil

  • Definisi Limbah B-3 : European Waste Catalogue*A core list of 850 types of waste

    Of these, around 420 are classified as hazardous wastes

    These are divided into 19 main categories

  • Mengapa Sulit Mendifinisikan B-3The hazard associated with a waste depends on:Persyaratan BIOLOGIS*

  • Dasar Hukum Pengelolaan Limbah B 3 :Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No. KEP - 68/BAPEDAL/05/1994 Tentang Tata Cara Memperoleh Izin Penyimpanan, Pengumpulan, Pengoperasian Alat Pengolahan, Pengolahan dan Penimbunan Akhir Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun.Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 01/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Teknis Pengumpulan Dan Penyimpanan Limbah B3Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 02/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Tentang Dokumen Limbah B3Kep.Ka.BAPEDAL No.KEP - 03/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Tentang Persyaratan Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah B3Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 04/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Tentang Tata Cara Persyaratan Penimbunan Hasil Pengolahan, Persyaratan Lokasi Bekas Pengolahan, dan Likasi Bekas Penimbunan Limbah B3Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 05/BAPEDAL/09/1995 Tentang Simbol dan Label Limbah B3Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 255/BAPEDAL/08/1996 Tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Penyimpanan dan Pengumpulan Minyak Pelumas BekasSurat Edaran Kepala BAPEDAL No.08/SE/02/1997 Tentang Penyerahan Minyak Pelumas BekasKeputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 02/BAPEDAL/01/1998 Tentang Tata Laksana Pengawasan Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun di Daerah.Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 03/BAPEDAL/01/1998 Tentang Tata Cara dan Penetapan Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Limbah B3Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.KEP - 04/BAPEDAL/01/1998 Tentang Penetapan Prioritas Daerah Daerah Tingkat I Program Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Peraturan Pemerintah No.18 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Peraturan Pemerintah No.85 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah No. 18 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Peraturan Pemerintah No.74 Tahun 2001Tentang Pengelolaan Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun*

  • *

  • PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH B-3Pengelolaan limbah B3 merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang mencakup Penyimpanan, Pengumpulan, Pemanfaatan, Pengangkutan, dan Pengolahan limbah B3 termasuk Penimbunan hasil pengolahan tersebut .[PP 85/1999]*

  • ALUR PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH B-3SumberPinyimpananPengangkutanPengolahanPembuanganIdentifikasi Sifat & karakteristikKompatibilitas B-3LabelingSpesifikTidak spesifik-kadaluarsaDokumen manifest pengangkutan B-3Cradle to Grave


  • KONVENSI B-3 INTERNASIONALBasel ConventionRotterdam Convention (PIC)Stockholm Convention (POPs)


  • Konvensi Baseldiadopsi pada tahun 1989Mengatur PENGENDALIAN DAN PEREDARAN lintas batas (transboundary) LIMBAH B-3 dan pembuangannya:Export, import dan transit limbah diijinkan setelah semua negara yang peduli sudah mendapatkan informasi sebelumnya dan telah mendapatkan persetujuannya.*

  • Konvensi Rotterdam (PIC)ditandatangani tahun 1998, belum diratifikasiMengatur tentang PERDAGANGAN lintas batas untuk beberapa BAHAN BERBAHAYA DAN BERACUN.PriorInformedConsent*

  • Konvensi RotterdamKonvensi mengatur tentang: Aturan pertukaran informasi tentang karakteristik bahan2 kimia secara fisik-kimiawi, kandungan toksisitas & ekotoksisitas bahan.Sangsi yang terdapat dalam undang2 negara, danKeputusan yang disepakati oleh negara2 pengimpor, sebagai contoh larangan import.*Lanjutan 1

  • Lanjutan 2*Konvensi mencakup mekanisme yang memberikan izin untuk memberitahukan bahan-bahan kimia baru dan menambahkannya pada Annex III dari konvensiBahan-bahan kimia harus diketahui oleh dua negara dari wilayah PIC yang berbedaKomite Peninjau Bahan Kimia membuktikan Pemberitahuan tersebut

    Konvensi Rotterdam

  • Konvensi Stockholm (POPs)

    Ditandatangani tahun 2001, belum diratifikasi.Konvensi tersebut merupakan fakta global untuk melindungi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan dari ZAT PENCEMAR ORGANIK MENETAP (POPs, Persistent Organic Pollutants).Dalam pelaksanaan konvensi tersebut, pemerintah akan mengambil langkah untuk mengeliminasi atau mengurangi pembuangan POPs ke lingkungan.Semua bahan-bahan kimia yang termasuk dalam konvensi Stockholm dilarang karena dapat segera atau mepunyai toksisitas kronik dan berbahaya bagi lingkungan, kesehatan manusia, flora dan fauna.


  • Perbandingan Konvensi PIC dan POPs *

    PICPOPsJumlah bahan kimia3212Usulan bahan kimia yg akan dikaji ulang/review5--Penandatangan73151Pihak terkait5141

  • Thanks*

    **Slide 4 Examples of hazardous waste definitions: Basel ConventionAccording to the Basel Convention there are 45 categories of wastes that are presumed to be hazardous.18 are waste streams (eg clinical wastes, mineral oils, PCBs) (Y1-Y18)27 are wastes having clearly identified constituents (eg mercury, lead, asbestos, organic cyanides, solvents) (Y19-Y45)In addition, these categories of waste need to exhibit one or more hazardous characteristics (flammable, oxidising, poisonous, infectious, corrosive, ecotoxic)(See also Chapter 3.2 Transboundary movement control)In the context of the Basel Convention, the international effort to establish a cross-referenced list of hazardous wastes as a first step towards harmonisation of definitions aims to: ensure effective international controls over transfrontier shipments of hazardous wastedistinguish between hazardous waste and materials destined for recycling, and ensure proper control over the latter while not creating an unnecessary disincentive to recyclingThe Basel Convention and OECD Decision on the transfrontier shipment of waste prohibits the shipment of hazardous waste destined for final disposal to non-OECD countries. This is to prevent the dumping of hazardous waste in developing countries. Parties to the Basel Convention incorporate the requirements into their own national legislation. The treatment of wastes for recovery operations will depend on the listing of the wastes in question, with some largely excluded from the regulations while others are subject to a prior notification requirement or will require prior authorisation.The Basel Convention has recently published two new lists, the first of wastes which are definitely considered to be hazardous (Annex A) and those which are definitely not considered hazardous (Annex B). In either case, no further testing is required. *Slide 6 Examples of hazardous waste definitions: USA In the USA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations have three ways of defining hazardous wastes: The waste is included in the list of defined hazardous wastes The waste is tested and found to have ignitable, corrosive, reactive or toxic characteristics The waste generator declares it hazardous

    *Slide 7 Examples of hazardous waste definitions: European Waste CatalogueMany of the definitions of hazardous waste are descriptive of the waste. For an effective regulatory control system a definitive list of wastes, or a waste catalogue, is useful. In the European Union, waste legislation was substantially revised by the adoption of Directive 91/156/EEC on waste, and Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste. These provided a legal framework for waste management and disposal, and more rigorous definitions of hazardous waste.Initially an exhaustive list of hazardous wastes was to have provided the legally binding definition of hazardous waste. This proved difficult to compile and implementation of the Directive was postponed from December 1993 until July 1995 to allow completion of a list. In December 1994 EU environmental ministers approved a core list of wastes the European Waste Catalogue. In 2001 the catalogue was expanded, and it now contains 420 types of hazardous waste divided into 19 main categories. *Slide 3 Why definition is difficult Hazardous waste is difficult to define. Its definition may be based on its composition; its physical form; its chemical, biological or physical properties; or alternatively on the waste stream in which it arises. Each country has its own interpretation of what constitutes hazardous waste, as well as using various terms to refer to it, such as chemical, special, poisonous, toxic or difficult. Worldwide there is no standard definition of hazardous wastes, and a number of different approaches are taken to the problem of defining it. When the Global Waste Survey - the first attempt to gain a worldwide picture of hazardous wastes - was conducted in 1992 it found that there were almost as many definitions as countries.Today definitions differ according to their differing objectives. In some countries, such as the USA and Germany, wastes which cannot be disposed of with municipal solid wastes are separately classified. In other countries, such as Denmark, the objective of the definition is to ensure the most appropriate treatment. Other ways of defining hazardous wastes might include one based on its recycling potential.In developing economies, there is often an inadequate identification of the waste streams which arise not simply of hazardous wastes and this can lead to an increase in pollution of the environment as well as increased risks to human health. However difficult, waste classification is an important early step in developing a waste management system.
