Kelompok Basis Data XI MIA 2

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Transcript of Kelompok Basis Data XI MIA 2

Sejarah Basis Data

Tahun 1960

Dari awal penggunaan komputer, penyimpanan dan manipulasi data merupakan focus utama aplikasi. Pada awal tahun 1960, Charles Bachman diperusahaan General Electric mendesain generasi pertama DBMS yang disebut Penyimpanan Data Terintegrasi (Integrated Data Store). Dasar untuk model data jaringan dibentuk lalu distandardisasi oleh Conference on Data System Language (CODASYL). Kemudian, Bachman menerima ACM Turing Award (Penghargaan semacam nobel pada ilmu komputer ) di tahun 1973.

Pada akhir tahun 1960-an, IBM mengembangkan system manajemen informasi (Information Manajemen System) DBMS. IMS dibentuk dari representasi data pada kerangka kerja yang disebut model data hierarki. Dalam waktu yang sama, hasil kerja sama antara IBM dengan perusahaan penerbangan Amerika mengembangkan system SABRE. System SABRE memungkinkan user mengakses data yang sama pada jaringan computer.

Tahun 1970

Pada tahun 1970, Edgar Codd di laboratorium penelitian di San Jose mengusulkan suatu representasi data baru yang disebut model data relational. Pada tahun 1980, model relasional menjadi paradigm DBMS paling dominan. Bahasa query SQL dikembangkan untuk basisdata relasional sebagai bagian proyek Sistem R dari IBM. SQL di standardisasi di akhir tahun 1980 dan SQL-92 diadopsi oleh American National Standards Institute (ANSI) dan International Standards Organization (ISO). Program yang digunakan untuk eksekusi bersamaan dalam basisdata disebut transaksi. User menulis programnya, dan bertanggung jawab menjalankan program secara bersamaan terhadap DBMS. Pada tahun 1999, James Gray memenangkan Turing award untuk kontribusinya pada manajemen transaksi dalam DBMS.

Tahun 1980

Pada akhir tahun 1980 dan permulaan tahun 1990, banyak bidang system basisdata dikembangkan. Penelitian dibidang basisdata meliputi bahasa query yang powerful, model data yang lengkap, dan penekanan pada dukungan analisis data yang kompleks semua bagian organisasi. Beberapa vendor (misalnya IBM, DB2, Oracle8, dan Informix UDS) memperluas sistemnya dengan kemampuan menyimpan tipe data baru misalnya image dan text serta kemampuan query yang kompleks. System khusus dikembangkan banyak vendor untuk membuat data warehouse dan mengonsolidasi data beberapa basisdata.

Suatu fenomena menarik adalah munculnya enterprice resource planning (ERP) dan management resource planning (MRP), yang menambah lapisan substansial dari fitur berorientasi aplikasi pada DBMS utama. Paket yang digunakan secara luas meliputi Baan, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, dan Siebel. Paket tersebut mengidentifikasi kumpulan tugas umum (misalnya manajemen inventori, perencanaan sumber daya manusia, dan analisis keuangan) yang dihadapi oleh sejumlah besar organisasi dan menyediakan lapisan aplikasi umum untuk melaksanakan tugas. Data disimpan dalam DBMS relasional. Kemudian, lapisan aplikasi dapat disesuaikan pada perusahaan berbeda sehingga

biaya keseluruhan perusahaan menjadi lebih rendah disbanding biaya pembuatan lapisan aplikasi dari awal. Lebih jauh, DBMS memasuki dunia internet. Saat generasi pertama, web site menyimpan datanya secara ekskulisif dalam file system operasi. Pada saat ini, DBMS dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang dapat diakese melalui web browser. Query dapat dibuat melalui form web dan format jawabannya dengan menggunakan markup language semisal HTML untuk mempermudah tampilan pada browser. Semua vendor basisdata menambah fitur ini untuk DBMS mereka.

Manajemen basisdata mempertimbangkan pentingnya suatu data bersifat online dan dapat diakses melalui jaringan computer. Saat ini, bidang seperti ini diwujudkan dalam basisdata multimedia, video unteraktif, perpustakaan digital, proyek ilmuwan seperti proyek pemetaan, proyek system obeservasi bumi milik NASA, dan lain sebagainya (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, 2003).

Pengertian Lingkungan basis data

Lingkungan basis data merupakan sebuah habitat di mana terdapat basis data untuk bisnis. Dalam lingkungan basis data, pengguna memiliki alat untuk mengakses data. Pengguna melakukan semua tipe pekerjaan dan keperluan mereka bervariasi seperti menggali data (data mining), memodifikasi data, atau berusaha membuat data baru. Pengguna tertentu tidak diperbolehkan mengakses data, baik secara fisik maupun logis.

Tujuan utama dari sistem basis data yaitu menyediakan pemakai melalui suatu pandangan abstrak mengenai data, dengan menyembunyikan detail dari bagaimana data disimpan dan dimanipulasikan. Titik awal untuk perancangan sebuah basis data haruslah abstrak dan deskripsi umum dari kebutuhan-kebutuhan informasi suatu organisasi harus digambarkan di dalam basis data.

Jika sebuah basis data merupakan suatu sumber yang dapat digunakan bersama. Setiap pemakai membutuhkan pandangan yang berbeda-beda terhadap data di dalam basis data. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini, arsitektur komersial basis data yang banyak digunakan telah tersedia saat ini dan telah mengalami perluasan yaitu arsitektur ANSI-SPARC.

ANSI-SPARCH (stands for American National Standards Institute, Standards Planning And Requirements Committee) yaitu standar desain abstrak untuk Sistem Manajemen Database (DBMS), yang pertama kali diusulkan pada tahun 1975. Model ANSI-SPARC ini tidak pernah menjadi standar formal.

Tiga Tingkatan Arsitektur Basis data ANSI-SPARC

Terdapat beberapa tujuan dari Tiga Tingkatan Arsitektur Basis Data ANSI-SPARC yaitu :

Membedakan cara pandang pemakai terhadap basis data dan cara pembuatan basis data secara fisik.

Setiap pengguna harus dapat mengakses data yang sama, tetapi memiliki pandangan yang berbeda disesuaikan data.

Pengguna tidak harus berurusan dengan penyimpanan database fisik. Mereka harus diizinkan untuk bekerja dengan data itu sendiri, tanpa memperhatikan bagaimana secara fisik disimpan.

Terdapat tiga tingkatan arsitektur basis data terdiri dari :

> Tingkat Eksternal (External Level)

Merupakan cara pandang pemakai terhadap basis data agar pembuatan basis data ini relevan bagi seorang pemakai tertentu. Yang terdiri dari sejumlah cara pandang berbeda dari sebuah basis data. Masing-masing pemakai merepresentasikan dalam bentuk yang sudah dikenalnya. Cara pandang secara eksternal hanya terbatas pada entitas, atribut dan hubungan antar entitas (relationship) yang diperlukan.

> Tingkat Konseptual (Conseptual Level)

Merupakan kumpulan cara pandang terhadap basis data. Menggambarkan data yang disimpan dalam basis data dan hubungan antara datanya.

Hal-hal yang digambarkan dalam tingkat konseptual yaitu:

Semua entitas beserta atribut dan hubungannya

Batasan data

Informasi semantik tentang data

Keamanan dan integritas informasi

> Tingkat Internal (Internal Level)

Merupakan perwujudan basis data dalam komputer. Yang menggambarkan bagaimana basis data disimpan secara fisik di dalam peralatan storage yang berkaitan erat dengan tempat penyimpanan / physical storage.

Hal –hal yang digambarkan adalah:

alokasi ruang penyimpanan data dan indeks

deskripsi record untuk penyimpanan (dengan ukuran penyimpanan untuk data elemen)

penempatan record

pemampatan data dan teknik encryption

Data independence, Komponen DBMS, Fungsi DBMS serta Bahasa yang digunakan didalam DBMS

Konsep Data Indenpendence

Indepedensi data (data independensi) adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan perubahan pada struktur data tanpa melakukan perubahan pada program-program aplikasi yang memproses data.

Oleh karena itu, terdapat tujuan utama dari 3 tingkat arsitektur adalah memelihara kemandirian data (data independence) yang berarti perubahan yang terjadi pada tingkat yang lebih rendah tidak mempengaruhi tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Jenis data independence, yaitu:

a. Physical Data Independence

Bahwa internal skema dapat diubah oleh DBA tanpa mengganggu konseptual skema. Dengan kata lain physical data independence menunjukkan kekebalan konseptual sekema data terhadap perubahan internal skema.

b. Logical Data Independence

Bahwa konseptual skema dapat diubah oleh DBA tanpa mengganggu eksternal skema. Dengan kata lain logical data independence menunjukkan kekebalan eksternal schema terhadap perubahan konseptual skema.

Prinsip data independence adalah salah satu hal yang harus diterapkan di dalam pengelolaan sistem basis data dengan alasan-alasan sbb :

1. DBA dapat mengubah isi, lokasi, perwujudan dalam organisasi basis data tanpa mengganggu program-program aplikasi yang sudah ada.

2. Pabrik / agen peralatan / software pengolahan data dapat memperkenalkan produk-produk baru tanpa mengganggu program-program aplikasi yang sudah ada.

3. Untuk memindahkan perkembangan program-program aplikasi

4. Memberikan fasilitas pengontrolan terpusat oleh DBA demi keamanan dan integritas data dengan memperhatikan perubahan-perubahan kebutuhan pengguna.


Untuk mengelola data base diperlukan suatu perangkat lunak (Database Management System). Beberapa ahli mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang pengertian DBMS yaitu :

1. C.J. Date : DBMS adalah merupakan software yang menghandel seluruh akses pada database untuk melayani kebutuhan user.

2. S. Attre : DBMS adalah software, hardware, firmware dan procedure-procedure yang memanage database. Firmware adalah software yang telah menjadi modul yang tertanam pada hardware (ROM).

3. Gordon C. Everest : DBMS adalah manajemen yang efektif untuk mengorganisasi sumber daya data.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa DBMS adalah suatu system perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan user (pengguna) untuk membuat, memelihara, mengontrol, dan mengakses database secara praktis dan efisien. Dengan DBMS, user akan lebih mudah mengontol dan memanipulasi data yang ada.


Sebuah DBMS (Database Management System) umumnya memiliki sejumlah komponen fungsional (modul) seperti :

1. File Manager: mengelola ruang dalam disk dan struktur data yang dipakai untuk merepresentasikan

2. informasi yang tersimpan dalam disk.

3. Database Manager: menyediakan interfaceantara data low-level yang ada di basis data denganprogram

4. aplikasi dan query yang diberikan ke sistem.

5. Query Processor, yang menterjemahkan perintahperintah dalam query language ke perintah low-level yang dapat dimengerti oleh database manager.

6. DML Precompiler, yang mengkonversi perintah DMLyang ditambahkan dalam sebuah program aplikasi kepemangin prosedur normal dalam bahasa induk.

7. DDL Compiler, yang mengkonversi perintah-perintahDDL ke dalam sekumpulan tabel yang mengandung

8. metadata. Tabel-tabel ini kemudian disimpan dalam kamus data.

Fungsi DBMS

Database atau basis data berkaitan erat dengan DBMS dimana aplkasi DBMS menyediakan fasilitas untuk melakukan fungsi :

1. pendefinisian data yang meliputi penentua tipe, struktur dan batasan data yang akan disimpan dalam basis data.

2. kontruksi data yang meliputi proses penyimpanan data dalam database yang pengendaliannya diatur oleh DBMS

3. Manipulasi data merupakan fungsi untuk menampilkan data, mengubah data serta menampilkan data yang ada dalam bentuk laporan

4. Keamanan dan integritas data. (buku Solusi Bisnis Berbasis Microsoft Office System 2003, irwan sardi pt elex media komputindo)

5. Menyediakan data dictionary

Bahasa yang digunakan DBMS

A. Data Definision Language ( DDL )

DDL ( Data Definision Language ) adalah perintah-perintah yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan objek dari database. Dengan kata lain DDL digunakan untuk mendefinisikan kerangka database.

B. DML ( Data Manipulation Language )Data Manipultion Language adalah perintah-perintah yang digunakan untuk mengoperasikan atau memanipulasi isi database. Adapun perintah-perintah pada DML diantaranya : Select, Insert, Update dan Delete.

2.3 Perbedaan model data berbasis objek, record, konseptual, dan fisik

Model dataMerupakan suatu kumpulan konsep yang terintegrasi yang menggambarkan data, hubungan antara data dan batasan-batasan data dalam suatu organisasi.Fungsi dari sebuah model data untuk merepresentasikan data sehingga data tersebut mudah dipahami. Model data terdapat berbasis objek, record, konseptual maupun fisik.

Model Data Berbasis Objek

Model data logika berbasis objek (object-based logical model) digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan data pada tingkat konseptual dan view. Pendeskripsian data pada model ini dibuat berdasarkan fakta sehingga memberikan kemampuan penstrukturan secara fleksibel, dan memungkinkan untuk menspesifikasikan kendala-kendala datanya secara eksplisit.

Beberapa model data logika berbasis objek yang sudah dikenal diantaranya adalah:> Model entity-relationship> Model berorientasi objek (object-oriented model)> Model biner> Model data semantik> Model infological>Model data fungsional

Model Data Berbasis Record

Model logika berbasis record digunakan untuk menggambarkan data pada tingkat

konseptual dan view. Model data ini bersama dengan model data logika berbasis objek biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan stuktur logika database secarakeseluruhan. Selain itu juga digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana gambaran penerapannya dalam tingkat yang lebih tinggi daripada gambaran fisiknya. Struktur database pada model logika berbasis record ini dinyatakan dengan type record yang mempunyai format tetap. Artinya setiap type record mempunyai beberapa field atau atribut dengan jumlah tetap, dan setiap field mempunyai panjang yang tetap. Tiga model data pada kelompok ini yang telah diterima secara meluas adalah model data relasi, jaringan (network) dan hirarki.

Model data konseptualModel konseptual bukanlah pendekatan proses informasi seorang programmer aplikasi, tetapi merupakan kombinasi beberapa cara untuk memproses data untuk beberapa aplikasi. Model konseptual tidak tergantung pada aplikasi individual, tidak tergantung pada DBMS yang digunakan, tidak tergantuk pada hardware yang digunakan serta tidak tergantung juga pada phisikal model

Model data berbasis fisik

Perancangan basis data secara fisik merupakan proses pemilihan struktur-struktur penyimpanan dan jalur-jalur akses pada file-file basis data untuk mencapai penampilan yang terbaik pada bermacam-macam aplikasi.

Selama fase ini, dirancang spesifikasi-spesifikasi untuk basis data yang disimpan yang berhubungan dengan struktur-struktur penyimpanan fisik, penempatan record dan jalur akses. Berhubungan dengan internal schema (pada istilah 3 level arsitektur DBMS).

Beberapa petunjuk dalam pemilihan perancangan basis data secara fisik :

1. Response time :

waktu yang telah berlalu dari suatu transaksi basis data yang diajukan untuk menjalankan suatu tanggapan. Pengaruh utama pada response time adalah di bawah pengawasan DBMS yaitu : waktu akses basis data untuk data item yang ditunjuk oleh suatu transaksi. Response time juga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang tidak berada di bawah pengawasan DBMS, seperti penjadwalan sistem operasi atau penundaan komunikasi.

2. Space utility :

jumlah ruang penyimpanan yang digunakan oleh file-file basis data dan struktur-struktur jalur akses.

3. Transaction throughput :

rata-rata jumlah transaksi yang dapat diproses per menit oleh sistem basis data, dan merupakan parameter kritis dari sistem transaksi (misal : digunakan pada pemesanan tempat di pesawat, bank, dll). Hasil dari fase ini adalah penentual awal dari struktur penyimpanan dan jalur akses untuk file-file basis data.

2.4 Fungsi dan isi dari data dictionary

Pengertian Data Dictionary

Kamus data atau systems data dictionary adalah katalog fakta tentang data dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan informasi dari suatu sistem informasi. Dengan DD analis sistem dapat mendefinisikan data yang mengalir di system dengan lengkap. Pada tahap analisis sistem, DD digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi antara analis sitem dengan pemakai sistem tentang data yang mengalir ke sistem, yaitu tentang data yang masuk ke sistem dan tentang informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pemakai sistem. Pada tahap perancangan sistem, DD digunakan untuk merancang input, merancang laporan-laporan dan database. DD dibuat berdasarkan arus data yang ada di DFD (Data Flow Diagram). Arus data di DFD sifatnya adalah global, hanya ditunjukkan nama arus datanya saja. Keterangan lebih lanjut tentang struktur dari suatu arus data di DFD secara lebih terinci dapat dilihat di DD. Gambar berikut menunjukkan hubungan antara DFD dengan DD.

DD tidak menggunakan notasi grafik sebagaimana halnya DFD. DD berfungsi membantu pelaku system untuk mengerti aplikasi secara detil, dan mereorganisasi semua elemen data yang digunakan dalam sistem secara presisi sehingga pemakai dan penganalisa sistem punya dasar pengertian yang sama tentang masukan, keluaran, penyimpanan dan proses.DD mendefinisikan elemen data dengan fungsi sebagai berikut:

1. Menjelaskan arti aliran data dan penyimpanan dalam DFD.

2. Mendeskripsikan komposisi paket data yang bergerak melalui aliran,

misalnya alamat diuraikan menjadi kota, kodepos, propinsi, dan negara.

3. Mendeskripsikan komposisi penyimpanan data.

4. Menspesifikasikan nilai dan satuan yang relevan bagi penyimpanan dan


5. Mendeskripsikan hubungan detil antara penyimpanan yang akan menjadi

titik perhatian dalam entity relationship diagram.> Isi DD.

Data dictionary harus dapat mencerminkan keterangan yang jelas tentang data yang dicatatnya. Untuk maksud keperluan ini, maka DD harus memuat hal-hal berikut :

a. Nama arus data.

Karena DD dibuat berdasarkan arus data yang mengalir di DFD, maka

nama dari arus data juga harus dicatat di DD, sehingga mereka yang

membaca DFD dan memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang suatu arus

data tertentu di DFD dapat langsung mencarinya dengan mudah di DD.

b. Alias.

Alias atan nama lain dari data dapat dituliskan bila nama lain ini ada.

Alias perlu ditulis karena data ayang sama mempunyai nama yang berbeda

untuk orang atau departemen satu dengan yang lainnya, misalnnya bagian

pembuat faktur dan langganan menyebut bukti penjualan sebagai faktur,

sedang bagian gudang menyebutnya sebagai tembusan permintaan persediaan.

Baik faktur dan tembusan permintaan persediaan ini mempunyai struktur

data yang sama, tetapi mempunyai struktur yang berbeda.

c. Bentuk data.

Bentuk data perlu dicatat di DD, karena dapat digunakan untuk

mengelompokkan DD ke dalam kegunaannya sewaktu perancangan sistem.

• DD yang mencatat data yang mengalir dalam bentuk dokumen dasar atau

formulir akan digunakan untuk merancang bentuk input sistem.

• DD yang mencatat data yang mengalir dalam bentuk laporan tercetak

dan dokumen hasil cetakan komputer akan digunakan untuk merancang

output yang akan dihasilkan oleh sistem.

• DD yang mencatat data yang mengalir dalam bentuk tampilan dilayar

monitor akan digunakan untuk merancang tampilan layar yang akan

dihasilkan oleh sistem.

• DD yang mencatat data yang mengalir dalam bentuk parameter dan

variabel akan digunakan untuk merancang proses dari program.

• DD yang mencatat data yang mengalir dalam bentuk dokumen, formulir,

laporan, dokumen cetakan komputer, tampilan di layar monitor,

variabel dan field akan digunakan untuk merancang database.d. Arus data.

Arus data menunjukkan dari mana data mengalir dan ke mana data akan

menuju. Keterangan arus data ini perlu dicatat di DD supaya memudahkan

mencari arus data ini di DFD.e. Penjelasan.

Untuk tidak memperjleas lagi tentang makna dari arus data yang dicatat

di DD, maka bagian penjelasan dapat diisi dengan keterangan-keterangan

tentang arus data tersebut. Sebagai misalnya nama dari arus data adalah

tembusan permintaaan persediaan, maka dapat lebih dijelaskan sebagai

tembusan dari faktur penjualan untuk meminta barang dari gudang.f. Periode.

Periode ini menunjukkan kapan terjadinya arus data ini. Periode perlu

dicatat di DD karena dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan kapan

input data harus dimasukkan ke sistem, kapan proses dari program harus

dilakukakan dan kapan laporan-laporan harus dihasilkan.g. Volume.

Volume yang perlu dicatat di DD adalah tentang volumen rata-rata dan

volume puncak dari arus data. Volume rata-rata menunjukkan banyaknya

rata-rata arus data yang mengalir dalam suatu periode tertentu dan

volume puncak menunjukkan volume yang terbanyak, Volume ini digunakan

untuk mengidentifikasikan besarnya simpanan luar yang akan digunakan,

kapasitas dan jumlah dari alat input, alat pemroses dan alat output.h. Struktur data.

Struktur data menunjukkan arus data yang dicatat di DD terdiri dari

item-item apa saja.

Sebagai contoh, dalam pembangunan medical system yang menyimpan data pasien,

dapat didefinisikan data berat dan tinggi dengan cara sebagai berikut ;

a. Berat = * berat pasien ketika mendaftar di rumah sakit

* satuan : kilogram ; rentang : 1-200 *

b. Tinggi = * tinggi pasien ketika mendaftar di rumah sakit

* satuan : sentimeter ; rentang : 1-200 *

c. Tinggi_sekarang = * satuan : sentimeter ; rentang : 1-200 *

d. Berat_sekarang = * satuan : kilogram ; rentang : 1-200 *

e. Tanggal_lahir = * satuan : hari sejak 1 Jan 1900 ; rentang 36500 *

f. Jenis_kelamin = * nilai : [ P | W ] *

Elemen data opsional didefinisikan sebagai sesuatu yang dapat digunakan

atau tidak perlu digunakan sebagai pilihan dari sejumlah alternatif.

Masalah alternatif pilihan merupakan hal penting, karena pemakai harus

diyakinkan bahwa semua kemungkinan yang ada sudah tercakup.

Pemakai akan kewalahan jika harus membaca seluruh DD, item demi item

untuk mengecek kebenaran DD tersebut. Ada sejumlah cara untuk mengecek

kelengkapan, konsistensi, dan kontradiksi melalui testing dengan sejumlah

pertanyaan seperti berikut :

a. Apakah semua aliran dalam DFD sudah didefinisikan dalam DD ?.

b. Apakah semua komponen elemen data sudah didefinisikan ?.

c. Adakah elemen data yang didefinisikan lebih dari satu kali ?.

d. Apakah semua notasi yang digunakan pada DD sudah dikoreksi ?.

e. Adalah elemen data dalam DD tidak menjelaskan sesuatu dalam DFD

(Data Flow Diagram) atau ER (Entity Relationship).

Membangun DD adalah salah satu dari sejumlah aspek analisa yang paling

banyak menghabiskan waktu. Tetapi DD merupakah salah satu aspek terpenting,

tanpa DD yang mendefinisikan semua terminologi maka presisi sistem akan

menjadi harapan kosong belaka. Contoh


Nama_tarian = kode_tarian + nama_tarian + asal_tarian + lama_tarian + deskripsi_tarian.

a. @Kode_tarian : kategori_tari + no_urut_tari

a.1. kategori_tari : 1{karakter}2 => [ | A | B | .. | Z | ]

a.2. no_urut_tari : 1{numerik}2 => [ | 000 | 001 | … | 999 | ]

b. Nama_tarian : 1{karakter}20 => [ | A | B | .. | Z | ]

c. Asal_tarian : 1{karakter}15 => [ | A | B | .. | Z | ]

d. Lama_tarian : jam + menit

d.1. jam : 1{numerik}1 => [ | 0 | 1 | .. | 9 | ]

d.2. menit : 1{numerik}2 => [ | 00 | 01 | .. | 60 | ]

e. Deskripsi_tarian : 1{karakter}20 => [ | A


Tanggal : Tgl_hari + bulan + tahun

a. Tgl_hari : 1{numerik}2 => [ | 01 | 02 | .. | 31 | ]

b. Bulan : 1{numerik}2 => [ | 01 | 02 | .. | 12 | ]01 = “Januari”02 = “Februari”—12 = “Desember”

c. Tahun : 1{numerik}4 => [ | 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | .. | 2999 | ]

2.5 Perbedaan Arsitektur DBMS multi user

Arsitektur DBMS Multi Pengguna

Pada seksi ini akan di jelaskan mengenai arsitektur yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan sistem basis data yang multi user, yaitu teleprocessing, file server dan client server.

> Teleprocessing

Arsitektur tradisional untuk sistem multi pengguna adalah teleprocessing, dimana satu komputer dengan sebuah CPU dan sejumlah terminal.

Terminal untuk pengguna berjenis ‘dumb’, yang tidak dapat berfungsi sendiri dan masing-masing dihubungkan ke komputer pusat. Terminal-terminal tersebut mengirimkan pesan melalui subsistem pengontrol komunikasi pada sistem operasi ke program aplikasi, yang bergantian menggunakan layanan DBMS. Komputer server langsung bisa terhubung degan beberapa terminal. hgb. Dapat mengirim / menerima pengolahan data dgn jarak yg jauh.

> File-Server

Proses didistribusikan ke dalam jaringan, sejenis Local Area Network (LAN). File server mengendalikan file yang diperlukan oleh aplikasi dan DBMS. Meskipun aplikasi dan DBMS dijalankan pada masing-masing workstation, tetapi tetap meminta file dari file server jika diperlukan (perhatikan gambar di bawah ini). Dengan cara ini, file server berfungsi sebagai sebuah hard disk yang digunakan secara bersamaan. DBMS yang ada pada setiap workstation meminta data ke file server untuk semua data yang diinginkan oleh DBMS.

> Client Server

Untuk mengatasi kelemahan arsitektur-arsitektur di atas maka dikembangkan arsitektur client-server. Client-server menunjukkan cara komponen software berinteraksi dalam bentuk sistem. Sesuai dengan namanya, ada sebuah pemroses client yang membutuhkan sumber dan sebuah server yang menyediakan sumbernya. Tidak ada kebutuhan client dan server yang harus diletakkan pada mesin yang sama. Secara ringkas, umumnya server diletakkan pada satu sisi dalam LAN dan client pada sisi yang lain. Dan juga dapat terhubung degan beberapa station kerja.

Perancangan Database

10 06 2009

Di dalam suatu organisasi yang besar, sistem database merupakan bagian penting pada sistem informasi, karena di perlukan untuk mengelola sumber informasi pada organisasi tersebut. Untuk mengelola sumber informasi tersebut yang pertama kali di lakukan adalah merancang suatu sistem database agar informasi yang ada pada organisasi tersebut dapat digunakan secara maksimal.

Tujuan Perancangan Database• Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi dari pengguna dan aplikasi• Menyediakan struktur informasi yang natural dan mudah di mengerti oleh pengguna• Mendukung kebutuhan pemrosesan dan beberapa obyek kinerja dari suatu sistem database

Berikut ini siklus kehidupan sistem informasi di mana terdapat siklus kehidupan sistem database.

Siklus Kehidupan Sistem Informasi (Macro Life Cycle )

Tahapan–tahapan yang ada pada siklus kehidupan sistem informasi yaitu :1. Analisa KelayakanTahapan ini memfokuskan pada penganalisaan areal aplikasi yang unggul , mengidentifikasi pengumpulan informasi dan penyebarannya, mempelajari keuntungan dan kerugian , penentuan kompleksitas data dan proses, dan menentukan prioritas aplikasi yang akan digunakan.2. Analisa dan Pengumpulan Kebutuhan PenggunaKebutuhan–kebutuhan yang detail dikumpulkan dengan berinteraksi pada sekelompok pemakai atau

pemakai individu. Mengidentifikasikan masalah yang ada dan kebutuhan-butuhan, ketergantungan antar aplikasi, komunikasi dan prosedur laporan.3. PerancanganPerancangan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu : perancangan sistem database dan sistem aplikasi4. ImplementasiMengimplementasikan sistem informasi dengan database yang ada5. Pengujian dan ValidasiPengujian dan validasi sistem database dengan kriteria kinerja yang diinginkan oleh pengguna.6. Pengoperasian dan PerawatanPengoperasian sistem setelah di validasi disertai dengan pengawasan dan perawatan sistemSiklus Keh idupan Aplikasi Database ( Micro Life Cycle )Tahapan yang ada pada siklus kehidupan aplikasi database yaitu :1. Pendefinisian SistemPendefinisian ruang lingkup dari sistem database, pengguna dan aplikasinya.2. Perancangan DatabasePerancangan database secara logika dan fisik pada suatu sistem database sesuai dengan sistem manajemen database yang diinginkan.3. Implementasi DatabasePendefinisian database secara konseptual, eksternal dan internal, pembuatan file–file database yang kosong serta implementasi aplikasi software.4. Pengambilan dan Konversi DataDatabase ditempatkan dengan baik, sehingga jika ingin memanggil data secara langsung ataupun merubah file–file yang ada dapat di tempatkan kembali sesuai dengan format sistem databasenya.5. Konversi AplikasiSoftware-software aplikasi dari sistem database sebelumnya di konversikan ke dalam sistem database yang baru6. Pengujian dan ValidasiSistem yang baru telah di test dan di uji kinerja nya7. PengoperasianPengoperasian database sistem dan aplikasinya8. Pengawasan dan PemeliharaanPengawasan dan pemeliharaan sistem database dan aplikasi software

Proses Perancangan DatabaseAda 6 tahap untuk proses perancangan suatu database :1. Pengumpulan data dan analisis2. Perancangan database secara konseptual3. Pemilihan sistem manajemen database4. Perancangan database secara logika5. Perancangan database secara fisik6. Implementasi sistem database

Secara khusus proses perancangan berisikan 2 aktifitas paralel. Aktifitas yang pertama melibatkan perancangan dari isi data dan struktur database, sedangkan aktifitas kedua mengenai perancangan pemrosesan database dan aplikasi–aplikasi perangkat lunak.

Dua aktifitas ini saling berkaitan , misalnya mengidentifikasi data item yang akan disimpan dalam database dengan cara menganalisa aplikasi–aplikasi database. Dua aktifitas ini juga saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Contohnya tahap perancangan database secara fisik, pada saat memilih struktur penyimpanan dan jalur akses dari file suatu database dimana bergantung dengan aplikasi–aplikasi yang akan menggunakan file tersebut.Penentuan perancangan aplikasi–aplikasi database yang mengarah ke konstruksi skema database telah ditentukan selama aktifitas pertama.Ke-enam tahap yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya dapat di proses secara tidak berurutan . Dalam beberapa hal, dapat dilakukan modifikasi perancangan kembali ke tahap yang pertama (feedback loop) setelah melakukan tahap selanjutnya.

Tahap 1 : Pengumpulan data dan analisisSebelum merancang suatu database, yang harus dilakukan adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis apa yang diinginkan dari pengguna aplikasi, sehingga proses ini disebut pengumpulan data dan analisis. Untuk menspesifikasikan kebutuhan yang pertama kali dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi bagian lain di dalam sistem informasi yang berinteraksi dengan sistem database. Termasuk pengguna yang baru atau yang sudah lama juga aplikasinya, kebutuhan–kebutuhan tersebut dikumpulkan dan di analisa.

Kegiatan pengumpulan data dan analisis :• Menentukan kelompok pemakai dan areal bidang aplikasinya.Pengguna yang menguasai aplikasi yang lama dari setiap bagian dipilih untuk menyampaikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan dan menspesifikasikannya.• Peninjauan dokumentasi yang ada.Dokumen yang berhubungan dengan aplikasi yang akan dibuat dipelajari dan dianalisa, sedangkan dokumen lainnya seprti kebijakan manual, form, laporan–laporan dan bagan-bagan organisasi diuji dan ditinjau kembali untuk mengetahui apakah dokumen tersebut berpengaruh terhadap pengumpulan data dan proses spesifikasi• Analisa lingkungan operasi dan kebutuhan pemrosesan.Lingkungan operasional yang sekarang dan informasi yang direncanakan akan di gunakan dipelajari, termasuk menganalisa jenis–jenis dari transaksi dan frekuensi transaksinya seperti halnya alur informasi dengan sistem. Input dan output data untuk transaksi tersebut harus diperinci.• Pengumpulan respon terhadap daftar pertanyaan dan angket yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.Pengumpulan respon dari angket dan daftar pertanyaan berisikan prioritas para pengguna dan penempatan mereka di dalam berbagai aplikasi. Ketua kelompok mungkin akan ditanya untuk membantu para pengguna dalam memberikan informasi yang penting dan menentukan prioritas.

Teknik yang digunakan dalam penspesifikasian kebutuhan secara formal :• OOA ( Object Oriented Analysis )• DFD ( Data Flow Diagram )• HIPO ( Hierarchical Input Process Output )• SADT ( Structured Analysis & Design )

Tahap 2 : Perancangan database secara konseptualTujuan dari tahap ini adalah untuk menghasilkan skema konseptual untuk databse yang tidak tergantung pada sistem manajemen database yang spesifik. Penggunaan model data tingkat tinggi

seperti ER/EER sering digunakan didalam tahap ini. Di dalam skema konseptual dilakukan perincian aplikasi–aplikasi database dan transaksi–transaksi yang diketahui .

Ada dua kegiatan di dalam perancangan database secara konseptual :• Perancangan skema konseptual :Pada tahap ini kegiatan yang dilakukan mengecek tentang kebutuhan– kebutuhan pemakai terhadap data yang dihasilkan dari tahap 1, dimanatujuan dari proses perancangan skema konseptual adalah menyatukan pemahaman dalam struktur database, pengertian semantik, keterhubungan dan batasan-batasannya, dengan membuat sebuah skema database konseptual dengan menggunakan model data ER/EER tanpa tergantung dengan sistem manajemen database

Ada dua pendekatan perancangan skema konseptual :• TerpusatKebutuhan–kebutuhan dari aplikasi atau kelompok–kelompok pemakai yang berbeda digabungkan menjadi satu set kebutuhan pemakai kemudian dirancang menjadi satu skema konseptual.• Integrasi view–view yang adaUntuk masing–masing aplikasi atau kelompok–kelompok pemakai yang berbeda dirancang sebuah skema eksternal ( view ) kemudian view – view tersebut disatukan ke dalam sebuah skema konseptual.

Ada 4 strategi dalam perancangan skema konseptual :• Top down• Bottom Up• Inside Out• Mixed

• TransaksiMerancangan karakteristik dari transaksi–transaksi yang akan di implementasikan tanpa tergantung dengan DBMS yang telah dipilih. Transaksi–transaksi ini digunakan untuk memanipulasi database sewaktu diimplementasikan . Pada tahap ini diidentifikasikan input, output dan fungsional . Transaksi ini antara lain : retrieval, update dan delete, select dll.

Tahap 3 : Pemilihan Sistem Manajemen DatabasePemilihan sistem manajemen database ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor a.l : Teknik, Ekonomi, dan Politik Organisasi

Faktor Teknik :• Tipe model data ( hirarki, jaringan atau relasional )• Struktur penyimpanan dan jalur pengaksesan yang didukung sistem manajemen database• Tipe interface dan programmer• Tipe bahasa queri

Faktor Ekonomi :• Biaya penyiadaan hardware dan software• Biaya konversi pembuatan database• Biaya personalia

• Biaya pelatihan• Biaya pengoperasian• Biaya pemeliharaan

Faktor Organisasi :• Struktur dataJika data yang disimpan dalam database mengikuti struktur hirarki, maka suatu jenis hirarki dari sistem manajemen database harus dipikirkan.• Personal yang terbiasa dengan sistem yang terdahuluJika staff programmer dalam suatu organisasi sudah terbiasa dengan sautu sistem manajemen database maka hal ini dapat mengurangi biaya latihan dan waktu belajar.• Ketersediaan dari service vendorKeberadaan fasilitas pelayanan penjual sangat dibutuhkan untuk membantu memecahkan masalah sistem.

Tahap 4 : Perancangan database secara logika ( Transformasi model data )Transformasi dari skema konseptual dan eksternal ( Tahap 2 ) ke model data sistem manajemen database yang terpilih, ada dua proses yaitu :• Transformasi yang tidak tergantung pada sistem, pada tahap ini transformasi tidak mempertimbangkan karakteristik yang spesifik atau hal– hal khusus yang akan diaplikasikan pada sistem manajemen database• Penyesuaian skema ke sistem manajemen database yang spesifik, di lakukan suatu penyesuaian skema yang dihasilkan dari tahap 1 untuk dikonfirmasikan pada bentuk implementasi yang spesifik dari suatu model data seperti yang digunakan oleh sistem manajemen database yang terpilih

Hasil dari tahap ini dituliskan dengan perintah DDL ke dalam bahasa sistem manajemen database terpilih. Tapi jika perintah DDL tersebut termasuk dalam parameter–parameter perancangan fisik , maka perintah DDL yang lengkap harus menunggu sampai tahap perancangan database secara fisik telah lengkap.

Tahap 5 : Perancangan Database Secara FisikProses pemilihan struktur penyimpanan yang spesifik dan pengaksesan file– file database untuk mencapai kinerja yang terbaik di bermacam–macam aplikasiKriteria pemilihan perancangan fisik :• Waktu responWaktu transaksi database selama eksekusi untuk menerima respon• Penggunaan ruang penyimpananJumlah ruang penyimpanan yang digunakan oleh database file dan struktur jalur pengaksesannya• Terobosan yang dilakukan file transaksi(Transaction troughput )Merupakan nilai rata–rata transaksi yang dapat di proses permenit oleh sistem database dan merupakan parameter kritis dari sistem transaksiApabila waktu respon dari database tidak mencapai optimalisasi, maka pada tahap perancangan fisik ini dapat dilakukan denormalisasi.


Denormalisasi merupakan proses yang dilakukan pada database yang sudah dinormalisasi, dengan cara memodifikasi struktur tabel dan mengabaikan kerangkapan data (yang terkontrol) untuk meningkatkan kinerja database.

Proses denormalisasi termasuk : Mengkombinasikan tabel-tabel yang terpisah dengan join Mereplikasi/menduplikat data pada tabel

Tahap 6 : ImplementasiImplementasi skema database logik dan fisik ke dalam penyataan DDL dan SDL dari sistem manajemen database yang telah dipilih, untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan file–file database yang masih kosong

Studi Kasus :

Di bawah ini deskripsi mengenai suatu perusahaan yang akan di representasikan dalam database dan buat sesuai dengan proses perancangan database dari tahap 1 s/d tahap 4.

1. Suatu perusahaan terdiri atas bagian–bagian, masing–masing bagian mempunyai nama, nomor bagian dan lokasi . Setiap bagian mempunyai seorang pegawai yang mempunyai seorang pimpinan yang memimpin bagian tersebut.2. Setiap bagian mengontrol sejumlah proyek dimana masing–masing proyek mempunyai nama, nomor proyek dan lokasi .3. Setiap pegawai menjadi anggota pada salah satu bagian tapi dapat bekerja di beberapa proyek . Untuk setiap pegawai yang bekerja di proyek mempunyai jam kerja per-minggu . Seorang pegawai mempunyai nama, nomor pegawai, alamat, jenis kelamin, tanggal lahir dan usia serta supervisor / penyelia langsung. Pegawai juga mempunyai tanggungan yang terdiri atas nama, jenis kelamin dan hubungannya dengan si pegawai.

Catatan = Kasus diambil dari contoh Diagram ER pada materi Model Entity Relationship (Sistem Basis Data 1/Pengantar Sistem Basis Data)

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Study Kasus Perancangan Database

10 06 2009

Juni 10, 2009

Data yang terorganisir dengan baik dapat menghasilkan Informasi, pengorganisasian data untuk mencegah terjadinya duplikasi yang tidak diperlukan. Data yang terorganisasi dan saling berkaitan antara satu sama lainnya merupakan Basis data (database). Sedangkan untuk mengelola dan mengorganisasikan database yang dibangun dalam suatu Sistem dibutuhkan suatu pengelolaan database yang di sebut dengan sistem manajemen basis data (Database management system – DBMS).

DBMS merupakan software yang akan menentukan bagaimana data diorganisasikan, disimpan, diubah, diambil kembali, pengaturan mekanisme pengamanan data, mekanisme pemakaian data secara bersama.Database telah mengalami perkembangan sejalan dengan penelitian-penelitian para ahli, ada beberapa model database :

1. Hierarchical database

Adalah merupakan kumpulan record yang dihubungkan satu sama lain yang membentuk struktur pohon

1. Network Database

Database yang terbentuk dari sekumpulan record yang membentuk relasi dalam bentuk ring

1. Relational Database

Berisi kumpulan tabel, dimana setiap tabel mempunyai nama dan struktur yang unik. Dalam setiap tabel, masing-masing record data diorganisasikan dalam struktur yang sama dan memiliki field kunci yang akan menjadi penghubung antara satu dengan lainnya

1. Web Warehause

Data warehouse (gudang data) merupakan sebuah database dengan peralatan pembuatan laporan dan query yang menyimpan data kini dan data historis secara terpusat,biasanya digunakan untuk menyajikan laporan dan melakukan analisis guna mendukung pengambilan keputusan manajerial.Langkah-langkah yang harus di penuhi dalam perancangan database adalah sebagai berikut :a. Studi KelayakanDalam merancang database studi kelayakan adalah langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam sebuah basisdata. Studi kelayakan akan menghasilkan data mentah dalam pembuatan basisdata. Dalam studi kelayakan ini digunakan untuk menginventaris kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi agar tidak menggangu proses pengembangan sistem yang telah direncanakan.Sesuai dengan database yang dikembangankan pada soal nomor satu yaitu Pengembangan database Program Perbaikan Gizi pada Puskesmas maka pada langkah ini informasi yang akan perlu diketahui adalah sebagai berikut :– Data-data apa saja yang dikumpulkan dan diolah yang berhubungan dengan program gizi– Masalah apa yang ditemui dalam pengolahan data– Apakah di Program Gizi mempunyai Komputer– Dalam pengolahan data sekarang sudah menggunakan software.b. Rencana Pendahuluan.Langkah ini merupakan langkah yang menentukan lingkup sistem yang diakan di bangun. Pada tahap ini akan dibuat diagram alir data yaitu DFD (Data Flow Diagram). Bentuk DFD digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan proses berjalannya sistem yang sedang dibangun, termasuk entitas sumber-sumber masukan dan hasilnya atau keluaran. Fungsi DFD untuk menggambarkan secara rinci mengenai sistem sebagai jaringan kerja antara fungsi yang berhubungan satu sama lain dengan menunjukan dari dan dan kemana data mengalir serta penyimpanannya.c. Menganalisa Sistem

Pada langkah ini dilakukan analisa data yang dibutuhkan, Penganalisaan ini dapat dilakukan secara langsung, yaitu dengan mendatangi langsung tempat atau objek yang dijadikan sistem implementasi.Proses analisa ini dapat dilakukan melalui wawancara atau dengan mencari data pada objek tujuan sehingga validasi data tercapai. Data-data yangyang valid tersebut siap diimplentasikan kedalan sistem databased. Merancang SistemPerancangan sistem yang dimaksud adalah memisahkan data mentah menjadi kelompok data yang bisa disebut tabel. Dengan mengimplentasikannya kedalam sistem yang terdistribusi dalam bentuk database akan mempermudah melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut dalam implementasi. Perancangan sistem ini akan menghasilkan penggambaran dengan bentuk yang lebih jelas dan terkelompok yan di sebut Tabel.Setiap tabel pada intinya berfungsi untuk menyimpan suatu informasi data. Tabel yang dibuat harus memenuhi kriteria untuk mempermudah pengolahan data seperti memasukan data (Insert), Peremajaan data dari data lama menjadi data baru (Update), dan Proses Menghilangkan atau menghapus data (Delete)Disamping itu kriteria diatas ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan tabel antara lain :– Tidak boleh ada baris data atau record yang sama pada tabel– Setiap tabel harus memiliki nama yang menjadi wakil dari seluruh atribut/field didalamnya. Atribut yang menjadi wakil tidak boleh kembar– Tabel yang dibuat merupakan hasil analisa akhir sehingga semua atribut bernilai tunggal dan tidak dapat dipecah lagi menjadi field terkecil.3. Pada waktu merancang database, seringkali para calon pengguna menanyakan relevansi database tersebut bagi proses pengambilan keputusan di organisasi mereka. Bagaimana anda bisa meyakinkan bahwa database yang anda rancang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mereka? Informasi potensial apa saja yang dapat dihasilkan dari desain yang telah anda rancang? Bagaimana informasi tersebut mendukung dan terkait dengan konsep yang anda tawarkan.Untuk bisa meyakinkan bahwa database yang dirancang itu memenuhi kebutuhan maka dalam dalam perancangan database memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :a. Perancangan berbasis pemakaiPerancangan database berbasis pemakai yaitu rancangan sistem harus berdasarkan kebutuhan pemakai, hal ini bisa dilaksanakan pada tahapan analisa sistem yaitu menggali kebutuhan dari pemakaib. Perancangan secara iteratifDisamping berbasis kebutuhan pemakai dalam hal perancangan pengujian dan pengukuran database melibatkan pemakai, hal ini dilakukan untuk agar database yang dirancang benar-benar merupakan kebutuhan pemakai.Berikut ini akan dijelaskan Informasi potensial yang dapat dihasilkan pada rancangan database hubungannya dengan konsep dasar pembuatan database yaitu untuk mempermudah dalam hal pengambilan keputusanContoh Perancangan DB pada puskesmas:

1. Jumlah Penduduk di wilayah puskesmas berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin, Tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan2. Jumlah Keluarga Miskin di wilayah puskemas, informasi ini dapat membantu pemerintah dalam perncanaan kegiatan pengentasan kemiskinan dan dalam penyaluran bantuan bagi keluarga miskin

3. Persentase Jumlah Balita yang lahir dengan berat badan waktu lahir rendah, Tingginya Balita lahir dengan berat badan rendah menggambarkan status gizi ibu sewaktu mengandung, sehingga perlu peningkatan intervensi kegiatan yang diarahkan pada ibu hamil, disamping itu informasi bayi lahir dengan berat badan rendah segera melakukan pemberian makanan tambahan agar tidak menjadi balita gizi buruk.4. Jumlah balita gizi buruk, Gizi Kurang, dan gizi baik, informasi ini dapat digunakan untuk merencanakan penanggulangan gizi buruk5. Jumlah balita dalam suatu wilayah yang telah mendapatkan vitamin A.6. Dan beberapa informasi tentang Program Gizi di wilayah Puskemas tersebut, semua itu dapat dilakukan untuk Perencanaan Kegiatan.

4. Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) terus berkembang dengan pesat. Apa yang dapat anda sarankan kepada organisasi anda dalam memilih, menggunakan dan memelihara investasi TIK yang menjamin keberlangsungan, aksebilitas, kemanfaatan serta keamanan Sistem Manajemen Basisdata yang ditawarkan.Saran saya kepada organisasi dalam memilih, menggunakan dan memelihara investasi TIK yang menjamin keberlangsungan, kemanfaatan serta keamanan Sistem Manajemen Basisdata adalah sebagai berikut :a. Dalam Pemilihan Sofware database memilih sofware yang opensource, yaitu program yang free atau bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja tanpa harus membeli dan membayar lisensi kepada pembuatnyab. Software database merupakan database server, yang dapat memungkinkan dapat diakses bersama, atau dapat dihubungkan dengan media internetc. Software database dapat menyimpan data berkapasitas sangat besar sampai dengan ukuran Gigabyte.d. Software database memiliki enskripsi password, sehingga tidak semua dapat mengaskesnya.e. Sofware database yang multi user, artinya database ini tidak hanya digunakan oleh sepihak orang akan tetapi merupakan database yang dapat digunakan oleh banyak pengguna.

f. Software database yang memiliki kecepatan dalam pembuatan tabel maupun peng-update-an tabel

Perangkat lunak pada basis data :

Level tiinggi :

Basis data Oracle

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Belum Diperiksa

Oracle Database

Pengembang Oracle Corporation

Status pengembangan Active

Bahasa pemograman C, C++ [1]

Ketersediaan bahasa Multi


Lisensi Perorangan

Situs web resmi

Basis data Oracle adalah basis data relasional yang terdiri dari kumpulan data dalam suatu sistem manajemen basis data RDBMS. Perusahaan perangkat lunak Oracle memasarkan jenis basis data ini untuk bermacam-macam aplikasi yang bisa berjalan pada banyak jenis dan merk perangkat keras komputer (platform).

Basis data Oracle ini pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Larry Ellison, Bob Miner dan Ed Oates lewat perusahaan konsultasinya bernama Software Development Laboratories (SDL) pada tahun 1977. Pada tahun 1983, perusahaan ini berubah nama menjadi Oracle Corporation sampai sekarang.


Edisi Standar (SE)

o edisi Standar Satu

Edisi Enterprise (EE)

Edisi Express (XE)

Oracle Database Lite



Jenis perangkat keras (platform) yang dipakai sebagai server (host):

Apple Mac OS X Server



PA-RISC, Itanium




Alpha, Itanium






x86, x86-64, PowerPC, zSeries, Itanium

Microsoft Windows

x86, x86-64, Itanium

Sun Solaris

SPARC, x86, x86-64


Pesaing dari perangkat lunak Oracle adalah:

IBM: DB2, Informix, UDB

Microsoft SQL Server

Teradata (data warehousing dan business intelligence)

Software AG: Adabas

Sybase .

Oracle dan IBM menekankan pada platform menengah seperti UNIX dan Linux, sementara Microsoft cenderung meraih pasar untuk kelas rendah (Microsoft Windows platforms).

Basis data Oracle juga bersaing dengan basis data sumber-terbuka (open-source relational databases), seperti PostgreSQL, Firebird, dan MySQL. Perangkat lunak EnterpriseDB yang berbasis PostgreSQL, belum lama ini mengumumkan fitur yang kompatibel dengan Oracle dengan harga yang sangat wajar dan murah


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This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. (October 2012)

Sybase, a SAP company[1]

Type Subsidiary of SAP

Industry Computer software

Founded Berkeley, California (1984)

Headquarters Dublin, California

Key people Suvro Ghosh, CEO

Products List of Sybase products

Revenue No longer reported

Number of employees 3,576 (2012)


Sybase headquarters in Dublin, California.

Sybase is an enterprise software and services company that produces software to manage and analyze information in relational databases. Sybase is a standalone subsidiary of SAP


Sybase 365

Sybase 365 Mobile

Sybase iAnywhere


1984: Mark Hoffman, Bob Epstein of Britton Lee, Inc., Jane Doughty, and Tom Haggin found Sybase (initially as Systemware) in Epstein’s home in Berkeley, California. Their first commercial location was half of an office suite on Dwight Avenue in Berkeley. They set out to create a relational database management system (RDBMS) that would organize information and make it available to computers within a network.

March 1986: Sybase enters into talks with Microsoft to license DataServer, a database product built to run on UNIX computers. Those talks led to a product called Ashton-Tate/Microsoft SQL Server 1.0, which shipped in May of 1989. [3]

1986: Sybase ships its first test programs.

1987: Sybase formally releases the Sybase system, the first high-performance RDBMS for online applications[citation needed] providing the Human Genome Project with licenses for the first generation of client-server relational databases. Rather than having a vast central bank of data stored in a large mainframe computer, the Sybase System provided for a client-server computer architecture. Sybase called the database server "Sybase SQL Server".

1988: Sybase, Microsoft, and Ashton-Tate port the Sybase RDBMS to the OS/2 platform. Microsoft markets the new product as SQL Server. The terms of the agreement give Microsoft a license to Sybase's SQL Server code. Ashton-Tate soon drops out. Sybase SQL Server version 4.9 and Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 & 6.5 are virtually identical. Their Transact-SQL (T-SQL) procedural language is very similar, as is the basic process architecture. The main difference is Sybase has a Unix heritage, while Microsoft SQL Server was adapted and

optimized originally for OS/2, then for the Microsoft Windows 3.0, and later Windows NT operating system. Sybase and Microsoft later split the code-lines and went their own way due to disagreements over revenue sharing.

October 1989: Sybase releases additional products, introducing the Sybase Open Client-Server Interfaces—new software programs that provided generic client-server communication, allowing for greater connectivity within computer networks.

1989: Sybase achieves sales of $56 million and becomes unprofitable during the 1990s.

August 1991: Sybase goes public at a split adjusted price of $6.75.

June 1992: Sybase announces its latest generation of software—named the System 10 product family; these programs were designed to provide a framework for companies to switch over their computer operations from older mainframe models to client-server systems.

1993: Sybase and Microsoft dissolve their partnership. Microsoft bought the SQL Server code base from Sybase. Sybase launches Replication Server, a data replication technology that moves and synchronizes data across the enterprise.

April 1993: Sybase introduced the first component of System 10, called OmniSQL Gateway. This program connected the various parts of a computer network, enabling users to access data changes made within the network. Later that year, Sybase completed its rollout of the System 10 components used to manage computer systems: SQL Server 10 and Back-up Server; Open Client-Server APIs; SQL Monitor and SA Companion.

1994: Sybase acquires Powersoft, the leading maker of development tools for client-server computing, with 40 percent of that market. Through the deal, Sybase acquired PowerBuilder, a rapid application development (RAD) tool and Powersoft’s leading product. The acquisition also marked the basis of Sybase’s entry into the enterprise mobility market with Watcom SQL, which Sybase renamed SQL Anywhere. When Sybase launched its mobility subsidiary, Sybase iAnywhere, in 2000, SQL Anywhere became its flagship relational database management system (RDBMS) and helped the company to become the leader of the mobile database market. Powersoft had acquired Watcom earlier that year.

1995: Sybase launches PowerDesigner, a modeling and metadata management solution, following its acquisition of PowerAMC.

1995 Sybase renames the main product SQL Server to its current name Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) for version 11.5. Anywhere 5 is released. It includes SQL Remote, SQL Central, Transact SQL syntax, and support for the Sybase Replication Server.

In 1996, Mitchell Kertzman, Powersoft CEO, was appointed CEO of Sybase. Sybase launched Sybase IQ, the first column-based analytics platform.

1997: Sybase’s flagship database product Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) starts its life in the mid-eighties as "Sybase SQL Server". Microsoft is a Sybase distributor, reselling the Sybase product for OS/2 and NT under the name "Microsoft SQL Server." Around 1994,

Microsoft begins independently developing its own product. When Sybase releases version 11.5 in 1997, Sybase renames its product to "Adaptive Server Enterprise" to better distinguish itself from MS SQL Server.

January 1998: Sybase announced that it had found inconsistencies in profits reporting from its Japanese division, and would restate the financial results for the company for the last three quarters of 1997.[4] Five executives in Sybase's Japanese subsidiary were found to have used side letters to artificially inflate the profits from their operations. Following a class-action lawsuit,[5] the five executives involved were fired.

November 1998: John S. Chen is appointed Chairman, CEO and President.[6]

1998: SQL Anywhere 6 released, with new names Adaptive Server Anywhere as the engine and part of the SQL Anywhere Studio, which now includes SQL Modeler (later PowerDesigner), Java is introduced to the database.

2000: Sybase returns to profitability under the management of John S. Chen. iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. is founded as a subsidiary of Sybase.

2001: Sybase acquires New Era of Networks, a leading application integration company that produces the e-Biz Integrator middleware, though it stops offering this product in 2004.

2003: Sybase launches the “Unwired Enterprise” strategy.[7]

2004: Sybase acquires XcelleNet, frontline device management software based in Georgia, to enhance its Unwired Enterprise strategy.

2005: Sybase releases ASE 15.0.

August 2006: iAnywhere announces release of SQL Anywhere 10.

November 2006: Sybase acquires Mobile 365, a mobile data and messaging company, and renames it Sybase 365.

2007: Sybase crossed the $1 billion mark.[8]

2008: Sybase releases Adaptive Server Enterprise, Cluster Edition, with Oracle RAC-like shared-everything clusterability, but based on an open architecture and less costly. Sybase launches RAP – The Trading Edition, an analytics platform for Wall Street. In August of the same year, Sybase promoted the Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP), a platform for developing mobile applications across a heterogeneous environment. In September 2008, Sybase 365 expanded its messaging interoperability with the launch of its global Multimedia Messaging Exchange, MMX 365.

May 2008, the Sybase IQ analytics server set a new Guinness World Record by powering the world’s largest data warehouse.[9]

August 2008: Sybase unveils the Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP), a platform for developing mobile applications across a heterogeneous environment.

September 2008: Sybase 365 expands its messaging interoperability with the launch of its global Multi-media Messaging Exchange, MMX 365.

January 2009, Sybase acquires mPayment solutions provider paybox.[10] In March 2009, Sybase and SAP partnered to deliver the new SAP Business Suite software to iPhone, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and other devices. In September 2009, Sybase and Verizon partnered to manage mobility solutions for enterprises worldwide through Verizon’s Managed Mobility Solutions, which uses Sybase’s enterprise device management platform. Gartner reported that Sybase gained market share in the database industry[citation needed].

March 2009: Sybase and SAP partner to deliver the SAP Business Suite software to iPhone, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and other devices.

May 2009: Sybase begins packaging MicroStrategy business intelligence software with its Sybase IQ server.[11]

September 2009: Sybase and Verizon partner to manage mobility solutions for enterprises worldwide through Verizon’s Managed Mobility Solutions, which uses Sybase’s enterprise device management platform.

May 2010: SAP announced that it would be acquiring Sybase for $5.8 billion.[12]

July 2010: SAP completes tender offer for shares of Sybase and its acquisition.[13]

August 2010: Sybase partners with telecommunications partners to offer the world's first fully operational IPX Voice hub.[14]

September 2010: Sybase 365 becomes one of the largest independent (non-telco) exchanges for text (SMS) and multimedia (MMS) messages by delivering more than 1 trillion messages - equivalent to 32,000 per second for an entire year.[15][citation needed]

November 2010: Sybase and Verizon deliver Mobile Services Enablement Platform to reduce the complexity for enterprises to develop and deploy mobile apps, even if they have diverse back-end software and user devices (i.e. multiple brands and platforms of smartphones and tablets).[16] The need appears to be there: 90% of IT managers plan to deploy new mobile apps and one in two believe that successfully managing mobile apps will top their priority list, according to a January survey sponsored by Sybase.[17]

2011: Sybase IQ is positioned in the Leaders quadrant of Gartner's 2011 Data Ware House Database Management System Magic Quadrant.[18]

February 2011: Sybase is positioned in Leaders quadrant in Gartner's 2011 Data Warehouse Database Management System Magic Quadrant.[18]

July 2011: Sybase awarded Best CEP Provider and Best Enterprise Data Management Provider at the Water Rankings Awards.[19]

September 2011: Sybase Celebrates 20-Year PowerBuilder Milestone.[20]

November 2011: Sybase integrates statistical programming language R in Sybase RAP for Capital Markets Analytics.[21]

February 2012: Sybase 365 Recognized by Juniper Research among leaders in the Future of Mobile Commerce.[22] Sybase is designated a Leader in the 2012 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse DBMS.[23]

October 2012: All Sybase employees are incorporated into SAP's workforce.

November 2012: After leading Sybase for 15 years, Sybase CEO and President John S. Chen leaves Sybase following the completion of Sybase's integration into SAP.


Sybase works with companies in infrastructure, data storage and virtualization to optimize technologies for delivery into public and virtual private cloud environments that provide greater technology availability and flexibility to Sybase customers looking to unwire their enterprise. Sybase has a strong presence in the financial services,[24] telecommunications, technology, and government markets.[25]

Sybase's main products include:

Data Management Products

Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) - Enterprise Class RDBMS, with a data analytics warehouse system.

Advantage Database Server (ADS) - Relational Database Management System

Sybase Replication Server - a platform for data replication and movement between database systems, including Sybase and Oracle, a vendor-neutral data-movement system

Analytics Products

Sybase IQ - an analytics data warehousing and business intelligence RDBMS

RAP the Trading Edition- a capital markets analytics platform

Sybase Complex Event Processing - Optimized real-time risk and trade analytics software

Mobility Products

SQL Anywhere - RDBMS with a small footprint designed for mobility

Afaria - Mobile device management and security software

Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) - a framework for developing mobile applications that SAP is using both as a development platform and a device management system[26]

SMS Ad Exchange - an SMS mobile advertising service.

GRX 365 - network performance and security

mBanking 365 - a mobile banking product

MMS 365 - a content delivery gateway

MMX 365 - a messaging exchange

Sybase 365 mCommerce Solution - for the mobile messaging and mobile commerce markets, an end-to-end solution for mBanking, mPayments and mRemittance


PowerBuilder - a rapid application development (RAD) tool

PowerDesigner - a modeling and design tool

Sybase offers products for several operating systems:

Microsoft Windows

Several varieties of Unix


Boeing's Spatial Query Server (SQS)

Sybase partnered with The Boeing Company to develop and license SQS.

SQS enables a Sybase ASE Database to optimally store and query data that represents objects defined in a geometric space. SQS is a spatial database.

User groups

There are many Sybase-centric user groups around the world. The International Sybase User Group (ISUG), with members in more than 60 countries, acts as an umbrella organization for these groups, providing logistical support for user group meetings and other events.

xBase is the generic term for all programming languages that derive from the original dBASE (Ashton-Tate) programming language and database formats. These are sometimes informally known as dBASE "clones". While there was a non-commercial predecessor to the Ashton-Tate product (Vulcan written by Wayne Ratliff), most clones are based on Ashton-Tate's 1986 dBASE III+ release — scripts written in the dBASE III+ dialect are most likely to run on all the clones.

History of the X

Ashton-Tate always maintained that everything relating to dBASE was proprietary, and as a result, filed lawsuits against several of the "clone" software vendors. One effect of this action was to cause the clone vendors to avoid using the term "dBASE": a trademark term held by Ashton-Tate. This gave rise to the creation of the generic term "xBase" meaning "dBASE or dBASE-like." A suggested name that narrowly failed was "*base" (pronounced "star base" and an homage to Vulcan and Star Trek), and some wanted it spelled "X-base" to further differentiate it from the trademark.

Standards effort

By 1987 there were an increasing number of "clone" software products that mimicked dBASE. Each of these products had its own unique set of supported language features and syntax. As such, it was often very difficult to move code developed with one dBASE-like product to run in another one. (This was in contrast to older programming languages such as C or COBOL where due to published official standards, carefully developed code could possibly be run in a wide range of software environments.) While there were many cries for a standard for the dBASE programming language syntax, nothing would happen as long as Ashton-Tate asserted ownership of all-things dBASE.

Once Borland acquired Ashton-Tate in mid-1991 (and was apparently required to drop the lawsuits as an anti-trust related condition of the merger), such standardization efforts were given new life. An ANSI committee (ANSI/X3J19) was officially formed, and began regular meetings in 1992. Marc Schnapp was the first chairman, and the first meeting was held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California which was essentially the birthplace of Vulcan and dBASE II. The group met on a regular basis in a variety of locations over the next few years, and representatives from most major vendors participated. But despite lip service from all the vendors on the need for a standard, no one seemed willing to change their product syntax to match that of a competitor.

Influences over time

In 1989, Microtrend Books published the first "Xbase" cross-reference book (before the term was coined), The dBASE Language Handbook, by David M. Kalman, which covered Quicksilver, Clipper, dbxl, dBASE III, dBASE III Plus, dBASE IV, and FoxBase+. At more than 1,000 pages, it compared the execution of commands and functions to enable developers to build and maintain portable applications.

In 1993, Sybex, Inc. (computer books) published the Xbase Cross Reference Handbook, by Sheldon M. Dunn, another cross reference of the most commonly used xBase languages at that time—dBASE III+, dBASE IV, FoxPro for DOS, FoxPro for Windows, FoxPro for Macintosh and Clipper 5.1. At 1352 pages and 5.1 pounds shipping weight, the Cross Reference was hardly a handbook, but it provided the xBase community with an up-to-date, all-in-one reference manual, and addressed one of the major documentation problems that the community was facing. The software companies had decided to break their manuals into sections, separating commands from functions, etc., and splitting the (previous) manual into two or three different manuals, and the community was left trying to figure what-was-what and which manual to keep close at hand. 1993 was pivotal for the xBase community because, as previously noted, Ashton-Tate had earlier sold dBASE as well as the rest of their product line to Borland and Microsoft had purchased FoxPro from Fox Software. Borland had also purchased QuickSilver to get a foot up the development ladder for a dBASE version for Windows (then 3.1). In 1994, Borland launched dBase V for Windows and dBASE V for DOS before selling the dBASE name and product line to dBASE Inc.

In recent years there seems to be a renewed interest in xBase, mostly because of a number of open source, portable, xBase implementations (listed below), and the scripting applicability of the language. While newer desk-top database tools are optimized for mouse usage, xBase has always been "keyboard friendly", which helps make scripting and meta-programming (automating the automation) easier. Meta-programming generally does not work as well with mouse-oriented

techniques because automating mouse movements can require calculating and processing of screen coordinates, something most developers find tedious and difficult to debug. xBase is one of the few table-oriented scripting languages still available.

xBase products

As of 2010, xBase is available and still expanding in terms of platform support (operating system), HTML clients, ASP Servers, Windows Scripting Host, and self-contained interpreters. Its current usage tends to be wider in Europe and Asia than in the United States.

The commercially available products:

• Apollo database engine for managing CA-Clipper and FoxPro from Vista Software

• Clipper , Visual Objects (Windows 32) and Vulcan.NET from GrafX Software

• dBase from dBASE Inc.

• DBFView , DBF editor/viewer/converter from Apycom Software

• FlagShip from multisoft GmbH

• GS-Base - managing dBase, CA-Clipper and FoxPro files

• Recital from Recital Corp.

• XBase++ from Alaska Software

• xHarbour Builder eXtended xBase Compiler

• DBF Viewer 2000 from HiBase Group

• DBF Database management tools from Astersoft Co. Ltd.

• DBF Commander Professional

• Visual DBU visual administration of any database/table from DS-Datasoft

• CodeBase xBase programming tools for multiple languages

• Xailer complete 32 bits visual development environment for Xbase

• FiveWin visual development for Windows e Linux, from Fivetech

Some free versions are also available, including:

• ActiveVFP – Free and open source project for creating web applications with Foxpro

• CLIP – GNU, object oriented, CA-Clipper compatible compiler

• Harbour Project – from active community

• xHarbour – Open Source alternative

• FlagShip free test version

• DBF Commander (free version)

• DBFree – script interpreter for developing xBase applications for the web

Defunct products:

• Visual FoxPro was available from Microsoft (last update 2007)

• Vulcan (dBase predecessor)

• DBIII Compiler

• QuickSilver

• dbXL

• Dialog

• Joinner (from Brazilian company Tuxon)

• VP-Info

• Force

• dbFast

• Multibase

• FoxBase

• Cule.Net from Software Perspectives

Interpreted versus compiled

xBase products generally split into an interpreted camp and the compiler camp. The original product was interpreted, but the "clones", led by Clipper, began creating compiler versions of the product. Compiling improved overall run-time speed and source-code security, but at the expense of an interpreted mode for interactive development or ad-hoc projects.

External links

• Clipper Newsgroup

• The History of FoxPro: People Who Helped FoxPro Become a Legend

• Vulcan.NET Xbase language for Microsoft .NET

• The NTK Project , WIN32 Gui Framework for (x)Harbour, backward compatible with Clipper and Clip4Win.

• Xbase ( & dBASE ) File Format Description

• Active web pages using server-side Xbase scripts, freeware MaxScript Xbase interpreter, embedded DBF data engine

• MaxScript Xbase interpreter for desktop and web applications,


InterBase is a relational database management system (RDBMS) currently developed and marketed by Embarcadero Technologies. InterBase is distinguished from other RDBMSs by its small footprint, close to zero administration requirements, and multi-generational architecture.[1] InterBase runs on the Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris operating systems as well as iOS and Android.


In many respects, InterBase is quite conventional; it is a SQL-92-compliant relational database and supports standard interfaces such as JDBC, ODBC, and ADO.NET. However, certain technical features distinguish InterBase from other products.

Small footprint

A full InterBase 2009 server installation requires around 40 MB on disk. This is significantly smaller than the client installation of many competing database servers. The server uses very little memory when idle. A minimum InterBase client install requires about 400 KB of disk space.

Embedded or server

InterBase offers the option to run as an embedded database or regular server.

Minimal administration

InterBase servers typically do not require full-time database administrators.

Data controller friendly inbuilt encryption

Since InterBase XE, InterBase includes 256bit AES strength encryption that offers full database, table or column data encryption. This assist data controllers conform with data protection laws around at-rest data by providing separated encryption / db access to the database and ensuring the database file is encrypted wherever it resides. The separation of the encryption also enables developers to just develop the application rather than worry about the data visible from a specific user login.

Multi-generational architecture

Concurrency control

Consider a simple banking application where two users have access to the funds in a particular account. Bob reads the account and finds there is 1000 dollars in it, so he withdraws 500. Jane reads the same account before Bob has changed it, sees 1000 dollars, and withdraws 800. The account should be 300 dollars overdrawn, however, depending on which transaction gets processed first it

will contain either 500 or 200 dollars. This poses a serious problem and needless to say, any database system with multi-user access needs some sort of system to deal with these scenarios.

The techniques used to solve this and other related problems are known in the database industry as concurrency control.

Traditional products used locks which stated that a particular transaction was going to modify a record. Once the lock was placed, no one else could read or modify the data until the lock was released. The lock may block changes to a single record, a page (a group of records stored together on disk) of records, or every record examined by a particular transaction, depending on the lock resolution. Lock resolution is a tradeoff between performance and accuracy—by blocking updates at the page level, for example, some updates will be blocked which do not in fact conflict with updates made by other transactions, but performance will be improved in comparison with record level locks.

Locking becomes an even bigger problem when combined with another feature common to all such systems, isolation. This is because transactions typically involve both a read and a write—in this example, to read the value of the account and then change it. In order to show an isolated view of the data the entire transaction, including records read but never written to, must be locked in many database servers.

In InterBase, readers do not block writers. Instead, each record in the database can exist in more than one version. For instance, when Bob and Jane read the accounts they would both get "version 1", reading 1000 dollars. When Bob then changes the account to make his withdrawal the data is not overwritten, but instead a new "version 2" will be created with 500 dollars. Jane's attempt to make her 800 dollar withdrawal will notice that there is a new version 2, and her attempt to make a withdrawal will fail.

This approach to concurrency control is called multiversion concurrency control. InterBase's implementation of multiversion concurrency control is commonly called its multi-generational architecture. InterBase was the second commercial database to use this technique; the first was DEC's Rdb/ELN.

Multiversion concurrency control also makes true snapshot transaction isolation relatively simple to implement. A transaction with snapshot isolation in InterBase shows the state of the database precisely as it was at the instant the transaction began. This is very useful for backups of an active database, long-running batch processes, and the like.

Rollbacks and recovery

InterBase also uses its multi-generational architecture to implement rollbacks. Most database servers use logs to implement the rollback feature, which can result in rollbacks taking a long time or possibly even requiring manual intervention. By contrast, InterBase's rollbacks are near-instantaneous and never fail.


Certain operations are more difficult to implement in a multi-generational architecture, and hence perform slowly relative to a more traditional implementation. One example is the SQL COUNT verb. Even when an index is available on the column or columns included in the COUNT, all records must be visited in order to see if they are visible under the current transaction isolation.


Multiversion concurrency control before InterBase

Multiversion concurrency control is described in some detail in sections 4.3 and 5.5 of the 1981 paper "Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems"[2] by Philip Bernstein and Nathan Goodman—then employed by the Computer Corporation of America. Bernstein and Goodman's paper cites a 1978 dissertation[3] by D.P. Reed which quite clearly describes MVCC and claims it as an original work.

Starkey's MVCC was differed radically from the work of Reed, Bernstein, and Goodman in the handling of read/write [RW] conflicts. In Bernstein’s system, a record read by an older transaction was fatal to an attempted write by a younger, violating the principle that readers should not block writers. Starkey’s system avoided this problem by managing RW collisions without conflict so that readers would not block writers and writers would not block readers.

The MVCC system used in Starkey's InterBase was essentially identical to the system used by Starkey in his earlier Rdb/ELN product.

InterBase Software—originally known as Groton Database Systems—was born in Ann Harrison's spare room. Ann was the first junior programmer for the company and worked on nearly every component between version 0 and 3.3.[4]

Jim Starkey was working at DEC on their DATATRIEVE 4th generation language 4GL product when he came up with an idea for a system to manage concurrent changes by many users. The idea dramatically simplified the existing problems of locking which were proving to be a serious problem for the new relational database systems being developed at the time. Starkey, however, had the idea after he had spun off his original relational database project to another group and a turf war ensued. Starkey left the company after shipping the first version of the Rdb/ELN product.

Although InterBase's implementation is much more similar to the system described by Reed in his MIT dissertation than any other database that existed at the time and Starkey knew Bernstein from his previous position at the Computer Corporation of America and later at DEC, Starkey has stated that he arrived at the idea of multiversion concurrency control independently.[5] In the same comment, Starkey says:

The inspiration for multi-generational concurrency control was a database system done by Prime that supported page level snapshots. The intention of the feature was to give a reader a consistent view of the database without blocking writers. The idea intrigued me as a very useful characteristic of a database system.

He had heard that the local workstation vendor Apollo Computer was looking for a database offering on their Unix machines, and they agreed to fund development. With their encouragement he

formed Groton Database Systems (named after the town, Groton, Massachusetts, where they were located) on Labor Day 1984 and started work on what would eventually be released as InterBase. In 1986 Apollo suffered a corporate shakeup and decided to exit the software business,[citation needed] but by this time the product was making money.

The road to Borland

Between 1986 and 1991 the product was gradually sold to Ashton-Tate, makers of the famous dBASE who were at the time purchasing various database companies in order to fill out their portfolio. The company was soon in trouble,[citation needed] and Borland purchased Ashton-Tate in 1991, acquiring InterBase as part of the deal.

Open source

In early 2000, Borland announced that InterBase would be released under open source, and began negotiations to spin off a separate company to manage the product. When the people who were to run the new company and Borland could not agree on the terms of the separation, InterBase remained a Borland product, and the source code for InterBase version 6 was released under a variant of the Mozilla Public License in mid-2000.

With the InterBase division at Borland under new management, the company released a proprietary version of InterBase version 6 and then 6.5. Borland released several updates to the open source code before announcing that it would no longer actively develop the open source project. Firebird, an open source fork of the InterBase 6 code, however, remains in active development.

In 2001, a backdoor was discovered (and fixed) in the software that had been present in all versions since 1994.[6]


On February 8 of 2006, Borland announced the intention to sell their line of development tool products, including InterBase, Delphi, JBuilder, and other tools [1], but instead of selling the divisions, Borland spun them out as a subsidiary on 14 November 2006. InterBase, along with IDE tools such as Delphi and JBuilder were included in the new company's product lineup. Then on 7 May 2008, Borland and Embarcadero Technologies announced that Embarcadero had "signed a definitive asset purchase agreement to purchase CodeGear."[7] The acquisition, for approximately $24.5 million, closed on 30 June 2008.[8]

Recent releases

At the end of 2002, Borland released InterBase version 7, featuring support for SMP, enhanced support for monitoring and control of the server by administrators, and more. Borland released InterBase 7.1 in June 2003, 7.5 in December 2004, and 7.5.1 on June 1, 2005.

In September 2006, Borland announced[9] the availability of InterBase 2007. Its new features include point in time recovery via journaling (which also allows recoverability without the performance penalty of synchronous writes), incremental backup, batch statement operations, new Unicode character encodings, and a new ODBC driver.

In September 2008, Embarcadero announced[10] the availability of InterBase 2009. Its new features include full database encryption, selective column-level data encryption and over-the-wire encryption offering secure TCP/IP communication via Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

In September 2010, Embarcadero announced[11] the availability of InterBase XE. Its new features include a 64 bit client and server, improved security, improved scalability, support for dynamic SQL in stored procedures, and optimized performance of large objects with stream methods.

In 2013/2014 Embarcadero added iOS and then Android to the available supported platforms in InterBase XE3. Additionally InterBase IBLite was released - a run time royalty free edition of InterBase covering Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

In December 2014, embarcadero released InterBase XE7 offering a brand new, patent pending change tracking technology called "Change Views.". Added Ubuntu to the certified Linux platforms and also added 64bit Linux support. Additional 64bit transaction ID's were introduced and new distinguished data dumps enabling rapid updates of read only copies of the master database.

See also

• Comparison of relational database management systems

• List of relational database management systems


· Todd, Bill. "InterBase: What Sets It Apart". The Database Group, Inc. publications. Retrieved September 21, 2005.

· · Bernstein, Philip A. and Goodman, Nathan. "Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems". ACM Computing Surveys. Retrieved September 21, 2005.

· · Reed, D.P. "Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized Computer System". MIT dissertation. Retrieved September 21, 2005.

· · The InterBase On-Disk Structure

· · Starkey, Jim. "Weblog comment". Multiversion Concurrency Control Before InterBase. Retrieved September 21, 2005.

· · CERT Advisory CA-2001-01 Interbase Server Contains Compiled-in Back Door Account

· · Intersimone, David (2008-05-07). "Community Letter: Embarcadero Technologies agrees to acquire CodeGear from Borland". Retrieved 2008-05-08.

· · Bravo, Thoma (2008-07-01). "Embarcadero Technologies Closes Acquisition of CodeGear". Retrieved 2008-07-03.

· · Borland’s Developer Tools Group Introduces InterBase 2007

· · Embarcadero Announces High-Performance InterBase SMP 2009 Database

• · Embarcadero’s New InterBase XE Offers Advanced Security and Scalability with Near-Zero Administration


Firebird is an open source SQL relational database management system that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and a variety of Unix. The database forked from Borland's open source edition of InterBase in 2000, but since Firebird 1.5 the code has been largely rewritten.[3]


Within a week of the InterBase 6.0 source being released by Borland on 25 July 2000,[4][5] the Firebird project was created on SourceForge.[6][7] Firebird 1.0 was released for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X on 11 March 2002,[8] with ports to Solaris, FreeBSD 4, HP-UX following over the next two months.[9]

Work on porting the codebase from C to C++ began in 2000. On 23 February 2004, Firebird 1.5 was released,[10] which was the first stable release of the new codebase. Version 1.5 featured an improved query optimizer, SQL-92 conditional expressions, SQL:1999 savepoints and support for explicit locking.[11] Firebird 2.0 was released on 12 November 2006,[12] adding support for 64-bit architectures, tables nested in FROM clauses, and programmable lock timeouts in blocking transactions.[13]

The previous stable release was version 2.1.6, which added new features including procedural triggers, recursive queries, and support for SQL:2003 MERGE statements.[14]

Firebird 2.5.4 is the current stable version. New features included improved multithreading, regular expression syntax and the ability to query remote databases.[15]

Through the Google Summer of Code 2013 work has begun on integrating Firebird as an replacement for HSQLDB in LibreOffice.[16][17]

The planned 3.0 release is expected to support stored procedures in languages such as Java and C++, and SQL window functions that restrict query results. A first Beta version was released in November 2014.[18]

Mozilla Firefox name conflict

In April 2003, the Mozilla Foundation decided to rename its web browser from Phoenix to Firebird after a trademark dispute with Phoenix Technologies.[citation needed] This decision caused concern within the Firebird database project due to the assumption that users and Internet search engines would be confused by a database and a web browser both using the name Firebird.[19] The dispute continued until the Mozilla developers issued a statement making clear that their software package was called "Mozilla Firebird", not "Firebird". The statement also said that the Mozilla Firebird name

was a project codename. On 9 February 2004, Mozilla renamed its browser Mozilla Firefox, thus ending the conflict.[20]

Main features

• Full support for stored procedures and triggers [21]

• Full ACID compliant transactions

• Referential integrity

• Multi Generational Architecture (sometimes called MVCC)[22]

• Support for External Functions (UDFs)

• SQL activity can send asynchronous notification events to clients

• Third party tools, including GUI administrative tools and replication tools

• Careful writes - fast recovery, no need for transaction logs

• Many access methods: native/API, dbExpress/FireDAC[23] drivers, ODBC, OLEDB, .Net provider, JDBC native type 4 driver, Python module, PHP, Perl

• Incremental backups

• Full cursor implementation in PSQL

Storage and index technology

The Multi-Generational Architecture (MGA)

Firebird inherited the storage architecture of Interbase. To ensure the ACID properties of transactions, the database engine keeps different versions of each record changed by the active users in the database. When the transactions are committed, the last version of every changed record is marked as the definitive. If transactions are rolled back, the database engine keeps the mark on the original record versions, leaving them untouched.[24] As a result, Firebird disk writes are very reduced compared to databases that use the traditional transaction log architecture.[25] Writing transactions does not prevent reading and vice versa, because each one sees its own version of the database.[26] The tradeoff is that some maintenance (“sweeping”) is required from time to time to clean up old record versions and free disk space.[27]

The multi-generational architecture ensures that OLTP and DSS/OLAP operations can be run simultaneously without the delays caused by locking mechanisms found in other products.[28]


Firebird makes all indices of the database behave like well-tuned “clustered indexes” used by other architectures. Firebird index buckets aren’t subject to two-phase locking, and boolean “and” and “or” operations can be performed on intermediate bitmaps at a negligible cost, eliminating the need for the optimizer to choose between alternative indexes.[29]


• Firebird SuperServer has a single daemon/server for all client connections, multithreaded with shared cache

• Firebird SuperClassic also has a single daemon/server for all client connections, multithreaded with separate caches

• Firebird Classic uses inetd to run one copy of the server per client connection, recommended for SMP systems but might have event-notification issues if access is via a firewall

• Firebird Embedded for creating CD-ROM catalogs, single user or evaluation versions of applications


The Firebird database engine and its modules are released under an open-source license, the Initial Developer's Public License (IDPL), a variant of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1. It does not require the developer to open the products using Firebird or even custom-derivatives made from its source code, but if the developer chooses to do so, then some terms and conditions should be honored. The IDPL allows the developer to make proprietary, closed-source applications that use Firebird or are based on it.[30]

Connectivity APIs

Low-level Firebird Native API, Services API and embedded SQL

The Firebird native API is used directly or indirectly by applications or middleware that connect to a Firebird database. It is implemented in the client library, fbclient.dll, on Windows systems, and in on Unix ones. [31]

The Services API is a special function set for accessing and controlling service administration tasks such as user management, backup/restore and statistics gathering.

Embedded SQL is a technique that simplifies the development of C/C++ and COBOL Firebird applications, by using a preprocessor called gpre, which allows the embedding of SQL statements directly into the source code of the host language.[32]


• 2007. SourceForge Community Choice Award: Best Project for enterprise, Best user support.[33]

• 2009. SourceForge Community Choice Award: Best Project for enterprise. Finalist on Best Project and Best Project for Government.[34]

See also

• Firebird Foundation

• Comparison of relational database management systems

• List of relational database management systems

• Multiversion concurrency control


· "Security Updates for v2.1 and v2.5 series". FirebirdSQL. Firebird Foundation. 2014-12-09.

· · "Firebird 3.0 Beta 2 release is available for testing". FirebirdSQL. Firebird Foundation. 2015-07-03. Retrieved 2015-07-04.

· · "Firebird 1.5.5 Release Notes". Retrieved 29 September 2009. Firebird 1.5.5 General Notes for rewriting it from C to C++ language

· · "Inprise/Borland Introduces InterBase 6.0 Now Free and Open Source on Linux, Windows, and Solaris". 16 July 2000. Archived from the original on 6 December 2004. Retrieved 29 January 2009.

· · " Inprise/Borland Introduces Interbase 6.0 Now Free and Open Source on Linux". Linux Today. Retrieved 29 January 2009.

· · "Firebird History". Retrieved 14 March 2014.

· · Paul Reeves. "What's happening to InterBase". Borland User Group. p. 2. Retrieved 14 March 2014.

· · "IBPhoenix Community News Archive". 11 March 2000. Retrieved 29 January 2009.

· · "IBPhoenix Community News Archive". 11 April 2000. Retrieved 29 January 2009.

· · "Firebird Relational Database 1.5 Final Out". Slashdot. 23 February 2004. Retrieved 31 January 2009.

· · Helen Borrie (5 October 2009). "Firebird 1.5.6 Release Notes". Firebird Project. Retrieved 10 June 2012.

· · Dmitry Yemanov. "Firebird 2.0 Final Release Launches in Prague". Retrieved 5 February 2009.

· · Helen Borrie (5 April 2012). "Firebird 2.0.7 Release Notes". Retrieved 10 June 2012.

· · Helen Borrie (20 July 2014). "Firebird 2.1 Release Notes". Retrieved 20 July 2014.

· · Helen Borrie (27 March 2015). "Firebird 2.5.4 Release Notes". Retrieved 27 March 2015.

· · mariuz (14 Feb 2012). "Firebird Embedded and LibreOffice is the killer combination to scale from a single file application to a client/server approach". Retrieved 8 July 2013.

· · ahunt (28 May 2013). "GSOC 2013: LibreOffice Firebird SQL Connector". Retrieved 8 July 2013.

· · "Firebird Roadmap". November 2014.

· · Festa, Paul (10 February 2004). "New Mozilla name rises from ashes". CNET News. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 3 April 2011.

· · Garrity, Steven; Markham, Gervase; Goodger, Ben; Decrem, Bart et al. "Mozilla Firefox - Brand Name Frequently Asked Questions". Mozilla Foundation. Retrieved 3 April 2011.

· · "Get to know Firebird in 2 minutes".

· · Roman Rokytskyy. "A not-so-very technical discussion of Multi Version Concurrency Control". Retrieved 21 November 2011.

· · "Connect to Firebird (FireDAC)".FireDAC

· · "Multi-generational architecture (MGA) and record versioning". HK-Software. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "Interview with Jim Starkey from InterBase World". Marina Novikova, InterBase World. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "What is Multi Generational Architecture (MGA)?". The Firebird FAQ. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "Database Housekeeping And Garbage Collection". The Firebird Project. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "What is Multi Generational Architecture (MGA)?". The Firebird FAQ. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "Interview with Jim Starkey from InterBase World". Marina Novikova, InterBase World. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "Firebird: Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0". Firebird Project. Retrieved 13 July 2011.

· · "The Firebird client library". The Firebird Project. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · "Application development". The Firebird Project. Retrieved 14 July 2011.

· · " 2007 Community Choice Awards Winners". Retrieved 13 July 2011.

· " 2009 CCA: Winners". Retrieved 13 July 2011.



Screenshot of the default MySQL command-line banner and prompt

Original author(s) MySQL AB

Developer(s) Oracle Corporation

Initial release 23 May 1995; 20 years ago

Stable release 5.6.26[1] / 24 July 2015; 42 days ago

Preview release 5.7.7[2] / 8 April 2015; 4 months ago

Development status Active

Written in C, C++ [3]

Operating systemWindows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD [4]

Available in English


License GPL (version 2) or proprietary [5]


MySQL (officially pronounced as /maɪ ˌɛskjuːˈɛl/ "My S-Q-L",[6] and unofficially as /maɪ ˈsiːkwəl/ "My Sequel") is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS);[7] in July 2013, it was the world's second most[a] widely used RDBMS, and the most widely used open-source client–server RDBMS.[10] It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, My.[11] The SQL acronym stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation.[12] For proprietary use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality.

MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component of the widely used LAMP open source web application software stack (and other "AMP" stacks). LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python." Free-software-open source projects that require a full-featured database management system often use MySQL. Applications that use the

MySQL database include: TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, phpBB, MyBB, Drupal and other software. MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including Google [13] [14] (though not for searches), Facebook,[15][16][17] Twitter,[18] Flickr,[19] and YouTube.[20]

On all platforms except Windows, MySQL ships with no GUI tools to administer MySQL databases or manage data contained within the databases. Users may use the included command line tools,[21][22] or install MySQL Workbench via a separate download. Many third party GUI tools are also available.


MySQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, but it uses a home-brewed lexical analyzer.[23] MySQL works on many system platforms, including AIX, BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-UX, eComStation, i5/OS, IRIX, Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows, NetBSD, Novell NetWare, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, OS/2 Warp, QNX, Oracle Solaris, Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer, SCO UnixWare, Sanos and Tru64. A port of MySQL to OpenVMS also exists.[24]

The MySQL server software itself and the client libraries use dual-licensing distribution. They are offered under GPL version 2,[25] beginning from 28 June 2000[26] (which in 2009 has been extended with a FLOSS License Exception)[27] or to use a proprietary license.[28]

Support can be obtained from the official manual.[29] Free support additionally is available in different IRC channels and forums. Oracle offers paid support via its MySQL Enterprise products. They differ in the scope of services and in price. Additionally, a number of third party organisations exist to provide support and services, including SkySQL Ab and Percona.

MySQL has received positive reviews, and reviewers noticed it "performs extremely well in the average case." and that the "developer interfaces are there, and the documentation (not to mention feedback in the real world via Web sites and the like) is very, very good".[30] It has also been tested to be a "fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded sql database server".[31]


MySQL was created by a Swedish company, MySQL AB, founded by David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael "Monty" Widenius. The first version of MySQL appeared on 23 May 1995. It was initially created for personal usage from mSQL based on the low-level language ISAM, which the creators considered too slow and inflexible. They created a new SQL interface, while keeping the same API as mSQL. By keeping the API consistent with the mSQL system, many developers were able to use MySQL instead of the (proprietarily licensed) mSQL antecedent.[citation needed][dubious – discuss]


Notable milestones in MySQL development include:

• Original development of MySQL by Michael Widenius and David Axmark beginning in 1994[32]

• First internal release on 23 May 1995

• Version 3.19: End of 1996, from

• Version 3.20: January 1997

• Windows version was released on 8 January 1998 for Windows 95 and NT

• Version 3.21: production release 1998, from

• Version 3.22: alpha, beta from 1998

• Version 3.23: beta from June 2000, production release 22 January 2001[33]

• Version 4.0: beta from August 2002, production release March 2003 (unions)

• Version 4.01: beta from August 2003, Jyoti[clarification needed][citation needed] adopts MySQL for database tracking

• Version 4.1: beta from June 2004, production release October 2004 (R-trees and B-trees, subqueries, prepared statements)

• Version 5.0: beta from March 2005, production release October 2005 (cursors, stored procedures, triggers, views, XA transactions)

The developer of the Federated Storage Engine states that "The Federated Storage Engine is a proof-of-concept storage engine",[34] but the main distributions of MySQL version 5.0 included it and turned it on by default. Documentation of some of the short-comings appears in "MySQL Federated Tables: The Missing Manual".[35]

• Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB in 2008.[36]

• Version 5.1: production release 27 November 2008 (event scheduler, partitioning, plugin API, row-based replication, server log tables)

Version 5.1 contained 20 known crashing and wrong result bugs in addition to the 35 present in version 5.0 (almost all fixed as of release 5.1.51).[37]

MySQL 5.1 and 6.0-alpha showed poor performance when used for data warehousing – partly due to its inability to utilize multiple CPU cores for processing a single query.[38]

• Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems on 27 January 2010.[39]

• The day Oracle announced the purchase of Sun, Michael "Monty" Widenius forked MySQL, launching MariaDB, and took a swath of MySQL developers with him.[40]

• MySQL Server 5.5 was generally available (as of December 2010). Enhancements and features include:

• The default storage engine is InnoDB, which supports transactions and referential integrity constraints.

• Improved InnoDB I/O subsystem[41]

• Improved SMP support[42]

• Semisynchronous replication.

• SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statement in compliance with the SQL standard.

• Support for supplementary Unicode character sets utf16, utf32, and utf8mb4.

• New options for user-defined partitioning.

• MySQL Server 6.0.11-alpha was announced[43] on 22 May 2009 as the last release of the 6.0 line. Future MySQL Server development uses a New Release Model. Features developed for 6.0 are being incorporated into future releases.

• MySQL 5.6 general availability was announced in February 2013. New features included performance improvements to the query optimizer, higher transactional throughput in InnoDB, new NoSQL-style memcached APIs, improvements to partitioning for querying and managing very large tables, TIMESTAMP column type that correctly stores milliseconds, improvements to replication, and better performance monitoring by expanding the data available through the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.[44] The InnoDB storage engine also included support for full text search and improved group commit performance.

• MySQL 5.7 Development Milestone 3 was released December 2013.[45]


The following chart provides an overview of various MySQL versions and their current development statuses:[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53]

Legal and acquisition impacts

On 15 June 2001, NuSphere sued MySQL AB, TcX DataKonsult AB and its original authors Michael ("Monty") Widenius and David Axmark in U.S District Court in Boston for "breach of contract, tortious interference with third party contracts and relationships and unfair competition".[54][55]

In 2002, MySQL AB sued Progress NuSphere for copyright and trademark infringement in United States district court. NuSphere had allegedly violated MySQL's copyright by linking MySQL's GPL'ed code with NuSphere Gemini table without being in compliance with the license.[56] After a preliminary hearing before Judge Patti Saris on 27 February 2002, the parties entered settlement

talks and eventually settled.[57] After the hearing, FSF commented that "Judge Saris made clear that she sees the GNU GPL to be an enforceable and binding license."[58]

In October 2005, Oracle Corporation acquired Innobase OY, the Finnish company that developed the third-party InnoDB storage engine that allows MySQL to provide such functionality as transactions and foreign keys. After the acquisition, an Oracle press release mentioned that the contracts that make the company's software available to MySQL AB would be due for renewal (and presumably renegotiation) some time in 2006.[59] During the MySQL Users Conference in April 2006, MySQL issued a press release that confirmed that MySQL and Innobase OY agreed to a "multi-year" extension of their licensing agreement.[60]

In February 2006, Oracle Corporation acquired Sleepycat Software,[61] makers of the Berkeley DB, a database engine providing the basis for another MySQL storage engine. This had little effect, as Berkeley DB was not widely used, and was dropped (due to lack of use) in MySQL 5.1.12, a pre-GA release of MySQL 5.1 released in October 2006.[62]

In January 2008, Sun Microsystems bought MySQL for $1 billion.[63]

In April 2009, Oracle Corporation entered into an agreement to purchase Sun Microsystems,[64] then owners of MySQL copyright and trademark. Sun's board of directors unanimously approved the deal, it was also approved by Sun's shareholders, and by the U.S. government on 20 August 2009.[65] On 14 December 2009, Oracle pledged to continue to enhance MySQL[66] as it had done for the previous four years.

A movement against Oracle's acquisition of MySQL, to "Save MySQL"[67] from Oracle was started by one of the MySQL founders, Monty Widenius. The petition of 50,000+ developers and users called upon the European Commission to block approval of the acquisition. At the same time, several Free Software opinion leaders (including Eben Moglen, Pamela Jones of Groklaw, Jan Wildeboer and Carlo Piana, who also acted as co-counsel in the merger regulation procedure) advocated for the unconditional approval of the merger.[citation needed] As part of the negotiations with the European Commission, Oracle committed that MySQL server will continue until at least 2015 to use the dual-licensing strategy long used by MySQL AB, with proprietary and GPL versions available. The antitrust of the EU had been "pressuring it to divest MySQL as a condition for approval of the merger". But, as revealed by WikiLeaks, the US Department of Justice and Antitrust, at the request of Oracle, pressured the EU to unconditionally approve the merger.[68] The European Commission eventually unconditionally approved Oracle's acquisition of MySQL on 21 January 2010.[69]

In January 2009, prior to Oracle's acquisition of MySQL, Monty Widenius started a GPL-only fork, MariaDB. MariaDB is based on the same code base as MySQL server 5.5 and aims to maintain compatibility with Oracle-provided versions.[70]


MySQL is offered under two different editions: the open source MySQL Community Server and the proprietary Enterprise Server.[71] MySQL Enterprise Server is differentiated by a series of proprietary extensions which install as server plugins, but otherwise shares the version numbering system and is built from the same code base.

Major features as available in MySQL 5.6:

• A broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions

• Cross-platform support

• Stored procedures , using a procedural language that closely adheres to SQL/PSM [72]

• Triggers

• Cursors

• Updatable views

• Online DDL when using the InnoDB Storage Engine.

• Information schema

• Performance Schema

• A set of SQL Mode options to control runtime behavior, including a strict mode to better adhere to SQL standards.

• X/Open XA distributed transaction processing (DTP) support; two phase commit as part of this, using the default InnoDB storage engine

• Transactions with savepoints when using the default InnoDB Storage Engine. The NDB Cluster Storage Engine also supports transactions.

• ACID compliance when using InnoDB and NDB Cluster Storage Engines[73]

• SSL support

• Query caching

• Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)

• Built-in Replication support (i.e. Master-Master Replication & Master-Slave Replication) with one master per slave, many slaves per master.[74] Multi-master replication is provided in MySQL Cluster,[75] and multi-master support can be added to unclustered configurations using Galera Cluster.[76]

• Full-text indexing and searching[b]

• Embedded database library

• Unicode support[c]

• Partitioned tables with pruning of partitions in optimizer

• Shared-nothing clustering through MySQL Cluster

• Multiple storage engines, allowing one to choose the one that is most effective for each table in the application.[d]

• Native storage engines InnoDB, MyISAM, Merge, Memory (heap), Federated, Archive, CSV, Blackhole, NDB Cluster.

• Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions from multiple connections together to increase the number of commits per second.

The developers release minor updates of the MySQL Server approximately every two months. The sources can be obtained from MySQL's website or from MySQL's GitHub repository, both under the GPL license.


Like other SQL databases, MySQL does not currently comply with the full SQL standard for some of the implemented functionality, including foreign key references when using some storage engines other than the default of InnoDB,[77] and check constraints.[78]

Up until MySQL 5.7, triggers are limited to one per action / timing, meaning that at most one trigger can be defined to be executed after an INSERT operation, and one before INSERT on the same table.[79] No triggers can be defined on views.[79]

MySQL database's inbuilt functions like UNIX_TIMESTAMP() will return 0 after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.[80]


LAMP software bundle, displayed here together with Squid.

MySQL can be built and installed manually from source code, but this can be tedious so it is more commonly installed from a binary package unless special customizations are required. On most Linux distributions, the package management system can download and install MySQL with minimal effort, though further configuration is often required to adjust security and optimization settings.

Though MySQL began as a low-end alternative to more powerful proprietary databases, it has gradually evolved to support higher-scale needs as well. It is still most commonly used in small to

medium scale single-server deployments, either as a component in a LAMP-based web application or as a standalone database server. Much of MySQL's appeal originates in its relative simplicity and ease of use, which is enabled by an ecosystem of open source tools such as phpMyAdmin. In the medium range, MySQL can be scaled by deploying it on more powerful hardware, such as a multi-processor server with gigabytes of memory.

There are however limits to how far performance can scale on a single server ('scaling up'), so on larger scales, multi-server MySQL ('scaling out') deployments are required to provide improved performance and reliability. A typical high-end configuration can include a powerful master database which handles data write operations and is replicated to multiple slaves that handle all read operations.[81] The master server continually pushes binlog events to connected slaves so in the event of failure a slave can be promoted to become the new master, minimizing downtime. Further improvements in performance can be achieved by caching the results from database queries in memory using memcached, or breaking down a database into smaller chunks called shards which can be spread across a number of distributed server clusters.[82]

Backup software

Backup software are computer programs used to perform backup; they create supplementary exact copies of files, databases or entire computers. These programs may later use the supplementary copies to restore the original contents in the event of data loss.

Filesystem snapshot or volume manager snapshot backups are performed by using an external tool provided by the operating system (such as Logical Volume Manager in Linux) or storage device, with additional support from MySQL for ensuring consistency of such snapshots.

mysqldump is a logical backup tool included with both community and enterprise editions of MySQL. It supports backing up from all storage engines. MySQL Enterprise Backup is a hot backup utility included as part of the MySQL Enterprise subscription from Oracle, offering native InnoDB hot backup, as well as backup for other storage engines. XtraBackup is an open-source MySQL hot backup software program. Some notable features include hot, non-locking backups for InnoDB storage, incremental backups, streaming, parallel-compressed backups, throttling based on the number of I/O operations per second, etc.[83]

High availability

Ensuring high availability requires a certain amount of redundancy in the system. For database systems, the redundancy traditionally takes the form of having a primary server acting as a master, and using replication to keep secondaries available to take over in case the primary fails. This means that the "server" that the application connects to is in reality a collection of servers, not a single server. In a similar manner, if the application is using a sharded database, it is in reality working with a collection of servers, not a single server. In this case, a collection of servers is usually referred to as a farm.[84]

One of the projects aiming to provide high availability for MySQL is MySQL Fabric, an integrated system for managing a collection of MySQL servers, and a framework on top of which high availability and database sharding is built. MySQL Fabric is open-source and is intended to be extensible, easy to use, and to support procedure execution even in the presence of failure,

providing an execution model usually called resilient execution. MySQL client libraries are extended so they are hiding the complexities of handling failover in the event of a server failure, as well as correctly dispatching transactions to the shards. As of September 2013, there is currently support for Fabric-aware versions of Connector/J, Connector/PHP, Connector/Python, as well as some rudimentary support for Hibernate and Doctrine. As of May 2014, MySQL Fabric is in the general availability stage of development.[85]

Cloud deployment

Main article: Cloud database

MySQL can also be run on cloud computing platforms such as Amazon EC2. Some common deployment models for MySQL on the cloud are:

Virtual machine image

In this implementation, cloud users can upload a machine image of their own with MySQL installed, or use a ready-made machine image with an optimized installation of MySQL on it, such as the one provided by Amazon EC2.[86]

MySQL as a service

Some cloud platforms offer MySQL "as a service". In this configuration, application owners do not have to install and maintain the MySQL database on their own. Instead, the database service provider takes responsibility for installing and maintaining the database, and application owners pay according to their usage.[87] Notable cloud-based MySQL services are the Amazon Relational Database Service; Rackspace; HP Converged Cloud; Heroku and Jelastic.

Managed MySQL cloud hosting

In this implementation, the database is not offered as a service, but the cloud provider hosts the database and manages it on the application owner's behalf. As of 2011, of the major cloud providers, only Terremark and Rackspace offer managed hosting for MySQL databases.[88][89]

User interfaces

Graphical user interfaces

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices or programs through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation. GUIs are easier to learn than command-line interfaces (CLIs),[4][5][6] which require commands to be typed on the keyboard.

Third-party proprietary and free graphical administration applications (or "front ends") are available that integrate with MySQL and enable users to work with database structure and data visually. Some well-known front ends are:

MySQL Workbench running on OS X

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is the official integrated environment for MySQL. It was developed by MySQL AB, and enables users to graphically administer MySQL databases and visually design database structures. MySQL Workbench replaces the previous package of software, MySQL GUI Tools. Similar to other third-party packages, but still considered the authoritative MySQL front end, MySQL Workbench lets users manage database design & modeling, SQL development (replacing MySQL Query Browser) and Database administration (replacing MySQL Administrator).

MySQL Workbench is available in two editions, the regular free and open source Community Edition which may be downloaded from the MySQL website, and the proprietary Standard Edition which extends and improves the feature set of the Community Edition.


Adminer (formerly known as phpMinAdmin) is a free MySQL front end for managing content in MySQL databases (since version 2, it also works on PostgreSQL, MS SQL, SQLite and Oracle SQL databases). Adminer is distributed under the Apache license (or GPL v2) in the form of a single PHP file (around 300 KiB in size), and is capable of managing multiple databases, with many CSS skins available. Its author is Jakub Vrána who started to develop this tool as a light-weight alternative to phpMyAdmin, in July 2007.

Database Workbench

Database Workbench is a software application for development and administration of multiple relational databases using SQL, with interoperationality between different database systems, developed by Upscene Productions.

Because Databases Workbench supports multiple database systems, it can provide software developers with the same interface and development environment for these otherwise different database systems and also includes cross database tools.

Database Workbench supports the following relational databases: Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, Firebird, NexusDB, InterBase, MySQL and MariaDB. Database Workbench 5 runs on 32-bit or 64 bit Windows platforms. Under Linux, FreeBSD or Mac OS X Database Workbench can operate using Wine.


DBEdit is a database editor, which can connect to an Oracle, DB2, MySQL and any database that provides a JDBC driver. It runs on Windows, Linux and Solaris. DBEdit is free and open source software and distributed under the GNU General Public License. The source code is hosted on SourceForge.

dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a MySQL and MariaDB front-end client for database management, administration and development. The tool provides utilities to compare, synchronize, and backup MySQL databases with scheduling, and gives possibility to analyze and report MySQL tables data. dbForge Studio for MySQL is formerly known as MyDeveloper Studio.


HeidiSQL, previously known as MySQL-Front, is a free and open source client, or frontend for MySQL (and for its forks like MariaDB and Percona Server, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL). HeidiSQL is developed by German programmer Ansgar Becker and a few other contributors in Delphi. To manage databases with HeidiSQL, users must login to a local or remote MySQL server with acceptable credentials, creating a session. Within this session users may manage MySQL Databases within the connected MySQL server, disconnecting from the server when done. Its feature set is sufficient for most common and advanced database, table and data record operations but remains in active development to move towards the full functionality expected in a MySQL Frontend.

LibreOffice Base

LibreOffice Base allows the creation and management of databases, preparation of forms and reports that provide end users easy access to data. Like Microsoft Access, it can be used as a front-end for various database systems, including Access databases (JET), ODBC data sources, and MySQL or PostgreSQL [90]


Navicat is a series of graphical database management and development software produced by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. It has an Explorer-like graphical user interface and supports multiple database connections for local and remote databases. Its design is made to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, from database administrators and programmers to various businesses/companies that serve clients and share information with partners.

Navicat is a cross-platform tool and works on Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux platforms. Upon purchase, users are able to select a language for the software from eight available languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Base is freely available and can manage MySQL databases if the entire suite is installed.


phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions. The software, which is currently available in 78 languages,[91] is maintained by The phpMyAdmin Project.[92]

It can import data from CSV and SQL, and transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as images or download-links.


SQLBuddy is an open source web based application written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL and SQLite with the use of a Web browser. The project places an emphasis on ease of installation and a simple user interface.


SQLyog is a GUI tool available in free as well as paid versions. Data manipulations (e.g., insert, update, and delete) may be done from a spreadsheet-like interface. Its editor has syntax highlighting and various automatic formatting options. Both raw table data and a result set from a query can be manipulated. Its data search feature uses Google-like search syntax and translates to SQL transparently for the user. It has a backup tool for performing unattended backups. Backups may be compressed and optionally stored as a file-per-table as well as identified with a timestamp.

Toad for MySQL

Toad for MySQL is a software application from Dell Software that database developers, database administrators and data analysts use to manage both relational and non-relational databases using SQL. Toad supports many databases and environments. It runs on all 32-bit/64-bit Windows platforms, including Microsoft Windows Server,Windows XP, Windows Vista,Windows 7 and 8 (32-Bit or 64-Bit). Dell Software has also released a Toad Mac Edition. Dell provides Toad in commercial and trial/freeware versions. The Freeware version is available from the community.


Webmin is a web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like systems, although recent versions can also be installed and run on Windows. With it, it is possible to configure operating system internals, such as users, disk quotas, services or configuration files, as well as modify and control open source apps, such as the Apache HTTP Server, PHP or MySQL.

Webmin is largely based on Perl, running as its own process and web server. It defaults to TCP port 10000 for communicating, and can be configured to use SSL if OpenSSL is installed with additional required Perl Modules.

It is built around modules, which have an interface to the configuration files and the Webmin server. This makes it easy to add new functionality. Due to Webmin's modular design, it is possible for anyone who is interested to write plugins for desktop configuration.

Webmin also allows for controlling many machines through a single interface, or seamless login on other webmin hosts on the same subnet or LAN.

Command-line interfaces

A command-line interface is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program by typing in successive lines of text (command lines). MySQL ships with many command line tools, from which the main interface is the mysql client.[21][22]

MySQL Utilities is a set of utilities designed to perform common maintenance and administrative tasks. Originally included as part of the MySQL Workbench, the utilities are now a stand-alone download available from Oracle.

Percona Toolkit is a cross-platform toolkit for MySQL, developed in Perl.[93] Percona Toolkit can be used to prove replication is working correctly, fix corrupted data, automate repetitive tasks, and speed up servers. Percona Toolkit is included with several Linux distributions such as CentOS and Debian, and packages are available for Fedora and Ubuntu as well. Percona Toolkit was originally developed as Maatkit, but as of late 2011, Maatkit is no longer developed.

Application programming interfaces

Many programming languages with language-specific APIs include libraries for accessing MySQL databases. These include MySQL Connector/Net for integration with Microsoft's Visual Studio (languages such as C# and VB are most commonly used) and the JDBC driver for Java. In addition, an ODBC interface called MySQL Connector/ODBC allows additional programming languages that support the ODBC interface to communicate with a MySQL database, such as ASP or ColdFusion. The HTSQL – URL-based query method also ships with a MySQL adapter, allowing direct interaction between a MySQL database and any web client via structured URLs.

Project forks

In software engineering, a project fork happens when developers take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct and separate piece of software – that is, a new (3rd-party) version. The term often implies not merely creating a development branch, but also a split in the developer community (a form of schism).[94] MySQL forks include the following:


Drizzle is a free software/open source relational database management system (DBMS) that was forked from the now-defunct 6.0 development branch of the MySQL DBMS.[95] Like MySQL, Drizzle has a client/server architecture and uses SQL as its primary command language. Drizzle is distributed under version 2 and 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL) with portions, including the protocol drivers and replication messaging under the BSD license.


MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management system intended to remain free under the GNU GPL. Being a fork of a leading open source software system,

it is notable for being led by the original developers of MySQL, who forked it due to concerns over its acquisition by Oracle.[96] Contributors are required to share their copyright with the MariaDB Foundation.[97] MariaDB intends to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a "drop-in" replacement capability with library binary equivalency and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands.[98] It includes the XtraDB storage engine for replacing InnoDB,[99] as well as a new storage engine, Aria, that intends to be both a transactional and non-transactional engine perhaps even included in future versions of MySQL.[100]

Percona Server

Percona Server, forked by Percona, aims to retain close compatibility to the official MySQL releases, while focusing on performance and increased visibility into server operations.[101] Also included in Percona Server is XtraDB, Percona's fork of the InnoDB Storage Engine. Percona freely includes a number of scalability, availability, security and backup features only available in MySQL's commercial Enterprise edition.[102]


WebScaleSQL is a software branch of MySQL 5.6, and was announced on 27 March 2014 by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter as a joint effort to provide a centralized development structure for extending MySQL with new features specific to its large-scale deployments, such as building large replicated databases running on server farms. Thus, WebScaleSQL opens a path toward deduplicating the efforts each company had been putting into maintaining its own branch of MySQL, and toward bringing together more developers. By combining the efforts of these companies and incorporating various changes and new features into MySQL, WebScaleSQL aims at supporting the deployment of MySQL in large-scale environments.[103][104] The project's source code is licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License, and is hosted on GitHub.[105][106]


· Following SQLite, which is deployed with every Android and iPhone device along with the Chrome and Firefox browsers.[8] In the second quarter of 2013 alone, 213 million smartphones shipped, of which 200 million were Android and iOS.[9]

· · Initially, it was a MyISAM-only feature; supported by InnoDB since the release of MySQL 5.6.

· · Prior to MySQL 5.5.3, UTF-8 and UCS-2 encoded strings are limited to the BMP; MySQL 5.5.3 and later use utf8mb4 for full unicode support.

• · In MySQL 5.0, storage engines must be compiled in; since MySQL 5.1, storage engines can be dynamically loaded at run time.


· "Changes in MySQL 5.6.26". MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual. Oracle. 24 July 2015. Retrieved 24 July 2015.

· · "Changes in Release 5.7.7 (Release Candiate)". MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual. Oracle Corporation. 8 April 2015. Retrieved 18 May 2015.

· · "MySQL: Project Summary". Ohloh. Black Duck Software. Retrieved 17 September 2012.

· · "Supported Platforms: MySQL Database". Oracle. Retrieved 24 March 2014.

· · "Downloads". MySQL. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

· · "What is MySQL?". MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual. Oracle. Retrieved 17 September 2012. The official way to pronounce “MySQL” is “My Ess Que Ell” (not “my sequel”)

· · "DB-Engines Ranking". Retrieved 12 Feb 2015.

· · "Well-Known Users of SQLite". The SQLite Consortium. Retrieved 8 October 2013. Apple uses SQLite for many functions within Mac OS X, including Apple Mail, Safari, and in Aperture. Apple uses SQLite in the iPhone and in the iPod touch and in iTunes software. .... SQLite is the primary meta-data storage format for the Firefox Web Browser and the Thunderbird Email Reader from Mozilla. .... It is known that Google uses SQLite in their Desktop for Mac, in Google Gears, in the Android cell-phone operating system, and in the Google Chrome Web Browser.

· · Koetsier, John (1 August 2013). "Android reaches massive 80% market share, Windows Phone hits global high, iPhone languishes". MobileBeat. VentureBeat. Retrieved 8 October 2013. Global smartphone shipments grew 47 percent to hit 230 million devices in the second quarter of 2013, according to a new report from research firm Strategy Analytics. Android captured record market share of 80 percent, while iOS hit a new low of 14 percent.

· · "MySQL | The World's Most Popular Open-Source Database".

· · "History of MySQL". MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual. MySQL AB. Retrieved 26 August 2011.

· · "Sun Microsystems Announces Completion of MySQL Acquisition; Paves Way for Secure, Open Source Platform to Power the Network Economy" (Press release). Sun Microsystems. 26 February 2008. Archived from the original on 28 February 2008. Retrieved 17 September 2012.

· · Urlocker, M. Zack (13 December 2005). "Google Runs MySQL". The Open Force. M. Zack Urlocker. Retrieved 3 August 2010. AdWords was built using the MySQL database

· · Claburn, Thomas (24 April 2007). "Google Releases Improved MySQL Code". InformationWeek (InformationWeek). Retrieved 30 November 2008.

· · Callaghan, Mark (13 April 2010). MySQL at Facebook. YouTube (Google). Retrieved 3 August 2010. x,000 servers, ... Master-slave replication, InnoDB

· · Sobel, Jason (21 December 2007). "Keeping Up". The Facebook Blog. Facebook. Retrieved 30 October 2008.

· · Malik, Om (25 April 2008). "Facebook’s Insatiable Hunger for Hardware". GigaOM. GigaOmniMedia. Retrieved 30 October 2008.

· · Cole, Jeremy (14 April 2011). Big and Small Data at @Twitter. YouTube (Google). Retrieved 20 October 2011.

· · "MySQL Customer: Flickr". MySQL Customers. Oracle. Retrieved 17 September 2012.

· · "MySQL Customer: YouTube". MySQL Customers. Oracle. Retrieved 17 September 2012.

· · mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Tool, MySQL Reference Manual

· · mysqladmin – the MySQL command-line tool, MySQL Reference Manual

· · "MySQL Internals Manual". 4 March 2009. Retrieved 8 June 2009.

· · "MySQL for OpenVMS". 2011-03-30. Retrieved 2014-01-16.

· · "Oracle :: MySQL Open Source License" . Retrieved 8 June 2009.

· · "MySQL GOES GPL". Archived from the original on 12 August 2001.

· · "Oracle :: FLOSS License Exception" . Retrieved 8 June 2009.

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· · MySQL Support Manual, MySQL Developers

· · Review of MySQL Server 5.0,, November 2005

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· · "Five Questions With Michael Widenius – Founder And Original Developer of MySQL". Archived from the original on 2009-03-13. Retrieved 13 October 2012.

· · "MySQL 3.23 Declared Stable". Archived from the original on 15 August 2001.

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· · "Sun Picks Up MySQL For $1 Billion; Open Source Is A Legitimate Business Model". Retrieved 13 October 2012.

· · "Archives – Oops, we did it again (MySQL 5.1 released as GA with crashing bugs)". Planet MySQL. 29 November 2008. Retrieved 5 February 2013.

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· · "What's New in MySQL 5.6". MySQL Developer Zone. Retrieved 21 April 2011.

· · "The MySQL 5.7.3 Milestone Release was available". MySQL Server Team. Retrieved 13 March 2014.

· · "B.3. Changes in Release 3.23.x (Lifecycle Support Ended)". Oracle. Retrieved 24 August 2010.

· · "B.2. Changes in Release 4.0.x (Lifecycle Support Ended)". Oracle. Retrieved 24 August 2010.

· · "B.1. Changes in Release 4.1.x (Lifecycle Support Ended)". Oracle. Retrieved 24 August 2010.

· · "C.1. Changes in Release 5.0.x (Lifecycle Support Ended)". Oracle. Retrieved 24 August 2010.

· · "MySQL 5.1 Release Notes". Oracle. Retrieved 29 January 2014.

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· · Basil, Tom (4 September 2001). "Eyewitness account: "Monty Widenius, International Fugitive"". MySQL Life (Mailing list). Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "FAQ on MySQL vs. NuSphere Dispute". MySQL AB. 13 July 2001. Archived from the original on 17 July 2001. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Affidavit of Eben Moglen on Progress Software vs. MySQL AB Preliminary Injunction Hearing". Archived from the original on 2005-02-07.

· · Progress Software Corporation v. MySQL AB, 195 F. Supp. 2d 328 (D. Mass. 2002).

· · "Judge Saris defers GNU GPL Questions for Trial in MySQL vs. Progress Software" (Press release). Free Software Foundation. 1 March 2002. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Oracle Announces the Acquisition of Open Source Software Company, Innobase" (Press release). Oracle. 7 October 2005. Archived from the original on 20 July 2011. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "MySQL to Promote New Open Source DB Engines from its Partners and Dev Community" (Press release). MySQL AB. 26 April 2006. Archived from the original on 23 June 2011. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · Babcock, Charles (14 February 2006). "Oracle Buys Sleepycat, Is JBoss Next?". InformationWeek. CPM Media. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Changes in MySQL 5.1.12". MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual. MySQL AB. 24 October 2006. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Sun Microsystems Announces Agreement to Acquire MySQL, Developer of the World's Most Popular Open Source Database" (Press release). MySQL AB. 16 January 2008. Archived from the original on 18 July 2011. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Oracle to Buy Sun" (Press release). Sun Microsystems. 20 April 2009. Archived from the original on 22 April 2009. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · Thomasch, Paul; Finkle, Jim (20 August 2009). "Oracle wins U.S. approval to buy Sun Microsystems". Reuters. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · Whitney, Lance (14 December 2009). "Oracle pledges to play well with MySQL". CNET. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · Michael, Widenius (12 December 2009). "Help saving MySQL". Monty Says. Google. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · Kanaracus, Chris (30 August 2011). "Wikileaks Cable Offers New Insights Into Oracle-Sun Deal". PC World. IDG. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Mergers: Commission clears Oracle's proposed acquisition of Sun Microsystems" (Press release). European Union. 21 January 2010. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility". AskMonty Knowledgebase. Monty Program. 30 July 2010. Retrieved 16 September 2012.

· · "Which Should I Use: MySQL Enterprise or MySQL Community Server?". MySQL AB. Retrieved 8 April 2009.

· · Guy Harrison; Steven Feuerstein (2008). MySQL Stored Procedure Programming. O'Reilly Media. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-596-10089-6.

· · "MySQL :: InnoDB 1.1 for MySQL 5.5 User’s Guide :: C InnoDB Glossary :: ACID" . Retrieved 5 January 2011.

· · "Replication". MySQL.

· · "MySQL Cluster Replication: Multi-Master and Circular Replication". MySQL.

· · "MySQL University: MySQL Galera Multi-Master Replication". Oracle Corporation. 2010-02-09.

· · "". Retrieved 11 April 2015.

· · "". 14 April 2004. Retrieved 11 April 2015.

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· · "aj_blk: Year 2038 Bug". 2012-08-31. Retrieved 2015-04-11.

· · "The future of replication in MySQL". Facebook. Retrieved 9 December 2009.

· · "Database Sharding". Code Futures. Retrieved 9 December 2009.

· · "XtraBackup". Percona. Retrieved 19 January 2013.

· · Mats Kindahl (2013-09-21). "A Brief Introduction to MySQL Fabric". Retrieved 2013-12-12.

· · Mats Kindahl (2014-05-27). "MySQL Fabric: Musings on Release 1.4.3". Retrieved 2014-06-18.

· · "Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with EBS (Elastic Block Store)". Amazon Web Services. Retrieved 5 February 2013.

· · Finley, Klint. "7 Cloud-Based Database Services". ReadWriteWeb. Retrieved 9 November 2011.

· · "MySQL Server Support at Rackspace". Retrieved 10 November 2011.

· · "Managed Hosting – Terremark".

· · "LibreOffice Base". Retrieved 5 January 2012.

· · "Translations". phpMyAdmin. Retrieved 2014-12-23.

· · "Team". phpMyAdmin. Retrieved 2013-03-03.

· · Home. "Percona Toolkit for MySQL". Percona. Retrieved 26 March 2014.

· · "Schism", with its connotations, is a common usage, e.g. "the Lemacs/FSFmacs schism" (Jamie Zawinski, 2000), "Behind the KOffice split" (Joe Brockmeier, Linux Weekly News, 2010-12-14), "Copyright assignment - once bitten, twice shy" (Richard Hillesley, H-Online, 2010-08-06), "Forking is a feature" (Anil Dash, 2010-09-10), "The Great Software Schism" (Glyn Moody, Linux Journal, 2006-09-28), "To Fork Or Not To Fork: Lessons From Ubuntu and Debian" (Benjamin Mako Hill, 2005).

· ·

· · "Dead database walking: MySQL's creator on why the future belongs to MariaDB - MariaDB, open source, mysql, Oracle". Computerworld. Retrieved 2013-09-11.

· · "Contributing Code". MariaDB KnowledgeBase. Retrieved 17 September 2014.

· · "MariaDB versus MySQL - Compatibility". MariaDB KnowledgeBase. Retrieved 17 September 2014.

· · "About XtraDB". MariaDB KnowledgeBase. Retrieved 17 September 2014.

· · "Aria FAQ". MariaDB KnowledgeBase. Retrieved 17 September 2014.

· · Percona Server Frequently Asked Questions, How is it related to other MySQL forks?

· · "Percona challenges Oracle with alternate MySQL release". PC World. Retrieved 12 February 2015.

· · Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (March 28, 2013). "WebScaleSQL: MySQL for Facebook-sized databases". ZDNet. Retrieved April 1, 2014.

· · Klint Finley (March 27, 2013). "Google and Facebook Team Up to Modernize Old-School Databases". Wired. Retrieved April 1, 2014.

· · Jack Clark (March 27, 2013). "Forkin' 'L! Facebook, Google and friends create WebScaleSQL from MySQL 5.6". The Register. Retrieved April 1, 2014.

· "Frequently Asked Questions". March 27, 2014. Retrieved April 1, 2014.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet).

Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users.

SQL Server uses as its primary query languages T-SQL and ANSI SQL[citation needed].



SQL Server release history

Version Year Release name Code name Internal version

2.0 (OS/2) 1989 SQL Server 1.0 (16 bit)Ashton-Tate / Microsoft SQL Server


1.1 (OS/2) 1991 SQL Server 1.1 (16 bit) - -

4.21 (WinNT) 1993 SQL Server 4.21 SQLNT -

6.0 1995 SQL Server 6.0 SQL95 -

6.5 1996 SQL Server 6.5 Hydra -

7.0 1998 SQL Server 7.0 Sphinx 515

- 1999 SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Tools Palato mania -

8.0 2000 SQL Server 2000 Shiloh 539

8.0 2003 SQL Server 2000 64-bit Liberty 539


9.0 2005 SQL Server 2005 Yukon 611/612

10.0 2008 SQL Server 2008 Katmai 661

10.25 2010 Azure SQL DB Cloud Database or CloudDB -

10.50 2010 SQL Server 2008 R2 Kilimanjaro (aka KJ) 665

11.0 2012 SQL Server 2012 Denali 706

12.0 2014 SQL Server 2014 SQL14 782

13.0 TBD SQL Server 2016 - -

In 1988 Microsoft joined Ashton-Tate and Sybase to create a variant of Sybase SQL Server for IBM OS/2 (then developed jointly with Microsoft), which was released the following year.[5] This was the first version of Microsoft SQL Server, and served as Microsoft's entry to the enterprise-level database market, competing against Oracle, IBM, and later, Sybase. SQL Server 4.2 was shipped in 1992, bundled with OS/2 version 1.3, followed by version 4.21 for Windows NT, released alongside Windows NT 3.1. SQL Server 6.0 was the first version designed for NT, and did not include any direction from Sybase.

About the time Windows NT was released in July 1993, Sybase and Microsoft parted ways and each pursued its own design and marketing schemes. Microsoft negotiated exclusive rights to all versions of SQL Server written for Microsoft operating systems. (In 1996 Sybase changed the name of its product to Adaptive Server Enterprise to avoid confusion with Microsoft SQL Server.) Until 1994, Microsoft's SQL Server carried three Sybase copyright notices as an indication of its origin.

SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 included modifications and extensions to the Sybase code base, adding support for the IA-64 architecture. By SQL Server 2005 the legacy Sybase code had been completely rewritten.[6]

Since the release of SQL Server 2000, advances have been made in performance, the client IDE tools, and several complementary systems that are packaged with SQL Server 2005. These include:

• an extract-transform-load (ETL) tool (SQL Server Integration Services or SSIS)

• a Reporting Server

• an OLAP and data mining server (Analysis Services)

• several messaging technologies, specifically Service Broker and Notification Services

SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005 (formerly codenamed "Yukon") released in October 2005. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in queries. XML columns

can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery; SQL Server 2005 added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML, that allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server to be exposed over web services using Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed over web services, results are returned as XML.[7]

Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was introduced with this version, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. For relational data, T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features (try/catch) and support for recursive queries with CTEs (Common Table Expressions). SQL Server 2005 has also been enhanced with new indexing algorithms, syntax and better error recovery systems. Data pages are checksummed for better error resiliency, and optimistic concurrency support has been added for better performance. Permissions and access control have been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of queries in a more efficient way. Partitions on tables and indexes are supported natively, so scaling out a database onto a cluster is easier. SQL CLR was introduced with SQL Server 2005 to let it integrate with the .NET Framework.[8]

SQL Server 2005 introduced Multi-Version Concurrency Control. User facing features include new transaction isolation level called SNAPSHOT and a variation of the READ COMMITTED isolation level based on statement-level data snapshots.

SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method of allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.[9]

SQL Server 2005 introduced DMVs (Dynamic Management Views), which are specialized views and functions that return server state information that can be used to monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.[10]

Service Pack 1 (SP1) of SQL Server 2005 introduced Database Mirroring, a high availability option that provides redundancy and failover capabilities at the database level.[11] Failover can be performed manually or can be configured for automatic failover. Automatic failover requires a witness partner and an operating mode of synchronous (also known as high-safety or full safety).[12] Database Mirroring was included in the first release of SQL Server 2005 for evaluation purposes only. Prior to SP1, it was not enabled by default, and was not supported by Microsoft.[citation needed]

SQL Server 2008

SQL Server 2008 (formerly codenamed "Katmai")[13][14] was released on August 6, 2008, announced to the SQL Server Special Interest Group at the ESRI 2008 User's Conference on August 6, 2008 by Ed Katibah (Spatial Program Manager at Microsoft), and aims to make data management self-tuning, self organizing, and self maintaining with the development of SQL Server Always On technologies, to provide near-zero downtime. SQL Server 2008 also includes support for structured and semi-structured data, including digital media formats for pictures, audio, video and other multimedia data. In current versions, such multimedia data can be stored as BLOBs (binary large objects), but

they are generic bitstreams. Intrinsic awareness of multimedia data will allow specialized functions to be performed on them. According to Paul Flessner, senior Vice President of Server Applications at Microsoft, SQL Server 2008 can be a data storage backend for different varieties of data: XML, email, time/calendar, file, document, spatial, etc. as well as perform search, query, analysis, sharing, and synchronization across all data types.[14]

Other new data types include specialized date and time types and a Spatial data type for location-dependent data.[15] Better support for unstructured and semi-structured data is provided using the new FILESTREAM[16] data type, which can be used to reference any file stored on the file system.[17] Structured data and metadata about the file is stored in SQL Server database, whereas the unstructured component is stored in the file system. Such files can be accessed both via Win32 file handling APIs as well as via SQL Server using T-SQL; doing the latter accesses the file data as a BLOB. Backing up and restoring the database backs up or restores the referenced files as well.[18] SQL Server 2008 also natively supports hierarchical data, and includes T-SQL constructs to directly deal with them, without using recursive queries.[18]

The full-text search functionality has been integrated with the database engine. According to a Microsoft technical article, this simplifies management and improves performance.[19]

Spatial data will be stored in two types. A "Flat Earth" (GEOMETRY or planar) data type represents geospatial data which has been projected from its native, spherical, coordinate system into a plane. A "Round Earth" data type (GEOGRAPHY) uses an ellipsoidal model in which the Earth is defined as a single continuous entity which does not suffer from the singularities such as the international dateline, poles, or map projection zone "edges". Approximately 70 methods are available to represent spatial operations for the Open Geospatial Consortium Simple Features for SQL, Version 1.1.[20]

SQL Server includes better compression features, which also helps in improving scalability.[21] It enhanced the indexing algorithms and introduced the notion of filtered indexes. It also includes Resource Governor that allows reserving resources for certain users or workflows. It also includes capabilities for transparent encryption of data (TDE) as well as compression of backups.[16] SQL Server 2008 supports the ADO.NET Entity Framework and the reporting tools, replication, and data definition will be built around the Entity Data Model.[22] SQL Server Reporting Services will gain charting capabilities from the integration of the data visualization products from Dundas Data Visualization, Inc., which was acquired by Microsoft.[23] On the management side, SQL Server 2008 includes the Declarative Management Framework which allows configuring policies and constraints, on the entire database or certain tables, declaratively.[15] The version of SQL Server Management Studio included with SQL Server 2008 supports IntelliSense for SQL queries against a SQL Server 2008 Database Engine.[24] SQL Server 2008 also makes the databases available via Windows PowerShell providers and management functionality available as Cmdlets, so that the server and all the running instances can be managed from Windows PowerShell.[25]

The final SQL Server 2008 service pack (10.00.6000, Service Pack 4) was released on September 30, 2014.[26]

SQL Server 2008 R2

SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.1600.1, formerly codenamed "Kilimanjaro") was announced at TechEd 2009, and was released to manufacturing on April 21, 2010.[27] SQL Server 2008 R2 adds certain features to SQL Server 2008 including a master data management system branded as Master Data Services, a central management of master data entities and hierarchies. Also Multi Server Management, a centralized console to manage multiple SQL Server 2008 instances and services including relational databases, Reporting Services, Analysis Services & Integration Services.[28]

SQL Server 2008 R2 includes a number of new services,[29] including PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint, Master Data Services, StreamInsight, Report Builder 3.0, Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint, a Data-tier function in Visual Studio that enables packaging of tiered databases as part of an application, and a SQL Server Utility named UC (Utility Control Point), part of AMSM (Application and Multi-Server Management) that is used to manage multiple SQL Servers.[30]

The first SQL Server 2008 R2 service pack (10.50.2500, Service Pack 1) was released on July 11, 2011.[31]

The second SQL Server 2008 R2 service pack (10.50.4000, Service Pack 2) was released on July 26, 2012.[32]

The final SQL Server 2008 R2 service pack (10.50.6000, Service Pack 3) was released on September 26, 2014.[33]

SQL Server 2012

At the 2011 Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) summit on October 11, Microsoft announced that the next major version of SQL Server (codenamed "Denali"), would be SQL Server 2012. It was released to manufacturing on March 6, 2012.[34] SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 was released to manufacturing on November 9, 2012, and Service Pack 2 was released to manufacturing on June 10, 2014.

It was announced to be the last version to natively support OLE DB and instead to prefer ODBC for native connectivity.[35]

SQL Server 2012's new features and enhancements include Always On SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and Availability Groups which provides a set of options to improve database availability,[36] Contained Databases which simplify the moving of databases between instances, new and modified Dynamic Management Views and Functions,[37] programmability enhancements including new spatial features,[38] metadata discovery, sequence objects and the THROW statement,[39] performance enhancements such as ColumnStore Indexes as well as improvements to OnLine and partition level operations and security enhancements including provisioning during setup, new permissions, improved role management, and default schema assignment for groups.[40][41]

SQL Server 2014

SQL Server 2014 was released to manufacturing on March 18, 2014, and released to the general public on April 1, 2014. Until November 2013 there were two CTP revisions, CTP1 and CTP2.[42] SQL Server 2014 provides a new in-memory capability for tables that can fit entirely in memory (also known as Hekaton). Whilst small tables may be entirely resident in memory in all versions of SQL

Server, they also may reside on disk, so work is involved in reserving RAM, writing evicted pages to disk, loading new pages from disk, locking the pages in RAM while they are being operated on, and many other tasks. By treating a table as guaranteed to be entirely resident in memory much of the 'plumbing' of disk-based databases can be avoided.[43]

For disk-based SQL Server applications, it also provides the SSD Buffer Pool Extension, which can improve performance by cache between DRAM and spinning media.

SQL Server 2014 also enhances the Always On (HADR) solution by increasing the readable secondaries count and sustaining read operations upon secondary-primary disconnections, and it provides new hybrid disaster recovery and backup solutions with Windows Azure, enabling customers to use existing skills with the on-premises version of SQL Server to take advantage of Microsoft's global datacenters. In addition, it takes advantage of new Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 capabilities for database application scalability in a physical or virtual environment.

Microsoft provides three versions of SQL Server 2014 for downloading: the one that runs on Microsoft Azure, the SQL Server 2014 CAB, and SQL Server 2014 ISO.[44]

SQL Server 2014 SP1, consisting primarily of bugfixes, was released on May 15, 2015.[45]

SQL Server 2016

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2.3 (CTP2.3) is the most recent pre-release version available. It was released on August 28, 2015.[46]


Microsoft makes SQL Server available in multiple editions, with different feature sets and targeting different users. These editions are:[47][48]

Mainstream editions


SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter is the full-featured edition of SQL Server and is designed for datacenters that need the high levels of application support and scalability. It supports 256 logical processors and virtually unlimited memory. Comes with StreamInsight Premium edition.[49] The Datacenter edition has been retired in SQL Server 2012, all its features are available in SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition.[50]


SQL Server Enterprise Edition includes both the core database engine and add-on services, with a range of tools for creating and managing a SQL Server cluster. It can manage databases as large as 524 petabytes and address 2 terabytes of memory and supports 8 physical processors. SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition supports 160 physical processors.[51]


SQL Server Standard edition includes the core database engine, along with the stand-alone services. It differs from Enterprise edition in that it supports fewer active instances (number of nodes in a cluster) and does not include some high-availability functions such as hot-add memory (allowing memory to be added while the server is still running), and parallel indexes.


SQL Server Web Edition is a low-TCO option for Web hosting.

Business Intelligence

Introduced in SQL Server 2012 and focusing on Self Service and Corporate Business Intelligence. It includes the Standard Edition capabilities and Business Intelligence tools: PowerPivot, Power View, the BI Semantic Model, Master Data Services, Data Quality Services and xVelocity in-memory analytics.[52]


SQL Server Workgroup Edition includes the core database functionality but does not include the additional services. Note that this edition has been retired in SQL Server 2012.[50]


SQL Server Express Edition is a scaled down, free edition of SQL Server, which includes the core database engine. While there are no limitations on the number of databases or users supported, it is limited to using one processor, 1 GB memory and 10 GB database files (4 GB database files prior to SQL Server Express 2008 R2).[53] It is intended as a replacement for MSDE. Two additional editions provide a superset of features not in the original Express Edition. The first is SQL Server Express with Tools, which includes SQL Server Management Studio Basic. SQL Server Express with Advanced Services adds full-text search capability and reporting services.[54]

Specialized editions


Azure SQL Database is the cloud-based version of Microsoft SQL Server, presented as a platform as a service offering on Microsoft Azure.

Compact (SQL CE)

The compact edition is an embedded database engine. Unlike the other editions of SQL Server, the SQL CE engine is based on SQL Mobile (initially designed for use with hand-held devices) and does not share the same binaries. Due to its small size (1 MB DLL footprint), it has a markedly reduced feature set compared to the other editions. For example, it supports a subset of the standard data types, does not support stored procedures or Views or multiple-statement batches (among other limitations). It is limited to 4 GB maximum database size and cannot be run as a Windows service, Compact Edition must be hosted by the application using it. The 3.5 version includes support for ADO.NET Synchronization Services. SQL CE does not support ODBC connectivity, unlike SQL Server proper.


SQL Server Developer Edition includes the same features as SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition, but is limited by the license to be only used as a development and test system, and not as production server. This edition is available to download by students free of charge as a part of Microsoft's DreamSpark program.[55]

Embedded (SSEE)

SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition is a specially configured named instance of the SQL Server Express database engine which can be accessed only by certain Windows Services.


SQL Server Evaluation Edition, also known as the Trial Edition, has all the features of the Enterprise Edition, but is limited to 180 days, after which the tools will continue to run, but the server services will stop.[56]

Fast Track

SQL Server Fast Track is specifically for enterprise-scale data warehousing storage and business intelligence processing, and runs on reference-architecture hardware that is optimized for Fast Track.[57]


Introduced in SQL Server Express 2012, LocalDB is a minimal, on-demand, version of SQL Server that is designed for application developers.[58] It can also be used as an embedded database.[59]

Analytics Platform System (APS)

Formerly Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) A massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL Server appliance optimized for large-scale data warehousing such as hundreds of terabytes.[60]

Datawarehouse Appliance Edition

Pre-installed and configured as part of an appliance in partnership with Dell & HP base on the Fast Track architecture. This edition does not include SQL Server Integration Services, Analysis Services, or Reporting Services.


The protocol layer implements the external interface to SQL Server. All operations that can be invoked on SQL Server are communicated to it via a Microsoft-defined format, called Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is an application layer protocol, used to transfer data between a database server and a client. Initially designed and developed by Sybase Inc. for their Sybase SQL Server relational database engine in 1984, and later by Microsoft in Microsoft SQL Server, TDS packets can be encased in other physical transport dependent protocols, including TCP/IP, Named pipes, and Shared memory. Consequently, access to SQL Server is available over these protocols. In addition, the SQL Server API is also exposed over web services.[48]

Data storage

Data storage is a database, which is a collection of tables with typed columns. SQL Server supports different data types, including primary types such as Integer, Float, Decimal, Char (including character strings), Varchar (variable length character strings), binary (for unstructured blobs of data), Text (for textual data) among others. The rounding of floats to integers uses either Symmetric Arithmetic Rounding or Symmetric Round Down (Fix) depending on arguments: SELECT Round(2.5, 0) gives 3.

Microsoft SQL Server also allows user-defined composite types (UDTs) to be defined and used. It also makes server statistics available as virtual tables and views (called Dynamic Management Views or DMVs). In addition to tables, a database can also contain other objects including views, stored procedures, indexes and constraints, along with a transaction log. A SQL Server database can contain a maximum of 231 objects, and can span multiple OS-level files with a maximum file size of 260 bytes (1 exabyte).[48] The data in the database are stored in primary data files with an extension .mdf. Secondary data files, identified with a .ndf extension, are used to allow the data of a single database to be spread across more than one file, and optionally across more than one file system. Log files are identified with the .ldf extension.[48]

Storage space allocated to a database is divided into sequentially numbered pages, each 8 KB in size. A page is the basic unit of I/O for SQL Server operations. A page is marked with a 96-byte header which stores metadata about the page including the page number, page type, free space on the page and the ID of the object that owns it. Page type defines the data contained in the page: data stored in the database, index, allocation map which holds information about how pages are allocated to tables and indexes, change map which holds information about the changes made to other pages since last backup or logging, or contain large data types such as image or text. While page is the basic unit of an I/O operation, space is actually managed in terms of an extent which consists of 8 pages. A database object can either span all 8 pages in an extent ("uniform extent") or share an extent with up to 7 more objects ("mixed extent"). A row in a database table cannot span more than one page, so is limited to 8 KB in size. However, if the data exceeds 8 KB and the row contains Varchar or Varbinary data, the data in those columns are moved to a new page (or possibly a sequence of pages, called an Allocation unit) and replaced with a pointer to the data.[61]

For physical storage of a table, its rows are divided into a series of partitions (numbered 1 to n). The partition size is user defined; by default all rows are in a single partition. A table is split into multiple partitions in order to spread a database over a computer cluster. Rows in each partition are stored in either B-tree or heap structure. If the table has an associated, clustered index to allow fast retrieval of rows, the rows are stored in-order according to their index values, with a B-tree providing the index. The data is in the leaf node of the leaves, and other nodes storing the index values for the leaf data reachable from the respective nodes. If the index is non-clustered, the rows are not sorted according to the index keys. An indexed view has the same storage structure as an indexed table. A table without a clustered index is stored in an unordered heap structure. However, the table may have non-clustered indices to allow fast retrieval of rows. In some situations the heap structure has performance advantages over the clustered structure. Both heaps and B-trees can span multiple allocation units.[62]

Buffer management

SQL Server buffers pages in RAM to minimize disc I/O. Any 8 KB page can be buffered in-memory, and the set of all pages currently buffered is called the buffer cache. The amount of memory available to SQL Server decides how many pages will be cached in memory. The buffer cache is managed by the Buffer Manager. Either reading from or writing to any page copies it to the buffer cache. Subsequent reads or writes are redirected to the in-memory copy, rather than the on-disc version. The page is updated on the disc by the Buffer Manager only if the in-memory cache has not been referenced for some time. While writing pages back to disc, asynchronous I/O is used whereby the I/O operation is done in a background thread so that other operations do not have to wait for the I/O operation to complete. Each page is written along with its checksum when it is written. When reading the page back, its checksum is computed again and matched with the stored version to ensure the page has not been damaged or tampered with in the meantime.[63]

Concurrency and locking

SQL Server allows multiple clients to use the same database concurrently. As such, it needs to control concurrent access to shared data, to ensure data integrity—when multiple clients update the same data, or clients attempt to read data that is in the process of being changed by another client. SQL Server provides two modes of concurrency control: pessimistic concurrency and optimistic concurrency. When pessimistic concurrency control is being used, SQL Server controls concurrent access by using locks. Locks can be either shared or exclusive. Exclusive lock grants the user exclusive access to the data—no other user can access the data as long as the lock is held. Shared locks are used when some data is being read—multiple users can read from data locked with a shared lock, but not acquire an exclusive lock. The latter would have to wait for all shared locks to be released. Locks can be applied on different levels of granularity—on entire tables, pages, or even on a per-row basis on tables. For indexes, it can either be on the entire index or on index leaves. The level of granularity to be used is defined on a per-database basis by the database administrator. While a fine grained locking system allows more users to use the table or index simultaneously, it requires more resources. So it does not automatically turn into higher performing solution. SQL Server also includes two more lightweight mutual exclusion solutions—latches and spinlocks—which are less robust than locks but are less resource intensive. SQL Server uses them for DMVs and other resources that are usually not busy. SQL Server also monitors all worker threads that acquire locks to ensure that they do not end up in deadlocks—in case they do, SQL Server takes remedial measures, which in many cases is to kill one of the threads entangled in a deadlock and rollback the transaction it started.[48] To implement locking, SQL Server contains the Lock Manager. The Lock Manager maintains an in-memory table that manages the database objects and locks, if any, on them along with other metadata about the lock. Access to any shared object is mediated by the lock manager, which either grants access to the resource or blocks it.

SQL Server also provides the optimistic concurrency control mechanism, which is similar to the multiversion concurrency control used in other databases. The mechanism allows a new version of a row to be created whenever the row is updated, as opposed to overwriting the row, i.e., a row is additionally identified by the ID of the transaction that created the version of the row. Both the old as well as the new versions of the row are stored and maintained, though the old versions are moved out of the database into a system database identified as Tempdb. When a row is in the process of being updated, any other requests are not blocked (unlike locking) but are executed on the older version of the row. If the other request is an update statement, it will result in two

different versions of the rows—both of them will be stored by the database, identified by their respective transaction IDs.[48]

Data retrieval and programmability

The main mode of retrieving data from an SQL Server database is querying for it. The query is expressed using a variant of SQL called T-SQL, a dialect Microsoft SQL Server shares with Sybase SQL Server due to its legacy. The query declaratively specifies what is to be retrieved. It is processed by the query processor, which figures out the sequence of steps that will be necessary to retrieve the requested data. The sequence of actions necessary to execute a query is called a query plan. There might be multiple ways to process the same query. For example, for a query that contains a join statement and a select statement, executing join on both the tables and then executing select on the results would give the same result as selecting from each table and then executing the join, but result in different execution plans. In such case, SQL Server chooses the plan that is expected to yield the results in the shortest possible time. This is called query optimization and is performed by the query processor itself.[48]

SQL Server includes a cost-based query optimizer which tries to optimize on the cost, in terms of the resources it will take to execute the query. Given a query, then the query optimizer looks at the database schema, the database statistics and the system load at that time. It then decides which sequence to access the tables referred in the query, which sequence to execute the operations and what access method to be used to access the tables. For example, if the table has an associated index, whether the index should be used or not: if the index is on a column which is not unique for most of the columns (low "selectivity"), it might not be worthwhile to use the index to access the data. Finally, it decides whether to execute the query concurrently or not. While a concurrent execution is more costly in terms of total processor time, because the execution is actually split to different processors might mean it will execute faster. Once a query plan is generated for a query, it is temporarily cached. For further invocations of the same query, the cached plan is used. Unused plans are discarded after some time.[48][64]

SQL Server also allows stored procedures to be defined. Stored procedures are parameterized T-SQL queries, that are stored in the server itself (and not issued by the client application as is the case with general queries). Stored procedures can accept values sent by the client as input parameters, and send back results as output parameters. They can call defined functions, and other stored procedures, including the same stored procedure (up to a set number of times). They can be selectively provided access to. Unlike other queries, stored procedures have an associated name, which is used at runtime to resolve into the actual queries. Also because the code need not be sent from the client every time (as it can be accessed by name), it reduces network traffic and somewhat improves performance.[65] Execution plans for stored procedures are also cached as necessary.


Main article: T-SQL

T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is the secondary means of programming and managing SQL Server. It exposes keywords for the operations that can be performed on SQL Server, including creating and altering database schemas, entering and editing data in the database as well as monitoring and managing

the server itself. Client applications that consume data or manage the server will leverage SQL Server functionality by sending T-SQL queries and statements which are then processed by the server and results (or errors) returned to the client application. SQL Server allows it to be managed using T-SQL. For this it exposes read-only tables from which server statistics can be read. Management functionality is exposed via system-defined stored procedures which can be invoked from T-SQL queries to perform the management operation. It is also possible to create linked Servers using T-SQL. Linked servers allow a single query to process operations performed on multiple servers.[66]

SQL Native Client (aka SNAC)

SQL Native Client is the native client side data access library for Microsoft SQL Server, version 2005 onwards. It natively implements support for the SQL Server features including the Tabular Data Stream implementation, support for mirrored SQL Server databases, full support for all data types supported by SQL Server, asynchronous operations, query notifications, encryption support, as well as receiving multiple result sets in a single database session. SQL Native Client is used under the hood by SQL Server plug-ins for other data access technologies, including ADO or OLE DB. The SQL Native Client can also be directly used, bypassing the generic data access layers.[67]

On November 28, 2011, a preview release of the SQL Server ODBC driver for Linux was released.[68]


Main article: SQL CLR

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 includes a component named SQL CLR ("Common Language Runtime") via which it integrates with .NET Framework. Unlike most other applications that use .NET Framework, SQL Server itself hosts the .NET Framework runtime, i.e., memory, threading and resource management requirements of .NET Framework are satisfied by SQLOS itself, rather than the underlying Windows operating system. SQLOS provides deadlock detection and resolution services for .NET code as well. With SQL CLR, stored procedures and triggers can be written in any managed .NET language, including C# and VB.NET. Managed code can also be used to define UDT's (user defined types), which can persist in the database. Managed code is compiled to CLI assemblies and after being verified for type safety, registered at the database. After that, they can be invoked like any other procedure.[69] However, only a subset of the Base Class Library is available, when running code under SQL CLR. Most APIs relating to user interface functionality are not available.[69]

When writing code for SQL CLR, data stored in SQL Server databases can be accessed using the ADO.NET APIs like any other managed application that accesses SQL Server data. However, doing that creates a new database session, different from the one in which the code is executing. To avoid this, SQL Server provides some enhancements to the ADO.NET provider that allows the connection to be redirected to the same session which already hosts the running code. Such connections are called context connections and are set by setting context connection parameter to true in the connection string. SQL Server also provides several other enhancements to the ADO.NET API, including classes to work with tabular data or a single row of data as well as classes to work with internal metadata about the data stored in the database. It also provides access to the XML features in SQL Server, including XQuery support. These enhancements are also available in T-SQL Procedures in consequence of the introduction of the new XML Datatype (query,value,nodes functions).[70]


SQL Server also includes an assortment of add-on services. While these are not essential for the operation of the database system, they provide value added services on top of the core database management system. These services either run as a part of some SQL Server component or out-of-process as Windows Service and presents their own API to control and interact with them.

Service Broker

Used inside an instance, programming environment. For cross instance applications, Service Broker communicates over TCP/IP and allows the different components to be synchronized together, via exchange of messages. The Service Broker, which runs as a part of the database engine, provides a reliable messaging and message queuing platform for SQL Server applications.[71]

Replication Services

SQL Server Replication Services are used by SQL Server to replicate and synchronize database objects, either in entirety or a subset of the objects present, across replication agents, which might be other database servers across the network, or database caches on the client side. Replication follows a publisher/subscriber model, i.e., the changes are sent out by one database server ("publisher") and are received by others ("subscribers"). SQL Server supports three different types of replication:[72]

Transaction replication

Each transaction made to the publisher database (master database) is synced out to subscribers, who update their databases with the transaction. Transactional replication synchronizes databases in near real time.[73]

Merge replication

Changes made at both the publisher and subscriber databases are tracked, and periodically the changes are synchronized bi-directionally between the publisher and the subscribers. If the same data has been modified differently in both the publisher and the subscriber databases, synchronization will result in a conflict which has to be resolved, either manually or by using pre-defined policies. rowguid needs to be configured on a column if merge replication is configured.[74]

Snapshot replication

Snapshot replication publishes a copy of the entire database (the then-snapshot of the data) and replicates out to the subscribers. Further changes to the snapshot are not tracked.[75]

Analysis Services

Main article: SQL Server Analysis Services

SQL Server Analysis Services adds OLAP and data mining capabilities for SQL Server databases. The OLAP engine supports MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP storage modes for data. Analysis Services supports the XML for Analysis standard as the underlying communication protocol. The cube data can be accessed using MDX and LINQ[76] queries.[77] Data mining specific functionality is exposed via the DMX

query language. Analysis Services includes various algorithms—Decision trees, clustering algorithm, Naive Bayes algorithm, time series analysis, sequence clustering algorithm, linear and logistic regression analysis, and neural networks—for use in data mining.[78]

Reporting Services

Main article: SQL Server Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services is a report generation environment for data gathered from SQL Server databases. It is administered via a web interface. Reporting services features a web services interface to support the development of custom reporting applications. Reports are created as RDL files.[79]

Reports can be designed using recent versions of Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual Studio.NET 2003, 2005, and 2008)[80] with Business Intelligence Development Studio, installed or with the included Report Builder. Once created, RDL files can be rendered in a variety of formats,[81][82] including Excel, PDF, CSV, XML, BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF,[83] and HTML Web Archive.

Notification Services

Main article: SQL Server Notification Services

Originally introduced as a post-release add-on for SQL Server 2000,[84] Notification Services was bundled as part of the Microsoft SQL Server platform for the first and only time with SQL Server 2005.[85][86] SQL Server Notification Services is a mechanism for generating data-driven notifications, which are sent to Notification Services subscribers. A subscriber registers for a specific event or transaction (which is registered on the database server as a trigger); when the event occurs, Notification Services can use one of three methods to send a message to the subscriber informing about the occurrence of the event. These methods include SMTP, SOAP, or by writing to a file in the filesystem.[87] Notification Services was discontinued by Microsoft with the release of SQL Server 2008 in August 2008, and is no longer an officially supported component of the SQL Server database platform.

Integration Services

Main article: SQL Server Integration Services

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) provides ETL capabilities for SQL Server for data import, data integration and data warehousing needs. Integration Services includes GUI tools to build workflows such as extracting data from various sources, querying data, transforming data—including aggregation, de-duplication, de-/normalization and merging of data—and then exporting the transformed data into destination databases or files.[88]

Full Text Search Service

The SQL Server Full Text Search service architecture

SQL Server Full Text Search service is a specialized indexing and querying service for unstructured text stored in SQL Server databases. The full text search index can be created on any column with character based text data. It allows for words to be searched for in the text columns. While it can be performed with the SQL LIKE operator, using SQL Server Full Text Search service can be more efficient. Full allows for inexact matching of the source string, indicated by a Rank value which can range from 0 to 1000 - a higher rank means a more accurate match. It also allows linguistic matching ("inflectional search"), i.e., linguistic variants of a word (such as a verb in a different tense) will also be a match for a given word (but with a lower rank than an exact match). Proximity searches are also supported, i.e., if the words searched for do not occur in the sequence they are specified in the query but are near each other, they are also considered a match. T-SQL exposes special operators that can be used to access the FTS capabilities.[89][90]

The Full Text Search engine is divided into two processes: the Filter Daemon process (msftefd.exe) and the Search process (msftesql.exe). These processes interact with the SQL Server. The Search process includes the indexer (that creates the full text indexes) and the full text query processor. The indexer scans through text columns in the database. It can also index through binary columns, and use iFilters to extract meaningful text from the binary blob (for example, when a Microsoft Word document is stored as an unstructured binary file in a database). The iFilters are hosted by the Filter Daemon process. Once the text is extracted, the Filter Daemon process breaks it up into a sequence of words and hands it over to the indexer. The indexer filters out noise words, i.e., words like A, And etc., which occur frequently and are not useful for search. With the remaining words, an inverted index is created, associating each word with the columns they were found in. SQL Server itself includes a Gatherer component that monitors changes to tables and invokes the indexer in case of updates.[91]

When a full text query is received by the SQL Server query processor, it is handed over to the FTS query processor in the Search process. The FTS query processor breaks up the query into the constituent words, filters out the noise words, and uses an inbuilt thesaurus to find out the linguistic variants for each word. The words are then queried against the inverted index and a rank of their accurateness is computed. The results are returned to the client via the SQL Server process.[91]


SQLCMD is a command line application that comes with Microsoft SQL Server, and exposes the management features of SQL Server. It allows SQL queries to be written and executed from the command prompt. It can also act as a scripting language to create and run a set of SQL statements as a script. Such scripts are stored as a .sql file, and are used either for management of databases or to create the database schema during the deployment of a database.

SQLCMD was introduced with SQL Server 2005 and this continues with SQL Server 2012 and 2014. Its predecessor for earlier versions was OSQL and ISQL, which is functionally equivalent as it pertains to TSQL execution, and many of the command line parameters are identical, although SQLCMD adds extra versatility.

Visual Studio

Main article: Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio includes native support for data programming with Microsoft SQL Server. It can be used to write and debug code to be executed by SQL CLR. It also includes a data designer that can be used to graphically create, view or edit database schemas. Queries can be created either visually or using code. SSMS 2008 onwards, provides intellisense for SQL queries as well.

SQL Server Management Studio

Main article: SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio is a GUI tool included with SQL Server 2005 and later for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool includes both script editors and graphical tools that work with objects and features of the server.[92] SQL Server Management Studio replaces Enterprise Manager as the primary management interface for Microsoft SQL Server since SQL Server 2005. A version of SQL Server Management Studio is also available for SQL Server Express Edition, for which it is known as SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE).[93]

A central feature of SQL Server Management Studio is the Object Explorer, which allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the server.[94] It can be used to visually observe and analyze query plans and optimize the database performance, among others.[95] SQL Server Management Studio can also be used to create a new database, alter any existing database schema by adding or modifying tables and indexes, or analyze performance. It includes the query windows which provide a GUI based interface to write and execute queries.[48]

Business Intelligence Development Studio

Main article: Business Intelligence Development Studio

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is the IDE from Microsoft used for developing data analysis and Business Intelligence solutions utilizing the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Reporting Services and Integration Services. It is based on the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment but is customized with the SQL Server services-specific extensions and project types, including tools, controls and projects for reports (using Reporting Services), Cubes and data mining structures (using Analysis Services).[96] For SQL Server 2012 and later, this IDE has been renamed SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).

See also

• Comparison of relational database management systems

• Comparison of object-relational database management systems

• Comparison of data modeling tools

• List of relational database management systems


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· · "Stored Procedure Basics". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Transact-SQL Reference". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Features of SQL Native Client". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Available Today: Preview Release of the SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux". SQL Server Team Blog. 2011-11-28. Retrieved 2013-06-15.

· · "Overview of CLR integration". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "XML Support in SQL Server". Retrieved 2008-09-05.

· · "Introducing Service Broker". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Types of Replication Overview". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Transactional Replication Overview". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Merge Replication Overview". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Snapshot replication Overview". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "SSAS Entity Framework Provider". Retrieved 2011-09-29.

· · "Analysis Services Architecture". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Data Mining Concepts". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "SQL Server Reporting Services". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Cannot open a SQL Reporting Services .rptproj file | Microsoft Connect". Retrieved 2011-09-04.

· · MSDN Library: Reporting Services Render Method

· · Device Information Settings

· · Image Device Information Settings

· · "An Introduction to SQL Server Notification Services". Retrieved 2008-11-14.

· · "SQL Server Notification Services Removed from SQL Server 2008". Retrieved 2008-09-17.

· · "Discontinued Functionality in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services". Retrieved 2008-09-17.

· · "Introducing SQL Server Notification Services". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Integration Services Overview". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Introduction to Full-Text Search". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

· · "Querying SQL Server using Full-Text Search". Retrieved 2007-12-03.

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PostgreSQL adalah sebuah sistem basis data yang disebarluaskan secara bebas menurut Perjanjian lisensi BSD. Piranti lunak ini merupakan salah satu basis data yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini, selain MySQL dan Oracle. PostgreSQL menyediakan fitur yang berguna untuk replikasi basis data. Fitur-fitur yang disediakan PostgreSQL antara lain DB Mirror, PGPool, Slony, PGCluster, dan lain-lain.

PostgreSQL adalah sistem database yang kuat untuk urusan relasi, open source. Memiliki lebih dari 15 tahun pengembangan aktif dan sudah terbukti segala rancangan arsitekturnya telah mendapat reputasi tentang “kuat”, “handal”, “integritas data”, dan “akurasi data” [5].

Pengguna PostgreSQL

Yahoo! untuk analisa prilaku pengguna web, menyimpan 2 petabyte data dan mengklaim sebagai gudang data terbesar. Menggunakan versi PostgreSQL yang dimodifikasi, dengan engine penyimpanan berbasis kolom yang sepenuhnya berbeda.[6][7]

MySpace , situs jejaring sosial populer, menggunakan basisdata Aster nCluster untuk gudang data, dibangun diatas PostgreSQL tanpa modifikasi.[8][9]

OpenStreetMap , proyek kolaboratif untuk menciptakan peta dunia yang bebas sunting.[10]

Afilias , register domain untuk .org, .info, dan sebagainya.[11]

Sony Online multiplayer online game.[12]

BASF , platform belanja untuk portal agribisnisnya.[13] portal jejaring sosial.[14]

Skype aplikasi VoIP, basisdata pusat bisnis.[15]

Sun xVM , perangkat lunak virtualisasi dan otomasi datacenter milik Sun.[16]


Sampai dengan tahun 2012 PostgreSQL telah menerima penghargaan-penghargaan sebagai berikut : [17] • Database terbaik tahun 1999 dari LinuxWorld Editor’s Choice Award• Database terbaik tahun 2000 dari Linux Journal Editors’ Choice Awards• Database terbaik tahun 2002 dari Linux New Media Editor Choice Award• Database terbaik tahun 2003 Linux Journal Editors’ Choice Awards• Database terbaik tahun 2004 dari Linux New Media Award• Database terbaik tahun 2004 Linux Journal Editors’ Choice Awards• Ars Technica Best Server Application Award tahun 2004• Database terbaik tahun 2005 Linux Journal Editors’ Choice Awards• Database terbaik tahun 2006 Linux Journal Editors’ Choice Awards• Product of the Year, Database Tool tahun 2008 dari• Linux New Media Award tahun 2012 untuk kategori Database Open source terbaik

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Office Access 2010 running on Windows 7

Pengembang Microsoft Corporation

Rilis perdana 1.0 / November 1992; 22 tahun yang lalu

Rilis stabil2010 (14.0) (28 April 2010; 5 tahun yang lalu)

Sistem operasi Microsoft Windows

Jenis DBMS

Lisensi Proprietary commercial software

Situs web resmi

Microsoft Access (atau Microsoft Office Access) adalah sebuah program aplikasi basis data komputer relasional yang ditujukan untuk kalangan rumahan dan perusahaan kecil hingga menengah. Aplikasi ini merupakan anggota dari beberapa aplikasi Microsoft Office, selain tentunya Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, dan Microsoft PowerPoint. Aplikasi ini menggunakan mesin basis data Microsoft Jet Database Engine, dan juga menggunakan tampilan grafis yang intuitif sehingga memudahkan pengguna.

Microsoft Access dapat menggunakan data yang disimpan di dalam format Microsoft Access, Microsoft Jet Database Engine, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, atau semua kontainer basis data yang mendukung standar ODBC. Para pengguna/programmer yang mahir dapat menggunakannya untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak aplikasi yang kompleks, sementara para programmer yang kurang mahir dapat menggunakannya untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak aplikasi yang sederhana. Access juga mendukung teknik-teknik pemrograman berorientasi objek, tetapi tidak dapat digolongkan ke dalam perangkat bantu pemrograman berorientasi objek.


Microsoft merilis Microsoft Access 1.0 pada bulan November 1992 dan dilanjutkan dengan merilis versi 2.0 pada tahun 1993. Microsoft menentukan spesifikasi minimum untuk menjalankan Microsoft Access 2.0 adalah sebuah komputer dengan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows 3.0, RAM berkapasitas 4 megabyte (6 megabyte lebih disarankan) dan ruangan kosong hard disk yang dibutuhkan 8 megabyte (14 megabyte lebih disarankan). Versi 2.0 dari Microsoft Access ini datang dengan tujuh buah disket floppy 3½ inci berukuran 1.44 megabyte.

Perangkat lunak tersebut bekerja dengan sangat baik pada sebuah basis data dengan banyak record tapi terdapat beberapa kasus di mana data mengalami kerusakan. Sebagai contoh, pada ukuran basis data melebihi 700 megabyte sering mengalami masalah seperti ini (pada saat itu, memang hard disk yang beredar masih berada di bawah 700 megabyte). Buku manual yang dibawanya memperingatkan bahwa beberapa kasus tersebut disebabkan oleh driver perangkat yang kuno atau konfigurasi yang tidak benar.

Nama kode (codename) yang digunakan oleh Access pertama kali adalah Cirrus yang dikembangkan sebelum Microsoft mengembangkan Microsoft Visual Basic, sementara mesin pembuat form antarmuka yang digunakannya dinamakan dengan Ruby. Bill Gates melihat purwarupa (prototype) tersebut dan memutuskan bahwa komponen bahasa pemrograman BASIC harus dikembangkan secara bersama-sama sebagai sebuah aplikasi terpisah tapi dapat diperluas. Proyek ini dinamakan dengan Thunder. Kedua proyek tersebut dikembangkan secara terpisah, dan mesin pembuat form yang digunakan oleh keduanya tidak saling cocok satu sama lainnya. Hal tersebut berakhir saat Microsoft merilis Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).


Tanggal Nama versiNomor versi

Sistem operasi yang didukung Versi Microsoft Office

1992Microsoft Access 1.1

1 Microsoft Windows T/A

1993Microsoft Access 2.0

2 Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Office 4.3 Professional

1995Microsoft Access for Windows 95

7 Microsoft Windows 95 dan Windows NT 3.51Microsoft Office 95 Professional

1997Microsoft Access 97

8Microsoft Windows 95/98 dan Windows NT 3.51/NT 4.0

Microsoft Office 97 Professional

1999Microsoft Access 2000

9Microsoft Windows 98/Me, Windows NT 4.0/2000

Microsoft Office 2000 Premium dan Office 2000 Professional

2001Microsoft Access 2002

10Microsoft Windows 98/Me, Windows NT/2000/XP

Microsoft Office XP Professional

2003Microsoft Access 2003

11Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 ke atas)/XP (Service Pack 1 ke atas)/Server 2003

Microsoft Office System 2003

2007Microsoft Access 2007

12Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2)/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008 (Beta 2 ke atas)

Microsoft Office System 2007

2010Microsoft Access 2010


Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3)/Windows Server 2003 R2(32-bit)/Windows Server 2008(32-bit atau 64-bit)/Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)/Windows 7

Microsoft Office Professional 2010

2012Microsoft Access 2013

15Microsoft Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1

Microsoft Office Professional 2013


Microsoft Access digunakan kebanyakan oleh bisnis-bisnis kecil dan menengah, di dalam sebuah organisasi yang kecil bahkan mungkin juga digunakan oleh perusahaan yang cukup besar, dan juga para programmer untuk membuat sebuah sistem buatan sendiri untuk menangani pembuatan dan manipulasi data. Access juga dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah basis data untuk aplikasi Web dasar yang disimpan di dalam server yang menjalankan Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) dan menggunakan Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). Meskipun demikian, penggunaan Access kurang disarankan, mengingat telah ada Microsoft SQL Server yang memiliki kemampuan yang lebih tinggi.

Beberapa pengembang aplikasi profesional menggunakan Microsoft Access untuk mengembangkan aplikasi secara cepat (digunakan sebagai Rapid Application Development/RAD tool), khususnya untuk pembuatan purwarupa untuk sebuah program yang lebih besar dan aplikasi yang berdiri sendiri untuk para salesman.

Microsoft Access kurang begitu bagus jika diakses melalui jaringan sehingga aplikasi-aplikasi yang digunakan oleh banyak pengguna cenderung menggunakan solusi sistem manajemen basis data yang bersifat klien/server. Meskipun demikian, tampilan muka Access (form, report, query, dan kode Visual Basic) yang dimilikinya dapat digunakan untuk menangani basis data yang sebenarnya diproses oleh sistem manajemen basis data lainnya, seperti halnya Microsoft Jet Database Engine (yang secara default digunakan oleh Microsoft Access), Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, dan beberapa produk lainnya yang mendukung ODBC.


Salah satu keunggulan Microsoft Access dilihat dari perspektif programmer adalah kompatibilitasnya dengan bahasa pemrograman Structured Query Language (SQL); query dapat dilihat dan disunting sebagai statemen-statemen SQL, dan statemen SQL dapat digunakan secara langsung di dalam Macro dan VBA Module untuk secara langsung memanipulasi tabel data dalam Access. Para pengguna dapat mencampurkan dan menggunakan kedua jenis bahasa tersebut (VBA dan Macro) untuk memprogram form dan logika dan juga untuk mengaplikasikan konsep berorientasi objek.

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) 2000, yang merupakan sebuah versi mini MAL dari Microsoft SQL Server 2000, dimasukkan ke dalam Office XP Developer Edition dan dapat digunakan oleh Microsoft Access sebagai alternatif dari Microsoft Jet Database Engine.

Tidak seperti sebuah sistem manajemen basis data relasional yang komplit, Microsoft JET Database Engine tidak memiliki fitur trigger dan stored procedure. Dimulai dari Microsoft Access 2000 yang menggunakan Microsoft Jet Database Engine versi 4.0, ada sebuah sintaksis yang mengizinkan pembuatan kueri dengan beberapa parameter, dengan sebuah cara seperi halnya sebuah stored procedure, meskipun prosesur tersebut dibatasi hanya untuk sebuah pernyataan tiap prosedurnya. Access juga mengizinkan form untuk mengandung kode yang dapat dieksekusi ketika terjadi sebuah perubahan terhadap tabel basis data, seperti halnya trigger, selama modifikasi dilakukan hanya dengan menggunakan form tersebut, dan merupakan sesuatu hal yang umum untuk menggunakan kueri yang akan diteruskan (pass-through dan teknik lainnya di dalam Access untuk menjalankan stored procedure di dalam RDBMS yang mendukungnya.

Dalam berkas Access Database Project (ADP) yang didukung oleh Microsoft Access 2000 dan yang selanjutnya, fitur-fitur yang berkaitan dengan basis data berbeda dari versi format/struktur data yang digunakan Access (*.MDB), karena jenis berkas ini dapat membuat koneksi ke sebuah basis data MSDE atau Microsoft SQL Server, ketimbang menggunakan Microsoft JET Database Engine. Sehingga, dengan menggunakan ADP, adalah mungkin untuk membuat hampur semua objek di dalam server yang menjalankan mesin basis data tersebut (tabel basis data dengan constraints dan trigger, view, stored procedure, dan UDF). Meskipun demikian, yang disimpan di dalam berkas ADP hanyalah form, report, macro, dan modul, sementara untuk tabel dan objek lainnya disimpan di dalam server basis data yang membelakangi program tersebut.

Pengembangan dengan Access

Access mengizinkan pengembangan yang relatif cepat karena semua tabel basis data, kueri, form, dan report disimpan di dalam berkas basis data miliknya (*.MDB). Untuk membuat Query, Access menggunakan Query Design Grid, sebuah program berbasis grafis yang mengizinkan para penggunanya untuk membuat query tanpa harus mengetahui bahasa pemrograman SQL. DI dalam Query Design Grid, para pengguna dapat memperlihatkan tabel basis data sumber dari query, dan memilih field-field mana yang hendak dikembalikan oleh proses dengan mengklik dan menyeretnya ke dalam grid. Join juga dapat dibuat dengan cara mengklik dan menyeret field-field dalam tabel ke dalam field dalam tabel lainnya. Access juga mengizinkan pengguna untuk melihat dan memanipulasi kode SQL jika memang diperlukan.

Bahasa pemrograman yang tersedia di dalam Access adalah Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), seperti halnya dalam beberapa aplikasi Microsoft Office. Dua buah pustaka komponen Component Object Model (COM) untuk mengakses basis data pun disediakan, yakni Data Access Object (DAO), yang hanya terdapat di dalam Access 97, dan ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) yang tersedia dalam versi-versi Access terbaru.


Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia gratis


Pola pikir Penting, deklaratif

Pembangun C. Wayne Ratliff [1]

Pertama muncul 1979; 36 tahun yang lalu

Situs web


Clipper, produk WordTech, Harbour. FoxBASE +, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro, VP-Info

dBase (juga bergaya dBASE) adalah salah satu yang pertama sistem manajemen database untuk mikrokomputer, dan yang paling sukses di masanya. [2] Sistem dBase termasuk inti mesin database, sistem query, sebuah mesin bentuk, dan bahasa pemrograman yang mengikat semua komponen ini bersama-sama. format file yang mendasari dBase, para .dbf berkas, secara luas digunakan dalam aplikasi yang membutuhkan format sederhana untuk menyimpan data terstruktur.

dBase awalnya diterbitkan oleh Ashton-Tate untuk sistem operasi komputer mikro CP / M tahun 1980, dan kemudian porting ke Apple II dan IBM PC komputer yang menjalankan DOS. Pada platform PC, khususnya, dBase menjadi salah satu software terlaris untuk beberapa tahun. Sebuah upgrade besar dirilis sebagai dBase III, dan porting ke berbagai platform yang lebih luas, menambahkan UNIX, dan VMS. Pada pertengahan 1980-an, Ashton-Tate adalah salah satu dari "tiga besar" penerbit perangkat lunak di pasar perangkat lunak bisnis awal, yang lainnya adalah Lotus Development dan WordPerfect.

Dimulai pada pertengahan 1980-an, beberapa perusahaan memproduksi variasi mereka sendiri pada produk dBase dan terutama bahasa pemrograman dBase. Ini termasuk FoxBASE + (kemudian berganti nama FoxPro), Clipper, dan lainnya disebut xBase produk. Banyak dari mereka secara teknis lebih kuat dari dBase, tapi tidak bisa mendorong ke samping di pasar. Hal ini berubah dengan pengenalan bencana dBase IV, yang desain dan stabilitas yang sangat miskin sehingga banyak pengguna beralih ke produk lain. [3] Pada saat yang sama, ada meningkatnya penggunaan IBM-diciptakan SQL (Structured Query Language) di produk database . Faktor lain adalah adopsi pengguna dari Microsoft Windows pada komputer desktop. Pergeseran ke arah SQL dan Windows memberikan tekanan pada pembuat produk xBase untuk berinvestasi di desain ulang utama untuk memberikan kemampuan baru.

Meskipun tekanan untuk berevolusi, di awal 1990-an produk xBase merupakan platform database terkemuka untuk menerapkan aplikasi bisnis. Ukuran dan dampak dari pasar xBase tidak luput dari perhatian, dan dalam waktu satu tahun, tiga perusahaan xBase atas diakuisisi oleh perusahaan perangkat lunak yang lebih besar. Borland dibeli Ashton-Tate, Microsoft membeli Fox Software, dan Computer Associates diperoleh Nantucket. Namun, pada dekade berikutnya sebagian besar produk xBase asli telah memudar dari keunggulan dan beberapa menghilang. Produk yang dikenal sebagai dBase masih ada, yang dimiliki oleh dBase LLC.



Artikel utama: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Tampilan Sistem Informasi

Pada akhir tahun 1960, Fred Thompson di Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) telah menggunakan Tymshare produk bernama mengambil untuk mengelola database kalkulator elektronik, yang pada waktu itu produk sangat mahal. Pada tahun 1971 Fred berkolaborasi dengan Jack Hatfield, seorang programmer di JPL, untuk menulis versi yang disempurnakan AMBIL yang menjadi proyek JPLDIS. JPLDIS ditulis dalam FORTRAN pada UNIVAC 1108 mainframe, dan disajikan secara terbuka pada tahun 1973. Ketika Hatfield meninggalkan JPL pada tahun 1974, Jeb panjang mengambil alih perannya. [4]

Ketika bekerja di JPL sebagai kontraktor, C. Wayne Ratliff memasuki kolam sepakbola kantor. Dia tidak tertarik dalam permainan, tapi merasa dia bisa menang kolam renang dengan mengolah statistik pasca-pertandingan ditemukan di koran. Untuk melakukan hal ini, ia mengalihkan perhatiannya ke sistem database dan, secara kebetulan, datang di dokumentasi untuk JPLDIS. Dia menggunakan ini sebagai dasar untuk port untuk PTDOS pada nya kit-dibangun IMSAI 8080 microcomputer, dan disebut sistem yang dihasilkan Vulcan (setelah Mr Spock di Star Trek). [5]


George Tate dan Hal Lashlee telah membangun dua perusahaan start-up yang sukses - Diskon Software adalah salah satu yang pertama untuk menjual program software PC melalui surat kepada konsumen, dan Software Distributor yang merupakan salah satu distributor grosir pertama dari software PC di dunia. Mereka menandatangani perjanjian dengan Ratliff untuk memasarkan Vulcan, dan membentuk Ashton-Tate untuk melakukannya. Ratliff porting Vulcan dari PTDOS ke CP / M. Hal Pawluk, yang menangani pemasaran bagi perusahaan yang baru lahir, memutuskan untuk mengubah nama untuk lebih bisnis-seperti "dBase". Pawluk merancang penggunaan huruf kecil "d" dan semua-topi "DASAR" untuk membuat nama khas. Pawluk disarankan memanggil produk versi baru dua ("II") untuk menyarankan itu kereta kurang dari satu rilis awal. DBase II adalah hasil dan menjadi CP aplikasi standar / M bersama dengan WordStar dan SuperCalc. [6]

Pada tahun 1981, IBM menugaskan pelabuhan dBase untuk PC kemudian-in-pembangunan. Program yang dihasilkan adalah salah satu bagian awal dari perangkat lunak yang tersedia saat PC IBM mulai dijual musim gugur 1981. dBase adalah salah satu dari sangat sedikit "profesional" program pada platform pada waktu itu, dan menjadi sukses besar. Basis pelanggan termasuk tidak hanya pengguna akhir, tetapi peningkatan jumlah "nilai tambah reseller", atau VAR, yang membeli dBase, menulis aplikasi dengan itu, dan dijual dengan sistem selesai untuk pelanggan mereka. The Mei 1983 rilis dari dBase II Runtime lanjut bercokol dBase di pasar VAR dengan membiarkan VAR untuk menyebarkan produk mereka menggunakan sistem Runtime-biaya yang lebih rendah.

Meskipun beberapa kritikus menyatakan bahwa dBase sulit untuk belajar, keberhasilannya menciptakan banyak peluang untuk pihak ketiga. Pada 1984 lebih dari 1.000 perusahaan yang ditawarkan pengembangan aplikasi dBase terkait, perpustakaan kode untuk menambah fungsionalitas, aplikasi yang menggunakan dBase II Runtime, konsultasi, pelatihan, dan buku-buku. Sebuah perusahaan di San Diego (sekarang dikenal sebagai Advisor Media) perdana majalah yang ditujukan untuk penggunaan profesional dari dBase, Penasihat Berbasis data; peredarannya melebihi 35.000 setelah delapan bulan. [7] Semua kegiatan ini memicu peningkatan pesat dari dBase sebagai produk terkemuka dari jenis.

dBase III

Screenshot dari Dbase III Ditambah

Sebagai platform dan sistem operasi menjamur di awal 1980-an, perusahaan menemukan sulit untuk pelabuhan bahasa assembly berbasis dBase untuk menargetkan sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan menulis ulang dari platform dalam bahasa pemrograman C, menggunakan alat otomatis kode konversi. Kode yang dihasilkan bekerja, tetapi pada dasarnya tidak tercatat dan tidak manusiawi dalam sintaks, masalah yang akan terbukti menjadi serius di masa depan. [Rujukan?]

Yang dihasilkan dBase III dirilis pada Mei 1984. Meskipun pengulas luas menyorot kinerja diturunkan, produk tersebut Ulasan dinyatakan baik. Setelah upgrade cepat beberapa sistem stabil dan sekali lagi best-seller sepanjang tahun 1980, dan membentuk terkenal "aplikasi trio" dari PC yang kompatibel (dBase, Lotus 123, dan WordPerfect). Dengan jatuhnya 1984, perusahaan memiliki lebih dari 500 karyawan dan mengambil di $ 40.000.000 per tahun dalam penjualan, sebagian besar dari produk dBase.


kemasan asli dBase IV

dBase telah berkembang menjadi berorientasi objek bahasa modern yang berjalan pada 32 bit Windows. Hal ini dapat digunakan untuk membangun berbagai macam aplikasi termasuk aplikasi web host pada server Windows, aplikasi Windows klien kaya, dan aplikasi middleware. dBase dapat mengakses mesin database yang paling modern yang melalui driver ODBC. Versi DOS masih dapat berjalan pada terbaru mesin Windows / Linux menggunakan Virtual Machine (VM) DosBox, atau varian kemudian dbDOS. Pada 2015, dBase, LLC. memperkenalkan satu set utilitas baru yang disebut dbfUtils. Utilitas meliputi: dbfExport (TM) untuk mengekspor data dari .dbf file ke CSV, Microsoft (R) Excel, dan XML, dbfImport (TM) memungkinkan pengguna untuk memberikan CSV, Microsoft (R) Excel, dan file XML ke dalam .dbf . dbfCompare (TM) memungkinkan 2 .dbf tabel untuk membandingkan perbedaan dan memberikan cara mudah untuk menyinkronkan tabel. Akhirnya dbfInspect baru (TM) memungkinkan pengguna untuk deep-menyelam ke dalam .dbf file dan isinya.

dBase fitur IDE dengan Jendela Command dan Navigator, compiler just-in-time, preprocessor, juru virtual-mesin, sebuah linker untuk membuat dBase .EXEs aplikasi, mesin runtime yang tersedia secara bebas, dan banyak dua arah desain GUI alat termasuk Designer Form, Report Designer, Menu Designer, Label Designer, datamodule Designer, SQL Query Designer, dan Table Designer. Alat dua arah mengacu pada kemampuan untuk beralih antara menggunakan alat desain GUI dan editor kode sumber. Alat lainnya termasuk Kode Sumber Editor, seorang Project Manager yang menyederhanakan membangun dan menggunakan aplikasi dBase, dan Debugger terintegrasi. dBase fitur penanganan eksepsi terstruktur dan memiliki banyak built-in kelas yang dapat subclassed melalui warisan tunggal. Ada kelas visual, kelas data, dan banyak kelas pendukung lainnya. Kelas Visual meliputi Form, SubForm, Notebook, Container, Entryfield, RadioButton, SpinBox, ComboBox, ListBox, PushButton, Gambar, Kotak, scrollbar, ActiveX, Laporan, ReportViewer, Text, TextLabel dan banyak lainnya. Database kelas meliputi Sesi, Database, Query, Rowset, Field, StoredProc dan kelas

datamodule. Kelas-kelas lain termasuk File, String, Matematika, Array, Tanggal, Exception, Obyek dan lain-lain. benda dBase dapat secara dinamis subclassed dengan menambahkan properti baru kepada mereka saat runtime.

Sejarah Versi Terbaru

Versi Dirilis Catatan

dBASE PLUS 2.8April 23, 2012

Sebuah rilis upgrade dari 2.7.1. [8]

dbDOS 1.014 Mei 2012

Pada bulan Mei 2012, dBase memperkenalkan produk baru untuk memungkinkan pengguna produk dBase berbasis DOS untuk terus menggunakan produk pada Windows OS dan hardware terbaru. Produk baru tersebut disebut dbDOS (TM) dbdos [9]

dBASE CLASSIC (TM) Diperkenalkan untuk bekerja dengan program dbDOS

10 Agustus 2012

Itu kembali ... itu benar, dBASE CLASSIC ™ salah satu dBASE terlaris untuk MS-DOS adalah kembali! dBASE CLASSIC ™ didasarkan pada dBASE V asli untuk produk DOS yang dirilis oleh Borland kembali pada tahun 1994. [10]

dbDOS 1.5.x10 Oktober 2012

Kemampuan cetak ditingkatkan untuk sekarang sangat mirip cetakan dari tahun 1980-an dan 90-an. [11]

dBASE PLUS 8 dengan ADO

18 Maret 2013

Versi saat ini, dBase PLUS 8, diumumkan [12] pada tanggal 19 Maret 2013. Produk ini tidak hanya mendukung konektivitas BDE yang ada, tetapi juga menambahkan dukungan untuk ADO dan ODBC baik melalui pendekatan ADO baru atau dengan koneksi BDE ada . Ini update dBase PLUS 8 telah grafis ditingkatkan, telah dimodernisasi atas dukungan pada sistem operasi yang lebih baru hari ini termasuk dukungan untuk menjalankan aplikasi pada Microsoft Windows 8 dan Windows Server 2012 lini produk. Produk ini sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan versi sebelumnya 32-bit dari dBase termasuk Visual dBase 7.x dan dB2K. Hal ini sebagian kompatibel dengan 16-bit Windows versi (dBase untuk Windows 5.x dan Visual dBase 5.x) [13] dan dengan versi DOS yang lebih tua (dBase II, dBase III, dBase IV, dan dBase 5). [14] The dbDOS terbaru disebut dbDOS (TM) PRO 2 dan terus ditingkatkan.

dbfExport (TM) 7 Agustus 2013

Rilis besar pertama dari set baru utilitas dari dBase, LLC. [15] Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat pekerjaan bekerja dengan dBASE data yang lebih mudah untuk semua orang. The dbfExport ™ baru dapat mengkonversi data dBASE dari file .dbf ke CSV,

Microsoft® Excel, atau XML dalam tiga langkah mudah.

dbDOS PRO 223 Agustus 2013

Rilis berikutnya utama dari lini produk dbDOS. [16] Peningkatan Sistem Manajemen Memory yang tidak memerlukan manajer memori pihak ke-3 tambahan yang mengurangi konflik hardware. Andal menyalin informasi dari Windows ke dbDOS ™ VM clipboard. Teknik yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk menyisipkan informasi dari dbDOS ™ VM ke clipboard Windows OS kembali direkayasa.

Ditingkatkan fungsi print screen membuatnya lebih mudah dari sebelumnya untuk segera membuat catatan tentang apa yang Anda lakukan di app dBASE Anda. DbDOS diperbarui ™ utilitas konfigurasi membuatnya lebih mudah untuk membuat, memperbarui, dan mengelola beberapa dbDOS ™ konfigurasi

dbfCompare (TM)17 Januari 2014

dbfCompare ™ adalah cara termudah untuk membandingkan data tabel dBASE pernah, dari dBase, LLC. [17] dbfCompare ™ akan menganalisis dan warna-kode perbedaan antara tabel Guru dan meja Perbandingan berdasarkan struktur meja mereka. Maka produk akan melakukan analisis yang mendalam-data pada perbedaan antara data Guru Tabel dan data Tabel Perbandingan. Hasilnya dapat dilihat Side-by-Side atau pecah ke dalam berbagai format. Selain itu, kami juga dapat mengekspor laporan ke PDF atau mengekspor Ditambahkan, dihapus, dimodifikasi, atau Identik baris ke file CSV untuk pilihan pengolahan lebih.

dbfImport (TM)25 Januari 2014

dbfImport ™ adalah cara termudah untuk mengimpor data ke dalam database dbf pernah, dari dBase, LLC. [18] dbfImport ™ adalah utilitas baru merek untuk membantu membuat pekerjaan bekerja dengan file database dBASE (dbf) sedikit lebih mudah. Ini adalah dbfUtility ketiga set baru utilitas yang akan fokus pada bekerja dengan tabel dBASE. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat pekerjaan bekerja dengan dBASE data yang lebih mudah untuk semua orang. The dbfImport ™ baru dapat mengkonversi CSV, Microsoft® Excel, atau file XML berdasarkan dan beban mereka ke database dBASE (.dbfs) dalam tiga langkah mudah.

dbfInspect (TM) 17 Maret 2014

dbfInspect ™ membantu mengungkap emas dalam file DBF Anda, dari dBase, LLC. [19] baru dbfInspect ™ bekerja dengan tabel dari dBASE IV semua jalan melalui versi terbaru dBASE, dBASE PLUS 8 dengan ADO. Utilitas ini unik dapat membaca, memodifikasi, menyisipkan, menghapus, paket, dan mencetak menggunakan tabel Anda. Ini memiliki dua sistem pencarian lanjutan built-in, satu untuk pencarian sederhana dan yang lainnya untuk lebih mendalam pencarian. Bahkan memungkinkan Anda mencari

bidang memo informasi.

dbDOS PRO 3.02 Mei 2014

Windows® XP IS MATI! DbDOS LANGSUNG PANJANG PRO 3! [20] kemampuan pencetakan Peningkatan sekarang sangat mirip cetakan dari tahun 1980-an dan 90-an. Baru! Mudah Konfigurasi DOS Wisaya menyederhanakan setup dan peluncuran program dBASE tunggal. Ditingkatkan fungsi DOS SHELL. Tampilan untuk resolusi di atas 800x600 100% lebih tajam dan lebih mudah dibaca. Peningkatan sistem cadangan yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menemukan konfigurasi yang Anda cari.

dBASE PLUS 918 Juni 2014

! dBase, LLC Meluncurkan Versi Baru legendaris dBASE Database Management System [21] fitur kunci tambahan dari dBASE PLUS 9 meliputi: dComplete ™ - sebuah Intelli-Rasa seperti fitur untuk bahasa dBASE; dBlocks ™ - menambahkan dBASE potongan kode dalam beberapa stroke kunci, dLocator ™ - sekarang menemukan informasi di beberapa file; dBabel ™ - sekarang mendukung untuk warna menyoroti HTML, XML, SQL, JavaScript dan lain-lain; dExtract ™ - sekarang ekspor kode sumber Anda ke HTML, RTF, PDF, LaTeX, dan XML; dbfExplorer ™ - sekarang mengungkapkan properti file dalam antarmuka Windows Explorer; Besar-besaran diperbarui Editor - itu termasuk Kode Folding, Auto Indent, Akhir penanda Line, Indentasi Guides, Nomor Line, dan fitur-fitur canggih lainnya, 60% lebih shortcut keyboard untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan cepat; Lookup Data - bebas royalti data yang meliputi saham, geografi, dan jenis umum lainnya data lookup; dan Catalyst SocketTools ActiveX kontrol dan perpustakaan membantu pengembang membuat aplikasi internet-enabled dengan cepat dan mudah.

dbfExport (TM) 2April 17, 2015

Rilis berikutnya utama dbfExport (TM) 2, dari dBase LLC. [22] Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat pekerjaan bekerja dengan dBASE data yang lebih mudah untuk semua orang. Baru dbfExport ™ 2 dapat mengkonversi data dBASE dari file .dbf ke CSV, HTML, Microsoft® Excel 2003 dan di bawah, Microsoft® Excel 2008 dan di atas, atau XML dalam tiga langkah mudah.

dbDOS PRO 4.06 Mei 2015

dBase, LLC Meluncurkan Versi Baru dbDOS ™ PRO 4! [23] dbDOS ™ PRO 4, versi terbaru dari solusi terlaris untuk mendukung aplikasi berbasis MS-DOS® pada Windows Vista dan di atas sistem operasi.

dbDOS PRO 4.0N 18 Mei 2015

dBase, LLC Memperkenalkan dbDOS ™ PRO 4N - Mendukung Multi-User MS-DOS® Aplikasi! [24] dbDOS ™ PRO 4N, versi terbaru dari solusi terlaris untuk mendukung aplikasi berbasis MS-DOS® pada Windows Vista dan di atas sistem operasi. NEW dbDOS ™

PRO 4N edisi telah menambahkan komunikasi jaringan untuk produk juga.

dBASE PLUS 1021 Juli 2015

! dBase, LLC unshackle Anda Proses Pengembangan Aplikasi Windows Dengan BARU dBASE PLUS 10 [25] fitur kunci tambahan dari dBASE PLUS 10 meliputi: Sebuah set baru asli Komponen, data-aware baru GridEx (dGrid ™) dan komponen ListView, yang merupakan komponen baru pertama dalam 15 tahun! Sebuah Compiler diperbarui yang dibangun kembali dari bawah ke atas, yang memungkinkan untuk mengkompilasi file yang lebih besar, simbol lebih dan 30% lebih cepat! dBASE PLUS 10 memperkenalkan Debugger baru - disebut dBugger ™, kini memiliki tampilan yang sama dan merasa sebagai sisa produk dan telah benar-benar ditulis ulang untuk mengambil keuntungan dari banyak fitur baru. Fitur yang pengguna telah menunggu untuk waktu yang sangat lama AKHIRNYA sini, para Runtime Embedded, yang memberikan kemampuan untuk membangun exe tunggal dengan dBASE PLUS 10 Runtime tertanam ke Exe! Juga termasuk, adalah Penanganan Sumber Daya baru, yang sekarang bekerja dengan baik BMP dan PNG jenis grafis dari .dll sumber daya (s). Selain itu, dBASE PLUS 10 sekarang termasuk lebih dari 15.000 gambar bebas royalti untuk digunakan dalam aplikasi Anda! Produk ini juga memperkenalkan diperbarui dComplete ™ 2.0, yang menambahkan fungsi signifikan kode-completion untuk produk. Selain itu, banyak fitur produktivitas lainnya telah ditambahkan juga. Selanjutnya, dBASE PLUS 10 dibangun pada kualitas rilis sebelumnya, yang berarti kualitasnya lebih baik dari sebelumnya dan kami telah tetap banyak masalah sejak rilis terakhir!

dBase / xBase bahasa pemrograman

Untuk menangani data, dBase tersedia perintah rinci prosedural dan fungsi untuk membuka dan catatan melintasi di file data (misalnya, PENGGUNAAN, SKIP, GO TOP, GO BOTTOM, dan GO recno), memanipulasi nilai bidang (REPLACE dan STORE), dan memanipulasi string teks (misalnya, STR () dan substr ()), nomor, dan tanggal. Kemampuannya untuk secara bersamaan terbuka dan memanipulasi beberapa file yang berisi data terkait yang dipimpin Ashton-Tate untuk label dBase sebuah "database relasional" meskipun tidak memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Dr. Edgar F. Codd 's model relasional; itu bisa lebih akurat disebut bahasa pengembangan aplikasi dan terpadu sistem manajemen database navigasi yang dipengaruhi oleh konsep-konsep relasional.

Produk dBase menggunakan arsitektur runtime interpreter, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan perintah dengan mengetik mereka dalam baris perintah "dot prompt." Setelah mengetik perintah atau fungsi dan menekan tombol kembali, penafsir akan segera mengeksekusi atau mengevaluasinya. Demikian pula, skrip Program (file teks dengan ekstensi PRG) berlari di interpreter (dengan perintah DO), di mana setiap perintah dan variabel dievaluasi pada saat runtime.

Hal ini membuat program dBase cepat dan mudah untuk menulis dan menguji karena programmer tidak harus pertama mengkompilasi dan menghubungkan mereka sebelum menjalankan mereka. (Untuk bahasa lain, langkah-langkah yang membosankan di hari-hari tunggal dan double-digit CPU megahertz.) The interpreter juga ditangani secara otomatis dan dinamis semua manajemen memori (yaitu, tidak ada memori preallocating dan tidak ada notasi heksadesimal), yang lebih dari yang lain Fitur memungkinkan bagi orang bisnis tanpa pengalaman pemrograman mengembangkan aplikasi.

Sebaliknya, kemudahan dan kesederhanaan dBase disajikan sebuah tantangan sebagai penggunanya menjadi lebih ahli dan sebagai programmer profesional yang tertarik untuk itu. Banyak aplikasi yang kompleks dan lebih kritis menuntut fitur pemrograman profesional untuk keandalan yang lebih besar dan kinerja, serta produktivitas pengembang yang lebih besar.

Seiring waktu, pesaing Ashton-Tate diperkenalkan disebut-produk tiruan dan compiler yang memiliki fitur pemrograman yang lebih kuat seperti fungsi user-defined (UDFS) untuk melengkapi built-in fungsi set, scoped variabel untuk menulis rutinitas dan fungsi yang kurang mungkin dipengaruhi oleh proses eksternal, array untuk penanganan data yang kompleks, fitur kemasan untuk memberikan aplikasi sebagai file executable tanpa penerjemah eksternal runtime, sintaks berorientasi objek, dan interface untuk mengakses data dalam sistem manajemen database jarak jauh. Ashton-Tate juga menerapkan banyak fitur ini dengan berbagai tingkat keberhasilan. Ashton-Tate dan pesaingnya juga mulai memasukkan SQL, bahasa standar ANSI / ISO untuk membuat, mengubah, dan mengambil data yang tersimpan dalam sistem manajemen database relasional.

Akhirnya, menjadi jelas bahwa dunia dBase telah berkembang jauh melampaui Ashton-Tate, yang dianggap menghambat inovasi, pertumbuhan dan dampak dari teknologi. A "pihak ketiga" masyarakat telah terbentuk, terdiri dari Fox Software, Nantucket, Alpha Software, Advisor Berdasarkan Data Magazine, SBT dan perusahaan pengembangan aplikasi lainnya, dan kelompok-kelompok pengembang besar. Paperback Software meluncurkan fleksibel dan cepat VP-Info dengan built-in compiler yang unik. Komunitas dBase variaants berusaha untuk membuat standar bahasa dBase, didukung oleh IEEE panitia X3J19 dan inisiatif IEEE 1192. Mereka mulai menggunakan "xBase" untuk umum merujuk pada bahasa dan desain database, untuk membedakannya dari produk Ashton-Tate.

Ashton-Tate diundang untuk berpartisipasi, tapi bukan itu melihat munculnya xBase sebagai ancaman ilegal untuk teknologi miliknya. Pada tahun 1988 Ashton-Tate mengajukan gugatan terhadap Fox Software dan Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) untuk menyalin "struktur dan urutan" dBase di FOXBASE + (SCO dipasarkan XENIX dan UNIX versi produk Fox). Pada bulan Desember 1990, Distrik AS hakim Terry Hatter, Jr diberhentikan gugatan Ashton-Tate dan batal hak cipta Ashton-Tate untuk tidak mengungkapkan bahwa dBase telah didasarkan, sebagian, pada domain publik JPLDIS. Pada bulan Oktober 1991, sementara kasus itu masih dalam proses banding, Borland International mengakuisisi Ashton-Tate, dan sebagai salah satu ketentuan merger ini Departemen Kehakiman AS diperlukan Borland untuk mengakhiri gugatan terhadap Fox dan memungkinkan perusahaan lain untuk menggunakan bahasa dBase / xBase tanpa ancaman tindakan hukum.

Pada akhir 1992, perusahaan perangkat lunak besar menaikkan taruhannya dengan mengakuisisi produk xBase terkemuka. Borland mengakuisisi produk dBase Ashton-Tate (dan kemudian produk xBase WordTech ini), Microsoft mengakuisisi produk Fox Software FoxBASE + dan FoxPro, dan Computer Associates diperoleh produk Clipper Nantucket ini. Advisor Media dibangun di majalahnya

data Berbasis penasihat dengan meluncurkan FoxPro penasihat dan Clipper Advisor (dan lainnya) majalah pengembang dan jurnal, dan hidup konferensi untuk pengembang. Namun, direncanakan dBase Advisor Majalah dibatalkan karena kegagalan pasar dBase IV.

Pada tahun 2000 pasar xBase telah memudar sebagai pengembang bergeser ke sistem database baru dan bahasa pemrograman. Computer Associates (kemudian dikenal sebagai CA) akhirnya menjatuhkan Clipper. Borland direstrukturisasi dan dijual dBase. Dari acquirer utama, Microsoft terjebak dengan xBase terpanjang, berkembang FoxPro ke Visual FoxPro, tetapi produk tidak lagi ditawarkan. Pada tahun 2006 Advisor Media berhenti majalah xBase nya lalu-hidup, FoxPro Advisor. Era dominasi xBase telah berakhir, tapi masih ada produk xBase. The dBase lini produk kini dimiliki oleh dBase LLC.

Contoh pemrograman

Hari ini, implementasi dari bahasa dBase telah diperluas untuk mencakup banyak fitur yang ditargetkan untuk aplikasi bisnis, termasuk pemrograman berorientasi objek, manipulasi data terpencil dan didistribusikan melalui SQL, fungsi internet, dan interaksi dengan perangkat modern.

Contoh berikut membuka tabel karyawan ("empl"), memberikan setiap manajer yang membawahi 1 atau lebih karyawan kenaikan 10 persen, dan kemudian mencetak nama dan gaji.


REPLACE ALL gaji DENGAN gaji * 1.1 UNTUK pengawas> 0

DAFTAR SEMUA fname, lname, gaji ke PRINT

* (Komentar: kata-undang ditampilkan di HURUF untuk tujuan ilustrasi)

Perhatikan bagaimana seseorang tidak harus terus menyebutkan nama tabel. ("Saat ini") meja diasumsikan tetap sama sampai kepada sebaliknya. Karena asal-usulnya sebagai bahasa interaktif ditafsirkan, dBase digunakan berbagai teknik kontekstual untuk mengurangi jumlah mengetik dibutuhkan. Ini difasilitasi tambahan, pengembangan interaktif tetapi juga membuat skala yang lebih besar pemrograman modular sulit. Sebuah prinsip pemrograman modular adalah bahwa pelaksanaan yang benar dari modul program tidak harus terpengaruh oleh faktor-faktor eksternal seperti keadaan variabel memori atau tabel yang dimanipulasi dalam modul program lain. Karena dBase tidak dirancang dengan pikiran ini, pengembang harus berhati-hati tentang port (pinjaman) kode pemrograman yang diasumsikan konteks tertentu dan itu akan membuat tulisan-skala yang lebih besar kode modular sulit. Referensi kerja-area spesifik masih mungkin menggunakan notasi panah ("B-> customer") sehingga beberapa tabel dapat dimanipulasi pada waktu yang sama. Selain itu, jika pengembang memiliki keinginan untuk nama meja mereka tepat, mereka bisa dengan jelas merujuk kepada sejumlah besar tabel terbuka pada waktu yang sama dengan notasi seperti ("karyawan-> gaji") dan ("liburan-> start_date" ). Atau, perintah alias bisa ditambahkan ke pembukaan awal pernyataan meja yang membuat referensi bidang meja ambigu dan sederhana. Sebagai contoh. satu dapat membuka meja dan menetapkan alias untuk itu dengan cara ini,

"penggunaan EMP alias Karyawan", dan selanjutnya, lihat variabel tabel sebagai "karyawan-> Nama".

Fitur lain yang penting adalah penggunaan kembali klausul yang sama untuk perintah yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, UNTUK klausa membatasi ruang lingkup perintah yang diberikan. (Hal ini agak sebanding dengan SQL klausa WHERE). Perintah yang berbeda seperti LIST, DELETE, REPLACE, BROWSE, dll semua bisa menerima klausul UNTUK untuk membatasi (filter) lingkup kegiatan mereka. Ini menyederhanakan belajar bahasa.

dBase juga salah satu bahasa berorientasi bisnis pertama yang menerapkan evaluasi tali.

i = 2

myMacro = "i + 10"

i = & myMacro

* Komentar: i sekarang memiliki nilai 12

Di sini "&" menceritakan interpreter untuk mengevaluasi string disimpan di "myMacro" seolah-olah itu pemrograman kode. Ini adalah contoh dari fitur yang membuat pemrograman dBase fleksibel dan dinamis, kadang-kadang disebut "meta kemampuan" dalam profesi. Hal ini dapat memungkinkan ekspresi pemrograman untuk ditempatkan di dalam tabel, agak mengingatkan formula dalam perangkat lunak spreadsheet.

Namun, juga bisa menjadi masalah untuk pra-kompilasi dan untuk membuat kode pemrograman aman dari hacking. Tapi, dBase cenderung digunakan untuk aplikasi internal kustom untuk perusahaan kecil dan menengah di mana kurangnya perlindungan terhadap menyalin, dibandingkan dengan perangkat lunak dikompilasi, sering kurang dari sebuah isu.


Selain dot-prompt, dBase III, III + dan dBase IV datang dikemas dengan aplikasi ASSIST untuk memanipulasi data dan query, serta aplikasi APPSGEN yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menghasilkan aplikasi tanpa menggunakan kode menulis, seperti 4GL. The dBase IV APPSGEN alat didasarkan sebagian besar pada bagian-bagian dari produk CP / M awal bernama Pribadi Pearl.


Meskipun bahasa telah jatuh dari nikmat sebagai bahasa bisnis utama, beberapa menemukan dBase iklan-hoc alat manipulasi data yang sangat baik interaktif. Sedangkan SQL mengambil set data dari database relasional (RDBMS), dengan dBase satu dapat lebih mudah memanipulasi, format, menganalisis dan melakukan perhitungan pada catatan individu, string, angka, dan sebagainya dalam imperatif (prosedural) cara langkah-demi-langkah bukannya mencoba untuk mencari tahu bagaimana menggunakan operasi deklaratif SQL.

Granularity operasinya umumnya lebih kecil dari SQL, sehingga lebih mudah untuk membagi query dan pengolahan tabel menjadi bagian-bagian yang mudah dipahami dan mudah-test. Misalnya,

orang bisa menyisipkan operasi BROWSE antara penyaringan dan langkah agregasi untuk mempelajari tabel menengah atau pandangan (diterapkan filter) sebelum langkah agregasi diterapkan.

Sebagai platform pengembangan aplikasi, dBase mengisi kesenjangan antara bahasa tingkat rendah seperti C, C ++, dan Java, dan tingkat tinggi 4GLs proprietary (bahasa generasi keempat) dan alat murni visual, menyediakan relatif mudah-dari-penggunaan untuk orang-orang bisnis dengan keterampilan pemrograman kurang formal dan produktivitas yang tinggi untuk pengembang profesional bersedia untuk perdagangan off kontrol tingkat rendah.

dBase tetap alat pengajaran populer bahkan setelah penjualan melambat karena perintah teks berorientasi lebih mudah untuk hadir dalam materi pelatihan dicetak dari pesaing tikus-oriented. (Perintah Tikus berorientasi ditambahkan ke produk dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi bahasa perintah tetap standar populer de facto sementara mousing perintah cenderung-vendor tertentu.)

Format file

Sebuah warisan utama dari dBase adalah format file .dbf, yang telah diadopsi di sejumlah aplikasi lainnya. Sebagai contoh, shapefile format yang dikembangkan oleh ESRI untuk data spasial di PC-nya ArcInfo sistem informasi geografis, menggunakan .dbf file untuk menyimpan fitur data atribut.

Microsoft merekomendasikan menyimpan Microsoft Works file database dalam format dBase file sehingga dapat dibaca oleh Microsoft Excel. [26]

Sebuah paket yang tersedia untuk Emacs untuk membaca file xBase. [27]

sistem database dBase adalah salah satu yang pertama untuk memberikan sundulan bagian untuk menggambarkan struktur data dalam file. [rujukan?] Ini berarti bahwa program tidak lagi diperlukan pengetahuan muka dari struktur data, melainkan bisa meminta data file bagaimana itu terstruktur. Ada beberapa variasi pada struktur file .dbf, dan tidak semua produk dBase-terkait dan struktur berkas .dbf yang kompatibel. VP-Info adalah unik karena dapat membaca semua varian struktur file DBF.

Kedua filetype adalah format file .dbt untuk bidang memo. Sementara bidang karakter terbatas pada 254 karakter masing-masing, bidang memo adalah pointer 10-byte ke file .dbt yang dapat mencakup bidang teks yang jauh lebih besar. dBase sangat terbatas dalam kemampuannya untuk memproses bidang memo, tetapi beberapa bahasa xBase lain seperti Clipper diperlakukan bidang memo sebagai string seperti bidang karakter untuk semua tujuan kecuali penyimpanan permanen.

dBase menggunakan .ndx file untuk indeks tunggal, dan .mdx (multiple-index) file untuk memegang antara 1 dan 48 indeks. Beberapa bahasa xBase seperti VP-Info mencakup kompatibilitas dengan file .ndx sementara yang lain menggunakan format file yang berbeda seperti .ntx digunakan oleh Clipper dan .idx / .cdx digunakan oleh FoxPro atau unggulan. Kemudian iterasi dari Clipper termasuk driver untuk .ndx, .mdx, .idx dan indeks .cdx.

Paradox (database)

Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia gratis

Paradoks adalah sistem manajemen database relasional saat ini diterbitkan oleh Corel Corporation. Ini pada awalnya dirilis untuk DOS oleh Ansa Software, dan kemudian oleh Borland setelah membeli perusahaan. Sebuah versi Windows dirilis oleh Borland pada tahun 1992.

Paradox untuk DOS

Paradox untuk DOS adalah sistem manajemen database relasional aslinya ditulis oleh Richard Schwartz dan Robert Shostak (saudara Seth Shostak), dan dirilis oleh mereka Ansa Software perusahaan pada tahun 1985. Pada September 1987, Borland dibeli Ansa Software, termasuk 2.0 software Paradox / DOS mereka . Versi klasik terkenal adalah 3,5 dan 4,5. Versi sampai 3.5 adalah evolusi dari 1,0. Versi 4.0 dan 4.5 yang retooled di Borland C ++ windowing toolkit dan menggunakan skema akses memori diperpanjang berbeda.

Paradoks / DOS adalah database berbasis DOS sukses akhir tahun delapan puluhan dan awal tahun sembilan puluhan. Pada saat itu, dBase dan yang xBase klon (Foxpro, Clipper) mendominasi pasar. Pesaing terkenal lainnya adalah Clarion, DataEase, R: Basis, dan DataFlex.

Fitur yang membedakan Paradox / DOS adalah:

Sebuah visual yang Query dengan Contoh implementasi yang didukung oleh mesin AI.

Efektif menggunakan memori (konvensional serta diperpanjang / diperluas) -. Caching tabel data, dan terutama indeks, yang menyebabkan Paradox untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang sangat cepat berbeda dengan keterampilan eksplisit diperlukan untuk xBase optimasi kinerja [n 1]

Sebuah bahasa pemrograman inovatif Paradox Aplikasi Bahasa (PAL) yang dibaca, kuat, dan bisa dicatat dari tindakan Keyboard (bukan seperti Lotus 1-2-3 rekaman makro).

Menu teks Lotus-seperti dan jendela yang merupakan antarmuka asli (kontras dengan dBase yang memiliki antarmuka baris perintah dengan menu berlapis-lapis di atas).

Khususnya di Paradox 1.0 dan 2.0, pengguna dan pemrograman manual memenangkan pembacaan penghargaan [rujukan?] - Mereka deras digambarkan, baik disusun dan penjelasan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris umum.

Paradox untuk Windows

Paradox untuk Windows adalah produk jelas berbeda dari Paradox untuk DOS, dan diproduksi oleh tim yang berbeda dari programmer. Meskipun fitur utama dari produk DOS, QBE dan mesin database, adalah port menjaga kode DOS, ada istirahat besar dalam kompatibilitas dari PAL ke ObjectPAL dan pergeseran untuk desain metafora GUI untuk Formulir dan Laporan. The ObjectPAL perubahan kontroversial tapi terpaksa karena PAL didasarkan pada tindakan merekam keystroke yang tidak setara di Windows. Sebuah bahasa berbasis objek berdasarkan ide dari Hypercard digunakan di tempat merekam keystroke. Formulir dan Laporan desainer digunakan perangkat skala independen termasuk kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam mode yang diperbesar untuk tata letak rinci. Mouse klik kanan digunakan untuk akses ke Formulir dan Laporan properti, terinspirasi oleh Xerox Alto dan Smalltalk, dengan cara sekarang hampir universal untuk program Windows. The ObjectPAL adalah (seperti Hypercard) terkait dengan objek visual - juga mengungkapkan dengan klik

kanan. Inspeksi properti dan alat-alat tata letak bisa "ditempelkan up" untuk tinggal di layar, ide yang dipinjam dari NeXT dan sekarang cukup banyak digunakan pada Windows.

Selama kurang lebih tahun pertama pembangunan kode berorientasi obyek ditulis dalam C dibantu oleh macro, sampai Turbo C ++ yang tersedia di mana titik sisa bagian kode ditulis dalam C ++. Produk manager sampai versi 1.0 pengiriman adalah Joe Duncan. Pengembangan dan QA tim berjumlah sekitar 30 orang.

Kedua Paradox untuk Windows dan Quattro Pro untuk Windows, sebuah proyek yang berhubungan erat, mulai pembangunan menggunakan versi beta dari Windows 3.0, pada musim semi 1990. Paradoks / Windows berakhir tertunda sekitar satu tahun di luar rencana semula, pengiriman pada awal tahun 1993. alasan banyak, tapi tidak sepenuhnya mengejutkan untuk besar menulis ulang, dalam bahasa OO dengan alat-alat baru, beralih ke paradigma GUI, pada apa yang pada dasarnya sistem operasi versi pertama. Masih itu adalah masalah besar bagi perusahaan dan Microsoft berhasil kapal Access beberapa bulan menjelang Paradox untuk Windows, kemenangan pemasaran utama untuk Microsoft.

Pada tahun 1990 Borland juga mulai bekerja pada sebuah clone internal yang dBASE untuk kedua DOS dan Windows, ditulis dalam assembler, yang direncanakan untuk kapal pada tahun 1992. Pada awal tahun 1992 menjadi jelas bahwa Ashton-Tate dalam kesulitan pada pengembangan versi Windows produk mereka dan sehingga Borland beralih rencana, bukan mengakuisisi perusahaan dan pengurapan proyek internal mereka sebagai penerus resmi. Bagian dari akuisisi Ashton-Tate adalah Interbase database dan diputuskan bahwa Paradox / W harus dapat bekerja dengan Interbase serta mesin Paradox dan hal ini menyebabkan terciptanya sebuah mesin IDAPI berbasis di sekitar Interbase.

Akuisisi ini juga mengalihkan fokus. Paradox telah historis bertanding melawan dBASE di beberapa pasar, dan Paradox / W awalnya dirancang untuk meningkatkan posisi kompetitif di pasar pengembang-oriented. Setelah dBASE diakuisisi ini tidak lagi diinginkan dan penekanan bergeser ke arah pasar kemudahan penggunaan. Namun produk tidak bisa diubah untuk mencocokkan penekanan (ini terjadi di rilis nanti) pada tahap akhir, membuat produk yang agak terlalu rumit untuk pasar entry level.

Program database desktop pertama Microsoft, Microsoft Access, melakukan pekerjaan yang baik menangani pasar yang sama dan sampai di sana pertama ketika ia memulai debutnya di COMDEX November 1992. Menanggapi akuisisi Borland dari Ashton-Tate, Microsoft mengakuisisi FoxPro dan dimasukkan teknologi Rushmore ke dalam Akses Jet Engine untuk secara signifikan meningkatkan kinerjanya.

Microsoft Access menawarkan banyak fitur yang mudah bagi pengguna akhir dan pengembang untuk melaksanakan, termasuk antarmuka permintaan lebih intuitif menggunakan Windows hubungan antara bidang daripada penandaan teks Paradoks bidang dalam QBE, dan akses dasar bahasa pemrograman yang lebih mirip dengan PAL dari ObjectPAL. Akses dan Paradox signifikan berbeda dalam cara mereka mempresentasikan hasil dari query. Akses menunjukkan catatan sebelum query selesai dan tanpa overhead menciptakan tabel output. Paradoks menunjukkan hasil hanya setelah semua catatan yang diambil dan meja JAWABAN dibuat. Perbedaan kinerja ini adalah signifikan untuk dataset besar dan dampak negatif Paradox / W.

Mengambil sebuah buku dari harga rendah Quattro debutnya Pro spreadsheet Borland melawan Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access debutnya dengan harga $ 99. Ini melemahkan tradisional DBMS harga Paradox DOS, Paradox Windows, dan dBase sekitar $ 799, yang berdampak negatif Borland lebih dari perusahaan lain.

Tim manajemen Borland dengan pangsa pasar 85% nya dari pasar database desktop sangat meremehkan ancaman Microsoft dan Microsoft Access. [1] Namun, Paradox / W dijual baik untuk sementara waktu. Sementara itu, Borland akan melalui beberapa masalah serius yang disebabkan oleh akuisisi Ashton-Tate. Banyak lini produk dihentikan, reorganisasi perusahaan dan konsolidasi itu menyakitkan, dan bahkan lebih buruk lagi, proyek internal dBASE di pusat alasan akuisisi akhirnya dibatalkan karena alasan teknis meninggalkan Borland dengan jatuhnya pendapatan dan kebutuhan serius untuk mengembangkan dBASE hilang untuk Windows terburu-buru. Borland kehilangan kekuatan untuk melawan beberapa pertempuran pemasaran yang dibutuhkan untuk rangkaian produk. Paradoks itu minimal dipasarkan kepada pengembang karena perusahaan memutuskan akan bertahan untuk penggantian dBASE, yang akhirnya keluar pada tahun 1994, terlambat bagi perusahaan.

Untuk membuat keadaan menjadi lebih buruk, sedangkan dBASE untuk DOS clone (FOXBASE) disalin dBASE erat, versi Windows produk ini dikembangkan tanpa dBASE yang ada untuk model Windows. Salah satu dBASE untuk kekuatan DOS adalah dukungan multi-vendor dan ini hilang dalam berbagai produk-produk Windows xBase. DBASE Visual Borland untuk Windows tidak bisa menjalankan Microsoft Foxbase untuk program Windows dan sebaliknya. Dihadapkan dengan pasar terfragmentasi dan kebutuhan untuk menulis ulang program untuk mengambil keuntungan dari Windows, ada sedikit insentif bagi pengguna xBase untuk tetap setia pada produk yang mereka digunakan untuk DOS.

Pada tahun 1995, Microsoft dibundel Akses ke mereka Microsoft Office Suite Professional dengan Word, Excel dan PowerPoint. Hal ini secara efektif membunuh end-user pasar database desktop untuk produk standalone. [Rujukan?] [2]

Meskipun padat tindak pada versi dengan perbaikan kegunaan untuk pengguna entry-level, Paradox memudar dari pasar. Ia termasuk dalam penjualan produk Borland ke WordPerfect, yang pada gilirannya dijual kembali sebagai WordPerfect masuk ke produk keuangan, dan pada saat saat menulis Paradox untuk Windows, WordPerfect dan Quattro Pro untuk Windows semua dimiliki oleh Corel dan dijual sebagai bagian suite kantor mereka. dBASE untuk Windows datang terlambat untuk menjadi pemain signifikan di pasar Windows, paling dBASE programmer saat itu telah bermigrasi ke Microsoft FoxBASE, alat database yang sangat sebuah serupa. Borland sendiri mempertahankan Interbase / IDAPI server dan memfokuskan upaya pada perusahaan Delphi alat yang selama bertahun-tahun memberikannya bagian berpengaruh tapi kecil dari pasar pengembang berorientasi data.

Corel Paradox

Corel memperoleh hak-hak tertentu untuk mengembangkan dan Paradox pasar di pertengahan 90-an dan dirilis Corel Paradox 8 pada tahun 1997. Hal ini juga dibundel Paradox dalam versi profesional yang WordPerfect Office suite. Telah merilis Office Professional Edition versi 9, 10, 11, 12, X3, X4 dan

X5. Versi terbaru dari Paradox dirilis oleh Corel adalah yang dipaketkan dengan X4 Fix Hot 1 dan X5 Hot Fix 1. [3]


Ada Paradox basis pengguna yang kuat, terutama berpusat di sekitar Komunitas Paradox dan newsgroup yang terkait.

Meskipun ada banyak penggemar ObjectPAL, bahasa pemrograman untuk Paradox / Windows, PAL / script DOS tidak bisa dengan mudah bermigrasi; objek dan acara model yang sama sekali berbeda, memaksa pengembang menggunakan PAL untuk menulis ulang sepenuhnya aplikasi database mereka.



Sayangnya manajemen memori didasarkan pada awal VCPI standar, dan Paradox 3.5 dan sebelumnya tidak akan berjalan di emulator DOS modern, maupun dalam pseudo-DOS lingkungan seperti Windows 95. Paradox DOS 4.0 dan 4.5 dijalankan dengan baik di bawah semua versi Windows kecuali Windows 2000, yang menyebabkan dua pilihan kegagalan batalkan uncorrectable.

Visual FoxPro

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Belum Diperiksa

Visual FoxPro

Typical VFP9 editing session

Perancang Microsoft Corporation

Rilis stabilVisual FoxPro 9.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) (11 Oktober 2007; 7 tahun yang lalu)

Status pengembangan

Maintenance mode

Sistem operasi Microsoft Windows

Serambi x86 and greater

Ketersediaan bahasa

IDE: English, German, SpanishRuntime: Above, French, Chinese, Russian, Czech, Korean

Jenis Database Programming language

Lisensi Microsoft EULA

Situs web resmi

Visual FoxPro adalah bahasa pemrograman berorientasi objek dan prosedural dari Microsoft. Awalnya bahasa pemrograman ini dikenal dengan nama FoxBASE yang diluncurkan oleh Fox Software pada awal 1984. Fox Technologies kemudian bergabung dengan Microsoft pada 1992 sehingga di depan nama FoxBASE ditambahkan awalan "Visual".

Versi terakhir FoxPro (9.0) dapat berjalan pada sistem operasi Mac OS, DOS, Windows, dan Unix. Visual FoxPro 3.0, versi "Visual" pertama, akhirnya tersingkir karena hanya mendukung Mac OS dan Windows, dan versi berikutnya hanya mendukung Windows saja. Versi terkini Visual FoxPro adalah berdasarkan teknologi COM dan Microsoft telah menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak berniat untuk menciptakan versi Microsoft .NET.

Microsoft pages

Main Visual FoxPro Microsoft page

MSDN FoxPro support board

VFP's online help

Visual FoxPro Downloads page

Visual FoxPro

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro v9 running on Windows XP

Developer(s) Microsoft

Last releasev9.0 SP2[1] / October 16, 2007; 7 years ago[2]

Development status Discontinued [3]

Operating systemWindows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 [4]

Platform IA-32 [5]

Available inIDE: English, German, SpanishRuntime: Above plus French, Chinese, Russian, Czech, Korean

TypeIntegrated development environment, programming language

License Commercial proprietary software

Website vfoxpro

Visual FoxPro is a data-centric, object-oriented, procedural, programming language produced by Microsoft. It is derived from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. It contained the fastest PC-based database engine available at the time. Fox Technologies merged with Microsoft in 1992, after which the software acquired further features and the prefix "Visual". The database engine became known as the Microsoft Jet Database Engine which was used by Microsoft Access. The last version, (FoxPro 2.6) worked on Mac OS, DOS, Windows, and Unix: Visual FoxPro 3.0, the first "Visual" version, reduced platform support to only Mac[6] and Windows, and later versions were Windows-only. The current version of Visual FoxPro is COM-based and Microsoft has stated that they do not intend to create a Microsoft .NET version.

Version 9.0, released in 2004 and updated in 2010, is the final version of the product.


• 1 History

• 1.1 Version Timeline

• 2 Code samples

• 2.1 Object

• 2.2 Data handling

• 2.3 ODBC access using SQL passthrough

• 3 References

• 4 External links

• 4.1 Microsoft pages

• 4.2 Other pages


Visual FoxPro originated as a member of the class of languages commonly referred to as " xBase " languages, which have syntax based on the dBase programming language. Other members of the xBase language family include Clipper and Recital. (A history of the early years of xBase can be found in the dBase article.)

Visual FoxPro, commonly abbreviated as VFP, is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPro's xBase capabilities to support SQL query and data manipulation. Unlike most database management systems, Visual FoxPro is a full-featured, dynamic programming language that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. It can be used to write not just traditional "fat client" applications, but also middleware and web applications.

In late 2002, it was demonstrated that Visual FoxPro can run on Linux under the Wine Windows compatibility suite. In 2003, this led to complaints by Microsoft: it was claimed that the deployment of runtime FoxPro code on non-Windows machines violates the End User License Agreement.[7]

Visual FoxPro had a rapid rise and fall in popularity as measured by the TIOBE Programming Community Index.[8] In December 2005, VFP broke into the top 20 for the first time. In June 2006 it peaked at position 12, making it (at the time) a "B" language. By September 2010, FoxPro and its variants had fallen out of the top 50, where it has remained ever since.

In March 2007, Microsoft announced that there will be no VFP 10,[9] thus making VFP9 (released to manufacturing on December 17, 2004) the last commercial VFP release from Microsoft. The support of Version 9 is ongoing with service packs that were released December 8, 2005 and October 11, 2007.

At the time of the end of life announcement, work on the next release codenamed Sedna (named after a recently discovered dwarf planet) which was built on top of the VFP9 codebase had already begun. "Sedna" is a set of add-ons to VFP 9.0 of xBase components to support a number of interoperability scenarios with various Microsoft technologies including SQL Server 2005, .NET Framework, Windows Vista, Office 2007, Windows Search and Team Foundation Server (TFS). Microsoft released Sedna under the Shared source license on the CodePlex site. Microsoft has clarified that the VFP core will still remain closed source. Sedna was released on January 25, 2008.[10] As of March 2008, all xBase components of the VFP 9 SP2 (including Sedna) were available for community-development on CodePlex.

In late March 2007 a grassroots campaign was started by the Spanish-speaking FoxPro community at MasFoxPro[11] ("MoreFoxPro" in English) to sign a petition to Microsoft to continue updating Visual FoxPro or release it to the community as Open Source. On April 3, 2007 the movement was noted by the technical press.[12]

Also on April 3, 2007 Microsoft responded to the petitioner's requests with this statement from Alan Griver:[12]

"We're very aware of the FoxPro community and that played a large part in what we announced on March 13th. It's never an easy decision to announce that we're not going to release another version of a product and it's one that we consider very carefully.

"We're not announcing the end of FoxPro: Obviously, FoxPro applications will continue to work. By some of our internal estimates, there are more applications running in FoxPro 2.6 than there are in VFP and FoxPro 2.6 hasn't been supported in many years. Visual FoxPro 9 will be supported by Microsoft through 2015.

"For Microsoft to continue to evolve the FoxPro base, we would need to look at creating a 64-bit development environment and that would involve an almost complete rewrite of the core product. We've also invested in creating a scalable database with SQL Server, including the freely available SQL Server Express Edition. As far as forming a partnership with a third-party is concerned, we've heard from a number of large FoxPro customers that this would make it impossible for them to continue to use FoxPro since it would no longer be from an approved vendor. We felt that putting the environment into open source on CodePlex, which balances the needs of both the community and the large customers, was the best path forward."

Version Timeline

All versions listed are for Windows.[13]

Version Release Date

Visual FoxPro 3.0 June 1995

Visual FoxPro 5.0 October 1996

Visual FoxPro 5.0a October 1997

Visual FoxPro 6.0 18 May 1998

Visual FoxPro 7.0 27 June 2001

Visual FoxPro 8.0 1 February 2003

Visual FoxPro 8.0 Service Pack 1 7 October 2003

Visual FoxPro 9 20 December 2004

Visual FoxPro 9 Service Pack 1 8 December 2005

Visual FoxPro 9 Service Pack 2 16 October 2007

Code samples

The FoxPro language contains commands quite similar to other programming languages such as Basic. Loops include do, if, while, for, else commands in a usage easily understood by anyone familiar with other programming languages. Commands take the form of "command" and "endcommand"

Some basic syntax samples:

FOR i = 1 to 10

x = x + 6.5

NEXT && Instead of "NEXT" can also use "ENDFOR"

IF i = 25

i = i + 1


i = i + 3


x = 1

DO WHILE x < 50

x = x + 1


x = 1


x = x + 1

IF x < 50






nMonth = MONTH(DATE())


CASE nMonth <= 3


CASE nMonth <= 6


CASE nMonth <= 9





FOR EACH oControl IN THISFORM.Controls



f = Factorial(10)

FUNCTION Factorial(n)

LOCAL i, r && It is conventional to use lnI and lnR for variables, rather than single digits

r = 1

FOR i = n TO 1 STEP -1

r = r * n

NEXT && Can also use "ENDFOR" here instead of "NEXT"



Hello World example:

* Version 1:

MESSAGEBOX("Hello World")

* Version 2:

? "Hello World"


Output of the Hello World program.

loForm = CREATEOBJECT("HiForm")



AutoCenter = .T.

Caption = "Hello, World"

ADD OBJECT lblHi as Label ;

WITH Caption = "Hello, World!"


loMine = CREATEOBJECT("MyClass")

? loMine.cProp1 && This will work. (Double-ampersand marks an end-of-line comment)

? loMine.cProp2 && Program Error: Property CPROP2 is not found because it's hidden externally.

? loMine.MyMethod1() && This will work.

? loMine.MyMethod2() && Program Error: Property MYMETHOD2 is not found because it's hidden externally.


cProp1 = "My Property" && This is a public property

HIDDEN cProp2 && This is a private (hidden) property

dProp3 = {} && Another public property

PROCEDURE Init() && Class constructor

This.cProp2 = "This is a hidden property."

PROCEDURE dProp3_Access && Property Getter


PROCEDURE dProp3_Assign(vNewVal) && Property Setter uses the "_assign" tag on the property name

IF VARTYPE(vNewVal) = "D"

THIS.dProp3 = vNewVal



* This is a public method, calling a hidden method that returns

* the value of a hidden property.

RETURN This.MyMethod2()

HIDDEN PROCEDURE MyMethod2() && This is a private (hidden) method

RETURN This.cProp2


• VFP has an extensive library of predefined classes and visual objects which are accessed in the IDE by a Property Sheet (including Methods),[14] so code such as the above defining classes and objects are only needed for special purposes and the framework of large systems.

Data handling

The language also has extensive database manipulation and indexing commands. The "help" index of commands in VFP 9 has several hundred commands and functions described. The examples below show how to code the creation and indexing of tables, however VFP has table and database builder screens which create the tables and indexes without making you write code.

Output of the Data handling program.

* Create a table

CREATE TABLE randData (iData I)

* Populate with random data using xBase and SQL DML commands

FOR i = 1 TO 50


REPLACE iData WITH (RAND() * 100)

INSERT INTO randData (iData) VALUES (RAND() * 100)


* Place a structural index on the data

INDEX ON iData TAG iData


* Display ordered data using xBase-style commands

USE randData



LIST NEXT 10 && First 10


SKIP -10

LIST REST && Last 10


* Browse ordered data using SQL DML commands


FROM randData ;


ODBC access using SQL passthrough

PRIVATE cAuthorID, cAuthorName && Private variables supplant any previous global or private variable of the same name

LOCAL nHnd, nResult && Local variables are visible only here

* Connect to an ODBC data source

nHnd = SQLCONNECT ("ODBCDSN", "user", "pwd")

* Enter a loop so we can exit to the close connection code if there's an error


* Execute a SQL command

nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "USE master")

IF nResult < 0

MESSAGEBOX ("MASTER database does not exist!")

EXIT && To close the connection


* Retrieve data from the remote server and stores it in a local data cursor

nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "SELECT * FROM authors", "QAUTHORS")

IF nResult < 0

MESSAGEBOX ("Unable to execute remote SQL SELECT command!")

EXIT && To close the connection


* Update a record in a remote table using parameters

cAuthorID = "1001"

cAuthorName = "New name"

nResult = SQLEXEC (nHnd, "UPDATE authors SET auth_name = ?cAuthorName WHERE auth_id = ?cAuthorID")

IF nResult < 0

MESSAGEBOX ("Unable to execute remote SQL UPDATE command!")

EXIT && To close the connection


* If we get here, we have retrieved everything successfully

EXIT && Exit unconditionally


* Close the connection



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arago may refer to:


• 1 People

• 2 Places

• 2.1 Earth

• 2.2 Outer space

• 3 Ships

• 4 Other uses


• Aragó , a family name of the kings of the Aragonese Crown

• Dominique Francois Jean Arago, FRS FRSE (1786-1853) Director of the Paris Observatory, Perpetual Secretary of the Paris Academy of Science

• Juan Arago (1788-1836), a brigadier-general in the Mexican army, and brother of François, Jacques, and Étienne

• François Arago (1786-1853), a French mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and politician, and brother of Juan, Jacques, and Étienne

• Jacques Arago (1790-27 November 1855) was a French writer, artist and explorer, and brother of Juan, François, and Étienne

• Étienne Arago (1802–1892), a French journalist, theater director, politician, and co-founder of Le Figaro, and brother of Juan, François, and Jacques

• Josep Riera i Aragó (born 1954), Catalan artist



• Aragó, the name for Aragon in Catalan

• Arago , Oregon , United States, an unincorporated community

• Arago Township, Minnesota , United States

• Cape Arago, Oregon - see Cape Arago State Park

• Arago Glacier , Graham Land, Antarctica

• Caune de l'Arago (Arago Cave), Tautavel, France, site where prehistoric remains of Tautavel Man were discovered

Outer space

• Arago (lunar crater)

• 1005 Arago , an asteroid

• one of the rings of Neptune, named in honor of François Arago


• USC & GS Arago , the name of more than one ship of the United States Coast Survey and United States Coast and Geodetic Survey

• USS Arago (1861) , an armed survey ship that served in the United States Navy from 1861 to 1863

• SS Arago (1855) , a steam ship used for mail and passenger service and, during the American Civil War, as a troop transport.

• Arago (ship) , the first steel ship launched by the San Francisco shipyards in the 19th century

Other uses

• Arago (database) , a database created by WordTech purchased simultaneously by Borland and a Japanese software firm.

• Arago, a character in Ronin Warriors - see Talpa ( Ronin Warriors)


A no-force policy is used in transaction control in database theory. The term no-force refers to the disk pages related to the actual database object being modified.

With a no-force policy, when a transaction commits, the changes made to the actual objects are not required to be written to disk in-place (forced).

A record of the changes must still be preserved at commit time to ensure that the transaction is durable. This record is typically written to a sequential transaction log, with the actual changes to the database objects being changes which can be written at a later time.

For frequently changed objects, a no-force policy allows updates to be merged and so reduce the number of write operations to the actual database object. A no-force policy also reduces the seek time required for a commit by having mostly sequential write operations to the transaction log, rather than requiring the disk to seek to many distinct database objects during a commit.

Recital (disambiguation)

A recital can be:

• Recital (music) ,

A recital is a musical (vocal or instrumental) performance. It can highlight a single performer, sometimes accompanied by piano, or a performance of the works of a single composer.The invention of the solo piano recital has been attributed to Franz Liszt.[1]Also, a recital may have many participants, as for a dance recital. A dance recital is a presentation of choreographed moves for an audience, usually in an established performing arts venue, possibly competitively. Some dance recitals are seasonal.

• Recital (law) ,

In Law, a recital (from the Latin word recitare, meaning: to read out)[1] consists of an account or repetition of the details of some act, proceeding or fact. Particularly, in law, that part of a legal document—such as a lease, which contains a statement of certain facts—which contains the purport for which the deed is made.[2]

In EU law, a recital is a text that sets out reasons for the provisions of an act, while avoiding normative language and political argumentation.[3]

• the Israeli brand-name of the antidepressant Citalopram


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the racemic form of the drug. For its S enantiomer, see Escitalopram.


Systematic (IUPAC) name


Clinical data

Trade names Celexa, Cipramil, and others

AHFS/ monograph

MedlinePlus a699001


• US: C (Risk not ruled out)

Legal status

• AU: Prescription Only (S4)

• UK: Prescription-only (POM)

• US: ℞ -only

Routes ofadministration


Pharmacokinetic data

Bioavailability80%peak at 4 h[1]

Metabolism hepatic (CYP3A4 and CYP2C19)

Biological half-life 35 h

ExcretionMostly as unmetabolized citalopram, partly DCT and traces of DDCT in urine


CAS Registry Number 59729-33-8

ATC code N06 AB04

PubChem CID: 2771


DrugBank DB00215

ChemSpider 2669


KEGG D07704



Chemical data

Formula C20H21F N 2O

Molecular mass 324.392 g/mol

SMILES [show]

InChI [show]

( what is this?) (verify)

Citalopram (/ s ɪ ˈtæl ɵ præm / or / sa ɪ ˈtæl ɵ præm / ; brand names: Celexa, Cipramil and others) is an antidepressant drug of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It has U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval to treat major depression,[1] which it received in 1998,[2] and is prescribed off-label for other conditions. In Australia, the UK, Germany, Portugal, Poland, and most European countries, it is licensed for depressive episodes and panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. In Spain, it is also used for obsessive-compulsive disorder.


• 1 Medical uses

• 1.1 Depression

• 1.2 Panic disorder

• 1.3 Off-label

• 1.4 Administration

• 2 Adverse effects

• 2.1 Abnormal heart rhythm QTc prolongation

• 2.2 Endocrine effects

• 2.3 Exposure in pregnancy

• 2.4 Interactions

• 2.5 Overdosage

• 2.6 Suicidality

• 3 Stereochemistry

• 4 Metabolism

• 5 History

• 6 Brand names

• 7 European Commission fine

• 8 References

• 9 External links

Medical uses

Citalopram HBr tablets in 20-mg (coral, marked 508) and 40-mg (white, marked 509), and a United States one-cent coin (size 19.05 mm/0.75 in)


In the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ranking of 10 antidepressants for efficacy and cost-effectiveness[3] citalopram is fifth in effectiveness (after mirtazapine, escitalopram, venlafaxine, and sertraline) and fourth in cost-effectiveness. The ranking results were based on the meta-analysis by Andrea Cipriani.[4] In another analysis by Cipriani, citalopram turned out to be more efficacious than paroxetine and reboxetine and more acceptable than tricyclics, reboxetine, and venlafaxine, but it seemed to be less efficacious than escitalopram.[5]

Evidence for effectiveness of citalopram for treating depression in children is equivocal.[6][7]

Controversy exists regarding the efficacy of antidepressants in treating depression depending on its severity and duration, as discussed in Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Panic disorder

Citalopram is licensed in the UK and other European countries [8][9] for panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia. The dose is 10 mg/d for a week, increasing to 20–30 mg/d, with a maximum of 40 mg/d.[10]


Citalopram is frequently used off-label to treat anxiety, panic disorder, dysthymia [11] premenstrual dysphoric disorder , body dysmorphic disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder.[12]

It has been shown to be effective in 85% of patients with generalized anxiety disorder, including some who had failed with other SSRIs.[13] It also appears to be as effective as fluvoxamine and

paroxetine in obsessive-compulsive disorder.[14] Some data suggest the effectiveness of intravenous infusion of citalopram in resistant OCD.[15] Citalopram 40 mg/d is well tolerated and as effective as moclobemide in social anxiety disorder.[16] There are studies suggesting that citalopram can be useful in reducing aggressive and impulsive behavior.[17][18] It appears to be superior to placebo for behavioural disturbances associated with dementia.[19] It has also been used successfully for hypersexuality in early Alzheimer’s disease.[20]

A meta-analysis, including studies with fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, escitalopram, and citalopram versus placebo, showed SSRIs to be effective in reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, whether taken continuously or just in the luteal phase.[21] Citalopram has produced a modest reduction in alcoholic drink intake and increase in drink-free days in studies of alcoholics, possibly by decreasing desire or reducing the reward.[22]

Citalopram has been found to reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.[23]

While on its own citalopram is less effective than amitriptyline in the prevention of migraines, in refractory cases, combination therapy may be more effective.[24]

Citalopram and other SSRIs can be used to treat hot flashes.[25]:107

A 2009 multisite randomized controlled study found no benefit and some adverse effects in autistic children from citalopram, raising doubts whether SSRIs are effective for treating repetitive behavior in children with autism.[26]

Some research suggests citalopram interacts with cannabinoid protein-couplings in the rat brain, and this is put forward as a potential cause of some of the drug's antidepressant effect.[27]


Citalopram is typically taken in one dose, either in the morning or evening. It can be taken with or without food. Its absorption does not increase when taken with food,[1] but doing so can help prevent nausea. Nausea is often caused when the 5HT3 receptors actively absorb free serotonin, as this receptor is present within the digestive tract.[28] The 5HT3 receptors stimulate vomiting. This side effect, if present, should subside as the body adjusts to the medication.

Citalopram is considered safe and well tolerated in the therapeutic dose range. Distinct from some other agents in its class, it exhibits linear pharmacokinetics and minimal drug interaction potential, making it a better choice for the elderly or comorbid patients.[29]

Adverse effects

Sexual dysfunction is often a side effect with SSRIs. Specifically, common side effects include difficulty becoming aroused, lack of interest in sex, and anorgasmia (trouble achieving orgasm). Genital anesthesia,[30] and ejaculatory anhedonia are other possible, but unusual, side effects. One study showed, however, when remission of major depressive disorder is achieved, quality of life and sexual satisfaction is reported to be higher in spite of sexual side effects.[31]

Citalopram theoretically causes side effects by increasing the concentration of serotonin in other parts of the body (e.g., the intestines). Other side effects, such as increased apathy and emotional

flattening, may be caused by the decrease in dopamine release associated with increased serotonin. Citalopram is also a mild antihistamine, which may be responsible for some of its sedating properties.[25]:104

Common side effects of citalopram include drowsiness, insomnia, nausea, weight changes (usually weight gain), increase in appetite, vivid dreaming, frequent urination, decreased sex drive, anorgasmia, dry mouth,[1] increased sweating, trembling, diarrhea, excessive yawning, and fatigue. Less common side effects include bruxism, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure changes, dilated pupils, anxiety, mood swings, headache, and dizziness. Rare side effects include convulsions, hallucinations, severe allergic reactions and photosensitivity.[1] If sedation occurs, the dose may be taken at bedtime rather than in the morning. Some data suggest citalopram may cause nightmares.[32]

Withdrawal symptoms can occur when this medicine is suddenly stopped, such as paraesthesiae, sleeping problems (difficulty sleeping and intense dreams), feeling dizzy, agitated or anxious, nausea, vomiting, tremors, confusion, sweating, headache, diarrhoea, palpitations, changes in emotions, irritability, and eye or eyesight problems. Treatment with citalopram should be reduced gradually when treatment is finished.

Abnormal heart rhythm QTc prolongation

In August 2011, the FDA announced, “Citalopram causes dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. Citalopram should no longer be prescribed at doses greater than 40 mg per day”.[33] Further clarification issued in March 2012[34] restricted the maximum dose to 20 mg for subgroups of patients, including those older than 60 years and those taking an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2 C19.7 This change, affecting the most widely prescribed antidepressant in the US, left clinicians unclear about appropriate next-step strategies because of the lack of data comparing citalopram with other antidepressants. In a cross-sectional study using electronic health records with almost 40,000 participants, modest dose-dependent QTc prolongation was confirmed. It was also true for escitalopram and amitriptyline[35] although the effect sizes were small and no epidemiological evidence exists for higher risk of cardiac arythmia.[36]

Another large study found no elevated risks of ventricular arrhythmia or all-cause, cardiac, or noncardiac mortality associated with citalopram dosages >40 mg/day. Higher dosages were associated with fewer adverse outcomes, and similar findings were observed for a comparison medication, sertraline, not subject to the FDA warning. Based on these results, the authors suggest that continued merit of the FDA warning should be considered.[37]

Citalopram appears safe after myocardial infarction (MI), and response to citalopram and mirtazapine may improve mortality after the MI [38] Although QTc prolongation warning must be taken into account especially in case of acute myocardial infarction, heart failure decompensation, in patients with bradycardia, low potassium and magnesium levels and in case of dose higher than 40 mg.[33][37]

Endocrine effects

As with other SSRIs, citalopram can cause an increase in serum prolactin level.[39] Citalopram has no significant effect on insulin sensitivity in women of reproductive age [40] and no changes in glycaemic control were seen in another trial.[41]

Exposure in pregnancy

Antidepressant exposure (including citalopram) during pregnancy is associated with shorter duration of gestation (by three days), increased risk of preterm delivery (by 55%), lower birth weight (by 75 g), and lower Apgar scores (by <0.4 points). Antidepressant exposure is not associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.[42][43] It is uncertain whether there is an increased prevalence of septal heart defects among children whose mothers were prescribed an SSRI in early pregnancy.[44][45]

Citalopram and other SSRIs can induce a mixed state, especially in those with undiagnosed bipolar disorder.[25]:105


This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2014)

Citalopram should not be taken with St John's wort , tryptophan or 5-HTP as the resulting drug interaction could lead to serotonin syndrome.[46] With St John's wort, this may be caused by compounds in the plant extract reducing the efficacy of the hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes that process citalopram.[47] It has also been suggested that such compounds, including hypericin, hyperforin and flavonoids, could have SSRI-mimetic effects on the nervous system, although this is still subject to debate.[48] One study found that Hypericum extracts had similar effects in treating moderate depression as citalopram, with fewer side effects.[49]

Tryptophan and 5-HTP are precursors to serotonin and can cause a rise in serotonin. When taken with an SSRI, such as citalopram, this can lead to levels of serotonin that can be lethal. This may also be the case when SSRI's are taken with SRA's (Serotonin Releasing Agents) such as in the case of MDMA. It is possible that SSRIs could reduce the effects associated due an SRA, due to the fact that SSRIs stop the reuptake of Serotonin by blocking SERT. This would allow less Serotonin in and out of the transporters, thus decreasing the likelihood of neurotoxic effects. However, these concerns are still disputed as the exact pharmacodynamic effects of Citalopram and MDMA have yet to be fully identified.

SSRIs, including citalopram, can increase the risk of bleeding, especially when coupled with aspirin, NSAIDs, warfarin, or other anticoagulants.[1] Citalopram is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs, owing to a potential for serotonin syndrome.

Taking citalopram with Omeprazole may cause higher blood levels of citalopram. This is a potentially dangerous interaction, so dosage adjustments may be needed or alternatives may be prescribed.[50][51]

SSRI discontinuation syndrome has been reported when treatment is stopped. It includes sensory, gastrointestinal symptoms, dizziness, lethargy, and sleep disturbances, as well as psychological symptoms such as anxiety/agitation, irritability, and poor concentration.[52] Electric shock-like sensations are typical for SSRI discontinuation.[53] Tapering off citalopram therapy, as opposed to abrupt discontinuation, is recommended in order to diminish the occurrence and severity of discontinuation symptoms. Some doctors choose to switch a patient to Prozac (Fluoxetine) when discontinuing Citalopram as Fluoxetine has a much longer half-life (i.e. stays in the body longer compared to Citalopram). This may avoid many of the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with Citalopram discontinuation. This can be done either by administering a single 20 mg dose of Fluoxetine or by beginning on a low dosage of Fluoxetine and slowly tapering down. Either of these prescriptions may be written in liquid form to allow a very slow and gradual tapering down in dosage. Alternatively, a patient wishing to stop taking Citalopram may visit a compounding pharmacy where his or her prescription may be re-arranged into progressively smaller dosages.


Overdosage may result in vomiting, sedation, disturbances in heart rhythm, dizziness, sweating, nausea, tremor, and rarely amnesia, confusion, coma, or convulsions.[25]:105 Overdose deaths have occurred, sometimes involving other drugs, but also with citalopram as the sole agent. Citalopram and N-desmethylcitalopram may be quantified in blood or plasma to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized patients or to assist in a medicolegal death investigation. Blood or plasma citalopram concentrations are usually in a range of 50-400 μg/l in persons receiving the drug therapeutically, 1000-3000 μg/l in patients who survive acute overdosage and 3–30 mg/l in those who do not survive.[54][55][56] It is the most dangerous of SSRIs in overdose.[57]


In the United States, citalopram, like other antidepressants, carries a black box warning stating it may increase suicidal thinking and behavior in those under age 24.[1]


Citalopram has one stereocenter, to which a 4-fluoro phenyl group and an N,N-dimethyl-3-aminopropyl group bind. As a result of this chirality, the molecule exists in (two) enantiomeric forms (mirror images). They are termed S-(+)-citalopram and R-(–)-citalopram.

(S)-(+)-citalopram (R)-(–)-citalopram

Citalopram is sold as a racemic mixture, consisting of 50% (R)-(−)-citalopram and 50% (S)-(+)-citalopram. Only the (S)-(+) enantiomer has the desired antidepressant effect.[58] Lundbeck now markets the (S)-(+) enantiomer, the generic name of which is escitalopram. Whereas citalopram is supplied as the hydrobromide, escitalopram is sold as the oxalate salt (hydrooxalate).[1] In both cases, the salt forms of the amine make these otherwise lipophilic compounds water-soluble.


Citalopram is metabolized in the liver mostly by CYP2C19, but also by CYP3A4 and CYP2D6. Metabolites desmethylcitalopram and didesmethylcitalopram are significantly less energetic and their contribution to the overall action of citalopram is negligible. The half-life of citalopram is about 35 hours. In 85% it is eliminated by the liver and in 25% by kidneys.[clarification needed] The elimination process is slower in the elderly and in patients with hepatic or renal failure. With once-daily dosing, steady plasma concentrations are achieved in about a week. Potent inhibitors of CYP2C19 and 3A4 might decrease citalopram clearance.[59] Tobacco smoke exposure was found to inhibit the biotransformation of citalopram in animals; the half-life of the racemic mixture of citalopram after intragastric administration was increased by about 287%.[60]


Citalopram was first synthesized in 1972 by scientists at the pharmaceutical company Lundbeck and it was first marketed in 1989 in Denmark and was first marketed in the US in 1998.[61] The patent expired in 2003, allowing other companies to legally produce generic versions. Lundbeck has released escitalopram and acquired a new patent for it. In the United States, Forest Labs manufactures and markets the drug

• Recital (database) , xBase programming language and integrated development environment

"Revival database" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.

Fast Computation of Database Operations Using Graphics Processors

Naga K. Govindaraju, Brandon Lloyd, Wei Wang, Ming C. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha

We present new algorithms for performing fast computation of several common database operations on commodity graphics processors. Specifically, we consider operations such as conjunctive selections, aggregations, and semi-linear queries, which are essential computational components of typical database, data warehousing, and data mining applications. While graphics processing units (GPUs) have been designed for fast display of geometric primitives, we utilize the inherent pipelining and parallelism, single instruction and multiple data (SIMD) capabilities, and vector processing functionality of GPUs, for evaluating Boolean predicate combinations and semi-linear queries on attributes and executing database operations efficiently. Our algorithms take into account some of the limitations of the programming model of current GPUs and perform no data rearrangements. We have implemented our algorithms on a programmable GPU (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900) and

applied to databases consisting of up to a million records. We have compared their performance with an optimized implementation of CPU-based algorithms. Our experiments indicate that the graphics processor available on commodity computer systems is an effective co-processor for performing database operations.


Execution time of a predicate evaluation with 60% selectivity by a CPU-based algorithm and a GPU-based algorithm. Timings for the GPU-based algorithm include the time to copy data values into the depth buffer. Considering only the computation time, the GPU is nearly twenty times faster than a compiler-optimized SIMD implementation.

Execution time of a range query with 60% selectivity by a CPU-based algorithm and a GPU-based algorithm. Timings for the GPU-based algorithm include the time to copy data values into the depth buffer. Considering only the computation time, the GPU is nearly forty times faster than a compiler-optimized SIMD implementation.

Execution time of a multi-attribute query with 60% selectivity for each attribute and a combination of AND operator. Time i is the time to perform a query with i attributes. We show timings for CPU-based and GPU-based implementations.

Time to compute K-th largest number on the data count attribute. We used a portion of

Time taken to compute the median using KthLargest and QuickSelect on varying number

Time taken to compute the K-th largest number by the two implementations.

the TCP/IP database with nearly 250,000 records.

of records.

Execution time of a semi-linear query using four attributes of the TCP/IP database. The GPU-based implementation is nearly an order of magnitude faster than the CPU-based implementation.

Time required to sum the values of an attribute by the CPU-based and by the GPU-based Accumulator algorithm.

Quicksilver (comics)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the Quicksilver of DC Comics, see Max Mercury.



Brotherhood of Evil Mutants



Notable aliases Pietro Frank


Superhuman speed and reflexes

Superhuman cognitive speed

Vibration induction

Cyclone and highwind generation

Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in the comic book X-Men #4 (March 1964) and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Quicksilver has the superhuman ability to move at great speeds. In most depictions, he is a "mutant", a human born with natural superhuman powers. In comic book stories beginning in 2015, he is the product of genetic experimentation by the High Evolutionary.[2] Quicksilver most commonly appears in fiction associated with the X-Men, having been introduced as an adversary for the superhero team. In later stories, he became a superhero himself. He is the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch and, in most depictions, the son of Magneto.

Debuting in the Silver Age of comic books, Quicksilver has featured in several decades of Marvel continuity, starring in the self-titled series Quicksilver and as a regular team member in superhero title the Avengers. The character has also appeared in a range of movie, television, and video game adaptations.

In 2006, IGN named Quicksilver #23 on their list of "The Top 25 X-Men Of All Time" commenting that "Quicksilver was the shining example of a villain turned good,"[3] and as #44 on their list of the "Top 50 Avengers".[4] Two separate live-action versions of the character have been adapted by two different film studios: Aaron Taylor-Johnson portrays the character in a mid-credits scene in the Marvel Studios film Captain America: The Winter Soldier and reprises the role in Avengers: Age of Ultron as a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe while Evan Peters portrayed Quicksilver in the film X-Men: Days of Future Past and will reprise the role in X-Men: Apocalypse.


1 Publication history

2 Fictional character biography

o 2.1 Descent and Rebirth

o 2.2 House of M

o 2.3 Son of M

o 2.4 Mighty Avengers

o 2.5 Avengers: The Children's Crusade

o 2.6 Heroic Age

3 Powers and abilities

4 Other versions

o 4.1 JLA/Avengers

o 4.2 Marvel Zombies

o 4.3 Marvel Zombies Return

o 4.4 Marvel 1602

o 4.5 Ultimate Marvel

o 4.6 What If?

o 4.7 X-Men Noir

5 In other media

o 5.1 Television

o 5.2 Film

o 5.3 Video games

6 References

7 External links

Publication history

Quicksilver first appears in X-Men #4 (March 1964) and was created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby. The character initially appears as an antagonist to the X-Men, although before long he becomes a member of the Avengers and appears as a regular character in that title beginning with Avengers #16 in May 1965. He has made numerous other appearances in that title, and other related titles, sometimes as a member of the team, sometimes as an ally, and sometimes as an antagonist.

From 1991 to 1993 Quicksilver was a regular character in the first volume of X-Factor. The series emphasized the character's irritability and arrogance, which writer Peter David felt were a natural consequence of his powers, explaining:

Have you ever stood in the post office behind a woman with 20 packages who wants to know every single way she can send them to Africa? It drives you nuts! You think to yourself, "Why do I have to put up with this? These people are so slow, they're costing me time, and it's so damned irritating. I wish I didn't have to put up with this." Now - imagine that the entire world was like that... except for you. ... to Quicksilver, as he said in an issue of Amazing Spider-Man many, many moons ago, the rest of the world is moving in slow motion. That must really, really get on your nerves. Quicksilver lives in a world filled with people who don't know how to use cash machines, and want to know all the ways to send packages to Africa, and can never get your order right in a Burger King unless you repeat it several times. That would tend to make you feel very superior to everyone and very impatient with everyone.[5]

Quicksilver also starred in Quicksilver, a regular ongoing eponymous series that began in November 1997 and ran for 13 issues.

Quicksilver appeared as a supporting character in Avengers Academy from issue #1 (Aug 2010) through its final issue #39 (Jan 2013). He appears as one of the members of All-New X-Factor, which was launched in 2014 as part of the second Marvel NOW! wave.[6] Writer Peter David's handling of the character in All-New X-Factor earned the character a 2014 @ssie award from Ain't It Cool News. AICN's Matt Adler commented that David writes the character best, and that the "arrogant, impatient speedster" made the title worth following.[7]

Fictional character biography

This article or section may be slanted towards recent events. Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective. (March 2015)

The first appearance of Quicksilver (top right), on the cover of X-Men #4 (March 1964).

The character first appears with his twin sister, the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), as a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The siblings were originally presented as mutants, with Pietro

possessing superhuman speed and Wanda able to control probability. The pair are recruited by their father Magneto after he saves Wanda from a mob after she accidentally causes a house to burst into fire. Quicksilver stays with her to protect her.[8] He has Jewish ancestry, from his father.[9] After several confrontations with the X-Men,[10] they depart when Magneto and his lackey the Toad are abducted by the cosmic entity the Stranger.[11] They then travel back to Europe. Pietro and his sister reform and are recruited by Iron Man to the superhero team the Avengers, after they discover they are advertising for new members and want to get support for themselves.[12]

Together with leader Captain America and former villain Hawkeye, the four become the second generation of Avengers, and are later dubbed "Cap's Kooky Quartet". Quicksilver first thought he should be leader, though he is captured by the Mole Man on the first mission. He is rescued by the Avengers, who defeat the Minotaur without him,[12] and would sometimes quarrel with the other members. The Scarlet Witch becomes close friends with Hawkeye and both become loyal members of the team until Wanda is accidentally shot on a mission against Magneto. Quicksilver then flees from the Avengers with his wounded sister.[13] The pair accompany Magneto back to his mid-Atlantic base,[14] where the character captures the X-Men[15] and Pietro skirmishes with the X-Man Cyclops.[16] After a solo appearance by Quicksilver in the title The Amazing Spider-Man,[17] the twins finally realize that Magneto is actually the true villain. Pietro and Wanda reappear in the title X-Men and are then kidnapped along with several other mutants by the robot Sentinels, and are subsequently freed by the X-Men.[18]

The character reappears in the title Avengers, and advises the team that Wanda has been kidnapped and taken to another dimension by the warlord Arkon.[19] After Wanda is rescued, Pietro and his sister rejoin the team. During one mission Quicksilver is wounded by a Sentinel[20] and is found by Crystal, a member of the Inhumans.[21] Crystal nurses Pietro back to health, and the pair are eventually married.[22] Pietro and Wanda also meet Robert Frank - formerly World War II hero the Whizzer - who was present at Mount Wundagore (the birthplace of the siblings) with his wife at the time of their birth. Frank briefly joins the Avengers, believing Pietro and Wanda to be his children.[23] The Scarlet Witch also becomes romantically involved with her Avengers teammate the android Vision. Although Pietro initially disapproves, he eventually gives his blessing to their marriage.[24]

Cover of Avengers #16 (May 1965), featuring the debut of Quicksilver (center left) in The Avengers.

Quicksilver features with the Inhumans and Fantastic Four against the villain the Sphinx in a Fantastic Four annual,[25] and the siblings' origin is explored in the title Avengers when romani Django Maximoff kidnaps Pietro and Wanda and returns to Mount Wundagore in the country of Transia, where they were born. After a battle with the Avengers against the Elder God Chthon, the siblings learn from Bova, one of the New Men created by the character the High Evolutionary, that they are the children of Maximoff, and not Robert Frank.[26] Quicksilver then returns to Attilan (city of the Inhumans)[27] and in the title Fantastic Four is revealed to have had a daughter (Luna) with Crystal.[28]

During the limited series Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Magneto forces Bova to reveal the truth about his missing children, who are revealed to be Pietro and Wanda. After their mother Magda dies in childbirth, the children are given by the High Evolutionary to Django Maximoff to raise as his own. Pietro and Wanda reject Magneto when told.[29] His marriage to Crystal is also strained when she has an affair.[30] Crystal's uncle Maximus the Mad uses technology to cause Quicksilver to become psychotic.[31] This drove him to frame the Avengers for treason as his perceptions are twisted to perceive them as having 'betrayed' him,[volume & issue needed] forcing them to escape the government-sponsored Freedom Force,[volume & issue needed] and then deal with Quicksilver's new 'team' of LMD-based duplicates of the Zodiac,[volume & issue needed] until the Vision convinces Pietro to stand down by showing him images of his newborn nephews.[volume & issue needed]

Quicksilver battles the West Coast Avengers[32] and is captured by the Inhumans and cured of his condition.[33] In an effort to repent for his actions, Pietro aids the Avengers West Coast against Magneto and the villain Immortus, who has captured Wanda.[34] Although successful, Pietro refuses to return to Crystal and joins the now U.S. government-sponsored superhero team X-Factor.[35] The character and Crystal are reunited during the storyline "Bloodties" when the Avengers, X-Factor and X-Men team to stop a group of mutant terrorists who kidnap their daughter Luna, and are responsible for a civil war on the island nation of Genosha. After dealing with the threat, Quicksilver learns of Crystal's relationship with Avenger the Black Knight [36] and leaves, also resigning from X-Factor.[37]

The character also features in a self-titled limited series, with Quicksilver taking daughter Luna and traveling to Mt. Wundergore, aiding the High Evolutionary and his Knights of Wundagore against villains Exodus and the Man Beast. Quicksilver uses the experimental Isotope E to augment his powers, allowing him to move at greater supersonic speeds. A future version of Pietro called "Nestor" appears and reveals that his powers are not speed but rather temporal based.[38] Quicksilver also rejoins a reformed Avengers[39] and features briefly in the second volume of Heroes for Hire.[40]

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch discover their origin in Avengers #185 (July 1979).Art by George Pérez.

Descent and Rebirth

Quicksilver features in the limited series Magneto Rex, and with half-sister Polaris spies on their father Magneto, who is now the ruler of Genosha. Quicksilver is banished when he rallies the Avengers against Magneto.[41] Quicksilver makes sporadic appearances in Avengers and the mutant titles Mutant X, X-Factor and X-Men until featuring in the limited series X-Men: Age of Apocalypse in a battle with the despot Apocalypse.[42]

House of M

Quicksilver plays a pivotal role in the limited series House of M, convincing his now mentally unstable sister Wanda to use her abilities to warp reality and create a world where mutants are in a majority and humans are the minority—with Magneto established as absolute ruler—while also giving their fellow heroes their own greatest desires—having abducted Professor X to read the minds of the heroes—to discourage them from trying to restore history and stop them from killing Wanda. Thanks to Wolverine retaining his memories, along with the mysterious Layla Miller, many of Earth's heroes regain their memories and battle Magneto, who also remembers and realizes that Pietro is to blame for this mistake. Magneto kills Quicksilver (crushing his body with a robot Sentinel) in a rage at this perceived 'abuse' of his dream, although the character is resurrected and the normal reality restored when the Scarlet Witch witnesses this, telling Magneto he cares more for mutants than his own children. In retaliation the Scarlet Witch has also depowered 98% of the mutant population, which by accident includes Quicksilver.[43]

Son of M

The story continues in the limited series Son of M, with Quicksilver, desperate to regain his powers, exposing himself to the Terrigen Mist (the source of the Inhumans' mutations and abilities) and inserts Terrigen crystals into his body—all without permission from Black Bolt. Courtesy of the Terrigen crystals, Quicksilver gains new "time jumping" powers and kidnaps his daughter Luna. Quicksilver discovers the crystals can restore mutant abilities but have an extreme effect on non-Inhuman physiology, causing several deaths.[44] Quicksilver and Crystal meet again in the direct

sequel, limited series Silent War, when Black Bolt demands the return of the crystals. When Crystal sees how he has mutated, she declares their marriage annulled according to Inhuman law.[45]

In the title X-Factor the crystals are removed from Quicksilver's body by another mutant, leaving him powerless once again.[46] Destitute and jailed for vagrancy in the one-shot X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead, Quicksilver has a series of hallucinations and inexplicably regains his super speed. Escaping jail, Quicksilver rescues an innocent and rediscovers his desire to be a hero.[47]

Mighty Avengers

Quicksilver appears in the title The Mighty Avengers and is used as a pawn by Elder God Chthon, with the character's spirit trapped in the arcane tome called the Darkhold. The Avengers defeat Chthon, and Quicksilver's consciousness is "downloaded" into the body of Vision, before being restored to his own body.[48] Quicksilver joins the team after learning that it is Wanda (Asgardian god Loki in disguise) who brought the team together.[49] After the events of the Secret Invasion storyline[50] the character is publicly exonerated of former crimes, with an unknown Skrull being blamed (although Henry Pym, Maximoff's daughter Luna, and Avengers butler Jarvis are aware of the lie). Quicksilver also resumes wearing his original green costume.[51] Quicksilver loses the respect of his daughter Luna when he lies to the Inhumans and claims that many of his past actions were actually perpetrated by a Skrull impostor,[52] although Pym tolerates the lie as he feels that Quicksilver deserves a chance to redeem himself.[volume & issue needed]

Quicksilver finally learns that the person he thought was his sister is actually Loki in disguise. Enraged, he and the rest of the team travel to the Isle of Silence to set a trap for the god of mischief. After imprisoning Loki in a device designed by Hank Pym, he begins torturing the god for information about Wanda's whereabouts. Loki offers no information about her and manages to contact Thor to beg for his help. Thor arrives and attacks Quicksilver for the way he is treating Loki. He is able to outrun the thunder god's lightning but is eventually overpowered.[53] He is one of the Avengers who joins Hercules, Amadeus Cho and their allies in an assault on Olympus Group Headquarters. He battles Amazon warrior women alongside Zeus [54] and helps a wounded Wolverine defeat the Huntsman, stabbing him through the chest with his own weapon.[55]

Quicksilver is later summoned by the Ghost using Amadeus Cho's technology, to defend Asgard against the Thunderbolts. He single handedly defeats Mister X who is in possession of the Spear of Odin. Mr. X isn't able to react quickly enough despite his abilities and Quicksilver viciously beats him down with a piece of debris.[56] He is seen alongside the other Avengers against the Void-possessed Sentry in the events of Siege.[57]

Avengers: The Children's Crusade

Quicksilver is searching for his sister in Wundagore when Magneto and the Young Avengers go to find the Scarlet Witch.[volume & issue needed] After trying to abduct his nephew Wiccan so he can assist him in finding his sister, he is stopped by his father and his other nephew, Speed.[volume & issue needed] After Wiccan suggests that maybe Magneto actually did want to make up for his past, he became angry and said, "Nephew the last time I allowed myself to believe that..... My father tried to kill me".[volume & issue needed] Quicksilver prepares to fight his father but when debris from his rampage strikes his sister it is found that that the Scarlet Witch there is actually a Doombot in disguise.[volume & issue needed]

The journey takes Quicksilver and his comrades all the way to Latveria so they rescue the Scarlet Witch.[volume & issue needed] After the Scarlet Witch turns herself in to the X-Men and the Avengers a fight breaks out between the two groups.[volume & issue needed] After being knocked out along with all the other Avengers and X-Men by his sister, he is finally reunited with his sister.[58]

Heroic Age

Quicksilver joins the teaching staff of Avengers Academy to teach young students how to become heroes. He does so in order to distance himself from the legacy of his father Magneto.[59] One of the new students, Finesse, figures out that his story about being abducted by Skrulls is a lie. She blackmails him into giving her "private lessons" on everything he learned during his time with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.[60] Finesse convinces Quicksilver to help her search for the Taskmaster, who might be her biological father. After arriving at what they thought was an abandoned training camp, they found it still in use and quickly captured the criminals they found there. Quicksilver returned to the mansion and encountered Tigra, who was upset because some of the students assaulted the Hood on her behalf. During a heated exchange Quicksilver managed to convince her that kicking them out of the Academy for trying to help would only turn them against becoming heroes.[61] At the new campus for the Avengers Academy (where the Faculty are offering to train other superpowered youths), Quicksilver is revealed to be mentoring Lightspeed as a teacher's assistant.[62]

In the miniseries "Magneto: Not a Hero", Joseph is resurrected under unknown circumstances and forms a new Brotherhood of Mutants with Astra and mutated deformed versions of Blob, Mastermind, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Toad. It is soon revealed that the mutated versions of Blob, Mastermind, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Toad are clones created by Joseph.[63]

Quicksilver has joined the privately owned superhero team X-Factor.[64] When confronted during a press conference by Fatale over his actions meant to repower mutants and his lying about a Skrull having been responsible, Pietro finally admitted in public that he had been responsible and had tried to avoid facing the consequences; by doing this, he earned his daughter's respect back, and the two reconciled.[65]

Wanda and other heroes and villains experienced a moral inversion during a clash with the Red Onslaught.[66] Quicksilver and Magneto try to talk the inverted Wanda down, but when Wanda attacks them with a curse designed to punish her blood relatives that only affects Quicksilver, Wanda realizes that Magneto is not their biological father.[67]

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch later take a trip to Counter-Earth.[68] After being tracked down and defeated by Luminous (a female who was created by the genetic material of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver), Pietro and Wanda were brought to the High Evolutionary himself. He revealed to them that Django and Marya Maximoff were their true parents. He also told them the truth where they were supposedly not mutants, but they had been experimented on by the High Evolutionary. After escaping from the High Evolutionary's experimentations, Pietro and Wanda located the Avengers Unity Division (who had traveled to the Counter-Earth looking for the twins) and helped the inhabitants of Lowtown (a refuge for the High Evolutionary's rejects) from their creator's assault.[69] After the High Evolutionary is defeated and he escapes into a portal with Luminous, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return to Earth with the Avengers Unity Division.[70]

Powers and abilities

Quicksilver was originally presented as a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds. Originally capable of running at the speed of sound, exposure to the High Evolutionary's Isotope E made it possible for the character to run at supersonic speeds of up to Mach 10 and resist the effects of friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact while moving at super-speeds. The character's speed allows him to perform feats such as create cyclone-strength winds; run up walls and cross bodies of water. It has been revealed that one of the reasons for his abrasive and impatient personality is that it seems to him that the rest of the world is moving in slow motion and that he is constantly waiting for it to catch up. As he once explained, "Have you ever had a day where you are at the ATM and you are in a hurry because you're running late but the person in front of you doesn't know how to use the ATM and they're taking forever? Now imagine what it must be like to spend every day surrounded by people who don't know how to use the ATM."[71]

Quicksilver loses his powers of speed when his sister removes most of his mutant powers, but gains new powers courtesy of the Inhumans' Terrigen Mist. The mist gives Quicksilver the ability to displace himself out of mainstream time and space and "jump" into the future. The character can summon several time-displaced duplicates of himself and appear to teleport by "jumping" into the future and then returning to the present at a new location. By voluntarily embedding fragments of the Terrigen Crystals into his own body, the character could empower former mutants with extreme versions of their superhuman abilities. However, the effect was usually fatal. The crystals are subsequently forced from the character's body by the mutant Rictor, leaving him without these abilities. After having a series of hallucinations, Quicksilver saw a woman in mortal danger and felt a desire to be a hero then regains his mutant powers in order to save the woman's life.[72]

It was later revealed that he actually was a normal child that was put through several experiments by the High Evolutionary which granted his powers.[73]

Other versions


In the DC/Marvel crossover JLA/Avengers, Pietro first appears being brainwashed by Starro when the Avengers battle him. Thanks to a combination of Wanda's magic and Ms. Marvel's powers, they manage to get Starro's probe off of him.[74] When he and the other Avengers go to the DC Universe, he becomes interested in the Speed Force and becomes obsessed with defeating The Flash, but he fails twice. During the final battle in the Savage Land, he finally defeats the Flash, but only does so because there is no Speed Force in the Marvel Universe.[75] He makes an appearance in the final battle with Krona, but it is very brief. He also appears at the end as one of the heroes that started out the entire event.[76]

Marvel Zombies

In the limited series Marvel Zombies, Earth-2149 is contaminated with a virus that turns victims into flesh-eating zombies, with Quicksilver infected when bitten by a "zombified" Mystique (who at the time was impersonating his sister Wanda). This results in the rapid spread of the zombie virus, as Quicksilver is able to infect hundreds around the world in a short amount of time.[77] The character reappears in the limited series Marvel Zombies 3, revealed to be working for a "zombified" Wilson

Fisk. Quicksilver is eventually lured into a trap by the Earth-616 Machine Man and subsequently destroyed.[78] The zombie virus spreads to a different Quicksilver in 'Earth Z', who is featured in the limited series Marvel Zombies Return. Here, his body is capable of operating independent of the head.[79]

Marvel Zombies Return

When the zombies from Earth-2149 cross over into Earth-Z, Quicksilver is transformed into a zombie, and in Marvel Zombies Return #5 is one of the few remaining zombies left who fought against Spider-Man and his New Avengers, attempting to steal a canister containing the 'cure' that Spider-Man had developed, only for the wall-crawler to accidentally pull Quicksilver's head off when trying to catch him with his webbing. He was ripped apart very violently by then.[80]

Marvel 1602

Limited series Marvel 1602 depicts Quicksilver as Petros, the assistant (and secretly, son) of the High Inquisitor of the Spanish Catholic Church, Enrique.[81]

Ultimate Marvel

Ultimate version of Quicksilver with his sister, the Scarlet Witch, on the cover of Ultimates #8 (Nov. 2002). Art by Bryan Hitch.

Ultimate Marvel features a version of the character warped by constant abuse from Magneto. The character is faster than the Earth-616 version, stating that as a teenager he was already capable of reaching speeds of Mach 10.[82]

After he and his sister, the Scarlet Witch, defected from their father's Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy, they joined the Ultimates. The twin siblings also share an incestuous relationship. During the Ultimate X-Men's Magnetic North story arc, he watched over his father while he was imprisoned in the Triskelion, and threatened to kill him.[83] In The Ultimates 3, he and his sister are apparently killed; however, Quicksilver later resurfaced at the end of the Absolute Power story arc, and killed Moira MacTaggert.[84]

In Ultimatum #5, Quicksilver assassinated Cyclops as he is giving a speech at Washington DC, using the same bullet that was used to murder the Scarlet Witch.[85]

Following the deaths of major characters of the X-Men and the Brotherhood, Pietro began to search for new Brotherhood team members. Mystique, Sabretooth and Teddy (the son of Blob) joined him in Wundagore, along with an apparently reborn Wanda.[86]

Following his sister's orders, Quicksilver tried to help the White House, only resulting in the death of many mutants at the hands of Nimrod Model Sentinels, which were controlled by the Reverend Stryker before his death. When Pietro arrived in Egypt, he met his father, Erik, completely alive.[87] However, this was revealed to be an illusion from Sinister.[88] He attempts to manipulate his younger half-brother, Jimmy Hudson, but is defeated.[89]

Later, he helps Reed Richards assemble some of the Infinity Gems and joins his team of Dark Ultimates.[90] Quicksilver is fatally wounded after he turns against Richards and Kang, and chooses to die by Wanda's graveside.[91]

What If?

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch appear in the What If? story "What If the X-Men Died on their First Mission?" as allies of Beast following the demise of the X-Men and upon the menace by Count Nefaria and his Ani-Men. Although invited to join the newly formed team upon the success of their mission, both decline in favor of their current commitments, although they promise their aid if they are needed.[92]

X-Men Noir

In the one-shot X-Men Noir, Peter Magnus is a former college track star, and works in the Homicide Department of the NYPD with his father: Eric Magnus, Chief Detective and the leader of The Brotherhood.[93]

In other media

Evan Peters (right) as Quicksilver in the 2014 film X-Men: Days of Future Past

Aaron Taylor-Johnson (left) and Elizabeth Olsen (right) as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron


Quicksilver appeared as a part of the Avengers in a few episodes of the Captain America portion of The Marvel Super Heroes in 1966, voiced by Len Carlson.[94]

Quicksilver guest-stars in three episodes of X-Men, voiced by Adrian Egan.

Quicksilver is a recurring character in the animated series X-Men: Evolution, voiced by Richard Ian Cox.

Quicksilver appears as a member/leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants in the animated series Wolverine and the X-Men, voiced by Mark Hildreth. He appears in the episodes "Hindsight" Pt. 2, "Timebomb", "Past Discretions", "Battle Lines", "Backlash", and the three part series finale "Foresight".

Quicksilver is featured in The Super Hero Squad Show episode "Hexed, Vexed, and Perplexed", voiced by Scott Menville.


Quicksilver appears in the 2014 film X-Men: Days of Future Past, played by Evan Peters.[95][96]

[97] Bryan Singer shot all of Quicksilver's scenes in 3,600 frames per second.[98] A viral marketing website for the film shows that Quicksilver broke eight world records in track and field events, causing a scandal, and prompting athletics officials to adopt a genetic testing policy in partnership with Trask Industries preventing mutants from competing in professional sporting events.[99] Evans will reprise his role as Quicksilver in the upcoming 2016 film X-Men: Apocalypse.[100]

Aaron Taylor-Johnson signed on to play Quicksilver in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron.[101][102] Taylor-Johnson first appeared as the character in a mid-credits scene of the 2014 film Captain America: The Winter Soldier.[103] Pietro and his sister Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) are captives of Baron Strucker, having volunteered themselves to be experimented upon by Hydra.[104] Although, both Taylor-Johnson and Olsen signed multi-picture deals for their characters,[105] producer Kevin Feige stated that there are no future plans for Quicksilver, who is killed in the film's climax.[106]

Video games

Quicksilver appears as a supporting character in Captain America and the Avengers.

Quicksilver has a brief cameo appearance in the video game X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse.

Quicksilver appears as a boss in the PSP, PS2, and Wii versions of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, voiced by Robert Tinkler.

Quicksilver appears as a playable character in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, with Scott Menville reprising his role.

Quicksilver appears in the X-Men: Destiny video game,[107] voiced by Sunil Malhotra.

Quicksilver is a playable character in the Facebook game Marvel: Avengers Alliance.

Quicksilver is a playable character in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.


Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9

Whitbrook, James. "Marvel Confirms Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver Are No Longer Mutants". Archived from the original on May 8, 2015. Retrieved May 8, 2015.

Goldstein, Hilary; George, Richard (May 15, 2006). "The Top 25 X-Men". IGN. Retrieved March 17, 2010

"The Top 50 Avengers". IGN. April 30, 2012. Retrieved July 28, 2015.

O'Neill, Patrick Daniel (February 1992). "Peter David". Comics Interview (105) (Fictioneer Books). p. 20.

"NYCC EXCLUSIVE: David Resurrects the Team in "All-New X-Factor"". Comic Book Resources. 2013-10-11. Retrieved 2013-10-31.

"AICN COMICS 10th Annual @$$IE AWARDS Day Five: Best Crossover/Event! Favorite Superhero! Best Ongoing Series!". Ain't It Cool News. March 7, 2014.

X-Men #4 (March 1964)

X-Men: Magneto Testament #1

X-Men #5 (May 1964); #6 (July 1964); #7 (Sept. 1964)

X-Men #11 (May 1965)

Avengers #16 (May 1965)

Avengers #47 - 49 (Dec. 1968 - Feb. 1969)

Uncanny X-Men #43 (April 1968)

Uncanny X-Men #44 (May 1968)

Uncanny X-Men #45 (June 1968)

Spider-Man #71 (April 1969)

X-Men #59 - 60 (Aug. - Sept. 1969)

Avengers #75 - 76 (April - May 1970)

Avengers #104 (Oct. 1972)

Fantastic Four #131 (Feb. 1973)

Fantastic Four #150 (Sep. 1974)

Giant-Size Avengers #1 (1974)

Giant-Size Avengers #4 (1975)

Fantastic Four Annual #12 (1977)

Avengers #185 – 187 (July–Sept. 1979)

Avengers #188 (Oct. 1979)

Fantastic Four #240 (March 1982)

Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1 - 4 (Nov. 1982 - Feb. 1983)

Vision and the Scarlet Witch vol. 2, #1 - 12 (Oct. 1985 - Sept. 1986)

West Coast Avengers Annual #1 (1986)

West Coast Avengers #33 - 36 (July - Sept. 1988)

X-Factor Annual #2 (Jan. 1987)

Avengers West Coast #56 - 57 (Mar. - Apr. 1990); 60 - 62 (Aug. - Oct. 1990)

X-Factor #71 - #94 (Oct. 1991 - Sept. 1993)

Avengers #343 (Jan. 1992)

Bloodties - Avengers #368 (Nov. 1993); X-Men vol. 2, #26 (Nov. 1993); Avengers West Coast #101 (Dec. 1993); Uncanny X-Men #307 (Dec. 1993) & Avengers #369 (Dec. 1993)

Quicksilver #1 - 12 (Nov. 1997 - Nov. 1998)

Avengers Vol. 3 #1 (Feb. 1998)

Heroes for Hire vol. 2 #16 (Oct. 1998) & Annual #1 (1998)

Magneto Rex #1 (April 1999); #2 - 3 (June - July 1999)

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #1 - 5 (May 2005) & #6 (June 2005)

House of M #1 - 2 (Aug. 2005); #3 - 4 (Sept. 2005); #5 - 6 (Oct. 2005); #7 (Nov. 2005); #8 (Dec. 2005)

Son of M #1 - 6 (Feb. - July 2006) & X-Factor #20 (June 2007)

Silent War #1 - 6 (March - Aug. 2007)

X-Factor #20 (June 2007)

X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead #1 (July 2008)

Mighty Avengers #21 - 23 (Jan. - March 2009)

Mighty Avengers #24 (April 2009)

Secret Invasion #1 - 8 (June 2008 - Jan. 2009)

Mighty Avengers #25 (July 2009)

Mighty Avengers #31 (Jan. 2010)

Mighty Avengers #34 (Apr. 2010)

Incredible Hercules #139 (Feb. 2010)

Incredible Hercules #141 (Apr. 2010)

Mighty Avengers #35

Mighty Avengers # 36

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #2

Avengers Academy #1

Avengers Academy #2

Avengers Academy #9

Avengers Academy #21

Magneto: Not a Hero #1-4

All-New X-Factor #1

All-New X-Factor #12

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #3

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #7

Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 #1-2

Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 #4

Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 #5

X-Factor Vol. 1, issue #87: "The X-Amination"

X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead #1

Uncanny Avengers (vol. 2) #4

JLA/Avengers #1

JLA/Avengers #2

JLA/Avengers #4

Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness #1 - 5 (May - Sep. 2007)

Marvel Zombies 3 #1 - 4 (Dec. 2008 - March 2009)

Marvel Zombies: Return #5

Marvel Zombies Return #5 (Sep. 2009)

Marvel 1602 #1 - 8 (Nov. 2003 - June 2004)

Ultimates #1 - 7 (Mar. - Sep. 2002); #8 (Nov. 2002); #9 (Apr. 2003); #10 (July 2003); #11 (Sep. 2003); #12 (Nov. 2003); #13 (Apr. 2004); Ultimates 2 #1 - 6 (Feb. - July 2005); #7 (Sep. 2005); #8 (Nov. 2005); #9 (Jan. 2006); #10 (Mar. 2006); #11 - 12 (July - Aug. 2006); #13 (Feb. 2007)

Ultimate X-Men #61-65 (Jul.-Nov. 2005)

Ultimate X-Men #100 (Feb. 2009)

Ultimatum #5 (Jul. 2009)

Ultimate Comics: Ultimate X #5

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #6

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #13

Ultimate Comics: Wolverine #1-4

Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #25

Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #29

What If vol. 2 #9 (1990)

X-Men Noir #1 (Dec. 2008)

Episode 8: "The Coming of the Swordsman/Vengeance Is Ours/Emissary of Destruction"

"Evan Peters Joins X-Men: Days of Future Past as Quicksilver". Superhero Hype. May 23, 2013.

X-Men: Days Of Future Past Quicksilver controversy: writer Simon Kinberg speaks

"Quicksilver will have expanded role in X-Men:Apocalypse". IGN. May 21, 2014.

"Twitter / BryanSinger: Brightest set I've ever filmed". Retrieved 2013-09-26.

"1977 World Record Scandal". X-Men: 25 Moments. Retrieved December 31, 2014.

Libbey, Dirk. "X-Men: Apocalypse Will Feature A Bigger And Better Quicksilver Scene". Retrieved September 2, 2015.

"Official: Elizabeth Olsen & Aaron Taylor-Johnson Join 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'". Marvel. November 25, 2013. Archived from the original on March 17, 2014. Retrieved November 25, 2013.

"Marvel’s ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Official Synopsis Spells Big Trouble for Tony Stark". Stitch Kingdom. September 15, 2014. Archived from the original on September 15, 2014. Retrieved September 15, 2014.

Milly, Jenna (March 14, 2014). "'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' premiere: Crossover is the word". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on March 17, 2014. Retrieved March 17, 2014.

Goldberg, Matt (May 5, 2014). Avengers 2: Aaron Taylor Johnson & Elizabeth Olsen Talk Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch. IGN. Retrieved July 27, 2014.

Goldberg, Matt (May 5, 2014). "Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson Talk AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON, Working on the Accents, Thoughts on the Set Photos, and More". Collider. Retrieved May 5, 2014.

Holmes, Adam (May 9, 2015). "What Kevin Feige Thinks Of Quicksilver's Future At Marvel". Cinema Blend. Retrieved May 9, 2015.

107. McWhertor, Michael. "X-Men Destiny Screen Shots". Kotaku.

External links

Quicksilver at the Marvel Universe wiki

Ultimate Quicksilver at the Marvel Universe wiki

Spotlight on Quicksilver at





This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2012)


First appeared 1985

Stable release CA Clipper 5.3b / May 20, 1997



Clipper is a computer programming language that is used to create software programs that originally operated primarily under DOS. Although it is a powerful general-purpose programming language, it was primarily used to create database/business programs.


1 History

2 Programming in Clipper

3 Version history

4 References

5 External links


Clipper was originally created in 1985 as a compiler for dBASE III, a very popular database language at the time. Compiling dBASE code changes it from interpreted code, which must be interpreted every time each line of code is executed, to p-code, which uses a Virtual Machine to process the compiled p-code. p-code is considerably faster, but still not as fast as the machine code generated by native compilers. As a technical marketing ploy, the p-code was wrapped into object code (linkable .obj files) which gave the impression that it was compiled to native code. Clipper was

created by Nantucket Corporation led by Barry ReBell (management) and Brian Russell (technical). In 1992, the company was sold to Computer Associates and the product was renamed to CA-Clipper.[1] GrafX Software licensed CA-Clipper in 2002 from CA for ongoing marketing and distribution.

As the product matured, it remained a DOS tool for many years, but added elements of the C programming language and Pascal programming language, as well as OOP, and the code-block data-type (hybridizing the concepts of dBase macros, or string-evaluation, and function pointers), to become far more powerful than the original. Nantucket's Aspen project later matured into the Windows native-code Visual Objects compiler.

The Clipper language is being actively implemented and extended by multiple organizations/vendors, like XBase++ from Alaska Software and FlagShip, as well as free (GPL-licensed) projects like Harbour and xHarbour.

Many of the current implementations are portable (DOS, Windows, Linux (32- and 64-bit), Unix (32- and 64-bit), and Mac OS X), supporting many language extensions [1], and have greatly extended runtime libraries, as well as various Replaceable Database Drivers (RDD) supporting many popular database formats, like DBF, DBTNTX, DBFCDX (FoxPro, Apollo, Comix, and Advantage Database Server), MachSix (SIx Driver and Apollo), SQL, and more. These newer implementations all strive for full compatibility with the standard dBase/xBase syntax, while also offering OOP approaches and target-based syntax such as SQLExecute().

The Clipper Usenet newsgroups are comp.lang.clipper and comp.lang.clipper.visual-objects.

Compiling and running hello world program in clipper

Programming in Clipper

A simple hello world - application:

? "Hello World!"

A simple data base input mask:



@ 1, 0 SAY "CustNum" GET Customer->CustNum PICT "999999" VALID Customer->CustNum > 0

@ 3, 0 SAY "Contact" GET Customer->Contact VALID !empty(Customer->Contact)

@ 4, 0 SAY "Address" GET Customer->Address


Version history

The various versions of Clipper were

From Nantucket Corporation; the "seasonal versions", billed as "dBase compilers"

Nantucket Clipper Winter'84 - released May 25, 1985

Nantucket Clipper Summer'85 - released 1985

Nantucket Clipper Winter'85 - released January 29, 1986

Nantucket Clipper Autumn'86 - released October 31, 1986

Nantucket Clipper Summer'87 - released December 21, 1987

From Nantucket Corporation; Clipper 5

Nantucket Clipper 5.00 - released 1990

Nantucket Clipper 5.01 - released April 15, 1991

Nantucket Clipper 5.01 Rev.129 - released March 31, 1992

and from Computer Associates; CA-Clipper 5

CA Clipper 5.01a -

CA Clipper 5.20 - released February 15, 1993

CA-Clipper 5.2a - released March 15, 1993

CA Clipper 5.2b - released June 25, 1993

CA-Clipper 5.2c - released August 6, 1993

CA Clipper 5.2d - released March 25, 1994

CA-Clipper 5.2e - released February 7, 1995

CA Clipper 5.30 - released June 26, 1995

CA Clipper 5.3a - released May 20, 1996

CA Clipper 5.3b - released May 20, 1997




External links

Alaska Software vendor of XBase++

Apollo database engine supports CA-Clipper and FoxPro data files

Free Open Source Graphic,GUI & Form Designer for CA-Clipper

mini Clipper FAQ

Print from Clipper to newest Windows printers article

The Oasis is the largest file archive for CA-Clipper and xBase on the web

Visual FlagShip Clipper compatible compiler for Linux, Unix and Windows

Xailer Integrated development environment for Windows

Harbour Project A 32/64 bit multiplatform Clipper compiler

From CA-Clipper to Windows in 5 minutes How to install Harbour MiniGUI and compile a windows-exe.

DBFree - Xbase/Clipper for the web :Active web pages using server-side Xbase scripts, embedded DBF data engine, freeware, based on MaxScript Xbase interpreter (adds xBase/Clipper server-side scripting to IIS / Apache / Xitami web servers).

DBMax - MaxScript Command Processor :the Xbase interpreter for desktop and web applications.

The NTK Project , WIN32 Gui Framework for (x)Harbour, backward compatible with Clipper and Clip4Win.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the lead ship, store, university, or product of a group. For other uses, see Flagship (disambiguation).

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2010)

HMS Victory , flagship of the First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy

A flagship is a vessel used by the commanding officer of a group of naval ships, reflecting the custom of its commander, characteristically a flag officer, flying a distinguishing flag. Used more loosely, it is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels, typically the first, largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known.

Over the years, the term "flagship" has been borrowed in metaphorical form by industries such as broadcasting, automobiles, cell phones, education, national airlines, breweries and retailing to refer to their highest profile or most expensive products and outlets.


1 Naval use

2 Flagship as metaphor

3 Education

4 Retailing

5 Broadcasting

6 Automobiles

7 Conservation

8 References

Naval use

In common naval use, the term flagship is fundamentally a temporary designation; the flagship is wherever the admiral's flag is being flown. However, admirals have always needed additional facilities; a meeting room large enough to hold all the captains of the fleet, and a place for the admiral's staff to make plans and draw up orders.

In the age of sailing ships, the flagship was typically a first-rate; the aft of one of the three decks would become the admiral's quarters and staff offices. This can be seen today on HMS Victory , the flagship of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar, now at Portsmouth, England. HMS Victory still serves the Royal Navy today as the ceremonial flagship of the Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command,[1] making her the oldest commissioned warship in service. The USS Constitution , which also served in her day as flagship of the United States Navy, is 34 years younger, but is the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.

In the 20th century, ships became large enough that most types could accommodate a commander and staff, and during World War II admirals would often prefer a faster ship over the largest one. Some larger ships may have a separate flag bridge for use by the admiral and his staff while the captain commanded from the main navigation bridge. Because its primary function is to coordinate a fleet, a flagship is not necessarily more heavily armed or fortified than other ships.

Modern flagships are designed primarily for command and control rather than for fighting, and are also known as command ships.

Flagship as metaphor

As with many other naval terms, flagship has crossed over into common parlance, where it means the most important or leading member of a group. It has also come to be an adjective describing the most prominent or highly touted product, brand, location, or service among those offered by a company. It now has common derivations such as the "flagship brand" or "flagship product" of a manufacturing company or "flagship store" of a retail chain. Auto companies usually have a flagship in the form of their leading, highest-priced car.

This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. (June 2015)

Most states in the United States provide public university education through one or more university systems. The phrase flagship institution or flagship university may be applied to an individual school or campus within each state system. The College Board, for example, defines flagship universities as the best-known institutions in the state, noting that they were generally the first to be established and are frequently the largest and most selective, as well as the most research-intensive public universities.[2][3][4] These schools are often land-grant, sea-grant, or space-grant research universities.[5] According to Robert M. Berdahl, then chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, the phrase "flagship" came into existence in the 1950s when the Morrill Act schools were joined by newer institutions built in a wave of post-war expansion of state university systems.[6]

Berdahl notes further that because flagships are generally the oldest schools within a system, they are often the largest and best financed and are perceived as elite relative to non-flagship state schools.[6] He comments that "Those of us in 'systems' of higher education are frequently actively discouraged from using the term 'flagship' to refer to our campuses because it is seen as hurtful to the self-esteem of colleagues at other institutions in our systems. The use of the term is seen by some as elitist and boastful. It is viewed by many, in the context of the politics of higher education, as 'politically incorrect.' ... Only in the safe company of alumni is one permitted to use the term."[6] Additionally, the term flagship is widely understood to encompass only public (state-supported) universities, even in states which may contain more eminent private universities.

Nevertheless, the term "flagship university" is still used in official contexts by the U.S. Department of Education, various state university system boards of governors, and state legislatures.[7][8][9][10][11] Additionally, state universities often self-designate themselves as flagships.[12][13] Higher education agencies, research journals, and other organizations also use the term, though their lists of flagship universities can differ greatly. One list of 50 flagship universities (one per state) is employed by the Higher Education Coordinating Board,[14] the College Board,[3][4] the Princeton Review[15] and many other state and federal educational and governmental authorities[16] for a variety of purposes including tuition and rate comparisons,[2][17][18] research studies[19][20][21][22] and public policy analyses.[23]

[24][25][26] Given the widespread use of this list, it has been described as a "nationally recognizable and accepted list of flagship universities".[27]

Despite its ubiquity, this list of 50 flagships is not the only state-by-state examination of flagships. In a 2010 article, Standard & Poor's created its own list of flagship universities, noting that each state had typically one or two institutions with flagship characteristics.[28] The Education Sector, an education policy organization, used a different list of 51 flagship universities in an August 2011 study of college debt. Several states had multiple universities categorized as flagships due to "less of a clear distinction between a single flagship and other public universities" in those states.[29] Additionally, several states were not included in the study due to insufficient comparative data.[29] There are many instances in which more than one school in a state has claimed to be, or has been described as, a "flagship".[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]

In February 2012, Idaho's State Board of Education made a controversial decision to strike the word "flagship" from the University of Idaho's mission statement.[39] The Board's President Richard

Westerberg explained that this revision was made as part of the Board's many changes made to multiple Idaho universities' mission statements in an effort to ensure all statements were consistent and collegial in nature rather than comparative or competitive.[40]


Abercrombie & Fitch flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York City

Flagship stores are core stores for brand name retailers, larger than their standard outlets and stocking greater inventory, often found in prominent shopping districts such as Madison Avenue in New York, Tokyo's Ginza and Central, Hong Kong.[41]

Flagships are prevalent among upscale retailers, including Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, Coach, and Prada.


Main article: Flagship (broadcasting)

A flagship station is the principal station of a (radio or TV) broadcast network. It can be the station that produces the largest amount of material for the network, or the station in the parent company's home city, or both. The term dates back to the mid twentieth century years of broadcasting when headquarters stations produced programs for their networks.

For example, the flagship stations of the ABC, NBC and CBS television and radio networks are their owned and operated outlets in New York City. Likewise, public television's WNET served as primary member station for National Educational Television (NET), a forerunner to the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

In sports broadcasting, the "flagship" is a team's primary station in their home market, which produces game broadcasts and feeds them to affiliates. For example, WGN is the flagship station of the Chicago Cubs baseball team, which has an extensive Cubs radio network spanning several states.


The term flagship is also used to describe the top-end volume vehicle manufactured by automotive marque. These vehicles are usually, but not always, the most expensive, prestigious and largest vehicles in the line-up. Examples include the Land Rover Range Rover, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, and Ferrari F12berlinetta.

The term "halo car" is often used in automotive marketing and journalism to refer to the flagship vehicle. The term is derived from the halo effect.[42] Halo cars are primarily the best a car company can make in performance, and are produced in limited numbers or with low sales expectations in order to generate public appeal for the brand. Such cars include the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Ferrari Enzo, LaFerrari, and Maserati MC12.


Within conservation biology, the term flagship species refers to a species or taxon that is a symbol or rallying point to catalyze conservation actions. The metaphoric use of the term is inherently linked to ideas about representation.[43]



HMS Victory – home page

"Flagship universities must pursue excellence and access". University of Virginia. Retrieved 2013-03-13.

Berdahl, Robert (1998-10-08). "The Future of Flagship Universities". University of California, Berkeley. Archived from the original on 2011-02-07. Retrieved 2006-09-22.

"U.S. Department of Education". Retrieved 2013-04-02.

David K. Scott (2001). "Strategic Action FY'97 - FY'01 III. A Vision of the Future: Reinventing the Dream". University of Massachusetts Amherst, Office of the Chancellor. Retrieved 2006-09-22.

Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr, President, University of Maryland, College Park (2006). "Testimony to the Maryland General Assembly". Retrieved 2006-09-22.

Eric Owens, Esq; Review, Princeton (2004-03-01). "America's Best Value Colleges". ISBN 9780375763731.$FILE/Article%2008-Turner(F).pdf

"Which state university grads earn the most?". 2013-03-12. Retrieved 2014-09-21.

"SCUP OpenID Server" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-09-21.

Slater, Robert (1996). "The First Black Graduates of the Nation's 50 Flagship State Universities". The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (No. 13): pp. 72–85. doi:10.2307/2963173. JSTOR 2963173.

Gerald, Danette S (2007). "Examining the Status of Equity in Undergraduate Enrollments for Black, Latino and Low-income Students at Public Four-year Universities and Flagship Campuses". ISBN 9780549453512.

"LSU Flagship Agenda - Overview - Peer Institutions". Retrieved 2014-09-21.

Florida at the Wayback Machine (archived May 23, 2006)





Michigan at the Wayback Machine (archived September 9, 2006)

New York

Multiple states

Multiple states



"Flagship Store". Retrieved 2013-03-13.

January 17, 2005 (2005-01-17). "A Way with Words | halo car". Retrieved 2013-04-02.

Maan Barua (2011). "Mobilizing Metaphors: the popular use of keystone, flagship and umbrella species concepts". Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 1427–1440. doi:10.1007/s10531-011-0035-y. Retrieved 2011-09-22.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Harbor (disambiguation).

Capri harbor, Italy seen from Anacapri

A harbor or harbour (see spelling differences), or haven, is a body of water where ships, boats, and barges can seek shelter from stormy weather, or else are stored for future use.

Harbors can be natural or artificial. An artificial harbor has deliberately constructed breakwaters, sea walls, or jettys, or otherwise, they could have been constructed by dredging, and these require maintenance by further periodic dredging. An example of the artificial harbor is Long Beach Harbor, California, which was an array of salt marshes and tidal flats too shallow for modern merchant ships before it was first dredged in the early 20th century.[1]

In contrast, a natural harbor is surrounded on several sides by prominences of land. Examples of natural harbors include Sydney Harbour, Australia and San Francisco Bay, California.

Harbors and ports are often confused with each other. A port is a facility for loading and unloading vessels; ports are usually located in harbors.


1 Artificial harbors

2 Natural harbors

3 Ice-free harbors

4 Important harbors

5 See also

6 Notes

7 External links

Artificial harbors

Artificial harbors are frequently built for use as ports. The oldest artificial harbor known is the Ancient Egyptian site at Wadi al-Jarf, on the Red Sea coast, which is at least 4500 years old (ca. 2600-2550 BC, reign of King Khufu). The largest artificially created harbor is Jebel Ali in Dubai.[2] Other large and busy artificial harbors are located at: Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Port of Houston, Texas; Port of Long Beach, California; and Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro, California.

The Ancient Carthaginians constructed fortified, artificial harbors called cothons.

Natural harbors

A natural harbor in Vizhinjam, India

A natural harbor is a landform where a part of a body of water is protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage. Many such harbors are rias. Natural harbors have long been of great strategic naval and economic importance, and many great cities of the world are located on them. Having a protected harbor reduces or eliminates the need for breakwaters as it will result in calmer waves inside the harbor. Some examples are New York Harbor in the United States; Poole Harbour in

England; Kingston Harbour in Jamaica; Grand Harbour in Malta; Subic Bay in Zambales, the Philippines; Sydney Harbour in Australia; Pearl Harbor in Hawaii; Trincomalee Harbour in Sri Lanka; San Francisco Bay in California; Visakhapatnam Harbour in Andhra Pradesh, India; Killybegs in County Donegal Ireland; Halifax Harbour in Nova Scotia, and Burrard Inlet in Vancouver, Canada, Cork Harbour, Ireland and Waitemata Harbour in Auckland, New Zealand.

Ice-free harbors

For harbors near the North and South Poles, being ice-free is an important advantage, especially when it is year-round. Examples of these include Murmansk, Russia; Pechenga, Russia; Liinakhamari, Russia; Hammerfest, Norway; Vardø, Norway; Vostochny Port and Nakhodka in Nakhodka Bay, Russia, and Prince Rupert Harbour, Canada. The world's southmost harbor, located at Antarctica's Winter Quarters Bay (77° 50 South), is potentially ice-free, depending on the summertime ′ pack ice conditions.[3]

Important harbors

The tiny harbor at the village of Clovelly, Devon, England

Old Harbor in Lüneburg, Germany.

The harbor of Piraeus in Greece.

Port Jackson, Sydney.

The harbor of Gorey, Jersey falls dry at low tide.

Punta del Este's harbor – nicknamed the Monte Carlo of South America [4] [5] [6]

Port of Kaohsiung

Although the world's busiest port is a hotly contested title, in 2006 the world's busiest harbor by cargo tonnage was the Port of Shanghai.[7]

The following are large natural harbors:

Algeciras , Spain

Amsterdam , Port of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Antwerp , Port of Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium

Baltimore 's Inner Harbor, Maryland, United States

Boston Harbor , Massachusetts, United States

Bremerhaven , Germany

Buenos Aires , Argentina

Burrard Inlet , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Busan , Korea

Cartagena, Colombia

Charleston, South Carolina , United States

Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India

Port of Chittagong , Chittagong City, Bangladesh

Cork Harbour , Ireland

Duluth–Superior harbor, Duluth, Minnesota, United States

Durban , South Africa

Falmouth , Cornwall, England, United Kingdom

Freetown Harbour , Sierra Leone

Golden Horn , Istanbul, Turkey

Gothenburg , Sweden

Grand Harbour , Malta

Gwangyang , Korea

Hai Phong Port , Haiphong, Vietnam

Halifax Harbour , Nova Scotia, Canada

Hamburg Harbour , Germany

Hampton Roads , Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Havana Harbor

Incheon , Korea

Izmir , Turkey

Port of Jakarta (Tanjung Priok), Jakarta, Indonesia

Karachi , Sindh, Pakistan

Kingston , Jamaica

Kobe Harbour , Kobe, Japan

Lisbon , Portugal

Lushunkou , Dalian, China

Mahón , Minorca, Spain

Manila Bay , Philippines

Maputo , Mozambique

Milford Haven , Wales, United Kingdom

Montevideo , Uruguay

Mumbai , India

Nassau , Bahamas

New York Harbor , United States

Oslofjord , Norway

Pearl Harbor , Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Piraeus , Attiki, Greece

Plymouth Sound , Devon, England, United Kingdom

Poole Harbour , Dorset, England, United Kingdom

Port Jackson , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Port of Portland , Casco Bay, Maine, United States

Port of Sevastopol , Sevastopol, Ukraine

Port Phillip , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Provincetown Harbor , Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States

Punta del Este , Uruguay

Rio de Janeiro , Guanabara Bay, Brazil

Rotterdam , Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands

Salvador , All Saint's Bay, Brazil

San Antonio, Chile

San Diego Bay , San Diego, California, United States

San Francisco Bay , California, United States

Sankt Petersburg , Russia

Subic Bay , Zambales, Philippines

Tanger-Med , Tangier, Morocco

Tauranga Harbour , Tauranga, New Zealand

Tokyo Bay , Tokyo, Japan

Trincomalee , Sri Lanka

Tuticorin , Tamil Nadu, India

Port of Tyne , Tyne & Wear, United Kingdom

Ulsan , Korea

Victoria Harbour , Hong Kong

Victoria Harbour (British Columbia) & Esquimalt Harbour, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Visakhapatnam Port , Andhra Pradesh, India

Vizhinjam , Trivandrum, India

Waitemata Harbour , Auckland, New Zealand

Willemstad , Curaçao

Wellington Harbour , New Zealand

Port of Szczecin, Poland

Other notable harbors include:

Belém , Brazil

Port of Bruges-Zeebrugge , Flanders, Belgium

Port of Genoa , Italy

Port of Gdańsk , Poland

Kahului, Hawaii , United States

Kaipara Harbour , New Zealand

Kaohsiung , Taiwan

Keelung , Taiwan

Keppel Harbour , Singapore

Kilindini Harbour , Kenya

Manukau Harbour , Auckland, New Zealand

New Haven Harbor , Connecticut, United States

Portland Harbour , Dorset, England, United Kingdom

Rades , Tunisia

Rio Grande , Brazil

San Juan, Puerto Rico , United States

Scapa Flow , Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom

Sydney Harbour , Australia

Port of Szczecin , Poland

Trondheim , Norway

Valparaiso , Chile

Vladivostok , Russia

See also

Boyd's Automatic tide signalling apparatus


Ice pier

Inland harbor

Marina , List of Marinas

Mulberry harbour




Seaport , List of seaports





Hattendorf, John B. (2007), The Oxford encyclopedia of maritime history, Oxford University Press, p. 590, ISBN 978-0-19-513075-1

U.S. Polar Programs National Science Foundation FY2000.

"Circuit Guide | Punta del Este, Uruguay | FIA Formula E". FIA Formula E. Retrieved 2014-08-24.

"Formula E reveals circuit for Punta del Este ePrix". FIA Formula E. 2014-06-20. Retrieved 2014-08-24.

"Formula E unveils Punta del Este circuit in Uruguay". 2014-06-20. Retrieved 2014-08-24.

7. AAPA World Port Rankings 2006

External links

Ports and harbors

Types Home port

Fuelling station

Inland harbor

Inland port



Port of entry

Trust port

Dry port



Natural gas terminals

Oil terminals

Coal terminals

Container terminals

Free port

Naval base

Individual sites

Lists of ports

By sea or ocean

By continent

By country


World's busiest port

Busiest container ports

Busiest transshipment ports

Busiest by tonnage

Busiest by cruise passengers

Port management


Port authority

Port state control

Harbour engineer

Port operator

Rilis stabil 9.8.6 / 2008; 7 tahun yang lalu

Sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, OS / 2

Jenis Office suite

Lisensi Hak milik

Situs webwww .ibm .com / software / lotus / produk / SmartSuite /

SmartSuite adalah office suite dari Lotus Software. Perusahaan membuat versi office suite untuk IBM OS / 2 dan Microsoft Windows.


1 Status

2 Komponen

Sejarah 3 Versi

o 3.1 Microsoft Windows

4 Kompatibilitas

5 IBM vs Microsoft

6 Lihat juga

7 Referensi

8 Pranala luar


SmartSuite dalam modus pemeliharaan, dan didukung dengan perbaikan dan fixpacks pada Windows 2000 dan Windows XP. SmartSuite tidak secara resmi didukung oleh IBM pada versi Windows setelah XP, tetapi tidak bekerja dengan baik pada kedua 32-bit dan 64-bit versi Vista dan Windows 7, jika installer dan aplikasi dijalankan dengan modus kompatibilitas XP ditetapkan untuk file executable. IBM tidak memiliki rencana untuk merilis versi resmi Windows 7 yang kompatibel dari SmartSuite. [1]

Pada tahun 2007, IBM memperkenalkan office suite baru yang disebut IBM Lotus Symphony, tidak berhubungan dengan Lotus Symphony suite aplikasi terintegrasi yang Lotus dirilis sebelumnya.

Pada Juli 2012 harga untuk lisensi pengguna Lotus SmartSuite 9,8 adalah US- $ 342,00 ketika dibeli langsung melalui website IBM. [2]

Pada Mei 2013, IBM mengumumkan penarikan SmartSuite. Pemasaran produk berakhir pada Juni 2013, diikuti oleh semua dukungan berhenti pada bulan September 2014. IBM juga telah

mengumumkan bahwa tidak akan ada pengganti SmartSuite. [3]


Aplikasi berikut ini disertakan dalam SmartSuite untuk Microsoft Windows:

Lotus Firman Pro - pengolah kata; sebelumnya disebut Ami Pro; file .lwp

Lotus 1-2-3 - spreadsheet; 0,123, .wk1, .wk3, file .wk4

Lotus Freelance Graphics - perangkat lunak presentasi; file .prz

Lotus Pendekatan - database relasional; .apr (entri data dan laporan), .dbf (database) file

Lotus Organizer - Manajer informasi pribadi; .org, .or2, file .or3

Lotus SMARTCenter - sebuah toolbar yang memungkinkan pengguna dengan cepat mengakses program, kalender, bookmark Internet, dan sumber daya lainnya

Lotus FastSite - software desain web; Htm file

Lotus ScreenCam - perangkat lunak perekaman layar untuk demo dan tutorial; .scm, .exe, file .wav

Versi sejarah

Microsoft Windows

(1994) - SmartSuite 2.1 (Ami Pro 3.0, 4.0 1-2-3, Freelance Graphics 2.0, 2.0 dan Pendekatan Organizer 1.1)

(1995) - SmartSuite 3.1 (Windows 3.11) -. (. Lotus 1-2-3 ver 5, Pendekatan 3.0, Ami Pro 3.1, Freelance Graphics 2.1, Organizer 2.1, ScreenCam 1.1) [4]

(1995) - SmartSuite 4.0 (Windows 3.11) - [5]

(1996) - SmartSuite 97 - Windows 95 dan Windows NT 4.0 (1-2-3 97, Word Pro 97, Pendekatan 97, Freelance Graphics 97, Organizer 97, ScreenCam 4.0 dan SMARTCenter)

(1997) - SmartSuite 4,5 (Windows 3.11) - (. Edisi 97 Firman Pro untuk Windows 3.1) [6]

(1999) - SmartSuite Millennium Edition (9,5) - (Organizer 5.0, Fastsite rilis 2, Wordpro Millennium Edition, 1-2-3 Millenium Edition, Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition, Pendekatan Millennium Edition, SMARTCenter dan ScreenCam).

(2002) Oktober 2002: Versi terbaru: SmartSuite Millennium Edition 9.8.

o Fixpack 2 adalah versi terakhir yang diberikan kepada masyarakat umum. Semua rilis berikutnya hanya tersedia untuk pelanggan IBM Keuntungan Paspor. Fixpack 3 dirilis pada bulan Oktober 2005 dan Fixpack 4 pada bulan Oktober 2006. selanjutnya Fixpack 5 dirilis pada Oktober 2007 diikuti oleh Fixpack 6 pada bulan Desember 2008, meskipun fixpacks ini hanya berisi perubahan pada perangkat

lunak database Pendekatan Lotus, mungkin menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan aktif produk ini hampir berakhir. [7]


Kebanyakan program SmartSuite mampu membaca dan menulis yang sesuai dengan Microsoft Office file. Program Microsoft, bagaimanapun, adalah mampu membaca hanya format vintage yang beberapa dari program Lotus, seperti lebih tua 1-2-3 .wks dan file .wk1. Selain itu, beberapa komponen SmartSuite menyediakan fungsionalitas tidak ditemukan dalam Microsoft Office suite, misalnya Lotus FastSite dan Lotus SMARTCenter.

IBM vs Microsoft

Dalam bukunya temuan fakta-fakta untuk Amerika Serikat v. Microsoft, Hakim Jackson memutuskan bahwa karena IBM pemasaran Lotus SmartSuite, dan alternatif lain untuk produk Microsoft (seperti World Book ensiklopedia elektronik bukannya Microsoft Encarta [8]), Microsoft "dihukum IBM PC Perusahaan dengan harga yang lebih tinggi, lisensi terlambat untuk Windows 95, dan pemotongan dukungan teknis dan pemasaran. "[9]

Microsoft tidak memberikan IBM OEM hak untuk Windows 95 sampai 15 menit sebelum peluncuran Windows 95, 24 Agustus 1995. Karena ketidakpastian ini, mesin IBM yang dijual tanpa Windows 95, sementara Compaq, HP, dan perusahaan lain yang dijual mesin memanjakan dengan Windows 95 dari satu hari. [10


Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia gratis

[hide] Artikel ini memiliki beberapa masalah. Harap membantu memperbaikinya atau mendiskusikan masalah ini di halaman pembicaraan.

Artikel ini membutuhkan tambahan kutipan untuk verifikasi. (September 2011)

Artikel ini bergantung terlalu banyak pada referensi ke sumber-sumber primer. (September 2011)

Artikel ini ini bagian utama mungkin tidak cukup meringkas poin-poin penting dari isinya. (September 2011)


Pengembang (s) IBM

Peluncuran pertama (1983)

Rilis stabilDB2 Data Server (10,5) / April 23, 2013; 2 tahun yang lalu

Status Pengembangan Aktif

Ditulis dalam C, C ++, perakitan

Sistem operasi Cross-platform

Tersedia dalam English


Lisensi Proprietary EULA

Situs web Homepage DB2 di

IBM DB2 adalah keluarga dari server database produk yang dikembangkan oleh IBM. Produk ini semua mendukung model relasional, tetapi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir beberapa produk telah diperluas untuk mendukung objek-relasional fitur dan struktur non-relasional seperti JSON dan XML.

Historis dan tidak seperti vendor database lain, IBM menghasilkan produk DB2-platform spesifik untuk setiap sistem operasi utama. Namun, pada 1990-an IBM berubah track dan menghasilkan DB2 "server umum" produk, yang dirancang dengan basis kode umum untuk berjalan pada platform yang berbeda.


1 edisi sekarang

2 Sejarah

3 Edisi

o 3.1 IBM DB2 Everyplace (DB2e)

4 Kompetisi

5 Informasi teknis

Pengolahan 6 Kesalahan

7 Versi

o 7.1 Linux, UNIX, dan Windows (LUW)

8 Lihat juga

9 Referensi

10 Pranala luar

Edisi saat ini

Hari ini, ada tiga produk utama dalam keluarga DB2: DB2 untuk Linux, UNIX dan Windows (informal dikenal sebagai DB2 LUW), DB2 untuk z / OS (mainframe), dan DB2 untuk saya (sebelumnya OS / 400).

Sebuah produk keempat, DB2 untuk VM / VSE juga tersedia.


DB2 jejak akarnya kembali ke awal 1970-an ketika Edgar F. Codd, seorang peneliti yang bekerja untuk IBM, menggambarkan teori database relasional dan pada Juni 1970 menerbitkan model untuk manipulasi data. [1]

Pada tahun 1974 pusat IBM San Jose Penelitian mengembangkan DBMS relasional, Sistem R, untuk menerapkan konsep Codd. [2] Sebuah pembangunan utama dari proyek Sistem R adalah SQL. Untuk menerapkan model relasional Codd membutuhkan bahasa database relasional ia bernama DSL / Alpha. [3] Pada saat IBM tidak percaya pada potensi ide Codd, meninggalkan pelaksanaannya kepada sekelompok programmer tidak di bawah pengawasan Codd, yang melanggar beberapa dasar-dasar model relasional Codd; hasilnya Structured English Query Language atau Sekuel. Ketika IBM merilis produk database relasional pertama, mereka ingin memiliki sub-bahasa berkualitas komersial juga, sehingga dibongkar sekuel dan berganti nama menjadi bahasa pada dasarnya baru Structured Query Language (SQL) untuk membedakannya dari sekuel. [Rujukan?] Singkatan sekuel diubah menjadi SQL karena "sekuel" adalah merek dagang dari Hawker Siddeley perusahaan pesawat yang berbasis di Inggris. [3]

IBM membeli Sistem Komputer Metafora untuk memanfaatkan antarmuka GUI mereka dan encapsulating Platform SQL yang sudah digunakan sejak pertengahan 80-an. Sejalan dengan perkembangan SQL IBM juga mengembangkan Query dengan Contoh (QBE), yang pertama bahasa query grafis.

Produk IBM komersial pertama database relasional, SQL / DS, dirilis untuk DOS / VSE dan VM / CMS sistem operasi pada tahun 1981. Pada tahun 1976 IBM merilis Query dengan Contoh untuk platform VM mana front-end table berorientasi diproduksi linear- sebuah bahasa sintaks yang mendorong transaksi ke database relasional. [4] Kemudian fitur QMF DB2 yang dihasilkan SQL nyata dan membawa sama "QBE" tampilan dan nuansa untuk DB2.

Nama DB2, atau IBM Database 2, pertama kali diberikan kepada Database Management System atau DBMS pada tahun 1983 ketika IBM merilis DB2 pada perusahaan MVS platform yang mainframe. [5]

Ketika Informix Perusahaan mengakuisisi Illustra dan membuat mesin database mereka sebuah objek-SQL DBMS dengan memperkenalkan mereka Universal Server, Oracle dan IBM mengikuti dengan mengubah mesin database mereka untuk mampu ekstensi objek-relasional. Pada tahun 2001, IBM membeli Software Informix dan di tahun-tahun berikutnya dimasukkan teknologi Informix ke dalam produk DB2 suite. Hari ini, DB2 dapat secara teknis dianggap menjadi objek-


Untuk beberapa tahun DB2, sebagai full-fungsi DBMS, secara eksklusif tersedia di mainframe IBM. Kemudian IBM DB2 dibawa ke platform lainnya, termasuk OS / 2, UNIX dan MS Windows server, maka Linux (termasuk Linux pada Sistem z) dan PDA. Proses ini terjadi melalui 1990-an. Inspirasi untuk versi mainframe arsitektur DB2 datang di bagian dari IBM IMS, sebuah database hierarkis, dan bahasa manipulasi database berdedikasi, IBM DL / I. DB2 juga tertanam dalam i5 / OS sistem operasi untuk IBM System i (iSeries, sebelumnya AS / 400), dan versi yang tersedia untuk z / VSE dan z / VM .an sebelumnya versi kode yang akan menjadi DB2 LUW ( Linux, Unix, Windows) adalah bagian dari komponen Edisi Extended dari OS / 2 yang disebut Database Manager.

IBM memperluas fungsionalitas dari Database Manager beberapa kali, termasuk penambahan fungsi basis data terdistribusi dengan cara Terdistribusi Relational Database Arsitektur (DRDA) yang memungkinkan akses bersama ke database di lokasi terpencil di LAN. (Perhatikan bahwa DRDA didasarkan pada objek dan protokol yang didefinisikan oleh Terdistribusi Data Management Architecture (DDM).)

Akhirnya IBM menyatakan bahwa kompleksitas dapat diatasi ada dalam database kode Manager, dan mengambil keputusan yang sulit untuk menulis ulang sepenuhnya perangkat lunak di Toronto Lab mereka. Versi baru dari Database Manager, yang disebut DB2 seperti mainframe induknya, berlari pada OS / 2 dan RS / 6000 platform, masing-masing disebut DB2 / 2 dan DB2 / 6000. Versi lain dari DB2, dengan basis kode yang berbeda, mengikuti yang sama '/' konvensi penamaan dan menjadi DB2 / 400 (untuk AS / 400), DB2 / VSE (untuk lingkungan DOS / VSE) DB2 / VM (untuk VM sistem operasi). Pengacara IBM berhenti penamaan ini konvensi berguna dari yang digunakan dan memutuskan bahwa semua produk yang dibutuhkan untuk disebut "produk FOR Platform" (misalnya, DB2 untuk OS / 390). Iterasi berikutnya dari mainframe dan produk berbasis server diberi nama DB2 database Universal (atau DB2 UDB), nama yang sudah digunakan untuk versi Linux-Unix-Windows, dengan pengenalan kebingungan yang meluas di mana versi (mainframe atau server) dari DBMS sedang disebut. Pada titik ini, versi mainframe DB2 dan versi server DB2 yang dikodekan dalam sekali bahasa yang berbeda (PL / S untuk mainframe dan C ++ untuk server), tetapi berbagi fungsi yang sama dan menggunakan arsitektur yang umum untuk optimasi SQL: yang Starburst Optimizer.

Selama bertahun-tahun DB2 telah baik dieksploitasi dan didorong banyak perangkat hardware, terutama pada IBM Sistem z dengan fitur seperti Paralel Sysplex berbagi data. Bahkan, DB2 UDB Versi 8 untuk z / OS sekarang memerlukan 64-bit sistem dan tidak bisa berjalan di prosesor sebelumnya, dan DB2 untuk z / OS mempertahankan perbedaan perangkat lunak unik tertentu dalam rangka untuk melayani pelanggan yang canggih. Meskipun pernyataan terbesar dari software-hardware co-evolusi adalah mainframe IBM, sampai batas tertentu fenomena yang terjadi pada platform lain juga, sebagai insinyur perangkat lunak IBM berkolaborasi dengan rekan-rekan perangkat keras mereka.

Pada pertengahan 1990-an, IBM merilis implementasi DB2 berkerumun disebut DB2 Edition Paralel, yang awalnya berlari AIX. Edisi ini memungkinkan skalabilitas dengan menyediakan apa-apa arsitektur bersama, di mana database tunggal yang besar dipartisi di beberapa server DB2 yang berkomunikasi melalui interkoneksi kecepatan tinggi. Edisi DB2 ini akhirnya porting ke

semua Linux, UNIX, dan Windows (LUW) platform dan diganti namanya menjadi DB2 Diperpanjang Enterprise Edition (EEE). IBM sekarang mengacu pada produk ini sebagai Database Fitur Partisi (DPF) dan menjualnya sebagai add-on untuk produk DB2 Perusahaan andalan mereka.

Pada pertengahan tahun 2006, IBM mengumumkan "Viper," yang merupakan nama kode untuk DB2 9 pada kedua platform didistribusikan dan z / OS. DB2 9 untuk z / OS diumumkan pada awal tahun 2007. IBM mengklaim bahwa DB2 baru adalah database relasional pertama untuk menyimpan XML "native". Perangkat tambahan lainnya termasuk OLTP -terkait perbaikan untuk platform didistribusikan, intelijen bisnis / data warehousing -terkait perbaikan untuk z / OS, lebih self-tuning dan fitur pengelolaan diri, tambahan eksploitasi 64-bit (terutama untuk penyimpanan virtual pada z / OS), disimpan prosedur peningkatan kinerja untuk z / OS, dan terus konvergensi dari kosakata SQL antara z / OS dan platform didistribusikan.

Pada bulan Oktober 2007, IBM mengumumkan "Viper 2," yang merupakan nama kode untuk DB2 9,5 pada platform didistribusikan. Ada tiga tema kunci untuk rilis, Manajemen Sederhana, Bisnis Kritis Keandalan dan pengembangan XML Agile.

Pada bulan Juni 2009, IBM mengumumkan "Cobra" (nama kode untuk DB2 9,7 untuk LUW). DB2 9,7 menambahkan kompresi data untuk indeks database, tabel sementara, dan benda-benda besar. DB2 9,7 juga mendukung data XML asli di partisi hash (database partisi), kisaran partisi (tabel partisi), dan clustering multi-dimensi. Fitur-fitur ini XML asli memungkinkan pengguna untuk langsung bekerja dengan XML dalam lingkungan data warehouse. DB2 9,7 juga menambahkan beberapa fitur yang memudahkan untuk Oracle Database pengguna untuk bekerja dengan DB2. Ini termasuk dukungan untuk sintaks SQL yang paling sering digunakan, PL sintaks / SQL, sintaks scripting, dan tipe data dari Oracle Database. DB2 9,7 juga meningkatkan model concurrency untuk menunjukkan perilaku yang akrab bagi pengguna Oracle Database dan Microsoft SQL Server.

Pada bulan Oktober 2009, IBM memperkenalkan rilis utama kedua tahun ini ketika mengumumkan pureScale DB2. PureScale DB2 adalah cluster solusi database untuk platform non-mainframe, cocok untuk Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) beban kerja. IBM berdasarkan desain pureScale DB2 pada Sysplex Paralel pelaksanaan berbagi data DB2 pada mainframe. PureScale DB2 menyediakan arsitektur toleran dan penyimpanan bersama-disk. Sebuah sistem pureScale DB2 dapat tumbuh hingga 128 server database, dan menyediakan ketersediaan berkelanjutan dan load balancing otomatis.

Pada tahun 2009, ia mengumumkan bahwa DB2 dapat menjadi mesin di MySQL. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna pada platform Sistem i untuk native mengakses DB2 di bawah IBM i sistem operasi (sebelumnya disebut OS / 400), dan untuk pengguna pada platform lain untuk mengakses file ini melalui antarmuka MySQL. Sistem i dan pendahulunya AS / 400 dan Sistem / 38, DB2 terintegrasi ke dalam sistem operasi, dan datang sebagai bagian dari sistem operasi. Ini memberikan journal, memicu dan fitur lainnya.

Pada awal 2012, IBM mengumumkan versi berikutnya dari DB2, DB2 10.1 (kode nama Galileo) untuk Linux, UNIX, dan Windows.DB2 10,1 contanied sejumlah kemampuan manajemen data baru termasuk baris dan kolom kontrol akses yang memungkinkan 'fine-grained' kontrol manajemen data database dan multi-suhu yang memindahkan data biaya penyimpanan yang efektif

didasarkan pada bagaimana "panas" atau "dingin" (seberapa sering data yang diakses) data yang. IBM juga memperkenalkan 'kompresi adaptif' kemampuan dalam DB2 10.1, pendekatan baru untuk mengompresi tabel data.

Juni 2013, IBM DB2 merilis 10,5 (nama kode "Kepler"), versi terbaru dari DB2 di Linux, UNIX dan Windows.With rilis terbaru ini, IBM telah menggabungkan fungsi dan alat-alat yang ditawarkan di generasi sebelumnya dari DB2 dan InfoSphere Gudang di Linux, UNIX dan Windows untuk membuat software database tunggal multi-beban kerja. DB2 10.5 memiliki sejumlah kemampuan baru termasuk IBM BLU Percepatan, koleksi inovasi dari IBM Research dan Development Labs untuk mempercepat pelaporan dan analisis. IBM BLU Percepatan mengintegrasikan Dinamis dalam memori (in-memory columnar pengolahan) teknologi dengan inovasi lain seperti sebagai Paralel Vector Processing, ditindaklanjuti Kompresi, dan Data Skipping. pureScale DB2 teknologi clustered database sekarang sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan fungsi pemulihan bencana DB2 ketersediaan tinggi. Selain itu, DB2 10,5 mendukung secara online update memperbaiki paket, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan, memperbaiki operasi pemeliharaan pack pada anggota individu berjalan di cluster pureScale dengan dampak minimal untuk pengguna. IBM juga telah menambahkan sejumlah kemampuan ponsel untuk DB2 10,5. DB2 sekarang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan dan mengelola objek JSON.


IBM telah mengubah struktur kemasan dalam rilis terbaru dari DB2 untuk Linux, Unix dan Windows dan sekarang menawarkan tujuh edisi: Advanced Enterprise Server Edition, lanjut Workgroup Server Edition, Enterprise Server Edition, Workgroup Server Edition, Express Edition, Developer Edition dan Express- C. Masing-masing edisi ini telah dikemas untuk skenario penyebaran yang berbeda dan beban kerja Aplikasi dibangun untuk edisi yang lebih rendah dari DB2 dijamin untuk bekerja pada edisi yang lebih tinggi tetapi pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi kinerja.

Edisi tidak ada biaya dari DB2 disebut DB2 Express-C. DB2 Express-C adalah dalam beberapa hal mirip dengan database open source seperti MySQL dan PostgreSQL seperti yang ditawarkan tidak didukung, gratis untuk penggunaan tak terbatas termasuk penggunaan dalam lingkungan produksi. Pengguna membutuhkan dukungan tingkat perusahaan dan fixpacks harus membeli Edition DB2 standar. DB2 Express-C, bagaimanapun, didasarkan pada kode yang sama seperti DB2 lainnya untuk Linux, Unix dan Windows edisi dan tidak open source. DB2 Express-C juga mirip dengan edisi gratis dari database Oracle dan Microsoft SQL Server, kecuali bahwa DB2 Express-C telah ada batasan pada jumlah pengguna atau pada ukuran basis data. DB2 Express-C berjalan pada 32 dan 64bit Windows, Linux pada x86, x64 dan prosesor DAYA, Solaris pada x64 CPU dan mesin Intel menjalankan Mac OS X. Hal ini dapat diinstal pada mesin dari berbagai ukuran, tapi mesin database hanya akan menggunakan dua core CPU dan RAM 16GB. Selain itu, IBM menyediakan berlangganan tahunan opsional bagi pengguna yang membutuhkan dukungan teknis atau fungsi tambahan.

DB2 untuk z / OS (mainframe) tersedia dalam kemasan produk tradisional, atau dalam Nilai Satuan Edition, yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk bukannya membayar biaya satu kali.

DB2 juga kekuatan IBM InfoSphere Gudang, yang menawarkan kemampuan data warehouse.

InfoSphere Gudang yang tersedia untuk z / OS. Ini mencakup beberapa BI fitur seperti ETL, data mining, OLAP percepatan, dan in-line analisis.

DB2 10,5 untuk Linux, UNIX dan Windows, berisi semua fungsi dan alat yang ditawarkan dalam DB2 generationof sebelum dan InfoSphere Gudang di Linux, UNIX dan Windows.

IBM DB2 Everyplace (DB2e)

IBM telah ditarik dari pemasaran produk IBM DB2 Everyplace. Mengumumkan April 30, 2013 sebagai akhir dari tanggal dukungan. [6]


Seluruh database IDC Sistem Manajemen 2009-2013 Forecast dan 2008 Saham Penjual [7] peringkat database Oracle sebagai pemimpin pangsa pemasaran DBMS, diikuti oleh IBM DB2 dan kemudian oleh Microsoft SQL Server. Pesaing lainnya termasuk open-source produk seperti Firebird, PostgreSQL, MySQL dan Ingres, dan pemain niche seperti Sybase dan MaxDB.

DB-Engine Ranking (2013) yang terdaftar DB2 di peringkat 5, secara signifikan di belakang Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server dan MySQL. [8]

Pada tahun 2009 Gartner menyatakan bahwa "IBM DB2 9,7 Getar Up Pasar DBMS Dengan Oracle Kompatibilitas". [9] judul ini mengacu pada selain DB2 beberapa fitur yang akrab bagi pengguna Oracle Database, sehingga memudahkan bagi orang-orang dengan Oracle Database keterampilan untuk bekerja dengan DB2. Fitur-fitur baru termasuk dukungan DB2 untuk SQL yang paling sering digunakan, PL / SQL, dan sintaks scripting dari Oracle Database. Mereka juga termasuk dukungan DB2 untuk jenis data tambahan dan model concurrency.

Dalam arena DBMS berkerumun, dimana database dapat tumbuh dengan banyak terabyte, IBM menawarkan dua pendekatan yang bersaing dengan Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC): pureScale DB2 dan database DB2 Fitur Partisi (DPF). PureScale DB2 adalah database shared-disk cluster solusi yang ideal untuk kapasitas tinggi Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) beban kerja. [Rujukan?] DB2 DPF memungkinkan pengguna partisi database di beberapa server atau dalam server SMP yang besar, yang sangat ideal untuk Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) beban kerja. (Perhatikan bahwa DB2 DPF dijual sebagai bagian dari IBM InfoSphere Gudang, yang merupakan nama untuk DB2 ketika dijual di lingkungan gudang data.)

DB2 untuk z / OS bisa dibilang memiliki pesaing langsung lebih sedikit. Oracle menarik pelanggan untuk Linux pada Sistem produk z, meskipun tampaknya tidak dengan mengorbankan DB2. [Rujukan?] Oracle memiliki 31-bit RDBMS yang tersedia untuk z / OS (Oracle Database 10g 2 Pers), tetapi Oracle menemukan kesulitan untuk bersaing dengan DB2 set fitur pada z / OS. Oracle telah mengumumkan akan mendukung 10g pada z / OS selama pelanggan inginkan, tetapi perusahaan tidak akan memperkenalkan versi masa depan dari produk database pada z / OS. CA-Datacom dan Software AG ADABAS bersaing database untuk z / OS, dan ada produk niche tertentu juga (Model 204, SUPRA SQL, [10] NOMAD, dll) Non-relational database yang "bersaing" termasuk IMS, dan CA-IDMS, antara lain. Setidaknya beberapa database open source yang seolah-olah [riset asli?] Kompatibel dengan z / OS UNIX Sistem Layanan.

IBM DB2 dan sering di atau dekat bagian atas TPC-C [11] dan TPC-H [12] benchmark industri dipublikasikan di Dewan Kinerja Pengolahan Transaksi website.

Pada tahun 2006 IBM meningkatkan kompetisi di data warehouse pasar alat muncul dengan merilis lini produk dari sistem hardware / software pra-konfigurasi menggabungkan DB2 Data Warehouse Edition dengan baik sistem IBM p (AIX) atau IBM sistem x (Linux) server. Keluarga ini "gudang alat-seperti" sistem diberi nama "IBM Konfigurasi Seimbang Unit", atau BCU, dan ditujukan untuk pasar alat gudang ditandai oleh Netezza dan DATAllegro, tetapi membedakan dirinya dalam hal itu menggunakan fitur lengkap versi DB2 bukan satu-tujuan gudang-berorientasi RDBMS.

Informasi teknis

DB2 dapat diberikan baik dari baris perintah atau GUI. Antarmuka baris perintah membutuhkan pengetahuan lebih dari produk tetapi dapat lebih mudah ditulis dan otomatis. GUI adalah multi-platform Java klien yang berisi berbagai penyihir cocok untuk pengguna pemula. DB2 mendukung kedua SQL dan XQuery. DB2 memiliki implementasi asli penyimpanan data XML, di mana data XML disimpan sebagai XML (bukan sebagai data relasional atau data CLOB) untuk akses lebih cepat menggunakan XQuery.

DB2 memiliki API untuk REXX, PL / I, COBOL, RPG, FORTRAN, C ++, C, Delphi, NET CLI, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, dan banyak bahasa pemrograman lainnya. DB2 juga mendukung integrasi ke dalam Eclipse dan Visual Studio lingkungan pengembangan terintegrasi.

Pengolahan kesalahan

Sebuah fitur penting dari DB2 program komputer adalah error handling. Daerah komunikasi SQL (SQLCA) struktur ini pernah digunakan secara eksklusif dalam program DB2 untuk kembali informasi kesalahan ke program aplikasi setelah setiap SQL statement dieksekusi. Primer, tapi tidak luar biasa berguna, kesalahan diagnostik diadakan di bidang SQLCODE dalam blok SQLCA.

The kode SQL pulang nilai adalah:

0 berarti sukses eksekusi.

Sejumlah positif berarti eksekusi sukses dengan satu atau lebih peringatan. Contohnya adalah +100 yang berarti tidak ada baris yang ditemukan.

Sebuah angka negatif berarti tidak berhasil dengan kesalahan. Contohnya adalah -911 yang berarti timeout kunci (atau kebuntuan) telah terjadi, memicu rollback.

Kemudian versi DB2 menambahkan fungsionalitas dan kompleksitas pelaksanaan SQL. Beberapa kesalahan atau peringatan bisa dikembalikan oleh eksekusi pernyataan SQL; mungkin, misalnya, telah memprakarsai Pemicu database dan pernyataan SQL lainnya. Alih-alih SQLCA asli, informasi kesalahan sekarang harus diambil oleh eksekusi berturut-turut pernyataan DIAGNOSTIK GET.

Lihat kembali kode SQL untuk daftar yang lebih komprehensif SQLCODEs umum.


Linux, UNIX, dan Windows (LUW)

v3.4 - Kode nama sarang laba-laba

v8.1 - v8.2 - Kode nama Stinger

v9.1 - Kode nama Viper

v9.5 - Nama Kode Viper2

v9.7 - Kode nama Cobra

v9.8 - Hanya Murni Skala

v10.1 - Nama Kode Galilleo

v10.5 - Nama Kode Kepler (Blu Percepatan.)


Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia gratis


Pengembang (s) MongoDB Inc.

Peluncuran pertama (2009)

Rilis stabil 3.0.5 / 28 Juli 2015

Status Pengembangan Aktif

Ditulis dalam C ++, JavaScript, C

Sistem operasi Cross-platform

Tersedia dalam English

Jenis Database dokumen-berorientasi

LisensiGNU AGPL v3.0 (driver: lisensi Apache)

Situs web www .mongodb .org

MongoDB (dari humongous) adalah cross-platform dokumen-database berorientasi.

Diklasifikasikan sebagai NoSQL database MongoDB eschews berbasis tabel tradisional database relasional struktur yang mendukung JSON dokumen -seperti dengan dinamis skema (MongoDB panggilan format BSON), membuat integrasi data dalam beberapa jenis aplikasi lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Dirilis di bawah kombinasi dari Public License GNU General Affero dan Lisensi Apache, MongoDB adalah perangkat lunak bebas dan open source.

Pertama kali dikembangkan oleh perusahaan software MongoDB Inc pada bulan Oktober 2007 sebagai komponen dari yang direncanakan platform sebagai layanan produk, perusahaan bergeser ke model pembangunan sumber terbuka di tahun 2009, dengan MongoDB menawarkan dukungan komersial dan layanan lainnya. [1] Sejak itu , MongoDB telah diadopsi sebagai backend perangkat lunak dengan sejumlah situs dan layanan utama, termasuk Craigslist, eBay, Foursquare, SourceForge, Viacom, dan The New York Times antara lain. [rujukan?] Pada 2014 MongoDB adalah paling populer NoSQL sistem database. [2]


1 Perizinan dan dukungan

2 Fitur utama

3 Kritik

Dukungan 4 Bahasa

5 Manajemen dan grafis depan berakhir

o 5.1 alat GUI Pihak Ketiga

6 Popularitas

7 penyebaran Produksi

8 Lihat juga

9 Referensi

10 Bibliografi

11 Pranala luar

Lisensi dan dukungan

MongoDB tersedia secara gratis di bawah GNU General Affero. [3] Driver bahasa tersedia di bawah Lisensi Apache. Selain itu, MongoDB Inc menawarkan lisensi proprietary untuk MongoDB. [1]

Fitur utama

Beberapa fitur termasuk: [4]


Alih-alih mengambil subjek bisnis dan memecahnya menjadi beberapa struktur relasional,

MongoDB dapat menyimpan subjek bisnis dalam jumlah minimal dokumen. Misalnya, alih-alih menyimpan judul dan informasi penulis dalam dua struktur yang berbeda relasional, judul, penulis, dan informasi-judul terkait lainnya semua dapat disimpan dalam satu dokumen yang disebut Buku. [5]

Ad hoc query

MongoDB mendukung pencarian dengan lapangan, berbagai pertanyaan, pencarian ekspresi reguler. Query dapat kembali bidang tertentu dari dokumen dan juga termasuk user-defined JavaScript fungsi.


Setiap bidang dalam dokumen MongoDB dapat diindeks (indeks di MongoDB secara konseptual mirip dengan yang di RDBMSes). Indeks sekunder juga tersedia.


MongoDB menyediakan ketersediaan tinggi dengan replika set. [6] Satu set replika terdiri dari dua atau lebih salinan data. Setiap anggota set replika dapat bertindak dalam peran replika primer atau sekunder setiap saat. Replika utama melakukan semua menulis dan membaca secara default. Replika sekunder menjaga salinan data primer menggunakan built-in replikasi. Ketika replika utama gagal, replika diatur secara otomatis melakukan proses pemilihan untuk menentukan sekunder harus menjadi primer. Sekunder juga dapat melakukan operasi baca, namun data tersebut akhirnya konsisten secara default.

Penyeimbang beban

MongoDB sisik horizontal menggunakan sharding. [7] Pengguna memilih kunci beling, yang menentukan bagaimana data dalam koleksi akan didistribusikan. Data ini dibagi menjadi rentang (berdasarkan kunci beling) dan didistribusikan di beberapa pecahan. (A beling adalah master dengan satu atau lebih budak.)

MongoDB dapat menjalankan lebih dari beberapa server, menyeimbangkan beban dan / atau duplikasi data ke menjaga sistem dan berjalan dalam kasus kegagalan hardware. Konfigurasi otomatis mudah untuk menyebarkan, dan mesin-mesin baru dapat ditambahkan ke database berjalan.

Penyimpanan file

MongoDB dapat digunakan sebagai sistem file, mengambil keuntungan dari load balancing dan fitur replikasi data melalui beberapa mesin untuk menyimpan file.

Fungsi ini, disebut GridFS, [8] disertakan dengan driver MongoDB dan tersedia untuk bahasa pengembangan (lihat "Dukungan Bahasa" untuk daftar bahasa yang didukung). MongoDB mengekspos fungsi untuk manipulasi file dan konten untuk pengembang. GridFS digunakan, misalnya, dalam plugin untuk nginx [9] dan lighttpd. [10] Alih-alih menyimpan file dalam satu dokumen, GridFS membagi file menjadi beberapa bagian, atau potongan, dan toko masing-masing

potongan sebagai dokumen terpisah . [11]

Dalam multi-mesin sistem MongoDB, file dapat didistribusikan dan disalin beberapa kali antara mesin transparan, sehingga secara efektif menciptakan sistem load-seimbang dan kesalahan-toleran.


MapReduce dapat digunakan untuk batch processing data dan agregasi operasi. Kerangka agregasi memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan jenis hasil dimana SQL GROUP BY klausa digunakan.

Server-side eksekusi JavaScript

JavaScript dapat digunakan dalam query, fungsi agregasi (seperti MapReduce), dan dikirim langsung ke database yang akan dieksekusi.

Koleksi capped

MongoDB mendukung tetap ukuran koleksi disebut koleksi dibatasi. Jenis koleksi mempertahankan ketertiban penyisipan dan, sekali ukuran yang ditentukan telah tercapai, berperilaku seperti antrian melingkar.


Dalam beberapa skenario kegagalan di mana sebuah aplikasi dapat mengakses dua proses yang berbeda MongoDB, namun proses ini tidak dapat mengakses satu sama lain, adalah mungkin untuk MongoDB untuk kembali basi berbunyi. Dalam skenario ini juga memungkinkan untuk MongoDB untuk mengakui menulis yang akan digulung kembali. [12]

Sebelum versi 2.2, kontrol konkurensi diimplementasikan pada basis per-mongod. Dengan versi 2.2, kontrol konkurensi dilaksanakan pada tingkat database. [13] Sejak versi 3.0, [14] mesin penyimpanan pluggable diperkenalkan, dan masing-masing mesin penyimpanan dapat menerapkan kontrol konkurensi berbeda. [15] dengan MongoDB control 3.0 concurrency diimplementasikan di tingkat koleksi untuk mesin penyimpanan MMAPv1, [16] dan pada tingkat dokumen dengan mesin penyimpanan WiredTiger. [17] Dengan versi sebelum 3.0, satu pendekatan untuk meningkatkan concurrency adalah dengan menggunakan sharding. [18] Dalam beberapa situasi, membaca dan menulis akan menghasilkan kunci mereka. Jika MongoDB memprediksi halaman tidak mungkin dalam memori, operasi akan menghasilkan kunci mereka sementara halaman memuat. Penggunaan kunci menghasilkan berkembang pesat dalam 2.2. [19]

Kritik lain terkait dengan keterbatasan MongoDB bila digunakan pada sistem 32-bit. [20] Dalam beberapa kasus, hal ini disebabkan karena keterbatasan memori yang melekat. [21] MongoDB merekomendasikan sistem 64-bit dan bahwa pengguna memberikan RAM yang cukup untuk kerja mereka set. Beberapa pengguna mengalami peningkatan latency ketika set bekerja mereka melebihi RAM yang tersedia dan sistem pertemuan kesalahan halaman. Menulis, penyedia dikelola infrastruktur MongoDB, merekomendasikan checklist skala untuk sistem yang besar. [22]

Selain itu, MongoDB tidak mendukung pemeriksaan berbasis pemilahan dan terbatas pada byte-

bijaksana perbandingan melalui memcmp, [23] yang tidak akan memberikan pemesanan yang benar untuk banyak bahasa non-Inggris [24] bila digunakan dengan encoding Unicode.

Dukungan bahasa

MongoDB memiliki driver resmi untuk berbagai bahasa pemrograman populer dan pembangunan lingkungan. [25] Ada juga sejumlah besar driver tidak resmi atau komunitas yang didukung untuk bahasa pemrograman lainnya dan kerangka kerja. [26]

Manajemen dan grafis depan berakhir

Bagian ini mungkin mengandung riset asli. Silakan memperbaikinya dengan memverifikasi klaim yang dibuat dan menambahkan kutipan inline. Laporan hanya terdiri dari riset asli harus dihapus. (Juni 2015)

Pihak Ketiga alat GUI

Rekam penyisipan di MongoDB dengan Robomongo 0.8.5.

Ada komunitas yang aktif dan berkembang dari pengembang membangun kaya pihak ketiga GUI alat untuk MongoDB. Beberapa contoh yang relevan (tercantum dalam urutan abjad):

3T MongoChef, cross-platform MongoDB GUI

BI Studio, Business Intelligence frontend untuk MongoDB.

Database Master, software client berbasis web, mendukung RDMS

Fang Mongo, berbasis web UI, dibangun dengan Django dan jQuery

FusionReactor, Java Application berdasarkan Monitor untuk MongoDB

Futon4Mongo, tiruan dari CouchDB -Futon-Web-Interface untuk MongoDB, Web berbasis GUI untuk MongoDB

mms, Mongo Management Studio, cross-platfrorm dan berbasis web GUI

Mongo3, berbasis GUI ruby

MongoHub, asli OS-X -aplikasi untuk manajemen MongoDB

NoSQL Manager untuk MongoDB, aplikasi MS Windows GUI untuk manajemen MongoDB dengan Shell

Berbasis browser Opricot, MongoDB-Shell, dilaksanakan di PHP

Robomongo, cross-platform alat manajemen MongoDB Shell-sentris

SlamData, memungkinkan query SQL berjalan pada database MongoDB

UMongo (JMongoBrowser), cross-platform Manajemen-GUI, dilaksanakan di Jawa


Pada Juli 2015 MongoDB adalah jenis yang paling populer keempat sistem manajemen database, dan yang paling populer untuk toko dokumen. [2]


Penyebaran skala besar MongoDB dilacak oleh MongoDB Inc. pengguna terkenal dari MongoDB meliputi:

Amadeus IT Grup menggunakan MongoDB untuk perangkat lunak back-end nya. [27]

The Compact Muon Solenoid di CERN menggunakan MongoDB sebagai primer back-end untuk Agregasi Data System untuk Large Hadron Collider. [28]

eBay menggunakan MongoDB dalam saran pencarian dan internal Cloud Manajer Negara Hub. [29]

Foursquare menyebarkan MongoDB di Amazon AWS untuk menyimpan tempat dan user check-in ke tempat. [30]

LinkedIn menggunakan MongoDB sebagai backend DB-nya. [31]

MetLife menggunakan MongoDB untuk "The Wall", aplikasi layanan pelanggan menyediakan "360 derajat pandangan" pelanggan MetLife. [32]

SAP menggunakan MongoDB dalam SAP PaaS. [33]

Shutterfly menggunakan MongoDB untuk platform foto nya. Pada 2013, foto toko Platform 18 miliar foto yang diunggah oleh 7 juta pengguna Shutterfly ini. [34] [35]

Sophos menggunakan MongoDB dalam teknologi keamanan awan. [Rujukan?]

Sourceforge menggunakan MongoDB untuk halaman penyimpanan back-end nya. [36]

Talentica Software menggunakan MongoDB dalam penayangan iklan platform untuk salah satu klien.

Selain perangkat lunak atas,terdapat juga perangkat lunak pempograman basis data aras (low

level) diantaranya:


Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia gratis

Btrieve adalah database transaksional (basis data navigasi) produk perangkat lunak. Hal ini didasarkan pada Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), yang merupakan cara menyimpan data yang untuk pencarian cepat. Ada beberapa versi dari produk DOS, Linux, versi Microsoft Windows, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, 32-bit IBM OS / 2 dan untuk Novell NetWare.

Awalnya manajer catatan yang diterbitkan oleh SoftCraft, ditulis oleh Doug Woodward dan dimiliki oleh saudaranya Loyd Woodward pada sekitar waktu yang sama dengan rilis pertama PC IBM. Doug menerima 50% dari perusahaan sebagai hadiah pernikahan dan kemudian dibeli sisanya dari kakaknya. Setelah memperoleh pangsa pasar dan popularitas, itu diperoleh dari pendirinya Doug dan Nancy Woodward oleh Novell pada tahun 1987 untuk integrasi ke Netware mereka sistem operasi selain melanjutkan dengan versi MS-DOS. Produk memperoleh pangsa pasar yang signifikan sebagai database tertanam dalam aplikasi pasar menengah selain yang tertanam dalam setiap salinan NetWare 2.x, 3.x dan 4.x karena itu tersedia pada setiap jaringan NetWare. Setelah beberapa reorganisasi dalam Novell, diputuskan untuk berputar produk dan teknologi off untuk pendiri asli, Doug dan Nancy Woodward bersama dengan Ron Harris, pada tahun 1994 dikembangkan oleh sebuah perusahaan baru yang dikenal sebagai Btrieve Technologies, Inc (BTI).

Btrieve itu modular dimulai dengan versi 6.15 dan menjadi salah satu dari dua database yang depan berakhir yang terhubung ke standar antarmuka software yang disebut Micro-Kernel Database Engine. The Btrieve front-end mendukung API Btrieve dan lainnya front-end disebut Scalable SQL, sebuah database relasional produk berdasarkan MKDE yang digunakan berbagai sendiri Structured Query Language, atau dikenal sebagai SQL. Setelah versi ini dirilis (Btrieve 6.15 dan ScalableSQL v4) perusahaan ini berganti nama menjadi Pervasive Software sebelum IPO mereka. Tak lama kemudian produk Btrieve dan ScalableSQL digabungkan ke dalam produk yang sekarang dikenal dan dijual sebagai Pervasive.SQL atau psql. Btrieve terus selama beberapa tahun sementara ScalableSQL cepat turun. Pelanggan didorong untuk meng-upgrade ke Pervasive.SQL yang didukung baik SQL dan aplikasi Btrieve.


1 Arsitektur

2 Sejarah

o 2,1 tahun SoftCraft

o 2.2 Novell akuisisi

o 2.3 Btrieve Technologies, Inc.

o 2,4 Pervasive Software

o 2,5 Actian Perusahaan

3 Versi

o 3.1 Btrieve untuk DOS

o 3.2 Btrieve untuk Netware

o 3.3 Btrieve untuk Windows

Berbasis Client 3.3.1 Btrieve

Berbasis server berbasis Client 3.3.2 Btrieve mengakses Btrieve

o 3.4 Btrieve untuk Windows NT / Windows 95

3.4.1 Standalone Workstation

3.4.2 Client / Server

3.4.3 Konfigurasi

o 3,5 Pervasive.SQL 7

o 3,6 Pervasive.SQL 2000 / 2000i

o 3,7 Pervasive.SQL V8

o 3,8 Pervasive psql V9

o 3,9 Pervasive psql v10

o 3.10 Pervasive psql v11

o 3.11 Ekosistem psql Pervasive

4 Lihat juga

5 Catatan

6 Sumber

7 Pranala luar


Artikel utama: Arsitektur Btrieve

Model MKDE memungkinkan untuk backends database yang berbeda untuk dipasang ke produk software Pervasive ini.

Btrieve bukan sistem manajemen database relasional (RDBMS). Deskripsi awal dari Btrieve disebut sebagai seorang manajer rekaman (meskipun Pervasive awalnya menggunakan istilah basis data navigasi tapi kemudian berubah ini ke database transaksional) karena hanya berkaitan dengan penciptaan mendasari catatan, pengambilan data, catatan memperbarui dan primitif penghapusan data. Menggunakan ISAM sebagai mendasarinya pengindeksan dan penyimpanan mekanisme. Bagian penting dari arsitektur Pervasive adalah penggunaan mesin mikrokernel database, yang memungkinkan database yang berbeda backends akan Modular dan terintegrasi dengan mudah ke dalam paket DBMS mereka, Pervasive.SQL. Hal ini memungkinkan mereka untuk mendukung mesin database mereka Btrieve navigasi dan mesin berbasis SQL, Scalable SQL.

Versi saat ini dari Btrieve dukungan transaksi sistem dan transaksi pengguna, di mana transaksi sistem adalah bundel operasi non-transaksional dan / atau transaksi pengguna, sedangkan transaksi pengguna adalah transaksi yang bekerja pada data aktual dalam database. Transaksi sistem yang dikembangkan untuk memungkinkan beberapa transaksi yang akan dilakukan dalam batch dan untuk memungkinkan kemampuan untuk memulihkan data yang lebih mudah.

The Btrieve format file seluruhnya terdiri dari halaman, yang merupakan data yang bergerak antara memori dan media penyimpanan saat mesin melakukan I / O operasi. Versi sebelum 6.0 halaman data hanya digunakan, halaman indeks dan catatan kontrol berkas (FCR). File memiliki indeks untuk mencari yang terkait dengan halaman fisik. Dimulai dengan versi 6.0 halaman logis mulai digunakan, yang halaman yang dipetakan ke halaman fisik (halaman di lokasi tetap di file) pada disk melalui penggunaan satu set tabel alokasi halaman (pats). FCR adalah catatan yang berisi informasi penting tentang file Btrieve, seperti jumlah halaman yang digunakan saat ini. Untuk menghindari korupsi dalam database Btrieve menggunakan dua metode memperbarui catatan: pre-image paging dalam versi Btrieve sebelum 6.0 dan bayangan paging di versi berikutnya. Itu terutama perubahan-atas dari pra-gambar paging untuk bayangan-paging yang menyebabkan perubahan format file radikal yang pecah kompatibilitas antara versi 6 dan versi sebelumnya.


Btrieve telah dimiliki dan dikembangkan oleh empat perusahaan yang berbeda: SoftCraft, Novell, Btrieve Technologies, Inc (kemudian berganti nama menjadi Pervasive Software), dan Actian Corporation. Mereka memiliki pengembang-dasar komitmen dan setia dan dalam semua literatur perusahaan mereka tetap berkomitmen penuh untuk produk; sebenarnya Pervasive Software

mendirikan "Btrieve Masyarakat" untuk mengenali pengembang yang ada. [1]

Di bawah MS-DOS Btrieve sampai versi 5 adalah Memutus-dan-Stay-Resident Program yang berfungsi sebagai antarmuka pemrograman aplikasi (API) mesin database, menyediakan program aplikasi dengan fungsi panggilan untuk melaksanakan database multi-user dengan penguncian record; versi jaringan bekerja dengan cara yang sama.

Pada tahun-tahun awal versi MS-DOS sampai versi 5 dijual dengan harga relatif tinggi, dari urutan US $ 1.000, tapi eksekusi Memutus-dan-Stay-Resident (TSR) mesin database file yang bisa didistribusikan dengan aplikasi tanpa pembayaran biaya lisensi apapun.

Tahun SoftCraft

Produk ini diluncurkan pada bulan Februari 1982 oleh SoftCraft, sebuah perusahaan yang terletak di Austin, Texas, oleh Doug dan Nancy Woodward. Doug menjadi wakil presiden dan ditangani pengembangan perangkat lunak, dan Nancy menjadi presiden perusahaan. Mereka merilis beberapa versi selama beberapa tahun ke depan: di Februari 1983 mereka merilis seri 2.x Btrieve, dan ketika MS-DOS 2.x dikembangkan dukungan untuk file dan direktori menangani mereka merilis Btrieve 3.0. Ketika MS-DOS 3.1 standar antarmuka internal Maret 1985 mereka merilis Btrieve 3.1 C / S satu bulan kemudian, yang memiliki jaringan dan client / server dukungan. Pada Februari 1986 Btrieve 4.0 dirilis, dan ketika 4.1 Upgrade dirilis itu mendapat dukungan untuk jenis kunci diperpanjang dan indeks tambahan.

Meskipun Btrieve cukup populer, itu adalah mesin database API, sedangkan pembunuh-aplikasi database yang manajer pada PC, dBase II dan penerusnya, adalah sistem manajemen database (DBMS) yang dapat digunakan baik sebagai generalisasi berdiri bebas aplikasi tujuan atau bahasa pemrograman database. Btrieve juga lebih mahal untuk membeli dari dBase, meskipun lisensi run-time adalah gratis. Btrieve tumbuh ke basis pengembang lebih dari 5.000 pengguna dan secara luas digunakan di bidang keuangan. [2] Perusahaan mengambil beberapa waktu untuk membuat user-interface untuk produk, namun pada tahun 1984 mereka merilis Xtrieve, program berbasis menu yang digunakan baru .ddf kamus data untuk menegakkan database relasional aturan.

Novell akuisisi

Pada tahun 1987 Novell mulai diversifikasi dan membeli perusahaan untuk menambah mereka NetWare sistem operasi. Salah satu perusahaan yang mereka beli adalah SoftCraft. Nancy Woodward menjadi Wakil Presiden dan General Manager dari operasi Novell Austin sementara Doug Woodward menjadi Wakil Presiden Advanced Technologies Database. Awal tahun depan Btrieve 5.0 dirilis untuk menjalankan sebagai aplikasi asli NetWare, atau VAP (Value Added Proses). Menurut Jim Kyle, "itu auto-increment jenis kunci, proses server jaringan Brouter, data-satunya dan kunci-hanya file, dan kompresi data opsional". [2] Versi 5.1 dirilis pada tahun 1990

dengan peningkatan transaksi file penanganan kemampuan, logging dan roll-depan operasi, bersama dengan beberapa tambahan API. Beberapa versi diciptakan untuk DOS, OS / 2 dan Microsoft Windows. Versi 6.0 dirilis pada bulan Juni 1992, namun itu tidak dipromosikan secara luas oleh Novell, dan karena perangkat tambahan (seperti perubahan dari pra-pencitraan untuk bayangan-paging) itu cocok dengan versi sebelumnya dari Btrieve. Pasar tidak meningkatkan banyak untuk Btrieve dan tidak melihat adopsi luas karena masalah ini.

Ketika perusahaan ini diakuisisi oleh Novell, SoftCraft telah bekerja pada sebuah produk yang disebut XQL, yang merupakan SQL penerjemah yang dirancang untuk lebih menangani standar industri SQL, yang paket Xtrieve tidak sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan. Ini menjadi dasar untuk NetWare SQL, yang awalnya dirilis pada tahun 1989, dan merupakan telanjang-tulang SQL interpreter yang menerapkan basis IBM versi SQL.

Btrieve Technologies, Inc.

Pada tahun 1994 Novell sebagian besar telah menyerah pada mencoba untuk membuat NetWare menjadi sistem operasi alternatif yang lengkap, dan mulai menjual banyak perusahaan telah mengakuisisi hanya beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Mereka juga telah melakukan promosi minimal Btrieve, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh waktu yang lama (24 bulan) yang dibutuhkan untuk merilis versi 6. Negosiasi antara Nancy dan Doug Woodward dengan Novell dimasukkan ke dalam dan setelah dua tahun Novell mengumumkan (pada tanggal 26 Januari 1994) bahwa itu akan mentransfer kepemilikan Btrieve untuk Btrieve Technologies, Incorporated (juga dikenal sebagai BTI). Pada April 29, 1994 transfer selesai dan Nancy Woodward menjadi Ketua BTI dan Doug Woodward dibuat dengan Chief Technical Officer. The CEO posisi diberikan kepada Ron Harris, mantan karyawan Texas Instruments, dan salah satu karyawan pendiri Citrix Systems, Inc. di mana ia bekerja pertama sebagai Direktur Perencanaan Strategis, kemudian sebagai Wakil Presiden Pemasaran, dan akhirnya sebagai Grup Produk Wakil Presiden.

Btrieve benar-benar ditulis ulang dan pada 1 Juli 1994 Btrieve 6.15 dirilis untuk DOS, Windows dan OS / 2. Novell SQL diubah namanya menjadi SQL Scalable untuk mencerminkan perubahan dalam kepemilikan perusahaan. Pada tahun 1995 versi 6.15 dirilis untuk Novell NetWare, Windows NT Server dan untuk Windows NT / 95, dan dengan demikian menjadi cross-platform produk basis data. Konsep Micro Kernel Database Engine (MKDE) diperkenalkan pada versi ini.

Pervasive Software

Pada tahun 1996 perusahaan berganti nama sendiri untuk Pervasive Software, dan produk mereka Pervasive.SQL. Pada tahun 1997, perusahaan go public. Mereka melakukan ini untuk memungkinkan penetrasi yang lebih besar dari pasar database relasional dan meluruskan sebagai vendor SQL, meskipun mereka masih pemasaran dan mengembangkan Btrieve. Meresap menyelesaikan nya IPO pada bulan September. Perusahaan terus menggunakan MKDE dalam versi 6.30. Pada tahun 1997 Pervasive dirilis ScalableSQL 4.0, produk database relasional, dan

Btrieve 7.0.

Pada tahun 2000, Novell dikritik setelah berhenti bundling Pervasive.SQL dengan NetWare (5.1 adalah versi pertama yang terkena). Sebaliknya, ia dikirim dengan versi trial yang ditutup setelah 90-hari. [3] Versi terbaru, Pervasive psql Summit v11, dirilis pada bulan September 2010.

Actian Korporasi

Pada 2013, Actian Corporation mengakuisisi Pervasive Software. [4]


Btrieve untuk DOS

Ada satu konfigurasi berbasis client DOS dari Btrieve diciptakan oleh SoftCraft. Definisi SoftCraft tentang versi berbasis client adalah "mesin Btrieve berjalan pada workstation tertentu." [5] Ini berarti bahwa mesin rekor manajemen terhubung langsung ke file melalui fungsi sistem operasi dan dimodifikasi catatan sesuai, apakah file yang lokal atau pada jaringan. Mesin berbasis client diizinkan lima bersamaan pengguna untuk mengakses database pada satu waktu. Semua proses rekaman dilakukan pada workstation mesin dipasang pada. Btrieve untuk DOS menggunakan SEFS dan MEFs mode untuk file sharing.

Btrieve untuk Netware

Btrieve untuk Netware pada dasarnya sama dengan Btrieve untuk DOS dengan beberapa fitur tambahan hanya tersedia pada Netware pada saat itu. Itu berlari proses server, disebut BSERVER di server file sharing dan ini dikelola Data I / O dalam hubungannya dengan sistem file jaringan. Proses server pertama kali diimplementasikan sebagai Netware Proses Value Added (VAP) disebut BSERVER.VAP tapi beralih ke Netware NetWare loadable Modul (NLM) segera setelah. Pada dasarnya, BSERVER adalah mesin database yang ditangani akses ke catatan, namun juga menerima permintaan dari pengiriman data yang diminta ke server lain melalui BROUTER proses.

Btrieve digunakan pemohon untuk membuat basis data I / O permintaan dari klien workstation. Pemohon ini yang tersedia untuk DOS, OS / 2, Microsoft Windows, dan UnixWare. Program BREQUEST.EXE diterima permintaan I / O melalui Btrieve API dan disampaikan kepada BSERVER Kemudian ditangani tanggapan dari BSERVER dan menyampaikan mereka kembali ke aplikasi yang sesuai.

The BROUTER proses diperbolehkan untuk permintaan masuk untuk "disalurkan" ke salinan database pada server lain. Itu dimuat pada server Netware dan ditangani dengan komunikasi antara beberapa proses server yang berjalan pada satu file-server melalui penggunaan dua Tabel File Server (FSTs). Menurut Pervasive, ini memberikan daftar "nama server dan alamat, dan Server Routing Table (SRT)". [6] Brouter juga memungkinkan permintaan komunikasi untuk diteruskan ke server yang benar melalui SPX dengan melihat BSPXCOM NLM dan terkoordinasi kunci dan mekanisme lain yang dikendalikan akses ke data dalam database Btrieve.

Btrieve untuk DOS menggunakan SEFS dan MEFs mode untuk file sharing, dan karena itu dapat dijalankan pada jaringan itu dapat menggunakan transaksi eksklusif dan bersamaan.

Btrieve untuk Windows

Btrieve untuk Windows diciptakan sebelum perusahaan menulis ulang basis kode untuk menggunakan MKDE. Itu menampilkan SEFS dan mekanisme file sharing MEFs; digunakan bayangan-paging dan diperbolehkan untuk kunci eksklusif dan bersamaan. Ini ditangani versi 6.x dan 6.1 file berbeda: file 6.x versi bisa menangani operasi pada "potongan" dari catatan daripada mengunci seluruh catatan; itu ditangani catatan yang lebih 64KB; tong dilaksanakan, ACSS, tipe data baru; memungkinkan untuk operasi persentase (di mana catatan bisa ditemukan dan dimanipulasi oleh lokasi fisik di file) dan kunci duplikat ditangani. Versi 6.x mampu menjatuhkan atau menambahkan indeks apapun pada fly (versi 6.0 dan di bawah hanya bisa drop indeks tambahan). Versi 6.1 file diperbolehkan untuk transaksi konkuren dan sistem; yang renumbering opsional kunci; kasus sensitif ACS meja dan operasi penguncian ditingkatkan.

Btrieve untuk Windows bisa dijalankan sebagai klien ke database yang digunakan SEFS atau MEFs mode, atau secara langsung bisa mengakses server Btrieve.

Berbasis klien Btrieve

Versi berbasis klien Btrieve memiliki semua file database secara langsung pada komputer lokal atau melalui drive jaringan yang dipetakan (mengatur menggunakan DOS NET USE perintah).

Aplikasi membuat panggilan fungsi untuk WBTRCALL.DLL loader dan pemohon antarmuka. Loader dan pemohon cek modul BTI.INI file konfigurasi dengan benar dibentuk untuk memuat mesin Btrieve berbasis client. Pada gilirannya, ini beban antarmuka lokal untuk mesin Btrieve WBTRLOCL.DLL Jika perlu, antarmuka lokal ini beban mesin Btrieve WBTR32.EXE ke dalam memori dan mengirimkan permintaan database yang diperlukan untuk itu. Mesin database kemudian memanggil berbagai sistem Win32 perpustakaan untuk melakukan operasi file pada file database. [7]

Berbasis server berbasis klien Btrieve mengakses Btrieve

Versi berbasis klien Btrieve untuk Windows bisa mengakses versi berbasis server Btrieve melalui berbasis DOS "pemohon". Pemohon diperlukan penggunaan DOS Protected Mode Antarmuka

(DPMI) yang memungkinkan akses program untuk DOS memori diperpanjang yang hanya bisa diakses menggunakan Protected Mode fungsi CPU x86 arsitektur.

Seperti dengan antarmuka berbasis client, aplikasi Btrieve berbasis membuat panggilan ke WBTRCALL.DLL loader dan pemohon perpustakaan antarmuka. Perpustakaan ini memeriksa BTI.INI file untuk melihat apakah perlu untuk mengakses data pada sistem lokal atau apakah perlu untuk mengakses data di server jauh. Jika perlu untuk mengakses server kemudian menggunakan versi Windows DPMI untuk mengakses pemohon berbasis DOS bernama BREQUEST.EXE Pemohon kemudian menetapkan koneksi jaringan ke server, yang memproses permintaan dan melewati kembali pesan ke pemohon ketika permintaan basis data selesai.

Btrieve untuk Windows NT / Windows 95

Btrieve untuk Windows NT dan Windows 95 dirilis pada tahun 1995 bersama dengan Btrieve untuk Netware dan Btrieve untuk Windows NT Server. Telah mencapai versi 6.15 dan mulai menggunakan MKDE. Mekanisme file sharing tetap sama karena masih digunakan SEFS dan mode file sharing MEFs; digunakan bayangan-paging dan diperbolehkan untuk kunci eksklusif dan bersamaan. Versi Btrieve memungkinkan untuk nol nilai dalam kunci, yang berarti bahwa catatan bisa dimasukkan ke dalam database ketika informasi pada tombol itu tidak tersedia. Ini berarti bahwa kunci tidak akan dimasukkan ke dalam indeks, dan ini membantu menurunkan pencarian yang tidak perlu dari database melalui indeks. Hal ini juga memperkenalkan konsep transaksi sistem dan transaksi pengguna. (lihat transaksi Sistem dan user). The MKDE juga memungkinkan kesenjangan antara tombol auto-bertambah. Tabel alokasi Variabel-ekor diperkenalkan dalam versi 6.15, sehingga mereka termasuk dalam Windows NT / 95 build dari Btrieve.

Ada dua konfigurasi Btrieve untuk Windows NT / 95: workstation mandiri dan client / server.

Standalone Workstation

Bila menggunakan konfigurasi workstation mandiri dari Btrieve, semua proses dari catatan dilakukan pada lokal workstation. Workstation bergantung pada mekanisme yang mendasari Windows untuk memungkinkan MKDE (yang W32MKDE.EXE Program) untuk mendapatkan akses

langsung ke file database, dan menggunakan file kunci untuk menangani masalah concurrency.

Dalam konfigurasi ini aplikasi membuat panggilan ke Btrieve API, atau mikrokernel Interface WBTRV32.DLL Panggilan tersebut kemudian diproses oleh antarmuka ini dan diteruskan ke MKDE W32MKDE.EXE yang kemudian menggunakan sistem operasi yang mendasari sistem file (apakah itu jaringan atau lokal) untuk langsung mengakses file database. [8]

Hal ini menyebabkan beberapa masalah aneh. Jika Btrieve menggunakan file Windows berbagi dan memiliki mesin database file yang terbuka langsung pada berbagi file, misalnya, dan ada ketidakstabilan jaringan (atau bahkan jika kabel jaringan dicabut) selama update bidang digunakan untuk menghubungkan satu file Btrieve lain bisa menjadi tidak sinkron (untuk semua maksud dan tujuan data kehilangan hubungan atau link ke data lainnya) dan file database itu sendiri bisa rusak (meskipun kemungkinan ini berkurang karena pra-gambar paging).

Client / Server

Bila menggunakan client / server (atau edisi Server) konfigurasi Btrieve, pengolahan catatan umumnya dilakukan pada file Windows server melalui drive dipetakan (cara pemetaan berbagi file ke "virtual" disk drive pada Windows melalui NET USE perintah). Ini menggunakan izin yang Anda ditugaskan ketika otentikasi, baik dari ketika log on atau melalui izin diberikan untuk NET USE digunakan. [9]

Pada Windows 95 antarmuka MKDE (Windows dynamic link library (DLL) disebut WBTRV32.DLL benar-benar menentukan apa metode akses database digunakan melalui file konfigurasi. Jika mendeteksi bahwa kedua klien / server dan workstation mesin dipasang pada satu mesin itu memeriksa apakah target diatur ke workstation atau server. Jika berjalan pada Windows NT dan proses server NTMKDE.EXE berjalan bersama dengan proses workstation mandiri W32MKDE.EXE terlihat di registri untuk menentukan apakah target adalah baik server atau workstation. Dalam kedua kasus, jika antarmuka MKDE diatur ke workstation (yang "Standalone workstation" konfigurasi) itu menggunakan MKDE W32MKDE.EXE untuk langsung mengakses file. Jika diatur ke server maka antarmuka MKDE pada klien menggunakan modul komunikasi (pada Windows 95 ini W32BTICM.DLL pada Windows NT ini NTBTICM.DLL bahwa "pembicaraan" dengan server yang. Server itu sendiri memiliki sendiri modul komunikasi pencocokan nya (lagi baik W32BTICM.DLL atau NTBTICM.DLL yang berada pada drive yang dipetakan. Server DLL kemudian berkomunikasi dengan server MKDE NTMKDE.EXE yang update catatan, kemudian mengirimkan konfirmasi

bahwa operasi berhasil kembali melalui modul komunikasi untuk klien. [10]

Keuntungan dari sistem ini adalah bahwa jika terjadi kegagalan koneksi jaringan MKDE di server akan dapat mendeteksi ini dan memulihkan dengan cara yang lebih anggun daripada konfigurasi workstation mampu.


Sebuah utilitas konfigurasi disertakan dengan Btrieve untuk mengubah pengaturan MKDE. Pengaturan yang dapat diubah adalah:

Berkas pengaturan: kategori ini berisi pengaturan yang terkait dengan file, menangani file, catatan kunci, indeks, dan file log. Jumlah file yang terbuka dan menangani file logis didirikan di sini, serta jumlah record kunci per klien; Indeks balancing dan pilihan untuk membuat file dalam format 6.x pra Kategori ini. Hal ini juga dikendalikan apakah mikrokernel terus log operasi dijalankan pada file yang dipilih. Pada bagian ini metode file sharing dapat diatur baik MEFs atau SEFS. Batas terus transaksi sistem menetapkan jumlah transaksi sistem yang dilakukan selama operasi menulis untuk berbagi file.

Organisasi memori: kategori ini berisi pengaturan yang terkait dengan ukuran buffer yang mikrokernel diperlukan untuk mengalokasikan untuk berbagai keperluan.

Transaksi klien / Sistem: kategori ini berisi pengaturan yang terkait dengan transaksi, termasuk jumlah didukung dan bagaimana dan kapan mereka akan dicatat.

Sumber daya sistem / direktori: kategori ini berisi pengaturan terkait dengan jumlah klien dan benang didukung serta lokasi berbagai file sistem.

Melacak operasi: kategori ini berisi pengaturan yang terkait dengan menelusuri berbagai operasi Btrieve. Tracing adalah fitur canggih yang digunakan terutama untuk debugging tujuan.

Pervasive.SQL 7

Pervasive.SQL 7 dirilis pada bulan Maret 1998, dan termasuk Scalable SQL 4 dan Btrieve 7.0. Btrieve 7,0 berlari pada platform yang sama dengan Btrieve 6.x: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 & 4, Netware dan DOS. Namun, perusahaan berubah menjadi komponen berbasis arsitektur disebut SmartComponents untuk menyelesaikan masalah kompatibilitas dengan upgrade. Ini digunakan skema identifikasi komponen kedua tertanam ke file dan dikodekan ke dalam nama file, bersama dengan mengikat dinamis "file lem" (DLL dimuat ke dalam memori hanya bila diperlukan). Dinamika mengikat komponen dilakukan dengan menggunakan baru "Abstrak Layanan OS DLL" yang tampak untuk versi terbaru dari yang tepat diperlukan komponen melalui pengkodean nama file. Ini "lem modul" kemudian dimuat ke memori dan digunakan. [11] Format file log lama Btrieve 6.x juga diganti dengan log terpusat baru yang disebut PVSW.LOG dan yang memiliki format file log terpadu dan ditingkatkan. Mereka juga ditingkatkan pesan kesalahan mereka dan mekanisme pelaporan pesan kesalahan.

The MKDE dipertahankan di Pervasive.SQL 7. Namun, karena mengikat, arsitektur internal

dinamis komponen arsitektur baru dimodifikasi. Aplikasi menggunakan Btrieve panggilan manajer layanan yang kemudian pencarian melalui berbagai direktori dikonfigurasi untuk nama file encoded tertentu. Nama file dimuat untuk file Btrieve di bentuk Backus Naur-adalah:

<filename> :: = <platform code> "BIF" <utama-fungsional tingkat> <minor-fungsional tingkat>

<platform code> :: = "W1" | "W2" | "W3" | "W9" | "WT" | "NW" | "O3"

<utama-fungsional tingkat> :: = <number>

<minor-fungsional tingkat> :: = <number> <number>

<nomor> :: = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

Kode Platform nama file tertanam

Kode Peron

W1 Jendela 3.1x, termasuk. Windows for Workgroups (Win16)

W2 Diperpanjang Windows (32-bit Watcom Extender)

W3 Windows 95, Windows NT (Win32)

W9 Windows 95

WT Windows NT

NW 3.x Netware 4.x dan

O3 OS / 2 (32-bit)

"Lem" modul, yang merupakan DLL, dimuat ke memori dan menjadi antarmuka ke MKDE. The MKDE kemudian menentukan apakah itu dikonfigurasi untuk menjadi konfigurasi berbasis workstation atau konfigurasi berbasis server. Kemudian melewati permintaan melalui komunikasi yang "pemohon" modul ke server database, atau langsung memodifikasi file database jika dikonfigurasi dalam mode workstation.

Pervasive.SQL 2000 / 2000i

Pervasive.SQL 2000 dan Pervasive.SQL 2000i menggunakan dasarnya arsitektur yang sama seperti Pervasive.SQL 7, meskipun 2000i termasuk i * Server Net. Ia menggunakan model komponen yang sama, memiliki kemampuan untuk menggunakan Btrieve atau mesin SQL Scalable dan terus menggunakan MKDE. Versi ini termasuk dukungan untuk Red Hat Linux, Caldera OpenLinux, SUSE dan Solaris. Hal ini juga memiliki integrasi yang lebih baik dengan Terminal Services, meskipun hanya satu contoh dari mesin database dapat berjalan pada platform server terminal. Anda tidak dapat menjalankan salinan yang terpisah dari mesin database dalam waktu dua atau lebih sesi terminal.

Pervasive.SQL V8

Diperkenalkan pada bulan Desember 2002, Pervasive.SQL V8 meningkatkan kinerja kedua aplikasi Btrieve dan SQL menggunakan sejumlah teknologi baru.

Klien sisi caching sangat meningkatkan kinerja dibaca dengan mempertahankan sebagian dari isi database pada PC lokal.

Turbo Write Percepatan (TWA) kelompok disk menulis ke dalam kelompok, meminimalkan interaksi dengan disk.

Logging transaksi memberikan perlindungan kegagalan sedikit kurang dari daya tahan transaksi, tetapi meningkatkan kinerja secara keseluruhan.

V8 Keamanan Feature Pack (update produk mid-release ditunjuk 8,5) menambahkan fitur keamanan baru yang penting yang dirancang untuk mengunci Pervasive.SQL file data. Sebelum 8,5, akses ke data Btrieve dikontrol oleh mekanisme keamanan sistem operasi. Ini berarti bahwa setiap pengguna yang diperlukan akses baca / tulis ke database, juga diperlukan akses baca / tulis ke file data yang mendasari. 8.5 memperkenalkan model keamanan baru, yang memungkinkan administrator untuk mengontrol akses ke data Btrieve menggunakan keamanan database. Setelah diaktifkan, keamanan database tidak lagi mengharuskan pengguna memiliki akses ke file yang mendasari. Selain itu, konfigurasi client / server tidak lagi memerlukan penggunaan jaringan berbagi atau drive dipetakan. Aplikasi dapat referensi data yang Btrieve aman menggunakan connection string URI.

Meresap psql V9

Meresap psql v9 termasuk baru Java GUI, dibangun di atas kerangka Eclipse. GUI ini tersedia untuk Microsoft Windows dan Linux. Selain itu, V9 termasuk banyak kinerja SQL dan sintaks update, meningkatkan baik kecepatan dan fleksibilitas dari semua interface SQL - ADO.Net, JDBC, ODBC, dan OLE DB. Akhirnya, psql v9 memperluas ukuran file maksimum Btrieve dari 64GB di 8.x dan file sebelumnya format untuk 128 GB di 9,0 format file, dan lagi untuk 256GB untuk file dalam format 9,5 berkas.

Dalam hubungannya dengan psql V9 Pervasif diperkenalkan kembali utilitas DDF Builder dan menambahkan dukungan untuk teks pencarian dengan Full Text Search (FTS) add-on, yang kemudian dikeluarkan dari lini produk. DDF Builder menyediakan mekanisme bagi pengguna Btrieve untuk menentukan meta data untuk file Btrieve ada, sehingga memungkinkan data yang Btrieve agar dapat diakses melalui alat SQL dan utilitas.

Semua versi dari MKDE mempertahankan penuh mundur kompatibilitas baca-tingkat dengan versi sebelumnya dari Btrieve, termasuk yang pra-tanggal pengenalan MKDE sendiri, dan tidak mengubah versi file kecuali secara khusus diminta untuk melakukannya. File Btrieve yang berada di 5.x atau format file yang lebih tua harus dibangun kembali (menggunakan GUI atau perintah baris Rebuild utilitas) untuk 6.x atau yang lebih baru Format untuk mendukung database menulis dari mesin 9.0 atau yang lebih baru basis data.

Meresap psql v10

Meresap psql v10 dirilis pada bulan September 2007 dan merupakan versi pertama dari meresap psql Server dan Client untuk memberikan dukungan untuk sistem operasi 64-bit. The Btrieve API dan mendistribusikan tala antarmuka (DTI) keduanya ditingkatkan untuk mendukung 64-bit. Pervasive psql Workgroup dan komponen lain dari SDK tidak ditingkatkan untuk dukungan 64-bit. [12]

Pelepasan Pervasive psql v10 adalah waktunya untuk menawarkan dukungan untuk Windows Vista kemudian baru tersedia dan segera tiba sistem operasi Windows Server 2008. Psql Pervasive v10 Server, Workgroup dan Client semua dukungan Windows Vista. Pervasive psql v10 Server Tersertifikasi untuk Windows Server 2008.

Juga termasuk dalam Pervasive psql v10 adalah Xtreme I / O (XIO), 32-bit Windows Database accelerator yang memungkinkan akses memori diperpanjang untuk memperluas database cache melewati batas 2GB normal pada 32-bit sistem Windows. XIO juga termasuk algoritma kompresi update dan teknik penulisan efisien untuk meningkatkan kinerja basis data I / O. [13]

Penegakan lisensi digital, disebut Otorisasi Produk, diperkenalkan untuk psql Pervasif lini produk dengan Pervasive psql v10. Otorisasi produk awalnya dilaksanakan dengan download percobaan dan perintah e-commerce. Produk yang dijual melalui Distributor dan ISV Pervasive mitra yang upgrade ke mencakup otorisasi produk dengan merilis psql Pervasif v10 SP3 pada November 2009. psql Pervasif v10 SP3 juga dirilis sebagai aplikasi Windows 7 kompatibel.

Meresap psql v10 ditahan kompatibilitas dengan menggunakan format 9.5 berkas dengan peningkatan ukuran file data maksimum untuk 256GB dan peningkatan ukuran halaman maksimum 16384 byte.

Dukungan untuk NetWare, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows ME, DOS 6.22 dan aplikasi 16-bit dijatuhkan dengan Pervasive psql v10. Meskipun versi Windows dan Linux dari psql Pervasive produk v9 tidak lagi dijual, Pervasive masih menjual dan mendukung Pervasive psql v9 untuk NetWare.

Pada tahun 2010, Pervasive Software merilis Pervasive psql v11, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengambil keuntungan penuh dari multithreading untuk pengolahan database lebih cepat.

Meresap psql v11

Meresap psql v11 dirilis pada bulan September 2010. Salah satu pendorong utama dari upaya rekayasa di balik meresap psql v11 adalah desain ulang mesin database untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan skalabilitas pada multi-core CPU. Psql meresap v11 mengoptimalkan benang paralel melakukan kegiatan serupa, memungkinkan database untuk terlibat beberapa core selama eksekusi tugas. Psql v11 juga menyediakan perangkat tambahan untuk mekanisme sinkronisasi tingkat rendah dalam antarmuka navigasi. Beberapa pengguna dapat membaca halaman file yang di-cache yang sama secara bersamaan dan operasi mereka dapat melanjutkan pada core independen. Kegiatan non-pengguna seperti pos pemeriksaan dan log manajemen dapat berjalan pada core yang terpisah dan beberapa pengguna mengakses file independen dapat melanjutkan

pada core yang berbeda. [14]

Dukungan multi-core tersedia dengan semua versi dari psql v11: 32 dan 64-bit Windows dan Linux Server, dan 32-bit Workgroup. Pengujian internal di peningkatan kinerja didokumentasikan Pervasive dari 300% ketika membandingkan psql v10 ke v11 psql pada sebuah server 8-core menjalankan Microsoft 2008 Enterprise Server SP2 (64-bit). [15]

(IPv6) dukungan pada Windows termasuk dalam Pervsive psql v11 dengan dukungan untuk lingkungan IPv4. Psql Pervasive v11 mendukung IPv6 dengan kedua Btrieve dan DTI (Distributed Tuning Interface) metode akses.

64-bit versi server psql v11 termasuk 64-bit relasional mesin / SQL serta 64-bit navigasi / mesin Btrieve, bersama dengan 64-bit ODBC driver. Driver diinstal dengan versi 64-bit dari psql Server dan Client psql.

Meresap diperbarui kit pengembangan perangkat lunak psql dengan penambahan meresap psql ADO.NET Data Provider 3,5. Data Provider 3.5 adalah kompatibel dengan .NET Framework versi 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.5 SP1 dan 4.0, dan berjalan di bawah .NET Framework 4.0 dengan dukungan untuk Entity Framework 1.0 fitur. [14] Pervasive psql v11 juga diperbarui PDAC (Pervasive Langsung Akses Komponen) metode akses dengan dukungan untuk Embardacero ini RAD Studio 2009 dan RAD Studio 2010.

Otorisasi produk diperpanjang di Pervasive psql v11 untuk menyertakan pelanggan OEM, bersama dengan pengenalan portal berbasis web untuk OEM untuk menghasilkan kunci dan mengelola lisensi untuk psql v11. Otorisasi telepon (metode otorisasi psql Pervasive tanpa memerlukan koneksi internet) pertama kali diperkenalkan dengan psql v11 dan tersedia untuk semua pelanggan Pervasive.

Meresap psql v11 berlanjut dengan format 9,5 berkas, menjaga kompatibilitas dengan rilis sebelumnya.

Dukungan untuk Windows 2000 dijatuhkan dengan Pervasive psql v11.

Meresap psql Ekosistem

Meresap sekarang menawarkan sejumlah add-on produk yang memperpanjang fitur dasar dari DBMS psql. Versi terbaru dari masing-masing produk, AuditMaster v7, Backup Agen v3, dan DataExchange v4, yang dirilis pada bulan Desember 2010.

AuditMaster meresap menyediakan real-time audit dari semua interaksi basis data, apakah Btrieve atau SQL. Log peristiwa data dapat bertanya untuk melacak perubahan data sensitif. Alarm juga dapat dibuat untuk memberitahu personil yang tepat atau memulai proses terkait.

Meresap Agen Backup mengelola modus operasi terus menerus psql dan memungkinkan cadangan perangkat lunak untuk andal menyalin database online.

DataExchange meresap menyediakan sinkronisasi data dan replikasi antara dua atau lebih

mesin psql, memastikan bahwa data penting selalu tersedia.

Tsunami Record Manager

The Tsunami Record Manager is being released at no charge to allinterested Win32 developers, however it remains the copyrightedintellectual property of Advantage Systems.


Included / Required Files:

README.TXT ..... This document

TRM.DLL ........ The Tsunami Record Manager Dynamic Link Library

TRM.INC ........ Include file for 32-bit PowerBASIC compilers

TRM.PDF ........ Tsunami user's guide - Adobe PDF file

TRMDEMO.BAS .... Demo application source for PB/DLL 6.x and PB/Win 7.x

TRMDEMO.EXE .... Compiled version of the demo application

DATA0005.TXT ... Sequential ASCII file of sample records used by the TRMDEMO.BAS demo application. This file may be named any of the following, depending on what you downloaded from the Tsunami web site...

* DATA0005.TXT ... 5,000 sample records * DATA0010.TXT ... 10,000 sample records * DATA0020.TXT ... 20,000 sample records * DATA0030.TXT ... 30,000 sample records

Important: Rename the file to TRMDEMO.TXT so TRMDEMO.BAS can find it.


Tsunami is implemented in the form of a single DLL named TRM.DLLwhich requires no system registration in Windows. Simply installthe DLL in the same directory with your application files or inthe \Windows\System(32) directory. TRM.DLL should not be renamed.

If you change the TRM.DLL file name and modify the declarations inTRM.INC, the Tsunami Record Manager will not load.

You must put the following metastatement near the beginning ofyour source code ...


Be sure to read the License Agreement in Appendix "A" of theTsunami user's guide (TRM.PDF) before using TRM.DLL

------------------------------------------------------------------The TRMDEMO.BAS demo application------------------------------------------------------------------

TRMDEMO.BAS is included with Tsunami to provide an example of howto call TRM.DLL functions from within PB/DLL 6.0-6.1 or PB/Win 7.0applications.

When compiled, TRMDEMO.EXE allows you to create various typesof Tsunami files. If you don't change any of the default settingsTRMDEMO creates a file of "customer records" with 1 index...a 6-byte account number.

When you click the "Create File" button, TRMDEMO.EXE will lookfor the TRMDEMO.TXT file in the default directory and load thedesired number of records into the newly defined Tsunami file, upto the maximum in the file.

You may opt to use fixed length records taken straight out of theTRMDEMO.TXT file (each one is 200 bytes long) or you may choose tocreate variable length records. If you choose variable length,TRMDEMO.EXE will pad the end of each record with the followingstring of 26 characters...


... anywhere from 1 to 100 times to create records that vary inlength from 226 to 2800 bytes each, averaging around 1500 bytes.Even though Tsunami does offer record compression (see TRM.PDF)these "padded" records will not compress due to their lack of con-tiguous repeating characters. This helps to demonstrate Tsunami'shandling of larger, variable length records.

After creating a Tsunami file, use the controls in the lower half

of the dialog to experiment with various Tsunami function calls.