Istvanbanyai 090413221923-phpapp02

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Istvanbanyai 090413221923-phpapp02


ISTVAN BANYAIIlustrador húngaro. Nació y creció en Budapest, Hungría. Se instaló en los EE.UU. en 1981. Ha publicado ilustraciones en revistas, diseñado cubiertas de discos y trabajado en dibujos animados. Zoom fue su primer álbum ilustrado. Vive y trabaja en Nueva York.



Born in Hungary, Istvan Banyai quickly made his mark in the United States after his arrival in 1981, with his striking and innovative illustrations appearing in such publications as Atlantic Monthly, Time,The New Yorker, Playboy, and Rolling Stone. Istvan has crafted cover art for Verve, Sony, and Capital Records, and has created an animated short film for Nickelodeon, MTV Europe, and Jean Michel Jarre. His unique vision found ample room to bloom in children's book ZOOM. This wordless journey through receding perspectives was hailed as one of the best children's books of the year by the New York Times and Publisher's Weekly, and won a National Children's Choice Award based on the judgements of kids themselves. Istvan Banyai lives in New York .




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