Essay2 valerie auberger_ienjoydoing

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Essay2 valerie auberger_ienjoydoing

Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Yann Arthus Bertrand - 7 Billion others, « Childhood dream… »

Yann Arthus Bertrand - 6 billion others teaser

Feeding my compulsive curiosity of the human being by watching documentaries and reading books and magazines about neuroscience and anthropology

Paul Ekman , psychologist - Universality of basic human emotions

Richard Davidson, Neuroscientist – Neuroplasticity

Some of my favorites

Neuroscience – Two inspirational minds

Boris Cyrulnik Ethologist and neuroscientistInventor of the concept of resiliency :Resiliency refers to the ability to positively respond (or adapt) to and cope with a stressful experience.

Gerald M. Edelman Nobel price in medicine and neuroscientistInventor of the Neural Darwinism theory and the neurobiological approach to consciousness

Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Understanding how the brain functions and how to positively approach people around me through resilient management and behavior.

While I was at MSN, I applied some of this knowledge during focus groups by observing each individuals reactions and feedback.

Oxygen for my mind >>> filling my passion for medicine and human behavior

Allowing me to better understand myself and evolve everyday into a more fully-aware person.

Better understanding my children and trying to give them “wings” to face life