Deforestation and its Impact to Primates - Ani Mardiastuti...

Post on 18-May-2018

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Transcript of Deforestation and its Impact to Primates - Ani Mardiastuti...


and its Impact to Primatesand its Impact to Primates

Ani Mardiastuti

Deforestation: definition

Global Deforestation

Pulau Hutan yang Hilang (ha)

% Kehilangan

Laju Kehilangan Hutan (ha/tahun)

Sumatera 6.691.357 28,7 557.613

Kalimantan 8.437.792 21,2 706.149

Tabel 1. Laju deforestasi di Indonesia berdasarkan pulau, 1985-1997 (Holmes 2002).

Kalimantan 8.437.792 21,2 706.149

Sulawesi 2.269.400 20,1 189.117

Maluku 809.494 12,7 67.458

Papua 1.798.069 5,1 147.839

Jawa & Bali nd nd nd

Nusa Tenggara nd nd nd

Indonesia 20.042.112 16,7 1.670.176

