Can Dirty Air Ducts Make You Sick

Post on 28-Jan-2021

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Air duct cleaning and sanitizing are one of the best solutions when you are stuck in such a situation. It has numerous benefits not only including health benefits but also ensures the long and healthy life of the ductwork system.

Transcript of Can Dirty Air Ducts Make You Sick


Can dirty air ducts make you sick?

When we say to comfort the first word that comes to your mind is Home

because it is the only place where you can ensure that you are comfortable.

However, if you are getting sick while sitting at home then there is something

that you need to look to ensure that everything is right. Being the safest place

of all your home is supposed to provide you comfort and ensure your good

health but there are times when your home becomes a victim to these

dangerous allergens. Air duct cleaning and sanitizing are one of the best

solutions when you are stuck in such a situation. It has numerous benefits

not only including health benefits but also ensures the long and healthy life

of the ductwork system. Certified technicians provide on spot air duct repair

and replacement that ensures the best health of your ductwork system.

If you are living in a home with sensitive people then there is a high chance of

the fact that you might face numerous health issues. Among them, the biggest

ones include breathing issues, skin problems, and many others. There are a

few occasions where people have reported headaches that increase during

their stay at home. These conditions improve when you hire cleaning services

and you get your duct system serviced. Numerous companies across the

globe provide some amazing cleaning services so if you are suffering from

any of these conditions and these conditions get better as you leave your

house then don’t hesitate to hire them immediately.

What are the signs that show you need duct sanitizing?

Ductwork is an integral part of every household and it is the reason due to

which it is important to ensure that they are clean so that people living

around it are safe and free from all issues. It won’t be wrong to say that the

ductwork system is the lungs of the house. We can regard them as the lungs

of the house because they take in the air across the house and circulate the

same air throughout the house. The same air is inhaled by the people living

around and causes problems. In case this air is not clean then there is a high


chance that you are inhaling the air contaminated with dirt and debris.

Researches have proved that indoor air is more polluted than the air outside

and that is the reason people face numerous health issues and they get better

as they go out.

The homes that have dirty air ducts the people living in might experience

symptoms that include symptoms of allergies, coughing, sneezing, and runny

nose. Different contaminants such as mold, dust lurking around your

ductwork could also become a leading cause of sore throat, headaches, and

even dizziness.

How can you improve the indoor air quality?

Fortunately, there is a solution to all your problems because there has been a

lot of research about it. Ductwork cleaning has proved to be a worthy

solution to all such issues. Despite this, several other methods could help you

ensure improvement in indoor air quality.

Hiring professional cleaning services one every year and get a thorough

cleaning of the heating and cooling system

Ensure that you replace the air filters regularly. However, this time you

will have to ensure that these filters are replaced with the ones that are

recommended by the manufacturer of your HVAC system

While cleaning the duct system yourself ensure that the vacuum hose

that you use has a HEPA filter. Moreover, you must regularly vacuum

the ducts to ensure that there is no clogging of dust and dirt.

If your house is carpeted and your family is facing problems then it is

recommended to go with hard floors.

Remove the shoes when you enter your home so that you don’t bring

along all the outdoor allergens along into the house. They mix up with

the air in the house and circulate along with the duct system.

Why is it important to regularly clean your duct system?

All across the globe one of the biggest concerns in these modern days is

indoor air pollution. Moreover, the cigarette smoke and the carbon mono

oxide that is released from the furnaces and gas-powered stoves also mix up

with the air and circulate across the home. Furthermore, there are also


particles left out from the cleaning products and even just regular dust and

dirt. As time passes there are particles the buildup in the ducts and when you

switch on then these dirt particles will circulate across your house with help

of the ductwork.

Hence it has been proven that these ducts have a significant effect on your

health. If you neglect the cleanliness process then it is certain that you will

face issues. You must be wondering that it is not a good idea to disturb the

buildup but you should know that it is a good idea to disturb it and get rid of

it once for all.

In addition to this the more you give space the dust and debris to pile up the

more there is the chance that it will become more contaminated with things

such as mold and pets. There are other contaminants such as cleaning

chemicals, cigarette smoke that also play their part in the buildup.

It doesn’t matter if you start cleaning your ductwork all by yourself or you

hire a professional for the task you just need to ensure that you don’t neglect

this task. So just don’t waste a moment and call cleaning services right away

so that you could ensure the good health of your family members.