Analisis Kimia Bukti Fisik 1

Post on 29-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Analisis Kimia Bukti Fisik 1

  • Analisis Kimia Bukti Fisik (Chemical Analysis of Physical Evidence) I Mata Kuliah Kimia ForensikOleh: Dr. I Nengah WirajanaJurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Udayanasmt genap (6) th 2012/2013Email:

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikDasar dari investigasi bidang kriminal adalah pengumpulan (assembling) urutan fakta yang memungkinkan proses yudisial (hukum) untuk memperoleh kesimpulan yang memuaskan.Kesimpulan seharusnya membuktikan bahwa suatu tindakan kriminal telah dilakukan, danKesimpulan seharusnya menunjukkan ada bukti bahwa seseorang atau beberapa orang terlibat dalam kejadian tindak kriminal.

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikTh 1910 Edmond Locard dari University of Lyon memperkenalkan nilai yang amat berharga dan yang paling mendasari ilmu forensik, yaitu: Bukti Renik atau Trace Evidence (renik / trace = amat sedikit, jejak, bekas), dan selanjutnya dia menemukan Teori jejak kontak (contact trace theory)

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikMilestones (kejadian penting / tonggak bersejarah) dalam ilmu forensik:1728: Fotografi1804: Fisik sinar Ultraviolet1814: Toksikologi Mathieu Orfila (Bpk Toksikologi)1835: Henry Goddard Balisticsmembandingkan peluru dg larasnya1836: Toksikologi Alfred Swaine T.: unsur-unsur dalam medical yurisprudensi, James Marsh: mengembangkan uji untuk deteksi jumlah yg sangat kecil / trace dari arsenik dalam jaringan manusia.1858: Sidik jari (fingerprints): Sir william Herschel.

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikMilestones (kejadian penting / tonggak bersejarah) dalam ilmu forensik:1850: Spketrografi Bunsen & Kirchoff mengidentifikasi material anorganik yang mudah menguap1875: X-rays (sinar-X) Rontgen 1882: Anthropometri sistem klasifikasi kriminal berdasarkan ukuran tubuh 1893: Kriminalistik Hans Gross mempublikasikan investigasi ilmiah dari kejadian kriminal1901: Serologi Karl Landsteiner mengembangkan gol. darah

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikMilestones (kejadian penting / tonggak bersejarah) dalam ilmu forensik:1912: Balistik Balthazard: menggunakan pembesaran fotografi; Mikrofotografi Lukas S. May membandingkan sidik/tanda yang tertinggal pada permukaan tindakan kriminal.1921: Poligraf Larson mendisain suatu portable detektor kebohongan.1923: Casting of Trace suatu metode dari Hans Mullner untuk casting pada kejadian kriminal.1925: Mikroskopi perbandingan dua objek yang amat kecil/sedikit secara simultan

  • Sekilas Tentang Ilmu ForensikMilestones (kejadian penting / tonggak bersejarah) dalam ilmu forensik:1932: serologi Widmark mengobservasi kandungan yg bisa terukur dari etil alkohol dalam darah sebagai indikator intoksikasi.1940: Identikit Hugh C. McDonald mulai mengerjakan prototipe.1965: Mikroskopi Scanning Electron Microscope dg pembesaran 150.000x.1971: Photo-FIT Identikit.1984: DNA Profilling Dr. Alec Jeffreys mengembangkan pertama kali DNA figerprint.

  • Sifat Bukti FisikIlmu dan hukumAplikasi ilmu pengetahuan pada arena hukum mendasari suatu rekonstruksi kejadian kriminal.Dalam ilmu forensik hukum-hukum ilmu alam digunakan untuk determinasi tentang keadaan bukti fisik pada saat pengambilan / koleksi dan menggunakan metode ilmiah.

  • Sifat Bukti FisikPrinsip dan proses kriminalistik6 konsep dasar dalam analisis forensik;Divisible matter: pembagian materiTransfer (Locard exhange principle): pertukaran material antara dua objek.Identification: mendefinisikan sifat fisiko-kimia dari barang bukti. Association: menghubungkan seseorang dengan suatu kejadian kriminal.Rekonstruksi: memahami urutan kejadian dari akhir.

  • Sifat Bukti FisikProses kriminalistik1. IdentifikasiBerikan contoh identifikasi 2. Klasifikasi dan IndividualisasiKlasifikasiIlmuwan forensik sering melakukan klasifikasi dalam investivigasi kriminal, contoh rambut (dari manusia dan hewan), dsbIndividualisasiSuatu bukti fisik dapat di-individualisasi atau dibedakan dari yang lain karena memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan kelompoknya yang sama. Contoh darah manusia ada golongannya, selanjutnya golongan darah yang sama masih dapat dibedakan lagi dari DNA-typing.

  • Sifat Bukti FisikProses kriminalistik3. Assosiasi Proses ini meliputi menggabungkan, menghubungkan dang mengevaluasi semua barang bukti, membuat dugaan/hipotesis, membandingkan dan menyanggahnya 4. RekonstruksiMasih dalam alur assosiasi, namun lebih rinci untuk menjawab pertanyaan: di mana?, bagaimana?, dan kapan?. Ini seharusnya ditekankan pada kapan? Yang biasanya lebih ke arah waktu relatif dalam menentukan kejadian sebelum, selama, atau setelah kejadian.

  • Analisis Kimia Barang Bukti Fisik ) meliputi:Drug TestingChemistry of Combustion : Arson (kebakaran), Explosives and Gunshot Residue Chemistry of Color : Inks and PaintChemistry of Polymers : Fibers, Paper, Plastics and Adhesives/lem

    Forensic chemical analysis

  • Drug Testing

    Ketika seorang analis menerima barang bukti (BB) dari suatu kasus, ia mengambil catatan2 yg akan menjelaskan isi/tentang kasus tsb dan mulai menyiapkan laporan tertulis.Langkah selanjutnya adalah pada umumnya menimbang berat materi atau item yg disampaikan. Ini membantu ini menentukan apakah suatu pelanggaran hukum ringan atau kejahatan pidana akan diterapkan.

  • Drug Testing

    Analis kemudian melaksanakan suatu uji warna pada suatu porsi/sejumlah kecil obat/drug itu. Test ini tidak merupakan uji spesifik, hanya dapat memberi informasi awal bagi analis kategori/jenis obat. Analis kemudian dapat melaksanakan suatu uji kristal mikroskopik . Uji ini dilakukan dg menggunakan mikroskop cahaya yang terpolarisasikan dan uji ini dapat mengidentifikasi jenis/nama obat yg ada.

  • Analisis Kimia Bukti FisikForensic Chemistry deals with the chemical analysis of a variety of types of physical evidence. These include suspected accelerants from arson debris, gunshot residue on the hands of a shooter, lubricants and noxious chemicals such as tear gas and capsaicin (pepper spray). The type of cases typically examined include arsons (kebakaran), homicides (pembunuhan), bank robberies (perampokan), and vandalism (tindakan kekerasan).

  • Arson Investigation (Investigasi kebakaran)Arsonists (pelaku pembakaran) may use a variety of possible accelerants (pemicu) to set a fire. During the examination of a potential arson scene, cause and origin investigators collect fire debris that they believe contains residues of these accelerants. The debris is placed in airtight (kedap udara) containers to avoid possible loss of the volatile components and is transported to the laboratory for analysis.

  • Arson Investigation (Investigasi kebakaran)The Forensic Chemistry section utilizes Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to identify traces of ignitable (yg dapat menyala/pemicu kebakaran) liquid residue in these samples. The forensic chemists will often have to concentrate the small amounts of residue. They accomplish this by adsorbing the accelerant residue onto activated charcoal strips. The concentrated accelerant is then eluted off the strip by dissolving in a solvent (dilarutkan ke pelarut yg sesuai).

  • Gun Shot Residue (Sisa penembakan)In addition to arson debris, this section also examines evidence associated with shooting cases. When a firearm (senjata api) is discharged (ditembakkan), gases are generated containing burned and unburned components from both the propellant and primer of the cartridge. This material may deposit itself on the clothing of a victim or on the hands of the person firing the weapon and is referred to as gun shot residue (Material yg tersisa pd pakaian korban atau tangan penembank dibandingkan sebagai sisa penembakan).

  • Gun Shot ResidueThe Forensic Chemistry laboratory utilizes a state of the art Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) fitted with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) to examine tape lifts taken from the hands of suspected shooters. This automated instrument is capable of searching several hundred microscopic fields overnight for the presence of small primer residue particles. When a particle is located, its coordinates are recorded and the particle is analyzed using the EDS unit. If a particle is identified as containing barium, antimony, and lead it is classified as primer residue. The particle's coordinates can also be recalled and it can be photographed using the SEM.

  • The trace evidence

    Barang bukti yang jumlahnya amat kecil(Trace)

  • The trace evidence section of the Forensic Science Laboratory deals with the analysis of both microscopic and macroscopic traces of physical evidence. These may include but are not limited to hairs, fibers, paint, soil, polymers, glass, and impressions. These types of evidence are frequently found at crime scenes such as homicides, rapes, assaults, burglaries and automobile accidents.

  • During the commission of a crime a suspect may often come into contact with the victim, the environment of the crime scene, or both. During this interaction, exchanges of physical evidence may occur. For example a suspect may leave behind a shoeprint at a crime scene or may take away fibers shed from an item of clothing worn (pakaian yg dipakai) by the victim. The trace evidence laboratory specializes in the examination of this type of evidence with the goal of linking suspects to victims and/or crime scenes.

  • Microscopic Trace Evidence

    A majority of evidence examined by the trace evidence section is microscopic in nature.Thus this section relies heavily on the use of various types of microscopes to examine physical evidence. An initial examination to detect this microscopic evidence is conducted using a stereomicroscope. The trace evidence examiner may sort through debris removed from an article of evidence or may examine the article directly.

  • Fiber (serat) dilihat dg stereomiskroskopstereomiskroskopKaca dilihat dg stereomiskroskopFiber (serat) dilihat dg stereomiskroskopRambut dilihat dg stereomiskroskopTanah dilihat dg stereomiskroskopFiber (serat) dilihat dg stereomiskroskop

  • Once the material is sorted and removed, analysis proceeds using a variety of other microscopic techniques. Synthetic fibers are initially identified using the polarized light microscope. Examinations and comparisons can be conducted using the laboratory comparison microscope.

  • More sophisticated chemical analysis on fibers and paints can be conducted using the micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. If the fibers or paints are colored these can be spectrally compared on the Visible Microspectrophotometer. For evidence beyond the capabilities of a normal microscope, the trace evidence section can utilize a state of the art digital Scanning Electron Microscope.

  • A Pyrolysis GasChromatograph-Mass Spectrometer can be used to identify polymers. Solid materials such as paints, fibers and plastics are heated, broken down and volatilized. Based upon the molecular fragments observed, the material can be identified

  • Impression Trace Evidence

    In addition to microscopic evidence, the trace evidence section also deals with physical evidence such as tire and shoeprint impressions. These can be found in several different types of materials, such as paint, blood, soil and dust (debu).

  • Gunshot Residue on Clothing and Other ItemsTrace evidence examiners use microscopy to identify propellant residue particles deposited on clothing and on other items. This residue is produced when a gun is discharged, and mainly consists of burned and partially burned gunpowder, vaporous lead and other materials.

  • Hit and run examinationsThe trace evidence examiner is routinely called upon to link hit and run vehicles to crime scenes. This can be accomplished through physical matches involving scene debris such as broken headlights and comparison to areas of corresponding damage on a suspected vehicle. Microscopic paint samples left on a victim's clothing or in the roadway can be searched against an automobile paint library containing several hundred known specimens.

  • Hit and run examinationsThe lab also makes use of the Paint Data Query (PDQ), which is a database of chemical identities of various layers of paint on vehicles. If a suspect vehicle is identified, a paint sample can then be obtained and compared both chemically and microscopically to the sample found at the crime scene.

  • Forensic Garage (garasi) If a suspect vehicle is identified it can be brought to the laboratorys forensic garage for a detailed examination. Here the trace evidence examiner may examine the speedometer to determine if a speedometer needle slap mark exists (tanda yg ada pd jarum spedometer) . This can be used to determine the speed of the vehicle at the moment of impact.

  • Forensic Garage (garasi) The filaments in a broken headlight (lampu besar mobil) can be examined to determine if they were on during the collision (menentukan apakah terlibat dalam kejadian tabarakan). In addition the brake pedal (pedal rem) can be examined for shoe print impressions to determine who was driving the car at the moment of impact.

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