Download - Wyeth ·Makes One-Sixth Of Anti-Polio Vaccine For National ...


4-H Horne Talon! Show In

Mason Saturday Night .. I

\You'll Have Fun al 1l1o PTA llazaar Friday ~li!lhl

Ninctv·Sixth Year, No. 16 Ma~on, Mi<hiuao, Thursday, April 21, 1955 4 Sections - 30 Pages

Mayor Assigns Coun(ilmen to 6 Committees

J~ach C'lly r'rllllldlm;JII llf•;uls a city commiiii!P unrlr•r M11yor AI· fred F'or·che's r'OIIIIf'il orgnniza· tlon plnn. Tlw nwym· nnnnunr·erl 1:omrnllle1! fiJipnlnlnwnt:; at fiw dly COIIIH'll mPr!llllil' Monrlny night.

Counellman Holwrl Pllilllp~ will henri the flnarH'I' mmmlller. with Coundhnr•n L, A. Wllcrlen nnrl Hlchnrrl Morris as JnPrnhers.

Assisting Wllr!rlrm ns dwlrman of the pollr-1• t•nmmlllt'l' will he CnuncllmPII fJPrnnrd Cady anrl Cllffor·d Wnlr•nfl,

Walcnll will ill'llri lhP WIIIPJ', sanJtatJon llrHI Si'\VI'I' i'Oillmillr•r• nnd will lw alrlcrl hy l'hllllp:; II!Jil

Councilman f~ri!! Spnnny. Ch;tirman or tin• stn•Pts 1111ri

eleclrlea I •·om mii!PP is Morris ~ usslstcd hy l'hlllips nnrl <'111ly,

Spcnny lw;His lhP fin· r'<JJnrniiiPr. with Wllerh!ll 1111rl Mnrrl:; nn llw / commlttr.1•.

Cady Is dwlrlllllll or fill' storm I sewer and clump r·ommiiiPr with/ Spenny anrl Walmll as llll'miH•rs.

Under fiw I'll,\' r·lwrlr.r ;HinptPrlj In 1!!51, m1wh or tlw city planning anrl groundworlc For·1 legislation Is r·arTird r1n in •·om· mlllet•H. llt••·ausc! r•ouJwilmen arc eleclrd 111 lllrf:!' 1111rl rio no! l'Pp· l'!'SCnl. Wlll'riS nor Jll'f'i'illi'IS, I'P·

cruesls, cmnpl11iniH iiiHI r·nmmrn· elations IIJ'f' usr1111ly rlircC'If'ri lo the specific: c·nmrnillf''ps involwrl.

Committee• dwlrmr.n usually present I he problems to fiH• r·oun·

1 ~ ,, ell for action. The mPellng Mnnrlay night

was lhe first full one for• Fnrdw as mayor of lhr! l'ity. !11• w11s elected to the post hy cnurwilmen at a meeting a weelc ago repine··

80 Are Chosen For Jury Duty At May Term

Cleanup We~Jc Begins JJfonday

It will ho dennup wccli1 in Mason for n weel• beginning Monrlay, April 2:1. And just to make II PliSY to hoe out bnse· rncnts, allies, huf'lc rooms nnrl C!vcm fmnt r·oomH, cl ty crews will pir:lc up junlc nt the cut·h

Nnmes of flO rnr.n and women or In nlleys early next Thurs·

Wyeth ·Makes One-Sixth Of Anti-Polio Vaccine For National Foundation

W" 1 1'1 r· 1 " f r jtr•y da.v momlng free o[ clmrge. Jrc

1 rnwn llt ~r n,,

0 • 1

· Wyeth Lnbomtol'les Inc., at. lis Mm·ieltn, l'n., plant, is duly nt the Mny term of dn:ul! ,JJmlc Includes cveryt hlng ex· court. Tlw Muy term, with eept ushes and garhngr., liP· pl'Oducing aboul one-sixth of the Sulk vnec:inc used in the Judge! Lriuis r~. Coasl1 11s preslrl· enr·ding 10 Mnyor Alfrcd init lnl immunlznt.ion campaign. I I I Ill I · M I•'nrl'!w. T)g . urge, w open n nson The sislel' plant. or Wyeth Lnbot'Htol'ies at MmiOn is one Monday, M11 y !l, with .furors Cleanup wcdt Is rill IJIInllnl I I .

scheduled tn repnrl the follow· city proJect. Business places of t.1e G P 1Ut'maceutlcnl fit·ms with National Foundation con. Jng Monday, May lG. 11s well as homes need lhP tmcts fot· the vaccine which is t!Xpeeted to pmvcnt. polio

"pr·lrl" "le .• ·1nun tre1111ncnt, the pnt·nlysis Pt·odttclt'otl IJngan - --County Cier·lc C. Ross Ifllliai·tl ~ " c •· • • • • ".

handlecl the box containing namPs mayor pointed out. Clclln weeks ago, before t•eports of bulirllngs nre usually flrr!·snfe 1 t t 1 1 d of prospective Jurors lltrnerl In comp e .c cs s wct·e l'C case . bulirllngs, lw said. lleslrles

by supervisors anrl dty assess· lwlplng Jll'cvcnt fire through Wyeth turned oVf!l' 1111 nPedPrl ors. Sheriff Willa rei P. Barn PH the eleanttp I'Hmpalgn, 1 he ef. ffll•llltles to produec Its nllol!erl dld the drnwlng with '2 Mason fort al~o lmpmvcs sHnltm·y share of serum fl!rJlllrerl for the .Justices nf the peace, William 3 !l,OOO,OOO lmmunl1.nfinns lll'ing Seelye nnrl Roy W. Arlams, In· · c·niHiitlo~~~·._ -· _ -·-- _. given unrle" National F'rHtndatlon scribing, Deputy Cieri\ Gorlnrrle nusplces. When lh11l l!flllll'llel is

Salk Program Is Scheduled For New Start Ludwick nsslslerl. f • h s • c·omplelr!rl, Wyelh pr·mtuetlon of

Those whose nnmes wcrl' I alt ustams Salk VIH'i'ine will go Into l'l'gUIIIr dt'AWn III'C! II'Hde f'IIIIIIIH!Is. .

1 p I ( d . . 1 Altr•l' 11 ll'r•pl;'s dPlay, Inghnm Lewis Wlelanrl, Glen Cn f!, ear aven er Wyetll Lahol'llllll'lt!S lnr•., 1•,11 fli'Sl· 'lllrl SI'C'DIHI·gradc~s Will get Muriel Bmwn, Alalerlnn; 1\111!' Lilley & Son and Plltman·Mnnre lh~lr 'nr·st shots of Salk vaccine Smith, Bertha Snow, John l~clil'lli'. Th h Ill Lnhnralru·ies, hoth or Indiana, next \VPel<. Aurelius; Tl1r!lmn Tlnl<, Donn.1 fQUg ness Cutter Lahnratorir!s of Bcrlwly, McCann, Bunker f-Ilii; Margan!! Callfomln, Sharpe & Dolune of Originally sclredulcrl to be(:(in Clarlt, Hulh Nalclle, Van Dr.· Suslalnocl by faith anrl lndomll· Philadelphia and Parlce·Davls or this wcri<, r!Piay Wlls forced he· Lnshmutl, Delhi; Arthur Pollor:k, · fiDctrott have been and are worl<· r•ause enough Vilr:r:im• was notln Lester Scott, Mrs. Margaret able courage for lO years 0 Jng together on tlw serum for fill' sight. TIH' var:dnr!, furnished Wing, Ingham; A. G. Cros~. Mon· wr·ctclwd health, Mr·s. Pearl CaV· first Immunizations, explainer! lhmugli till' stnle health depart· abclle Moulton, Ralph A. Tnaz, ender, ;'i7, riled at her home, ·110 Howard Seibert, managet• of the mcnt, and ali otlwr ~upplles are Lansing township; South Park street, iVerlnesrlay Wyeth plant at Mason. Eaf'h "f now ready for paralysis lmmuni· ' Chester Fultz, Archie Hawley, the (j plants was given specific zatlon c·ampniil'JJ, the county Charles Stafford, Leroy; Ken· momlng. areas for vaeclne supply and health riPpaJ'InH'nl annourwed neth Evans, Mrs·. Lucy Discn· Mrs. Cavender was hooltltecper dlstrlbutinn, Seibert said. Dis· Thursrl<~.\'. roth, Albert Howery, Leslie; ar A. A. Howlett & Co. for 26 trihutlon of the Wyeth vaccine Is Tlw same schPrlulc will be used Olive West, Donald Syler, Lil· years. She Insisted on ll'orlclng through Phllarlclphia. as first annilttnced, doctors, linn Ruppert, Lociw; Beverly when she crJuld scarcely stand, After commllmenls to tlw Na· nurses, volunteers anrl chllrl!;en Piercl), Margaret H. Luf{er·, and when It tonlt her as long to tlonal J~ounrlation arc met. Sr!l· rcporling at the same time and Esther F. McFarland, Meridian; walk the 2 bloclcs betwee11 home bert ha~ Ieamer!, Wyeth will place and on the same days of Muriel Brown, Bergle I\ecler, Ora and office as it would for a worn· milintain peal1 manufaeturing the weelc as ot'iginally planned, Ferris, Onondaga; an In 11ormal health to walk schedules to meet a bael•lng nl Tnglrnm's pr·ogram flrsl called

Fred BrJrms, Irene Cobb, 1 Sl c 11nvcr· ga1•e up r 1 1 1 "'"' acr·oss own. · 1 ~ orrlcrs rom r octors anc lOS· for ;~ shols of the vaccine, the Emma Smith, Stockbridge; Mary ·r 1 be Impossi"Jn for 'II J'l 1 1 M 1

unt1 t came "" pltals. It WI I w Y Je ay JC· first 2 a weelc IIJJart and the third Frederick, Pearl Aseltine, James 1 t t' f 1 · 1 1 lng Clairmont 8vcritt wlw w11s 1\IARY LYNNE RICHARDS 7 won a nnt n canrllrlntr• For re-election. cake in a practice session for the 'Parent-

th~~~~u~~~~ w~~g~;~a~an~e~.llng of


Te~tehers. association cakew~lk planned for _____ ..:__ Frtday mght. Mary Lynne 1s a daughter of

show on the auditorium stage at 8. The stage presentation will be a talte-off on TV shows.

1er o con muc. ore I 10 vnccme >ecomes genera · to be a honstcr shot next fall. Dl". Kramet•, Vevay; Robert Mills, 1 11 bl tl 1 1 t Trained for a school teacher, Y ava a c 1roug 1 c oc ors, ac· Jonas E. Sulk has now advlsetl Annes Beach, June P. Smith, ·'! t t h 1 1

" Mrs. Cavender developed into a cm·u ng o presen sc et u es. that 2 shots are arlequutc, one Wheatfield; I~rancls Lange, Bruce Granger, John Frinklc, White keen business woman and ac· When commitments to Nation· next wee!\ anri the other a month

Lott JJt/eans Lot­Yet Not too JJ1any

In Llw Clare Loll f1m1ily tlu~ last t can be dmppr!rl nrf when the numbr.r of childr·en am ml'n· tloned. '!'hey lmvc a lnt---Nn. fl arrived at Mason Gener·aJ ho.,.

Mt·. and Mrs. Paul Richards. The boy seated beside Mary Lynne who thinl<s he should have won is Joel Schaeffer·, 8, son of M1·. and Mrs. Robert Schaeffer. Behind Joel and looking just as hungry is John Hassinen, 8, son of Mr. and Mr·s. John Hassinen. Jenni­fer Byron, 5, at the right hoped she could have won the cake because her mother, Mrs. Got•don Byron, made it.

Other attractions include a potted plant sale, silhouette shop, white elephant sale, balloons, comic book resale, fish pond, fancy work, hotdogs, candy, popcorn, soft drinks, an ice cream social, a game room and danc­ing.

Oak; Ivah Lounsbury, Bertha countant. al Foundation arc completed, Inter·, explained Miss Mll.dred Gullclt, Edd Witt, Williamston; Mrs. Cuvcnder was burn In Wyeth employees at Mason will, Cardwell nf the Inil'ham health

Florence Inch, Herman Baron, Platte, South Dalwta, September upon_ !locto.r's prescriptions, t;r! department starr. John N. Seaman, East Lansing; 14, 1897, a daughter of Jacob L. provtded With vaccine for· thcrr Lahrmllor.v sf!ir!ntlsls and other Marguerite Z I c kg r a f, Ethel and Anna Louise Fredine. After chilclren between the of onf' doctors hnvc sa!ri then! nrc no Lang, Charles Dart, Mason; graduating from Platte high year and 14. Serhert said. , visible sir'lc effcets from lmmunl· Constance D. Turil•, Mabel B. school she enrolled at the Univcr· Reports that children of Wyeth zation. They also said that tests Crlps; Roy D. Merrifield, Wil· slty of South Dalwta, After grad· employees will be able to get proved lhc serum is ciTcc:tlve In Mrs. Beatrice Weiss is chairman of the

ways and means committee. She is assisted by Mrs. Paul Richards, Mrs. Lawrence Bar-ton and Mt·s. Donald Chapman. . · ..

Jlamston; uation from there she stlldled at serum ahead of others with at !Past 90'.1, of polio ca:;cs. Isabella Hamilton, Josephlnll University of Chicago, wh~re she priority are untrue, company ol'fl·

W. Forsythe, Ida M. Farhat, received an advanced degree. She cials at Mason sale!. Wyeth chil· John Affeldt, Donna Hinman, also studied at the University of dren will be furnished vaccine Elsie Washburn, Walter Berg, Michigan. She taught school In free Jjut they won't gel it until Carolyn Horiazny, David Lorrl, Chicago; In Canada and In Mason: all National Foundation ~ommlt· Thea A. Pulver, Ardath Abbey, She came to Mason In 1922 as a ments have been filled and· the Roman Rndemalwr, Margaret bride of Richard L. Cavender. He vaccine becomes avallable on Terwilliger, Myrtle Page, Bessie died of a heart attaclt in New doctors' prescriptions. Pregnant Crego, Mary A. Balasses, William York City in 191<1 while with the women and young children now D. Miller, Marie E. Hnwlts. Geri·· U. s. merchant marine on war given priority on vaccine will not rude Tuttle, JohnS. Siwel>, Amos service. have their priorities disturbed. Keeney, Ethel Prudden, Vcrletta She was a member of Mason The only advantage offered to Anderson, Marguerite B. Merrill, chapter, Order of the Eastern employees by Wyeth is that Lansing. Star. they'll get the vaccine free when

, ,1 , pltal Thursday nwrnll!il', .April .,.. 22. But. tlw lot of Loll d1rhlren

ure not loo many. Every one or them have hccn wclr:omt! and the welcome mat will not he talten in with the arrival nf Kathleen Therese Thursrlny.

The cakewalk is one of several events planned for the PTA bazaar at the· Mason school. Main attmction is the secret talent

Ft·ank Guerriero is master of. cez;emciii'rt.> · for the stage show. Other talent is stilt !!­

secret. (Ingham County News photo). Council Renews 3 Beer Licenses

l(athlccn's nrrival may Pvl'n start a new trr!ncl. The Lotts harl 4 daughters anrJ then tJ sons. Kathleen's brothers nml sisters are Mary .To, 11, .Jane f~llcn, !l, Nora Ann, s, Susan Clait·e, fi, Charles Harvey, 5, Mielwel Owen, 4, .James Clll'istnpher, 2, and John Palrieic, l.

Mr·. and Mrs. Loll 1111rl lots 1>F children live on a farm at 2fifl West Holt ronrl.

His Two Cents Wort-•<

• Monte Crowell of Mason l<now1;

Colleges Send Representatives To Tell Seniors of Advantages

Eighteen universities, colleges Jgan college, Michigan State Nor· and husincss anrl nursing schools I mal, Wayne university, Unlvcr· sent represent a! ives to Mason slty of Michigan and Michigan Mnnrlny to eonf~r with 165 sen· State college.

iors. All Michigan schools in which Seniors mme to Mason to Ill· any of the 165 scnior·s signified

lenrl the c•nunty's second annual an interest sent faculty represen· enlfege clay. The first WliS at lativcM, said Prin!cipal Richard Olwmns a year ago. Lansing, Easl Dcmlow of lhc Mason school. Lansing and Willimnston seniors He presided at the opening ses· dirl not participate. The 165 sen· sinn and also at the evaluation inrs were fmm Mason, Leslie, conference following the coun· f·Jnll, Stoclcbridge, Dansville!, Has. seling sessions with seniors, lett, Okemos and Wcbhcrville. Seniors asked about tutition,

Institutions which had faculty fees, housing, courses and oppor· repr·cscntativcs at Mason were tunitics offered by the colleges. Alhinn r·ollcge, Alma college, Ccn·

Allocation Board

$1 Hole Becomes $951 Investment

What the Ferris Co. bought for a $1 hole is now a $951 ill· vestment, on the level, or it will be level with n few more loads of fill dirt.

Last fall when the city coun· ell sold the former Eden road dump to the Ferris Co. at $1 some foll(s said It was too much of a bargain. Some hint· ed that a deep freeze or a min]( coat might be Involved. So Ed Ferris kept track. Not coun tlng the cost of fill dirt, It cost the Ferris company $950 to fill the hole. · ' ·

"The city got the bargain, not me," said Ed. "I paid all the hole was worth."

The Ferris Co. plans to use the old dump site for a parlt· ing area for road machinery.

what it mc11ns wlwn people say they want In gC'I their "two cenls worth." He found 1111 1Rfi4 two· cent piece in the yard in fr·onl nr the barn last r~rldll v. It harl lain there many ,\'ears', hut when cleaned up It shnnP. On nne side Is a ~<hicld with sll'ipcs across and "E Plurlbtrs Unum," and the other sets forth 111111 the coin is wor·th 2c and was minted ln 1864.

Ira! Michigan, l~crriH Institute, General Motors Tech, W. A. F'oote sl'!wol of nursing, .Tacl<son, Mercy sclwol of nursing of St. Lawrence hospita I, Lansing, Edward W. Sparmw school of nursing, Lan­sing, Lansing business univcr·slty, Jackson business university, Kal· amazon college, Wcstcm Mich·

Chooses Chairman Music Students WuiiJ•HJlt•t·. New ~ICH'k-:llir•

rnl!. Zlrnmca·nwn'H, tcinl{lt• lliwl

· .• Hare and Hilliard Trade Letters . Over. Vote Tally ·

' Secretary of State ,James M. lett. The newspaper majority lor

Hart (D) and Ingham County D1·. Taylor was 6,595. '!'he offi· Clerlt C. Ross Hilliard !Ill ex- clal majority as shown in the changed letters this week about canvnss was 6,607. That's a clif· election returns. fcrcncc of 102 votes between un·

Secretary Hare asl<cd Hilliat··i offlr:inl and official counts, not to explain why figures on the of· 477 ns claimed by Hare. llcinl Ingham canvass were at Uare rlid not mention ihe fact variance with those ln the Asso· llml another· Repuhllcnn candi· elated Pre~s poll the day follow· elate, Stephen ,J. Ncshil, lost part lng the April 4 clcetlon. of his unnfflcial count In the of.

1 , Hllllnrd aslwd Har·c to provide flclnl Ingham cnnvass. His mn· 'him with a breal<down of AP ,lorit,v was reduced hy 47, n fact figures and to tell him how AP Which appar·ently did' not disturb got its tally. Hare.

Hare said Dr. Clair Taylot• CR) With nil except 2 of Michigan's plclted up 477 votes more on the 83 county canvassers complete canvass than on the AP tnliy. and unofficial returns from the Hilliard pointed out that the only uncanvassed 2 completed, Dr. set of figures with nny authcn· Taylor was re-elected superlnten· tlclty are those on the canvass dent of public instruction and and he has no knowledge how Nesbit was re·elected to the state the AP arrived at any other board of education. Dr. Taylor figure. has a margin of 3,104, Nesbit one

Actually, Hllllard said, the of 1,677, about a thh·d of a vote canvass did not vary . 477 from per precinct. totuls which were published the Democrats took all other part!· day after election. The news· san offices In the Aprll 4 elec· paper tally ln Ingham credited tlon. Non-partisan honors were Dr. Taylor with 17,371 votes and spilt. Justice Leland W. Curr of hls opponent, Dr. Lynn M. Bar~· Ingham, Republican,: was re' lett, wl~h 10,776. The official can· elected to the supreme court and vass showed 17,458 votes for Dr. Judge Eugene F. Black, a Demo· Taylor nnrl' 10,761 for Dt•. BArt, ~rat, wn.q ~]P.ct~d.

At its meeting In Mason Mon· day the county tax allocation board again elected Supervisor Hubert R. Bullen of Aurelius as chairman.

The board allocates tax~rnlr.s u ndct• I he 1:5-mlll consti t·utlonal provision. Bullen is· a member of the board by virtue of his chair· manship of the ways and means committee of the board of super· visors, Alton J. Stroud, county school supcrlntenrlent, ancl Lau· renee Parlter, county treasurer, ulso are on the board b)' virtue of. their county offices. Three ol her members ure chosen on dlf· ferent bases, J. B. Dean of Ma· son, by appointment of Judge John McClellan to represent the county at large, Harold Andrews· of the Lansing board of crlucn· lion, representing the county's most populous school ·district, a_nd Bruce I(elley of Lansing, rep· resenting the county's biggest city.

The tax board studied Delhi and Meridian township budgets Monday and then adjourned· until May 16 when county and school district budgets and other town· ship budgets are due ..

Henson Returns from Clinic R. G. Henson was a patient at

the Mayo Brothers clinic; Roches· ter, .Minn., last week and the fore· part of thlli. Harley Van Slcl~le piloted Mr. and Mrs. Henson there last . Thursday. The Hen· sons returned by commercial plane Tuesday. H\s condition Is reported as improved and he ex· pects to get outside within a few rl!lys. ·

Get Scholarships Four Mason music students

have been awarded scholarships for summer study.

Mary l•'tedler and Virginia Tay· lor wlll study instrumental music, and vocal scholarships were awarded to ~.:an Ann McBride and Kay Powers. Two ·af the scholarships are being paid for by the Mason PTA. One ls being donated by the Mason Lions club and the other will be paid by u Mason Individual. ·

The Mason I<lwanls club will ulso award music scholarships for summer work. Kiwanis selections have not yet been announced.

Judging for the scholarships was based on ability and talent, cltlzenshlp In music, and pluns for a future In the music field, said. Mrs. John Hasslnen, PTA president. · Recipients of the scholarships

have a choice of going to the national music cump at Inter· lochen or attending summer ses· slons at Michigan State.

Newslnde$ Want ·ads, Pages 6, 7 and 8,

Part 1. · Social news, Page 4, Part 1;

Puge 4, Part 2. Churcl\ news, Page 1, Part

4. Farm news, Pages 2, 3 and

4, Part 4. · ·Supervisors· pro c'e e. dings,

Puges 5 and, 6, Part 4. : Legal news, Page 8; Part 1; Page 8, Part 2; Page 6, Part 3; Pages 7 and 8, Part 4.

Wind-Blown Tree Strikes Foreman· On Highway Job

Toppled by a high wind, a dug· out. tree pinned Henry Eggers, 47, to the ground Monday after· noon. At first fellow worl>ers and doctors feared that Eggers might have a brolten neck ot• baclt. But he quicltly regained consciousness and full use of his legs and arms. He is now ln Mason General hos· pita! In traction to force veqc· brae into place.

The accident happened on Stocl•brldge road near Howell road intersection. Eggers' crew was removing trees from a ditch line. One wnlnu t had been dug out and bulldozed over and was being had>ed up. Another· 12· Inch walnut tree had been dug out and its roots severed, ready for the bulldozer. A gust of wind toppled the . tree on to Eggers, who was using an ax on the felled tree.

Orlando Bugbee was working near Eggers. Bugbee leaped and was only whipped by the end of the branches when the tree fe 11. Reno Mitchell had just driven up and was about to help Eggers. He was not hit. Gene Rlbby was us· lng an axe on the felled tree but was not hit. Leo Abbott, worldng with the crew, was on a grader a few rods away.

Foremen l>eep ln radio com· munlcatlon with headq unrters at Mason. A message for• aid was dispatched and then all 4 men slashed a path through limbs to reach Eggers. He was freed quickly. Knowing the' danger ln being moved with a back injury, Eggers refused ·to be lifted until a doctor arrived. · He was then placed In an ambulance and Iuken to the . Mason hospital.

Mrs. Cavender shared her home with Miss Majel Cavender. Surviving are 2 sisters and 2 brothers. The sisters are Mrs. Ella S. Pccltham of Omaha, Nebraslm, and Mrs. Vera East· man of Platte. The brothers are H. W. Fredine of Mitchell, S. D., and David E. Fredine, Wolf Point, Montana.

it becomes available aflet· priori· ties are filled. And by that time all children In Michigan may have free vaccine made available

Mason councflmen approved the renewal of .3 beer and wine licenses Monday night. License renewals went to Stephen F. Jarecki, opemlot· of Court Cafe 6n Maple slreel; Victor Borcjltl\ and Julius Strol<o, operators ol Speedway lavcm on Cedar, and Lisle Morse, who operates the Morse restaurant on Maple. An 3 licenses permit beer and wine r:onsumpl ion in the establish· ments.

Services Ior Mrs. Cavender will be at Baii·Dunn funeral home at one o'clock Saturday afternoon. with burial In Maple Gmve. Rev. Paul L. Arnold of Mason Pres­byterian church will offlcin te. J. B. Dean, Wllllam A. Bergin, Earl Salisbury, Lyle Howlett, Dick Grelton and Glen Jacobs will be pallbearers.

for them.

4-H Talent Show Offered Saturday

From all sections of the county talent is coming to Mason Satur­day night for the annua.J 4-H show.

The acts being offered are those wl1ich survived preliminary auditions. Included are song and dance acts, acrobatic dancing, in· strumcntul solos, duets and en·

I.ny it. youl'l4elf. Vinyl tilt~ o1· inluitl sembles, square dancing, mono· linnlcum. Zimmurm~ l6wl Jogues nne! specialities of all sorts.

WAI'I'RESS-Finc nJ>[HII'lllnlty [01' '""' Two top acts from the Ingham 11 lhpcrlcnccol o1· nul. Cull In I show will be entered In the state """"'"I 'l'hur<dny, l'rhluy ol' Sllturrluy nt 4-H talent show next August. ·I :no, ~nrHe Re~ttuur·nnt, MntJon. \6wt •

Motion In renew the licenses was milclc hy Cnuneilman L .. A. Wileden and supported by Coun· cilm<l!l Rieharrl Morris.

Highway. Maps Are Available A limited supply o[ official

slate highway maps l1nve been received hy tlw Ingham County News for distribution. They are free for 1 he asking.

Band Goes to Festival Mnson's school band partici·

paled in the annual band and orr:ilcst1·a festival at University of Michigan Saturday. Judges rated tl1e Mason band ln the second division.

Gerald A. Parsons Fails to Recover Before dawn Wednesday morn·

ing Gerald A. Parsons, 53, died In St. Lawrence hospital. He had been In the hospital a littl~ over 5 weelts with a heart aliment. Most of that time he was under an oxygen tent and was fed Intra· venously. His once robust body was wasted away.

Mr. Parsons' uonditlon became alarming last summer. He had been In Lansing and Mason hos· pltals twice for treatment before entering St. Lawrence 5 weelts ago. ,

No man In Mason had a wider acquaintance m· had more friends than Mr. Parsons. He grew up In the automobile business, devoting 32 years to it. For a year after that he was employed by A. A. Howlett & Co., In the farm imple· ment business; and then he and his son William formed a CO· partnership In PaJ;"S~ns' Service, a gasollne station and garage at the corner of Park and Maple.

the time of his death was on the zoning appeal board. He was· a. member of the Mason Methodist church, a charter· member of Ma· son Lions club and a member of Mason lodge No, 70, F. & A. M.

On Mar·ch 11, 1926, at Mason Mr. Parsons and Miss Agnes Balley were married. There are 4 children, Mrs. Patricia Swanson; Lar)sing, Mrs. Donald Carey, Charlevoix, and Wllliam and Jerald Bruce Parsons at home, and 6 grandchlldt·en. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Parsons of Burlington, Ontario, also survhre, There is a brother, Fred of Mt, Clemens, and 3 sisters, Mrs. Ed· gar Daft, Port Huron, Mrs. Ma· thllda Maybee, West Pulm Beach, Florida, and Mrs. Kenneth Hill, New Baltimore.

Services wlll be Saturday alter.: -noon at 3:30 at Ball·DUM fU• rieral home with burial In Maple . Grove. Rev. Raymond L. Norton of Mason Methodist churcb wlU olllclate.

Within a minute after receipt of the radio message at Mason calls went out !or a doctor and an ambulance. The ambulance and a doctor were at the accident scene within 20 minutes. It was a run of' 15 miles.

Do it yolH'uolr. lmpel·lnl ine•tJUHtcd tmrmr. JuHt. wnt u.nd h1~ng. Zlmmoa•mun•~.

' lUwl

'watoheo-lU% to 20% oil on watchoo until July I. lluy now, J•ay. h•ter. Wlnt c_arr, ,Jeweler, MIUIOIIo 16~1

Mr. Parsons was the son of G. B. and Julia Parsons. He was born May 17, 1901, ln Godrlch, Ontario. He came to Michigan with his parents ~bout ·1912,· und attended school In Battle Creek. In 1918 the father came to Mason to join with ·J. ·~. Dean ln·pUr· chasing the 'Ford· agency. 'The business was 'operated as Pan~ons

- ' . ' •,

Dean. He was. parts manager for · Mason· lodge No. 70, F. · & . A:' most of those years. He M., will conduct committal serv·. for a while with Roy Christensen Ices. Clarence Adlof, J. B. Dean;. be.fore joining the H9wlett Lyle'· . SUsby, . and later entering, business with ~ffierle ' Barr his son.

Mr. Parsons

I ' '

Girl leads Stockbridge Graduates SorvlrAlS A I'll Concluo(ed Sorvtoe~ fm• Wllll!tJn Cosgl'ny,

7'1, wor~ nt MlhwJ• fu· nornl homo .1\prllll, Rev, Gorclon Al'nold nnrl RJ'lv, Frunk Cowlel' off!Pinllng, Bm·lul wus In Slm•J,. IJI'Iclge remr.(UI'Y, M1·, Cosgruy JH HLII'Viverl by 'i C!hlldren, Orvlllr Cosgl'lly, Slrwkbrlclge, MI'A, Nrl· llo Uonflold, Norlh Hlclgc, Culi­fornlu, MI'H', Bessie Heynolcls, Sln,('lchrldge, qml Mrs, Ilene Myl~l' nf GJ'egory; 4 slepehllrh·ell, Gill'· son Lollm£!1', MaRon, Melvin Lnll· mr.r, Plnlnlleld, Mrs,' Olive Ml'· Guulr.y, Siu!!lthrldge, anrl MI'H. GeoJ'gln ITnwe, Clw!Rea, Thrrr. nrr. nlsn 26 gr·qwlehllrlt•r.n, '2fl grrnl·grnndchllrii•Pn, nnrl n ln·nlh· er·, Beniumln Cosgrny oF C'omp· ion, California.

I Aurr.lhw Com!l1unlty rhumh, In I ho f!hsrnwo of lim l'lllll'l'h pnslnr, Rov, ,Tnllfl ro:. Prurlr.n, On Werlnn:;· rlny rvenhliJ I hn Huv. Chnrh~s ill'flnlts nf I hP fltJI'Ili nih In Mission \VIIS lhn ~!llf'HI Hjii'IIIWI' Ill 1111!


Farm Group Sees Poultry Plant 'l'o Mrll'llYn 1\lsllm•, rlnughtm•

nJ' Mr, IIIHI Ml'li. T~!'l'OII Kistler of 8Joc!lchr·ldt::e, wunl. lhc lop honors ln lire ·1n:1n i.P'lllltlnllng c·ll.\t;ll nl Sl odclwlclgr~. Slw wns drosl!n vnlc•· rlh!lnrlun. During ill!!' high Hd}(Jo] l'lll'r~l!r llilr! hns mulnlulncrl a :who]uslic· nvel'llgo 'or :!.l:ln nut (If II pnHHIIliC :1.0.

:::llw hnH hcen 11 mr.mher of 1 he gh•IH gler. r·luiJ fnl' •1 ycam and wrLq Jnnlnr elnlls II'C'nHllrc~r·. Shr. Is u. nwmhr.r nf lh!! Mclhorllst d111reh and l1as lwnn H lrndel' In yntlng- peoples work,

Afler· het• grurluallnn fmm high ~l'ilnol the f{l:;ller ~-rh·l plqns In atlmlrl DnVI!IIpcwl lnstllulr! In Grund Jl:rplrls f'OI' strmngmphle ll'nlnlng. ·

.111mes Howl11nrl, son of Mr•, nnrl Mrs . .TIIITII!H Howluncl llf Sloek· lll'irlgc, Is Jhe sultllrtlnl·ian. lie has a :!.76 fll'l~rrtgl' nul of 11 pns:.;lhle :!.0. Jn uddlllon lo H<'holalillc 11r:hll'vomen1 Jw l111s won letters In foollwll, lmslwlhull and hn~e· ball. Hr. lws llcen u member of tlw boys dJOI'IJs and llw h·and, has se1·veri us class ol'fkm· uml Is on llw yearllouk sluff. He I~ q il'ader in lhe PresiJylerlan rhureh amlu

JHurllyn Ttlslli'J'

Star Srout. Next fall he Intends to Pnroll In Almu mllege In mu· ,lor In sdencf!,

Nexl I 0 In orrlel' of sciJolnsllc nchk•vcmc!lll at Sloel\lwlclge, us llslerl by Pl'lnelpal l~kharrl How· Jell, ure Murtha lfnwuril, 2.7:i;

Mrs, Mnrgnml Nlr•hnls SJll'lll Sunday will! lwr· r•hlldl'rn ami family, ihe IInwnl'll Mr•nrls in

, . Gl'nnd Hnplrls. f fUr·hal'll Rlnnflnlrl nnrl .lnd' Ji'a·

• 1:: lJC'I'. wenl on lin eXCUI'.~Ion !'I

Nll\glll'!l fnlls ovr.l' Sttntli!Y· ,Junws Jtuwluncl

GriH'e Railey, 2.7'1; Dennis Col· lleJ· anrl L1111la Lanlls, 2.1i3; Roil· ert Rlcl!nrclsnn, 2.<13; Diann Hur· rlelllrlnl1, 2.41; Pal l~llnskl, 2.39; Hoberl Esc•h, 2.:17; BeVPrly Sinn· lll!ld, 2.2G; and Barharu Snow, 2.21.

Mr·. unrl Mrs. Lu Hocpclw nnd Mury Lu Sunday wllh Ml', ami Mr~. jlohm'l Brursllr nen1• Munchest~1·.

M1·. unci Mrs. IIarlry Mlllrl' of Ponlllic vlslled lhr LOI'C'Il Collins family Sunclqy.

' KISS OF VICTORY-Mayor-elect Roe Bartle qt Knnsns. City, Mo., dicln'l ldss uny voles good-by~ In campnil!nlng to1• olflcl), Prize-winning smooch, <Jilovc wus dQliV\ll'ed to ~-monlh~,o14 ~uo

Ann Fulconc on clccUon Qny lts~IC,

~-----~-----·---- ----------·-· ..

mlci·WPI'it Jll'il~'<'l' snrvkr• nl I hr• Nnrll1 AIIJ'I'IIliS dlllrr·h.

11PV, 111111 ~II'H .• liillli'H c. Llllll· 111'1'1 oJ' Lill!Hing flilll ~II·. 11111! Mrs. Wllllum 'l'iiylor of Ul'oveniHJI'g C'iillncl Mnrlllll.Y <'Wnlng Oil M1·. Jlllli l'vi!'H. CPill'gr! 13tillen,

Hr•v, anrl Mrs .• Tohn 1•:. Pi'llllen anrl fr11nlly lel't l•'rlrluy In HJH'!Jrl n W<'c!lc's v•wallnn with lwr pur· P.lliH in Alllhlllllll.

Mr. 1111d Mrs. I [o\VIll'll I ll'illlllr•l' nnrl M r:;. l~sl hPJ' r lnlnws HJIC!Jll lhP wc•Pit r•ncl wltlr rehrliVf'S 111 l"nrt Wayn.,, lncll<lllll. 'l'lu•.v lll'i)ll'd Mrs. Clam 1\{•nnorly and Mls:-; Mary 1\l'IJIIPd,v to r·Pil•lwnlt• I IJC!II' hii'IIHIII y ·annh'l'l'~>llrii'H Still· duy. '

WPrlm•sduy f'VI'Illng Mr. <mel Mn;, II. II. Hartl1: anrl rnmlly vlsill'rl ill llu• lilllllt' of l'vli'. anrl Mr.~. \VIIIi:nn I·'J·nnlo; :II Chu1·· loll e.

Mr. nnrl J\!r:-; .. lullnn Lyon, ,]J·., nnrl son r·:dll'dlll th1• I111111P of Ml'. anrl Mrs. Hnn llll'o at Aurelius cJJI :-iuncl11y 11 rtr•nJru,n.

Ingham r•rJtJiliY Jloullry l'lliRr>rll liii\V llw J·fpmJodc CnopPI'Illll(f• IHillllr,V plunl In lll'ilon Wrclnrs· rlny, lip I'll J :1. 'l'hr! mrmllrr'H of I he• Cr.nlrul Mll'hlgnn roopl!l'llllvn ~pr•nl lin• day In :-il, Louis vlow· Ing t lw mnss Jll'oi'P~slng of l'hlnll· l'ns 1111d lurlwys nl lhe TTPmlndt pl11n1 unrl Pilling <llnnr.J· nl lhB r IPSS hnlr•l In St. Louis, The~ plunl hilS <·npal'ily frll' lH,OOO hlrcls.

'l'l111se wllo marl<! lhP. ll'ip wrre Mr·: :rnd MI'H, Wn.I'I'Pil MIIPIIP.I•, ,John C:hllson, M1·. 111111 M1·s. Gt'lll'i(l' Vogl, .II'., Ml's, Augusl Bnl~l'l' anrl sons GPm'ge all[) D:rvirl, Al'lhlll' Dr~yo, 1\!i'S, W. D. Orr, Mrs. Vlvluu Mnl't'ison, Mr·s. Mill'illll Wesson unci M1·. nnrl M1·s. Dnnalrl F'osler·.

'I'IH• Tnghnm group suw (lie ''"ll1fllr!lr! opPJ'nllnn lndudlng u nrw frrr•zrn· lVII h 11 <'ll)llleil y of 11111,000 Ill of meal whlnh can ht• ~lon•rl al :m degrees helnw zero.

·---------------- --------- ·--~ ------ ___________ ,. _________ -·· North Aurelius Gtll':>ts 'I'IIIII'Sclay c;vr•nlng al 1111' IJonw of MJ'. iiiHI Mrs. l!alpiJ l~urlnPy, ~!'., IVt!l'(' Mr. <IIlii Mr~.

yc•nr. While lill'll' par<ml.~ were• gorw IJPlorP~ aJJd Faywlle Hlr•h SIIIYI'il \VIlli llil'iJ' f,(I'Hilrlpal'f'IIIH, Mr. illid Mr•s, David llc'IIIWII ut

Stockbridge News· Mrs. Helen Beem~n

Bids Are Opened At Board Meeting

AI u speclul meellng of the Slnel<brldge Cnmmunlly Ag1·lcul· tuml schools hoard of erltJr:atlon 'l'uesdny u ft el'lloon, April 1 !J, bids WPrP. OjJI'Ill'ri 1111 lllf' lli'W huJJdlng J!l'o.1ecls,

Wull:u'l' N. B,lol'kluncl of Doug· lass, was low gr•neml c•cmstr·ue· tlon lllcldC'J', His bid ror all •I pm,leets eunw lo $:i2·1,82~ .. Pmn.l< W. Ca:;sPiman, lrw., of :-iltll'gJs was low IJidder 1111 meellanical WOl'k for ull 'I projr.els with a hill of $1:Jfl,ROO. The! Chapel Elec· tric Co, of ,Jad<snn enlel'Pd I he lowest hlcl of $~!l.9R7 foJ' all rler· trieal wnrl\.

Tlw IHwrd'' aclion was lo in· Hll'll<'l II!C m·chill't'IS to l'CViPW all l1ids and lo submil n'c'ommenrla· lionR In lhe boarcl al a :i)lP.I'ial mel'ling 'l'ursdny, Ap1·il 2G, at 7 ::!0 ]l. Ill.

Five from Area Attend Regional Conferen(e

AllliUIII l~lceUon Sclwdull'd 'rhe annual election of school

ofJ'icers In the Slockbridge Com· munity Agricullural S('hools will he Monday, .Tune 13. The terms uf Dr, A . .T. Spencer and .Tune Taylor expire ,July 1. Slocl<hl'ldge is a registralion dish·icl and names will be placed on lhe ba:t· lot by pelilion only, The Jaw states lhat petitions signed by al least 50, and not more than 75, qualified electors must be in the hands of the secretary 30 days preceding 1 he eleetion. This means that all petitions must be tumed In In R. E. Lane, secre· tary, by May H at 4 p. m. Fell·

· t.Jons are now being circulated for Dr. Spencer and Mr. Taylor. Petitions may be secured In the office of Superlnlemlenl. ,Jesse Entchelol'.

The Baplisl Youlh Fellowship enlertnlnecl the ·Methodist Youth Fellowship last Sunday evel)lng. A slngspimtlon and film were enjoyed followed by refresh· ments.

Mr. and Mrs. Robe1't Harland of Jacl<son visited the Jaclc Har· lands Sunday.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom ·Howard Sunday were Mrs.

. • Emma Bentley arid F1'ed Suppus · of Pontiac.

Mr: and Mrs. ·Gh:mn Runciman haveannoun~d the engagement

, their dl}ughtel', Della, to Pvt. . Gary, .Kellogg of Ft. Leonard

Woop, Missouri. No date. has set f01~ the, wedding.

·Mr. ·and.Mrs. Jolm Wallen have· •· purchased .the restllurant:'former· · ly owne(\ by Mf. and Mrs. R. Snyder.

Girls Glee Club . To Give Concert

Sunday night In lhe Slod<· bridge school gymnasium tllf' girls glrP eluh will pre~enl 11

~;uercd ('OIH'£'1'1. The present choJ'Us will lw augrnPnlcd hy for· mf'J' memlwrs who IH1ve sung slnc:l' HHfl.

Polio Vaccination To Start April 29

Justice: Court

Herric~ 1\f rR. I~e r. erharclst.eln

Mr. and Mrs. Unnard Gerilard· stein and Camlyll, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben llohde and Knlhy spenl Sunday at Lh<! Lee. Gerlw1·d· stein home.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard King . and children. called al 11he Mike

King home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Uo Chick, Mr•.

and Mrs. Russel Strobel, Mr. and Mrs. Martln Strobel nnd Bobble, M1•. and Mrs. Bird Munger· and Lavern and. Al·thtn• .Johnson were visitors al the Grace Strobel and VIctor Cheney home Sunday.

M1·s. Laura J(Jng Is visll ing at the Archie House home this week.·

Mrs, Eldred House was called to Lansing Wednesday morning by the slelmess of her mol her•, Mrs. Loyal Shepler;,

Mr. and Mrs. Bobhie I<lng called on Mr. and Mrs. Eldred House Simday.

Mt·. and Mrs. Nell West were Sunday dinner guests at lhe George Glover home, Mr. and M1·s: Ralph Bi!Cl1er called in lhe evening. · ·

Mrs. Elmer Hamlin entertained at a btrthday dinner Sunday, hon­oring her. mother, Mrs. Louis Sommer •

¥rs. Eugene West, mother of Glen West, was burled Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Elton West of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. George Glover and Mr. and Mrs . Gh!n West attended funeral se1·v· Ices.

Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Strobel f\11~ c;hlldren an.<! Ml,'. ~l)d Mrs. Edward Strob!!l and children vis· lte~ i-elatlves In Detroit. sunday.

Raymond E. Holmes Mr. ancl Mr·s. r lcl'hert Hnl'llg

an!l girl~ a llenclr.rl a lllrl hday plti'IY 'l'ucsd11y C!Vening 111 lhe home nf M1·. 111111 Mrs .. Jol111 Har· tlg nnrl family of llolt. The parly wns in honor of Mrs. John !-lar· Jig's hh'lhrlay <lllllii'Prsar,l'.

Collins Htlnllnglon anrl Mr. nne! M1·s. DPlos 1-TanJlllh of Mid· dlclon visiiC'cl rPiatives In Ypsl· lanll Sundny.

Mr. nnd Ml's .. lulitJIJ Lynn, .fl'., UIJ[J Dennis IVPrc• dinne1· gue~ls Sli!HIIIY iii the IJtJ!lle 111' 111'1' )lUI'· rnls, JVIr. und ~lrs. Waltr·1· Cunu­Wily.

BoJJnit• f{rtg-<'I'S 111' Mason spc•nt Tuesday anti \VI'tlttc•,.;day with hr.r gl'tlndparc>nls, M1·. iiJHI Ml'H. Ralph l•'urlnt•y, Sr.

Miss VPva Bullen <lltcnrlerl a tcw 'l'ue:;day ufll'rnonn fm· the Ingham Counly Fnl'ln Buretm Women, lll'lcl 111 lhc ~Tc•vny lown hall.

Mrs . . Joe Bullen was lwsless TLwsday <•vening lo tlw Parenl· Teal'lwrs As,.;rll'liition of lhe Nicll· ols school, <rl IJPr hnmP at 2889 Tom I insnn 1·nnd.

M1·. ~1111 Ml'ij, Rny 1\llp.~lrlcl< !lf Muson ra.llcrl Sunday nflr.rnoon on Mrs. Mul'lt Kllp<)lriel> nncl family.

DlnncJ' guests Sunday nl lhe home of Mr. unci Mrs. Allen Rid· clld> of Gmvcnhurg were Mr. und Mrs. D. D. Dnvld, Wilbur Cronll· righl, S1·., M1·. and Mrs. R. L, Hughes and fnmlly of Elsie, and Mr: nnd M1·s. R. D. Bailey nncl family of Lansing.

Sunday aflernoon Mr. anrl M1•s; Rolwrl Lee and family al lhe home nf her parents, M1·. and Mrs. Earl Carmoney of Clwr·· Iuiie, and also railed 011 Mr. clllrl Mrs. Elmer Rau.sdwnheJ·g :111cl .follll Lee in Lansing.

Harold Meyers and .Joseph and Eclwat·ri Pmvosl spent Saturday evening smell fishing at Ensl Tawas. 'l'hc men · rolurnerl home with theit: 11mell. !:;qnciay; ·

Hev. Robert r l3Ph) .. Bowden, gi'Ur!unte of the Moorly Bible In· slllute In Chicago,· a·nd pi·esenlly an associate pnslo1· of the Calvary Baplisl cilul'ch In Lansing, fillecl the pulpll Sunclay al lhc North

J•:Jnw!' 1\t•mpf of Lansing. Ma~>on. M1·. and M1·s. llrJ'ilPI'I Hal'llg '1'111' mnnlhly Jlnrly of IIH•

ur)ri family wcm! dinner guc~sts North t\lli'PIILJS young JlPIIJlll' will f:ialurrluy at lite homr of Mr. ancl lit• l•'l'ld:1y I'VPnlng, April 22, ul Mrs. Dwight D11wson In Lan.~lng. 7::\0 p, Ill, al 1111' Nurlh Anrrllns

1\11', and Mrs, IUdwnl J<'c>JTI.-; l'illll'r•h, and f<unlly of Mason and Mr~. Charl<•s r,;rrerl :ulll f:unlly or I loll Nm•l.h Alll·r%1" Community, railed l~rlday r!V<'ning on Ml'. and 11Pv .. Jnhn E. PnuJPn, • PuslnJ'. M1·s. Lei' Wc!hb anrl family. Sunday :;l'hooJ 10: l:'i a. rn. P.lorn-

Mr. and Mrs. Ch:tl·ies Rieh, Mr. ir.; WoJ'Sillp 11: H> a. m. Young and Mrs. Don 11idJ anrl Mr. and Peoples ~ervir·e 7:00 p. 111.· MI'S .. Tamrs C'ox fi(lPnl r~rlday eVI'· ning SP!'Vir·r. H:OO p. Ill. \VI'rlnrs. nlng IIIHI Satul'rlay smrll fishing j day Pl'<'lling, C:l1olr P!'al'llt·f' 7:00 al Omcr. 'l'lw gJ·oup J'Piurnrrll p. rn. Mlrl·w••c•l' fll'IIJ'I'I' mPrllng Willi .~mr•ll Ill lii~l llu•m unlli IH'.XI ~:Ill) p. Ill.

---------- ----·--

Ingham County News Volume 96, No. 16 -~~


J•:fllt•I'Ptl tiN ht't'lllul l'lltN/i fnhllt•r ut JltiHinlrlt•to, Mtumn, Mftohl~au, Ullth·r· 1\,..1

IJI' M:tH•h :t. 1~7~

SUBSCHII"fiON !CATES 01w yt'll/' iu [11gh11nt und

t•djuiflill•~ t•nuuli••M """"""""$~.ri1J ( l'uyuhll' in Advmu:e)

011t• Yl'lll' •• ur litlt• lnJ.-:"hnm ntH) 11djrdning C!llllrllf.,H ................ :1,1111

Sh rnuulhr> in l111dtum anti adjoi11i11~~ C'fllllllit•."! ................ JJ,t)

Fuu1· mnnl h:-: .... .. ............ ~ 1.110 !')iUJ-dt•H I'IIJiil'~ """"" "'" ""'"'"' .U,i

/litip)r~y nllvPrl!l'lln•~ r:llrK on np· l•lil·ul ion, Bu~irw~li lumll,'\ UIHI l't•ntl• ilt~-r uullt•••K nn llrHt lint! !IH'nl J•III{P.I1,

:.!!"w 11 lint·, Nn n•uding or• buRin••nK 1111\lt•t'thdlll{ "'~K limn r,u, .• AlliiUIIIII'fl• llttolll~> ,,r t•lllf'l'tnltrmt·nlt~ wlwr··· ud­miHflinn ix t·hur~l•d or· of lilly Jlllln tn r·uiHI' fund~ JUIIKI Ill' paid ut !"t'l/11· lur• rul .. l'l,

... The best deals are those that benefit both parties! Whether your

a1m is buying or selling, the advertising columns of this paper offer

you an equally beneficial service. If buying, you can find here a world of

accurate up-to-the-minute information on who'~ got what for

sale and for how much. If selling, your ad here is the quickest, surest way to

:reach 'the most people who are ready to buy. This paper is a tried-and-trusted

'BUYING guide. That's why 'it is s~ch a productive SELLING medium!

.. Phone OR 7-9011 ~ . . .

For Profrlp~ Ad Action


,a I


, ....

• t

legion Building Will Glisten ·in

~~ Blue and Gold

nonrhy comut·o!'la~, Commnn~ol' Sdunlrlt snlrl. Pcr~ons who ltnow of r1nr gr·riVIls not mnrl!cclllhoulcl nnt I fy 1 he post mm_man!ler, he Hn!rl, nt• .rn:; 0. DAVIij, ~r.a·vlrc oll'l·

l•'lagH 111·e plriC!orl In I he mtii'IW.I'R on M!lrnrwlul Du:;,

Sheriff Appeals State Decision· Against Deputy

J,VONR CJITOHRN Ji'OU PANfGJ, llolwrl LyuJ]H, Run n[ Tiumld

LynnA, lA fllllllllH llw B Mldllgan ~ltut" l'llilr•ge sturlmllo tnl<lrlg JIIH'I In 11 dl~r'llsoion PIJIIilt•tl "How WPH\£!t'll f~nnfei'I'IH'fl SuhouiH Cnn JV111al l~t'lt•t·tivdy f;:tltwutn Jhr Sllj~o•rlttl' SlurlrlJII' 111 1\'ISC April :'.H I hi'IJllf(il ;JI), )•!lg!J( HILidt!Jl(E fl'lllll t•rii'IJ of lhH llii!, Ill Hr•hnole' pitts ll11• llnlvt•l'slty of Clilr•Jtgl. will pnrlll'iprrll' on J111• punPI. A portion of !liP rllsr•uH.c;lrJJI will hP IP)I•Vi~a·rl tJVI'I' IVI\AH·'['V,

Kiwanians See Film on Prison

Mnmtmm of Mu~on KlwaniH cluh •ruosrlny night ~nw n fll111 dnplellng lifo IVlihhl lhP. wnll~ nC .JUC{(SOI1 lll'!HOIJ.

Olfldnl f'olors or IIH• AinPI'IC'iill LPg!on Will liP IIHPrj Oil lfll! IJ.X· lr!l'lm· of lhn IH'W LPg!orl hullrllng

111 MIIHfJII. 'l'l1n r•11lon; ill'l' ldr11• IIIHI golrl. Wllil 1/iP gold lhlnnml down to Ivory for tlu• wulls nnrl llhw for tlw trim, lhnl will r·onw r•lm;ro lo the r•olrll' pniiPrll, Siild 1\. A. %1mmnrmnn, r•luill'lll/111 11f till! r!Pr•or·nlillg r•ommllll'r•.

Oti!HidP Jlillntlng will IH•gin

Allan McDonald Gets Defense Job

Allun A. Mnr.Donuld who as siwrl ff lwei Rulph G. Sl!'opc UR (1 riPJHtly Is nnw dnputy c:lvll rlr.­fPnse til n•r·t oa· lllldl'l' Strnpl!.

Hlwrlff Wlllnrd P. ilJJI'lll'!i lwt; {IAIWd fol' 11 lwal'iJJg lrrfnn• Gr.orgr. W. NPwmutJ, l'lilr•l' r11: 11mlnm• of llw drlvr!l' llr•t•lwint~ dl· VIRion nl' !he Hl'r'J'PIJJI'Y of Hllllr•'H offlrl'!, Nr.wnwn l'lliii'Pl!J•d r'PJ'II

RepaEblacan Head Resigns Post

,To~oph Clm!lrl nf Lr.~IIJ;!, n Mil·

ciologlsl nn llu~ prison st\1ff, Hhow·erl the plelurPs 11111! nlsn r ls­l'llssr!rl prison pmblllnls.

this Werle Pllrl, Commn nrlt!l' I•'J'nnlc Sdillllrll srlld. Zilllllli'I'IIHIII sug­gPHii•d I hut I ht• pill Ill hP HJ!I'rl,\'l'ri Iiiii hPI'IIIIHI' !Ill! jHJSI hilS 1norr• Volliiiii!PI' liillCJI' Iilii II l'llllr!S, I hr•

~ " hnrsh nwtllod will pr11hiihi,Y br1 l'nljJiuyPri, I hr• I'DilllllillliJPI' Sllid, lrr! IHstll!d an lnvitrrliiiJJ to rlllwll" Willi[ to paint, l'Pgunlll'SS or Lr!­glon ufi'IJ!allon, to siJn\1' up Sllllll'· day.

i\~. riPJHJiy dlrectol' MncDorwld wlllnl'gnnl:r.l• hlghwpy il'ufflc! r,on­ll'!lls, llllllltill uld lwtwJ•c•n Indus· trial r!l'lllH nnd l'IHlln mnnlJol'hig, Sii'OJII' ~flld.

'l'hP hout·d of HUprrvlsors Hlllirorlzr•il r•mployment of u civil rii'IPIISI! dPjJllly ul lust wrc>lc's nwr•llng, Tlw sulal'Y fot· thr new Joh \VIIS fi.~Prl nl $3,2,10 11 yr•UI',

flc!nllnn of Sgt. Tlnrnlrl L. fln•·11· hill llH II Jlr•f!JIHI' I'XIIII1illl'l' hi•· ClllWl! J.liil'llhfJJ !Htall'tl il Jir'r•JJHf! (IJ

n lwnrlleuppr•rl llrlvPI" without [llllllng a l'iwPI\ marl< inn <11'!'1rilr ·~C]IIIIl'P, I ft>WI!Vt•r·, ill't·orlliug 11 Sherlrf BJJI'Ilt!s, llarnlllll .lid wrltr upon llll' itppllr·nnl's (JPI'Illil thnl IH' hnrJ II )C!j.( IJilllJllliiiPJi. 'I'Ju• 11(1 plh•anl nlso IIBlJIIred l3itl'llilill ilc hurl pmpl'l' r•quipmPIII 1111 hi!; I'll' to 1111'1'1 till' l111ntlir·;qJ, llrll'llhiJI snlll.

Bnl'nhlll l.'i llrJI lhr• rr•gJtlrJI' li· rrnsr• I!XIIIllincr· r11 Mnson. liP is hrad llll'lllwy at tlw jail nntl Will; ~UhHiltullng for l!rJJ'I'Y WillPII, the exnlllitH!t', beC'IIliSI' \Vi!IPII was In n hnHpil nl.

V. A. 'i'J'Iiflll'l, l'ililii'IIHIIl o[ lhr lllgliillll t'tllllli,Y Hr•JH!Iilif'llll r'illll IJJJIIPI', t'l'ilrl II lt!lil'l' of J'I'Sigll/1 lion to !liP I'IIIIIIIY r·onun!IIP!l ir Lansing IVPtiJH'stlay nlgl11. 'l'iJr· J'r•slgtiillillll i.': t•ll'f'r•llvl• _1\lay 1.

In lrJ,c, lt•lil'l' to 1111' r·nnllniller l'riqll<'l .-·11!rl ill' lVIII 11111 havr· llllll' Ill ili!\'lltl' Ill [Prll!ing I hr

:Jounty l'l!llllllillt•t•, While Ill' slated llwl Ills difftli'I'IH.'I'S of opinion 1vlll1 Stall' HPJHIIillr·an C'llllll'lllllll .Jolin F'r.IICPns lwd nothing 111 rio with IJI~ l't•Higna· I inn, 'l'rlqurt fws l'llill'rl for fo'r•ii<I'IJs' I'Psii:llrllion.

AT GROUND ZERO-Hnrc close-up view of wreckage of an atomic test tUWI!r nt the Nevada l'J'fll'intl Grounds i;llows what happens whrm nn atom!(' clevlce Is set otf'ntop one (If ,!,he :ioU-!0~500-foot spirl"rwehs or str•el. CIJcclting dci.Jrlr. for rodtntion is SFC Lep n. Lam:;1of Mandan, N.':D.; mem-

IJcr of nn Army radlologlcnl snfety unit. ·

Gront.l declat'Pd 111111 the prlRol\ populutlun 1!1111 tJa ro11ghly rll­vlrlcrl lnln :J pnrts, men whn shoulrl mwcr he mlensecl, 111<!11 who could snfeiy be t'lllcaHcd within II fPIV cliiY~ of IIWil' lid· mlttanr;l! unci men whn hy PI'OI>l'l' rrltwntlnn nnd hnnclllng 1!1111 he• t'llhnlllill.nted uver a · Pl~l·ind (jf ym1 r~.

Mrs. Marquardt Dies Following Operation

'l'hc! Mnson post will lie IHL~I nl a rlistrlr!t tonvuntlon .Junr! ~li. Elecllnn of rlistrkl ol'f!PI!I'S is sdwrlulerl al IIJal llnw. Nomina· tlnns will IH• nwdc> al il dlstr!l'l lllPPI!ng In Gmnd lllrllll' Stlllllllj'. Clyrle Smil11 of Mason will IH• nomlillllr!rl few Ill'S! vlce-eomnwn­drr. Smith, CommatHiel' St'hmlrll anrl ltil'llilrrl Corliin 111'1' MitStJJI riPIPgules pldwd f111' 1111• (:ranrl Blurll' nwl'llng. Corhln is dislrlel l'llllil'lllnn of .funl111' Lc>).(iotl li:ISI'·

Peters Is Back on Job \Vult Pelers Is hncft at. the old

stand r·ompnumllng pn!~crlp· lions. PPir•I'H is now working 11t 1 Jw drug s I on! he sold 2 years ago. !·[JI t•rplaees H. W. 'BOs!>, who hus lwrn managing ·the · store, Iii'S! fm· Glyn Shimmin who pur­l'lmsPd from·s . ui1rl · for Bnsil Cllesley, \Vlw. hnug!ll oul Shimmin 2 monlhs ago. · ', .

Stropes Take Off 'The Main Drag Dv the Ad Staff

For H-Bomb Test 'Mrs. ]{, A. Zlmmermnn spent.

Mr. nnrl Mr~. Halpil G. Simp;• W<•rlnr!Hday In C:hil'ngn on 11 buy· Jpfl Capilul uiJ'IHJrl in Lrtilsill!~ ing il'ip.

Mrs. Anna M. Mill'qllnl'<ll', 6:3, of LllllslnJ{ rllf'rl Wr•rlnrsdny momlng

Sixth-Graders Hear MusiG In J\kLaughlln hospital, Lnnstng. Mnson sixlh·gt·aders, all 3 sec· She IIPdcrwC>nl an operntlnri :1

lions, went to Lnn~lng Sexton months ngo, lrlgh ~ehoo_l, Munday, afl<!l'noun to Mrs. Mnrqunrclt WM !)o1·n April nttl'nd,a 'concr,rl, or:.the ,Lan~lng 1, ltl82, in La11slng. She was a Sym'pJwny /ut·chfrRtra. The trip ·lllcrnil<!l' of St. Pauls l~vang-ellrl.ul wr'u;'! in 'school btl~tl,s, The •.1 and Hl'fornwrl C'ltUI'ch. slxtl!· fTI'Hde! teachers, Mrs. Rich· ·Surviving are the lll!Hbnnrl, nr<f'• Mills, 'Mrs: Vernon·· iCI!Iott. Emil, a fosteL'·fiClll, l~lgl11 Sr·hlrtr:l\ anti \Mr~: 'Oral 'cor~uri,: ncimm·' of' Owosso; a f.ostcNluughte)',

-. ball. · Boss will f.(n on lhe t:ond for a

r:rn nd Hnplds drug concet•n In 1111' po~·Jtion VIWalcd hy ChPS]Cy, Clwsley ln!PJHis to , rlr.voiP full limo to the' of his Mason slnre.

Nl!lvman rhnrged Bnrnlllll wllli making an lnlf•ntlnnal r.ITCJI' in not restrldlng the lk£'11~1' uf 0!' ville Bat·lon, ~R. Iloll, 1111 Pt'l'DI which may hnve c•ontrihutrd to r• ho.v's dra'111. Bm·lnn is dJ:II-g<'il Wllh hilling Wllllt• Hay .Johll.'illll f'i, son of 1\'ft•. illlll Mrs. 'Levi .Jolm HOII{' Lnnsing, Willi ills l'lli', 'l'ht• hoy' rllecl the l'ollmvlng day. Wr<lnP:i!lny l'rosPr•ul n:· Clml'lr•.-· E. ChnmhC.rialn lssurrl a W<ll'l'alll chm·ginf.( Bnrlon with Jwgllt~t·tll homlf'!rlr. 'l'IJCI wnrralll sets frll'll• lhnl Barton, whn~t· l'ight ]1').( i;­nmpulnlrrl 1rhnw the krwl', did nnl hnvr Jll'IIJlC!I' r•(JIJipnwnl on hi,· 1'111' iiJHI \VIIS IJIHLhiP to Slll(J IJi;­f'lll' in timr '" 11\'llill slrilclng till' hoy, 1311!'1011 is /J(SII ilf'I"I.ISI'ti Ill rii'JVillg Ill /Ill P!\<'I'HSi\'1' ,;pt•t•i( 3f'i mile.~ Jlf'l' ilutll' in 11 J'Psidf'tl IJaJ znnl'.

Triqw•l IH•t·r1nw l'lllllrnwn 11f I)JC' I"OIIIli,V l'llllllllillt'l' foJioll'ill.!; til<.' lfl:i•l Jll'illlill',\' Pil'i'lion. !Te 14 Jll't'sirh•nl nl' 1111' W1•issillgt'l' PapPI' Co. i11 L:t11sing. l.IP 1.4 11

llWnllii'l' of 1111' IHJiJI'Ji of SlljlPI'· vimrs, I'PJll'l'srnting Jo:nsl Lan· sing.

\Vt!rlnPsdav nfiPl'IHHtJI "" IIJP til'sl I Mr. utul M1·s. llc!'llarrl C'ndy Jpg oJ' ill;'il' trip to Lns \'<'J;as, iiiHI fnmlly relui'Jll'ci home Sun· NPvatln. AI C'li!C'ng 11 IIH'Y W£11'<' tiny ul'lr!t" sw•ntllng Ill rtays in sl'ill•tlull'cl to Iaiit' a TW ,\ pin liP. Washingltlll, D. C,

panictl the·r]uplls: ." · · ¥rs. Ivan Lnmlce of Wllllamslon; · \ ____ · _.__ 3 sisters, Mrs. Berlhn Hrctl llf

~ ..

G1•avr• 1\lnrlwJ·s Al'nilnhl•• 'l'hr• LPgion post is t·ontinulng

Its efforts tn mnrlc IIJr• gl'tt\'Ps of nil Will' vr•tPI'Illls In Mnson 11111!


McKee Pneumatic


P•·il~f' onl,v $1 ,:{!10 I'm· Uw higlwsl. capacity harvester

on 1.111' mal'lil'l. l:f'l!llirf!S only u1w man l.o 1111t the bay

in llw hal'll lhat. now lalu•s many men. J(; shreds for

hi~llf'sl. llllillil.y :uul also malws g•·ass silage.

No 11101'1' llf'f'd for 1.wi1w .nor heavy lifting. · 1\lalce

hay days "play <la.ys" hy coming out to JUc-IUar farm, a

hall' mill' wr•sl aurl a hall' lllilt• soulh ol' I.rslit",

Rictaard Powers \'uu1· Lo(~al RI')H'f!Sf'lllal.iVI'

l'hmw LPslie 200(i


Wl1alever your job, tho hy· draulic muscles ol John Deere factory-enqineered Power Steer· lng will aavo you lime and effort every time you take the wheel. You'll enjoy new freedom from alecrlng eflorl 11nd driver fatlguo on 11ny job-hi deep sand or mud ••• over rough ground or on billatdea • , , working with heavy

Steerlnr Traotor''-. . ' . ·~

''No more tired.arma .at night with my new. ']'olin: Deere Model "70" Traolclr with fac:tory-enq~~ui~red Power Steerinq," say.s·Mr: William Kaufman.• "I'hav• 300 head of .lileers! 'AJi~ haul manure about · tbret days a week. Power Stee;r: inq really takes the 'worlc out of loading. Now J can load the spreader from illiy angle ... tum the tractor wheels easily, 811en when the bucket is full."

011ddrou 11nl UflC~ roq~~"

front-mounted equtpmelll , , • 111 e1trome aa well u avora91 con· ditiona.

Make a date with ue to try tbla e:clualvo feature 111 the tractor of your choleo. See for youraell hciw John Deere Power Steeilng will aave you lime And oUorl 011 lVII)' tractor job. ·

A. A. Howlett & Co. lSG E. Ash Phone OR·7·8681



T work Discovers Pine Fly at \A/ or I<

AI Las Vcgns StrupP will o:,. 1\llss Dunnls .~1111'1' is Jr•arnlnr, srrvc lhP dr>tonnllon of 1111 H- lhe IJoold<Prplng system at thr hom!J nnrl Its Pi'ft•r.•!s. fir Is ln1~- Ingham l'tnlnly News ihls Wl't!k. ham civil rlefPnst• •!omm:rJuh•l' JIH.I lws IJef'n lnvll<'d 1., ,,,1, whal SliP l'l')llrli'PS Mrs. Hamid Wnrc lmppl•ns wl11•n lunnlls frdl. ll'illl Is IPil\'ing Snlrll'!lrty to ,ltJIII

Aflt•i' 11 slop 111 L<~s Vr•gr1s ~IJ·.s. )ilt•l' hu.-l>ulld :11 F'MI ."ill!, Olda­·llmpt• will go on 111 Los Alios, liH>Illil.

IIICY(~.I81'S, VISI'l' iUASON ll~lph Danielson nnd . Brian

Berlfm•rl, pupils' nt Waller Err.noh ,lunlr;-l. high in Lnnslng,' rod<~ tlwiJ· 1 bieydrs In Masun Friday' to visit\ Ralph's l'rJusiu, Mrs .• Joe Dean. 'T;Iw l)()ys l'l!luri1ed· honw 1111 IIHrir·., lJJkrs l~rlclay night.

Charlotte, and Mrs. Lena Avis and Mrs. Olio 1\lr!tlw of Lansing; and a brnl hr1·, A 11gu8l Sr•hlacl<, Lansing.

Funcml sC'I'Vir£':; will l>e lwlrl Snturrlay afiPl'nnon al 1:00 at Estr.s-Learlley. RPv. ll. E. Es('h­lllPYi!r of St. Panl's Evnngrllrnl ancl Reformer! chtu·eh will off!· l'iutc.

In a leiter tn NPI\'lllllll \V<'tlilt's· day, ShPJ'iff llanrPs t•xplrlill<'il !hal tile I'C'HIJ'icliVI' l'iilliSI' ron IIJ.• prrvinus lir•enl"' li>P .''l't'I'PIHJ'I' 11f slnlr's Mfir'P issuPtl 111 l·:n'rtnll was inrlislilll'l, :rlllllisl ohliit'l'· uteri; nnd I hal Barnhill nwnl ion:•ll on the Jll'l'lllil 111111 13rtrloll liwl only one leg nnd nnlifir•rl ill<' sPc· l'clnry of slnlr•'s nffif'<' In tll/11 effeeJ.


'.':Jiiforni:t, lo vi'.il lhPiJ' .. soJJ / Tt•n Ma.son J'Dilng mrn ITlt'l IPI'I',I'. Ill' ho~s liePn .'" Hli\JJII 1" /with ofl'il:PJ'S of II • L< s' .I · tiJSPl'\'1' IIIJlllil t•xplrwl>~ns. lC lll lllP, till

\Varn1 ll't':JIIH•J' is hall'!Jill;' 11 was ~Irs. StropP\ lirsl lliJ:lrtl J<H' C'lwmhl'~'of Comml'l'('e ~rlclay , 'l~~s or lh:• J•!UI'i>fll'llll pinr• Sill\'· II II pi:Jill', /light lu chscuss the pnHslill!lty lngllilm County News April 21, 1955 Page 3 fly Prr~·Jir·r i11is sprin~~. at·r·m·riing t•f r•str11Jiishing a chamber in Mn- '"11•••ll'•••ll'l••••••••••a•lll:;:;e*tlzai!IIM••••~ 111 l·:ltoJI '1\l'nrk, rlisil'il-1 f~>n•slt•r sorL Anolher ilf'ganizaUonal meet· I - 1

Tl10• irll'l'rtP :tn• nln·n~ly ~1:11'11111! (h • z • illg is sf'IIPiltllerl Thursday night,

"J iJPJiCVe lfle C'Oili'Jllsiolil-' '.'1111 have dmwn," IVI'fltr• I !Jr slwi·i ff. "are unwnrrnnted ami l rt• the npport unity In appr•a1· IJ:•fron• you with a ('()JnplriP f'Xpi:JIJ:Jiiu•t of the facls invnlvl'd."

lo iJ<IIdJ. Youn:: i,rii'I'IH' 1'1111 I•: ange m omng April 21. ,John Rose, preslr!enl of ~·n!<ily kiiiPd \l'iliJ 11 liglil tlosP ol i!JP L<~nsing chamber, attenrletl 11oisrm lu·frn·i· '"" rlnmngr• i;r nn HurtS llot)10J'i. llu• \Vr•rlncsrlay nighi meoling. Hr. lil'l'aiJIP, r fl\ {j., sl<tlt•tl that all young men be·

[(prJ, S•·•tio'li, 111\Jgllll :111rl .indr . lwr.en llir. agps of 21 anrl 35 rnay pint• <ti'P mn.-:1 lii(I•Jv to Ill' ill M.1srm's zoning, nrdinnnr•p was I join tlw junior f'IHlmher. 1/J('IH•d, rtl'l"fll'lling to' 'i'll'lll'k. Hr dmng_erl at a puhlii'. lwanng 1\lon- Celani! Lamphere and his t:nn· "1\'H '" lonl-: n1•:tt' 1111' Pnrls or illf ,'"~' lllght .111 .mnl~~· 11 i'VI'·Il· il;•ll:·r slnwtion rrew lwve hegun work '>i;H. llrntlf'IH•s 1'111' IIJP nell'l\' 01 hot-loris. IIJP mrlmdncc, on tlw remodeling at J<can's lrair·ill'il lai'I':H•. \\'I:Pn IIH' In·~· altcrrrl la:o;t surnnli'J", was_l~n·lf,,.,. :ir:·$1 slor••. Plan.~ ('all for a self­v:tt• 111 ·e small llrr.•\' rlon'l -:•:rt till' :mt•nr!Ptl .Mon:lay In t.JJ'IJIJJhil all~' • ~('JYicr svstr•m in the store 11 wllltiP pint• IJr•prJJr: illll lt•avl' I!Jr ·hange.'· In i'll~lilllll" lm· Jill'. pu:·-/IW\1' store fl'onl and a ehnn '~ in mirl-rih II'!Jir•IJ driPs rtllll r·urJ,· JO:O:r tlf r!n.l:n·grn:~ a notH'onlnrm·' I he slailwav lradina to the 7Jase-lil<e rJParJ ",r:J~.s, II" liSP of propC'rl \". ' " ·

Ch'Jd PI T " '"' · ITll'nl riRparlmenls. I ren ant rees To jJIIitPI': II!!• l'oliagt• SJil'il,\ Tlw Mond:ry niglll :Jil11111'1lrl· . -------

Children or Cn1·1, 'l'ow:ll' Glll'd· ll'iiiJ DDT. lJsp wr•ll;tl,lt• !ill': nrnt wns ainwd i:l pn•VPIIIin:; 'I'UWI'Ll"S mtrNG Cllii.DREN en~ and Willinm Don!P\' scltool·· DD'I' ril 11Jr• rnlc' of :J lrth!Pi:poom ltrlomohilr. nwing 111 lllfl JngiJiilll DevrHII Musil•m wonwn in Easl in Meridlnn loolc part iii rrll MSC pr•J' gallon oi' \l':tli'J', ol' ft•l" 1:11'' !Otinly fnii'J:l'DIIml~. eouncilm<~ll P;tkislan ht!lit•ve turlle:; help them ccntennlnt ii'Pe-planting- f'l'l"l'· 1'1' :1mnunl:,;, u;:t• :1 lh I"'" 1110 gul wve hinlrd. 'l'lw rairgrnunrl,;, bear c·hilrlrcn. Norlh of Chitt 8 . mnny Ttll'sclay a fternflniJ. Two lon.s ol' wal f'l'. ·r•ned "A" Jlrsidrml iitl. was llw 1, 1111 g 11 strange shrine, the whilr pine lrrr.s, nniPrrd ft·nm :t'l'llf' of nelivl' 1)()1-rml rndng Temple of lhe Turlles, houses Michigan Slate eollcgr! hy lhi.' MASON r'JAI:I\E'l'S :rsl summl'r. Till• racitlf~ ·'l't'IJ htiiJcll'erls of rnormous specimens Merirlinn PTA and IIH' Boy \VIwal .................. $2.0(' ·onlinui'rl into Pircuil cot1rt in rt in 1, HIHgnnnt pool. Women buy

Scouts, werr. planted at. 111r Wil· OC1n1rts


_ .................. , ... ·.· ....... ·.·.·.·.·.· ............ '.· .. ·.·. 1:'.·.~,:(1~· :rriPs of injunr·t:nns· issued mw meal to feed the turtles. llnm Dilllley school at the COJ'IlP.I' '1gainsl 111e dty, racing pmmol Snme rub the bncks of the big of Lal<e· Lansing nllcl Haguclm·n· Barley ............. .. .......... 9f •rs anrl eounly l'ai1· hoarrl. creatures, then pass their hands roads. The planting is pari of the Buclnvhcnl, r•wl. . . .......... 2.0(' No one prnll'stt'rl or .~ilpporl<'d ncross their own forehead.~ in the ohs·er·vatlon of Arhnt· Day next Soybeans ................................. 2.:38 t.Jw zoning chnng-P Montlr:y nigi11. liPiicf t11n1 I his l'itttal helps ihem week. Nnvy beans, cwt. .................... 8.75 l'lw orrllnanco p;wsl'd nlmo~t nchicvo motherhood, the National

witlmul diseussinn. . GC'ngrnphi<: Society reports.

William Schultz Phone Stoeldu·id[!;e 7-F-121

'ISSl Swan Uoad, East. ol' M-!)2

New Kind-

$50 ·Deductible 1

Auto Insurance at no extra cost


\ If you. are, . you can qualify for "W olvorin\l'~" ·. Sale Driving Collision and eorn full coverngo without paying &ny ·.more than others pay for $50.00 deductible. ~e:e'• h~w Jl works.

See your'Wolvorine r.,aurince Co. agent today and have him exol~ln hpw _this Safe Driver Pllm applies to you.

. tlse Our Easy Paynwut Pltln No Extrat Charge

Jew~e~t' Insurance Agency 551 W, l\IR!)lO .

""' Phone OU.-7-0511


IN ·PERFECT CONDITION-The sleutts on the platter, that is, if you've even noticed them. They're covered with a speciul jllastic coating during tile freezing process, and are sulci to l<eep >in a horne freezer fDl' as lon11 ~s twt> ,veurs, iw~ording to the

Take Advantage of Mason's · Chicago, Ill., munuracturl'J" who has clllveloped ·the process.

FIOHTINO SAUCERS-The little men from Murs aren't re­sponsible for. the ftylns·saucer effect, no1· Is the right uncorked bY Alonzo Joiner; right, ot Gary, Ind;, as he hammers nt Rudolph Corney, of Broolclyn, N. Y. , Saucers were ser~ed up by the pho­tOIII'DPher, who made a ·double exposure. d\l'rlng the Ncw·Yo~k-

Chlcoso Golden 'Gloves bouts ·at Cl\lcago, 111. · I .

FREE Junk Pick-Up Service - ....... During

Clean-Up Week Monday-Saturday - April 25-30

·.All junk and rubbish in containers at curbs and alleya.early Thursday morning will be picked up by city street crews. Help make our town .cl.eaner - and· safer - by disposing of trash this easy way. Thi$ free pick-up offer does not apply to ashes _9r garbage.

GEORGE. KELLOGG~ .. . . . . ' . ', City Clerk'/ · ·. ·-

. . : .'.

~ '

·SOciaL E:vents Skipping Breakf~st' ·15···· ·· · ·· Habit Say Nutritio'nists

. '' Vow8 A,.e Spolttui Catholic Women

Discuss Benefit • • • • • • • • •

P. T. A Will Raise Funds at Bazaar Friday !H From I he tlnw !lw dorm; open ;11 11t 5::Jo until tho final number·

of the rlnrrer! sponsorl!rl hy liw student cnurwll, there will he f1rn

·'1 nl. tire Mnson I''J'A bnzlllll' l•'l'lciny

ll,y 1\lrn. Auru•tln Rduwll'rrr· llnlcmst, a mal cfforl should ho llollrc> UPIJHinsl l'llilitll Ancml mnrle In plnn tn<!nls wli II vnrln·

"Gut up enrliPt' nncl lmvn 11 linn. li'or• cxrunple, Instead of good hrraltl'aHt". tlrns spc!alt llw ton1>1t, why not n hot. hlttclwrry nutritionists who Ht'c! nlurmcrl nt muffin 01' ster1mlng hut molnsHes the growing hnhll nf tile AmcH'I· hrown hrrmd Sit down some f'flll people to sldrstr!Jl this menl. night anrl malw out 30 rllfferenl 'l'hey gn fllr'tlwr and sny thnt of brcnltfast menus. Hnvl! them nil llw meals, lla• mrwnlng mcnl nvallnble for· every memhcr of IH tlu! orw WI' f'/111 if'nst likely go I he fnmlly, There'll be 11 sense of wltiHrrrt. A warm, nlrtrltlmrs nntlclpatlon "Wonder whnt hrenl\fasl is nwi·e Important tlmn we're going lo have tills morn· tire fnw nxll'a mlnrrtPs of sif!ep lng'!"

Mornhrm; nf IlL!! CuiiJOiit~ Worn· on's duh mel 1'tlf!sdny nvnnlng In tho hnscmtml of St. ,Jnnws elllll'r!h to rllocuss plnns for the hr~nnllt enrcl pnrty nnrl style show, F'llght inln Fnshlon, whlr'lr will ho :;tngl'rl

_,; evening. 'l'IH! home: lnll!lll show •" slwulrl proVP to hf' onr• nf I hr. top I r •nttrucllons. Tire 'J'V 1 hPmr• will .._,be c~arTicrl lhmughrnrt tlw pm· 1•· grnm, heglrrnlrrg at 7::Jn, with 2 11 nucllerwc pnrtldpntlon shows

plnnncd. Orw will ilP "Trtrt h or '' ConHeqt:r!nr·r!s" and Ill£' olhf't' "A .,, Penny n Mlllllll'," Frnnlt Gw!t'·

rlem will lu• mnstc•r· of eere· monies.

,Joe Hoe will ilJlJlr'fll' :rs Lil)('r· ·•· IIC!I! and lhP C:rlim SqUIII'l!S of ~ 1he Mnson Squat'!' DIIJIC'P Pirrh .. 1 will stngP nn rxl!lhltlon as llw

~ WCTU to Stage ~!.;Meets a·t Howell · April 26 and 27

,Six,llr rlistrlf'l \Ycl!lJilll's Chris· filln Tempt!l'ar)c'e Union :mnven· tlpn will he• In I fowell 'l'uPsclay nnrl Werlrwscla,l', April 2fi anrl 27, at' lhcCirurr·IJ '.~·the N:rz:rrrnr. •111

McCarthy strr•c!l. · .

Spe:llwrs Tw•srlay afternoon will he !lev. Ross Mr·Lcnnan, see· rclm·y nf II!C' 1\lir'iligan Temper· anee Founclntlon and Mrs. Orville llurd, state w. C. '1'. U. prr.slrlr.nt from Flint.

Youth Tc•mJIC!l'atrel! murwil banquet is :rl li o'drrdt Tuesday evening with pmgram in l'harw• o[ Mrs .. 1. r;. Fiske of Lansing-. Hev. M. it. MPPJ!Pr', pastnr of Howell Bnptlst l'hurr·IJ, is sc·hcd­uled In sp••al; 'l'uesclny eveni11g-.

Election rrf nftit•er-s wrll be held Wr.cincsclay morning. Mrs. F. ,J. Burns, rlist riel president, will prr.siciP ovPr all meetingH.

"' ·• * W. E. C. McCowan anrl Mrs.

Artluu; St!trrr·ay Dnnee pmgrnm. Snm Cotton will he the nn·

IIOIIIII'f!l' 111111 mUSit! fm• !hr. eVe· nlng will c•nnslst 'or nn lmitru· mental group from lhf! Mason hand rllrceled by Kenneth nate· 1111111 with Mrs, lhrssell MeBrlrle at the plano.

'l'lw show is trndr!t' tlw cllrce· lion nf Rex Strihlr!y, nsslstcrl hy Gordon Kennedy, Mrs. Ethel Bmwne, 1-lnrr·y Cairns nnd Mr!l. !i'. II. 'l'rni{lt!r,

Otlwr pro,leets, supervlscrl hy I hr. grnde ronm pru·cnts, will he white elephantS" at 7 o'etoelt with Mnurke Prif'e, ntrelioneer, cnn· dueling the sail', the cakcwnlk, potted plants, slllwuet It! shop, illllloons, mrnlr· hoolt resale, fish

I•'AHM BIJRI·~AU 'I'I~A IS G!VJ~N Spealwrs at I he Fm·m Bureau

women's lefl Tucsrlny In the Ffll'm Bureau oiJke were Hny DeWitt, reglnnal r·eprr.sent;rtlve for the l~unn Bureau; L. Dale Duncltel, eot111ty Farm Btlreau president; and Mrs. Carlton Bnll, stnte president. Sevr.nty.nve attended the meeting at which ten, coffee 11 nrl r·ooldes were server!.

• • •

Shower Honors Mrs. J. B. Jones

ponrl, fancy worl<, ilotrlogs. candy, popcorn, soft rh·lnl('stunds. Ice cream social and game ronm

'!'he 'rri·HI·Y r.luh will IHIVf! 11

baker! good~ snle to rnlse rnorll!,\' to help out on Its charity worlc The Trl·l-II·Y Is an lntornatlonal orgnnlwtion relater! to the YWCA nnd YMCA, HIIIIHiing for Chrlsllnrrlivlng In the scilonl. home nnrl commqnlty. A few of the proJects for this your 1rre tlw Clr.nrlng House and pncltngcs for the Worlds Church Servlr.e, whleh Is ~lrnllnr· to CARK Tile club Is also sending- rnnga7.ln!!s to ser·vlecmen nnrl In hospitals, some of the hoolts nrc printed In braille.

Last year $449 wns realized :rt

IJW lJIIZillll', 'fl ll'aS IIHf!rJ (CI\Vlll'lf 'the fllll'f'llliSf' or d11rk hJirrris fOI' 'he llf!W 'sf'!rooi co i•rlur•atiorlill moviPs mulrl lw rllol\'11; $2:ill for· til£' snrnml't' t'Pt'J'c''' r ion a I pl'll· g'l'/1111; $~0 for C:uh :-;c·outs; nntl ~2~ f<11' a snfroty Jlllll'ol parry. 'l'hl' PTA nlso Is gi1•irrg ,:.J rnuslr• ''eholarslrips, one• V<II'H! anrl tlu• otiH•r lnstr'llt)lt'nlal. to Pitlwr ln· lt!l'lrii'IIC'n or 1\lir-lri)'llll St;rtr~.

Mrs. Hl•;rtrir·p \Vc•iss Is i'hair·· rnfl n of tllf' ways and nH!111rs r•orn· miller. Slw h hPing as~·is!Pd by Mrs. Paul llldliii'Cis, Mrs, Lilli'· rr!rwr· llarton arret Mrs. Don Cl111prmrn.

we' l'iwrlsh. One local rnotlwr 1 wlro:;c farn·


WirPn WI' awai\P In the mur·n· lly l!llls hcnrtlly most of the time I lng we'vt• •rirPnri,\' gone 11 long claims she lncreirscd morning tlnw willwut loud nncl our· I'C· appetites by hnvlng the meal sc<rvPs nrP 111 ·II low Phil. If we ready when the family memhcrs sldp tire men! Pnlirt!ly nr pour· stepped Into the rllnlng room. clown a q11IC'k c•irp of r·ntlee and They didn't hnve lime to plci{ up roll wr!'r·e not replr•nlshlng a boo!{ m· do n chore. The meal Mr. anrl Mrs. Amos 0. Grave:; the rweried erwr·gy, Is It any won· was served attrnctlvcly nnd they of !loll annmrncf! the marriage

I 'J'hursdny, Mny 12,

· AI 1111! dose of tlw nwetlng, ' M1•s, Wllmn Lehlllllll, Mrs. Genrgt! Clinton, MrH. Gm·nlrl Gi·niwm, Mro, Irving Hclpcl nnd Mr·s. l•'rnd H, Northrup served rnfrcshrnentH.

'I' he rwxt mc!t!l lng will hi! a rno!IH!l' nnrl rlnuglrtc!r rllnrwr 'l'rrPsriny, May 17, In the basement of St. .lnmcs clrurf'ir.

• • •

Doctor Returns With His Bride Mrs. 1•'. II. 'l'in!llc•r

of tilC' JHISIC'I'S and Ryul Ill!' puhlil'il)'.

hns drar·ge cl1•r tlwt sd1ool drlldt'<!ll yawn hurl enough lime In which to cat of their rlmrghter·, Jvah l~lnlne, rn ~Irs . .rae·)( and rlrll\1''<' in tiH' rnlrirlle of the lt. Most of the time, t'adlo musk 1 Dr, .Jcw•ph C. Ponton retlll'tlC!ri

Wf . ll d I ftl A II Dr.nn s Wayne Sunrlholm, son of to 1\lnsr•n Ins! WPnlt with his rnornitlg- ;rnrl niTit'l' wor!;Prs r~an't rs me n so y, no wr Mr·. and Mrs. J·IIIdln" Sunrllwlrn

/)egrees Are Conf'errecl on Two at OES Frienlls Night

Womflrl II II t f II I h hrlrle, the• fnr·nwr· Llrtrr·a Ell"l'· gr>l 1rlong without n mffpr• brcnlt sn r Ill am Y mem Jl!l'~ of Ludington, Mondny, April II, " nt tlu· "II o'l'iol'i<"slump'l" Boriles took turns preparing hrcal;fnsts at Flint. lm•c·ht or Orr!gorl Cit~·. Orc•goo~.

f ll I tl f II 'l'lrr•y \I'<'I'C' rn:n'l'lr>d at Sl'rion•r, l'an't lttrill' IIC~C'(l ll)l IH llotll'~ Willi· Ill' 0 WI'S n lC am Y· Af I, I ter· a wee t s Hltll'yrnolllr at Arlzorm, nc!ar I hi' cirlC'tor•'s win! PI' out foori of any kinrl. One complaint· men often have Lalw LrnriHt!, till! ncwlywPrifi' rc•· honw, Man·Jr ~I.

l~ven more< f'nrnrnon is tlir' llOWI Is thnt there's nothing worth tunwrl to IIH!Ir home at ·1.10 War· tl W I I I Mr·s. Ponton otH'I' IIVI'cl In MIC'Ir· of ell'.'' f'Prr•:rl for till! ,"CJUil"~l<!!', ca ng. c mow llnl prole n rcn street, F'llnt. The! hrlrte Is 11

·' ·' " f 1 h 1 • - igan, In l•'llnt. SllP :•rul Dr·. Pon· One hundr·cd ten Eastern Slar·s attended fr•Ienrls night ar Mason OES chapter No. 1~0 'l'ucsrlay at the Mnsonlc temple. Guest offi. cers ennferTed the degrees on Mrs. Harold W:rrc and Hohcrt Welch.

Officers from Hcri Cedar, Olw­mos, Leslie, Wllllnmsron, Amity, Lansing No. 521, Holt, Dan~vlllc and Stocl<hrldgc participated In the Initiatory worlc

Bcllc~r· than nothing, IHII not nor s sue as Him n eggs go a ph,ysieai erhrcatlnn and .lour·rwl· · t 1 t 1 1 1 ton W<'l'l' good friPn•h ih<'n. 11111 <'c< H<'rVi•d rel'rl'slmwnls of ennu"h. Is tiH•rc• not r·r•irsorr to ong way owar·r {ecp ng up our Ism teadwr· ami Mr·. Sunrllwlm is

" 1 Wilen st11• Wc!nl wc<sl to livP their if!rnnn cif'ssf'rl, ll'a and c~nffpp in hellc•w tlwt h;rhltunt tlrPrlness gencm condition. Try lrnaginn· 11 science~ tcadwr. I I. I · t' 1 • II rwths parl<'rl until IIH',\' nwt again I w r In ng ~'~ 111 111. ~Irs. lliil'rllci t·nnws In JHII'I frorn this hnhll'l lon, 1nw s t 1 s-orangc sliePs, Mrs. Snnriholm grndunted from In Arlznnn.

Lnvls anrl ~Irs. ltc<X ,IP\I'c•tt pr·c··, \·Yir•rt lras lr,'IJlJJCJIAcl ''' IJrc•.·,ri<· fried eggs served on tonsterl, Wr!sl Br·anr~h hl"h sdwol In l!l·lfl J) I' I slrled nt lilt• siiVI'r spr·vic·P. " sliced hambur•gcr buns sprenrl " · r·. nnton urs I'Psrtnwrl his

Mrs. Hobr•rt I.Pon:rrrl, Mrs. fasts'! Wlr:rt !{lncl of hr·mrltfasls with minced ham, raisln·ricr. and from Adrian In 1:1~:1. 'l'lw rJwrile:rl pl'lletit•l' at Ma.o.;on. II .,. \'<Ill' 1'111111" lr·Ht lrr tire lnst hrlrlegrnom gl'ildtialccl from Ccn· • • • llt•t" ·h '' 1 '\ "1 I l\1r" D S •. 's · 1

' ·' ' '· JlUddlng, hot chocolate or coffec? If ·1, sc ,~1 '', ' 1';. 11• 1 s., .. on , .. n:, 2 \l'r•r•i<s'! Too man\' nf us have tral Michigan Tenchers college, Mr. and Mrs. C:t•o!'l-(e f'ost lltHI t • , , rs. r l('l' . trmrn rrgs, .111 1 1. , I 1 I . 1· I II f i'lhOJl(llllg Hint • • ,, I I G I

s ·r l'll s ar r ar r v·tr 't nns o r IIIII-( 1tm·s, .r•org-t•aruw a111 Dc!h· Mr·s. Hif'lwr·rl llnlglrt nnrl Mrs. · · ' • ' ' ' Another "roccrv shuppinro hint Mr. ami Mrs. llal)Jh Stmpr. left Rex .JcwPII Sl'I'VPrl 011 the l'l'· the mPal -cold c•crcnt nne clay, ,., ' "' ra, visiter! Mr. anrl Mrs. lloward

eggs 1 Jw ncxl -lmow your general prices, so by plane Wednesday for Las Vc· Grewell Sunday. freslunf!nl c·orn m iII t' C!. Mrs. S;llllc · s.,,: ; 11 .11 111,,., 'II'C just that you cnn tell when ilcms are gas, Nevada, whcm he will wit· Mr. and M!·s. Ivan Pottt!t'


Mnnlit' \Yo()(iard anrl Mrs. T<:tl"l'lle '· ,·.',' 1 ' .. , ·'. ',. · •• • 1 d d 1 I' · h b '·f " rrcJt lrtlll"l' "c "'I' tlrrt ··" illiJ PI' ce as goo mys. Is II com· ness an atnmtr• om "rs. IPnrl"rl tile r··t·,ri l1y Al,·rrr Cllt'li." r:orn· Lyon :rssistc•rt in tlw 1\ildwn, . " '· n · ·" o ' , " ' • ~ .. o ' T 1 f Following the r•itcs, the "lr~ ... B .• ones was guest o -~-~...:..-~~~~~~~~.:_~-~~~-~~--­

honor at a srorl< shower Frldny evening givr.n by her sisier, Mrs. Lawrence Miller, at the latter's horne.

Twenly·lhrec guests· attended fr·om Toledo, Ohio; Bath, De· Will, Leslie, Lansing and Ma· son.

Organizations II. Others say they lwvcn't time. mon PI'Rctlce for most stores to Strope pl:rns In visit her son in tire m1tsic auditorium 111 Mil!IJ· We say try gr~t ling up earlier .. have "lender" specials. Those and clauglrrer·ln·lmv, Mr. anrl igan State eo liege Sunday.

Ch 'ld St d (j b /Many ehilrlrcn balk at ('()Okcd oat· foods are actually priced at cost Mrs. W. E. IJcrryl StropP, anrl Mr·s. Gladys Smith anrlmntlrc•r·. 1 U y U meal and prefer a sanrlwleh, If ancl sometimes are even below family at California. The Stropr.s Mrs. Lovlsa Allen; and Mr. and

The Mason \'/omen's Golf as· 1

1 they h:II'C~ their• own choice. Do cost. They attract the customer will return to Masen In a wcel<. Mrs. Bm·llett Smllir llnrl rlaugll·

soclatlon will meet Thursday 'E ects Off'lcers we nol nee_r.l 11101'1' im:rglnation to to the store. That Is where 11 Mrs. Vernon Howe of Holt anrl ICI', Mir~llr.lle, mllecl on Mr. and .light, April 2i, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. make that tmportant tnPaiappcaf. general price lwowledgc Is valua. Mrs. Fred Peterson visited their Mrs. raul ~filler. :mel Mr. and

css with Mrs. Ross· Thorburn as Mrs. Dmwrrr Bal'l' entertained children 1 in reernt stu·;llesl say little higher to offset thl' loss on of Howell Thursday. Mrs. Arend Mr. and Mrs .• Jess Fh·st of Mlci· After an evening of g-ames and visiting, Mrs. Jones opened her gifts from a pink und white has· slrwt.

Mrs. Miller served refresh· mcnts of eake, eoffec, nuts anrl

Clarence Boles Is to he the host· . . ing to f'hildrcn'l 1\lanv sc~hool hie. Other foods may even he a I grandmother, Mrs. Kate Arend Mrs. c. r-:. Allen of Pt!l'l'inlnn anrl

chairman. Mr. ami Mrs. Her·m;rn rne_rnhe.1·~ o! lilt' ~Jason Jllnlirr· they prepare their own hreai;fast the specials. !<now you1· pr·iccs. is sicl{, clleton sunrl;ry. F~Wg, new owners of the golf Chrlrl Study <~Uh "~dtll'~~'Y eve- and ~rn't lllinl< of anything other~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, course, will be guests. nlng :rt 1111' lwnw '.'1 l11;r mollwt·, than 11 disll nf cold eereal that

'fl M I Ill Mr·s. Nat hill! Diii'Js. 'I he "l'flll)l, .. , .·. , . , , ' Ill acca lees w spon~or il elec•rerl ol'l'ic-l'rs for Hl:ifi·:'ifi,., I :Jffers .r prrzc. to. h.rle !hem eat

frlericaitc and other hal{eri goods . , · 11. Women W<ildllng their ngures sale on fridny, April 22, at Tom·~ Dr. Lou1sc• Smrce, elernPnlarv' . t 1 1

f 1 11 1

tt' 1 • • •

minis·. At WARE'S Bell Walter· c•allr.rt on Mr. anrl Mrs. Frnnl{ A. Mr·Cowan of Lan· Ririg Sunday. Tile oceasirrn was Frank McCownn's hirtilrlay 1111· nlvcrsary,

Mr·. anrl Mrs. Norl'is Newman and daughter, Noreen, o[ Freesoll cntcl'laincrl Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Newman, Pfe. Lyle Newman and Linrla Newman Sunday,

Food Market. They will also spon· edur:alioni~t at Miehigan StaJ_;. rnls a 'r'~ Y ee 111 c~ mgut' sor a rummage sale Snturday, college spoke• '" 1111' women !II; IL rnt•a IS 011 ~ w~ry 0 cu ng May 7, at the council rooms· at learning about drildrcn llll'oug-h rlown_on ealorrcs. l·:~cts prove the 10 a. m, Donations are requested. tlwir;rtirm :nHI drawings. morn!ng meal t'o!rtarns satisfying

Mrs. Clil'forrt Wiill'CII 1 installer!, pmterns I hat elrrnuwte hunger The Whentflelcl Gleaners will the following llf'\1' of[iccrs: Mrs.' for bei\I'C'Cn·mea! snacks.

havl! an open meeting Tuesday Fran!{ Sl'itmiclt, Jll't•slciPnl; Mrs. If you'rr• c•onvlllccrl that hrca!<· evening, April 26, at 8 o'clock nt .Joe De:rn, l'kr~·pn•sirlront; Mrs. fasts arc _the fnrgollcn meal. 1n the Gleaner hall. Hnhcrt Eames Ml'riin Crroc~n. srC't'clary ;rnd your· farnrly, how arc yol! gomg ~~~r.have charge of the social trr.;tsurc•r; <IIHI Mrs. ·Holnnrl ~o r:ge~}emte. th:rl .:r~pel_rtc anrl

Movie and Slide Projector

SALE Ingham County News

nn1I lr,r nn t' mn "~·


·.1\,•11,\' lllll'l'lil~' D1·1·ss .. s $X.Ha u1•

:SilPs 7 to I 5

April 21, 1955 Page 4

Stay' Cool This Summer

with COTTONS from Mills!

Cotton Blouses $2.98 Up

With Cuul, Comfor·tuhhl

Cotton l'rlnt Skirts

$3'98 up

ltu Leeds n r•~sses $5.!15

Sizes 12 lu 20 nnd !·H'z fo 2:H!



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4 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You


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.. '


Howe. parliamentarian anci hh· rntcrest. Your fdmll:, wrli ha~e Three cnndidates will receive torinn. I to want to tr,l' to develop thrs

the Royal Arch degree in In;::· Mrs. l·'r;ruk Sr·hmiril illlrl Mrs. new habit. rn nrrlcr to stimulate ham chapter No. 51, Tucsdaj'. G 11 \' s· 1 1 ' . --- ..

April 26. It will he inspection f Cl'f~lr an .. rngr · ':"· 11;src~tes' Mr·s. 1-Icnnnn Hir:h spent from night In the local chapter. The or w C'l'l'Jllng. nssrster rs. Saturdav until Tuesday·wirh her quality of the ritualistic war!{ Barr 111 Sl'l'\'Jng rlcossr.rt I rom '1 srm 'and. daughter·in.Jaw, Mr. and

II b l lace·coverl'ri table "'in!ere~ wl_lh Mrs. Russell Rich anrl family of w I e . udged by Lin B. Smith an. annngPn_1ent of ..:latfl'ld!l:;:._ Owo•.··so .. '·It·.~. - 1~ 1-,'_. 11 ,·rlso vr·s'Ited of Lansing, who is the district 11 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 '' " ·' • deputy instructor for the granrl an <et l,\' lg 1 <'c In per~.' Mr. ;;nd ivlrs. Tileorlorc Hawn of Chapter Of Royal Arnll Mnsons of Oakley, ~ - pn~s. Holt:; nnrl rlrink will he fur· Michigan. Visitors are expected nislwrl. · Mr. anrl 1\'lrs. Charles Power from several neighboring chapt· , MernhPrs of llle Crescent elnss anrl chilrlr·en, Handy, Jimmy and ers. Lunch wlil be served In the of rhe l\lasnn Mf'lhndist 0 hurdl 1\ay, spent Sunday with Mr. and dining rooms following the de'· will meet for a polltrc:l; dinrwr nt l\Irs. Lloyd Pct~r~ of Ithpca. M!ss gree work. .6 o'r:lock nl the home• o[ 1\'lrs. Ar· Power slnyr•d Sunday nrght With

Mason Woman's club will meet Jlhur Zil'kgrilf Frida,\', April 22. 'Miss Brenda Branclal of Ithaca. Tuesday, April 26, at 8 p. m. at ''' ·'' "' l~ev. nne! Mrs. Roy Mumau_ are the home of Mrs. A.·v. Smith for/


BTRTHDA YS AHE l!ONORE:D ~pen~lmg fhursd:1y. anrl Frrc_lay the annual spring musicale. Mrs. Mr. anrl Mrs. Inn Pl1illips en· rn .hank:d;ee, Illrnors, attendrng F. A. Carrier is the program terta inerl at 1 horne Sunday. a Sunrlay sc:hoo! conference. ~halrman. Those dcslr·Ing trans·/ GuPsts were Mr. anrl Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Tr.rr:.·. Clark, .Jr., portalion mny contact Mrs. W. F./ Moles anrl snn, SC'ott. and Mr·s. spent the wee!' enrl wrth M.r. anrl Dart. Bess CQhn of Lansing anrl Mr. Mrs. Rr.ul1l h.r11sc and ciHirlren,

Mason Pythia n Sisters anrl Mrs. Marvin Loll ancl chil· ,Jean A.nn and .John, of Litchfield. planning to attend the annual rlr·en, Diane ami David. Tire oeca. ,John l\l'usc rs home on a J!l.rJay convention dinner Wednesday, .sion honored the blrl belay nnni· leave from tile navy, He will rc· April 27, at the Presbyterian versaries of Mrs. Moles, Mrs. pr!rt to the US~ .'Nisconsln out church should make reservations Cohn, Dfll•id Loll and Gary Phil nl Nnrfoll\, Vrrg1ntn. with Mrs. L. B. Barr or Mrs. Clif· lips. They altenrlerl !hr. recital of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sharlancl fnril ~mlth before Snturclay, Alan Curtis in 1111' :rfternonn. 11re the parents of a daughter, April 23. Jill Mar·ie, horn Wednesday, Apr·ii

Mr. nnd Mrs. Gage Fl·cciancl of, Mr. and M1·s. E:lwin MeCreery 20, nt the Sparrow hospital. They Dexter Trail are planning an 9f Detroit, and l\frs. Paul Me· have 2 otlrcr children, Gary, 5, open garden Sunday afternoon at .,Crecry of Leslif' were Sunday anrl Margir>, '1. Mrs. Slwrlanrl Is 3 o'clock for· the Mr. and Mrs. callers of Mr. anrl Mrs. Lmwcncc the former Jean Pari1s,. daughter Yard and Garden club nnd Ocsterif!. of Mr. anrl Mrs. Donald Parl\s of friends. Dr. ami 1\Trs. A. V. Smith or Williamston,

American Legion Auxiliary No. Mason spent llw week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cremer 148 will have their meeting at Mr. irnd Mrs. Roger 1\ierstearl ··•i of Lansing spent Sunday with the Vevay town hall Tuesday, their new home in Villanova, Mr. and 1\!rs. Ion Phillips. April 26, at 8 p. m. The Chile! Pcnnsylvani:J. TllC! J\if'rsrearl~ I Mr·. and Mrs. Ron Lewis hon· Welfai'e program will be pre· moved from ?vinson to Villnnovn orcd their rlaughtc>r, Sue Ann, on sented by Child Welfare chair· last fall wlwre i\•lr. Kierstead i~ I her first hirlhrlay annlversai'YI man, Mrs. Kenneth Brown. Two an officer· in W~·c!lil International Sunrlay. Present were Mr. and speakers fi'Dm the Retarded Chll· Limiter!. Mrs. Leslie Br·tmo and son, Leslie, dren's center at Lansing will talk Mr. and Tllrs. R. A. Foster nnd and Mr. anrl Mrs. John Ridgley and show pictures. This meeting daughter. Ramona, of Glb~on· anrl children, Francie Lou and Is open to all post members ancl burg, Ohin, spent Saturday with .Johnny Bill. Mrs. Lewis served Holt and Leslie posts. Refresh· Mrs. C. F. Sehultz. icc crcnrn anrl cal\e, ments will be served by the com. mlttee,

Maccabees will have a bal{ccl goods sale at Tom's Mnl'itet Fri· day morning, April 22, at 9 a. m.

Methodist WSCS Circles Members of the Rebei{ah

coteJ•ie will meet at the home of Mrs. Hazel Hulett Monday, April· Methodist \oi/SC:o; cit·des have

edule April MeetillfJ'S 25. set the dates for their· Apt•ii meet·

Rebekah mother·daughter· ban· ings. Two circles will meet for quet will be F1·lday,' April 29, ,Jt potluel' dinners ill one o'cloel{. the I. 0. 0. F. hall at 6:30 p. ,m. Weclnesda~·. Ap1;il 27. Deborah Those attending are to taltc their circle members will ga 1 her at the own table service and a dish to home of M1·s. Fmnl\ l~et tcrs, 3038

Bargains in Bo.oks

Shelves are packed with books, fiction of all kinds. None over 50c, many at Jess than. that.

Oh, I almost forgot to men· tlon that . the second printing of Peg Leg Is .nearing ex·

· haustion •. If you .want one, you'd bettet -~uy now, · ·

Rov.W. Adams Above CIIMley'a D•·ug· Slo1'6

Mason OJM!u .UternooJ18

Bamcs mad. Mrs. !~rani; Nethn· wny has charge of the program,

Miriam circle members a1·e planning to have a potluck din· ncr at the horne of Mrs. J. B. Dean, 119 Nm·th .Jefferson. Mrs. Gem•ge Kellogg and Mrs. J, C. Greene arc co-hostesses. Mrs. Ed· ward Judcrjohn is prepnrlng the program. Mrs. Arthur Jewett and Mrs. Grover Akers will give the devotlmrs.

Mary Martha nne\ EJecta cir·· cles have scherlulcd thelt· meet.· lngs for Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leland Austin, 315 East Elm street, will entertain Ma!'y Mar· tha circle members with Mrs, Forrest Fry and Mrs. Alton Stroud as co-hostesses. Mrs. Lou Is Stld hns charge. of the program.

M1·s .. Duane Barr, West Dans· ville roa~, wlll open her home to

the Eieetn cir·clc .. Mrs, Robert Droscha anrl Mrs. Elmer· Jude!'· iohn nre co·hostesscs. Miss Lu· cille Pr1itt is ananging the pro· !(ram, "Unity of 1"11e Faith." Mr·s. Karen Field will give the devo· lions ..

Orpha Ellen cir·cle members plan to meet with Mrs. James Hulett, Wcsl' Columbia, for a dessert luncheon at 1:30 p. m. She will be assisted by Mrs. Marcus Hanna nnd Mrs. Earl Dunsmore. Mrs. Glen Oesterle has charge of devotions.

Mrs. Eveline Shaffer hns asked the Youth group to give the pro· gram fo'r Ruth circle members Monclny evening at the home of Mrs. Eel Lyon, 1317 South lves rand. Devotions will be presented by Mrs. Chester Fletcher. Prlscll· Ia circle members are planning a meeting for the same time with Mrs. Raymond Ryan, 529 Main court, as hostess. Assisting as· co· hostesses are Mrs. Philip Sirrine and 1\Irs. Wilbert ·cummings. A movie will provide entertainment for the program. Mrs. Olin Strick· ling has chru·ge of devotions.

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4-11 Clubs Jhu·ue~t lfflncl 'I'nrnnrln<lH

•I '!'he filrsl summnr cluh mr.nllng nt the Blll'llf1H Ronrl 'l'm·nnrlrw., was hr.ld ut the Tlanws !:lr'hool, 'l'httJ'Hflay,

Offlcm·s oi!'C'Ierl fnr• I hn c•oJnlng ycnr weJ•e i:lilarnn Arend, JH'r!si· clent; .Tack Sllshy, vieo·pmslrlnnl: Ruth Swift, HP.enllm·y nnrt tr·c•llt;· llr£!1'; unci LHIT,Y Silsby, n•ptll'l<!l', Len HuynP.s will lm Jlw lmuim· rm· tho senson.

t1 · ... · · .. . · .. d11ctM t11e bU5lt11!55 ml!etlng with a owerln(r path Ill the par~ With memlll!ra'answerlng roll cpll wllh a l'ltlnbow In the hnclt cer!er!!~ the presentation or f/Je mnsl use· group, nttcnclerl the nffalr, The lesa ~n!lgets tlle:r hnvo In tholt• stnge was clce!orAterJ to repre~rmt 1Jome5. Suggestions wcJro receiver! with n lighted •l·H emblem "lgn, trnm ~evcrnl momhcrs !or n

'!'he first :renr gh~ls, '.,Jeanlr. spelcllil outing rhn•lng llw sum· ,Johnson, Diane Wcnver, ,T~rl Up· mer, Detnlls· will hr• c•omplelcrl 11 Inn nnrl Elnlnc LJtmlw, nil· 1~ 11 Inter dl!ln,. yr!IIJ'S old, mndclr.d ~I heir nJtrons ., Aflcr n polhwlc Jundwon Jhn wllh tlwh· hemmed tqwels over women worlwrl on vnrlnus pJ·nJ. llwlr nrm nnrl carrying n mildng ects. Some rJirl Hewing while howl Hnd spoon while Rexlne nlhers worlwrl on aluminum Glynn plnyorl tlw !llano, Elaine tmys, morlelcrl for Rosaline Williams, 1 The next mP.P.tlnJ.: will Ill' May who l111s movert sll)r!e completing 17 at. th!! new Jwmn of Mr·s. Go!'· hP.r pr·njecl, ion "ichmun Duran! street Gernlrl Van Slngnl, enunly tJ.II

cluh agent, was pmsent In give the grnup some stJggP..,tlons. 'l'hr! next nwetlng will Jw nl the Hctlfc school 'I'uesclny ill 8 p. m.

'1'1 d •• ' ' w sceon yeur girl~ . were Lonnslng. l'nls,v Stover nnd Joanne Deuch, · who morlelerl t hell· cotton sllirts nnrt hlnuses. Becky Horslci, the New Arl'itJa/s

UNANOELIC DAWN-Unearthly llsht ol. on atomic ''sunrise" Is captured In this vtew photo­graphed from Angel'n Peak, some 05 miles from tl)e Atomic ll:nergy Col}')mlsslon's test sight at Yur·

r.a Flat, near Lnu Vegas, Nev. ;Nuclear deviCe was detonated atop a 300-ftot tower, Jhmn Local Adril'vr.nwnl of llw nunn

HI club will he l•'rldu.v night wllh lJnrl'nts as gucsls. 'l'hl' nwcollng

' wiii he at !he Chnrlr1s llroolcs home, ~HAH Nldwls l'rlltrf at 8 p. m.

!'he hnyH will display llwlr handicl'Hfl, nnrl lhe sewing girls will model 1111' gnrmr!llts they made. Awnrcls will he presentl!fl to l.lw hanrlir·m fl hnys hy Huy. monrl Ansley; hoi lund1 awnrrls hy Mrs. Paul Rnwro; ancl Mrs, Charlr!s Ilrnnl1s will J.iiVf! llw clolhing 11\V<IJ'ds. Hhortn Kr•lly will show her Hllrlc!s lnlwn on hr:,. rccenl lrlp In Grr!Cr'e,

I'll we I 1 H' IIIII

only thlrrl girl, modeler! a S • · fll'lnt rh·r1ss. ,Jrmlce Clickner wore Mr. and Mrs, ,John BI!J'gcnn lll'f1 ervtcemen 1111 m•clnte rayon jumper und 'he'pnrcnls of n rlnu~hlrJJ', Dehorn hlnusn nnrl Sharon Horslli hart a Kay, born las! Werlncsrlny nt Ma· Corporals Hnrold D, and John holei'O, sl1lrt and blouse, both wn Genernl hospllal. Mrs. Bcr· n. Curtis, twin snns of Mr. nne! wer·e ~-yen 1· girls. Barshu Wngncr o;:eon Is the former Br1tty Snider, Mrs·. Lnwrmwr. B. curtis, 1857 wnm 11 navy sailor eotton dress. inughter of Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Hullanrl Curtis rn11rl, Dansville, nrc re·

Beeky Hr;r.~ld, Patsy Stovnr and 'lnlrler. This Is the Bergeons' first lurnlng tr1 I he u. s. this monlh Sharon I-lorskl sang· the 4·1-I Girl. ~hlld. from Yolcohnmtt, wherc they snng; ,Jennie .Johnson and· Diane ·A son was horn Frlrlny, April have been serving with the 40th Wcav11r' ~ang a selection, ·and l5, at McLaughlin ho~pllal, Lnn· Anti·Aircraft Artillery Brigade:~ .Teannn Bc:!ch played a plano solo. ~lng, to Mt·. nnrl Mrs. A. W. Mc•C'l< 201h Group. Harold is a mall

Glr·fs who took lmlttlng mod· ?f Lansing. Mr. nnrl Mrs. C. A. elerk nnrl .John, n personnel ad· clr•rl llwlr head ~carve~,. and Bushnell of Mnsnn arc the rna· 111lnlstrntlve spcelallst, In Head· holders. Following tho revue the •.ernnl J::l'n!Hlparcnb;, qunrtcrs Batlery of tile gToup's girls server! lund] to the guest& Mr. and Mrs. Chrrrlcos Slcvrms, 7:'i:Jnl Hallallnn. Graduates of from a table rlecoratcrl In 'l·H formnrly nf Mnsnn, nrc Jllll'l!llls Ingilnm 'l'ownshi[J Agrlcullurnl c·nlm·s, with ll J;u·gn cal1e deco· of a daughl!!r, 1\alhy Ann, hom school, I hey entered. the army In ralerl hy Margaret Bca~h ·In the Tunsday, April 12. nl Com· May, Hl!l3, and nJTivcrl overseas HT rlcsign wllh lhc pledge on all !11Unlty hospltnl In Bnllle CJ·erJI<. In March, lnfi'l. ·I sides. 'I' fill girls served the calte Mr. and Mrs. Nell M. F'nlr·· .I ar~k Swr•rlaln Is now a me· wilh punch, coffee and cool1le~. hotham are the pnrents nf a l'iHmle with an nlr force unit at

Tlw m•g;rnlzatlnn llll'!!llnJ.i of tile Slwllfi'J' Hill •t·II 1'/uh nwl al tile honw of IIJI'Ir IPiHII'I', Mrs. Lrnrls Slid, Ins! Wl'rlnPsrlay. " Offlr·m·s elc!r'l!!cl [fir litf' Pruning year Wl!re Hili T1111111CJIICI, prr•si· clont: .Inc Sllrl, vi<'P·JII'r•slcif'nt; aiiCI Polly Dlamnurl, ~erTetaJ',Y·t rPIIH· ., urer·.

Exlmrsion Cl11bs llnsll'f,f, Lr•m·u·A··JJit '

The Lear n·A·Bit extension'flUJl met Tuesday evenln~; at li1r• home of Mrs. l~mncls Miller. IO:Ight mcmhers atlcndcd · the rnec11lng. The lesson was a re· view on tile painting. Plans are helng made for the group to at· lend achievement day. ·

daughter, Cnrnl Mnrlr., horn San Anlonln, 'l'r!Xao. · April 15 at the St. LnwJ'<'IH'e hos· pita! In Lnnslng, Mrs. Falrhnlh· Warrant Offker LIGl Averon am Is the former Marii.Yn Cm'l'oll S. Aeklcy wns recently nsslgnerl of Holt. In HeadquaJ'Iers, l2!Hth Sm·vlce

Mr. anrl M1·s. l~milln Onnzalas Unit, Camp Kilmer, N .• 1 .. prior 1ro ·the pa!'l•nts of 11 rlaughlcr, to being transrcrTerl to the nrmy Orni!A, bnrn J•'rirlay, April 1!i, al reserve corps. Acl1ley entered the the Mason Gener:il hnspilal. army on M11y 28, Hl18. !IIs rlecor·a·

The next meeting will he lwlrl al the hnnw rrf Polly nne! Bill Dlamnnrl Werlnesrlay, Mil,\' ''· at 7:ao. This will also hf' tlw lnilia· I ion m£!eJ ing fnr new memhers unrl I he new n!Ticr!rs.

\Vhc•ntllr!lcl '!'he Wlwa I field HI Singing

Needles Snwing f'!uh presented a 6tyle revtw or its winlcr's work, at lhe ler:lure hour 111 Grange last Tuesday evening. Mr·s. Lloyd Wagner unrl Mr·s. Berton .Johnson, leaders of the

" College Crossroads Mernhers of lhe College Cross·

roads exlension cluh met at the hornn of Mrs. nnlph Drumm of Tuesday for nn all·day li! /Mrs. Edward Rr:mnert con·

• "r'------------------------~--------------------~~--, Extra WIDE! Extra NARROW!

· A duughlr.r·, Marlhll r~llcn, wa;; tlnns irw.lurlc good conduct born to Mr. anrl Mrs. Vror'.'iill' Bah· medal, nall~lllal defense rn~rlal, cock Wednesday, April 20, at Ma· f!!uropenn 1 heateJ' or Opcrnllor~s son General hospllal. Thf' Balr·ll'!hhon anrl lhe. Asiatic Pac!frc cocks have 4 other chllrlrcn, nhhon. His Wife, VIrginia, and Davlrl, 7, Steven, ;,, nehecca, 3, lhclr 3 children, Gerry Lee, 10. and Donnie, H months. Su~anne, 8, and Linda .Jean, ?•

Mr. and Mrs .. Ioseph Balrn·a rcsJrle In Dansville. l1avc a son, Thomas .Toe, hom al Pvt. Lyle P'. Foreman, son Jf Mason General hospilal Sunday, Mr. and Mr~. William Foreman April 17. of Williamston, whn left in the

A d11ughler, Louella Kay, was March rlrafl, Is stationed !n bo·rn ;it Masiin Genriml hospital Cnmp Gordon, Georgia. to Mr. nnd Mrs. Bernard Bi'is·

George W. Barlwr, son of Mrs. ~~~tc of Lnnsln~ Tuesday,_ April Mary E. flarllcr of Leslie, and

M p 1 · F''JI I I Rex A. Abholt, son of D. E. Ah rs. atr r·1a ' 1 mr: 1 las 11 I bolt Ononrfnrra rc c tl ·

rlaughtnr, Deherah .Tan11, 110rn at ' "' • c n Y com Mason General . hospllal '1'htrr·s· plcted their hasic Infantry train·

lng at Fnrt Lconnrrl Wood with

Sgt. Swltr.enbm·g cplercd the army Mny ii, Hl53, und received tJ·nlnlng nnrl 16 weclcs or lenrler· ship sehool at Fol'l. J{nnx, Ken· tuclcy. Hn hns served 17 month~ overseas, He will he relensed from the ser·vlce from Ft. Sheri· dan, Illinois, the Iutter purl of \prll.

Pvt. Robert L. Comstock, son Jf Mr. nncl Mrs. William Com· ~lock, Onondaga, re('enli.Y crrm· plcterl hnslc lnfnntry training at Fori Lconnrrl Wood with n unit o! the 6th Armorr.rl Division.

Pvt. Elmer J. Slmnns, 18, son of Mr. nnrl Mrs. glmr!r ,J. film· ons, DunsvlllCJ, reccnlly arrived In Germany nnd Is now n mem· 1Jer of the Sevr~nth Army. PJ·Iv· t!te Slmnns, a file cleric with the engineer section, entered the army last OctoheJ· unrl receiver! basic training at l~nrl Leonnrrl Wood, Ml~sourl. ITe I~ n 1fl:i'l gradual!! of Ingham 'l'ownHI!Ip ·high school.

Pvt. Rlehard Mlrlrllelon will finish his training at rmlnr sehool at Fort Sill. Ol1lahoma, P'rirlny. He· will then go In J~ort LP'"'" Wnshlngton, by plane to await being sent to the J•'ar East.

REAL Here's a picture which Is ac­curately described by the term, "c.hecsccnlle, which photogra­phers apply to photos of at­tractlvt! young ladico. Janet Garth, ID, of Southampton, England, collects cheese Iabcls from all over the world ns a hobby. When not pasting labels, she pastes up blll posters for

her father's firm.

------ -·~----·-------- ·--- --------at no Extra Cost!

• •· ~_ 40 I t~·L: ' · n.\ l·.r4 ·.

day, April 21. units of the Slxlh Armored Divl· Mr. and Mrs .. Jad< Davis are sion. Upon expiration of leaves

the parents of n son born Satur· they have orders to report for day, April 16, at Sl. Lawrence 1 h · t 1 1 hospital, Lansing. Their first nc vance asJc ra n ng. hll h Mrs .• Jean Switzenberg of Les·

c d, e has hecn n:rrncd Charles lie received word that her hus·

Pvt. Waiter McKcn7.le, whose wife, Betty, lives at 2G!l0 Richard Rd., Lansing, Is amon~ 26,000 'soldiers slated to participate In Exerclsn Apple Jade during May at the Yalllma Fh·lng Center, Wash, Apple Jacll will test tile eiTlelcncy of Infantry anrl support units In mountainous and !Ieser! terrain. The simulated u~c of atomic weapons will he one of the eondltlons of the nxerrdse. Private McKenzie, an assistant machine gunner in the 2d Infan· try Division's 38th Regiment fi'Dm Fort Lewis, Wash., entered the army In 1948. A veteran of the Korean conflict, llc Is a holder of the bronze star medal and the purple heart. His mother, Mrs. M. E. McKenzie, lives on Route 3, Mason.

Mr. nnd Mrs. I\ennetil !';l!et'l'r•J' unci family spent the wecl< Pnd I witt, his parents, Mr. ;mel Mrs. William Sheffer, at 'l'u~cDia.

Arch Feature Shoes

William. b I S R I I • • • am , ~ gt. o Jert Sw tzenberg of

Edmonds Receives the lOth Infantry division sta· tionerl at Augshurg, Germany, has left for the Unlled States.

Mrs. Richard Schlak and chll· drcn of Lansing spent Thursday with her grandmothm·, Mrs. Edythe Every.

Mr. and Mr·s. Donald EdgillJ.i· ton cntcrlainccl Mr. ancl Mrs. Richard Brown, Mr. anrl Mrs. Howard McCowan nne! Mr. and Mr·s. Robert Colhy at hrirlge club Saturday evening.

For 'l'hose

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Extra ll:ll'(l

On Shoes!

New Appointment Court Ac~ions .. 'rh,. flt•nt•le nf the Stute o( Mlohh~nn

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Specially sliml Extra wide! Whichever your

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and lost in good·looking, finest-fitting CHILD

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McDon11ld. Ordt!l' J.{rantlru.r motion to diHm(t;H,

'l'ht! Pt•o1d•• uf the RtutP. nf Miehlgnu VH, gllf'Pflf' Lt•l\f!llt.n. O•·dt!l' to l't!ntnnd.

Hltt•ll,. ~r>vnHlll!', LouiH II. Mc1KHIIC1'1 ·ct Ill VH. Gcntld L. nrnhnm. Order for JltlY· lllr I ...,j ~""'

Sun Life AssuratWil Co. of Canacl:L 113 W. InlchlgltD, J,nnslnl:'

l'hone IVunhue fl·UO:H

Hospitals Pntlcnts In I he M11son Gcn·

era!. hospltnl . this wecl' nrc Chnrles Hills nnr:l Frnnlt Church, Wllllnmsl<m; Mrs. Dl!wey nrown, Mrs. Mercia Folc1', Mrs. Ernest Smllh, Clrilnnnnt. Everitt, Mrs, Sal'llh Mason, Rnlmrt Carey, Hen· ry Eggers unrl Hnn•y Wlllell, Mason; and Mrs. Lnwmncr. Mer· lnrlrll'f and l~nrl Chnndlcr of ITo II.

l'allcmls rllsdJUrgerl. tmm th·J MaHon Gnnernl hospllul thiH weclt worn Wesley Imel, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Im!!l of Mnson; Donald Lehmnn of Holt, Mrs .. John 1•'1!11 of Dnnsvllla, .John Casper·, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clutrles Caspur of Mnson: Mr~. Osear Garrison n( Mnson, Larry nJoorl, son of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Leon· ani Bloor! of Mnson; Vivlnn !~osier of Mason and Frnnlt Ynung of' Mason.

.Iosse Lourlenslns;nr returned from nnoiiH!J' slay In Sl, Law· renee Jmspllnl Saturday. His arm was crushed In an lnrlustrlnl nc· l'ldenl nt Oldsmohlle J~ehrunry 12 nnrl nmp1rtntlon follnwr.d. In· fcc~t Inn riPvelnpr.rl In the stump, nnrl Mr. Lourlrmslngcr wns taken lmcl1 to the hnspltnl lhls weel1.

Somers lnfant.j~. :·::· Serious Con~iti~~ ;·

Sleven Som~rs, 7 month~( Is 11 serious concllllon In Srnrrow:ft8~.;~ pltnl, Ln!lslng, Doctors ·said· lui has cncephnlltis, ln•lfnthltl eli' I !apt brnln tissue, rcsultlnli tram' toxlql poisoning In his bloorl ~tl'f.!Prn;' OJ'!PliiS nnd !mlin tlsstte, llc·ls tl)ll son of Mt·. nnd Mrs. Rob~rl 'Sam: enr, •lH4 Wutson ~treet, _Jfo!~.;· ·:

'l'he boy devci!Jpecj 11 thrciu,t:ln;. fcctlon 2 weel1H ago,' · With· a tem'perature or over 105 degr,ecti; lw wns ndmllled to the l'ospltal Frlclny, April 8. Doctors h~d glv; en up hope o! hls pulling (hrougll. Sundny hut he 'wns bettea·.Mon:; tiny momlnr;. . ,·:·. :··,.

M1·. nnrl M1·s. Somers IUIV~ 2' oli1er children, Scott, 3, nnd·.San:: dra~ 5%. · .1' •. ·:;

VANJ>AU~ Aim SOUGJIT ·., · Shcr·Hf's officers nrc · .

far the vnnrlnls who the mall hox at the fu of George A. Davis, 1-188 · roncl, Wedncscluy night.

1. Choose from the newes.t colors

2. Do the wslls of an average · room with n gallon ' . '

3. Cover moat surfncoo with onfl coat

4. Puint an average room· in 1 · few hours · ·

5. Use that room the an me day'

6. Get guaranteed ~nshability

$559 041,

Dnp Coloro

Lut ua ahow ygu how oaty It Ill


. LIFE Shoes ••• and there's no exira co;. ·(~r exira size/ Come ih soon and see our mlmy

now colors and styles all made of sturdy, .

Gordon Edmonds,xecelved a ·re· appointment lo the ''Cliy hoard nf cemetery trustees at tlie council rrieeting In the City hall Monday night. The new appointment I~ fpr 3 years. The · 'el)uncil will have another appointment to mak,c soon because of the rcsig· natiori of L. H. Harrison as a ri'JembeJ' of the. board 'of review.

Harrison's rcsignntlon was re· celyed by the council last week. However, · councilmen d!!clarcrl

Cucll llrudlcy VH. l"rnnk Parud!Hc, Hardware Con~rrutulnflons to Dr. ,Jonus Snllc whn In ·II shm•t llfcf.ime hus Nolvmt llu•. III:'C·olcl lllllhuly of Jllllio. Uls gl•nlus will touch llll of us und we thnnl1 hlm for It;. Sumucl B1mcr, ct ul. DcfnuiL jud~mcnt ] Q ff

·"' .,,,j"""· ''""'"""" <11!16,62. · . 6 5. Je erson Phone OR WIL)t~r Dalzur VH, QLr( Cox, DILVid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

long-wearing leather. . ,·'

Mason Shoe Stor~··. Phone OUcliarit· ·


Friday-Sat11rday APRIL 22-23


T11es.- Wed.~Thul·s. APRIL '26·27·28

Errol ~lynn • Gina Lollobrigldi. ·


"Crossed Swords"~ · in T~chnlcolor

. Shows at. 7.:30 I•· m; ?nly '· ·

"' : ~ ""

.. 'l

· th.ey Would tall1 In Harrison ancl urge him to continue on the board. With no results, the coun· cil accepted tho resignation Mon· day night, but did not fill the vacancy. ,' • I

K~ntuckians ·Visit Here Young and sons,

and George, of Wilmorn, Kentucky, are In Dansville this weelc, at the horne of Mr. Youngs' parents·, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Young .• Jim Young is expected to art•lve Friday to a II end the wed· ding of his brother George Sat· urday night. Jim Young Is an in· structor at Asbury college at Wll· more.

.TRADITIONAL - Traditional Russian folk pntteJ•n Is motif f~r .blouse of II] Is two•tone silk

.. summer ensemble, one of. the ·.-·; fnshlons being :nodcled In Mo~£ow, :u.s.S.R. •'hoto ,and caption matCI'Ial !OI' this peek behind the Iron Cur· .UI.ID .1''' {l:oi)f i SPv!~t .!IQurc~

f:ostullo, ct ul, Ocfnnlt judgml'nt for pluintiiT, dnmnJ:CH :!i901J. .. ·

WnltcJ• Bnll'.cr vto. Curl Cox, llnvitl f:oHtc)Jo, Jlr>fJLU(t jm(J.{mcnt (01' tllllifltfl)', dumngL"!i $·1M!!. · .

•J'hu Puuplc of tht~ Stnlc of Mtchi!-fHfl vH. Hel{irlllhl Cumming11, Gbungc. of piCn to uullty, r£•flllwd, rcmundcd .roz· triul.

Win[ Hourii-!:IU\ Vij, · Mnrgurcl Pntuu. Mntlnn frir directed verdict for:dercrid .. llflt tnken under the ErnJtKnn Act. .

,Wini HoUI'ii-:'IHJ VtJ. MnJ·suu·H · l'uton. 'tl'lnl-dlHngr•oemunt, . jury.'' di~chlirgcd •.. ,




Ctmtln fer • ""' dtmen•trallenl Nt tbfi1•tf•nl

Mason Home·

Appliance 120 W. Mat•lc: · .·

Phone ORchard .7·951~, ,,


Red Bliss Triumph or Cobblers

100 lb

Certified Dakota Seed . ' . ' ' '. ,. ,, ' .

..... . • ·.

'· ·~

···.' .,··',,I


"'~n;anr .FEGSi!l&§iiiiffilii an . en 1 - ... ·-·- .. I. 2.. T- .. J

Livestock -------·-~----

IIRr Pl'Overl Duil'Y HIIIIH Arllfl<'inlly fmrn

. Michigan A J'lificial Bl'eedm·s

lngl1111n·Mason LnPal P11t 111 r•a/ls hy noon

Chm·les B1·own Jnsrrnlnalor•

For Ad Action Phone

OR 7-9011 • WmhwH\luy uftm•noon

d••1ullinn on dnsNilimls

.,_ tHJ WOI'ds foJ• 50e - Ad­dij,ionul WOI'dS 14\ I'IH'h

\ • OluN.~ilic•d disjtlay 111ls

11,1 e JH'I' hwh

• Ou1• of l\lillhi,c:;un 1s la•·~­••sl. t'lll'lll wnnl. ud S•'ll· i lnus


I' I I


TnAcron Ti'On snln, lOfl~ Min· neupolls·Mn!lno 1 U13 ii'IWI or

wll h llvo powC!r, In Vl!l'Y gnorl cnn. rlllinn. Will hnnrllr. lhrrw 10-hwh plnwH. Also nn Ollvel' 2·ho/lom lfl·lnl'!t plnw. L, W, etwnny, 427 1-intJih C'nllr>r:r• rnnrl, 2 milcH wroHt and nnP 1111/P H<~tt/h of MnRnn,


rlohn Bean Powe1· Sp1•aye!'s

fo'm· homr., rm·hurrl, rlnlry fcu·m, J;:l'l'<'llhOliSP, lllll'S(Il',l' anrl )lOll/· li',Y fnrm

Any Sl:t.r. Buill hy gnnr/ J'(•/lnhiP <'ompnny

Culi 01' Wl'i/P

Wayne C. Millr1· Sales

2fil ('ollt•gr t'nad Mnso11

Phnnr OH.rhlll'rl 7-fi8:la 11wl r

- ------- I I --~--- -I I

Special on OllvPr SupeJ·ior• FICR'I'ILIZI.;H

rroLsTEIN 1-mwr.rr-.otw lo Aomco fe•·lll/zp•·· All unalysis farm Toor's cHArN DRII:r.. freshen, Loa/ 'J'ownseml, 29-J;i nvnllnh/P, Call Wllsnn Foree, 1:1·7

Swan road, Dnnwllle. PhotJP OH·7·,lfll'l. Hlwlf' ------- ONLY $:1!1!1


I 2'7·1"·1 1 Sioekhridgc, l!iwlp GARDEN TRACTORS --- Slmpll·f DPIIVI'I'I'd --- -----~~----------------- MIXI~D HAY---12 Ions. Goorl city. Amet•ka's No. I glll'dPn PI 'l'f!JU;ro; BEl~!·' COWS, I t•egls· lury, prir·ecl to sell. 0111' cllrmt tructot•, $149.50 lip. p

1111 llnr flf ~fi1 J'ai1CiS att

ll'l'r.rl brr!d 4-yr>ar-nld Hcrr.fcml must move tills soon. Call Whipp impl1mwnls In slock. WhPel Ollvm· nnrl with IJI!Ifr•· cnlf. One! hr·••d a. "' A y IV 1 llf'tJ r11' I'V" ' 1

,, ann J::I!IH'., ·• · · 1 • ~· horse l'lcllng 11'111'101', $27!1 up. II 1

Mlnnrapnlls-Mnl Ill' yrar·nlrl Angus with heifer <'nlf. nlngs f~D·!l·O~H. 16wl Jllows, cttltlvale.~. dls<·s, plows Phonr OR·7·Rfl71 0111' l'l'gisll'l'l'fl :1-y<'rll'·nlrl IlPI'P• - --·-- --- 1 1 PI

I I ,.,1 I Dr•J(AJ.n C£JS'/'Ol\1E'RS.· Yllll.JniiY :-;now nne mows awns. HIWI, lfiwll" ford to fi'PS 1!'11 n .filliP. '-·lUI' I'S -1>

SnwPrs nl Okr>mos, Phone• ED· p/r•l; up yntll' sroPd r•oJ'n at my Jl'., $99.95 up, lnols In sloe!<. Voss ----~---------~-- --2·.182,1. 1fiw1 homr., a miles north of Cllnson on Sales und Service, 179[} US-Hi, MERRY '/'ILLER-II sells llseif.

------------ ---- -~ -- OIH•nws l'rlad In Lnmil mnrl, 1!', Olwmos, 3 miles ensl of J•;asllJan-~ Mulches, /Ills <llld cultiva/es 12 HE:REF'ORD and Angus hulls mile ca;ot on Lnmil road to sing. Phone ED·2·591!i. 1/wl f In 2,1 inl'ites wirle withoul attndt·

and Hampshire anrl Brot·l<sllirP Simmons, third housr. nm·th on --------------~------~ments. Low r·osl. Denmnsll'nllons !Jnnrs for sniP rw !Pasco. Call in Simons. r~xll'il :;tol'l< nvullable. INCUBATOR -- Cahinel c>lectrlc welcomed. C'all r•oJ/pc•t fV·•I·0.31:J,

Bank where




• 0 • at the

Farmer's Bank

..• wht!rt• YOlm savings at·•· Hal'c• ••. aud

instu•••d , • , utili will g-row wiU1 iutc·r••sf! So follow llu• c·t·uwd

••. hnnl• at.: arlvanf'r Willlrnn Muso/ff, 20fi<l Yntll' DPI\ull1 deilirr, Wilson inculmtol' fm• goosf' anrl rluek I Lonslng. l.Jwt I' I DPXif'l' Tmll, Dnnsvlllr, Phonr /~ru·r·P, piHinP 0/l-7-·l!ll'/. eggs, 1,200 egg mparlly. Phonr --------- - - -~-~----

CALVES -!if'rrofnl'lls, :lfln In 4flfl MA·:l·2fl!l1. Hlwl 1fiwll' TV·!i028ri nfter 'i::~n p. m. 15w2p F'aJ'l11 1 pmmds, alwnys sa/'1'. Sira/y's ---------- -~----·---------~- I

StodcyuJ•ris nt Miii'S/iilll iiiHI Oil· rmoon SOWS--'1 Dlll'O['S, Duro in !Illy . S'f'Jti\ \V-- Mlxrorl lwy illlrl CE:MENT SILOS-Smilll Silo Co. ,,;qui pm en L Vel.. '1\v?.OJI Ma,1•. JnCJIIil'l~ of LvJe PalnH'I', Ill's! <'Ill ling illfnlfa. Also wlwat Ill 1

II 1 1

l''l'l - ' C'l 'f 1 1 \.v. 1 r .. vrJ· ilnl , rrr.f' · ',"1 Y Linronln Wrill<'t's 1111rl SI!Jlllllros -------- ,,'IJnlll'swPstoJ'Masonon('oltlm· anrloillslr<~w. ,JPiiJlPI'I nwn llrltlllilll' Arlin\'oorl

r.m:rs- \\'(• ill'f'al< f'CJ/Is. Call for Ilia l'rlilrl :rncl 2\~ miles south on inlm·gequnnlly. PI ,nmpcms, I II PI 1 n•JJn •141' b I PI I T I . sr.1son r s ' o •· ," ., • Kitl"wisP. F:levatm·s f

- ()/' 7 f'/uu I" ? .r.s "· wnP .,,:; " "· Chore Boy MlllcrJ·s nnrl SI!Jlp/lrs 1 lnfornwllon. Jlo!Jr•J'I /ICJ/'i'man, Erlgar I'O:Hl. Pltonr /llll'C•/Ius l:lO'I. phone •· ., 0 ''· ''W-Jl 11wtf2p Firestone '!'Ires phone Lr.sliro 2•l:lli. l•lw.1 /tiw1p Qlf.i\NT1TY of -wl;~;;t -~~lr;;~~ -;11 ·--------------------~ Manure Loader.~ ------- -- - · - - · ,. 11. I Olwmos, :lll<' rc IJ,dro. Plwnr ED- BUILDINGS -~ ! Ezee-now FerlillzPr SJli'PAdrr .THE FARMERS BANK COWfi-AngUSC'CI\V. ·rwo r·ows I!OLSTEIN!!Ell•'ER allCI ro1 · ]('II' ] f f It'll' II

D 1" .. -J/, 2:1R2-1. _____________ ~w poe mme arm Jtlrmgswo·c Clor/ with I!Pifr•r l'alws. :lll!l/ C'nvan- .fohn PPrr. A ll'ar•lrw, " f \V /1' 1 1

nttgll road, Lylr ~!orion. IG1v2 1vitll !Jydrntllir plo1vs 1111d f'Utll· c:ROI' !JAil, INSURANCE-- building and p~nnlng sr.rvlr~ V·Belts, all sizPs , -~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oldf'st llnnlc in lnghnm County 1\leml.lcJ· F. n. I. 0.

PUREBRED Ynrl<shirP hoar. Ilowm·rJ Coy, 218.1 Coy I'O<i<l,

Mason, phone OR-7-2!1·1·1. 1 Gw2p

PIGS-I!:unpshire and Polan:! weaning plr;s. Gemlrl Oal</ey,

£l miles nm·111 of StoC'/<hridJ~P on M·.'IU, H30 SioC'/Ihririi{P mnrl. Phonr Slof'idn·irtgr :H'·'ii. lfiw2

. or you. e o PI' a eomp e e Wagons and tln/owiPI'~; vators. Case• A·C r·nmilinP wilh Agenl fot· Illidtigan Mutual 1 1 T 1 c t auxiliary motor. Masspy.IJarris f-l:lil Instll'fllll'l' Co. of J_ansing. Clwr· c out· low pr· ces. '' · Olin y Grass Ser.ders l.ror·IN DEERE corn JllaniPt'; I I . 1 .11 D 1 Ji'arm Set·vice Co., 4G2fl N. East Lomlmrd Chain Saws 15-w P gn1111 l 1'1 · llllliltn .fl•well Jnstll'flllC'P Agency, 551 W. t I flTS ?7) D 1 B 1 •

1· Jrlhll D~rJ•n 11"• y loader·, tti·fl.

s reP , , ·- r.p . , "ansmg. Cover Boards frJl' most plows ~ ~ " rlotlhle riisr•, hravy duly. Also a Maple, c·oJ'IH'I' of Crrlar slreet, Phone rv.7.1!l8fi. Gwtf GJ•aln AttgPl'S i aluminum PlevatnJ·, nrw last sum·

very hPavy rlnuiliP disc; !111~1 hales 1 JYI:uwn. PIHllll' OR·7·0'-i1 I. IGwl ____ -------------- _ llsf'r/ Ollvi•r· Hnydrx p/nw Jll['J', This equipment at Hi7 Kane DRAPES--'! pai1·s matr·hlng RUGS - !);.; 12, 11srd, $7 nnrl 11p; of clove!' hay. Hol)('rl II. ' wmp-

1 - -- -- .. ------- -------- l'<Jad, Wr!bhm·villr. Phonr. !iS·F·l 1 flowered dJ'aiJPS, $!i.~ll. Pho11~ nr.w, $:l!J ilnd up; !lx IG, $5fl.95;

"'"· """"' _MA "'··"""'· _ __ 1 hwl coMPLE"r" umo oe """ '"" Check These Bargains l'l·a n cis PI a tt Weht_,.,m,. tGw> OR-7~651. , 111w1 '"" r;;,.,. ''""· " "·", 11""'''"'"

-- - Rowena fcr.rls, hay, straw nnd Ji'inr.s/ in l"nrm Machhtf!ry --~-~----- ----- ___ __ ___ t'Llgs, !Jxl2, $:i.!l:i; flxlii, $10.95; BULL - Will sr!ll or trn~lr. for I salt [OJ' walr>r sofiPnr>rs. Also 1!15<1 MM-2!3 I rae/or wilh 2· m· M·M nnrl Oliver THACTOR---19;12 .Joltn DeCI'e 11 CAS STOVE-- !n gnml c'OIIr/ilion. cww wou/ llrrow rugs, nn/y $1

ilay •. a l'/-monlh·olrl r·cgtslr.t:r~~ Pill/lips GG gus anrl oil. Toml.ln· 'i-row cullivatot• % mllr north of Mason on u:;;.127 trac:IOI' wilh cultivator ami Hn;' been c:onverterl to hnltle '<•ad1; t'llg pads, flx/2, $1l.!irl; 1111\\' l-lols.lem illlll,: Dnn_

1 J~m?rlur•ed. bL son's reed Siorr., IJol/, 11hone mounter/ col'll plmttPr, hydraulic "as. Can he usr.rl willl :•it her i bally lll'ds c·ompiPIP with inlwt·· Jb f.ll M_. L_. as " -·yen. 1-nl_d.,OX-'I-?So, 1_ ,!Owl[ Co-op ll'nciOl' and c•u/livntor, live Pl10nc OR-7-!1!171 "'


. .

1 1 Gt•atHlshn·c

1s Pluto. Rtl'iwrrl ---=--~- ----~~--- PTO 1Gw1 lift. In VPI'Y [~nod eonditlon. May· natural or bottle gas. Cltarlc•,.;,sprlng wet-pmn/ c·ovrors, speca

Ingham County News April 21, 1955 Page 6

Pr_1wers. half mile .\\'I!SI nnd lw/fl !3./\LED MIXED HAY, $22.50 per.,F<ll.'mall Cub trm·toJ' will! full __ -------------- --~-------- !Jr. srr.n Sunday. Glen Ca/trldel', Ri1•h, :1128 West Columbia, phont• 1$2D.!J3; nursr.•·y r·ha/rs, $:1.98; un· I I I r 1

'rRACTOR _ .Trlitll Dnrl•n. 1n •• 1 .~1 :JS:ifl Kipproarl. Phone OR·7·7766. 0R·7·!i871i. lfiw/pl finishrrl high 1·hairs. $1.!18; stu-llllle south of Lros II'. , 1onr .Ps· ton. Also lmlr.d straw, $1!i per me of tool.~ • " " IG If I' 1 $11 1 I. 'l001' If' ,, MorJn] 13, l'lllli'I'•'I(Ol'S ,·r/(,"r'ilrrJ. W ---- ------- ·- ------ -- • f IUS, liSPC • ' IIIH up; new, If'- '·

1w" ton. \\'ill rlroliver. Rn.Y D. Donald, J~asy-Tillm· with lour 2-IJotlorll " " • $10 q-. 1 r t $~ 1 lJl' u

Yol>r•<•JITI'I~ PIC'S l1r•st 'l" otrl .ltlSI J1en_ 11 cr11n 11J~tcly OVCl'IJ,'ItllnrJ, --------- ·---------WATER HEATER, 20gal/nnt····.··1

• ,., s -~. · 1

:rnt _ 1

• n· '\,, ' ' ' '' • ''


• 1.onr'.<lllrl J":ll'ln .·;out it of Anrelilts plows " " " II I I I I ~17 I) t I

. "tl I Y I I' I ·'" 1 ,JOHN DEERE-1951, model A, Duo-Thel'lll bottle "<ls. Wavnp I Ills H'<. •. '·r 1'11\VPI', ·• ... 1; s ow•s




; a so ons lire IO<ll', " IVOLVE!UNP. HOLSTI~IN Heifer f'Pnlror, Jlilflll<' :l2fl:J Alll'r./ius. 2-1", OJ'i"CI' l','lrlrx· Jl/OII' $-18!i. ChUI' es Slaffonl, phone ED· 1 1 11 "' ' l·lllll'l'll'i"PI" lors Com]JIPIP hnnw long-bodied hog, 10 months o/rl, S

1 S

1 1 A .1 ?'J 1 11 I - " • • 7-7187. 1:iw2 with power·ll'O anr ro ·o·n_J~•- Dalton, 21i9 ScuJ·Is marl, WPIJher· ' ' . .., " · · •

from llttrr of l:i, ·11 rni.~Pcl. W. 0 .;.1 ~c~,-~l.'\~:~·r ~{· 111 ~


''\v~iv~rinc --~---·-· -------~~ 3-14 plow ___________________ ---~--- ·tk. Ralph Cha1m1Jewrlai

1n1, •J

1t111.19 villr.. Phone Wrhlwn•iiiP 4-1~-11. I ~~~~·~is~!n71 ~1·.,;~rw ,~;;~:"us~1rl. ~~~:~~-J Blss

nJJ '·Jr•t•l'r/'1'111 1'<1'111 r lt'lt'<i S 1pn1 '·l'rA r 11n "C"I' ol 1 . • Shr-rwoorl mar, e l H'J'V e. Uiw''Jl 1 ·• '' ' • '· •

· ··•' " ' ' · purPhrerl livcstor.k sales JJnvilion BALED STHA\V--By hrue or ton,' 1

"'" • 1 "~" r PL~W -;--_2·hott?m 14" Inte~:n;·•Ph~ne Bell Onl<


32. 16w3 ________________ ..


s11np and s;rvf' at Storage Ful'lli· house soul h Clf Droxter Trail on

011 US·l G, 211:, miles west of Wil- ean deliVPJ'. l·lowurcl R. Smi1h, Used one-man C'!Hiin snw, fi h. Jl., Ilona] L1t tie \~onder plow, $-l.J; _____________ OAf( DIN IN, . . . .,,, ltll'e Sale:;, •Ifill I Nor I II Easl slt'CPI .~ __ sir~~f_rw~rl. IGwlp llamslon. 7:J hear] very r·hnice reg- Woodlawn Farm, :i271l W. Colum- nearly new :1-bollom 14" Coop plow, $25; E~Q--U- IP'·JJ~N1, ,, .

1,., J

1 hi ('


G .100

m ~~ 1111 .,1 ·1 10111

n·. lN. US-271 Open daily !l a. m . HOLSTEIN <'all, week old. 1s error o s Clll tel ers -- ' lla, pwne ,. ·,J, ,,, w a e mo< e • o tn eerro WI n • • " , ' ' ' ,

1 hi

1 14 . •h

11 AI.

1 , . .




tn , p. 111

.. , ru ay . ·;,, . LliH ".I' . t I II I I . I 'f lrJl I' I 0f>7~87~ 47 If L 1 I I J I D B 'I' 'lllrl 'Ill llllnl'll'llloll'll il'l.l' lo'lrlet·l ~. "" - •'OIC·••erguson u e, ' CHill'S, SUI ill e Ill' - I' -1

!l" S I l Purehrerl IIHmJishin• h<HI!', show prospects in all r1ge C'/nsscs, -- --- --·- ~----~- hydraulil' plow. $10. Grnnl C. Putman, 1280

1traetorl 1 ~u

1e, lnt~m • ·U~~I ~~ ~geB . ~0 11 10Y,i~r'"e~: (!~r·y(' <'., p. en. In ;; p.


• TPrms lind lay. sired by some of the bulls BALED llAY-AJialfo and F 1 11 1 1 Meech rnml. \Villiillnslon, phoncofl 0 W anr ' 01 '1 cutv,ttor Wll -. '· atte • · 1 • .. -H,'l'l'y,,_n•·v· I'I<JIU' JV-7-017:1 Hiw1 really for SPivir·c>. ltf':Jsnnr~!Jie. or thr..brcecl ii'Om high record ili'Ome, first eulting; sr.conrl •ar·mnl M,nr.w l'llllPI', tns lrorn tl14F6. 1fiw!J r_ront-cnd attachment, Dearborn phone Oll-7·17!11. li>w1pj~ '·~· s. I __ ·_

Phif IIayhoe, !iOS l-liil']lr.r· road, ovel'haulerl Ill! type rli~k Bhcl< I·hwl; lruv I phone OR·7·7GS5. 1Gw1 · 1 , I3 !" 170~ '" W-30 trnclor on ruhbr.J• tor corn planleJ'. 1-IaJ'l'Y Ji'ord, M" dnms·, 3 grnnrlrlaughters of Pnbst PUlling all:lifn and r·Jover hay, ' -·------------~-~---- -- ·- · · · ' ' .. -------- II -- --~- -· --------------- Hoamer, I he sit•e's dam "Ex" wilh string II('[. "' . 'I'OS(, ,) ,,,m• A 1' v I rsce aneous BOARS-Yorl<shit·e boars from ,sensational lifelime pmrltlction. mPl' !'Oar!, Wlu•alfirlrl township. Ji'armall A with mountNI mowr•r lJSecl }1'aJ'Ill pl1one Williamston 557-.J or 39, pp lance a U8S

roglslel'er/ stru•l<, from fall lit- They m·e fmm very high rer'orrl 1:Jw!ip P,{,.Jon tr·uck -------------~wl Tradr·in Sprdals, 'l'1•strc/ :one/ Jl'YPE\VHITE:H m I3BONS -f;~: trrs, $40 to $·10. .• Joy K Paclwrd, dams nne! wonderful pmsppr•ts ·- ----------~----------~Qunnlily of user! mill< r•Hns lVfachinei',Y PLANTE:H--Ga•·rJPn plr~nlf't' fo1· AJllli'OVrd



1 1 17!l Nnr1h Clark I'<Hifl, DansvillP. for Junior year tng c nss lolls J' B •7 fl. whrel-lypP rlis•· sale. UsNI onP yenr. $10. Mark

· /' l • · sa!P., for porta 1le llll' slam fli'C Hiwl fn/1. Many senior calf prosper'(;; i m·m m·eau SJ)J'in,g· Clem·ance Kilpall'il'/<, phone OH-7-a:Jiil. REJi'RICERATOHS l~']li.'WriiPU, 6!'ic upiere. lngham

--- -- - - -- -- - --- ~- sired by such bulls ns Cut· I iss I Hiw 1 ColdspcJt, s r·u. II ......... ~:li:Utfl C'OIIItly News, Mnson. 7wtr BOAR-SpniiPrl Pnlanrl China,.canrty Invincible, Glr.nafton Min- 1 J1lertilizer Silsby Implement Co. S I --------- F

1·igidaire,:; <'tl. n .... ::;:I!J.-,1! ___ p ______ _

"""· >15 lb., <'>•. WhH ,, gllo, ,10,1, gmmt<lmoghleo·." "' Mm·l<>· I AU , "" \y>e' """•hlo 21 .1 W. <I, 1, OR-7~loll < a 8 OUoe'" I" Ch""·"'


•• ,.,.,, I\ ays 20[} lb., $:i~. Hoy D. Donald, S('('- mnn, Sovereign nml olheJ" Olll· IGwl Household Goods GAS JlANGJ•;s I ,.,,0 S]JI",l.Y onrl f11rm south nf Aurelius Cr.n- standing sirc•s of tile hreed. WP Howard H.. Srnith 18:50 :J-plow Mor/el DC CasP trrw- I ler ,OJ' plwrH' AUJ'eliu:-; :~20:1. \Vi11 n1so have n fe\v outstanding -----~----------- tol', wide arl,ju~talile front rnrl Detroit Jewr!ll, 'l'r~IJ/p WII:IIP\'Pl' I'CJlll' spraying nl'rds

lfiw I 2·YI'·olrls due in .July, August flllcl Woodlawn Ji'nrms TILLERS - Howard Rotnvntor, nnr/ hyclt•nulil:. ELECTRIC H.ANGE--Userl Hot· Top .............. , .......... .$-18.0() · HI'<:-- Call' ----- ---- ·· -------~---- September as \veil as a few Phone ORchm·d 7-fi873 most powerful tiller marie, does 1!152 3-plow model DC Case lrn<'- poinl. Vm·y good condlllon. A·B, While, 'J'ablf' Top $:n:;o I W}tYllo M!'IJe


, S,•:tle," PONfES--OnP Wr•leh pony, :1 young cows and hei[ers, rlue at ------------ a hettr:· job than plowing. Tills In tor, tricycle! t)'pe wit II llyrlrau· Good oven. F'ull size, $'10. Phonel Detmit ,Jr.wrll, Tail/£' ~ c ''

years nlrl, gr.niiP fo1· childmn, sale lime or just fresh. Girton 8? ?1 N heavy stmw muleh, corn stalks, lie, single, li1•e powe1· lalw-ot'C. CJH-7·77G2. 12wtf j :?GI C'nlle)?r Hrmrl 11


10 '""·" m· o\>loo·, $1<>. Two 111 llo ""'m' or p,, "~ ""dlog " '"' -!Jo i l 1'0 gen '"""' "' '"' wllh ''" oHm•l "' Modo\ A 6-fool '"', '"'"" <h·l'"• · ---· -- ---- --- --- · 'I'"P .. · · ............ ·· ......... I·19.W l'hmoe Oll<·h .. , '' 7·""" · 1 1 1 'I G 1 ,. (' t A J' ] plugging, $198.50 and up. All self- C 1 1 " \V 11


'VI -1

$'' 1


: .-Jlnnws, l'l'r aru w 11 e. ,rnt I"! or Phoire consignment - tops in ·US ·0111 pp IeC nsi! com J ne, /9,JI. !! ll , ' 11 e ............... ,, .. 1 1 9wlf ')illle r•hildren, pri<·e $1fi0. Also type and producllon. Buy your , . . •~ . , propelled. Also in stock, Mel"t'Y G-ft. c•ut Massr.y·T-llll'l'is P. '1'. 0. APPLIANC'I~ Kenmore, WhiiP, Glass·in [______ . _ . -------· "J<ldl", bdo\1" '""' "'"'""'"'"· ,,,,,.._, [m· 'how. ,. "" "'"' """ Che<tr ·'""' 7'; f"' I?·'·' "": ."f,'" ;;~·~, ,,;,""~~,·~:; •• ~:ts:~,~ com hi'"· . o,,, Dom· ........... . . """ IP \lOC"SSI•:I> !lOAn GllA VF.L, $.15 n sr.l. Roy D. Donal1l, ·sr.n. ·Jet-fhr.ln"'gni\\• into money fnr •:e,l'o•;,11~e·~~ a '.ons. ltsr. s lr ng Morici Gfl Allis-Chalmrl·s [i.ft. P. He pail· Service j

1 1


1 1

11 1 'mm'1'm'fn''ifriutfliiYi\

11i·'iiTii.ts C:en- you. If yoLt want club heifeJ·s or r~nii.Jrl ~·lies.. . , ice, 1790 US-16, Okemos, 3 miles T. O. with picl<·tlp atlndHnrnl Dr.lrolt Jewr.J, \Vhill' . $:l!l.:i0 J:ll'll.\'lll'r 1. san< anr Jflc<

tr.r, m· phonP Anrelills :~2fl:J. .1 1

'J ·s 1 nol f'l'l 1 .11 He mrmhr.1 -- NiiJOgr.n rloesn I easl of Easl Lansing. Phone ED· anrl Hlrow chopper. , Alltomalie Washers * DJ•yrJ·s EI ECTRIC RANGI~S dirl. l•'rnnds Slusser, Mason 1(·,1v1

slOW ~el eJ. -.r 0


1 0

' • r·ost- 11 pnys 2 5915 ] Jwtf , 'V · w 1

, "J .. " : GJ•nvrl Co., phone OR·fi·,l1fl4. tencl th1s sale. rB & Bangs lester/. · '· · Model NT Case aulomntir· lwin,• ' l'lnget· ns wrs Frigidnlre, Whiff', 1 1

owt( --------------------------- V ' I 1 T S l'e b• lei' 1951 • l~lrPil'il' Hangi!s • c ·

·' SADDLrc HOR.SF.S-A., " F~~y~,"'~':..'h,I:"~,:,,:~~·B,;;;\.- :; Cook Ei'aJ'I11 Nitl'ogen FARM EQUIPMEN'r - ,,.,, . ..,. Mo~•l ';, c .. ;.: ;.,.,, H"""''"' 11 ':"'".;' :i'B" ......... . .. '""'"I I~ACVN MOWE:Rfi ~=- :r;;;~1;~-;,;;; · yenr·s


10 yrnrs. Gnorl gentle Detroit, Plymouth. C. B. Smith, Sel·vjce tiona! disc:, Inlernationnl dmg, wllh r:orn and hay lwarls, 19!i0 PI'Ompl fil'l'VIPP nJver·sa • · •lll'IWI' Johnston, Goorlal/, Duo·ThPl'm, N"' ffi, $75 "o·h. AI'" 2 """" '''" M '"''"' & A"

01 loo "'· Wll- fo 1 O<'o"l'"' 1 moweo·, 7-f I. '"I, M mlel c c"" F "''go H""·" eo· "lito c.,"""' · ........ · .. S:m ·"' 1 S"' p p; o "I' m·lleo "" o1 ""'· W" lk ·

wr.slr.t·n snrlclles, $3!i r:Jeh, one liamston. 1Gwl 2•l!ll W. Colllmbla and .John Deere 2-hollom, 1G-1nch with corn head only, 19-19. .'l Wl'ingr.r Washers, Yo11r lng OJ' l'iding in either !'Pel or ro-new snrlrlle, $1i:i. BririiPs nnd mar· Phon<' OHI'ilar·rl 7·701!i I plow. Also Universal manure Model CP Case Ji'omgc• T-I:uw~ICI' (}ail Ifedglen Choice fso/rl as is! ........... $15.00 tm·y. All sizes fl'Om .18" In 84" tlngules, $/fl


sPI, Roy D. Don· COWS-Four dairy cows, 2 floJ., llwtf loader. Phone OH-7 .. 1033. Ji'Joyrl quick detach r•orn :111rl hay Phottro OH.-7·,1!lHi I'l'igirlairr Automali<· W:1slwr cut. Come out nnrl ask for rlemon· "d' '"'"' '" f ,,.., *"' II' "' A"" ··"I" h eo"' ",,, D !''r' d '" ''"I "' i<·i ·i l~iiJ:: RS -~-A;;;;--"""",\,, w' I'""· 600 M <old\'" R ""'\. "wl\ """'· 1953. H w" ' '"".50 " , . ., II"". v "'" So'" ""' '""; 0'' II"' ''"""' oo· ~'''"'" Am·eJh" or '""""· po·•~ .$1 '·' rw, '""'~ 211 1.,,. ""' ''"'""'''""' ""· 2 3-t~llom 11-1 ... C.o.e m""'""'' ...... --- ··· · -·------- J 17>1 US-111, 01"'"'"'· 3 mil~ oo" 3_2_n3_. - . ... .. . . ---·- -"~WI ,,,,,,,. c""O:;'Y' ""' \""' ' ~I pi""' "", . .,I e. , .• ,,,,,, '""\' ""' PLOW-2-14 ou,, plow ,,. "'\o ''"'" " Ill ,.,,,.,\ hi h•h. PI 'I Consumers Pow eJ• Co' I of ""·'' I "'"'"I< """'" ED- J • RlJLL __ Pui'Phl'<'rl hull, month. Pl'lce $1.Jfl .. B;~ngs ami 113 lawn sr.rrl. Bt!nwn/ Ji'(•rrl & Sttp· Ol' trade Jor· manure spreader. 2-botlom 14-ineh hydr·aulir· .John . 11 ga~ Mason, Midtlgun 12-~>:~:'_-_ __ ---------~--11_'_1~1_[ ,. •

9 months nlrl. Also cement tested. Also HolsiPJn Jcerlr.J· steers ply 13wlf On l'llhhet· .• John Met•r•hnnt, Route Deere I railer plow on slr.rl. Bottled Gas Phone ORC'Itnl'rl 7-flfi•J I ~- JUJMMAGE SALE- Spring and Jnixer w'Jiil rlrr·t•··,r· 11101111 .. J .. l.V. and helfcJ·s. Will rlelivr.r. Hoy D. __ · ________________________ 1, Dansville. "15w2 lnlel'llational 3 hrg. l'llllipHr'IWl', IG

1 1


1 - ' D I I I f I · w 1 ll'l'e new, lf).ft. In w summr.r rummage sa e cays a Cheney, 2 milr!s wrst and 11 mile ona r, scconr nnn sntlll ot :mo BALES niPc riovc•· hny. il ------·-~- •

1 9

~ .

10 0 1

, .

1 south of Mason

111 ,127

Soulh Aurelius Cenfer. Phone :1202 delii'Pl' nt 1·rasonahle mtes. See· tile New Cas·e cullipacl~e,·, 10-!t., nr.w. 20-lh Self·Serve Cylinders NEW APPI IANCES \V


111 wee< . to .>:. . pen '1'1( ay eve·

College mml. luwl 35·13. 6wtl FOl'Cl Tl'l'cyc!e' • r.r·, fil~ :J-polnt hi I Pit ll'ilf'lm·, Bolh am aulomalic .~ystems have n llmlled supply of nr.w lions in Lansing, 12·/G 'l'uJ·nc•· and Aurelius. Hiwl Bert Whillal;p1·, phone Leslie easr 2-mw lllOLIItlerl r•OJ'n planl· 100-lh Deliveretl Cylinders ~ . J. • ~. -- • e s 1 jnin!:s until 9 o'doek. Two loca-

BO_A_R_S_'-~2---P-~~~~~~~·~I Ber·kshl~·~ --~-------- 1!l53. Lower rates for <lunl appliance 195'! merchandise-gas and ·eicl'-,327 Hiver Slreet. All kinds of boar>'. Wt•ight HIJoul 3flO lhs. Hay-Grain-feed I-IAY~-70 hales or tlrsl cutting Tractor case IG·hoiP fcrlllizr.r grain clrill, users tric ranges, freezers tchrst nnd usecl furnitttre nnrl appllanl'es In·

Hex Towm.eml, fill R Columbia good alfalfa hny, 40c each. 19!11. ·nslnllallon Convr.rslon upright) 1unclrefrlg~ratm:s. 'r!ll'SC eluding icc boxes and l'cfrigera· Eler:lric CTeam sej,nrntor, excel· Used Equipmenl Case moclcl .T hlmvrr fomgr. IIIHI Bottled Gns J\nnH

1111ce!'1 m·r. lmoc ~t!d :lown 111 Jll'tr.e lmm tors for that summer collnge and ~fl~'~;i! fi Mn~~!gfl7;a~ans~;ill~:ason, Anhydrous An11110nh"t. lent condition, $50. George W. 2 Good 1949 Ford 'frnctot·s r 11 $80 to $120. Ma~on Honw Appli· trnnsienl worlters clwelling-heds

Gooc/noe, corner of Canal road l952 Ford Trnclor with slr.p-up, .Jot~'l~~er<:'-wirle-scc/lon, 3-sr••llnn Mason nnce, "1 20 W. Maplr., phone OR· and stoves. Buseball, fishing, golr --~-~- ______ .1

_~'1;> 82% Nt"""" ""' Bo1dge "=1. Dlmo.,dole. 'loodowo l''"'ml"l"" ·""''"'' ,.,1h honnw. 7<]911. '16w 1 ,,.1

"""'' ,,.,., hog eq<O lpm'"\ GUEI1NSEY HinJi'ER __ Will Bar·k sm·ving you againlhis yrar Phone m.6.4825. 15w2 Several Used Plows Home Appliance -- ---- ·-------·-·-· 14w4 l. I n I f '·I "I'B I Good US(![] Blnckhawk C!Ol'll F. C)', Alldel'S011 l?-r BI'g· ------- ------~--.~--------1(!8 tf'n l'S n "ay. :me. ' .. \!. 120 w M 1 B I

" I f I L . Sl A llllydl'OllS Al111110lll'a Planter . ape SAFJ~S - All maKeR, types and alJg>·· tester. ,, ot• sa e o trar e eWlS 1aw S PI OR 1 1 7 "'911 d I f I

· 0

• ~ User! Plow .and Scrat>Cl' Jo.r Cuh 0118 wne c turr ·,J, AtJIJll'a-IlCe sizes. Bought, sold, opened an

or ee< er Jltgs .• T. 13. nit on. l \" ~ r.: 182(

• I' lf'n · I Mn ~'t·actot• · · ' l.Jwl repait·erl. \'nttll doors, money mllr.s north of Dansville. Phone ' '

0 " HJar- 'son 8')rv NT'rROGI,N ' D v'll MA 1' 3 'l3G3 S 1 f •

ORchard 7·!i811 '-tc ' ~ 01 her Tractors and EC]Uipment ans I r. r mon . '* I - a e ' chests, sleel des liS, filing cabl· ' -MA·3·3241. 1Gw1p J6w1

14wlf Custom Applicatlng Burch Disc, 111

,'.·ft., hyrh·aulic _ AUCTION at 3081 Eaton Rapid~ N lnternatlonul I-Iru·veslf'l' nels, li?l.ll' gas and coml1ina· PIGS-2 hog feeders for ~ole.

Also Dm·oe feeder pigs. Frank Bacl~us, phone ED-7·7277. lfiwl

,._-ANGUS BULL-2 years· old, reg· • lstered. G. F. Hns1tell, 2 miles

' east of Eaton ·Rapids on Barnes road, phone Eaton Rapids 4-1003.


2 SRED GILTS due to fm·t·ow in· May. Mrs. Lula Howe, corner

of Eden and Ingalls roads, Leslie Route 1, Leslie phone 2204.

' · 16wl

ALFALFA-Second cutting. Wil­liam Fountain, 2% miles west

of Mason on Cnlumhla road. Phone OR-7-1114. Hlwl

26% Nitrogen-per ton-$7fl Lawn Grass Seed

Lawn and Garden Fertilizer. Alfalfa and Clover Sr.ed

Bement Feed and Supply

Phone ORchard 7-1421 1Gwtf Durham, -~~---'-·~~---

· .. orJe.,vc•n· ·old, 2 horses, a gray HAY-200 .bales of June clover !1 and !i, half-sisters. hay, 40c pet• bale. Also 8 tons

Shepherd dog, on~ _year of ensilage, $4 pet• ton. 0. E. Frost, 2V, miles north Clark, Pine - Tr·ee · Farm, 3836

· · 16w~p , C?~e!JI,f:li( r,oaq,. . , 16w~ ..

Dalton & Moran 2119 Searls Hd., Webberville

· Phone 41"1 1 or 4F'13 13wtf

HAY - .June clover and alfalfa lll'ome hay hy the hale or ton.

Allen Fl'ederlck, 1 Y! miles south of Mason on US-127, phone OR· 7·01.11. llwtf

controls. R~acly fo1· demonslra· CULTIVA'l'OR-Internnllonal llv,. d L 1 f M ew 2 1 1

tlcin service. Murphy Safe Co., tloll ron , ans ng, across l'Om U· 0 cub c eel 1 ?G2~, Ceclul' t'O,"rl, Lansing, Ml'clt, draulic cultivator. Fits I-T Ol' M. 1 G cl ol ev r s lttrd .1' FREEZERS - - "

P e rove s 10

e Y a n. ' ' ' ' One-quarter mile south or Lansing· ,Tractor and Equipment Company

2828 ·East Grand Rive1· Phone IV·2·2175

Ivan Pnrlwr, phone Leslie 4439 at 7 p. m. There will be tools, ap· Regulat• $529.95 P 1 1 1

t tl US ---~~-------1-G'I_v_lp !lllances, comforters, , dishes, SPECIAL $.1!15 ennsy van all n ersetcl onfonH It·

lamps, used furniture and many 127 or 1 m e nor 1 o o . EQUIPMEN'l' - Mci(ee harvest· other items too numerous to men· International Harvester Phone OX-4-3241. 23wtf

ers and suction blowers. See A·750·D Model picture on anpther page anrl call tion. Consignments accepted till Am CONDITIONERS

16w1 YOU!' representative in this urea. one p. m .. day of sale. Come .lpln R I $3 9 ~ Le the fun. Free coffee. Not respon· egu ar <1. ,9,, -~--~---~~-- Richard Powers, slle, phone sible for accidents, Lansing Econ· SPECIAL $24!l.95


FARM TOOLS-Grain elevatot', Leslie 200fi. 16W.1 omy Furniture. Swtl Allis Chalmers WD power BRADY GARDEN TRACTOR

PIONEER SEED CORN-For mower, Allis Chalmers plelt·up with cultivator, sicl<le bar and bettet· yields of better quality corn ·planter, Little · Genlous lawn mower attachment Reason·

em·n plnnt Pioneet'. Seed fot• your 2·14 plow, set of platform scales, able. Phone OR·7·2501. · 16wl specific l'equlrements avallable at 011e 8·can raclt, 10.gallon water -.--~~---~~~---­all times. Curtis B. Wright, 2330 heater, automatic hog waterer, BEAN AND BEET DRILL - .J.

VI ANTED to trade even up used electric range for gas. Mason

Home Appliance, phone OR· 7·5911. 6wtf

International Harveslrt• 12 cubic feet


Highest quality monuments and marl<eJ'S. Call us now for Decoration Day delivery. Reas'On· able prices. 1428 W. Grand River, Williamston, Phone Williamston

Wt•lght road, Route 3, Leslie. hog feeder, mlllt cans. Also a row Superior, in good condl· REFRIGERATOR- 9 cubic foot Phone Leslie 2334. Dealer for rubber-lire wagon. L. E. Rode· tlon. Lyle Oesterle, corner of Montgomery Wat•d, In good south half of Ingham county. heaver, 357 W. Holt Rond. Phone flolt and O.ltemos road11, phone running condition •. Noel Millet•, 1

' :_ ,. ~~~~~ W.iUI!liDI'l.LQn .tUJl:J;':l,~. .16wl. OR·7·8774. -16wtf Hllsl~ttJ ,Pl.t,one F:P:::9.Sl37. · 19W~P • ' .

. Regulat· $449.95 SPECIAL $325

464. 9w10p.

BLACK DIRT-Excellent quality. S'l b I 1 t C Ideal for lnwn building or for

1 S Y mp emen 0. dt·essing or filling low spots In 214 W. State Street ah·eady est a b II she c1 lawns.

Phone ORchard 7·0141 Spreads freely. Also 1111 .dirt .. l6w1· Phone ED·7·9243. 16w3p


Want Ads --------- ---/~ATN'f'R- 2,()(10 mlnJ fl If! r'I10Hil

f1 om, TnRicle unrl nut. ZlmmPI mnn'H l•lwtf

Used Auto Parts All maiiQ~ of PIH'I'I tQ ohoose !rom

See l}a All4 Sf\Ve We need m01e ol~, burner! or

wreolced cnr11 p! up Servlr.a

Keith Auto Pa1·ts Open evenings ll to fl; All rlny

Snturdny 4623 E:lllotl Roar]


Fal'l'\18 NJ!]Aft LE:SW!l


lr.e nll maims, IWA, Iyfotm·ola, Emm•aon, GEl, Spnrlon, Admiral, DuMont, Mtlnlz nnd Zenith, Hen· ry L, Ftles, 127 N. Lnnslng St,

- Milson, ,Tullt Wt'Bl of Mlcltelsrm· l:luln•r• Lqmhr.r ynul. Phone on fi1201 lOwlf

flO A.cnms •of gonrl lnnd, m01lr1'n •I hmh omn homn, 31lx7[1 huHt' mnnt hntn, Iii ur.reR of whr.Ht gors wllh frmn Wnulr] rnn Hider u housr In MaRon In 1 r·rulo 'I' his Is rt nlr r. hrmw. $1ii,'i0() wllh 11.. down.

:!0 ACIU~S In gone! lol'nllnn, 1ii fiCI'I'S RP.Prlecl, 'i room housr., nil llnrw flll'lliH r hro t, :lOx 10 hnsr• mrnl hntn, A piPnRUJll homo. $'i,ii00 with $:1 800 ,lnwn

131~EF' SALE-F'rnnt (jllnl'lm•, 2!Jco lllnrl lflllll ter, :l9!', LesJip Food

Lor'ltr.l', phone L!':;llr. fiilll I,

DO YOU LIKE hnmemnde rolls? L! I me balm thorn frn• you,

StcHP ll1em In YO Ill' f1 er.zeJ', Pal lwr· House, I! over OJ' lmols, fiO,• prJ• b,!l,m s clozt•n. Cln·

Apples •


Docktel"s OJ•chard 11 ~ mile;; smil h of Dansville Dogs and Pets

BOARDING - Private outdoor runs for ench dog G1 een Acres Phone OR 7 D79l. Sun clay hours 'i·O() !l no Jl m.

PARAT\EETS- Home l'nlsed beauties G 11 n I'n n teed huby

males, $1 each. Also cnges, seed .mel all lmuls of HUpplies and toys Closed Sundays, open eve nmgs till 9 Bl.tll,tfn's Bird Sltnppl' .'J07 Mill st1eet on [IS 127, Lrsi!P phone Lr.slle 108 I

13LACI< nnd while fcmnlr. clog, 1 y, yc us old, to give .!Way Att

NPwm 111 2Db S C'ollc!'C r oa•J. Phone OH 7 74R2 triwl [l


120 ACRES, locnled 8 mJles south east of Mason on blllclttop, ti

room home WJih furnnce nnd buth, la1ge hatn, s1lo and other htuldlngs, wheal, nnd good land PJ wed tight, $.l,JDO wlll handle baJ.mce on eu~y terms Shown b~ appnmtmenl B1 udsllnw Rea lily, Wehher·vllle, phonr !i I WcbbeJ Ville l~w2

COLLEGE POTN'l'F: SUO -Of· fm·s complele pint IPR!lkllons

fm• your p1 olecllon Clussecl "A" rr.slclrnllnl. Lois l·1Gx21() anti 12i'ix210 Locnlrrl on rollrrre ronrl neq1 IIu1 pr·r. Trr rns nffPlC'rl Owner E I~ Went law!, ~~80 Tim··

rourl phonr. OR 7 R:i:IJ

Abel Real Estate



Wilh cxlrn la1 gc lot on


------ -~ ------

A-1 Used Cars Big· Savings

f'ORD- lflii l Custom FoJ'rlol Cadet blue With I VOl y top J~ordomatlc·, J,ul!o heateJ tu1n SJgn,lJs, JlfiWP.I SIPPI ing 131'

, • 1SdVIIlgS 1•'0RD--19'ia CuRtnm R cylincl<'r

l'mrlm Beautiful glarir.r hlue. Harlto, hentr.r, llll'll stgnuls, tutled glass and waslwrs 'l'hts lilte new ear h,Js only 13 <1!11 miles TI1111 y on this one

MnRCURY-1953 Custom Tuclnt Light green finish. Rurllo, he.1t m· Mere-a malic d1·1ve A one owner beauty

F'ORD-1953 Custom 6 c•yiJndeJ Tudo1· Fe1 n green. Radro heat· er and famOIIJ' Fmd OVIH dJ'IVI' Tis I lice new wilh only 13 000 miles

FORD -1952 8 cylmclm· Vtctm ra Orlg111al light blue fl111sh With 1vory top Radio, lw,!IP!' ami l~m·rlnmat ic drive Its an exit a

• '~nice one ownr1· Pal FOllD-1911 8 cyllndot• Tudm

Mmnon finish Rarho, heal!'!, seat r OV!ll s Its a honey.

I~ORDS-1950 model Tudm s nml For dfl!•s Several to choose ll om. All 111 excellent conrltllon

wg HAVE a largo selection of 1919 models to choose from No money down ifl!' persons wll h app1 oved crrcllt

FORD-1 !l'>4 8 c•ylin<ler 1 ~ ton ptclnrp. Rerl wilh tvmy top, Eler•trtc wipers delux!l cah, s1de tue mount Jeu· humper, l UJ n slgn.ds .mel heater. L1l1e nrw. Only 8 000 miles Big

• favlngs. fo'C)RD-19,17 8 eyllndet• %-ton

pickup <!·speed 1wnsmisslnn Runs good 19'i'i plates

RF:0-1916 dump truck. Runs good Good box. He.1tr.r and heavy duty t1res


-Roy Chtistensen Your Friendly Ford Dealer·

210 State Street, Mason Phone OR 7·9611

Even! ngs Till 9 • Sat. Till 6 16w1

Now 1s the t1me to blossom out With a OK Used - Ptclt the beatlly of your chotrP anrl DRIVE wltll PlUDE

l~vel'g'l'een Sale C 'in sf fllll ol eveJ green slorlc

A1IJ01 Vttue - .Tuntpm s Slll'llr e - YPWS

Mungo Ptnc $1 ~0 up


CHEVROLET, .1 2 tone In own f'm liP I' of. Lansing ami Smtl h heauJy 111 ,, 1953 model w1th 2 Stleets

Cal'roll Gardens

dooi·s - $1,191 00 I CJIEVllOLET, the queen of ihrm Phone ORehat•d 7·0382

all A 19'52 mntonn and hlaC'lt ---------,------l-6\_v1 •potJ Cfll!pe Has all 1hr. fme STHAWBERRY PLANTS, evex ti'Jmmtngs -- $1 095 00 b • S D ] F ' f

CIIEVROLET 19~'1 'l dnfl! eatlng en. un ap atr ax, .

3 il~, ~ ' Robinson, slate mspecled G. W. With Powergllrle, Indio and Ross 289fJ Evely road. 15w2p -----------heater Nearly new tn·es ·--'---------Hurry - $995 00

CIIEVROLE'l', 1951 model 111 sp1111g g1 een dress A real huy at the low puco of - $6D!i 00

Spring Truck Values FORD, ,L 1054 heavy duty !:1 ton

p1clmp, n V 8 with 4-speecl 1 rnnsmJsston, d11 ectron stgnc~ls - $1 295 00

FORD. 1953 '2 ton, with only 13 000 1mles, V 8 and all for onl) - $993 00

CHEVROLET, a 1951 2 ton, long wheel base, with a 14' st,tcl< mclc, 2 speer! axle, d11 ect10n lights and murl flctps Hurry on thts - $99'5 00

WILLYS, 1,1 1948 modo! panrl that ts 'luted for ,1 plum her, c arpenlt>t' or r.loct r I clnn The borly Is all compm 1. mentlzed All thts rm 11w low prJ PI' Of - $:100 fl[)

Al Rice Chevrolet Onen Friday Nlt?hta

Phm1o OR 7 :!061 Mallon

EVERGREENS - Beautiful 9 yenJ' Douglas fir, "$1; <1 to 6 ft

JUillpet• and arborvllae, $2 50, Inrgest selection of evergreens flowermg shrubs, shade and fru1t trees, roses etc m Centrnl MJCh 1gnn Foerch Nurs!lry, 7 miles ea~. 2 miles north of St Johns.


PLANTS-These are planls we have grown. Good

select I on of choice colors By I hr. hox or singles Carrol Gatclens, cm ncr of Lansmg nnd South streets Phone OH 7 0392


J:VERGREENS, $2 '50 each Now

BUILDING-12xl4, SUJiahle for a brooder house Also have u

good upright piano,, Ralph Wallt et•, first fnrm cast of cemetery on M-:lli Phone MA 3 2<153

Real Estate MODERN 2 bedroom

$1,740 down MODERN 3beclroom, close 1o

town and school, $8,610 18 ACRES small country home,

close to Mason 3-BEDROOM mneh, l·aere, near·

ly new, only $10,500 2 SMALL houses 111 Mason un·

der $4,600 2·BEDROOM bungalow,

PERENNIALS - Delphiniums, TWO 40·acre farms columbine, day lilies, phlox, ONE 40·acre farm.

Is the lime to plant evergreens We o!fr.r n complete line Jn Aborvtlaes, Junipers and Yews. Al~o Colorado Blue Spruce At a p1lee you can not afforcl to mtss. These trees n1·e In tubs and are easily moved. Plant them your· self and snve Cash and curry, $2.50 ench. At the Jewett green· hou~e, Mason, Michigan. 16wl

lbcrls, also 2·yent• asparagus ONE 48 acre farm. tools Canna. and dahlia tubers 2 NEARLY new 3·bedroom ranch at•c now ready. Ray Hartshorn, homes. 878 South Meridian road. Phone LAND CONTRACTS for sale.

16wtf TRADE AND TERMS ....:..--------,..--- Cnll or See

Charles Johnson

36x(,() full hasement ha1n, stanchions, 2 ~UI gnragP., pout lry house, ~I nc•res l1llahle Somr. of the hello! Janrl 111 Tng hnm count}

An ACRES ~oulh of Mason A gnorl modm n 7 1 onm home Autnmatw 011 heul, tJ herhooms,

31811.1 S. Jefferson Fnrmers Bank Building

Office Phone OR-6-4021

Buying Wool Ill

CONSIGN YOl11l WOOL rm a hl'ller Jll hr

WOOL Tn Jcen In every 1lny


Independent Buyer

Phone ORC'har·cl 7 6301 m· ORVILLE IIATNES

Phone ORchm rl 7 6001 hlnck eRst of }all In alley


WANTED TO REN'I' - Pasllii'C' J,mcJ !or young r·nllle, need 23

ot• 30 nct·es. Can ftu·nlsh Ience. Phone IV-70183. Hwtf

lr1oltam County Nows April 21, 1955



Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Williamston, Ndc!tlgnn Plionr ('oiler L 227 W

Paae 7

H •II' I


T1·urnan Whitne.v Phonr> Lrslll' !1071 J' 1 > Box .1~ I


CUSTOM WORK - Rntotllhng. Clat enc!' D.lllghcl ty, 1<107 On·

ondnga road, Holt Phone OX­" 83<13. 16w3

Garden Plowing-Reasonable R<~tes

Ge1·ard Pierce Phone ORchm cl 7-:J816


A U'fO SE:RVlCE-Iu nrldlllon to our guaranteed welthng of all

metals mclucllng c•nsl Iron, alum· lnum, white metal .md bronze, we nrc now able to do automo· live repairs, minor Ol' major. EX· pert wo1 I< Shop now open eve· nlngs fl'om 5 p m. to 9 p. m. ami all day SaiLII'clays. Sunclays by appolntml'nt Robinson Repa:ll' Shop, 111 S US 127, phone OR· 7 5271 4Wif

Well Drilling 2 and 3 Inch Wells

P11mp Repnlt·

Matt Krokker

lngfu1m Countv N,w• ' April 21, 1955 Page 8

Cu~tom Photo finishing

I DOGS-Report own or 4tray cjo~~ til Clny Hu!, roun~)' clog war

rl~n, Of( 7 5fl3!l or to ahe~lfl' oftJCY OR7001ll, 3lwt

FOR RiJNT - 6~ i!-l!!'tll aorn WAftNEll-W, wl~h to ~llprtli$ !l'l'OtWrl to rfJnt on shares Jade dur aln~Care thnnlcs anrl appr(!·

Peuln, I!O:i Meeah Ron~, Dnns cla\lon to all the nelghlmrs, Legal Notict

Want Ads • Free Pevoloplng •

• Qulclc S!!rvlce • • I .. nrge Sl7.e P1·lnts • • Delu11o Qunllty •

Chesley's Dl'Ug Store Phone on 7·at31


ll'OUNO - Mercury Owner may haw by

lng and paying !01 Phone Oftlll784


1Jlle Phone MA 330•lll 16W3f1 (rli\f\~6 nnrl T!!lntlves, Wl)o w6ro ----- so ldnrl ~nrl thoughtful rll!rlltfi )nCHAI\D - 'J'o rent on llhnres our 1ecr.nt berenvmnent nnri for

Mnrlllene Rmlth, lj miles north the many flower~, catrls nnrl fonrl west of nlveR .Junction 16wl sent We nl•.o wish to thnnll IIJO

'loulhwest Wheutllelrl r.xlr.nslon "URNJRIIED APAfi1'MENr - g1oup, who setveci rllnnr1 nt the


Btnlo nf Ml•hlnnn 'fho Prnhato On1111 ''" 1 h• Onut I y nr lntlhnrn

At 1 "••Inn PI Hnll C Ill hel>l 111 lhn P111t nlu Ulflrn Ill thn Oily J( MnAon ill tho • II ( lilY Ol the lllth duy ur At•lil A ll ltl!r.

I'JCHOII liON JOliN M•CIIII•AH ludu, 1f Pr 11 1to

State Farm Insurance Co.

16wU UPHOLSTERING nnd repairing

turnlturo Wlll call at your home and give free estimates, No charge. for pJclcup and delivery We Die now lor nted at the corner of College 1 oarl and US 127 Phone OR·7·4821 anytime 24wtf

Business Opportunities

1 rooms nnrl hath, one hcd home A special thnnl<s In MI:J oom I'1lvnte entrance Mrs Tl no;v IIIIIs, M1 s Ji'ranl< Chlll ch,

14 Palmer, 420 West Ash, Mason nu1 ses nt the Mason Genctnl Phone OR 71671 or Les Palmer hospital, Dr Smith nnd D1 OR 7 5021 16w1 Cln rlt 'I he family of Mt s Edith

II 1/ Mnttor nl tho ! HII to 1 I CAPt. I 01 A II II AI HB\' McntniiY lilt om1e It nt


FIRE Bernard E. Wllson 315 Enst Ash Street

Mason, Michigan Phone OR 7 8152


Lester L. Johnson Phone OR 6 1580

Livestock Trucking To Charlotte on Monda)'s

To Jacltson on Wednesdays Rcanonable Rates

ATI'ENTION Egg Producers -The Central Michigan Poultry

Producers Co operative has a truclt picking up eggs once o week It you nre Interested In o better market for eggs call or sec the truclter, Lvnwo01J Robinson phone Lesllr ~967, 53wtf

Livestock Trucking Detroit - Monday and Tue11da11

Charlotte - Monday Afternoo11 Battle Creek - Wednesday

Also gene1al local ttucldni

Charles Cooley Phone OX 1 8349 or OX 11371


Bert's Garage General Repairing

and 24·hOUI" Wr~clwr Service

Phone OX 11261 Holt


WARFLE TAILORING SHOP Men's and Women's Custom Made

Clothes, Alterations ELZINA NORRIS

33011.1 S ,Jefferson Phone OR 73031 Over Chesley s Drug Store


Photographs (That you wlll lilcc)

WEDDINGS. Fmmal or candid Church - Home - Studio

Dealership Now Open

In Mason and vlclnlty

This Is it' Your oppo1 tunlly to go Into business for yourself to handle the nationally advertised


GILLEf"lE BLUE BLADES, SCHICK INJECTOR GEM, PAL and GILLEf"fE fiiiN BLADES tluough out new multl·typc mod ern melcltnndlsels



\Vlll not Inlet !ere with your pws ent employment P<~rt time to stat t To qua Iffy for this oppor tunlty, you must have

B'OR RENT on slrares 15 corn ground E Ji1 Shelman

1H2'l W Old:; Jond, Lc~lle Phone !650 Leslie 16wl

fo'OR RENT-Nicely furnished aprwtmenl, 2 rooms with

kitchenette Two hloclcs from ~ourt house Reasonable Phon~ OR ( 0751 lllw t

fi'OR RENT-Unlurntshed, north east apartment over Dancer'H

department store, facing Jelfer· son avenue Mrs L B McArthur, phone OR 61271 13wtf

WALLPAPER S'IEAMER 011d papering tools for rent Mlch

lg~n Paint Stores, Mason phonr OR 6 4691 13wt!

LAWN ROLLERS for rent by hour or rlay at Perltlns Ha1 d

Wdre, 360 S Jeffctson, Mason 14wt!

Personals ---- ------- --·----

Wq1nm 16w1p

wl~h to thanl< D1 Calt ns, Dr Clinton and D1

Clnrlt and tho slnff nt Mason Genelfil hospital for theh 1 n re during mJr ICr en I siclmc~~ Thnnlts nlso to M1 s Llll.t Ky~cr ,M1 s Ann Bnllli!S, Belly BovcP, for helping to c tre for the chll dren while I was In the hospital and since my 1eturn home Thnnks also to the many !rlencls neighbors and relnttves fo1 the cards, !lowers nnrl many acts rf ldndnoss M1~ Dnucl Kyser


BAR'I LETT-We W.tnl to fhltnlt relatives neighbors nnrl frtenrls

for cat cis anrl gltt" while In tlw hospital Bobby Btrllell M tson

Hiwlr --------------------1

In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY of our


~tl h >( Mlchhnw J he Prnl tu CuUI L ror llu Cn11nty or hHrl1 m

\f I ICIItifon II( H til C lllrt hofd ut II P1olu tu OJflct! In thu City nr M~ttmr ! 1 tlu Hllld County on lh(l I Hth dny uf Atllll A ll IU6fo

1'11 u t HON Jni!N McC LEt,LAN h dU"u of Probntu

BABY AND YOUTH Special high speed cameras with high I speed lights for active childrr.n * $1,124 50 Cash Immediate­

ly A vall able

mother Mrs Mart,\ Keesler She passed 11\\rlY 10 yr.,trs ngo APIII 24 They say lime heals o~ll sorrow

And helps us to forget go town hall Country style But time so for has only proved Adults, $150, children under 12, How much wr. miss her yet

THE ANNUAL Onondaga 0 E S turl<ey s11pper wlll be held

F1lday, April 22 ot the Ononda

In tlo Mnttnr I lhu Eutute or ANNA llblliiiSON DocenHc I It llJ)fll 1 lng to tl c Court lhut the

thnv fm JJrtltlflltl tlnn of ch~fm~ ~t'llfllHL Hltld UHintc 11ho Jll hu llmlt~d 111d Llu t u time nnd )I nee hl! llfii!Oilltt II to rf.!celvc 4 XI mfn1 1 nd ndJ IHt nil clnlm11 nnd du mnnd11 HUiin~t tHlld rlocll IHV I l y ruul he r I c " ltl COli rt I I •I thr t the It g ,, hoi., or Hnld dcrulll\1.!1) ontltl"d to Inherit th

Old photographs copied and re stored. Commercial and puss port

Frames - Albums - Folders Many styles and sizes

Babs' Photos 834 South Burnes, Mason


* 3 Refe~ences and Car

• 5 Spare Hours Weekly

85c Serving starts at 5 p m I God gave us strength to endure It

I 15w2p And cournge lo bear the blow


But what It means to lose her NOTICE-I wlll not be responsl No one will ever know I ble for debts Incurred by any Sadly missed by her daughtet one other than myself Cora Wei and families Mr and Mrs Co~ry don 16w3p Whipple and family and Mr and

Mrs Gco1ge Van Sicl<le and !am lly 16w1

I HtUtC of Whfch H fll deCUIItiUtJ d(t!ll IU fzed 1:1hould bo ndJu llcntcd und dcterr 1lnt.Jd

Jt )H Orrh rr.d, Thnt ull thu crcdltor~t or Hn(d deCCIIf10d UfC r I]Ufrctl to llreHcnt tlu r dnfn111 In writing nnd unrlcr onth IIH Jlruvld, d I y ~tt 1tutt to t~tl J Court nt t hc P1 ohllttJ 0/Ticu nt :!Oli WcHt 81 ~.C"Innv. Streut L 1 IHing Mlchlgnn on 1r bdor~ tl u .nth tl11y of June A IJ 1 or. nt ten 0 f I pk In tho rorf)noon ttnld tim( llOd Jtlncc heln~ hcruby UJtJtolnttJd for the ex George Helbig

Livestock Trucking 1 lfeptlc Tanlt Service

The company wlll supervise your operations and extend llnanclal assistance to full time If desired * Income Start Immediately! Cards of Thanks WEBER-In loving memory of

r mlru tlou und udJuKtmcnt of 11! cl alms nr d lt!mand11 ngulnut unld d• ctu t:!cd nnd for tlu 11 JJurJJcutlor1 nn J dctCinlllullon ,f tlu hciiH 1 t law of tmld dectllf!ed ul thn time uf hiH denth entitled to t11herlt thc eHlllu o£ which the dt!cct 1:1cd die I

Septic Tonks and Cesspools Detroit - Monday and Tuesday Cleaned Battle Creelt - Wednesday Bonded and Licensed Trucks

Call noon and evening or anytime Saturday or Sunday

Phone OR-7-5773 37wtf

Francis Sloan Williamston, Route 2

Pl1one 671 W

-----~ No Selling As Business Is DALTON-I wish to express my

sincere thanks and gratitude to Set Up For You all of my netghbors friends,

"' We Secure Locations and l!!latlves, lhe Dansville Method Install Units lst church and Sunday school,

Henry J Weber, who passed away 3 years .tgo April 26 1952 He Is sadly missed by all his family Mrs .Tames Potle1


Legal Notices


L~gal Notices


AUSTIN-Mny 10, 1055

Legal Notice

Livestock 50wtf This excellent opporhtnlty Is of

fe1 ed to a dependable person who DO YOU NEED a v•umber or Is lntetested In his !utu1e Don't

Dansville chapter No 90 0 E S, the Past Matrons club, Duns I ville old society the Neighbor hood Card club and my Birthday ORDEil Al'l'OlNTING TIME

lt [H I Jrthcr Or•Iured 'I hut 1 lhllc no .. f Cl! thereof he KiVllll by n JbfJcut on of 11 cr 1 Y of thlt~ order orr.:e cnch wt.Jek fo1 thrl! "'-lHct~Aive wcckH 11revlous to Hllid duy of huarlng lr the lnKhtlm ( o wty Now11 IL ncWHJlll er r rlntcd nn 1 circu In ted In t~r I co H ty. und thnt the nd a: I try nf H tiJ f Hll le ).l'fVI known intcrctJtCd

1 trt cK udditlunul IIOticu us rcfJUirud I y ltw Stntc of M•uhlg 1 'I h Prubntu ( 1 J1 t for thc County of [nghum

Trucldng ll!la Buylpg Have your stock trucked to the market that molms the m~ket by experienced truckers.

AU Animals Insured Semi Truck Service now AVlJ,IIable Co.ll 11s on any kind of llvestocli you wish to sell at home. See us for your registered Hamp. flhlre breeding stock. The best ill Jneat type hogs.

Bim Franldin lJcensed Dealers Mason

Phone OR 7 8941 12wtt

H o1·seshoeing See

electrician? Call Cady Hard-~ answer this unless fully quail· ware and Plumbing Supply, 141 fled It Is an all cash business­W Ash, phone OR 71241 33wtf No credit risk You must be able -------,..----------,---- I to start at once Local personal

Roy Dodge mtervJCws will be arranged m SIGNS



DIGGING F'OO'riNGS - Install lng sewers, tiling and building

septle tanks complete Have power digger and dozer Phone OR 7 4973 Glenn Starr 3Gwtf

Water Well Drilling

All Sl~ .. :;


your city Write fully giving phone number, etc, to our home office

Modern Merchandis­ing Corporation

Blade-0-Mat Division

8135 Forsyth Blvd St Louis 24 Ml8sourt

Manufacturers jlnd Distributors 16w1

FOR HEARING CLAIMS club for the beautlfulllornl offer ROYSTON-June 2H, 1955 lngs and thanks also to all who Stnte or Mld""r"" 1

1he I' rob •te Court

t f tl for the C > H ly o lng mm sen messages o sympa IY •n At '"'"'"" or ., 11 co ~rt h• ld t the loss of my dear mother, Mrs the l'rohllc Olf~e In the City of M >ROll Fred Sager of Chelsea It has In th, •nltl County r n the I lith rlty of ' ' I A1orll A D 1'1'4 helped to ease my sorrow May PrfHcl t liON JOliN McCLLI,J AN God bless y u Aim D It Jud~e of Prulu tc

0 a a on In the Mnthr of tl EKtltu of 16Wl HCHU\'I,Eil J llO\'S I ON lle• ""'" I

--------------- It UJlJienr ng to tht! 1 1 Jrt thnt the time fat I IJ~t!JJt atfr n o( clnimH ugnillHt BROWN-I cannot begin to •nld eHtntu •huuld he llmllcd nnd thnt n

thank all the ones who were so lime nod l>lncc Lo llllllolnl d to roc lvc exnmlno nnd n huHt nil cl tin H tn 1 du kind lind thoughtful at the time mnnd• nl! tn•t mid decon•cd by und be

of the death of my father Dewey rol1 f."'~,~~;~~~ 1 hut creditor• of "'ttl Brown The kind words of Rev dec n•cd nrc re•1uir• d to l"""""t thetr Arnold and the prayers In behalf clnlm• to Hull court 1 t the Ptobute or

nee In the CitY of MaHon Mldlll!l'tlll on of my mother and sister In the or before the .Hth tiny of June A ll hospital have helped me so Ill 'fi nl nlne·thfrty o c/ocl< In tlu lore

l I l h l t noon Kl ad tunc 1 nd J1l11ec herohy IIJt muc 1 want to g ve t an (S 0 t>ulllled lur the ex I mit >lion nul I IJu•t the Mason teachers, elementary ment or nil cit lm• nnd denltllldH """"'"t

I l hlld d t Cl I 4 Huul decenHcd SC 100 C ren an 0 rc e 11 1, r urther Ordered rhnt 1ouhllc nn• of the Presbyterian church for llcc thereof 1 c .:lvcn by l•uhllcnlton ol II

the excellent )Uncheon and the COllY of thl< r rdcr for three H\leceHHIYe wcekK 1 rc\ !nut! to Hnld d1 y of hu11rlm~ In food sent Into our home I also the lnHhnm County NcwH II neWHIII I cr greatly appreclotte all that was 1 rmted "' d ehc 11t ted In "'hi •• unty

JOHN McCLELLAN Jmlge of Prol.Uttc




Not tel! It~ Uurchy Given 'I h ll ( .. nld 1.. c.rnhrun County llrnfn Comm H• HIOOllr or thu County o( lnJ.fhnm Stntc of Mlchhcnn Will, 01 thu Dth dt y of May A fl IU'tr. at the Cowty Drnln Olfu r in the City or MnHon In Hnld Counh of lnKhnm nt I fl 30 o clock In the forenoo f that rh~y rect:lve Heuled bidH until t I OIJ o"clncl( In thl! rorcnoon or thnt J 1y when bldH will he or enud 1 r I 1 Jl I! ely nnnouncc I for th con KtiUcllon of co1 tuln Drntn known und lt!HIJ.mntt!d l\li Dnttenflcld llruln lo

cutf •I 1 nd uMtnhltt!hed In Lhu TownHhlt• of Delhi In "'hi County Snld drnln Ia one licatlor hnvlnu the

llVf r II.W lcJlth u.nd Width liB tset forth All atntlona nru IOU ff!et ltJIHrt

CONTRACT QUANTITIES IXf I r ~4 conarlltll r1lr e Q .. 7r; 171 I f 21' concrete tit e C 75 lD1 I I I X concrt!le JliJio C 7li H~ I r lfi concreto the C 7r: 4711 I f I! poncrete lite C 7' IIIII I ( I II concrele nit c r & fl Robert Hoffman

12680 Churchlll Road Phone Leslie 2436

.TIM LENON Phone OR 6 1237 For Rent

nnd thul till d JH.:tltlorlt.!r 1-t ve kr own 111 done by my neighbors In Mason tercHICd llllrtleH nddlt\On ,, I otlce •• I and those In the Curtis district •••11/red by lnw

I am Indeed grateful for the A •rruu c01,y

cards and flowers which so many llobcrt L Dmkc

li r:o I I H conurete 1 h u r & G 1711 I I H cnlt h bn•ln lend• 1.!06 I f 6 vltr ned Hl!Wcr lllrlt!

LaVERN LENON Phone OX 4 7871

Prices - $1 75 and up


CUSTOM SAWING Also slab wood for sale Franlt Ward

first farm south of Harper school on US 127 at Butlers Restaurant Phone IVanhoe 4 9291 42wtf

Michigan Climate Cond!t!oned

15 ACRES of sod ground to rent on shares Pr(!fer to have corn

planted Walter Miller, South street Mason Phone Mrs Claire Showerman, at Castle 39526, Ji'owlm ville. 16w1p

FOR RENT-Wallpaper Steamer and 11oor sander. InquJre al

Shafer Decorating Supply, 425 S Jefferson Phone OR 7 3461


have sent Mrs Ball Mr Dunn R•::":.::l•..:te:.::r___:_or_l'_ro_h_•...;le ____ -,--__ _ and the members of the Mason ORDER AI'I'OINTING TIME FOR

I h t I t I b :l HEARING CLAIMS AND FOil Genera OSpl a Wen ar eyonc DETERMINATION 01' HEIRS the call of duty For all this, I sAGE-June 29, 1oss thank evetyone Mrs Carollne Stile uf MlchiHIII lite ProbJite Ct>Uit

for thu Cuut ty of ln~lu m Ragan 16w1p At II ••••ion or snld Cu Ill held It the

0 E S -We wish to thank l'robute Olflce in tit~ Cfty ur MnHon In the HlLil Uo anty on thu Pith day uf A1orll A D 1 U16

I'• coe1 t liON JOHN McCLELLAN Judge of Probutc In the Mutter o! the EHtntc ol WIN!

FilED C SAGE DcceiiHe I

It 6 orurln~-t/J nnd Htddlett I '1 • t• h h ~lnH <iH Din trur•l cd 1 n Stnnr1nrrl m,' holes 1 dror munholo Snld Joh wllf be lot In nc< rdnnce w1th

th~ d1u~ 1m r flW on nlu with thf.! other rH 'P.t't '" r tn HJI, ... nruln In th

olflco of the County Druln Comml• 1:1! ner f thu Countv of lnr.rl, m to which rdcrt1 1.! mnv 1 e hnd by nil IULr tieH intcreHted, IH rt hldH Ill ht! m11tlu tn I recnlved uccortllnt!'ly ContrnctK "'!II

1 e mndt with the lowmit re1-11 onHihle h dde1 glvln" nclenunte M(]Curlty for tht! t erform me or the Work In the H Jm then r nd there to bo tlxcd by me rc t~ervlnr tn myHclf the rl rht to tefllrt nny nnd r fl h/tl, n I to udjo 1rn •ueh lcttln" to H 1 h llm1 und 11 cc us l•ul1dl J!lbl!cly nnnouruu

J he dutc rru th(! COOIIIIctlnn of Huch

A rrue COJI,Y MurthJL rhntcl lJe1•uty Rt!Kiater of lJ1 ohute

JOliN McCI bi LAN A lr c ( 1ny Ju lgu of Prot le Uolu t L Drnke

lfl\\3 fic~-:IHter r f l1obntf 16\\:J

I' ARM LOANS €IJJA ftf~.,m.!~

10w u.n

Abel Real Estate Agency Phone OR-6-1161


Bottled Gas FLOOR SANDERS for rent Perl~lns Hardware, phone OR

Tom's Market for the use of the doughnut machine, Chuclt Swat tout for the use of his store building and 0 E S members for their contrtbutlons for the baited goods sale last Saturday Mason Chapte1 150 0 E S


lt UJI(Icl lUg- tn the C JUrt tl1 t the time for JlrtHICfllfltiOI o( c lnfnus against rmld ctJt 1te HI Dllld I e limited 1 ntl lhiLt n time 1 nU ,,fucu be ILIIIIOintcd to rect!lVo uxnmlne und ltdJ JHt nil chums unci dt! munds ug alnt!t HUld dt!Cel Hed by 1 nd he fore mid CoUI t nnd thut the lugul helr11 or !illld deccnHcd entitled to Inherit the cHtntc of which 111dd luct 1 Hml died sulzcd Hho rid be ndJudlcntt d nnd dett.Jrmincd

rnntr tct r rl the tf' mH of IIR3 mcnt

therefor Hhnll tnd will be nnnounccd ntjl..------------------------·-----1 tlu.! tlmu nnd 11htr.1 or !LJttlnJ.f Any 1 H !ton rlcHJrln~ to bid on the ubove rt}l!n tfonud y, 01 k will bu r1 crulre I to de~tolllt with tht! Dtnlnuge Dnurd n certifier! checl< or u Hh to the nmo wt of n% of thu nn10 111t bid UH n J.t' 11 runtcc th tt he w1ll enter Into ~ontrJ ct 1 ncJ furniHh thtJ rll ruired bond t 1:1 l'rut~arlbc J by luw 1 he chcclul or r II 111111 ICCCHdul bldd~rs will hu tcturned nrtcr contrnctH nru nw~trdt:~d rh, I uym ntiJ for the t hove mentioned wm k will I o nuult! llH followK

--. ..

FURNITURE REFINISHING and plano restyling Antiques a

speciality Also nice selection of new and used pianos Robert Wear Plano Shop 4603 N E;ast street, Lansing, Phone IV 93723 or IV 91983 Ope11 evenings and ~undays l5w3

PIANO TUNING and repairing

[nstallntlon, convenlon and ar pllances County-wide delivery.

Don Hill 3135 Okemos road, Okemos Phone Lonslng ED 7·7849


SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS and conversions on aU makes

done In my home Free pickup and delivery Woodard Sewing Machin!! Service, 4665 l{rental Avenue, Holt, phone OX 9 2245

1wtf Complete service Robert Wear

Plano Shop, •1603 N. East street, HEA'tiNG SALES and service Lansing Phone IV 93723 or IV· Lennox furnaces Cady Hard 91983. Open evenings and Sun· Ware and Plumbing Supply, Ma days. l5w3 son. 12wtf

WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR DO YOU NEED a plumb"r or service, all work guaranteed i!lectrlelan? Call Cady Hard

Prices reasonable, free estimates ware and Plumbing Supply, 141 Wllllam H Willis, 306 E Ash W. Ash, phone OR 7·1241. 32wt1 Mason. 51 wtl

PLASTERING-AI! kinds o, plps Lost and Found

6·4311 8wtf

APARTMEN'IS - 2 for rent Upstairs and unfulnlshed One

7 room and one 3·room Raymond H McLean, phol]e OR 7 8951.


FURNISHED sleeping or light houselmeplng room for rent

Quantity o.f rough lumber to sell Price Is 1 easonable Verner Walk er, 419 W Columbia, Mason


FOR RENT-20'x30' 3car ga1age

HARKNESS-I wish to thank all of my I!Jends and relatives

who remembe1ed me with so many cards, flowers, gifts anrl Visits while I was In the hospital and after I returned home Every thoughtfulness was appreclatecl Mrs Eldred Harkness 16wlp

LIPPS-Our heartfelt thanks Is sent to all neighbors friends,

relatives and the many whose names we do not know for every act of kmdness, love and sym pathy extended during th1s re cent sorrow and loss of our be loved son, Cleo A Lipps John and Kathleen Lenon, 3581 Bo gart street, Lansing. 16w1p

bulldlng Hos been leased by Michigan Bell Telephone Avail able May 1 Three blocks from downtown $2'i V G. Burgess Phone OR 7·7721. 16wl WELLER-We wish to thank

friends, neighbors and rela FARM LAND-Approximately 30 tlves !or theh• many acts of kind

acres on Jolly road for rent ness symathy and floral olfer Farmed continuously Prefer to lngs during the long sickness have oats planted Phone IV and death of ou1 beloved hus 4 3212 after 6 p, m 15w2 band and father, L T "Skeet"

FURNISHED APARTMENT -tei'lng done 1 patching a special·

tr. Robert S Burns, 3811 .Aure Uus road, Lanslnf' Route 2. Phone 01\·6·1281. lwtt

First ftoor, 3 rooms and bath, completely modern. Garage. Prl vale entrance, soft water Utilities furnished. No children or pets

NOTICE-All stray dogs picked Ellis Haynes apartments. For In


ll I1:1 01 de red nwt 1 II tl1c C!l cdito1 H of snld dectmH~;d nrc ruqulrud to JlreHent their cln!rnM In wrltinK nnd under onth nH r•rovh1~d by tslntutc to snld Court ut the Probate 10111ce t t .UG We•t Sn~tlniiW Street LnnH OH Miehhmn on or before the .!Uth duy of June A D 11151 at llltJven o clock In the fot111oon tmld tlnw wd Jlnce being lwteby ILJIJiolntcd fn1 the cxo.mln1 linn nnd udju~:~tmcnt of .1 II clnlmH nnd dcm IUdtJ u~oenlnttt tudd de .. cClll:tcd nnd for the ndjudfcntlon nnd do tcrmlnntlon of the ht!IJ H ut law of ijllld deCCJlHtHJ Ut the tfhle or hiH dunth en tltl•d to Inherit the CHintc u! which the dt!~eUtlt.!d died Ht.dzud

ll Io Furthe1 Ordetud J hnt l>uullc no lice thereof be given by lllu/lcnt/on of 11 COllY or thlll order oncu euch week for three t~Ucccludve weeku urevJouu to nJd dny of hrmrlng, In the In.:hnm Co wty Newt!, a ncWHJ UJer 1 rlntt!d 1 r d clrcu luted In Hllld county, und lhnt the flducl 11ry of Hllid Cl!tl lc give known lntcrcHtu I )urtle• llddltlunnl notice •• rctiUlred by luw.

JOHN McCLELLAN Judge ol Probntc


REA-Moy 6, 1955 Stutc of Mlchlgnn 1he Probate Court

for tho Co •nty of lnghnm At n IICHHion of snld Court held nt thl!

Probnto Olrtcc In tho Ofly of MnHon 11 Anltl County on thu loth duy of Avril A D tour.

l'rcHelt JlON, JOHN McCLELLAN Judge or Probnlo

In tho M11tter of tho Etltnte of WAL. TJj:R L REA Ducen•od

Gorttllno.Runcimun ComJIIlny hnvlnu­ftlcd In ottftl Cou1t their l>etltfon lllllfln<c lh11t the ndmlniHtrntlon or •ald UHitttC be vruntcd to Vnda Poteu or to aome other HUltablo IIOrHOn

1/a IIIIYnb/e At rfl 16 Jur.s 1/1 111 Y ble At rll 16 IOo7 1/1 I'UYoblc Ailfll IG 106M Notice Ia F trtlwr IIercby Given th lt

011 Frlrl11y the ltlth duy ol M11y 1U66 t Cou11tv llrnln Office In the C ty or

Muaon Cour1ty of lnghum or nt such other time nnd rtlll( c the1 enCtur, to which r thu Co mty llrnln Comml~tulonur I forc HI ul mny udiour n thu llume tht! ur nor tlonmcnt fo1 bcnetltu und the lnndn com. llfiHed within tho Duttc11ftehl Drnln S1 eel tl AHHOHHment Dl•trlct und th• ILJlJiortlonmcntH thcrcor v.ill he aubjecJ. tu review for OUt! duy from nine o•clock In the forenoon mtll five u clock In the uCtcrnoon At. tmld review the computu. tlon of coHtH for 1111ld Druln will niKo be open for flla)Juetlon by uhy Jlllrtiel:l In· turet~tcd

The folfuwlng I• 1 de•crl!llon of the Huvttnl truct11 or 11 r~eiK ot Juntl consu. tulinl.f th~ Sncclnl A !SCifllffiCtlt Dlalt let or 1111ld D1nln viz

County of lnvhnm ut lu1 ~ u Town•hll> or Deihl at lnrgo Certt In lnnd• In •••lion 3 of Delhi 1ownuhiJJ

public and private roads anc1 drives. Also washed sand and atone road gravel. Spartan As p}lalt Paving Co. Lawns alsc PoWer-rolled. Phone OX·4 3896 or IV·5·7441 awu

up by the Ingham County Hu formation see or call William inane Society or by Clayton Hu· Carl, 402 Lawton street, phone lett, county dog warden, are held OR 78271 13wtf 'l full 7 days at the Animal Shel· FOR RENT-40 acres of ground ler before beltlg oll'ered for sale. for corn, on ahares Jack Per SLUSSER-I wouJct like to thank rhls gives owners a chance to rln, 405 Meech road, Dansville, my friends, neighbors and rela· ocate them. With owned dogs, phone MA·3 3049• 16w1p tlves for the cards, plants, flow·

Weller We especially wish to thank Dr L C Kraft, Rev Ernest Kelford, Jewett funeral home, Mrs Lottie Northrup and her staff and Mrs Esther Bo dell. Mrs L T Weller, Mr and Mrs Bill Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Charles Panetta and family and Mr and Mrs Edward Hender· son and family 16wlp

It t, Ordered, Thnt the 6th d11y ol Mar, A D 1065 nt nlne•thlrty o'clock In tho forenoon, nt the Probnto Olflce nt 205 Weot SnKinnw otreot, LnnHing Mich. l~tnn bn ttnd I• ho1ebr IIIJIJolnted for henrlng •nld 1 utltlon,

It io Furthor Ordcted, rhut 1•nbllc no• lice thereof be given by l>uullcutlon of a COJ)Y ot thlll ord11r, for threc HUCCCHHfvc wcckt~ 1•rcvlouK to HHid duy of hcnrlng tn tho In~thttm Count)' Ncw1s, n ncwaJ,UPlll' Printed and clrculntod In •nld county, und thnt auld potltlonor Rlvu known In­t. roHted 1•nrtlo• uddl tlonul notleo IlK

Now rhercfOI u n11 un~nown nnd non rusldunt llf r11ona owntrK and ueraonn in turcHttd In tho nbovn de"crlbcd tnnda • nd You ln~thum County Ro11d Comml• •lon Su1•erviHor John Fuy and nll other 1 ursons Ul nurtles fntcro~:~ted ttre heruby notified thnt 11t the time 11nd Jolnce n!ore• suid, or nt such other tlma and thcrenfler to whloh •nld lctllnK m•y be 11d/ournud I shnll urocced to receive bh • for the conotruotion of anld But­tcnfleld DrnJn.'' In the mannur hcrotn. before otntud und ulHo t~ut ut •uch time nnd ulaco 1 11 •tntad aforoo11id from nine o'clock In tho forenoor1 until five o clock In tho nfternoon. the~ OJlJJortton• mcnt for henufltH und the lnnd~t cgm .. !Jrloed within tho Dnttenfield Druln St <• chtl A•••••ment Di•trlcta will be oubjocl to tevlcw.

And You and Ench of You, Owner. nnd llcrKonu lnturctttad In thu utoroHnld l11ndo tiro hereby clto4 to 111•1•o11r nt the tfmc nnd llillco or •uch revlowlntc ol IIJJportlonmcnts AH ntoreHold, nnd be hcnr<l with ro11pect to ouch •1•ce1111 llH• tiCHHmentK nnd :rour lntel"(lstiJ In relation thereto If you HO dc•lre

Ji;VERP'HIN(} In plumbing fix material for plumbln~

Do your qwn c. J, Perrin,


We do as the llWner requests, If --- ers, hankies, candy and fruit sent 11osslble. We do not seize dogs on HOUSE FOR RENT - 5 rooms. to me during my recent illness •he highway. Animal Shelter, Has electricity and running wa· Also thanks to the Dexter Trail lhone IV·2 6218, open 9 to 5 tcr Elderly or mlddle·aged cou Stock Irorse club for the Easter Neek days, 9 to 12 Saturday pte preferred. Elmer Frost, 21h Illy, and to my neighbors and Closed SlltUrday afternoon and miles north of D~svllle, phone my mother for their helpfulness. Sunday, 3wU Wtllln.mston 602 F 3. • 16wlp Mrs. Francis Slusser, 16w1

required by law JOliN McCLELLAN

JudHo of l'robutu 10wR

Dnted thla 20th rlnr of A1.rll, A D IUGG GtltALD L GllAHAM,

Cuunty Drnln Cornmloalonor, Coupt, of ln~thnm


Assemble it yourself. ..

• 15% larger sink bowl

• Finger tip contr" fa uc•t levers

• Giant stGral!e apace

• loltate1ethtrln 10 minutes makln1 rt9· ular tep.quallty American Kitchen a sink


COMI 1H fODA r, , . QUANrlflfl &I~ITIO , , , fAt\' TfltMJ

MASON HOME APPLIANCE l'llone. OHt•llartl 7 1011

Ole1ua Jaeobs

1'Boys and Girls Enroll , I rt Aurelius 4-H Clubs

April 21, 1955 T.he Ingham County News Part 2

lly OI'AJ. HI.;JJJo:L~IAiloat I~Ve!l"!{t'!lOil lnwH ;;::::: iJ~cll nr•· 1\rrrPIIu' hoys nnrl girL~ nwl rlnrecl nnrl memlllll'll will meet. for

Mnncln,Y ni>rirt rrt tiro 1\llrc!lllrs llw planting ns Hnon rrs llwy ar· lnwrmhlp hall In sign rip fnr· sum· rive.

Alaiedon Farmer Taken by Death, 5 . Sons Survive

Sports Car Racing Featured in Fox Film · mew pr·ttjPe·ts, Plrwl ttiTie·e·r·s 111111 plun srrnmwr IIC'ilv!tles. 'l'lw i\r1rr!lius •1·11 b11ys will havo tlll'e!llng wrrs lrrr·gply 11 ttonc1Prf Junlnr 11nrl sonlol' Hflfllmll toams ancl me•rnlwrs r·e•e·PIVI'd tlu•lr ;rgriln I his surnnwr. 'I' hi' glr·ls will IJC'illevmrwlll c:e•rtifi<'ai<!S aurl ,YI!ill' orgltlliZe 11 soflhal! lmrm alsrJ, '1'111! plrm. pPrrnll llns heon gr·anlr>cl for 11

hall rllmnonrl In lw hull! oil tlw

,Democrats Plan Jefferson Dinner

·I<IIHille!lll'lhe town hull.

Offie·m·s !!lePIPri fot• I!J!i!i arc: l'n•slrlemt, i\ rl'fllldt; vic-e· prr.sirlc!Jit; !ton We!ll'II!Wh; ser·r·o. tnry, Ftldrnrcl l•';rnson; treasurer·, Hucly r>r·osl'itll; nncl l'l!(liii'ICI',

Mkilill'l V. lli~:;lil<•, forrm!r Mary l{n•y. lr••:rrl ol lltr• oflke• of prir·o• slirhll· TltP rduh will 1111!1'1 11galn <Hl lzntlort, •·andidatc• for· lhP IJ. S. WPdnesclay, Mny 11. ~ ·rwiP ill HI long I ime• lllii:Velt' of H<'fr•psiJmPrtiH of r•oold!!S ancl Tel~rJ,;, will SJH'ili\ al lltr! anrural' mill< wo•r·e sPrVPri al 1111' !'lose of ,l1•ffnson dub clinnr!r' Trlr!srlny, the meeting. April ~fi.

Dl:1aiiP, I:; rrow 11 l;rwye!r In To· '"do. Albion Biographies Available

Ti11• dinrtr•r· will he• hPid in IIJP M;rson hlglt ~drool libt'fii'Y llits

l•'lve young ,,onH, rnnr:ing fmm hl~h sdtool age down 1 n fi, sur· vlvc Hnrold .Jcn.nw ll"culll~rg. :JD, of 1\lnlrHion. 1!1! riiNI Salur rlny In Fl New York City ltnspllnl where hr. hurl g-onr. [or· lrPfllmPnt of n ldrhwy Infection. !lr! lalwn ski< about a ycnr· 11go. Tin had long lwd ~IIJ.:IIl' rllahr!ll~.

.Junglc•s nnd morrnlnlns are llw h;wltgrnunrls fnr· lhe 2 fentur·ps I nl I hP. (cox I hr.atra l•'rlrlay nntl Srrltmlay,

Colrrp1hla Pldtii'I'S' ".Jungle I lvlan·l~at~r·s," stnrTing- .fohnny Weissmulier ns .Jungle Jim, openfi

· 1 liw twin bill.

Late~t in lhe popular ".fungi!! Jim" aclventLtn• series, "Jungle Mun·l~;r tc•r·s" fen t ures 1\nrin Brmlh, Hleiwrrl Stapley nnrl Tam· ba, the tnlentml chimp. "Jungle Mnn-En ll!rs" Is bnscrl on liw farnous l\l11g F'cnltli'Cs Syndlentt• tH'II'S(HLJlrt· comie Mlrlp, ",Jungle J 1111."

ColttJniJia P!<'ltll'es' "A llullt!l Is Walt lng," slii!Ting-. Jean Slm· mons, Hor·y Calhoun, Stephen MI!N;dly il!HI Brinn Aherne, wlncis up Ill!' rlnubic hill.

"A Bullet Is W;rltlrrg" tells till' 1

slor•y of ·1 pc•ople whose rlr!slinics · Pross In I lit• remote mounlnln ranges of the high Slen·;rs. Tiranws Williamson and · Casey

union lwllmorn nl Mir•hlgan Slate• l'r!<'e!lveri a volumr! entlllr.rl l'lliiPge•, Morr• lhan 'iiJO arc! ex· Eminent and Interesting Alblon· (ll!clerl to aiiPnrl. J inns, puhilsiwcl hy thl! Alhinn

Th rr·e~ slnl" ot'fil'l'l':-1 111111 m;rny College! A I umnl assol'iatlon. l t f(firly IPiHII'rs will hi' at I ill' aiTnir 1' contains hlog-raphlc!s nf more

• wltidl will honor mnrliclnle~s In than 100 Albion collc!gc alumni. lhr sprln~ Pil'r~l ion. The boo!< was written hy Mrs.

Spr.eial n•r·ognilion will gn In Ann Ilolllnslwad, wife of K. ,J, Dr!morTals Attslln Cav;mnrtgh, Hollinshead, Albion's nlumnl see­Cillll'le!~ Wonds and .John Vay, relary. 1\11 Ill!! profile~ originally ••Jpc•IPrl supervlsrll's of Tnglwm iippem·ecl In Jo Triumphe, AI·

Tlw llroellwrg fnmlly hrHII(hl tlw formr!r .ramPs Manninr: farm on Lnrnh t'OIId In A111 11'rlon. M;·. Ur11dherg wori.::Pd nl 01, 1 .~:r'1nl 1 , 1 .,

nnri opr.~niP'i Iris ffll'"l un'i' ,,., fell .~Ide If, wn:~ hwn '" 1 w1 ~In g. Novr.mhPI' I:!, 1 !ll 'i. II·• wns n graduate of Lansing C:••nlm' i1igh sl'iwol. In Mny of lfJ:!ti llc' married Clnirr. Ne!lson. Tlwir• i Hnns nrr. llrlnn, il• senior in Ma· s-on high :whwrl, Hngnt•, Denni.;, ,John and William. Be!HiciPs 1 he· widow and ~nns them survive 1 hr. pilrr.niH, Mr. nnrl Mr·s .. fohn fo'. !3rnrlherg, Lnnslng, ;rnrl 2 lmil h­ers, Kenneth of 11ansing ami Ronald of Olwmos.

Before moving- lo lh!! ;\lai<•cion fnrm the 13rorlbr.rg-s lived In Del· hi township and In Lansing.

ANTENNA ,FOR CHOST-TO-CHOST NETWORK-Frederick Spiegelberg, professor of Asian clviliwtion, examines a Tibetan ghost trap on display at the University of Stanford, at Stanford, Calif. Fashioned of sticks and colored thread, it Is mounted in mud mixed wlth human ashes. Tibetans believe that drawings o[ people and animals on slats lur·e ghosts into circle of small trnps. Ghosts then become entangled in TV antenna-like device. When wool tufts at points of antenna become damp, It's a sign

Robinson wr·or~ the sereenpla.r Kirk Douglas and Bella !Jarvi at'l! I he mmanlic couple in from a s111ry by Mr·. Wllilamsnn. "The Racet·s," the new Twentieth Century-Fox Cinema­John Farrow directed :rnci !low., Scope production in De Luxe color·, I he Sunc'tay and Monday llt_'ci v~' pro.clueerl "A_ Bul}.".' a~li'Ucl.ion t~i..UJC l•'ox Tlwatt·e. ThL'il' lendet· love story fur:. ~s W.11trng for Coiumhr.r lrc.· nrslws u vrvrd contt·ast to the speed and action of Hans u:·~·;~;,~,n~ ltn•·•·s 1111, ll<'sl Ruesch's novel about sports cat· l'aeing fr·or!l which "The

county. ilion's alumni maga1.1ne.

solid /eatl1er is the real tiJing ••• ;!eHIIIAMLEY ilclts are made fwm, the frncst leathers obtainable. They arc in a class hy rhcmscil•cs for quality, Mylc and comfort. II AM LEY solid leather BELTS arc an incxpcndablc pare of the distincti1·c man's wardrobe.

Come in co sec our selection of liandsomu HAMLEY BELTS ... you'll be glad you came.

·\'bono ORchard 7-7421

Sundo1y 11howa continuous from 3 1•. M. Frld;ty.SILturdny 2 ahows from 0:30 P. M.

Mnn. Tue. Wed, Thur. 2 ahowa froni 7 P. M.

Friday and Saturday, April 22-23 Hap;iup; flood watl~rs ti'IlJI two blood-hung•·y mmr and a lovn-Jouely woman in tlw lligh Sim·ra.<; , , •

Tto•·~· Calhoun - ,Jean Simmons in

A Bullet Is Waiting Color· by Teehnicolor


.Johllllj' Wdssmullm· as ,Junglr~ ,Jim with 1\:ll'l~n Booth and 'l'amhtt the~ Chimp

Jungle Man-Eaters-Sunday and Monday, April 24-25

20th prcsenls KIRII BELLA GilBERT




' '· ColorbrDELUXE•honerrinl


, Prl)tj.J(Pd~l 0 tiCIIdbf kill~ fiJrltr

'JUl~N i~U!IIIK • IIIHRY HIJIIIW!I· Cllllt[S KIUfMJK ' . In lilt I'I'OIIOtr Gl SHRC~IIOrciC SOil,ftO . .

Tues., Wed;;: Thurs., Apr.l 26-27-28 A figittlng legend lives again ... the saga of the man· who smnshe1l Custer ~t Little Big Hom • . • ' · .

Vietor 1\lature • Suzan B1\IJ • John Lmul in'

~' .. Chief' Crazy Horse in Cincma~co11e and Tccln!icolor

NEX'l' WI~EK:.;...ltOBiNSON CUUSOE ancll\IASTEilSON OF KANSAS bot.ll' In· 'l'echrilcQlor; Wllllnm Uoldcn·Gmoo ·Kelly In BRIDGES Ofi. TC)I(O.·RI' In Tc,chnloolor; Clifton. Webb;Jm1e

. . WOULD -In ClucinuScopc, . . . ; ' ' ..

Neighbors · arc giving Mrs. Brodberg and the hnys l1eip willl fnrm worlt. i\ bel' wns ~!aged Monday to g-et spring plowing

111 "The 11ucers," which will Racct·~" was a~~rpted. Douglas P!ays a clum1p1on race drivm· pl;r>' at tiw l~ox Theatre on sun· and Mtss Darvt ~~a r<:rcn~h ballet·mn, who lm·sakcs het· art to dny and Monda>'• Twentieth cen· tr·avcl Uw !'ace Cll'Cllll. wrth her· man.

done. ghost is trapped. Antennae come In 14 diflercnt designs, one for Fum!r;rl sen•lces for Mr·. B:'()[l-~ each major type of spirit Tibetans hope to ensnare.

hcrg were epnd ucl r.ri al Est cs· Learlley In Holt Werinc~dny a[ler· ; noon, willt Hev. Cedi Pnllnek, I h H F · pastor· of lhe Whr.tttflelri Mellwrl· ng am as our lsi. church officiating. Burial was

1 1

1 in Chf~pr·~ Hill Memorial Garcl· p aymg at A rna ens, L,Jnslng.

I Infant Dies in Lansing Hospital

' FrlUr Ingham baseball players

are r:avortlng on the Alma col­liege baseball diamond this 1 sprin..:. They are Denny and Ron Sl olz of Mason,· Ray Flansburgh of Stoci<hrldge and Larry Albert o[ Holt.

I 1 Creel\; Dorr· Granger, 1\cnnellt Granger· and Victor· Howe, Lan· sing; Arthur Wemple, Dansville; and Roy Adams, Mason; were pallbearers.

Seven from Mason Make Honor List

lur·y-l~ox h;rs IHI t on I he scrc1~n for llw fir·st 1 imc the exl'iting­and drarnatit! story of European sports c;rr rac:lng in Cinern:rSo•ope ancl In lhe lt'UC·Io·iife hues of DP Luxe color. The stars ilre Kirl\ Douglas, Bella Darvl, Gil· bcl'l 1\olancl, Cesar Homcro, Lee .1. Cobb anrl Kaly .Jumclo,

i\11 tlw auto racing scenes for the story ahuul a man, Douglas, who is lol'll between his 2 loves--­lite lhrill of winning a r·ace and liw desire of winning a woman,

' Miss Darvi, were fllmcd in the actual European locale. Direetnr Henry ·Hathaway and Producer

Flanshurgh and Ron Stolz are Zola Bashfemi Dar·l, Mary Lou .Tulia.n Blaustein spent three

IIIJV('j IJy il. fnrllll'r i;!lll'll(li'Hilll~~ajnst rltP ,ll'itile invacict'H Of thP spcecl e:iwrnprort, Han~ 1\w•sch, Sroux lNrltor-y and rlcfcatjng 11111! rl'Vl'als tire inside story o[ litem in some of the most famous tl1is sport willt all its intriguP, I'll· battles in lite ltislm·y of Amerl· mance and hazanls for tIre men can lnriiHn wars. who 1h·lve their rat·~ ;rl break· In 1lw title role, Victor Malure neck spePcl and the 1\'ornen in turns in an 11nlstanrling perfor·m· liwlr lives, Hll<'l' as lltl' filments !nrlian brave.

~ltthu·o• !'lays Crtt1.,\' Hews•• Homane·P is brought inlo the Combining- nn excelil'nt st·rel'n· ·'lory try Suzan Bali Whose por·

play with strong ill'ting talent lrayal of CraZ)' Horse's young plu~ CinemaSt·ope ancl 'J'pe•hni· ht·iclr• is one nf the highlights of color, Univcrsill·Inlernational has the pil'lllrr. ln a e·o·slarrlng role turned o11t one of the great "out· o[ " willie lmdcr who Is be· door" pil'tures of all lime in frienri1•d by l\lalure anrl Miss "Chief Cra~y Hnr~e" which Jllays Ball, .,John Lund scores heavily Tuesday, Wednesday ancl Thurs· in a tailore~d-to-mcasure part. An day at I ill' Fox Tllcnter. ex!'cllent "heavy" mle is essuycd

Steven Che~lcy HetTie!;, horn last Friday in MeLaugltlin. hns· pital, Lansing, died there on Sat­urclrry, living only .3:l hours. He was lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vii· liam Herrle!\.

pitchers, Denny Stolz is an out- Diamond, ~aroly.n S. F'orche, months in Italy, France, Germany fielder ami Alhcrt is a catcher. .r,anel M. 1> r~derrck, Ralph W. and Swltzc>r·Iand photographing

Becaus!• every man from last l•urtney, Damel G. Gar·ver and ~eencs of famou~ Eur·openn speer! Aclinn i~ llw :;;•yJWil' llf tlris ' · · ' ) Ralph A Redma11 ail "l"to'tl"les cl,·t."sl'cs. Strcil lvniJ-i'llOII'n 1·,·rer'rl" fnsl·jlllced saga of oirr. of the most

by R11y Danton, it young- serer.n nrwmmer "n 111c way to certain sla rclnm. Y"tr's championship te i · ' ' "' ' · '" · ' - ' ' ,.,

'-• · ' • am 8 of Mason high school arc amon" events as the MI'(Jn M,orrJr·,·1, Gr·,·rnrl famous Indian ehlds in history hack, the Scots arc favored to 1 - . . ,' ' "' ' "" Besides the parents the hab)' repeat for the MIAA title. I the 5;:J8 Mrchrgan Stale college Pr·ix de Ttnlia were included in and his stnrgglc will1 the white

is survived by a brother and students whose name;; appear on the important haekgrounci of the men in the invasion or the west. Mason Woman Gets Dryer sister, William ancl ,luriy, and the honors list for winter term, lhrlil·pnclwd stor)'. . The slory opens in IH~-1 willl 11

grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. CIICR· F R •d t 11955· The accident scenes uf ears dying Sioux c~hicf precikl ing 1 hal 1\lrs. Frank Hhzcllon nf Masnn

Icy Herrlcl< of Mason and Mt·. and I ormer esl en . . . The lwn~rs list, prepared h)' hurtling over wails and sltidcllng a young member nf the tribl', WitS pt•esentr.rl wil h a whirlpool Mrs. Joe Rounds of BHttle Creek. . Mortar Board, schulastic·service nn oily roads are some of the Crazy Horsr, will become tile t~·pe l'inlhc•s rlryrr· at I he Lansing

Funeral services were in Jew- PaSSeS Suddenly honorary, lists students who mo~t thrilling ever filmed by a greatest leader· of tile Sioux Na- hom<' huildPrs sl111w sponspred by

burial In Maple Grove. Rev. Clar· . il,fj;fl.5 (!'J·plus') or -lrigher. "The Racers" is based on a prophesy, leading his tribe merce. ctt chapel Monday afternoon with . maintained an academic average mol ion picture camera. lion. Crazy llor·se; fulfills thellhc .Juniut' Chamber of Com·

enc~- Rodd .. , of . ...Mason.:...l3a~tisL ,....M;~Jl!'~!-._~.!:111'!11b:z:: ••. ~!J...dlf-.9. ··~JI!IIIIll .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••· •·•••· ... ••••••••••••••••••••-: church officiated. · :"uncray of a c~reora emorrhag!! I _, · 111 Leila hospttal, Battle Creek

Rites Are Held For Mrs. Warner

She was strlclten Saturday. Her early life was spent in Mason.

Grace Bradt was born . Aprlf I 22, 1873, in Porter towriship, Van Buren cotmty, the daughter· of l~redarick J. and Ella Bradt. They Jived in Marcellus, Cass county,

Mrs. Edith Warner, 74, died before comirig to Mason when last Wednesday aftemoon at Ma· the daughler· was 16 .. In Mason son General hospital, after being the daugllter united with the there only 4'h hours. She had Presbyterian church ·and 1vas. ac­been sick since the previous-Sun· tive in church work and sang· in day and had not been in good the choir. · · health the past year. On April 27, .1893, she and Cal·

She leaves her husband, Wirl. vin J. Bariwby 1vere niarrled. with whom she had lived 55 They ha~l 2 children, a son, Fred­years; a daughler, Mrs. Betty ericl1 LaMoure; who sut'vlves; Hall; a grandson, Michael Hail, and a daughter,· Mlrl(lm. Grace, all of Trenton; 2 sisters·. Mrs. who died in· infancy. The husband Dora l~oier· of Wheatfield and died in 1902. Three years later Mrs. Bess Wilcox of New Yorl\. the widow married Glenn Arthur ·

Mr. and Mrs. Warner had lived Barnaby of Musl<egon. ·Ha ·.and for more than 30 years in Wheat· Calvin Bnrnaby were cousins. field township on I he farm on Mrs. Barnaby and her second Burkley road. For lO years they husband had a son, Lawrence· ,lived ncar Coleman and spent a Gardner. He died last Noverri· short time ncar Dansville. Site ber. Glenn Barnaby died· in 1942. was born in Ingham county, Sep· Mrs. Barnaby had made her tember 11, 1880. home with her younger son and

Mrs. Warner was a member of his family for many years. the Southwest Wheatfield exten- Besides the son, Frederick La­sion group. Two of lis former Moure Barnaby of Holt, Mrs. members, Mrs·. Roy Hills and Barnaby Is survived by a sister. Mrs. Fran!{ Church, now nlJrses Mrs. Lenn Driver of Orlando, at the hospital, were with her Florida, and 2 .. grandchildren, during her last sicl<ne~s. Burke and Bnrbara Bamaby of

Funeral services were at: Gor·s- Battle Creel\. lines in Williamston with· Rev. Funeral services were at 2. Morrice Beers of Poi11 lac officiat- o'clocl' Wednesday afternoon :~t lng. Burial was in Maple- Grove Ball·Dunn funeral home ln Ma-

l·ce!mE!terr•y, Mason. . son with burial In Maple Grove.

I Rev. Paul L. Arnold of the Ma·

A scandal has In be bad to be 'son Presbyterian church offl· good. . elated. Lloyd McDaniel, Battle

Bob Carroll Cornes Close In ·.Youtli, Talent Contest

Bob Carroll, 16, of Mason was wot;l\; Jac'k R. Weiss, Oltemos, one of 4-runnersup in Lansing'~ second, a11d Temple Smith, Holt, youth talent contest.· He gained third, In models; Carol Avery, his placing with a display of fos- Oltemos, second I,n tailoring; Bar· slls representing the geologic his·- barn Swan, Webberville; honor· tory of the earth. He has been able mention, t~llorlng; Roylyn Interested in science .ever since Voss, Dansville, Frank Lee and he was able lo wall\ and has his Fred Mills, Stockbridge, and ~hll· own 'museum of natural history Up. Ballard, Mason, honorable In a barn- behind the Cnrroll res I· mention in· woodwork. - i . dence' at, '403 West South street.. C, 13·14 · years, Marguerite He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Shaft, Holt, creative .writ· John Carroll and Is a· .Junior in lng; Ted Wai·ner, Okemos, .first Mason high school. In addition to in drawing; . Jim Breslin, Dans·

geologie display, young Car· ville, second ln. handicraft;· Den· placed second with his en• nls North, Holt, s_e<;ond lri inusl·

In the art,noveltles class, age cal composition; Jerone. Valeriti; group '!3· . . . . · Stockbrlqge, third In woodwork; · Other ·out-county wintiet·s . of Ross Bowman: . and . Thoinas ' youth talet'lt_prl;:es we~e: A; 17~ Heeney, Stockbridge, honorable 18 year,. Alan· Coolt, Stoc](brldge, men'tlon 'in'"': woodwork:· . and second In handicraft;· Levi F. Elaine Baker, Wllllamston, third Vogt,' ·Williamston, second In In yarncraft. . . ... · . science;· Stanley, 'Schnapp, ·Holt, D, 12 years, Tom Gunn, . Oke-


Bud's Has.Motors

Yes, whatever· kind of car you own, Bud's has quality used motors

For All Cars

and they are less expen,sive, tool

Stop in Now!

I' , Bud's bought 3 7 8 cars

"' ,,

in ·1954 and already has I I 0 ... 'bought 132 • '551 cars 1n


., B -·u· · ·.d· ----~--s-. ' .

. . . ' . : . . . : ..

. '


. ·. second In sculpture; and· Wilma mos, first, and ·Deane Balzer, . Karker, Holt,' honorable:. mention Ho!t, second In drawlng;.Thomas Phone OXford-'9·2154 ·. .... '. :,····


_; ..

in ··scUlpiut:C. ~-~.' ·. ·.. · : .. I-Ieuer, Leslie, . third,·· mUsiCal . ·.SOuth o( HOlt ~·2-mlles.....;: North of- MBB(na· · ', · · · .... 11 ·

~~~~~h~~~~~~~~~w··~~-~~~--~~·.-~.~~~~~~~~~l~~~;~~~~~~·\~-~~~~~-~~·~·~-~~~~~ .. ~~., baker, ~Dallt\Ville, .. first 'In metal· Williamston, ·third In, woodwork.' . ' ·: 'o ,' .':.:. , ~ '·' ' ' ~ r: .. ' ."· . . , f . , .


.EtJeryDay Is Child Health Da'y for the NmJ.r's Male Baby AttendaQt.<.; "('rJIIVrJ.Y rl11ty" J'o1' 1llanddoekPcl mtllol',c; slntioned nl the Natlowd Nnvnl lVIL'di('lll Cenl.e1•, notlleildn, IVIat•ylnnrl, •. ,,iliiliils rJJ' guiding newly lnunclwd nwm!J1!I'H nf navy falllilii'S llii'OIIL',Ii ill!! shoals Of filL! fli'SJ rJnys Df' JiJ'e,

Child llonllh Day, Slincln.v, Mny I, f'ocuHos nntlonoial­tr•nllnn on nilfiPI'Vllllc'r! ol' Nnli<Hl!tl Baily WePI< whkll f'ollmvs, llllf lt's ju:-;1 anolhot• day frll' thoHe hn:;pilal c•m·psnwn. 'l'lwy nsslsl doclor::; wilh t!xnmlnallom; and

1JV/wl's Her f)isplacement?--- Chow with lhe Skipper---

r•ai'<' ,,,,. tJi,. liltlt• sailon; IIIHI WAVES-lo-be, until llw inlnnfi; 1''111'1' 1'<•1' litlllll' !JIH'IH with lhl'IJ• fnmilit•R. It's llllll.':lilll diif,V, hill lfll' llii'Jl fillY illl!y Prljfl,Y llllt'HI'I'.Y "watd1."

11"/w Admiral Couldn 'l Oo Bl!llf~r- ~ ~ .. ,, _________________________ .,--------------,.-----------........ -·-------··-·---· -----·---,-·--------.... __ _ ~lr.~. S. II. llt•Pdl'l'.

Machine Re(ords Mill{ Produd~cm Of Two Groups

O<'HI<•rl1•, il~ l'l!glslorncl fTnbiPIIlS, ·Hi.:, lh l'nl, ]:lo~ lh rnlll';

llililllt[ l'll\1'<'11, ~~ g11111t• I lol­:.ll·lliS, lli.ri JIJ I ill, J:! Ill Jh lliiJJ\; ll<•mtl IIIII, 17 grall1• IIIII~<IPlll.';, j(,;·, lit 1.11, 1~0(1 lh llllll;; 1!. llid\ l11td, If\ grill!<• llol,,t,.im:, -lti.r, ll1 tal, Ill i I ll1 n!lll\; C;, I f. l•:lli',IJII, 1!1

J)niJ·yJIIPI> ltt>l11 IIIJ:I<HIIJ\VIi 1:ratl1• ll~tihll'iiiS, •I:! I lh fal, l~lllJ llllnt•,liin 1111>1 lllr~i 111111 N 11 ;1 l<'sl II. ltlill\; ,Ji•rT,I' .lllq:c•llsllll, :ui

r• t'illlt• lllll•:l Pin>:, ·1:1 I Ill fa I, II 'iK lng ass<ll'i:Jil<llt:; 1111 \V 1~1'1 ll11:i1 lit 1r11l11; LPwls Wils11n, :lo "'J~i.s· rl'l'>ll'ds "" 1111•.1 tl11 lltPit• 111ill( lt•J'<'<i II•Ji:,JL'Im:, 1:1. I Jl, f.JI, ll'ill l1.'1 lllll<'lilllP, tll'>'lll t11111: >•11<1 t'lilll- ill 111ilk; lln•:ll 1>'1ni11, .lr, I •I !fl'illl1• Jllllin<~ i1; d''"'' l1v 111~1 111 :11·1 1111 ,.. ll11l• '•'tr<·:, IIJ :1 II• tat, ll't','l Ill

'I'IH•J'I' \VI'i'l' ~!I lti'J'd;; ill iiii'Jil' ltllll'; ILI,\'IIlol.lll 1'11\\'l'll, :!1 t:l'llrll' llt>H<'Iil'i, ·111.1 !11 1:<1, IIIIi Ill

IIHHtH'lilliorJ·; \\lllf'/1 li\'PI'IIJ;I•d cJVPI' 1111 11,;

Ill Ill Ill illlllt'J' lllr II II• lllllnlli I II. I .111'11\l'lllld ,'It Sllii, :!;, )'rllril' Ill ~1.11'1'11, a<'<llidiiiJ: 111 i111• 1'1' IJ,[·,J•·Ifl;,, ·111:111< 1111, IIJ:l, Ill jlCJI'I;; 111 ll11' if•J;il'lo, ,\J:Jtl'illllllilk; t;llilld ,'It 1\,tli·~.lll'<ld, ~:1 Honlra;:<'J' 111111 1\l 1 '11ol·. 'I'll<'"' :!I 1 1t'l:i~lt>l'l'll ltllbil•lns, ·111.:1 111, il(•J'fi~, 11 1'1': · II l~i • II' Ill I II'; lt11IH'rl 1111111, I~

hPIIIII'ilt l·.llrl~, ili J(ra1[,• 11<11 11'!'-"'i<•J'I•tl illllslr,'ifl.',, ·lll:llll fill. iill'llt!;, ·,:!'," II> 1:<1, J:l!lf, ill lllill,; 111.•_1 II• litllk; Sl:tllli<,l' ylll.s, 1!1 \V c '. ll'rir•l11, l'c '''l'l.'ol••rt•tl IIIII r<·::~·d••rf>d 11,1::11'/~t''· 111 .. 1 111 fill, ;,JI'IIls, ;,:!.7 II• 1111, 1:1:1:: Ill 11 II II,; ill' I II• till II<; I,, I• 11'>1 f'r, :!II f.! !ill If' ].;1'111'.':1 ~\llll\1', [:, 1;1·; 11 1<• 11 1,J;,J<•itls, fl,d•,J<•iw:, ·:IJ,:IIIt lc~l, !Ill:! ill, !IIIII\; fl~!.7 Ill I. II, J:IO:! Ill 111111 .. ; (I \\'. ll.ll•dd ( .lyllll ~:~ 11'):1:-;l(ll't•d I l11lll·li\. :!:! l'f',lllr• tl11hl<•i11:;, ·l! 1 ; 111 '111' 1'.\ ''· •lll.:l II• l:11. K:l'i II> !11 1:<1,.1.'111.! II; lllilh; illliil<llt•~i<•r lllilh; ,IJIII lr:t i'llllii•<IJ~Itl, :!:' 11'1~ II',., :;11(1, .i:li'l'l'i.'il'll'd IIIIISli•lii~:./'''1''"'" ,,,,.,,,\'S, ·lit:: lit 1:<1, '<'1:1 Ill In I, I :!t'l II• 111111,; ~111111 li'P II' IIIJII,

Mr. a11<1 ~lr•, .l:<llll'.'• M•·(';111111 'l'l11• 'oillllloll:l, 111 il l111'l,\' Jllllllid ~illlidii,l' 11'1 ,,. lilllit'll 1\'l'illlli•J'[III[I tlu;• \'.illlillld 11111'1' illll>'S .JS 111111'11 11l 1\llllll>ll' :IIIII '1'11111 111111 [lllillli·[IIIIHI '"' llir• Silllllill'il 111 ,1 11,11 Nll'l'illill. Jllllllltd lilllll:lll

·-- ·--··---··--·~-- ---- --------·~·-··--···-- .. Marilyn and Dl'lllliS Carl of .rloll. I SoutiJ Aurelius and :<•; II II· llll'l'lioJ~ '""' 'l'httr;,d11,\'

IviJs, ,JI•:Jill'lil! D:ll'l vJSIIPd \\':Is l'illll'l'il<•rl <1111· 111 ll11• dt•:tlil l•:usl r·anaan ~~"'"ray :~fiPrrli•"'L North Onondaga "' Mrs. J·:11i111 \l'at·tn·t·

Mr. :111<1 l\1• ·. L1•11 I :1.\'lttl vi~.· Mr. :tnrl Mr·s. l't•:trl lt11lsl<lll nl 1\Jr~ 11 11 Fif•hl il<•d l\li' ,, 111 1 l\lr· .. l:•.lt I'll<'<'"'"' Munilh Slll'lll Sundny will! tlli'i!' • ' '

Onondaga News Mrs. Burto11 Bi!ldwin

~11'. and Mrs. Hoy H11sf'lt vi:>ill•cl --1'.11'. iliHI Mrs. Noln11 W<•llt•J' .tltd IJ:iiJ,Y of 1\:dillll:JZIHI SutiiiHy.

luylr<un Cmmty News April 21. 1955

~~arm Problems .Are 'Discussed

Olllllld:<ga C'nnnnunlty Fnrm 1><11<'1111 nwl nl ll11• homl' of Mr. . <lid ~II s. Jo:l11 ill ( ;,lllillllP Friday (liJ•,Iil. Viti'·' 'liilll'lll:lll .!I'SSI' C'llll·

'" d l'>llltilll'il'd I ill' lillSillt'SS lllPI'i: i11;: Ill Ill!' :i11SI'III'I' ol liJt• l'!wJr• lll:I(J, l.l'slil' r;:duslw.

i 'liiTIIt'd Mumby lr•tl llrP dist•us­•;int• 1111 llic> "N1•w l.11ol1 in Our l·::,lt~llsioll Pl'ogt·:ttn." Cl:t}'(.1JH'P l'<llf<•Jilll'l'f!l'l' fllld nf lhl' t•ounly r•\!l'Jl~d(JII worl~ and t'UIIIIl1Pfllf 1d 1111 IJ[IJl'l' I lljlii'S II f iiJP day,

llltl·r· 1111• tlll'c•ting 1\':<s l'ill~ed, l'l'fl't>sltnwn h \1'1'1'1' st'I'VI'<i ill' I hr [J>,sii'SS. 'l'lrt• iii'Xi lllC'Piing \Viii Ill' :<1 1111' IH>Illl' 11t Mr. iioHI J\!Js. 1 'l:t1 (1 1H'P Puf'fPIIIJPt·l~~)t' u11 Fridc1y fl\PIJillf•, .~iil,V :2(J.

A I'I'''"Jolilltl ltolllllillf.! 1\fr. and il'lr:;. Wl'ild:dl t•':Jt'l' of t 'liitr!oilt', \\'l1o \VI•rt• l'l'l'l'ittly lll:ll'l'il•d, was lu•ld at IIH• 1<111'11 hall l.tsl Sutur· •L•I' 1'\PIIillg. 1\lt·s. l•'al'l' was for­r<H'tly Sllirlt•,l' 11<<11', dn11gl11er ol ~11'. a1ul \Irs . .Jm• llun·.

,\lr·. 1111t1 Mrs .. rnsJH'I' 'I'PI'I',I' en­~inr><l a1 11 fn111ily dilnwt· 111

tltt>il' 111)1111' S<i<ul:<v. i\lfrPtl 1\t'<''ll•r ,,;HI X Onnrul:<gn

J;ny St'lltlls 111' 'l1nop No. (il ,.r,JI\rd " ""'"I lllll-of.doot·s 'l'ur.s­dny t'\'f'llill:~ at 1111• \V,IJ'IJ LPnlz J'a f'(J I

ning nl lhr Country Klii'!Jrn llPUI' MiiSIJil.

· i':H<Jilv "'"' 1\11 111111 II'''· 1.111vd Yllll·ln·law and di!ugiJII'I', Mr. 111111 Wc>lls f'IIPI1m•r of La11sinu llltd · ' · Mrs. Hidltp'cl .1111'1SOJI, :md l'ili- Mt·s. Mmul M~li'(JU:ll'ill or [filii l'riiiiiJli 1 1 h (J,,,,k; 111 IJ,,,, villi· ~:'""l:<v :Ill dJ'Pll, K:~tlly 111111 ltlllllli«•. were Salurdily evPniug gt11•s1s or Mt·. anc! Ml's. Hnhol'l Bush tllld

C.trolc ami Pelf' Woocls spl'nl Sun<1:1y in 13altle CrPcll visiting Mrs .• lr.ssiP JJush and Mr. and Mts. ll'illlt•r· MIIIVJIIJr·y and IiilO· ily.

Htilf'h \Vn111l 11f Lansing speur Mr. and Mrs. 13. f I. l•'lt lrl. l"rldny nigltt Willi Mr. and ~Irs. Tlte Aurelius Ceuli'J' M1•11's Fn•d r'ilSJll'l' and f:.mlly :111<1 iH'· Eul'hl'l' c·l11h rnl'l l:tsl WPtlll<' I'IJIIlJlilltit·d IIH'Ill .'illll'll fislti11g ill nigl 1t, G lullles playillJf, lliJ•IJ Lnku ( 'IJ:n·lt•vnh. prize went 111 John l'owr•JJ and

J\lr. :mtl Mrs. Ed Davis anti low to 13YI'Illl l~f'klwt·l. Lone lt:<ll<l 1\lrs. Brrgie 1\Pr>IPt' lt:ts l'P· eliilcln•Jt ul L:msing SJH'JJI SaiUI'· IHJIInr.s ivent to lfarolrl Sln11tg . IU1'11rd lo this l'llln111Uilii.Y <JI'Ier

dav and Su11t1av al 1111' llttrn<' n[ 'l'lw nl'xl mrPiing will ilP April SJlPilding ilw winiPJ' muntlis 111 M;._ 11111! Mrs, l·;rt•cl (':i.~pur. 22 at llw lown ltnll, wltl'll llolli llai\PJ'SitPitl, Callflli'J<ia.

Mr. ancl Mrs. F. fl. Blad<mc.t·c men's «nd women's dulls will

'l'lil' WIH•:illit•lti 1·11 r·l<tiJ lilc'l liisl 1\llllldii,l' I'V<-IIill·: ill 1!11• c:r:lll!~'' JJ:tll o11 :{ ~~·~·lllf·h. J•'iv" fiPW I!H'IIIIJI•J'!, jLI!il'rj lfl,• ;;1n11JI

i\flfll !(J(• Jlil.'dlll·!~!. 'll!'PIIIlj~ ,I

rnnvifl, "'JIll' !\h,rlt•JJI ( 'flwlul.\ ir1 { 'tdll) ;,tf,," ~··:1', ... JHJ\\11. TI!!H, dJ vidt•d iJII(I gJilllpc, HI'I'IIJ'din·~~ IIJ

1l11·ir projPr·i". !\ '-'"II"' ww: lt><l l11' ~l!·s. 11:11•dil c;io,'<lll "'"' tlalc•. lt<•IJI'Silllll'lil' ol · I'IHJidi'S nnd Mrs. Alic·e Corwin, who is slay· ul' Wntc•rs spent I he wPck encl nl join in play,

In" lll 1111' Kc!•ney Convalesc·C'nl 1 1 f' tl · · ] 1 I· " I H' tOlllf' '' 11'11' Sllll·lll· aw am H. M. Silslly and so11s .1:1<'\11' 11 ~.tvi 1 • ""'"'' 1111 ~ , .. 1vr·

11 :II hom1• !Will' .Jud<son, SJIC'nl Sunday 1 J 'I 1 Ivl I' I 1

c:lllglll•t, "r. :1111 r·s. ,nwr :llld Larr·y sllippPcl 2!i siPI'I'~; '"IIIII• r; 1·,1il,''' !t:ill 1>.1' lit•• IVI11•ai· wilh Mr. a111l Mrs. Hnlil'l'l Corwin · 1 1 II

1(111>1 1\id \\1'1'1' ~·1'11'1'11.

SPyl:llt I, <Ill! 1:1111 .Y· Dettnll l<~sl wrelt. fi<•ltl St•wi111: , ll<li h•d 1•.1' l\l1s. nnd farnily. · , • Mr. and M1s. l•'red 13l:wlmJOt'£' Mr. ancl M1·s . .Joltil Tieman:: l<:ul Viol:~ \'1·11'"'''' :•nil i\lr· •. l:tll'llll<

Mr·s. Ln\ Pt'nP hal'lles, who ~ws nnd l'llildrl'n of Ordwrd Lnlw DPlroil ",UI'sls Sunclll\'. .lnllll~·"" \Vi< It ~11 • 1~:11'•,lt.< \l'n!:· lif'Pil ll JHli!Pnt :11 J\lc•n·y hnsp11al . , 1 s 1 1. y v'il '·lr· J31·1l']·- ~ ' r I f I I' ' I sp~ll . llll" \ I I " ' • ' Mr. <IIlli Mrs. Claud SlusseJ' 1'1' , 111 '1'· jlllllllr li•;Jdo•f'. ,\]u,,it. lllr ''"' 111 , ill'lson "': lllSf'J:va Jon, IS lnor·p's ill'olltr•J' hi·law ancl slstPt', llll'JI<!cl Satlll'day nigh I frllt>l thc•ir ,,lylt• l't'\'111' \\'".: pl:ll'l'd 1•.1 Mr.: now c·r•nval('s<'lltg al '


1' llllnll' Mr. and Mt·s. lloiJet·i Sr>yfartli, \VPdclllw lrill 10 F'lnt·ida. c.:lynn •. ·1111'1' wllh'i< 11 )':"'"' l'l'lldl

hPJ'C. iiiHI llllllil , " I "I I I ' 1\1 " Mr. lind Mrs. Vern Paltnertru1 Y M1·s. Lot lie LttZP[I and ill' I' 11 "n " ':« 1 '~'~ 1 ' '' ·' "' 1" 1'1

111 [JowPII \'Jsilt•d M1·~. Billie Wc>l- L\'IP Sc!IIWC'hr.rgC>t' anrl l'llil· daugltlc~r. Mr.~. Cancinl'f' Loughlin, w:w pl:l,l't'<i 1•.1 ·1'' 11 rli<• t:''' 11 '1J, lrl' on Sunday. Mr·s. WPIJers' 111'1'11, Rnnrde, Donnir. and Sliaron visiletl Mrs .• Jessie lfammil '" .ll',lltll" ,I,JIIJ;,,,IJ 11(111 lli:llw

'-' Ill '•IJ t•nnr· 'IIlii f'l'l'll W!'l"llll flf J \\'1 1CIW 11 ' ~o;:lllJ~ :1 dtH•I :11111 :1 !"1111,· 1, clnuglllcJ', Mr~. Norma .fnllnson, ,_,e ll 1 e h• • ' •• lCitarlotte SLillrlay. ' L• I '11g \l'nlll ''11111 11 f't''ll'tlll' 'll "" · J \\':<': ;;i\'l'll It\ il ;~irl•: Iiiii lro111 n·llll'llf'd In 111'1' home• in Pllila- •11 Sf •: ,; ' ' ' Mt·. anrl Mrs. 1'..rwrn Bc•c•c•J ol

c• ' IJ • c• II l'Jy 1'1glll lit" l~t'ollp. l'<l<wl• ,.,If,.,, 1111<1 dPIJllli« S:dllrd;Jy «nd l\1rs. Dl'ins ·'"1") 11 "~~' a;. ,,a LJ'< •. 1 · Mason, a111l Mrs. Glen Calir·id<•J' r·:ti\P \\"•·l'r' ~.t 1 J \I'd :11 I lit> lrli•(•J CaJon Slll'lll llw wePk 1'11<1 witl1 Supr.J'tlllPIIdl'nl .lnilli'S II. Van· unci rluuglrter of Delrn11 W<'l'l'

V II I I I I iJr):. 111'1' sislcJ', l'vlrs. WPI!t•r. der I'll m PI ill I 1r s••rno gnc>sls of Mr. nnrl Mrs, ,lf>IJn 1\ft·. '""' Mt's, Larry Doyle 'l'httrstlny nwr·ning. Powell Sillulay.

SJlf'lll till• W<·t-·1; P111l srnrll-lislllng SpPIIing llf>Jlnrs wenl In Lnf:; ----I Clar~ Ccnler

Mt'. 1111d Ivlrs. \Villi:tlll llnrl '>Jll'ill Sunday will! ~11·. 1111>1 Mr». Milll'r Iii lldlTiSIIJI,

Mt·. a111l Mt·s. Hudnlplt flli· C'lrilsrh nud llctly c•nii'J'I:dnPd 1\lrh. Lrsi'III'Y Sllndny

Mrs. llnna Wl'llol; 1111<1 son Dtoll· .dd mll1'd on Mr. and !\Irs. l•:n11•;;1 1

IIHt'l .<!HI t;ni'V, SLirllidV. ' l'.lrs. Iv!1-r:r1; 111 I :IJJ:.illt:

t•:tllt•rl al 1111• ~1ill'lll•ll 11"111!' .'-:tnt· d:<.i' nighl.

Mrs. Arrhlc Mlii'IJCII miiPd on her falher, M. C. Bef'ill'l' or J•:nst Dc>Wil t. Monday. '

~11·s. l•'t•ed 13ullc•n m11l d:tugiJII'I'I I S!Jl'lll StllltiJiy u fil'l'llllflll "I 1~11· ltnme· Ill' Mr. nnd Mrs. l~ollc•rl. Davisnn 111111 IHmily nl' l•',iloll ltaplds

Bunker Hill lll'lll'ii'I!Jt llnlllnrt•

M1·~. Ellgt•nr. t':tV:tJHillgh \1'1'1<1 Wit[, Mi:;s .]PHil I lllllk<'l d 111111 ~Tis;· J·:lla ll, of i'lf'<l'<lllil 1:11\P lo visil frir11cls :tl ll<trr:c•s," l111spilal i11 J(;il:lln:two Sunda,v.

al 'J'nwns. Sr·lmrPIH'I'fll~l·, Ra:,•mnnd Silves-Mr. anrl Mr;:. fiohrrl NohiP Jc>fl 11e, Kaliy SPyf~rtll, Mif'liarl Doo- Douglas

Sunrl<i,l' f<n· 11 lrip In l~lurilla via lilllc> ""li S<wnn Cttspr1· 1:1:.:1 tile Smok~· Mountains. Mt·s. Ern· werk, est Daf'llll, ll'llo i~ visiting i11 Munrlny rnnrning fiev, Clia~·les Jcloridll, will l'i"'llll'n lo her home BruDlls r;J:<dl' lri~ ltiSI visil of lhr. Wilh ihl'lll ill..LLhOUI 2 W!'C'l<s. VC'Ell'. 111' llllllllllllr'ed thai IIW

ltexine Glynn

Mr. and Mrs. ,Jn.,,•ph L. Sirl'i"PI' of DPIJ'"il wm·p S11nd:1y dilllll'" i'<IPst~ 111' Mr. 111111 Mn:. W:dll'i ~; Sll'illlf-!1' :Jlld Miss <;,.,.lrudt• C'i!ll


l.~lrs. l'li'llif• l:lll!t•u Mr. :tJHI Mrs. 't'inwlhl' l'vflol'rlltll

Mr. :CIIrl •\1<·..:. r11 ·,·1Jir• i\lilf'IH'II IVI'I'I' visil<'d hy lh<•ir ·dmtghi<'l', II

M1·. ;llHI Mrs . .John Pnilcr spC'nt D:lli'.' Vamlion Bihlr~ l'!uss will a few ll:tvs 1<"1 \l'l'l'lc visiling 1J1• ,illlil' 27 111 .ftlly I at thP Tfolt

Mr. :md Mrs. Ralpl1 Glynn l'is­iled Mr. <~nrl Mrs. Leo Glyn11 S11ndny aftemoon.

Thf> SoulliwPsl WlwalfiPid

\\'PJ'P clittllt•r l~llt">is 11 f 1\lr. iiiHI ,rv;rs. 11111111 CIHJ'k 111 .1:11'1\hllll, 1

,\Irs I l•:o·:11· C'll:""l"'" 111111 fil<llilv l,ut•sday nftemonn. I 11 1 Ji:ar 1111 l{.ipids s 11111 1111.. · M~·· 11111! Mrs. Rll'lr:ll'll N1111 :tlld

"'~~rl)~~~GII~f wou~d be a hnd uligM ~m· ~ H!·e!

Y oL/ve pi'obably checked your hazards bu·~ have you checked

insurance 'Co see i·f it your would come clo~c to replac~ ing your homt:: in c,]se of fire'?'

'-. '

Si).;l,l' lll'l'~nns aiJendl'•l a nWPI· ing 11t 1111• ll<'plllili<',tll Lineolll l'lub :11 1111• 1 11\l'n IJ:<ll Jn~l VVI'riiH"-irl:l.\' 1 1 \'I~Jlillg,

Mrs. PoltPrs' l:liliPI' in Gladwin H:lpti;;l l'lllll'dl. cnunty.

l\ Irs. IT n zc I Ly lin 1t n 111] i\ l ft•ccl worr> S11111lay giiP>:Is or Mr. alHt M1·s Arnllltl 1\inc·IJ of Marengo. 111 lht• ilfler·nnon llll'.Y all vbiil'd 1'111 s. f,yliolls' sislt•r, Mrs. lfrss, ill IJii Ill!• (_' 1 PC• I\,

Lnst Sntu1·day Brinn Dnolillle fell fmnt 11 storicboal and struck !tis· hc>acl 011 iltl' dt·nwbm·. Five stilclws were lal<r.n.

l{roup plan~ to mcc•l Tuesday, llpril l!l, with Mrs. ff«l'nlrl Glyn11

f:llml\• ol Clwlscll wrrl' SiiiHL<I' Mr. :.1nt1 lll~·s. 1::11-d S"1.11l~r ancl/nrter·r'toon e.diPrs nl lhl! llllllll' ,;,I

Mrs. l,<•llr• r,llll)llll'lll' 11l ( 1ll'S011,Mr. and Mrs. Jaml's M;oC:11111.

C'ily Sfll'lll SII<HI:1y \1'111< Mr. 11111li Dinnl'l' guPSI." ill 1111' home• "' '------------------- ---------' ·-~~---· .. - ····-·~-·..,-~-~-'---·-·

l'hllrtJ~ Of{«•hanJ 7-!lllril

The• pupils ul llil'f'l'~id1• Wf'rc> J~i\'t')l llil'il' ,\'(',JI 1,1' ill':tring ll'SIS I:Jsl 'I'I<LII'"Ia.l llllll'lllllg at ill<' 111\1'11 ltiill. l'llpiJs itt lh1• SI!('IJIIII, liJ'IIJ 111111 l'i>:hlli j~r:ll[l'S IVI'lli !11 I ,psJiP \VPdnPsdii\' J,r s~>dium ll11oridP i<'<':JIJnl'll.lo.

ftll·c·r·sid<• (',mmunirv l'luh Will IJa\'1' irs l'<'l!.lllar mnnllily nwcting Mnndny ''\'PIIJng :11 !))(~ sd1nol. I 'lrms 111"1' ilPing madt• f11r till' end Ill SdHHl] !Jl'l!gl"LIIll

C:!'ll!Jfl' ffllll((')', ~~ lifp.Jollg 1'0Si·

dc·Jll of ll11• l'onnllllllii,Y, dll'd Sill· <ll'cla\', Jo'Uill'l'iil Sl'J'Viees WPJ'I' al SpriJ.Igpuil ~lomlay \\'lilt lillrial in J~:tlon lt:1pids.

Ml'll',, llllwling tc•ams 11[ Onon­du)!n alt<•ntlt•d IIJe illlWiing lmn­'Jllf'l ill "'" llnH•rie:nr LPgion liHII in Lc~s!JP Monoay (1\'Pning-.

~lr .111tl Mrs. Hur·f•Jn Baldwin :nul 1-:tlll'lt, ~1r. '""I ~fi'S. llich:ml N~t\Vlill :<ml Do1<1 1111<1 Mr. all([ lv'it'>'. ltoiH•ri Mohr 1V1~re Friday <'VI'ning gllt'sls of J'viJ·. and Mr.~. l!:d1• Nowlin <llld l.ilui:J uf Lesli<•. 'I'll!• rll'•·asillll was tilt~ fir·sl bil·lh· <lily illlllli'PI's:II'J' 1'111' Linclu.

l'v!J· :11111 Mrs. l'.lonte lfaywar·d liavr> rl'lur·np<] 111 lhPir homc on PJ:mk l'llad ai'IPr sperHiint~. I hr. wlniPJ' in Florida.

Th(~ WtHllPilS' IJoWling teams oJ Ononclaj{a atll'ndecl tlw wom,!ns' howling banquel Wednesday Pve-

Mt·. :rnd Mt·~;. Arlltlli' Wllilt:il\rl' and IHmily of•:ittg wen• S!ill· dil,\' ltiiPrllOOil 11111) l'VPJl)llg \'iSi· tors oC ( ':.rl L::eilz.

Mr. anti ~.lrs. I~Joyd Lylw entrr· rained al 11 f:<mily gHthering al 1hei1' IJ(Jntr. un Saturday evenin~~. 'f'IH' ot•ea~ion was in llonoJ' of Mil'ilHPI (Mikel Doylr~'s eighll< llit·tllday <JnJJiversary. Prcsc~nl werP J\lt·. and Mrs. Do11 F'oote, Mrs. Edna Glover, M1·. and Mrs. .1«'1'1'.1' l"ooiP, Mr. and Mrs. Di1'11 Jar·vis and family and M1• and M1·s. Reuben Critr.s, .h'., <tllcl ll:IJ'­ry of .Jackson.

Canaan School

Mr. <~n<l Mrs. A. Sl'whnrl nncl J:nnily visitc•cl M1·. and Mrs. I I. Van Ktn·rn Sunday.

Mrs. Victor Brennet· visill'd IIIC' l'ilSI room l"riday moming.

'J'IH' llrl1 l'!uh lllC'l HI the home, of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. PulVI'J' Sunday· afternoon aftct• going to the Cm111IJ'Y Kilchen for dinner.

Keitli nnd Gene 13urgess spent Sunday with lhl'ir cousins, Linda,

Margui'J'iiP Cook was sir·k witl1 lmHwlli<tl pneurnunia lasl \Vl'Pk. Bub Slii~lr su!Jstllu!Pd TIJr.oclny ntlll \V<'dllP:::d:tv :tnd Mrs. 13o!Jhll' Cillll' /Inn)( llVL'I' Thursd;JV ~lid l<'rid:rv ·

' .

Okemos and Vicinity llfrs. WnUcl' Hea.thmnn

Annunl nwtlt;~t·-dallghiPr bnn­qtlrl will he in ihP st•lionl gym­nasil1m l•'<·idny, April 22, al ti:.10 Jl. Ill .

F'ridny, April 22, I lrr.rp will Jw a l>a~clmll gume br.lwec!JJ Haslet I and Okrmns al O!ll'lllo~· al 8 p. 111.

Olwrnos publie sclwol's cmlei, itlninr <IIIII scnillt' band~: will hold

11 musit· fP.slival 111 1111' Okemos sl'!wnl Ap1·il 'lS.

Mr. :tlld 1\li'S. Rnill'J'I Risk nnd Kayr l.ynn spriii.J'llnday witlt M1•. tllld M1·s. Larry Ston01' of Ann Arl>nr. '

Mrs·. lllier> Skinnrr lliHlt>rwenl surgery :111d is Inking ll'l'al­ments r11 UniVC'J'sily ho,·pilnf in Ann Arlm1·. '

This Can

Miss E:Jer111nl· MI'Donn!d, Mi~s Ruhy lfnmmnnd or Drtmil, Mr. anrl M1·s. Or:1 Andr·ews nC Dr.·l Will, lYIJ', :mel Mrs. Ralph Brown ami fu1nily nnll . Mr. and Mrs. Stal'l'· Keesler and family sur· prisPd Mrs. 1•\"'n Keel:ll'l' on het· hlrthilny nnnivr.r~rir·v wilh n pot­luck dlnnrJ• inclwJ!ng birthday eakp and ire creain Wednesday evening.

· Happen to YOU~

Are You Prepared?

:Ves, llCI!itlt•nts do 'hnpJten' • , •

Jllld nnJ.tu·e Cllll be ml~:·hty

l'J'Uel nt. limes. ne Jll'l'JIDI'ctl fm•

lhese sutldeu emm·gendes •••

lilsurnucc will lll'oh~l: yom· , lwme or yom• J'a•·m fi'Om loss!

.:, ~·H .. Chap·pell Agency' . 4347 W. Delhi · , Phone' OXford <1·2,1:11

Mr. and Mrs. Hnrold Heath· man, Lln1la and R11Wel1 of .Mm·· Qllett visited ·1 Mt·. and Mrs. Wnlter· lTcatlmwn Frlrlny. ,,

'I'Iw Wnmcn's Soclrty at' the CumnHmily church will meet Monclay, April :!5, nl S r>. m. in the clnlt'dt parlors.

01 tnwa I-Illis .square dance will he in the srltool gynmnslum Sat·

Jurclny evening, April 2.1.. · Pvt. James E. TetTIII, Jr., 20,

a· gmndson of the late .Tames Tenill, was gmuuated !rom the army's ml'cl'ienl field service school at Fnrt Sillll Houston, Texas. He completed a dental' ns· slstant course.' '

Plonee1· Lnclles will b~ guests of Mrs. Luella Wilcox Wednes· clay, Apvll 27. ,

General meeting o.f the Oltemos Co~,Timunlty/church Women's So­ciety will be in the- church par­lm·s ·Thursday·eveillng, at 8 p, m.

It is possible .for a man to suc­rieed If others, do not believe in him,. b\lt, llCV!)l' •. If .he. does not. be~ 'IU~ve ·In 'hhn.sel~: t'' " ' , - :

- __,., ....... _______ ---·----·-·--·~"·~--.

~ . You've ·always known the 4-door sedan was the ideal "famiiJ · ~ 'CUI'," But perhaps it's never seemed very excit·ingl · ,



Then one day you spot someone swooping past your home in a new Dodge Oustom Royal Lancer F'our-Door! Gallant and gay! Dashing! Four-doot• convenience with a fashion flair! ·

These 4-door La11.ce1's are ;'ust now arrluing at our Dodge dealerships. Be the first in your _neighborhood to put glamour into family transportation!

DODGE Dodge Dealers prEsent: Danny Thomas in "Make fioorn for Daddy," ADC·TY o Bert P~rks in "Break lhe Bank," ABC-TV • !loy FIIJ1!m, N~C R<a;o

' ' '

-~---- .. __ _ Philp, Motor. Sales

ALJ\IA'S A CAPPI~LLt\ CHOIR will visit Holt Prcsbytcl'ian church on its annual spring l'OIH'r'rl trnu· 'l'llP !Ioll dale is Werlnt'srlny, Apl'il 20. Other ~tops on the sclwrlule a1·c P01 t llut•ort PonlliH', Dr•! mil <~nd Midland. Those conceJ'ts \VIII all be sung In r•htu•cfles. Tlwt'·p will .rlsn l1t> :1 htgh :·wllnol COilC'Cl'ls, at Ithncn, MPIVindu!P anrl Alma. PI'Of". I•:I'IH'lil c;. Sulliv<lll IH•mls IIH• Alma college music clepm·tment.


~Vhat Chttrclzes Are Doing AI

Adventist Gifts Total Huge Sum

:-il'VPnliJ Duy A(lvmtllHIH nt tlwlr' f3LrnltPI' IIIII l'inrrrh wilt huvn n oilsPI'Vnnr·n Snlttl'lloiY of "Orw lllllldl'f'd Million Dollar• D.L,Y"

On thut rluy, <•xplalrwrl P11Hl1tl' L I r. Sll'i\lrm, nl'forlngs fl'llm Suhlmt h Hdwol rnerntwrs through· 0111 till• Wot•lrl will lntnl $11JO,Oilll,­()()l) fl'llrn tlw lime d1ildren und :uiuiiH lwgun giving 111 tltnt <llvl· slon or lhP AdvenliHI l'illn'l'il In IHHfi.

All till' rnnnf'y, ~>nirl lhP Bunlwr· lllll p.!slnr·, has been used lill'rlllg!l I hP YC'Ili'S fill' I'XjlllllSion 11! flli'Pign missions.

life on vnt·ln\ls l'm•tns sh•! llverl nn while In Grecco, Llgltl tt•frush· munts will IH• sor·veli o~ftor tho IH'Ilg'l"llln. Ali •1-JT'('t'A IIIli! ll'lPll!IS mny nlit'IHI.

Lellel's to Editor Ul'llllliii'IIJH Brntl 1\Tnalc Tho rnnslt hns llnnlly hoen

ch·npjwrl. 'l'nunnn nnw lends off thP Hlnshtng Dr.mrrr•r·ntle nttrwk on llw llepqhllr'nn Jll'OI.ll'lllll

'l'hu W. R, (', ~..;. nwl 11! the hnnw r~f Mrs. Lloyd (;P(! iflfil l•'r·hlay a 11 f'l'ntHIII with 21 nwmbPrs nnr! :j visitor,~ p1 ('HI'nl '!'liP ('llltllnlt!Pe wr1s C'Oill[lo•;rrl of Mrs. !Telen .rump, Mrs. l•'r•nnl'is Cllll'flttld, Mrs. Doris Gnr·flclrl, Mr·s. LP!uh G(JP nrtrl Mr·s, Lilly l"rr•IPI n1111h. Tlw lollowlng' offh'P.J'II Wtll'P ulr.Pteli:

the Jlt1•slrlrmt, AnynnP who f1g. tll'l'rl It wmrlrl he ol he1wls(• wa~ fnnllng hhnsr•lf. 'rhl' fa!Hu cam· pnlgn tnll1 lust full ahnul huw thr. DPmoror:1ts would do u lwlter• job of promollnt~ n 11epuhllcnn ud­minlsll'llllnn's program hns now hecn thrown In the ush can, !?rom hem Ull Olll, lilWh !li"C!CIJRes nre dmpped 111111 II will he wnt· to tho hilt. '!'he Demm·mts hnv~ merely wnllecl until tlwy thought thc> time wus ripe.

Of cm11·se, Mt•. 'l'J•uman hns n little r.xplnlnlng to dn himself. Henwrnher, he IH lhe nne who Pnllcri the ex[mHur·o uf Algm· IIlsH 11 "r·er! herring." 1l wns his srere· lary ot stnt1• who invltt•rl the Communists In star·t the Will' In Korea. Anrl hP lonlwd 11pnn Stalln UH "good ulrl Joe,"

has gono stefldlly In the Commu· disciples 1'1111 hr.l'omu nprmtlt•~ nlsts' fnvor. 'l'hcy do unt uppm. unlosH they hnv~ IJoln!!lhlng to Qluto that It hus berm llcc•IUI!~ wo otfnr the pr:opte, have ulwnys rctrenterJ whenOVt!l' HON M. LTN'I'ON, the going got~ Iough, 'rlwv fnll J.nnAiur• to HCO lhnt the CommuniHis hrLve I'P.SJll!ct fot• only one thing-form --nnd that nur pfforts to nppeasc only who! tho Comrnunl~t nppr•· tlte fm• mor'll hltJoclless cnrtqur•Hl.l.

Yes, lht• DoJl1orrntle Jeft·wlng lendol'shlp nnw thlnltR It time to go nil out nttncldng unythlng nncl everything lncludlnll forelvn policy, Il'R tor• hurl ~o mnny folliH allowed themselves tn he mislead Into thtnlllng it would' he ut her­wise. '!'he sn-cnllerl "liberals" want lo do whnl the Communists Pl'om!Rc In Lheh· Jnst yt>ur's cam­paign bool<let-"taltc Up whcrl' the New OPal l£'ft 'orr." 'l'hnt Is the r·enRon why tlwse uttucl<~ ure nnw hrlng lntllll'hod.

I..:t•r CLARDY, r~a~; 1 Ln nslng

'l'he J•:uwly •romb

Hlfllv Hm·vlt'll t!nmt•lulrrl. At 7:fi0 Dill' mornl11g lust wrl'lr

1111 lll'uidrnl illliiJll'lllltl In frnnt ol m.v hou~e. :w. ml!t•s WPIII ot Mn son on 1 'nhunhht roarl I II'''; n~l)C!d to Sllmmon tlw sher•Jit ~ depnrlment 'l'lwy Hnltl n drplll)' wouhl lw out ~non.

AI 8 n. m. nnothor l'flll wnn plnccclnntl wn were tnfnrrnPrl tlu• slwrlff's depnrtnwnt l'ill' h.ld lllll out of gus.

AI R:IO a. 111. Hnotlwr r·alt 11'11~1 plnr·ect und tlwy .c;uld RlllliPr•nr• w.tH faking gns lllll 111 till' df'[l uty'fl cnr.

At A:20 n. 111 annlhl'l' Pull II'IIH plllC'('d und J wns tnhl the rh•pitl y wns on his wny.

i\t 8:30 11. rn. tlu• sht•tltf's rat• nr'l'lvecJ, :n" mliPK rn IIJ rnhnri<'H nr nhnut !i mrh•s pm· lt>llll'

Lust Der·rrnhc•r 2•1 IIIP $!lR,OOO.­OOO rnnrl< was 1 cndwrl. The stn llHtlml r!·tmPnt of the chur·ch PSiltmLIPd thnt tlw $100,000,11011 Will hP nllaiiiPil ily i\pl'll 2a. Last Yf'dl' lllPillhi'I'S of 1111' 12,21i2 einilbnlh schools gaw nem·Jy !jifi,. (1()1),000.

Lnsl yPar nH•mlwrs nt tlw nun i<Pr 11111 SPventlt Dny Adventist l'llllt'r'll, whlr'h illl'ludcs fnmilles fr•nm Mn~on, LesliP and Sirll'll lnldgP :>rPaH r•nntrllnlfc•tl n tntul of $1:1,RHH.Ifi In titlw anrt ml.~stnn III>JIIl'YS.

Pmsllient, Mrs Doris Cll'llw; vke­pn•sident oliHI sph llunJ lifP SCC'· l'f'lary, Mrs. OrutiPI' r'lll'y' HPI'· relmy, Mr·s. D:nsv MorPhouse; lt'r!fl~lll'f'l', Mr·s. Dorothy GPe; sc•c•­retnr•y of Christian sndnl rcln­tlnns nnd lnl'a[ 1'11111 r 11 ;wt lvlt IPs, Mt·s. ltnhl'l'la Wilson; Sf'C'I'elnr·y nf strpply worl\, Mr~. i\l:dna­rrm•p; sec·r·ctnr·~· nr mlHslnns, M1·s. Leah Cmssllllns; Sl'CTCIIII.V n[

llternturc, Mrs. !\nil' !Tawley; and Sf'r'I'Pt:n·y of ymrlh !IIIII dlllrlren's worl\, Mr·s. Lttdlll' l<noll. Mrs. Lcl.rlt Get•, Mr·s. 1\ull• l !awl<'y, Mrs. Celi\t ller·ht :nul Mt'H. Alzina Lawn•nr•p wer'l' Ilfljloinlf'rl to ;wl liS I he nn\VI'I' l'lllllinfltef',

Cmce BatiPy was IIWIII'dl'rl till' .1, C. Penny o~w;n rl for· i11•r· wnrl< 111 't-rr l'iotlling Rlw wo~s lntPr· viewer! h,Y Mrs. Artnl'ttc• Sdloil'li'<'l' on till' 4-lr Jlrogram nn \V.T!M.

Tht> edltnrlal "'l'hll l•~mpty 'Pomh" ohvlouRly w.l': nwuut for HPpuhllrans hut thiH Dt•mnt·rnt l'an not hP!p hLrt C'nnmwnl upon lt.

My gr·nnrlsn11 t'OU)Ji mo~kP It !hut fll~t 011 JtiR holrhy lt•)l'Se

'I'll<' IWJl'lli nl' this :,arJ :.tnL')' i'i

not lu IV.tSIP your· llnll' t•utlill>: till' Jnglllllll County SltPrlll' lrrll

Mrs NPIJ Ban• has 1 l'lllnll'rl to her· horn" in Minnl'sota at'tPr spt•ncllug tlw winll't' wlllt lwr hrot hrt•, HnymntHI Latu•.

to C'llll your Mll'itignn sift II' pullt'l' 1

----~~~L H0\\'1•: I

Methodist Youth Group u m., 1'1 I'Sh,YII'l'.l 11 I I loll l'ur•s· A d R II H I • duy, 7:'!1) p. Ill., spr•r•ial llli'l'ling tten s a v at 0 t nl all ofllcf't's 111 all l'illlll'it 1" Sr•llht of tile MPthml·

St. ,fumr•s C 'nil IIIII I' C:hrll't•h, Rt. Mrs. LPc• [lalley wns l'il'f'IPrl trPastn·ct· nf tllC' Rel1c•Jwh rliSIIrrl No. 1a, at the drslrlcl lllf'l'ling 111 Lansing' reC'ently.

lie liiiYH t hal wlwn WI! gl't uwuy from his fnr·elgn policy our tmuhlr. hegins. The nearly 140,01)0 Knr·ean eusualtles g'!ve the liP to r•lnlm. Under· Roosevelt and Tntm.ln, over• six hundred million Jlt'llJlie wcr·c• tulwn hehlnd the Communist Iron Curtain. Poland, nil of Central Eumpe, Manchuria, China nnrl thr• 13alllc Pntmtr·ics ilnve ilPPn enslaver!. If llmt rnaiws a ~>Ur·c·essful foreign policy, thr.n I want none of it.

'!'he Pomment Is simple. Spll"lr, fcr·vm·, enlhLtslasm arc as lll'l'I'S· snry as faith hut thr.y nlorw art· helph•ss In a polrttc•tll party. Tlw Repuhllr·uns are not ll!i• Clll·is­ttans of our time tl!l you Imply in your eclltorlnl fo1· thP Chrlstlnns hnrl n mcsRngL'-a mes~nge lo the people.

Nul'ih Aur·Pilll~ ('ollllliiiiJity. ]{(•V. ,JohtL J•:. l'llidt•it, p.t•.tor ~LIItrl.ty •,l'illlotl, 111:1:, a. 111; rnrnn in~ wor sl11p, I I· J;> tt 111 , ~ oung JlfiOJI!C'S lnPPI!Ilg, 7 p Ill; PV111li1Jr sr•rvlt'J', H p. Ill., \l'i•drll"ll,l,y 1'\ I' ulng, mid ll'l't'lr pr'a\'1'1' so•r1 !1'1', :-.;

Itt•\ 1\lsv,l. < 'ltarlt•s !\Paling, pus­ill I 1\lass will liP •.ntrl at H::m Siillli.J\' rnornlng r;l'ilriP sehoul l'dll•t•liism Saturrla>' 111 I ::IIJ n. 111 HI 1!11• l'illtldt

p. rn; young fll'lljill's l'111ti1 Jllci" I St. Hutht•r·irll''s ChllJII'I, Nor•tlt llt•t•, 7 Jl 111. J ~"'' rd1an roar!, ll'gllin" servif'l',

II o1. tn I ollull'l'rl lly a flllnlly din Willilliii~IPn Sl. ({allu•r·iltf''c, 111'1', lillill'llll:lll si~·IP, .tl 1111' jlllrlsh

J•:pist'lllllll. Norman l\1rrzu· l'i''"J lunrsr• Hisfl,lJl Jo:mrld1 ol Drtwif St•rvii'J's 11111! 1'11111'1'11 "lioJo! ,II 1111 11111 lu• .11 !111• l'iwpol Sundo~y, II rn; firs! olllll ILilli Siillol.i.l'• /\pill :!I, al 2::m [J m. frll' 1'0'1· tourt h Sundays, I lull I :>wlio~1 r•,! lllrrt.JI ir•n sr•r·vt1e. St. 1\athr.rln'! 'l'hll'll SliiHiay, lllill"nllll( pr,J\t'l" (;urlrl W>llllPn are mePtlng ear:h 111111 litany. lrlay thr~ wr.el< ill the parish house

g" n1 ~ 11 1 i 11 n s, willt ''1"''1" 11 • 1st St•rvnr l!1gll Youth F'r.llmvshlp WPdnc~do~y, pra,1r•r· l'irdt•s ' 11 ,1ttl'llciPri n suh rllslri1 I rally of Mrs IM!hu llatt's ;nul Mr•

t he• Lansing :m.>n Met hodlst Clarrnl'e .ln{'J)hs, !l:l'i 11 • \'ntrtlt in llnll Br-olhcrltnnd 'l'em-'J'hur srlay, li::10 Jl. rn · iunlnt' piP on Mnnrlay r>vening, A cnrry­chnlr; 7·:10 Jl. Ill • sr>nlnr l'itoir, 111 KUpprr· was sr•rvcrl Jollowed hy 8 p. Ill' 'Wonu•n's u•.srwi,llron .1 JlPI'iod of frllowHhlp ~·nngs

Dllllllg' Ill!• P!P.I'Iinn nf nfCIC'I'l'S

Sl1ir·ll'y Earl, Natwy Carley, nuth .lrlllllSOIJ llltrl Gl'llf'C Balif'y nt temll'rl a lf'n at .Jadcson .Trrnior cnllege r·ccenlly. It wm; gtven hy the Women's duh for <ill high school gmliuatcs inlf'l'Pster! in atlenrllng .Tacksnn .Junlnr collegl'

Their pnllry nf appt•nsement hmught on the wor·ld's troubles o[ tnrlny. Ev('n now the Demo­r•r•at!l' lenders arc suggPstlng that we can trust anrt JIV(' wllh the Cornmunl~ts. They seem unable to lltldt~rstand why the cold war

Evelyn Knott, Pamt•lln J?uller and Mrs. Almon Lathrop went tu 13nttle Creelc wltlt the Brownie Scouts 1 ecently. They visited Kellogg factory Hnd Kellogg

The Hepubllrans were <•llthusl astlc Ins! fnll and ngnln thi~ spring. '!'hey boasted tl"lumplwnr­Iy wherever· I henrrl thc•m that the rnsr'als would bP out and good government restored. 'l'hcr·e wns splrll ami fervor c1mong Rr.puhJJ. cans. 13tlt then• was no message for the people. And with the greatest vote in an off year P!cr·­tlon lu~l fall nnd the greatest vote' in u spring ellictton this year, the party wns rejected.

' Our g'l'ograplty lrnnl<s tr•ll 11•, rL!mut 2 sPas !11 Pall'slirll', c•o~d1 tee! lly till' ~u nw 1;t rcarn 01w h: fresh, well stnf'iwrl wlih flsh, wltl1 pleas:mt dt!Ps arHI fnrms ntmrtl

11. Tlw ollwr h.ts no nst1, no til it•<. nu cluldren plnytng nl II:; lmnl\s, Both arc fer! hy thr sanw sii"PIIIll. Whnt Is ttw tllfi'Pt'c•ru·t•'t 0111', lilt' Sea n( Gr.IIIP.P, tnkr•s- und gl\'l's l•:ver·y ~allon of watPr lhnti'IJitl . halarwes a ~allqn that J('.l\'t'h 111 the outlet at lhe ollH•r· end 'l'll·· u1hor, the Dc•nd St>n, lill<rs onlj'­ncvcr gives, as It lras no out II' I, Evet•y cit op It gPts, rt ili'PJlS Y r•s, titer!' 111'1! two soas In P<~lestlnl' one glve~. anrl Is n itPaltlty, srntl· lng, happy plac2 Tile olhl'l' lal\1'': only, and Is llw <tbnd<• ul JfPntlt There are also two l<mrls uf J•r•o pie In the world. Do you i<IIO\', 111 prPparo~t1on for the ;:prlng

Lt•stit• C'ullAI't'I(Uiionnt C'hl'is jtor tho 1·mnrng yr.m·, .lnun llall tlnn, SarntrPI B \Vt•nr;PI", llllnrstt•t , ut 1\lason was r>IPf'IPrl r•lmlrmnn ~'hur·c•lt sf'i1nol, !J: l:i o1 Ill ; rrlor·n·l ol <'ltr·isllan cllizrnship. The tng wotsilip, II .1 111., ,·Junr rc• JcatuiP n[ tltP Pvening was u lteo~rsal \VPrl1wsdo~y evenrng, :-1 p. l'llinr·prJ snunrl motion pil·ture en­m. Sunday, April 24, hPgins a rltled "Kezll of Zorzor."

Ltnyd Gee t•r.tttrnPrl honw from Unlvcr ~tty hospital, Ann AriHll', last Satunlay.

McrTy Hanl'ic (•ntm·t.tinerl eot­legc lriends from Saginaw, Mar· shall and Battle Ct eek at the home of her parents Mr·. and Mrs. C. W. Hanel\, last week

park Mrs. Forest Hartley enter·

talned the Merry Go Round club at her home 'l'hursday afternoon.

Yes, the Hepuhlicau tomb b erll(lly but thai emptiness Is and no amount of some of eaPit kind'!

Mrs. Lydln Mears ~pent last----------------------­week with her daughter•, Mrs.

' , •1\loll lluplisl c 'hrrl'r•h, HI' I' (' turmnage snle which will he nn ,J:unt•s I'Hsrn.J, p.t•.iol Stillllt.l I l'l'l'llt of f"r·J~Iay c>venlng and Sa,'-111111 lllng 1\'llt'sitrp, Ill 01 IJl.j Sill I lllrii<Jy ITJJlllllllg, April 22 Hllri 2.~, d.J.\ ~ 1 ·1 11111 !, 11 :1 rn; )' 111 trw al llt1• p.tlrsll hnu~e IJI'IIPIP's Slii'I'II.JIJ I'PIItl\\Siilp I ti: 1:1 p Ill ; Still<illl' o•vt•JJIII~: "'' '. Wtllrrunsl1111 Conllllllllity lUt•tll· ro•t• 7: ~II p nr \VI'<IIJI",d.JI t:1lill' odisl, HPI Lorrls Ellingl'l', pHs· Slllll\ ollld Jll.l\1'1' IJJI'I'illl)' 7 'Ui till' l'lllil'dl 'l'iJooJ, fl:•Jfi .J. Ill; p ni , 1\'IIISIJip Sl'l Vit 1', 11 H. Ill.; hilf'l'

I<nyne Wilson, Christine Camp­hell, Susan Gee, Elaim• Lalhmp,

s~ries on_ the [ldrable~. OliVI'I Tho~e attending from Mason college w111 he recog'nrwr!. Moth- IVPI'P.: Bnrhara Stroud, Nnncy et• anrl do~u;.:hter h:IIH]lll't, Mny G Rro~v Barham Norton Joan Hall, dt li::Jrl, I'I'IIIJWshrp lwll For LPc." f'er k1ns, Ervin Owen anrl

trscrvatirtns t~ll Mts llnrry Rt1r Dalf' Coislvell. Julie Da~is nccorn- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gPss Ill' Mts. NrwPII lt:iyn)[)nd Jlitllit•rl the group as fl vtsilul'.

ltl'v, o111d Mrs Raymond Norton wc•r(• flliLrlt sponsms. Othrr trans­lHJI'Iation was Jli'OV!IIrd by Mrs

fTnrolrl Hart' of Mumth. Ingham County News April 21, 1955 Page 3

\VilihiiiiStuu ( t•niPr llt•lhlutist, J(J•V i.oJiJs t•:liliiL:I'I ('.OS(III \\'111 Ship Sl'l I 11"1', !J 111 d Ill ; I JJJI)I'Ii SdlllCJ] JO: H) ,1 Ill \'111111;• ] 1111

piPs rnr•f'lin:~. 7 .m p. tn

\l'illiJulr-lon 1\'t·sl••vun lll'lltlld 1st, leowlo·.r, 1{,•1 c'·o~ll c',.IIL'.I

Jo:Jsl Ill , ( 'lllill'i 1 •,1 •I II ool, Ill: I II I .J

Ill; 11 Ill ship '''I \Ill' II .'Ill a 111 ; ~IIIIIIJ: fH'Ii!dt• IIII'I'IJtl;', ,I. HI I'

• 11~1.

Williunts1tJIJ •;t ~t:ll,\"'s Calli­ullt·, Tll'\ l'1 Fr.JJI' ;•, ~l.llilll p.1s tor ( '1111ll'ssinns and dl'\'lllillllH S:tlllltl,tj 7:!0 p 111 SttrH!H, mas~rs :11 :-;no at1d Ill 1111 " 111 Full'lt•r·\•itll', HPI 1'1. \V,oJJ,r•t. C'otliPsstntt~, t!ttd dll\'olhnts on Fl'ida~ 7:00 J1 Ill Slliiii,J,I 111.1' .,,., al K·rllt and tn·:m ,, 111

\\1llli1Jlllstr•u illl'llll'l 1111 l.rrlho•1

lUI, Jtl:~:~ \\'p.;j (;1':111!1 J: 'PI, 1{1'\

l\111 I 1\lll•piill, jliiSilll' ~~llllli.ol si'IJ1111I, Ill 1 111 ; I :11 >It• ' I.J•,•,, Ill :1 Ill' dl\'llll' ~{'1\ll'(l, II .I I))

Ntrl Sl't y dt•pt~l llllf'ltl 1!1 lr:t 1'1111'111

dtll'ill~~ l'P,' dl\1111' '-1'1\'H'I'

I" II II J I "Ill I I :I I II II lldt 'I I "Ill"'. II Ill ~lljH'I I ISIIIJJ


\\'illiluuston llnt•list, ll.ttllloi J{pfl:,p JldSie~! ( 'hllttlr l,rltrrcr 1, 10 " 111 1Vnrs1J1p :,J'I 1 lt'l', II .o 111 .Jill( 7 :111 p Ill illllilll' IIIII( '''JIIUI t~ro11ps fi 'lll p 111 'l'ilut··rt:J\, ii'IJI'iii'IS Jp•,son silldl l11llom.•d hy fll dj'fll SPI'VII'f' HI ~ p fll.

\Vonwn's Baplrsl llntiiiJ. llnrd \Vi•diit'SJI:l\', !.! p Ill Ill illllill's

lll<'lll.ill' M Y I~ I p Ill; SPiliOI' 1\1 Y I' /i''IO Jl Ill.

l.l'sllt• Afl'lhlldisl, ,J,tltll IV. But lo<'i<, rnilliHII'l'. Sunri<JI' •,£'itlllll HI 11 .1, 111.; drurd1, Ill a Ill; ciHJII' rrl1ra1~al IVPrlne~dny ('l'l'lllng, H jJ Ill.

\\'illiamslon \\'t•sh·y2111 llfl'lhnd· llt~nlu•r• IIIII St•vt•ulh Uuy Ad JHt, ill'ldt, Hr•v nr.'tns 'l'annpr·, I \'PIItlsl. C'li.Lill'h PI'I'I'Y SrttHld,i\' .LI ,,:tsltJI IVUislup SI'I'VIC'C'S, 10:00 a. II n. m. Sahll.tili sl'illlol .11 10 a 111 111111 7::l0 p m.; l'imrd1 sdrool, Ill. Song' set. vi~(' at fl. l'i ~lrH~ron 11 :till n 111; pt'lljl'r srt vlt'" Vo!untrrr So~lf'l\' .nwl'ts I'VIll'?' ll'l'tiW•sd, 11·, S:Oil p. Ill I~I'Hla_v nrr:ilt <ll 7•.11) (J Ill llii~

o 11 "mo s I 'omnurnil,v, llcv ll,ol'ld t•:vo~ns, po~slor· Mornrng 1\lltsllip, ');'!() ,JtiJI JO::Vi; l'hrrtPh sdltlol. Ill '10, Youlh Ff'llnw;:ltip, 7 ]I lll.

Finr·h ol l.anstng wlll g1vl' scr­mrm S.Jitll'li.JY, Apnl :!:l. Dur• 111 r·egrnn,iJ mr•rl ing ol II'III'ICI'I s ~lissitJn VolunrPrl Srll'il'll' WJIJ

not IYIPPI Jo't•irJo~y, i\ptil :!:!, but will 1 esurne lhf' totlowrng Fttd<~y.

1\lusuu lluplist, CJ.urnr!' Ro1ld, Iu~lr•trn Cn•t•nlt 1\Jc•thntlist pastor. Worship scr·viw hcgrns r-IHrrdH•s, l'r<~nk 13. Cnwl['lc, fliiS with !he prelurle at !1:30 a. 111., 1111". Mtll\•ill•• 1\fr•thoclist, WOJsltip mcHsnge by the p:tstm·. ~pecial ''1'1 1111"1', I[)·, I",, '•I. Ill.·, "ilLII'1'il ·' ' musk hy the scnror r'1101r; Sun-•r·IJ1111l, II :l'i a. Ill., F:rrl Grnf in

<lay school, sLtpc•r·intenrlf'nl Pc1rrl I liilt gl', Nudhii'I'SI S(odllll'iil):t' I . !l Hicharrts, classe~ for .111 ar;r.s; ~IP11uultsl, wnr s np sPr VIC'e, . a.

m; l'hrm·ll s1 ltonl, 10 a. Ill., !Inw- li:30 P m, Elnptisl Youth Fcllow­rrrrt •J 11w 11~ 1 . 111 J in r·ltarge. ~lr•l· ship, umlc1· I he lcn!lership of San 1\'''"k "'' 1 ll'J' .11 ~lllii'IIIP, Wr.dtH'~- dra Sire; 7:.10 fl. rn. Pvening ti.J\ 7• t:i p Ill. Rei'VIC'e; 8•30 Jl Ill., ,YIIlllil_ choit

·' rehearsal and pr.tlnd ot IPI!ow-JI!:tsoul\ft•lhodisl ltnvmnnl] L.lslnp; Monday, fi::lO p rn, the

N 11Jt 11 n, nlinlsiPI' 'sunday wnr l~·ll'hers fn:m 111:- ,c·hr.ldtcn's cl:-: ,IJip, ttl .r Ill, srrmnn, "The; Jldrlmcn_l \1 rll h,t\e .1 potluck C'IJrJ•,IioJil Use ol WPo~llh;" nut·· supppr· rn tlw d1urdt IJo~sPmPill; sf'rv ftl" sm:lll 1'11ilrlrPn; Sumlav Wed!tr.srla.y, 7::'0 P m .. pra,yer s<'lt.lllli, II :I') a m' f'iaoses fo'r serVICe, Blhlr Sllldj'. illlllUHI meet­dJ~I'S 1 anrl up; .Juntot' Hilih Fr.l· rng 11111 •,lup, fi p m.; Senior· 1-ligh I•'J>IIowstup Yout11 will nttcnrl 1111' 1\lr<'ltigun c·onlr.rrncP youtl1 con­\or·o~lton :11 !Oillfl HI a:30; Youth l•'<•llo\\'shrp (•abinel meeting Tues· d.>y HI r,:l~ p.m.; Jll'ayer group, Wr>rlnesrlay. 7 p rn.; iuninr choit· l'C'henrsal, 'l'ilut·.srlay, G:45 p m.; :ulull dtoil' at 7:45 p. m:·

SftwlchridA"t• Fit•s1 Ml'lhntltsf. Worship scr·vwP, IO::Jo ,1 rn; durrch school, 11 :·10 .1. rn.; Youlh Fellow~hip, li:45 p m. Sunrlo~y ll10I"Illng spL•ai<Cr writ bt• Miss Marilyn 1\tst lm·, valerlittntl.lll nf the dass of 1953, whose subre['t will he, "This I Believe" TltC' M Y, F, district spl'ing r all) will

Fir.~t Ciuu·clr nl' Clll'lst, Sclmr· he Sunday, Apnl 24, at 3 p. m .. list, Mason, ltolcls ser'Vlces at the Ill the,Methoclist _clt~rrch at Plym­dtlll •·h, corner or Oalc and Barnes out h. rhe commisston on eclu~a

C'ltrollrs T!all.

I ion Will ITICI'I!Hy, Atn•ii 21i H p. rn, <JI lire church. i\ f1lm on tP.H'hlng tcr•hnique will he shown

SttJI'illwltlr,:·l· l'r•t•shylr•riuu, Dr 1•'. r; B2hnc:· will Li>"P. as his sc>r mo11 t IH•nw nr.x 1 Sunrlay, "Till' llonesl Doubler."

~tol'lclwiclgt• lluplisl, .Jnmes I~ J.nmbllrd, pnsror. 10:30 n m rnornntg wm·ship service, Rev Rnv Eastman of Sincl\briclge Will !IPlrv<•r· tile me~sage; 11:.10 a. m. StrrHiay s!'honl, f'!assf's for· all o~ges; 2:15 p. m., Krummrey Service; 7:15 p.m., Junior mui Senior Ba[Jtist Yout 11 Fellow­ship, adult union; Thursclay, 7·30 p. m., annual church busincs~ meeting wrth eleclion of officers fll' both t lle church a ml Sunday school Tlnrrsday, 8:30 p, m .. droir pt'flctieo, qum·tet practrcc wrll follow April 29, .Jal'i<son Assof'ml inn women's mrssionar,v mreting oil Chal'lot te Bnprlst dtut'l'h May A, S p. Ill., Robert L !Inmmnnrl, frnm lilr. Mid1igiJI' TcrnpPrfl!ll'l' l~ounrlnliun, wit' sppn k o~nrt show 11 rtlm.

Fitchburg ~ll·s. L,v l1• c; r·ow

\Villiumslult Uospt•l li!Jll, 11121 Htttldf\\' rnad BIPt~l<itlg nl Brr•.td Ill .J. 111; Strnda,l' "l1ool .111d 1{11>11' t·lnss II :ut, <: .. ·:pl'l ·tnol uturtsll.\', Su11da1 :-1:.111 p. •n, llllr> 1st I ,V, l•'rlil<ljt :0:: Jl Ill

Tlw Fitt'ltilurg Clothing nnr' !Tanrlil'l',llt eluhs will have ,1ornt Joe,ll :~ehrevement HI tlu l~il('lihurg ilali Fr·rday, Aprrl 29 at 8 p. m. The1 e will be a clispln 1

oJ hanclicrall and the girls wit' model lhc clothing Iiley havt made, Guest for the r.venlng wil be Rlwcla Kelly, who was recentlj an IFFY student to G1eece. Shr will show slides nncl ciescrihc

stl!•l'ls, every Sunday ar 11 a. m.'-l~fi~~~~~J~~-~~fif~~~~~~~~f SunrJay school is ltelrl during the ~l'l'l'tr·cs tor· pupils up to the age ot 20. WednPsclay evening meet·

llult Nn'I.IU'I'Ilt', ill'\' \Vtllunn I ing ar 8 o'clock indudes testi­• '\>'lil'y, pastm· Sundo~\' ,,l11>11l, til mnnit•s nf Christian Science heal·

•11 111.; rnr.rnlll>! 1\'lll.,lllp, II .1 111: ing A publi(• t•emllng room is N. \' I' S, fi:·l:i p Ill; J'l'<'lllllg nJIPil :11 tile chur·ch every Weclnes­t'VIllli:l'lisllt· sPivil··· al 'I :ro Jl tl.ty anrt S.11urrlay fmm 2 to <J. Ill Pr·aycr llll't'lill),( I'.Jdt \Vr•dlll", Man's Curi-liiven clomlnlon over· r1.1y :11 !Ill' drlll'r·lt o11 7 :lo p rn lite IHlltrlage or fear will he

'- h1nugh1 out HI Chnstian Science llasmr Churdt ol' lht• N!l'lill'l'lll' sC'I"\'Ir·c•s SunriHy, April 21, in the

Ito,\ MtillHJU, p':tslnl StltHI.L.I' lr's>:toii·SPrlllnn c•ntlllerl "Prob,llinn '''lltlld Ill o'l'!oc·l;: Jll'l'!ll'ltill~ "'1'1' ,lJ!Pt' Dc•atlt." 11'1', 11 n'tl(ll'k; N Y I' S Sl'l"\'

l!'t~, ();t!;) () 1('jl)('](, SOllg il!lrl ptdiS!'

l•:van)(rlistil' nwss:tgl' 7::llr I 'I .I\' 1'1' tni'PIIlli-: \Vt•drll'~rJ.ry t'I'P111llg HI 7::!0

llmriU'I' 11111 St•wnth llu~· ·\•I· Vt•IJtii'it. S:thhutll Sl'hnol, Ill a. lll ;

~ ,.lol'shrp ; rr vit·e nt I I :Otl a. Ill , .. l.lllli'iir:r,: 'f,iuu I ,1ft hPI'IIIl, Ht'V.

I•' P. Zitnllll'l'lll:tiJ, pHstrw. One hind< nnt'lh nt' Cav.tllr!IIJ'Ii toad on Snullt Pr.nnsyil'.lllld i\vr.nuP Strnrlay sl'iwol, fl::lo :1. 111; l'lttll'l'il S01'Vif'f', 10::!0 11. Ill.


"Even in a Bitrning Building' God's Power Can

PI'Otect You"

(' IIIII III II II J I y 1\J e f It II £1 i ;t l'ilut·C'Iw~ ot Dunsville and Van­town, Rr>V. Charles R. Gross, pas I or. I 0 a. rn., chllt'ch• school, Do~rwvil!P, G. K Manning, super· llllenrlr•.nr; 11:15 11. m., worship sPt vif'e wrth n message entitled "Our Cont111uing Dedleation;" 10 a. m., l'illll'Cil school, Vantown; II a m., f'illll'r•h S<'llool, Mrs. C'arroll Glynn, superlntr.nder:rt. No M Y. 1~. on account of spring t':iliv .11 Plymouth.

llunsvlllt• ft't'J'I' 1\let.lllldlsl, Rev. II. E. Monrc, pastor. 10 a. rn., Sunday school, Genevieve Freer, ~upr.rintenclent; 11 a". rn., preach· ing service; 6:45 p, m., young [lPoples ser·vice; 7:30 p. rri., eve· ning service; pt·ayer meeting Wednesdny evening ut 7:30 nt the chur·ch.


lie that loveth not lmoweth not Gocl; for God is love. (I,John 4:8.),1 Read I John 4:7-12. . I~ the N~tional Gallery of Engl~nd is a wonderful picture m whtch Cht·Ist hangs on the cross m the midst of darkness. As one keeps l.ooking at the painting, gradually he discoverE another fot·m ll1 the background -God's fm·m· othe•· hand• supporting Chris.t- Go9's• hands; and another'face- God'~ face, mm·e full ot agony even than the artist has pictured the face of Christ Himself. In .His infinite love, God stands by the well-beloved Son in the midst of unthinkable tra,gedy. . rr:octay God stands by us, caring for us, loving us, suffer­tng wtth us and for us. We ought never to thin!< of Him as fm· from us leaving us to stagger on alone in the dat•k. He is always .near, nearest when we need Him most. Whatever Columbm)

else ~e may doubt, never let us doubt the love of God· for God IS love, and we are the subjects of His love. All th~ re­sources of inpnite wisdom and powe1· are at His command fOI' our redempt 1on and blessing. God is with us His love .,. ... ,~ ... ~.~. us. Our victory through Him is sure, if only we believe.

PRAYER Station CI\U\r

80011t' Oil YOIIl' tJIIII

AJtril z,l, 1 !)I)!) D:11i n. m,

0 'l'hou whoso nnme Is love, whose heart Is ever longing to lift UN into ~ovlng- fellowshltl with i'hee, ioJ'glve our cnroless, sinful In· 1Jifference to i'hee. Put within us the tnte ' spirit of penitence, Tench us how to know i'h•!e thnt we mny love and Nerve. Thee us we ought. In IJis lllllllc, Amen.

Having sold tlw farm we will sell llt public auction at the f'arrn Joentt•tl 2!1:! milt•s t•ast. ol Wt•bbervillt• ou US-16 to Cetln•· J•oad, souflt on Ct•<l:tr t·oad % milr•,

12:30 P. M. SaturdaY, April 30 12:30 P. M.


Stockbridge Phone 17-F-111

Price Brothers Mason Phone



Maurice & Bob

17 Head Holstein Cattle 17 Holstein Cow, fi yt•m·s old, fresh and opt•u Holstein Cow, 8 yeaJ'S old, hred Se(Jtt!mber lH Holstein Cow, 2 yem·s old, bred April 15 Holstein Cow, 5 ,years old, brt•d in D!•eembt•l' Jlolstein Cow, 5 years old, fresh and OJII'Il llolstt~in Cow, 8 years old, due July 21! llolstein Cow, 4 years old, bretl A(Jril 5 Ilolst!·in Cow, 4 years old, brt!d April 8 llolstPin Cow, 2 years old, dm• soon llolstein Cow, 5 yeaJ•s old, dut• in August llolstt•iu Cow, fi years old, bred Novembt!r 2 Uolstt•in Cow, 7 years oltl, hrcd Octobt:w 2fi llolsteir~ Cow, 7 years old, due in June llolsteirt Cow, 8 years old, bred Janua••y 31 llolsteill', Cow, fi yt•ars old, fl't!sh and open Holstt!in \lll'ifl'r, 8 months old Holst t•in "l'il'llr, 5 lllOJtths old

\ Bangs Tested

~fousehold Goods llomc Cmrff01·t Kitchen Range, good condition Wa•·m Mor~ing Stovtl • Combination Doolwnse llltd Writing Dt~sl' I .. ibrary 1'able Antique S(tool Bed Wardrobe I Floor Lamps 2 Beds, Spri~1gs and· Mattrt•ss••s 'l'able J.amp!i. 2 Oal' Comntbdcs Chest-of-Dmwers Combination B1i{fet and China Closet '':ll.!!h Stand ', _ QuaJitity Ruching Chairs Dmmg Room Cltah'S Antique J .. ovt~ St~at I 12x15 Rug Q!mntity Dishes, Cciol,ing utcnsil'l and otJwr

Jlousehol!l Articles I

' T emu: Cash \


Farm Machinery Allis·Chnhuers W. C. Tractor, good condition Allis-Chnlnu~rs ~lode! C 'l'•·nctor and CultivatuJ·,

ll!liV t..ires on mar Allis-Chalmers No.' fiO Combiue, good condition 1954 Jolm Dem'tl No. 290 Corn Planter on rubbt••· ,John Dt•ertl 15 hoe Grain Drill on Tubber, nearly Ill' I\' Oliver 2-14 incb Raydex Plow on •·ubll<'r ' John Deere rubber-tired Wagon and stnt•l Gmiu Hox ,fohn Deere 4-section Harrow Nt•w ldt•a Tractor !Uanure S(JJ't•adt•r on l'llhht•r· Rubbt~r·tirml Wagon und stt•t•l Grain Box ,John Deer!' 3-seetion llai·row ,John Decrt~ 2-12 inch l'low ou I'l!blm•· with .Lantz

Coulter John Deere 5-ft. Mower nouble (Jult.iJilWI\1'1' fi-ft. Doullle Disc t>Jatl'nt·m Sc·aJr.s 20-l't. Grain Elevator with 1\lotOJ· Ora.•l!l S1led11r with El•wh·ic 1\Jotor Quantity Grain Bags tog Chains I~OJ·Iw

Qunntit~' Hnnrl 'l'ools

Oats-Corn .. Silage 1 00 Bushels Dontln Oats 2011 Dmilmls Corn ,. .. 40 Tons Silage

f ~


Dairy Equipment Empire Milking !Uachiue, 2 single units, Illlmp anti

motor 8 Millt Cans Watm• lfeater· Double Wash Tubs Cnr1 RIWir 2 Hydra-Vac Coolel'8

· Not Responsible for Accidents ' I

No GoodH RemciVed From Premises Until Settled For

Mrs. R h CoHey, & Son, Piops. · · THOUGHT FOR THE DAY

,T~e~m~God~o~F~~~ AU~d~~b(~ti~~·~~~-------~~--~~~~-~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~ · Eart Dunsmore, '

S~clal <"'. J/Jlll' an~ i Personalj .. ;~;;t·[~~:~;:::71E~7~,;h: U v c;..r ' (/ """"" '""' '"'"' '" ,.,, ,,. c.,,,,

Pythian .Sisters Set Date For Annual Conv~ntion

PAS'!' CHIEFS STAGE MEET Mr~. I4, B, Barr enterlulnecl 11

members of the Pnsl Chiefs club MonrJny cvr.nlng nl her· home. ~ F'ollowlng n pnlltte•l> supper nnrl mgulnr bttHIIJr>sH nwr.fing, the grnup plnyerl C'lll'rl.~ with prlzc•s gnlng to M1 ~. Mlnnlt> Thorburn nnrl Mt'Ji, Minnie t~ollar

• • •

::legion and Auxiliary ;,·:·Sponsor Welfare Plan

• • • last WPdnPsduy. Onn vbltnr IIC!


Mr. nnd Ml'll. Ivan Sherman nf Beth hnve nnnotHwerJ the en· gngcment of their• daughter, l~n· eva Irene, to Russell ,J. Wrlgill of Mason, He Is the son of Mt•, unrl Mrs. Roy Wrlghl. A ,June 2:1 werldrng Is lwlng planner!.

Extension Clubs Plan Resumption Of Meat Lessons

c•nmpnniPrl IIH'rn l•'ollowlng r lOIII ol lilr' f,II'IOI,\', ll11•y hue' JUIJI'il Ill 1111• I d fp( f'IJii.

'J'Iw nftcrnrmn sesslor1 nf tiw plnnf1ing 1 n 11 Jtenel llw r•onvc>n· ltlllllllli l'nnvenllnn of Pythlan linn. Mrs. W, S. WIHdwr nf Mur· 31sters ellstriel No. 5 , will hn shnll, cllstrlct ciPJHtly, will pre· Hngecl al I ::m p. m.' Wer)nPsclny, stele. MrH. t; n r ''I d Wall<'l'~d"rf

• • • ::.'. Br·ownP·('aVPIIril't' posl of Amer··

fc>;tn Legion and lluxlllary are ::::sponsoring a e•hllrl WPif,n·c• 'pro· .. ~ gt'llm, 'l'hl'y have r·o~ii<'rla meeting

Jot' 'l'ul'sday night of rwxl weel\ ""111 Vevo~y !own lull! oil H o'dod\

Jn flw ei•Pnlng. 'l'hr•y have lnvltl'ri nil who Ill<' lniPI<'HierJ In ntlenrl.

llw Mason mcellng, Siw will give c·nmmentnry ns sllclcs of lhc l'hllclren ul 1111~ sehoul arc shown by Warren Clweney, n memhPr of llw Lansing nssoclntlon. Hobbyist Guild

Is Scheduled

f'llllirn111n, c ondw·tr>d n shor btiHinr>Hs nu•Ptlng In the rce•re<~ lion mom, Plans WPI'P rlb;c•usse>r 'nr 11ir>lplnr( ~I 1111' IH·biPvc•nwn rlny rllnnPr .i\~ llli'I'P wns 1111 IP• s11n, till' lllPPilng mljenn1wrl 11nr

Following 1111• I'Pilllll of 1\lro; Jw Wfllllf'n srwnt !liP IPillHinrlr• Ailiii'IIP Sr·iwf'lll'l' 111 i1r•r JIIIHI as •f llw rid\' silflJifllllg In Lnn lilllnC df'llliii!Silaltflll/fl'e'nl, I'XII'I\ ,till~,

April Is f'hlirl wPifare month for tlw L<'glon units, diHI they hllv<• marie plans In bring In atlentlnn aims 111111 fliii'Jlosc>s uf tlw c•nrnmlllrlly l'hlirl Wf'lfare Jll'ogr·am. A SJH'<'iill lilVtlatlon, Auxiliary nff'll'cl's s,ilrJ, ts IJe(ng Jsstwrl tn parr•nls nf rnr•atally retllrri<'rl r hllrit·on r !Piping lla•rn 1111rl !heir parc>nts IS one of llw l!Hiil olrjt•c•IJVPS, il was t•xpialrwrl.

Miss Ludic> l•'ilzgi'J',ilri, ICoir'llCI' or I ill' H<'ilfllli HjlflllSOI'I'ri by I Jtp J..anslng Assoc•latlon fot• ltr•tar ri<'rl C'itiJdt'CII \I'JJj hi' !liP Sfll'lli\f!l' Ill

'!'he purpose llf ll1is meeting Is In explon! till' exist lng local necrl of Jll'llgrnrns for the retnrrled 11nrl arouw Interest In Mason for. prnmotlng such 11 progt•am, an Auxllrnr·y memhet hillel. She pointed 11111 that rellll'licrl childmn lite vlclims of brain Injury In one form OJ' 1111ol her, and arc not to he re~arrll'cl as lnsanc, There are 7fl l\niiWII eausP~ for mental I'!' I arda t ion, and :J out of 100 r•hllrirPn horn 111'1' clestlncrl to he r<'I.II'Cierl, slw nrldcrl.

Tlw Auxllmr·y c'tllnmiiiPe for the pt·ogr,un Is Mrs. Ann Bmwn, 11sslsl eel hy M 1 s Fr·anr·es Robson ,IIJrJ Mrs. Vtnlel Mnsc.~.

sl11n g!'lltipH .ill' tr•:,lillllng llwlr '!'lie> llf'XI lll''PIIIl[( Will he> M.1 pt11gram. 'l'llr• PI lll(l'dlll w.1s in II 111 till• ltnmr• 11f 1\ft'H. Arthu II.!ITUfllc>rl lir J\IJS Sl'lldt>llr•r•'• Vlitlnr•y. NkiOII'SH. She> \\'.Is liospitnliw·' 1

A Cr•aflsnwn lltHI llohhylsl with llu anrl pnrllllnr~nln. Guild mart hns !wen sdwrluiPcl ''Mf'Pilng 1111' 1\Jroal llill" 11'111 hr for M11y ~. r; and 7 at the 11flth r'rllllinllf'ri "' 1111' llloiJIII i'"'i~'•'l flelel artlliPt'y, Mnr·shall slt'ePt, LParlr•r,' nu•r•liJH~s havr• lif'Pn II' LanHing. at'l'llllgc•rl. On 'l'lilll '•"''I' of tlti'

Booths r·eprcM•ntlng various wcl'i> 1111'11' wa~ il llll'f'liiiJ~ In litf' civic organizations In tlw city 11 nd VPv11y lo\1'11 lt:Jil at, 1\loisrllt. Jo'rl surmtmdlng areas haw heen clay litr'l'<' ll'til IH• " lll<'Piill'( in planned, and r·r·aflsmen 11nrl G. i\. I~ ho~ll, l.<",itr•, "'lrl "" hobbylsls may cnler. 13ootlls 111 ,. 'l'w•sd") a lllf'r'liltg lias hP<'II oil' Cfii'Cd for by each indiVidlifiJ. l'llng<'d ill ('llllliCIIIICilV I itiCI'C'it il Pr•or•eecls talmn In will go to tlw OIH•mos lot· llw Wtlli.illlslrllt ill•'• Individual or gr·oup exhibiting. ic'd!II'JS There Is a small fcc to cover c·osl Pl,ms 111 <' going tonl'llrd fo1 of l'enlal. lll'hi<'VPilJC'III ri:J\' 1\I"Y l II '\1!'

Till' Notlliwrst lllii'Piltls l'Xil'll ,ion f.(lllliJl gilllwrl'd "' the lwmr •I l\11s ltiiymonrlllPII l11s1 :r'hur~ Iii,\' for o1 11 "II rlily lll<'l'ilng.

l•'lflr•r•n nwmllf•rs anrl ·I vlsl loJ's, 1\lrs Mnr·.1 l!PIIrr• ami Mr~ M11r:gll' Sm11 h, lr•ilr!Prs of thr Mliil'l llo.irl grllliJI; diHi Mr• ''"lin l'rtr•si<'l and Mrs. Emilie \1oni'OI', lr•nrir'J's of 1111' Mr>IT) \lc•JJlithors r lull, oillcnrlcil til• 11ePI in g.

(Arranp;emenls Are Made For "4-ll.Frolics of '55"

Some of the displays lislecl s11 lw 111 IIH• Dnnsl'llir• sl'i1""' 1·.~ far ar·e nowcr.o;, elolls, npmns, hlhlts Will IH• rlispla~ c•ci iiiHI hulh• coppercmft jcwelr·y cemmlc~. anrl pl. IIi I!; 11 ill '"' ~·:-;r hllJlgr•rl rugs wcavlng and glass. Dupll· LuJwh 11'111 hr• sr't'l'f'ri h1·. wom cntlo'ns of hoolhs Is oC no con·10n of Fc•lt l'llillts r huri'!J 111 lit·~ sequence as each pnrlidpant's ham low." h,~ll ,. <

Mrs. JJ,•II•~r liiHI 1\lts. Smll' ::11'<' lit<' '''"''" oil !'llokJng Ill "SS lc>nrlr•r C'tlls of lllC'Itl TIH 1'oslrss illlli ~Irs. f),JI'II'Ii G11vln \Jrs. fllllv,ll'fl C'larl\, 1\lrs. Hussei :rmth, ~~~ s Cli.trlr•s f'fiPsler, l\1r·• IPrbrort (;;JJ ''-'· M r:;, Loren Klr•

von anrl ~IJ•s LPo \VI's I plwl fut

Final plans fot· llw tn~"i variPI,Y show, 11 •1-I I J•~r·oli<·s of ;);)" dt'O lw· Jng r·omr>IPIPd 'I'Iw. show will hP presented Saturd.1y, llpl'll 2:J, 111 8 p. rn. In till' Mason htgh sdwol mulllorlum. 'l'i<'kt>fs will l1e on sale al 1 lw clo11r.

A bltte rthhon group anrl lhP 2 fnp a<'l!i will lw ptdwrl to reprc· sent Ingham c·nunty oil tile ·1·11 s1111e eli111111alions in August. They Will he dwsen from lhl' fnl· lowing ar•ts:

Melln·D<'drs <flllll'lt•l r·"illfll"<'rl of Sally Nt'llll'l', Vo!itiiiWil, Sally Tbomp~nn, While O,Ji\, anrl .Till Briggs anrl Nilll<'Y Will<inson, Dansville; pi alto solo, Larry Bur· gess, Cnnaan; lt~p rla!H'fl', V\'ancla Sho~rlrlul'i<, Bunl<er r lrll' VOI'IIi soln, Rut11 i\nnl!.unllll, Vantmvn; eorncl solo, Nrll'!nan Cltmil'ICIV· sl<i, NorllnwsJ Lc•siie; son~ anrl dance, Dal<' anrl Shtrley Glynrr, Wlleatllclcl; -

.Tohnnn11 Boyd, l~ast Alall•don; flllll' solo, Mnry l~llcn Knott, Filf'hhurg; vemd snlo, Bryce My· r.1·s, V11ntnwn; 1111d squnre clanr:e, r.unn club

Mrs. GPorgP L,mgenrlcrf of De· troll spent the weel\ end with llrelr· smHn-law and d;rughter, Mr. anrl Mrs. Norman Bunlmr, anrl famtly

Roher! Cairns of Men! Cit, Olrin, was a week Pnrl guest of his hrotlwr· and sislcr·in·lillv, Mr and Mrs. Donald Cairns, ami fam· il;•. Mrs Roher! Cairns, Sr., of Mennminec ts spPnrling the week wil h her son and daughlcr·ln· law, Mr anrl Mrs. Cairns.

J\;lr. ,liJrl Mrs Oscar Lee, Edith, .l;lllet, .Timmy nnd .Terry spent Sunday with Mr. anel Mrs. Fr~nk Wythe Mrs. Lee Is Mr. and Mrs. Wythe's daughter.

Mrs . .Joe Hanlon llt Ypsilanti visited Mr·s. F. B. Wonch, Sun. clay.

work b sepnrute. A meeting will he slagccl at till' 11 ['I[ b

Northslrlc community hall nn 4- 't.i ll S East Grand River, Lansing. where persons may obtain mol'!' Whitr• Onlt informntlon ahout the ha~aar·. Tile \\'liilc• o.~t, Ill r·iuh lla' • • • ils last lll<'l'ling .11 ihf' IH>Illf' 11'

M.1ry Ann N11lllngll.i111 l'f'l'enlly College Club Honors /Thirty·l'ight mr·,ntl<'rs '"1'w"n·r

I roll r:nli I\' II h IIH• Jll o j<'r Is IIJI", Mason· Senior Gir s r~re 111"'"g

1 .Junior l<'ilfll'rs ll'ho Will br Members of.the Mason College ltelping \\'Jill tlwsr> JllllJC'<'Is ihl•

club held thetr annual banquet summl'r ;11·p: Hosc•mo~n• llraw11 for the girls of the high school dPI~ llfllsl's, Di.lllf' l•',;llon, plw scntor class last Monday dl the tngrnph,l>; lf;Jrfllrl U.rltlr•y, c·rops Presbyterian church. . and Cl.1rk l'ill•lps, rla11·)·.

The class colors, sliver anrl The twxt ncl'r>li11g l"ill b0 1\lop pink, furntsherllhe theme !or the ria,\', May:!, dl lhP lwnw or llir'll seating arrangements, the de!'O· ani L.111g<' HPIJ'I'shments 11[ sanrl rnlions, and also the menu. Silver WIC'IW> dll'l pup IV''"l' sr•t'V<'ri and pink mobiles tloa ted above tahles centered with sliver and 1

pink llornl arrangements and tall pink taper·s. Guests' plaees were marl1erl by gifts In spring colors.

Alail•dun LtJillhPJ'juC'!<s The orgo~lliZ:ItJono~J lllPf'itllg o'

the Alaicrlon l.umiJ,•:'j'H'ks sum mer• ·1·11 l'luh was last Werin<'~ day PVPiling ar the hoJill' 111 Dal las !Ivrle, I hr• c•luh lnarll'l'

Ill .!I i\\'et,l gal'<' I IH• I' lUI nwmhc•r•o a short 1,111< "" wha' 4·1! ts oil HI hll\1' I he most enn h recetwcl from J.]f work lll'ci'

IISIH'rl f11od for I iJe cld,l' i\ sJI<'III iiUr,llflll ll'as e•oJulucte

II JIC'Jjl fillitlll'e /l l'l'jli'I'SP.ntfttiV• 'o hornt'nlal\r't'~ W<'<'k al llw c•ol r•gt> tills summer Ml'mber: llsc•uss<'rl pi.IIJS for acilicvPmcn' Ia~ 1\lrs. Charles Brooks volu11 l'~l l'rl lo<r I liP name lags I•

'1!' wom t lia 1 •lay The nPxl ITH'<'IIng will be ni

lhP lwnw of l\l1s. Anno~ Lescne: 111 Mil,\' 12 Hoii r·all topiC· will hr

'lte n1111J<>s of hooks rearl thl: •xtcnsion ~ c>ar.

Ens! Alai,•doll --'" Sixtel'll lll<'niiH'l' or the En~

\liliedon rxl<'llsJon r·luh nwl :: he hnme of :\lis CPnr·ge Mr ~(inney rru· a JlllliUC'I\ ciiJJJI('J' il ·won last 'l'liursday. ,

Mrs Arth11r Huhr lc•l tire husl ress lll<'Pting ill wlttdl lllnc a dl· ·u~si11n about a projcl'l th111 vould impr '"'~' 1 he C'Ommunil' v.ts rliseusscd Ti wr~s clcc·irled 1<

:rt some lwhh>· equipmenl fo 'lw r·ottnly lwspillll pillienls.

• • • >\prj) 27, nt the I. '0, 0, F, llltil. District !1/n. :i l'OilHIHts of AI· Dlnnm• will he server! nt tho blon No. Rfl, Bntfle Creel\ No. 'r·eshytcr·Jnn c•hurdr nt 5::JO nnrl 120, Ciwrloitl.l No, :1'1, ,JHel\snJt he evening session will follow Nn. 1<1, Mnrshnll Nn. !J(j, Nnsh·

11 7 o'cltll'k Ill the hull. ville No. 7!l IIIHI Mason No. 107, Sl•rvlng rm the rommlill'l's 'II'· with n lotnl membership nf ·lli:l

·anglng the nffalr are: Dlnn<•r· M11son officer~ nrc; Mts. l•'ranlc Pservallons, Mrs. L. n. Barr, Young, pnst eltlef; Mrs. Iluill'rl ·hnlrrnnl!, nnrl Mrs, Clifford Harrison, most cxePIIenl ehirf; "in1ifh; regblrnllnn, Mrs. Clar· MrH. 11obcrt Robson, exe•PIIPnl •nee! BoiP.s, chairman, nnd Mr . .;, senior; Mrs. ClaJ·ronr•p Boll's, nx· lubert IlnrTisnn; riPcnr·ntlons c•ellenl ,lunlor; Mrs. T. ,J. Hnllz. IIHI fnvor·s, Mrs. Maurie!' 111f'!dy, manngc•t·; Mrs. L L. SwnnlngPr, ·itnlrman, Mrs. llnrt·y SpPnny stwrctnry; Mrs. Lorena llarJ;. 11HI Mrs. Rnlll'rt Jlobson; nne! m•ss, tt'e/ISUI'C'l'; Mrs. 1\<•ntll'lil ll'ogrum, Mrs .• Tohn l~clgm·, dutlr· Merlndnrf, pmlr.r·tnr; untl Mrs. nan, Mrs, George Gr·el•n and Ray Mathews, gunrtl.

Surprise Party Honors Couple On Anniversary

FriPJHis stnpl ls1'1l 1\lr. illlfi MIS.

VI J's. Cillll'les Dnvl~. "RPservntlons frll' t lw ell n n<'l' .Jnnel UtiPII of Gmnrl Rapids, I slwultl bt> marlr un or hPfrm•

A. I~ HnltPY Ill 11 po~rly Sunrlny !'\'Clling llflnllring I h<'il' 2:11 h Wl'rl· tllng nnnl1•crsnt)' whif'lt Wits, April I~ Tlw gro11p SJH'nl the• PVPning visit 1ng. !'alii llonPV and his 1111111, 1\lrs. llalph Stillnwn, wr•rp ltosts.

l1:P:;Pnl ut tlw P\'11111 WPI"I' 1\lr. llolli'\''S hi ot it<' I', HnlH•rt' [) r l·:nsl Lnnsln~, J\lts Hotlf'\''s aunl, 1\llss l•:lmil Wir•gnHIIt; llllcl nnntltr•t' UltdP 1111cl lltlltl, Mr 111111 1\IIS Flflyrl Loll of I loll; Miss Mllrln•rl C:n·riwPII. llr nnri 1\lrs l•:rwln llc•ntu•, 1\lr. 111111 Mrs. A. ,r llaga .mrl rlallghlr•J', llill;i, lllr . .11111 Mrs. J•:rnPSJ f',ililt<'rllln llllri Soil, Jldll,\', anrl ltnlph Stillman

~rnnd c•hlef of Mlehlg,m, Is Saturd11y, ll[ll'li 2:!.

Plans Are Complete for St. James B~nefit Party

Plans Irll' the St. .TamPs henelll •ani par·ty nre complete nnrl 'fllllmlttces are opcr·ating 111 lop .pepcJ to mal;c the evening of vlay 12 an otttstuncllng one for mrlshioners and friends, nt•r•ot·cJ. ng to Mrs. Donald V11nrJerVeen, ·r., general chairman of the"af· fair.

Colorful riPl'or·ations and piP-

Male Choruses Plan Concert

The Michigan Mdlc Chorus dH

oclalion will again havc Its an· 1uul stale sing In the Michigan :talc college auclllorium April :o.

The concert will ~·tart at 8:15 1 m with male ciuH'uscs from .ansing, Eust Lansing, Tnrnnto, ~lint, Mldlrtncl, Detroit, Por·t Hu· ·on, Wyandotte, Ann Arbor, :rami Rapids, I<alamnzoo, Pon lac and Muskegon partlcrpattng 'hesc choruses will form a groU!J •f 800 for the mnssecl chortts lUmbers.

• • • Mr. and Mr~. Clarcnr•p Tnerltey

tf Shepard c·allerl on Mr. ancl Mrs ',loyd Taedtcy, Linda and Beverly 1unday.

lurl'sque set lings In liu• I ilenw enlitlerl "Flight ltlln l•'ashlon" are helng dl'l'illlf.(f'ci by Mrs. Gor•clon Byron and het• c•ornmiiiPP consisting of Mrs. fo'ranl; CIPai',V, Mr·s. gclwin 1\Pill', Mrs. ,John Bergeon, Mrs .• fohn Wilson, Mrs. Rucl Jlurtwld\, Mrs Wllll.un PPek .tnd Mrs. RIISSPII Dollwe.

Ticlwts may he fll'll<'llrecl from Mrs. Dono~ lrl VanrlcrVet'n, Sr., clmlrman, and Mrs. Fr.urk Gue1·· riero, Mr·s. ffarnlcl Bell, Mrs. Wil­ma Lehman, Mrs C. E Sanders and Mrs. Owen Chamberlain.

Mrs. Howard Rnherts, dmir· man of the food f'ommtiiPe, anrl her assistants, Mrs. Mat•k Cave, Mrs. William Rec.o;er, Mrs. Vic•lcw Brenner and Mrs. Vir•! or Bnrepka, are requesting mc>mhers lo mal1c their favorlle rlessPrl.

GROUP TO GIVI~ PIWGilAM Tile Senlr1r High You I 11 I•'Pilow

ship of tlw Mcthorltst ehurl'h will pmvlrlc tho r•rogr·am for llw Ruth Circle of the Women's Society of Chr·lsllan Servic-e 1111 Tuf'scluy evening, April 2H, at till' home ,,r Mrs. Ed Lynns on TvPs road. Thr>y will give the play cnlilled, "Crown of Thorns."

• • •

Hnlph llir•hr•siH'IllH'l' of IVd)'lll', Mrs. llflll<'l''s lllnill<'r, c•aliPrl iollg riJSI/IIli'P Ill < 11ngt i!IUliilf' lilP c·ouplr•. ThP l{11nr•\'S haw "h chtughll'l', 1\lrs. lltr hn11i 1\lilh;lln, of Pari\ Forr•sl, C'ltlr dg<~, ~>lin w.ts unahll' 111 allf'JHI I liP c c>lc>hro~liflll.

Mr .• lltd 1111 s. llflill',l' 1 Psirle at 2fl2R CIIVIInllllglt l'flolrl,

' . ' Shower Honors Evelyn Frisell

Mrs. ltussl'il Fnsc•ll of Dans· villi' unii'IIIIIJJWcilll a hrirl11i slto\1'· c•r· Thursrl11y I'I'C'IIUJg honoring 1\IJSs Ewlyn Frlsc>ll. 1\lrs. Slilltii'Y l"rlsPII and Mrs. Allc>rl Lolll\1'11, .1!·., hoth of Jo:alnn Jloipicls, SC'l'VI'ri ;i.~ ('o-ho~1 C 1 ~'lP~. •· ~

The• I~ gtlf•st s p'n.\'r•rl ganws 'Iller 1\ltlrh Ill<' gitc•sl nf honol' "JlCn<'rl hl't ~lfls frorn a lablP rir>COI'iiiPd ll'ilh -·riJo\1' nnci WiJJI!.! c•r·epe Jldpl'r sll'f'dmr>rs.

A sp1 ing bouquPt r·r•nlr>I'Prl lht• ~l'l'l'ing lllhle as lhc• IJnsiPSsc>s se•rvc•cl c·alll', fntil sal,ul, jpiJo nnrl C'llff PI'. r: Ill'S Is a llenriPd fmm l~aton Ro~pirls, D.tll>ville llllcl Mn· son

,Jubllairs s<'xlel, 1\I.Jry Slwath· Pllll, Ros<'llllll'\' anrl Beth Sl;ll'iwy, .JanPI anrl Huth Ann l'ooper .!!HI Diane J•'ellon, WllitP Oak; mono· Iogue, Sanrlra Nolllltghc~m, White Oalc; a<'corrlion solo, .Tucly ber·t; vocal duet, Margarc>l PheJr, and Mary Ann Nollingham, While Onk; IH>I'c>il I' number, \Vii· fred Wanlowski, Norlhii'PSI Lcs lie; Ul'cordton duel, D.tvld Will\ln· son and Betty DeCamp, Laber· teaux; voml solo, Dale Walker, White O,Ji;; lap d11nce, Nanc·y Bowlin, Wltealfielcl;

Gcnr~e Wilson of Bay City spent Wednesday 11ncl Thursday witll his mother, Mrs. Anna Wil son.

1\lr 11nd Mrs. Ted Whipple lln<l son, Clayton Carey, of St. .Johns, and Mr. and Mrs. Cary Whipple caller! on Mr ann Mrs. Victor W11rd and family of DeWitt Easter Sunday. They visited Mr. anrJ Mrs. Cliff Loesch of Lowell.

Following the clinner the guests were welcomed by Mrs. Alec Gil· ptn. Mrs. Louis Stid Introduced the speaker, Miss Martha .Jack· son, who presented a talk on manners nnd mannerisms.

The hostess committee con­sisted of Mrs. Ruth Davis, Mrs. A. V. Smith, Mrs. John Slagh, Mrs. Ahe Cohn and Mrs. Robert Cone.

al~o ~poke~ and dfi:-;\VPI crl que"' ltOtlS till !Ill' SlillllllOI' jll'OJ<'C:IS,

Offtcl'rs Plr>c I PrJ for I ilP. 1 !'II II'PI'C [Jl'CSJri<'nl, R1•11~· Cot 1; ~·icc pre~tdenl Latl'\' H11t·gcss; SP<'I'c> tnry, CatniP Jlyrlr•; and trcastll'er, Don Corr

A~ llwn' Wets no les:·wn, th' ·em:JtJHicr ol th" artr•rnonn w·r• ,pc•nt pi"Yillg g.lmPs nnrl visit J1f~. 1\ITlS. Jlnhnt•t \Vvrr 'Ill. H nf'1

mPmiler. anrl 1\Ji'' William \\'or!< man, who spenl llw winter il' "lnrirln, all0iHlf'rl tlw nwctinr The nc:-.t nw<'ling will be at no01 May 12 with Ml~ ffarr~· Oakler

II ' ;II

Denny Stolz of Alma mllegc 1pent the week end with Mr. anrl '\1rs Milton Swartout. St,anlcy Stolz was a wecl( end guest at Central Michigan college, MI. Pleasant.

Mt·. and Mrs .J. B . .Innes mllcrl on Mr. anrl Mrs Cllffonl Hurst of Owosso Sunday

Torn Shoemaker lool1 a trip to Jloanol\e, Vtrginia, hy plnne llw forepnrt of the wcel< He Vlsitt'rl a factory where rug;; anrl car· pels arc made. On his· way hom" he stopped off tn Washington :o visit his brother, Captnin Robert ShocmaJ>cr, 'now ass·~nr.rl tn duty In the Pentagon. Tom Silnc· mnl<er made li1e 111p in the 111 !crests of the Eaton Furniture Co., where he I~ employed.

Miss Fris<'ii will h"r·ome lilt' hridP of AIIH'tl IIPskl'll Saturday, Ap1 11 2:1. She is lltf' rl.lltghlt•J' n[ Mt. anrl Mr.~ Arnold Frisr•ll.

Mr. anrl M1,; l•:rlwaJrl DPmlmv of Mt. Plras,IJJI nnrl Mr 1111rl Mrs. Jnltn Df'mlnw Visilrd Mr. nnrl Mrs Ri<'iwrcl Drmlmv IIIHI fmn· • • •

Vocal trio, 1\irl\ Curtts, Ridmrcl 1-ange anrl Carl Oai;Jcy, Willie Oal1; accoJdllln solo, Carol!' llyde, 1\laicrlon Lumbeno~ci~S; square fiance, 01\emns rluh; vcwal solo, Mary Ann l"r eclerl<'k, Tomlinson; piano duet, Carol Sltlcs o~ml Caro· line Longslalf', Lnl)('rtcaux; piann

Mr·s. llattte Adams of Eaton Rapids, Mrs. Ray Moore of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gri!Itth of Sp1~ngpo1·t called on Mrs. Merlte Poucher Sunday. On Wednesday Mrs. Bessie Pierson and son, Robert. of Los Angeles, Caltfornla, Mt~s Lovisa Romhaclc and Mrs F. W. Cowan of Gr·and Haptds were ~-:uests of Mrs . Poucl1er Mt·s. Cowan 1s Mrs. Poucher's stster.

Mr5. Richard Jenkins, Miss Ann Smith and Miss Stella O'Hourl1e of DeJroil spent the week end with Mr. all() Mrs. Sidney Shafer.

The group rh•.r·ue.sed\11 'Ofthilll team bill ciPciril'rl to Wllil unl1l the next mc•cting- hr>fot'P maktn!! final plans. II w11s n10\'l'ci to lww meetings llw ftrsl Wecinl'sriay of every mnnt il riiHI l'oil'h pc>rson Jld)

dues of ~lk JH'r JC'ar

Pulvers Entertain Onondaga Ark Club

The Ark club of Onondaga whidl was orgamzed 19 year1 ogo, met at the home of Mr·. nnr Mrs H. S. Pulver Sunday. Thr c;roup had cllnncr 111 the Countr:. Kilf'iwn aflcr· which they rc turned to the Pulvc1· home for n SOC'tai galhetlng. • solo, Linda ~l'il!'cer, I Jappy

Hustlct·s; ~on~ dllcl dance, Sally Nelson, While Oal;, voc,tl solo.



Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiley are planning to spend the week end at their cottage at Grass Lal1e.

Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wall spent Sunday with Mt·. Walt's brother and srster·ln·law, Mt'. and Mrs. Arthur Walt, and family of Reese.

Mrs. I fl•cip sc•r\'c>rl 1 cfrcsh men Is 111 let• nwmhet s ho1rl been enrolled.

'J'nmlinsnn The org,tnizalirlll meeting ol

tile Tomlinson ·1-JJ f'iuh was l11st Monday at till' Vcv11\' town h111l. M1 m;rl J\lrs 1°n•cl 'LoVette re stgnerl '" leaders, and the dub seicctPd Mr. lllHI Mrs Stanley I<ram as l'lllllmllnity lc11ders Wilh J>'r anklin Lyons as assistant lender and Mrs. Ellsworl h Bt·own as fnorls Iemler

Those allcnding were Mr. anr' Mrs . .John Barnes of Lnnslng, Mr and Mrs. Louis Hnhhins, Mr. anr:! Mrs. P.loyd Hawley anrl Mr am' Mrs. William Rtcilarrlson of On ondaga.

Many of the ortg11wl membcr·; have moved away.

~ ~.

(By Holeproof) I Members nf rhe dub chose flw

followrng o llll•cJ s: P1•csirlcnt .Tohn Coy; vir'e·presirlent, Elninr• Freclertck; Sl'C'l'<'lary .Jean Lo Vette; lrcaHitl'l', f0rnncPs Sterle· ancl o~ssislaltt scc't'elill'\'lrr.,tsurPr

Farm Bureau

RayonQ~~ wisp:weight ond woshoblel

You'll wont severo! ot this , unusual low price.

59c to

$1.00 Whllt! m· l'lnlr

Good ~i·lectlon ht fham, hnntl und elnNtlc hlg' ht'itlfs

J n tlw BIL~ement

SHREDDED FOAM RUBBER l\lal;,1• Your Own Pillows

Large Bag 59c i'he newest fad for the Jltla·llicldug :wt

WAHOO HATS ID•al Cool S)lort Hats

l'lnli: llhtd[

Ortmg·e ·$[98· . .

Comr•letc :o~lze rnnge 5·12

'l'he Newest Thing Fm·

'Do It Yourself

Con-Tact Paper Sdf-utlhcring - WIL'ihable

8ELF·ADlmRING ... WASH· Alli.E. , , Ideal fm• kltc!len.s, bnth· r·oom~. or· nny l'oom In the houstl whe1·e <lase of lnstalbttlon, snutrl. goiKl looks nnd ease of kll!lltlng 1111 Ill'!~ lmportmrt.

Yard 59c

Hobby Jeans !Uen's - S-M·L·XL ............ : ... $2.98 Boy's - S·M·L ...................... $).98

l~adtJd Blue - Pinks

DANCER co. . . ' '

,Joellen Bulh·n. • Ger·ald \',IIJSingPI altPnderl thr

meeting to lwlp \l'ilh lhr. 01gnni ion ol the l'iuh The g:·oup played ganws ,IIJrJ ICC' ncam· anr1 r•ake werr. set'VC'rl a I lite dnse of I he mcclmg.


I.ansing·BPI!ti The LillSIIlg·Df'lhi !"o~rm Btt

rcnu mel 1\'ilh Mr. and Mt·s /ranl1 Wiclnnrl, •1 IS:i East Hrll ·oacl, f.'rirlnv. Ap1 il 1 !i. at R n. ni

Robert Rwhler showed "Rosa· ·nma," a nH1\fJ(' on rosP pt oduc ion. . ..

Connie Washburn of Kalama· ' College spent 10 days wit!· I her grandmolhet•, Mrs. Rosp


The SemjJer I"Jrtc>lis Sttnda" 1\1 I l\1 E I 1' I' SCilf'l ' r. nnr rR. .ar O\ n. school class of lhq Mason Bap returned Sundny f.rom a 4 monlhF li:>l chur·c·h mel Monrlay al lhP slay nl Mount Dora, F'loricla. home of Mr .rrHI Mr·s. Dtuwoulcl Mr. and l\frs. Wtlltam Thorburn Collar. A pot Itt ell supper ,JilcJ So· nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thorburn

~~~~in~~~~~· n~~~~~~·~~~''rd~~e,;·e7~'~~~r spent I he week end at Htgglm lies .wc>rc r'cpre~J.'nlcd nt th•' lalw. mcetmg. \ Mr. and Mr~. Olen Sll·icldlng

' * < ' Nancy and Ruth callccl on .Jtm Mrs. Jennie Da~in <IIJCI Mr~ AI· McKI',tgil nf Allegnn Sunday.

bcrt Balrlwtn s~nl Sunday Wllh Rev. Wirtl1 Tennant, pastor o1 the Gerald Dtat nncl famtly the Methodist ('burch nt Scott·

Mrs Minnie !.til vt~itc>d 1\Jt•s ville, spent last l~rid,ty evening Lots Wiltse of Lansing Stllldd)'. at the locme of Rev. and Mrs. Wcdnescl.ty slw;·lliPnrlcd I he 90th Raymond Norton. Rev. Tennant annivPrsm:y Pc 1 •bt·atioq of the and M1·s. Norton arc hmlhcr· and

ic l'on~;rc~ IIIOJHli <'illll'ch. · srster.

Masoh Teacher Will Go W~ttl' Husband to Rome Mrs.,~Nancy Ktmmell is looking in Hartford, Conn. He's a natlyc

forwrfrct to next !all. Instead of of Bloomsburg, Pa., nncl has been f. . studying plano and other forms

teaclltng English and speech to of musical expression since he Ma{on hlglr school students and was an Infant. • coaching theu· school plays, she'll Jus~ recently 'Kimmell toolt 2 helin Rome. She'll he there with out of·3 first places In a contest

husband, the bearcled Jac]( sponsored at Wayne University 1\Jn•••noin J\immell, promising by the Michigan Composers club.

composer. Helwon In chamber musle eJnsses Composer Kimmell has been with Ius own Suite from Medea

awarded thel Prix de' Ronra. It's and his Allegi'O for Trumpet and a fellowship that pi·ovitles for 18 Piano. months of study under world Between now and September music masters in Rome. I\immell when they are, due In I Rome, the Is now· completi~g WQrl<. on his l(lmmells plan to concentrate on

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hulett en. ertnlncd 14 directors of the

Michigan Quarter Horse Assoda· don Satunlay evening at a buf. fet dessert.

ily Salttnlny 1111 thrir rr>llll'n trip ( • f'mm rlnl'irla. 1\IJ. and 1\IJs. Ri<'il-

Mr. and Mrs . .John Draley and luth of Eagle were Sunday :uests of Mr. and Mrs. At·thur Carrigan,

ntrl Dcmlow o~nd fnmily \WI<' ;uPsls at rlintwr Snnrl11y of ills t>nlcllls, Mr anrl Mrs. "rlwatrl Demlnw, "' 1111 PIL'Hs:lnl

this Ufluisitt LANE .Miniature Keepsake Cedar Chest with lock and key


You'll find "1001" things to keep in this genuine miniature Lane Chest-

Ingham County News April 21, 1955



costume jewelry, personal letter~, ,, treasured SOU\'COirs that call for a It'• our gif1 in honor of your cumin;;' priva\e little place of their own! ~ra~ua.tion. l!dc 5ure 1o b_rinf in 1hc lane

• mvrcauon car you rcccJVcu in 1hc nuil,


_j ~ In LANE'S $10,000~ -z.,)''~ Girl Graduale CONTEST I ' ~ 'Y\ /1> 1-, r ' GIT INUY FOIMS Hill I

12 4 East 1\sh

Phone OR]-0231

Page 4

I ••

in music composition at, learning Itallc111. Kimmell has State college.· He, begnn German and French but until the worlt at Sfate a'fter Prix de ·Roma came his way he

in the .Titllus Hartt schohl had not studied Italian, ,. ... ,_~



HOit .. News Mrs. Alton Kinney

Seven Win Awards In Talent Exhibit

Seven Ifoll hl>:h sdwnl flliPIIH won,/lwnrrls In lhc Youlh 'l'ulront Exlrlhlt wlrlr!ll opmwrl Sunrluy 111 the Olrls I~nglllllering hullrlinr.:, Lansing.

In f.:l'OIIp A fn~r·~ 17·1HI Stlll1· Icy Sehnopp wo11 ~emrul prlzro in seulpture r!lnss. Wllmn Karlwr was given lwnonrhlr• tnenllon In tlw snmc duss, In grnllfl II I nges 15-l!i) Tcmpll' Smith won thlrrl prize In morlrols anrl wns giVPn honoruhle nwnllon in nil pnlnling, Barharn M11lc! wo11 seeonrl nnrl tlilrrl )H"IZPS In '''illpllll"ing. !•'or grniiJI C (;Jgi!S J:J.J.I) MIIIWIPritro ShaH wnn tlrsl prize for <Teal ivP wrllln~ 111111 Dmmis Norlh plncPrl seconrl In rnnsiPai '""mposilion. DIIIIH! llalwr won Sl'l'llll!l plill!l! in <iJ"IIWinJ.(Jn groliJI f) lngll 1~1.

Those winning i:r·;;l pla<'l' 1'1'·

celvc! a hl\11! ribillln anrl $111, n·d ribbon for Sl'l!11nrl pl:ll'l', wl1llr> ribbon for thlrrlanrl a pink rilliHIII for hOIHII"ilhle llll'niJ11n,

l'111ln Hlrnt.H Hclhmluled l'nllo innoculnllons IIJ"e to he

glvr•n lwglnnlng Monday, .1\.tll'll 2:1, unrl ure scheduled for the !loll clrHnontttry selwols us fol· lowH: Sycnmore, school, Wednes· rlay, April 27,· at !l a, m,; Elliot ~C'Iwnl, I :·15 p. m.; nnd Midway sC'IJrml, 'l'hursrlny, April 2B, ul. H::lfl n, m.

llolt. HI HtngeH l\lcl4ll, 'l'iw llolt H·l cluh mrlt 'l'hurs·

riay evrming at lllP. home of Mrs. I•:ri Dorian. Lurry Leyrer, led the hnslrwss mccllng. Group singing w:1H lerl hy l{arcn Evans. M. H. i\vm·y, Ingham county ngrlcul· IIIT'Ill ngenl, spol<c of poHHlblllllcs of '1·11 eluh worl< In Holt . nnd siHJWI'd sllries of H-I worl!., Fol· 111wlng lim mcollng Tom Dorlim wm;· honnrerl for his blrth(luy an· niVPrsary, A gift was given to Tom fmm 1 he mP.mbcrs and the hostess server! cake ·and Ice et'<~atn.

ANCIENT STATE Li\NilSCI\PB DUH,T AT U·M - !Uicbigan's Jondscapc as it wns millions of years ago has been simulated in a new tl•ree·dlmcusional cli~ltlay at the University of 1\IIchlgnn 1\luscum. 1'hc exhibit shows the ldll!ls of trees which contributed to the stale's cumulous coal llct•osits nnd inchul~s n one-eighth size replica of a Carboniferous Age d ragou fly whin1 lwrl n wing Sttrcall of two feet.

Tile flrlll and sixth grade pti· !\Inking a texlbool! ch~ck of the exhibit is 1\Inrgorct L. lllunl, U·lll pi Is of I lie Holt elementary stuclcnt from i\lhcrl [,ca, Minn. sl"iwols altcnrlcrl tile· Lansing - -----------------symphony r~rehestrn ·. conccr·i Tuesday aflm•noon at :;;exton high si"IH•nl, Lnnslng. · · ·.·

\Vnnmn'N Club !'Inns l'fr,nln

JloJt, Uef1~11ts 1•:1'1~1"1'11. nt c;utf Mrs. Georr.:c Purl!Ot" ·. enter· ,., Holt lllgll sl'imol golf 11':1111 ril'· 'lainerl il group of Inr.:ham eounty

featcrl Everl'll Iligll, :I~J7 .. JI2, in D1•mor'ralle women nl a card the opening Jnl'l!l of llu• senson at (llli'IY l•'rlclay evening.

Moon-Line Vows Are Solemnized

The Holt Woman's eluh will hu\'e a Jlienlc for lis l~rs·t rnclellnr, nf lhe club year 'l"uesd11y, April ~r.. 111. tile town hall. Jnslalllllion nf new officers will he stager!. Hoslesses for the £!Venlng arc Geraldine Smith, Nellie Rcif, Sophia Wallman and Marian Pearson.

• 1,.1

the Groeshr•"k I'IIUr~e. Frl'rl llois· The lloll hlgll school baseball lnglon of Holt wns meclnl wi11rwr learn clcfcntcd Everett 6·0 In the with 8(i. 01 her· Itnm s•~~~r·r•s wr•rr• firs I gnme of the season Friday. Bill Sheaffer, flri; Girl',\' Twidrell, 'l'lrc team Is in llrsl place In the

Miss Evelyn C. Line, rlau>:htcr· of Mr. and Mrs. Lelunrl Line nf Stockhrirlgr, anrl .TIImPs 8. Moon, son of Mr. and Mrs. MIIITIII Moon ~~f Holt. exd1nnge1l their marriage vows t•ceenlly In the chapel of lhe tJnivcrsii.Y nf Miell· lgan hospital, Ann Arbor, wil11 th[l lrnmcdialc family allenrllng.

l!Jij; anrl Larry 'l'wklwll, I Ill. Cnpilnl C!l'eult lengue.

Ingham County News April 21. 1955 Page S

Now Is .the Time to Buy That Perfect GrQduation Gift


WA'l'CimS J•;l)!,in - GI'IWII - llnmiltmr

SI'I•:IIII•:J. and ,JII \Vnlr•h llnnrls Hiug-s ancl llll•ntil'il"lllion llrrwelcls

A!'l."iON 'l'ic·llnr· nnrl Cuff Dnl' Set~o~

US I•: OUH LA \'·A \VA Y l'J,AN

William Fink, Jeweler

·Given in rn;uTiage by her brother, Rodney Linro; lhe hridr. wore a gown of ivory sa lin with 1.\ pearl trimmed crown holding In place her n ngerl I p vei I. She carried a pink eamellia. with white camalir1ns on il Bible, from wlllcll fell ribbons enlwincrl wilh Ivy.

Miss Luana Line, sislc•r of 1111' hrlrlc, served 11s mn irl of honor wearing a deep 11qua 'sill< rlrcss with a cr~rsage of pinl< mscs and while carnalions. The bouquet of while e:rrnat ir111s, pin!< roses anrl gl'ftpc h:V<reinlil. Mur· rcll E. Moon, .Jr., served as best man.

A reception was lwld following the cc1·cmony. The new Mrs. Moon will r·csirie wilh her nunl, Mrs. Lon Van Stamhrnnl<, in Gregory, until her husband is permanently stationed with the U. S. air torcc.

1.21 \V, ~lnpl" Nllxt. to Fox Theatre Music Department Gives· Program · ·

' I. •·

N i o· ht 'N~' ., ) ·t ""'. . .. ( Twosorne u

No end to the hours you'llshine

in this bcll·skirted, bare·armed

. beauty-wi}h and w·ithout it~ ' little bolero. Exclamntion· ·

mnrkerl by slitchcd scallops, lightly jeweled .

tnl1s. Talented Toni Todd does it of rich silken

c~U~n Rtld, nylon-'C<il;lplctel)· washable, never never · ·

. holds n wrinkle. Lilac, blue, corn!, turquoise, peach .

or mo~s grrcn.'siz~s 12 to 20 an~ll~% to"241f2.. ·, $10.95

.Four hundred atlC'nrlcrl Jli. Jinks, the program nf music and comedy last Fridny, pre~enled by the high school music depart men! and in cooperation wilh lhc Music Booster club. One hundred fifteen musicians tool< pan In the program.

Fealurcd were f1 tmmbnnc trio composed of Jim Clevcl', Keilh Brewer and Jeanelle Krieger; a comet trio, Marian Spaulding, Ronnie Parson~ .. and Pete 'l'aylol'; clarinet trio, .Joan Chapman, M~ry Hitchens and Sandril Coolidge .. Jerry Smith nclcd as ma.'slcr of ccrcmonie~·: A sldt. was given I,Jy Galen Roshcr, Virginia Parkhurst, Gerry Smith, ,1fim Smith and Wnllcr· Runyon . . Tl1e bimd will present. its final

.. concert ·for the school year May 20. Gcrnlrl .Winlers, music rli· rector of Hall schools, slatcrl I hal the various scclions of I he band had taken part. In 5 differenl pro· grams wllhln the past. 8 days.

Two Uoy~ ,Join SL'fmt 1'rnop · Robert Arntz ami Mat·shall

Ralston were' lncluctccl into Boy Scout troop No. 40 at a Scout meeting last Monday' evening. The troop plans to enter a ling· raising contest at the Ingham c.amporee. Troop No. ~0 will be In charge of the refreshment con· cession at the Kiwanis dub talent show. • ·

(Jubs Plan .!Ucel; Cub Scout pile!<· No. 140 will

have a rcgulnl' .. paclt meeting Thursday night JD the social hall of the Holt MClhocllst· church. The paclt plans a Jdte derby for Saturday afternoon, April 23, at 2 p. m. at the football lleld, Sycn· inore street. An award will he given to Cubs maldng J·hcir' own Idles.

, Mrs. Beth Sage was hostess to 'the Child Study · club meeting Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mar· garet Livensperger was eo·host· ess. ,A discussion was held on "Cultural Opportunities for Chil: dren.". · · Holt chapter No. 510, 0. E. S. entertained ~at Friends Night Tuesday nt the Masonic temple. Twelve. chapters were repre·

, · sented from Ingham county and 2. candidates· received Initiatory

· Oth'cr ,Toni :T~dd Originals from $7.95.

· degrees. Mrs. H. M. Ver Plane({ of.Okeinos and Mrs. 0. K Pauley of Mason were guest worth mn· Irons. One. hundred were present · for. the occasion and refreshments

· ·• · ./ wns \served · di.tring·: the social . . , : . \ ·) . , · . hoUr •. · · . ~ ,

Club Vlr•.ws UJ•hlgll' l'll'lm•cs Lal'l"Y Rubin, serrclary of th•~

Macldnaw Slrails bridge com· misslnn, showed piclures of lhe Macldnaw Stralls bridge In UJC! Hnlt Kiwanis members nt tlw weeldy meeting Tuc~>riay evening al the Holt Bakery . and Grill. William Fudge was chairman for lh'l mPr>lin<z. 'l'he regular httsi· ness and committee meelings will he next week,

Tl1c Neva circle, of the !loll Methorll~t cllurch ·will mcrl Tucsrlay, April 26, al 7:4~ n. m. al the home of Mrs. Hl'len ~C'11irnrlo, 1il21 Symmnre strel'l. .f;mc Lund is co·hnstes.-;, Rulh drelc members will gnthcr al llw home of Mrs. Barbara Garrell.. 'IH78 Walnul slrrrt T•tesday. April 26. "'· 7:<15 p. rn.

Rev. a ml Mrs. Ilr.t·hcrl En sl· man ami family were· Sttnriav guests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Law· renee Hart of Sllaflsburg.

Holt chapter, 0. E. S., slagerl a benefit card party Tuesday· eve· ,rting at the Masonic. temple wilh 7ri allcndlng. Table prizes were white elephant gifts a nrl donr prize!' were dona led by IIo ll me:·· chan1~· .Mell]bcrs of "the finance committee served refreshments.

The sophomore class will have a dance Friday nlgllt, Ap~:il 22, HI the higll school gym •.

Newly elected officers of the Holt P. T. S. A. will he lnstalfed at the meeting Monday night, April 25, at the·school at 7 p. m. Mrs. Annette Schaeffer will show a movie on, teen-age proh· I ems:

Senior claFs made $100 from ils car washing project. Hartley Supermarket donated $!!7.16 to the class. The money Is for the senior trip fund. 'I'hc class is planning a trip. to Neiv Yc.rl< by train May 22·28. ·

' I .

nonijlq SagP., principal ot Holt WotJd I· r d l,!nd~ aa.lled on Mr,.~nd Mt~. Ot1f l~ellows In Lansing Siuirtuy ·aft· ct•noon, Jlogca• l1nlll' spent tho 11tternoon with ,Johnnie Elllngel' in Willinmston,

high ac·hool. nnrl pnplla interested er d I W~l'lt in Detrpii Monday.

Mr. unci Mrs, U1wrence Clnrltn lfJHl Doun nnll M1•, nnd Mrs, Aller Clnrl1e spent Saturday night nt Singing Bridge,

In college, observed college dny . l'tlrn, W, ,J, (Jinl"im In Mn~on Ttlcsclny <·nrron, Mr, Sage nlsn n11enrterl tlw plio! r•rrn·. forr.ncoa nl l~ltHim·n high H<'ilnol Moncirly, f'rlndpaiH nnrl ntwlent advisors mnl to l1ill< In rrunHI· tnhlc · dlsr:IIHHinns rm rlr!fen~r! orlentnl.lon nnd lnfol'lnnllon.

The llllrrl f~l'llrle Jlllplls will gn lo lhe HoHp\lalnr di'I'IIS WPciiii!H· clny, April 27. 'l'lrlwts wrrn pill'· chn~ccl by lite llolt Kiwanis clllll. -· ' Tltr Dm1hlr~· D f'XIr•n~;inn l'lllb will mec11 W1~1hu·~rlay, April 27, from Ill a. 111. In 2 p. 111. at lilfl home of MrH. CIHJJ"Ir!~ Graltn111. A pollud1 rllnn<'l" will l11• ~erverl .Jt noon. Ml'H. Gmham will pl"l!senl llw lesson on ccramles.

Mr. nnrl Mr•s. S. 11. Gillett Hnrl Mrs. W. ,J. Clnrlw nllrnrlc!rt 11

poultr.l' growrrs me1'ilng 111 l'nrjt ltotlll, St. LoniH, WerlrtcHdny nnd lonrcrl lire (JJ'm'r!ssing plnnt.

.Tnnke llnwlr!~' mlurnerl to school Ins I wer!lt n fl er• :1 weoi<H HhHHJII'Il Wifh till' 1111'/IHfi'R,

Mr. and Mrs. ftoyec Cur·llr•r nf RlveH .Tunellon and ,Inn Tvros nnrl frlr!llrl of Ann Arlull" c·nllr>rl 011 Mr. llllrl Mrs. Vel'JI Ml'l\1an11s Snnriay. F'rlriay Mr. unrl Mrs. Waller Losny of !lives .lunetlon vlslled Mr. anrl Mrs. Mc!Man11s.

Mrs. Sadie Post Is slaying wit II Mrs. Sara Clnrk.

Mr. ami Mrs. William Clnrlw

Mr. llltd Mrs. Hnymrmd Slnnl!r nnrl Lynn spmll Sunrluy wlllt Mr. nnri Mrs. Snnr Glllell nnd fnmlly.

Alnlhn Clnrl<ll was n Thursday r>vnnlng rll11ncr· ~ucJst of Mr, an(l Mrs. Grnyrhrn 11\'own nnr! fnmlly.

Whitcdog District

Mr, nncl Mrs. L. •r, Srnlth Hpent the weolt end nt their cnttuge on Snut.h lalw. Miss SttRRil Smllh HfWilL the wcclt end nt tho ,John McConnell home,

Mls!> Tnn 13ullor of T<:nst Lnn· sing unrl Mr·s. Minnie 13nclnrs ot Wllllnmslnn cnllerl on Mrs. Nevn Buller S1111dttY nflcmoon.

MJ·H. 1\1, v, llutlclr 'l'he lown of T~l 'l'uie, northern Mr~ku, l111s 11 r.ypress tree ns tall

Mr. 11nrl M1·s, Vlr·r~ll Sr.holl of as 11 10 . slory hulldlng, Its Sl111flhurg WC!I'Il riinrwr f.:IWHis nf brnnehcs eoverlng half 1111 orrll· ~lr. nnrl Ml's, Terl M. Butler Sun· II II I t it t I 150 I nnry e y 1 ne 1, llllr s run~

1 ay. feci wlrie. Jls esllrnaled age Is two 1\Ir. anrl Mrs. l'aul llnur and I thousand years.

GO AHEAD I Try the Most Proved- Most Popular

High-Compression Engine of Them All I

Alu:rty.< rrwlit•lillf!, lllu·rul-llittl"< ilw rr.enrtl nfOhiHIII<Iloilt."o "llowkd" E11~i11o! Anol it'H lu~~~~~ tllill way.,. ri~hl from tlw duy tliiK faHIIHIH ptm•t•'r pluntluunl'lu•tl tltr.:

hi~h·f'OIIIfJrl~l'l:·lion t•ra! 11:vt•ry yt·ur llw "Hm:kc!l" gd11 "hullt•r".,, 1~V1~ry )'l~llr 11 rww Hl~llli~ltion for :wtinn! Now, ii"R tht• "llock,~t" 202-mo~tl thrilling uf tlwm all

-powt~rin~ llu: most lwillianl untl bt1uu1iful Oltltmwhilt:K t~Vt~r lmiJt! (;, ullf'ml, drh·n u IIJ!i5 OldHmoiJilt! yourHtdr! BiHt~nver n·hy llw grling'., grt•tll inn .,llm:lwlll"!

,11 R 0 c K E T II



By Buy,ing at

. '

IGA. FOODLINER ·Se_e Our Handbi.ll for·· Week's Top ·Food VGIG~$,

.. · ' , .._ , · . Mrs.: Leonard. l~ledler. is .in St: 11•'. • } , ... , • , (. • • :t.awrence lrqspltal for treatment~ , .ftANCER ·co. ·The .. Alma,a cFipella'phoir·gave -:THE U · a:.~u~icalprogram for t~e high

· . . .0 . 1·f ;d· I'll 9 sel~ool-l!ssembly_ Thur!lday morn: : pen rt IJI I · lng. ~ · ;, I ·.· ·:·/,_! .. '.' .!~·· ..

lnu~wm County News April 21. 1955 Pilge 6 ---------------------- -··------· Church Obs.erves

90~~·i fuln~versmy Leslie ~tems '"!'Itt• I rrg• 1111 ol ~li'lliiJIIL'S"

, (J,m C. Straugo

Scouting Groups Plim for Y e~r

Tlir. list o1l \'1'111 for l"l'slle lloy St'IJl!(fi lil'l(ills Ajilll ill 1\lill'il culls 1111 II'Jf'gtsltoilllllt 1111' lltl' nonp nurJ lollHIIIItf'l'

'rilP IIWIJI llllfllllfiiP!' fiJI' !Itt• yr.m will In< Inti•· 1•'111111< .1 t\nPsl. ln•.tllltllllu,tl ti'JIIl'ht ttl.tllvl' of 1111' Lions 1 11111; l 1'1111•11 d lt<~tiHI', l'iHdllllotn, Jftllti<J lillllliilllll Sf'l ll!lnty, Wnllt•t 1\oiHIJlol< 1\1 II IHllli'P, li.IIIIHIIII (',1111'1, IIIII rlnm s; WIII'!H llnll, ntlv11111 <'• 1111'111; D1 L (' 1\lilll ill•o~lllt 11111 SflfPiy; (J!Jvr•J !.1 i<PII, .11 S!'IVrttliJII JIIIIJ'Idlll; dlltl Pat11'111•t t11ui llussl'll IV.11 t1

Em·J MIIIPr will '<~lllllillr• "" St'O\IImnsl!'l Willi 1"1'1111 J\JI11o IS

llliVi-<11' 11l l•.xpillll'l S11JIIIH olll•i Dt• (' M l'lolltli•l, IISsisldlll o•x Jlifllt'l' liiJViSIJI'

Walll'l l\11nopo~1 ld I lo~tttsnn CnJIPI' 111111 lttlssPII W.11d Ito~\< lll'l!ll IIJIJIIIillll tl Ill d IVd\'S ,rntl Jlli'IIIIS C'tlllllltltil'l' Ill 11 ijltlll ii'IIIH fOI' ,'i!'OIIIS

Man Is Injured In Trimming Tree

Del II Mlllf't, <d, 1••11 ~o 11'1'1 intn tlw t'l 1111 It 111 till' 11 1'1' Itt• wo~s lllmmlng S.t!urtlo~l, lldt'llllltt;( his r•nll.tliHJIII' In P.tiWll( HI'VI'I.d rills JHIII!'IIIIIItg Ills lung .11111 suslalnlrw htttlst" !Its 1 ntultllou \V,lS l(I(JCJ/(( 1d .IS ~!IHif( ,1( 1•~(111(1'

hospital, :lilltllllglt Itt• ts slill 1111 df'r 1111 llXYJ:Pil 1<'111

Millrt· W.Js 1111 " l.tddi'J' sf'l agninst !lu· 111'1', ll'•llt~: ,, 1it.JIIl 1111 " t. Ill< It lnnh IVIH'II Ill" Jlmh \VdS lt.tll till II spill ,JIJIJ flt•IV 11.11 k, IIIJ(JI i-IIIJ' I IIIII II(( Iii'' JnrJrJPI ill! t1 til I' l I'll I< II II l I ill' 111'1' 20 JPI'I hc•Jtl\1' Ill' 1'/.1, IIIII 1111 S!'IOIIS !111 •I fl'\1' llllllllii'S hili wa• ltPlp1•d 111 1/11' ~''""'"' lly Ills liOII, Ul'l,tltl 1\ltllr•t, Anlhllll\' Moll, ''"' JJ\VIII't 111 !liP I.tntl ''II Whll'h hi' IV Is \VIlli, I Ill' tlltl l'.tlll Gill liP w.r•, I tkt•n 111 .t <lo1 tnt's (J( flt•c• .111d I 111111 litl'l I' 111 Fnt~!f'

Methodists Have Quarterly Meeting

Tiw lotlllh qu.ttiPJI\ <oniPt 1•nrr• ol 1111• I 1 sitl' rnrl Pl,dns.. MP!Irodtsl 1 ill! I< ill's w.ts Suntldy-...: .. nd lilt• folloiVIIW o1J1 l'lltls Wf'll r It•• !I'd 1 Lr•sl11• J'Jusll'f's l'l<i\rl '1\tvilll, Chat lt•s ILttliii'Y 1\ll'titll i\11 cll'l'IVS, ltoiH'II Milt ilPII, llill All <itPWS (•'tPrJ fll'llf'r 1\,111 J',rlkl'l, and sii'Wd tis I' till Stlll(l'llll, Urmaid \V.tldlrtlt Ill L <' KJ,ill, Lronnd IVotiHI, A1llttrt Fill'!~.

, Dr>llllliy ltiiSII'I, l~slill'l 1\lt!<ll Pll, (;Pill gp I t klilolll, I IPI bl'tl Dlt'l<IIIHIIII l'tlllk II MtMtiiJ, Donald M<~ll~·lll, <:lt<lys V IIHi<'l LlnriPn \V,ll'd l.f'.t< It, II.tZI'I P.nlcrt .tllrl l'lt1 llts <'It 'Jllll r11

OIIJel s llllllf'd lot l.t•slu• IVPI 1'.

Fol'rl ( liriJI!IIlll <It rt;'<' I rv ]!'.Ill· f!l i l~sll'll.t I{ IIIII!~'> Sllllrill\' Ill JiOOJ Hlljlf'l IIIII 11111'111, (;I'll( gt• Lner•ll!, 1111111 II lJP.tslltt t, D1 I. C K1.tll tlt.tll'lrltlll ol ltillllllls s1m1 on nJls'loJis, c:1.tt1' 1\J.t!t, C'hr\J)lll.rtl t1l t llllliiiiSSitill (JII tills sl1ms; 111111 (,r•tllgf' LIIPI'iil rlt,li" 01a11 til IOit)IIIIHSIIIII Oil itll IIIII'

Felt l'l1111s Tiustl•r s 'lunts Illg1lo11, .Iulill lllltllllH il CltffoJd Wul'd, 1-'lf'rl llutl11g .tntl llmvatrl .Jndcsnn; sii' ds, l'lutl'll< r BrnwPJ', I I.t!ilf' lltgdoll, (;Jcnn Rir'e, IT.tzr•l 1{111', A1llttll Wlti! nr.y, Dotts Itt~<', \VIInl.t llltl'l'. Dnn11.1 lti• r C'l,ll" 11t•xil'l' till I Alir·e l.ongslllll Slltt•l.•v s.iltlltl Sll(lf'lillll'lldr•nl, !r•l' lliti'Y .Is SISinll!, Jtol.111tl Hl1t•;

('hnJJITIIIII llllllllliSSIIIII llll llll'lrt hl'l~llip ollld f'l'.rn,;t•ltHIIl, Dlll'lllily Wru <1, dt.titlllllll ol 'tllllllliSSIIItl Oil llliSSIIIIIH, i'ill'illl.t 'J 11111; I Jt,Jil' mn11 I'OIIlllliSSIJJII 1111 ~rJtll.rltflll,

,ffllll' \Vood, <lid rll.t11111.tll on ('00lll11SSI1111 1111 flll.tllll', J~Jn~·t] Rkt•

A llll.tllllllfllls invll.tllnll ol lilr quatli"~J ly c•oniPt Pllt t' w ts L{lvr•n Hrv. tlld Mts ,l<dllt \V llnllrul1 to l'l'llll'll 111 I r•siiP :111rl 1'1•11 Pl:un• lot tin• litll'd \1'.11

Mt~(llt• 11 at' 1\uxilml y l•:lt•o•ls Mc!iJlr f.pnf Anxtillll) No •lli22

of lhr Vr•II'I.IIIS Ill l•'o•r•tgll w.n. r)Prif'ri Oillf'f'l', .11 1111' llWI'tlllt; Willi Mrs .I J\ S1nllitii'WIC'Z MoiHI.ty .tlii'IIIOOII Nl'W nrc: PI'Csirlf'nt. Mrs l<r.nnrlh Evnns, sPnJnr Vlf't:' JII'Psidrnl, Mrs Wr.udt•ll !:\mtlli, JllllJOI' VI< l' ptr'SJ· rlenl, M1s Jlnll,lld 1\Ptlloy; sCI'· retm•yJrr.nsuJrl, M1• ,J A Stnnl<lewl!'z, llrst tJLtslcr., Mrs. Hobert Jupp; !:lecoud tl'LISI!'e, Mrs.

M1lk!r, thilll IIustee, Paul ,Jupp, r•haplnin, M1·~.

B1,1rton Baldwin; gunl'cl, Mrs. Fred Gig11nr•; and conductress, Mrs. Enrl J. Ellsworth Ref1·esh· meniR we1 e sPI wll oiler .1 discu•' slon of pinns for the Iorthcom· lng yenr \


1\VIIIlt,tt•llsllt• Sl'lii'C(IIll• ( hiiiii!I'S HPV II ,I MPil'l, Wlt11 \\'1'

silif'dtlh•d !11 ltl'gln I'Vollli~l'lisllt SI'IViu•s In till' /•tit' MPiltllrll. dtlllr It, 'l'LII'sduy, A pill IIJ, \\l'CI

l11slrnd 111 lilt• ho•.pitril wltlt , liC'HII ull111i1 rtrv I', L llolh•.tu llt1 I .a11~lng 111 <'II II~ ill< I HIIJII'I illli'lltll'n!, \VIII runtlllt I i'O,otiJVI'il' tlr oi'IV!Ir' ill'l(illllillg l'lll".tid\ Ap1ll 21i, .tl H p 111 !ltttJtl['h I• 1 I tl I\ oil ttl 1111 I ill' Jullfl\\ I II(' ',llllri.J I

Couple Returns From Honeymoon

M1 11111 111JH Lr•lnnatt 1\\1', nl .f.r1 J,Stlll :IIIIi M 1 s l•.lltl'l llt•.rdlt• nl LrsliP diii(ljlf'd 111 .tl lilt• ltonw "' M1 dlltl M1s S.ttll Ariz Snnd.rl

lo 1rl oh•,f\lldllir•, rd Iilii !HIIIi 1111111'1 IHoll I til till• ( IIIIJ'II'j{ lllllll tl I Iiiii til \Vt till<' till\ Ill 111'11

Ill Jld~l dOll.,

.tiiC'I'IlriOll I Mt .tnrl 1\!IJ s M1n01 Atllllltl flit' I I 1111 .J, II'Pil :ttid Mt s AI

spL'Il1 Sunt1a1 111 Alllton .1s guc•ts ltr•tll' til 1 11w11 l's ol IIH• Wnm n[ M1 tttd Mts C'lll!'ll<'!' I'll. IHllnt• 1111111 1111 r:OT< l'lull, S.tllliliciV PV!'rlltW IIH') \VI'H 111'111 Iii !Ill llll'!'lill1' h1 ld .rl 1111' guests ;d M1 111t1 1\Iis 11<~11 rttl ll<•llll' \Vr•dru><d 11 'I IIIII' w.ts .t l~llllfl dl DCII'II'dliX 'I'Jtf' IJI!'C,•d Jliilllli k ltillt ill'tlll (oJ(o\\t'ri ill II' 111g Tlllll'sd.ty, till' Altlltll (IIJIIH <~I IIi•• lll•.td, ~lis l'liilt't)l!' Mt .tlld 1\11 s I•'d Loll, Yntlll,', tnd ol I Itt' llldllllll 1'111' Ol ]IH'kSOil, Ill ~I 1111 '1111 1' Ill I ill II IISll'f'S II til

Mts Vr.111 ITPltnkeJ fc•llenJnllll.' /11• 111 0< lniH•• to l'lnurll, 111 lllllll td tlw llllh BtOI\IliCP lf'SI!I!'IIcr.. [~lith 1'\!'S gtJIIttlllll'lli t lt'SI's 111111 /:ot:t W0.1<' hl.tdccd, she h.ts <1 l11mp on\ G11 1111'1 .tiHI l'un1 <ll!ll !fed, llct· torehl'atl, a pnsslhil•·tlll'l' spJ .ts sponsnts \VI'III lly sdltliil ol hPJ nose, holl1 knt•Ps skllllll'rll hus Ill I til' IlL(, \\'r•tlttl'sd 11 Iii anrl :1 llllgCI 111 ~pilnls. vtstt tllr 1 .tptlol

l1·lo Vulll'llt·H Am Awnllt•ll Rtlr,IJI, r 11'111', II< w ••nintH n11t

•IIV/lilt•rl In liiP 01'11111 ilPX Ills IIIII ,pf y II 0111 1111'11 11\VII hyinJrJI~

ill!' ~,f,tlr• itli>Jif I' I I rills Ill\ VI' hr•PJI I llllljliPICri ,tllrl oliJ pJ.tllH for rtn lit IPI r•.tlnu yr rtl' nrP H•ndy A lll•ll(IIZilll' IHIVPI tlmmmnt Hilllil'rl Mt otllfi /Yits ftl'X 1111 lltPir p1o [(111111 [,,.st YC'III' tiH'Y lldlit•rl VII ill/Its Tlwy .tl £' nwmhPI s til tiw 1\tnt•tii'HII Ills SIHIPIY .tllll dll \VIII'i<lll~( 1111 " IJYI<I'H MPrJ,tl witlliJ JH liH• lilt:lu sl IIWdlrl givt•tr In lite• II IH lil•id

Wives Are Guests Of leslie Lions

Committee Plans Michigan Week

I ol'siil' Is lllllldn(l pJ,Jns Ill Iii' lnt n nil 1111lvlt IPs '•"JIJHllllng Mll'liig-nll Will< Ht•V SaoliCI'i ll WPngr•t IH n nwntill'l oJ llw 1 null 1\' !llniiiiiiii'C non Cllli<C"l, 111\VII ship sli[ICJI'Ism, lfwolil Tt•ul'li oltl, lt'JII P~f'llilllrl 1111• sdwol, M.tiVIII I. Pl1dl y, JIIU'itlL'IIi of llio• Vlllitgt•, 1111d 11otll IVillll(olll 11f lltt• Lltlll'o I IIIII /II(' 1111 lllili'I'S Ill d I I'll 11.11 tllntlllilll'l'

C'htllf'IH"• .11111 l'illlts o111tl IIIIJ.'I lllgiiJIIZdiiiJIIH ltoiVI' itl'f'll .t•kl'tl to IIIII II'Jlli'~I'III.Jii\1', \\till< 1\lllt 1111• t llllll)llitl'l',

'l'uh•11I :-ilHIW Is l'ltlllltt'll ill~~lllllll's Ill tllr•ttl •,IIIli\

ltr In IVIIIHllll !>nllltduy <'VI'nlng .tt I he lli~·il s1 iltJlli· Tltr•Jt' will IH' :2"' ar Is, t'd< 11 tJI 11 lil1 It ll.ts p.tssPrl I" f'VIflli'• l'lllllfli'ltllllll Lt•sllt• will lu li'Jllt"l'lllt•tl hy Nr11IIIIVl'SI Ill•, ,, sill! J,y lliPIHit \l'lilllal<r'l, \Vilfll'tl Wo~t tiiiiV' ld o~rul I ton. tid All/IS, olllrl t•\nnl•l Hllill, Nlllllldll ( 'h lllll'ieii'Sili ( I fiHHIIldtis J.l( 11111'l' l'.ttnlinP I llllgs!tll' .11111 C'o~tlll Slvl<"• lll'lly llt•C',IInp .uul ltl Wlii<IIISflll

AMMUNITION FOR "V" DAY-Wotlccrs o~t Eh Lilly n11d Com­puny, Jrul!.HhlflDlis, Inti, nrc o~mong employes o! severn! phnrnlll­ccutJcnl house" po~ckng1ng viols of polio v,tccmc In nntJcJp,ltlrm of "V-D,ty"-vnccln.ltlon do~y-whlch will occtu :wtos•, the nnlwn .Jt times set by st'fl!ll.Jtc communities Clllldtcn 111 first nne! sr wntl grnllcs...:...,m ngc brnclccl lllgllly susccpltblc to the dtse.tse-1\ 111 JCCCli'C the tlucc-shot S.1lk ltc.ttmenl on,, vnlunlnry llolsts uncld n (li'Ogrnm spon•o1 cd by the Nnlion.Jl FountlntlDn fm lnf.mltlc Pntlllysis. l3ec,IUsc tlw supply r1f vacdne 1s still lumlcd, onlY elulclrcn in ccrtnln other specific ngc gtoups wlll/Jc nblc to ICI'CI\'~

the shots ul th1s ltme.

MEN WILL BE BOYS-Damsh Ambnssndot to Not way Matl11.1s \V,lss.ttcl, 1 tP,hl, .mel Nm weg([Jn mtntslct of commerce Arne Slcnug lot gel tlw c.trcs of office fot n few moments .1s they try ullllhrec­' •l11 cl pPti.Jl cy<"lcs ,rl lh<' D,mreh Tr,Hit• Show 111 0"10, Not I'~'


C'i,ll .1 1\niH<'I' ~JIP.Ill HLillllny nfi<H'· 11111111 Willi 1\lt diiCI M1s, Arlhtll' I nr1gl' ,nul IUI'Iioll rl

r:It•notil'l' 1'11lls, lltnnls W111lll' olliiiJJIIrill l.tJIIJto['I'IH •IIIIIIJI~I'Iti 'Villi 1111• IIH'.t',JI'S

l'liost• Wi111 1 i'll'IVt•rl A In H(ll'il Ill<' 1'1,111 Onlch•l', L11lllsr•

lli-J•J', 1;111'\ Stilptr•t, flotllfl'l

''"'''II 'J.tll.H Iii I, Dlllllll lo~il.JI hi-1, .lrtlll' 'I hi.!, 1\latle Wo~tlll', Hue llrtloi Dtr1 wtoJC•, Ifill' old Kl'nlll'l, C'.ttoi}ll Wttillt•, IIPit•fJ l\!'lllil I 1.111!'1 St tlpl!'l', ''"~' llii\VI'II •IIIII It11lll Anrltil'kns.

l'tlll)!'t I lit Ill •II II II' I IIIIH'ri I II ,, IIIII >I Mol \lid,\ ,, t ll'l ill' II I~! IIIJ till :! 1\l'l'J<s WIIIJ 1111' IIII'.JSit•s

lll.tZII litioiS(s lht• loll)~l'sl l.tdlttllt In 1111 wt~tltl,

1'/JJit Ji 0ol'oiiH llltill1 IJIIIII J!ill,lllil) Jll'l loiltJIS 'ul\' !Ill' Nlllltilllll

C.t'll(!r .t(Jillt' Stuu•l 1 Crllnpil'lt•tl In I 'I ill IIIIi /111111 11! ll'lllflllll'd IIIII tli'll' II Jlltilltils olll ltnplt'~~IVJ' t II ill!' lt1t 11111'1 !'·<llli'S, lllllZII',

lllilllll tl. Jill II !-illl 11'1 ploi~t'l ~ dll' 11111>111' ill<' lllti I iltJIIW'ti lllliai>JI's

11! 1111• lllltrtll \ '1111'11 s,tl IIIII'•, 'ti(l)t 111111 S )l'ollll 'b2!li)!J(( II ,\Poll. A 'll11<il IJIIIt! It! td< lit!• st.rdilllll o1 I till I Ill I ill• pl.t\ Ill! ltr•Jd Jll (JII'I'i'. flld\('1:--. \'CJltl :/(•.dclliS loltiS

Visiting Hours

wr; 110 NO'I' 11111'4' '"'r haJtl lllltllu·,f r t!lt•s l'l'£;lll'rhng 1 1~it· Ill~ it IIIII s ··~· 1'(11 IIIllS(' IIIIHI'Ii 1111 I lllllllllli Sl'liSI' lllllf t'OIISid 1111~!1111 i111 lhr 11111111,1. Y11111'

I l(lt'l.tlltlll Ill II· s llllillt•l ',\ill l11• gr•r•,JII\ 11(1(11<'< mil•rt N11l111 .tll,l Ill' 11111 ntul"• t v•···~ filii 1 1s. 111 I"" r lilt' I ~.l'lll'it•s. \VIu•n

, om•·. 11111 n•ar '"' a '<Jilt lt•uus, h•·ll>ltli 11 1 II lw Ill! 111111

J A' Jfl RTT Puuuiral lloiJI(l

t\luf,ulinU " 1\ u ,J 1y urut ull(l!t 1\ud,uiiiiC I I '/llljlpttJ wilh UllYjft'll

liiHI frlllllUII JtMIIMIIItiJI,

I I hr. llumt" elf I ru·ndly :-ir1Yir•

,, ________ 1'_''_"_" __ 1J_j(_' __ ·_l"_" _________ ,

• ._.....:r~:r:u::r:~' ... ~ .. r."'·· ... ·~'(:' .... ~U·"J

I seals, prrmcs «nd frnrshcs rn Of~[ "' ,,.11 f

COAT. Ideal for any sur face where <1 ~. ' • :/' ."::;J vclvct-fl,,t fuwh 11 dcmcd - lt1 IIIIJ '';("',, 1

"" r: ' • .....,.~,_, .. ~~·;-,..n, ....... ~ room dinrng room or bcd1oorn ''"' u•c -..:·,..~~,..,·

over painted 01 unp<lintcd plnlfu "<~II -P•1per, wnllbo11rd, wood. So cosy to r "ION

apply w1th brush or roller.

Orw~ tn 2 hour~ Mut!hr $3.95 ~0 Oteorcttor Cc.lor•

hwrnontH ~ ...,llh f:lton• Si nu Glo~~ rolur\ Spt•l'llll

i\tiPil<' SIViiZf'l I' 111 l•'lllt(l• ltll'· jJJ(,,j lllg lllllif'lglllll' ('lilt') g(1JH y ,111 V' 1 \' on SundrlV

1\ft .ttirl 1\ft•, L It Utt~WII,

llollllf l'llllllllll I f'I'S tl( Mt elillldH•, \\'ill Ill' .tl N111lllllt''' Jud1 t hurr 11 .tl R p 1ll I'll< sd.l\. ~--

lVII, LI'Hil'l ll.tllll lo'lli111Ptl

dll<i 1\lts (;oil Vorl<i<'ll 111ri ~liS I (, 1.111>' I ltlil ~II•

Tear --- - ----- ------

M1s Etloc•n lftll ,Jnrl Mill\' .Jo (,tJcsi,J Wl11111ey .11111 S.tll\ Young spent Sutui,JY 111 D.tnsvJIIc• olllr•nr]lllg SpPriiiJ SCI VHPS Ill I ill' l'tl'f! Mctl111rl1sl l'lilll! II

1\lts l•'iPtl Btml<'t l11ol, l'll'f' td 'lrrf'ssti•:IItult tllligiJI<•t nll\11 .ttlll M1s 1\ennl'th I;IItolt whtlt• 1111• JWI cnts lunk .t ll'l'l'lc's v tUt 111111 Ill l'llllllid

M 1 s l'll.11 v Agnew h.ts 1 rltn nNI It om hPr v ll'lllinll 111 St .Josr•plt ,111<1 J3Pilltlll J[lliJOI WIJI'tl' sJu• VISI(rtJ I'PJ,IiiVl!S, SJtr l('[HII lt•d I lllll jlltlSJll'l[S liS good,

1\lts lf,ullcy Ttlllll.lll 1~ ll11111t' ltiJill 1111' Shr• ln11k ill'! lit~~ steps flli!dCIOI s on', Apttl JR, 111111 liopcs sno11 to Ill• thlr• Ill lit• hll'k 11110 111'1' gr'lll'loti

Hat II 11\l Ancin'IVH .till I :l ltllh• hoys spt•nt till' wr• r 1111 111 MllveJiun, Ont.llllt, gtJI•sts 111 1\lts Tf.tiiY Engr•J,uul, lite mntltl'i nt M1 s Anrh I'IV~ fl. till t'r', l'1 Ps ion EngpJ,mtl .

'l'h Ill sr],l)' 111gh I 's P'l'A mer II ng IS to he Ill I liP llrlllll C ol ,t p,Jnr.l

linmc lrom l~niiL' Ml'nHJIJ,tl lros I, Stol'ilhllcl,<l', Monrl.1y 1111111 hi'l' llCIV Sllll, H 'l' n~tlpli wlto \'/IS ill II 11 l.tsl 'l'llltl Hlr 1y

~IIH. C;uc•ttl<~ll ll llt 1 Ullf•l: 1'1.111111 l{os.JIII' S llltson ,utd ~lr, I l•'t'lll l-'tilllj ltJtJic lltll l•'tJIII y IJ "'' 111 1\.tl.tllr.IZIHI 1 ollt•gp Still til <'1'11111111 Bill 11 tr!IH '11 ltotrll' 1111 " Ill rl.t:, S(lt lllg \',(('oi111111 I

V/.llit'l l\tHII td DPXIt I 'JH'IIi Stllltd:JI lllltl Sllilll:ty 1\ilh ~11 I ·IIIII MIH ,I!'HHI' (' llliplt"ii

Mt .llltl i\!1~ Dt>ll Soiilllll' • <lilll SOih li.ttl Sllllil·ll tllllll ., \VIICI II Mt· .tnd Mrs llow.11tl I'C11VIl' 1111

J(itS,tJJill' "•llliJ'•Illl oJ J'tic'liiotll, s(IPIII 1 he• 11'1'1'11 I' lid wtl iJ I•: I IIi I PI.JUIII rtllll \VI Ill \\tilt I ill ·I IIH' 1\1 Y I' lt.tYI till'

1\lt tlltl Mts L\ It l•'lllil•t ,J < .J.tek"Jll .tittl .In I.\ a11d l\11ll 1•'111 IP1 ol 1~111 II hill : Hlll'l11 •,unrl.t \ .t!l<'tn<hlll wr111 tilt' lltlnltl I 'tlllt· f11ntlv

M1s l'llz.tlu•tlt l:ttJ,t<'fnn nl J,H'ICSflll IS I'ISI(IIti( ~11 11111 1\Jt LestP" B.ullt

rlhl•ussion on I hr. [ll nhiems nl LouJsl' Sh,JIIantl sprnl S11nd t)

I YnLith. Tile IO]llf' Will hP "W'IHJI a IIIIth Dill Ill' 'l'ownsi'JHI Wr:II·Rounrlcrl Progl'am of l'hys1 M1 ami Mt s I ',ry t<tl Education, Health and Ath· spent Sundo~y wtllt 1\11 letws Can Do for Boys and Girls" Lo.ll 'l'ownsrntl The panel Will COill'ilSI ol Olio JV]J .11111 Mts Drl' \Vill'llX mlir'd Ilec•ksel, molleJ·atot·, Harry \ on till' Ilowm d 'I tlWI1'1f'lltl 1.1111 l.tcc, Lollls Kocsts, Rohett Wnl· iiY Sunday evenlll!c:" colt, Richard Fmht'elp, Estella Hr.x Town~"nil .uul 1:11uil1 Ranney, callccl on Mr .uHI 1\11 s 'Willi.lln

The Hobby l~xlr.nsion club mel Shnt•lancl Sunrin~r r>veniug nt the home of Ml·s Kenneth Mr nnd M1~ Rulli Bunker and Austin last Thursday ' son, Cm ol Adams of

Mt• and Mt•s 01·!en Ar1 ::ts en· and Rolland .uHl Mac terlamed M•· and Mrs Let·oy Townsend spent Sunday Arras and daughter .Jean, from 11 oit. Ohio, over the wee!( end. Orlen nnd Leroy Arras nre brothel'S,

Boy Scouts met 'rhursrlay fol a treasure hunt ::tfter their regu· Jar meeting Scoutmaster Miller look the troop ou~ fm• a short hike while the treasure was being hidden.

Whent gi'OWS 111 evm y one of our 48 states, occupies more farm acres than ,my other single crop (some 80 million acresl and Is harvested somewhe~ in the world ~wt·y month out of the

"4 .. H frolicsof'55"

at 8:00) P. M. ·sponsored by 4-l·i Service Club and

Featuring 4-H Talent! ]Culrt·lninnll'ul hu•ni•.ltr•tl h;~ llw :--\i'l'\ ic•r• c·luh ht•ll,•r, n ll11' li1i:ll :11·1~ fllltl

:tliiiOIIIH'1'11Ji'lll ol 1111' wiunur~,; :It• Is hy I ht• jullg••s.

Children Under 12 = 25c

Such Acts as: Piano Solos Piano Duets Tap Dances Vocal Solos Vocal Duets Vocal Trios Vocal Quartets Vocal Sextet

Accordion Solos Accordion ~Duets Monologues Novelty Numbers Song and Dance Flute Solos Squa1·e Dance Groups Cornet Solos


Chieftains Win Triangular Meet

fliH•JrJfiH Willi 1111' fii'HI Irian· g11l11t' o/' Jill' fH'IIHnll Monday 11 fl· 1\J'iillllll Ill MIIHflll. 'I'IH• I'IIIPJ'S piiPd 11p 11 70 !.!!:! polnl lulu I. Ma· /11111 Iordi .~t'f'(JIIrl plllf'f' lifiiiOI'H willi •12 poluls and LPsllc~ /'ol· ]ll\VI'd Willi :H 11:1.

IVIIIHOII 1(11\'1' CJI\i'llliiS II IHiff lirtiiJi• ill lilf• l'lllllling f'Vf'IIIS illll ()j(f'ITiflli jJII\Vf•l' ill 1/if' fif'id llVf'IJI.•, illllil'rl IIIP l'lilrf:; way nul In ll'nllj.

(lal'IIJ Rlf'i1P1{ wns lite lnp jlP.I'· fnl'lllf'r for I hf' Clilf'f~. liP plitr•r•d

• , lirsl Ill lilf• I~O·ylll'fnilgh illll'liiPH •. Willi 11 linH' of : 1.~.:1, IVOII 1111'

IHfl·.\'ill'li low lilll'illr•.'\ In llir> llnw 111' ::l.'l.~i Ill HI I nppr>d I hi' )Jig II .illliiJII'I'H Wilh II Jr>ap of !i fl., •J in. llc• rd::11 1'1111 Jill' lii'SI IPI( 111' lilt' H~O·,I'III'd "''Illy lor 1111• ( 'hlrofs.

Jlr,J, Mtllll'l' of J,c•sllf' was an· lllllf'r nliiSiiiiiiJIIIg jiPrffl!'lllPI', JJr! wn11 ll11• iflll,l'lll'll tlnsh i11 lilt' 11101' 111' ; II IIIHI looi< 1111' .'~3fl yur·d dash wlrir 1111• lirrlf' of ::l!

M;1.':1111 plat•f'd lln:l nntl srmnd In 1111• ruilf' 1'1111. Torn ('larll t•r·o::st•d tiH• lint• flrsl in !!:111.:1. )(I'll 1.11VP!Ir• was ."f't•nud.

lltll'l'l' ll;riiPIIIiP<'i< trml< fln;l fnr Ma"ol.lll IIIP lit'fliHIJIIIll)l Wilh a ll'llp of IH fl., 7'V, liH•hrs. Musnn

.4/'"ilt·d '" plut'f' 111 till' higl1 jump. 1'11111 ( 0il0JH'I' "" Ol({'l!lflS plf'i<Pd LIJI a llt'SI ill IIH• ~.11111 pul Willi II

IH•:'v" "' :1~1 fl .. r; itwhl's and 1\rl \VI'II'IIIIi'li 11f MIISIIII \Vii~ Sl'l'foiHI.

I :oopro1· :dso :1ddrd 11 !l:·st 111 lilt' ·IIII·YIII'Ii tl:rsit. .John llntl.~ll of ( !ltf'IJHIS WclS Sl'l'flllli lllld ,fflhll I '~>llln~· 1111!1 Dtlrl Sillllf' nf MIISIIII llnish1•d Jllirrl anti fotll'lh.

1117·•120; .Tnnls TnyJm•, 20fi·452; Burin 'l'own~nnrl, lli?+IO: Tsulw!lr! WhyJu, Hl~·•l:ll; 'Mnrgarl!l Mr!· LI!IIIJ, lfil, I!III·•Hfi; .ft•nmm Ann· lli'UHtr~r, IKH-•112; lfnlc•n Wnrn, lfi2· •110; Mi!l'llll Mllilf-ll'll, 110•); f!r!ll!n Mlnh•l', lfH; 111111 llP.IIy ITr:lzc•r, •II •I.

Wuvrm Mllhw Sttlr•H ilurl liln JrigiJ ,11!11111 glfmt~ llllli Sl'l'if'H WJIIJ JIHO nnrl H-lfiH.

'l'enm Hltflllling-H: '1'1'11111 w

Wtll'l!'s D1·ug Slon• ..... li:J Wnyrw Mllil'l' Snii!H ...... fill~~ Chrlsll!llSt:ll's ................ ;,:! Mills S/111'1' ... •l!i ~~ Mt•C'ni'II'Oitls ........... •1·1 Masnn Jlollll' 1\ppllntll'l! •1:1 Dri'WI'y's ......................... :10 !\run's .............................. :IS~" Mnson C:olf l'fliii'Ht! ...... :n Darl Nalh111nl n:,nl< ...... :JI MaHoll f'11h .................... :!il DPIISillfll'f''s ........ 2:P.G


!d:H{J :12 :lli I' •IIJ •11 •lfi •l!i I' •17

fili mr>.~

(Ci'fl\Vdc•tl Oul l.usf \VPr•h)

JIJUHIIII \Von!I'II 1H l.l'llf4'111' MuHnn Cinll' CtHII'Hf' won all :1

pnlnls fl'lllll lll'l'WI',Y's M:tsnn Cali, Mnson I lomr Ar··>Jilllll'l', 1\l'un's, Da1·1 Nullonnl Bnnlc nrul Wuynt• Mlllt•l' Saif's 1'111'11 \Voll 2 point~ fmrn Mills Stnre, Mc•Ctll'll Ollis, C'/rrlsl r~miPII's, DI!IISlllnl'r•'s TGA, and \Vul'c•'s Dl'llli Slorro. ( 'in·ls· II'IISI'II'S iu;d Jilgl1 l!!lllll fiiillll' llf 7J:l and M,o(':ll'll Ollis roiiPd :!O:IH for hlgli tP:IIn c;Prir•s.

ffillil lllrlivldttul howlm·s 11'1'1'1'

Vantown 1\h·H, ),, 1', Wllllum1-1

'l'hro <1·1 r llt'ltlrvl'nwnl of wlnim· (ll'o,let•IH WfiH i>'l'iciii,V nighl HI lito Wr!111Jr•rvii/P l'llllllllllllily )lllil.

Mrs. Milll~c· .Tur:ohs WitH 11 Aut· Lll'liay nll'.lll dlniUH' gw!sl or Mr. nnrl Mr~. l•'ru11l\ .Jusclofr.l' at We!I· lll'rvlllc!.

Mr. unrl Mrs. Jlohrrl 'I'll us 1111d fumily nf AiJH'IIII Wl'l'f! \Vf'l'ft !:!HI gli!'HIH of' IJIH pul'r•nls, M1·. IIIHI MrH. 1•:1'111'~1 'I'IIIIS.

Mr. illfli Mrs. L. 1'. Wllllums IVI'I'I' :'>UIIdit,\' IIJ'If'I'IIOIIJI VJsiJolfl of Mr. 111111 Mrs. 1''1'11111< l•'l1111 111 CJ'WiK LaliP.

Mrs. Ml1111 Nl'nwr 1111<1 Mr. 1111d Mrs. F:rrmsl 'I'IIIIH UIIC'IHil'd Ill•' Whilf' Otil< l'fllllllllllllly I'ILJIJ ill lilt• hnnw of lVII'. 111111 Mn;. l•:zm Will'flx WPdnesday.

!Jill 111111 llol1 SI,Y nnd lli'Vt'l'ly IIPnsliPI IIIIVt' llfld tl1r 11111111ps till• flllSI Wf'PIC

rw spr.nrling n Wf!l!l< nl lho h11rno' 11111 Monr·nl!, 1111' fll'r'llslntl 11nlng nf )101' fllll'f!JliS, MJ', IITHI Mn;, hOI' hh lildlly lllllliVt!l'hllr~·. 1\I!IJIJf~fh nogi!I'H 111111 fnrnlly. Mr. unrl Mrs. I loW II I'd Wuirl, Ml~~ Slim•on Kuy Rwun spl!lll ,loy<·o 111111 Hul11 WPI't~ Suml11y

lhn weol< nnd will1 Mr. 111111 Mr~. elll)!~rs nf 1111~/l' lllllihl'l', Mrs. Hoy Cumming unrl Kn.v of Mn· llrosHit• Wald, :trill Jiwlr· rlilllghl!!l', ~on. Shlll'on 11lsn roullr•rl 1111 liror ,Jr•.tn, 1111d llllllii~·. gl'llllf·lllllll, MIHs lfnzr.l l'oiiPI' of MIISIJII,

Hoyiviiie· ! ,,


t;t~OI'I\'IJI A, 1'111'1'1111

Ml'. nml ·MI'H. C:u;v M1H11i H(wnt: fl'lllll i<'rldny nVPnlng unlll S1111~~ rluy c•VI'Iling 111 I~H.':t 'l'uwnH, '

Mul'y l•~llc:n Moud Hprnt Mon· dny lllgiJI wllli Mlll'if!flf! Bl)llgh· lr>n of Dolin Mills. 'l'lll' lloll'e Hl'illloi l'irllr: ·p:1, Wheatfield Center.

tlwh· JHII'I!IliH llllrl lr•Hi!IJI'r, MI'S. llfJ'H, '';1'11111 olllhiiHIIII Ml'. lllld MI'S. H. D. llnllnn untl" Mallei Morris, HfJPill Frlduy Ill tluughll'l' of J.unslng \VOI'f! Sl/11·,. Balllr~ C'l'f'Uit., 'l'hr•1 gr'IIIIJl w1•nt M1·. Ill HI Mn:. flf'til'gt• f•'I'tiHI, 1lr1y uftr·rnriiJII gtlf'Sin ul lim honw" llirortgll Jhr I\PIIogg IIH'Itn·y t1111l 1\llss r 1111 l!ullt•r nl' I.Hnslng 1111 11 of Mr. 111111 Mrs. ltoy Cnmph~ll:' llrl' C. W. Posl J';ll'lory: 'l'hf'.l' IHid I 1'111!', Min nit• 1!111'1\U~: 111' Wlllilllll.+ Mr.~. ltn,Y ('arnpliell Plllf!l'tnl/IPrl dillllf!r ill IIH~ 1-'nsl l'llfl'lf!ria. IIIII IVI'!'f' Sllltdlly dhilll'l' gllt•~lli II J!,IIIIIJl of Wllllll'll Jo'rldi!Y lJHll'l);,',

lVII', 111111 MI'H. A mold .ft•nl<1•11:: •ll' ~It'. 111111 MrH. l•'lnyd · flllnal. ill>[ l'ot• 11 ~:tultlf'y lirf'ul<l'ns'l.. of fliiiiiWI' IIIII 1111rl Mrs. O:·pllll Mr. iliHI 1\-irs. J•'l'lllll'i:l lfilll'~ of JHII'Iy., ' Wlllrll of f.flsliP HpPnl Mund:1v 1'1,\'ntoutli vii:IIPd Mr. :11ul MrH. StiiHilly vlsllnn: ul Jlw Alva .. PVPnlng wit 11 M1·. Ullli Mn·. ~lui'· l;t'IIIW' l•'1 n:;l Slltllllly 1'\'l'lllng. WnrrH•t• honw wr1'n Mr. nnrl Mrs. l'is SIVUII Ullri lnmtly. Mr.~. \VII·. MI..,.': llilllll' \VI'iiVI•i' \\'liS 11 Still· I 'lnllfil' WUI'III'I' 111' I:OIIjlf'I'VIIle!, ·.·_ 11'11 Is lmpr·•wlng ~liwr li<'l' J'P day nflt•rnuon vi,Jinr nl' Ml::s 1\fr. nntl Mrs. 'l'hr•u Cullin r• ill't'lih•nl. ~·11ix1 11 ,. llndws. sru•nl Snllll'dlly I'Vf'lling unci

North White Oak 1111'S, Ffll't'sl l•'r•llfl\1'.~

i\li'S, Nnl':l 1•'1'11:;1 SJII'III lm.l Siind.ny. nl r•:a~~ 'l';t\YIIS. ' w,•,.lt wlllt IH•r· J•rurHII'ililtli'l'll Mr I 1\lr. """ ~lis. lltlll Wuy mul lllid Mrs. ·'''1'1';' llorslmtlll' ur"i ''irildn•n 1\'1'1'<' Sundny .:lf(f'l'JlllOll,, ~Jr. 1111 !1 I\ Irs. \vllll:nn l\r 111111 ,1', !!.liPs Is, 111 I hi! 1

11111111' nl M1· .• nwl

"HE HAD THE REACH ON ME!"-13111 Foster put~ up an ln­tllgnnnt beef .during the :17th ;mnuu1 Nuvy .lunlpl' Boxing Filllils ut. the ti'uvul A!."dd~my, Annupolis, 1\!d. Timmy Villuncal, nD bc­Ji~~~~r In llells .Jwlltll!ul ur nt!H'I'Wi:;c, kePps pol<ill£! tlw long OIICH

r;J,''"'II'' '1'1111;; hw. I1Pf'll '''"'{ willt llu• lilf'llHil's.

Rolfe Community

Hlld l'alill!y Ill l:l':llld ltapld~:. 1\111'11', I ilarlt•!; I li!III'I'U nf ro~·ntHl Cnrpnl'lll 111111 Mrs •. lad< 1•'111!,.,. ,· . . .Pr /!,f', ..

and Hllll, 1\Pnny, at'f' vlsiling IJ,.,. Ml', 111"' 1\tr: .. 111 '11 \Viilf Vlsllt•d 'l'h•• ltn:,HrHI ('pnfrr· 111'1' rlr~· I 'I 1 '·I 1 ., ~.·Jr. Hlltl Mrs. 111'11 11 'I''"'"; 1111d IJIII'IIIIl'lll· \VIIS t•:illf'rl It> thn Puul fllii'Cil H, o>'l'. 11111 or l':i, , • 1. I II IV 1 1 1 1 1 M

Wiglr. l•'nllnwlllg Ills lli·:l:t,l' :1111 ·1' 111 " 1 1 tts 11 1" 11111 1'· W11y liomP ''' Jllll nul u J'll'(1 i11' n1though tltc Lout Is over with. JraVP, ,Jnr•l< ll'l'ii 1'1'1111'11 Ill f.'f, :IIIIi J'.IJ•s. ,l:ll'll 1\:diP,V lflld fillldly lhl' f'llrll l'rlli. 'J'hl•l'f' \VIIS llll 1'111'11 1\JI'H, MoJ'l'is Hwuu 1 I 1 1 1'1' I 1 I' II

Ingham Townsl1ip 1\'11·.s. l'unl Curl

Mr. llllli Mrs. rtollr'l'i Htt.~h •'II· lf!l'llllrwd StiJHiny Mr·. 1111rl Mrs. Hoss· Mn111t•y, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D . SJ nwlun:111, M1·. 111111 Mrs. l{:dpll St•III1111HI'itt!J' 1111d MJ', mHI Mrs. ll11yrnoi1d l3iwh, all 111' lllvl's .ltllll'lion, Mr. and Mrs. Rrlllllld Hush of l'nrrna 111111 Mr. 1111d M1·s. Miihtilll'llf' Bush, Shlll'il!lll! 1111d f;:!l',l' of E:alnn Rapids.

Knox, 1\l'llllll'l<y, f111' Iii!: dl::- a. ray 1111 " 11 '' "'"" 1111 111 ' In tltP l'l'ih. lVII'. 1111d MI.'s .. John LmvJ'I'Ill'f' l'lwrgro, whlll' MIII'Y will l'f'lllllin .'-illlldn,l· 111 1"r 1111111 1. L1•siP!' l•:nnPss of J•:ngle nml

IIIIHIHI'IIJilttg. 'l'ltl'l'l' wt•r·t• ·Ill inul· awl Mrs. Mnt•y 'l'nWI'I' Ill' Grnrul wllh lir•l' fllll'l'llls. . !\lr·. :ntd 1\lrs. l•:rnPst 'l'lillll' 1'1.': MI'S, ,io,hn Plli't'l'll 111111 C:Pnrgltr· li'ildllllt'l'. Till• l'illli ~il'l'l'l'd ''"''''''• f.t.'li"f' sjlf'lll ,c'lllttl,·lv ,•tJ'Ir•r·lriJtlll ' • 1 · ,. • 11 " 11 1\>li' 111111 Mrs lll'i'lllll .llllllr· SJif'lll Silllli'dny iil"ill 1111d Stm.''

- ... ,, , l\11,\' l•1• low.s Is 11111 nl • '"'"' \II 1 1 1 c• 1 I' " !"II nnd l'lllll<lt•s. '1'111' III'.Xi 1111'1'1· Willi Mr. lllld Ml'f, Sllllllt•y f-IIIZI'I. wilh fiJI 1'111' illfP•·IIoll. ·' .~:111), / il/1 IIIII • /'Ifill' oollliiii,Y If I· day Willi Mr. and Mrs. William .. 1111: will lu• 111 lllo' lliiW:vrllr• 111\1'11 I Mr. nncl Mrs. l{olll'!'l Srnltli 1'1""11 11. , lli'llll'll, Mr. and MI'H. Orvllin" 11'111 '1'11' ''II ' Mr. lllld Mr,;. ltnlpll I :1.\'1111 Ill· Mrs. 1\lit'l' c ;tt•llt•IIIH•rg"l' :nrol l't'tiiVII ,'llltl t•ltlltiJ't'll "• I ill '11'. 111111 • "• ... · SJII'Ill Sal\ll'day 11ight nt 'l'nwas 1 ' " "

11'111 t!d fllllf'l'al Sf!I'VIt'I'H lol' Mro. l'ltarlr•~: Sj)l'lll lht• Wl't•k 1•11!1 wltlt 1\'ll'.•,, Nt>J,c 1111 fti','ITlll'l' 11 f 'l'ill'llnl'.- .. Mr. llllll Mrs .. JII.I' .'->Jil'a,••llt' :11ul • sn11•l1 rlsilillg. 1' 'Vi J 'V J \VIlli '' ' ~ 1 v I' v 111'111'1' II ' if!n~lflll Sill· Mrs. N1•l'll l•'ro~l. ~;llnd:l,\' IIIII'!'· lliil'lll•'l J(/1,\', ,j 11 Jtilll", f'nal'l Allll Mrs. NPIIil' Slil'll,",lll' 11'1'111 111>1'111 'l'IH• lttdfro ;•xii'IISillll dult lllf'l 1 '1 \V · ' "

lii'C ny. "l's. :11'111'1' \VIIS 11 sis· II> IIIII liii',V ''11ll1•tlo11 Mr. 111111 Mr~: .. ,11111 .t 1111 j111· [.!'\Vi." ."jlf'lll J~J·Iri"" willi Mr. 111111 Mrs. llil'illll'd :tl iltl' lillnrro 111' Mrs. l•'l'llni< Nrllr· 1 1 · 'I 1 - ·' ' ~J 11'1'·11· mv nl '" rs. <: ,YIIII. l.t•sll'l', lil'anli,'ll 111111 Mr. :11111 IIIJ•,11t 1111 t1'J s·,1Jiil'tla." rVI'lllll",• SII'IVItrl of L:tnsillg ~lund11y. mv:ty lnsl Tu<•sdny wilh !I mPm· ~I

1 1 ·' "

. . IH·r·s III'PsPrll. 'l'l11• IP!ison wus on · I;Jrnltiil' 'I'll us has lir'''" .:lt-1< · r!• .. •.nlf•r 1: 1'"'' 1· . . will! lllc'il' gmrulpurr•nls, M1·. mitr: . A·lrs ll:tyn.llllul \VI.I<·ox ol 1.:111· 'lr'l'tJC'Ifl!tlnv.. AI lilf' l'lnsl' of 1111, with llu• rrd nwaslo's. llolnlll' Smrll1 SJH'tll. llts ':fll'lt:•l: Mrs .. Jnr 111 i'lll'f'l'il.

s.'"~ lifl,''"',. I· rldn.:· '.llll'l'llflll,ll lllirl llll'l'llnJ{ tilt' liostPiiS liPI'Vf'd l'l'- Bill Sly Is ltonw f/'0111 ::1'1""" l'lll':tllor' lnsl ll'l't•ll wrllt In~ "li· r.vcr!LIIJ, 111111 ~Jr. ·IIIII 1\11 .•.• l.1) fr·r•o:linwnts 'l'ill' lli'XI lill'Pllng wlllt IIIP mnrnps. ll'l', Mrs. l':lltl Wtdl, nnd larnily. 1111tl Mrs. l•'lllyd llorwl.

'I'I•I'I.Y I(PIII'fl'l' of Oiii'ITll'o!l \VIlli

liff• :-\XIl·\'111'11 1'1111. '1'11111 .Johtlloolll pl:rt•f'd f;•lll'llr [tol' 1\!lnson.

. fi'I'I'Y I 'rt'IISI'I' 111' Oi<l'llllis Jonl< tlu• 1;11IP 1'111111 f'\'1'111. Masn11 f:dll'd In tal<r• :r spot. 1

fli<PIIIIis 11'1111 I"'''' """ n·lny

• IUIIC' Sluhlil'l'l, lfil··l:l7; Dmulll Cal'l, 1m, 1!i2·•111H; LnVPrll .T:u·obs, l!i2·•11•1; !II!IPII Lynn, lfi:H:l2; llrlr•n Barl<r.i', l!i!i·•lll; Murilyn Swnnillf!PI', lr>:l, lfiH .. ifiti; Varia Goble, Jfi(), lfi·l-~:l!i; !Rt1brlle Wlrytr, l!i·H:JH; lsnlir'ilt~ Millf'r, 171i·•lOR; Margiii'PI Ml'i .Pl/11, Hi2, lfil·•l!ili; Sandm Tlnr'll, lfiiJ.tl02; f\'lnl'f:ill't•l lfaJ'iiiii'HH, l!ill-•1.'{1; Dot·ollry I11ghr:trn, 170-'1-tti; .Te:11111r 1\rmlirustm·, lli5·•11H; llar· ham Wlili:tms, •HI7; Marllou C'ni1·n•:, •117; a11t! 11nrnllty Lyons, l!i.'l.

JVJ 1'. IIIII I )\'II'S. P!'IIJ'I If' llt'llf'li II I WiliflllllSinll \Vf'l'f' StliHiay l'illlf'o'~: 111 rlw IHmu• or 1'111·. 11nd l'.lt·.s. ltu~: 1-lal'lsltorn .

S[ll"ll'lll' .'->untlay t•V<'IIillg 1111',\ ln~>l< ll1111 ~11'. and Mn;, Vl'l'll llarllell 1111rl · • , · will Ill' 111 llu• illlllli' of M1·::. Ml'. and Mrs. J•'llrl'~:t 1•'1'111111'~ I Mr. :ltlll Mrs. l':111l (':11·1. Mr. fill'll Hill.\', Ma.l' Ill, nnd Mn·. Lil:t ('if'lllf'IIIS IVI'rl' """II' llllllt·alll'tl 1111 l'vlr. :11td 1\lrs. funlily nf Sll~(lrww ar1• spellflillg•

111111 ~11·,·. J•:n11s l'arl t'illlt•tl "" 1,1·111 r,·t lfnlll'l!!, 111· 1.; 1111111 J{,'ll>i'rl" "' 1 1. II . ,, ~liln B1·al :tl llill>illlagl1. 1\lond;,y 1111d 'l'ue~dny wllh Mr. . , , ,,llnr 11y 11 lt'l'ti!Jrill t';t t•rs 111 "'''· Mrs. 1•: 11111111 r.;, 11•11 i:: liPipillg I 11111 1 Ml's. t:I'OI'J~I' Fr11sl. ..... ~II'. lind Mrs; All':\ ('111'1 :llloi 1'11111 is sprlldill~( IIIP IVI'I'il Willi 111'1' 111111 !\'It's, f•:I'I'I'PII Nni>ll' ltlltl 1:1111 l'llrl' fill' Miss llt·~·Jha Slllo\VI'I'IIIIIIi. Mr.s Lnwn•nc•p Ctll'lls l'llill'fl nil''

ily of I l11ll Suuday. vr:tlulp;n·l'llls, l\1!'. anti 1\lrs. ily

r:wl's. 'l'enm stmullngs: I T<'nm W L

'"Bowling :Huson lti'I'I'I'Ui inn f'nsilitiiiS lntiH•if'll[l'IIP f'ilang<•tl.

M~>i'SI''s l{t•sl:ltlrant aJ'P. In sror·· ''"" plat'f' hy :1 g:trnf's. GC'Ili'J!.P's M:trkt•l, ('llllttning's Bai'hrr Sliop 111ul Wyt•JI1 !.ahllraloriPs IJII'. wo11 •I jollilll~: frorn IVIII't!0S Dl'lll', Sltll'<', IJr<•wry's a11d Nt•f'll'y's, .lint',, M:itkrol, lfiiloll·ltif'it:ll'lls an·l l\•foi'SI'S's Willi :1 pninl~ l'mm AI l{it•f' ( 'hevmiPI, ModPJ'n Cic'llll· PI'~ ;•11d WolvPr'iiiP F:ngiiii'Pi'lng (', ).

f'lllllllli ng's Bai'IJrl' Shop rol11!d :1 :1 1-(111111' M'ril's of ~li!ill, whidr is liiglt fill' litis I'IIIIJJII. '1'111'1'[' IV!'I'f' :2:1 !iiiiJ Sl'l'h•s· 111111 II 21!11 S!'l'it•s

'l'ollc•d loy 1111• follmvi11g: I [:troltl Ctlii'S, :iO:l; I\ I .llml<s,

21•1, :i!ll; l.eH11y Lt•ro, 211!1; Eustlll'e Hogi(OW, !i28; William'iH<rds, 202; ( 'lii'J' i{Ogi'I'S, :!1•1, !i:·JH; [{. fl. DI•J\Iarlill, ;, 1·1; Bud Swinehat'l, !i2H; J)if'il Mill~. :i'l~; Did< L,\'IIIW. fi·l I; B111J Bowmall, 21•1, ;,82; Bill Mun·ny. !IIR; llnli Colby, !i2H; Kc•n l-1111'11, ~117, !i7fl; Davr Sl11tW, fifl7; Clnr·pru·<· fo'ry, !ilil;; Holi lnr;lir:tm, ::!07, fill; .lilll flll11il'[(lll, !i!il; ,)I dill DrlliPI', :iiJI; J•:d C'arnplu•ll, ~II, fi!Jil; ( 'l1111dP Ji'(l!-i!PI', 2fJ~, ;-,20; (;jh l l~>IVI••II, !ilfi; I(IIIH•rl I f:unlin, !; ~J::x IIP111PIII, :·,IJ·I; 1111<1 Hill Jo'iilll'l', '!Ill, fiJ()

Sl:tndillf.:S ~l'r: '1'1'11111 :litll'~ J\'lill'i<f'l .. Mtli'SI''s rtr•slaiii'Hlll J\111111'1'11 I'Jc•:JilPI'S ,

" ' ( 'tlllltniiiJ~'s BHI'hf'l'

w ..HD

.... m .lili


Sill If> jj;)l,~ !JR '·~ AI Hit•(' ( 'lff'VJ'(o]PI . li:l Iii C:Pnrgp',; Mnri<rt li2''e Ill 1f, Wniwrilll' J•:ng. C'11. li2 li2 \Vyt 11h Lilh. JwJ~ ... , ..... Gil~! fi21,j J l!'PWI'.Y'~ .. ~!) 1,~ fi7 1,~ W:11·co's Dl'llg Storro .... !i I 70 llillnn S, Rid1ar·ds ........ :11 7:1 .Nt71 PI11 )''s Clolhif~J'S ....... .'12 ~2

Holt. ~Jcr<'IJnnts Wonwn I mlividual Iii gil game.~ anrl

~m·ir:s fm· I lte yen1• Wf'l'(\.o by Ann Toman, 23·1, 2HJ.!'ifi!i, fi!i?, !ifiG; HPlC'n Lyon,•l2; Vil·ginin Armntll', 212, 201; DariVIIG l.P,VI'CI', 201-531; VL'I'n:t Bronl'tlsif'.\', :!09·48li; Myt'Jlf! l\llilllnurn, l!l!i,

1194; l~lnl·r•nrf' Clemrnls, 190·!102; ' Anna lfarllr•y, 1!1·1, l!lO; Bt>tly

Mnzllt'r:l\, 1~9·•lfl9; 1\ny HhPpkopF, 188-•178; Vlq~inia Millrr, ,l!l-1: Domtll.l' Ifoisinglon, •IS· I; und Olt!illn 1\Jhet•ls, •IS~.

Gt·een Parrnl had lile ldgh IPn rn gamPs or 1 he year wit II 7!lti anti 812. Sp:iln· li:Jrrtl·ic were ser.ond 79fi and 7Sfi. OJ he1· 700 games were hy lfiil'hens Drugs, 7fi0·7'in; Holt G1·ill, 7•11; and Hnll Vnrlely, 7•10. Green Pnl'l'ot also had lhe i1Jgh team set•ies l'nr the year with 2:-JOfl, 2292 anti 2237. Spain• EleeJJ•ic harl 2213. 2172 nncl 2167; Hitchens Drugs, 21•19, 2128:

\V:u·p's Drug Stnr·Q ........ Gl 20 WnYIIP Mill!' I' Sltif's .!i!l ~' 21% Clll:islensl'll's . fi2 29 Mills ~ilni'P . •1:1\'" :l?\" Masnn I !nnw Applliint·r •11 ·Ill Mr·Carn Olds . .'1 I 11J DI'<'WI'y':; ........ :18 •1:l Kran's .................... ...:17\" ~:!\;, Masnn Coli' C'our.•;r ...... :Jfi •ll.i Dart nnnl< ... 29 !!2 Masnn Cnh 27 :1·1 Drnsrnorr's fGA .. 21 1 :, !17 1.~

IUliSIIII ftl'f'l'l'llilllll I IviDI'SI!'s I'I'SIIIIII'illll l'f'galnl'd

srr·nnd plac·e In 1IJC' M:1snn Et•t•rcn· 1 inn lragur. ModPI'II Clrarwrs and Mon:r's won •I poinls l'l'llm r;PnrgP's lllnt'l<PI 111111 AI lliC'P Clrrvrnll'l. Wflll'l't'iru• J•:ltgillf'rr·· ing, ( :umrnings h:u·IJI:J· slrnp and .lim's llllll'i<PI wnn :1 pninl:-> f:•om Nf'rly's, Wyf'l h LalmJ'nllll'irs fnt'. and DrrWI'I'y's. Hilton & l{il'ilal'll~ ami W11re's splil :J poinls t:'tll'il.

'J'JJI'J'f' Wf'l'l' J!J Sf'l'/I'S WIJJdt sc•or·t•d !iOO and 7 200 g:mws ;md oVPI' ily ll1r• lnllowlng nwn: Crf'il llull, !ifi5; William Jo'ufil'l', !i02; lloh I ngilram, !illli; .lim lnglmmJ, !il!i; Lf's Sm:dlt•y, !i:lfi; Ri<'hill'tl Lyon, !!21; Manrit·t• IUI'I<Iy, !i:Jii; Bill lliii'I<PI', !ill7; I··. Hogr"s, !i.17; Lislr! Snlith, !\.'l-1; (;ill llnw!PII, :i!i·l; nill Bowrnnn, !i!il; 13i!i Mllt'­my, !ifiO; N~>l'llll>ll P1·itzr:l, !il:l; DaVP Slonl', ;,:J!i; I fownrrl Mt·· t 'ownn, !'iOH: Clnndr 1•'11.''11'1', !i:IC; 1

nr. fl.. n. DPI\'Iar·lill, fi7·1: lli•'lt· unl MiiiH, :11:1; 1111d .llrn ~\ll"l'if', 20:1.

SllliHling.~ :ll'f' n:: fnllnwr,: w l.

.Tim'~: Mnrkrl ............ fill :ll MnJ'SI''s Restnlll'illll fili MorlPI'II ( :ll'iliH!I'S .. n;, AI lli<'l' Chrvmlrl ...... li2 Cummings Bm·IJeJ' Shnp lil 1.!, WnlvPrinr Enginrororl11g Iii <:co1·gc's Marl\l!l ............ ~R\~ Wyeth Ln/1. Tnr·. .... .!i7 1.~ l'Ji'CWI'y's .......... .. .... fili'' Wnrcs Drug StnrP ri I Hilton & Ridwl·rls ...... 48 No:PIPy's ... .............. !12

Jlusln~ssmrn's Lt'lll.fll"

fi·l !iti ;,~

5H 1G !YI (j 1'0 ll2 1 G n:i ',~ lit: 72 78

Mason F:lrvulnr nnrl l•'nlstnff P3cil won all •I points J'r•nm Pl'il'e Rmllwm mHl Alll'rlius. PnPtoJ'fiec Jonk ~II :1 pninl.' J'mm lli '1\ln;;, Mason ·r~Jrvnlnl' l'nllrrl till.' lliglt Jenm gnnw nnd srriP.s ot H-1:1 :111d' 2•101. "

Hir~IJ lndlvidunl ~rnr~s wrorr liy Bill C'lnrlc, !i57; Don Willinms. :>O:!; Ll's SmnliPy, 50:~; and Oliver Scln·am, rn·l.

'l'enm sl~nrllngs: Trnm W L Prire Bl'nl ilrl'~· .............. fi!) '17 Mason l~lrvn lot' ............ G(i Pnlslllff ..... .... .. .. ....... fiO~(, Aurelius ................ .' ........... 011 Hi Klas .......................... !17 1."

Posloffir.e ......... ,. .. ...... !l!i

Ferris District 1\Jrs. J,m·n Olnr.y Holl Variety 2082; 111111 ·Hn!t

t Dairy, 2079. The final Jeam stnnrlings were: Team · W L

Green Parrot .................. 73 :~9 Hltcheu's Dru~s .............. 67% •14 \'"

Mrs. Etlnn Del<et 1 hriJierJ he1· mother, Mrs. Wheeling of Holt, entertain llw l•'nrm lltii'P.flll F'l'i· dny nlghl.

Holl Dairy ....................... 57 55 Spahr Electric ................ 60% fil% Holl Varlely .................... 56 56 Holt GJ~IJ ....... : ................ !11% 60% Palmer l~nglneering ... .rl4% 67l,'e Connl'ry Kitchen ............ 38 7'1

.Julia Olney has n sr.vm·e r.nse nf lnryngltis ai'ICI' lwvin[( nwnsles. .Tamro::; Oinr.y is sid\ with measles. '!'he Glen Olney, .JJ'., family of <! ehlldt•rn nt't! all sir·i< with mr.aslcs rm<l the J'J•in· gle children have the measles·.

'!'he talr.nt. show. :11. the Ealon 1\lnson Women's Lt~Igue Rapids school l~rltlny night. was McCarn Oltls toolt all 3 points WP.II nltenrletl.

from Chl'lstensen's. Mills Store, Lournlee Olney and Evelytl Mason Home Appliance, Darl' Nn· Snow werr. at Eaton ] Rapids tiona) Banit, Densmore's. IGA, school Sunday afternoon i\o,pr·ac· Mason Golf Course each won 2 tice ·r01• thP. operetta to he helrt

· polnls from Kcnn's, Mason Cab, Thursday 11ight uJ the sr.hool Dr'Cwry's, Wnype Miller Sales and house.

Wore'!. '!'here. wlil he n rneellng or' High ' llllllvldunl games and parents and officers of the Fer:

·series wet'C by June Stuhbert, .rls 4-1-I club this Thursdny eve· 153-401; ,. Donna Carl, ·163·416; 1ilng at the club house to set up Helen Lyd'h, .. .156·404; Jerry Grlf· n program for lhe year alld lllan , fin, 180-147; Est!tel' · Clark, 152,

1 11rojeet meetings, . ·

Till' Mr.' unci Mrs. Yard :nul r:anlt·n l'luiJ nwl al tl11• Dallsvill<' town h111l Fr'itby c~vc:ning .. lol11t Emi'I'Son of' Lunsing spni<e 1111

· 1 , · · . • ,. . , 1, . ('l!ailollt• Alll'll is SJII'illliiiJ{ tl1o• 1\Jn·. Jll•rlllll .IIII!IISIIII Snlurday: Mrs. N••lli1• Spr:1gU<' 111111 ~1rs .. '->lllllii',V lla'lPI. L IIIIa iln~: 1111 Mi. .111d IVI1s. H,llplt.(,,,\llll .111<1 II'P!'II Willi IIPr gralulpiil't'lllr;, ~lr.' ;lfll'l'flt>llll. .111,1' Spragu1• ''"""" 1111 I'll" :111!1 f'ltif'lwll pnx. I Mr. lllttl Mrs. Cf'rn'gl' Ci!•sial'll tfllll Mrs. Tom 1\;list•J' at r:ri'J:III',I' l.'ri I Miss Bonnlr• HIIJ!,f'l' has J'P· family Sjlf!lll Monri".l' f~VI'IIillg I day PVI'IIing. turm·tl 111 hr·r· sl'itool :11 F'linl aft· wilh llwli· iluughtcJ·, Mrs. Tilcl·l Ingham County News April 21, 1955 Page 7

1-Iere's why· Chevrolet - ~TB'( Oecll15•cl'" J.S

- ...... -#·


everYbu-4:¥!';.• ., . . !;;

)~hef-le featmcg and advantages. a:~

me of n truly modem VB engme. ~.and· only . •. ~~~ •I

Chevrolet has them II} 1 he low·pnce -fielll, ~··~ Most aren't even fonnd in high·priced-·CRI'EJ, '.It~"~

That's why C)wvrolet is stealing· everybody's . .t~~~, ·.lit.. .:,rx. .

thunder witl1 the most modern VB on the road!


•· .. .. " •. .. • • " " ~

r j


• • • c .. •

• •

• • • • • •

• • • • • ' ' •I •

Modern 12·volt electrical syslcrn!

The 11nly t.::tr in llw low-prh:e licld wilh lite extr:r t.:IIL'I'i'V 111' 1:~ \'tilt· • ••. lwiet: Jl~e~ ('tlli:;h lor ltlday':: d1 iving lll't'.ib!

i :. · ... , .. ·

1-':I',Jer, stnlfl!'.t'l' t.:l':tllf:rng l'nr L'nld· Wl':llhl'r ~t:1r'ls and :1 "i'altt.:r" .,park for Ltllltk•,:; ltig!i sjl<'l'd 1 •rwr:lli"ll·

Highest standard compression ratio in its field!

C'ltevrplct's cnmpressinn r:1tio is X lo I, 111 wring every pnssihlc OlJnCC of power and exira rniles wrt of cwry gal1~1n 111 g:1s .

Requires only four quarts of oil!

Chevrolet's VH engines tire so elll­ci.ent they- necd ,nnly rour quarls or nil ••. so vou s:tve llllifl(:y '"' every oil r.:h:rngc:!

, Highest horsepower per pound!

These great VS's wc·igh far less than any similar engine in Arnerir:a, tnp the low·cost lldt.l in powr.r nr-r pauncH

Shortest piston strol<e in the industry!

Threc-im:h stroke rl'dtl~c·; cylinder· w~JJ friction, gcnt:r:rtes less heal, pen.nits llllli't' cnlll(l:lCI, lighltr·wtighJ eng1ne cle.>ign

'The pistons do far less trnvciing p~t· mile ••• that means less engine wear, lighter lo~cls on !Jenrings, longer life:.

BJ /\/\;V\/\/\


~/V\1\fYV\ lt'!i the vulvo-ln~htHicl V8 a~: only tho vulve .. jn .. flead leade1· tun bullet It!

• • • • II




II (j

• Jj

" ~

'* • 0

I tj'

• • ii


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jj

• • II

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

& • •·• a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • i i ' ~ • • • • i • m • • • • • •

Tho "Two· Ten" ~-Door Sedan. You'll Ond your favorite modol amcng Chevrolul's complelo llnu of Fisher Uody IJoaul/oo,

COMPLETE and OFFICIAL flgures show that again in 19$4-for the.,l9th ·straight ye·ar-

. ' . ' ' : . .

MORE PEOPLE BOUGHT CHEVROLET$ ·THAN ANY ·oTHER CAR! ' . . . . . -~ ~ -~-!---: .. ::::.-~~.::-.·:~.:------· : ................... --.-. -.--------~-~------·- .. ··-:·· .. : ... :·---........ :········. ~- ...... ---··;-··---·---- ............................................. ......... : ............................... .... :------.................... .... ·- ................................ : .. ··-- .. -......................... ~ ......... ~ .............. .

' I· ~ A·l . Rice Chevrolet ' ' . '. . . . .



r' II•

. ' . ' ...

•I I

., .

' ..

. '•·· ... ,,:

.,,.,,, , ...... IIIII


Artril 21. 1955 Couat Attions.

Legal Notices

1\lr s lluzel Slc{lllf'ns

rhe Pllinflelrl M Y F group Is plmnlng lo attend lhe sprmg rilly at the Plymouth Methochst chutch Suncl~y April 21 !tom 3 30 lo 8 p m 1 het e will he elecllon of officers

rhe Pl~lnfleld commission on edtl< allan fellowship dinner will be May 6 at 7 30 at Stockbndgc

Mr 1ncl Mrs Arthur Patton and Ddvtd spent the week end n Ortonvtlle and attended a wed cling receptiOn for their nephew and his wife Mr and Mrs Arnnld Vn nclerwarker

Tim Ish 1m cited Saturday aft ernoon at the home of his rl1 ugh ter Mrs Rex Glo\er at Stocl1 btldge Fu ncr •I services were Tuesday afternoon at 2 30 at the Mtlner funeral home Stocl1 bridge Burial was In the Wrigh' cemetery

Mr and Mrs Albert Hall 111 1 Mr mrl M1s T 1mcs Patterson of Lansing and Dr and M1s W N Braley of Detroit were Sunday cillers 1t the Charles Killam home

Mina Kleinschmidt and Gusta Smith of Pat kers Corners we1e Wednesrlay aflm noon callct s of Mt• Florence Dutton

Mr nnrl Mrs Raymond Steph ens visited their cousms Mrs Mae Blrl-;ett and Mr and Mrs George Bo 1rdman In Lansing Sunday afternoon

Mr and Mrs Dale Switzenberg of Stocilbttdge have moved mto the Fred Jacobs home

Mr and Mrs Clyrle Jacobs ami Jerry spent the wee!< end at East Tawas flshmg

EIBII J(osldnen Wayne University home economics profeasor, ex. 111111116 to L LUrot. Ellard (righl) College of NurHing freshman from Flln,, lhnt an ordinary household Jlln can he used to make hats at home Mlu 1\oBklnen demon•trales her lcchnlrluc In Wayne B educational Olm 'llatB For You •

• II you need n new lmt for thnt 1 nvold losing too much of tho sizing lmr•ortunt party or cl Ill n ccLing

stop worrying and mal!c 1t yourself says Miss Elsn Koskinen associate professor ol homo economics nt Wayne Unlve11;lty

No special equipment Is tweeted she explains OII~Inll clmpc t IX can be created on such common household Items as pots and bowls Scraps of leftover flLbrlcs will con vert Dads old nshlng hat Into n stylfsh saflor for Mom

Miss Koskinen advises beginners to start with classic designs sJch ns the ptllbox nnd sailor varying them In Interpretation wllh fabric and trim

She sug~ests the following types of buslc matmials for the amateur­an old felt or stlaw hat 01 a com mercia! hat ( made ol buck ram The fltst step Is the blocl1lng of the hat

If using nn old rclt or slrliW hat Wash then rinse In hot wntcr Squeeze out excess moisture and pull over desired shape to dry <Usc bowl pan or suitable torm J Remove and cut base to dc­sirecl co1 tour Attach fine wh c to edge v. lUI ovmcast stitch 1hcn bn d uitb nbbon or bills st1lp oJ fabJIC

lliJTcrent pretmr tllons are in ~olvcd whell usl11g n lnwl<rtm h ""

Pass n 12 I nell squm e ol ouek ram through water quickly to

Pull over dcsl1 ed shupo to d1 y twisting co1ners of 6C1Uorc so that bins areas will absorb the fullness Secure the mnterlul to form with rubber band or ol her means and remove Cut lmse to desired contour overcast wh e to edge bind v. i th bins stllp nnd st1 etcn covmlng fabric over lrnme pinning in position tKnitted or )ci sey-t~ pe tnbrics cover the fl nme smoothly bccJtusc Liley stretcl1 euslly 1 DI!ng covering lab1 ic over c!lge and Inside trnme Stitch In position

Numc1 ous covering or tlimmlng materials urc avrulnblc !or oddlng specml Intm est MIBB Koskinen says CommCI clnl flowers costume tcw­ch y beads bt ttons tnce dollies or cut out felt nal\eis cnn all be usee! Mnterlnis mny be oiJt lined 11om de· partment stores dime stores mnll order houses

Wayne U111verstty s vlsu~l uud1 lol y department hns produced a lb minute 16 mm color souno ftlm stalling Miss I<oskmcn entltlea Hats for You which g1vcs step

by step mstructlor s tor nobhvJst mlllincJ s Groups Intel estecl 111 rent­Ing tnc fllrn may u rite the Visual Auclltory Utlll~ntlon D~pnrtmenJ WlLync University Dctlolt tor u !ormation Rental Icc IS $3

Grovenburg News (,\rs Howard North

Sew 11 cl fm uln 1 M1 nnrl M1s James Hart spent S 11 til d IY evenlllJ at the home of he1 btothcr Wiliwm Clarlt of Mason

Sunday evenmg Mrs H 1rt called on Mrs George Pamter 111 Oltcmos hospital She recetved 4 Enstcr lilies She ex peels to spend next weel1 tn the home here lim 81st htrthday an nivet s try wtll be April 24

Dennis North entered an oiigtnai music 11 composition and atrangemrmt In the Youth ralent show and received second place:. r erl nhbon !Ward

111cl Mrs Leo nat d Re~ner us of Holland visited from Frt d IY unt tl Sunrlay at the home of her stsler Mrs Dan Hugger

Olds Road ~Jrij Mml'l Olltt Bulldogs Split

Circuit Contests

No ma ttcr whose I lind the tree• aJc on-its sllil a tragedy'

Prove to yourself why you'll be ahead with Farman

•.. t· I


.. Farmer Peck's Wife

April 21, 1955 'The Ingham County News Part j

1-ipl'ill/\ 1'1111111\I'H Hlt•t•plllf\ (1111·. lt\1'11, '

Snmmy wns. He wnH lil'llHoorl in red this mornlnr,: sn I eoulrl lwop nn eye on him cn~lcr, , , both eyes, nnd sometimes I 'wish I hnd one In the middle unrl 11 eOLI· 11ie In tlw hacl< of my heart, lie hnd u hummer and wna nd.lttslln~ tlw hurrs on the hlg lmclnr. He

Politicians Do· Not Agree Upon Wh~t1956 Portends

change, Youthli frnm now on will he glv01r a dHlncn Jo hullrl fl lito fot• llw future-away from the rlnmut:lng lnllueJwes of prjsnn with udulls,


1•'111"111 IIIIIIWH 111'1'11111 f'flllll'

I rllf•,

Chllill'nll hi'lll!lil fJ'IIIII .f.ll.

Mornings lllw this am not'r:on· tluelve to sltllnr.: and wrillng! i\11 H(ll'lng ol'l!lllS to hiiVI! liiii'HI [OI'Ill. Anrl with It n million thl11gs to do.

I amsl! with the sun and had lh£! wash on 1111' Iiili' lwfon• l'r:t<: came In fmrn rnill<lnr~. lie stud< his lwnrl out the mlll\lm11se rln<ll' nnrl nHiwrl what had happened ... dlrl the hml rmlch nn fire'! Sup· pn~r!rl lo lw funny, just ns I hrlugh I ll!'VI'r got up <:al·iy. Well, nil l"inlcl' lhnl !litH htoPil pnrl of tho IIIXIII'Y ol' farm !if<•. The olll<'l' :1 1ifl11,}1fi/IS JIHlilll f~CII ill~ HI'Ollflfl

livei,Y hut wlnlr•r tlnds 1111' grass slr.<!plng, gard<•n sle<:plng and Jo'Hrrnl'l' l'<•te's Wife stePping longer• lrm.

Now ht>rr• Is spl'ing! My, illtl it s<•l'm.~ 11s though II <'nmr• oil with n rush. Till' snow siwV<'I sl ill sits heslcle I he lnwn rnow<:r for I l1e· Jlcve we will havt! one mor'<! good

the grm;r1 ls,qultc long In places. 'l'lw.chlcl<s hnve to have more

fene<l let oul for room to run ln .. .. 1 ho flower hmls neorl spnrllng. , . . every outside window nccrls washing .... several things neorl paint. ... there Is a pall of eggs to go nvr!l' not muntlng what will lw walling tonight. Life on n farm ~urPiy Is full of life and u

Joolcerl !lice r1 midge( boslrlc lhr. Uy 1\lmllr White. lent polntera on how to conduct huge wheal. He enllcrl, "01\ Ma· ~ll"hl!{llll l'ri1HH AHsocl•tlon a program. The wod<shops nr·e mn, Summy helping rhulrly, Sam· Partlsnn Politlcln'ns lool<ed al open, at no charge, In anyone my good hoy," AI last he will 19!i(i thrnugh blfocul c1·yatnl hnlls Interested . Is hunrlling sports, nnswc1· me when J enll. It loni<s this wcclt, · crnftR, ~tory telling, swimming so comlcnl to sec him come nut, , . or cnmp(ng. '!'hoy nrc unde1· tlw of the shed pecldng around anti Hcpnbllcnns nnrl Democrats II. tl f 1"; ·t V Bluhm,

m Ut f nc of tho roughest 1 1 oc on ° .. Jnr.s · say, "OK" Thou dart baelt in ln r:n c 0 0 0 executive secretary nf tlw Mleh· what mischief J do not l<now. If spring elections In Michigan his· lgnn Int~~·Agoncy' Coundl for he doesn't como lmnll'dlalely my 1ol'Y with predictions of the future Rccrcntlon. heart gives a lllp-llnp. ns divergent ns their campaign

claims, Two worl<shops.wlll he ilolrl on

Hllehhll<lng hns become the liiii!SI glmmld< for polllldnns.

Senntnr Clwrleli S. ntondy ID· Delrnlll, 1111' PWIU'I' of 2 <'ai'S anrl cnllodol' of a pmlly hanrl· some annual Income, hns been thumbing hiR wny lo sessions In Lansing since· .Tanunry,

"You J'enlly get to l<nnw the people thnl way," he snid. "I'd l'l!l'Dlllllll'lld II In evt!ry puhlle of· !ldnl."

sr1nse of ac:<'nmpllshmenl. 1 With enc:h of ,llw yrn1ngstrorH it The l'illlrln!n feel this big ex· was lll<e thai when I hroy W''l''

l'ilenwnl ton, They spend ·mast lillie. pete snys I IV''Ill' my!l"it' of llwll·'11me outside happy nnrl nut needlessly running In S<'<' r·arefree. i\nd nlwnys ~iltgln~:. II where he Is. r guPss nil fnllwrs sounds so good. So what I used say that and nil mollwrs are lllw In rlrenrn about as I taught school tlHLL! Jt malws a good balance, <IIHI would Inn!< ·clown on nil the I'd say.

Pending recounts, Democrats Aprll 30, One handed by Prof, Sk t -W II won 5 nnd Republicans 3 of the Russell B. Dnuhcrt, at Michigan ee e er contested nfflccs, upsetting the Stntt! college, t!IC other· hy Prof. 'Rt"tes Conducted tmdltlon that spring elections nrc Thomas C. Slaughter at Western ncpuhllcnn property. ~ Michigan collage In Knlnmazoo.

The results led Governor Wll· IIams to predict even greater vic· tortes In 1956 In Michigan than the 1954 sweep of nil but ~ state mlmlnlslmllvc board offices.

Prof. C. V. Money, Northern Michigan college In MnrqLwlte, wlll lend n third confcrenee -llwre on May 23. Inquiries for• infnl'lnn· lion shoulrl he lilreclecl to the worl(shop Jcmior at his lnstllll· tlon. ·

F'uncrnl sPrvlees foi· L. 'I'. (SI<actl Weller of Onondaga Wl're L'rHtdllclr•d ill J<OWI'il C'ita[ll'i In lY!ason last 'f'hursclay afl<!l'· noon. lie dil!d at Nortill'UJl Cnn· valesr·<'nl h11me In Leslie the (11'1'·

vious Monday. lie \Hid b<•cn sid; for ni>out a year.

Report Made on Wvoming Storm

Mrs. Irene l•'mnl<lin nnrl her In tJwr Eugene E~dga r l'eml vcd n flrsl·hanrl report nn 1111' rel'l!lll WyomlnJ,r storm. They hr.artl fi'Om Mrs .• Tnl'i< lluiTrml, who Is Mt·s. l~l'llnl\lin's claugill!ll' nnrl Ml', l~rlgar's grnndrlaughll!r .

The storm W<ml clown In his· loi'Y ns Wyoming's worst. Afle1· !il lndH•s of snow fmm .lanwu·y through Murch, nnolltcr ·1:1 lndll's e11111e In u lwap during 11 ,IH·holll' pel"ioli April 2 and :3. II C!llllH! with

n 70·mlle wind unrl wus piled up In drifts 12 to 14 feet deep,

'l'lwrc Wlls 11 13ur•Jington rull· road eut with snow 10 feet rleep; 1 hn Illll'l'ords \vmtc: · "'

Bemuse of compnJ•utlvcly mild lempl!ralures, cnltle sUJ"Viyeq it 1 hey didn't fnll Into npcn lqlws benenlh snow. Mnny sheep wer~ ldllerl. l~mwes did nol conflnu )lv,c. stocl<. Snow wns so cle[!p that slor:k lloundet•ed qvcr wire,

A week aftl'l' the srnrm not a t l'ftet! of snow remained.

Although the storm cuuHcd property losses, Wyoming ranch· ers regard II as n blessing, ~t hroughl more moisture than has been available In muny years. ·

there's a RoWAY for every Doorway • • •

Overhead Garage Doors as low as $79.50 - terms available

~· blow lwfore ii' ivlil hnv<• to ht• pul 11way. llo(}e not hut It's pos· slblc. This nflr•rnoon I Intend to ~:lvc the moW<!I' 11 I'UnHr<HIIHI ns

Iiiii<! towheads. That I would have 11 lwme nf my own someday with lillie boys 1111d girls singing and plnylng, and !!idling rnc "MH· ma" Instead of "laacher." (! lilwrl leaching, lhoLlgh, In case It sounds otherwise. l litnughl Hnd still rio that leaching school Is the next best to holit~ a wife and motlwr! I

r just gnl up lo see where

Lf(sl wccl< wus 11 hlg wccl<. So full of a number of lntrm!sllng events. Tho !lrst part was 4·H nchlovemcnl and a sucecssful affair It was. The nlmsl one yet, I thought. Tho first night was for the !lrst. and second ycn1· mem· hers.

The theme fnr this night was "The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe." Out the door of this hlg shoe that was on the stnge came the children hy twos. Don Walle· er, Hi ngont, as lire old woman stole the show. He was clrcsscrl In long dress anrl bonnet and whip just like In Moth~n· Goose lore.

Republicans countered with n statement from Senator CIHII'Ics E. Pollet that his pn1·ty's losses wert! not significant and the pic· lura would chang~ In 1956.

"The ycnr 1956 promises to be one of the greatest turning points In Michigan politics," said Wll· Iiams.

The last 50 youths in prison with hardened criminals will he sogrcgatecl Into Ionia stntc rc· formntnry within rr week.

It will be a victory for penoJo. gists and social worlwrs wiln have long contended that young people cannot hencflt from I he prison process If aliowerl I o mingle with the oldt imers.

Mr. Wf'ill'r was bom in Weir. hcrvilie July II, JHHI!, llw son of l~mnk and Myrllc• Weller. J•'or 31i yr•ars lw wa~ a harill'l', OJl<'ratlng ii shop in OnonriHga when he fr•ll sl<:lc 1

(~LO Chlll'l\'1\ l'or IIIHhlllalinll) l

ltn\\' AY lll'lll'lwud ~-:·ur·agc' <lnm'H Ill'<~ (11'1'1\lslon huiU. to t~JII.bfy. II•~•·•· iH a quullly dnor th•·uu,hnnl. Ch11oHn l'mm llltllly t>tyles lllld Mlws In stnl'l< nl Slnndtu·d lllnd! un<l i'iiiJlply ClllllflllllY·

·~ l•


? •


I I;

Your television may not be at fault if -you get snowy, jumpy . reception. The blame may rest in your wiring system. Poor television xeception . when appJ.i. ances are in use .• , dimming or blinking,. of lights when motors start .•• frequent tripping of main circuit breakers or blow· ing of fuses • • • 110ctopus'' plugs. and · unsightly extension cords ••• These are the danger signals when IIJIBJ/e, illlJde· quate wiring is on tile job.


·Adequate Wiring is your assurance th,at maximlim electrical energy will be deliv· · . ered, not only to your present television and electric appliances, but to any you. may purchase in the future.

1 To get the full value and enjoyment . from your televi~ion; iron, refrigerator and other lights and appliances give them the benefit of modern safe Adequa~ , W1:rin '!. It's their only source of pep and vita: . . :. ·

A4' any E1.ECTRICAL or' BUILDING.- ·

CONTRACTOR to ·explain the . ' . .

· advantages of. modern


. consuli Consumers Power Com~~Y

. -You'll be glad you.,didl

It Is no secret that Republicans alienated the liberals In their own party with campaign eharges that the CIO would taJ(e over con· trol of the school system and the

The second night was on the Michigan supreme court.

Last year the legislature <W proved a $400,000 project at Ionia, construction of a 234-man dormitory to Increase I he 1,:i10 capacity and put the youths in n "better climate for reform."

order of a photograph album The claims were varlntlons on with the members appearing In the theme since Wllllams first a bl" frame hy gmups Hs Mrs. took office In 1949 that the union

" b ses In D~trolt \Vere sltttnrr on Corrections officials for years Anderson ronilnlsced from an a,l· os: ~ b

hum on her lap. She and 2 honor his shoulder, directing things In have deplored the need for put· Lfll •lng tin"' young flrst-offcndt!rs In girls sat on a davcnjJort hcfor·c ' l.o • "'

Su:J:vivlng arc lite wlrlow, nllli<•; :J rlangillers, Mrs. Norma ,fohn· sun o[ Philadelphia, Pn.. Mrs. Virgiline Panetta of Lansing, anrl Mrs. Luis Henderson of Hnll; ami lho falher, Fmnk Weller of Ilnw· ell.

Rev. Ernest 1\ulforrl of E:alon Rapids of(icialecl ni the scrv,iecs. Burial was in Mnple Grove at Ma· son. Dale! Bodell, Robart Par::e, Ray Wolfe, Francis Doxtader, Gl'mld Marlin and Floyd Lykc were Jl<tlihearers.

Jacltson "merely because there which the girls. · · and boys. · · II 1 was not another place for them," -oo 1 1 · I stylecl their garments and arli· Democrats sac I 1ey won Mnre 1 han u teae ll'rs ramer

I I · tl f 1 1 said Con·ectlons Director Gus 1 Cl 1 s 1 1 f tlte De f clcs. Beautiful clothes <tncl poise t troug 1 org~mzn on o oca pre· a ar \e c too or a , to mnteh professional models ... cincts. State Chairman Nelt J, Harrison, Nor t h a m p ton, Massachusr.lls, In fact better, (for it was nnturnll Staebler.sald it marlted the start The new dormitory al fonia, for s~rve tllf' h a rd-o f·h ea ri n r.: was demonstrated. of an onslaught on county and the first time In years, will give tltrnughout the Unil<lcl Slates :nul

RoW A Y offers * Advanct~d I>t~si)i,'n * 'l'n11 l'm·for·nuuuie * Fitw Qmtlity * Car·dul WorluuallShltl * Sllilll~d l~ngintll'rin~ * Low llmulronm · · ·


Phmw IVanhoe 2·1L 73

STANDARD Block and Supply co·.

4724 Aumlius Hoall - Lansing township offices by his party, prison officials room to make the in 20 foreign countries.

Elthcrasnparentor interested Dcmocra~~ayedonthetheme ·-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ onloolwr you could not help but' • be thrilled and happy to sec that Michigan's school system Is

in n mess and Republlcans are American boys and girls pilr'tici· pate In such n worthwhile and responsible. splcndlrl event. Any hoy or girl beginning at the ilge of 10 may join. And Jearn so mel iling really important!

Former T ea(her At Mason Dies

Mrs. Coralie Schrader Matheny, 30, of Forge Brool< Meadows, died In a New York ho8pllal April 14 after nn lllncss exlcnrllhg over a period of 7 months, Site taught Latin and Ej1glish at Ma~on high school in 1947, lfli!S ancl lfi·W. At thai time her husbanrl, ,Tames H. Mal hen y, allended Michigan State collage. They lived ahove

1 t_he Davis clothing store In Ma· son. .

Born In O;ik 'Pari<, Ilifnois, All· gust 21, 1924, Mrs. Matheny was gracluatecl from Onl< Park and

They played it softly and people didn't have time to wonder if . Republicans were exclusively responsible for the birth rate which has over·crowded class· rooms and made expansion neces· sary.

Observers In capitol corridors, !mowing the results of the Aprll •I election, are uncertain who was right ln. the campaign, . but ott~ rather muni:Jane result appeared to be a cinch: Said one: • · ·

"Whatever happened, both par· ties arc leading into 1956 with one of the most Interesting tasks in hlstor:v." ·

Money problems are. again plauging state government.

Both sides of the capitol are irrnted at ' the slowness \VIth which the legislature has tackled its ma,jor problems of 1955 and tax issues are In the top dra\\fer.

River Forest township high Le~lslators have known since school. She entered Knox college, January 12 they would have to Galesburg, Illinois, on a scholar· pour more cash Into the treasury ship and received a haehelor of to pay for the next fiscal year. Up arts degree, cum lauclo, in 19•!6. to now, almost nothing has been She was a member of Delta Zotu accomplished. sorority and lmslness mana~cr of Within a week, a 60·member

• •


Got an itch to SIIVitc!J. the· pitch ?

-Hael-fi<L A/Cid" Hit',_.,. 1-/atd¥1 -tk4·'Dm.~

'. -· ·.:

the college yearboolt. She re· citizen's advisory group ls ·e_xpec· .. celved her master of a~:ts degree ted to-make recommendations to from the University of Illinois In the senate tax committee on how 1947. That. same year, on June to raise between $15,000,000 and 21, she and Mr. Matheny were I $25,000,000 to cover the gap be· married and came to Mason to tween existing· revenue and .es·

'• .. ' ...... -.... ·-· .~ .. ,,; ____ _ live, tlmated spending for next year.

Followli1g graduation of Ml'. : Matheny from Michigan Stale, The best bet now Is an Increase they went lo New York lo live. in the $30,000,000 business 'ac· Her husband entered the employ llvltles tax, As stated by Senator of the Texas Co, At Forge Broolt Carlton H. Morris <R·Kalamozoo), Mcadow~. Mrs·. Malhcny was a trix committe chairman: leader In many activities. She was "It's about the only tax In state co-leader of n Girl Scout troopO government that hasn't brought secretary of the ·Forge Brool\ a flood of complaints." Civic nssoclallon, a m·ember of A move Is on to bring the 1955 Southern Dutchess Singers nnd session to a close June 3 - and past president of Trinity Scrv· that will be the date when Mlch· Ice Group of Trinity Methodist lgan will know whether It has a church. t tax program or will return to de·

Besldl.'s the huslmnrl there sur- Ilclt spending. · vlve .2 daughters .Penelope and Sue and Winifred Ira. The fa· ther nnd mother, Mr. and Mrs. William' Si:Jirncler of Oak Pari•, also r.emaln.

Local t•ecreatlon programs con· tiime to grow In Importance. This spring 3 onc·day work shops w111 give community leaders excel·

Michigan Week Ess"y Contest Is Open to High School Pu'pi~s

I . '

Michigan children,. of high Deadline for entries Is May 1. school age can win a trip Ol' cash All entries should be mailed' to prizes from the Michigan Rail:' the Michigan Railroads Assocla· roads as~oclatlon which an· . nounced today a Mlchi'gnn Weclc tlon, Michigan Week Contest, 60~ .. essay contest. · Prudden Building, Lanslng,·Mich·

Entrants mf!Bt be In gt"adcs 9 lgan. . , . . • · tQ 12 and must complete the 1955 · Second prize Will be ~$50 bond, . Michigan Week theme "I'm Glad .third prize will be a $2~ bond and I Live 1ln Michigan because" In 5 honorable mentions will win not more than 250 word11, . •:. , .$10 each, .the railroads assocla· ; Winners will be announced on tlon announced, · · . . . · ,. : . the Orst day .of Michigan Week Judges for. the contest Include May 15 •. The week ends May 21.: Dr. Grover C. Dillman, p~alde'nt . The first' prize winner, who will of Michigan College· of· Mining be chosen by a panel riO judges, and 'Technology .· and . gener~l

·~ .

WAN1' to do what a pilot does when l1e clears fpr take-otT?

. Want to feel the pulse~quickening thrill that

. comes of giving the gun to a high-powet·ed automobile with the world's first airplane· inspired transmission? , Want to try Buick's Variable Pitch Oyna!low* -the spectacular new wonder drive that's the talk of car makers and car buyers alike- and the drive that's sending Buick sales soaritrg to new record·bJ"eakillti ltiglls?

Well, sit·- be Oltl' test-pilot guest at the wheel of a· '55 Buick and let toda/.~ Dynnflow do the hon~rs. ·

· When you press the pedal as you normally would,. you move ahead in velvety smooth· ness, getting plenty' of miles from each gallon of gas • , , . , Because twenty ProPeller· like h/ade.1 inside the D:vna/low rmit, sphming •'n oil, have an angle of,"Pitch., for toP economy -'like tile modern


Lof?•l Dellvered,Prlce off. 223

· 2· '

tlli Jt~.- B~Jc" SPECIAL $ .88 . • 1-Dter, Wa11tnger Sedan, '. • ,

, Mtdtlo41 (lllu•trattd) Ia . · ~ ~"·" ilqt,~JPMifllt, eac•uorftl, Ito!• and !oral ltu:al, tr onv,

lddltlonal. Ptlool mO, WI'!' lllghlly In adjoining communlll.,, _ \lift th• raclarV:-Inllalled extras vou moy want are bnraalm,

~~ .. • iitlfii•A Ctllallow-$113111 iQdlo ~ Anlonna-$92.50, • ' ' ; II '·

pla11e's propel/en 'wilen cruising In lhe nir.

But comes the need for emergency accelera· '·· tion, and -like a pilot does for quick take· off

and climb- you switch the pitch of those D)•na.llow propellers for action·, just by press• ing the pedal all the way down.

Instantly, ;~•o11 get fi;/1. power resPo11se /or .Y/Jiit• Jecond getaway, or for a sudden sa/ety·sllril to ;tel o11t of a tigllt spot on tile higilwa>'·

It's a response thdlling beyond aU previou1 experience - because there's never been anything like it before in any car.

A~d we'd like J'IJU to try it- along with the walloping new V8 power, the cruiser·steady ride', the fine handling ease, and the tt·ue big. COl" roomineSS that are all part and parcel O(

. every Buick. .

Can you come in today-this week, for surs..; an~ test pilot th~ hottest Buick yet built? *Dy•~af/ofll Dri<•t i.r slt"'a~rd o•.Rolldmlsllf, oplion.Z II . 1xlr11 cost on olhur S1ri1J.

will win. an all·cxpense-pald trip ¢halrman of Mlchlgaq · Week; , . . . · • . to·.tht:!•Snult Ste; Marie eente.m'llnl Roob Allle,.executlve eecretar)i 0~ H. '•It .... ! . ~... . R.. h·· . d . ·a . . . k.

' ..

!:..'':::0:~/:~·h.'il::Xl:~:;.;:J ~';'.;~:0 .. :".:..":":1;:.~ ;..,..• . Pn ..,... }C ar .. · s UIC . ~~;:,~~~ol~. Jf~~~~m. th~~~o:t··. ~1c;:~~~ at the .. V~lve~~~;;,. ··~· ~~:~~~~~!!1~J----J2"L~i.;.J.:~~~.i~..1~~~~-~~~~~~~~~i~!!~O::

',, ,.

A11ril 21, 1955 ' Page 2

Webberville Mrs. Mytl Gral1;rm =m Phono 66·1:·2

WSCS Elects New Slate of Officers

'l'hr W. S. C. S. Jnl'l al llu• liDillP of Mrs. Mllrln•d O'fJI'II ln~l

'J'Jllll'Hriny llflf'l'lllll>ll. f~Jf!i.'l Iilii nf oi'I'IPPI'ti gHVP 1111• followlnr.- 1'1'·

s111ts: P1·r•sirlrnl, MPI'IIil CnpPmnn;

vlt't!·(>I'Psirirnl, Myrl Gm ham; 1'1'· erJI'(Iinr{ Hl'f!l'ctury, Anna ,Tenl1s; prornolinn ser·rr>laJ·y, Muilrol Nil'itnls; II'PIISLII'Pr, CIPn Ch11se; Sl'l'l'Piiii',Y IJ[ splrillllll lifP, ~~~llll'i f;rnnl; rnlsslntlfii'Y l'rltJr:allnll 1111d !:i(•l'VIl'C\ Nm·a MeL'm,Jh; fflf'l'(~fut·y of srwlrtl rPiulinu:; illlil rnlssiolliii'Y <:du<'lllioll, Arnnndn Nelson;

SQPJ'i•tnl'y or l'ilildrrn nllfl yo11ll1, ~;IJ:;Jp Gr•rllllrrisiPin; SP<'· J'r>lfii'Y trf ciiiJlJ•IY, Mttry f.r-wls; Hf't'rl'llrl',\' nf lilt•r:illll't' 1111ri puhll· •·ntlon:;, :r:nrr> I lorlw•: slat us of \V<HJlflll, VPI'il ( 'or•Jn·allP; sPr'l'e·

llti'Y •>I fillillf•Jtl W111'l\, l'ilrls.lilll' CJ':;ndall; :rnd Jill'llilli'I'SIIip '''lf]i· ntitrt•t•, HniiJ I IHsl<ill, l•'l<ll'f'll ,,, /{ndwav and MiliiP .Jnsdnl'l•t'.

Noill.illltf!ng I'IJIIIItilllt'l' f'f111· sl~lr:>d ot' Sttsic• l:t•i·h:mlstPill,

Chrlstlno Cmnrlnll nnrl Mlldl'r>rl O'DPII.

Mrs. f~mmn Brclfonl, whn has iJPrn visiting 111 Lnnsing, I'IJ· llll'llf'ri hnnw Monrlny.

Mrs. Hnlnnd Graham w11s In M11snn In l'l'f'l!fVl' tho ~rronrl Ins· Hfln Oil 111ai<f11g t•ultnn di'I'HSPH,

'l'h(' l'hlirh'(![J nr f~l'llf'HI. MIJI!J'()r gulhmwl 111 his hnnw ln~l Slln· ttny [OJ' 11 ;;ui'Jll'ihr i>lrillflay jllll'ly.

M1·. and Mrs. Wllllnm Whit· lniWI' WPI'I' hnsls to Mr. and MI'S, Ronald ParlH•J' aurl M1·. and Mr.s. David Ll!lywhlll' nl' Mn~im, M1·. nntl Mrs. Hnmlrl Vnn Orrlen nntl Mr. and Mrs, DP.wey I!Pinrs· of Pollervllle and Mr. rmrl Mrs. !liJIHIId Gr·nham und mother nnd M1·. unrl Mrs. Hnwnrr.l Wolverton Sllllll'rlny rvenlng. Clll'ds fur· llislll'ri IJLI! f'l'l'lling's Pill Prllti II· ITIPIII uflf'l' n holwmlnn suppe1· 111 H o'l.'!ni.'k,

Mrs. Clll'liP AIL'!till wns l;tl(Pil to litr ~pnl'l'nw lin~;pllnl In unr!Pl'· go Slll'g{'I'Y.

Mrs. Ellil l·lnrlon wns lni\Pil In I liP· Sp:trr·nw illlspltal lnsl Mol1· rlny aJ'IPI'IliJCtll. Slw is l'I'JlOI'INI nE In a l'L'itkul ronllltlon.

Yon l'lilt'l •·st~lllll' lht> J'I~S(Iollsihilil.y lo lomor­

row h_y t'\':ttliug; H t.olluy.-'uhnm Lincolii


McCowan &. McCowan An1hor·lzc·ti Agenf, I'Ol' Auto Owners lrtsurrmcl; Co.


11:1 i':. Otll' Pl11me ORrhnrd 11-1261

l''IUDA\'-SA'J'lJRI>A \.' APIUL 22·2:1"

Francis Joins the WACS Duunltl O'Connor · ,Jnlill Adnms

I'hiN Co·IJit.

T"h.e Y~llow Tomahawk . . Ru•·y C:allt.uun . l'rggle Oust.le

• ·· I)I'A·innlug Suhmtay lHhlnlghf. :-lhnw SIJND;\\:-1\IOjli()A\.' A'PRll. 24-2fi

6 Bridges to Cross 'l'ouy Cnrlls • ,Julie AdlllilH

·'. Phis· . 'Des try ,AHtll<'. Mlll'llliy · !\lui'! Rlunehnrd

TUES.-\VJGD.-'rtJllRS. APRIL 26·27-28 \Vhlll<'l' of li At!lltll'my Awards

On the Waterfront Marlon nl'llndo · Eva :Mat·ie Saint.

r1us ·"Shiel·d· for Murder Edmorul O'lll'len

,A ben.•!U.ful.lwnw:tl!ut; eonld be yours,.·. desiKuell by the Unlvm·slt.y · Qf' Illinois Small Uomes Council as part; or u r·r· ·senh•h Jn'oj~ct .. sponsor•etl' by tlte I.uinllet• Deniers Uesem·ch Comtdl. · · · ; .. :•


Auxiliaries Stage,'. Officer Election

Tlw swurtzWIIII[] Auxilinry rTIPI ul IIH• l'fllnlnttnily hnll for n l'rl(llilll' lllf'Pilng nnrl c!lretlon of nfflr'PI':J l'N'I'1111y. Officer~ l!lr!clcll wrn•:, Knlhlrrn McFnr· lnnr.l; s P nl o I' vlrn·prr;slrl£'111, l'lwo!lr; Olsn11; ,ju11!nJ· vlre·pmsl· rlrnl, Pltylis Comol'; Hreri'IUJ'y, Tinh Monroe; IJ'C'IIHLII'et', Myrl Gl'llhnm; ll'LIHI!'r No, :1, ]{ftllr! Cooprr·; f'IHqllnln, Vlrln Atwell; gunnl, Gl'lii'P fit•lrnnlln; nml I.'OII· rlul'lrrfH, Nrllil' Mn11rol!.

ThP Swni'IY.·Whlle post No. •11B2 lind n rPgular meeting last 'l'twsrlny rvrnlng. Election of of· I!Pet'H rP.~UIIerl 11;; follow:;:

Comrnn ndPt', lllehnrd Hnsldll; ~rninr vlee·mmmandrr, Lr~ter Monr·rw; .Junlot• viPr .. r•mnmnnrlrt•, Gn1·y Whil fnrrt; ndjtllant/ Eern· nrd Simons; qunrlermnsf(lJ', Freel Hugr.not; e hap lnln, M[l\ll'ke Monro!'!; pop(lY chnlrmrl!l, LeRter Monroe; and ti'Us.tce No. 3, '!'om Snwyr.t·.·

Eden School News

vrrsur hospflnl somr. time 1111s Aurelius Center · weelt,

Mr, nml Mrs, JJnro!rl T•'rml VIH· Op11l 1~. 8t~dolullllur lied llwlr• rlaughtPI', MI'H, Churl<•>: 'i'll•r>nl.l'·llllll nwmiH'l'H of tho Smlih, nnd fnmlly of Ypsllunll, t\lii'<!IILI:l l.ttd!PH Aid :'o<'i1•1.1' IV£'111 Sundny, 1111 I ill' lour al M!PIIIgHn Sl1lle l'lli·

Mrs, Hnmltl J?orrl wus hnnur· logo 111~1 L•'rldny. 'I'II•'Y viHitncl 1 hn gueRI. •rtwHdny evening nl 11 din· lnt:lllllll , ('mtnly l{l'iwlllllt;Jiinn IWI' given by hr.>l' clnuglliEll', Mm. Ct!lll,;r nl Oi<PiliiHi. 'I'IH•,v sr1w Rlduu·d GI'OHHIHIIH! nJ' l'lnlnll<'irl, Mr~. N••llir• 1 'I'll II, wl111 is· l'f'I'OVI!r· celehrnllug her hll·lhriQ)' nnnlvc••·· lng IJ'nm 11 l!l'oi<''ll '''!:· rmry. · · Sunrlny rlilllll'l' gu•~HIH ol' Mr.

AI llw l'l!glllnr mPPIIng nl' 1!11• anrl 1\ln;. r•. S. 1\,\'SI•J' anti 11111 W. S, C, S., lhr. following nfl'l· Lnms1111 Wl'rt• Mr. unci Mrs. l'PI'H IV(!l'f! nlerlerl fn1· lltr> 1'11111111;.: Ky:w1·';· lllll'il• 11nd Htlnl, i'vll'. nnrl yeal': President, MrH. Grmld Dlx· Ml':·:. Willlunl r:t'OI·Ii ur I•'IIIHhlnJ:. on; vlrr·prrslrlrnl, 1\1 n:. u. 1•:. Wells; Hl'rJ'rlni',Y, MI'H. Sill'l'llHIII llarlmn11; ll'PilHlll'l'l', Mrs. IV!gi· llnid Ji'OI'ri; HPC'I'f!IIII'Y Clir!HIIall sor•ial rPin1lons 111111 dllll'l'il "''· livitlcs t!lmlrmflll, Mrs. \Viii Al'dwnhron11; sf!r'l'rlni'Y nf tilL'>· :-;Inns, M1·s. 'Lm·rn SlnWP; Ht'I'I'P· IIII'Y of spiritual III'P, Mrs. \'Pi'· non Proctor·; pmmollnn HPI're­lnry, M1·s. l"rnnk Arln111H; HPI'I'I'· tnry or llterniUI'11 111111 flllltlil'll· tlons, Mrs. !•!Irion l(alz; sr>t'l'i'· tnry nf suppllros, Mrn. fllll'rold Jlnn·; nnd srl!l'r!lar·y or m11uni'· lPC 011 £1UfllS oJ' IVOfllf'll, AJr,:, Hugl1 SwPrl.


M1·. anrl ~lrs . .faliiP.'i l'nlll'l' a11ri flllllii\' or l.illl~:lllg IIIII! dllllli'l' S:tllli;d;ty Willi litl'il' :111111, Ui<'Y (; l'i I rJ II. .

'I'IJP Atll'l'iins !lllpll::l JuniOI' ~!il'l!i youlli l'iJr,fl' will spnnsnl' a lmi<Pfi ~~ond~l :m!(• fill ~-lnlurdt~,v,

J\flill :!:1, 111 I'Prldi"' lt:il'riWnJ'r slnn• in J\ln::o11.

'I'IH• Mrn'~ J:;lll•in·r f'ILIIJ nntl I lie \-\'IIIIII'IJ's l•!tlt'fll'<'' •·1111• will l>nlit lflf'f'l 111 lhr• lnwt.,:llip 111111 l•'ritlny, i\jll'il :1~. i.ll :~ [1. Ill.

1\ir. nnd M1·:·. II. II. llillliWJ' nnd fnluily :ijJPIII I•'J·idn.l' f'I'P11i111: will! M1·. n1Hl l'vlrs .. 1. 1·:. Pi::in·"w nr f•!:ttnrl ll:q1ids. j);,,·Jn .;JH'III llll' wrl'li I' ltd wll l1 II If• I JislrrfJW f~lri:;,

lith & 81h G•·utle Girls GarmlUIJ Sdwol !VIr::. r·nrl c;l'illli"ll is vlsillng "' ]Jpr dlllil'lill'l', Ml'!l .11'11111111' HIP·

Those who received "A" in Srhool Pupils 1 df'il. nl Lal·.f'l'il'\1', low:1. spelling nrl! Tllllr 1\l'amet', L. D. f .lnlill Srdf'lillilll'l', .l\nlnmazno Mnt•qucdcnt, Dlf'l1 Hnab, Tim .Trm.t nnrl 1\nrl Spill'i<s l:nvl' nnrl Olio ~;r•d••l~tlllil'!'.' r:rni1rl Giylln, Lyal FI!UZCI, Llllllll Fpa· hr:>flll visiting rheiJ' granrilllllllh!l' I ,l•llge, lirolltr:rs nr ('illlril'~;· SPtlel· zel, Kenny Glynn, Benny Glynn, In MesiPi< lhP IHIHI W<!Pk. nrair•1·; nnd Mr·s. IVJnlllt• Gils1111, Bob Ranb, Gary Unclclwoorl, Sam Sprdnl rrports 111 history ll'l'l'l' ( :r:t11d I ,l't!Rr', ll'f"l't' g<11•s1~: 111 lltf' Smith ami Douglas Shnw. givPn by El'if' LPu 011 "'I'IH• SPrlriJn:lirr lionw 1;~!:1 WPdlif',.

First and second· gmders will Nrt hrJ·Innrls," and liy llcdtPJ'I r!ny. have thr.ll' fiJ•sl polio ~·.holl:l at ITaRtiugs on "Brlgium." ''''11111'111 llill wn,: :1 pni!Pnt rru· Ll'slir nPxt 'l'hlii'Stlay. ,fnur Alleu; J;: n111 of ,,<'1 1onll' 11 It'll' .'hi.\'~ lasl Wf'PI\ , al Mt··

Clifford Fl)Dzel anti 'I'Im, LyRI Willi 111 ra:;IPs, I ,::lli:lilrn linspllill. I ·''"''IIIJ~. I·J,• and Llmln WPlll smell Jlshlng nl Vlsllors this \I'PI'l< \Vi'l'P Nlr,;. wa;: rPI,Pa~•·d or~ l•'ridny .. Tawas City on Sunday aftPr· Tfnl'l'y Allr.n 111111 1\lr~. A:·lr 111, On J•.;,slt•r :-i_lllidHy IVIr .. :11111 noon, Slww IVJI'S. Sliilllt•.l' 1\(•IIP,V r•JtiPI'IIlllled

Mr. and Mr·s. AI SowdPrs vis· ' ' · :11 diiiiH'r' ~lr. :1nrl Mrs. ltogPI' ltrd Mr. ami Mrs. L. D. Morris Tlie soflhnll ~nnw willt l'l>i· llr•iilly :111d sr111 ur t:IJ:I!'Jr,IIP and and family on Saturday evr.nlng. lok sclwol has hPrll pnslp.-orll•d Mrs. S1anll·.1' Nt>wrrtart :1nd Hog<'l'.

Drnnls Glynn wns absent from· illllil Wrrhwsllay, Apl'il 2tl. Tltr• l•irlltday anlliVPI'sariPs nf sPhnol Monrlay. -------· ·--- ·---- Mrs. Nr•\1'111;11, :11111 i{uj~r·r Wf'l'l!

Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnymoncl Under· MlJOH Slf.Vt,lt IIWJH•;N ,.,.,,.,,I'HIPd 111 lito~! limP. woorl nnrl sons vlsitPrl Ml'. nml Old Alamrw !11 SnJtnra Slnlr•, Mr~. l'ilarl••:; IIPnwn;;, M•·~. Mr~. WnltPr Snull's of Lansing Mexico, mlrwd awl ruiull'd sr1 Sl:tlliPY Nt•\inn:tll :111<1 Mn:. l•'r1~1l Saturday evrning. much silver 111 Its d:ty 11ta1 npli· .ll'lllliriw· <lmvc· '" i\1111 Al'itnJ· 011

Mrs. 1-Jyall nnd Mrs. FPazr>l nl- mislie ll'I'IISUI'P 1111111rrs llf'iir•vl• 'l'lllll':;dav. 'l'lir:y visill'rl Mrs. lenriPr.l a eonferr.JH·e 1'o1· molltrrs sornr rnay still hP ilitlrlell lill'l'l', .IP:lninv.'~ :loll, 'r·:tl .Jr·nnings, al of prr>·Sf'ilool nge rhildJ'C!Il ll.l Ar•cor1llllg Ill !Pgenrls, s;,ys llil: llr,. lluiVP"sily nl' Mil'i1i~:an. I[!• Atu•elht~l Thursday aftrrnoon. Nat Ion~ I Geograplr lr· Stlf'il'I,Y, sliowPd lllf·nt llli''>llf(li 1!11• dr~nlal

ric-h Alamos famillt>s buri•'il lllf!ir t·lini•·. '1'11"1' llii!ll <lr'"~'" ,,; Willnw

Munitla illt·s. Forrl l\llller

' nnrl Tom ohserverl hlrlhclny nnnlvr.r~nrles· lrt!ll Monrlny, ·

Mr. unrl M1·s, Dnnny BtmlwJ' ltnrl .fCJ' !~lion u1rrl Mt·, IIIHI M1•s. Clnl'l'lfl'n Dnrnell wm·r, Stllllliiy gllf!HIH 111 tlw 0. A. TlillliiP.I' honw.

Mmnhnr:; nr tho piny r•uHI nl lhr! Mn~on high sehonl ,llllllnl' r:lass und liwlr gurHIH ullnndPd a pm·t.v nl lhl! homr nl' ,Julll' Dnvh nl'lrJ· the I~J·iduy rvPnlng (ll'l'· l'ormunr·n. ·

Miss Snmh .rr.n11lngs 111id Mr~;.

Lansing werr. rllnnP.J' guests of Air Force Scc~s Clerks Mr, nnrl Mrs, Chnl'(ns SnclolmnlnJ' Sunrlny.

Reeves Dis hid· 1~111111 (.11-t.!l'

M1·. 1111d Mrs. l•'md Ym1111~ and Ml'. 1111tl Mrs.'' t;c•c•r· 11'1'1'1' In· LP,\Inglnn ~inlurday I'VI!Illllg Hllll'il lls!Jing.

'l'lm lsiHilll dil'tl 111 llw 11111111' 111' his rlnugiiiPI', Mrs. 1\<!X CiJ'nWI' llf Slol'i\lll'idgP, Snlurrl:ty. Ftl· 111'1'111 .'a•rvlt•l!,; ll'l'l'l' l11 Slfll'i<· IJrJrlgP 'I'II<'Sday.

Pupils wlio l'i'C't'ii'Ptl IIIII 11n

llmulqtlfll'lers of tim Ah• Mn· IPI'inl Commnnd, Wl'ight·Pnllm·: Hf'lll AlP l•'un•c! lln:;p, 111'111' Dnyton, _[lhln, lt1 l'i'l'l'tlitlng t!(IJI'i<·HIIInn·

. [!l'lljliiPrs llllrl duri<·I,Y(liH·j:;, A I'C·

CharlPs Dnvl~ nf E;cl!m 111'1! Vlll'll· tlonlnf( In l•'lnrldn. 'l'hclr lllhirP.~~ I~ :l~!'i l~th UVPIILII\ NIL, Sl. Pc!li'I'H· llllrg, l•'itll'itiu. 'l'lii'Y plnn '" l'l'·. 1111'11 i1nntr Mny I. ·

tllteir fi·WI'Picc S]ll'liiJig lf.'HIS 11'1'1'1' lilt! C'tll'itl Alllll! l;l'l'r, .lurly ('1111'1111,

Duvid Shi'Jiill'<l, Lllatu• l(nJ,I• lllttl Hutli Sl'iiiiPIII•.

Miss Bnriwra ,Jnmrs ltn:; whr111plng l'nllgli.

1\!l's. JJiallr:liP ffnlll•~hl ruul daughll•l', Shii'IP,Y, nr DPtroll Mjll'lll lilf! \VPC!I< 1'1111 Ill lill' 11111111' ol' Mrs. lint llr!lrl'.~ son·in·lll\\' 1111r! daugiliPI', M1·. n11rl MrH. l~nrl

.. rnnPs. ThP.Y niii'JHird funPral SPI'Vir•r>s fo1· Mrs. I faltll•lrl'H [JJ'nlll· PI' 1111 M1nHiay,

l'l'illllnt: l'f'(li'I'HI'Iliallve will Ill! 111 Mldilgllll l!:lllploynwnl Sl!rvlc•c! of· fir'l' lmrn !I 111 4 'l'htn·sllny und l•'rlday, i\(11'11 :.lH unrl :m, In lniPr· vit'll' llflplil'lllll~. l'osltlnns I'UIT)'

;:alltl'h•s rnnglng- fmm ~2,7fi0 In $:.!,!1RII Jll'l' yl'lll' nnd an• ui'ferl'd '" lllllh 1111'11 lllld \Vflllll'll. '!'hl' mlnlmtllrl uge Is Hl. 'l'lwrl' Is no llliiXimtllll Hl!l. Appllr•unls must I.VJH' ·Ill IVIII'rfH jll'l' lllflltlil' II lid for• posiliult of HII!IIIJgl'll]liiPI' lliiiHl l:d<t' dil'lulinn HI HI) WOI'IiH (11'1' ntintrlr• In quullfy.

. Mrs. Ciirtl'los DnviH alli•ndPd I liP Whitl' I foiiHP l'rltl<'llllon I'll II· fr!l'l'llr't: nl tilr l(ellng)j f'PIIIPI' In l•:nHI Lnllslnf( lnsl 'l'hlii'Hd:ty. Mt·. :mrl MI'H. (~ilill'lPH ·Dnvis 111 lf'tllil•rl 11 tlilllll'r party 111 llir illliiiP of . Dr. 111111 l\1J'H. 1-'rrrl Davl:; !11 l•:a~l l.nnsl11g Satlll'llny f'VPIIIII!!,.

Visitor~ of IVII',. 1'11111 Mrs. r:ny Ba 1 f'llHIII t IH• pas1 · \Vl't'l< 11'<'1'< • Nenl Dolhr\r• nf CilnJ·ioiiP 011 l•'rl· tiny, Cl,vrlc Pi!:lnvurlh nnd Mrs. Mnry Sllfl(Jilf'li nf 'li:/11011 rtnpld;. ou Saturday nml Mr. 1111rl Mrs. IPI' rlaiC!S 111111 HOII or Dillllllldnl<' nu Sunrluy.

Ml'. 111111 Mrs. DPan lll.xnu a11d l'umiiy uf Gl'1111d l.PrlgP lllld Mrs. !:ilut·irs 'l'urllr'l' 111111 f:11nlly nl

0- 00 "l•;llllllj;'h or lhis ··liililish llllll·

st~II..,H ..• IP~'s Rn ov••1· ~n Cuus· iu's ltrutlo nud '1'\1 S1•a·vh•!! ia1 J\lnsun und •IVI&fl.'!l llwm l'f'Jllllr 'J'V sets!"

-. ~~·


Wl1y We Urge All To Consult Their Dodor

fi'J'f'IIIII'IIIIJ' 11 pall·ou b I~OI!IISI'II'il to SPi• his tlodo1· insf1•ad ul' purd1asiug; Slllllc· rnt•tlieinr• lw t'l'lflll'sls. 'L'his Jllllic·.,v is J'l'ally a lliutllll'.~.~ an !I \1'1' 111·rr· I'I'JII'Ilf. I hi.~ t'OIIIISI'!,

C<illsult. \'!lilt' Urwfor wht•u sil'!c If uu•tlir!illt'S ill'l.' llf'l'dl•ti, hi' Will Jli'I'SI'I'illl' 1111' 111'11111~1' Jtll'tlir•iu•· and llu· r'tll'J'I't'f. !losa).\1'. 'l'his is at· 11'11}'~ lh1· l'i~itl <~tiiii'SI' l'ur .\'UIIa; lwtlt~i' lic~allla.

-Pt~Jcrlpi.Um Pluumacub

Laalle1 Mic:l.l~an

TIIP Wn!Prloo Nrrrllewnrl1 club mrt recentlY wilh M1·s. Paul Adwrson. MemheJ'~ voted to pay $:\.00 tn Padt lhr AmPrican Hrd Cross ;mel Soriel.y fo1· Cripplrcl Chil,;·mn. 'l'i!f! l!luh r·eallzed $1.8! frnm lllf' whiiP elephant sale at

sllveJ'I,lmljewels on I liP iljlfll'tlilt'li ltllll to ·,ni'PI Mrs. I IPnlllll'.'; nf I'P.Vnlulinntll'il's JIIHI III[J:•J' l'rif'ntl, Miss ,filii\' C'nx, 111' All'\· l'lll!lllies. Fleeing tile lown, mnw IIIHiria, Vi1'J:i11ia, 'will> al'l'il'l'ri ilv JLeVI'I' Clllllf' IJ:II'IC Ill l'l'lrif''.'l' lltl'ir jiJllill' Ill Sjll'lltl 1111• IW'l'k PllrfWilli tl'PURIIJ'(!, MI'H, fif'II)JI\IS. ('Jt:ll'lt•S lil'lliiiiiH . -· .. ., ................ ~---· --~~· -=·-==-====·-=--=-=-=-=--=__;_--~.·-~

I liP Feh:·uni'Y mrf!ling. ThP nrxl mrrling will he at the homr of Mrs. Lloyd llal'l' .on April 28 wll h n r·o·opernfivr riiHilP.l' at '12:30.

Thrron Han·, teacher· In the Wilhtn· Wright sf'hnol In De· I roll, spent· ills spring·- vacatirm al Harrlands.

Kalhlern om! Maumcn McMul· len nf .rncb·on spent· the werk i>nrl wllh llwir grnndpal'rnts, lhe .fohn MeMullr!lls, whilrl theit· pnll· Pnts were north Rmell J1sl1ing ...

Charles Montague was a weelt end gu~st at the 'F'orcl Miller home. He anrl Janet Mlllet· l'j?·

turner! 10 lhl'il' school worl( at Moody Institute In Chicago Sun· clny.

M1·. nnd. Mrs. A. Ewing are spcmdlnr; n vacalion in JcJorida and visiting their daughtJll', Earlabr;lle, anrl family. ..

Mrs. Harold Hal'!' ent.ertaln'ed at a double birthday dinner Tues­day evening honoring he1· hus· band and Lois Juengel. Other guests present were Verne .ruen· gel, Mrs. Llda Mears and Theron HaLT ..

Mrs. Eldon I\:a17. was a guest. of Mr. and Mrs. T·Tet·man Rolh· mann of Mt. Hope Sunda·y. In the afternoon they, visited Sun-set Gardens near Sharort. ·

W. R. Mayet· visited ~rlends .nt North Lal<e and Chelsea Sunday aflernoon and evening. ..

M1·. and Mrs. Russl?ll Miller and rlaughtrrs of Leslie were guests at the Ford Miller home Sunday. . ·

Mrs·. Ethelyit Shlsle1~ and Larr~· visited in Detroit over Easter week encl. J

Dean T\:at~, ·with Mr. anct Mrs. Nonh Adams, spent Sunday i'n St. .Tolms. \ ·· ·

·Mr. Hnd Mrs. Rr.glnnld Ford visited M1· .. and Mrs. George Sykes In Parma· Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hal'l' at· tender! lhe wedding of Marilyn Van Horn, daughte1· of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Horn, and Donald Emens of Wal(ll'Dn nt thl' Wesleyan MPlhodisl Clllll'Cll J'n Rives .Junction Saturday eve·

Here are the Three Greatest .• .... , New-Car Values in America!

't'Hit fABULOUS S'i'AR C~IIEF-Here's the beauty that if1 taldnr; business from Lhe cosl:liesl. cnrs-=-nnd no wonde1'! It's luxury-sized. 'l'he roomy body is mounted on a 124'~ wheelbase. It's /uxnry-powered. 'l'he St.l·alo-StJ·enil V-fl with foll'-bnnel enrburetor pul:s 200 horsepowm· up fronl:. It'n luxury-styled. Fabrics and tlppointmenl.lllllUI.dtihose of l.he highest-priced cars. [/.'::; beauti/idly distinctiue--wny ol!l. front for ful.ure-fasl;io11ed Rmm·tnesH. J\ nd it's 11 Poll. tine­which means l.opmosl. •·elinbilil.y, thrifl. and resale value, and .the easiest price on any · .... ~ luxmy ear!

THE FUYURI!aFASIIIONED 070-Your fnvoril.e body iltyle )Jecmne~; t'r!ully exciting when iL'n an !l71l. C:hoiee ·or Vogue

. 'fwofPone col~rs in ttll wide as yonr imagilwl.ioit. 'And il'B jnnt; liS Olli.Ht.anding in nil ol.hP.I' wnyA.' Oui:HI.nnding in perJ'OI'I11!llH'Il wiLh excluHive st:mLo-St.renil· power, Oui.Hi.nnding.,in. t:omlili'L and l'iding llaHe wi!.h n long wheelhnse nnri' hig-cni· Htnbilil .. l' Lmmal.ehecl nl. Lhe price. 'F.speeinlly onl.stnnding in t.he wonder­ful way it.: hnnrllen· in !.l'llflic, responch; wil.h paRBing power. (i'or lmmriou:J dr·iving nl, modeHI. cost you simply mn'l. rlo lleUer.

ning. . ., Mr. nne! Mrs. F'orcl. Miller Weill

to Heading Nfonday· to attend lh'e funeral ·of their. broiher·in·law, Frnnk .T. Gumt, who was fatally 'inJured ·in an ·accident· in .TaCit· son !aRt w~ek. · , . · . .;·!

Billy Smll h .of Ypslltmtl spent part o I' his spring vacation w.lth his grLliHiparents, Mr: .and .M'rs.

THE SPECTACULAR 060-Here is the biggest, Rmartesl., highest-powered car ever priced so low-less than many models of the lowest-priced 'lines and mueh less Uum stripped economy models of highe1·-pl'icecl makes. Yef; it's a king-sized cor with a .122" wheelbase, delivering 200 horsepower. Benuty'l Just look! >And remember-you can choose from 4 inl.edors ai1d 3'G color· cim1bimltiona. Neve~· · ---·-1


OARAG~ lN~·~~2 ..

But wlmtevm• home tle~<lgn you choose fo1· your· home • I '

••. you'll wunt. the be:<~t In lmlltllng mlltcrlals , , , ftllll you get only the best nt:·

,. . ·~ .... ~. ·: ····• '

:~ .' ,- \'' .·

Hnrold Ford. .. · . The United· Worlwrs Sunday school class will have lts meet· . lng and potlucl' s_upper ·Fl'iday. ' ~ evening, Apdl 22, at. the home of Wayne Mus bach., < "'.

There w!JI be n family night at the church house on Wednesday evening, April 27, with a pritluclt suppet· at. 7:30.

About 35 guests had potluolt suppe1· on Thursday evening ·.at the Ford· Mlllel' home. Miss Judy

'' · ... ·'· ·· ··•· ·· ·. ·" ··.. Wing showed 'her pictUt'es talterr ..

. . .. . . THO.RB·URN..... ~. :~~"~~1P~t;er:,':na;~::;~: , ~· . : · Lumber·&. ~Coal Co.. ~~~~ r!~~r~M~·~~·e ~~~da~;~6~~~~,.~~ . ::.:·MiliiOn' Street·' -'' · •" :· · . . · · · Phone OR·'7·3881 Millville. . .. .. . .. : · .. . . _, , , ·

1 ;:;:::.::;:::.:;~=:=;;=~.:.;:_:;::_::.,:==:::.~=~===...::::..::! .... l.Ylm·.:.Mnms .Is ..Improving .. and. ~~ ho~es· .to_ come home from Unl·

has it been so easy 1.() own a ; tL·uly fine cur!- __ ------ 1 r-----~------;- POWlllfUl POKUAC .fOR. \ I YOU CAM BUY TKIS 'BIG, . I

\ ' $ I 2099.00 \ I

· · d sr re and local I · s d 11 allut~h'flft! • n lor Pric,• \ 860 2-d.oor· fi.pall!lt!l~~~~ ~~ Voaut! 'l,IV~?·~~:~',Wu~n w '[n'iJlllt

' a/ rillY• e.dra, liiiH t.•oniiiiiUIIIII \•tt, • ; 11 rmrrcHIIH 1 m,-~ • -----


All with the hlstory ... maklng · . 2DD~H. P. Strato·Streak v .. a Engine I

Rr1cry Ponlicu: ha.9 the 8/rnto-8/rea/1 V-8, one of the most efficient power plant.~ ever developed. Here'.~ more taki!·Off punch, II/OJ'(! passing drive and more

"' years of smooth performance than you have· ever rm· joyed in any ·car within lomdrr.cls of dollars of. Pontiac's low price range. And that applie.~ whether

' you decide on 180 lml'liepowel' or ,qpecify tile optional pawer-pac/mge for 200 horsepower. Eitlrer wa,y you gl!/. lnpmost powel' per rlullnr. · di/fl''"'~----~---------- I


HIStoRY'S ·~STIST·S~LliiiG I -.

Howard:.·. Pontiac· . ; ., ' \.

f .I \


1 ·' '



f I

,_ln_gl_lam_c_o_'m_tv_N_ew_s __ A_,,_·,·i1_2_t _19~_5_· _·_Pa_·ge_l_ ·Plans Are Made

Williamston Grace Smith

Williamston JC Honors Powell

nlso lrlJl eontcnclflrs In this seler.­tlon.

Michigan's outstnncllng ymmg fnrmcr will he named at a ban· quel. April 2.3.

For Salk Shots Wllllnmatnn hn~ been Sl!lecll!rl

us tl1e center lor I hfl Sull> vncclne for nortlwast. Ingham co~lnty, The r.linlo sc!Jmlule wns rhangecl nncl Is tentntlvely set fm• 'l'ues· day, April 26, 'l'ucsday, 'Mny 2'1, and the third shot In Deeemher,

The vaccine will he nrlmln· lstered by Doctors Charles Schoff, Robert Henry •nncl Gertrude Blaclc,

litondlng f!l'RdUate$ who b¢1Jt ~c, Ho~s·_l cept the challenge ot lcndershlp "' Q\llllitfeiJ, , . itll'fl. .J{enncth ll~tker·

Mnry D[!nJnmln, valccJIMot1nn Tltll Housp.) Christian Endeavor of the grndu11tlnJI clnss nt WI!· Is Hphl)snrlng n canny snle, Sat· liftrnston high school, hils hecn \ln14y,, 1\prll 30, nt Moren Elec· given· lhe IIIfllual awarrl ot the lr!~ In Leslie, · Renrlm•'s, Dlge~t tot· students who 1\fr, nncj Mr11, Tye Mcintee wr.m give promise of attaining learfcr,, !\'fotidny cnllcrs In t)1e lll!lghhor· ship In !he community, hood, ·

Miss Bon.Jamln will receive an Mr, nncl M:rs, Elwin McCreery honorary subscription of the 'ol Detroit were week encl guests ReRder's Digest for one year and o! Mr. and Mrs. Pnul McCreery, 1111 engraved certlftcnte from the Miss Shirley DeBruler of Lcs· editors, 1'In Recognition of Past lie was 11 guest of Mr. and· Mt'H, Accomplishment nnd In Antlclpa· R11ymond Shnnlt over I he weelt lion of Unusual Achievement to end. . Corne." Dicit Todd and Marie Stanfield

The award to Miss nen,lamln, were In the north smelt fishing who Is the daughter of Mr. ancl Monday·. through Thursdny of Mrs. Clarence Bcn.Jnmln, wns last wcclt. They found the dfp.

:, . '

' : ' I I .... , - ,' ' . . ·,· I.· I I' ' . . ' 1 · I

1-e~um~~ Jo·JI·~ homt on .Satqr- n'Jo$\. · britllih Gulan11. 11~~~~~ t~w ,.aJ1~4im ,pen~trat~. til~. 'Junkl': ~·; (lay !rom Momy ho6Pltlll, _Jnelt· people Jive In 4 vlllaaes close tq ·~ep~ lo hunt, says. thli Natlornil' slln. . Esaaqulho, travel by water, nnd Geogrnph)a Soclllly. .· . · I

Mr. nod Mrs, Mnx McCullough · · · · ·· · .. · . · · · anr! Ilosemnry or Grnnd nnplds '

were guest~ of Mr, nnri Mrs, Att t" E p d. ·· · • : Clnuclo lfnwe Sundny, en IOn - gg ro u_ c_.e.· ... · .. rs, ..

Mr, nnd Ml'B, !lay Dnlley of .Jacl<son, Miss Wllmn Pulver of Mnson, Mrs. Mnbel Powelson nnd Gary Drnmnn wm·e dinner gue~ts of Mr,-ancl Mrs·. Leon Causle and lamily Sunday,

Mr. nncl Mrs. J{cnneth Bnl<el' were Simday afternoon callerti of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Smith of Aurelius, In the evening they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ludell Cheney, Mnson.

'l'he Centl'al Michigan Poultry Proclucm·s Coopch.l.· tive has a tl'Uck plcldng up c{ms once a week. If,Y,OU arc Interested In a better mnrltet for eggs, .call or·. see the trucker. The co-op true), wlll also truck youl'{io_ultcy.

l~or ~tore information call , . · .


Raymond A. Powell, r,r,o Ger­many mud, h\IH h£!en pldwd ns the outstunrllng youn~-: farmer of the Wllllnmston nt·e;l, In the searcl1 by the Nallorial .Junior

rChnmher of Comrneree I o flnrl 1 outstnndln~-: youn~-: farmer~, the

Wllllarnslon dHiptel' or the .Jny­c:ees selected Powell to J'Cpt·e· tlCntthls amn In the Htate enntest,

Powell, who Is 35 years old, has n family of 4. He Is on a 200· ;wt•e rlnir'y and general farm which lw now owns and operates hy himself. Br.slcles helng out·. stanrlln~-: In soil conservation worl< nnrl rlah·y production, he has put forth much effort In mrirlcrni;dng farm buildings and In purchase of modern equip· mcnt. PoweH hns also given con· slrl!mthle time to civic and com· munlty affairs. He has been n 4-H cluh lender; vice-president of the stntc FFA, and Young Farm· crs !!luh; active In his church and Sunday school; a director In the Haslett !~levators association and preslrlcnt of the Williamston Ele· vntrll' assoelallon. He Is chairman of a soil conservation group; was .Just !Pc of pcaee for 8 years In l1ls township, and Is past master o[ Williamston Masonic lodge,

Chairman of the Williamston clinic Is Mrs. Wllfnrcl Gn{fncr, with Mrs. Arthm· Long . ns co­chairman. Their assistants arc Mrs. Stanley Dahll<c, Mrs. Gale Ripple, Mrs, Glenn Whittemore, Mrs. Wayne Gorsline, Mrs. How­nrd Griggs and Mrs. William Butt.

made upon recommcnclntlons of ping good, . teachers. Mrs. Gale Mnrqueclant nnd son

Only missionaries and 60 Wal Wal Indians Inhabit southern

Future Farmers Ma·rk Anniversary

/ .

Phone Leslie 9012 ·

.•· .. ~·.

Plclwd fmm II ~-:roup of Hi local young far·mcrs, Powell wus considered outstanding In this group of young men hetwc•m

_21 anrl a;, years of age. Paul Wolf anrl Corrldnn Webster were

DANCE llurwlng- IH!W • 1.:10

l\lmhlr·n und Old 'l'lme Srtllltrc Unrll'irtii

LPslie G t·angr~ Hall

Saturday, Alll'il 23

Wayne Blossey, Robert Pollock 111\d Arthur Webster of Williams· ton were among 230 graduRtes fl'flm Michigan State college win· tcr term short course.

Genuine Chevrolet Parts MR. FJ'I'z-rut'E sEz Fads

and Figures Prove Chevrolet Parts Are

Best for the Customer l~ur·t~ I'll. ,lust r·IJl·hf; nnd pe.r•mlt fast, l'ilsy lnstullut ion.

l'nr·ls fund.lou hcUm· mul lu!'lt longer-.

For Spring Tune-Ups, Let Us Check Your: 8tutrlc l'lug-s 'l'hcnnostuttJ

ltndlulor· JIO)i11

Chairman for Webberville anrl Leroy township Is Mrs. Vern O'Dell. Assisting hct· nt the cllnlr: will be MI'S, Philip Millis, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. .Jack Cavanaugh, and Mrs. Wayland .Jason,

Mrs. Harry Neumann, Wil­liamston, Is geneml clwlrman for Williamston anrl Wehlwrvllie and the townships of Leroy, Wheat­field, Loclcc and Williamstown. ·

Williamston OES Plans Meeting

The fourth c01lnty night of the year for the lltgham County 0. E. S. association Is scheduled for Williamston Masonic Temple, with Williamston Chapter No. 29 as hostess, Thursday night, ,April 21. Leslie Chapter No. 155 and Lansing Chapter No. 521 will be co· hostesses.

'I'he 25th nnnlversary of Wll· llamston I~FA was commcmo· mtecl at the annual banquet on Wedncsduy In • the high school gym.

Harry Nesman, state advisor of f•'FA, told nhout some cit · his experiences In Formosa. Wayne .Biosscy, state sentinel, also ap· pearcd on the progmm.

Members of the sophomore and junior agriculture classes pre· scntecl a pageant dramatizing the creed of the Future Farmers of America, which showed goals and accomplishments.

Two Make J9urney Across Atlantic.

Mrs. Herb A. Miller, 2762 E. Grand River, and Mrs. Russell B. Miller, .314 Fulton street, left l~rlday noon for New Yorlt. They expect to sail Aprli 20 on the Queen Elizabeth for Cherbourg. They will be gone about 10 weeks, spending 8 weelts In Europe and returning home .June 23.

"Friend11hlp RouncJ.up" Is to be the theme of the evening, with the 13 chapters of Ingham coun· ty Inviting chapters from nearby counties as guests. I n c I u de d umong the guests will be chap· ters from DeWitt,-. Dimondale, Eaton Rapids, Fowlerville, Grand Ledge, Henrietta, Laingsburg, Perry, Pinclmey, Springport and Wacousta.


Couple Say Vows, In Church Event

They nrc accompanying t~lr parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Bloomer of Traverse City. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nebe of Traverse City will also be In the party.

Before sailing from New York, they attended the Ed Sullivan

SJln.r•lc l'htg- l't•ohodot-s

SJIIII'i' l'hiJl' WIJ·tJ Sets

SloJr In um1• ut:

Wnler I'UIIIJ!

Fun llelt

show. Their European Itinerary · ~I

I Miss Leota Botsford, daughter :~~~~d~~r~~~~~Be~~~~~. s::~~:~: 1t.o· .n can~t·· 'dup,II·. c-ate .. the !( '1. of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Botsford, lands De 1 s d N . . 'U became the bride of William Dy· • nman, we en, OJ· ; ',•. •· . ., er son of Mrs Bernice Dyct· way, Scotland, and England. On April 9 at Williamston Commu: their return, they will sail from ••• ", . ·:<

..• , '

·~ 4 •• ~ nlty Methodist church, Rev. Lou- Southampton on the Queen Mary. •\1'

Is Ellinger and Rev. David Evans - Bl sl.~ ~ l~j ' AL RICE CHEVROLET :!~:~~&wnw~~~~~:~c~~fa~eh~~~~ Mrs.~~drews .. Die_s ..... 'advanmg·· ·es of Blue Cross- 'lue. uienl_.

,j ,\ f • • • I

,/ ~ • .

J<]AitL CAVJGNIJI<.llt, Service Manager . tulle over crystal satin. From the In Williamston ' ' ' . . .. ,· . . .· ·.,··.-'·.·.·' '-:=======================: snugly fitted bodice, long taper-,. lng lace sleeves, and scooped necltllne fell the full skirts of Mrs. Alice M. Andrews, 65, of tulle accented by RJlpliquecl lace G25 N, Putman St., died at the

1 medallions sprinl<lcd with sequins


. home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin I and tiny pearls. Keele, Tucsd(ly of last weelt. Sh'e

,, I'll . PRfJIIO OF

umt 111£ . ,, wor.tAN,

Why? Because my shit·ts are always sparlding cleari,

perfe~tly ironed and starched ju~t as I like them. She

couldn't do 'em bettet·, so she's smart enough to use

JJioderllDryCle'aizers I•hone OUclmrd 7-1511

Her headpiece was of lmddccl Is survived by the husband, crystal straw fr;om which ex- Lowye Andrews of Williamston tended her veil of French ilJu. one othe1· daughter, Mrs. Velm~ slon, and she carried n bouquet of Donahue of Port Hope, 2 sons, white ot·chlds Sl)ITOllllcied by Ralph of Hastings arid Roy white roses and apnie blossoms. ( .Jacl<) of St. Johns, and a broth·

1 A trio of attendants was I cr, Laverne Huntington of Eaton

I clressed In yellow, hiue, and aqua Rapids. , · nylon shantung and carried cas· Services were at Bowne Center cade bouquets of pinl< carnations. Methodist church ncar Alto. Fri·

Mrs. Leta Mcl{inley, the bt•icJc's clay, with Rev. Henry Parrish of t~l.n sister, was matron of honor. St. Johns officiating. Burial .wa·s Jean Alrola and Ruby Swartz In Bowne Center cemetery. · · were bridesmaids. Clarence Tor· -- .

. '.• gerson was best man, David Me· Kinley and Walter Abel . were groom's alt.endants.· Maurice Piper, cousin 9f the bride, and Bill Snyder wct·e ushers. ·

A reception was held at the Loclte town hall following the ceremony. 1

Wilen they return from their wedding trip the newlyweds will reside on Moot·e street In Oke· mos.

1 Awards Are Made J o Three Students

Mary Benjamin and Jack Eaton have been given recognl tlon through the Dan Forth Founda· tlon of St. Louis, Missouri, it was announced by Donald Kuney, principal of Williamston high school. The award, In the form

I of a book entitled "I Dare You," is' a yearly presentation to out·

Church Dedicates . ~onnsonata ·Organ

The new connsonata organ In the Williamston Baptist church was dedicated In special services Sunday. At the morning service. Guy Mixter, teacher of lnstru· mental music at the Stevensville schools, was guest organist. He ~vas reared In this community and rs a former member of the Bap· tist church. He has been organist In many churches.

A- S(Jecial program of dedlca· tlon was presented In the eve· nlng. TJ1e guest ·organist was Scott McCurdy, long·tlme organ. lst of the Wealthy, Street Baptist Temple of Grand Rapids. Mrs. McCurdy sang a solo. .

A memorial plaque was tin· veiled at the services with the names of those deceased mem· hers of the church Viho are being memorialized In the organ.

"You. Can Pay More, 'EngaLgement Is Ar~nounced

Mr. and Mrs. ·waiter T. DeLage, Wyandotte, announce the'erigage. m~'!t of their daughter, Pall·lelli

but You Can~t Buy Bet.ter" Ann . to William J. Turner, son of Mr. arid M;rs. W. S: Turrier, Wllllamston. The w~ddlrig . will take place June 11. Miss DeLage Is a 1947 gradilate froin St. Pat. rick high school in Wyaridott~.

Ethyl 29·9

I nco· 26·5

Regul~r · '27·' .

Range ·Fuel-Oil ..... '

5 Gal. 90c Ideal For

Home Heaters·

She attended American Airline school In Chicago;_ Her. ftarice graduated, from. Wlllliims,ori higli school and. attended Albion col· lege and Michigan State. prior .to enlisting In the navy. J\t. pres~JI.t he Is employed with· General Mo· tors Diesel compan_y In-Detroit.

· The 2 chapters of Wlllllirlllltorl Beta Sigma· Phi held a joint pot: luck dinner ori Tuesday night at the. Wolverine sitles pavilion. A

·~·~'s•·-~efinery. S~atio·n;-No .. 4. short" progra!ll was ·held . com· memoratlng Founder's Day,· .·

· · <f.allfornla Is the only state that could· exist .. comfortably .alone, I i '

.. that Is;·: wlthQut. Importing mer. -cluUJdise· frornany·o~r.~' ·

.. /.· :_ \.;:·~·~_; __ :.~~-~--~-~"-.,_.:·~:',;:~-~:~>··-·.·':. ,: ''-·' .. ,~~~---.<-·· >··:· '~ '-:.'"-.!·..-".-.::;:

. ·i

(i). IIOSfiiT .. AL SIIIICIS, 10.' . LIMITED CASIII No other stat ..

wide plan giYes you basic services lhe way llue Croas

doia, through its contract with the hospitals! Other plana aive you fixed cash payments, which may pay only It •mall part of your hospital bill • , ,

@ DOCIOit SlltYICU, 101 t, LIMITED CASHI-wlth a choice

. of a $2,500 or$5,000famlly

1.011 llll ~11/tss~IL~· SIIJU CAR CIIIIIJ.:~I~, Eliminate& llftd·IN ,....._

Income ceiling medical-sur­gical contract. You get~~ if your family income meets the ril­quiromonts of tho contract you choose, The service benefits provision Is

• hospital doposM th f.t~. to fill out en achllissien ~ the ~~ .. : pilal • , , n• claims to file ,;, , 11• ~i!it:i for payment. llue Cresi. -live shW:~.

' : ' ., ,, ~: Plans are the e11ly plans th!lf ce~Gt

: .:: _ihl ,!!!! pint to be paid by !!!! . offered only by yaur Blue Shield l'lan, directly wltfl yovr hespiMI ~ ~~~~~-(r... ''! l

~h ~-.

~~~t~~~·g';c~ri rcplac~ .: • ·:·~~me close to replac­itig.';';'.,the '.' 3• P~US' I advantages of Blue. Cross - Blue

·. SbiekF protection again-st. the·. cast· of: hospital and. -dOctor care!. · . . ·

· .. •., ...... · And-with hospital cure something that 1 in 3 families need every year, think how important it is that your \

Jamily be protected!

Chances ar~ your family i:s protected , ~ , and protected by Blue Cr~ • Blue Shield (nearly half the peopk U. Michigan have i!l).

1 And granted~ you may think Blue Cross - Blue Shield protection is good •. But it's far more than "gOod." It's so good that millions of Michigan people ~ve found they just can't afford .to be without it. 7'Aerc ia nc~ mbstitute , , , and here's why-


UJilike plans that provide · you with ·fixed cash ·benefits to cover the. cost of hospital services (and rately do you get enough .cash!), the. Blue Cross Com· pi'ehensive Contract gives you all the basic hospital serPices themselves • • • rega.rdless of the cost.

• This protection provid~s, up to • 120 days at a time-, , , at almost any general hospltlil in Miehig~n, and at Blue Cross .member hOspitals alLover the ~~iitryl Ev:ery enrolled member of your family gets this. very same ·proteetion, too. " .


Ariy time you need hoapi~l care, ,,You'll surely

~ ...

Blue ·· Mfellf,anllo.,llta·l Stirloiee ·• · ~~~~hliari Miidl~l &r11ic. . . ' "' EAST JEFFERSON ... VENUE, DftR(U'l' 16

. -· ' .. :· .··• ';·;;·,, ·,_ .. -.. : ~ 1:_ .-: . ,, ' . . . '

•:...:.:: I .. ,,_.

. . \ ( ... .:_'~'~:}'' n~ed a doctor's care;· too·. ~ • a~d it's ~gains~ th/~

,. ' f, ' .

. of in-hospital doctor care that Blue Shield t>f'9trets you, · .· •. : • , , , . •! ; i'i I~ ~ . ' ,

Just as it's possible io' get hospi_lal se~us,thloUgh Blue Cross, it's possible to get doctOr limieeatp Blue Shield. · · . ; , · .· .

Blue Shield offers you a choice. ~f ~ · $ Dg()': ar $5,000 fa~il~ income medical-surgi':lll contrla-~~;:u your famtly mcome meets the requll'ements; Of: t~e contract you ·choose, the cost of your participating doctor's in-hospital services will be covered b.~ i)l\le

·Shield. '!'his service benefit provision is made available to ;rou only through Blue Shield. In any event, r.\~Md~ less of your income, liberal amounts wiH be Ptid te the doctor of your choice. '


Blue Cross and Blue Srueld are' ilota-pr~ o.1p~~e · izations • • . si?Onsored by Miehigan hospitals i· ant doctors so that Michigan people eall have the \kind of protection they need, arid at a cost they can aft,xd. Together, these plans offer more protettif*. far:: i~ money than you can get througl& o,. otleer orgonizatt~Otl.

· Compare other plans with your Blue Cross • at~e Shield. Look for the "3·PLUS". advantages. t..ou won't find them offered by any other state-wide ~-o. teetion plan. '!'hat's why there i8. no Jl~bBiiht.te fP, ~·u~ Cross - Blue ,Shield. . · . : ·

' l ~

If you do not already have Blue CroSII. Bli•e . Sh,ield, ask ·_yoUr e~ploye~ or Y;O~~·~J1ion_ rePr.~aen\t· .

attve how you· can ·get low:-co~~ ~UP:' covetajt fctr . · . you and your -rarnily. <~ oompany 1rith aa w_r: .a\s .·

five employees may. qualify as a group.) Or, call o.t· write the Blue crJss ·Blue. Shield· offi~ listi!cf:'·in\

· · your tt!lephone bOOk.

,. 'i

ioo1Jam County News Arllll 21. 1955 Page 4 Are Tl1ey Born or Made? 'fmJJOI'hilll· ·l·U lHt•t•l

Da~155~r~~~~~ Dansville Has a Pair of Poets Monrlny ovonlllf~, llpr'll ;m, ,,, H

o'clocf{ illf'I'L! will lm 11 •I II i'IUIJ meeling ul IIJC' Cnrlv ~.c·llonl OrH' Of l)it' Jil'lllfi fo Iii' IIIIJHjtll'll'ti\\J(I hP I Jro Jll'llgrtlll) I fll "I ill I, 1 CIHII'C•h" Stlnrl.ry, MolY lfi. All J.Jl I')IIIJ 1111'111llPI H dlP HHIH•rj IIJ dl lr.nd rlriH1meE'i 1 ~g-

WSCS !Vleets fo~·'; ~ohemian D~wmer, [:lcds OHiu:n·~

Mt• nnrl MrH. Mr•l It· f.'t'l'<'t' nnd lnmlly 111 Nnrlltii'C'~I :,ifni ldlllrlgP, 1\fl~s Ot·r t'IH' l•'rr•c 1 111 L.tlhillg dllll 1'111' olllll 1\lis J•;liJI'I,\' 1>'11'1'1' \\'PIP Pllif'lldltll)c! 1\-Joii(Jt\' P\'Pilllllr

.!I dlllill'l oil IIH· illlllll' ,,, ~II' llllc\

Six FHA Attend State Convention ~

Mrs, llclcn Yuunu · · PIJtJilr. MA1Ii1on 3-3931

Two Pass Jesh .At OES Meet~ng

Iii ,Jillll'llls 'l'hr• l'llllllllillt•i• 1'111 lito• 1\lo~ 1 llll'l'lllq: Is 1\lr' r; 1111 P l'lillll', 1\Ji s i,JIII ol lid IIICIIII 11111] ~lis\11 lltt• l'llllb

Whi'I)IPI jllll'ls <ill' llorn Ill' lllllrii' b 11 ropl,. whlr·h lnlliglll'li srll'lolol(l ,Is 'l'h11s(' s11dolnglsls 1111' now ill'llrllng 111\VIll'd Dnrh viii<' In lutvr• rr ln11l< lit 2 hlgl1 sdinol l11nl11r', Dnvlcl Mllyvllli.! oitHI M.!XIIll' SII.YrlPI' holll ILIVI' lwrl pcu·m~ "''''PJIII'd lor Jlllhllt·u· lion 111 lirP dlllllloil AnllllllnJJ.v 111 lllgh Sf'irool PoPttv.

John Emerson Speaks At Garden Club Meet

Til" 1\lotvvllll' hoy, snn nr Mm. FlotiJC'I'S Moii'Villt•, P.IJII'I'Cil ::! fllll'rns .rnrl · MnxirlP Snyril'l',

'I'll!• Jl'i(llilll llli'l'illll; ol I 'dll' vi liP dlllpll'l No !Ill 1 l 1•: ~;, w 1, 'l'liiii'Hrlay t•vconln1: .rl 1111• 1\L"""'I' htrll wilh flits llllooirl IIIII,', Wllllliy lliolllllll, Jllo 'lilill" ll111 In~ llir• t'Vt•illlll' I'll >:II no~ ,\l'!dt•l IIIHI 1\l,II)Piillo' 1\'nfl,r 1 pI',, rl IJil')r (llloflr'll'lll'\ II" Is 1111! IIlii lrr•Pivr·llll'll' l'dlth "' 1111 Ill''' tnPPiing

/\tii'IV I iff• \lois Jlli'SI'IIIt flo ll11• drnpiPI I1V M1 s 1>. 1 l'o1 1'.111 'l'ur•sd,l) <'V<'IIIII!' ~IJ•, lo•.otl l\l1 ('lllrl' Mrs l .. rllro•llit' H.Ji{l•f ~Irs

1•'11111' .illl'lldr rl 1111• llli'C'Iill~ 111 1111• fllr .JIHI flits Y.ntl :nrrl­<1"11 ''"'' l'titlli\' l'l'l'lllilg Ill 1111• 11111'11 ll.ill l•'nllmving IIIP hllsl· lll",s rnt•o•llllg .lllhll l~nwr son ol l.lll'lill' g .. 1r• o1 lnll< on "F'Illlllci.r 111111 i'I.Jiilltlg 1111 L.IIHisc:rping'

cl.llrghil'l 11! l\11 111111 Mr~ Elll l Snyril'l' l'llil'l<'rl 'I pot•ms ill IIH' lllitfllll,il lriglr •,l'fJIIIli Jlfll'll'V l'Oll· ll'sl

l'lllillsiH•i s sl'it'l'lt'cl David's 'SumnH•r Llllsi1' nnd 1111' snvrlrl'

!tills "D:rv lJJ'I'Illllin~" l.iiH• IIH• 1111111 Willi \VIIS IISilf'cl(l

Itt• ICllild pill\' tiH• jllolllll ollicl who it•pllerl, 'I dllii'l lorow, l lllti'P

MPI'f(' Sw.rn olllli 1\lr ''""d Prll'l<s WI' I" !'Ill" 1 olltol'i 11 11 1


HOil MJ's !-)Willi \\ ts ds11 .1

nlflr•pr ,11 lll<'llrls 1111'111 .• 1 ]HSI 'i'IIC"rl.i\' I'VI'IIIIi!'

II was Vlllc•d 111 Iii\<' .1 ilo•nl IHIC'Iion Ill IIH ~Ill I ill I I ill" I r,,.

\llo•J d 'JIII•slfllll ollllf dll,ll'l'l' fJI'IIIld I I'll r•silnH•llf< ol r ofil'l', II d ·llld I fiii]\IC''l WPJ I' Hllf VPd

II ill I fll I' I '•II II (' ul 1111! ~II s (' IJ'I' I 11'1 1.11111, Jllllll'ill~

I ill' Ill'' I I ill t•llfll' \\'ill ,,,. dl ''"' IOI\11 It ill 1\i.i\ :'II \IIIIi l!toll I II llit>lllfl'·llll Ill < fl:til I' <d I ill'

jll'llC'I'Pds Ill IH• II 1•r] l111 1111 \\'1!1 i\lt•t•l

wm·lh~· g1111111 1111111111, JIIIIJt'll , 1 iJ1• '' J•(Ji,n lllf'l'ilnr: 11! llu• ''JTfljlJlllii'SS,' ll'illlil lll\1 I Ill ill 11'1111111 lifl'li.rlll I .11111 illlll'olil Will WnrlliWIJilc• C.liiSt's lu• 1\illlllio\ 1'\tiiiiiJ' Ajll'li ..!0>, 11

'i'hP nmlli<•i dllll•ltio 1 ildiHjlH•i li11• Ill\\ II lo.rll ('II lilt" \Vr•1•l' will Jrp 1\li\ I llc'i'l\111"1 llillpll•idr·.rllli<'IIIISIIII'SSIIIC'I'I 1 .SJJCHiirf iJI' Ill ;de• ,1' • 111111 I Jill 'Ill II fll<fl II' ill ill• Jolill\\ I'd ill I

':;lhlt• Willi ~!1· 1111 olo \!1 rli<'lls•iooiiJH'II<•d lllldd jlllilllrl, D.!VId \V1111ds 111 1\li• lfii.,Jd slljljll'l Wing I

Ill 1111• 1 lloSJ' tol ilof' 1'111' •liio / fll1•, HPllillt'l\'lir'l'(l'l •.jll'lll I liP • Mrs , .. ,,,.,.1',1 \\',oil,., 1\lo olo I I \\1'1'" IIIII \Iiiii 1\ir· IIIII 1\IJ•, .foo•

ley nnol flit•, 1\1.11111111,' IJ\r•rl 11 t\1111 olu•l "' •, •!:IIJ,J\V

~-. --~---------·--~~"

Three .. Act Comedy Is Week's Event

I'Jrp 'I 11'1 t'IIIIIPdV dt'lllll.i, "II \'1111 1\tii'W Sllsli•," "Ill lit• jli'P· 'l'llll'oillris IVI'I'fl IIIIHIIIIIPC' jlf'l' lorllldll<'P 11 Ill !11• glvc•ll 'l'lllfl'',ci:rv nlll'ilillllll .!lid llrf' t'\'l'lllnrr jli'P· Sl'llt 1111111 Will li1• /ill •'VPIII oJ 1•'11 tid\', i\prll ~2 IH'I~IIlllill)' .tl S o't lru k 111 I ill' .,,•IJ11ol gvnr

HI 1Sfli'\'P ~I'd I Ill kC'I s ill'(l rlfi\V

''" s.lil' o~nd will llllllillllt' rhrougiJ J•'J'itl,l\ \Villi J.rlii!SI' f'.!lft•y, f'!t,lii'· 111111 l•:nll'il.tlnilll'lll l11•1wr•Pn ,lf'ls Will C'I111Si'l Ill IJ:tillll 1\VIlfill~ ill' C:t•oiJ(I,t l'ioslf'l, :r lliill' sqln h\' ( 'IJnifl" \\'PPks llltf !'illlljl Slllf~ II IV hv Ill'' ' 1

( 'lll'ds" I '11 11 r•Pds it om ll11• pl.1y will hr

lt'l'dlo liPip IVIIh <'Xfll'li'.h of lllr IIIII 1111 sl'illlll' IC'I l'jllillJI

Cill'l Sr'llllls lrii1Prl In 'l'ilomp ''•II' gr.r\r•l fill S,ilulllay and l'lllli<l'd :1 11)1 of lliildOIIJs 'f'f11• cl.iy pi.llllil'd fl.\' 1111' i'ot ~CI·MC•· Nol p 111'111 Wliidi l'llll',tsls 111 .i.lnll·r· \Viii i11.rll l'Jc•rnPr, <".iinl \Vrng, J.r·r·kv llil'lrl :n11l 1\arr'll HJJj~f'S

lli'VI'I' 11\f'rl." DllilHVII)P's 2 lmrcls lllld IWVPI' 11\PrJ ID Wl'\lc• ]Hll'li'V hr.lntc. D11vf,J ''lild hr> llwughl llhlllll wr/iing il jlllf'nl CIIHI', llllrl lw nlsn snirl hIs mn I her· som,•· limPs lunlw mrl In J'hvmr..

Mnxlnr. WIIH llll!IWill'f' ol lillY 11111'111 slw pnss<'SSC!{] unrl IIH•Ir. nr'l' rlll pnPis "n lhP fnm\ly lrr.d, su\rl liw moliJPI'. SliP :ulmlll<'.f I h.r 1 scHnr• members or 1 hi' fnm JJy ho~vc il ICiltll'iii'Y IIIWIII'I( I'OIIl.Y puns hul hurl tlf'VI'r' Wll\'Pil wrn·cls lrllo mr>lr.rr.rl 1 hyme

'l'hr> glt•J Is rPgillrml i'imil'llllln of l~uluH• flomcmni<Prs, pl.1y~ Ill lhe hunrl fllltl sings In lhP sc•hool f'ilfll'IIS. LIISI Wf't'll Hhl' llili'llrlt•rJ lhe sllltP I~T~A c•nnvPnllnn In Gt nnrl Hnplds

13nlh D:msviiiP stwlr•nis fll'P In Mrs. J\11 nn Si rnrul's l~nglish l'lns,Ps, wltPII' 1111'1' wr•r·p 1'111 n111 rrgl'rl In SP.Pk I liP lllll"i'

lfi'll' dl I' lfii' 2 JHH'IIIS l'iJIISI'II f•,t· piililll•.ilirrll:

Summer Dusk Jl,l' nuvlll nlnyvillt•

J\ slt•Ppy whlslll'l 111 ll11• IJ'I'I's, 'l'hP tl:IIH'l' 11! flrPJIIPs, 'J'i11• Siiii'S d\VoiJ\i'll IIIII' fl,\' IIIII', And lillnlc lliPII snrnlng P,Vr•s

'l'ht• g1·nss Is I'IHII and VPIV•'t Sllfl

i\J 1:llllsl il <'ilild's \Voil'lil 1111 r•; llnrl Mom and fl.11l Hll' rlrr11'

'''"" hy, '1'111' Wlll'id'~ a f!<HHiiy plnr•f',

'!'liP hnlisf', 1111 dtrJ'Ii, IS W.dlln•:

Death Takes Roy West After Long Siclcness

l'IIIIC'l'.rl servlc•r", 1111 IIIII' I·~ WPsi Ivett• Tl!Psciny nlti'IIJ<!IJII .11 2 n'dor·lc al till• V11!'l !IIIIL' honw Mr. WPsl rlrt•d l•'rrtld, nlghl nlrer· 11 sidoll'os nl llldlll months.

Ill' IV.r', hnr11 In StlllllilllciJ:<· i\J)f'if :!H, IHI·m, In 1\'rlll.illl .rr1 I MI'IVillll Wr•si. i\1 .Ill Poll II' 1gt• II" movc•rl wilil his fldiC'IIh lo 1111' fann 2 miles suullu•a•.r tol l l,lll'• Y\lif'

Si'pl Pill II(' I 2:!, l'lllh, IH• \I'd

111111etl Ill ntlllllll~'l' lol J•:flll' t\SJ•I Ifill' To rill•-. llllirlll ''"'" hllill ·; 1 ililrlrc•ll, 1\!Js 'Loi'llll l'lllli'•llltil" 111 Lansing .nHI Jtoll.tlrl Wo sr "' DnnsviiJP, liolli ol Wlilllll, <111 11 litl'il' lllllliH•i, SlllVI\'1' 'iflf'IC' oil II Sill'l'fVI':! SfSii'J',, ~!1•, f'f111 II 1 II l liPid of Lt•slll' .illol 1\lls l'r•1 • .. II BPI tl'i1 ol l'nldw,ill'l; I illlllln•l • (;lly WI'' I ol Lr•sltl', Ji,llon I WPsl 1111rl Clr:llli•s \Vt•sl tol llodl .Iilli 01111 WI". I II] j),JIJS\ '"': gl'llllcil IJilrJJ C'll; r1111f IIIIC' J'll II granrlt lrllrl

Mr. IVPsl \WI'. tlso .itll\r• 111 pllllili' o~IJ,rlrs SI'IVIIIJ' 1111 111 IIIWII iJCJdlrl Sf'VI'J',rJ IIIIIC'• J<1•\ lla111 1\looll• dlll'i.llr•ol II lilt Sl'l Vi; C'S Willi lolllf.rl Ill II till II I r rnwll'l y.

I or 'l'IH• l:ll'lly llllll '" In rist•, II~ Wll!cinws, In a ,l'lillclr· il

lllfllcl, I

i'.rliiJP:lls \\'f'lf' J/tdi'rlid I :11<, 01111 nnci ( 'IHII'il's \Vt•sl \'I' I II l1r>l'll'ii o~ncl HoiH•t•r SrtJ(Ii·ltl

J.ilw •olrrmr. lilf'lHIIy ryPs Mr·~ Wrlllam Niswnrw,.r· slnwfl• lmprovlrw 11om 111 1

/fllf, i<'ll'h J•'lf'C'I Ill hiiiHII rd Ill<' lilriiHia.l lllllll\l'ls.rn ol LPII'h I '11•1 'I 'J'Jrt 11'/,llfotl IJII'I'llllf! of ill"

Woni<'IJ'•, !-i11o It 1\ rd ( 111 1.r1.111 1111 .JIId Jlilr s. C'l.rt" llnyh11P 111 'it•J • 1rr• II'"' ldJ'I'il 1\'l'rlllt"<id,\ ~.t Johns 1111' and fllr s \Villl.rm 111 1111' illlllH' ol 1\lr s !Iiiii' 'llr•olliJl I'll 1\ PI <Iilii ~II s ~111111'1111' I '11111 •.1111 IIH• hll-lli>'SS llll'l'llll" 1111 olllli f.11 1>1<' Ill 1~1111111 l!cqrlrls ill\\'r•d 1 luolll'llllolll •,rvlr• r11 11111 , Will' :-:1111d:r; \lstlors ol M1 nnrl

1 Mt•, Llo)ri lloil'llot' Llto\tl ll.r.l ""'' 1•, i or illlli'rl t11 Ill•, lll'rl l11 sir' II·

lllr• 'l'lrlllllfl ~II I' 1\1' ll11• ril'\11 111111 .Jilr•t' 11 llr<lr II 11 ''· I<'JIIIllo•d llidl 1111• illlifr•lfll illlolloi '\coif,, IIC'SS 'flllll•ll'l'ci lo\ 11 11 • ~ IH'II II \\,!'. i\Jr d!HI Jilts 1(11) l\'11 1\Jillt•J' olllli tlllllflll'll'ri hl l'lllll'lll C'orlr•11 IIHI lllilllll ollllt•ol n11 1\!1 .rncl i\lrs. Iris •,j 111p iJII\'S, ""·i· rc •I lo\ ·"II'• "' !'.Jill llr•r'I"•S Ill l .. lli'JIIg Jlll'll 11! llr1• 1'11111 I II fill' dill! I\ II'S (;jt•IJ SIJ,IIi.IIHI

Sl\ cil'i<'gnii'H or IIJe l~llllll'f• llonH'Illllli<•t•s of Dnmwlllo r•hnp· 11'1 .tllt•tHIPci liH' olllllll<il Hinlr• 1 llliVPilllon 111 Gr •II HI flnplrlH Ins I '1'11111 .rlnl .rncl l•'ricl,l\', Tlw girls 1\'i'll' II<I'IJIJlflllnfPci hy 1\il' I'JIIIJ 1110lh1•r s, llfrs 1;1il'l Hbf'it nnrl 1\lrs. SPIIr'l llrlg-~s; 11nrl urlvlsnr, fllr s C:nn• Briggs.

Arno11g llrP hlghllghls nl' 1111' c llli\'C'IIIion 1\'t'l f' n IIIII<, "NPW lloll'izons lor· I•', II. i\.," hy Miss Lois Oill'f'l', ns;;islnnt nntlnnnl 1•', II i\. arlvls11r, of \Vo~shln~lon, D. ('; Ioiii's of lmpm tnnl plllC'i'~ Ill r:mnd H.rplrl•;, cillcl 11 hnnq11r1 Til111 srl.ll' t•vc•iling Ill Clvw :llrcll· 1 lnt'lilln 1 1

'lf11• cl.ilr J 111 I ill• illlli!H 1 jlllirf 1.tillli\' II'<' II' I•' till I\' 1'\'1'11111)! rl,llll'lilc•r lollilfllol \I'd' .oJIIII>illll'l'<i )'Ill srs ol fllr ·IIIII i\lr. llllil U11 Ftici.JV Ill!' gillh alll'lltl<'d lrlt' 111111 1'1 l\111 1 1111· r.,ll,wlll: SiJIII<'IS 111 ~''"tklilld"'' """""' sc•c•ll"nnl llli'l'llngs. In rlrdlillll'll ool 1111111111111'1", dJl r.I1s l'r•o~rl ltllcol 'unrl ll dph :;lnll,illnn 11f nr•w st.llf' olflre1·~ flOlilllll. olr·. li.J\'1<1 llli•lll fond, l!lllr• Ill I IIIII \\'I'll' Stlllroi.r) l'\'1' \\'.J', i'Jidoi)' ollll'lll<lllll llllci \I'll~ dllli 1\IJ•, lj 1: 1\lllllllll" jllll 11111[: •.llfljli'l' ,'ll<•sls ol fllr llllrl jill't'l'cli•cl ~~~ ol Sl\'11' I'PVIIP, "LPI's gl,llll 'llu• lonilido~l olllll\1'1 111 folrs ltnli•il Stnllli 'l'.olk i\li11111 Spt'Jilg l•'o~sltlon~." llll\li IJ.JII'•II•I('III'III.J hllil 1\lr .JIIdl\li' llo•ntll'll '1.1\'lon 11i1h 1\lrss 1\\'llllsilt",, hnrnP llll'lf,lflll sill' lt'll'l\o•ol .1 J'lil lin'll \lsilrd fill •IIIII ~li' ll11ilf'il llllllllllllsl ll'lllil, NP\1' Ylll'l\ Clly, 1111• ~·Ill' 'II II \\ ,, ·"'" \t>li•l : IIIli II Ill l.diiSill" f.'l'lli.l,\ JII<'SII]III;' lli.JI I ill' S11r 11'11 l11111iol I 11 '" f111 .Jllll 1\lis Ail IIIII I'PII'lsllll 'I lir• J'llis Willi 1\l'lil as cii'IP· 11.11d rlol' • trllp llllotl '"' 1111• .11111 o1 lll,'lilt•l nl l.lli'lii!' '1"'111 g til's 11'1'11' llr•111 l~lsf'l1 Mnxlnl' I till II • jllll[lfr ',lllloiol,\ I I'C'illll~: \Villi 1\Jr ollllf '>Ill oil I, ,i,JII<'I ill'f~•gs, ,f. Ill!')

""'"'' l•ll"l't•ol 11\lr' I 1\\'11'1111' S11 111 ('l•lifll'l, l.uo·rll•• IVIII'<'ir•r• oillllllur· ~II" 1\o ~11 .111tl ~Irs ll\11111 lli:llil oil IJ.JI 1 ('lllill'dlll\

I:.,, t "' • I .llrllli"l 1111 'I 11'111 ll'o oint • ol.r,l 11 II II 1

II ill IIIIo ~lr illd \l1 •, llnlll•i'l Sllllllt I (('onllllliC'tl 1111 I'll~<' ii)

- ----------

'l'lti• mnd wrnds 1111 111 Sllllllllrt· rlnsk, 1'('111 l-iiC'ICJlf'S~ IIIHllllliiiJIH lll!lrlrlllll 1..,

M!'· roncl Mrs l•:.n·l !'.ill orrol IIi< 11 , 1~ ill '" 111 111., 111 r1 ,11 It's r-.1111111'. mt•, J 1(1111\V B111 rny lw:nl sdys, ~~~1ltiV,

pr•n• rful lrl't'P, And frllu'ly If .)'1111 !(II"

II', Sl!nd.ry CYPillllg Slljlpr>r l{lii'Sis ool 1\1 11 l•'oollll\lll'l' 1111• lo l'ilol' f,umly ol Nnrllr 1\d.irrrs l\lll'l,,1,11111 , oil !ill• 1111, ""'''' 11

I lie• ].tiiCl's jJ;Il'('llls, 1\li' lllloii\IIS Ill• 1 IIIIJ' 1\li• r:.fl i'l'il'. pll Davrcl B~kf'l', Mr. dlloi 1\li" 'l'llil'oi ''"' JliiiJ'I.OIII "'' 'l'lllil•oi vVIlJlll' I• all ul ,),!( kSIIII l'lslil'd l Iiiii• II \VII/1\f'll .. ,.,,,. 1\1 ,, 1111' I

Day Dreaming 1111'' B.lkPrs Sunoio~;v '"" 1• 111 IJI' 11 1111 '" 1111• n1 lr

I Ml' anrl MJs. l'lr.lllr", l'IJH'I' 111 ~ ,\iilldil

Uy l\JaxhH• !-luydr·r· OkPJnlls II'I'IP mllr•il "'' Mr .11111 Slillllg in llir• r•l;rssiiiOIII, 1

• s 1 <:azlil" o~l ll11• sky, 1\ fi,~ L<~IVII·rwr• r Lillis 11111 "·1 1\li, l 11111 ol1 illollloll "'

" MI. dllll MIS .I I~ [);dlllli II'

• 4

• o 4 f .f 1 1 f 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I If 1 o o I • I I I I I o 1 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 t tt

\Vish1ng IO hf' sonH•IVilf'l'f' P(sr S(ol Ill lilt \ll'l'h 1111! .11111 I llii'IICrl Ill IIH'Il lilllllr• Siiilrld\ lr•r 1\li \IIIII (Iff, llo11us f'i11 h• l'laus 1\1• r·l ' l3re;rl ling 11111 " •igll. Mrs D.illou had IJt•t•n 111 ( 'IH•I• r• 1

'l'hr llJllll,n lilf'<'lillg nf ll1e .!II \VI't'icoll d<'<'Uiliil 11lllii•dr•.Jii 1 1\lrs 1.<'111 Nlliol.'fl•'lll '•illirlo,\

Answer No. 3 .. Moore's House

f'Ciinl g1vos yeors ol colorlul protec­

liOn . rs nghil Here's why we rec· ommcnd lhts nolroncdly-known

pc11nl It goes on qu1ckly crnd easily

.. ho~ htgh l11clrng qual1tres .• lasts

for yPr11s c1nd yecrrs And rl's avoil­

(fbi.• Ill Ci Wid(~ ChOICe Of excellent l<dtll'. '''" vury recrsonoble price.

llo11r I' <'IIIII' Will ill' \Vr•dtll'srlo\ J lly lllld LIY lo l'fllli'Pilli:IIP, Ill her lllCillll'l', 1\ils l'11•r( S;rpt•r \',llliloli .ilirll\li• llt•ilo•Ji l'i~ol'll J\ly c•nnsi'IPII<'C' lPIIs 1111' Ill 111 l'11llr 1'1 !Ill' 1'\'l'lllifV, Apr II :!7 . .II I ill• lrrll)lf' Ill Bt.ll lhc•ll 1111 illlJli~lr Lilt'\' ,S.J\'S, Mrs s.r~el' \\'tiS 7'1 ,.tllrl W.J•, \VI'IJ

fills IVo•,r•oi• Allllolrl 1\l!S Drll'n i<tlll\1'11 111 ll11s C'llllllilllliill' I'll 1\lt .irrrl Mrs '('onlP Wllll lllP, [JIPa'".P do ~~ · 1 1 1 JliPiil will IJ,ovc• c li.ilgl' 111 lfr,• ll<'l'al sl'I'VICCs Wl'l<' \\'Prliwsd 1\ sr111 • I "'''"II dll<

IIIIOJ'r:tm, 'Flrl.tiH'IIlf.r rhr. Pro i\p11l 1:1, ll'hrc h wnulrl h:l\1' IH•t•n ',IJi.r· t "'I'''" 111ol r1.111, loit'l "' Bur, oil, how rnnnv plac Ps ''I II 1 1 1 1 r 1 J'l'dlll ol IIH· ('hltrc•li" IIH'il b2nd WPrlrlrrr~ .tiiiiiVl'l' 111 '1 r. •Ill "I 1111 11 .111. 11 (lriPCiillll'.rV<'illllllli'SIIliiiCI I I I I

~[r, ,lflf(flll's. All11•11 1\1111' .111ol lt'llllolcl l:too,•, .1111 loroll\ 'Jill' 111'11'111 lhC' ftiCfi<'S :'vii IIIHI 1\frs .1:11' Jl,\'fl' nl llVIt• .tllrl Mrs 1\ltlll ( lniiJio td I loll' 1\l:ho•IJ \\til' c'tll·l• '•llilllo, Why sho11lol !•hr. if' II lirlllnol t 1 ' 1

1•.1•1 l.amllll' wo•Jr• SnrHidy lis· pJI wetc· WPrln<'scill c•\t'lllll" \l'oi I If 11 Jldl•llls '"' .1111 IiiilS ol 1\li .111ol Mt•. Cr'lll'f:P lots ol 1\fr .riJCI .fi<IIS l .. t\11•1111111111 Htool.s i\nrl sn T'll C'Oilllllltr rn:rld11J: 1\lrlr IH•II Tlirsr nrlvrnliiiPs on Ill\ own G~u~s. i\li• li.Jtl Nt I• on ,pr Ill

Bcnjur!1in ~ Moo1 e paims

Consult us nhouf oil your pointing qucstioM.

~ ' . r

I, .,

Miss itl\('1.' i\lllllld lf'llll'llf'd In !llllil II is .1:.10 Mrs lVJ,II'illl'l<' .f.irllll'srlll 'lllol[ 1'1111 111111 l11s 1'1111'>111, kr llllt•lli •,t·liool ill f•'li111 .rlll~r s[l£'1Hl111g, WhPn lr's lime 111 sl.tll. lot • lrildr·c•!l of La11srng .Jilli fllrs Nt•l•.llll, rll ll'illi tlilslo"' r 11111 '•JIIIIW I.JC•,Jiion Willi lJC'i' p:n·c•nl:;, home. Sllsif' l::nrrl ol llc·llolc•fsorr 111 IPI ',!J.Jil<r' or \Villro~nlsltli 1s 'i"'i' 1 Jlilr· Hlill\lis.l{nsro" i\tnold Sunrl.1) Vi'llors ol 1\li .urri Mts 111~· ,, fr•w dt\, liriS 1\t•r•l. .11 1111

1\A~(higan Paint Stores . '• I ' I

Cui \I'J" 111:. "' '·'•lilt linn : c I,, lll.ry dc•,t 1 uy ynur ·.l~lll<lof

lOIII 1111 l1Jd lllld, I' )tt!Jl(lll•:lll l\'t YUI! t!J( LU~t

r,l t tLI 11 d • 111 d )•dl I t\'t lli•Jd.ant Vu111 J'J+~JJrrr I Iiiii

I ()I :c .. ., .r~:.d;~o/ l)lot~H H~ 'll i ,,, C.\U

Sc·:liJJ!, '\ 1 1,\ tfa,, t'\t'l'fll ~IJHdU\ \'11111 rl<nlt•J siu,,• l!llll<ll lltllllr Iilii olln;~llllllt ('lllllli\'

'l'h< nt·•f 111 So•J•cl ( 11111 l'lrrs llu• lksl in Spr'l'io•r• ( OJHI'I 1d Ha1aflj.u1 Ulld ( :l\1111.111:,11 Hu:~ds

l'hOJil' I n I j ,:~x ill \\ llli.:hlslou (,'!I ••. r.

A Wol\.t·r·iur; I ,i\, .. ,lot•(, ,l.inlt•s l'a 1 iliou

:~r, tuilr·s 1\t•sl ol Witliamslon ou liS IB

Thursdayv Aprill8 7:30P.M.

$25,000 New Merchandise

Pow•••· PtH'Iahlt· R:rws ·- l•~lr•t•lr·i,• Hl'ills ~ Hat·tlware

'l'ouls - Sod11•l. Sr·ls -- OJlt'll r•~ntl \Vr'<'IH'h Sl'fs - Jc;fe. I

llousi•hold l~•tuipmt•ul -- J>:tiuf.- 'l'oasft•t·s - l~ll'etrh: & Sft•n:u !rmts- (Joo)[\\':IJ't' -- Uilli'IIP Sd~-;- l%•ef,J•i­

t•al Applhllll't•s -- J\lixmasli•r·s - Hislu·s - POI'fahlt·

St•wing l\l:u•hin1·s - Lug;gag;p - IGII•el.t·ie lltl:tll••·s -\

li'm·ni!uJ'I' St•fs - Ciol'l• Uatlios -.- W:tteiH•s - rlt•weh·y

Ch•·isltnas 'l'o,vs - lllltl I ,000 Ol.lwr Items

TIDRl\rS:-('nsh I~I'IJe Prizes to All!


1\lrs .Julin Palll'r~llll, I.Pwr'-., Mr anrl Ml~ William MuPtll'lr Gt•ntg<· Vovr. Sr ll'<ul N<+on ''"llll' :12ti S. ,}cll<'rsou l{Ptollri!J <IIlli 1\lnry Lou of Nrw were Suncl.Jy f'Venill~ rlinnrl ~--~---------_.:_----------·------'----------- ~ --~ C'.lllisil'. Cl11111, ~lll'lrl I hi' l.1lter ·r;twsls oJ M1· and Mr·s 1\<•nnr•lh I p:111 ool 1!11• IVi'i'l\ willr Mr .rnd Mason of WI'IJhr.r·vrlle 111 honor rd 1\lrs (, l•: M.11rr11ng hll'lhrl.Jy unnivr•rs.1r,v nl Brrnt11

-~---- ~-·----

~!1 11111 Mrs. ll.rv111 DiPirl 1111<1 Mason. loilllil\' SJH'III lirP WPI'k 1'1111 Willi Mr• and Mrs Lr.n Glynn nl Wil I 1111' lo~ll<·r·~ p11r•n1•, .Judg<• liamstnn visiter! Mr and Mrs Hroli 1 1 11~sll'\ o~rlll ~Its Pu~s!t V ol Pt'IC'<' Sund.1y

llur M1·. and M1 s Frank Sc•r·iplt•i M1 s. Lawrenr•p Swan, Mrs. and fnmlly of L.ungsiHil g W<'I'P

Mina Oils, M1s Mt•r•fp Swan, Siinci.Jy rlin11r•l guesls ol 1111• fen M1s .l'illlf's Hiclgw.Jy, Mrs Tnml rnr.t's p.ur.nls, M1• !lllcl Mrs J~rl l'ltlllrl, Mrs l!ar·oid Wtng, M1·s Sel'lplm Mts E.rrl f;mlllc• nl P11111rl Pnt ks, fillS f;IIIH'l'l GlrlVC'I, Dimnn(llllP spent Mnncl.t,v wilh 1\lt .1nct Mrs. i\ ll Bt•am:-~n, hor· fldi'Pills, Mt• .rnrl Mr.~. Sc•1 ip ILripll \Valkt•t, 1\!1~ lt11sr·n,-. Am· lrr·. nlrl. 1\lt 11111 l\1i'S A. P. t:ll'<'ll Mr·. nncl Mt~. AlgPt· Bnwpn .tncl <111)-'h .IIlii fllrs ('huiles 1\rt'l'gr.r· lnmily or WPllbc•rvilll' and Mi' .Jill'llllf'd IIIIH'I',rl SI'I'\'II'I'S ]til' .illrl Mr·•, .John Mr.r<'ll,llll .JIId Mrs l•'r['d S.1grr .11. C'IH•isr,r fHIYlily wr1e Su'nrlay. rlllllil'l' IV< tlilf",tf.ll ,JIIJ'l llllnll guPsls ol M1 o~ncl Mrs Earl

~11· <llld 1\lt·~ L:rwt .. n C:.wss ShnWPIS Mr ami M1·~ Willium and Mr·s Osr .n llnlrlf'll nf ffnwell PqJPJ' nl lln.rtlrll.r .uul M1·. ami wc•rp Siinrl.l\' dlllll!'l' gllf'SIH nl Mrs ('Jay ion Pi Cll'l.fJI' or srot k M 1 :onrl 1111 s .l.1rnrs W1 1glll, ol h1 tclgP WI' I r• .111r1 llllOII 1 1sil nrs nl I ""';1111' 1\fr• :n1rl Mrs Clinr·Jrs rlir SlinWPI's ' ~111 oil' II'I'I'P ~lotHLIV i'Vf'lllllg rlr!l· Mrs•. ( :r•r:rlriillP lllldPi wood 1111 nrr i'llr'sl. ol flit• lllri !Vir:;. Willi.ll11slrm w:rs a S.ollll'l],lyl Ifill l;olll'•'• .Jiorl l•'r'Pri li,lll:.s In nlglil f!llrsl of MiSs Sll~nnnl' illllli>l' Ill' lilt> l:lllf'i''s hu·rltri:JI' an Mnorr llii'PI s:ur. Mr. :liH! Mrs . .lark Mr·T\rnlln,

Mr . .illtl 1\frs J\rllicm \Viti wrre 1\fi' nllrl !Ills ltoherl Kesler· .u11l S11nd:l\ f'l'<'lllllg dtnlll'l gues1~ of Mr· and Mrs l•'loycl J(t•mnski nl Mr atorl Mts. I yiP llwln.l 1111rl Lansing wet'P Saturday PVI'IIill~~ ti.HII!itll'rs nl LnHoln P,u·k guesl;; ol Mr <llld M1·s. Don Lrnn·

M1· .inti Mr·s rtoliPI'I Bllslr allrl lll'rl. 'M1ss Ahhie Mf\.YVIllc wa.~ ol f:unil,l' Prllril.rlnPil at rlinnc•l' Sun Frrrlay evening 1llnnr1' or d.Lv r: 11 esrs weH• Mt· nml Mr·s. lhe Leonm·ds ltnss i\1 11 niPI', Ml ,rnd Mrs .lnmes Wednrsduy evening clrnlll'l' Slilil'!(ln,111 , MJ' llirl Mrs ll;1y. guesls of Mr· and Mr·s J.nrrn llllliHI Uiisll nnd Mr :rnrl Mrs. Slid IVClC< Mr ami Mrs. Frank ]t.liplt SltntnakPr· ol lttws .ltlllt'· Slid awl Mr·. •lllll Mrs. ltllssell lt1111 Mr ,111 1[ Mr~. l1cnlllltl Bush T<'l'issr.ll anrl G,u·y, IIH• nc•easton Ill' ]'', 11111,1 ,11 ur Mr·. nne] Mt·s. Mil· lieing, llw filth lurrhrlay nnn1verJ illll'll Biisli ancl r.rmily or r.atrlll sm·y oJ' Marlene ~lid

Miss .Jean Brrrtlcrt ol l•'lnll'nl'k nnpicls culled on Mr· mul Mt·.~ G. E. M r .II tel Mrs Pc':lr'irt' llrmch of Manning- Monday.

\VIIIi:tlllslnn IV<'l'P S11nt1.ry vrsllors Gilherr Putmnn of WiiJi,llllRinn nl M1 lllirl M1s. l~a.1 lf:ll'lsilom, vlsiled Mr and Mrs. Hoy llohlll'l

Miss Mrldlccl Krng of Bowell :r11ursd:ry. Mr. and Mrs. John .1 guesl at dinner Sunday of Rockwell ol Slocl\brlclge and Mt·. 1\ll·s. Elizllilf'lh Bncl\LIS .tnd Miss and Mrs Erld Mullen WCI'C Fri· nos,tmoncl B.tcl\us. clay vrsitors ol the IIohnrls. Mt·

Mrs .• Tor' Bolger and son, Tom, ami Mrs. Stanley Voss o[ Mason of P111H'e Edward lsland, Cnnnda, caller! al 11111 HniJ,u·t l10me Sun· II'Pre week end guests of. Mr. and day. M1s A 13 Braman Mr·. and Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Yulms7. and Eddie l"llzsrmmons and family of family of IIoll were Sunday Vlsi­New Hudson were Salurday eve- tot's of the latter's pn1·ents, M1·. ning gucsrs i1J lhc Brnmans. Mr. and Mrs. A. ,J. Miller. and M1 s Lours Blough and Mrs. Mrs. Ft·ecJ 'steadmun and clul­Bern.~rd l•'llzsirnmons of Lowell dt·en of Webberville spent Satut·· e.Jilerl nt the Bramnn home Sun. day with h'er'· pat·ents, Mr and clay. Mrs .Jedson Fellon. Mrs. Felton,

Mr. nne! Mr·s. Glen Shnrlancl Mrs. Steadman and children and and Iamrly were ~unday dinner Mt·. and Mrs David Baker were guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Melvm afternoon visitors of Mr. ant! Untlige. Mrs. Rudy Husl(e and Mr. ant!

j>ft·. and Mrs .• Tuslln Brn<ly a\· Mrs. Freel HusJ(e of Wehbervllle. tended a surprise blrlhclay party • Mr. and Mt·s. Charles Woods Saturday evening at the home of left Wednesday to visit his sis· Ml'. and Mrs. Leon Wilson of ter, Mrs. Grace Lambet·t who Is Howell in honor· of the birthday In n hospital at ·Council Bluffs, anmvcrsary of Mrs. Wilson. Iowa. They also expect to visit

Mr. and Mrs. 'Eldred Harlmcss thelt· son·ln·law and daughter, and Mr. anct Mrs. Lloyd Brooks Mr. and Mrs. •William Leslie and wet·e Sunday visitors of Mt•, und family at .Milan, Mlssoud, b~fore Mrs. Sa~ Williams. the,Y return hom~.·



FlR'l'l' IN GmE-Dy nclunl nwu:.ure­mcnt, lire JD5ft Plymouth Is tile longr.:.t l :11 of the 1ow-ptlce 3 m·s rnr·n biii'cel_i_Jlitll some mo.dlmn-pl'lcc cnt·s.) Plvmoulir Is tr·uly n big cnr· .. 17 frr.t lonr:l

Fir:S'l' IN llOO!IHNHSS-Piymouth is also Lhc blggesL em Inside, with tlw wcnt­CHL hlp room and leg rooii1 Mote comfort fot· youl lind Plymouth's tru11k, by fnr the largest in its flcld, lets you pnck prnct lcnlly everythln~.

FHtS'J' IN VISIBILI'l'Y-Cornpnl·ison pro1•~s that Plymouth's glmnor ous new f'ull-Vlcw w!nclshlelrl-wlth r•ot·ncl poslo swept bncl; both lop nne! llottorn-glvcs yo11 the greatest vistblhty ot "all 3."

FIRS'l' IN EE,\U'l'Y-Compnre styling und sec why Charm, n lending fnshlon mas-nzlnc, chooc Plymouth "llcnuty Buy of

thr Yt'nr "PIYIIl<•llllt'> long, sleek Pu1 \Vfllil Lnok wln, m ,.,. the hiincl-me-drllviibtVI= iiie(,t \lit' "other 3 "

Flll>;'l' IN IX'ONOMY Smootlwr.t nnrl thtlftw~oL enr:rnc of nllJ 'J'hn L's Plymouth':, fast-stepping new G-cyllndo'l Powe\Plow 117 Ils Cilrorne-Smkcl !ICtlOll BII'CS Yllll extra lhousnlld' of ttoublc-trce mile~

• J>JW:;'l' IN COniFOR!f-.Plymouth oJfers you Lhe most eomfor tnbic l!de yon ever cxpetlcnced ln lt IOIV·)lliee em. Only the il1ggcst cnr In the lowest-puce field can ~111 tnw bl[f·Cnr I'IChllg corn fort.

Fll{S'l' IN EXTHA VM.tJE~PI>'tllOULh grves >ou many cxit·a-vnlue ll'.tlur es thnt thl' "aLlier 2" low-price cru·s Elon't haw Come m 'todny nnd let "" show :Y0\1 why .Plymouth Is !.!.!:!!.!:. for value!


r--~-----------~----------:-, 1 Why pay Llll to $500 more I I I I I I I I ., I I I I I I I

for a car smaller than Plymouth?

Don 'l be fooled by the clnlms of so-cnlled mcdlum-p1lcc cnrs thnt they cost ptnctlcnlly the snmc as Plymouth. WI1en you eompnr·e price tngs you'll find Lhnt, 1norlel jor morlel. Plymouth sells lor much, much less thnn medium-

i' pril'e f'nrs, nne! glves iYOU more cnr· tor J your money! 1



l ' I •

( .. [

' I .. I I

.. )

Ingham County News A1uil 21, 1955 ·~------------------------

Seniors Combine Wori<~Sicip Day

ltr•,· 111' IIi<· 1'1.1·:-; <~I' ~it·:;, 1\llr·p II IIIII'

t 'c,llc•t:l' dil~ \\'fl:, tdl:;c•l'\'t'd Mu!J· tiny ;II. lite• 1\1.1. .ccJI • ·:c·lltllll. 'l'llc' 1,/',.liiJ):-i fl'lllll jl,"JJI;:\'illt• WIHP. :JI· ltl!lrlf•d Wl'l'l' l 'J;1f'l\ l'l!t•lp:·:, !tOll·

;lid I lt•ll,•il,\'. J:,llll·tt \VItil:tl\1•1', 'f'JI(_• SPJdCJJ' l'lit~S JJ[Id a l't'd(l· ;-;11/'.illlllf' i\IIIIJI"I', l';d i\/OIIi'/11',

hillttlintt IVIII'I\-dit,\' 1111<1 :>l:ipd;t,\' 1:11111 !\till 1\ttdi•J:,,Ii, t\1111'\ !.1111 last 'I'LIP>tdit\'. Itt 1111• l'"t't•tilllltt Ill<' lllditll'l :tlld 10:11''" llill·: ,\Jr. lllllJllllt!I'S llj· lltr• {·In:>:; Ji!':.l(l•d llfi i:l'iJ:::·· iil'''"llij>lillil·d I 11>'111.

Dansville Church. Has Dedication:

'l'lu• Sttttdtty morning worship ·;t•t·vlt•t• ttl thn fllltl>tl'illt• Ml'thn:l· IHI "hitl'l'it lrwlttdt•d II dPdJr•niJon l'('l'<!lllOil,V.

llntss tiffr•t'illl( lia~lns· \VI!J'('

t~ivr•tr In 1111! t•ltrtrr•il hy Mt•. lttlll' Mrs·. ~1i'ltm lff'I'IH•rl JJI' Ann At'· l1111' ltr nwmot·v t>f ~Ji·s . .lttll,t Wrtil<t'l'. 'l'lu•sP · \1;1'1'1' dl'dil•ttlt•d nnrl nl~o 1!11: nt·w liulil'litl lm:ml ll'liidt ltiiH hPPil t'illllJllelf'IY I'!" Jlilirt>d rtlltl n•fiiJisltl'd !1.\' Vln•·c•nt f'itt·lt•tt 111111 !tis shnp llllyH,' IIH· liislt•d hy SPVf'l'iil llll'll rtJ' lilf! pnpPI'~t illlrl mngnZJIIP~. I ,lie• i~ll· 1 ~''Jll'l'! ''Ill it I h 1•·; , ,f _.;;•\'c·r;d c·oJ-

' fllr'll.flflll \V:J~. HJ~.f!lll ill ~~::( 111'1:.111~1\ r,,,~~fl~; ill ,\Jil'lliJ•.:Jll \,'. 1,1.1, pn•~;PJII •• p.llll, Wllltdll.t .• IIIJJ, pld,\IIIJ: .. 1111· '" litlll Ill 1111' '[I'Jiil>l':l, 1111.'1\\'1'1'

lir.tJI lllld ltOJVIIIJ: II \\'li'III'J' h>IJ>,I. IJIII'!iliiiiiS illid ;'.i\1' >'lllllrii·J lltld

l'illll'f!li, .

~1t11Hiily, April :.!·1. vlt•lot'.Y rlny, will IH! "li:a•t'VPd 111 tile' Dnnsvllli.• <'illll'r·Jr. 'l'lip lllillf'!Wrilillg 111' Jlw l·ltltl'l'it's Jll'il~l'll/11 iltlil piPdf'~'" ~'••t· 1111· ''"mlnr: Y~'llt' will hP dr•dl­•':rlt'd. Tlrw;r• WIHJ IIIIVP not mwiP pl••dgt•s Ill' lltlllt•IWI'illl'll 1111' pro­l~l'illll lu•l'orP ~1ttllliay will lw 1'1111-liti'IPd !'-;llfldll~' iJfJpi·tltHIIJ !II' PVi'·

!!ill/~· ill :111 . t'\'I'J',\'·rtl('tlllll 1 1' l'illl

1:1::;:. '1'11'11 ltlllili111:s will IH• Hl'lll >>ttl lltt>: wr•r•J; In 1'.\jJiilill 1111• 11-lllllll'iill 111 •r•rl It lid ll11• prol',!'itlll 1'111'

'"" l'lilltitt~: ,}'I'll!', lllll'll J)iP!tl l'i ··JtfJil'lllillt 11f 1/li:-; 1'/JirlllliiiPI~.

. '


• I

TilP dil!''' pliiJJS Ill IJil\'1 1 llltii'P J~llidiiiH"I', pJr:lliiJI.'o 11J' IIIIJII'I' IH•f 1•1'1' :a•l11 II>J i'IOHPS Hll if illl,\'11111' ill Jill• 1'11111· \Villl;ttil Alll.'illllf "1"'111 1111' llt•,•:t 111111111y lt:ts 1"'1"'1' 111 l11• ld,·l••·d ,,,:,rl "I 1111• \1'1'>'1< '.1'1111 th,·ar 1\11 lip IJu•_v 111;1,)' l'!llllill'l :1/J,\' IJJI'/11 dJ•]'~lPII 11l h;rJI,;J.•;I•:il,

. . ' ______ ,.,..,,_ .. ~-- ···-~------ ---~~-·~ ···~-- ~"'" ..... -·······~--........... ~------ ·-··- --··-·-

:·;ttlldii,V :t l'lr•t'lli>llll, ilpril '2·1, lltr• di::t ri,•t 1\'1. Y •. 1•'. spri111: r:lll,v will Iii.' ltl'lrl ill lilt• 1'1\'lillilllli ~1t>Jit· 11rli:.1 t•IJnri'IJ lll'rditui ng 111 :1::lll '""' <'llllliJrlliiiJ: unlil K llr. !fat'· tdd !~l'j•fJII'I', l'!lJIJ't'l'(iflC'P ~:t 1 Cl'i'· I 11 1'1· 111' ( 'lll·isl i1111 l'dliJ'III i1111, wi II Ill' .IJ11• l.lll'ill\1•1', /\JJ :-il'llill!' I'I'J.:is· IJillillliS 1111' IIH' ,''lllllll'Ji'l' M. Y. 1•', I'IIIIIJ> :;lilllild Ju• IJJil:il' III'XI :·:<ttid:Jv :11 tit'' r:rllv. 'l'lt"s'' rh•;:it'· i 1r;; I 11, illll'llll t'J'IIIit 1111• J, 11'111 i\1. \'. 1·'. "''""ld J'<rltt:ll'l tlu· •·nntp ,.,,!CJlllill('~' J\lr~. ~~~~llc)rl AJirl,'i'· ·;""· 1\lr.'i. 1\t•iltPtt \Viti ot· Mt·s. I;, JO:. 1\'I;JillliiJt!, ( ';tJ'S \Viii ht• IP:I\'

I i11:~ Juri It •·ltrtrdr••s al :J: I;,, J•::ll'll jiWJ'.•;,II jlillllttillg In illl<'n<i h ill

i11\ ill• ;1 11ll1(•r 1\'1. Y. 1•'. t)l' llllll·

i'vl \'. 1·'. llli'I'IIIIPJ'S. 'l'ttl',;d:t,\' l'l'f'llillg, /\pt•Jl 21;, at

:: .,.,.,,,.1\ 111 tltr• l'llltl'dt tllrt·r· will 1>1' II 1111'1'1 ittJ.: lif I liP lllf>tllliPl'S 111' !Iii• I'IIJ[Illlilif'P 1111 l'tiltl'llliOII :JIId \1'~>1'1\J•J','i l'lllii'I'J'i'lll'l'. 'J'I11• Jllll'J'IIl'il' ~,r tili!. t·onHtlitiPt· i:-: Itt l'tJttsldPr IIi•' 1 >ttt'I'II:J:it' 111' :1 l'ilur :;I rip pt·n· jr•l'llll' 111111 lllid(l' t<l:tiiS l'rll' lltf' •:llilllrtf•t' llltd 1:111 t•ltttrl'il >:t'lli>lli,

~II'. and fViJ'H. lby llnw,, and :;r~n ,,, 1'1'1'1'.\' \'isitf'fl Mr. :11ull\lrs. htill lle<iglf'lt Sttrulny.

SWIMMING TOWEL-Cornl­nnd-whitc• lt'l'l'Y. clolh, lrlrmncd with while cotlon fringe, iH temJwc.l In tllis tliree-piooc be~ch cmtlmble. Nnw being moclelctl in Miumi, ~'ln., for Wlllll" ''lip IIDI'!IJ" tliis ~llllllllCI', .tht> str:Jple~s, elnsficizod swim­~Llil lia,; bloomer Jlllllls which

motel! coal and t:!Jin .hat,

II nmt·IJIUI~t•t'!i llm•r• \'isit m·s

lVI i.':s l.11i:: Olivt·t· of WaRilin~· IIlii, n. ('., :JS>'iSIHrll Nil I ionnl dul, IHII'isllt' 111' 1•'. II. .A .. und l'ilr:;. W:i\'1• c;rangt•l' or l.:tnsing, Slillt' illlvb,•t', l'isitrod IIH• hnnH'· maldng dc•partiiH'tll nl' ltr!!,hnm 'l'nwnsltip Agri•·ullltml sc•hnol 'l'tti•sday. 'f'IH• girls who all<'ilill'd llw sl:tiJ• t'tlll\'l'lllilltt :11111 1!11• lo· i'ili III'J'il'I!I'S JtPJ<J II JIIIIIPI diSJ'IIS· slon r •II plnns f,r a IH'III'r l'irrlt, foJIIIII'Pd I>)" II Jii>il'lt~·~iOll ill' aiJ f'iltil li!Ciillif'l':'i.

-------------------------····· .. ----------·-----·----'-

District Meeting Draws. Crowd

----:.::. ..... Set it ..• forget it~ ..


Take odvcmtage of !hts

BIGGER THAN EV~~ TRADE-IN All0\1\'19!~~(~~

on our new 1955



32 pct~je's of exciting r·ecipes!

COME 111\S, •• ASI( FOR IT!

See this Amazing, Fully· • 'J.;· •

Aut·omat1c, Lahor-Savmg, Time-Saving Range. Today!


l»ontrfJ//ed GAS RANGES Give You Ne~i

r ~I ,... I .tr' rree(.,(o,, .' \,\ .. . . . ~ .. _:: ~-~--~ ")'~


a .•• A fully 'tulomi:tlic 30-inch rctnge with a gictnt full· width owm etr1d b(oiler.

.. "lnslt1·Matic" Oven Guardiun cooks food while you're (tWCty, turns oven ON <t~d Off 1.1t the tim>fl5 yno :.Aiecl.

41 New lnstr.t·Ute electric <JVc'lll etnd broiler lighling.

• Timfld Corwenience Out­let. /

~ ... 7'

o New "Sun-Tone'' 'spiii­Aways and Porcelctin En· amel Spillage Trays ~im• plify cleaning.

· • Stree~mlinecl Fluores~:ent


• '~Comfort Le-vel;--i:milling ond a Chrome Broiler Tray.

• New "Sun· Tone" styling.

• New high efficiency All­lrol "Center-Simmer" top burners and "Rocket· Speed" oven and broil~r

· burners.

A lrll'f:P rmwtl a II rnr!rtl t liP rlis· ll'iJ•I CjU:>t·lr!~l,\' liWI'iillg 11f JltP Lnnsing dislrid 111' lltf' J<'t'N' ~lrlho<iisl l'!tut·f'ir at Dattsville nv,lr 1 Ill' ~\.'Pt 1 l< Pllri, ),pginnillg Tltttt•s,Ja\' ni)!;ltl. Jtr·v. F:. 1 •. Bni· IP:JII, !list t·ir•l SIIJl<'J'iltll'illlf'ill, Jll'f•· ':idf'rl :11 lltr• ,;prvi•·P;;,

Tllf' l,ll.~illPS."' SPH~:inn~.; nf lllf1 IIH'f'ling \\'''''[' S:tlltrri:l.l' rn"'''line. Tlt(1 IJIISin!'•ss ~~:tS,liiflll Ill' !Iii~ v ... 'ona­l.'!l's J\1i~:sional'r Sor•:f•l '.' \i.':ts S;lt· IIJ'dil,'l Hflf't'llO(I)l. .

On Sundny :1 flrmnnn Dic·k I li•lldPrsnn g:1vr• lltf' missinlliti'Y :lddrPs.~. Mr. I fr·ndt·rsnn tattgltt i11 :111 ;lit' l'nrt·t• sdmol in .lapatt !'or ,:r•Vt!t'nl y<•;it·s, l'i'ltn·nitlf'. In .1110 ,;I :II r•:; 1'111'1.1' I IIi.': .\'i'li I'.

i\ lal'f~l' l'l'r'>Wd :tllrndf'd lltr• yrHtllt l'itlly f.::illtl'day :•Vt'llillf',.

Mnsi<' w;,s l'ltl'llislled IJV n .v• ,ll! 11 f'l Jflt'tts ·f!·nr11 l.a n~ii ng · ( 'Pn· 1 ··,tl. II<'\'. M:~rjor'il' l·lllwldn:> enve thP ln"!''':'r!t'.

W>~nH•n tllnlct> nan.lng-t>s lvlrt11iJ('J'S or IJtP f11gJJ~l11 )011'11·!

sltip roxtPttsion gJ'Oitp mell WNirm•:d:ty :1. I' I t'l'tJOnn ill 1 he 111\vn ltnll l•l t·,,JJ liilllda~:rs l'nr Ciltli'Pl' lrPiiltlH'Ill. 'I' ill' pnds, mntlc nf wltilt' •·nlllltl slrPPiillf'., 111'1' lwing IISC'd lty r'·:Jtli'rt· p:tliPnl;; ill IIH! Dnn~:villr nrr·n. Mt·s .. lt•;,t•J lVII'· CaiH•, l'ltnit·tn:llt nf lltP gt•nup, hns l'P.qttl'Sit•tl slwots l'l<t' n:.:P in lhr pro .Jeri,

Mt·. nnrl M1·s. Wnynr. Taylor nnd family \\'P,I'f' S11ndny dintwr gllf'SI:~ nf IIH: I:Jtlrr's Jllll'l'llls, Ml'. :JtHI Mt'.''- l1nseor! Arnold.

Miss C'nnrtiP Wnshhurn of Knln· mazon :111cl 1\lrs. l{osa W:~sltltttJ'II nJ' M:rsn11 1\'rt·r• S11nrlny rli1111r.r gUPsts of Mr. :mrl Mrs. l~Joytl Milf'itPII. fn the ai'IPrnoon Mr·s. M)ldlrll and Mr·s. Wnshhur·n ne­tSIIYljlnnietl f'on11ir 1~ Kalanwzoo.

Mr. nnd Mt•s. Earl l1lsr•l1 nncl BPIIY wiorr Srttlllny rlirtiH'l' gttesls of M t'>:. IJ.r'rtlw ~~~•tit• of l•'owlrr· ville.

Mr. :1nrl Mr>:. Rir'ilmnnd U:Jiley ant! rnmily ·or TTnlt and Mr. rrml Mrs. Sam C:ra fl n nd son or Mason werP Suntluy visitors of their pnt•r•ntfi, l\•lt·. n IHI 1\1 t'K. newry Ct~f~ .

l\'liss Shlrl!!V C:nol< of' Ashllrl' college, Wilmore, Ky., Sllr.tlt lit'e wee!< P,ntl ·willl ill'J' Jliii'CIII~. Mr. anrl Mrs. Glen Coole, ·

Mr. allll Mt•s, !.ron Gl\'1111 of .. Williumstnn il'f'J'(' S11nrln~· visit-

ors nr Mt· ... and Mrs. Lloyd Brooks.

Mrs. Harrison Bra!, Mr·s. Vr.dn l"m'JWI' and Mrs .• foe MeCann of .TaP.i\snn were F'l'iclny guests of I Mr. :inti Mr1.:. Cljft'onl Willinms.

Mrs. Belly :Mayall nf Dearborn wn~ n Sumlay visi tm· of Mrs. Rosa Andt!rsott. Mr·s. Mayall was fot·mct•Jy ·, Blllly Sherl'ir!l< and laugh I in· tlw gmdes nl r. '1'. A. S. a few years ago.

.Mrs. Goldie Wnrd and grand· daughters, Diane nnd l'n1ty, sprml Sumla)' with M1·. and Mrs . .Jim Wnt•tl of Mason.

One of the longest solltm·J· .lotll'lieys of recorded hl~tol')' wos ft'om· Pet·u, South America, to'

- Samoa, South Sea Islands, from ,June 22 to October 13, 1954. For m; clavs; William Willis,. his cat an<\. canary dt•lfled' it lone oil·. a ' : t;att rot· 't;uiJ.o .. tnlles, jiuit. rot· 'the · fun, of it: · ' ·


A&~ Who~e Kernel Corn COM·


~ I( D AAP'1 COM· LOW ~-RA· P!iiC( liVE


Gold Medal Flour 25 o~,~ 12.11 D Pillshuru Orange Cake Mix· '7·oz. 29c 0 l PKG.

Marble Cake Mix amy cRocKeR 20p~~: 29c 0

Reliable Sweet Peas s~~~~~~~ 2 ~~~~~· 29c 0 Powdered Milk t~~ 1 rc6t~~,silce ~·;~; 29c D · Cho11Ped Beef ARfAOIJR

17c~T~ 29c 0 Corned DeAf Hash ARMOUR ~~~~~ 29c 0 Bartlett· Pears 10r1A

29c~i~ 29c 0 Sliced Piuea1~11le notE -

20c~~i 29c [] Pineannle Juico nolE

46c~~i 29c , 0 7·RIB END

Bisflllick FoR ou1cK nJscuJTs

Buitet·iield Potatoes wHot~: OR ~liCW

Polish Dill Pickles A~P . 2


·1TI·OZ, !•KG.

tHJl'. CAll


I H)Z. CAU~>

I ·Ill. PI< C..

Grapefruit Sections Peach~A1.ricot Bars Green lima Deans Sure Good Margarine


2 1-1.11. CHIS.

Fels Na~1tha LAU~IPRY ~OAP ! 3 BAR',

AI!./~', COI,I. IDYl PAllA· t·tun ltv~

a·1c 10c 29c 2~<: 25c 35c 39c 2ac


D [J [] 0 [J D []

Woodbury Bath Soatt Woodbury Facial Soar•

2 CP.KI'~ 25c 3 C;.~f:S 26dZ

D r-] ['j




J. 3· ~RICE ' c [] AKP's COM· lOW fARA· PIIIC[ !lVI;


Leona Bologna All. MEAT. sJ.ICEo e-OZ. ~KG. 25c

69c D [I Pork Chopt ALl. CENm curs


Rib Roast suPER RIGHl BEEF

Smoked Picnics SUPER RIGHT, ' S~AALL, lEAN

Sliced Bacon All GooD. twl '-AYr:ns

Pork Loin Roast Chop S~tey Meat Leg o' lamb






lB. 69c :·"lc LB. ~;:y

J_B, 45c LB. 45C

53c lB.

Lr.. 69c

0 0 0 [] 0 0



SUverbrook Butter ~c!-~.: 59c D ~lEW LOW

PRICE Frankenmuth Chees·e Longhorn Stwle Cheese Sliced Cheese MEL·g::'~·~~:e~~~o.r~

lo. 45c D qsc D LB.

e.oz. 29c D I' KG.

Natural Swiss Cheese CheduO•Dif AMERICAN cHEESE FOOD 2

LB. 69c 0 ~.6~r- 75c 0

Sharp Sliced Chees·e a1,·1(0GZ.. '~·~I! []


Waxtex Wax Paper !00-FT. 2111\ D ROLL u _

Northern Toilet Tiss1te 3 ROLLs 2§o

Blue Bo,nnet Margarine 2 di·~Js.59c D 0

Wesson Oil lo-oz. 37c BOT. .. -

r;H. BOT. 71c D

Keyko Margari11e SOLID . 2 I-LB. 47C PRINT CTNS.

Salad Dressing ' French D•·es!llng

Sawlwicli Spread

2 t-LR. 49c QTRS. CTNS. ·



SHEDD'S e.oz. JAR 23c

16·07., JAR 31c

S th t S 2 BATH' 3 R~G. 26 wee e~r 08pcAKES 2Sc CAKES · 0

,o D D 0

t6-0Z. PI< G.

2 J6.QZ. PKGS.

Argo Gloss S~arch

Argo Corn Starch

Ptem Lu11clreon . Meat Das·h· Dog Foo~

t2-0Z. TIN

13c D 25~ D. 39c D

16-0Z CAN 15c D


. Or.ange Juice ~rs~reFR~~~N 2 ~-f~s 37c ' \ ' . .

0 Lin it Laundry Starch t~~i: 15c D Mazola" -Oil . agi. 71c. 16egr .37c D'.

-.1· .· ,,: • I •., 0 1. ". '

dexo .Shortening ALL. PURPOSE; ; :3 .. ·,LB; ·s·· a·c· .:[]· > .

PIJRe.\IE~ETABLE ... ~AN .- . . ... ::· ·. ·· :' .· ' ··~ .\~. .· '

1-&P's cor.(. lOW fJ..RA· IHrCL ltV~

Ste k Rou~Jo oR sw1ss, 81) - (I 8 SUPER RtGH r BEEF LB. ()C

Vaal ChOfiS cHoicE RIB cuTs Le. 79c B S FOR f-RYING 29 8C0n quares OR SEASOIIING ' LB. C Boiling Beef MEATY PLATE la. 25u Sliced Bacon 51JPF.R RIGHT. FMir.Y QliAl.ITY Lc. 53c Shrt'mp fMjCY lvtEDIUMS, sec

5-LB. BOX $2.59 LB. \.1

0 t St S lp KIRKPATRICK, 2 B OZ ~~~ JS er eW 01 FROZEN · r:~NS "!\>'C

Haddock fillets FRr:~H FROZEII LB. 19c


D IJ D 0 [l 0 0 []



Asparagus I OW PAR~· Po!C~ liYE


2 lilS. 49c D Bananas cHoicE mu1r. GoloErl n1rF. 2 ue d Le't sizE 24. 2 n a ! UCe CRISP AIW SOLID FOR

Pascal Celery FLORII'lA 24'1 sTAlK

Navel Oranges CALIFORNIA 5 ~~5 ft~!}

LOS. ~C 35c 19c

D o··" 0 D

Carrots mAs 2c~i.~~s 19c New Texas Onions YELLOW OR WHITE, 3 r 25c . IJ.S. NO. I LB.,,

Mushrooms MICHIGAN Gnowt~ rr. 25c Cucumbers FLORIDA, exrRA FANCY 2 Fon 29c Grass Seed oxFoRo PARK 5 ~:;; $1.79 Me."lt p~o~~S lviORTON'S OR SWANSml'S 4 B·OZ. 89C


Strawberdes uaay·s. suceo, FREsH FnozE,J 2;,~~·. 29c

8 0 D 0

8 Firs~ Choice For Setond Helpings!



· · Special This Wu~:k 1

PKG. OF 1!1 J9c

Save up to 5c o Dozen

A&P's COM· LOW ~AkA·

JANE PARKER-REO. 4!1.: ., .. \ PRICE liVE Pfti<:E

Cherry Pie· EA. 39c_D Pecan ·Rolls JANE PARKF.R, cARAME~ ~~:6.; 33c lemon Delight Cake JANE PARKER, a" EA. 57c White Bread YouRJ~m ~~::5Rcuy · 2fo~zF 17c ·~spice Drop Cookies ~ANE PARKER PKG. 25c Potato Chips Fi~~e :~~K~~isp '6~:< 59c

S·l M PLY 5 UP E R 50 U ~ is Simple to Malee With


All Prices ·In This 'Ad Effective · Through Saturday, April. 23rd

o· 0 0 0 D



Canvass of/ Votes Cast At tltc Dlennlal Spring Election, bold on 1\fonclny, the Fourth ;l.)aLy of April, A. D , lOI'SIS, nud OanvMsc1l by the noar1l of ()ounty Oanvunscm of Ingham Oounty, Michigan,

Ohnftcr No H697 Re~er ve Dl!ltrlct No UEl'OlU 01 CONDITION OF Till,


'lf! tfie state of Michigan tt the close of busmess on Aplll 11 195'5 fmbllshcd in response to call m trle by complJOllCJ of the cuuency under SectiOn 3211 U S nev1sed Statutes

A:SSI,T:s Cash balmces w1th other banl1s Including reserve balance and cash Items 111 pto~ess of collection Umted States Government obligations direct and gua1 an teed Obligations of States and political subdivisiOns Othe1 bonds notes and debentures C01 porute stocks f mcludlng $12 000 00 stock of FedCJ al Rese1 ve bani~)

Loans and discounts (Including $16 25 overdJUfts) Bani~ pJCmlses owned $1 00 !urnltUJ e and fixtm es $1 00 Real estate ownecl other than bunk premtses fFot !u tu re b mk q um tcrs)

11 Othe1 assets (Cpsh Value Life Insurance $8 968 251


13 Demand deposits of and corpot at ions Time deposHs o! individuals partnerships and co rpm allons Deposits of United States Government ............. . Deposits of States nnd polltlcul subdlvlslons Othe1 deposits (cm tilled and cushier s checks etc)

TOTAL DEPOSITS $6 293 461 37

Other llabllltles (Income collected not yet earned)


CAPirAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock (c) Common stock Surplus Undivided profits



Legal Notice Legal Notices



SPOTTED "TIOER"-Whllc tigers (jungle variety) have never been !mown to change the1r st rlpes tigers-Detroit 'rigcrs thut Is-are sporting spots these days Good bid for Frecltlc King of the major leagues could be entered by rool\le J W Porter, who

I brought his frccl;J~s t rom Shawnee Olda to tho Detroit

teams outfield ---------


H JHtH.dl

Ingham Counlv News April 21, 1955 P(lge 6

If nil the c us In N111 YOJI\ Ht~te were lined up hum1 r 1 to humpe1 they woulrl 1 eu~h 1~ ll71i miles

rtLl'Oitr 01 ( ONUJ liON OJ

The Farmers Bank of Mason 01 IIIA80N, INGIIMI COUNr\, JUICIIIGAN

at the 1lose o[ business April t1 1!l'l"J 1 Hill< h ml1lng lnstltutl Jll

( rgunlzcd nnrl opel ttlng t nrlm IIH h tnldng ltws nf this slate 111d t member of the Federll ncsmvc System P1hilshcd In o~croJdtn<u with 1 c ill m 1dc by the St1tc Bnnldnr, Aulhorltl£s trHI by the I crl CJ II neserve Banl1 of this Dist1lct


2 $ 80 I GBB tlb

3 1

l 2hllO'i iO 2!l'i 8(,( 'iS

hi l7£i 72



rorAL LIABILrTIES [not IIHiurhng suiJ ordlnated obligatiOns shown below)

c tplt tl* Surplus Undivided

( A I'll AI A(( OUN IS



•rhl~ banlt s capital consists of Common stock with total par value of $100 000 00


'170000 l'l!l Jr,o !ll

{ '500 00 12L.lllll 2 812 11

$1 1!2 27:-l.ll

1 781 317 '53

11 hi:!7 84 I I 112 2721i!J 2'i 718 O!J

$3 (j[j[j 2891:-1

$ 100 OOil DO !JO 000 DO 88 127 87

$3D 11 717 30

31 A•sets pledged or assigned to sectll e II tbilltws tnd fot otheJ Ptii(JOSCS $ 25 000 00

3d Deposits of the State of Michigan <In eluded 111 Item 161 8 950 0 >

I L R WHITE Cnshlel o[ the above named bank hetell\ certify that the above statement ls true to t\w best of my know! edge and belief

L R Wllf TE Cashlet CORREC1-A 1 rES1


State of Mlclugan County of Ingh tm ss Dn ectm s

Swmn to and subscubecl before me this 18th d ty of Aprtl 1955 (SEAL) MARY T SMifH Notary Public

My commtss1on expnes August 10 1957

Notice of

Delhi Township Zoning Hearing

A Public llemlng wUI be held on 'lhtnsday, 1\Ioy U, 195'1, nt 7 00 p m nt the Delhi l'o\\ m;hiJI llull In llolt, J\llchlgun, for the ptiiiiO~e of ht•tulng objecflons to the following p10posml 1 hanges In the Delhi Zoning Oulinunce

1 l'cUtlon from reslden IN of Codnr llt•ights Subdlvl~lon for the 1-e zoning of this subdivision flom "C" ltesldentlul to ' B ' UmlldenUal.

2 l'etltlon tmm Vlctm Giant, 3~71 8 l'emu;ylvnnia Uoud, that the following llcsmlbed land be zont•d Comme1 1 lal- 'I he I nst 1911 1t of the Jlnrcel of hmd loc1tlt d In the SE ~ of the NWY.i of Scctlon8, '13N, R::W, Delhi Imvnshi11, Inghnm Conn ty, llllchlgnn, described as follows Ut ginning nt tL point 30 rod!! N and 3 5 JOtl!l I of I he IS 11! post of the NW ~ of sultl Section 3, thenue N 165 0 ft , thence 1. 396 0 ft , thence s Hlfi 0 ft, thence W 396 0 ft. to the poln1 of beginning, containing- 1 [i neres.. <The W ::oo ft Is nnw zonml Comn\erclnl )

3 l'etlt ion from ltny Uoglt, li106 J,vm ctt Street to 1 e zone Lot No 3 anti the West 8 rods of I..ot 4 SupeJ visor!! l'hLI No II from ' A" Ut.'!lldentlal to Commercial for the erection of build lng to house Trenching Equipment

4. Petition from llar1 y Om nworth, ~996 Gwvenburg Bond, to re zone Lot No 10 Kenbrook Subdlvhllon from "D" Re!il tlentlal w Conunerclal to build am lnsurnncc offloo athUtl<lll to his home.

5. RequC!It of Wolter Neller Co, leJlrescntlng Jlowartl Allll'ell anti Willard J. Aml~>s 1o re zone to Commercial the fol lowing tlescrlbed land: S V: of the SE 'It of the N frl ~, llXe in the E & W 'A line ata 110lnt 87.~ 01 rt, W or E \4 post, N 227.81 ft. of E 360 rt , N pll with \4 line 300 rt W to E'ly line of the US·127 lllghway, S'ly along highway w E & W 'A llile, E to be ginning, Section 4,

6 l'nl8cott Subdivision, a IIDrtiOJt of the SE \4 of Section 7, near corner of Blshot, ICoed and Grovenburg Road. New Plat, to be zoned "A" Re!lldentiaL

7, William Fo~s Plat, Stletlon 28 In llolt, 1\llchlgau, south or Syeftmore Sti'Cilt New Plat to be zoned "A" Re~ldentlnl


Upon What Meat• That's fmm Shnlwspenl'e- "Upon what meat rlld this

our Censnt· l'eerl t:hnt he Is gmwn so gi'Ont: ?" ' So yoiJ see, even before pnssnge of Inghnm'R meat. orcli:.

nnnee them were arguments about: meat:, and about nmhltlon, Ambition is the angle of this piece.

April 21, 1955

' '

The Ingham County News '

Part·4 ..

Meal clcalors, fnl'lllf!l's, slaughter·er·s, pr·ocessors and con­sumcr·s ag1•eo that cm·e should he tnlwn In the hnmlllng of meal, all I he way from the slrlllghter house to the family table. There m·e ferleml and state laws which have been relied upon t.o govm·n meal handling. There has been· a L1msing ordinance, and ordinances In other cities. The right of any legislative ·body to 2stablish r·ensonable r·ules and regu­lations in tho inte•·e:-;1. of' publlc health Is not questioned.

Down by the Book Talk SYCAMORE

llnuro 011on lo tnc 1111hlln at honrt. qmu·toru hrun(Jh, Irurhum Cotllll)l lllm1ry. Mqnduy thrOUU'h Snturcfu.y 2-fi;OO; ri'uon· dny ll.hd rl'hunu!uy, 7·0 I'• m.1 Saturdny IO•U: 'l'uoadny and l•'•·loluy II ;UIJ·I21311 (durlniJ' oohool """'',

Not ns an npology to Pilll Mil· lis, ,Jim Prcsmtt, AI l~ordw and Clairmont lj:V!!rlll, simply a~ an explanation' to rmHicrH, t ho~e •l men 111'e hanriHomel' llwn tlwy WCJ'e pictured on the front par:c of last wcel<'s Inghnrn .County News.

' "Of all the needs 11 hoot< has; Herschel .Jewett didn't, and I the chief need Is, thnt It be mad· feci I ought to give him credit for ahle"-thu~ wrote Anthony 'I'm(. 1 L I culled him up to cxpluln our lope, the English nnvcllst, u good sltuntlon, and how I then had my many years ago. In the ycmr:s eyes focuserl on his 18·1neh ad on since, many otherwise cstlrnnhlc Page 3. aulhors seem tn hnve forgotten

• ... But the slalernent of n membe1· of Ingham'~ health •"' commitJee should have been questioned· from the floor at

last wec){'s mcellng of' the board of supervisors. The chair·­man of I he health committee informed 11is colleagues that the county IH!alth committee of the bm11·d of supc1·visors does

·not need to submit ordinances to the ~>upcr·vlsor·s, that the cc;mmillee Itself has tho power and authority to adopt ordi­nances within the scope or public health.

Maybe the chairman of the healt.h committ!!e was cor­reeL I·Je's a prominent lawyer, with extensive experience in munieipnl affairs. But his statement should have been chal­lenged by some member concerned ove1· the threat to self­government that such a situation poses. If any committee appointed by a boar·d of supe1·visors can malce its own laws without the consent of the legislative body to which it owes

• its appointment that.'~ delegat~d authm·ity with a vengeance. If such a committee has power to adopt or·dinances without heal'ings, without the parent body even knowing what the ordinance:; contain, then the people have suffered greater loss than laclt of quality in meat:. They have lost one of the foun­dations to l'epresentative government. If the health commit­tee has pmpcrly interpreted the Jaw, then instead of the !ll'occss of law which has served this nation so well, we can now be govemed by edicts, by pronouncements made under delegated autho•·ity, by edicts either based upon solid con­victions or sustained only by whims.

Membc'i·s of Ingham county's health committee ar·e rea­sonable men. They displayed their reasonableness last week when they pmmised to conduct. a hearing on the meat ordi­nance and when the committee chait·man gave assurance that

• • supe•·visol's will be consulted, although the committee doesn't ~ have to consult anyone.

The r.xplanatlmtl~: 111111 llw lng· hnm Coui1ty News Duplex rle· velnperl hlanlcet tmuhle, Dul'ing ThttrHdily's last run tlw cylinder pael<lng slipper! not oiH'e nr· twice, or even tlu·lee, htil c:onllnurlli~!y. '!'hat. had ncve1• happened lwfrm.! and it tool< telephoned nrivlce !rom the Chicago fnctm·y hefore a remedy tool< holrl. By thnt time the shirts of the men on the front page, a n!l their fnr.'cH, had become nimr,st us soiled as those of the press. crew,

"Wiml. do ynu tin wlwn .von have mnr11 typn Uum you !'1111 !:'lit Into t.htl IIUllt!l''f" WIIM It ljlll'.'illllll

1111t by a rmuh!l' last, wccl<. 'l'h!' rtuc~~uun wns llnll'd ,lust. right, IWCIIIINll liJCI'll WIIS a Jlll);"ll OVI\I'·

set ln~t wecl<.

When the self-serve system is generally adoplcri hy ail huslncss· cs, readers will he Invited to step up to the galleys of type anrl plcl< out what Liley want and what they don't want. Then the want ad galleys will have to he lengthened and criitorlal galleys shortened. Until that time comes, though, It Is up to the editor to decide what goes in when there Is not CJ1DUgh room for ali.

"Lc<;Ve It out until next wecl<," volunteered Harsch<!!, "I don't wnnt my ad to dcp1•lvc people of lnformnUon they ought tn !mow about the Sail< vaccine progmm, t11e junior play, 4·H club doings or who went somewhere Cor East· cr rllmicr."

this, bul an inerensinf,( number arc gelling baci< ,fo Trolinpc's Idem. This month's offering fnr young people ut the Ingham county library Is right in the groove.

DEADMAN'S COVE hy Leon· ard Wlbherly Is nn exciting arl· venture slory nf piracy In the Caribbean.

St!\'t!l'lll olht!l' lliiVel'tlMerM, With Adu Claire Darby':; PULL l!l'edU. ,)u~t ~~~good UH Her!lchei'H, AWAY BOATMAN Is a mur:l1 also.luul ll rt~!CN!I ln11t week, nnd better thnn average love story on lmhnlf of 0,000 HUbNc!rlberH for older girls. You will want tn t.lwy m·o hert!by Uumkml. 1t hnrt rend It In one sitting ~o don't us uhnost. Its nuwh ll.'lit did them. start It before your Saturday's

· · · jobs are done. . Whlle we're discussing news· ' New copies of the evc•·-popuiar

paper problems maybe something r hooks by Mllclrcd M~ese--tlw should he said about delayed de· WAGON· TO THE STAR, Him liveries at East Lansing. Ma1·ch ST.i\R IN. SIGHT' anri Mi\111' 31 papers were burled under an CARSTENS, M. D.. hnvr~ hr'r~n avalanche of university maU. purchased and are available nl Even with 10 extra men assigned the Ingham county llhrnry. to the office In the changebaclt Don Stanford lws often mcerl to a separate office from a Lan· sports cars in competition in tiw sing branch, newspapers were Colorado Rocl{les, the setting nf not worlted Friday and some of the RED CAR. He really loves them not even Saturday. In that and believes In the little car he week's Issue was a full page ad puts In the hands of Hap Adams, Inserted by Democrats. A suspl· young hero of his hook. cious party worker accused us of Science fiction fans will wei, dcliherately delaying delivery come a new title in the Winston until after the election. At first I science Hctlon series. In the declared I wouldn't· dignify the WORLD AT BAY by Paul Capon statement by denial. Then I we learn of an Invasion of ca1·t h thought that airing such a In 1977 from Poppen, a satellite charge might' Indicate the esteem of the recently discovered dark In which Ingham County News star, Nero. Don't miss the irltro· advertising Is held, and so here duction. It describes briefly th~ It Is. new science of "radaroscopy" or

"blind astronomy" on which the Returning from Flot·lda by events of the story are based. Ex·

plane Saturday, LaMoure Barna· citing reading even if you arc by of Wyeth Laboratories Inc. not a science fiction fan.


It's Always Going to Rain ...

And the place to save for that rainy day is in our bank where your account is invited, protected and insured.

Open Friday Nights Until 5:30

But supposing the member·s of the health committee just happened not to be reasonable men? They could issue ord~r-s, edicts, pmnuncimcntos and directives to completely change our way of life. If such a committee has authority to so conduct public affairs then there's little use to continue the battle to preserve the Amcl'ican way of life. We've already lost our way.

More important by far than the meat ordinance is the statement which went unchallenged on the board of super­visors last weelt; the statement that the health committee appointed by the board of supervisor's to serve only on a year­to-year· basis, can adopt ordinances and enforce them without fi1·st gaining the approval of the parent body.

The Ingham County News is printed on an 8·pagc press. Sec· lion 4 goes onto the press Man· day aftemoon, which is why I am now hurrying so. The section Is all filled except for thl~ column and 3 Inches of 2-col Hl·poinl cdi· torlai. Another run goes to press Tuesday and Part 2 goes Wednes­day. That leaves only 8 pages for Thursday and they Hit up fast sometimes. At press time Thurs­day we had 9 pages to go into 8 and something had to give.

had to detour to Washington, THE YEAR AFTER TOMOH·

~~~a~rn~oo~mM~~~~~~~~~~================================~=~ over Kentucky. At National Air· contains a variety of science fie· ,. pott in Washington Barney saw tlon stories culled from the pages

Adoption of the meat ordinance can wait a few days, or or· months and few will suiTe!'. A decision on rights

of the board of supervisors, and boards and com­the supcr·visors appoint shou](l not be delayed.

Immunization Is a Big Job

a man who lool<ed even more of the AMERICAN BOY and distinguished than a senator or ASTOUNDING· SCIENCE FIC· cabinet member. Barney lool<ed TION.

Lifted was an interesting ac· again and recognized Jim Mn· When Ellen Stacey left Detroit count of a Wyoming storm by gulre, former engineer for Wyeth to go with her par~nts a~d siste,r one of the survivors, n romantic at Mason, now with a Down East to an army post 1n Artmna, Jl piece about Mrs. Nancy Kimmell !lrm. He was on his way home seeme? as though her dream of and her husband going to Rome from a mission In Arkansas. For becommg a doctor had.come to a where the. husband will have! 18 an hour and a. half Maguire dead end, but it proved. to be only months of study on a music fel· as/{ed and Barney answered a de~our to t!1e ~mversity of lowshlp, a Michigan ~eel< story questions about Mason friends. Mlchtgan. Don t m1ss Elizabeth , and several accounts of social And every person.ln· M~s9~ ,was Hqward's latest-A STAR TO events. ·some of them ·were just friend of the Magulres. · · FOLLOW. . put back on galleys fot• use this · Rita G. Brady 1n Jane Carner· weelc, and If it hadn't been men- Mrs. Opal Sedelm'aler of Aure· on, SCHOOLMARM, combines' 11n Honed few would have lcnown. llus is back in circulation after Interesting well-written story that

' h h M h 28 Thl tl f will Interest the casual reader '!'hen on Pnl{e II last weelc we er c1·as arc . s me o changed a JJagu dJII'inl{ the 111 ·c.~s year is a jinx to her. On March with plenty of common sense run. We stlu·ted out with 2 col· 29, 1951, her son Bill was injured career information in this book umns of news from Holt. Half· In an accident and his left arm about a young high school teach· way through the run t:hc Pl'tlss was paralyzed as a result. She er's Hrst year.

Paying 2 1h o;o -Dart National Bank Time Certificates

Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired

Interest from Date of Deposit All deJtosits insured Ull to $10,000.00 by Federal Deposit lnsur:tnc:e CoqtUJilton

Probably we were all too anxious to get started on the Salk immunization campaign against polio paralysis. We should have l'ealized the immensity of the job and given all agencies more time for lining up doctors and· nurses, and for arrival of serum and other supplies. All agencies tried to move too fast.

-It is only natuml that all people who believe in Salk pro­tection want theil· childr·en to have protection, but every child in the United Srates can not be given that protection within a week or two weelts or three weel{s.

~sd~~~-h~ 3 "u JW~d ~daooili~~n~rlw~y~rn~ The .SmENCE BOOK OF,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nml remade, with Slnelllu·ldge one March. On the Saturday .fol· ~O~DE~ D~U~S b~· D~nfid f G. news items I'I'JIIaclng Jlolt J>a: lowing Mrs. Sedelmaler's accident

1°0 cy, s ~u

1 e a lg

1 e P or

We will have done a great job if the immunization is com­pleted within six months. There's no point in arguing that this agency or that: has shirked duty or blundered. All par­ents who believe in the Sallt tests are anxious to have their

i \ childr·cn pt·otectecl. All agencies, public and private, are anxious that they start the campaign at once. We all wanted the impossible. We must be satisfied with what is possible. There'll be serum enough and to spare within a few days. Immunization on such a vast scale as contemplated ls a big undertaking, and an undertaking which requires patience:.

Less Action for More Money One of the gt•eat fallacies of our times is that if people

pay dishonest men enough money they will be honest, and that high pay guamntees high quality of legislators.

Ingham's one-ma'n grand jury officials, or some of them, kept continually harping on the declaration that legislative bribe-tal<ers took their bribes because they didn't get enough legislative pay .. They took the bribes because they were dis-

' I· honest. If the same men were in office today and "the same bribes were offered the same bribes would probably be taken.

Based upon the false assumption that high pay would make dishonest men honesll, the people empowered legislators to set their· own pay. They have set it higher and higher and the highet• it has gone the less the people have got their money. 1 •

Legislators disregarded theh• solemn promise that the business receipts taf{ would not be extended beyond March,of this year. They not only extended the tax but they are now discussing higher rates. Some of them said they realized the tax to be unfair and inequitable but that few people lodged complaints. ·

Witness the farce last week when one representative held up adjoUI·nment for 4 hours while state police rounded up one legislator and returned him to Lansing so a colleague could learn how the err•ant legislator would have voted on a measure th,at had already been passed by a big majority.

By their actions some legislators have proved that if a 'f(lan is foolish at $1,000 a session he'll be foolish at $4,000, m\lybe four times as foolish. ·

· containln~ Holt. 1wws 'went her brother Cleo Lipps, Lansing, t 1ese pe~s1stent Y r~curr ng ter~ into the north end of U1e ~ounty, was ldlled In an accident on Cava· pbaperts.

11t sfeetml s 0 . clofv~r ]LI

1s1 pllllers contulnlng Stm•lllll'ldge naug 1 roa · owo bl ti h

1 It

1 Into tiw south nnd cast ·s~ctors. Mrs. Sedelmaier's accident. She 0 cs, onnones anc v am ns. . 1 d A bl ut caused a ou a o 1em-su as, an ·1

· had ordered new non·hlowout I . We were so desperate for space tires a few cl_eys before her ace!· Vance Pollolt, Florence Bel1m :mel

last week that display aclvcrlis· dent happeneil. Now she is trylngf R us~~~ ~wyc~lrakc ur the ~Rst ing was lifted. Some people, and to find a car to put them on. · .,oWrl e asnsv


e., sen or Pay, members of this statT arc among ves on tr te. them, regard such action as '!'his Ill ju!lt enough io fill the . 50 Years Ag&-1905 . sacrilegious even heretical. But column. After month.s of discussiOn,

' work will begm at once on the Lt. Thomas N. Greene has t'e, Jackson-Lansing electric line. The

celved his sliver star medal for contract was let this wee!< to bravery undet· fire. He landed L. E. Meyers Co., Chicago, the with the marines at Tarawa and firm which Is now building the

The Good

Old Dajs on Saipan. ,. ' lll_le between Lansing and Pine 20 Yeurs Ag&-10&6 • Lal<e. • Ernest Titus Is maste1· of the E. A. Calldns has bought the

One Yell'l' Agn recently organized White Oak Van Camp residence on 'West By a vole of 20·17 Ingham su· Grange. Maple for $1,500.

pervlsors equalized taxes at 90'/r> John H. Dart and John L. Mason people are subscribing of state Hgures. · d 1 t f d t h d 1 11 Low blcl for the Dansville Young, both of Mason, toppe o a un o pure ase an nsta

the list of honor students at a clocl{ In the court house. Be· school job was $50,000 more than Michigan State college for· tlje tween $1200 and $1500 will be money in sight, so school offi· winter term. ·required.-clals, architects anrl contractors The Salvation Army Is again The legislature has passed a are studying altematc proposals. makin'g plans to operate ·the ~((. primary election bill fqr oiTices - Ingham's school area study f d 11 t committee 'came up with recom- wanls fresh air camp east of Ma· o governor an eu enant·gov·

son this summer. ernor and Governor Warner has mendatlons fm• merger of school Salary Increases approximating said he wlll sign it. ,-districts so every district will 20 per· cent were voted members Many Dansville people have colntaln a hitgh I ~ch~ol.l Tlh~ com· of the Mason school faculty Mon· set out evergreens In the ceme· m ttee repor a so carr ec wcom· d 1 1 t tery this weelt. mendatlons of $8,000,000 for new a~e':nt;l:s of the Ingham county An automobile stage line is classrooms, and for elevated ld 1 b rd held a being proposed ·to Jlnlt Chelsea propert;;l alssessments to. raise ~ee~~~ f~~~~:;rov~a appllcatlons Stockbridge,. Dansville . and Ma; more sc 1oo money. f ld 1

1 son

Mason's zoning appeal board or o ·age pens ons. . . turned down a request for per; Miss Maxine Chamberlain will ·-----~~~~--­mission to build a gas station. on complete her co~trse In nursing East Ash street. at St. Joseph ·hospital In Ann

' , Arbor l?rlday. 10 Yellt's Ag&-lll•lti Bonnie Felton, Bob Olney, C. V. Captain Brewster Ellis, 34, of Post,' Gertrude Dart,· Walter

Mason, and Pvt. John Henry Kamp, Jr., Eileen Carrler,'Eidred I Dlsenroth, 20, o! , Leslie, were Yerks, Tom Fleld, Byron Stevens, I both killed In aetlon Aprll 4; Cap· Estella Belt, Dermont' Hanes, talrt: Ellis was with '~_he Seventh Tommy Greene, Dorothy Lang, Aormy in Germany. PriVate 'Olsen: Helen Baldwin and Fred North· roth lost his life with marines on rup have parts In' the . all·hlgh Okinawa. play, "Boston Blues." Miss Ber·

.Priorities have , been granted tha Hays Is the director. , by the War Production Board. for SO Years Ago-18211

Children's SpeciaH

4 Permanent Proofs in a

Lovely Baby Book ,

'$3. .-·

u locker plant, In the. Pari( hurst Sf7,eriffs of Ingham, Eaton, building. , Shlawassee and Clinton counties · -·, · ,

Harley starr bas bought have agreed to work together to Candid Weddings, ·The Tax-Paying Habit ,· surplus army plnne. It .is being ban publlc dances on Sundays. · ·

There is probably no county in Michigan with iJ. better reconditioned at Jewett.airport. George N. Shafer left. San . 12Poseslil~2s· record for. paying property !axes. , , · . . . John Shepard, D. Lee Ware, L. Francisco April. 4 on· the Presl· Wediun.ll' Aib . . U, p

Th . . . , . , . C. Otis and. Dee Bray went to De· dent Pierce for tlie Philippines . · · e average of pa~ment..thtoughout the county for last trolt Wednesday to contribute to where he'wlll resume teaching. · , ·. · ·· '

1 year, as of March ~1 th1s year was 96%. Out of every,dollar the Red C1•oss blood bank. · 1 The farm residence• of [email protected]!•~·• ·. 'No Travel Oh~rgo · · ,of propettty tax leY!ed, 96c was paid on .time. ·Out of $2,015,-. Pvt. Joe Akers ·has returned on Auge on the.· George'l'utrnh'Ulll · , J · .·· , ' 978 in property .taxes levied, Ingham men~ and . women dug furlough after .. 3 fighting . filrm ln' Ingham was Le·. c·' lea;· r ... Stud r"o ·. down deep to pay $1;940,424.· .. " . . . In New' Guinea, In· fire; , \. .

Collection.· in Ingham atthe rate of,.9S% is a; dJes and the ·' · ·, Phorographeftl , reflect;ion. of now- enjoyed. \It' should · · tie' Prlvllte. 11418·111Ul,lilste~ Bl~g •.

lariiJlb!e.-1:hat: there iS flO Jiinit tO the amci\lrit ..,,.,.,,... ..... .,.,, WI(IUfl!IS . . , I . .. ,

Buying? Trading? .. Selling? Get Results With

Ingham County News Want Ads

• "Can't you mention me

in there; too~"

Phone 9011

\\lhen a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of used cars, he's' headed in the right direction when lie looks for. the OK Tag. OK Used Cars

. 'are thoroughly 'inspected and scicntillcally . rc-· conditioned .. Best of. all; OK Used ·Cars are

. warranted in writing, at no extra cost. .. ,' ' ' . ' '

Look for the red .. ··

dk ·Tag!

. '

Michigan's Winter Wheilt Still Look$ Good

Dry, Blowing Soil Cuts Wheat Crop Jly C11r'l ( 1olllu

T~xtrmnf! wentlwr c•orHIItlnns SllrL•Iy lwvr. lwr•n tough 1111 I'I'IIPH ~(l far Ibis· yn111', W••'VP l'f'JIIII'Ird Jll'CVlously 1111 rllnnirgP lo Hlllltiwl'll J';•ults and vegr!lulllr•s. N11l\' the•

In whul wr• wnL1ld nclunlly nerd for· u 1Vh11lu ycm·. i\hmtt t lw nnly l'l'liHIJ/1 WI' WIILtirJ hiiVIJ to dig il](n t lm hug!! wlwut Hur·piLrsas would lJp fnl' I!Xjlllrl JHII'JIIIHC!H,

1)1 ;jo ...

gove1·nment 's i\pl'il 1'1'"1' r·r•port rtlgllt now what Is n ltey eom· HIHIWii IIHII dl',\' l'tltlditlom; Ullrl mwllty Ill tho whol£! [arm ur•on· hlowlng snll IHIVI• uut Into 1111• 1nny. 'l'lu• sc•<!l'f'iiii'Y of ngTimtl· winter· wlwnt t'I'Ofl. i\1'1'1'/lgr· ullnt· 1'111'<! will IHIVC! to pr·odalm u nwnts •·ut t/11W11 llw slz" 11f tlu• murlwtlrrg rtuotn l'l!J'r.rr.nrlum hy WliPnt l'l'llJl, II[ 1'11111'."'· But 1111· Muy 1:1. Hnw Wiii'UI fnt'lllf!rs WI/I Javornlil<• gruw/rr~: r·nrrrllt/nns votr• on mut•lwllng quolus [Ill' hnvn lind llllll'l' PH!•cl. 'l'hc· fiLII· til" lfl!\li <'l'np Is 11 lllg cpwstlnn. look now Is f111' u wintPr wllt•lll Hut. funn nffli!luls nr·p plrnty m{r· output tills ye111' Is uhoul 11 slxtlr eL•rrwcl IIHII CJUIIIas will he tur·rwd ~mal/PI' 1/111n 1!15•1 1111d .11r•al'ly cHII.' dowH In a vrllf' tills sumnw1·. 'J'ho Jourlh IPss 1111111 IIVI'I'ilgf!. l'l'ir~on Is llrut nnt'PIIgP mntmls

• ' ' 111111 low pr·kcs httVI! I'll( lnmme <MII'iilgUII'S Will':ll l'rlljl l'llllll' I'IHlllgh lo WPUiWil <:onslr.h!J'IIhie

thr•nugh IIH• wlntPJ' In J(IHHI eon· t;ltpport 1111' J,:o,vrrnrTH'III. pro­<lltlon. Yl1!ld jii'OSJH'I'I>; 111'1' nhtJ\'1' grams. Last yeur· the rdP!'f'JHium avPrllg£', hut total Jll'wlur:liun 1111 wl1111 Is rmssPd hy 11 J'r:>luliVPiy will hP dnwn alwut w,.; hPinw Jnsl llill'l'fiW IIJill'gin. Y('lll' 111111 2H'.~ hrlnw lllf' l'<'<'ord ' ' • 1n;!:l l'!'up. 'l'lrro prii'P sLippor·J on lhr

·• 1

lf);)(j I'I'OJl I'OUld drop (0 7fi 1/t• nf

wlrrul woultl undmthledly nffart prir'l'H of ollwr gJ'IIIIIH. So lolid 1'111'111 iiWillnr• would J.:l!l nnollwr ,loll. Tl' WI!Uill CJLIOIIIS 111'1! 1]111 VUI!!cl, 1111! Hllppnl'l ll'VI'l \\'Olllci drop In $!.20 It hLtHhcl.

~· llr ~~

Hnhll plnys sul'i1 nn lmpot·tnnt J'Olc In fond llllylng. Orwr• hnuHe· wlvcH I'll( rlnwn on tholr pur· l'i111Hes of 6fllfW C'Oilllllfli.Jity Ire· I!IHIHP of hlglJ lll'ir.•ps, It lnkes CJLtlle u whllt• [OJ' tlwrn tn slnrt lntylng 111111 pm·tietrluJ· fond nguln. Tlwi'H Ofll' of tlw l'l'll~ons· glvf'n rUJTcnlly t'or I hn slow movement of pot'l\ In retail l'iwnn~IH,

C'nl'ou lrran trsnge In 1 his coun· try J'nr tho flr•st qrrar·teJ' of 105!i Is down aboLtl 18'i't· fmm n yf!UI' ngo, <'VI'! I I hnugh pt·lePs of heans. l111vr df'l:llne<l fmm 70t• 11 ilound lu~l HlllllllH'I' to :ific,

Cni'J'ep Is lliWihct• t•ase In point. Howr.vrJ', ten lmpo!'ls lnsl yeur illl'I'Pit.~erl'i'r· Jo 1111 all·llrnP high ol' II fi,IJOO,OOO Ill wh,lr. c:offr:>r lm· porls rlr!elinrd ·1 !Jt!t. '!'he tea In·

Lyons Jerseys· Win State Honor

'l'wn nnws In lltl' ilf'l'd of 1•;11· gi)JIIl Lynn or MIIHIIII haw 1'1!· cc•IVf'r) I'I'J'IIJ'ii'II(IJS rJI' IIWIIrrJ i'l'fHII

llw M ldli)(llll ,li•r•sc•.v Cultlc dull. Dl'>:lgn J)uslun l\11rriP :1!1-IH!II, t't>· f'CIV!!d ir<'l' uwur·d for• Jll'nrludrrg 2.1fi7 lh 111' hlilturl'ut In Jill' JP't'· vlrHIH •I I'Oil,:r•J'111iw• ''lih'ltcllll' yc;nrs.

Still' Dr.:;lgn .II'IT,\' :m-IH!II l'f'· eriVPd 111'1' nwurd for· pr•ulill'lng

· 2,11<10 Ill of 1'111 IJVI'I' IIJr• HIIIHI!

I Jll!l'iod, llolh Murit! iiiHI ,i<•I'I',V ill'l'

ling chnhrr.s nnrl rommlsslm1s, gJ'II<Iinf(, nl!mrr·Jng, or· l'nr·lrnnl:r.lng, st nruue 111111 nny ollwr sp1•1'itlml l!illll'l{llH. i\rlvllnr·nH, illllli'I!H( !Ill lldV!liii'I'H1 dliii'J{l!H fl))' hags /IIIII HUf'il Jlf'lllH IIH IISHrldlllillll dllflH uls11 Hhmrld Ju• slwwn. l'nynwnts lo tlw gr'n\VI'I' wiiiiH• llirsl'd on I ill! IWI Jll'lll'l'l'dii, fliP l'ilniJ'IIlllll point· l'd·nut. , To assrrr·r• jlll.\'1111'111 IIH• gr·owr•t• llliiHI sutunlt llrr• hill of sniP nr· l'fljJ.\' or lhl' ll!!l!lllllll r•ontrtinln~-: till' lrrfonnntlon lndlt·niPd with Iris uppllr•atlnn _for· pnynwrrl.

clullgiJters n( Sir· DIIHIIIII ,li'!Ty, who IVIIH lust mvrwd lly lhl' Mll'il· lgnn Mtlfldnl nn•Pdc·r·s "r t•:ast I Jersey S,lltl Is Saturday Lnnsipg. II 'I' II . , I I

• 1 Wool Growers

· 1 Need All Records: For Wool Payment

" 11: 1 l(illl .Jc•rs1•y c all I' I' ul1 will lwlrl its 11111111111 spri111: sniP

I Sutlrrdlly, April !!:1, 111 I :1111 o'dud; 111 tl11• llwslcll'l~ Jrrrlgirn: prrvlliuu 111 ~llf'irlw11r Stat" l'llllr•gP. Only I!HIIil' with hil-(i1·jlr1H.IIIdllg llilil· ltv illlli 1'1111' triiiiSillilting l,\'fll' will lu• ofrl't'ed. Mon• rlrnrr fill n•giHII!I'I!rl 1'1111'>' 111111 HJII'illglng l11•ll'c•rs will lu• s11lrl. l•'our-11 ;rnd I•'I•'A llll'lllhf'I'H 1'1111 l'l'l'l'iVI' 1111

lnelilf'lrinlly, 1111' 1-(INrrnnwrrl parity. If ITIIII'iwllng quotas urr. I'Hiimlllf' nf Winll'J' Will'ill IIUIJIIII illl'lll'd down, Hlippol'l ]r!VI'i \VOU]d lhls yt>ar, ns of Apl'il I, was lili2,. drop to riO•,\,, Without IH'I'f'agP 000,00() husi11'Js. Tf the spring l!l'll!J aiJnfmPIItS, offJciuJH figure thr turns flllilli'OLIIHI '177,000,000 llll~h· l!el'!'agr. planted to Wheal WOUld els, we'd havr a total of m·nun1l jump and tlw erop would lw IHO,OOO,OOO huslwls for tlw wlwat lrocwtr•d far heyon1l needs, nrlcllng output this Yl'fll'--r.·nnsidPI'Ilhly morl' Jo till' ull·e1Hiy lm·gr• Hill'· helnw l'f'l'l!lll yf'nrs, Juri still ciiiSI' phis. Muf'h WPakr•r prlceli fnr

dttHII'Y 1llrl somf' l'irvar merrhan· · diHing wlwn houiwwlvr.s were dis· 1\llt AND 1\mS. ROIU~R1.'· S'I'UR!\IAN

G. II, i\IL'Illn, S1·., <'iwlrmnu nf additllllllll $111 In Jll'l'llliunrs 1'111111 Jnglwm Aiil'll'lJIJur·aJ Stahllzatlon tl 1r• MldriV,IIII .Jc•r,a·.v c 'utili' 1·tul1 und Consr•J•v;rtlon f'nrnmiltr•<', r·p. ir animals Jlllrl'iruS<•d' at this H11l1• minds siJl'<'pand Wllfli gr••W<!rs or "~'" slrowrr at tlrf'lr l111'ai illrdnr the county Lh11t llwy must gPt shnw.

lngl1am County News April 21, 1955 Page 2


POSTS { ~~g~~ED . S'l'ImL I~Nil lf!U~C'rRIO

(Also wlre-fenr.ers) Poles -14.-16-18-22-~5 Ft. l~'cnee - nurllctl Wiw - Lawn Fr.nco

< -12-14-16 li't.

Mummofh Clovr.r .1\'lr!tllum UIOI'c!t' I.1ullno Cluv1!r

smms Cunuillun Grimm Alfalfa

· Cel'fll'ierl l~ungrlt' Alfnlt~a

'fimof.hy - Brnmll FtJi'UIIzf!r 0J'd<!t'f! 'J'alwn



Hog Ji'PPtll!rR- Wllt<!t'f'J'S - 'J'mughs - Stoclt Tunk11

Eden Elevator J>hone OR-7·0080

eour·ngerl by high eoffel' pt·lces. live .on the farm pictured in last 'week's mys­Coffpe r'('lnsumptlon hns droppl'll tm·y farm series. Shown above, the well­so mueh thai the B1·azllian coffee l<ept 200-acl'C farm is loca1ed·on Ivcs I'Dml, lndustr·y I~ plrnty worrier!. When 51,1~ miles out of Mason. n flll'lll commodlly brings II high The Sturmans bought the rann in Hl47 pr·let• for· n Yl'lll' or so, the pcnrlu· fmm Elmer Fmnklin. BeJ'OJ'e 1hat, SI:UI'lllOn tum's hound to swing the othm· and his twin brothel', Ruben, opcJ'ated a 600-wuy. Mor·r farmers lilart raising UCJ'e farm on· Saginaw Bay,. The brothers the eommn11lly ut 11 limo when cnnsumplion has· been eut back moved to Ingham county when Rober1's hy high rPtall priers. Then rvery- health fm·eed him to leave the lake country. mw sut'frrs. Ruben Sturman has his own fmm on Belle­

vue road west. of Leslie. The Robert. S1urmans have 37 l'egis1el·ed

Holstein fcmriles. They milk 18. The1·e are also 16 head or !'egis tercel Herefm·cls 011 the Stm·man farm ancl a flock or chiekens.

The Sturmans have a son, David, 15,

who is in the ninth gl'nde at the Mas.on school, and a daughtet·, Mal'ian, 12, in the sixth gmde nt the Hubbard school. Linda Miilm·, ~. lives with the Sttu·mans.

Back in 1830, Robert. and Ruben wel'e dail·y leaders in Al'enac county. They won n co-championship awm·d J'm· mill< pl'Ocluc­t ion in a contest sponsm·ecl by the New York Centl•al railroad and Michigan State college.

· The· Sturmans arc still taking honors in I he dairy l>usiness. In 185~~ RobeJ't lead off the Ingham-South D. H. I. A. ln butterfat production with an average ol' 51 S.5 lb. Milk production hit 14,528 lb while milking an avemge of 12.05 cows.

The Sturmans m·e mcmbm·s or the Fal'tn Bu1'em1 ancl aflend the Baptist ehur·ch .in Mason.

spPeille lnJ'omwtlon fmm hllyf'rs -·-- -·---· ·-. If lhry lll'f' to get liiP hf'tl!'lll or llst•rl 1'1'/IIIIU•asl• 1111 Is a JIOOI' lhe 11£!\V wool pr•ogr1rm. lulir'it'nnt for· 1'111'111 m;Jf'iriru•r·y,

II' llw wool Is snlrl orttrlght '"/ <'iallll Mlf'illgiln Stull' mlil'gc• a;: 11 huyPr 111 till' fnnn Ill' lof'al ship· Pllglnt•Prs, Tt lras lost i't.s prllll't'l· ping point till' snles do<'IIIIH'III rng qunlltil's anrl dol's not sla111l must contnln the mimi' and arl· up llllfh•r· till' prrosslll'l' 111' lrP:w dress of sr.llr.t·, rlatr• of silll', net lngs. wrig::t nf wool sold, net 11mrurnt rreelved hy 1111' gmWI'I' fell' hi.~ wool, any applienill<• non-mar·I<Pt· ing rle<ILJI'IIons sLJC'IJ as assol'iil·l lion dul's, and tlw signalur·e of lilf' JlUI'f'iiiiSI!I' OJ' his ilf.(PIIt, lit• said. rr the wool i.-; s••ld oulrlghl/ at a distant ll'l'llllllnl, IIH• hill of sale! also should sh11w 1 hi' t·osl 111' 1

t I' a II s J1 il I' I a I in II anrl sf fll'/11',1' l'hiiJ'gcs, Aldrin ndded.

Leading Urood• WIU'J'J>: ltOCI{.~

ll•tdllnr All :luiiUUor Wrll•~ Pt:uut, CJrlv1 •a or 1'11 Ja

Mlsl'ellnny .... Dah',Y pro]JIP in tlru NPtlwrlamls have murle a ~rreeessful r.xprr·hmmt in hutler­mal<ing wll.h cold storage frozen l!l'ram ... About 7,000,000 per· sons wr•t·r. at work nn fn1·ms in tlw U. S. riUI'ing the first wccl< nf April. 'l' wcr·p :1% rcwr.r .ram- 11ow hns mor·r tharr $H,500,000,00t'l ily wor·Jwrs and 5•;,, fPwer· hir'cd I n v e ~:I e d 111 pr·icr·~Lippor·ling worlwrs. Weather conditions may operalions, till' mnst on record. have accounted [or some of the CCC may have to go In congress d!'Ofl, hill pari of the• :-;lnt•y Is cltw nncl rJsl\ for• an incrr.ase over the to t lw long-time 'rlownwrml trrnrl pre~ent II mil of $lll,OOO,OOO,OOO in In fm·m worl<ers ... · Clwmkul bor·r·owing JIOWf'l' tn IJ11y I'I'OJlS weed ('Oiltl'ol Is Just a couple of unrl nuilte tonus.

Ingham Students Lead College 4-H

If tlu• woo I is sold on eonslg II· vlr,trs to .rnmllmPr1t :11 I'OI· nwnt llw W!l!nunt nf salro should


Y£lill's old hut pasiLJrr values urc * '' ,. said to have Increased as much Sllllck ttw srwnuts ol'[ thnsc• as 20';, ... Corn·hog<fPcd I'Htlo at spuds you lurvr• ll'ft in 1 hi' fruit ChiL~agn nn April'9 wa~ ~lill lin· cr.llar·. Limp spuds may h<l dl'J' 12 tn 1 enmparcd witlr 17.6 mighty Wlliemne for tlw nC'XI' 11 yrm1· ago ... There arc 2.25 month m· so. The freeze down Heres of rtrlt iva ted land per per- south u r·ouple or wPeks ago Hon In the U. S. By 19GO, Jhere r·ulned the early emp ovc!r' wide will he les~. than 2 acres per pel'· arou~. Prief!s 011 good "old" spuds son .... Dau·y r!altlr. s·upply neur-, hava gone up. Up. in Maine tire

IP['C show gross jll'lleecds, IIIHI m;u·J\!~1· t'buuo Jocl&oou 2•6110 ' ' . . ling dedll<'linns fnr tr·anspnrlatlnnl •1120 E. Uorry ltd, at Hoarlotl.l Campus advwors tm· lhP grnup frnm llwal shipping tiolnl, hand· ft. 1, Rtvoo JuPctloo

are Mary Woodw:ll'll and Ken.


11!!1 h Ous-terhout, assist ani slute

H-I i!luh,·IParlrrs. Under· tlrl'it· rll· N .. ED A WELL', r·eelion I hi! group pl:~ns ill~liviti<•s I II: • • and speelal I'VIlnts mmrtl at Jli'O· motion of scrvil'e In state, eounty 1111<1 I'Oilllllllllily 1111<1 In dPVI'IOfl· mr.nt or leadrr·ship :nnong rtrr·:rl youth.

I Can Jlrill :1 :uul 4 inch wl'lls fo•· l'arm IUitl horne

(l, X aulllll inch wells l'or air-r.ondil.innll:.g Commm'llial and ll'l'igatiou

S. W. HART Phone IHuson Olt·7-0lal Mason, 1tuul1~ l, Jinx Rll

SouUr or lUuRon on US·i27A 11~ City J.lmli.!J lly. a lourth nr ~ill lhe .l?~ll ron- otlt.m· d.ay, potatnr.s skym.c:lwtecl sumed by Amcrtcan fam11tes .. ·jto $7 11 barrel. A year· ago Prcs­F'a_rmers in 19~4 sold 65% morr,quc Islr pnlntoes broughl.$1·$1.2:i

unrm~sa~~tmalproduc~1~n a ~11~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~• they did in 1935·39. Sales of lhese I

anl))ll~ls ancl[JI'Ol)LJC(S Jll:ought 3.5 Brol·l·e· r' Prl'ces times as mnch ..... A wor·ld loorl·

Max Benne, ~·nplwmore, son, 'Jf Mr. iln<l Mrs. K .J. BennP nf M:r· son, nrHI S\11' 'l'hnmpson, Jre~il·

mnn, tlaugiltrr of M1·. und Mrs. Hobert Th crmpso 11, 'na nsviil,r•, w1•re l'<'<'eMiy elr;<·tr!d president anti eor'J'esponding sL•r•ret lli',Y, rr.· spectively, of llw Campus 4-H club at Michigan State collegl'. The 4·H club, worl<ing in eo· operation with tile Michigan Stair. college exlension dub, is com· posed lat·gcly of students who WCJ'<! :rctiw in 4-H c:luh work pi'(!·

A frr.c,uent grooming of lhc modern "Dohhin"-tlw tract or­is a must, emphasize Michigan Sinta college agricultural cn:.:i· neers. Wipe off ignlt ion l'ilhlc.~. coil, cllstrlhutor arirl spnl'i< plug insulntors every clay or so.

I'C'SI!I'VI' pl;.rn hus again been PI'D· posed in enngrcss. It would be a M T k D

We Glv£! Gol!l Slumps surplus C'Otnmodities In alleviutr' Ill. N. [li'OiC!CI. The idea Is Jo LIS'(! ay a e rop

':========================~~:~:m:lt:n~l~a:rl:rl_s:·t:a:~:a:t:io:n~.~·-·~c:c:c Apl'il a~ Mny uro ~~ • months to wcrd out 1 he poor

layers In farm Jlflltltry flocks.

Michigan growers get '·''

He my Lrw;.eJere, pou I try econo· mist at Michigan Stnte r•ollege, points Otll that lien pril'r.s wawl· iy, remain fai1·Jy high in April aiid shouldn't. dmp more than ·te or 2e u pound to tile pr·oriut·er. But Ibis doesn't mean fat'lllr.J'S should .~ell the good layer·.~. r·nut innl'(i 1110 Michigan Slnte eollege ccon11· mist. Bigger yields of

fruits and vegetables With He alsn prcdic!lr.d llrnl broiler·

priees, whieh are no(V at their highest lrvels in sl'vcr:d years, are clue for· n 11l·op. April is a lllOilth nJ' Jrravy tlr.manrJ for bl'oilet:s. But. till! num!JPJ' of hlrds sent· to mul'l<rt will reJli'Pss the pr·ice ..


DuPon·t uGreen

45o/o leach resistant nitrogen G1•owers in this area get top yields at lower cost when they side or top dress with "NuGreen .. " "NuGreen" .is quicl{ly available to crops, yet resists leaching, stays in'the soil to feed nitrogen to maturity. ·

For a quick nitrogen boost on potatoes, tomatoes and fruit, feed "NuGreen" in foliage sprays. Put it 1n your spray mix to s~ve time and Jabot·. "NuGreen" is readily soluble, com­patible with commonly used pesticides and non-corrosive. You can apply "NuGreen" by irrigation, too. Comes in free-flowing shot form. For further information write E. I. du Pont de· Nemom;s & Co., Inc.,, 7250 North Cicero Street, Chicago, TIIinois. .•

See your dealer now for

·NO GREEN . f .. · .

')'our best buy in suppleme~tal nitrogen

Lat'Zelel'l' esllmntNI thnl hroil­r•l' prices will drop nhnul 4r! tn lie a.· t>ound. Sine1' il won'1 puy to lc~ep the birds. at sf'lling weight foi· long periods o I' 1 illl<', lw SL1g· gcsted that growPr's watch th~ mllrket closely nml .sell· as soon as lhe birds ltavr mar·hed a market finish.

In planning for I he fllllll'f', months of .Turw thmugh Srplf'm· b!(l' .LISUaliy show I he SII'Oilj:(C.HI 'lemand fell' hi'Oi lrr·s. II 's g-oocl 1 o have a coupiC' of hnlrhrs rencl.v to m~1·iwl. during this perlori. '~hoy should sell at fairly good JH'il!e!; this year, r.ontendecl Llwmlm·P.

Stockbridge Girl' Wins 4-H Honor

Gmce Bailey, daughter of Mt·. ami Mr:s. Lee Bailey of Stocl<·

· bJ'Iclge, has been awarder! the J. C. Penny Co. award fo1· oulstanrl· lng clolhil!g achlevemen(. in club wor·l<.' ·

Gr·ace has been in ti·H dub work for 7 years. Sha has com· j)Jeted 7 ycm·s of clo.thlng, '' years of lmltting and •1 years of Junior leadership.

She has been very a eli ve in olher 4·H club' work. G!'nce has completed 6 years of canning, nnd · awarded the jnm and. jelly activ! ' ity award by the General Trarle Corp. She. has also completed 3 yel11'13 OLfoods qOUI'Sl!S, • . · · Gt•ace attends the Stocltbridge high school and Is a senior this yeur. She .is planning to go to Jaci1son· Junior college In the fall.

T.he · J. C. Penny award is. a 3· clay expense. paid trip 'to' Chicago In November; The trJp includes IILICh places as. the stocl(yards, In· .. ternatlonal Livestock 'Show,. and

·. ;_ ~ntlonal Club .Cqngress . tours 'Or · Chicago. ·· . : 11 , . ,.,

. ·Flowering. plants· .. nec~l .. , .. more . , .\ ~ater than non·llowet'lng. ones,

sat· Michig!ln Sta.te. ~allege· cul~urlstsi · . .· > , ·- . 0: · ·

Uaving sold my home I will sell at public auction at the 1llace (i mi11•s north of Mason on Philli.IIS t•oad to Sandhill I'Oatl, east on Sundhill road tu Hulett t•oatl, north on llui•~tt t•oatl lirst 1llaee, m· a milt~s south ut· Olwuws f.cJ Sandhill I'O:ttl, Wtls1. 1.o Uul1~tt. road, north first; pial~''·

·1:00 P. M. Saturday~ April 23 1:00 P. M.


. Stockbridge Phone 17-f-111

Price . Brothers ·Mason

Phone OR-7~8761


. Maurice & Bob

Household Goods Frighlaire Electric Stove, in good condition Coldspot 9-ft. Uqfrigemtor H-)Jiectl Mahogany Dining Room Suile, l't~ally nice Wt•iting 1>esl1 ami Chair UJ·tichleJ' 2-piec(l Living Room Snltt~, new 2 lUuhogany End Tables · 2 Occasional Chaii•s 1\enmoro·Spin D1·y Wa'ihing M1tchine, nearly new 3-piece lledt•oom Suite 3-Compa•·tmtmt Mahogany Stand Hxl2 Wilton Rug and Pad

. 3 Floor I.amJIS Mahogany Chest. of Drawet·s 2 Matc1aed .'rable Lamps

. Hoover .Cal'Jlet· Sweeper li'h·estone 'l'able Model Ramo lletl, S&lrings arul Mattress Single Bed and Innerspring Mattress llx12 Wool Rug % Bed, S11rings and :1\ln.ttress Dressing 'fable ' 2 Straight Chairs

Terms:· Cash

Steel Comparl.menl. Ct~hinc~l. llouhlll Wnsh 'rui.Js. quantity of 'l'hrow ll.ugs Uooldng lJtmtsils

Cenlt•t· Slnuil

llish1•s Fr•uit ,Jars Othr.•· Small AJ•tides

·Garden Tractor .. Gr.pJ•ge Gat·tleu wiUt CuU.ivat.ot• !Lilt1 Siflld,•

llat• ·

Small·· Items Montgomery-Ward 21-ineh }>ower Mowr.r Quantity of 2-iueh Well PiiUl 2 Oil lhums 30-ft. Extension Ladder

· 2 50-ft. Rolls pla'itic Gart1ma llos•l Quantity of Barbed Wh·~~ . Quantity of Woven Wire Uieycle 1\fany other items

·Not Responsible for Accidents

JAY #Ac;NITT, Prop. ~E_ari/.'Du.n,smore/.Cie~k ·. · . . · , · · · · ·· · · ' · · · · ··· · J~v ·oa~i.{Cashier ··:,:


.'. '. •'



f .. •

' I

~ I

Ingham .. South Herds Average 30 lb of fat

nnrl gmrlo Ho]stolns, 31l,4 lh fnt, K~·l 1!1 mlll1; Don Wnlrlrcm 1rnrl H. It, 1•!11rl, 11 r·c~glsterrrl unci grnrlo llo!Hli'IIIH, :-J:J,fi lh fnl, nou Ill mllll: WII,\'IIH I lillllJllnn, IH gr•uth! Hoi· sl Pin;;, :1.1.11 lh ful, R11!l lh mlll1; 01'111 HlwHIIw/m, IR rog/slel'erl illlll gr•nrJC! lfo!Hielrm, :IJ,Il lh fnl, 777 Ill mlll1; LaVC!I'Il l~lclret!, 2:1 n;glsJm·,•d anrl grurle Guel'llseys

Michigan Week Is Set to Push State Industry

'l'hc;r·e nro :10 ilPI'ds in lhl' lng· 1111d llolslrlns, :11.2 lh fnl, B<l2 lh lrnm·H•HI/h Didl'y lfPrrl lmpr·11 vr·· mi1J1; The hl,::gesl ,,e/llng .loll of 1fl!lri mnnl nooof'!allon wlrid1 IJVP/'ilgml Slllrlll'Y 1•', Hollis, 17 mgiHiea·crl Is unrh;r·wuy, IIVI'I' :Jil lh nr J'al in Milrl'!l. 'l'llf'SI' llllrl grarll! llolslc/ns, :11.1 Ill ful, Mlehlgnn I'Cinller·s, who/r!Hill!!i'H :Jf) JwnlH HnrJ IIIVIII'I'H ill't': l!m' I l. 771 Jh 111111\; Lloyd ,J. Curl is, 21 and rnnnu/'nr.llll'()J'S Ill'!! ,loilllllg Collar·, 2~ grilrJJ• ll•dslt•ln:;, ·1~.7 lh n•glsiPI't•rl anti g-milr Gller·nseys wllh lhe uriVI!I'IIslng lnrltiHII'Y In ful, J:JO·I 111 milk; ltollPJ'I 11. Slur· and ffolsl1•ins, :!1.1 Ill fnl, 712 lb n glgnnllt' Mll'ltlgan Weclc prn· man, 17 n•glsl••r'l'd lfolsll'iw;, ·17.1 mill<; ill111 f:illa•r·l l%1rf'd, :w rc•g· gl'llrn of prmnollng- Mil'!tlr:nn Ill fa/, 121!1 Ill rlllllc; C'arllllll J•:J. iHII'I'I'Ii 111111 gmde llniHII'/ns, :10.0 prmlucls .. r/J't>rl, lfi l'PJ:isll'l'•'" lfolsll'ill.~. 11nd Ill fill, H!lfi lh m/111, Emphasis Is bf'/ng- pllll'f!r/ 11pnn gnuil! GIII'I'IIHI',\'Ii, ·l:l.:l ll1 fill, 11711 lllgh 1'11\Vs nnrl ownPrH In llw lhe relnllers In mnlw 1\lay 15 In lh ml/11; lllilllfl'l! r-la.~s WPI'I!: ll. II. Slur· 21, Mlehlgnn Weelc, 11 sales fo•·ul

C:cmtld Dllllllll~HI, :!:1 l'l'gislr•n•d /111111, n•g/sll'l'l'rl HolsiPin, 80,7 lb polnl for• lh/s Yl!lll''s llwmP "I'm 111111 gr'iul•• llolslrlns, ·1:1.:1 111 fill, fill, IH:JI) lh mille; an1l DrLIIIH'I'Y Glarl 1 Live In Mh·hlgnn." ·12'11 lh mill;; H. ,/, SIJII'IIlilll, :!1 ('oiiJII!t', gl'ilril' lfnlsl!•ln, Rl.:J lb H11ssell Swnney, WnynP Cnlln·

,:-r--·~. -:t "'t'l UP ·····•~'·"'·""~·~~~· .:-.r-


Oood rol'll cropH don't i1i~t iin'iipen. 'rho fnt•m'era-H!O'chnnii;tiin~ ,nf tl10il' nrcna-mnile pinna long· In nuvnnce to IH'Uillll'O thch· sol/a to gel; tOJl producl.lon. In Wisconsin, the Pncernnlwr·~ IIWnrd went to 11 fanner who produced 210 lmahels uf enl'll PPI' tWJ'u, In lndlunn, the lop eight o·Mrc corn crops of 1064 tlverngcd 147 bushoiH, These com. p11rcd wil h nvomgo Jll'oclnctlon In these snrno atntcs of 57,/l bushels llllrl 5:!,5 bUHJrc]s I'CH(lCciJyely, lllld II nntJonnl I!Vui'Ugc of a7,1 bushels jlUI' UCI'C Just YCIII', r

Smllo of tho slops tho fut·mot·s followed In socul'lng these prodnc!.lon lfg'Ul'I'S lll'C: . I

J.. Lime fli'Sl-ft mny luke 5 or 0 tons of ngr/cuJturnJ!imcstnne to bl'irt!' tl111 Roils up to 11 Jill of 11,6, Aflcr tuleiJII\IIu soli lrenlmenl with lime, tho farmers l(l'ow legume crops to t•Hiublish n good rolnlion for com, Limo nlone lms jumpo.d Hoybonn yields by 20 bush~ls per uerc, whcrcus 1200 pounds of 2-12·11 fr.rtillzet· fniled lo show nny Jncl'onso in yield,

Bee Inspectors Begin Activity

Wnnn 1ln,vs sllrre'l Mlehlgnn'H lwr eolonii!H tn net/vlty nnd hnR srnl ottt on the l'lllltl '2ij nplnt•y lnsper/nl's of JIW Mlchlgnn rle· [HII'lntcnt nf agr·lculturo's bun•n11 of ngl'kull·uml lnrhtstry.

The husy Jltll!! her. In spr·lng· time lsn'l .1usl Romethlng for thr poels to wt·llr~ nhout, In Mleltl~jan lw Is mlghly Important. Ire pro· rh1~s $2 mllllnn worth nf honey nnrl beeswax annually, Wllnl lA nl' evr.n rnoro I'OIH'{•rn Is I he fuel 111111 lw polllnnles nlm111 $:i0 mil· linn worl h of frull nncl llrlrl crops I hnl nrc gi'Own on !llR,IJOO lli'I'CH of lnnd.

trrm~ will 11l~gln in the mrrnl northerly nrnuu.

'l'huy will lil!lll'l:h rnnllll.v t'nr Anwt'lcan flllilhrnllrf, ;1 rllsc!nst> tltnt lll'foi!IH I hl• ,Yotlng ill' brnnrl nf JIIP hPI!. Pl~lllh nl' lhe ;r.otmg t/m;Jro,vu Iutm·p PrltiiiH 111111 tin IIJll ,l11h of pollinating and lllllli!Y gnlh· cl'ing.

Throur:h thiH lnHpl'cllrln srrvll'e J\11Wl'lrnn fn!llhrnnrl hat; 11ol onl\' bern ill'ntlghl unriPI' I'Onlt'nl, IHil hllH b('(•u ollrnlnaterl fl·om 27 rounllcs. Llul'lng Jlw l!lri·l oetrsnn 7,.120 nplnt·Jes wr•rl' lnHJWI!/1~11 111 G•l rounlii'H, lnHpi!l:lllrH fnu11d only l,!l;)[i Jllfl't'/Cfi l'llillllli'H IIlli of 7:1,­·l!lfi rnlrinle~ PXII!nlrwd. 'l'IH! pr•i'· ('(~111Hf~l~ \VtlS :.d 11.! 'tl, t lw !1)\\'(!\jf

}'l'ill' nn n•r•oril lu Mleillgnll.

J'l'glsiPJ'Pd llo/sll'ins, ·l~!.li 111 fill, fill, /lilill lh mrtlc ly l'lwlrmnn nnrl nrw ol' Jlw rll'lg· '/If);) Ill ndlk; (;ilt'lli lli'III\'IIIJ'I', ~ll lliu!Pr' ;; \'l!ill's: '1'1/llrnns Slull, lnnfm•s nf Jlw pr·omoJc; Mll'irlg1111 I'Pf.(iSII'I'I'd illlll grwli• llolsil'lfls, gl'ildf' llllls/'l'it,, 7H.2 lh 1'!11, Hi:Jo pmcluPI ideas, mlll'd lhP pro· •12,.1 lh J'nl, Ill:! Ill mill<; 111 rnillc; 111111 .1. H. nnd n. D. gl'ilm "lhe gl'('llii!HI selling pm.l·

!!. F'ollow soJI.IJullillng rolutlons. Soybcnns, followt•tl hy whcnt und Hl~cdr.d lo legumes to be hayed or plowed under• fnl' gt·ccn

So lhe henlth of Michigan's I 8!1,000 rnlonleH of hr.r~s Is of 11111/'e thnn esthcilt! lnll•t·esl. II Is jus/ us lmpnrlnnt lhal lhe rnnny eolollles nf hres lhul om broughl lnl11 Mlf'i1ignn o11 n l'enlnl bnsls

------------------ ----··

Gnud llyhtlllnb: l'Uil~ t•nn hi' 11 1'· feeliVI! !11 fll'lll/'i'llnJ1' liltilrllngs ngnh1s1· /lghlnlng. Hnl llltlPHH 1-(l'llllrui l!ll/llll'l'tinrls are 111 r,notl shape and PXIend lo lllni~1t st~ll llwy'J'I' dangNtllts, pnlrll olll Mll'illgun Siilll~ t'rJIIt''-W snfl'ly HJH! .. dall:as,

mnnurc, build l.lm soil for lop yield. .-

llohPrl ltltlnt>s, :!·1 1'1'1-(isiPn•d ('lrallliH!l'luln, rPglsil't'l'rl IJnl· eel nf 1955," nnd gmril' ll11lslr!lns, ·11.!1 111 lill, .~ll'ins, li!i.llll1 fill, 1710 Ill mlll1, Muillllllrl Irwin, assislanl 'IIR:I Jh mill<; .1. II. a1ul It n. lltuiPt' ·I yeriJ's: ,J. II. and H. D. Wayne Cnunly dwlrmnn; Hleh· ChamiH•t·lnln, IH reglsll'll'd llol· Cliillnlll'rlllin, rPgisler·erJ Hoi· ani Conic, r!o·chnlr·man of thl' .~lr.Jns, •111.!1 Ill fill, !IH-1 111 milk; slr>ins, li7.11 lb fa/, J!HO /h mille Mldtlg-nn Wcel1 relallers·whoiP· Jfowat·•l OuJ\Jpy & Sons, :.! I l'l'~(is· ill HI ltiiP D. Collnr, gmde Hnl· snlers rnmmlllce; Hnrnlrl Sdlll· trr·c;,J nntl gl'lldP llllisiPills, · siPin, li~.:1 IIJ fa/, WRO lh mille. mnchC!l', chairman of lhe t'r.tnll· lh ful, 1127 lh mille: llnrlt~l' a years: !~!wynn Collar, rrs-wholesnlers C'Omtnlllec; W/1-

:J. Jlm•llliznllc·u-this should he done in nccor·dnncc wllh U10 recommcndnlions of ugr·onomic uuthorillea for best results,

4. '!'hose p'rncllrcs, conplcd with deep plowing to loosen tho Huh-soil; thick plnntlng nnd weed control to conserve fer. 1.lliu•t· nnd moisture; inter-cropping with green. munuro crops; nnd, htu·vcsllng nil tho rr·op llt'e l.ho on1•s lhnt mnku chmnplons In this fleld,

'In help on this job of polllnntlnn nre heniiiJy lou. Oi'Cllili'dlsls !'en/ hPP t•olnnh!s frl!' their· fr1111 Cl'ops.

llplury lnspi'Pioi'H rllll'lrlg Aprll

nricl Mny will conlltH! llwlr wnr·lt mrrlnly I•J the lmvet· lrnlf of lhe soulhcrn penln.~ula. ll[tl!r• we:llh· 1!1' berome~> tnOI'I! Slitblr!, inspr.r•.

lnoh~m County News April 21, 1955 ---·--·------·---..

Halph 111111 Lill'l\ Allil1s, 1!1 reg· grailr• flol.,l!•ln, 7:!.'1 lh fal, l:lliO 11[1111 Doyle, of lhe cnmmlllee; lsi'Pr'rll and g-rade lltdsiPin.-:, :nil Jh nlilil; illld 'l'homas .'Hull, grade; Oils Cool1, ot·gnnlzallons hrmrrl lh fa I: ·1 177 lh mill<; Cinlr• M•·· 1 iolsll•in, 71.:1 111 fill, J~:iO lh mlllc dwlt·mnn anrl Don C. Weeks,

Doing flr•st things first, nnd following sound conscrvnllon nnd fnnn mnrllll{emrnt pructices, increased yields nnd profils by \1-1 lo 100 bushciH per· ncrc for these :fnrmci'S, You cnn do it too,

--------------------------------~-----1 Mldwal, :w reglsit•r·nd litH I gt'illh• .. __ .... _ --·-·-- managing rli!'PC/01' of MJcohig-nn lfolsleln.~. :l!J.7 Ill l'al, ~~~~ JIJ Wrelc, mel lo plnn the delnilod mlll1; 0. D. Ci'IIIVPII IIIHI S""· 1!1 (h ' I St l'ilmpaign. ·gr'iulr; IIIII.~Jc;ins, :ID.Il lh l'iil, fl:!;; effil(a ops Speeinl hullellns will hi' senl IIJ mille; F!mPt'son Ht'.\'dl', :!·/ gr;Hil' h' oul hy lhe Mlcl)igan HnlsiPins, :JR.:I lh fill, IIHIH "' Corn T leverv Association. Olhet· gr·oup~ will mlll1; GPnt·g-r! llarris, ~ll r••g-is-~ ·

slep up ucliviJics In rn·omol£~ lrrerl litH! g-radr•. llolsll!ins, :Jli.l-: Qf f p II Mir.hlgnn Pl'(lrJUcls. More I han Jh fal, flilli lh milk; arm 0 S 8,000 ncllvlly guides Pl'ep;u·ed hy

William Hrroalwy, 1!1 n•gisll'l't'ti lhe commillee will he rlislrihuiPrl :.~g,.rlllg-l/11n1 r11.e11 ,,ll:l1~s . .', 1 ,~;i1 n1~·1. 1 .:,.~ 11i:17, '. 1

11, .. ,/''·-~'1:1 II gmup of Ollawa I'DIIIlly In Michigan rclailers lo help in

" v J';n·nwrs rnnv h:tvf1 nn am.;\v,~r· In m I' · 1 " reglsleJ'f!d 1111rl gr; 11 if• ,·lolsll'ills, J pro n 1011 11 e .. s. '11' I II f I "''7 II 'II II I 11!1' qu••slillll nf how lo lwep Mnnufaelm·m·s sales agents • !• l r1, "'~ 1 Ill! 1; J'llllr p/H•<Jsiinls J'rn111 plllling up new· Vuwe, l!l reg-Jslet·r·d ·11nt1 l(l'<ll/1' l\'·SJll'lllllerl l'lll'll. ami manufaclurcrs assor:ialinns I r l ~l"lll'' 'I' 0 II f 1 11-,, II ' will join in I he !Jig- flliSh I o llro· m'r',;;;c'l'l~m~;,~ Slt:ll. ~~!i· ll•'tl::~ .. ins: 'I lnglwrn t'lllllllj' ag-ricuillll'itl mole Miehlgun proriuels ll!rrnrg-h· :~:;,;; Ill fal, Hfll Ill milk: JtoiJPrl ilgf'lll, M. rr. llvet:Y· srJys I he sys. nul all !he •·•nnmunilil'.~ In llw '/'roman, r:1 reg-islet'Pd nnd gr;ult• II I'll~. llllglll W1

1H'k 111 tltls c·ounly, sill II!.

II 1"/ ltl'' '1·17 11 1·, 1 ,11 - 11 .11 .. brg-h! or .I Ollawa eounly I () ., I' ,,, • ' ) ·' ' . I I Ill/ \' /' J' I . .

Life Magazine Shows Pictures

Life Magnzlne !his wPelc car· rics 2 pages of pictlii'I!S n111l lhe slnry I'OVPring- slxlh J/lslrlel farm tnl!ellng-s sl ugerl hy Rr!p. Don HnywnJ·th. Life; reporlers and fllwlogmpher~ coverr.d ntw nf !he Livings/on eo u n I Jl meellng-s. Similr11· mePI ing-s were cnndllrlrrl in Genesee nnrl Ingham.

DeLam•ey Coopl'r, IIi rPgisl••t'l'l/ ill'llll'l's JH!l . IIH ane, an /llsre/1· I I I r I I • 'II~ II /' l'lrll' ll.'il'rl <lg'lliiWI Sf!l!d com mug. nnr gritrc ~os Pins,,.,, , at, r

1 · 1 · 1

W''8 11 mill. s 1.1 1 1 . 1•1 gols, on I 11'11' com seer ,Jllsl lC· Peach Growers Eve Temperature

Huywnrl h expressed himself ns pleased wilh 1111! t•esponse lo lhe poll on lhe farm progmm. liP lool; 20 fanners In r!ach lownshlp of lhe :J l'nunlies. The rcsulls,

jsaid lhe congressman, ~howrd a

llhinl in favor of hlgi1 rigid sup­pot·ls for fnrm cmps, more than a lhirrl for flexible SliP· pot·l.~ and a liltle ir~ss·Jhan a lhircl


, 1

'· '· • '11 lnson •. · fon• Jllnnling. r·eg1stered unrJ gJ'ilfll' !·lois/Pills, ·

:14.6 lh fiJI, Si!i JIJ mill<: E:Jwynn Chill'll's Shidc, game :m1nagp. Collar, IIi rrgisll'l'l'd anti grade• lllf'lll spl'dirllst 111 Mil'higan Slale llnlstelns, :J.J.!i Ill lui, :-iii:! Ill mill•; I'IIIIPg••, I'Xplains lltnl lhe pheas· l'l••nnis llndP!'\\'IliJd, 1:3 regislt'l'l'd :1111~ ;Jpplil'l'nily riidn'l Iiiii' r.illwt•

Dr. M. J. Green 1111' las/p or lilf' snwll and ~o lliroy didn'l holltr•t· lhco r•oJ·n .~eerl· lillf~S.

favoring no supports ill all.

hnlf !he o1he1· wny In g-el nwn,l'! J'mm I he "r·owed" effect. ·I

Choose J<cnlucl<y hluegrass' fnl' Slllllly slles anrl on' soils hlgli. In m·gunlc mailer, suggesls Carter· M. Harrison, Michigan Sliill' 1

college; farm empsnwn. Bul 1'1!11[' fesr.ue does br.ller I hun hltwg-r·ass 1' nn soils low in nrg1111lc•, sueh us/ !'lays ancl snnrly 1 soils, and IIIH•· wise In lhe sharle,

In r.n~e of rloubl, mix llH! lwn :i0-50. Mixtures r·nnlalning llw so·c>nlled nUJ'se grasses, rerl top and ryeg-rass, will grow fas/ anrl f'over quickly, hul will then Ill'· mme eoarse and t11Hiesll'1lbiP, hi' r.autinnerl.

.Jus/ plant llw rlesil·c·d g-rnssr•s. II will laiw them longer In gr.r· minatc, hut will makP a beller lawn fnr· qulclwt· 1 han planting lhe nurse gras~es and laler wish· ing they were nnl presenl.

Dnn'l planl afler May 1. There Is loo much hoi weather follow. ing lhat dnle anrl !here will ·he Inn mueh comJlelilinn from ,tlw <tnnual wecrls, warns Ha1Tisn11.

Vll'l'lmiNAWAN Ill! houg-h addil ional informa-

l lion is nr.r.dPd lo determine lin· li<I!Jr's valu1• ils a plwasanl J'£1·

N. Cc!dtu· ~1.. 1\llt~ull pPiil'/11 unrler Mil'ilig-nn condition,

Wilh l'Cpnrls indicnling- :JO';; of I he nalion's P.nllre ct•op of free­s I nne penc·hes rle.~t t·oyf'tl /Jy frerzes lfWI hit 10 carly·CI'OJl slates in lhe Snulll hlle In Ma:·ch, Michigan pPach gmwl'r's hope low temperalut·c~s will 1101 add !his stall' lo llw nn·penr:ltcs·lhis·ycnr· list.

"II's inlr.resling In note," snirl Hayworl11, "IIHtl r·nnlrovet·sy OVl'l' l'igirJ 111HI li!!XibJI! SUJljllll'IH

isn't along JHtl'ly lines. Many Denwcr·a Is vigorously favrJt' flrxihle supporls, ancl some Re· The U.S. rleparlmr.nt of agri· publicans wnnl rigid suppoJ'Is·." cullure r·epOI'Is lhaJ bolh turlcey

Mic•higan's sixlli clislrlct con- nncl hams ar·e plenliful righl g1·essmnn salrl he inlr.ncls In cast /now. On the wholesale mea.l mar· his voles on fill'ln leglslallon in lwts, hams have heen sell1ng IS line wilh lhe exptw·sed majorily In 18 ('ents a pound below lnst wishes of fut·met·s who purlici· year's prices. Turkey is ahoul G puled in the poll. to 10 cents a pound below a yent•

l'hmu' 01~·7·!17!Jl 1 1:11·mr•n· c·nn mnlw some ohser·~u· lions "" ·~orn· flelrls lreaiPrl wr/h ilw I'IH•mienl Jo prr.vcnl seed corn

4o/o Land Bank


m11ggol damngc, Shit:le sr1ys linrlant' is easily iiJl·

plirod mHI docs no I dog I he corn pl11111rr. Hr.rc ar'e.lhe dlreeHons:

Moislr·n'I!Je seed corn with Wll· lf'r -iii)()LJI nne• pint of waler pet· /Jusltel of sr•erl. This will allow I he powrJcrNI lindane lo sticlc to the l<r!rlwls. Thr.n mix 2 ounccs~2 iu•iiping lalllcspoons-of 25'.Yr lindane with a husl1el of seed ('01'1/,

Shiel< arlrnils lhnl lhc lests ar·e IIIli I'XIensivc. Btll results from lh1• Ollawil cnun1y fnrmcrs and 11'11/iilive t'nnclusions fmm a Cali· fonda experimenl are encourarr· ing, lw added.

fn 1!l5-J Michigan slond fiflh in peucll prorlucllon Wilh il 2,410,. 000-bushcl r:I'Op. /\henri were Cali· fornla laboul half lllc nallonal crop), Sottlh Carolina, Gem·gin and Pennsylv~nin in lhal order. ·

The peach harve~ling season in Michigan is· from Augusl 7 lo Seplembet· 28 normally. Tlte wealher in the immediate future will have a lremenclous bearing­on the size of lhe 1!155 cmp. Low tempernlm·es when huds ure tender can greally J'ecluce nt• even deslroy a crop, ami even afler· the .gm·genus pinle pelals ltav~ fallen serious damage can be clone.

Seed lawn Now For Best Re'sults

Beller get ar- seeding that lmvn right away in orrler In gel I he benefit of spring rains and In heat lhe hnt wentllet·, says M. H. Avery, eounly agricultural agenL

He advises sowing <tboul nne 10 lwo pounds of seed pet· 1,000 square feel of l<twn. Sow half of the; seer) in one direction and a


Hatching Weekly . All Winter

l'ullurum-Cieun Chlelcs

Gulliver's Hatchery· Phnnll fi!liU Eulon Uur1hls

!1z milo sonlh on IU·99

Are ·=·;[:'j·nes p the

~o, ~hey'r~ not. Standard gasolines ore diH· t.!nct!y.ddferent. We ve got our own wny of making gasn­lutes-and we're mighty fuMsy n bout things like purity, proper ~nlnnce for all. 'rotin~ performance, and guru·din~ thequahtyof ~hellnsoln~euntll!t's m your tank.'I'hat'R why Standard mmntams pnvate and exclusive terminal faciJi. ties in your area -to assure you of uniform gasoiineH of the same consistent high quality day in nnd day out. Yes, STANDARD WHITE CROWN and RED CuowN Gwm· lines are protected for your benefit all the wny fi·om the refinery to. your car ••• for ~tnndnrd mni~tnins privntc and exclusiVe lalm tankers, l'lver barges, prpelines, tan!< caJ's and tr~clcs. A~d a good thing to remember is this •.• no gasohnes arrtve at or go out of om· terminals but Standard gasolinea. ·

Try a tanlclul ol one of these clean burning, high octane gasolines today, and drive away convlncerltl•at there is a rlillerence! -




Everything it hd~~s to be nrOPS"H

Siondard's modern rcfincric·• ore !he finest it is possible lo build and maintain. Our chem· ish and engince" conduct o continuing program of research and de>elopment lo bring you lhe best in gosolines.,, lo os· sure you consislent high quo lily day in and day .out fo1· peal< performance and power, .. to give you ga•oline: thot helVe everything It loktn tc hn top>!

and g!J it! National Farm Loan Association

Slnrler so lui ions m·e lops fcit· ic1~eping plnnls alive afle1· lr·ans­planting, repnt·l Michigan Slnle •·olleg-e hnrlir:ulturisls.

The stale's peach Industry i~ cenlered in Berrien and Van Btt· ren counties, where from April 30 lo May 7 in Benton Hnrllor ami St. Joseph lhe annual Blossom Feslival will he singed with floral parade on May 7. -·

----------~---------------:--------------------~~ .. ·-·~"-~·~---

IDENTIFY THIS FARM 4tr. S. Cndu·un l'IJouc. 111110 Cltlll'lullo

J?llllll Orrtco 138 W, A&!2 1\1 II SOli

Pilon•• 0H-7·1ill!ll

Dr.C.J.Hubbard Vl~'I'EitiNAIUAN

r.w S. ,Jel'furson IUuson l'horw OR·Nl211l

~~ . put ~\'tl\ TilE HOB'' ~'liB MA~ on wheels

It hns been said that a man with a hoe ls themostex~eFslv~· Item on the farm, That is especially true with vegetables, melons, berries, fruits and other crops that require precision plantlns, cultivation and weeding. ' · •

On the seat of a Model G Tractor, one man can eliminate a tremendous amount of hand worlt. He can place seed whertt you­want it, to the smallest fraction of an inch. He can weed and cultivate gently, surely - right up to the row. He can handle up to six rows at a time.

Model G implements mount in front under the tractor's open arch. Crop rows and tools nt'e ·always in full view.

Let one pair of hands on the wheel o( the Model G replace many pairs on hand tools. Stop in for full information •.

Tune in

Other peach growing r·nunties are Allegan, r<cnl and Ot•ratm with consirlcrahlc pmrlur•lion in l!rtsll!rn Michignn in the 11ornro seclion.

Early pcnl'h·prnduf'ing · slnlcs wlwre c:·ops wei'P prael it•a/ly wiper! ntll by Mnn~lt fr·rezrs Wl't'l! Sottlh Cnrolina, Gem·gin, Nm·fh Carollmt, F'loridn, Alalmma, 1\([is· sissippi, Louisinna, llrl•illlsn . .;, Texas, 01\laltnnw, Trtlllf'sSP(' <IIlii KPnt Ul'l<y. -

Don't Give Up On Weed Killeis

Don't he one of those vegetable: growers who gives up on chemi· cal weed killers because lhcy didn't woJ'l( the fii'SI time Iiley were tlsed, urges M. H. Avery.

1 cnunty ngJ·icullttral ngenl. ·

Some vegelable growers JHII weed lclllet·s on during lhe rlt·iosl

· days because 1 hey flgUI'P 1 ilr weeds will die fasler.

Stanley Ries, Michigan Slnlr college horlieullul'isl, expluins thai weeds are.Jeilled mnsl effcc: tively when 1 here i:-; enough mois· ture to malw lhe seeds germinnle in, the Slll'fncc soil.

He adds that chemieals nrc recommended for selecllve weed control and ure most effective in killing germinating plants. With lhe excepllon of 2-4-D, they will not kill older plants at 1 he recom. mended spraying rates.

Don't make the mistnlw of ells· turblng the crop rows right niter putting on the weed !tiller. The crop may be cultivated, but soli should not, be lhrown In I he. row, says Avet·y. The ·chemical layer may be· broken nnd seed. bt•ought to tile surface where they may germlnnte easily.

The first person to identify this farm

correctly will receive 4 FREE THEA­TER TICKETS.

+ + +

The family who lives on the identified

farm will receive a free 5x7 m~unted enlargement of the fat·m ..

+ + +

. __ W_h_o_se_Fa_r_m_ls __ T_hi_s_?_·~


These 4 Ingham county fam1 merei1ants have ar· ranged for the (lubllcatlon or 52 "Mystery" Jlietures. It's their tribute to a No. 1 industry in Ingham COUll· ty. U you lilm the farm Jllctures tell them so;

Wa.tch for Your ·farm. the Nallonal ••rm and Hom• Hewr- Every S•twulay - NIC

Avery points out that a handy folder F·193 "Chemical Weed Control lit Vegetable Crops"

· which flatlens Into a chnrt, hns just been written by the hortleul· ture and botany departments at ~·S.C. .

PI ' M . h . i . . c· I The Centennial of Fat•m Mech·

A new "~lystery" picture will appear eaclt week. Yours may be next. No one ,knows whose farms have been ~hotograpbell-:-not even tlie I'Jdtotog~ -raphers-1_~ s up to you to come ·througlt .with .tbe 1\IISWersl .. · · , ·

. um· m·er Q( 1nery 0 . anlzntlon will be held at Mlehl.gan . : . · . · , . ., :; , c . . , . · •. State college this summer from·

. N; Cedar: · , . . ' · , :- · 1 · ,· · • ; LIUIJ!!lng August 15 to 20:. · , .. .... ·.,_·~ .. ~ .. \~~: ... :·::-·: . . .... ·c ...... \ ... ~,.., ·.:~~· ,\: .· .. ~ ··~·.-:·1~·<-::



We · Give Gold StAmps

Pltone Leslie :uts~ - OR·7.00SD "-·~· ..... -

Mason Elevator '

Fefld - SeNt ..:. FertUlzer . ; . ,. ' . ~. : . ' . . .

945 W; Columbia .. Pl1. OR·6-1SU : .1\fiMoD.

The ·Ingham· County News Complete News Coverage

of Rural Ingham County



Prqducers Co-op~ .· , . : (~Elevator Co. . , •.· ·. . · WIUiwnsto1i"!

. . ' . . '

I I ' I I ,·, ~ , ' ._,

l'ngham ·will Get .Chemical Test Pl.ots Chnml<'nl W f'l'tl ·r 'onlrol Is r.:olng I o lw liHed In plol ~~ In I hn r•oJHlillon of I he PRill me for 111111

IIor·e! r"umty, Arnmntr~ 011 polson Ivy; purlfr,ulm· type nf seer!. 1f'lw tllh·rl Mnny r·rHnnwrr·l:tl r·ompaniPs 2-'1-D nmlnn or1 lurrrlodt anrl phn:;o o! tho pn~tm·o progrnm

urn JlUI,IIng a l'lrr~mff'lll wePrl !'on· enrudn thlslle; Dnlnphon anrl wllllm from 1)10 slnnclpolnl of tlw lml miiiPt'iill ,111 lhe .mru·lwl. 'I'CA nnrl M-H-•10 on 'lllllclt grnss; prncllces tnlwn w mrflnlnln n Many of our Ingham mnnly 2 .. JD J~slrr· on wild r·arTol; 2-11D good pasture, good lund ullllzn­filrmcrs now iliJVI' their own on nlfrrlf'a, IIPW sPr!rlinus for con- lion, fences, wnler, shnrle, wePrl spl'lly eq11lpnwnt nr· an~ Jwvfnr.: tml of broad Jr•ur wer!tiH such us mntml and wlwtlwr or not olhm· f:u·nwrs r;uHtoJp spray Y£!llow rrwlwrl nnrl i'illliiiHI lhlsllo; i.lrllZing Is praellc·crl. · smnr! o[ their· r·r·ops, We rwerl to TCA on ldlllnr.: of anmwl gralioes; Mnny fm·mers In I he r•otmty ]f!ilf'll mon• nbout whir•li matel'i- DMPfl for wet•rls in brans; 2-40 will be contnelecl shorlly In rP· nl:-; will worl< 1111 llu•, varloliH estm· for pre Pnwrgenr•e Hpt·ny nn gnrrl in this rtncl will he given a Wf!Pds In crops whlf'it we ('OI'IJ anrl 2-·IW arnlnn for posl eh11nce lo partfeipate. AI tlw I:!JJI'Ilylng. " 111 ''rl,(l!llf'l' Sfll'llY on mrn. Craig pr·esenl time, the c·ommltlel!

Mlehlga11 ~I alP f'fiiii'I,(P is ••on- f ferhif·lde Is availahie for spray- would lllw lo have lhe fanners titllllllly l'lllllling extu•rlnwnts on illf.( Wl'rds In sll·awbi!tTil's. Spray- lhinl< nhrnll lhelr own OJ' llwlr lhe varlrnrs spray mntPrials so illg of 2-:1~1 for· purrn;uwnl pas- neighbors' pasture as n possible lhnl lhr'y may 1,(11'1' us tlu• latest ltll'<'s also 111 wlwnt will lw tried. ·one lobe entered In the prngmm lnfonnatiorJ on the various MCI' Is avall:rbll' to Ltse 111 oars. fnr n tout•, 'l'hls might IJC for 11 :;pmys hnrl or1 what r:rops Iiley lnr.:·hnJn llns l'nsiiJJ'I~ l'lnn loenl lour of the local township will worl< satisfa••torlly. l'aslfn'l' 1:; orw of 1111' llrnlllng or eommunlly or for n co~rnty·

Yo11r lllgllalll c·o11nty t•xlellsion far·tors.ln tlw pr·<ulrwllon of good wide even!. The committee wnrlt­ser·vice Is world ng wl t 11 till• WPPrl lives I rwl; a nrl llwst nr·l< Jll'ml ur•t s. I nr.: nn I ho even I ft•orn I he a nr· f'rlll'lml <·nmmlttf~P ill Mlelrig-an lmprovprJ pastun•s r·an do much r.:aniznllons are Lnrry Tripp, Sol' ~tale mllr'l,(f' a11d will put out ·.r to im'l'e:rsf• tlrr• nPt irH·ome of Conservallon Service; 1-larolr' series or plots tlrmuglrout lht~ lnl,(llilm r·ounty farmt•rs In 1!155. GaleH of lhe Fm·mers Home Art­county lo dPmollstratP till' rllffpr- A r'flllllly-wiliP pnsturc pmgnrm mlnlslrallon; Loris Curtis of thr Pnl lypPs of WI'Pd l<iliPrs. Tlw is twlnr.: rlevelnrwd lhrnur.:lr the Agt·leullurnl Stnhli7.allnn Com mller.:e Is furnlslrlnu llliller·J;rl t•ounty PXIPIIslon st•rvke in coop- mfllee; Don Cronlnite reprcse111 fr·om t•nmnwrl'inl f'nmpnlllt•s In r•ralfon with tlw County Soli Con- lng tlw vnr•allonnl ag lnslruetor~ use on tlli'Sf' plots. Tire PXtenslon, ~pr·v:rtlon rlislrict anrl till' U. S. and M. H. Avery, county agrleul· oiTit'P will IHIVI' a small spr:ryl'l' D. A. enundl. One I>hllsf• of lhe tur·ui ngenl. wllh an PHfll'l'i:rlly filll'd I)(Jom plan will IH• In lnentP farmers Crnvs Enf D•~~SI!I'f anrl IH>ZZii's to spJ•ay plols whlcll who are doing a gonrl job of Mal<fllg ~-:nod grass silage lal<es will hr• 11s<•rl fnr liPmonslrnlion pasllll'inu so tlrnt visits mny he some fmowlcdge Hnd l<now-how. plolli and nll'r!llnus l:rtl'r o11 i11 tlu· m<rriP In 1111• f:rrms to adtuafnl Bul lhe farmer who w•es to 1111' sun\mcr or fall. oiiH!J' farmers witl1 tile hei!CI' trouble to mal<c goorf grass sflrtJ.:f'

ThP <'XIPnslon offir·p p•·r·sonrwl JHrst ur:P pr·ourams alr'Pilrl,l' in 1 he really sels n r.:oocl mughage I able is inl!•n•str•rl In finrliiiM far11wrs •·ounl.\'. Tt Is hoper! that many for his rinfry cows. who would lilw lo ilaVP plots JIUt farmers will lw interested In .Jim Hays, exlcnsinn diiiJ'ymall on their farms illlli W<lllld appr<'· vic•wing llwir 11eighllors p;rstu•·cs at Michigan Slate college, says dall! farnwrs !PitiiiM tile ol'flt·e and possibly selceting lhc best dairy farmcr·s in Michigan arc Jmow if 11 farmer lws a spPdal one in e;rr-h r•omrnunill' for a showin~-: a lot of lnlct•esl In grass weed In a •Top or Jlilslur·•· in c•ounty·wirlc Iolii' later.' In the silage. Torlny's silage I1now-how which lit• wo11lrl lllw to ilavp 11 \'1'111'. g-ives 11 fnr·mer n choice of several contml plol ~1'1 up. • PHsluJ·cs will''" inspeeterl fmm rliffcrcnt methorls of making

Agrieullural illstnll'lors in tlrl' lhe r·ompiPtPness of jlllsture, lo gmss silage. l'ollnly ill'!' goinu to !Jp wr;rl<iiiM I he lenglll of season that animals Jim says that many gr'ilsscs wilh lhe PXIPnsion SI'I'Vir·e on may graze on lhis pasture etTec- and legumes can be made inlo this progr11m anrl farnwrs may livPiy. Tlwl is, how many days silage. The nulrilive value of llle •·ontael any l!f lhc ag tc;whers, of goorl pasturP there will he dry matler In the cror will he Lan·y Tripp of the A. S. C'., or available duri11g lhc seas11n in· hi~-:hesl at lhc pfllilUJ'e stage. On llarold c;att•s 11f tlrr• l·'arrnel~ clurling- ~prlng, summer, anrl fall tile olher h11nd, the yield of the Home Arlministration. TlrPy, in grazing. Quality of the pnslure dry muller will he iowesl at this lum will r:onlnet the <!XIcnsion will also he consi!lercrl ns lo the stagf!, hul highesl at late bloom. office f11r IH•Ip i11 laying IlLII the type of paslure available. Whelh- .Tim adds lhllt with an nlfalfa plots. TIIC following rnateriPis arc er legumt•s or grasses, anrl lhe bmmc mixture, you cnn save the

most rlfgcstahlc protein and the most TDN If the 'mixture is cut when the alfalfa Is In half bloom. When the mixlure is cui curlier, 1 the nutritive value is highe1·, hut lhe yield is lower.

Backyard Fruit Requires Care

Sidt I l'l!f'ti ill I !rat t!an't IH• · t'Xjtf'r•t f'fi to prrrrlur·t· lwnllhy fruit fo;· t:rsty piPs, Sn mnlw lll<c :r trl'r' firwtftl' nml st:rrr oper;ulillf.( flll tlrose disl!<rsed fruit I ret•s.

flere ill'!! sornr• JH'f'SI'I'ipt ion;.. from Dr. l~dll'anl 1\los, 1\lil'irigan '-itate l'fllilll,(t' pl:rnt pnllwlogist:

Yor !'till I rol of hrown t'fll 011 ~tone fruits: 1\rull'k murnmifle·l fruit fl'lllll IJ'f'"~ -l11 n•dtJI·c lilt• 11Uflli)('l' of SJIIIrt'S tJrnj f'lln \)p spr·ead.

Bl;lf'lt knot 11f plums: Cut off ·murll lim!" ·I irlf'IH•s hPiow the vlsihll' slum; hl:wk warty out­c~Towl hH on hr\11 IC'ilf'.-;. anrl f'irisr•l out krwt.' on tlrr! t I'll lilt and larger limbs illl irwl1 lwyonri llw knols. Again in M:ry, inspr•el the ln'L's and repn111f' t !rPm. Above all--­burn :rll pru11erl matr•rinl ~o the disrasr• rirH•sn't sprl'acl.

This trr:oatme(rl should rio lh·J I riel< for 1 he h:rr-kyanl orcluml­lst. But a riormnnt sprny may be rwt'rl<'ri for SPrious oulbreaks. Then usr• !i X-100 Bonleaux in a rlormant 11il spray.

I'f'acll lraf r·url: _This year I here·~ ;r rww rlnrma11t ~pray­Fcrham--that tal\ros r.:onrl r·arc of the disease. Kim: men I ions that the rlisP:1se Is widespr·cml in Michignn. lJsf' I 1" Jlfllllllls of Fe•·· bam, or 13orrlc:rux ().(j.J(JO in lrtO gallons of watPr or· lime sulfur al tlw ratr! •il onP gullon to 20 gallons of spra~·.

Fertilizer Price Offers a Bargain

Grnsses grown with alfalfa and 1·cd clover· usua'lly bloom he­fore the legumes. Bul, as Jim mentioned before, cut the mfx-1 u re when the legume is in thr.

. cm·ly lo half bloom stage. i . •. ' !

. Early Start. Pays -On Garden:-Crops-

Thing~ hal'!' t•ilanged a greal deal in lire fert ilizPr busi11ess, but one thing thai hasn't clumgecl mtri·h is the lnw pr·ieP of plant foorl to I he farnwr or gardt•ncr .

Can Sudden Fire Wipe You Out?

~('lrt, IIIISWI:I' f11' flu. hUJ'IIill).( ljiii'Siion is in Ylllll' iiJSIII'!IIIC'e! Adi~!JIIIl ((, l'fiV!!l'llJ:'I' t'Uil 1'1!•

11111\'1' llw finnnl'ial sfhr~:· •.• IWIJJ rml you "hrl!'l! on yuur l'l'l'l." Cull us,

H. Chappell Agency 4347 W. Delhi

Phone OXford ~-2141


Greater Po_wer_ ••• Ahead in Value!

... -~ '· ... . - ..

· It1R ·um new leader in-the 3-4_plow·class-more power,

greater economy, wider usefulness. It's the big value, · too-worth more when you buy it ... will bring more when you're ready to trade. - . '

t\.nd, look· at all the features that go·along with this great new Super 77: six forward speeds, double­disc brnkes, r.ubber-spring sent, mounting pads for "drive-in" implements. · .

You have a choice of a 6~cylinder, 100% diesel or a modern gasoline engine with a 7.0 to · · . 1 compression ratio-a new high' for w· farm tractors. Special units include the . . IndcMndently Controlled P'rO and 11 · new .safety~ type "Il)•dra-lectric',' sys- .


te~. ' ' . . ' .. ·~·-:·- .. ' . : ' : '

Bar'k in ·t n:Jn. farmers used 'Jboul :> 1," million tons. Now . ilcy're using 21 mill inn tons a

.,Vcar, .. and_.tlw cu:;J j:; o · :rhnvo thai of 2~ yrars ago. This

People who are. inlercsled In is a prelty good deal, ae('flrrllng gardening this summer should In R. L. Carolus, Michigan Sial~ start now to build a cold framP. ilot'Ticultmisl, who adds that co;;l to gt!l plants , growing rig! 1 '>f :~>tlwr· farrn ~upplit•s is up

. 1 l?=r' away, said R. L. Carolus, Michi-1 -·J.!' · . gan Stale collage horticulturist. One hr.~ nrlvnntagc growers

The frame for the sash can be have nnw rs_lhc larc:Pr _a!nounl n_f bUilt right 011 top of the groun:l planr fnnrl rn lhc fcrtrl!zcrs. Nr­and should be 5 or 6 fe~t wide lrogen-phospl~orus-p o t a s h an­and as long as needed. Build the alyses. lrl<c 11-:!0-20 and 12-12-~2 baclc side up to· 18 Inches and have r~r:reases of 11\'er 100'/r m slant it toward the sun. Glazed plant Jood l'~nt!•nt over older, cold fraine sash 3 by 6 feet can !ow-grarle Jerlrlr;:l'rs. be purchased, or can be built, am! Cnrolus :;ays. th<ll _Y_ears ago covered with heavy. gauze-poly- the low nnaly_SIS IertrlrzerS' _h_arl elhylene 111m • · lo be applrcd rn lflrge qtwntlltes

Seed of lettuce and many qow- to !'Uflp~y nredl'c! nutrients: This eJ'ing plants can be sown directly :,:e?r, Wllh the hrgh analySIS ler­in the cold frame and give adc· ltlrzers, lhr 11mnunt applied can quate spacing when they are 1 lo 2 Inches tall, said Cprolus. dishes, lelluC'P am! even onion

Musl1me!on, cucumber, water· sets can he marie in April for usc melon and even si.vect corn can be right out nf 1 he frame _in lale planted in a cold frame either the May. These crops can be follower! last weelc in April' or the tlr.•t by- a planting of cabbage, brae-week In May, depending coU ami cauliflower seed fnr· whether it Is in the norlh seH'ing oul in lhe gaJ•rlen in late south of Michigan. Seeds Jtriie o1· c.rrly Jul~'· Cold frame these crops must be planted in opcrnlion can he an interesting clap or paper. pots, or veneer and profitable vPnture in Lito bands as their roots must not be spring from April In after the disturbed during transplanting llrst of July, concluclr.d ·Carolus to the garden, cautioned the be cui almost to half and still Michigan State college horticul- fLII'Ilisll thn crop with lhe same turist. quantity o[ planl nutrients.

If the cold frame is large The high Analysis fertilizers enough, an early planting of rn- contain little in tile way of plant




·Country· & Town .

~ .


,. . . . -...... ,_;-.-~,, . -.--~ '· .. 'l... . • ;1':~-••

By Jim, Brown

Whidr v;•· elass ow•· ul. Uw school of hight!J' lt•arninJ!; in IGast Lansing will hll the flr~;t to g·•·ntluatn l'rnm l\JiHhigan Statr~ univnrsity? Undnr a houJ·d nl' agt'ieultul't' l'ttlin~ it will hn 1111 to this Slll'ing's g•·adttatinp; t!htRS t.n dt~eitlt~. 'rite 1!l55 ehL'iS ean dllw•· ht• Uw last gradtmtin~ elnss fl·nm 1\llehl-gan ~t:ltt~ r:nllt•J!;t', til' tht• lirst tmt~ to bt~. grndulltml from J\liehip;a n Sta II' uni VI'J'sity.

In !.he bt~ginning in I 8~15, ur COUI'Se, it. was Michigan Agl'i­·'Ultuml colll'ge. That lasled until Hl!:!~ when the name was switched to l\'lSC. Now, :lO yea1·s late1·, the .handle will be MSU. The new name will f'ly ar the must beginning July 1.


It seems too lmrJ I hat the gove1·ning body of MAC-MSC-MSU must still laho!' onuncler the antique title of State Board of t\.g!'icultut·c. The board has been left out: of the name changes t.wi('t~ in a r·ow. How about. changing it to Michigan SLate Univer~lty Bo;ll'(] of Regency so as not: to confuse it with the Univcr~ity of. Michigan's Bont·d of Regents? The hoard of ugl'icultltl'e should be given university status.

Conl!;mtula Htms l o J\lichi~an Stull~ univlwsity, lnJ!;ham'.~ No. I snhool of h!!ll'ninJ!;- and football.

MSC is looking ror test plots fot• giving chemical weed kiiler·s practical cxpt•ricnce. My lawn seems to be a haven fm· any weed you cm·c I o name. Bring yotw spray gun, DJ'. Hannah.

Neighbm· Vet·silc Babcoek is pushing back Mason's last frontier· around his newly-purchased home on South Burnes st1·ee1'. Sever·al trees have been felled this spl'ing and he's stacked brush 20 feet. high. Mason fit•cmen are scheduled to ignite t.he brush Fl'iday night in the interest of fire pl'even­tion. This year·'s awm·d for courageous landscaping should ~o to Babs. l-Ie's doing a good job.

Facts ahnut your income tax return: 1'hm·t~ · :ll'e slightly morr~ than 2 chances out of 100 that your l'Pturn will rl'quh·t~ minor adJustments after you send it in. Tlu·•·p ·is mw chanc<~ in 100 that you will lutvn to eonfm· with ms officials to iron nut detalils. Tlwrt~ an• 2 ehanc<·s in 100,000 that you will settle in tax eomt. 'l'ht'I'l~ is ont! chance in 100,000 that your casr• will go tn an actual com·t of law. nut thm·n is sonw good news- the chances are flY:! out of 10 that your retu•·n will he accc(Jtcd us filed.

A man I lmnw p;aw~ a tax eonsultant $5 to Sll\'t~ him $2.

food in arldition to the analysis on the mixture. Only a very small the bag. Thai's a gnod thing in rnurnher of farms need to add these days 11f precision agrir'ul· minor nutrienls. lure, comments C:m>lus, bec·:ru~c

it maites it possible to spot Wild f!Cesc often live to he 70 troubles immediately and correcl years of age. Only vultures and them by adding the necessary I parrols among the birds ar·e said quantity of the mrnor nutrienls In to have a longer life span.

Ingham County News April 21, 19 55 Page 4

Hcnick · District J\[J•s, I.t!t• tl<•rlumiHfnln

Mt•. nne! Mr·s, .lol! Dunn anri Mr . nnrl Mrs. Hownrrl King mul Phil· rlrcn spont Sundny nl lhe Mllm Kin~-: home.

Po II fe Ber·n ler Is 11 hs<! nt fmm sdwol with the mumps.

M1·. nnd Mrs. Melvin Gerharrl­sl!!ln of 'l'olerln, Ohio, 'l'hurstlay evening wllh In the community.

Mr. and Mrs. fieuhen nnrl f\nlhy and· Mrs. Green were ~-:uesls nt dlnnPI' Sunday nt the Lee Gerhllrdsleln lrnmc.

Mr. and Mr·s. l~dwanl llernfl'l' nnrl chllrlrun visited M1·. nnd Mrs. Enrl Foss nf Homm· Ins! Sunday.

Mrs. AI Semlm, Carol and Mill'· vln of WaiiPd Lal<e and Mr. nnrl! Mr·s. lvnn House and r·hl!dn•n • were rllnner guesls lnsl S11nday of Mr. ami Mrs. Archie Hotrsc. '

Mr. nnd Mrs .• lnPoh Strobel and chllrlnm nnri Mr. am! Mrs. n;rJ. ward Slrnhel and chllrlren were Sunday guesls at lhe home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnorg-e Pllllllps In Wllliamslon.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Oesler!P called at the An·hlc House home lnsl l~rlday.

Mr·. and Mrs. Nell Wnst · spenl Easter Sunday at I he Glen West home. Neil will conelurle his frn·· Iough soon and go In ••:rmp 111 Colorado. '

Mr·. anrl Mrs. fioher·l FP.iloll nnrl family were Sunday visllnrs at lhe horn!! of Mr. and Mr·s. Jcdson Follnn.

Mr·. and Mrs. Don Mrwf\enzic and family spent Sund:ry al the home ot Mrs. Elhcl MacKenzie in Howell ..

In I he 150 or so ycm·s I hn I IV('

lwve been a nnllon: we have used ot• destroyed :Y, of Olll' fore~ts, and hnve losl 1/:i nf nur· lopsoil throuf!h P.rn~lon-and Olll' pnnula­tion is lncrenslng rapidly. Whall will the picture be 150 years from nnw'!

IT'S NEW it's at


It's self-propelled

featute ffJr feat11re., ~ YOUR DEST POWER

MOWER DUY '• 2lh' cuttln.r.: wlcllh • :fl" to 2:,." cultlnf: hcluht • Fnmnus JncoiJscn cn~::lnc • Sr!lf~pi"Opl'llcrl

• Exclwdvc Jncobscn suctlon-Utt rotor

• Frnnl nrm;s dlschnrgo ehute We cnrry a complqtc Hclccllnn of ~Jucubscn mowca·s. Come in nnr! fiHk nb~t our t:u~y Jl•1Y" mcnt plan,

A. A. NOWLETT & Company

l'hollf' ·"'"u11 :!-:w:n

Wayne G. Feighner Audirmt~er

* Farm anti llousPIWI<l Salt•s * ltunlt! I, lllnson

C111l OWi'-iU:H

or t•:nfon t:npills :Hi71i-Cnll••t:(

.. 1'11111 IIJiliiNI

We Hcl~e All l<inds of Fencing!

Steel· Fence Posts Steel Corner and

End Posts ·wood Fence Posts·· On1amental Lawn~ ' .Fence

Ornamental Garden~ Borders


Lasts Longe•· ••• That's Why! In severe weather tests, Red Brand fence outlasted all others. Yet it costs no more lhan olhcr brands of ;;tand;rrcl ~nrde . Gives you more years of good ser· vice for your money. Thal 's real fence value·.

Double Protected Exira heavy con tin~ of pure zinc on the oulside-plenly of copper in the steel. Full ~ngc wires ... "live'' tension crimps ... accurate spacing •.. tight knnts thn t can't slip. You can't sec all these good qualities, but when you sec the top wire paint­ed RED, you !mow you're getting

. them. We have a good slock of Heel Brand Fence. Come in and sec it,

' Bill>orvl••r Foy rnllVIrl that llob~rt fllnnlc• he nornlnnle~ !Of Vlt.o Ohulrmun fho motion WIIB R«on4.<f, !1\lfl~fVfior Wntl<lno mnvod thnt tho 11nmlnotlono ho •In••" "'"' th11L a 11nanhnono ballot l1o ''"' hy tho honnJ for Mr. !lro!lko, ~·•· ondtHI und cnrrlvd Ul}ltnlwounb.

An hJVItallnn from B/•orlfj llnrncn wo• """ by the Clork lnvlt nk t Ia J]qarrl lor tun< h nt tho Jnll llullotvloor Kircher moved tho tho lnvlt111lnrt he aecopla1l Sm.:un lt.~d und vurrled ununlmousiY,

A loltor lrr>m MIHB Mill/• Urown1 L••• •lnlf City Clork, carl frlnll' r.bram lluckor llohort 8 lltooko, Cllon E llonn Wnllcr II lln1l10r, l'rJ.•I L Klr• 'her ll<>hort II I< lock, llorold A Moore, Mux I!J Mlunlnyhoni l'tnnk W r•rrln, fJhrlHtlnne l'oXIInn, 'ruuk PreU~t u.nd (,, or~e tllclwull uo k!UJillrVI8ara from the City uf Lun II Ill(, wna teu.d hf the CltJrk, I hfr I!Ommunicllilun WIIB JllllJ:cd on rue by tho Chulrrnnn

A r.nmmunlca.tlon lrnrn tho City o! enliL Lnnaln~t cortliYlntr C1trl Card, John M Jlnttlurche, llnrnl,l Pletz, Druce Htnnu und V A 1 r)I)Uct u.s HUitervfuou !1 urn & 11t LnnHinK wu~ rend by the Vlurk 'J hu 1 omrnunlcn.tlon wu JIIUt:t!d un Jllc hy the Chulrmun

'I he roltort. or tho Lunllln«•ln[(hum ( uuuty llcnlth 1Je1•nrtment for the moJJth ur l'uhrunry Willi lltCHenled br the Clerk 1 h1 ruiiCUt wun recelv~d unq 11lu.ced ou file hy the Chnlrrnnn

I he n1u11lhly report of the LllfJ!!hlK Child r.ultlltrlCC Clinic Willi them llrotlcntcd iJy thu Clt!rk 'l hln reJtOrt. wus rccclvtJd 111 I t•lur.otl on rJJe hy Chulrn1un Mlllh

1 he Ul\1llllll fCJIOfL of the foHhUm C1 unty Llhrury wu.s then urencntecl bY the Glork n 1 follow~;

ItECEII'TS BlJI'Iuct 12 mu

.!.~ (J(J() uu llllllllltl ~ r,uo uo J IIIIIJ OU

13,11110 011 111 1111

6& oo11 110

Jl, 10M

Actunl I~ mo !r.,uuu 011

l,UOIJ 00 3,1~106 1,400 00

22,.116 77 ~a 1a

00, til uu• 1 o

Actunl 1.! mo 31,!iHH UH 1 '7,3(16,.!~ ..

7 ar. 1u 837 o. Hit7.6H

l,r.72 H7 .r.~.!U 166 ~3 ~I 0 IlK 186.14

406.0~ • ltil Hll

1,1111 1j 648 ~i

• 101 011 013 ~~

u1 rile by the Chu.irnu n wn~ ltfCiil!I\Lt:d by the Clerk

7,aoo.n 126 10 127.01 476.2& 6U 71

o.oo 7:11 73

77,01 400.92

80 07 747.40 674.71 248 10

vo.ou 88.00

uo 00 a.uv.oo

80,00 !Z,OOO,OO

25.60 u.po 4M2

446.47 6~ 96

lOU.IH ~M8 1q.oo ng.oo •

20 H lf,OO

41 ,17 8,637.87

2U3 t2 126,83 2U.7t 20M2

8,078,06 a.•o~.2G a,uM; IG.nt

s t.7u 81SH ~~

•. oo r·

8,01~ 46 UD OG

2IRM6 4,0U,DI

260,00 Hr. 00 6 DO •

Jnofutm County News April 21. i955' Page 6 '..-' I

llr, Cr,

Proceedings of Board of Supervisors 46D,02~,ftl

H,7HD,dl 7 n,Oilii,OO

11r, r H,7BO,Ot D~laq,~

2nU,OnO,Il4 flalnn~o

IOP,H 20),)10,26

nJtilllii'IOJ\1~/ItS narolak•r r1t~hl~ r ruuruht f:hnJUJUI 'l'nltlm• &

, l ('nnllnu"~ l1 &Hu l'1111" 6) Q,i~~,OO Jlnlnrll'o un !1111111 llr.remhnr Ill, 1061 (0Ynr<irnwn)

llr. (r, Jj,[l2

llnlnllr.o 011 h11r11l J1111~qrv 1, '.:ttv Unah nddod tn:

luHhnm llh"t llo~r•ltnl II•Kistnr of lln••lo Qlfl•o ~no.oo

~ll.llll 1111)0,011

No, ~ llal~wln l'u~ Ualnru u nn hun1l ,fnnunry lllr, llHi4

GENERAL. FLINll Oit!hL~Uffn('IJff.l

7,11RO,fi0 12,~fJU,IJU

lll,llfi 111111

J1Ur,U,02 fill ~ ~


non r.o 11,116


fJ,'Iflii,IJO l~ol H2

7,111111.!1~ 1176,1111

lln.OO HD

11111!.2fi I 3,A8 7 a 22

Hn 110 .fill

14,117 h on .~f)

1.07 I ~.:JM

1,3118.0 r •• a71,H

117 llfi All IIH

fiHi ~4 7 k,Dr. ~n M~

2U 1111 I 0.011,3G8.0~ :.!2tf,71i.6f•

l,:tfj4,fi6 17,r.r.l,71

fi I.HII 2,9~3.111 H,!IIIB ar,

7 ~3 2() fi2.8'l

1411 11110,110 u r, 11oo.oo

.. 1.112 lifW.fll)

r.4n no 1 'I,OfiO,flll 111,4 14 Ill


Ualnnf'r UaiRtH't

n •. :w,ono on


o,ono.oo r.,oo11.oo


INFil\MAilY IJUILI>ING FUND Dnlnnre on hnad Jnnllnay 1. 10i.J 'l'rnnlifl!lrt•d frurn:

'J n:< ('ollu.:tlou ~uc lnl Wt lf111~

CnDh nl~h Jr!lt nh IIIH a.a,·ta1.52 'frnn!;f.~lt('tl to

Ut<nctnJ F1111d 272.,GO!L:'l7

:157,064 R~


Cnnh lle·r~IPII'i 'fl nnft(C'IIed It nm 1

l'own~hlll und ll1 nln l"tJntl Ot•lwtnl Fund Lnnd Sui£! Ji'nud • Ut'dcmJlfioll l~lltHI \. llellrutncnL 'l'ux f'und

Cut~h D!Khurr~ern{'nln Trnnnfcmt•d In:

th'uernl l"und 1'ownnhtp 11ncl n.·nhJ l"und .. " ""' .

Dnlnncc t>n hnntl DLJcemhet 31, 1 D G I

1,469,81~ 83

66,371.78 7G,OG1 fi7

142,483 %

IR,492.10 3,40~.44

6'•7 0"1 ,.~

iio:~n7 i.i G87,3\Hi.~:t

50,420.06 1 0,6sa.oo.


042,17i 1111 o.on

4ti0,2t:.! 1 n

6.04 t~ 3, I li' 3B.B~

0 01)


(,006.16 I)IJ '17 iii:6o

1178.76 139,39


I.AW L.IIIRAftY FUND llnlnuce on hnud ,Jnnunly I, lUIH 'I' IHlt!flll rt r1 l1 nrn·

llh1111 y 1 'und (j, 1 i'IIL I 1'111111

f:UHIJ JlL-Ihlltllf OH Ill" Hnhuur: nn httrnl lle1~emhtH .ll,

MAY TAX SAL£ FUND llnlntH•n fm hnnll Jnnunry 1, 19ti4 Cnsh 11l'~e4•ipt 11 'I'IIUIIIfeJII'ti tn1

lluurtt>rly ~ctt)ement F'un1l

fi8D,72H,II I

1~,0fifi.H 11.1111

108,31o.7r. I oo,oo


r.,r.r.O.fiR 3,1180.33



I 0,209.67 211,140,1~

r.3r..67 6:l,fi 14.:!7

1n1.7~ 17,HOQ,31



2,2116,1 B I fl, 71 U.lO


too oo IU7,o87.C7


1 U8,410 70

u ac 1,6011 00

7 13.~0


3,161 87

~.006,14 631\,fi7

,(0 ,2,R1

~a12,n1 o or.

14R,II\ 7,338"

7 ,JR0.20

6 87 Ul3.04

l•'•hlflil nf lhe Cm1rL .. , , llojracrtlnu on PtlHY f'n•h-P1!cn1J nf lin onue nn hllll<l flHoiJlbtt Ill, IOfil 10,00




C••h f!ocohJh Dnlnrh't! (}II hnnd

' 1,7!0 00

I 00 00



' I oo.oo I 00.00


~ I 127,1176 !Ill

12,300,1\70.1 H 1,760,00


$13,7no,Ot4 r.o -------CASH ACCOUNT

flnlnnt!n on hnn1l Jnnumy I, lflli..t , , , ,.$ l,Bnn.oo On•h T!orolpts , , .. • . . ., 12,01111,o7n.IB O••h Deno!lt• , .... . .. . . , .. ., ....... Ail<lltlnnnl Potty C••h by •rrnnsfPr r.oo.oo llal&nr• on linnil llfn•mhtr 31, IOfil

Dnlnncfl on hnntl Jnnnnry Cn•h llepo•ll• , TrAn11fr.rr~d from 1

ltnn k ol I.nnRinR Dn1t Nntlonnl llnnl• ..... , rarrnf!r~ nnnlc-Soclnl

Worrtlllft Drn"n 'll ~lnllll'rrf!JI (I Ohl:

l•nrmf 1~ Unnlt. Sor.lnl llnrt Nntlonnl Ann I' ..

Btllanr-e on lut.nd llPccmla•r 31, IO!i4


IHi,OOO,IIU 22r,,f•f•l'




100 ou


1 ,ROO.Oo

na,Ro2,370 IR


•tiU,D23 ~I

H,7RO Ill 7•.oon.oo

14 9~

1~0 7~8 34

ltet'lliJll14 Alh"'''ll1111


flnllllu•• un hnll1! £1• 1'1 ml,f'r !II, I1Hi4 Nn. a 1.11~,

Bnltuu•c un ·hiL!Ill Juun•u)' hit, ltJti4 u~,., h~tH


fll'ti11U lll'lllf'JIIA ('nrt•lnl!i' '•IUIIJUI'i t){'nwull fitnrnvt• 'l'nldt ~ &

Jlnlllllfi' 11/1 hnnd nrr•emhf'r :u, 1051 No. 7 Wrbhrrrlll• l'ark

llnlnru•c Ull hnnd ,Jnllllllfll ht, UuH 1 0\'Pnlrawn ~ ll~rolpta


Dil'lbllrllclllf'lll!; Oiilllllllll

llnlnlli'«' illl

llulolll'" u11 luu1d ,/urlllnry hll, Ht~·•ll t~


l)lflllllr:lflmPiltl\ C'nr,..lnl(t1 r LIKhl• OlliiiJ!r!H ~IUIRJW 'fnlrlflrt &



OA 04

fi.761l 00 -----' fi B 18 04

n,au~ oo $ 2,4lll74

1r.r. no 7fi0.00

Bin jR


101 IR

2 wo no $ 2 GOI li

nalan~~t.• ln Pn1l1 l'11nd nl'r,..lnlff'l :u, 111n4 fil•Pitu•l'tfully Ruhmltll'd,

Hmutl of Jn~thnm flounty Purk r.ommfrmfnnPrA !.P.110Y n. OIINCICI~I, r.hnlrm&n WA1W Vlr1~11Y, Vlr~•·Dhnlrrnuh ItO\' H. ~IOOHI1. blrmi>rr

'J'IIf Ht\potl wufi r4•Nivtd nnd plnc•f'd ou tilt 1!)1 lht (h1drmnu. 'l'lu 11111111111 It putL uf !ht 1nv.hum '1111111)' Ucuul C'nmrnhHdonPrH WllA thrn pr,..

IWUtt•tl hv th1 ('It 111 lot fulluw>o: 'ro tht> JfnnnrAhlro Hunrd nt SnpPr\'fllon Imduuu Cnunty, Mfrhiran f:('ntiNIWil.

Bnntd or ('ounty ftnad f1nmml~"lnnPr'n A nnubl f'lnanrhil fif'pnrt to thr. Ooart1 of Suprrvi111urM fnr tlw 1 .IL!t>rutnr Y• ~t.r HIIH.

~:l,fl!HI 00 Srtllt l'n:c Pund ... • • , ..

Ilnltuu.•t: on IHwd Dll('ernLer 31, lOti.& Ralnnrrt nn hund Jnnuf'lry CnAh n~''""lh ·r,nnAf,..urd from;

.~ 20R,272.71 CountJ lllaluu, lncume

Htatl' Motnr V••lti••lt llhchwn)' 8rudi1Pr' tug HPr\!ll't>~

HlfllliA llY Hllf:P.T



I '1,033,0 D :IO,Ii83.:l:l

no 1.67 3,094,6~


~6.!08.92 3,0110,00 2,081.00

' 18C.,'l<(f,.!lli 72U.09


20.2r.6 Rs

1,500.00 22,!i21.47

9.00 300.30


$ 00,666.72



t 3 76n OR 1,127 13


.\mfll'lnnn Stnte Dnnk •• Fnt'meiK nunlt of bfnaon, Olrrrt Mlohl~nn Nntionnl llnnl1 Dnnl< ot J ... an11lmr ............ . Furmc1a nnnl' or Mn~toJt, Sot'!lnl 'VP.Jrnre A.rrt. Corrr.r.tlon on ObhuriiPmenfR 1'o Cnnr.Al Wnrrnnla 'ro Corlt!Ct lte•llepoflltR

1 D,2Rn,fi27.A2

4,r.aa.a ?r.,ooo.oo

200,000,00 100,000.00 H4,080.6i

61i2.20 690,4[,

10 0 0 ~ 4,A90.21 Vnl'lttnts Drown , , ,, ...

T 1nnllferurl to ·---··

' R80.41 3,!!li0 6~

~~.7r.2 ~~ tr.,o11o no II

-----~ II ,R80,92 I! ------- c , ~ 21,112.111 ' I & 1,379.00 , ----- B ~202.522.~~ ---,. s 26,fl03 70

o3,n22 o2 !48 00 n

c. 1'

!c T

~ 90,668.72 II

~ uu ~ n !WI:l 4fi

[< 0 0

l 1nrmer~ flnnlc, So~lnl W~lfnl{! Arrt. Pnrmer11 Banlc, DJrrr:t Jtnllf'f Aret MlchiKall Nntlonol llnnl< Rnnl. or I1nntdng Amr.rlenn Stat•· Dnnh 'f'n Cnn(lel Delln(AU~n1

nlnnc 1 on hnnd llt>rtmbH

U 1,022,7fHl,!Hl

STATE. llANK 1 2:t2,21 tl,-A_,j

l,ons,7on.2r. l·!. .J'i I ~ fi


Jnnnnry l I o:;o~ $ .i,O tG.Hfi J ri~Lfill2,0'i

3R5,1JIIO.UU H,7Bb.61 2(1,000.01)

-------·r T

MICHIGAN NATIONAL. DANK ranAlcr&NI frarn: Dnrt Nnthmnl Punl. ~ 31111,(}iiO,IW 1anHf~r•cd 1o: Dnrt NnLiom~l HanK nlanc.- un hand DecPmltu 31, I lth4 II

$ 207.9ri -----. ~ 3,602.06

803,00 T •r

$ 4,866.66 n

$ H,Oil 20

. II D

$ 8,0~1.~~ ----$ 2,031.61

6.oll n :., ll

~ 2,037.11~ • -----('

~ 1,8~0 Oli


' 1,600,00 ----l,St 0.35

1,851,823.6~ A


9,H63,023 7r.

3~(,,11011 011 .!2r1,000,0il llflrl 0110.1111 :!CJO,!IIIO,OO

t,. 4 n.r, r. 131.72


1,,;,16,190 Dl

..l,liOO 43 ldi2 2()

10.00 30~ llfl8,01

l:n!lllty Hn1ul Hy~Lt•ru~ Cnunty Hni~Pd H•w••nlu• M lHrellnrlf'ntUI I~• l'l'iJJl~ GMh rr,•:.olvl•tl trum r\crunnl~

'roln.J or tdl uvn1J11ldn fltnriA ...................... . ('ounty IIJrhwa, l~lptndlturtll

Adtnlul~t rnt Inn· Er!Klni•erlng .Accountfn&' CorH1lructrnn- Hutuh; unci Hlrnrtnrf'H Mnintt'flhlll ,. Hnnd 1 ltrld Htrnl'lurrn

1'otnl Prirrmry &. I.ocnl R~~:nenrlltur~~to _ l.nrul & llru1dm~!4 !CtloJIHul C~JlPiltllturr~) Net • r(tl/l 'Mnte•rlnl~ AII'Ollnt NPt ''rc•rllt-l~rtulprJlf'llt AI'PuunL lh•lrnblll'~niJI, li''<Jif'lld/tun•H

Cn"h 1111 luuul DP.L'PI)IbN 31, 1\Jftol.

'J'r1tul ur J·:~flt'llflitnJf'i ufld llllf r.nt ndfltl Bulnnl'f:l'l

I.nral ~)'t1lPm

~ r•11r.,oo 242,700,gl

$ 0,160 6B 90,2~7.0~


:102 243 47

l'OI1N'rY lllfliiWAY INCOME St&li" Alutnr Vrhl.•lt llll'lnuy Fund

County l'n!flnrNlnJl Srrvlt•ra (I I Pr/uu11 y Hond Fund _ ·- --.. --. _t .(,flOii 00 (2) l.twnl Hmul l'urul tl95 Of• f 6.000 t)lr

!!24,f'ln3.1Hi ti6 Of

n.~1u2. 22,~ 16 4d


• 111,1127 77

06fi.!l 2,770.1R 1,o1n ta

'i o.oorton l,IOi,877.10

li9,2RI.:IU 2g,uau;


",001 ,!~4. u 106,606.1j -- -~--


*I,SRI.OGR.OU 8,03H,01

-10,302.82 .no,ogw,6o 108,728.16


14~,284 :10 11,26(,161.~·

137,033.67 li8-&,ll02.9tl 176,000.011 20,600,00 8U,!43,81

$6:13,878.20 ~ 90,237 Oft fir•mnr)' B,rHtPm AYr\tflm ~21 0,1 2~.flO $2~ J, 7:\S,fig

$730,115 2R

c :1 11 H.ti7

41,112 :t26.~n

lll,fill 211,140 1l

26.000,00 166,000,00 1r.o,ooo.oo a1o,ono.oo 272,603.fl7




... 1,230,G28.15 o.oo

SALES TAlC DIVERSION FUND-SCHOOLS Cnnh llecclllf• .. .. .... , ......... , f Cut~h lllHLurt~ctnenttl ........... , •• .. , .. 1,1,7,Jaill,Dli Onlnnc(' on hal!d Dceemtun 31, lf'lli.& 0,00


VETERANS' TRUST FUND Bnlnuro on hnnd Jnnnmy 1, 1954,, .. '"'""""""", ........ Cnt~h Rccelpttt. ...................... , Cnt~h DlttbnJ"tll.!mentn ............... , . ., ............ .. 'l't•nnt!fet red to: Vt!leruns' Tnx Robnto Fund Dnlnuce an hand ll~remLC!J' 3 I, I!JG.( , ....

23,668,81 10 I,GG 'ltli.:!2


VETERANS' TAX REBATE FUND Dnlnnce on hnnd Jonun1y 1, I ttG-1. ..... , .. , ................ ,.I C1eh RecelJlt& ............... , ................. ,.. , ........................ . 'rruntlft•tred f•om: VcLcrana To:x R~ltnto Fund ............. ,. On•h Dloburnomontn . .. ................... '""'"'""'"""'" , , .. 711.90 Bnlnnce 011 hnnd Docotnber 31, 1964 .. , ,., , ........ ,...... ... 4,8au.u

CEMETERY TRUST FUNP Dalanco on hnnd Jnnnorr 1, lOG« • '"""'""""""""""""' Cuah Rn~olpt1 ... . , .................... , ............................... . Caob Dl•buraomente ................ ,, """"'"""'"""'""'""""" l,800.t8 ltalnnoo on hM~d Deccrnbor 31, 195t .......... .. 7,08&.8t


",666,330.93 ----.---$1,2~6,628.1 r.




• U,2fiC.03 21,

• 24,515,68

' (,706,16 6U,(fl 101.60


• 6,661.21

-• I,OIO.S5 D,UO 00

• e,uo.~ • ua.oo

too,oo .. ·

RPI!pectfully atuhmlttt•d, LAURENGE n, I'AHKEH,

ln~thnrn Cnunty 'J'rt'IRMlliPJ 'J'hl! U('POIL waR lPI'('IVt>tl utul 1•lll1t>d on fll1t by lhr l h!ulmnn.

'" 'l'ltfl uununl lf'JlOit ol lhr- flaurtl 111' C•llllll)' Pntk ('omml~tihHlt~l'fi wu:~ lht'll nlt'"d by lhl· CIPrl\ lUi rollt1WtH

'I' 0 th(l Honorable nourd of SnpP.rVit'lOr~ t<hnrn County, Mlehlgnn In

c: entlr.m('n:

s. We rrap•clfullr •uhmll lh• following rcpoiL to your Honorable lln&lll lperviRorH, uf Jngham County Pnrlt CommiRRionerl\ for the Yt'RI' lDIU. n

ll alance on hand Jamnar)' ltil, 19U. _ - -. •• • •. • .... . ~celpts

Alloc•ll•n • llarncr l'arl<

PI !iLJtrA.-metJl!o!

nlnnr.P on II


:Jl,21G.7:J 23,B24.1fi 16,1lft.fll R,8fll.17 !!,~Of. H 2,=.!A8,JS R,06r. 17 A,ni2.BO ~.oar. 01 3,030,<0

~300,660,4i! r.3,~00.AO

~2R7,Bfifi. 71

110,3j2,fil f60~.10~ ~7

s<~.2,111Mn 4,DOO.flD P,M6.8R

t36, , sn1n.•

R 010 12 (2)

r.,nGo,oo I 111

D ~ il,G60,12


n R

D }

$ 876.on

2R.fi8 81.40


nluncc n11 bnnd Decemhor 31, l9BC ,_ -- _ .. _ ................................ - .• ' 2,:133.71 Nu, 2, }'erruoon Park

nlancc on ha11d Januarr lot, IDB4 (Overdrawn) ... .. 1 eeelpts '

Allocation ...................... _ .................... -.. -..... 1 2,fioo.oo

,. D alance


'l'nllt.l F.qulpmtont Account ...... _ Credlu to •]qulpmonl Accu•nt Ill Con•trucllon & Alalntcnaneo ........ ___ 1260,856,:10 (2) 41ra,•el 0JJCratlonl4 __ --· .... _ ·--- UMI03.0:1 (3) Stole' Highway Dept, _ ....... _, __ , _ 40,248,~A (I J llelmbur•llblc Account• ·--·- .... _ _ 6,088.08 \~) lllaektnp Operntlnn• .•.. --·- _ 88,16U7

Not Credit of Equlpmont .

Total lllahwny Expendlturc• .......... ---·---Rolmburoable E•J••ndlluru (I) Stutc 'l'rllllldlno M•hll•nanco Contract • (2) Acoonnlo llecelvallle ,_,_ .. ··---·. _

' I Total Relruhuro•lll• Elpcndlturc• --·--.... -


1128,860.01 OP,878,U

Eipendlturcs . ··-·- -·------'·-------------···--

.t . ·: eaa.oo j:,': . ' .. :.

16r.r.,aqua I 8,0SR.Ol

• ao, .I,:IOI,ODU8

. '

ln9ham County News April 21, 1955

Proceedings of Board of Supervisors (Cnnlll 1 I J1

lltiMAIIY !Ill Ill lilA IN II N INI I


Ito I

I Elr!'t>d lmJIIOJlt>rly mnle

I r1 Jil 11 lrapwr r Jy mo It:" fiG f ,, ir g & I n~dnt'torlr K 117 Ill

10'1' \1 ((I f If ~1H I

Milo• Hepur !1 lilt [ lll t~ Mot nrnln!! fir.mn1l!:!

Comrl t

1 ~n 1n IC " 7

J f Q

I "' Cflmllfl t

I 111 Cmnnl~ ~--'

JIll 1 ou f I 1 or

' fl

0 8S

I 3F.

YO" Y" ,,

rO'l'AI S ~ Ill ~ fi( 7 lfi H 17