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Traditional Versus Modern Education System: A Deep Dive

P. Dharani

Student, IFIM College, Bangalore

Dr. Gitanjali.H. S

Assistant Professor, IFIM College, Bangalore

Dr. Lakshmi

Research Mentor, Accendere knowledge Management Services, Bangalore


The purpose of this paper is to understand how the modern education is important today and how

it affects the student with the usage of unlimited sources and develop good citizenship, their

creativity and interpersonal skills. Education means a lot in everyone’s life. Earliest education

procedure involved communicating material about congregation nutrition and delivering shelter;

weapons and other apparatuses; deeds; erudition language; and acquiring the values; and rites or

practices of given culture. In prehistoric period people learned to continue to exist against natural

forces, animals and other humans. These people were lived in an atmosphere in which they have

struggled. But today’s Modern education is aided with a variety of expertise, computer,

projectors, internet, and various sources. Comparative analysis is used for this study. In this

paper, the impact of electronic education on advanced education and traditional classrooms;

differences between traditional education and modern education system were discussed in detail.

The importance of modern education system is one can stand independently without taking help

from the others with the usage of internet sources. This paper analyses the flow of modern

education system in a unique way.

Keywords: Higher education, Modern education, Interpersonal skills, traditional education,

capability approach.

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Education is a knowledge or experience acquired by a learner after studying particular subject

matters. Conventional education, which is widely participated in schools, is more or less old

fashioned. Where each student is given assignments and he/she is valued on the basis of those

assignments. Modern education is of choices independency and innovation. Traditional

technique of education fails to impart the problem solving and critical thinking ability among the

students as it adopts recitation and memorisation techniques. As on March 2015, 4 lakh endorsed

teaching posts are vacant in country wide. (Sastry, 2015) There is no teaching activity in primary

schools due to lack of knowledge from teachers because there is no specific training for teachers

therefore school education has not improved. Being in a schools and colleges once strike to get

entitled to their monthly salaries. There is no wonder in it that everyone aspires to be a teacher

because it’s viewed one of the last resorts of employment. Teaching activity should be an activity

filled with enthusiasm, but today it’s filled with lethargy and lack of familiarity. (Chundamannil,

2013) Now-a-days in everywhere not only India person aged 8 years and above who can read

and write with understanding in any different language can consider as literate. It means literacy

is good enough. One cannot tell that literacy is good enough because children in standard 9 in

unable to solve 5 digits by 1-digit division problem and one more fact in modern education is

enrolment ratios in education. It is nothing but fraction of students enrols for higher education

after passing from a lower education. In the sense those students who are passing 10th and

promoted to 11th classes, there are only few finishing schools, and few join a college (Bok,

2009). Previously, there is no such a good technology, so no one has come forward to join in

diploma course. Due to increase in various technologies students mind are diverting to a lot for

education and they are taking up like challenge. In present scenario everyone checks the student

education quality and what output the student can bring to solve the problems.

The central aim of the modern education system is to educate overall inhabitants and improve

their creativity, communication skills and interpersonal skills. In present scenario a student

cannot gain knowledge only whatever is there in printed books. Web sources are useful in some

situations where one can’t get from teaching. But it should be used in limit otherwise it may

affect the students thinking skills and it leads to over thinking. Depending only on the internet

sources is not related to getting success in one’s life because basic knowledge is needed. Student

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

has to participate in many activities to become an independent heir. Individuality differences in

the ability to transform chattels into viable activities therefore, multi-varient nature activities

gives rise to happiness. The above lines are elaborated towards the capability approach.

The reason behind showing interest on this subject is, as everyone knows that we are living in

professional and competitive world. If one wants to get success one should have practical

knowledge. Nowadays students are not interested towards teaching. The reason of these students

is so addicted towards the internet sources like search in Google, Wikipedia, YouTube etc., as

they are searching these websites, they are getting only answers for their questions but not

appropriate meaning for the topic. Due to this they are losing minimum basic knowledge. In

everyone life basic knowledge is very much important if they don’t have that they will face many

problems in interviews and meetings. Because they can’t express their own ideas and opinions

these and all happens when they don’t interact with teachers in the classroom. So, in this study a

student can learn what is traditional education and modern education.

Literature review

Economic need greatly influences a person’s choice of the type of the education, at times driving

them to give up on individual interest. It mainly explains about the capability approach is a

theory of welfare economics which focus upon the individual’s ability of achieving a goal. He

had an inherent fascination not only science but also for what he termed the scientific temper

which he described as, “search inquiry and applying your mind to it. And search by experience

and reasoning. It is the way of training the mind to look at life and the whole social structure.”

This study intended to imbibe these ideals of rationality and social responsibility into the people

through education. Firstly, capability denotes the ability of a person to generate beneficial

outcomes without infringing upon personal choice. The freedom of choice provides people with

long term incentive for cumulative economic achievement and space for personal growth.

Community pressure prompts people to participate in certain kind of sphere of teaching based on

the fashionable perception of what is judged the “better” degree. (Gautam et al., 2016)

With the starring role of tolerant as an effective collaborator for the wellbeing care, and not just

an unwilling object of analytical assessment and medical medication. (Olcott, (1926) Providing

an information to the patients is considering the central issue and It is important in present

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

situation that patient need information to understand what is wrong, help others understand, lend

a hand in self-care, and to recognize further information and self-benefit groups, to provide

reassurance and help to cope. To improve the patient health care is the main objective. If the

patient is educated one only, they will come to know about the prescription in which timing

tablets have to be taken like that. But few people they don’t know the symptoms and they blindly

follow the village rules like they used to take plant extraction. So, the patient should know about

the medicine to take otherwise they may get the adverse drug reactions and all. He discussed that

though the information is in website it should be in secure and trustworthy. Most of them were

well educated and they do not depend on internet source, but few depend. The information

should not be vague it should be in clear form.

Besides moulding one’s temperament and intelligence, education provides knowledge and talent.

(Aithel et al, 2014) He also explained there are many ways that how one can make education in

actual fact. There are some models like education practices, self erudition, non- profit online

programs. Personalization, condensed costs, elasticity and time saving these are the importance

of online education. He well explained about the ABCD analysis of online education. Finally, the

online education system is compared with an imaginary scheme called “Ideal education system”.

Day to day technology has a high impact on traditional educational system. Online method of

education is found to be highly successful complementary medium of education for the mature

self-disciplined student and an unsuitable learning environment for more responsibility learners.

For effective utilisation of online education portals, the learner must be well motivated and with

a high level of time management skills. Virtual education is not an effective tool for younger

students. India acknowledges more importance for the education in broadcasting of knowledge

IT, Commerce and Management. The traditional educational system is the education where

students come to the college and listen what they have taught, and it is one-way communication

by the guru to the students and getting only knowledge. As well e-Education is the system where

technology is used. It is generally meant for inaccessible learning and detachment learning but

can also be used in face to face approach. (Upasana, 2014)

Academic institutions can effectively take the advantage of new technologies because a

academic world info web gateway increases the accessibility of tutoring and easy online

enrolment for students. Traditional expression to expression lectures can be converted into a

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

complete learning ambience by incorporating net accessible resources like syllabus, pedagogical

objectives, abstract map of the course, pedagogical material, bibliography and face to face

assemblies enthusiastic to interrogations and vigorous learning progresses the eminence of the

progression. Besides facilitating international student exchanges, the e-learning platform matches

customised solutions for continued learning. (Michau et al., 2001)

Out of nine every ten Indians are villagers and 95% of them are illiterate because as there are no

adequate schools and proper staff to develop their education and which is more demanded one in

the villages. (Olcott,1926) in this study they have mentioned that majority of India still lives in

villages. They need as human beings and citizens of the new India in order to give them the

education. Here quality is the major issue of the village schools. He explains that teacher

preference be very less in village schools who agree to work in such schools are limited. Because

most of them were used to prefer get jobs in cities. But they are few villages which are in very

critically conditioned most of them were not having the shelters, standard of living is very poor

and living a day is very tough. This is the problem in hand that village schools are not improved

at the past years.

It is an important key that management should provide various approaches to the minimum

knowledge for the better care. (Brailer,1999) analysed that supervision of familiarity in the

contemporary healthcare distribution structure. By using knowledge management in various

applied ways, they can reach to well advantages, but it is not an appropriate method. Because

they must interact with their co workers and then discuss about the topic. So that they can reach

can better level of their work. The main role of the management is to pass each basic evidence to

their workers. They should at least spend a time to know the information regarding work that

they should know. Therefore, a worker can improve their better level of their work. The

organization delivers a better care by providing acquired information. By using knowledge

supervision to inform and guide the process of administrative decision making in practical and

functional ways, the organization will not only become more intelligent and more efficient in the

marketplace, but it will maintain a learning environment and therefore its market plus well into

the future.

Altbach (2011), analysed that the global academic revolution- implications for India, this article

is based on movements in global elevated instruction, tracking on intellectual revolution. A story

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

willing intended for the UNESCO in 2009. He found in this article that massification of superior

education international, the development of a understanding economy. The extraordinary growth

of the secret better knowledge, and the effort to establishing world-class research organization of

higher education in many nations are crucial global tendencies. Awareness is a prerequisite.

India despite its large size and status as the world’s third largest academic system lags many

countries in coping with the central forces of 21st century academe. Enormous expansion of

enrolments that has taken place in worldwide and which he mainly explained that this is the

phenomenon of this massification. Therefore, he identified several keys for demographic

developments. So, student participation will continue to expand, as well higher education

systems. But only few countries will see a retrenchment in student statistics. He concludes that

we live today in focus of a serious-minded global trade and industry crunch that will have

significance in respectful civilization at large and within higher culture in ways that are not

nonetheless obvious.

Augmented reality is a deviation of virtual environment and user completely drives under the

artificial environment and one cannot ably see the desired things in the real world. (Khan et

al.,2018). This study focuses on the comparison of two learning methods; they are modern

learning and amplified learning method. This study compares these two learning methods into

one is virtual environment and real world. The technique of interfacing workstation and mouse is

the long forgotten one as well enhanced truth affords a new hallucination to face the computer

with home deceitful, structure, education, workplace, house adornment, and gardening. As he

explains that now a day’s computer plays an imperative role in our life, but these learning

programs are design to educate student, but these are working under the computer-generated

environment. Augmented reality replaces the real world with an inspired on. Augmented realism

involves the user to see the considered necessary things in the authentic world. Therefore,

augmented reality further one-reality over a virtual environment. He finally used many olden

methods to develop new technologies.

Mullen et al., (2006) analysed differences between online and traditional classrooms. In this

study Mullen mainly explained that students learn many things from internet and most of them

follow traditional classrooms. He found that eight former student students were cross-examined

and 188 (92 online; 96 traditional) students mainly conveyed that observations of instructor,

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

support, student motivation, academic support and satisfaction are essential for free flow of

education. As a result, these students are very much familiar with online and traditional

classrooms. Though students in tradition classrooms they are satisfied with online students

though they have higher support from affective instructor. This study mainly explains that

student’s perception in different environment and where students given affective outcome

created by instructors. This study says that student’s perceptions are different in all variables

except their capabilities about their own activities.

Traditional African education system is more related to the society at a large. The study done by

(Omolewa ,2007) analysed the relevance outdated African types of education in the modern

world. This study deals with book learning approaches of African education and how the

constitute trains the indigenous education in Africa. They have used formal and professional

training for the constitute. In order to make better excellence some of the elements were added in

the modern-day educational run through. Here the African traditional education is compared and

stored in various forms and transmitted through various modes. Traditional education modes

include language, dance, music, myths, stories, culture and religion. This mode of teaching has

been largely used as a way of obtaining ultimate learning because customary African education

is agreed from one production to another, usually by cultural rituals. Due to in progress

globalisation efforts Africans who reside in or outside the continent their ways of easy-to-read

continue to be altered by miscellany in regal involvement. So, their expertise systems and

practices are changing. The major goal in this study, to produce an absolute individual, a lifetime

apprentice who is sensitive, incorporated, considerate and approachable towards the family.

The upwardly mobile understanding might be one of the shows potential enlightening

machineries for development in enlightening environments and using of traditions. Mobile

knowledge refers to the accomplishment of information, talents and attitudes by exploiting

portable skills and it is the model of e-learning. It deals with the impact of the cellular phone

management in instruction. As technology has been improved in various ways no one follows

traditional method and which the students won’t prefer too in modern society. So mobile

learning in higher education plays a vital role for the student to improve technological skills is

the main aim for this study. Along With the escalating reportage of mobile associations, culture

public services can play the escalating and functional role in tutoring at any location. In this

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

study, trust, personal qualities, behavioural intention are the main factors. The trust feature has a

constructive and considerable consequence on the behavioural aim. (Hamidi, et al, 2018).

However, beneath this teaching space war, both students and teachers jointly worked to

comprehend the affordance of anecdotal mobility. Student contest had a threshold. while the

physical attributes of smartphones enabled students to whittle out additional autonomy, teachers

preserved the superior established power, including the opportunity to surveil and legalize the

social. students and teacher consultations over smart phones and communal media in the

teaching space-a case where thespians on either side of a energy affiliation assign incompatible

meanings to the same equipment. conversations were conducted with 38 pupils and 18 teachers

at a public high school with a technology policy, here students individually acquired

smartphones as scholastic gadgets and allowed to share online openings inside the classroom.

Where smartphones warned the intellectual logic and estrangement leaping the societal from the

enlightening. Together With their sense of management compromised, teachers demanded to

reconstitute partition through strategies of restriction and discrimination. Even Though holding

differing assessments, both factions worked to curb the impact of arithmetical technology on the

educational, longitudinal, and chronological organization of schools and on the remaining

equilibrium of power in their connection. Smart phones questioned teacher’s self-control over

classroom breathing space by allowing students surreptitiously access shared social distances,

misrepresenting the border line between the scholastic and the community. flawed the means to

scientifically restrict pupil use of mobile phone, teachers were obliged to count on their official

power to describe reasonable and unlawful uses of machinery. Challenging teacher’s descriptions

of acceptable and unacceptable mobile phone practices, students experienced teacher’s rules as

disappointing rather than repudiating social use. Underside classroom changing aspects of

limitation and endurance, teacher and student approaches aligned to limit the affordance of

circumstantial mobility. (Dinsmore , 2019)

Evaluation of traditional classroom teaching methods versus World Wide Web and delivery

courses (Ryan et al., 1999). He found that how students’ perception of two approach to teaching.

As he explains that elevated education is running with premeditated speed to a microelectronic

classroom. And he connects the endowment capabilities with World Wide Web delivery

program. Evaluation of the two approaches are mentioned the main purpose of this study.

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

However, traditional classroom methods were highly rated towards the content, participation,

communication and faculty participation but towards it is nil as well world web were rated

towards the technical skills. But there is no difference in between classroom and World Wide

Web for critically thinking and specific time allotted for assignments.


1. To understand the impact of modern education on teachers and students

2. To find out the distinctions between traditional and modern education system

3. To identify the effect of changes concerning educational system on students and society

4. To suggest measures to implement the positive changes which will help in making the current

education system strong.

Traditional Versus Modern Education

There is a lot of difference in conventional education system and modern-day education system.

In other words, traditional education is the process of getting information what teachers have

been taught in class. Whereas modern education using technology in various ways (Beck, U et

al., 1994). The traditional education system is also known as predictable education. It taught us

the ethics, values, manner skills and social practice for the next generation and which is

important for their endurance. In this type of education students can learn only on customs and

tradition of the society. And there will be no written tests in this education it’s completely based

on oral performance which are not formal. Tradition method gives special importance on skills

while modern method gives on big ideas. As well the education which is taught in the schools

today is modern education. Which is technology based. It teaches about the skills required for the

student and it’s completely based on written tests in order to scrutinize the students are learning

properly or not and which is done in formal way. This study tells us that modern education is just

the new version or the up gradation of the traditional education. Nowadays everyone knows that

how technology is growing much faster (Jenkins et al., 2009). It is true that digital education has

taken over the traditional education. Because students attract towards the modern system which

helps them to gather more information in various sources. The impact of this system, it remains

the people cognizant of the incompetence of the accessible system and establishes an obsession

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

for societal modification. Education initiates the social change and gives them direction.

Secondary data is used for the present study a comparative analysis is done established on the

previous researches. Content analysis of 10 articles is done for this current study. Mammoth

open electronic classes (MOOC), a free of charge web-created detachment book learning

program is constructed in such a way to participate large number of learners who are physically

dispersed. MOOC were brought the new version of open educational resources. But

complimentary log on to a grade granting core curriculum were to take place, the corporate

paradigm of elevated education would considerably and invisibly shift. (Mazoue, 2014)


The quality of tradition education and modern education system has been discussed. Now, this

study adds another aspect regarding the current education system in India. Currently, education

system is like spoon-feeding and students are kept under pressure filled life. Indian education

needs serious reform because students spent most of their time in college by doing nothing.

Simply they are listening towards the teacher what they are teaching in front of them. And they

will attend exams for the purpose of getting limit marks because they felt that high percentage

will get them success. They are right in somewhere because education system is depending only

on percentage then only students can be promoted to next level of the education. So, students

think in that situation just they want to get high percentage by bag-snatch up or Rote learning,

but they do not get success because lack of practical knowledge, lack of communication skills. It

is very much important that one should have better communication skills in order to reach

greatest level. A stability of grasping and non-materialistic factors in evaluating the individual

benefit if one wants to achieve an individual goal. This study explains that Indian education

system focuses on students only on memorising facts but not the creativity of the students. In

many discussions it has been proved that Education system in India provides only theoretical

knowledge but not practical knowledge. The only thing is they want to build more and more

students by passing out with theoretical knowledge which does not help them in future. If the

student starts to learn from the base point, then they will be in position to thought about their

passion. But in Indian education student is not willing to answer about their passion at the age of

21. As everyone is living in this specialized and aggressive world to get success then one should

have to acquire skills. They are some students who are not willing to do any projects because, as

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

there is no participation of teachers this may lead to impact of education on teachers and

students. Yes, it is a fact that an individual student cannot work on the whole project.

Participation of staff work is involved then only they can think more and use more technology.

So, it makes people to over think. But institution selects only the meritorious students who think

bright and willing for further work. They will leave those who are not learning properly. Those

institutions will think of students who are studying well. They are focussing only on them. So,

teacher’s involvement is needed in every aspect of education course. So, a teacher can be the

greatest role of one student achievement and student’s success should be a teacher’s number one

priority the above lines are elaborated towards the objective number two. Online learning can be

effectively utilised for more independent students than dependent students. Educational system

changes from decades in different manners. But it is continuing it did not yet stop. But the

institutions must look of dull students too. They must treat everyone with equality so that dull

students will learn from merits. Equal importance must be given and more over traditional

system to be followed not only the modern education. Modern education is good but with some

changes only it will be successful. Otherwise it will impact the student life. The above lines are

elaborated towards the objective number three. So, this study suggests that teachers should focus

to give practical knowledge for students instead of giving spoon-feeding. This may not affect the

student entire life. In the current education system, it is advisable to adopt positive elements

them both traditional and modern education system in a way to impart ethical thinking, decision

making skills, interpersonal skills and moral values to the learners.


The shortcomings of the tutoring system have been detailed upon with admiration to the

capability methodology. Participating in the instruction of the huge demographics is the

requirement of the hour and to realize the greatest assistance outside of the mounting young

population; the disproportions concerning to superiority and spreading of educational prospects

need to be committed within a very petite time edge. The transformation of these prospective

commercial resources into devastating responsibilities needs to be precluded. A disenchanted and

exasperated youth is predisposed to exploitation by extremist groups and can lead to political

instability, chaos and a huge economic setback. There is also a dire need to analyze and

scrutinize the education policy needs to be check upon the qualitative and an individual’s

High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748

demands. Realization of the guidelines need to trickle down to the widespread inhabitants and

should not remain as a proposal. Frequently these guidelines get apprehended up due to

Redtapism, dishonesty and a general lack of concern on part of the monitoring and supervising

the system. It is very important to settle these problems with a rigorous and methodical style

before the Indian training system plummets into deep-seated, unrecoverable chaos. Traditional

education being a fundamental component of customs and history of local hamlet. Which is

stored in various forms and transmitted through numerous genres. Such mode includes linguistic,

dance, harmony, and uttered folklore, aphorisms, midst anecdotes, philosophy and religious

conviction. Usually conventional education is communicated from some age group to an

additional by code word of cheek and ethnic practices. Traditional educational system leads to

the holistic development of an individual. Since, individual exposing to traditional system of

learning or undergoing transformations which have a greatly impact on their knowledge system.

Even though modern education system imparts the interpersonal skills, communication skills,

and critical thinking but fails to give the holistic development for the learners.


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High Technology Letters

Volume 26, Issue 6, 2020

ISSN NO : 1006-6748