Download - THE »r. JOHNS NEWSPAGES PUSSES am - Clinton County









IB* Uafi

CmmAih Act WMcA Hh DMtB.

8L JoBm people were horrified laet Saadey aftemoea when it wee nunor- ed that Prank Bale had coaunltted aoldde. The act aeemed the more horrible on accovnt of the way In which It wae committed. It eeeatii that Mr. Bale haa been deofiondent for


Mra. James Watson, wife of a RUey township farmer and her two chil­dren apad 10 and 11 ysnn. were ssrl- onsly Injared in a runaway eeotdsnt north of Inneino Batnrday night. Mn. Watson and ons of the chlldien ans- tafnsd fmetured Mmlls. Aaochor ehlM auoialned palcful brutoas. A third child eseapad without tainry. All were taken to a farmhouse and a physician, who llrcs nearby, was call­ed.

With the elrese at Tonaing as their deeclaatloa the party etnrted for the city ahortly after noon la a tero saated buggy draem by a aplrlted horaa. About three milea north of the dty the horse 'monme frightened by a paaatng automobile. Unable to stop the anlBaal Mm. Wntaon held to the relao until the buggy collided with a tree. All were thrown out and the rehlcle demoiiahed. The horse, dls-

tangled froai the wreckage, con-



The Bengal Mpworth League will ' meet with Mr. and Mre. W. T. Plow- maa Piida) erenlag, July M.


IwaHiiiMii egupu lo



BUOTED URIiE PMICDCEI The Baptlat Lad j will aerre ice cream j Court Houae lawn I noon and ereniag.

as’ AM Seelety and cake on the ■aturday afler-


oed Mad Been PMU^Health Slam Barty In

the Tear.

EProm OeWitt Correspondent] Archibald CuMahan waa bom la

London, Bogland, June Idth. ItM. He was the aeoond son of Dr. Hugh and Marie Ciiolskan. He was educated at Bpeom college, a college eecluotrely for doctor’s sons. At the age of 19

There will be a daaelhg party at Sooth Biley Orange hall Anguat t. loa ersam and oshe will h* ssread. Br-eryhody uurdlnlty liwltsd.

The Oleanem of th* Bmgal Arbor will boM thslr regular aastiag at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Aron Bsturdny eeanlng, Jnly IT. A g^ attendance la deaf red as plena lor the picalc is to be armagsd.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IK TOWK AlIM Oi’T.♦

♦ ♦♦♦♦

some tiste orer fear of losing hit job i tinued for a mile further before being Iand bad threatened to take bis life | captured. I*"*®*^ Hoapitol. London. Hebefore, but ban been interrupted the I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:s,'ir*bX.YrdA'rSS.‘iun?Sl!g j NIRHT OPERIITORthe job. He aiarted to church with *• NIOIII Ul LIWIIUIIhis wife and chl’.d.en Sunday morning (mi r nnHDiMV'C MOMCY but turned back on the pretense of i UiULL uumT^I U inUnLi petting i>eanies for the children for '

But he nerer return- ------------

! attended thla coHege taro years. He Joined a party of frlenda and went

I with them to South Africa where h* I stayed two yearn. He then returned home and resumed bla medical studies About a year after hia retura from Africa his father died. He then came

I to the U. 8. and went into bualneaa


arith hia brother, Pred Cuoiahan, in Madison. Wla. After being there some time he decided to again resume his medical studies and went to Chloego ' and entered Rush college. He gmdu- rnwy.ated from this college In IStT. He began pmcticing medicine in Payette.Wla. While there he waa married to

SundM> school.ed with the pennies but Instead took PAin, LAVltiUE HMIPPED OUT his gun and went to the little swamp on the Pilfrey farm Juat back of theball grounds. Mr. Bale lirea near' ------------Athletic park and the neighbor's chll- _ , , ^dren saw bin. aurt out across the [ stranger in Stgrounds with hia gun. A little later|J«»«>V hia home aa Saginaw,Tk-. tHm vitti m»m hmmnt Ike position ss night oper-^•hen Mrl Hale relumed home I T. depot lam T^raday. |Mlm ihlwSJi

___ ■ h«r ' Sunds) evening be skipped tak- < Wla. Tb this union four childrenhusband atHl also hM ^u. Aa suicide 'J*® ^ TZL ^nT^n'^ln’had been attempted before, she had »**• seen « iJ?,**;- ?«been expecting a third attempt. ^ ftm can ^ TW. Pj^ PWte ^

Henry A suit caae containing soiled Mernll, Wla. Seven yenra ago heclothing and also his board bill was came to DeWItt where he baa Mnee left at the Barie house. Sheriff Bcha- resided.yery found some of hia relatlyes In ■» January last bis health began to Saginaw, but they knew nothing of fail but he kept up hia large pmettoe

Beet Cocoa 29c Ib at Pierce’S.Ola Oakley was in Imnaing Monday.Claud Laster spent Sunday in Tpel-

lanti.A. T. Smith waa in Mmnd Rapids

PrMay. fWlllla Wilcox was af^Alward Lake

Sunday.Ruth Henderson wns in Orld Wed-

neaday.Sarah Pouch is ylaltlng in Detroit

this week.Mrs. M. Benainger spent Iset PrMsy

in Owoeeo.HUiel Clark of OrM was in St







Id Me

SepL tflh



haa reecatly purchaaad a flue farm.

notlfled the netgbhora at once McKInatry and Henry Tatro surted out immediately and were not long in flnding the body.

The sight was a horrible one. Mr. Bale was found near a clump of wil­lows with hie face entlraly blown off. He had tied a rope to the trigger and then slipped his foot through the rope. Thr muxale of the gun was placed under bis chin, the shot paaa- l«g up through his face, blowing it away entirely. It is thought that car­bolic acid waa taken before the shot waa flr«Hl. for bis cheat and arma were )>adiy burned, which looked like a carbolic acid bum.

Sheriff Scheyey aad I*Toa. Attorney K J. Motnet were retted and also I’n- dertaker \V R. Oagood, who took the

hia whereabouts.


Haael McAuslan is in Owoeeo spend­ing the week.

J. Bari Brown is in UsCrolt this week on buaineea.

llkaitff Schavey was In Durand on buaineaa Tuesday.

Walter Dorkham la la Jaekaon on bualneaa thla week.

Dr. Squall* wea in Lningaburg Monday on buaineam

W. J. Lelsaw of Battle Creek spent Sundny In 8t. Johnn

P. O. Mason was in Detroit the lat­ter part of last week.

Bra. .MoMe Pumaft w«t at Round Lake last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joapph Broam were I



Mrs. Kugene Jolly uf Cri-rnhnsh waa badly burned last .Mouduv inoni-

body to hia undrrtaWing rooma where Ing aa the result of a gaaolin** ex- _ , w . w 1 •It waa altrndr«! to and then taken to plosion. Mrs Jolly and her sister, I*

until Pebmary 11, ItU, he took his t>ed. March 22nd be was taken to the city hospital. Laaatng He warn there several weeks but despite all Kll„u”ln'unaingcare and attention he could not be restored to health. He waa brought hoinr and steadily fsUed. He quietly and peerefully passed away Satnr-«iay uiomlng. July IS. 1912. He aras ___ _ __ _a great sufferer but bore hU auffw- from Cryital ^BdayInga with patience. He waa a very in- teilicani and well reed man. very de- wted to his profeealon.

The doetor felt that be had much to liv for and would gladly have re- K.4in«’t| hia health and helped bring up

The negt important dataa for the people of Clinton County to keep in mind are

Heptember 17, IH, It and M. the dates of the annual ahow of the Clinton County Agricultural SocleCy.On theae days the people of thla and ndjolniag countias are expsetad to come to St. Johns In large croards.

The oMcers of the association have j , ________aecured plenty of free attractions forthe amueemeat and Instruction of the 1 ILL LUCk HEEMh TU PUBMUE THE people and they Intend to make thla piwti v>Wa fair bigger and better than ever, i PAMILl.While thla Is but an old sterotyped ------------

SU'^r^iSlTTn ahlS ' R«»*rt“*>le almoet beyond belief islur^H/^bi^omniSS!^ ^ I •eddenu that have oc-

A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Travis in Bengal on Wednaaday morning when their daughter. Loe. wee nmrtied to Murray C. Williams of Leslie, Bev. J.H. Wilcox oUelaUag. Only the im­mediate relattvee were prensnt. Mr. aad Mm. WlUlama are both well known aad eeisoaMd In 8t. Jokas. tke brlda hnvtag fommiiy been a student la tke High Behool aad later connect­ed with the Johason-VanWoert Ca, of Lnnalng.

Mr/williama aaveral years ago waain tha employ of the St Johns Mer­cantile Oa. and went to toengage in the grocery buetnees withD. C. LeBaron. They will mahe their! Prosecuting Attorney E. J. Moiaet home neer .Leslie where Mr. WllUams j haa just flled his semi-annual report

PIftcon Of M Twealr-Klae Weie ler Brn


with the Attorney Qenerai. It tol- fows:.Number of Prosecution - - 29Number oonvlcted _____________ 2t

One case dismiacad on peymant ofcasts.Assault aad battery _________ SoaaaaDrunk and disorderly ______U casesDesertion __ ____ - , leaseLarceny ---------------- 2 casesLarceny from store ________ 1 case.Neglect to send child to school 1 caseKeaiatlng an oMcer 1 caseVlolatlag auto speed llntlt ___ 3 cases

In the Bmest L. Bacon case, charg­ed with desertion at the request of

peat tew weeks. The Hat follows: iHOO.OO coots, which were paid. Mr. Munson, son Kenneth, and lit- j _________________

Z <SI^“bIfw thi*^*! ^curr^ to nmm^ of the Harry Mun- , hia wife, the court made an oidsr" dii^ ^ JjanThe SST of Uie^ 1 "P® within mlaalng the caae upon payment of

fair on Ouptsmbar 17th, The new•ddiUon » daughur, Stella, were out ridingbe covered, the ra<» tr^ widinaa ' ^ broke under theshape and many of the buildings ...r^ng*. 'The three were thrown out

aad Btelia’s oollarbone wae broken.Cecil aad Kenneth Munson were

iintoadlag hay In the bam when a’"sUngload” of hay was accidentally

I precipitated upon Cecil. He waa not

remodeled aad overhauled.The Mg feeture of the free attrac-

tlona will be Roblnaan’a troupe of trained elephants. The preformance given by these snlmaie is said to be


worth price of admission to fair. Dlherfree attraetloM will be On July fourth Csclla horse be-Oeorgla. a pair of cisver acrobatic frightened at an automobile

ditch be-


artists who do the Haym^ dashed the buggy Into a ditch band others; alao "“T J aide the road. Cecil escaped withthe funnleat downs who egar *p- brulasa.peered before an audlsnee.

Bvery effort Is being made to got

in DetroitDr. Thomas Mann on bualnsaa Wedneaf

Pearl Taft spent 8no parents in Sheparflnvllle

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Melley returned

ly with her

j John Vaughan, a highly eateemsd ’fanner of Riley towaahip, attemptsd I suicide last Monday night by taking

imr Ul mmx oontent to bsve. the members parts green. The cause for hia at-- ^ ^____ t- here ?! family have all the mlsfortunea 1 tempting the ant la not known. Mr.

a lar^ which “** r"** oata, Lv«ughan a many-frlenda think thatto take part in the hmee Tenon nearly choked to death, the prompt | it la due to the fact that he had be-

actlon of Mr. Munson aad James De- M'itt probably saving his life.

This occurred last Friday, aad Sat­urday, Hugh Hurst of Detroit, who.

hichwill be beM on Wiflnifll1a>

'Thursday of the fair. On MHday. the afternoon, tbs same as IsM T®**-, will be givnn over to automobile leoea. A 1

hia late horn*' Aln< Nell Marshall, of St Johns wen'Mr. Hair w.,- the eon of Mr nn«l making ready to *0 away that mom-

Mrs .loi n H.U- H* le.nvea a wife Ing and naturally tried to AM the gaa- -nd ?b* « hiidr. n. all of whom are olln** tank in a hurry. Th«- n atilt of livln- John of Uinfilng. Clarence of their hasty Job waa an overfilled tiuik I> ’rot!, ar.d !»ir- umall children at the nsoline running over the floor

1-Avea a mother nt and i‘oine on their dreaat'e The floor ther. Herman Bale, of was wiped up aouie, but vht ilreaaee

were not notlre<l. Aa a match waa waa ignitni to light the atov«< the dreaa of .Mre ijullv waa instantly In a blaxe .She Jalltui to her slater for help who ruaheil into the )>edmotn for

homt il<A In. A :iiul tbU « tty

Th* fun* r T..fdu. ft Matt Mulle

aald he waa willing to abide by the will of the Crent Uuler of all our friends.Ilv«*a li«- was a kind husband, father. j SMunders friend and neighbor and will be grtetly mix^rd by hia family as well .le through the surrounding countn*.

Truly we ma> say I>eWltt haa lost a good doctor :ind citizen. He |i>ave« to tiioiim his death his devoted wife.

week with Alice Sevens la Flint.I>r. LnVanaeier Was In (Irand Rap-

Ids the first of the week on buaineee.Otto F. Mey of St. Louis waa in St.

Johns last week visiting St. Johns

came melaseholy over his crops, which he thought were not flourishing aa they should do.

- _____ .I,,...— ------w. w.v. Mr. Vaughan ia the father of livenuinb^ of good djivei* tav^i^y raothar, waa visttlng the lat- children and a hard working mandeclai^ their Intyntioo^ cw>c_ k t^r, auter. Mrs Munson, was climb- Monday afternoon, he took hia two

the pHaea the asaoeattoo win a scaffold, whan one of the .ons with him and wtmt to aee hiaboard# gave way and the boy waa daughter who weo away from home perclpltated to the floor. 12 feel be- at that time. He returned and Mon-

forMr. and Mra. Thomas Flsbbura snent Wedneednv in Ithaca

w.r _ ______________

ment In the ^e of and pcMii- evening stout 10 o’clock took thetry ralato iSU'wear will ■truck on a coil of hay rope pro- poison. Dr. W. A. Scott of thla cityl»ected that the exhibits thla y**/" hably saved him from serious injury,be way ahead of any ever sustained a few bniiaes and ashown. The displays of ^painful scalp wound,fnglia and grains are also expected to Sunday night Cecil Miiiuon ao<I a

waa not called until about 2 o'clock.Ills recovery is hoped for, but It ia

doubtful as to the result............... .......... .. went to Deerfield

.Monday to .ittend the fiiiie/al of bla blpYi mother.

S A Sturgis of fSranU Ilaplds called 00 St Johns friends the latter part uf last week *

Mlaa Lilia lirlgban of North Plaliihheld at 10 o'clock

-r.j>nn at th* house. Rev ofllriHtlng Intemgenl

who hue tenderly cared for him; two .,4 j ,,.,4^, ,^01 a few•contv. Don and Paut one daughter runt. .Mr^. I* E.

wsh made in th«’ St. Jcdina cemetery

I’l.i:AS.l.MI.V SI KPHIbKII.Henry f'lark, a resident of St Johns

for many yearn, wiui pleasantly sur­prised Monday evening by hia Sunday school class at his htme on Church St. About sixty of hia old fiiendr were present and the evening was enjoyabiy spent. Rev. Wilcox in behalf of the class presented him with a souvenir spoon Mr. Clark left for Flint Tuesday morning where he ex­pects to make his home in the future.

•Mary: two brothers. Fred Cuoiahan of llollandale. M'ia., Dr J. II. Cuoiahan.

• »u»trth.Hertha Edlngton of lauising

a quilt to wrap around her. When Y^***!"*** •i*ter. Mrs 1‘ercy gp^ndlng the summer with her couatu, the fair

lompanlon were driving home from SI. John* Be). KIsle In two different rigs. The com-

It le lntende<l to have iwnlon'e horse l>e« ame unmanaireable•|e-elal ♦•sch day of the fair. Medn^- maiicfl to run away. The young day will Im- known aa St. Johns dayand It ia expected that the schoo a finally pulled up sharply.iiid bgieliiess plm--s of the city will f,»ure. ami hurM the oc-tie <-loso«t. at least a i*art of the ila), pypunts from the buggy with great to gtv«‘ all of the people of St JoMs force, the young roan plunging

ia an opitortunlty to turn out and boos arin* fence. A physician

The loth Semi-Annual Statement of the

St. John# Building & Loan


she returned to her slater with the quilt, she found that Mra. Jolley had her drees about tom off and the flames nearly extinguished. Aa Mrs. Marshall approached the Arc her di

Storr of Ixtndon, England survive, be- aldee a boat of friends. He was a member of the M. W. of A.. O. E. 8., F. A A. .M.. Clinton County Medical society, also a member of the Ameri-

also caught aflrv. so that Mrs J^y ' Medical Asa^latlon. His funeralwaa held at his late home Monday af- temcxHi. The attendance waa very

was forced to come to her sister’s reecue, putting out the flames soon

Mrs Jolley^ handa were badly bum- Tf’T ““Jed aad alao her head and face but Mrs. ; **•*! beautiful. Rev. O. T. Fisher of- imuj Mrs. H. T. Parr.

Ida Parker. Psillleal Day..Mrs. L. S. Webster of .Saranac spent This will be on*' of •*'*' *^*^*

Tufwlav with her sifter. Mn .Nor- pollltcai years In the man Kuhns. county and the

.Mr. and Mn. Robert Woodruff of Ing of having a political day IX tnia latnaing apent Friday with Mr. and day la decided upon Mrs. A. D. Lyon. of the democratic and

I»Tof. O. Bishop of Big Rnpida was parties will be Invited to com> to^* enterulned Frtday at the home of Mr. fair and Ulk to the people; also

July 1. 1912Kesoarre*.

IxMns 1st Mgt. Secty. IVraonal prop, tofllce flx.)

was summoned hut it was found that insurance and taxes paidhe was not seriously injured.


CHII.B HEVERELY BUSKED.A sad accident occurred last Sun­

day afternoon near the North Side school when Orace, the little four- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. (ten. Fraker. was seveerly burned. The little girl was playing with mat­ches in the yard snd set Are to her dress Her father saw her Just in time to save her life. He tore the tdazing drees from her body and found that on* side waa Itadly burned. Ur. M'elier. who la attending her, thinks she will recover.

Marshall escaped with burned hands. •**’‘***^ •* ***^ bouse and the Maaoeic Mrs. E. A. Turebeli of Grease 1 be bomera of other partlaa tom. or yet to STATE

hAl.VATIG.> .lUMY.

lodge took charge of the services si i^^nte was a Sunday gsMt of Mr the cemetery. The mamben of tha 0. 1 ura. Raymond HuP.E. 8.. alao attended in a body. 'The | George Brathsur of Gnmdrelativea wtio attended the funeral Rap^g came Wednesday to naake Mrs. fron> away were Mre. Shockley. Mn Mary Grtmes a vlalt ('uolaban's mother; Dr. H. O. and regular party at Merle

; Dale Shockley, brothers of Mrs. Cuo- | B**ch will be July 2. Refreahments lahan; and Mn. M. T. IHirter, all of j|ee crceni aad cake. xItarlington, Wla.; Dr. and Mra. Towle Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Smith and

.I»r. t'ampbell and Dr. Oaband of Lan- ^n. M. Crowner spent Wednesday on j alag were present. He was laM to orand River at Ly«M 'rest in DeWttt cemetery. ' Mrs. J. H. Lev and Mn. W. Rich-

----------- ; ards of Fowler visited their sister.HGRSi; THIEF HEUTKKI ED. i Mn. E Herman. Tuaeday.

________ Arthur Johnaon, who waa captured Mn. O. C. Clark went to lauMtagby Sheriff Hebavey In Detroit for Wednesday to speed a week with her

The Whitney Stock company, under gtealtng the teem of horses belonging daughter. Mra. 8. H, Wall, their own big waterproof canvas, will Dennis OTonnor of Hath, appeared }| h. Huston of IkM Aagelee. Calif., f-ntertain the people of 8L Johns all in the circuit cmirt Thursday after- • ig spending a few days this we^ with of next week, commencing with Moo- noon beforv- Judg«' Henri and pleaded |j|g nephew , John C. Hicks.

A physician waa called who draaaed the buraa. They are doing nicely at the present time.



The premium llel tor the will be out in due time and this will coetidn much mluable tnformnUon thnt should be read by every pm- KTenolve farmer and realdent of the county who cootemplatea making an exhibit. Remember the «*»tea;

Heptember IT. IR, If aed ti.




Delinquent Interest Cash In treasury ...

Ltabilitte*.Due Stockholders on pesi

books ________________Interest paid In advance..Reserve Fund ________Contingent profits Undivided proflu ______

1118,500.00 120.00 108.88 114.3<)

. 12.0S5.98




. 18.495.88


Re\ Mat* Mullen, mlnleter of the ,>venlng. Thla company advertls- guilty to the charge. He

The foilowlog letter oommsndtng the advertlamenis of the Btste Bank oee of our regular advertlssra. speaks for Itself:

Temple. Texas.. July 8, 1912 I Mr. J. W. Fltxgemld. CaahleT.

SUte Bank of St Johns.St. Johno, Mich.

‘Dear Sir:I have been impressed for a number

' of years with your advertisements run In the St. Johns News, which Is reeelv-

'ed here regularly and I have thought many times that 1 would drop you a line comraeadlng your progresalvenesa and extensive advertising and for the methods which you use.

Your "talira" straight from the shoulder, are full of common'


Congregallonal church, baa kindly t'oesented to give an addraaa in tha army hall 00 Sunday night, July 21.You arr Invited to be praeeeL

Having orgaaUed a Young IS<opleli Lagton. the M'edneaday night oerviee has bees given to the be gives to different week, bet lag a differeet epeeker eaeh tloae mill I...... It ver> laUrestteg,q-here will be hathe yoseg peeple betog to charge Tito j remadlaesyeeag aed sM ar* beih wilastoi, :

ce to present the lalcat romedlee aad « minimum sentence of five years, and dramas of th** hlghaat calibre that g recommendation of 7tj years In the money and hrain oxn purchase. The jgokson prison. The maxhnum term lent used by the company la well ntade by law le 15 years lighted waterproof aad comforuhly ^aegtwt All the plays are new. the KOMTH GI.IYF M. E,

„**?!?• **f n*ndern play eucceasea. Horvlcee for North Otlve MeUindlstThere will be Into of apertoltlea. good church Sunday, July 21; Sunday alaglag. peed dnaring goad music larheel. IrSS l*reachtag by pester at

leasee wentos aad esesl hour Yoamg peopled SMetlag h*mded by tlto,to charge €»f Charlie Haaa at 7 9f.

favorlle. Hilly Walheuree TSpIr. ’’The Advaaiagaa ef a Religtoea ;|A.sss worth of wardrobe la were hy •lioaie’' lathe 2-41. Oee. i7-1-!litira iadlee I tan 1 eitoa lahlag In these ............—on term la meet a The test will'pHehad at. t'tiaMe ave, aerth

*‘In5 rL'ttilrA'1 The Ubmry contest Inaugurated by aad such aa should brtag YOU RE-some of the raerchanta of St JobaaiSULTS ^ your yeung men andT. INitnani Monday eveolag

Mr* KIwood RnrkefeUer of Beldlag visited Edna Jaekway and other reia- tlvee aad frleada last week

Mlaa Lydia Mrt'raekao of HeMlng • ame Tueeday to spend a seek with fit Johns fiienda ::ad raeliltea

iCoallaued oa page 5.1

MHrti' months agu was won by the women depositors aattsfaction. stirred liroiberbood of th« Round Table. They ' to a aenae of economy aad thrift got 1,206410 votes aad will receive through them.the prtxe of 100 flar books. The Bt. I do am mlaa lemling any of tham. Johns High School was the peareat They are laterestiag. laatniettve aad

YsIsm *f Shafsk.

1t ^ .rz • i •5 is

i t £ ■1 f* ee a' t:4 d

z3c Ik

l25 186 390 73 97.50 27.00 134.5028 188 337 23 8445 2048 104.5327 191 285 48 7145 14.50 85.7538 141 280 38 85.00 12.07 77.0729 231 233 144 5846 9.89 87.9430 288 180 96 45.00 4.78 50.7831 121 158 88 39.00 4.34 a4433 278 ISO 125 33.50 3.01 U.5133 2U 103 42 35.75 149 r.8434 354 78 70 19.50 1.08 30.5835 282 61 86 12.76 .48 134136 HI 34 152 8.00 .10 8.10


TNk LABT < MINCE, tel firet-eWtoa ptotlag du

I am a e«M -w Sar ShtoSf

h»v« tWMPMi

0 HIM.I I T,gae

* f**

I NII.D DRIB.Marv. the tv« r -wM d«*gi.t»* hf

Mr aad Mrs Mtoffe whoMV- ea Clieivh Bt. gtod Moadav hUst , Sheri iliasaa Tim feitoesi a»rv4tei veto hoM at th« CafhnHi rk-.refe eredeasdsf muse tag Father l.vwek .rtar^vge intosmeait am made in ih-

I I an MB W1YWW1 It• neawmg M« *ataw«rH<-*% *- -

ifc-wb'f rear i* 18 liHter •* »»V 8 e^ae •• haWeev

• Neva* tanae » Is •

: - - r at »■ a* *i t

♦ * , > a*. r*

e St alaevr ariera at Mw*




competitor with 841,380 votes.

FOB HIBE.Conafortahte eoverad auto tniok -

flahleg or plcelr partlaa Tones rea eoeahle P. B Willoughby. tf

WBBDH.To all owner*, poaseoaors or oe-

cuplete of laada. or to any pereoe or peteoes. firm or corporetloa havtav ebargv df aay laada In this State*

Notice to hereby given that all Nox- , kMM Weeds growing on any lands aay- ehofs wtihla the ’Towaahip of Bath, ('ouaty of Clinton. SUte of Miehigna. or within the Itoilta at aay highway

ipeaateg by or through each leads, fetast he cut dow* aad deetroysd sa or

Benrleeo oa Sunday, July 21. aa fol- bsisrn ths 29th of July, A. D.. 1911. Iowa Aad alsn again on or bsfote the flfst

Rev Alfred Way of Itbaoa will day af BsptsuhOT. A. D.. 1911. preach Moretog aad sveetog. at the Fhllsrs to rostply with thla ealloa

ehoeh full of srhoieeagae auggsatioaa worth srhtl*.

Yours truly,CHAB D. rOLdu.

Opr. Katy R. R



turre.* Mre D U . Fueh l A Afai>*tod iK-4>aet*a Mael*

uiiA.ll MICMBAA p M

r-t to*- 4-e*ht fl‘*ee oat iMd *9.1 •he* e-v*. vae ke-i the** awev

lilt t>e>**r Dean 1 Sev*'


ywj •*


A Bharploa Osarn Bspaielor w«l eeerly desMa year bettor ami trmm pvedta dsrtag the auai«er tosetha.

tr RTRON hours of worship, ISBO aad 7:to sa er

Mr Way neeuplad our pulpit s few withto tea daya thereafter, shall aataatlM aga, la exchaage with th* to* parttoe as falllag llsMs forIpastar. aad the ysspli srsra very ‘eaads of estttag Sham aad ha addit greatly pteassit with his tiraiaas ;al levy of tea per ceaiuta af sash

■ (Naas aad hear blai sa Buaday Them Fia he levisd aad ssitosssd sdhlaalI aah paid for IJv* Fualtry at IH1H> fwHl he apsetol «aslr SI haih ssrvlraa ipregotty la ilto asto* auaasr sa

Fsod Bfotv 4Mf BaDBiy arhoei at the seoal hear If er tavsa Sfo Isvfod aad oatlcssad.-------- - e^liah. Alas all hvesh gumdag spaa

GaavdMMahip atoasy tor toaa si fom : Brptoithisd moettag *1 4 to to the rtghl ef msy sf all Mghssiya raaiite af tosaeaat. lagalf* at It B. t Itost PhHsr. to he ie>i kt J«*e Walhev thseggh er ataaf add* ed said Is

tf Te** will Bad « «^'Vd(e' well mni *• h*l BM DtolaBlBg Sdy ShfUhS foes<

ir YAt eaal to sell year rssl Hot It wHh Harry Bradley, ever Jagas* Orseary Bt Mleh

< IHHII<• k»s three». t a«*«i fit

8k' t«-*i tt r < womreal n>nri IFwwe * I «ah Oeoesa


aeto M HI

celd ItHitec • Dtf Aff to*tl

aha I Sc* *4 pas'* 18

Ulk*■ 0C3O 61 » O re t • hak >•

e**8 t eeh • • ■'<*• •<* e* e-fto* *

BtoMad St tH •■Y


The ST. Johns News.

ah INDHPKNDHKT NHW8F4I •v«ry Tfevratey al

wmm at 11& Walkar atiaaC caat. JiHaa. MtchigaB. bgr Tb# ft J< ■mps Prtatlac Coanpany.



larMl aa aacaad*claaa mattar at tha poat offloa at SL Jobna. Mlcb*

lean uadar tha act of March 3. 1I7».

Balia rripUaa •HI TEAK .... JU aOKTHB .. TIUUIE MttNTUH

hy Hall PaalpaM. ............................... $lAt


Thia aaitaa haMi't pat lia polUtoa aa airalpbt hy a loac abac Tha bat- pla of tba piiaaary tllta It up la ua- aaaaily faablaa oa Iba alAa aad tba•electoral aolloAP atalra ralaaa It la tba roar la a laoat uaacyllab aray.

It la clahaad that tha praatdaatlal prtnuiry M tba votaa of tba party, yat that rolea waaaH llataoad to with moeh effact at rTlleapo. la that daai- oaatratloa for Hadlay. Wa laaraad that tba aatartloa mlsbt fall upoa a mao who practically bado't baao arao maatlooad la a whlapar aad daaptta tha louK and airanuoua campaigaa by Taft aad Rooaaralt

It la at laaat prrtlnant to aab what iiaa ara tba popular prtnmiiaa uadar which a oonvantloa caa clv« the party a noniltiec who was not In the runnlna at all. and who mlfrtit hare been dta- carded If praaented to the votera.

Than look at the pooolbilltiao In the electoral rollaoe. How rtdiculoua It appeara on lu face ter awaat. swear

claw each other In oaucua, pri­mary' aad coarentlon for a choice and

Wiotiom for Two

fOepmabt. Ml hs^^^Aaaaeiaied Lilaaanr

Ma oooaldarad a woaan abaad ofhim oo tba road aa bad to pass aa a baa, ao ba slowad down his llttla roa* about. Salwyn aarar took a liak with tba liras oa toot* Ha oama down tha smooth road batwaan Its rows of puardlaa aocalypias traaa aad woa- dared If ba would haws to blow tba bom Spain bafora tha alaadar Opure abaad of him would laara tba middle of tba biphsray. Ha saw tba ptrl's balr, yellow In tha sattlnp sun.

She did an astonlsblnit thinp— wbaalad suddenly and spread bar slender arms apart, slcnallns him to

Anally leare the choice to a body of'atop He could not lift his bat. for electors who are abaolutely Irreapon- | bis dark bead was already uncorarad

5aci AT!0N1



TO OrB FWENM.Our raaisrs aad frtaads of

Tba at Jobns News wbo bare probate notlcaa to publtab or

who eoatrol tbam. will ooa- tar a taror upon tba pobllah* ar by requaottap Judps Mar- Ttll to bare tba prtnttap dona la Tba News. If aaeb raquaat la made Judpe Merrill willbtndly praat It. _____


OrR A5?riTKH»ART.With this week’s paper The News

starts In Its aecond year under the proasBt manapament. The rear Just cloaad baa been a rerr proaperous one for the paper. The merrhaats hare patronised It liberally with their ada. and we hope and bellere they hare been well-paid for dolnp It The aubacrlptkm Hat has had many new names sdded to It. while some hare stopped. We hare tHed hard to sire erery suhacriber his money'a worth and we bellere we hare doneBO.

THirlns the year Just cloasd we hsre Issued one 2n-paitc paper, two with IR pait«». 11 with Id panea. one with 14 pairea and the real hare con­tained 12 snH 1h paire* each. We think that we may be excused for feeltnir somewhat proud of this show- Inc. aa In esch Instance the amount of adrertlslnr carried warranted the alrc paper Issued.

On the first of January last the

alble In a political moralHuppooe that Rooserelt wins

enouph of the electoral oollepe to pre- rent tha election of either the rapular Republican or Damocratlc nomlnae by i^t body. In auch a caaa the eleefloD would Ro to the praaaat Dem­ocratic bouse of rapreaentatlvaa. In which body each state would hare ooe x’ote for president, the political complexion of which would depend up­on rdiethar the majority of conpreaa- roen from the state were Republican |**P or Democratic Plirurlna thus, tbejtai house la ao nearly erenly dirided that ba took tba Ool. Rooserelt might again hold tbe ] btm timidly, balance of power, sbould be carry two or three states and persuade the praa- eat coasresomen iherafrom to ataad by him.

See bow crooked the tblac IS oa. don’t you?

At great exitendUure of time, mon­ey aad talk, we expreoa cMir choice at a primary and turn tbe choice orar to a oonrentloo which does as It pleases.Then we get all heated up orer tbe choice of electors of a president and turn tbe choice of a president orer to electors who do ss they please. Or,In case tbe electota gat stuck, wa tuio bur choice orer to a house of rapro-

to tba soft CsUfomls braesa. but ba bowad moat poittaly. Tbe girl want cfimsoo—aba could not bars baao OKWo than elgfataan. aad saaasad ua- abla to spaak for a momaac

**Ars you—golag to—San Matao? I—tmght to catch a train------**

“Ootm rfsbt tbara!*' ba Had la- ataatsnaooaly, though much annoyad. **OaC te.** Ha laapad oat, balpad bar to tba saat baalda him, and craabad

Oraoklng always spollad bis Ha was sHant, whan again

•1. Sba shrunk fromiiy.

'*Wbae Is your train duar* ba Bnally aabad. spaadlag up. sod paaslag saofbar macblaa by a margin that mads tba girl abirar.

I Bant—know,** aba stammarad ■ow qaaar this all waat Anothar mils allppad away baaeatb tbam. and tba ana was a Mt naaiwr aaCtlag. Ha Inrnad suddanly upoa bar, snspaetlag tba unusual.

“Look bora, you know rm a afrangar. but If aaytblag Is—wrong Imight balp yon------“ To bis con-sSsrnatlon skw hsgsn promptly to cry. taara rolltag down bar ehsabs Sba

sentatlraa which may be against us ' wm a maiu child, too aad ba wna politically. Indeed, our plan U no | Marty thirty. In tba gtanca ba saw

that sba was wall brad, wall clad—a lady. *T am awfully old and wins

rtdiculoua that we may Anally gat aa * president tbe rery man we didn’t I want

The thing reminda one of a China­man who burned his house In order to cook bis pig that was In It. But If you object to It. you are horribly iia- constltutloaal.—H^roH Tloses.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ BRAIN LEAMN. ♦

Vlas anougb for two. and If anybody baa broban your dolly I will—wbara^a yonr p«raa?“ ba aabad suddanly. “Row caa you tabs a train wftb nalth- or puma nor hat?“ 8ba oarrlad not araa a baadkareblaf. Hsr bias ayas wldsnad with faar.

*T didn’t tall you tba truth.” aha mM. *T am not nmnlag awny. That

Any politician who agr' is a Brainy Man.

with you

Don’t admit you do your bast un­less you do pretty well.

When a roan stimulant, what

thinks he needs a be really needs la

rate for contract display adrertlt'.ng [ cn In more people "accept” positions, was raised from 12’^ to IK rents an Inch .tnd .ill contracts taken since A man who goes in for aviation baa

ton keen an appreciation of a high thnt time have hr.--n taken at that Mian'.rate AH existing contracts, at a te«s -------------rate, will be Increased as soon as they 1 Fiction is a defeated candidates

, . , statement congratulating hla vlctor-explre Tills Increase was madr onaccount of the increased price of pa­per and to enable ua to pay our em­ployees a fair living wage.

Otir Job department has been rery busy throughout the year our press- i Only a few catastropksa are no great ea have been kept hnay most of the [ that the Aret reports coacemlng them time turning out high grade work. It 1**^ exaggerated, has also been necessary for ua during j ^ occurred to ywu thatthe year to Increase the prices on Job i g delegate has to pay considerablywork for the reasons above stated,. »bove the market price for badgsa.hut work la being done aa cheapiv aa ! " "

... w .w 1 » .V t I A youngMer can have great fun onpossible when the class of the work L nierr>-go-round, but when olderIs taken Into consideration. ! folks ride they srant to go aome place.

About 12K auctions sales were ad- j -----------vertlaed In ’The News during the rear ' Speaking of the attraction of oppo-

. . . , Bites for each other, you may haveand all who used our column* were ^Merved that everyone abua<« a hy-well pleased with the result. ; poertte a good deal.

F'or all of the above reason* we are i -------- ---- ——getting out our Arat anniversary edi- [♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .lo. thl. w~». to oolobr,!. th. .r«,t. * ♦

♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

^ ^ I la—I eonclndsd not to nm away and daysIJnat wont down tbs road------” aad

“I don’t undsrstaad. Try to tall ma.“ Hs was gottlng ImpatlanL

“Tall ms what to dot I'm a straa- gsr hsto I earns on a trip. My aunt laft ms a month ago with tbs AoaClas wblls abs wsnt to Lm Angolas. 8bo took stek thsro. ao I bavo to stay on— and DIcklo—”

Hs knew DIckIs Austin altogotbar too sroll. Hs urgad bor to continno.

j and noted the awoot curve of her chin While a new reporter Is being brok- , throat.

"Dickie came home from Rooton.Ho—sroH. be—Anally I promised to nm away and marry him. And when I looked out of tbe window and aaw him coming with hla machine I was frightened. I didn't want to go with him! So I slid out the back door In an Instant and oont down tbe wrong road I asked yon to take me up bw oauae I was afraid be would And mo I cant tall his motbor. aad bo wont lot mo aloaa I waat to And my aaat.“

Again she wapL Balwyn was In nonntamntIniL Ho alowod down and tbooght a mtla. Pratty As to ba la I Bat wbo was R aho raaambladT Har

tlm AwnIb plMs. Mni AmMte ag«Dloltla enoM tfOM tbs ponab. faUowod ,by Odhor iwlitlvaB. Balwyii gat down. banded ont the girl, and took bar nnb

‘"This Is Mr. John Balwyn. Mm.Annttn.“ ,

It was all sba had to aay. Balnyapat oot hla hand. -Df CblatMn." ba agplalaad "How are yoa. RlehardT Havan't aaan yon aiaae yoar fraabman days at Hareiml—got tbrougb?“ Dlok put owt hla hand. Balwyn know too

, mueb about him. Mra Austin was iTlgldly waiting for moro a guasr kloam In bor eyas. i

*T don't understand." abe anid. "Kit-tla. we have bean looking for you------“

Selwyn took tbe matter up T do owe you an explauatloo." he aald.“Tou see I am engaged to Kittle. I came out here to surprise her, aad sew her on tbe rood and carried her off for a tide The engagement was to ^ base been announced as aoon as ab# reacbod home. Her aunt knows It.Surely you remember me. Mra. Aua- tin? Met you at my alater’a. Mrs.Jackson “ Mra. Austin thawed and re­membered—also remembered tbe -lomee fortune, and atlffeoed again. ^Rut In dacency abe bad to aak him to dinner. He aaw uaplaaaantaeaa for .Kittle ahead, aad promptly canae to I the rescue again. |

*^*11 be glad to stay to dinner, aad If « Dlcble will let me share bto quar­tos ni Invite myself to stay until morning." Dickie wna not In a posi­tion to rofuae. The older man had bought him out of a disgraceful col­lage scrape. He rose to tbe oceaaloa.

They ail went la Kittle hastily drssaad for dteaer aad Selwyn washed up. refuatag Otek'a offer of elotbee.He longed to kick tbe lltUe end. but reetrafaed himself.

Dteaer went pleasantly enough be- cause Selwyn would have It ao. Ha knew htmaalf to be Irreproacbable. be knew tboy know It, and be had once been deeply In love with Clara Jamea. wbo bad cbosao bis friend Smiley te- atead This waa Clara's little alstar.Aad she was like Clara—parbapa Ma 'Nm esao aweetar than Clara. He looked acroos tbe Ubie at her wild- ' yoni 1 rose bloom and wide blue eyes, tbe or mate Ane. Arm IKtla chin aad Intalllgaat | to ontla foraboad. She eangfat bis glaaee aad < har baa bor Auab daapened aad bumad. Re again addressed Mra. Austin, aad aa ba dM ao reaolvod to give Aunt Oor- aella tbe scolding of bar life when be aaw bar. To leave the girl with peo­ple like tbia while abe chased off to auffrage meetings and got sick at tba wrong times I

"Mrs Austin. I am going to rob you tomorrow of your guest My Ma­ter Is with me In San Francisco, aad we are going to Loe Angeles In a law

She will take Kittle with bar meat bar aunt there."

Kittle sat atm and drew a long breath of relief, but her aoul was burn- li^ arlth aluune and tear. What did tlag bar son paatar her guest? You

bled aa grant | man. k Only f< would tips arl to her

"You one. bn sobertn tongue been e I'm nei I shall after y< youage

She I “I Bl

body—( Aftor-

Bbe ail band, b

'*Wo« Would taara.

“Oh. Too ba

|ht ovar lows lonM aba wy

alMorf or mattar aranld lar hoart Mnfc

aafaly an bor lar faoa glow- eonder of dn- eouatry after

N of all the She gave bar- imeat. charm- sbe aald aad troubla bar

top and bub- hampogne. A aaae over tbe be heart, too. t bis. aad be >

her Anger t. He turned Ian Francisco, nturw. a reel looked at him. , Ip. but uer

'*I*va nover he aald. "and i I very lovely, i ber It—long | be right mao. a I.“

—amiry any- burnt out.

I be—afraid." lag with ana lm Angara, aid of me? a Ailed wftb

1 aboat yoo! a ont of trnu- ••If la. Mrs.tad—and-----"*lag If yon— old yoo? Will him plttfnlly. laaca bravely

grave aad

’na manIp aa owtn aa

ova aad loanIteppy now—

’ months, jaot

bfe Ter Homs TSa IWV!

bd tbal BOrUHTflX hrlnga ant OMre drtail la pbata- fraRba, mnbaa tbam tmr te Ulr and al Ibe aome time gives them tbbi aiHatlc teaeb tbal make* tbem OMre vaJaaMe aad nwrr highly

In Adam's day aromao was merely I It la truly wonderful bow much side laoue. but during leap year | good a poor man thinks be could do

abe no tbe whole show.

The nuceana of your aim nmy de­pend upon tbe target. It'a much eas­ier to bit a cow than a rabbit.

By tbe Uma a man known aaytblng worth telling ba la usually old enough to keep bla mouth abut

and ba Tm

“but I <teltanod.

IIrlaby toBpg, i


boras tbla(, a (bar dloaniM

not care for tbe < mjuapa."

ber' He •

Ions oinmnent.

I It is better to merely believe in your : popularity than to have to test It by ! your ability to get bail.


“I ought to tell you who I am from BL Fanl. Mteneoota. KtttSo—Katbartee Temaaface was clear aBSla.

“Ab—Clara's Itttla slater! Dont you rumembor? I spent a ChrtstaMM wuab and at your bonoa fonr yearn age —John Balwyn! ITI break Dlok Ana- Ha's good-for^notblng naek!" Tba tears tumad to amllaa Tbe girt nod­ded bor bead. Sba know now wbo ho

“Of coumo m look aftor yon." ba mM ."What la Mrs. Austin about JM-

surely are not—do little wretch?"

She rubbed ber arms over oyee. "It’s Ilka a bad dream, made me think I did until the very last minute. Mra. Austin always left os together. She la avrfully worried about something I guess It Dickie said he waa In trouble and I was aorry for him. He aald tboywould have to give up the place------"

"And be tbnoght be would marry you for jroiir father’s money?" Kittle had not thought of this, and gave a little scream "I gueas It's time an old frtend appeared ter la at a hoteltake you there tonight, aad te the morning we will eee."

He turned tbe mnehtee anddoaty. and sent tt abend at tarrlBc spaad. im tracing tba way they bad coma.

“la tba Austin plaee that Mg gmy atone plaee wltb tbe palmar"

She nodded aa aflrmntlvu to Mb qgbatlon.

**Wbere ara wu goteg? late for dlnaar, aad DIekla vrfll ba fnrtoua. aad will tell hla mother ny. thing! She will believe him. Don't ffo there!" abe higgall him. *T don’t think anatle know tbam as wall aa

’•You undoteti

"Not "How “Why

owtedlei abla nai

"What did you aayr 1 told him that for twopeaool

whip him.'“DM be give you tbe moneyf" "No; be had nothing but a

penny stamp, and I

Tbe self-made man Is never Anlah- ad until some woman gets busy and polishes off tba rough edges.



tww- I

i:■ ♦ ♦ Xmoney,


The original Woodrow Wilson men arc appearing in Aocka in every state. —Birmingham Age-Herald.

Now ex-I*reeMent Simon threatens to invade Haiti. A bninette Roooe-

"T. R’a*’ effort to And an loaue upon which to wage his campaign Is be­coming ao otrenuous that he may even be compelled to borrow another of Mr. Bryan's—Baltimore Sun.

In additloa to feeling "very, very nolemn" when he le apprteed of hla

I DomlaatloB. It la evident that Wood- I wm ba T'BW Wlleoo feela that way every time

be has bis photograph taken.—Denver Republican.

“Or as I do. ao! Ltataa tag baek with you. Introd me talk, and do Juat as I eay. you ?“ She promlead. and again be speeds up tbe Httle car.

Dusk was falling whan they alld Into


and many of the merchant* .nr** help­ing 1IB celehrate by using exln anace Read their ads In them will he found many bargains whir* It will pay .vmi lo take advantace of. Tf

Don’t cuoa the hot weather. It won’t be long before ytMi’Il be ohov- eling coal and snow—Jackson CItlaen

vmi do this von wilt also have j i»reeacause to celebrate and he glad fhat ; ------------vnu carefnllv read the ad* 'n our an- ■ Incidentally that Dearborn com

docior fUiroued by a poaae, had aome- nlveraary edHlon. ^ Detroit Times

In closing thk: editorial The New* -wtehee to thank the peopi- /or their Hhernl patronage during the year

BvMently Governor Oabom’a gun la j lust aa affective on a Dull Moose aa

tnm siwi hoM. i It It oo su ordinary Michigan deer.—Juat paoaed and hopes to merit and ^ i^nalng Slate Journal.receive a contlnuaace of same. ________ 1

------------------------ Mo. wu do not know arhatber MrAt a meeting of the democratic ' Roosevelt could carry tba rouatry. He

elate central committee held In T>e- . n*^SY made a race aBSlaat oay .f-« Mod.? It drrtdMl I. n.. -IV»ltacpnlat, iwtltkdia tnr -addlddlM ■! I ________

^Ki^g^'estive Qtiestionsf»a tbe Haada; Hrbaai Leaeaa by Rev. Dr. Llaaeelt far

aalieaal Pruea Bible llaeattea I'lab.tbe later-

Financing Governor Harmon’s ante- | cooventioo campaign la asM to have . cost tlSO.OAO. but the men wbo fur- '

not come for' etetemeoL— j

Chicago Tribune.

I am ^ moaey have n^'ward to corroborate tbe

Wbat arould t^re be to Ute third- ii party movemeat exeopt for Mr. Rotas • velt’a desire to ran for tbe Prosldeacy ' again? All this talk about the new i< party ateading for principles, not men, !| Is claptrap.—New York World.

for governor. Ileutenant-governcr aad other eaadMataa at oacr Rdwtn O Wand of VTni ame favored for gover- aor aad Franeta T McDnuaM af Nault Btc Marie for lleuteuaat-governor

While iberi- i at thf Fafttfime. etee^ that tber^

r wildt I

conveatlaa It la a wwv a gaad maav

iiM h* eaadMatea IfF^ * get* tbew tbte tall

Teddv* eosveattea la tfie- ter Ibe fraab bet

IV ofaf a

Iba aad

Sagtaaw aad Ray City ought to forma baasball laague all their own. Then there would be aooM intereot la teg tbe paareaia#* eeluam.—Ray CMy Tlmea.

Hacle Joe Oaaaaa oaye

Mb a year t*aele Jaa, by the way, Baaa am hire aay tere—Oread RagM

Weed eamaa fa tlBbt akins moat be nmi mare m> iMe fall The Mas eagan te be i** teak as near ffba a baoaaa a paaalMe taelt Neua

Brer* »Nae a team baa a r-Od la Ms band be te aapaaead te mb* e L-i

fCopyright 1911, by Rev. T. 8. Ida- igoapei la sown In a human heart or in oott. D. D.l ja country does It ever die arltbout

The Growth of the Kingdom. Mark germinating even If yeara latarveaa lv:2a-32; Matt. xill-U. 'without rislbla fruit? Give your raa-

Goldcn Text—^Tby klagdooi coma. i aoae.Thy will be done In earth aa In haav- (10.) What la en. Mati vi;10. i Christinalty?

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!< ♦ ♦♦ DITPL.4IN. ♦ ;♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

(1.) Verne M—What does "tbe klagdom of God" bare stand for?

(t.) Wbat saad la here referred to and wbat la tbe ground te which It Is

(11.) Wbo are they that reap tha harvaat aad eafoy tbe fruit of tbagnapilT

(12.) When will the Aaal harvest of 'CbrlollaaUy ba reaped sad wbat will

(I.) Whom dans tbe "Man" rupre- It ba? aaot whlcb aoura tbe oaod aad how Is (11.) Varan 20—Wbat wouM you tbe seed ooum? compare tba blaffdom of Oad to aad

(4.) Verue 27—After a mtolater or wBat ana aaoM of tha other coamar- teacber ar aay other Cbrietlaa baa i teooa arbtob Jaaua aaahes elaewberu? mitea tbe oaod af the gaopal aught bo i (14.) Vernas 21-2S—Wbat aiu aaow to be reailnl or aaatoue waaeeralag IthteBi like tbe muaiawl aeod. axeaad- Its gvouib? Give your ruasoas llaffly aamll. apoa wblab vast teaues

Ck) Wbat te the praef tbal Iba aaod * depend* eff Ibe guepal will when onara alwaye (Ikt WbatevMeaaeor laaldaate eaa bring furib Its pvapar fruK* you give to llluotinto tba Oast that tba

(C) beeue ta The earib poadoroa onmll muaiavd bush baoaaMO a verv a gvaal tarOriy al lbiag« by sell pas- : urge buab?pagatliia, wIMaal booMW lariramaal. (U * la wbat raapaei ar la bow aMy. WaoM pan aai, ar aai, aod lamay reapiim te CbrliriwHty Mb» the why, tbal fbriaMaaNy l« la any OMste- t mmNant send?

to Ibtel ITbla le aae al *1^ • Wbai la ib* guality te the goa-wbteb Otey be aoaweeod m of ire«« wbtek maboe lie seed on

bl iiMni by mmte Nteorbiaa 'i-- < Is ke* , »»* • Mall tut tO--Whom Bono the

lti«« taads uteki

Mrs. 3d«ud Kills of Dakota te expect­ed here In about two weeks lo visit her pareate, Mr. aad Mrs Nemlah Halner.

Mrs. Kdith Heath returned to herthe earthly fruit of • few weeks with ber parento. Mr. aad

Mrs. Wm. IngevBoll.Frank Perry hae ooM hte farm to

Alvla ScotL coaoMemthm. IS.MO.Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Watkiaa Mr. sad

Mra. C. B. Rakar of BL Jokne wore gueote at tke home of Mr. aad Mra Fraak Perry flaturday night aad Sun­day.

GUI Goodlue aad arlfe of Oregon wore vtoltofu at the bomi of Mr and Mra M. r OooM. tbe past weak.

Alloa Oapawpll aad Wesley Hugaa rialiad Oand noaM the pool weak

Oaofge IBIIagor aad family ride la

teeuNa aad ub«i

• af Ibe «dnte*• fi wte i Is kc«

< virite*i ’ Matt tut ti ' doaa

SffceeaH. la tbte pa mbla amM ter?► Ulr vactea* 1 • 1 • < Mbat dmn tbS' leavmi 1•eeeeS the j


•a Bbal aitet < of

rietolty teat wnab.Mte AUr*> Haioer te vteHlag ker ate-

lev at Veu llodaonN^iak Haioer I* gfvteg bte bars a

east ef palaiMas Frank Pem aad graaddaugb-

ier larara ttevr ■ re««road bean* after ^fWdlag a m*e4 «Hb eeis’iveu at Irv. tag aad Middle* m« .

tlSte “Vte a


ITS .MOT AU* MEN WHO HAVE MADE MONEY WHO CAN KEEP . IT. Wbat do are mean by that? We mean that there is many a man who began with nothing; wbo through patience, perseverane. rigid \ ecoaemy and right living and right doing, accumulated a competence; who. as be waa nearing the last mile poet on the Journey of life; bo- J cause of oM age and tbe feebleneoa which it brings, was no longer < able to go the pace tbe management of hla farm demanded, decided to J sell the "old home" and take a little rest

IK) YOr K.MOW THAT THERE IS A PROMOTER ON HIS TRACK? < Just the moment tbe aged patriarch parts with the farm; Just the '

’ Look bora mv however, no novelty for the «« momr’nt hte broad acres have been converted Into caeh, he recelveo ,el In Frtaeo I Black Republic.—Brooklyn Eagle. ! « • promoler; do you know wbat a promoter la? Ever hear

tnmimtt* 'jt 4 _ i, , onr talk? .N4>? Well he is wbat la denominated aa "a snnootb propo- Ialtloo’’; be la generally well dreeaed; weura diaraooda; clean ahavan and well groomed and can make you feel Just aa though you were bom at the wroag time of the moon to do huatoeoa; that It was all tope and no potatoes; else all potatoes and no tope; can uteke you

• feel that he understands all tbe signs for planting; all tbe signs for reaping; all tbe sign# for coining moaey and before you know It Mr. Farmer, you arc taking more atock in the boaeaty; In tbe knowledge of the bualneaa the smooth promoter Is talking to you, then you everdM In tbe truthful atatomenta of those who have knoam you all thalr Uvea; who have trusted you and helped you when you needed It; who have advteed wltb you over a thousand thtnga whlcb turned out to your proAt.

VOI’ WILL T'ERMIT THE SMOOTH PROMOTER TO BIND YOl* HAND AND FOOT. Yee you will; do not defend youraelf by making a denial. He will talk to you with eucb aoftneao; with suoh aweetneaa and eemeatneoa that before you know what baa happened, all that ]rou can spare from the sale of your farm has been turned over to Mr. Promoter and you have a large envelop with a highly dacomted. Anely engraved certlAoate of atock in some corporation Just organised for the purpose of manufacturing a new article of glue; a glue which sticks without heating; a glue which bolds with such power that you can split the article glued up Into kindling wood before It wouW give way; In fact It will give way at eveiy point but the spot which la glued, Aral.

THnu: IS A PRBFFERRED AND A COMMON STOCK. The common atock pays all the way from in'"- to I©’"?-: the preferred la aafe for 7% or 2^. It bents farming all out; benta out any ordinary kind of buaineos; coupon cutting you are informed by the smooth pro­moter Is a pleasing paat-tlme; yrni arc Intereeted; have worked hard plowing and sowing; reaping and mowing aad now you purpose to let the other fellow feed the pig* and milk the cows, while you lounge on the front porch and every six month* Juat take tbe aheara and clip your coupons from the handeomely decorated atock certificate, which you have safely laid away In the large envelope.

THK GLUE PATTORY PROVES TO »: A RWINDI^E. One was organlied; bulMInga erected and pictures mode but enough stock wan aold to make the swindle a auccee* for the promoter, and while you bold the stock certlAcate, with He Interest bearing coupons the roan who took your money has left for "Aside green and paatiirea new.’’

AU* THIS BY WNtY OF IU*CRTRA’nON. It may have been a goW mine Slock; a pure food stock; an over capitalised Induatrial, whatever H waa that the promoter lured you to Inveat lo. because tba Interest rate was high, proved to be a failure aad you are out tbe eamtoga ef a Hte time of bard toll.

KRBT THIS IN MIND Ppwartte of tIJMMO of money created In aad about SL Jobao. during the last twenty-Ave years have gone Into laveoteMate which premlaed terge lateraot ratea. only to be forever loot to tbe people who made tbe Inreatment; enouffb money te sur- ronnd tbe town wltb amohe otocha; to eautp foctorias and turn tbe AnaaeiaJ atrenm towards ua. laatead of fram ua

ALL anCPniTIMP and stocks ark not bad There la tbe goad and tbe aafe but they ore all low rale latereat; Juat Ibtek af tbte when you are appraarbad by praaaoiara af tbe glue factorv type; teat think tMil ateo that tt rsgulraa experience sad knowledge to lean mon­ey sad aaake aafe taraoimente: take no ebaacea; save wbat yon have made and Inveat te that which Is ohootutely eefe r^np tbo the taleraat rate may be lew

THK BTATt: HANK OP BT loHNP e .P cafe for ywur kite f lada and pay yew taleraat aa tbe aame mtXl viei Aad wbat you wnai. go alow. for advtee take that af the man you know and can trust and ftea the glee focteey pvMneaer a «kle H. eudeaeer to givr aid tetba aaarist mm xmli a* te the mmm* who tarev^^t fcariablp and tel! bn«e eeewnmteted a *1. - UifouBb tte


State Bank o/ StJ. iv.maraAbUA







_, * t»©

Anty Drudge in Court.Pri9^’i wifB (relentinar)—“Y«. he did strike me. but

It WM partly my ftuilt. I was waahinff all day and was bad-tempered, and didn’t have his dinner ready. '*

Anty I>ntdm—**P\eue your Honor. If you’ll just sen- tenM the prisoner to buy his wife Fels-Naptha soap It ynll end their wash-day Afthtinfir* She won’t have half as imch work then, and there’ll be plenty of time to ^t dinner. She won’t be tired and cross, cither. ”

^ Do you spend 52 days of the year washing clothes? Fifty-two days bending over a tub of nauseous, steaming suds and 52 days of hard-rubbing on a washboard? Then stop it. Nature didn’t intent! any woman to work like a slave. Fels-Naptha will cut down the time spent in washing at least half. It will cut out the boiling, the steaming suds, the hard-rubbing.

Fels-Naptha will separate the dirt from your clothes while soaking in cold or lukewarm water so that a light nibbing and a simple rinsing will leave them clean and pure—ready for the line.

Logk for the red and green u’mpper.

I I^Mup ttanttli. Mr. lUckford. H«rt ! JocMS JUKI wlf* Alto Mmttl* HcImII ’ w«rr HundAjr rtaltors ml S. JoaAA*.

FtimIa AAd Flor(>BC« M«tt«mlRtoa I vlAlitid Mr* Wu. Itorryt* last ttAturdAy

A. V. licMI lA working for K. Gl«n- I non.

Roy DuHmud lont <m» at kU work j bom** laM w«*k.

FtmIa douemlgtoo Is sisylng wlUi Mm. Wm. Parker this week,

j People drlrlDg from IS to SO miles I are very much disappointed at not I ilodlBg any huckleberries, as there are I none thla year.I Harry Berryo waa a aundsy visitor ; at John Settemlghton's.

Mrs. WUI and John Decker and dau- ' ghter Irene at llannlster also Lida I Acker of Detroit were oallers at John I Herremlghtoa's last Thursday.

Philip Chubb, wife and daughter, I were Ashley visitors last Thursday.I Orville Ihirker Is working ft»r Win. Deacon east of KIsle.

fiao. Fields of Ovid called on friends I here Tneaday.j Rev. Homer of ('hloago preached here at the t^urch of the Hrethren

, laat Wednesday evenlnf going from : to New Haven. Vestaburg and (‘rystaL I Mm John achram baa not returned I home aa waa reported laet week but

will visit for a few days here ywe I Rimer Neff and family returned ; home to Ohio Thursday.

Mra. Chaa. Albaugh and children spent the latter part of the weak with her parenta at Marton Springs.

K. H. (Illtnore and wife returned to ’ their home In Detroit after a short vla> i It here with her parenta.I Joe Holden cut hla foot with an ax

which glvea him much trouble and turn j been unable to work for aonie time.

Quite a few attendad the cirrus at ; Owoaao July IS. ffoni here, j Mm. R. ll Wntherbee. la suffering I with an attack of ncHimlgla of late.

Joe HoMen and family spent a few

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HiM TH .IHHLKY. ♦♦ ♦

Ancient Gams Is Chsss.It Is Imposklble to ctate just when

and where >-bess waa bom. itai-k we may go In the agek. but we still And It existing We see It painted on Kgyp- tian \sses. and we And it In the Chi* nese Books of Wisdom It has been aariibed to all kinds of birthplaces. Its creator having been at times a man. at times a god. Nothing posi­tive Is known about it, yet the great­est probabilities seem to point to Its having come from the east.

Cowe Tried for Murder.Old documents of the middle ages

tell us of numerous rases where .ml- mals were put on trial for serious of­fenses charged against them. For ex­ample. In 137" three cows were tried for bavtng killed a boy; the whole herd were arrested as accomplices. All were discharged but the guilty three, theee being condemned to be executed. The sentence was pro­nounced by the duke of Burgundy.— Our Dumb Anlmala.

Mr. and Mm R. Kuhns and chil­dren and Mr. and .Mm Vet Roe and children spent the ith with Mr. and Mrs. I.<ewellyn Krepps.

The Miasm Florence and Maggie ilmwn left lest Friday for Bay View where they have employment for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs Ernie Scblarf of Ithaca s|»ent Sunday with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Milard Freeman

Mrs. LMther Riley a|»ent Sunday In Ithaca with her sister, Mrs. Celia Wll* Haros.

The Mtssea Hattie. Bernice and Nel­lie t'hurrh of St. Johns and .Mrs. Dom Stormfeltz and Florence .Moore spent the 4ih In Klsie. They made the trip In .Mr. Church's new auto.

Mr. and Mrs. Rmest Kuhns and children were callers at Sam Smelt- ser’a Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Milt Burk and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gib Heck. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beck and Rossle Beck of Eureka srere guesu at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beck Sunday.

Mr, and .Mrs. George Zigler of Traverse City have l>een spending the iwst few days with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs Jess Zigler.

Chaun< ey Cmndell of Durand spent Sunday with his sisters. Mias Fern Cnuidell and Mrs. Eva Strong, and

• husband.-Mr .ind .Mrs. W. H. Brown were in

l*om|H-ii and Ithaca on bualneaa Mon­day.

Mr and .Mm Clem Stormfeltz and children and .Mr. and Mrs. Ben Storm­feltz ami Florence Moore spent Sun­day with their brother, .Mell Stomi-

j feltz.j .Mrs. tiemmie Roe and children i s|e>nt lust Thursday with Mm Retta Kuhns

I .Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson were vis­itors at Bert Twomley's Sunday.

C. M. Randall and wife went to Ren- verton Saturday to visit srith G. A.

. Randall and family.Mm Jainss Wetherbee returned

' home from visiting her sister near Greenville.

Little Wilma, daughter fS hhtti Al- ; bsugh and wife has been on the sick list this Week.

lOaii Baker and wife entertained a number of their friends Sunday for dinner.

Chaa. Culver ami wife and daughter I of ('hnaaning called on Joe Homers and ' family hep Sunday

G. A Maynard and family aiteiit Sunday with .Mr. Carter. n*N»r KBmi.

.M Cunningham, a resident of near Chapin, was at Oakley Friday on bus-

! IneSB. and while on hla wray home Ihr team ran away with him giving him

I such severe bruises that he only lived ' s few hours. He leaves a wife and tbre« children. Funeral took place at

i the Catbollc church Sunday at Oakley.

Clnbwiomen to Pfenerve Msmory of Woman Whs Onwe Ufa to Hstp

•mslipna twffsvsm

ClubwoBisn, saolstnd by tbs doe- tors of North lUllsrlsa. Maas., ars tak­ing stsps to preserve the msmory of Sarah Hodgeman, who gavw her Ilfs mors than a contury ago In hsr efforts to help neighbors who were suffering from smallpox It happened during the smallpox spidemle In 1811. On Isnmlng that a family of four psmons with two gneota wars 111 with the dla- eaaa, and had no one to help them. Mian Hodgeman, against the protest of her family and friends, entered the Infected house sad did nil in her pow­er for Ita iBBsaten.

Within two weeks It was notleed that the cnatoasnry smoke did not curl from the chimney. Some of the towae- folk Anally mustered up courage to In­vestigate. It was fnuad that the en­tire household. Sarah Hodgeman In­cluded, bad died of the disease. It la now proposed to erect a monument In the place of the old gray headstone which marks her grave.

business man who will spare a few min­

utes of his time to the photographer of to-tiay will please his entire fam- ily.

His portrait protlucetl by preseitt day methods of photoj^raphy will be an ujrreeablc suqirise—it’s done so tfuickly and clev­erly.

Plunkett^sGround Floor Studio

PKtmm 146 St, Johm^ Mieh.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ E.IGLi:. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mrs. Wm Westmoreland is on the sick list.

Mr and .Mn* W*n, Rosso* were guestii at their daughter's. Mrs. Her- Iwrt Heningway, Ssturday and Sun­day.

Mrr Clam .'ii>erbreckcr of i'linton- vUIe. M’Is . who has been visiting rel­atives hep' for the past month return­ed to her home Friday.

Mr*. Harrison Tledt entertained her sister and little son of Detroit last week.

John Rrace, wife and daughter, spent Sunday and Monday with Her­bert Hemingway and wife, in latnsing.

Wm. Hoemer and wife entertained 21 of their friends Sunday.

Charlie Myers, wife and son. Mr. .Noble and Misa .N'oble of Dan by sitent rtunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burklin.

WHY ADVERTISE A DIVORCE: |Writsr Objscts to Nsw Custom cf In .

dicating It by Change of |Ring.

What Is there about divorce that should Induce a woman to advertise the fart that she has obtained one? asks l.«slle's. Some western women are trying to Introduce the custom of wMirlng a wedding ting on 'je little Anger of the tight tuu>d when one be­comes divorced.

A truly modest woman who has ob­tained a rslease from the matiimonlal relation will want to keep bsrsslf In tbs background, and the graatar the JnsUflcatlon for such release the leas desire there Is to advertise the fact. Mias Acton, a prominent Boston law­yer. well says: **Any custom that draws public attention to one's prl- vnie misfortune la valgar.”

Instaad of wearing the wedding ring on another Anger aa a mark of an un­fortunate and untimely matiimoolal expeiienoe. a sense of propriety should prompt a woman to pot the ring In a secret place known only to herself, there to stay with all Mher unplees- ant roemorlss of the past.—New York Herald.

Make Both Sidef of the Dollar Work for You

The most of us are obliged to consider how long an article will Inst, as well as its valne when new.

That is where theUNITED STATES

CREAM SEPARATORexcels all other cream separators.

First, you get value and satisfaction. There are no after regmta f Mo wishing you had bought some other make. Soon you learn from talking with your neighbors that your United States ia skimming cimner than their kind of separator. You find out that yonr Interlocking U. 8. operates easier and is ms Qsickiy washed.

After a few months you observe that your U. S. is **standing up” better than your neifl^bor’s inferior sep­arator. Vou then take pride in the fmet that yonr T. 8. isn't brsnking down and isn't cooling much for repairs like your neighbors.

Time convinces you that you certainly got yonr •oney's worth twice: **fne way it sJhma” and "f/ie Mxty it wrart.”

Start right by buying the United Sintsa.If you have bought some other, get right

by exchanging for the U. 8.Let us tell you about our reasonnhls

pncea or liberal exchange propuaition.

The Probable Brsodwinner. Representative Henry of Texas eras

talking at a dinner In Washington shout an tmpscunloua nobleman.

‘He engaged to a Chicago girl.** ■apt Mr. Henry. **rbs girl's mother was boasting about the matoh .**.t a tan. 'May.' she said, 'will occupy a very rsmarknbis social position now. i am endeavoring to eduente her up to It.*

“ ‘Ob. I SOS.' said a friend. 'You ar« tsncblng her, 1 suppooe, to wash and Iron, to do plain sewing, sddrsoa sn- vnlopss. or something of that sort."*

Farmers’ Cement Tile Machine Co.R. S. Clark, Sales Nana^r.

307 W. Hiiihani St. St. Johnsv Mlchiiiaii

Tmatmsfrt for Bums.Sweat oil end Mmswntsr spread on

a place of cotton and applied to n bum Is very soothing. Every medi­cine closet should rontatn n bottle of this rsmsdy.

0ns tort of Philosophy."Mother, did you Isnrn to cook hm

fore you got marrlsd?** **1 did not. t married Orst. There's no use lonratat a trade until you know you'rs gotas to need it."—Ontrolt Fhao PrsiA


The Satisfaction Storebegins SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 20th. We have decided to offer our en­tire stock at a reduction of prices, amounting to practically 1-2. In submitting the following prices to your consideration we invite your early inspection of our stock and suggest that you take every advantage of this our First Annual Satisfaction Sale!

f f r

frY *

Men’s and Young Men'sSUITS


Suits at $ 7.00I 2.tM) Suits at 9.0015.00 Suits at 10.30iH.oo Suits at 13.3030.00 Suits at 13.0022.50 Suits at 16.30

4 pair Champion work socks .. .........25c$1.00 Dress Shirts.............................75c5yc Wash Shirts .............................. 38c

25 per cent off on all Men’s and Boys’ trousers.

EXTRA!Extra Special Satisfaction Sale of four lines of boys double breasted suits at


These are strictly ail wool and up to the minute in style. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered you to secure a school suit for fall.>fj.tM> Suits 55.tM) Suits S4.50 Suits




RAIN COATS$6.00 Rain Coats ........................... $4.50

$5.00 Rain Coats ........................... $3.75

.SH.OO Rain Coats ........................... $5.75$12.00 Rain Coats............................$9.00

All df Standard Makes and every coat guaranteed by us and the manufacturer.


UNDERWEARAll 50c garments ............ .............. 39c2-picce suits were $1.00 at ........... 75cL'nion Suits were $1.00, at...............75cUnion Suits, were $2.00, at...........$1.65$1.00 B. V. D. Unioni.......................75c

“The Satisfaction Store” KUHNS & MERRILL Old National Bank Bldg.

St Johns, Michigan.


Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and re\utalises it, and in thii* way builds up the whole sys­tem. Take it. Get it today

In >1—1 liquid form or In rhoroUt*oontod inMoW cnllod SavMtalM.

L. D. Parryour j^jrocer, has some

nice fresh


and all kinds of

Fresh Vetetablesin Season

Tr)’ him to be convinced that his is the store at

which you should trade.

St. Johns, Michidan.

DoalS 9t mr%. ■. K. i.Mrs. H. R. HeoMtraet. w1m> Imm b—i

111 tor Mvoiml w—ka witk plaura- pMowniOMto. dtod mi bar bon J«aat north of tba vtllasa Friday. Tba ton* aral aarrlnaa ware baM froai bar boma Hunday aftemoao. Rav. Hot raft of 8hei«rdarl|la oStolatlas.

Mlaa Lucy A. Haltay waa bom la Wbalor, Stuban oouaty. Maw York, Julyl. IMK and dlad at bar ban July II. IfUS. at tba a«r ul •? yaara. Har early Ufa was spaat In Ohio wbara aba aitaodad acb«iol aad latar taucht. In April IttS aba was ualtad In mar- rlacf with H. R. Haniatraat and has albta mada Ulcblcan bar boaM.

Mrs. Frad PI ■man. wm bwmirt to tba hoapiul IbdC woak aaSorlbu wHb typhoid farar la alowly palblag.

Mm Jolla Jaaha baa baaa apmdiag a ooapla of waaka arlth bar Matar, Mm Maraban, In Oraad RapMa

Mm Ada Jabnaoo ratumad to bar bodM la Ddbrar. Col.. MoodA) araalag altar laabtog an aataodad rlalt at tba taoaaa of bar aapbaw, Laroy tr. Oamaar.

Mr. and Mm O. T. Crawford spent Saturday aad Sunday with ralatiraa lb Bala.

Hr. F. A. Stevens,laufer,

welcomes you ever)* tlay in the week with your cream and |>ays the High- mat Cash Price for your prothict.

E. Walker St. St. Johns.



FurnitureCakll on

W.R.OSGOODonM You will rocoiwo

Courteous Treatment

at ail Times

1 am ShowingSomo of tl«o


AGAINCome and See Them

Vtait Claok A Hutaab Big ^ Off Suit Sala at St. Johns. Saa ad. page 16.

('has. Fox of Ihiraad was a Tlsttor at tba bon of his alstar, Mra. Oao. Reardslaa no Mouday.

Or. J. K. Taylor baa baan la .Muska- ' pon attending the State Medloai Aaso- jrtation.

Mlaa Lola 9laa, who has baan : ’.pending the iiast weak with friends . In Orld rsturaed to har home In Char- ' lotte tba drat of the waak.I A. M. Smith of Hostoa. Maas., callad In Orid Monday on buslaaaa.

< L. B. Tucker was In Saginaw and Bay City last weak on a buslaagi trip.

Mrs. Carria Ptaraon and chlldran of I.sipeer are visiting at the boma of bar fathar. A. J. Wab^r.

Mrs. Wm. .Ssveil and daughter Louisa, have ratumad to thatr hoais In Harbor llaach after speadlag aav* eml weeks with relatlvus'bare.

Thoa. Steadman of Bale waa in OvM tba flrat of the weak.

Miss Lillian Aabby left Monday morning for s six weeks’ visit with her brother. Mr. sad Mfu A. Ashbr, In Pittsburg, irii.

Mr. and Mrs. Rail Crouaa ratumad last waak to tbetr boOM- In Cluveland, Ohio.

John Gertw •«pegt Sunday at his borne here.

Miss Mabel Gute of Owoaao la spending her vacation with her par* ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oute.

Mrs. .Mnr>' Cook of St. John* wad the guest of Mrs Phillip Sturgis dur­ing the \tmmt weak.

Mrs. Mary Bair, who has been In Pontiac fbr the luist few weeks Is home tor the lummer.

W. P. Felch has been In Caraon City the past week visiting with his par- j-n ents.

Mr. and Mrs E. T. Weale. who have been vistting In Bellevue for two i • weeks, returned home the middle of ; « last weak. | *

Howard Jenks has surcaasnilly J i i passed the State I*harmarl8t Bxaiiit* | a

I nations which be wrote at Detroit a . J I ebon time ago. ' ai The Ovid hoaplul have adopted a | *! new plan of admitting visitors during ' •I the hours of l:fto to 3'00 p. m. only. i a ' Mrs. I^ewis Sheltlon and sous are ; J I visiting with relst.ves In Kingston, 'a

Ohas. Neil bos been In St. Johns for I *I a few days. a4 Mrs. Stephen I‘rlce .and children of • Price visited over Sunday at the home *

'of her mother, Mrs. E. Lattimer. •f Mr. and Mrs. Law White and daiigh- * ;ter Tiielma •»re {pending two weeks •

i i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. • Dick. In Victor. ^ •

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mcllrten have a been in I>etroit the guest of their ^

I daughter. Miss Gladys Mcllrten. aF. Arrhar of Teraparance Is stay- •

I ing at the home of hlis daughter, Mrs. # i;F A. I>ownlng. i*

.Mrs Geo. Mson and son Gerald of •; Harbor Beach, who have been vislUng I a ‘jher people for the past three weeks ^I'have gone to Detroit for a visit a

j Mrs. John Oberlln and daughter *^ Ruth of INmtlsc are In Orld for a # week's visit . •

I Mr. and Mrs. Chss. ('orert Mr. aad a I Mrs. Loren Littlefield and daughter *I News have baan at Round Lake for a j the past weak *I Mr. and Miu. E. B. Voorbaaa veant I • to Albany, N. T., on Tuaaday mom- ! •

: Ing to spend two weaka with har ua- ' 2 cle. Harvey Butts. a

MIsaes tkSds aad Hulda McCraary ^ were the guests of friends la Flint : a

!over Sunday. ., •, Mr. sod Mrs. Harvey Mead of Shel- ' a ' by are the proud parents of a son. j •

Miss Grace Abbott has t>eaa in Du- { ^ rand visiting Mias (’eell Roberta. i a

Mr. and Mrs U E. Tucker left this i *' morning for Traverse rtty where they . s will spend a few days. i J

Cards hare been issued announcing i • the r-oming marriage of Mias .Majel • High to Ralph Mahaney, on Tuesday ^ i tfemooii. .luly 3ftih s

Miss Ethel Clarke was n visitor in * St. Johns last w«>ek. s

.Mrs Jns K rgiison of Durand was • in n>id »he jwi we. k visiting frtemla, •

Drew irr Hhaw of Detroit is the s guest of his uneie. W. R Shaw, and * fii:..ll = . •

Miss l-Mna Car. pbell of Holley Is J a visit at the hotue of Mrs. •

‘ E J. Jarvis. •Ml-a Itftssle Waite went to Tietrolt J

I last week to visit at the home of Mrs • Claude Robinson. *

Mias lla Clark U In Battle Creek s for s few days' visit at the home of * Mr and Mrs. John Myers . •

Cbmm. Porter of Detroit wee In *I Ovid tbie week on a buelnees trip. e

j Geo. (Chapman of St. Johna called e In town Friday. •

Mr and Mrs John Robaoo and ; *: family apent Sunday at Crystnl LaBra. 2

Mr and Mra. Finley, vrko bare I e been making an extendad rlelt with i * relatltree hers, returned the last of j o tbe week to their home In PtalnSeM, *

! Ill eRufue Stple of Ann Arbor la j •

apeadlng a part of his raestton with * Robe. Sbaw. e

Mr and Mrs Geo Dnniala of De- *I trott are bstoff entertained at tba ' e ! bnme of bis faiber Gen. Dnalela. : * i Mhb. Snelling aad family of Fowler | q 'were vleltom at tbe bame of S J e Radtora tbe lent of tbe week *

I Mr and Mrs Jeba H Ribeea mo ; 'toved to FUai the laet of tbe weab. *I Gen Gleanob. B R Mmmnn. TImb I Stanton end fsmillas are «n|eiing an •

|<^ttng at Argenttoe tbia wseb ?j Mrs ttewnbi Bmltb aad eblWren of s iHolley ars bean tor a rtolt *I W R. Sbaw rtonmed to OrM Men- , e jdny from a tow toys eiiff in Detrott i • {ml to cmd after s yearto ibsinii In j W 'Ttotonit. I

Jule HGiUetaimikmr .Stteet, OMr Foal CNfIce

Mto rrtall d—l»r tm CmO***. Vr«M* mmd

Ice Cream Parlor aod Tea Boom in Ccmnecticn

Selling Cenaer^M Kameas Ire Crenm, 'tbe aol) pare cream la Iowa

.^e BmeA pewder ased.Bj Beasare- -to reals per qanrt Is

reals per pint M reals per gnllea delivered

Ire Cream Cones, every day in tbe j week i reals earb aad S far s reals

—jtn.T n, ISO.

s.iTwnsw.'i. IMWP*BS«VI1JJL

Mra Ueorpe Pmtt of Watertown, Mlae Addle Pmtt of Brerkeortoffe eall- ed at tbe hon of Mrs. O. C. Pmtt Saturday aftexnooo.

Mra O. C. Pmtt rstumsd bamc Wedaeaday olffbt after rartag for bar datisbter. Mra Viola K. Inace, wbo liad an attack of appeadicitia Mra Inace la ao an to be out again.

Mr. aad Mia. O. C. Pmtt sniertalaed Sunday G. F Ottator and wife. Hoa­ry Bllae of Riley, DeWItt Laaee wife aad daughter Rutb of Baglc, Mias Bmiaa Larsoa of Grand Lodge, Will E. Uddy, slater Mery of Bagla.

Bora uadey, July 14, to Mr. and Mis. Pauley Volk, a daughter Mother vad babe doing tlae.

Frank Qmy'a fiiende are pleaesd -to ear him out again after eucb a long sIckaeM with pneumonia.

Mra. Frank Shodduck suffered a stroke trf pamylsls laat Tuesday. Dr. Thompoon of Umad Lsdee Is attend­ing her.

U. Mire and wife of Grand Ledge called at O. C. Pmtt's Thursday after*

.Igeai tor Vemer*s yamens Giagerjnooo..lie, i reals per kettle or ky tbe Mrs J. R. Hill and brother, Cbaa.

*wse delivered. Winslow attended the abow tn Isui*


Larg e assertaMwt of randlei, at Wholesale prires Ibr per W. aad ap. Salted Heaaals, Ibe per Ih. Fresh

every day.Water Belens an ire- whole or in

halves served fbr per «llre.Try tbe lalest lee rream disbes Ib

Pikes Peak, .BL Yesnvias, Happy Tbeagbt, BarsbaMdIew Cream, * 'aata leape Haadae, HweetbeartV Favorite, Tam Tam, Llgbtalag Red, Leve Feast. Gee Gee. TIa Reef. Haaaaa Hplit, Lever's Beligbi. Meeallgbt

slag and s^iMit Sunday with their par­ents.

Barney Conway of Oakland. Csllf., called un old friends hers last week Wedaesdsy. He worked for August Jacob aome fifteen yearn ago.

Mrs. M. V. Reed is staying with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Kimtoll In St. Johns.

Milton Drake and wife of Bengal spent Sunday at Henry Pitta.

P. W. Jaaon and family spent Sat­urday and Sunday In l.Anstng.

John Roooow and John SpeerbreckMont Kiss, HHeblag Pest, er were in Lansing one day last week.

I Rev. Baaeroft prenck Qmoe M. B, ohureh Inat

Mm. Wm. .Vorgaie ec poorly.

Word was received here Tueoday noon that F. K. Muanoa, a former waH-knovm reeldsnt of this place, was dylag at Indeepndoace. Mleewtiii.

Dr. AiaoM Miller of Hnrrtovllle aad hla gmadoMitaer, Mra. Nora Mil­ler. of laingeburg were violtom at the iMNne of Oeo. Miller and fnmily last Friday.

Mra. Bee has returned hoave from Owoonri where abe hne been nursing.

Joe Rochley of Jackson Is apeadlng a few sreeks of his racatloa with his aunt, Mrs. N W. Louaobury, sod fsm- iiy.

The Epwortb laague social at the parsonage laet Friday evenlag woe well attended. Over 16 was taken In.

Senaore Voorhees and wife of Pon­tiac spent Sunday with Mr. aod .Mrs. P*red Raineey's. They came by auto.

Mrs. GtSreenwood of Toronto her daughter-in-law of Chicago bare tveen spending tbe past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo lAPolnt

Joe Jearv of Detroit spent a few. days with his aunt. Mm. R. Hazie, and family. Mrs. Jeary, daughter Olive and little son, wbo have been spending the pant three weeks here, have returned to their home in De­troit.

Mra. Anna Whicker and sons. Frank and James, with tbelr vrivee visited Mra. Oeo. LsPoInt Sunday.

Donald Bancroft of Moregca and Pearl of Bllasfleld vtslted their broth­er. Rev. Hancroft. and family a few days last week.

C3osiii^ Ovt AUe

Pumps and OxfordsMen’s, Womens’ and Childrens’

IWe pootUvely will not onrry over any of our SL’mAikI< FOOT­

WEAR. and this Mg anle In our awtbnd of dtopoMog of GXFtHUMi and PI.’MPS, early enough to give you several months wear yet this eeesoo. Bverythlng must go.

Ben't Fine Oxtovds. Ladle** Oxlevd* aad Pnmg*

All 94.00 Oxfords .--------- mai All $8.50 Valuaa . mjiAll 18.50 Oxforde .... ....... BLbb All Valuas _ „ ___ MJiAll 98.M Oxfords ...... .... ffUe All 98.50 Valuaa $1J8

All 92.50 Oxforto .. $iai All 91.00 Valuaa ..... . ____mMAll 92.00 Oxfords ............ fl.TS All 91.75 Valuaa •LM

Some redlculouely low prices have been placed on a few of tbe odds and ends of our stock. Don’t mtas this opportunity of buying good reliable, up-to-date footwear, vo cheap that you vrlll never for­get this O.VE TIME in your life.

Hulse Brothers43 ClIntoD Aveoue


Try A Liner in The News

ewwwwwwwwwwwweowooowoo* nwgwno

Suit Cases, Bags, Etc. at about


Store that thtmaam H adtrerfiaea


July QearanceAsk for Gold Bond Trading Stamps with each cash Purchase.


The Boston Dry^ Goods Co«, of Boston, Mass., one of the oldest and largest wholesale hou^ in tlm[east, are going out of business. Having decided to liquidate their dusiness quickly everything went very cheap. Our Buyers were among the lucky purchasers and truly got some wonderful

bargains in Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Domestics, Laces, Ribbon, Hosiery, Uerwear etc.

Linens - WaAjGcxxis - White Goods - Dcwnestics |_^C0S dJlcl EjH*Many new goods direct from the Great Clearance Sale at less than manufacturer's cost. ^

brodenesUp to 39c Ginghams 21clOjUtO yards of manner of Im­

ported Freneh and Scotch Ginghams and Bngilsh ShIrMngs. in stiipea, checha. plaids aad bars; all colore, rieerancc Sale price, yard .IT^

18c Serpentine Crepe 11c2.0A0 yards of genuine Serpentine

erepee. In full pieces and mill lengths, neat kimoaa designs. GlMraace Sale price, yard ___ __________

lOc Gingham 7 l-2cIftr staple Nureee* Striped Seep>

sucker Ginghams. Clearance Sale price. mrd...„ 7 l-2e

Ike l4iwn br.Otir ontlre stock of IS-cent lawns

3h inches wide, fine quality, in stripe*, dots, rkigs and floral draiens. Sab- prlrc. yard

|f|» ifi Ibe l,awn* 7Hc,l.V .nnd 11*r fine SO and lo-hich

Sheer Fancy laiwna. tn stiif «. dote, newt figiiree and floral efrecta. Sale price, yard 7

Sto White Geed* lie.2,0b0 yards of Bmbrolderad Battate,

Dotted Mulla and Embroidered Walst- Ingi at Clearaaco Bale price. yard ..................... ............................. 11^

Linens$1.00 Damask 75c

tl.OO Pure Linen Satin Dnmaok good weight, splepdld quality. Cl ance Sale price, yard.—..................TS#

Up to $1.35 Damask $1.09Several odd and part pieces of

Damask which napkins are gene to match. 1125 and 11.35 values. Sale price, yard ............... ............. 81

25c Towels 17c25c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels,

both hemmed and fringed. 24x4.'’t-lnch nixes. Sale price, each...... ....... 17^

lie Tewel* llHc.

15c Hemmed Bleached Bath Towels. lKx3K-lnrh sixes. Clearance Sale price, each . --------------- 11 l-3c


Domestics25c Sheeting 19c

9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, good, firm 25c queltty. Cleerance Sole price, yard----------------------------------------

28c Sheeting 22ck-4 full Bleached Sheeting. Sheet­

ing good, firm ISc quality, riearaace Sale price, yard............................ 22#

1.500 yards of beauUfuI new 1912 embrold-l eviee. toll 1* and 27 Inchos wide, made on fine Btokre|4er- Freneb Swiss and Maglish nalaaoolm. excellebt


underweyard. n: 21c

lOc Sheeting 7 l-2clOc yard wide Bleached Sheeting,

good quality. Free from starch. Bale price, yard -.......71*2#

I:f4c Hbeetiag 9c12 1-2r extra qiialfiy of yard wide

Bleached Sheeting Clearancf Sale price, yard ..

6c railriHt 8c.

vards of lijfht .medium and durk Print, and Calicos. Bale prl<1 nrd

ttc beauUful freab embroidery flounclngn full 27 inebee wide, made on a very sheer Bwlee. Tbey oonse in conrentlonal, florni aad solid patteran. Clenmnoe eale price, yard 47#

650 yards of ST-lnch embroidery. *11 pretty pattenm In eyelec French embroidered deelgas, etc., standanl bSc qoblity. July cleornncc anle price, yard-----------------------------------------3A#

12 l-3c pure linen torchon lace edges wltb| Insertions to match, from 1 to 3 inches wide, good vrashable potteras. Cleerance sale price, T«rd --------------------------------------------- 3 1-2#

5c Val. laces and Insertions to match. In fine dainty patterns, all choice lares Bought at a very low price Clearance niI»- price, yard-------- --- ------ ------- 2g<.

Sic rietnc.

47cbir Bm-


39c121# Uwe




50c, 7.*»c, 91.00, 91.25 aad 91.50 odd and part!I I* *** 61.«ib pieces of laces, bands, insertings and ••dge*’ from 4 to 15 tnehss wide, all in one clearance sale price, yard

Extra —Silks and Dress GoodsJULY CLEARING

Our silk and dress goods stock must be cleaned uft before the new goods come in. ('ost has not been considered in marking all odd or slow selling materials.

br to 7ir HBbs

Up to 75c Silks 27c2.bbb yards of plain aad fancy Bllka. Includ­

ing plain 71c TaBctan. 71c FouMrin. 14 IncbM wide. Tie Corded Bilks, itc fancy Fnuiaid. A new tot from tba Clmiwncc Bale. PbblUvnly Me, 59c. 6ic aad 71c SUIm. Sato pries,yawl............ 27#


YARD 39c.Up to $1.25 Silks Bt 44c

9 yaivN of ptota aad toner Bflba bach m I**' to11 to toaev Bllka II «a r and B plala Bilk Faa- iins ft m Buahaaa Fspitai. 9i ba plala fbl* hlonaallas. btofk TaBeta 91 to plala Tda-

Remnants3b6 raauuiBto of plain and fancy

Wool Drees Oooda, 48 to M lacbca wide. 1 1-2 to 6 yarto. Matcrtala tkat always cold at Ilto. llJb. 91.71 and bale prtocw yard 44#


big lot »tIQ7^11.371.3r!0f 2li

and Under? ear at on the Dollar


Ito and tic Veals 12Hc.One lot of sample Vsoto, fine Swloa

ribbed and guaae Itoto. alocly trimmed, verloue etaee. Some ere elIcbUy muaato from beadllaff. Clenraaee Bale price, each ... 12 1-2#

12 1-2 Hqse 9cOne tot of cblldrea^ bleek and tea

ribbed Moae A peed firm stocklnff that wHi wuar. Bale price, pair..


Remnantsibo remaeata of plain aad fancy

^owi Ivraea Oande, 49 to inek i 2 to t yard 1 aatbe. all w«al

i.^u>rlale that eold frrm Me to bbe All at eel* p*4^s yeid SJI#

15c Vests 7 l-2cOne big tot of Ik Swloa ribbed

V«4e. low neek. ao elesvae. A alee summer wMgki riaaranae Bale pHee, rack 7 1.2#

Mr aad $LbbOne tot of Sae >v


Up toOa* bH i

12 l-2c Vests 6c

oak SHke.yawl

ell 17 toarbea wv4» Bel*44# 33c

o' end It 1-Sr Swla* ObbwJ A’oeto Eto^ly trlannaji with nabod aad aoveliy imli ga*ia* V«am.

neeb. ao etoevea ismptoe ellffbt- tv •.Mied rieareav* Bale priea, aaeb gg

a Hale aad Bvloa ’'••to, paate aad uataa satta.

Nto* to raa wtib tibboa tow aeob. aa aleavaa. Bala prtc*. aacb _ 32#

Up to 50c Underwear 19cOne tot of ladtoa lac* tvtonwbd

Voato. Paam aad*l*atoa Balia mienm* Veata aad Faato with tlsbt hasa riaaraace Bale price

50c and 7Sc Hose 21c•• pelrs of |o Tv embroMavad

M bpaa wark Napr, black aad toa Bato prtoa, pair 31^



CALL uinoiv m. caul CLurroii ti♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦ BCTTSEMirr HBAD ♦♦ Mii ^♦ jmm C99wam♦ ♦♦♦♦♦

♦ ^♦ ■IJCILI MUim ♦♦ ♦♦ rBLBBT Mi FBIJITH ♦♦ ♦

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ HOLLAKD BCflEH ♦♦ Mi ♦♦ DAlim DBUCACBN ♦♦ ♦



» 111 TOWB AJVB oinr. ♦A ♦

OiotM BBrwt I* Smm ItaH tMUSIt Umi HBTpcr «M In Owa—o Snninjr Banilen HodM wan la LMsins

lMMr« wttti D. L. Hunt. tfOlMMs fittnd. Dr. 8«anlr. ttCmm PnhMT apMt Buniny la Mu-

ikm.M*— Vain Troop aiMat Buaday la

A. W. UurkM waa Buoiay

A. M. Baeoa Is la

la Uraad RapMs

rsnioa oa Inart-

Blaaeiia Daztar apMt Suaiay wttli frlsais In laastaa

Jack Uaanlac ot Fowtarrllla spaat orar Sunday la 8t Johas

D^lay milar was In North Btar rts-


Player Pianos Sewing Machines Sheet Music

Striugs and Musical Merchandise


Ona Block So«stK of Roilroosl. WLmmt Sido of Stvoot

A. n. Bullard la la Datralt thk waak Tlsltlac ralatlrao.

W. A. Ooaaor at Saranac eaJlad oa rraads Tsft last Friday.

fJarali Daatoy and WIIHaai MeKln- lay wars la Laaslaa Bunday.

W. R. Osic«Mid attaadad tna fumitura eshlblt at Omnd Rapids Moadsy.

Mrs. Una Woodruff apaat Sunday with har aistar, Mrs L. L. Com. la AUaa.

Tha crowd of youac paopla at Round Lake ohaparoacd by Mm. 1. T. Hartoa. raturmad booM Tuaaday.

I Mm. Tbomas Flshbum and daugh- ! tar, Ruth, want to Ithaca Wadnasdsy for a tan days* rlalt with ralatlraa.

Mm. E. A. Talmadga and daughter. I Uoana. want to St. Louis Tuesday for

, tkla waak i * waaks’ rlalt with hap pareaU.jltlag ralatlras thla j Luick of Reliltng return*Mm. Arthur Wllsoo Is rlsltlng ^ home Wadneaday after apandlng

friends In Lowall this weak. ^ thma waaks with Mlaa Edna Jackway.I Mm. I. Benstnger la >ia4tlng ftiands . Mr. and Mm. W A. Annlng and dsu* In OtM the latter pnn of the weak. I ghter. Mdith. of Aurom. HI., are rlalt*

I I. r. Tnfl and Pmak Hyntt ware In Ing lieno' Mallery and family of this I Lansing on hualnass last Thumdny. iclty.' Jokn O. K.lleT 0* IlMoii •iMit Sui- i

mw^ um w h* turned hone Monday' after spendingI day with Mr. and Mm W. E ^ytw^.Ida Darla Is in loala spending the

week with her sister. Mm. May Bad- i „ i^ I tirace Patteraoii la si>ending two„__ „ .__. . weeka with her aiatera. Mm. Albert

Mr. and Mm. Brnass ot, ^ Schlegel, Intirsnd KapMa ware In Bt. Johns Bun* i

1 Mrs. Wm n. Lyon retiiraad iMt Mr. and Mm F. A. Tmrls are ydng from a two weeks visit with

: to Detroit the Inst of the waak for n j,^,. brother. Houston Paterson, In ikys. Ulrand Ledge,

j Clayton Bloomer and Margaret Fll- Mr. and Mm. A. E. Lamble and Mr.' liBger want to the circus in Owoaao , and Mm. R. G. Southerland of Qrand last Friday. ' lAdge were Sunday rlsltom of Dr.

MSm BMaa Brown of Poatlsc Is i sni Rra. Squalrs.• spending the week with Mr. and Mm. ' -Mr. and Mm. A. B. Dexter and son

Fraik Fnatlt. MMid Psotlt aai Mlti ishi apsnt ffrnilnr at AlwarM l^ks. Oaofga Broska aai Mias Unlils Pal

Mr ware Bnsdsy rlaitom In Oraw

Ruth Flshbum ihs with Ithnss

: Nelson BeotLHoward Jennings of Grand Rapids

j la a guest this week of James Earle I and linrry Hninllton.

.Vim. C. L Thompson spent Wfalnes-

IR. B. returned Saturday from x two ! weeks' visit with Mr. and .Mrs. L F. (MPson in Greenbusti.

Dr. and Mm. E L .Martin and Mm. I George Campbell and daughter Gen- , evlere of Maple Rapids were in Ann

Myrtle Wlleas andare spandlag two weirrlsads.

Mm. Tyler Georgls Martin of Fowler were In St. Johns Monday.

Mr. and Mm J. M DsWItt rstumad last weah froas a rlslt to Michigan City and ChloaMu.

Dam tee Incharlns went to Grand Rnplda Monday for a two weeha* rlalt with mlatlran

Mr. and Mrs. H. E Bpancer and aoo Hnrold wsre Sunday guesta of Mm. John McKinley.

Mnhel Stark of Stmtford, Ontario. Is spending the week with her aunt. Mm C. A. Mock.

Mr. and Mm. A. M. Peck attended the fuaeml of their uncle. C. B. Perry. In Ionia Monday.

Jeaa Mead la home from St. Louis where be has leen spending hla two weeks* rscatlon.

George WIIsod, who has been rery ill with blood poisoning la bis foot s 111 p.orlng rapl’lly.

•Mr. and Mm. J. Holbrook and dau­ghter Edith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. L J. Holbrook.

Mm. Andrew Geeek of Owoaao spent the limt of the week with her daugh­ter. Mm. Glenn Uaaley.

Marguerite and Katherine O'Connel of Hubbardston were in St Johns Wednesday for the day.

E. J. Rooney of Toledo. Ohio, Is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mm. DarM Andrews.

Mabel McKinley went to Detroit the latter part of laat week to spend mar- eral weeMi with relatlraa.

Mm. M. D Hubbard and children ! of Pontiac are spending the week with ! Mr. and Mm. J. T. Millman.

Mm. John .McKinley started this week for Detroit and Whltsaore to visit relatives for aeveml weeks.

Vem Beatty of New Lochrop cams this week for several weeks' visit with her friend. Mlsa Loretta Andrews

Cora Kreaa of Cleveland onine Mon-

naan at 0. H. MsrkanU lo thalrPatar Nuffsr. Mr. and Mm. Frank lag tha

JusBfesr and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bear- - hare.

afta^noon at Monnd Imha. dran anant Sundav eeanSmr atThem wtti be a dnnotng party at SnSaTT South RUoy grange bnll Friday eran lag. Augnat A los craasa and oahi

and Mlaa Bva will be aarved.

In OH dty after ipand- weak with mlattrsp


have a good thne.Bom. July f. to Mr. and Mrs. Will

Tledt. a Sna baby boy named Harold John.

Mr. and Mm. Joa Leader mtnmed

Mlaa TUlle Bahran la apandlng this weak with har brother and family la Qrand Lodge.

C W. Storglo wan la Bt Johns onhiiBtnoaa Tuoaday.

Bora to Wm. Tladt and wife a nan, July Ik.

iiUy in Ovid with her husband, who la ^^lor on bualneaa Tumday.;ill in the hospital. Helen Mamhall. Annie Flldew. Dor-

Mr. and Mm. Clam McKinley of ! othy Chapman. Esther Parr. Helen , . - ______Flint spent Sunday with their mother, i Hrofleid »nd Velma SIHght are harlag T-Li i2!- naiTi!. ■.

! Mm John McKinley. ja picnic at Alward Lake today.I Mm. George Wright and two sons Mr. and Mm. T. M. Roche and dau-

ghtem, Virginia and Eleanor, of Chi­cago spent the latter part of last week with relatives in St. Johns.

Mm. Andrew Geeck of Owoaao and daughter. Mm. Glenn Dahley, and fton. Jack, of 8t. Johns are spending the latter part of the week with rela­tives In Grand Rapids.

I of Milan am spending the week with Mr. and Mm J. P. Mlnard

. Mr. and Mm. E. I. Hull. Mlaa Caddie

.Shaver and Mm. Chariaa McFarlan - spent Sunday In Ovid and BMe.I Mm. F. F. Murdock and daughter I lAum went to Remus last Friday for a two weeks' visit with relatives.

I Della Blzby of Pontiac apant the lat-Zeltna l*utt, Clara Putman. Della

Rixby and Reraloe Hodge of St. John—. 1----- —s^^Hn ter part of last week with her slater, i and Beatrice Griswold and Carrie

aooeeeooaoooaaoooown ' P^Nrl Blzby, and 81 Johns friends. Osborne of 1mi sing enjoyed a picnicRobert Waldron of Cinoliiiiatl, who at Alward Lake last Friday,

baa been vlalting his aunt. Mm. EL., Mr. and Mm Henrv- Clark went to i Dooling. went to Saginaw Monday. ' Flint Tuesday. Mr. Clark will atay

Mm. A. T. Smith and aoc, Fsul i Smith drove by auto to White Lake last Saturday returning Wednesday.

Mm. M. Bower returned to her home In Ashley Friday after spending

^ a week with Mr. and Mm. Chariaa a I Jones.2 ! Helen Marehall, Annie Flldew and a I Dorothy Chapman enjoyed the Buf- * I falo Bill cirrus at Owoaao laat Fii- i daughter, a I day. 1 Port Sill.

Your chance toSaveWe Wish To Clean Out The

OXFORDSleft of this season’s styles. In order to do so in a few days have made the following greatly reduced prices.

Men’s$3.50 Oxfords for $2.50

3.00 Oxfords for 2.002.50 Oxfords for 1.502.00 Oxfords for i.oo

$4.00 Oxfords for3.50 Oxfords for 3.00 Oxfords for2.50 Oxfords for

SmIb gtarli SmtuitlRy, July 13, 1912, at 9 o'clock.

Combo oorly and got your siae bofore it is gooo.

Doty & Reed**Thm Storm That Savma You Monmy.**

SA JgbBi Uiilpa

Hints to Housewives IWe are receiving freah vegetables every day and guarantee a

you will find juat what you want here. Our line of

{parents. Mr. and Mm. Philip KMiss Thea Peck, who baa been vis­

iting Mr. and Mm. L R. Peck, return­ed to her home in Vaaaar this week.

Pauline Hoffman and Florence Hodgektnson of Charlotte went to Fowler Monday to vlatt the former’a parents.

Mr. and Mm. G. O. Zlgler of New York City came Wedneaday to spend a week with bis parenu. Mr. and .Mm. I. J. Zlgler. •

Dr. Dean W. Myem, Mrs. A. E. j Owen and Mias Dorothy Myers spent two days of laat week with Dr. and j Mrs. J. B. Dodge. <

James Earl went to Battle Creek this week to spend the month. From there be goes to Big Rapids to attend the Feriia Institute.

Mr. and Mm. 8. Gardner and aon

there as they expect .to move their goods there aoon but l%s. Clark will return In a few days to pack the goods.

Mm. J. E Cartwright of Durand,^. . . . .. ____ .returned home Tuesday after visiting ! ^ Gertrude went to

GROCERIESla always dependable and you'll find us always ready to fill your or-

Mr. Cartwright's parents, Mr. and Mm C. E. Cartwright aeveml days. Mr. Cartwright spent Sunday with bis parents

Mra. C. S. Alllaoo of

Qrmiid Rapids Monday to spend sever' al daya with relatives.

Dr. and Mm. John Houten of Flush­ing called on Mr. and Mm. I. F. Taft

Owoaao and i “<****> •• passing in theirMm. Harold R. Miner of I Oklahoma, spent the fimt {

Mra. Bert Hamlll and two children of the weeek at the hoane of Mr. and

der, no matter what It may be.

Frank J. WardSk. Jonnai* Mich.

a I of Pigeon spent the latter part 2 j last week with Mr. and Mra. J.* i Mlnard.* Mr. and Mm. Charlea Pierce ot a ! Roulette. Penn, visited the latter pnrt* 'Of last week with Mr. and Mm. Matt a I Mullen.

of ' Mra. R. G. Allison. P. I spent Sunday here

C. S. Allison also

Helen and Marguerite Stocker, who have been visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mra. W. N, Stocker, for a few days, returned to their home in Ovid Tuesday. Helen Burk accompanied I

auto through St. Johns.Allen Reach. Hairv* Walaworth, De-

Witt Hunt and Melvin Bmoka were on I Grand river Sunday. The latter two I were aleo In Portland.

Mlaa Gail Atkins of Detroit came Wedneaday to spend a few days with her mother. Mm. Guatle Atkins, and slater. Mm J. N. Smith.

> •mmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmm


COMINGThe swelleat stock campanj aadcr eaavnas. lllx Maatbs mn in

Lansing. Fite yenm la Michlgiia.Wdsk and fl'aJbeame present

Whitney’s &och Co.ONE SOLID WEEK Starting


t hnage sf play nighlly latradacing ifichigaa*s Pepalar I.itlle Htor

Miss Lou Whitney.'vapperted hy that Fanny Cemadhia

Billey Wallx>rneThe apening play, the ihrflllag, pawarfaL latonscly latoreallag dm*

nMllc pradadlan

The Gypsy and the Gentlemanwith a cant of FOURTHKN selaetad arttaSa. Rteratad stoffs. carload

lery. nwgalffelsHt coatumas, a brilliant Ilghtad canvaai


of apselal tbaatrerF.TO-TMK.amrTK MIHHINI* and OlxnHB

Snappy Orebealm wNb NnappyMFRCULTIFt. A

Prices - 10 and 20 cents

• Ruth Patterson returned laat e ' Thursday from a two weeks' vMt J ; with her uncle, C H. Patteraon, In a 'Jactanon.2 Mr. and Mm. .lohn Chapin.• ; have been spending the past month ta 2 I Innatng. returned bonae to SC Johnaa : this waaE• Mrs. J. S. Valentine of Hubbard-

son apant a few daya the latter pnrt of hwt week with Mr. and Mm Al C. Valentine.

Mrs D. J. Steel and son Roland went Friday to Toledo. Ohio, for a week's visit with her alater, Mrs. Pavli Lucas

Florence laabell went to Mt. Ptena ant Monday to visit her sister. Jeanie lanbell. who la attandtng sunmwr school there.

Mr. and Mm. G. L. Flint spent the ' latter part of last week with the I former's parents. Mr. and Mm. P. H. 'Flint In Flint

Feolmore Putt returned laat Frl- !day from a three weeks' stay at Torch : latke and with his uncle. Dr C W.’ Ihitt. In Bellslre.

Mr and Mm. J W Wilson and son. Derlllo. spent the latter part of last

I week with their brother, Ernest Innre, In «> •

Claud A. U - . x-i of Billings. Montana returned home Krldnv after s|M*ntllag three weeks with his slater. Mm. Fl«'‘vd Durkee.

Mm. Lk P Plowman mlurned to her home In North Star Monday after spending a re's- werSt? with her par (-lie. Mr and Mr* James ('bapman

Mra. Floyd Durkei- and brother, (iaiul A. Rwnod, went by auto to tVai rtoan iavt Thursday to rail on relativaa ind also C '' w.^xiruff In TV Witt

lytuls GIffels, ahu baa been work- , mg In Bay ( tty. has accepted a poal- tkm with the "Sau News" at th» Boo He went there Saturday to taka up hie work

Mm P. K. Jackson sad cklldrsn. Keaneth aad l.eiura. are In Madlaoa for a three wsoka* vMt with Mm Jackaaa s parental Mr sad Mm. F. T. Rmaeh.

Mr aad Mm Siepkaa Fladley f»f PlalaBsW, 111., spaat a few days Use

;j kilter part of last waak witk tkatr uaele. Jaoaaii Terry aad Mr. aad Mm

The following young ladies from St Johns enjoyed a picnic at Alward Lake laat Friday: Peiart and Della Blzby, Laura and Luclle Walker, Hazel Plow- mao. Clara Putnam. Zelma Putt and

who |Carrle Oabome of Laaalng. They wereentertaUned In Igocher's.

the evening at Frank

akMUMUaaS NV.tIgO, pf L-

ai 9< al kilL

**An ouncm of prmvmn- tiowTim worth a pound of

flhrory puncture aad cut needs a ranady.

Steam vuloaaizlng la the bast, auraat. ebaapsat aad aaf- ast In the long run. Tires and tubas are made am atrong .xs new onas.

Patchsa WILL NOT stick in hot sand, the coment WILL MELT and a bkrw-out may oc­cur. To ran a rod on a flat tire may damage It and the tube beyond repiUr.

Tire cuts demand Immediate attention or the aand will work through the fabric and rhafe the tube

Why pay two bills where one will Bvifllce?

<^;et your work done any day

S. N. Shaffmr*a Garage,

T>r. J, B. Dodge, Wm. J, Moaa and Frank Bloomer went to Detroit Mon­day night, returning Tueaday night with an E-M-F oar for Mr. Bloomer.

Stanley Wllsoo spent Sunday and Monday with bis slater. Neenah, at' Tpallantl. Mlaa Neenah la quite 111 ; with a low fever and return^ home j with him.

Mm. C. 8. Scofield and Mm. Walter Wyrkoff entertalaad a amall company of ladies at bridge Monday afternoon In honor Mm C. 8 Alllaoo and Mm. Harold E. Miner.

Miller Moore of Lnnslng apant Sunday with hla mother. Mm. Maggie Moore Miller will start for Pelican Lake, Wlsi. Tbumday to spend the re­mainder of the summer with bis uncle, P. H. Moore.

Mr. and Mm. Robert Kelley and dau­ghter Elisabeth who have baen at Crystal the past week came home to apend Sundav returning to Cryatai Monday to rtay until Thuraday. Mrc. R. Goette accompanied them back i Monday. j

W. H. Burk of Chicago spent Satur- day at the home of Mru J. D. Hender­son Ills daughter. Marie, who Is j spending the summer here, arcompan- ^ led him to Innla Sunday to apend the ! day with his pxrenu. Mr. and Mm. i Wm Burk.

.Mr. and .Mm Frank Ward. Mr. and :

H tniapman. Mr and .Mm E L Dool- 1

Lake Sunday


Eiarly Settson Gooda at Late Season Pricea

Wa have sonaa dainty patterns In

Sterling Silver Spoons at 7ScLet ua show you some

La Valliers• ; We hare them from

$2.00 up

An aaaortmeBt of TIa Clips whic h we will offer tor a abort time at S# cants. Thase are goods of much better value

and must be seen to be appreciated.


Ever Stop toThat

WilloughbyCan sell


Ladies’ Free TICKET

One Lady Admitted FREE on the Opening Night Accompanied

hy One Paid Adult Ticket

I F TaftIfm A c Omhem and two daugh-

tem siartod for Iterlki, Oniarla aal- •:rds« for s all waska visit with rel- |

•: Silvas Mr flfxiheai want with Can ! Ntvpaea hv s'lw*

Mtss Ml mil fWby af Tpslkuiti. who i’, sa* spending tor past two wsaha {

! w<*h aietsm. Mm lha OUlsas aad i itrs FVnxi Takaf, af Boath BtofflHMa.

Imramwl bams Manisy.Mr sad Mm Ossega Ksreber and

Rsna. Mr sad Mrs TiMasss Ftobism and danjiiev FmneSs. :

iJnnni and Mm rpna Mstrlii Mr and j llir* Win ^enae Mv and Mm. 1 iFmaa Bafhsnh and Ftsmnsi neang- ^ |e- ««at bt astoa to Cryssal lsa« ft 'as* or- apend 1B« day

The ideal summer Cut Flowers



$1.00 per doz.

Woodbuo’s Flower Store

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ SOI TH RILFT. ♦♦ ♦; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦

Alice aad Mlaa Oscll Peabady of l.4Ui- alng spent Sunday afteraoan with Mr. aad Mm John Read aad family.

Mr and Mm Cheater St Peter aad Mlaa Tlllte Rsiimn of Igusaing attand- ed the daadng parry at Merle Rsneh maart laat Friday evsntag

Mr. and Mm Jaha Adams entoe- talnad rampnny tram St JaBaa Ban­dar.

Mr aad Mm Wm Wyaimorsland and Mias Fsm llataer, spent Saturday afteratma with Mr aad Mm JniNi Reed

Mlaa FWawD Adams nf St Jahns leeent Manday with her pavansa. Mr {and Mm Jauiaa Adamsj Mrs Tressii- and daagbters

aiahi and BavardsT wBh b** papsntv Mr and Mm Wm WsWmatsiaad

I Qa:i** s aasaks' fman this ptaea si jtendsd d*aHae r-Hv at Merle • F-n-'h lest FrSday aialit

aad Mm Htairr Jaekmna and hsfkam and Maftossa. Mm



ar ..aah tar wttmr -*-**------- * am*

No. Clinton Are. St. Johns, Mich.

lookTIiis list OnerSonstliing ttat

You Want



Yoa will fiiMl it iaStodiat

Clark’SSales Rooms

Come in—you're more than wel­

come or call223 Union Phone 80«2r Farmer’s Phone

GasolinoEoginosFairhaiiks-Morse and

.iiany other makes, Sta- tionarv and Portable from 1 1-2 to 15 H. P. $30.00 and up.

Pomp JacksPumping Outfit for

farm Houses.

Electric Lighting Plants for

Farm Houses.Soft-water Outfits for

City Homes.Electric lOasiers

Electric Flat Irons Electric Fans Elec. Cooking Plates Tungsten Lamps.

Grinnell Washing Machines,

hand and power SILOS.

Fnsilag** Cutters snd Silo Feedtrrs

(Appleton and Climax) Corn H uskhrs - Appleton

S. Cream Separators Michigan Separator

4if Pulle3rs

Power and Hand Pumps Windmills.

Saw Frames. Circular Saws Feed Grinders.Com Shellers.Drain Spades

Drain Cleaners (Iwan Line)

Post Hole Diggers. Spraying Outfits. Hand or power Spray hose, noxzle

bamhoo. Extension, etc. Belting,

Shafting, Hangers.Pulleys.

Bees Wax, Belt Laces.Belt Hooks,

OIL—monogram—the best for your autoor

gas engine Wt Batteries. Fresh Stock,

High test.


SubseiibMW for jnmr paper* ud VlmS (’lark a HulaVa Btg 4 Off Suit i tb* .N*wm at Huaf* Dm* Stow*. D*- *•* John*. ad. pa«p It.

tt I T' -I” ba iTP* ’.In« a'I . 1,.^ Ii. Li. SuuoM) •vi-uu**.i Vl*e (Mark a flul*«% Bts 4 Off Suit ' July 11. by Rev. Roa«.

;it St. Jobaa S««* ad. past* It. j Urrt Parka la bom« from tbe Col- "jlra. Maud liaWlU and llltl* child a part of tbia w*Hi

viaiicd Mr. and Mr«. Victor Clarey I RolU Huff Is vialilna bU daughter 1.!^ weak. ‘ay I wnatag tbIa waak.

,V-» victor Clavay of tbia place, j Mr. and Mm. JoLm Turner and threa . 'Im Ora Maad of ^e«. Mm. .Vdolpb | daugbtara of Aablay. Mr. and Mm ^ Urya and soa Victor of LaLngsburg Hart McKInstry and daiiahfer

vimiicd Mr. and Mm. B. H. White at j and Bart Wagnar of LHiplalu. Mr. and ifuailotte laat waak. Mm. Verne Hrewbakar and two wona

Sheriff Scharey and family of St. i of Klala aad Mr. and Mm Robert ('a- Jobna vlaltad hla paranU. Mr. and ^kmo and eon of Kamka were gueats

'Mra. Theo. Schavey Suaday. Mr. and Mm Wilaon Hrewbakerj Miaa laium Woodruff vWaited Mr. i and family Sunday.- and Mm. B. H. White in Cbnriottr laat Mm. Joaaph llollen of Homer la iweek. vifitlDg her daughter. Mm. M. S. Ore-

Mlaa Marguerite Woodruff left Rory.^ Monday for an eatamleiJ trip with R. . KeynoWa Oregorv apent a part of : K OMa family and a party of las' w«^k at Pred Coleman‘a In Weal'oUiar friends. The luirty experu to i Ore^nbuah worklna In the hay. rlalt Baltlamre. .N. Y.. aad many ; Pmnk Staebell vlaltad hU iiarenu

! iwlnta of Internal before tbeir retuni Mm. aKte (liinold returned home

In iHimnd over Sunday.K J. Rlnlnger and family attended

= last week after visiting in I.«nslnfc ‘he Buffalo BUI show at Owoaso Prl.


and at I*lar Lake some time.Tbe fsmillea of K. VanKleet. Cbaa.

Webb. Karl VanPleet. Carl VanFleet and Charlee liorenx took a trip In their auloa to .Mt. Pleaaant laat Sun* ihiy.

I^tn Cutler and Mr Smith of Riley arent to Shepardeville Sunday anu from there went to Fowler, Pewarao and i*ortland in an auto.

.Mrs .Marie Moore of KItle waa a rsller in town .Monday

dayC. J. liennls and Dennis Sawyer

epent laat Friday at lamslng and nne Lake.

1). L. Kaegle of St. John* visited hla daughter, Mm. Belle Sery. a part of laat week.

Mias liottia Silvern of .St Johns Is preparing her inusir class here for a recital to In* given at the htMiie of .Mm Hd Burk July 2te.

.Mr and .Mm Perr> iUirnuhy were.Mrs. Jerome Dills visited Mr an I ( Ki esia at Will Daggetta In Creenbuab

Mrs .Marc Ciitlar In Riley Saturday | ‘Sunday.and .Sunday ' The Silvern Family showed to a

Mr and Mrs Kugene Portves to«»k ] l«rg* crowd here last Thursday night an auto flip to Mancelona, Peioskey. j James l>aggett waa In lireckenridge

■ llarUir Springs ami other iioluia of business the fimt of the week. Interest. They returned home last 1 -'‘f- Mm. L. Wright returnedFriday home Saturday from a hve weeks*

A baked goods sal* will he held at . visit with relatives at Alma and I the Crange hall Saturday, July 20th. | •*^u*B*‘""unty.

Mm Floiiun and sons and the Mis- { Mias hXn** Price of St. Johns is ses Shank of Watertown were callem i spending this week at the home of her at the home of .Mr. and Mm Bert |‘uother here.Florian Sunday. | Otia Miller was in Owoaso on busl-

Mm. ejnnie Rouse of Lansing clalt- . neas last Thursday.' «*d Mrs. Mary J. VanFleet Sunday. i l*rnf. and Mm. (5. H. Curtis and son

The following ofllcem were elected | Tmverse City have lM*«n visit-’at the regular meeting of tbe D. of R. |‘Oft *1 Uie home of i>r. and Mrs. Ore- last Saturday night: O.. Lixxl*'I Rviry. Mr. ('urtls returned to bis(*hsdwlck: V. O., Maggie Keck: R. S.. I borne In Traverse Chy Sunday while

] .Miss Ida Scott; treas., K. D. Williams, i Mm. ('urtls, who has undergone aIce cream and cake were served at very serious o|iemtion, will remain the close of the session ' about two w-«>eks longer.

.Mrs ('harles Hammond and chll i Mr and .Mm. Floyd lawich and Wil-fdren and Oscar iliistol of St. Johns R* attended the circus In latuslng : visiltHl Mr and Mm. .Mronroe Colo j Baturdsy .and visited her relatives at Saturday and Sunday. [Charlotte over Sunday.

Claud Smith of Wahoginning Fruit i Owen Stearns and Orant Hixson Farm near Torch laike. Antrim coun- : digging a well for Mr. Strongty and .Miss Winifred Bdniuu of Ben- {near .North Star, tly were married at YpallanU July 3,11*12. They made a short visit at tbe home of his parents. Mr. and Mm. M D Smith.

Mm Charles Alien and Mm. Cran­ston of Lansing visited Mr. and Mm. Karl VanFleet last week.

Karslui Kiaageliral < harrh Tfates.Kureka—Preaching by the pastor

at 11 a. m. ITayer meeting Tbum- day.

('ounty Une—Preaching by tbe pastor at 2:30 p. m. Sunday school

Merton Hunt of Baniton, Mecosta I “Y 10-So a. ni. Prayer meeting Wed- county. la visiting his aunt, .Mm. Er- neaday evening.villa Lott.

Dr. Simmons of Detroit visited bis parents, l>r. and Mm. Slrarooas, the

Fulton—Preaching by the paaior at :S0 p. ni.. Sunday school at .

m. Pmyer meeting Thursday even- [first of the week. He has been hav- i ‘*Ht-Ing his vacation and spent a few I Washington Center-.No preachingdaya in .Northern .Michigan on Lsa ' Sunday . Sunday school at 10:30Cheneaux Islands In laike Huron. He l»- “>• Other services and social raeet- was tortiinate enougti to catch a 104 ^ Yhe usual time.TTi. pickerel which he sent home and ' Splendid meetings. Everybody In-•‘••veml of his DeWItt friends were vltrilrominafe enmygh to sample It It -----------------

pronounced by all jo tw* A No. 1.




♦ PKH’K. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mm. 1*. H. Washburn Is on the sick list.

•Mm J. Beanip is visiting her mo-K C Waltx ha* a new auto.The latdifls* Aid serve Ice cream on I ther-in-law. Mm. H Stover.

I the church lawn Friday nigh:, j Ada iuid .Myrtle Patterson of Fow- ! ler have lN*en s|N>ndlng u few days'. TisiUng their sister. .Mm. Edwin Skinner,

•Mr. and .Mm. James Carney called on H. Stover's Sunday.

There waa quite a few went to Dwimso to the obow.

There will be an Ice cream social atMr. and .Mrs. William .Marsh imd ; R^y Cappen'a a week from Saturday

j son Hiirl s|>ent Saturdar and .San- jdav an uncle and aunt near T Shaftsburg.

-Mr. and .Mm. Ia>yd Montague of : laiingsburg and Mr. and .Mm. Arthur I Stowe of FViwler attended tbe (lleaner meeting at Prosper Arbor Saturday

} night..Mr and Mm. Arthur Stowe of Fow-

nigbt All are InvitedEsm Sutllff onlied on Mloa Maiia

Demmlngs laat Friday.Miss Agnes oalM on Mm. (l«o. Mr-

Qulstlon laat Wednesday and Thurs­day.

Charles Sutllff has bought a big auto car.

Mrs. Elixabeth Calem. who hasler apent Saturday nllght and Sunday ' been working In Hartwtek Is homewith Ada Arthur.

.Mm. Roy Stlisoii spent a few- days I laat week visiting relatives in OvM. I Mr. SUIsun went Saturday evening and accompanied his wife home Sun­day eveaing.

Itr. \ A. laiwemon and three of his gentlemen friends from iamalng call-

led on his aunt. Mm laicy I^eonard, «July 7th entertaining her with some nne vocal music. Tbe .voung men

I sing in a church In lainaing. The songs were much enjoyed by the aunt she being an Invalid. They sang at flagle In the afternoon

Oienn Wbitem la at the home of hla parenu very atek with gmvel.

Mm. .Nom Marmlog nee Fields Is Ike guest of .Mm. Roy Slllson this Week.

At the aSBual school meeting this jrear Hdwin Mkinaer wga elected di­rector at l*rlce sod William OtBe was elected dirsrtor at tbe Kmppa acbool

la»ia of bay yat not cat. Hay la this vtrinliy Is a good crop aad b*tag pat up In tne shape Oora la small hat nearly all Welds have goad siaad

caring for her mother. Mm. I*. H. Wsahbum.

Mm Erne Sutllff. who has been visiting the iiaat week returned home Suhdscy to Toledo.

.Mloa Eunice SImpaon called on 8. Coleman's Monday of this week,

V. Huggwtc baa sold bis farm to L. Baker at OIney.

Mm. Pearl Wilaon baa mtumed home to IVnatlac. She was accom- imnled by her coaoln. Zors Coppta.

.Mloa Hdith Bullard has been quite sick the past few days.

T Burch Is working for C. .Sand- ford.

(narence pyiver la working for Jim Gellla

C. Thayer and aon Daorge are work­ing for M*. R. Deacon.

♦ ♦♦ .NilRTN RKkMAL Affll RllfIKX. ♦♦ ♦!

Rovn to Mr and Mra John Mott, rersnily s goa

Mine Rlla Oarnell vtalled MMa Ma­bel Osmell her eeremi day* l**t

SfHTII OLIVli. Mr and Mm Artbar Kaigki are sn- trrtaining rslailvaa fram Haatlngs

***************** Mr and Mrs F M Plwaii anddaughter Vem and son Marian af l^sh- anna apen^ Wwwlat wtik Mr and Mm

Mr and Mrw Alhen Taylor ef aneh. Mm Will Mmnhsrhaff *a<i

1**** itmMk Mr and Mm Fred Tiedi

D ef U vlaited ' dav with Mr and Mm FrsdMr and Mm Rsrt Taylar lesi week

Mr and Mm Andrew Vellsr swd aon Mr and Mm Clmrie* Ifeeste^ nf Innotn* wee eaiiers at iw- <M Mr swd Mr* Kite Rrtakr'tiMI r* rewti'

Weew t Mr Mm llrta •^ <9 te«< a-ek > wm* pesaS s>r! v ^r^iea **#< **11

»Tro 1 I' TVaei «l*4te«t L* '«e > Mr aed Mm me* i

■ >> itewih RsngnlMr end Mm Vem* Walh*r apmt

AanvUi with Mr and Mrs W Man- Mag

Mr and Mm Chartea IBey Mr end Mr* Will ffmy ar Rtlev aed Mr and Mr* mr* Whaddwri ef Dwkte sfwoi *iW4» ■ - >» Mt Mr* « k*rlr«

1 «l

VI «• Fatwa ar tearva DHvr , «hmt * -at lt«h V |» fwarre ta«* «lr«w«y

e* Iteaiaa'* •»• Vtett hr' traad

M MpaWaas- has tm>ia» w.*>4 ir.

Vlalt Clark A HulaeM Btg 4 Rult Sale at St John*. 8a* ad pg. Id.

Miaa Loan Murray spsgt Friday in Dveoao with re'.itivea.

K. A. l>eC4*i'p ai.'l wife atarlef for L*he Cleorge on Friday.

Kirk (terdbam apent Friday with relatives In Owoaso.

Bill Sharp waa In Owoaso on bual- naaa on Saturday.

Lairm Lae ^ Elsie la vlaltlnc friends bs*r this week.

Mm. Jennie Ilickemon of Adrian Ik visitlag her sister. Mm. Chat. Cunn, this week.

F. B. Sluaeer aad family, drover dander snd family vtalled at Jake Cauder's on Seimday.

Fmnk VanConoant of Shaphard vis­ited fTtends bare on Suaday.

Allle Omy of Detroit le spending a few days here vrttb bis friend. Clare Letts.

A. Sweet waa a visitor In Owuaoo on Friday.

Jease Parka, wife and children, apent Friday In Owosao.

A. Sulfln and wife returned from I*ke deorge on Wedneeday.

Mr. and Mm. Jake dander were In Elsie on bualneoa Thursday.

Sam Beck of Ihirand was visiting friends in town on Suaday.

Mm. P. C. Beemer was called to Detroit on Friday on account of tbe illneos of her daughter.

Fred Tomllson. wife and Ida Young visited friends In Elsie on Sun­day.

Judd Cox made a bualaeos trip to lainsing on Thursday.

P <!. Beemer was In Elsie no busi­ness Friday

('has. Stmtton and wife of Elsie vis­ited I). Sutlln nn Sunday.

Roy Ijetta and family spent Sun­day at Round I*ke.

MACS Shoe-Soil is a^ain in fori! With the Unusuai Unheard of BARGAINS

A woman usually tells a joke the way abe gets off a car.


Bargains for WomenT.'t iwlrn 12.50 and IS oxfords at ......__________ H7cpNi palm 13. $3.50 and $4 oxfords and pumps .. ilJf7$3 .'tO Ottoman pumps at................ ........................ 4dJS5$3 5«» velvet pumps at_______________________ tf.f5t3.a«f velvet Colonial ________________________ 18.17$3.«M* tan Colonial_____________ ______ _______ ISjM$3 gun metal pumps --------------------- ----- —............ 9fJS9


Bargains for Men100 palm of IS.M. $1.50 and $4.00 oxford* at — tUOFlorsbism $6.00 patent ogforda at___________ MjM$4.00 tan lantbor golf oxfords at___________- IU6$2.00 canvas oxfords at______________________ iU6100 palm of $4.00 ahoas at ............ .... lUf

Bargains for MissesA $2 tan pump___________________ — •1.76A $2 suade pump - ____________ - — il*76A $1.06 tan pump - ___ _________ _ iLii75 pairs of $2 ahoas at______________________ iLM

Bargains for Children$1J6 tan pumps at______________ ___ ilwli$1.35 auade pumps at____________ _ iLW$1.35 tan pumps at______________ 10650 palm of $1.76 ohoaa at ___________________ _ 9LJI

Bargains for Boys32.50 tana and black oxfords ...._______ ______ 906|2.2.'> tan aad black oxfords —..... 91*9611.75 tan and black oxfords____ - 91«$0


110 Washingtan .\vc. Sa.



Our Midsummer VacationClearance Sale

The Supreme Bargain Event of the Summer Season when all lines of seasonable merchandise are selling at tremendously dreduced prices for quick clearance. Every section of the Store is inclubed in this sale and we promise to all who come Real Bargains in new seasonable goods which are needed RIGHT NOW. Only a limited number of these splen­did offerings can be mentioned in this advertisement, so it will be advisable to visit every part of the store where you will find displayed values which will amply repay you for the time spent.Cliuriiiindly Dainty Creution.k in W€>men*9 and Mi.Mscat* Tailored Suitai* Dre!Mie.M* Frocks and Waists

are offered at prices as interesting as the durments them.selves* (2nd Floor Elevator Service.)

Effective Novelties in Lin^rie DressesSilk Dresses()n»* lot of Silk lyrcMca.......................... ............... ............................... S7.30Dnc lot of Silk DrcoacM .... .. ____ _____________ _ 810.00

Kvf>r> one of this season'g styles that sold fo nnerly at $12.50. $13.00, l.'t.ou and $13.00.

Wool Serife Di 0SSESOne special lot of this season g models ............................ ..............83.75

Children’s Wash DressesFor sixes 3 to 5 yearn________For sixes 3 to 14 yearn .... t-......


very much under priced One line of (llngbam Dreesea.................................................. . 81*9H

irOne line of Lawn Ot 2.98

Are offeredWhite Wa^ Skirls

------------------- si.seDainty Lin^rie Waists

One lot. spacially priced One lot, specially priced , One lot. apeclally priced



Special Prices On Girpets, Ru^ Gnrtams, Etc.Three 0x12 French Weave Rugs, extm line $55 valuea atSeven 0x12 Wiltona, extm quality, $41 valuea, at ______Five 9x12 Body Bruosels, $20 values, at_______________Fifteen 9x12 l^peatry Brusaela. $3r 50 valuea, at -------Twenty 9x12 Tapestry Rruosela, $20 00 valuea, at _____Ten 9x12 Tapestry Brussels. $13.00 values, at--------- ------Thirty 27x54-lncb Axminiater Rugs. $2.50 vmluas. at . -----------Fifteen 3«x33-lnch Wlltoo Ruga. $6.00 valuaa, at .—.... ..............Five pieces Ingmln, all wool filled cotton warp. 66c valuea. at Four pieces Ingmln and Sultana art carpets, 26c values, at ...

844.258^.7525.25 14.7513.2510.25 81.8985.25 -39r

3-4 Width CarpetsEleven pieces Body and Border Wllioo Velvet aad Axmlniacar.

$1.60 values, at per yard-------- --------------------------- 81.10

Third FIcmm* Elevator Service

six pieces 'lapaatry' Bniaaela. $1.10 values at. yard ................75cPV>ur pieces Bniosela aa^^Ffr carpets, 76c valuea at. yard ____ 59eOne lot of haadaotne 'TMtterna of curtain eciims, SOc vnluas

at, yard -------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 19#Our entire stock of Lacc C^irtalna aad C!urtaln Nets at greatly reduced pricesNickel Towel Rods at. each------------------------------------ —.................... 8#

'The Vudor Porch ShadesKeep your porch cool. All reg. alxas In atook at from 82.25-85.25

Will fumlab special aiaaa to order or slbgle khadas up to 10 fast in width, at small extm coat.

Special prices will be made on room site rugs, carpets, curtain*, etc., for Friday aad Saturday.

Specials on Dress Linens and Table Linens24-incb natural coior, pure llaaa, yard 26-lBCh natuml aoiar. Rajah weave liaan, yard 26-la«b Ramie Haag, lo cotova. yard ..24-lncb Ramie weave rottaa suiting, la coiom aad white, yard

Table Linens7uk7o l*a(iera ('laliw. pare Irtob llaea. $3 *0 value 7ox«« I'aitevm ('latim. pam Irlali llaea, $3 5o valae Texiaa Itenem Ctetlm. pare Irteh llaea, $ valae Napkiae In mairh, $i ae value

Higher pvteed claiba at aaa^ reduetlaa

72-lacb purr Irtab llnea damuak, $IA0 value________ _ . 81.19Thie to heavy over-weight llaea la piaib aatln stripe with poppy

border, oatla atripe wHb roaas in ceaiar an d border, paaajr pattam. plain center with Ameriaaa beauty border, chyraaathemam atripe. etc.

.Napkiae to match. 22x22, $4.M value —....-........... 8S.IM

Bath Towel Special32x43 Towel. Sir site. IHCI P^lr ................... ..... ............... .. 35#Fare llaea. dae buek (lueat Towela, ptola aad with wraath far

laitlato. eaah. pair ______ K5#Bxtra aparlal la 14-iaab Muck Toweilag. vary taa duality, aawll

dguras aad airlpaa. 71c vala*. yard ______ _ 48#The rtpbi width aad patteraa far tha haOat aaarf*.

Specittl Prices on Dress Goods FirolPItmr

Talier-««*e4*- aairte Ir- yw^r af t: ia«b $1 ^ P'wto rdaia w i

riam a apectal lat

Two Models

r-t**t*^ ■ fl♦ e.h I'r*aw» a**a*i W*l|*r--' r.,Marti -'reem Wwlprwew •*- W ' > .

(i larti t>tiaiii WklpMed.'^^ twrik giagaR area# e^am eeter* **>1 da* *in

at r*M


Sa-taea Saddavd Ctovd. at. yavddd.MMii Whipcafd. apmtaf. at yardit taah all waal draas ^ada aew ihia *•

aad evaa atrip*. II a* vatu* at, yaPithto aaaaaa a mmda, llJd vaAi; Fuat; la* at. yaPi 81.

A Few Silk Spet'iaU- raoaa mte* *

Waab gitaa «fPite Wfceir ■Sarlte a I

31 P* aiwwur pMsd Fm oae lai a# iTdaah id****; tr.|





ElxpertDo Not Swell the

Ranks of the Incompetent


Full Value for yoar money is given you at the



□ □□□□□□□

You aure needed

And the great business world will use you as soon as you have a business training. Now is the time for you to act on this very important opportunity of your life. Get in line for promotion to the highest positions.

Business interests of Lansing are rap­idly expanding, and the demand for bookkeepers and stenographers is greater than the supply. We will place you in a position if you will prepare for it.

We give personal instruction in the following: Actual Business and Book­keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, Combined Business and Shorthand. Practical English Course, Commercial Teachers’ Course and Civic Service Courses.

You can find no school better equip­ped to prepare you for business life, or to aid you in getting a position than ours.


Write or call for more information.

Lansing Commmcial lustitute

Luwng, Miehiinui

UNIliyEf^School District No.

Offtcial'ANBual •cbool »—itag of aehool

dloliict No. 4.. BlogluiBi tOWMllIp, Cllntoo rounty. Ulchlaon, bolo In tho bisfa arbool room, on Monday ovonlnc. July Mb. Ibi:. at 7:30 o'clock. Will II. Rranaon. modorator. praaldlnx.

Th« alnutaa of tbo annual laoetloK •bold Monday. July liHb. isil, wcr«*

road and on luotlon dul> »««.onded, ! wore approved and rood. The dire* tor prooonted and read lo ibe meetlnK the followinii flnanrial report of rorelpia and disbursinenta for the year endina July Mb. 1112. iUMl alMi the reimrt of the bcMird on eotimateo of rereliHa and expendltureo for the ensulna acbool year. i:fl2>lli)3.

Annual refMirt of the dlatrlct boord for the arhool v^ar < ndlnic July b, 1M2. to th« voicra of dlatrlct No. 4. loonablp of Ulna* ham. in accordance with Mcfton 4f77 of the aeiMCai arhool iaora. your buord mak*Hi the fctllowlna report of rerelptaand t *p*rn dituraa.

Taachora* Wapaa PueO.Kecelpt*

Anr.ount on hand laat report.......... t 179 asl*rlinarv' .......................... 3b9.t>atine mlii lax __ _______ _____ S.<M(|.h|lilatrict Taxes lor waaea ivutcdi. b.isaaa f'ounty treararer. County Normal. 27a.aa

jHtale of MIchlaan (Normal)'11.'IS ................................................... :.«ao.«a

I Lioana from National Bank ___ ... S.&

Total raratpis Indudiac bal.. tIi.tdS at Expendlturea

; l*ald for teachera' waaae .............. 119.177.93I Amount credited to library fund.I which waa reported aa all prl- I mary money --------------------- — 49.95

Total axpendlturea llk.kU.9a

........ I2.0&2.18;>: Deflcil ---------------------------------Uajoii from Natlooal Hank ... ________I Heal deficit............................................ I4.4U.U

Oattoral Purpooa PunO.CWah on hand at Mat report..........I 4.97Sale of waale paper........................... 5.45Tuition ..........----------------------- l.bbl.aMVoted tax .....----------- -------— 4.9M.0UCommencement Receipts:

County Normal_____ 114.59IClohIh Brad. ....... 23.19Class day_____ _______ 24.29Hlirh school__________ 21.99Total commeiMement receipts .. X4.40

Lahnratnrv- hreakaae ...............— 11.30Money returned iHpencer l.enB

Co. r. H *»eo*. Hurxey.................. 9.75Total receipts----------------------14 949. ru

Total retelpta ln< ludina holante. N.y54.17 Evpendlturee

Klectric and saa Ilpht .......... IText Iwoks .. ..................... 9 *2ItefMilre to clock at central uulM*

ina ....................................................... W.WUlndlnc bonks....... .......................... 3S.44PTaminc pictures ....____________ 3.94Water tax ............................................. 374 11Malnilnr. papetina and dreealnp

deaka ...______________________<'ommen«-ement exerrlaea ami let*

tertntr diplomas ...............................Prlntlnic_.....____ ___ ____ .....lAundry_________ ____________ __Janitors* aalar* _____________ 1l*hone. rental and toll ....______llardarare supplies, plumidna and

repairs to sewer. ______________KIndersarten supplies, apparatus.

etc. .......... ....... .....Athletic iiaaoclatlon _____________Hecretarv supplies ...Hupplles for laboratories________i«umber and material .....______Movlna ftag staff, «wst side

school . ...__ _____ ________Brushes, dusters. brt<oms, soap ..Bubber mattlna ---------------Refuivded 'Tuition ...Hupplles. superintendent' off}.Music suppliesI iirnltur.' ____ __Hiipplementarv tmoksllloWuriml supplies --- -------Aarirtiltiiral supplies KxprcKS, frelahi andMinor repairs «r».»<oThermostat repairs .... . 33.17ItiplonMS — .i;\|.ens»' hlrln* t*--. i‘i*rs 23 .'orim tea for hollers at central

hulkllna '*1Msaasln*- ,iub»>'tiptlons 40.4"Kha.Ies for windows .... ... 49 57Moiier repairs __ ......__ 25 95Tti.ilna pianos .. 14 tsi•'*t»eepina <-ompouml. diainfectant, 54.76 niectrlc repalrina arul supplies 45.21Manual tralnlna. domestic art and

ilrawlna aupplteo .......................... 4177f^»el . .. 949.39C\Under oil ............................. 19*5Mlarellaneoua oil, repalrlnit

clncks at want bulldlnas, etc.... 19 M

194 90

147 45

313.42 lo.uv 7.50

290.1C47 29

Hard wars auppMaa. pttMBbWiN Wwi lolaa t amasuad. dlatafactanl.Mlartiic migmitmm and papa Ira ___Claali rana Ira. Madiaar basks,

fiwmlas ptetiiraa. laundry, Pbana tall and rsotial. oil, mtaar

srintsndent's offlea, axfwaaa, fmaht. mrtace, tbermoatat ra> ' palra. axpanas hlrtnc tanciiara. dalatmla expanas to siata 'Taathara' AaaaciaUoo and atata adwol board aaaarlattaa. bollar rapalrs. tunlaa plaao. cyttndarnil

Kefarence books fOr hlali sctmul and aradaa. suppli mintary books and bosks for sradellbrao-......................... soa.oo

tIuppUoo for bataaloal.. aarlcul* tural. aoolowy. rtiemloal, physl* onl and phyatopraphy labora*tnriea ..................................... 115.90

Manual trainina. pbyaloal train- Inc. klnderparton, drawlnc, ilomeatb' art, and rosnmtri laldepartment auppllas ____ 300.09

tleiieral supfUleo ... 250.00*)m» piano ______ ___........ 250.0aMawm repairs ____________ ..... 5.00Itepoir roofs __________ ...____ 25 ao>*apsrlnc. palatine mtNna ... 299.9#I trraalnc aeat lops and backs,

l•enf-hea. teachera' daaks _____ 199.09Hhadaa. tawellnc ........ . - 50.00i'aintinc outalda of bulldinc ami

fire escapes_..... 35.00l'*umHurp ttleska, book taaes for

illwaryi .................................... 200.90tllaslac -- _____ ....__________ x.anJuinur rapalrs ______ 5.79Intllced shelter for covernor

thermometer ________ ...____ 15.00Oil ami BUfspIlea for hollera and

ensrlne ............................................... 10.99(fement walk ____ 199.99

Toul .............................. 57,494.79Katlmated Receipts.

Casli baUmw ..................... $1,125.79'Tultlen ........................ 1.509.00

Total ............................................. 13.42979Amount to be voted by board_54.155.00

Mtoa. Building and Napair Fund. Amount neceaaary to be expend­

ed In icenemi repalra In all bwlidincs. includlnc cloaets pndurtnals at Herrin achoola ____ 5259.90

fVIIHw school moms ___________ 190.99Amount due and not expended on

hcaiinc plant at Bast MIdaHchool ......................................... 200.00

Amount \'ntod hut not expandad clooeta. uiinala ................ 2.550.99

Ttotal ........................................... 52.950.00Caah balance ___________........ 53.029.55

Balance In fund __________________ 5T9.5IMbrary Fund.

Amount neceaaary to ba expanded for enaulnc >'ear aa folloxra:Hooka ....................................................... 5 100.90l>eflrtt ................................................... 155.911IJbraiian ____ _______ .......... 35.00

'TloUl .................................................5205.9*Katlmatad Kacatpts.

Fine money .....____________ ....5 45.95Amount to be \*nted by the beard 2d0.99

5I9t.9tTaachar*' Wage# Fund.

Amount iie*-eaaarv to be expend­ed for teachers' wagea for theenaulnc year as folloxra_____..tl9.S00.00

Amount voted hut not yat ex­pended ................................................. 100.99

Deftctt ................................................ 4.5U.14

ToUl ..............................................t24.1U.15Bstlmaled Receipts.

One mill ..................................................21.921.14Hrlman ................... $5,099.99Nfwmal (state ami county) ____ 1.250.00Tax to be raised toxrards deficit. 1,000.00 y^nev to be hnrmwed toxrard

making up deficit____ ...._____ 4.000.00Amount voted by board ________ 11,042.00


924.1U.14'The deficit above provided for la caua-

e«l by the fact that the lectalature ebanc* < ed the tln»e for the distribution of the i primar* arbool fond from May to July, making Ibe primary fund come ton late for use Ibis >ear.

The plan of the hoard la to raise one thouaaml dollars by tax each year for five years to make up this deficit of about five thousand dollars.

•ummary of Vetad Tax.fSenermI fund ______________ f4,U4.<M»l-lbrary fund _____________ ____ zao.ooTeachers' wages fund ... ll.aoi.w)Ta« to lie ralseil Inward defhit .

Total expenditures__________ 55.703.50I'aab balance ............................... 5t.252.MI.eas Freil Oeorgla'a tax 149.23

and leas amount overpaid by city to aehool treasurer 554 57. 122.79

r^iah balance In general fund ....51.129.79 •Itoa. BulMIng and Wopair Fund,

mount on hand last report Voted tax ____ ...__


133 44I7«.r

Totol Including balance.......... 53.447 53Kxpenditures

iTlnklng fountains .... ____IArchitect services lionr checks, radiators and pipe

coveting (central hulMIngi vahres. celling hoard overhaad holler room. Inatalling drinking fountains .. ____ US 73

Oah balance ..51 M7 5:

Library Fuad. Receipts

Fine ntonr \Voted Tag ..


l>enc4t Issi repart ...__...

lieftrlt ................aommery

Tl»» »o41owtag Is the baUnee t •eeatBi fofHla flswsrai purpoee fund Bites balMtap and repair t '■

5U7 44

.. 51.019.55

t 40 u25d so

'.i.*; I

.5 3M04

.. 545.7'«

Total vote,| by lioard___ _ 117.200.00MoTod by A S Plldra-. seconded by

lAifayette Jonea. that the re|iorts aa read be received and spread upon the record, and that the tax lie spread as recommended by tbe Hoard of Bduca- tloo. Motion carried

The next order of buslneea was the election of two trustees for the term of three years in the place of Charles M. Merrill and Clark A. Putt.

Moved and aeconded that tke chair aiipoint two tellers. Motion carried. The chairman appointed R G. Jeffer­ies and C. 8. Clark aa tellers. The meeting then proceeded to tbe elec­tion of a trustee in tbe place ofCbarles M. Merrill. TJie ballot was ipreiui with result as followa: The whole number of votes* cast was IS. Deceaaar>’ to a choice. 7 and were given for the fol­lowing named persona: Charles M. Merrill 8. C. 8 Clark S. W. G. Hander- son 1. A. 8. Plldew 1. Chariea M. Mer­rill receiving a mttlority of all votes cast was declared duly elected.

Tbe meeting then proceeded to the election of a trustee In the place of Clark A. Putt. The ballot waa spread with result aa followa: The whole number of votes cast waa U, necea­aary to a choice 7. aad were given for the following named persoas: Clark A Ihitt 10. and R G Jefferies S. Clark A. I»utl receiving a ma'orliy of all votee cast waa declared duly elected. Moved and aerxHided that the meeting ad-loura Motkm carried, ___



IJbrar* lAsAHli54 158 47

VearbrT* wacM (aeU (BaWrtt I . 13,899 19. lUM

wadavTba 9baw» state

• la ia«

bat wl

1474 *' Rummer eoMa are hard to B«t rtd iv5 frequently lead to oathM,

bmachlUa. aad hay fuvar. Do not lat ’-I III,your cold get a hold on yon, but uae

Foley's Honey aad Tar t^oopoBBd w^U,for qulek relief W. H. Allan. Chal-

aoa. Wla. aaya: *Wa prafm- VMaTa llanap aad Ttr CanapnaBd «o otbav

tgmmm It quiakly alia. It will ward

ttUTitio* b If bifeoa la ttBM.** Cm- II sti c > Mdaa no aplaaaa. VanHakta 4 Olanpla

Ml 41 1 ------------------- —

51 I ReiMofaa THab.__Tile gtfl who tells pan abe iMnba

^ la nmraly tmag •• d^d fan data an

atvetap* te i saitaia her that aba la

Mo PMM 59008 itte wm* Ua- aa 8ae*lMaa wi^ma iaa£ I__ I 9449 llaaoMMoaadB4lBa.

akHBBa> A axMk ha* beoa boibb avaand la Iba aawfb af ladia wRk

SiaMsai e* Beaem*# sea Bissapoiwia ifaMnWlbll ’fUatwr+o'. and lad p I tk y A«*a5« BB •■« . ^ _ am.*___

dBbW Mlilvl * **< •abdidPsa f. * '-v*# AM ^ g. tf mmmt ••• m

"fSaiX m-T" *' ’* 'a ■•eowta nf m baaiilH^t IR koaMb..a asm**' 7*5:^ - vmi♦•a l ■ •j—M

G'.i saspadI Tt ( pfcaatQ^ pCGif

CKi ? OtS- WO- C^i^Ms 1lijCfCOp^O I

UCjo o ■- gamnOiflo C) ntT:



DRESt ANO ITS PSYCHOLOGY'tWb Afo Prano to Jttops bp RalaniBla |!!

Pmmmm ArttoC

Wa app all of ua proae to Jadpa by astamala. oar oarty ualalag Ib oopg- boak ■awlma notwlfbaiaadlag. aaya Harrlaoa Plabar la Draaa.

IfcnallBo BMiy havo a lovely dlapoal- tloe, bat that eanaot hide tbe fact that tbero jure knou in bar aboe- ■trlBBB. aad tJtough Beatrice alasa llba aa aacel. her gown fastans moat uatidlly. Eaellne'a frleada might be aitooat aa aweet tempered aa she la If bar boots wero not eaough to nwke ’-hsm crosa. No less would the songa of Meatrteo stir more heorts without tbe dlatractlona of gaping hooks and mlialag huttona Bxtemalt do couat. howevar broad wa aaay think our views to ba.

It la a eommoa obaerration that a man gets an Impreealon of n thing na 5 wbnla. If he notices nny detnll, it la apt to be n sign that something Is wrong. Carelsaanaas, however. In the dreee at either men or woman, la usually betmyed'by details.

Buppoee that we ourselves have ao far derelopad our mlads aad sensibili­ties that we )orm our oplnioaa by wimt la, aad not by what aaams. nie are not In constant enbarrasament txplalaing our cnieleae frleada to oth- ara who nra laas condoning? It la a very buasan falling to wish our fiiends to appear wall, a kind of vaalty. If you Ilka, in proving tke ascelleoce of our own timta. There la no law requiring im to ptaenrd our qunlltlaa to open vtow. How ean onr fallow mortals got any Idea of us at the start at a» qualntaBoe aneapt by the aya?

Empire 25The Little .\ri8tocrat

Caanlbal Flabaa aad Humaae Paeplai.While as a maimure of economy tbo

grant Bmjoiity of all tha flshee and oibar crantuvea at the Aquarium are fad OB dead food, aaeb as cut up flab, or. aa In tha caaa of aome of the largar obos. auMUl dead llah wbola, thora ara sobm llahas which If they aps to bo kept alive or In coBdltlaa must kavo live food suck ao they w4>uJd Sad la BBtura.

Ib tbair fraa state all Bahaa ara eaaBibids. Tlila la tbe way of aataiw. But among tba vlaitors at tha Aqua­rium tbara ara people wbo eoasldeT the Tlai*tiil of live little llsbes la tba tanka to ba davonrad by bigger fish ae cruel end In deference to this feollag tbe flehee that must ba supplied with live food are fed before tbe AgMOtlnm le opened la tbe momlag aad after it la Bloeed at night

Fully EquippedThe Empire 25, called The Little Aristocrat because

of it’s Stately, Striking Appearance, ii distinctly differ­ent from any cars now manufactured to sell below $1,000.

A mere glance at the Tasteful Design at well as the Specification! will at once prove that we are luitaincd by fact! in our claims for diitinction.

Power and unequalled hill-climbing ability have qualified the Empire 25 to meet the most exacting requirements in all section! of the country.

It is the Car Universal within the reach of all. Come in and look it over, take a ride in it and you

will admit that it is the Strongest, Sturdiest and Easi­est Riding Car you ever rode in of its class.

Salesroom 2nd door west of Comer Dru£ Store, St. Johns, Mich.

: G. Georgia, Agent.

R-C-H- “25”$900 F. O. B. Detrwt

When a man reads the R-C-H specifications and equipment, and comes in to .see us, we doti’t have to SELL him a car. All we have to do is to convince him that its TRUE. , f

Until the\’ see ami ride in the R-C-H, people can't believe that it’s possible to sell, at snch a price, a car so sturdy, so comfortable, so handsome, so- powerful and with such complete equipment. ' *'1 ’ %■

You may be thinking of buying a car at twice its price. Well, take a look at the other car, ride in it, examine its construction, note its equipment.

Then come and do the same thing with the R-C-H. That’s all we ask.

SPECinCATIONSWHBKLBAHE—110 laebas.HfFIWB—lAiBg-atTwka: 4 eyllBdar* cmat an bloc; Sli

iBeb bora, &-lBch atynke Two-baarlBg crank iUmUI. TlBitBg goara aad valvag aneliiaad. Tbraa .pokK auBpaBat<iB.

RTVIBIRSl - IjRI^ Bins: Irvwvavuibla wovwi gear, 1S-lBch acaariag whaal. Thro4tl« coatrol ob stoariBg cokiBin.

rOKTMt^A'KVnSR Ijgvnt optouMI Uifwugh H-Plato iBtaaral with ualvuraal |o4at hnuatag )UB( hatow Haad lavar asaaffrawey hmba atdi1vaT>B right l^uit aacalaraSwr In cwBaactloB with haad thTwitla.

RFWINMI—Fvaat, •aawil-wlltpUa: raar. full alllptiraad BMwaaad na awtval aaato.

rHSVt -Praaaad Btaal cBaBaalA YUM ■Fraa!. |.baB4B, diwp torgad; war, aaaM-

•aatlag typoTfURRHIWMOb -xi apaada torwafd ami ravaraa^

alMiBB pukt. artortiva typa mqpTM't'Tfflb ttoat^toaptoga wharava? praatt-

aakto: akransv air bal aiaat aasd IbvwugkBB# al. Bkafto ami gwatu war avta. Mgb vwvBa yaVto vaqairwic ayaxlal atlflBaaa

IMMU Fw.i * ; t'Npiiak typa. 94490

EOUIPMENTNon-Skid tiraa—SSxSH-tack.

lS<lnch "Hall” Bullat alrctrlc baadllghta, doubla caiw. hollr laaa.

S-iBch "Hall” Bullat alaetrlc sMa Ilgbla with paia- bollc laaa.

”ICxlda” ISO aaipara-bour alacuic bdttary.

Itoaab Magaaan.

Warwar Autnaaator.

liaaBPUBiabto Rkua

Bitvu rtBi aBd toWara. d

Tally-bo bam.

hffy auftolBa -Up aBd dBWB Ibm

Haar vtow BdrtBv

mal-bli lark. Itva rapair kli,

It»*= - W- ■

& Kellam

^ T;*



VlaM ClNrti 4 HuImM Blc H Off ault aalf At 8L John*. 8«« Ad. past U.

KaH Wooll of Mt I’lANAABt lA as» AlAtlof At tb« NAwingtoo bAlMnr dur- inc July And August.

Mr. ailAburr of St. JdiBs was In town on buslnaas the laat of the weak.

Mlaaea Uimoe Temple sad Vera SnelHiis, Acoompanled by Jeaae Lioop. spent Sunday with friends In Toledo.

Mlae Stens Halner of Innalng Is vtslttnc ber aunt. Mi*. Tom Snelllng.

Ulena Remaley of Qraad Rapids WAS a gueat of frteads In town Sat* urday.

Mias Zelms Setfrage sad Chaa. Moore spent Friday In Owoaao.

Mrs. O. D. Sherman and Mr*. A. D. Jones are on the alek Ust.

H. Oalehouse died at hla hoase on First St.. Saturday. July IS. Funeasl serrleas and burial on Tusaday.

Mlaa Lota Setfrags and Clare Clark were In Ownaao Fttdny.

Jdhn Oraham la In Qraad Rapids on buslneas.

Ml*. Frank Jump and two ehildran are vlaittag relatlYea In Ohio.

Mr*. Nell Hughaon and daughter Velma are spending soom time In Ithaca with friend*

Mr. Healey and family of Detroit were In town Saturday looking for a

' houee.Mr* Ardell Finch and graadaon.

Donald, of (Irand Rapids are In town.Miss (irace Johnson of Orld was a

gusat of KIsle friends on Friday.The T. J. B‘s held a plenic In Oohb%

woods on Tueeday. The msmbers left at 10 * m. and spent the time swtnnning and reading. Qusats were Mias Steaa Halner of I.ansing and

; Mlaa Frances Netaorg. The olub : will glre aereral of thsae outings dur- ' Ing the warm weather and all paftlct- > pants declare the outdoor life un- I egualed.' Mr. and Mi*. O. L Bralnard and , taanlly made an auto trip to Cirslal lake the last of the week.

Yours for a Square Deallight Here and New /I *

In our store Is ererything .rou want when you want It In the way of Up-to-Date HT.4FLE AND FA.Nf'T UlOCER- lEH. Ererything that we ran buy, tit for Kings and Queens In fact we wouldn't think of eerrlng you with anything else. Our prices are as low as ANY prices can be made and still give QI'AI.ITA' with honest and com* plete satisfaction. Give us a trial. Erentually Why Not Now.

Hunt & TubbsFarmers Phene U— .'•ai Clintea Aie. N.—Ualea Pheae S44

LatA ------1 :Setters j

Kitchen Gibiiiet Ie

work for you] dsning the • hot summer monthe. *

ela tha samamr bmi* thna any *

other time the hansewife aaads a * Hellers t'ahlnet. It menas aa estra e he«r ef leisarr crery day yan aae • It. Let a* cxplaia to yaa the ex. • clBsiTe featam^ ef the latest mod* • cl%. I

Mr. sad Mrs deodeld spaat a tsw daya at Crystal lahs this wssk.

Ralph Olssaon of Orld was s gusst of Mlsa Csthsrras Finch on Sauirda>.

Miss Ads Wllllnnw of Orld was a gusst of rasis frlanda ths last of the week.

Mr* Bmmoae and the members of her Sunday school class spent an «n*

Miti'Tnooii In IJU'hnotd’s 4i< •I lest Thursday. A picnic suppsr wns jsenrfid and the young ladlea declared j the woods a coal place for a warm af* temoon.

Mrs. Rose Eddy of Dstrolt Is spend* Ing a few days at her home here.

Mloe Fraueee .Netaorg bavlng given up all Idena of a college ('otirs** for next yenr, has been appointrd ....tftil* tute In the grammer grades.

Mlaasa Zelma sad Ia>Is S«*lfrage apeat Monday In Durand with frteads.

Mlaa Klliabetb VsnOeusea was la Orld Thursday.

Mlasss Sfena Hataer and Vera Snel* ling spent a few daya of this week with friends In Mt. Pleasant.

Frank Manrin took hla merry*o* round out of town Moadny. The young people made good use of It Haturdny evening sad will miss the lidee In the future.

The Bowery is all that Is left of the Glorloua Fourth la .our village bat from the patipnagr It received Sat­urday evening It will b« a paying In­vestment until anow (Use.

Unfriendly homes hitched within bHlag diatance of each other made night hideous last Saturday. We would suggest that the marshal bs provided with muxsiea for such cases In the future.

Silvers' Bros. Model tent show gave i an exhibition in our village Frldgy >v« nlng All speciaiom gD«- the com* I patiy a l*etter recoiiiniendatiun than over before and would be glad to

: witiicaa their many feats again next year «

i Will Snelling and family of Fowler : were guests of relatives In town Sun*• day.

James Meeeroll of Jackson was a j guest <»f Dr. Beal during the early ; part oi the week.

Mrs. E. K. Havens and Mlsa Sum* j mer* were in Owooeo on business the j latter part of the week, j Michael t'unningtaam. aged re* 'aiding on town line between Fairfield and Rush became Intoxicated while In Onkley last Wednesday. On the way home hla driving was reekleaa and the horaea succeeded In running nwny with him. Mr. Cunningham was very sertously wounded and died from the effects on Friday. Woinburg A VanDeuaeo oondncted the funeral at Onkley on Sunday.

The school meeting held July 9th failed to prove as intsrsotlng as the one a yenr prevtons. The votem pres­ent fell frtNn 112 of Inst yenr to 48. F. D. Bennett wne elected to succeed M. B. Netaorg. Or. C. B. Porter was re-elected to the board having proved hlmaelf a very capable and Intereated man In the school work. Nine and one-balf months wns voted for the school yenr and the matter of enlarg­ing the school district by moving the south line to the three mile comer was favombly discussed. The meet­ing was then &dj<iumed.

Mr. and Mm. Fred Huot and son In* at Sunday with Mr. andMrs lax la Lansing.

N Icott of DeWItt spentThu Friday with Mlaa Wn*null II.

M Brown la aewlng at theDon ore In Lnnaiog.

M * tfsorge Stlrapoon an*tort C. W. Corwan and wifefrnc apids from Tusaday un­til

h her Thu

♦ ♦♦ .ILR AID LAHI. ♦♦ ♦

rout of Leasing visited Mm. Fred Huot, laat

Friday.M • Brown la spending the

Wes s. T. M. Sanford In Lna*

M sQtp and daughter Maryof I « called on Mr* C. T.Doc lay aftanmo*

I !m. Ohaitle Miller. Mr.and nnel Crsakman of NorthDIP sate of Mr. and Mr* Al*ber Sunday.

T . lebacca Lodge No. MInal followlag oMcers Satur­day July 18: N. 0.. UsxleCha 0.. Magffle Keek; a**.Ida p.. May Ti aadwall; P. N.O., ck: ftnanee oommittes.Mai >t. Bdlela Rockwell. Agoo ime waa enjoyed by allwi« I Ice cream for refreak-mei ‘eqifbated to be prsaentat I Hag. Saturday evening.Jul: M. W. A. hnll In DeWIU.

h Brown from Hubbard*SUM Ing the week with MissHer

k d Taylor returned Mon­day ro weeke' visit with rel*atD ling.

J ub visited bis uncle.Phillip Staab. In Tsinsing from Satur­day until Mondsy.

Mias Ida May Peltier is spending s few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Braeet Wolcou. inJCesex.

Mr. ami Mrs John Norris and non Robert attende«i the evening perfor- manae of Pawnee Bill In Lnaalng Sat- nrday.

Mr. and Mm. Byron Rlixxard and family of Olive and Marion Orinold of Laaaing apent Sunday with Mr. and Mr* Loren Hill.

Mm. Flora Bixby of Pontiac and Mm Frank Locker of Boutb Olive were onllem at Mrs. Ruth Huffman's Sunday afternoon.

Mr* CnMer of DeWItt snd Mm To­bins Onlder of Lnaalng rialted Mm. Arthur Taylor recently.

Mr. and Mm Harley Brawn and Ben Strangler from near Hubbaidatoo epent Sunday with Carl Staub and family. _________________♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ OLIVE CENTER. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A

Mlaa Harriet Gates from near Shep- ardsville was the guest of Mrs. Rue- eel Warren a iiart of laat week.

J. C. Trunible returned from* a short visit In Grand Rapids Tueeday

■ jof last week. Master Howard How-llnptivt Chnrrk Nete*>. ! accompanied him home for an

I*roaching by the pnstor inumlng * extended visit with bis oousins, Ed-

Reductionof REA.DY-TO-WEA.R Garments

Reduction Sale of Suita

Prieef from fis.8a to


E. I. HULLUndertaker

Rugs Carpets Z

and evening. All are welcome.Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Tuple

“Christian Common Sense,'' Scrip. I’rov. 4 - l-d. Inader, Mac LeBeau.

Remember the Thursday evening prayer meeting at 7;30. The pastor will take up the Sunday school les­son for thd f'-llowlng Sunday. All are welcome to attend these services.


4€ The Geo, and TomMARKET

So matter what kind ol .M K.AT you buy at this market you can always Ixink on the }^tN)dness nothing but the Hijjher ^luality meats are bought.

It pays to trade at our Market,

Karcher& Fishbura

yt, K. Notes.The fourth quarterly meeting eer-

v|r.. for this conference year will be held next Sunday morntng, beginning with lx>ve at 10 o clock, a short preaching service s* 10’to followed by the sacrement of the Lord's Supper I>r. French will coiiluct the quartcrlv i-onferencr Friday morning. A cordial invitation la extended to all who will come, to all these aervices.

An old-fashioned Sunday school picnic Is being planned for the near future M. R. VanDeusen will lead the Kpworth League meeting next Sunday evening. The topic will be “The Advantages of a Christian Home ” This Is an Important topic and we hope as many as poaalble will be present.



wins and Robert McArthur.Allison .Merribew accompanied by

Ills father. Hugh Merribew. spent Sunday and Monday in Gratiot

Glenn Hurjter returned to hla home Sunday nfter a week's viilt with hie grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hari*er

Mr and ?.fn; Fred Gardner and ^daughter Florence were callers at th' home of .\lex. .McArthur Friday.

R. Taylor ft having his farm home painted. J. C. Trumble Is doing the i work. Mrs. Calder is also having her house polnte«i by Herman Ike of St.'Johns1 _ - _

Reduction Sede of CoataBeautiful assortment of S|iring Coats

in Whipcord. Seizes and Mixtures in Dlack, navy blue and tan and grey mix­tures, best of styles, guaranteed.$30.00 values, sale price • $20>00$25.00 values, sale price 18-T5$20 and $18 values, sale price 13-75 $15.00 values, sale price 11-25$ 12.00 values, sale price - 9-00$10.00 values, sale price • 7-75

SpecialPriceeon all Children's Coate

Reduction Sale of Skirtsfhis line is most complete, consist­

ing of Whi|>cords. Serges, Panamas. Vtiiles and fancy ini.Ntures. beautiful range of shades.$10.00 values, sale price - $8-50$().50 values, sale price - 8-00$Q.oo values, sale price - 7-50$8.50 values, sale price - 7-00$8.00 values’ sale price - 0-50$7.50 values, sale price - 6-00$6.50 values, sale price 5-50$6.00 values, sale price - ^-75$5.00 values, sale price 3-75SPECI.AL LOT—$6.50. $7.50. $8.50

and 510 values, sale price $3-75

Reduction Sale ofShirt Waiata

$3.50 values, .'-ale price $2-793.(K) values, sale price 2.4*92.50 values, sale price - 2.192.<K> values, sale price - 1-791.75 values, sale price - 1.4*91.50 valuer, sale price - 1-291.25 values, sale price - 99ci.t)0 values, sale pritf 89*5<»t and 5<»c values, sale price 39c '

Nice assortment of Spring .Suits in Whi|>cord, Serges. Broadcloth. Chev- oit and mixtures. G styles.$35.00 values, sale price - $24-75$30.00 values, sale price 22-75$25 and $22.50 values at - 16-75$20.00 values, sale price 13-75$15.00 values, sale price 10-75SPECIAL— 6 suits $20. $25. and $30 values, sale price - . $9-98

Reduction Sale ofRaincoata

Cravanettes, Rubberized Coats andChildren’s Cafws.$ 15.00 values, sale |>rice - $11.25$12.50 values, sale price 10-00$10.00 values, sale |>rice 9-00$7.50 values, sale price 6-50$6.50 values, sale price 5-50$6.00 values, sale price 5-00$5.00 values, sale price 4-00$4.50 values, sale price 3-00$3.00 values, .sale price 2 50

Reduction Sale ofDreaeea$5.00 values, sale price - S4.49

4.00 values, sale price • - 3.493.50 values, sale prire 2.993.00 values, sale price - 2.492.50 values, sale price 1.992.<M) values, sale prin- - 1.491.50 values, s.ile i»ri(< 1.291.25 values, sal»* prici - 99ti.oo vahu-s. sale prirr - 89c


St John*. Mich . July 18. 1912.QIAI.NM.

Wheat, white ....... 97Wheal, red ..... 98OaU--------------------------------------------- 41Rye--------------------- 80Choice hand picked baaas $2.40Beau*, over 10-lb. pick basis ........ |8J0Other besat ftc per bu. for eacb Ih.

i'IckedCora.... ..... 40Cora ehelled, per bushel___________80Clover seed. June___________ 110 00Clover seed. Mammoth ________ $10.00t'lover, Alyske ___ $10.00

LITE HTIM'IL''■ttle, fatted ______ $4.80 • $5 i€Veal calves .. ...... ..... $4.0u 9 $7.00Hoff*, per ewt .. .............. $«A0 O I7.8tSheep, per cwt -------- $2.M ffr $8J6Lembe. per cwt -----$4.80 • $7.88

DIRIIHID DEATILReef, diMSsed _______ $8.88 # $8.88Pork, per cwt-------------- JMO # 88.88Oelme. dremed_____________ $8.88Mutton, draeaed _______________ $7.88Tallow , __ 4

LIVE FOn.TIl.He«* larpe, hat - 18llrotlere ItDffolff. latve. fat________ 18Ooeai t

New IS le IMok Me am

c:M yoffr fell pfewlffs.

Jeha lewf PWwa, UeSe ■%. f* P$*we. GmowvIMe FWwa, lie Ratraai Ike 88 miter TUm §m4 He aeolk Dead Wows, oM we komr jatT- oearfe M Wpn smd la Ike tWoNi ef m. iekff* W*

kekeme Does* IHm fewee Umm w? aoffM I* k**r M HM wi•ka taar ood eueeaaeenei iait fnk we «*•$) Mil* a tee| lew pvlm HI -i*ff*e4 He l^lk. wm ewe Hoi eap■ •* —•at fpam om kffiPi

9^ JwHni. M4mH-

Tarkeye 12NI»R«.

Rewf kMw 8Har*>- hhiee $J geCaff skin* green IS1^ wn ekms ee^eep »!(• M lu $1 88riHiMn I., TTUFTtlLHI, FII’ITn.It.,;- tt

ItT\Helani $|.ng

Nt%, NTH49I, WfMNi.w-i** ^ I $lt«?

• $14 81-to $14 05-

\ roaeof 116^tJ »*

itmA. liesWwd, 1^ |i (ke ff II :r.

Our Annual Mid-Sumiiier Clearance SaleBreaks All Records

In volume of business, which is but a remarkable demonsta­tion of the simple fact that PEOPLE KNOW THIS STORE, that our merchandise, our methods and published statements are deemed worthy of their fullest confidence.

Remember that this Sale includes our ENIIRF STOC^K of SUMMER MERCHANDISE. “All merchandise must be sold in the season for w'hich it was boufjht.’

k Mw«

Mid-Siiinnier Clearance of lien’s and Young Men’s SuitsRegular $25.00 Suits, now........................ $18.75Regular $22.(M) Suits, now..................... 16.50Regular $20.00 Suits, now...................... 15.00Regular $lH.0t> Suits, now...................... 18.50Regular $16.50 Suit*, now...................... 11.00Regular $15.00 Suit*, now...................... 10.76Regular $1200 Suit , now...................... 8.75Rcgjlar $10.00 ruit‘, now...................... 74)0

»nr cmM M att iMMMr fnnMlHMa.


CleanMce of Bojf’s Suits.

Offers you mothers the one opportunity above all others in securing his suit for fall at a tremendous reduction.Reg. $8, now................ $6.00Reg. $7, now.............. 5.00Reg. $6, now ... ......... 44»Reg, $5, now.............. 3.76Reg. $4, now.............. 8.00Reg. $3, now ... ......... 2J5Reg ^.50, now.......... 1.75

No Tidffts OaHii Tkis Ms. fit lokme





Just a Moment HeaseSlop! Look! Lislen!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ^4»BTH TIITOB. ♦ ♦ f’H.iPl.V ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Pred Dunham and familx of Turnar

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ B.IHT DEWITT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

when In front of

L. A. Allen and MIh P^nle Hadley I have none to AIMon and JJtchlleld to j rtatt relativeo and frteado for two I weeks.I Roy Huyek vlatted his father in > Ann Arbor laat Daturday. Mr. Huyek expeets to return hoaie the flrat at

A. G. Jones’Grocery Store

Not the Window—but what's In there. If you don't

happen to see it—snk for it

JONES“The Quality Gro-Sir.”

apent Sunday at D. T. Loynes I^rle Sasryer has purchased the

Henry Waters farm and will take poaseoaloa of the same this fall.

Puaeral of Mike Cunatnsham eras held at Oakley Sunday afternoon. Hla family have the sympathy of

the week. His eyea are much better, j many frieMr. and Mrs. Seymour Voorheee of : H. K. Qlboon baa aoM hla Overland

Pontiac and Mr. and Mrs. Leeland of | auto to Chaa Sutllff.Shepnrdsville visited Mr. and Mrs. W. | Mr. and Mrs. John Waters spent a W. Woodhams Saturday laat i couple of days last week In

Miaa Haxel Boyd of Ovid vtalted her I Mrs. Blna Baker entertained a com-




PercolatorAlways Makes Good Coffee.

parents Mrs. J. H. ('mne. lent week.Mr. and .Mra. J. R. <'rane vlatted her

sieter, Mis W. niack. In Olive Sunday.Mlse Ethel Iloyd of Ovid U vialt-

tna Mrs. R. 8. Tieckwirh and his uncle, iChnrles Bheeheo. this week.I Mies Beesle llrandel of Lalnpsburft I Is workinit for Mrs Bd. Warren at the pransnt

Andrew Ridenour visited relatives i In ilenmil and St Johns from Sstur- 'day until Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Benslnncr of Ren- inaton visited her parents Saturday and Sunday.

The fifth annual reunion of the des* rendents of William and Kllu Parker will be held at Round Inke the first Thursday in Auaust A pirnir dinner will be serve*! and please brina milk and caa* for Ire cream. Do not let work keep yon at home hut come and spend the day risitina relatives at Round I.eike.

Mrs. Cora Youna visited friends in Grand Rapids the last of the week.

pany of frisnda Sunday aftsraoon ' At the annual school meetln I the Booth school Mnnley Curtis

.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Voiainst attand- ed the L. A. 8. Ice cream party at Ur. and Mrs. Belllnner's In Bath Saturday evenlna-

Iddward Mahar and dnuahtsr their | Oiadys and Mrs. Marla Moore of Stale

spent Sunday with their brother. Mr. and Mrs. Tbonms Mahar, In North Olive.

Henry Sober of the CapttsU City epeat the latter part of the week with hie family on the farm.

Meesni Winnie Smith and Edward Mahar spent Monday at Innainr

A ifoodly number from this place

Why Sweker with the Heat?

dolnc your own baking when you buy the iwnl •node okeeper than you can buy the eonl Co bake Ih with.


elected director while D. T. Loynea ; attended the Wild Want circus at and G. Woodruff held their ofllee as | innatng lent Saturday.In the past year. Olen Sawyer will teach the Insuring year.

Mrs. (’sthertnc Seymour of Sagi* naw came Wednesday to give a school of Instruction to the excelsor degree.

Mr. and Mrs. Melville Kyss and family entertained Mrs. Roy McGonl*

I gal and little son of Lnaolng and Mrs. Ward of Rath last Sunday.

Jay Stafford of Lansing was in thisAt noon a picnic dinner was served t vicinity Monday roddtng buildings for and in the afternoon she was s guest of the L. O. T. M. M.

Malt. Ruckley and family spent a couple of days last week in Ownsso.

Tom Somers and wife Sundayed at Jsy Homers.

Mrs. Ell Henry had the misfortune to fall and disliK'ittc her shoulder the latter part of the week.

The “rnivermr excels all ether ways e( making cefee beenase the perreintiag process is pmcMcnlJy cempleted and all the wheleseme, aremnMc and in. ligemliag essence ef the reffee is extracted BK> FORE THE WATER BOILS.

feRee made la It Is easily knewn hy Its deildeas arsma. Its toe tover, the nhsenee ef the bitter taste enased by heRlag. and by the enieyment with which Iheee ran drink it ^he caanet drink ceflee SMde in any ether way.


♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HOI'TH RINOHtM. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mr, and Mrs. Geo. brink of lieWIt*. end Mice I^ottle Reed ot Kansas visit* ed their slater, Mrs. Sadie Palmer, laat Sunday.

Gertrude Soaler who hss been very ill with tonsllltla for amre time is slowly recovering.

Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Corman, form­er pastor, and wife of Bengal circuit, who have resided in the far west the past few yea:s, called on old friends here last week.

Kate nggls srent to Cass City last week Wednesday to visit the Mleoes PkHUi and Iva Koit

Mre Ploesle Plaver of DeWltl visit­ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M Palmer laat week Friday.

Mra. Geo. Parker and children of Yale visited from Monday until Fri­day of last week at the home of O. A Davis.

In these days of high coat of living, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed and able to work in a few days is a valuable and welcome remedy. John Heath. Michigan Bar, Cnl., had kidney and bladder trouble, was coo- hned to his bed. unable to turn with­out help. 'T commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and een truly say I was relieved at once." His example is worth following. VanSickle 4 Olasple.


Unele Pewnyedes toys:Poverty mny not be a ertme. tant H

cartiei the per* '*nrd tabor.


JuIf 21stto

Mmnd Rapids, renad trip ....... fUSlenln......... ........... ....................... • Jl

SPE<TAL TBAIlf LBATB8 St. Johns at llxlt n. m.Retnmiag Isnvee

«mad RnpMs at______dtli p. m.lenln ....... .............7tU p. m.

An excellent opportunity to spend Sunday at the above pobitBat a small expense


liouis V'oiaioet end M. Buehler..Mrs. Maria Moore of Basle is viait-

ing her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .Mahar and family.

.Mr. and Mrs. looiiis Volslnot were callers at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. (!. Heller and family and Mr. and Mrs. George lleiler and family of Gunnl- sonvtllc last Sunday.

J. .Schtnkier of Lansing waa in this vicinity last .Monday on business.

Henry Votsinet of Gunnlsonvllle ' was in this vicinity last week harvest- j iug hay.

Mr. and .Mrs. George Heller and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tafel and Miss Clara Votsinet of Gunniaonvllle and Joseph Volatnet of this place last Sunday.

Imat Monday evening at the annual school meeting of the Love school. |

I Bath and DeWitt fnkctioaal No. 11 Mr.! ' James Cieoiosu woe appointed dlrec- I tor for the next tenn of ottce, to sue- . ceed Frank Smith who resigned.

Mies Florence Sweet of Bath has I been engaged to tench the Love school : I this coming year.

Our New Bakery is GxiipleledWe have an up-to-date brlek Oven that enat bn bent for tmktng

Bread, our Bona are the large fht klad, the nnokise aiw plump. We also make Btsasarks, Jell Rolla. Lnaeh Rolls,

cinnamon Roola and all kinds of Pis every day and Cream Puto every Friday and Rye Bread evecy Tuesday, Be losves. Our goods stand unrivaled and well deserve the ever Inereaaiag favor of all clseses^ of people.

We make the finest Pried Cakes In the city every day.

Mulder & ParrPhone 14 Steel Block

!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ,♦ ♦♦ YICTBR rRNTEB. ♦'♦ ♦

Rev, and Mrs. Al Parker were Port- : land vialtora over Sunday. !

Mr. end Mss. John Sleight spent a ' few days visiting friends In Lansing recently.

A. Hallesd and family are visiting ; St the hoBse of Mr. aed Mra. Qilbert | Morrill.

Rom to Mr. and Mra. W. E. Un- ! derhlll. a sm July 11.

J. Ward and family were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson recently.

W. S. BrittonGrocer

We don't want to speed much time In prslning

our goods—we want you to come and sse them and

try thens. We want you to form an oplaiaa. We

are sure that you will be perfectly satlstod with

both quality and price.


^he Big 15 Days Sale is Now Ope^And Everything Goes.

We offer you buying opportunities in new, clean, high class merchandiseworth your prompt consideration.

New staple goods in prints percales, ginghams, crashes, sheetings muslins, cambrics, table linens, towels and napkins will be kept in stock while sale lasts, and sold at manu­

facturers’ prices.In our Ready-to-Wear Department we offer many Special Bargains as follows;

Children’s Wash DressesOne lot worth $1.25 to $1.50 sale price.........................79cOne lot worth $1.50 to $2.00 sale price........................ 98cOne lot worth $3.00 to $5.00 sale price.....................$1.9B

Ladies’ and Misses’ Wash DressesOne lot worth $1.50 to $3.00 sale price.........................98cOne lot worth $4.50 to $5.00 sale price...................... $2.98One lot worth $6.(X) to $7.50 sale price...................... $8.98One lot worth $6.75 to $10 sale price......................$4.96

LADIES’ WASH SKIRTSOne lot worth $1.25 to $2.00 sale price.........................98cOne lot worth $2.00 to $3.00 sale price......................$1.48One lot worth $4.50 to $5.00 sale price......................$2.80

Wool SkirtsOne lot Wool Skirts, worth $2.50 to $3.75, sale price $1.75One lot worth $3.75 to $5.00, sale price......................$2.75One lot worth $5.00 to $6.00, sale price ............... $8.75One lot worth $7.50 to $10, sale price......................$8.76

L.ADIES’ W AISTS50c Waists, sale price.......................................................39c59c Waists, sak price.......................................................42c75c Waists, sale price.......................................................99c$1.00 Waists, sale price...................................................79c$1.25 Waists, sale price...................................................89c$1.50 Waists, sale price...................................................9Bc$2.00 Waists, sale price................................................$1.90$5.00 and $7.50 Waists, sale price ........................... $8.75

Special Bargains in Winter Underwear, Hosiery, Outings and Outing Gowns.

NOBLE BURNETTStore Open Evenings. St. Johns. Michigan.

-JULY 18, 1912.








OWOMO —Et«. th« Ove-jnear-oUl dauKtitrr of Mr. and Mrs. MT. H. W'ard

Jacksoo—Got. Osborn, who dollv- crsd an addrsos at the Ninth Mlrhl* Ksn reclment re-unkm here Frida)', made hIs annual Inspection of the



Qmnd Rnpidn — Qrand Rnpldn .. w ji.. ..4....^ ^ . was hh eniijr dnturdn) mornlun o> arun Into and qu^ badly tiUur^ pri»* Friday aftemoOT, and before eyclone that Injured 40 or per-

by M auPHoob^ f;..? ^ **»• •*»«*“• "»•*UtckinsM of this city found ererythln. at the prison In a thousanda of doHars* worth ofnoon. The accident occurred In front satiefartory condition. damaaeof the iikloner garnse. on South -ybe prison ^ from

.... -1^- reconstructk* period, said he. We «>othweei about 4 o’clock. TheThe llt^ girl sre changing from the contract ^ ^^4 place struck was the city mar-

oa the sidewalk with her mother. to working the Ininatss on state ^ fUoid^ Centmlwhen ^ •«***»l. •“!>“*«* *?!*': l«--m«’ »«-Hiall park, adjoining. The^t^ the building. Mrs MM rery satlstoctor) 1 bHIere that was crowded with farmeined la front of the auto la safety, tall- ,t ui* end of Are years the priaon imdlns had lustlag the little girl to remain srhere she be on a paying basis. It has at begunV* ^ !® ?' A. ihe storm mruck the roof the

*" “ *• ball park gnindstand was lifted andchine struck ^r forehead. InfllcU^ of men of rtpe bualness ox^rtence. at ai.ered all or-a deep gash and causing her to be ,,bo are giving the beat of their Ul- marketknocked saveral feet by the colllaion. ems to the proper management of the

institution.”Hdsrard Frenadorf. of Hudson, Oov.

Wilson's state campaign manager, who is a member also of the priaon board of control, stated Friday night

Her mother, who has hod heart trouble for a number of years, col­lapsed after seeing the accident, and is now la a critical condition. Though painful, the little girl's Injuries are not considered serious. Mr. Ward is a photographer and resides over the garage.

A wild panic followed.Horses ran away and persona fled

In terror. Horses were killed and a great many persons were hurt, some so badly they had to be sent to the hoopital. Of thooe Injured, nine are


there was no truth In the report that In a serious condition,he is a candidate for congress from police reserres and Arc depart-the second district. roent were called out. The storm then

•We will have a democrat pro^- striking the beatsive candidate from our district, howBangor.--Simon De Volk, employed ,.ver. or I will be a candidate.’’ he I]|I^^"in«l*greilt dal^Iie^^a donl'**^

The nine badly injured men weremiles n^h of lUngw, iMt in ©m now. ’ fanners and hucksters, who were tak-hay when the hay slipped off the fork ***'^“^ position at the city tnarketand threw him from the load. He struck the barn floor on his head with considerable force. He was picked up unconscious and died In a short time. He leaves his widow and one aon

N. J. Oorham. Cashier Bank Woodvllle. Woodville. On., had a vers attack of kidney tronbls the

IIFTHtiTHFII OVKK HiiDY OF stalls preparator)' to engaging In theKATTLFN.AAKFt YliM nFDHKIi Saturday morning buainees The roof

Mt Clemen^Over the dead body 1®^ ball park grand sund r^tly of a large rat^nake a year ago Frl- “J * ^ Hl.OOt. wmday Mis. n.rlbel Jensen gave to ‘»*® market-plm^ and the(•Imrle. Commock promise that she would become his wife. . '»J* 7*‘* /h*'

Friday. In sight of the reptile’s ^grave. Mis. Jen^-n fullllled her prom- Im. and became Mrs. Comstock. The ■ ^

huckleberry ** estimated at fk.OOO, while the mar­ie pains In his kklneys and back marriage accurred In a huckleberry i. .TT™—1.4 .k-ere tsrrtble. -I got a bottle of Foley swamp, where the couple met under

till. ------------------ -------- ..a -ther unique cirrumstancee ‘i. ^on July 12. 1911. Miss Jenson, who ulr' I" ^ J H***!mt house for her father, seven* miles V** animated at

Kidney Pills from our druggist and they entirely relieved me. I have more benefit from them than any other medicine. Vanaiefcle it ainspls.

A N«w Pattern


LIERE it a beaubltti new pattern, which

is naich admired by all who loveColoiuai effects and handsome silver, it combines all the ^ace and daintiness of the period its name luggests with experienced woek- manship. Ljke all


'• J//PFr Tlatt that

it is made in the hesvisst pade ck sdver pJale. and IS backed by the largest makers in the world with an iwnuskhed guarantee made pos­sible by the eclusi test of aisty-Gve yeets' wear.We carry a good line, iadnding the now pol- iefn.OU Colony. We


Yrli? - O'the huckleberr) swamp, at the rear ,of her fatheria farm, to gather her- : _ .i.rleo for a pie. In the Ull graea ahe I 7ri Jk m fillencountered a rattlesnake Naturally iwiu?

- land seemed to cut s swstu throughthe reeldentlal eection. Workmen sreshe screamed

Her cries were heard hy romstoek. , then s resident of Chiesgo. III., who j was visiting In the neighborhood. He I rushed to her aaaistance and dis- j patched the reptile. It waa then and ! there tbnt the couple became be- i trothod. and an agreement was made that s year from the dny the wedding should occur on the same spot.

Comstock Is 24. bis wife one yenr his Junior. CVnnstoek is now a raoi-

! dent of St. Lonls. Mo., where the new- 11y wedded couple will make their fu­ture home.

DOW busy denning up the debris.


Maple Rapids Bose Ball Nise Buf­fered s shut-out in s Dins Inslng game here Ssturday afternoon at the hands of Forest Hill. Maple Hapid’s old left-handed pitcher was In the bos for the local nine and retired the vlaltore without a run In eight out of the nine Inuinga but In the second in­ning before be got fairly warmed up four rune were eeored However these were partly due to s mlsunderstsnd- iBg of the rules of the game by the Maple Knplda oateber and a bad de­cision by one of the umpires.

A large crowd witnessed the pro­duction of Uncle Tom's Cabin under canvns in our village Saturday even­ing.

(Illbert Payne of Durand Is visiting relatives in town and vicinity and in the meantime Is painting the farm residence of hie brother. ICmmett Payne, north of our village.

Mias Wheeler of Seattle. M’ash.. sad Mias Manley of Orand Rapids were gneeu of Mrs. Minnie Smith last week.

Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Horr and daugh­ter l*hyllls were guests of Mr. and Mre. Roy Thompson in South Fulton Sunday.

Mr. sad Mre. Clarence Hooker who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bnmard Isft last week for Perrinton for a visit with Mr. Hookers parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Chss. Hoower.

Dr. and Mis B. B. Moss and Mr. and Mre. 8. L. Aldrich visited Mrs. Moss’ relatives in Seglnaw the flrst of the week.

Mlaa Mollis W^bater returned Sat­urday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. IsM. Craig in Fulton and left at once to work for Mr. and Mre Jesse Arch­er cast of our village. .Mr. and Mrs- Archer are both on the sick list.

Mrs C. M. Redfern and children of 8L Johns who have been visiting ber sister. Mrs. Belle Archer, and family have gone to Greenville to i-lall Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Hubbard.

Bd. Fuller returned last week from a visit at Greenville and other points.

Mr. and Mre. Robert Lamble and Mis. Nealy Terry who have been vis­iting rdstlvea In town and nearby left for Flint Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs H. O. PVuit of North Manchester, Ind.. are visiting Mrs. Fniit’a parents. Rev. K. T. Spohn and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. I. E Hewitt and Mr. and Mrs. B. P Gwen enjoyed an nuto- mobile trip to Crystal and hark by sray of Carson City and Hubbardston Sunday.

Hiram Hnllock baa secured employ­ment as bookkeeper for a Arm In Cano. Mich.

Dennis Baldwin of Detroit is visit­ing his slater. Mrs


Memliig loetinet te liewe by Sesae Reeeiit flspsrtmewte In


Home remarkably IstarasUag de- tslla ragsr-llng the movsmsau sad tbs homlsg laetlDct of the edible crab were preeeoted to the Knstem Hen PlBberies Committee Daring the past two years Klensry inspector H. Donataon has been carrying out in-: vastigallons on benalf of the com-' mlttee. sad the results of bts work t cannot fall to be of coaalderablo use j to those concerned ta blologlcni re­search.

In the course of an exhaustive re­port be stated that between July and | September. 1910, nearly two thou)>and . craba were captured, and after being' labeled were again .<4et frse along the Norfolk and Lincolnshire oossta. The crabs had recenMy east thstr sbeMs. and new ones were than in process of bardeolng.

Rewarda were paid to fisherman upon returning the ersbe when recap tursd. Thsy were returned to the son at varying diatsncea from the ahore. and up to ths prsssnt XI per cent of the labeled cruatscesns had been re­captured and full dau tabulated

With regard to the .Norfolk crabs llbsrsted In the piscss from wnicb they were originally obtstnsd. ttfty- two were recaptured within one mile of their first home, hut oae traveled as far as FIsmborougb Head, a dis­tance of ninety-eight statute mllee. Nearly tbrse hundred had travelsd only three or four miles from where they were originally uken.—London HASndard.

I'bs loesi dlaeedsc endT<MlSMT bs tee greet lev hi and Atreaglb-givli^ aso fer wMBae'a pecelit

Hmr are ^

treatad with Dr. Plans'a Latian irvegeUrity and woakaaaa mi lbs iMBsle •yaBam aorresasd and Dr. Pieree’a Hsverlte PTreiriptiuB. The tirala opao the yeoa#

fle yen the earre aad bleed ioraaiad etreetorea lb. 'Ilaa la tbe tbae la lake tbla raetaralive taala egslator. Par over frety yeare aald by dreggieBs ead dlMreiiiad eihaeatA. 7W <ar rmmrn^ aa psrdret tiaa ead ee gaad ia earative aKssta aa to iTirraat

ia prialiad it* every lagradiaal am its eaBalds wreppev. Tlr ear rrangF wbiili ■hieletaiy oaatalaa aellbsr eleobel aar iaiariaaa or babii-lonatad drm^.

Pcrflawiag letter eeleeted at raadere frees a large aaaibar ol Maiilar oaaa ead died merely to illwetrate tbeso remerbe t

“!■ the wteiar mt 1MB, I hemew ermAlr nm dean ead toveoele^** wTttm Mm. HaasT Soorr. «f Sees Ocne. MliA.. bmae 1. Ba> IS **1 •immhr l«it earaU trmm wmm. ead. at Imt. nil red to mmmhr tm lbs das- isre far bale. TbadasAaraaU I kad laSMaaaattaa.MtlmMMetaadlaasr- aUaa. 1 araa la bad ataasa tsaaba aad pat aa bsMar. IbadMWr mtd I waaU bare Is hare aa aeaaaWaa. hat ta that I treald ear *—*— M* Sm. haad earrhaawi tea faattiaaat Ur. Ptares's PWrerMs Prs


I bad tahaa ihrea lntdti I aaald faal dsasar aad taah Or. Plaraa’a Paaertta I vaaM baaa basa datM-l leaily baba

rSaaOmt altar anraatf awMian aa I drapaad tba IVaarrbMMa. 6a*r far ul thtab re it aaaad aa Mlsb 1 tol hsiMS



OursWe Would

Have You BeThat's why our ads

So frequently you see

ADDING DAYS TU HIS UFEParadoxical Problsm Is Solved

Through Obvious Point In Cir­cumnavigation.

The goods we bake, we bake for yoa.\nd take the j^reatest care that in QUALITY and




I IdUiBing—Breause hit conacirncr j troublrd him so hr was unabir to sleep nlghte. and during the day hr

I was haunted with the fact that hr pnaaraard 114 hr had obtained dls-Idtnalng- Thrrr will hr no special . ___ ,

•rreion of thr Irgi.lature, aa fbr • »*»•<»•««’ c^nty rraldentGov. Osborn U concrrnrd. Treasurer Slreper a let

Thr governor drnire rmphatlcally |that hr wa* taking a poll of the legis- , v ... ihmx-^lature to aacrruln whether a ma- . *»^ ***' " ®?'***‘ •* ' h.v« ...»______ i ,Jortty of thr member* were willing ^ •«»• ! ** weekto meet The governor also declarrel f'*" ^ r"^*'^** In .hoot- . hrrthat It was not necrasary to call thr !"*. .1'.'.™^*. ^ ^ ® memberlegislator. In extraordinary reeslon

aad family In South BkeexMre. Dan Wright and children vle-

ited her aon. James Wright, and fam­ily and daughter. Mre. Ivah Hal- atend and family in .North Shade last week.

Mr. and Mre. Rufu. Durbin and In­fant child vialted relatives and friends In Cryeui last week.

Mies RSale Martin of Saginaw la visiting her sister. Mrs. B. B. Moos, .tnd brother. Dr. E. L. Martin.

Mrs. Richard Warner Is preparing to remove to Rrlding where ahe ex­pects to mnkr ber home with her dau­ghter. Mre. Frank McBaln.

Robert Anderaon waa in 9t Johns today and hiislneaa Thursday.

, Mr*. Verne Morrison and son who been vMtlng relatiVM and


A correspondent sends to the Har- Ud a paradoxical problam which, be relieve*. originally appeared In Pleeee’s “rhymlcaJ. .Natural and Phyal- sal Magic.'* published some 60 years igo Two persona were born at the •ame place, at tbe same moment of ^®e. Fifty yesrs after they both died. Uso at the aame spot and at tbe aame bstant; yet one had lived 100 day* aore than ths othar.

Tbe possible solution turns on a surtoua but very obvious point In clr- sumnavtgatlon. A person going round ihe world toward tbe weet loeee a iby; golag toward tbe east he gains sne. Suppose, then, two permnia born ogether at the Cape of Oeod Hope.

Neiaon Pease, eheaee a voyage round the world may


re performed la a year; If one por- ‘orau thla constantly toward tho west, n M yaars ha will ha 60 daya bahlnd •he aUtlonary Inhabitants: and If the Mher Si.ll equally toward tbe east, he will be 60 day. In advance of them. Jae. therefore, will have seen lOt lays more than the other.Herald

44 The Butcher Boy Says 99

to the county clerk of Hlllmlale. to I of the local school board last week.receive the bounty of 2 cent. each. 1 --------------Belng In dire need of money and | iHsecI Bite rasta Leg.sparrowrs being hard to And. he i A Boston man lost his lag from the watched the county cleric buy a con- ! ***** •*> Insect two years before. To

in order to provide for a place for Hoo**'velt electors on the ballot by legislation The law now in force, henIaB**^ut*ir*the ^d^**\r*fo”renamte »*«®m*“* 2.H0P and under cover of : such calamttlaa from atIngB and

.IckM. ^ "'»»• I- duk up .pd r.«,ld MW* of tim Bucklnl Arnl«

1 T*' ■oow h*. b~n tumrt Into lufUuMUon. mllliw udthe state conscience fund by Deputy Poln. Haala burns, bolls, ulcere, pilas. Haarer. TTiie is one of the largMt , acxema. enta, bmlssa. Onlv 26 cents

!amounts received in the fund fori** J. T. Mlllman's, VaaSIckle A Glaa- <aome time. The state will retain **<* TravlB Eiruff Oo.

The governor was In no mood to gli'e answer, to critics, although he did take a shot at Congreasman Young of the upper peninsula, who had been quoted aa saying that It re­quired a gymnast to follow tJie gov­ernor.

*'I may keep a man busy who fol- lowra me. but he would not have to follow me Into the steel trust galleya” the governor declared


possession of the money.


Battle Croak—Bruce Kulp. the moat unfortunate lad In Battle Creek so far aa slckneaa la concerned. Is In the

also nald be classed himself' hoepitnl again. This time It la curv-wlth the sincerelypolltlcnl condltkNM.

•naaloontenu." aa he was lature of the apine and Bruce, who la illeaatleflnl with existing I **** thtrteen-yenr-old son of Attorney

F. A. Kulp. n wellkaown Soclailac orator, will go to the University bos- pitnl at Ann Arlmr.

Bruce flrst had appendicitis, than neuTltia. than scarlet fever, than an

ADuon’s 1847 Roger. Bros.


L4MRN LIFE IN HOG CANAL.Sault 8ta. Marie.—The first drown- __ _ ^

**** ****5®^ abaceaa requiring an operation, thonappandicitia again, than typhoid fe­ver and now It la his spine

Between tlares a burly Janitor, ac­cusing him of loitering la a down­town areade. Ideked him out. Injuring him Intemnlly.

4h. ..II. ...I M. 1 ”*• **«»^'* rmWy started threethe ®^****^ ***• ^®*?f*“*®** year, ago when he waa hurt whiletoo terrifled to raise tbe alarm uadi | paying toothnll. too late. I

I rail oeeurred when tan-yenr-old , John Morrison walked off the walla Into the ktek. Tbe lad was going ftahlng In the rapid, and with several

: roinpnaiooa started to walk the gatss Juat after they were cleaad. In aame iinaccoualnble mnaaer he walked off


Come to Round LakeHnnflqy. Bnllaan i pigalani ani hall gg sglfflM flahlag an plenlc gronnffs wH Ubiaa fraa. Arraa to plenlc hors. Dan*^ otajr at hoam aad awoltar. Let mothor really enjoy a dny of rest. Try n nOlTTfD LAKB HOTML lah or ehlohan dlanor. Oood oM coqgtry style. Gear forty good row

haata and plenty of flafe taakla aad Balt amy be

at the Bant Ilonni.

Tnhahor oat to gather pond IttlsB. Plenty of them.

Half mils of cool ahndy North Bench wttt eottagw for renL A

atrtetly hlgh-eloaB plaoa. 8pagd yonr

vaeatlon hare.

BOX BALL BOWLI1YII A oat of now anto-

mndc alleya have Jnot haan lastnllod. More aelantfe and modarake

than old-olyla nllayg. tt% latsasaly fnaetnnttng.

CoHM try yovr skill.

Drive Out and Spend a DAY or a WEEK.

RoHod Lake rm Laindsburd

Jachaon.—When Rev. Arthur M. Boyd, pastor of the First Preabytor- Inn church went to his church to con­duct the regular prayer meeting sor- vice, be left hla laundry In n snlteooe on the front pornh. after notifying the iaundryman. MPMlIe the service was la program some thief stole the anlt- oaoe aad elothas. The nmttor waa reported to the police


Flint Maraalln Colon, aged 76 yearn proprietor of the flrst store ever opened la Birch Ron. la at n lo­cal hnapitnl anffering from elaphan- liaoln which to mid to ha exceeding­ly rare In this part of the world, be-

ilng uncommon even In the tropical countrlea where It origtaated.

I Cokm’a feet aad limbs are greatly swollen and have tahaa on the color and general appearance of an ele- phaat's akin. His feet measure eigh­teen tnchea around the lower part. Pbyalciaae from conaMerable db lance hare been attrerted aa^ will watch the action of tbe peculiar mal- adv.

Hems LIfa In the Windy City. Ouauv H. De Kolkey of Chicago I

had bis wife arrested on tbe charge >f robbing him In hi. own bouse.

“My wife, ber brother and a board- tr," he declared, “.neaked up behind me and bore me down to the floor. Then, while the two men held me down, your honor, my wife went through my pockets and robbed me of 111.-

“Did you rob your husband ?“ quer- i led tbe court. '

“I cannot tell a He." replied Mre. De Kolkey. simply. ’There was no other j

to get money out of htm. He hasn’t given me a cent for a yanr, and I flrst I tried to eblorofonn him. but he \ always sleeps on hla face. 8o I ealled my brother and we held him and I got I what waa In hla pocketa.**

“Barfactly JuaUflable.** anaouaoad the court.

We always make the lowest possible prices on meats at the “Sanitary Market." Our phone is No. 187, when you want any­thing in our line call us up and we will always be ready for you. Full line of cold meats always on haml for picnics, etc. Fresh Fish everv week.

Zavitz & StoerckSt Johns, Michigan.



trolt than anywhare alas.




It air to lift a

AUTO LIVERYTrips to Resorting

TKrM M«w Cla Specialty

Ia Senruice

First Class Both Day and Night

Ford Motor Cars and Motor SupfJies

A. T. SMITHPhone 7 7-2R SL Johns, Mich.

roow—JULY IS, 1912. PAoa



LaiM Hur«<i. OMrgian Ray, Ualutar-------—tplandid Rtaamahip*. Un•M«ll«d Rarvlaa, Dallfhtful Rcanan —An Owtifig Wart*) Whila.A Tacatlon trip on on* of tho man

nlflcont Bt^amrra of th* Northvrr Navisatlon Co., oflora a comblnatlot of pl*aaart>. rcat and raroparatloa not anreadod by may otbar outing pl«u The route Is from Bamla. Ontario, si the mouth of Ijike Huron, through ih* famous Thirty Thousand Islands, oi to Duluth, or to Mackinac, the Soo- tn fact there Is choice of a sufllcleni number of roots* to suit the taste ot purse of any vileasure seeker, and an> of them offers a series of dellghtfii Bunirlses. It Is a wonderful country to which these boats go The Thlrt> Thousands Islands hare no eQUal It the world for novelty and beauty. Th« rapidly progressive upi*er connlr' must be seen to be understood an appreciated The climate la balmy th* air Is pure, the passengers ar< mad* conafortable by every effort tbs* aapeiience can suggest. Elegance an< eoBvenleace are marked features c these boats. Orchestras are caniei through the tourist season. Absolut* safety Is secured by sufficient llf< boata regular Are drills, and wlreles* talegraphy equipment

For ladles and children no more dv llghtful, roatfui way of spending f vacation could be Imagined.

As la well known, the reglot traversed Is a paradise for sportsmer The best flshlng In th* north Is here Boating and bathing are enjoyed a. in few places In this country. Cami Ihit Is extremely popular.

As a reservoir of health this grea' lake* region has made a name for It asif. Hay fever Is Impossible. Jade* appetite revives. All Is so clean. S4 calm, so bright. “Above us the whit* olouds float, sailing aloft as we sa* below.** It la certainly a trip worti while.

These boats are readily reached a Sarnia by rail, trolley or steame from Detroit or Toledo.

A line to E. W. Holton. Basten Passenger Agent. Sarnia. Ontario. w|| bring free by mall a large foldei haauUfully Illustrated by photograplu and containing details of those de llghtful excursions for which thi: spac* will not permit, with all the In forasatloa necsasary for thoo* wh* coatemplate such a trip. We advis* oar rsaders to send for a copy. It It pleasant reading—a dim reflection of the reality

4'/ 7

V r™. lU . - i :r -.i;' Mria a md aaw so <

•days that mi Why

*f It toWhy

Shra giltotBB*rSto^nHSUwa BSrtetave. turn nr. ulsm. vartoeas ar dlS' maad velaa. shilesslual and paivte alto H man ar wemtn may be CURSO WITH. OUT CUTTIHOr*

1 used te de oowHaerams aaryary. have fvsa been peels seer ef at^asey m medlsal aahag^ peaaeea feed tastruaMata and haaw hew t* ua* them, ae tf sparatlae to desired oea arocmmedet^ slesi^. Il*w> eecr. e* tlss* ead larg* expsrteaes add. *d m mg medical rseserces I have faaad saner, aefar, better way* *f traettag many aawdttleos for whiehtl used le taad aShare sttll oeetlaw* ta) oat. Nam when

ash SM*estf If ta aaeh oawdit permit apsraUen so my own

r. 1


a Use IttMr Co»»s*eeaae*» '•fitsa

**I And that my potatoes ar* tmdly Infaatad wlUi what laams to me Ui aoawer the daaerlpUon of poCatuaeab '

In traating potatoa* for scab It I* beat to uas uoa pound of formalin to thirty gallona of water. 'This traat> meat should bo given th* aaed lisfors the potatoae as* out, and after treat- Ing they should be aeattsrad out and allowed to dry unlaas you ar* ready to piaatthem Immadlataly. After uslof tbs ooluMoo for two or Uirs* Itourn it iliould bs rspisntohsd. bseaoss when left open It loass Its strsoffth very laptdly.

Ws oan ass no rssdoo wtiy the hero- OHM barrels would In any sray hinder this treatment. Ws bsllsvs It will bo all rtftot to use them In treating your potatoes. Aa far as dlslafsetlng the pianter Isoonesmsd, wsdo not bsllsvs this will bs nsessssry If jou treat Uic aaad iropsriy.

*nM fungus dlasass eallsd scab has basn ^own to live foe at Isast Rz yaan In ttm soil, svsn though no potatoes were grown In that flsid Bssanas of this. It Is a good plan to rotate yoor crops and to plant your tgpatad aaad In flalds where potatoaa baee not bean grown for at laaat four dr flya yaan.

*rtaa soil that oontalna an add to Injurious to tbs growth of potato aoah, hano* the application of sul- ptaataof ammonia, salphataof polaah. kaolt, or acid phoaphata will tend to ffsa tb* soil of the scab fungua On tbs other hand, tbs priboneeof 11ms, wood sdhss. or largo quanUtlaa of atabla manure, will aid or soeourag* tbs growth of potato seab.

abs* oMsa set *f tea (for which ethars sal) hyratteeal sad osassrvattv* amdl-

If editoiil t* undsews spwstlss. befaev isTijinlt-g year bedy te the pahw eaC hasBaarda *f ‘‘slash awrpery** It weald be vlae. and IHely t* prove edvaatapaews.

aaaaait me rsasrdlep your nhawroo of ear* by aMthods leao dreaded ead rtoby C. Bffsaa Ovsy. M. D.. oCfloe over (fortonh Hardware Store, 111 Waab* tngtoB Avenue. Sooth, Laaslns. Mleb

S3.50 Recipa Frm For Woik Mon.

■asMl .Yaum and Addrew* Today—Toe (Ho lla«r li l-'rvw ami He Wrong

and VIgurowB.

I bsv* In mv p..)se>sstoi» * preecrlptlo’ for nrrvo«»» l|•Mlltv Isek of vigor, week- eoisri nutnherxl. (failing measory and lame beck, brought on by •gceooao. unnatural dram*, or th* f*>llls* of youth, tbet has eurwl •» nseny worn end nerrous mer rl^t In their own home*—without en> eddmonel help or mndirtn*—that I think every ssen who wtstiee to remUn his Bseniy pi>w*r i»n«1 vlrUlty quickly srn- quietly, si. M h-,* a rr-ry. do I hev* deterwUmd to ^-1 e «*opy of the pra aofiptlon fre* <>f c:—.gc. In a pieln. oral nerv eselsd env-‘-lop to sny raan who will writ* me-

TbSs arrecrtoKlen ooesea from e phyei elea who has mad* s oowetsi stody of awn sad I am i^mvinced It t* th* surset qi ilee comMnetlofi for th* ear* of *fefl alam amnhoed end vigor fslhir* ovor pet

I owe ft le BBT fsllew man |r aeiM them * copy In lonfMene* m ttmi AM eraa anywhere who to weak end dle- M^raaed wlih reneetad fBitoraa may atoptass. *1=^3125 rs•nlskea«.ecttiis roateeartv*. uphelldtng lSw-*rOt*rHTNO reeeodr ever devtsel

au cure htwmlf at haas* aetstly ead AAiekty Joat *lrap me a Itn* thto S? a: ■ Roktnaan RM I-esh RelldtngDHrolt. Nlok-. I wtp mma ymi *25^»* •“jar'SA'Tr

lelASS for msrity wtOUad .sW a„pes- ” —— Mk* thto-hat I aaiM N eaMrsly


TtSM wna whan psopla who oanld not afford azpaatove jewelry and real iM*. owned no jewelry and wore thatr gannantB untrimmad Ourancaators, with a foolish prlds suppoasd to lwdl. eaid birth and brsadlng, aaehewsd ImltaHona. 'Thtowasaproisatagalnst prabands, but Um mddlcina baoama worse than tbddtoadoa Gaudr.ebaap, toKxkty material to an oBanas against good tool*. hut Inazpaiislv* things ■sad not be inarUaUc liaeanas you aanaot taka a trip Mo Butopa to no raamn for rafualng a day’s outing. Ton oaanot afford tbs original Angs- Ina, bnt you can have a good print of It, aad moat of na with untrained pydd will aaa quite aa much In tba print M wa would in tba origlaal.

TiMra to a dlffaraoea batwaan tba bmi panel TO sikI cheap, ao don’t let ua daridsa thing simply haoauaslt didn't dost a mint of moimy.

Bow many things are yon going vrith-1 smM that you ooukl buy for a vary gMdaat sum? Suppoaa It to nothing [ mosa than a sharp knife for paring '

waatad Uma,vsMMad vagetabiea, spoiled your own Mmnpsr. and annoyed tba osan folks by trying to get an edge am a knife that was worn out years ago. Yet for Mm eoQta->tan cants—you can buy a pniiiw knife that will laat at laaat a jasr.

You hav* spent hours beating up eggs with a fork. A Dover egg-beater eosta a quarter, and a whip tan canta You are aliort of pans, of crooks, of kattlas. which can be puirhaaad for from tan to thlrty.flvs cento. You at* going without spooiu. enough to Mt the table whan there are gueeto. bti**^**— jrou can’t afford to pay eight dollars for them, but you can buy artistic apn»OH of whits metal which no one uaiees accustomed to seeing them would distinguish from real NIvor. Bomstimsa It Is china towsla- you are ualng worn, llnty rags: you tan get all th* towato you need for tan odoto apldds Or, yon are wearing an old dram, too heavy and warm, Inataail of tba eool, frsah.looklng um jrou could bay raady-mad* fur from dUt^ eaota to om dollar.

No, I am not advising cheap. »hodd\ things. Always buy ilie Iwst .you can afford. If your meansare Jtmltad buy the liMZpsnsive yet muat satisfactory articisa that you can. only don t make the mistake of complaining bs- oauas ihssT Inexpsrulve things don't last as wall as Uts more costly unm

"Th* first thing you forget ahontan arttela to what you paid for It." .So If IM tooomoMlilng you are going to kaap


A/t i n -i


sAusrst) IN :

124 imiRS

au. par

vaatly worth wblla sr Mnib stiag ja| MAodk at

a food poltoy Mo gsM wiVtontiomoMhlflg that will hdip you in your toork just baeauds you sdbboS buy Nm

A at the preaent markdM pileus. dr **ven eon-idarably lower, to a vary good moM) crop Farmer* ar* now ptaaning on fsatiiag com fodder and aalling thatr hay 1 hallavu this to a ■Md plao •on'tyuut


Reply to Inquiry ruealvud from R. T. Bodtwlok, Itontiiall, Oslorado "Will yon be klrvi stooigh Mo fumtoh m* with what Information von hav* avall- abi* on the subject of gnmm Mltabto for tbto looaUan: baat mstbodsor seed iRg; ptuparation of tba dMat**

Tn fhe vicinity of Parahail, Colored*, Iba beat graas for haying purpeaa* is timothy. A much bsttar combination to mada by using tlmoUiy and alalks. About 16 pounds of timothy and 6 or 4 pounds of alstka make a very gusl mlstuiu

Ilsaldes these two crops, hrome grass, or Bromu Jmermt$, doe* wail in youi loeallty. U pon the farm of Luuia Kick, altuatad within a short distance of your farm, hrome grass lias bean dolnt wonderfully wall. Meadow Fsacut

. will do wall also In yonr locality.I Fromourexparlaoc* with the grasses and from an obaarvanca of the native

I vsgaMstion, we would any that th# i ttmoMby and brouM gram are the tw* j baat mam bar* of the grass family foi your loodHty. Tb* brooM grass will

I tbrlvu with ttmotby aad alalks uadai good eondlUoM of frrigatlan wMch

I nauMliy pruvail op tbadavalopad farmi of tbNl oommunity.

I' A dtak grain drill with graaa Msdei , dtMdChmsnt to as good a tool Mo bs , udMd as any. The soil should bs pm

psrud by deep plowing. 'Tho plowlna Nionld bd followed with tba disk and

a tooth harrow, If poasibto tbo mine f day, in order to work tbo furrow ■UdM dovra into a good, wall.mallowod

Mdd bod bdforo IM baa tlnra to dry out «r lea* iMa tilth. If sasdsd alone, dhooM Ml pounds of brom* gram should bd uoad par aotu. If saadod with tba olbdreaBBblnntlOB, tba amount vsrim with Mm proporMoo it to riatorarl to obMiia. A vary good oombtnnttoa U bfORM grans 16 pouiMis aad atolka 8 pauDdd. Another good eomWnstion ■ btWM gradi 12 poonds. timothy M So 12 pouwm, and atoike 6 to 0 ponnda. n to wuU to harrow llgtotly aftar tb* drtll.

Tba toad sboald ka wall Irrigniad but abould not be kept flooded. Tbaie la a noMlop prrvatont in the vielalty of PanlinU Mbaa bay oan only ba grown ubata It to kapt floodad. This vldw b dRonaoua. Tba land sboald bo wall tnlgitdii than tba water sboald bs withdrawn until tb* crop to nsadtng molfflBiu wboo It aboold ba InigaMad mala- Although tbto to contrary ts tba viowu of many ranehman. IM to boma out tu oapailanea and aaparl mans


Wa baeu your laMMar of raeant daSs tn wbleb you aak for soma Information oa fdditlng rul~ts but you do noMaMsMe bowoldyourcnlraaars. Toungenlvus mould ba fMd oa whole milk for aom* Mma, and changua in tbelr feed should ba DGinda gradually. After a weak or Mm (Mgn the whole milk feed may bs ebaagud to om of half skim aad half whole mMk. Daersaas tba wbol* milk until you ar* feeding tb* oall doMraly oa skim osllk. It to wall Mo have a quantity of grain convantoat ■0 that tba calf will have an oppor­tunity to laam to eat as anriy aa pMalblo It probably will not learn to eat grain for soim little tlasa. Tbto may ba haalanad. howavar. by mising a amall amount of bran with the milk, or you may add a small quantity a( low.grada floor.

Skim milk contain* soma mors protein and oarbohydrata than whole milk, m for faading IM to boat to pioh a grain that will not supply large quantltiOBof thcMosatorials. InaooM inataneea oalves may do very wall on hlghly.oonoantratad feed, but tbaar faada era usually vary aapensiva. and tbar* ara other substitutas that are joat as good. Usually no batter raaulU aan ba obtained from hlgh-prload ooa- oantratas than from faading such grain aa oom, kaflir com. sorghum, barley or eats. The following mlzturec hav* baea found to give very good aatia- taetion:

Whole oau and bran.Whole oata, com. barley, and

bran.A mlzMun of poundi of whole

guts, 9 poundn ul bran. .1 pounds of gorn meal, and 3 pounds uf liiissed gitt* to alao a very good feed for oalvea

YV)gigber with theae oonoentrate* ftoe ywuw zvl growing ealf should ^vu plenty of fresh water, and b* allowed to play In the aun It should giAT. tmv* fl^ arccBS to good clover or . alfalfa ha). If Uteo* ar* not avail. ' gbis, Mmoth) hay and com fmlder are forhapa the next bast. If .you have a Mio, small quanMIi*-' oi *'nslisgs will Bmp tbs oalf In good coodltlou during Mm winter inonths

If th* oalf does not gain whan taking Iba whole milk. It should bs wesMd. Try half ektm and half whole milk for awhile. Sometlmm th* addition of a apoonful of lime water to sach feed will corruet the dlflleulty.

Oairae may suffer from eeours when ' put on graes buM oeually there will he > very little difliaolty if they are allowed Mo feed but a abort time at first, then gn^ually tnereeeiag the period sumi : day onttl they become accustomed to the chawr*- Sudden changes of feed | aiu not food and abeuid he avoided.

What Makes A WmmmniOne hiiiKlrMl aad twenty pounds,'

more or leas, of boa* and tnnscle don't mitki- s wonwa. Ita a good fooadatJen. Put lato It health aad atrength and •he may rule a kinndom Rnt that's ju*t what Electric Bitter* give her. Thousands bless them for nvereotnlng falnttag and dizzy apsH> znd for die- palling wealmsM. nerrouanaan baek- .irbe aad tired Ilatlsaa, wnrnout feel* tag. ‘Blecttic Bitters havu doM ms a world of naad.** wrltus Kllaa Fool. Da>

Dkla., "and I thank you. witli all i my heart for makiag au^ a goad HMd* tolar '* Daly Me. nuatuatead by J. T. MIllMan. Vanilefele A Olaspie and

iTravto Drug On.

PHOCEEDMGSOFOeeactl Reeas, M. Jskae. July 1. ISII.

Reeulsr R.**tlae oi the CHy Couaell held oa tb* skair* dal*, tba nayar, R. O. Jefffrtss. pvaieiBg

*01* Oooecll wee oaliaU t* eedvr at I ' o'daek piia. Freavnt; AldtrBssw Neat lev, I MuMer, McY’onkey. fftoa*. Itasith sad : Ward.I Tb* flslnuiM oi Ul* last reuulsr sad la. I terveatoa spstisl nweUaes were read I and spuroved.! Moved by Alderman Stee*. aupportad by : Alderman joiIUi. timt tk* Beard of Puk. < Ue Works be autborlaed to make teat wells north of the Qrand Truak railway, aad make a test aa to Uw supply of wat. or to be oktalaod

Ay** sU; nays near.Th* Commltte* on Claims pr*a*nt«d th*

followliic report;To tlio Mayor and Commoa COeacll of th*

City of dt. Johns:(}*iitl*ns*n; W*. >-oar Coromitteo on

Claiass. to whom was rofsrred:(toatlaaent fund claims ... No. UZ to IZZ Qsasral street fund rtslam No. lit to ItS Wator fund cMma ...... No. 117 to 114■toctrlc light fund rlahaa No. IW to IM Do hereby report that w* have oarefuliy •xaashMd th* same sad find thoas esrroct at tkoir foetlags. and w* nspsctfuUy roootmnend that they be allowed by th* couartl and tha clerk bs lMtntrt*d to draw ordere on the proper fund for th* several amount*


Comraitteo oa CtalSM.Moved by Alderman Haslth. supported

by Alderman Ward, that th* report of tho Coeamitto* on Claims b* accoptad and adopted.

Aye* six: na>*s non*.Moved by AU*rtnan Mulder, supported

by Alderman Fowler, that th* marshal be Inatrurted to noCffy th* owiurr of lot Mx. block M. to build a •-emont or flagstone walk on th* north sldo of McOonnell streot. adiacent to aald lot 4 wtthtn M Mys fram date of notlco. Also that tho marshal be Instructed to build tho follow­ing crooswalks:

On* ifoeewstk on th* west side oi Ot. tawa street, across DIbkte street:

On* cToeewalk on th* aenth Md* of DIktdc street., arroas Ottawa street;

One (TOSS walk on Ih* south side of Baldwin street, xcroaa Clinton avenue south.

Ayea six: nays noa*.Moved by Aldsrman Fourier, supported

by Aldernmn Smith, that part om (1) of---------------- rolls Nos M. 4* and 41 farparing Walker sctret from the east )la* of Brush street to th* woot lln* of Otta- wu street; Ottawa street from th* north Ua* of Walker street to the north Ua* of HIghom street; Hlgham stroot from th* east line of Otuwa streot to tb* saat lln* of Brush street; State street from th* east line of Clinton arenna to th* woet Un* of Whlttoinore streot. and Stato street from th* west llao of CMnton avenue to tho woet Un* of pttawn streut. be con- ftrased by this council and pincod In tho tnutds of tho etty treoaarer to bs cottact. •d on or before tbe Ufth dny of August. ISIS.

The foregoing was sdoptod by the foW lowing voto: Aye*. Aldermen Fourier, Mulder, McCoakey. Stone, Smith aad W’ard; nay* none

Moved by Alderman stone, supported by Alderman McConkey, that th# request of Wm. Mulder for a f*nco to bo con- structod alone tho line of th* open ditch acrom th* Mulder (arm. be referred to th* Beard of PubUc Works

Aye# Mx. nay# non*.Moved by Alderman Mulder, supported

by Alderman Smith that Charlaa Chant be granted a plumber'a Ucona* In con. nectlon with the water work* and sewer system of tb* city

Ayoa. Aldermen MuUtor. McConkey. Stone, amlth and Ward Nays non*.

Cowtlwgant Fund Dtsburssmsnta City Pay Rool.

Claim No. IZZ—E. J. Molnet .............................. —— HZ-**0*0 U. Tlakham ------------------------ M.M0*0. A. Smedley-------------------------

IF you loMctlMe thrill of auto racing—but

are debarred for any reason, from enjoying this hazardous pleasure—read the new story we will print in installihents—


A tale of a dare> devil racer who dkives his wa^to victory and into the heart of the girl he loves.

A rushingy exhilarating, pulse-quick­ening tale.

theDobH Mila?- -AFim

Lymsa M. Ahsard ZM.MFir* Dspartmont aad Hall.

Jskn Oicktoa ________

Tefal Pay roll........... ............ •IZZ.MiClaim No.—114— Dr. W. H. Oal* .............................. X.MIZk—The Rlrkmond R Backus Gk.. 1*.« ISM—Wm. M. Ijslend ................ PS.ce117—Bngsns Bkultors ____________ ll.e*US—Ttasothy II. (Tlark ......_____ lie.eo

«mesTofal COoUngeat Fuad Dlskts, tZ«s

Qoworal Mtreot Fund Olskwraomonta ComaUaatoner's Pay RoU.

Claim No 114—Bnglsbert Bmllh _______________ tS4.&*H. A. Carponter_________________ 71.MOaoruo Pllnior*____ ........____ 17.MWm. WaU....... ....................................... &.**Uauls Fatrenhofr__________________ P.T*Oeoru* Earl ________________________P.T#Charles odell_______ ............... 4.MOeorue Root ____ p.S*Oeoru* Ordway______.... .............l.S*Albert Fowler ....................... 7.2*Roy Hmith _________ &,4eRoy Clark._________________________ 7.**Hanry Udell____________ IMSchuyler Roes ..................... 14.MJohn Hopkins ..................... ZMRoy Livlagaton _______ ..._______ ZM

tm.zeSewer Fkrm.

Schuyler Rons______________ _— tf.MJohn Hopkins ..................... ZMJohn Price ........................ ZM

til MStetc Street Storm Sewer.

Qeergs Ptiasore------------------------------- ZMOeoru* Rant________________ M.MH. A. carpenter -----------------------------S.MWm. Wall ------------------------------------ ZMCharlee Odell_______________________ZMRoy Smith ZMI. XM1I* Pkrrenkoff .................. ZMOoorge Earl________________________ZMRoy Clark ------------------------------------- S.MOeorge Ordway ------------------------- 7.M

Ijinslas Street Sewer.Oeorge Pllmore------------ ——----------CImrl** Odell ....................... IZMFred Wright --------------------—......... ZMUouls Farrenkoff ——.......—.—Roy Smith--------------------------------------ZMJ. H. Twombly--------------------------------ZOOHenry Odell-----------------------------------'ZOOJohn Kuhn*-----------------------------------*ZMJe* ------------------------------------------------- ZMOlenn Bat**---------------------- —-------- • ••Albert Forwler------------------------------- ZM■art Woodbury .....—S-M Tony TagdltRoy Clark ------------------------- lO.MOserge BariWm Wall............................................... 'ZMOeorge Ordvsay------------------------—-Torry Wright ....—.........—— ZMOraa Fewlor--------------------- —----------ZMJohn -----------------------------------------------John Hopktns ----------------------------- *0 MRoy IJvtaueton ---------------------------- ZMR. Ten-Tck..................................................ZM®W. H. Rlchnsond............... ZM

m7.MTotal Oomme** Fay Roll----------- tZTM.TO

Claim No. —ns—Tho U. S. Pipe Ca.......................HIZMns—John C HIcka...............................»•< »*117—Rt. John* Frmndry Oo. ............. -115— John C. Hick*......... ..................... •* **IIM—Charles Chant ......................... —Ita—E. O. Huto*............. ............... ..........Itl—Dean Hntae ------------------------------ ZMItJ—John Olchton --------------------------- ZMIts—II. J. Andrew*...........................— **.ft


Cement Walk Rebate. rUlm No 174—

Albert H. nalllnger ........................... H.IOFVed C. Burk ....................................... " ISOrace l^tcer Mahar ------------------ .74 31Fred Jackeon-------------------- ------- — '-•>


Better Laie Than




You save money and Inconvenience BY EARLY ACTION.

Jehn F. Parr‘The Coal Man'*

I A Big DifferenceBvear

91mEHOWB itoaS tto«u to a Mg

ilB knmia M Bw wlU Mha guaff tto* MXt. Oa the eltoer Maff

In flev.

i Tube Rose FlourMbM the best Muni BTffBT TOO. WHh TUBE BOBS FLOUB

thnet ptupnns II In nhent the anaie wnrv mM bnhee It with nhnnS the Me iagfui af had, tint aha will ALWAYS hnra Mn^ whMa

I iillliana Muni, Ihnt It la nlwnfa n iullght ta ant.

Ovid Roller MilsOvid, Wichighii.

tts 41(TIalm No —Its—Cnton Telephone Co

Total Rt. aad Rower Dtobt»...ll.717.S4

Water Fund DIsbureemeots.tt7—Falor ............... ........................ 7« •**IIM—John C Hick* .......................— 2'ZMlia—Richard Oay ...................................— ZW17*—March-Tcnny Company ........41.40111—Roc Riephene Mfx. Co _____ _ S.IO177—Detroit I.oad T*1pe aad Rhe#t

I.«nd Works..................................... 144 Tf’Its—Rlchmotid d Barku* Oo.-------- 14.TO j174—John C. Hick# _______________ .4^ j

i Total Water fund T>tobts .... I474.4S I I fflectrle Fund DIebureemsott. I

Pay Roll at th* Plant. |: Claim No laa— I1 Archie Rlshop ....______ ...._____I4*.«f'-I (leorge l.^ccrh __ ___________..... 37 M

Wm. Onrkln ______ ______________ 77.501 Hcorv Rhuman ___________ ______ 27.5^*I Earl Weaver ................................I Ada J Co ^iran* ...................... ............ 7

Total P.vy Roll .............................i Claim No —1 141—.Archie Bishop .................—. fl M5

147—Qeneral Eleetrlo f a _________ Jt.S:*; Id.’. Metro?^tsn Electrical hupply

Ortmpanv .. ............ .... 170.15144—Cspltof Btoetrtr Kn*tr=. ring C-.. Z75

, 144—Unlom T'stephiisie r.unpanv „.. 1.-I I4«—William flmllh..... ............... .......... 71 f*”

144 - Paul Peck ......................................... M OO147—John C Hicks........... ............... Tl*-*!144—Rickard Oay —.............................— ZM

lyttal Electric fund Dlsbts------ NI4 MNo hinh*r husinea* appearing, on m*.

tion th* council adjswned.wn.IJAM corqfRANE. city (n*rk

Rkmuments and. MarkersErBeted].hi

St Johm CemeteryIn IZyman.

^ And not ONE Dia!IA*n»F1ED costomer.lis our record.

Weoan suit yon Joat aa well.

WALTER & HODGESi. Johns. Mich.


Some woiuen know thluna br In- tuition and eowe other* get nazt by

I having huabanffe who talk In their sleep.

Ball Cairtars Will Fly.This to an age of great dtoeorertoa.

PrngTSM Tidaa on tha air. 9u«i w* may naa TTnrla Sam's mall narriar* flying In all dtractloou. traaeportlng mall Panple taka a wouflarfol Inter. e#t In « dtorovary that ban^flta tham. That’# why Dr. RIngto Naw Dtorov. err for cougiM^ Cold* and 'other throat and lung dtoauaaa ta tha OMOt popular madtolna tn AmsTica **It ritrad ma of a draadDil rough." wrttra Mfu J. F Duvia, Btlrtrnay Corner, Me., ••after doctorh trnatmaut and all otb- *r ramedtui had failad." For coughs roMa or any bronahlal affaetiou Ita nnaqnalad. Prtou IM and tl.M. TrMi hottia frua at J. T. BllluMn s. Ttonmakla ff OlnuglkB oni Tvuato Drug Ok.

I Cirls who atudy baivl or work bard, ;Who grow pale and thin, who come ' honia from acbool or shop too tired to do any thing even In the way of

; amtiaaroant—thaac arc the glrla who will gat moat benefit from a courar of treatment with »r William*' I»lnk

* Pill* for I*ale People. No medicine I ever offered the public has been auch |n iMtoo to auffering women and glrla I a* thto tonic remedy. Three pills arc not a marc stimulant, giving tern- porary relief; they bulM up th* body anew by making rich, red blood that Imparts aplendld health, btightneaa.

ichearfulneea, anargy and amMUon.Dr. Wllllama’ Pink Pllla begin their

work of improveuiant with tbe flrat doaa. Tha first aign of Improvamant to uaually an Inert used appatlta, the abscuae of dletreoalng aymptoma af* ter eating, aM>ra rafraahlng atoep. a better color In teee aad llpu. 'Tbaoe ara aigna that pure rleh blood to now circulating through the body and that with thto Boceaaary aaatoMnct. na­ture to affecting a cure.

Mrs. John Brandow, of R. F. D. No. Z, Harbor Itoftoh. Mich., aayu:

"I began to ha anaemic while In arhool. for the hard atudy aad oou-

flneuent cuuoad me to become run down. I auffered from severe head- ache* and such dlxxy epeela Uiat I could hardly walk. I could not sleep at night and. although 1 would get hungry, could not oat without dto- trem. .My heart fluttered and there was auch a pain around It that I could only take short breaths or gaapa 1 waa very nenroue, loef In woelsht and had no color I waa not confined to bed. but could hardly drag around.

"For two yean I tried many doc­tors and raadirinaa bnt without much help. At last I began to taka Dr. Williams* Pink Pllla and soon by blood became rich and pure, my heart strong and I fait batter than In yaniu. I continued taking the pills and wua cured."

Two booklets. "Building Up tbe Blood" and "Plain Talha to Woman." will ba aaut fraa upon raqueuz

D?. Wnilanw* Pink Pills are aold by all drugfftots nt M cants per box; aiz bozue. tL60. or will he aent by mail, postpaid, upon receipt of piitoa, by tba Dr. WIlllaMs Medicine Oo., Schen- aaetndy, N. T.


C HIROPRACTICCmmOrmmo* rmmwm,. *•#<» •«•? S* leoew. 04v— ymm a seokBoaiSB beMM

tUmm WiMMoe •* (MMoqatky. t»w* kooCrs* *4wa,o«* ioesMaU tm NIM m Tittm « taw* ketoq •orsHeC (ov Ovo* *4 o*a4 msatk. Oaeotos OM l■r•rmot4•• FRItli. TlZ J*nprs— Avo„ D*<raM. Teliqkew* Worn fk.

A Sure Winner—A liner in The News


1 ID S

w. m ■nmoNM. iMl Ho—1. Tmb—IT 9mA FMiar i Mh «—k, f— 7 A. —. — T pl —

B. U r. VANAMBUM. oO— OO Onaa' raataat—t. OfB— kaa—— 11 a. ol; S to B auk 7 to • a.PhoM IH Blaek. Bpoalal cm ■MB— for aluvBle AI—aaM

WIUAAM RAWS. M. patkte pky—rtaa awl aafOOB. Of- noe orar Datp A Baad% Wo— fl— k.wM f — IS a. a. aad 1 — 4 p. a. fbr Ckroole oad Aaa— A mmm. (Daa. S. m)

C BOOK. M . D. B—aa— ai —a a—, oar. aa— owd tkroat oalp Offtoo orar

IBABMWH WAmOl—Bt tlM ter or araolk at fWr OtwnWa la—L

__ MirSpd~wnm ttAUI AB TKABB.

mB (ULB—17 Ua—a pawor NIakolaA BlMBpanl BOB—a; Bai BIrar

wlad a—akar:__ __________Blr—Wl olaaar

hollar: Did wan baaa thfaahar; Pla—wall aan haafar; taak poap aad haaa. All — Irat^la— rapatr Will aall ehaaa Woa llaMar. tf

1 B. DOIxm M. D. Offi— and norar fl—aWlag*o bwd^ op|k

C BDIBON (30TBT. Fft D. M. D, PB—ielaa aad oar——, fh—s ap—* tal att—B— to ehroale diaaaa— Om— orar Nor—B‘o Hardwaia 8—ra. Ill WaahlBB—a Aaa. Sootti. f oiiatM. Mlehl—a.

FOB SALB—A Weto—la baU. 14mirathr old. a ftoe aalaml at a r—-

to —a—. Jay Saaai•na. Few-lar, Mick. 5dwflpd

FOB HALB—Boa— aad two kda.Cheap If —k— at oaea. 8— T. A


FOB SALB — O— nu—»; alapleoak bad; ohlld’a bad. turtap.mattfu—: 4 coach—: hall rack. aov.•—1 odd Chat— will tail ok—p —aeco—t of lack of room. M— H. B.

Idl Walker Bt

VIoBOtaallAHaloWo B—HOB BaltI— ai BL Jak—. 8— ad. pw— 14. Hlaa A—lla ScAoaalih of Oatrolt la

Woltlas roteB—a aad fri—— ho— for law waaka 8h« arrlvad ha— loot Wadaoaday.

Fo—r Thao— aad Boraard Laokaratt—dad tha BoBalo Bill Wild Woat

aa— at Ownaao Friday.lla To—h Gab—** ahew

ha— Wadaoaday waa

P*Tha tr—.

rht#ai —hiwall atoow

—— SoAaa—r of Bt Jok— and Fraak Ulr—h of Wowfar wa— la —wa Thuiaday.

Thla aaetl— of eoeatry —to a h—r-

B. B. <1 LJ—ANBBLBR. D. D. om— oat' fl— Book. 8L Jo—

TBOMAS MANN. D. D. 8.-I'a aOooa.

ABTRUB OORBIN. DaaBoC. om— at tha haad of Cltat— A—aaa

B. B. Whlbiidsa WALBRIDOB A

at Law, oaar o

D. W. KAUmr. ■T, Attoraapa

LawOfitouo oaar

wni, H. Bt Jol

BRUNBON. At—oaay at law.

LTON A MOTNWr, At—raa— at Law, Bt Jok—. MIok. Omo— la aaw

Won—0? Baak BDlldla«.imMRTABBBfL

^ R. 08C7OOD. Foralta— aad Oadar- taktap. St Jokaa. MlWdsaa


■OWMT TO LOAN—Ok —ilty at laaaaaah—

■OBH. at Tha 8— of Bt Jokna. Larpo or aoBaO a— can aad a— m J. W.

akiar. tfTO LOAN—At —w ra— af —> fhia— aad oRy p—parti ftar latat— at ofO— of H.




B. A. TALUBADOB Tallar*n—00 par oaat la—oaw padd oa aa^

IBIiiotBi of dapoalt aad — —rtaflo haok aaeoaata Diafta laaaad poad la aay part of tha Old—d Btao— or Omar mtm aad — tka pr—at—i ett—a af ■aropo. Aueioua— of —naa—,

ooabla tanaa i

haaklap. Bapoo—r fhaflMt— tor fall k—ia

I. Mrlo Browa,J. W. Fftapa—M. A. J. K Jarr,C T. nakaoak,


Grand Trunk E ETin Cad


oi l-aMa w«l ha r M wW ol— al 81. ran — tollawa.


Laeal ♦8—a—ka Loaal ♦Datrolt UoDltad • LaaalA ___

tfm St Jahao.......... ...........7:li a. m.— •_____ t:47 a. a.

____lS:n p. a.J:S7 p.

------ ••44 p. aT—I liaw ftaa St^Jakaa.

Oraad R—dda idaltod *_Idtlf a a.Loaal ♦ It:— a a.Loaal ♦__________________ t!fl p. a.

Lo—1 ♦ ♦ DWly For —


__ 7:S7 p. a..>^:40 p. a •T—IIt.

, ala.. aaU oa


BlilMio*L— St Jo—a for Taaatai A. M..

17:44. 4:44. 11:44. P. M.—1:44. 1:44. 4:44. 7:44. 4:14. 11:—. L—— D»-Wm tor T a no—a - A M.. l7:St. t:SK U:«. P. l:Si. t:SK I:St. 7:a. 9:4t. 1S:1S falpht)

L—rtap la—tap for DaWItt aad St llkai A. M.. T4:40. 4:44.14:44.11:44. F. It. 1:44, 4:44. 4:44. 4:14, 14:44. Cam I— at aho— t—a fraa Dana

a—p*Jaaka— MrlWaa.Lm— Lo—t^ — tol—wa:Ual—d—A. M.. *4:44, 4:14. 11:441

P. M..—I-A. M.. 7:44. 4:14. ItiM. P.

^ 4:14. l:^^ 11:44.

L— T oao—p — —liawa A. M, 1:44. 4:44. 1184. P. U 1:44. lt4K 4:44, 7:44. 4:44, U:A

r. tt a— -


At a aaaaka of tha Prohata Coart for tha Conaty of Cl——a. hold— at tha Proha— ORca. la tha City of St Joh—. oa Friday, the Hat day of Ju—. la tha yaar oaa —i—art a—a huadrad aad twal—.

Proa—t OHhAaiRB M. MERRILL. Jadpa of Probata.

la tha aatear of tha Bo— of Or> rfUa T. WMtaay, doeooaod. Oa road lap oad flllap tba patltkn. duly —r1- Aod. of Mary J. MoAor. proytap thlo o—It to odlail—*** oad dalotnt— who a— or wo— at tha tlao of bar d—tb tha loaal bala of aald doo—ood aad oatlUad by tha lawa of t—o 9—. — taharlt bar raal aota—. aad tha aha— or port—a tha—of. that of aald bal— wa— —tltlad — at that Ubm aad tha rlRit. tlUa aad latoroat. that aaeb of tbaai or thatr bal— or aa* ■—BO, laay bow ha— thrroia.

Thaiaapaa It — orda—d« Hwt Thanday* tha 14— day af Jalft A> IL, 1411, at oao o'c—ek la tha al—raooa. ha aaaipaad for tha baartap of aald pttpta**. at tha Proba— OS— — the City of St Johas. Aad It to farther ordered that aoCtoa be pi—a to tha haira at law of aald daeaaaad aad all other paraoaa la—roa—d la aald aa* —to. of tha tkM aad pla— of b—flap, by oaaaiap a copy of thto order — ba pubitohad la tha St Jokaa Nawa a uewa—par printed aad Wr- culatlap la aald ooaaty of Clin—a for thr— aoeeaaotra waa— orar— — Mdd day of haartap.

CHARISi MJadpa of Proba—.

(A tn— oopy.) fTwl

— — a food —la ohawar appaiW — eoa— 1—o way Sat*

arday.Bar. Fr. Bapo— of Saadwtok. Oat.

rtoOtad ha— —at Wa—MO—y aad Thu—day — tka la—reat af tha Ao* aaaiptt— Collapa.

Mtoa— ^■**^*« Pebaaalth aad Laaaa Baaar rtottad Mtoa Aaaa Haaa— Baa- day.

tlackafrt No—aharp left Tuiodiy for Oatrolt wka— ho h— aa—rad aan ployoa—I

Wai. Are— w— la Bt Jok— oa baa- k— Tuaaday.

MaU Spl<alay w— la Fowler oa

llarawn Daaaahaek of Fow—r w— — towB Taaaday.

'Hiay Martla af DaerWt to ha— oabaak— far a —w daya.

Talapk—a —a— a— daa. Sak—rlb- •— of both pkoa— will ooafar a praat

8TATB OP nenOAV. Caaaty ofi^^'—oai— of tho Proba— Ooast

tor tha Ooaaty of Gila—a. held— at tha Probate OS—, la tha City of St Job—, oa Thnoaday. tka MS day of Jaaa. — tka yaar o— thoaaaad a' hnadred aad twalra.

Praa—t M. MBBBIU^Ju^ of Probata.

IB tha mat—r of tha aata— of Laolaih CtoaSdok, daeooaad. oa iblaad fU—p tha patltloa. duly rirStoi, of Myroa Goodr—h. praytap that ha or ao—a oSar —1—bto poaaaa loay ba appoS—d adwlatotrotor of aald 08—.

Thar—poa tt to ordarod. That Thiiraday. tha ItS day of Jaly, A. D.. 1411, at o— oaloak to tha af—raooa. bo aoBlpaad tor tha haaitap of aald paUttoa. at tha Proba— OS— la tha City of St Jokaa. Aad It to furlhar orda—d that notl— ba gtraa — tha paiao— la—roa—d la oald oa—. of tho t— oad pto— of oald hoarSp. by oaaolnp a oopy of thto ordor to ba pubitohad la tba SL Joh— Nawo. a ll■■e—por pr—fed aad dreulatlap — aaM ooaaty of Cl—a tor tki— oao* ooaol— waoha prarlo— — aald day of haartap.

(A Tr— OopT*)CHARISB M. imiTT ,

47wS Jad— of Probate.

Nottoa to ha—by gl—a

— of MTORABL SFVTtJMT ad. will ha heard by tha laifla ba— of aoid Ooaaty. at Sa OS— to tha City of St 7S day of Da—rahar. A. IX. that tha oiadl— of aald daaoi allowad olz montha fro— tha thto aoCtoa la whleh — pra—i clotaw tar adjaat—L

Dated Ja— tS. A. Du Iflt.CRARISB S

aw4______________Jadpa of_______PBBBATB OBBBB.

BTATR OF M10HI0AN—Oouaty ofCl—a —.At a aoaal— of tha Proba— Ooart

for tha Ooaaty of Ct—a. bold— at Sa Probate OSea, — the City of BL Job—, oa Weda—day, tha 14S day of July, la Sa y—r o— Souaaad atea baadrad aad twal—.

P—a—t CHARLBB M. MBBBILU Jodpe of Probate:

la Sa I—t—r of tha BWato of ParilBaad B. Hhaen, daeeaaad Oa r—d—p aad flllap tha patltloa. daJy rartflad. of Mary B. Jnhae—. p—ytap Sat Sflward J. Molaat or aaa— oSar —I—hla pe—aa mmm ba appola—d ad- ailatotralor of aald aa—.

Thep—poa It to ordarad. That Than- 4ay, Bto Ifll day af AataW. A. B., Mtt, at o— otolaak — tha af—raeon, ba aa* alpaad tor tha haartap of aald patHlon. at Sa Prob—i OS— la tha City of Bt Jokaa. Aad tt to fartkar ordarad Sat aottoy ba plr— — tha paiao— to* —raatod to —Id aa—to of tha S— and pla— of aald h—liap. by oaaaSp a —py of Sto ardar — ba pahltohiil la tha Bt Joh— Itvaa, a arwapapii prta—d uad clr—lat—p — aald county af CHa—a tor Sr— aaaaaaW— waaha P—rto— — aald day of h—rtap.


4fwfl Jadpa of Praha—.LIMIT TBflB SFBVBtVIL

Aad — Sa katoaee to a bettor way — pat a a—rt S— — limit y—r

Paya 1 p— coat S—r—(

aSar ■ppidaai aa—my.AUIBRT J. BALDWIN.

cooumr b.E a

aa all

CLOSING OUTAll Pumps and Oxfords, Men's, Women’s and Children s. We positively will not carry over any ol our Summer Footwear and this Big Sale is our method of disposing of every pair of Oxfords, Pumps and all odd sizes in high

shoes. Everything must go.Sale Starts

Satorday, Jidy, 20th,and lasts until all summer shoes are sold.

Meih*s Fiihs OxfordsAny style black or tan $4.00 kind $3.25$3.50 kind black or tan.................. $2.75$3.00 Oxfords', black or tan............ $2.49$2.50 Oxfords...................... $1.98Men’s $4.00 shoes, now .................^.49Men’s $3.50 shoes, now ............... ^.10Men’s ^.00 shoes, now ............... $2.65Men’s $2.50 shoes, now............... $2.10Men’s ^.00 shoes, now ....... $1.69Lsdfiss* Oxfords xihd PmsxpsOur best quality Oxfords and Pumps

are on sale at a big reduction.$3.50 Ladies’ Oxfords or Pumps

black or tan.............. $2.75$3.00 Oxfords or Pumps, suede, pat­

ent or gun metal, now................ $2.49$2.50 Oxfords or Pumps, any style

now ....i____ $1.96$2.00 patent or gun metal 2 straps

now .............. $1.09$1.50 and $1.75 Oxfords or Pumps,"

now ........................................... $1.39$1.25 Slippers, now ......................... 98c$1.00 Slippers, now................. 75cWomen’s $3.50 shoes, now...........$3.10W'omen’s $3.00 shoes, now...........$2.09Women’s $2.50. shoes, now...........$2.10W'omen’s $2.00 shoes, now.. ........$1.09Women’s $1.75 shoes, now ..........$139

You will find Record Price Cutting here on all kinds of shoes.

HARRY E. MACKSt. Jolaa*, Mi—.

So Simple Anyone Can R— k

Mo oMdoramKlMBk to take eafcoftko l>tadebafc.r”»0." No nMd of a ctaauflrai. You or your arift can nm it — eaSly — an eapart.

Shnplicity of oppratk» and control, added to the lifht mnninB and capy riduiB qualiti— of StoMltbahar can a— the dai^$it of their 75,000

The Omdehahir (Flanda—) **10** ia equal in quality of material and arorkmanahip to any oar made, and i— low price and low up heap coat puta it within your ranch.

We know the quality of our core beoauM every part ia made in our own plan— and maranto— to oa admt an (uarantea to yon. Thm Btmkhalwr nama, too, maona mnriee aflar JFOU buy.

Ready fcr immadio— delivery.

%TIm $800 SkuddbRlrar i)-W



Do You Want to SeM Your Famnm


Then get in touch with me at once. You have the prop­erty—the purchaser is waiting. Can you find him and make the pale? No, perhaps you cannot but

Hairy EracUeycan do it

Office in the R. H. Shaw Building over A. G. Jones’ Grocery, St. Johns, Michigan.

favor In oall—p upoa yoar i—aapar duiiap the pr—t OMmUi tor a aattle* r—B. F. J. liQSRm. Mpr.

Alex. HUtoer aart Bill Mullla of Fowlar riel—rt M—arta ba— Soartay.

Mta—a L—to Sebafar aad Irta Pohl left for Datrolt —to vaak.

St. M—7*t rha—k.L—( 8uDrtay bl^ an— a— laad by

Rav. Bapar who atoo dallva—d tha aaroMO. Oarrl—a — tha af—inooii wa— oonduc—d by Fr. Mallaowakl.

BuBday —e Toaap Indl—’ Sodality reealvad holy ooaunaaloa In a body.


ProperftjFt— iBoiera r—ti—aa. to—a tot aad

ban. B—t part of town, SSI44.44. Bat> —r look at thto.

Modora boaoa, aanll bam. CMa* -a Ava.. Soath. 1044.

Tha K. Bl Moo— fl— raatdaa— oa 8— Btraat

Many othar sood barurt— from I404.C4 — 14,040.00.

Haaaa. bam. tli aaa— aood toni. wttk fralt fll04.04. G—i gl— aa— —tew oa thla.

Hava two or thi— 8—4 a—— pro* parti—, paylap sood taooa—L Good ebaa— tor —ana—L

Ghot—fhytxw frem 44 —144 aer— for aa— and asekanfla Alwapa a pi—aw— to ahow paeparttoa If yaa ha— aay- thlhp — aaU or want to boy, oo—i and

P. IHLBOYDOS— ovar 8—— Bank. Bt. Jahaa Mleh

Ualoa pho— 144—Fanaa—* 44




Faifipm ffiiadl Gfty


Jo Co HyMaboa— aad barn, all topic—d. ao waa— laad Bulld—pa eould not ba —piBaad tor 14804. Prt— 411844.

tl7—44 aar—. Ora—baak towaaktp. fair bnlldlnie. pood aoU. 14840.

ttO—ISO aeraa, Waab—w ooaaty, 108 a— under plow, balan— aaaUy elonrad. Prl— 14844.

400—40 aam. 7 mil— from X Mmm, pood how— aad barm. — waa— laad. Prl— ISAOO.

7tS-110 aeraa, la Oil— tuwaaklp. Prl— M84i.

7i4—140 a—. S rail— from martrat. lar— boa— aad bam. 10 aerm eC tlrabor. prtoa |46 par aa—

754—Bap—t hoa— aad lot. haaaa aaarly —w, pr—a I1.4S0.

754—Ho—■ aad lot, 4404—4104 doa—. baton— like r—t until paid tor.

414—Hoa— and lot. 4 bloeha fro— court boa—. 4100 down, bnlaa— Ilka reaL

Boa— obo—a barpal— In elty propartp. Hoaa— aad lo— from 4404 op to 44800

*l5—Loan —



Frad Parkbou— who h— ba— vary 111 with h—rt troable to able — be aitMmd bat not able — do any work.

Mta. Apa— Ptaple wUl en—rtaln tbe Jolly Thl.*ty at bar hoaae Thura- day, July It. 1411.

L V. Miller and wife vtol—d thalr uaele and a—t, Harvey Fea—ll, and tomlly a—r 9t Joh— Saturday and Bonday.

Olaah Miller —lied — bto a—t. Mta J. L Raed. In Oraad T edpe who to very poorly.

A number from around ba— attend* ed the dan— at Merle Beaeh laat Fri—y ev—tnp and repart a pood tine

The— will be a dan— at Soath RU- ay On— hall July M. 1411. Bvary* b—y ooa—.

Philip Paikhoa— and family vlalt- ad Ja— Parkho—e and tomlly Boa- day.

The oScera of Soath Rltop aeh—1 a— bavtap a furaa— pat to the aekool which will laabe tt mo— nnmf—table for —Boher aad pupBa.

»- I i >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 8 ♦♦ vovn lACOJL 8♦ s

InFertile aoU;

. Good mam-kat. Wa oftor


A baby plrl. Hath Bathar. can— — hrlph—n the bowte of Mta. Citato• Howe, July t.

The L A. 8. of tbto pto— will ha— an too eiaam aortal at Bmaat Hoarah Batunlny evanlap. July 17. A cordial tnvl—tkm to all.

Miw. Do— Bamaett of Baldtap vtoft* ad —lartv— ba— raa—tly.

Mlldrtd Ra— la worfctap far M— C. Howe.

Biwaid Ro— h— bo— anpapad — —aeh the B—tavd aahool the tall term

Akaat tw—ty Indy fri—da of Mi- Bather Inpier comp—ly —rpt—ad her July 5 wh— they oo—e — help liiiab—ti> her flf—th birthday annl- V—anry. A poaaat hant. —a—a aad mualc wa— the —a—a of —tartato

ad. M—y —ko— of wa— toft wIS the ho—


M—. Itorrleun Tldewell of Datroltto speaBtop —ve—I woeha with barBto—r. Mtb. W. M. Crowal, n—r Pom- pell.

F. L Oook ap—t part of toat weak ia Cryntal.

Mr. Mann of Atom w— a pa—t at Sam Cl—llh one day tool weak.

Daa Jokna— w— qal— otok toat week hot to eoa— bettor at tbto will- lap.

M— Frad Riicka— la on tha atek ItoL

Mr. and M—. McKay aad little daa- phter of ritat City a— apaqdt— aev* e—4 waeka with her uaele bad a—t. Mr. aad M—. A. Peek.

Harr—— Dao—tt of Pompeii ep—t toot Soaday at J. Hhr—'.

M—. A. Hawkla of n—r Rwraha ant tool Saaday with b— —r—to.

Mr. ahd M— Jaak fta—

LEEKELLAMSt Jalms, Midi.

BTATt OP MIUBIBAR, Tha Frakato raart tor Mm Caua^ af maiaa.At a aoaal— af —Id O—ft haM la

the Probate OS— la the City of to. Joh— la aald O—aty. — the llth day af July A D.. 1411

Ptao—1< H—. nHdSIJto M. MBR- Rim Jadpe af Praha—.

Ia the amt—r af tha eato— af Benjamto B. tomaard. deeooaad. (;«orar B. navhlt. —e—tar of aald —. hav—p itod la eato a—rt hto petit—a, p—ytap tor lU—bp — aell the la—real af aald ea—te la rer—to r—1— therela deaevthed, tor the par* peer af dtotrlbwil— of the prae—da— bel— aad topa—— af aald de—nood

It to ordered. That the PI—I dap aft apart, A. It, Iflt, at —a oVt—k tr the fl—aera. at aaM p—ha— aS—. be aad to ha—ky appala—d tor h—r- •aa aaM paitil—. aad that all pi—aaa tatir—tad to aald ao—to appaor hato— aald —art, al aaM tto— and pto—. — ahofw aa—I wkp a Maan— — daM tka lateraal af —M aatoto to aaM i—I aaiata MmaM nal ha pa—d.

About to plao—


from W to

Ovid Ideally Co.. Ovid, Mick.

LOOK HERE3 Farm Eargaina76 aeiwo, Sho A 1 BaHdtnpn h—l

of aoU 4H mil— from DaWItt. Prt—

114 amballdtaBB,

dOO. No. 1 Prt— 418

40 aer— No. 1 aoU. sood toir baHd> In—. 4H toU— of X JdBna. A kor^ Skth. 47444.- •

and olty propartp.^OB^dSiRtrr~ -cm ■- '

LD' paretSB IN BSAliITT • Mo.7t XJtoPtoMMB.

A GREAT MONEY MAKERRMBTAURANT wtS fl— babary to fuma-ttna. tally agtoppod to

•vary porSaator. a— of tha vary boot Soda Fmn—tm, bartna— pay- tap from too to 440 por day. O^oaom aho— whleh r—to for anoaph to

bo bought torSOo—to—thadoltor ct tho aat—LccBk ifChW tan—).A ba—ttfnl. partly medarn hoa—. kma—d tor ttoa city ct Oftd,

larpa loc, pood bom. all Undo of oatbnlidla— tn tha b— all ktoda at trutu boo— trtmmad with Fluid otona. prt— I

0«f F4D—‘t tofsat that wa a— laadtap tbam all to Iha i

wa ha— 000— of tha moat w—darfnl barpatoa avar oSa—d to pwblle. plaa— ooa— and a— — If y— a— onatamstottap

baytap a toam, wa ha— bob— fan— — wUeh tka prto— ha— ] ba— U—Uy atoagh—d la the —at tow daya.

Central Real C^*—y|Ui

(rixllp Write or Fhe$&e

XXtor a farm, a or city proparty.

7*room baa—, aaada— aaeapt fat—or. D—a— x X— y—r ako—a la lota, lot atot 4x4. 44444; lot 4s4. 44440. —m


4*vaom hoa— atrtotly amia— la ovary daiall •— ahada. Karr X. 41144

4 hoaa— — Willi—m X. 41446 aaah. 4440 dowa. kbayar.

FARMS la all ioeatto—. prta— oad tarmo

Maaa— and —to tor aala to all parta af tha city.

— salt


Phone 7901.900*101 Osklancl Bldg. I-snoing. Michigsn.

tor thr—waaha paaa— — aoM day la toa X Jok— Naoto a

XM flxvw^pMsx midd roaaty

OrtABLBi M MSBBILL Jadpa af Fraka—.

(A t—e eapT > 46w4

laHe. Ftrfc aaf Sf—

Natin^M Taapf ttamaoMam

Prta— fidto 4 la 4 M Oidto adato

aZ. MeI— walk at UaM$



IWUIwill be A base ball rame at

FVmler Rundar betweao Um FVmler liHlependeiita and ('aiwoa Hty at 3.10 Thia la eipectMl to be a Tery rioae irame aa ranca nty haa been play- tnir eafefXIooally rood ball this sea- son, meetlns some of the stronaeal amateur teams In the state and the locals claim to have the stmnaeat team FV>w|er has s^n In several years flavins defeated every team they have met this season The home fans have been aahins for sames here all sea­son and It will br- up to them to turn out sad help far expenses If they waat any more sames here this asa- son The adniisslon will be id and tdr

Westphalia will play here a week from next Nun4a\

The fonwler ln«-pendsnis playad the WestpbalU TIsers at Wsatpfialla Iasi Hunday and defeated thsm by a score of I to 1 TW Name was eerv exeltlas from start to llalali 7%# ptteklas of Vullin and the ratHihis of t'eailei featured the same ||c rios did some tpeetaealar deldlas armsad seraad he •suritNi In st> dosrtde plays M illtn atniek out df tssn of the Weatphalta batamrn ana seaaM have srerwd s ahut-osl hat for a fea ri%alk deristuas hi I'miitre Wahl

Lawler r«wiaieti nae raa In th» drst isatap whea tialfama ataffsd Vfsiim assftired hiss to aeessnl and Newafee searad him srth s thee> haar drrv- So fv^bt rewtev l;« the third VasHes- asn ataried t<wib thins «s Ifanald lhas'a atapW sad aceeid in -n tabsle w«i ta the f>«w?tli \lMtl>n ataaied Stoie teewswi and srnred mm w«h^--r's elaale ^^e^ ♦•(Iwd rwt. wi.-e-*- it tt>e •tiash when ♦*#?*♦ t reomde.' t eW^-

•hd went •eeee-T • Vee x; > ,rle,1 ISr t,* ! It 'e' »*.' » ^

^*v • *’ss'' »' I . .■ *d score.1 He'f' »n

se ereef t ■ '

Hall THMlt tbaveb h.d>-• e»> •See' «

' I - * / e- » I see» >.4* > w*t I'

I M f'* rise'* I' I ilie* • e-

I e *#• fer "^Ji- I'l. 4*1* %es*pasiik tear ss

• ■■<iSds* Sstat **• ’*■ ^ '©iJcthe aneatv ta# taditwi Af'or &.i.. .Wtl. *» • »• eWtSWa^iGW

Vlafl r4ark d Hulad'b Dl« ^ Off Suit Bsl# at St Johaa. Sss ad. pace It.

Max Moore returned from Ann Ar­bor Saturday.

laabal Arena who haa been vlattlac hsr aunt. Mra. ('harloa Scbrauben, ro- tumad home Saturday.

Jobn Rademarhcr and John Martin of Wsotphalla were In town .Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Thornton visited | her alnter, Mrs. John Swartx. and • fnndly Sunday.

F. H. Cleller and tiaushter Bva who have bsen travellna in Germany rs* turned borne Saturday.

Mra. peter Kdlnaer la vtsttlnn In Orand Rapids fnis week

Frank Geller and family apetit Sun­day afternoon with F. H. Celler and i fnmlly.

Mr Splzley and Father .Maltnoakl , of M'estphslia were In town .Monday. ' Father Undeniann accompanied them home

Mrs. .Michael Monz and Mr. and ' Mrs. M’lll Itler were in St. Johns Sst- urdsy

A dancior party will be itiven on Friday evenin«. July 19, 1912. at the WIeber ball. Dancinp will benin at 8 p. m. sharp and will clone at 1 p. ni Everybody cordially invited to attend

Mr. and .Mrs John P llower visited .Mr. and .Mrs John ririch Sunday.

.Mrs Anna Whitaker and family went In their auto to visit relatives In Shepardsvlile Sunday

Mrs. Georpe Galllnan of latiiiRsburp Is visitinp her daughter, Mrs Jay PeIrcM* and family.

Mrs. Peirce of laiinicabunc lisited her son a few days last week.

John Cook of Pew*amo was in town .Monday.

Mrs. Josephine Coffin accomiianied her dauphler. Miss Ruby, to Gnaway last week Wednesday.

Miss Kvn Ftnk returned to lainsinp last Friday after a weeks' visit with her parents Sh#- was accompanied by her brother. Joseph and Arthur Hmate, who attended the show Satur-

Mr. and Mrs John Howers return­ed from Haatlnirs last week Monday.

Mrs. Hackenbruck and Mrs. Platte, who have been rlsItlDfr several weeks with their Twrentx, .Mr. and Mrs. Jos­eph Martin, returned to their homea In Grand Raoids the first of last week

The Misses Fiirtha and Louisa Mar­tin retuired .o Grand Rapids after a week's visit with their sister. Mrs Peter Edinper.

Sll Brenneman. Frank T'lrich and peter Edinper went flahinp Sunday

Mr. and .Mrs hYank Schntdder .and children vIsIi-hI at Joaeph Schneider’s Sunday, day.

Mr and Mrs. Joaeph Schuller of Pewamo visited his parenta. Mr. and Mra. Mich tcl Schuller Sunday. ^

Mlsa Louise FaMpansch who haa been clerklnp for Tony PV>x (he past two months returned to her home last week.

Mlaa Laura Feidpaitaeh of Lauisinp la vlsltlnp her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feldpauach.

Mr. and Mrs. Kupene Fox of Battle Creek came last Thuraday to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs Charles Fox. They retumad Saturday. _

Math. Spitzley accompanied by Fa­ther MallaoskI were in town Monday. They came in Mr. Spitxley's auto.

Mlaa Rita Jewel who haa been visil- Inp her parents In Rochester returned to her work as hookkeper for C Stur- pla A Son

Mrs. Elmer Boebiof ffl JMna visit­ed her mother. Mm lsabnll Mmidell.

Harry Salidin of Detinit la here vla- itlnp Dr. Schemer’s family.

Mrs. A H. Muallar retumad Co her home In Chlcapo last IVedneaday af­ter vlsltlnp her mother. Mrs. Mary Lnnce, and family the past three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Zetnloper from Mil­waukee. MTla., visited their dauphter. Mrs O E VIrum and family last week

Mlaa Nora Kasper Is workinp for Mrs Ipnace Koenlpsknecht for a few

BAIHiiUlNS FOR “CAPHIAQIA” VISITORSEvery visitor to Detroit dwriii^ this ifreat week of festivities will be ^ven a cordial welcome. Come and see what Detroit merchants have to offer.

Whether yon pnrehaM or not yon will receive every conrtesy and attention. The following representative merchants particnlarly invite yon to their shofM, and as this pa^ will appear only once, preserve it for yonr Directory.

Furniture Sale20^ to 50% DiscountWe have juft purchased a new stcxJc of

furniture and to rrudee room for it we are going to close out the present stock at un­heard of prices. Visitors to the city should not fail to take advantage of this sale if they need any furniture this year.


f7Dj7Raljr^222-228 Woodward Ave.

When in Detroit

During Cadill&qua Weekmahr nwr atorc yowr headpaarsers.

Every cASicalmce for vtsHtwn will be providad—’ Rest Roonte. t-Yee TYIcvRmmm*. Ctoerklap Room. Wfit- lap 'Table*. Pore ( <ild Drtaihitap Rater.

And rensember, uor atoee le Ihe coolest la the almp- ptnp ceotcr. Noe oar llao of ortplBaJ Csrtlllasaa Noo- vralrs.

When in Detroit See ttie Lai^est Lace Store Weit of New Yorli A Rare Showing of Lace Drop Trimmings

Complot* aaaortmsnt of theas very ascluslvs and boautlful Trimming. In whits, ersam and ecru Dsaktns ars decidedly charminp. Prices are unusual value*—1 Sc aad up.

BMBROIDKICT HALB—Values that will aorptise you. The de- stans srs distinctive, new and Just what you ars looklnp for. A few of the prices:17 Inch Flouncinps—4&c to ibs values—onlv ....................................... SbeFlouncinps up to 7So valuaa—cut clear down to .......................... SbrFlounctnpo—tie to tl.Si values now ynurs for ................................. dbeChoice ranae of Hwlae Embroidered Alinvers ........................................ bac

And the same radical price reductions oa Oallone. Banda aad Edptnas

Mall Orders and Requests for bamplsa ptveti prompt attention.

New York Es.. Houseb ‘-ni. L-dMa* )*o. B.-r.llitoi. fw C. Oftm."

DAVIES O McDonald, is Jotu U. St. Detroit

You Can Always Do Betteron

Laces and TrimimngsWHh Ui

Mwrh batter pricet Mach Batter AeeortmisitfMuch larpar Mock! Mach larpar varletyt

Wa pvuva all that toot daet calll Ttaol’e .\lJt Hainple* Sant oa Itaqaaet. Mall Ordare PUIad.

DeLoye’s Lace StoreTP aiMl 74 Lllivar) .%va. Maar Public Idbaary. DaowN

ripound Tto Detroit

Cadillaqua eekjr To every oue purebaaiiip s plauo from ue durtap Cadlllaqaa week. July tt to t'tb we will allow rouad trip fere to DetrolE

We will aleo ptve a year's Maetcwl KdwruUoo KHKB—IS leaeone oae each weak for a yaar. Leaeoas ptven ripbt In your jwn hoam br

praduate teacboro.Special Piicea next week only:—New Planoe. 172, ftt. list.

Ills. Termc 11.10 a week. Special discounts for all cash.Used Uprtpbt Pianos island upwards. Includinp such as

SCerllap. Behomen. Voee A Sona. Smith A Barnes, Mendelasohn. Cu> ble A Bona. KlmbalL

Square Pianos 111.##. Good used rtrpans. It, |7. |10.

Story & Clark Piano Co.Sl-SS-Sb Grand River Ave. Detroit. M>h.Lnrpeot Bxelusive Plano House in Michtpan. 8lx copies of Sheet

Mustc Olveo Free to Bvery f>ut-of-Town Visitor.

THE NOVELTY SHOPManufectnrere ef

TRUNKS, BAOb. aUlT OASRS. ART AND LRAffMMR NUXTRl/riBa.’Hw laruesi eaoertmeat ef impoftvb sad doBMOlta Novelties ta Aeser-

lea. A nandseme leather Cadllleque eouvwalr pdwsa te every persen preeentlna this edverileetnenL


Where f'oeweta Are Rnown TtMimashly.

Meadqui -re for—


CORSETSChir fttllM. Mid up.n know. M. f...

Mme. STIBBARD. Corset Speelallst

S«1 Woodward Detroit, Mich.

ISS SHOPTeu should tak- ad­

vantage of our

Discount Salei'adlllaqaa Weah.

Embroidered Robes,Blouses, Laces, Etc.

iSb Pbrmer Ht. DotsuR, Mich.

Our Motto, “QML/rr’

ELECTRIC and GAS Lighting Fixtures

Mantels and Bath Room Tiling The Urgest Stock in the State


CadiUnqua Specials ALL WEEK

Ladies* Suits. Coats and Gowns


Oor. Campus Martlun 0 DRTIMlIT.

Great Bargains in China. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc.

peu to call at

Kaioer-Blair Co. Clothing

Tkb CLmi Tkat'e RiglitIBBWDODWARD AVK..

Pboaa mm Sfbl. DetaaR. Mta

Xhe A.cousticonMaRea the Deaf Hear Perfectly Mnr Waan-. tbrnreh. BaMniua

aud Horlal RequlrenMou D* mr* to call and try oae

PRICE durtnp your viMt to Cadlllaqua.


bbft WtMIDWARD AVK Weahtaptow Arrude. Detrott aiaases Fitted Perfectly.

Here la aa oppoetuaity fer hotel aad boardinp houae keepere vtatuau CadU- laqua. tn repl-aleh their sloche at a ooaalderahia aavtap ef meaey.

bis Is the oldest aud larpeet Otiaa House In Mtchluun. sad tt numbers thouaaade of eeUafled repular eueto- m«fe throuphout Mlealpan aud Staiee edjoininp.

Articlea for Weddinp Gifts In preel variety. Over 144 open etoch pet'enm In INuaerware (eeroud floor). Japan­ese puodo. liaaketa. etc., (third Boor). Vtetiors •rdlelly weleomed.

L. B. KING & CO.Sb lAbeupy Aea^ Osr

Aeu. Due Mwm pf Waudwe



We partiewiartv lafVNo ebi- teeo durtap ('adiHasub RbSe betuapoel our ettrerttve offertase ef exeluetve etytea

Apeaey far

Nettleton ShoesPvtbbe $0 to $8

f»ar eeau etvbiw bl tu BA

ROGERS SHOE CO.b4b Waadeeaed %ea Re eaR


Do net aeO le etteed ike JUt.T ripRARlNO SAUt ef the OrtMaio Uaaui Oa

W» carrv the torpeel aad meat rompMIe llue ef feailly eerriapee. rueebeuta Staakopee bwelneee wapewa iiRvwj wapetta aad kar- wese te tbs Slate el nwr 4owa town ekew roeOM. 81 Waedaaeet Ava. aad ^r uplow^^aew ***** ealeereniaeaaoed, wkSM we are elTvriap exeep- lineal karaulua

I verrtktas marked In plain bp' uree aad asM eader ear bindlap pwarwaiee

AM t<*P buuptee fenoerly eeM al 114* aow I ITT

All tab bupelra formerly eoM allit abw #74

All PUe^keate fnrmrreeU Pi MK fie* I'W’LTOT*

I *3K*be97iy'

'rat rtrr..tee Ibla

A ef

fenoerly oeld

fbrmertv said•elld peeal#.-

n-~'l fat «e| 4# ir^f-

.1TSb aeanwt aRem ir ee* ar eM

wawof al UMUa pvleeeA 994 Reuleeard vera... ,• |i« ••

Tkfa karaoM Rab** t» %•: eiep we ale* eaw ■«. neaeber ef

e«ee|.|IVe4 bepeiea t-f reoblrr Me l..el we wil: .leea ._>i al eabeard ef prieee

bpeetai etieaiiM l. eel ef lewsirsAe



llerpetae In Hair G CAMUIjIjAQVA

$ b fNrMbUeo ............$ 7 NwRcImu Nwtirbaii !*!!!! •lb

■me. Lorataie Kennedy.M^aHMl Hear IT wwR |-MUaew*#


'The Sskoel of Buotaa


Wvtta for


Tblrty-Nlelh Yaar.I aad Beal Bqulpped C'oaeerveiory In MleklpaRThe Oldeec Laroest aad Beal R

Bverv Breaeh TauphLVlali oar CToaoorvalery durtapCatoiepM mat:

oaderard AIM W

Cadlllaqua Week, mailed free oa appileatlon.

JAMRB H. BBLU SeeretaiT.

Kuhn*i Cnndiet and Ice CreamsAre erireaiely peputar all ovor MIehIpan. dim to Metoue flavor Tit them durtap Cadlllaqua Week

Tea ream epea 4 a m. Se T p. oa

iketr purity aad 4e-


If you are aa- llcfpetlap bavtap your eyee exam­ined. oall on L. .toldmnltb. Bxpert Bxeluetve Optl- rtoa. at The i. L. Hodnoe On. Blp fitora. sad have kim d1 year eyes with plaoaaa. when yea vtoM Detretl dartap Gudlllaqaa Wuh Bperlelal- MaCtoa piven to ooi of sawII PM-

FURS Now la the lime to bane year Cure repaired. All fore repaired durtap July and Aupuei will add be billed until oetsber. We Id- vile you to eall aad euamlae eur cempWte line of tura We wlU ahow durlap CadtUaqua week all the aew 19)9 nude la.



DttroirtLMLdlig Phologrtphin

The Arthur Studio


Spetial Hates To Visitors liurtme Cadiltoqua Week,

T*y Bruntwick-Bhlke-Collendpr Co.DS-lOO Rnndelyh St, Detroit

BUlUfd Tnhios. Sowting AHoyi,

hasp t emiy




79 Brod^wap, Dwrdil. MrA•fit

W. K

Charles Klein C o.

Maaufaaturere aud Deelpuere of

Gas and Electric Fixtures


! I G li DetruM.



Ita WeedWWR DSnUM*

Tear tkle auk

TU OfflcUl CtPIkqw Soot

“/I Real, Live Regular Town”


dMUMb m hxm R CO

Umbrellas, Parasols and Canes.

We tavtie OkdiUaqaa itRieee te rail ead exotaia* aer lerpe aud . emateie oleefc Ail Ibe leteet etyUa Sm exw foMlap umkreMae Caa be rede rod w e«e» i« eaotlr b*eee ta pplt eoda

J. F. Grobbel,Asr

BERRY'S RUBS169 Nkhlgas Avc. DetrMt.

Inly Ckariag Sale at Over 2000 Rwgs, All Sime Lou Cash Wr Pay the EroigKt, Call aad%et os or wrlta lor iatalogoe.

t tlni* *9 Ifew

IT, SAfll h ilka,


PiRe Jcudlry mA EmHsm


.‘Ip ■» ,» t ek-*.be* 4 Re t* » L...

Vte ( ir i-, f b****** **d4*aatb hwebM' ' •bd.- 4 r«bu** a due tt.



f’-'oew:: I—c ^ .

7: . --

flNiVTO ^n<Yr". 'w ...V ' :V\C


THINNESis tikm • sifs •< pMr ksallk.

Scott's Emulsion

I. N. i.



HEAKD OTEK TBE KAKV PHONE.Tliw spoilt In ttiinnliMl com to tJirse

stAlkn to th« hill Is tlmo wsll spsnt.Drops of dsw sad rsln osancd take

tke pinrr of drops of ssrsst from rour fondMssd so you rtehl® your corn- plsnts with thr hos.

It is not much use to narrow down tlM> cultivator as much as poaatble. mahtaK only a little furrow down be­tween the rows of corn. Oet up clooe to the hills. There Is where the beau­ty of cnttivation comas in.

Keep biicht off by runniac the cul­tivator throush the potato fields every few days—not simply until hilllnn-up Uase. but right along, until the dan­ger of blight la over.

Parle green Is the best remedy for bugs; but not in the box. You have to put it where the bugs are. Water is a good carrier, but so is land-plaater.

Give the cucumbers a good show this month. The old way used to be to plant the seeds in big hills a few Ineh- es fratn the ground. That is a poor way, however. The dry weather is fsr more apt to kill the plants. As nearly level ae poeetble Is heet.

Don’t expect much of your hoge. if you are cross and mean to tbam. The man who whacks hta hogs with a club or a place of board every time he feeds them, le not the one who finds pork pvoAtable.

A mud-hole with hogs back-deep all around, ie not a very appetising nper- tnele. If you can ponalbly manage It, have the water for the hogs clean. Sweet pork, healthy pork, povh that win do a man good, la what everybody ought to aim for.




Detroit.—Anton Kurat. thirty-two years old. waa dragged into a rap­idly revolTing fly-wheal at the P. B. Stevens shops, while fixing a halt on the wheel. He was almost instantly ktlled. the top of his head being enmh^. and one arm tom off. Kurat bad baen employed in the plant only a ahort Unm. He laavea hla widow and two children.

mlBEK—Bud Decker, a young man 21 years of age, was drowned late Thursday evening at Plah lake, near Marrellus. He plung­ed into water while overheated from a long hike and was aelxed with cramps and sank before hia compan­ions could resMieT him any aasintaaoe.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦

RENHAL rBNTEK.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

(CeemgSl. au. br ormiva Utevsry Prrna)

“Everybody laughs at ua.** said Vlo-I lac.! “Wall, why shouldn’t they?* Lily. I who was big. black-halrad sad rad- I cheakad, damaadad. “Conld thera pos­sibly ba anything nMwe Incongruoua than our names? Tha Idea of your ba-

I lag Vlolat whan you bava boyish taslas aad rad hair sad hats clinging, droopy, feminine things. As for me. I am nmre Ilka a cabbage than a Uly. aad Rose la plain and pmetleal aad not a bit of a beauty, aad Pansy isn’t n bit thoughtful—aba's Ilka you—aba carss more for the out-of-doora i horseback aad tannls than for any thing bousawlfaly.’'

“Irto Is tha only ona whoss ns flta bar,* eald Vlolat. slowly. “Bha^s so tall aad stately, aad aha draaaaa to salt bar name—aha looka ao wnll la bar laveodare aad purplaa.*

“Tas. abe doas.* said LHy. without antbualasm. “but she gets them at tha expanse of all the reat of us. VI.”

VI noddad. “She has a uaw maave chiffon for the Country club das It’s a lovaly thing, with a purpla eal vet panel and soma touchas of sllrar grsen. She Is a parfact raprodaetlaa of bar name flower in it.”

“The rest of us will go la old gowns.” said Uly. bitterly. “I don’t care for mysalf—but you ara thn youngaot. VI. aad you bavsa't I: your ehaaea.”

“Don’t worry about me.” said VI. bravaly. *T11 waar my old grssn silk And I bava mothar's paarls.’’

“Poor mothor,” aald Uly. slowly. "How all of bar plans for us have fulled! Whan sha ssarriad a n namad Plowar, abe made up bar mind that if thare was evar a gtii baby tt should ba eallad by a blossom aassa. And Lhara wars five of ua. aad I was tba flrot aad we ara all so plain, and bar Sanaa of etaraal fltaaoa Is only sat Isfled by Iris’s baauty—but sha lovai us—daar mothar.”

The little woman who came la at this moment had an appaallng loak In bar ayas. “What shall you waar to tha danea, Vlolat?” she atkvd.

"My grean silk.” aald VI. “aad Uly*s going to make over her old white lace.”

”I am sura yon will look vary nlaa,” tha mother aald. Than with aonw hasltatlon: ”I was aorry to glva Iris

raally^ f the only new gown, but she ^ needed It, didn’t sher

i In fitn fnMn i

inRev. Way of ithaoa will preach the hall next Sunday at 2:30.

Mr. and Mrs W. T. Plowman will entertain the Bengal E^iworth League at their home next I^dsy evening. July 2C. All are cordlaliy invited to attend.

Mrs. M. A. Travis and Jennie Jones of FV>wler spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Trsvls.

Mr. and Mrs Chas. Halsey spent the first of the week tislUng relatives in Gratiot county.


Dntll furthar aotlee Taaahavn* Bs- amlaatlons will ba bald as tollowa:

8t Johns, in Court Houaa, be ginning last Thursday of ApHI.

St. Johns, la tha Cemx hoosa. be­ginning second Thursday of August.

program.First day—Morning. Orthography.

Spelling. Arithmetic, oml and writ- tea: 'Theory aad Art. Afternoon. Gao- graphy, Govemmeat and U. 8. Hla- tory.

Second day — Morning. Grammar Physiology. Reading Aftamoan. School Law, State Manuel aad Course of Study. Algebra. Houay aad Phynles fuut^d grade.) General History, lose, ond grade)

Third asr—lfor first grads appll- cants only) General History. Pbyates and Geometry.

('ertlficatsa of sll gradea will be g’<irie;l at these e^antinstioav

All isriBsiiues will b-sin st n trs m.

■niro If Tnw>fSE.vnKrh^ tvuamlasfet^-^r.


THI Sful tm HIIIWI1 m s f OtufSI TTI s.

SeH f en*and 1 *avv

Thr lHSt« I«sb#H

< h« r*es w-evh-B

I -.- I »r > Vf eIW• • • * ~ « I • rvii*

I rwS n»*>

la ths face of that wlstfol appeal the two girls gasped haatlly. “Of coarse!”

“Poor dear.” said Vlolat as tba lit- Ua woman want wearily on bar way. ”Ii1s poaiUvely holds bar up for saw elothaa ’*

"DM you lniow,“ said Uly, slowly, “that Rob Taylor will ba at ths dance?”

Violet whirled around “Ha Is borne from the Philipplnee? Ob. Uly, who told youT’

“He called up. He wanted to see you. I answered the ‘phone aad toM him you were at Laneastar and wouldn’t be back unUI today. Aad than Iris aald she wanted to to him, and he came orar Sunday.”

”And he’s going to taka bar?” Vlo­lat demaadad.

"Yas—that’s tbs reason for tbs new gown."

“I sas ”There was sllenca sflar that, sad

presently the sisters kissed aad sap- uraiad. Rut the kiss was tha token of tbsir uaderstaading.

"It’s a shame." Uly conflded later to Pansy, “Rob has always liked Vi bast Hut Iris—ob. you know Iris. She makes all the raet of us seem rough and rude by comparison.”

“Perhaps we are,’’ said Pansy, cheer fully, “perhaps it wouldn’t hurt us to mend our manners. Ul"

“Perhaps not," Uly was absorbedin her argument, “but he ilkee Vi’s breetineee. and now—oh. If Iris j break* this up. ni feel as If I couldn't I forgive her “ j

Siie doest.'t understand.” saM !I’snsr ey-ntlv. “what It meaa* to feel i

aaJ lerhar-i we have all made j he* *• 'fls’i IJI \\‘*- Just let her have ! things snU she L t sn't reslti* that we i f' '• I

■"’e-l. If hulls in mth l*^h sad j Ti t ^4 Uly sisagtiy. “1 shM t foe^ !gL/. hei in a Siltale '

“If Hoh her break it off. saM 'ple-'s H»Y the

added years which had givaa him height and strength aad baauty.

“Philip Rooaa.” she cried, “whoa dM you ooasa?”

”Aa boar ago.” ba aald. ”I want Aral to the hoaae I waated to aae VI

—bat yoar mother seat me here.”“To see VI------" The words rang la

Uiys head. Philip had alwajrs loved VI. sines the little girl days when be aakad bar to marry him—aad be was worth tan Hob Taylors. But Philip had bean away for years, and Bob bad had tha flald to hlmaalf. Before she eouM stop herself Uly toM him of her indignation becanse Vi must daaoa in an oM gown.

Philip laughed. “Is she as sweat as ever?” be damandad.

“Swaatar." aald the eatbuslastlc Uly.

“I’ve come back to marry her If dan." saM the yovag man. "I fait hadn’t a right to ask bar dntll I wi able to support a wife."

Uly conUdad the news to Paasy that night. "I believe VI always liked him beat, but she couldn’t underataad why he didn’t write."

The followiag week there came for VI a package by express.

It was a wonderful gown, all white aad sliver, with an underslip of palest graan. There was a wreath of whit# violate for the red-goM hair and a trailing bunch of the same flowers for her ooraage Thera was no card, no name, but at last they found a slip of paper on which wns written in fem­inine script:

“Ask no qusstlons, sar, bat war.This pretty gssm to msks you fair.**

"I baliave Philip Boone sent it.” Lily conflded late that night to Pansy, "but I was afraid to say so to mothar, for at course Vi couldn’t accept it un­der aaeh circumstancea."

“Wall, mother thinks it came from Aunt Felicia, aad she's going to write and And out; but anyhow Vlolat can

1 Irts

Refri^rators, Porch Ru^ Porch Furni­

ture and Go-Carts.To close them out for the season we’orter a Subatan^

tial Caah Dimeoant on the above mentioned articles.

wear it to the charity ball won’t outshine her this time."

Violet was tha balls of tha charity ball. Evan iris's dallcate baauty could not compote with the youth aad rap­ture which gave her slater such won- darful chamL

Isa’t she a baauty?" Philip Boone aatd to Uly. eectatloally. “Where in the worM did she get that gown. Ul? It suits bar down to tha ground.”

So be didn’t send It.” aald Lily, when she couM get Panay la a cor-

tr. “but who dIdrTliat night VI crapt Into Uty’s om. “Oh, Uly. Uly." she eald. "I’m

so glad that iris swltcbad Bob Taylor off."

“Why, dearest?"“Bacauaa—I like Philip beet. I al­

ways dM. Bat when ba went sway to collage and then went into buatn and didn’t writs. I dacldad that ha dldnt' care any more. And ao I tried to get intereeted In other people. And Bob was so kind—and I wantad to ba loved—to be happy—and so I thought

couM be content with second beet— but I couldn’t—and now Philip wants to marry me—aad I toM him I would— Uly."

A lettar from Aunt FMlcia cama the naxt morning. "Of couraa I didn’t

d the dreee," it aald, "I havan’t monay for such frlvolitlao."

‘Tlien. who saet it?” tha litUa mothar aakad. Suddenly her face hardened. "Do you suppose that soma

as impertiaent eaougb to do tt? you can’t wear it again. VI.

Nevar—it is praposterous.”“Oh. mother.” Vi’s eyes wars full

of tears. “There’s the Mercers' dance tomorrow, and I haven’t anythlag elae ”

“But Juat tha same, you mustn’t bs en in it”Then Ills, who bad been looking

out at tha wtadow, caasa forward. 'Let her wear it, mother,” she saM

ganUy. “I bought it." At her sstoa- isbing declaration the girls gasped, but she went on steadily. "It wasn’t until I saw VI in that frumpy green gown the other night that I realised how sciflab I bad been. Bo—I sold the ring Aunt Pellci* irave me last j yaar. sad bought ths gown. 1 didn’t | want to be unfair. If—if Bob liked j VI best—I sranted him to have her. ' Rut. now that she’s engaged to Philip —It won’t hurt her If 1 marry Hob. VI"

The yaunger sister flew to her. ' "You darling." she saM. aad her head went down on Iris' shoulder.

Go-Cartsrhtt w«ll-known Ful-

lons, Grst-ciass material, well-made and fully guar­anteed from


Refri^rators.The Cold Storads

This is just what its name implies. .Asbestos and mineral wimiI tilled. Made of perfectly kiln dried lumber. Seamless ftKKl chamber. They com­mence at



Jeumeliem Net His Ferte. Anthony J Drssel Htdtile ibe mil-

llenstre spertarnsn of Philadeipbla, : wb4> I* e<|ualiy at haaiv In the drawing : roast aad in tn* prise rtag, leM tbe ! meaibers at t)te ('(iHskso Atbletir aaei»- rctaGoa Ibe mber erenmg af his early

sawfog pisridtT i**reriaacc In Jearaaliam *t»d«w fh' hiiw sltttag- aaibHiaa waa

•he sea I be kvptag * ' to be ■ repnner be aald. 'We 1 wastThat • s.. saM Fpaay •• *•? ••• •♦ Ueerffe W f^USd* OrenaL

Tbe blgbi at ibe reaatrv club dagos ' *** *** Pobilr Ledger%'i woes ber aid s«tb Tbe eet wwa } *** **** *** * ***** ** *** ****^smaiebai eat date as tbal bar ” ednar asmaad ma ta asIsaMar Stwre is abed balbt wbaa earn I^WUtrt Is eblab tbe eSy matgss wss pared «e ibe medlsb lasaied ita ibe Stm day af my aaa

mesrt Ibe body ef s OMg was fo ta tbe lislaaare river aad breegb tba mosgas Sreaiigg a paaolble a for myaissa and aaaiag aiaa mi ap

itafolT be paia beweaSasiv lame i aiaffte da* f bsiaiaid le ibe effm« •ass# a ibrUHag »Mev ebSHi laigslv taMglwatwi* in ensM^tr^-r i

igave a Seen vlfewNi e4 tbsj paaed iw-iioi »**iee Ibai SWwee s*i**e4 t* • b-mb mecooede «eaabe« - f lb* «e*ne OioaQ^t

'*♦ e^derfm «•#*« ©r'i*** ©b<ai«6:gaes e< *b* neat Am aar<eieea • »»a>saw»

‘ Sas Teat be qom |

tbe bees dreeeed eugma m tbe Swam is* ragtae set awi a daaee la iba

paiie resMn ellb fb«ar’Tib paawg ba tail ywe aS abeei g '

abe aim *03 srtbaa "Y l had le seeae as tbai Mr anm* In* »»« eesvSMb VI, ^ alwa* • wearr,:* ikiae* ) • ba* n* bag*

•w * Was n r«“**wmeb bated ssm » eenrfei* At^SgeMsd lv*e

Wl * snnb* » »e *««'■# wmee*4 *•■ ' ' • -i*. es

e . *ceeipe«e-


a»»i IJtf

M .4 I a plsi * as ffMo oeptML bei <‘ taap d Ida paa

« be "Wp cxawsteits:les (Mil fltrEiZD 01!^ I

b«e lb

Porch Ru^All siztss from 27-ins. x

54-ins. to 9 ft. X I 2 ft. I*riccs range from


Porch RockersA few nice ones left. Take

advantage of this before it is too late, we have them from


The One Price Plain Fidnre

Honne.Complete Home Furnishers Yon can open nn

account if yon wish Up.

AUe^an and Grand, Lansing, Michigan

LHtle Used Rofimn Numbere.Tea thouaaad in Roman numbara la

danotad by tba MCtar X with a daah over It; or It may ba srrlttaa taao C.** amd aa I followed by tsro inverted C.’a. Oae hnadred thouaaad Is tadi- eatad by a C wtth a dash ovar It. or three C.*a. aad an I followad by throa lavartad C.’a.

Centinantal turopa aaid Tanas.Tba British islas beloaff, of oouraa,

to that part of tbe worM haown aa Buropa, but tha term ''CoaUaaatal Eu­rope" Is used to denote tha coatlaaat Itsalf axclushra of tha lolaads. Tba araa of Buropa is S.764JS2 aquara nllaa; that of tbe state of Tnxaa Is StS.TSO aquare osliaa.

Faread le Rely oa Caaidlaa.VefT fbw heuaes in tha ^saeh

Waal ladlas poooaoa karoasas lamps.eaadlaa belag eommoaly uaad for feouaaboM lllamiaatlag. The Import 4ntr makea It impooslbla tor tba pai^ pie. who are poor, to uaa alther kaaw PMM or gaeottae.

Maledy of Wrds.Tba melodT of slngliig birds raaha

ao foBows: Tha nlghtlngslas Srot, than tha Itnaai. titlark, skylark and woodlark. Tha moeklagblrd has tba graataat powars of imitation, tba roUn aad goldflncb ars suparlor ta vtgorooi Botas.—Sdsatlflc Dlgaat

SPAULDING & COHardware and Supplies

Lawn Mowers

You have One Half of the season left to use a good Mower. We can make it an object to buy now.

Swat the Deadly FlyIt is conceded by best authority that the FLY will

cause more pr^anity, sickness, death and waste in the next 60 days than the “liquor traffic,” as a matter of fact you can do more good right now to shut out and wipe out the “fly“

than any campaign you could wage Screen your house and porch. It

won’t cost much, “if you buy your material of us.”

Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks,Fishing Tackle, Refrigerators.

The newest ideas and all the best models in this line of seasonable goods. Prices we guar­antee to be right.

HOSE—For Every Purpose« >ur line is thr he^t in the city and the l, M that \vc liav-' unhl a hu thi« cason ii di-'?tcs that onr

v;tlur= and prices arc right.

PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH\\ r ‘ .Hi iipply your iir <1 ami waul in ih Im* iml ihr ihr^.t g ^ v lili i’

i tli.ii thr' .irr “right” ami .it the “right price.”

HAVETiiE Elwood and Royal Farm Fence -niEBEs-r.AL . a -L-k oi Ih* STEEL ■ CEDAR POSTS.

\N «* f Arr> a fompiriv «tovk oi llinidrr IKr,in-. \! uri-,!’. ■‘ml Plumbing i imida, |\vfr\thing t*'r I ht I hrathrr. T-.ik I'ump-, 1 wbricaii^. . . I'r IP. 1 'vL r; all kmd«. IL*ilrr>,HkdlALT*. \ aKr*. 1 tp. 1 i!;4-’_ \ Kri? - i *iv*r; V I .:S> I • t - P'liltTi Vcnc*.

\\ ir« li.iiV) • . I ) I 1 , TT.i ^ -■ * r»I

! ..f -


1 ^1 j--.!!-

I 'll!Ill »

» c{ 1

. lA -iiH Fs 'dr



How Mrm. Bothune was Re* stoted Id Health by Ljrdia

E. Pmkham’s Vegeta* ble Compound.

SOiMtoB, Mo. — ** For Mven yoon I seffored ovorytluag. I wm in b«d for

—^ fo«r or flyednyt nt •



^ tiaM* orory montli, and ao wmmk 1 coaid i hardly walk. I hod > cramp*, baekacha. and h*adachi-, and: waa oo nonroo* and j wook that 1 dreadod | to aa« anyon* or'

^Lotns JOSEPHaujsntAnom^srUjyfCM^Ik^YDOIIO

IConUnuod wook.)


A man otood la ooa of tba wtndowo. ham onyotta room in i hi* flsora oosoploioa* neolnat tha the room. The doe- | nlsht In oool white linen of a aoml- tor* gmm roe roedl-1 rollitory cat. hla extended light hand dae to eooe roe at I trolalnc a romimr on the Irtahroon's

those tiroe*. and aold that 1 ooght to i head.have an operotkm. 1 would not Ueten to i 'Phlth!** cried 0‘Rourhe with sann- that, and when a friend of my hoobond’a | lae mlM. "yoa’re more welooroe than told him abeat Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- i * Miowfall la Hodeo. Good evening to etoble Compoond and what it had done m •jm mM* q# »«-— •• for hia wife. I waa willing to take IL ‘’Hands up*"HT'..* ‘j? ?• •?**"' •“ •i* p*—■« 1" ttaworld.-

IcMdo^l mr^ll0ll.. ,0-R<mrt. bl. bMd. ■|■r•work, work in the garden and entertain I roxl I unteered irabTy:^VS^ra

aairering woman and girl, and tell theii . T .? twhat Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable .,..1?!?“ ^ bellem ICompound ha* done for ine.”~Mr*. , ^ Rngllahmon. wlth-Dsma BgTHUNE. Sikeeton. Mo. , “f. naming hi* unprajodleed atUtude.

o .__ ^_____ I . ..... At all events, keep your bonds whereR«n.^ tberB^y^did t^ ">• b-W • . .m Ly^ E. PioklKm . V.c.ubl. wbM t». d.. do. t»l. i.Mr compound. youroelf end I'll moke yw

It has helped thouaondaof women who ^ hondaoroe^rZanl.” returned the have been troaM with displocemenU, o’Rourke oompoeedly. "T’m been od inflommauon. uleemtloo. tumor*, irreg- ^alarities. periodic pain*, backache, that bearing down feeling. iraUgeation. and nervoos prostmtlaa. after all other means have foiled. Why don't you try it?

thirty mlnutea. but neither rhyme nor reason ana 1 rood Into It. But. see now: would ye mind relieving me of

___ the arsenal I’m been telling ye about.that 1 may reat me onus without fear

ror Women Who Care -^ ... The other laughed shortly and en-Of «>ur*e mu uoe an antiM-ptic '.n :.-our roo»-a cloen llmbed.

family and in the cart* uf ruur own pei^ ... w ___eon. ^ Tou want the IwU. “PInstead of what you have lieen using aad-twenty, or thereabouts. He poe-

ouch os liquid or tablet ontiM^ic* or oeoeed. aside from on emphatic and peroxide, won’t you pleoae try raxtiue,' oapnble manner, good looks enhoaeed a oonoentrsted antieeptic powder to be hy ^ wide good-hunaored umuth. dimolved in water os needed. "Tou might help me out a Mt. you

Poxtinr is more economieal. more ■ ..eleonsing. more germicidal and morel wlth^ vwur i^ormstlonhealing than anything you ever used. been ao free with your information

that I don’t doubt you will place me , still further under obligation to you j by turning your bock oad daposlttng I your weapons on that tabto. Of coursa.I I needn't bore you by reroorhs uponANTISEPTIC

In tiM ut clennoe and whitenthe teeth, remove tartar and prevent daesy. To dlolnfect the mouth, deolroy

the folly of false movea."** Twould be quite superfluous.’' iw-

pUod OTlourhe. obeying wttb a fair sad easy grace. ’There now. What

dlasase germs, and puHfr the breath. { gi^y your ptonaurer*"Move back three peees and stand clean and odorless. To remove nicotine { ..

from the teeth and purify the breath j . ’ . .after soaohing. To eradicate paraplra- ; Rlght-O, me lordtion odors by sponge bathing. ^***

An n mndtdnal ngent for loesltrestownt of feminine ills where pelvic ootarrh, mflammation and nloerstion exist, nothing miusIs hot douches of Psxtine. For ten years the Lydia E Pinkhom Mv«L Co. lias lieen regularly advising their patients to use it lieeaaae of Its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal power. For this pur­pose alone Paxtine is worth its weight in gold. Also for nasal catarrh, sore throat. InfloaHHi eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggists. tS and .V) cents a box. Trlnl box and testimony of HI women fre«* on reqiM**!. rng PAXTON TrtLgTOO .Beevws. Mass

O’Rourke executed the prescribed evolution and. at root, beard footatoga bohlnd bim: s thought latar he fait the KncHshman'a bonds rapidly going


AmericaReaches all the leading

Vacation and Sumsar Resorts


The Hi^^ilands of of Ontario

which embrocao ths cAormlng Muokoka lAkos. Georgian Boy. Leha of Boy*. Algonquin Pork. Puerlsaa Temognml. Kawnrtkn Lokoo. .Vlognm Fhllo. IMO Islnisdi •ad Rnpldo of 8t Lnwransi. Tor- onto. Montrunl. Quaboe. INminnd. Boaton. New Ixmdon, Now York. WhRe MU. and 8«n Pont.

30 Dmf Round Trip Faren VI*. Ninipini FalU

now in Elfoct Frani It iotas to

Allonllr THy MtaftItostai mM



f k

.Vow tor this ooolie. If he’* able to speak. I’ll get aome iafonaatlon out or him."

"TIs too for Komm ba la. I'm foor-tag ”

"Wo^ll soon Sad out" Ths ■ngllah- man bout over the man. who was now vary qnloc. but. by the eoaotoat Slek- or of hla eunnlnx eyes, still eooaelous. A booty oxomlnatlon told the lovootl- gator all be needed to kaow about the nature of tbs wound. "Ha’ll aot loot long." sold Lleutonoat Couch, and bo- gna to convuraa with the local vor- aocolar of PIdgIn-Bngllsh. about one word In ton of which was Intelligible to O'Rourke. A* he continued to speak the coolla’s scowl darkened and he In- temiptsd with a aegotlve motion of his hoed. The sub-chief repeated bis remarks with emphasis. For reply be got a moaosyllable that sounded, os much os anything els*, like an oath. Couch looked up "He says be wants water, and I suspect he won’t spook until be gets It. Can you—?"

O’Rourke fetched the half-empty carafe sod Couch put It to the coolie’s Ups. permitting him to drink ns much as be liked. But as soon os the bottle woo rensoved the fellow shut his mouth like s trap and refused a word In answer to the lleutenoat’a domoada and porsuawloiu.

"Stubborn brute." growled Couch. "Most of thcee oalmnla here belong to come devllch tong or ocher, and they'd ffutker die than any anything touching on the buslneas of the society or of- IScMrs the tntsvqpto of n broCbar-meraber. But I think I know a wuy to bring him to reoaoo. Hand me that knife, please "

Wondering. O'Rourke tendered him the weapon that hod brought donth to Sypher. The lieutenant wiped It eol- iouely on a comer of the oooUeto blouoa and bold th# keen shlnlog blade before bis eree. accompanying the action with a fow empholio phraoeo. A eurious axpreosloa. eecn- poundod of *01100 fury sad objoat pee- le flight. Kbowed In tho Chinaman’s eyas, sad his Ups wers as If by magic unoeelod. However ralnctant. he be­gan to rbatter and opohe at length, dellverinx himself of a loag state­ment which Coueh puactured now and again with portiaont, loading qnee- tioaa.

At length, throwing aside the knife, he Jumped up. strong oxcltomeot burn­ing In hla eye*. "I've got onough from him." he sold ropIdlT- “111 explain Inter. You'll help—of course, your wife's Involved os well no Mlac Pyn- oent. Hut I don't think you need fear; wo’ll be In time. Are you ready? .. . Half a minute; I’ve got to uoo that telephone."

He ran out Into the hall, rang up and shouted a number Into the re­ceiver. and for a few momenu spoke rapidly In a Burmese dialect. O'Rourke gathered that be was sposk- tng with a native subordinate at the polloe headquarters In Rangoon.

Couch swung back Into the study. "Got tho** revolver*, sir? Then come along; we’ll heve to run for it. Fbr- tunolely our launch la handy; otkor- wla* . . ."

H* sproag across the veranda and down to tk* lawn, OYtourka polUng aftor him.

Wall ka oa ’ana hafnrs ikoyTa oMa to ^ foron n way down tka rtver." I#

OYtourkn gronnod. boldlag his hood ' ^with both hnads "My wlf* . . .!"|^ ha sold brokenly. j ^

"I knew," Couch luterrupted grim- j ly; "I know how you feel. Mias Pya* seat Is *h*ra, too. you so*."

"Oh." oold O'Rourke. "I didn’t un-1 demiond that. . . . I’m sorry." He dropped n hand on the younger man a shoulder sad let It root there briefly. "Please God." be sold revereatly. "tbere'U be many another polluted yollow soul yammering at the gates

i of hell this night!’’"Amen!" sold Couch. . . . W*

sha’n’t b* loag oow."Silently O'Rourke removed his coat

and wolst-coot. his collar sad lawn tie. ood turaod bock his cuSs. "Bvoa- lag clothos arc hardly tho thing to light In." he sold; "but I'm thlaklng 'twoo’t make a deal of dISereao* to mo. Got any oartridgoa for a Wohler mark ivr

"Whoaler hao. Give Colonal O'Rourke a fow, Wheeler," sold Coueh. gddrsaslng th* orderly.

The latter rummaged la a loekar end prssosd into O'Rourka's hood half a doasu cortridgsa. with which the adveaturer procssdad to repisuloh th* empty chamber la his revolver.

"Td only discharged on*." h* ob- aorved. 'but 'tis likely well need that, eves, with only the three of ua ogmlaat a Juak-lood."

"Oh. I telepbooed for ralnforee- meats. of course." returned Couch. "They ought to be there ahead of


"Whet did th* coolie tell ye. If ye’ve tinm to talkr

Couch laughed. "I dereeay you’re wondering how I mad* him spook at all."

"That’s the true word for ye."*T threatened to cut off his silly pig­

tail sad send him naked sod dishonor­ed to the gboetly balls of his oacoo- tors. It’s wondsrful how much thoos callous brutos dots on that dscoro- tioo. I told him further, that if he Uod. whan I found It out I’d return end ahnve him bold am on egx. even If he were deed by that time So I per­suaded the truth from him. the whole story—from his side of It."

"I’m llstenlog . . .""He ooofsseed h* was In the pay—

Ilk* thse* chap* we're after now—of a highly respootable ('hlaeee merchant and bead of one of the tonga—on* of tk* rtchcct men la Rangoon, wko. It seeam. was also oftsr that ruby. 1 can't Imagine what ha wonted of It. but that'll com* out. probably; the moo's lieh enough to buy ilossns of stoneo os fla*. However ... I gather he'd laid his pton for ahead.Tk* cooUee inttmnied you'd been wotehed all Uw way from Bombay. At oil eveato. th* brutes wers rsody when you arrived; Sypher wee a doomed nmn from th* moment you handed over th* Pool of name. They aurrouaded hi* houaa this night, oom-lag up from th* li^. Just n. m . j,, cvmHerv.It was dark suough to ooneeal their J .... Iactions Then they found a third ele- | ^ '*’*•meat hi the buolneae-your friend Dee Trebm. all unouaplcloua of them, lurk

Gerry W IHIls of Detroit I* spend­ing th* week with his pnrenu, Mr. and Mre O B. INIlo.

Scott Pike Is having hla houee painted and Chan. Webb Is having the IViet Offlr*- painted this week.

Mark Ilroxe* of Hellvllle was the gueet of bis brother, Homer Brasee, from Wedneedsy until Monday.

B. A. Holden and children of Wlx- ona sad E A. Hrdden of I^snaing nailed on their mother. Mrs. Holden, at the home of J. W. Gunnison Mon­day.

l^eoo Cutler spent the FVMirth la Flint.

J. H. Denemore of Maeon was in this vicinity last week ronvnnslDg for Chose Hmn. of N. Y.

Mr and Mrs. (Yme. Clemants and eon, 'Traverse of I^oe Angelm. Col., are vtsltlng St W. J. Ltans'.

Arthur Snook of Rochester was a gueot at O. B. Dill over Thuieday night.

Mr* Holden of RIversMe, Ckl.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pierce of Mmroe and Mrs. Wiilsnl of l.^tiaiwg were gueem St J. W. Ounniaoo’s all of lost week.

Rev. Father Lee of I.«Balng was a guest St Will Colder*' laot 'Thursday.

MIm Rose Henning of Bengal is vlaliing her sister, Mrs. John Lerg.

Jamec Metluire and family of Bay City were gueou at Frank Peltierk Saturday and Sunday.

'The Miooea .Miller and Maxwell of Wleronsln were guesu at Frank Todd's a few day* last week, and Mr. and Mr*. B’lll Hutt of I.en*ing. were gue*t* Sunday, sod Floyd Todd and family of IV>rtland apent the Fourth at Frank 'Todd'*.

The rheiee Of A Heahtiod.I* too Important n matter tor a wom­an to be handicapped by weakaeoo bod blood or foul breath. Avoid these klllbopea by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, ftne complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits—things that win man— follow their use. Rasy safe, sure 2Rc. J. T. Mlllmnn. Van Sickle A Qlaeple and Travis Drug Co.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ TirroR rEjfTBB. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mim Bdlth Rcudder of I.nnotng vls- Ited St the home of her aunt. Mr*. William I.4kPeer. last week.

K- I’nderhill mode a biisineos trip to St. Johns recently.

Mr*. D. L Stlchler, Jr., attended the Arthur reunion at Perry last Thurs­day.

Mlea Iner Black of Albkm la vls- Ittng relatlvea in this vicinity.

I**trirk Plunkett, an old and re­spected reaident. died at his home last Monday. Interment was made in the

Ing oo the veranda and watching Sy­pher through the window. So they waited to see what he was up to. And pretty soon they found oat. Sypher cam* downstairs, went to the safe anc^ opened It; I presume be bod the stone in hi* band, ready to put away. While be was standing there the Frenchman ollpped up behind and stabbed him. annexing the stone snd leav­ing th* way be got In. Th* In­stant be stepped off the veranda the Clilaese got him; but be managed to scream before they could silence him and drew the attention of th* house­hold. Mias Pynsent. your wife and th* servants. So to cover things up they bod to gather them all In. Th* serv- ants were killed—there were three of them—and th* women . .

Neither man spoke for a time. Then Couch resumed.

cd in the face by a horse recently, is improving

MYilIc Mrs Charlee Holley of Price and her daughter. Mr* Alexander Hallead and bahy of SL Johna. were returning from Round Ijike lest Thursday, their horse became fright­ened at a piece of paper in the road .i(»setting the huggv and throwing the (irruiuint* out. I>r Wade of 1.jiinga- burg was summoned and while they were badly bruised and shaken up it Is not thought they are seriously nurt.

Miss Bernice W.Ttren wes a guest of Mias Hdna VanVelsor a few iav* last week.

For the past few days ih* farmrr* in this vicinity have had a pleasant smile and cheery word when one greet* them. Guess the rain srhich came last Saturday Is rest.ottsthle for the change.

Th* ninth reunion of the Arthur family was held July 4th at the pleos-

, A Mae Stood In 0«w of the Wtedews.j

j through his poekuu Than, with a "vury flood." the latter stoppsd he-

I tweou tk* table sod O’Rourke sad ;fueud him.

"You’vu appuruuUy told tke truth ' thus fur," he sold. "Now what'dyou ' know shoot this?" He sreved a head ; round the room. "Bo eurefel wkut I YOU eoy. I may as wall taform you I'm Coueh. lleeteosat oub-chlef of poll** for this dletrtet"

"Bulat Putriek sroold be no more welcoms." dsalared O'Rourh* "I was on the point of trying to gut y* by letogkow* whee ye saved me the tree- hto. How the dtwl* did y* happen to drop la oo opportunely T'

*1 wee eomlng upetiwum la the po- Mee launch, oa tha algkt tour of la- opaettsn. sad stoppad at tka loadlag loot halow this—the grouada her* raa dowB to Ike rtvar. yea kaoev—to toto- fliMne hash to keadqaartsrs ea haol- •OOB Tka exekoag* ggsmtar saggost ei I took la hers and sue If everything wno nU right—enM he'd boon sue toe to got any raoponas stags olghtfaU. . . . Nnw*"

OareMSy sad oanoloaly oiUarka woe* the events of the day tot* a sttoldht oorvatlve storting with tka isSvsry t* Sipkor ef tke Peel ef

^ ftome, tsesktog hstoSy open Itoe Yto- ka* port ^ee far as k* nndsrstead It

Ike deeth ef Tk* seksktof of ynSee

wMh gvevely

Ye,i makeI »•* h* e»»4 stowti ti anwngh M****<♦■ ?w«vetssfeisetwJ i dais < seaht bekse*

eke S**i fee t has **» bond to giasrtt msea hvt t eswMkt toko

* Mwe cf piswres T e* >e %| WW*< • t. > f tSess ydSMdt *• VMM* OS * •pnxxijtm « « edvAs* ti* #o e.wiwd»s‘vM *%•» • *eka»

•« V-« ma> hs** aww* to


A Bight of velvet blsskasss. softly opaque, lay upon load and water. Tk* poHee launch, shuddering with the vl- bvations of a motor maalog at high fsnsloe. sped down th* sltoot reaches of Rangoon River like a bunted ghost She roa without lights, these having boon extiagutshed by Couch’s dlrec- tlona. regardlos* of harbor rogulatloos or doogor. HogpUy tho boor was late sanagh to rellev* tkom of much tsar of troabis with other eraft; the uppor rsashsa of tka rtvar warn praetieaUy dsaartsii

la tka bow Coach was hoadUag the wheel with th* Boacholaaee of one from whom the river hnd no asersto by Bight or dny. To O'Rourh* It seemed BO light toek to pilot so slight a croft at aaeh high speed through that Stygtaa darkaaas; yat th* sah-ehlef wee sceompltohlng th* foot without a dleaeraahto time* of taar or tramor of aaeortolaty.

O'Rourh* sot beside htm. la tha stem a poUe* orderly oeled e* nm- shaole. attoedtng to the meter. Tkeee tkroe. no mem. mode up tke mecaeparty.

Tkaagh dev ear sd by tmpatieaes and oaaiety. OUeark* tsrhars to qaastlan Caask hssttsttng to divert Ms attea-

wken tke sons* ha bed been net a eeeai or. aeithec bed had lima to eondsr oave os posatlans of ik* mhot Snme dtoto momeat. and ion toto ef tkeee

and natnmSy

mg to the some tkonkk"Yenv wtto> vBh Wtos Pragnkl',

e«M ttonMi stdagab •tokeet ***||||||* (< ^ Nwem» from wkai ram mr kg»d |

twee t^mopod W • Itat «f MMkkMM ; ' s set are now eksiaFl • |«kk Ip

"This oooll* we* oa outtodor—a , home of Mr and Mm Gorge Ar aarvoat of the merchant’*—aot one thur near Perry. Of the f.ifrlly con- of th* Jonh gong; so he stayod oehom. ! stoting of three bmthers. .Samuel, and thought It would ba a fla* youag Daniel and Morris Arthur snd Met- schoms to return and do a little loot- 'dames Elisabeth Morris. Catherine tag oa his own . . . Tva tsisphon- Sexton. Phoebe Flllinger. Martha ad th* head ofllc* to oiroet that I Webb and Lydia VanVelsor, all were fnirsed merchant e»to eonfloonte hla i preeent with their familtee number- houee gf?ed* and detain anybody - ihg who come ritmi Henderson, thoy ooald catch conaoeted with hlin. ■ Oakley, Hurt. Berch Run, Jackaon, The net‘B wall told 1 leasing. Byron. Perry and Round

..." ; I'Ake, Toledo O., Monongohela City.Tha llghu of the alty rsmt vie- ' A large tent was -reot-d where

Ible. atraag along tha right bonk of <*"• «vnnpany spent most of thetka rtvar os tha louach roaaded a band Conah oweng the little bont ont Into mMatreom. "Halfepoed. Wheeler," he eoM. adding to O'Rourke: "I’ve got to p4*k oat that Jaak. I pre­

day vlettlng. During the afternoon B. A. Flllinger. the president, called them to order and a short huslaesa meeting was held after which a pro­gram coBslatlag of staging, pmyrr by the chaplln. Samuel Arthur, read-I tha right one will have all sail ^ ibim. rerliatioas sad a poem written

sat and ba movtag downstream with i hy Mrs. Phoebe Flllinger dcdicsKd to tk* tide: It’s jaat oa the tarn now ; their chlMhood days In the little home sad fortunntely there's ao wind worth sad lastly some Interesting remarks meatloatag. ... I wtoh 1 coaM by Rev. Yminga of the Perry M. E see soasethlag of th* other laaaeh ’’ , churrh was held. Adjourrmen* for

; He peered oaxloeely Into th* obeeer- supper which was served at & o'clock I Ity ahead ”lf there were only star- xtol all returned to their bomea being

light—!" he eomplalaed bitterly, ftmteful for oae amre opprrtuBlty for "Stood by. Wheeler, to stop the motor. ^ •t»»»a‘ttP another happy reualoa. Wa ll drop oioagsM* with the eurmot. ^ V iT"*so qutotiy OS we eas. Colonel ^ "

I CyReurbe. will yea get forward and I Inks tho hoatheeh and hendwarp. plsasi; Tm asodsd at th* wheel sod Wheeler at tka englaa eatil wo nmke |


«f titoItailk *0 gMI

Ik. IMIwu I. ». IW

tka hoalhaali (task oSorod Mm. and i ksdtontod Sonp Known,rmpt ont epno th* nervew triengto ef |4e*h at the hew* CreooMng themke toend tk* hendwarp and woMod, WMh every trial ti-«*at htoU* of the teno* wNh asstons espertonty. star i wonderful Basse for all shin offttettonn, Ing shsai to tetito ekort to ponatmte i ye-: get s free trial eshe ef Some Soap.

If reeekes ef Ik* riv- atodtcoied eoap produced, al-M*em* sun* I*” their guide hank ea kaw to ear* Tk* isiatk **** remeve all trose of

to move panttog to as ohyea Ssian soap ^^***^^kfcede smasoh I* s dangr henc»vw** eili grew to dspee t v*—a

omodf -_______ to ih« ikrwf ■ ‘ •••IM „cmi» ^

SMgsag to «ke eaoaeet tee pseeeat It vvee ihen* seoeil at e wend toasi Owsk nnc tk* taenek meved eM< nkh Ike tiie

•krapetf a towvvmg n%»« to jgmqwe t.*..' " I k Msg* IkkMrCSw At

«»me.wke konood ktonovi **« ikser gnosancve cx;? b# rmtmsni > ■

« « Ike to Ssmi it% ■■■ e»v\ gvi wuif fi eenoc

- i.t dtwgt^iQr' -• ■ av/t "*i ^ Oik** V* to


for Infants and Children.Th« Kind Tou Hnvn Alwnya Uotaght hn» Iwime tho iiigim

taro of Chna. II. Klotchor, uml hun bew-ij iiumIo iiiMicr his peuraonnl Mtperrvlaiwu for over HO ymru. Allow no one •o dopvlve you In this. CrmnUirfclto, IiuilMtlosw nod ***Inat UM good** am but KxprrinicntM, and ciMiungrr the hgeltb of Children—Kxperienco against KxperluMsnt.

The Kind Tou Have Always Bought~ Bsars the Signature of

In Use For Over 30 Years.

There is no

but what the old reliable houses are the places to purchase goods. Consult


before purchasing a monument for your lot.St. Johns, Michigan.


w* are eempelled to bay a few neeagottiao, gnd Jnitnew PLY NETS soem to be «m ef thegk

Then agnia we seed n Yew SIlfflLB HASIfSSS. I am else offering n Una ef BnggiM Umt will

amke a bargala eenator leek like n (^hristams Troe witk the

presents off.

We have what yea oagkt to hare. CogM la and son.

R. H. ShawSt. Johna, Mich


Something Comingto vour

HORSE and COWA good FLY NET for your horse and

some of our “Kow Komfort” for 3fOur cow. .. These articles can he purchased at a reason­able price and it is your duty to furnish them to your animals. Don*t neglect them but come to us for these comforts.

F. M. Vredenbur^nneeeneeeeeenneeeeeeeeeeeeeeennwweeeeeeeeeeeeeenennn

I eai oaU. Isaesr i ■sm ^|2m!nm. i


gmwMWtowg «« ▼araawew vm li^ ato vektow rhto ••


^w«f« rMa townea

tot Atom tofue etor^egto Mto mna» etoee^mseeto *to **tokn

OMliHaii■ m Jimn) jij'lipjii



Off on Men’sMen’s SUfTSt

We have one bif{ lot of Men’s and Young Men’s Suits that we will close out during this special sale which starts Saturday, July 20, at one-half off. Words fail us in attempting to describe what this wonderful offer means to you. It is bonafide, and includes clothes of Stein-Bloch and Michaels-Stem make. The original retail price tickets remain on every suit and you can see for yourself that the one-half is deducted at time of pur­chase. Get your suit at one-half price.$27.(M) Suil8 to close at ...........................................................$13,511 $1H.(NI Suits to cli>se at

25.(H) “22.(NI “20.(M1 ‘/

% off on all other suits not included in above lot. ^ off on our entire stock of Boys’ Suits. % off on our entire stock of Children’s W ash Suits. % off on all Hats, includ­ing our entire stock of straws, stiff and felts.


S13..Sti $1H.(N112..S(» 15.(M»11.(Ml 12.(M)III.IHI lO.(N)

Extra SpecialChoice of our entire stock of 50c neckwear to close at 53c each, half-dozen lots at these prices.

Pay you to buy in

rACLS. STBMIA 09$ ■ocuonDt Ml i

CLARK & HULSESt. Johns’ Largest Clothiers.



For Complete SeasonableTable Supplies

Baked Goods of all kinds From our owr. oven Fresh daily.

/ want everyone Santod 25c

to know the Gem 28c

merit of May Day • 30c

our MagM* 35c

COFFEES Black Crodd 40c

Some of our most f)«»p ular selling brands—

Indtaat Postum - -IWFood.Dhak**


Wcarm Weather SpecialtieeThe season is on for iced Tea. You will be pleased with our Bladt Croee or Saiada 2 1 -2 lbs. of the SOc Tea for $1.00

Kmy •U SAIUSNES Sc. « SCcHmmmmU SASOntES tMc, M 0m 9§t


Clark A. PtM

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ E.4GLE. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Loran .Nina, IltUeit34&€ NIIODWLoran. Ntna. Lualla and OlMUi Ben-

n«t of LslinfVbiinr are apaadlnc a week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rtoney.

Mrs. Otta Tyler of near Portland spent Friday with Mrs. E. C. MeCrumb and called on old frieiids.

Mr. sad Mrs. Jooeph Hlnnum enter­tained Mrs. Sehela. an old school­mate. at their home Thuraday.

Mrs Orral MeCmrob spent Satur­day and Bondar with Mr. and Mrs. D. T. mdy.

Oerry Deal from SorthTlIle spent Sunday at the home of Frank Smith.

Hie Ladles* Aid will eerre lee cream at their rooms Saturday. July SO.

Mr. and Mrs. Bari Morria spent Sunday at Fred VanAmbonrV.

Mrs Etta Hunter Is entertalntnn i company from I.nneiiMi.

Mrs. Geonre Pear of Morthrllle Is j Tisltlnp Mrs. Frank Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoney of Farm- Inston. Mr. and Mrs. Irrlnic Stoney of I Holt. Mrs Seth Burnett and family, | Mr. and Mrs. Oeome Stoney and fam­ily. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stoner^pent

’Thursday at the home of Herbert | mney It betas Thomas Stoner's i

! birthday. j

An taersnslnc nnmher of people re­port recniarty of the oaUsfhetnry re-

jOnlts frsm laltlac Fsley KMaor Pills and -immsml their henltn« and enm- tlre qnalltlsn- FMey Kidney Pills am a enrsfnily prsparsd sseiletae. gnar- anteed to eonlaln no harmfnl or hnMt formlnc dmss. TWy eon haws only a hsnsisisl sRset when nnod tor kldnay and Madder tmnMen. tor bnalnehe. fhnenmtlem. onnli hnek or Inmhes TanMefele R Olaapto.



Me Is


to* iwweh'i M

VAN The Tool Man


July S2JeWc must make room and raise money tor fail goods now arriving and won’t carry over a pound of

Spring and Summer Merchandise wc can get cost out of, are even willing to stand a loss on some odd line.s apd shop-worn stuff to move it quick.

SPRAYINGIs about orer. itlll the recent dry hot weather bae ftlren what buga that are left a big start and yon can do a let of work along this line yet with big r«- aulU. O.VE-THIRD OFF on all Barrel Pomps Uft Arsenate of lAad. 7 rents.Knap Sack Sprays at Coat.Hand Sprays frm Ml rent* ep.Whale Oil Soap—Parts Qreen.NtcoUne for Rose Ruahea Oow-Raae for cattle. i

WV baTc Bold nearly a ear of Poultry Fence

iKmi are anxious to clean 'out aa orerstoek of extra heavy like cut This will turn asaall chleka at bot­

tom and la heavy enough. *o Mand a big strain at.

top. We oRer.■A \ ** Wide agnare feel.M reus i feel high nl Ur Itt agnniv feet U red. Mh Gnlvaaleed Bam frCTfliE

FATgNTROBerry Bvoe. Vamlah Flint Vamlah Barry Hard Oil Ftnlah Dayton Mixed Palnu.

$1.25 GallonMeeuryb R. R. Pntnt 'will mis srith Pure Uneaed Oil to mat ynu ahent$1.80 Gdlogi

Swat the FliesThey win oeuee more profanity, aicknena and wnsto in the next CO daya than any thing elna not enan en- oeptlng Intemperance. You onn avoid much of It by keeptni them out. Try ecreanlng your poreb. I want to clean out aurplua stock and broken lines.

Paiatod CleCh IMc toel hy Ml Galvanlaed rielh wen*! mat and dan*t ceal mneh amre. . 1 epper rielh Is hnniaimr nnd damhie. ..Bv- rrything in Beers nnd Hrreens.

Paints and Oilsat the Short Price Jnat srhen you need them hat wn want to cleaa ont surplas etonk and bfoknn llnaa.

Carters (SL Mammars I nadVANS Palaters White for ddJg IM lha.

Whiter aad apreade farther than Itore Lead. Absolutely Pure IJnaeed Oil ____ _ SfHn

Jeb Inc 'Ri Ida per

twain Tmaa. dURhd' I M r Mlldrnit toami OMp=S%s S2.9S

Mty obtyand he tendr tor nett t^l

Automobile Bar|(ainsaw.o TCTpjli't. Wmer^t a#*»ver*

m 'mmm- bsiM mai i > ■ ^% WeS » rm* i ^ ^ '

Rpbt to* * > ^ . t*