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i aiqut aliem^



Mo. Bot. Garden



The present taste for Botany, so general among all ranks, and the great encourage-ment given to works of merit in that fascinating science, first emboldened the Publisherof the present undertaking to solicit assistance from several distinguished Collectors ofPlants in the vicinity of the Metropolis. Having been at length enabled by theirliberality to bring forward, among the rest of his brethren, some of the efforts of bispencil, it would be dastardly in him not to own that his hopes of success overbalancehis fears; it now only remains with the Public at large to appreciate his labours, andbecome his best patrons. Anxious however for tame, rather t han inordinate profit, he

the descriptihis figures will be corrected, or often wholly drawn up, by a Botanist more learned .thahimself. It may not be improper to add a few words respecting that department ofthe work.

In all similar publications which have hitherto appeared, not even excepting the mostrespectable, a considerable portion of each page has been fitted with useless repetitionsof the classes, orders, and generic characters of the sexual system. No one whopretends to the least knowledge of the science is without the Genera Plantarum ofLinne, nor any one who is solicitous to gain deeper information, without that of Jussicu.The transcendant merit of the last author, however, having yet never been detailedamong us, the natural order to which he refers each genus here figured will always beinserted preceding its character

;this will be only given with the first species, making

such alterations, or remarks, as the investigation of it suggests. Botany, like' all othersciences, has lately made a rapid progress in improvement, and in no branch* so con-spicuously as that which relates to the affinities of genera; more might be said on thishead, if it were not already anticipated in a short but most energetic paragraph of theEdinburgh Review. With regard to the Plants themselves, such only as are new,uncommonly beautiful, or incompletely figured by others, will be selected ; and of these'

the harvest is abundant.


TRILLIUM GRANDIFLORUM.Large Flowered Trillium.

ORDO NATURALIS.Asparagi. Juss. Gen. p. 42.

Calyx tripbyllus, pers.sten, Petala tria, calyce majora, persistentia. Anthers crassa?, Unales, lateraliter dehiscentes. Pericarpium succulentum, I-loculare, polysi i rrnum. Sti

3, lateraiia. Canlis apice 3-phyllus, foliis lads verticillath : in hormn caUro 1 -fhr,,-, L\Paride non tantum structurd antherarum sed etiam fructm I -loculari discrepam.

T. foliis late rhombeo-ovatis, acuminatis; floribus subpendulis; calycis foliolis cuneatis; pccalyce longe majoribus, spatulato-lanceolatis.

T. rhomboideum. var. y. grandiflorum. Michaux Fl. Boreali Am. r. 1, p. 21 G.

Sponte nascentem in Upper Canada, legit Franc. Masson.

This plant, communicated by George Hibbert, Esq. I believe has never before been figu

but I have little doubt the synonym above quoted belongs to it, and that it is a legil

The petals in fading are tinged with a blush colour. It has been some years in this counaowering soon after it rises out of the ground ; and, like the rest of the genus, should be ci

vated in a moist shady situation.

2. The Anthers and Germen.

3. The Germen magnified.

4. Transverse section of the send vevsel.


PROTEA ACUIFOLIA.Needle-leaved Protect.

ORDO NATURALIS.Proteae. Juss. Gen. p. 78.










inV0,UCr° aliarum maJ°rum stEPe ci »ct^ Corolla varie 4-fida,

tibus, persistens. Pericarpium crustaceum, I-Ioculare,1-spermum, deciduum, germinationem clausum. Genus procul dubio dividendun,folia simplicia decompositaque,flores diclines hermaphroditosHue, ut

P. foliissublinearibus, teretiusculis, mucronatis, punctatis; fasciculiscernuis; bracteis involucriexquisite ciliatis.

P. nana. Thunb. Diss.n. 29. P. rosacea. Linn. Mant. p. 189, Leucadendron nanum. Berg. PLCap. p. 22. Conophoros capensis Pini folio. Pet. Gaz. p. 40. /. 25./. 7.

Sponte nascentem in Roodesand, montibus, legit C. P. Thunberg.

Floret a Septembri, in Decembrem.

There is no figure of this species but Petiver's imperfect engraving; it was communicated byMessrs. Lee and Kennedy, whose liberality in giving specimens of their rarest plants to Botanistsdoes them so much honour. The outer bractes are disposed into a very regular rose, and con-stitute the chief beauty of the flower, which has no smell ; their margin is ciliated with veryshort white hairs. Corolla towards the top covered with brown hairs. Style long, and standingout from the centre towards the bractes. It flowers here, as at the Cape of Good Hope, from thelatter end of Spring to the middle of Summer, and may be propagated by cuttings planted in

sandy loam, under a bell glass, during the months of May and June.

BRYOPHYLLUM CALYCINUM.Calyculated Bryophyllum.


Sempervivae. Juss. Gen. p. 307.

Calyx longus vaginaeformis, diu yegetus. Corolla 1-petala; Tubus rhombeus ore contr

Limbus 4~iidus ; marcescens. Filamenta 8, ad os tubi duplici serie inserta. Pericarpia 4

squamas tot melliferas exserentia. Suffrutex,facie Crassularum. Folia opposita, sucadenta,-

ultimaque simplicia, reliqua tcrnala vel pinnuta duobus paribusfoliolorum, crenata ibidemque s

fera. Flores terminates, paniculati. Nornena fipuw germino, (pvWo v folium.

B. calyce corolla rnulto breviore, parum 4-angulo.

Sponte nascitur in Insulis Moluccas, unde in Hortum Botanicum Calcutta translatum fuit,

Floret sub finem mensium pluvialium.

This singular plant was sent into this country from Bengal by Dr. Roxburgh, and has lately

flowered in the stove of the Right Honorable Charles Grenville, at Paddington. It will soon bevery common, for young plants are produced in abundance from the crenatures of the leaves.

The Cotyledon Pinnata of Lamarck, in Encycl. Bot. v. 2. p. 141. which that author describes withyellow flowers, may possibly be another species; but though I have examined a specimen of this

also, gathered by Ant. Hove, a Polish Gardener, in the Island of Johanna, and sent in spirits toSir Joseph Banks, I cannot be absolutely certain about the matter, none of its flowers beingsufficiently advanced.


1. The Corolla stript of the Calyx.

2. The Germen and Nectarium.

3. A transverse section of the Seed vessel magnified.

4. The Corolla spread open, shewing the insertion of the fi

5. An Anther magnified.

r ff

VACCINIUM BUXIFOLIUM.Box-leaved Vaccinium.

ORDO NATURALIS.Ericae. Juss. Gen. p. 15Q.

Pericarpium inferum, 4-5-loculare, succulentum, clausum, deciduum. Semina 10-30 in singulisloculis. Corolla monopetala limbo brevi, 4-5-fido; decidua. Anthera? 8-10, valvis apiceoblique foraminosis. Frutices, quida-n kwmltim, gcmmtftri. Folia alterna, inplerisque dentata,

autumno decidua vel sempcrvirentia. Flores m ,. pe, s*pius axillarcs.

* » Folia sempervirentia.

V. foliis obovatis, dentatis, glabris, subtusaequatis: spicis e superioribus axillis, dense multi-floris : stigmatibus hemisphsericis.

V. brachycerum. Michaux Fl Boreali-Amer. v. I. p. 234.

Sponte nascentem circa Winchester in Virginia, legit A. Michaux.

Floret apud nos Maio.

A beautiful dwarf species, resembling V. Vitis Ideea, from which however it may alwaysbe distinguished by the capitate stigma. The stems creep a little under the ground,* and arecovered with a short rough pubescence. Leaves sometimes oval, without any callous dots onthe under surface : midrib hairy on its upper surface. Flowers blush-coloured. Commonpeduncle very short. Calyx and Corolla generally five-cleft. Filaments 10, attached at

the very base to the corolla, but inserted like it, in the receptacle which surrounds the top ofthe fruit, having antheros shorter than in many others ami without a spur. It thrives best in

light sandy vegetable mould, among rocks, and othe; shrubs.


A Flower magnified.

The Anthers and Germen.

An Anther magnified.

The Calyx and Germen magnified

MAGNOLIA ANNONiEFOLIA.Annona-leaved Magnolia.


Magnoliae. Juss. Gen. p. 280.

Calyx 3-phyllus, petaloideus, ssepius caducus, in quibusdam nullus. Petula 6-9, decidim,

Antherae filamentis confluentes. Pericarpia numerosa, in Strobilum stipitatum imbricata,

oblonga, 1 I -.-perma. Semina e pericarpio dehiscente, filo pendula. Arbo-

res et Frutices aromaticce. Folia autumno deciduu vel sempervircmia, supius grandia. Stipula intra


grandes. Bractea ] , calj/ci proxima zcl ,•<< titu §k l, : agmalis, caduca.

• Calj/x nulla

I. foliorum laminis lanc<

gioribus : pericarpion

iolatis: petalis valde inoequ

Floret apud nos, ab Aprili in Junium.

A low shrub, lately brought into this country from China, and now in flower in the stove ofthe Right Hon. Charles Greville. It appears to me a legitimate species, though very nearlyallied to the M. Fuscata of the Botanists' Repository, which I would distinguish by the follow-

ing name and character. M. Versicolor ; foliorum laminis obovato-lanceolatis : petulis inaequa-

libus, exterioribus pedunculo 4-plo longioribus : pericarpiorum stipite toto pubescente. Theflowers in both diffuse a similar fragrance, resembling at a distance that of a ripe apple, butwhen nearly approached more like a melon : and this odour I suspect proceeds from the glands•" itti which the petals abound, not from the anthers.


1. The Anthers and Germen.

2. The Germen and Receptacle.

3. An Anther magnified.

4. A Germen magnified.


GOMPHOLOBIUM PSORALEiEFOLIUM.Psoralea-leaved Gomftholobium.


Leguminosae. Juss. Gen. p. 345.

Sect. 4. Corolla papilionacea. Filamenta receptaculo inserta, distincta. PericarpiumJ-loculare, 2-valve.

Calyx grandis, inflatus, profunde 5-fidus: Carina obtusissima. Filamenta decidua. Pericar-pium castum (germen auctorum) latum, gravidum ventricosum, polyspermum, tenuiterstipitatum. Stylus involutus. Stigma angustum, obtusum. Frutices graciles. Stipulte

mmuta, inflexte. Folia atro-viridia, 3-mta pinnataque. Flores pcduncuUs brevibut axiUaribuisapius 1-fioris,jlavi. Bractece 2juxta receptaculum, minutee.

• Folia Ternata.

G. caule angulato, glabro cum rore : foliorum laminis 1 \ lineam lata, anguste obcuneatis, con.vexinsculis: carina discolori, valde firabriata.

Sponte nascentem juxta Port Jackson, legit D. Burton.

Floret Octobri, Novembri ; apud nos Junio.

This plant was communicated by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, and has been hitherto knownin their nursery by the name of Latifolium; but I dare not quote the plant Dr. Smith hastaken up under that title in the Annals of Botany as the same; for he describes the leaflets

" obovato-oblonga" and "venom." The young stem, if observed through a microscope, is

covered with dark green dots, of which I find no traces in the leaves. The calyx in a youngstate is very similar both in colour and shape to the future pod, so that the whole plant to a

careless observer has the appearance of being in fruit before it flowers. It may be propagatedby cuttings.


1. The Calyx.

2. The Anthers and Germen.

3. The Germ and Receptacle.

4. The Legume opened, shewing the Seed.

5. The Stigma magnified.



w f <$fe



ORDO NATURALIS.Leguminosae. Juss. Gen. p. 345.

Sect. 4, cujus definitionem vide sub No. 6.

Calyx basi replicatus, 5-fidus, parum irregularis. Vexillum grand*, basi iucrMsatum: Carinaparva, alis obtecta. Filamenta persistentia. Pericarpium sessile, gravidum ovale et ventri-cosum, polyspermum. Stylus vix arcuatus. Stigma capitatum. Fvuticcs, plerxque sericecv.

Stipulw angustcr, cauli adpressce. Folia simplitia laminis latis crassisque. Flores peduncidhaxillaribus, solitarii vel breviter spicati, albidi colore mox in roseum mntabili. Bractece caducce,gemmacea. Nomen, ob Vexillum basi lyralum, a vocibus Gratis, rovg pes Xvo% lyra, itmmnm .


P. fohorum laminis ovali-lanceolatis, sericeis : pedunculis 2-3-floris ; calyce carina? adpresso.-v—"o lateribus integro.

P. biflora. Sims in Bot. Mag. p. 7 53. cum Ic. bona. P. biflora. Poiret en Encycl. BotP. biflora. Lamarck in Encycl. Bot. Jllustr. t. 231. f. 3. pessima. Soph biflora. Retz. Obs.

Sponte nascentem juxta Stellenbosch, legit F. Masson.

Floret apud nos fine Maii, Junio.

Professor Retzius first distinguished the species of this genus, but having only seen driedspecimens, his characters want much correction. Dr. Sims has given a very excellent descrip-tion ot that here figured, and not omitted a character of great importance, namely, the inser-tion of the filaments in the receptacle, which in the flowers he examined were only seven in

"'unber, but in ours constantly ten. The calyx is also five-cleft, not three-toothed, and pro-•ably much more hairy in \\ i kl specimens than those of our gardens. A large melliferous gland

at the base ol the < law u\' tin; vexillum, is, I believe, common to the whole melius, which a-, it

'-'anils in Will,!, now's work is still a jumble of heterogeneous species, containing, ]st. Those*» ith piaoati d leaves and long spikes of flowers, already separated by Lamarck ; 2dly. A lowthorny shrub w ith diphj lloas petioles, and flat monospermous pods, allied to Halodendrum :

large stipules, from North America : 5thly. The true Podalyrias with simple leaves.

. The Vexillum.

The Calyx, Anthers and Ge

Back View of the Calyx.

The Germ and Receptacle.

lie Stigma magnified.


GLADIOLUS CONCOLOR.Self-coloured Gladiolus.

ORDO NATURALIS.Irides. Juss. Gen. p. 57.

Sect. 3 . Flores spicati, subpericarpio bracteis duabus,

Jracteae spathac

Limbus varie

Bracte* spathace*, plus m,„„s conTOI„,s, totae vegete. Coro||a! Tubus^S.iga.a.a^pHciafobcauea.a. ^C^^'^^T^^^T T^in<erdum prorSUS deficient **£ ,„*,*,^^Z^T^7W//3/0 — l , . .

iwwniMM,!. Qua: cumru subpencarpio bractea dcst

>b diversam infloresccntiam separandce; -» Jra"/orw"^ortAflc "TO <***«.

;;:rT , Tv ^W"; "°^™^-^ Gala\ian, Gladio^ZZnaturah, ordiendo a G. Namaquensi Bot. Mae f <5Q<? j„*j.~i .

distin»uendas ventre enroll* 1 '

lJSOtmMaS^592. Jntholyzas proxime sequitur, ornnesfacile^uendas ventre corolla longiorecompresso: adhas itaque G. Watsonium Bol. Mag f 450649, et G. Quadrangulum Bot. Mag.f. 561. refero.* '

* • Tristi affines, foliis seppius marginc dllatato l-angulis.





coro^ Jimbo tubo ^ *— h***** ^^0,^0.^^unmans, mtenonbus v,x approximatis

; antheris longis, post anthesin spiralibus.

Sponte nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit Jac. Mulder.

Floret apud nos Maio.

This species was communicated by the Right Hon. Charles Greville, but has Ion- been in

ZT£Z* h'C




* ^ Chape'

A1,ert°n " the year 179a h difFers f™ G"T«^*** m the shape of the lacinia. of the corolla, and from G. Recurvus, Bot. Mar. f. 518 in

disIZ 7 aCUmin

fd- *

have " 0t **»"* ^ Anther, become spiral after the pollen is^scifaiged m any other species, but it may possibly be the case, and if so the above specific


Part of the Corolla spread open, shewing the i

The Leaf cut transversely.




APHYLLANTHES JUNCEA.Rush-like Jjihyllanthes



Junci. Juss. Gen. p. 43.

Bractece glumaceae ; ultima calycis instar receptaculutn corollamque amplectens, 5-fida laciniis

imbricatis. Corolla receptaculo turbinato insidens, regularis, 6-partita laciniis interioribus

parum latioribus, in cunabulis convoluta, marcescens. Filamenta 6, infra medium laciniis

adnata stylumque stipantia, inde erecto-patentia. Antherae versatiles. Pericarpium 3-Iocu-

lare, loculis 5-spermis. Planta dodrantalis habitu Junci. Radixperennis fibris rigidis. Caulcs

tenues, e gemmis numerosis azspitosi, .si >p!ie ssimi, basij ! o 2.,

' > rariun-c aha > moxaridocincti,

apice alio com. nih sed Ion- m v t • tii> cylindrici, Jeeves. Folia ipsa teretiuscula margins

A. monspeliensis. Poiret in Encycl. Bot. v. 4. p. 499. A. monspeliensis. Lam. Illustr. f. 252.

pessima. A. monspeliensis. Linn. Sp. PL ed 2. p. 422. A. monspeliensium. J. Bauh. Hist.

PL v. 3. p. 336. Caryophyllus cseruleus Monspeliensium. C. Bauh. Pin. p. 209. A mons-

pelliensium. Lob. Adv. p. 190. Bragalou. Occitanis.

Sponte nascitur in Provence, Languedoc, Algiers, collibus sterilibus.

Floret Aprili, Maio.

This genus has no real affinity to.hi teiu, however similar in general appearance. It comes

nearei dtpkodehu than any other I have yet examined, having its few leaves obtusely mucro-

nated, with their margin dilated into a chaffy stipule, the receptacle articulated, and one

sessile seed near the centre of each ceil. The name, as we learn from Lobel, was given be-

fore his time by some of (he Montpellier Botanists; not that they supposed the plant totally

destitute of leaves, but from their being few and soon withered. It grows plentifully near

Castelnan, where I gathered it in the year 1786, and will thrive with us under any dry wall.

Nothing can be more faulty thanPoiret's description, though it appears he had the living plant

before him; he says, " Chaque fleur ofFre plusieurs Bales univalves, six Petales, Filamens

" attaches a l'orifice de la corolle, Fruit contenant un grand nombre de semences." Then, byway of corollary to the above, he adds, " Ce genre est si voisin des Juncus qu'il n'y a gueres

" que la corolle que les distingue/'




A leaf spread open.

2. ALacinia of the Corolla, shewing its monopelalous base and the insertion of the Filament.

3. The Calyx.

4. The Germen magnified.

5. Transverse section of the Seed Vessel.

6. The young Seed more magnified.

MOREA ODORA.Perfumed Morea.


Irides. Juss. Gen. p. 58.

* Sect. 1. / cnlati, sub pericarpiobracted nulla.

Corolla 6 partita, varie in variis expansa et inaequalis, dum fatiscit involuta, caduca. Anthera?

Iongrc, iuter angulos styli accumbentes. Stigmata 3, sub tot fornicibus 2-auritis squami-

formia. Pericarpium oblougum. Semina subrotunda. Radix stipitiformis et perennis; vel

tuber quota.: vetustum dum foliatur enatis, surplus ovatum tunicis plus minus

rigidiset craticularibus. Caulis gracilis vel crassus, tenax. Folia bifaria ensataque ; vel pau-

ciora sensim attenuata, concava marginibus versus apicem in caudamplus minus teretem confluentibus.

Flores pedunculati. Ab hide solum differt tubo nulla. In memoriam Roberti More, Arm igi ri «m i-

tatus Salopiensis, cognitione et amorc plantarum, olim praclari, hoc genus dicavit Ph. Miller .

igitur Morea reclius seribendum.

* Corolla? Laciniae parum difformes.

M. foliis glabris cum rore multo intus, rigidis; corolla Iaciniis recurvo-horizontalibus, sublyratis

lateribus versus apicem involutis; interioribus fere duplo angustioribus; stigmatum fornicibus

Sponte nascentem in Proraontorio Cap, legit F. Masson.

Floret apud nos Maio.

A most fragrant species, smelling like the Lily ofthe Valley, and communicated by E. Wood-

ford, Esq. It appears to me nearly allied to M. Edulis. Bot. Mag.f. 613. being equally rigid

with similar contorted branches or peduncles ; and I believe in both, flowering roots never pro-

duce any radical leaves. There is no pubescence in any part of the Herba, but the stem is

very finely striated.


1 . The Germen and Anthers

PROTEA GLAUCOPHYLLA.Glaucous-leaved Protea,

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub. No. 2.

pollices longis, spatulato-lanceolatis, mucronulati

ciculis nutantibus; bracteis involucri grandibus,

P. Acaulis. Thunb. Diss. n. 49. Leucadendron Acaulon. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2. p. 135. Lepido-

carpodendron acaulon, &c. Boerh. Hon. Lugd. v. 2. p. 191. cum Ic,

Sponte nascentem infra montem Taffelbcrg, legit C. P.Thunberg.

Floret apud nos, a Junto in Septembrem.

Though so different in the leaves, this shrub is undoubtedly of the same genus with that

Protea figured in the first number of this Work, and was likewise communicated by Messrs.

Lee and Kennedy. As it always has a stem, though a very short one, I very willingly

adopt their name. It reaches to about a foot in height in our gardens, sending out short de-

cumbent lateral branches, and not growing very rapidly. The leaves are often tinged with a

bright red near their base. Flowers without any smell ; the whole fasciculus of which is about

two inches' and a half in diameter when fully expanded, but not soshewy as in many others.

r, Bervrick-ftrect, Soho.

CROSSANDRA UNDUL^FOLIA.Waved-leaved Crossandra.

ORDO NATURALIS.Acanthi. Jim. Gen. p. 102.

Sect. 1 . Stamina qualuor, didynama.

Calyx 5-phyllus:

foliolis convoluto-imbricatis, interioribus sensim minoribus, Corolte Tubusgracilis basi arnpliata, ad insertionem staminum turaidulus, fauce pervius: Limbus uniiabi-

plicatami laterales in c

Stigma 2-fidum. Pericar-volutas. Antherse subsessiles, marginibus valvarum fimbri

pium loculis 2-spermis. Frutex erectus, facie Justiciarum. Folia opposita, integra. Florcsdense spicati, terminates. Bracteoe 3 sub singulis fortius, media maxima. Nomen a wwricfimbria, et a.vr

tp vir.

C. folionim laminis ovato-lanceolatis, undulatis.

Ruellialnfundibuliformis. Roxb. MSS.

This shrub comes much nearer the frutescent Acanthi of Linne than any Ruellia in the struc-ture of the flower

; but it differs so materially even from them, as to constitute a new genus.I find from Dr. Roxburgh's Manuscripts, that it is common in the Pagoda Gardens of Bengal,where it grows to a pretty large size, flowering all the year round. The stem is round,'jointed, and finely pubescent with opposite branches. Petioles jointed at the base. Flowersin terminal spikes. Eractes ending in a sharp bristle, though the leaves are obtuse. Corollaof a dull orange colour: Tube very slender, dilated at the base, where it is smooth; fromthence pubescent especially on the inside below the anthers, and somewhat angular : middlesegment of the Limb narrowest. Anthers curiously fringed. Pericarpiura swelled at the baseinto a round nectary. Communicated by the Right Hon. Charles Greville.


I. TheBractes.

2 Part of the Tube of the Corolla expanded, shewing the ii

3. An Anther magnified.

4. The Germen and Stigma.

. N. Shury, Berwick-flrect, Soho*


CORONILLA VIMINALIS.Osier-like Coronilla.


Leguminosae. Juss. Gen. p. 363,

Sect. VIII. Corolla papilionacea. Stamina 10, diadelpha. Legumen articulatum, ar

monospermis. Folia simplicia, aut ternata, aut scrpius impari-pinnuta. Stipule apetiolo dist

Jalyx compressus dorso

ecallosum lateribus reduplicatis


pium gracile, stylo persistente

pijmata. Pedunculi uxilh

magno Tournefortio, a Securidaca et Em<

!. caule vix angulato ; foliolis 6-10-jugis, plu

umbellis 6-10-floris; pericarpiis longissimis

lindracea. Herbce aut suffrutic

Sponte nascentem juxta Mogadon, legit P. M. A, Broussonet.

Floret apud nos a Maio, in Novemhrem.

The seeds of this Coronilla were sent to me by the indefatigable Botanist above mentioned in

the year 1798, soon after he had collected them." That it might not be lost among us, I com-

municated them to Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, by whose labours so many new plants are not

only introduced but increased in this country. I am surprised to find ,t omitted in Dote-

taine's rich and valuable Flora Allantica. No plant is more easy to cultivate in aj

for cuttings easily strike root, and its seeds ripen every year. The stem is nearly quite round

The Leaves vary'considerably in size; and the Flowers, like most of this genus, gradually

change their colour from a pale to a deeper purple.


1, 2. The Vexillum.

3. TheAlae.

4. The Carina.

5. The Anthers and Genr

6. The Stigma magnified.




CASTALIA MAGNIFICA.Magnificent Castalia.


Nymphaeeae. Ann. of Bot, v. 2. p. 57.

• Stigmaplacent&forme, radiis tot quot loculifructus.

Calyx 4-5-phyllus, marginem tori cingens. Petala 1 2-30, pericarpio a basi fere usque ad medi-

um imbricata; Filamenta 30-140, pericarpio altius imbricata, libera. Pericarpium 1 0-28-lo-

culare, in partu putrescens, Nectarium 1, umbilico stigmatis sessile, unioniforme. Semina

numerosa, parietibus sessilia, folliculo cincta. Flores albi, rubri, ccervleive, Magnoliaruro

amuli. Cum uterum totum, quasi oh pudkitiam, occultent species hujus generis, Castalias din.

* Lamina; foliorum usqu£ ad petiolumfissa-.

C. foliorum lobis divaricatis, acummatis : toro medioliformi. Pudica,

Nymphaea odorata. Kenn. in Bot. Rep. n. 297, cum Ic, Nymphssa odorata. Dryand. in

Hort. Kew, v. 2. p. 227.

Sponte nascentem in Virginia, legit J. Clayton.

The Flowers diffuse a spicy odour, somewhat resembling Aniseeds.

y*. rohorum lobis approximate

Nymphaea alba. Smith in Engl. Bot. n. 160. cum Ic. in qua Nervi foliorum stirpem

monocotyledonem perperam referunt. Nymphaea alba. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. p. 729.

Sponte nascitur in Ins. Great Britain, aquis lente fluentibus.

The flowers are not without smell, as Dr. Smith relates, but have an agreeable perfume


and the detail he gave publicly, at the Royal Institution, of their descending under wa-

ter in the night,is equally erroneous. I am sorry to find that Botanist has taken offence at

the preface of this work ( 1): had I not long known him to be very sensitive, even before

I named a genus after him in the Hortus Kewensis, I should have said much more upon

the subject. Whether the passages he quotes contain any thing like exultation, and

. which of us treads most closely in the steps of the great Linne, I leave others to judge ;

but the next time he pays my labours a compliment, I beseech him not to do this at the

expence of a friend, whom he affects to value and respect so highly, as the author of the

Plantce Guianenses, the descriptions and figures of which, in point of botanical accuracy,

far excel any given to the world by him.

(1) Vide Exot. Botany, p. 86.

Mystica, C. folionmi lammis submbicularibus, argute dentatis, utrinque glabris : toro medioli-

formi : petalis interioribus minimis.

Nymphaea Lotus, Sims in Bot. Mag. p. 797. cum Ic. Nymphaea Lotus, PL Rar. Hung,

v. \.p. 13./. 15. Nymphsea Lotus, Willd. Sp. PL v. 2. p. 1 153. Nymphaea Lotus,

Savign. in Ann. du Mus. v. 1 . p. 366, Nympheea Lotus. Hasselq. Res.p. 47 1 . Lotus,

&c. Alp. Exot.p. 214. cumfiguns.

Creseit juxta Peeze in Hungary, aquis calidis.

Though I have followed other authors in quoting the above synonyms., I am not abso-

lutely certain that the Hungarian plant here taken up, is the same with the ^Egyptian

Lotus ; for in that, Savigny says, the Petioles are hispid, and Hasselquist describes the

Pedum li > |> i ' i i* 1 with u ii\ ! largt tubi s . in th ^ lilt " h< It Ilerba is smooth, and

the Peduncles are perforated with 6 large tubes. The Flowers have the brandy-like

smell of Nymphae Lutea, Linn, continuing expanded till the evening.

Sacra. C. foliorum laminis ovalibus, dentatis, subtus pubescentibus maculatisque : petalis albis,

parum majquahbus.

Nymphaea Lotus, Marquis of Blandf. in Bot. Rep. n. 391. rm Ic. Nymphaea pubes-

cens, Willd. Sp.PLv.2. p. 1154. Nymphaea Lotus, Roxb. MSS. Ambel, Rheed.


Sponte nasc. ntem in Hind ^uia, paludibus, legit G. Roxburgh.

Tne flowers of this and the following Castalia, which are both sacred plants in Iliu-

dostan, expand in our climate from the very first twilight to about 10 A. M. after

which they gradually close, being quite shut by noon. In this their odour is pungent

and vinous, but very different from that of the Hungarian Lotus.

'-/ .


Nymphxa Rubra, Roxb MSS.

Sponte nascent em In // a I > ,. Roxburgh.

I have only seenasingie specimen of this truly magnificent plant, which flowered

for the first time in this country in a large tub of water plunged in a common hotbed,

at J. Vere's, Esq. It appears from Dr. Roxburgh's valuable manuscripts, preserved in

Sir Joseph Banks'- lil ,-•:-.. that th« tlowers are sometimes 7 or 8 inches diameter and

inodorous. He regards this and the foregoingas varieties, but I am induced to believe

they are legitimate species for the following reasons : 1st. The leavesofthis are rounder

and often variegated with large deep red blots on their upper surface, but never spotted

more frequently cmtntemipted by transverse nerves till they reach the margin; 3dly,

species very difficult. Roth ihes;- Iliudostan plants an- vu-[] established in the princely

aquarium of the Marquis of Blandford, where I hope another year to have the honour

of describing them minutelv, aud fully ascertaining whether they should be kept sepa-

C. foliorum laminis late ovalibus, integerrimis, subtua pubesceutiboa : floribus partis. Eduhi ,

Nymphsea Coteka, Roxb. MSS.

Sponte nascentem in Hindostan, paludibus, legit G. Roxburgh.

I only know this species from Dr. Roxburgh's figure and description.

C. foliorum laminis orbicularibus, argute dentatis, utrinque glabris, nervis subtusvalde Amplai

prominentibus : petalis longis : antheris apice productis.

Nymphaea foliis amplioribus, &c. Brov:n Hist. Jam. p. 243.

Sponte nascentem prope La Vera Cruz, legit G. Houstoun.

The petals and stamina of this species are very numerous, and a leaf of it sent to Sir

Joseph Banks some years ago measured above 2 feet in diameter. I trust ere long it

will enrich our collection of aquatics.

C. foliorum laminis orbicularibus, plus minus repando-dentatis, utrinque glabris; Scutifolia,

nervis primariis numerosis, tenuibus : antheris apice productis.

Nymphaea Cerulea. Sims in Bot. Mag. n. 552. cum Ic. Nymphaea Caerulea, Kcm. in

Bot. Rep. n. 197. cum Ic. Nymph*a flore cceruleo, &c. Breyn. Prodr. 2. p. 77.

Sponte nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit F. Masson.

C. foliorum laminis orbicularibus, integernmis, utrinque g.<um>, »«».» ,„._.. .

paucis, subtusque prominulis : stigmatis radns breYissimis.

Nymphaea Stellata, Kam, in Bot. Rep. n. 330. cum Ic. Nymphaea Caerulea, Jard. Malm.

n. 6. cum Ic. Nymphaaa Caerulea, Savign. in Ann. du Mus. v. \.p. 336. am Ic.

N. Stellata, Willd. Sp. Pt. v. 2.p. 1 153. Citambel, Rhced. Hon. Mai v. ll,p.53.


Sponte nascentem in JEg^pt, legit C. Savigny.

From a specimen in Sir Joseph Banks's Herbarium, gathered by Forskhol, there is no

doubt that this is the Egyptian plant described by Savigny, whose figure is copied

without much improvement in the Jardm de Malmaison. It appears to grow all over

Hindostan, and I believe the plant of New Holland found by Sir Joseph Banks ,„

Endeavour river, also to be the same.

°*\ f#


EUCALYPTUS OBL1QUAOblique-leaved Eucalyptus.


Myrti. Juss, Gen. p. 323 et 451.

Sect. I. Antheras dorso I


rnc ddiiseea;. Stigma s;e;>i its angustuirsingulis Ioculis, coio subrotundo sessilia, auguhfi. / r. v->;tt\ c una-> <nd

' ,: [.ap P t dm ' hn. U ;utCn uU.virmtia. ]',"-, tciadtU



xxXuTtrw teg( .Icritier.

• FloresJKx


« lateralcs.

< folii-s vi!,!,. inaequilateralibus, auguste obovato-cuneatis, subialcatis : fasciadis simplh bin-

Sponte nascentem. in Firm Diemen's Land plagis australibus, legit D. Nelson.

Floret apud nos Junto, Julio.

This rare tree flowered abundantly last year at Isaac SwaiusonV, bq, T\\ i< kcnham, and is nowfulloffruit, so that I hope 1 1 v> i >i comm 1 in on gard a- forbid ,;', great difficulty

propagated. Some years ago I succeeded in raising a small branch, \\ huh having been accident-ally wounded had made a large deprvii of returning ^>> ; ' is w - cut . id .


-« to the new bark,and planted in an old hotbed/ It is a native of the cnlda; not the warmer parts of New Holland,as Dr. Smith averts, bearing the U m; ' injury ; and was first

introduced into rh:> country in the year 177 I, by < aptain f ptospermumLuiUircrian, and - d rowium '•<

t c/ . Tin • "thin his Botany of .NewHolland, and in the LbiuVan I'ran . om the Ilortus

Kewensis, onl\ (['to ,,i dm f>.- r the name. Jussieu ver\ b'Uerciul Id.s in his work, " Carac-terexD. L'Herit.S.-^Arjr I'iuf Soiandev never intended to coaf.mul it with .Melro^Icros

appears by the iodou.n^ > \ : .cf It a 11 - )b\ '•(,<« « 1/ ^ t .s ,'^ , , ; „h u'> r


in my description ,,l riu lulbu. . i.t •, * *itc »i j.iuMii. ,-u -i.'\ \ili \, but sometime <, piwsgradually into a terminal compound Fascicvarious species collected by Sir Joseph Banleaf, at the base of each common Peduncle,


1. The Operculum.

2. An Anther magnified.

3. A ripe Fruit.

4. ASeed magnified.

f In E. Rcslnlfera. Andr. Bet. Rep. Operculum duplex dclkeatur; cxterius

, -w


DAHLIA SAMBUCIF0L1A.Elder-leaved Dahlia.


Corymbiferae. Juss. Gen. p. 177


stentibus paleaceura. Pericarpium apice plus


Bractese 5-9, basi plana cal -v, subsequales. Calyx polyphj Ihn :

foliolis7-9 exteriovi!)u> interne in c\ limit im mi •;>!. i -> rie posit is, intt rioriliiis sensim an-usti-

oribus. FJoscufi Iigulati tot quotfoliola ext riora calycis, grandes, ovales, feminei, hand raro

steriles; infundibuliformes hermaphroditi, plerique fertiles. Pericarpium compressam latere

interiore prominentiore, obsolete 2-dentatum. Planta alta rudesque, radice tuberosd fasci-

•''•'- •';-' -

r/hus (ju tsi p:;;Kail t , antcjiurac iw:lc , mnivaUibm. Genus Coreop-

sidi etfors , certo mn Alcinse.

, toto alato : flosculis ligulatis 1 |-2-pollices longis, iucurvo-

/3. Flosculi Iigulati pallide rosei, *. 16.

,3. p. 159. f. 3./. 3.

AOS, cum Ic. \\xMt\i: D. pinnata, Cav. lev. I.

. 80. ad exemplar ligulis multiplicatis.

Sponte nasciturin Mexico.

Floret apud nos Septcmbri, Octoiri.

The beautiful plai

Pinnata of Cavanille;his Rosea,

i Annanof Purpurea. \ to \ ary like the Aster Chi

he ligu! atj'iloiv.ts, 1 ,'iail givetliem more a


>ns to the Right Honb>e Lord and Lady Ho

; now flower,!; C e at Holland 1

cting the cultivation of thes

3 killed by the frost at Pashould be she!;, of Dace;

by Monsit

f the Pahli-

i ^rSr MonJjwnated


veil as Mr. Buonamrated specimens of

vhich succeed best i

'id ih ere"'e

rweringof moss and stn;;

v'./ !'"

--,. be propagated by

ion should be performed late in the Spring, wne

i Receptacle,

ulated Florets.

6. A tubulosu Floret.


DIOSCOREA TAMIFOLIA.Black Bryony-leaved Dioscorea.

ORDO NATURALIS,Asparagi. Juss. Gen. p. 40.

Sect. Ill, Flores di oici . Pericarpium inferum.

Torus mediolifomiis. Petala 6, toro inserta, interiora angartiora, persistent i«. Fihrmnfa tore



tlam acukat.i, u.ull/* Folia ulumu opposita i n It ic, implijia id- '


/ roximum.

D, caulegracili, parum angulato, hrvi: fol

D. bulbifera. Linn Sp. PL ed. Up. 1053. D, foliis cordatis, &c. Linn. Ft. Zcyl. n. 359. Bhi

phoraZc\i Cvc . Haw. Par. p. 2\1 . cu I Iticnphora indica, I voi

nigra simile, Cm . P : i. A . p. 321. t. 220. /. 6. Katu Katsjil. Meed Ilort. Mai. r. 7.)). i

Sponte nascitur circa Candanate et Oedumpore.

Floret apud nos /afco, Augusto.

Jiuiksat Spnr.uC,:^,.': .,,'

. ;',, l,= v, i-l'i «•• - im:.i tr-.i IF-aven, tails upon ;

be in the po«a it. 1 saw two other plant

-• *fWV 4

REAUMURIA LINIFOLIA.Flax-leaved Reaumuria.

ORDO NATURALIS.Ficoideae. Juss. Gen. p. 31 J.

gyna v.-l .-pigyna, scilicet Toro seu Receptaculo cum" quo Calyx extus contluit, nee unquain

perigyna, ut vult celcbcrrimus auctor.

Calyx profunde5-fidus, subaequalis, peraistens, folib obvallatus. Petala 3. in ctinabulis oblique

phalanges:.- . nrr cito decidentia. Styli ,s basi approximate

rriaiad;u(<.it : >J><A;sY' ,..«.'\ . i ><• «/< vr/v conferta, crus-

xhisada, p.itnvtatu, salsi^hnsct. flares albi rosciic, sditarii, mmulonon plurium imiiimilis, s<cpc

kV.<, i.-it I.J. LaBillardic


La Billardiere descr

w to point out such important mistakes as the above,

1. TheCalvx.2. A Petal."

3. Back and front view of an Anther magaif

DAHLIA BIDENTIFOLIA.Bidens-leaued Dahlia.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 16.

). foliis majoribus bipinnatis; petioli gracilo, vix alato :

parum reflexis.

Sponte nascitur in Mexico.

Floret apud nos Septembri, Octobri.

The specific characters and descriptions of Cavanilles seldom do him any credit, and respecting

this Dahlia he has blundered as usual; for its leaflets are neither more acuminated than those of

the others, nor smooth on their lower disk ; and the ligulated florets of the second variety are of a

deep marygold colour, not scarlet ; so that I do not wonder at Dr. Sims hesitating to quote him.

It is a more delicate species than the other: the stem frequently tinged with purple, quite

round, and covered with a fine glaucous dew: principal leaves bipinnated often with one or two

very small leaflets at the base of the partial petioles : Flowers a little fragrant, but when they

decay exhaling a stronger smell, more like that of Saffron. The earietj with yellow flowers has

only been lately introduced into this country from Madrid, by the Right Honble Lady Holland,



An outer Palea of the Receptacle.

An inner Palea.

Part of one of the ligulated Florets.

The abortive Stigma contained in it.

A tubulose Floret.

Printed by D. N. Shu


CONVOLVULUS PANN1FOLIUS.Cloth-leaved Convolvulus.


Convolvuli. Juss. Gen. p. 132.

Sect. 1. Stylus unicus.

Calyx 5 -phyllus : foliolis arete imbricatis et fornicatis, apice plus minus himeli.inbns, intenoribus

minoribus: persistens. Corollas Tubus brevis: Limbus amplissimus, incunabula 3-phcatus

cuneis totidem repando 5-fidus : decidua. Filamenta ore tubi iuserta, basi dilatata

canaliculataque, medio limbi approximata. Pericarpium crustaceum, 2-3-locularc loculis

2-spermis, valvis una cum basi styli a septis dehiscentibus, Stigma 2-3-partitum. laciniisan-

gustis longis. Hcrba et Frulices volubiles, lactescentes. Folia multarum postice 1-fida. Flores a

mane ad post meridiem scmel expansi ; pedunculis axillaribus, ]-20-foris, dichotomis cum impart;

pedicellis infructu defexis et incrassatis, uno lateraliitmfere semper deficiente. Genus kucuxpte vastum,

e diversa structures filamentorum, stigmalum et pericarpii, nifallor, in plura dividendum. Character

supra inposterum recognoscendus, cum ob insolitas astatis pi ; nvolvuli firm-

turn maturum obtinerepotui.

C. caule angulato : foliorum laminis hastato-cuneatis, utrinque hirsutis : pedunculis 2-3-floris :

corolla: tubo 1| lineam longo, laciniis mucronulatis : pericarpio tenero hirsuto.

Floret apud nos Augusto. Septembri.

This species was communicated by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, who received the seeds from

Lisbon; and I suspect it to be a Teneriffe plant, but this ia merely from its apparent affinity to

Convolvulus Giwiricns/s, nor am I yet certain if the stem is frutocent like that species. The

leaves are of a pale green colour, halberd shaped, and very hairy on both sides like a piece of

woollen cloth. Bractes narrow and attenuated. Calyx hairy, Corolla very pale purple with

the inside towards the base darker, its margin and the wedge-shaped folds of the limb pubescent.

Filaments white, towards the bottom covered with a glandulous pubescence. Anthers blue.

Neetarium yellow with a whitish margin. The Pericarpium, which I only saw in a young state,

was2-locu!ar, with two seeds in each cell. Style white, about 3 lines long. Stigmata white,

longer than the style, spreading out wide, quite linear and obtuse.


. Part of the Corolla spread open, shewing the insertion of the Filaments.

The Germen and Stigma.

Transverse section of the Capsule magnified.

Printed by D.N.Shu


- J



ORDO NATURALIS.Narcissi. Juss. Gen. p. 54.


.wtngulum, sue. ulentuhim. Torus dluciniii, a'qualirer e.xpansa, intus sulcai

damserta, brevia. Antheras convergenisae. .Stylus clavatus, in aliis parum ;

>euhs, ovalia. Plaiitw spii/iauae tcl il-j.etc i-iridia, un^ust's.shna latuvt. Peditncitl

His pcndulis. Bractem I -2, sputhucece, subjh

* * Folia cmgustai i

L. autumnale. Brot. Fl. Lbs.nale. Desf. Fl. Atlant. r. 1

Loef.Res.p. 136. L. bul

PI. lib. 2. p.

P' '>>'<',- s^egit^P. Ludling: juxta Lisbon, co\\\l

iajoz, legit C.

Roret Septanbri, Octobri, mox post pluvias eeqaiooctiales.

Many rare and beautiful bulbous plants, formerly cultivated hen

\ Vy ;

""' -'"'"'

'! —


> - '..!>(, ; but it lias fat

ivrore the leaves, which „. .,„„"< s


llsntiiict ytim - 'Vom the l,r. ,', ()




icli flowers later, nor dan: I vet positively alhrm that

co! „ n -


•i ..

uv«- no smrll i„-th.- tl-iu,,.. l',. l l„i!li'of\t d.u-u mi!t after flowering erect. Petals white with a rose-coloith an intermediate blunt point as it' they were tridei

iwer towards the t<>;>. Stigma minutely pubescent.


1. A Petal.

2. The Flower stript of the Petals,

3. An Anther magnified.

+. The Stigma magnified.



HIBISCUS GRANDIFLORUS.Large-Jlowered Hibiscus.


Malvaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 273.

Sect. HI. Filamenta coroll x, multilocularis.

Calyx plus minus 5-fidus, bracteis 5-12 in unam aliquando coalitis involucratus. Filamcsus apicem vagina? ore 5-dentatae dense sparsa. Stylus apice 5-fidus. Stigmata subholosericea. Pericarpium figura e! i-loculare valvis totidcmcentro vacuo relicto dehiscent Urns. Semina 8-30 in s:

gulum internum inserta. Herbaaut Frutices. Folia i

''•'-.. :.




(irticiihttus. An hue referenda' >]>• >ius Ordinis, >ti fallnr,

e structura ; uniniferm sold pendent, bracteis caiucem ulterior -.


* * Caulis aculeatus.

H. caule fruticoso: stipulis angustis: foliorum laminis palmato-5-3-fidis, subtus egtandolostt


Sponte nascentem ad ripas fluminis Hawkesbury, legit G. Paterson.

Floret apud nos Augusto, Septembri.

A new species, which flowered luxuriantly last sumrrer, in the garden of the Right Hon*8.

Charles (;,-. md yorgeoiis it fm us a rambling

|»i;ickl\ slirub, and will he little esteemed here. In aflinit\ it com- nearer to II. Lmnnbinus, Ba-

diatus and Fia/lneus, than any otheno gland on the principal i


L. Part of the Calyx spread open.



ORDO NATURALIS.Gerania. Juss. Gen. p. 168.

Sect. II. Fructus rostro spirali intus barbato.

Calyx foliolo supremo majore vix regularis. Nectarium dorso tori plus minus ekȣ*ti pfdia-!-

lumque simulantis cumculare. Corolla irregularis. Filamenta 10, basi in vaginam coalita,

3-8sterilia. Herbee vel Frutkes. Radix tuber*

succulentus, velntdlus. Stipulce interdum spinescentes. Folia a I'lerna tel in minis fhriferis saj,e

,-..•,. . ;


•.' - :.- -

laua. li vm* opposi-'

brevisxims turn it pi juidubio legit > ./*, ut in aureo suo libro Philoso-

phia Dot an - Linne.

# Acaulia : radix rapi/m >iu : Jilamentis 5-sterilibus.

Sponte nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit J. Nevin.

Floret apud nos a Junio in Septembrem.

There can be uo doubt that the plants formerly known by the name of Geranium constitute

:• . ^ - ... -x .-.: ;


•' : '



: •^•-•

his strong ro<' him. This Pelargonium flowered during most ot last sum-

mer at the Hi% beautifully in the 354th

plateof the above mcnti-uK-dMoik. I.nt ti.e 1..^ ud \\w p.-l >.U .

quote it for the same : its root is also'

from moisture on a dry shelf, after t



1. A Flower without the Petals.

2. Base of the Torus magnified, to shew the IVectariuni.

3. The Stamina spread open, magnified.

PROTEA MUCRONIFOLIA.Dagger-leaved Protea.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 2.

* Folia simplic

P; foliisI-lipolUcem longis, lineari-lanceolatis, mucronatis, epunctatis, planiusculis: bracteiimvolucn anguste cuneatis, integerrimis.

Sponte nascentem in Roodesand montibus, legit J. Niven. v

Floret apud nos a Julio in Decembrem,

This new Protea was communicated by Mess. Lee and Kenned}' : in a natural series, which is

the grand object that all true Botanists keep in sight, whether sp,'.< R .s or genera are to be deter-mined, it must be placed nc ir l\ Acu'tJ >tiu. There is a peculiar delicacy of tint in its velvet co-rolla, scarcely to be imitated by the painter, but exclusive of this obvious difference in colour it

may always be distinguished from P. Acuifolia by the Bracteae, which are gradually attenuatedand entire, not broader towards the top and ciliated. The author of the Exotic Botany havingent an oblique shot against the Ten a to that species by the distinguishedcollectors above mentioned, I might leave them to defend it : " quce nan nonfecimus ipsi vix ea nos-tra voco :" but as in my op mislead the taste of the public, I shall very wil-lingly say a few words to vindicate their appellation. Two odn -had air. ad\ been given to theplant, Nana and Rosacea : the first of th< s. is so erroneous, that Limit hii -elf did not scruple tochange: it : the latter was adopted by that great man from the form of the flower, not its colour,

fgurc of this work is too brilliant, and in that of the Exotic Botany still more un-

a Rose in am . more to that of an Arti-

choke; indeed this very species belongs to tin '•• iors. Against the mere

frlio acu u was certainly mon i t than tl i v. ' cu I for the r< seni-

111 tailing t t[u \ L(lj , u i p l f m i, nu . v\y befor* tin idm I in r,t no i ,1 mes,as the_\ | ave been vagu y called, the full sj . iti character was the. o y t le by which vegetables

tion of the old one, was both a heavy clog upon the memory,"yius enormously. These diilit ulties being happily removed,

; <~ • '- .. ......

, ..,.-.'



•:- :.- '. -

sion, are we still to examin Iriving no advantage from t

lessons they teach ? I hope for better d • botanists.

1 Marrublum Nigrum;Mr. Brown has brou?

Trinted by D. N. Shurv, Bcrwick-ftrcet, boho.


CACALIA BICOLOK.Two-coloured Cacalia.

ORDO NATURALIS.Corymbiferae. Juss. Gen. p. 1/7.

Flores flSect, J. Receptaculam paleis nullis. Pericarpium papposura.

Calyx 4~13-phyllus, parum infundibuliformis aut cylindraceus, bracteis aliquot j ixta basin *pai

sis. Pericarpia ses»ilia vel pt dicellata. Pappus exquisite dentatu-.

scrobiculorum mine obtusi.s aequatum nunc membrana dentate coronatis scabrum. llerlxt, id




i,. • .

• •'

' •



', . ' > .

....-'' ;' ' •-


C. Bicolor, Willd. Sp. PL v. 3. p. 1731.

Sponte nascitur in Insulis Moluccas.

Botanists are obliged to Dr. Roxburgh, who has introduced so many Hindostan v l<n<^:v


was sent to the Botanic Garden at C. ... . . ... .r:-.,i.-.-. .! -. ' •'






-" '" "'






colour underneath and towards the edges <»] :

the upper surface. Panicle divided into long branches . - ^ >•

• .-.! !' ::I , , : :-,.. ,.,.'.,--:,

'• '

' '"!



.. ^ ,


,\ -..

^ :•.

• - . • ^ ." ' ;\.commonly called rough, and crowned with

Receptacle rough with a r

this respect it, differs very


f JHi:

CAMPANULA ALLIARI^FOLIA.Alliaria-leaved Campanula.

ORDO NATURALIS.Campanulaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 163.

Sett. I. Antherae discretae.

Calyx profunde 4~6-fidus dorso sinuum in quibusdam auriculato. Corolla carapanulata, limbo

4-6-fido. Filamenta basi dilatata et super torum meiliferum fornicata. Pericarpium inferum,

turbinatum, 2-6-loculare, inter nervos in foramina tandem diruptum. Herba aut Suftrutices.

Caulls nunc gracillimus, nunc crassus. Folia inferiora multarum in orbem conferta ; superiora hand

rarofigarddiversa, in bracteas sensim transeuntia. Floresu, ..-ncrus 5-nariua

frequentissimus eslinjlore, et 3-narius in fructu, Camp;corolla; imprimis stutuenda,probemultum differt.

* * Calyx dorso sinuum in Auriculam producto. Pericarpium 3-loculare.

C foliis




C. Alliarisefolia, Willd. Sp. PL v. I. p. 920. C. Orientalis Alliariae folio, &c. Tournef. Cor. 3.

Sponte nascitur in Gurgistan montjbus.

Floret Augusto, Sepiembri.

I believe this Oriental plant, communicated both by Mr. Donn from the Botanic Garden at

Cambridge, and by Mr. Bell fi .iu hi- o\\ n private collection, has never before been figured. Stem

from 3 to 5 t eel , mating in a loose pyramidal panicle, the upper

branches of which commonly produce about 3 flowers each. The radical leaves have long peti-

oles and broa. ! i i very wide sinus at the base, but I cannot call them Kidney-

shaped with Willdenow .- ti.«. upon tht'stem sessile, and ovate : they

areallcrenato-dentate, „ "» the under side. Pedicles slender

and very short, do ny. Call % downy, between each division at the base dilated into a rerlexed

ear-shaped appendage: these nearly cover the Germen. Corolla white, an inch long or more,

limb much snorter than the tube, hairy on the outside especially toward

Pigments white, very hairy at the dilated part. Anthers long, pale yellow. Style thick, hairy

from above the middle.consequently 2-locular


proof of how littte importance mere number is in this genus. I am yet ignorant whether this

species is biennial or perennial.


1. The Calyx.

2. The Stamina and Pistillum.

3. The Setd Vessel magnified.

4. Transverse section of the same.

5. A Radical Leaf.


PROTEA LACTICOLOR.Milk -coloured Protect .

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 2.

?. t*i >




• ;:\.

Sponte nasrentem in Promontorio Cap.

Floret apud nos a Januario in Martin,

that it inn) haw* been originally prndn

at tin- Cape, mav po : >i»!\ throw .

this Proica at cianhani is aiivail) .'> feet hi- n,

[.raves pale ^rren \< iih the middle ncivo and hi

. and hard. Fasciculus of llowi-rs aboi:

'aiuMikc P.t.ih. !)t ami!k\ «-hitonos>. tii

est silk. IVlals very narrow and curling

lis tribe, bearded with brownish hairs nr


SWAINSONA CORONILLJ1FOLIA.Coronilla-leaved Swainsona.

ORDO NATURALIS.Leguminosae. Juss. Gen. p. 34.5.

Torus obconicus. Calyx calailiil'uivTiis, Iaoiniis 3-inlVrinriins hiantibns. Vexillumlritus 2-callosum : Alae horizontalitcr propendentes : Carina alis Ionge major,Mi-ma term/male, li.uhi stylum di'curreiue fin, Turn. IVricarpium oblongum, tu

membrauareiim, poU-pm-mmi. Suifntt/cc* r Xova Jlollandu Jacfc aVqua Indigol

I i'ici apud nos a Junto

Filaments diadelpho


Seeds nun

1. Back view of the Yrexil!um.

2. The Anthers and 3 iff

;?. The Stigma more magnified.


COLUMNEA ROTUNDIFOLIA.Round-leaved Columnea.


Scrophulariae. Juts, Gen. p.] 17.

Sect. III. Genera Scrophulariis affinia, oppositifolia.

Calyx profande 5-fidus. Corolla longissima: Tubus dorso basis Miper ncctanum reniformc gib-

.bus: Limbus ringens ; labio superiore fornicato; inferiors :!-panito, laciniis duabws verses

latera divaricatis. Filamenta 4, toro basique corollae simul inserta. in va-inam doiso Assambreviter coalita, inde !: '••;. Anthcra post anthesin ( onnexa?. Perirar-

pium albidum, subglobosvim. i-loeiiiare < <>h- : panetaiilni? late 2-Iohis, p<>l\spcnmim, sue-

trunros arborinn M-undctite*. Cuidh oiniotit*. Fulia i>.

opposiliy, llruc!(is'-2 <:d Ixf-in. In rrrnlla/i^! a par; a^lima/a in cmhin ore r rum Brth i«.

Gioxin",:: , urmis?

denteleno alterovt piolundo : corolla: iabh snperiore \i\ emarginato.

Sponle nascemem in Tns. Trinidad, legit D. Buchanan,

Floret apud nos ab Octvbri in Fcbruarium.

ih'm' «'Jd^v- scarcely at all' de;nfated: and the

hated. is plant the Stem is .lend

V-.-ii'.!.' rly c\ lindriciii, hair) : I /a in

tally re.

on both sides, fleshy. J


Calyi with red, deeply


ited; lower lip r.curved with ih(

s pale carmine,


d ai'er 1 lie poller i i> discharged h)

>>-" - a;;;;

ie>elU» while young a 1

S£ted immediately r.inder the stigma ,

siigiu;, h


1. The gibbous bast. of the Corolla

2. The Filaments u n ited at thebisc


Transverse section of the Seed \•esscl.

CROCUS SEROTINUS.Late-Flowering Crocus.

ORDO NATURALIS.Irides. Juss. Gen. p. 57.

Sect. II. Pericarpium bracteis vcslitum.

Bractea? 1-2, longc spathacea?, hyalinae, praeter aliam sub pcdunculo. Corolla? Tubus" anun?-tus, basi subterranrus : Limbus amplus, profunde 6-fidus. n-uhiris. Stigmata obi iiiirai.i.

cristata, plus minus fissa. Pericarpium oblongum, tondo.-mm. S.miitui param MieniJciita. Radiituber a nvvis rationt • • „ , (/uotannis

thacea . Folia 3-7; rod ' a ic


, vittam al-

b/dan' spongiosum (hprr^icsada. sulfas in carinar., plauaoi ertaeJia. Flore* aril/an .*, solita. ,.> ticntes. Pedunculus in j!an euiid vix uitus. fructu maturo i mumusque ad superjkicm term' elongafus.

* * Folia latiuscula.

Corolla? limbo basi obsoletissime barbato, clauso urceoiari : Stiff

>. montanus Antumnalis. Park. Par. p. IG. Crocum montanum. 1 Clus. Hist. PL lib. 2.

p. 208. cumlc. Crocum montanum. Clus. Rar. IV p. y». 261. cum Ic. Pie de Borro. Lu.

The latest of the Autumnal Crocnsa et from the AW///<>;

Dr. Smith hascom mim led ii in his /'/,, /,', , , , „ / . I Botany. Its det

lume of the Annals of Botany. A cart' hi 1 di-sectum

now leads me to tin .k dihi tvn?i» . and that one oft!

awler) justly obser


I. Inside of an Anther and Filament before the Pollen is discharged.

2 The Anthers and Stigmata just before the flower expands.

YUCCA RECURVIFOLIA.Recurved-Leaved Yucca,


Lilia. Juss. Gen. p. 48.

'etala toro confluentia. marcescentia. Filamenta toro inserta, crassa, clavata. A

anthesin minute. Pericarpium superura, oblongum, versus basin foveis 3-melliferum, 3-locu-

lare, carnosum. Stigma grande, mitraeforme, profunde umbilicatum. Semma angulo interna

loculidupliciserie inserta, plana. I



, ... - .• :

/;•-.•pedicellisque. Torus p.


'L,ll° 0aU

proximum genus est, licet prima fades adeo dispar. Pericarpii dehiscentiam adhuc nesao.

• Caulesccntes.

r, foliis viridibus, recurvo-deflexis, margine rare filaroentosis :petalis interioribus parum

Sponte nascentem in Georgia, legit J. Cree.

Floret Julio, Augusta.

This species flowered last summer in the open ground, at Isaac:Swainson's.Esq. I

forming a panicle 5 feet long above the leaves. It has been hitherto suPP0Sfa ™;

. ma

respects.' Stem in our gardens from 1 to 3 feet high. I-"-f- tLTLfengS'peelingand straight as in the Gloriosa,

off into a few short filaments, spinous at th

surface, very rigid. Flowers exhaling a strong smell mixed with tn" 01,


aml , )t-

a darkoval-pyramidal form, with alternate branches, some of the

purple colour where exposed to the sun. Bractes dark purple To

like the nave of a wheel. Petals dull purple with a fe

they expand, elsewhere of a very pale lemon coloui-not quite regular ^ aS mmore recurved ; the inner series only a little broader than the


outer, n

t^Filamentosa, or so perceptibly uncinate at the pouts. Fdaments wnitei

Anthers dull yellow and very minute.



Slender Sabbatia,

ORDO NATURALIS.Gentianae. Juss. Gen. p. 141.

foliaceis. Corollae Tubus brcvis,

5 tubi nunc in marginem promi-

i„^urvo-erccta.*Antherae demum revolutae. Pericarpium succulentulum, ovale,

Stylus ercctus. Stigma Iongum, 2-partilnabbus. >cmina

Jlerbce annua, graciles. Folia septus angusta. Flon > tdU. « «>»< <:

o r ,»b^

i frequenter deficiente dichoh

rum Liberati et Constantini Sabbati, dixit Adanson.

S. foliisangusteellipticis: corymbo raro : calyce 5-fido, laciniis linearibus:

corolla longitu-

dine calycis.

Chironia gracilis. Mkhaux FL Bor-Amer. v. 1. p. 461. Chironia campanula. Linn. Sp. PL


Sponte nascentem in Nezo Jersey, legit J. Bartram.

Floret Julio.

Perhaps no genus has hitherto been less understood than»^J^SE1Sracter of spiral Anthers, only occurring in <

annual here figured, two plants of »]i , u ,. ljn( ,

had been deeply trenched the premlma vc;,r, and orim^..^ th/othcr

sent to the celebrated />, /. r CoUinsun, /w,. h}


species of that country 1 find they must all be rcterred to ..


;, ^/7

that author seems to have establish Calyi being

ffers from every other genus I hav ofthecorolla,<bvp!\ divided into lurrow leah Moment- vith broad -imiv.e-.

• - '

d ap> rin(l | uU> m ith

. spiral. As






; ;

'^ ":

- ,' V





HIBISCUS ACERIFOLIUSMaple-leaved Hibiscus.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 22.

H. caule lignoso : stipulis per angustis : foliorum laminis basi rotundatis, palmato-3-fidis, pro-

funde dentatis : bracteis 7, calyce brevioribus, ligularibus.

Locus natalis haud innotuit, apud Sinenses cultus.

This is unquestionably a very distinct species from the Sjjriacus of Linne, in which die leaves

are wedge-shaped at the base with much shorter petioles. It was sent to Mr. Hpoker by E.

Woodford, Esq. in whose stove it flowered during the months of Febuarif and March last.

Branches slender and while young pubescent Stipules very narrow and soon turning ash-

coloured. Petioles an inch long or more, rery slender and pubescent on their upper side.

Leaves palmate, the upper ones 3-iid, deeply toothed, acuminate, a little pubescent while young.

Flowers axillary, dark purple. Peduncles thicker and shorter than the Petioles, pubescent.

Bractes in the 3 flowers 1 saw 7, half an inch long and very narrow. Calyx longer than the

Bractes, divided to the middle into wedge-shaped segments. Corolla semidouble. It may easily

be propagated by cuttings.



EUSTOMA SILENIFOLIUM.Silene-leaved Eustoma.


Gentianae. Juss. Gen. p. 141.

Calyx profunde 5-fidus laciniis dorso plus n Corollas Tubus inlundihiilnnrmK ature

bo longior, profunde 5-fidus, intus fasciis varir^K I n.n... ><»

:. .. , ..,=.

Anther* parum sagittal:, I' '.p« •>''

"-<" '"

hfrn1a*a llrrbce anr, ,. w ., „ ..„,,I)icu....a. /».'-• v^„H*. ,. W ,/M* .oc

Gmcrt sucrro^Of, o& os corolla pidchrum.

E. caule teretiusculo : foliis obovato-lanceolatis : calycis laciniis dorso vis alatis.

Lisianthus glaucifolius. J«^. Ic. Collect, v. I. p. 61.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Providence, legit M. Catesby.

Floret apud nos Augusto.

Three very distinct genera, «'." '*>


'.' 11.,

"'.I .

. i : L»- tne tnie

lar IVuit. a.v conuMHideil urn' • • ! towards the

Lisianthi of Browne and Swartz, -Hred, which

lower side of the flower, and a i tand MutU,

has short regular stamina and a dee, .„, (, i;v , (i versatile an-



thcrs; thetelastlhar, named aft; - ^ on , wwhich I am preparing for the Linncan . oca v. j » ^ ^ ^mj .

S(), ,,

}jr )a Manner s

which is the 6V.///V/»« E>n!tata»\ I., (u ,„. lii;

r, rs , lt s far a, can be

imperfect figure : it is by no mea

ascertained from the d

lated stem, longer leaves, a greater

filaments iu>orted a little higher. ., i(h a ,-,„ ,.„

o. /."' r < 's

' -i-"i... ^ >i t<> -u - -^.

th.,_ ^

only one or two. Calyx not so glaucous as tutothcr secies, li

rated, which char* i

ago, in the collection of W. Manning, Esq. lottcndgu


^FUament and Anther seen in front and behiud magnified.

2. Pistillum magnified.

3. Fruit opening, natural size.

4. Transverse section of the fruit.

5. A Seed, natural size and magnified.

Joseph Banks1

number of flowers, men


TRILLIUM FCETIDUM.Stinking Trillium,

ORDO NATURALIS.Asparagi. Juss. Gen. p. 42.

I'iilyx .'i-phyllus, persisfciis. Potala 3, calyce majora, pcrsistentia. Filainenia fi. altema p.-fa.

lis iuserta. Antherae crassa?, apit , lateribus dehiscentcs. Pcricarpium

succulentum, 6-angulum, 1-vel 3-Iocularc. Stigmata .'i. lata* iu : erius Mylorum decurrcnlia.

Semina placentis 3 e medio sinuum laiiomm sthutatis, nunc connate unde fructus 3-lo- .. fotiu (atii vertidUalis ; hi honrmeentro Flos s>. /lis, pcdun ulatusvc. Genus a Paride strudvru anthe ai . > \ndh umim <lis-

T. foliis late rhombeis ; flore parum nutante, pedunculato: petalis calyce vi\ longioribus multo

latioribus, ovato-acuminatis marginibus juxtaapicera involutis: pericarpio 3-locuIari.

Variat a. Petala alba.

T. rhomboideum 0. Mich. Fl. Bort.-ali.Jni. v. I. p. 215.

f3.Petal ioribus.

In Horto KewettsiaF. Masson transinissum.

7. Petala atro-purpurea.

T. erectum. Sims in Bot. Mag. n. 470. cum lc. an perpcrara fucata ?

S. Petala atro-rubra.

T. erectum. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2. p. 484. Paris foliis 3-nis, &c. Linn. Amen, v. 1. ed.

Holm. p. 154. Solan num. C. Bauh. Prodr. p.91. Sola-

num triphyllum canadense. Com. PI. p. 166. cum lc.

Sponte nasccntem in Virginia sylvis, legit J. Bartram.

Floret apud nos Aprili, Maio, mox post foliationem.

Of the above varieties I have only seen the second and last, neither of which agree in colour

with the plant of the Botanical Magazine, so that another figure will not be useless. A more

important reason forgiving it however is to shew the structure of its iruir, which is 3-locular,

though thai tu the Inst plate of this workis as certainly 1-locular. W lien

I offered, a very short time before the publication of the Paradisus Londinensis in June last, to

assist Mr. II,, v in our gardens were faded, so that I was under the mr.-itv

of drawing up the Generic Character from dried specimens ; but having these two nowlirmg mmy own collection, I am enabled to amend it In the S5J ia number of th lUtm ' httznui

the lir^.p.eK- N u-ionul i«> I/' ,//».«-,.,> • »l U'i iii\. !

m, <-i ' «<i'1

..a,..s mice.-

tain; for Michaux describes the leaves " basi arr n"yand what appears extraordinary, Mr. Kerr (iateh Ca« Icr i

doubts whether it be not the same! From a speci:

been collated with's, there is not a shadow of doubt, that the specu- no«

Erectum. Leaves shaped Hkea broad lo/eu^euiii! ihuv Mi::.: a luM.-a d -,,; .

ing. Flower very foetid like carrion. Petals nearly the colour of old

longer than the caUxand alwavs broader. Anlhcr< about i

with yellowish valves. Fruit "dark mahogany colour. As tie I- , mwr is isev.i

Sivon'itan.i «.ll noi d c, loth, b iral - ., , It -

Exotic Botany says, fc - // is *o be vcished thai


", ,

.......• ;„+ „r tw wordol mou ... 11 i> sul! I01

f no less than six plants*.

Otbralau*. Haatingia fin



PHYLLODOCE TAXIFOLIA.Yew-leaved Phyllodoce,


Ericas. Juss. Gen. p. 15Q.

Calyx profunde 5-fidus. Corolla 1-petala, decidua. Filamenta 10, toro inserta. Anthera-

juxta apicem foramine obovato d i :i superum, 5-loculare ; septis e mar-

ginibus valvarum, ab axi dehiscentibus. Semina elliptica, scrobiculata Fruticulus > wpcr-

virens. Foi .• / in EridL Flares et

axillis 2-9 u 'ifero. Brarteee 8 ad bmsi* pedutaiipraterfolium, persistentes. Nomen poeticuin. EtrOMWtt, Ml

hoc genus selegi, quod toto anno eft 'ar. llli Li'dc ujjinh r^t Kriea l)i-

boecii Sj7. PL quam ob uii mtper Jussica ; sal

cuminjlor Ij subjecto, nccnonrcccp-

tnculo semi'.. . -in generis..

P. foliorum laminis linearibus, obtusis : corollas tubo urccolari.

Erica! cocrulca. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 2. p. 393. Andromeda taxifolia. Pall. Ft. Ross. Pari 2. p. 6


/. 72./.2. Andromeda coerulea. FL Dan. t. 57. Erica foliis acerosis, cvc. Cm,!. Ft. S/f>.

v.Lp.lSl.t. 57. /. 2. Andromeda coerulea. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. p. 563. Erica rarior Nor-

vegica. Li ,1)1. Amwn. v. Led. Lugd. Bat. p. 332. Andromeda foliis, fee. Linn. FL Lapp.

iplandabxmde, legit C. Linne: in Labrador collibns sieeis, legit J. Bai

, hatha et America: Boi\ alt, <

' - rupibus muscoin K't»iM-hathu

Floret apud nos, Afa/o.

This little Northern shr^bdiffeff 10 essentially to its fruit from Andromeda, a

Wished by Linne in bis Flora Lapponiea from our English species the 1 ohf

obliged to separate it N >i can il be r 1r " s

> " > ' '- ,:" ) l - 1


1 ,iu 'lIlSM P 11 "

guous with the margin of the valves; for its whole habit is discordant and th<

divided. In fact, th. genera of Hicorties which have that character in co inn >n ar

other, that though .in ,si en h-i- ui.i le use of it to separate them into two orders

due deference to such high authority, off «" ot tnem l0 a fl

now writing. The -iems ,-„ .e^jh a:, am a foot in u>; J,t, grou ,;

;g a;no,,g re


middle of their under surface, linear, n ' ™»* »t:rs ai <

which is not the true margin as is commonly supposed, obtuse. * 1towers ou solit;

cles, issuing from 2 to 9 of ' ' h-'ves. Bractes -, at

peduncle besides the leaf which supplies the place of a thud bract •- a,

' be.

shorter and more like a bradj

" ! p'

1 ."" '" " ^7as in Vcid^iu. Caivviin !\ i -

; v.. 'Mum id. I'm : I'lrple. van nig<» p<

never blue, for n ' I**** ^ „._"*'"!!

Taxifolia. Anthers long, without nerves, obtuse at the basi

Charles Greville.


3. Transverse section of theGcrmen, she

4. The Fruit bursting, a little magnified.

5. Seed natural size and magnified.


PROTEA LONGIFOLIA.Long4eaved Protect.

Onjinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 2.

* Folia simplicia, integerrima.

P. foliis 2 lineas latis, 6 pollices longis. lineari-spatulatis, marginc scabriusculis,

apice mox sphacelato, glabris, punctatis : bracteis involucri spalulatis, minuic cuwus,


Sponte nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit J. Nevin.

Floret apud nos ab Aprili, in Junium.

A new species from the Clapham collection. Stem 3 feet high, slender but stiff, not much

branched ; while young yellowish green with a tinge of red at the base ol

Leaves dull green inclining to an olive colour, narrow, very long, not so much twisted as in many

species, a little concave towards the top, finely dotted on both sides and thick: Ner

perceptible, except by its colour which is of a dull red on the upper surface. Fasciculus of flow,

ers quite erect, a little more than 2 inches in diameter, almost truncated. Involucra! Bractes

yellowish green with a dull red tinge on the outside especially of the lower ones, spatulate and

finely ciliated, the last series narrower but scarcely higher than that immediate


Petals yellowish with rose-coloured tips, and a fine white pubescence. I did not cause to dissect

the Fasciculus, though the liberality of the owner would have permitted it, the plant being yet

exceeding scarce, and apt to decay where cut, if the air is not excluded from the wou

ing clay. The finest Protea Cynaroides I have ever seen,

by an accidc. r recovered by Mr. Hibbcrf, skilful gardener, who b far above

the quackery of making a secret of any thing he knows in horticulture.


MAGNOLIA CONSPICUA.Conspicuous Magnolia.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No.

Le Yu-Ian. Mem. Chin. torn. Z.p.AAl.

Locus natalis haud pro certo innotuit, apud Sinenses jam ab anno 627 culta species.

I do not find any description of this Magnolia, introduced several years ago by the It'.Sir Joseph Banks, except that in the work above mentioned, where it is said to resembleWalnut-tree with a Lily at the end of every branch. This gives a good idea of its h;which it approaches nearer the Acuminata than any other yet discovered, formm-j like it

midalhead, and rea< him; tin ! M_'it ol from 30 to 40 leer." Leaves more Met!, -- mpe.ithe other Oriental species, deciduous early in Autumn. Flowersfore the leaves, exhaling very little smell in our cold climate, teWhitish spots, short I thicker toy Is the top. articulated imnu _insertion of the bracte, below v, inch v is pubescent. Bracte of a dull brown colour,long or more, its outside very pubescent, insid. o.kies. Petals20 flowers which I have seen, con^ufly 9, w-hite witha verv faint iingeof red at theirf <^<- spreading oi r into a uide , •; uruel d

jist above the s in ,i ,. witl |> -afuia'"

Obtuse, smoolf., .., . ril ,l oJ

- ,„,, consistence of soft white leather,

espcciallythe 3 which continue ii midti' en -: .Vrv » not w y apparent. V>wvn i

nating below the top. 1 ire, but far tt

Mr. Hooker is in (i rev die.





Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 23.

• Acaulia: radice rapiformi: JUamerdis S sterilibus.

P. foliis pinnatifidis, laciniis 3-5-lobis: pedicellis brevissimis : calycibus ventricosulis, viscidulo-pubescentibus: petalis spatulatis, inferioribus angustis.

Sponte nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit J. Niven.

Floret apud nos Junio, Julio.

The tuberous rooted Pelargoniums from the Cape of Good Hope, are so numerous and distinctin their habit, that it is greatly to be wished some character could be found to separate them as agenus. In every flower of the specimen of that now figured which I examined, the Antherswere persistent, not falling off soon after shedding their pollen as in most other Pelbut whether this circumstance is peculiar to the whole section, or even coastanl in tibia one specie!,I have not yethadan opportunity of ascertaining. It seems allied to .1!r. jv n. ;f l

. - /?'.

well figured in the Botanical Repository, and the Calyx being 1 at the basemay perhaps distinguish it from that and some others: to give a good specific character howeverin such a genus requires more time than I can now spare. Introduced by G. Hibbert. Em, ir

1800, and known in our nurseries by the name of the Advertised Geranium.


BROMELIA AQUILEGA.Water-holding Bromclia.


Bromeliac. Juss. Gen. p. 4Q.

Sect. II. Pericarpium inferum.

Pericarpium oblongum, 3-loculare. Calyx 3-phyllus. Corolla 3-petala, bail MUail moUitor*Semina plurima, oblonga, compressa. Plantiv ri^id-r, qua dam paralitica-. Folia radicaKa


scppius serrato-spinosa. Floret Ihactece, oblonga', coloratce. Generaantiqua Plumieri, quce sub hocconfudit Linne, omni procul dubio restitucnda.

B. foliis latis, serrato-spinosis, basi tumidis, apice subtruncatis : panicula longti : floribus sessilibus,.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Jamaica^ legit D. Hurlock.

Floret apud nos rarissime, Septembri et Octobri.

I received this plant from the above mentioned Island fifteen years ago, and cultiTated it while

I resided at Chapel Allerton, but without ever seeing its flowers, which were produced 1 beitavt

country September 30th, 1804, in the stove of Isaac Swainson, Esq. at

_ preserved, I cannot describe any part of it from my ovaknowledge except the leaves, which are of a faint green, sharply serrated, and so mmthe base, as to retain a in our stoves is soon loaded « ith I <m.

fervas. The Peduncle 1 am informed was more than 3 feet high, and covered with matypubescence, like other plant* of thi> Natural Order. The flowers exuded a liquid of the colour

••nee of milk, in such abundance as to drop from them.I dare not yet quote the Hn . !ia 11 <.':! i -> ; Swar!.% as b«i ;; the same plant with thi.-, ior

he describes the stigma .'5- lid, and neither Houstouii's own specimen from La Vera Crux, nor

that from the Mosquito St rf, hot! pi served in Sir J« ph Ha ks i

with the dissections before me. I have liifle doubt however that it is a true Brum,

which I think uith Jussieu v«:s distinct from the Ananas or Pineapple', if it should be brought

to flower a second time, I hope to describe the whole plant more completely.


2. A Flower dissected, without the Calyx.

3. Front and back view of an Anther magnified.

4. Stigma magnified.

5. Young Fruit cut longitudinally, magnified.

G00D1A LOT1FOLIA.Lotus-leaved Goodia.

ORUO NATURALIS.Legiiminosse. Juss. Gen. p. 345.

10, diade!ph;«. Legumen 1-loculare, <2-va!v<>. trti.

nata aut rarius digitata. btip-.tla- imo petiulo adnata.

laciniis 3 infcrioribus longioribus. Corolla* Vesffl .mi

ccallosum : Ate minora, subhorizdntales : Carina profunda 8-fida, obtesa, »nale, capitatum. Pericarpium dolabriformc, membranaccum, 2-spermum. I

gfoiiciw. F< /•/ 2- '">/« <> >» impa! i, no, "< > c- A > ««<" ," '


t^Uintm woven-,* , v , /. w ////> At :. -/. -,"/.•' "" w#

Nova Hollands /w-»km*: eYajue " his saltern accumulcm donis, et fungar inani munere."

G. foliis glaucis, adultis tevibus : stipvlis longiusculis, cuneatis : leguminibus latissimis.

Spontc nascentem in New South Wales, legit P. Good.

Floret apnd nos Maio.

that he left a very lu

perpetuated by ;

ially when his lif.

i of Peter Good thai

w South Wr at Keu, have his name

1 growth, iiowers and' ripens seeds soon with us, by

increased. It is sold by mo^t oJ our ni.r--n mni t;>r

which as well as cutting il nun reudii\

. „,Mn ,v ,„., ,.:>,. „ ,„,:,, differs in the trait, nor can it oejo.

; in this vast Natural Order. Stead

SJTXS, -J -LI.- hur, StM-l-^i»« from the^d^yjj

v, , •.-:;;,• ;: ;: , ,..,


U *».* '-^^^^11,-,;,. .,

, v,


g;ee„f ye,,„W . nJ SW^SS^

shaped, with never more than 2 seed* m my specimen,


1. A Flower without the Corolla magnified.

2. The young Germen and Stigma.

3. A ripe Seed Pod.

}i i •


WOODFOKDIA FLORIBUNDA.Many-flowered Woodfordia.

ORDO NATURALIS.Salicariae. Juss. Gen. p. 330.

Torus calycem inentiens, inu.mlibuliionnis, coloratus, persislcns. Cal) ^ apiee fori 10-1 2-; h> I-

lus: foliolis alh-nns minurlbus. Petala 5-6 sub foliolis minonbus, pcrang;.

Filamenta 10-12, apice nectarii inserta, basi plus mini I

iatus informs rcclinata. Anthers obtuse. Pericarpium ses>ile, <


culare placenta central!. Semina plurima, obcuneata. Irutex ram


,•.-,-, '/ .

| /W/cf« abluikns


Johannis Alexandri Woodford, An Htatow*

«e dicam omnium regionum, tarn feliciter colit et Botanicis largitur, nominavi.

W foliis adultis subtus tomcntosis : floribus saspius dodecandris :pctalis valde attenuahs.

Grisleatomentosa. Drrjand. in PL Coram, v. I. p. 20. t. 31. sectionc fructus plane iaU. f*-

thrum fruticosfim. IAm. Sj». iY. erf. 2. p. 641.

Sponte nascentem in Hindostan, collibus et vallibus provinciarum borealium, legit G. Roxburgh.

Floret mensibus pluviosis, et initio siccorum.

Thh beautiful shrub w» raised two year, agoat the Broken ^fc^'T^l

iU,».ru-d the h.^ver instead oftrustmg to the drawing. Idoa

no1 "™cf a parietal d^epi-

""•B3SSSSSS S,=„ of the Fuchsia Coccinea ^^^-^ j r^^r^Tfindbe-

tween indigenous and , ,thk trifling

surface of the leaves, but when our plants become older they win pro,

shade of difference.J# . ... ,„ rV <,nnn neelins off. Lw?«wM«

The stem and principal branches are erect: ^°^^Zi& b2 muchyoung more or less brown, afterwards dark gnr , tlu . lu „.

Lath and in old plants nappy or cot! , ,!! the

vom-uI J ,,,l i,!..'.-. n.arlx hn.u, and minute

ers from 3 to 15 in short axillary racemes up-.each ftower) rrs, ra _

from the leaves in size; soon very small Torn-it is ri lu „.

aped, below , of the filaments melliferous


Caly:the same black, aid glandulous.


ceed in length but scarcely in breadth, very*™£FS^ top of the neCtarium "V*10 or 12, more or less confluent at the base, ^ntmu

con9iderably beyond the calyx,

: , ftboT( i, ., n^i-,*fcfl, alloftheMmc itng.

fidbMei pericarp greeQ

reclining, awl-shaped and smooth. Anthers dark rea, «"*»

ish red, nearly half the length of *e Torus befo^mpr^nan^^ *

TT£^^™Tw77lZiote^^3>> palcbrown 'smallaud ge"


1. A Flower, magnified.

2. Front and back view of an Anther magnified.3. Gormen and Stigma magnified.



Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 5.

. 673. M. auriculata. Bartr. Trav.p. 339.

Sponte nascentem ad origines fluminis Savannah abunde, montibus altissimis, legit G. Bartratu.

Floret fine Maii, Junto.

One of the rarest species in the English gardens, for which Mr. Hooker is also indebted to

E. Woodford, Esq. This does not grow so high as some of the others, seldom exceeding 25 or

30 feet in its native soil It was discovered by William Bartram on the high ridges, which sepa-

rate the waters of the Savannah river from those of the Tennessee, near Cascades and rivulets.

Stems several from one root, ash-coloured, round, and smooth while young: the branch.. CSMout irregtilarl> and an irn un jiI, i'orming a head more or less conical. Stipules attached lo the

petioles nearly their whole length. Leaves from 7 to 12 inches long, in a rich humid nil even

2 feet long, from 3 to 5 inches broad or more, frondose, which term I adopt from Jacquin to

express that the leaves are approximated near the extremities of the brain kes, being more thinly

scattered belo iole reddish, short and very slender: Lamina or expanded part

of the leaf light green on its upper surface, covered with a tine glaucous dew or meal

but without any pubescence, rhomboid-obovate with the base protruding into 2 cars, obtu

very entire, and a little waved. Flowers fragrant et t expand. Pcdun

in my specimen 2 inches long, marked with the scars of two gemmaceous bractes besides a thuu

still remaining close to the petals, smooth. Petals 3| to 4 inch* tag, white Mri

to a dull yellow, more or ten tinged with rod near the base, obovate and finely veined, which

last character is particularly conspicuous in dried specimens.

Besides thi-. two note Mtgnolnttwffl -ht over by

Mr. Lyon. One of the»e k the Pgramidatm of William Bartram, who discovered it on the


more attenu,;r°cn on thcir

under surface, answering most exactly to Michaux's specific character ot U;J >

I suspect he has confound • nom figured. '1 be • I

that indefatigable botanist, discovered by him in the West* **|"

resembles very much thi,hed tn lhc PubesceQCe

of its foliage.



ORDO NATURALIS.Rhododendra. Juss. Gen. p. 158.

Sect. I. Corolla 1-petala.

Calyx brevissimi

toro inserta. Antnerae juxta apicem ioraraine odi

4-loculare; septis e marginibus \;il varum, ab axi dehiscentibus; piacenus longis. ^emin»

scobiformia. Vnit ices h unities. Folia ul'erna, fn»vl>sa, lah- 'and data, inhtm no d< iditu.

Fl&re* spied brevissi idaikMf cermri. lirnc-

tea? 3 ad i > ' , - < t >' < / > a ;' ' > 5 ' ' (''»u*l

infiorescentia Azalearuni ut hodie nuncupantur, ealyce et corolla Vaccinii, apprimc ditinctum.

Speciesjam dctectce sunt

Urceolaris. M. foliis subtus extra nervos glabris : ealyce vix 4-fido : corollas tubo urccolari.

M. ferruginea. Smith lc. PL ined. n. 56.

Sponte nascentem in Ameri ee Boret lit onsoccidentalibus copiose, legit A. Mcnzici.

Globularis. M. foliis subtus extra nervos pubescentibus : ealyce 4-fido : corolla; tubo globoso.

M. Smithi. Mkh. Fl. Boreali.Am. v. I. p. 235.

Sponte nascentem in South Carolina, legit A. Michaux.

Floret apud nos fine Mali, Junto.

It gives me no little satisfaction to describe a new Menziesia, for one cannot be too frequently

reminded of such a liberal botanist as it is named after. Upon compari.u * » inn v of the »ri;i.

cies gathered by himself on the West coast of North America, with this from South Uro.'

3 ventured to separate them. I am aware that as far as length of flower « concerned,

some Androm ,.,;, u,-, d.rter as much;but until

«... .- , . ,^ .'

..,:••- .. ' ^" -* ; '

be instantly dMingui.-hed. Nothing can sound moreuncouthly than Minima bmttnt, Asides it

is not the one described by that botanist. _ .

The figure was made from one of the plants in the rich


. , :- ,.

.,, -, ..,:...... ].-, ,: ..::..,....-. '

!• = :•: ,:

•- - -- - '


entire, tern •- somewhat hairy on thenpper in,

, :

•- -:" ;


' -" ,:


..:. , , .: ,.

: : :- ''



- V' - - .- -


under each peduncle .he two mner ones very narrow and bearded with

caducous. Calyx yellowish green, evident^

long, globular a' " -_/,.,. .^envular dmsions. F.l.

I species g

a, I have

< the tub '. ^r r;

Cached to it, but really in^-rie.

.mtti-h, smooth. Anthers e

fiarpium broad-conical, while >..ui : covered with glanduli

vnlh i knobs in the i!i-c : In the>e which

/.'/// b,-. ,

.,>,.,ure, ,.,ul '•

Seeds Ion. ;iI.

! . in. atcd v here tl..-> are inserted,


1. Part of a Flower cut open to shew the insertion of the filaments.

2. Pistillum, a little magnified.

3. Transverse section of the young Fruit, more magnified.4. Stigma, magnified.

5. Front and back view of a Stamen, magnified.



Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 20, ubi dele deflexh

post fructu.

C. caulc sericeo: foliorum laminis cordato-sa^i 1 : '• repMMO

sup..! jilabris: paniculis 3-7-Uoris: corolla 5-6 lineas longa, limbo argute 5-fido: st

C. farinosus. Jacq. llort. Find. v. 1. p. 13. t. 35. C. farinosus. Linn. Mant. p. 203.

Locus natalis haud pro certoinnotuit, forsan Rio Janeiro.

Floret apud nos a Julio in Octobrem.


a -.,- !, wall about the cud of May, it will flower abundai.

hui loin urothi , th« pol ,1 Id be ,dim- d i, I -round x i i

- .:.> s.,,l,i k c .,«-- «i«ill. .on.-: -Iwitl-a

r^lycroudcd uom the number of branches : Petiole about an n, , l<> :- >- b

;iI wl Muooih on the upper surface, paler and

. .

'.,-!. ;<


, ..


isionally, for other species vary in this respect. Seeds


1. Part of the Corolla spread open shewing the insert!



, , ,.,.io Oi seed Vessel.



Thick-Jiemmed Gardenia.


Rubiaceae. Just. Gen. p. 196.

gusve: Limbus plam,,;

» l- )


ilorM ip-rlu' iv.

Semina nnmerosa, placentis nidulantia. /v...'.'

J«V/'/ «;«„/»/. > ' a !-'?•'

aw* 1 fatere /«»////» A- ' . /'/..,m',/V..-'V./'.-/.-. * '"

, „„V/>* /I.). /»/// //>'. <<< ' '"' - 'T "' '

L,i*in lnU;i!.* In ;'!">,

<;rc< yo//f '"

fr.n-H \Jv:.-': '

.';^'" ^'l'?"

TAimiS. G. Florida i. G. Thunbergia L. G. Latifoha Sof. G. I

nun daciiptas in Herbario Uanh4uno.

is : calycc spatha

G. Thunbergia. Thomps. Hot. Disp. Y>. !».,/.//.


Spontenascentem juxta fiuvium FanStaacVs, sylvis, legit C. P. Thunberg.

Floret a hue J«m,«m in Martium t apud nos quoque per testatem.

1 opinion, it a i;


fta „ b Ofoj pedes: Mto-Oel

a, was at first suppose!.


." • •"

• .. -ki 1 >l /' :iil «»•

' ;-in my own mind upon the subject.

rom, , v .


t::.- v.av

the d.e'.n L< s;. Lcuu' i'.-uivi 'i to 3 inches ions

site or eri;n in fours : Petiole short: Lamina deep green 1

horizontal ted, very entire, obtuse, smooth onboth surfaces except in the angles of the principal nerves, where they are inflated into a little

bubble ami bearded underneath, more or less waved, while tender very gummy: Nerves almost

as prominent on the upper surface as underneath. Stipules bursting on one side, the top gene-rally remaining entire. Flowers solitary at the end of almost every branch, exhaling a mostdelightful odour like that of the Nijctanlhc.t Sambac L. Thunberg however describes it " pa.tumingraium" and in i prove too powerful. Peduncle short and thick.

Pericarpium only about a quarter of an inch long before impregnation, afterwards swelling to

the size of an hen's i^, o\al, woody but the placentas or receptacles of the seeds fleshy, remain-ing for years before it falls off. Calyx from J{ to 2 inches long, spathaceous as if made up of astipule and from 7 to spoon-shaped leaflets inserted just below its top, bursting on one side,

hairy especially within. Corolla while. jrnidualK Mi. _ to a buff color: Tube from 2| to 3jinches long, straight or in horizontal branches curved a little upwards, hairy towards the top ofthe inside, narrow -lunnel shaped. i.imli about 2 i:. ;•'•• in r, d, p.'v divided into from7 to 9 or even 10 obovate segments. Anthers pale yellow, 6 or 7 lines long, above the tubehorizontally recurved, obtusely mucronated. Nectarium pale yellow. Stylefinally longer thanthe tube: Stigma pale yellow, club-shaped, divided generally into 4 lobes ; but I found oneflower in which it was only 2-Iobcd, which is the natural number, and with only 6 divisions in

the corolla. Seeds obovate and exceedingly comprest. Communicated by the Right Honble -

Charles Grcville, in whose collection it has also flowered some years ago.


Germen and Stigma.

Transverse section of the young FruitLongitudinal section of a ripe Fruit.

Front and back view of a Stamen.

LILIUM CONCOLOR.Self-coloured Lilium.


Lilia. /«w. Gen. p. 48.

tatiirn, membra naec urn. Stylus in plertsq;!

altce. Rih'< i aOo i. (/ m * cm a < //

n;d>i-(i K - Can'/' :;>''

nuiK apptu imatit. (jua i (vtji/'f. i- crccli i

Floret apud nos Julio.

Bractece 1-2 sub

a .; | ki.ovv in no othei« •

, isJv penus,

yet than the Ui-Iu !ion^' Charles (,reviUe\, who does in.t,

u.iud ,, ! ,• „„.,.,„ . ,,. „ „,— ,, -l,o,

, .'

^• = :

- .^;: " .:.:,.. :: .

m (1 in liu t-enm-n oi tho<e i (i -eded : a

titfie striated: Nerves ren Mender. Flowers from 1 to 3, in J


- ^- • '

. ':V '.,'.::.,..:.

into broad 3 et evHent <!au> as in the I,. /'/V./.' '. -.- " '• « i"

breadth.I rba »' t d.



incumbent. Pollen s arlei. I hare not yet had an opportunity of seeing mc rooi.



BILLARDIERA MUTABIL1S.Changeable Billardiera.


Rhamni. Juss. Gen. p. 376.

Sect. XL Stamina toro inserta petalis

Calyx 5-phyllus, coloratus. dendmis.

carpium basi inter filamenta promin

lentum, clausum, l2-loculare Iocuhs

defloratum plus minus S-lobuiu. !

'""''" he. Folia allenui. subfromlost

3 rt, quttdum /»;.'//

',;/./. !',)!<* lit ,<'«.*« I I

B. foliorum laminis lineari-lanceolatis : floribus sapius solitariis :petalis oemum,


: < u laeY '-

Sponte nascentem in New South Wales, legit G. Paterson.

Floret apud nos a Junto in Septembrem.

This curious genus was first established by Dr. J. E. Smith in his s,n*m• *

::.• .;:,

...I- the habit, total absence of stipulation, and a



il max bo'in^-iu-d a!. )•.'..; wiih I


seeds also ripen here. Stem da

sun, but the shorter branches whic

hairy. Leaves of a dull green,]

dose or approximated near the en

late, waved, but not serrated in an

or less hairy. Flowers withou

peduncle of the first branching c

purple and lastly a red colour, similar in structure to the calyx but twice as long, recurredtowards the top, not so thick at the base and quite smooth. Filaments 5, pale yellow, erectshorter than the petals, towards the base wider and externally channelled, smooth. Antherspale yellow, obtuse with a bifid base. Torus connected with the peduncle by a joint. Pericar-pium superior : before impregnation bright green, about the length of the calyx, nearlyCylindrical, jutting out between the filaments into as many small lobes which are abundantlymelliferous, perfectly smooth, 2-locular : after impregnation an inch long or more, when cuttransversely pouring out a slightly aromatic oil from several vessels near the margin : at last

yellow and pulpy. Style pale green and short. Stigma at first truncated and hollow, thenhemispherical with a whitish clammy liquid, lastly imperfectly 2-lobed. Seeds dark brown,round and compressed. From my own collection at Mill Hill.

1. Stamen seen in front and behind.

2. The Pistillum with the stigma magnified.3. The young Fruit cut transversely.

CYMBURUS MUTABILIS.Changeable Cymburus.


ORDO NATURALIS.Vitices. Juss. Gen. p. 106.

Sect. H. Flores spicati, in spicis altcrni.

Calyx compressus, fovea pedunculi nidnlans. Corolla? Tubus currus: Limbus parum infundi-

bu'.iformis, inaequaliter 5-fidus. Filam .:;.-. 2 si rilia. Anthcrae longaj, lobo alio in aliura

perpendiculari. Stigma pileiforme. Pericai iculare. Herbce vel Suffru.

tices. Folia opposita, serrata. Flores spin '

• / .-d»gv!o.s

in ofmbam RotthoVi:x itistar exscirfpto. Jhactcce solitaries. Hoc genus a Verbena, sub no-

mine Sherardiaj olim separavit Vaillant, ct Stachytarphetae nuper Vahl: i.lo u><tcm fitu.'o

auw,ii\2l<J Phil. Bot. repugnante, a vocibus w/z-pij et spa, etymon petivi : ejus species sunt

Orubica L. Indica L. Jamaicensis L. etforsan plures.

tomentosis : bracteis apice patulis setaceisque : calycis dorso

"ulo-pubescente: stigmate integro.

^tuchyiarplicta Mutabilis. Vahl. Sp. PL v. 1. p. 208. Verbena Mutabilis. Vent. Sard. Malm. n.

36. ciunlc. Zapania Mm bilis Lam. l/ltotr. (• '.-.p. •). Verbena Mutabilis. ,/u k. Coil '

"2.p.334. Shcrardia toucriifolio, llore coccinco. Vaill. Sex. p. 49. Verbena Orubica,

Teucriifolio, Primulas Tens fiore, &c. limn. Prodi: p. 388. Verbena Americana, &c. florc

coccinco spicato. Breyn. Prodr. 2. p. 103.

Sponte nascitur in Ins. Aruba, etregionibus adjacentibus continents.

Floret apud nos a Julio in Octobrem.

No plants which belong to one and the same Natural Order, can be more distinct in genus,

than those which are above r, iraie-1 from the true Vrrvain; : by the la

the habit and structure of Verbena Officinalis L. in which the Peduncle is like that of most other

tile, Anthers short with parallel lobes, Stign a tttt-

equally bifid, Se ^ four, The M ieeies mm b^urnl has been erroneously refer.!

?-'»«.< of :V,7v ,Y//,,>, t,v Lamar, k. but I belies that ho'.anM i* re; lit in qmMin I

»" the year |^s. f ,,^,-r belong to Linne's bluc-fiov,


'"'«./< '''W." first taken u,, !n

' fed 7 eX"

amming the spm.m its th^^lves in the lmti,h M n^um. There is a report among the gardeners

' .am,- from /',,;/, .,nd the I , ,.' •", ' V.v/" PL /»<

' •"•

\-,'• '^ /•

34' /' °*

mblesit; but as the Sti lobed, Bractes as long as

V" '" -. O- u>i lint.i''-•'

' fW<;//, haung been sent to

' ' '. ..-_, -....;..... .



: , .- .,. -

***• Calyx I an inch long, exceedingly comprest with 2 deep furrows next to the peduncle,

; : Tube dark red with a whitish bottom, cylin.erect hairs: Limb do. p trl t. gi , l,

;i | v clian-...^^ihetube, est '-pubescent: its

'«««' I"., on'.,

,:' r u„.!,M,h.,,) , M < , ,p. u , . ,, ,, m fl, .

f, up to its mouth, in thes.vm- r as ;he 1 uu. i> below, the nis rlion <>l


the middle of the others narrowest. Filamentswin,, mi, short, bearded ou one side, barren ones very narrow. Anthers pale yellow the upperlobe shorter and placed perpendicularly over the other. Pollen consisting of 3 or Iglobular bodies confine] alone. Pericarpium only consisting of a thin

low, reaching to about the mouth of the limb, smooth. Stigma green, cap-shaped,

The apparatus of hairs in the corolla to prevent, as I conjecture, miaute insects from robbingthe flowers of their ho.iev, is y, ,-y curious. Many botanists. ,

the seeds in several genera of this Natural Order, as naked: on this inbj paper m the last number of the Annates da Museum XHistoire Naturelle


1. A Flower shewing the Tube.2. Calyx.

3. Part of the Corolla spread open, magnified, shewing the i

4. A Stamen more magnified.5. Pistillum.

6. Stigma magnified.

7. Receptacle stript of the Bractes..8. Pollen highly magnified.

9. Transverse section of the seed vessel magnified.



Acanthi. Juss. Gen. b. 102.

Sect. II. Filamenta duo, nee ulla sterilia.

Calyx 5-phyllus : foliolis post lapsum corollas convergentibus. Corollas Tubus basi hiatal .

plus minus comprr.^us : Iambus '2-labiatus; labio superiorc cmarginaio, inferiore vane 3

iMlaui-ui.! (nv Mibi ;.d Lit; - imi rius inserta. Anthers lobis plus minus obliquis. Stigma,



i opposita, rarius 3-na. Flore ^'<\ >"""- J"-;

iabraiteta transenntibia spia) *..,. h.rmmalo. J

Jlores% prater aliam loco fofii ubi spicati. Ct nus vagina, no. a stnt-

ophi >,\ i • plitro. tlii id, ndm \ lobh vix umptam omnino parallelis: Jigurat

pt ri< arpiijor -an lunih - < rio , . / nut • rah ^ suppeditet.

• Flores axillares, autfoliisin bracteas transeuntibus demum spicati.

J. foliorum laminis lanceolato-cuneatis marglne recurvo, subtus punctata

altemis, secundis: corolla? labio inferiore profunde 3-fido: antherarum lo

J. quadrifida. Vahl. Sp.Pl. v. Up. 124. J. Coccinea. Cat. Ic. v. 2. p. 77

Sponte nascitur in Nova Hispania.

Floret apud nos z,Junio in Septembrem.

A low shrub, flowering abundant!* now in the stove of Isaac Swainson, Esq', it T'-"' L:'

,i '

Stem slender, more or less tinged with purple, compressed between the joint, uitn t«o ay

...ioles. Leaves yellowish green: Petiole very she

pubescent: Lamina from i ; to 1 inches long and 4 to 5 lines broad.

entire with acute, covered with an exceeding short pubescen

perceptible to the naked eye, punctated on the under surf*,

rhei U

short and thick. Calyx thickly cm r,d with vHcU«.

oralis,-: lab- ;„,!., in.!, ...o-rh. above it hai,

,w ami shining. Style scarlet and hUform. M»Bma c

^ lnatni - rcnlated, n t ,nA,if„]a if it had beenI should,- ,or \ ahlMume I Q a <

> '


correct: thai since been given to another specie, by AuDiet.


1. The Corolla spread open shewing the insertion of the Filaments.

2. Calyx and Pislillum.

3. Germen magnified.4. Front and back view of a Stamen magnified;



Leguminosae. Juss, Gen. p. 345.

Calyx brev is U < iroximatis. Corolla? Vexillum granm ,

alas et carinam obumbrans. Filamenta diadelpha. Pericarpiura longnm, sublineare mii ur.i

utroque mm tgosis saepe incompletes interceptum. Semina plurima, sub-

ovalia. Herbcevoliibiles. Folia pinnuln <:u imparl ; J'oliolh septus \-ju&s. St/pn' a pcli-

o'.o dls(inda\ /">> > sv/y." inti, p> >s ar.llnnh ,. ].U/loris. 1) <; t, ; ". dacha* ad

calycern. Nomen generis apti^imaai impositit l\iiv> r. <\-it Untie,

'uncivil d mm J a i r, fat in U q viri r it

<' ii.iquo.

C. foliolis l-jugis cum impari: Texilli dorsoin calcar ungucm premens tumido.

/3. foliolis ovato-oblongis.

Clitorius trifolius, &c. Dill. Hort.Elth.v. I. p. 90. t. 76. auctoritatc ejus speciminis.

y. foliolis ovatis.

PI. ed. 1. p. 753. CK-

. p. 73. aucloritatt tjsn

spticiniinii. I'unuinGraecum phaseoloides. Plukn. Jim. p. 17.?. Phyt. t. 90./. 1.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Barbadoes, legit Francis Lord Seaforth.

•Floret apud nos Julio, Augusto.

IfLinne had examined the Bowers of this Clitoria, he would have been much gratified, forirc

«mdageall the papilionaceous plants I have yet see (I a- H is rertainly in iig 'nous in fhi

arae, for one which at the same ti

) Phaseolus and Dolichos, with wli

the leaves of these Clitorius are rea'b pinna . no; l-nate : for thon-h onh ron-

rjr paii oi i,-,,, s besides ihe odd one, two are plai '<! below up

. :•

•;.•. - •:. i

; . '







*a»ry especially near the margin. Flowers in short spikes, seldom more than two-iiowered.

I. ( tiyi much shorter than in other Ottorias, scarcely comprest. Standard rx.'."' /.,"!.'' ,

""'"'," "*' rohnirand^ pubescent, internally lilac with a yellow middle* ari.^t.'-.j

he claw: Wings and "keel"

' arpium narrowvis uith a greyish cloud in the middle





CRINUM YUCC^IFLORUM.Yucca-flowered Crinum.


Narcissi. Juss. Gen. p. 54.

Sect. II. Pericarpium inferum.

Corollae Tubus longus, cylindracens apice parura dilatato, in quibusdam diu vegetus : Limbus

priusquam expandit subtus ventricosior, dein regularis irregularisve, 6-panitus. Filamenta

ore tubi inscrta, inferiora magis arcuata, nunc cum stylo deorsum secunda. Pericarpium

membranaceum. Semina pauca in singulis loculis, bulbiformia. lltdhu* : .rmis ant

tubrotundus. Folia quadantenus Agavium, multifaria, toto anno p>

juniorao ..;lidt< , P. ><'. >'•* \-'h>-floni>, ud/du*. ! Ulcere. Cha-

racterem suum ad C. Americanum proposuit L \ • C. Erubes-

L. Jil. C. Commelini, Jacq. C. Giganteum, Kenn. Amaryllidem Ornatam, L. fit.

cgit A. Afzelius.

Floret apud nos Angusto, Srptcmbri.

When Linne constituted his genera of Crinum and Amaryllis in the Hortus Cliffortiwins, few

\- were known in Kurope : and of (he ereat n -

l!most eyetJ

species with a bulbous root, and germen inferum, however discordant in habit, has been referred

to one or the other of those genera. The celebrated Solander first lessened the number oi

and both their Mvi. are ,r,ibVh.-d in the l!<>ru> KeuV / w. ... 1.., |1|M)lV( ..,..„. !

' mnc'i rema-i to1 don ... . .////«, and Mr.

Kerr (ia.vlv Cauler) from uh-.-e exe!,. rant descriptions some lionv r,ia>

, UI1! i,ers of the Botanical Magazine, given a full detail oi

the dillereni <,.n,i e „iw i :.. ,;,.,, .,„„,... i,„t I s,,,nerf thai hose winch are bulbiform are





gj irtjeel under A. /,,


by the names of Ornate ;.. obably a weak bum oi in* i

> much from both, in the structure of

indebted to the Compte de VaVdesMr.' Hooker ! ** '*** * «** **

.vesunduiated^SoV^X"^^-"* Pericarp sessile. Tube of the

2 till the Howeat the top : Limb white wil

,7/ "nrV^/iJJ"" U

" miU UUn aau11 rcd broad striPe in theemail, paler, 1„ >ximate<L FUaBJ *

¥ hm bating in a Ion* point,ic purple towards the top. Stigma dark purple,



CYMBURUS urticefolius.Nettle-leaved Cymburus.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 49.

itis, nervo medio subtus rare hirto, csterum glabris : bracteis

totis adpressis, ovato-acuminatis : calycis dorso edentulo : stigmate integro.

Stachytarpheta jamaicen.-i~. Vdhi $p. P'. v. Up. 207. Verbena jamaicensis. Linn. S)y. pf.

cd. 2. p. 27. Verbena jam \h msis. ./ -i a. Obs. Fasc. 4. p. 6. t. 85. Verbena erecta divisa,

spicis e c .ii)'i>. l'>i . r //./. Jam. v. llj. Verbenafoliis obtuse ovalibus, &c. £uttt. //or/. CV^. p. 10. Verbena folio subrotundo serrato,

flore caeruleo. Sloane Hist. Jam. p. 171. t. 107./. 1. Sherardia teucriifolio, flore parpttrt

VatiL Sex. p. 49. Valerianoides. Bocrh. Hurt. Ludg. v. 2. p. 270.

Sponte nasccntem in Ins. Barbudoes copiosissime, ad viarum margines, legit II. Sloane.

Floret apudnos in caldariis, toto fere anno.

Though not so handsome a species of the genus, as that figured last month, yet it deser

lace in tiif stove from being almost constantly in flower, where it ripens seeds in a

ir Hans Sloane in the work above quoted recommends a decoction of the hei

prescribed by the natives of the time for other

disorders, and Jacquin. found it sensibly pungent to the taste. The plant is particularly luxu-

riant at Isaac Swainson's, Esq. who communicated the specimen. Stem not annual, but in

time somewhat woody, hairy while young. Leaves bright green. Petiole long : Lamina oval-

lance-shaped, sharply serrated, the principal nerve towards the bottom I

where smooth. Flowers in a very long slender spike, without smell. Peduncle deeply hallowed

out for each flower, the cavity shining. Bracte closely prest to the calyx, mei

towards the base, and slightly torn or crenulate. Calyx only about two lines and a hah in

length, exceedingly comprest, four-toothed, the dorsal nerve terminating below the top.

Corolla Tiolet-blue, internally bearded as in C. Mutabilis. Filaments white. Anthers sulphur-

coloured. Stigma greenish, cap-shaped and smooth.




Glaucous Ornithoglossum.

ORDO NATURALIS.Junci. Juss. Gen. p. 43.

Sect. IV. Pericarpium 3-loculare vel 3 basi coalita. Flores paniculati vol spicali.

Petala 6, cuneiformia, supra basin scrobiculo mellifora, pcrsistentia. Filamenta G. ton

decidua. Anthera: parum saimtata-. Pericarpium ovale, J-aii-iilum. !-!n tore, mei

lorum dehisceu-. MvliJ. divanc in. S-. >m

bricata, ovata. succulentula. ft,/ ; •" ./"''"


''\ w

iulwtiir ml an, m cuita. Caulis tunowfoniiK. l\ w * ih-ndr. >,"''< ><« <>i!

.' Vim h v-)/r«//. ,

'''!'• Hracle:r >olitan<!\

Genus aba ><%*>««•**. ****

bus op/irJo; ct -. : . 77x, ob p< ltd i a:

: on > u^i/as rcferentia.

0. foliis glaucis : pedicellis longis.


Spontc nascentem in Promontorio Cap, legit J. Nil

Floret apud nos Oclobri. Novaubii.

t preserved in t

•forte alius »(,

be removed fium >/' '' '• u ' la'

1 'b

':,i V " 1

proaching nearer to lr'erutntin : l)oth in them, and Wunnbea the root rcscmbli

««/«, and the young shoot springs tVom tin- side m\n i. lie bottom, an a it

separating our plant. That it is the''Y'~ /•'

It was sent to II

from the Cape of Good Hdpe by his

also now in (lower at Messrs. Lee and Kennedy's nursery. Root tuberoi

crooked, annualh reproduced at the top of the premh-ig <>ne. sending out ii

from the bottom.'

Stem running horizonialU uhen the root i- near tie suiwU

before it emerges, round and smooth. Leaves glaucous, crowded .it tae ott.»

if thev were radical, 1 „i. - « d - u - .1.^ erv entiK

hollow. Flowers at iir-i '

' !

to '20 ilowers. Braetes only differing from the leaves in size, '1";^""^' \''>

ones in specimens that have many flow 't,lu'' C

~ 7,"1


and club-shaped at the top. Petals vglaucous and tnei

!.. !,,-.:= ilt . . . '



the nectarium: persisting. Filamenrs yellowish green with ver\ minute^

towards the ton.


the middle. Pollen deep yellow. i



1 A Petal magnified.

2 The Pistillum, with a Stamen shewing its insertion in the rerenfirle mwmficd3 Back view of a Stamen.



5 Young fruit cut transversely, magnified.

HAMELIA GflANDIFLORA.Large-Jlowered Hamelia.

ORDO NATURALIS.Rubiacese. Juss. Gen. p. 196.

Sect. IX. Fructus monocarpus, multilocularis loculis polyspcrmis. Stamina 5, aut plura.

Pericarpium -., iririw, 5-gonus, basi contractus, .'- latere iiueriore nunc ventncoHnny

breviter 5-fidus. Filamcnta ore 1 irum «iil;itutn. Anthera- loiuisMma-',

adnata. Stigma clavatum, 5-gonum. Semina placentis stipitatis scssilia. At bores Ervti-

cesve. Folia sapius 3-4-na. Stip:d,c parvte, indrjvlktixu. Flute* cymi* (enuiiialiltus.

Braciece. ad ra,nu> inj'f.rwrcs, max prursm dejidentes.

H. foliorum larninis lana 'cis: corolla 13-15 lineas longa, superne ventri-

H. Tentricosa. Swartz. FL Ind. Occ. n. 1. p. 446. H. grandifiora. L Merit. Serf.. Angl. p. 4.

t.7. Campanula arborescens, &c. Broiciw ll/L J u,a. p. \(,(>. Nerio a;fu;i> arhor vcimco-

lore materie, &c. SLoane lltd.Jum. v. 2. n. 63. t. 183./. 2.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Jamaica^ plagis septentrionalibus, legit II. Sloanc.

Floret ab Jprili, in Octobrem.

Sir Hans Sloane informs us, that in its nati '; ;i Ng"

tree, affording planks which a; : a ififnlh v:<> t-mak< r>.Spiuii>h Elm.

Prince Wood. I former' v < :.!•'..i!n! it a"i C lv.;. l-AMeito.i. w:u r- . In rm root- run in

the tan, it soon attained the height of 12 feet, ami ripened iVuir. v- iue .the //. /V

Tery same treatment cancan l> refused to do. From one of the-e fr.h- |r • rw\! i i >; :. ::


11 pa -I) it drawn, but the figure is from a specitmri wit by tin ( <;,;. ..

Vandes. I have adopted L'Heritiers name, not only on account of its rigkt of priority, bmt

because there is another species « ith a (lower still m<m« \ cmrieose.

Stem while young tinged *.v::h red, minutely pubescent. Leaves 3 or J in a wh->!



much as to be almost sharp, tinged with deep red M tlt< f decay. Stipi

P'dnt. t-videmlv pubescenl.' Finn ers in closer cymes ami k>s niim i

*««/A<M)l Swart,., whidi it i, difficult So d^th^uhL from thi.- "hen v

, th ! .wei Md or. s i. lw 1 ' t " 'r ' "' tne mouth ot

" limb. Anthers nearl

.. . :.-. ....:

.i led only at the top.


1. The Corolla spread open, shewi


3. Frar^u-rse section of the Fruit.; - One cell of the s;t

&• A. Seed magnified.




Aurantia. Juss. Gen. p. 25Q.

Sect. III. Filamenta 60-200. Anthers reniformes. Fructus polyspermus.

Calyx profunde 5-fidus, deciduus. Corolla rotata, profunde 5-fida, decidua. Filamenta 1

corolla? inserta ibidemque parum coalita. Pericarpium ligneum, sphaericum, 5-loculare.

valve; basi apiceque iissuris 10, alternis pennediuni loculorum, dehiscens. Semina 5-7

singulis loculis. .l:u;i. Arbor $m»e Gordonia*, per lij/ni

denudata. Gemma: conicce. Folia frondosa, 4am 'is, srrridati". /'/.

pericarpium: dolcn quidew. at in hoc online tot genera "/lie'' >p<.ci tdr<olvu>itur ; scd ca-

ne u ordines ad genera reduc initio imo land m ei . ,!-- >" in I'inl. Llot. nonet Limit: Aoi

a vocibus }.x vulite et v.yjji^ou sedeo, petition.

L. foliis vix acuminatis, juuioribus sul

Gordonia pubescens. Mick. FL Bo\

! infra Fort Harrington, solo humido arenoso, leg;it J. Bartram.


js the sound judgment of a hofanlst more than hi S opinions respecting

h he means Ito establish. Ianne

i of different

\. uul uiu iVonirarvto our will and pleasure:

u'o liundved. ami ewu three hundred spoeio, in

», there is of •> for it to imbibe that of any ot

,N theon iv p.v^mi ihe ..ji> of Uio vigeubl os which cover thu

From the*. • -f^i *M,rs !ni -

'''"' -'HMa'^o di-i

ow figured, in separating it from Gordonia, though a.' linst the authority

e been more correct in ' ' "-v "' ; 'Mi: '



: Messrs. 1/

:l.v an.minatcd, on the upper' M.rfa,

Ming: nerves flat on the upper surface. Flowersm the a.vills ot 3 or 4 of flu uppermost haves. PeduncleL-ra.-ir, -merally J » o, small and leafy, close to the calyx

i round ciliated segments, decidu-

'.""f"ulianictcr, deeply. divided into 5 horizontal ohovate

is less than the others, more concave and ciliated like thecolour, inserted in the corolla and somewhat higher towardshers pale yellow with a large callous disc. ;

"hen fully m-own spherical. Sf>Ie

>tfc« Stigma whitish and deeply


i& <^mjnH/Jjh.




Caryophyllese. Juss. Gen. p. 204.

Sect. V. Calyx tubnlosus. Stamina 10, alternis interdum cpipetalis. Styli 2, 3, 5.

Calyx fere cylindricus, bracteis 4-8 squamaceis basi imbricatus. Petala 5 : Unguisdisco intus in quibusdam membrana 2-plici alatiis : Lisnbu> obrmioatus. Filamentanunc epipetala. Styli 2, sjepius rcvoluti. Pom,

i tn ma neiim, fere cylin1-lcculare, apice 4-fariam dehiscens. Semina corapressa, plus minus aiatu. Herbert

nunc in corymbum arete conferti. Essentia g( neri in <\ > a y. n, uibus.

• Flores rare paniculati.

* * Filamenta alterna epipetala.

D. bracteis 4, brevissimis, obtuse acuminulatis : calve? versus apke-m striato : pc;ali, emar^ina-tis, parunt dentatis, lateribus revolutis.

D. pomeridianus. Smith fn Linn. Trans, v. 2. p. 300. D. pomeridianus. Linn. Sp. PL cd.1.

gente. Toumef. Cor. p. 23.

Spontenascentcm juxtaCiwi'/..' thioph. ;,-.ii [', Kasselquist.

Floret apud nos Augusto, Septcmbri.

I regret that I had nor tunc to ihscribt' in August

^t noon, which it possibly

umeii exnaies i^ deli-ii in!, and ;\-i i- an uncommon ch-ance ii

;orncs iat > my possession. [ shall endeavour to make it common,a MLr. Laml . of Fcsperttmu.


CHAMLENEMUM HALIMIFOLIUM.Orache-leaved Chamcemrium.


Onagrae. Juss. Gen. p. 317.

Semina papposa." IL ; ha- pt r nn, v. Folia alti i

t [a , ;,n « prd/t "at> /»'/'< foliaien, n<na rnrn y<piu>u

Sect. HL Pericarpium inferum, membranaceum. Stamina bis tot quot pctala. Stylus


Pericarpium longissimum, 4-loculare, 4-valve. Torus modioliformia basi mcttiforl^de

Calyx 4-phyllus. Petala 4, plus minus itueqnt! ^twTSdilara'ai ron\ rr-.'uf.a, fandim d.-or>um m-cimkIi. >tsl,-


i }"'..,":T-Vw af-fenia, anyistc lanicolntu. lion

iu */« «u« y««»«,«., wMnctinn genus,

tei limit dcfc \it Menues, hand dubitcm sepan..-.

Phil. Bot. regulam 224. *<?</ a jjoa&iw r^ai /e/r« vr;:c humidiK, dciicatum.

C. foliorum laminis caesiis, saepias integerrimis, exquisite pabe*»l>iUKiS, sacculea:


brevibus: antheris infra medium insertis, obtusis.

Epilobium frigidum. Retz.Prodr. ed.% ft. 459. Epilobimn huiMliu..,. <•,' ^y^" V''P

10G6. Epilobium laf.foli.nn. /V. Am. /• ->- *d

//«/•„. p.l0.p.440.*.8./.23.' •''• 1U4 -'-

• '

bium latifoHum. Lfa* S,. PL ed. 2. p. 494. BrcdmjeUe. »

r, „• , m k ,m;,i;« ;.,Th iri'ir.^ Iro'n .1 (lank-. Raroncttus.Sponte nascentem in Ins. Belhsle, rupibus numiu> juxta mare, «og»

Floret J«//o, Augusto.

No one, though a very experience! ..otanUt, would£. |


::.,.:! .

..:.,•- :'







. .

, . ,;. .,-.:..

. . :-

J2£££~co—IS oVt^ht Gren!...

1. An Anther magnified.

2. The Stigma magnified.




TRADESCANTIA CRASSIFOLIA.Thick-leaved Tradescantia.


Junci. Juss. Gen. p. 45.

Sect. II. Pcricarpium 3-locularei. Flores pctaloidei.

Calyx 3-phyHus. Petala 3, regul;

lunatae. Stigma plus minus 3-

papillum embryotegum ad latus

in una eademque specie colore v

i.ifhtientibu^ -

taria; prater majoi enfoiiaceah

iria. Filamenta 6, villis artic

lobum. Pcricarpium demum

iiiuiitia. ovuta. rarius Talis ura

i / iabile . > •piu* cmrulei, cjj/iti-

nfructu dearsum arcuatis. B




( ,'/

, .'' ;-.

T. foliorum laminis ovatis, subtn

majoribus, late ovalibus : stylo

s margineque lanatis : cymis cX atoam pi J."

calycc 1

T. crassifolia. Willd. Sp. PI. v. SUp, 17. T.crassifcdia. Cat. L.i: 1 .;;. J4 . f. 7:1. mala.

Sponte nascentcm circa urbem Mtixico, juxta aquas decurrcntes, legil •' . c. M uti.

Floret apud nos a Julio in Novell*rem.

One of the handsomest species iof this genus, and its flowers a:v frag rant ii!teta //< /,W,v>

Pcntvianum, but not larger than in the 7' / irginiana, though W ill I. n n<. bays « F,Ws whwWfttf/ta generis."

Stem- several, trailing upon the ground, branchin. .1 J .'..»-! c»cr\ ', -int. round's', -\« 1 ;=• u. <r

the inside ol the lea , •, th v < > ' «> u'..,ll_» I . - I >> J 1 > 1 1 >< •


long: Petiole} Howi>h v. ith ^rcen nerve,: Lamina o\afe, toward the top ol

gradually more lanceolate, quite obtuse, though the wool grres 11 u

upper surface smooth and shinim;, more or less concave. Flowers in de^erv un-

bundles. Bractesatthe two first divisions of the cyme large, (In- rot *«-r> -mall. Prdichj

woolly. Calvx 4 lines ion-, woollv. l-'.i-- tiie base, trom S to,

1- s iii leng'ii, horizontal, oval, somewhat wav i. di- • < j init> a .jell) soon at:. 1twelv. 0.

one p.m. 1 1 flw base. Anthen jr<; '•"- '**«

narrower than the solid pan, which is onh ... ne. ohv, h (In » bj an ev

point. Pcricarpium while \011m; thickly bearded with --.10 nnlanth melliferous. Style not so long but of the same colour as the filaments, cylindrical,

^Communicated by-' J \ -...

'l- ,'. in whose collection 1 have just seen the Ca^diaSo rcflown

in: most luxuriant!-,, and am glad to correct my error re-;


' '

Blandfordsays, in the dusk of the evening, remaining fully blown all night, and are closed in


1 \ S:am< ti magnified.

2 The Pistillura magnified.

3. Transferees I, more magnified.

ASTRANTIA HELLEBORIFOLIA.Hellebore-leaved Astrantia.


Umbelliferae. Juss. Gen. b. 218.

Sect. W. Anomaly, involucclloetumbcllaf]

; iia--.coiitoni in rcgionibus Cau:asi, legit D. Adams.

In the 16th number of Kxofir Butaiiji, that author tells us he

specliini ihi-. g-nie . In eon-'nieiin;; the iulioi <-eence a-, a single unit

the only reason he assigns tor ihis notion, leads me to describe it wil

found truly alternate, and in the other Species the) evichntU proc

th'i.s i u species, .Mr. Hooker is indebted to hi

.,... ..... .


skind friend Mr. Hell. It v

uc'\',i(^ iMu'i'trs'-t'lJ,, 1,



': - ...

ver towards the top. Stigma obtuse.

whit Mi. a ii tie recurved, and


1. A sterile Flower magnified.


BIGNONIA GRANDIFLORA.Large-Jiowered Bignonia.

ORDO NATURALIS.Bignoniae. Juss. Gen. p. 137.

Sectt II. Fructus capsularis, 2-valvis, rarius 3-valvis.

. Corolla; Tubus brevissimus aut longiusculus : IhflfcM

parum irregularis. Nectarium callosum, figura varium.

Filamenta 5, medium sterile' Antherae divaricato-2-lobai. Pericarpium siliquaeforme,

2-3-valve, septovalvis contrario. Stigma 2-3-lamellare. Seminaalata. Arborcs aut Frutices,

. Hedera' • insane'-— A

Flores paniculis c onfvrlis

• Folia

Is. Bractac


ad basin ramorum caducw.

cauleTolubili: foliolis ovatis,

aeuualiter 5-fido : corollae tubo brevls^m'JSm teinfundibuliformi: nectario

angulato. i

B. granditlora

Ic. K<vmpf.p.\. t

. Thunb. Ft Jap.21. B. chinensi-. Lamarck

.p. 253. Rjosjo. Koempj. AninEncycl. Bot.

icon. p. 856.


Sponte nascentem in Ins..Nipon, legit C. P. Thunberg.

Floret apud nos Septembri, Octobri.

The genus of Bignonia, as first established by Tournefort and adopted by Linne, includes at

Iojm tiim other- wliu-li J.i.-i . has separated, but by barban.u, name. On-

which our plant belongs, is the origin

lllastrious countryman, and now vulgarly known

[mibt nor therefore in restoring it, and to those vim a ui-epimcnt parallel to tnc

valves, I would apply Pluknefs apt and classical synonym »f



iorwanli.^ this plant underpass in the early part of the season, it never fads to flower, ana is

one of the i bj of that collection.

, _:...- ! .^-' '


e middle. I':n'-nit!ii'!). "

many Daturas. Corolla pale orange on the -hum-'. - j-'"; ' -1;

' '." >

J,projecting exten

>ed. Barren


Corolla not expand. \. shew in- the projecting bristle.

Its tube taid open, and Stamina.

Two views of an Anther magnified.

The Nectarium.

The Pistil lum.

A voting Fruit cut transvcrsclv. magnified.


Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub, No.

D. collinus. Kitaib. PL Hung, v. \. p. 36. t. 38.

Sponte nascitur in Hungaria, collibus apricis, etiam inter frutices iocis planiotibus.

Floret apud nos Julio, Augusto.

Another rai uilul genus, easily increased, and ripening seeds every year.Accordmg to K.m.IhI, ,i v.m,., in Kawn- U-« o. ,,., solitary flowers, butthis is probably onlythe effect of a poor soil: m our gardens I have always found it much branched. I think it is™os



'of Jacquin, from which it may in all states be distinguished

b\ um >ugh leaves with . ncn * and long acuminated bractes.Leaves gray. Calyx dark red, finely striated. Torus long and orange-coloured toward the

top where a ;! | es . Petals inserted upon the torus, at the base of the shortertfij a deeply furrowed keel embracing the opposite

ides larger spots disposed transverselyin the segm, faped, cut-dentated, finely bearded on the disc.

r ted a little below the middle. Pollen dark blue. Stigmas purple, rero.lute, gradually confluent with the style.

& *» !•>

The drawing of this was made at Isaac Swainson's, Esqr. Twickenham.




The Claw of a Petal magnified.2. The Torus with the Stamina.•-'• A Stamen magnified.4. Pistillum.

5. A Seed magnified.6. Part of the Calyx.



Spiral Carpolyza.


Narcissi. Juss. Gen. p. 5A.

Sect. II. Pericarpium inferum.

Pericarpiu! membranaceum, torulosum. Corolla; Tubus brcvN, infundihuliformi>:


Filamenta ore tubi inserta, rcgularia baribui erectb. v'« ah apiee m

in singulis loculis, bulbiformia, margi... u ...

diu adha.rentia. Bulbus „;-,/.. /',//,/, - . '- ' '


'™*» «b

«L, «& Ha;',, - -* "«*«• *»« a* Nomen a T0Clbl

v.xpTtos et >.i : " frudm.

C. foliis glabris, parum tortuosis.

Amaryllis spiralis. VHcrit. Serf. JngL p. 10. U IS. mU. Crinnm tenellum. /«».,


CWfec*. Sittwrf. p. 43. Haemanthus Spiralis, iwro. >*. *» ^'- iio". a». - '• /•

Hsmanthus Spiralis. TAwft. PrtNlV. p. 58.

Sponte nascentem prope G*p« lbw», legit F. Masson.

Floret apud nos Decembri, Januario.

When a plant has been removed to various genera by eminent^^ af^J^J^|— o:t!.- !'

wi ,l live in the open air und,

a s!^;tiV;::;:; v:.?^; "^ ";':•,: < -i- ;* "> <* «*> - shouid be piawd i


Bulb" *Tito "ofaDanish nut, brown but its fibres white and largo. Leaves 5 or 6, brig






i I-:



the base where it is dark shining purpler ihc fif


( flow

expands. Fascicle of 3 or 4 flow. *nng each Otbe


-lobed, afterwards knobbed by t!,

,™1 fiLm ™,\ v,llowish tube, its so.oloured tinge and^ ^"^«, short and awl-shaped. Anthe:

-barged almost round. Si

•*-'welled as in >trin>iitr«t, tn

emarginated and covered with a glandular pal

attached to the margin of the dissepiments ior som~ tin



ANNESLIA FALCIFOLIA.Scythe-leaved Anneslia.


Leguminosae. Juss. Gen. p. 137-

Sect. I. Corolla regular*, Legumen 1-locularevel isthmis fungosis multiloculare. Stamina


STiS .• GrandifloraI,^.Mimo«.

• Folia adjlores caduca, vet nulla.

scssilibus, falcatis basi

Acacia Houstoni, Willd. Sp. PL v. 4. p. 1Q6*.

Icon absque titulo. Reliq. Houst. t. 26. tx

Acacia Americana, &c. PA. MO. fc p. 4. *. i

Sponte nascentem prope ^era Cnc, legit i*. uouhu«„.

Floret apud nos a Septembri'm Novembrem.

The shrnbs which belong to ^»^ ^jjjf^Tg^eWthe structure of their

1 from Acacia in the ins.

> judiciously restored.

tipon a globular receptacle dk

In the Annals <>!*



tuate his memory : but ita :

nu „ alul | hav

££*' 7iZ : r—8?*^ *" is ltabte


Th'" win* was made from a specimen sent by Mess". Malcolm and Oonghty,^

it as such: that name is , , ..xnJc har.uT:-»«>-. :.. r :: '




will prevent these two plants from evei. os aI)ruptlv2-p

Stem while young coten

• • -

last often 5 inches in leng

• -'•


-'....••!'.'•: <


at the point, pubescent, deciduous - b, >i les these, another muca

tele. Peduncles in pair s from theupper axil*, the leaves there commonly falling off while young, 6 or 7 lines lo ng, round,

pubescent. Bractes under each pedicle, soon falling off. Pedicles about one lin e in length.

Torus, or Ml cubical, and covered by the parts inser ted upon it.

(u!) \ v.v.v iineand ahalf in length, deeply divided, externally pale brown from its pubescence,white smooth and finely * y il owing with honey below the insertion of the

yellow, then for a short space whitish, afterwards deep scar-

i inches in length, nearly equal, spreading, thread-shaped,

rted near the middle, erect. Pollen large for tin-, ike

oval. Pericarpium before fecundation yellow, only about a line in length, andwhen fully grown from 3 to 5 inches in length, comprest Avith prominent margins and

Style coloured like the filaments, reclined, round, smooth. Stigma very pale yellow,


The Pericarpium of Anneslia Grandiflora, a part of the Valve cut off to shew the Seed.

. The Calyx of Anneslia Falcifolia.

. A part of the Corolla of the latter species expanded to a, Two views of an Anther magnified.

, Two views of the Stigma magnified.

. A Seed of Anneslia Grandiflora magnified to shew its Hilum and Micropyle.i The Pistillum.

ROTHMANNIA LONGIFLORA.Long-flowered Rothmannia.

ORDO NATURALIS.Rubiaceee. Juts. Gen. p. )9<i.

Pcricarpitim ovale, succulentum, 2-loculare : Colis ^ >. in ,m i * < y\ tculi-)«hio ».k herr.ispha

.i, is

medio M'pii - ;:ii aii-. l'.;!\ \ tubuloMi-, I)

Corolla per-; in'.. ::i»a: Tubas e\ limlraceu- apuv Is : l-in:biii

profumle 5 Jidus, recurvus: decidua. Anthv:;v ;">. '.mc luhi in! u

hmiU's.iai l'o landta*. f <-/'*/ <•, •>" '-"' »' -

'•"' ' '"•'

S "/'" /fl"~- '"'"

I .. .


rk>i rarmttis coarctat :liatu Bfctemmialm?

R. corolla; tubo 5-6 pollices longo : lacinits ovali-lanceolatis.

Spontenascentcm in Guinea, legit J. Brass.

Floret apud nos Augicsto, Septembvi.

Rothmannia is a genus established by Tkanbergso lor.;

joined them togetherw Gardenia, the habit

separate it : the> scarce!}lor even w hsu »«»»«. •-, —-

approach nearer to Poi /' -> separate it: the

but their v—ik Anther*, a character which v, ill probably remoTe

-? ;::;•


sts «• - *. --- °fr?%SZ».%:..-•:^- •::. '.: .

..::.'=.;.,.,. ..;

. which the gardener sa.d had been aceMUglJ

powerful and like that of the horirni ,f "nine. m .. , ___, branch.-.... ..-,. I •

-:- = ^. ^ - ^ '

' "



. .:,=.,-... -


- :



^-^^ ^, ' -;; -'/-::

. ,,• . ^


. .... .;

- — - -; ",.



; , . .


"-- . ..'.-,...• '

iV.-iM-u.. ,,-

Anthers long and recurved. Stigma narrower than in Ga, duua, and not



OXALIS GLANDULITEGA.Gland-covered Oxalis.


Rutaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 296.

Sect. I. Folia stipulacea. Filamenta 10, toro inserta.

Calyx 5-phyllus, persistens. Petala 5, annulo filamentorum inserta, supra ungues in plerisque

confluentia, decidua. I- bwi inter petala melld

loncriora nunc dcntem exserentia, marcescentia. Pericarpium membranaceum, 5-angulum,

5-loculare, 10-valve. Styli 5, persistentes. Stigmata in


culati. Bractece 2, interdum sparse.

» Pedunculi 1-Jlori.

• • Folia 3-nata : foliolis oblongis.

obcuneatis, em

ado: petalis i

stylis brevibus.

0. arcuata. Jacq. Diss. p. 67. n. 46. t. 31.

Sponte nascentem in Proraontorio Cap, legit J. Niven.

Floret apud nos Octobri.

The genus of Oxalis has certainly some affinity to the Geranice,

has nlarnrl if- h fl»t it It StlUlHOI

Rntacece, espa • !'ni:

, .'T....V:'





:: "




... '.:.'; ,;;:.

the woody sped,


a ^^ >P«*» of <&»» sh°uld b° J °me

f ftp iW- -- *—"*• ^serration. I have compared the

greater par; , i miens, wi

besides which 1 have seen about forty more species from

their genitalia physio! ._, !h . i

' n >t be surprised .it

the Pollen of others brought by Insects, the product .s often not a variety,

Qt8,no r-nlnnred elands in their leaves

but in this, which was communicated I £ are quite

«md r the cuticle, and as the name i

^ncestraight, I have proposed another from that singular circums a

.minute! v

Bulb large, ovate. Stem from 6 to 15 ^b**S£'s 5S slender.

- •

Hnea long, nan on. obwi-,!y I | (he a J!-.

underneath; the outer ones raL *lowersS011 •>

J to the conei

jse two Order:lUlu uu.. ~ ---.

_ ^ ^rvWith t

Fhe Stigmata c

rrect, and only expanded when the sun shines. Peduncles pale red, much thicker than thepetMei hut nearly the same length, reclined, round, very pubescent. Bractes greenish red,rteu the ralyx and generally opposite to each other. Calyx marked near the top with two rowsfff gjaofe, ebtew. IVtals about 7 lines long: Claw pale yellow and shining: Limb in the part" kit* is exposed n bile rolled up of a dirty pink, elsewhere of a brilliant rose-colour with deeper

ftte, a little oblique, smooth. Filaments white, shining, the 5 shorter about as long" " '' «0 x

- * ' *« almost twice as long and without teeth. Anthers roundish. Styleslower filaments, spreading, round, smooth. Stigma pale green, hemis-

pfcci-» projecting between the filaments. 5 f S J


.A loaf of the Calyx magnified.

% The Genitalia magnified.3. The bottom of a Petiole magnified.4. Two views of an Anther magnified.s A .:„„, e peta,

The young Fruit cut open and magnified.






ERODENDRUM AMPLEXICAULE.Stem-clasping Erodendrum.


Protese. Juss. Gen. b. 78.

Corolla 2-labiata, labio altero angusto. Pericarpium fusiforme, undique barbatum. Stigma

cvlindraceuni, obtusum. Frutkes facie varu. iotia sunpltcta, ptia/fusfa lat/^iman.

Flore* in cap/,' d t, > at terminal/ ant /at, rali. Urn ha 1 i ,tu tin" <l<>- /' 'tei I . "lucrum

mujorum coloratarum, rigidcs. Multas species a Protea sub tttido Leucadmdri, qui ad aliud

gen. is rcstituemhix. in Sp! PL separavit Limit', postca adienient/bus novi itcrum conjunct.

Hue ideu citanda oaiu . quas in hat up re jam descripsi. JS'omcn ub i^, U ;.-....,, hint

jruticibu* valde arnatis.

« • Flares e caule vetusto laterales.

E. caulc decumbente:bracteis involucri ex

Sponte nasccntem in Hottentots Holland, montibus, legit J. Niven.

Floret apud nos, a Januario in Martium.

In the second number of this work, it was remarked that the genus of Protect o«gkl to be

diude-d: a d • acquainted with most <<; ' iwitCM-tain<. or at least pr< -u ning so, 1 ven i to il 'i - ish ' «



rt|' '

_.- ,:. i , r.- :... . .t F-..-..--. . i : ~



•ftoity, and was introduced by George Ilibbert, Esq. M. P. in whose collection »t has lately

flowered. _

Stem two or three feet long, decumbent, round, smooth. ! &•»- Leases

J... "


entire, mucronai, d. J.-v uli n tu-ir ii...- m al i* nil-bed „,i. •' v.. \-.'.-


i u>.V n-.n

their inserlion. P lowers lateral, from the old part of the stein. led n : — >r.,

entirelv covered v. ill, Bractes. which are -radish icr.^henrd r

fringed" Involiicriun, internally- paler and smooth, tia-e 1- •

,-v \

Caffi white. :

:. bilid. Style very thick at the base, white. Mig-.ia N»

coloured, cylind »«, obtuse.

!. .

ters, the stria lure of the Bracti-. 'j.!n>tn Lmuc scribes as a Lalyx,

is fully as important as that of the Corolla or Pericarpium.

Leucadendrum. Plukn. Corolla 2-labiata, labio altero Ugosto. P

loraia, am, scariosv. Nomen a jouarr^., turn dtcerni genera .

i, persistens. Pericarpium ventricosuin absque Callis,

, emarginatiim. Friitices Arborcsve. Folia Integra.

krminali. Bractea 1 inter singulos Involucro sterilium

et UgnosoB. P. Argentea, Levisanus, Parviflora, fyc.

da. Pericarpium compressum margine alato, laeve.

? dioicL '

iprce te

ib eupvs et tntepita, seminibus latis. P. Strobilina,

nam compressum margine alato, here. Stigma

Folia Integra, mm diversa in eudcm rtirpc.

L Honour, uiuie SlruOihiif cunccllatus . Nomen a

. Pmcurpium vc,i

glabri. Folia intt

;rosa?. P. Piuifoli

itricosum absque Callis, barbatum. Stignu

gra. Flares dioici in spicis corymbosis ter

as nullce, fcemineorum exterioribits stcriliba

a fa'mimi cirjus est Bracteata, P. Aulace

iia. Pericarpium 1




i Callis, varie I

natifda. Flore

\ ipier singula*

turn Callorum.


P. Fuci

rofunde 4-fula. Pericarpium ventrico

:<%a!um. obtii^um. /-'. r th , >l r > ' n , /", n

ta, Sic.

F I, t m'tu'r



V . Cyanoi

-i'ula, lacinia dorsa! ;

i majorc. Pericarp

pediceUatis, spicati-

ices ramis longi

- Brarte

7. Corolla and Stamii

S. Two views of the9.-A Seed.

10. The Embryo.



Small Castalia.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub, No. 14.

* Laminaefoliorum usque adpetiolumfiisa:.

C. foliorumlobis parum acuminatis: toro modioliformi :petalis 12-14, exterioribusm poffi.

cem longis : stigmate 7-8-radiato.

Sponte nascitur forsan in China,

Floret apud nos a Junio in Septembrem.


mr^expanded at the same, one of which


^descnbea .

fc {]^

S^rEn^p^UTeP^^ only protruding their petioles so far as to exclude

ft 'Wfmle slender round, smooth : Lamina dark

Leaves smaller than in any yet dacorcred: ^^J^iZL, almost o.buula, v,,v

« r ''<" i


11 '-' Ult '"! ';' !1


Txhitan sweet odour resembling that of our gard,u/',V;


oth nt'longitudinally «f4^ To»^S « *J

like the nave of a wheel, slightly 4-angular. Calyx8^^/°^ w j

the middle nerve of each leaflet not so transparent as m ot



with a tinge of green on the outside of the four"^^^f^'Xr ones gradu— "• - '

'/' :./: , .

v- -VW :'.'

'" '-— -' .:.- ;. :;

- • * " ^^ :


;-.. :' '..': ' •-


yellow : its divisions or rays horizontally recur* cu

h.nt iuv.anK, broad, lane-ohm-, obtuse: p.. ><-o< n • m0re oblong,

!a-cundatmg fluid ot the ronu

1 *



Noble Souihwellia.


Steiculiacese. Vent. Jard. Malm.

^^ZZ^£X^^ S- ™«tf»J*™«» species in iUroanotoW*

S. foliorum lannnis 4-K poliices longis, par™ oWa.o-lauceolatis, adultblacidis, merabranaceb:

peduncalo rare pubiscentc: stigmate breviter 3-S-lobo.

£««.>/. iy:'#i. 350. Cavalain. BAeflf. Hort. Mal.v. l.p. 89. 1. 99.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Ceylon, legit P. Herman.

Floret Februario, in natali solo tunc foliis denudata.

, , l i un„ :«ortv nWrved that the plant? »l DTttenl

Monsieur Ventenat, in the work above quot,,..


.:• « •-






::•• •.:,,• ' ^ ,.-.!•:. -'"' - " ; . ^.




'' " ^ '..::•'. - " -

;';*., MlM:;. v: ;:;;:;;:r^\: ; - •

^.^ on, 0,000^.^


S. Pi fcrofo&'a from Japan. A i ..;,. a!i ,j a .

country Is so pr«ud of, Dryandcr, nevt - _,mt> n»w

proposed to be fully as *

and vcry dichotomous pedun-

cte : lastly, a third from the coasl nd worthy of

long a period been devoted to the I

Pgj fr0m which the draw->'•> '

- -:..:-. : : •


".,...- '


. ....•'-:

- .

:' I,-.:,.- :

•:•. r. -:... ;

»-three of the purest writers of the golden '< - -

( \ •, ) >y, M. I

I'acitns, llht. '2. 50. 3, uulio principal'! paraiu scd wu.iu Bc«


Stem in its native country ll and 3 feet in (lam-tor. exsudiug a mucilaginous sap when cut,

forming n"»'»! shade, but without leaves for a short period, as it i> i.i

( >ur .to. -if properU treated and kept dry in the autumn. Leaves alternate: Pet.ole thicker at

the top and bottom : Lamina often a foot long, somewhat obovate, pubescent while young espe-

iri the upper surface though not so much as am

1 IJractes soon falling off. Flowers in long racemes at the bottom of the young

B axOl the leaves of which are gene.

Calyx pale dull yellow, 3 lines long or more, cyathiform, melliferous at the base: itt.-.•get in the male than the hermaphrodite flower. Anthers perfect in all

I examined, whether male or hermaphrodite, generally 10, in twins or their lobes

l.urn from 3 to 5-lobed, before impregnation of a bright scar;

. the -I vie falls off and the lobes begin to separate so as to appear at tai

fruits, ripening unequally one lobe being often green when another is brown, of a beautiful

Style pale dull yellow, bent down closely toward the anthers I

nation has taken place. Stigma very slightly lobed. Seeds first red, then deep purple, lastly of

i lour, and Mi afl ripening at once even in the same pod: Embryo large, immersed

i„atl kP . i ' i: Cot ledu si ir. v n n several parallel nerves : Radicle remote from the

.. the teed. Fi Imently only one seed comes to perfection, but the

aber is from 5 to 8, and I have no doubt that if Monsieur Ventenat had carefully

, - .turr of his fruit, he would have found traces of them, and not made a distinct

species from that single character.

1. A Male Flower magnified. .

2. An Hermaphrodite Flower cut open, magnified. .

3. The Fruitjust beginning to change colour, but not full grown, with part of one Lobe cut

off to shew the seeds.

4. A ripe Seed, shewing the Caruncle at the Hilum, also cut transversely shewing the Embryo

in the middle of the Perispermum.

5. The Embrvo.6. The pedicclliform Torus and Anthers of a Male Flower, highly magnified.

7. The same of an Hermaphrodite Flower, with the Pistil,


ERODENDRUM TENAX.Tough Erodendrum.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 07

i Ffores terminates.

E. foliis 7-9 lineas latis, 5-6 pollices longis, lanceolato-spat-M*^™^^.

lato, subpunctatis, adultis Iambus, cvidenter nervos.s : bracteis mvolucn exquisite

ciliatisque, ultimis perangustis.

Sponte nascentem in Hottentot's Holland, legit J. Niven,

Floret apud nos a Fevruario in Maium.

I have long had a suspicion that manyP^itSiltittMhybrid or umles from a defect in their stigma, which


ho,g , «*f haye

constantly found dry without any secreting surface, it may no ^^ Qf^ saury to imbibe the contents of the pollen, and if so this accounts g

SPThTpresent shrub is nearly allied to the^^^^^^^i^S

from the Clapham collection : but I cannot regard it as aw. ^ q( them

nor is the adultP^^'Jf^ot olWe-colonrrf as in the J**-Stem very tough, pal.

\ orvThkk and conspicuous, by which it may also

red toward the bottom, middle nerve very thick ana coip ^ ormore i:i dl , i;i! ,._

tgnished from the Longifolium. Fasciculus of flowe" erect, tw

ter. Bractes of the Involucrumy^f.f^Sen 1 o'me had been all expanded some

4 grooves perceptible through a single lens.



Spatula-leaved Claytonia.


Filamenta5 toro ;>etalisopposita. Pericarpium

._, polyspermum, 3-val ,^^^

, .,..,.. •

. ; •- ^^' - .


:• ........Bracteu JH

A/> congemerei C. Sibinca L. rf 1 erlouatu ti inu.

pericarpiofors aa ••<^ abludenta, f

C. foliis spatulatis : calyeia foliolis obtusis : petalorum nervis valdc coloratis.

C. earoliniana. Mick. Fl. Boreali-Am. V. i. p. 100. C. virginica p. SoW. in Ait. Uort. Km. v. l.p.


Sponte nascentem in South Carolina montibus excelsis, legit A. Michaux.

Floret apud nos Aprili, Maio.


LRo^about the *. of a Spanish nut, dull brown, sending^^J^T^SZTJZ

.he top. Leaves few, radical ones attenuated ,„.o pennies .

ground for a short space like those of most Cydamtn ,from .

entire, ohtuse, smooVsuceulent. >;

T°™ »»icl, fJ 1'"f:


"b'th't purPfc, deepl divided b..,h at

1. A Petal magnified, si

views of a Stigma magnified. 3. Pistillum natural sitt

nified. 5. A young Seed magnified.



Shining Leaved Begonia.


Hydrocharides, Juts. Gen. p. 67.

d , :,, ida t.K. Ferrogii al* ^ <™-' w

B. [ „h u /. \ « >."> " <!<>t'"4 uead(B '

n .rinnli. irate carinatis foliorum petiole teretibus : laminis oblongis, obsolctedcntatis, Wtl is pr»-


• • , r» ,J ;* T tui Tr«*s. P. 1 . V 159- B. nitida. Ury«»rf.

B.NitHln..S7/,7 .. 7^-.;, 17./.P.I\-. p#1 , . ;.,. 46. B. minor. J*.*.

,« yi,7. //„, /. /ww. v. 3. />. 352. 11. obh 4 u:i. l.Uo '•

Ic. Collect, p. 126. B. purpurea. Ami*. Frodr. p. 86.

Sponte nascent 'in in Ins. Jm/htica, locis um iosi, g

Floret apud nos a Maio in Novembrem.

r «r~i ronseauence in determining all true Begowms,

The structure of the stigma appears to me of gr. .,,

L;,. C s , „ ,„,<

t .1, .l,M,I»m'.P.^ ... .h,.o,>

//,/, if their 2-locular fruit is not the effect ot abortion,

. "vvxr:.-;:-..". ^-- - /^.



- •-• -

.1 n'...•- -— >'!-;-/';.-

, ;,

. - '- ' •' '

.v..;...:. ...:" .:;..; v' : ^



^££?£& fiSrfS^* sa^colour.Hu— as leg, Miand divaricated into the figure of a lyre.

keferences toJ**™*^^. 3. The same cut tranv

1. A Stamen. 2. A young Fruit, the petals cut on - ^ ^^ magl|ified .

versely, to show the six receptacles ot the secas.

** ri



Gooseberry-leaved Hibbertia.



Tuibus latis, rarius plura, toro in=orta, in plcrisque decidua.

nserta autirabricata, p* rsi-a . tia, n mo in phalanges coalita

uit 10 ultima cluplo inajova ifl

« t tihimentis confluentes, saepius Iongissimr. IVricarpium 1,

5-20-loculare; aut 3-13, l-locularia; disco tun v. St\ li longi. tiginata

l.rovi-i n,i, aut »tyk> deiicionto longa er 1 -later:: • ioarpiisvr,

• '

aut nulla:. Flora tuepi uc* art far-

Vormia. Rottb. Calyx foliolis subrotundis. Petala 5-6, decidua. Fihimenla num. ro-a, in b icafa.

•> !.- . -,, .-.: : • - -:. ^


•.•.. '

--: -'•

Arbores fulii efpamaUdjuxta apkan rai.

Ide ampliatus. Petala ,5. persi<ten

. Ki-nn. Torus plus minus mo< Calyx in fructu conni


;';' /

• icos. Hue, ut nunc opinor, referenda.

olubilis. 1. Dilleniavolubiiis.Vent.Cli

Pl.v.2. p. 12.51. Dilicnia turueranlora.

oixdcPl. n. ll.cumlc. Dille ,m- nd, x.\\ Id.Sp.


;-;:^:;; ii ;:;





*^s^i ';;»;";S^I^C!1"^;™^

La Bill. PL Nov. Holt. torn. 2. p. 33. t. 1 ?6. Caulis en cfus.

.. 1....U J.J. La Billardiere.

^L^;:"^ nP-ot Bop u is*..".'"'.

,, [> wa. J u\ta hi. i' (•<." ^'» *"f«" rf»lcSlt IlTXiS

"Ba0WN -

aBill.PJ. Nov. Holl.tom.2.p.l6. t. 15o.<"

• i-rrimw. Florrs \-ni, pcliuiatiis I'xx .'ua. I'ilatncnta 10*-24.

'lemen, legit J. J. La Billardiere.

lect of the Paradimi Lmidhtcnsi*, it is necessary to re-

joining I lie plant called tturton'm in die '/.3d plate to Hib~

.inaUpeViesotouriiardens has likewise dowered in greater

i-> ,phttingand discharging thoi pollen tar below the top,

from ^Vea? Holland, diil'er much Le-s than I at first sup-

therefore as now d - rihed, < msi - in its deciduous pe-

Colbertia and Dillaiia, have a large sessile radiated

ound, round, hairy. Leaves at first bright green, after-

hort hair-, somewhat wrinkle d. Flowers like those of Po-

| 1(.

, , ,1 in< •,., iw~ ~ -ut. ( a!\ \ -.t -. egg-shaped wedged



,,_ , 1M , t( rr , atil «lia'_ , iiohi M'lh.w to ud al i the petals ,m ^ »n< M v le-

. Pericarpia from 10 to

l b, ,, ieo with long Aii re hairs. Seeds 'J, pale brown.

nek and hard : Albumen rilling the whole cavity of

xceedim'ly minute, near the UiUun. 2-cotyledonous.

t it as u,-ll as of oilier -encra in it. On these occasions, it has been remarked in the eighth volume1

stead of the fastidious aide*, and that thus all confusion,

or speak of both in that number, is avoided.

.. A Petal. 2. Calyx, Stamina and Pistilla somewhat magnified. 3. Two views of a 6

highly magnified. 4. A Pistillum highly magnified. 5. The same eut open, to show the

tion and number of seeds. 6. Stigma highly magnified.



Neat Leucokm.


Narcissi. Juss. Gen. p. 54.

L.MiU ilOTate„tibuS :peduncu,o3-7*ro, vaWc aacipUi n.argine intege^o


pencarp.o sa

florescentiam saturate viridi.

Tr * t drA M xvii f. 3. L. hexaphyllummajus. ValUt

L. Bulbosum minus. Bed. HorU Eystt. Vern. terU Ord.fol. xvu.J.

Jard. t. 24.

Locus natalis haud pro certo innotuit.

Floret apud nos versus finem Martti, JpriU.

::.: :y .,::•.

rSssiftaiisss ;i(Mh,,e,uro



:' ;

1 vv:^^:-t--'::^:-''''': ....;:;


rences weTfiTt pointed out to me by Mr,H«o«H,tU ,s



peatedly profited. It is reported to grow xvild in some p

fully in our gardens. Bulb often the size of att M ,, 1( , t!i .I lowen>***"*£

.,,,.. : ,,,•.,:.:•- ^ '



' '"..'..-:




\ ...

the same colour as the leaves, very entire at the ed

f .k |recn colour, as well as I,

vum. Pedicles iron, .3 to 7, lender and vers I plCuous, and^^!- -.-.-- ^ " -, :




-.:. > ^. - -

": '



,.. ., •

:;,...,. ,-,.. .,,-. .--. - -

,.,.,... .

.. v ;'-... ..

cell being emarginated they appear divided n ;tch ce ll, black, ovai,

below thl top, club-shaped. Stigma truncated. Seed,



Neat Leucoium.


Narcissi. Juss. Gen. p. 54.

ect. 1. Pericarpiuminferum. Filamenta toro placent^ormi, ad eormn basin meWero

inserta Anthers foramine versus basin angustato dehiscentes. Flarespenduh. Brattt*

subjlorescentiam iiegeta.

L.foliisincurv^patentibus: peWlo 3;7:floro, valde ancipiti margine integers:

pericarpio sub florescentiaru saturate vindi.

L. Bulbosuo, minus. B«l. Hort. EPtt. V<m. tat. Ori. fol. «»./. 3. L. hexapMun,

majus. Vallet Jard. t. 24.

Locus natalis haud pro certo innotuit.

Floret apud nos versus finem Martii, Jprili.

In the 21st number of this work l^ed asmptci%*«£^g^from its very different habit, would consutnteagenu


t^^^ large, wmtish,

seeds, which have left «o doubt about the ^\^^J,eedsoAeucoium. Ac-

irregularly angulated, and more like bulbs than he W«*nmnarrow.|eaved

cordingly, it is necessary to give pother genenc chapter ^ Ga_

species, I shall in future apply the poeuc Utle rfi^he f spongy torus

lanthm, form a separate section in the ordei «,s ghgrs ; ^^ th fi ,

covenng the top ot the pencarmum, a. wel as bv^tn ^^^ ^ base of each

:LT^^^T^^^^^ discharged'- three glands, as m

^fitSdb. now figured is a real specie,.hitherto -j^^ffC!and its differences were first pointed out to me by


qw wUd ^ 8ome ts

whose accuracy I have repeatedly profited, it s r PB&,b often the size ot an

of this island, producing seeds plentifully m our ar. any broader

hen's egg. Leaves appearing in November, of »**£' «^ fr0llf three weeks to a

than in°L JEstwm, very entire, quite ™~th'/^!,


e Bmill. Peduncle the same

month earlier, exhaling a more pe^P^^Z^ «m1 crenulated as in L. J -

colour as the leaves, very entire at the edges not^giau ^^ ^ wd| MIwiim. Pedicles from 3 to 7, slender and very Ion-, o

ta ^ nerves nQt

the young fruit. Petals white, with a green spotbemw £, ^ ^ ^ h

spicuousfand almost all parallel, the inner wes too*


appear divided mto

yellow, inserted at the base, where «* "^fe^thf top, club-shaped.Stigma tnin-

four equal lobes. Style white, with a greeni P°£


Jn F,

eated. Seeds from 13 to 20 in each cell, black, oval, ng

r A Ok t~~—• S^011 °f ^ Pefi"

I. Pistillum and Stamina, highly magnified. 2. A

earpium. 3. A Seed.



Willow-leaved Euryspermum.


Proteee. Juss. Gen. p. 78.

Sect. 1. Pericarpium deciduum, 1-loculare, 6-spermum, clausum.

Corolla profunde 4-fida. Nectaria ? 4, linearia. Pericarpium compressum margins alato,

laeve. Stigma obovatum, retUsum. Frutices, nunc robusri. Folia intern. Flares t!i-

oici, in o:, minafi. flractea I, inter sin-infos, prater inxohtcrum fo-•'

''-•••. .;,..,... ... - ... ..,>,. •


-_ /

Nomen ab svpv< tt a-Tr^px, senu/nbm latis,' Hue ref eremite Protea Strobilina L.Protea pallens. Thunb. &c.

E. caule pubescente : foliis 1^H2 lineas latis, lineari-spatulatis, longe mucronatis, pu-

bescentulis; capitalism niarginato.

Sponte nascentem juxta Taffelberg, legit J. Niven. *

Floret Julio, apud no's Martio, Aprili.

In a former number I have already separated this and several other genera from Pro-

ng in Roman type only such of their characters as cat

limits prescribed by LiNNEfor defining a genus; and I still purposely follow Jussieuin that respect, not only to show t h the first of those great men some-

1 his own "law, hut the real importance of the inflorescence. No one indeed

i genus from it alone if he can help it ; but when he cannot, let rumspeak the honest truth, a n forget its d ctates so far, as to call the same idemat one time a bracte, and at another a calyx. These remarks may serve as

to a very indefatigable botanist, who told me that two of my chars*and whose name is perpetuated by a eenus in this very order, which is distinguished

solely by its inflorescence.The shrub now figured is a male, and from the Hibbertian collection, where it flow-

«ed so luxuriantly, that by the ;specimen, a cloud of pollen filled

the conservatory: no wonder therefore if is a country where this may chance to tall

upon females nearh , vaiietie>, but marn species of the genus

are produced. In habit it approaches very near to Protea Parvijiora Thunb. but they

ft* fed - a, p point.

fettm from 8 to 7 feet h: U h. .net, branch, nu; with ^at >vm.nei t y, round pubes-

cent even when old. tm^ed u,th red towards the extremities. L

much twisted as m many otln rs. Imear-patuiate, scaivch

bractes of the same colour. Flowers nun,

J" "MA, and only bearded towards the top. Corolla yellow, .

deueP'y ema,

. , 4 . inseited in the torus between ti

a bristle, but more obi-:<>, I


: - =.

< .^ :., .. , ..- ,-.-s -



I saw a v., .. Stigma clubshaped, and appa-

1. A head of flowers magnified, being cut longitudinally, to show the manner Mwhich they are inserted. 2. One of the Bi tea the Flowers,

magnified. 3. A single Flower lightly magnified, showing the Stigma. 4. The

Nectaries magnified.



Handsome Erodendrum.

Oidinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub. No. 67.

E. foliis ebipticis marine crasso, fene'iU tomentos^^ ****»*£ferioribus inter se libens: corolla extus tomentosa, apic

perangustis : stigmatis apice crasso.

Sponte nascentem in Hottentot, Holland, montibn. legit J-»«

Floret apud nos Maio, Junto.

The doubt, expressed in the la,, ***»***«*^So*5°^'4,»-four narrow callous bodies, found m «"»»£"?£$™hic»" L style of ErodLirvmfirmed since that sheet was printed.


• was secreted bv some other

Meffifmm is besmeared, firs, induced ^^^PP^Xemgardener, who has watch-

part;; and from the observation of Mr. Hibbeet s.ntemgeng ^ ^Sdthe species now figured with ^^ta^K"^* ever the corolla

*iek part ofthe corolla™^ifJjSS^S^-^P^^Sbegins to split, a smaii quauuiy «i ».»—-—

. afterwaids, and not c

at length falls in a large drop uponAe^^™^1

^; fj^er at Clapkarr

the two lips separate. I have examined all the *£«« °ow mfl& ^ j (

am quite assured that this is the situauotiicfJ^^^.. tbey are inserted u

[y ignorant of the designation of the touicaiioub


times dl!ated or

the torus/ilternate with the petals^gene^ must either have

bifid, and the liquid I saw upon ^^J^Zsed during the night,

been their own proper secretion, i*™ 1^ *; L orobably endless: this may be easily

Varieties and hybrid species of Erodendrum are Pro >b u

distinguished from those in our gardens win

which°is pretty equally disposed, not forming atlucktu ^ not dosing till the

are also more separate from each other than in^any ^ coQta(Q fect

flowers begin to fade j and the anthers are exceedingly

P°1Ien -, r * nd a half high, erect, very tomentoye. leaves

Stem low, flowering when a foot ^nd a halt h,g ,

^ ^ & tmck b wn

from 4 to 6 inches long, and 1 to 1* broad, while y 8 gmoothi except their

margin, and very tomentose; afterwardsHe8^'^/L thVscars of the pubescence


marfin finely dotted, when seen through amicioswoe oy ^^ ^^ deQl[y

their°callous point rather acute while ^g£3JZm gradually narrower, longer

branched. Flowers without smell. Bractes of the m£ ^ of thc next below, their

and more pink; those of the last series about hah thetomentose> beyond the an-

fringe silky. Corolla narrow, "ternmly aah colomedcurVed at the

therf exceedingly attenuated. ^^ZJofZch it has a whitish secreting onhce.

base, thickened at the top, towards the troni u




Glandular Stylidium.


Campanulacece. Juss. Gen. p. 164.

mitnefnrmc. btvlu, longus, compv -_lK

* Suffruticosce.

S.foliis 5-Qlineaslongis, linearibus, vix crenulatis, mucronatis, glabris: panicula deconiposita


corolla? lacinia minima disco toto glandulosa ;tentacuhs 4.

Sponte nascentem in New Holland, oris occidentalibus, legit Rtw. Brown.

Floret apud nos a Maio in Augusturn,

, <•„„,. cr,prip« in a paper communicatedThe genus of Stylidium was established by SwARTZ^rom tour specie , f r

to th« Berlin Academy, previous to the publication of the 4,^f^JPlantarum, in 1805, w&H ^f oi * fifSt

J^'sNvas read at the French

In the same year, on the 8th of July, a memoir of La uillardi*.

.. :- .. - . .

. -:

- \ ...•

if ",ve except the Embryo and curious ceconomy Of J^0rder ^tween Orchi-

tis? then supposing that they would prove the foundation ol a no

<fa* and Scitaminece. n , f lTTCCTrTT w« s nrst at least pr

The real affinity of the genus however to Campanula**^.^^nted tha t

by Smith, who in his Exotic Botany for January, 1806, being vet una q ^ ^^^^ lQ

r> the very plants there figured, wm

^ j ^ no

tn^irtLwH™*?t^ ^leTbutVhargrtleman will pn>bably^^^^^^^ration of their regular flowered genera from Campanulacet ; for, if Brstera nas

they cannot even form a section in the order. _. j gaw it m flower at Kew,

For this species, Mr. Hooker is indebted to E. J. ^ Woodford-, jt-men? in mm. thi,

in Jul)Vl 804, and upon the return of Mr. Brown, who had, iegree ot Cu-

irritable genus, from a circumstance not worth detailing here, excue.ainff what part was the

riosity, and became the subject of much conversation. Doul . ui the melU-

stigma, the tentacular parts of the limb, the large gland co^re<


ferous calloshy at the base of the style, being all regarded » *«M»J c&m0t^ but » » note

this humming of our British hive of botanists was watted over to,

^,^ La Bil-

presented to the Directors of the Museum d' NatureUe on tnei ^ , H- ^ § t[nU

i-ardiere, from a new examination of dried specimens, takes up ui

^^ ^ ^^ ,. „, ,,,

" rvkat has hitherto been called style, is thejilament, W#* the-,, fW , ,a ,

«e stigma is almost sessile." He also acknowledges the affinit>of to genu ^^

to C«Sp«,KfeCOT, and i Urs are inserted upon the

My own opinion on this point has never varied, which is, iui ^ Q0 geaus can

•tigma, its KCRtiDg part being in the middle oi them. I thwk also with ™

be more truly gynandrous, but instead of his corollary, " it shews that class to be founded in na-

'urr," I should -av it sheu ; thai class to be pure/)/ art/Hunt, for the genus has no affinity whatever

withO/r///</cr. After the corolla is fully expanded, the style - specially in

the sunshine, ^napping hark, it its lower bended part be touched, to the other side of tl e peril ar-

piutn, but soon gradually returning to its former position ; and 1 suspect that this motion is intended

to drive oli', it not destroy, insects which come to - u to promote the ejection

of the pollen. My reasons tor believing these parts to be style and stigma arc,1st. their near resem-

blance to the same parts in the n< ighbouring genus of Goodciua, rt is in the

bottom of the fringed cup: '.Mlv, two vessels which project lik<> ribs from the sty le down to the

seeds, and which do not appear to orij is inserted : Sdly, the

dm bottom of the style, a substance very rarely, if ever, pro-

duced bv the stigma: 4thl\, th - milieu is abundantly discharged between and round the anthers.

Stem erect, stock branched, m »th. Leaves yellow-green, dilated at the base into the rudiment

of a petiole, closch imbm scan . 1\ crcnuiuted, sharply mu-

cronated, smooth. tlesl, v . Flo s nodding, wi ut smell 1' in most of the

other species. Peduncle terminal, solitary , at length appearing axillary in the forks of the new

branches of the stem, from 3 to (> inch- ~ long, slender, erect, tlexuo-e, round: branches alternate,

from 11 to ,>-flowered, rechnate, and while young recurved-circinate : covered closely with hairs

terminated In a red gland. Pedicles from 2 to 1 line long. A lanceolate-wedge-shaped bracte,

- ome'.vhat ha'irv underneath, is placed at the bottom of each branch, but none at the pedicles. Pe-

ricarpium narrowly pear-shaped, 2-locular nearly up to the middle, verj hail f. t \\ about 1 line

long, erect-incurved : upper lip tripartite, lower divided only to the middle; divisions of both linear-

lanceolate : hairy on the outside. Corolla irregular : Tube pale yellow, 1 line long, broader at the

bottom and top/slightly twisted, so that the little divison of the limb is reflected between the lips of

the calyx : Limb at fcnf taway, then rose-coloured, from 2 to 2| lines long, slightly hairy on the

outside'; divisions \eiv entire, obtuse ; somewhat convex, 4 of these are bifarious, nearly horizontal,

oval with a round \ellow viscid gland at the base of their inside, the two upper being larger and

rather in.mpnla'eral ; the 5th is very - • nt BUWtaeS

ventricose, and entirely covered by a yellow gland : Tentacles 4, yellow; two at the base ot the

small division, and continent with its margin, about § a line I

rowly wedgc-shap d : two at the base of the upper side of the ne\ little within the

margin, similar but smaller. Nectarium orange colour, mitre-shaped, one side rather shorter, ap-

pearing as if preyed to the ;.;ei' of the :ie division of

the limb; at the first curvature, which is the irritable part, somewhat dilated, elscwhen linear,

compressed, smooth. Stigma confluent with the style below the middle of its back, 1 -lateral,* its

face turned towards the upper side of the style, almost orbicular, convex, bearded at the sides with

thick succulent hairs. Ant iides, attached to the face of the stigma ;

their lobes opposite to each other and not parallel as in most vegetables, 1-locular, 2-valvedf

splitting without any motion of the style. Pollen white. Seeds numerous, very minute.

I Corolla, Style and S

' ' :... '

' .- "


.' '

..:- m le ^ .

.i\ magnified. 5. Different views of the Pericarpium and Seeds



Esculent Poeonia.


Ranunculacese. Juss. Gen. p. 231.

Sect. 11. Pericarpia polyspermy follicularia, rostrata, latere superiore dehiscentia.

Calyx 5-6-phyllus: folio* exterioribus plus minus^^fZ^^^^cidua. Filamenta nu, num succulenta e t colo-

Caules cram.,- /wpustUsiiiifrata, demum nigresccntia. «erte ijJfnmcOM. ™^ V" ,',

* Herbaccxe.

ofcovatCanceoia* s^in^n,^•«-2B-**£

ilteravejuxt• Heroacca

P foliis2-ternatis: foliolis obovato-lanceolatis saepiut,„supra prater nervos marginemque glabris, subtus

pericarpiis 3-nis, glabris.

Variat a: Petala alba cum rubore aliquo extus

P. albiflora. Kenn. in Bot. Rep. p. t

t. 84. P. lacteo flore, ckcAvimn.

0. Petala pallide rosea.

y . Petala rosea.

Sponte nascentem trans Lacum Baical, convallibus herbidis, legit J. G. Gmelin.

Floret medio Junii, apud nos initio mensis.

,egac„ the Philosophia ft*** L».; ^^gX^ZSl

as Pallas informs us, eat the root boded in soup • ««^M *

fl ur of bUter almonds, for which

to mix with tea. Both probably cor . J H» Bell,

sent from P, '

TttT/fin-er from 18 to 24 inches high, somewhat

Stems ting » thick *P*™™™*'* I « base, half

angulated, smooth. Leaves 5 or 6, biternate :p- a , )late ,


..,:.:- ..,..,.,,:.,,:,.,-.: "' ^ > V" ^'

. ,. •

,'- ' " ^

rally entire, their upper surface dark green "™*} l"&°" '



.....: . - • ..-'

; ,



from the anthers, erect. Panicle ot from 1 to J nox e.

-:•, ..' - ^ '


'•-• ^'^ \ '.

: .: •'-- -

>: -. :

-' - '"' •


'.. - .. • ' '

' "- *

dbcharged. Nectaries only 2 or 3, and those frequentl> imperfect.

. ; urth in the center.



Hypcricum-leaved Linum.


Caryophyilea?. Juss. Gen. p. 299-

Sect. 7- Genera Caryophylleis aifin





* Folia ulterna.

L. foliis ovato-cuneati.s pu teta tonge ciOftda prater gl

margine sessiles : corolla If pollicem diametro ;petalis apice rotundatis, creuatis : pe

superne pubescente.

Sponte nascitur in regionibus Montis Caucasi.

Floret apud nos Junio.

lacing it, with Adaxsox, . 'I'lie ments of this

een vindicated, in ver\ t lo. i-uage by Cuviei

1st conceded to those of Lamarck.Jussieu, thougl the end of CaryophyIk(V, appee

ig tiiis allinitv, - removed by obj

s Herln to that < l Vluirnu -'*: 2dly, its infloi

at thrii ba-<\ like iho-

; /- ..;••!-: ".

tvledon, n. t n.i ugat d. I mint not conceal however two charai

st, the callous

i '. ! ; ....

: .; s '.-..:

••: '. .'

ics to -2 ieet hi-i


' - ;_--...:.....'..;:

,"h, bottom ol the claw nearly

»»en tor a short space white, bev . with diepcr fii

1 1 ourD^e at the bottom, obovate, rounded and crenated at the top: the claw within besprii

therthereisa melliferous gland a''

of two or three ol them as in i,. iW- '«

ricarj.ium ye'lcmish grc-<ni while your

ng the seed an fieb it utinaerto

;i -.- .

! - °- lm»svcr>

fruit near its top -" *ne cel!s nii^ u

s complete dissepin




Officinal Rhododendrum.


Rhododendra. Juts. Gen. p. 158.


! ,.- .

minus inrcqualia. A. * in, 3 10-locuhnv, a(>

;.'•.: .! :.'; . .

' - l_--..---.'

crassior. Semina puis minus -.cohfi.rnda. Dit/icc-. , mm oblongce,

Hue, ut opinor, referenda omnes Azaleae jncter Procumbei : - stnminun

deniquefiuei -, , im amici

W. Chrv- 11 ilmn . I: . adv. Mai. Vol. v. 3. p. 403, cum Ic. ad exemplar Herbarii B.i

Chrysanthum. L/«/i. .S ,/./,'. ». ?.;;. It. Orwmthum. P. ''. P. i{ oi .v. r. 1. /•. +',. /

santnum. A'«e//>. Moiwgr. R. Aureum. Georgi It. p. 214. Andromeda, &c. G?ne/. F/. 6*6- r. 4.

. : • ._;•:;'

\- »

ccrncd; for it would sepa ate


' nts *o i

'.'•. i

''"- ....



"'•': •




found in thegenera] 1



' .:.. .,'";:

'. ^ ..;- cn raised from ^eeus

gathered at the Cape.

pears to be of no consequence whatever, t

Aza!>a ludit ; ... . u in as R). i

"•• 'Ir. Thompson's nunery at Milt End.

The very rare species here figured has long been famous among the Siberian hunters, for. the me-•


', . lin and Sieli.V,!'. saw it wild about the year 1740. Kof.lpin afterwards, in

the year 177 ), wrote an cxpre-s steal, o ;m ndir.g it in ven cases, and Pallas informs



7 thai it is aow "ithei d by the Caw* in toe ,.Irn/sai, for exportation.

This reined v however is yet seldom prescribed in G'raz* Britain, and in inflammatory habits does

harm : taken in strong doses also, like many other vegetables which abound in viscid oil, it proves

I have lately seen great numbers or" v-mng plants in different collections, but they are very difficult

fr :.'..,• i V- • '; 'I

Kooi i>< :u»riitiii'4 (I'-j) ; no vj; ; < ks and stone.. Sn 10 tro' i (> to ] -, niche- h'.h, according as'



^. i

'.:..^ ... - ,-Ie )..;•

, r !, , l Miahlli^ ! e nairov -tipu!r> tin -'j dio -rem. L/t.u - .hi,!. L'l'ul, Ciowdcd

„,., th i >tu>e, *< the bran, i

- om lj to 2| n h'', long, and about 1 inch broad, spreading

somewhat obovatc, ver) entire, ob e; iinely u tic u! « <. I on their uppt mli ce, und; -ath vi-cid-

pubiscentwhi nei ,a s'smooth. Fl s from 6 to 10 in very••

_ ited with greenish spu >, a,' of them so newhat obovate and hollowish.

ns at its base. Style very pale green. Stigma red.


gnified. 2. Pistillum magnified,



Repand Ipomoea.


ConvolvulL Juss. Gen. p. 132.

Calvx foliolis 5 imbricatis, persistens. Corolla l-petala : Tubus brevis, ore filamcntis ibidem Insei

rtdiKcliSo Limbusvariedilatatus, EST* d«satttM« «tt*»„"**»jg**.cunabulis convolutus, ssepius obsolete 5-fidus : decidua. Filamenta 5, lacinus alterna.

gittatse. Nectarium cotyliforme. Pericarpium membrf"

aceUn 1



t^prater liram panetalem nullo *^*>Cttla

SfvlnV i -9 "simDlex vel 2-fidus. Stigma 2-3-4-fidum, aui

Tcol^ZlnVericarpii Se5silia8:Hilo zonal, : C ,- *£~ *>

ad rflnww solitarix.

Sect. 11. Styli basis pericarpio dehiscence caduca.

Jpohoba L. Corolte Limbus longissimus anguste'^f^^^^XTa^nSFolia simplicia vel decomposita. Flares axillares.

isplerisquecordatis, repandis, paucis inferiorum 3-5-fidis, I


nolatK, utrinqiie glabris, subcarnosis : paniculis multifloris.

I. repanda. Jacq. Hist. Amer. p. 28. t. 20.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Martinique, collibus fruticosis, legit N. J. Jacqui*.

Floret ibidem Decembri, Januario.

Several distinct genera are confounded^^^J^Z^i I^T

of the latter, as established by Linne from Toif RK«ort

long narrow limb, and perhaps in the»^^^™^ bc , - the flowers

venture to make one of its diflerences : this point can only d Kanmg to one

of Convolvulus Jalapa, and other spe. . scattere«l in both genera have

'^te stigma, iiowpromtecuousy m . ftnd ^the base of the style adhering to the valves, not Wbggoff when ftj J*^^^^^

>r I suspect will divide an

1&2A+ w» fnnaH, cuUivated at^MJ^*M!^Dowager Lady HAnEWooD,seotto her from lobago nthc

:n „ re care than

it has lately been again introdnced into the stoves,.bout lo»do», an^ Jac ^j

isnsoally bestowed upon . ""branches are permitted to extend a

^^^iST-lK :,100th,flesby.Leaves somewhat fleshy


Petiole tineed with purple when exposed to tne

• ,s r rY a: j ...;au „,„

when exposed to the sun :Lamina uu» <*.-» -

n^dwThpurpKgen^less'repand^end'ing in aJ^^^^mcta. Peduncle

without smell, in short dichotomous ax «J 1the ed

>bed or 5-lobed, more or less repanu, c .-> .



., "1.

I ^afletn both surfaces. Flowers without smell, in short dich - „ ^ edge :


trades very small. Calyx deep crimson with a Paler *™ mbe

*ube very closely. Gtfn

unequal, round, attenuated towards the margin embracing ID^ faB****2)£ba£

abnrn o in^c inna. thirkish in substance : lube very short. **and hairy at the base

about 2 inches long, thickishabout 2 inches long, thickish in suDstancc ._* -~- ,

sions more plica *<"'^f^closing the orifice of the tube so completely that when

weight. Capsule generally 2-locular with 2 seeds m eaci

vnen the Cu»«"«

t each celt, and 4 valves.




Fragrant Myrobroma.


Orchideoe. Juss. Gen. p. 64.

Sect. 1. Monandrae.

men avocibus m» et B^x, obfactum nnctuosum, quibusdam t* dehuis.

;• nPt^lis non undulatis ; labello intus fascem squamarura

^r^Rubrum/1,*^lino. Plum. Gen. p. 25. MSS. 3. t. 100.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Dominique, legit C. Plumiek.

Floret Aprili, Maio, apud nos Jmio.

The Km* of our .hops i, a native of Mexico first ^XoS^senttS^^samples of it, as we learn from L'Ec«. «."^f^^


6S is ertainly a di—"

™„"above ouo.ed/dra,

= •

•'' -'. : .




a brackish soil near the sea, and that the aromatic flavour oi their I

it has been partly dried and cured. .

d } f it sold in our shops, to

~ 1

the flower of a very different genus, bis 1 ^ Bg|ee<

'' ' -: :;• :• .v -: •

• - - - '



;:: "'"'

'. ' ......• V .•-Two genera therefore • to bespefc, n a dimum-

u.uud.nn/la, I do not hesitate to gel |:

. ,,,0/. mmI,

live of r«/«„, a sheath or .cabbanl :.

nt m „re - i« ntifu «.m ? ,

guto/io, from France Tripmadame, Cm Ij lament that

. - -^

'' - -' '-" '.:




' - V '

, .,,,,; ,,..,... ..>.,! -^ •

•" •" : . ....

- .-.•

•no affinity to each other; Gum An dents oi the

Royal and Linm. I

*^ I »>ythemselve

sample. , . iL ^ 1%n5 nniv flowered in that of Uw

• tibrcs produced at the moo oi each

with very minute whitish dots, about the thickness of the little finger in its upper part, round, smooth,its juice acid and caustic as in Arum. Leaves alternate at 5 or 6' inches distance : Petiole yellowishgrwn, short, very hollow: Lamina green, from 4 to 6' inches long and \\ to 2 broad, recurved espe-cially at the


with the base not quite equilateral, \. rv entire and almosttransparent at the margin, acuminated, smooth on both surfaces, finely striated, somewhat convex,

I fragrant smell like that of many Pancratiums especially duringthe night, in a short terminal spike. Bracte of the lowest flower not differing from a leaf, the rest

suddenly ihorti tad rounded at the top. Peduncle flexuose. Peduabout | an .. anootht Pericarpium about 2 inches long and 2 lines and a halfin diameter before the peti iy twisted, almost cylindrical with its extremityswelled, smooth, 1-locular. Petals 6*: 5 greenish yellow, 3 outer ones 2 inches and a half long, re-

! spatuled-lanceolate, the two lower somewhat falcated ; two inner ones paler**

: outside which terminates

h, hollow, not waved : La-r petals, melliferous at the bottom,

inited to i lie -hie- <»t the -t\!e almost up to the stigma, from thence embracing the top, swelled inront like the flower of the Foxglove, slightly 3-lobed ; lobes revolute especially

s more crenated, very retuse, and plicated; mouth of the tubular part covered by a fringed tassel

>i imbricated nbver<ely wedge-shaped scales, above this covered in the disc by 7 rows of yellow tu-K-rcles; nil dissolving Into a gelatinous consistence, and falling off with the style. Style pale yel-ow, 1 1 inch loii'i, in. uned, finely bearded in front nearly up to the stigma, above it hollow andliiat-,1 with falcated sides. Anther pale yellow, in-,:; ::1 of the style, moveableike a lunge but not to be detached without force, nearly globular, its base projecting into 2 horns,—

' Pollen white, grumous, and I believe discharged10 us receptacle within the valves in both the anthersthe top of the style in front, covered by a semicircular

spurs, very gelatinous. Seeds inserted on 3 parietal lobed receptacles.

the anthers and flap which cover the

: side of the

tgnified. 4. A front view of the Style highly mag-e flap being lifted up to show the stigma.


W /

c *i



Aconite-flowered Corybas.


Orchidece. Juss. Gen. p. 6*4.

Sect. 1. Monandra.

Pericarpium membranaceum. Petalorum supremum, galeae instar, fofl kaiun U b.

, • .. • .-. ., - -'

< - -

--actcr ad era- ' «*» «*« 9*<*


^'/""""> ^"7"c ''^%"'os-

> reniformi acuminulato : labelli margine valde revomto.

Tew Holland, legit Alex". Gordon.

Floret apud nos Julio.

For this curious plant, Mr. Hooker is indebted to the Countess of Essex whose^***»y and magnificent. The spec,,

other species, liberally given to me by E.J. A. Woodford, Esq. I am enabled to draw up the



^lidleH.haped with one short fibre at the top, its base terminating in a bulb at

:. ,,;,.; '

- /.-....,• :

_:.• • -



tary, of a dark M>

> .- •

".... ....._- ..

'-• —--" " -": '.. -



.. -. .. .



- '

. :;.."

.: :


'/^behind he,vl.mi; a ^. «i.„ ;„;„„ T>Q foi e , ry small. Style smai,

.iihted into 3 lobes ; a whitish tubercle or bol>ter covers t ie 11

both species m< : • apparently


A flower, half of 1 ,.<

t 5 l side and front

umshewingoneoftheNec. j Anther.

new of the Style highly magiastreiais,



Nerved-kaved Pancratium



Narcissi. Jvss. Gen. p. 54.

>etala inserta. Antherae sa?pius longae. Flora

Pcricarpium membranaceum, 3-valve, medio loculorum dehiscens. Corolla' tabu cylindraceo-tn-

fundibulif<» tua : Corona ore tubi produ i« * atata,

1 . .

.-. -:• •!- :.>:'




- '

' "'

reclinatus. Semina albida vel nigrescentia, 2-plici serie insert;; ^ <


tfhrrsa, Narcissorum Agavium >i > Suiwuearum >t ul-.t. /V-

dunculus ab una latere inter folia radically obtmus aneqi^e. Flora 1-20-m, m mult is mm etjra-

S* 0n* Fasciculus multijtorus.

longioribus patentiss

i laciniis 2-dentatis.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Java, sylvis montium abunde, legit J. J. La Billardiere :in Ins. Am-

boyna ad oras sylvarum, legit G. E. Rumph.

Floret ultimis mensibus pluviosis, apud nos Julio.

This isthetrueP.^W^ ofLixxE, and I believe that Crta AW«^ of L^Ieritier, froni

. . :: ,i u a Lrinuin with Mull

3 to 5, of a pale yellow f00" ™lr»nr: Petioi colour: Petiole

shortly acuminate, smo<iiiiiiH ( n iiiar « -n-t'.nu \\'.u < i.tov. -l\--\ n\ ut . -— -

-..-..-, ....- . --. , , ' ^- ,'


." '-'

«r .«d f,„m .heir-T .Wpiun, - to_^^/SS!yK£:»E>p, much narrower at the bottom than

-• .:,.

Uuded to thebas* : d u-iun* -patulak-

;law belo<

very pale yellowish green becoming quite white towards the

the pericarpium, about an inch and a half long, gradually

Limb white, somewhat longer than the tube, very spreading,

lanced, very entire, not so mucronated as in others and the .._

near the bottom, from thence concave, sines la ci a vii,,,,h bottom.'4 V hirh term

than the tube, i

-egments the sides oi wm _

'^>. '-.'...-.:.: , ,:,.,-. ::.<. • : .. •

-' ^' '-

' :"''..

••her shorten i. ,, reading, tubulate

charged incumbent and curved. Pollen orange coloured. Style white, dcioooth. Anthers after the pollen i- d«>-

) one side, 3-angular, smooth. Stigma white, scarcely

oents of several Pancratiums as inserted in the teeth of

tis rather the real top or apex : a parallel instance oc-

1 the top ofeai abitably




Sweet-smelling Prenanthes.


Cichoraceae, Juss. Gen. p. lG8.

Sect. 11. Reccptaculum nudum. Pericarpia papposa.

_, . .es ;mnliri S-S-nhvllus longus basibractei»parvisimbricatus,5-lC-n<.>ciil()su,.


-: -

.;.-..purpurave: «;#**, «f"""*

non in simplia sou nut. > rojlosculorum.

, , , ,• Mrii,;f nti« • nam* uiu hi\a subcorymbosa :

P.foliisinferioribussubpalmatis, "J*™*


floribus ccrnuis : calycibus 9-ll-tlc»culo>is, loholis apicc incurvis ciliausque.

P. a,ba. M,c*. R B^A^^.V. .1L..^^^fr^^^^lK2. /;. 1121. !' it.ittlTron.ri.Yu&.i-

culis plurirais, c\c L/«w. //or-?. C7?/f. p. 383.

Sponte nascentem in Rr^ legit J. Clayton : in S&*CM* k* J. Walteh.

Floret August o, Scptembri.

The genus Prenanthes was established by V,

the year 1721. Lixxr, as appears both in the /

!n,Ii*,\c. ol the older bo-

.. : .

. .,;..-: •



;_ ;;; ;

; .



..." -





'.- • - v \ '


spread ii g at th top where th« edu

wn rich brown, sessile, far longer than flu bristled, Corolla white,

o (• lines long, split on one side from above the middle; its top 5-toothed, externally of a

colour and tough, elsewhere smooth, before it expand- .Vangulai and truncated in the

\nthersdull blown. Pollen yellow, bat no4 w abui i nesious plants.

nuated towards tlu- base, below the anther- v bite and -month, above them greenish but

-set with minutt

cit-s is hardy,' ripens seeds pretty freely in the open air, and was communicated by Messrs,


1. A single Flower. 2. A ripe Fruit. 3. The Receptacle.




Tiara-flowered Pancratium.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 81.

s Fasciculus 1-forus.

P. folio

tubo multo lougionbus


P. Zeyla

&c.CLugd, r.^

Sponte nascenten, in Ins. Ceylon, ad nwgines viarum, legit J. G. Ko*



Etaks, Esq. of *«/>»<•,,. The figure m Commelix s ^nfStSTwptnt ,m .o„g after Ore^-^*"^^^SS^aaa^^^Linne, belong, to P. r^^u/«/» of Solan deb, wnicn




Slender Magnolia.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 5.

1 Calyx 3-phyllus.

M. foliorum laminis oboval :nter anas

stipulis a supra medium petioli decurrentibus : floribus ante folia prodeuntibus : petalisextenont

circiter 2 pollices longis.

M. tomentosa. Linn. Trans, h. 2. p. 356. Kobus. Kampf. Ic, Select, t. 42. M. glauca

7 .., .„,/,. / 1 ;.

ji, vulgo Kobus, &c. Keemtf. Anton, p. S45. Kobus. Kwm

JDescr. PL Jap. MS. in Brit. Mug. n. 2915.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Nipon, legit-E. Kjempfer.

Floret fine Jprilis, Maio. %

A distinct tpecks from M. Purpurea of our gardeners, and sent from China some years ago to I

Rt. Honble. Charles Greville. Its branches are more slender,

especially early in the season, leaves not so broad or finely nerv,

foliage is entirely expanded, besides other m mute i tier, n. .<. K r mn i i: I. - .hm n.,c<i tluni .<

accurately, and 1! ? in >' accesb to that bota,Ubt b h

barium and manuscripts -n Museum...„_ _^ ._ ...

v.-. :.,-: ••:.


:-.. . • ' '^ ^






Petiole from 3 to 5 lines long, within the stipule smooth and conca

surface paler, from - -

lanced, while tender finely ciliated, acunm': , . .,: •

:,-.:. - . •


' - ' - ;

' "

• -..:-•: .:.• , -I,- u :• :•. ' ::: '.••





;' '




' '' ".

last year's branches when the young leaves are just beginning to


5 linwlong: 1 eai ot- recun<Hl-T H,idm<:. n<Bracte surrounding the pedu

rown, from ]young flowers. Calyx greenish b)

equal, narrowly wedge-shaped, v<

pie with their outside exceedingly c

sideat^stis almost white, three outer ones about -z muin iv, B .-..—


ence of soft,om 52 to()4,

• ^ ^-

- ''- " "

: .-" : ^.

- . Vnthors dark nurpl, with paler valves, <

... .. ..;

, ..,'


Carps from 34 to 41, dark purple and fiddle-shaped whil-

the back dark purple, recurved, narrowly wedge-shaped,

W) magnified.




' h I\ '; krr Ncv.LttOj



Three-leaved Bouvardia^


Rubiacese. Juss. Gen. p. 196.

Sect. 111. Pericarpium fere totum inferum, 2-&>culare, polyspermum. Stamina 4. Caulis herbaceu*

xelj'rutkoius. Folia opposita.

Perirarmum comnressum, membranaceum, septi lamellis solutis prater rimam intra calycem con-




. .,:,.., .., • ,.--,..,... ......-.,.,..,. .

Caroli Bouvard, ifor/i Pamiensis Botanicorumque olimfautoru.

B. foliorum lamina margine scabra, acuminulata : corolla 8-10 lineas longa.| ^

Variat a : Foliorum lamina anguste ovato-cuneata. mA»umm U*m WnrtHoustonia coccinea Kenn. in Bot. Rep. n. 106. cum Ic. Ixora Americana. Jacq. Hort.

Schonbr. v. 3. p. 9. cum Ic. Ixora ternifolia. Cav. Ic. v. i.p.3. t. ovs.

& : Foliorum lamina late ovato-cuneata.

i in Mexico, legit L. Nee.

Floret apud nos a Julio in Octobrem.

Two of this beautiful sbrub now ornament?M|^^t^*?t

jneterefigur- : K s ever think that it had,haSno ,mmed m>r

u i flername in the Botanist's Re-though his u v quoted to corroborate th ^^ rf^P°sltory- I '' afterCh arles Bouvard, M. U. *&o>«as p

.- , . .. • -. -•

;_ :';


-, ;;._.'.-


winch in my opm.on it most nearly approaches, arc

a . well as in nawi, auu_.u.«.

Royal Garden at 3/flrfnd in the

Tar 17^"' - ^ the-"US




: ditme during the winter,

Poot high, erect, roundish ,—S^r^P^^ingj between the petioles^^^^^^ dosely ^

" Stem of our plant a foot high, erect, ronndis^^^^i^r^V^nhairy, the brand. •

Leaves^\ _*t thc upper suria

Lamina broadK „,| into 1 or 2 dagg

middle nerve. Sh terminal, closely «

shaped segments besides smaller teeth. Flowers without scent, <

ryrabose. Teduncle from 5 to 6 inches long, generally surrounded by J longer one t rom the last

axils, from 7 to 3-flowere dure but more slender. Pedfcels in th

site, the upper ones shorte

obconical, coo .'.. ..'--. whitish, exquisitely

melliferous, its cuticle the icy- , 2-locular with

in each cell. Calyx yellow-green, very si



ments with broad sinusses muhich there .'orollu rom k-

long : Tube « lowest b&e, from thence scarlet, i alK^the top, 4-angular from be low its middle


ovate segments : ex

yellow. Stvle reaching to

na very pale sea al segments recurved at the

margin. Seeds blackish b

bordered with a thin memown, imbricated upon a globular

I. Calyx and Pistillura. ft Corolla laid open and magnified, shewing the insertion of the stamina.3. A Stamen highly magnified. 4. Fruit nearly ripe. 5. Transverse section of the same. 6". Re-ceptacle of the seeds naked and covered. 7. Two views of a seed magnified.



Northern Calypso.


Orchidece. Juss. Gen. p. 64.


pium membranaccum. Petala 6 : 5 sursum expansa : Labellum sacciforme, dorso basis 2-

;re inf(


ditum. Herba > t'^nuva Radix tt/i, , ,n< ait/s > n is ma.scats. }',>/ mi



men a xaXw-x. >:-,ttu protcgit hue genus.

Limodovumboreale. Su-urfz in JVilUl Sp. VI. r. 4. p. 122. Cymbidium borcale. Svurtz in X„r. .let.

Ups.v. 6. p. 76, C\ : ; ith Spic. p. 10. t. 11. Cypripedinm bulbomni. Lnin.

Sp. PI. d. 2. /. 1347. Senipiasscnpo 1-floro. Gnu/. 17. Sib. v. l.p.7. t.2.f. 5. Orchis. Lippomcanionofolia. Bt«#. C7/«/>. %*. 0. 2. jt>. 209-/ 10.

Spontc nascentem in A'otv/ Sco <. 1. _ ' \. Menzies : in regione superiori rlumini- I,

lat. 55. locis in tt 1 -^ ha a] 1 rtis, i git J. (r. Con lin in / apniark, legit O. Rudbeck, filius.

Floret Mcto, Jwnto.

Professor Willdenow has remarked in his work above quoted, that this most rare and curiuus

• -omen! the North American Aix-

rtation had placed it not far from one, the Limodorum tuberosum

L. which is a legitimate Anihvsa.The poetic it, in conformity to one of Linne's canons, i> the nunc ap-

propriate, as the stigma is totally cover. '.I inn ebted t .Ui\ II a m v o Halifax m .\aia

. learlj in May last at Mill 11 ill, under

the protection of a hotbed frame.Root a small tuber which sends out a few yellowish fibres at the bast . I

: .- ......:::•: ./!


:.,, : -• '

,:.. ^





' I,;

i"'1 " whitish _, . n tinged with dull red. Bract. .1 01 4, >em


- " '.• "•





: '







: :,„ . .. .....

.... .^


^ side view of the Style somewhat mag 1 u-d, with tin 1 oik »

the Stigma. '3. A front and back view ot the Aiuhcr magn.ii



Multifid Jatropha.


Euphorbia;. Juss. Gen. p. 384.

Sect. 1. Styli plures, distincti, saepms tres.

Monoica Polygamave. Masc. Calyx 5-fidus. Petala 5, toro inserta, nunc basi confluentia. Had*-

rium cotyliforme, plus minus 5-lobum. Filamenta 8-10-12, medio nectam fasciculate. An-

thers longiusculae loculis marginalibus. Foem . ct 1 1 1 H

carpium 3-angulum, 3-loculare, 3-spermum. Styli 3, 2-fidi. Stigmata 6, obtusa. Reliqua ut in


rymbosis impariter 2-chotomis. Bractece ad r<moi » haudraro sparse, bpccies

auctorum calj/cc carvia ium genus repellendiz.

J. pal rnatis, ll-,<)-lidis utrinque hvvibus ;petiolo tereti ;

laciniis pinnatifidis, cunea-

. multifida. Detroit*

Bromi Hist. Jam.DHL Hort. Eith. »

p. 116. t.5S. Ave]

/... 3-tS.".I. i

'2-P- ~ 1 ^lana pi.i-at

But. tom.i.p-9. J- imiltilida. Sn-artzObs.


» 1 i i > lnulupartitis iVc. L>»n. Hort. C/if.p,

t. 173. llicinuides amcricanus, tenuiter d

rix novi orbis. /. Bauh. Hist. v. 1. p. 322.

pontenascentemin La Gmanc, , legit F.A|bl*

loret to to fere annc>, and a> *u< (

islands, for which Mr, I Iodkii: is obliged io Madame La < <~m n - s ''"» r x ANDtN "

•• — I--'. ,

.- •

' - ''"" '"'".'"

and hardening!, «*d S^^S^lXbutter has some; If is a dangerous medi

the embryo was taken t.i.i. it- < Herts might"

jrW.nn^inJi -HUd, but itisa dan nous medaihc, a< ting violently. Possibly, it

?cts might be mod

Stipules multifid,...;.. „ 1 , ir .livUion ;i bri.tlv. Leaves alternate: Petiole

3, of 9 or l. -

pmnatifid, and everv istle, deep green on tr* upper >u"*^ Z™~

peduncle pale c

leaf, not terminal as Swartz describes it. Brae,telling off. Calyx «,f th, ,,:,! ihmer pale coral colour. P '

\ate. Nectar: ^ and 5-lobed. Sturii •'aleyellov,

valves. AH the l\ m .le tloweis uere dropped otf, when I saw the plant.

• A single male Flower.




Sensitive Smithia.


Leguminosse, Juss. Gen. p. 345.

Sect. vn. Corolla papilionacea. Stamina 10, &&&*m **»*«•iSSlftiilStaSSlatum. ff«*

' - ''«^«'$ nullU,petiob in an hum sdamve desmcnte.

Stipulce u petiolo distinctce.

,:::.!...:'...: • :="-''"''"":.""

^ " ;

"^ -,"":,.- — ' -- ^


'.- ' ".. - : >

/.. , ,-

' •'

'" " " ' ;,


,...-..- •

- - '



.- .-!,.. .- -...

^ .^' -• •



'-' ,,

assumere doneefaten vellem meant. Hcec tantum ob asseverationem in smicn

S. caule decumbente : stipulis infra insertionem auriculatis :foliolis parum obovatis.

S. sensitiva. Ait. Hort. Km. v. 3. p. 49-6. t. 13.

Sponte nascentem m Coromandel, pascuis subuligmosis, ibi pecorum pabuum gratum


Floret apud nos Julio, Augusto, Septembri.

.. »v.« VP9.V 1735, when ii

A curious annual, first introduced into this CO -

tf. The spe-


:..:... "'


' - - -'

i"-V :. , ,/

"_,^ - ',..' '





'_' :


'" • -'.




. . , . : .: .....-- '


• "'

or I could, Mr. Dry a \ deb. permitted this child ot pure



i i \ n cpvpral part? a\ Ilmdustiiii, a <>i< _,

. . :.-•.:•:.,.. - .-.



, .. ..,.,..

.-. ... .- ^. - .-:

' ';.. ...



only near mark,,.i-p.nnaTe.

»rt below the iir>t pair oi 'i -ide : I ..villus in from

ristlv on lh< u nerve, sensitive so as to

,n lL'wo.?fl* Stipules 01 nn !y hidin tin stem, longated both >ove

> they are inserted with a little ear-shaped lobe on their lower half which

instlv point. Mowers without smell. Raceme short, from 2 to 6-flow-


the calyx. Bractes :j ; one at the base oft! e pe iicel, similar to the stipules

,oth harsh and striated. Fefals yellow. Filaments equally divided into two

Pen. .opium in. 1 1. 1 within t ie i 1; x, divided into from 4 to 7 roundish

nnected by the zigzag sivie. -. luey-shaped.

, Calyx including the ripe Fruit. 0. Stamina magnified. 3, Fruit magnified.



Long-flowered Randia.


Rubiacece. Juss. Gen. p. 196.

izarpium succulent ia medio lepti


fidus nunc usqu dims, Corolla dccidua: "C

ndibuliformi, in timbaa 5-partitus. Author;

is scepius ex-crtis. Stigma clavatum, 2-lobum. Semina numerosa, nidi

mis scepeut in T Folia opposita una' :vfoliaccr,acumiiu

R. petiolis lungi* . laminis lanceolatis : corollae tubo 9*10 pollicari, extus glabro ; lacimis rcvolutis,

Locus natalis baud innotuit, forsan Sierra Leon.

Floret apud nos sub finem Novonbris, Deccmbri.

This genus was named by Houstoun in honour of Mr. Isaac Raxd, one of his botanical do-

, and adopted by Linne in the Appendbr :'. -.;•:.<..... .. v.', • ., :

.•,.--.:^• ::

-r. - i :,

•:'- •.'

... • V •

' ''; : "''



•.'. -: , ;;.-..-: '

<::::" .:- ' ^ ''

seems to be more swelled at the top : its mere length is of BOg

,. .-.

.;.. - - -


. .


,i by Decandolle from Gardenia rubifiora ot the Lotam.ts

^n^he planti^^L "' : -'.' V ;/..•:..= :.':

' ;•'

• -.- •.

T;'r'•'. v v,'.


:'. .VYV.'


'^ /-'

• '.:•''. .....v.!.,! :., .;....•:... I--:- -.••;::'




• .... i .

' • .': - , \. .:...'... ;.-'- '





.; +u^,.t any sm ...

near. Corolla leathery: Tube 9 to 10 inches in length,


^ ,. - ' '.: .

. /- :-,:

. .. ....:

^ - -

- "":


— r-.,:. -I =,;:.-., ..,;,:.. , .". .. - :

^ - ''';

• V ^.

- .':.' ..-.•.: .." :;-'.:


/impression of the anthers: much of the pollen adh- ^hm

™e '

lmed orifice ot and a little higher than the top ot the

probably promote the fecundation. _





1 . Two views of an Anther. 2. Transverse section of the Young Fruit.



Lime-leaved Hibiscus.

Orclinem Naturalem et Characterem generis vide sub No. 22.

; arboreus, inermis : bracteis in calycem exteriorem confluentib us.

auriculatis: foliorum laminis subretundo-cordatis, rarissime 3-lobis, plus mir

— - subtus tomentosis glandula plerumque unica : bracteis 9-10:petahsuno la

I.Tili*folius. Prodr. p. 383. H. tiliaceus. Cav. Dm 3 P . 150. f.«./. 1. f™™:*'*1^™Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. p. 976. H. foliis, &c Linn. PL Zeyl. p 259 .

Althea &c 2 Browne

p. 214. Malva arborea, &c. cortice in funes ductih. Sloane Hist. Jamj

\. p. 215 t.

134./. 4. Alcea malabarica, abutili folio, &c. Ray. Hist. p. 1070. Ketmia indica.Till* foho.

, p. 100. Alcea indica sinarum, flore luteo malvaceo. ***J^\S&iJ£.J. Herb.Amb. v. 2. p. 218. f. 73. Pariti s. Tali panti. Meed. Hort. Mai. v. Up. 53.

iIns. Jamaica, oris mantimis, legit I', urowne.

Floret apud nos, Augusto, Septembri.

A common maritime shrub between the Tropics, for I can find no difference in specimens from

gland on the under side of the principal nerve or sometimes also on the two lateral nenes. vu P

flowered last summer in the stove of Madam"t^Z^Tfl^C^Tsoon attaining the sameStem in its native soil, according to Browne 16 or 18 leet n gn, a

height here. Leaves resembling those of the Lime tree more or less hoary o


generally crenated, then- petiole long and almost round. S^'/^^^^^e branchin§°ff- Flo«e i^-v, but the leaves gradually decreasing m size

^_dividing into forks, they form a thin panicle. Bractes Qor 10, connueni at u« u.

lyx. Calyx much longer than the bractes ; deeply divided into 5, ™*f^ape£, those of many other species, w i,but more obliquely truncated o

I !


t' •



Flax-flowered Btyek*. &f&&*OttDO NATURALIS.


Classic xiii. Juss. Gen. p. 228. Petala Staminaque toro hypogyno inserta.

Calyx 5-8-partitus, persistens. Petala 5-8, calycis laciniis alterna, sspc unguicula

Stamina pi tali- numero squalia ct alterna, vel dupla qua? adduntur iisdem opposi

Pericarpium figura variura, membranaceum, 1-4-loculare, 2-5-valve, ab apice cum septis axi so-

lute dehiscent Stvlus simplex ant plures, nunc di< In t »i n. N:;m ta in multi^ < ipitata. Semina

p r t I t colo cent : &»•**•;,.,.

. .


cuius in cunahuit* cnciitutus. Bracteu sparsce vel nulhe. \ldro\andam ad Porfcilaceas potius reje-

ram. Locus Or ophylleas et Saxifrageas.

DROSERA. J.L. Rossolis. T. Filamenta 5-8. Anthers basi inserts, lata!. PericarpiumMdM1-loculare, 3-5-valve St>li J-l, sspiin didiotomi. Stigmata clava t -

bussessilia, tenella ant effceta seel

casque invoked /. / to, , « Urmina/es, I'anu uld .iwplia ant 2-chotomd, rarius 1-Jiord. Bractew spars*.

LADROSIA. Filamenta 5. Anther* basi inserts, oblongs. Pericarpium conieum, 1-loculare,


duligera. I „ld 2-7 -ford, corymbosd. Bractece sparser. Drosera Lusitanica L.

Nomen a Xot et fyoo-os, ob copiam roris.

IREON. Burm. Roridula. J. L. Filamenta 5. Anthers basi in Callum desinentes supra quodjn-

lum,3-lobum. Semen 1 iapfcem i Koude Bocke Veldt. Folia inferior a confer t a, hi

<--.;petita, secundum Phil. Bot. 235. Botanico indigna sunt ; et Gloriosa, JUirabilis^aai exclusit J v

BYBLIS. Filamenta 5. Antherssupra basin inserts, oblongs. Pericarpiumsupra basin inserts, ooiongs. rcm-aip—"—ia hemisphsricum, 2-lobum. Semina plurafu

Herba No ealiaud Spergularum. VaultsJusyormis rc««

Fires aJares, l-rih pedunculis long*. Bracte*

DIOMEA. Ell. J.L. Filamenta 10. Anthers basi inserts, subrotund:

/", quce lobis re; ,

' Flares terminates, Panicula corymoo

decomposed. Bractece sparsce.

A. Gord

1. nearly smooth. Leaves

ors solitary in the axils of most of the upper leaves, erect. Pe-

below it, thicker ami ungulated near the calyx where it is more

(1 no bracte whatever in any of the peduncles. Calyx 5-phyllous,

he plant. Petals 5,"pale blue, inserted in the receptacle, alternate

•urved-spreadinu. obovatewith verv short claws, imbricated late-

ral retire, ^mm-tli, not tailing off "when they wither. Filaments

l>etaU with whicli thev are alternately inserted in the receptacle,

\nther> pale blue with deep-coloured edges, inserted a little above

.ed, opening towards the front. Pericarpium superior, somewhat

lissepiment contrary and adhering to the valves. Style simple,

Stiiiina large, 2-lobed, papulose and very moist with its natural

tac fa cell, inserted at the bottom upon a central receptacle by

\ single leaflet of the Calyx magmtied :. It nt and b n;k view of a Stamen highly magnified.

. Transverse section of a Young Fruit near u> bu-e, magnified. 4. Young Fruit highly magni-

ed. 5. A Seed magnified.




Aromatic Curcuma.


Cannae, Juss. Gen. p. 02.

Sect. u. Pencarpium 3-loculare, polyspermum. Anthem didyma,M *-* Stylus gra-

cilis, inter loculos anthers retentus. Stigma cy thifonne.

n n T„WU vpntricosulus, barba clausus : Limbus exterior 3-par"

Calyx 3-fidus latere nunc rupto. Con .. 3-fidum la-

titus, inU-vior C-lab ..... HerU acaula. I oha

.« . .


^ " ""' •;

; ,. . . ...

• - • •

C. foliomm MA* .otUdk late lanceolate, nnbescen.ibns ,thyrso oval., ante fob.


anthera ultra loculos retusa.

Gaidoar, sive Zedoarium alteram, &c. Camel Syll.p. 23.

Sponte nascentem in Ins. Luzon, locis opacis humidis, legit J. Kamei.

Floret apud nos Maio, paulo ante folia erumpunt.

ci,»hointhelaStvolomeoftheL.noeanS<x A N ,,. ; ,


;ccoV„rofStoi, or arlatic£*, and Father K«.l I

Vitb regard to it, Se„„S,: to Zjfa*,-lj







.:• :•''". -

' '


' ,-...'

.: ^




' •. '


.• •. v, .-.•.•, .

Four ot the genu a. .~-~-- •


h[ortus Vindobonensw : 2dl» the true £eac

'J d Qn lheir Upper sUf^e/S leaL entirely

aves of which are smooth ^.\,a^.J^Lurplc: 4thly, tins here figured vutb ^ Jnooth leaves the petioles of^*gj« . ^to be the thrrd

reen, pubesce, .1 ,ndel Plants, unless that turnsoutt

.'I-^d.pubeK-ent. Bractes below th

I » ti», 0*i margins towards the bottom coatecin. with

:-u-::;''.... ^'

: --: - ' - - ^




the disc of the

aonelled- *1•;il one irom j 10 4reet ion"-

wJ j j,



"very entire, terminated by a

smooth*^^X-SSSyKSr* that" S°°n deCay"

3. Top of the larger division offew of the Stamen and Style inn only. 6. Pistillum and Nee-



Large-flowered A n igo unithm



Irides. Juts. Gen. p. 59.

Sect. in. Genera Iridibus afiinia.

Pericarpium inferum, crustaceum. Corolla pcricarpio confluens, curva, tubule I Linton biem,

insert*, basitm».S^m> cbtmtmw .

- • -- :


''' - - '


' ',''



hu,us sectie m*Vtfmtmjmgo Philydrum, non semper monanarum. ou

A. pedunculo interne nudo: paniculd laxa : corollis 14-18-lineas longis.

A. Flavida. Decand. in Red. PL Liliac. n. 176".

Sponte nascentem in New Holland, oris occidentalibus, legit P. Goon.

ed, whether to regard it as distinct tram Bl.

1" R°" ,'"±S ,

„"r and truly

' :.:......:•:' .-

.; : ;. . -


2dly, in its stem being smooth to ,,., bringcon-

]»te-colour:4thly,inhnM, acters-

.,.,, • .,. i.. • '•'V v ,.,,

£ ££ Z£*>"«rtSS?^ its being a


; . : - - '

"tSearafewo^ed into bractes, biiarious M-rnca , I 1

eaMancrolati u,; a rtgure of a

Sp„„"r,'. i&^r-Sf^ZPtt

t sLd,,„7,e brawn, very woolly except within the cora .,

- .•..,:;->.-:„•.. '

nail, of the same colour as the tube and woolly, its inner

with whitish stars so as to appear lead-coloured ; its divisions very spreading but somewhat incurvedand finally converging. Filaments 6, y irraduallvlonger roundish. Anthers yellow with a thick orange coloured rib to which they are attachedpointed at the top. Pollen yellow. Style yellowish green, 3-angular, rather longer than the tube'smooth. Stigma yellowish green, club-shaped, finely papulose. Seeds black, numerous shaped

1. The two different sorts of Wool highly magnified. 2. A Flower laid open. 3. Two viewssingle Stamen magnified. 4. Transverse section of the Young Fruit. 5. A ripe Seed.




Garland Hookera,


Asphodeli. Juss. Gen. p.5\.

Sect. v. Corolla regularis, marcescens. Floresfasciculati. Bractece tot, interiores

Corollae Tubus plus minus urceolaris : Umbos recurvus, 6-partitus. Filaments 6, ore tuhi mseru

alternisnunc sterilibus et petaloideis, erecta. Antherae pra -!


dura. Semina oblonga, J - ita. Ilrrlne < Caiifnrnin. Iliilhus prraini.s, splurrt-

dunculus gra ' Gulielmi Hooker, pktoris /lujmce operis,gcnus

sacrum velim: duce species innotuerunt.

Coronaria. H. corolla laciniis tubo parum longioribus : filamentis alternis sterilibus et petaloideis.

Pulchella. H. corolla laciniis tubo brevioribus : filamentis brevissimis, omnibus antheriferis.

Sponte nascentemin California, utrasque legit A. Mexzies.

Floret prior apud nos Junio.

For this-and several other rare plants taken from a Spanish prize condemned at BScotia, I am indebted t- Mrs. II.vliburton of that place. Ir

and is one of those mentioned in Dr. Smith's Fnti^Jussieus

idea that the flower of all i

'S *°





':. '

''' luler u,1 >' c

unnecessary, and the genus connri

to this subject, in the 8th volume c

f invali(hiti:m what I ha\e presumed to say rela

rated lecturer ju^t mentioned, especially respect





.." " ^'




ire, ana th.,t in s " of vegetables,

uently inquired into with advantage.

Root bright brown, similar in external appearance t

n the moss the root was packed in,

i quarter, ol an inch wide in the 1

ice slightly furrowed, all decayed by the

us, succeeding each other slowly, erect,

east In the time the fruit ripens. Outerspreading

, ob-

he iii -t lb.

.. :Tubeeach divi. ion of


pitcher-shaped thai » funnel-dmped,

top projecting internally




, _ei.ell ,ptic '<''.--

smooth on both l

\, th. rs \eliow w .|

ih i i _< , - i >' - i mg, i ted at th< has< uhc i th \ a i J-iid, quite erect,

broad-linear, deepK rmargiuatcd at tin top) J-iocular, 4-va

Pollen deep yellow. Torus or receptacle yellow, p: iterous lobes to which the

-reen, not so long as the tube, 9 MgQlarwith rudumnts oi ) intermediate ingles', .Mocular, smooth. St\l< yelku sh green, reaching to

about the bottom..! the anthers, erect, triangular, smooth. Stigma yellow, large in proportion to

the style, somewh -it sha| I, d led into lick recur\ I wedg shaped I c fun owed on

their upper side. Seeds from ."> to 7 in each cell, inserted ou the internal margin of the disM- imen' .

in a doable row;

in our plant only two of them ripened imperfectly and were black, fully a line

1. The Corolla spread open with the Stamina, one of the barren c

Anther at the top. 1. !' - ;' the Pericarpit

lilerous receptacle. 4. A Seed magnified.



Long-pedtutcith (I( 'rp/mclis.


Rubiaces. Jitss. Cat. p. 1,96'.

s coadunati. Arborcs aut Frutkei

Calyx varic 5-fidus, nunc hyalinus. Corolhc

que cfausus : Limbus crassus, 5-partitus ; laci-

5 minus corniculatis. Anthenv 5, supra nu<

tubi subsessiles Nectari im callosui

Fruticr.s soup, mrc/ifa. Cau/is infra

s. -2.(1,1 r, best mtUt callow »n ruo w*o. Bra tae coadunata,rar>, inciss, pvmstau

C. foliorum laminis lanceolatis, glabris: stipulis carina!!- capi

tenoribus ivpandu-dentutis: ca yet barbuero :corolla lacinn

Sponte nascentcm m Sierra Lcou,\v^\t II. Smk.vtiimax.

Floret apud nos Januario, Ftbruario.

approaches nearer to CephaWs, than *!

>se decree- tliey w

of the science, is certainly equal, if"* "

5-narius, very rarely occur in the s

; ,


^ ... .-.v.', ;':


: :

,t : -

-t S\vel\-d below t

; fringed with brown shining t

, ullll ,^. lanceolate, vny entire, ob

i callous I

ched. Peouncle palc-

nentnb running down me iwu natter »d< on,s more win(lin|

hairs especially upon <l, ribs. 1,. cto .; tW,>, the nat>

dentate, gradually smaller till srutcetv an> uate* ou , R)lin

ra.numhiheingLetoea,, ....,.,„,.

smooth. Pericrpium belete , ..rly to the nrahi

CaUx whitish, neurit n apparent, 1 line long, broKHlv|ljl , ]]al

s-lanceolate, very entire, projei TUhmdiluir l«'<>•

with a narrow channel in the middle : soon falling off. Anthers 5, very pale ochre-colo

,i i 1 1 1 Le above their base upon exceedingly short filaments near the orifice of the tube, all

lomew hat retuse at the top, their valves opening in front. Pollen very pale yellow.

whitish green, CTOWBMg I I d,not

white, rather higher than the recurved limb, somewhat thickened towards the top, ruuStigma v. lute, '2-paitite : its divisions probably recurved but in our specimen erect, narlanceolate, convex, finely papulose.

One Segment of the Calyx magnified, shewing its beard on the outside.Nectarium. 4. Corolla laid open magnified. 5. Onring its external horn. 6. Two views of a single Stamen magnified. 7. Two

I t^IH



Cotinus-leaved Correa.


Rutaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 296".

Sect. 11. Rut? tipulatis.

Calyx cupulaeformis, brcvissime 4-fidus, pcrsn-tens. Petali 1. toro h^erfa. supra basin varie cohrrrc

tia, decidua. Filamenta S, tot insrrta,a!t rna q\ ntatum. I-'u-u-arpni

superum, 4-coccum, coccis basi apicequc taotura 3 . Seauna 2 in qtw

cocco, Colo ft tm MisiliR. Fnrttcei Nows Ho.

Gemmx 1 -rwe aid bins:t t

mlnutissimeglandu!uvi. h'ion a I -rii,H.v» iii,terminulcs.Bract

internum '2,,


C. foliorum laminis plus minus orb < 1 itis nt g 1 mi*, s ibtus praecipue'

tis : petalis vix cohaarentibus : antheris apice retusis.

Variat a. : petalis fere albis.

C. alba. VcPf.Janl. Mahti.v. 1.

alba. JFiflrf. 6>. P/. x>. 2. p. 3!

£ : petalis intus carneis.

Sponte nasceni , locis mari vicu

Floret apud nos a Novembri in Jprilm.

This plant is highly honoured by perpetuating the 1

Use lustr

Linnean Transactions. II - ot tlU3 coiinm, 111 every sen>e, wuvu uc »un i»

In natural affinity, I think with Billardiere, Desfontain 1l, U V«m

-..> /: . .

..'. : .u,:. -: - :.. .I"!.- - '




' ' •


' -. - . ^i-T ',' '. -.

-,;>:'' .•••' :

'', .'.


..•. '' ;, .,;.. •/ ..• :;.. '•


semblances offhmei :• and i ruit, proving the wisdomof LlNNE'si

1 Mr. Cali T, this species is fbund near the sea, e



escence: Pheba

:h have no affinity

iiccs, Ilippophac, l-l

?A of peltated scale-

scribed by all p-

n.-nv figured fro etion of .f.BEALE , Esq. at Edmonton

blush colour. I h :i \. t another name, to:

or ought to aut [ departu:re from truth.


Two views of an Anther magnified. S. A ¥© tugc+ one 9 Two views of an Anther magmnea.

*E^*m*^+?**NgJ£Z&[tSS^X*. 9. A Seed magnified

shewing its i



Simple-leaved Rose.


Rosacea;. Juss. Gen. p. 334.

Calyx 5-phyllus : folic

- ;




leatis,foliolis 1 - .. d^„ ,n ,,„/; ,,-/,,,

i ca?siis, simplicibus, exstipulatis.

ite nascentem proj • \. Micn.wx : in campis infra jugumontium Eh-ind, legit G. A. Olivier : prope fluvium Uldshar in lacum Allagul fiuentem deserti

mgarici, legi t J. S i E v e r s .

The first account I find, of this rare species, is in the Appendix to Jussieu's Genera Plantarum,published in 1789, four years after it had been discovered by Michaux. From seeds sent by himwhen he returned to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph BawKS, several plants were raised at Kra and

' '- but the, aU died in two years no doubt for want ot a proper soil. Afterwards in J7P3,

near the river Uldshar ; and his des< iruit lias b< en printed by Pallas in

the 10th volume of the I\u - ih Transact \< Still n i eiv.Oi.tvi r n hi> journey throughlersia collected seeds of it, which have succeeded verv well at Pa/is, and from one of his plants

brought from thence by a friend of Charles Walsh am's, Esq. which flowered at Whctstum; the

annexed drawing was made.1 believe that this /;„,« would thrive bitter with us in the open air, it" planted in a border of

br; 'ckish earth, than by any other mode ot cultivation ; for, the root extends to a great length, send-

mS up suckers s it ,-un i\ , ml the t soft E vind i unit dris, in the valley below whichpL.vii (; fnst mot with it> U.;. IV ()11 tho (|!h t)f hnu , stili covercd with a little snow, so that it is pro-bal 'K exposed to man, a, old blast therein the winter.

s '»'ni of wild plants.seldom exceeding IS or JO inches in height, the principal one :

each leaf: these pairs ,,t prickles however are i

' '• other species, as Jus-"eit supposes, for the\ are very differently inset


l ^ ' 1( li:

!n ll d

lather than obversel v wed points of the serratores!a» evident prickle, finely downy on both surfaces: Nerves scarcely visible. Mowers exceedingly

." J, ^-aiit, eiect, solitary at the ends of mo<t oi I

un. prickly.

Ic-rus, which Willdenow remarks has 1-,.•. mp perk boa, ca

*nd beset with numerous small prickles. Leaves of the Calyx si) '

il "J ;, «'

vvith a deep orange coloured base, spreading, obcordate, Smootn. r uamems 3*""«» «»

the base and some of them cohering together, smooth A»*X^ru^«ciSboth at the bottom and top. Pericarpiums about 26, hid within the Torus and according t

not h^ry like those of most other species; the 8*1 vavcely project 1

orifice are evidently hairy. Stigmata deep yellow, somewhat capitated, er



Troud Abroma.


Malvaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 27 1.

ect. v. Stamina varic connexa, numero definita aut rarius indefinita.

alyx 5-partitus, persistens. Petala 5,ovalia basibus unguium late fornicatis, .!««m.Iuh. Anther* 15,

ili 5-ridi 3 una glomerata?, didymae. Nectaria >, I

/ :

I re* i it es; in I ml Uis bret > s, 2-4 «o »"• *" flWft8

2, />mj*/tvif t *. D«a* ^ai« xidi, prater quas, in Jailor, tertiam detail llrut. Browne.

. A^artim. A. eaule pubescente : cymbali staminei laciniis rctusis:pericarpii abs subtruncatis.

A au^usta Willd Sp PI v 3. p. 14M- A. Wheleri. ff'"i/W. Sp. PL v. 3. p. l«:i. A. Wheleri.

p. 341 . Tlveob^oma aug - *« Theobroma augusta. to; *rf. Nat. ed.

13./>. 223.

Spontc nascentem in Bengal, ad margins dumetorum, legit R.Williams.

. Tastuosum. A caule hispido muricatoqne : cymbali staminei lacimis obtusis: pericarpii alis longe

A. fastuosum. Goertn. Fruct.

in Raj/. Hist. v. 3. p. 12.9

n juxta fluvium Endeavour, legit J. Bah «, Baronettus :in Ins. Lvzon, legit


Floret apud nos, i Ocfoftri

...., ,»-*«i Gtutnek's of the fruit, and Peti-

No figure of this ^ro»>a has yet I

^ and wil ,

vcu's reduced b,;

nc;, it y* ,, c,es. I have

;•..,.. :•


not the smallest d^ubt that they an [• ,ilc , and ,t>

its s tl !l,.,ed puh,-^ nee penetrating the .km much more eas.iy ,

seeds not so evidefitlj luberculated. , he appears to have been

Willdewow's two specie*, new-rib. -. and rartly by

led into this blunder parti) b) LiaKI, M B| bj KoEN , G , and in

Retzius' calling the leaves ovate ovato-lanceolata, so that

flowering branches, which ^ { uehcve, come out opposite to the

leaves, in all the i] tries i I this * nvs.BPPUrate he says they are inserted " margini


- n;

i i.k - -;•; ., -,,. the other

di.ysepuiiaitvnu* t <. nvd/o, m-tead <i '" an.t a «-

J ^ ^^^ ( t|.. \ M |; U . with his u<ual car^e,

species, which are fully a*|

,. !ullgoUS substance pressed

trjraSJSSS :• 3 '.. £

with bristles some of which are stellated. Leaves yellow-green, 7 ->-:•- ed witj a

the petiole than in Abroma Augustum, in the flou, ' finally tan

ceolate, very hairy especially on the under surface. Stipules small, persistent, narrowly wedge-

shaped, thick and convex on the outer surface. Flou r< „ ,1 I , - -h, t,

r. ,. , , t 2 or I

flowers. Pedicels erect after tin- fruit begins to swell. Bractes 2 at the base of each pedicel, very nUv

: -• ,.- - ..•.; ". '


very entire : persistent. Petals 5, chocolate-colour, inserted at the l>a-e ot the sMnnniteroiis < Mi.i>al,

pendulous .Claws dilated into a lyre-shaped cavity, variegated with yellow, bearded externally, ami

cm-rina the anther*: Lamina oval, finch downy csp, ci.,11 v on the outer sunace :deciduous. An-

thers 15, vellow, inserted by threes under the interstice- of a chocolate - .loured and yellow ,5-iid

Cymbal, the divisions of which are ' ^des. Nectaries o, yellow, inserted

at the very bottom of the cymbal under the anthers, and I think in the receptacle rather than the

Cymbal itself, trausversels oblong, very prominent, callous. Pericarpium befon imprcg i ition imm

arid concealed wit in the c tribal,.)- i„ ! , bearded in i rou> aften rds minrh u I a hall long of

faleat'cd wing, flitting from 'the center nf the axis which is composed of long yellowish soft hairs.

Stigmas 5, narrowly wedge-shaped, converging below the middle into a short ventricose tube. Seeds

black, obovate, their anllus yellowish brown.

. The Young Fruit magnified. 2. A single Petal detached, natural size. 3. A single Anther

magnified. 4. The staminiferous Cymbal and Anthers magnified. 5. One valve of the nne

Fruit. 6. A Seed.



•Jjf- r p \ I i;•>



Rush-leaved Chlamysporum.


Asparagi. Juss. Gen. p. 40.

Sect. I. Flo;v >lla toro inserta. Pericarpium superum

Petalao", exteriora su't ii u iria. mt rioi i m Ito latiora fimbriataq'

doMiiontilHis, altonia nam loiuzissimse. Pericarpium

3-valve, medio loculorum dehiscens. Stylus intra apicem tunmiuiu-. mi-hki an-u-inm. -vnnna

in singulis lneulis medio anguli interni sessilia, angnlata, ant!" 1-1. it. Tali ..l.icria. // ( rf,r NmHollandia:, perennes. Radix cetate tuberculatumjibris simplkiusculis. I'nlui radii i,t,„n-ust .,•;.

/......'.• , - . ^- '

. • -:••...-


fw. ifwc referenda Ornithogalum Dichotomum Bill, necnon forte ejusdan Ornithogalum Tria

C. foliis linea" conmrti-Mims :

anthens recurve, alu

nis longissimis.

Sponte nascentem prope Tort Jackson, legit A. Gordon.

Floret apud nos Septcmbri.

I raised this plant two years ago from seeds taken out of a specimen communicated by E. J.

Woodford, Esq. and it is now in Mr. Evan's collection S



3-androus; but as I only know them from his description and hgures, 1 dare not jet insert mar o

ference in my generic character. ? . . .

culent. La iUTone. up .1 it liko m,,h.U

only about 3 inches in length, scarcely a line in

almost linear, ycin entuv/t , point it<.

a loose panic!, of" .pik, s .!, m, Ives so close as to resemble


• :'. ; .:. :. ,:, i .



< •

'' i

......J ;


ceeding finely st riated with sc

side of the dors

tender that it is idifficult to dr;


and tops, inserted at their base which is emarginated, firmly fixed and certainly not versatile as

Rn.t.ARDiF.KT, describes those ot his Omithoodlums, recurved, 2-locular with 4 valves which split

longitudinally but the anterior ones M much shorter, that the apertures left at the top resemble ob-

long pores, gVadimlU narrowed, those three which are opposite the inner petals much longer. Peri-

carpium before impregnation yellowish, 3-angular, smooth: after it begins to swell greenish, when

ripe tinned with iibranaceous, 3-locular, splitting in the middle of the cells. Style

yellow, about equal in length to the longest stamens, a little swelled under the top. Stigma truncat-

ed. Seeds blaek, 8 in earh ci LI, inserted at the middle of the internal angle, sessile, nearly covered

laterally by a yellowish waved callous Arillus.


A back view of the Corolla laid flat. 2. Stamina and

of a Stamen before the Pollen is discharged with it

Fruit. 5. A Seed with its Arillus magnified.



Obtuse-leaved Diapensia.


Erics. Juss.Gtn.p. 159.

Calyx 5-phyllus, persistens. Corolla 1-petala : Tubus calathiformis: Limbus recurvulus, 5-partitus


decidua. Filamenta 5, lata, tubum inter lacinias terminantia. Anthera? didymae, nunc basi ro-

stratae. Pericarpium fere totum superum, ovatum, 3-loculare, 3-valve, medio loc tilorum iMnw.

Stylus crassus. Stigma 3-lobum. Semina numerosa, Colo retuso adangulum internum toplkt, tab*-

sita,in rosas conferta. 17 > xd loi^imado \-rii. hrmiiu U-s, ( recti, lhactac

Sjttxta cahja t,pra:n, as. Gt us in son nut i ij u.ijuxta Azaleani

hcandum, faerant.

Obtusifolia. D. ft iticift.

D. lapponica. Oed.inFLDan. t. VJ. bona. D.lapponica. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. p. 202.

D. lapponica. Linn. FLSuec. ed. 2. p. 6U D.lapponica. Linn. PL Lapp. n. 88. f. If 1.

Sponte nasi-, -•

<C. I.i I n i.

: in Mwm£, hor-

ridis scopulis, legit G. C. Oeder : in Ins. Newfoundland, rupibus mantimis, legit

J. Ban ks, Baronettus : in New H* ' • D. Peck : in Kamschatka,

legii J. Dixon.Floret apud nos Aprili, Maio.

Cuneifolia. D. foliis lanceolato-cuneatis, inferne pubescentibus : antheris horizontalibus, basi rostratis.

Pyxidanthi.:. < PL Boreali-Am. v. 1. p. 152. t. 1?.

Sponte nascentem in North Carolina, montibus, legit A. Michaux.

This curious little shrub is now flowering in the collection of the Right Hon. Ch arles G aivi llf

t dreary country, as well as others near the arctic cmcic, it

naritimc n tlcr roots mt0 tne crevices,

where 'there is a little soil. . , _,.

Linn e first discovered it, and established the genus in Flor, • r confounding


which th.M ,', ,r i>< lanist p. r.M'sMn «h iU ^nus. In the I.M e i.t.on ot 1 bra Sueaca, this

error is com-.: .^, Ml he hul received -strong. Mat

in tyec^ Plantarum he joined another plant of t •/ " tia lUr


" l "' tn , ' 11


genus. Jussieu places Du^ouM at the end of his Convolxuli; in a separate section however, ana

not without a query, if it really belongs to them.

From specie * -d by Professor Peck, the first suspicion arose mmy mind that it belonged to Eric*, whicl m.o« c. ti.

.I m-m..i - - pl*nt, and a'l

doubts, if any could remain, are taken away, by another spec.tJ° „

C.t/W/«<,, which turns out to be the Pyxidanthera of Michaux. Probably, its immediate station, ma natural series, will be next to Azalea Procumbent .

'in inthe rest, and according to Jcsstr.w's present definition of li/wdodaidra. •

the Order; but I ! m i Ireadj binted under P^flwtoee r«3f<*a, my opinion that the Bicomes of


l^^rS™^braiiching closely into little turfs or cushions, which ^jP«J| £forms me often become large and firm enough in th » t:fh Thelcaved La elweight of a man standing upon them, very slender but woody and covered w,lh *^^~, ~)* "

for years. Leaves dark green and more or less tinged with brown on ^^PP^. 8"^!^^;^green on their under surface, from 4 to 7 lines long very clo, b ££££*erect, dilated into a thin membranace-


. . .

.^ .,..

... ' - '' •" '"


" '



-^. - ... . .

-- ^ -•• ' - :





'.. r..:-.-..:,.

fromSto'" 1'

' -* "~,:—*-*—1 ""nnth. Bractes 3,

erect, oval, persistent


lilar to the leaves in consistence. Calyx of 5 leaflets: these are somewhat imbricated, erect,

il, (dh i) slightly crenulated towards the top which is rather tumid, quite smooth, nearly equal

size, persistent. Corolla white, fully 3 lines in length : Tube bowl-shaped : Limb slightly recurv-

diwded to tin- base into 5 obovate very entire obn - - 100th on both stirt'aci's,

;iduous. Filaments 5, white, terminating the tube between the divisons of the limb, broad, short,

ct, somewhat narrower towards the top, quite smooth, hollowish. Anthers yellow, confluent with

filaments, retuse,didymous: lobes oblique, elliptical, 1-locular, 2-valved, splitting long

much contracted after the pollen is discharged. Pollen yellow. Pericarpium green while young,

|,,w within '' lie calyx and corolla are inserted so as not to be

te superior, almost globular, 3-celled : when fully grown oval, splitting in the middle of the

Is: Cola, or receptacles of the seeds, retu-e. St\le pale \ell.nv, reaching to about the height of

anthers, columnar, round, smooth. Stigma deep yellow", 3-lobed, papulose. Seeds pale brown,

mcrous, sessile, somewhat egg-shaped, very finely scrobiculated.

t of the Corolla magnified. 2. Two views of a Stamen more magnified. 3. Pistillum mag-

J. 4. The ripe Fruit natural size. 5. Transverse section of the Fruit with the Seeds taken

sf one cell, magnified. <-'. Longitudinal section of the Fruit, shewing the receptacle of the

I with some still 7 . A single Seed highly magnified.



EURYSPERMUM GRANDIFLORUM.Large-flowered Eurysperm urn .

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 75.

: subtus pubescentulis

Floret apud nos versus finem Minn, Junio,

This is the handsomest species of the genus yet discovered, and one of those confounded in oui

gardens under the name of Protect Decora; but though male and female plants of all these are in

Mr. H ibb rut's culle.eMun, where tin drawing was made, I have I!'.- time now to study them.

In the whole »enus, the males are far more prolific and shewy than the females, as in the gene-

rality of animals; so we have here anotL o kingdoms.

Stem of our plant 5 feet high, round top: Brauchea robutt, not so much-subdivided as in the others. Leaves pale green, the larger ones 6 or 7 lines broad and two inches

long, almost sessile, scarcely twisted, spatulate-lanced, very entire, obtuse the p< int itself consisting.-.-'inches and a g long ai vellow colour, with the callosity of a reddish brown.

Flowers ditVu-i Fascicle or head of flowers from 1 inch and a \to 2 inches in diameter, hemispherical. Bractes which belong exclusively to the head imbricated

below the flow* K till they are 5 lines long by 3 broad, recurved at

the top, ovate-wedged ; between the flowers suddenly narrower till they are scarcely \ a line in

breadth but not shorter, incurved, linear-spatulate ; all of them obtusely mucronated, and shining

with the gum which exsudes from both surfaces. Torus between the bractes and (lowers pubescent.

Petals 6 or 7 I »w and coalescing into an arched tube to beyond their middle ;

from thence deep yellow and irregularly reclined; the uppermost flattish at the top; the other

three a little narrowei a; 1 approximated with hollowei tops; linear-patiilate, very entire, obtuse,

convex up to the anthers, then hollowish, smooth on both side-. Anther* about 2 lines long, some-

what arched, linear, r. tuse, smooth, discharging their pollen in part even before the p.

Nectaries ? pale vellow. :> Hues lonu, bristle shaped, smooth. Style pale yellow, gradual l\ atte-

nuated, finely emarginated, hairy near the bottom but without any rudiment of a pencarpium.

1 1 t



Gourd-flowered Crocus.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis vide sub No. 30.

* Folia angusta.

im parum exsertis : braetcis <2-L : coroll.v (annus

,reclinatis : stigmatibus angustis.

Variat a: Corolla pallide ochroleuca Lineis 3 viridi-camileis disco laciniarum exteriorum.C. vem. latifol. pallido flore. tins, ///if /V. //A. J./>. jno. ('. vein is M.esiacus 11. C/«J-

Hist. Farm. p. 228.

/3 : Corolla pallide ochroleuca.

C. albus roaj ,, us. Fark. Far. p. lfjl. C. vernus Maesiacus, More alboTheatr. Fl. t. 39,

y. Corolla aurea.

C. aureus. Smith in Fl.Grccc. p, 25. t. 35. C. vernus latifolius aureus. C. Bauh. Pin.

p. 66. C. vernus luteus sive Maesiacus. Fark. Par. p. \66. C. vernus luteus M.tsiacusflore aureo. Par/:. Par. p. 166. C. vern. latifol. aureo fiore. Chu. Hist. PL It/.. 2. P .

206. C. vernus Maesiacus 1. Clus. Hist. Pann.p. 226.

Sponte nascent -. legit y J. Sibtiiorpe.

Floret Martio.

icated to me by Professor Sibtkorpe for his Crocus Aureus,

> quote the figure in Flora Gra-ca, as it represents the leaves

been drawn from a late flowering specimen. It has been cultivated however in our gardens, since

the time of Parkinson, and is yet known in some by the name ot tin <> i u '' \ ( m us. I have no

doubt that it is the true Crocus M i from the com-

mon one figured in the loth nuiubei n tin 1» m il Ma- me.iowh *I.\ti. late G.i\w i rj

has since em-: • « tind no mention ot \u- plant m an\ author bcton:

Ray.Both the Generic and Specific Character.', in Flora 0> rca are um\ ,1 ,?< me, ,


scription. For instance, " Corolla o-. - •l|hl ' ili:! n.n-en-e::

doubt meant Limbus 6-partitus, but even that would have been incorrect, lor it is onk pn.tuiide


Bulb from 7 to 12 lines in diameter, spherical with a flat base : ( oats d irk 1m .«< an ,\ -tn.oted.

inches long, rccurved-xpreadmg, more attenuated a! tin u p than in othei -] ccie^Uu cxtiHm|nut

under surface, with a line dew or mcai: Rib Hal :Nones exceedin^y hue

:<onca\e wit l ieci

sides, withering in Mai, or Ji/>/<- Flowers nearls without smell, l'amcie trom to 2-How

Peduncles while, solitary in tin axils oUrom J l

•'.':.''";;'.:.':' "'..''i".'


':y,' -.' ;-// ;• '


; -:.;'.;, -V

furrows running a short way down from the 1

before it expands, from 1'2 to sixteen lines 1<


reclined, ovw, >i!lli '' niU! ^ w—


........ I

- '"


hes ") lines lomi, spread i._, 'road mear,

the top: after the Pollei^ Pollen gold-colour. Style whitish

i yellow top, narrower than the filaments, reaching to about the top of them, somewhat.



mooth StitLs gold-colour, narrow, from a line to a line and a half long dmded deeply

:-c^fewSegments, oWrsely wedge-shaped, plicated but.not convolute,^mternaUy vxsod-downy.

iproduced plentifully, and bright brown, the hilum not d.scoloured as 10 some others.


. The Stamina just before the Pollen is discharged. 2. A front and back view of a single Stamen


at a still earlier period. 3. The Pistillum.

% tT ift_ v



Sedum-leaved Primula.


Lysimachi*. Juss. Gen. p. 59.

rif.rmi* ; 1'ula:, ryli;-,-

nus 10-tuberculatus : Limbus profunde 5-fidus, laciniis s;vjiiu»

Jilatata? partis in-erta, l.reu^ima. Anth"ra>erecta? vcl converg-

i membranaceum, 4-10-valve. Stylus apitatum. Semina

3-50, oblongaNel sabrotunda. Herba > t . o«<r. I , in , ;/ ;. i i h icafa sapun in i v«*. Floret

eddemque specie, et numei w paritcr inconstans.

, .

. Vitaiiana, Decand. Syn. p. 207 . P. Vitaiiana. Decand. in Lam. FL Franc. 2. ed. v. .3. />. 4.10.

P. Vitaliana. Allion. FL Fed. v. l./'.OJ. l\ Vitaiiana. D\hr> FL .!<-.;. 100. \ndrosacelutea.

Lam. FL Franc. 1 cd. v. 2. p. '253. Aretia Vitaiiana. Finn. Su-st. \\g ed. 1:5. p. 102. I'. \ nahamu

Xi»». Sp.Pl.ed. 2. p. 206. Aretia foliis, Sec. Hall. Hist. IF 'r. r. 1. «. 010 Kara qua lam p m-

tula, &c. Allion. Stirp. Fur. p. 24 . \ ' /'• W- '• ! * •^an.cula

repens, &c. P/onf. 3i«rf-B«r*. m Li/,*. W»m«. ,/a,,/. r. ]./, J21. Ann.


332. P*y#. t. 108./. 6. Sedum alpinum F. Gregorii regiensis. Column. Ecphr.v. 2. p. 03. OM Jc.

Sponte nascentem in suramitate montis Xabalambre, legit J. D'Asso: in a'

grino, legit L. Sesler: in Piedmont alpibus abunde, ad nivem deltquescentem, leg.t C. Allion i.

Floret Junio, Julio : apud nos Aprili.

This rare plant was communicated by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, in whose nursery it seems tm

::-.. .--,=..-.

- ..- \ - '- - " ' -'

'• "



' '

"" "'

and flower abundantly, in the smokiest part ot J.,.,,,1,,,,. forJNO.

nu/a, merely for having few .ee.N. even ti,<-ir u ,mbe I

tubercles surrounding the orifice of the tube are still more so, in many species:


ofP^osentiM (oiunH- muwoh, i «h xho ^uhabit did not .„,,,, up..,, h,. in ,, ieuned . ,,,. 1, uh - . M— , — that he be


.«« .t to be


. ;rated, from 1 '- to 2 lines lorn;, clustered

Flowers solitaryed, when more luxuriant l,near-,,dge-,liaped, very entire, obtuse, tomentose,

"at fleshy, mai

[.ffering from the leaves. Pedicel rom s a line to

slender, round, slightly cottony. Ton islirrow: from

middle Vellowish^tunud, obsoletely 10-angular tfaj S5Si pintthence green and 5-fid : Segments erect, semi lanceolate, very enure, mucionuea.

sometimes a little recwrved, hollow : thinly cottony on both sides. Corolla half an inch long, or

more, salver-shaped : Tube yellow with a paler base, cylindrical nearly to the top, then ventricose,

5-angular, its orifice more or less swelled into 10 tubercles: Limb yellow, rather shorter than the

lube, incurved-horizontal, deeply 5-fid ; divisions obcordate, towards the top sometimes a little cre-

nated, flat : smooth. Filaments inserted at the bottom of the dilated part of the tube, very short.

Anthers yellow, obtuse, erect. Pericarp while young yellowish green, turnip-shaped, smooth : after

impregnation greatly enlarged, finally elliptical, 5-valved. Style cylindrical. Stigma hemispherical.

Seeds 3 to 5, sessile upon a globular central receptacle, oval, hollow on the side by which they are





Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No. 67.

\ laminis 4-7pollices longis,

ultis vix pubemcorollis barba crispa truncato-implexis.

Hottentots Holland, montibus, legit J. Nivek.

Floret apud nos Maio.

A most distinct and singular species from the collection of George Hibbert, Esq. If it is not

hybrid, and ripens fertile seeds, the offspring will probably always exactly resemble the par.:,! plant-:as impenetrable a fence as the wigs of our Bishops, and these must effectually put a stop to any Mich

adulterous intercourse, as the late Peter Collinsok reported to have taken place between tfe

flowers of two apple trees, in a letter read by Dr. J. E. Smith to the Linnean Society. Alter the

strict decorum of express) m tnculcated in that author's Introduction to Botany, and pal

ing me for allusions of tin. sort, he would have been more consistent in omitting such a passage;

but I defer what I wish to say upon the subject to another op rfwg hirn> that

the attack there like- a 1 his others, h so n >tori >um\ unjuM, as to do me service.

Stem very dwarf, flowering when a few inches | immediately under the

flower. Leaves crowded : Petiole reddish, narrow, short, half round, flat on its upper surface : La-

mina dull green, from 4 to 7 inches long, about 1 inch broad, rariottfl) P

i• .'--•;


very hairy while vuuiy and not caMing all it- pubescence when old, rough and finely d.

ally on its under surface ; the principal nerve large, lateral one. ver\ slender ;more <>r le.s waved,

hard and tough. Flowers without smell. Bractc f tie In ducrum <!rep claret ( -nally appearing whitish from the cotton with which they are covered, fr'ngcd, !

smooth on their inner rarjia dark i

ternally covered with white cotton: diVi-ions uMheupp* ...-..-; - •» - <- - n, bearded at its

cxt.vmm • • together mto a level surface, so that tae whole

head of flower, N -haped 1 '.e a 1-^ ton hew, l,p Ian eoLte ,t :\ ,-vi m.M w.thout any awn.

Anthers pale yellow with a dark red spat nan to,>, na !», . V .jnd abundan .

Style dark red towards the top. Stigma dark red, somewhat flexuose at the base, clubbed at the end,

grooved as in many others.


covered, r. nged, M.Uulatc-lanced,



Glaucous Lachruea.


Thymelaeze. Juss. Gen. p. 76.

Corollae Tubus longus, basi dilatatus : Limbus 4-fidus, lacinia suprema minore : Glandulae 8, ore

tubi laoiniis oppositae, callosa?. Filamenta 8, ore tubi inter glandulas inserta, alterna sub intersti-

s laciniarum breviora. Pericarpium carnoslim. Stylus lateralis. Stigma capitatum,

Fruticcs graciles. Folia alterna oppositave, nunc lai 4am, termm9m',ki*vitirpedunculato. Bractece nulla pmterfolia ultima in quibusdam ampliata.

L. foliis glaucis, ovato-cuneatis, utrinque lajvibus, planis, ultimis non majoribus : fasciculis 80-105-

rloris : corollis supra basin albidis.

L. buxifolia. Lam. Illustr. t. 292./. l.L. buxifolia. Lam. in Encycl. Bot. torn. 3. p. 373.Gnidia fila-

mentosa. Linn.Suppl.p. 224.

Sponte nascentem prope Stelknboschtlegit J. Niven.

Floret apud nos Maio, Junto.

A fragrant species, diffusingtbe odour of the Persian Iris, and I believe first introduced by George

Hibbert, Esq. for I saw it at Clapham many years ago. The gardener who then had the care of

his collection took it for a Buibonia, some of the species of which genus it resemble^ in habit far

more than Buxus ; but all the plants of this Natural Order may be gem :

not in (lower, by the toughness of their bark, and even the young cuticle does not readily separate

upon attempting to pull off a leaf..

Much diversity of opinion has prevailed among learned I

tribe of plants should be described as having a calyx or corolla, and L»»i n nu

cused by Lamarck of using sometimes one term and sometimes the other, iruivh to make hi, ge-

neric different . That he has used both terms is true, but not the reasoning upon

it, for Linse's characters being founded on the absence or presence of certain additi'

:=.. .., ' .. . . -

' •"" -'

that it .1 c 1. i.i. but the lea-i.n bo -ius nam- 1\ . t: at *>y the recep-

tacle, is founded in an error; and he was probably deceived by the U 1

which is prevalent in every part of Thymelxoe, even their filament- Jv-11 v, tin ugh he u>< s calyv

in this and th fcrAMWl.tai ' ^MhSown opinion th, - "ir.m -d by tlu r. a-.s : 1^ its form and figure,

often complicated, and which even in the green-th f resemble a calyx, Idly,

its variety of structure, to which there is no analogy in other calye

ceeds from this part, and not from the anthers ; ithly, *'~"

or lower in the tube, but in its very mouth.

A tall shrub with few branches, round, quite smooth, am: HLjTSglaucous esre. - '"- : I ^|^ct thatihev an resupmaled, half

an ?nch or'nn-. ** " * l'

L "' " lle,iualed at the

margin and very minutely repand, obtusely mucronated, smooth: Nerves sIender


nent on their urn ei iurfece : hi, finely dotted, flat, the last near the flowers not arger Howeis

erect fragrant even before any ot them are expanded. Fascicle very rlote, trom 89 M

pSc^wW ish^rwn, about 2 lines long, eiactl «cept that it is pube-

fcem andTtSenJd towards the top. Bractes none. Torus whi :ig, obcomca

pTeLnt Cotuae

effluent with ,fe receptacle : Tube whitish^wtfioten"

limb white with a ffreenislu »•'«" * -

u^per smusses wif^w^t division hfnceobu \'^Tl Z'^Zllowest divison largest of 1

liaic; wueiai u«. ««Sw «..- .

of ail lanceolate: Glands yellow, semielliptical, obtuse, concave, mmh pu-

t shining, finally becomii

Anthers yellow, \ of a line long, emarginated.

s but shinine. fintlw^^»'


d. Pericarpium pale green while young, scarcely

line in length, shaped like a nmepin, one side of the top rather more prominent where it is thinly•• the base. Style inserted laterally near the top of the pericarpium,

%h as the tube, capillary. Stigma white, much broader than the style, capitate thickly


highly magnified. 2. Two views of an Anther still i



Bracteal Orchis.


Orchideae. Juss. Gen. p. 64.

Sect.iv. Monandraanthera ii

Petala 6: 5 saepius in galeam conniventia: Labellum figurd maxime varium, nunc calcarigerum :

marcescentia. Anthera apice styli confluens, cu. in tuberculum communeaut 2 distincta desinentibus. Stigma in facie styli scutiforme. Herbce, rarius pubescentc

'""') palmato aut cruriformi, novo ad latus subJlorescentiamjamproducto,unde i

** Radix palmata.

O. bracteis flore multo longioribus: petalis 5 conr.iventibus, lateralibus basi valde protuberantibus ;

labello parum longiore, ver

dentis, calcare scrotiformi

O. bracteata. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4. p. 34.

Spontenascentemin Pensylvania, legit H. E. Muhleneerg.

Floret apud nos Maio, Junto.

"Professor Swartz has shewn great judgment in many of the alterations which he has made in

Orckidect, but I cannot adopt his arrangement implicitly, because, as Dr. Sims has already remark-

ed, it often joins plants totally discordant in habit and the structure of their p-niraha; foe instance,

Serapias Pah ' •' or separates

such as agree ; v. I 'iridr, L. from Ophry ? Munmrin*, Limodorum Tan-

Jcervillice from Limodorum Atom, Jacq. That In

Orchis, I have always thought, and am glad to find that Professor Willdenow likewise follows

Haller respecting them.

About the genus of our plant accordingly there cannot be a question, for it is so nearly allied to

Satyrrum Viride, L. as not to be easily distinsuMi ?d the chu-t dirSi i .<.

- 1! h

are, 1st, the great length of its bractes : 2dly, the two outside lateral petals are more hunched at

the bottom ; Sdly, the labellum is scarcely trifid except in the lower flowers, and so refracted as to

touch the peduncle with its emarginated end ; ithly, the spur i

nearly obtuse. Professor Willdenow describes V'

not so in the live plant, neither are the lateral petais, icl,u, ... «*j .«-*ZZZ"**"

Root palmated with succulent fibres issuing from the base of the young shoot. Leaves irom 3 to

5, yellow-gnv :«« or two radical, the rest elevated by the pedunc e,

contracted at the base into a close sheath, from thence oval the upper ones gradually more like

bractes, very entire, obtuse, smooth, channelled, sharply keeled, somewhat waved, with slender

longitudinal nerves. Flowers without smell, cernuous. Spike from 2 to 4 inches long, many flower-

ed, close. Peduncle yellow-green, thickish, erect, simple, angulated, jointed smooth. Pencar-

pium while young yellowish green, sessile, twisted, oblong, 6-angular. Petals 6: * arched

into a helmet; 3 outer ones yellow-green, the lateral ones larger and very protuberant at the

base; 2 inner ones much paler and smaller: Labellum more yellow than the other petals

with a tinge of brown towards the margin at the base, rather longer, bent back so as to touck

the peduncle, oblong, emarginated with a rudiment of a middle tooth often quite

lower flower. ; near the base dilated into 2 melliferous cavities, between which a short pursc-snaped

spur full of honey hollowish in front and somewhat retase hangs down; its inside rather convex uilr,

a blunt keel rising opposite the orifice of the spur and running down to its middle smooth,

fi „,U ,,,,,,.1,,-,. suK AulU-^u,, u 1} b.oad and ,ho,t, puyccting into.

i> thick obtuM< ^nthe


T!ntS °ft

rn"len Anther velUr.M-h br< v. n with reddish valves, about a line and a half long, hooded, retuse. Cells

•;ai 1Wnw .,....,.,, s , til S! n. ( ..t-l I

:u-,<ui«vN vt-uow ; i bifid at the top,

" '

;h cannot be detached while young, but

wer margin deep chestnut colour, shaped

t'of arms", umbilicated, very clammy.

) lateral outer Petals. 3. One of the inner Pe*

of the Spur cut off. 6. The Labellum and Ge-

nkalialiighW magnified, 7. section of the young Fruit highly magnified.




Protea?. Juss. Gen. p. "8.

Sect. ii. Pericarpium post dehiscentiam persistens, 1-2-locularc, 2-20-spermum.

Petala 4, varic colnvrentia sutuni interiors a pUtillo prcmente magis tissa, decidua. Nectarium ba-

titna vtl tint n/ >. /•'/, ,-. * >;,>. „• hit ., ,. s \-rue, iiru-

tcr majores nunc infra spicam cutnratas, deciduj-. An repefknda species Nova- Hollands .spied rard,pctalis omu pc/tato?

E. foliorum laminis plus minus obovato-cunentis, dentatis, lltbtOJ glaucis : spied late pyramidal! ,

bracteis coloratis invohscrata : petalis dorso cohnercntibus.

K. ipeciosisstmum. Smith Nae. Holt. I, p. 19. t. j. pulchra, sed pamm fidelis.

SpontcnascentwnjuxtaPorf /flcfowi, legit D. Burton.

Floret Octobri,'apud nos Maio.

The genus Emboihrium was established by Forster from two shrubs of Terra del Furgo, andXc-i L'n/edvnin. Our.'. . \ the native- 111 Xt;c Smith It'alo, Wai-rct-tah,

but certainlv not 1 I Kceediagly in

with the above by Dr. J. E. Smith, are alreadv separated In Mr. Hnou s. and named (hailha.It is now dowering for the first time in Europe, at SprwgurU, the villa of E. .1. A. Woodford,

Esq. but neither in his, nor in the various wild specimen- before me, have I been able to find a flower

with all the petals distinct, as Dr. J. E. .Smith describes and figure* them : what he likewise calls

" the bach of the flower" is really the front, the style being arched towards the centre of the spike,

not its circumference.

An evergreen Shrub 8 or 10 feet high. Stem about 2 inches in diameter mar tin bottom, with a

rough brown bark, generally simple till it dowers : Hranehe- tew, i-mug immediately under the

spike, long, erect : green and smooth while young with a slight dew. Leaves alternate, pretty close

to each other, from 7 to 10 inches long, spreading : Petiole short, thn k< ned at the base, somewhat

convex on the upper as well as under surface : Lamina varying from 1 to 3 inches in breadth, so as

to be more or less obovate-wedge-shaped, when narrowest spatula le, from above the middle deeply

and unequally toothed, ending in a tooth but obtuse and sometimes bitten off, dark green and

smooth on its upper surface, glaucous with a ilighl fan white young underneath; Nerves manyand reticulated ; hard and tough. Flowers erect, without smell. Spike terminal, so close as to

forma broad pyramid. Peduncle from 2 to 2£ inches long, gra elv covered

with bractes and flowers. Bractes about 10 under the spike, crimson with the top and margins oi the

outer surface tawny, from 3 to 2 inches long, reclinate, lanceolate, very entire, obtuse, towards the

top of the inner surface slightly beard, <t with ru>t\ pubescence: one under each pair of flowers,

crimson, the lower ones an inch and a half long, gradually shorter till only a broad rudiment re-

mains, in other respects similar to the others; deciduous; bc-id<- the c X mi MBtik gNBOMCeotll

scales at the very bottom of the peduncle fall off very early. Pedicels crimson, from 6" to 11 lines

long, recurved-spreading, as the fruit swells bowed quite down, cylindrical and smooth. Petals

crimson, about 1 nearly to the top except the outer suture which is soon di-

vided to the base by the style pressing against it, -< ;' •• the midddle, then a n-

tracted into an arched neck; at the top ovate-wedge-shaped, very entire, obtuse, the 2 lower ones

laiher smaller; externalh smooth, internally finely papulose, deciduous without splitting into se-

parate parts. Filaments dull tawny, about Jd of a line long. obverseU w edge-shaped, flat, smooth.

<he pistillum, shaped s„,„,r'' ™°™,ng the front of the base of

lindrieal s„.„: Pencarpum elevated on a thick cy-cylindrical and only to be disttngufshedftTg


IsZSTZrl oTt^unf "*," "t *°*pronation greatly enlarged, finally the size of one's mddleTn^r, .





splitung on the upper side. Style crimson I™niTL. <"»*> curved round and smooth,before impregnation and cluboed at2 «o'p,%moo,h 'ffiS'SS 'll ,

""? "t P™"?"""style, oval, somewhat conycx, finely papp.Le. Seeds fttSfrdS* imbSL:""

* ""

'^M^ o?an AWn

hhe"^ ,* TheS'^— *"*b wo v,e«s ol an Anther, magnified. 5. The Fruit with using



V %'


DIANTHUS FRAGRANS.Fragrant Dianthus.

Ordinem Naturalem et Characterem Generis, vide sub No

* Flores rare paniculati.

*** Filamenta omnia toro inserta.


infra medium calycis : petalorum limbo profuntie multifido, imberbi.

Caryophyllus sylvestris v, species alia. Clus. Hist. l.p. 284.

Spontenascentem in Austria, legit C. L. Ecluse.

Floret apud nos Junto.

The perfume oi this sp;-cie>, xM^rh is not unlike ilia" of Xarcitsu-, l\.><1icu*, is consl antly diffused.

both day and night. It.,* leave. qu;t< nine. petal «

^ as well as shorter ,t;gmata, and i m;w La (...'unitw<h Vanih's.

h : in B pot, or t a full ground.

Stem from -Hi » (m p.i .. >, ,pnte -n.ooth, fna h dotted \\

through a microscope. Leaves glaucous, from -;- an nan to about an inch long. \ery-

lowish and more swelled than in some others. Flowers generallj solitary. Bractei 1

purple, the 4 upper ones shorter and broader, obovate with

: the extremii v itself obtuse

like the leaves. Petals while except the upper parr of the claw winch is tinged wit h pale veilow

green; their limb recurved, divided as far as the middle into many nar.

•. \nthers ver\ pale purple. Stigmata white, not >o long as in D. Plut

U and hollow.

narius. Cap-sule long and narrow.

A Petal detached.

t \ I



Two-coloured Salvia.


Labiatse. Juss. Gen. p. 110.

Stamina duo fcrtil

i-fidove, inferiore Corolla Tubus supra basin ve„-

fidum, lacinia media latiore. Flwnicnto itipt-

til.',;- luterabb'.is m i im infra quos connataet tubum claudentis

Stylus in !

; J-lidum. Ilcrba- S,/ir)-u(i

' %ra,lobat:. tsemtta. Floret plut

.• •

, .



** Herbacece.* Calycis labio superiore 2-2-fido.

S. foliorumlaminis rordafo- Moj. i-. t p j, '.,-,'. nfati .'

i -u i , i u^-i- *-|>i<-is pra-Ion-is, \

6-floris: calycis labio superiore 3-dentato : corollas fauce striato, labii inferioris lobo m<

cato, emarginato, oris mox emarcidis : nlamcntis brcvissime stipitatis.

S. Bicolor. Desfont. Fl. Atl.p. 22. t. 2. S. Bicolor. Desf. in Fourcr. Journ. 3. 1792. n. 20.

Sponte nascentem prope Mascar, Tlemsen, inter segetes, legit R. L. Desfontaises.

Floret prirao vere, apud nos Julio.

A biennial species from the collection of the Rt. Hon. Lady Holland, and yet rar


Leaves near the root petiolated, gradually more I Petiole pale gi

round, very hairy, fiattish on the upper part: Lamina fro:.] 3 u> ! :i.<;h<.> Ionj.

ropand-dentafe/lmirv especial!) un('i«i-.m»ular. h.ur\,

veral Ion? branches. Bractes reflected, ova!, lanceolate, d1 *

>'s ciili-

i l«

spike, generally d" in a v. .. . !

green, 5 lines long : Upper lip 3-tooiI


; r i. ... -. ::,;

; : .

"' = ' '



' " ~'

'' ^ ' '

tube', ^-lobed-^t'he middle lobe white but s«»in d..


U ''



slightly bearded underneath; side lo

lour, bliiilnU emar^inated at one end. Pollen \\i;ue Nee.

lowish green. Style wl i

oier, ttewiose, no,

darker violet, its aceolate and nearly equa .

«M»~ IK,




Olive-leaved Fodahfria.

ide sab No. 7, ubi dele sessileOrdjnem Naturalem et Charpost Pericarpi

brevioribus : calycc profuude i

acterem Gencri

isere bi

s vide

P. fol

I^TacIS is angustis'ai'h

seentem prope Stellenbosch, legit J. NiLTHT.

Floret apud nos Maio.

May\iew species introduced by Messrs. Lee ;

ast. It is easily distinguished from all \vh

md Kr.N

ich i !,ave^b

tself often so much bent d .wi . nit t ie t .p - - -ited, «iven i

quite smooth on the upper surface, silky underneath as well a- at the margin : middle Nerve th

and very evident, lat. il ones s ,:cK t<' d , , i

- \< _, laceous. Stipules J.

serted on the prominent rib of the stem, ab mt 2 lines loi .. disti ict In m ihe petiole, prest to

stem, silky and soon- changing toa brown tint. ["lowers smell. Spike generally ol a sn

flower, sometimes however ot two or three. Peduncle shorter than (he H- < s, solitary in the axil

two or three of the lowest leaves of the young branches. ]>racte fallen oft in all the spi-cimen* I-

Pedicel short, thicker than the peduncle. Torus obconical, com; res;, externally silky. CaLx \,

5 lines long, deeply divided, externally pale brown and very silky: its divisions n ut«.wK "<•'

shaped. Vexillum about 8 lineslong, 10 til• deeply eflMfgiaated, Mac ml

deeper shade su, ' -' !:i- ' •""' '


U "^ about J lines lo

lilac, slightly folded together, smooth : Keel white, much less than the wings, ol two distinct pel

i Standard. 3. One of the Wings. 4. One of the

¥ ft f I



Globe-jlozvered A dina



Rubiaceae. Juss. Gen. p. 196.

coadunati. Folia opposita.Arborts uut

e, ab apice dehiscens septo calyce co-as. Corolla infundibuhformis, limbo

losmissimas. Sigma !!

- n^ioso juxta apicem ses-

silia, obionga, niarginata Fruttv hwni'is. Folia Gardeniarura, obtuse acuminata, trnella gummosa.Stipules -l-jid.r, ha «;i'«> ( ////, <> 1 bate. F in-, capita?/, 1,1 rudi »«•/> ramularum an larihvs termi-

nate*. Bructca paleacea ad basinJlorum tingulorum. Receptaculum pilowm. Nomena voce *h»o<; con-

A. foliorum laminis lanceolatis, glabris : stipulis patulis : pedunculis minute pubesccntibus.

Sponte nascentem juxta IVampu, legil J. Robertson.

Floret apud nos Julio, Augusto.

This shrub came up in the earth of some plants sent from Canton to the Rt. Hon. CharlesGreville. Specimens in .ruit are preserved in Sir Joseph Banks's Herbarium, which -hew that

it constitutes a 'ithus and Nauclea. In the former, the Stipules are

wedge-shaped, and irregularly jagged with black callous points : the fruit is 2-locular, (for the 4-lo-

cular fruits described by Gartner are only two grown together) with a 2-lamellar dissepiment, and

solitary seed in each cell. In all the Naucleas I have examined, the stipules are entire, and more or

as in the genus now figured.

Stem or our Plant about 2 feet high, erect, round : Branches opposite, spreading : towards the top

yellowish gree:, ^ <>bi<mg spot-, very minuteU downy. Leaves opposite : Petiole

yellowish green, a line and a half long, spreading, half round, somewhat channelled, underneath and

still more evidently -it the margin minutely downs : Lamina from 2 to 3 inches long, yellowish

green, more yellow underneath, very spreading, or horizontal, broad-lanceolate, quite entire, ob-

tu-elv acuminatid, smooth on both surfaces and gummy while young, each pair before they expand

comfuplicatc, one often smaller than that opposite: Nerves prominent on both surfaces and tinged

with brown while younc St ules y.-l m^Ii green w iv, v,1

ed spots as to appear quite

red at first sigh., ibout 2 lines long, divided to below the middle, each segment sharply ear-

shaped, spreading, beawli d at bottom of tli nside with 1 < s bris .-, elsewhere smooth

and gummy while young, soon falling off. Flowers erect, terminal on little short axillary branches.

Head round, about 4 lines in diameter exclusive of the styles. Peduncle yellowish green, slender,

cylind ical, minutel) pubescent. Receptacle hairy besides along 1 arrow . .-.:\ Bracte at the base

of each flower. Pericarpium before impregnation | of a line long, \ellowish green, obconical,

slightly pubescent. 2-lucular w ith irom 2 to 3 seeds in each cell: when ripe pale brown with a blackish

top, about 1 line long. Calyx yellow, deeply divided into 4 or 5 segments somewhat wedge-shaped

but'obtuse, exter :,aii\ rerj minutely pubescent especially towards the top: between one or two of

t: ie segments there is often a tooth. Corolla very pale yellow, about a line and a halt long, funnel-

shaped : Limudi\K! d to the middle n.t - 4 m .') >S

wading wed^e-,: aped vJU , !lt , s JUOoth on both

arched with the convex side turn ! im irds so as ne rl) to till t ,< < mt> th- n nth, awl-haped,

smooth. Anthers pale yellow, about as long as toe filaments, spreading, somewhat sagittate, baring

all discharged their Pollen when I saw them. Pollen pale yellow. Style pale yellow, 3 lines and ahalf long, erect, filiform, smooth. Stigma pale yellow, top-shaped, smooth, above the middle finelypapulose. Seeds brown, bearded with ajagged na u -~-

ngle Flower and Bracte. 2. Corollaspread open and magnified. 3. Inside view of a Stipule,'he Fruit crowned with the persistent calyx. 5. The same splitting into 4 valves. 6. The

Ul* the dissepiment after the valves are fallen off, magnified.



Large-flowered Leucadendrwn.


Protea?. Juss. Gen. p. 78.

Sect. i. Pericarpium deciduum, 1-loculare, 1-spermum, clausum.

Petala plus minus cohserentia in labium unum vel duo, altero angusto. Pericarpium vwBirieosaacu K i a poraai i , basi barbatum. Stigma obliquum, clavatmn rim.'i

/.-./.,. ,,


paucis gemmacis, involucro majorum nullo, rigidx. Hue Protea Conocarpa L. Totta L. Pubera L.

L. foliis 3-GHneas latis, lf-2| pollices longis, lineari-lanceolatis, apice 3-4-dentatis, paucis inte^er-rimis, utrinquepubescentibus: capitulo grandi : pctalis omnibus apice cohserentibus: stylo crasso2 £-3 pollices longo.

Sponte nascentem prope False Bay, jugis montium, legit J. Nevix.

Floret apud nos Junta.

From the collection of George Hiebert, Esq. where it has flowered, and ripened seeds, for se-veral years. Wild specimens are preserve I . . t h- /;.. >k <n Herbarium for Protea Convcirjm, burthat species ha- much lai . -, whit h it has n, »er \et ro nn k:

Stem 5 feet hi gh, SI iff but more slender iand with longer branches than Protea Conocavery hairy. Lea L vts grey, from 3 to 6 lin<2S broad, 1-| to 2) irn he> long, sessile, linear

generally with re, pubescent on bosides wn. Flowers in t<

meter. Peduncl< h gemmaceous sea Ufagrey, quite hidden by the corollas rolling 1jack, t

Hilg at the base jellowish green, from t hence gradu illy gold colour with

externally ash (

rowest ot which -Vn'.' lower part of a singli; petal , at the top all unit!

n them , externally very h

, ripe > like p rchment i

ncurved, gradually a

what oblique, 8-anguiar from the impressii!. wl

the g,•ains of Pollen are ii"

04 i

ends, smooth.


A Young Flower. 2. A Flower expanded. 3. Stigma magnif



Ordinem Naturalem, Characterem Generis necnon Speciei vide sub No. 9S.

1, legit A. Menzies.

Floret apud nos Maio.

This plant is the second of those two reported by Dr. J. E. Smith in his Introduction to Botanyto have « beautiful liliaceousjftowers Uh , . /,, ,;,/,,.- .s stran cre ananomaly in a monocotyledonous genus immediately led me to doubt that lecturer's accuracyand upon carefully examining the specimens in Sir Joseph Banks's Herbarium, I found this doubtnot only confirmed, but that one of them had actually flowered at Mill Hill the preceding June.when I described and named it Hookera, after the botanic painter of this work, I

March last, a figure of that species was published.When Dr. J E. Smith came to London in May following, at a meeting of the Linnean Society,

he read the generic character of a Moss, which he thought proper to name Hool.i ; ./. after an exc< !-

lent cryptogamist, and at a subsequent meeting he read his own -em-ru chaiach i . . m\ llnmer.,,irawings given to him by Mr. Menzies, naming it Urodha, al'u-i

one of his patrons. Notwithstanding what he then said respecting the affinity of these two plan;,,

1 several of the membe rs p which we;ecuaieiy excit1*—


, „ blished a simi

hichDr. J.

ance which of these names is adopt:

right, they will be confirmed in spite of all Dr. J. E Smithjustice to me whether open or concealed, I sincerely forgivi

In the Hookera Pukhella now figured, which flowered last May in the collection oWilliams. Esq. at Mill Hill, a specimen of which was examined both by Sir Joseph BDryander, and Mr. Brown, the flowers are 6-androus ; but as the tltenwte lilamei

species are deeply emarginated, and their anthers drop off by the time that the corolla is i

expanded, I suppose Mr. Menzies has only seen and figured them in that state, and thJ. E. Smith into the double erroi of des< ribing the genus as purely 3-androus, and th

1 being uncomnrplants allied to this, especial

'in / -n and Oniif/i,>ir«!u>n. I believe it will be met w

--'onging to the Order of Asparagi. The genus to which, in my opinion, Hookera issome belonging to the Order ot Asparagi. The genus to v

mediately allied is the Onnlho-ahim : -valve of Linne, a

, and figured in the 1037th plate of the Botanical Magazine, but there en-oneou-dyreferred by Mr. Ker (late Gawler) to Allium Striatum.

Root pale brown, like that ol SatcissU', I'r.a/idrus. Leaves similar to those of Hookera Coronaria,except that they are longer and rather broader. Flowers from 6 to 11 in a fasciculus, succeedingeach other slowly, so that the first blown flower was in fruit before the last opened, nearly withoutsmell. Peduncle longer than the leaves, erect, round, smooth, very finely striated. Outer Bractesbroad, withering soon: innei Bractes w ;

;-.<. . -borer. 1vdicels given,

very short, round, smooth. Corolla blue like out li<trj>rll*, from S to (>' lines m length : 1 ube some-what pitclu Limb shorter than the tube,divided to the base :

divisions recurved, ^emi-lanceolatc, very entire, the claw at the top of the 3 outer ones not so con-spicuous as in the other species. Filaments white ; those 3 which are opposite to the outer divisions

of the limb, considerably longer and deeply emarginated. Anthers long and narrow. Torus abun-danti) (Belli reaching to the middle of the higherantlers. Stigma 3-lobed, but its lobes scarcely recurved.


2. Pistillum. 3. Transverse section of the young Fruit magnified.




His Sacred Majesty KING WILLIAM IV. Patron.

















CHARLES KONIG, Esq.—Foreign Sec.











George, Earl ofAberdeen, K.T. Trust. Brit,j

Mus.—President of the Society of Anti-

quaries. Stanmore, Middlesex ;and Haddo-

house, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire.

Rev. Archibald Alison, LL.B. F.R.S.E.


Thomas Allan, Esq. Treas. R.S.E. F.L.S.

Charlotte-square, Edinburgh.

William Allen, Esq. F.L.S. F.R.A.S. F.G.S.j

Plough-court, Lombard-street ; and Parad

row, Stoke Newington.

Thomas Amyot, Esq. Trcas. S.A. 13 James-

street, Westminster.

John Proctor Anderdon, Esq.

James Andrew, LL.D.

Charles George, Lord Arden, F.S.A. 26 St.

James's-place ; and Norkhouse, near Epsom,

James Henry Arnold, Esq. LL.D. F.S.A.

F.G.S. 17 Lincoln's-inn-fields.

John James Audubon,Esq. F.R.S.E. America.

Charles Babbage, Esq. K.H. M.A. Lucasian

Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge;

F.R.S.E. M.R.I.A. FR.A.S. M.C.P.S.

Acadd. Reg. Sc. Masil., Holm., et Divion,

ex intim.: Soe. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Genev.,

Socius.—Acadd. Imp. et Reg. Pat., et

Georg. Florenf., Reg. Sc. Brux., Reg.

Neap., Reg. Mat., Lync. Rom. : Soc. Phi-

lorn. Paris., Corresp. 1, Dorset-street, Man-


Rev. Henry Hervey Baber, M.A. M.R.S.L.

Acad. Reg. Sc. Monach. Socius. British Mu-

seum ; and Stretham, Cambridgeshire.

Benjamin Guy Babington, M.B. 48 Fins-


William Babington, M.D. F.G.S. Coll. Reg

Med. Socius. 15DeTonshin->troet, Portland-


Charles Badham, M.D. Professor of Physic,

Glasgow. Coll. Reg. Med. Socius. 01

Lieut. Colonel John Bail lie, M.R.A.S. 9 De-

vonshire-place ; and Leys, Inverness.

Francis Baily, Esq. M.R.I.A. F.LS F.G.S.

V.P.R.A.S. 37 Tavistock-place, R


Andrew Baird, M.D. 2 Clargcs-stree


William John Bankes, Esq. 5 Old Palace-

yard ; and Soughton-hall, near Northupt,

e, No

Lewis, Count of Barbiano and Belgioioso.

Peter Barlow, Esq. F.R.AS. M.C. P.S. Acad.

Imp. Sc. Petrop. Socius.—Instit. Reg. Sc.

Paris., et Acad. Reg. Sc. Brux., Corresp.

Royal Military Academy, Woolwich (Marin.


Rear Admiral Sir Robert Barlow,


Edward Barnard, Esq. F.L.S. 14 Sidmouth-

Charles Frederick Barnwell,Esq.M.A. F.S.A.

41 Woburn-place, Russell-square.

Rev. Frederick Henry Barnwell, M.A. F.S.A.

Bury St. Edmunds.

John Baron, M.D. Gloucester.

John Barrow, Esq. F.L.S. 21 New-street,


George Henry Law, Lord Bishop of Bath

and Wells. F.S.A. 4 Langham-place ;and

Wells, Somersetshire.

Rev. Joseph Hallet Batten, D.D. East India-

college, Hertfordshire.


William Battine, LL.D.

Lieut. Colonel Robert Batty. 6 Connaught-

Francis Bauer, Esq. F.L.S. Kew.

Rev.William Frederick Baylay, M.A. F.S.J.


Major North Ludlow Beamish.

SirWilliam Bealty, Knt. M.D. F.L.S. Green-

Vice Admiral Lord Amelius Beauclerk,

K.C.B. G.C.H. 30 Margaret-street, Caven-

Francis Beaufort, Esq. Captain in the Royal

Navy. F.R.A.S. F.G.S. 51 Manchester.

street, Manchester-square.

Henry Beaufoy, Esq. F.L.S. South Lambeth.

Henry Thomas de la Beche, Esq. F.L.S.

F.G.S. 3 Alpha-place, Regent's-park.

Right Hon. Sir John Beckett, Bart. LL.D.

1 1 Stratford-place ; and Somerby-park, Gains-


Frederick William Beechey, Esq. Captain in

the Royal Navy. F.R.A.S. 1 8 Harley-street.

William Beetham, Esq. F.S.A. Stoke New-

Sir Charles Bell, Knt. K.H. F.R.S.E. F.L.S.

F.G.S. 34 Soho-square.

John Bell, Esq. M.A. Lincoln's-inn-fields.

Thomas Bell, Esq. F.L.S. 1 7New Broad-street.

Charles James Beverly, Esq. Bethnal-green.

Nicholas, Lord Bexley, M.A. F.S.A.

M.R.S.L. 31 Great George-street; and I

Foot's Cray-place, Kent.

James Ebenezer Bicheno, Esq. Sec.L.S. F.G.S.!

8 Linden-grove, Kensington Gravel-pits. I

Admiral Sir Richard Hussey Bickerton, Bart.|


John Laurens Bicknell, Esq. F.S.A. 25 Abing.|


Robert Bingley, Esq. F.G.S, Royal Mint,

John Blackburne, Esq. F.L.S. 2 Park-street,

Westminster ; and Hale, Warrington.

Captain Benjamin Blake, F.G.S. F.R.A.S.


William Blake, Esq. M.A. F.G.S. 62 Port-

land-place ; and Danesbury, near Welwyu,


William John Blake, Esq. 62 Portland-


Michael Bland, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. F.G.S.

30 Montague-place, Russell-square.

Rev. Miles Bland, D.D. F.S.A. F.R.A.S.

M.R.S.L. Ramsgate.

Sir Gilbert Blane, Bart. M.D. F.R.S.E.

Soc. Reg. Sc. Gottin. Socius.—Instit. Reg.

Sc. Paris., et Acad. Imp. Sc. Pelrop., Corresp.

8 Sackville-street ; and Burfield, Reading,


William Blane, Esq.

Richard Blanshard, Esq. F.S.A. M.R.A.S.

M.R.S.L. 37 Great Ormond-street.

Hon. Lieut. General William de Blaquiere,


Thomas Blizard, Esq. F.R.S.E. Brighton.

Sir William Blizard, Knt. F.R.S.E. F.S.A.

Soc. Reg. Sc. Gottin. Corresp. Devonshire-


George Simon Borlase, Esq. Helston, Corn-

Samuel Bosanquet, Esq. 73 Lombard-street.

John Bostock, M.D.

Vice-President.—F.L.S. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. 22 Upper Bedford-

Rev. Joseph Bosworth, M.A. F.S.A.V>r\\\sh

Chaplain, Rotterdam.

Sir William Edward Rouse Boughton, Bart.

Right Hon. William Sturges Bourne, M.A.

37 Brook-street j andTestwood-house, South-

Hon. Courtenay Boyle. 24 Upper Berkeley-

street ; and Hampton-court-palace.


William Thomas Brande, Esq. F.R.S.E.

F.G.S. Professor of Chemistry at the Royal

Institution. Purser's Cross, Fulham.

Thomas Shaw Brandreth, Esq. 8 Queen's-

square, Bloomsbury.

John, Marquess of Breadalbane. 21 Park-

lane ; Kelchburn-castle, Argyllshire ; Teign-

mouth-castle, Perthshire ; and Langton, Ber-


Robert Bree, M.D. F.S.A. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. 17 George-street, Hanover-square.

David Brewster, LL.D. K.H. F.R.S.E.

Hon. MM LA. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. Instit.

Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp.—Soc. Reg. Sc.

Gottin. Socius. Allerly, Melrose.

Rev. Bewick Bridge, B.D. M.R.S.L. 2 Ar-


William Bridgman, Esq. F.S.A.

Richard Bright, M.D. F.G.S. Acadd. Imp.

Sc. Petrop , Reg. Sc. Berol. et Holm., Soc.

Reg. Sc. Dan.-Socius. 1 1 Saville-street.

Lieut. General Sir Thomas Makdougal Bris-

bane, K.C.B. G.C.H. F.RS.E. F.R.A.S.

Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp. Makerstown,


Frederick William, Marquess of Bristol.

6 St. James's-square ; Ickworth-park, near

Bury St. Edmund's ; and Putney-heath, Surrey.

William John Broderip, Esq. B.A. F.L.S.

V.P.G.S. 2 Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn.

Benjamin Collins Brodie, Esq. 14 Sayille-

Sir Edward Ffrench Bromhead, Bart. M.A.

F.R.S.E. F.R.A.S. Thurlby, Lincolnshire.

Sir Arthur Brooke de Capell Brooke, Bart.

M A. F.L.S. F.GS. Oakley, Northamp-

Henry James Brooke, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S.

Mawbey-place, South Lambeth.

Joshua Brookes, Esq. F.L.S. Soc. Cccs. Nat.

Cur. Mosc. Socius. 18 Sackville-street.

Henry, Lord Brougham and Yanx. Lord

High Chancellor of England, M.A. Irust.

Brit. Mus. 48 Berkeley.square ; and

Brougham-hall, Penrith.

Samuel Daniel Broughton, Esq. F.G.S.

12 Great Marlborough-street.

Robert Brown, Esq. Hon. M.R.S.E. Hon.

M.R.I.A. V.P.L.S. M.C.P.S. Acadd. Imp.

Sc. Petrop., Cars. Nat. Cur., Reg. Sc. Holm,

et Monach., Soc. Reg. Sc. Hafn., Soc. Nat.

Scrutat. Berol, Socius.—Institt. Reg. Sc.

Paris, et Amstelod., Acadd. Rrg. Sc. Berol.

etBrux.,Coiresp.—Socc. RegAKcon. Boruss.,

et Bot. Ratisb. : Socc. Phil. Nov.-Ebor.,

Linn. Paris., Nat. Scrutat. Vetcr., ct Lips.,

Socius Honor. 17 Dean-street, Soho-square.

John, Earl Brownlow, M.A. F.S.A. F.L.S.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. lGCharles-sfnet, Berke-


Mark Isambard Brunei, Esq. Instit. Reg. Sc.

Paris., et Acad. Reg. Sc Monach., Corresp.

30 Bridge-street, Blackfriars.

Isambard Kingdom Brunei, Esq. 30 Bridge-

street, Blackfriars.

Rev. William Buckland, D.D. Professor of

Mineralogy and Geology, Oxford.—Vice-

Presidext.—F.L.S. F. G.S. Socc. Min.Imp.

Petrop., ct LWs. Nat. Cur. Mosc, Socius.

Christ-church, Oxford.

Rev. Charles Parr Burney, D.D. F.S.A.

F.L.S. F. G.S. F.R.A.S. M.R.A.S. M.R.S.L.


John Burns, M.D. Glasgow.

Sir William Burroughs, Bart. M.R.A.S.

Rev. Edward John Burrow, D.D. F.L.S.

F.G.S. Fitzroy-square.

John, Marquess of Bute, M.A. F.R.A.S.

Camden-hill, Kensington; Wrox ion-abbey,

Oxfordshire; Cardiff-castle, Glamorganshire :

Dumfries-house, Ayrshire; Mount-stuart, Isle

of Bute ; and Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire.


Rev. George Butler, D.D. F.S.A.

Samuel Butler, D.D. Archdeacon of Derby.

F.S.A. Shrewsbury.

John Butter, M.D. F.L.S. Woodbury, near|

Lympstone, Devonshire.

William Archibald Cadell, Esq. F.RS.E.'

F. G.S. 6 5 Charlotte-street, Portland-place


and Edinburgh.

Alexander Caldcleugh, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S.


John Caley, Esq. M.R.I.A. F.S.A F.L.S.

F.R.A.S. M.R.S.L. Exmouth- street, Spa-


William Camac, Esq. 6 Mansfield-street ; and

Hastings, Sussex.

Right. Hon. Lord John Douglas Edward

Henry Campbell, F.R.S.E. Ardencaple-

castle, Helensburg, Dumbartonshire,

Right Hon. William Howley, D.D. Lord

Archbishop of Canterbury. Trust. Brit.

Mus. F.S.A. Lambeth-palace ; and Adding-

ton-park, Croydon.

Rev. Henry Card, D.D. F.S.A. Great Mal-

vern, Worcestershire.

Right Hon. Reginald Pole Carew, F.S.A.

7 New Cavendish-street ; and Antony-house,


Hon. and Rev. Richard Carleton, M.A.

37 South-street, Grosvenor-square ; and Grey-

well-hill, Odiham, Hampshire.

Sir Anthony Carlisle, Knt. F.S.A. F.L.S.

6 Langham-place.

George, Earl of Carlisle, M.R.S.L.

Nicholas Carlisle, Esq. Hon. M.R.I.A. Sec.

S.A. Somerset-house.

Joseph Carne, Esq. M.R.I.A. F.G.S. Pen-

Joseph Constantine Carpue, Esq. 72 Dean-

street, Soho-square.

Sir Codrington Edmund Carrington, Knt.

D.C.L. F.S.A. l.U. A.: 93 Jermyn

Robert, Lord Carrington, F.S.A. F.G.S.

Whitehall-yard; Wycombe-abbey, Bucking-

hamshire ; and Deal-castle, Kent.

John Carstairs, Esq. Stratford, Essex.

Archibald, Earl of Cassillis, K.T. Whitehall-


Rev. Thomas Catton, B.D. F.R.A.S. St.

John's-college, Cambridge.

William, Lord Cavendish, M.A. F.G.S. 10


John Frederick, Earl Cawdor, B.A. F.G.S.

9 Grosvenor-square ; Stackpole-court, Pem-

brokeshire; Golden-grove, Caermarthenshire


and Cawdor-castle, Nairnshire.

William Frederick Chambers, M.D. Coll.

Reg. Med. Socius. 23 a, Brook-street.

Francis Chantrey, Esq. R.A. Hon. D.C.L.

F.R.S.E. F.S.A. F.G.S. M.R.S.L. 30 Low-

er Belgrave-place, Pimlico.

Colonel Sir Stephen Remnant Chapman, C.B.

K.C.H. Royal Engineers. Gibraltar.

Charles William, Earl of Charleville,

M.R.I.A. F.S.A. 14 Cavendish-square ; and

Charleville-forest, Tullamore, Ireland.

Lewis Andrew de la Chaumette, Esq. F.S.A.

M.R.S.L. 29 Bedford- place, Russell-square;

and Lordship-lodge, Tottenham.

Edward Maltby, Lord Bishop of Chichester,

F.S.A. 14 Old-square, Lincoln's-inn ; and

Chichester-palace, Sussex.

John George Children, Esq.

Secretary.—F.R.S.E. F.S.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. British


Samuel Hunter Christie, Esq. M.A. M.CP.S.

Soc. Philom. Paris. Corresp. Royal Military

Academy, Woolwich.

Francis Almaric, Lord Churchill. Ham-com-

v( Mansfield Clarke, Bart. M.D.


10 Saville-street ; and Dunham-lodge, Swaff- II Charles Collier, Esq. Mauritius.

ham, Norfolk. ji George Lewis Newnham Collingwood, Es<j.

Rev. James Stanier Clarke, LL.D. 25 Upper James Nisbet Colquhoun, Esq. Captain in

Phillimore-place, Kensington. the Royal Artillery. Brazil.

Loftus Longueville Clarke, Esq. M.A. India. Rev. William Daniel Conybeare, M.A.

William Stanley Clarke, Esq. F.G.S. East! E.G.S. Listit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corrcsp. Sully,


near Cardiff.

Sir GeorgeClerk,Bart. Hon. D.CJL.RR.S.E.I John Cooke, M.D. ES.A. Coll. Reg. Med.

F.G.S. Penycuick, Edinburghshire.j|

Socius. 71 Gower-street ; and WhHstono,

William Clift, F. G.S. Esq. Royal College ofj Middlesex.

Surgeons, Lincoln's-inn-fields.j

Sir Astley Paston Cooper, Bart. Soc. Reg. Sc.

MarshallWaller Clifton, Esq. Somerset-place. Gottin. Corresp. 39 Conduit-strwt;


John Brinkley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne. I Gadebridge, Hemel-Hempstead.

Hon. M.R.S.E. Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Cor-j|

Bransby Blake Cooper, Esq. 2 New-street,

resp.—President of the Royal Irish Aca-|


demy, and of the Royal Astronomical Rev. John Corrie. Woodville, near Birming-

Society. Cloyne-palace, Cork. i| ham.

Right Hon. Sir George Cockburn, G.C.B.;j

William Cotton, Esq. F.S.A. 3 Crosby-square,

G.C.H. F.R.A.S. 4 Whitehall.;|

Bishopsgate-street; and Walwood-house, Ley.

Rev. Henry Coddington, M.A. F.G.S.j


dty-college, Cambridge. I Peter Leopold, Earl Cowper.F.R.A.

ce Admiral Sir EdwardCodrington,G.C.B.

92 Eaton-square ; and Hampton-lodge,


L Little Mad-

dox-street; Mote-house, Kent; and Cole's

Green-park, Hertfordshire.

Philip Cecil Crampton, Esq. D.C.L. West-

Lieut. Colonel Thomas Colby, Royal Engi- I minster-hotel.

neers, LL.D. F.R.S.E. M.R.I.A. F.G.S. !John Crawfurd, Esq. F. L.S. F.G.S. M.R.A.S.

F.R.A.S. M.R.A.S. Ordnance Map-office,j

Wilton-terrace, Knightsbridge.

Tower; and Depot Ordnance Survey of Ire-|jRev. Daniel Cresswell, D.D. Enfield, Middle-

land, Dublin.

William Willoughby, Viscount Cole, F.G.S.

20 Jermyn-street ; and Florence-court, Fer-

managh, Ireland.

Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Esq. F.R.S.E.

F.L.S. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. M.R.A.S. Acad.

Reg. Sc. Monach. Socius. 30 Argyll-


Sir James Edward Colebrooke, Bart.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. 30 Argyll-street; and

Colebrooke-park, Tunbridge.

Edward Coleman, Esq. Veterinary-college,

St. Pancras.

Sir Alexander Crichton, Knt. M.D. Grand

Cross of St. Anne and St.Vladimir; F.L.S.

F.G.S. Acad. Imp. Sc. Petrop., et Soc. Hist.

Nat. Mosc.y Socius.—Soc. Reg. Sc. Gottin.

Corresp. Seal Chart, near Seven-Oaks, Kent.

Sir John Croft, Bart. K.T.S. D.C.L. Acad.

Reg. Oli/ssip. Socius. 45 Brook-street; Cow-

ling-hall, Yorkshire ; and Dodington, Kent.

Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, LL.D.

14 Duke-street, Westminster.

Rev. Alexander Crombie, LL.D. M.R.S.L.

12 York- terrace, Regent's-park.


William Cubitt, Esq. F.B.A.S. Derby-street,


Hon. Lieut. General John Leslie Cuming.

Rev. James dimming,. M.A. F.G.S. Pro-

fessor of Chemistry, Cambridge. Cambridge.

John Dalton, Esq. Instit. Beg. Sc. Parts.

Socius.—Acad. Beg. Sc. Monach. Socius.

Philosophical Society, Manchester.

Edmund Robert Daniell, Esq. F.R.A.S.

Sec. R.I. 23 Torrington-square.

John Frederick Daniell, Esq. Professor of

Chemistry, King's-college, London. 30


William, Earl of Dartmouth, B.A. F.S.A.

1 St. Jamcs's-square; Sandwell, Staffordshire;

and Woodsome, Huddersfield.

Robert Waring Darwin, M.D.

Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny,M.D.Aldrich's

Professor of Chemistry, Oxford; F.L.S.

F.G.S. Coll. Reg. Med. Socius. Oxford.

Griffith Davies, Esq. Palmer-terrace, Islington.

John Francis Davis, Esq. Canton, China.

Richard Hart Davis, Esq. 38 Conduit-street.

Edmund Davy, Esq. M.R.I.A. Professor of

Chemistry to the Royal Dublin Society,


John Davy, M.D. Malta.

Rev. Martin Davy, D.D. F.S.A. Caius-col-

lege, Cambridge.

James Dawkins, Esq. F.S.A. Ham-common


Rev. Willis

Rev. Richard Dixon, M.A.

George Dollond, Esq. F.R.A.S. 59 St. Paul's

Church-yard ; and North-terrace, Camberwell.

Lieut. Gen. Sir Rufane Shaw Donkin, K.C.B.

G.C.H. F.G.S. M.R.S.L. 33 Park-street,

Grosvenor-square ; and Lower Caversham,


George Douglas, Esq. Chilston, Kent.

Major-General Sir Howard Douglas, Bart.

C.B. K.S.C. D.C.L. F.S.A. Ramsgate.

William Robert Keith Douglas, Esq. 95

George James Welbore Agar, Lord Dover,

M.A. Trust. Brit. Mus. F.S.A. M.R.S.L.

Dover-house, Whitehall.

Rev. George D'Oyly, D.D. Rectory, Lambeth.

Rev. Henry Drury, M.A. F.S.A. Harrow.

Thomas Reynolds, LordDucie, F.S.A. 2 Sea-

more-place, Curzon-street.

Sir George Duckett, Bart. M.A. F.S.A.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. 28 Norfolk-street, Park-

lane; audRoydon, near Ware, Hertfordshire.

John William, Earl of Dudley, M.A. F.S.A.

Park-lane; and Himley-hall, Wolverhampton,


Alexander Duncan, Esq.

Francis, Lord de Dunstanville, M.A. South-

place, Knightsbridge ; and Tehidy-park, Corn-

Major General Sir BenjaminD'Urban,K.C.B.

K.C.H. K.T.S. Demerara.

Dealtry, D.D. F.R.A.S. Clap-||

Henry Earle, Esq. 28 George-street, Hanover-

John Dickenson, Esq. F.S.A. F.G.S. 32 De-|j

Sir Edward Hyde East, Bart M.R.A.S.

vonshi re-place ; and Grandisburgh-hall,Wood- 12 Stratford-place ; and Addlesthorpe-house,

bridge, Suffolk.|

Chipping-Norton, Oxfordshire.

Lewis Weston Dillwyn, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S.||

Hugh, Viscount Ebrington. 17 Grosvenor-

Penllegare, near Swansea. square.

Lieut. General Alexander Di

Annan, Dumfries-shire.

F.R.S.E. Lovell Edgeworth, Esq. Edgeworth-Town,

I Ireland.


Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq. 49 Port-


W. T. Edwards, M.D. Rue Louis-le-Grand

No. 26, Paris.

Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart.

F.G.S. Oulton-park, Cheshire,

George, Earl of Egremont, F.S.A. 4 Grosve-

nor-place; Petworth, Sussex; Brighton;

Cockermouth-castle, Cumberland; and Or-

chard Wyndham, Taunton.

John, Earl of Eldon, D.C.L. F.S.A. 1 Ha-

milton-place ; and Encombe, Corfe-castle,


Sir William Elford, Bart. F.L.S. The Priory,

Totnes, Devonshire.

Sir William Francis Eliott, Bart. Brickham,


John Elliotson, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med. Socius.

37 Conduit-street.

John Ellis, Esq. F.L.S. Baker-street.

Henry Ellis, Esq. B.C.L. Sec. S.A. Principal

Librarian of the British Museum. British

Museum ; and Tottenham, Middlesex.

Henry Ellis, Esq. F.G.S. 59 Welbeck-street.

Bowyer Edward Sparke, Lord Bishop of

Ely. F.S.A. 37 Dover-street; and The Palace,

Ely, Cambridgeshire.

Captain George Everest, Bengal Artillery.

F.G.S. F.R.A.S. M.R.A.S. India.

Michael Faraday, Esq. M.R.I.A. F.G.S. In-

stit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp.—Soc. Georg.

Florent., et Soc. Philom. Paris., Socius.

Royal Institution, Albemarle-street.

Charles, Lord Farnborough, G.C.B. Trust.

Brit. Mus. F.S.A. F.L.S. M.R.S.L. White-

hall-gardens ; and Bromley-hill, Kent.


Sir James Fellovves, Knt. M.D. Coll. Reg.

Med.Socius. Army Medical Board.]

John Gage, Esq. F.S. A. F.L.S. 10 Old-

Robert Ferguson, Esq. F.R.S.E. F.G.S.\


18 Portman-square ; and Raith, Kirkaldy,


Rev. George Fisher, M.A. F.R.A.S.

William Henry Fitton, M.D. F.L.S, F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. Coll. Reg. Med. Socius. 53 Lpp.r

Harley-street ; and Highwood-hili, Hendon,


William Vesey, Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey,

M.R.I.A. New-street, Spring-gardens.

Rev. Henry Fly, D.D. F.S.A. Stable-yard,

St. James's-palace.

John Forbes, M.D. Chichester.

William Nairn Forbes, Esq. F.G.S,

Rev. Josiah Forshall, M.A. F.S.A. M.R.S.L.

British Museum.

Edward Forster, Esq. V.P.L.S. 1 1 Mansion-

house-street; and Hale End, Essex.

Richard Fowler, M.D. F.S.A. Salisbury.

James Franck, M.D. F.G.S. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. 26 Hertford-street.

Captain James Franklin, F.G.S. M.R.A.S.

Sir John Franklin, Knt. Captain in the Royal

Navy, Hon. D.C.L. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. Soc.

Geog. Paris. Corresp. H. M. S. Rainbow,


Sir William Franklin, Knt. M.D. 44 Devon-

shire-street, Portland-place.

William Franks, Esq. M.A. Wood-hill,

Hatfield, Hertfordshire.

Colonel Sir Augustus Simon Frazer, K.C.B.,

Royal Artillery. Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

Cypriano Ribeiro Freire, Knight of St. Iago

and of Christ. F.S.A. Acad. Reg. Sc. Olys-

Matthew Curling Friend, Esq. Lieutenant in

the Royal Navy. Hobart Town, Van Die-

men's Land.


Samuel Galton, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S. Dudson-

house, near Birmingham.

Rev. Samuel John Gardiner, M.A.

Right Hon. Sir William Garrow, Knt.

27 Great George-street, Westminster; and

Pegwell-cottage, Ramsgate.

George, Lord Garvagh, F.S.A. 26 Portman-

square; and Garvagh, Londonderry.

Sir William Gell, Knt. RS.A. Acad. Reg.

Sc. Berol. Socius Honor. Rome.

Sir George Smith Gibbes, Knt. M.D. F.L.S.

Coll. Reg. Med. Socius. Bath.

Davies Gilbert,Esq. M.A.—Vice President.

—Hon. M.R.S.E. Hon. M.R.I.A. F.S.A.

F.L.S. V.P.G.S. F.R.A.S.—President of

the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall.

45 Bridge-street, Westminster ; East Bourn,

Sussex ; and Tredrea, Penzance, Cornwall.

John Gillies, LL.D. F.R.S.E. F.S.A. Instil.

Reg. Sc. Paris., et Acad. Reg. Sc. Got(in.,

Con-esp. 9 Upper Seymour-street.

George, Earl of Glasgow, G.C.H. F.S.A.

Camden-hill, Kensington ; Hawkhead, Ren-

frewshire ; and Kilburn-house, Ayrshire.

James Murray, Lord Glenlyon, K.C.H.

John Frederick, Viscount Goderich. 1 Carl-

ton-gardens ; Nocton, Sleaford, Lincolnshire;

and Putney-heath, Surrey.

John Goldingham, Esq. F.R.A.S. M.R.A.S.

Knighton, Radnorshire ; and Worcester.

Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S.

F.G.S. F.R.A.S. M.R.S.L. Dulwich-hill-

houso, Camberwell.

Benjamin Gompertz, Esq F.R.A.S. Kenning-

ton-terrace, Vauxhall.

Rev. Edmund Goodenough, D.D. The

Deanery, Wells.

Lieut. General Sir James Willoughby Gor-

don, Bart. K.C.B. G.C.H. 50 Devonshire-

street, Portland-place.

Thomas Gordon, Esq. Cairness, N. B.


Henry Percy Gordon, Esq. M.A. St. Peter's-


college, Cambridge.

Right Hon. Henry Goulburn. 1 Upper Berke-

Right Hon. Charles Grant, LL.D. M.R.S.L.

11 Great George-street, Westminster; and

Glenelge, Inverness.

Lewis Alexander Grant, Esq.

Augustus Bozzi Granville, M.D. F.L.S.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. Acad. Reg. Sc. Brux.,

et Soc. Med.-Chir. Berol, Socius.—Acadd.

Med. et Chir. Petrop., et Reg. Med.Madrit.,

Socius Honor.—Acad. Reg. Sc. Taurin. :

Acadd. Luc, et Patav. : Socc. Georg. Flo-

rent., Ital. Vienn., Sc. Nat. Neap., Allien.

Fen., Philomath, ac Philotechn. Paris.,

Socius.—Acad. Imp. Sc. Petrop. Corresp.—Facult. Med. Paris. Sodalis. 16 Grafton-

street, Bond-street; and Rosemont, Great

Missenden, Buckinghamshire.

Francis, Lord Gray. Kinfauns Castle, Perth.

Richard Wilson Greatheed, Esq. 24 Not-

tingham-street, Mary-le-bone.

Joseph Henry Green, Esq. F.G.S. Professor

ofSurgery, King's-college, London. 46 Lin-


George Bellas Greenough, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S.

M.R.A.S. Park-road, Regent's-park.

Richard Gregory, Esq. F.S.A. 56 Berners-

William Wyndham, Lord Grenville, D.C.L.

Chancellor of the University of Oxford ;

Trust. Brit. Mm. F.S.A. F.G.S. Dropmore-

lodge, Buckinghamshire; and Boconnoc, Corn-


Rev. Richard Greswell, M.A. Worcester-


college, Oxford.


SirThomasGrey,Knt. M.D. F.L.S. Ramsgate.


John Griffiths, Esq.

I Stephen Groornbridge, Esq. F.R.A.S. Black-

I heath.


Captain John Grover. X% Egremont-place,


Josiah John Guest, Esq. F.G.S. Dowlais Iron

Works, Glamorganshire.

John Lewis Guillemard, Esq. M.A. F.L.S.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. Soc. Amer. Philad. Socius.

27 Gower-street; and Clavering, Essex.

Hudson Gurney, Esq. V.P.S.A. M.R.S.L.

9 St. James's-square ; and Keswick-hall, near


George James Guthrie, Esq. 2 Berkeley-

street, Piccadilly.

Rev. John Hailstone, M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S.

Trumpington, Cambridgeshire.

Sir Henry Halford, Bart. G.C.H. Trust.

Brit. Mus. F.S.A.—President of the Royal

Collegeof Physicians. 1 6 Curzon-street ;and

Wistow-hall, near Market-Harborough.

Basil Hall, Esq. Captain in the Royal Navy,

Hon. D.C.L. FR.S.E. F.G.S. F.R.A.S.

M.R.A.S. 4 St. James's-place ;and Putney.


Sir James Hall, Bart. F.R.S.E. Dunglass,

Dunbar, Haddingtonshire.

John Hall, Esq. F.R.S.E. F.G.S. Dunglass,

Dunbar, Haddingtonshire.

Thomas Henry Hall, Esq. M.A. 45 Guil-


Henry Hallam, Esq. M.A. V.P.S.A. F.G.S.

M.R.S.L. 67 Wimpole-street.

Alexander, Duke of Hamilton, F.S.A. Hamil-

ton-house, Lanarkshire; Kinniel, Linlithgow-

shire ; and Ashton-hall, Lancashire.

Rev. Henry Parr Hamilton, M.A. F.R.S.E.

FG.S.F.R.A.S. Trinity-college, Cambridge.

Rev. Robert Hamilton, D.D. F.S.A. 22 Ken-


William Richard Hamilton, Esq. V.P.S.A.

M.R.S.L. Acad. Reg. Sc. Bert*. Socius

Honor. 22 Grafton-street, Bond-street.

Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. Hanmcr-hall.


Rev. William Venables Vernon Harcourt

M.A. F.G.S. Wheldrake, near York.

Philip, Earl of Hardwicke, K.G. LL.D.

Trust. Brit. Mus. F.S.A. F.G.S. I St

James's-square ; "Wimpole-hall, near Arring-

ton, Cambridgeshire; and Tittenhanger-hall,


Major General Thomas Hardwicke, M.R.I.A.

F.L.S. M.R.A.S. The Lodge,South Lambeth.

Francis George Hare, Esq.

John Scandret Harford, Esq. LL.D. 38 Con-


William Snow Harris, Esq. Plymouth.

Sir George Harrison, Knt. K.C.H. F.S.A.

4 Spiiug-garden-terrace.

'illiam Harrison, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. 45 Lincoln's-inn-fields; and Ches-

hunt, Hertfordshire.

George Harvey, Esq. F.R.S.E. F.L.S. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. Plymouth.

Henry Harvey, Esq. Streatham-hill, Surrey.

John Harwood, M.D. F.L.S. Professor of

Natural History, Royal Institution. St.

Leonard's, Hastings.

Rev. Henry Hasted, M.A. F.L.S. Bury,


CharlesHatchett,Esq. F.R.S.E. F.S.A. F.L.S.

Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp.—Acad. Reg.

Sc. Monach., et Soc. (Econ. Petrop., Socius.

Belle- Vue-house, Chelsea; and BullingtOD,


Graves Chamney Haughton, Esq. M.A.

M.R.A.S. 28 Dorset- square.

Edward Hawkins, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. British


John Hawkins, Esq. Quay-house, Devonshire.

John Hawkins, Esq. Bignor-park, Petworth,

John Heywood Hawkins, Esq. M.A. l.G.S.


8 Suffolk-street; and Bignor-park, Petworth,

Alexander Hay, M.D.

Robert William Hay, Esq. F.S.A. 21 Queen.

street, May Fair.

George Crauford Heath, Esq. Cambridge.

William Heberden, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. 30 Pall-mall.

James Henderson, Esq. Boulogne.

Henry Hennell, Esq. Apothecaries'-hall,

Bridge-street, Blackfriars.

WTilliam Henry, M.D. F.G.S. Manchester.

George Isaac Huntingford, Lord Bishop of

Hereford. Hereford-palace ; and Winchester-

college, Hampshire.

Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Knt.

K.H. M.A. F.R.S.E. M.R.I.A. F.G.S.

V.P.R.A.S. M.C.P.S. Inst. Reg. Sc. Paris.

Corresp.—Acadd. Imp. Sc. Petrop., et Reg.

Sc. Brux. : Socc. Reg. Sc. Hafn., et Neap. :

Acadd. Lyric. Roma, Gioen. Catan., et

Divion. ex intim. : Socc. Philomath. Paris.,

Ital. Mut., Helvet., Socius.—Soc. Reg. Sc.

Gottin. Corresp. Slough, near Colnbrook,


George Hibbert, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. 3 Wey-

Rev. John Philips Higman, M.A. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. Trinity-college, Cambridge.

Philip Hills, Esq. F.S.A.

Charles Hoare, Esq. F.S.A. 37 Fleet-street.

Henry Hugh Hoare, Esq. F.S.A. 7 York-

street, St. James's ; Barnes, Surrey ; and Wan-

don, near Woburn.

Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. F.S.A. F.L.S.

Stourhead, Wiltshire.

Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart.

M.A. 42 Berkeley-square; Chantry-house,

Wiltshire; and Westbury-cottage, Gloucester-

ThomasHobl\yn,Esq. F.L.S. 125Sloane-street.

Joseph Hodgson, Esq. Crescent, Birmingham.

Robert Hodgson, D.D. Dean of Carlisle,

F.G.S. 15 Grosvenor-street; and Hilling-

don, Uxbridge.

Robert Holford, Esq. 1 Lincoln's-inn-fields;

Kingsgate, Kent; West Cliff, Isle of Wight;

and Oatlands, Maresfield, Sussex.

HenryRichardVassall, Lord Holland,F.S.A.

30 Old Burlington-street ; Holland-house,

Kensington ; and Ampthill-park, Bedfordshire.

Henry Holland, M.D. F.L.S. F.G.S. Coll.

Reg. Med. Socius. 25 Brook-street.

James Holman, Esq. Lieutenant in the Royal

Navy, K.W. F.L.S. New South Wales.

Sir Everard Home, Bart.—Sergeant Surgeon

to the King, Surgeon to Chelsea Hospital,

Honorary Professor to the Royal College of

Surgeons. F.S.A. F.L.S. Instit. Reg. Sc.

Paris. Corresp.—Soc. Reg. Sc. Gottin.


Socc. Nat. Scrutat. BeroL, et Phys. Med.

Frlang., Socius. Royal Hospital, Chelsea.

Everard Home, Esq. Commander in the

Royal Navy, F.S.A . Royal Hospital, Chelsea.

William Jackson Hooker, LL.D. Regius

Professor of Botany, Glasgow; F.S.A.

F.L.S. F.G.S. Acad.Cces. Nat. Cur. Socius.


Thomas Charles Hope, M.D. Professor of

Chemistry,Edinburgh; V. P.R.S.E. F.L.S.


Leonard Horner, Esq. FR.S.E. V.P.G.S.

Soc. Batav. Sc. Harlem. Socius. 606 Sand

Koule, Bonn, Prussia.

James Horsburgh, Esq. F.R.A.S. East India-

house; and Herne-hill, Surrey.

Thomas Horsfield, M.D. F.L.S. F.G.S.

M.R.A.S. 2 Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn.

Right Hon. Sir Robert JohnWilmot Horton,

Knt. G.C.H. M.A. Ceylon.

David Hosack,M.D. F.R.S.E. F.L.S. NewYork.


Hon. Colonel Fulk Greville Howard, F.S.A.

16 Grosvenor-square ; Ashtead-park, Epsom;

Castle Rising, Norfolk; Elford, Lichfield;

and Levens, Milnihorpt 1

, \\ < -tmoreland.

Luke Howard, Esq.

Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. F.S.A, F.L.S.

F.G.S. M.R.A.S. 31 Hill-street, Berkeley-

square; and Wormleybury, Waltham-cross,


Joseph Hume, Esq. 6 Bryanstone-square.

Rev. George Hunt, M.A. F.S.A. Egg Buck-

land, Plymouth.

Rev. James Devereux Hustler, B.D. Euston

Rectory, near Thetford, Norfolk.

Captain George Henry Hutchinson. Bengal.

Alexander Copland Hutchison, Esq. F.R.S.E.

3 Duchess-street, Portland-place.

Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart. LL.D. F.S.A. I

F.R.A.S. 1 1 Manchester-buildings ; and

Battersea-Rise, Clapham.

James Ivory, Esq. K.H. M.A. Instit.'Reg.

Sc. Paris., et Soc. Reg. Sc. Gottin., Corresp.

20 Southampton-street, Pentonyille.

William Jacob,Esq. 3 1 Cadogan-place, Sloane-

Robert Jameson, Esq. Regius Professor of

Natural History, Edinburgh; F.R.S.E.

Hon. M.R.I.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. Acad. Reg.Sc.

Neap, t Socc. Reg. Sc. Dan., Imp. Hist. Nat.

Mosc, Hist. Nat. Veter., et Paris., Philom.

Paris., Amer. Philad., Phil, et Hist. Nav.-

Ebor., Socius.—Acad. Reg. Sc. Berol. Cor-

resp. Edinburgh.

Joseph Jekyll, Esq. M.A. F.S.A. 23 New-

street, Spring-gardens.

Rev. Philip Jennings, D.D. Pond-street,


James Rawlins Johnson, M.D. F.L.S.

24 Coleshill-street, Pimlico ; and Bath.

Sir Alexander Johnston, Knt. F.S.A. F.L.S.

19 Great Cumberland-place; and York-house,


John Johnstone, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med. Socitis.

Captain Henry Kater, M.R.I.A. M.R.A.S.

Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp.—Acad. Reg.

Sc. Holm., Soc. Reg. Sc. Dan., Soc. Art. et Sc.

Ultraj., Socius. 1 2 York-gate, Regent's-park.

Henry Bellenden Ker, Esq. 27 Park-road,

Regent's-park ; and Swiss-cottage, Cheshunt,


John Kidd, M.D. Regius Professor of Me-

dicine, and Aid rich's Professor of Ana-

tomy, Oxford; F.G.S. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. Oxford.

Philip Parker King, Esq. Captain in the

Royal Navy, F.L.S. 72 New Bond-street.

Rev. William Kirby, M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S.

Acad. Cccs. Nat. Cur. : Soc. Nat. Scrutat.

Berol., Socius. Barham, near Ipswich.

James Lewis Knight, Esq. F.S.A. 1 Old-

square, Lincoln's-inn ; and Highwood-hill,

Hendon, Middlesex.

Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. Trust. Brit.

Mus. F.L.S.—President of the Horticul-

tural Society. Downton, near Ludlow, Here-


Francis Charles Knowles, Esq. M.A. F.R.A.S.

Old Windsor, Berkshire.

John Knowles, Esq. 4 Osnaburgh-street.

Charles Konig,Esq. K.H.—Foreign Secre-

TARY._F.L.S. Acad. Reg. Sc. Monach.

Socius.—Acad. Imp. Sc. Petrop., ct Soc. Reg.

Gotting., Corresp.—Soc. Hist. Nat. Mosc.

Socius.—Soc. Veterav. Sodalis. British Mu-

Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq.Hon.M.RJ.A.

F.S.A. V.P.L.S. F.G.S. Acadd. Cccs. Nat.


Cur., Reg. Sc.Madrit., et Soc. Bot. Ratisb.,

Socius. 26 Grosvenor-street ; and Boyton-

house, Wiltshire.

Henry, Marquess of Lansdowne, D.C.L.

Trust. Brit. Mus. M.R.S.L.—President of

the Zoological Society. 54 Berkeley-square;

and Bowood-park, Wiltshire.

Rev. Dionysius Lardner, LL.D. F.R.S.E.

M.R.I.A. Hon. M.C.P.S. 121 Regent-

John Latham, M.D. F.S.A. F.L.S. Coll. Reg.

Med. Socius. Brad wall.hall, Cheshire.

John Latham, M.D. F.S.A. F.L.S. Acad.

Cces. Nat. Cur., et Soc. Nat. Scrutat. Berol. t

Socius. Winchester.

William Lawrence, Esq. 18 Whitehall-place.

Rev. William Lax, M.A. Lowndes Professor

of Astronomy and Geometry, Cambridge.

Hitchin, Hertfordshire.

William Elford Leach, M.D. F.L.S. Acad.

Ctes. Nat. Cur. Socius.—Acad. Reg. Sc.

Taurin. Corresp.

Lieut. Colonel William Martin Leake,

M.R.S.L. Acad. Reg. Sc. Berol. Socius

Honor. 26 Nottingham-place.

John Lee, LL.D.— Treas. R.A.S. 5 Col-

lege, Doctors'-commons; and Hartwell-house,

near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

Robert Lee, M.D. 14 Golden-square.

JohnGeorge Shaw Lefevre,Esq.M.A. 7 Fleet-

street ; and Battersea, Surrey.

Thomas Legh, Esq. D.C.L. 3 Cumberland-

street; Lyme-park, Cheshire; and Heydock-

lodge, Lancashire.

Sir Charles Lemon, Bart. 37 Sackville-street;

and Carclew, near Falmouth, Cornwall.

John Jebb, Lord Bishop of Limerick,

M.R.S.L. Limerick.

John Kaye, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Cam-bridge; and Buckden-palace, Huntingdonshire.

John Lindley, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S. Acad.

Ca?s. Nat. Cur. : Socc. Reg. Bot. Ratisb.,

et Physiog. Lund., Socius.—Soc. Linn.

Paris. Corresp. Acton-green, Middlesex.

John Liptrap, Esq. F.S.A. Whitechapel.

Edward Lloyd, Esq. Captain in the Royal


John Augustus Lloyd, Esq. Mauritius.

Edward Hawke Locker, Esq. F.S.A. Green-


Willi. nt Lowther, F.S.A. 14 (A)

Albany ; and 5 Cleveland-row.

Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. F.L.S.

F.G.S. F.R.A.S. 23 St. James's-place.

John William Lubbock, Esq. M.A.—Vice-President and Treasurer, F.R.A.S.

23 St. James's-place.

Rev. Francis Lunn, B.A. Chesterford.

Edmund Henry Lushington, Esq. M.A.

Charles Lyeli, jun. Esq. M.A. F.L.S. For. Sec.

G.S. Professor of Geology, King's-col-

lege, London. 2 Raymond-buildings, Gray 's-


John Singleton, Lord Lyndhurst, M.A.6 Hyde-park-terrace ; and Wimbledon-com-

George Francis Lyon, Esq. Captain in the

Royal Navy, Hon. D.C.L. 19 Beaumont-

Rev. Daniel Lysons, M.A. F.S.A. F.L.S.

Rodmarton, Cirencester.

James Macartney, M.D. Professor of Ana-tomy, Trinity-college, Dublin; F.L.S.


Zachary Macaulay, Esq. 44 Bernard-street,


George,EarlofMacclesfield,F. JR.^t.5'. 9 Con-

duit-street ; Sherborne-castle, Oxfordshire


and Buckfastleigh, Devonshire.

John MacCulloch, M.D. F.L.S.

Sir James MacGrigor, Bart. F.R.S.E. Coll.


Reg. Med. Socius. Camden-hill, Kensing-

Charles Macintosh, Esq.

Charles Mackenzie, Esq. F.L.S. • Kmi;:.

SirGeorge Stewart Mackenzie, Bart.F.jR.S.E.

Coul, Ross-shire.

Rev. John William Mackie, M.A. 23 Glou.

cester-place, New-road.

William Alexander Mackinnon, Esq. M.A.

F.S.J. F.G.S. 4 Hyde-park-place; and

Portswood- house, near Southampton.

Right Hon. Sir James Mackintosh, Knt.

F.R.S.E. M.R.S.L. 15Langham-place;and

Madderley, Ware.

Alexander MacLeay, Esq. F.L.S. Acad. Reg.

Sc. Holm. Socius.—Acad. Reg. Sc. Taurin.

Corresp. Sydney, New South Wales.

William Macmichael, M.D. F.L.S. Coll.

Reg. Med. Socius. 26 Half-moon-street.

Rev. John Maddy, D.D. F.S.A. F.R.A.S.

14 Argyll-street; and Somerton, Bury St.


James Heywood Markland, Esq. F.S.J.


Frederick Marryatt, Esq. Captain in the

Royal Navy. F.L.S. Wimbledon.

William Marsden, Esq. LL.D. M.R.I.A.

F.S.J. M.R.J.S. Soc. Phil. Nov.-Ebor.

Socius. 50 Queen Anne-street ; and Edge-

grove, near Watford, Hertfordshire.

Thomas James Mathias, Esq. F.S.A. Naples.

William George Maton, M.D.—Vice-Presi-dent.—F.S.J. V.P.L.S. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius.—Jcad. Reg. Sc. Holm., et Soc. Med.

Sttcc., Socius. 7 New-strcit, >;>riiig-gardens.

! John Maxwell, Esq. Pollock, Renfrew^iir. .

Sir George Magrath, Knt. M.D. M.R.I.J. li John Thomas Mayne, Esq. F.S.A. Soc. Phil.

F.L.S. Plymouth. I Neap. Socius. Teffont-house, Wiltshire.

PhilipHenry,Viscount Mahon, B.A. 12 Albe- 1 Rev. Charles Mayo, B.D. F.S.A. Colesgrove,

marle-street ; and Chevening, Kent. I near Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.

Ebenezer Fuller Maitland, Esq. F.S.J. 3Bry-|[Herbert Mayo, Esq. Professor of Anatomy,

anstone-square ; and Park-place, Henl

Thames, Oxfordshire.



Captain George William Manby. Yarmouth.

James Mangles, Esq. Captain in the RoyalNavy. 41 York Chambers, St. James's-street.

William, Earl of Mansfield, F.S.A. 50 Port-

land-place; Caen Wood, Middlesex : Soon, -

palace, Perth ; and Cumlongtan-castle, Dum-

Gideon Mantell, Esq. F.L.S. F.G.S. Lewes,

Ashhurst Majendie, Esq. F.G.S. Hedingham-

castle, Essex.

Lewis Majendie, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. Hed-

[ogham-castle, Essex.

Marquess Lewis Malaspina de Sannazaro.

Major-General Sir John Malcolm, G.C.B.

F.G.S. 12 Abingdon-street ; and Hyde-hall,

Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire.

Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus, M.A.

M.R.S.L. Acad. Imp. Sc. Petrop. Socius.

East India- college, Hertfordshire.

King's-college, London. 19 George-s


Alexander Melville, Esq. 16 Upper Harley-

Robert, Viscount Melville, K.T. F.R.A.S.

Wimbledon, Surrey; Melville-castle, Edin-

burgh ; and Dunira, Perthshire.

Lieut. Colonel George Miller,C.B. 2 Stone*

buildings, Lincoln's-inn.

Charles William, Viscount Milton, F.S.A.

F.G.S. Mortimer-house, Grosvenor-place;

and Milton, near Peterborough, Notthuriis-


William Taylor Money, Esq.

Major Edward Moor, F.S.A. M.R.A.S.

Bealings, near Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Cesar Moreau, Esq. Jcadd. Regg. Divion.,

Burd., et Masil., Socius. Paris.

Charles Morgan, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. 70 Pall-

mall ; and Tredegar-house, near Newport,


William Morgan, Esq. Stamford-hill.

James Morier, Esq. 22 Charles-street, Berke-


John, Earl of Morley. Kent-house, Knights-

bridge; Saltram; andBorringdon-house, North

Molton, Devonshire.

George Paulet Morris, M.D. 7 Prince's-

court, Westminster.

John Carnac Morris, Esq. 10 Portman-

Rev. Robert Morrison, D.D. Canton, China.

John William Moss, M.B. Dudley.

Richard, Earl of Mount-Edgecumbe, D.C.L.

F.S.A. Richmond-hill,Surrey ; Mount-Edge-

cumbe, near Plymouth ; and Cotele, Corn-

George, Earl of Mountnorris, F.S.A. F.L.S.

M.R.A.S. Arley-hall, near Bewdley, Staf-

fordshire ; and Camolin-park, Wexford.

Richard Zachary Mudge, Esq. Captain in

the Royal Engineers. Ordnance Map-Office,

Roderick ImpeyMurchison,Esq. President of

the Geological Society. 3 Bryanstone-place,


Thomas Murdoch, Esq. F.S.A. 8 Portland-



13 Belgrave-street ; and Upper-lodge, Bushy-

park. Middlesex.

Right Hon. Sir George Murray, G.C.B.

G.C.H. K.T.S. fi Belgrave- square ; and

Bleadon, Perthshire.

William Chadwell Mylne, Esq. F.R.A.S.

New River Head.

Henry Napier, Esq. Captain in the Royal

Macvey Napier, Esq. F.R.S.E. Edinburgh.

Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. F.S.A. 30 Old

Burlington-street; and Dagnam-pafk, Rum-ford, Essex.

Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, Knt. D.C.L.

F.S.A. F.G.S. 26 Bruton-street; and Mer-

thyrmawr, Glamorganshire.

Whitlock Nicholl, M.D. M.R.I.A. F.L.S.

25 Curzon-street.

Rev. Robert Nixon, B.D. F.S.A. F.L.S.

Kenmure-castle, New Galloway, N. B.

Bernard Edward, Duke of Norfolk, F.S.A.

21 St. James's-square ; Arundel-castle, Sussex


Henfold, Surrey ; Fornham, Bury St. Edmund's


and Clift-house, West Cowes, Isle of Wight.

Spencer Joshua Alwyne, Marquess of North-

ampton. Castle Ashby, Northampton; and

Compton Vingates, Warwick.

Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, K.G. M.A.F.S.A. F.G.S. Northumberland-house,

Strand ; Alnwick-castle, Northumberland;

Sion-house, Middlesex ; Werrington-park,

Cornwall; and Keilder-castle, Northumber-


James Adey Ogle, M.D. F.R.A.S. LordLitchfield's and Aldrich's Professor of Me-dicine, Oxford; Coll. Reg. Med. Socius.


John01dershaw,B.D. Archdeacon ofNorfolk.

Harlestone, Norfolk.

Charles Savill Onley, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S.

22 Great George-street, Westminster; and

Stiested-hall, Essex.

Horatio, Earl of Orford. Wolterton-park,



George Ormerod, Esq. Hon. D.C.L. F.S.A.

F.G.S. Sedbury-park, Gloucestershire.

Right Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart. G.C.H.

F.S.A. M.R.A.S. M.R.S.L.Acad. Imp.Sc.

Petrop.Socius. 49 Upper Grosvenor-street;

and Woolmers, Hertfordshire.

Francis Palgrave, Esq. F.S.A. 26 Duke-

street, Westminster.

John Ayrton Paris, M.D. F.L.S. Coll. Reg.

Med. Socius. 28 Dover-street.

Woodbine Parish,Esq. F. S.A. Buenos Ayres.

Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S.

34 Mount-street.

Charles Henry Parry, M.D. Bath.

Sir William Edward Parry, Knt. Hon.

D.C.L. Captain in the Royal Navy ; ,

F.R.A.S. Acad. Imp. Sc. Petrop. Socius.j

New South Wales.

Colonel Charles William Pasley, Royal En

gineers. Chatham.

Rev.George Peacock, M.A. F. G.S. F. R.A.S

Trinity-college, Cambridge.

Rev. William Pearson, LL.D. V.P.R.A.S.

6 Compton^terrace, Islington; and South

Kilworth, near Welford, Northamptonshire.

William Pearson, Esq. Clapham.

Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. D.C.L.

F.S.A. Whitehall-gardens; and Drayton-

park, Fazeley, Staffordshire.

George Pemberton, Esq.

Edward William Wynne Pendarves, Esq.

M.A. F.G.S. 36 Eaton-place, Belgrave-

square ; and Pendarves, Truro, Cornwall.

Richard Penn, Esq. 6 Whitehall.

David Pennant, Esq. F.L.S. Downing, near

Holywell, Flintshire.

William Hasledine Pepys, Esq. t.L.S.


Herbert Marsh, Lord Bishop of Peterbo-

rough; Margaret Professor of Divinity,

Cambridge; F.S.A. Peterborough-palace,


Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M.A.F.S.A.F.L.S.

F.G.S. F.R.A.S. M.R.S.L. 9 New-square, Lincoln's-inn.

William Francis Henry, Lord Petre. 3 Mans-

field-street ; and Thorndon-hall, near Brent-

wood, Essex.

Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, Esq. F.S.A.

F.L.S. M.R.A.S. Univ. Getting. Phil.

Doct.—Acad. Reg. Divion. Socius. 8 Sa-

Roger Pettiward,Esq. F. S.A.F.L.S.F.G. S.

127 Park-:

Finborough-hall, Stowmarket, Suffolk.

John Delafield Phelps, Esq. F.S.A. 11 New

square, LincolnVmn ; ;unl ( liaveuage-house,

Tetbury, Gloucestershire.

Alexander Philip Wilson Philip, M.D.

F.R.S.E. 18 Cavendish-square.

Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. M.A. F.S.A.

F.L.S. F.G.S. M.R. S. L. 1 4 Stratford-

place ; and Middle-hill, Worcestershire.

Charles Phillips, Esq. Captain in the Royal

Navy. Upnor, Rochester.

Richard Phillips, Esq. F.R.S.E. Cal-

!thorpe-street, Birmingham.

Thomas Phillips,Esq. R.A. F. S.A. 8 Georgf -

street, Hanover-square.

Lewis Pinto de Souza Coutinho, K.G.F.

Acad. Reg. Sc. Olyssip. Socius.

William Morton Pitt, Esq.

Sir George Pocock, Bart. Hart, Durham.

William Pole, Esq. M.A. 3 Stone-buildings,


David Pollock, Esq. F.R.A.S.


Frederick Pollock, Esq. M.A. F.


Queen-square-house, Guilford-st rew.

Thomas William, Earl of Pomfret, K.T.!

F.S.A. 33Portman-squarc; Twinstead-ha




Halstead, Essex; and Eastern Neston, near

Towcester, Northamptonshire,

John Pond, Esq. Astronomer Royal,

F.R.A.S. Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp.

— Socc. Reg. Sc. Gottin. et Amer. Philad.

Socius. Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

Rev. Baden Powell, M.A. Savilian Professor

of Geometry, Oxford. Oxford.

James Cowles Prichard, M.D. Bristol.

James Prinsep, Esq. Benares.

William Prout,M .D . Coll. Reg. Med. Socius.

40 Sackville-street.

Algernon, Lord Prudhoe, F.S.A. 37 Albe-

raarle-street ; and Stanwick-park, Darlington,


Philip Pusey, Esq. 50 Upper Brook-street


and Pusey-house, near Farringdon, Berk-

Rev. Thomas Rackett, M.A. F.S.A. F.L.S.

48 Upper Gower-street ; and near Poole,


John Ramsbottom, Esq. l, F. Albany ; and

William Rashleigh, Esq. F.L.S. 3 Cum-

berland-terrace, Regent's-park ; and Mena-

billy-house, Foy, Cornwall.

John Reeves, Esq. F.L.S. F.R.A.S.


George Rennie, Esq.

Vice President.

Sir John Rennie, Knt. 15 Whitehall-place.

John Richardson, M.D. F.L.S. Royal

Marine Infirmary, Chatham.

Charles MilnerRicketts, Esq. F.G.S. Lima.

John Rickman, Esq. M.A. 12 New Palace-

Stephen Peter Rigaud,Esq. M.A. Savilian

Professor of Astronomy, and Professor of

Experimental Philosophy, Oxford. Rich-

mond, Surrey ; and Oxford.

Rev. William Ritchie, LL.D. Professor of

Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institu-

tion of Great Britain. 38 Devonshire-street,


Edward Roberts, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. 32 Bloomsbury-square.

James Robertson, Esq. M.A.

Isaac Robinson, Esq. 30 Park-road, Re-


Samuel Rogers, Esq. F. S.A. 22 St. James's-


John Rogerson, M.D.

Peter Mark Roget, M.D.

Secretary.—F.G.S. F.R.A.S. Coll. Reg. Med. Socius.

39 Bernard-street, Russell-square.

Matthew, Lord Rokeby. 1 Upper Berkeley-

street ; and Sandleford Priory, Newbury,


Hon. Frederick de Roos, Captain in the

Royal Navy, F.R.A. S. Rio de Janeiro.

Archibald John, Earl of Rosebery. 1 39 Pic-

cadilly; Warren-wood, Hertfordshire; and

Dalmeny-park, Linlithgowshire.

Captain Daniel Ross. India.

James Clark Ross, Esq. Commander in the

Royal Navy, F.R.A.S.

Rev. George Rowley, D.D. Oxford.

Edward Rudge,Esq..F.$.,l. F.L.S. 44Wim-pole-street; and Abbey Manor-house, Eves-

ham, Worcestershire.

Rev. James Rudge, D.D. Hawkchurch, near


Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. D.C.L. F.S.A.

F.L. S. F. G. S. 169 New Bond-street ; and

Ilam-hall, Ashbourn, Derbyshire.

Edward Sabine, Esq. Captain in the

Royal Artillery; F.L.S. Acad. Imp. Sc.

Petrop. : Socc. Reg. Sc. Norv., et Phil.

Nov.-Ebor., Socius.—Acad. Reg. Sc.

Brux. : Socc. Reg. Sc. Gottin., et Geog.


Paris., Corresp. Island Bridge Barracks,


Joseph Sabine, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. Acad.

Cas. Nat. Cur. : Socc. Cas. Nat. Cur.

Mosc, Reg. (Econ. Boruss., Reg. Bot.

Ratisb., Phil. Nov.-Ebor., Socius. 1 5 Mill-

street, Conduit-street.

Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. F.S.A. F.L.S.

Clowance, Cornwall.

Count Jerome de Salis. 5 Carlton-gardens


and Rokeby, Dunlear, Ireland.

Thomas Burgess, Lord Bishop of Salisbury.

F.S.A.— President of the Royal Society

of Literature. 19 Devonshire-place; and

Salisbury-palace, Wiltshire.

Rev. Thomas Sampson, D.D. F.S.A. Peters-

George Saunders, Esq. F.S.A. 252 Oxford-

Henry Barne Sawbridge, Esq.

Rev. William Scoresby, F.R.S.E. Instit.

Reg. Sc. Paris. Corresp. Liverpool.

John Corse Scott, Esq.

George Poulett Scrope, Esq. F.G.S. Castle

Combe, Chippenham, Wiltshire.

Sir Charles Scudamore, Knt. M.D. 6Wim-


Rev. John Barlow Seale, D.D. F.S.A. Stat-

ed* near Braintree.

Rev. Adam Sedgwick, M.A. F.R.A.S.

Woodwardian Lecturer, Cambridge. Cam-

bridge. _Thomas James, Earl of Selkirk. St. Mary's

Isle, Kirkcudbright.

Henry John, Lord Selsey. U Grosvenor-

street• andYVest Dean-house,Midharst, Sasse*.

Sir Robert Seppings, Knt. 6 Somerset-place,


Sir John SeWell,Knt.LL.D.F.S.l2lCum-

berland-street,Portman-square ;

and Wick-

hill-house, Bracknell, Berkshire.

Richard Sharp, Esq. F.S.A. 23 Park-lane;

and Fridley Farm, Dorking, Surrey.

John Sharpe, Esq. F.S.A. 9 Northwick-ter-

race, Maida-hill.

John Shaw, Esq. F.S.A. 28 Gower-street.

Sir Martin Archer Shee, Knt. President of

the Royal Academy. 32 Cavendish-square.

Rev. Richard Sheepshanks, M.A. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. SOWoburn-place.

Charles Short, Esq. F.S.A. 35 Great George-

street, Westminster; and Woodlands, Ems-

worth, Hampshire.

Sir Francis Shuckburgh, Bart. Pavilion,

Hans-place, Chelsea; and Shuckburgh-park,


Richard Simmons, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S.

2, F. Albany.

Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, Bart. D.C.L.

F.R.S.E. M.R.I.A.F.S.A. F.L.S. Wh-

iter, Caithness.

Rev. John Sleath, D.D. F.S.A. St.Paul's-

JohnSmirnove, Esq. F.L.S. Soc. Cxs. Nat.

Cur. Mosc. Socius. 46 Wigmore-street,


Major Charles Hamilton Smith. Plymouth.

James Smith, Esq. F.R.S.E. Jordan-hill,

near Glasgow.

John Spenser Smith, Esq. F.S.A. Caen,


Joseph Smith, Esq. F.L.S. 1 Field-court,

Matthew Smith, Esq. Captain in the Royal

Navy. Blackbeath.

RobertSmith,Esq. F.S.A. 18 Austin Friars;

and Wandsworth.

Sir William Smith, Knt.

WilUam Smith, Esq. F.S.I. F.L.S. Bland-

ford-square, New-road.

Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith, K.C.B.



William Henry Smyth, Esq. Captain in the|

Royal Navy, K.S.F. For. Sec. R.A.S.Crescent, Bedford.

Thomas Snodgrass,Esq. 10 Chesterfield-street.

Sir John Soane, Knt. R.A. F.S.A. 13 Lin.

Richard Horsman Solly, Esq. M.A. F.S.A.

F. L. S. F. G. S. 48 Great Ormond-street.

Samuel Solly, Esq. 48 Upper Gower-street.

Samuel Reynolds Solly, Esq. M.A. F.S.A.

F.G.S. Surge-hill, King's Langley, Hert-

Edward Adolphus, Duke of Somerset, Hon.

D.C.L. F.S.A. F.L.S.—President of the

Royal Institution of Great Britain. Park-

lane; Wimbledon-park, Surrey; Berry Pom e-

roy, near Totness ; Stover-house, Newton

Abbot's, Devonshire ; Maiden Bradley, near

Mere, Wiltshire ; and Bulstrode-park, Buck-


William Somerville, M.D. F.R.S.E. F.L.S.

F.G.S. Royal Hospital, Chelsea.

William Sotheby, Esq. F.S.A. F.G.S.

13 Grosvenor-street; and Fair Mead-lodge,

High Beach, Essex.

Sir James South, Knt. F.R.S.E. M.R.I.A.

F.L.S. F.R.A.S. Acad. Reg. Sc. Brux.

Corresp. The Observatory, Camden-hill,


Henry Herbert Southey, M.D. Coll. Reg.

Med. Socius. 1 Harley-street.

William Speer, Esq. F.S.A. Great Queen-

street, Westminster.

George John, Earl Spencer, K.G. LL.D.

Trust. Brit. Mas. F.S.A. 27 St. James's-

place ; Althorp-park, Northamptonshire ; and

Westfield-house, Ryde, Isle of Wight.

Philip Henry, Earl Stanhope. 12 Albemarle-

street ; Chevening-place, Kent ; and Mahon-

house, Devonshire.

John Spencer Stanhope, Esq.

Edward Stanley, Esq. St. Bartholomew's-


Sir John Thomas Stanley, Bart. F.S.A.

38 Brook-street ; Alderley-park, near Knuts-

ford, Cheshire ; Winnington-hall, Northwich,

Cheshire; and Penrhos, Holyhead, North


Sir George Thomas Staunton, Bart. D.C.L.

F.S.A. F.L.S. 17 Devonshire-street, Port-

land-place ; Leigh-park, Havant, Hampshire;

and Cargin, Galway, Ireland.

John Robert Steuart, Esq. M. R.A.S.56 North Frederick-street, Edinburgh.

WilliamFord Stevenson, Esq. F.S.A. Passy

near Paris.

Vice Admiral Charles Stirling.

Sir Walter Stirling, Bart. F.S.A. 2 Albany-

Charles Stokes, Esq. F.S.A. F.L.S. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. 4 Verulam-buildings.

John Storer, M.D. Nottingham.

Anthony Mervin Reeve Storey, Esq. M.A.85 Jermyn.street ; and Bassett Down-house,

near Marlborough.

Sir Edward Stracey, Bart. LL.D. 21 Great

George-street, Westminster ; the Beach, near

Macclesfield ; and Rackheath-hall, near Nor-


Percy Clinton Sydney, Viscount Strangford,

G.C.B. G.C.H. F.S.A. 68 Harley-street.

Hon. William Thomas Horner Fox Strang-

George Frederick Stratton, Esq. LL.D.

F.S.A. Tew-park, Deddington.

Major-General Joseph Stratton, C.B.


George Holme Sumner, Esq. F.S.A. Hatch-

lands, Guildford, Surrey.

Alexander Robert Sutherland, M.D. F.G.S.

1 Parliament-street; and Hermitage, Bromp-


William Swainson, Esq. F.L.S. Soc. Hist.

Nov.-Ebor. Socius.—Soc. Hist. Nat. Pa-

ris. Corresp. Tittenhanger-green, near St. Al-

Sir John Edward Swinburne, Bart. F.S.A.

18 Grosvenor-place ; Mounces, near Hexham;

and Capheaton, Northumberland.

Charles Chetwynd, EarlTalbot, K.P.F.S.A.

71 GrosveDor-street ; and Ingestrie-hall, near


Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, Esq. 63 St.

James's-street ; and Margaw, Glamorgan-


Henry Fox Talbot, Esq. 31 Sackville-street;

and Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire.

John Taylor, Esq. Treas. G.S. 12 Bedford,

George Watson Taylor, Esq. F.S.A. 1 Graf-

ton-street, Bond-street; and Erlestoke-park,


Thomas Telford, Esq. F.R.S.E. F.G.S.

F.R.A.S. 24 Abingdon-street, Westminster.

Right. Hon. Charles Tennyson, F.S.A.

4 Park-street, Westminster; and Bletchingley,


Honoratus Leigh Thomas, Esq. 12 Leicester,


James Thompson, Esq.

Lieut. Colonel Thomas Perronet Thompson,

M.A. 2 King-street, Portman-square.

John Thomson, M.D. F.R.S.E. Edinburgh.

John Deas Thomson, Esq. F.L.S. Somer-


Thomas Thomson, M.D. Regius Professor

ofChemistry, Glasgow; F.R.S.E. F.L.S.

F.G.S. Glasgow.

Right Hon. Sir Edward Thornton, G.C.B.

Rev. George Augustus Thursby,M.A.F.L.S.

76 Wimpole-street ; and Penn, near Wolver-

hampton, Staffordshire.

Dr. John Lewis Tiarks, F.R.A.S. Socc.

Phil. Nov.-Ebor.,etAmer. Philad., Socius.

48 Fenchurch-street ; and MayGeld-terrace,


Robert Steam Tighe, Esq. F.S.A.

William Edward Tomline, Esq. 1 Carlton-

house-terrace ; and Rigby-grovc, MM Btfggj


Thomas Tooke, Esq. 7 Richmond-terrace,

Whitehall; and Wimbledon-common, Surrey.

William Tooke, Esq. M.R.S.L. 12 Russell-


Lieut. Colonel Robert Torrens. 7 Sackville-

Peregrine Edward Towneley, Esq. F.S.A.

7 Park-street, Westminster ; and Towneley-

George Townley, Esq. 179 Piccadilly.

Rev. John Montgomery Traherne, M.A.

F.L.S. F.G.S. St. Hilary, near Cowbridge,


Benjamin Travers, Esq. 12 Bruton-street.

John Trotter, Esq, 13 Connaught-place ; and

Durham-park, Barnet, Hertfordshire.

Edward Troughton, Esq. F.R.S.E.

V.P.R.A.S. 1 36 Fleet-street.

Charles Augustus Tulk, Esq. F.S.A.

19 Duke-street, Westminster.

Peter Evan Turnbull, Esq. F.S.A. 68 Baker-

Rev. Thomas Smith Turnbull, M.A. Caius-

college, Cambridge.

Charles Hampden Turner, Esq. F.L.S.

F. G.S. 15 Bruton-street ; and Rook's Nest,

Godstone, Surrey.

DawsonTurner, Esq. Hon. Af.E./.A. 2\ $.4.

F.L.S. M.R.S.L. Acadd. Ces. Nat. Cur.,

et Reg. Holm., Socius. Yarmouth.

Edward Turner, M.D. F.R.S.E. Sec. G.S.

38 Upper Gower-street.

Samuel Turner, Esq. Liverpool.


Sir George Leman Tuthill, Knt. M.D. Coll.

Reg. Med. Socius. 24 Cavendish-square.

Lieut. Col. Sir John Maxwell Tylden, Knt.

Andrew Ure, M.D. F. R.A. S. Professor of

Physics in the Andersonian University,

Glasgow. 21 Finsbury-square.

William Vaughan, Esq. F.L.S. F.R.A.S.70 Fenchurch-street.

Baron Nicholas Vay de Vaja.

Captain James Vetch.

Nicholas Aylward Vigors, Esq. M.A.

M.R.I.A. F.S.A. F.L.S. 16 Chester-ter-

, Ho,-,,

John Henry Vivian, Esq. F.G.S. Swansea,


Sir Richard Rawlinson Vyvyan, Bart.

26 Great George-street, Westminster; and

Trelowarren, Cornwall.

! Walker, Esq. F.R.S.E. St. Anne's

Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.A. F.S.A.

M.R.S.L. 44 Berkeley-square; and Nor-

man-court, near Stockbridge, Hampshire.

Nathaniel Wallich, M. et Ph. D. F.R.S.E.

F.L.S. F.G.S. M.R.A.S. Inst. Reg.

Sc. Paris.Corresp.—Acad. Reg. Sc. Hafn.

Socius. 61 Frith street, Soho-sqoare.

Rev. Henry Walter, B.D. East India-college,


Henry Warburton, Esq. M.A. V.P.G.S.

45 Cadogan-place, Sloane-street.

John Ashley Warre, Esq. 7 Belgrave-square.

Rev. John Warren, M.A. Gravely, Cam-bridgeshire.

Pelham Warren, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. 31 Brook-street; East Acton, near

Ealing, Middlesex ; and Worting-house,

Basingstoke, Hampshire.

Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart.

F.R.S.E. 22 Albemarle-street ; Cliefden-

house, Maidenhead ; and Lochend, Dun-bar, N. B.

Sir Frederick Beilby Watson, Knt. K.C.H.


Ralph Watson, Esq. F.S.A. 1 4 York-place,


James Watt, Esq. Soho, Birmingham.

Maj. General Arthur Goodall Wavell, K.F.,

K.C.S. Horwood-house, Barnstaple.

Thomas Weaver, Esq. M.R.J. A. F.G.S.

Frederick Webb, Esq. F.S.A. Brighton.

Sir Charles Wetherell, Knt. M.A. 7 White-


John Weyland, Esq. 31 Parliament-street,

and Woodrising-hall, Norfolk.

Rev. William Whewell, M.A. Professor of

Mineralogy, Cambridge. F.G.S. F.R.A. S.

Trinity College, Cambridge.

Joseph Whidbey, Esq. F.L.S. F.R.A.S.Plymouth.


John Whishaw, Esq. M.A. F.S.A. F.G.S.[,:.,(< -^id-

Sir RobertWigram, Bart. M.R.I.A. F.S.A.

10 Connaught-place ; St. Leonard's-hill, near

W iiiu-or; and Belmont-lodge, Malvern Wells,


George Wilbraham, Esq. 56 Upper Seymour-

street ; and Delamere-house, Northwich, Che-

Charles Wilkins, Esq. LL.D. M.R.A.S.

Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris., et Acad. Reg.

Monach., Socius. 40 Baker-street, Portman-

William Wilkins, Esq. R.A. 35 Weymouth-

street; and Lensfield, Cambridge.

Colonel Mark Wilks. 9 Portland-place.


John Lloyd Williams, Esq. Alderbrook-hall,


John Williams, jun. Esq. F.L.S. Scorrier-

house, near Redruth, Cornwall.

Rev. Robert Willis, M.A. Cambridge.

Sir John Eardley Eardley Wilmot, Bart.

D.C.L. F.S.A. F.L.S. 6 York-place,

Portraan-square; and Berkswell-park, near

Sir Giffin Wilson, Knt. 2 Stratford-place ;

and Wooburn-house, Beaconsfield, Bucking-


Glocester Wilson, Esq. Hastings.

Isaac Wilson, M.D. Royal Hospital, Haslar,


Rev. Samuel Wix, M.A. F.S.A. St. Bartho-


William Wix, Esq. Tunbridge-Wells.

Alexander Luard Wollaston, Esq. M.B.

F.R.A.S. 3 Elm-court, Temple ;and Clap-

William Wood, Esq. F.L.S. 39 Tavistock-

street, Covent-garden.

John Woolmore, Esq. 15 Bruton-street; and

Hampton, Middlesex.

Robert James Carr, Lord Bishop of Wor-

cester. Worcester-palace.

Hon. John Stuart Wortley, B.A. 77 South


Francis Wrangham, M.A. Archdeacon of


Sir Jeffery Wyatville, Knt. F.S.A. F.G.S.

50 Brook-street.

Grant David Yeats, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med.

Socius. Tunbridge-Wells.

John Yelloly, M.D. F.G.S. Soc. Phil. Nov.-

Ebor. Socius. Carrow-abbey, near Nor-


Right Hon. Charles Philip Yorke, F.S.A.

28 Bruton-street; and Bonningtons, near

Ware, Hertfordshire.


AdamAfzelius Upsal. 1798.

Andre-Marie Ampere Paris. 1827.

Francois-Jean-Dominique Arago Paris. 1818.

Don Felippe Bauza Madrid. 1819.

Jens-Jacob Berzelius Stockholm. 1813.

Fnedrich-Wilhelm Bessel . . . Konigsberg 1825.

Jean-Baptiste Biot Paris. 1815.

Johann-Friedrich Blumenbach . Gottingen. 1793.

Alexis Bouvard Paris. 1826.

Nathaniel Bowditch Boston. 1818.

Alexandre Brongniart Paris. 1815.

Leopold von Buch Berlin. 1828.

Auguste-Pyrame de Candolle . . Geneva. 1822.

Le Comte de Cassini Paris. 1789.

Le Comte Chaptal Paris. 1825.

Michel-Eugene Chevreul. . . . Paris. 1826.

Le baron Cuvier Paris. 1

Pierre-Louis Dulong Paris. 1826.

Johann-Friedrich Encke .... Berlin. 1

Paul Erman Berlin. 1 827.

Karl-Friedrich Gauss Gottingen. 1


Adrien-Marie Le Gendre .... Paris. 1789.

Karl-Ludwig Harding Gottingen. 1806.

Simon L'Huilier Geneva. 1

Alexander von Humboldt . . . Berlin. 1

Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu . . Paris.

Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac . . . Paris.

Martin van Marum Haarlem.

Eilert Mitscherlich Berlin.

Domenico Morichini Rome.

Jens-Christian Oersted .... Copenhagen.

Wilhelm Olbers Bremen.

Barnaba Oriani Milan.

Giovanni Plana Turin.

Le baron Poisson Paris.

Baron Da Villa da Praia . . . Lisbon.

Pierre Prevost Geneva.

Le baron de Prony Paris.

Theodore de Saussure .... Geneva.

Antonio Scarpa Pavia.

Heinrich-Christian Schumacher Altona.

Friedrich Stromeyer Gottingen.

Friedrich-Georg-Wilhelm Struve Dorpat.

Le baron Thenard Paris.

Baron von Zach Pan's.

Somerset-House, Nov. 30th, 1831.