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Do what you like. Like what you do (Ludfi Agustyani)

Your life will not be changed by fate, but be transformed by the changes

that you did (Jim Rohn)

I don’t believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process (Oprah


Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you

concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough

(Oprah Winfrey)

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and

leave a trail (Ralph Waldo Emerson)






This thesis is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT who always gives me mercy and blessing so I can finish this


2. My beloved parent, Didik Priyanto and Suciyem. Thank you so much for

your love, prayer, support, advices, sacrifices you have given to me. I will

never forget your love. I love you from moon and back. Please be healthy

mom, dad. Love you.

3. My beloved sisters, Adelia Fitrianti and Faradila Kinasih, my brother,

Probopadisa Nurhuda. Thank you for your love and funny supports.

4. My best friends ever, Mutia Dwi Setyowati, Elsa Indriani Fiana, Febriana

Fitri, Azizul Nugraheny SE, Windi Kartika Timur, Rima Dewi, Ronallia

Murtika Dianti, Eki Enggar Seftorina, Monika Noor Azizah and Siti

Maunah. Big thanks for you guys who always support me whenever and

wherever I am. Thanks for your efforts to push me to finish this great

thesis. Thanks for always by my side. Love you all.

5. My beloved lecturers and my consultants, Juita Triana, M.Pd and Titi

Rokhayati, M.Pd. Thank you for your supports and golden time. I will

never forget your words.

6. Dwi Handoyo, S.Pd as English teacher of SMK YPE Sawunggalih

Kutoarjo Thank you for the time being given so that I can finish this


7. My big family of PPL and KKN. Thanks for your supports and incredible


8. My friends of 8D. Thanks for these four years we got through with happy








Ludfi Agustyani. “The Effectiveness of Using Suggestopedia Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016”. A thesis. English Education Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. 2016.

This research was conducted at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. The objective of this research is to describe whether using suggestopedia method is effective or not in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the Academic Year of 2015/2016

The sample of this research is 42 students of the tenth grade using purposive sampling technique. The research design of this research is using one group pretest posttest design as one of pre-experimental designs. Then the researcher used pretest and posttest to gain the data.

Based on the result of research, it is found that the mean of posttest is higher than pretest (77.857 > 64.881). There is significance different between the mean of pretest and posttest. It means that the use of suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. Then, the t-value is lower than t-table (-10.554 < -2.021) with probability (p) is lower than α (0.05), it is 0.000 < 0.05. It means that (Ha) is accepted. In other words, suggestopedia method can be one of alternative to teach reading comprehension. It creates a cozy atmosphere with the play of the music as a background of learning so that the students will relax and enjoy the process of learning.

Keywords: suggestopedia method, reading comprehension, narrative text



TITLE PAGE.................................................................................... .......... i

APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................ .......... ii

RATIFICATION SHEET ................................................................ .......... iii

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION .......................................................................................... v

STATEMENT ............................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................ .................. ix

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xi

LIST OF CHART ........................................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDIX ................................................................................. xiii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ………………………………. ......... 1 B. Identification of the Problem …………………………... ........ 4 C. Limitation of the Problem ……………………………... ......... 5 D. Statements of the Study …………………………............ ........ 6 E. Objectives of the Study ……………………………….. .......... 6 F. Significance of the Study ………………………………..... .... 6


A. Theoretical Review ................................................................... 8 1. Definition of Teaching ...………………………............ ... 8 2. Definition of Learning …………………………................ 8 3. Relationship Between Teaching and Learning ................... 9 4. The Nature of Reading …………………………….......... . 9

a. Definition of Reading ..................................................... 9 b. Definition of Comprehension ......................................... 9 c. Definition of Reading Comprehension ........................... 10 d. The Purpose of Reading .................................................. 11 e. Kinds of Text .................................................................. 13

5. Narrative Text ………………………………............ ........ 14


6. Strategies/Method for Reading Comprehension ................ 17 7. Suggestopedia ..................................................................... 22

a. Key Elements of Suggestopedia ..................................... 24 b. Teacher’s Role ................................................................ 26 c. Student’s Role ................................................................. 27 d. Teaching Reading Comprehension Using Suggestopedia

Method ............................................................................ 28 B. Previous Study .......................................................................... 29 C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................. 31 D. Hypothesis ................................................................................ 32

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD A. Type of the Research ……………………………………….... 34 B. Design of Research ................ ……………...………………... 35 C. Place and Time of Research ………….…………………….......... 37 D. Population, Sampling Technique and Sample of Research ..... 37 E. Variable of Research ……………………...... ......................... 40 F. Instrument of Research............................................................ 41 G. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................. 41 H. Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................. 42

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Research Finding ………………………………………... ........ 46

1. Descriptive Analysis ............................................................ 46 2. Inferential Analysis ............................................................. 55

a. Normality Test ................................................................. 55 b. Test of Hypothesis ........................................................... 56

B. Discussion ……………………………………………..... ......... 60 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ……………………………………………… ......... 62 B. Suggestion ……………………………………………….. ....... 63









Table 1 Text Types and Its Purpose ............................................................. 13

Table 2 Classification of Students’ Reading Mastery .................................. 46

Table 3 The Result of Pretest and Posttest ................................................... 47

Table 4 The Result Analysis of Pretest and Posttest ..................................... 51

Table 5 The Percentage of Students’ Reading Mastery of Pretest and

Posttest ............................................................................................ 52

Table 6 The Result Analysis of Pretest and Posttest ..................................... 61



Chart 1 Reading Skill Result of Pretest ....................................................... 53

Chart 2 Reading Skill Result of Posttest ...................................................... 53

Chart 3 Reading Skill Result of Pretest and Posttest .................................... 54



Appendix 1 Surat Keputusan

Appendix 2 Surat Ijin Penelitian

Appendix 3 Surat Keterangan

Appendix 4 The List of Sample

Appendix 5 Syllabus

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan

Appendix 7 Instrument

Appendix 8 Answer Key

Appendix 9 The Answer Sheet of Student

Appendix 10 The Result of Pretest and Posttest

Appendix 11 Variance of Pretest

Appendix 12 Variance of Posttest

Appendix 13 Normality Test of Pretest

Appendix 14 Normality Test of Posttest

Appendix 15 Daftar Harga ttable

Appendix 16 Research Documentation 










A. Background of the Study

Language is the way how to communicate with people all around the

world. People can talk to each other, share what they think, express what they

feel, and create a great relationship through language. It is known that every

country has a different language to communicate. One of those languages is


Nowadays, English has become a foreign language that the students in

Indonesia should learn it. There are four skills to be mastered in learning it,

they are: reading, speaking, writing and listening. If the students want to

master all of the skills, they have to try too hard to achieve it even they have to

face the difficulties at the beginning. In this research, the researcher will just

concern in reading skill, especially reading comprehension.

Reading is one of the skills in learning that have to be mastered by

students. If the students do not know how to read well, they will not be able to

understand the order or answer the question through text. It is important to say

that the teachers have to find such a great method to encourage students in


In many second or foreign language teaching situations, reading

receives a special focus. There are a number of reasons for this (Richards and

Renandya, 2002: 273). First, many foreign language students often have

reading as one of their most important goals. They want to be able to read for



information and pleasure, for their career, and for study purposes. Second,

written texts serve various pedagogical purposes. Extensive exposure to

linguistically comprehensible written texts can enhance the process of language

acquisition. Good reading texts also provide good models for writing, and

provide opportunities to introduce new topics, to stimulate discussion, to study

language (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, and idioms).

Reading is one of the four language skills that is very important to

learn. Alyousef (2006:64) states that reading can be seen as an “interactive”

process between a reader and a text which leads to automaticity (reading

fluency). In this process, the reader interacts dynamically with the text as

he/she tries to get the meaning and where various kinds of knowledge are being

used: linguistic or systemic knowledge as well as schematic knowledge. The

goal of reading is to understanding. In order to understand the text, the learners

must be able to decode the words on the text and to extract the meaning.

During Pelaksanaan Praktik Lapangan (PPL) at SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutorjo in 2015, the researcher found most of students had

difficulties in reading comprehension. There were some difficulties that

students face in reading comprehension. Those are: the lack of vocabulary, the

lack of interest, and the use of an appropriate method.

Method is one of the important components in teaching and learning

processes. Method has important role in achieving the aim of learning. By

using an appropriate method, the teacher will be able to deliver the material

and manage the learning activities well, so the students can understand the


material easily and enjoy the learning activities. Besides, the researcher thinks

that the teacher who uses an appropriate and interesting method in teaching can

motivate students during the learning activities, so the use of method can give

positive effect to the students.

An appropriate method is needed to create a good atmosphere in

reading comprehension of narrative text. One of the appropriate methods is

Suggestopedia. It can help the students understand and find their own way to

comprehend narrative text by the whole text and its meaning. Suggestopedia is

a method developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator Georgi

Lozanov. In conducting suggestopedia, it uses some decoration, furniture, and

arrangement of the students’ seat, the use of baroque music, and the voice of

the teacher as the main part. 

Teachers have to choose a nice method in order to make the students

interest with the material especially in reading comprehension. Generally,

students will get bored easily if they ask to read a long even short text. Why?

Because the method that is used by the teacher is an old method which they ask

to read and read. It is the teachers’ responsibilities to find an appropriate

method to catch the interest of students. One of the kinds of methods is

suggestopedia which uses music as a background of the learning process. By

studying this case, the researcher wants to know whether Suggestopedia

method is more effective or not in reading comprehension of narrative text..

Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled “The

Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method in Reading Comprehension of


Narrative Text at the Tenth Grade Students at SMK YPE Sawunggalih

Kutoarjo in the Academic Year of 2015/ 2016”.

B. Identification of the Problem

As the researcher states that the problem in reading can be influenced

by three factors. Those are: the lack of vocabulary, the lack of interest, and the

use of an appropriate method.

One of the big problems in reading is the lack of vocabulary. When the

students are given a written text in English, they will look in deep of the

vocabulary. If they feel it is a hard one, they will not to continue to read it.

They will not get interest of it. So they will think they are not going to make it.

Then they will not be able to understand well of the unfamiliar words they

found. Therefore, the teachers have to find an interesting activity to optimize

the students’ ability in understanding information in written text and to enrich

the students’ vocabulary.

Another problem in reading is the lack of interest. Reading is one of the

activities that will ask the readers to read, read, and read. It can be a short even

long text. When the students are given a long text, they will keep in distance to

what they have to learn. Not all of students like to read because of their

background. There is a type of students who love to read every written text

(e.g. novel, poem, short story, newspaper, etc). There is also a type of students

who unlike to read. The teachers have to use the catching way to get the

interest of the students.


The last problem in reading is the use of method. In general, teachers

will ask to read if the students have to face reading activity. Read the whole

text and see the dictionary if they found unfamiliar words. It is running of time.

Why? They will just concern with the definition of the unfamiliar words

without considering the story instead even particular things and information. It

will be different if the teachers use an interesting method. It can catch the

attention of students so they will not get bored easily.

C. Limitation of the Study

As explained in the background of the study and identification of the

problem, many students have the difficulties in reading comprehension of

narrative text, such as the lack of vocabulary, the lack of interest, and the use of

an appropriate method. The teachers need some methods to give motivation to

the students in comprehending narrative text.

The researcher limits the method used with the use of Suggestopedia

method to give a different and fun way in learning Narrative text of the tenth

grade students at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutorajo in the academic year of

2015/2016. Because of the limited time, the researcher only analyzes the

students’ ability in comprehending narrative text with the use of suggestopedia,

a method. This limitation is based on the assumption that the tenth grade

students at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo need a method which can give

motivation in learning English, particularly in reading comprehension of

narrative text.


D. Statement of the Problem

Based on background of the study and problem limitation above, the

problems of this research can be formulated as “is using Suggestopedia method

effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade

students at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of


E. Objective of the Study

Based on formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study is to

describe whether suggestopedia method is effective or not in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be hoped to be useful for many people,

especially for those who are closely related to English education. The

significance of the study is stated as follows:

1. to the students

After having known the result of the usefulness of using this

method, hopefully the students will be easier in comprehending narrative

texts than before.


2. to the teachers

The result of this study can give suggestion to the teachers to be

more effective and creative in teaching English, so the activity becomes

more interesting and fun to learn.

3. to the readers

The researcher hopes that this study can help the reader in inspiring

and applying the method to help the students in comprehending narrative


4. to the next researchers

The researcher hopes that the result of this study can be reference

to conduct a similar research in deeper investigation.




A. Theoretical Review

1. Definition of Teaching

According to Brown (2007:7), teaching is showing or helping

someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the

study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or


From the definition above, the researcher concludes that teaching is

an act to help and guide someone to understand something. In education, the

teachers are playing the important role to get the students understand their

material by guiding them in such a good way, providing some kinds of fun

material so that the students will not feel bored easily.

2. Definition of Learning

According to Brown (2007:7), learning is acquiring or getting of

knowledge of a subject or a skill by study experience, or instruction.

According to Harmer (2007:47), learning is conscious process where

separate items from the language are studied and practiced in turn.

In other words, learning is a process to acquire subject by

experiencing. It can be seen on the result of learners’ learning even their

changing behavior. Therefore, in learning process the learners are directly

interacted to the study objects.



3. The Relationship between Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning is related to each other. It cannot be apart. As

Brown (2007:8) states teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling

the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.

In short, teaching is a part of learning process that plays the important

role to facilitate and enable the learners to understand the matter subject. A

good teaching process will lead to a good learning as well. It can be seen on

how the learners think and solve the matter subject to be learned.

4. The Nature of Reading

a. Definition of Reading

Alyousef (2006:64) states that reading can be seen as an

“interactive” process between a reader and a text which leads to

automatically or (reading fluency). While Zare and Othman (2013:188)

state that reading is a cognitive activity in which the reader takes part in a

conversation with the author through the text.

b. Definition of Comprehension

It is generally agreed by educators that, even in the earliest

stages, comprehension must be the central focus of teaching children to

read and not something to be emphasized only after children have learned

how to decode and identify words (Teale & Yokota in Westwood,

2001:10). Comprehension is the goal of both reading and listening.

Successful comprehension enables readers (or listeners) to acquire


information, to experience and be aware of other words (including

fictional ones, to communicate successfully and to achieve academic


c. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension has been described as ‘a complex

intellectual process involving a number of abilities’ (Rubin in Westwood

2001:10). Readers must use information already acquired to filter,

interpret, organize, reflect upon and establish relationships with the new

incoming information on the page. In order to understand text, a reader

must be able to identify words rapidly, know the meaning of almost all of

the words and be able to combine units of meaning into a coherent

message. Good readers almost always have some personal feelings or

reactions to what they are reading. They are ‘active’ readers in the sense

of becoming involved cognitively and emotionally in what they read

(Cunningham et al. 2000). They are keen and interested in using text as a

way of obtaining information, learning new ideas, solving problems and

as a source of enjoyment. Children who don’t understand much of what

they read are likely to turn away from reading as it provides no

satisfaction (Westwood, 2001: 10). As Torgesen (2000) states that

reading comprehension is thus a cognitive, motivational and affective



d. The Purpose of Reading

According to Grabe and Stoller (2011:6), there are four purposes

of reading described as follows:

1. Reading to search for simple information

Reading to search for simple information is a common reading

ability. In reading to search, the readers typically scan the text for s

specific word, or specific piece of information, or a few

representative phrases. Similarly, reading to skim is a common part

of many reading tasks and a useful skill in its own right. It involves,

in essence, a combination of strategies for guessing where important

information might be located in the text, and then using basic

reading comprehension skills on those segments of the text until a

general idea is formed.

2. Reading to learn from texts

Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and

professional contexts in which a person needs to learn a considerable

amount of information from a text. It requires abilities to: (a)

remember main ideas as well as a number of details that elaborate

the main and supporting ideas in the text, (b) recognize and build

rhetorical frames that organize the information in the text, (c) link

the text to the reader’s knowledge base.


3. Reading to integrate information

Reading to integrate information requires additional decisions

about the relative importance of complementary, mutually

supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring of a

rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources.

These skills inevitably require critical evaluation of the information

being read so that the reader can decide what information to integrate

and how to integrate it for the reader’s goal.

4. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the most basic purpose

for reading and it is more complex than commonly assumed. Two

terms commonly used to describe the activity of reading are skills

and strategies. Skills represent linguistic processing abilities that are

relatively automatic in their use and their combinations while

strategies are often defined as a set of abilities under conscious

control the reader.

Grab and Stollers (2011:12), also state that reading is always

purposeful not only in the sense that readers read in different ways based

on differing reading purposes, but also in the sense that any motivation to

read a given text is triggered by some individual purpose or task, whether

imposed internally or externally. Reading is also a comprehending



Those are the purposes of reading. The readers have to make sure

what they are reading and what is the purpose of their reading so that

they can comprehend the whole text well.

e. Kinds of Text

According to Anderson (2003:3), there are ten text types and the

purpose of each as follows:

Table 1 Text types and its purpose

No. Text Type Purpose

1. Poetic To express the feelings or

experiences of the poet so as to

describe, praise or criticize.

2. Dramatic To portray human experience

through enactment, sometimes in

order to make social comment

3. Narrative To construct a view of the world

that entertains or informs the

reader or listener.

4. Response To respond to an artistic work by

providing a description of the

work and a judgement.

5. Discussion To present differing opinions on a

subject to the reader or listener.

6. Explanation To explain how or why something


7. Exposition To argue or persuade by

presenting one side of an issue.

8. Information Report To classify, describe or to present


information about a subject.

9. Procedure To instruct someone on how

something can be done.

10. Recount To retell a series of events, usually

in the order they occurred.

Those are ten text types in English. The focus of this research is

narrative text. It is because the researcher wants to know how the sample

studies this kind of text with a chosen method from the researcher. Narrative

text itself is in a syllabus of second semester of tenth grade at SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. So the researcher

takes this kind of text to this research.

5. Narrative Text

According to Kurniawan (2010:25), narrative text is text that has

purpose to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary

experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with problems which

lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

According to Anderson (2003:6), narrative is a text type tells a story.

Its purpose is to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the

reader or listener. It is related to recount text type.

In short, narrative text is one of the text types in English. It tells a

story. It has a purpose to entertain or amuse the readers or listeners.


According to Anderson (2003:8), the generic structure of narrative

text, as follows:

a. Orientation, (can be a paragraph, a picture or opening chapter) in which

the narrator tells the audience about who is in the story, when the story

is taking place and where the action is happening.

b. Complication, hat sets off a chain of events that influences what will

happen in the story.

c. Sequence of events, where the characters react to the complication.

d. Resolution, in which the characters finally sort out the complication.

e. Coda (if any), that provides a comment or moral based on what has

been learned from the story.

Anderson (2003:8) also states in his book, the language features usually

found in a narrative are:

a. Specific characters.

b. Time words that connect events to tell when they occur.

c. Verbs to show the actions that occur in the story.

d. Descriptive words to portray the characters and settings.

Example of narrative text:

King Midas Orientation telling who and when:

Long time ago there lived a king who was the richest man in the world. His name was Midas: however, he was not happy. Complication that triggers a series of events:

Midas longed to be even richer. He wanted to be richer than all the kings in the world put together.


Sequences of events where the character reacts to the complication: One day, as Midas sat on his throne thinking of ways to become richer,

his servants came to him with an old man. ‘Master’, said the first servants. ‘We have found this person wandering around in your orchard’. ‘It is Silenus, he friend of the god Bacchus’, said the second servant. Midas had an idea. He welcomed the old man and said, ‘You shall be my guest for ten days. Please, eat and drink as much as you like’.

At the end of ten days Midas took Silenus back to Bacchus. The god was very happy to see his lost friend. Bacchus turned to Midas and said, ‘I will grant you any wish you make’. Midas could hardly believe his ears. Here was his chance to become richer. He could become richer than all the kings in the world put together. ‘My wish is … that everything I touch will turn into gold’. ‘Your wish is granted’, laughed Bacchus, ‘But will that really make you happy, Midas?’

On his return to his place Midas tried out his new power. He picked up a stone and it turned to gold. He touched his clothes and they turned to gold. He changed a whole tree into gold by rubbing his hands over the trunk. Midas was so excited.

Back at the palace, Midas sat down and called for some food and drink. His chair turned to gold and although it was uncomfortable, Midas still was happy that all he touched turned to gold.

A servant brought Midas a bowl of water so that he could wash his hands. As soon as Midas put his hands into the bowl, the water turned to gold. Next, Midas took a piece of bread. Before he could get it to his mouth, it too had turned to gold. He could eat nothing without it turning to gold.

Miserable, Midas went for walk in his garden. His children ran up to him. Without thinking, Midas put his arms around them and instantly they turned into little gold statues. Midas now cried.

Midas hurried to Bacchus and pleaded that he take away his golden touch.

‘Didn’t I tell you that the golden touch would not bring you happiness?’ asked Bacchus. ‘Keep your gift and don’t come whingeing to me’.

Then Midas went down on his knees and with golden tears running down his cheeks, begged for Bacchus to sow mercy. ‘I was wrong to be greedy and to love gold so much’, said Midas. Resolution in which the problem from the complication is solved:

Bacchus felt sorry for Midas and told him how to cure the golden touch. He had to go to the River Pactolus and wash in its clear water. This would take away the golden touch. Midas did so.

Midas then returned to his palace. On the way he touched a branch of a tree and it did not turn to gold. Midas was so relieved. But in his garden he saw his children, still as golden statues. He quickly grabbed a bucket, ran to the River Pactolus and scooped up some water. He took this back to the garden and poured it over his golden children. Immediately they came alive and were no longer gold.


Midas then called for a feast to celebrate. He told his servants to get rid of the gold plates as he was sick of the sight of gold. Midas enjoyed being able to eat and drink again. No longer did he want to be the richest of the rich. Coda that gives the moral to the story:

Midas had found out that all the gold in the world does not bring happiness.

6. Strategies / Method for Reading Comprehension

According to Brown (2000:306), there are ten strategies for reading

comprehension, as follows:

a. Identify the purpose in reading

Efficient reading consists of clearly identifying the purpose in

reading something. By doing so, the things the readers know what they

are looking for ad can weed out potential distracting information. As a

teacher, it is important to make sure the students know their purpose in

reading something.

b. Use graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up decoding

(especially for beginning level learners)

At the beginning levels of learning English, one of the difficulties

students encounter in learning to read is making the correspondences

between spoken and written English. In many cases, learners have

become acquainted with oral language and have some difficulty learning

English spelling conventions. They may need hints and explanations

about certain English orthographic rules and peculiarities.


The readers have to consider how they might provide hints and

pointers on such pattern as these:

1) “short” vowel sound in VC patterns (bat, him, leg, wish, etc).

2) “long” vowel sound in VCe (final silent e) patterns (late, time, bite,


3) “long” vowel sound in VV patterns (seat, coat, etc).

4) Distinguishing “hard” c and g from “soft” c and g (cat, city, game vs.

gem, etc).

These and a multitude of other phonics approaches to reading can

prove useful for learners at the beginning level and especially useful for

teaching children an non-literate adults.

c. Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension

(for intermediate to advanced levels).

Intermediate to advanced level students need not be speed readers,

but you can help them increase efficiency by teaching a few silent rules:

1) They do not need to “pronounce” each word to themselves.

2) Try to visually perceive more than one word at a time, preferably


3) Unless a word is absolutely crucial to global understanding, skip over

it and try to infer its meaning from its context.


d. Skim the text for main ideas.

Skimming consists of quickly running one’s eyes across a whole

text (such as an essay, article or chapter) for its gist. Skimming gives

readers the advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage,

the main topic, or message, and possibly some of the developing or

supporting ideas. This gives them a head start as they embark on more

focused reading. The teacher can train the students to skim passages by

giving them, say, thirty seconds to look through a few pages of material,

close their books, and then the students tell the teacher what they learned.

e. Scan the text for specific information.

Scanning is quickly searching for some particular pieces of

information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask the students to look for

names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept, or to list a certain

number of supporting details. The purpose of scanning is to extract

specific information without reading through the whole text.

f. Use semantic mapping or clustering.

Readers can easily be overwhelmed by a long string of ideas or

events. The strategy of semantic mapping, or grouping clusters, helps the

reader to provide some order to the chaos. Making such semantic maps

can be done individually, but they make for a productive group work

technique as students collectively induce order and hierarchy to a



g. Guessing

This is an extremely broad category. Learners can use guessing to

their advantage to:

1) Guess the meaning of a word

2) Guess a grammatical relationship (e.g. a pronoun reference)

3) Guess a discourse relationship

4) Infer implied meaning (“between the lines”)

5) Guess about a cultural reference

6) Guess content messages

The key to successful guessing is to make it reasonably accurate.

The teachers can help the learners to become accurate guessers by

encouraging them to use effective compensation strategies in which they

fill gaps in their competence by intelligent attempts to use whatever clues

are available to them.

h. Analyze vocabulary

One way for learners to make guessing pay off when they don’t

immediately recognize a word is to analyze it in terms of what they know

about it. Several techniques are useful here:

1) Look for prefixes (co-, inter-, un-, etc) that may give clues.

2) Look for suffixes (-tion, -tion, -ally, etc) that may indicate what part of

speech it is.


3) Look for roots that are familiar (e.g intervening may be a word a

student doesn’t know, but recognizing that the root even comes from

Latin “to come” would yield the meaning “to come in between”).

4) Look for grammatical context that may signal information.

5) Look at the semantic context (topic) for clues.

i. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings

This requires the application of sophisticated top-down processing

skills. The fact that not all language can be interpreted appropriately by

attending to its literal, syntactic structure makes special demands on

readers. Implied meaning usually has to be derived from processing

pragmatic information.

j. Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships.

Many discourse makers in English signal relationships among

ideas as expressed through phrases, clause and sentences. A clear

comprehension of such markers can greatly enhance learners’ reading


Those are ten strategies/methods for reading comprehension with its

explanation and the way how to use it. But why do the readers need a

strategy/method to comprehend a text? If the readers just read and read, they

are not be able to understand the meaning even the point of its text. By

applying a right strategy/method, it will not wasting readers’ time to

comprehend the text being read. So it is important to have strategy/method

while reading.


In this research, the researcher uses suggestopedia method in

teaching reading comprehension in which Lozanov developed. Lozanov in

Brown (2000:27) has experimented this method with the presentation of

vocabulary, reading, dialogues, role plays, drama and a variety of other

typical classroom activities. That is why the researcher uses suggestopedia

method to teach reading comprehension in this research.

7. Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is a method that is used in teaching and learning

activities with the music as a background. It is a good method to be used. It

is because the music as the main role of all. Harmer (2001:25), states that

activities and materials which frequently engage students include: games

(depending on age and type), music, discussions (when handled

challengingly), stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes,

etc. It means that music can be as one of parts of teaching and learning

process. Harmer (2010:25), also states that students will get bored easily

during learning process because they were not emotionally engaged with

what is going on. It will be different if the teacher uses some activities such

as playing music during the learning process. It is not only catch the interest

of students, but also will relax the students and create a cozy environment.

Therefore the students will enjoy the learning process while getting



Suggestopedia is a method developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist

and an educator Georgi Lozanov. The most conspicuous characteristics of

Suggestopedia are the decoration, furniture, and arrangement of the

classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher

(Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 100). Suggestopedia is an effective method

with the combination of desuggestion and suggestion to achieve super

learning. The most important objective of suggestopedia is to motivate more

of students’ mental potential to learn and which obtain by suggestion.

This method enables students to learn the language in the nice and

calm environment in the classroom. One of the main aims in this method is

to make the classroom environment cozy for the learners. It includes the

comfortable chairs, dim lighting and special kind of relaxation among

students calm music (especially Baroque one) is played as the background

to the lesson. Lozanov believes that this kind of music helps learners to

relax and to achieve better results (Brown, 2000 in Ostarek, 2013).

The using music as a background of learning process can catch the

interest of the students and create a relax atmosphere. Therefore they will

enjoy the learning process without any bored. As Farmand and Pourgharib

(2013:840), states that students who are taught in a creative and fun way,

love and motivation come to class. It is obvious that the use of music brings

a motivation to the class so that the students can enjoy the learning process.

According to Farmand and Pourgharib (2013:841), the study shows that

music can improve memory, improve concentration, because learning


English to be fun, remove stress, improve a sense of community to a group

and improve motivation.

One of the main parts of suggestopedia method is the use of baroque

music. As Apriwandi states, Baroque music is western classic music that

popular in Baroque era, in the year of 1600 and 1750. The functions of

baroque music are: (1) a background of opera, (2) a background of church

music, (3) a background of drama and theater. Baroque music also has

benefits, those are: (1) create a warm and cozy environment during learning

process, (2) create a relax and open environment to study, (3) create an

increasing of brain, (4) encourage a sense of learning, (5) increase the

learning process quickly.

The role of teachers is also important during the learning. Their role

is to encourage the students to speak even with their mistakes. They may

correct the errors but it is only allowed at the end of learning.

a. Keys Elements of Suggestopedia

According to Richards and Theodore (2001: 104), there are six

element of suggestopedia as follows:

1. Comfortable environment

In suggestopedia method, the classroom is not the same as

common classroom. In the classroom, the chairs are arranged

semicircle and faced the whiteboard in order to make the learners

pay more attention and get more relaxed. In addition, the light in


the classroom is dim in order to make the students’ mind more


2. The use of music

One of the most uniqueness of this method is the use of

Baroque music during the learning. It is believed that Baroque

music creates a level of relaxed concentration that facilities the

input and retention of huge quantities of materials.

3. Peripheral Learning

The students learn English not only from direct instruction

but also from indirect instruction. It is encourage through the

presence in the learning environment of posters and decoration

featuring the target language and various grammatical information.

By doing this, the students can learn many things in the classroom

even outside.

4. Free Errors

In the teaching learning process, students who make

mistakes are tolerated, for example in pronouncing the word. The

emphasis is on the content not the structure. Grammar and

vocabularies are presented and given treatment form teachers, but

not dwelt on.

5. Homework is limited

Students reread materials given in the classroom once

before they go to sleep at night and once in the morning.


6. Music, drama and art are integrated in the learning process

They are integrated as often as possible.

These kinds of element cannot be separated each other. It will lead

to a successful suggestopedia method. It is because those are the

characteristics of suggestopedia method. The teacher has to follow this

characteristic to create relax and cozy atmosphere during teaching

learning process so that the students will have a huge interest. The use

of music and illustrate tools such in drama makes the students can

visualize the material being discussed.

b. Teachers’ Roles

According to Richards and Theodore (2001:104), the primary role

of the teacher is to create situations in which the learner is most

suggestible and then to present linguistic material in a way most likely

to encourage positive reception and retention by the learner.

Lozanov (in Richards and Theodore (2001:104)), lists several

expected teacher behaviors that contribute to these presentations as


1. Show absolute confidence in the method.

2. Display fastidious conduct in manners and dress.


3. Organize properly, and strictly observe the initial stages of the

teaching process-this includes choice and play of music, as well as


4. Maintain a solemn attitude towards the session.

5. Give tests and respond tactfully to poor papers (if any).

6. Stress global rather than analytical attitudes towards material.

7. Maintain a modest enthusiasm.

In other words, the teachers have to make sure that they can

conduct this method. It is not only just playing the music as a

background but also the teachers have to encourage the students and

motivate them in a good way.

c. Students’ Roles

According to Richards and Theodore (2001:103), students’ roles

are carefully prescribed. The mental state of the students is critical to

success, which is why learners must forgo mind-altering substances and

other distractions and immerse themselves in the procedures of the

method. Students must not try to figure out, manipulate, or study the

material presented but must maintain a pseudo-passive state, in which

the material rolls over and through them. Students are expected to

tolerate and in fact encourage their own “infantilization”. In part this is

accomplished by acknowledging the absolute authority of the teacher

and in part by giving themselves over to activities and techniques


designed to help them regain the self-confidence, spontaneity, and

receptivity, and receptivity of the child. Such activities include role

playing, games, songs, and gymnastic exercises.

Groups of students are ideally socially homogeneous, twelve in

number, and divide equally between men and women. Students sit in a

semi circle, which encourages face-to-face exchange and activity


From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the

students are expected to join the method and tolerate their own errors. If

they tolerate their errors, they will get their confidence to answer the

questions bravely, play the games spontaneously even play the role

playing. From the seat, it can be formed as a semi circle so that they can

face the other students in the class.

d. Teaching Reading Comprehension Using Suggestopedia Method

According to Richards and Theodore (2001:103), the learning

activities used in the method include imitation, question and answer,

and role play. The types of activities that are more original to

Suggestopedia are listening activities, which concern the text and the

vocabulary of each unit. These activities are typically part of the “pre-

session phase”, which takes place on the first day of a new unit. The

students first look at and discuss a new text with the teacher. In the


second reading, students relax comfortably in reclining chairs and listen

to the teacher read the text in a certain way.

B. Previous Study

The effectiveness of using suggestopedia method in teaching and

learning process is believed and proved by some researchers. The researcher

takes two previous studies.

The first previous study is “Teaching English Speaking Using

Suggestopedia Method at the Fourth Grade Students of SD Mutiara Nusantara

Parongpong” which was written by Nopiyanti MS, a student of English

Education Study Program of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. This research used

quantitative method pre-experimental design with one group pretest and

posttest design. The population of this research was 11 of the fourth grade

students Sekolah Mutiara Nusantara and the sample was the entire population.

The instrument of this research was test. The data collected by giving pretest

and posttest the student sample to improve and then the data were analyzed by

using t-test formula. The result of the data analysis showed that mean score of

pretest was 71.80, mean score of posttest was 85.81, the t-observed was 3.53

and t-table with degree of freedom (df) 10 and level significance at 5% was

1.81. Based on the data above, Teaching English Speaking Using

Suggestopedia Method is effective to improve students’ ability in Speaking and

it also meant that the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the t-

observed was higher than t-table (3.53 > 1.81).


The similarity of this research to this first previous study is the type of

research that used quantitative method pre-experimental design with one group

pretest posttest design as a research design. Also, this first previous study takes

a method to teach: suggestopedia method. The difference is in the sample. This

first previous study takes a sample of fourth grade students while the researcher

takes a sample of tenth grade students.

The second previous study is “The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia on

Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text” which was written by

Tami Asriani, a student of department of English education of Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta in 2015. This is a quasi

experimental study using nonequivalent control group design at the third grade

students of MTsN II Pamulang. The data were taken by giving pretest and

posttest reading to experimental and control group as a sample. The reslt of the

calculation statistical hypothesis test that showed t-value was higher than t-

table (2.07 > 1.68) where the formula of significance level α = 0.05. Besides,

the effect size was to know the strength of suggestopedia as a treatment on

students’ reading comprehension in narrative text by Effect Size (Cohen’s d)

Calculator for a student t-test was 0.59 which means there was medium effect

using suggestopedia based on the criteria of table effect size range. Therefore,

it was concluded that there was a significance effect of using suggestopedia on

students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at the third grade students of

MTsN II Pamulang.


The similarity of this research to this second previous study is the

method that is used: sugggestopedia and the focus of the research: reading

comprehension in narrative text. The difference is the type of research: quasi

experimental while the researchers’ is pre-experimental. Also, the use of

research design: nonequivalent control group design while the researcher uses

one group pretest posttest design. The sample is also different. This previous

study takes a sample of third grade students of MTsN while the researcher

takes grade students of SMK.

Both of previous studies focus in same method to teach English, that is

Suggestopedia. Both of the final result states that Suggestopedia is an

appropriate method and effective to teach English as in teaching speaking and

reading. It is because Suggestopedia brings a cozy environment that will lead

to a comfortable learning process especially in reading comprehension of

narrative text. The use of music as a background of learning will relax the

students so it will get easy to accept the learning as believed to some


C. Conceptual Framework

As the researcher states on the background of the study and previous

study, this research focuses on whether using suggestopedia method is

effective or not to teach reading comprehension at the tenth grade students of

SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. From

what the researcher sees that the students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih have a


big interest in teaching learning process that uses a fun method and media.

They will pay their attention well on what teacher teach. But they also fall

bored if they cannot catch the unfamiliar words. It makes the researcher try to

apply a fun method to help the students in understanding the material.

Reading comprehension of narrative text is the main part of this research.

Because the researcher thinks that this is an appropriate method to teach

reading. It is proved by some researchers too as states in previous study.

Narrative text is also one of the materials in the syllabus of second semester of

the tenth grade. Therefore the researcher chooses it.

Suggestopedia is a method that uses music as a background of teaching

learning process. It can help students to understand visualize the story in

narrative text and guess the unfamiliar words through the picture, poster, and

the other tools that described the story. This method brings a cozy and relax

environment. It is because the use of baroque music that will create a relax

atmosphere so that the students will be more focus on what they are studying.

D. Hypothesis

By using the hypothesis, it will make the researcher easier to focus the

research. Therefore, in this research, the researcher would like to formulate the

hypothesis as follows:


1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Using suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Using suggestopedia method is not effective in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016






A. Type of Research

There are two types of research; quantitative research and qualitative

research. Quantitative research is aimed to show the relation between

variables, test the theory and get the result based on calculation from the data

that being collected after giving the instrument (Sugiyono, 2012: 23). The

instrument itself can be a test, questionnaire and interview. While qualitative

research is aimed to find a theory, find a relation pattern that interactive,

describe the complex reality and get comprehend in meaning (Sugiyono,

2012:23). The instrument of this research is the researcher itself (human

instrument. It can be helped by taking some notes, recording with type

recorder, camera, handy cam, etc.

This research is focus on experiment to know whether the use of

Suggestopedia method in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at

the tenth grade of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of

2015/2016 is effective or not. Therefore, this research is classified as a

quantitative research. It is because the researcher will conduct experiment or

treatment to compare the results of pretest and posttest from one group using

an instrument; reading comprehension test.




B. Design of Research

According to Sugiyono (2012:109), there are three kinds of research

designs, those are: pre-experimental, factorial design and quasi experimental.

Pre--experimental design is divided into three types, those are: one-

shot case study, one-group pretest-posttest and intec-group comparison.

Meanwhile in true-experimental design is divided into two types, those are:

posttest only control design and pretest-control group design. The last is quasi

experimental which is divided into two types, there are: time-series design

and nonequivalent control group design.

1. Pre-Experimental Design

a. One-Shot Case Study, which means giving a treatment to one group

then observing the result. (Treatment as an independent variable and the

result as a dependent variable).

b. One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, in comparing the result of pretest

and posttest of one group.

c. Intact-Group Comparison, which means dividing a group into two, the

first half as an experimental group and the second half as a control


2. True-Experimental Design

a. Posttest-Only Control Design, in choosing two groups randomly, one as

an experimental group that receiving treatment and the other one as a

control group without receiving treatment.


b. Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, in choosing two groups

randomly. Then, giving pretest to know the first condition if there is a

difference between experimental group and control group. The great

result can be seen if there is no big significance different in

experimental group

3. Factorial Design

Factorial design is a modification of true-experimental design which means

considering the appearing of moderator variable effects the treatment

(independent variable). The groups are choosing randomly then giving

pretest. The good result can be seen as the result of pretest of each groups

are same.

4. Quasi Experimental Design

a. Time Series Design, which means giving pretest four times to a group

to know the first condition. If the result of each pretest is different to the

other it means fail and the condition of the group is unstable. After

getting the stable condition, it is ready to give treatment. This design

uses one group only so that no need to have control group.

b. Nonequivalent Control Group Design, which means the groups are not

choosing randomly. Those groups are: experimental group and control

group. The result can be seen as there is a significance influence of the

result of posttest for both groups.

Because the limited time, this research is using one-group pretest-

posttest design as one of pre-experimental designs. This design is comparing


the result before and after giving treatment of one group. It is because there is

no control group.

This design is described as follow:

     This means:

O1 : the result of pretest (before giving treatment)

O2 : the result of posttest (after giving treatment)

The significance different can be seen as (O2-O1)

O1 X O2

C. Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo at

the tenth grade in the academic year of 2015/2016. It is located in Jl.

Semawungdaleman Kutoarjo, Purworejo. The time of research is in April


The researcher conducts the research during four meetings. The first

meeting is used to give pre-test, the second and third meetings are used to

give the treatment, and the last meeting is used to give post-test. Pretest was

giving on 14th April 2016, treatment was giving on 28th April and 5th April

2016 then, posttest was giving on 12th April 2016.

D. Population, Sampling Technique and Sample of Research

1. Population 

According to Creswell (2012:142), population is a group of

individuals who have the same characteristic. In this research, the


population is the tenth grade of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the

academic year of 2015/2016 that have 161 students.

2. Sampling Technique 

According to Sugiyono (2012:119), there are two kinds of

sampling techniques; probability sampling and non probability sampling.

a. Probability Sampling

Probability sampling is a sampling technique which gives the same

chance to every member of population to be chosen as a sample. This

sampling technique is diving into four types;

1. Simple random sampling, in choosing the sample without

considering the strata or the level of each member of population.

2. Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, in choosing the sample

if the population is not homogeny and proportional levels. The

sample is chosen randomly.

3. Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling, in choosing the

sample if the population has disproportional levels.

4. Cluster Sampling (Area Sampling), in choosing the sample if the

object of research or the source of the data is very broad (e.g.

citizen of a country, province and regency). To determine the

sample is based on the chosen population.


b. Non Probability Sampling

Non probability sampling is a sampling technique which does not give

the same chance to every member of population to be chosen as a

sample. This sampling technique is divided into five types;

1. Systematic Sampling, which means in taking the sample is based

on the grade of the population which is given the number first.

2. Quota Sampling, which means in determining the sample of the

population that has a certain characteristic until comes to a

determined quota.

3. Incidental Sampling, which means in determining the sample by

accident. No matter whom they are as long as they fit to be the


4. Purposive Sampling, which means in choosing the sample with

consideration (e.g. there will be a research about quality of food,

and it is obvious to choose who are good at food).

5. Saturated Sampling, which means all of the population is taken as

the sample. It can happen if the number of population is small and

it can be less than 30 or a research needs a generalization with a

small mistake.

This research uses purposive sampling as one of non probability

sampling techniques. Because the limited of time and it is not all of the

population has the same chance to be chosen as the sample. Therefore,

the researcher takes 1 class, X AP-1 as a sample of this research.


3. Sample 

According to Sugiyono (2012:62), sample is a part of the amount

number and characteristic that population have. If the population is big

and the researcher is not be able to study it all because of the limited of

fund and time, the researcher can use the sample from population In this

research, the researcher takes 1 class as the sample. It is X AP-1 which

has 42 students.

E. Variable of Research

In this research, the researcher uses two variables, they are: 

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable is the major variable which the

researcher hopes to be observed. According to Sugiyono (2012:61), an

independent variable is a variable that influences a dependent variable. It

is symbolized by “X”. In this research, independent variable is the use of

suggestopedia method.

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the variable which the researcher

observes and measures to determine the effect of the independent

variable. According to Sugiyono (2012:61), dependent variable is the

variable that influenced because of any independent variable. It is

symbolized by “Y”. In this research, dependent variable is the students’

comprehending of narrative text.


F. Instrument of Research

As Arikunto (2013:203) states that instrument is a tool or facility

that is used by the researcher in collecting the data so that the research will

get easy and get a better result accurately, complete, and systematic. There

are six kinds of instrument to collect the data, they are: test, questionnaires,

interview, observation, rating scale and documentation.

In this research, the researcher uses a reading comprehension test

as an instrument. It is a multiple choice test with the number of question is 20

questions. By doing the test, the researcher wants to know how effective the

use of suggestopedia method in reading comprehension of narrative text at the

tenth grade of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the Academic Year of



G. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher carried out the following steps:

1. Preparing the research instrument.

2. Choosing one class as a sample.

3. Giving a pre-test.

4. Giving a treatment;

a. Preparing a narrative text.

b. Preparing the stuff to conduct suggestopedia method such as: laptop,

speaker active, baroque music.

c. Preparing the class into a semicircle line then making a dim lighting.


d. Reading a narrative text with baroque music as a background.

e. Guessing the infinitive verb and past tense verb in the narrative text.

f. Guessing the social function of narrative text.

g. Guessing the meaning of the text.

h. Giving instruction to the students to read the text before going bed and

after wake up in the morning.

5. Giving a post-test.

 H. Technique of Analyzing Data

This research is a quantitative research, so it needs the data analysis. In

this research, to analyze the data, the researcher uses descriptive and

inferential analyses. In descriptive analysis, the researcher uses mean, mean,

mode, median, range, variance and standard deviation (SD). In inferential

analysis, the researcher uses normality and hypothesis test.

1. Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive analysis includes the measurement of mean, mode,

median, range, variance and standard deviation (SD).

a. Mean

According to Sugiyono (2012:49), mean is a group explaining

technique based on the average of that group. Mean is a result of

summing all of the data of each individual in a group, then dividing

with the number of individual in a group, as follows:


n= ∑


This means:

M = Mean

∑ = Epsilon (Sum of the score)

xi = the score from xi until n

n = The number of students

b. Mode

According to Sugiyono (2012:47), mode is a group explain

technique based on the popular score or the often appear score.

c. Median

According to Sugiyono (2012:48), median is a group explaining

technique based on middle score of a data that has arranged from the

lowest to the highest or from the highest to the lowest.

d. Range

According to Sugiyono (2012:55), range can be calculated by

diminishing the highest score and the lowest score, as follows:

R = xt – xr This means:

R : Range

xt : The highest score

xr : The lowest score

e. Variance

According to Sugiyono (2012:56), variance is used to explain the

homogenity. The formula as follows:



12 ( )1

x xS



That means:

S2 = variance

n = the number of sample

f. Standard Deviation

According to Sugiyono (2012:57), standard deviation is the square

root of variance. The formula as follows:


1( )1

x xSD



That means:

SD = standard deviation

∑(x1-x)2 = the square of each score subtracted by mean score.

n = the number of sample

2. Inferential Analysis

The inferential analysis includes the measurement of normality,

and hypothesis test.

a. Normality Test

Normality test is needed to measure whether the data is normal or

not. The technique of normality test uses Chi Square (X2). The data is


normal if they obtained X2 value is smaller than the critical value in the

table. The formula of Chi Square as follows:


2 0( h


)f fXf−

=∑ (Arikunto, 2013:333)

That means:

X2 = chi square

f0 = frequency of the data

fh = frequency that being hoped

f0-fh = the difference data of f0 and fh  


b. Hypothesis Test

As the researcher uses one group pretest posttest design, the

formula of t-test as follows:

1 2

2 21 2 1 2

1 2 1 2


x xts s s srn n n n


⎛ ⎞⎛+ − ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎜

⎝ ⎠⎝


(Sugiyono, 2012: 122)

That means:

t = the value of t-test x1 = the mean of pretest x2 = the mean of posttest s1 = standard deviation of pretest s2 = standard deviation of posttest s1

2 = variance of pretest s2

2 = variance of posttest r = correlation



In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of the research and its

analysis. The research is conducted at X AP-1 of SMK YPE Sawunggalih

Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher uses pretest and

posttest to gain the data. The pretest is conducted on 14th April 2016 while pretest

is conducted on 12th May 2016.

A. Research Finding

1. Descriptive Analysis

This research is conducted at SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo

in the academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher takes X AP-1 which

consists of 42 students. The researcher gives pretest and posttest to get

the data. Then, to know the students’ reading mastery , the researcher

uses the classification of students’ reading mastery according to Arikunto

(2009:245), the category of the scores of the students’ achievement is

classified in the following table:

Table 2 Classification of Students’ Reading Mastery

Value Grade Level of Reading Mastery 80-100 A Excellent 66-79 B Good 56-65 C Sufficient 40-55 D Fairly Sufficient < 39 E Low




Table 3 The Result of Pretest and Posttest

No. Sample Pretest Posttest 1 S1 55 80 2 S2 65 80 3 S3 50 60 4 S4 75 80 5 S5 65 80 6 S6 70 85 7 S7 70 90 8 S8 70 85 9 S9 65 70

10 S10 65 80 11 S11 45 60 12 S12 55 65 13 S13 65 70 14 S14 70 75 15 S15 70 75 16 S16 65 70 17 S17 70 80 18 S18 70 90 19 S19 75 80 20 S20 45 75 21 S21 70 85 22 S22 80 90 23 S23 65 70 24 S24 70 80 25 S25 55 80 26 S26 55 70 27 S27 65 80 28 S28 75 75 29 S29 65 80 30 S30 50 80 31 S31 55 75 32 S32 70 75 33 S33 55 85 34 S34 75 85 35 S35 55 75 36 S36 80 85 37 S37 70 80 38 S38 65 85 39 S39 75 85 40 S40 70 70 41 S41 70 75 42 S42 55 75

   Total 2725 3270


The table 3 shows the result of pretest and posttest for each student of X

AP-1. It is found that he highest score of pretest is 80, while posttest is 90.

The lowest score of pretest is 45, while posttest is 60 and the total score of

pretest is 2725 while posttest is 3270.

Then, in this section, the researcher will show the computation of

mean, median, modus, variance and standard deviation.

a. Finding Mean

After the researcher calculated the total of students’ scores of

pretest and posttest, the researcher calculates the mean of pretest and

posttest. To calculate mean score, the researcher uses the formula as



n= ∑

This means:

M : Mean

∑ : Epsilon (Sum of the score)

xi : the score from xi until n

n : The number of students

1) Mean of Pretest = 2725 64.88142

M = =

2) Mean of Posttest = 3270 77.85742

M = =


From the computation it is shown that the mean of pretest is

68.881 while posttest is 77.857. It means that the mean of posttest is

higher than pretest (77.857 > 64.881).

b. Findings Variance (S2) and Standard Deviation (SD)

After knowing the mean score of pretest and posttest, the

researcher calculated the variance (S2) and standard deviation (SD).

1) Variance (S2) of Pretest


2 ( )S 1

1X Xn−


3324.4(42 1)



2) Variance (S2) of Posttest

212 ( )

1X X



2157.1(42 1)



From the calculation, it is shown that the variance of pretest

is 81.083 while posttest is 52.613. Then, the following is the

calculation of Standard Deviation (SD) of pretest and posttest.

1) Standard Deviation (SD) of Pretest

21( )

1x x



3324.4(42 1)




2) Standard Deviation (SD) of Posttest

21( )

1x x



2157.1(42 1)



From the calculation, it is shown that the standard

deviation (SD) of pretest is 9.004 while posttest is 7.253. These

calculations are proved by the calculation on SPSS as follows:


N Valid 42 42

Missing 0 0 Mean 64.8810 77.8571 Std. Error of Mean 1.38944 1.11924 Median 65.0000 80.0000 Mode 70.00 80.00 Std. Deviation 9.00461 7.25350 Variance 81.083 52.613 Range 35.00 30.00 Minimum 45.00 60.00 Maximum 80.00 90.00 Sum 2725.00 3270.00

From the calculation, the researcher concludes the lowest

score of pretest is 45 while posttest is 60 and the highest score of

pretest is 80 while pretest is 90. The mean of pretest is 64.881

while posttest is 77.857. Then, the mode of pretest is 70 while

posttest is 80. Standard deviation of pretest is 9.004 while posttest

is 7.253 and variance of pretest is 81.083 while posttest is 52.613.


c. Pretest and Posttest Analysis

In this section, the researcher will describe the analysis of

pretest and posttest based on the computation of the descriptive


Table 4 The Result Analysis of Pretest and Posttest

Statistic Pretest Posttest Mean 64.881 77.857

Highest score 80 90 Lowest score 45 60

Median 65 80 Mode 70 80 Range 35 30

Variance 81.08 52.61 Standard Deviation 9.00 7.25

Based on the table, it is shows that the mean of pretest is

64.881 while posttest is 77.857. It means that the use of

suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading

comprehension because the mean of posttest is higher than pretest

(77.857 > 64.881). Then, the highest score of pretest is 80 while

posttest is 90 and the lowest score of pretest is 45 while posttest is 60

and it can be concluded that the range of pretest is 35 while posttest

is 30.


Table 5 The Percentage of Students’ Reading Mastery of Pretest and Posttest

Interval Interpretation Grade Frequency Percentage Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

80-100 Excellent A 2 24 4.76 % 57.14 % 66-79 Good B 18 15 42.86 % 35.71 % 56-65 Sufficient C 10 3 23.81 % 7.14 %

40-55 Fairy Sufficient D 12 - 28.57 % -

< 39 Low E - - - - Total 42 42 100 % 100 %

Based on the table, the researcher concludes that in pretest

there are 12 students (28.57%) belong to fairy sufficient category, 10

students (23.81%) belong to sufficient category, 18 students

(42.86%) belong to good category and 2 students (4.76%) belong to

excellent category. While in posttest there are 3 students (7.14%)

belong to sufficient category, 15 students (35.71%) belong to good

category and 24 students (57.14%) belong to excellent category.

The reading skill result of pretest and posttest is reported in the

chart. The vertical line with numbers beside shows the percentage of

students for each grade. The horizon line shows the grade of reading

skill of the score obtained by the students.

There are three charts describing the research findings. The

first chart described the reading skill result of pretest, the second

chart belonged to posttest and the last chart showed the reading skill

result of pretest and posttest.














who get gra

The students

s 42.86%. T

precentage i

tudents and















Readinng Skill Res1

sult of Preteest

chart show

ade A (80-1

s who get g

The students

is 23.81%.

d the precent




ws the readi

00) are 2 s

rade B (66-

s who get gr

The stude

tage is 28.5

Chart ng Skill Resu





ng skill res

students and

-79) are 18

rade C (56-

nts who ge


2 ult of Postte






sult of prete

d the precen

students an

-65) are 10 s

et geade D




est. The stu

ntage is 4.7

nd the prece

students wit

D (40-55) ar



76 %.


th the

re 12








who get grad

The students

s 35.71%. T

precentage is

chart show

de A (80-10

s who get g

The students

s 7.14%.

ws the readin

00) are 24 s

rade B (66-

s who get g

ng skill resu

students and

-79) are 15

grade C (56

ult of postte

d the precen

students an

-65) are 3 s

est. The stu

ntage is 57.1

nd the prece

students wit


14 %.


th the

Chart 3 RReading Skilll Result of Pretest and Posttest











The chart sh

addition, the











chart show

hows a signi

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ion of nar

Kutoarjo in


ws the readi

ificance dif


rrative text

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fference betw

a method is

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mic year of


sult of pret

ween pretes

s effective

enth grade





test and pos

st and postt

to teach re

of SMK



test in




2. Inferential Analysis

In this section, the researcher will present the computation of

normality test and hypothesis testing.

a. Normality Test

By calculating normality test, it will show whether the data is

normal or not. It uses Chi Kuadrat (X2).

1) Normality Test of Pretest

From interval table, it shows that X2value = 10.37 while X2


= 11.07. If X2value < X2

table it means the data is normal. From the data

above, X2value < X2

table (10.37 < 11.07) it means that the data is


2) Normality Test of Posttest

From interval table, it shows that X2value = 9.21 while X2

table =

11.07. If X2value < X2

table it means the data is normal. From the data

above, X2value < X2

table (9.21 < 11.07) it means that the data is


It is proved on calculation on SPSS as follows:

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 42 42Normal Parametersa Mean 64.8810 77.8571

Std. Deviation 9.00461 7.25350Most Extreme Differences Absolute .220 .188

Positive .149 .122Negative -.220 -.188

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.423 1.216Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .035 .104a. Test distribution is Normal.


Based on the calculation on SPSS, if Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) is

higher than 0.05 (p > 0.05), it means that the data is normal. In short,

the data of pretest is normal because Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is higher

than 0.05 (0.035 > 0.05) and the data of posttest is normal because

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is higher than 0.05 (0.104 > 0.05).

b. Test of Hypothesis

From the calculation of pretest and posttest mean, it shows that

the mean of posttest is higher than the mean of pretest (77.855 >

64.881). The difference between the two means is 12.976. It indicates

that the treatment is effective. To know the effectiveness between them

and to make the analysis more reliable, the researcher analyzes it by

using t-test formula. As the researcher uses one group pretest posttest

design, the formula of t-test as follows:

1 2

2 21 2 1 2

1 2 1 2


x xts s s srn n n n


⎛ ⎞⎛+ − ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎜

⎝ ⎠⎝


(Sugiyono, 2012: 122)

64.881 77.85781.083 52.613 9.004 7.2532.0.53

42 42 42 42


⎛ ⎞⎛+ − ⎜ ⎟⎜⎝ ⎠⎝


( )( )12.976

1.930 1.252 1.06 1.389 1.119−

=+ −

10.554= −


From the computation, it shows that t-value is -10.554. Then t-

value is consulted to t-table with dk = n-2 = 40. With dk = 40 and

consulted by level significance 5%, t-table is 2.021. In this case, t-table

is -2.021 because t-value is -10.554. The researcher concludes that t-

value is lower than t-table (-10.554 < -2.021). It means the hypothesis

“Using suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK

YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016” is

accepted. In short, there is a significance difference before giving

suggestopedia method and after using it.

The test of hypothesis is proved in calculation on SPSS as follows:

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1

PRETEST - POSTTEST -1.29762E1 7.96789 1.22947 -15.45916 -10.49322 -10.554 41 .000

From the data, it shows that t-value is -10.554. Then, if Sig.

(2-tailed) < α (0.05) it means that there a significance difference before

and after using suggestopedia method. From the data, it shows that

0.000 < 0.05, it means that there is a different significance before

(pretest) and after (posttest) using suggestopedia method in teaching

reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade of SMK YPE

Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016.


Hypothesis Testing

There are three points involved in testing hypothesis. There are

levels of significance, null hypothesis and test of experimental

significance. The three points above are presented in the following:

1) The Level of Significance

In testing hypothesis, the researcher uses the level of

significance to minimize the false conclusion of the research. This is

applied to reject the hypothesis in order to gain the objective

conclusion. Generally, the level used in any research is 5% or 1%

level. In this research, the researcher uses the level of significance

5% level. It means that the falseness of conclusion is 5% and the

truth of conclusion is 95%.

2) Null Hypothesis

In testing hypothesis, the researcher commonly faced with the

null hypothesis. By using the null hypothesis, the hypothesis

statement will be easier to be proved. The hypothesis of this research

said “Using suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK

YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016”.

To prove whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted, the

researcher changed the research hypothesis into the null hypothesis.

Therefore, the null hypothesis said “Using suggestopedia method is


not effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at

the tenth grade students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the

academic year of 2015/2016”.

3) Experimental Significance

After got the t-value, the researcher consulted the critical

value on the t-table to check whether the difference is significance or

not. Before the experiment is conducted, the level of significance to

use was divided. The researcher used the 5% (0.05) significance


The number of subject in this research is 42 with dk=40 the

it consulted to the t-table = 2.021. Because of t-value is -10.554 then

t-table is -2.021. In descriptive analysis shows that mean of pretest is

64.881 and mean of posttest is 77.857. It means that the use of

suggestopedia method is effective because the mean of posttest is

higher than pretest (77.857 > 64.881). (Ho) is accepted if t-value >

t-table or (Ho) is rejected if t-value < t-table. In this research, it

shows that t-value is -10.554 and t-table is -2.021. It means t-value is

lower than t-table (-10.554 < -2.021). In other words, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and hypothesis alternative (Ha) is

accepted. So, the hypothesis “Using suggestopedia method is

effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at the


tenth grade students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the

academic year of 2015/2016” is accepted.

B. Discussion

In this section, the researcher is going to describe the interpretation

of research result about descriptive analysis and inferential analysis.

1. Descriptive Analysis Interpretation

After describing the analysis in the previous section, the researcher

will discuss more about the interpretation of the reading skill result of

pretest and posttest.

a. Reading skill result of pretest

Based on the table, it is shown that, the researcher concludes

that in pretest there are 12 students (28.57%) belong to fairy sufficient

category, 10 students (23.81%) belong to sufficient category, 18

students (42.86%) belong to good category and 2 students (4.76%)

belong to excellent category.

b. Reading skill result of posttest

Based on the table, it is shown that, the researcher concludes

that in posttest there are 3 students (7.14%) belong to sufficient

category, 15 students (35.71%) belong to good category and 24

students (57.14%) belong to excellent category.


Table 6 The Result Analysis of Pretest and Posttest

Statistic Pretest Posttest

Mean 64.88 77.85 Highest score 80 90 Lowest score 45 60

Median 65 80 Mode 70 80 Range 35 30

Variance 81.08 52.61 Standard Deviation 9.00 7.25

2. Inferential Analysis Interpretation

In this section, the researcher will interpret the hypothesis testing.

From the previous analysis and the computation on SPSS, it shows that

probability (p) is lower than α (0.05). It is 0.000 < 0.05. It means there is a

significance different between before (pretest) and after (posttest) using

suggestopedia method in teaching reading of narrative text at the tenth

grade of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of


It is also known that t-value is -10.554 and with the amount of the

sample (n=42) and the level significance is 5%, the result of the

computation of t-table is -2.021. The computation shows that t-alue is

lower than t-table (-10.554 < -2.021) It means, the hypothesis “Using

suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading comprehension of

narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK YPE Sawunggalih

Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016” is accepted.




In this chapter, the researcher will take conclusion and give suggestion

from the data analysis in chapter IV. It is aimed at presenting the result of this

study in a form of conclusion and suggestion. The researcher takes the

conclusion based on the data analysis in chapter IV and gives the suggestion

that may be useful for teaching and learning process to the readers.

A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, the testing of the hypothesis and the

discussion in chapter IV, the researcher can draw the conclusion that the use

of suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading comprehension of

narrative text using suggestopedia method at the tenth grade students of SMK

YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016.

As the result of research, it is found that there is significance different

between the mean of pretest and posttest because the mean of posttest is

higher than pretest (77.857 > 64.881). Then, probability (p) is lower than α

(0.05). It is 0.000 < 0.05. It means that the use of suggestopedia method is

effective Then, the t-table is higher than t-value (-2.021 > -10.554). It means

that the the hypothesis which is ”Using suggestopedia method is effective in

teaching reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students

of SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo in the academic year of 2015/2016” is




B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion above, the researcher puts forward

suggestion. The suggestion will be addressed to the students, teachers, and

other researchers. The suggestions are as follows:

1. To the students

The students should believe and confidence on what they face in

teaching and learning process. If they cannot understand the subject being

discussed, they have to ask the teacher directly. The first thing they should

do to comprehend the text is that they have to know the purpose of reading

so that they will focus on what they will learn and find on the text. They

also have to choose the right strategy and ask the fun methods to the

teacher to get the meaning of the text easily. The right strategy and the fun

method will lead to the best result in reading comprehension.

2. To the teachers

It is better to use the fun and appropriate methods to teach. If the

teachers just do the conventional methods, the students will get bored even

cannot reach the goal of learning. It is important to apply the method to

teach reading comprehension. It will lead the students to a great

atmosphere so they can focus on what they are reading and comprehend

the whole text. With the help of the teachers and the use of methods in

reading, the students will get a successful teaching and learning reading

comprehension process.


3. To the other researchers

The researcher hopes that this research will be useful for the other

researchers. And also it can be a reference for a better experiment in

teaching and learning process.


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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

The List of Sample

No. Sample F/M Symbol 1. Akhadiyah Dwi Kusumaningsih F S1 2. Alifia Nur Faizah F S2 3. Anita F S3 4. Anteng Yuniati F S4 5. Ari Sutri Winarni F S5 6. Azizah Magfiroh F S6 7. Dina Saputri F S7 8. Eka Riza Lestari F S8 9. Ferra Afrika F S9 10. Fina F S10 11. Idha Ayu Puspita F S11 12. Indri F S12 13. Juniati F S13 14. Khoerul Anam M S14 15. Latifa Aunia Syafii F S15 16. Makrifatul Ulfah F S16 17. Mega Puspitasari F S17 18. Mei Indriyani F S18 19. Millenia Kharisma Victoriya F S19 20. Much Ridho M S20 21. Nadya Anjaswani F S21 22. Nathalia Erika Puspitaningrum F S22 23. Novi Arifah F S23 24. Nur Choiriah PAngestuti F S24 25. Nur Intan F S25 26. Nur Safitri F S26 27. Puput Putri Permatasari F S27 28. Rani Yola Oktafiani F S28 29. Rosi Pratiwi F S29 30. Selvi Nadia F S30 31. Septi Wahyu Diana F S31 32. Sherly Amin Pradesta F S32 33. Siti Rohani F S33 34. Sri Lestari F S34 35. Supri Hayati F S35 36. Swesti Melani F S36 37. Turiningsih F S37 38. Valentina Niken Utami F S38 39. Vera Irawati F S39 40. Wahyu Febrianti F S40 41. Yuliati F S41 42. Yuni Ardiyanti F S42

Appendix 4





MatKelaKom KI 1KI 2

KI 3

KI 4


ta Pelajaran : BAas : X mpetensi Inti :

: Menghayati da2: Menghayati da

peduli (gotongsebagai bagiandan alam serta

3: Memahami, mprosedural berbudaya, dan hterkait penyebkajian yang sp

4: engolah, m M edari yang dipe

Kompetensi Dasa

Mensyukuri kesempdapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebabahasa pengantar komunikasi internayang diwujudkan d

Appendix 5




an mengamalkan aan mengamalkan pg royong, kerjasamn dari solusi atas bea dalam menempatk

menerapkan, mengardasarkan rasa inginumaniora dengan w

bab fenomena dan kpesifik sesuai dengaenalar, dan menyajelajarinya di sekola

ar Materi P



sional alam







ajaran agama yang perilaku jujur, disip

ma, toleran, damai), erbagai permasalahkan diri sebagai ceranalisis pengetahuan tahunya tentang iwawasan kemanusikejadian, serta menan bakat dan minatji dalam ranah kon

ah secara mandiri, d


ode Dok atus Revisi alaman anggal terbit


dianutnya plin, tanggungjawab

santun, responsif han dalam berinterarminan bangsa dala

an faktual, konseptuilmu pengetahuan, iaan, kebangsaan, nerapkan pengetahutnya untuk memecankret dan ranah absdan mampu mengg

Kegiatan Pem


b, dan pro-aktif dan aksi secara efektif dam pergaulan duniaual, teknologi, seni, kenegaraan, dan pe

uan prosedural padahkan masalah. strak terkait dengangunakan metoda se


WK1/PRF/01 1 dari 2 1 juli 2014





menunjukkan sikapdengan lingkungana

eradaban a bidang

n pengembangan esuai kaidah keilmu


p n sosial



i Sumber


r Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

semangat belajar.

2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat, sesuai dengan

Teks naratif, berbentuk legenda sederhana

Fungsi sosial

Memperoleh hiburan,


• Siswa menyalin dengan tulisan tangan yang rapi beberapa teks naratif berbentuk legenda, pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber, dengan


• Tingkat pemahaman fungsi sosial teks teks naratif berbentuk

10 JP • Buku Teks wajib

• Keteladanan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggunakan setiap tindakan komunikasi interpersonal/

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

konteks penggunaannya.

4.15 Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk legenda, sederhana

menghibur dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, meneladani nilai-nilai moral, cinta tanah air, menghargai budaya lain, dsb.

Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

a. Pendahuluan (orientasi) dengan memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, waktu, terjadinya cerita.

b. Penilaian (evaluasi) tentang situasi dan kondisi terjadinya cerita.

c. Krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama (komplikasi)

d. Akhir cerita di mana krisis berakhir (resolusi) dengan bahagia atau sedih

e. Ulasan atau komentar umum

menggunakan ejaan dan tanda baca dengan benar.

• Siswa membaca dan mendengarkan legenda tersebut untuk memahami isi pesannya.

• Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosialnya, struktur teks (termasuk a.l. gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) dari setiap legenda tersebut.


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menanyakan dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari setiap legenda tersebut.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

• Secara kolaboratif, siswa mencari dan mengumpulan beberapa legenda pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari internet, film, koran, majalah, buku teks, dsb.

• Siswa membaca rujukan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku teks, untuk mengetahui

legenda rakyat, pendek dan sederhana.

• Tingkat kelengkapan dan keruntutan pemahaman isi pesan legenda rakyat.

• Tingkat ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, kerapihan tulisan tangan.

• Sikap tanggung jawab, kerjasama, cinta damai, dan percaya diri yang menyertai tindakan memahami isi pesan legenda rakyat.

transaksional dengan benar dan akurat

• Contoh teks dari sumber otentik

• Sumber dari internet, seperti:





Kompetensi Dasar Mat ran eri Pembelaja Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

(reorientasi), opsional.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Tata bahasa: Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense

(2) Kosa kata: terkait karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda

(3) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, dsb.

(4) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penunjuk waktu: a long time ago, in 1776, during the war, immediately after the dry season, dsb.

(5) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari legenda.

• Siswa membaca semua legenda yang telah terkumpul tsb., secara lebih cermat dengan cara mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan:

- fungsi sosial setiap teks

- tokoh, tempat, waktu, terjadinya cerita

- krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh

- akhir cerita di mana krisis berakhir

- komentar atau penilaian umum tentang legenda (opsional, jika ada)

- kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, ejaan, tanda baca yang digunakan


• Siswa membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa legenda yang telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas.


Kinerja (praktik)

Menganalisis isi pesan legenda rakyat.

Observasi: (penilaian yang bertujuan untuk memberikan balikan secara lebih cepat)

• Observasi terhadap tindakan siswa berusaha memahami dan menganalisis isi pesan legenda rakyat pendek dan sederhana.

• Observasi terhadap kesungguhan, tanggung jawab, dan kerja sama siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di setiap tahapan.

Penilaian diri:

Pernyataan siswa secara tertulis dalam jurnal belajar sederhana berbahasa

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

(6) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi

(7) Ejaan dan tanda baca

(8) Tulisan tangan


Cerita legenda yang memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku santun, peduli, jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, kerjasama, cinta damai, dan bertanggung jawab.

• Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang hasil analisis mereka tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam legenda yang mereka baca.


• Siswa menyampaikan beberapa legenda pendek dan sederhana yang telah dibacanya kepada teman-temannya, dengan cara antara lain membacakan, menyalin dan menerbitkan di majalah dinding, bertanya jawab, membahas pandangan masing-masing tentang isi legenda, dsb.

• Siswa berupaya membaca secara lancar dengan ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi yang benar dan menulis dengan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar, serta tulisan yang jelas dan rapi.

• Siswa membicarakan permasalahan yang dialami dalam memahami legenda dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal belajar sederhana dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Indonesia tentang pengalaman belajar menganalisis legenda rakyat, termasuk kemudahan dan kesulitannya.

Tes tertulis

Membaca teks yang menuntut pemahaman tentang legenda rakyat.


• Kumpulan hasil analisis tentang beberapa legenda rakyat yang telah dibuat.

• Lembar soal dan hasil tes

Appendix 6


School : SMK YPE Sawunggalih Kutoarjo Subject : English Class/Semester : X / II Material : Narrativetext,asimplelegend Time Allocation : 8 x 45 minutes A. Core Competence (CC)

CC 1 : Comprehending and applying the belief. CC 2 : Comprehending and applying the honesty, discipline, responsibility,

care (help each other, team work, tolerance, peace), well mannered, responsive, and pro-active and showing the attitude as a part of the solution of the problem in interacting in an effective way with social environment and nature in placing self as a reflection of the nation in the world society.

CC 3 : Comprehending, applying, analyzing the factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on the curiosity about knowledge, technology, art, culture, and human nature with the insight of humanity, nationality and, civilization related to the cause of phenomenon and incident and applying the knowledge of procedural in the specific area that suits with talent and interest to solve the problem.

CC 4 : Processing, providing in a concrete and abstract area related to the development of the learning at school and can use the method appropriates with scientific role.

B. Basic Competence and Indicator

1.1 Being grateful for the chance to get English learning as an international language that shows in learning’s spirit. a. Showing the well mannered and care in doing interpersonal

communication to the teachers and friends. b. Showing the honesty, discipline, self esteem and responsibility in

doing transactional communication to the teachers and friends. c. Showing the responsibility, care, team work, and peace in doing

functional communication. 1.10 Analyzing the social function, generic structure and language features in

narrative text about a simple legend as the context in use.

4.13 Getting the meaning of narrative text in written and spoken text about a simple legend.

Indicator: 1. Identifying the general phenomenon, certain and detail information of

narrative text about a simple legend. 2. Identifying the social function, social, generic structure, and language

features of narrative text about a simple legend. 3. Differentiating the social function, generic structure and language features

of narrative text about a simple legend. 4. Explaining the meaning of narrative text about a simple legend. 5. Giving opinion or idea, sharing information and getting the moral value of

the text.

C. The Learning Goal 1. The students can identify the information of narrative text about a simple

legend. 2. The students can identify and analyze the generic structure of narrative

text about a simple legend. 3. The students can determine the main idea, character and event of narrative

text about a simple legend. 4. The students can conclude the moral value of narrative text about a simple

legend. 5. The students can read narrative text about a simple legend with the right

intonation. D. The Material

The Social Function: Getting entertainment, entertaining and learning moral value, having respect of moral value, having nationalism, appreciating the other culture, etc. Generic Structure:

1. Orientation (who was involved, when and where was it happened).

2. Evaluation (the situation and condition of the story).

3. Complication (a problem that happened to the main character).

4. Resolution (where the complication ended with a happy or sad ending).

5. Reorientation (coda) that provides a comment or moral based on what has been learned from the story.

Language Features: 1. Use of Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense. 2. Vocabulary: related to the participants, character and setting in legend.

3. Adverbial of time: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, etc. 4. Adverbial and prepositional phrase of time: a long time ago, in 1776, during

the war, immediately after the dry season, etc. 5. Use of an appropriate singular and plural words within or without a, the,

this, those, my, their, 6. Pronunciation, intonation, spelling and reading mark. 7. Hand writing.

Topic: A story of a legend that provides model about well mannered, care, discipline, honesty, self esteem, live in peace and responsible.

An Example of Narrative Text:

The Legend of Moopoo Bird A long time ago in Minahasa lived an old man with his grandson. The

grandson’s name was Nondo. The old man loved Nondo very much. He was a nice and diligent boy. When his grandfather went to the jungle to collect some fire woods, Nondo stayed at home. He always did the household chores. Nondo always wanted to join his grandfather to the jungle. However, his grandfather did not allow him. Nondo was limped. He could not walk well.

His grandfather always went to jungle in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. In the evening, just before bedtime, the grandfather always told Nondo anything that happened in the jungle. Nondo really enjoyed listening about the animals in the jungle. Nondo always dreamed of going to the jungle and seeing the animals.

On one morning, Nondo could not hold his feeling anymore. He begged to his grandfather. He really wanted to go to the jungle and see the animals. “Please, Grandpa. Let me join you. Just this time, please,” Nondo begged. The old man did not want to disappoint his beloved grandson.

After thinking deeply, he then said, “You can join me this time. But you have to be near me, okay? I will bring the woods, so I cannot see you all the time.” Nondo was so happy. He promised to his grandfather that he would always be near him. Nondo could not wait to see the animals.

Then, they left the house. And finally they arrived at the jungle. At first, Nondo was able to walk near his grandfather. However soon, the distance was getting farther. Every time Nondo saw an animal, he always stopped for a moment. He was really amazed. The grandfather always reminded Nondo not to stop walking. Sadly, Nondo was so happy looking at the animals. He ignored his grandfather’s warning.

Soon, Nondo was lost in the jungle. He was separated from his grandfather. “Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you? Grandpa, don’t leave me here,” Nondo screamed. Slowly, darkness covers the forest. Nondo was really

scared. The sounds of the animals really frightened him. He kept on calling his grandfather. Meanwhile, the grandfather just realized that his grandson was lost. He looked for Nondo and called out his name. But still he could not find Nondo. The grandfather was really sad. He regretted to let Nondo join him. The grandfather decided to go back home. He hoped Nondo would already arrive at home. Unfortunately, Nondo did not come home yet.

In the morning, the grandfather went to the jungle again. He wanted to find Nondo. And when he arrived in the jungle, he saw a bird. The bird made a strange sound. It said, “Moo poo... Moo po...” The grandfather was really curious. He never heard a bird make a sound like that. He looked at the bird carefully, and again the bird said, “Moo poo...” Then he felt very strange. He felt that the bird said, “Opoku... Opoku...” It means “My grandpa... My grandpa...” Being really curious, he approached the bird. He was very surprised because the bird was limped.

The grandfather cried. He remembered his grandson. He was sure that his grandson had changed into a bird. Since then, people named the bird as Moopoo bird. It can be found in Minahasa, North Sulawesi.

E. The Learning Method

Method : Suggestopedia

F. Media, Tool, and The Source of Learning

1. Media

a. Textbook

2. Tool

a. Laptop

b. LCD

c. Speaker Active

d. Picture

e. Music

3. Source of Learning

a. Textbook

b. Internet

G. Learning Activities

Meeting 1

Giving pretest (90 minutes).

Meeting 2

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

a. The researcher greets the students.



b. The researcher guides the students to follow the learning process such as:

praying, taking attendance, and preparing the textbook.

c. The researcher explains the learning goal or basic competence that will be

achieved and delivers the material and the explanation of learning activities

based on syllabus.

2. The Main Activities (75 minutes)

a. Observing (20 minutes)

1. The researcher read narrative text about a simple legend provided.

2. The students repeat the pronunciation of each sentences in the text as the

teacher’s read.

3. The students analyze the social function, generic structure and language

features of the text as the researcher’s guide.

b. Questioning (10 minutes)

The students start to ask the differences between social function, generic

structure, and language features as a part of narrative text.

c. Collecting Information (15 minutes

1. The students are given another example of narrative text as in textbook,

Forward on page 168-169, King Midas and Golden Touch.

2. The students read and write down the text

3. The students identify the main idea of each paragraph, certain and detail

information of the text.

4. The students explain the main idea of each paragraph, certain and detail

information of the text in front of the class voluntarily.

d. Associating (15 minutes)

In group, the students the main idea of each paragraph, certain and detail

information of the narrative text in a kind of source.

e. Communicating (10 minutes

One of the members of each group presents the result of their discussion in

front of the class.

3. Closing (5 minutes)

The students receive the feedback from the researcher and get information of the

next material.

Meeting 3

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

a. The researcher greets the students.

b. The researcher guides the students to follow the learning process such as:

praying, taking attendance, and preparing the textbook.

c. The researcher explains the learning goal or basic competence that will be

achieved and delivers the material and the explanation of learning activities

based on syllabus.

2. The Main Activities (75 minutes)

a. Observing (20 minutes)

1. The researcher sets the students’ seat into semi circle.

2. The researcher prepares the media and tool of the learning.

3. The researcher starts to read a narrative text entitled The Legend of Catu

Island with a certain intonation and turn the baroque music on as a

background of the learning.

4. The students pay attention of what’s the researcher read without having

the text.

b. Questioning (10 minutes)

The students start to ask the differences between social function, generic

structure, and language features as a part of narrative text.

c. Collecting Information (15 minutes)

1. The researcher starts to play guessing word by whispering it.

2. The researcher starts to whisper a word of verb 2, and the last student

should change it into verb 1.

3. The researcher starts to choose the student randomly and give a question

related to the main idea, social function, language features and generic

structure of narrative text that has been read and the chosen students

should answer it orally.

d. Associating (15 minutes)

In group, the students are given the written text of narrative that has been read

and try to summarize it.

e. Communicating (10 minutes)

One of the members of each group presents the result of their discussion in

front of the class.

3. Closing (5 minutes)

The students receive the feedback from the teacher and get information of the next


Meeting 4

Giving posttest (90 minutes).

H. Scoring

Scoring based on project based learning

a. Implementing the Scientific Approach




Behavior Knowledge Skill

Observing Honest Social Finding the information















Behavior Knowledge Skill

(The students

read/ listen to

some of narrative






feature of

narrative text

by answer the following

question: a. Do you know what

kind of genre of the

text is?

b. What is the social

function of narrative


c. Can you mention the

tenses that is used to

narrative text?

Questioning Care







feature of

narrative text

Having skill of asking a

question everything about

social function, generic

structure, and language

feature of narrative text.

(Using the precise

language , effective and

efficient) Collecting Data Responsible

Care Team work






feature of

narrative text

Analyzing the social

function, generic

structure, language

feature and detail

information of narrative

text about a simple legend

Associating Responsible

Care Team work




Summarizing the

narrative text about a

simple legend that has

Aspect Attitude/


Activity Behavior




feature of

narrative text

read in a group of four.

Communicating Care

Responsible Team work






feature of

narrative text

Presenting the summarize

of the narrative text about

a simple

b. Instrument

There will be a reading comprehension test which has 20 multiple choices of

pretest and posttest. Each of the right answer has 5 points.

Formula = the right answer x 5

c. Observation

Observation sheet of the students
























Appendix 7 PRETEST

Read the following text carefully!

A long time ago in Sepang Village, Central Kalimantan, lived a widow named Emas. Her

husband died when her daughter was a baby. Her daughter’s name was Tumbai. The villagers in

Sepang Village were poor. Though they were poor, the villagers always worked hard. Fortunately

there was a well in the village. So they always had enough water to live.

Tumbai was a very good daughter. She was diligent and obedient. She always helped her

mother and listened to her mother’s advice. She also liked to help other people. That was why

everybody knew her.

Tumbai was not only famous for her kindness, but she was also famous for her beauty. She

was very beautiful! Many young men fell in love with her. One by one, they proposed her to be

their wife. However, Tumbai always refused the marriage proposal. She was confused. So she

prayed to God to give her guidance. Finally she got the answer. In her dream, an old man asked her

to marry a man who could change the well from fresh water into salty water. When she woke up,

Tumbai was very confused.

She thought it was difficult for a man to change the fresh water into salty water. When

Tumbai told her mother about her dream, her mother was also confused. However, she knew that

her daughter was very good and wouldn’t lie to her. Her mother had a feeling; probably God was

going to help them from poverty.

Her mother then made an announcement that Tumbai would marry a man who could

change fresh water in the well into salty water. Everybody was laughing. They thought Tumbai and

her mother were crazy. But it did not stop those young men to try. They really wanted to marry

Tumbai. So they all tried to change the fresh water into salty water. But they all failed.

One day a man came. He lived in the riverside of Barito River. He had supernatural power.

“Ma’am, I’m here to marry your daughter,” said the man to Emas, Tumbai’s mother “Do you know

the test?” asked Emas. “I do. I will change the fresh water into salty water,” said the man.

The man then sat down next to the well. He was meditating and prayed to God. All the

villagers were circling the man. They all were curious. After a while, the man finished meditating.

He stood up and asked the villagers to taste the water from the well. It worked! He succeeded in

changing the water. Tumbai was happy. She finally found her dream husband.

And her mother was right. After the water was salty, the villagers were not poor anymore.

They changed the salty water into salt. They sold it and they had money. The salty water was

flowing from the well to the Kahayan River. Until now, people still taste the salty water in Kahayan

River. They also think that the legend really happened.


Answer the following question by crossing a, b, c, d, or e on your answer sheet! 1. What is the suitable title of the text?

a. A Supernatural River. b. Kahayan River. c. The Legend of Water. d. Tumbai and Emas. e. An Old Story.

7. How did everybody know Tumbai? a. By her kindness. b. By her passion. c. By her relationship. d. By her multi-talented. e. By her status.

2. Who is Tumbai? a. Emas daughter. b. A widow. c. An old woman. d. A daughter of Emas. e. Unmentioned.

8. What is the similar word of diligent (Paragraph 2)? a. Lazy. b. Careless. c. Hard-working. d. Hard-worker. e. Jobless.

3. Where did the story take place? a. Across the river. b. In Kahayan river. c. In Sepang Village. d. At an old house. e. In East Kalimantan.

9. Who proposed Tumbai?

a. The villagers. b. All of villagers. c. The young men. d. An old man. e. A man.

4. When did the story happen? a. A month ago. b. Recently. c. This year. d. A year ago. e. A long time ago.

10. What did the dream tell?

a. To marry a man who can change fresh water into salty water.

b. To marry a man who can change salty water.

c. To marry a man who brings her salty water.

d. To marry a man who has fresh and salty water.

e. To marry a man who can drink salty water.

5. “So they always had enough water to live (paragraph 1)”, the word ‘they’ refers to? a. Emas and her mother. b. Emas and Tumbai. c. The village. d. The villagers. e. The young people.

11. “But they all failed (paragraph 5)”,

the word ‘they’ refers to? a. Tumbai’s mother. b. The young men. c. The young man. d. Everybody. e. The villagers.

6. The first paragraph is called? a. Orientation. b. Evaluation. c. Complication. d. Resolution. e. Reorientation.


12. Who lived in the riverside of Barito River? a. A man. b. An old man. c. A man who had a supernatural

power. d. A man who wanted to marry Emas. e. A man who wanted to carry salty


13. What is the similar word of curious (paragraph 7)? a. Strange. b. Beautiful. c. Unusual. d. Questioning. e. Odd.

14. How did Tumbai find her husband? a. After she had a dream. b. After the villagers curious. c. After Emas gave her permission. d. After the young men failed change the

fresh water. e. After a man changed the fresh water

into salty water.

15. Why were the villagers not poor anymore? a. Because they had salty water. b. Because they change salty water into

salt that can be sold. c. Because they earned much money. d. Because they were already rich. e. Because they had supernatural power.

16. When do the people still can taste the salty water? a. Until they grew old. b. Until they have a grandchild. c. Until the water is gone. d. Until the end of year. e. Until now.

17. What is the main idea of paragraph 6? a. A man who can change the water

came. b. A man came to challenge Tumbai. c. A man came to propose Tumbai. d. None can marry Tumbai. e. A man came to marry Emas.

18. What is the last paragraph called? a. Orientation. b. Evaluation. c. Complication. d. Resolution. e. Reorientation.

19. What is the moral value of the text? a. Not to try too hard in doing

everything. b. Not to dream what you want. c. Not to give up in trying. d. Not to trust anyone. e. Not to marry a man who has

supernatural power. 20. What is the purpose of narrative text?

a. To describe something particular. b. To entertain/amuse the readers. c. To tell the past event. d. To tell the process of making

something. e. To describe the way things are.


There was an old woman lived near the Kapuas River, West Kalimantan. She had two sons. Her

husband had died a long time ago. The woman took care of her sons by herself. She taught them to be

independent. The two sons were teenagers. They wanted to have a better life. Every day they saw big ships

sailing along the Kapuas River. They saw rich merchants with beautiful ships. They also wanted to become

rich merchants. They really wanted to have big and beautiful ships.

The two sons told their plans to their mother. The woman was very sad. She did not want to lose her

children. However, they insisted that they would come back soon. And they also promised to go back home

with a lot of money. The woman could not hold them any longer. She finally let them go. And before the sons

left, they gave their mother their chicks. They said that they would come home when the chicks grew as


The two brothers joined a big ship. The owner of the ship was a rich merchant. He gave them a job in

his ship. They were very happy. Their dream started to come true. After working for the rich merchant for

some time, the two brothers bought their own ships. Each of them bought a small ship. They worked very

hard and slowly they became very rich. The two brothers were famous. Many people were amazed with their

wealth and their beautiful and big ships. Many young girls fell in love with them. And finally the two brothers

got married. Their wives were really beautiful.

It had been a really long time since the two brothers left their home. They wanted to visit their

hometown. The two brothers told their wives and their crew that they would sail to Kapuas River, their

hometown. The ships sailed side by side. And every time the ships passed by at a harbor, people were always

talking about them. They were talking about the rich brothers who would go back home. The news about the

two brothers was spreading very fast. Their mother also heard the news and she was extremely happy. The

woman had been waiting for their children. She was old and very weak. Every day she was always thinking

about her sons.

And when her sons' ships finally arrived, she brought the cocks. She wanted to show the cocks to her

children. First she came to the oldest son. "My Son, it's me. I am your mother. Look! I brought your cock."

The oldest son was shocked to see his mother. She was old and looked shabby. The oldest son was ashamed

to see his own mother. "No! I don't know you! You are not my mother. Go away!" The old woman was very

sad. She was crying. Then she went to the second ship. It belonged to his second son. Sadly, his second son

also behaved badly. He also denied the woman as his mother.

The woman was very sad. She never thought it would happen to her. Her sons ignored her and did

not want to admit her as their mother. She prayed to God. She asked God to punish her children. God heard

the prayer. Suddenly a heavy storm attacked the river. The rain fell down heavily. The two brothers wanted to

save their lives. Their ships sailed very fast. But they could not save their lives. The storm made their ships

sink. And after the storm was over, people saw two islands in the middle of Kapuas River. The islands looked

like two ships sailing in the race competition. People then named the islands as Belumbak Island. Belumbak is

from the word 'berlomba' or 'race competition'.


1. What is the suitable title of the text above? a. Kalimantan Island. b. The Arrogant Kids. c. The Rich Ship. d. Belumbak Island. e. A River.

2. Who wanted to have a better life? a. The son. b. Both of sons of an old woman. c. The woman. d. The father. e. The old woman.

3. Where did the story take place?

a. In a big city. b. In a poor village. c. In a village. d. In West Kalimantan. e. In a kingdom.

4. When did the story happen?

a. A long time ago. b. A year ago. c. A month ago. d. A long way. e. Unmentioned.

5. They also wanted to become rich

merchants. They really wanted to have big and beautiful ships (Paragraph 1). The word ‘they’ refers to? a. The villagers. b. The man and his wife. c. The two sons. d. The crew of the ship. e. Unmentioned.

6. The first paragraph is called______.

a. Orientation. b. Climax. c. Event. d. Conclusion. e. Re-orientation.

7. According to paragraph 2, why was the woman very sad? a. Because the sons gave her the

chicks. b. Because she was worried that the

sons would not comeback. c. Because the sons loved the ship. d. Because her husband had died. e. Because she wanted a better life.

8. The two brothers joined a big ship

(Paragraph 3), what does it mean? a. They had a big ship. b. They had a big crew. c. They left the ship. d. They bought a big ship. e. They became a member of the ship.

9. What is the synonym of amazed

(Paragraph 3)? a. Silent. b. Beautiful. c. Bad. d. Stunned. e. Ugly.

10. How did the two brothers get their

own ships? a. After they met their mother. b. After they had a job to sell a ship. c. After they joined a small ship. d. After they were famous. e. After worked for the rich merchant.

11. Why did the two brothers want to visit their hometown? a. Because it had been a long time not

to visit their hometown. b. Because they wanted to meet their

mother. c. Because they wanted to see their

chicks. d. Because they really wanted to be

famous. e. Because they were extremely happy.


12. What is the synonym of ashamed (Paragraph 5)? a. Thrown. b. Screamed. c. Shouted. d. Embarrassed. e. Known.

13. Why did the two brothers ignore their mother? a. Because their mother didn’t have the

chicks. b. Because their mother was young. c. Because their mother was very

weak. d. Because they loved their mother. e. Because they had wives.

14. When did the mother bring the

chocks to her sons? a. After she heard the news. b. After the ship of her sons reached

the harbor. c. After she came to the oldest son. d. Before she came to the second son. e. After she prayed to God.

15. What did the mother do when her sons rejected her? a. She asked the God to punish her sons. b. She prayed to the God. c. She saved the sons’ lives. d. She sold their ships. e. She made a storm.

16. Why did the two sons want to save

their live as God heard the pray? a. Because the mother sad. b. Because the mother asked their wives

to go away. c. Because there will be tsunami. d. Because they were cruel. e. Because there was a storm and a

heavy rain attracted them.

17. What is the main idea of paragraph 5? a. The two sons arrived at harbor. b. The two sons were given a chick by a

woman. c. The two sons didn’t admit the woman

as their mother. d. The two sons became a statue. e. The two sons rejected their wives.

18. What is the last paragraph called?

a. Orientation. b. Climax. c. Resolution. d. Conclusion. e. Event.

19. What is the moral value of this story?

a. Don’t be a great merchant. b. Don’t be famous. c. Don’t have a big dream. d. Don’t go through the sea without

your mother. e. Don’t be greedy and always obey

your mother.

20. What is the purpose of narrative text? a. To describe something particular. b. To entertain/amuse the readers. c. To tell the past event. d. To tell the process of making

something. e. To describe the way things are.

Appendix 8

Answer Key of Pretest Answer Key of Posttest

1. B 11. B 1. D 11. A 2. D 12. C 2. B 12. D 3. C 13. D 3. D 13. C 4. E 14. E 4. A 14. B 5. D 15. B 5. C 15. A 6. A 16. E 6. A 16. E 7. A 17. A 7. B 17. C 8. C 18. E 8. E 18. C 9. C 19. C 9. D 19. E 10. A 20. B

10. E 20. B

Appendix 9







Appendix 10

The Result of Pretest and Posttest

No. Sample Pretest Posttest 1 S1 55 80 2 S2 65 80 3 S3 50 60 4 S4 75 80 5 S5 65 80 6 S6 70 85 7 S7 70 90 8 S8 70 85 9 S9 65 70

10 S10 65 80 11 S11 45 60 12 S12 55 65 13 S13 65 70 14 S14 70 75 15 S15 70 75 16 S16 65 70 17 S17 70 80 18 S18 70 90 19 S19 75 80 20 S20 45 75 21 S21 70 85 22 S22 80 90 23 S23 65 70 24 S24 70 80 25 S25 55 80 26 S26 55 70 27 S27 65 80 28 S28 75 75 29 S29 65 80 30 S30 50 80 31 S31 55 75 32 S32 70 75 33 S33 55 85 34 S34 75 85 35 S35 55 75 36 S36 80 85 37 S37 70 80 38 S38 65 85 39 S39 75 85 40 S40 70 70 41 S41 70 75 42 S42 55 75 Total 2725 3270



Appendix 11

Variance of Pretest

No. Sample Score X X2

1 S1 55 -9.88 97.61 2 S2 65 0.12 0.01 3 S3 50 -14.88 221.41 4 S4 75 10.12 102.41 5 S5 65 0.12 0.01 6 S6 70 5.12 26.21 7 S7 70 5.12 26.21 8 S8 70 5.12 26.21 9 S9 65 0.12 0.01

10 S10 65 0.12 0.01 11 S11 45 -19.88 395.21 12 S12 55 -9.88 97.61 13 S13 65 0.12 0.01 14 S14 70 5.12 26.21 15 S15 70 5.12 26.21 16 S16 65 0.12 0.01 17 S17 70 5.12 26.21 18 S18 70 5.12 26.21 19 S19 75 10.12 102.41 20 S20 45 -19.88 395.21 21 S21 70 5.12 26.21 22 S22 80 15.12 228.61 23 S23 65 0.12 0.01 24 S24 70 5.12 26.21 25 S25 55 -9.88 97.61 26 S26 55 -9.88 97.61 27 S27 65 0.12 0.01 28 S28 75 10.12 102.41 29 S29 65 0.12 0.01 30 S30 50 -14.88 221.41 31 S31 55 -9.88 97.61 32 S32 70 5.12 26.21 33 S33 55 -9.88 97.61 34 S34 75 10.12 102.41 35 S35 55 -9.88 97.61 36 S36 80 15.12 228.61 37 S37 70 5.12 26.21 38 S38 65 0.12 0.01 39 S39 75 10.12 102.41 40 S40 70 5.12 26.21 41 S41 70 5.12 26.21 42 S42 55 -9.88 97.61

   Total 2725 3324.4 Mean 64.88      


Appendix 12

Variance of Posttest

No. Sample Score X X2 1 S1 80 2.15 4.62 2 S2 80 2.15 4.62 3 S3 60 -17.85 318.62 4 S4 80 2.15 4.62 5 S5 80 2.15 4.62 6 S6 85 7.15 51.12 7 S7 90 12.15 147.62 8 S8 85 7.15 51.12 9 S9 70 -7.85 61.62

10 S10 80 2.15 4.62 11 S11 60 -17.85 318.62 12 S12 65 -12.85 165.12 13 S13 70 -7.85 61.62 14 S14 75 -2.85 8.12 15 S15 75 -2.85 8.12 16 S16 70 -7.85 61.62 17 S17 80 2.15 4.62 18 S18 90 12.15 147.62 19 S19 80 2.15 4.62 20 S20 75 -2.85 8.12 21 S21 85 7.15 51.12 22 S22 90 12.15 147.62 23 S23 70 -7.85 61.62 24 S24 80 2.15 4.62 25 S25 80 2.15 4.62 26 S26 70 -7.85 61.62 27 S27 80 2.15 4.62 28 S28 75 -2.85 8.12 29 S29 80 2.15 4.62 30 S30 80 2.15 4.62 31 S31 75 -2.85 8.12 32 S32 75 -2.85 8.12 33 S33 85 7.15 51.12 34 S34 85 7.15 51.12 35 S35 75 -2.85 8.12 36 S36 85 7.15 51.12 37 S37 80 2.15 4.62 38 S38 85 7.15 51.12 39 S39 85 7.15 51.12 40 S40 70 -7.85 61.62 41 S41 75 -2.85 8.12 42 S42 75 -2.85 8.12

   Total 3270 2157.1    Mean 77.85


Appendix 13

Normality Test of Pretest

1) Determining Interval Class

= 6

2) Determining interval Length

= 6(int )

highestscore lowestscoreervalclass

80 456−




3) Making Interval Table

INTERVAL fo fh (fo-fh) (fo-fh)2 (fo-fh)2/fh 45-51 4 1.13 2.87 8.21 7.24 52-58 8 5.68 2.32 5.37 0.95 59-65 10 14.33 -4.33 18.79 1.31 66-72 13 14.33 -1.33 1.78 0.12 73-79 5 5.68 -0.68 0.47 0.08 80-86 2 1.13 0.87 0.75 0.66 SUM 42 42 -0.30 35.37 10.37

From interval table, it shows that X2value = 10.37 while X2

table =

11.07. If X2value < X2

table it means the data is normal. From the data

above, X2value < X2

table (7.31 < 11.07) it means that the data is normal.

In short, the data of pretest is normal.

Appendix 14

Normality Test of Posttest

1) Determining Interval Class

= 6

2) Determining interval Length

= 6(int )

highestscore lowestscoreervalclass

80 456−




3) Making Interval Table

INTERVAL fo fh (fo-fh) (fo-fh)2 (fo-fh)2/fh 60-65 3 1.13 1.87 3.48 3.07 66-71 6 5.68 0.32 0.10 0.02 72-77 9 14.33 -5.33 28.46 1.99 78-83 13 14.33 -1.33 1.78 0.12 84-89 8 5.68 2.32 5.37 0.95 90-95 3 1.13 1.87 3.48 3.07 SUM 42 42 -0.30 42.67 9.21

From interval table, it shows that X2value = 9.21 while X2

table =

11.07. If X2value < X2

table it means the data is normal. From the data

above, X2value < X2

table (9.21 < 11.07) it means that the data is normal.

In short, the data of posttest is normal.





Appendix 15


Apppendix 16


































Appendix 17